#i swear next year im going to neither on christmas. maybe going to my boyfriend.
youjustwaitsunshine · 6 months
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just had an unreasonably bitchy reaction, see yall in 20 minutes when im crying because i was unreasonably bitchy
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dollslayer · 3 years
Champagne Problems
Bartender!Bucky x Reader
Summary: When your ex-boyfriend makes a surprise appearance at your sister's wedding you find help from an unexpected source.
W/C: 4,642
Warnings: NO MINORS, Smut, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex, swearing, alcohol consumption
A/N: Hey! I know it's been a minute (sorry), I wrote this for @saiyanprincessswanie's writing challenge using the bartender au! If you like this please reblog and comment and check out my other fics!! Cheers!
Main Masterlist
You sighed internally before slapping on a smile for yet another group picture. Your bridesmaid dress was itchy and you already regretted spending the entire night in it, as the reception was just starting. But it was your sister’s day and you decided that if what she really wanted was for you to wear this itchy monstrosity to honor her wedding then damn it, you’d do it. So you leaned in close with the rest of the wedding party and posed some more.
When the photographer had finished with his photos you were ushered to the family table and wedged between your mother and your aunt. You mentally cursed your sister for seating you with them because they were going to spend the entire night trying to set you up with someone while simultaneously lamenting that you’d dumped your boyfriend of 4 years just a month earlier. Your mother wanted grandchildren so badly, you didn’t know why she couldn’t just settle to get them from your sister.
“Sweetheart, you and Steve were so good together though! Remember when he surprised you at Christmas with that puppy? I don’t know how you let a man like that go…” Your mom chided.
You grabbed the attention of a passing server and grabbed the champagne off their tray. If you were going to have this conversation again you needed liquid courage to do so. You downed it in three sips and your mom scoffed at you.
“Mom, we've been over this. I didn’t ask him to do that, we agreed we weren’t ready for a dog. Ugh, oh my god, anyways, we just didn’t work together. Sometimes things don’t work out, Mom. You’ll still get grandkids, just not from me.” You patted her on the shoulder but she just pursed her lips and looked past you to your aunt.
You wanted nothing more than to get wasted but you couldn’t do that to your sister. You wouldn’t get blackout drunk, but you were definitely getting drunk tonight. The reception was being held in a hotel and the wedding party had a block of rooms reserved so it’s not like you had to drive. You just had one thing to do before you did that.
The moment you’d been dreading had finally arrived, the toast. You held your freshly topped-off glass of champagne and brought your fork to it to get everyone’s attention. Someone handed you the mic and you hesitated before taking it and nervously cleared your throat.
By what you assumed could only be the grace of God you managed to deliver the perfect toast about finding the right person and soulmates and anything else you might find in a hallmark card with only minor stumbles. Everyone clapped and your brother-in-law wiped a stray tear and everyone finally dug into dinner. You just hoped that would mean your mother would be quiet about Steve for the next 20 minutes and then you could escape to the open bar.
You almost made it through dinner scott-free and sat back to watch your sister’s first dance. Just when you thought you were in the clear it was your aunt that threw a wrench in your plans. She was three glasses of wine deep and had that glassy look in her eye when she grabbed your elbow and pulled you closer. She spoke to you in a low voice while trying not to fumble her words.
“Listen kiddo, I know your mom is hard on you about Stevie but she just wants what’s best for you. What you two had… it was so good even I liked him! I don’t like anybody y’know that. So.. so why don’t you jus’ give ‘im another chance, make your mom happy? Couldn’t be that bad, could it? Maybe he’ll even… surprise you”
You mentally blocked out her words halfway through her speech, hoping neither of you would remember it by the end of the night. Right now you just had to get her to stop so you could get away from the table. You didn’t think you could take one more second of being shamed for leaving Steve.
You smiled sweetly and nodded in understanding towards her words.
“I know, Aunt Linda. I know. Sometimes things happen, I love mom but I’ll find someone else.”
With that you patted her on the shoulder and took off in search of the bar.
There were two bars and you wanted to go to the less crowded one. Looking around you had spotted it just past the dancefloor and made a beeline. Weaving through the now open dance floor and escaping the invitations to join your family you finally made it and leaned heavily against the countertop with a sigh.
“Rough night?” Your eyes follow the gruff yet amused voice and find that it belongs to a very handsome man with a defined jaw, clear blue eyes, and long hair that was tied back.
You smiled and rolled your eyes.
“You don’t know that half of it. Nothing like a wedding to remind you how single you are” You joked.
“Ah. Yeah, that’ll do it. That’s rough. You look like you need a drink, what can I get you?”
“Dealer’s choice. Just no vodka.” You requested.
He smirked and nodded, perusing the lines of bottles that were in front of him. He bit his lip as he concentrated on what to make and you tried not to stare. You watched him get to work on your drink and couldn’t help but notice the way you could see his muscles move underneath his dress shirt.
He turned back around and proudly presented you with something fizzy in a highball glass.
“My own concoction, I even used the non-watered down liquor. Just for you” He says with a wink.
You try your best to hide your shy smile and accept the drink.
“Thank you, how sweet of you.” You tell him.
“It’s nothin’. So how’s a gal like you single? If you don’t mind my asking. Seems pretty impossible to me.”
You're caught somewhere between flattery and embarrassment and just hope it doesn't show on your face. You take a long sip of your drink and gear up to answer him.
“Well, I just got out of a 4 year relationship, actually. He’s really sweet but he always had a tendency to steamroll my needs and just do whatever he was going to do. Eventually that shit adds up.” You sigh.
“Like for example - last year we had talked about getting a dog and I said I wasn’t ready, we’re just both way too busy and then on Christmas day he shows up with this puppy! And then I’m the villain for telling him no! The puppy ended up going to a good home but he did stuff like that all the time. It just became too much. Anyways now my mom won’t get off my ass about leaving him.” You shook your head.
“A puppy? Wow, that’s… intense. That’s a lot, I’m sorry. You finish that drink and I’ll pour us both a shot” He laughed.
You nodded in agreement and downed the rest of the cocktail. He held up two shot glasses and extended one to you.
“A toast, to… wait. I don’t even know your name!”
His shoulders shook as he laughed and he answered you.
“I’m James but you can call me Bucky” You made a face at that.
“What kinda name is Bucky?” You asked before giving him your own name.
“Whatever, I’ve got two shots of tequila, you want one or not?” How could you say no?
“A toast,” You continued, “To you and your weird name, Bucky.”
He laughed and you clinked your glasses together, then against the counter before downing them in one go. You tried your best not to make a face and looked up at Bucky to find him extending you the lime chaser, which you took gratefully.
“Hoo… I could use like, 3 more of those to get through tonight. So, how’d you get into bartending?”
“I needed somethin’ to put me through school and I figured this beats stripping. Though, with some of the customers we get sometimes I’m not so sure”
You laughed at that and Bucky went on to tell you anecdotes of all the crazy people he’s had to serve, disastrous weddings, and the time he got a lapdance from the bride herself. You hadn’t even realized how much time had passed but you were enjoying talking to him, forgetting your mission to be drunk.
The two of you kept swapping stories and were getting to know each other a bit more. He let you vent about Steve and just listened, it was refreshing to talk to someone and not be told what it is that you should be wanting. When you pictured the night you didn’t picture yourself confiding in the bartender tonight but if you were honest you were enjoying yourself. It beat awkwardly dancing with your family and enduring more disappointed remarks from your family.
You had hoped you could hide out at the bar and spend the entire night unscathed when the double doors to the ballroom opened. Your heartbeat in your ears as time slowed down around you as a blond head of hair made its way through the archway. Your laughter died in your throat when Baby blue eyes found you across the room and you froze like a deer in headlights. No. Nononononono this isn’t happening.
Time has somehow come to a halt while simultaneously hurtling forward since you can’t get yourself unstuck from this moment yet fail to realize that Steve is now standing right in front of you. His hair is swept back perfectly and he flashes you that million dollar smile of his that shows off his dimples perfectly. You scold yourself for checking him out but damn did he always clean up nice.
“Hey, sweetheart” he says shyly, as if he’s not crashing your sister’s wedding to get with you.
“What…? What are you doing… here?” You ask quietly, trying to avoid a scene.
Before he can answer you your mom comes up behind Steve and squeezes his shoulders tight, all with a big, bright smile on her face. Of course. How did I not see this coming?
“You made it!” She exclaimed as she leaned up to kiss his cheek.
“Of course, sorry to have missed the ceremony but there’s still plenty to celebrate, right?” He asked with his signature boyish smirk.
Shock was still in full effect on your features as you stood stock still. But that shock was soon giving way to anger as you slowly pieced together everything that was happening. Your mom had brought back Steve to try and get you back together and Steve was steamrolling you again.
“I… I, can’t. I can’t-” You started
“Sweetheart, how many of those have you had? You need some water.” Steve motions to the drink in your hand and you feel the anger running through your veins about to take over. You have to move this out of the room. Now.
“Why don’t we move this to the hall?” You suggested quietly.
You didn’t give him a chance to respond before you started moving towards the exit but you did spare one last panicked glance towards Bucky. He looked confused and his brows were quirked in a way that made him look upset, almost. You sent him a pleading look before turning back around and preparing yourself to deal with this shitshow that had slowly unfolded before you.
Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Hold. You got this. Your hand begins to push the door open when Steve’s much larger one covers yours and gets the job done. An action that you once would’ve thought was sweet, one that you would’ve made you swoon, even, is currently pissing you off.
You two made your way to the hallway and you looked around before you started in on him.
“Okay, what the hell, Rogers? Crashing my sister’s wedding? Really?! I don’t give a shit if my mom put you up to this I-”
“Sweetheart, please. She thought you might be having second thoughts and maybe us seeing each other would… patch things up. We just want what’s best for you, sweetheart” Steve attempted to console you, reaching out to try and rub your arm but you pulled back.
“No! I am so sick of you running me over! You never listened to me or what I had to say and this is exactly why I broke up with you, Steve! You’re being so fucki-”
“Hey, babe, everything okay out here?” Bucky’s voice surprised you but not as much as his lips pressing a kiss into your hair and his arms wrapping around your waist.
You had to crane your neck to look back and up at him. It took all of two seconds for you to piece together what you’d hoped was the truth. Bucky raised his eyebrows at you as if to say “come on” and in all your desperation you went with it. You supposed that his formal uniform made him pass for a regular guest.
“I, ah, yeah, yes. Steve here was just leaving, right?” You asked him.
Steve raised his eyebrows in a stunned expression, mouth slightly open in disbelief. His hand reached out towards your shoulder but Bucky pulled you back gently.
“Doll, are you serious? Who even is this guy? Does your mom know about this?”
“No, she doesn’t. It’s… new…” You told him.
“Right,” Bucky cuts in, “It’s new so we weren’t telling anyone just yet but she figured I should at least be here for the reception”
“Seriously?” Steve scoffs, “Man bun? What does he have that I don’t? C’mon, you know what you and I have is real.”
“What you and I have is over, Steve. You never listened to me, always pushed me further than I was ready for. We’re done, it’s over. I’m sorry for whatever Mom told you”
Steve took a harsh breath inwards and you watched him try to decide whether he should walk away or blow up. Based off of the veins popping in his forehead, he was opting to blow up.
“Listen, I don’t know what you’re up to but-”
“She said it’s over, punk. Move along” Bucky cut in. He took a protective step in front of you and pushed his shoulders back, squaring up to Steve. Steve seethed quietly and you two exchanged very tense glances.
“I’m telling your mother about this. I doubt she’ll be happy to hear you brought some random person to your sister’s wedding.” Steve spat.
He walked past the two of you and bumped shoulders harshly with Bucky. Bucky’s jaw tensed and his grip on your waist tightened but he didn’t retaliate. Instead he took a step back to get a proper look at you.
“You okay?”
“Why did you do that? You didn’t have to.”
“I know, but you looked like you could really use the help.”
“Well… thank you. I appreciate it, more than you know. I don’t know what would’ve happened if you weren’t there.” You laughed to yourself a little and added, “We’re not even together 5 minutes and you already have all my emotional baggage”
Bucky laughed at that and shook his head.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it. I’ve got some crazy exes too. So what now? You going back in?”
You became a little flustered at that but moved past it with a sheepish grin.
“No,” You shook your head, “I think it’s best for everyone if I just go up to my room and avoid a whole scene.”
“Well at least let me walk you up. I wouldn’t put it past that creep to follow you.”
“What about the bar?”
“We’re overstaffed and the party’s winding down anyways. They’ll get on without me”
“Alright then” You accepted and started off towards the elevators.
You two were standing in the elevator waiting for the doors to close when you spotted the doors to the ballroom open. Your mother was looking around, her face a picture of anger. Lucky for you the doors closed before she could look in your direction and you let out a sigh of relief.
“You know as far as fake boyfriends go I’d say you’re pretty good”
“Just good? C’mon I had that guy on the ropes.”
“Yeah alright,” You relented with a grin.
You exited the elevator car and made your way down the hallway until finally you reached your door. You fished your keycard out of your wallet and turned to Bucky.
“Hey… do you wanna… maybe come in? Hang out? I know you’ve got work but if you’re overstaffed maybe…” You trailed off. There was a beat of silence and you felt regret instantly, thinking you’ve asked too much of him. “Y’know what nevermind, you don’t have to, I’m sorry I-”
“I’d love to hang out with you, if you’re okay with that. Plus it’s probably better I wait to get back until the wedding’s over. Can’t really show my face as your boyfriend and then get back behind the bar, can I?” He said with a soft smile.
“Suppose you’re right,” You swiped the card and cracked open the door.
You stepped inside and felt like you could finally breathe again. You kicked off your heels and went to turn on the lights. You reached back to get the zipper of your dress but couldn’t quite get there.
“Will you get my zipper?” You asked Bucky. He nodded and came closer to you.
You could feel his warmth radiating from him when he was this close. Your nostrils filled with the heady scent of his aftershave. He smells so good. He unzipped you halfway and left the rest for you.
You thanked him and grabbed your change of clothes and headed to the bathroom. Relieved to finally be free of the itchy monstrosity of a bridesmaids dress you sighed and put on a tank top and pair of shorts. You realized the tank top showed a little more of your cleavage than intended but you shrugged it off and exited the bathroom.
Bucky’s eyes landed on you and he took a sharp breath in but tried to play it cool. It half worked, you caught him staring a little bit and giggled to yourself. When you looked at him again he was undoing his tie and the first two buttons of his shirt. Wonder what he’d look like if he unbuttoned just a few more… You stopped yourself in that line of thinking and joined him on the couch.
“I think your phone’s gonna zap itself into an early grave with the way it’s been going off” Bucky said as he pointed to your phone on the table.
You picked it up to find you had several missed calls from your mother, one from Steve, and one very long text message from him that was already inducing a headache. You opened it, forgetting you had read receipts on. Oops. You weren’t going to read this now in front of Bucky, so you shut it off and put it aside.
“So how are you feelin’?” He asked.
“Better now that I’m out that damned dress. As for my family, they'll get over themselves. I don’t know why who I’m dating is such a big deal to them anyways.”
“You do look more comfy now that you’ve changed. If you don’t mind me sayin’ you’re just as gorgeous now as you were all dolled up”
You felt heat flood your cheeks instantly and eked out a thank you. You and Bucky talked for an hour more or so and in that time you’d found yourself nodding off with your head on his chest. On instinct he brought your whole body closer to him and put his arm around you. If you were less sleepy you’d be embarrassed but right now you didn’t care.
Bucky had moved slightly and inadvertently jolted you awake. You shot up and realized that you’d cuddled your way into Bucky’s side and now the embarrassment was catching up with you. You instantly scooted back to give him some space.
“Sorry, I uh, didn’t mean to cuddle you” You said while avoiding his gaze.
You felt a hand on your thigh and finally looked up to find him smirking at you.
“I didn’t mind it. It’s getting late though, I should get back.”
You were slightly disappointed but nodded your head. You rose and followed him to the door. He went for the handle but turned around when you grabbed his hand. He stepped away from the door and was in your personal space. You looked up at him with a shaky breath.
“Thank you, again, for what you did. It was really sweet of you.” He smiled down at you and brought one hand to your face. Oh God, I didn’t prepare for this. Your heart was beating just a little harder as you looked into his clear blue eyes.
“For you? Anytime. I had a really fun time with you tonight.”
“Me too.”
With that his other hand came up to cup your face and he kissed you sweetly. It wasn’t until you kissed him back that he pulled away.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to, I don’t wanna make you uncomf-”
You grabbed him by the shirt collar and brought him in for another kiss. This time more demanding but just as sweet. He let out a small moan and you swear you could’ve melted. His tongue explored your mouth while his hands moved their way down your body and brought you even closer to him. You could feel that he was hard and it only made you want him more.
Without breaking the kiss you started to move backwards towards the bed until finally you were just at the edge of it. You broke apart for air and searched his eyes only to find his pupils blown wide in lust. You cupped him through his pants and he groaned. He was big. Maybe even bigger than Steve.
“We don’t have to do anythin’ you don’t want to do,” He breathed out. You shook your head and kissed him again.
“I want you, I’m sure.” You panted out.
“I don’t have a condom”
“Doesn’ matter, I’m on the pill” You told him. With that his hands were up your tank top and you’d helped him to remove it. He worked on his shirt next and while he fumbled with the buttons you took off the rest of your clothing.
Bucky was every bit as devastating as you’d thought he’d be and you let out a genuine sigh. His toned muscles rippled throughout his arms and torso and you watched him remove his boxers and you’re not entirely sure your jaw hadn’t dropped. He noticed you gawking and chuckled as he leaned down to join you on the bed.
“See somethin’ you like?”
He didn’t give you the chance to answer though, he pushed you backwards onto the bed and kissed you again, this time trailing his kisses all the way down your body. He stopped and took his time to admire each of your breasts, licking and biting your nipples. You’d gasped in surprise and pleasure. He moved his way down finally to your pussy and looked up at you.
“Can I? You could only nod and let out a shaky breath as you sat up on your elbows and watched him get to work. He kissed and caressed your thighs until finally his fingers were prodding at your entrance. He groaned at how wet you were and pushed two fingers in. You let out an obscene moan and your hands went into his locks. His tongue lapped at your clit before he sucked on it, all the while pumping his fingers in and out of you in search of your G-spot.
You’d pulled his hair out of his bun and guided his tongue where he needed to be. Finally getting the right angle you were whimpering in pleasure, back arched almost to a point of pain. He’d finally found the spot he’d been looking for and your eyes shut closed in pleasure.
“Please,” you begged, “Please don’t stop I’m so close”
You pushed his head harder against you and his fingers sped up. It was only a matter of moments until your toes were curling in pleasure and you writhed on the bed in the aftershock of your orgasm. Bucky continued to lap away at you until you pushed him off. He came back up to eye level with you and had a wolfish grin.
“Who knew you’d make such noises? God it was so hot”
You pulled him in for another kiss and reached down to grab his cock. You pumped it a few times before you moved down to return the favor when he stopped you. You looked up at him with brows pinched in concern.
“Don’ worry about me, I just wanna feel you”
He moved you beneath him and you spread your legs apart for him. You were still sensitive in your post-high when his tip brushed your clit but you didn’t mind the bolt of pleasure. He aligned himself with your entrance and looked you in the eye as he pushed all the way inside of you slowly. You let out an involuntary moan, trying to accommodate his full length.
“You good?” He asked.
“I’m good, you’re just...big” He smirked at that.
“Can I move or do you need a second?”
“No, you can move, please move.”
One hand on your hip and the other on your breast he started thrusting in and out of you at a steady pace. You swore you could feel every bump and ridge of him with every inch he put into you. His pace picked up and he kissed the column of your neck, finding the one spot that drove you crazy. Your small mewls turned to full moans and he began fucking you harder.
“‘M not gonna last much longer” He told you. You didn’t say anything in response, just brought him in for another kiss and grabbed a handful of his ass to push him further inside you. He chuckled at that and took the hint.
He was going the hardest he had so far and you were holding on for dear life and loving every minute of it. His panting breaths were heavy in your ears and you reached down to toy with your clit so you’d cum together. His thrusts were getting a little sloppier and your hand moved faster, quickly approaching both your peaks. He let out an almost pornographic moan as he came, He fucked you through his orgasm and not a moment later you came for a second time. Your bodies melded together as you rode out the last waves of each other’s orgasms.
Finally Bucky stopped and held himself with one hand, trying to catch his breath. You were slightly dazed, trying to compute how your night had ended up like this. Bucky rolled over onto the bed and you felt the mess between your thighs. You looked over to him with a hazy smile.
“So, I know we’re doin’ things a little backwards here but, maybe I could take you out some time? If you want?”
Your smile grew even wider and your heart felt so light in this moment.
“I’d like that”
You didn’t know what tomorrow would hold or how to even begin cleaning up the mess with your family. You’d deal with it all in the morning, for now you’d just bask in the afterglow with your fake boyfriend and be grateful for chance meetings.
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blanket-hole · 4 years
Im calling this the faberry files cos I feel like a spy when I'm really just very gay
This is just basically timestamps of every faberry moment I could find as I was rewatching season 1-3. I don't know if anyone wants to see it but I just put it here cos why not. I wasn't really planning on posting it but here we are so it features my gay ass commentary. Anyway there u go.
gay ass looks-
-1x04- so far I’ve seen a gay ass look Quinn gives Rachel at 35:36
-1x05-39:50-not that gay but a little bit, also long
-1x09-43:02 she looks so adoring
-1x10-during endless love
-1x11-9:37 voiceover is mean but just look at those eyes and tell me I’m wrong,34:00 she literally looks so adoringly I can’t
-1x12-10:41 pretends not to see her only to look straight (or not) at her
-1x15-35:02 they’re even talking about love at the time and sitting weirdly close for enemies
-1x20-43:06 I can’t really see where she’s looking under those long ass lashes but I think when Rachel does that little giggle she stares at her while smiling, might just be Faberry goggles tho
-1x22-9:05 I think thats like the cutest smile my little gay heart, 14:23 Quinn is fully checking her out rn like not even subtle they’re on stage
-2x04 16:12, 41:48 at Rachel singing
-2x07-23:19 that could in no way be regarded as a platonic look of enjoying the song, especially since its just started 
-2x09- 43:04 part of dog days but its just so cute them holding hands also weird since they are still meant to hate each other lol
-2x10-6:03 this could just be my Faberry goggles but im counting it :D, 31:20 staring at Rachel while she looks sad
-2x11-11:04 could be at puck but she was looking at Rachel before when they were further apart so imma take the w also Diana looks really cute in this bit
-2x16- 4:27 is being kinda mean but also the way she looks at her <3<3<3 :DD also 5:21 if u don’t want to wait through a bit of a scene and the look then is suuuuper gay, 43:17 she looks so proud of her girlfriend :DDDDD
-2x18-52:49 she looks like such a proud girlfriend in this bit
-2x21-1:29 its only a quick look from Quinn tho
-3x06-28:26 Quinn gives Rachel the GAYEST lingering look at the end of the song (unless my eyes deceive me but I don’t think they do cos I’ve checked like 3 times :DDD)
-3x07- 25:00 this is possible the outright gayest look from Quinn ive ever seen, its during one of the songs but I had to put it in
-3x08- 41:10 the look of joy on Quinns face when Rachel touches her shoulder is just pure gay energy
-3x14- 17:27 ‘for the rest of my life’ looks at Quinn, ffs just get married already, 24:07 she literally bites her lip like wth how is this not canon
-3x19- 39:08 kind of but Quinn looks really happy when he says Rachel Berryand its so cute
Scenes together-
-before I had this idea- the “eavesdrop much” talk, and a couple of other things e.g. the ru Paul scene and the sweetie scene. 
-1x05-41:59 during somebody to love weird foot tap thing
-1x06- 18:34 gay ass looks as well, 22:58
-1x07-21:45, 28:53 (the you obviously have a lot you need to express scene), 32:07 they just get wierdly closer for no reason
-1x09-26:09 not much but still
-1x13-3:06, 11:01
-1x15-34:18 sitting really close together next to each other when they’re meant to not like each other?
-1x20-5:42 they also sit really close and a bit of gay staring
-2x02 35:40 (on left of stage next to mike) they’re seen really close and talking, 38:55 standing unreasonably close and also in weird positions for a conversation, 31:28 Quinn looks really sad when Rachel sings to Finn (could also be a Fuinn thing tho so idk)
-2x04 28:11
-2x13- 30:51
-2x14-8:19 its shortcut the level of gay panic on Quinns face is enough for its own spot
-2x15-0:03 how closeted is it to be the only two in the celibacy club fighting over a guy that neither of them want or need lmao I just think its really funny
-2x16-9:31 the level of gay panic on racehls face when she says she’s right is just a mood, 22:27 I think this is  a scene about miscommunication and Quinn blatantly states that she thinks Rachel is much better than Finn and that she believes in her I have a lot of feelings about this scene but ill leave it at that
-2x18-2:38 not much tho, 10:53 they’re being civil and touchy feely also leads into pretty/unpretty, 21:50 when it pans to Quinn it makes it seem like it would be a Fuinn jealousy scene but she doesn’t look jealous at all just a bit sad i think she possibly is worried about Rachel and while she understands (which is why she’s helping) she wants her to feel beautiful in her own skin sorry if I read a bit too far in lol
-2x20-29:42, 33:12, 35:30 I love how finn last episode said Quinn was so closed off with her feelings and then this scene like maybe she can be herself around Rachel idk
-3x01-10:57 Skank Quinn fully checks Rachel out as she’s leaving in this scene also right after a scene where she said she’s not interested in the boys
-3x05-22:55 talking about finchel tho
-3x08-0:00, 21:54, 37:48
-3x11-14:28,20:00 is also a gay ass look but shes talking to Rachel so I put it here
-3x12-13:09 she only taps Rachel tho
-3x13-15:43 Quinn is acting like the stereotypical ‘gentleman’ and its very Faberry canon esque, to put it the best can
-3x14-34:28 this scene I just can’t the way Quinn lights up when she see her and her voice softens a bit and what she said this is the gayest scene no-one can explain it it a hetero way just ahh
-3x15-10:28 they’re holding hands :DD
-3x22-23:12 those tickets cost so much money I swear they should have been way better friends after high school pft, 40:15 Quinn looks so proud of her girlfriend
Possible scenes, could be just drama-
-1x09-29:27 could be at Rachel
-2x10-12:40 kind of about being sad about Finn but could be jealousy?
-2x16- 34:47 could be about Faberry but is framed as finchel or fuinn
-2x17- 37:28 probably just finchel drama but still Faberry jealousy
-2x18-17:16 they say how they’re ‘fighting about Rachel again’ and Im putting it in idc about finchel :DD
-2x19- 23:19 more about Fuinn like always in this category but Faberry jealousy
-2x22-2:27, 3:29, 8:25 finchel/fuinn/faberry jealousy
Sitting really close when they’re meant to not like each other-
-1x20-19:16 in the scene Quinn kinda checks her out but then they stand really close so I put it here
-2x02 23:24 sits really close to Rachel when she dresses in her Britney Spears costume and in the scene Quinn looks like she’s purposefully trying not to look at her and at 29:20 Quinn chose to sit right behind Rachel again, 39:52 seen sitting right behind her again
-2x10- 35:03 standing really close when it would make a difference if Quinn stood anywhere else (e.g. next to her friends or boyfriend) I just think its weird lol
-2x15- 6:28 (before Quinn starts plotting against Rachel, they’re in celibacy club together but all they do is argue so its still a bit weird)
-3x07- 4:54
I dont know where to put this-
-2x17- 35:10 they kinda just look a bit nervous and small interaction I just wanted to add this because I thought it was cute the way they moved around each other idk
-2x20- 14:46 Rachel knows Quinns eyes so well she knows the flower and colour of the ribbon (also gardenias are for secret love which it would surprise me if Rachel already knew)
-3x04-20:26 Rachel isn’t sitting near her boyfriend or anyone she’s even really friends with its a bit weird that shed be sitting in the corner right next to Quinn away from the other chairs
Songs- Ive probably missed a bunch of these but I tried lmao-
-somebody to love
-ride with me
-no air
-keep holding on
-bust a move
-proud Mary
-crazy in love
-imagine- there is a gay ass look
-you can’t always get what you want
-dont rain on my parade
-my life would suck without you
-gives u hell
-hello goodbye
-like a prayer
-home(kind of)
-give up the funk
-any way you want it
-dont stop delieving 
-Empire State of mind
-ice ice baby
-damn it Janet
-time warp
-sweet transvestite
-start me up/living on a prayer
-hot patootie
-forget you
-umbrella/singin in the rain
-I think I wanna marry you
-just the way you are
-ive had the time of my life
-the Dog days are over
-the most wonderful day of the year
-welcome Christmas
-heads will roll/thriller
-fat bottomed girls
-blame it on the alcohol
-tik tok
-do you wanna touch
-afternoon delight
-get it right
-loser like me
-born this way
-pure imagination
-New York New York
-Fix you
-last Friday night
-hit me with your best shot/one way or another
-I cant go for that/ you make my dreams
-I kissed a girl
-feed the world
-summer nights
-we found love
-gotta be starting something
-Im sexy and I know it
-stereo hearts (not technicaly but a lot of Faberry so I’m putting it in)
-fly/I believe I can fly
-heres to us
-its not right but its okay
-its all coming back to me now
-paradise by the dashboard light
-we are the champions
-tongue tied
-you get what you give
42 notes · View notes
oh-theatre · 5 years
Sycamore High: There are Things... (Chapter 33)
A/N: Hey write other characters, ok but consider I write Ted and Tommy, fair enough. ALSO, YES IM SETTING UP A SEQUEL IT WILL TAKE PLACE DURING THEIR SENIOR YEAR... that just means we won't be seeing them do Starship, but it will be mentioned
summary: Tommy's parents are home...
words: 4,459
warnings: homophobia, swearing, kissing, negative thoughts, mentions of death, crying,
Ao3 Link
“What?!” The class cried in unison. Chad held up his hands defensively, shushing them.
“They can't just cancel the musicals!” Ted called, Chad eyed him, he sank back into the chair feeling the heat rise in his face. Paul giggled patting his shoulder.
“They aren't...canceling them perse” Chad explains, “they are just spreading them out between the next two years. So...we will do Starship next year and Falsettos the year after that” He informs, the class groans once more. “Sorry guys” He finished just as the bell rings. “Don't forget the musical ends soon so if you haven't seen it!” He shouts. Ted waves goodbye before leaning into Paul.
“I haven't seen the musical, we should go see it” He whispers, Pauls smirks before nodding “I heard the lead sucks” Charlotte swats his arm glaring.
“I heard that the one guy who plays his brother is awful!” Emma mimics Charlotte's actions, dummies. “But yes we should see it, when are you free?” Paul says pulling out his phone, he opens his calendar. Emma rolls her eyes, Bill starts walking faster now.
“Oh, not until next month, you?” Ted responds as they make their way into the halls. Paul checks his calendar once more ignoring the groans coming from the girls.
“Shame, me too” Paul shrugs “Well squiddy doo! Guess we won't be seeing the musical”
“Indubiously” Ted replies, Bill turns eyeing him. He grins wildly at his smaller friend, a look of pride. Bill purses his lips, afraid his answer won't satisfy.
“Nope, still not the correct usage” Bill responds, Ted snaps his fingers before sighing. “You'll get it one day” Bill assures, Ted fakes a sullen look before laughing. “Anyway, can you believe it's closing soon? And then its winter break” Bill exclaims. They sit at their lunch table, Tommy joins soon after, receiving a quick kiss from Ted.
“I know!” Tommy smiles, he opens his lunch munching down quite quickly “I'm excited for Christmas! And snow! And cookies! And presents!” Ted laughs, Bill nods, Tommy smiles at the rest of the group.
“We don't celebrate Christmas but I am excited for snow” Bill adds, Tommy smiles politely, he covers his mouth speaking through his food.
“Do you celebrate anything?” He shakes his head “Sorry that sounded rude-
“No you're fine, it's a fair question,” Bill interjects, Ted and Paul listen as they eat their own food. “I don't, my dad and I just enjoy the time off” Tommy smiles, clearly content with the answer. He turns to Emma who raises an eyebrow before sighing.
“Christmas T” Emma says, she smiles at him. She can’t be annoyed, not at his sweet curious face. He giggles before turning to Paul, he thinks for a moment.
“Same” He responds, Tommy looks expectantly to Charlotte, she smiles. He might know a lot about each of his friends, but there's still more he can learn.
“I don't celebrate anything either but me and my mom have our own holiday! We just bake and make crafts” Charlotte explains, Emma nods. Tommy squeals, he looks to Ted finally who shies away from answering. Tommy kept staring, Ted slumps his shoulders pouting.
“I don't know,” he admitted, Tommy softened, he slid his hand into Teds under the table “I would usually hang out at Paul or Bills, my parents never did anything. I think I'm supposed to celebrate Christmas, but I don't know what my dads are going to do” He finishes, Tommy squeezes his hand reassuringly, he felt a sense of pride at the ease of the word ‘dads’ sliding so easily off his boyfriend's tongue. “No, it's ok” Ted glances over at Paul and Bill “I have a lot of fond memories with these two losers” They chuckled. Tommy buzzed kissing him softly on the cheek. He felt a light buzz in his pocket, excusing himself from the group.
Mama: Tommy, we are returning home tonight. We hope to see you readily dressed, homework complete and ready for dinner.
Tommy bounced, his parents were coming home. And they wanted to have dinner out with him! He glanced back at the group, his eyes landing on Ted. Should he invite Ted? His Grammy would be there, it wouldn't be so bad...would it? Maybe they could see his play!
Tommy: Grammy and I will be ready! Could I invite a friend?
Though he hated writing it like such, but over text was really not how he’d like to reveal anything.
Mama: I suppose so, I have a meeting, do not text me anymore.
Love you too Mom, He sighed, he shoved the phone back into his pocket, making his way back to the group. Ted smiled at him, he took this as an invitation to lean on Ted's shoulder, Ted did not mind.
“You alright gumdrop?” Ted whispers into Tommy's hair. Tommy feels a chill run down his spine, he nods.
“Wanna have dinner with me tonight?” Tommy asks, Ted furrows his brows “Its with my parents and Grammy” He informs, Ted sucks in a sharp breath.
“Your parents…?” Ted cautions, from what he knew and heard they were not Ted's favorite people at the moment. But...who doesn't like Raina Sweet? Tommy nods, yawning suddenly. “Alright, but only because I like your grandma” Tommy sat up slapping Ted's arm playfully
“Hey! What about me?” He pouts. Ted strokes his chin for a moment, before shrugging.
“What about you?” He teases, Tommy gasped, he leans in kissing Ted.
“How dare you” He whispers up against his lips. Ted kisses back but pulls away soon after much to Tommy's disappointment, he looks to his food. Examining the remains of the packed lunch his fathers had packed for him. An apple, some veggie chips, and a salad. An idea lit up in Ted's mind and he turned back to Tommy, inspiration glazing his eyes.
“Really? Right in front of my salad?” He whines, Tommy laughs. They pull away as Ted rejoins the conversation picking at his last bits of food. Dinner, with my parents, and grandma, He looks over at Ted smiling and laughing along with the group, and my boyfriend. And it's going to be Christmas soon!
“I don't know” Tommy admits, Paul and Bill share a glance.
“Well it has to be a surprise,” Paul says, Bill nods. Tommy goes to speak but they are on a roll now. “Ice cream cake”
“Salty foods, lots of chips” Bill adds, Paul snaps his fingers. Tommy backs further into the corner. “Karaoke maybe? Or bowling” Bill wonders
“Maybe we c-”
“There has to be some kind of live music” Paul notes, Tommy huddles further. He doesn't like being interrupted but he hates confrontation. And honestly? He felt a little out of his league, the pair continued to spout ideas off of each other. They were aware that Tommy was there, but they weren't talking at or with him. The ideas piled on, one after another. Color schemes, foods, things that had worked in the past. Tommy felt overwhelmed, he barely understood most of their suggestions in context. His neck hurt from furiously trying to keep up until finally, he couldn't take the incessant back and forth.
“Stop! If you two are so adamant about what ted wants” he glares at them, it's their turn to remain silent, to watch the be-speckled boy fearful “Then you plan his birthday party!” his voice hitches, he feels heat rise throughout him, as his eyes threaten soft tears. “Because clearly, I don't know anything.” They stare, eyes softening “Excuse me” he mumbles, pushing past them, disappearing back into the halls. Paul and Bill watch him go before turning to each other
“I think that went pretty well” Paul chirped, Bill thought for a moment but ultimately agreed. “I was thinking, a night out bowling, but we rent out the entire place” Paul suggests, Bill lights up.
“That’s wonderful! The entire cast can be there, except Sam probably” Bill decides, Paul nods eyes wide. They continue talking down the hall suggesting idea after idea.
“And then he just gave us total control!” Paul chimes, Emma stops as they walk home. Bill and Charlotte following behind. Much to Paul’s disappointment, Emma let’s go of his hand, Charlotte joins her. “What..?”
“You guys! That was not nice” she chides, they share a confused glance, Charlotte folds her arms “You have to include him”
“But he let us, he told us that we could do it” Paul argues, Emma sighs rubbing the beige of her nose. Bill, though being incredibly smart, was being incredibly clueless.
“Yeah, and we know what to do. We’ve been planning each other’s parties for years” Bill adds, Emma understood this. Charlotte and she had always done the same, but things change.
“So I’m not allowed to help Bill and Ted plan your birthday?” She asks, Paul furrows his brows confused once more. “Look, I know that it’s always been the three amigos but things change. You have to accept that Tommy is a big part of Ted’s life now.” She pokes Paul’s chest “You have to include him because he might not know small things here and there, but neither do I! There’s loads I still don’t know about you, Matthews. But Ted loves Tommy, vice versa, and he should be apart of the process” Emma explains, Charlotte's nods approvingly. “Plus this way he gets to learn more about Ted, and isn’t that a fun idea. It sounds stupid but I would give anything to spend two hours with Bill and Ted and learn more about you from and friends perspective” Bill sighs, he has a lot he would say.
“You make some excellent points” Paul notes, he extends his hand out to her, she hesitates before taking it. “kiss?” He asks softly
“Only if you call Tommy and apologize,” Emma says, she perks up “You can call him when we get to my house,” Paul nods. The group was spending the evening at Emma’s for studying, but also just to be there. Charlotte and Paul wouldn’t tell them why, but she needed people right now. ”Or since he’s coming over you can tell him in person, either one, no kisses until you do” she decides, Bill and Charlotte chuckle behind them as Paul pouts. “Come on, it's getting cold and I'm not wearing the right clothes for that” She drags him along, followed briskly by Bill and Charlotte. The walk isn't too long and they reach Emma’s house quickly. She opens the door calling out for her mother or father, none of which reply.
“House to yourself?” Charlotte inquires, placing the jackets neatly on the rack. She had been here many a time, it was practically her second home. Emma nods turning on the lights “Do we wanna set up here, or up in your room?” Charlotte asks, putting her bag down. Emma looks around deciding her room might be too cramped.
“Here is fine” So they gather around the coffee table setting up on the couches, floor, and chairs. Emma grabs some chips and cut up fruit and brings it. She grabs everyone a drink before taking her place on the couch, next to Bill. “Hey B, what time do the terrible T’s get here?” Emma asks, Charlotte smiles, Paul snickers. Bill puts down the notebook he was working on checking his watch.
“Should be here soon” He responds “Slight traffic, oh! And they have to leave early, dinner with Tommy's parents or something” Bil adds, Paul, nods curious. Emma scrunches her eyebrows, pursing her lips. She doesn't want to say anything but alas.
“Tommy's parents? As in the parents who didn't come to the play? As in the ones who, from what Ted has told us, isn't Tommys biggest supporter?”
“Those are the ones!” Ted swings the door open followed by a shy Tommy. He throws his bag down joining the group, Charlotte gives him a small wave. Emma darts her eyes away from Tommy, feeling her face heat up. Ted sits on the floor next to Paul, setting his things up on the coffee table. Tommy joins soon after, sitting politely in the chair behind him. “What are we studying?” Ted asks, Paul shows him the notebook and they continue on their own. Emma glances at Tommy. He sits tensely in the chair, staring the ground.
“I didn't mean anything, Tommy...I'm sorry” She mumbles, Tommy perks up, a smile crossing his face.
“Oh don't worry! I understand they aren't that bad though” He explains, Emma smiles before nodding. They return to their work a group conversation beginning, Tommy kicks Ted softly getting his attention. Ted turns looking up.
“Yes?” He asks forcing  smile, Tommy giggles back.
“Whatcha working on?” Ted looks back at his work showing him the notebook. Tommy nods writing something down “Ok when you're done with that, want to work on our ceramics project?” Ted nods turning back to his work. Charlotte and Tommy start-up an enthusiastic conversation, Emma focuses on Paul now. She follows Tommy's lead, balling up a small piece of paper aiming for him. He jumps, confusion riddling his face, he looks towards Emma. She gestures her head towards Tommy, he sighs mouthing the word ‘now?’. Emma nods, he grumbles.
“Heeeeeey Tommy” Paul starts, everyone pauses looking at him. That doesn't make his task any easier “I was wondering If I could talk to you…in private?” His voice is slow and forced. Ted glances between them before smirking.
“Please don't make out with my boyfriend Paul, I really like him” Ted mocks, Emma and Charlotte laugh. Tommy flicks the back of his head, as Paul flushes bright red.
“Yeah, Paul don’t do that, I like you too, it’d be a shame to have to find another boyfriend” Emma comments barely looking up from her paper. Paul groans, Emma and Ted share an air high five.
“Why do you assume I want to make out with him? What if he wants to make out with me?” Paul asks defensively, Ted purses his lips, but it doesn't help. The group erupts into laughter, knocking over supplies and school stuff.
“You're a riot Paul” Ted recovers shaking his head. He continues writing in his notebook, looking over his material. Paul pleads at Tommy who nods resolved, he leans forward kissing Ted on the forehead before following Paul out of the room. After a swift kick from Charlotte, Bill bounces up following them. Ted eyes the girls, who just smile. “Um...ok?” He says, he looks between them but nothing comes of it. The three of them continue working, Ted occasionally glances up at where the three boys had gone. After a while they return, their faces unreadable.
“Wow you were not wrong, Tommy is a good kisser” Paul teases, taking his place next to Ted. He clutches his pencil tightly, glaring at his friend. Emma snickers, but a pit of fear does form in the very bottom of her stomach.
“Not funneh!” He mocks, Paul smirks. Tommy and Bill roll their eyes returning to their own work. Emma and Paul have one of their famous telekinetic conversations.
“How did it go?” Emma asks raising her brows at him
“Mac and Cheese” He smiles back. Emma groans, ok so not so famous. The group continues working, trading works, grouping up, getting slightly off-topic sometimes. It started getting dark and the energy of the room had slowed, Charlotte had finished most of her work and was helping Paul. Bill and Emma were working on their Health homework. Tommy was doing his best to help a very tired Ted with his own homework. The doorbell rang causing them to jump. Tommy begins packing up his stuff, Ted follows.
“That would be us” Ted informs, He zips up his bag standing. “Dad is picking us up and dropping us off at the restaurant..” Tommy nods. Charlotte gives them both quick hugs, and after a chorus of farewells, the pair leaves. The rest of the night goes smoothly, with everyone leaving one by one. Bill goes first, promptly followed by Paul and finally Charlotte.
“Is it hot in here, am I sweating? Feel my forehead” Ted rushes shoving his hot face into Tommy's eyesight. Tommy chuckles pushing him back slightly. He frantically wipes his head, watching droplets of sweat flying through the car. Tommy shoves down a gag, before taking his admittedly sweaty hands.
“Dearest, I am not feeling your head,” He tells him, Ted nods.
“Fair enough,” He says understandably. Tommy smiles, squeezing his boyfriends hands gently.
“You'll be ok, they're not that mean” Tommy reassures, the car stops. Tommy looks to the front seat, Chad smiles politely waving goodbye as the boys get out of the car. Tommy forgot how extravagant his parents could be. The restaurant looked like a palace from the outside, shining with life, music flooding through the doors. A red carpet placed neatly in front of the main entrance, two guards stood on either the golden cord. Ted took Tommy's hand, leading him up to them. Once they assured them they had reservations they walked in, if you thought the outside was beautiful. Tommy could see Ted's jaw drop as they stepped into the ballroom. High ceilings decorated with various religious paintings, chandeliers hung from everywhere they could fit. Tables were placed neatly around, people buzzing with life in the golden room. The carpet was soft, detailed with small flowers. Waiters dances left and right serving everyone, people laughed and cheered. Tommy sighed, grabbing Ted's hand leading him over to where his parents were. Ted marveled as Tommy dragged him along, his eyes glazing over with every new detail he noticed.
“Tommy dear!” Raina squealed standing from her chair embracing the young boy. Ted returned his attention to the situation. Raina hugged him as well before taking her seat. Tommy's parents didn't stand, in fact, they made no notice of him until he sat down and they looked up from their phones.
“Oh, I thought you were the waiter, hello son” Tommy's father greeted, he shut off his phone pacing it delicately on the desk. Ted sat in the middle of Raina and Tommy, he felt Tommy grab his hand hidden under the table. He looked up to find Tommy forcing a polite smile, he sighed sadly, tonight was going to be rough. Who Ted presumed was Tommy's mother looked up, following her husband's example. Tommy smiled at them.
“You look ridiculous, stop slouching and adjust your glasses” His mother commented, Tommy did just that, his smile disappearing. Ted squeezed harder, releasing after receiving a quick pained glance from Tommy. He didn't mean to, but everything coming out of their mouths was not helping Ted's previous judgments about them. Raina cleared her throat, smiling sweetly at Ted. “Who is this?” His mother asked, eyeing Ted finally. His father did the same, Ted squirmed in his chair as their intent eyes examined him. Tommy began picking at his chair, avoiding their gaze. Ted took a breath before sitting up.
“I'm his friend” He stated, Tommy looked down ashamed. “Ted Hidgens” he introduced, reaching his hand across the table. Tommy's mother shook it, followed by his father. Their expressions remained the same.
“I'm Teagen and this is Tommy's father Eric” His mother greeted, he nodded giving a polite smile. Maybe I'm making progress…
“Oh Teagan dear, Tommy was just wonderful in the show” Raina burts, Teagan looked to her mother, her face questionable. “Oh and Ted here is in it too! They were both wonderful, they still have a few shows left you should go seem them” She suggested, the boys look gratefully at her. Teagan shook her head.
“I already told you and Tommy that I wasn't available” Eric nodded, looking over his menu. “How is school going?” She asked turning back towards Tommy. He swallowed, looking up slightly. His mouth moved, as he went over his grades and classes in his head.
“I have all A’s in my studies” He informed, hoping his answer proved satisfactory. Ted smiled at him, he felt a sense of pride wash over him, Tommy was really smart. Eric let out a small breath, Ted waited for their congratulations or celebration but they simply sat. Tommy himself looked almost hopeful, but he knew better.
“No girlfriend yet?” Eric moved on, Ted blinked wondering if he really just heard that. Tommy slumped, the wishfulness draining out of him. His father looked up and gestured “What? Am I not allowed to ask? We were hoping you would bring your girlfriend tonight…” He looked over at Ted “Not some friend”. Tommy swore he could feel himself shrink. Ted was fuming now, he grabbed onto the menu hoping for a distraction.
“Dad, I've told you a million times” Tommy began, his words were tired “I dont...like girls in that way” He glanced awkwardly at Ted. Ted gave him a loving smile from behind the menu, if that's what the night needed to be successful, hidden glances and stolen smiles, then so be it. Teagan scoffed, sipping her water. Ted looked over at Raina who might be fuming harder then he was.
“So Ted, what about you?” Eric asked he lowered his menu folding his arms out in front of him. Ted folded his own menu, staring awkwardly at him. “How is your school life? Any girlfriends?”
“Uh...I'm doing ok…” He admitted, he wasn't the best student but he managed “An A, mostly B’s, maybe one C” He recounted, Teagan set her cup down looking as though she had seen a ghost. Eric shook his head, biting his lips. He carried on, he had a lot to say, Tommy waited. No sir, I have no girlfriends…” I mean, I'm not lying. Ted wished he had bitten his tongue, just stopped talking, but alas the boy was stubborn all the same. “I do have a boyfriend though” Tommy's eyes grew wide, Eric choked back his drink.
“What kind of parents let you fail so miserably,” Eric asked, his question wasn't malicious (In that sense, it was absolutely cruel) But it was a genuine question. Ted tried his hardest not to yell, Tommy met his hand once more under the table rubbing his comfortingly. “Your mother is clearly a failure, and your father is clearly not strict enough” He was plenty strict, Ted thought. Tommy let out a soft gasp.
“Dad stop!” He whispered over the table. Eric shrugged, but he wasn't done. Though afraid by Ted's revelation, and relieved he hadn't mentioned Tommy's name, he wasn't going to play along.  
“I guess your parents just let you do whatever you want huh? Your mom buys you ice cream’ Stop “Gives you hugs whenever you do something even slightly right” Stop...Ted kept his eyes fixated on Eric, Tommy looked fearful “Does she hold you when you're sad?” Ted shut his eyes, Eric chuckled clearly victorious. “What a failure of a mother” Teagan nodded in agreement.
“Stop it!” Tommy burst, Ted looked up at him. “You are monsters!” His voice was still quiet but he was angry, Ted felt Raina put a comforting arm around him. “Ted's mother died! And she was a wonderful woman, who supported her son no matter what!” Eric and Teagan watched him horrified “And you knew this because I told you but because you refuse to listen to a word that comes out of my mouth…” He trails off, small tears fall from his face. Ted takes his hand squeezing it, Tommy nods gratefully, and so so sorry. “And Ted is wonderful, he's being raised by two amazing men-” Teagan gasps slightly as if the information could kill her. “That's right mom, surprise two men can be a relationship! Oh but you know what, maybe you were right” He says pondering mockingly, he feels overwhelmed by everything crashing down on him, Ted watches fearfully. “I mean maybe parents who are gay will turn their kids gay” Ted couldn't help but snicker, he clasps a hand over his mouth knowing exactly where this was going. “Ted's bisexual mom! Oh and fun fact, I'm the boyfriend, ooo! Plot twist” Teagans eyes grew wide, her face reaching a new level of pale, as though she might faint “Or maybe your wrong because I like boys mom and you aren't gay are you? So if anyone has failed as parents here it's you two” he accuses, Eric's eyes release an uncontrollable amount of fury. Raina claps her hands together smiling proudly at her grandson.
Or at least that's what Tommy wishes he would have said. But instead he watched as Ted suffered silently, too scared to move and all he did was hold his hand.
“Guys, can we stop please?” He asked softly, Ted remained still, it hurt Tommy the most. He wasn't expecting Tommy to say anything or do anything. Ted was willing to sit there and be torn apart, bit by bit, in the hopes of preserving any slimmer of a relationship between Tommy and his parents. And Tommy was letting him, all he did was cowardly ask them to stop.
“You will absolutely stop” Raina seethed, the group turned to her, she had her eyes fixated on Eric and Teage, a fit of familiar anger burning through her. “You haven't seen your son in months, you don't see his show, you don't recognize his intelligence, you tear down his lovely friend, insulting his mother who has passed away and has the nerve to insult him without giving him a chance to respond?” Ted feels his stomach seize as the parents look at him. He thinks he almost sees them soften. “I have had it, you will either learn to behave like proper adults and parents or I am walking out of this restaurant, taking these two with me and we will get some ice cream” She proposes, Tommy and Ted hope she can their grateful looks. Teagan and Eric stay silent, shocked by her outburst but too stubborn to even try.
“Fine take them, what do I care?” Teagan waved them off.
“Yes, I don't think I want to eat dinner with…” He eyed Ted, as though he were an infectious disease “That” That was correct, Tommy had enough. He slammed down his menu standing up, Raina followed, Ted did the same. They began to make their way out but Tommy couldn't do it, not yet. He walked back over, looked at his parents in their eyes.
“Teds my boyfriend,” He told them, he turned without giving them a chance to respond. Proudly taking Ted's hand, they walked out of the restaurant. Instantly, regret and shame and fear-filled Tommy.
What have I done?
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honeyparker · 6 years
happy halloween — p.p.
summary: for as long as you’ve known peter parker, he’s loved halloween
a/n: IM RUNNING OUT OF GIFS!!! also this is a request uwu thank you
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For as long as you’ve known Peter Parker, he’s loved Halloween.
Not just the day of, no, but the whole season—the pumpkin patches, the movies, and activities, and yes—the day of. But you’ve never really been with Peter on the day of, only having meet him in January of this year and only having started dating in June. You’ve never experienced a true Parker Halloween Season.
Ned swears it’s the best thing in the world—that Halloween with Peter is always his favorite thing, always what he’s looking forward to. May says the same, although you assume she may have a small bit of bias, being his legal guardian and all. You don’t mind.
“Peter, I’m not really a fan of haunted houses...” you trail off, glancing at the big tent, stretched out for half a mile in front of you.
He grabs your hand. “Me neither.”
“Well, I like them. A lot. But I’m scared of them, ya know?” explains Peter, grabbing your hand and standing in line.
It’s quite eerie. There’s a man with a chain saw standing out front, bloody face dripping onto torn, black shoes. He’s backed by the screams inside the haunted house, those of both the actors and current victims. You’re not quite sure you want to go in, but soon you’re at the front of the line, Peter handing the creepy-chainsaw-man your tickets, and walking in the entrance.
You grip Peter’s upper arm as hard as you can, not noticing the smile that lights up his face in the dark. You don’t notice the look of adoration he sees you with, and you don’t see the pink color lapping itself over his cheeks.
“It’s alright, babe,” Peter whispers, gently pulling you closer. “Nothing’s gonna hurt you.”
“Uh huh,” you mutter, completely unconvinced. “Uh huh.” And he laughs.
“Seriously, I really don’t think this is that bad. It’s not like— AH!” He’s interrupted by a demon-like figure, who puts his untamed claws on Peter’s shoulder.
“Not that bad?” you tease, turning a corner of the house that leads to what seems to be a butchery—a human one, at that.
You shut your eyes tight. “Nope. Not happening. Abso-freaking-lutely not. Nuh uh. In your dreams, Parker.”
The two of you keep walking for a moment, somewhat horrified and somewhat excited. It’s always been hard to tell with Peter.
“You can open your eyes, sweetheart,” Peter reassures, prying your hands from your eyes. “We’re our of the butchery. Into a winter wonderland—of horror.”
Opening your eyes slowly, you notice that your boyfriend has lied, and you are, in fact, still in the human butchery. “Peter, you ass!” You slap his arm, before yanking it back towards you and grabbing it rather tightly once again. “I’m traumatized. I’m sending you my therapy bill. That—that’s happen— holy freaking shit I’m going to slap the next person, demon, whatever that scares me!”
“Sorry, she’s— she’s never done this before,” he mutters to the girl dressed as a bloody ragdoll. “It’s her first time.”
You’re more angry than scared. Angry with yourself for agreeing to go to this stupid horror fest with Peter, angry with yourself for not being braver, for being scared. Angry with yourself for it all.
And terrified. You know these people are only actors, only doing this for fun or a quick buck—maybe both. You know they’d never hurt you, or Peter, or anyone else in the haunted house. It’s all just for fun. But for some reason, it haunts you and it hurts you and you just want to leave.
The two of you go through the next, and last, couple of rooms; your eyes are still shut and your arm grips Peter’s.
“That was...” your words die on your tongue as your eyes meet the sun. “Icky?”
“I’m sorry,” he opens the car door, getting in on the other side. “I feel bad.”
“No, no, no, don’t,” you put your hand on his. “You liked it. So I did.”
“You hates it,” deadpans Peter.
You nod. “Yes I did.”
The two of you end up at a little ice-cream shop, adorned with fake webs and little chocolate coffins for the holiday. It seems they’ve changed all their flavors to Halloween names—Jack-O-Lantern Jelly, Scary Cinnamon Spice: the works. The two of you sit at a small table, hands a little tangled in the fake spider-webs but enjoying it nonetheless.
“I’m sorry you didn’t have fun,” he apologizes as you swirl your spoon in the cup of ice-cream.
You shrug. “I was with you. Which means everything to me. I’d do it again if that means I got to do it with you.”
“If I really, truly, had to. Because I love you.”
“Good, because—because I love you, too.”
“Glad to here it.” The two of you go back to your ice-cream.
It’s a peaceful walk home, deciding to walk and go pick up Peter’s car later, wanting to enjoy the crisp breeze. The two of you hold hands, swinging them back and forth between you and watching the streets.
It’s the time of year when no building looks normal. Cotton spider-webs are slung across doors—to which you give Peter a knowing nod and wink—and fake witches are hung from roofs. Plastic spiders are found in the bushes, and witches hats in the windows of stores. There’s a Spirit Halloween that’s opened, as well as a wig shop and other season stores, soon to be replaced by Christmas trinkets and trees. It brings a smile to your face just thinking about it.
“I had a really fun time today,” you say, before adding, “Except the human butchery. Never—“ you point an accusing finger. “Ever take me to another human butchery. Or else that will be the last place you go.”
Peter laughs, brown eyes twinkling in your favorite way—little eye crinkles, dimples. “Deal.”
It’s silent for a moment, until he begins to speak again. “Was that really so scary?”
“You were scared, too!”
“Pft,” he looks around. “I’m Spider-Man. I’m not scared,” whispers Peter.
“Uh huh. Okay.”
“Happy Halloween, Peter,” you squeeze his hand.
“Happy Halloween, scaredy—ouch!”
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maple-keenes · 5 years
a goddamn christmas miracle
pairing: logince, background sleepxiety
word count: 2880
trigger warnings: swearing, kissing
a/n: my contribution to the winter sanders sides bang!!! done in collaboration with @vegetarianwater  for my @sanderssidesbang
summary: don’t fall in love with your best friend. 
@analogical-chaos @romanochez @theflatpancake @ipaniceverywherenotjustthedisco @ilovemygaydad @darknightvirgil @virgiliananxiety @romanticsanders @virgilsblogofanxietys @everyday-emo-stuff @the-incedible-sulk@iassureyouicannotwrite @creativity-killed-thekitten @cowboybitch-mas @wooflesthatwoof @lyditist @heck-im-lost @max-is-tired @thesealwhodraws @ao-koshka
Roman was fucked.
Crude way to start off a story that ultimately ends in his wedding, but he was so, so fucking screwed.
Normally, Roman would have been fine spending another Christmas single and alone, but after he was forced to come out to Christian parents, they need something to prove that he really is gay.
Because he is. Right?
Unfortunately for Roman, he's single even when he is shopping in the right market. So what better idea then to just... ask a friend for help?
Logan Dalton has been his best friend since freshman year - last year, really - and Roman was desperate. Not desperate enough to actually date Logan, but desperate enough to ask him to pretend.
His parents weren't... unsupportive. They were just confused. Confused as to how they could have never noticed he wasn't straight (that was kind of on them, he had a rainbow flag on his wall), confused as to what this meant for him, besides you know, dating men and that fun stuff.
But for now, he had just barely managed to convince them he was gay by claiming he already had a boyfriend.
And who better to fake it than the one person Roman knew would never, ever, have a crush on him?
“What do you mean, ‘fake-date me’, Roman?” Logan asked quizzically.
Roman sighed. “I mean, pretend to date me so my parents think I have a boyfriend and won’t nag me about not really being gay. It’s honestly foolproof -”
“I don’t think a fool can really consider much of anything foolproof,” he muttered. Roman huffed and opened his mouth to protest, only to be cut off by Logan yet again. “But - let me finish - if it will help you feel more comfortable around your parents, I am more than happy to oblige.”
His best friend grinned. “Fantastic!” Well, new boyfriend, where shall our first date be, my dear?” he joked, looping his arm through Logan’s.
Logan glared at him, quickly disentangling himself from Roman. “I am going to Pre-Calculus. You have Advanced Choir. I’ll see you at lunch to discuss further plans.”
Roman rolled his eyes, shifting into a half smile. “Sounds wonderful. And good to know that even in a relationship, you’re still a stuck up nerd.”
He flipped Roman the bird as he walked off, though Roman was certain he was concealing a smile under all those darn textbooks. He grinned and walked in the opposite direction, happy his plan had worked out in the end.
At lunch that day, they did, in fact, make good on discussing those further plans Logan had mentioned. However, in doing so, neither thought to set an end date on their “relationship”. Perhaps it was their combined forgetfulness, but maybe it was the fact that neither boy was much interested in ending it. Whichever way, here we are (two whole years later) still pretending they’re boyfriends.
Now-seniors Roman and Logan are West Valley High School’s power couple-that-isn’t-a-couple. Brilliant Logan Dalton paired with passionate and creative Roman Arellano, both of them nothing short of gorgeous - what’s not to love?
Each other, apparently.
Both boys still claimed solely platonic feelings for each other (Logan, admittedly, falsely so - but we’ll get to that later) despite two full years of being ‘together’.
Roman smiled as he sat down next to Logan. “Hello, my darling dearest boyfriend.”
A friend of theirs, Virgil, who was sitting across from Logan, pretended to gag at the comment. “We all know you’re not dating, you don’t have to fake it around us.”
Logan scoffed. “You can deal with Roman and I keeping our cover for a few minutes. After all, we have to watch Remy attempting to stick his tongue down your throat every single damn lunch period.”
Another friend, this one the Remy in question, chuckled slightly. “They’ve got us there, Virgil.”
“You shut up.”
Remy put his hands in the air. “Logan didn’t say anything that wasn’t true! It’s always been a dream of mine to be able to get my tongue all the way down there.”
Virgil turned scarlet and shoved his boyfriend off the bench they were sharing. “I thought you were on my side, asshole!”
“I am!” he protested, picking himself back up off the ground. “Jeez, this is the thanks I get?”
Virgil turned to glare at Roman, who had collapsed into a fit of silent giggles on his side of the table. “I haven’t forgotten about you, Ro. The only reason I even care is that when you put it the way you did it, it sounds gross!”
“That’s because it is gross, Virge,” Roman said. “Besides, don’t go off on Logan and I. It’s just for cover. Still never gonna be attracted to this nerd.”
Logan rolled his eyes, apparently trying to see the back of his skull. “Though he put it rather rudely, the statement holds true for me as well.”
“You are a nerd, Lo, it’s time you accepted it…” Roman trailed off, feeling Logan’s weight shift against him as the shorter boy moved to a more comfortable position, cozying up closer to Roman. For a second, Roman felt something in his heart stir. Strange, wasn’t it?
Logan leaned his head against Roman’s shoulder as one of their other friends, Patton, arrived, starting up light conversation as they ate, mostly what classes they had and how much damn homework Palmer had assigned this week, didn’t he know they had a life? (Virgil cleverly retorted that Logan did not, in fact, have a life, to which he responded to by throwing a small piece of bread at Virgil’s head.)
After lunch, Roman was walking to his next class with an unusually quiet Patton. He glanced to his friend. “You alright, padre?”
Patton looked up at him. “You and Logan… you aren’t dating, right?”
He laughed. “God no. Why would you even suggest that? He’s my best friend pretending to be my boyfriend for the sake of my parents. You know that -”
“Roman,” Patton interrupted. “You’ve been faking it like this for two years. I think your parents get it.” He frowned. “Are you sure there’s nothing going on between you two?”
Roman scoffed. “Pat, I love you, but you’re seeing things.” He ran his fingers through his hair in apparent disbelief. “You cannot honestly think - there’s no way - you don’t really think there’s anything going on -”
Patton held up his hands. “I was only asking because I know Logan’s got a crush on you.”
“No, he doesn’t.” Roman snickered. The utter impossibility of the situation seemed too obvious for Patton to even be considering it - which is why the little voice in Roman’s head insisted that someone like Patton couldn’t be mistaken about something like this. The guy’s dad was a therapist, after all.
It was at that moment Patton had realized what he'd actually said. "Oh, shoot. I wish I hadn't told you that. I was doing so well! Three years -"
Roman’s eyes widened and he held up his hand to stop Patton, completely confused by what his friend was saying. “You need to slow down because it sounds like you just said that Logan has had a crush on me for three years.”
Patton smiled sheepishly. “Well, yeah, I did. I wasn’t supposed to.”
“But that’s impossible!”
He sighed. “Roman, I don’t know what to tell you. Talk to Logan about it, not me. I have to go to class now - see you in English?”
Roman, still dumbfounded, could do nothing but nod.
It was weeks later that Roman even remembered this conversation.
Lie. He hadn’t stopped thinking about it since Patton had accidentally revealed that Logan had a crush on him. He couldn’t. That wasn’t - that wasn’t possible.
Roman laid his head down on his desk, having stopped paying even remote attention to his anatomy teacher. His mind had been on Logan since as long as he could remember.
Wait, shit. That came off wrong. He’s not interested in Logan! It was just cause of what Patton had said.
“Roman? Roman Arellano!” his teacher’s voice called, floating over his daydreams.
Roman’s head snapped up. “Yes, Dr. Palmer?”
The anatomy teacher chuckled. “Can you tell me the answer to the question I just asked you?”
“Um…” Roman racked his brain, trying to remember anything about what his teacher had been saying.
Dr. Palmer nodded solemnly. “I’d thank you to stop daydreaming about Mr. Dalton and pay attention to my lesson, Roman,” he said, and Roman blushed as the class giggled.
Virgil was waiting outside of class when Roman finished up. “How was class?” Virgil asked, walking alongside Roman as they made their way to English with Patton.
Roman groaned. “Dr. Palmer knows too much.”
His friend laughed. “Well, duh. Have you met Mr. Palmer? I swear, I can’t believe I’m saying that a teacher could beat out my boyfriend as biggest gossip in the school, but Palmer knows everything about everyone and I assume he tells his husband it too.”
“That doesn’t - they’re married? I thought they just had the same last name.” Roman shook his head. “Never mind that. I don’t particularly like getting teased by my anatomy teacher about the boy I’m not even dating.”
Virgil sighed. “But people don’t know you’re not dating, Ro. That’s the whole damn point!”
“Well, I -” Roman ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m so tired of faking it. I hate hanging out with him and - and not being able to just kiss that damn nerd because why would I, we aren’t actually together and I hate it! I hate… I hate… I don’t even know anymore, Virge.”
Virgil stared at him. “You’re totally in love with him,” he said, laughing. “You are so, so totally in love with Logan. And here I was, believing your insistence that you would never, ever like him romantically when really you’re completely and totally in love with that guy!”
“Who’s Roman in love with?” Patton asked, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.
Roman started. “No one.”
“Logan!” Virgil responded.
Patton laughed. “That works out then, doesn’t it?”
“I am not in love with Logan. I’ve said a million times it’s just for my parents, and we’re just gonna fake it until we don’t need to anymore.” He sighed.
Virgil and Patton shared a look. “Virge, let Petersen know we’ll be inside in a couple minutes. I need to talk to Roman,” Patton said.
Roman rolled his eyes. “Patton, there’s nothing -”
“Let me talk, okay? Ro, I wish I didn’t have to do this, but kiddo. You’re clearly in love with Logan. And he likes you back! You should just talk to him, that’s really all you can do.”
“He doesn’t like me back,” he huffed.
Patton gave him a deadpan stare. “He does. And you have to talk to him about it.”
“Give it a rest, Pat! I don’t like him and he doesn’t like me. There’s nothing to talk about!”
His friend closed his eyes, seemingly frustrated with Roman. “Just… Christmas is in three weeks. Talk to him before then? Please?”
Roman and Logan did not talk. Something had… happened, between the two of them. They weren’t talking at all. Logan normally came over for dinner on Wednesdays, and he just didn’t show up. Roman’s parents were concerned as well; they loved Logan like their own son. Possibly more, because Logan didn’t scream Broadway songs at the top of his lungs at midnight.
Roman was certain that he wasn’t interested in Logan, and that Logan wasn’t into him. That wasn’t possible.
They finally ran into each other as Roman was leaving Anatomy. This was his chance - finally.
“Logan!” Roman called, his best friend turning around in the doorway.
“Oh. Yes. Hello, Roman.” Logan nodded. “Well, it was nice seeing you -”
Roman grabbed his arm and dragged him off to the side. “Why are you avoiding me? People are getting concerned. Toby asked me if we broke up. You can’t just drop off the radar like that!” He sighed. “Please, honey, talk to me.”
Logan sighed. "Roman, it's not that easy..."
"Yes it is!" he exclaimed. "You've been dodging me for three days. What did I do?"
"It's not something you did," Logan responded quietly. "It's something I did."
"Nothing you could do or have done would make me mad, Logan."
"Then fine." He sighed. “I harbor intense romantic feelings towards you, also known as a "crush", and this year, when we go to your parents for Christmas, I want to go as your boyfriend for real."
Roman tried to stutter out a response, but couldn't make anything come out. Logan... liked him? Logan, his fake boyfriend of two years, had a crush on him. For real. Roman honestly couldn't wrap his head around it. “No way.”
Logan rolled his eyes. “What do you mean, no way? I just told you, same as Patton did at the beginning of the semester. And -"
"And what?" Roman asked, still dumbfounded.
"If you still don't believe me -"
"Which I don't."
"Then I suppose I have no other choice," Logan said, standing up on the tips of his toes to kiss Roman, softly at first before the taller boy started kissing back and it turned into something more passionate, better.
Roman pulled away, eyes wide. “What the hell was that?”
Logan shrugged. “A kiss.”
“Yeah, well, I got that,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Why did you do that?”
“Because, Ro,” Logan responded, his tone softening, “I love you. I truly have been in love with you for all this time.”
Roman grabbed Logan’s shirt and pulled him close, kissing him hard on the lips. Logan ran his fingers along Roman’s shoulders, both boys so entranced with the other they didn’t notice the footsteps behind them.
“Dalton! Arellano!”
The two of them sprang apart, both looking sheepish. “Hi, Dr. Picani.”
The school’s resident Psychology teacher gave them a disapproving glare. “Making out in the hallways instead of going to class, huh? I would have expected better from you two. This is something I expect from Remy and Virgil. Heck, this is something I catch them doing all the time.”
Logan did his best to stifle a grin at that. “With all due respect, Doctor -”
“Logan, I like you, I really do. You’re one of the top students in my class. But PDA is strictly against the rules. Even with the junior prom king,” he teased. “Although since I know you two won’t be repeat offenders, I’ll let you off with a warning. Sound fair?”
“More than fair, Dr. Picani.”
Lunch that day was… awkward.
"You nearly got detention from Picani? What did you do, murder someone in the hallway?" Virgil asked.
Roman mumbled something unintelligible.
Remy raised an eyebrow. "What was that?"
"I don't wanna say."
"Say it."
"I don't want to," Roman repeated.
"Say iiiiiit."
"He caught Logan and I making out in the hallway, okay?!"
Virgil's eyes widened. "No way."
Remy laughed. “Good joke. What actually happened?”
“That’s what happened. I’m not kidding, he actually nearly gave us detention for making out instead of going to class.” Roman sighed. “So I guess we’re dating for real now, or something.”
“You sound positively giddy,” Virgil deadpanned. “Come on! You two are together now?”
“I think so?” He giggled. “I honestly can’t believe it. He’s actually my boyfriend. I don’t have to lie to my parents anymore.”
Remy looked at him with confusion. “That’s what you’re more excited about? Not having to lie to your parents? Not, you know, the amazingly handsome and smart guy that is now your boyfriend?”
“It’s an objective fact, Virgil, I’m still very much in love with you, don’t worry.” Remy kissed his boyfriend on the cheek quickly. “So? Tell us everything.”
Later after lunch, in Roman’s final class of the day before they were off on winter break, he debated taking a nap because goddamn it, an hour and a half goes by so slowly when you want it to fly by. He’d been thinking about what he was gonna do for Christmas this year, especially because… Logan.
It felt weird - a good kind of weird, but still strange - to refer to Logan as his actual boyfriend. Roman wanted to shout it from the rooftops, tell everyone - but he couldn’t, because they’d just give him a weird look and ask if they hadn’t really been dating for the past two years they claimed they had been. Because they hadn’t, but as far as everyone else knew, nothing had changed.
Also, an unfortunate side effect of their previous tirade in the hallways was that being the most popular couple in school (and telling the school’s biggest gossip) half the school was laughing about how Dalton and Arellano had been caught kissing in the hallway. A freshman boy with short blue hair had asked him how he was able to date guys ‘like that’. Roman, not one to ridicule freshman, answered honestly - he had no fucking clue.
But it was all gonna be okay. Because if Roman could get a glimpse into his future, he’d see kisses, and fights, and I love yous, and eventually, a couple rings and a pair of suits and a whole lot of Roman’s mom crying.
So that’d be okay.
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