#alessandra hawke
anneapocalypse · 1 year
Rating my own recreations of my Hawkes in Inquisition
Why? Because I thought it would be fun. Please feel free to steal my idea and tag me so I can see your Hawkes.
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Alessandra Hawke
World State: Elf Lovers
Difficulty: Easy
DAI's character creator offers a very similar hairstyle to to Alessandra's original. Her lovely hooked nose is a key feature and DAI fortunately had one similar enough, though it's a little more rounded at the end. She looks a lot more Tired in DAI, but all Hawkes do, and they probably should. It's tough to get a more rounded jawline in DAI, so her face looks a little more angular. Darker skin tints tend toward warmer in DA2 and cooler in DAI (and cool light severely washes out medium browns in DAI) but all told, she came out pretty darn good.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐
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Sabine Hawke
World State: For Love of the People
Difficulty: Easy
She changed her part to the other side, but otherwise Sabine came out pretty bang-on. All Dragon Age games need a better variety of Asian features now and forever. Nonetheless, I think her face shape, skin tint, and even her nose comes pretty close. Looking at these shots, I could have possibly made her chin a little longer and rounder. That's about the only quibble I can come up with.
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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Cillian Hawke
World State: Love & Magic
Difficulty: Moderate
Cillian took a few outtakes to get right. The hair is acceptable, eyes and mouth look good. and after a lot of tweaking I think I got his face shape pretty bang-on. The nose, however, is a problem. The nostrils are sitting way too high relative to the point (as opposed to his original nose which is pretty straight across the bottom), which makes him look like he's sneering at all times, and this combined with DAI Hawke's tendency to have a pinched, worried brow makes him look Angry in a lot of shots--not exactly right for a gentle-hearted Blue Hawke. Nevertheless, I'm really proud of how I nailed those cheekbones.
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐
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Emilia Hawke
World State: Noble Hearts
Difficulty: Hard
Woof. Just woof. This did not go well. First off, DAI really doesn't have a true "dirty blonde," just this mustard color which makes the whole shot look overwhelmingly yellow, so much that DA2 Emilia looks washed-out by comparison. I thought the nose was fine, but looking at these shots side by side, something does seem a little off. The hairstyle is acceptable, but its makes her forehead look much larger than the original (modded) hairstyle, and I couldn't really find a way to fix that. Overall it's really the face shape that kills it. DAI does not like round faces. I did my best, and then left her in the Fade where she belongs. (Trust me. It what she deserves.)
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐
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Mallory Hawke
World State: Rogues Gallery
Difficulty: Hard
We're starting from modded hair, so we have our work cut out for us here. (Curly hairstyles WHEN. Also modded freckles, but there DAI has us covered.) Unfortunately, I was not able to get a hair mod to work in DAI, so Mal was forced to wear her hair up, which she Would Not. But we make the sacrifices we must. Mallory also has a lot of soft curves to her face, but I'd say she survived the jawbonification a lot better than Emilia did, and where was this nose when I was trying to make Cil? DAI's neon teal eyes are a touch greener but I can let that slide. Overall, I'd say she's still recognizable, even without letting her hair down. That's still my girl.
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐
(Note: I put all the comparion pictures in side-by-side, but none except the first one will display that way on the dash, and I can't fix it. 🤷‍♀️Sorry.)
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lavalampelfchild · 4 months
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The conclusion of my collection of face studies!  At least for now.  Got all my main Wardens, plus some Orlesian Wardens, and now, the final Warden and Hawke.  This one was a fun challenge with the watercolor brush because it tends to have a weaker and less saturated hue than other opaque brush options, which can throw off the base skin tone.  It was a fun challenge, don’t get me wrong, but oof, sometimes it feels like I’m still learning basic colors... xD 
Anyhow, here are the final three characters I had planned: from left to right, Velyn Mahariel, Alessandra Surana, and Jaren Hawke.  Let’s go!
Velyn Mahariel - My canon Mahariel, who excels with the bow, and who is the only member of the Warden recruits who was conscripted against his will.  Upon being saved by Duncan and promised to the Wardens, Velyn resisted to the point at which Duncan used the Right of Conscription, and as a result, Velyn has little respect or kindness for the Wardens or Duncan himself.  Velyn has always been eager to prove himself to his clan and Dalish peers, and harbors a deep rage and disdain for humans because of all the Dalish have lost to them over the centuries.  Velyn was raised to be a hunter for his clan, but unfortunately was not considered a strong candidate to become Master of the Hunt.  His tendency to rush into a fight, or look before he leapt, made the hahrens of the Sabrae clan uncertain as to how much he could be trusted to lead with a level head.  A peerless warrior nevertheless, Velyn has not given up on the possibility of returning to his clan and proving himself once the Blight is over.
Alessandra Surana - My canon Surana, an anti-Circle mage who flees the Circle during the upheaval caused by Uldred and lives as an apostate blood mage.  Alessandra was born in Antiva, and her parents relocated to Ferelden when she was quite young, and she was soon after taken into the Fereldan Circle.  She was trained apart from the majority of her peers once her skill for magic was realized, and eventually she became a Kinloch Hold combat mage.  That is, a mage trained specifically to do battle with enemies of the Circle and Chantry (the Fereldan version of the typically Orlesian Knight-Enchanters).  For a time, Alessandra served the Circle in this capacity, along with two other mages, Frala and Tully, but over time grew to disdain her position.  Very often, combat mages would be dispatched with templars to relocate and apprehend apostate mages; over the course of many such missions, Alessandra became bitter and angry toward the Circle and templars.  The Battle of Ostagar, to which Alessandra was dispatched with her fellow combat mages, was the last straw, and Alessandra used Uldred’s uprising afterward to escape the Circle with the goal of destroying her phylactery.
Jaren Hawke -  My canon Hawke.  While technically born a mage, Jaren doesn’t actually use his magic very often.  When he was young, he trained with his father, both in order to build his skills as a mage and learn to hide his magic, but once Bethany began to join in their training as well, Jaren noticed that Carver seemed to feel left out.  One day, Jaren pretended that his magic “wasn’t working” in order to find a way to include Carver in something, and began learning how to wield a sword alongside him.  He still would train with Bethany, but he used his magic less and less, preferring to see Malcolm focus his attention on helping Bethany.  By the time the Fifth Blight started, Jaren had not used his magic for over a decade and very strongly leaned toward using his sword.  Jaren was present with Carver during the Battle of Ostagar, and helped his brother to escape so they both could reunite with Leandra and Bethany.  Jaren loves fighting, but hates killing, and is drawn very much to the healing elements of magic.  He tends to use sarcasm and humor to cover a deep empathy for others, and the problems in Kirkwall get under his skin as a result.  
The final face studies!!  These took forever to get out, but they’re finished, and I’m quite happy with how they turned out!  I enjoy the green background with these characters.  I might jump ahead to Inquisition characters to get some of them involved too, but for now, this is where I’ll leave this art project!
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sdhqsecrets · 7 months
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halloween costume contest ‘27 →  auden wilkes & pepper rosewood for best couples costume
first time in a long time that we've seen somebody else take the title in this category !! it appears that pink's on top this year. every elle needs her emmett and you two delivered– although we'd say wilkes' wig was not doing him any favors. next time maybe ditch it before heading snapping the 'gram.
2nd place - Aryana Robins & Harper Lee Clark
3rd place - Hazel MacDougal & Madeline Brown
the rest of the runner ups are below !!
Alison Wood & Cynthia Clearwater
Benjamin Ollivander & Gwendolyn Hawkes
Colm McCarthy & Ingrid Hagen
Gabriel Larkin & Natalya Dolohova
James & Mackenzie Potter
Jonah Finch & Jaiyash Dewan
Scorpius Malfoy & Nathaniel Marshall
Silas Zabini & Alessandra Macnair
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inquisitor-julia · 11 days
So! not exactly sure how I want to format this but here I am to babble about my OCs starting with the original love of my life: Elsanna Cousland
Putting this giant post under the cut so I don't clog up anyone's dash!
So to start off, just the basics:
Status: Alive and well, Queen of Ferelden
Name Meaning: “Powerful Sparrow”
Full Name: Elsanna Norette Cousland [Theirin]
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Date of Birth: 15th of Firstfall 9:12 Dragon
Age: 18 (at the start of Origins)
Class: Rogue (Dual-Wielder)
Specializations: Duelist, Assassin, Shadow
Romance: Alistair
Shares World-State With: Serafina Hawke and Nayeli Trevelyan
Height: 5'8"
Family: Eleanor (Mother)(Dead), Bryce (Father)(Dead), Fergus (Older Brother), Oriana (Sister-In-Law)(Dead), Oren (Nephew)(Dead), Cassia (Sister-In-Law), Eleanora (Niece), Bryson (Nephew), Vilaida (Mabari)
Children: Alessandra (Daughter)
Astrology: Scorpio [3rd Decan]
Pinterest Board
Romance Playlist (for sure needs updating)
Her in game decisions:
she recruits and keeps all of the available companions
she’s friends with all of her companions
her mabari is named Vilaida
sided with the mages
protected redcliffe
helped connor with the help of the circle of magi and isolde and connor lived
did not defile the sacred ashes
made peace between the elves and werewolves
Avernus allowed to live and continue experiments humanely
did not drink Avernus’ potion and did not destroy it
destroyed the anvil and sided with cairidin
Bhelen rules Orzammar
“killed” flemeth (by which i mean she absolutely fought flemeth but obviously flemeth isn’t actually dead so…)
Loghain was executed by Alistair
Alistair rules Ferelden with Elsanna as his Queen
The dark ritual was done by Alistair
Elsanna killed the archdemon and lived
Elsanna became warden commander and arlessa of amaranthine
recruited all awakening companions
friends with all awakening companions
protected both vigil’s keep and amaranthine
killed the architect
let morrigan leave through the eluvian
Some posts I've made about her previously
Aesthetic Post
Infodump Post
Short Fic
Elsanna and Four Colors
16 Factors Test
Wedding Dress
Warden or Queen Ask
Sad Cousland Headcanon
Elsi and Alistair Gifset
Feelings About Loghain
Excuse You I Am Your Queen
Feelings About Wardens
Hogwarts Aesthetic (no i don't engage with HP anymore but i still like this post)
Eamon vs. Alessandra
In Five Gifs
Leliana and Shale
Happy Ending
Kiss, Marry, Get Drinks With
Dog and Ser Pounce
How Deeply She Feels
Elsanna's Theme
Dollmakers 1 2 3 4 5
Art of her:
by changelingsandothernonsense
by paranoidfactors
by junie-junette
by mirandemia
by me
by deeplord
I know this post is really just links but this is just to start me off talking about her! I have more info written down (somewhere) that I'm going to post and I'm open to any questions! :)
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negative-speedforce · 5 months
What made you decide your OCs names/what do their names mean?
Sivonne Alessandra Thawne: Sivonne is a bastardized version of the name Siobhan that 14-year-old me heard for the first time, and I thought it sounded cool. Alessandra, their middle name, means "Defender of men" and I thought that worked pretty well for her.
Jason Luca Barron: Jason means "Healer", Luca means "Light". It works pretty well for his personality.
Cassandra Addison Stevens: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Hailey Tuyet Laurence: "Hailey" chosen at random based on vibes, means "hay's meadow" and "Tuyet" is Vietnamese for "snow".
Jessica Esmeralda Wells: Jessica was just chosen to establish her as the E-2002 version of Jesse Wells, and Esmeralda means "emerald". It was just chosen at random.
Regina Maria Rivera: "Regina Maria" is a reference to her family's Catholic faith, meaning "Queen Mary", which refers to Mary, mother of Jesus.
Ember Mallory Del Rosario: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Aryazana'canwr'mwyar'nos: Aryazana doesn't mean anything, I made up the name myself, and "canwr mwyar nos" means "Night Singer" in Welsh, a reference to her abilities from being half Siren. Her human name, Arya, means "Illustrious".
Catherine Danielle "Cat" Stewart: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Kyle Nolan Spencer: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Maxwell Samuel Seng: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Eric Matthew Akintola-Stevens: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Jacob Devon Stevens: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Khalil Marcus Stevens: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Antonio Carlos Rivera: Named after the little brother in Disney's Encanto, aka the character he was based off.
Ameerah Jade Carmine: "Ameerah" chosen at random. Her middle and last names are colors, as to reference her ability to use the visible light spectrum to warp people's emotions.
Regina Catherine Barron-Stevens: Named after Gina and Cat, close friends of her parents.
Rania Rayan Al Qallaf-Martinez: Rania was chosen because it means "Queen", due to Rania's original status as a villain before I revamped her character, Rayan was chosen at random, it means "Door Of Heaven".
Lydia Angeline Hawke: Lydia was chosen at random, Angeline was chosen because it is a name similar to that of one of my most difficult coworkers.
Meredith Nadia Alatorre: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Kelsie Saoirse Gupta-O'Riordan: "Kelsie" chosen at random, "Saoirse" chosen because it means "Freedom" and is relevant to her role in-universe as Siv's therapist.
Cory Faye Fields: Name chosen at random based on vibes
Delilah the Cat: Named after the biblical Delilah, a cunning woman who uses trickery to get what she wants (like a tiny half-feral kitten lmao)
Sivonne Bellona Thawne: "Sivonne' to establish her as E-2022's Siv Thawne, "Bellona" because it's a Roman war goddess, and I think that fits Onnie's vibe.
Penelope Lowe: Name chosen at random based on vibes
Jessica Marina Wells: "Jessica" establishes her as E-2022's Jesse Wells, and "Marina" was based on "Marina and the Diamonds", one of my favorite musicians.
Moon Hyun-Ki: Hyun-Ki means "Clever" and I thought that would be a good narrative choice because he keeps trying to outwit Jessi and would be able to if she wasn't OP af.
Qiara Lucia Bradshaw: Qiara as an alternate spelling of "Kiara", but with a Q since she technically doesn't have a real name, she's just "Q". Lucia was chosen because it means "Light".
Marie Kiyoko Kaneyama: Marie chosen because it means "Bitterness" and Marie's one of my Angst Blanket OCs, "Kiyoko" after "Hayley Kiyoko", aka Lesbian Jesus.
Liah Amina Abdul: "Liah" was chosen because it sounds vaguely similar to some other Cardassian names, (It also means "delicate" so that's an extra bonus), Amina was chosen because it means "Faithful".
Soraya Farwah Al-Sharif: Named after a couple of close friends I had in middle school.
Thalia Xanthe Sylvan: "Thalia" after Thalia Grace of the Percy Jackson novels, "Xanthe" after one of the mythical Amazon warriors.
Athena Stonehenge: Not her real name, but was chosen because it's giving "Mysterious, wise, and cunning". Her real name, however, is Mollie, and she will kill you if you call her that.
Laila/Experiment 669: Laila is Arabic for "Dark night", which is a homophone for "Dark Knight", aka Sith lmao. Her experiment number is a cross between "666" and "69" because I am very mature.
Reyna Blazestar: Chosen because it sounds like some 13 year old's power fantasy Mary Sue OC name, which it technically is, because Reyna uses a fake name to distance herself from her abusive stepmother.
Aldrich Tobias Morgan: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Samira Nasrin Yazdani: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Sohelia Morgan Yazdani: "Sohelia" means star, and I thought that'd be funny because Vampires and the sun, y'know? And Morgan as her middle name is a subtle way of giving her father's last name without outing her as half-vampire.
Vanessa Leah Wolf: Name chosen at random based on vibes, HOWEVER, her last name, Wolf, was chosen because she gets transformed into a monster by a mad scientist and I thought that was subtle and fitting for her.
Matthew Avi Rosenthal-St. James: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Dolores Valentina Aguilar: "Dolores" means "Sorrows" and I thought it was fitting for a vampire. "Valentina" was chosen based on vibes.
Victorie Amelie Bernard: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
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faeocs · 3 months
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period dramas :
Adria Arjona
Alessandra Mastronardi
Alba Galocha
Amelia Gething
Amy James Kelly
Ana De Armas
Annabel Scholey
Anna Walton
Anne Hathaway
Aurora Ruffino
Blanca Suarez
Caitlin Stasey
Claire Forlani
Claire Foy
Dagmara Bryzek
Ellie Bamber
Ellise Chappell
Eleanor Tomlinson
Ema Horvath
Emily Blunt
Emma Appleton
Emma Watson
Eva Green
Fahriye Evcen
Farah Zeynep Abdullah
Faye Marsay
Felicity Jones
Florence Pugh
Gabriela Moreyra
Frances Barber
Gabrielle Anwar
Gemma Arterton
Genevieve Gaunt
Hailee Steinfeld
Jenna Coleman
Joss Stone
Julia Khlynina
Kasia Smutniak
Kaya Scodelario
Keira Knightley
Kristine Froseth
Laura Carmichael as Maggie Pole
Laura Haddock
Leyla Feray
Leyla Tanlar
Lindsay Duncan
Lily James
Louise Barnes
Marina Aleksandrova
Mariya Andreeva
Marta Gastini
Megan Follows
Maia Mitchell
Mia Wasikowska
Mia McKenna-Bruce
Millie Brady
Millie Bobby Brown
Morgane Polanski
Nadia Parkes
Nina Dobrev
Natalie Portman
Olivia Hussey
Oyku Karayel
Pelin Karahan
Peri Baumeister
Phoebe Dynevor
Poppy Drayton
Rebecca Benson as Maggie Pole
Rose Williams
Ruby Cruz
Sai Bennett
Sarah Bolger
Sarah Parish as Lucrezia Tornabuoni
Selma Ergeç
Sofia Nikitchuk
Synnove Karlsen
Valentina Bellè as Lucrezia Tornabuoni
Vanessa Kirby
Yıldız Çağrı Atiksoy
modern :
Bruna Marquezine
Burcu Özberk
Camila Morrone
Cailee Spaeny
Danielle Campbell
Emmy Rossum
Fahriye Evcen
Hailee Steinfeld
Inbar Lavi
India Eisley
Lola Tung
Lily Collins
Maya Hawke
Melisa Aslı Pamuk
Natalia Dyer
Nicole Wallace
Nina Dobrev
Phoebe Tonkin
Vanessa Morgan
child fc :
Ayda Acar
Billie Gadsdon
Mackenzie Foy
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sleepingdragonhq · 2 years
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Under the cut you will find the list of everyone’s costumes as well as lists for the couples romantic and platonic. The voting for the costume contest this year will be done here. We ask that you choose your top 5 favorites in each category but then rank the order in which you’d rate them in the ‘other’ option. If you’ve got any questions about how that works, do not hesitate to ask us. The ranking per usual goes five points for first place, four points for second and so on so please put your votes in order accordingly. Please vote before the 10th of November as we will be announcing the winners from that point onward before the end of the event. If we have missed any contestants/costumes on any of the lists please shoot us a message so we can fix that !! 
Aaron Hale - Werewolf
Adeline Mulciber - Harley Quinn (DC)
Alastair Watson - Danny Phantom (Danny Phantom)
Alessandra Macnair - Roxie Hart (Chicago)
Alexus Callahan - Spider
Alice Longbottom II - Woody (Toy Story/Pixar)
Alison Wood - Glinda (Wicked)
Andromeda Marshall - Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice)
Aryana Robins - Layla El-Faouly/Scarlet Scarab (Marvel)
Ariella Belefleur - Lizzie McGuire (The Lizzie McGuire Movie)
Astrid Mendez - Betty Boop
Auden Wilkes - Charlie Spring (Heartstopper)
August Fawley - Jack Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Aurora Claremont - Alex (Totally Spies)
Axel Wolffe - Waving Inflatable Tube Guy
Beatriz Calderon-Boot - Kuzco (Emperor’s New Groove)
Benjamin Ollivander - Pirate
Bentley Lockhart - Superman (DC)
Briar Bellchant - Evil Queen
Caleb Cresswell - 70s Vision (Marvel)
Camille McGonagall - Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
Casey Abrams - Lady (Lady and the Tramp/Disney)
Cassius Cresswell - Thor (Marvel)
Cedrella Weasley II - Sam (Totally Spies)
Charlotte Watson - Emily the Corpse Bride (Corpse Bride)
Chloé Bonaccord - Britney Spears
Clara Arquette - Catwoman (DC)
Clementine Delacour-Laurent - Shuri/Black Panther (Marvel)
Colm McCarthy - Darth Vader (Star Wars)
Cynthia Clearwater - Elphaba (Wicked)
Cyrus Clearwater - Steve (Blue’s Clues)
Damien Launier - Milo Thatch (Atlantis/Disney)
Delilah Hartwell - Spider-Gwen (Marvel)
Diana Rosier - Scarecrow
Dominique Weasley - She-Ra/Adora
Edward Lupin - Doris the Ugly Stepsister (Shrek)
Elara Macmillan-Bones - Cotton Candy
Elena Flores - Bride of Frankenstein
Elias Hopkirk- Linguini (Ratatouille/Disney)
Elijah Westenberg - Frankenstein’s Monster
Erin McCormack - Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
Evan Parkinson - Dr. Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Evangeline Pickering - Sharpay Evans (High School Musical/Disney Channel)
Evelyn Moon - Stain Glass Window
Ezra Broadmoor - Mafia/Mob Boss
Finnley Wood - Ash (Fantastic Mr. Fox)
Francesca Zabini - Yip Yip (Sesame Street)
Frank Longbottom II - Tramp (Lady and the Tramp/Disney)
Frederick Hayes - Kida (Atlantis/Disney)
Freya MacDougal - Harley Quinn (DC)
Gabriel Larkin - Gambit (X-Men/Marvel)
Gwendolyn Hawkes - Pirate
Halley Macmillan-Bones - Hot Cheeto
Hazel Macdougal - Sexy Cryptologist
Hunter Adams - Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher)
Ingrid Hagen - Ellie Sattler (Jurassic Park)
Iris Lestrange - Scary Bunny
Isabelle Durant - Elf
Jaiyash Dewan - Loki (Marvel)
James Ashcroft - Tony Stark (Marvel)
James Sirius Potter - Shrek (Shrek)
Jasper Locklear - Elvis Presley
Jaxon Dequan - Thomas Shelby (Peaky Blinder)
Jia Rookwood - Yip Yip (Sesame Street)
Jonah Finch - Beetlejuice
Joseph O’Reilly - Lord Farquaad (Shrek)
Joséphine Flamel - Jessie (Team Rocket/Pokémon)
Juliet Highmore - Supergirl (DC)
Laurel Ollivander - Loki Variant (Marvel)
Liam Alvarez - Ian Malcom (Jurassic Park)
Lily Luna Potter - Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story/Pixar)
Lorenzo Roshan - Hannah Montana (Disney Channel)
Lucas Harper - Creepy Owl
Lucienne Wolffe - Fortune Teller
Lucy Weasley - Woody Pride (Toy Story/Pixar)
Luke Dawson - Marty McFly (Back to the Future) 
Lyra Malfoy - Isabella Parigi (The Lizzie McGuire Movie)
Lysander Scamander - Scarlet Witch (Marvel)
Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas Potter - Fiona (Shrek)
Madeline Brown - Sexy Mothman
Mae Levesque - Velma Kelly (Chicago)
Maeve Finch - Mia Thermopolis (The Princess Diaries)
Manon Flamel - Marcus/Kevin (White Chicks)
Marcus Carson - Cowboy
Mason Jones - Waving Inflatable Tube Guy
Matthew Asprey - Swedish Chef (Sesame Street)
Melora Flamel - Marcus/Kevin (White Chicks)
Meredith Wayfelle - Perry the Platypus (Phineas and Ferb)
Merle Rappaport - 70s Wanda Maximoff (Marvel)
Molly Weasley II - Beldam (Coraline)
Natalya Dolohova - Rogue (X-Men/Marvel)
Nate Wood - Alan Grant (Jurassic Park)
Nathaniel Marshall - Skeleton
Nicholas Vexmoor - James (Team Rocket/Pokémon)
Octavia Coleman - Shego (Kim Possible)
Oliver Mulciber - Flynn Rider (Tangled/Disney)
Orion Macmillan-Bones - Legit Snack
Orlando Lockhart - Maleficent (Disney)
Peggy Carson - Sam Manson (Danny Phantom)
Penelope Hawthorne - Barbie
Pepper Rosewood - Michele (Romy & Michele’s High School Reunion)
Perseus Mulciber - Alan (The Hangover) 
Piper Wilkinson - Golden Angel
Pippa Rosewood - Romy (Romy & Michele’s High School Reunion)
Reid Anderson - Jareth (Labyrinth)
Rory Goldstein - Sharpay Evans (High School Musical/Disney Channel)
Rose Granger-Weasley - Sally (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Samantha O’Reilly - Jenna Rink (13 Going on 30)
Scorpius Malfoy - John Constantine (DC)
Seraphina MacAuley - Clover (Totally Spies)
Seung Krum - Wybie (Coraline)
Silas Zabini - Satyr
Sophia Parkinson - Bloody Skeleton
Stella Macmillan-Bones - Pop-Tart 
Talia Kiraz-Mulciber - Rapunzel (Tangled/Disney)
Tallulah Abbot - Voodoo Doll
Thea Cresswell - Mighty Thor (Marvel)
Theodore Dubanowski - Blondie (The Good, The Bad and The Ugly)
Theodore Oliver - Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Theseus McLaggen - Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Valeria Sanchez - La Muerte (The Book of Life)
Vera McKinnon - Poison Ivy (DC)
Verity Nott - Pepper Potts (Marvel)
Victoire Weasley - Aurora (Sleeping Beauty/Disney)
William Ashcroft - Agent (Men in Black)
Willow Picquery - Valkyrie (Marvel)
Xavier Dupont - The Priest (Fleabag)
platonic couples costumes
Alessandra Macnair & Mae Levesque - Roxie Hart & Velma Kelly (Chicago)
Alice Longbottom II & Lily Luna Potter - Woody & Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story/Pixar)
Ariella Belefleur & Lyra Malfoy - Lizzie McGuire & Isabella Parigi (The Lizzie McGuire Movie)
Axel Wolffe & Mason Jones - Waving Inflatable Tube Guys
Bentley Lockhart & Juliet Highmore - Superman & Supergirl (DC)
Camille McGonagall & Theseus McLaggen - Alice & Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Cedrella Weasley II, Seraphina MacAuley & Aurora Claremont - Sam, Clover & Alex (Totally Spies)
Damien Launier & Frederick Hayes - Milo Thatch & Kida (Atlantis/Disney)
Elena Flores & Elijah Westenberg - Bride of Frankenstein & Frankenstein’s Monster
Evangeline Pickering & Rory Goldstein - Sharpay Evans & Sharpay Evans (High School Musical/Disney Channel)
Freya MacDougal & Vera McKinnon - Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy (DC)
Hazel Macdougal & Madeline Brown - Sexy Mothman & Sexy Cryptologist
Jia Rookwood & Francesca Zabini - Yip Yips (Sesame Street)
Liam Alvarez & Nate Wood - Ian Malcon & Alan Grant (Jurassic Park)
Melora Flamel & Manon Flamel -  Marcus & Kevin (White Chicks)
Meredith Wayfelle & Evan Parkinson - Perry the Platypus & Dr. Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Natalaya Dolohova & Gabriel Larkin - Rogue & Gambit (X-Men/Marvel)
Nicholas Vexmoor & Joséphine Flamel - Jessie & James from Team Rocket (Pokémon)
Octavia Coleman & Erin McCormack - Shego & Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
Orion Macmillan-Bones, Halley Macmillan-Bones, Stella Macmillan-Bones & Elara Macmillan-Bones - Legit Snack, Hot Cheeto, Pop-Tart & Cotton Candy (Snacks)
Pepper Rosewood & Pippa Rosewood - Romy & Michele (Romy & Michele’s High School Reunion)
Seung Krum & Molly Weasley II - Wybie & Beldam (Coraline)
Thea Cresswell & Willow Picquery - Mighty Thor & Valkyrie (Marvel)
romantic couples costumes
Alastair Watson & Peggy Carson - Danny Phantom & Sam Manson (Danny Phantom)
August Fawley & Rose Granger-Weasley - Jack Skellington & Sally (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Casey Abrams & Frank Longbottom II - Lady & Tramp (Lady and the Tramp/Disney)
Clara Arquette & Kai Arquette - Catwoman & Batman (DC)
Cynthia Clearwater & Alison Wood - Elphaba & Glinda (Wicked)
Gwendolyn Hawkes & Benjamin Ollivander - Pirates
James Ashcroft & Verity Nott - Tony Stark & Pepper Potts (Marvel)
James Sirius Potter & Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas Potter - Shrek & Fiona (Shrek)
Merle Rappaport & Caleb Cresswell - 70s Wanda Maximoff & Vision (Marvel)
Oliver Mulciber & Talia Kiraz-Mulciber - Flynn Rider & Rapunzel (Tangled/Disney)
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mister-e-filman · 2 years
Miraculous: The Rise of Ladybug and Cat Noir
Hawk Moth stood alone in his lair in which a large window with a butterfly (or flower) design closed, encasing the room in darkness. All that was visible in the darkness was Hawk Moth's silvery-white eyes.
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"This is just the beginning, Ladybug. You and Cat Noir may have won these first few battles, but I will win the war. I will get your Miraculouses. I will get the absolute power! And then my dream will come true! Unless there is another way I can get my wish without causing Armageddon –" Hawk Moth stated while his fingers drummed on his cane.
"Well, I figured that since Ladybug and Cat Noir are amping up their game, I figured I could help amp yours up as well even more so than before, while you continue setting up the chessboard. Plus, I am fully aware that this is damaged, which is why I won’t be with you all of the time, even though I’m with you to the end," the voice told him. "Let's wait until their trial is over, I want to see what happens first, understand?" Hawk Moth asked the eyes of which they nodded. The eyes darted over to a nearby chessboard that only had a few chess pieces on it, the white king and queen resembling Hawk Moth and her with a white rook resembling Stoneheart, two pawns resembling Mr. Pigeon and the Mime, and the black king and queen resembling Cat Noir and Ladybug.
"So, what do I call you?" Hawk Moth asked.
"Call me, Mayura," she answered.
Meanwhile, all the way in Italy, there was a young brunette Italian woman Ms. Prima Rossi was eating dinner with her 13-year-old "daughter," Lila Rossi with packing boxes all over the tiny apartment.
"So, Mother, why Paris of all places to move to?" Lila asked.
Prima sighed before saying, "I told you before, it’s because of this place being scheduled for renovation, and the only place I could find that was still close enough for my job is in Paris, France."
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"And you can’t find another job because why?" Lila added.
"Because the embassy needs me, believe me, I tried to find a new job, but I just couldn’t," Prima told her.
I wish Father were here, at least I would have somebody in this damn 'family' to talk to, Lila thought to herself sadly.
"Hey! Have you been listening to a single word that I've been saying?" Prima snapped.
"Yeah, and I also hear that the place we’re going to stay in is going to be very far away from the embassy," Lila sassed.
"Don’t get smart with me! I’m doing my hardest to keep this family together by helping the embassy help the world," Prima shot back.
"Fuck the world," Lila growled.
"Lila Alessandra Rossi, you go to your room, now!" Prima shouted.
Lila got up and walked to her almost completely empty room.
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She grabbed her cellphone and scrolled through her contacts, wondering who to call/text, but then decided against it so, she grabbed her messenger bag, put her phone inside of it and got out her necklace
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The bag was near a pair of black shades that had a golden buckle on each side and indigo purple lenses and she went to her window when suddenly her phone started flickering, showing Ladybug and Cat Noir on it from an article on how those two were going to court soon. Then the main picture showed six words; "Destroy them both, my little Volpina."
"Yes, I understand, Father, they will fall, I assure you!" Lila/Volpina whispered gleefully.
"Hey, Lee-Lee, I’m sorry for so much of this, and I know that all of this is stressing you out. It’s stressing me out too," Prima said softly.
"It’s okay, Mother. I have given it some thought, and now I am actually looking forward to Paris. I cannot wait," Lila/Volpina assured her.
"Really? Well, that’s great. I’m glad that we came to a good resolution," Prima said.
Volpina smiled evilly while patting a box that was holding a bunch of hacker equipment. "Thank you, Mother. Paris, here I come!" Volpina softly said in an evil tone.
Little did anyone know that the Age of Heroes had returned!
Author's note: Lila (Lee-la instead of Lie-la)
To be continued in Miraculous: Ladybug and Cat Noir, Year One
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leanstooneside · 5 months
Confess and be hanged
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petrichorsoul · 6 months
Cut Muses
This list is muses that have been cut from the main muse list. But instead of completely removing them from the blog, all of these Muses are Request only.
Alchemy of Souls
Seo Yul
Jang Uk
Park Dang Gu
Assassin's Creed
La Volpe
Call of Duty
Alessandra "Outrider" Castillo
Farah Ahmed Karim
Gary "Roach" Sanderson
Jarrah "Crash" Bazley
Krystof "Firebreak" Hejek
Tavo "Nomad" Rojas
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Emily Prentiss
Jeniffer Jereau
Spencer Reid
William LaMontagne Jr
DC Comics
Cassandra Cain
Clark Kent
Conner Hawke
Conner Kent
Floyd Lawton
Jason Todd
Kory Anders
Lonnie Machin
Maxine Hunkel
Pamela Isley
Selina Kyle
Graham Humbert
Queen Elsa
Regina Mills
Elder Scrolls Series
Fallout ( Games )
Final Fantasy 
Basch fon Ronsenburg
Gladiolus Amicitia
Ignis Scientia
Noctis Lucis Caelum.
Prompto Argentum
Snow Villiers
Vossler Azelas
Fire Emblem
Arthur (Fates)
Azura (Fates)
Balthus (3houses)
Byleth ( 3 houses)
Camilla (Fates)
Chrom (Awakening )
Claude von Riegan ( 3 houses)
Corrin (Fates)
Dorothea (3 houses)
Dedue ( 3 houses )
Effie (Fates)
Felicia (Fates) 
Frederick (Awakening )
Gilbert (3house)
Hinata (Fates)
Hubert  (3 houses)
Jakob (Fates)
Jeritza (3houses)
Kaden (Fates)
Kagero (Fates)
Kaze (Fates)
Keaton (Fates)
Leo (Fates)
Lon'qu (Awakening)
Mercedes (3houses)
Niles (Fates)
Orochi (Fates)
Reina (Fates)
Ryoma (Fates)
Saizo (Fates)
Seteth (3houses)
Shura (Fates)
Silas (Fates)
Xander (Fates)
Yukimura (Fates)
Yuri (3houses)
Game of Thrones
Daario Naharis
Jon Snow
Robert Stark
Theon Greyjoy
Alaric Saltzman
Damon Salvatore
Elijah Mikaelson
Josie Saltzman
Landon Kirby
Niklaus Mikaelson
Stefan Salvatore
Legend of Zelda 
Ashei (Twilight Princess)
Komali (Windwaker)
Medli (Windwaker)
Midna (Twilight Princess)
Prince Ralis (Twilight Princess)
Quill (Windwaker)
Renado (Twilight Princess)
Rusl (Twilight Princess)
Shad  (Twilight Princess)
Sooga (A.o.C)
Tetra (Windwaker)
Carol Danvers
Clint Barton
Emma Frost
Steve Rogers
Warren Worthington the III
Mass Effect
Cora Harper
Garrus Vakarian
Jaal Ama Darav
James Vega
Liam Kosta
Liara T'Soni
Miranda Lawson
Thane Krios
The Owl House
Peaky Blinders
Barney Thomason
Polly Gray
Thomas Shelby
Reservoir Dogs
Mr. White (Lawrence Dimmick)
Shadow and Bone
Aleksander Kirigan
Jesper Fahey
Kaz Brekker
Matthias Helvar
Nina Zenik
Wylan van Eck
Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano
Baze Malbus
Bodhi Rook
Cara Dune
Darth Maul
Obi-wan Kenobi
Owen Skywalker
Poe Dameron
Qui-gon Jinn
Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Jonathan Byers
Nancy Wheeler
Dean winchester
Sam Winchester
The 100
Bellamy Blake
John Murphy
Nathan Miller
Raven Reyes
Nathan Drake
Victor Sullivan
Walking Dead
Paul Monroe
Rick Grimes
Shane Walsh
The Witcher
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
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@ammoniteflesh tagged me to make my OCs in this picrew, and it was a lot of fun. 💜Here's Ilana Tabris, Alessandra Hawke, and Eleanor Trevelyan.
Tagging @dreadfutures @skyeventide @v-arbellanaris @delicatefade @ir0n-angel and anyone else who'd like to play!
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ravishingretreat153 · 2 years
Which Is The Best Hotel To Decide For A Wedding In Bangalore:
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What Could We at any point Search for in the Best Hotels In Bangalore For Exotic marriage? Chikkajala Resort: This hotel is situated behind the ITC production line. The foundation of this hotel is truly gorgeous, as the desert spring stretches out more than 36 sections of land. Accordingly, this hotel comes as one of the best 4-star resorts in Bangalore. The hotel furnishes the best contemporary suites outfitted with all security highlights. In any event, family rooms offer the best amusement areas for visitors.
Ravishing Retreat Quite possibly of the best resorts in Bangalore for wedding is the Bewitching Retreat. It gives different conveniences to its visitors in more than one way. With its ideal area, you can pick this hotel for weddings or corporate occasions. It offers all resources for those hoping to lead a wedding at a retreat. With its spa, visitors can partake in the best back rub and different administrations. It has an extensive lobby for marriage or different occasions to oblige more individuals.
Alessandra Resort And Conference hall This hotel is perhaps the best retreat close to Bangalore. It is situated close to Jakkur Flying Club. This hotel is encircled by rich plants of around 8 sections of land alongside a focal pool. It offers open-to-family rooms alongside jumbo beds. Inside the hotel, 2 eateries offer multi-cooking implies. It has a different show corridor for wedding capabilities. Individuals can involve in this corridor for weddings, family gatherings, and, surprisingly, corporate gatherings.
Get Imaginative, Get Clicked —, Best case scenario, Resorts For Pre-Wedding Photoshoot In Bangalore Resorts have turned into the direct decision for pre-wedding shoots — for the security and opportunity as well as for areas of strength it offers for the photographic artists and the couple the same. We present to you the best pre-wedding photoshoot resorts in Bangalore that would make your pre-wedding shoot the greatest possible level of exceptional
Eagle Ridge Resort: With a splendid hued feel, incredible plant life, and sweet mood, Birds Edge likewise guarantees a splendid foundation for both the photographic artist and the couple for the pre-wedding shoot. For individuals who love splendid tones, and picking a fabulous wedding, Hawk Edge is the best decision.
Taj West End: The brand Taj gathering of lodgings needs no presentation for their rich treatment and spoiling, It has many widely varied vegetation making a few extraordinary backgrounds that are not seen elsewhere on the planet. With its one-of-a-kind look and seaside flows Taj West End is an astounding decision for a pre-wedding shoot.
Holiday Village Resort: Spread more than 4 sections of land in lavish green areas of Bangalore, Occasion Town Resort carries a natural vibe to metropolitan regions. For admirers of the town and everything natural, Occasion Town Resort is an ideal spot for a pre-wedding shoot. With unadulterated and perfect backgrounds, the retreat offers both indoor and outside settings for photographic artists to get the best pictures. To add icing to the cake, the hotel serves lavish food with an extensive variety of cooking.
Resorts In Bangalore With Private Pool
Ramagondanahalli Resort: This retreat is incorporated by a lavish plant life area of around 5 sections of land and hence, one will clearly partake in the quiet and lovely environment of the hotel. With its wonderful scene encompassing the retreat, it makes certain that guests have the greatest end-of-the-week escape. Every one of the guestrooms inside the hotel is impeccably outfitted with present-day woodwork and stylistic layouts and consequently, offers a smooth and lavish hope to its visitors. A Deck is something else that you will cherish in this retreat.
Ravishing Retreat: The people who are searching for the best hotels having private pools in them can evaluate visiting this retreat, Beguiling Retreat. This retreat offers the top conveniences to its guests to fulfill them all around.
Nelamangala Yoga Resort: Quite possibly of the most well-known retreat in the city that is renowned for offering the best neighborliness administration to its clients is this hotel. Most guests evaluated this hotel to be a five-star resort and it is nearly paradise for them to partake in their staycation. Around an area of 25 sections of land, this hotel claims the rich plant life scene encompassing it. Moreover, tropical trees are filling in the encompassing region of the retreat.
These were the retreats that are having private pool offices and offered numerous extravagance conveniences to guests in Bangalore. You can choose any of the above Private pool resorts in Bangalore according to your prerequisites to partake in a great stay.
0 notes
alemicheli76 · 2 years
"Hexbreaker. Lo spezzaincantesimi" di Jordan L. Hawke, Triskell edizioni. A cura di Alessandra Micheli
“Hexbreaker. Lo spezzaincantesimi” di Jordan L. Hawke, Triskell edizioni. A cura di Alessandra Micheli
Appena ho letto che Hawk sarebbe tornato con una nuova serie mi sono letteralmente fiondata sul libro. Troppo recente era il senso di perdita provato con l’ultima sua meraviglia, quella che a mio malgrado mi aveva costretta a dire arrivederci a Griffin e Whiborne. E a Widdeshine, che con il suo vortice senziente mi aveva scelta, e messa tra i suoi protetti. Widdeshine non ha certo smesso di…
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faejilly · 3 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
Does your character daydream? What do/would they usually daydream about? Do these daydreams say anything about them or their goals?
Oh, hello there fairy! ❤️❤️❤️ It's nice to see you again. 😘
Alessandra of Corval daydreams much in the same way Parker from Leverage *plans*, she turns problems around in her head, like 3-d locks, and if she pushes this tumbler the world goes *that* way, but if she lets that one slide we end up over *here*...
What's interesting about her daydreams is that they're almost never about a goal, but the *options*. She's not daydreaming about the treasure hidden at the center of a maze, but all the different ways the path might twist and turn and split apart around her.
She daydreams about how someone she loves might respond to bad news, until she thinks she knows the best way to soften the blow, how someone she despises would revel in success until she can figure out how to add a twist of a knife so their victory becomes, at best, slightly bittersweet.
(In contrast, Their Hawke, who seems at first glance a similarly manipulative type, does in fact daydream about being able to *stop*, at having a refuge, a moment of peace sitting next to a friend or a lover and not having to worry about what they're thinking, about what she's going to have to do next, about the consequences five steps further along whatever paths she's on.)
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heterotragedies · 2 years
🛋️ ⸻  AFTER HOURS |  𝐣𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨 (teaser)
𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 7.5k and counting
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: personal assistant yunho + magazine ceo female reader (ft. photographer/model best friend wooyoung)
𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: smut, dirty talk, nipple play, clit play, unprotected sex (pls dont be dumb, use protection) cunnilingus, felatio, vaginal fingering, vaginal penetration, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, multiple sex scenes, maybe a little bdsm (cuffing), clitoral orgasm, squirting, very slight mention of exhibitionism, possible dacryphilia, dumbification or stupification, yunho monster cock, maybe a little mutual pining, office sex, pure filth plot what plot porn w/o plot,  more tba
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six months ago, seonghwa from human resources sent you a jeong yunho to play the role of your personal assistant. and now, on top of your job as chief executive of le soleil et les étoiles, you’d have to handle a salacious and jealous assistant (and an overbearing, over the top best friend).
Unbeknownst to you, a dark pair of eyes followed you like a hawk, eyeing the way you walked so confidently. He loved the way your hair bounced in the high ponytail you tied it up into and the look of your curves in your slim fit turtleneck top.
But most especially, he was absolutely besotted with how your ass looked in your cream wool-crepe mini skirt by Alessandra Rich, something he remembers you mentioning when he asked you where you got your skirt, saying that he’d recommend it to his sister since it was of great quality. He does not have a sister. 
Taking another swig of his whiskey, he undid the first button of his shirt and pushed his hair out of his face and after a quick smack of his palms on his cheeks, he got up off his seat and made a beeline to where you stood watching your employees with fond eyes. 
You felt his presence from behind you, his warmth radiating onto your smaller form as he stood beside you, following your gaze on Yeosang and Hongjoong. He initiated the usual small talk and followed you when you continued your rounds around the room. Finding his drunken colleagues mildly entertaining too; but as soon as he spotted a dark corner free of any bystanders, he grabbed your hand and dragged you to the said area.
He pinned you onto a wall and gazed down at your wide and shaky pupils. You watched as his chest rises and falls, his laboured breaths mixing with yours at the close proximity. His eyes often flickered from your eyes to your lips, contemplating on what to say now that he’s got you all to himself. His tongue poked out to lick at his pink lips when he shifted to lean his elbows on either side of your head, successfully trapping you with his giant body. As his face drew closer to yours the scent of whiskey invaded your senses and it clicked in your mind.
“Yunho, you’re drunk.”
You place your hands on his chest, trying your hardest not to lose yourself in the feeling of his pectoral muscles right under the thin fabric of his dress shirt. He’s not really drunk. He’s really good at handling his liquor, everyone knows that. Well apparently, everyone but you.
“I’m not fucking drunk, Y/n. I know what I’m doing. And I know that you’ve been thinking of me like how I have been thinking of you too. Thinking of fucking my cock in your tight little pussy.” His voice gruff in your ears. 
“I bet you’re so fucking tight, huh. S’been a while since you’ve had a good fuck, right? Didn’t you say that a few weeks ago?”
Your heart is now hammering in your chest, knees buckling as slick pools in your cotton panties. 
“Yeah, I know that you want me to fuck you as much as I do. I know what I’m doing, please let me show you.” Yunho finishes, leaning his nose in the juncture of your neck taking in the sweet perfume you put on only for special occasions. 
“God, yes! Please show me, Yunho.”
That was all it took for him to snap, connecting his lips with yours and taking you to his apartment. He did just as he promised. He knew exactly what he was doing, making you cum several times in one night. And at the end of it all you never felt more relaxed in your entire life.
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after hours will be my first ever full fic on this blog and it’s based off of the devil wears prada. this fic has been in the works for over a year now, and i decided to put out a teaser for now. however, it is still a work in progress and there is no fixed release date yet. 
all rights reserved © heterotragedies 2021.
please reblog if you enjoyed this! since tumblr works on a system of reblogs rather than likes, i would appreciate if you reblogged the content that you liked. thank you so much!
do NOT plagiarize or translate any of my works & thank you for reading.
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athenasdumbchild · 3 years
Song association ft my favourite fictional couples:
Percabeth(percy and annabeth)-pjo series by Rick Riordan: everything has changed by Taylor Swift, this feeling by chainsmokers
Alex and Henry- red white and royal blue : London boy by Taylor Swift
Feysand(feyre and rhysand )- ACOTAR series by Sarah j Maas: capital letters by haille Steinfeld.
Nessian (nesta and cassian ) -ACOTAR: almost love by sabrina carpenter, carry you by ruelle and rewrite the stars by Zac Efron and Zendaya, control by Halsey.
Alessandra Stathos - the shadows between us by Tricia levenseller: blank space by Taylor Swift
Lore and castor- lore by Alexandera Bracken: young gods by Halsey
Hawke and poppy- from blood and ash series by Jennifer l'armentrout: starving by haille Steinfeld, wildest dreams by Taylor Swift, queen of mean by Sarah Jeffrey
Maxon and America- the selection by Keira Cass : everything has changed by Taylor Swift
Clace (Clary and jace)-mortal instruments by cassendra clare : this feeling by chainsmokers
Bella and Edward-twilight by Stephanie meyer: thousand years by Christiana Perry
Wandavision - lovely by bille eilish and Khalid, queen of mean by Sarah Jeffrey.
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