#i only watched some of their vods. Idk how people do but there is not enough time in the day to watch multiple vods
ylvaisawolf · 6 months
O could be wrong but
Late night thoughts caused me to think on Slime and Mariana
They give me the vibes of those 18 year olds who immediately get married out of school
As they are adults now (also some kid is probably on the way or something)
Then they regret it so they separate and get back together in a cycle
One day they say fuck it and split (not divorce it is a hassle)
Then years down the line as they matured they decide to try again ♡♡
Then they fall back into old habits but with more love... probably
Also give the vibes of a couple that have been married for 50+ years
Idk how they do it
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graysbullshit · 6 months
Translating this thread on twitter because I feel like a lot of people need to read it.
It's pretty long though...
"Warning: contructive opnion/criticism about the qsmp!!!!
note: nothing here is hate to the ccs/adms, please dont bother me
The english in the qsmp is dull.
I have been noticing this for a while and, talking to my non-english speaker friends (unlike myself), some have already distanced themselves from the server content because of this.
the idea of the qsmp is a global server, but this shouldn't be based soly in their nationality, but also the languages spoken in the server. And recently all we've seen is english being spoken 24/7, and of course this comes from the ease of comunicstion and speed, but we have a PERFECTLY good translator for that.
what frustated me more recently in purgatory was that, despite brigging AMAZING dynamics between the players, it reduced completely the spoken languages to english again. Because of the mini-events and distance that the creators are from each other, making the tool of amazing and automatic translation useless since it doesnt translate from a distance. And don't get me wrong, even quackity himself said he noticed he was doing more lives in english because of the "nature of the event".
When the owner of the server says this you see the problem.
anyway, second point, empanada
bagi is the pov I watch the most after my main (cellbit and morning crew) and, my god, how i LOVE this pov for being a brazillian that, for hanging out by herself, usually can speak portuguese. It's a relief. A breath of fresh air in the middle of english in weight [idk if this is a expression in english, but it means 'a lot'] from every direction
only for her to get an egg that doesn't speaks her language.
don't get me wrong, em is lovely and i'm VERY happy that niki will be able to speak german with her daughter. But at the same time, the language she does lives in is english. Just like all the other mothers.
Would it really be that hard to find an adm from a country that speaks portuguese? it doesn't even have to be brazillian. Portugal, Angola, Guiné-Bissau, Cabo Verde, Moçambique, even Macau.
I GUARANTEE you that there is a lot of people that speak portuguese that would join the QSMP team with a huge smile.
It's just dull to have a participant that came to represent the brazillian language and culture and speak portuguese 100% of the time in live because her daughter doesn't understand her language [I feel like this also goes for Ironmouse].
And I'm not saying necessarily for the creators, but for the people watching.
I started watching qsmp because of the brazillian streamers that I like, obviously, but also because I LOVE the server's idea, the cultural exchange and the linguistic trade.
The language is the main aspect of any culture and the linguistic erasure >CURRENTLY< in the qsmp makes me sad.
I was watching the old vods and it's weird to notice that — at least the brazillians— used to speak more portuguese when the translator was worse than now that it works perfectly.
It's just a bit disappointing to see a project that was made to break linguistic barriers end up keeping them through the sovereignty of the english language.
(after that, I have NO issues with the cultural aspect. The cultural exchange is made with mastery.)"
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Link to the post is here.
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infernaltenor · 4 months
maybe im just a super salty person bc its 5am and im Still not sleepingn and Still thinking about it but i cant help but feel that qtubbo fans are some of the most hypocritial people ive ever seen. this is like. full of generalizations and just observations ive made as a crow and im. typically defensive and salty so im gonna try to be objective but at the very least im not trying to neg on the characters or the ccs, since im directing this towards the fans. its also like a solid two months of build up .so. oops?
but uh. how to start explaining this. well for one im taking this as a recent fan who is a phil watcher pretty much only. but i tend to chronically read posts about other characters since when im into things i like to be informed on all cases (idk constant instinct i have lol). like i said im gonna focus on qtubbo here, if i go into qphil stuff its purely as a comparison point. i cant speak much on interactions with other fanbases since i simply am Not informed enough but yknow.
for one, i think both tubbo and phil ahve similar things when remembering lore that is Not their own. not a neg on either one, since i dont expect them to remember it, but both have forgotten major stuff recently, ie. fred's kidnapping (phil) and the birdhouse (tubbo). both things happened before purgatoryand the subsequent forgetting happened after so even in character it makes sense (they had more to worry about), but i also think reactions in character tends to fuck with audience perception. ie, tubbos very visceral reaction to the ill timed fred joke phil had made (and it was ill timed, and thats all that i feel was criminal about it. tubbo and phils friendship is very much based on banter and friendly barbs, lots of teasing from either side. phil simply shot back on a smilar level as tubbo had originally, making his joke about "phil and who?". other people have spoken on that so im not gonna rehash about whos comment was worse, since imo they were both just shy of being insensitive, had tubbo not been dealing with freds presumed death at the time. im not gonna talk about the funeral, becasue if i do i'll get mad.). likewise, when tubbo forgot birdhouse phils reaction was much less outwards. he just said a birdhouse wouldnt be slaying- given the imprisionment he had, it makes sense that phil would associate it negatively, especially since it catalzyed all of his future derealization episodes. both of these are simply ooc things imo, from their original standpoint. i dont think either is in the wrong for forgetting. but what annoys me is the fandom perception.
this is a problem im going to link back heavily to purgatory. im not sure if it was present beforehand, as i only really got into qsmp the last two-three weeks in october (bad timing) and had only really been watching vods in order to catch up. that being said, i think the bolas and soulfire rivalry had widened the gap between the fans, which in turn affects negative perception. later weeks in november had full bad faith interpretations of phil because he was critical of tubbos choices or simply didnt understand sunnys character perfectly. and there were. a lot of those. purgatory had happened just a few weeks prior, so i liken it to that. maybe it is just my expierence, but the phrasing of a lot of character crit and analysis between the two has wildly different interpretations of a character (to wildly different results)
you can get qphil fans explaining against a bad faith interpretaiton, and people will (and have) called them excuses to defend against character analysis. i have noticed, however, when qtubbo fans do the same thing (and they have) it seems to be more of a matter of adding context to the conversation. thats.... exactly what qphil fans are doing however? when talking critically about qtubbo not communicating with other parents and friends both his and sunny insecurities, its all that hes younger and in a bad mental state. but you have something about phil not understanding sunnys character perfectly, and hes a cruel stepmother and such; and when an explanation is added to why hes not a bad father nor a good father, just an imperfect one trying his best, its simply a "mindless defense against a crit of his character". are these not the same things? providing context to a percieved bad faith interpretation? idk. i cant tell if its the age or the percieved roles theyre supposed to take, but why is tubbo allowed to be imperfect and doused in outward angst, especially when interacting with other characters (ramon had to take the initiative to communicate with tubbo. and yet. age age age.) phils just as complex and imperfect and unwell. all of qsmp is unwell. it is an explanation, not an excuse.
anyway. i think i was thinking about this because of the flightless bird/ostrich dna joke. ill timed, just like the fred one. but phils reaction speaks volumes doesnt it? if its an age one maybe he'll overdramaticize, but he laughs it off mostly. theres a lot he laughs off. he doesnt. "if your kid wasnt here id kill you". tubbo doesnt know about phils failed flight. he probably wont for a while (i cant help but think qphil is embarassed. he was knocked unconcious from hitting the water too hard. and he knows how to fly? fuck, man). i think its wild, however, that one fred joke gets the entire fanbase ready to deface and mischaracterize the whole character. but one wing joke gets maybe shocked laughter and about two posts complaining? idk. maybe im just complaining about nothing, im tired as fuck.
tldr is that tubbo fans are so wildly hypocritical that they cant see when theyre doing the same thing as everyone else. im sure im being hypocritical in this post, its human. but its annoying as fuck when its everywhere, and i think purgatory made it worse.
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hollowtones · 11 months
i can't find the vods for the rest of your endwalker playthrough (if you even did stream the rest) so i was wondering, what were your opinions on 6.0? (also what were your reactions to That urianger scene)
I think I only did like one or two streams of it. It ran kinda bad when I streamed it, people didn't want to watch it, and I wasn't getting much out of streaming it compared to just playing it on my own time. That and I think I had a really severe depressive episode at the time (for unrelated reasons).
IDK if anyone's still trying to avoid spoilers but I'll throw it under a read-more.
It's been a while since I last played so my memory's kind of spotty. I liked it, though. It felt like a satisfying conclusion to what they've been getting at since 2.0 MSQ, and a nice little dialogue on despair and exhaustion and depression and hope, and finding ways to carry on and keep living and keep loving and keep trying. I feel like that's when the game's overall writing and theming tends to be at its strongest (yes I liked the Dark Knight questlines haha).
I remember having mixed feelings about how they pulled off the Garlemald segment & the "Alphinaud and Alisaie's shit head dad" plotline but I don't remember enough of the specifics to really elaborate on that.
Alisaie has lesbian college admirers and I thought that was funny.
I came out of 5.5 MSQ expecting White Woman Jumpscare Hydaelyn to be a little trite but I ended up really liking Venat. I felt kinda whatever about Emet-Selch coming back, but I didn't hate what they did with him I guess, and his earless-Viera boy toy was fun. Fandaniel felt like The Joker but he still felt like a fine first-act villain. The way they write him (& Meteion) in the later chunk of the game felt more interesting to me, & felt like a fun play on "Shadowbringers"-era Emet-Selch's whole "AMAUROT, BABY! GREATEST CITY IN DA WORLD, BABY! SLIMES ALL OVER DA STREET, BABY!" nostalgia. It was funny when he was The Joker, though.
Final area was thematically and visually really interesting. I'm excited we got more stuff related to Omega & I'm glad we got more "btw the dragons are aliens" stuff. I've seen a lot of people forget about that, for whatever reason. That one area right by the end that was completely desolate, with no people & no indication of who lived there, was a really good setpiece. The Namazu canonically suffer in all possible dimensions and all possible worlds and you cannot help but laugh out loud.
I kind of rolled my eyes at Zenos coming back. "By the way he's a Reaper now" felt like it amounted to nothing, but admittedly I never did the Reaper questline or the post-6.0 stuff. Getting to punch him in the face at the end was fun.
Music was good, I liked the way they played with different motifs & I really like how that comes to a head in the final boss fight.
I was expecting moon rabbits to be grating and insufferable but I liked them. I fucking love that none of this planet's moons are normal. Why are they both orbital prison-ships. I love it.
Zodiark's design owned and Hydaelyn's design was okay. Very Yoshitaka Amano design, which makes sense given how he did that one boxart for "A Realm Reborn" & she looks a lot like she does there, but I kinda wish she got to look more monstrous and weird. She kept talking up becoming a monster to do what she felt was right!!! I wish that had informed her design a little more.
Hamburgers exist & I do like that the animators got to livingly render G'raha Tia going to town on one like those weird clips of anime girls where it looks like they've never eaten in their lives.
I don't remember what you mean by "the Urianger scene". LOL
You didn't ask, but the crafting/gathering questlines were a lot of fun. I feel like they (& the guildleves) added some fun extra context to everything going on while I was going through the MSQ.
I liked it overall. I don't think it's the highest point of the game's writing, but I had a good time and felt very satisfied by the time it came to a close.
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Hello! No pressure to answer if you don't feel like it!
While I started following you for other stuff your Minecraft posts have made me curious about mcyt.
I don't know where to begin though, I don't really know any of the YouTube channels or series (it's a different series each server right?)
What would you recommend for a newbie to mcyt?
If it helps I know some of the basics about Minecraft (nothing more complex than redstone) and the people you post about seem to be really nice and have a fun group dynamic?
Hope you have a nice day!
OK ANON I'm so sorry I've had this in my inbox for like 2 weeks bc I wanted to do it justice but I've started drinking and am putting off going strip mining for sand on my minecraft server so instead you get my QUICK AND DIRTY INTRO. And by quick and dirty I mean I'm going to ramble for a WHILE so I'm putting this under a cut. I'm sorry if this is a lot. I'm so sorry.
Okay so like... there are single-player series that some people will do, then there are SMPs (Survival MultiPlayer servers). Some of these are only or majority just streamed and you have to watch VODs or unofficial clip collections to get the content, and others are only or majority only edited videos, and others are a more even mix. I'm going to describe a few of the ones I like, and those should be good jumping off points into other content, if you find a creator you like.
The Life Series is, per my wife, the best thing to start with because it's short, contained, and has a clear start and end. It's a sort of a collection of short seasons, spearheaded by content creator Grian, where basically there's an SMP server and a gimmick where he and like 12-15 of his friends play minecraft in a VERY small map and try to be the last one alive, with a new gimmick and set of rules every season. The first season, 3rd Life, basically was just "you get three lives, and after that if you die you're out, plus if you're on your last life, you go from just trying to play the game to having the intent and permission to HUNT AND KILL the other players", and it got more complex and interesting and homoerotic from there. (side note: mcyt gets intensely and INTENTIONALLY homoerotic sometimes. This seems to be a universal constant bc I've noticed it in basically every series I've watched regardless of who's involved. You either love it, learn to love it or... idk leave?) I highly suggest Grian's own POV of 3rd Life (season 1) as a starting point, followed by BDoubleO100 (aka Bdubs) in Last Life (season 2), and Jimmy SolidarityGaming in Double Life (season 3), and then branching out to anyone who you think seems interesting or who you get attached to. (This is a universal suggestion for all series, btw.)
Dream SMP is one of the big ones, it was an SMP server started by minecrafter DreamWasTaken that went from "chill server to play with my friends" to "quasi-improvised RP storylines and lore" kind of overnight. It is hellish to get into, see the ask i literally just answered before this one to see a highlight of why and some recs if you're interested in it. High key DO NOT RECOMMEND for a newbie tbh, just due to how confusing/difficult it is to get into, but ymmv. I have no advice beyond "Watch SAD-ist animations and Technoblade Videos" for getting into dream smp.
Hermitcraft is basically the longest-running SMP on youtube afaik - last year was their 10 year anniversary. It's mostly not heavy on lore or RP, it's just some particularly skilled minecrafters in the area of building and/or redstone who come together to build awesome things. They reset to a new world seed every year or so (tho season 9, the current world, looks to probably be more of a 2-year world like season 6, considering we're already a year into it and no one is REMOTELY done with their plans.) The Hermits include some of the older widely-known minecrafters who are still actively on youtube, the redstoners legit MADE redstone as you know it, hello Ethoslab with the Etho Clock and april fool's Etho Slab) with a lot of married adults with kids, and they're a lot of fun and relatively easy to get into in my opinion. Some of the Hermits stream, but the majority content I consume is their edited videos. Mostly Hermitcraft videos are about building gorgeous structures and/or redstone, and a bit of messing around with your friends. It's fun for shenanigans and seeing people build truly amazing things If you're interested, I stand firmly by my suggestion that the best jumping on point is Grian's Season 8 series. Season 8 was extra short compared to most seasons, and Grian is a fun, funny, and accessible creator. Plus this was the first season they had proximity voice chat, and it was REVOLUTIONARY for the ease of collaboration on the server, and led to a lot of amazing moments.
Empires SMP is much heavier on the roleplaying than Hermitcraft, but is full of gorgeous builds and fun lore concepts. All the creators are the leaders of their own kingdom/empire/etc and they build to that theme. I have no idea what to even suggest you start with in Empires as I've not watched nearly enough, but they're all pretty good.
There are a bunch of other SMPs (short-term heavy RP server Rats SMP was adorable, and involved the players RPing as lil rats, and doing quests and avoiding humans and stuff in a big manor house. Outsiders SMP i hear good things about but I've never watched, also a heavy RP server.) and then creators often have singleplayer worlds that they do video series of. Philza (also spelled Ph1LzA) streams multiple times a week for hours at a time from his long-running hardcore world (aka a world where if you die, that's it that's the game, no respawning), and builds absolutely amazing gorgeous builds. BUT he can be a little hard to get into due to the length of his VODs.
And frankly if I didn't plug Technoblade's content in this post I would be doing a disservice to mah boy. Techno was a creator who did a lot of silly videos of him playing PvP or messing around with his friends or participating in tournaments and stuff, and was smart and funny and deadpan and legit one of the best minecraft PvPers, and he died last summer of sarcoma and he is deeply deeply missed. BUT his videos are a serious comfort watch for me. His channel has a playlist of, quote, "actually good content", and while I enjoy a number that aren't on that playlist, it's actually a very good starting point.
...Actually no, start with the potato war, with Techno. The potato war is Techno at his MOST TECHNO and if you don't enjoy them he's probably not the creator for you.
And THAT'S ALL I GOT, nonny. Hope this helped and wasn't just DEEPLY OVERWHELMING. I hope you have a good night and uh. GOOD FUCKING LUCK.
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pandor-pandorkful · 7 months
The folly of being multifaceted strikes again.
I think maybe I just gotta stop trying to make art streams work for me, at least until I'm an Affiliate and/or can get some better internet...
So if you don't know, twitch has a timed achievement system that tracks your various stats from your streams. The requirements for the Affiliate achievement, which allows you to apply to get paid, are as follows:
Get 50 followers
Stream for 8 hours
Stream on 7 different days
Have an average of 3 viewers
That's it. Sounds so easy right?
Welllll... no....
Gaining followers is a very, very slow process. (I get it, I was incredibly choosy about who I follow on twitch at first, too.) It's maddening, but it's also the one statistic that doesn't "drain" over time, assuming people STAY followed.
8 hours streamed is probably the easiest requirement to hit. But you can lose it if you don't keep streaming, twitch only counts the most recent 30 days of activity.
7 days is the same deal as hours.
3 average viewers is the one that's got me worried about doing art streams, however. My game streams are the only reason I'm coasting by on an average of 3.5... every low turnout art stream I do chips away at that average.
I've had two good art streams so far in the past 30 days: one on a Wednesday afternoon/evening where I was making sticker designs and @shiftythrifting raided me with their audience (💜🧡💜🧡💜), and last Saturday/Day 2 of Frankentober, where I was doing a prompt randomization drawing challenge (of my own weird design) and had basically bribed people to watch with promises of giveaways. ^^;;;
Those streams still had lower passive view counts than my game streams, but they were over 3 at least. The rest of my art streams have been trending worse than that.
It's harder to vamp when you're actively trying to work on a drawing. That's the main reason speed draws are the norm on youtube-artists dub over the footage after they're done. Drawfee's an outlier, managing to vamp to live drawings by being a multi person team. (So 1 person draws and the other 3 vamp.)
Games are easy because even if you're failing to be entertaining at least the game itself is entertainment.
I'm not completely used to drawing for an audience yet, so generally I tend to come off as overly nervous or low energy. The more art streams I do, the better I get at them... but....
My internet connection is terrible. I can only stream crunchy, 480p video. Which doesn't do my art any favors. (A chatter said on Saturday, upon winning a sticker sheet of my Merfolk: "OH!! You're a GOOD artist!!!" Which made me laugh! ...and despair, a little bit. ^^;;;;;;; I am a trained and practiced artist, but fuck if my crunchy streams aren't doing their damnedest to obscure that.)
So. What to do.
I could switch to making speed draws on youtube, and just game on twitch. But there are several reasons why I really, REALLY wanted art streaming to work out for me:
Having a set work schedule really helps my ADHD, and having an audience helps me focus better
When I manage to get some active chatters it's REALLY fun!!
I was hoping I could use the vods to make shorter vids for youtube... but due to the low settings I'm forced to stream at, it's pointless.
I don't have much disk place on my pc for recording videos, and it's been 7 years or so since I last did any video editing and I'm not looking forward to looking uo tutorials to try reminding myself how to work a video editing suite. >_<
So idk. I wish I felt confident I could afford better internet, cuz that's the big linchpin here.
But random ideas I could try:
Try streaming art at a bunch of different times on a bunch of different days and see if that helps... (tedious, and more likely to hurt my view average even more.)
Give up on 2d art streams for awhile and embrace the mad science angle: stream trying to learn Blender instead.
Also I still haven't tried setting up the webcam to do needle felting yet. If I can find an angle where my boobs stay out of shot, that could be something? (Difficult, there's a reason I want them chopped off. They get in the way for everything. )
Set up a Discord server for my patrons and ko-fi supporters and do work streams of my 2d art there, so that in theory I can still get some of that precious audience-created focus my adhd-addled brain needs so badly
Stop streaming art on twitch and try art-focused streaming site Picarto instead
Ahhhhhh it's all just... maddening. Idk.
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meevuis · 1 year
You are the main (and maybe even only) Chaotic Duo (PlatyChaos) blog I see in my travels through Tumblr, so I wanted to ask: do you have any headcanons of your own? Maybe some writing prompts? I don't see those in this fandom much.
Would love to check out your fanfiction should you decide to start writing after all.
I am BEGGING for any other PlatyChaos enjoyers to hit me up because I'm pretty sure my friends are getting sick of my ramblings about them lmao
First and foremost I ADORE their friendship and how much they care for each other, they have one of the nicest friendships I've ever seen, AND I WAS TRYING SO HARD NOT TO BUT I couldn't help myself but ship them 👉👈
AS FOR HEADCANONS, I mostly end up just rotating them in my head but I do have a few because I cant help myself:
Platy 100% fell for Chilled first. He started crushing on him fast and hard. It probably hit him like a ton of bricks one day in the middle of a stream and he hasn't recovered since
Thus, Platy is the one that flirts constantly because its much easier to jokingly flirt with your best friend than to actually tell him - am I right?
Chilled is SUPER oblivious to this but he still flirts back because he thinks its just a joke and it like hurts Platy so fucking much but its fine its fine its fine
Like I genuinely think other people figure it out before Chilled does, like Courtilly or Jeremy or someone idk
Chilled falling for Platy I think is a much slower process, a much more gradual realization - maybe not even a full realization until Platy's feelings are kinda shoved in his face
What do they do once they do get together? Platy forces Chilled to eat SO many fruits ofc /hj /hj
No but their relationship hardly changes too much I don't think, like they're still best friends... they just sometimes make out from time to time now :)
Also the flirting from Platy goes up 3000%, and its either tooth rotting sweetness or the dirtiest words you've EVER heard come from a man's mouth
I have other's but this is getting long and took me like 6 hours to write between school and getting distracted watching the VODs/Platy's Streams. I'm still brain storming writing prompts myself for some possible fanfics so 🤞we will see
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oceanofsoup · 2 years
Okay last petty/toxic post about mcc 24 from me lol. These screenshots are of the chat from the admin stream when they noticed all the people disconnecting and lagging out.
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Before it was reset I only really saw like one or two people that didn't want to reset. Everyone was either asking for a redo or agreeing that while not ideal, it would be the fairest in their opinion. It's also worth noting that the noxcrew were incredibly professional about this, muting to make the final decision among themselves.
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These are from the end of the race, the first one slightly before the end. So despite the chat being generally fine and agreeing with their decision, for some reason after it ends there are suddenly tons of new people showing up to yell at them. Not only to say it was unfair, but to just straight up blame them for things out of their control. Hmm, I wonder why that could be? Three of their own vips chimed in with the noxcrew hate, but were pretty quiet before the race started.
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And then before the next game starts we have people parroting false information, specifically information that was stated very confidentiality by dream. Apparently he was saying that only 6 people were affected, people saying that 'oh well how come skeppy got 34th if ten people dc'ed'. During the fourth round about ten people either fully disconnected or had super bad lag, to the point where none of the boost pads or jump pads worked. And they didn't just get fully kicked they were still able to join back and finish. But they finished much lower than they should have, with most of the top ten places ending more towards 15-20th. So yea, don't really have much more to add but, not really that surprised tbh. Oh and I didn't really want to make this post too long, it's like 3 am lol, but if you do go and watch the vod there are people legit saying that it's just criticism and noxite is making them look bad. But idk I think going into a chat and spouting hate after being told not to is a bad enough look without also playing victim.
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glassedplanets · 1 year
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template source!
jan | feb | mar | apr | may | jun | july | aug | sep | oct | nov | dec
this year i read a ton of art books, so i'll drop a big list + reflections under the cut:
i'll split these up into art books and instructional books, though there are a few that did a bit of both.
art books:
the art of heikala
the art of loish
beautiful scenes from a fantasy world
mysterious scenes from a parallel world
a sky longing for memories: the art of makoto shinkai
expedition sketchbook
windows to worlds: the art of devin elle kurtz
reverie: the art of sybilline meynet
the man who leapt through film
instructional books:
framed perspective vol. 1 & 2 by marcos mateu-mestre
master the art of speed painting
sketching from the imagination
sketching from the imagination: characters
sketching from the imagination: storytelling
beyond art fundamentals
figure drawing for artists
that's actually more than i thought, lmao. standouts for me were a sky longing for memories, windows to worlds, master the art of speed painting, and figure drawing for artists -- each of these offered some really valuable insight for me and helped me think about something in a different way. i got all these via library and at this point i'm worried that i've exhausted the catalogs of every library i have access to :/
i've only ever taken one art class in my life and it wasn't a really great experience, plus i'm not great at teaching myself things, so finally reaching for instructional books about art this year felt like a big leap and i'm glad that i took it. i also watched some of the drawclass VODs that are up on youtube and started looking for resources like studies and sketches from artists i like. idk, i guess it's kind of been about demystifying the process for me. there's a lot of stuff i've been doing the long way round for years and years or not doing at all because i didn't know that you were "allowed" to take a shortcut, or that it was even possible (eg. foliage brushes).
this year was pretty wobbly in terms of how happy i was with the art i made and how much of it i made, particularly bc Life Happened in august and just has not stopped, and i know that i felt really bad and unhappy with art for a big chunk of the year -- but now that i'm past that, i can see that i've improved a lot in a lot of the ways in which i've been wanting to improve. you know what's nuts? i only started actively drawing backgrounds for every piece last year. now i can't imagine not doing something for a background.
i think i also gnawed through a lot of... idk, shame? inadequacy? some yucky feeling i had about tagging my art for tumblr search. i think it's partially that we're all back on this hell site and i just don't care about showing my ass anymore. whatever. y'all either get to see my fucking anime Poasting or unfollow/mute/block/whatever, i don't really give a shit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the art goals i set for myself at the start of the year were to try making a short comic more than once, which i did! twice, actually, though i didn't post one of them. that's ok. i don't remember if this was a goal, but i submitted art to a digital zine this year too! i need to check if i can post it yet actually... lmao. and i joined a fandom event as an artist, which i'm really excited for. i haven't done a fandom event since 2013 and i've never done one as an artist.
my art goals for 2023 are to do thumbnails for most of the big pieces that i draw, and to draw people interacting physically with each other when i draw 2+ in one piece. that'll be tough since i honestly enjoy the subtlety of Two Guys Standing Next To Each Other but it's an area i want to improve in.
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my-lunaberg · 1 year
Before I'll watch this long Sam vod I wanted to talk about something that I was reminded of while thinking abt the whole Sam Bucket/Sam Regular thing
Let me take you back to Minecraft Youtube circa 2015-2018. But not regular old English-Speaking Countries Minecraft Youtube, oh no. German Minecraft Youtube.
At the time, modded minecraft lets plays were all the rage, literally no one was playing the vanilla game and the idea of minecraft roleplaying was starting to crop up as well. It was quite different from dsmp mainly because it was all youtube videos and no (story-driven) streams, there were typically only 2-4 people actually playing on a server with other characters being npcs added in by mods and they tended to be a lot more structured overall with less of an improvised vibe
Now, I wanna talk about a thing that happened in probably my favorite one of these gmcyt series made by my favorite youtubers at the time: Fusionfall by Chaosflo44 and Arazhul_HD (Im calling them Flo and Roman from this point on bc idk i'd feel kinda weird if I didnt considering they only ever used their youtube titles in an ironic way lol)
Before I properly get into it though, I need yall to know that their minecraft series in particular, wether they were together or playing alone, always felt a lot like watching a playthrough of a really mediocre rpg where literally all there is to do is do boring and convoluted fetch quests mixed with minecraft. Like, these series were usually 100 episodes long and like 80 of them were always just these two guys doing a fetchquest and then dicking around and building while answering twitter questions or smth.
This was another one of those episodes were they were building some shit for their bases while telling childhood about detention or other school related stuff. Now, the way these series were structured was basically that they would both film a first episode from both povs and then only Roman would do a second one and then only Flo would do a third one and so on. This one was from Flos pov and at one point Roman was telling a pretty long story and every once in a while he would come into Flos base to get resources for his base and they would gesticulate in-game so Roman wouldnt have to interrupt the flow of his story. Then he finishes his story and asks Flo if he could get some resources and hes like "wtf do you mean, youve been taking shit from me the whole time" but Roman tells him that hes been working on his base and never left, what the fish is he talking about. So then they kinda argue back and forth and at some point Roman comes into Flos base again and he punches him and tells him to leave to which Roman is once again like "i dont know wth youre on about man" and when Flos like "you are literally in my house right now" he tells him that hes not and hes coming over. Now theyre arguing about that bc Roman is obviously at Flos house except he isnt, except he is. Or is he?!?!? Anyway, Roman is hanging out at Flos place for a moment while he yells at him and then. another Roman enters the building. and theyre literally identical, down to their gear Im pretty sure
And thats when my brain cuts off. I have no idea how this got resolved and frankly I dont ever want to know its so delightfully creepypasta-esque Im in love
So yeah thats that, now its dream smping time again
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friendshapedplant · 1 year
Kanae's streams really are amazing~ For me it's worth the effort of waking up a bit before 8am, since I have to wake up early for some of my classes anyway. I can't believe it, Len'en Project is making me wake up early.
Of course, these aren't the only types of streams Kanae does, as I'm sure you know. Kanae also does chatting streams and gaming streams on the weekends (right now they're on Saturday and Sunday respectively).
I love using Kanae's streams to attempt to improve my Japanese skills. I also like the productivity streams because I get to focus on something for an hour~ It's actually helped me complete a couple fics so far, not to mention assignment (some of which are of course Japanese, actually a lot of them now that I think about it).
Anyway whoops I was autistic in your ask box.
No worries cus now its my turn on the autism >:)
I can't wake up at 8 but I do like to put on those weekday productivity VODs whenever I get around to working on homework! Very effective for body doubling and not having to worry about getting distracted by the other person (Except for when I'm watchin the silly Len'en ball drop go and making sure my blorbo is in the lead (rip Sukune clay had a good run)). I just hope this strat lasts for me cus I seem to run through different studying strats way too fast and keep pickign them up and dropping them. This one being tied to a SpIn might help tho :D
Unfortunately I work on weekends w little to no free time, but perhaps I'll go and watch a VOD of one of the game ones sometime. I ain't know shit for Japanese other than some hiragana so I dunno how much I'd get outta his chat streams other than his fun voice and laugh and vtuber model (which are great. is that weird to say idk)
Also gotta say Love it when your SpIn shapes your life in positive ways like this, hella good shit thank u Kanae Tabinoki. <3
(If anyone else wanna rant/infodump bout things they love at any point without any prompt my inbox is open 24/7 for this shit I wanna see what people love!)
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These ⬇️ were over the span of about a week, and I finished it just a day or 2 ago !!
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I drew these ⬇️ last month in aprilll?? I think?
I kinda just worked on it whenever I didn't have any other inspiration which is why there isn't too much
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I also want to rant about these and the process n stuff a little bit so I am going to :)
Making the first one I started redrawing old stuff from a sketchbook (the person in the pretty dress, person in the sweater), and then I got distracted watching qsmp vods and drew Dapper and Juanaflipa!!
It was the first time I drew them not as eggs (so they might look totally different next time I draw them sorryyy) and it was super fun !!!! Im working on drawing all the qsmp eggs but it's not gonna be done for a bit since I am also not caught up on whats going on
the last stream I saw was a few days after the Brazilian members crashed and now I hear of France?? Idk but I'll prob try to catch up this week and finish the drawing soon :)
Also all the nature !!!! Literally my favorite thing to draw ever. I could just sit by a plant and draw it and never get bored
Sadly there are not many plants near my house so I might just have to go into the woods and look for cool plants to draw this summer heheheee oh nooo if it's the only way I guess... I just have no other option than going into the awesome woods with the nature and no other people and loud music in my headphones 😔 /sar Im so excited ajauvsv
THAT WASNT EVEN ABOUT THE PROJECT SORRY I always get distracted and ramble when talking about art (I am not going to stop doing this though its so fun!!)
Nowww about the project art,
Short version, these little sillies are being included because when I actually start the project in a few years I wanna look back on this and see how my art improved and how the story changed!
"the project" as I've been calling it, is a goal of mine in life to create something emotional and meaningful that matters to people and can maybe help someone feel less alone :)
It is not that right now though ! At the moment it's just an idea since I don't really have the resources or skills to make it the way I would want to, but these sketches and stuff help me keep track of the idea while I get ready to make the thing
I have some papers with project stuff that I might post if anyone seems really interested in the project as it is right now (they are messy and hard to understand so I don't currently plan on uploading them anywhere)but if not I will likely just keep quietly working on it :3 and I'm definitely gonna change up a few things !! Some things on that page may not even make it into the actual project 👁️👁️
That's all I have until I draw more ! :P (also if you read all that you r automatically very cool and nice and you get 🪲 🐛🐜🐞 bugs :) /pos bug s good)
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a-wild-rosette · 1 year
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I posted 486 times in 2022
82 posts created (17%)
404 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 434 of my posts in 2022
Only 11% of my posts had no tags
#hbomb94 - 95 posts
#hermitcraft - 65 posts
#ethoslab - 57 posts
#mcc - 53 posts
#fundy - 49 posts
#goodtimeswithscar - 40 posts
#dream smp - 37 posts
#mcyt - 36 posts
#grian - 35 posts
#ethubs - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#ethubs and fh didn't die because they are not devout enough to each other but because the world they lived in wanted to tear them apart
My Top Posts in 2022:
You ever think about how Hbomb is the personal embodiment of “You’re doing great sweetie” during his VOD reviews. Like he is nothing but encouraging and positive. Unless it’s Georgenotfound in Sand of Time but George is just built different. I think.  
307 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
Idk if anyone notices but in Joel's POV (and only his POV as far as I can tell), when Etho and Joel found out they were soulmates, you can hear Etho mumbling Bdubs' name (timestamp: 5:16). That man has an attachment issue the side of the moon.
639 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
Hermits’ Secret Fools - a tier list
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Very nice, just give people stuffs: Stressmonster, Zombie Cleo
Give things, but with a catch: xBCrafted, Iskall85, Tango Tek 
Actual Prankage: Joe Hills, Cubfan, FalseSymmetry, PearlescentMoon 
Violence and/or Murder: Docm77, iJevin, Keralis 
Just want to see their friend suffer indefinitely: Goodtimeswithscar, ImpulseSV, Grian 
1,519 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
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“Stop talking about me, how does it feel to be the first time winner?” - HBomb94, MCC20. 
2,381 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
How “starter” are hermits’ starter bases?
Scores calculated on build size, design and material. The more extravagant the base, the lower the score. 
I haven’t watched all hermits, will update once I catch up more :) 
Tango Tek: 0/10 
Not only does he use rare blocks, his base design is one of the most complicated and elaborate bases I’ve seen so far, and also one of the biggest. This is not a starter base. 
FalseSymmetry: 0+/10
She builds a tree. And an eagle. And a mountain for said tree and eagle. This is not a starter base I’m sorry it’s not. However, bonus point for continuing the build from last season lore.  
PearlescentMoon: 1/10 
It’s smaller than both Impulse’s and Tango’s build, so props for that. She uses nether blocks and aged coppers, so no point on the material front. The design is pretty complex tho, ngl. And the worst offense is that she has an interior. An INTERIOR. It’s... *almost* a starter base on the outside, but on the inside it’s better than all of us and it knows. 
ImpulseSV: 2/10
While not as elaborate and complicated in overall shape, it is a sizeable build and quite detailed. Seems to involve some terraforming, which lowers the score. And he uses amethyst which is 100% not starter base material.
XisumaVoid: 2.5/10 
Complicated, big, rare blocks. The only reason he has any point at all is because it doesn’t have a back and honestly that’s valid. It’s a glorified photo prop right now and that’s valid. 
GeminiTay: 5/10 
Also a treehouse like Tango, but everything is just so much more reasonable. It’s not even *technically* a custom tree, and her materials are just woods. Her base did require a whole skeleton farm to grow, so not *that* starter isn’t it? :pensive: Also lost points for some of the materials and the garden decor, but other it can pass as a valid starter base. 
Zedaph: 9/10 
It’s a rock. Relatively simply in design, small size, non-complicated material. Lost one point because tuff and moss required caving a little further, but otherwise super solid and valid starter base. 
Iskall: 9/10 
Love the dirt hut aesthetics, very true to what a starter base should be. Loss point for the moss, azalea, and glass usage but otherwise totally valid. 
Rendog: 10/10 
Cute little wooden house. Very valid size for a starter house. Nothing to complain about <3 Him calling it a doghouse is both a clever puns on his name and implies there will be a bigger house in the future. Appreciate the play on words. 
StressMonster: 10/10 
Perfection. Nothing to talk about. She uses wood and builds a cute little teapot. It’s cute, it’s pretty, it’s not outrageous. I might be sightly obsessed with it. Love it 10/10. 
Vintage Beef: 10.5/10
It’s a cave. Has a bed and only the basic stuffs. Your typical starter base. Iconic.
ZombieCleo: 12/10
Sleeping under the stars, as nature intended. She and Joe are busy doing community-benefitting building and I love them for that. 
Joe Hills: 13/10 
Same reasoning as Cleo but extra point for his poem. It brings tears to my eyes <3
TinFoilChef: 1000000000000/10 
See the full post
3,633 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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honeyblockm · 2 years
how do you think i should get caught up on lore; the blueberry videos or the dsmp watchlist carrd?? I know the blueberry aren't completely up to date but i feel like they might have more detail? idk
well you see anon i'm a bad lore watcher so i myself got into lore by reading the wiki and having other people tell me about things and then going back to watch specific vods out of order. which is a way less direct way to gain an understanding of something but for me it was not as labor intensive and grinding hours of watching streams lol.
I'm a big fan of blueberry tv though! its been really helpful when i had to fill myself in on more detailed bits of lore or less commonly known parts like vikk and lazar's brief existence on the smp. I also really like that the videos swap between perspectives from different streamers. if you're making your decision based on detail and getting the fullest scope of the dsmp alone, I'd probably say blueberry tv is your best bet. there's a plot only playlist on the channel if you want to skip some of the eps less relevant to what's treated as plot and canon
but yeah blueberry isn't up to date yet so you'd probably have to find something else as you near the tail end of lore continuity also even though they've cut down the streams quite a bit it'd still take a really long time to get through all of them tbh but maybe i just have no patience
I looked through the carrd a little bit too and I couldn't tell you how long i think that'll take because it's like,, a combination of short clips and full streams and everything. but it's definitely more complete and probably a little more streamlined? it has links that go all the way to the end of s3. I haven't used it as much as I have used blueberry tv so I can't really say a ton.
tbh what i would do is probably use the plot points highlighted in the carrd or elsewhere as a guide to figure out which arcs i want to sit down and watch full streams and/or blueberry episodes of and which ones i want to just get through real quick by watching clips or reading summaries but ultimately consume media however you feel fit even if that is asking a willing participant to infodump an arc to you or chilling in the tags until things start to make sense
also does anyone else want to weigh in on this
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guckies · 4 months
Do you watch any clips/streams from Tubbo and Sunny’s POV? I noticed that you seem to talk about them a lot, but it’s always through how another character views them (idk if I’m putting this right), and typically very critical.
Anon I’mma be so real with you, I have no clue what you mean with me being critical about Sunny… (personally I think I’m pretty fair to them but if you could clarify what you mean I could probably explain further what I’m talking about but it’s okay if not)
But yes I do watch Tubbo streams/clips I just don’t blog it (I do pick and choose older ones so I’m not completely caught up on some older ones from before maybe a week or two after Tubbo got Sunny) however only partly caught up on todays vod cause Foolish and Tubbo were together for quite a while.
Any posts I do make about Sunny, I try my best to find the moments I’m talking about as to not go in completely blind and talking bullshit. I also try to read post from people who main the people I’m talking about as they might have a better understanding then me especially if I haven’t fully finished the vod because I can misunderstand things sometimes. But if I am talking from another persons pov then it’s probably about their pov however I do try to be neutral it just depends on the situations.
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zoekrystall · 8 months
Just ranting abt horror tropes and how I am picky
Love how that layout change kicked me more into spooky mood again but man I fucking hate how much ableism is in horror movies. I forgot why I don't watch horror movies at like all since forever but adore horror in gen until I searched for ones without any ableist shit in them. If it isn't physical seen as creepy it's the narcissist/sociopath/psychopath villain trope and I want to start strangling producers. The last one I watched was skinamarink and that was like my first one in forever next to an old japanese one like two three years ago w a friend. Will prob rewatch otgw and some classic horror movies. Maybe when focus watch some anime w horror elements. Since like. Getting me to be scared is anyways hard nowadays I consume horror games all year round (albeit only through let's plays). Also idk if it just seems like that or if I got bad luck there but a lot I did want to check out bc of people saying how oh so brutal they are always got rape scenes when I checked which is an immediate no and I just I'm tired man. Also yes I like survival horror I like resident evil silent hill ofc I like a lot of horror game classics but like. Those aren't creepy imo. Those don't evoke the same fear. I want psychological fucked up horror cmon. Gore is cool and I do enjoy it but less in a creepy more in a "yay! ♡" way like sometimes murder makes me feral like an animal. Which is anything but being scared. Like I want to be the one murdering them I want to sink my teeth in and violently shake my head! If you can understand german the youtuber corrupted got pretty much the same taste as me. Back to movies and shows I think the problems also is I just prefer games way more. It's so different just watching people being in a situation vs having to control them maybe even having choices to dif endings and all (even just watching a let's player evokes it enough). Fear and hunger is amazing! 1 and 2! I watched the vods by cdawgva and the game has a neat story characters designs etc. But like. In regs to scary is it not what I exactly want. I bet if I would play myself would I dislike it bc I hate fighting and all. I think bc it touches on the psyche n all is it one I def like more but ig it's more the worldbuilding than the game itself? And then it's for me a yknow horror game but not a scary game. Idk how to explain it maybe a scary game is also just not possible for me and if that is the case then I mean? Fear and hunger nailed it a lot I think. I think I start to analyze automatically more than just let myself be spooked without my brain constantly thinking abt the setting. I mean I like a lot of horror rpg maker games bc of the story setting n all. I think I just enjoy what I enjoy but man is it a shame to only be scared once in a full moon nowadays. I think the suspense is v important? Joey said on a trash taste ep I watched yesterday how a lot of japanese movies nail it w you think there will be smth but then there's nothing so you are constantly on your guard. Maybe that's why if I do I usually watch japanese horror movies. Ik I def don't like when the hard stuff like immediately drops. Def hard to pick my horror taste apart oof.
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