#but fr im not suprised the hate only started after he finished the race
oceanofsoup · 2 years
Okay last petty/toxic post about mcc 24 from me lol. These screenshots are of the chat from the admin stream when they noticed all the people disconnecting and lagging out.
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Before it was reset I only really saw like one or two people that didn't want to reset. Everyone was either asking for a redo or agreeing that while not ideal, it would be the fairest in their opinion. It's also worth noting that the noxcrew were incredibly professional about this, muting to make the final decision among themselves.
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These are from the end of the race, the first one slightly before the end. So despite the chat being generally fine and agreeing with their decision, for some reason after it ends there are suddenly tons of new people showing up to yell at them. Not only to say it was unfair, but to just straight up blame them for things out of their control. Hmm, I wonder why that could be? Three of their own vips chimed in with the noxcrew hate, but were pretty quiet before the race started.
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And then before the next game starts we have people parroting false information, specifically information that was stated very confidentiality by dream. Apparently he was saying that only 6 people were affected, people saying that 'oh well how come skeppy got 34th if ten people dc'ed'. During the fourth round about ten people either fully disconnected or had super bad lag, to the point where none of the boost pads or jump pads worked. And they didn't just get fully kicked they were still able to join back and finish. But they finished much lower than they should have, with most of the top ten places ending more towards 15-20th. So yea, don't really have much more to add but, not really that surprised tbh. Oh and I didn't really want to make this post too long, it's like 3 am lol, but if you do go and watch the vod there are people legit saying that it's just criticism and noxite is making them look bad. But idk I think going into a chat and spouting hate after being told not to is a bad enough look without also playing victim.
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