#i really want a tarot deck and to get into astrology again and maybe even start making spell candles again
arthur-r · 2 months
[longwinded rambling nothing to see here]
im actually really close to being an adult though and its kind of really exciting. i feel a little bit sick and awful, and my present moment isn’t going very well, but i feel like it’s going to be possible to feel satisfied? and idk that’s an exciting idea. like one day i’m gonna be forty and bearded, and i won’t think about oliver anymore, and i’ll be in a band, and i hope i’ll be less sick or i’ll know how to deal with it, and i’ll be publishing writing one way or another, and i’ll be a connected member of my family, chosen or otherwise, and i can watch over the garden wall every day if i want to, and i will bring my very own broom to everywhere i live, and i’ll have a good electric guitar and a full sized acoustic cello, and i’ll make jewelry all the time and if i’m healthy enough or i have a friend to help with walks, i can have a dog. and there are a lot of big and unrealistic things that i want in life, but one day i’ll be able to see clearly, and sleep as much as i need to, and people will recognize me and i’ll help as much as i can, and i will make art and love so many people, and maybe i can cook.
#i came out to my dad today as trans it went better than i could have ever imagined he’s skeptical but not angry#i told him i’m going to start hormones soon. he thinks i’m going to regret it cause i’m autistic but he accepts that he can’t stop me#(because i will be eighteen in a couple months and testosterone is SOMETHING I CAN DO. i need my dad’s insurance is why i finally came out#and i knew that he was getting ready to tell me he has a girlfriend so i kind of weaponized the moment shdhdf)#anyway i’m going to take folklore classes next semester and learn about cultural revitalization and public folklore#and i’m learning latin and programming and i’m doing a research project on the mexican american community of st paul in the 1940s!!#(which is around when my family settled in minnesota permanently after they had did the sugar beet cycle for a while)#i’m also doing research on ancient roman textiles and dress but that’s more stressful than anything even though i like both components of i#i finally made a breakup playlist and i think i needed to. and i’ve been writing a lot of music#can’t believe i spent four months dating somebody who doesn’t even obsess over cannibalism as a literary motif….#i ordered glasses online over a month ago and they haven’t even finished processing my prescription….#i really want a tarot deck and to get into astrology again and maybe even start making spell candles again#i’m interviewing for an entry-level library position tomorrow afternoon!! $12 an hour but also it’s a job that i’m competent for#anyway. all this to say hello i want to be present in the world and make something of myself#and it’s hard right now but there’s a lot of potential out there. anything could happen#anyway i hope everybody is doing okay and let me know if you need anything!!!!#me. my post. mine.#delete later
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 2 months
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Heyo! All the art on these readings is drawn by me. Take what you can from the reading and leave all that does not resonate behind but always be open to new perspectives.
The archetype reading was inspired by the deck I used today. The guide book uses examples from anime to fit the descriptions of the tarot cards. I thought that was really clever so I decided to build off that idea and tell you what archetype you are most drawn to wants to tell you. In short, this is really a message from a specific cards energy. I hope this helps anyone who might be struggling!
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Crystal: Tigers Eye
Character: Badtz-Maru
Archetype: The Empress
Astrology: Taurus ♉️, Libra ♎️, Pisces ♓️, Virgo ♍️
Dear pile 1, you are represented by the empress of this deck. The archetype you embody is someone who is luxurious, modest, kind and attentive. You care deeply for those you love and would do anything to assist them and make their life easier. You are a fantastic friend, partner and companion. You don’t necessarily have to be a woman to embody that energy. The message this part of you wants to tell you is that your kindness is being taken for granted. Your attentiveness is being discarded as if the love you gave isn’t worth anything. Your intuition is telling you to withdraw from the connection that is causing this. You maybe started this friendship or connection a while ago but you have started to notice this pattern from the other party in this relationship. They don’t return your love. They don’t say thank you when you go out of your way to be good to them. This doesn’t mean you should necessarily cut them off. Just don’t go out of your way anymore. They are undeserving if they cannot be grateful to you for all you do. I see if you did stop it would barely be noticed at first. However, the person will slowly realize how much you did to assist them. How much work you did was important and helped them get through the day easily. If they apologize and communicate they did wrong that won't necessarily be your queue to go back to scratching their back. You need to wait for them to lend their assistance to you. That will be your invitation to return to being kind. Until then use the extra time you have working on your passion projects and aiming for your dreams.
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Crystal: Flower Agate
Character: Keroppi
Archetype: The Devil
Astrology: Leo ♌️, Aquarius ♒️, Capricorn ♑️, Gemini ♊️
Hey pile 2! Your archetype is the devil. Don’t worry though, for this doesn’t make you evil or bad. All this communicates to me is you are an enjoyer of the darker parts of life. You enjoy what other people usually fear. This is definitely not something horrible you should shame yourself about. I see you probably enjoy altered states of reality or perhaps you are very free with your sexual expression. I see you like the taste of control, power and vengeance. Again not a bad thing in my mind. Humans have many states of being and no part of existence is incorrect. Your message from the devil archetype is not asking you to cold turkey your behavior. However, I think it is saying balance is super important when you dabble in darkness. You might be prone to addiction to literally anything you can get dopamine from. I am an addict as well. I know how hard restraint can be. Even doing this reading is giving me cravings to be honest so I know you deal with cravings constantly. Your cards are saying it doesn’t matter if you feed the addiction. You will always be starving for more. You will always be chasing something you can never achieve. Please take care of your body before the cravings lead to worse. When I was dealing with my addiction I ended up in the hospital multiple times. It would have killed me if I hadn’t stopped. It is okay to dabble in darkness but seriously I beg you, from the bottom of my heart please moderate. Moderation is key to keeping yourself safe. If you are meant to have the darkness, it will be in your grasp. If you are in need of a break. Trust the universe when it takes it away. You are not evil for needing. I want to reiterate that because I know how it feels to need something that hurts you.
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Crystal: Carnelian
Character: Tuxedo Sam
Archetype: Emperor
Astrology: Cancer ♋️, Aries ♈️, Sagittarius ♐️, Scorpio ♏️
Hey, pile 3! Your archetype is the emperor. You are a force to be reckoned with. A master of your craft and skilled beyond other people's wildest imaginations. You have a plan and have been putting so much energy into it. You know exactly what you want and exactly how to get it. Your cards are pretty straight forward just like you are. They are telling me that working hard is good! That your progress is fantastic and you have made it so far! However, the pace you are keeping at is almost unsustainable. You can’t juggle all of the tasks you are trying to keep under control. You cannot do it all by yourself. That isn’t logical! Humans are not solitary creatures. We need community and connection to continue on. Humans who have been left alone for too long go hecking crazy! You absolutely can handle all of it mentally. I am not saying you are incapable because you are SO CAPABLE. Rome was not built in a day. Masterpieces are not made out of minutes, they are made out of days or months or years. You are creating a masterpiece so allow yourself time to think about it. Allow yourself the space to brainstorm and be patient with your body and your creativity. Be gentle with yourself. You are only one person and the secret you are missing is that you are not alone. The silly little secret is that you don’t need to set a deadline for the greatness you are going to grow into. One of my favorite artists didn’t make it when he was 20. He grew into his greatness when he was 35. Does that make him any less of a great artist? Absolutely not!!! You are cool, awesome and wonderful! Why do you need to prove that when you already know it is true?
-ghost 🖤🩵
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mycovenofchaos · 3 months
Hello everyone! I am back again with the second reading that was requested from me this week. This time we’re looking into Evan’s future children. This reading was somewhat chaotic but in a fun and childish way, no surprise there! The energy also felt a little impatient and a bit hyperactive so let’s delve in into what that could mean. 
I asked the Tarot four questions and these are as follows; 
How many kids is he having?
Give me one card describing each one of his children
How will Evan be as a father?
Give me an overview of their future family life 
Alright, so let’s begin!
How many children is he having? 
For this question I pulled just one card as I was specifically looking for a number and also wanted to get a little peak into the energy of what his own expectations for fatherhood are. I immediately got the Three of Wands Reversed, and I was relieved because if I were to have gotten a different card with a larger number or no number at all, it would be much more difficult to interpret, lol. So…he is going to have three kids! Some of us intuitively knew this already, right admin? I feel like three kids is the perfect number of children for someone like Evan to have. You get a perfect mix of different personalities and also a big enough family without it being too overwhelming. As for what the card actually signifies, the Three of Pentacles Reversed speaks about delayed plans, taking the time needed to plan a future and lack of progress. I feel like this is how Evan feels towards fatherhood; he wants to be a dad but knows that the right time has not come yet. I also sense that he feels like fatherhood for him has been delayed, most likely because he hasn’t found the right partner to have kids with. I believe Evan is the kind of person to really want a stable and healthy relationship with his partner before they even think about having children. All in good time, Evan! 
One card for each of his kids
Alright, for this question I wanted to delve into brief descriptions of each one of his children. Maybe a bit about their personality, their signs or a possible gender for them. Remember, these are all my own personal interpretations and while I don’t specifically care or give importance to a baby’s gender, I did this because I know many are curious. Here’s how I interpreted each card that came out. 
For the firstborn, I pulled The Knight of Swords. Wow, I definitely think this first baby is going to be a boy! The Knight of Swords is a very impulsive and ambitious figure and also gives me very male energy. This card relates to Capricorn and Aquarius in Astrology so Evan’s firstborn is probably going to be one of those two signs. However, like Evan, he gives me a lot of Air sign vibes. I don’t know why but when I pulled this card I started to feel very hyperactive energy and the need to move around so this kid might be a little troublemaker. Not in a bad way but just one of those kids who can’t sit still and are always up to something. Nothing wrong with that!
For the middle child, The Ace of Wands popped up. Another boy for Evan and his future spouse! This card is all about the desire and ability to pursue new creative projects. This kid is probably going to be an artist at heart like his daddy, awww. He will also be a leader, a real pioneer of creativity. The signs associated with this card are Fire signs, so he will probably be a Leo, Sagittarius or Aries. 
And for the baby of the family, the card I pulled out was Judgement. This is a very gender neutral card; an Angel usually appears on it and Angels don’t have gender. However, in my deck it looks more like a female figure. So a baby girl for Evan and his partner! Another Fire sign for this card so again, Leo, Sagittarius or Aries. As for the meaning of the card, this was so funny to me because this baby will be strong willed for sure. I say that because Judgement is all about awakening, inner-self and reflection. But it can also signify wanting others to act right, lmao. This little girl will probably be very intuitive and wise, always knowing what’s best and trusting herself. An Angel on the card also tells me she will probably be really beautiful, are we surprised? She’s Evan’s little cherub after all. Let’s hope she inherits those gorgeous curls! 
How will Evan be as a father?
For this question I pulled three cards so I could get a more rounded answer. The first card that came out was the King of Pentacles. That just confirms what I already intuitively knew; Evan is going to spoil the Hell out of those kids. I don’t think this will be negative, though. The King of Pentacles is all about abundance, generosity and prosperity. So Evan is probably going to be the kind of dad who is unable to resist buying his kids their favorite toys or candy to make them happy. Although, this abundance doesn’t necessarily have to be only about money or gifts, it could also mean that he will be generous with the time that he spends with them. That he makes sure to be there with and for them. This card also speaks about leadership and security so he’s probably going to be a very responsible and reliable dad. 
The next card I got was the Wheel of Fortune. This card signifies good luck, life cycles and change. I feel like this card is telling me that Evan will have the wisdom to adapt and change as a parent pertaining to the situation that arises. This is a good trait to have as a father or mother because not all children require the same styles of parenting. Also, as life goes on and develops, the kids will too and as a parent it’s smart to be prepared for their needs when this happens. The last card I got for this question was the Six of Wands Reversed. Alright, this card might be a little worrisome but I do believe good can come out of it! It speaks of fear of failure and doubting our own efforts. To be fair, as we’ve seen before Evan seems to feel like this in his life right now. So it isn’t that surprising that he will probably also doubt himself as a parent. It is however something that is very natural, all parents doubt themselves sometimes. They worry if they really are doing the best they can concerning their kids. I would advise him to trust himself because as we can tell with the previous card, the Universe has his back completely! 
Overview of their future family life
For this last question I got the Ten of Cups and I gotta say, this was my favorite! This card is letting us know that their family life will be, above anything else, loving. This card speaks about harmony, family contentment and blissful relationships! It will be a very happy and harmonious experience for all of them; filled with laughter and great moments. I am so glad that Evan and his family will have this! Understanding and closeness with each other is what he, his future partner and kids can look forward to. The image on the card depicts a happy couple holding each other while their children are gleefully playing beside them. Above them there’s a rainbow in the sky signifying blessings and lots of joy for them. I also believe that this means that Evan and his partner will feel close to each other while also having emotional fulfillment within their own relationship. 
Okay, that’s the whole reading, guys! Like I said, the energy during this reading was fun and fast-paced and I believe that is because of the personalities of the kids and the family dynamic. I think that their household will definitely have a lot of joking around and having fun with each other. Ultimately, it makes me happy that it will be a harmonious and blissful family. Evan can trust that his future family will be all the best that anyone could hope for! 
That’s all for now but as always, if you have any requests for new readings or any questions about this one, please let me know! Thank you, all. 
Love, Star. 
OMG how beautiful is this reading?! I am about to cry 😭🥹
@ Star, thank you so much for this amazing collaboration! It’s a pleasure to have such great readers here, you all inspire me! 🔮✨🎴
✨ A gentle reminder: tarot is for fun and we should always take everything with a grain of salt and be opened to all the possibilities! ✨
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oraclekleo · 9 months
Hiii! 🥹
I’m Yiel, I’m 23yrs old. Born in 7th of Aug, 1999✨
I recently started getting interested in Astrology and Tarot and tho my account here has been around for a while, I’m fairly new here as a Stay (SKZ Fan) 🥹
I’ve been into Kpop since the pandemic started, mainly only stanning Astro. I was a very active Aroha (Astro Fan) back then, but life happened and I have to slow down but my love for them never changed a bit, knowing they’re the ones that saved me from going crazyyy when the lockdown started. A lot happened since, and its been quiet a sad time especially because of what happened last April. Which lead me to find comfort in Stray Kids, and Tumblr. And I’m honestly so glad I did 😭
I mostly listen to Pop, Pop-Punk, Rock, and Country Music. I’m also an aspiring singer hehe. I honestly love the mystery of what the future holds, maybe thats why I enjoy reading people’s interpretations of tarot readings and I have also started to study the tarot by myself and the help of the internet as well 🫶🏻
I found your blog whilst scrolling through #StrayKidsTarot 🥰 I ended up looking into one of your readings for Chan, and somehow, something clicked in my head and I immediately followed you, went straight to your masterlist. I can’t tell you how happy I got when I saw Astro in one of the groups you’ve read for 😭
In all of the accounts I followed, yours is definitely one of those that really seemed to be enjoying what they do and is knowledgeable about Tarot, also I find it amazing that you have Games and PAC’s too! 🥹
Through your blog, I see you as someone very dedicated and happy with what they do, and I think you’re an amazing person all throughout🫰🏻
Love and Light ✨
Hello and be very welcomed to my blog! 💖
Okay! First of all, you have used the sunflower emoji but I can't see which idol you would like the compatibility reading with. You have written such a beautiful and long message and that one information probably slipped out 😁 No worries, this actually happens to me all the time. You have mentioned Stray Kids and Astro and therefore I don't dare to assume you would want Yeonjun compatibility reading. You have followed the rules perfectly so if you sent me the name of idol you want to be shipped with, I'll do your reading, no problem. 😊
Now when the official part is off my chest, thank you so much for joining my little Tumblr family here. And yes, tarot is indeed my passion and I mostly do it for my own sake not for the popularity or such 😂 The fact I can share my interest with others is only a pleasant bonus. 😊
I got my first deck 17 years ago so it's something I'm into for quite a while. 😂 I'm always happy to hear it when somebody wants to start tarot reading themselves. It's one of the greatest hobbies! I often give suggestions on card interpretations here and I even still run the offer where you can practice with me where I will give a feedback to you and help in any way I possibly can 😁 So! Don't be shy to drop ask or message me anytime. I have already several apprentices. 😂
I'm truly happy you like the content here. I try to keep it diverse. I'm the type of person who would start get bored if only doing one thing again and again. That's the reason for games and interactive stories and Idols After Dark series... I like to keep things interesting for myself. If I haven't detoured like this, I might have completed my requests much sooner but maybe also never because I would lose interest in tarot. 😂
I am in deed dedicated but I'm also super organized and methodical 😂 You should see my charts and docs regarding tarot readings. 🤣
Anyway! Happy to have you here. Don't hesitate to interact with me anytime. I love to talk to my followers. Even about silly things. We had tea discussion, we had a villain discussion that gets ressurected once in while 😂
Be blessed! ✨
Kleo 🦄
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chemicalpink · 3 years
BTS members's reaction to their future spouse wearing their clothes....
Disclaimer: This analysis/reading is based on my experience and knowledge of astrology, it is not meant to be the absolute truth, as BTS are real people, and astrology can only capture so much about multidimensional humans that have had past experiences and cultural approaches amongst other things, it does not have to resonate with you since this is in no way related to anyone reading it (unless you are a member of BTS in which case, get out of here lol ) This is just for entertainment purposes.Remember that tarot as a form of divination only allows us to read current energy and as time advances it becomes less accurate, so it basically reads up to a 6 months period of time, which leads me to also mention that by s/o I mean any soon to be relationship or an already established relationship, indistinct of whether they are a soulmate relationship or not. Entertainment purposes only.
Warning: contains slight mentions of smut, not explicit.
he feels this sort of fondness inside of him, kinda like taking a big needed gulp of air after holding your breath for too long, this man has stars inside his eyes from watching his s/o in his clothes, can’t help but think hey, maybe they look even better on them than I do (only for a split second tho) the feeling you get all warm and fuzzy inside? that’s a given in him. Ear bright red, he might not be too much into lending his clothes on a daily but he sure as hell discovers a fondness in it. There’s also this sort of… domesticity to it, like- this man wants to feel at home and watching his s/o using something of his definitely delivers that homey feeling. Apart from all that, the quote that comes up us “you deserve love” so maybe… that impulsive need you sometimes get when you wanna wrap up something cute and squish it? That's the feeling that’s most prominent here. (5oCrx, the star, the empress oracle cards)
now this is interesting… when watching his s/o in his clothes, Yoongi has this conflicted set of feelings, overwhelmed, mainly, he truly knows how to appreciate the cuteness behind the act but he can’t help but feel kind of undeserving of it, it seems like the action starts an overthinking spiral of yeah they’re cute and all but what they do for me is so much more than I could ever give back. He kind of feels selfish by keeping them by his side, can’t really bring himself to mutter a bigger compliment that a ‘you look nice’ don’t get him wrong, he definitely acknowledges the small act of love but he’s.. carrying so much inner baggage that he can’t really look past what the scene makes him feel. (the hermit rx, 6oS, 10oC+ oracle cards)
Now… Hobi is a fashion icon okay keep this in mind. He seems to be very particular of his clothes so while he knows there are no bad intentions behind it, he kinda feels itchy at the sight. It is funny though, there’s a playful feeling of surrender as he watches his s/o wear his clothes, like ‘fine okay I won’t get as itchy just this once cause you look cute or whatever’ soft smiles and warm hearts. Although he’s not the biggest fan of the action, it definitely serves to boost his ego, makes him feel like the man in a non greasy way/non toxic way, like a reassurance that his s/o is deciding to stay by his side after all. Similar to having conflicted feeling like Yoongi but from different parts from within, sure, he can’t help but think ‘oh god please be careful with that jacket if it gets stained there’s no going back’ but at the same time watching his s/o in it softens his rough edges and makes him smile even just a little. (7oWrx, 10oS, the emperor + oracle cards)
This man- the absolute death of me. Kim NAmjoon enjoys a good teasing. And he can’t help but keep feeling like that is exactly what his s/o wearing his clothes entails, and man is he glad to play along. Not quite exactly sexual, but more of a sensual part of it, he’s just dying to get the clothes off. Can’t keep his hands to himself (cue that one Selena Gomez song) it flips a PDA switch on him, he feels absolutely loved to the edges, has this warm feeling inside his heart that he can’t help but wonder how he got so lucky, and honestly, it isn’t frequently when people get to see his bright sunny side so it ends up being even softer than intended, he just feels so full and bursting at the seams with happiness. (5oC, the sun, ace oC+ oracle cards)
Error 404. Park Jimin.exe has stopped working. This man loves good dramatics in his day to day and really, there’s no stopping him when he sees his s/o in his clothes, Time stops, his heartbeat is erratic, all he wants is to be their loyal servant, personal hype man at their service. Whatever it is that he was doing before? forget that completely, he's devoted to his s/o now. He gets to experience new sides of the relationship with such a simple action, like realising that he truly is head over heels for this person. There’s just a lot of loudness in this. I meant it when I said personal hype-man, would probably even go as far as to let his s/o “shop” inside his vast clothes collection ‘yeah take this and this, these would look amazing on you’ So yeah maybe he feels a tad bit insecure that his s/o is absolutely rocking his wardrobe but he can quickly get those feelings aside if it means watching his s/o just a little bit longer being the truest model there could possibly be out there. (IM SORRY I LOST THE CARDS LMAO)
This man goes 0 to 100 real quick. And don't get me wrong, he’s pretty romantic, but seeing his s/o wear his clothes? Now that’s a switch going off very clearly. Again, not in a toxic masculine way, but Taehyung is bursting with this distinctive dominating shine when watching his s/o wear his clothes, he’s absolutely on top of the world, cloud nine, and there’s no coming back down. He’s pretty playful about it, but there’s absolutely no doubt that inside his mind those clothes are currently non-existent. It’s the final nail in the coffin, the final reassurance that his s/o is his and his only, like a reminder that he is in a relationship and he’s 100% devoted to it. It does go down the traditional relationship line of thought but he’s quite a traditional man himself, so without any ill intention behind, he would really just like to show off his s/o being cute inside his clothes, a proud feeling behind when he talks about it, like a little kid teasing his friends about getting the best candy out of them all. (the hierophant, justice, the chariot)
Okay this is about to be quite a ride. As things are right now, he doesn’t seem to have a lot of tact when it comes to lovey dovey couple stuff, this man is more of a- man of deep rooted actions and sometimes cute words sprinkled on top rather than superficial actions, he doesn’t seem to find the appeal behind his s/o wearing his clothes, at least in an intended to be romantic type of way. He finds it trendy and he might just act cold about it, it doesn’t really hold a deeper meaning to him personally. Listen, he might be the type of boyfriend to ask for his hoodies back as soon as possible. If it isn’t meant to be done in a “oh look the couple sharing clothes” way, he might find his s/o cute in them, but not overwhelmingly so like many other people do. He’s just- very particular about his possessions being his. Funny inner thought that came up ‘we can buy matching shirts just please don’t steal my clothes’ (judgement rx, the tower, QoSrx)
Decks Used: the romance angels oracle cards, the prisma visions tarot
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cosmictulips · 2 years
Hey love! Once again wishing u a very happy birthday 🎉🎂.
I don't think if I'll do the game the ryt way as u told me to coz yk jst my Neptune things 😭🤣
My big 3 are Aires sun Pisces moon Sagittarius rising(tropical) Pisces sun Aquarius moon and scorpio rising (sidereal). Imma Jupiter, saturn n Pluto dominant. (I hv fire n earth dominant in my chart) I hv very very few air elements(tropical astrology).
Things I like: music, singing, drawing n painting, birds, nature, gallery visiting, museums, antiques, sky, MOON GAZING, night sky, spicy n sour snacks,burger,fries,chips,I hv absolutely no fav food lol, song writing, procrastinating, karaoke, learning, reading romantic novels, watching cartoons (not really that much but yeah I do), Chocolates, crystals, tarot decks, spirituality etc.
Fav colours: GREY, black, white, lavender.
Fav animal: I actually never really loved any specific animal, I honestly love n adore each n every animal n insects so it's really hard to pick one. Maybe deer, dog, cow, calf, lion, panther, elephant etc.
A bit abt myself: Ok so ig it'll take too much time to write so I'm gonna describe myself in brief. I'm actually a very kind hearted (not self appreciating infront of u jst for the sake of writing but my painful past made me like this ig *nervous laugh*) I'm full of forgiveness, selfness, kindness, pure intentions, pure love BUT when I get angry ig devil shivers😂💔 Aries sun n Mercury with cap mars😭🤣 but the sooner I get angry, that sooner my anger fade away as well but during my anger session I'm a uncontrolled beast n after I'm cooled down I regret every action I did when angry. I do hv my dark side n can get manipulative at times but I choose not to be. I absolutely HATE HATE HATE backbiting (I don't do it can't even hear it) absolute no bs. I hate when someone peeks into my privacy (sid sco rising) I take ages to open myself up even with my comfort zoned persons(sid aqua ven). Even if I want to I can't open myself up with u but I give great advices. Everyone comes to me when in need. I low-key crave attention but when I get it I hate it. I always wants to win every argument. I always wants to win every situation i am in. I'm always so so hard on myself n wants to be a perfectionist (tho my Virgo mc sometimes say u r but I still wants to be more perfect in every kind of work I do)
That's all! Hehe
Kingdom I choose: the kingdom of waves (healer kingdom for sure my Pisces moon loves to be here)🥺💙
Thankyou so much. Idk what I did but I did😭😹.take care love n enjoy ur day with fullness ✨
henlo my neptunian friend lolol
You did the game just fine c=
for you ---
I see you as the type who will be helping people through therapy. creating little shows with your water, like an ice horse or making it snow just to show off beautiful shows of snowflakes.
I do think you grew up in the icy caverns and towns, but I'd like to personally think you moved to the islands to bring a little love to those who need it.
think like a traveling nurse. I think what I'm trying to say here is that you're unintentionally a weather witch LOL. during festivals for the volcanic gods you would be the one to pray to the rain gods to keep the clouds at bay - I think they'd like you. your offerings tend to be in the form of origami from what I keep seeing and paintings. - they give you grand visions through dreams. rough storms and harrowing seas.
I think you'd also be tasked with helping the sailors. telling them when to leave and when to stay. you've saved a lot of lives that way and people trust your insight. while you're still a bit on the private side, people get the general sense of what you're feeling based on the weather haha.
I think your main weapon might just be a regular wand honestly. you don't carry anything big because i don't see you as the type to enjoy lightning or most fire magic lol. but you're really good at pushing the wind and getting the tides to calm down.
I think you might also have a mood necklace LOL. just because you like the little colors and it's such "old school magic" that you just want to have it on you.
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jasper-tarot-reader · 2 years
Hello, Jasper!
Firstly, I want to thank you for your tarot readings! I would be grateful to you to let me get one for me. As I understood, it's free.
You can call me Lilou. My pronouns are she/they.
Let me introduce you to my story.
Now I'm a senior in high school. In a few months, I'll go to university. At least, my family expect this. And I understand that in the country where I live, people more often become successful having a university degree. Maybe it's not a big problem for other countries. I don't know much about it. Well, back to my thing. Now I need to choose what profession I want to get. It's not easy for me at all. That's why I'd like to have advice from tarot if I'm allowed to.
So, my question is, what profession does fit me most? Or, maybe, in what profession do I have the biggest potential to be successful?
Thank you, again. I hope I fulfilled all the conditions.
Wishing you peace and best luck,
Hey there Lilou!
Yes, my readings here are free, but if you want to tip for my services, please consider donating to a relief fund for Mayfield, KY or Edwardsville, IL! Both were recently hit by intense tornadoes, so anything you can spare would be greatly appreciated!
I understand the confusion and frustration. Here in the US, people are pushed to go to college and get degrees that they're never actually able to end up using because having a degree doesn't guarantee you a job (especially not here in the Midwest).
I poked your blog a bit to get a better gist of who you are as a person and noticed that you seem to really love astrology, so I used Arcane (the Arcana of Astrology oracle) for this reading! To hopefully help alleviate some of the fear you may be feeling, I drew a card for both questions you asked - because these are not the same question, even if you think they are.
Question 1: What profession may fit Lilou the most? Answer 1: Lilith, the Shadow
The keywords of this card are shadows, darkness, power, equality, mystery, wild, and pettiness.
In astrology, Lilith is a comet that shows us where we should not compromise. In Jewish text, she is a demon who refused to sleep with Adam if they were not equal and then went on to become a baby-eating demon.
And in a reading, this card shows that when we stand up for ourselves, we're often faced with backlash and further punishment. This card tells us to not back down - you have the capacity to downright destroy those who continue to oppress you. But remember that strength sometimes is just walking away from the goals and expectations others have set for us.
So there are two ways to read this card in this context.
One is "fuck what everyone else says, fuck even going to college, do what makes you happy". While that's a fantastic message, it doesn't exactly answer your question.
The second way is as an advocate. Someone who stands up for others and gets them the help and resources they need. A lawyer, a therapist, a nurse, any of these could be indicated by the Lilith card in this deck. If you find yourself to be a very people-oriented person, these could be good careers for you.
Question 2: In what profession does Lilou have the biggest potential to be successful? Answer 2: Hygeia, the Purifier
This card's keywords are healing, cleaning, hygiene, and medicine.
In astrology, this comet (or asteroid, whichever term is actually right) is the ultimate proponent of health, ruling over eating habits, health issues, exercise, and how we interact with our environment. In Greek mytho-religion, she is the goddess of good health, daughter and attendant of Asklepios, companion of Aphrodite, and granddaughter of Apollo.
This card usually indicates a "spring cleaning" of one's mind, body, and physical space. We can only run on empty for so long before we get struck down. It can also mean a search for help on the medical front due to health issues. Like everything, this has the potential to spiral out of control, so self-restraint and critical thinking are still necessary.
More than with Lilith, this card is giving me major nurse or other medical practitioner vibes. Emergency medical services, nurses, doctors, even psychologists for more mind-focused healing - this could be a field you could be successful in if you really put your mind to it.
Gosh, I wish more querents would be like you and give me such amazing information to work with so I could make my reading as accurate as possible! As with everything, remember that the future is always changing, and your future is ultimately up to you.
Leave feedback as another ask that I can publish publicly and tell me what parts felt right, if anything felt off, stuff like that. Until you do, you will be added to my greylist. Please reblog my reading guidelines!
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mirandamoonmagick · 5 years
🔮 Quick Pick-a-Card Reading
The question I meditated on during this reading was, “What do you need to hear right now?” Angel number “123” stood out to me the most, symbolizing growth, and needing to see things differently. Take a moment and meditate on the cards, pick a group using your intuition L(1-3)R, then continue reading to see your message. I hope you enjoy! ⭐️
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*I used my whole tarot deck in this reading, and only major aracanas came out, really intensifying the overall energies*
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Group 1 (Fluorite): It feels like you have a lot of emotions that you need to find a way to communicate and balance right now, group 1. This might be hard for you to do, but I’m seeing that going out into nature could really help you. The sounds and vibrations of the Earth allows you to balance, and be more in touch with what your higher self wants you to see. There’s a message that’s trying to come through for you right now, but you’re stalling that on some level by not communicating the feelings you have to someone you trust. Balance is something you can achieve on your own, and so is this lesson that’s trying to come through, but you need to accept help. Sometimes you just need an outside unbiased voice of reason to get you moving again. Don’t be afraid to speak what you feel. There’s a lot of air sign energy with this group, and maybe water as well. Maybe you have both air and water in your personal planets. You overthink a lot, and this just puts you in a bit of a cloud of confusion sometimes. It might be hard for you to see how much you’ve grown as well, because your growth is pretty slow moving. It’s like when your a child, and your body is growing, but you don’t realize it as it’s happening. You just go to the doctor one day and you’re 3 inches taller. You had nothing to compare yourself to until now. It feels like you need to look at where you were a couple years ago, and compare it to where you are now. A period of reflection is going to show you how much you really have accomplished.
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Group 2 (Amethyst): There’s a major shift happening astrologically or karmically for you right now, group 2. This could have something to do with the phase of the moon, or some transit moving through the moon or Jupiter in your personal chart. You’ve been doing a lot of growth, but it feels like more so spiritual work that you’ve kept to yourself. I think the people around you are starting to recognize this though, even if they don’t say anything. You’re a little bit hard with change sometimes. You could be a fixed sign, or maybe a cancer or Pisces. I feel like you have a fear that if you speak a wish you have, it won’t come true anymore, but that’s the opposite of the truth right now. You need to be honest and open about your dreams unapologetically, because they’re about to manifest. If you continue keeping them all inside, you won’t be able to experince the blessing that’s coming towards you to the fullest extent. You’re in a transition period right now, and sometimes that can cause some confusion, but try to stand strong in what you know you want, and what you know is coming towards you. 10 and 1010 is an angel number for you during this time, reminding you of the transition that’s happening to a beautiful new beginning. This is the most spiritually powerful group, you just have to remember your potential. You’re moving into the most amazing blessing.
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Group 2 (Quartz w/ Citrine): You really do too much, group 3, and the Universe is saying it’s time to take a step back right now. You’re a powerful energy, I get strong fire as well as Earth here. Specifically Aries and Virgo. I’m getting the image of a to do list that never gets fully checked off, because you put too much on your plate. You worry a lot about what’s physically happening around you, but you need to trust more. That sounds so basic and you’re probably rolling your eyes at me saying that because “shit has to get done,” but maybe not everything. There’s things on that to do list that you could erase. Try being a little bit easier with yourself is what I’m hearing. Allow yourself to fully check off all the things on your list one day, by scheduling less. That to do list could just be symbolic as well, for you always thinking there’s more to do, and never allowing yourself to relax. You need to mediate and get more in touch with your spirituality right now. Make that a priority, not just what you can see with your eyes happening in the physical world. If you don’t allow yourself to do this soon, I see you starting to regress spiritually. Don’t lose yourself in what’s happening around you. Things might be a little chaotic right now, but you’re powerful and in control of yourself. That control just feels projected in the wrong place by you right now.
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andromeda-sapphire · 4 years
Witchy Then Vs. Now
I was SO inspired by the post by @hermeticimp​ regarding comparing the witchy things of our childhood to the witchy things we do now. I had to write a blog post about it!
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Herbal Magic:
Then: I remember when I was a kid, maybe around age 5 or 7, I used to make rose water with my brother in the summertime. But not quite the way I would now! My mom had a few rose bushes in the front yard, and we would pick a bunch of roses and put them in a big bucket of water. Then, we’d roll up our pants and jump in the bucket (or for me, just jump in, as I was usually wearing dresses at that age) and start smashing the roses up with our bare feet! We called the rose water “magic perfume” and I remember wanting to keep some stored in a bottle but my mom always dumped it out when we were finished because playtime was over and it was dinnertime.
Now: I typically don’t even make rose water very often now, as I don’t usually have access to fresh rose petals. I love to use beauty products with rose water in them though, like Thayer’s brand alcohol-free witch hazel. Nowadays I usually use dried rose petals for spell bottles and for smoking herbal blends. My herbal witchcraft nowadays is mostly making tea blends, smoke blends, and of course as ingredients for spells. I’ve also made healing salves and oils with herbs over the years.
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Crystal Magic:
Then: Inspired by my mother’s geological rock collection (she was a science teacher when I was a kid), I began collecting rocks when I was a young child, probably as young as 7. I have a lot of crystals that came from my mom’s collection, and as a kid, I remember taking out her rock collection boxes from the garage and placing them all over the living room so I could open them all up and look at the cool rocks inside. I remember reading about crystal healing in a book on home remedies that my mom gave me. I bookmarked so many pages in that book, most of them in the crystal healing section. I had one special crystal that I had found near my elementary school as a kid (but lost over time.. sad!) and I was convinced it was a magic crystal. I carried it with me all the time, I slept with it under my pillow, and I never completely knew what it was (maybe some kind of quartz?) but I felt that it enhanced my dreams and made them much more vivid.
Now: My crystal collection has multiplied... Significantly... (oops) I am definitely a crystal collector, and now I go out and find some of my own crystals as well. In fact, the huge chunk of serpentine in the image above is one that I found, and it’s roughly the size of my face! I love my crystals, and I make crystal grids as a part of my rituals and practice. Crystals are somehow always involved in my practice actually. I make wire wrap jewelry now with crystals also (check out Buffalo Wraps on Instagram) inspired by the healing properties of the crystals.
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Then: When I was about 10, my grandma gave me this book. It was her original copy of Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs. It even has my grandmother’s signature on the inside cover. I was visiting my grandparents in New Zealand at the time, and didn’t have any other books with me for the trip that I can remember, so I spent my evenings in bed reading the section on How to Recognize a Libra. (I’m a Libra Sun, and that was all I knew about astrology at the time) As I finished the chapter on Libra, I was convinced there had to be something real to this tradition of the cosmos. So after returning to the USA, I began researching astrology in my free time, reading as many books and online resources as possible about the topic. I gave my friends and family birth chart readings, and was constantly examining my friends’ behaviors as a scientist examines their test subject.
Now: Well, now I’m trying to become a professional astrologer! It’s been my goal since my third year in University to become an astrologer, and I’ve been taking webinar courses since then from well-known astrologers and (again) reading as many books and online resources as possible. I now have shelves and shelves (almost a whole large tote full actually) of astrology books of all kinds that I’ve collected and read over the years, and it all started with my grandma’s little copy of Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs. Instead of only giving free birth chart readings to friends and family, now I offer paid readings of all types as well! I’ve learned so much over the last almost 15 years of studying this beautiful tradition! Astrology is also a huge part of my magic as well. I never cast a spell without first planning it for a specific planetary hour and day that aligns with the desired planetary energies. I’m constantly watching transits and studying how they affect us down here on Earth as well.
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Then: As a kid, maybe 3rd grade through middle school, I was super into outer space. I remember having those little glow in the dark stars all over my ceiling. My dad gave me a telescope for Christmas one year, and I remember him helping me to set it up a few times at night outside on the porch. I was always staring at the stars as a kid, looking at the moon and the constellations. I had (still have actually) a great little guide book on all of the constellations in the sky and the mythology behind them, and all kinds of cool info.
Now: Unfortunately, that telescope got very dusty over the years. It’s sitting in storage now, and I’m dying to bring it out and set it up again, but I need the space for it first! I still observe the sky and watch the stars and moon, but aside from my astrology practice and cosmic witchery, I don’t focus too much on space. I still watch documentaries on space and the planets etc. however! My magic actually heavily relies on my knowledge of both astronomy AND astrology.
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Mythology/Fairy Tales:
Then: As a kid, I loved reading fiction and fantasy! I loved drawing dragons and unicorns, and reading about magical princesses and fairies. I wanted to live in a world of mythology so badly. I remember one of my favorite books at the time was Dealing With Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede. I think that book really got me excited about dragons and magic. I also have believed from a very young age, not sure where it originated from, that I am a witch, and have magic within me! I know one influence on that belief was a graphic novel series I used to read all the time growing up called W.I.T.C.H. - I related to one of the characters in that series, Irma, who had water magic abilities. I always felt a deep connection to water for some reason, and as a kid I believed I could control it to an extent. Later in elementary school, I remember learning about Greek mythology briefly, but didn’t get to learn much about it until later.
Now: I went through a bit of a phase a while ago where I thought I had to connect to a deity, or a pantheon. And I feel like I did have a few encounters with deities, but nothing that truly made me feel comfortable worshiping a deity. Don’t get me wrong, I love Greek mythology and religion, and I’ve actually taken a class at University on Greek mythology. Though I’m no expert, I feel pretty well-versed in my myths. They have a few good mythology documentary shows on Netflix that I enjoy as well. I guess because I come from a semi-Christian background though, I have a distaste for worshiping a “god” or “god-like” figure... So I don’t really worship any deities at the moment, but I do recognize the possibility of them existing, and I recognize them as archetypal figures. Same goes for other mythological beings, I don’t really work with them, but I recognize the potential for their existence in another plane.
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Then: When I was a kid, I had a little pendulum that I made out of blue lace agate and a chain. I used that for divination purposes, just asking yes or no questions. I didn’t know much else about divination though, aside from astrology, so I didn’t know what other directions there were for me to explore.
Now: I use a few different types of divination, and surprisingly, I rarely use my crystal pendulums! Besides astrology, my go-to divination method nowadays is tarot. I’ve learned to read tarot cards over the last few years after one of my college roommates gave me a rune reading and introduced me to tarot and other forms of divination. Now I have several tarot decks, oracle decks, and pendulums all stored in a beautiful box I call my “divination box.”
Anyway, that’s my Witchy Then Vs. Now! I really would like to see this pick up on Witchblr cuz it’s a fun challenge to make you reflect a little on how you’ve changed, or stayed the same!
Check out my Ko-Fi below to leave me a tip!
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rootcut3 · 3 years
Free Tarot Card Analysis
If https://tarot-masters.com show up, connect them to someone keeping that sort of character. One more benefit is that email psychic readings have a tendency to be a fixed price, so you don't need to fret about acquiring the mins. Depending on the equipment you contend your disposal, you might possibly enjoy a complimentary tarot analysis from anywhere, including your home computer, a laptop, a tablet computer, mobile app, or a smart device. A video clip reading permits you to interact in person with a psychic tool. These complimentary analyses are the closest thing to being in the very same space as a psychic, as well as you can obtain a better feel for the person by seeing their face as you talk. I drew the Grim Reaper in this forest atmosphere with all these plants and also life and butterflies that symbolize adjustment and makeover. With each other, the Major as well as Minor Arcana cards develop a extensive pictorial language. It is essential to keep in mind that all the responses we seek exist innately within the deck, with each card illustrating a person, scenario, or prospective outcome. Given that there are obvious puzzles or concealed agendas with tarot card, the capability to determine meaning lies within your own narrative analysis. The Significant Arcana cards represent huge, innovative influences. They stress our trips as well as each stands alone as a effective message, representing life-changing motions that define the starts or ends of cycles. Last but not least, and a lot of interesting component - Tarot analysis of each person of my group. It was a fun session for my friends as well as myself, we 'd definitely recommend to everybody to experience it yourself. I have actually read cards as well as doing healing work for ten years now. Many individuals wish to really feel even more directly attached to their fortuneteller and discover that video provides them the appropriate experience. They additionally provide 5 totally free mins at the start of your telephone call and also deal phone, e-mail, as well as live chat alternatives like Kasamba. These are some of the features you may wish to search for when choosing a leading tarot analysis service. This site likewise provides a complimentary 3 minute tarot reading, plus 50% off your very initial session, which makes trying Kasamba less of a financial threat. My name is Eva Delattre and I have been practicing the ton of money informing arts for practically thirty years. I intended to share my knowledge of tarot card analysis by offering a entirely cost-free draw using the 22 Significant Arcana of the tarot card. Cupid's Oracle Cupid's Oracle uses the love tarot card to help you explore the future of your love life. These dynamic cards show up throughout significant changes, indicating unique minutes of change. The cards are numbered to stand for terminals within our better journey via life; their sequential order reveals the death of time. Allow's speak about the structure of the deck and the significances of its cards. Any enchanting practice-- tarot card, astrology, or spell job-- is based upon the Hermetic axiom "as above, so listed below." In other words, the macrocosm of the universes is mirrored in the microcosm of specific experience. As necessary, the whole universe exists within a tarot card deck, with each card representing a person, place, or event. These icons are illustrated in both the Major Arcana cards, which speak to better tricks, and also the Minor Arcana cards, which speak with lower keys. Once you have the inquiry in your mind, it's time to shuffle-- and also there are numerous ways to do so. The overhand shuffle includes holding the deck of cards in one hand as well as utilizing the other to relocate cards from one side of the deck to the various other. You can additionally " reduce" the deck by splitting it into numerous heaps and after that incorporating them into one once more. Or you can attempt spreading out the cards facedown on the table and also sweeping them right into a big, unpleasant stack before tapping them right into place again. Routines are an vital way we refine occasions, as well as even if you're skeptical, the act of following a routine and also treating your cards with respect and value can be alter just how we perceive the globe. After you allow your reading to process, be grateful, clear your cards, as well as make sure to save it in safe and also secure area. Tarot relies on signs pulled from a variety of human consciousness. There are lots of decks offered, each with their very own special collection of icons and also systems. You'll have to create stories making use of the symbols of the deck in your analysis, so choosing a deck whose art work resonates with you is very important. One of the most common deck and also a great way to start is the Rider-Waite deck. There are nevertheless a myriad of choices to select from, but we have actually developed a minimalist deck which makes analysis somewhat easier. Whether you are single or in a partnership, this spread can assist you comprehend what actually matters to you so you can travel on in the best direction. When you are ready to start your Tarot card analysis, scroll up as well as choose your cards. This is the moment to enjoy what you have sown, since you are guaranteed of a bumper crop on both individual as well as specialist fronts! Those travelling on a business journey will discover things working out. Health and wellness appears fine, yet the cards recommend not to take every little thing for given. There are 12 different Zodiac signs, and everyone's sign corresponds to their birthdate. With greater than 1,700 psychic consultants to choose from in more than two dozen groups, you have much more choices absolutely free psychic analyses on this platform than anywhere else. Psychic Source uses totally free psychic analyses for the first 3 minutes in addition to rates as low as $0.66 per min if you pick to continue your analysis after the cost-free trial. By dealing with a dream interpreter during complimentary psychic readings, you can begin to understand your desires. Are there specific numbers that seem to be recurring in your life? A cost-free psychic numerology analysis can aid you discover why these numbers are so popular in your life as well as what they suggest. Sometimes described as astrology analyses, a horoscope reading utilizes the signs of the zodiac to aid predict your future and give insight into your personality, connection compatibility, and extra. Some psychics use brand-new customers the chance to obtain an answer to a inquiry at no charge by providing the very first couple of minutes of psychic readings totally free. These totally free analyses are done by actual psychics, as well as if you like the experience, you can continue your session, generally at a affordable price. This type of complimentary on the internet psychic analysis can be incredibly useful if you find yourself in a damaging pattern, really feel unconfident, or require unbiased answers from someone with clairvoyant understanding. Maybe you have a recurring desire, as well as you're not sure if your subconscious is attempting to inform you something. The 20 various spreads readily available at FreeDivination are meant to offer you various choices on what sort of reviewing you're seeking. The website uses you some advice on selecting from a deck for love, profession, or general life issues, and after that moving forward with what you see. Because of the pandemic, there are numerous psychic reading sites that are using cost-free mins and also steep price cuts to help their clients make it through these tough times. I have a committed adhering to on Instagram and remarkable returning consumers. I've worked with individuals from Brazil, Belgium, Germany, Canada, Sweden, England, Malaysia, Denmark, Singapore, Australia, and also the checklist just takes place. One girl from Mexico also messaged me in Spanish; we did the reading via Google Translate. Digital readings cost me practically nothing to generate and were veiled under a U.S.-based business so I could avoid the visa internet. Initially we did a brief meditation which aided to soothe our minds, then Shilpa described concerning Tarot decks as well as messages of the Tarot card.
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In a lot of decks, the Lovers shows 2 individuals in a yard with an angel floating in the sky above them, possibly in the Yard of Eden. The Marseille shows three people, and also a grumpy-looking cherub aiming an arrowhead at them from over. Jodo pointed to the sunlight at the top of the card, where said cherub was emerging. Prior to you attend your tarot reading session, attempt to get as clear as possible on what it is you want advice on. This will help you locate the experience you want as well as additionally help your visitor specify the analysis for you. You may have been told ahead to your tarot card reading with a clear concern and an open mind. This suggestions is typically duplicated since it's thought about to be the most effective method to get the most out of the experience. Throughout the session I will do a reading which will certainly offer clearness as well as bring about an understanding of what the tarot is communicating about your present, previous and future. Likewise, Sarber informed EXPERT that as soon as you finally begin, a essential to getting proficient at reviewing the cards is to pick one that represents you. the much more that you bond with your deck, the far better analyses you'll give-- as well as obtain. Today, there are thousands of tarot card readers throughout the world. After hearing my tale of the Fatality card, Howe let's out a laugh. "I really enjoy the Fatality card, it's the one that always appears in the movies," she begins. "The Death card, in my experience, doesn't really imply fatality.
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funeraloracle · 4 years
Hey ! I really wanna get into tarot readings n Was wondering if you had any useful tips or has seen any blogs that give useful tips ? I’d be grateful for anything really , I’ve read up on some stuff but I need more lol so this is for when u have time pls answer :) thank u so much !!
im not sure about other blogs that give insightful tips other than maybe @servantofthefates (who is amazing) but keep in mind they have a very traditional method of reading the cards and there is no one way to do it, i love a lot of their content but some of it I just don’t agree with and that’s okay.
as far as tips from me... 
1) you learn tarot like, three times per deck. what i mean by that is you learn it all traditionally upright, traditionally reversed (if you read reversed, which i normally don’t), and then you learn your own meanings from that. a lot of new readers read very literally and that’s okay while they’re learning how to read, but eventually as you get used to the cards and memorize them, you’ll develop your own personal meanings and connotations for each card. for example, the tower is traditionally a scary card for a lot of readers, especially new ones, but for most readers i know who have been reading it a while, its a good sign!
2) don’t apply meanings of cards universally. what i mean by that is the meanings of the cards can and do change depending on the artwork on the card itself, who made the deck and what context they made it in, the historical context of the time the deck was first published, etc; study up a little on your deck and keep that context in mind when you read. additionally, card meanings can change with the context of a reading. that seems like a no brainer but again, new readers tend to rely on the guidebook and take things very literally.
3) pick one deck and focus on it. i didn’t even think about buying a second deck until two years after i bought my rider-waite, no joke. i only have three tarot decks now and im a bit of a junkie lmao but seriously, learn one deck and get confident about it before you move on.
4) mobile decks are your friend!!! i know a lot of people might not agree with me on this but gosh the biggest and best way to get better at reading is just to do tons and tons and tons of readings and thats so inconvenient if you have to whip out the deck everywhere you go. it puts the cards at risk and its just impractical. so having a tarot app like golden thread or galaxy tarot (which is what I’ve been using for years and STILL use-- i even bought the premium which is how fuckin much i recommend it okay) is a great way to keep you from giving up on tarot in general because its so easy to use. if you haven’t bought a deck yet, or don’t even know where to begin with tarot, this is the BEST way to get into it because its free and gives you easy to consume definitions with multiple contextual examples UGH so good
ps i can’t review golden thread because i haven’t tried it myself? but other readers say its good for new tarot readers so...
5) watch other readers do spreads or pick a cards on youtube. i know, i know, some other readers may not agree with this one, but it helped me develop my reading style a LOT. especially if you want to improve how you can read the cards TOGETHER rather than individually. there really is no better way to learn imo than watching someone else, at least for me. maybe find readers who use the deck you’re learning, because added oracle decks or decks with alternate systems may be confusing. i really reccommend @mercury-minded if you’re at least a little proficient!!! she has a growing channel on youtube and does pick-a-cards that involve astrology and is just, in general, a great place to start.
i think thats all from me but if you’d like any more tips or have any more questions just hmu!
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hereimanifest · 4 years
Pile 3 - Malachite
Go to this link to choose a pile for this collective group pick-a-card tarot reading!
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Hey group 3! Disclaimer! This is my second time writing this because while I was writing your reading, it was all deleted. Don’t worry though, I made sure to write everything I remembered down, so you won’t miss out on anything.
First I chose some self-care messages, since it is difficult to have motivation to care for yourself, especially during quarantine. I know that many people are not taking it very well, so I thought you guys could use some ideas as a pick-me-up! The first one is to spend time with friends. I see this as you guys just simply reaching out to those you love. This could be close friends or even online mutuals that you want to be closer with! I see this really boosting your spirits, since quarantine can be very lonely!
(Tw: food mention) Next is make a meal! I know it’s easy to just laze out and eat junk food during this time. Everyone has been a victim to that! It may also be that you guys are neglecting when you are hungry! Take this as a sign to really discover what you want to make. Make a really nice meal to treat yourself, maybe make your favorite meal, or even try something new!
Next is look to the stars! Now this can resonate differently for many people. I see stargazing as a big one. Open your window and look up at the wide expanse, the wide universe that holds you in it’s arms. Also, I can see you looking into astrology. Maybe you can take some tome to look up your birth chart with friends! Even if you don’t really believe in it, it is always but to read about what the stars say about you!
For your tarot cards, there is a lot about working hard! The eight of pentacles, the three of pentacles, and the queen of wands all tell me that you are coming into this energy of being passionate and hardworking. The three of pentacles also tells me that you may have some sort of mentor or teacher coming in to help you on the way to success with this new project you have. The nine of swords then tells me that something has been getting you down or even giving you anxiety. The imagery on the card is a person who cannot fall asleep, these emotions are keeping them up at night. Don’t be afraid to reach out when you feel this way. Talk to your friends or your mutuals on social media and let it out. You have people around you who are here to help. After this card is the wheel of fortune. This tells me that you will get through these obstacles that are weighing on your mind! You may also have a stroke of luck in your future that will pull you out of that low energy!
You got a lot of this next deck, so that tells me that there are a lot of specifics going on in your particular situation. The five of wands speaks about conflict and competition. Its possible that with this new project or passion you are embarking on that there is a lot of competition in that particular field of work. I am getting a strong message to not worry about this! Focus on your craft and doing as well as you can. You have all it takes to succeed! Next card is the world. This talks about completion of a cycle, the beginning of a new cycle, or even travel! This makes me feel that your new venture will be incredibly fruitful and give you so many opportunities, maybe some to travel the world? Next is the two of cups in reverse. This talks about being out of balance in a relationship and possibly projecting onto others. Maybe the five of wands could also be talking about a friend group conflict? It is important that you really analyze your approach to this situation to make sure you are not projecting your own feelings and insecurities onto the others. Be open to reconciliation. The five of swords in reverse talks about having to apologize for your own actions in conflict. Don’t get angry at the cards! In every conflict, both sides usually have something to apologize about. Keep your heart open and don’t allow resentment to keep you from fixing up something that was broken. The strength in reverse tells me that you need to approach this situation with more strength and compassion. It takes a lot of strength and bravery to admit our own faults. Consider this when you approach the conflict again. The two of wands talks about taking action and using your intuition to make the next move. It may be that you need to let this situation play out and follow your gut feelings once you have spoken your own truth and approached the situation with humility. The ace of cups is a wonderful sign! Either this could mean reconciliation with this issue and you guys are stronger than ever, or it could be that with this situation behind you, you find much more fulfilling relationships and situations for you! The final card is the ten of cups! This is beautiful! This represents a wholeness in relationships with others: emotional fulfillment, loving relationships, this could even mean for some that you have a partnership that is long-lasting and may end up in marriage!
For your love cards, it definitely confirms what we have discussed before. Remember these could just be about a platonic relationship as well! First is to give your relationship a chance. It is really telling you to not abandon this friendship or relationship just because there was some conflict. Like I’ve been saying, approach it differently. It’s important that all parties deal with this with maturity and are able to admit to and apologize for their faults. We also have reconciliation and worth waiting for! This tells me that you guys will definitely come back together stronger than ever, it will just take time. Don’t try to rush it back together. Allow everything to flow. I once fell out with my best friend and it took years for us to become friends again. I’m not saying it will take years, I see more weeks or days, but I want to let you know that while it may take time, it is worth it in the end. You have a loving and wonderful friendship or relationship in store for you! Thank you for reading! 💗
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gearstorm40 · 3 years
Free Tarot Card Reading
If these show up, relate them to a person with that type of character. An additional benefit is that email psychic analyses have a tendency to be a set price, so you do not need to fret about acquiring the mins. Relying on the equipment you contend your disposal, you could potentially appreciate a free tarot reading from anywhere, including your home computer, a laptop computer, a tablet computer, mobile app, or a mobile phone. A video clip analysis enables you to connect face-to-face with a psychic medium. These cost-free readings are the closest thing to being in the exact same room as a psychic, and also you can obtain a much better feel for the person by seeing their face as you talk. I attracted the Grim Reaper in this forest environment with all these plants and also life as well as butterflies that symbolize adjustment as well as makeover. With each other, the Major as well as Minor Arcana cards create a extensive photographic language. It is essential to bear in mind that all the answers we seek exist innately within the deck, with each card illustrating a person, circumstance, or prospective end result. Considering that there are clear problems or hidden programs with tarot card, the ability to recognize indicating lies within your own narrative interpretation. The Significant Arcana cards represent huge, cutting-edge impacts. They stress our journeys and also each stands alone as a powerful message, representing life-altering movements that specify the beginnings or ends of cycles. Finally, and many exciting part - Tarot card analysis of each individual of my team. It was a fun session for my friends and myself, we 'd most definitely suggest to everybody to experience it on your own. I have actually been reading cards as well as doing recovery work for 10 years now. Many individuals want to really feel more personally connected to their tarot reader and find that video clip supplies them the ideal experience. They also supply five complimentary mins at the beginning of your call and also offer phone, e-mail, and also live chat alternatives like Kasamba. These are several of the functions you may intend to search for when choosing a top tarot reading service. https://tarot-masters.com uses a cost-free 3 minute tarot analysis, plus 50% off your very first session, that makes checking out Kasamba much less of a financial threat. My name is Eva Delattre as well as I have been practicing the ton of money telling arts for virtually thirty years. I wanted to share my understanding of tarot analysis by offering a completely cost-free draw utilizing the 22 Major Arcana of the tarot card. Cupid's Oracle Cupid's Oracle uses the love tarot to assist you check out the future of your lovemaking. These vibrant cards show up during significant transitions, signifying distinctive moments of change. The cards are phoned number to represent terminals within our greater journey via life; their chronological order discloses the passing of time. Allow's talk about the structure of the deck and the meanings of its cards. Any type of enchanting practice-- tarot card, astrology, or spell job-- is based upon the Hermetic axiom "as above, so below." In other words, the macrocosm of the cosmos is mirrored in the microcosm of specific experience. As necessary, the entire cosmos exists within a tarot card deck, with each card standing for a person, location, or event. These symbols are depicted in both the Major Arcana cards, which speak to greater secrets, as well as the Minor Arcana cards, which talk to minimal secrets.
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As soon as you have the inquiry in your mind, it's time to shuffle-- and also there are several methods to do so. The overhand shuffle involves holding the deck of cards in one hand as well as making use of the various other to relocate cards from one side of the deck to the various other. You can likewise " reduce" the deck by splitting it right into numerous stacks and then combining them right into one again. Or you can try spreading the cards facedown on the table and sweeping them into a huge, untidy heap before tapping them into location once more. Rituals are an essential way we refine events, and even if you're unconvinced, the act of following a routine as well as treating your cards with respect as well as significance can be alter just how we view the world. After you enable your analysis to process, be grateful, clear your cards, and also see to it to store it in risk-free and also safe and secure place. Tarot counts on icons pulled from a wide variety of human awareness. There are several decks readily available, each with their very own unique collection of icons and also systems. You'll need to produce tales making use of the signs of the deck in your analysis, so picking a deck whose artwork reverberates with you is important. One of the most typical deck as well as a terrific way to start is the Rider-Waite deck. There are nevertheless a myriad of choices to select from, yet we have actually created a minimalist deck that makes analysis rather easier. Whether you are single or in a relationship, this spread can assist you understand what really matters to you so you can travel on in the ideal direction. When you prepare to begin your Tarot card reading, scroll up and also pick your cards. This is the time to gain what you have sown, since you are guaranteed of a bumper crop on both individual and also professional fronts! Those taking a trip on a organization journey will certainly find points working out. Wellness shows up fine, but the cards suggest not to take every little thing for given. There are 12 different Zodiac signs, and each person's indicator corresponds to their birthdate. With greater than 1,700 psychic consultants to select from in greater than 2 dozen categories, you have more options free of charge psychic readings on this platform than anywhere else. Psychic Resource provides free psychic readings for the first 3 minutes along with prices as low as $0.66 per min if you select to proceed your analysis after the complimentary test. By collaborating with a dream interpreter throughout complimentary psychic analyses, you can start to comprehend your desires. Are there details numbers that appear to be repeating in your life? A complimentary psychic numerology reading can help you find why these numbers are so noticeable in your life and also what they mean. Occasionally referred to as astrology readings, a horoscope reading utilizes the signs of the zodiac to help anticipate your future and give insight right into your character, relationship compatibility, and also more. Some psychics supply new clients the possibility to get an response to a question at no charge by providing the first couple of minutes of psychic analyses completely free. These totally free analyses are done by actual psychics, and also if you like the experience, you can proceed your session, normally at a discounted rate. This kind of cost-free on-line psychic analysis can be extremely valuable if you find yourself in a damaging pattern, really feel insecure, or need objective answers from a person with clairvoyant understanding. Maybe you have a recurring dream, as well as you're uncertain if your subconscious is attempting to inform you something. The 20 various spreads offered at FreeDivination are suggested to provide you various selections on what type of reading you're trying to find. The website offers you some advice on selecting from a deck for romance, profession, or general life issues, and after that moving forward with what you see. As a result of the pandemic, there are a number of psychic analysis websites that are offering cost-free mins as well as steep price cuts to help their customers survive these difficult times. I have a devoted following on Instagram as well as wonderful returning customers. I have actually worked with individuals from Brazil, Belgium, Germany, Canada, Sweden, England, Malaysia, Denmark, Singapore, Australia, as well as the listing simply goes on. One girl from Mexico even messaged me in Spanish; we did the analysis via Google Translate. Digital analyses cost me nearly absolutely nothing to generate and also were veiled under a U.S.-based business so I can avoid the visa net. First we did a brief reflection which helped to soothe our minds, then Shilpa clarified about Tarot card decks and messages of the Tarot. In a lot of decks, the Lovers reveals two people in a yard with an angel hovering overhead above them, maybe in the Yard of Eden. The Marseille shows three people, and also a grumpy-looking cherub intending an arrowhead at them from over. Jodo pointed to the sun on top of the card, from which claimed cherub was arising. Before you attend your tarot card analysis session, attempt to get as clear as feasible on what it is you desire guidance on. This will certainly aid you find the experience you seek and also aid your viewers specify the reading for you. You might have been informed ahead to your tarot analysis with a clear concern and also an open mind. This guidance is often duplicated because it's taken into consideration to be the best means to obtain one of the most out of the experience. During the session I will certainly do a reading which will give clarity and also bring about an understanding of what the tarot is conveying regarding your existing, previous and also future. Furthermore, Sarber told EXPERT that as soon as you ultimately start, a crucial to getting efficient checking out the cards is to select one that represents you. the extra that you bond with your deck, the far better analyses you'll provide-- and also get. Today, there are thousands of tarot card visitors around the world. After hearing my story of the Death card, Howe allowed's out a laugh. "I really love the Fatality card, it's the one that always appears in the movies," she begins. "The Fatality card, in my experience, does not in fact imply death.
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
Hi! May i please get a love reading for me and a crush? Our initials are A and B respectively. Thank you so much!
Apologies for taking so long to do this for you but here’s your reading!
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Tarot cards: The Devil, The Lovers, Page of Cups, 10 of Wands, 3 of Pentacles, 3 of Wands, King of Swords, Queen of Cups, The Hanged Man
Okay so I did a bit of a different spread for this reading - it’s one i found online a few weeks ago and have been wanting to test out. In this spread the top two cards represent you and your person, the middle three are your person’s thoughts and feelings towards you and the bottom thee (or four in this case) are about your chances and advice for increasing those chances. 
You have come out as The Devil which isn’t as bad as it sounds lmao. It may be a connection to your star sign - the Devil is associated with Capricorn so if you’re an earth sign that may be why it’s come out. The Devil is also related to playfulness and mystery and, more negatively, addiction and materialism, so they may be traits of yours that the cards are picking up on. Don’t worry if it doesn’t seem to fit though. Interestingly this card is also associated with choice.  This was actually the second attempt I made at this reading. The first time I only got a couple of cards in and got interrupted so decided just to redraw everything since I’d lost the flow of what I was doing but in that first try you came out as the 2 of Swords which is also about decision making and choice. 
B has come out as The Lovers which is definitely a good sign for you. Astrologically it’s associated with Gemini so if B is an air sign that could be the connection. The Lovers are also related to virtue, attraction, overcoming trials. B may have been through a tough time and that’s what the cards are picking up on or it may be that they are very compatible with you. In the first attempt at this reading they came out as The High Priestess and both that card and the Lovers can be associated with intuition (though it’s stronger in the high priestess) so it may be they are a very intuitive person. 
B sees you as the Page of Cups - cheerful, a bit of a dreamer, maybe a little sensitive. Affectionate, friendly, charming. They think about you as the 10 of wands, accomplished and responsible and hard working. It may also indicate that they think about you a lot. You are constantly on their mind even when they don’t necessarily want to be thinking about you. And the card for how they feel about you is the 3 of pentacles. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the 3 of pents is a great card for relationships and potential new romances. It’s about teamwork and collaboration. They want to build something with you. 
The 3 of wands represents your current chances. Sometimes this card can indicate a situationship rather than a real relationship - not quite committed to each other, maybe just casual, just about sex rather than deeper feelings, based on short term desires rather than long term goals - which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes things that start out casual and undefined grow into stronger bonds and long term exclusive partnerships. Although, in the context of the rest of the cards I feel like this is more about potential. There is potential there for a relationship to happen. It’s a card that’s very much looking ahead rather than into the past or present. You are in the moments before a potential new adventure. 
King of Swords and Queen of Cups popped out of the deck together so I took them both as important. They’re telling you how to increase your chances with B. This is interesting because the king of swords is very disconnected from emotions - he thinks about things logically, he puts his thoughts ahead of his feelings. It’s a very analytical card, sometimes indicating an inability (or unwillingness) to change opinion. But the Queen of Cups is quite the opposite. She is in connection with her emotions, though she doesn’t let them overwhelm her, she serves others, she’s empathetic and kind and compassionate. She pays attention to what her heart says as well as her head. You need to find the balance between the two. This isn’t a situation where you can approach it logically and see everything as black or white, it requires heart as well. The queen’s cup is covered though so she isn’t spilling her guts to anyone who’ll listen, she chooses who to share herself with. It isn’t screaming i love you from the top of a hill but it isn’t denying attraction or feelings either. 
There’s a phrase in the keywords for the queen that says “actions help a dream become real” and that is what’s jumping out at me. To increase your chances with B, you need to take action in some way. This is confirmed by the Hanged Man card which represents general advice from the cards. When the hanged man comes up in love readings it’s often a sign that you need to change something. It could be changing your perspective, believing you have a shot with them if you’ve been feeling like they’re entirely out of your league and they’d never go for someone like you. Or it could be about doing something differently - striking up a conversation with them if you get the opportunity, or taking an interest in something they’re interested in. Whatever it is, the point is you can’t just watch them from a distance and hope for the best, you have to act to get the ball rolling. 
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Your oracle cards were super interesting! SO I drew the first heart card which was Soul Mate - Your soul mate is already with you in spirit. Believe this and they will manifest physically. If you believe in the whole concept of soul mates and all of that you can take it as it says or, if that isn’t really for you then take it as there being potential for a strong connection. The point is you have to believe it’s possible, you have to believe you have a chance, before anything can happen. Manifestation is about putting out the energy you want to get back - if you’re only thinking negatively then negative things are going to happen. But Manifestation also requires action, you can’t just say to the universe “i’m ready for love” and have someone zoom over to you instantly, you have to make an effort of some sort, even if it’s as simple as getting a friend to talk to them or saying hi as you pass each other on the street. 
Similarly you got the True Love romance angel, so again, if the concept of ~true love~ isn’t your jam, consider it a deep connection or a strong bond or whatever way you want to take it. 
As I was trying to get a second heart card two popped out, the first is: Give thanks for the blessings of love soon to come your way. Know that you deserve to be and have all that your heart truly desires. And the second is: Passion - A magnetic and seductive quality surrounds you at present. Enjoy it!
It seems like something could come of this very soon if you give it the chance. 
Your love oracle is Elizabeth Taylor. These cards have three messages, one for one night stands, one for long term relationships and breakups and the third for family and friends. I’ll include all three of them but it may be that only one resonates for you.
Don’t run so fast that you can’t be caught / You can be a big fan of marriage - just be an even bigger fan of diamonds / True friends last longer than marriage, however many times you marry. 
There’s a couple of things I’m getting from this. Firstly, playing hard to get is fine but you have to let them catch you eventually. Secondly, the true friends bit makes me think maybe the way to have something happen is to become friends first (maybe you already are?). You may get other meaning from this card though since you know the situation best. 
Then we have the Moon oracle. I don’t normally draw these for love readings but I felt called to and you got New Moon Eclipse - Expect Powerful Change. This is pure affirmation that the outcome you desire can happen. Possibly quite soon. 
And finally you have 3 cards from the Secret Garden deck.  Dare - Take a risk and fly / Play - Among the grass and wild violets lie undisturbed little secrets to uncover / Be Present - Use the hours; don’t count them. 
Again the cards seem to be telling you to act. Don’t just wait for things to happen, make them happen. 
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