#i sound like an unhinged solo stan
maxsix · 9 months
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Altered States: Song Mingi x Kim Hongjoong | Creative Director/Photography by Jack Bridgland. Styling by Lisa Jarvis (2023)
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BPP, oh my god, the MHJ New Jean's news?? Do you have any thoughts? That's actually insane! What do you think is going to end up happening with New Jean's?
Ask 2:
Have you read about what’s happening with Ador and Hybe? What do you think?
Ask 3:
The TEA today about Ador Ceo was sad but not surprising. BTS is the story of betrayal by outsiders.
I was surprised when Tae worked with HER for his album. I didn't see that collaboration coming.
I have to wonder if she purposefully misled Tae into a "mid" album. Look, Layover isn't a bad album but its not a masterpiece regardless of what Tae solos believe.
The results are so different between albums like JITB, Astronaut, DDAY, Indigo, Face and Layover its crazy. The depth/personal experience reflected in those albums is undeniable while Tae's was all surface.
Golden is departure and its own thing. JK went for global popstar and achieved/ate!! His choreo reflected his status as part of 3J and his vocals were on display. Gorgeous!!! (Had to add that in because in this house we don't leave out members)
I feel bad for Tae today realizing he worked with a traitor. I will always wonder what he could have released if he had just worked with the Bighit team instead of Ador Ceo.
Maybe you have more insight into all this?
Ask 4:
Sooo... what are you thinking about this inter-hybe conflict between belift and ador? I know you're a nj fan but I think I've also heard you say that people are too quick to call things a nj copy, so I'm curious what you think about mhj's claims. I'll be honest that I thought that what I've seen so far seemed kind of unhinged-main-character syndrome to me but I also don't follow these groups and don't know how deep this goes. Certainly, I think mhj has been very deliberate and successful in building nj's brand, but I found this public argument unnecessary and potentially damaging to both groups. What kind of fallout do you expect?
Ask 5:
Bpp! Thoughts on the Min Heejin Hybe mess? I thought we were done with the corporate drama but tuns out no!
There's really nothing to say... yet.
News leaked that HYBE has leveled some allegations and accusations at ADOR, most likely based on a tip off, and launched an audit to ascertain if these allegations are true - in HYBE's statement confirming the audit, they don't name the people accused, but the news leak makes a point to name Min Heejin specifically, keeping the name of the VP who is accused of committing the acts unknown.
Min Heejin has responded in an exclusive interview and statement by ADOR, that she's innocent of most of the accusations and that this dispute started because HYBE has refused to curb inter-label plagiarism of her ideas with NewJeans. She refers specifically to Be:lift's new girl group Illit, noting how everything from choreography to visuals to styling to sound is based on her ideas, without proper attribution to her from Belift, nor an apology for what she calls blatant theft of concepts she's developing at ADOR. She accuses Bang PD of being complicit and prioritizing short-term profit over long-term viability of the new groups he's pushing out.
There are reports (unconfirmed) that HYBE has called for Min Heejin to resign. If ADOR doesn't call for a shareholder meeting by tomorrow, HYBE has indicated they might sue. The fact the meeting is being called before the audit is concluded, has all the hallmarks of a textbook corporate power play move, and implies to me something else than what I'm seeing most people here allude to. But still...
...there's nothing to say because what we're seeing is the middle innings of a power play game. There's simply too little info to make any decisive statements.
I immediately get a headache whenever things like this happen in k-pop because, even for more innocuous subjects, there's nobody more mind rotted than the average k-pop stan. And before long we'll have people whose only experience with executive/corporate power struggles is watching Succession, giving us endless takes in endless discourse. And this particular discourse is going to be more annoying because (1) Min Heejin is a woman who is already widely disliked, (2) There's an overwhelming amount of intersectional motives and interests both within and outside HYBE given the nature of the dispute, which typically leads to people infusing moral language into the discussion. It's going to be the HYBE-Kakao-SM discourse on steroids (and even in the HYBE vs SM drama, we had far more information to go on that what's available in this case).
I mean... Anon 3, you're already convinced this is a story of "betrayal", and claiming she is a "traitor", and you're tying a corporate power struggle to BTS. Not like I'd expect to see anything less from most other people to be honest.
This is really a dispute between Min Heejin and Kim Taeho (Belift's CEO), with increased grievance due to Taeho supposedly enjoying Bang PD and Park Jiwon's support and Heejin, supposedly, not.
The fallout, predictably, is going to be nasty. Given all the above. NewJeans is slated to have a comeback next month, Illit is only just ramping down debut activities while ENHYPEN is just starting the final leg of their FATE+ tour. If HYBE is indeed demanding MHJ resign, it's likely they only mean for her to resign from the CEO role but remain as the Creative Director of NewJeans - because the reality is that if there is no MHJ, there is no NewJeans. And it's that reality that in my view, is the primary leverage MHJ has. And she doesn't strike me as the sort to bluff. The worst case scenario is she leaves HYBE completely and NewJeans is put on hiatus, or the members sue to break their contracts with HYBE to follow her while she courts outside investors, similar to the Fifty Fifty situation.
Inter-label competition and drama is expected in a company like HYBE, it's wonderful because it can yield truly incredible results and unique approaches, but also potentally horrible because it can result in cases like MHJ's vs HYBE. There are ways to properly manage this competition to prevent the latter case, but I can't say I've seen any indication that with Jiwon nor Bang have done so. I said above that MHJ leaving HYBE completely is the worst case scenario for NewJeans, but it looks like the scenario most preferable for certain parties given it's one of the only viable outcomes from having this news broken this way. And so, most likely to happen. Unless Bang PD develops some hitherto unseen business acumen... so yeah I'm not holding my breath.
I have nothing insightful to add. My opinions about the suits at HYBE and Bang PD's business decisions for the last 2 years have skewed mostly negative, and that's not changed in this case. I'd rather not share my full opinions because I feel they run contrary to the dominant talking points here, and partly because they're not fully formed and nobody here is paying me to fully develop a view. I'm really not going to do that work for free.
We're all just going to have to wait and see.
What I will say though and something I find particularly interesting, is that HYBE has been accused of what Min Heejin is alleging, since at least the start of last year. Also, Belift in particular has been accused of plagiarism since the start of the year, twice, on issues unrelated to NewJeans. The first was when 'mobiius_music', an indie music producer on Instagram, accused them of lifting his music almost bar for bar for ENHYPEN's 2023 GDA dance break. The second was when Kelley Sweeney, an American choreographer who shares her routines on Instagram and tiktok, accused Belift of using her choreography for Illit's pre-debut practice without credit. Both times it was for low-level offences as it wasn't related to official music releases or album content, and so in that way Belift is better than bigger and more known agencies, but it still reflects a lax vetting process in the best case and unethical creative practices in the worst.
Anyway, my concern is for the artists involved while the suits try to play god with their careers. I can only hope that whatever happens is only the best possible outcome for all involved.
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I’m sorry if you already discussed this, what are your thoughts on the narrative "BTS has been/is being mistreated by the music industry" that goes around in the fandom? as much as I am a fan, and I do see some eyebrow-raising stuff + obvious examples of racism and ostracism, I feel like this idea of "Bangtan against the world/they’re been sabotaged" sounds lowkey conspiracy-ish at times. Are they really? Maybe I’m naive, I don’t know. I’m especially lost when it comes to streams and platforms such as Spotify/YT filtering the streams. I mean, the fandom is so huge now and people are playing songs on repeat for the sake of it, it does not seem like a really faire competition to me… they’re not the only ones doing this for sure as it seems to be a common thing in kpop fandoms but it seems like a taboo topic to question it… I guess I’m too old for this, lol (33 yo), i don’t get why people are so obsessed with the ranking and it seems like it keeps feeding the idea that it’s Army the savior of poor mistreated BTS against the whole mean industry (which is probably a pithole anyway). Every time I’ve tried to introduce my friends around my age to kpop, the first thing they always say is that they have a bad image on the genre because the fans are completely unhinged which does not make the music very welcoming unfortunately. I find it sad that fans don’t realize that they’re actually probably doing more harm than good.
Anon 2
My god, BMT, have you seen the whole Spotify/Lisa/ARMY fiasco on Twitter? When will these fans accept the fact that BTS aren’t victims—haven’t been for a long time—and they don’t need ARMYs protection? Then again, of course the behavior will continue when BTS encourage (James Cordon, “got ARMYs right behind us when we say so”, blah blah blah). It’s embarrassing and disgusting 💀
I've said times multiple times and nothing happened to change my mind as of today, but Army is still victimizing BTS because it's an integral part of the fandom's raison d'etre. They need to fight, they need to be the savior. And how many times have I not seen I-Army calling out the Korean fans for not streaming enough which once again, is done as a way to put themselves on this superior position in which the foreigner knows best and is the only one able to save and truly love an uplift this Korean group. But this overall mentality is found across the board. Of course it's dumb.
I saw the tweets for the past two days and honestly, it looks like desperation to me, for something that truly doesn't make any sense. Army is still there in the trences for an imaginary war that has long been won already and they are on the winning side, except they don't want to recognize it because without that war, they have no purpose. In 2022, is BTS a group dependent on streams? Really? Is that a main concern? They made it. They made a long time ago, which only makes this even more ridiculous. For this fandom, numbers will always matter most and not the quality of music, despite preaching that it's the most important aspect they're interested about and the reason why they "stan" BTS. Except they fail or won't admit that this is also about them and how they're in competition with every single person on this planet who is not BTS or BTS-approved.
They make BTS as victims when these so-called victims get to have a stage at Lollapalooza, debut one song on a stadium tour in Argentina, sing at the World Cup and without being a well established solo artist, a place at NPR Tiny Desk. Those are opportunities that came because as a group, they reached a certain level of success and fame that opens those types of doors. They are not debuting a solo song on Music Bank, but on world stages. And somehow, they still need a fandom to fight insignificant battles.
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spacelazarwolf · 2 years
feeling completely unhinged about batman, this is going to sound insane. but I think making Tim Drake the bisexual Robin was homophobic.
Our options were the guy has been crossdressing since the Golden Age, the guy who dresses like a leather daddy, the kid who has never had a love interest and is constantly dealing with other people's expectations. They went with option number 4 the guy who is essentially written as a blank slate for readers to project onto with little to no thought for whether or not this created an interesting dynamic with other characters. Though Dick Grayson and Jason Todd were both created very deliberately as foils for Bruce Wayne, with personalities that contrasted against Bruce, Tim Drake was designed as a foil for Jason, in opposition to all of Jason's character traits after Jason proved unpopular due to a combination of classism and the editors and writers just wanting a different direction for his character than the readers did. This design decision for Tim Drake ended up with a character whose personality traits are functionally the same as Bruce, but whose purpose is Blank Slate. As a result his character is and always has been a gigantic pile of contradictions, with him simultaneously being an unpopular nerd and having tons of friends and being both relatable middle class and wealthy enough to denigrate the lower class characters in the minds of the writers. Unlike pretty much every other character in Batman, Tim has no special skills that make him stand out as an expert in a particular field or give him a special place on the team, so writers and fans alike both constantly shove him into the roles of other characters, pushing out their expertise and messing with the dynamics. It's incredibly common to see Tim positioned as the """expert detective""" or """techy expert"""" despite this having very little basis in canon when compared to other writers. Yeah whatever Tim figured out Bruce was Batman but Duke Thomas prepared to go toe to toe with the Riddler when he was TEN and figured out Dick Grayson's identity despite Dick literally having face erasing tech and through that was able to extrapolate on everyone else's identities. Tim's fanon position as as the T E C H Y is one that's been stolen from Harper Row and Barbara Gordon, who was the most powerful unpowered character in the DCU but has had her accomplishments gradually and continually downplayed and erased since 1986. This lack of specialization for Tim and his characterization as the everyman relatable blank slate have held him back as the character continues to fail in being given his own identity, which relates to his continuous deaging, a trait largely only shared by women. In fact the deaging of Tim DRake has gotten so bad that the current timeline implication is that Dick fired Tim from being Robin when Tim was TWELVE in order to give Robin to a TEN year old as opposed to the 17 Tim was when the actual comic was released, as Damian is aging but Tim has not.
The common claim that Tim is """""most popular""" and """""""Best""""" Robin is one that's honestly unbacked, and believed only because Tim stans are so goddamn loud. Before his shit, shit run started 2 weeks ago Tim Drake had not held his own solo title in 12 years, whereas Dick Grayson has continually held one for 26 years and spent decades starring in long running back ups and team books prior to that. The reality that Tim stans don't want to admit is that Tim is bisexual because editorial didn't give a shit about him until he came out and it got people talking. They'll often lift up examples of him being "queercoded" prior to him coming out but it's really very notable that all of Tim's instances of "queercoding" are related to shipbaiting with Superboy. On the other hand Dick crossdressed until the Comics Code slammed the ban hammer on queerness because of his existence, openly stated in 2004 that he was alright with homophobes assuming that he's gay, has had several uniforms with influence from queer fashion, and despite being ostensibly straight has been featured on multiple Pride themed comic covers. Next to him is Jason who habitually covers himself in leather and wears a muzzle and said his girlfriend was a good kisser "for a girl". Instead of examining these adult characters relationships to queer masculinity, including Dick Grayson being a gay icon since the 1940s who has literally influenced gay culture, the queer Robin that we got is the run of the mill middle class white high school boy whose writing immediately shifted to QUEER ROMCOM UTOPIA as soon as he came out. The first issue of his solo run is a notable example with complete fluff, Tim claiming that his relationship with his boyfriend Bernard is more "real" than his relationships with his past girlfriends, and Bernard the schlubby conspiracy theorist previously dressed in hoodies suddenly wearing artfully ripped skinny jeans and a statement blazer. Even outside of this issue, the past year sicne Tim came out has seen his and Bernard's flaws and eccentricities scrubbed away in favor of gay cotton candy, rendering Tim somehow even blander and less interesting than before.
But I haven't even gotten to the worst part yet. I haven't slammed the hammer down. Here's the real bombshell on Tim Drake and why him being the lone bisexual Robin for who knows how long is homophobic.
Tim Drake's one solid long lasting character trait until he came out, the ONE aspect of his personality that genuinely stood out, totally unique to him, his place in the family? Was being a fucking asshole. Not only did he break into Batman's house to demand he get over the death of his son, not only did he refuse to allow Dick to grieve his third dead parent when they believed Bruce was dead, but Tim Drake has been cheating on his partners since he started dating. Despite only being created at the very tale end of the 1980s, Tim Drake has had nine love interests in main continuity. This is a feat accomplished by dating three girls at once. Yet it's Dick Grayson - the Romani man - who gained a fandom reputation for being a womanizer and in fanon a cheater, despite having only around a dozen love interests and existing for nearly three times as long as Tim.
tl;dr the bisexual Robin shouldn't be the one who habitually cheats on his partners, there's queercoding besides shipbaiting, Tim Drake sucks, stan Dick Grayson instead
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theangryjikooker · 8 months
I’ve noticed a lot of PJMs are obsessed with Jikook and jkkrs and are constantly in their business. I’m not sure if other solos do this with their related ships? But I’ve noticed it a lot with PJMs. What’s interesting is that a lot of the worst PJMs are actually ex-jkkrs themselves. There are a few blogs on here that literally went from Jikook to PJM focused accounts and attack JK and Jikook more than the average PJM. Some of them even admit to hating jkkrs more than tkkrs which is just insane to me. The shipper/solo to anti pipeline is honestly super scary. Because they still keep the obsession, they just completely change the nature of it. I guess they just become crazy resentful when whoever they stan/ship starts to act in a way that goes against their own biased perception of them? For example, I saw a jkkr get mad at Jimin for not visiting Jungkook on his birthday, and then they started to spiral and question if they were even friends at all and wondered why Jimin was trying so hard to make it seem like they weren't close... it was wild. And I've seen solos do similar things to whoever they stan too.
It’s funny that you mention that because I have seen Jkkrs sound like PJMs at times. And I have noticed that PJMs—at least the ones I’ve gotten—are weirdly fixated on Jikook and Jkkrs, like these shippers have offended them specifically. They’re more obsessed with the comparison between Jimin and Jungkook than they are with Jimin and everyone else.
Because Jungkook comes up a lot more with my anons, that’s where my content veers, but if PJMs had any lick of literacy, they’d know I personally think RL’s albums were far better, but I don’t see them throwing a hissy fit about their accomplishments.
And my conclusion is they brush them under the rug because they don’t see RL as Jimin’s competition. I find that PJMs compete against KTHs and JJKs more often, but with a particular disdain towards Jungkook. Their obsession is unhinged, and the more they run their mouths, the more they prove to everyone else how insecure they sound.
I don’t know if KTHs/JJKs do this with their ships, so I can’t talk too much about that. I’d be surprised if I ran into KTHs because I rarely talk about Taehyung, and I generally avoid tagging him where I can help it because he’s not a focus of this blog. I have gotten JJKs before, but they mostly accused me of being a Jungkook anti (hilarious, given PJMs’ thoughts on the matter) and were obviously of the “Free Jungkook” movement, but they never placed an emphasis on how much better his success/accomplishments were.
In any case, in the last 12 hours, all PJMs have done is expose where their pressure points are. If I were subhuman, I’d dig into them to have a laugh because they’re so easy to rile, but I don’t have to say anything and they still get mad. 😂
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alottamoney · 1 year
There was a lot of stuff circulating about Chan, the dating stuff was to cover that up 🥴 so now i-side thinks that’s why he got dropped.
Speaking strictly about dating rumours, there was usually some background with the people involved that had little to do with the dating per se. A little distance reveals a lot of stuff.
With big idols like Tae and Jennie, they’re as safe a bet as one can make, as evidenced by the fact that their companies aren’t running around like headless chickens issuing statements. Mistreatment this, mistreatment that, and the worse they can do to him is let people believe he’s a het 😀
Tae solos need to get a grip, and consider why they always get caught when they’ve got events coming and not while their schedules are empty… He’s gonna be fine, it’s not the end of the world if people speculate… that’s the whole point of PR, for fans to spread it by speculating, they’re actually doing more harm than good by not talking about it 🥴 (the little there is to talk about, cause damn do his fans sound like children saying he’s in love and they’re getting married, while Jennie gets to enjoy her life not bogged down by fans who think some selfies and hand holding are signs of everlasting love)
I didn't follow Exo like that. I remember he announced his wedding to his pregnant gf and I've seen Exo fans say they knew about her🤷🏻‍♀️. There was also news that a few fans protested outside SM to get him removed. People just made fun of them. It's weird the way people come out of the woodwork to say "LeT iDoLS liVe" and write essays on parasocial relationships every time this happens but then there are only like five unhinged and motivated fans? lol Being disappointed on Twitter is strange, sure, but it's not trying to control their faves. Their faves were doing what they wanted to anyways.
I still maintain that this had all the makings for being Kpop's best dating rumor (No one predicted it would be so boring) so I don't get Tae stans' behavior. He's finally being noticed outside of BTS stuff and they're trying to kill it lol.
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flowered-mp3 · 2 years
You know, I don't listen to got7 but you post so much that I now feel an obligation to look into them so I can tell what's going on 😂 so in saying that, do you have any recs for newbies?
Also, I hope your week has been good so far!
this is a giant accomplishment lmao. i feel kinda proud hehe. i’ve been posting so much about one group that someone is like lmao maybe i should stan sldfjdkfj
also my week has been ok, just that work is super busy lately! thank u for asking :)
also this rec list about to be long af lmao. just a disclaimer tho if you're not into r&b/pop-esque/dance music, you're prob not gonna be into their music! but i'm guessing that since u follow me, ur might be a monbebe (and monsta x basically makes a lot of r&b music lol) so maybe i’m putting this disclaimer for no reason.
my fav music genre is also r&b, so it's going to be influencing my recs lol. also leaving a cut because this is long af. 
yes, i am using this opportunity to gush about them
why you should stan (not forcing u or anything lmao but yeah):
great music imo
alot of their music kinda has these... celestial/ethereal intros into fun bass bumping sounds? also mixes in heavy r&b influence, plus some dance-pop and a little edm as well? idk how to describe it lol.
write/produce their own stuff (majority of the time)
i don't know the members personally (obv) but i feel like they are so incredibly earnest and genuine. they all have a genuine love for performing and for music that it really shows :)
members have a recognizable individual identity/style, but when they come together it's like BOOM magic!
they're so entertaining. whenever they're on reality shows (esp later in their career) they always steal the spotlight. they're so funny that i've laughed until my cheeks hurt
they're also lowkey unhinged af lmao. just a little wild. they kinda just say shit lol. yes, they're idols, but not really lol. they've always challenged the idol image, imo, esp since they left jyp
idk if this is weird but i love guessing who produced what when new music comes out. this is because each member has a specific style of music so i can kinda guess with reasonable accuracy lol
my fav title tracks: i would start here! (*prod and/or written by a member!)
you calling my name* - my fav of all time. funky groovy sexy.
lullaby - A BOP. A DANCE TRACK. kinda house-ish?
look* - another fun af dance track!
breath* - a chill banger.
you are*
if you do
guide: this video is the best guide i think, plus it's narrated by a real person and not a robot voice!
my opinion on the members: thought that i should include a fan perspective lol.
mark: oh, my beloved. looks like the youngest imo but actually the eldest! i like his rapping style, it's really powerful and deep! kinda cuts through the music in a satisfying way lol. also i find a lot in common with him. he's pretty quiet, but when the members are quiet he's super loud. has the cutest laugh. has my fav taste in tattoos (he has a lot lol). i love it when he sings <3. his solo music is some of my fav rn. has "just some dude" energy. 11/10 overall
jay b (lim jaebeom): truly, where do i even begin. my beloved ult. makes my kind of music (r&b <3). dances like rent is due. i love the way he dances as well. very powerful. also has one of my fav voices in kpop/ever. it's smooth, yet piercing at the same time? very unique imo. looks like he could kill u, but actually can't. just a chill dude with old man energy. dorky and kind of lame. the embodiment of "he's just some random guy" 11/10 overall
jackson: ohhh the firecracker moodmaker! i adore him to bits. so incredibly hard-working and unbelievably creative! loud, always cracks jokes, and could honestly be friends with anyone. super charismatic on and off stage. deserves the mf world. his solo music and solo mv’s are fucking crazy, he's a great dancer, and he's a great rapper! but u know what i love more? his. singing. my god, he just has this raspy deep singing voice that i absolutely adore. 11/10 overall
jinyoung: oh, my handsome actor! he's such a triple threat it's honestly not fair lol. booked and busy with acting in dramas and movies lately, but let's not forget how amazing his voice is! it's so warm and comforting to me, and i always seems like he sings so sentimentally <3 he's also lowkey lame lmaooo. has grandpa energy. cannot social media for the life of him. the only person that can make fun of jaebeom and get away with it. kinda makes these quick quips to roast people in the background and it makes me laugh every time lskdfjsdk 11/10 overall
youngjae: OH MY GOD MY BELOVED HOLY SHIT. has the sunniest, brightest laugh and smile that whenever i see it/hear it, i laugh or smile or both! has an incredible voice, very full sounding (??). also, another triple threat (not fair smfh). looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill u. he has this duality to his personality where he looks cute one moment but he's actually a secret little devil evil thing. i love him sm. 11/10 overall
bambam: where do i even start with this guy. he's so fucking funny. a whole clown. i've never seen someone so flamboyant and unapologetic, yet incredibly humble at the same time. uniquely him at all times, and literally doesn't give a fuck. wish that could be me lol. great performer, and makes great music as well. has such an eye for creative sets and concepts, it's actually crazy. autotune connoisseur. he could literally take over the world. i also love it when he sings ahhhh it's my fav <3 also he’s the first member that i would fight and rob 11/10 overall
yugyeom: my stunning, tall, gorgeous dancer boy. where do i even begin? he's one of my fav dancers in kpop. his body control is actually insane. like, i watch him krump and i'm just... flabbergasted. i could never. i also love the music that he makes (r&b <3), and his debut solo ep was my fav out of the sevens. i also love his nose, and he seems to be so incredibly and genuinely sweet and kind, as if there isn't a cruel bone in his body. 11/10 overall
reality shows/fun vids to get to know the members better:
hard carry 1, 2, and 2.5! you can find the episodes on youtube/vlive!
the episode where they were on “after mom falls asleep”
the episode where they were on "after boss falls asleep"
this weekly idol episode lmfaooo i cry laughed watching this
b-sides (where they shine the most!):
the end*
moon u*
the reason*
we are young
love loop
remember you*
girl magnetic
1 degree*
run away
save you*
come on*
take me to you
i am me*
let me*
prove it*
my fav albums/eps:
spinning top: between security and insecurity (MY FAV!)
eyes on you
7 for 7
subunits: not gonna touch their music because tbh that's a whole other post laskdjf
jus2: includes jay b and yugyeom, VERY sexy r&b
jjproject: pre-debut, includes jay b and jinyoung, more sentimental pop
anyways, got7 is very special to me and i hold them very near and dear to my heart. like, i clown the shit out of them because they're so fucking dumb sometimes (affectionate) but i genuinely love them, both as artists and as people. if u don't stan that's ok, but if you do, let me know with another ask lmao
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akkivee · 4 years
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First impressions: his voice is kinda annoying lol why does he sound like a such a square
Current impressions: what would mtc be without juto’s sound without his flavor......... juto really is out here carrying mtc’s music....... go head mr bunny cop go head.......
to think i didn’t appreciate juto in the beginning!!!!!!! i’m so sorry juto, you’re not the square i’m the square!!!!! bayside smoking blues saved mtc from being the meme team!!!!! you made them play catch up with your quality of music!!!!! we absolutely stan!!!! (tho lbr, mtc is still a meme team like we got mr. yokohama bad boy, HYOH and rio always asking what his name is lmao)
Favorite thing:
he’s so two faced it’s hilarious. he presents himself as all prim and proper and you know he wants to be seen that way! but he’s a hot tempered diva of a bastard through and through like he wouldn’t get into as many fights with samatoki as he does if his temper wasn’t on par with his lol.
Least favorite:
nothing really! however!!! i would like to know!!! why did he name himself 45rabbit when he gets annoyed when people call him bunny cop!!!! it’s your brand juto you literally call yourself a lonely only rabbit in your first solo what is your problem lmao
What i want to see from this character:
set aside your fear juto. you are stronger than that. remember what it felt like before, when your curiousity was strong and your heart still open. try rio’s cooking again ❤️
Favorite moment:
samatoki/juto cigarette kiss samatoki/juto cigarette kiss samatoki/juto cigarette kiss
okay so my all time favorite juto moment is his entire part in the drama tracks, somebody gotta do it and don’t play no game that i can’t win, from the first full album. we learn about juto’s prerogative in life in the first track and it was the first heavy emotional content threw at us. and then we see how his past has affected him in the second one. boy is utterly unhinged when it comes to drugs man. his completely feral laugh when he was fighting gentaro in that track haunts me to this day!!!! juto is not okay!!!! there is a lot of anger in that man!!!!!!
and because i am apparently incapable of shutting up about the stage plays, please understand stage juto’s actor has a very sweet voice and he is unfairly attractive and this may be clouding my perception of his scenes but there’s this part where rio called samatoki and juto over to his camp but he didn’t provide a reason why. so of course, samatoki thinks it’s because rio wants to feed them something so he immediately tries to leave but juto stops him from doing so. so.
samatoki uses flattery!!! samatoki compliments juto’s appearance!!!!
it’s super effective!!!
juto is flusterred, giggly and pleased and is unable to move!!!
lol juto does snap out of it in time to stop samatoki from leaving but he was so cute guys you don’t understand 🥺
i always thought juto was that guy who likes wining and dining and hypmic validated tf outta me ✌️ i also headcanon animals just really hate him and the reason he hates birds is because they regularly crap on his car only at the precinct like it’s a personal vendetta against him
lol idk if you could tell, but i have a thing, juuuust a tiny little thing for samajuto (2 of 3 fav moments were samajuto) they’re the epitome of the old married couple trope. like that time in hypquest event in arb!!!! when they got into a spat, instead of fighting with their mics like they usually do, they challenged each other to the game in an unnecessarily outlandish game of cops and robbers and dragged poor rio into their shenanigans. they are both actually 4 years old 😂
mtc poly is fantastic and i think juto/doppo is really cute!!! i really wanna see how juto, hitoya and hifumi would act in the same room tho. three high maintenance men in a room!!! whatever shall they do?????
links to: ichiro | jiro | saburo | samatoki | rio | ramuda | gentaro | dice | jakurai | hifumi | doppo | kuukou | jyushi | hitoya | sasara | rosho | rei
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