#i swear I'll write this someday
ofstormsandfire · 3 months
yharnam archaeology??? 👀👀👀
hi I forgot that the blog I was rbing that from was a blog I followed for bloodborne stuff LMAO
okay so. this is heavily inspired by
Me being an anthropology student (who got into it because Cynthia pokemon is an archaeologist and I adore her, I took one (1) class and then got really invested, the important thing is. Archaeology go brr)
Me taking a very interesting class this semester that focuses on paleopathology, which is as my professor put it "the study of ancient suffering" but realistically is figuring out whatever you can from human remains. Whereas archaeology as a whole is about human culture from material remains, which can be actual bodies but can also be other things like pottery and building foundations.
Me teetering on the brink of being way too into Bloodborne for my own good despite not normally being much of a horror fan or a fan of particularly grimdark things. I Don't Know What's Different About Bloodborne. (it's probably that I'm a lesbian and I like lady maria, sue me)
Anyway. I got to thinking one time after class. That archaeologists would be SO FUCKING CONFUSED BY YHARNAM.
I'm tentatively placing Bloodborne as somewhere in the nineteenth century based on general vibes (according to my dad and his deep passion for weaponry of all kinds, a lot of the things in the game would have been derived later, but tbh if I lived in a place that constantly had to deal with people turning into horrifying beasts I think I'd innovate the hell out of things to get better weaponry so I didn't die too) and this theoretical au would be set in the modern day. so it's been a Hot Minute since the game ended and I think I was considering Yharnam Sunrise as the ending for. Reasons.
There's this group of researchers who end up heading to Yharnam, bankrolled by some rich heir or something who's got more money than sense (he dies or possibly turns into a beast from stupidity very early on) and possibly they're the last in a bunch of groups who went there and died because even hundreds of years after the horrors there are still So Many Ways For It To Go Badly? Undecided on that front, I'm still trying to figure out what (if anything) would actually be preserved.
Highlights of my vague plans:
The team finds Gilbert's journal. They all get really attached to Gilbert because that just kind of tends to happen. Which is unfortunate because they know damn well he probably didn't survive very long after the last page in his diary, but they didn't find a body, so...?
It takes a while for them to realize that the very canine skeletons have human DNA. At which point everyone is just. Very fucking confused. And also are realizing that maybe all those writings about the beast plague weren't actually about rabies (which does not leave a trace on the skeleton, fun fact! I wanted to do my project on rabies but I had to pick a pathology that had an effect on the skeleton. Alas)
There are so many arguments over who that grave behind the Hunter's Workshop belongs to. SO MANY. (I personally think it's very likely that is Maria's, but the team won't have any way of knowing that! If the headstone is unreadable by game times it's not gonna be any more readable centuries later!)
You determine whether something is bone by licking it. Someone finds an Amygdala skull and somehow, through the sort of stupidity that only happens in horror movies before people realize they're in horror movies, someone gets dared to lick it. This results in a very horrified Insight increase and the revelation that the weird fucking thing is made of bone. Also, that Amygdala's ghost is interested in the team now. Oops. This probably will go fine, right...?
What the FUCK are they going to think of all the statues of Great Ones. Probably (reasonably) that they are statues portraying something with great cultural significance to Yharnam, and possibly religious significance. Less reasonable is the fact that Great Ones... actually exist... and that SOMEONE is going to get enough Insight by the end to see those Amygdalas. Possibly the whole team tbh.
There is going to be so much arguing over how the fuck to cite shit. How do you cite some guy who supposedly disappeared centuries ago and is still hanging around in another dimension that you honestly aren't sure how to leave But You'll Worry About That Later, The First Hunter Is A Primary Source!!! How do you cite a ghost. How do you cite hallucinations and visions.
Possibly the Doll sneaks onto the team by pretending to be a survivor of a previous expedition, because tbh I think the Moon Presence can do what it wants and I think it would be VERY interested in these new bitches rocking up to Yharnam after a while. And, y'know, that goes fine until someone finds a picture of her. Or of Lady Maria. (Or until they reach the Abandoned Old Workshop, depending on the situation and if there's another version of said doll there to be found.)
Every. Single. Member. Of the team. Has some connection to Yharnam. Almost none of them know this originally. They will find out. Rip to Rom the Vacuous Spider's great-great-grandniece who discovers the hard way (finding Byrgenwerth's paperwork) why she was the first in her family to graduate uni, just not the first to attend it.
(Notable exception to this rule is the person who is convinced that his great-great-great-probably a few more in there-grandmother is Lady Maria. This gets very funny when the descendant of the player Hunter trips into the Hunter's Nightmare, which still exists due to said player Hunter poking their head in and wisely dipping immediately, and who manages to prevent a bossfight by blurting out "oh shit you're Jerry's great-grandma!")
(There may be lesbianisms involved. And some light necromancy. Idk I like Lady Maria a lot and I got enabled too damn much and I think it would be very funny for the group to return to civilization with an extra person. Or two.)
In summary, I have no plot (yet) apart from archaeology and being way too invested in the game, but I really want to write this someday once I actually finish said game. And also I'm having a grand old time coming up with characters to put through the Horrors. The archaeologist is named Cynthia Parker and. Well. If you remember the superhero identity of a certain character called Peter Parker, you might be able to figure out who she's distantly related to.
Other ideas include: player Hunter descendant, someone very distantly descended from a Cainhurst exile, and Jerry who is 100% certain his great-several-times-great-grandmother is Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower and is 100% wrong about that. Jerry is the single party member with no actual connection to Yharnam and we love him for it.
Thanks for the ask I'm incredibly flattered that you were intrigued enough to ask about this from my tags given that I followed you for your BB fics :>
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Need somebody to write a fic abt Mick's time in Whitehorse, would love to see Mick being treated like the kid/newbie of the band for once and not the seasoned guitarist he is.Need to see him not talk his way into the band. Wanna see him bond with Harry Clay and then end up sleeping on his floor. Wanna hear about how the second guitar player in the band knocked his lights out which started his hatred for two guitarist bands. I physically cannot live without the writing out about how the other guys in the band didn't get his dark sense of humor but loved his weird creepy ginger ass anyway.
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chipthekeeper · 8 months
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"Everyone has their own rebellion." - Vel Sartha
@andorappreciation Week, Day 1: Favorite Characters/Character Dynamics -- Aldhani rebels
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ferretwhomst · 3 days
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I got a venom like a snake running out of my mouth (Running out of my mouth, running out of my mouth!) It's got you burning at the stake Innocent or not, you're not a bet I care to take.
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tsunael · 1 month
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part. I -> II
It was that ache again. The one that tasted like salt and smoke. A longing he feared would only grow stronger with each passing year. A regret in the making.
-- Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals.
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leet911 · 2 months
Laudna says "I love you," but what she means is "don't leave me," and she means it more than ever now.
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oneday-yourside · 10 months
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Thinking about the exchange a truly unhealthy amount
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amoneki-ramblings · 5 months
do you think Kaneki might ever pray with Amon despite not being catholic himself? just sitting next to him mumbling the words as Amon says it because he likes to be with him
speaking of religion, what kind of faith do you think Kaneki would follow? I hc him as an atheist :) but I think you know more about religions than me lol
Ooooh I like that idea a lot actually I have So Many Thoughts (rubs my hands together evilly)
also this is just a sidenote but i know some people may be uncomfortable with religious discussion, so if you are lmk and i'll start tagging it :thumbsup:
I feel like Amon hasn't prayed often in a while because of his past, but he may still on occasion (habit), and may get back into it properly after actually resolving his feelings with the past. At some point Kaneki starts to join him. He doesn't really know How to pray, especially since a lot of it is in silence, he probably just kneels there and silently wishes for safety for his friends, for strength and resolve, etc. etc. But when Amon starts saying the actual prayers out loud he just sits there and listens to him quietly saying them.
At some point Kaneki might start mumbling along with them, he vaguely knows some of the prayers and has heard Amon say them enough times to kind of know them. Amon is surprised when Kaneki starts doing that and it just kind of becomes a Thing; maybe Kaneki even asks Amon to tell him how to pray the rosary since he sees him doing that often as well (when the rosary is prayed in a group there's one person leading that says the first half of most of the prayers and the rest say the other half, and I think it would be interesting with them alternating like that)
While Kaneki isn't catholic himself he finds it reassuring, while it's unlikely to him that there's someone out there that'll actually grant his prayers it's a nice thought, y'know? It's also just very relaxing there, even if it was kind of awkward at first
I think he also finds the sound of Amon praying very relaxing *cough*
I also think Kaneki would be atheist, while he wouldn't completely deny the possibility of there being a god of some sort he also isn't really a follower of any particular belief system (note: ive actually been informed that there is a better term for this, agnostic, which is essentially being neutral lol). I think Amon would know this, and therefore doesn't really know why Kaneki chooses to pray with him despite this, but he figures that Kaneki does have a lot of things he would want to pray for, things he would want to seek forgiveness for, too, and he appreciates that Kaneki is willing to spend time with him like this anyway.
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wicked-jade · 2 days
🌈 (for the wip asks)
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
I haven't actually gotten to the fluffy parts of the fics I'm currently working on, so I had to go way back in my WIP folder. This is from 'Top O' the Morning,' another Bad Luck sequel. I have a lot of it written already, but I can't start posting it until I finish 'Karate DILF.' But it's basically 100% fluff, so here's a sample:
“How did I fall in love with such a sap?” Daniel asked fondly, nuzzling his nose against Johnny’s as he peppered his face in ticklish kisses.
“I dunno,” Johnny shrugged, cradling Daniel’s face in both hands, thumbs sweeping back and forth over his cheekbones. “How the hell did I fall for an Air Supply fan?”
“C’mon, admit it. You like Air Supply. Just a little.” Daniel grinned, his dark hair flopping forward into his crinkled eyes as he leaned down for a slow, tender kiss.
“No, I don’t!” Johnny protested, his complaint muffled by Daniel’s soft lips.
“Yes, you do. Just last week I caught you singing ‘Even the Nights Are Better’ in the shower. And don’t try to deny it, or I’ll go get my phone and show you the video.”
“Because someone got it stuck in my head!” Johnny scowled, nose scrunched in irritation. “I’d rather drink green beer than listen to soft rock!”
“No, you wouldn’t,” Daniel laughed, calling his bluff.
Johnny grumbled but couldn’t in all honesty disagree. “Fine, so they have a couple of okay songs…”
If he still had any doubts left in his mind that he belonged here, in this bed, with this man, then the way Daniel was looking at him erased them completely. Because Daniel looked at him like he was something worthwhile. Held him like he was something precious, meant to be adored.
Like he was something good.
And, as the conceited bastard was forever reminding him, he was always right. So if Daniel thought he was worthy, that he was deserving of his love, then he must be, right?
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theoneandonlyespa · 6 months
Me: has plans to write a new aleheather oneshot and mapped out the way the entire story is supposed to go
Me: gets ready to start writing
Me: gets inspiration for a new aleheather multi chapter fanfic and writes over 3k words for the first chapter
Me: gets stuck in a place and is too lazy to keep writing
Me: sees fanart and gets idea for a new aleheather fanfic
Me: before i even begin writing that, is hit full force with an idea for a new aleheather multi chapter fanfic and writes who knows how many words and is now dreading the possibility of my brain not letting me finish this first chapter too
Me: worries that this cicle will never end
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karmirage · 7 months
fic masterpost
yeah i do have other marvel fics on my ao3 but some of them i wrote in high school also some of them i don't vibe with anymore
note that some of these are from a while ago! my perceptions and takes on characters change and grow, so if i wrote something, sometimes i won't agree with the characterization later. keep that in mind.
on that note: many of the old fics name Xuân as Xuyen, bc that was the fanmade actually-Vietnamese alternative to Xi'an before her name was changed in canon.
Family Colors (2018): 1,679 words. Standalone (there used to be a second chapter but I didn't like it so I got rid of it). Gen, Kamala-centric, Civil War II era. To whom do the Captain Marvel colors belong?
cloudburst (2019): 423 words. Standalone. Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. ever wake up to a thunderstorm?
Retail Therapy (2020): 1,209 words. Standalone. James Proudstar/Terry Cassidy. Early-krakoa era -- I wrote this just a bit after krakoa became A Thing, when we didn't know what had recently happened with more minor characters like terry. also i think they're very cute.
Morning Song (2020): 955 words. Standalone. James Proudstar/Terry Cassidy. idk I think Jimmy would like cooking.
if you don't mind me saying so (i love you) (2020): 25,423 words. Part 1 of "love like fools." Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. my funny little fake dating indulgence. the epitome of "I wrote it for me but you can read it if you want" (as so many of my works are). i haven't actually reread this one i have no idea if it's good or not. but it sure exists.
Days Off (2020): 1,523 words. Standalone. Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. Sam wakes up sick and Roberto tries to help.
sunlight (2020): 2,090 words. Standalone. Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. Seasonal affective disorder strikes Roberto.
the whole 'not being dead' thing (2020): 1,094 words. Standalone. Gen. Early-krakoa era. Jay is resurrected and catches up with his new nephew.
Winner Takes All (2020): 2,006 words. Two chapters (so far. might fuck around and add another chapter idk). Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. Utopia-era. sparring and unsaid feelings and also Doug's new ability to read body language.
i don't want to spend my life (without your kiss goodnight) (2020): 1,702 words. Rated M for non-explicit making out. Standalone. Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. the world has not ended so obviously let's party
my home in you (2020): 2,122 words. Standalone. Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. patching up the other's wounds.
The Meaning of Family (2021): 10,926 words. Standalone. Gen. Ruth-centric. Ruth bonds with her family -- because she does have family, and no x man is truly ever alone. Also, possibly, she might kill someone in the future.
live our life like we know we could (ONGOING/HIATUS): 22,300 words. Part 2 of "love like fools." Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. Post mission, post reveal, navigating uncharted relationship waters.
in the name of the moon! (2022): 4,382 words. Standalone. Gen (though it's tagged as Sam/Roberto, and you can certainly read it like that if you want, but that's not the focus). Sam textile artist real To Me. also: halloween and sailor moon.
i mean every word i say (2023): 1,559 words. Rated T for mention of sex. Standalone. Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. Sam's been keeping secrets, and that makes Roberto nervous.
we will never be forgotten (2023): 2,689 words. Standalone. Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. Roberto gets mindwiped, knocked out, and a visitor in the infirmary (in that order).
you're never gonna get a second take (2023): 2,166 words. Standalone. Dani Moonstar/Xuân Cao Mạnh. don't you just love those undercover missions where they have to dress in fancy clothes? yeah so does xuân
nothing holds me back at all (2023): 1,461 words. Part 1 of "the memories that make us." Gen. Dani-centric. Dani rides a horse for the first time (with her father's help).
you can never take this part of me (2023): 1,691 words. Part 2 of "the memories that make us." Gen. Sam-centric. Sam goes fishing with his dad and his gaggle of younger siblings.
works in progress (that I'm posting to hold myself accountable so I actually finish them someday):
- the rest of "the memories that make us" (i.e. the other 13 parts, one for each of the original nine and the six academy x era students. all of it is me practicing writing kids)
- king/lionheart Sam/Roberto medieval au. even tho I hate royalty the aesthetics kind of slam
- megafic (62 chapters planned! six tie ins! almost fully canon compliant all the way up to war of realms!) the ties that bind & related works wrt the better endings au
- rewriting document of high school fics (mostly samberto. I'm more or less a one trick pony)
- several shorter smaller things that I just have to work up the courage to post (including practice with NSFW writing)
- not a fanfiction: but my long ass academic paper (fully cited) that talks about the mutant metaphor and the actual minorities within the x men and my huge large spreadsheet that goes with it.
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jokerownsmysoul · 9 months
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fuckyeahfightlock · 1 year
Advent Ficlets 2022, Day 20
In Afghanistan, John had a recurring dream about being home. Though he knew, in that way of dreams, that he was home, it was no place he had ever been in the past, and not one he recognised. It was cool in the daytime and just warm enough at night. He understood all the words. There was food when and where he wanted it, just what he wanted—a full English, cheese toasties, digestive biscuits, lamb vindaloo with jasmine rice—always enough, never eaten in a hurry or standing on his feet. The bed was soft, the shower was warm, and his hand didn’t shake.
In some daft moment, he decided it must be real place and he would find it if he ever made it back to the world. In suicidal ones, he feared he never would. He fell asleep longing for the dream to come, because it was the first and only time in his life he had the sensation and sense of home. People would rhapsodise about the idea of home—in folk songs and television adverts—and John reckoned it was a shared delusion the rest of the world must have decided to indulge, because he’d never felt it, had lived a lot of places but never felt connected to any. Never felt completely accepted, perfectly safe, totally at home.
Glancing across the room at Sherlock’s elegant profile, unguarded and studious, John was nearly overcome with a bizarre urge to hold him hard and drag him somewhere, burrow down with him, the two of them together alone, sharing air, underground. The feeling took him by surprise, and he laughed a little, aloud, at the wildness of his emotion. Sherlock turned toward him, smiling, eyebrows bent into question marks, and John knew he was home.
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mo-nmage · 7 months
making myself consume happy romance media instead of angsty books and movies because i keep writing angsty rayllum drabbles and it's about time i let them smile
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squirrelno2 · 23 hours
Back at it again with my Jedi oc, this time introducing a clone to be her pining lesbian counterpart. For context this is set incredibly early in the clone wars so Jedi and clones really haven't learned anything about each other as groups except what Kaminoans told them and then whatever they've picked up as individuals/through the grapevine. and also '25 (name to be revealed in the course of me writing this fic but also she'll have a character tag on this post) has Issues. that too.
It was a strange number for a squad. CT-1525 had been expecting a normal squad of nine plus herself as the lieutenant, with a sergeant to answer to and everything. Instead, she was assigned to a Jedi who’d be running relief missions with only a small squad, and she’d be the Jedi’s primary point person. Not that ’25 hated the idea of being in charge, but it wasn’t what she’d expected at all. Especially when the Jedi, General Tayonissa Miran, didn’t show up on time.
“So if she’s not here after fifteen minutes, do we just go back to Kamino?” asked one of ‘25’s new subordinates. CT-907. She’d never met them before today, but she suspected they wouldn’t get along. 907 was obviously cavalier about everything.
“Enough,” ’25 said. “I’m sure she’ll be here soon.”
She could feel other clones and the natborns who worked here in the Jedi Temple hangar watching them. She wished they could just board the ship assigned to them, but that was for General Miran to order.
At last, one of the bustling figures in the hangar came for them. A Mirialan woman with a cloud of black hair and muted purple and fawn-coloured robes sprinted toward them, then paused a few feet away to draw herself upright. She caught CT-1525 looking and smiled sheepishly.
“Hello,” she said as she approached. “I’m sorry I was late. You’re, uh – CT-1525?”
“Yes, General Miran,” said CT-1525. She was already at attention, but she tried to stand a little straighter anyway. Her new general’s face quirked with something – amusement? Disgust? ’25 had her experience with both. She didn’t really like either one.
“I’m not a general,” Miran said. “At least, I don’t think so. Considering you’re the only ones reporting to me.”
“You’re a Jedi, sir,” ’25 said. “And no padawan.”
Miran stared at ’25 for a long moment. ’25 took the chance to stare back at her. The general – Jedi, whatever – had skin that was such a deep, dark green it seemed to sparkle. Diamonds were tattooed on both cheeks, in a pattern that ’25 imagined had been symmetrical before whatever had scarred her and left her right eyelid drooping over a damaged eyeball. Short, wild curls fell into General Miran’s eyes, and ’25 wondered if she would permit a suggestion about tying it back on the battlefield.
“This army has serious organisational issues,” General Miran said at last. ’25 was so startled she nearly laughed. She choked it back just in time. General Miran shook her head, turning away from ’25 to look at the others.
“Tell you what,” she said, pitching her low, husky voice up so every clone could hear her. “Let’s skip the title confusion altogether. It’s just Tayo.”
“Sir,” ’25 said. “We can’t – that would be –“
“I promise if we have to look like a normal, put-together army team you can call me ‘general’ all you like,” she said, patting ’25 on the chest. ’25 stared down at the place where General Miran’s hand had just connected with her armour, unsure what to say or do.
“We have regulations,” ’25 said feebly. “The chain of command –“
“They wanted Jedi to run this war for a reason, right?” said General Miran. “So here’s some Jedi wisdom. I am not more important than you. You’re all here in case something goes wrong, or the assignments I get would put me in over my head on my own. And probably so the rest of the GAR can keep an eye on me.”
“Sir –“ ’25 protested. Miran held up a hand.
“Let me finish,” she said. ’25 slammed her mouth shut, mortified.
“I am not more important than you,” Miran said again. “I’ll watch your backs. I’m happy to have you watch mine. But our job is protecting all the people out there, and making sure they live through a war they never asked for. So if you have to, you leave me behind. This bowing and scraping ‘general’ nonsense won’t cut it. You need to know I’m no different than you.”
’25 had heard of things like this already. Self-sacrificing Jedi, putting clones under their command above their own well-being. Her brother was serving one such general right now, General Windu.
“That has to cut both ways, sir,” ’25 said. “If one of us gets hurt, and it’s between us and the people we serve.”
Miran sucked in a sharp breath, staring at ’25. ’25 hardly dared breathe. She didn’t regret saying it, but she knew she’d overstepped. Not to mention the squad had heard. If any of them disagreed with ’25, she’d just signed the general up for a very awkward position.
“Then we should hope it never comes down to that,” Miran said at last. “Because you’re my responsibility, too.”
So are you a general or not, sir? ’25 didn’t say it. She’d pushed her luck enough for today.
With a sharp intake of breath, Miran smiled at her squad.
“Well, come on, then,” she said. “Let’s get started!”
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another-corpo-rat · 1 year
a language of its own
i planned for this one to be tooth-rotting fluff. spoiler: it is not. because god forbid these two stay on script for me
Adam Smasher/OC Summary: In the wake of Hanako's coup, a lot of things are uncertain. Loyalty, mostly.
“Do I need to remind you what ‘do not disturb’ means?” Victoria’s voice is flat, her eyes not lifting from the document she’s re-read thrice already, certain it’s more interesting than an intern cowering at her threshold like a cold pup. She can hear their gulp, how they shuffle their feet awkwardly in place. Lily, then. A mouse of a girl who’ll get caught in some trap before long.  
“I- I’m sorry Ms Crane,” the gentle voice is confirmation. Really, she would be better working for some holo-company. “But he wouldn’t take no for an answer—” She doesn’t need to look up to know who the he in question is either, simply letting out a heavy sigh and rubbing at her forehead to ease a brewing headache.
“Let him in.” She flicks her gaze up merely to confirm and, yes there stands Adam fucking Smasher. In a Gemini frame granted, so the sight is not nearly as impressive even if he still manages to fill the doorway. No, what’s impressive is his collection of ratty t-shirts he insists on wearing because God forbid he wears one of the many button-downs she had gotten.
“You shouldn’t be here.”
“Clearance says otherwise.” A clearance she’s surprised he has considering he was grounded, for lack of a better term: confined to a Gemini frame and unarmed until further notice. A slap on the wrist really for his apparent siding with Yoriunbo. Though Victoria has to wonder how long Hanako will prolong the punishment now that the medtechs have marked him as mentally sound enough to return to the Dragoon; what was riding a delicate balance is slowly tipping against the heiress. Already whispers were brewing that she was afraid of Arasaka’s war hound. It wasn’t a good look.
“Why are you here?” She tries instead, locking her desktop’s screen as he steps into the room, too purposeful in his stride towards her desk.
Paranoid, her own thoughts hiss at her. It’s soundly ignored: paranoia has served her well in its small doses, it keeps her on her toes, sharp. It tells her there’s something off about his being in the room, even if she can’t quite pinpoint what as her eyes continuously draw over his horrendous jacket.
“I’m fucking bored.” He drawls out as he circles her desk. His eyes drop from her blackened screen to trail their own path across her scattering of notes, barely legible chicken-scratch a far cry from her usual script. Her own follow a few seconds behind. Nothing too incriminating – she doesn’t think she’s left anything about biopods lying around.
“So you decide to bother me?” A grin bares his teeth as he leans into her chair, the weight of him almost pulling it back. Yes, is the needless answer as he curls a loose lock of hair around his fingers and tugs lightly.
“You’re the safest option.” A final, hard yank before he lets go. Far too obvious in intent as he leans to read the specific paper she’s been hunched over. That grin falters, pulling into something harder when she lays her arm across the bulk of it. “What’ve you been working on?”
Something pricks at the back of her neck; sharp and needling as her throat dries. Pressing her tongue against the point of a canine, she reaches for a casual tone rather than a bite.
“That’s on a need-to-know basis, Smasher.” Immediately she knows it’s too practiced, too formal, the narrowing of his eyes confirms it. The bite would have been better. Calling him Adam would have been better. The material of her chair gives a protesting groan as his grip tightens on the headrest. She almost protests herself, but bites her tongue - better the chair than her, and that is riding on a very thin line. One she’s not quite sure how to tip the balance of.
The focus on the risk to her neck keeps her distracted as his other hand snakes around, snatching the page from under her arm. “Adam!” Her outrage is met with a sharp laugh. Smug in his victory, amused in her pitiful attempt to steal it back.
He snaps the paper rigid in his grip, holding it above his head and reading through. Ignoring her undignified little hops, or the nicks her chrome nails leave when they glance against his skin. His eyes narrow, the thoughts twisting obviously in his head as he lowers the paper.
“You studying to become a neurologist now?”
“In a sense.” A hiss as she snaps it out of his hand and returns the paper to the small hoard of loose sheets, putting herself in the space between him and her desk. As if that’d stop him. But she may as well make some effort; there was too much information laying around and she only had herself to blame for the security risk.
It’ll be pinned on her, might even give Hanako a means to remove her from her project. She’ll throw a stink if it comes to that, for the entire breach the heiress facilitated unknowingly or not by allowing Smasher to keep his permissions. Clearance, he said. A clearance he had the moment Yoriunbo made him head of security, and yet here he is exercising it now.
“So, the princess is still letting you work. I gotta wonder why.” She eyes him as he prowls about her office, rolling his shoulders before he plops himself comfortably on the leather sofa against the opposite wall. It’s not the usual way he’d sit, with an arm thrown across the back and his knees spread wide. No, he hunches forward now, tries to pin her under his gaze.
“Because it’s useful. Simple as.” Her innate need to be difficult has her mirror his demeanour; arms crossing as she leans against her desk. Chin lifting to look down on him. It earns her a clenched fist.
“Mhm, funny that.” Something in his eyes harden. A warning that has her own gaze flick to the door. She wouldn’t get there in time. Not with him so close to it. “How you manage to make a big breakthrough just before things went to shit for ol’ Yoriunbo. Great fucking timing there.”  
“It’s not like you to dance around an accusation, Adam.”
Not like him to make a move in this particular field either. He’s well-versed in the dance of career corpos; the machinations and manipulations. Yet he normally leaves that domain for her to play in.
“Fuck it in with the games, Crane. You know what I’m accusing you of.” She does: as well as she knows the barely-concealed anger that mars his tone now. And though he’s not in the Dragoon, the want to soothe him is an innate thing, a skill honed more for her benefit than his. She presses it firmly under heel.
“You think I would manoeuvre myself in a way that would likely set me against you. That I’d stand aside, content with my new lot under a new CEO, and leave you to rust.” She pauses, not to consider her next words but the very idea. Yes, actually, that does sound quite like her…
She hums derisively. “If it wasn’t you, then yes. There’d be some truth to that.”
“You expect me to believe that?”
“I’m yours in plenty of other ways, what makes this so different?” Something crosses his face then, a confusion she thinks, marring the hard set of his lips and easing the clench of his fists. There’s a tension in his shoulders, obvious to her now that she’s looking for it.  
Has it been there since he stepped through the door? She wouldn’t know; as much as she prefers this newer frame she can’t read him well in it. Not like she can in the Elvis suit, or even the Dragoon.
“It’s an out.”
“It is.” An out to the contract tying her to him; leverage for her to pry herself from his grip. She could never hope to replace Hellman and his niche little hole, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t dig out her own with OIZYS. There’s a versatility she’s yet to explore, lingering on the edges of her attention: all the failed branches and threads to be twisted into their own projects once the parent is perfected.
She watches him as she agrees and – yes, there’s that tension. It rolls through him like a wave, most notable in how he works his jaw. Like he’s biting down. “One you wouldn’t be able to do a damn thing about. But,” It’s dangerous. Stupid. She moves towards him, stopping in the space between his spread knees to cradle a square jaw, tilting his chin upward to meet her eye.
His hands rest on her hips, heavy in their press.
“Have you considered that I like being where I am?” She softens her tone, lets fondness ease her gaze as her thumb trails against the rough line of his jaw.
And again, that confusion. It’s beautiful to see up close; the slight, brief furrow of his brows that narrows already hardened eyes. As ill-practiced as she is reading this suit, he’s as out-of-depth emoting in it. Nothing is subtle, it’s as if every relevant muscle is being yanked by a string until he finds the expression he wants. He finds a neutral expression now. Blank to match his dry tone.
“Careful, you might get me thinking that you care.”
“Oh, now I can’t have that.” She smiles as she brushes her lips against his, pulling away the moment his grip tightens and he tries to wrangle control. There’s a mere whisper of space, warmed by her caramel-scented breath.
She’d let him devour her in a heartbeat. Let him make a mess of her and the office alike if the timing wasn’t piss-poor; if Hanako’s eyes weren’t sharp in their search for anything to pry at. They were already treading a delicate line, too blatant, too public and yet not public enough. The stupidly bold part of her wants them broadcasted. “I’ll need to make you certain of it.”
His jaw slackens, grip loosening enough for her to step away without having to pull from him to retreat to her desk, hiding the bubbling in her stomach behind a smug twitch of the lips as she lets that settle in the air. It’s as close to a confession as she’s willing to give and even then it feels too much, her blood thrumming and a buzz rising in her ears at a very obvious misstep.
Her eyes veer to her scrawl of notes, to the page at the top – the one he had read. She doesn’t sit. Instead leaning over the desk, attention crawling over the annotations of an old case study: Phineas Gage and his wondrous survival. Nothing about biopods in that. Good. She can at least look busy, even if her fingers tap erratically against her desk and she worries her bottom lip between teeth. It’s a pointed effort not to glance up when she hears him move, following the sound of his steps in their wide circle of the office until he stops opposite her.
His hands warm and calloused, engulf hers. Pressing them into the desk to stop her tapping as he leans forward.
“Likewise, Blondie.” He’s gentle as he presses a kiss to her forehead, thumbs ghosting against the back of her hands. If she looked up, his expression would have been an uncharacteristically soft thing; eyes warm yet uncertain in the gentler motions. She didn’t look up.
He pulls away as quickly as she did, and with far less grace in his own retreat as he calls over his shoulder; “I’ll see you at home.”
She can’t answer beyond an affirming hum, biting back a too-wide smile and trying to crush the odd feeling in her chest. There’s no real effort to that crush. She gives up on it as soon as the door slides closed.
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