#i think i need to fix my lighting mods ... one day
pixelatedblues · 7 months
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a servo repair shop hidden in some back alley
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elvenbeard · 9 months
3 hours into update 2.0.0....
I love it xD But also, I'm a little bit overwhelmed, but UUUURGGGHHH there are some real gems in there already 😩
So, I didn't start a new playthrough for time reasons and went right in with my post-ending save. There was some initial fuckery with my wardrobe outfits that seems fixed now though after unequipping everything and remaking the outfits xD Custom tattoo and scar mods work just fine though and I might test these next few days what other mods do :D I'm really happy about the tattoos though at least :3
Some Bugs
Also, someone desperately needs to send the NCPD some funds cause....
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That vehicle doesn't look like it should be allowed in traffic (this happened twice, and I was cackling xDD honestly just a really funny little bug that's probably gonna get fixed somewhere down the line xD)
But yes... Man the new skills and perks and cyberware and EVERYTHING is so fucking cool, but also so fucking overwhelming when you're already level 42+ and have everything at your disposal all at once xD But I was so excited to see all the different new Kiroshi options and how cyberware is tied to skills like... damn. And the strongest quickhacks really need a fuckton of RAM... as they should. And I still need a fuckton of practise in terms of using them, but I'm really excited to get the hang of it all somewhere down the line :D
They didn't forget about the LIs!!!
But then this:
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When I read this in the patch notes, I was so fucking excited xD Hell yeah, a good reason to go to the apartment apart from sorting through my inventory xD Some more Johnny interactions!
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I was always a bit sad that Johnny had no comments whatsoever on V's relationship with Kerry, when he did with some of the other LIs, so this already made my evening xDD and one of the big perks of jumping in with my post-ending save to already get to see and hear this now :DDD Not gonna spoil what he says but... yes XDD It fits, I figured. And I hope the other LIs get something similar because it's glorious xD
Vehicles and Radio
In regards to vehicle handling... I can definitely feel a difference with my go-to bike! Like, it still has its weaknesses, but also feels a lot more stable in other regards, less flimsy and "heavier" like they described it in the patch notes. I love it a lot. I didn't try vehicle combat yet, although I did get randomly attacked in the badlands by some NPCs once, which was very fun XD I almost had a heart-attack, but it did feel like something that could happen. Sadly didn't manage to get my revenge in time, but next time!!
I like the new radio stations, but didn't hear every song yet... but also, and I think some others already said that, they don't really add much new in terms of sound and genres. Nothing that isn't already there in some shape or form. But still nice to have something new to add to the rotation.
And as I was driving around, I randomly stumbled right into Dogtown :DDD well, not quite but, damn, that was an impressive moment:
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The faction of the guards was labelled as "Test" though xDD Close but, not quite... Figure that's also a little bug though.
Overall... I fucking love how they integrated it into Pacifica o.o It's insanely impressive, huge and rundown and maaaaaan.... I cannot wait to explore behind the walls!!
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Also, random little thing... I feel like the clouds looked nicer? But that could be me not paying much attention/ rain being rare-ish in Night City.
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Not Dogtown but North Oak, obviously. But... idk o.o The light shining through like that looked so fucking cool and realistic, but I really dont know if maybe this wasn't already part of the Pathtracing update and I just never noticed it like this before XD
And lastly... I discovered whose nooks they added to the Columbarium. Right in the feels.
Cannot wait to discover more little details as I go but URGH yeah. The tiny little Kerry convo already made it worth it for me XDD And Viktor <3 And the Autofixer shop is so cool! And aaahhh I cannot wait to see what's gonna come with PL :333
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dystopianam · 2 months
Yesterday I didn't have internet so I tried to solve a problem that I and a lot of player have. I found a half way to fix the problem of buildings not turning on with Better Nightlife!
Unfortunately it's not a quick fix and it doesn't solve everything 100% and I'll explain why, but at least it works! (P.S: isn't the usual "put a single outdoor light in a corner of the street" solution)
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1. To make the street lights work, you have to open every single lot, toggle the night mode and put in every corner of the lot (even across the street) a outdoor directional light. Normally some people only need a single light in a random corner, but if like me it doesn't work for you, you have to put a light in every corner (it also works with a non-directional light but with directional ones it is better because you can choose where to point the light). You expecially need to point them towards the light poles.
2. If you see the neighborhood light poles starting to light up, it's working. At this point you have to toggle the day mode again, open the cheats console and write "sethour 19" to force the game to set the lot time to 7pm (or whatever time it is in the evening/night). Apart from becoming night, you won't see anything change. Save, exit and reload the lot. When you return you will see the magic... now all the buildings and light poles you placed in your neighborhood are lit!
Pro: Just "unlock" this thing with all your families and any community lot you visit will fix itself and the decorations will light up. BUT you have to put directional outdoor lights in every lot, community lots too.
Cons: Doesn't work with families with whom you have not done these steps. For example, if I did these steps with the Caliente, visiting a community lot at night I will see everything turned on. If I do this with the Burbs and I haven't done the steps, when I visit the same community lot I will see everything turned off. You have to do these steps with every family.
Cons: If when you enter your family lot or a community lot it is night and everything is turned on, unfortunately the game cannot read the transition from night to day and vice versa for a bug. If it is night the lights will remain on even during the day and if it is day the lights will remain off even at night. To turn them on or off you have to save and reload the lot (and if it's a community lot you have to change the lot and return to it) basically you have to reload the lot to "reset" the lights and turn on or turn off them.
Pro: Luckily the light poles seem to take more command from the lights you put in the corners of the lot than from the "reset" of the lot. Up to now I have seen that by turning on the outdoor lights you can turn on the light poles of the neighborhood, BUT I haven't played yet to confirm that this is enough and if you can turn off them in the same way. I'll let you know when I test this thing.
The biggest problem is that this bug appears to be caused by the fact that lighting mods that use parts of the Radiance Lighting mod (like Dreadpirate's Maxis Match and Cinema Secret) have something that changes the way the game calculates day and night time (I think something happened due to the addition of sunrise and sunset, perhaps?)
NOW, I don't remember if it's always been like this and if it's actually a bug in the game (I've been using lighting mods from a lifetime, I don't even remember what the vanilla lighting is like anymore) BUT, I've noticed that the biggest problem occurs in the fact that the game DOES NOT automatically turn outdoor lot lights on and off. The outdoor lights of my sims' houses are ALWAYS off unless I turn them on manually.
I'm not sure if it's the same for community lots, I would have to spend a whole day in a community lot and see if the outdoor lights turn on automatically.
Someone advised me to download a mod fix for auto-lights. I checked and I already had it...so I will have to check if maybe this mod has something to do with the problem of the lights not turning on (I also doubt it because theoretically it FIXS this problem) I admit that I have already tried to remove it and nothing seems to have changed, but I have to try again x^x I have to try to remove it, launch the game, save and reload it without the mod
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
Ryder + Mantis Blades
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Is one of my biggest wishes to VP — in a way that it looks good.
I've tried it already several times — only 3x I was looking at the outcome thinking they are… okay-ish. Yet they are not worth posting like I usually do. As some of you might know, the blades do not show up right, they are always bugged in some way.
Up there are my latest tries. I cut off Ry's right hand/arm in these because it always makes a fist and the blade seems to be more bugged than the one on the left arm, so only the left arm can be made of use, though it still doesn't look great.
Below are some of the second try. The best looking ones. I could live with having these bugged blades since in certain angles they look okay-ish. If only it wouldn't be such a stressful pain to take pics!! It's like this: I spawn Ry via AMM, give him a pose and expression I want then freeze him, then set some lights if needed. All good so far, but then: hit the fight button so the blades come out. Then you need to be quick — I switch to photo mode and do a sort of speed run in setting the angle, the FOV, quickly jump into reshade for the DOF, set that fast as well and pressed a lot of times to do screenshots because the blades vanish after 2–3 min. The amount of times I restarted this is way too long and the outcome not really satisfying, tho so I won't do it again.
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There is a mod, but it's for female Vs only. There's a prop pack to use but srsly I do not want to spend more time in placing everything together bit by bit, also it would not be Ryder's arm? and there's still Ryder's arm as well. idk how this stuff should even work. Below is my first try ever. The amount of time I cursed on this is not countable.
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I will just continue to wait until the day a fix for male V with blades out in photo mode suddenly appears on the nexus page. And this is gonna be one of the happiest days in my life then. xD
Looking at his arms with blades out always has me thinking that Ry replaced his good arms for some entirely mechanical ones. Not that the thought of him walking into a ripper doc's place telling "off with those I want blades", is disturbing enough already — just the thought of never having a real feeling of touch again is disturbing also. His hands aren't real anymore either. It's probably like your hands are numb. you may notice if the surface is hard or soft, idk if he can feel if something is hot or cold, tho. Probably not. 
I experienced some numbness on my left foot not long ago. Somehow I must have damaged one of my bigger nerves there so I always felt a certain numbness (besides some prickling). Maybe feeling sth and receiving touch with and on his hands might feel similar? I’ll think about this for a bit. It is an important detail given the thematic when he’s all cuddly with Thyjs (who’s left hand is entirely cybernetic as well, but his right one is still organic so he can surely tell the difference how things feel).
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
Rating my own recreations of my Hawkes in Inquisition
Why? Because I thought it would be fun. Please feel free to steal my idea and tag me so I can see your Hawkes.
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Alessandra Hawke
World State: Elf Lovers
Difficulty: Easy
DAI's character creator offers a very similar hairstyle to to Alessandra's original. Her lovely hooked nose is a key feature and DAI fortunately had one similar enough, though it's a little more rounded at the end. She looks a lot more Tired in DAI, but all Hawkes do, and they probably should. It's tough to get a more rounded jawline in DAI, so her face looks a little more angular. Darker skin tints tend toward warmer in DA2 and cooler in DAI (and cool light severely washes out medium browns in DAI) but all told, she came out pretty darn good.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐
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Sabine Hawke
World State: For Love of the People
Difficulty: Easy
She changed her part to the other side, but otherwise Sabine came out pretty bang-on. All Dragon Age games need a better variety of Asian features now and forever. Nonetheless, I think her face shape, skin tint, and even her nose comes pretty close. Looking at these shots, I could have possibly made her chin a little longer and rounder. That's about the only quibble I can come up with.
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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Cillian Hawke
World State: Love & Magic
Difficulty: Moderate
Cillian took a few outtakes to get right. The hair is acceptable, eyes and mouth look good. and after a lot of tweaking I think I got his face shape pretty bang-on. The nose, however, is a problem. The nostrils are sitting way too high relative to the point (as opposed to his original nose which is pretty straight across the bottom), which makes him look like he's sneering at all times, and this combined with DAI Hawke's tendency to have a pinched, worried brow makes him look Angry in a lot of shots--not exactly right for a gentle-hearted Blue Hawke. Nevertheless, I'm really proud of how I nailed those cheekbones.
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐
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Emilia Hawke
World State: Noble Hearts
Difficulty: Hard
Woof. Just woof. This did not go well. First off, DAI really doesn't have a true "dirty blonde," just this mustard color which makes the whole shot look overwhelmingly yellow, so much that DA2 Emilia looks washed-out by comparison. I thought the nose was fine, but looking at these shots side by side, something does seem a little off. The hairstyle is acceptable, but its makes her forehead look much larger than the original (modded) hairstyle, and I couldn't really find a way to fix that. Overall it's really the face shape that kills it. DAI does not like round faces. I did my best, and then left her in the Fade where she belongs. (Trust me. It what she deserves.)
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐
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Mallory Hawke
World State: Rogues Gallery
Difficulty: Hard
We're starting from modded hair, so we have our work cut out for us here. (Curly hairstyles WHEN. Also modded freckles, but there DAI has us covered.) Unfortunately, I was not able to get a hair mod to work in DAI, so Mal was forced to wear her hair up, which she Would Not. But we make the sacrifices we must. Mallory also has a lot of soft curves to her face, but I'd say she survived the jawbonification a lot better than Emilia did, and where was this nose when I was trying to make Cil? DAI's neon teal eyes are a touch greener but I can let that slide. Overall, I'd say she's still recognizable, even without letting her hair down. That's still my girl.
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐
(Note: I put all the comparion pictures in side-by-side, but none except the first one will display that way on the dash, and I can't fix it. 🤷‍♀️Sorry.)
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erebus-the-answer · 6 months
Will Power shouldn't have been Akechi's final theme(+ how Maruki did it better)
Persona 5 was my first smt game, but even in my first playthrough it bothered me. While I do think that Persona 5 has a problem with reusing tracks (I'm looking at you, Rivers in the Desert), when comparing it to the other games + animes, Goro's fight theme being Will Power becomes unacceptable.
Underneath the cut I will compare the secondary/social link boss themes from Persona 3, Persona 4, and Persona 5
Spoilers for all three games/animes/movies under the cut
Persona 3:
so in persona 3, I would say that the closest thing to a party member boss fight would be the meeting and little tiff that happens with Ryoji on the bridge with Aigis.
So, in the game this is an animated cutscene and the song that plays is a slightly~ different version of Unavoidable Battle. (Don't get me started on Unavoidable Battle being used for the ??? fight lol)
Persona 3, especially during The Answer has a real problem with beating Unavoidable Battle into the ground until it's deader than dead. But... I feel that they rectify this in the movies with Light In Starless Sky
This is one of my favorite tracks from the Persona 3 Lineup (P3, P3FES, P3P, and the P3 movies) Even though Ryoji doesn't technically have his own boss battle, I felt like he was deserving of his own theme for such a big moment and such a "betrayal" from a character that you grow to love and care about. In theory anyway, I don't very much like Ryoji.
Persona 4:
So obviously in Persona 4 the secret twist villain or whatever you'd like to call him is Adachi. I was one of the many people unfortunate enough to get into the game with this twist already spoiled. That being said, with the expectation that Adachi would be a final boss sort of deal (even if he is third to last), it was really disappointing to me that he and Namatame share the same boss theme. I understand that we are supposed to believe that Namatame is the killer (even though he really obviously isn't IMO), but to hear the same theme twice made it extremely underwhelming to me. Also Adachi was not a hard fight lol
Luckily, this gripe that I have with the game can easily be fixed with this mod, which adds Yin Yang from the Persona 4 Golden anime to the game in the place of New World Fool during Adachi's boss battle. This was perfect to me because honestly this is such a jaw-dropping song to me. It perfectly explains the type of dynamic that Yu and Adachi have with one another. love love love love Yin Yang, and even though Persona 4 is my least favorite game from the series and Adachi is then by default my least favorite villain, I think this track being in the game and just existing in general really helps with the music aspect of the game.
I fucking love The Almighty and The Fog though, even if I did feel that the amount of fakeout-twist villains was a little bit annoying. (Do not get my started on I'll Face My True Self -Marie version)
Persona 5:
So, as I mentioned at the beginning of the post, I feel like Persona 5 has a real problem with reusing tracks. Persona 5 was my introduction to the series, and when I said that it made me so excited that I felt my heart beating out of my chest and I was sick to my stomach (in a good way), I mean it.
In Persona 3, I feel like Master of Tartarus and Master of Shadows were fitting themes for the type of battles that we were having. The Full Moon shadows were just that. Shadows. They didn't really have any discernible personalities and they were just Shadows that needed to be killed for the sake of being shadows. I sort of wished that Strega had their own theme, but again whatever.
In Persona 4, even though we were fighting all sorts of different versions of different people, at the end of the day they all were facing their true selves, their shadow selves, so it makes sense for them to use the same battle theme when they are doing the same thing.
My issue with Akechi's theme being Will Power is that yeah, sure, his boss fight is technically an awakening, it's just been overused and beaten into the ground.
Now, I will say that it is better than his theme being Blooming Villain, the theme that EVERY SINGLE palace ruler uses, but it is still way too overplayed.
Like I said, P5 and ESPECIALLY P5R have some amazing tracks, but after the 4th time in a row hearing Rivers In The Desert, it starts to lose its spark.
In a stark contrast to the way that Akechi's battle solidified that they beat Will Power until it was dead, I'd like to take a moment to talk about Takuto Maruki, one of my favorite characters of all time.
I love Akechi as much as your average Persona 5 fan, but when it comes to how the music of the story drives home the point of their character, Akechi has nothing on Maruki.
I remember shaking in excitement when I first went on Spotify to look at the names of the songs from Maruki's palace and see what they were called (I am very particular about my music when it comes to persona games, my friends will let you know that I do not play when it comes to music spoilers).
The titles alone bring so much light into what Maruki was trying to accomplish. Gentle Madman, for example, is probably the most obvious one. It's who Maruki is. He's kind, sweet, he wants what's best for everyone, and yet he's on a complete wrong path. Something about the light piano mixed with the dark (???????????) sounding instrument really adds to it. It sounds clinical in a weird way, honestly, and it totally matches the aesthetic of the palace.
Out Of Kindness is one of the ones that makes me the most excited because it's such an awesome double entendre. He is doing it out of kindness, yet at the same time he has no kindness left to give! Beautifully, beautifully written! My God!!!!!!!
anyways, Keep Your Faith and Throw Your Mask Away. Need I say more? If you've played it then you know.
Of course I'm not saying that I expected Akechi to have an entire 5 hour long palace and half a soundtrack dedicated entirely to him. At the end of the day he isn't a final boss, he isn't the secondary boss, and he isn't the tertiary boss(at least in Royal anyway). Which I find to be... Disappointing. I mean he literally tries to kill the player character and thinks he succeeds! I know that Shido is the big bad, but I feel like Akechi deserved a bit more than what he got.
My idea would be perhaps Akechi got his own theme that he shared with the Holy Grail? I absolutely hated the fact that Shido and the Grail shared the same thing. It was so beautiful and amazing when we fought Shido and it transitioned between Rivers In The Desert instrumental and the vocal track. Almost threw up, so awesome.
They were kinda beating it already when it came to the Grail. I understand why, but to overuse such an awesome track really ruins it for me. and then when you fight the twins too? Jeez, give me a break.
Jaldaboath was an ok track, I'll probably talk about it in another post.
ANYWAY, my point is that I feel like Akechi deserved a better, more tailored theme, and it disappoints me that even in the anime he doesn't get it. The anime is even worse because he only gets Awakening? How annoying is that? There is a fanmade Akechi Palace theme, but that is a palace theme and not a boss battle. I guess we can only dream.
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ibuki-loves-you · 2 years
You open? If so, can I ask for the protagonists catching the reader S@lfh*rm? I'm kinda in the mood for comfort. Its ok if you don't wanna do this!
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Hajime, Shuichi, and Kaede finding their S/O self harming
Warnings: Self harm, gender neutral
Mod Ibuki: Enjoy! Hope you're okay!
Hajime Hinata:
Hajime was beyond confused. He had zero idea what to do. He didn't know whether to run and get a first aid kit, hug you, or get someone more experienced.
He finally decided to give you a hug first. A tight, careful hug. He didn’t wanna hurt you anymore than you already were but he needed to know that you are there and alive and your heart is beating.
That was all he asked. Just why. When you told him, he lost it. He wasn’t angry but he raised his voice. He was just scared, so scared of losing you.
“That’s not true! Not remotely! Why would you think that!?”
When Hajime saw your reaction to his yelling he immediately toned it down and apologized, hugging you again and comforting you after his little outburst. This is what happens when he’s scared, and he knows he’s got to fix it. He feels bad because he lost it for a second when you least needed it.
After comforting you for a bit, he grabbed a first aid kit and began bandaging you up. Mikan taught everyone first aid basics, so he kinda knew what he was doing. Enough to patch you up and make sure your wounds are clean.
Afterwards, he got a blanket and wrapped you and him in it. On the bathroom floor. He wanted to talk. Almost like a therapy session. He wanted you to vent for as long as you needed to. Just get everything out, you know?
“I want you to know I love and care for you. I hate seeing you hurt and this broke me. I love you too much to stand by and watch you suffer. So please come to me from now on. I’m here for you.”
Shuichi Saihara:
Shuichi cried as soon as he saw you. He ran straight for you and held you, petting your hair and sobbing. He was always so sensitive to death and injury, seeing it on his lover made him instantly break down.
“B-Baby…why honey why.” “I-I’m hurting, Shu.” “I know baby, I’m s-so sorry.”
After a long hug he got a first aid kit and began wrapping your wounds, making sure they were clean and won’t get infected. Tears were still falling down his cheeks, one landing on the bandage. When he saw the tear stain, it made him start sobbing all over again. Luckily, he was almost done, so he finished quickly and hugged you close again.
Shuichi asked you to talk to him. Tell him everything you’ve been feeling. Why you did this, what led to it, etc. It was almost like an interview. He just cares so much, he needs to know everything that was going through your head so he can piece together how to help you.
Once you told him how you were really feeling, everything hit him hard. So that’s why you’ve been a bit off. Maybe if he said something this wouldn’t have happened. Maybe if he gave you a hug that day in the restaurant. Maybe if he-
No, he needs to stop overthinking. This is about you. You need him right now.
“Baby, I promise you. You aren’t a burden, or a negative person. You are the light of my life. You make me so happy. You make the world a brighter place for me. So please, hold on for me.”
Kaede Akamatsu:
Kaede froze. She needed to process what was going on in front of her. It didn’t hit her that you, her love, had hurt themselves purposely.
“My love…?”
Her voice was barely above a whisper. It was when you shakily lifted your arms for a hug that she snapped out of it and ran to hold you. She hummed and rocked you back and forth while you cried, calming you down.
Kaede didn’t wanna pull away, but she had to clean your wounds. She slowly backed up and reached for a first aid kit to begin patching you up. She didn’t know anything about first aid, so you and her watched a Youtube video on how to properly patch someone up while she followed along. When she finished, she wanted you to talk to her about what happened. What caused this pain?
“What happened, honey? Please tell me.”
While Kaede was rocking you, you were stumbling on your words and venting to her. But she understood. She caught what you were saying and the parts she didn’t, she didn’t ask for you to repeat. She knew this was hard enough as is, you didn’t need any more stress.
She was frowning into your shoulder when you finished. You really felt like that…? Kaede didn’t know what to say except positive things. About you. Your looks. Your shining personality. How wonderful you treated her.
“I promise you! You are amazing, baby! No really! You are! You’re my sunshineee, my only sunshineee, you make me happyyyy, when skies are greyyyy. Hehe, you’re a beautiful person lovey. I love you.
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blackered · 1 month
my journey in DST modding: day 6
these are the last few days of making character art for this mod. im pretty hopeful that the "Tale of Tails" will finally come to an end! . but first, there's some stuff i need to tweak. when i tossed her into the game, i noticed the game itself adds a filter that makes her hair way too light. i did desaturate it a little but with the filter on, it looked almost white. then i just darkened and saturated it a little more just so see if that would fix it. here's the before and after:
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it's not a BIIIG change, but to me it looks much better. excuse the difference in the tail, i remade the tip so it wasnt curved. from the front, she looks perfect. but today is the day we conquer this damn tail layer.
. i tried to look for the animation template in the Klei forums (again), but the files werent available for download, then i added it to the game via steam workshop....but the game said it was crashed and it was disabled. . i found another one in the workshop that i was able to download and look inside its files, but god fucking damn it, there was NO layer in the place i needed, and if i have to rearrange layers again, id rather just stick to what im already doing. . but now ive got an idea and that will be my last ditch effort. i just made a backup for the entire folder and here i go. . i redrew the tail in a way that mimicked the back of the coat. but i had to make it so the tail is coming out of it. it looks a little weird but it's what i got.
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time to jump back into the game! im sure it's gonna look a little fucked up when the torso animates from the back and distorts a little. but whatever i just want this to be over. . the first screen looked really promising, but i fucked up the pivot points for the hair and tail again. but that's absolutely fixable.
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i think i have to make the braids even shorter and get the pivot points working again, but hey, that wont take too long. and things are looking up. . eventually i fixed it, but there are two things left still. . the ghost, and the big portrait. . it was hard to mimic the art style but i think i managed:
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(the watermark wont be present in game) . theres only the ghost left, i think i'll have to resize the png and straight up paste the elements i need. but its getting kinda late. tomorrow will be the last art day, actually. have her page in character selection as an extra:
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borninwinter81 · 3 months
Collage curio cabinet
Another day, another awesome find! This miniature curio cabinet was £2. Part of the reason it was so cheap is probably because one of the handles is slightly broken (just missing the hanging part) but it's still perfectly usable.
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Though I did think the paint job was quite pretty, it's not my style, so a repaint was in order. I used what I had to hand which was cheap black acrylic paint. Not ideal for furniture perhaps, but I'm happy enough with it. Also because I was lazy and didn't remove the old paint the doors are now very tight fitting and I can't close them properly. It's easy to fix, I can sand the top and bottom of each door down to the wood and then repaint them, but honestly I don't mind too much, and I can always do this in the future if not being able to close it gets on my nerves.
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If the inside had been as red as its appearing in this pic I probably would have kept it like that, but the lighting must have been weird as it's exactly the same orange that you see in the first pic.
Any little charm or dangle would be good to replace the broken handle - I had this fake pearl teardrop in my collection from an old charm bracelet. I absolutely love how it looks, and it's actually way easier to grab hold of than the other handle, however unfortunately I've only got one of these pearl droplets so I can't remove the other handle to make them match just yet. This kind of thing pops up all the time in charity shops though, I'm sure I can find another charm bracelet or even better a pair of earrings that I could use.
The ring I've used to connect it is a hinged body piercing ring which I ordered online but was too small for me to comfortably wear, and I have a few so can use another when I need to.
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I have a huge stack of scrapbooking paper from another similar project I did recently, so I cut two pieces of that using my paper guillotine to glue into the back.
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I also have tons of interesting bits of paper and art left from that same project which I wanted to see if I could use. This is a 100% perfect spot for one of the anatomical drawings I have, as it looks like he's praying to the cthulhu candle I've put on top! (Paint inside still slightly wet here, i was impatiently trying bits out!)
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This is what I came up with for the other door (another anatomy drawing and a flyer from a ballet version of Dracula)
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I haven't yet decided what to do on the front of the doors. There's nothing in my collection of paper pieces that's really speaking to me right now. I think it would look really cool with some metallic bits stuck to the front but again, nothing in my collection that I like enough to glue on there, so I'm going to leave it as is for now and will add more in the future if/when I find some pieces that work. Here's how it looks for now after using mod podge on the doors and the back, though I think I'm probably going to go over the whole cupboard to help seal the paint. Apologies for terrible lighting.
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Bonus piece: amongst my bits of paper I had a guide from a William Blake exhibition which contained this reproduction of one of the plates from The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. I really wanted to use it, but Blake is so important to me and the picture so perfect that I thought it warranted special treatment. Instead of using it in a collage with other pieces, I painted a small piece of board from a broken picture frame and stuck it to that, and made a little triangle out of some jewellery wire so I can hang it on my wall. It's extremely lightweight so although this is only taped down it shouldn't come unstuck.
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thessalian · 4 months
Thess vs Fixing Stuff
Went to the optician yesterday, as previously stated. Ended up with a massive migraine, as predicted. The puff test they do for glaucoma wasn't so bad this time - seems that they've made the jet of air less powerful - but there were a lot of flashing lights and the lights in the place in general were pretty bad after that, so... Yeah. Not a great day. New glasses in less than two weeks, though, so that's something. And I did the buy one, get one free thing so I'll actually have a spare pair! My mother sneers a bit at SpecSavers and chain opticians in general but that's my mother for you.
After that, couldn't deal with Shenanigans so I spent some time lying down and the rest of it trying to hyperfocus past the pain, largely pondering my Baldur's Gate 3 dilemma. The most common solution to the problem was "Remove all mods, ModFixer included, then install a different script extender, then reinstall your mods (preferably without ModFixer, since the new script extender will do what ModFixer does without the creator insisting that nothing about what they did needs an update ever) and you're good to go". Hasn't worked for everyone, but that's because some mods have ModFixer built in. So I did that - as instructed, purged the lot and reinstalled things. Now, I would have gone to at least see if everything was fixed ... buuuuuuuut ... well. See. I think some of my mods have had an update since I installed them? Or at least some of the file names aren't the same? Or I'm missing a few, which shouldn't be possible because I have my download history over on Nexus Mods... Anyway, point is that I couldn't use any of the aasimar!Alisaie save files because the mods didn't match up. Thankfully I had only just started Act 2, so I didn't lose much, and I guess it's probably better this way, since given I couldn't get Nere's head either, my initial aasimar!Alisaie save file has been corrupt for ages. Still ... again? Especially if that still hasn't worked and I end up stuck not being able to recognise Nere's head or infernal alloy or that stupid amethyst for unlocking the necromancy book (all items that just don't get recognised with this bug)? Still, best I figure it out at stupid amethyst rather than getting all the way to trying to fix poor Karlach's heart or not being able to give Shadowheart night orchids.
Of course, I could actually poke at all the games I haven't touched yet, as per my New Year's resolution, but that involves shaking an answer about which one out of my executive function and that's never easy. I'll ponder this whole thing over more coffee.
...Oh, yeah, I did Adulting as well yesterday. Got the descaling solution and descaled the kettle, which makes such a difference when you've got the kind of hard water problem this country has (and no water filter on much of anything). Seriously, we're talking flakes of limescale after maybe a couple of months. It's gross. Anyway, also the last things I need for that cake I wanted to make, and fajita fixings. I'm just praying that the gluten-free tortillas I bought don't end up tasting like cardboard. I get that a lot.
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hi! i’m mod lila, and welcome to incorrect who’s lila quotes! about the mod, rules, and tagging system can be found under the cut. i hope you enjoy your stay! :)
about the mod!
hi, i’m mod lila. you can call me that if you’d like, otherwise, i also go by marshy. i use any pronouns, but generally have a preference for he/him or they/them. i’ll be the one running this blog, as well as contributing quotes of my own to fill the queue with—currently, i’m not looking for additional mods since i don’t expect this blog to be too overwhelming to maintain, but if that changes, i’ll be sure to make a post about it! my main is @marshmellowtea, and occasionally i make unhinged posts about this game over there. :)
rules for the blog! (well actually some of these are more like loose guidelines but still lol)
submissions are open for this blog, including anon submissions. i as mod reserve the right to refuse submissions i feel are inappropriate, but hopefully those those will be few and far between.
quotes will post once a day based on queue, unless there’s a reason to change that (such as a huge influx of submissions). quotes will be both from myself and submissions, and they will be tagged accordingly. submissions will be tagged with the blog url of the submitter as well if applicable, otherwise they’ll be tagged as anon. :)
because the queue is run on submissions and my own brain power, this blog may have periods of inactivity from time to time. sorry in advance for that ^^;
if your submission hasn’t been posted in a reasonable amount of time (depending on how the queue looks that time period will probably change), feel free to send an ask about it! i just ask that you don’t hound me about it, i do have a life outside of this blog after all, lol.
if you know the source of your quote, please include it in your submission! unknown sources will be tagged as “source: unknown”, but i think part of the fun of an incorrect quotes blog is seeing where all the quotes come from so i’d like to minimize use of that tag as much as possible. if you see a quote with an unknown source that you recognize the source of, please feel free to send in an ask!
light nsfw will be allowed (think things like jokes and allusions to sexual content), and will be tagged as #suggestive. no full on smut in the inbox though, please.
this is more of a personal preference than a hard and fast rule, but i highly recommend putting your submissions in chat format if possible (or quote format, if it’s a quote for one character and you think it fits better). i’ll still publish submissions in normal text post format, but i just think it looks neater, haha. also, as mod, i may go in and edit the formatting of your post if needed for readability (ex. bolding character names, adding paragraph breaks if need be), but i’ll never change the actual text of the post itself (that includes typos, btw—if you see a typo in your submission, feel free to send in an ask to get it fixed! i just don’t want to fuck with your text without permission, it feels rude, lol). ^-^
please do not send submissions through the ask box! submissions sent through the ask box will be deleted!
any content that i feel needs a trigger warning will be tagged as “tw [thing]”, and trigger tags can be asked to be added for certain posts, though i reserve the right to deny tag requests for any reason (they will probably almost always get a yes, but there are some things that i may just be unable to tag for whatever reason. not....quite sure what those reasons could be, but i figured i'd put the warning out there, lol). on the whole, though, while i understand this game can be dark and deals with some heavy topics that are bound to be mentioned here from time to time, i’d like to keep this blog mostly lighthearted.
finally, most importantly: no discourse on the blog for any reason, lol. it's just not the place :'))
tagging system (or, aka, mod lila overexplains himself lol)
i wanna preface this section with that i don’t expect you guys to tag your submissions yourself—as mod, i’m more than happy to do it! especially since i’m a little particular about the way i order them, haha. that being said though, if you do want to tag your posts, this is the way i’ll be doing it. don’t worry about following it to the letter if you do add tags, because i’ll go in and edit them as needed like the perfectionist little shithead i am, lol.
tags should (mostly) be in the same order every time: fandom tags first (i use both who's lila and who’s lila?), character tags generally in the order they appear in the post (mentioned characters may or may not be tagged on a case by case basis), ship tag(s) if applicable, trigger tags if applicable, the quote source, whether it’s a submission or my post, the submitter’s url/anon, and any commentary from myself or the submitter (i am a chatty bitch, apologies in advance lol. if both me and the submitter have commentary, i’ll differentiate our comments in some way, with the submitter’s comments always coming first).
the submission tag will be, well, submission, lol, and my quotes will just be tagged “mod lila”.
as stated above, triggers will be tagged “tw [thing]”. sources will be tagged “source: [thing]”.
general posts/announcements will be tagged “mod lila whispers to y(o)u” (like when she whispers to yu in that one scene? haha. i’m clever i swear—)
any other tags/tagging conventions that need to be created will be added here as needed!
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nn1895 · 2 years
AU August Fic 13
The enforcer burst into the salon like a full police raid and the technicians scattered.  He wore the official Enforcer paint and the decals - those would be a pain to scrub around if he was here for a full wash and wax - and like all enforcers, he wore a thunderous scowl.
Jazz sighed and stood up from the check-in counter.  It was late and he had a gig to get to in two hours because he was an idiot trying to work two jobs while studying for his PI license.
“Hello,” he droned, “welcome to Fix-it’s Fixes.  What can I help you with today?  Would you like to know our rates for a -”
“I want a full frame repaint,” he interrupted.  His voice was hoarse and low, less pushy enforcer looking for discounts and more exhausted bot after a long day.  
“Sorry, all full frame repaints need to be scheduled in advance.  We can give you a standard package this evening and tomorrow -”
“How long does it take?  To remove and repaint?” he interrupted again.  Jazz brightened his patented ‘dealing with afts’ smile.
“It would take a full two hours for us to paint and dry you and that’s not even considering the color and design consultation.”
“How long just for paint removal?”
Jazz blinked.
“Just under a half an hour, but if we don’t paint you, you’ll be walking around in your bare metal until tomorrow.”
Something complicated and familiar crossed over the Enforcer’s expression: shame, grief, a touch of anger.
“Then just take it off,” the enforcer said, stiffly.  “I’ll pay full price.  I need this paint off.”  
To his right, some of the technicians were stepping back out - most of them were cleaning up their workstations this late - and watching the pair of them surreptitiously.  
“Mech, I can’t advise that -”
“Then I will pay double.”
Oh, this was bad.  This was like that time four very overcharged bots came in and his supervisor made him give in to their demands of “neon flames and etchings all around!” and then they’d tried to sue.
“I don’t think -”
“If you don’t help me,” the Enforcer said, lowly, “then I am going to go buy one of those home-paint kits and melt half my plating off.  I am not good at this.  Please.”
The please got him.  Fraggit.
“Okay,” Jazz heard himself saying.  He saw Coppercoil out of the corner of his optic slamming her servo to her face.  Frankly, he agreed.
“I’ll take you back, it might take a moment for the paint blaster to turn back on, though.  Hey - Iridescent!  Take over here, okay?”  The mech nodded and the permanent halo of reflected rainbow light bobbed.
“This way.”  Jazz motioned the enforcer to follow him and slipped into the back.  He pointed to the lockers on one wall and then to a low bench in the middle of the room.
“You can put your stuff in there - mods, stickers, ornaments - and then have a seat on the bench.  I’m going to need to tape you up so the sand doesn’t get everywhere,” he said as he grabbed the spool of white electrical tape off the wall.
“Please be careful of my left doorwing, I smashed it last week and the welds are still setting.”  Jazz peered down at it and winced at the sloppy network of welds and staples.
“Ouch, what happened mech?”
“I was in Iacon when the Primal Ship was attacked.  I was treated in the tents before I continued my investigation and the gap between the field triage and being brought to the hospital allowed an infection to set in,” he intoned flatly, as if Jazz couldn’t see the scars from how many anti-vials had been slammed into his helm, probably in a desperate bid to keep him from overheating.
“Damn mech, that’s rough. You were investigating it?  I heard that -”  Jazz stopped and tried to remember.  “Oh, hey!”  Something clicked.  “I know you - you’re the bot they called Shadow, aren’t you?  You broke - Primus, so many cases.  You -”
The mech kept his optics fixed on the lockers across from them.
“I was engaged upon the case investigating Lord Sentinel Primes’s murder.  When I declined their offer of an easy wrap-up I was demoted.  I resigned this morning.”
Jazz had read about it in the papers.  Officer Prowl accused of evidence tampering.  No one had believed it - it was too out of the blue, too convenient, and too neatly done.
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sure there is no love lost between you and the Enforcers.  We - they - are not well liked.”  Now there was a pressure pot fit to boil dry.
“Nah, too much corruption in Polyhex and nearly as much here in Praxus.  We all followed ya cases, though.  My twin - Ricochet - got caught up in the money laundering scheme a few years back.”  It was easier to talk about nowadays, with Ricochet working an honest job with Carrier to keep an eye on him.  “He talked about ya, said ya were a good one.”  He’d recounted a story of how Prowl had ripped into one of the officers for being rough with them and fired one on the spot for aiming a kick at Ricochet when he thought no one was looking.
“I am glad.”
Prowl still wasn’t looking at him, but the rigidity in his frame - so tight Jazz could see the stress fractures webbing out from his joints - lessened.
“Gonna start taping.  Let me know if I need to stop.”
If Jazz’s servos were a bit gentler than usual, Prowl didn’t notice.
Jazz gave him a wrap-around visor for his optics to keep them from getting scratched and led him into the sandblasting chamber.
“I’ll comm ya if ya need ta move or anything, okay?  Just stand wit’ ya arms out and I’ll operate the blaster.”
“Understood.”  Prowl appreciated the clear directions.  His helm had been elsewhere for the past week.  Today had been -
He put the visor on and held out his arms.  The grit of the sand was jarring, but at the same time, it felt good.  Like he was pulling off a mask he’d been wearing for too long.
With every pass of the sandblaster, Prowl relaxed.  He looked down to watch as the strips of gold peeled away from his chestplate and fell to the ground in ragged curls.
He’d been so certain that the strange pressure in his spark would be eased by becoming an Enforcer.  Finally somewhere for the love and the anger to go instead of spinning inside him.
He wanted - he wanted to wrap himself around everyone and keep them safe against his spark.  He’d thought that’s what enforcers did.
The intricate lines on his servos had been blasted away.  
He’d never write another report again.  Never search through the stacks for just the right file to solve a case.  He’d probably never see his coworkers again either.
He’d ripped his decal off after stepping out of the station for the last the time.
The last time.
The sandblaster softened the edges of the blank patch and then erased it all together.  
By the time his pedes were bare, gray metal, Prowl was well into a panic.
Not an enforcer.  If he wasn’t an enforcer, what was he?  What was he going to do?  He didn’t have a job anymore.  He had nowhere to belong now.
What was he going to do?
Jazz opened the door, and half caught the trembling mech.
“I gotcha, Prowler.  You’ll be alright.”  The plating against his chest was gritty with sand - he could feel it scratching his own paint away - but he just held him as tightly as he needed.
Eventually, Prowl pulled away.
“Thank you.  I will be on my way now.  According to the time, you’ve been closed for twenty minutes already -”  He took a step forwards and stopped when Jazz put a servo on his chest.
“It’s already late and I can’t let ya leave the store wit’ out somethin’.  Lemme give you a quick paint, mech.  You can come back for a polish tomorrow.”
“I do not even know what paint I would choose,” he argued.  “It’s not something I thought about in…forty-five vorns?  I think?”
“Do ya trust me?” Jazz asked, only half teasing.  He wanted to do something for this mech who had tried so hard to fix the system for all of them.
Prowl flinched.  “I trust no one,” he said lowly.  “But I doubt anything you do will harm me now.”  
Jazz heard the unsaid “nothing can harm me now” and winced.
“Don’t worry, mech.  I’ll take care of ya.”
Jazz picked up the sprayer and three cans of paint.
Prowl stared down at himself.
The colors had been switched around, the lines moved so they didn’t match the enforcer’s patterns anymore.  Jazz had pulled the black back and removed the accent colors.  Along each edge he had painted a swirling, spiky pattern, less like the ever popular (and overdone) flames and more like a thorny crystal vine.
It was small enough to be subtle, but not so small as to go unnoticed.  Jazz wanted him to have something he’d be proud to show off after having to give up his enforcer paint.
“It is…more than I could have hoped for,” Prowl said at last.
“I’m glad.”  Jazz smiled and leaned back, one servo on his hip.  “But ya gotta show it off, mech.  Wanna meet me for lunch tomorrow?  Burst-Over’s cafe on 2nd Street?”
Prowl looked up quickly, optics wide.
“I - “ he started.  Then he just nodded.  “I find myself at a loss and soon, with too much free time on my hands.”
“Oh?”  The inkling of an idea was twirling in the back of Jazz’s processor.  “Mech, have you ever considered private investigating?”
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stovepiperat · 2 years
terror camp ‘22 day 2: an informal reclist
Well, it’s been like a month (stuff came up) but Terror Camp was still SOME GOOD SHIT and honestly I’m not even a little bit done thinking about it yet. Here’s part two of: two (variably) related recs (that weren’t previously mentioned in the server, to the best of my knowledge!) for every TC22 panel. Just because! (Part one is here, if you missed it.) Please click through to AO3 to see full individual taglists, warnings etc. and please let me know if I need to fix anything, as always!
(You can still get in contact with the mods at terror.camp to get access to recordings and Discord! While it’s now closed to participation for another year, it’s still a good place to find all the resources discussed.)
Imagining the Northwest Passage
This panel posited that perception is an important aspect of imperial control of a thing. This post, while vaguely themed, is about one million percent less serious than any of the legitimately thrilling and insightful academic & theory work floated at camp, so, with my jester’s apologies, here is the connection I draw: two works about the power of naming a thing, one of which also involves a penguin. I won’t say which.
awaken ancient feelings by wildcard_47 (Fitzier, 11k)
animal spirits by attheborder (Crozier & Jopson, 5k)
Interesting and Pathetic Relics: The Franklin Expedition and British Museums
Something Rich and Strange by hangingfire (Goodsir-centric, 18k)
I am a simple man. I see the phrase “garden of forking paths” and I go so apeshit. (Is every museum not in its way that sort of garden?) Anyway, even if you do not share that inclination, this fic is both interesting and pathetic (in the root sense of being rich with pathos) and reflects on museums and evidences.
Blood on the Concrete by pointyshades (Hickeytozer, 22k)
What’s a museum but a heist waiting to happen? (Heck, a colonizers’ museum swollen with stolen artifacts, as so many of the British ones are, is a heist that already happened!)
“This is what you tell them”: Presenting what remains of the Franklin Expedition
cutting steps in the roof of the world
 (Fitzier, 4.5k)
Post-canon, on legacy, and self-determination with the devastating handicap and antagonism of Britishness. So sweet, excellent Sophia, which seemed apropos to me.
Because this is my made-up reclist and I can do what I want, I’m going to rec the whole of Unwellness Week, a super fun fest that produced a lot of thought-provoking and terrific fic. We’re literally presenting what remains of the Franklin Expedition, every day, mostly on Twitter, in ever more inventive manners!
The Summer of Doug: Douglas Mawson, the Construction of Society, and the Most Underrated Antarctic Expedition Ever!
Since this one’s a little harder to directly seek in Terror fic, I have honored Mertz and Ninnis’s choice of reading material with loose inspiration. (Hey, I said that it was all very loosely related. This is still true.)
contact light by threelions (Fitzier, 3k)
The Hound of the Baskervilles is, I agree, a capital novel, masterfully unfolding a character-driven and atmospherically spooky mystery. This fic is also those, and it’s sci-fi, and epistolary with an artfully crafted Crozier voice.
stiff by TomBowline (Goodsir/Hickey, 3k)
Vanity Fair is a colorful satire of Victorian social roles and the ways in which they get their hooks in each other, with a side of unromantic romance and deconstructing the artistic convention of the hero-protagonist. Just like this fic, which has the excellent logline “lonely rich spinster/handsome scheming servant but they’re both huge bitches.” Is this an admission that Hickey is like Becky Sharp, to me? Maybe a little bit.
(Bonus: I would be remiss not to link the one work in the Mertz/Ninnis tag for Their panel, so let the reclist be not technically a Terror reclist for a moment:
come rain or come shine by saltstreets (Mertz/Ninnis, 2k)
Mertz and Ninnis do not make it to those holidays. Read it and weep. Do I say that too often? Well, make the fandom stop writing such considerately heart-wrenching fics.)
Let’s Talk about Grief, Baby – The Terror, Tragic Fandom, and Anticipatory Mourning in the Age of Climate Grief
Fun fact: I live captioned this one, which is hard to do when you’re dry sobbing a little bit like everyone else attending the talk! I think I already plugged the recordings in this post but I’m going to do that again. Anyway, have some fics about trying to mourn something of terrifying scale! Trying to sleep against the howling of a ghost inhumanly old, and unable to take the final step and completely die! (They both happened to be modern horror series crossovers. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
C L O S E by Mothfinder_General (SCP Foundation crossover, Little, 4k) experience, and its decay by attheborder (TMA crossover, Fitzier, 4k)
Next Door to the Promised Land: The Franklin Expedition and National Belonging from Richler to Rogers
I’ve already recced a lot, obliquely or not, about British nationalism, so let’s interpret this theme a little differently and have some tunes. 
Terror & Erebus: This 2006 ambient album themed after the Franklin Expedition is also available to listen on Spotify, and it’s great music to write fic and coldly morb to. Also, consider this post yet another appeal to AMC or whoever is stopping DK from doing it to RELEASE THE TERROR (2018) SCORE, PLEASE, I’M BEGGING YOU, I’LL PAY MONEY! IF YOU MADE A VINYL, I’D BUY A VINYL EVEN THOUGH I DON’T HAVE A RECORD PLAYER! PLEASE!
CHANGGWI: A great song by Ahn Ye-Eun and a chillingly atmospheric vid to go with it from polarsirens. Also, I mean, it’s about Britishness red in tooth and claw!
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jujulebee · 2 years
"I'll just... try again tomorrow, I like... I don't have the energy for this right now."
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So crushingly boring. But why? She'd been looking forward to this for like. Weeks. Her schedule was clear and she didn't have anything else to do so... why was even staring at the digital canvas trying to figure out how to sketch something up just so... boring?
Dolls and Jules are both fast asleep by now, surely, and Sam doesn't get off work for another five hours.
I'm not about to encourage Aurora to do drugs just so I can get a fix and abandon her halfway through the night to fuck some stranger. Diana is a hard no, I'm never drinking from her, not a chance. Johnny and Lily were never even options. Almost everyone at the Red Room is kindred, so it's not like I can drink from them. They'd need to drink from someone else first to get fucked up anyway.
Neri's kindred. Lyn's kindred. Noah and Sammy too. None of my online friends are options.
Maybe I can hit up one of my twitch mods? Probably not. I know Day's been sick for the past few days, I don't want to bug them. Fersen's too far away for this time of night, same with Darren. Audrey's a possibility but she's usually busy with work at this time of night.
Frustration finally boils over and she pushes herself away from the desk, dropping her pen in the process. She watches it uselessly clatter to the floor as she slowly slides across the floor, stopping when her chair wheels hit the fluffy carpet near her bed.
"I'm hungry."
There's no one in the room to hear her speak. She stays there for a few silent seconds before she groans out loudly in frustration.
"I'm so sick of being mopey! One day is, like, way too fucking long!" She stands suddenly and stomps towards the master bathroom, flicking on the lights and suffering a mini-final-death when the vanity bulbs burn away the darkness of the room.
If she can't drink off her friends she'll just party sober.
Dress how you want to feel Honey Bonnie Azrael. This mopey shit isn't you. You're a fucking ray of sunshine strong enough to be weaponized against kindreds!
It takes an hour but she's fixed up the quick slopjob she'd done earlier on her makeup. Another 30 and she's dressed, hair pulled up in a messy ponytail. She grabs her backpack and bat and stomps towards the door, pulling it open with every ounce of unpacked aggression in her body barely contained.
"Oh!" Lily stands, hand raised to knock, flinching back when the door swings open. Him living there is still so new for them both, it's not too surprising that that fact escaped her mind. They stand there blinking at each other for a moment before they both untense. He's the first to speak, quiet and reserved. "I uh... I d-didn't realise y-you were goin' out, um."
Damage control goes into overdrive and she flashes a bright smile, hooking her bat in her backpack so she can wave both hands, "Nah nah nah, not for anything important! What's up Lily?"
He narrows his eyes just a bit, almost imperceptibly, untrusting in her honesty. He watched her develop that smile. He knows when it's not real. He's the reason that smile exists, for better or worse. "... Do you want to check out the car show nearby? It ain't very far. I... heard they've got some cool neon stuff I think you'd like."
There's a panic that rises in her chest when she watches her little brother shrink in on himself slightly, unsure, reclusive. She doesn't hesitate to answer, excitedly accepting, "Yeah of course! That sounds supes cool!" He relaxes a bit at that, and she'd breathe a sigh of relief if her chest didn't feel too tight to make the empty motion, "Do you know all the cars that are gonna be there?"
"Y-yeah I think so!" He looks a bit excited by the question, following her as she moves past, "I-I don't think ya even need t'change clothes, really, t-the folks I saw online seemed t'be in that kinda crowd. A-an' if I do see a car that wasn't talked about on the website," He continues, grabbing a leather jacket she'd stolen from their Uncle years ago, "I'll definitely know it."
"Ooooh, Lily over here with the super cool knowledge of all things cars!" Honey says, her grin finally genuine, at least for the most part. "You're gonna tell me all about'em right?"
"Yeah! Absolutely."
She giggles and waits for him to don the jacket to open the door for him, following out behind and locking the door as securely as she can.
This is by far the better option for how her night could have gone.
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volfoss · 4 months
like... to get an idea of what all id need to do. for anyone curious ig and also to just... totally beat the allegations of yucky little beast:
survey the damage... bc shes obviously in VERY bad shape. so id need to see if i could even get her eyes out or if id maybe. need to dremel into them to get them free so i could start on faceup removal
get the eyes out. this is very scary bc of the hot glue and also the mysterious gray substance. if it IS apoxie sculpt like i think it is then good god. thats going to be the worst 7 bucks ive ever spent or smth
clean the head. im really hoping that its dirt and not.. the alternative on the forehead and other parts of the face. if it IS some mold or fungus, ive got pony experience here (as in. i have dealt with that a few times on MLP) so I'm not... too worried? My guess is its surface level grime that should go away w the faceup being removed.
attempt to remove the faceup. the paint rly looks like it goes ALL the way around her head (poor thang) so ill probably test with acetone at the back of her head. for whatever reason i feel very much like her head has to be fragile so id rather test the more strong/easy to use chemical in a lesser seen spot. i really do not want to be scrubbing with rubbing alcohol for 5 years. bc the faceup looks like at LEAST a few layers of paint with a bad sealant so (as someone whos removed two full body resin paint jobs) i know acetone would be quickest (but alcohol is safest. but we will see)
assess the damage AGAIN. i predict that she is severely yellowed (due to the cracks on the cheek) but the question of if it is either just. in those spots where the faceup cracked or if its all over is really unsure. i mainly want to get her to try retrobrighting (which ive done on older MLP with great success and it seems to be something that works for this kind of vinyl as well) on her and just. fix up a doll that is beyond repair for most people lol. from what ive experienced with resin, i think the yellowing could either be all over (and the head was painted to try and hide this. although this clearly did not go well lol, altho i think its a sealant issue and not a paint issue, as it kind of looks like when ive fucked up with MSC (a common sealant for bjds)) or it could be just... shes been in sunlight and where the paint cracked got unevenly yellowed (i experienced this most recently with my big blue boy, where all the blue paint kind of. protected his resin and the non covered parts got more yellow). so its kind of a toss up. or a mysterious third thing you never know.
once shes all clean (which i assume will take a while due to well... how bad of shape that she is in), ill probably sit with it for a few days and then get milliput and sculpt a new nose. this will not be fun for me i think because I just... am not a sculpting fan (funny thing when this project WILL have a lot of sculpting) and much prefer sanding. I'm not too mad about the chin being sanded down (as the original had an INSANELY pointed chin which I really didn't like. I hate sanding vinyl so this works for me) or the eyes being opened (other than.. having to figure out the size on my own and pray for the best). Most of the mods are not... bad to me and are partially why I'm drawn to miss yucky bc like... the diseases but also the fact that the mods do mostly make the head cuter for me
Redo the faceup. I would love to keep the elements of the original with the big eyelashes as I find them cute, but the BIGGEST order of business is eyebrows good god. I'll have to paint over the mod that I did but I'm not super worried about it (maybe falsely I've never painted a vinyl head in full bc I have exactly one vinyl doll) and then hope i can get the head right on the first try. depending on how bad the yellowing is (and if im able to retrobright her to a lighter skin tone, as the body i have is pretty light (altho it doesnt match any skins from this company so. its a whole thing its ok)) i might just paint the whole head (or even come up with a story or reason why its mismatched. I have a lot of heads and bodies like that so I don't mind fully lol). It's just kind of a scary tossup on how bad of shape everything is.
Done <3 i really dont think itll be TOO bad but i also like... think i wont know fully until i get my hands on her if i do. She would be pretty tiny too (as in 45 cm or so, or for the americans, 1.5 ft) but I do love that scale of doll so. it could work.
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itswavelengths · 2 years
Everything in Moderation
The team at NVIDIA Studio released this video late last month showing off their new and astonishing "RTX Remix" tool for remastering PC games and I haven't stopped thinking about it. Taken at face-value the software allows developers and modders to easily and visually update assets and lighting in older games through some clever tricks and assistance via AI upscalers, sprucing them up enough to be considered truly remastered works. To be transparent: I am not a game developer, but I have been doing some digging into actual developer reactions to this and the term "wizardry" appears frequently. The ability to automate processes that needed to be done by hand, or to visually see changes made to textures and modeling reflected in real-time is a game-changer for the kind of work the modding scene has been painstakingly toiling away on for decades.
And although the focus of the presentation seemed to be aimed squarely at said modding scene — there are multiple times in which the presenter mentions they "can't wait to see what the community will do" — I do find it interesting on a high level that NVIDIA sought to make this tool in the first place, knowing full well that the remake and remaster side of the game development business has ballooned in recent years. The line between those two terms has never been blurrier, but there's no denying that we can't go a week without hearing about some long-dormant game being revitalized for modern consoles. For NVIDIA to not only recognize the business need for a better suite of tools to coincide with what can be considered its own mini-industry, but to provide such a huge collection of innovative concepts into the fold means we'll likely be seeing many projects coming down the pipeline soon. And by "soon" I mean it's likely that NVIDIA has already been helping shuttle multiple game remasters simultaneously through the RTX Remix pipeline behind-the-scenes for months. Not only are there credible rumors of remasters for Bioshock and Mirror's Edge in the works, but NVIDIA themselves unveiled a trailer for an RTX edition of the first Portal:
The realities of the games industry being... well... an industry... means IP-holders and publishers will frequently overlook the benefits of just porting an old game to new hardware, but given a cost-effective tool like this to hypothetically expedite the process I'm hopeful more forgotten classics will return in some playable form. Although remastering a game isn't quite the same as preservation, a desire to revisit and rerelease previously unplayable titles will usually be a net-positive in my book. One concern I keep mulling over though is the tendency to lose nuance in the process of remastering a game. In the past I've been critical of "next-gen ports" just adding ray-traced lighting to higher-res textures and calling it a day. There are times I've found in which relying on technological fixes end up removing the artistic intent of talented world and level-designers using hardware constraints to their advantage.
The PS5 version of Judgement comes to mind here in which, despite higher fidelity textures across the board, scenes previously awash in the vibrant glow of Kamurocho's neon nightlife take on a more realistic contrast at the expense of the original's atmosphere bringing out the best (and worst) in the city streets. Personally I think this is a case of early adoption — even the Portal with RTX trailer linked above seems like it's overdoing its lighting effects at times, sliders pushed all the way to the limit making previously highly-visible scenes take on a new and unintended darkness. While the tendency right now is to show off how powerful and exciting ray-tracing and AI-upscaling can be, developers will slowly start to incorporate them the way they do all other effects: with a light touch. There was a time when particles and destructible environments were all the rage as well, and every single game was littered with exploding bullet-hole-laden walls and floating motes of dust obscuring the player's view.
But I have faith in the future here, everything in moderation.
One last note here is a point in the video in which the following wildly disappointing sentence pops up:
Morrowind RTX is a technical showcase and is not currently under active development.
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