#I just know that I love them and cherish them. a lot
heartfullofleeches · 2 days
[18+, Top/Dom Reader. Male/Amab Darling, they/them pronouns used for personal preference]
Femboy Cheerleader Darling dragging their jock bf to the mall- Normally, he'd just hand Darling money and lets his sweetheart go off on their own, but on this day darling decided they needed a little company. How could he refuse when Darling propositioned the idea of him tagging along as a cute date? Walk around for a bit, grab some lunch- Knowing how easy it was for Darling to get side tracked, their boyfriend knew the afternoon wouldn't be as linear as they implied- He only went to big spaces like the mall when he knew what he needed, but since it was time wasted with his future spouse he'd cherish every second.
Darling is so happy he agreed- The additional company meant more freedom for their hands when the bags started piling up. Hands they could use to properly thank their generous boyfriend who does so much to make them smile. It's starts off with Darling massaging the side of his thigh while they're in line to grab a smoothie. He loved whenever they tended to his aching muscles after practice. They've been walking for some time now so he's probably feeling some tension down there, the poor guy.
Their hands paw at his waist as the crowds grow denser. There's so many people around Darling might get lost if they don't hold onto him. With strangers squeezing and pushing past them to get by, Darling has no choice but to cling on to their big, strong boyfriend tighter - cock pressed to his meaty ass from the lining of their favorite skirt. It's not like anyone notices but him, face hot as he balances all of Darling's purchases on his arms.
Things only escalated from there as the couple find themselves alone in an elevator - Darling's face now smushed against their boyfriend's large pecs as they check his heart rate. With all that commotion outside it has be through the roof- Darling isn't entirely wrong when they come to that conclusion.
Darling has a big surprise for their lover when they teach their final destination- If it's still in stock that is. Something that cute is bound to have a lot of eyes. The most adorable sundress which hung off the wearer's shoulders and complimented their figure. Darling had picked up other items on their trip, but this is what they came to the mall for. There was another reason they chose this store to end things off on. They'd heard through the grapevine vine how understaffed this store in particular was and how they had no cameras in the changing roos. Perfect for thief....and other activities.
Jock Yan stumbles out of the changing room short of breath and drenched in his own sweat - amongst other fluids. It's a miracle he was able to keep quiet. Darling had to reward him in the best way they knew how, but perhaps they should have gone a bit easier on him until they got home. Their boyfriend was always a little sore after they were through playing with him. Darling pays for the dress they still have on - carrying their man back down to the food court where they treat him to some ice cream with their own pocket money as if it were just another normal date.
Smaller Dom Femboy Reader, my love- I wanna do a full length version of this someday, but I got two horn-knee fics coming this week so come back at a later date....
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deedeeznoots · 1 day
Can we please get some hcs of Sukuna and reader in the fairytale AU 🥹🥹
Absolutely amazing writing I loved every single thing of it!💖💖
Cottage Life
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Characters: Ryomen Sukuna, Fem!Reader  
Word Count: 2.5k
Genre: Fluff, Mentions of Smut  
Content: MDNI, Established Relationship, True Form!Sukuna, Princess!Reader, Swearing, Mentions of Murder, Mentions of Smut
A/N: Hi Anon! Thank you for the kind words and the request, I’d love to do this. I’m so glad that people enjoyed my Sukuna Fairy Tale AU so I’m 100% going to explore the idea more. On another note, this is also my first ever request🥹 I’m giggling and kicking my feet at the thought of people enjoying my writing enough to want to request specific things for me to create so I just want to take the time to say if you have an idea for me to write anything specific please do not hesitate to ask! Thank you all very very much. :)
Synopsis: Small glimpses into your daily life with Sukuna in the deep woods. While not fully necessary to understand these little snippets, reading the beginning of your story with Sukuna would certainly enhance the experience. <3 
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ꨄ Pre-Relationship: Secret Meetings ꨄ
➼ When you first began meeting with him regularly he was pretty mean to you and ignored you most of the time when you tried to talk to him. Despite this, he always kept you by his side anyways and didn’t deter you from meeting him.
➼ One time you straight up asked him why and he said it was because you brought food to him. While you accepted that answer, you knew inside that wasn’t really the case because he would still keep you around even after you both ate. 
➼ After warming up to you one of the things that you two bonded over was the nature in the forest. Sukuna would explain the wildlife to you since you were unfamiliar for a long time and he was to your surprise, a really good teacher. 
➼ He was able to answer any questions you had and went over every detail that he knew about the woods and was able to keep things interesting.
➼ When you both spent that night under the stars he was serious when he tried flirting with you but quickly realized what he did so he tried to play it off as a joke (he couldn’t be caught being too soft, after all). 
➼ Since he’s so much stronger and bigger than you (and literally everyone lol) he makes sure to be extra cautious and gentle around you because despite what he seems like, he doesn’t want to genuinely scare people, especially you.
➼ Speaking of, he has no idea why you aren’t scared of him and doesn’t understand why you act like the way he looks is no big deal. He doesn’t complain though and never mentions it to you. 
➼ One of the reasons you’re not scared of him is because he has saved your life more times than you could count, and why would you be scared of someone who continually keeps you alive, most of the time at his own expense? 
➼ “No, don't eat those berries, they’re poisonous…wha-what do you mean you already had five?!”
➼ He had to do some poison control that day… and it wasn’t very fun. 
➼ Every time he saves your life he always tells you that he’ll just leave you next time but you know that’s not true at all.
➼ You would also always get injured for stupid reasons so he’d take care of your wounds like he did when you both first officially met (he’d laugh first though)
➼ One of the days you visited you realized you had a talent for making flower crowns so you would spend a lot of time with him doing it while you both talked and walked around the woods.
➼ You mostly gave yours to him as a gift 
➼ He would grumble and act like he hated it but he would keep them on anyway and he kept all of them. After a while it grew into a small collection that he secretly cherishes. 
➼ Sukuna secretly (though, it wasn’t a secret to you) loved these meetings, and your visits were the highlight of his day every time.
ꨄ Early Relationship: Locked Away ꨄ
➼ Sukuna was confused at first when you stopped visiting him after sleeping with him. 
➼ He thought he did something wrong and you didn’t have a good time, or that he hurt you in some way. 
➼ He tried to put on the tough guy act at first and tried to convince himself that he didn’t like you all that much anyways. 
➼ Obviously, it wasn’t true and he’s a big softy on the inside so he gave into his temptations to see you. 
➼ When he saw the guards by your bedroom window, he realized what happened, and remembered that you always had to sneak out to see him. 
➼ Once he realized what actually happened he chastised himself for being so pouty and feeling sorry for himself instead of going to see you sooner. 
➼ To make up for this he goes to look at you every day as you stand by your window.
➼ Eventually, you noticed him and you both would spend the whole day just sitting with each other from afar. 
➼ Sometimes he would see you cry when he visited and his heart would break because he couldn’t wipe your tears away. 
➼ He has resisted the urge to attempt to fight the guards by your window more than he can count.
➼ Only reason he didn’t was his fear of making things worse for you if he did.
➼ On the day of your wedding, he noticed that you weren’t by your window like usual. 
➼ He learned his lesson about giving up on you too soon, so he decided instead of leaving you be, that he would go around the castle and look for you to see if you were okay. 
➼ Too invested in finding you, he didn’t realize that he stood a tad too close to some of the guards of your castle, leading to him getting caught by them. 
➼ That turned out to be a happy accident however, as they led him directly to you and gave you both the chance to run away together. 
➼ He was secretly proud of you stabbing someone so easily, but he’ll never tell you that directly.
ꨄ Long-Term Relationship: Cottage Life ꨄ
➼ When you both first found the cottage in the woods, it was in very rough shape. 
➼ It was dirty, barely had a roof, and there were broken windows everywhere. It was obvious that no one had lived there for some time. 
➼ Well… one man’s trash is another one’s treasure, and you both worked day and night to fix the cottage after first finding it. 
➼ You weren’t used to any physical discomfort at all, so it took a while for you to get used to these types of conditions. However, Sukuna always made sure to help you feel better.
➼ For example, one time it rained and you two got super wet inside your home due to the roof not being 100% secure. 
➼ It was tough for you. Not only were the two of you wet, but the inside of the home you both spent tons of time fixing up was flooded now as well. 
➼ Thankfully, Sukuna always found a way to turn unfortunate situations upside down. 
➼ “Come on, let’s go play in the mud, you didn’t eat enough dirt as a kid”
➼ You both immediately felt better once you played in the rain together… especially when Sukuna would be ever the romantic and lift you up to kiss you as water droplets fell on both of you.
➼ After months of sweat and tears, the cottage was finally fixed and cleaned. 
➼ It quickly became the love of your life, second only to Sukuna, and you both quickly settled into your humble abode.  
➼ You would always wake up first which would give you a few moments where you could stare at Sukuna’s sleeping face
➼ This was your favorite thing to do every morning, because you loved his calm expression more than anything.
➼ Sometimes he catches you and as he opens his eyes he would sarcastically go “Don’t stare. It’s weird” and laugh at your blushing face. 
➼ When this happens you would just lightly hit his chest and jokingly tell him to fuck off. 
➼ You would always give him a nice long kiss first thing every morning though.
➼ Despite you no longer being a Princess, he always makes sure to pamper you like one anyways.
➼ For example, whenever you have a craving for something that can’t be found in the wild he would make sure to get it at any costs. 
➼ This includes traveling hours to the closest villages and sneaking in to take their stuff. 
➼ You always get mad at him for doing this because it could put him in serious danger, but he laughs and tells you it’s fine and that in all his time living near humans he was only caught once and it was because of you. 
➼ To this, you roll your eyes but you thank him anyways for caring so much about you that he’d work so hard to satisfy such a small craving. 
➼ Whenever you’re busy doing something, he makes it a point to catch you off guard and hug you from behind with his four arms. 
➼ You’re never actually caught off guard and can sense him from miles away (he has very loud footsteps), but you pretend anyway to get him to keep doing it. 
➼ Most days you both spend your time walking around and exploring the nature around you both. However, on particularly lazy days, you two spend most of the day just cuddling together.
➼ One thing that stays the same is that every night both of you look at the stars like the first night you two spent together. 
➼ Unlike that first night though, Sukuna would always make it a point to go down on you while outside. 
➼ Also unlike that first night, there was no pressure to rush home so you two would fall asleep outside under the stars.
➼ One time though, you woke up screaming when you found a giant bug crawling on you. Sukuna took the bug away but would always make fun of you for it whenever you both decided to sleep outside. 
➼ Sukuna would tell you he loved you in the most random of times: Walking around, eating dinner, anywhere really. He would just look you in the eyes and quietly say “I love you”.
➼ This is always paired with small kisses all over your face that make you giggle because of how ticklish they are. 
➼ Sometimes when you two are cuddling in bed he would randomly lick your back with his stomach mouth to make you jump. 
➼ “What the hell Ryomen!?” 
➼ “Hehe, sorry” 
➼ You both discovered your hidden talents while living together, and Sukuna realized his talent happened to be dress making. He realized this after he made a little makeshift dress out of your wedding attire when he carelessly ripped it away. 
➼ He was able to make you some pretty good dresses with the most random of cloth that he found around the woods. They weren’t the most formal, but they were certainly the best dresses you’ve ever had, being handmade by someone you loved.
➼ You once again tell him he doesn’t have to do all this but he makes you stuff anyway. 
➼ “Who said it was about you? This shit is fun as hell!” which made you laugh.
➼ He now has to pay extra mind to not completely rip your clothes off during bed because you two no longer had an infinite void of clothing choices. 
➼ In fact, he actually swung a little too far in the opposite direction…
➼ “Wait. Take it off carefully, I worked hard on this one. I SAID BE CAREFUL IDIOT–”
➼ Despite this, accidents still happen and sometimes he would rip them off in the heat of the moment anyways.
➼ Living together, you had to learn to do a lot of things related to maintaining a home like cleaning since you weren’t used to doing this stuff yourself.
➼ Sukuna told you that it’s fine and that he’d do it but you insisted that you should learn how to do things on your own now that you’re independent. 
➼ Being the good teacher that he is,  Sukuna would go on to teach you basic chores. 
➼ He would still tease you sometimes while teaching you though. Such as one time when you accidentally burned yourself by the fire trying to make dinner and he laughed when you kept flailing your hand everywhere. 
➼ He didn’t bully you for too long though, he was still worried of course. So, he made sure to heal the burns and help kiss them better. 
➼ You’re still able to make those flower crowns like before, so you guys would make flower crowns for each other all the time, and this time Sukuna didn’t hide how proud he was of them. 
➼ Everytime he gave you yours he’d give you a small kiss on the forehead before placing the crown on your head.
➼ You would try to do the same and would go on your tippy toes trying to reach him, but he’s hella tall so it doesn’t work. 
➼ “Jesus, you are 9 ft tall” 
➼ “Is that what they tell people? That’s not true at all” He would smile, crossing his arms as you attempted to jump up to place the crown on him. 
➼ “Well whatever you are I can’t fucking reach you”
➼ He eventually lifts you up by your hips and lets you place the crown on him and give him his little forehead kiss. 
➼ Whenever you two are together, he always has his hands on you (he has four of course, and he needs to put them to good use). Whether it’s placing your hand on his, or having an arm around your waist, one hand always had to be on you. 
➼ You both have every meal together, from breakfast to dinner. They’re mostly quiet and you both just take the time to bask in each other’s presence. 
➼ From this, you learned just how much Sukuna LOVES to eat.
➼ You noticed this already before of course, since your relationship started with you bringing him food, but you really notice it once you begin eating together 
➼ Sometimes when he’s eating his food too quickly you tell him to take it easy in order to not upset his stomach 
➼ In response, he’d point to his smiling stomach mouth and go “Does he look upset to you?” 
➼ You’d just laugh at this point lol and leave him be with one last comment about how he seriously shouldn’t eat so fast 
➼ He listens for a bit and takes smaller bites, but he goes right back into it after a few minutes.
➼ You weren’t great at cooking at first, but Sukuna didn’t really care and ate your food anyways
➼ “Don’t worry I eat anything, this is trash though” he’d say with food in his mouth, only half joking.
➼ Once you got better at the skill, he always insisted for you to cook or for the two of you to cook together since it tasted better when you did it (when you knew what you were doing, of course). 
➼ Speaking of together… At first, you two tried to take baths together at the nearby river.
➼ Emphasis on tried, because Sukuna always got too excited seeing your naked body and you two weren’t able to get clean at all. 
➼ Due to this, you decided it was best to bathe separately, to Sukuna’s dismay. 
➼ Occasionally you still allowed him to join you, of course. 
➼ Sukuna made love with you every time like it would be the last time. 
➼ In the back of his head, he always remembers the time you were taken away from him right after you both spent a night together.
➼ With this in mind, he always makes sure to make each session one you’d never forget, and he always delivered on this promise, of course. 
➼ He would always take care of you after of course, and always made sure you were okay. 
➼ You were fine, but you passed out 99% of the time so he would wipe you down and make sure to cuddle you. 
➼ He’s always worried about you being in danger again, but whenever he sees you asleep next to him he can’t help but think of anything but what he ever did to deserve you 
➼ Of course, from the moment you wake up to see his sleeping face, you can’t help but think the same thing about him.  
➼ Your life is a lot different now. Not only do you no longer have the title of Princess, but you’ve traded in your castle for a tiny cottage, and a crown for dirt-covered feet. Yet, you wouldn’t change it for the world… because for every painful burn and disgusting bug on you, is his smile, and that smile is worth more than any title.
A/N: Enjoyed seeing Fairy Tale!Sukuna? Just a reminder that if you haven’t read it yet, please feel free to read the story that these headcanons are based on!
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a picture-perfect proposal.
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Spencer Reid picture-perfect.
Spencer Reid had no idea when he came home from a long case that his new neighbor would be the love of his life. And together they would create the picture-perfect life.
A four-part series.
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Fluff. Smut. The Criminal Minds team being the Criminal Minds team. Love story.
This part is going to be a little bit longer and much dirtier than the first part of the story. I'm writing this in a particularly turn on part of my life, and i don't have a man to help me with that so i write. and I hope that I didn't make it too dirty, too raunchy. It does contain a lot of sex. Meeting the team. Spencer and his girlfriend come clean about some things.
masterlist for this story
It's been six months since y/n Met Spencer Reid in her hallway. In that time, they have tried to get used to the fact that he Won't be around very often. It's something that neither one of them enjoys.
In that amount of time, y/n and Spencer have learned to cherish every second that they spend together. So it's not unusual for her to wake up and Spencer's arms on his days off. Still tangled up together after falling asleep after a night of passionate love making. Something that she missed this morning as you woke up and there was no Spencer in your bed despite the fact that it is his day off. It wasn't until you heard the shower running that you realized Spencer had woken up before you and decided to take a shower.
You start to shuffle around in bed a little bit, trying to get more comfortable. But no matter how much you moved, you weren't going to be able to ignore the ache in your center. It's the Ache that only Spencer can relieve. You're not sure why you're missing him so bad after last night, you should be good for a while, but then again, it is Spencer Reid and you can never get enough of him. You hear the shower go off and you can't stop thinking about wet, naked Spencer. Something about that man that does something to you.
Spencer comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. One of your pretty pink ones. It's a sight to see really. (Yes, this is a nod to him as Chip Taylor in the movie 68 Kill. I couldn't help it.)
"Morning beautiful" you heard Spencer say.
" Good morning handsome" you replied.
" I was hoping to make it back into bed before you woke up. I'm sorry. I know how much you love waking up in my arms, and I know that I sure love having you wake up there. I miss you so much when I'm away baby" he says, coming closer to the bed.
"It's OK. I woke up and saw you weren't there and then started missing you. And was afraid that maybe last night was just a dream. But when I heard the shower running, I remembered that you were here. And then there's the fact that I don't sleep naked unless you're here. So." She said with a chuckle.
"Well, yes, there is that. I don't sleep naked unless I'm with you either". Spencer told her, getting closer to the bed. 
"So how are you feeling This morning, sweetie". Spencer asked.
"well I'm feeling um", she said Shifting slightly in the bed. "Horny" She whined.
"Really. Even though I took such good care of you last night." Spencer asked, getting closer to the bed before removing his towel and showing off his full body to her.  That didn't exactly help her current state. That was until he got closer to the bed and got under the covers with her that she finally started to feel relief once he pushed inside.
"Is this what you needed?" He asked. Is He was beginning to move slowly.
"Yes, this is exactly what I needed. Thank you, Spencer." She said as he began to pick up the pace a little bit more. 
"I would say I don't know how you could need more after the night we had, but I understand it because I need you too. So I was really happy to hear that you wanted me."
He Made sweet, gentle love to her three times that morning. There are both so happy that Spencer didn't have a case. They had the whole weekend all to themselves. Unfortunately though, the Reality of life came when Monday morning came along. Spencer's phone started ringing at 8:00 in the morning as he was making love to her once again. Spencer couldn't hide the disappointment in his voice when he heard JJ on the other end of the phone. saying that he had a case.
JJ Understood his disappointment, but only because she thought that he was happy to have some time off.  Catching up on his reading. Get some much-deserved sleep, maybe have a nice meal, sleeping in a bed that wasn't a hotel bed. She had no idea about his girlfriend. No one on the team does at this point, only Luke Alvez. And he kept his promise to Spencer and didn't tell anyone about. Y/N
"OK, JJ I'll be there soon" Spencer said with a sigh, hanging up the phone. he looked at Y/N And she could see the disappointment in his face. 
"Is it a case?" she asked with a sigh. Tucking. her head into his side. 
"Unfortunately, yes. I'm so sorry".
" Hey, it's OK. I knew the consequences of getting involved with the FBI, man. Doesn't make it any easier for me, but".
" Well, the good news is I'll be able to come back. The case is local, so. I won't have to be gone as long. Might still have to stay in a hotel though if it's Too far away from home and Emily doesn't let me come back home. But she might. And then We can still spend the nights together"
" I would like that. I would like that very much. You know, I do miss you terribly when you're gone. I don't know if you miss me as much as I miss". She was cut off with a kiss to the lips. 
"I miss you like crazy". Spencer told her. "I miss you too".
Spencer made his way into the station. And found out what the case was about. He was pretty much just going through the motions at this point, trying to get back home. As a profiler, he knows to try to keep a straight face, a poker face if you will, which should be easy for Spencer Reid, giving that he is from Las Vegas. Today, however, the lovesick boy took over and he lost his poker face. He was looking at a picture of his girlfriend on his phone when Rossi came up behind him.
"Who's that?" Rossi asked.
"Ohh, she's. Um." Spencer tried to come up with a lie. He tried to come up with it quick.
"Is that a girl?" He could hear JJ saying from behind him.
"um, you know what? I think there's something happening, uh, this paperwork over here?" Luke tried to help Spencer.
"What paperwork?  I didn't think there was any paperwork to be done. We don't file paperwork until after the case is done, Luke, you know that". JJ told him.
"Thank you, Luke. You tried. I appreciate it, I really do", Spencer said. With a sigh, setting down his phone.
"This is.y/n She was my new neighbor and now she's my girlfriend".
"Girlfriend?!". Everyone's shrieked Except for Luke.
"How we're just finding out about this? How long has it been?" Prentiss asked.
 "Six months" 
"six months and it is telling us about her now. We have to meet her. Please, we have to meet her. Is this why you sounded so disappointed when I called you about the case? Oh my God, were you in bed with her? OH, did I call you during sex? ". JJ said.
"Yes, I was in bed with her at the time. I had to leave her to come do this case and I've been missing her like crazy. I didn't mean to hurt anyone by not telling you, it's just personal. And the last time I had a girlfriend it didn't work out because she got killed in front of me and I don't know, I guess I just didn't want to jinx it." Spencer explained.
"We understand, reid. It's OK. Would you be alright with us meeting her though? I am throwing a party next week and I think that it would be nice for her to come, and we could all meet her. But only if you're comfortable with it". Rossi asked.
"I would like that. I would like for everyone to get to meet her. I love her so much. I'll ask her if she'd like to meet you. I'm sure she would."
Spencer came home that night and pitched the idea to her about meeting the team. 
"Something happened today. I was looking at a picture of you on my phone. I got so distracted that I didn't notice Rossi coming up behind me and he saw you. Now the whole team knows about you, and they want to meet you."
She was both excited yet nervous at the same time. Excited because she really wanted to meet the people that were so important to him and in his life all the time.
Finally, the night of the party came after three excruciatingly long days. Spencer was all Hers. again.
She stood in her bedroom looking through her dresses. She only really had two nice dresses to wear for such an event. both of them Kind of like cocktail dresses in a way. One with silver and one with a dark blue velvet like dress.
She walked out into the living room and asked Spencer which one he liked better, holding both of them up on hangers.
Spencer looked at her his mouth dropping as she stood there wearing her black lace bra and panties.
"Spencer?". She asked, moving the dresses up and down. 
"Which one do you like?"
 Spencer got up from this chair that he was sitting in. And walked slowly over to her. 
"Can I be honest with you?" He asked, rubbing his hands up and down her arms. 
"Yes, that's what I need right now". 
"I love what you're wearing right now". he whispered to her his lips so close to her right ear.
"Thank you, Spencer. Unfortunately, I can't go to a party with your coworkers wearing this".
" Well, no, you couldn't really do that. You're right about that, but. You asked me which one I like better. But. Yeah. If I have to go with you actually wearing a dress, I'll say the blue one. Then that way we can match". He said, pointing to the. Blue shirt and pants that he was wearing. The sleeves of his shirt rolled back.
"OH my gosh I didn't even notice when I saw you there. So sexy but didn't really. Notice that what you had on was blue. so We are going to be the cute little matching couple."
"Yes, but only if you want to be. If you want to wear the silver one that's fine, but I personally really love the blue one."
"Then the blue one it shall be".
"I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep my mind off of what you're wearing underneath that dress though." Spencer told her, watching her walk away.
"You can think about it and then you can take it off of me when we get back home tonight". She offered as she walked into the bedroom to finish getting ready.
At this point, Spencer wasn't really sure that he was going to make it to the end of the night. The drive to Rossi's house seemed to pass quickly. It seemed like no time at all before they were pulling up in front of his house, the house that was all full of cars. They were the last ones to get there. 
"Are you ready?" He asked, holding her hand before they got out of the car. 
"I think so, yes. This is a lot of cars, a lot of people. OK, I'm not really Used to crowds". She said Taking a deep breath.
"Don't worry, they're going to love you." Spencer reassured her before giving her a kiss and getting out of the car. Walking over to the other side to open the door for her and help her out.
They got out of the car and began walking up the driveway to Rossi's front door.
 The sound of her black high heels sounding so loud echoing in her head.
Before she knows it. Spencer is ringing the doorbell and JJ is answering the door.
She has no idea who this pretty blonde is wearing a purple dress, but she knows that she could definitely be competition for her.
"Spence hi!" She greeted him with a hug. "Oh my gosh, you must be y/n. OH, you're just as pretty as you were in your picture on Spencer's phone." She said before hugging her.
I'm Jennifer, but all of my friends call me JJ and I know that we're going to be friends, so feel free to call me JJ.
"Come on in, the whole team is waiting to meet you".
 Spencer took her by the hand, walking her through Rossi's spacious living room, through the kitchen and out into the backyard where everyone was.
Her chest began tightening, it beginning to be a little bit difficult for her to breathe as she was becoming overwhelmed with the amount of people that she was seeing. But Spencer's grip on her hand. Made her feel safe. She knew that she was always safe with Spencer.
"Oh my God is this her?!!" She heard another blonde shrieking. As she began running to her.
A blonde wearing a bright pink dress and high heels that were equally as bright. With the big flower on the side of her head. 
"Hi, I'm Penelope Garcia. Oh my God, she's so cute. Spencer, why didn't you ever tell us about her before?" She asked Spencer before pulling his girlfriend into a bear hug.
Before Spencer could answer. Rossi came over.
" So this must be the lovely Y/N I wish that I could say I've heard a lot about you, but I only recently found out about you. But if Reid like shoe, then you must be a wonderful young lady. My name is David Rossi by the way. I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself."
"Oh, it's OK. Yes, I'm Y/N But I guess you already knew that from Spencer, right? I'm sorry, I'm not good at crowds or at parties. I Don't get out very much."
"No need to apologize or be nervous. As a profiler, I can see that you are nervous and there's no reason to be here. We are all a family, and you are now part of our family."
One by one, the rest of the team introduced themselves and gave her a hug before they sat down to a wonderful meal. Rossi really went all out tonight. As he always does. there was Lasagna. Ravioli. Tortellini. Fettuccine Alfredo.
Everyone was eating and having a good time. That was until it happened, something that Spencer thought was going to shake his world forever.
Penelope asked the question. "Why haven't you told us about her before now? I'm starting to get very Nervous because the last time you kept something like this from us, something big, you ended up in prison".
Spencer never told his girlfriend that he was in prison.
Everyone at the table gasped, and then the whole place went silent, everyone looking at Spencer. Spencer looked at his girlfriend. She wasn't saying anything, she was just frozen. Slowly, she turned her head to look at him before whispering. "Prison?".
The sadness in her voice, like a dagger through Spencer's heart. 
"Yes, prison I..i" was all Spencer could get out.
"Oh my God, did you not know? Did she not know?" Penelope said quickly. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know that you didn't tell her." 
"Can we go to the other room and talk about this?" Spencer asked quickly.
Spencer got up, then pulled out her chair, taking her by the hand. going to Rossi's living room. 
"I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you so many times, but I didn't know how to. I didn't do the crime that I was Accused of. I Within Mexico. Trying to get some help from my mom. You know my mom, right? I did tell you about her. And I was accused of murdering the woman that I was buying the medication from, but I didn't do it. It was my nemesis who framed me for murder. And I spent three months in prison. And it was horrible. But I didn't know how to tell you that because I didn't want you to think badly of me or. Think that I was just as bad as your ex-boyfriend. I really do love you and I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to keep it from you. I just didn't know how to tell you. Please forgive me". Spencer explained, tears welling up in his eyes.
"Spencer, I forgive you. I'm not mad at you. I'm hurt. I'm not hurt because you didn't tell me. I'm hurt because you felt like you couldn't tell me. But I understand because there's something that I kept from you to my ex-boyfriend wasn't just lousy in bed, he was a lousy man altogether. He was very abusive. And that's why I had to learn how to fake orgasms because. If I didn't have sex with him. And didn't make him believe that I enjoyed it. He would hit me and threaten to kick me out on the street, and I didn't have anywhere to go. So I just had to keep faking it. Sex was not something that was enjoyable or pleasurable to me. It was a punishment, Until one day when I had enough. And I packed up when he went to work and used every bit of money that I had saved to buy the apartment that was next to you. That was the best day of my life, meeting you and finally knowing that there are good men in this world and I know that you didn't do anything wrong to be put in prison and I'm so sorry."
"I didn't mean to make you have sex with me if you didn't want to. I never meant to.." His words were cut off by. Y/n
"You are fine. I love having sex with you. I never thought that it could be something that I could actually enjoy, but with you, it's everything that people ever said that it was."
"Really?". He asked, holding her hand.
"Yes, really. You're going to keep your promise to me and Make Love to me when we get home, right?"
"Of course, but as long as you want it".
"Spencer, with you, I will always want it".
Spencer kissed her and then they walked back out hand in hand to finish dinner. 
"I'm so sorry". Penelope said. "I didn't know that you didn't know. I didn't know that she didn't know."
" It's OK. It's better that it's out in the open now. We both got a lot of stuff out and it's better this way. We shouldn't keep things from each other, and now we won't. It's fine. Can we continue having dinner now?" 
"Yes, let's eat bon Appetit". Rossi said.
The ride back home seems so much longer than the ride to get there, both of them just wanting to have each other so badly. If Spencer Reid was less of a man, he just would have taken his girlfriend right in the back seat of his car. But Spencer is a romantic and would never do something like that.
The dark blue dress that she was wearing was going to drive Spencer crazy all night long. Well, as long as they are at the party anyway. Spencer really wanted nothing more than to bring her back home and have his way with her. He was so glad when the party was over. Driving a little bit faster than usual because you couldn't wait to get back home and be with y/n.
" Your dress. My God, your dress. You look so beautiful. I know that I keep telling you this, but you just are just so beautiful."
" Thank you, honey."
The dark blue button up that he was wearing, with the sleeves slightly rolled up was driving her just as insane as the dress was driving him.
As soon as they were inside, he couldn't keep his hands off of her. Kissing y/n with passion before His fingers found the zipper of the dress, slowly unzipping it down her back. It's as though he wanted this moment to last forever. she didn't know that a zipper could be undone this slowly. Once the zipper hit the bottom of the track of the dress, he pulled it off of her shoulders, allowing the dress to pull to her feet. He watched the fabric slide down y/n's body as it did. Before looking up to see the Black Lacy underwear set that she was wearing underneath the dress.
" Did you wear this for me?" He asked her before kissing you on the lips.
" Yes, I did." You answered him between kisses.
"y/n Can I ask you something?"
" Of course."
He asked her a question between kisses.
" If I." (kiss) " Was a dessert." (kiss) " What kind of dessert would I be?" (kiss)
" You would be." (kiss)
Spencer's lips now made his way to her neck, kissing the spot that drives her mad.
" You would be." (moan) "My favorite dessert" she moans.
" Good answer" he said, before kissing her on the lips again. " Do you want to know what kind of dessert you would be?"
" Yes."
" You would be". (kiss) Then he Whispered right in her ear. " The desert I couldn't get enough of. The only dessert that I couldn't keep off of my mind. The only dessert that I would lose my mind if I didn't have. The only dessert that I have an insatiable appetite for."
He told her before picking her up and wrapping her legs around his waist and carrying her into their bedroom.
" Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to have some of my favorite dessert right now" he told her as he laid her on the bed before pulling down her underwear.
All she could do was Pant in anticipation, waiting for him to touch her.
" So beautiful" he said, before he put his head down and began licking her.
After one lick, he began moaning.
" So delicious. You don't mind if I just help myself to my favorite dessert, do you? He said before taking a suckle on her Clit.
" Ohh God Spencer, yes" she moaned out.
" Yes. Do you mind if I help myself to some of my favorite dessert? You want me to stop?"
" Spencer No, don't stop."
"OK, baby, I won't." He told her before going back down. The pleasure that he was giving to her was something she would never get used to. And would always be something that she craved. She moaned. She ran her fingers through Spencer's hair.
She orgasmed twice just from his mouth. 
"Spencer, please, I need to have you inside of me", she panted out. 
 Spencer wasted no time. He thought he was going to explode before being able to be inside of her. She was so wet and ready for him that he slid in with absolutely no resistance, both of them moaning out at the pleasure.
He moved so slowly inside of her fingers, in her laced with hers as he kissed her lips and neck. After they both Orgasmed together. They both laid in bed, cuddled in each other's arms, still panting, trying to get their breath back from such pleasure. 
"Was that worth the wait?" y/n asked.
"Are you kidding me? That was amazing. Unfortunately, though, we do need to get cleaned up". Spencer said. 
"Well, OK, a shower then?". y/n Suggested.
"A shower I think would be nice".
 His girlfriend reluctantly got herself out of his arms, attempted to leave the bed. But her legs were absolute Jelly.
She almost fell back down. 
Spencer told her "maybe a bath would be better" with a slight chuckle.
"Yeah, I think a bath would be good".
 Spencer kissed her. And went to the bathroom to draw the bath, putting in the vanilla bubble bath, the water steaming up the bathroom before he went back into the bedroom and carried her in. He held her up next to the tub and had her hold on to the side of the tub while he got in before helping her get in and sitting right in front of him. His arms wrapped around her instantly.
All of their secrets out in the open, all of their love known to Spencer's entire team. There was nothing left to hide anymore. There was nothing left to be nervous about. They are in love and plan on staying that way for the rest of their lives. They had a wonderful four days before Spencer was called away on another case. They knew that it was only a matter of time and spent every second that they could together. They truly were the love of each other's lives.
One night, four months after the team had met Her. Spencer lit a bunch of candles in His bedroom.
Before inviting his girlfriend over. Actually, he lit candles up pretty much all over the living room as well. Spencer let her into the apartment, and she walked in gasping at how many candles there were.
"Wow, this is a lot of fire" she said with a smile. 
"Well, I have something really special that I want to say tonight and, uh, I thought candlelight was the best way to ask. Wanted to make it as romantic as possible". He took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom. Where she saw all the candles lit and red rose petals. On the bed, in the shape of a heart. He let go of her hand, and when she turned around, there he was, on one knee with a diamond Ring in his hand.
"y/n I love you so much. When I'm not with you I feel like I'm going insane. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life and I would love and be honored if you would be my wife".
 She began crying immediately before saying yes. He slid the ring on her finger and kissed her hand before moving up her body and kissing her on the lips. 
"The beds are ready for us, my beautiful fiancé". He said before kissing her once more. "But only if you want me to Make Love to you right now".
" Spencer Reid, I want nothing more than for you to Make Love to your fiancé. I want nothing more than to have my fiancé inside of me".
 That night, Spencer made love to her in a way that felt different than the other times. It felt like it was the beginning of a new journey, a new chapter for both of them. It truly was a picture-perfect proposal.
Wow, that was a lot of 4552 words. I hope that I didn't make it too boring and I hope to have the next chapter done Faster than I had this one done. But again, being a caregiver doesn't leave me very much time to write. So I brainstorm and then I try to write the best story that I can. Please leave comments, they help keep me motivated.
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rrat-king · 3 days
For Bee Applebees (I'll take any excuse to hear about your trans!Bucky headcanons, so please feel free to answer as many or as few of these as you like!) 🏳️‍⚧️😇👻👽💝🫂💔🪢📓👗🍫🖕
THANK YOU FOR THIS ASK I COULD TALK ABOUT BEE FOREVER I LOVE HER!!! (also thank you @allthecastlesonclouds for introducing me to this headcanon originally <33)
🏳️‍⚧️ A gender headcanon
she is a trans girl! she uses she/her pronouns!! bee kinda always knew she was different from her brothers and the other boys in church with her, but she didn't really have a chance to understand or accept who she was until she got to aguefort and got the chance to be around different types of people and realize that difference isn't evil
😇 A headcanon about their religion/lack thereof
i know a lot of folks want her to join kristen in following cassandra but i personally think that casssandra and like letting in doubt could be a part of her finding a way to worship helio in a way that feels good to her. similar to the way that tracker follows and influences galicaea, i see bee devoting herself to a reformed, more inclusive helio. we've only ever seen a very extremist standpoint of the harvestmen side of helio worship, but bee, worshipping the god of the harvest, of change and growth as a trans girl? i think thats lovely.
👻 A headcanon about what scares them
bee is so scared of the fact that their is so much that she just doesn't know. where kristen was so curious and excited coming into aguefort, bee is just scared cuz that's what she was taught to be. it's hard especially cuz she sees so much of herself in this stuff that she doesn't understand, and she was taught to hate what she doesn't understand
👽 A headcanon about a weird quirk of theirs
she is super particular about stuff being designated as 'hers' especially with the amount of things that she has to share with her brothers. she has to sit in the seat behind the driver's seat in the car, she has to use her yellow plate and if she has her comic book mug that no one else is supposed to use
💝 A headcanon about their love language
she is little miss words of affirmation. a lot of her growing up was seeing her sister being so praised and cherished in the church so when someone would take a moment and give her a little bit of affirmation too she just. melts.
🫂 A friendship headcanon
she joins the gsa in sophomore year and she becomes fast freinds with torek. she's kinda obsessed with the fact that torek is not traditionally feminine by human helioic standards but still is like confidently and obviously a girl as well as torek just being cool as shit and not taking any crap.
💔 An angsty headcanon
pretty much her entire life she existed in kristen's shadow and for so long she used to wish that she could just get a little bit of that attention, that she could be *special*, but then all of a sudden kristen is gone, and she is getting that attention she thought she wanted but she realizes really quickly that it's not good attention. she has to deal with all of this pressure from her parents while realizing what her sister had been going through, and all through it she doesn't know whether to feel bad for her sister or hate her for leaving.
🪢 A headcanon about their family
her and bricker are the closest in age so they did a lot of activities together as kids just cuz it was easiest but they are such total opposites. they were on a peewee soccer team together as kids and while bee was on the field trying her best and failing miserably, bricker, who was the best kicker on the team was sitting on the sidelines eating grass. they also shared a room until kristen left and it was a constant battle between bricker who is a slob and bee who Is Not
📓 A headcanon about their hobbies
she is a cub scout! she's been a scout since she was pretty young, used to be part of the kinda helioc version some folks at her church ran, but she eventually grew out of it and had to beg her parents to let her joinng the elmville scouts but they eventually let her. she loves camping, hiking, general outdoorsy stuff as well as all the folks in her troup
👗 A headcanon about their clothes
before she transitioned, she was a pretty typical polo and khakis church kid, but as she was able to wear more fem clothes and experiment a little bit, she is a lot more drawn to looser, more flowey and floral materials. a lot of her stuff isn't necessarily explicitly feminine cuz a lot of the girls in her life aren't really tradionally fem so she doesn't force herself to do more than she's comfortable with. also she fucking loves cardigans
🍫 A headcanon about food
she cannot cook to save her life but she isn't half bad at baking. she's great at following directions and it was one of the things that she got to do alongside her sister growing up when their family needed to bring something to a bake sale or a potluck. she has made so much cornbread in her life she can do it without even having to look the recipe she could honestly do it with her eyes closed
🖕 A headcanon relating to anger
the applebees household was not a place that allowed for tears, so growing up she was taught the only appropriate way to deal with negative emotions was through anger, so she is just so angry all the time and even though she hates it, it's hard for her to rewire her brain to think about it any other way. for a while she tried to just shut down, figuring if she doesn't feel anything than at least she's not angry but it just festers till she explodes. as she kinda deconstructs and reconstructs her religion and the righteous anger that seems to go with it hand in hand she quickly realized that anger can be used as a tool, those emotions leading her to let her feel that anger and then move with it and past it to fix the problem.
ask game here
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beomnoullistheorem · 21 hours
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*꒰ 뭐 ꒱ Non-idol AU — Boyfie!Yeonjun × Girlfie!AFAB!Reader
*꒰ 뭐 ꒱ Appetizer — You can't kiss your boyfriend without him teasing the life out of you even when he is asleep.
*꒰ 뭐 ꒱ Disclaimer — This is PURE FICTION : Nothing in this work aligns with the idols' character, moral and their real life. The characters are all legal adults ( 18+ ) and everything happening around & to them is entirely consensual. Readers are humbly advised to read the Contains and Disclaimer before they read.
*꒰ 뭐 ꒱ Word Count — 2.3k+ (bye)
*꒰ 뭐 ꒱ Contains — FLUFF, minor friendly! kisses (my obsession with kisses and his lips at peak), a little of flashbacks, hyper reader ig, soft Yeonjun, flirty yeonjun, and of course as title says— a lots of kisses, banter in the end ig, a little cuddling and kissing almost taking turns to make out(?)
*꒰ 뭐 ꒱ Noulli's Note — as a proof I am alive and this thought randomly mushroomed when I was about to sleep so boom! I had fun writing this really, I'm the one who complains writing is harder than physics but this one changed my mind~ my first full-fldeged intended fluff, hope you all like it <3
Uh well. I wrote this in sheer brainrot (the quickest fic I have ever worked on in less than 24 hours) I'm too scared but Idk why. The ending is again half-assed (T^T)
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Your eyelids flutter open when sunlight directly slaps you in face at dawn, groaning and cursing at the sun to- "lower your brightness, sun!" It is the best night you have ever had and sun can't be so cruel to cock-block it so soon, it is your first night (actually morning) with him, afterall.
The rods in your eyes can barely contain the light seeming to flash into your eyes. You await some kind of butterflies or birds to fly over in your room and spread the curtains like in the Cinderella.
Well no birds or flies seem interested in closing curtains for you, the fact still not settling in your morning head.
"Ugh, wish I was Cinderella.."
Your mind surely is taking time to yet work, until you deduce that no one is gonna block the sunlight for you. To avoid yourself of the struggle you turn to other side, to your boyfriend for almost two weeks now, the best and the only blessing in your life.
He is also the tease master who has given you heart attacks last night with his cheeky lines and cuddles.
Yeonjun is made to cherish his beloved with everything in his will and ability— his actions especially servicing and romantic to his sweetheart (aka you (me too)), he knows exactly when and how easily to trigger your heart and have you burst into a reaction bomb of squeals.
It isn't that you're passive in love, your hyper reactions just swell his heart and motivate him in a way that he feels worthy to have you. Hence, teasing you is his side profession in your relationship where he takes a fine a share of delight in it.
It is not your first time to have fallen in love, yet your heart is explosive at any of the things Yeonjun does to you: from the little carding of hairstrands behind your ears to soft kisses, anywhere, on you. And he loves that about you, almost exploding into your squeals and laughter that he is all heart eyes to binge watch.
As if kissing the back of your hands as a pledge to treasure you forever had not robbed you off the ability to speak when Yeonjun asked you, "will you be my girlfriend, darling?" Your heart had almost combusted out at the soft touch of his lips, for almost a second your hands wished to be glued there, at his mouth. It had taken minutes for you to say yes.
The first kiss wasn't as embarrassing as establishing your relationship — his lips saying hi to yours for the first time was something really soft. His lips were more plushy than the plushies themselves, so plump, so sweet and so wide— capturing yours into his lips was so natural, it felt like once in, never out.
It had you wanting to continue for long, your lips finding home onto his. Hardly letting him pull off of your lips, you had him breathless then and everytime you kissed him. He has consumed you wholly since then — from the thought beginning your day to the ones ending it, he has become your everything.
Yeonjun certainly does own your heart rentfree, but his lips swarm the whole of it.
Developing a soft spot for his lips can't really let you miss this sight when you turn to him: he is facing you; deep in slumber while his hands seem lonely, resting on the mattress with nothing to grope on or drape around; his lips plumped as if they already aren't and his closed eyes with his pretty lashes painting their shadows at under eye.
Yeonjun is cute, his feather like lineaments to always doted on, but this is... something else.. a sleepy frame so adorned with beautiful hair ornamenting his glowing face resembling a sparkly water under sunset. The tiniest features on his face meet the light, the smallest of minute acne on his cheeks, facial hair highlighted, his adam's apple and collar bone glimmering along his face, he looks so extraordinarily gorgeous.
Your heart is doing gymnastics with excitement at max, your lazy sleepiness immediately whooshing away at the sight your eyes refuse to blink at.
How is he so beautiful, and why- mine? are the thoughts beatboxing at perfect sync with your pounding heart, the said beat drumming in your own ears to blur out the noises of chirping sparrows and beeping traffic down your building.
You are zoned out in him, your eyes seeming to photograph all his beauty into your memory, your cognizance capturing every little detail at its finest bit by bit. You don't even seem to have the mind to grab your phone under the pillow & actually photograph it, when your eyes now discover his rosy lips.
Are there rose petals under the skin of his lips? you mindlessly wonder when your hands work faster than your impulses do and trace his lips but you retract. You can't touch him so he wakes up and barely give you any chance to adore him peacefully by flirting the hearts out of you. He is so mesmerizing, everything blurs around him, forming an enhanced portrait of him.
"He is.. so ki-kissable!" A little squeal already escapes your mouth before you could even process it and you turn away, calming your palpitations almost bursting out those not-so little squeals and laughters of excitement which will waken him, undoubtedly.
Palming at your heart, almost strangling your chest and exhaling as noiselessly as you could, you face him again, hoping you'd relax but your cheeks are the best place for crimson tints to happily color at, in these moments with your boyfriend.
His plumpy lips are glossed by sunlight, urging you from the cores of core with alarms "kiss him!", again & again banging in your head. Your gulp your saliva down, your lips eventually feeling tingly all of a sudden now that you're close to his face, in the blink of an eye.
At such proximity, his little snores backed up by his soft raspy voice isn't missed by your sensitive ears, saving it all to your memory.
It seems like you can't find any peace from your insides so you plant your lips at his, your eyes closing shut and your heartbeat exploding yet calm enough to let you savor this moment, stealing a soft kiss from your sleepy boyfriend who is so gorgeous bathed in the rays of dawn.
His pout perfectly houses your lips, you're now lost in its touch stirring so much bliss inside. It is the way you're bewitched with just his soul, his existence, flush & explode at his flirtings, gladly let him rule and reside in your heart.. you would actually admit that he has you wrapped around his finger (but never to him).
Seconds do not hesitate to turn into minutes, yet you're slow as ever, kissing him as if the time in the world is all yours, hands already toying with his hair. You pull back in realization, getting touchy will out your mischief. You glance at him, he is still unfazed. He must be sleepless from the way you've entertained him with your puny attempts to flirt back till midnight.
His snores are still ringing in your ears with his warm breath fanning your face. You are still inable to actually turn away and wake up when you're swamped adoring his little features like the way his mole at his cheekbone sinks into the pillow the more he curls into himself in sleep, or the way he has no idea you've kissed him like that and sleeping like a cute duck.
The fact once again immersing you in your profession of staring holes into your boyfriend in adoration. So immersed that you don't really observe his smirking lips.
"No more kisses, angel?"
With Widened eyes, an audible gasp, you're turning away in an audible, flamboyant(-ly uncool) manner – entertaining that tease of a cunning fox who was awake all this time. So flushed and barely able to utter, you turn your back at him.
"Y-You weren't sleeping all this time, jjunie!?" You no longer have any idea if you're accusing him or actually questioning him.
"You kiss so good that sleeping felt wrong." His slender fingers drape around your arm and already begin to turn you back to face him, while you're resisting with all your might to hide your flushed face and your poor self, suffering with a mini heart attack again.
"So pretending to be asleep felt good?" You finally croak out, your voice barely audible. You feel so embarrassed, he has been awake this time, drinking in all your messy features and your puny mischief of trying to kiss him— no, kissing him.
"You were kissing so good assuming I was asleep," he rasps softly, laughing in the end. "Of course that felt good."
"I'll feel better if you kiss me again, by the way," he whines with groggy voice sounding utterly awful to you. How is he still so good at teasing you so early in the morning?
"Oh come on, now! kiss me more!"
You've almost begun to shed your remorses to have taken advantage of your boyfriend like that before he has 'no more kisses, angel?'-ed you & your heart almost popped out at his sudden rise at your kiss.
Yet his whines are a little too adorable, you wish to listen to them more even with that little pang of regret to have him whine like that when you're the one who has begun this. He is acting so entitled, that just encourages you to tease him more.
Hiding your laughter at his whines is a little tedious when he is already wriggling you with his super strength already, shaking you vigorously to have you facing him.
After a few more struggles, he successfully faces you to him, you still refusing to look him in his eyes to hide your smiling face. Not that he is able to open his eyes as wide as an owl in the sunlight, yet he still doesn't stop his little groans and whines that you don't look at him.
"That was the best good morning I've ever gotten and you're refusing to give me more of it?" His fingertips play at your lips which you instantly slap away earning a lazy 'ow!' from him.
Even after waking up where our system takes a tad bit of time function well, Yeonjun really does awaken the butterflies in your tummy with his witty way of titling your mischief with the 'best good morning' right after he has awakened.
That feels really good to listen, your heart and you in sync with simping thoughts.
"Please, Baby? Kiss me again?" He pouts now, voluntarily, plumping his lower lip up in dramatic sadness as he looks down. You can't contain your laugh until you pull him in a kiss again. Smiling as a kid who's gotten his candies as he asked, it is rather Yeonjun taking it to a further step.
Yeonjun is already so into kissing you, his lips now playing at yours, brushing at them ever so softly that it tickles on yours lips. Your hands relax on his nape while he takes the charge, hovering over you and relishing on every corner of your lips.
He is so adept with these skills, that simple nibble of his lips on yours could have you weakened from head to toe, all pliant for his lips traversing from your cheeks to your jaw. He is so perfect on top of you, lacing his fingers with yours and showering so many giggly smooches at your neck. Purposely he traces a little of his teeth on your neck, earning breathy gasps and praises from your honeyed voice.
His lips are never chapped, thanks to you always kissing and biting onto them, softening them from time to time. The said lips begin tickling and marking your jaw with marks that blush at his lips.
You face him towards you again, your lips are already missing his playful smooches. Kissing him is so different to him kissing you, the feel so playful and so.. good. It is normal to crave more at this point but to actually cuddle your lips with his, yet he doesn't let you think of anything.
His kisses so teasing that they feel so not enough yet too good to stop. It is when you think you can collide in his lips more, parting them for him to prod inside, he parts away displaying his swollen lips.
You shoot him a 'why did you stop' look with your half-lidded, kiss-needy eyes, until he opens his mouth. Uttering the most annoying words ever, and ruining the mood as the yeonjun-usual of today.
"Should brush, you stink."
Seconds before there were lovey-dovey flowers budding and blooming inside of you but now it feels like your boiler could burst at any second at his words, your shyness and a little embarrassment already craving you with the sheer desire to be swallowed by the bed monster.
Rosy tinges on your face fade with the smile containing raging volcano forms on your face, your nerves popping a little and asking him to say that again, which he does so, again, plopping beside on the bed, with a smirk dancing on his face.
"You need to brush, angel~" stressing on the need to brush and adding a taunting tone at the angel to mock you, he sighs at you. "You stink."
"As if you smell like flowers," you scoff at him, counting down to 10 to calm your boiler. "Who wants to kiss your inflated stinky lips? they're too bad to taste."
Yeonjun observes you pouting your lips and cursing at him as you get off of the bed and fold the blankets, throwing so many scolding at his face at every lock of your eyes with his. It is that same hearty smile that forms on his lips when he watches you with heart eyes.
"You. You can't seem to let go of my lips," he proudly boasts at your soft spot for his lips. He is spot on with his come-back, so true that you almost give in admit defeat.
Damn fox, so kissable and so annoyingly right.
"Brush," he demands concealing his laughter. "Will you, with me?"
I ain't kissing him for the rest of my life, you rage inside.
"After breakfast let's make out, love."
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jokerownsmysoul · 9 months
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
Your influence in this world doesn't need to be all-encompassing and World Changing. It can be small ripples. It can be gentle and easily missed.
Let yourself do small things. So often, people have this idea that to do "good things," it must be a grand gesture that changes every little thing. Honestly, that can be so intimidating and scary. We weren't meant to carry the world by ourselves. We each contribute, often in small ways, often in ways that aren't seen by everybody. But the people you affect might just take that kindness you gave them and let it light them home. Let yourself be that in whatever way you want. You don't need to carry the world alone.
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nobodys-saviour · 4 months
thinking about the little snowman in mc's image zayne did. thinking about how she was like "awww but its gonna be lonely :(" thinking about how zayne immediately made a slightly taller snowman beside it. thinking about how even though not romantic their friendship is so good
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quirkle2 · 1 year
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my fav pets from cs :) [please zoom in . pl ease]
[designs belong to chickensmoothie]
#qkdraws#i know this isn't gonna get a lot of notes so reminder: reblogs r very appreciated#chicken smoothie#bit of an oddball here !#if anybody doesn't know what chicken smoothie is;#it's a fun little pet-collecting site :) u adopt little sillies n trade them with other users. it's nice#i've been on cs since 2013 and have thankfully collected some of my dream pets in the process :]#the velociraptor's name is valon and i love him dearly#the cool lookin purple wolf is a shima longtail and her name is mal :)#when i first joined cs she had been my dreamie for Years#and when i finally got her i was like . the happiest 12 year old in existence#anyway i still love her very much . i cherish her she'll prolly always be my fav#the pumpkin pie with a face on it IS indeed a pet#i got him very recently actually . he was also a dreamie#and i gave my trading partner like . my entire stock of rares that i had saved up over the course of my 10ish years of playing#as well as like . C$1000+#basically sold my soul for that guy GVEYAIGV#idk why i like him so much he's just . so thoughtless and silly#the other three wolves at the top aren't particularly rare or in demand i just like them#the grey one with the blue accessories and the floating crown is shilao . he is gentle and silly#the one next to him w the scarf is ren . he is jaded and withdrawn but shilao brings him out of his shell etc etc#they sit right next to each other in my pet groups and i have labeled them ''GAY LOVERS'' . bc they ARE#and the cool glowing one is just a staff pet that looked badass i love him#anyway apologies for the random doodles of a game but im assuming not many people know of#i just enjoy them :)
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wayfinderships · 6 months
Man...I do not talk enough about my O.ne P.iece s/i...they really are so cool-
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navramanan · 5 months
yeom mijeong put it into words so well for me. i'm a good person i won't ask to be loved. asking for love implies you're difficult to love because you're a bad person, so you ask for it. being a good person makes you lovable enough to be loved by someone, so a good person doesn't ask to be loved. a good person is just loved, without having to ask or beg for it. i'm a good person, so why should i ask to be loved? i'm a good person, why am i not loved.
#thinking thoughts are being thunk idk#is this something?#i had difficulties interpreting that mantra so i can understand it#and this is how i understand it#i think yeom mijeong might not agree with this but to me this also applies to people who claim to love you but dont make you feel loved#by putting their words into action. by showing they love you by showing they care for you#so the way i see ''i'm a good person i wont ask to be loved''#is i wont ask for your affection i wont ask you to show you care wont ask you to show up for me#am i not good enough of a person for you to do that without me asking for it?#i understand it's a thin line between communicating your needs and not asking to be loved and simplying wanting to be loved#i also believe there's some bare minimum things you should do. especially after i've communicated with you that theyre important to me#as a baseline to see you do care for me. you do think about me. you do want to see me to talk to me to spend time with me#and you acknowledge it. but leave it there. and continue your inaction#and i'm left in a horrible fucking position bc ur important enough for me to not want to cut you off for this reason#i'm left to sit in that position bc i only have very few people i cherish in my life and most of them act this way#if i were to cut them off i'd be left rotting away by my own#which is better. that or to live with a couple people you know love you but dont show you they do so you have this gaping hole inside you#idk this is just me doing a whole lot of yapping#nesi rants#my liberation notes
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child-of-the-cosmos · 15 days
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Can't wait these 3 days eeeee
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I'm also super excited! Gonna eat like, a whole slice of cake... or, if I dare- two. Kdksowwklwdoow
I just might update my bio sometime after, too... but I'm not sure yet. Gonna wait and see how I feel about it.
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arvoze · 3 months
what's pmdiner?
pokemon mystery diner! a pmd discord community, and the one i frequent most (the only one i frequent, technically, though i'd like to drop into workshop every now and then) (i do not do this bc i forget to). it is primarily one of the many hubs for pmd fanfiction authors, so you'll see a lot of fanfic discussion there, & a lot of excitement for eachothers' works. i haven't written proper in a long time, bar one of the writing events i took part in there, so i've not got any writing to share there, but i'm pretty much mostly there for community first and foremost (that's my friends!! those are my friends!!) it's an open server, with the link to join here. there's almost always some kind of server event coming around the corner!
"art tango" is a biweekly art event hosted within the art channels, wherein someone is selected (from last event's entrants) to have their characters be "chosen" for the tango. people may then draw one or more of these characters, and be in for a chance to have their characters be chosen for the next hosting. the current choice is the owner of the gallade i drew, wayfarer, and by drawing their gallade (one of several choices), i now have the chance to be picked as the next choice in two weeks' time!
there is a roleplay section of the server, but they're kind of a different community to the rest of the server (some people dabble in both "sides", but you'll see many people in the rp channels not show up in most other places). i do love the general community very much though. you will absolutely see me in there multiple times every day
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whomturgled · 11 months
i have so many feelings and i hate it
#and regrets of any time ive acted up or feel like in hindsight it wasnt cherishing the time i have w them as i shld be and#and things i want to do with them still and ways to love them and be loved and understand their way of loving and#i think we can be so good together and. i miss them. and i hope they miss me.#i really hope theyll miss me soon and want me again and . ik its maybe a little messed up but i want to believe and trust and#its hard and it hurts but. i really feel theres a great connection and if i need to chill out a bit and remember myself more thats fine#and on me for getting so like. moody recently. altho i kinda feel like part of that is med changes but u__u still i need to be able to like#be better and i think they make me better and so happy and. im so comfortable with them and i love them and i wld want to make it work#even if it had to be distance but i dont think i want to just be their friend like maybe but it would hurt a lot bc i love them so much#and i hope they wanna be with me too still and will allow me to romance them yknow flowers and adventures and love and take care and... yea#and maybe some of this was just them going thru a lot rn and im sorry for adding pressure to it and i want to be the comfortable respite an#auurgrgghfhdhdhhfhfdhh i miss them#i just keep thinking abt them like ill have periods of not but then i do again and. idk.#theres also a lot of complicated feelings and thoughts and its like i want to like. idk. know some of their friends n stuff n. :^( idk#i dont feel well from the stress and emotions and ow of it all#i really hope it isnt just a way for them to let me down i really hope they come back eventually like i wanna believe they will but#ourgsghthfhdhfhghghdhdhwkelftk4bfbhwiwjtjejAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#i love them a lot. and need to listen more abt more alone time stuff bc it is good for both of us but not like this u_u#ok sorry for rambling i needed somewhere to write feelings so here we are#i guess part of me is hoping theyre thinking abt me at least a bit and maybe will check this and see it and be like wow i do miss them too#but ik thats silly and eitth3u2ieigjtb4jirifjwji24jgntn aahhhhhhhhhhh. i say a lot of things wrong esp when scared or overly emotional and.#urgevshehrhtjrjeitjtnjeeitjtjwjeiigvjiw9384847rhfbwjoe4j4n4j289djrnrnf#i just really really hope they come back soonish and like want me and are like yes i do want you sorry for that but not a huge sorry bc#like i understand where theyre coming from and. and. yeah. idk. soon doesnt have to be today or tomorrow but maybe a week or 2 idk#i just realy miss them and it hurts and i really dont want them with someone else or to just throw it all away andni want to prove i can#like. idk. love them and be better and more positive i guess we've both been dealing w a lot of stuff and i do need to learn to accept and#more patient w how we communicate differently and we do have to face that but its a difficult topic to confront ig and aurh4hwhshhrlffff#i think they love me i want to trust and i really hope they dont try to make any decisions for me or like based on what they think best 4 m#bc i get to decide that :^(#when i said let down i meant like. leave my life and never talk to me again and stuff.. ;^(. idk how to feel abt some things but. idk. idk.#theres so many feelings and that all is just a pretty vague tip of the iceberg ugh
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moe-broey · 7 months
I think if you were to put Moe in a dress it wouldn't be in a girl way it would be like dressing up your beloved kitty kitty (who fucking hates it but is sooooo so cutes 🥺🥰) or in the same way you tie a bow around the neck of your beloved stuffed animal (cherished and decorated) OR in a very specific DIY doll styling way where there is an overarching Theme and Vision to the entire ensemble -- artistic expression, love of the craft, meant to represent whatever it's portraying but fundementally at its core unlike that representation. Mimicry, made in the image of, but is something else entirely... a beast or some guy.
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pepprs · 1 year
you will never be too old to find someone for you. society puts a lot of emphasis on dating in high school or right after but in reality the number of people who stay in those relationships untill marriage is low. real life doesnt prioritize those years! you are never done meeting people who will love you and you will love too. there is no timer ticking down. 24 is not too old, i promise.
i know you’re right 😞😞😞 idk why i have issues abt this bc most of the ppl i spend time w / follow on inst*gram (where i saw that post 🥴) / etc are at least a couple yrs older than me if not decades and also in most cases didn’t meet their person until they were around my age or older so it’s like why not enjoy the ride and just trust that it’ll all fall into place bc ur teens and 20s are definitely not as stable or happy or whatever as they’re made out to be sometimes. i think i just need to stop looking at social media that isn’t tumblr and find a different counselor and learn how to drive 😭
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