#i rarely get to talk about my profession when it comes to shows and i rarely get to showcase my actual honest to god expertise
iguessitsjustme · 24 days
I love Wandee Goodday a whole lot but I cannot handle this fucking scholarship competition. I beg your everlovin pardon? The employees and the patients at the hospital will vote on the winner???? The patients???? Dear god I hope it's an anonymous vote. Do the patients have the opportunity to opt out? What exactly are the voting on? What is the criteria? Why is part of the scholarship to best market the hospital? They're doctors. In what world does this showcase which doctor is most deserving of the scholarship for doctors?
Their fellow doctors also vote? Again I hope the vote is anonymous. I'd be scared of potential retaliation if I were a patient or a coworker. What is the point of the written test if 70% of the total score is based in something that neither of them are professionally trained to do?
What is the criteria?? What are the rules and requirements? What instructions have they been given to follow? They have four months to come up with a campaign? Do they have any other deadlines?
Why is this a part of the scholarship for DOCTORS???????
I love this show but I am bamboozled.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 2 months
Parallels in Unknown Episode 9
God I love the physicality in this show.
I will preface by saying once more that Kurt is doing a great job in his role as Yuan, especially lately with all the pushing and prodding Yuan has been doing to Qian, but I once again find myself having to highlight the masterful performance of Chris Chiu.
Wei Qian is a very tense and quiet character in a show that uses voice overs sparingly. This means that Chris has a very difficult job in conveying Qian’s inner monologue through body language alone. Without uttering a word we know what Qian is thinking; what he’s feeling; we understand the depth, the weight of his care for the people he loves.
For Episode 9, I want to talk about parallels. Parallels and how effectively Unknown is able to use them to bring maximum emotional devastation:
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We open with a flashback to Lili and Yuan as kids, to Lili trying to get out of going to school because she is worried the world is going to end. We open with a line from Qian:
“Even if the world comes down, I’ll hold it up.” 
Y’all. That line hit me like a 16 wheeler, holy fuck. This is the summary of Qian’s life, of his goals, of his struggle. Qian’s never had the luxury to live in a world that wasn’t falling apart. But he’s spared Yuan and Lili (especially Lili) from the trauma and the abuse and the pain he has suffered. He is already holding everyone’s worlds together, and that line struck me as the deepest and most beautiful profession of love. And of course, because he is acting as a parent to these kids he has to follow it with an empty threat.
The kids head off to school, but before the door closes behind Yuan he turns around, he looks Qian right in the eye and he says
“Ge, if the world comes down, we’ll hold it up together.”
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Double homicide. A perfect expression of Yuan’s devotion to Qian, Qian who very rarely experiences reciprocity. Qian spent a large portion of his life being uplifted and supported by the people around him: Le-ge, San Pang and his family, Xiong this is true, but for Qian most of those feel like or literally are debts to be repaid. He said it to Le-ge in this episode “I will pay you back everything I owe”, in Episode 1, Qian tells San Pang he’ll pay him back when San Pang covers his bills, Xiong helped kick start Qian’s career, but he’s in business with Xiong now so Qian’s success is Xiong’s success. Yuan is the only person to whom Qian owes nothing, and Yuan is the only person who is trying to care for him back without being owed.
Because this show has been looping in my head, I’ve been thinking a lot about trauma. The first scene we see of Qian and Yuan together, Yuan holds out a metal pipe in defense and Qian has an immediate flashback to his own childhood and the abuse he had suffered. Qian immediately establishes a connection to Yuan that he never will with Lili because Qian was incredibly successful in shielding Lili from the harshness of the world. We don’t see the trauma Yuan must have experienced as a kid, but we get the snippets, the ties in to Qian’s experiences, the illness, the hunger. Yuan has suffered, and Qian has saved him, and Yuan understands the burden that comes with care. Yuan is devoted to Qian, Yuan does not want Qian to hold everything he’s carrying all by himself.
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Yuan has always been like this, and will always be like this for Qian.
Despite the overarching structural problems I had with this episode, I do think there was a strong thematic thread in paralleling space and physical touch all the way through.
The Letter
Qian discovers this letter in a box under Yuan’s bed. 
“In my life, I’ve been driven by a deviant and sharp obsession” 
Qian tenses up, taking in a deep breath, his eyes wandering away from the page. He literally has to mentally prepare himself to continue reading Yuan’s words 
“Looking back, there’s nothing else. But if my life were to cease all of a sudden-” Qian barely moves his head to finish reading, instead just casts his eyes downward.
“-not seeing you one last time would be my greatest regret” 
Qian moves the paper downward, and he looks away. Legitimately, Qian looks at that letter for as short a time as he physically possibly can. 
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I’m mentioning the letter because the face that Qian makes when he is reading it is a recurring character throughout this entire episode. Because we see that face again almost immediately when Qian is at H.O.T.. That man is fully dissociating in his meeting, his mind is not at work at all. He is a statue sitting there with exactly the same face he was making when he read the first few words of Yuan’s letter. And it is not until everyone else but San Pang has walked away that he breaks from that thought paralysis and turns to get San Pang’s opinion. Dissatisfied with San Pang’s response and knowing that Yuan was hiding something from him and has not responded to his phone calls, Qian seeks additional answers. 
Rescuing Yuan
In Episode 1, Qian figures out Yuan is in trouble because he gets a phone call from Yuan’s teacher saying that Yuan applied for a leave of absence, he freaks out and goes straight to the pool hall where he barges in yelling and fighting his way to Le’s door. The second he gets in the room, he barrels straight towards Hu and grabs him by the collar. Qian has to be held back by multiple people in order to stop him from laying waste to everyone there, and the second Le-ge tells his people to let Qian go, Qian starts running straight to Le to fight him and has to be held back once more. 
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While Qian is being detained, he is looking around wildly, face a perfect picture of rage and desperation. When Yuan is brought out and Qian is released, he runs straight to Yuan and pulls him in to a hug and they start to walk away, arms linked to each other’s backs in support and connection. 
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And it sticks as such a vivid memory in my head that I had a visceral reaction to seeing how Qian has changed over time. Because in Episode 9 he knows something is wrong, you can see the worry behind his eyes when he tells San Pang that Yuan hasn’t answered his phone. And San Pang leaves him sitting there, still mulling over everything. When Qian enters the restaurant to talk to Le he appears calm (though there is very clearly a storm brewing inside him), he enters slowly. He is tense, and frustrated, and trying to contain it all. He is trying to keep himself calm. This is a very political conversation. He pours beer for Le-ge, he drinks with him, but you can feel it in the way that Qian sits that his every thought is like a clock just ticking away until something bad happens to Yuan. 
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“Le-ge can I ask a favor of you?” 
“What favor?”
“Help me find Yuan,”
“Are you asking me to help you find him or hand him back?” Le asks bemused and we get a jaw twitch from Wei Qian. Qian is seething, but he knows how Le operates and he’s older and wiser now so he can’t just enter the scene beelining towards Le with his fist ready for a face. As a child he was willing to fight Le, as an adult he has recognized Le more as an unfortunate ally who has all the power. Le and Qian roll up to the scene and we get a far more familiar Qian the second he exits the car and starts sprinting towards Yuan and immediately decks Hu right in the face to get him away from Yuan.
Again he tries to fight everyone that comes between them, again he is detained, being held back by multiple people, again Le and Hu fight while Qian is waiting to be released so he can run to Yuan. Again Le puts an ultimatum on their freedom, before it was a boxing match, now it is Russian Roulette.
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When they are set free, Qian immediately runs to Yuan and grabs him like he did when they were running away. The way he looks at everyone when he has Yuan in his arms is exactly the same way he looked at everyone when he was reunited with Yuan the first time Yuan was taken from him by the gang. 
It’s all the same, the way they walk out together, the way they are made to pause, the way Qian’s face is snarling when he’s trapped. It’s all there.   
Russian Roulette
Now, we are all about reciprocity here so we get another really tragic parallel between the boxing scene in Episode 1 and the Russian Roulette scene in Episode 9. 
In Episode 1, it is Qian that is made to play Le’s game alone: win three boxing matches, he and Yuan get to leave the gang. But Le doesn’t let Yuan off scot-free here either, forcing him to stand there and watch Qian get beat to shit over and over and over again for Yuan’s sake. And we get Yuan being the one to call out to Qian. 
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“Ge, stop fighting, let’s go home!” Yuan yells, and when Qian wins we see Yuan wiping tears away, and then screaming after Qian when his opponent sneaks up behind him. When Qian and Yuan are alone together after the fight, Yuan is crying and when Qian tells him not to cry he says: 
“Sorry. You wouldn’t have been in this fight if it hadn’t been for me,” which in this case is true for reasons outside of Yuan’s control. The things Qian has done for Le are informed by the care he has for Lili and Yuan, but Yuan is not himself the cause of the problem. 
In Episode 9 however….he walks right into the gang as if that is going to do anything, and has to be rescued by Qian. This time, though Yuan does not (or at least has yet to) say it, Qian would not have been in this fight with Hu and the rest of the gangsters if it wasn’t for Yuan. 
Similarly to Episode 1, Le-ge gives an ultimatum to their release, Russian Roulette. Where before we had three boxing matches, now we have three bullet chambers. And Yuan is old enough to protect Qian now, so Yuan volunteers to go first, and we get a role reversal. Before, Yuan had to watch, crying, as Qian fought and bled. Now, Qian is the one sobbing, having to watch Yuan get a gun to the head. Yuan looks at him and mouths “wo ai ni” and Qian immediately closes his eyes because cannot look at Yuan when the trigger is pulled, just as Yuan tried to look away when Qian was getting his skull bashed in in the boxing ring. 
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Yuan gets tortured right back though when it is Qian’s turn to have the trigger pulled, all we hear over the background music is this desperate and broken pleading scream from Yuan to let Qian go. When the game is over and Qian is released he runs straight to Yuan and pulls him up stating “Let’s go home, we’re going home,” another direct parallel to Episode 1. 
Alright, my favorite devastating blow of the evening, the hug in Episode 9 and how it parallels the hug in Episode 1. Because there are two levels to this: 
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photo of the photobook that @thisonelikesaliens was kind enough to send me. gif by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
The hug that Episode 9 more explicitly parallels, in my mind, is the hug that Qian gives Yuan right when they are reunited. He has that boy tucked in his arms, and is holding the back of Yuan’s head with his hand. It’s a very quick moment, but the intensity of Qian’s motion, the strength of his hug, the emotional core of that hug is evident in just the briefest of seconds and matches the intensity, the strength, and the emotional core of the hug in Episode 9. 
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Then you get a secondary parallel with the hug between Qian and Yuan after the boxing match, though it’s not as much of a 1:1 visual as the brief hug above. This is mostly in the changing heights, Yuan and Qian are on relatively the same level here. And you get the hand to the back of the head as a comforting thing which Qian is also doing to Yuan in today’s hug. 
In Episode 9, they are walking back home, it is dark, it is quiet. Qian stops dead in his tracks, the same look on his face as when he read the letter. He turns to face Yuan and clenches his fist because he needs that extra strength, it is taking everything in him to follow through on what comes next and then he just grabs Yuan and pulls him into a hug that parallels the hug they shared when Yuan was younger. Qian hugs Yuan like he is that small, scared boy even though Qian is now so much shorter than Yuan and Yuan is so much braver than he used to be.
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gif by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
But unlike the hugs in Episode 1, I don’t think this one is intended to comfort Yuan. I think this time, it is Qian reaching out to Yuan for his own comfort. Because in Episode 1 it is Yuan who cries in to the forehead touch, in Episode 9 it is Qian who burrows his face into Yuan’s neck as hard as he can while his face contorts in sobs. This is not necessarily a parallel, but it is the moment of the episode that ruined my life so I needed to make sure that I took you all down with me with a reminder of this scene and a gif. Oh also, they hug in front of a giant pile of wood like they do with the forehead touch in Episode 1 because they HATE US. 
Fishing Conversation v. Letter Conversation
The two big conversations that Qian and Yuan have this episode are really interesting to me because of how they play with space. When Yuan and Qian are out fishing together, Yuan places himself directly in front of, directly next to Qian for the whole length of the conversation where he asks Qian his feelings. Here they are with allllll this space around them, the water, the earth, the air they can sit wherever, they can stand wherever, they can exist wherever they want and they sit half a breadth apart. 
“Four years ago you turned and left, four years later we’re back here. This is enough.” Yuan states
“Can you stop staring at me then?” Qian asks.
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And that in itself is a parallel to Episode 6 and Yuan begging, pleading, clutching at Qian’s knee for him to look at him. Qian could not look Yuan in the eye from the second Yuan told him he was suffering until the moment he returned home, and now Yuan refuses to break eye contact. (And as an aside, it is a very good indication that Qian is warming up to Yuan’s feelings because he says this in a very light, almost joking way. And he follows it with an empty threat, like the empty threat he gave to Lili when she said she didn’t want to go to school, one that Yuan calls him on immediately.) Yuan moves back to his seat, but even then he does not keep any physical distance from Qian, immediately reaching over to grab Qian’s rod ;-)
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At the end of the episode, we get a very differently blocked conversation. It starts with the camera focused on Qian as he ices the back of his head, a place we know has caused him continual problems since the boxing match. Yuan knocks before he enters (which he did for the first time last episode), gives Qian a glass of milk (which they’ve definitely done in this show before), and in response Qian (rightfully imo) yells at Wei Zhiyuan for being dumb, then confronts him with the letter. 
“What is the meaning of this?” Qian asks, and it’s the first time he looks at Yuan in the exchange and Yuan takes it, turns around, and walks away without a word. Yuan puts the letter away and goes to sit on a chair in his room, looking across the hallway at Qian. And this is one of my favorite parallels in the episode, because of what it is doing with distance. 
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Earlier in the episode Yuan and Qian were fishing together and engaging in very intense conversation about their feelings and their relationship to one another (or rather, Qian was undergoing an interrogation about his feelings and hearing once more Yuan’s feelings for him). With all that wide open space at the river they were essentially joined at the hip the entire time. But here, when there is another very intense conversation about to happen- one where Yuan is breaking some news to Qian that is almost guaranteed to make him feel all the more guilty for sending Yuan away and going no-contact -there is as much space between them as possible.
So despite the fact that they are in their house, in a much smaller space than the river, despite the fact that they started the conversation in Wei Qian’s room, one of the few places Qian has been vulnerable in front of his family (especially when intoxicated, triggered, or experiencing symptoms of his chronic health condition), one of the few places that Qian has allowed Yuan to be completely carefree, cuddly, and affectionate with him (even sharing a bed), this space Qian has fought tooth and nail to make safe for his family, Yuan does not tarnish it by being in the room with him for the conversation. 
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gif by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
No, instead Qian will get this information with as much physical and emotional distance between them as Yuan can muster. 
“...some people started writing their last words” causes Qian to break eye contact with Yuan, but his posture, his breathing, all the rest of his physicality remains the same. Until…
“Everything I own is yours, whether you want it or not,”
That is what breaks Qian. Throughout the conversation as he is hearing about Yuan getting trapped, as he is hearing about Yuan thinking he was going to die, he is stoic, he is stone faced, the most movement you see from him is his eyes looking Yuan up and down in concern and his breath getting slightly quicker with each word, the turn of his head. But here he closes his eyes, he looks down at the ground, he releases his breath. It hits him so hard, the knowledge that he could have sent Yuan away and never seen him again, he sent Yuan away and Yuan could have died, where Qian was not around to protect him. 
It is just such a good mirror to the fishing scene, I love it so much. 
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costinblazetwice · 7 months
Video Calls and Jihyo
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Male Reader X Jihyo
Genre: Smut
Words: 3.6K
A/N: A pretty tough scenario to write in total. Really had to spend some time going back and forth with this one. Some areas may seem quickly written but that’s what experience is for. Hope you enjoy 😊
You sit at your desk with your laptop in front of you, heart racing as you wait for the call to connect. As you play around with the settings suddenly on your screen pops up the face of a girl making a bizarre face as though she’s some sort of a comedian or in a circus show act. She has her face scrunched up, eyebrows turned upward comically as though in massive confusion and eyes severely squinting.
Ah, this was your girlfriend of course, Park Jihyo.
“Babe, is that beautiful face of yours really the first thing you wanted to show me in a while?” You say sarcastically, watching her break out into a huge laugh, fancying herself a comedian.
Your girlfriend was out of country as is common in her profession. Because of this for the past several weeks the two of you have been resorting to video calls to be able to see each other.
The last week has been especially busy, making this the first time you guys were able to make time for each other in almost a week.
“How are you love?” She coos, laying on top of the bed with her head resting on the bed frame.
The two of you engage in some small talk, taking the rare moment of alone time to catch up on things. Once about 20 minutes passed you finally asked the question that was on your mind.
“So… you’re alone, right? No one’s gonna interrupt?”
“All alone. Got a room in this hotel just for you,” she smirks in response, a low growl coming off in your headphones as you know she’s just as excited as you are.
You and Jihyo have sex, a lot. Whenever you two are together it’s something that just happens, whether you’re the one doing the initiating or she is.
With you two being in different countries this posed a problem. The solution was to have some time to yourselves when you video called, not making up for the actual act of course but something to still somewhat satisfy the two of you.
“Wait, let me get on the floor. Don’t want to drench the bed,” she says with a smile but you can feel the sexual tension building as she uttered that phrase. Jihyo takes her phone in hand and you watch as she put her back against the wall and squats down, propping her phone up using an item as she sits in front of the camera.
“Are you ready babe?” She asks eagerly as you nod in return, swiftly pulling your pants and boxers off revealing your growing erection, causing Jihyo to smirk at your sudden action.
“Look at you, so excited. So excited to see mommy…”
There it is. Jihyo has this dominating side to her in bed. Does it always appear? No. Sometimes she relishes in the feeling of being ravaged by you.
But there’s also this side of her that dominates, that wants to watch you beg, that tells you what to do and how you better behave. And it looks like that switch is turned on tonight.
You watch with a tight grip on your now fully erected cock as Jihyo begins to remove her shorts, revealing her panties underneath.
You two were moving quick, wanting nothing more than to be able to cum in each others presence now that you were together.
She sits in front of the camera with her knees to her chest, her black cotton panties covering her nether areas and her black hoodie covering what was likely her matching bra. “Tell mommy what you want to see,” she purrs, her hands trailing down to her ass cheeks, giving them a firm grope as you watch with your breath hitched, heat rising to your face as it takes your entire will power to not start jerking your cock.
“I want to see your pretty pink hole. Please…” you achingly beg, pre cum covering the tip of your lengths head.
“Hmm that’s my baby,” Jihyo coos with a smirk on her face, raising an eyebrow as she suddenly turns her body to the camera, ass in focus as you watch her hands pull back and slowly tug at her panties, pulling them down just slightly and stopping at her rear revealing her puckered asshole.
“Oh, fuck..” you let out a raspy groan, your erection pumped with blood as the precum increases in quantity, finding the thought of wiping it on her ass before sticking it into her tightest hole to be arousing.
Your girlfriend looks back to the camera with a knowing grin, knowing what her actions are doing to you.
“Is this the hole you wanted to see?” You hear Jihyo’s voice, looking back at you as her hands continue to stretch her asscheeks, her asshole clenching every time she stretches it.
Suddenly a finger lingers near her hole before lightly dabbing into her ass, just the tip as she wouldn’t be able to get much farther without lube. She lets out a soft sigh as she wiggles the tip of her finger at the entrance of her ass, clenching down hard on her digit.
“Aw baby, my ass feels so good. If only I had some lube,” she groans, removing her finger as her asshole continues to contract from the burning sensation.
Your breathing was hard and heart beating fast at the sight, but even as you watch her ass continuously clench tightly in need of a greater sensation, her pretty cunt is what you truly want to see.
“You’re cunt… I want to see your wet cunt,” you slowly groan, eyes locked on her cotton panty fabric that is just barely covering her slit.
“Hmm, mommy will give you what you want. You’ve been such a good boy after all,” she trailed off as her hands grab her panties once more and languidly begin to pull them down. Your breath hitches as you feel your cum might launch all over the screen of your laptop from the excitement.
Her panties slide down and you watch as the sticky wetness from her cunt clings on to the fabric, the length of her sticky arousal getting thinner and longer the more she pulls it down until it breaks, a giant damp spot at the center of her panties and her pussy glistening under the light of the room from her juices.
She tosses her panties to the side, her ass shaking in front of the camera as she spreads apart her lips letting you get the full view of her cunt lubricated with her arousal, clenching her asshole as well with her heart throbbing knowing how your gaze goes from one hole to the next, resting either way on her most private areas.
The view from her arched back on all fours reveals slender, light brown-hued lips delicately embracing the entrance of her pussy, framed by the surrounding skin. Their light brown coloring offers a subtle, natural contrast against the rest of her skin tone, outlining the delicate curves with a gentle, understated grace.
Seeing her wet lips staring at your direction and the visual of her round and plump ass brings heat to your face as your cock pulses in your hand, precum oozing from the slit at the top as you watch Jihyo rub her finger along her cunt before raising it to her mouth, licking it clean as she looks back into the camera.
Her eyes are dark and full of lust, and you can hear the slight panting coming through your headphones. Her voice is low and husky as she continues to talk.
“You like that baby?" She asks while still on all fours while looking back at you, knowing the answer but asking anyways, enjoying watching you squirm.
“You’re so fucking hot,” you groan, cock twitching as you prevent yourself from cumming with every ounce of your being, the visual of her toned arms keeping her upright, her hair covering most of the side of her face but her plump lips still visible, and her well defined back with her stout ass becoming overwhelming.
"How do you think I taste?"
"Delicious," you answer, without any hesitation. This causes Jihyo to smirk as she turns around so she now sits with her front directly visible to you, allowing you to see her cunt dripping wet, the brown folds of her lips oozing with her cum.
She begins to licks her fingers clean, the sticky substance of her arousal sticking to her tongue with each lick she takes of her digits.
You can’t take it anymore. You violently grab your cock, jerking yourself so that just in seconds your length is twitching, begging for release.
The sudden yell stops you just seconds before you ejaculated, your heartbeat beginning to calm down as you were successfully able to edge yourself.
“Are you really going to cum before I even get started?” She asks with dark eyes and lips pressed into a thin, taut line, one eyebrow raised looking at you appraisingly.
“Sorry, love. You’re just so hot,” you barely breathe out, a slight sting in your cock as your shaft is slippery with precum. “I’m barely holding on,” you whisper in a moan, knowing that if you were to roughly stroke your cock this instant that you would cum, the only thing stopping you being the dominance of Jihyo looking at you through her screen.
“Aww, you want to cum so badly for me,” she coos, bringing her hand up to her mouth, sticking her tongue out and lathering her fingers with her saliva before bringing it down to her cunt, gently rubbing in circular motions.
“I wish I could be there right now, and fuck you like the the hot mess of a fuck-toy you are,” she roughly growls, eyes darkened as her gaze stays glued to yours for every word, wanting you to watch her touch herself, see how much of a dirty whore she is just for you.
She inserts a digit into her hole and begins roughly fingering herself, back against the wall with her stuffed cunt on full display. Her eyes closed and brows furrowed, mouth agape as she throws her head back absorbed in the pleasure that her fingers are bringing her. You see her wetness slowly begin to drip, touching her ass cheeks before falling to the floor beneath her.
She sighs, her breath hitching as she adds a bit of pressure, her legs shaking ever so slightly.
She looks at you, her face contorting as her pleasure grows.
You notice her fingers are now glistening with her juices, her fingers moving at a steady pace.
You lick your lips, a small whine escaping you, not able to help yourself from looking down at her fingers, her fingers that were coated in her pussy juices. Your cock twitches in response.
Her moans get louder, the sight of her face in ecstasy with her hips rocking with her hands bringing you closer to the edge. Jihyo removes her fingers from her cunt and begins tapping her index and thumb together as you see her sticky arousal stuck, lengthening each time she pulls apart and disappearing when she smacks the two together.
Her eyes flutter closed, her fingers bringing her essence up to her mouth, her tongue running over her fingers, sucking them clean.
“Oh fuck baby, I wish you could taste me, finger me so good,” she sighs.
Jihyo gets a glimpse of your cock and how it’s been standing upright for so long now. She may be dominating but she’s a kind girlfriend who doesn’t want to see you in anguish like this for too long, even if she finds the sight of your hard cock begging for release and your tense jaw with your furrowed brows to be absolutely erotic.
“Touch yourself… but you can’t cum. Just edge…” she breathes out, fingers still probing her insides.
That was all you needed to hear. Your hand harshly grabs your cock and it only takes a few jerks before you feel yourself about to cum once more as the butterflies in your stomach begin to fly freely, forcing you to immediately slow down as you remember the words of your girlfriend.
“Baby, tell me what’d you do if you were here,” she whispers, fingers out of her pussy and now softly rubbing her clit.
“I’d spit on your cunt, mixing my spit with your juices,” you groan as you watch Jihyo immediately bend her head down and harshly spit on her cunt, using her hand to mix her saliva and juices.
“I’d play with your perky tits and pinch your pretty pink nipples,” you continue, lightly stroking your cock in the process.
As you say that Jihyo leans forward and lifts her hoodie off revealing her black bra holding her tits in place, hands going behind her back as she removes the clasp on her bra revealing her volumptious breasts and hardened nipples.
Jihyo immediately pinches her nipples as her legs are spread, giving you a full view of her dampened cunt, the fleshy outer lips of her pussy covered with arousal and her swollen clit both wet and shimmering under the light of her room.
She begins fervently massaging her tits releasing open mouthed moans as you stroke your cock ever so slowly, afraid if you go too fast you may end this all by cumming. She now guides one hand of hers down to her heat, inserting a finger aggressively in her hole while the other massages her breast.
“Now honey, tell mommy what you want to see,” she softly whimpers, her stomach shivering and back arching as her eyes roll back, the carpet beneath her cunt drenched with her wetness.
You take in a deep breath, swallowing hard as there’s now just one thing you want to see, and just one thing you want to do.
“I want to see you cum.”
As soon as you say that the pace at which she’s fingering herself and massaging her tits slows down, her eyes fluttering as she brightly smiles, both curves of her lips turned upwards as she licks the wetness off her fingers, bringing both hands up to push the hair on her shoulders back.
“You’re such a good fuck-toy. Mommy would like nothing more than to cum with you,” she hushes in a raspy voice, moving her phone back as her pussy comes closer to the screen, Jihyo now laying down on the ground with her upper back lifted upwards so she can still see you, small folds building on her fit abdomen with her legs in the air. You have the complete view of her pussy, completely bare and nude, knowing how she enjoys the cool sensation of the air on her cunt when there’s no hair to block it.
“Pump yourself, cum for me,” Jihyo snarls as her hand creeps down to her cunt, roughly fingering her hole. You follow suit, grabbing your cock and harshly jerking it knowing that you don’t have much time before you cum.
Loud groans on your side of the end while heavy gasps come from her, the headphones on your ears making the sounds that much more clear and lucid. Despite the passionate scene taking place you find yourself wishing she was here in person, that you weren’t having to see this through a screen and hearing it through your headphones.
Your eyes stay on the screen in front of you as your heart thumps loudly, Jihyo’s gasps getting louder to the point where she’s loudly moaning causing a buzz in your headphones from the loud friction.
“Oh fuck, it’s coming!” She screams as you suddenly see some water-like liquid pour out of her cunt in a quick and small spurt, your eyes fixed on her leaking pussy as you take a quick gulp knowing what she was doing. She was squirting.
You remember she had done it just once before, late night when she had drunken too much liquid and you were pounding into her, stretching her tight cunt until she started rapidly gasping “babe, something’s happening.” You thought it was just her cumming so you kept going but suddenly you felt warm liquid hit your cock, causing you to pull out and have her squirt hit you directly on the chest.
But that was a while ago and it hadn’t happened since, both of you relating it to just too much to drink. So the two of you were surprised when this suddenly happened.
“Oh Y/N, fuck it’s coming again,” she screams in a high-pitched moan, the liquid squirting out once more but this time in a much larger quantity, spraying up swiftly and splashing all over her phone, the video of her becoming difficult to see due to all the liquid on her screen.
You were so captivated by the sight of your girlfriend squirting that you hadn’t even recognized that there was a massive tingling sensation growing in your body as you stroked your cock, seconds later your cum releases and shoots straight onto your laptop, covering your device in your semen as the thick scent of your cum fills the room.
You let out large breaths as you hear your girlfriend doing the same from your headphones, her video still difficult to see due to her squirt juice covering the camera.
“I wish you were here right now,” she whines, the liquid drying up slightly as you see her legs which rest on the floor slightly twitch, stomach rapidly breathing in and out as she begins to sit up. Her eyes go straight to the camera as she just realizes that her squirt had drenched it, causing her to whelp as she grabbed her hoodie thrown to the side and covered her face with it, embarrassed by the act.
You chuckle at her reaction as you see her slowly peeking from under her hoodie, a bit of her hair poking out as she whimpers, gauging your reaction.
She takes a deep breath as her hoodie slowly falls down, revealing her slightly reddened face. Her hair is a bit wet from sweat and her lips are slightly swollen from all the biting down.
“Don’t laugh,” she yells with a pout as you continue to chuckle at her reaction.
“You’re just so adorable. It’s been so long since you last squirted and you’re being too cute about it.”
While Jihyo was quite dominating in the bedroom, in the calm moments like these it was easy for you to tease her, knowing she loved it by the way a smile would creep on her face and her eyes would squint, like they are now.
“I just drank too much…” she responds sheepishly, ignoring her bra as she tosses her hoodie back on. She then grabs her panties and sees the damp wetness in the middle causing her to contemplate whether she should put them on now.
“What’s up?”
“I need to take a shower anyway. I guess I can keep them off,” your girlfriend responds, tossing her dampened panties to the side. Being nude, even regularly in front of you was no big deal to her anyway, and with her screen being through a phone all she had to do was to hold it up in her hand so only her upper body was visible.
“Good idea. Your panties are already so wet and you’re also wet down there from all that squirting that you might catch a cold if you put them on,” you say with a satisfied smile, stroking your chin as if you’ve made some great observation.
“Man you’re such a tease! You better watch it mister,” she wails, pointing to the camera with her finger as she squints her eyes trying to look intimidating but comes off as adorable instead.
“Yes mommy,” You laugh in reaction with Jihyo following suit. It’s these moments that you two cherish, the back and forth banter and laughter that can instantly cheer up the two of you. This is followed by several seconds of quietness, Jihyo ending it with a soft whisper.
“I miss you.”
You feel a sudden lump in your throat, heart sinking at the hushed voice you just barely head through your headphones.
“Soon, honey. Not much longer and we’ll be together again,” you reassure her with a bright smile. You had to stay positive for her, knowing how tough it could get for your girlfriend when she’s away from you with so many demands on her.
“I’m here for you. Always. Any time there’s something you want to talk about you could ring my number. Doesn’t matter how trivial,” you say calmly, making sure she heard every bit of what you said and understood the sincerity behind your words.
She smiles brightly in response, her signature smile with her beautiful white teeth displayed, as she puckers her lips to give you a kiss through the screen.
“You’re the best. I love you babe. It’s getting late and I have to take a shower so I should get going now.”
“Of course. Can’t wait to do this again,” you say with a smirk and she playfully winks in response.
You two say your goodbyes with her sending a flying kiss to end the call, and just like that through the laptop screen in front of you, you can see your reflection. Butt naked with precum drizzling on your thigh. Also there’s still cum all over your laptop.
Here comes your least favorite part of your nude FaceTime with Jihyo. Having to get up from your seat, grab some napkins and wipe your laptop clean and then having to spray it with a fragrance so your laptop isn’t smelling like a cum rag.
But for your beautiful, dominating, sexy, sweet girlfriend, even this is something you can endure. Although it’s still a bit messy.
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savnofilter · 8 months
Bakugo w/ Quiet!S/O HCs
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          Pro Hero!Katsuki Bakugo x [GN]Reader
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CONTENT WARNING(S): sfw, fluff, reader has no specified profession, bumped into each other and person B picks up papers for Y person trope, strangers -> friends -> lovers (established relationship).
COUNT: 600 words.
I/B: i wanna show you my challenge LMAOO
READ MORE: masterlist + [students | bakugo masterlist]
A/N: ahhh i loved doing this rec lol. i couldnt come up with a specific job for reader sjejeje IM SORRY. i keep doing the same ones over and over too. 😭🙏🏽 so it's left undecided. it's not that serious but im mentioning it anyways lol. AND I KID YALL NOT, THINKING ABOUT THAT TIKTOK IS WHAT INSPIRED ME TO WRITE THIS LMAOSNSNMESK. anyways thank you, anon! ☠️
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most people would think that you two wouldn't go or be together… but y'all together real bad. like real mf bad.
the one thing about you two is that he can understand you without you having to say anything.
this inclination to understand what you're thinking is what helped you bond.
it started off with him literally being like,
"Watch where you're going, what's wrong with you???"
You gave an apologetic look, one close to tears as his outburst startled you greatly. You were already late for a meeting and now you were being yelled at. On top of that, this awful interaction had just caused you to drop all your papers that were needed for your job.
You mutter an apology and kneel down to pick up the scattered papers. Bakugo lifts his brow as he watches you scramble and sighs a cuss under his breath at how passive you are. He begrudgingly bends down to start helping you pick up your stuff, feeling bad for his upfront behavior. He's much quicker than you probably because he mixed up the papers around, but he stands back and fixes them into a pile, looking down at your gaping expression at his aggressive niceness.
"Get your shit, c'mon."
You nod and frantically collect your stuff as you stand, pointing in the direction you need to go whilst he holds your stuff for you.
you're the type of person who has to get close to talk to people, (cough) ex; weather report (cough).
after Bakugo being intrigued about your—let's be real—odd way of communicating, you two became friends and it was inevitable that you two would start dating.
Bakugo would never admit it but he liked the fact that you so close to him to talk wksksksks like it's such a weak spot for him.
+ prefers to keep you close anyways.
he knows that you're pretty freaking smart since he did some snooping around when you first became friends to know more 'bout you.
+ because y'know…. you're that much of a talker lol. 😭
your answers were usually short and sweet and there were rarely times where your voice would inflict and you could ramble about something you were passionate about.
since you two weren't in the same careers although the same field, you had a lot of well rounded-ness about you.
one of the days when you accompanied him to the gym, he jokingly challenged you to spar with him, even going as far to pick you up and bring you to the mat.
he had given you an onslaught of tickles, one that had you giggling and playfully pushing him away until it was tew much and you shoved him a little tew hard.
Bakugo was so stunned at how hard he had fell back on his own butt. that doesn't normally happen when he's not sparring with a fellow hero.
that day he left you be, but later on he'd tease and test you to see how much you were truly hiding.
of course he wasn't forcing you into situations you didn't want to be in, but he finds it so amusing of how much you can truly exert in strength being the twerp you are.
there's even a few times where he bribes you to lift heavy ass weights just to admire how strong you are lmaoo.
he's genuinely so into you that everything you do keeps him entertained.
never would he have guessed the quiet person he had never glanced at before could be so…. unique.
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    all rights reserved © do NOT steal, alter or copy this work.
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allzelemonz · 1 year
Explore: Bill Williamson X Male Reader
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Pronouns: he/him, Reader is referred to as ‘hustler’ which is a term used by male prostitutes Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Bill is cute when he’s pining, incredibly gay and closeted Bill, prostitution, Top Bill and bottom Reader, Reader is an experienced prostitute, references to period typical homophobia, mentions of past sexual experiences, exploring sexuality and preferences, not his first time but it might as well be, teaching/learning about sex, anal fingering, anal sex, Summary: Bill finally has the courage to seek out another man and you’re happy to show him a good time.
Men like you are rare, you only know of one other. Being an insider makes it a little easier, you’ve been here long enough that you consider the women sharing your space and occupation to be family. They’ve defended you when the law comes asking, saying you’re one of their brothers or cousins just making sure they’re safe, then they’ll turn their tricks with the law and they stop asking around. They’ve helped cover for you when getting hotel rooms for your own johns, keeping your identities safe when the rooms at the saloon are full. It’s a calculated business, one you couldn’t do without this little family of whores. It was the mother figure, the oldest of the girls, that helped you learn how to be as careful as you are now. She was the first to call you a hustler, a term she’d heard a man like you use so he wasn’t so obvious. She taught you how to tell if men were interested, if they were inclined to you or one of the sisters. You all help each other, reading all of the signs and working to make money in a profession you all find to be very noble.
That’s why one of the sisters introduces him to you. It’s nothing abnormal. The girls will play the floor, finding a john they think wants a nice night. They’ll flirt and laugh, offering their services when the time is right. But sometimes they pick up on certain clues, men that shy away or seem far too disinterested, sometimes they even look at you. The girls will smile and ask if they’d be interested in a friend of theirs. If they’re sure, then you get an easy john. If not, you fish on your own.
But, tonight, they bring you someone different from the norm. Most men that come to you are either very old or just old enough to be considered at all. Most men that come to you are clean shaven, maybe a little rich, maybe escaping a wife they’ve never enjoyed. This one is very different. He’s broad shouldered with a heavy beard on his face and the distinct look of living rough covers every inch of him. Still, as one of the girls leads him over to you, he looks like a nervous animal. His face is red beneath his beard as if he’s unsure of himself. You can guess his story easily, it’s nothing new. He’s never been with a man, only looked and longed. He’s finally worked up the courage and when he talks to you he will either follow you shyly or run away.
She lets go of his arm and joins you, leaning against the wall with a smile on your face. “Bill, this is my friend. I think he might be more suited for ya.”
The john, Bill, looks up at you and his eyes dart the way most first timers’ do. He looks at your face, then below the waist, then to the side. He looks older than he must be, his eyes have some youth in them from what you can catch. Reading johns is important, especially when you’re outing yourself every time you try to make money. Plenty of men have attacked you for who you are once you’re alone, plenty of them have been stabbed by the knife you keep on you for that very reason. You note that this john has a gun, most do, but the way he stands gives you the sense that it’s always on his hip.
“Hello, Bill.” You say, light and calm with a smile.
He meets your eyes for a moment before glancing away again. “H-Hello.”
“So.” You glance at the girl that brought him over and she takes the hint to leave. “You, uh, looking for a nice night?”
Bill shuffles on his feet and rubs the back of his neck. “I-I ain’t so sure about all that.”
You nod. “That’s alright. I’m here for whatever you want.” After a beat of silence it’s clear he doesn’t know what to say. “How about we go upstairs and talk? Just talk.”
He glances over you again, just your face and chest this time. Then he nods. You give him an attempt at a reassuring smile and start towards the stairs. The girls point you to an empty room as Bill sheepishly follows you with his head dipped down to hide his face with his hat. You open the door for him and close it once you’re both inside, locking it as usual. Bill stands awkwardly in the middle of the room, looking everywhere but at you. Usually you’d want to get paid before anything, but with men like Bill it’s important to make them comfortable. The shy ones are always the type to pay, compliment, and tip all in one. It’s not like you get johns too often anyway, you don’t mind taking your time because a lot of guys that you treat nice come back and it’s much easier than guessing which men might be interested.
“You have any interesting stories?” You ask, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Anything interesting you’ve done?”
Bill snorts a laugh. “Sure I do.”
He seems a little at ease in the privacy of the room, not comfortable by any means, just less on guard. Most men are, they don’t have to hide from you like they do every other man in the building.
“Tell me.”
Bill licks his lips. “Well, uh, when I was in the army we had these boys that’d go around and, uh-” He stops himself as he joins you, sitting as far away as he can on the bed. He swallows his nerves and glances around as he finds his place again. “These boys that went around playin’ jokes. Colonel didn’t like that, captain didn’t mind but the colonel hated it.”
“What kind of jokes?”
Bill smiles, reliving the memories. “They was runnin’ around and putin’ syrup on whatever uniforms they’d find lyin’ around.”
Bill laughs. “Anything sticky, just ta annoy folk.”
You smile along with his laugh, putting on that slight flirtatious attitude you try to have with johns. “So you were in the army?”
“Cavalry.” Bill nods.
“Did you like it?”
You’ve had johns that were military before. Most of them were gruff old men that realized things about themselves a little too late. Bill seems different. Uncertain about his desires, but he has enough of an inkling for his eyes to wander over your body when he talks.
“Sure.” He says, nodding. “I suppose.”
He seems nervous again, so you change the subject. “What do you do now?”
“Oh.” He chuckles lightly, shaking his head. “Ya don’t wanna know about all a’ that.”
“Sure I do, you seem like an interesting man.”
Bill’s face goes red again and he looks down, flattered by the slightest compliment. “I ain’t so interestin’. Yer just saying that ‘cause ya have ta.”
You smile. “I don’t have to do anything. I liked your story, that’s all.”
Bill glances up, then right back down as he clears his throat. “How, uh, how does all this work?”
“You’ve never done this before?” You ask, wanting to make sure his experiences align with your guessing.
He shakes his head. “Well, I-I tried. A couple girls, but I never got that far.” He pauses for a moment as his fist grips at the blanket. “There was a feller a few years ago. He robbed me blind afterwards.”
“Well, I’m not gonna rob you.” You say, softly, not wanting to put any pressure or influence on his decisions. “You just tell me what you’d like to do and we’ll do it.”
Bill shuffles in his seat. “Anything?”
“Generally.” You say. “There’s some things I’ll say no to, but I don’t think they’ll be a problem.”
“Can I kiss ya?” Bill asks, faster than he’s talked all night.
You nod. “Of course you can.”
His eyes light up, but his expression is still nervous. He wants this, but he has that hesitation so many men do. The uncertainty forced on them by society that nags them into believing what they want is wrong. You scoot a little closer to him, making it easy. He leans in, keeping his eyes on yours this time until they close as your lips connect. It’s barely a touch, like the feeling of a wind. Then he must feel it, the desire that pushes past the expectations of a man that looks like him, because he leans in more and actually moves his lips against yours.
His beard scratches against you as he grows in confidence, finding a familiar rhythm. His hand moves to rest on your knee, then he slowly moves to lay you back against the bed. His lips don’t leave yours as he positions himself over you, but he stops when his lower half brushes against you.
“It’s alright.” You assure him, a hand slowly reaching to remove his hat. “You do what you want, I’ll let you know if anything’s wrong.”
Your hand goes to his hair, smoothing it down as you try to reassure him. He takes it, leaning back down to kiss you again and his hands move to work on getting rid of your shirt. You help him where he needs, letting him toss the shirt away. He looks down at your chest as his hands run over it, feeling over your pecs and down your stomach then back up. His breath hitches as he does it and he’s not really breathing, just admiring the fact that he’s running his hands over another man’s bare skin. Then he seems to come-to, unbuttoning his shirt and tossing it aside as well. You follow now that he seems sure of himself and what he wants, ridding yourself of clothes as he does until you’re both bare.
His eyes move over every inch of you, processing what he sees with a now obvious consequence out in the open. His hands run over your thighs, feeling the warmth as they travel closer to your own obvious arousal. He looks up at you and you give him a nod and a smile, telling him it’s okay to continue. So he takes you in his hand and feels the weight against his palm. His thumb runs over your tip, spreading the pre-cum and it makes you hiss slightly. Bill’s other hand feels at your balls, just running his fingers over your sack and massaging lightly. His wonder as he explores your body isn’t overly unique, men that haven’t done this before often want to touch because they’ve never gotten to feel another man this intimately before. It’s one of the perks.
You can’t help when you buck into his hand as he squeezes you, needing to feel friction. Bill looks up at you and your gaze meets his with a look that makes his mouth go dry. He leans back over you and kisses you and on hand stays to jerk you slowly while the other finds your hair. You press against him, kissing him back and meeting the motions of his hand.
Then he stops, pulling away just and sitting back on his knees. “I, uh, I ain’t sure how ta do the uh…” He gestures downwards.
“Prepping?” You ask.
He nods. “I-I know it hurts if ya don’t do it, I just ain’t sure how.”
“Do you want me to do it or do you want me to walk you through it?”
Bill looks away for a moment as the red on his face comes over his ears too. “I-I wanna learn.”
You take the hand he had near your hair and he watches as you take a few of his fingers in your mouth. His mouth drops open as he watches you and you can tell his dick is doing the thinking as his eyes keep steady on your mouth. You coat his fingers in spit with a skill acquired long ago, then you bring his hand downwards.
“Feel around, it’s not hard to find.” You instruct, voice soft so as not to freak him out in this new situation.
Bill blinks, trying to think clearly as he runs his hand between your thighs until he feels the right spot.
“One at a time, go slow.”
Bill slowly pushes a finger inside of you and you lift your hips with him to give him a better angle. He moves the lone finger around slowly, then he adds another.
“You want to make room for yourself, so spread them out and stretch the muscles.” You say, keeping your voice as steady and clear as you can with Bill’s large fingers inside of you.
Bill follows your instructions, spreading his fingers apart as he rotates them. He thinks of his size, making sure to spread his fingers wide and ensuring you’re stretched until he’s not nervous about hurting you so much.
“Okay.” You say, breath taking up most of your voice. “Okay, that’s good, Bill.”
“S-So I can, uh…”
You nod. “Go on. It’s okay. Just make sure you get some spit on yourself too, it makes it easier.”
Bill nods as he removes his fingers. He spits into his hand and runs the liquid over himself, spreading the pre-cum as well. He feels slick, he thinks, so he aligns himself. You help him, raising your hips so he can come closer and properly have access. He looks at you one more time and you give him a nod, encouraging him. He takes your hips in his hands as he pushes into you, slowly, careful to watch your face for signs of pain. It’s mostly easy, the stretch nothing too new to you, allowing you to relax in the pleasure of the friction inside of you. Bill fully sets himself inside, his balls flush against your skin and his breathing heavy.
You relax into the bed as he moves, letting him explore the feeling for a bit. Bill moves slowly, grinding and circling to figure out what feels good. The men he’s slept with before took control, he’s never had the time to figure out exactly what he likes.
“What was yer name?” He asks, stopping his movements when he realized he never learned it.
You tell him and he repeats it before he starts a solid pace. You let him settle into it before you move with him, earning a groan when you do. Bill’s pace turns faster and you can feel the ache more and more, but he beats you to it as he wraps his hand around your dick and pumps it as best he can in time with his thrusts. You focus on moving with him, trying to get him off because you can feel your own end coming. Bill does cum first, his thrusts faltering but his hand keeps strong long enough for you to follow him. Your eyes find Bill in time to watch as he pulls out of you and leans forward to kiss you again.
It’s heavy, full of a lot of emotion, and unmistakably more than just a kiss. Not just from Bill, partly from you too. It’s not unheard of, johns falling for their hustlers, but the other way around is much less common. Something about Bill has you though. Not just the sex, his demeanor, his seemingly caring nature, his enthusiasm. So you let your hands tangle in his hair as you enjoy the kiss. It lasts for a long time, Bill not wanting to pull away because he knows it’s supposed to be over now. But he does, once his lips hurt and his jaw aches, he pulls away just an inch and rests his forehead against yours as you both catch your breath.
Silently, unconsciously, he nuzzles against your cheek. It makes your heart skip and you press a kiss to his cheek. You’ve never been so affectionate with a john before, but you’re feeling things with Bill. So when he falls onto the bed next to you, you curl into him and rest your head on his chest. He watches you, face red and heart skipping as he puts an arm around you.
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neptunedivine · 1 year
midheaven observations pt. 1
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hi everyone! I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to talk about some midheaven observations I’ve made mentally. I know these aren’t all of them, but these were on my mind at the time. I hope you enjoy the read! :)
aries midheaven ✧ People with this angle either want to be/are the first to do something in their profession or the best at their profession (actually I feel like this could be said for all prominent Aries placements, but I digress). As someone with the placement, I feel like it’s very important for natives to be passionate about their career. Unless they will not want to pursue it.
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ex: Celine Dion ✧ Celine Dion has this midheaven and she’s regarded as one of the greatest vocalists of all time. Also, have you heard her sing other songs other than My Heart Will Go On? There’s nothing wrong with that song, it’s a classic for a reason. But I don’t think it displays how fiery her voice is when she sings. Listen to Treat Her Like a Lady, she sounds incredible.
taurus midheaven ✧ Those with Taurus ruling their midheaven will most likely find careers in beauty/beautifying, the arts, and finance. Sidereally, people who have Taurus placements are commonly Aries placements in sidereal astrology (as someone who has her moon in Taurus tropically, but her moon in Aries sidereally). I think the passion and “all or nothing” attitude Aries midheavens have toward their career comes through for Taurus midheavens, but instead of translating as impatience, I see it as stubbornness. Like they won’t get up and storm off if they don’t like what they’re doing careerwise, instead they might do it but they’ll complain the whole time. They also won’t put as much effort into their profession as if they cared about their work.
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ex: Tyler the Creator ✧ Have you seen the Jimmy Kimmel interview where Tyler talks about his two jobs before fully committing to music? (I’ll link it below). Not only is it hilarious, but Tyler also explains that he wasn’t happy at either of his jobs. At most he did the minimum to make an income, but he didn’t really care for it. Comparing this to how he talks about his music career, there’s a wild difference. He looks so happy and not only that but excited for the work and projects he gets to do not only in the music industry (which in itself expands past making albums and singles as he scored for a fashion show and for The Grinch film in 2018) but for his brand Golf le Fleur that expands into beauty with fragrances and fashion with the apparel and shoewear he creates (he also has some collaborations with Converse I believe). And, he’s very invested in his collections. I think I saw him geeking over this very rare Gucci or Cartier watch that’s really hard to get but he was gifted it. He’s very proud of his collections and he cares about them a lot (makes sense with Taurus not only being the traditional ruler of the 2H which rules over personal wealth, finances, self-worth, possessions, etc but is opposite Scorpio in the natal chart which in my opinion, I view as very possessive and those traits can be seen in its sister sign). It warms my heart tbh.
scorpio ascendant + leo midheaven ✧ How much do you guys like the spotlight? Like actually? (no, I’m not talking to the Sagittarius risings with a Leo midheaven, I know you guys want that limelight 😂). I feel like it’s not too much, though you always end up getting the attention. I wonder if this is more of an emphasis on the Scorpio Pluto generation than the Sagittarius Pluto generation. I’m not saying this still won’t apply, but I question if it’s to a lesser extent since the Scorpio Pluto generation would have Pluto in their first house rather than their second house. That air of mystery and isolation could be stronger. I feel like I only see you guys when you’re pursuing your profession, almost to get it over with? Like “dang I got to walk this red carpet it’s a part of my job”, you could mask it well but I don’t think you guys really want to be there. As much as you guys may not like it, you’re very talented at what you do.
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ex: Frank Ocean ✧ This man casually dropped diamonds (not gems, DIAMONDS) and then he dipped. I feel like his “prime” (I don't like using that term because I have hope he’ll release something again) is regarded so highly. All of his very limited performances, releases, and interview(s?) are put on pedestals and watched over and over again. It almost doesn’t feel right to say he’s one of the greatest in the music industry, in my opinion, because his career lives in its own domain. I haven’t seen a songwriter really compare to him since, other than SZA (i love them both so much it’s insane).
aries ascendant + capricorn midheaven v. capricorn ascendant + libra midheaven ✧ I think all cardinal midheavens have the advantage of having their placement because it allows them to stick to their plans and achieve their goals (the same can be said for fixed midheavens too). But to what extent, depends on what sign is ruling.
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ex: Ariana Grande ✧ If we were to look at Ariana Grande, for example, she has a Libra midheaven and a Capricorn ascendant. So she’s set up well for career success and achieving her goals (which is true, she doesn’t have that many fame indicators in her chart, but she does believe in manifestation and has put in the hard work to achieve a lot of her success in the music industry and the perfume industry. Yes, I know she has well-off parents, but do you know how many nepotism babies have the money and still sit on their a**? Yeah…). But, I don’t know if being a businesswoman is as strong of a desire for her as presenting a beautiful aesthetic (which there’s nothing wrong with that!). This can be seen recently with how people feel about R.E.M beauty. Yes, it’s pretty, I’m a sucker for the space aesthetic. But I’ve seen on many occasions where people are not satisfied with the quality of her products.
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ex: Rihanna ✧ Now if we look at Rihanna, she's also a very successful woman in the music industry. (I looked them both up on Spotify and Ariana sits at 4th in the world for the number of monthly listeners she has and Rihanna sits at 10th, that’s amazing omg). I think other than Fenty Beauty, she had one perfume launch and a clothing brand that she abandoned…anyway. Fenty Beauty is the most commercially successful celebrity makeup brand, with revenues grossing $570 million. I think with Aries in combination with Capricorn here, paired with the business mindset and goals, there’s again the need to be the first and/or best at what you do. Rihanna shows this with Fenty Beauty and the Fenty brand not only with its massive success but with its inclusivity, from the models she chooses and the shade inclusivity of her makeup products.
✧ I think the difference in these ascendant and midheaven combinations is that with Aries and Capricorn, if the first goal doesn’t work, they’re quick to realize that, ditch it, and move on to the next plan for their success. I feel like that’s what Rihanna did with her fashion brand. With the Libra and Capricorn combination, there’s still a high rate for success, but I don’t think the need for success and winning especially is as strong. I feel as long as everything looks pretty and is going well to their standards, these placements are content.
that’s all for now. if you want to send me a placement that you’d like my observation on, you can leave your requests in my ask box! Please only send three placements per ask, but you can send multiple asks. It just makes it less overwhelming for me. see you later! 💕
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violetsaffron5 · 2 years
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Pairing: Zenin Naoya x f!Reader
Naoya is forced to go see a therapist to help his attitude so he can find a wife.
Words: 4503
Warnings: Smut, Vaginal Sex, Spit Kink, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Face Slapping, Face-Fucking, Light Bondage, Light Dom/Sub, Edging, Degradation
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Early 2017
You’re on a beach in Malaysia; ocean waves crashing playfully against the shore as you sunbathe on the white sandy beach. Palm trees stand tall and proud, providing just enough shade, dancing ever so slightly with the soft breeze coming off the water.
“What man lets their woman have a job? Is there something wrong with your pussy?”
Birds fly overhead, dipping down to the sea to catch their next meal, feathers illuminated by the rays of the sun. Others sing the song of their people as they pass by, on their way to the next stop with the flock.
“There’s only one thing worse than a woman, and that’s a woman who can read.”
Is this son of a bitch the CEO of misogyny? Holy shit.
Whoever told you to meditate to relax when you have a horrible patient is a goddamn liar because when they open their stupid mouths, it’s ruined. You take a deep breath, steadying yourself, finally opening your eyes to find a pair of sharp, cynical brown eyes staring back at you.
If you had realized this session was going to be with Naoya fucking Zen’in, you would have noped your way out of that so fast. This is what you get for not reviewing your case files due to the recent influx of patients.
Be professional. Be professional. Be professional.
“I took many years of-”
“Therapy isn’t a real profession anyway.” The blonde douchebag interrupts, waving you off as he sprawls on the chaise in front of the window in your office.
It took him all of 30 seconds to begin pissing you off. Barging in during your last session with a client demanding his start immediately, all the while using phrases like “do you know who I am?” and “wait until my father hears about this.” You rolled your eyes so hard it’s surprising they aren’t on the floor right now.
The window he’s next to looks out to a beautiful, quiet, wooded scene. If you killed him, nobody would be able to see you bury the body, save for the animals. And they wouldn’t say anything. Most would probably come by to pick at the fleshy parts of his skin, assisting with removing evidence making it harder to identify that it was you who had murdered the heir to the Zen’in clan.
It would be easy. Incredibly so. You’re unsuspecting. There’s nothing stopping you from walking over to him and stabbing your pen right into his eye. People think of you as the quiet shy type, when in reality you choose to keep to yourself to avoid being part of the office gossip, and if you had to admit it, you’re a little tired of all the shit your patients say too, which only adds to the quiet, unsuspecting demeanor.
“I took a psych class once, so I totally understand how to analyze people.”
“It’s not my fault those women are mad. I never agreed to be exclusive.”
“I didn’t kill the men at the fair. My henchmen did.”
If you played your cards right, you could probably talk Satoru Gojo into helping you cover it up. You haven’t seen this yourself, but word around the water cooler is things are so bad between them, that when they’re here for their sessions at the same time (the rare times Gojo actually shows up on time), they have to sit in different waiting rooms.
Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath and kiss your teeth, choosing to ignore his comment like the goddamn professional you are. You didn’t get your master’s degree to be talked down to by someone with too thick eyeliner and too many piercings looking like a failed alt emo boy.
It’s probably best to ignore his snide remarks and continue with the session. The sooner it gets started, the sooner it can be over, “Naoya, wh-”
“ Master Naoya,” he interjects, clearly annoyed you’re not referring to him the way he deems worthy.
“Right….” There is no way in hell you’re referring to him as ‘Master’ in any lifetime. “Anyway. Whose idea was it for you to be here today?”
You don’t need to review his case file to know why Naoya’s in therapy. Everyone knows. In order to take over as clan head when his father passes, he needs to marry, except he can’t get anyone to agree to it, because he’s literal human trash. Hence the mandatory therapy to try and… remediate some of his issues.
“Isn’t that your “job” to know?” he uses air quotes.
You were hoping if he said it aloud, admitted it, then it would act as a sort of eye opener for him or at least a first step. Looks like that’s not the case, he’s content continuing to be a shitty person.
“This is why women are only good for breeding.” He groans, rolling his eyes.
“Holy shit. What the fuck is your problem?” You ask in disbelief and the words vomit from your lips before you can stop them.
He furrows his brows, turning his head to meet your gaze before eyeing you up and down. He makes a point to stop and stare at your tits and lips, not bothering to meet your eyes again.
“Who do you think you are, speaking to me like that?” He seethes, “a wench like you needs to be put in her place,” he looks you over once again before his lips curl into a wicked smirk. “You’re decent enough looking. I guess I’d be willing to take one for the team to teach you a lesson.”
Fuck professionalism. This guy needs knocked down a peg or ten. “If I wanted a good lay, I’d visit Gojo. Hell, I bet you wouldn’t even measure up to Toji on your best day.”
“I can fuck whores like you ten times better than either of them could,” he spits back.
“I hear Gojo’s a generous lover.” Why bring Gojo into this, specifically? Just to stir the pot. Rile him up and piss him off, just as he’s done to you. Everyone knows the stories of the infamous playboy. Huge cock. Can go all night. Has a strict ladies first policy when it comes to getting off.
“I bet you don’t even know where the clitoris is.” He’s definitely the kind of guy who only cares about only his pleasure; it would come as no surprise if he’s never gotten a woman off before.
He sneers, “every single one of my servants comes crawling back for more.”
“Weird way to say cousins.”
He stares at you, fire burning in his eyes. Anyone else would probably think he looks shocked, and maybe he is, just a little. That a lowly window has the audacity to speak to a sorcerer this way, let alone the next head to one of the big three.
Shit. Are you gonna do this? Are you gonna challenge him so he’ll prove it?
Yes. Yes you are and you can literally feel the feminism ascending out of your body as you make up your mind.
Standing, you unbutton a few buttons from the top of your blouse to accentuate the swells of your breasts and loosen the knot on your ascot, slipping it over your head as you make your way over to Naoya, sliding it down his neck and tightening maybe a little too tight.
Leaning down, warm breath tickling the shell of his ear causing goosebumps to form, you whisper, “prove it.” He wastes no time in grabbing your free hand and placing it on his erection with a pleased smirk.
Of course he’s turned on. Probably thinking you’ll easily submit to him.
As you stroke his clothed cock, he lets out a quiet, satisfied moan as your other hand pulls the ascot a little tighter, no longer worrying if it’s too constricting.
Honestly, if he died, you wouldn’t care. Satisfying for you. Humiliating for him.
“Be a good boy and open wide,” he glares, clenching his jaw in a surprisingly quiet refusal. Letting go of the ascot, you grab him by the hair, forcing his head back until he opens just wide enough for you to gather saliva and spit it in his mouth.
“Swallow.” You demand, his eyes wide with shock. Once he regains his composure, he flips you over, slamming your back against the couch.
“I’m going to fuck your goddamn brains out,” he snaps, “and you’re going to regret spitting in my mouth like a filthy slut.” Naoya grabs one end of the ascot, pulling harshly until it comes untied, tossing it aside and you watch it float to the ground next to the chaise before turning your attention back to him.
There’s tension in the air, as the two of you stare at one another, swallowing thickly before your lips crash together, the sensation immediately sends a jolt between your thighs. The kiss is aggressive and greedy; more tongue and teeth than actual kiss and part of you is still shocked you’re going through with this.
As he pulls away, he sinks his teeth into your bottom lip, hard enough to leave a bruise, still trying to prove his dominance over you. Then in a move that takes you off guard, he trails several nips and kisses down your neck and collarbone. While he does this, you lift your hips and pull your pencil skirt up, so he’s not tempted to rip it off, letting it pool at your hips. At this moment, you’re incredibly thankful you wore your lace bra and panties today, even if he doesn’t deserve to see them.
“Spread your legs,” he snarls, forcing them open on his own and slipping two fingers into your aching cunt, making you whimper and arch your back due to lack of proper preparation. He quickly pumps his fingers while angling them perfectly. You let out a quiet whine when he begins to stroke the spot inside that makes you see stars while his thumb grazes teasingly over your clit.
Guess he does know where the clitoris is after all.
“You try to act tough,” he brushes his lips against your cheek and jaw until he kisses a spot below your ear, “yet here you are, so clearly desperate for my cock like the slut you are,” he whispers before clamping down, biting, and sucking at the spot on your neck. Thrashing below him, you try to nudge his head away with your shoulder to get him to let go.
“No marks! Jesus Christ, I don’t want people to know I fucked you!”
He smirks against you, knowing he’s not going to let up, and bites down on the crook of your neck this time. Gasping, you grab him by the hair and pull him away before smacking him, hard, across the cheek as he lets out a loud moan.
“You fucking liked that?” You furrow your brows and narrow your eyes, surprised by that turn of events.
“Shut the fuck up!” He growls, his lips meeting and moving along yours again in an attempt to keep you quiet. And really, you don’t mind as it gets his misogynistic ass to keep quiet as well.
With your mouths busy, his fingers working their godforsaken magic and your hands in his hair, you’re building up for a crash. A tsunami. An unraveling of the greatest proportions… and then he removes his fingers, pulling away from you completely with a cunning grin spread across his stupidly beautiful face.
“Christ, Naoya, I didn’t even cum. How pathetic .” You spit, knowing he’s edging you on purpose for pissing him off, “you sure you can fuck better than Gojo? Because at this point I’m really doubting your skill.”
“You don-”
“Shut up and get undressed. I’ll show you how it’s done.”
He stops and stares at you incredulously, “You’re the wo-”
“I’m not going to undress you. Do you want your dick sucked or not?”
Finally, finally , he closes his mouth and begins to undress from his kimono, as you take the opportunity to remove your own clothes as well.
Once the two of you are undressed, you push him onto the chair so he’s sitting; before lowering yourself to your knees, you take a moment to admire his body.
He’s leaner than you anticipated, and unbelievably toned – similar to a gymnast. Naoya has a pretty face, there’s no denying that, but having an equally pretty cock is just unfair. Standing painfully hard against his abdomen, the tip flushed red, already leaking precum. He’s average girth, but the length is impressive alone.
Based on his ears, you anticipated some sort of genital piercing, like a Jacob’s Ladder – something he could never pull off. But instead, he has a Prince Albert, which has you practically drooling at the sight.
However, that nice surprise is immediately negated by the intricate tribal tattoos with thick swirl patterns laying along one shoulder and down the left side of his chest. On the other arm lays a single thin barbed wire tattoo in the center of his bicep.
God . How incredibly douchey.
“Look at me.” You command as you sink between his legs, “you think this is where I belong, don’t you?” Grabbing his cock with a firm grip you stroke excruciatingly slow as he emits a loud moan and squirms beneath your grasp, “on my knees, between your legs. But don’t forget,” you give a small kitten lick over his tip, “I’m choosing to do this.”
You move a hand to squeeze his balls as you slide your lips over his tip and hollow your cheeks. As you expected, his hand immediately tangles into your hair, gripping tight. You have just enough time to relax your throat before he slams your head to meet his neatly trimmed groin.
As you gag and sputter with his length at the back of your throat, spit pools and dribble from your mouth, coating the lower half of his dick you’re unable to fit in your mouth. He tightens his grip, so tight, there’s no doubt he will have several ripped off hairs laced between his fingers by the time he finally lets go. He pulls back, just enough to give you a second to catch your breath before slamming you back down, nose to groin, repeatedly. Recklessly.
Tears begin to well in the corner of your eyes as he lifts his hips to meet the back of your throat, where you’re sure he’s bound to leave bruises.
“Fuck, that’s good. This is what you were meant for.” He throws his head back, eyes closed relishing the feeling of taking control of the situation.
There isn’t a lot you can do in this compromising position, so you let your teeth graze his cock in a little act of defiance as he continues to force your head up and down. He lets out a mix of stifled moans and angry grunts at the feeling before pulling your mouth off of him, bringing your gaze to meet him.
“No teeth, bitch!” He spits before slamming your head back down his length, continuing to force you to deepthroat him with every thrust. After a few minutes, his thighs begin to shake and a strained groan leaves his lips as he bucks his hips up, causing you to choke as ropes of cum slide down your throat.
“You better swallow every last drop,” he pants, “a filthy whore like you should be grateful for getting to have Zen’in seed inside you.”
After you swallow around him, to the best of your abilities, he releases your head and you make your way to the surface gasping for air, working to recover quickly. At this point, he owes you several orgasms and you’re determined to get them.
You would lean up and kiss him right now, forcing him back on the sofa so you can ride his face, but he seems like the kind of guy who would relish the taste of his own cum – the taste of his precious Zen’in DNA. Grabbing your panties from the floor, you spit the remaining essence of him into them and toss them back down.
Standing, you place your palms on his shoulders and shove him onto the chaise, throwing one leg over his chest to straddle him.
“Why don’t you shut up, put your mouth to good use for once and try to make me cum this time.”
His eyes are bright and filled with equal parts rage and hunger as he grabs you, forcing you forward over his face. He wastes no time in pulling you down so his lips can connect with your pussy in a lewd, loud, wet kiss before slipping his tongue deep inside.
Naoya forces you down in the most awkward position; one leg folded, next to his face while the other is on the floor, helping balance yourself as you move your hips against his face, softly whining each time his nose gently grazes your clit.
He digs his nails into the fleshy part of your hips, you told him no marks earlier, and this is likely bruise; at least these can be easily hidden. While gripping tighter, he lifts you slightly to adjust himself beneath you to let his tongue trail around your clit. As you shudder, he latches on, focusing all of his attention into that one spot.
He’s not interested in exploring, like a lot of other guys, oh no. He found this spot and he’s going to stay there until you completely come undone for him. You’ll give credit where it’s due – and it is due. He’s a devil with his tongue.
He might be the devil himself, but that’s a note to take away for a different session.
As he obscenely sucks, you let out a series of high-pitched moans and continue to roll your hips on his face, your release fast approaching.
He chuckles at your neediness, the vibrations traveling through you, making your toes curl and the world comes crashing down as you bite your own lip, trying not to yell out profanities as you cum, drenching his mouth with your fluids as he laps around.
Naoya continues to hold onto your hips, preventing you from straying away as your legs shake and squeeze in around him, instinctively trying to suffocate him. He hums appreciatively of everything your body’s offered, likely boosting his already inflated ego, before loosening his grip, allowing you to move back to his chest to recover.
As he licks his lips, determined not to waste any of your essence, you scoot back further, the apex of your thighs resting on his hard dick. Teasing him, you roll your hips several times allowing yourself to grind on his length.
He groans, trying to grab your hips to lift you but you swat him away, set on maintaining your teasing, allowing the tip to brush against your entrance several times.
“Fuck! Just get on my cock already!” It was so nice when he was quiet while you were riding his face. Unfortunately now, his mouth isn’t busy doing the one good thing it could do.
Looking to the ground, you spot your discarded ascot and panties next to each other and get an idea. Leaning down, you grab the ascot first and gather his hands, swiftlet knotting the scarf around his wrists and lifting them over his head. There is an old radiator in your office next to the sofa, so you tie his hands to that.
“You stupid bitch, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He scowls.
Realistically, he could easily break out of this restraint if he wanted to, but despite his angry words, he makes no effort to move as you tug on the fabric, making sure it will hold.
“I liked it better when you didn’t talk,” you state calmly, leaning down and grabbing the spit and cum filled panties from the ground.
“You worthless brat! You’re go-” he’s cut off by the crack of your palm meeting his cheek, the sound drowned out by the deep groan he emits. You take the opportunity of his distraction to shove the defiled panties into his mouth. His eyes widen in disbelief once again as the rest of his groan is muffled.
“Much better,” you sigh with relief, knowing you won’t have to listen to him again until you decide to remove the gag. Or if he gets impatient and breaks the restraints, but that’s a thought for if it happens.
Lifting yourself, you grab his cock and place the tip at your entrance, allowing yourself to slowly sink down.
“ Fuuuuuck ,” you whine at the feeling of being stretched and filled until your plush ass meets his hips.
Naoya would probably be saying something right now about how your pussy feels so good, but instead he lets out several loud stifled sounds as his eyes roll to the back of his head. You don’t bother starting off slow, instead you chase the high you were denied from his hands earlier, ruthlessly riding his dick.
“Gonna use you like my own little fuck toy,” you grind your hips further into his, “how’s that make y-you feel, Zen’in? Hm?” You ask breathlessly, riding up and down his length, “does it make you f-feel worthless? Like less of a man?”
Looking him over, his pupils are blown, filled with lust and loathing as you roll your hips, finding the angle that provides you with the most pleasure. His cheeks are pink, extending across his nose to the tips of his ears, and down to the top of his chest. Lips are kiss swollen and black eyeliner smudged around his eye from sweat, hair sticking to his forehead.
Once you find your rhythm you decide to give another resounding slap to his other cheek, so both sides match as he grunts with pleasure. Letting your hands fall to his shoulders, he fucks into you as you drag your nails down his chest with each thrust, hard enough to leave marks, you’re sure.
Trailing your hands up your body to your breasts, you message them as your nipples harden, pinching and rolling them between your fingers. Naoya hums in delight watching intently while your slick coats his length, covering his balls.
As his cock rubs against the sensitive spot on your insides, your breath quickens and legs shake beneath you each time your clit brushes against his groin with every roll of your hips. It doesn’t take long for the waves of pleasure to course through your body.
He thrashes against the radiator forgetting his hands are tied as you cream on his cock for the first time, clamping around him so hard you might as well be trying to milk him for all he’s worth.
Which isn’t a lot, in your opinion.
“How do you like being the bitch for once?” You pant; this spurs him on to adjust his legs and pulls his arms, still connected to the radiator. He bucks his hips up several times eliciting several moans from you as his cock kisses your cervix in the most delicious way.
“Tell me, pretty boy, what is it you really want?” you question, genuinely wanting to know since he treats everyone like they’re beneath him. This is supposed to be a therapy session after all, so might as well see what you can get out of him, right?
He tries to speak, but it’s muted due to the panties so you remove them and toss them aside. He pants, trying to catch his breath as his hips piston hard and deep, punctuating each point.
“Someone to obey,” thrust , “and someone to ruin,” thrust .
You yelp with each of his thrusts, trying to make a mental note to remember his answer for a later session. You continue to erratically bounce on him, meeting each of his steady thrusts with a loud slap, skin on skin, filling your otherwise quiet workspace.
“Don’t cum,” he demands as he feels your pussy gripping around his cock.
“I’ll do whatever the fuck I want,” you shoot back, both hands on his chest as he continues to pump mercilessly into you until the coil in your stomach snaps and breaks, walls pulsating around him, vision blurred white as you cum around him.
The feeling of you clamping down causes him to bite his lip and arch his back; knowing he’s going to be cumming soon too, you quickly remove yourself from him sitting back on his thighs. His eyes widen as he looks at you like you’ve betrayed him – it’s bad enough you’re fucking him, but there’s no way in hell you’ll let him cum inside you.
You’ll never admit it to him, but he was a good fuck, maybe still not as good as Gojo would have been, but still good nonetheless, so you’ll let him cum.
“No way I’m gonna be stuck around you for years,” you explain as you grab his length, stroking vigorously until his eyes roll to the back of his head and he lets out several deep strangled moans, pulling hard on the radiator, as his precious Zen’in seed covers his chest.
After you catch your breath, you remove yourself from his legs and search for your clothes on the floor. Finding the panties that are soaked in both your spit, you toss them into the trash under your desk; you’ll need to remember to empty that before you leave, so nobody accidently sees them.
“If you take anything away from this, it should be that you don’t need to be in charge of everything. You might be surprised just how freeing that can truly be.” You try to explain as you untie his hands; he continues to lay on the chaise, catching his breath rolling out his wrists, “you can use the bathroom over there to clean yourself and get dressed. Be back in five minutes for the rest of your session.”
“Fucking psycho bitch,” he mutters to himself as he begrudgingly stands and stalks off to the bathroom with his clothes while his cum drips from his chest down to his abdomen.
You decide to ignore his comment and choose to take a deep breath instead and get dressed too. After straightening your skirt and slipping your shoes back on, you take your seat across from the chaise once again.
When Naoya returns, seven minutes later, you note, he takes his seat. Looking him over, his cheeks are still tinged pink, hair more romantically tousled than dishevel-
Nope. Good god, get those thoughts out of your brain right now. This is not going to be a thing.
Sighing, you grab the legal pad from the coffee table between the two of you and click the top of the pen, ready to write. His session is over in about 20 minutes. Let’s see how painful we can continue to make this for him.
“So, Naoya, tell me about your mother.”
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scintillyyy · 9 months
was finally able to watch some more firefighter show
listen this whole "balace the ledger" thing the captain has going on continues to be deeply unhealthy. he should not be in this profession. at all.
oh god i forgot they made him a dude whose blood has high anti-d antibodies, so he can donate to help make rhogam. thanks for your service, captain needs to quit. as someone who has gotten like. 4 doses of rhogam i appreciate your service. and he's bitching about it. actually dude, i don't want your anti-d. please keep it. (i know i'm supposed to feel bad for him, but i don't. i really don't.) (all respect to james harrison, though, the man from australia whose plasma donations have saved more than 2.4 million babies (including one of his grandchildren!)
okay. i hate to say it, especially as someone who hates trophy hunting. but they would still very much kill the tiger no matter what public sentiment said, sorry. i highly doubt that they would have done anything but shoot on sight.
okay. okay. back to the dumb blood plotline. so. i am a little confused here. like. 1) from the get go. why. why. why are these stranger bitches being let into the nicu (? i'm assuming that's where they're at). that shit is so locked down it's not even funny. they don't just. let people in to see the babies. not on l&d, not in the regular mother-baby unit, and especially not the nicu. even pre-covid, my cousin had a baby in the nicu and it was very. one person could go at a time and you had to be specially let in. 2) okay so maybe the dad did let them in because captain's blood saved their baby's life or something. like it is a blood donation, not an organ donation. you don't know whose blood it is, it's all pooled together. and even if he had special rhogam blood that specially went to this baby....that's not really how this works re: rhesus disease???? i have some questions.
(side note the absolute hilarity of that scale for that baby saying 2.268 lbs....i know you can't have uber premature babies on tv but that's a full 10 lb baby on there. also, that is such an arbitrarily low number, but if it was real, that baby would not just be getting blood. i cannot emphasize how much that baby would be hooked up to, including, most importantly. oxygen. and would likely be in an incubator. there's just so much wrong here.)
anyways back to rhesus disease, let's talk about rhesus disease. so rhesus disease nowadays is incredibly rare, because of rhogam. rhesus disease occurs when a mother becomes isoimmunized to her baby due to the mother having a negative blood type and the baby a positive one and her blood cells start to destroy the baby's blood cells in utero causing anemia and jaundice, in worst case scenarios stillbirth. prevention is key and we are very good at preventing it. the key is to give the mother anti-d, and tricking her body into thinking it's already produced anti-d so then the mother won't produce her own anti-d if and when her blood comes into contact with the rh positive blood of her baby. so with prenatal care you generally get blood typed at your first visit so they know if you're positive or negative. if your blood type is unknown, they treat you as negative because it doesn't hurt to get anti-d. you get anti-d with any potential chance you may have come into contact with your baby's blood. any bleeding in early pregnancy, you get it (you have to get in like 72 hours after bleeding). you also get it standard at about 28 weeks (because the anti-d lasts in the blood for about 12-14 weeks and should cover through the baby's birth). when you have the baby, the baby gets blood typed and if the baby has positive blood for sure, you get it again. this will almost always successfully prevent the mother from becoming isoimmunized for future pregnancies and protecting her next children from the potential for rhesus disease.
because firstborn children (like the one captain gave his blood to) don't generally get rhesus disease, because a mother doesn't generally become isoimmunized until after she's given birth to her first child and come into contact with the baby's blood for the first time (because that's most likely happen during childbirth). even if the first time mom got exposed during the pregnancy without getting rhogam, she generally won't have produced enough anti-d to meaningfully attack the baby's blood cells by the end of the prengnacy, but she will by subsequent pregnancies. so the firstborn isn't generally at risk for getting rhesus disease. another thing you get tested for in pregnancy is whether or not you are isoimmunized and if so, how badly. if it comes back positive for anti-d, your prengancy is monitored very, very carefully. they monitor how bad it is, and they can do in-utero blood tranfusions if necessary should the fetal anemia be really bad.
so yea. i am not only shocked by this firstborn baby's rhesus disease (because that would assume the mother was already isoimmunized for some reason, which i suppose is technically possible if she had a previous miscarriage, but we're getting into highly unlikely territory here because if it was an early enough miscarriage the embryo wouldn't have been producing it's own blood type yet and if it was late enough she would have been known to be rh negative and received rhogam-) i am also raising my eyebrows at the fact that captain's lifesaving blood got sent directly over to this baby with rhesus disease ~to save her~ because saving babies from rhesus disease has nothing to do with transfusing special anti-d blood to babies (which probably does nothing special for them) and everything to do with preventing rhesus disease from even developing by giving the mother rhogam. mr. james harrison's blood plasma hasn't gone to babies--it's gone to mothers. because giving a rh positive baby anti-d doesn't do anything special for them--it's the mother who needs it so her blood doesn't attack the baby! (what i'm saying is that they probably essentially wasted captain's blood by transfusing it to the baby--that baby can probably just get regular blood without special anti-d antibodies transfused to help with anemia, along with phototherapy for jaundice and ivig as needed). so what is happening here. why. (i mean, i know why it's so chim can show captain in person how his blood will ~save the lives of babies~ and it's not near as exciting as going to an ob appointment to watch a woman get a 5 second shot with a sourpuss on her face cause it burns like a mofo but what they did instead is really, really not how it works-).
also, let's talk about james harrison's blood. he um. he wasn't born that way y'know...his blood produces a vast amount of anti-d antibodies because when he was 14 he underwent a chest surgery and received 13 units of blood. my guess is he is rh negative and received some rh positive blood at this time and as a result became incredibly isoimmunized (so how is captain's blood a match for him, hmmmmm?), which mycauses him to produce a lot of anti-d and would produce even more following donation. also. he didn't donate blood. for the anti-d it was far more efficient to donate his plasma (in fact, rhogam is made from donated plasma, not blood), which he did. an average of once every three weeks from the time they found out about his blood until 2018 for a total of 1173 donations, when he became ineligible to donate more at the age of 81. captain, you will never be on his level.
not much else to say about the end of season 1 tbh except good old romancing the uniform.com. you know i do think it's realistic to have a first responder dating site. farmers only is a thing after all. and women love first responders, or as my aunt put it when she found out i was dating a firefighter - "you have to be careful, scintilly, because women, they see these pensions and these good benefits and they just throw themselves at firefighters and will try to steal them" (she had a bad experience with this happening to my cousin. i still joke with my husband about all the women who throw themselves at him. they're tumbleweeds.)
and finally goodbye and godspeed abby. get out of this mess. i mean, you were also very much a part of this mess. but still. can't wait for you to probably become the bad guy for moving on because your actress didn't continue with the show when i'm sure they could instead do a "we drifted apart naturally" as a way of writing out your actress.
anyways currently starting the first episode of season 2, and lol at buck talking like a 45 year old old guy about "respect". that's the energy of the drunk guy who would ramble on about nothing during my husband's virtual union meetings during the height of covid. eddie being former military is very realistic, there's a lot of preference to get former military on public jobs.
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emptysurface · 2 months
Hi it might be spoilers or maybe even rude to ask and feel free to ignore this, but why is it so important to konoha that kyo goes through seduction training so young? Are they specifically hoping to recreate an agent with a similar profile to her mother? Within the anbu/assassination/seduction mission category, she certainly has desirable skill. Are they planing for genma to follow the blueprint when he becomes a ninja? Also why didn’t katsuro or kou like, protest the seduction training, especially at such a young age, or did they not have the power or what? Is it because she is a jounin and anbu? Could kyo reasonably refuse future seduction missions without consequences? Just seems odd that the girl that can’t be on birth control has to be the one doing seduction, unless it was a honeypot mission… and also i know it isn’t a bloodlimit, but wouldn’t konoha rather have kyo put her energy into stabilizing her clan??? Like she already is but you know, clan culture, knowledge, all that. Kinda also thinking about how kyo is in part parentified, helping raise genma, since she was eight years old and she is also solely responsible for teaching him poisons, while he gets a childhood, while she missed hers? Anyways love the fic, i’m always so heartbroken for kyo, she goes through such turmoil, and i feel like she doesnt need to deal with 90% of the drama that shows up in her life, but atleast there are always people she can hug to feel better. <3
I think this is based in a misunderstand about how I write seduction, tbh. I'm not aiming this solely at you, Anon, btw, but I do get quite a lot of comments similar to this, so it's been on my mind a lot.
Kyo isn't getting seduction training to become the next Spider/Utako. Kyo is never going to be a seduction specialist, she's not going to be sent out of the village to "seduce the enemy" so to speak.... I've also established that those kinds of missions are pretty rare to begin with.
Kyo is at her base an assassin. She's also a kunoichi. Kou and Katsurou both acknowledge, even if it's only silently, that there are aspects of their profession Kyo won't be able to escape. In the last while of HtS, we've seen Spider primarily use her seduction skills to... gather intel.
So what it comes down to is that Konoha (and, to some extent, the people responsible for Kyo) want her to get this training not so they can fling her at people to have sex with, but so that she can use these skills if it's ever needed in the field, to gather information, carry out an assassination, or to simply survive a terrible situation.
Her rank and her being ANBU are definitely a contributing factor, in a way, bc they influence what kinds of missions she's sent on etc.
So at the end of the day, I guess you could say Konoha isn't super invested in Kyo getting seduction training the way I think you meant it? But Kyo is an asset, and seduction training makes her more prepared to deal with hazards and obstacles in her profession, as well as makes her more vercatile when unexpected components pop up on mission.
And the truth of the society I am writing is that, frankly, it doesn't really matter if Kyo gets seduction training or not, to a lot of people, because just the simple fact that she is a kunoichi, most people will assume she has it.
so like she says in the story, she'd rather have the tools if she ever need them than the other way around.
I hope this answers your question in regards to the seduction, Anon!
Genma's career depends a lot on how he does once he graduates, his personal skills and talents, but yes, seduction training is highly likely to be in his future, too, tbh.
I don't know if I missed any questions, but. I'm glad you like my story? :) It's always nice to get to talk about it, hope you're having a good day, Anon!
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takiisieju-squadra · 6 months
Hello, I’d like to request a La Squadra matchup, if you’d want to write one. I hope this wasn’t too much of a word vomit! :)
-I may seem awkward at first to people, but I just have horrible social anxiety (and possible autism) and public spaces can be overwhelming. Once I am hanging out with people I know, I tend to actually become a pretty loud and more social person, and will take a parental/leadership(? Don’t know the adjective) role in my friend group.
- I’m 18 and a massive nerd (biology major 😶), so I usually end up talking about horror movies or science/math stuff. When socializing with my friends, I enjoy talking about our different interests regardless of whether or not I partake in their interest. If I’m close enough to a person, I’ll probably flirt with them in an obvious joking manner, as long as they’re comfortable. My other jokes, which I share with everyone, are usually random or about morbid subjects like death. Deep conversations are another important aspect of my relationships. I just really enjoy spending time with my friends and partners. Whenever I can, I will try to help the people around me, whether it be with a task or by listening to their problems.
- I have an amazing cat, she is a diluted calico that I found in a sewer drain, and she is the most adorable attention hog. She meows until I hold her like a baby in my arms, but I don’t mind.
- A red flag of mine is that I have trouble reaching out about my emotions, so I end up bottling things up and have a panic attack or a (rare) anger outburst. However this is something I’m working on.
- some of my hobbies include watching horror movies, sewing, embroidery, art, skating, reading, and learning about new things
- I truly love gothic rock, death metal, and classical music. I actually have a really cool patch jacket too, and I also partake in gothic fashion and makeup.
-I can’t stand people who trash-talk others for being poor or something else that is out of a persons control. It just shows a complete lack of empathy and kindness to me.
- oh yeah I don’t know if physical appearance is relevant, but I’m like 5’6, pale and chubby, and have short dark brown curly hair.
Anyways have a good day and stay hydrated ✨💛
Hi! Sorry for the wait.
This was a very difficult one, and I hope you are pleased with your result. I match you with…
Oh, this poor baby boy… He knows all too well about what it’s like to deal with anxiety, so at first you may bond because of that. You could think he’d grow distant once you “show your true colours”, but it's far from that! He’s genuinely happy when you come out of your shell, and your ability to lead is obviously a good thing for him. Now, he may not know all the things you are talking about, but he is very interested. He may not understand some stuff, so please pay attention to his state, he might get overwhelmed or otherwise uncomfortable and be too afraid to actually say something. Also, please don’t laugh at him when your flirty remarks fluster him (even if you are already dating, he is always a mess in such matters).
Pesci is truly, honestly perfect boyfriend material. Whatever your hobby is, he’s trying to pick it up too (please comfort him during horror movies, he’s easy to scare despite his occupation). Whatever you wear, he adores and compliments it. Whatever music you listen to, he also tries to get into. Your cat is now his favorite animal in the world, even if she doesn’t like him. He will probably even ask for a photo of her to keep close (not you, though, it may be dangerous considering his line of work).
Despite his relative cowardice and shyness, he’ll protect you from anything, with almost terrifying ferocity. And when you return the favor by even simply telling off somebody laughing at his appearance, he is literally ready to cry.
He wouldn’t hide his profession from you, because he doesn’t like keeping secrets in a relationship. Prosciutto is obviously the first of his teammates that you meet, but eventually others find out and want to look at the person Pesci “managed to pull off”. You become surprisingly close with Melone, somehow…
Thank you for the ask. Hope you are pleased with the result!
taglist: @go-capt-puppen
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(if you have something against Pesci, please don't bother to react, it is rather discouraging to receive "criticism" based on personal preferences considering I spend a lot of time writing these, for free).
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spenglersweetheart · 2 months
You’ve set me off so
Idk if you’d do like canon x oc requests but like…maybe? I mean it’s not romantic it’s father daughter relationship?
What if Ray (being a ghostbuster and all) uses all his free time repairing the Ecto 1 or upgrading the proton packs, and one day Sal comes home from college where they had a like…tell us about your mom or dad day. And Sal made a whole presentation about her dad, what he did, what he believed in and all that sort of thing, the kids think it’s stupid (maybe this is before the ghost busters really became popular) and at recess they tease her or just straight up mock her
ofc !! i love oc and canon and i definitely love the platonic stuff so here ya go !!
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Don't Let the Bullies Get You Down
Ray Stantz and Sal Stantz !! (once again sal belongs to this beloved creator right here!)
WARNINGS : mentions of bullying
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SAL WAS SO EXCITED FOR THE 'TELL US ABOUT YOUR PARENT' DAY at school. She has worked so hard on her presentation about her dad. She was even happy to show all the other kids how cool he was. After all, he was a ghostbuster. All the other kids thought that would be cool, right? She loved talking about her dad when she had the chance. She rarely shuts about either him or his profession. To her, he was the greatest dad in the world.
She admired him. When she wasn't at school, she was always with him at the Firehouse, watching him fix the Ecto-1, upgrade proton packs. She just wished that she could go on missions with them. But her dad said she would be able to when she got older. That always made her really excited.
So when Ray picked her up from school and she looked pretty down, he knew something was wrong. He knew his daughter, and she was so excited to leave for school today because of the presentation.
When she gets into the car, he immediately looks at her. "Hey sweetie, how was school?" He asked her.
Sal gave a shrug. "It was good," she answered.
His heart pretty much sank. He definitely knew that there was something wrong, now. She always talked about what she did at school.
"Good? That's it?"
"Pretty much," she says, "We had the projects today."
"How did that go?" Ray questioned.
Sal pretty much went silent after that. She didn't want to talk about what happened after she had talked about her dad. She wasn't ashamed of her dad. But, she didn't want to tell her father that kids were picking on her because of the presentation.
A sigh escaped Ray's lips. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" He asked gently.
Sal looked like she was almost in tears. She looks up at him. "The other kids made fun of me," was all she could say.
"What did they say?"
"They kept mocking me. After I was done with my presentation. At recess they teased me. They said ghosts aren't real and they laughed when I said that you caught ghosts for a living."
Ray knew kids could be cruel. He has gone through it himself as a child. He knew how harsh bullying could be. Especially when you had different beliefs from theirs.
"Hey, listen to me, okay?" He says, while Sal gives a nod, "Bullies are just that. Bullies. They just like to ruin the fun of things. They're probably mad that they don't get to experience real life ghosts like you do."
This makes Sal giggle, which makes Ray smile. "Yeah, they're just jealous! I get to see you work with ghosts! I get to watch you upgrade proton packs!"
"And you get the experience firsthand."
He was happy that this made his daughter feel better. That's all Ray wanted to see. A smile on her face. That's what mattered to him the most. He turns back around before he starts the car, driving out of the school parking lot and into the street.
"Don't let the bullies get you down," Ray says to his daughter, looking at the rear view mirror so that he could see her face when talking, "If you don't give them the attention that they want, they'll go away."
Sal smiles widely. "Okay, dad, I won't let them get to me."
"Good," he says back, "Now how about we get ice cream?"
"Yay!" Sal squealed, "Can we get Dairy Queen?"
Ray laughed. "Of course we can, kiddo."
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amai-no-ura · 10 months
Typology - Gangubai Kathiawadi (from Netflix)
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MBTI: ENTJ (a great potrayal of Te-dom and Ni user)
Enneagram: 8w9 so/sp (836)
Sorting: Double Lion
First, I really admire this character. I will not comment on the real person because I do not know enough about her. But as it stands, I admire this character.
I can relate to her in so many aspect. I respect how she turns her pain into strength. And how she fights not just for herself but for 4,000 women of Kamathipura who depend on her. She is a selfless idealist who fights for her people when the world want to tear them down. I cannot respect this enough. If you ask me what kind of person I want to be, it's someone like her (as a character). And she reignites the flame in my heart as well.
But enough conjectures.
Gangubai is a Te-dom. She is a no-nonsense business woman who focuses on the bottom line and profit. She is a very kind and empathic woman but also a ruthlessly pragmatic and logical one. She never let her personal sentiment standing in the way of what needs to be done. She sacrificed her lover to save a young girl from prostitution and further her standing in Kamathipura politics. She bravely got into a room with a sadistic rapist who 'bought' her so she could bring him to justice. While she doesn't talk much about her feelings, she show it through her action. She is one of those 'enough emotions' people. Since her Fi is inferior, she rarely indulges in it. Instead, she prefers to problem solve and get things done for people she loves. She shows how she cares by being of service to her people and uphold her values through actions. But on a rare occasion, we get to see how much pain she has inside of herself such as when she called her mother... That was a sad scene.
But she is also highly abstract and symbolic. She ruminated on cremating 'Ganga' because now she is 'Gangu'. She stated to her madam that she will 'become queen of Kamathipura'. Then she went on to talk about different shade of white in a highly abstract way to infer her meaning. Her speech is often straightforward, but also subversive in that she finds a way of thinking no one thinks about (A brothel is a bad influence for the school. Wouldn't a school be good influence for a brothel?) All this point to strong intuition. And her intuition is a focused, single-minded, narrowing everything down kind of intuition, which is Ni. She also shows strong but underutilized Se. She enjoys good time and sensory thing but also not very active and impulsive in her decision making.
Her enneagram is also very simple. She is an 8w9 - fearless and calm in every situation. She doesn't charm people so much as strong arming them and demonstrate her power so she can come out on top. (The scene when she sat on a missionary is hilarious, what a power move). When she wants something, she just marches in and expects it to be done. And if they don't comply, she just put more and more pressures on them until they cave. (And as a 9w8, man I wish I could do this more, it's refreshing!) She is so/sp. Her focus is on larger society first before her own needs. She identifies with the group and takes on a role of 'mama bear' and protect them, fight for them. Which is also why I relate to her so much, as an so/sp with strong 8 wing...
And she is double Lion. Ganguji is fiery, assertive and fearless. She knows her values and isn't afraid to stand up against anyone for what she believes is right. She champions the right of her people, not out of a sense of duty or obligations, but out of genuine belief in the rightness of her cause and dignity of her profession. While she can be subtle, her go to method is usually 'do this, or else'. Which demonstrates exactly what a cunning and intelligent Lion secondary would look like. She is planful, cunning and very pragmatic. But she is also ... honest. She is very honest and straightforward in everything she does.
She doesn't beat around the bush and manipulate. She simply states it as it is 'if you value your life, you better do as I say'. And she is an improvisational secondary to the core. When she had to deliver a speech, instead of using a pre-prepped one. She just tore it and said what's in her heart. And it got people rolling.\
All in all, a compelling character and someone I respect.
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fauslayer · 10 months
2 3 7 11 & 12?
‼ theres some suggestive to downright implicative shit going on in this one (due to the nature of the first question) watch out ‼
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
it deleted my entire thang i have to type it.again hold on
ok this is a tough one. because i have like. insane people thoughts on faust guilty gear and sexuality mostly revolving around his canonical masochism and how that intersects with his atonement complex and his profession.
I Do Not Think Faust Tops In The Ways People Think He Would, Usually. theres been an exception or two where i understand fully where OP is coming from and it feels like they understand both why hes desirable and how he would wish to be desired rather than just wanting a size difference “”monsterfucker qualifier“” character to jump after. but these are exceptions in an already rare enough situation.
I Think He COULD Top If He Wanted To Though. talking pre-strive i imagine he could be caring about it but i think sex with him in a more traditional sense would lack closeness. i think there are some things you can only strip bare from him if you get a little weird. i have conflicting thoughts on the common placement of him in a sort of medicalplay or “sex as treatment” scenario where i think the only way it would be Truly intimate and not just him using his body as an extension of his profession without much care to his own physicality and such would be like. I don't know bro you have to get a little weird with him! am i even allowed to talk about fausts canonical masochism on tumblr dotcom.
TLDR there should be more serious character exploration of pre-strive faust and how he expresses himself as a vessel for servicing others and how that interlocks with his self-proclaimed “shameful” masochistic desires and the freedom that only actual selfishness in this regard can give him. and there should also be more exploration of sexuality with post-strive faust because You motherfuckers cannot be that afraid of him. If you already want his kidney scraper so goddamn bad you can care for him a little bit more.
What happened I blacked out.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr
if this was on twitter (so many people are weird about faust there) or ao3 (i dont want to ask triptych_triptych_triptych why they're so mad that guilty gear doesnt show faust and may experiencing anti-asian racism as a result of 9/11, which did not happen in the guilty gear universe, because id rather not read another word of their pseudointellectual nonsense parading their lack of media literacy and completely unnecessary self-flagellation as Real Transsexual Art) i would have perhaps worse things to send but here you go
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this post was so long and disgustingly descriptive while saying pretty much nothing at all. when i sent this to my friends to complain about i blur-stretched everything past the first couple lines in mspaint because i think looking at it unfiltered in the future (like now) would make me literally fucking tremble with rage and i have forgotten OPs url. i hope i blocked them but i have the memory of an ant. you only really need the first few lines to know this post is insanely bad. and this isnt a dig on it for being a Sex Post. i just think if youre the kind of rinse and repeat nothingburger blog whose entire outwards appearance is that of a postironic "im not like the other channies" 4channer who thinks theyre hot shit because theyre over 20 and Not Afraid To Say Slurz you probably shouldnt touch guilty gear because without love it cannot be seen and you desperately need to find love for yourself before you touch ky kiske again. ok
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
i really dont want to say bidget. i love bidget. bidget is a reminder of self love and discovery, of living and growth and understanding and all that shit. i look at her in-game or i listen to the town inside me and i think about that time daisuke said smth in that interview that amounted to “i make a lot of guilty gear characters because i want underrepresented people to see a vision of happiness for themselves“.
but oh my god nobody that Posts Her seems to get it. all i see are the same tired memes and using her as just boring-ass iconography. claiming that she SHOULD be more popular than the Mean Brown Protagonist because shes a transgender white woman who has a side-part in the main plot. like holy shit im SO grateful shes here and that They Fixed Her but oh my god dude ive genuinely heard more than one person say that they were glad that she seemed like the protagonist more than sol.
11. number of fandom-related words you’ve filtered
my only filtered tags are Goncharov (just didnt find it funny but not in an offensive way and wanted to let everyone have their fun) and umineko spoilers but back when i was a moreso mentally unwell teenager i had like every variant of zato-1 muted that i could possible come up with. i would say i dont know what was wrong with me but i was like 17 and going through some things.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I THOUGHT YOU GUYS LOVED TWINKS WHERES THE ADORATION AND CARE FOR MY GOOD FRIEND ZAPPA GUILTY GEAR!! not only is he, on a surface and aesthetic level, sooooooo kyute but i think hes genuinely very gripping. he had to be stronger for himself than i think he shouldve ever had to be and i kinda wish we got a light novel chronicling him trying to dispel the ghosts before landing his government job or something like that.
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dragonmuse · 2 years
I love reading your writing and your takes on the characters in various scenarios! (Also shout out to you for being a librarian, truly, librarians are pillars of our society! It's not easy work, but please know that you are appreciated) Anyway, I'd love to see a story/snippet of a timeline where Pete's dad lives and gets to meet Lucius if it's something you'd want to write! I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since you mentioned something about it after the fishing story
(First off, thank you! I love my profession and I'm glad we're appreciated!
I am feeling very Halloween-y and one of the quiet themes of Leda House is the way the dead stay with us, so this is main story line. If anyone would like more in this vein, let me know because I set it up to be poked at.) 
Lucius rarely falls asleep before 2 AM and it’s usually more like 3. He’s never been afraid of the dark, a kid who stayed up with a flashlight under the covers all this life.  The city in those wee hours feels like it belongs only to him and a small handful of others, denizens of a different metropolis. Most of those nights when he walks the streets, it’s he and Pete going home together after a show or with one of their other friends. Sometimes even Izzy can be coaxed to staying up past midnight to bear witness to the witching hours.
Then there are nights like this where Lucius just spent pleasant hours at a stranger’s house and he’s entirely on his own. He takes his time, just one earbud in (even someone that owns the night can get taken by it and he's no fool about that) as he strides down the sidewalk. The moon is a sliver, but the streetlights gush brightly over the pavement until it glitters wetly.  The world is a beautiful place just now. 
When he reaches home, no one else is awake. Someone’s mattress springs creak, a body rolling over that Lucius guesses is Frenchie’s as it’s followed by another, slightly louder creak of John chasing his warmth. The apartment is a little chilly. Just late enough into autumn that the cold air is leaking through the windows, not yet close enough to real cold for the heat to kick on. Lucius leaves his shoes by the door. Sheds his clothes in the vague direction of the hamper as he enters their bedroom. A quick turn in the bathroom, then he’s back, slipping under the covers. Pete murmurs, hand flying out towards Lucius’ face in his sleep. Lucius dodges, takes it in his. Smiles as Pete’s fingers fold around his own. 
He falls asleep holding Pete’s hand and the clock strikes 4. 
There’s a lake. Or perhaps a great sea. Lucius can’t see land. He’s on a boat, size indeterminate. It’s old-fashioned. Wooden, maybe. He’s by the rail and there’s a fishing line cast off. He feels relaxed here, easy out on the water. Vaguely, he’s aware of other people, talking and calling to each other. No one sounds stressed. No one needs him right now. He sets his elbow on the railing. 
“Good day for it,” a man says to his right. Lucius glances at him. 
“I know you,” Lucius decides. “Where from?” 
“Here and there, I’m sure,” the man was stocky, built strong in a utilitarian way. Like one could set a world on his shoulders and he would make it balance. He had thinning dark hair and uneven stubble on his cheeks. His eyes were a very clear blue. “You’re Lucius.” 
“I am,” he agrees because he’s fairly sure he is.  
“I’ve heard a few things about you.” 
“Hoo boy, I hope some of them were good. Or lies,” Lucius laughs.  
“I heard that you have a husband.” 
“Oh, I do. That’s not usually the first thing people notice about me,” he holds up his hand, ring polished and gleaming as always.  “Three years now.” 
“What’s he like?” The man asks and he’s holding the fishing pole. Should Lucius be fishing? No. He hates that kind thing, but he can be companionable. 
“Pete is....well to start off, he's good person,” Lucius has to sort through the pile of adjectives that come to mind. “He’s kind and thoughtful. He always does what he says he’ll do, but he doesn’t always have the most reasonable ideas of what he’s capable of.” 
The man laughs, “Yes, that sounds right. What else?” 
“Mm, let’s see... he’s very good with his hands. He and John and Frenchie make beautiful things.” 
“I’d heard a rumor about that.” The man has a nice smile, Lucius decides. Sweet and not show-offish. 
“Pete is the best at the mechanical stuff. Adds LED lights and builds all the hoops and corsets and things. Boning, he calls it,” Lucius giggles. “I give him hell for it.” 
“And you love him?” 
“Only more than my own life,” Lucius nods.
“You take good care of each other?” 
Lucius looks over the water. There’s mists at the edges, rolling through. 
“As best as we can. We fight sometimes,” he feels almost ashamed to admit. “Get on each other’s nerves. Get snappish. But mostly yes. Honestly, he takes more care of me than I do of him. Makes me feel guilty.” 
“I’m not sure that’s true,” the man slowly reels in his line. It takes a long time. It must be very lengthy. Lucius watches the glide of string coming up. “What would he say to that if you told him that?” 
“That was the exact opposite, most likely,” Lucius shrugs. “Maybe that’s a good marriage. Neither of us thinks we have the harder job. Pete is easy to take care of. Easy to love. He’s loyal and true. I’m a bit of a...mm. You don’t want to know about that, do you?” 
“Not particularly,” the man agrees and Lucius wasn’t sure how he’d known that, but he was glad that he did. “As long he’s content, it’s none of my business.” 
“That’s polite of you,” Lucius decides.  There’s more carrying on behind them and though he is very happy to look at the water, Lucius turns sluggishly to see what’s what. 
There’s a bit of a party happening on this boat. A big woman with thick dark curls and a dress straight from the 50s dances with a beautiful man with a rakish hat, who sings to her a song that Lucius is sure he knows. A woman that looks achingly familiar leans against the far rail, holding a length of red cloth that the wind rustles through. There’s no wind on this side of the boat at all. There are others, harder to see and dancing between all of them, just twirling and twirling is a petite girl in a black dress with a plaid flannel that kites behind her. 
“Oh don’t do that, lad,” the man takes him by the shoulder and turns him firmly around. “Fellas like you can see a little too clear. Does things to their head if they look too long.” 
“What do you mean 'like me'?” Lucius asks mulishly. Because he wants to look. To be sure he saw what he thought he’d seen. 
“The ones who like to look into hearts,” the man says. “You’ve got a way.” 
“I’m just paying attention,” he snorts. “Not my fault no one else does. Pete says I’m nosy with good intentions.” 
“Does he now?” the man grins at that. “Are you nosy?” 
“Very,” Lucius admits. “I just like to know what’s going on.” 
“Makes you feel safe,” the man nods. “Nothing wrong with wanting safety. Bet that’s part of what you and Petey like about each other, huh?” 
“He does make me feel safe,” Lucius agrees. “I hope I do that for him. Not that he needs me for that. He’s always landed on his feet. Finds people. He’s good at that, you know. Finding people. Banding them together. He doesn’t even see it. The way he knows who will fit. I think he did it when he saw me.” 
“His grandma was like that. Had a way with people. I never managed it the same.” 
“That’s not true. He told me how you rebuilt the union,” Lucius glances at him. “That was you, wasn’t it?” 
“You know I can’t tell you that.” 
“I didn’t know you couldn’t.  Now I do. I’ll remember for next time.” 
“You won’t,” Dave says fondly. “Or we’d be having a different conversation. But hey, do me a favor?” 
“Sure thing,” Lucius agrees readily. 
“Give him a hug from me. Don’t tell him it’s from me. It’ll only make him confused. Just a big ole bear hug, okay?” 
“Yeah,” Lucius’ pillows his chin on his hands. His dream breaks apart, he sinks into the ocean. “I can do that.” 
He wakes at noon, lush with sleep. Pete is already gone beside him and he stretches out in the empty space. Scratches his stomach a little, picks at a cuticle and then reaches for his phone. There’s no waiting messages, a few emails that can wait. He rolls out of bed and into enough cloth to be sociable, then goes out into the living room. 
John and Frenchie are either not home or in one of their rooms. Pete is in the kitchen, reading his newspaper. It’s a sweet affectation and Lucius loves him like this. Sitting at the kitchen he probably tidied, picking idly at a bowl of grapes, eating them slowly as he reads about some world event that he’ll try to explain to Lucius later as they fold the laundry. Lucius crosses to him, drops a kiss on his head. 
“Good afternoon,” Pete tips his head back for a proper kiss. “Sleep well.” 
“Excellent, thanks,” he lavishes the kiss on him. “You?” 
“Mm. Got up early. Restless, I guess. Want to go out in a bit? Just a walk, maybe.” 
“Sure,” Lucius reaches to start the coffee again, but the pot is fresh and hot. Bless the man. He makes his cup. “We could go down to the riverfront. See how the construction is going on the pier.” 
“Yeah, that sounds good.” 
Lucius drinks his coffee, eats a few of Pete’s grapes, then goes to get dressed for the day. They set out not much later, walking through the streets that seemed as different as they could from the night before and still be even remotely the same place. When they reach the riverfront, they slow, walking along the weathered wood and watching a crane lift up an enormous beam. It arcs over the water and Lucius watched it, an itch in the back of his mind. 
“Hey,” he says. “Stop a second.” 
“Something wrong?” Pete asks. 
“Rock in my shoe or something,” Lucius takes it off, shakes it, pulls it back on. When he straightens, Pete is right there, so close and dear. “Hey, lover.” 
“Hey,” Pete laughs and doesn’t resist as Lucius pulls him into a full body hug. “Some rock.” 
“I love you,” Lucius tells him sincerely as he knows how.
“Love you too,” Pete’s hug goes a little tighter. They say it a lot, but it’s still good to hear and have returned. 
Above them a bird turns a lazy circle then heads out back across the water with a cry.
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oonajaeadira · 11 months
Hi friend! Hope you’re having a good night so far!!
For the three things asks: 4, 9, 11 & 14 please and thank you!
I am having a really good night, actually. I mean, aside from all the booms. I really don't love fireworks.
I hope you're having a fun night!
3 topics you’d love to learn more about I'm currently delving into Egyptian mythology and that's been fun and wild. Every time I think one mythology is the weirdest/most complicated thing I've ever heard, another comes around to completely surprise me.
Lucid dreaming. So I very rarely remember my dreams, but when I do, they are often frustrating and I wish I could take control. But there are telltale signs in them and I wish I could get my dream self to recognize them so I could have me a little fun. (Dude, last night I had a dream about vampires on a plane and it was freaky and I did have a moment there where I ALMOST recognized it was a dream. So close!)
Bookmaking and bookbinding. I go off on a spree like once every few years and had a really good teacher this winter show me how to make really simple fold booklets and now I'm on my shit again.
3 things you like doing on a rainy day I really like just listening to the rain. It's usually a good day to call my parents because they love comparing their weather to mine, even though we're less than 100 miles apart; it gives them something to talk about other than politics or golf. I'm a homebody anyway so really anything at home is good. But if it's a cold rainy day, I love to cuddle up on my couch with some hot coffee. And if it's a warm rainy day, I like to open the windows a crack and feel the moment the pressure and temp change.
3 books that you would recommend everyone to read Uprooted by Naiomi Novik The Road by Cormac McCarthy World War Z by Max Brooks (bonus points if you read the last two back to back like I did)
3 professions that you would like to try I actually went to school initially to be a vet, and I always wonder if I would have liked that.
Personal assistant. I mean definitely to someone like-minded and considerate; I would underline that it was assistant, not servant. I've done a lot of admin assist in my life and done exec assisting for things like planning worldwide meetings and arranging travel and things like that. I have a friend that was once an assistant to a pretty well-known author (and an amazing person) and basically was part of the family, doing the errand running and such. That's what I would like to try. Take the load off so someone can do their creative job and just be a friend.
And, jumping off some things from above, travel guide. I've played the part for a lot of friends and family already and I enjoy it.
3 things asks
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renoxvated · 1 month
•(modernverse only) Roy’s favorite pastimes are drinking, listening to Stevie Nicks and eating cereal out of a solo cup. He doesn’t watch too much t.v. but on rare occasions you’ll usually catch him watching wrestling or reality shows. In both instances he talks to the t.v. a lot.
Roy doesn’t believe in God, or anything really. Not lady luck, fate or any superstitious mumbo jumbo. He doesn’t typically put his faith or trust in anything but himself, and even that’s debatable at times. When he was younger he did tend to think superstitious stuff was cool however, like witches and werewolves; though he quickly grew out of that phase.
• Roy isn’t really afraid of much, he figures that fear will just cripple you, make you weak, make you end up dead— in a sense one might say that makes him fear death; to some degree that isn’t wrong. Roy doesn’t want to die, but not because he totally fears death. His real fear is a lose of control, this fear comes in many forms and extends to others. Such as his fear of not being able to control outcomes with others, like their deaths for instance. He feels as though he can decide when to die, his own stubbornness and drive for survival makes him sure he’ll never die unless he’s willing. He also goes out of his way with his ferocity when protecting others he cares for—leading him to see overprotectiveness.
• Surprisingly Roy can, at times, be a very calm person. Usually when he’s by himself and not all worked up over something, he enjoys taking long walks in the Mojave— often getting lost for days at a time, but he always finds his way back. He also likes to spend time listening to old holotape tunes while fixing various things he can find. He tends to take a lot of naps and on a number of occasions sleeps outside in the wide open of his own volition. Though most of the things that calm him might be rather dangerous, he is either unaware or doesn't care.
10 Questions: (In Character)
What is your favorite word?:
“Roy, maybe I’m selfish, but I like hearing my name. It means someone notices me, good or bad I don’t care.”
What is your least favorite word?:
“Sorry, everyone expects me to apologize for how I act, I’m done apologizing for everything I do. Don’t like me, then just move on sunshine. Alternatively, I’m tired of people apologizing in the first place, what’s done is done, don’t change nothing.”
What turns you on?:
“Fighting, ya’ know the thrill of being alive, nothing makes you feel more alive than that. Any kind of attention.”
What turns you off?:
“Collars, fuck that shit I ain’t your dog.”
What sound do you love?:
“The sound of someone's heart racing, as bullshit as that sounds.”
What sound do you hate?:
“You running your mouth asking me this shit. The rattling of chains…the sound of children screaming, snapping of a belt.”
What is your favorite curse word?:
“Probably shit or fuck. I curse a fuckin’ shitton.”
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?:
“Always thought it’d make for a good fighter, like you hear they used to have in those sorta prized fights before the nukes went off. Seen old flyers, coulda’ totally been one of those wrestling guys. Kicked all their pansy asses.”
What profession would you not like to do?:
“What I’m currently doing now, but what else can I do? This keeps a decent meal coming without having to kill anyone and steal it.”
If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God(s) say when you arrive at the pearly gates?:
“He ought to say sorry…or maybe I should.”
Something most people don’t know about you?:
“Oh I don’t know, that I like sunsets and long walks on the beach, isn’t that the kinda shit you want me to say? Most people don’t know for a reason, most people need to mind their own business.”
If you were one of the seven sins which would you be?:
“Gluttony I guess, shit I don’t know…nothing is ever enough, food, sex, drugs, whatever… I need more. I live a very hollow and shallow existence, I’m never satisfied. I want it all and I want more.”
Sexual Preference?
“Whatever wants to fuck me I guess? Like I give a shit long as you got a pulse and either a dick or tits.”
What position do they sleep in?:
“However the hell I’m layin’ when I’m rolling around in bed, what’s it to you?”
If you died, do you think anyone would care? Do you think anyone would even notice? You'd just be another package lost in the mail.
“Preachin’ to the choir honey. Tellin’ me shit I already know, next you’re probably gonna’ tell me I’m trash right? I’ve heard it all baby, nobody cares about me. But too bad, cause I’m so unnoticed that this trash hasn’t ended up in the can yet. Fuckers like you that like to nose around and point things out, are just gonna have to be stuck with smell.” Roy laughs, he’s been hearing things like this all his life, nobody could think he was more worthless than himself. He’s learned to find the irony in that hilarious.
Holla bby let me snap a collar on ur neck! that goes beep beep beep boom when u try to run away from me xoxoxo
Roy twitches, his fingers curl up and his nails dig into his palms. He’s visibly seething underneath the surface. But as soon as the anger bubbles up, it simmers back down. He responds with cool efficiency, brushing it off sarcastically. “Listen here sunshine, I wouldn’t let crazy like you anywhere near me, try to put a collar on me and I’ll snap your neck with it.” As if Roy had any right to call someone else crazy.
ook over there! it's a kid getting mauled by a molerat. Don't let it die like your niece :)
“Where the hell did you hear that from— you’re just a regular piece of shit aren’t you buddy? Well why don’t I break your legs, then call that molerat over and let it eat you alive. Preferably starting with that loud mouth of yours.”
Three things that your muse loves doing in their free time. 
Fighting; although he’ll deny that he does and claim he doesn’t like to start shit, but it’s all he’s ever really known and in a way it brings him comfort.
Hunting; as it’s an outlet for his aggression and a source of food, something that was scarce for him as a child.
Repairing things; because it’s something he can do that makes him feel like he’s fixing something more than ruining it.
Four people that your muse loves.
Roy doesn’t really love anyone, at least anymore; I don’t think he’s fully capable of even knowing what love is, much less understanding it and feeling it. He loved his brother and niece, but will forever feel nothing but regret and self hatred when he thinks about them. So I think because of that he would associate love with those emotions. He’s honestly not emotionally stable enough to properly love someone back in an easy or healthy way, to top it off his parents socially stunted him, by not reinforcing the proper things into him. I do think he still has the capacity to love still, (in a way that is not a traditional sense for sure!) but the kind of affection he brings to the table makes it really unhealthy for either party involved.
Three fond childhood memories.
The one birthday his mother didn’t forget, it was his tenth, he came home to a makeshift cake and a Grognak The Barbarian comic; he couldn’t read it but she did once for him, he would years later burn the comic after the death of his mother.
The spare occasions that his older brother would be home, offering him attention that their parents neglected to give him.
Although it isn’t really a childhood memory; playing and taking care of his niece, surprisingly Roy was rather delicate and sweet to the little girl, who he viewed almost as his own child, or something akin to a little sister. He’d take her fishing, or relent into her silly little tea parties; spending time with her almost made him forget that they lived in a wasteland.
Two things your muse regrets.  
Never fighting back against his father’s abuse.
The death of his niece and not being able to prevent it when he knows he could have.
One thing they’d go through heaven or hell to save/change.
He would give his own worthless life up, if it meant he could bring back his niece.
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