#i miss them casually being on stream together
dwtdog · 29 days
thats what’s so great about the dteam cause all three of them have big but different personalities that go well together that it looks so natural to see them work and interact with one another. but take one and replace with another that’s where you’ll see a clash
dteam dynamic is UNMATCHED. because it switches who will be the straightman of the three of them like when dnf r being freaks it's sapnap who will just be like wtf is wrong with you guys, when snf r doing their thing it'll be dream coming in to be stern, or to say something more absurd than whatever freakisms they're doing, and when dreamnap r ganging up on george he can hold his own against both of them
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sadnymi · 10 days
Lovefool p2
[part one] [Mattheo riddle x reader]
Summary: Being the only girl in the group, and now stuck in the middle of nowhere with them, you found myself in a tricky situation. You had to share rooms, and Mattheo, leaving no room for negotiation, insisted that you would share with him. The problem was, there was only one bed. From uncovering feelings to heartbreak, it was a night you wouldn't forget.
Warning: angst,fluff,strong language, hints of smut .
Words:5,5k + Bonus scene.
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When we arrived back home, I quickly said goodbye to the boys, avoiding eye contact with all of them. I couldn't bear to see their pity or confusion. I just wanted to escape to the solitude of my room. Once inside, I shut the door and leaned against it, finally allowing myself to break down. Tears streamed down my face as I slid to the floor, clutching my knees to my chest.
There was only one week left before returning to Hogwarts, and I knew I would have to face them—most of all, Mattheo. The thought of seeing him again made my stomach churn. During that week, I waited for him to reach out, to say something, anything, that would make sense of what happened. But he didn’t. The silence from him was deafening, and it drove me insane.
All the other boys sent me messages as usual. Even Blaise, who had been so harsh, reached out, perhaps feeling guilty for his words. But not Mattheo. He ghosted me completely, and the pain was unbearable. Every time my phone buzzed, my heart would leap with hope, only to be crushed when it wasn’t him.
I spent days replaying our time together in my mind, trying to understand what went wrong. Had I misread everything? Was I just another conquest to him? The questions tormented me, and the lack of answers made it worse.
I remember that night vividly. The way he looked at me, the tenderness in his touch, the passion in his kisses—it all felt so real. But now, it seemed like a cruel illusion, a trick my heart played on me.
I tried to distract myself by throwing myself into reading, but every word I read seemed to blur into the memory of him. I’d catch myself staring at the same page for hours, lost in thoughts of his hands on my skin, his whispered words.
By the middle of the week, the weight of his absence was unbearable. I lay in bed, clutching my phone, scrolling through old messages, and torturing myself with his silence. The boys' messages were kind and casual, but they couldn't fill the void Mattheo left.
Enzo’s messages were the most frequent, always checking in on me, making sure I was okay. “Hey, how are you holding up?” he’d text, and I’d force myself to respond with a lie. “I’m fine, thanks,” I’d write back, even though I was anything but fine.
Blaise's messages were surprisingly considerate. “Sorry about the other day. Didn’t mean to upset you,” he’d said. I couldn’t bring myself to be angry with him; he had only voiced what I feared was true.
But Mattheo? Nothing. No calls, no texts, no attempts to explain or apologize. It felt like he had erased me from his life completely.
The pain was relentless, gnawing at me day and night. I felt hollow, like a shell of the person I had been before. I missed his voice, his laughter, the way he made me feel seen and cherished. I missed him so much it hurt to breathe.
The final straw came the night before we were due to return to Hogwarts. I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, and realized I couldn’t go on like this. I needed to confront him, to demand answers. I couldn’t start the new school year with this weight on my shoulders. I had to face him, even if it meant shattering my heart all over again.
I took a deep breath and picked up my phone, my fingers trembling as I typed out a message. “Mattheo, we need to talk. Please.” I hit send and waited, my heart pounding in my chest. Minutes felt like hours as I watched the screen, praying for a response.
But none came. The silence stretched on, suffocating me, and I knew that no matter what happened, I had to find a way to move forward. With or without him.
I boarded the train with a heavy heart, my eyes scanning the crowded platform. As soon as I found Enzo, I slid into the seat next to him, trying to muster a smile.
“Hi,” I said, glancing briefly at Mattheo, who was sitting across from us.
“Hey,” Mattheo replied, his voice neutral, his gaze avoiding mine.
Theo soon returned, his eyes lighting up when he saw me. “How have you been?” he asked.
“I’ve been okay,” I lied, forcing another smile. Before I could say more, Draco and Blaise joined us, making the compartment feel even more cramped and awkward.
“Hi,” Draco said, his voice soft, his eyes flicking between me and Mattheo. Blaise offered a similar greeting, his usual bravado toned down, as if he sensed the tension.
I tried to lose myself in my book, Emma another Jane Austen novel, hoping it would distract me from the unbearable atmosphere. But I could feel Mattheo’s eyes on me, and each glance was like a dagger to my heart. His stare was intense, and it made concentrating impossible.
“I’m going to say hi to Pansy,” I announced suddenly, grabbing my bag and book. I left the compartment quickly, not giving anyone a chance to respond.
As I walked down the corridor, I realized I couldn’t face Pansy either. She would ask questions, and I had no answers. I turned a corner, only to overhear a group of girls talking animatedly about their exploits.
“Enzo is amazing,” one girl said, giggling. “Blaise too, though he’s a bit too cocky for my taste.”
“Oh, Theo is a sweetheart,” another girl chimed in. “But Mattheo... God, he’s something else.”
My ears pricked up at his name, and I leaned closer, my heart pounding.
“What’s it like with Mattheo?” a third girl asked, her voice dripping with curiosity.
“He’s rough, but in a good way,” the first girl said, her voice lowering conspiratorially. “He barely looked at me, but I didn’t mind. It felt so good. He didn’t kiss me, though, just... did his thing and left.”
My heart pounded as I continued to listen, hiding behind the corner.
"God, I'd do anything to sleep with Mattheo again," the first girl said, her voice filled with a mix of longing and frustration. "But he doesn't sleep with the same girl twice."
"Yeah, he's got a reputation for that," another girl chimed in. "And yet, somehow, they all are so different with her you know??," she said, her tone dripping with disdain.
" Y/N right? What's so special about her anyway?" a third girl asked, her voice filled with venom.
"She's always hanging around them, like she's one of them. I can't understand how she managed to get in their group."
"I bet they all fucked her at some point," the first girl said, her voice low and conspiratorial. "Do you think they share her? She's their slut for sure."
"I know right?," another girl agreed, her laughter harsh and cruel. "I mean, how else would she keep their attention? She must be really good in bed."
"Or maybe she just does whatever they want," the third girl added. "So pathetic, really. Always trying to act like she's so special. I bet she’s just a desperate little slut."
My heart pounded as I continued to listen, hiding behind the corner.
"Yeah, spreads her legs for any of them at the drop of a hat," another girl sneered. "She's probably been passed around like a party favor."
"And they act so protective of her," the first girl said with a bitter laugh. "I can't imagine why. What do they see in her?"
"They must be playing some kind of game," the third girl suggested. "Maybe seeing who can screw her over the most."
My heart beat faster and faster, each cruel word piercing deeper. Tears blurred my vision as I stepped away from the corner, desperate to escape their venomous gossip.
The world around me seemed to blur as I walked faster, not caring where I was going, just needing to get away. I collided with a strong chest, and looking up through my tears, I saw Mattheo.
"Why are you crying? “ His voice was sharper than a knife
“Who did this to you?" He asked once more when I didn’t answer his hands gently cupped my face, his thumbs wiping away my tears.
I pulled away, my voice shaking. "I'm not talking to you," I said, the tears flowing freely. I turned to leave, but he grabbed my hand.
"Stop it. Let me go," I demanded, trying to pull free from his grip.
"Not unless I know what got you crying like that," he insisted, his eyes filled with the same loving and caring expression that had once made my heart soar.
I looked away, the pain and confusion overwhelming me. "Just go and ignore me like you have been for the past week, or whatever," I said, my voice bitter. "Pretend I don't exist. You're good at that."
His face fell, looking speechless for a moment. I didn’t wait for him to respond. I pulled away, breaking into a run until I found an empty compartment far away from everyone. I slammed the door shut and collapsed onto the seat, sobbing uncontrollably.
The cruel words of the girls echoed in my mind, mingling with the confusion and heartbreak of Mattheo's unexpected concern. Why did he have to care now, after leaving me in silence for a week?
As the train rumbled on, I curled up on the seat, hugging my knees to my chest. The weight of everything pressed down on me, and I felt utterly alone. I had no answers, only questions that seemed to multiply with each passing moment. Why had he treated me so tenderly, only to disappear? And why did it hurt so much to see that same tenderness now, when I was already so broken?
Why had Mattheo been so different with me? Cause I’m pretty sure I wasn’t imagining that night and from what I heard from those girls it seems like he’s a different person from the one they are talking about .
I had a long time trying to explain to the boys why I suddenly disappeared and never returned. They didn’t look convinced, and their probing questions made it clear they weren’t buying my excuses.
Days passed, and I tried to put some space between me and all of them. It wasn’t easy. Draco cornered me in the common room one evening, his eyes filled with concern. "Something happened," he said, his voice low and insistent. "Tell me what it is."
"I'm fine, Draco. It's just family drama," I lied, my stomach twisting with guilt.
"You’ve been skipping meals and acting different," Theo added, joining us with a frown. "This isn’t like you."
"I told you, it’s family stuff," I insisted, hating how naked I felt under their scrutiny. It was like they could see right through my facade.
"Just...let us help," Draco pleaded, but I shook my head, turning away from their worried gazes.
Over the next few days, I was in a bit of a slump. Not only did I skip meals, but I also skipped more classes than usual. If I could have, I would have skipped the whole week, but unfortunately, that wasn't an option.
I grabbed my bag and walked through the courtyard, I overheard a girl talking loudly to her friends. "She's such a slut," she sneered, and my steps faltered. "I bet she's been with every Slytherin boy."
I stopped, my blood boiling. I turned around and marched over to her, my fists clenched. "What did you say?"
The girl looked taken aback for a moment but quickly recovered. "I said you're a slut. Everyone knows it."
The rage bubbling inside me reached a boiling point. "You think you know me? You think you can talk about me like that? Here’s a newsflash for you: I don’t need your approval or your pathetic opinions.“
Before she could respond, a boy next to her smirked. “Yeah, I’d love to fuck you just like the whole Slytherin boys have. Bet you’d like that, huh?”
I stepped closer, my fists clenched at my sides. "Why don’t you come a bit closer and say that to my face?" I said, my voice trembling with rage.
The crowd that had gathered around us watched with wide eyes and open mouths. "What's wrong?" the girl taunted. "Truth hurts?"
“Do you think it makes you look strong, demeaning someone you don’t even know? Do you think you’re better than me because you can spread lies and gossip? You’re pathetic. You think I care about what you say? The only thing that matters is that I know the truth, and that scares you, doesn’t it? Because deep down, you know you’ll never be anything more than a coward hiding behind cruel words.”
The girl, emboldened by the attention, added, "Your family must be so proud of you. What a disgrace."
"Shut your mouth," I said, stepping closer, my eyes burning with anger. "I don’t care what you think of me, but if you ever talk about my family again, you’ll regret it."
She looked a bit scared but tried to stand her ground. "Or what? You'll hit me? No wonder why your dad left,""
I saw red. I lunged at her, my fist raised, but strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me back. "Let go!" I yelled, struggling against the hold.
"Not her, not now, love," Mattheo's voice whispered in my ear, calming yet firm. He started to pull me away from the mess, his grip gentle but unyielding.
"Mattheo, let go of me," I insisted, trying to break free.
"Not until you calm down," he replied, his eyes full of concern. "I can't let you get into trouble over this."
He guided me into an empty hallway with a balcony, a secluded spot even the ghosts avoided. I was still shaking with rage, my breathing ragged. "Who do you think you are? Don’t touch me! Stay away!" I shouted, pushing at his chest.
"Just breathe, my love," he murmured, his hands cupping my face gently, thumbs stroking my cheeks. "Breathe with me."
His touch, his voice, started to pierce through the fog of anger. I took a shaky breath, then another, my heartbeat slowly steadying.
"Look at me," he said softly, tilting my chin up so our eyes met. "Every single one who talks bad about you is going to regret it. They’re going to wish they were dead before they ever said a word."
"Why do you act like this?" I demanded, my voice trembling. "You act like you care, like you—" I faltered, trying to find the right words. "Your mixed signals are driving me crazy! You pull me closer just to walk away after."
He looked pained, his eyes searching mine for understanding, but he said nothing.
"Say something!" I pleaded, tears welling up. "Anything!"
Still, he remained silent, and the silence cut deeper than any words ever could.
Footsteps echoed down the hallway, and the rest of the boys appeared. Blaise was the first to speak, his gaze flicking between me and Mattheo. "You okay?" he asked.
I nodded, trying to swallow the lump in my throat. "Yeah, I'm fine."
Theo stepped forward, his brow furrowed. "This happened before, didn't it?"
I took a deep breath, nodding again. "Yes."
Draco crossed his arms, his expression softening. "Well, that explains why you were acting distant. You should have told us."
"I didn't know what to say," I admitted, feeling exposed and vulnerable.
Enzo's voice was gentle as he asked, "What happened before?"
I glanced at Mattheo, who was watching me with an unreadable expression. I couldn't bear his eyes on me anymore. Looking back at Enzo, I said quietly, "It was on the train."
Their eyes widened as I recounted the overheard conversation, the cruel words that had been said about me, and how it had all culminated in the confrontation just now. Mattheo's gaze never left me, and I knew what he was thinking, but I couldn't deal with it anymore.
"I'm sorry," I said, my voice breaking. "I just... I need to go to my dorm. I'll see you all tomorrow."
Enzo stepped forward, his concern evident. "I'll walk you."
I nodded, unable to look at Mattheo as I turned to leave. Enzo fell into step beside me, his presence a small comfort amidst the chaos.
The next day, as I walked into class, I was met with an unexpected wave of greetings and offers of help.
"Hey, need any notes from yesterday?" asked one girl, her smile bright and friendly.
"I saved you a seat," another girl said, gesturing to the spot next to her.
"Do you need a quill? I've got an extra," someone else offered, holding out a shiny new quill.
I looked around, confused by the sudden change in behavior. These were the same people who had ignored me or worse, whispered behind my back just a day ago. Before I could process it, a group of girls approached, all smiles and compliments.
"Your hair looks amazing today," one of them said, her tone overly enthusiastic.
"Yeah, and your shoes are so cute!" another added.
"Thanks," I muttered, bewildered by their sudden interest.
Then, the girl from yesterday's confrontation appeared, looking hesitant. She took a deep breath and stepped closer. "I'm really sorry about what I said yesterday," she began, her voice shaky. "Please forgive me. I didn't mean any of it, and I feel terrible."
I stared at her, trying to make sense of this abrupt apology. "Why are you apologizing now?" I asked, suspicion creeping into my voice.
Before she could respond, I noticed him. The boy who had made that disgusting comment about me the day before. His arm was in a sling, supported by a wooden splint, and his face was a mess of blue and purple bruises. He had a black eye, swollen nearly shut.
"I, uh, fell down the stairs," he mumbled, not meeting my gaze.
I looked between the two of them, realization dawning. My stomach churned, and I felt the sudden urge to get out of there. Grabbing my things, I bolted from the classroom, not stopping until I was far from the castle. I found myself in a hidden garden, a place where I often went to think.
I sat down on the ground, trying to calm my racing heart and catch my breath. I wasn't dumb. I knew what had really happened. I knew who was behind the sudden wave of attention, the apologies, the broken bones. It wasn't hard to piece it together.
But clarity seemed a distant dream. I leaned back against the tree, closing my eyes, and tried to find a moment of calm amidst the chaos Mattheo had left in his wake.
I stayed in the garden for what felt like hours, trying to find some semblance of peace amidst the turmoil. Eventually, I knew I would have to face him, to confront what had happened and what it meant. But for now, I just needed to breathe.
I felt someone approaching and sat beside me. I looked up and met Mattheo’s eyes. He was holding a book in his hand.
I felt someone approaching and sat up, my heart pounding. When I looked up, I met Mattheo’s eyes. He was holding a book in his hand.
"I—I got this for you," he said, his voice soft.
I glanced at the book, then back at him, and took it from his hand. It was Persuasion, another Jane Austen's novels. My heart beat even faster as I muttered a thank you. Then I noticed the blood on his hands, despite his clear attempts to wash it off.
He asked, "What were you reading on the train?"
I stared at him, incredulous. "You’re seriously asking me about my books while having blood on your hands? and probably terrorized the whole school before coming here!" I shouted.
He just smirked. "Are you insane, Mattheo? Seriously, what the hell?" I yelled again.
He raised his eyebrows, a hint of a smile on his lips. "I told you they were going to regret what they said yesterday, didn't I?"
"I can take care of myself. I don’t need your help," I snapped, trying to walk away, but he grabbed my hand, pulling me back until my back hit the tree.
"I know," he said.
I rolled my eyes and looked away, trapped between his hands on either side of my face and the tree behind me. His closeness was overwhelming.
"You’re insane," I muttered.
"Well, I need to talk to you, and you left me no other choice," he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
I chuckled sarcastically. "You kidding me? Because as much as I remember, you were the one who left after—" I stammered, my face turning red, unable to finish the sentence.
"Yes, my love, after what?" he asked, smiling even wider.
"After I went down on you? Or when I had my finger deep inside you?" he continued, his voice low and teasing. I put my hands over his mouth, desperate to stop him.
"Oh, Lord, stop," I said, my voice a whisper. He kissed my hand, sending a jolt through me, and I pulled it away quickly, my face burning even more.
"Don’t go shy on me now, love. I’m pretty sure I kissed more intimate parts," he said, leaning closer to whisper in my ear. "I've had your taste on my tongue for weeks."
I tried to hit him in the chest, but he grabbed both my hands with one hand, pinning them above my head.
“Listen,” he said, getting more serious. “Enzo told me about what Blaise said that day.”
I shook my head. “I don’t think I really want to know another tale about you with a girl in bed.”
“Another tale?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.
I looked him in the eyes, my voice trembling with both anger and hurt. “I heard what that girl said on the train. About how good you were in bed, how you liked it rough, just did the job and left with no kisses. She wasn’t even complaining, Mattheo. She said she’d do anything to sleep with you again, but it’s too bad because you don’t sleep with the same girl twice."
“Did she now?” he said, smirking.
“Fuck you, Mattheo,” I said, trying to pull away, but his hold was too strong. “Fuck you so much. I get it. I was delusional to think it was more than a one-time thing for you because you don’t sleep with the same girl twice, you don’t—” My voice cracked, betraying my emotions.
"Did it look like a fucking one-time thing back then, Y/N?" he demanded, sharp and serious. I avoided his gaze, my anger and pain battling inside me.
"Answer," he insisted, his face inches from mine. I looked up at him, the intensity in his eyes making it hard to breathe.
"No," I admitted, my voice barely audible.
"Because it fucking wasn’t," he said. "It wasn’t a simple fuck. I was making love to you, and that freaked the shit out of me." The veins in his neck stood out as he spoke, his eyes blazing.
I blinked, trying to process his words. "So, yes," he continued, his voice lower but no less intense, "what the girl said was right. I’ve fucked other girls like that. Rough, fast, no strings attached. Just getting off and moving on. No kisses, no tenderness, just raw and dirty, didn’t look at them more than I had to.”
My breathing grew heavier as his words sank in.“So, does it look like that now?” he asked, his voice softer but still intense. I closed my eyes, overwhelmed.
“Fucking look at me Y/N,” he commanded, and I looked up at him, shaking my head.
“Every time I look at you, at those lips,” he whispered, his voice dropping lower, “all I can think about is how much I want to kiss you. How much I want to taste you. How much I want you in every way. It’s not just about fucking. It’s about you. Every part of you, that night... you were in my arms, and I managed to sleep. You have no idea how rare that is for me.”
His words sent a shiver down my spine, my body responding despite my confusion. I could feel the heat between us, the undeniable pull that had always been there.
I looked at him, standing there, rain-soaked and intense, and the tears kept falling from my eyes.
“And no, I don’t want you to be my friend,” he continued, his voice rising. “I want to hear you moaning my name. I want to have you, all of you. To kiss every inch of you. To make you smile, to see you laugh. To put your happiness above anything because nothing else matters. Nothing but you.”
His words were raw, cutting through the rain and my confusion. The sheer intensity of his confession left me breathless, my heart pounding in my chest. I could feel the pull, the magnetic force between us, stronger than ever.
“I’ve tried to stay away, to keep my distance,” he went on, his voice breaking slightly. “But every time I see you, it’s like a punch to the gut. I’m fighting a losing battle. I don’t just want you. I need you. In every way possible.”
I stood there, soaked and trembling, unable to speak. His words had stripped me bare, leaving me vulnerable and exposed. The rain continued to pour, a relentless backdrop to his declaration.
“So tell me, do you understand now?” he asked again, his voice softer.
I swallowed hard, my throat tight with emotion. The truth of his words was undeniable, resonating deep within me. I took a shaky breath, trying to steady myself, and met his gaze.
“Yes,” I whispered, my voice barely audible. “I understand.”
He reached out, gently wiping the tears from my cheeks. “I will be so good to you,” he murmured, his thumb brushing my skin. “I would do anything for you. I fucked up, and I—”
I stood on my tiptoes and pressed my lips to his, cutting him off. For a moment, he was surprised and didn’t kissed me back, I pulled back, looking him in the eye. And as if a dam had broken, he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer.
He leaned down, capturing my mouth in a deep, hungry kiss. His lips were soft but insistent, demanding and giving all at once. I felt his hands on my waist, lifting me effortlessly. My legs wrapped around his hips as he held me against him, the kiss growing more passionate. The rain poured down, but it didn’t matter. Nothing else.
His tongue parted my lips, and I opened to him, the taste of him intoxicating. He kissed me with a fervor that made my head spin, his hands gripping my hips, pulling me tighter against him. I could feel the hard lines of his body, the heat between us almost unbearable.
"Wait," I managed to gasp, pulling back slightly. "The book, the rain—"
"I'll get you a new one," he promised, his voice fierce, breathing heavily against my lips. His fingers tangled in my hair, pulling gently until my face tilted up to meet his gaze. Then he kissed me again, more fiercely this time, as if he couldn’t get enough.
I melted into him, my hands clinging to his shoulders as he devoured me. His lips moved over mine with a raw, desperate need, and I responded with equal fervor. The world around us disappeared, the rain, the cold, everything fading away until there was only him, only us.
After what felt like an eternity, he pulled back, his forehead resting against mine. "Come with me," he murmured, his voice a soft plea. "Let's get out of this rain."
I nodded, my heart pounding in my chest, his hand slipping into mine, and we ran through the rain. We found shelter under a nearby awning, the sudden silence after the roar of the rain almost surreal.
He looked at me, his eyes dark and intense, and I felt my breath catch in my throat. "You're soaked," he said, his voice gentle, as he brushed a strand of wet hair from my face.
"So are you," I replied, a smile tugging at my lips.
"Well, we make a pretty pair then," he teased, his hand settling on my waist.
I laughed, the sound light and carefree, a stark contrast to the storm still raging around us. "We do, don't we?"
His gaze softened, a tender smile playing on his lips. "I've never seen anyone look so beautiful soaking wet."
I rolled my eyes playfully, running a hand through his wet hair. "You're just saying that because you want to kiss me again."
He grinned, leaning in closer. "Maybe. But it's true." His lips hovered over mine, the anticipation making my heart race. "And for the record, I do want to kiss you again. Very much."
"Then what are you waiting for?" I challenged, my voice barely more than a whisper.
He didn't need any more encouragement. His lips captured mine in a kiss that was both sweet and passionate, his hand tightening on my waist, pulling me flush against him. I could feel the warmth of his body through the wet fabric of our clothes, the contrast to the chill of the rain making my skin tingle.
As the kiss deepened, his free hand slid up my back, tangling in my hair. I moaned softly against his lips, the sound making him groan in response. He pulled back slightly, his breath hot against my skin.
"You have no idea what you do to me," he murmured, his voice rough with desire. "The things I want to do to you."
My cheeks flushed, and I looked down, feeling a mix of excitement and shyness. "Like what?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly.
He tilted my chin up, forcing me to meet his gaze. "I want to make you mine in every possible way," he said, his eyes burning with intensity. "I want to hear you scream my name, to see you come apart in my arms. I want to kiss every inch of you, to make you feel things you've never felt before."
His words sent a shiver down my spine, and I bit my lip, trying to suppress the blush that was spreading across my cheeks. "You're making me blush," I whispered, my voice shaky.
He smiled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Good. I like it when you blush." He leaned in, his lips brushing my ear. "I like knowing I'm the one making you feel this way."
I closed my eyes, my heart pounding in my chest. His words, his touch, everything about him was overwhelming. "You're insufferable," I muttered, but there was no heat in my words, only affection.
He chuckled, the sound vibrating through me. "You love it," he teased, his lips pressing a soft kiss to my neck.
I sighed, my fingers threading through his hair as I leaned into his touch. "Yeah, I do," I admitted, my voice barely more than a whisper. "I really do."
He pulled back, his eyes searching mine. "Good," he said softly, his hand cupping my face. "Because I'm not letting you go."
I smiled, feeling a warmth spread through me that had nothing to do with the rain. "I don't want you to,".
"So, I really have done it in your Mr. Darcy way, haven't I?" he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I was always jealous of him, when you talked about him like that you know?"
Before I could respond, his mouth was on my neck, kissing and sucking gently, then more insistently. I let out a soft moan, my fingers digging into his shoulders.
He pulled back slightly, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Perfect," he said, admiring his handiwork.
I laughed, breathless and flushed. "What was that for?"
He smirked, a wicked glint in his eyes. "It's for Blaise. Since he loves to ask so much."
I rolled my eyes, unable to suppress my smile. "You know he went on a date last night, right?"
"Did he now?" Mattheo replied, his fingers trailing down my arm. "I want everyone to know you're mine."
The possessiveness in his voice sent another thrill through me. "And what if I don't want to be claimed like some trophy?" I teased, raising an eyebrow.
He pulled me closer, his lips brushing against mine. "Then I'll just have to work harder to prove I deserve you," he whispered, his breath warm against my skin.
I smiled, feeling the warmth of his words seep into me. "You've already proven that," I said softly, kissing him again. "But I wouldn't mind seeing you try."
He laughed, the sound rich and joyful. "Challenge accepted."
We stood there for a while, wrapped in each other's arms, the rain a distant memory. His hands roamed over my back, his touch sending sparks of electricity through me. I leaned into him, feeling the steady beat of his heart against my chest, and knew that this was where I belonged.
"We should get inside," I said, glancing at the castle in the distance. "Before we catch our deaths."
"Right," he agreed, but made no move to let go. "But just one more kiss."
"Just one more," I echoed, leaning up to meet his lips again.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ Bonus scene ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
As we approached our usual spot, I saw Blaise, Enzo, Theo, Pansy and Draco already seated, with an unfamiliar girl sitting beside Blaise.
I caught Blaise’s curious gaze fixed on my neck. He raised an eyebrow, a knowing grin spreading across his face.
“Well, well, what do we have here?” Blaise said, his voice dripping with amusement. “Is that a hickey, Y/N?”
I felt my face heat up, and before I could muster a response, Mattheo leaned forward, his grin turning positively devilish.
“Yes, mate,” Mattheo said smoothly. “It is a hickey.”
Blaise’s eyes widened slightly before he broke into a laugh. “By whom, I wonder?”
Mattheo wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. “By me, obviously,” he declared, his voice filled with pride. “Wanted to make sure everyone knows she’s mine.”
I blushed even deeper, but I couldn’t help the smile tugging at my lips.
Draco looked between us, his grin widening. “Well, it’s about time. I was starting to think you’d never make a move.”
Mattheo chuckled, his hand moving to rest possessively on my waist. “Trust me, I’ve made plenty of moves. Just decided it was time to make it official.”
He winked at me. “Just make sure he treats you right. If not, you know where to find me.”
Mattheo tightened his hold on me, his eyes flashing with a playful warning. “She won’t need to, because I’m going to treat her better than anyone else ever could.”
I laughed, the tension melting away as I leaned into Mattheo’s embrace. “I think I can handle him.”
"So," Pansy said, leaning forward with an impish grin. "Does this mean you're off the market, then?"
"Consider me taken," Mattheo said, his voice firm. "And very happily so."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
Tag list :
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kengan-daddies · 9 months
You and Me Raian Kure
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Anime : Kengan Ashura
Character : Raian Kure
Warning : Graphic Description of Violence, Gore, Bodily Fluids, Choking, Fingering, Deep Throating, Hair Pulling, Spanking, Shower Sex, breeding kink
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You sat on the bed, your legs crossed, your arms laying on your lap as you sat there in your and Raian's shared room, he was out on a mission at the moment, he left 2 weeks ago, and you've been waiting since. In those two weeks, you've been thinking of your and Raian's relationship, it was never established, yet you both acted like a couple. You slept in the same bed, you cuddled, you fucked, you ate together, you sometimes bathed together, you were a couple in every sense, and yet it's never been spoken of. Raian never cared to talk about it, every time you brought it up he'd either completely ignore you, get irritated, or just leave.
It was getting old, and quick, you wanted to get some closure to it, because you didn't want to be wasting your time and feelings on a man who was just going to replace you in the end. You put so much time and emotion into him, so much blood and sweat, you gave him your whole heart, body, mind, and soul. You refused to let this go to waste. You'd sometimes have doubts and worry. Doubts about his feelings for you, and worry for a new woman walking through that door.
'Raian always takes about a week to 2 weeks to complete a mission, so he should be home sometime today or tomorrow.' You thought, determination flooding your body as you kept pushing down the worry in your twisting gut. You were nervous, you were ready. The sound of heavy footsteps sounded through the halls making your back straighten out. 'Here we go.' You thought as you swallowed. The footsteps stopped in front of the door, blood seeping in under the door. 'He must be drenched, the savage.' You thought as the doorknob twisted and the door opened revealing Raian.
He was wearing a casual outfit, a black shirt with some black pants and shoes. 'The purpose of the black clothing is to hide the blood that may get on his clothes... but... he's such a savage, till that ideology goes straight out the window... he's soaked.' You thought as you observed his appearance. His hair was pretty much all red, streams and trails of blood covered his whole body, his clothes clung to his body like a second skin, seeming like he was drenched in water, just standing in one spot and the red liquid was making a pool around him.
In his hand he held a brown sack, good sized lumps could be seen pushing up against the fabric, as it too was soaked with blood at the bottom of the bag, leaving its own trail behind. 'Heads.' You thought as you gazed at the bag. He dropped it carelessly by the door, splashing the blood around it, he smirked at you. "Hey, hey, hey~! Did you miss me~?" He teased as he kicked off his bloodied shoes. His socks were black as well, along with also being soaked. He peeled off his bloodied shirt, dropping it next to the sack, it sounded like a soaked rag when it hit the floor. You stared at him with an almost bored look, his pale skin covered in blood, you'd be lying if you said it never turned you on.
Seeing him come home, looking like a savage beast who just slaughtered a whole village without care... It was sexy, and it was exciting, to know that you shared the bed of a killer. You stood up from the bed, your arms lazily crossed over your body as you stared at him. "You need to shower, you smell and look like pure shit." You said making him chuckle. "What? Don't like the smell of iron? I personally don't mind the smell, I find it... comforting." He said as his smirk became vicious. 'I can't imagine how the poor saps felt when they saw him, towering over them. Imagine the last thing you see is this fool.' You thought. You looked at him a little longer before you walked over to the bathroom door.
He watched you, like the predator he was, open the door to the bathroom. You looked over at him as you pulled off your own shirt, dropping it on the floor before you walked into the bathroom. He chuckled before he kicked the door behind him closed and stalked after you into the bathroom. He stood in the doorway, admiring your body as you stood there in your underwear, he watched as you turned on the shower getting it nice and warm for the both of you. He personally liked it to be scolding, but he didn't feel like getting fussed and cussed out, he hadn't seen you in 2 weeks, and he wanted you to be pleased and not upset with him.
Usually, he'd do pretty much anything to see you fired up and annoyed with him, it was sexy, but he'd never admit it, but he liked having you in his arms when he came home from a mission. He didn't even know when it started happening, he just knew that he started craving your attention whenever he was gone too long on a mission. Before he met you, he'd take his time on a mission, stretching them out to nearly a month, but now that you were in his life, he tries to end it as fast as possible. The sooner his mission is over, the sooner he can come home to you. He didn't like thinking about it, he didn't even like feeling the way he felt, but he couldn't control his heart, not when it came to you. He was weak against you.
You were staring at the water, watching as it went down the drain in a constant cycle. 'Just like me and Raian... Ring around the rosie, we all fall down.' You thought as you put your hand out, feeling the water hit your hand, feeling the temperature. The feeling of hands gently running up your waist almost made you jump, if you weren't aware of Raian being in the bathroom with you, you would've sworn it was someone else. 'This gentle touch, that's a another reason why I want to have answers... This is the touch of a lover.' You though, as you felt his hands trailing up your sides, slowly caressing over your clothes chest. "Pretty jumpy, aren't we?" He teased, you rolled your eyes as you unconsciously arched into his hands. He chuckles as he closes his hands around your breasts, gently squeezing them till it hurt before he released them and he'd do the same thing again.
You lightly moaned at the feeling as your hands pressed against the shower wall, you were pretty much just leaning against his hands, but he didn't seem to mind. As soon as you noticed steam coming up from the shower, you pushed his hands off you roughly and he chuckled at you. "Shower's ready." You said as you began undressing completely. He smirked at you, a knowing look in his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest, satisfied with just watching you undress completely. You ignored him as you stepped into the shower, closing the glass door behind you as you slicked your hair back from the water, you picked up your body wash, squeezing some in your hand, you rubbed your hands together, getting them soapy before you rubbed them over your body slowly.
You knew he was watching, so why not put on a show. You already took a shower earlier today, hence why you didn't need a rag or anything, you just wanted to tease him. Rubbing your hands over your arms, breasts, shoulders, stomach, thighs, ass. You paused for a moment, the feeling of being watched like prey making you hesitate, but not in fear... in excitement. You stepped back under the water, letting the suds get washed away. A Hand suddenly slammed into the wall in front of you, making you jump. He chuckled in your ear as his other hand rubbed up your side and over your stomach. "Quite the show you put on for me, I usually don't get such a sight, must be my lucky day then." He said. You huffed as you leaned back into his chest. "Please, don't get ahead of yourself." You said.
He just smirked, as he ran his hand up your stomach and over your breasts, the pad of his fingers running over your nipples a few times before he suddenly pinched one harshly. You threw your head back as you hissed, in pain and pleasure. "Asshole." You grunted out. "Heh, what happened to that tough act, ha?" He asked, amusement in his voice. You scoffed but you didn't say anything. His hand on your breasts ran up further till he suddenly shot his hand up and he gripped your throat. You gagged at the sudden choke as your reached up to grab his arm, his grip tightening, you gasped for air while his other hand went straight for your twitching core, he ran his fingers over your clit roughly making you whimper.
He smirked as he chuckled in your ear. "From tough girl to a whinny whore, oh how the mighty have fallen." He taunted. You grunted in irritation at his words. "Shut... up... cock sucker." You retaliated, he chuckled. "Still got air to talk shit huh? Well, let's fix that." He said as he tightened his grip on your throat. Your toes curled and your pussy pulsed. "Ugh...." You moaned out, you nearly squealed when he suddenly pushed two of his fingers into you. Your pussy pulsed and twitched to the sudden stretch, the pain making your eyes roll and flutter, your saliva mixing in with the water as it went down your body, mixing in with the constant red that spiraled down the drain, his fingers pushed into you quickly, in and out, in and out, in an out. Your stomach flexed as you humped his fingers.
"Look at you, damn near falling apart from just my fingers alone, how fucking pitiful." He chastised as he pushed in a third finger, you whined as your nails dug into his arm, as your core twitched and spasmed, your eyes fluttering close. 'I'm gonna cum...' You thought as you gave a shuddering sigh, but it all came crashing down when he suddenly released your neck as he pulled his fingers out. You threw your hands out in front of you quickly, catching yourself on the wall. Your legs felt weak as your knees tried to buckle under you. 'I refuse... I'm not gonna fall on my knees.' You thought, your pride keeping you from doing so, but it was all in vain when he suddenly pushed his foot into the back of one of your knees, making you fall to your knees. You hissed in pain when your knees hit the shower floor.
You snatched your head around to glare up at him, and he smirked down at you, unfazed by your harsh glare. "Damn, if only looks could kill, right?" He teased as he stared down at you. You huffed in annoyance as you moved to stand, but he pushed his hand down on your shoulder keeping you down on your knees. "Let me up, asshole." You barked, he simply chuckled at you as he pushed you around, the shower floor making it easy to spin you around to face you towards him. He gave you a knowing smirk and your eyes slowly trailed down until they landed on his hard cock. It was always a sight to see. The thick vein that ran up the side of it, the bulbous head red, the foreskin pushed back, the slight throb of it. It was beautiful. You looked back up at him before you sighed. 'Might as well try not to act like I don't want it, because we both know the truth.' You thought as you reached forward and you grabbed it.
Your grip was tight, just how he liked it, you saw when the head slightly twitched from the throb you felt it in your hand. 'If it's not his heart, soul, and mind I have control of, then it would be his dick.' You thought as you flattened your tongue and you licked the head roughly. He gave a sigh as his hand on your shoulder moved to the top of your head, his fingers pushing into your wet strands as he tangled his fingers into it. You kept your tongue flattened as you continued to lick over his head, it didn't take long before the taste of precum hit your tongue. Your hand slipped lower as you sucked him into your mouth, inching him in little by little, you scrapped your teeth along his cock as you'd always bite down some on the head before you'd suck him back in. Learning how to give Raian a blowjob was a task of its own. He never explained what he liked, he just acted when it wasn't enough.
He was like yourself, a masochist but he was also a sadist. Your hand cuffed his balls gently as you sucked him down your throat further as you got used to his girth, before you pulled back, scrapping your teeth along his shaft as you'd bite down on the head before you'd do it all over again. His head was thrown back as he gave long groans of pleasure, his hands tightening in your hair as his hips bucked suddenly making you nearly choke, your hands came up to his thighs, trying to have some form of control. 'One buck usually leads to many.' You thought, and you were right, because the one turned into two and two into four and four into a constant repeat. You kept your throat open as you allowed him to use your throat, as roughly as he'd pleased. His balls slapped the underside of your chin, your saliva leaking down, causing new strands to form each time you'd pull away.
He groaned loudly as he shoved his cock deep down your throat, and he just held it there. 'Son of a bitch.' You thought as your brow twitched, you looked up at him, and your glare hardened when you saw that shit-eating grin on his face. "You like choking on cock, right?" he taunted. You groaned in irritation. 'Cocky bastard, all because I came the one time he choked me on his cock, not my fault I wasn't in my right mind.' You thought. He pulled back slowly until he was completely out and you coughed some, the pent-up saliva in your mouth poured out with his cock, getting washed away down the drain. "Nasty bitch." He said as he grabbed your arm, hoisting you up from the floor, you stumbled some, your legs numb from being on your knees for so long, but he kept a strong hold on you.
He pulled you close to his body, your hands coming up to rest on his chest when he did. "But I like em like that." He said, as he roughly pushed his mouth against yours, your teeth clashed together making you moan from the pain but it was forgotten when his tongue came to dance with yours. Your slimy tongues danced around one another as you both fought for dominance, you almost never won, but you didn't mind it. Your body was pressed tight up against his, your arms slowly going up and around his neck, while one of his arms circled around your waist while the other reached down to smack your ass. You jumped at the sudden impact before another slap came down just as hard as the first one, you moaned sweetly into his mouth.
Your muffled moans became loud once he pulled back from the kiss, another smack and you hissed while he kissed down your jaw towards your neck where he latched onto your skin. Another smack, a hiss, and a bite. You grunted from the sudden pinch of his teeth on your neck, another smack this time you moaned, another pinch from his teeth, another smack, a painful suck. Your arms tigheten around his neck as your head threw back giving him more room to leave more marks. You whined, moaned, groaned, and cried as he abused your ass with hard slaps while he littered your neck with bites.
Then, the pain was gone, and in its place was a tongue and a soothing hand. You held onto him tightly, your mind hazy as you leaned against his body. 'He wasn't usually like this... Usually by now... He'd be plowing me, not caring about how much pain I was in... I grew tough from it... And now... He's suddenly different... Taking the time to smooth over my small wounds, almost as if to say 'I'm sorry.'... I don't know this Raian but... I also don't mind it either... It makes me feel... Special.' You thought. His hands suddenly trailed down to your thighs as he hoisted you up, your legs wrapping around his waist.
He guided himself into your core, slowly pushing in, you moaned at the slow entrance, only for it to get slightly louder once he bottomed out. You whimpered once he fully entered, your face hiding into your folded arms, he just gave a small chuckle at your noise before he lifted you up and let gravity do its job while he thrusts forward. You both moaned at the action his dick seemingly going deeper when he did that. It didn't take him long before he found his rhythm, your body bouncing against him every time he thrusts forward.
'This is different... Way different... He should be ravaging me, taking me by force like an animal... A man without a conscious... So why?... What's causing this sudden change?... Is it me?... Is it Ohma?... Is it someone else?... I need to know... I need to know, Raian... Tell me...' you thought as you lifted your head up, your arms unwrapping around his neck as you tangled your hands into his hair. He stopped his movements when he saw the look in your eyes. "Raian... Be honest with me... Do you love me?" You asked him, his eyes slightly widened and his smirk slowly died down some.
He stared at you for a moment, not saying anything. The shower was the only noise you could hear. His eyes relaxed before his smirk widened once more, he didn't say anything as he turned off the water, opened the door to the shower, and promptly walked out of the bathroom. You were still in his arms, dick still inside, as you stared down at him in confusion. " Raian?... Raian answer me... I deserve an answer damnit." You demanded as you glared at him. He didn't say anything as he suddenly bent down your arms tightening around his neck before your back met the bed.
You stared up at him, you couldn't process anything as you watched him place his head on your shoulder, his arms tightening around you. "You want my honest answer?" He said, his voice low, you nodded your head. "Ha, so do I." He said. Your eyes widened as you looked at him, but you never got a chance to question him before he began thrusting. Your head went back as you moaned at the different position, his tip scraping your g-spot just right, your toes curling and uncurling as your arms tightened around his neck, your fingers digging into his back, your legs loosening from around his waist, he took advantage of that as he quickly grabbed your legs, bending you into the breeding position.
You whined at the sudden change you arms falling next to your head, your body moving with his thrusts. "Remember...What I told you?... About this position?" He suddenly said, you almost didn't hear him, your cloudy brain looking for an answer before your eyes widened. He smirked. "I'll only do that position with a woman, who I can see myself spending the rest of my life with." You said, repeating his words from long ago. He chuckled. "Does that answer your question?... Honest enough for ya?" He asked.
You stared at him, seemingly numb for a moment, before you placed your hands on his arms, and you smiled. His brows slightly twitched at the look in your eyes. It was always there, he could see it everytime he looked at you. That soft look in your eyes that he used to hate so much, he used to despise it... Thinking it was you pitying him, looking down on his strength... But he's grown addicted to the look... Possessive even... He noticed it was a look you only reserved for him and him alone. That was his special stare, and he intended on keeping it like that.
"I love you, Raian." You said, everything stopped. He stared down at you, shocked. The tender smile on your face, thoes pretty eyes full of love... Did he love you back?... Could he even love?... He had favorites... But someone he loved?.... He supposed so... He wanted to spend the rest of his life with you... He wanted you by his side forever. He never wanted you to leave, he needs you, to keep him grounded. He smirked. "Then, in that case... Let me fuck you like a lover." He said.
Your eyes widen, not expecting him to... Recuperate your feelings... In his own way that is. His thrusts suddenly picked back up in speed, as he bent over you making your body curve up slightly more, your knees on side of your head, one of his hands pressed into the bed next to your head while the other held the back of your knee. Your moaned in time with his thrusts, your hands curling into the sheets below, your eyes getting cloudy as they fluttered close. "I'm gonna fuck a baby into you... Showing everyone who you belong to... Just the thought of your belly swelling up is enough to make me cum." He said
His thrusts getting harder, deeper, faster. His balls slapping your ass, your slick pouring out, making the underside of his balls shiny as they left strands of your slick, making a white paste. Your back wanted to arch, your fingers found his thigh as you dug your nails into them, wanting something to ground yourself with. His hand suddenly grabbed your hair, puking it back harshly. You hissed at the pain, you almost thought he snatched you bald, but he didn't, he wouldn't, he likes your hair too much to do that... Plus he didn't wanna hear you bitching about it for days.
Your core tightened, the feeling of your release coming made your eyes roll, your stomach tighten and just like that, your world went hazy as you nearly yelled out your orgasms, Raian chuckled at you, watching you twist and whine as he helped you ride out your high. The twitching of your pussy along his cock made his spine twitch. "I'm gonna make you into a mother, have you carry my children, walking around with that swollen uterus." He said, he could already see it, your little waddles, your swollen ankles, your weird ass cravings, your mood swings, your swollen breasts, leaking milk for his baby. Just as he said before, just the thought of it was enough to make him cum.
He pushed all the way in, his cock pushed in completely. You could feel him twitching, his cum spilling into you, filling you up, his ball tightening up and he gave a groan as another spill came out. You could feel his seed, filling you up. He laid his forehead on your shoulder, as your hands came up, running your fingers through his hair and on the back of his neck. You both lay there, tired, sleepy, hot, sweaty. He didn't even try to slip out, as he flipped you both around. He laid back on the bed, sighing as he felt his body finally relax after his long mission. You lay against him, the sound of his heart beating made you calm down. You felt his hands rubbing up and down your back, lightly tapping your ass on occasion.
You opened your eyes, staring at the bloodied sack with the heads of a family of 9 in it, the blood had long since stopped pooling around the bag, you sighed as your eyes slowly drifted close, he refused to exit you until he felt his seed had taken root. And you were okay with that, if it worked, then a new chapter of your life can begin, and this time, you'll be with your other half to live it out.
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nerdraging4point0 · 1 month
Power Play // Chapter Eight // Hockey-Omens AU
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Tropes and tags: RPF:AU hockey player romance, angsty romance, hidden relationship, forbidden relationship, smutty, MF, multiple POV. 
Content Warning: angsty romance, hockey player shenanigans, locker room talk, smutty, aggressive hockey players, PinV, MF relationship, possessive male, protective male.
This work below is fictionalized ideas and stories involving real people but does not directly reflect their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Please keep in mind that this is a work of fiction.
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Taglist(click to be added): @ladyveronikawrites @poisongirl616 @shilohrosechicken @th0ughts-pr4yers @meliferafaerie @curse-bearing-hips @letmeadoreyoux @transparentwitchnightmare @darling-millicent-aubrey @moranastray @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @collective-heartbreak @littlefoxkota @somebodyels3 @thisbicc @jakeygvf21 @cind6547 @lma1986 @loeytuan98 @xxkittenkissesxx @darkmxgician @sammyjoeee @malerieee @embracethereaper42 @nerdywitch20 @graveatspeople @sacredthefran @dominuslunae @skulliecadaver-blog @anameunmusical @thatchickwiththecamera @missduffsblog @jessicafg03 @lilrubles @iknownothingpeople @talialovesmiw @deathofpeaceofmiiind @shaydayhere @wild-child-7747
As I shuffle from foot to foot, waiting impatiently, the massive sphere looms over me, slowly turning to showcase the etched lettering that reads Universal Studios. The brilliant water show happening just behind me provides a melodic backdrop, but does little to soothe my growing unease. Across the way, crowds of excited guests pour through the front gates, many already wearing silly souvenir hats or clutching stuffed animals they bought. Their joyful shrieks echo from inside the park. But here I remain, alone, checking my phone again for any word from Noah who is now 15 minutes late. It would have been easier to carpool but I was so adamant on it only being casual I thought a car ride together would push the boundaries-what was I thinking?  I crane my neck, scanning the constant stream of park-goers for any sign of them. Meanwhile, just down the palm-tree lined streets, casual shoppers laugh and chat as they drift in and out of kitschy gift shops and overpriced restaurants.
I stand conflicted, torn between listening to the voice in my head urging me to leave and salvage my pride or staying to enjoy the sunny day alone in the park. My mind races, replaying our last conversation where he promised to meet me here, yet now I wait aimlessly for a text explaining his absence. I shift my weight between feet, denim shorts swishing against my bare thighs as I kick at the sidewalk in frustration. Arms crossed, I glance around, taking in the groups laughing together on the grass while I wait solitary by the lot. With a huff, I turn to leave, chucks scuffing the pavement with each reluctant step. I make it only a short distance before pausing, a glimmer of hope making me pivot back. I fish my phone from my pocket, refreshing my notifications despite knowing the empty screen awaiting me. 
Noah: Hey, traffic was terrible. Got our tickets online meet me at the front gates. 
The text came in two minutes ago. When I was standing around contemplating my life choices, I feel like an idiot. Had he seen me stomping away? I take a deep breath walking down the red painted walk to the front gates. I spot him before he spots me, leaning on one shoulder against a palm tree closest to the ticket booth. 
His casual look is simple but it’s making my insides swim and spin in circles. The shorts are a classic neutral that matches anything, hitting just above his knees to show off muscular, tattooed calves. His socks and shoes are bright white, like he just stopped by the store to get them specifically for today. On top stands out a bold red hoodie with the hockey team's logo plastered boldly on the front, impossible to miss in a sea of people. His focus is downwards at his phone, hand absentmindedly brushing over short brown hair, drawing my eyes to the fresh cut he got just this morning. The ends are crisp and clean, neatly trimmed in a way that shapes his head, sharpening his look. 
“Hey,” he says as I close the distance between us looking up at me  from behind his shades, “Sorry traffic was a killer, sometimes I am afraid my old ‘09 car is gonna crap out on the freeway.”
"No worries," I say self-consciously, as I begin tugging at the hem of my shorts and shirt in a futile attempt to cover more of the bare skin I had purposely chosen to flaunt just moments before. I'm not sure why I suddenly feel so exposed and vulnerable, wishing I had worn something more modest, but his intense gaze is making me painfully aware of just how little clothing I have on. As if sensing my unease, he reaches for my hand, gently interlacing our fingers together and giving me a reassuring squeeze. With a warm smile, he leads us towards the mobile ticket booth at the park's entrance. I watch as he smoothly pulls up the e-tickets on his phone, which the attendant scans before snapping bright yellow paper wristbands onto each of our wrists. 
"Have fun!" she chirps cheerfully, waving us through the turnstile into the park. Still holding my hand securely, he guides me into the bustling crowd of families and thrill-seekers.
We scatter around the amusement park, darting from ride to ride but never fully committing to more than one at a time. Most of our time is spent waiting in the snaking queues, chattering away about anything and everything to pass the time. We debate our favorite movies - the epic adventures we could watch over and over and the cheesy romcoms we secretly love. We groan about the overhyped blockbusters that left us bored and disappointed. 
The line stretches on endlessly, filled with eager witches and wizards of all ages clad in Hogwarts robes and brandishing imitation wands they had purchased at the souvenir shops. They jostle against each other, craning their necks to see how much longer the wait will be, too caught up in their anticipation to pay heed to personal space. I pull in on myself, trying to avoid the constant bumps and shoves from the overly enthusiastic crowd. Mumbling half-hearted apologies, they repeat the same motions over and over as they surge forward whenever the line moves an inch. Their reckless abandon grates on me, fraying my nerves until I'm overwhelmed by the suffocating press of bodies. Just when I think I can't stand it any longer, I feel Noah's hands encase my shoulders before he pulls me back against his chest. He crosses his arms around me, enveloping my tiny frame within the safe harbor of his embrace. Sheltered there with his chin resting atop my head, the chaotic crowd no longer seems so oppressive. 
The hours fly by in each other's company. I walk slowly as I munch on the Minon Cafe nachos I purchased trying to get a generous amount of cheese, onions and barbeque on one chip. The savory blend of flavors bursts across my tongue with each crunchy bite. Noah stands next to me watching me munch on my food, his lips occasionally curving into a soft smile as he finds amusement in my puffed out chipmunk cheeks struggling to contain the mouthfuls of nachos. I return the expression with my own cheeks puffed out to maximum capacity, my mouth so full of the delicious tex-mex treat that I can barely chew let alone speak. The boys rush up to us without warning, their sneakers scuffing along the pavement. Two gangly teen boys with all the awkward acne and scattered facial hair that comes with puberty stand before us, the shortest one flashing a braces-filled smile as he and his lanky friend try to catch their breath after jogging to catch up with us.
"Hey man," the shorter one greets Noah, a slight lisp detectable as he speaks, "Love the hoodie. We're big Rooks fans." His eyes light up with admiration as they fixate on the sports team logo emblazoned across Noah's chest.
"Oh thanks," Noah replies, his smile broadening as he briefly glances down at the jacket he is wearing despite the intense heat, acting as though he had no idea he was sporting the coveted team merch.
"Whose your favorite player?" the other kid asks eagerly, practically bouncing on his toes. Noah shakes his head and I swear I see a little blush rise in his cheeks, his modest nature taking over. He reaches up and slowly removes the sunglasses from his face. As his identity is revealed, I turn back to look at the boys and see their starstruck expressions morph into sudden realization of who it is they are actually talking to.
The boys ask Noah for photos and autographs. He happily obliges, flashing his pearly white smile for selfies and signing various items. After a few minutes, the boys scamper off, thrilled with their interactions. Noah slides his sunglasses back on and turns to me with a grin stretching ear to ear.
 "You seem to be a popular player," I joke as I toss my trash and brush the chip crumbs from my hands.
 "It's not often I'm stopped without the team around," he admits with a casual shrug. "Puck bunnies usually," he adds. I involuntarily cringe at the mention of that term, memories of my reckless youth flooding back. I was quite the rebel in my teen years, making a string of poor choices with some of the players on my dad's college team. While I was never in it for the money or fame like those so-called "puck bunnies," I'd still made decisions I wasn't proud of, motivated by little more than teenage hormones and lust. 
"You would think," Noah continues, "Being here there would be more popular celebrities to see than me." He shrugs off the comment trying to lighten the mood. I shake off whatever it is that bothers me and force a smile.
 "Maybe they are all hiding," I say pointing to the studio tour ride. Just below the theme park are the studios where they often are filming - it's entirely possible celebrities of all types lurk below us without us knowing. Noah's face brightens at my suggestion and his eyebrows raise behind his sunglasses. His excitement is palpable as he takes my hand and drags me across the park to the escalators, paying the extra toll for the ride. I can't help but grin, caught up in his enthusiasm. We hurry onto the trolley, Noah helping me into the far back seat.
We're squeezed into the very back seat, thighs touching, the tour guide going on about the studio and celebrities we might see roaming around. I'm not even listening. I’m too focused on Noah’s arm draped behind me. His fingers drift lightly over my arm, barely making contact, but it's enough to make my heart race.
As the trolley trundles along through the winds and curves, I turn my head to gaze out the large open sides of the tram, feigning distraction while my mind races. I'm scanning the scenery with unseeing eyes, lost in a vivid daydream. In my fantasy, we sneak away from the crowds flocking through the park and slip into one of its shadowy alcoves, hidden from view. He presses me against the rough brick wall, his strong body pinning mine as his hands roam my curves. Our breaths grow ragged with anticipation and I have to bite my lip to keep from crying out as he drives himself into me, right there out in the open where anyone could happen by. My heart pounds at the illicit thrill even as my inner muscles clench around him. Just then, his deep voice breaks through my scandalous reverie.
 "You hungry?" As I turn back, our noses brush in sudden proximity and instinctively I recoil. But his arm around my shoulders tightens, holding me close so that our lips nearly meet. I swallow hard, nodding my head dropping my  eyes down to stop myself from staring at my own reflection in his black sunglasses. 
“Here or downtown?” His free hand comes between us, his index finger tapping my nose before dropping down to cup my chin and tilt my head up to look at him again. I see myself staring back from his dark sunglasses, the faint sight of his eyes behind them, and I know I'm done for. 
Noah’s POV
“Mmm, fuck, you’re so good to me, aren’t you little fox?”  The subtle music from the shops of studio city provided the backdrop as we found a secluded corner shielded by palm trees and trash bins. My hands gripped her hips tightly, bracing her against the brick wall as I moved rhythmically, struggling to keep my shorts from falling. Her body pressed hard into the wall with each thrust as I hit that sensitive spot inside her, eliciting muffled moans from behind her hand clasped firmly over her mouth. Her nails dug sharply into my shoulder, urging me on as my tempo increased. We were lost in the moment, oblivious to anything but each other and the risky thrill. The distant chatter was drowned out by her gasps of pleasure, spurring me to quicken the pace. 
“Fuck, I’m almost there baby.” I brought her down on my cock she rotates her hips to meet me with each thrust. Fuck. I can't get enough of this girl, she has me absolutely addicted in every way. From the moment I wake up, she is the first thought that crosses my mind. I find myself constantly daydreaming about her throughout the day, picturing her smile, her laugh, the way her nose crinkles when she's focused. I can't go five minutes without needing to touch her, to feel her soft skin under my fingertips. Her presence soothes me, excites me, consumes me. I want to talk to her all the time, hear her voice, her thoughts, her dreams. I've caught myself staring at her apartment balcony, hoping to catch a glimpse of her, longing to see that cute, sleepy look she gets when she's just waking up. I'm not proud to admit it, but I'm utterly infatuated. When we're together, it's electric - the sex is mind blowing, earth shattering, unlike anything I've ever experienced. I can't get enough of her body, the way she feels, tastes, smells. She has me completely intoxicated, addicted, obsessed. 
“fuck me, please.” The rhythmic panting in my ear spurs me on, driving my movements with an intoxicating urgency. Lost in the moment, I'm only dimly aware of footsteps approaching in the distance. But I cannot bring myself to stop, not when we’re so close.
Her skin is flush against mine, damp with perspiration from the sweltering summer air. As our foreheads meet, her face contorts in ecstasy, lips forming a perfect ‘O’ while her eyes roll back. She tightens around me, her body quivering. I wish I could freeze this instant, to imprint the exquisite sight of her unraveling in my mind. I come with one last thrust and we stand there, muscles shaking, breath heaving. 
I catch my breath quickly waiting for her thighs to stop shaking before I am setting her down slowly, shielding her as she steadies on her feet, trying to bend at the waist and lift a shaky leg through her denim shorts. 
Her delicate hand feels light in mine as I gently pull her out to the shopping center, people glance our way and I see her cheeks turn red. People have no idea what we just did, but I do and seeing her shy like this, I find it cute. I spot the burger joint and we slip inside and find a cozy booth by the window. The waiter takes our order - a juicy burger and fries for her, just a cold beer for me. As we wait, she becomes utterly engrossed in the football game blaring on the massive flatscreen above the bar. I watch her eyes light up whenever her team makes a big play. Her enthusiasm is contagious, and I find myself getting drawn into the game too.
In the back of my mind, I can't help thinking about my own team - how in just a couple days I'll be back on the ice with them, immersed in the sweat and adrenaline of competition. Part of me itches to be cleared for practice again, to feel the smooth feeling of the ice beneath my skates, to hear the swish of the net as I sink a perfect shot. But a larger part of me knows I'd rather be right here, in this moment, with her. For now, the game on TV is just background noise. The thing that has my full attention is the way she smiles at me from across our little booth, eyes shining, cheeks still flushed. This is where I'm meant to be.
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rinbowaman · 10 months
hiiiiii reinna i love ur work it makes my day everytime i read it lmaooo <333
i was wondering if u could make a fic abt sunoo like youre the 8th member of enhypen and since youre not that girly or act cute like the other female idols instead kinda tomboy and baddie sunoo finds you annoying cos hes not used to it but the other members r fine. one day after dance practice (y/n and jungwon r roomates) saurrr jungwon told yn the tea abt sunoo hating her but yn secretly likes sunoo. So after jungwon left to go somehwere idk shopping?? Yn cried n cried n cried and u can basically use ur creative imagination for the rest 👻👻 pls make it smut at the end tho i love it 👻👻👻
Thanksssssss miss bestest ever writter everrrr!! 1!111!1 ❤️❤️❤️
@reyna-ohno - I hope i did you justice ;)
Warnings: unprotected smut, fingering, gossiping, enemies to lovers trope, some minor angst, cursing's, a little bit of hate sex....and i think that's it. to make it more believable, Y/n has her own room but is close with the members and allows them to come hang out. I wrote majority of this while i was on bedrest recovering, so i apologize this is not proofread.
"She's really not at all like the others..." Jake remarks as he sits next to Heeseung, noting that your behavior on camera, was very much genuine as you were no different than how you were off camera.
"Yeah she doesnt seem to be into that whole cutsie thing. Kind of refreshing actually."
"Yeah man, i think so too."
Everyone could relatively agree, to see you be yourself, it was new and fresh, and a delight to see. For Sunoo, it was an abomination.
While you were filming alongside Jungwon, while you were chic and stylish in your own manner, you opted for casual and simple flares of fashion rather than the traditional girly and fancy type. With a loose pair of jeans on, a fitted tee shirt with a matching baseball cap, you displayed your smile and laughter by having a good time being the only girl member in the band.
Watching from aside, Sunoo glares and rolls his eyes. Next to him, Sunghoon pops over and gives him a slight side bump to break the silence after noting the look of irritation on his face. "Whats got you all worked up?"
"Why can't she just be like the rest of the girls in the industry? She's not at all doing well on these weverse lives, people want to see cute girls being....cute...not relaxed and chilled."
"give her a break, she's just being herself man. Can't be mad at that."
"I'm not mad i just.....i just dont get it." Sunoo shakes his head as he turns and walks away with his arms crossed, obviously irritated by your lack of enthusiasm when it came to attempting to be adorable, much like your counterpart, Jungwon. For a young man to be far more agile in being cute in his mannerisms, more than you, that usually was an indicator that you were someone who was far too much of a hopeless cause. Truth of the matter, Sunoo knew what the public liked, he knew that fans liked it when idols did silly and cute things like finger hearts, squinting eyes while displaying a cat like smile, or making high pitched sounds. You didn't do any of that, nor did you attempt it, which caused him to wonder if you were going to be the downfall of Enhypen.
Finishing the live stream, you and the boys all made your way back home to the dorm where you nestled yourself in you room, conveniently next to Jungwon's, who had developed a close bond with, much like a sibling. Since receiving your room assignments, being the only girl, you got your own room, yet it was nice to have Jungwon right next to you, since it was easy for him to come in and out to visit all throughout the night to hang out or watch tv together. Tonight was no different, especially with the new episodes of your guys favorite tv show coming out.
*Knock knock*
"come in." you softly call out, and as expected, you watched as Jungwon brings in a plate of fresh hot hotteok, and tea.
"did you start it?"
"no not yet, was waiting for you."
settling in as he places the plate and two cups on the table, you both prepared to watch the latest episode. As the opening credits rolled, Jungwon took the opportunity to talk about the vlive from earlier.
"Hey so......only because i'm the leader.......but......does it bother you that Sunoo.....well....you know...."
Raising your eyebrows in confusion as you munched on the honey filled treat, you looked up and shrugged your shoulders slightly. "What do you mean?"
"You dont know?"
"Know what?"
Jungwon sighs as he curses himself for opening a door that he wish he hadn't. "nevermind."
"Nooooo...dont be like that....tell me."
"its just....well....he really doesnt like you......and he makes it obvious."
Stunned, your eyes grew wide as you felt your heart drop. "Oh....he does?"
"yeah......do you want me to talk to him about it?"
Shaking your head, you kept your composure as best as you could. "No...its fine.....i'm sure he'll get over it."
Jungwon smiles in return. "yeah, i'm glad you're not too upset about it."
But the fact of the matter was, you were upset....deeply. No one would know of it, since you were very much strategic in keeping it hidden, but you were quite fond of Sunoo....you actually liked him even....so much, that you caught yourself dreaming of him, fantasizing on what it would be like to snuggle up with him, going on dates, or just being in his embrace and smelling his cologne.
You held it all in and the entire night, one episode after another, you felt as if your heart was punching your chest outward.
"Well, i'm gonna go to bed. we got an early morning tomorrow, so dont stay up too late."
"Okay." you feigned a smile as you watched him walk out. The moment you left the room, you hid yourself into the dimmed lighting in your room and began crying. You felt hurt. Did Sunoo really not like you? Why? You both hardly shared any words to one another. Yet it all started to make sense, for all the times you though back when you tried to make conversation, only to watch him side eye you as he would get up and leave the room. There were other moments too, such as whenever you would sit right next to him, and he'd let out an exhausting sigh, and get up to walk across the other side of the room to sit in a different seat. Initially, you didn't think much of it, you had thought he merely was just shy or just was not used to being around female idols. But now......it all makes senses. The man who you really wanted to be with....the one you admired from afar, day dreamed...the one you would do anything for, actually disliked you.....hated you......
Sobbing away into your kneecaps as you held your legs to your chest, you failed to notice that Jungwon had mistakenly left your door cracked open, not shutting it all the way through. With the bit of the dimmed lighting peeking out from the crack, the hallway remained pitch black with just a strip of the orange and yellow hue coming from your room.
Walking up after grabbing a bottle water from the kitchen, Sunoo strolls through the same hallway, all to reach his room at the end of the corridor.
hearing the faint sounds of your sobs, he takes a swig of his water and gulps it down as he sides eye the slivers crack in the door.
“is she….crying? What is her deal?”
sighing out in frustration, he took the chance to enter and see if he could get you to stop, considering your room was across from his. With all that sniffling and whimpering, it would be hard for him to get some sleep with your cries echoing in the hall. Walking into the dimmed room, he gently shuts the door behind him and walks further in. Breaching the opening of your room, he stands straight and leans against the wall while watching your pitiful state. Taking another gulp of water down, he rolls his eyes as he breaks the silence.
“you know if you’re going to cry, you can at least have your door shut all the way through so you don’t wake anyone.”
jolting out of your fetal position, you look up him with your tear stained face. Shocked, your eyes were wide and glossy, pieces of your hair remained plastered on your face and you softly whimpered out a few sniffles before stuttering out an “s-sorry….”
eyeing you down, he takes yet, another gulp from his bottle. Switching his gaze to the floor as he screws the cap back on, he crosses his arms before asking you the big question, merely because he grew curious after seeing your face.
confused, you sat there in silence and looked off to the side before turning back to him. “……um….s..sorry?”
sighing out as he rubbed his temple, he finally speaks out. It was soft yet firm, with a low tone….much lower than what he normally dispelled.
“bitch why are you crying?”
taken aback, your eyes became overflowing with the stinging of tears once more when you heard his harsh tone. Whimpering into your kneecaps again, he rolled his eyes in defeat as he regains composure and attempts this once more.
“okay okay look….just tell me why you’re crying. Can you do that? Hmm? Can you just stop and talk for a second? I’d like to eventually get some beauty rest.”
you shifted over and turned your back towards him.
“just go sunoo…….you’re not going to be the solution to any of my problems right now.”
gaining width in his widened glare, you heard his foot steps and thought he was walking in the opposite direction to exit the room. It wasn’t until you felt his weight plopping beside you that you realized he was sitting right next to you. Not only that, but the moment you heard his careless whisper, how his hot breath touched your ear, you knew he was far closer than he had ever been with you.
“Why is that?” He whispered into your ear. you shuttered as you felt an electric shock travel up and down your spine.
“stop! Why are you here? Why do you even care or try? I know you hate me…..just….leave me alone.” You broke down and began to sob as you lashed out the truth.
he didn’t deny it, nor did he try to argue with you on your statement, he did in fact, borderline hated you. Though hearing you say it aloud made him feel a certain type of way about it.
“you’re right….I do hate you.”
“could you please just go……..I….I don’t understand…I’ve never done anything to you….I’ve tried to be nice and I’ve always been helpful…..I’ve……I’ve don’t everything I could to make you see how much I care…” breaking down, you sobbed as you curled your body in.
“I know.” He admitted, nonchalantly at that, as if he knew all this time yet still found it suitable to hate you. But that’s as all about to change….
feeling his hand grasp your shoulder and turning you over, in a rather forceful nature, you gasped out in shock as you witness his frame hovering over you. His feline eyes staring right into your iris and a soft, very faint smile appeared on his pouty lips.
his pupils shift in random direction as he takes in y the sight of your face. Releasing a soft chuckle, he calmly speaks out.
caught off guard, he blinked in shock before uttering an “excuse me?” Bidding him to clarify.
“I said, ‘cute’. Does crying make you deaf too?”
“why are you being this way? I don’t get it…..”
“welcome to my world."
"What is your problem!?" you snapped. you've about had it with his cocky attitude and the lack of sincerity in his tone. Yet the moment he pinned you down as he leaned further in, with his nose pressed against your cheek and his hot breath grazing against your lips, you were shocked still.
"you know, you put on that act to behave like one of the guys. you act cool and casual, and you treat all aspects of being a girl as something that is beneath you. yet look at you now.....crying and looking so adorable......so soft....all your feminine features coming out with each tear drop you cry out."
"ar.....are you toying with me?"
"Maybe.......is that bad?.....is that something that bothers you?"
Shrugging from left to right, you try to break free from his grasp as he began to hold on to your wrists. "huh....you're even cuter when you struggle."
"stop it! get off of me!"
"I will.....if you can get me off." he smirks with that sly smile that he was known for. You gave in as you break down from feeling the immense different in strength. Despite being the carefree and adored idol he was, Sunoo was indeed still, a man.
"Why .....just why....?"
Smirking once more, he leans further in and pauses just before his lips are met with yours. "ddeonu" he whispers.
You raised a brow in annoyance as you whispered back. "is that supposed to be funny? like a joke?"
Once more, he whispers back "ddeonu....you tell me...." smiling and smirking against your lips, you faintly smile back as you feel his grasp loosen and soften up, with his finger tips stroking your skin.
"do. you really hate me?" you asked.
Before he could answer, you softy whispered and cut him off. "let me guess.....ddeonu?"
His eyes widening for a moment, he whispers firmly and tells you, "say it again."
Leaning slightly upward, you softly tell him......"ddeonu....."
His lips lock yours in. His hands eagerly roam up and down your body. Your hands rest on his broad shoulders as you feel his grope slightly shift your body upward from the overwhelming sensation of his soft skin traveling all over your stomach, your breasts, and your ribcage. breaking the kiss to catch his breath, ultimately allowing for you to do the same, he breathes out his gasping words as he rips your buttons apart.
"Whine for me....little girl."
"No Sunoo...."
"Do it."
Kissing you, he shoves his hand down your shorts and flickers his two fingers against your clit. Just as he wanted, you whimper into his mouth as he holds your wrists down with one hand. "Whine some more." he breathes out.
Meshing his lips with yours, he rubs your slit up and down and presses his palm on it as he clams a grip and shoves his tongue deeper into your mouth.
Breaking free for a moment, you turn your head and gasp out. "God!.....I hate you i swear."
"Do you now? Tell me how much you hate the fox." he mumbles against your lips, as. he pulls down your shorts and panties, rolling them down past your kneecaps.
"Sunoo....." you whispered out.
Hovering over, he props his frame on his knees and pulls his shirt off, loosening his sweatpants, he leans back in and props his chest to remain heightened just above your exposed breasts as he uses his arm to stilt himself up. His hair loosely draping down as he eyes you with an intrigued glare.
"you look so cute when you cry...."
"........you're crazy."
"every sly fox is." he smirks as he kisses you once more, this time it was tender, and more gentle. Leaning all the way down, you relished as his body melts into yours, your arms wrap around his neck as you feel him probe your entrance. Gasping for air, you grip on to his shoulders and dig your fingers in as you feel him slide the remaining length inside you.
"Y-you...you're not wearing a condom." you breathed out, wincing your eyes shut as you felt the sting of him inserting all the way through.
"Don't worry.....i know you're a good girl....and you know i'm clean.....considering we're with each other all the time." he heavily breaths out upon feeling the pressure of your entry squeezing him as he bottoms out inside.
It was true, since you always had feelings for the man to your right, you never once paid any mind to all of your fans, the other idols, or staff that showed interest. You remained faithful to a dream that you never thought would have come, yet you stayed hopeful. The dreams alone, were enough to get you by, now that you were in this moment, it all felt surreal.
"Ah! You...you're too big!"
Kissing you tenderly, he begins to thrust slowly and deeply. "Yeah?....It might be because you're super tight." wincing at the last part, he grits his teeth slightly as he pulls out yet kept the tip nestled in before shoving himself all the way back in through.
"Fuck.....you're really tight......" breathing in deeply into your ear, he caresses both sides of your head and twirls his fingers with your hair as he softly kisses your helix, nibbles on your lobe and licks the inside of your ear canal.
"Ugh! ugh! Sunoo!" you gasp out as you release each pleasurably moan and bite your lip. Remaining in the missionary position, Sunoo props himself up as he lifts both your legs and rests them over his shoulders. "S...sstop." you shyly utter out as he positions you to be fully exposed and in his view. "Shhhh......be a good girl." breathes out as he reaches around one of your thighs and circles the pad of his thumb on your clit. With your hips dipping high and low with each thrust, he picks up the pace upon seeing how delectable your breasts looked as they jiggle up and down from his momentum.
"Oh.....shit....move like that some more baby girl...." he gasps as the sweat beads drip down and his hair glistens and becomes slick wet. "Move...baby....move some more...." thrusting in faster and faster, you lose breath as his bumping thrust instilled a raging sense of pelting pleasure that penetrates deep into your chest.
"Oh.......oh my god...fuck.......what.....what are you doing??...." you gasp out as you bite on to your finger as you shift your face off to the side, your body drenched with sweat as you take in thrust after thrust. Feeling him easily sliding in, you felt your body leaking the bit of moisture onto his lengthy shaft as his thrusts and friction caused it to thicken and cream up on the base of your opening, with a reside ringing around his length.
"Shhhh......take it cutie....fuck.......take it all." he gasps out as he thrusts in deeper, leaning back in as his chest rests atop your breasts, locking your lips in once more. Your moans started to pick up volume, so he swoops a hand and gently covers your mouth while planting his lips on your forehead, taking in the feeling of your face jolting up and down as he pelts you with his hip thrusts. "Oh you're so fucking good.....you know that?" he whispers as he kisses your sweaty brow line as you moan out your muffled answer into his palm. "keep taking it.....just......shit....little more......r-...right there...." gasping out a deep breath, he pulls out his shaft and watches as the slime of your body's lubricant and his pre-cum lines a bridge between your entry and his tip. Aiming for your breasts, he holds his shaft steadily in his palm as he releases and paints your chest with his seed. Chuckling as he catches his breath, he kisses your face tenderly as you whimper out, trying your best to calm your heartbeat.
"Can't get you pregnant....not yet.....staff and company wouldn't like that....." with a tender kiss, he softly rolls his tongue around, massaging the inside of your cheeks as he continues.
"but maybe.....a little later......maybe we'll make something as cute as you.....hmm?"
Tired, breathless, weakened and limp, you whispered out "ddeonu...." to which he laughs as he keeps his lips planted on your cheek.
"I do...."
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Enjoyed this piece? Show love and treat your girl to a cup of coffee. ♥️  ☕ Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/reinbow
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gunilslaugh · 1 year
5+1 Kwak Jiseok
Summary: The five times you and Jiseok get mistakenly called a couple and the one time it isn’t a mistake.
WC: 2.16k
Warning: grammar (this probably always gonna be a warning lol)
2nd person pov
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photo not mine credits to owner
1st: Jiseok had invited you over to the dorms on his day off to have a movie day. You gladly accepted since you missed spending time with your best friend, as being an idol kept him very busy and exhausted. 
Once you arrive at the dorms Jiseok answers the door still wearing his pajamas and his hair unstyled, natural.
“Well don’t you look comfortable?” You commented with a playful glint in your eyes. 
“So do you,” he retorted back. Referring to your casual appearance of a plain black hoodie and sweatpants. 
“Chill day, chill outfit,” you simply responded, making your way into the dorm. Jiseok then led you over to the couch in the living room area where he already had Netflix pulled up on the T.V. “What should we start with?” you asked while plopping down onto the couch cushion.
“You can pick,” he said, tossing the remote at you. After selecting a movie the two of you made yourselves comfortable on the couch. 
Subsequently after the third movie Jiseoks head had found its way onto your lap, while your hands found their way into his hair. This was normal for the two of you, platonic cuddling nothing more nothing less. You noticed about a third of the way into movie number four that Jiseok’s head felt a bit heavier and he was breathing deeper. He had fallen asleep. You chuckle lightly, but let him be. Knowing how tired he must’ve been. Not too long after you hear the front door of the dorm open. Looking over you notice that it was Seungmin and Jungsu. Motioning for them to be quiet, pointing at the sleeping Jiseok in your lap. They nodded understanding. 
“Didn’t mean to interrupt your domestic couple activities,” Seungmin said.
“You didn’t plus we’re not a couple,” You responded about returning your attention back to the movie when you heard Jungsu speak.
“That’s not what Jiseok’s head in your lap says,” 
“Friends can’t cuddle?” 
“It’s not that they can't, it's just you two….” Jungsu trails off 
“Just let them be man,” Seungmin says, patting his hand over Jungsu’s shoulder. The two of them walk off muttering about something you can’t quite make out.
2nd: Late one night you and Jiseok had found yourselves casually strolling around Han River. It was mostly quiet, except for the faint sounds of the water flowing in the river.  Not many people were around. 
“Remember when you fell into the stream at Mt. Deogyu?” Jiseok spoke while letting out a laugh.
“Stop, that was so embarrassing!” You said while shoving him. 
“We should go again sometime” 
“So I can fall into a stream again? No.” 
“No, not so you can fall into a stream again,” he said whilst chuckling. “I just meant it was a fun trip and I’d like to do it again,” he elucidated. “It doesn’t have to be Mt. Deogyu. It can be someplace without streams'' 
“It was really pretty there” 
“Yeah it was” 
“Remember when that old woman thought we were a couple?” You brought up, recalling the memory.
“Well aren’t you two just the cutest couple?” You heard a woman's voice speak as you and Jiseok were busy taking a photo together.
“Oh no we aren’t a couple. Just friends,” Jiseok kindly told the old woman.
“Oh sorry, you guys just look like my husband and I back in the day. Ain’t that right dear?” She spoke turning towards her husband. Her husband looked a bit undecided about how to respond, but ultimately decided agreeing with his wife would be the best.
“They do remind me of us,” 
“Precisely!” She started happily. “Anyway, enjoy your hike,” she finished. 
“Thanks you too!” You replied back.
“Yeah, she was sweet,” Jiseok replied with a smile making its way to his lips.
3rd: “Seriously guys I’m telling you y/n and I are just friends,” Jiseok spoke firmly.
“How do you expect us to believe that when you guys act exactly like a couple?” Jooyeon interjects.
“We do not, we act like friends,” Jiseok states thoroughly.
“Oh please, you guys always end up holding hands or cuddling,” Jungsu pronounces. 
“Platonically,” Jiseok refutes.
“Everytime the two of you hang out it’s basically a date,” Hyeongjun comments.
“No it’s two friends hanging out no more no less,” he corrects.
“It’s not like we’re the only ones who think this way. Most people mistake you two for a couple,” Seungmin points out.
“That’s simply because we’re a guy and girl hanging out, people like to jump to conclusions,” Jiseok defends yet again.
“But you don’t mind people mistaking you and y/n as a couple do you?” Gunil suggests making a knowing face. 
“.....Well no I don’t particularly mind, but-”
“So you wouldn’t mind dating y/n?” Jooyeon asks, but it sounds more accusatory. 
“Now you’re jumping to conclusions. Let me finish. No, I don’t mind people mistaking y/n and I as a couple, but it’s not the truth. The truth is we’re best friends and that’s why we correct people,” he concludes. “Now I’m done with this conversation,” Jiseok starts to walk away. 
“But you never answered my question about dating y/n,” Jooyeon shouts after him, but it’s too late Jiseok is already gone. Leaving the members to simply stare at one another about the conversation that just went down.
“They may not be a couple now, but one day, one day,” Jooyeon voices while strongly holding up one finger.
4th: After leaving the convenient store with ice creams in hand you and Jiseok make your way over to the park located nearby. Sitting on a bench that was under some trees proving nice protection from the blaring sun. You notice Jiseok licking the side of his ice cream trying to prevent it from slipping onto his hand. You giggle at the sight and dig out a napkin you shoved into your pocket earlier. 
“Here,” you said as you handed the napkin out to him. 
“Thanks” he says, taking the napkin to wipe away the drips of ice cream. Both of you hurry to finish the seemingly rapid melting ice creams, laughing at one another's struggles. A ball then rolled over to the bench, knocking gently against your feet. Seconds later a young child comes running over.
“Sorry,” the child apologizes. 
“It’s ok, no worries,” you tell the child.
“Your girlfriend is really pretty,” the said child tells Jiseok.
“Thank you, but she’s not my girlfriend, just my friend,” he answers back. 
“Why not? You both look just like my brother and his girlfriend” Jiseoks looks over at you. He is unsure of how he is supposed to answer the child. 
“Well we’re just friends, have been for a long time,” You told the child.
“Oh” was the only word to come from the child's mouth.
“Go play!” You said in an attempt to get the child to leave.
“Ok!” the child responded enthusiastically before running off. You and Jiseok could only look at each other and laugh. The thought of “why not?” plaguing both of your minds. There really wasn’t any obvious reason as to why not. It was simply that being best friends was all you and Jiseok ever thought about being, but what if that changed?
5th: “Y’know maybe we should just get shirts that say “Best Friend” with like an arrow that points at one another,” You tell Jiseok with a joking tone as you both sat on the floor in his room. “It seems like we constantly get mistaken as a couple,”
“Hey! Being mistaken as a couple got us a discount today. You can’t complain about a discount,” Jiseok brought up today's incident about the worker at the clothing store giving you guys a “couples discount”. 
“The discount was nice, yes, but…..I don’t know I’m just being stupid nevermind,” you said with the atmosphere of the room shifting.
“Would it be weird if we were actually a couple?” He asks hesitantly. 
“I don’t think so. Honestly ever since that kid at the park asked us ‘Why not?’ I’ve kinda been thinking about it,” You revealed eyes staring down at the floor, nervous about what Jiseok would think. Only to be greeted with hearing his laughter. You breathe hitches not knowing if this was good or bad laughter, had you just messed up?
“Honestly I thought about it before that kid,” he exposes.
“Seriously? Since when?” you asked, letting the breath you were holding go.
“I’m not exactly sure, but I know when that old lady said she reminded us of her and her husband. I liked it. Then there was this other time where the members were pestering me about how we acted like a couple. I simply refused saying we were only friends, but Jooyeon asked if I would mind dating you. I realized I wouldn't, it sounded nice even,” he finished now being the one to look at the floor. You smiled, the  thought of dating Jiseok sounding nice to you too. You reached out your hand, so it was in between the floor and his gaze. At this action Jiseok looked up at you, seeing the smile on your face.
“Couple?” you asked
“Couple” he nodded, putting his hand in yours. Using your now linked hands he pulled you into a hug. The force of the hug knocked you two onto the floor. Breaking into a fit of giggles enjoying the now romantic embrace shared between you both.
+1: Arriving at the practice room for Xdinary Heroes with bags of food in your hands for the hard working boys. You knocked (kicked, due to your hands being full) on the door to the room. Gunil opened the door allowing you inside the room while saying hello.
“Y/n here! She brought us food!” He announced. At the mention of food all the members' attention was immediately grabbed. They all gathered around helping to take the food from your hands, while happily greeting and thanking you. Making yourselves comfortable on the floor, setting out the food. You and Jiseok naturally found yourselves seated next to each other with your knees lightly touching. After finishing eating and cleaning up the trash the members agreed on having a fifthteen minute break then they would get back to practicing. Jiseok’s head yet again found its way into your lap. One of your hands was occupied with your phone while the other found itself casually resting on Jiseok’s unoccupied hand. 
“Look at you two being a couple again,” Jungsu uttered seemingly unamused. Upon hearing his Jiseok glanced up at you from his spot on your lap and you looked down at him. Small matching smiles painting their way onto your guys lips. Noticing the lack of correction about the relationship between you and Jiseok Jooyeon breaks out.
“No way! Aren’t you guys going to correct us? ‘We’re not a couple just friends’” 
“There’s nothing to correct.” Jiseok states as he sits up from your lap. You grab one of his hands, lifting it up with your own.
“We are a couple,” you revealed 
“I KNEW IT!!! I said one day y’all would be a couple and I was right! That day is today!” Jooyeon beamed with excitement.
“Technically it happened last week, but yeah” Jiseok spoke while resting his head on your shoulder. 
“Took long enough,” Hyeonjun added. 
“Seriously it was so obvious that there was something there between you two, but no you guys heavily insisted it was only friendship,” Seungmin ranted out. The guys went on about how annoyingly stubborn you two were. 
“Ok! Ok! Y’know what I think it’s been fifteen minutes you guys should get back to work,” you interjected. 
“She’s right,” Gunil confirmed. You made your goodbyes to the boys and Jiseok walked you out. 
“I’ll call you after practice,” he smiled leaning in to give you a peck on the cheek. 
“Ok,” You replied, also giving him a peck on the cheek. 
AN: I have no clue how to ends this so I’ma just leave it here lol hope you enjoyed 
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the-phantom-author · 6 months
Hasan Piker | Engineer!gf
I missed her and wanted a one page collection, so here she is.
Reblogs welcomed, request open.
The two of you actually meet through Murat. You're older than Murat, you’re actually older than Hasan by 2-3 years, You and Murat worked on a project forever ago and just kept in contact, especially because you are based in California and he was still in Oklahoma, but planning on moving to California.
It’s after he moves in with Hasan that you first meet the man, and you immediately ask Murat ``Is he someone's man?" It’s 100% Murat’s fault, he invites you to a party that is being held at Hasan’s, and the moment that you get a glimpse at Hasan you immediately turn to Murat and start questioning him about his older attractive brother.
He does introduce you two, and it goes so very bad. Neither of you are sober, so when you get into an actual conversation you start rambling about random things, in really vivid details using all kinds of big words. He gets intimidated, it scares him at first, still does to this day if he’s honest, but he’s into it.
Now, you two don’t get together anytime soon after that first conversion. It is a very long amount of time before the two of you get together, and to the rest of the Piker family it seems like forever. They see how often you are around, as a product of how good of friends you are with Murat and how much they see you and Hasan talking. They don’t really push it, other than Murat who is constantly telling Hasan to ask you out, most of the family just silently accepts that you’re part of the family.
You have a great relationship with most of his friends, but nothing quite like your relationship with Will. Will, who you bonded with really quickly, for no real reason you’re the same age as him, if not a year older, you just got along. You’re always inviting Will to go to a sports game with you, inviting him and Caroline to go out when you need to go clothes shopping, or want to go wine tasting, or just out in general.
Not to mention that Will is always willing and ready to defend you when Hasan jokingly complains about you. Hasan wants to talk about you leaving stuff around the house, "dude she's busy girl bossing." Or if he says something about you being unusually loud, "says you!”. Y’all are besties.
Austin loves you. He loves to just have you around, like in a very similar way to him you are messy, unlike him you are quietly messy. When he mentions something wild that he did, he makes it the main focus of the conversation, whereas you just mention things casually. Like you just off offhandedly say something about being banned from the Smithsonian, or how you once burned half an apartment down on a Christmas eve as a teen. He genuinely thinks you’re effortlessly funny.
QT also likes having you around. Much like her, you tend to be more quiet and observational than the boys are. She also really enjoys to watch you wrangle in the guys, just the stubble glares at Hasan when he cuts someone off, cutting of Austin when he cuts you off, you waiting for Will to be finished with what he was saying before immediately following his sentence with “As I was saying”. You do the same when the boys interrupt her. That’s why you’re her favorite podcast guest.
Speaking about the podcast, the viewers love you, and by viewers I do mean anyone who sees you in any form of content; a random tiktok you're in the background of, a podcast episode that you get roped into doing, a stream that sits in on for a few minutes. It doesn't matter what it is, the people love you. Like chat’s constantly trying to get you to be on stream. The amount of times he'll see "call mom" or "bring mom on" is insane. They just want to have enough content with you in it to be able to make a "Y/N correcting Hasan for 10 minutes" compilation.
Chat likes when you appear on stream. They know that it always involves story time for them. Sometimes it’s about your childhood, or stories from when you and Hasan first started dating, or stories about your exes, or your travels. Chat loves story time with mom.
Also the on camera dynamic you have with Hasan is very different to the on camera dynamic you have with Will. Hasan is always going on about how smart you are, he’s boasting about you knows no bounds, therefor when he talks about stuff he knows nothing about, that you are very knowledgeable on, and does so with so much confidence. You never hesitate to inform him on just how wrong he is, you actually correct everyone when they say things that are wildly wrong. Everyone except for Will. With Will you’re always like “Oh, darling. I don't think you know what that word means."
There is an ongoing joke between you, Hasan, and WIll where at least once every time all three of you are on camera Hasan has to ask if you are cheating on him with Will. You never fail to respond by hugging Will and being like ‘Yeah, so what?😊😊😊 You're cheating on me with Austin.”
Not to mention being on stream with Hasan and Murat! The entire time it’s just the two poking fun of Hasan. It’s just constant jokes like “I swear Murat, sometimes it feels like I'm dating a child” or "The poor baby, he just gets so stressed sometimes." "Are you really going to be talking like that at a kid's game? At your big ol’ age?" and the chat is laughing so much because you’re talking like that about a 32 year old man.
Austin and Will somehow manage to get you on Name Your Price. It is so out of your comfort zone, you're not a media personality, and isn't used to being on camera. The only times she's really been on camera is on Hasan's stream and even then it's never for long periods of time and Hasan is always right next to her.
So when the NYP streams starts she's a bit odd, quieter, not really making jokes, more observant than normally. But after about 20-25 minutes she gets comfortable. Austin makes the questions, so he does gear them to be mostly about science shit in hopes that it would help make you feel more comfortable.
Everybody is just so amazed how smart and funny you are. You end up cussing Hasan out for not knowing something. "Babe, I literally explain this term to you last week"
"Sorry, I'm not THAT SMART like you"
"This isn't a question of if your smart or not Hasan, this is a question of are you listening when i tell you things."
Also the house is in a constant state of disaster because you and Murat aew always starting projects and never really ending them. you also help Hasan's mom put all the furniture she buys together.
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stargirlsmooch · 2 years
i miss you
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steve rogers x fem!reader
when you hear steve with another woman again, you just can't handle it. but it appears that he can't either when he calls her by your name. angsty + talks of sex. 18+ 1.2k words.
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He brought another girl home tonight. You feel no anger over his acts, just pure undiluted sadness. You kick yourself for letting him go, once telling yourself that you would be so much better on your own- no liabilities. So you pushed him away and now had to deal with the consequences. 
You never wanted people to worry about you, but it was especially hard in your line of work. After Natasha’s death, you were the best female field agent on the team and were consistently sent on lone missions with no guarantee of returning. The job you held was dangerous- you didn’t want to fall in love only to leave them behind.
But it was nights like this that you wished you would’ve let Steve protect you, so you wouldn’t have to listen to the breaths and moans of pleasure that permeated through your shared wall and feel the heartbreak that came along with them. 
Putting your headphones over your ears and turning up the volume, you tried to drown out the unwanted sounds that bounced around your room, hoping that the pain would wash out with them. But it never did.
It never got easier for you. Every day that you’d wake up on your own, no strong muscled arm grasping your waist, you’d let a feeling of sorrow overcome you, taking every cell into its clutches and squeezing until you had no choice but to cry. You missed him. 
Time after time you saw him in the compound, he’d avert his eyes like the sheer image of you hurt him, ignoring the looks of longing that you sent his way. How you wished you could find the courage to fight for him, just take his face in your hands and tell him how much you needed him. 
Steve himself had never felt so lost. Never been one for casual hookups, but after you left him, he couldn’t help himself. Sex seemed to be the only thing that gave him temporary peace away from the hurt you caused him. When he was especially heartbroken, he’d imagine it was you he was moving inside of, it was your sweet gasps he was hearing, it was you he was pleasuring. 
He could remember the way your words struck his heart on the night you fell away from him, the way your face crumpled into tears at the pain you were causing yourself too. Deep down he knew you didn’t want to end things with him, somewhere within your guarded heart you needed him as much as he needed you. He missed you. 
Trying to fall back to sleep was useless, with the unwelcome image of what was going on in the other room taking up space in your brain, you decided to head into the kitchen for some tea, hoping it would replace the sour taste on your tongue.
You threw your headphones on your rosy duvet and opened your bedroom door, letting it quietly click shut behind you as you crossed the lounge into the open-plan kitchen. The kettle boiled obnoxiously loud, the steam bubbling up into the harsh night air and heating your surroundings. 
Opening the cupboard and grabbing your favourite mug, you regretted not keeping your headphones on you, the noises seemed to be even louder out here. You could see the light of Steve’s bedside lamp pouring out from under his door- he always kept it on when the two of you were together. He said he wanted to see your beautiful face when you came.
Somehow, your sadness deepened. Knowing that he was in there, doing to someone else what he had once done to you, unlocked another realm of misery inside of you. You didn’t expect the tears to start flowing, the dejected streams moving down your cheeks in neat lines and dripping onto the counter you were leaning on.
As the kettle shut off, you stood up with your mug in hand and made your way over to it. As you reached the other counter, Steve let out an especially loud groan, causing you to close your eyes with a wince. He sounded so pretty, you dreamed about that beauty being directed to you again. 
“Fuck, y/n.” 
You dropped your mug. The ceramic shattered across the tiles in a flurry, like snowflakes gliding along on the wind. 
There was no way. No way he just said your name. No way he was thinking about you.
But your thoughts were suddenly squashed when his door swung open and a gorgeous woman flew out, her clothes were thrown on haphazardly. Steve followed her, stopping at his door with his hands covering his modesty.
You turned around quickly, pretending you didn’t see anything and hoping to keep some of your dignity. Bending down to clean up your mess, the silent tears flowed a little faster- seeing him with another woman was completely different to hearing him. And you didn’t want to see it.
Some nights you could convince yourself that he was just watching porn, he wasn’t with someone else. But now you’d never be able to imagine that again- the picture of a woman leaving his room ruined that escape you had built for yourself, the escape you used on the nights you just couldn’t deal with the pain. 
His bedroom door slid shut as you knelt on the floor. You thought that he had gone back to bed until you heard his footsteps nearing you. Steve leaned down beside you and started picking up your shattered mug too.
You swallowed your sobs and said,” It’s okay, Steve. I’ve got it.” Desperately wanting him to just go back into his room, and let his now-sweatpant-covered legs take him away from you so he wouldn’t have to see you cry. 
“What’s got you so upset?” He asked, sweeping the smaller pieces into his hand. 
You thought over your response carefully- should you tell him he was the reason you were crying? Should you tell him that your tears flowed because you couldn’t handle hearing him with someone else? 
You didn’t expect him to speak again. “I want you back, honey.”
“Steve. I just heard you fucking someone else.” You laughed humourlessly, caring less that your tears were on display.
“Yeah. And did you hear how that ended? I called her your name. I can’t stop thinking about you.” He said, dropping the shattered material on the side and pulling you to stand up with him. “Please. I miss you.”
You missed him too, so much. It hurt you so deeply that he wouldn’t leave your mind. Whenever you had a moment of peace, his beautiful face would pop back into your mind and send you down a spiral of regret again.
Of course, you wanted him back, too. And it was your fault the two of you were separated. And in the grand scheme of things, he hadn't done anything wrong. But the thought of what just happened was still present in your mind, and you struggled to let it go.
“I want you back too. But, it might take me a little time.”
The fears and dangers of your job still haunted you too. How would you survive if you lost Steve in the fight? What if Steve lost you?
That’s something that would take you a long time to cope with, but Steve was here to help you…
“That’s fine, baby. I’ll wait for you.”
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starrgaziinggg · 1 year
chapter thirteen -> feelings and secrets (written, 4K words)
directory | next chapter ->
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"Okay, so that concludes the meeting?" Chan begins to wrap up, clasping his hands together. You take it as your queue to gently nudge Jeongin's side, forcing him awake after having dozed off halfway through your regular Friday afternoon student body meetings. It was safe to say Jeongin may not have been the best choice for the demanding role, yet here he was.
The sun was streaming through the large floor to ceiling windows of the meeting room, so you didn’t blame him for letting the warm sun send him to sleep. You were feeling hazy yourself, having to force yourself to stay awake through Chan’s words.
Jeongin smiles sleepily at you, leaning his head on your shoulder momentarily while the others conclude the discussion about the relevant topics, primarily the events of the charity week occurring at the beginning of the next month.
"You have until next week to choose the specifics for what you will actually do, but you've now chosen your teams for the events, right?" Chan asks, and you all nod your heads - bar Jeongin, of course, who just looks to you with a raised brow. You wave your hand, indicating you'd inform him of what he'd missed later.
The charity week was a week of events that ran once per semester. This year, your chosen charity was World Vision, and your collective aim was to raise a large sum of money to send off. It was known that most of the students that attended you university and their parents were well off, which meant it could hopefully be achieved.
There would be a multitude of events held throughout the week, and opportunities to donate constantly. It was your job as a member of the student body to advocate for the charity and push for as many donations as you possibly could.
Although it was difficult to balance the duties that came with being a student body representative with uni work and a social life, organising the dance course's activities for charity week was a great way to take your mind off of the shit show that was social media right now. Thankfully, Jisung's tweets were very well received, and he didn't get in too much trouble, but you dread to think of would could have happened to him if that weren't the case.
You were also dreading the inevitable next 'secret' that this awful account was going to expose next. It was as if you were constantly glued to your phone, refreshing Twitter like a fan girl on steroids with a constant lump in your throat. Nothing had been posted since last week, though, so you hoped it was going to be a one off.
"Excellent," Chan says, distracting you from your thoughts. Jeongin lifts his head from your shoulder to pack up his belongings, as if he'd used them in the first place. "I think we're taking a well needed break from alcoholic induced social events this week, so if I don't see you guys during the week I'll see you again, here, next Friday."
The way he switches so quickly from his head-screwed-on leader mode to his laid back, casual friendship mode never fails to crack you up. It's as if he has a split personality, and you commend him for being able to juggle everything as efficiently as he does. Once you finish packing your bag, Ryujin makes her way over to you. As the admin of the student body, she sits to the right of Chan in the school's meeting room, whilst Changbin - the vice president, sits to the left.
It was definitely an awkward hour, the two of them on edge with each other after their conversation over coffee the other day. Ryujin had come home and spilled everything to you and Hyunjin, sprawling on your bed beside you and delving deep into their conversation. Hyunjin had even taken a break from his art piece to listen intently to her, putting his input in and giving her advise when she asked for it.
Having Hyunjin over was a lot...nicer, than you'd expected it to be. He was quiet and pleasant and save for the hour he got bored and had a rush of energy, he kept to himself and worked hard at his painting. It was nice to have his company, the two of you not speaking and simply getting your work done in peace. His artwork came out beautifully, too, which left him heading home in a great mood.
That photo he'd posted was still on your mind, though you'd never admit that out loud. 
"God that was a drag," she drawls, flopping to lean on the table in front of you as you stand up, the others heading out the door. "I love Chan, but these things could be over in fifteen minutes if he kept it simple."
"He'll have an aneurism if you tell him to shorten them," you snort, walking out the room with Ryujin's arm linked in yours. Lia and Yuna had told you earlier they were going shopping after the meeting, so you watch them walk in the opposite direction to you and Ryujin after saying goodbye. They'd invited you guys and Chae too, of course, but you knew if you indulged in their shopping spree you'd spend far too much, and the cost of being a Uni student did not come cheap.
So, you'd arranged a quiet night in with some of the guys. Jeongin had just bought a projector, so the plan was to hook up Jisung's fancy laptop to it and set it up in your dorm. You would have gone to the guys dorm, except Minho's recent cooking escapade had not ended well, and he'd informed you that his dorm had smelt like rotting eggs for half the week. Decidedly, your dorm was the agreed upon source of comfort for the night.
Chan had some more meetings with some uni higher ups about charity week, so he'd bailed, and Changbin and Ryujin's awkward situation had caused him to give it a pass too. Seungmin said he'd be making an appearance after his classes. Since half of his double major was English, he attended lectures at your sister school, the mainstream Uni across the road, which meant his schedule was pretty jam packed.
That left Minho, Jisung, Hyunjin, Felix and Jeongin turning up at your doorstep holding various different items an hour after you'd gotten back to the dorm.
"What's all this?" You hear Chae ask as the raucous tumbles into your dorm. You make your way out of your bedroom to greet them, Ryujin following behind you after the two of you had scrolled on tik tok for the hour in between your meeting and now. The boys were all in their comfy clothes; hoodies and joggers, much like you girls.
"Jeongin's got the projector," Minho informs you as he gives you a smile and hands you a box. You'd barely seen him this week, since he was starting to skip classes more regularly. You were surprised he hadn't been reprimanded for it yet, but Minho somehow got away with anything and everything. "That's a cake."
"I've got snacks!" Felix says cheerily, showing you bundles of crisps and bags of chocolate in his arms.
"Why have you brought a cake?" You ask, smiling at your blonde headed friend as he sports his usual grin, turning back to Minho. He shrugs.
"It was my, 'I'm sorry your deep dark secret got posted on the internet, here's a cake' cake, but Minho and Felix somehow forgot that I don't like chocolate icing, so now you guys can eat my pity cake," Jisung explains, already flopping onto the sofa with his laptop, though he's smiling as he says it. He's received mostly praise and positivity over the internet recently, so he wasn't in all that of a bad mood about the whole ordeal.
Felix smiles sheepishly, dumping the snacks onto the table. The other guys start making themselves comfortable too, Hyunjin flashing you a grin as he flops down beside Jisung. Minho has to step in and help Jeongin set up the projector when Jeongin announces he actually has no idea how to work it, and it takes them a further twenty minutes to set the whole thing up.
You're not complaining though, since after a collective agreement to watch the second Shrek movie (arguably the best one), you're nestled in between Chaeryoung and Minho on the sofa with Ryujin between your knees on the floor.
Surprisingly, you all sit relatively in silence, save for some commentary throughout the movie. You pinned it down to the fact that everything surrounding your group had been nothing less than dramatic recently, and you could all use a chill night together to relax. Seungmin shows up halfway through the movie, taking a seat on the floor.
You're just about to choose a second movie to watch when Yuna and Lia turn up, their arms littered with shopping backs. Yuna sighs exasperatedly, dumping the bags on the ground when she comes in, whilst Lia says a hello to everyone before going into her room.
"Do the stores you went into have anything left in them?" Minho scoffs, raising a brow at his blonde haired friend. She sticks her tongue out at him. "But seriously, how much did you buy?"
"A lot," she replies, gleaming. You shake your head at her with a smile, loving her dramatics. She was an actress through and through. "The stores were giving today - I bought, like, twenty things in one shop alone."
Ryujin whistles, grabbing Yuna's bags and sifting through them. You were sure she'd give you a proper haul tomorrow. "This is some good shit," she says, nodding. "I'm so jealous, I wish I had money to splurge."
"What about the bee movie?" Jeongin interrupts absentmindedly, leaning over Jisung to watch him scroll on Netflix for a movie. Seungmin shakes his head, standing up to join them.
"We watched that last week, remember?" He says, and Jeongin nods with an 'ah'. Seungmin leans his hands on the side of the sofa before looking up at Yuna. "How do you even afford all that?"
Yuna shrugs, snatching the top that Ryujin was eyeing up and shoving it back in her bag. "Daddy's money. He's gonna cut me off soon though, I just know it."
"Your dad lets you buy all this?" Seungmin says, eyebrows raised. "Damn."
"He likes spending his money on me," she counters, collecting all her bags before making her way towards her bedroom. "I may as well take advantage, right?"
Seungmin rolls his eyes with a small smile as Jeongin points to the laptop screen. Hyunjin makes a face at you, mimicking Yuna and her shopping bags, and you can't help but to laugh with him.
"What's so funny?" Ryujin says to you curiously, turning to look up at you. You simply wave your hand in response, sharing another look with Hyunjin as if you two are in on some silly secret. It was as if you couldn't help yourself gravitate towards him recently.
"What about titanic?" Hyunjin perks up, looking towards Jisung. There's a collective squeal from you girls, and Yuna and Lia both thumbs up the movie as they join you, Yuna already having changed into her pajamas. They both squish up on the floor.
"Not happening," Jisung groans, and you remember how he'd told you it was the only movie that had ever successfully made him cry.
"Oh come on," Felix protests with a whine, finishing off a bag of gummies. "It's a phenomenal movie!"
"I'm in agreement with Jisung, here," Seungmin says, giving up on the movie search and slumping back to the ground. "It's so long."
"Yeah, but it's worth it," Chae tries to justify, pleading after having to put up with Shrek for an hour.
Hyunjin looks as you, as if he wants you to back him up, so you sigh in defeat. "It's one of my favourites," you say, feeling everyone's eyes turn to you. "Plus I'm injured. Injured girl rules all."
Jisung and Seungmin groan together, knowing they've been defeated as Jisung searches the movie and starts playing it. Yuna even goes as far as to turn off the lights, leaving the glare of the movie screen the only illumination in the room.
Three hours later, almost everyone is in tears after having sat through the movie in almost dead silence. The only noise that was heard from you was during the sex scene, when you laughed as Jisung attempted to cover Jeongin's eyes.
"It's so sad," Felix sniffles, wiping at his eyes with his hoodie sleeves when the credits roll. Yuna turns the lights on again, and turns to reveal her red puffy eyes. Ryujin laughs at her, but she's none better, tears practically streaming down her face. The only dry eyes in the room are Seungmin and Minho. Even Jeongin, who's always trying to keep up with a tough exterior has tear marks on his hoodie.
"Hyunjin, I hate you," Jisung bawls, unable to hold back his tears. "Do you enjoy making grown men cry?"
"Hey, I'm crying too!" Hyunjin defends himself, and when you look over his eyes are brimmed with tears. He wipes them away sheepishly as he smiles at you. You think it's so cute he gets so emotional at movies like this - you remember when you'd all gone to the cinema to watch something Felix suggested and he was sobbing beside you the whole way through. "Plus, you're hardly a grown man."
Jisung only scoffs in return, attempting to get his sniffles under control. "How are you two not crying?"
Minho and Seungmin turn to eachother, and Minho shrugs. "I've watched it a million times, I know the plot. Plus, when have you ever seen me cry?"
"True," you say, giving him a nudge with your shoulder. He chuckles at your tear stained cheeks and offers you his hoodie sleeve, which you take and use to wipe your eyes. "Seungmin? Jack Dawson's death didn't hit hard for you?"
He shakes his head with a brown, his dark brown hair flopping over his forehead. "Not really. Like Minho said, I know the plot, and it's expected."
"You're insane," Yuna gasps, unable to comprehend the fact that the saddest movie of all time hadn't been able to make him shed a tear. "You must be made of steel."
He only shrugs in response, standing up and stretching out his limbs. "Should probably head back; that movie went on for ages and I've got shit to do tomorrow."
That spurs a collective agreement from the guys, the ones on the floor repeating Seungmin's action. Jeongin shakes his legs out after having them cramped up to his chest to make room for Lia beside him. "It's a Saturday, have a rest."
Seungmin ignores the comment, picking up his jacket and putting it on. You stand up too to say your goodbyes to them, when Minho tugs at your arm.
"Help me up," he whines, so you pull him up with a roll of your eyes. You miss the way he winces as you do so, turning to give Felix a hug, the boy waiting patiently with his arms open.
"Why don't we go for coffee tomorrow?" He says when you hug him. "Dance crew study session, like the good old days?"
"I'd be up for that," you reply with a nod, since you hadn't had anything planned for tomorrow anyway. "We do have to have our ideas ready for our practical on Wednesday, so would be good."
"We do?" Minho questions with his arm slung round you as his goodbye, which makes Hyunjin laugh as he leaves his departing conversation with Yuna.
"Maybe you should start attending lectures," he says slyly, looking toward you with a smile after Minho rolls his eyes and removes his arm from your shoulder. Hyunjin steps towards you, bringing you into his chest momentarily. You're slightly startled by the action, since Hyunjin is never really physically affectionate with you like Felix or Minho are, but you accept the hug. Everyone else was hugging goodbye, anyway.
"Maybe you should hop off my dick," Minho retorts, sticking out his tongue as Hyunjin pulls away and picks up his jacket.
"Gross," Jeongin gags.
You shake your head, laughing, in an attempt to ignore the butterflies forming in your stomach. "So, study date tomorrow?"
"Sure," Hyunjin confirms, looking over to Chaeryoung who turns away from saying goodbye to Seungmin to give a thumbs up.
"I could use it," Minho admits, and Felix claps his hands.
"Great! Aw, we're getting the old gang back together!" He smiles, and he's so happy that you don't tell him your 'gang' talks regularly on your dance group chat and is with each other almost every day.
The guys all head off then, leaving the five of you girls alone with a pile of sweets and crisp packets strewn everywhere and a half eaten cake on your table. You start cleaning up instantly, not wanting to have to deal with it later.
"So," Ryujin says, slyly coming up to you and nudging your shoulder before starting to pick up the mess. The other girls begin helping too. "Mr Hwang hugging you goodbye? Now that's an unforeseen action if I've ever seen one."
You give her a look, but your facade cracks when you can't help but to sigh with a smile. "Am I reading into that too much? Or was that a moment."
"That was most definitely a moment," Ryujin confirms, taking the trash bag Lia hands her with a smile and starting to dump the rubbish into it. "He didn't hug any of us goodbye."
You smile inwardly, unable to help yourself. You wait until Lia is back in the kitchen before you say, “Is it bad that I kind of like him?”
Ryujin laughs - a loud, bent over hysterical laugh as you watch her with raised eyebrows. She steadies herself with a hand against the arm of the sofa as Chaeryoung comes through at the noise.
“What on earth is all that about?” She questions, clearly fed up with cleaning as she flops onto the sofa and puts her fear up on the table.
“She’s finally admitted she’s got feelings for Hyunjin,” Ryujin says, grinning at Chae like a mad woman.
Chaeryoung’s eyes visibly light up, and she turns to you with a smile. “You’re kidding!”
“I never said I have feelings for him,” you point out, though it’s futile at this point since your two friends are squealing together. Shaking your head at them, you finish clearing the last of the trash up.
“We called it months ago,” Chaeryoung sighs, a glazed look in her eyes. She pulls her long dark hair behind her ears. “I like to think this is all because of me.”
“It kinda is,” Ryujin responds, moving the trash bag so you can dump the remanence into it. “You cracked the surface, and they did the rest.”
“Can we stop talking like we’re in a movie, please,” you groan, flopping down beside Chae and letting Ryujin dispose of the trash bag. “I can’t believe I actually probably like Hyunjin. Past me would piss herself.”
“That she would!” You hear Ryujin shout through from the kitchen, followed by audible confusion from Yuna and Lia.
“He definitely likes you back, anyway,” Chae sighs excitedly, clapping her hands. “It’s so obvious. When are you gonna tell him?”
“Woah woah,” you say, putting your hands up. Chae frowns at you. “We literally just reconciled our differences a couple weeks ago - let’s not move too fast here.”
“Well you need to tell him,” Ryujin says blatantly when she returns to the room, standing with her hand on her hip. “Or else we’re gonna have to watch him pine after you all semester.”
You roll your eyes at her. “He does not pine after me, Jesus,” you say, though you watch your friends share an obvious look. “I’m just gonna see how things go for now, and if I’m still feeling this way in a couple weeks then I’ll think about telling him.”
Ryujin and Chaeryoung groan simultaneously, Ryujin throwing up her hands exasperatedly. “We finally get a bit of drama that doesn’t make me want to cry and you’re not even gonna indulge us?”
“Charity week,” Chaeryoung says with a shrug, making you both turn to her. “It’s two weeks away - if you still think you like him, that’s your deadline for telling him.”
“I have a deadline now?” You stress, thinking about how you’d only started to realise your feelings towards Hyunjin yourself not half an hour ago. Chae nods decisively.
“It’s the perfect time. There’s always the big party at the outdoor auditorium at the end of the week with fireworks and stuff - how romantic would it be to declare you feelings then?” She gushes, clasping her hands in front of her chest. Ryujin turns to you with a crazed look, nodding.
“She’s so right. Plus, if my relationship scenario is a shit show, I want to live vicariously through you,” she smiles.
You tilt your head at her, thinking about what she’s told you about her conversation with Changbin the other day. “I thought you said you were on good terms now?”
“Yeah we are, but this whole ‘just being friends’ kind of sucks. If he wasn’t all over the place right now I’d be with him. I dunno, I just…feel like I need someone right now, but he just can’t be that person,” you nod, placing a hand on her knee to comfort her.
“I’m glad you’re mature enough to understand that,” you say honestly, Chae nodding her head. Ryujin had always been such an independent person - her self sufficience and bold personality having slightly intimidated you when you’d first met her. After the shit show that was last semester, you’d seen her demeanour crack, and you’d sworn to yourself to try and not let that happen again.
“It will be so much better for you in the long run to have some time apart. You still like each other, you still want to be together, just not right now,” Chaeryoung says with a sad smile, resting her head on Ryujin’s shoulder momentarily. “Right person, wrong time.”
“I guess,” Ryujin sighs. “Doesn’t suck any less though. You know what we should do next weekend? Clubbing.”
You instantly groan at the idea, knowing clubbing was not your scene these days. Your group used to go clubbing regularly, but you’d decided the late nights and hangovers were just not worth it anymore. You would, however, indulge your sad friend if she needed you too.
“Fine,” you say after a second, which makes Ryujin smile. Chaeryoung agrees too, and after finishing your talk with the other girls when they come through to join you, you all go your separate ways and head to sleep.
The next morning, you wake up at a surprisingly reasonable time, the sound of Yuna practicing lines making you stir. She’s up earlier than you, for once, which is rare for her, but you knew she had auditions for the end of year show coming up soon, so she’d been practicing lines non stop.
You’re just about to grab your phone to check your messages when you hear her scream. It startles you, causing you to practically jump out your skin and rush through to her room. Lia is right there with you, sharing a panicked look as you both burst through the door, staring at the back of Yuna’s head.
“What the hell?” Ryujin says groggily, walking through in nothing but her underwear from the sudden commotion. Chaeryoung follows shortly after, her hair a riot and having obviously just woken up. You all crowd round Yuna who’s on her phone, watching her slowly turn around you with the colour drained from her face.
Chills run down your spine when she days, “That Twitter page posted about me.”
tag list
@cursed-mars-bars @https-skzology @imasimplol @hyunverse @aestaeticous @dorisnumber1fan @tasteskz-sword @amnmich @detectivedoodle @amara-mars @end0rchans @raresevng @thementallyunhinged @nhyun @lixie-phoria @llavendarlilacc
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archie-sunshine · 3 months
Your fics list ask got me curious of the Wing + Dratchrod one, and as someone starved for even a crumb of Wing content, is it ok to ask if you have more words to add?
I know you said it's alright to ask about your fics but I still wanted to make sure that I didn't come off as rude or anything.
Love your content and streams (even though I can't linger much due to timezone hell) and wish you a wonderful day!
so i dont have any art to add to this, and all of this is super bare bones, but I basically wanted to posit the question:
'How would drift react to his past life being dredged up after he's gotten his happy ending?'
I.e. mended his relationship with rodimus, redeemed himself as a good and just autobot a couple times, got hitched to ratchet, now also dating roddy, comfortably adventuring in a new universe where he can finally really possibly be free.
And then wing, the last person to really see him and know him as deadlock, the person who gave him the push to change and redeem himself, someone who has only really ever known him at his lowest.
I've expanded on my thoughts a bit in the comments on ao3 for my one and only wing fic, but generally i view Drift's relationship with wing in this fic as being 'you are going to show everyone ive worked to keep in my life how terrible i really was so intimately that they are going to leave, and you only have to do it by showing them how alike we are now, by being ME but BETTER.'
So drift really is growing to resent wing, but that resentment is wrapped in guilt and shame, and so its a lot of drift assuming the worst of wing and feeling like the world is ending.
Meanwhile, wing just missed him. He was worried he'd never see drift again, because in this au drift really did think wing died, when he, by some miracle, was able to be reconstructed. And wing woke up from reconstruction with drift already long gone, and so assumed he might never meet him. And then by some way or another, i imagine wing tracked drift across the universe to find him and accidentally got sucked through the dimension jump with them. I feel like wing was really truly just checking in with him, he assumed that drift would likely have moved on, had no expectations of getting back together.... AND YET.... seeing drift now at his best, happy with his partners in a good place in life, i think the feelings come back.
I genuinely don't think that wing would end up part of the polycue or anything, he's a bit more of a free spirit than that I feel, but i do think he and drift still have something, even if that something is strange and sort of casual <3
Ratchet and rodimus are curious about this new fella since i feel like drift tries to keep his past as deadlock out of conversations, and rodimus specifically would want to know more. I think they wouldn't really fall in LOVE with wing, but they'd grow to be friends with him in their own ways as well. i think more than anything they'd be worried about how stressed Drift is acting about his old friend coming back.
but yeah, those are kinda my thoughts.
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leoslosttoolbelt · 1 year
Lost: cc!Quackity Drabble
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Description: Imagine getting lost while on a late night drive with Quackity.
“Alex,” You yawn, clicking off of the ‘maps’ app and turning to your boyfriend. “I think we’re lost.” 
He shakes his head, eyes still on the road. “We’re not, I swear. Just trust me.” 
You both had decided to go for a late night drive when neither of you could go to bed. Since the usual route you both took was blocked because of construction, it was only natural for you to take a new route. It had started off beautifully, the road leading to the beach but as you got farther away from home - the more you realised that this road led to the middle of nowhere. 
“Have you,” You bit back another yawn. “Have you been here before?” 
He shakes his head again, eyebrows scrunched as he continues on. “Nope - but we’re in LA. We’ll find a sign soon enough.” 
You didn’t particularly like the fact that you both were lost at 2 am, but there was little you could do about it on the passenger seat. Turning yourself in your seat, you look at your boyfriend - appreciating him in quiet moments like these. 
Life is extremely hectic for the both of you. He’s juggling streaming and his last year of law school and you’re busy usually under a pile of university assignments - despite your tradition of weekly dates, it’s hard to spend time together so casually. 
It’s dark outside but the flashes of moonlight illuminate Alex’s face. You take this moment to appreciate the moles on his skin - resisting the urge to lean over the press kisses to them. His long shiny hair is tied up in an awkward bun, beanie thrown on the backseat. 
“What’re you looking at?” He teases, eyes flickering to you for barely a few seconds. 
You grin. 
He lets out a giggle, not doing much to hide his blushing. Something that you’ve learnt in your few months of dating him is that despite his casually flirtatious nature, the smallest of genuine comments got him flustered. 
“You look pretty.” You smile, watching his expressions carefully. 
He snorts and makes a poor attempt to hide his face. “You’re one to talk - who the fuck looks like that at two in the morning.” 
Although he means to sound overly exasperated, you can see his smile as he reaches over and rests his free hand on your thigh. 
You snort, looking out the window - still dark and in the middle of nowhere. 
Alex must’ve noticed you look out the window because he squeezes your thigh reassuringly. “Don’t worry - we can’t be too lost, if we don’t see anything for a while longer I’ll turn right around.” 
“So you admit that you got us lost?” 
“Hey!” He pouts. “I didn’t get us lost - if anything it’s the government’s fault, for fixing the road while we were going for a ride.” 
You laugh - and if the car hadn’t been completely empty, you would’ve completely missed what Alex had added next, voice so soft that it almost got carried away with the night breeze. 
“Besides, being lost isn’t too bad with you here.” 
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beautifulchris · 10 months
fate brought us together again — epilogue
⤷ pairing: bang chan x gn!reader
⤷ synopsis: after spending two years abroad, you come back to the only college that accepted you; the same chris goes to
⤷ genre: smau, college!au, exes to lovers!au, fluff, angst, humor, romance, drama
⤷ tw: mentions of drinking, swearing
⤷ wc: 0,4k under the cut
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everybody was chatting and laughing when you entered your friends’ bar. soleil was the first to spot you. you walked up to them making drinks behind the bar.
mark tapped your shoulder as he passed by, giving the customers’ orders to soleil and putting fresh cocktails on his plate. he smiled at you and left to serve the drinks.
“the usual?” soleil asked when you were close enough.
“you look tired. a bad client today?”
you nodded, sighing deeply. “not an easy one but he pays well.”
turning around, you stared at the large table filled with your friends. olivia and jeongin were glued together, same for yuna and intak. felix, ryujin and jisung seemed to be in an intense conversation, while jake, seungmin, changbin and jisung were telling each other jokes. minho was casually drinking and glancing at the bar where soleil was, caught between different conversations while chris was typing on his phone, your blue jacket laid and secured on his left arm.
you were feeling warmth in your chest from the fact he was holding onto your jacket when your phone notified you of a new message.
my love❤️ : angel, are you gonna be here soon? i miss you
my love❤️ : the kids are getting louder by the minute
you smiled, walked up to him and kissed his head. he was startled, but when he saw your face, he quickly got up and hugged you, under the cheers of your friends. he buried his face in your neck while you gripped on him tightly, quietly enjoying his presence and sweet perfume.
“you’re finally here!” olivia smiled, getting off jeongin to wait for her turn to hug you.
she waited longer than the duration of the hug she received, but she was satisfied nonetheless.
you sat next to chris, hyunjin brought your drink order, side hugged you and got back to work.
soleil and mark loved the city so much they worked and opened their own bar! soleil is the bartender and mark is a waiter when there's a lot of customers. otherwise, he's the manager.
chris, changbin and jisung make music. they’re getting famous, their songs being streamed over a million times (you’re no stranger to this).
olivia, jeongin, yuna and intak opened their own interior design agency. their different views on decoration make them a powerful quatuor.
felix, hyunjin and minho still dance. felix is also a baker in a café near the bar, hyunjin is a waiter here and minho is a dance teacher for kids.
finally, ryujin, seungmin and jake are professional photographers. ryujin specialized in weddings, seungmin in nature and jake in animals. he even recently came back from a trip overseas.
you’re a professional photographer as well, specialized in people, mostly models and modeling events.
all of you work and are happy doing what you love, even if sometimes it gets hard, you’re here for each other. that’s what matters most.
fate brought you and chris together again. fate made you meet new amazing people and reconcile with old ones.
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chapter 25 | masterlist
notes: here it is!!! i'm officially done with fbuta. I enjoyed every minute, thank you everyone! I'd like to know your thoughts on it :)
taglist: @soobin-chois @exfolitae @linos-catnip @raethethey @q1sng @kangyounghyunhands @whyyougottadothatbro @amaranth-writing @nattisbored @adestayskz @rag-iii @liashinmenu @soulphoenix1618 @fangeekkk @borahae-reads @minhwa @jihanniee @misosick @jia-qian @sachisarkive @makayluvsaisans @skz-streamer @stickycrusadecollective
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vagabondfandoms · 4 months
Falls on Me
Day Two: Afternoon
Rating: Teen (For this Chapter)
Previous Chapters:
Day One: Night 2. Day Two: Morning
Characters: Gale Dekarios, F!Tav: Copper, Karlach and Astarion appear at the end, and Lae'zel, Wyll Ravengard, and Shadowheart are mentioned.
Warnings: N/A, Gale POV, Mentions of chronic pain
Gale asks for the Sword of Justice and ends up with a debate.
The pings of pain that usually exist in his body at all times since he got cursed with the orb were increasing in intensity. 
“Soon.” Gale thinks, “He’ll need to absorb a magical item soon.”
At first, Gale was apprehensive about acquiring magical items for his condition. He couldn't predict what kind of people he was traveling with. Were they kind souls who would give up a rare magical item for an ailing wizard? Or ones that hoard their treasures like dragons in a deserted dwarf stronghold on top of a lonely mountain?
In general people on the Material Plane are very… well, materialistic. Gale couldn't really blame them. This world is harsh and you have to have some sort of gumption to get anything in it. Or be lucky enough to be born with it. 
Gale considers himself one of the lucky ones. His father was a well-off shipping mogul in Waterdeep. While Gale was an illegitimate child, his father didn't balk at his duties to take care of his blood at least financially. 
And to be fair, his father could have adored his youngest son but Gale just can't remember. His dad died when he was 10 years old and Gale only has hazy recollections of the man. Most of those memories involved his dad stopping over at his mother's house bearing gifts. Being a little kid he can only remember the joy of receiving the gift and not the reaction from the giver. 
Gale was hoping somebody in his new party was a giver and after spending a day with his new “friends” he had a pretty good guess on who. 
Copper, the Ilmateri monk was both physically strong and tactically minded but also a firm devotee to her god’s tenets of compassion, respect, and willingness to go without. 
While all of Gale's other companions (including himself) picked over the camping supplies to make their personal tents as cozy as possible. The monk just threw together a makeshift tarp held up with sticks and called it good.
Gale was 90% sure that Copper would be willing to go without a magical item in her sack if he asked. He just needs to find the right time between battling goblins, spiders, and people posing as Paladins of Tyr. 
They just finished dispatching a small band of goblins dragging a terrified owlbear cub to their outpost in an old temple of Selûne when Gale saw his chance to ask Copper for a magical item.
Everybody else was either busy examining the owlbear cub they just saved or looting the corpses for items when Gale casually made his way over to Copper who was rummaging through her pack.
“Tiring business, isn’t it?” Gale starts. “All this traveling and adventuring.”
Copper looks up at him in surprise, apparently not expecting anybody to talk to her. “Are you tired already?” She stands up, guzzling some water, looking over at him from around the bottle.
“Well, maybe a little,” Gale says half truthfully. “But I was hoping for the chance to talk to you about something, well, rather important.”
Copper’s eyes narrow by a fraction and if Gale wasn’t so invested in starting this conversation he might have missed it. His nerves start to flutter in his stomach. “What if she says no?”
“Consider this a break.” Copper shrugs and tosses Gale her water bottle. “Drink some water, it’s hot out here, and tell me what’s ailing you.”
“Ailing me, ha. If she only knew.” Gale thinks as he unexpectedly catches the glass container coming towards his chest. It was aimed in a way that it would be impossible to drop unless you didn’t even attempt to catch it. Gale muscles the cork out and takes a swig of the cool water. 
“She must have filled it at the stream earlier today.” He considers, the cold water feeling good in his parched throat.
Copper sits down on a fallen log, waiting for Gale to finish. He takes one last gulp, downing the rest of the liquid before tossing the empty bottle back to its owner.
“Soooo, we’ve been on the road together for a while now, haven’t we?” Gale says, trying to make his words sound cheerful. Not desperate or needy. “Survived some perils, overcame some obstacles.”
The monk just raises an eyebrow at him but stays quiet allowing him to speak.
“Anyway, ever since you were kind enough to pull me from that stone, I’ve seen you demonstrate remarkable guile and courage.” Gale continues, half speaking the truth and half buttering the woman up so he could get the magic item in her bag. 
“The way you diffused the tension between Zevlor and Aradin. The way you prevented not one but two murders in the Druid’s Grove…”
“Gale.” Copper cuts in. “Those are things any Ilmateri monk would do for others. I did nothing special.”
“Wellll, I don’t know about that.” Gale playfully argues. “Most of the Ilmateri I’ve met are, well, weepy.”
Copper gives him a chuckle and bows her head, conceding to his point. Even though she follows the Crying God, most of his followers take that epithet too seriously. 
“Back to my point, I’ve grown to trust you enough to tell you something I’ve yet to tell another living soul, except for my cat,” Gale says seriously. “I need your help.  I have this…condition that requires me to consume powerful magical items.” 
To Copper’s credit, she doesn’t even look surprised when Gale tells her this. She just calmly assesses the man. Looking him over for any injuries. “You hide it well.” Copper finally says. “It must be serious if you have to consume powerful artifacts.”
“Yes, it can be deadly serious if I don't acquire the items I need,” Gale says gravely. “That is why I am turning to you. I need your help to find magical items to consume. It is vital. Dare I say it, critical.”
“Where do we find these items?” Copper asks calmly.
“We’ve already done the finding. In fact, you have one in your possession already.” The man says lightheartedly. Pleased this conversation wasn't being rejected outright.
“Soooo… you want me to give you the Sword of Justice?” Copper says, connecting the dots to what Gale wants quickly.  But a scowl appears as a new thought enters her mind. “Karlach doesn't want to use it right now but Lae’zel might.”
“Please, I know that sword was difficult to acquire but it's imperative that I absorb the Weave in that item!” Gale argues, his nerves jumping wildly in his stomach. “It will do far more good turning into a rusted piece of metal after I am done with it than waiting in your pack for somebody to decide to use it.”
Copper looks conflicted. She must hear the desperation in Gale's voice. But to sacrifice such a powerful magical weapon for…what?
“This magical item isn't mine to give.” The monk shakes her head, a sad look on her face. “Can you tell me more about your condition? Maybe I can try and heal it instead of destroying the sword?” Copper tries to reason. 
There's hope in her eyes that she can fix the dilemma without disappointing anybody. But Gale feels disappointed all the same.
“This condition is not a kind to be healed by any old healing spell.” Gale chastises, annoyance and vulnerability mixing together. “Some of the greatest magical minds came together to find this treatment.”
“You mean you and your cat?” Copper deadpans.
“Well, mainly Tara.” Gale deflates, not wanting to go into detail about his year-long depressive state after Mystra’s rejection.
“You mentioned healing spells won't work. Have you thought of Ki restoration?” Copper supplies helpfully.
“What! Try some quack Eastern Medicine?” Gale laughs, shaking his head. “No, what I need is the Weave.”
Copper huffs, clearly annoyed. “Ki restoration has been around for thousands of years! Instead of using outside magic to heal an injury. Ki restoration uses life force, either your own or another’s, to help strengthen the body from within so it can restore itself to a healthier state.” 
The monk crosses her arms and looks directly at Gale. Almost challenging the man to refute her. “Ki is a highly regarded field of learning just like the Arcane Arts of the Weave.”
“Sorry, I shouldn’t called it a quack medicine.” Gale quickly corrects himself seeing he got his companion worked up with his quick choice of words. “Waterdeep has one of the largest collections of knowledge in the Realms and the libraries do have a small section about Ki. So I have read up on this… energy before. It seems like an adequate way to trick oneself to relax or slightly enhance one’s abilities. But it’s still a lowly form of magic not even regulated by Mystra.”
“Ki is not the Weave. It doesn’t have to be governed by a god since it is an uncontrollable life energy that we can only harness a small fraction of.” Copper counters.
“Mystra...the Weave is everything. They make up ALL creation….”
“Ki is everything too!” Copper blurts out, uncustomed to sharing her thoughts with another person. “It's the life force in ALL living things.”
“Ki is regulated to the body,” Gale says calmly, overlooking the lack of decorum the monk is following for this discussion. Gale did throw out the first insult so he’ll let a little impatience slide. “Like I said, the Weave makes up everything. It’s the air we breathe, the ground we lay our feet on, the sun and stars. The fabric that makes up the entire universe!”
“Untrue.” Copper argues. “The Weave is one part of a whole that makes up the Universe. It's not everything. When the Weave was gone during the Spellplague, life was still created. People and animals were still born! Ki, the life force was still there. We didn’t just keel over and die without the Weave’s presence. How else do humans live when anti-magic fields are up?”
Gale feels tension forming in his jaw but it wasn’t from annoyance. He was getting excited even energized by this argument. He hasn’t had a good debate since he subbed at Black Staff Academy and had to argue with a teacher that they were teaching their class on Illusionary magic wrong. 
Looking down at the young monk, Gale realizes he needs to get down on her level so they can properly debate this. He was just about to kneel down to say his rebuttal when a couple of the party members came over to check on the two humans.
“Copper!!! Come see this little guy we rescued!” Karlach rushes over, full of excitement over the owlbear cub. Then she stops in her tracks, sensing the tension in the air. “Whatcha guys doing?”
“Urgh, they were just discussing something in-tel-lec-tual.” Astarion drags out the syllables in the last word like it is something rotten that needs to be thrown away. “So~ absolutely nothing exciting at all. Unlike this cool new dagger I found on that goblin corpse!!”
“Really, Astarion!” Gale says exasperated. “There’s nothing wrong about wanting to expand one’s mind beyond the material things of this world.”
The elf pops one hip to the side and examines his new treasure. “The only smarts I like are street smarts. At least they are useful to survival.”
“Come on now! I’ve seen you read in your tent at night.” Gale says, partially annoyed at Astarion's retort and partially because he couldn’t continue his conversation with Copper. He had so much he could say about the Weave and the Universe.
“Purely to pass away the hours of boredom,” Astarion says lazily, sliding his new dagger into his belt loop. 
Gale throws the elf a glare. He does not care for this blasé attitude Astarion always has around him.
“Well, I think break time is over.” Copper says as she gets up and brushes bark and moss off her butt. Karlach was already tugging at her sleeves, trying to lead the monk over to the owlbear cub, who was being watched over by Shadowheart, Wyll, and a reluctant Lae’zel.
Before she is fully swept off by the fiery tiefling, Copper catches Gale’s eye. “The sword is not solely mine to give. But don’t be afraid to ask the group if you really need it. They’re more willing to help than you think.”
Contemplating the monk's words, Gale watches his companions pack up their gear. They will be heading out soon to their new destination. Hopeful finding a way to cure the mind-flayer tadpoles in their heads. Gale can't help the small smile that forms on his lips as he watches the group happily give the scared owlbear cub food and affection. 
Maybe there are more givers in his group than he thought.
Author Note:
I like the fact in early access we had to give Gale a powerful magical item like the Sword of Justice for his condition. It gives his struggles more weight since the cost is so great. I'll try to sprinkle in more tidbits from early access as the story continues.
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thepenultimateword · 1 year
Hi! I love your writing! Could I get a part 2 of prompt 77? No pressure of course
"You really didn't have to," Ex-villain said, swallowing hard to hide the fact that their mouth was already watering over the big plate of Szechuan pork and fried rice in front of them.
“You're one of the team now," Leader said. They barely looked at them as they casually unwrapped a fortune cookie. "Dinner was the least we could do to make you feel welcome."
“They're just glad their forever-long crush is finally legal," Teammate said.
The cookie cracked in Leader's hand and their face suddenly flooded a deep shade of red. "W-what? I don't even know what you're talking about! Shut up!"
Villain choked on a mouthful of rice. A very embarassing, very uncute hacking that sent a few grains flying across the table and a thin track of tears streaming down their cheeks.
“S-sorry,” they croaked, elbow knocking their plate as they hurriedly grabbed for a napkin. Great, they were flushed. “I…um…”
"It's not a crush!" Leader said adamantly, standing to help wipe the spilled rice and peas into their hand. They did not meet Villain's eyes once, but they flinched as their forefinger brushed Villain's thumb. "It's just admiration! Your very capable and smart. And you went through so many messed up things most people would have broken or gotten completely twisted, but even as a villain you did your best not to allow others to define you, and the fact you even took me up on my offer is brave in itself, and I just respect you so much. And that's all it is!"
"Ok." Villain tried to make it sound unbothered, but of course, it had to come out croaked.
"Really! I didn't try to recruit you because I like you! As a hero I thought it would be best for you, and also as a hero, I knew how much we could benefit from your help. I would never encourage such a pivotal choice for my own personal--"
"I believe you."
Leader stopped. "Huh?"
"I believe you," Villain repeated, rolling a missed grain of rice under their index finger. "We've been fighting for years. I know you're not that sort of person. You don't manipulate. Or lie. Or . No matter how much I wanted to believe you did at the beginning. I know you're a good person. So don't worry about it."
Villain glanced up.
If it was possible for someone to appear relieved and crush simultaneously, that was Leader's expression now. How cute. Leader had always been so stoic on the battlefield, seeing them flustered was a totally new experience. Though it would have been nicer if they weren't flustered as well.
Villain wasn't sure if they should believe Leader's words or their body language, but they offhandedly added, "Even if you did have a crush, I wouldn't mind."
“Wait...” Teammate said. They craned their head to see Villain’s face. “Don’t tell me you actually--”
“Shut up, Teammate!” Leader roared at the same time Villain cried: “I just think they’re pretty!”
Now Leader choked. “What?”
Teammate stood up, hands in the air. “That's it. I am not a third wheel.”
"No, wait, Teammate!" Leader begged, but Teammate snagged an eggroll and sauntered out the door.
Leader pinned their lips together and stared at their plate. "So..."
"So..." Villain echoed back, silently scolding themselves. Why had they said anything? Why couldn't they have just left it as it was? They'd let themselves get caught up in all that talk of admiration, in that flustered reaction, and flushing cheeks. Someone didn't have to like you to be embarrassed. Besides...it wasn't possible. Leader had always been there encouraging them to clean up. To give up the loneliness and the constant watching over their shoulder for something safer. They'd acted as if they could see something more in them, and after a lifetime of being worthless, it had been nice to feel wanted. But other than that they'd never showed them an ounce of care. They weren't particularly kind even when offering them a hand. They didn't back down from their fights. They beat them thoroughly and soundly, no mercy. They'd never pulled their punches either. None of the things Villain would have expected out of a person with secret feelings. But maybe...maybe...they couldn't risk showing it?
"Do you really just admire me?" Villain murmured.
"Do you really think I'm pretty?" Leader countered.
Villain swallowed. "You captivate me." Leader's head shot up and before they could duck down again, Villain locked eyes. "I don't really know you. But I've always been...you've always been...so beautiful."
Leader wet their lips, "I've liked you ever since your scheme with the bombs. They were so perfectly orchestrated. Maximum damage with no danger to human life. It was genius. But even so, I never wished to take away any of your choices. I wanted you to do what you wanted to do. Whether that ever included me or not."
"Can...that include you now?"
"Well, we're on the same team. Everything includes me n--"
Villain pecked Leader's cheek, face immediately setting fire. Still they managed a quiet, "I don't know more than your hero persona...more than the type of person you are on a battlefield...but I'd like to. Could I?"
Leader nodded, equally flushed. "That...would be...very nice."
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ragnarokhound · 7 months
“Tell me to stay and I will be here for as long as you’ll have me.” for the h/c prompts? 💞
Thank you for the prompts!!! I was going to respond to both of them today but uh. This one got a little out of hand lmao
I hope you enjoy!!
9. “Tell me to stay and I will be here for as long as you’ll have me.”
Jaytim, warnings for: Thoughts of self-harm, canon-typical violence, panic attacks/triggers w/heavy emphasis on breath, Jason being a defensive, self-deprecating asshole <3
Jason doesn’t like to think of himself as a couple cards short of a full deck, but some nights? Are harder than others.
It’s so stupid. It’s always so stupid. Half the time it’s not even a trigger— and Jason knows his triggers, intimately. Has them filed away in a corner of his mind so that when the glass descends and his hands stop feeling like they belong to him, he can think to himself, oh, it was the beep of that guy’s wristwatch that set him off. That’s why he needs to be outside right now. That’s why he wants to punch brick until his knuckles are red and white and mangled.
Take tonight for instance.
He was doing his rounds. In between cases and expecting a slow night, when he found some guy getting worked over by a couple of mobsters. This would be easy, he thought. I eat chumps like these for breakfast, he thought. They aren’t even packing.
But a few meaty thwacks in the exact wrong rhythm, followed up by the poor sucker screaming in the exact wrong tone, and he’s left playing fifty-two-card pickup with only jokers to substitute. 
Ha. Ha. Ha.
Bloody shins aren’t as satisfying as busted braincaps no matter what Tim and the other bats say, but relationships are about compromise. He puts the guys in cheap suits on the ground and calls them an ambulance.
Their hapless victim gets a talking to about when it’s smart to borrow from loan sharks (never), directions to Leslie’s clinic (yeah, no, you’re gonna wanna take 15th—), what to say when the Red Hood personally intervenes on your behalf (thank you, strange man, bye), and Jason makes it to a safehouse without once giving in to the burn of the goading green fire in his blood.
See? Compromise.
Now he’s on the couch with blood on his bare knuckles, and the shards of glass in the bathroom are all that remain of his mirror. He sits and tries to breathe, but his brain is full of static; shuffling and shuffling and shuffling the deck but there’s no one to tell him when to stop. He’s not really sure how much time has passed when he hears the quiet whir of his security system shutting down.
There’s a gun in his hand with the safety off, pointed at Tim before the window’s even open.
Tim’s voice is loud in the quiet room, casual and light like the liar he is, but to Jason it still sounds muffled. Boxed up. Buried.
He takes another breath.
“Bad time?”
“Fuck off,” Jason says, just as faux-casual, because that’s what they do.
Only it wheezes out of him instead, thready and weak. The gun shakes in his hand. Tim pauses on the window ledge.
Jason can practically hear the gears whirring as he reassesses the scene: Jason’s bloody knuckles and the distant sound of water still running in the bathroom sink. Haphazard parts of his uniform shucked off almost at random, the helmet nowhere in sight, but his top missing and the holster straps hanging off his waist. 
Air whistles in and out of his tight chest in shallow, streaking streams that get closer and closer together the longer he looks at Red Robin’s expressionless white eye sockets. He knows what Tim sees. 
The silence weighs on him. It pisses him off.
The only thing worse than being a scattered mess is having a witness. The only thing worse than having a witness is if that witness is Tim. They haven’t been fucking that long, but it’s been long enough that Tim probably came over tonight with more than one item on his to-do list.
“Not tonight, princess,” Jason bites out when Tim still hasn’t said anything. “Daddy’s tired.”
Tim steps inside.
The gunshot rings sharp and stinging in the air before he even realizes he’s pulled the trigger. The smoking hole on the floor by Tim’s foot is the only warning Jason feels capable of giving right now.
“Did I—did I fucking stutter?” He tries to say, but black spots bloom at the scattered edges of his vision, and he wavers.
One second Tim is frozen with his palms out, showing that they’re empty, and the next he’s easing the gun out of Jason’s hand and letting Jason twist a fist in the front of his costume. He helps Jason sit back down, and Jason doesn’t want to look at his face, to see the pity there. 
He gasps, muscles tensing, and under his fingers he catalogs the new mesh Tim is trying out with his suit. It’s probably something with a stupid, long name and the word “polymer” thrown in for added pretension. It sounds like something Tim would do.
“...something happen tonight?” Tim is asking quietly.
It’s not Robin-steady, because he knows Jason well enough to know how bad an idea that would be, but it’s not the levity they fake with each other either. Whatever it is, it’s making Jason itch.
Then he catches Tim taking his pulse and peering into one of his eyes with intense scrutiny, and what he’s said catches up to him. 
Jason laughs. It’s an ugly sound.
“Oh, quit it. I wasn’t gassed,” he snaps. “There’s no toxin, there’s nothing wrong with me.”
“That’s not what I—” Tim tries to backtrack but it’s way too late for that weak shit.
“Except for the everything that’s fucking wrong with me,” he snarls. He didn’t know he was going to say that until he'd already said it, bubbling and burning out of his mouth like melting plastic, acrid and noxious— but he feels afloat, drifting; like he’s watching himself from the other room. So it doesn’t matter.
“It’s not going to be fixed, there isn’t any antidote for you to cook up in your cute little lab for this—” he whirls a sharp-fingered hand around his temple, “fucking garbage.”
“Jason,” Tim says, fingers tight and prying at Jason’s grip.
“There’s no cure for being beaten to death, no little step-by-step handbook for kids who don’t fucking stay dead, so you can take your shitty costume and your knock-off batarangs and fake-ass fucking concern—”
“Jason, take a breath for me.”
Take a breath? Oh, he’ll take a fucking breath, alright—
He’ll take a breath and then he’ll—
He’ll take a breath and—
He’ll take a—
He takes a fucking breath.
Tim’s face is bare.
His eyes are very blue. It takes Jason approximately three years to realize that the heavy weight on his shoulders is Tim’s cape, unclipped and pooling in their laps.
It takes another five to realize that the heavy weight in his lap is Tim himself, straddling his thighs and breathing steadily under their joined hands. Tim’s heart beats an alternate rhythm, almost three beats for every breath in, almost four for every breath out, and Jason closes his eyes.
“Hey,” Tim says.
Jason doesn’t say anything more.
What else is there to say when your kind-of-colleague, kind-of-booty-call, complete-pain-in-the-ass comes over when you’re in the middle of some kind-of-mental break? Fucking ‘sorry’ ?
“Sorry,” he says. “Not exactly fit for company right now.”
Tim smirks. “I noticed.”
“Oh, fuck off.”
“You gonna shoot at me again?”
Jason scowls.
“I fucking might.”
Tim only rolls his eyes. Jason finds it oddly settling. He finds all of it oddly settling; bickering with Tim is normal. Easy. It reminds him of what he’s like now. The full fifty-two.
His fingers are still trembling, but Tim is stroking absent-mindedly over the skin on the back of his hand. He might not be aware he’s still doing it. Tim exudes an air of total comfort, like the only place he wants to be right now is literally babysitting Jason; but Jason knows better. He sighs.
“Listen,” he says, staring at a point past Tim’s ear. “I could have picked a better way to say it, but I’m— I’m really not up for anything tonight—”
Tim stiffens.
“Jason, what the fuck are you talking about?”
“Sex, obviously.”
He watches in real-time as Tim processes that. It’s honestly kind of fascinating, in a terrible, gut-stabbing kind of way. Tim takes a deep breath.
“Dude. I get that you are in an emotionally vulnerable place right now—”
“—but I’m not that much of an asshole,” Tim says flatly. “You really think I’m gonna bail the second I see that you’re having a bad night? Or that I’m only gonna stick around if you put out after you’re done having a panic attack? Very sexy. Fuck you very much,” he finishes, hissing and affronted. 
Jason stares at him.
“You can’t tell me this is how you wanted to be spending your night,” he says, but his hands creak convulsively around Tim’s, as if to hold him in place. The traitors.
“You don’t know how I want to spend my night,” Tim retorts.
“Oh, come on. I’m not gonna ask you to babysit me and check the closet for monsters before I go to sleep so I don’t have wittle nightmares—” Jason scoffs.
“So don’t ask,” Tim says, eyes burning; Jason’s breath catches. “Tell me to stay. I’ll be here.”
“You’ll be here,” he says skeptically. But Tim’s hands squeeze around his, so hard and fast it hurts. The pain is grounding.
“As long as you’ll have me.”
He wants to scoff again. It’s the kind of saccharine after-school-special corny bullshit that he always hated coming from Bruce.
But his grip is just as tight on Tim, their bones rubbing together through the barrier of their skin. The thought of letting go makes his stomach swoop, like the moments just after stepping off a plane with no chute. That window between stepping and being caught; when his heart still needs convincing that someone else will save him.
(It’s the kind of earnest, rock-solid sincerity he always craved from Bruce; the kind he always ate up, hook, line, and sinker.)
He swallows his pride. His dry throat clicks.
Fine. Stay. If you’re so fucking eager, is what he tries to say. 
But all that comes out is, “Stay.”
Tim leans forward, and drops his forehead onto Jason’s bare shoulder. Jason’s shaky breath stirs the fine black hairs beneath his nose, the mild scent of his shampoo wafting gently into Jason’s nose. After an uncertain beat, he lets his cheek fall. Then the rest of him. They stack against each other, two cards forming the foundations of a house. 
When Jason shakes apart, Tim holds steady.
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swampstew · 11 months
KIᒪᒪEᖇᑕOOK - ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 7
Welcome to Raven’s Reading Nook - a small corner of this blog dedicated to cozy story times. Join us in the family room as we sit around and browse our phones, and eat some Girl Scout cookies as we begin tonight’s story. Rated Mature for language. Minors DNI.
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TikTok – KillerCook’s live stream has ended but you can still watch the video. Check out their page and make sure you turn on notification so you don’t miss another one!
Title: Brick Oven Pizza Description: My blue haired assistant and I make some pizza. Easy enough recipe that even a child can do it. What’s your favorite pizza topping? Wrong answers only!
*Press Play*
“Hey there everyone! KillerCook here with one of my best buds – you all know him as FlamingHot420 – I refer to him as just Heat. Say hi Heat!” Killer waved to the camera, gently nudging a flustered Heat to do the same.
Abandoning the loc he had been twisting nervously in his hands, Heat dropped one and raised the other to say hello. Both hands behind his back as he let Killer do his introduction.
Heat’s stance allowed for his shoulders and biceps to be more pronounced, not on purpose of course, but noticeable all the same. The light shined on the two sets of thick, black thorn tattoos that ran down his arms, connecting to the ones that wrapped around his throat in three coils. His long, black muscle tank top made his muscles pop, though the fabric covered far too much of his figure as it draped over his pants. The way he was standing did not allow for viewers to appreciate his figure from the side.
“Today, Heat is my assistant as we make brick oven pizzas. Don’t fret though, Kid will be here later to taste test still.”
Heat rolled his eyes, “Killer remind me, is this your social media account or his?”
Killer coughed, “To be determined. Moving on! Heat would you mind telling us why we’re making the ‘zzas this way instead of the traditional oven method?”
The helmeted man walked away from the counter to set up the prepping area in the background as Heat spoke, albeit still nervously, to the audience.
“When using a brick oven, the confined space and coals bring out a smokey and distinct, sweet flavor as it cooks the pizza. Roasting it over fire helps bring out the sugars in the dough and sauce, making the crust and toppings nice and crispy when fully done.”
Walking back to the camera and microphone, Killer added, “Obviously we didn’t think it was practical to build and house a brick oven in our kitchen. So we built one outside! With it being disgustingly humid with a chance of casual thunderstorms during the summer, we’ve opted to create our pies inside before taking them out back to bake. Being inside is the only safe space from mosquitos.”
Heat nodded in agreement, “They always target me for some reason!”
Pinging notifications went off and both men leaned in together to read them.
“CalzonesAreMid: says, ‘Brick oven pizza is elite. You’ll have to post photos of the set up!’ Thank you, and we will post follow up content this week to showcase the food and the oven. I’m real proud of the work the four of us did,” Killer beamed privately.
Heat cleared his throat, “ItsEtymologyOClock: says, ‘Aww Heat they target you because you must have sweet blood!’” he blushed. “Actually, there are scientifically backed reasons why mosquitoes target certain people and not others, but I don’t remember all of what it said. I do remember that only female mosquitos bite and its because they’re seeking protein in order to lay their eggs. It’s creepy, violating, and fascinating,” he mused. “What?” he asked when he noticed Killer’s head tilt at him.
“This isn’t ‘Heat’s Weird Facts About Bugs hour,’ it’s KillerCook time. Let’s shift from sweet tasting blood to marinara sauce.”
Tying his apron behind his back, Killer’s chino capri pants hugged his rounded bottom as he tightened the strings over his hips. Wearing a V-neck cut shirt, short blond body hair peeped from the free space, while his muscles strained against the cotton material. As he pulled his hair back, his arms bulged with his movements; his scarred arm seemed bulkier on camera, especially as he expertly twisted his wrist and wrapped his hair into a massive bun. Placing a hair net over it, Killer shot finger guns to the camera.
“_LickMeImurLollipop asks: What’s cooking good looking?’” Heat stifled a laugh behind his gloved hand. He too had tied his hair back into a messy bun, his locs held in place with multiple hair bands and two hair nets. “Oh, they also added: ‘Heat baby don’t pout. You’re looking immaculate as always. When I die, I hope you hold my hand on my way to hell.’ What makes you think you’re going to hell, Lollipop? A sweetie like you is definitely going to heaven,” Heat shocked the audience with his smoothness. “Killer and Kid aren’t the only ones with rizz,” he huffed at the replies he received.
“No but you definitely learned it from us,” Killer chuckled. “For today, we’re going to use a simple base recipe, keep in mind we make our own dough. You can use store bought, I won’t judge – much. But for those interested in learning the traditional way, don’t look away. We’re gonna pound this dough into perfection.”
It was Heat’s turn to chuckle, “We’re also going to beat the marinara sauce until its nice and smooth, perfectly balanced with spices. Should I showcase the ingredients?”
With Killer’s approval, Heat began showing off the ingredients and brands used to the camera. Distilled water, dry yeast, salt, flour, extra virgin olive oil, a variety of cheeses, oregano, black pepper, tomatoes, and fresh basil.
“If you don’t have extra virgin olive oil, you can use born-again virgin olive oil,” Killer quipped as he mixed the dough ingredients in a steel bowl. That made Heat choke while he prepared the sauce in a separate bowl.
“Now, technically you’re supposed to let the dough rise and set before use. But we don’t have an hour to wait on that so—” Killer explained as Heat put away the dough bowls in the fridge, exchanging them with three bowls that had blue and white checkered cloth covers over them. “We made these last night! We’re going to flatten these down using flour to prevent sticking, and then we’ll pile on the base before we garnish the living shit out of these with toppings. We’re making 3 pizzas, each one with different toppings that we enjoy.”
Heat pulled out vegetables, meats, and more cheese than should be legally allowed in one household over the countertop while Killer pulled out three flat pizza stones that would be inserted in the oven.
“I like pineapples on mine and I don’t want to hear a damn word about it,” Heat said. “Anyone that disagrees is just a hater following the opinions of others. Don’t be like that,” he complained, popping a few slices of the fruit into his mouth, letting out a soft but not inaudible grunt of approval.
Killer pulled out a small ceramic bowl from the fridge, “I like to add macaroni and cheese on mine. I don’t give two shits what anyone thinks about it. I live my life the way I want.”
“And of course, Kid likes his loaded with meat and vegetables. I’m pretty sure we make him a plate of just that with a side of crust,” Heat chopped up slices of pepperoni, sausage, and ham while Killer did the same with the other meats and veggies.
“Yeah, for his we make the crust extra thick, and we also stuff the edges with extra cheese. We love Kid but we also love him more when he’s passed out from a food coma. The silence? Truly golden,” Killer’s shoulder shook as he quietly laughed.
“Shut the hell up,” a grumpy looking Kid came into the camera’s view. His demeanor piqued when he smelled the aromas coming from the countertop.
Both cooks shook, Heat more audible in his laughter, as they prepared their pizzas. Slathering the crusts with a mix of butter, garlic, and parmesan for extra pizzaz. Taking their pizza stones, they laid their creations down and covered them up with plastic saran wrap to keep them bug free.
“Time to throw them in the oven. Kid can you please take the camera so we can show our viewers the oven we all worked so hard to make?”
Kid had been in the background nonchalantly posing in his tight fitting gym clothes. Wearing compressed pants that looked like leggings and a tight, red muscle shirt, his muscles gleamed under the lights in the kitchen. Impatiently changing his stance as he waited while also doing the most to steal the attention of the viewers.
“Impure_Thots: says, ‘Mama Mia, can I have him as a topping?’” Killer shook his head. “We excuse a lot of shady things, but I draw the line at cannibalism!”
Kid barked out laughter as he took the camera and followed his housemates to their massive backyard. Unlike the last video where they had a pool party, the yard looked almost too big for just the three men. The pool looked refreshing as the water reflected under the sunshine.
Holding the camera, the redhaired punk pointed it to show the audience a wide, quaint looking brick oven. It stood where the tables during their pool party once stood. It was a brilliant red color with double wide black steel doors. Hooks were hammered to the side that held cleaning tools, and a massive wooden paddle – a pizza peel, to help place the pizzas in and out of the fire. Underneath the doors was an open space that was already filled with firewood and coal. In fact, it was so stuffed that it didn’t look like anything could be moved or added to the fire pit.
“We made this oven to be able to hold four pizzas at a time. Work smarter not harder,” Kid announced proudly.
“Actually, when baking pizzas you’re supposed to A) have the fire be burning at least 20-40 minutes before sticking your pies in, and B) the fire should be situated to the side not directly under the pizzas. This is to help keep an eye on how its cooking instead of heating it up too quickly and resulting in burnt pizzas. Without some room for cold air circulation, you’ll end up with a less than desirable pizza. Burnt to a crisp without properly cooking evenly,” Killer explained.
“I hate being kept waiting. Fire them shits up Heat!” Kid barked.
“NO WAIT!” Killer screeched.
The camera seemed to freeze in place as a flashing brightness flooded the view. Nothing could be seen and all that could be heard was panic and unintelligible shouting. The camera itself stopped recording and a small glitch occurred before a buzzing static took over. After a minute, a screen card was layered over the video with a message that read: Idiotic technicalities. Please standby.
Several minutes later, the recording picked up and the message faded away. When the camera’s focus was cleared, Killer, Heat, and Kid stood front and center with folded arms. Each muscled man was covered in grime and soot. Killer’s helmet had distinct burn marks while Kid and Heat’s shirts were marked with singed holes.
None of them looked pleased.
“SO! What did we learn?!” Killer snapped at his housemates.
“Don’t listen to Boss,” Heat muttered.
“Shut up!” Kid’s face flushed red with embarrassment. Killer swatted the back of his head. “Listen to the head chef when it comes to cooking,” the Captain finally admitted, scowl engrained in his face.
“That’s right,” Killer scoffed. “Sorry for the disruption during the stream. We obviously had to deal with an inferno that has since been put out and cleaned. I know it may come off weird doing another stream for all of 10 minutes but we still wanted to do the taste test. We’ll clean the live up in post-editing before I upload the video on my channel. Now without further ado,” Killer turned around to the kitchen island table.
From the backside, his pants and shirt were burnt so severely it looked like he walked through hell and back. Heat and Kid were no better off as they shifted around the kitchen to take seats. With a comically large pizza cutter, Killer sliced the pizzas into shareable portions, bringing the camera closer to show off each one.
His macaroni pizza was lathered in molten cheese, crispy burnt edges on the top of the noodles and crust while steam curled around the top. Heat’s pizza looked like it was sweltering with the way the fresh pineapple chunks oozed with juice that leaked from the pulpy flesh. Kid’s pizza was truly a monstrosity. It was not winning any beauty contests and it surely wouldn’t be able to hold up in his hand but he tried anyway.
Using his metal prosthetic as a plate, he carried the heavy slice to his mouth where he took a massive bite. Cheesy ropes pulled from the crust to his mouth as he dragged the slice away from his face to chew.
“Shiiiiiit,” Kid crowed between his stuffed cheeks. “A bit hot but godsdamn that’s a good ‘zza! You could feed a village with just one slice!” His throat bulged as he swallowed the food. “The vegetables literally popped with juice and flavor as I bit into them. The meats create a savory taste that blend well with all the toppings. If you want something to fill you up quickly, this is the pie to eat.”
Heat was munching on his slice as he nodded in agreement, “It’s very good. The sweetness from the pineapple makes for a pleasant contrast to the saltiness of the cheese and garlic. It’s simple, crunchy, and daring.”
Killer bobbed his head up and down as he listened to his taste testers. Pushing slices of his pizza to them as they each finished their respective slices.
“Hmmm a little heavy on the carbs side but that doesn’t detract from the taste,” Kid said through another full mouth. “It’s fun though, don’t see pasta on pizza often but of course that’s your style, bud. It’s a good pie, I give it a 10/10.”
“I’d give it an 11/10,” Heat argues. “I don’t think you’re giving enough credit to the blended cheese here. I mean we have sharp and white cheddar, mozzarella, gorgonzola, parmesan, AND goat cheese! It’s the ultimate cheesy blend! This is perfect for a heavy lunch that’ll knock you right out.”
“Ultra cheesy, juicy, crispy, crunchy, and savory. That hits all the benchmarks when making a delicious pizza,” Killer began to wrap up the episode. “Can’t wait to dig in myself but first I need to trash my ruined clothes and double check that my hair hasn’t been harmed. If it has, well let’s just say someone’s gonna die. Tune in next time when I make something from back home that we all love - Cranachan. It’s easy to prepare especially in a group setting, and like everything else I make, slays. This has been Faffaffaffa-Food with Killer.”
End of video.
Bonus: The comment section
Unprofessional_Cook: My favorite pizza topping is Chipotle Cajun shrimp with a guacamole base. What say you, Chef? KillerCook: I say, I’m calling the police. You are a menace to society and you must be stopped.
J0ker: Is a fire the reason why our favorite punk has no eyebrows? PunkNeverDied69: Fuck – and I cannot stress this enough – all the way off.
305_Til.I.Die: Ok but like…what happened? What caused the fireball? FlamingHot420: Poor judgment.
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