#i never wanted to wipe the floor with one of my students (multiple) till today truly at my limits
newvegasceo · 4 months
default dragonborn durge gif edits save me
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FebuWhump Day 3: Imprisonment
Peter gets locked in a closet at school and can't get out without risking his secret being found out.
Also on AO3
Peter sighs as Flash continues to taunt him as he walks through the halls. Normally Peter wouldn't care so much about the bully but both Ned and MJ are out today.
“Hey, Penis, I’m talking to you!” Flash shouts, Peter rolls his eyes and ignores his spidey-sense telling him something is about to happen. He grunts as he's shoved into the lockers. Flash crowds him and the rest of the students don't spare more than a glance at the familiar scene. "You should know better than to ignore me by now, Parker."
Peter huffs, "Whatever, Flash, can we just get this over with, we're going to be late for class."
Flash looks to the left of the lockers then to the thinning hallway crowd before turning back to him, "Oh I don't think you'll need to worry about that."
Flash grabs him by the front of his shirt and drags him to the door by the lockers that he glanced at earlier. "What are you-" Peter isn't given time to finish his question before the other teen opens the door and shoves him into the rooms. Peter stumbles into the shelves lining the back of what is apparently a small storage room. Dust fills the air after he disturbs it leading to a coughing fit.
"Have fun in there, Penis. Maybe you shouldn't ignore people," is the last thing Peter hears before the door is slammed and the light disappears.
His coughing dying down, Peter takes a second to get his bearings. The only light in the closet is what comes through the bottom of the door and as his eyes adjust to the low lighting he sees that he must be in an old janitor’s closet. The shelves are lined with cleaning supplies and everything seems to be layered in dust.
The bell signaling the beginning of first period rings and Peter sighs, one of the few days that he gets to school early and he still doesn’t get to class before the bell. He reaches for the handle and twists. Instead of turning as it should, it makes a grinding sound before it stops twisting completely. Peter uses a little more strength but it quickly becomes apparent that he’d have to use some more than he’s usually comfortable using outside of his suit. He debates with himself, remembering that the school recently installed cameras after someone raided the lockers and that it’d see him breaking the doorknob on his way out. Peter’s shoulders slump in defeat, he can’t handle another mark on his record.
Of all the days to forget my phone, Peter mourns. He resigns himself to waiting and settles on the floor, maybe he can use the small bit of light to outline his English essay. Surely Flash will come back.
So he waits.
He waits through the bell signaling the end of first period, and waits as the beginning of second period starts. He waits as the following periods begin and end and debates breaking the doorknob again as he regrets forgetting to put more snacks in his backpack and lunch begins. He waits as it ends and the later classes begin and waits some more till the end bell rings.
Throughout the day as he hears his classmates walk by Peter can’t bring himself to call out and face the humiliation that awaits his release that way. It’s only until about a half-hour after school ends that Peter gives up hope of being released by his tormentor that he gives in and starts pounding on the door calling for help. He can hear that the few people in the hall can hear him as steps slow and a few mention it to someone else, but no one comes to help him. That doesn’t stop Peter from continuing because surely someone will come to help.
But no one does. Not the stragglers or the club goers, even a janitor passes by later long after school ends, the sound of music coming from his direction, likely from headphones.
Eventually, the school clears out, void of any sounds. Peter slumps against the door, not believing that he was still stuck in here. By this point, there’s no light coming from the bottom of the door and it starts to cool as the heaters turn off for the night.
Peter reconsiders his options, while there's no chance of a person seeing him break the knob the cameras likely continue rolling after school ends and there are security alarms on the doors in case someone breaks in. Would they activate if he opens them from the inside? He doesn’t want to risk it. May is supposed to get home around ten tonight, a time still far off. Once again he resigns himself to wait, but this time it’s much more unpleasant.
His stomach has been growling since school ended and the cold begins to seep into his bones. It’s wintertime now and the temperature continues to drop as the night continues. The lack of food and overwhelming cold slows his thoughts and he just stares at the door in front of him. When was the last time he went so long without food? Mr. Stark is always hounding him to eat because of his metabolism so it’s been a while.
Despite how cold he is, Peter doesn’t shiver, something that seemed to happen due to the bite. He pulls his jacket even tighter around him and regrets not wearing a scarf like May told him to that morning. He shuffles into the corner connected to the door on autopilot and his eyes get heavier and heavier as the temperature continues its descent.
May, finally able to take a break, checks her phone as she takes her break getting some fresh air in the hospital courtyard. She frowns when she sees that she has a voicemail from Peter’s school and immediately checks it.
An absence notice? She checks for any messages from her nephew or Tony, because while these notices used to be pretty common, Tony usually checks Peter out at the office after being appointed as one of his emergency contacts. But there’s nothing from either of them, nothing to tell her where Peter is or if he’s okay.
Panic beginning to rise in her chest she clicks on Peter’s contact and waits with bated breath as it continues to ring. Maybe he’s asleep or in the shower she tries to assure herself but that excuse becomes a bit harder after Peter’s voicemail greets her for the third time. Giving up on that she scrolls over to Tony’s contact, hoping that he’ll answer and have some answers.
Tony’s working in the lab when FRIDAY interrupts his music, “May Parker is calling you, boss.”
Tony frowns, “What time is it, baby girl?”
“It is eight twenty-two p.m. May is scheduled to be working right now and Peter’s suit has not been online since his patrol two days ago. Would you like to answer the call?”
Tony nods, “Answer it and save everything here, for now, something seems off about this.”
Instead of a response from FRIDAY, the next thing Tony hears is May’s voice, “Tony?”
Wiping his hands off on a cloth, Tony answers, “Hey May, everything alright? FRI says you’re supposed to be at work.”
“Is Peter with you? Or have you heard from him at all today?”
Tony freezes, “No, he sent his usually good morning text at the ungodly hour he usually does but nothing else. What’s wrong?”
He can hear May’s shaky breath, “His school says he wasn’t at school today and he isn’t answering his phone. I haven’t heard from him since he left for school this morning,” by the end of it her voice starts to break.
A pit grows in his stomach as he tries to keep his voice steady for May, “You need to take a deep breath okay? I have multiple trackers on him. I'm sure he has at least one on him,” A hologram pops up on his workstation with various items and locations.
“In any other circumstance that’d be extremely creepy,” she faintly laughs.
“From the looks of it his phone and suits are at home but his wallet, keys, nano bracelets, and watch are at Midtown and got there right before school started. So he did make it to school, and because he never takes off the nanotech I’m willing to bet he’s still there.”
“What is he doing there?”
Tony signals for FRIDAY to shut the lab down, “I don’t know but I’m going to head down there, don’t worry May. I’ll call you when I find out what’s going on.”
May sighs, “I’m going to leave early and head to the apartment, please let me know as soon as possible.”
“As soon as I find him, and I  will  find him.”
“I know you will,” is the last thing she says before hanging up.
Tony makes his way up to the elevator, “FRI, landing pad, please. I want an update if there’s any movement on a tracker.”
“Of course, boss, shall I alert Happy to meet you at Midtown?”
Tony is enveloped by a waiting suit, “Tell him to bring some food and water too, it looks like Peter’s barely moved all day and it’s been a long time since breakfast.”
FRIDAY tells him that Happy will arrive ten minutes after him as he navigates the suit to Peter’s school. “What should be waiting for us at the school security-wise?”
“There are cameras in the hallways and classrooms as well as alarms on the doors and windows activated at six-fifteen today.”
Midtown comes into view and he starts to descend, “Disable the alarms and keep the camera footage on loop until we leave. Is there any footage with Peter there today?”
“Yes, boss, in it he appears to be walking to class when another student approaches him and shoves him into a room by himself, there is no footage of Peter leaving the room.”
The pit in Tony’s stomach grows as he enters the school still in his suit, is Peter hurt? Did he hit his head? “Where is the room?”
“Take a left at the end of the hall then a right into the hall after the cafeteria, the last door on the right is the one Peter was seen pushed into.”
Tony thanks his AI as he rushes down the halls. He stops when he gets to the door and notices the knob not turning as it should, “FRI?”
“The lock appears to be tampered with.”
Tony’s frown deepens and he uses the suit's increased strength to rip the door open. He’s greeted by a seemingly empty room. But Peter  has  to be here. He looks up to the ceiling and lets out a breath of relief before the worry sets back in, why hasn’t he responded to the door breaking,
“Pete?” no response. “FRI, vitals!”
“Heartbeat is dangerously slow and his core temperature is ninety-six degrees, nearing hypothermic levels. He appears to be in a deep sleep,” FRIDAY responds, voice worried.
“Shit.” Tony activates hover mode to reach Peter and catches a glimpse of his pale face. He reaches to pry Peter from the ceiling, be as careful as he can as he gives FRIDAY instructions, “Tell Happy to crank the heat all the way up and get the emergency blankets from the trunk. Also, alert medbay.”
“Already done, he will arrive in two minutes.”
Tony thanks his AI as he finally gets Peter into his arms, there’s no reaction from the teen. Tony steps onto solid ground and quickly makes his way to the front entrance again while trying not to jostle Peter.
Happy makes it to the front as soon as Tony opens the door, likely having sped more after the update. He opens the back door then quickly grabs the blankets from the trunk as Tony sets Peter onto the seat. He orders the driver to wrap Peter in them as the suit retracts around him before speeding off into the air back to the tower. When Happy finishes he gets back into the driver's seat as Tony slides in next to Peter. He wraps his arms around his mentee and rubs his arms.
Happy immediately starts driving off to the tower, questions coming, “What happened to the kid? Why the hell is he still at school?”
Fire starts to grow in his chest as he’s reminded how this supposedly started, “May called me saying that Peter was missing and didn’t show up for school but his trackers said he  was  at school. At eight-thirty. FRI checked the cams and saw another teen lock him in a closet but never saw him come out. Now we’re here.” Tony couldn’t help the anger that shone in his tone, what the fuck was that kid thinking, and why didn’t anyone help Peter? “I’m going through the rest of the footage after we take care of Pete and call May.”
Happy nods silently and speeds up.
The next morning Peter’s still sleeping in medbay, his condition improved with gradual warming and a nutrient drip. According to Cho, Peter adapted more spider-like traits than they previously thought, including hibernation. Because of course he did.
But instead of sitting by Peter’s side Tony is up in the penthouse, boiling with rage after seeing how no one helped his mentee, his  kid , as he was thrown into lockers then shoved into that damned closet, and ignored him again as he yelled for help. Hell, some  laughed  instead of helping him. There was some slight frustration with Peter and how he didn’t use his powers to get out and just  ask him to change the footage and lock like really, Peter, it was so easy, kid.  It wasn’t even a new thing, Tony checked back and that kid had been bullying Peter since before the cameras were even installed.  Why didn’t he tell me?  Instead of wallowing on that he calls May up, his aunt deserving to know what this punk has been doing to their kid.
It’s only a couple of minutes later that May approaches him, having been downstairs with Peter. “Is this where you’ve been?” she asks quietly. “You should come down, you know Pete would love to see you there when he wakes up.” She touches his arm and gives him a sympathetic smile.
Tony smiles back tightly, “I’ll go down after this and handle the rest later, but there’s something you should see.” May nods in assent and he plays the video of Peter being harassed yesterday morning. May gasps and clutches his arm. Before she can say anything Tony stops the video and starts talking, “This isn’t an isolated incident either. I had FRIDAY check all of the footage, and this punk has been messing with our kid since before the cameras were installed a couple of months ago."
May's face tightens and her eyes seem to glow, “And the teachers do nothing? Does anyone help him? This is bullshit! It never should have gotten to this point! If Peter had been in there any longer who the hell knows what could have happened? We have to do something!”
Tony grips her shoulders and looks her in the eyes, “You’re right, and I’ll be with you every step of the way, and with me will be my best lawyers and even better, Pepper. As soon as she finds out about this there will be nothing stopping her from tearing that school apart for what’s happened to Peter.”
May goes to respond but is interrupted by FRIDAY, “I recommend heading back to medbay, Peter is showing signs of waking.”
Instead of saying anything, May takes a deep breath and shakily smiles, “Thank you, Tony. For being here for him.”
Tony relaxes and smiles back, “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
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notcaring99 · 4 years
To The Rescue (Teen Reader x Tony Stark)
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Warning: Human Trafficking, violence, bullying 
Request: “I loved your Bucky x teen reader where the reader called Bucky dad. Could you maybe do something similar to that but with Tony Stark, but the reader gets really embarrassed when she calls him dad?” - Anonymous
A/N: Hello readers! I have the flu, and bored out of my mind. No idea if this is good, just not feeling good about this one. I am sorry if I disappointed you to the person that requested this. I will be keeping up with request a bit faster, sorry for the delay. I have just had a rough couple of weeks. Well enjoy! Tell me your thoughts and also don’t be afraid to request! I love doing these.
“Kid! It’s time to go.” You hear Tony call downstairs as you are getting ready for your first day of public high school, and you were nervous as hell. You were worried that something will set off your instincts today. You have been fighting those instincts since Tony came into your life.
Tony has been a father figure in your life ever since he found you being used as a weapon against the US military in a foreign country that is to be remained unnamed. You were being trained to be an assassin at the age of 10 until Tony found you at the age of 16. You were brought back to SHIELD where you were put into an interrogation room with handcuffs since you did fight back.
You were locked in the interrogation room, handcuffed to the table. You have stayed quiet as multiple agents have come in to talk to you. You didn’t recognize anyone, you just wanted to talk to someone who you trusted or seen before.
“Hey, kid. I heard you won’t talk to anyone else.” In walks in Tony, the guy who saved you from those monsters. He takes a seat in front of you as you lean back in your chair, happy to see a familiar face. You did beat him up pretty good though. You see the black eye you gave him on his face clearly.
“I am sorry about your eye.” You mutter out, and he shrugs his shoulders.
“Honestly not the worst injury I’ve had, but it’s one good black eye from what a 14-year-old?” Tony asks you, and you shake your head.
“I am 16. 6 years of my life spent there.” you shudder at the thought of your life there, a bare white-walled room, locked in and never to let go unless you killed an innocent.
“You were 10 then when they took you. How did they get you, kid?” Tony asks and you look at your hands.
“I was kidnapped. But everyone gives up on the cases with foster kids. They just assume you ran away, but I was taken into human trafficking.” you state with tears coming, but you suck them up looking at Tony.
“So they wanted to know if you had a family.” Tony states and you shake your head.
“My family died, all I had was my parents, and they died in an accident. I have one messed up life right?” you ask leaning your head on your handcuffed hands. Tony looks at you with sorrow in his eyes but looks at you closely.
“So you were kidnapped, and have no one?” Tony asks you, and you nod your head pointing at him making a ‘ding ding’ noise.
“No here I am in a sketchy place locked up again. Tell me, you want to use me for my skills too?” You ask him with your hands folded in your lap before tears begin to come forward. “At least tell me that much so I don’t get my hopes up on a normal life,” you state as tears start to fall. You take your handcuffed hands and lower your head to wipe your tears. Tony puts his hand on yours making you look up at the man.
“I promise I will get you a normal life.” Tony states and you smile at him.
A few months later you were released from SHIELD’s custody, and Tony adopted you, well sort of. You are to be in his care till the papers were dealt with legally. You and Tony got along very well with your sassiness and sarcasm being equal to each other. It got on Happy and Pepper’s nerves the way you two would bickered back and forth.
After a month, Tony decided to send you to school. Luckily those terrorists gave you an education while you were locked up, and you were able to follow with peers in school. “I’m coming!” You yell before making your way downstairs with your backpack to see that time. “Shit! You didn’t tell me what time it was old man!” You yell as you run towards the door where your bus should be in about five minutes.
“You need to eat breakfast!” Tony calls out, but you run towards the open elevator and take it all the way to the main floor. Luckily the bus just pulled up, and you climb in just in time.
“You are one lucky kid.” The bus driver states looking at the tower behind me. “Is Tony your uncle or something?”
“I am just an intern right now.” You spit out before taking a seat closest to you. Luckily that was alone.
“Is she related to Tony?” you hear a girl murmur, but you slip in your headphones as more mumbling is heard. “Great I am going to be talked about now.” you think to yourself as you look out at the road.
Walking into the school, you get to your locker and unlock it with ease. Just as someone closes it for you. You turn around to be welcomed by a jock. You take out your headphones and look at him in terror as you tell yourself you are okay. “I was talking to you freak.” You take a gulp before he goes on. “Are you related to Tony Stark?” You feel your fight mode kick in, but you push it down.
“Not really. He is just a guardian for now.” You mumble out, and the jock hits the locker next to you making you jump. You are looking at your feet trying to stop your fight mode from kicking in, but this jock kept hitting the locker.
“What was that? I can’t hear you.” He hits the locker three times this time. You look up at him, and grab his wrist, twisting it till it is between his shoulder blades.
“Why don’t you try being a little more patient? What is your name?” You ask as you have him shoved against the locker.
“My name is Chad.” You almost laugh at the douche name. You lean in close to where you are near his ear.
“I said it is none of your business.” You state when you are pulled away from Chad by a teacher.
“Principle’s office now, both of you!” the teacher yells, and you sigh picking up your bag and trudging to the office where they make you call Tony. Chad got dismissed with his mom from the principle a few minutes ago, and now you are to wait for Tony to show up in the office as the principle stares you down. You are playing with your nails as the doors burst open.
“What happened?” Tony asks the principle before looking you over. “What did you do?” He asks after assessing you are okay.
“Well Mr. Stark, your daughter here decided to almost break another students arm. Though she was provoked, it is still worrisome on our part.” The principle states. He goes on and on about policy to Tony, and finally Tony interrupts.
“Can I speak to her alone?” Tony asks and the principle looks at me then Tony.
“Okay. I will be outside.” the principle states before leaving you two alone.
“What happened, Y/N?” Tony asks looking at you. You explain the story one last time, and look him in the eyes.
“I tried to push it down, but I couldn’t.” Tears evident in your eyes, and Tony leans forward. “I am sorry dad.” You realize the words that come out of your mouth, and feel a blush come onto your face. “I didn’t mean to call you that. I am going to go.” You get up to leave, but he grabs your hand.
“You can call me dad. That is what I am.” Tony smiles at you, and you smile back at him. “Right, well clearly you were the one that was the victim. I am going to make sure you get left off with a warning. We will work on your fight urges.” Tony states, and you nod your head. “Now go learn.” Tony states, and you get up to leave. The principle stops you as you open the door.
“Wait just a moment-” but Tony interrupts the principle.
“Let’s not interrupt her learning. We can discuss her punishment with me, and me alone.” Tony stands up to you. The principle looks at you with a glare before looking at Tony with a smile.
“Of course Mr. Stark.” the principle states before stepping aside letting me go back to class.
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silverlysilence · 4 years
There Are Multiple Kinds of Heroes
Because @fabllama02 asked what i meant about having a superhero outline saved somewhere in the mass abyss of my many USB backups which as fun little jotted down notes session between the mass writing project that is Heart of a Dragon’s Soul.
Took me awhile to find it (an hour, it took me an hour to find it, someone better like this with how much time it took to find) and then I flushed it out a little bit more so it wasn’t just X Says: Dialogue and Action: This Happened, there were feels.  I never really got around to writing an ending, so that was thought up on the spot.  Now go see what I mean when I said I had something similar jotted down and you tell me if I’m imagining you and @spyritevesta somehow looking into my computer.
Hiccup glanced over his shoulder once more, looking towards the back of the classroom where there was a suspiciously empty desk.  His frown deepened and he glanced back down at his watch.  Ten minutes into the final period of the day and an hour more to go till school ended.  He was positive he was here.  He’d caught glimpses of the other teen around school today, but he hadn’t been able to pin him down and now, the only class he knew they had together and the desk was empty.
Another glance back had him unintentionally knocking his book off the desk and clattered loudly against the tile flooring, cutting off the teacher mid-lecture.
“Is everything alright, Mr. Haddock?” the velvety voice asked, eyes peering over spectacles to look down at the teen now blushing a bright red as the other students around him snickered.
“Fi-fine Professor Black,” Hiccup stuttered and reached down to grab his book, discreetly looking back yet again to find amber eyes glaring at him.
“Really now? Then please, do pick up where we left off after your little interruption,” the professor motioned to the book and Hiccup quickly flipped through the pages and landed on the last page he’d been on.  However, by the look Professor Black was giving him, it was the wrong page.  “Mr. Haddock, please, go on.”
“I-uh-I lost my spot?”
“So I see, Mr. Overland, if you would be so kind?” golden eyes continued to stare down at the auburn-haired teen shrinking further into his seat.
“If this fall into thy hand, revolve.  In my stars, I am above thee, but be not afraid of greatness.  Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon ‘em.  Thy Fates open their hands.  Let thy blood and spirit embrace them.  And—,” the silvery voice drifted through the room, from the back corner of the class.
“Thank you, Mr. Overland, that will be all. At least someone is paying attention in my class,” the professor nodded, turning to face the blackboard.  “Now, does anyone want to tell me—?”
Hiccup once more drowned out the lesson, looking back to see messy brown hair leaning over his desk as he diligently took notes.  If he didn’t know any better, the auburn-haired teenager would assume the other had been there the whole time with the mess of papers, pens, pencils, and books scattered about the desk but he did know better.  He knew that desk had been suspiciously empty up until moments prior.
Grinding his teeth, Hiccup divided his time between watching the clock move closer till the end of school and glancing back to make sure the brunet was still there.  His knee nervously bouncing the closer the bell came and when it rang, he was already out of his seat, indifferently shoving his stuff into his bag and turning toward the back of the classroom.  In the chaos of the other students’ attempts to escape just as quickly, he’d lost sight of the particular head of messy brown hair, but it didn’t matter. His desk was closest to the door, the other couldn’t excite without passing him.
As the classroom empty and thinned, vivid green eyes found himself lost.  There was no sign of the particular brand of messy hair he was searching for in the classroom.  Cursing, Hiccup scurried out the door into the larger sea of chaos as students rushed to their lockers or stood around chatting now school was over for the day.  He had to push his way through, using his height to his advantage as he scanned the crowd.
Hiccup just passed the art room when something grabbed him from behind and yanked him into the dark room.  The door slamming with a resounding echo that had his ears ringing.  Or it could have been from his head slamming up against the wall as he was shoved back, feet leaving the floor.
“What do you want, Haddock?”
Hiccup gaped, staring down at the shorter teen so easily supporting his weight with a deceitfully slim arm braced against his chest. He had been right. The traitorous thought that swam through his head, filling every waking moment to the point of distraction was right.  The facts and logic he’d thought up as proof to the contrary washed away as the color washed from brown locks while amber eyes bleed blue. There was no way he could convince himself his eyes were playing tricks on him this time.
“You’re Jack Frost.”
Hiccup nearly cringed at his display of stupidity.  Of course he was Jack Frost! The smaller teen’s coloring had just changed before his very eyes and even with only the fuzzy, out of focused videos and pictures circulating the internet, everyone knew Jack Frost had blue eyes and white hair.  Not to mention his only confirmed power being ice manipulation and there was no denying the frosty ferns currently climbing up his leather jacket.
For Christ’s sake, that very ice manipulation was how he got his moniker.  The netizens had dubbed him Jack Frost—well, there had been other names floating around the net, ranging from Winter’s General to Yuki-onna when his gender had still been in question but Jack Frost had won out in the end—which rolled over into mainstream media when the superhero—or vigilante, depending who you were talking to—made his official debut other than the small-time neighborhood thugs being taken down or timely rescues when the Big Four were once more facing off against the Nightmare Galleon.  
It was hard to miss a figure in a blue hoodie creating a ramp of ice down onto a solid flat sheet of frozen water as a bus full of children cantering down after him.  The bus’s blown tire having sent it skidded through the guardrails and off the bridge at the worst time possible.  If it wasn’t for the ramp and sheet of ice in the middle of summer, the bus would have sunk.
“I am well aware you saw me last night, Haddock,” harsh tone had Hiccup cringed, “now tell me what you want to keep that information to yourself?  Money?”
“Wha--? NO!” Hiccup denied, shaking his head as suspicious blue eyes narrowed further. The smaller teen opened his mouth again, but this time Hiccup beat him to it.  “I—ah—I just wanted…I—uh…”
“Well, out with it, Haddock, what do you want?”
“I don’t—”
Once more Hiccup was interrupted, this time by the door opening and the familiar voice of his stepbrother. echoing throughout the large room  “Hiccup? Are you there?  One of the other students said they saw you heading this way.”
Hiccup founding himself falling to the floor, prosthetic sliding on the tile and he was forced to catch himself on the teacher’s desk.  When he looked up, he found himself alone in the room except for Tadashi Hamada standing in the doorway, hand still on the knob.  A wild look around the room revealed nothing.  Nothing out of place and no one else in the classroom, even the frost on his jacket was gone.
“You okay, little bro?” Tadashi asked, brown eyes slowly sweeping the room.
“Uh—yeah, fine… completely fine.  I—ah, just need to finish something up first with this—thing I have to do.  Why don’t you go get Hiro?  He’s around here somewhere, right? We’ll meet up later?” Hiccup offered, doing his best to act normal and hoping against hope his older stepbrother would buy it.  Brown eyebrows knitted together under his San Fransokyo Ninjas ball-cap but the concern was wiped off his face with a shrug.
“Sure, sounds like a plan, Hiccup,” Tadashi grinned and left without further ado, closing the door behind him.
Hiccup let out a deep breath and turned to face the room.  All the windows were closed, painted shut from what he remembered when he’d tried to open one early in the semester and the emergency alarm on the secondary door reserved for fires hadn’t been triggered either. So where did he go?  There was no way he could have gotten by Tadashi.
“You didn’t say anything,” the white-haired hero stated as he materialized before Hiccup’s very eyes. A second undocumented ability Jack Frost had that the taller teen was now aware of. Because there was no doubt in his mind the smaller teen had some type of super strength with the ease he’d displayed lifting Hiccup.
“I didn’t,” Hiccup agreed, noticing the lack of hostility in those shimmering blue orbs.
“You could have,” Jack Frost pointed out, weaving around the easels, coming closer.  “Why didn’t you?”
“Because I wouldn’t do that,” the auburn-haired teen said and he was being  honest.    
“So, you’ll keep silent in return for—?” Jack Frost left the sentence hanging and the taller teen was a hair’s breadth away from pulling out his hair in frustration.  
“Don’t you get it? Hiccup finally snapped, causing blue eyes to narrow as the smaller teen tensed.  “I won’t—” the auburn-haired teen trailed off, notice how the pallor of Jack Frost’s skin was more chalky than normal and the blues of those orbs were more noticeable as his pupils were barely pinpricks.  “Ar-are you okay?”
It was only then he noticed how the other boy’s left hand had never strayed from his side, not at all during class nor during this whole interrogation thing.  It had stayed pressed up against his side and warning bells went off in Hiccup’s head.
“Shite, you were fighting the Nightmare Men Gang last night,” Hiccup rushed to his side, just in time too as knees buckled and gave out.  The taller teen easily supported his weight, gently lowering him down to lean up against the teacher’s desk.  He began tugging at the blue hoodie—and when had he changed?  Because that was not what he’d been wearing in class—and pulled up the side to reveal a large gash encased in red-tinged ice.  “What the fuck?  How?  I never even saw any for the Nightmare Men Gang get close enough to you…”
“Not them, Dream Pirates…few…few nights ago,” Jack Frost gritted out, placing his hand over the ice where blood began trickling out and froze the red beads in their tracks.  
“Stop that!” Hiccup yanked his hand away, trying to get a better look at the wound through the distortion caused by the very ice keeping him from bleeding out further.  He was no doctor, but the blackish hue of the skin beneath the ice spoke of frostbite or something else entirely more sinister if the wound had been inflicted by a Dream Pirate’s blade. His mind whirled as he further studied Jack Frost, his pupils now blown wide and a blue tinge to his lips.  “Fuck, shite, motherfucking—” he wasn’t the one obsessed with medical care that was— “Tadashi!—shite!—Tadashi!—Fuck—where did—?”
“Hiccup!” Tadashi—sweet, wonderful, smart—Tadashi slid to his side as if he were a San Fransokyo Ninjas player sliding across home plate.
“How—?” Hiccup choked, looking up at his brother.
“Outside the door this whole time, couldn’t hear much of anything till you began shouting but knew something was up because you and I both know fully well, Hiro doesn’t go either of our school,” Tadashi flashed him a reassuring smile that didn’t do anything to reassure Hiccup before turning his attention on the white-haired teen bleeding out despite his brother’s best efforts.  “Now, tell me what happened to your frie—Jack Frost…this is Jack Frost.”
“Yes! I know he is Jack Frost, now help him before he bleeds out!”
“Shite,” and if it were any other time, Hiccup’s jaw would be on the ground because nice, polite, always composed Tadashi had just cussed.  But now wasn’t the time for such trivial heckling between brothers.
“Again, I know, now help him.”
“I can’t, not here.  I need my lab,” the university student grimaced, shedding his scarf and hastily wrapping it around the wound.  “Is there another way out of here, somewhere where we won’t be seen?”
“Not…not seen,” Jack Frost barely whispered as he slowly began to disappear from sight once more. It was a little patchy and if Hiccup wasn’t still holding on to him, he would have thought the other was gone.
“He disappeared,” Tadashi spoke with that hint to his voice that all the brothers got when they’re brains latched onto something they found interesting.  Unlike his younger brothers, Tadashi was able to snap himself out of it with a shake of his head.  “Come on, Hiccup.  Think you can carry him?”
“Yeah, but it’ll look weird,” Hiccup professed, having only the slightest of trouble picking Jack Frost up and that was more due to the invisibility thing than having to support his weight. True to his word, the auburn-haired teen looked awkward, almost as if he was miming holding onto something substantial with nothing to show for it.
“Don’t worry, most of the students have already left and I’ll distract anyone still here, you just worry about getting him to the car,” Tadashi ordered, grabbing the door and looking both ways before motioning for him to follow.  
Thankfully, they had no troubles along the way and by whatever miracle, no cops pulled them over due to Tadashi’s reckless driving.  There was a bit of trouble getting into San Fransokyo Institute of Technology undetected and Dr. Callaghan almost caught them, but the real problem became getting Jack Frost visible again.
He only partially returned to visibility and the part still invisible were his wounds because the hero didn’t just have the one gash on his side.  Tadashi speculated he was subconsciously trying to protect himself since he seemed to be slipping in and out of a delirious state.  Baymax—and fuck, Hiccup didn’t realize just how close Tadashi was to being finished with his personal healthcare companion—was invaluable in detecting and synthesizing an antidote for the poison flowing through the hero’s veins
Once that was done, the ice seemed to fall away from Jack Frost’s wounds allowing Tadashi to clean and stitching them up before wrapping them with large rolls of gauze.  When they were finished, the two brothers fell into the couch as Baymax stayed close to monitored the unconscious hero.
“You don’t do anything by halves, do you, little bro?” Tadashi tiredly asked, head resting against the armrest as he gazed up at the ceiling.
“Huh?  Whadda mean?”
“Crushing on a superhero is one thing, bringing said hero back home to your brother to bandage up is completely different.  Why couldn’t you just go on crushing on that one kid?  What was his name again?  Jackson something or another?”
Because, Hiccup thought to himself, they were the same person.
Not that he’d tell anyone else that, not even his brother, because that’s what he’d been trying to get across to the hero all along.  He would never reveals his secret identity.  There was no amount of money in the world that could part his lips.  
Though, now asking out the cute brunet from his literature class seemed a thousand times more difficult than it did yesterday when he saw Jackson crossing into the lower town and decided to trying to strike up a conversation with him.  
Huh, this was only a thousand word outline (I don’t outline well) and now it’s twice that.  Then again, the last page was me trying to come up with an ending on the fly.  
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oumiyuki · 5 years
Teachers don’t date teachers (but You-sensei and Riko-sensei definitely are) Ch8
Summary: The whole student body and teachers teases the gym teacher, Watanabe You, with the new art teacher, Sakurauchi Riko, that they make a cute couple. How long can You deny this when Riko isn’t helping to reduce the rumours?
Pairing: YouRiko
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Slice of Teacher Life ;D
Words: 2507
 Author Notes
Seems like I can go for monthly updates instead. :)
(but I’m full of surprises! So who knows XD)
May you enjoy~ XD
Tease08 - You-sensei is Riko-sensei's caretaker (even in Riko-sensei's house)
You had just driven Riko’s car out the school’s car park when the art teacher wakes and groans. You slows the speed as she looks over Riko worriedly.
Did the sunlight wake her? Is she feeling worse?
Dazed hazel eyes open and tries to focus into bright, very much focused blue eyes. “Why..? Where..?”
Okay…doesn’t seem like a bad case scenario.
You reassures herself and smiles softly to Riko who was looking up from the passenger seat, head not bothering to raise off the headrest; though in the art teacher’s case, she probably can’t. “We’re in your car. I’m driving you home so you can get proper rest, Riko-sensei.”
Maybe she might not recognize me due to the fever?
“And I’m You-sensei.”
Riko’s lips turned into a smile, You swallowed subconsciously at the sheer simplicity and beauty of that. The gym teacher could not help but feel relieved that Riko finally smiled today too. But what the art teacher said next made You frown.
“I can drive…”
You shakes her head. “You wish you could.”
“I’m driving you back, and that’s final.” You purposefully steps the pedal a little more to make her point, concealing a grin.
Riko-sensei is so stubborn.
“The way…” Riko mumbles, trying to look out the window.
You slows to a stop at the traffic light and turns to look at the art teacher. “Like what you see?”
Riko turns back to You, still clearly groggy, but surprise in those sweet hazel eyes. You puts on a proud smirk. “I already remembered the way to your house from that one time I brought your things back. And the few times we had meals together.”
Riko’s eyes widen a little.
When Riko-sensei is sick, she’s extra cute…
You swallows on purpose this time, eyes back on the road. “So just close your eyes, relax, and take a nap, Riko-sensei. You’ll be home safely soon.”
Riko sighs, feeling the weight of her head pulling her to sleep almost immediately. She is indeed stubborn, however, as she tries to stay awake at least a few minutes longer, to look at You’s driving profile. She fell asleep in the next minute.
  Reaching Riko’s place, You intended to help carry Riko up to the apartment, but the art teacher wakes just as the gym teacher took the seat belt off.
“I’ll carry you up.”
Riko shakes her head. “I can walk…” The auburn-haired teacher breathes out heavily and made to get out the car on her own.
You allowed the adamant teacher to use her as support. It was a shaky stand but the ash-brunette already came to terms that Riko, despite having a high fever and clearly being quite incapable of getting around on her own, would want to try. “The lift is that way.”
Riko nods and starts walking after You prompted her to; her body felt like lead but she had to move on her own; the art teacher was against troubling others after all.
It’s good to have tenacity…but you can rely on me more, Riko-sensei…
You adjusts Riko’s bag on her left shoulder and took note of how tightly Riko was holding onto her right arm. She was assisting a lot already, but more would never hurt anyone.
In the lift heading to the twenty-first floor, Riko gave up trying to stand all on her own (not that she was) and took a daring step over to You so that she could rest her head on the gym teacher’s shoulder. You jumps slightly in surprise before she pursed her lips at Riko who had her eyes closed already.
You sure do whatever you want to when you’re sick…
You looks up as the numbers change rather slowly.
Or maybe you always do… I think art teachers are quite free-spirited after all…
You’s eyes lowered into a squint as she remembers the Head of Art, Ohara Mari. Art teachers are very free-spirited she concluded as she moved her hand around the slumbering art teacher’s waist to help Riko out the lift.
At the door, You asks in a not too loud voice. “Um, Riko-sensei…where do you keep your keys?”
“Mm…pocket…” Riko drawls, cheek squished against You’s shoulder.
You nods. “Can you get it on your own?”
The auburn-haired teacher nods, stands a little away from the sturdy shoulder she liked resting on before reaching over and slipping her hand into You’s pocket.
You jumps a lot more this time, her cheeks growing red fast too. “N-Not my pocket, Riko-sensei.” You hisses in her state of surprise. Thankfully, it was her hoodie’s pocket and not her pants pocket; that would have got the sensitive-to-touch gym teacher to be ultimately self-conscious in a second.
Are you trying to give me a heart attack, Riko-sensei? Sheesh…
Riko hums weakly and confusedly before resting on You’s shoulders again, more from the front now.
And you’re doing all of this unknowingly…
You sighs, blushing. “I-I’ll help you then…don’t mind if I do…”
You searched all of Riko’s pencil skirt pockets and blazer pockets but could not find any key. “Riko-sensei… Your keys… Home keys?”
Riko tries to stand again. “Bag..?”
You blinks and finds Riko’s keys in the bag easily.
I should’ve searched the bag first! If her neighbours saw us earlier, they might think I’m taking advantage of Riko-sensei!
You’s cheeks were almost as red as Riko’s feverish face as she opened the doors and helped Riko in; lamenting her own slow mind for not thinking of searching the bags for a key earlier! Though she could try to defend herself for she keeps her own key in her pocket… You shakes her head multiple times as she brought Riko to the room; regardless, that scene outside Riko’s door was embarrassing and she hopes Riko doesn’t remember it.  
   Riko’s high fever seemed to have gotten higher as the art teacher’s laboured breathing increase. You looks down to Riko resting against her chest while she was locking the door; her heart tightening and a grimace at the sight.
Riko-sensei…You’re home now.
You nudges Riko slightly so that they can start the walk to Riko’s bedroom.
You can get proper rest now…
It wasn’t hard to find Riko’s room as the apartment only had two rooms, and the ash-brunette did glimpse upon Riko entering which room the other time she was here. They reached the side of the bed and You expected Riko to gravitate to it as any normal person would, yet, the auburn-haired teacher lingered on You’s shoulder.
“Um…Riko-sensei, you can lie on the bed..?” You blinks a myriad of times; nervous and conscious about the pretty art teacher resting on her.
Rest is best on the bed, Riko-sensei..!
After much prompting and edging centimetre by centimetre closer to the bed, Riko finally gets on. You sighs in relief but clenches her hand open and close, her nerves eating at her once again as she reluctantly looks to Riko.
Should help her clean off…some of that sweat right..? That’s normal right?  It’ll be better for the fever to go down…
You kept questioning herself; whether it was right to do so or not as she brought over a basin of clean water and a cloth. The ash-brunette frowns at the sight of Riko, face red and sweaty, hair sticking to her skin and looking uncomfortable.
What I’m doing will help her…
You takes a deep breath once…twice, three times before taking another deep breath again, till she finally helps Riko into a sitting position. “I…I’ll just help you wipe off some sweat, kay? …P-Pardon me…”
I can do this. I can do this. I can do this…
Shaky hands holding the wrung cloth slowly get close to Riko’s body, another hand shakily lifting Riko’s shirt slightly, blue eyes trained on the corner of the bed to stay sane; or well, for the innocent gym teacher to not overthink things.
Mm… Riko-sensei…
“Is really sweaty.” You blinks once and turns her head to confirm what her hands was feeling. The art teacher’s shirt was drenched with sweat.
You shifts Riko’s shirt back down and thinks.
Should I..?
I shouldn’t right..?
I can’t…
But Riko-sensei…
You stresses out in her mind over whether she should help the art teacher get changed or not; it’d be overall better for Riko to recover if she was in fresh clothes instead of sweat-drenched ones, but!
You groans internally for another minute or two before placing the towel beside the basin of water. “R-Riko-sensei…Do you want a change of clothes?”
Riko doesn’t say anything for quite some time and You thought perhaps she should just go back to cleaning Riko and calling it a day, but Riko sounds, “Mm…”
You gulps. “You…you got to say ‘yes’, if you really want it…” The ash-brunette waits in anticipation; fingers crossed for Riko to reject her.
“…Yes.” Came Riko’s drowsy reply.
You’s eyebrows furrowed as pink dusted her cheeks. “D-Do you… Are you okay with me helping you…change…into fresh clothes?”
Say no? …Wake up and say that you’ll do it yourself?? Riko-sensei?-
The art teacher gave You plenty of time to feel embarrassed before sounding another “Mm…”
You averts her eyes from the art teacher whose eyes were barely open. “You have to say ‘yes’, if you really want me to…”
“Yes…” Riko’s reply comes much faster than earlier.
You’s heart skips a beat as she closes her eyes, resigning to her fate. “O-Okay…”
Since Riko-sensei gave me permission to…
The gym teacher rigidly walks to the closet to grab a new set of clothes for Riko to change into; she avoided taking any lingerie after debating with herself that Riko would prefer it that way too.
A painstakingly long and heart-racing fifteen minutes later, You heaves a long sigh of relief that she was done getting the feverish art teacher clean and changed. You pouts tiredly at the now slumbering teacher. “Be glad that I’m the one taking care of you instead of some lecher…”
To think it’d be so tiring to take care of someone with a fever…
The red on You’s face darkens as fresh memory flashed through her mind of helping Riko get changed. She shakes her head rapidly and hurriedly grabs the basin to the bathroom.
Once done with that and her heart and mind have calmed considerably, You inspects the fridge only to frown upon it. The ash-brunette pops her head back into Riko’s room. “I’m going to get some stuff from the mart…” You smiles at Riko’s sleeping face. “Lunch will be good.”
  You noticed that Riko’s house was missing a few essentials like cooking oil, fresh meat and vegetables and surely one might like to eat some ice cream some days, so You grabbed that went to make the purchase.
Home before Riko could notice her absence, You gets busy in the kitchen; filling the refrigerator up so it’s more normal and healthy than the desolate one before which only had a bottle of mixed fruit jam that Riko herself stuck a note to say “For sandwiches”. You was puzzled at the note; what else could she use it for…
Not painting right?
You shook her head; she should ask when the opportunity arises.
“Ri…ko…sensei~” You sing-songs in a soft voice; not wanting to startle the resting art teacher out of her deep and much-needed sleep. You places the bowl of warm soup on the table beside the bed and smiles small, a hand reaches over to gently caress Riko’s forehead, pushing some hair back.
You gazes softly at Riko for a minute before blinking out of her reverie. “R-Riko-sensei…I’ll help you up to have lunch…”
The ash-brunette props Riko up, back on the pillow and the auburn-haired teacher opens her eyes slowly. “Mm… …”
She’s awake.
“How are you feeling Riko-sensei? Better?” You waits patiently for an answer.
“Mm… ‘m…kay…”
Mmkay, huh?
You’s lips pull upwards slightly as she observes the long eyelashes move with each sleepy blink Riko did, and the red but kind of dry lips that breathed in and out heavily. The ash-brunette passes the glass of water she prepared for such a case. “Have some.”
Riko reaches over but before she could even move the cup closer to her lips, her hands falls back to the bed and she furrows her eyebrows at what just happened; not expecting her own body to disobey her.
She’s still weak…
You shuffles closer from the side of the bed and carefully brings the cup over to Riko’s lips; the art teacher gratefully swallows each drop with a blissful sound. “Thank…you…”
You smiles wider and puts away the glass. “I’ll feed you lunch.”
Maybe she’ll refuse me out of embarrassment?
The gym teacher still had a 50% hope that the pretty art teacher would get better at any moment and return to the much more reactive lady You has come to know; teasing her when an opportunity arises. You blinks at that thought.
Why am I okay with Riko-sensei teasing me..?
You shakes her head, lost in her thought until she hears Riko’s voice.
“Yes…please…” Riko looks to You with bleary, half-lidded eyes, hair still a disarray that You finds charming and endearing in its own way, and fingers edging closer to the food.
Riko-sensei isn’t a mean teasing machine like Mari-chan, that’s why. Yup.
You settles for a simple reason as to why she would like this art teacher’s teases over the other one before blowing a scoop of Watanabe-cooked Get-Well-Riko-sensei soup for Riko to drink.
It didn’t take long for Riko to be done and You heads off to clean the dishes.
When You returns to check on the art teacher with a high fever, Riko looked like she was fully back in dreamland and asleep. The ash-brunette walks over quietly to get a better look, staring for a good minute before thinking she could wait outside, but the tug on her right hand stops her.
“…Stay…” Riko murmurs and You’s heart skips a beat.
Is she sleep talking??
“I’ll feel…safer…with you…” Riko’s hold on You’s hand tightens at ‘safer’ and pulls You over feebly but determinedly at ‘with you’. You sighs.
“I can’t refuse you, right?” You returns a reassuring squeeze to Riko’s hand and sits on the floor. “Just until you’re sleeping again…”
Then I’ll go outside…
Riko responds by holding You’s hand tighter.
You falls asleep with Riko, her head resting on the bedside of course, until dinner time came and You felt a blush of embarrassment for falling asleep mid-day and falling asleep on Riko’s bed; even if it’s only her head and hand that’s on that bed.
You falls on her butt in her panic, detaching her hand from Riko’s hold before holding her breath, a hand over her mouth, and eyes watching Riko carefully, not wanting to wake the still-sick art teacher. When Riko doesn’t make a move, You breathes out tiredly.
I’ll go make dinner…
  Author Notes
Aaaand~ I’ll go make dinner. XD Just kidding, I already did. But I’m purposefully stopping here :3
You-sensei needs to cool off a little in the kitchen and stare at her hand for a bit, maybe? Like, how many hours did Riko-sensei hold my hand??
XD I hope y’all enjoyed the chapter!
You-chan is really the best at taking care of others. Ahh, I want..! *O*
Leave a comment if you like~ (You-sensei will be back to taking care Riko-sensei in the next chapter! :P hehe~ who would’ve thought this became an arc? Wahaha. Let me know your favourite parts? Pretty please and a You-chan on top~? OxO` (XD))
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benhaardy · 5 years
fresh || b.h.
Tumblr media
REQUEST: an imagine where the reader is friends with ben from her first year of highschool, and they stay friends through till sixth form, before they move to uni they confess their feelings for each other and it’s all fluffy and nice💖💖💖
A/N: helloooo thank you for sending me a request i hope i did this justice!! im super rusty but here goes!!!!!! i feel like a noob cause i dont really know how drama clubs function sorry but this is how the clubs i’ve been in kinda functioned during a free time period yknow? also i hope i got the school stuff right lol im aMeRiCan. yeet i would loveeeee some feedback because this is the first time ive ever written in second person so uhhh hit up my askbox! also i am basic and do not know anything about high school plays so they do romeo and juliet i apologize, yes it is basic and all quotes from it are taken OUT OF CONTEXT so uh just-just disregard romeo and juliet the play and characters and yeah whatever.
i tried my hardest to make this neutral for the reader so hair, eye colour, skin, shouldn’t be a problem though there is some playing with your hair tho lol.
Y/HT means your hometown.
had a blast writing this, thank you for sending in a request <3333. hope you like!
Wordcount: 2.1k
Warnings: fem!reader, one or two bad words?, p fluffy and also l o l rusty writer right here. this wasn’t proofread and was beta’d halfway so apologies for any inaccuracies or typos.
Isabel led you down the long hallway, fluorescent lights beaming down upon both of you as you walked. She looked behind at you, encouraging and cheerful as always. As you made your way to the drama room, you clenched your fists and breathed deeply. You had joined the drama club at the encouraging of Isabel, wanting to finally make more friends after a few days of being in this new school, this whole new place. Everything was different here, but maybe you could have one constant in this close group of people. You were nervous. It showed. She reassured, “Don’t worry, Y/N. We’re probably, like, the most relaxed people on this campus. You’ve got nothing to worry about, alright?”
You nodded at her, a tight smile on your lips. Hopefully, she was right. Though you’d always known drama kids to be loud and fun, you couldn’t help but shake that self-conscious feeling inside.
She opened the door for you both and let you enter before her into the room. The walls were painted black and had colourful drawings and paintings hung up on them which were student made. In the middle of the room were at least 15 people either sitting in chairs or scattered about on the ground. They were all doing their own thing. Some people were acting out scenes with each other, others were just talking amongst themselves or playing around. Two boys were in the corner kicking a football at each other while reciting A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
“Everyone? Welcome Y/N to the club!” You waved shyly at them and their exclamations at your presence. “Come over here with me,” said Isabel, who showed you over to an open seat in the middle of the room, next to a blonde boy. His face lit up at the sight of you coming to him.
“You must be the great Y/N Izzy’s always talking about!” He patted the seat next to him where you sat down. “I’m Ben.” He grinned at you, pearly whites shining. Ben adjusted his beanie and sat nonchalantly, hands in his hoodie pockets.
“Y/N,” you replied. You were still on edge but Ben seemed nice enough. You two sat for a little in silence, watching the chaos of the club in motion. Isabel had left to kick the football with the boys.
“So Y/N,” he piped up, ”tell me about yourself.” He sat forward, intent on listening to whatever you were gonna say.
“I moved here from Y/HT. I was never really into drama before now, I guess, but I used to act when I was younger. Isabel convinced me to join again ‘cause I’m still trying to find my way around here,” you replied, a small, nervous laugh following your words.
“Well, you’ll always be welcome here! I joined after I got injured and I fell in love with acting. I hope you stay.” Ben grinned at you, a glint in his eye.
Three years had passed. Three years of plays and lawless drama kids and Ben. You had grown extremely close with him, hanging out as much as possible, helping each other with your lines, and staying near each other during rehearsals and meetings. Both of you were attached at the hip. You were more at his house then you were at your own.
You had simply just fit. Snug and at home with each other. Snug enough that you had grown to have feelings for him. You prayed that it was just those normal feelings that people have for their best friends, where they were teetering dangerously over the line of romance but stayed safe, still platonic. Your prayers were not answered and you had fallen, hard, for your best friend.
It was hard to hide your feelings, hard to hide when he was so kind. Ben was willing to hold you up when you were low and willing enough to know pretty much everything about you without forgetting what you liked and what irked you. He hosted you at his house with no problem. Though you did the same, it was great knowing someone would give that same love back.
He was so affectionate and always greeted you with a grin and a kiss on the cheek. “Darling,” “love,” and “angel,” were synonymous with your name at this point. Ben invited you out to grab food, or watch a movie, or go shopping, and he always paid without fail. When you left his presence, when you looked down upon yourself, “I love you’s” from him were always, always there. Ben embraced you with open arms, in a figurative way and literally.
He was home. Simple as that.
Your friends summed it up when they said that you and Ben were like,”an old, married couple.” His warmth spread into your heart and now it felt like it was squeezing it. Squeezing it and then dropping it on the floor. Multiple times. Strange enough, you hadn’t changed much on the outside. You were still the same old Y/N around him but the second you got home, everything changed. You sat at your desk, head in hands. You were supposed to be doing homework but that was thrown out the window once you hung out with him that day, your mind taken over.
On those complicated nights, you contemplated telling Ben everything: how you planned out your words so you wouldn’t say anything stupid around him, how you sat alone with your thoughts at night just thinking, thinking about him, how his “I love you” made your heart pang with longing and fondness. You were worried everything would change. Even though you knew if you became a couple, nothing would become any different than before.
You could not take that chance. You couldn’t risk losing Ben.
You were laying down on Ben’s chest, him propped up on his backpack against the wall in the drama room. Both of you were reading from the script in your hands. His chin was on your head and you could feel him mouthing the words to his lines. He was playing with your hair mindlessly, this affection, again, extremely apparent. You turned your head to look at him and poked his cheek, to which he responded by puffing out his cheeks. Both of you laughed and resumed your routine, watching your ever chaotic drama mates be loud and rehearse, all in preparation for your last ever play before university: Romeo and Juliet.
Ben was cast as Romeo and you, Juliet. Before, you both had preferred taking side roles. You two were hidden gems, the quiet ones, but Isabel had pushed you to try to take the lead one time. Everyone was working as hard as ever to make the play special; a fourth of the club was off to uni after this year.
He put his arms around your waist, squeezed your body tight, and nuzzled his face into your shoulder as you read out loud, “O gentle Romeo, / If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully.” He read his part and you both read until Juliet had to leave.
You could feel Ben’s chest go up and down as he breathed steadily. It was as if there was no one else in the room other than you two as you practiced your lines. You recited,
“And yet I wish but for the thing I have:
My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite.”
Tonight was the last performance of Romeo and Juliet. It was extremely bittersweet. You could see how everyone had improved in their methods over the years and today was the last demonstration of that, the last day everyone would truly be together like this. Everyone was going to different universities, all for different reasons and majors. Romeo and Juliet was your final curtain.
Ben’s family came to you after you dressed out of your costume. They gave you flowers and sung their praises at your performance. They gave you a ride to the diner where you were to meet with the rest of the club to celebrate your successful performances.
Both of you shuffled into a booth in the corner along with the other 4 members who had their last performances sat with you. You and Ben ordered your normal stack of pancakes and fruit. He had his arm around you the entire time, switching from your shoulder to your waist every once in a while as you both conversed with the rest of your uni-bound friends. Your friend who was sitting on yours and Ben’s side left to talk with the lower classmen. Leaning against Ben, you put your feet up on the rest of the booth.
“Hand me my makeup wipes, yeah?” You asked Ben, pointing back to your bag on his side. You heard him rummaging around in your things.
“Here, love.” He gave you the wipes and you wiped off all of the heavy stage makeup, undid your hair, and shook it all out. You sat up again and looked up at him who looked as if he was watching you closely. It was only one second, though. Only one second.
Your food had come, the meal had been had, the cheerful crying at your third-to-last goodbyes to your group had ceased and now you and Ben were walking home together through the park close to your own house. The ground was wet with rain, though thankfully, it had subsided and there were no clouds lightening the night sky. The moon was full, the grass was dewy, and there was potential in the air. A spark.
As he walked alongside you, you thought of how his kiss during the play had stuck on your lips and how his hand tightly clasped in yours while you professed your love felt. Though the words of Juliet just flew through you, it all felt real, even with the period costumes and lights and stage. His lines were simply just that. Lines. Words that were written 400 years ago, in language from 400 years ago that he acted out on stage to you and you back to him. But it just felt real, much too real. You were alone with your thoughts once again, the subject of them standing just right beside you in silence himself.
“Y/N?” Ben piped up.
“Yes?” You looked at him looking up at the sky.
“Don’t you think how crazy it is that three years ago we met, we talked about why we joined the club, and you were really only here on a whim? Now tonight, it’s our last performance in this group ever. And you weren’t even sure if you wanted to stay! We’re here now and I was Romeo and you were my Juliet and—I just feel as if everything’s that led up to us being here was so special. Like you were meant by the universe to join the club, sit next to me and talk to me and be my best friend. You were a blessing, Y/N, my blessing, and I just-”
Your smile grew and grew and grew and your pulse quickened and everything felt wild. Absolutely, motherfucking wild. Your limbs were jelly. There were alarms going off in your brain “You just what, Ben?” You said softly, tears at your eyes at his lovely, lovely words. He turned to face you as you both stopped underneath a lamppost, the light and the moonlight softly illuminating features. Your best friend stepped closer to you. “You just what, Ben?” You now whispered, seeing his own gooey smile and his eyes, filled with tears, drop down to your lips and back up again to your eyes.
“I just—I love you, Y/N,” he whispered. “I love you more than anything.”
“I love you too, Ben.” Your grin was wide enough that it squeezed the tears out of your eyes. “I’ve loved you since, like, year 11!” You laughed while wiping away the wetness from your face.
He blushed and took your hand in his. “I got a crush on you two months after we met, dude.”
“No freaking way, Ben!” Your eyes went wide. He liked you for this long? And here you were contemplating everything, overthinking everything!
“Yes, way!” He laughed. “I didn’t want to leave it until we left to uni together because I know I’d be agonizing over it. They say uni’ll be the best years of our lives so… why not start it out with a bang? In more than one way, if you know what I’m saying…” he said playfully, winking. You rolled your eyes and made an attempt at pushing his shoulder, but you both snickered at his joke.
“I love you, Ben. Seriously.”
“And I love you, Y/N. Seriously.”
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dannyphantomisameme · 5 years
DNA Test (One-Shot)
Genres: Family and Drama
(Links to Fanfiction and AO3)
"Please do not open the packets unless instructed to do so!
"Dash Baxter,
"Tucker Foley,
"Star Fredrickson,
"…. I said, do not open the packets…" Mr. Smith (haha basic name) groaned as he saw his students begin to open the packets after strictly instructing them not to. Danny reluctantly sat in his seat, waiting for his name to be called. Biology was a boring class, he often felt the need to just make up an excuse to get out, but he needed the attendance for his grade. It was on the verge of failure. Currently he was balancing his pencil on his finger, the lead pressed against his skin.
"Daniel Fenton" Mr. Smith shouted over the commotion of the classroom as Danny's pencil fell. He sighed and hopped out of his seat, shuffling towards the front of the room. He grabbed the paper from his teacher's hand and returned to his desk. His eyes roamed the object, but he could not gather any new information from it.
Finally, after Mr. Smith finished handing out all the packets, he instructed the students to open them. Danny flipped through the pages slowly, looking for possible information that would free him of his boredom.
He stared at the numbers, not comprehending the message they were conveying. He looked over to Sam whose eyes darted from side to side as she read her packet.
"Now class, let's go through it together. On the second page you will see your ethnicities. Such as 15% German or 25% Chinese." Mr. Smith paused for a moment, giving students the opportunity to read their results.
Danny turned back to his own sheet. 35% British, 30% German, 25% Irish, 5% Italian, and 5% unknown. Ok, so now I know I'm white. He chuckled a bit at his own joke. It wasn't like he was going to find any shocking evidence from this packet. It was only a DNA test. Unless his ghost half decided to screw things up.
He glanced over at Sam's paper on his right, but he couldn't read the small font. He then switched over to Tucker who was reading his paper thoroughly. He wanted to talk to his friends, but they seemed preoccupied. Danny eased back in his chair, waiting for the teacher's next direction.
"On page 3 you will find the DNA sequences that matches your mother as well the traits you two share. One page four you will see the DNA sequences that match with your father. Go ahead and look through the rest of the packet if you want. It includes any specific details or abnormalities the test may have found. After you're done, work on your assignments till the end of class." With that final declaration, Mr. Smith sat down on his desk chair with a soft thud.
Danny flipped to the next page and eyed his and his mother's matching genotype. There were tons of similarities, including skin color, nose shape, body traits, etc. About 45% of Danny's DNA matched with his mom. He flipped to the next page and immediately furrowed his eyebrows. Barely any of Danny's DNA matched his father. Other than the hair color and the eyes, he was nothing like his father. The test gave him a 10% similarity between the two.
Danny clutched his papers in his hand and stood up, walking towards the front of the room. He stopped at Mr. Smith's desk and slid the paper onto its surface. "Mr. Smith? I have a question…"
"How can I help you Daniel?" the teacher said as he swiveled away from his computer to face his student.
"This doesn't make sense." Danny said pointing to the page with his and his father's DNA. Mr. Smith pushed his glasses up his nose and picked up the packet, scrutinizing it thoroughly. He placed the papers down and slid them towards Danny.
"I don't know what to tell you Daniel. I'll look into the testing program and ask them." Mr. Smith said with a smile. Danny just nodded and returned to his seat in the back of the classroom.
"What was that about?" Sam asked as he sat down.
"Nothing… I just didn't understand something." Danny said avoiding telling the entire truth. Sam simply nodded in reply and returned to her paper. Danny flipped to the next page in his packet. There were no outstanding abnormalities, other than a few never before seen pieces of DNA. Probably my ghost half, he thought.
As Danny continued reading the rest of the packet the bell rang, signaling the end of the day. The trio filed out of the classroom with the other students, each member going to their respective lockers. They grabbed the materials they each needed to take home and met up at the front door.
Danny shoved his hands in his pockets as they walked down the stairs and out of the school. The leaves on the ground crunched under their footsteps as the chilly fall wind flew through their hair. Sam zipped up her jacket as Danny lifted the hood of his sweatshirt and placed it upon his head, hiding his face under his bangs.
Sam and Tucker chatted about their classes as they walked while Danny kept silent. He stared at his muddy red converse as they strolled. The other two didn't bother to question his silence, already sensing he wouldn't tell them even if they asked. When they reached a fork in the sidewalk, the members said their goodbyes as they each left for their respective houses. Today was Wednesday, meaning they wouldn't hang out after school with all the homework they received.
Danny took out his phone from his pocket and plugged in his earbuds. He needed to redirect his thoughts and he knew music would help him do just that. He placed the earbuds into his ears and pressed the shuffle button on his Spotify playlist. He nodded his head to the rhythm of some super catchy theme song. Yo Danny Fenton he was just 14 when his parents built a very strange machine… (I swear it isn't young, Bitch Fartman is a liar) Surprisingly, the lyrics matched his life accurately. Even the song was about a dude who had the same name as him. Haha… wait… uh...
 Never mind.
He looked around at his environment. A group of children were playing in the driveway of a house across the street. Two of them were chasing the other three in circles and holding their hands up as if they were guns. Danny chuckled at the scene, reminding him of his childhood. He, Tuck, and Sam used to play cops and robbers all the time. Danny turned and saw an elderly woman gardening in her front lawn. When she noticed him, Danny waved as a smile crawled across his features. Danny recognized the woman, one he had saved after a ghost attack at the mall. She waved back in reply. He strutted along the gray sidewalk until he reached his house. The trees in the front yard displayed vibrant colors of red and orange in their leaves; few leaves littered the dying grass.
Danny walked up the stairs and brought his house keys out from his pocket. Unlocking the front door, he slammed it shut once he was inside. "MOOOOOMMM I'M HOME!" he yelled as he chucked his backpack onto the couch. He entered the kitchen and opened the fridge. He immediately closed the fridge. Yesterday's dinner was reanimated again. He sighed and went to the cupboard, grabbing some bread and made a quick PB and J sandwich. He didn't necessarily like toast, but it was the only food in the house that was edible.
He chewed on his sandwich as he entered the basement. He really hated this place. It terrified him with the possibilities of being dissected. His gut twisted within him, the feeling he always got when entering the lab.
"What did I tell you about bringing food into the lab?" Maddie scolded without lifting her head. She was in the back corner working on a new ghost weapon. Danny walked up to her, her face was painted with concentration.
"Fofwy.." Danny mumbled through his mouth full of bread. He quickly chomped down the remains of his sandwich and stood near his mother. He wiped his hands together, lettings the crumbs from his snack fall onto the cement floor.
"Danny you're not going to believe what this weapon can do! It's going to finally allow us to bring down Phantom!" Maddie excitedly exclaimed as she held up the invention. Danny hesitantly took a step back, hoping his mother didn't notice. "I've calibrated this gun to shoot ectoblasts so powerful that they exceed his ecto entity level! He'll never see it coming!" Maddie held up the machine and cocked it, as if ready to shoot, peering through the eye hole with one eye open.
"That's great mom…" Danny said off to the side. He did not want to get in the way of that. "Uh mom, I uh- can you take a look at this?" Danny fumbled through his pocket and grabbed the crumbled-up packet. He handed it over to his mom as she pushed her goggles up onto her head. She raised an eyebrow at him before accepting the packet and looking it over. Danny quietly waited for a response, fidgeting with his hands behind his back. The only noise within the lab was the sound of paper being flipped to the next page.
Maddie's eyes went wide for a moment as she placed the papers down. She stared at it intently, her body going stiff without motion. A minute of silence passed as Danny looked at his mother questioningly. Multiple emotions clouded her face as she tried to understand. She suddenly glanced at Danny, her eyes a hazy violet.
"I-" she choked up as tears threatened to emerge from her eyes. "I'm sorry Danny. I – I didn't know…"
"Mom, what are you talking about?" Danny said anxiously as he took a step forward. His mother burst into nonsensical mutterings.
"I didn't mean to! It – it wasn't supposed to mean anything! I didn't think to check. I – I" She stuttered as her hands flew up to her face, covering her emotions effectively.
Danny stood there uselessly, unable to comprehend his mothers' words. "Mom you're not making sense!" He shouted over her mumbling.
"I thought you were Jack's!" She exclaimed as her hands immediately jumped to cover her mouth. Danny felt his world crumble upon him, the weight of his mother's words heavy upon his shoulders. He felt his heart skip a beat within his chest. The dread rose up within his being, enveloping his mind.
"Who's my father…" he whispered in the silence. He couldn't even look his mother in the eye. He glared at the papers, the source of this new revelation. His mothers' sobs were the only thing audible in the quiet.
"It was a one-time thing! He said he would in exchange for some crucial parts… We needed them Danny! Jack would have been devastated!"
"Who's my father!" Danny said furiously as he lunged forward and grabbed his mother by her hazmat suit. He was taller than her now, easily towering over her. The fabric felt uncomfortable bunched up in his hands. He suddenly let go, realizing the brute of his actions and taking a step back. He rubbed the back of his neck and stared at the ground, a nervous habit of his.
Maddie stood there dismayed, staring at her son with wide eyes. The word reluctantly rolled off her lips, crushing her son into a million pieces. Maddie suddenly felt weak, her knees buckling as she dropped to the ground. Her hand ran through her hair as she held the table for support with the other hand. She closed her eyes for a moment, but before she could say anything, he was already gone.
Danny raced up the stairs, eager to be anywhere but the lab. His heart pumped in his chest rapidly, the thumping drowning out all his thoughts. The name that had escaped from his mother's lips reverberated in his ears, increasing in volume until he collapsed just outside the front lawn. Silence ensued as he was on his knees, his head in his hands with the inability to comprehend exactly what happened.
He knew he should go and find him.
Did he know?
What would he say?
Did his da- Jack know?
The thoughts raced through his mind like a blizzard, destroying any positive emotions as it went. Sitting on the gray pavement with tears pricking his eyes, Danny knew what he had to do. He shot up and ran behind the house. The fall leaves plummeted from the trees as his blurred figure passed by. He searched within him for that all familiar icy feeling and latched onto it, bringing it forward and calling upon his transformation. Leaping into the air, his spiky raven locks transformed into snow white as the blinding halo descended his body. Red sweatshirt and jeans were replaced by the iconic black and silver jumpsuit. Finally, his eyes opened in a flash, revealing neon green orbs instead of the usual baby blue diamonds.
Danny flew through the air at max speed, recklessly thrusting his arms forward through the autumn air. The sun had begun to set, leaving behind effervescent colors of orange and pink painted throughout the sky. His mind was only set on finding one thing: him.
He traveled the familiar path to his destination, using the buildings as guidelines. Finally, he dropped down onto the huge white building, plunging down with his foot outstretched as if about to kick. The white-haired teenager intangibly passed through the dome like structure, and with a thud reached the carpeted floor crouched down. He looked up, eyes narrowed in a quest to find this man. He spotted him. Siting in a chair and typing away at his computer. Vlad.
The teenager stood up slowly, his jet-black bangs shadowing his facial features and giving them a hollow look. He walked towards the man, his eyes glowing a ferocious neon green with a hint of bloody red. The boy glared at the man as he walked, taking in his full appearance.
"Daniel, can't you see I have mayoral duties to attend to? I don't have time for your ghostly antics." The man said without glancing up once. Danny had gotten uncomfortably close to the man and took the opportunity to attack.
He lunged forward grabbing, the man by the collar of his pristine black suit. The teen towered over him, a sign of his growth spurt from 3 years ago. Vlad let out a growl from being disturbed as he writhed in the arms of the teenager.
"Why? Why did you have to do that?!" Danny shouted at the middle-aged man. His voice quivered slightly as his eyes turned hazy with tears. The elder halfa teleported to the other side of the room and sighed as he straightened his now wrinkled suit. Danny immediately fell onto his knees as he lost grip of the Fruitloop, sobbing silently. He stared at the floor unsure of whether to tell the man or not.
"Use your words child! Now if you'll excuse me, I have some important business to attend to. Please see yourself out the door before I call the Guys in White." Vlad said mockingly, turning his back towards the younger halfa and walking towards his desk once more. Danny sat amidst the rich carpet and stared at his biological father. Was he the reason I survived the accident 4 years ago?
"Wait!" Danny called out his arm outstretched in front of him. Vlad swiveled around and looked at the boy questioningly. He finally noticed the tears escaping his emerald eyes. Daniel never cries, this must be important, he thought.
"I-" Danny paused. Where should I start? Sitting on the floor he called upon his transformation and once again into his human form; the flashing circle of light descended down his body. He shoved his hands in his jeans pocket and retrieved a crumpled-up ball of papers. He held out his hand for the older man to take as it shook with nervousness.
Vlad snatched the ball of anger from the teen and smoothed out its wrinkles. The title caught his attention. DNA test results? Did his ghost form mutate his DNA? Did someone discover his secret? He read the pages carefully and thoroughly, until his eyes widened at the sight of the fourth page. No, it can't be… he thought.
Everything hit Vlad at once. He stood there in shock, his body frozen at the realization. He glanced down at the boy, who had now brought his knees towards his body and placed his head in his hands. The reason Daniel came to me is because… I have a son?
"Little Badger is this a… joke?" the middle-aged man said softly, the words barely escaping his mouth. Danny shook his head from his position, mumbling something inaudible to the older halfa. Vlad crouched down towards his biological son, hesitantly patting the boy's back. He wasn't sure if comfort would help the hormone-driven teenager.
Vlad remembered the time when Maddie had come to him for money, exchanging one thing for another. It wasn't necessarily an affair, but a mother willing to do whatever it took to make her husband happy and keep her family together.
What had happened next was unexpected.
Vlad embraced his son, squeezing the boy with over-filling joy. "There, there Daniel. It's all right…" the boy sniffed quietly as he sat in surprise, being hugged by his number one enemy wasn't a daily occurrence. Come to think of it, having your number one enemy turn out to be your father was as surreal as an episode of Star Wars (I'm not sure if this connection is accurate, I've actually never seen star wars, but I only know about the famous "Luke, I'm your father" line).
"Wh-why?" the boy rasped out as he wiped the droplets at his eyes. His face looked hollow with helplessness and his cheeks blotched from crying.
"It was a one-time thing. An exchange. Nothing was supposed to come out of it… but, here you are." Vlad said softly as he returned his arms to his side and sat down next to Danny. The father and son held eye contact for a moment until Vlad erupted into a wide grin, causing the teen to turn his head away and stare at his shoes. The elder halfa inched towards his son and placed his hand around him. They sat in silence for a few minutes, the invisible wall between them overwhelming with tension until Vlad spoke up.
"Does Jack know?" He said turning towards Danny, his eyebrows furrowed.
"No." Danny replied shortly, not in the mood to have a conversation right now.
They may have sat there forever, listening to the sounds of each other breathing, if it weren't for the clock that stroked 6. Danny flinched at the noise, surprising both. He stood up and glanced down at the man, a mischievous smirk spreading across his face.
"You're still a Fruitloop…" But before Vlad could protest, the boy was gone.
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squishysvt · 7 years
Kindergarten Teacher!Seventeen
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Request: seventeen as kindergarten teacher?
Apologies for taking so long! My exams wrapped up today so I’m finally free :^) Enjoy this cute memey bullet pointed request! -Admin Madi
Would feel as though he is the real father of all the children AKA loves them all dearly and would literally do anything for them
Teaches the kids important life lessons & to be very respectful so they grow up nicely! But also teaches them to have fun & enjoy everything they do!!
Tells them really bad dad jokes that make them really giggly and hyper but also makes them question their own dads bc “why can’t you be as funny as Mr.Choi?”
Is really keen on making sure they all eat enough and are dressed warm in winter bc his children must not get sick!!
The type of teacher to pat their heads as they leave the classroom and tell everyone about all the cute moments that happened that day
Tries really hard to be liked by all the kids and whines to his friends when they don’t show him enough affection
Is really nonchalant when they ask him mundane questions,, “Is it true that Santa isn’t real?” “Mhm.” lmfao he wouldn’t sugar coat anything bc he doesn’t want them to be hurt when they find things out later on in life
He’d also be that one teacher you can depend on like can’t get that juice box open? Mr.Yoon will open it for you dw he’s reliable my man
Has a super close bond with his students,,when they can tell he’s quieter than normal or having a bad day they’ll make him drawings that he hangs on his fridge and keeps till he’s 80
Loves to compliment the kids on e v e r y t h i n g like you colored inside the lines? They’re showered with praise and genuine admiration
Incorporates all of the kids favorite things into his lessons ex) gives them gummy bears when they answer a question right,,makes math problems about cartoon characters and covers the walls in colorful posters
Is the #1 kindergarten teacher when it comes to crying/upset children,, Literally so comforting y’all he’ll crouch down and wipe their tears away and cheer them up with some lame motivational speech that the kids think is legendary
Is super clumsy like he literally hits his legs off the desks and trips on the tiny chairs, but is somehow incredibly gentle with his actions and words
Is super supportive of everything the children do and what ideas they come up with,,You want to be an astronaut? He’ll offer to help build a rocketship for you
Is that one teacher that is oblivious to almost everything that is going on yet continues to be everyone's favorite bc he lets them do whatever they want
Ok I feel like kindergarten teacher Jun would take his job hella seriously like this guy literally walks in on the first day with a suit and glasses, hair gelled up and crayons ready to be dispersed
But his cool image lowkey intimidates the kids and so they ask him to stop with the theatrics and he ends up wearing black jeans and striped shirts the whole year bc relatable
He’s one of the advocators for the quiet kids and probably favors that one little shy kid who never speaks but is the sweetest thing on earth
Everyday is show n tell like if you want to show the class a rock you found outside 10 minutes ago be my guest
Is overly dramatic 100% of the time, his pencil broke *cue the deep sigh*, he spilt spaghetti on his slacks? *has 911 on speed dial* and lets the kids out early for recess
Brings so much high energy and fun to the class that the kids literally never want to leave and won’t pry themselves off when their parents come for them
Wants to accommodate everyone's learning needs and spends most of his nights thinking of little things he can implement to ensure they’re working to their full potential
Pulls a chair up next to the children at those hella low tables during snack break and whips out his own lunchbox that he packed himself (it’s loaded with gummies)
Promises that they’ll watch a movie or have playtime if they do well on their work but doesn’t care if they fail bc he wants to see the care bears just as badly as them
Creates a class cheer or some catchphrase that they all shout when grouped together like the squad they truly are
Okay so being a kindergarten teacher was never in his agenda but he has this soft spot for kids and seeing that look of happiness that spreads across their faces when they understand/learn something!! It’s precious ok
Is super duper awkward at first bc yo, how do you handle kids? He was so stiff and monotone that the kids literally thought their teacher was a robot and spread a rumor which got to the parents and Mr.Jeon got a very concerned phone call from a handful of mothers.
Is a really organized teacher and loves sitting down with each child individually and helping them with their reading!! It’s so cute he keeps a little notebook to the side to document their progress and personally chooses which books each child would like :)
The children still think that he’s super mysterious and are genuinely curious about what he does outside of school. The fact that they even care that much for him makes his heart melt and he always tells them little facts about himself if they’re being good that day.
He basically goes from this really quiet reserved guy to the world's dorkiest teacher who gushes to his class about his favorite cereal flavors and helps them operate the microwave on the daily
An amazing teacher. Literally goes ham with teaching the class how to add/subtract and raises an army of tiny geniuses. He’s always so lowkey proud that whenever anyone praises him or his class he gets all red and flustered bc yes, he did that.
He’s one of those teachers that wants you to succeed in life and do well but honestly, his class is so cute and he loves giving them breaks where they just all sit in a circle and talk about toys and tv shows and eat cookies.
He’s a sort of closed off guy, but he never hesitates to get to know the kids better and what they like. He’s so genuinely interested that he spends most nights trying to keep up with the hip shows and terms the kids are using
Will never fail to bring in homemade cupcakes on everyone's birthday with their favorite color of icing and a card signed by the whole class for them! They all gather around with little party hats and have a wholesome time!!
Will never admit to it but cries when his class moves on to the next grade and he’s left with all those cute ass memories,, how is he ever going to get over them?? Send him a new batch pronto
Literally fits in with the kids like can he be classified as a teacher? Instead of taking breaks to drink coffee and adult he plays with toy cars and dolls with the kids on the floor at break time.
He never stops smiling, it’s actually so contagious his smile cures everything. The kids are so positive and content when he’s around that there’s hardly ever a problem with behaviour in his classroom
One of those teachers to have those periods where he gets each child to say a compliment about each other and it’s so cute!! The things they come up with are so pure that he wants to just adopt them all tbh
Probably strays from teaching half the time and gets them to do a lot of arts and crafts projects to give to their parents :”) but he adds in little life lessons along the way and why you need to be nice to everyone lmao no bitterness in this class allowed
Always struggles to open the milk cartons properly but doesn’t want to appear incapable so he pre-opens all of them to make life easier on everyone. Also always drops food on the floor, literally mark it down; every wednesday he will without a doubt sacrifice his slice of pepperoni to the flood gods
I know there’s this running joke that Mingyu is nasty but honestly he’d be that teacher who makes you use hand sanitizer 24/7. The kids hate it bc it smells horrible and tastes awful but Mr.Kim isn’t taking any of that crap from the kids but opts to buy a scented sanitizer to compromise.
The kids come up to him constantly and tell him useless information but just love seeing how he’ll react to the news. Mingyu is so expressive and endearing that a kid could literally say they sharpened a pencil and he’d be like :OO
Listen, all of the mothers have a lowkey crush on Mingyu and everyone knows it- except Mingyu. The children drop hints all the time and he just laughs and shakes his head and hits them with the “Aha, cute kid.”
He’d help zip and button up all of the children’s coats before they go outside and tie all their shoelaces and watch them very carefully to make sure that they don’t get hurt!
Also always has band-aids on hand, whether they’re stuffed in his pockets or in his bag, he always has them in case of emergencies! He has a great variety too, hit him up if you ever want a Hello Kitty band-aid :)
The kindergarten teacher with great balance. He’s playful and bright with the kids, but knows how to properly discipline them when needed. He’s that one teacher who looks like a sweetheart but will not hesitate to snap and go off on you
Tries really hard to make everything really easy to understand but ends up confusing himself and talks in circles. Doesn’t know whether to correct his mistakes or just roll with it bc they’re impressionable children and won’t know the difference.
The type to put class photos all over the walls and door. He’s like a proud dad and wants to display his family for all to see. He really cares for the kiddies & everyone needs to know that he has the best kindergarten class on the block or else he’ll be really bitter.
Fumbles a lot with organizing lessons and getting things together, but mostly pulls thru by sheer luck and the help of the kids healing smiles and multiple coffee breaks.
Is really soft spoken and kind when it comes to the kids and jokes with them all the time. He’s the teacher with inside jokes over mistakes he’s made or things he’s said that has made the class laugh in the past.
Literally the #1 promoter, supporter, fan, you name it; Boo Seungkwan is it. Is literally head over heels for his kiddos and wants to shout out just how fond he is of them. Dressed up as a cheerleader on Halloween and did a cheer for the class which they adored.
Brings in different snacks every day for the kids to try and says it’s bc he wants to “expand their food horizons” but it’s really an excuse to extend snack period. No one is complaining.
Makes up those cute little catchy songs and rhymes to get things to stick in their heads. He subconsciously finds himself singing during his lessons but never corrects this habit, as it makes everyone listen more intently and happier.
Incredibly defensive when it comes to his children. Brings out every roast in the book if someone ridicules his way of teaching or scores his students got on a test. Insulting one of his kids is like murdering his parents, and Seungkwan is having none of that.
Literally bursts into tears when he sees them walk across the stage with their tiny little kindergarten diplomas and paper hats. Is so incredibly proud of their accomplishments that he ends up giving a 20 minute speech on how endearing the class was when eating their cookies with milk.
Still doesn’t know how he got the job or why he applied. He never wanted to be a teacher and yet here he was, responsible for 20+ kids and their future. Great decision on whoever’s part.
The kind of teacher who says “Umm” and “Uhh” constantly. Buys books online with pre-made lessons that he poorly executes. Shrugs most of the time and nods at everything he reads, as if literally anything suggested at this point would be better than whatever shit is in those pre-school agendas.
Is trying his best to not seem like he’s half assing his job. Makes Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the class and even cuts off the crust for the little monsters. Nearly ends up killing the kid with a severe peanut allergy. Learned that asking about allergies beforehand is a life saver.
Shows up to work in jeans and a t-shirt for a good 4 months before he was mistaken for the older sibling of one of the kids. His professionalism levels sky rocketed after that. Doesn’t come to school if he isn’t in slacks and a button up.
Believes that maybe acting like an older brother to the kids would be a more effective way of teaching them. Holds kindergarten council meetings once a week to lay down the law on where everyone is at on the terms of nap time. Crucial info circulates.
Hardcore kindergarten teacher who lets his kids take 5 minute stretch breaks in between sessions. He interacts and joins in on the fun most days as they do wild activities like finger painting without smocks and cheating in hopscotch.
Chases the kids around during play time and pretends to be a dinosaur or monster to scare them,,Although he can be very mannerly when invited to a tea party.
Is the fun teacher who lets you have a prize from the treasure chest for answering a simple question right. Practically lives at the Dollar Store since he gives so many small goodies out in the run of a day.
Probably has a secret handshake with every single child in his class. Thinks that he’s hip with the kids for once, but is still a kid himself. Stays up super later correcting spelling tests he forgot at the bottom of his bag and loves using pen.
Shortened Math class in order to have time to dance everyday & has a playlist created for everyday of the week. He becomes the Ellen Degeneres of his classroom as he dances through the children and desks everyday at the same time.
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nammythings · 7 years
Motherhood itself is overwhelming. Add to it being a mom to twins can be incredibly psychologically draining and emotionally ravaging. Surviving a high-risk twin pregnancy is a feat worth lauding, but then you realize that this is only the beginning. My twins will turn seven in a couple of months and looking back today, I can say the journey has been anything but boring.
Having twins is a fun-game for bystanders, but the mother gets to deal with twice as much soiled laundry, crying, vomit, and a whole lot of poop! You call this boring? Ha!
A first-time mother being handed twins to care for can be numbing, confusing and overwhelming. Of course, there are many things I could have done better, but being a first-time mom, I have done fairly okay and have learned most of the skills on the job. I am still learning. And like all mothers will agree, my learning curve may never end. So I am like the university student enrolled in dual specialization and the course seems never ending!!
I have realized that my twins have influenced me in more ways than I thought, in my evolution over the last six years as a person, as a woman, and as a mother. As a mother of twins, I share my learnings and experiences as takeaways for new twin mothers and mothers to be to help them enjoy their motherhood without being crushed under the pressure.
Regain your old life back
  My multi-dimensional life!
I agree the first couple of months as a new-twin-mom could be harrowing. Added to it, you may also be dealing with post-partum depression and stress. But make an earnest attempt to regain your old life gradually. This may mean taking time out for a stroll, going back to a hobby class, finishing unfinished courses, going for a movie or catching out with friends. Do not stay holed up in the home with two babies hanging on to you. Go out, have a life!
  2.Get rid of guilt
Guilt can ruin an otherwise perfect journey. I remember feeling guilty for even the littlest things like missing out on giving medicine on time for a sick child, not having time to clean laundry and forgetting the bottles in the dryer. I was constantly feeling less capable of handling the mayhem compared to peer mothers whose home and kids looked picture perfect to me. On hindsight, I realize, it was bogus. I was always good enough and tried my best to be as good a mother as I could. The kids don’t remember any of it. Neither do I.
Don’t let the Superwoman syndrome set in
Have empathy for yourself. Being a mother doesn’t make you any less or more human. You could be as vulnerable to people, places, and situations as anyone else. Manage your time and chores as much as you can while maintaining your sanity. If you don’t feel like doing that errand to the bank, don’t do it. If you feel like taking an extra hour of rest, go ahead. Don’t beat yourself hard to be a superwoman. It’s perfectly okay if the curtains aren’t changed for another week or id the trash bag is not disposed. Years later the kids won’t remember any of it. Neither will you.
Ask for help
Shying away from asking for help is an extension of the superwoman syndrome. It is absolutely acceptable to seek help from the spouse, extended family, and friends in times of need. Even better, talk with your spouse to divide work and child care. Your husband can pitch in housework and child care as and when possible in whatever way. The kids belong to both parents and so does their responsibility. Asking for help by no means is not a sign of weakness or admission of failure. Rather it reflects an accommodating, open and positive attitude.
Set a schedule
Being a working woman, one of the biggest things that helped me as a mother of young twins was to have a schedule – not just for the twins, but for myself as well. It eases a lot of stress and maximizes efficiency. Kids are amazingly great at adapting to schedules from a very young age. Having fixed times for laundry, dishes, sleep and meal times, medicines, errands and other works ensures that you do not get frustrated, exhausted or insane at the end of the day.
Organize, organize, organize
Organizing things efficiently gives a huge boost to a twin momma. Get an extra stock of diapers, additional wet wipes and medicines could help last minute worries. Organizing play areas, sealing electrical points, arranging clothes for the week, and planning meals in advance go a long way in easing your struggle to raise twins. In the first year, I always had a handy checklist of everything I would need every time I stepped out. Additionally, I also kept an extra diaper bag with spare clothes, diapers, wipes, and formula powder for outings and emergencies. I also bought multiple feeding bottles so that I always have sufficient clean and sterilized bottles for use. My twins will soon turn seven, and I still organize beforehand to make like simpler.
Outsource chores
The magic begins to happen in the life of a twin-mom once she begins outsourcing domestic chores to reliable and dependable others. I am no longer a stickler for perfection and am kind of okay with the way my domestic help cleans the kitchen, does laundry or arranges cupboard in my absence. I have learned to live with little-less-than-perfectly folded clothes and it doesn’t make a huge difference to my quality of life. I spend time bonding with the kids instead of worrying myself to death over household chores.
Engage with other mothers
Reach out and engage with like-minded mothers in the same phase of life as you. Instead of being ashamed to admit that you are overwhelmed, share with them your worries and learn from their experiences. All twin-mothers undergo the same array of emotions and challenges and doubt their parenting techniques from time to time. A support network can help you tremendously in times of distress.
Do not overreact to illness
I am guilty of being this paranoid mother every time any one of the kids sneezed. I admit that. I would call up the family doctor at unearthly hours or call over my pediatric friend each time a kid had a bout of diarrhea. Looking back, I feel embarrassed! I was clearly overreacting. The only excuse I can now think of is that I was a first-time mother and a first-time twin mom! Conditions like cold, flu, fever and diarrhea occur with amazing frequency and normally respond to standard medication. Do not overreact and cause panic for minor ailments and medical conditions. You will do a lot better being calm. Kids are born with strong immune systems which become stronger over time.
Practice self-love
Understand that you are more than just being a mother. You have a life and identity beyond the kids. Appreciate yourself for the small and big things you do for the kids and the family. Stay away from negative thoughts, self- doubt, guilt, self-blame, shame, feelings of inadequacies, fear of being judged or failure. Trust me, most of these things are in the mind and have no real existence. Remind yourself of your abilities and strengths.
Keep a check on emotional spending
I wish I had this wisdom earlier, I could have saved sufficient bucks to buy a home on the beach! Avoid buying everything brand new. The kids (till they reach preteens maybe) really don’t care if they are wearing new clothes or the hand-me-downs from cousins and friends. Avoid buying too many clothes and shoes. The kids will outgrow them before you blink an eye. Don’t buy two of everything. As a rule, we just buy two sets of absolute non-sharables, like school uniforms, shoes, books etc. For the rest, like toys, story books, and crayons, the twins have to share among themselves. Don’t indulge the kids beyond a certain limit. It’s not a mandate to get them every fancy item in the store.
Reconnect with your spouse
Parenting as a journey is for both the parents to share, experience learn and enjoy. Sometimes, in your naivety, carelessness or ignorance it is possible that you neglect your spouse and his emotional needs. You may not be aware of it or he may not raise a concern, but the marriage can suffer in the long run if disconnect sets in and persists. Don’t let the relationship revolve around the kids. Talk, share and discuss your life events, career goals and a million other things that are beyond the kids. Make an attempt to squeeze in time for both of you, get cooking together, or go for a date. Keeping the marriage alive and healthy is an ongoing responsibility of both spouses and having twins cannot change that.
You can’t imagine having one and wouldn’t want it any other way
Well, it’s not as bad as it may seem. Have I crumbled under pressure and questioned God “Why me?”. YES! But, would I have wanted it any other way? NO! The twins were the best things that happened to me in the marriage. Sure, there’s no denying that being a mom of two comes with some unique challenges, but raising twins can also be fun, hilarious and joyful. I get to experience what normal parents miss out on.
There may be total chaos in my house, cushions scattered all over, water taps left open, floors scribbled with crayons, unflushed toilets, Batman and Spiderman resting inside the freezer, shoes separated from their pairs forever and a million other earth shattering irregularities, but that’s what a normal house to me looks like. And over the years I have fallen in love with this madness. Attending to two kids at the same time is the most normal thing to me, anything else would seem abnormal! However, stressed or perturbed you may be, you will not want to trade your status as a twin-mom for anything in this world.
My twins have made me a more efficient person, who manages full-time work and home (not!) effortlessly. I have a fulfilling career, pursue my hobbies, have a social circle. I have been in my best shape ever. I ran my first ever half marathon last year! I make time to paint, ride, bake and write, all while being the best mother my twins could have.
My twins have never been my limitation, instead they have enriched my life and empowered me in many ways.
        Raising twins: From the diary of a twin-mommy Motherhood itself is overwhelming. Add to it being a mom to twins can be incredibly psychologically draining and emotionally ravaging.
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dannyphantomisameme · 6 years
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DNA TEST (Part 1)
"Please do not open the packets unless instructed to do so!
"Dash Baxter,
"Tucker Foley,
"Star Fredrickson,
"…. I said, do not open the packets…" Mr. Smith (haha basic name) groaned as he saw his students begin to open the packets after strictly instructing them not to. Danny reluctantly sat in his seat, waiting for his name to be called. Biology was a boring class, he often felt the need to just make up an excuse to get out, but he needed the attendance for his grade. It was on the verge of failure. Currently he was balancing his pencil on his finger, the lead pressed against his skin.
"Daniel Fenton" Mr. Smith shouted over the commotion of the classroom as Danny's pencil fell. He sighed and hopped out of his seat, shuffling towards the front of the room. He grabbed the paper from his teacher's hand and returned to his desk. His eyes roamed the object, but he could not gather any new information from it.
Finally, after Mr. Smith finished handing out all the packets, he instructed the students to open them. Danny flipped through the pages slowly, looking for possible information that would free him of his boredom.
He stared at the numbers, not comprehending the message they were conveying. He looked over to Sam whose eyes darted from side to side as she read her packet.
"Now class, let's go through it together. On the second page you will see your ethnicities. Such as 15% German or 25% Chinese." Mr. Smith paused for a moment, giving students the opportunity to read their results.
Danny turned back to his own sheet. 35% British, 30% German, 25% Irish, 5% Italian, and 5% unknown. Ok, so now I know I'm white. He chuckled a bit at his own joke. It wasn't like he was going to find any shocking evidence from this packet. It was only a DNA test. Unless his ghost half decided to screw things up.
He glanced over at Sam's paper on his right, but he couldn't read the small font. He then switched over to Tucker who was reading his paper thoroughly. He wanted to talk to his friends, but they seemed preoccupied. Danny eased back in his chair, waiting for the teacher's next direction.
"On page 3 you will find the DNA sequences that matches your mother as well the traits you two share. One page four you will see the DNA sequences that match with your father. Go ahead and look through the rest of the packet if you want. It includes any specific details or abnormalities the test may have found. After you're done, work on your assignments till the end of class." With that final declaration, Mr. Smith sat down on his desk chair with a soft thud.
Danny flipped to the next page and eyed his and his mother's matching genotype. There were tons of similarities, including skin color, nose shape, body traits, etc. About 45% of Danny's DNA matched with his mom. He flipped to the next page and immediately furrowed his eyebrows. Barely any of Danny's DNA matched his father. Other than the hair color and the eyes, he was nothing like his father. The test gave him a 10% similarity between the two.
Danny clutched his papers in his hand and stood up, walking towards the front of the room. He stopped at Mr. Smith's desk and slid the paper onto its surface. "Mr. Smith? I have a question…"
"How can I help you Daniel?" the teacher said as he swiveled away from his computer to face his student.
"This doesn't make sense." Danny said pointing to the page with his and his father's DNA. Mr. Smith pushed his glasses up his nose and picked up the packet, scrutinizing it thoroughly. He placed the papers down and slid them towards Danny.
"I don't know what to tell you Daniel. I'll look into the testing program and ask them." Mr. Smith said with a smile. Danny just nodded and returned to his seat in the back of the classroom.
"What was that about?" Sam asked as he sat down.
"Nothing… I just didn't understand something." Danny said avoiding telling the entire truth. Sam simply nodded in reply and returned to her paper. Danny flipped to the next page in his packet. There were no outstanding abnormalities, other than a few never before seen pieces of DNA. Probably my ghost half,he thought.
As Danny continued reading the rest of the packet the bell rang, signaling the end of the day. The trio filed out of the classroom with the other students, each member going to their respective lockers. They grabbed the materials they each needed to take home and met up at the front door.
Danny shoved his hands in his pockets as they walked down the stairs and out of the school. The leaves on the ground crunched under their footsteps as the chilly fall wind flew through their hair. Sam zipped up her jacket as Danny lifted the hood of his sweatshirt and placed it upon his head, hiding his face under his bangs.
Sam and Tucker chatted about their classes as they walked while Danny kept silent. He stared at his muddy red converse as they strolled. The other two didn't bother to question his silence, already sensing he wouldn't tell them even if they asked. When they reached a fork in the sidewalk, the members said their goodbyes as they each left for their respective houses. Today was Wednesday, meaning they wouldn't hang out after school with all the homework they received.
Danny took out his phone from his pocket and plugged in his earbuds. He needed to redirect his thoughts and he knew music would help him do just that. He placed the earbuds into his ears and pressed the shuffle button on his Spotify playlist. He nodded his head to the rhythm of some super catchy theme song. Yo Danny Fenton he was just 14 when his parents built a very strange machine… (I swear it isn't young, Bitch Fartman is a liar) Surprisingly, the lyrics matched his life accurately. Even the song was about a dude who had the same name as him. Haha… wait… never mind.
He looked around at his environment. A group of children were playing in the driveway of a house across the street. Two of them were chasing the other three in circles and holding their hands up as if they were guns. Danny chuckled at the scene, reminding him of his childhood. He, Tuck, and Sam used to play cops and robbers all the time. Danny turned and saw an elderly woman gardening in her front lawn. When she noticed him, Danny waved as a smile crawled across his features. Danny recognized the woman, one he had saved after a ghost attack at the mall. She waved back in reply. He strutted along the gray sidewalk until he reached his house. The trees in the front yard displayed vibrant colors of red and orange in their leaves; few leaves littered the dying grass.
Danny walked up the stairs and brought his house keys out from his pocket. Unlocking the front door, he slammed it shut once he was inside. "MOOOOOMMM I'M HOME!" he yelled as he chucked his backpack onto the couch. He entered the kitchen and opened the fridge. He immediately closed the fridge. Yesterday's dinner was reanimated again. He sighed and went to the cupboard, grabbing some bread and made a quick PB and J sandwich. He didn't necessarily like toast, but it was the only food in the house that was edible.
He chewed on his sandwich as he entered the basement. He really hated this place. It terrified him with the possibilities of being dissected. His gut twisted within him, the feeling he always got when entering the lab.
"What did I tell you about bringing food into the lab?" Maddie scolded without lifting her head. She was in the back corner working on a new ghost weapon. Danny walked up to her, her face was painted with concentration.
"Fofwy.." Danny mumbled through his mouth full of bread. He quickly chomped down the remains of his sandwich and stood near his mother. He wiped his hands together, lettings the crumbs from his snack fall onto the cement floor.
"Danny you're not going to believe what this weapon can do! It's going to finally allow us to bring down Phantom!" Maddie excitedly exclaimed as she held up the invention. Danny hesitantly took a step back, hoping his mother didn't notice. "I've calibrated this gun to shoot ectoblasts so powerful that they exceed his ecto entity level! He'll never see it coming!" Maddie held up the machine and cocked it, as if ready to shoot, peering through the eye hole with one eye open.
"That's great mom…" Danny said off to the side. He did not want to get in the way of that. "Uh mom, I uh- can you take a look at this?" Danny fumbled through his pocket and grabbed the crumbled-up packet. He handed it over to his mom as she pushed her goggles up onto her head. She raised an eyebrow at him before accepting the packet and looking it over. Danny quietly waited for a response, fidgeting with his hands behind his back. The only noise within the lab was the sound of paper being flipped to the next page.
Maddie's eyes went wide for a moment as she placed the papers down. She stared at it intently, her body going stiff without motion. A minute of silence passed as Danny looked at his mother questioningly. Multiple emotions clouded her face as she tried to understand. She suddenly glanced at Danny, her eyes a hazy violet.
"I-" she choked up as tears threatened to emerge from her eyes. "I'm sorry Danny. I – I didn't know…"
"Mom, what are you talking about?" Danny said anxiously as he took a step forward. His mother burst into nonsensical mutterings.
"I didn't mean to! It – it wasn't supposed to mean anything! I didn't think to check. I – I" She stuttered as her hands flew up to her face, covering her emotions effectively.
Danny stood there uselessly, unable to comprehend his mothers' words. "Mom you're not making sense!" He shouted over her mumbling.
"I thought you were Jack's!" She exclaimed as her hands immediately jumped to cover her mouth. Danny felt his world crumble upon him, the weight of his mother's words heavy upon his shoulders. He felt his heart skip a beat within his chest. The dread rose up within his being, enveloping his mind.
"Who's my father…" he whispered in the silence. He couldn't even look his mother in the eye. He glared at the papers, the source of this new revelation. His mothers' sobs were the only thing audible in the quiet.
"It was a one-time thing! He said he would in exchange for some crucial parts… We needed them Danny! Jack would have been devastated!"
"Who's my father!" Danny said furiously as he lunged forward and grabbed his mother by her hazmat suit. He was taller than her now, easily towering over her. The fabric felt uncomfortable bunched up in his hands. He suddenly let go, realizing the brute of his actions and taking a step back. He rubbed the back of his neck and stared at the ground, a nervous habit of his.
Maddie stood there dismayed, staring at her son with wide eyes. The word reluctantly rolled off her lips, crushing her son into a million pieces. Maddie suddenly felt weak, her knees buckling as she dropped to the ground. Her hand ran through her hair as she held the table for support with the other hand. She closed her eyes for a moment, but before she could say anything, he was already gone...
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