#i miss being active here 💔💔💔💔💔
hateful1979 · 2 years
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firein-thesky · 7 months
i’m sorry i haven’t answered asks or been very present!! i’m gonna try to answer some tomorrow and sunday!!
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elliesdoll · 3 months
pt.2 to my angsty loser!ellie drabble 𝜗𝜚
nsfw! ellie gets caught and that’s literally it. i hate this so bad but it’s whateva
(part 3 will have lesbian gay lesbian boob vagina butt sex i promise. no more ellie masturbating)
find pt.1 here! & pt.3 here :3
daily click! don’t buy tlou free palestine
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after ellie’s pathetic masturbation sesh, she vowed to herself to fucking pull it together.
she wasn’t gonna let herself mope over you, because she knew you had an active sex life. she forced herself to be fine with it. to be fine with the people you decided to bring to your bed. she wanted to be near you without feeling this suffocating feeling of yearning and lust filling her insides.
and if that meant tucking her feelings to the deepest pits of hell, then so fucking be it.
a few weeks had passed since that little moment you and ellie had. the one where she had showed up to your house in the middle of you hooking up with someone.
the morning after, she has awoken to a string of texts from you, all apologizing for that awkward moment.
ellie i’m so sorry you had to see me like that. i didn’t mean to come off rude.
i wanted to go after you but i couldn’t really leave her alone in my house lol
i’m really sorry. i hope u don’t think you can’t come to my house ever again ☹️ i actually thought it was sweet you showed up like that.
goodnight ellie. i hope things aren’t awkward between us.
god, you made her feel awful. you were too fucking sweet to her. the way you never missed a single night when telling her goodnight, even after something like that. she rubbed her swollen face, mainly from crying, and typed a short message to you.
hey, sorry for rushing away like that. idk why i did that lmfao
and things aren’t awkward at all, i shouldn’t have just showed up unnanounced
no els seriously! you should do that more often. tbh i wanted to hang out with you more than that girl… but yk i couldn’t 💔💔
she smiled at your kind text, glad that you two could just put it behind yourselves. her moment of relief was quickly replaced by disgust, when she saw the state of herself and her bed. her inner thighs sticky with dried cum, and her sheets below her still damp with all the extra release.
“gross..” she mumbled to herself, getting up and immediately throwing on some boxers and a tshirt, feeling way too vulnerable being naked like that. she went to the bathroom and cleaned herself up, then threw her sheets in the wash.
since then, you two have been fine. you do your weekly hangout sessions, where you grab food and talk about anything for hours on end. it’s almost as if nothing happened.
until one of your sleepovers.
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you always convinced ellie to spend the night at your house, at least every other week. whenever it’d get dark outside and ellie would start to get up, you’d give her that irresistible pout and “ughhh, c’mon els.. just spend the night. it’s too dark out for you to go home.”
and every damn time, she agreed. how could she ever say no to you?
one night, you and ellie are high out of your minds, talking about god knows what. all giggly and soft, you two exchange jokes and stories that really make no sense. but, to you two, it’s the funniest thing in the world. after a laughing fit between the two of you, you wipe your tears and sigh.
“god, i love you.”
you say, still catching your breath from that tummy tensing laugh. the words were just an expression of admiration for her. but to ellie, they were so much more.
“i love you too.”
she says, looking you in the eyes. she’s high, so she’s not thinking too hard about how sincere she sounds. but she really should’ve, because that soft tone of her voice and the glint in her eyes make it sound way too fucking real.
“woah,” you let out a nervous, breathy chuckle. “that was a bit theatrical.”
“wh..what do you mean?”
ellie asks, getting a bit nervous. she’s not her usual, stuttery self though. she keeps it together. thanks to the weed.
“just the way you said i love you. it felt like… deep.”
you move your hands as you talk, and ellie just shrugs. but she knows she’s fucked. before she could stop her feelings from resurfacing, she gets that familiar tingle in her belly and pounding of her heart.
“shut up,” she rolls her eyes, trying to play it off.“you’re dramatic.”
her voice wavered with those last words. fuck, her voice wavered. why did she feel like she was gonna have a breakdown any second now? she had to get the hell away from you.
“gotta piss. be back in a bit.”
ellie says quickly, so quick you don’t even have time to retort to her calling you dramatic. you just sit there, confused. you could’ve sworn you heard some uncertainty in her voice, but you let her go.
meanwhile, ellie made a beeline for your bathroom. she shut the door and leaned her head against the wood. she let out a deep sigh, trying to calm herself. the fact that she felt the most intense feeling that she couldn’t even describe over a mere “i love you” had her cringing.
she just couldn’t get over you. the entire night, she tried her best not to think about how good your tits looked in your pajama top, or how badly she wanted to just shove her face into your ass in those little shorts.
her thinking over these details led to the predicament that she’s in right now. sweatpants around her knees, legs slightly spread as she rubs one out while leaned up against your bathroom sink. her eyes are shut and her head is thrown back, letting out the quietist grunts she could muster.
she knew she shouldn’t be doing this, she promised herself that she would stop. but god, you made it hard. she was so wet, it made her cheeks flush red. the simple thought of you had her literally dripping around her own fingers.
you were still in your room, biting your thumbnail as you wait for ellie. you start to get worried, thinking you made her upset by commenting on how she said ‘i love you’. so, you being the thoughtful friend you are, go to check on her.
you quietly walk to the bathroom, putting your ear against the door. you were going to knock and mutter a little “els? are you okay?”, but the sounds you heard made you lose all the words in your mouth.
soft, sharp inhales and tiny sticky noises is all you can hear through the door. it’s a bit hard to listen to, since the soft buzz of the yellow light in there overpowers it. what the hell is she doing in there?
you knew this was wrong. an invasion of privacy to the max. but your curiosity was getting the better of you, and you were worried. you put your hand on the doorknob and slightly twisted it, not expecting it to open. but it did.
did ellie forget to lock the door?
ellie doesn’t hear the soft click of the door opening, too lost in her own pleasure as she practically humps her own hand. it had been too fucking long since she could touch herself to the thought of you. her only guilty pleasure.
her head was still thrown back, eyes squeezed shut as she rubbed her clit at a shockingly fast pace. and you saw it all. you had opening the door just enough for half of your face to see through the opened crack. your whole body froze at the sight in front of you.
she was so captivating. her face looking all fucked out, her pale thighs that were so tensed up, the shininess of her slick that smeared on the heel of her palm. even the quick glimpses of her gorgeous auburn bush that you could see if her hoodie rode up enough.
your tummy felt weird. first, you felt guilty for eavesdropping on your best friend. second, you were confused why the fuck ellie decided now would be the best time to masturbate. third, you were turned on. disgustingly turned on, at that.
a few seconds of watching ellie made your panties get all sticky and wet, and that burning hot feeling in your lower belly. you couldn’t look away.
“ohh, fuck— please,”
your brain short circuited hearing ellie say that. god, she was so lost in her own pleasure. so lost that she accidentally knocked over your toothbrush and hand soap on the sink, causing her to jolt and snap her eyes open.
she looks down at the bottle of soap and toothbrush that landed in front of the bathroom door. the door that’s cracked. her eyes shoot up, and there’s where she sees a glimpse of you running away. a quick flash, but she knew it was you.
she is so fucked.
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btw i finished this literally like 3 days ago and didn’t wanna post it hut i did anyway ☺️☺️
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seoktized · 3 months
i saw requests open i would love to see how you think riize would be as boyfriends? your writing is really good so i thought this would be a good idea! thank you 🩷
of course thank you so much for the request!!!! here is:
☆ RIIZE as boyfriends!
ot7 riize x fem reader
warnings: cursing, fluff!!! riize being the best boyfriends 🥹🥹
req/asks are open <3
note: i didn’t know if you wanted texts or actual writing so i did both!!
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»»————- ♡ ————-««
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theeeee sweetest bf ever!! the cutest too. i feel like he’d always send you his dance videos bc dancing is his passion and he wants to show you how he’s improved! shotaro would probably drop everything if he had to in order to help you out or talk to you. so sweet i want a shotaro 💔
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no hear me out i feel like he spoils you BUT NOT ON PURPOSE he’s jsut out one day and then he sees smth that reminds him of you and suddenly your room is full of stuff he’s bought you! you beggg him to not buy anymore because there’s literally no room but next time he’s out he buys more 😭😭 always calls you pretty girl, baby, doll… etc. just an overall sweet boyfriend (can you tell i’m eunseok biased LMAOAOAO)
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he’s like annoying but in a like boyfriend annoys you way yk? like ugh you’re so annoying i love you 😭 yes he may be like a Giant but he still wants to be babied by you! will do anything and everything to see you smile. best cuddler me thinks .. to add onto the loved to be babied like if u two are watching a scary movie or smth he is like hiding in ur chest or smth 😭 he’s so cute
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he’s just 😭 dramatic but in a cute way. thinks the world will end if he doesn’t see you like everyday, which is impossible with his job so he’s always a lil sulky. but as soon as he sees you!!! this man if he could climb in your skin he would. lovesss to cuddle and lay there w you. he also lovesss to play the electric guitar for you. (you didn’t hear it from me but he also lets you play in his hair and style it all cute)
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PERFECT BOYFRIEND 😭😭😭 so endearing and sweet. knows what to say like allll the time. he always has you blushing like.. girl. me next. will drag you along to play games with him (if any of you know of valorant, you’d be like his pocket sage) another pet name enthusiast!!! like he’ll never miss a chance to call you pretty girl, baby, love, angel, ETCCCC. will have u Dizzy bc of how sweet he is :((
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sobbing because he’s like the cutest bf ever!! cuddles enthusiast!!! he’ll pout until you come cuddle w him😭 he also always buys you food and is making sure you’re feeling good!! will give you princess treatment if you’re not </3 he also always pushes you to be your best!! he loves so see you thriving, seeing you happy makes him 10x happier :) sweet boy
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yk how eunseok was like “anton always sends shorts in the gc” well yea you are a victim to the 393 shorts he sends daily. always sending cute things n bein like omg baby it’s us look 💔 anton i cry. sweetest bf ever he loovvesss to buy you things and would give you the world if he could :( his fav activity to do is to make songs for you or take you swimming !! he loves to show off his skills so you can tell him how cool he looked.
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simp4konig · 9 months
König mistakenly shoots you on the battlefield
König x Gender-neutral Reader
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Word count: ~4500
*SLOW burn but when my writing finally has that spark this fic catches FIRE and FAST so be prepared!! 🔥🔥
*⚠️Angst Angst! ANGST!⚠️
TWs: König is in love with you. König's sanity slowly deteriorates as the fanfiction progresses. Mentions of attempted suicide, graphic depictions of gore, potentially triggering depictions of depression. König has suicidal thoughts after shooting you. König experiences intense trauma after shooting you and has survivor's guilt.
*Reader's callsign is "King". Implied age gap. One-sided pining from König... but the ending is purposefully kept ambigous (as you, the reader, can interpret the final interaction however you like)! Can be read as a standalone if you have never read any of my works before. <3
*To clarify to those that have already read my works before, this is *NOT* a direct continuation to 1.my fluffy 2.series! This is a separate imagine, but DOES take place in the same KönigxKing microchosm. Whether the following events take place in an alternate timeline or happen at some point in the future/past is for you to decide. Idk man i just write the fics I don't do the world buidling 🗿I write sotires without thingign about the greater picture u honestly think my one shots will tie to a greater plot?☹️No 💔
Right from the beginning, König had a gut feeling that this mission was going to go wrong.
It was a deep sense of foreboding in the pit of his stomach, making him feel queasy on the helicopter ride as the both of you with an additional three others were scheduled for contact in a few minutes' time.
You were just a recruit, and this mission was far too intense for someone with next to no experience in an active warzone for it to be their first. He knew the dangers of missions like this, knew how things could go horribly wrong in an instant.
It wasn't that he doubted your ability. Not at all. From the corner of the room he would silently supervise as you sparred another person, monitoring your movements incase your opponent had the upperhand and you needed guidance.
However, he had never needed to intervene, as he was impressed with your quick reactions and your controlled steps as you'd move on the balls of your feet, arms held up in front of your face. Ambition was in your eyes, your face scrunched up in concentration as you calculated your next move.
You'd defend yourself up until the moment you'd pounce and in a blink of an eye be on top of your opponent, your entire weight pressed on their theirs on the ground. Whether it was another woman, another man, or even a person with bigger bulk you were clearly disadvantaged by, you'd never give up, and took on any challenge with an impressionable passion of a young recruit.
Once they'd be the one to tap out, you'd immediately push yourself off them and offer them a hand, asking them "Are you alright?" in a concerned tone as you were pulling them up. "Sorry for getting aggressive there, sir/miss! I hope I didn't hurt you!"
To which they'd respond with boisterous laughter and a strong clap on your back, you doubled over as they were congratulating you for knocking them off their two feet and telling you to keep up the good work. König couldn't wipe the triumphant smile from his face, filled with pride at your personal victory.
Once you'd be the one to tap out, you'd part ways honourably, never disrespecting the person that came out on top. If anything, your loss only added fuel to the fire burning in your eyes, driven to work harder. He still admired you, and would be the one to pull you up as he dusted you off, telling you that you did a great job regardless.
"Thank you, sir!" You'd reply bashfully, face red from effort and embarassment. "Though, I'm sure I made a fool of myself with how I was flailing my arms just then..."
"Nein. Not at all," he'd say, eyes glinting with something that you couldn't quite recognize. "You did very well."
Target practice displayed your accurate aim, wool seeping out from the heads of dummies and the targets regularly replaced as the wood would cling in pieces, the center blasted into smithereens by repeated bullseyes from you.
Always lingering nearby to assist, you would gratefully accept König's help and allow him to demonstrate how to operate another gun with an appreciative smile on your face, your genuine eagerness to learn making König's chest tighten. You seemingly never knew the effect you had on him.
You were a naturally skilled soldier, he had observed, and he knew that you'd make an incredible addition to the team, he couldn't deny that.
Yet, he couldn't shake off this feeling as something more grave.
All personel debriefed and the plan disclosed a week prior, the superior went over the plan once more back at base. A large blueprint spilling over the table with weak spots and areas to beware were annotated, his forefinger pointing at different areas of interest. Sketches, photographs, and jottings were displayed from a projector for all to see as you listened closely.
König's jaws were grinding against each other in agitation, having doubts about you being deployed on this mission.
Despite this operation being portayed as an in and out extraction, König knew better. He knew what the stakes were. Intuition urged him to warn you, to confide in you about his doubts and even considered crossing your name off the list and assigning you elsewhere last minute without anyone knowing.
But the thought that he could be controlling you — a young, innocent recruit — and even considered doing something so foul didn't sit right with him.
You were your own person, and he couldn't be your shadow, couldn't act as a human shield against all that was cruel and gruesome in life. You had chosen this job, and therefore must have had at least some idea of what your responsibilities would entail, some knowledge of what soldiers go through in pursuit of glory.
Instead of being so pertubed, he should keep it together, he thought, should maintain a stoic façade. He was your superior — your colonel, for God's sake — he was someone you aspired to be, someone that should be an inspiration, a role model, someone that could have your back and be a reliable body to fall back on.
Not someone that couldn't keep it together when you around.
Especially when he shouldn't have been having feelings for you.
You, a young person vulnerable and easily influenced by people older than you, by the likes of him.
It wasn't right. He wasn't right for what he was feeling, for what he had been thinking. It wasn't right for his feelings to cloud his judgement, wasn't right that abusing his power had even crossed his mind, let alone been tempted to act upon it.
Your voice pulled him from his thoughts. "König? Are you alright, sir?"
Turning his head to face you, he nodded with false certainty, containing his worry in an attempt to appear confident for you.
"Ja, King, it's okay. Just thinking, that's all."
You quirked a brow, not convinced. "Hey."
Placing a firm hand on his shoulder, a serious expression was on your face, which caught König off guard and made his eyes widen. "If you're thinking that I'm going to get myself killed then you've got another thing coming, because I will NOT get shot by the enemy."
His back slumped over a little, averting his gaze for a moment. "Nein, sie haben recht."
"Ich sollte nicht zulassen, dass meine Gefühle mein Urteilsvermögen trüben." König mumbled something else under his breath in German, then quickly shook his head and laughed, looking into your eyes again.
Tension in his body was eased a little. "No, you're right."
A little. Because he wasn't going to dismiss the thoughts gnawing at the back of his head as mere paranoia.
You perked up. "Good, glad we've got that cleared up, sir! I want you to know that I won't disappoint!"
His heart skipped a beat at your smile, so eager to please and make him proud, that he shuffled uncomfortably, trying to get the butterflies in his stomach to calm down. Now wasn't the time.
Idly fidgeting with his combat knife as the helicopter blades hummed above, he went back to thinking over all the possibilities and different ways this mission could go awry:
...What if these were the wrong coordinates, or the helicopter would be attacked the minute they landed? The thought of an ambush wasn't an irrational one — it had happened before, he reminded himself — so he had brought a few more weapon crates than necessary for safekeeping.
...What if the helicopter's signal was intercepted and everyone including the pilot were destined for a fatal crash? Counting the number of parachutes and noting the fire exit, he could rest a little easier if an emergency like that was to arise, yet it still did little to soothe his nerves.
...What if you really did get shot? In case that happened, he had alerted some operators beforehand to serve as re-enforcements, one of those on board including a skilled army medic, under the guise of needing more manpower in case things went south. After all, this extraction could not have go wrong. It shouldn't have gone wrong.
But... what if you died? König wouldn't know how to deal with the feelings associated with your death, knowing that he had loved you from afar yet never acted on it. At least he'd be able to keep his shameful secret a secret, and you'd pass away never knowing what he truly saw you as, truly thought of you.
He had little time to figure out what was causing the trepidation to stiffen his muscles as the helicopter suddenly swerved and lowered, landing kilometres away from the designated building yet on unstable ground nonetheless. Any moment soldiers could attack it if they had known the group's location, so the blades kept spinning and the engine kept running for an immediate getaway.
König assumed authority. "Everyone remember the plan?"
Four heads nodded in sync.
"Gut. Then you all know what to do. I will enter from the side with my Lieutenant—" he said, gesturing with his head at a masked operator beside you, "—while you three—" referring to you and two others you were only vaguely aquainted with, "—storm from the back. Ja?"
König's eyes stalled on you for a moment longer than necessary. You were going to be alright, he told himself. He'd keep you in his field of vision and could provide you with cover once you regrouped when you'd really need it.
"A quick extraction," he reminded, eyes stern yet heart disbelieving. "Simply go in, get the data, and go out."
A final nod of the head from König as he and his associate separated from your group. You headed towards the back of the building, fully alert, aiming behind corner incase there had been someone waiting to assassinate you.
Doors creaking as one of the men pushed, the three of you filtered in noiselessly, attempting to be as discreet as possible and wincing when the door slammed not so quietly. Guns cocked and silencers attached, you advanced in a line, blending in to the shadows.
As you walked, there were no signs of life, and the storehouse seemed abandoned. No machinery was being operate. No voices could be heard.
All was still and quiet.
Eerily quiet.
Feeling the hairs on your arms and neck stand on end, you shuddered. You made eye contact with one of the men in front of you who had more expertise, and he looked on edge, eyebrows creased in focus under his balaclava. None of this felt right.
Suddenly, something small rolled over towards you all. Blinking once, twice, you let out a panicked scream and dived for cover.
All hell broke loose.
Bullets ricocheted over your head, guns blasting from so many directions you couldn't pinpoint their source.
Slowly recovering from your momentary shock, you gripped your rifle tight and started shooting back, hidden behind a load of wooden crates. When you saw your hooded colonel crouching in a corner, you relaxed. With an encouraging nod from him, that was all you needed to go change positions, and you lunged forward. All was going smoothly at that point.
So engrossed in eliminating the threats in front of him, however, König only came to the realisation that you weren't there when he didn't see your figure in his peripheral vision.
Panic consumed his senses and circulated through his veins. All at once, he was frantically scanning the immediate area, searching for any trace of you.
You were thrashing and kicking as you were being pulled by rough hands, your fingers reaching for your holster through gritted teeth, yet it was just out of grasp. You were thrown harshly against the wall, and the enemy towered over you, feeling high from his power trip and excited to exert authority he had never had up to now.
Just as a knife made its way to your throat, your hand finally found your side arm and shot a bullet between his eyes, body falling on top of you like a sack of potatoes.
You convulsed involuntarily, hyperventilating under his weight and the sudden situation. Noting your surroundings, your heart sank.
You were in no man's land, full view of soldiers shooting at your team. The extraction point was just in sight, exactly how and where it was illustrated on the blueprint.
So far, no one had noticed you, too preoccupied aiming down their sights to see you shuffling under a corpse. You could enter those headquarters right now, could be proclaimed a hero of this story, and make your colonel proud and finish before schedule.
The risk was too big. You were bound to get shot.
Yet, against all better judgement, you dashed for the entrance, taking advantage of the element of surprise as three men turned towards you with wide eyes, not expecting to see you enter. Two were haphazardly shoving papers into a half-open folder thrown on the table.
Three shots fired before they could scramble for a gun, you rushed towards the desk. Scanning the material, your eyes widened in shock. This was it.
Now, your only choice was to crawl back into the line of fire. Soldiers still kept shooting with their backs turned, endless ammunition right at their disposal.
You were totally helpless on your own. Just one pair of wandering eyes from the enemy and just one shot in the back of the head would be all that would take to end your life at that moment and make all of your efforts go to waste.
Although an atheist, you mouthed a silent prayer, before taking a deep breath, and sprinted.
Seeing sudden movement headed towards him, König acted on instinct, and pulled the trigger on you.
His heart stopped.
Time slowed as your body fell in slow motion, more bullets piercing through your gear.
Realising his mistake immediately, he almost vomited his own stomach out at seeing you fall lifelessly on the ground, eyes wide and body dropping on impact.
"Scheisse, cover me, verdammt!" He yelled over his shoulder, all rational thought ceasing.
Breathing rapid and strained, he rushed towards you, gently wrapping his arms around your body — growing weaker by the minute — and headed straight for the first sign of cover he could see. Behind unstable and temporary refuge that could be blown to pieces, König was at a loss at what to do.
He had expected everything, evaluated every possible scenario, every possible outcome, even prepared a lifeline for you on the off-chance that you'd be injured in action.
Yet he hadn't anticipated that he would be the one to shoot you. Never.
Shaking violently, König could barely get any words out. "—S-schatz, please please please—"
Hesistant hands hovered over your wounds, conflicted, as blood was staining your uniform, wrenching König's heart. His mind kept repeating you did this. You did this. You did this.
You needed urgent aid, and you needed it right now, yet he didn't deserve to touch you, his hands clenched into fists as he didn't want to break you further, treating you like fragile glass that could shatter into pieces under his touch if he so held you.
He was the one that did this to you. You, the young recruit he was so hopelessly infatuated with, a person who he had cherished and loved from afar, the person who made him feel good things for the first time ever in his life.
He did this to you.
He was the monster in your closet, the threat that König had desperately attempted protect you from all this time, the threat that you were told to eliminate on this mission. The enemy.
The enemy that had mistakenly shot you.
"Es tut mir so leid, I'm so sorry—" König's mind couldn't function properly, speaking in broken mix of English and German. He couldn't gather his thoughts, couldn't think.
"—I'm so so so sorry. Please don't die, bitte vergib mir, forgive me, forgive me, schatz. Forgive me. Ich liebe dich, schatz, do you hear me? I love you."
Bullets whizzed past you both relentlessly, both of you still caught in crossfire. König's lips were moving yet you couldn't hear what he was saying to you, couldn't feel anything as you slowly lost consciousness, slowly closed your eyes.
A calloused hand tapped your face in desperation, your vision blurred.
"—Nein, nein, King! Stay awake! I'm calling for the re-enforcements now! Please, don't die on me— I'm so sorry..."
Shaky yelling through the walkie-talkie, voice cracking. "This is your colonel, König! We're retreating right now! One of ours is wounded! Send the re-enforcements right now to this location! I repeat, we are retreating! I am calling this mission off!"
"What? Are you crazy, König?!" A break in character from the commander, before immediately assuming professionalism once more. "Proceed with the mission! You are on the verge of breaking their defenses! You will enter their headquarters and be able to—"
"Nein. That was an order, commander," he hissed through gritted teeth, nearly crushing the device in his death-grip. "We are retreating. I am calling this mission off."
A pause. Then: "Copy that, colonel. We are sending your re-enforcements to cover you as you exit. Your helicopter is waiting. Hold out for thirty seconds longer."
Sighing with relief, he suddenly thought his heart stopped beating when he saw you laying there motionlessly, eyes closed. Desperately tapping at your cheek did nothing to awaken you. He prayed that you'd survive, willing time to go faster.
At last, loud whirring from above gave him the only comfort. Not waiting a second longer, König picked up your limp body and dashed outside, the helicopter lifting off as the rest of the crew threw themselves inside.
Opening your vest to inspect your wounds, he saw a blood-soakes folder secured tightly to your chest.
It was the data. You risked your life for the mission. You risked everything to accomplish the task and he had shot you anyways.
"—This is your colonel, König. We have the data. Mission accomplished, I repeat, mission accomplished. King has the data."
The radio crackled with an indistinguishable response, yet König heard nothing, blood rushing to his head and ringing persisting. Medics wasted no time to wheel you into an operating room, tearing your limp body away from his arms. He avoided the celebrations and cheers for their colonel, leaving everyone dumbfounded at his reaction. Shouldn't have he been proud? The mission was a success!
Yet the mission wasn't a success, and if anything, he felt shame. No one knew why their colonel holed himself up in his room aside from himself.
The news of you in critical condition in the hospital broke König.
As much as he wanted to see you, to check on your health and be the one to see your first signs of recovery, he couldn't. He couldn't bear to witness the colour drained from your face as you laid unmoving on the bed, the slow beeping from the heart rate monitor machine the only indication that you were alive.
He just couldn't. Not when he caused this. Not when he fucked up this much.
Using the gym as a coping mechanism for a while, he trained harder and more often than ever before, only wishing to make the pain go away. When he wasn't at the gym all throughout the day or at odd hours of the night, he'd toss and turn in his bed, having nightmares about your body bleeding out below him as the shot relentlessly echoed in his head. Or worse, he'd imagine himself shooting you again, only this time he'd find the barrel of his gun was aimed at your forehead execution-style, your unassuming face suddenly exploding into bloody pieces and what was left of your bewildered expression still remained even after he had pulled the trigger.
At those, König would spring upright, screaming "No!" in anguish.
He'd be panting heavily, bedsheets drenched in his own sweat and feeling like he was suffocating with each rise and fall of his chest. When the situation sunk in, he'd clench his fists so tightly his knuckles went white, shaken to his very core. On those nights, König wanted nothing more than to hurt himself, to compensate for the injury he inflicted upon you and how he had completely disgraced you.
At one point, when he had finally had enough, in his blind craze snatched the pistol laying by his bed, flicked the safety off and aimed it at the same place he had shot you, just to break down in despair when no bullet came out, the clip hidden in his bedside drawer.
Hand tightly squeezing his heart through his soaked t-shirt, he was repulsed by the fact that he was completely healthy and could walk freely while you lay injured and dying.
Under his watch, you had been injured. Under him, your body had crumpled. And it was his fault.
In emotional turmoil, he soon lost all ability to function. He couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and could hardly find the motivation to get out of bed most of the time, convinced that he had killed you, convinced that he was a monster. Responsibilities were kept on hold, the next best person taking his place. No one questioned the new arrangement, despite the shared confusion from everyone on base.
He couldn't take this. He couldn't take this any longer. He would have rather died, sacrificed himself in any way possible if it meant that you could live another day, as you could make a greater impact on the world than he ever could. Could be a better person than he ever could.
It was his fault. He shot you. He had shot you. He had shot the recruit that he had hopelessly fallen in love with, yet only he himself was to blame for it for his lack of control, for his inability to be unaffected by his feelings.
One day, a knock on his door pulled him out from his trance.
Prior to the interruption, König was staring at the cement wall, his eyes unfocused, completely still and barely breathing. He wasn't himself.
Immediately straightening his legs and nearly tearing a tendon from how fast he got up despite having been so inactive for the last few days, he stomped quickly towards the door, his face glum yet eyes glinting with the merest hint of hope.
Hand reaching for the handle, he had readied himself, expecting bad news coming from a surgeon wearing a medical mask and a blue uniform, a solemn expression as they devasted him with your passing.
All but the latter was true.
"Colonel König, sir. The patient is awake. You may now visit them if you so wish."
Blinking a couple of times, König thought he had heard incorrectly.
Repeated were the words that König was shocked to hear.
"King is awake, sir. Their condition is a stable one. Our team thought to notify you first since you were on the mission with them."
Gasping, König could barely breathe. He felt like he was drowning, drowning despite his head breaking out from the water. "What... I... where?"
"Ground floor, room twelve. They're on medication as of this moment yet are fully awake."
König nearly fell to his knees. You were alive!
You were alive! He hadn't killed you! He thanked the Gods, and could barely keep composed, barely able to stop himself from dashing to the center of base and yelling into the sky in pure joy.
"I— thank you... so much."
Running faster than he had ever ran in his whole life, he was at your door in minutes.
Yet, as his fingers reached for the door knob, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, hand poised mid-air.
What if you didn't want to see him after the whole ordeal?
What if you resented him, and would spit in his face the moment he walked in?
What if you hated him, and wanted nothing to do with him ever again?
Hesistantly knocking twice, he nearly had a heart attack when your voice broke through the door:
"Come in," you called simply; your voice was hoarse, but it was clearly still you.
Taking a deep breath, König pushed the door open.
There you were. He was having heart palpitations at seeing you awake and looking at him.
The light coming through the open curtains made your skin glow despite how pale you were, eyes sparkling and crinkling in happiness despite the dark circles and heavy bags under your eyes, hair splayed out behind on your pillow, resembling a halo, despite how greasy it was.
He had missed you. So much.
Then his heart sunk as he reminded himself that he was the reason for why you were here, why you were in in this state to begin with.
Seeing König, You shot him a daring smirk despite how numb your face felt. "Hey, König, sir. Did you visit me at all? I'm sure you missed me."
Waiting in anticipation, you kept looking at him excitedly. At the lack of response and his refusal to meet your gaze, it faded completely. "—Wh—what? You—"
"Not— not even once? Not—"
Tears were welling up in your eyes. "—you didn't come see me even one time?"
Maybe you shouldn't have gotten your hopes up. Maybe you should have thought that König would not have time to spare in his busy schedule.
Yet you couldn't not get your hopes up when as soon as you woke, your first thought was of König. Although the grim reality hit you hard like a bucket of cold water dumped over your head, you still wished to see him.
And yet, he hadn't wished to see you at all. He had avoided you like the plague.
König started pacing the room, head hung low as he weighed the pros and cons. Indecision.
"—Do you really... do you really want to know why I didn't visit you, King?"
You nodded meekly, lip quivering.
He finally made up his mind.
If you rejected him, at least he'd rest easier knowing that you'd live, and continue to be happy for you from afar. He'd still support you, still be your colonel, still love you even when you found someone else.
"I... I put you in this position, King... It was all my fault," he begun, his voice barely above a whisper.
Tone softed as he finally stopped, as still as a statue, a metre away. From this angle, you saw how bloodshot his eyes were, how they sagged in sadness, how dark circles had formed from lack of sleep. His pale blue eyes were dull, glued to the ground.
"Not only did I lose sight of you on the battlefield, I also shot you. Shot my own—" Pausing, not knowing how to refer to you.
He carried on. "I couldn't live with myself. I still can't live with myself. I'm walking, uninjured, as you are laying in bed, recovering from an injury that I am the reason for. From bullet wounds that were the result of me."
Voice hitching slightly, he tried to keep his breathing under control. But he couldn't.
"How could the monster that shot you enter your room and dare to look at you? How could I watch you cling to life, while I walk freely despite causing you this— this agony? What right do I have looking at you after putting you here?"
You allowed the tears to spill down your cheeks.
He stopped, eyelids drooping, finally meeting your eyes.
"I have feelings for you, King, I—" Trembling "—I do. But... I shouldn't be feeling this way. You have your whole life ahead of you and I—"
"—I've... aged... I'm not the same man I was before. I've witnessed things far too disturbing to ever share with you. I... I know that you should be with someone better and I—"
Although still in a daze and sedated by the drugs, your thought process was still clear enough where you could be sure about this.
Reaching with a tentative hand for König's larger and rougher one, you squeezed it weakly, looking up at him with a heartfelt expression.
König smiled for the first time in ages.
Through that gesture alone, König knew that you forgave him.
He allowed his breathing to stabilise, wanting nothing more than to start over with you.
Edit next day: how tmdid this fet 100+ notes im sobbing 😭😭. thabk you everyone for readijg this angst fest!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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evangelina830 · 4 months
I’m so incredibly sorry for not being active!!! :,)) I’m just in a difficult state with my family rn and I think that instagram is easiest for me to get commissions. (I still haven’t gotten many and I’m quite upset🥲 bunch of it went to gas money) SOOOO
Will I still post art when I’m not in this situation so bad anymore? I hope so ! Unfortunately I’ve been so unmotivated cause of my favorite artists aren’t able to make/post more drawings (as well as financial issues)😔 I still try but it’s so difficult - I hope it’ll come back to me eventually .🤞🏼(this halfly goes to my motivation to draw in general💔)
What about Regular Show? Of course ! I’ll always love regular show as my favorite cartoon - and hopefully not soon will I leave the fandom, but whenever I do, i might always catch myself drawing and posting about it once in a while. It’s so dear to me since I was really little ! And I know most people here followed me for it, plus Carol! Nonetheless, I will always try to get around to reg show content! (Also if I move fandoms I will put it all on the same acc/blog, guaranteed to be mixed content from the start xd)
I really miss you guys and hope to post more soon aa!!🩵✨
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hongcherry · 2 years
Torn || smg
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"After being wounded during a mission, you find yourself somewhere you're not supposed to be—in Mingi's arms."
💔 Pair: Mingi x Reader(gn)
💔 Rating/Genres: NC-17; Angst, forbidden love, hurt/comfort, gang au
💔 Warnings: Injuries (deep cup), blood, stitches, (poor) gang-related talk, weapons, illegal activities mentioned, death/dying mentioned
💔 Word count: 2.5k
💔 Author's note: I didn't know where I was going with this fic, but I just felt like writing, so please ignore anything that doesn't make much sense. I'm going to pull, the "it's a fanfic" card lol. I also don't know much about medical or gang stuff, so I apologize if it's not accurate. I didn't do my research this time 😣 Lastly, I wrote this from an f-reader POV but realized I didn't think I used any specific pronouns and such, so I labeled it gn-reader. If I missed something, please let me know! Regardless of all that, please enjoy! This was a spontaneous writing session. I wasn't going to post again so soon but here we are 😅
ateez masterlist | main masterlist
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“You’re not supposed to be here,” the familiar low voice hissed. He was not happy to see you.
“And when did I ever listen to you?” you chuckled even though you knew he wasn’t going to find it funny.
Mingi took his head, eyebrows furrowed as he tried to focus on the task at hand.
“That’s going to get you killed one day,” he said, but you ignored his words.
“Easy there,” you warned when he was a little too harsh on your skin. Your jaw was clenched, hands fisted on the edge of the table you were sitting on.
Mingi kneeled below you as he cleaned the fresh wound on your calf.
You had been assigned to the east part of the city with your usual partner. The night was going fine. It was rather peaceful, actually. All you had to was deliver the package before one. 
You’ve done more complicated tasks before.
However, they cornered you too fast. The sound of weapons being unsheathed filled your ears and your sight was soon clouded with rising smoke. You barely had enough time to pull out your weapon, pressing your back against your partner’s as they retrieved their own weapon. 
The package was in a bag slung around your torso. You couldn’t lose it.
Perhaps if you had been more focused you could have quicker reflexes. Maybe if he wasn’t on your mind, you wouldn’t have a deep gash down your leg.
Mingi didn’t reply to your warning, but the pressure he was using to wipe the blood on your leg eased. 
“Want to tell me how you got this?” Mingi questioned and tossed the soiled rag in a nearby bin. There were other rags in there, each stained with your blood. 
“Not really,” you murmured. 
Mingi stood up to his full height and you had to crane your neck to look at him.
“We don’t need the small talk, right? You can just finish your job and I’ll go.”
Mingi stared at you for a second, eyes flashing with annoyance. You were probably pushing his buttons, but you couldn’t find yourself caring about that. 
“Yeah,” he said through clenched teeth. “My job.”
He scoffed at that. It wasn’t his job to tend to your wounds, but he found himself doing it more often than he would’ve liked. 
Despite his cold demeanor, he picked you up gently. Since your partner was occupying the bathroom getting his own wounds cleaned by one of Mingi’s friends, Mingi carried you to the kitchen. He rested you on the counter so that your injured leg was hovering over the sink. It wasn’t the most sanitary for the kitchen, but Mingi didn’t seem to be bothered. 
Mingi turned on the water and washed his hands. Per your request, he remained silent as he cleaned your injury properly. 
Mingi’s lips were a jar while he worked on your calf. His dark brown hair was straight and hung in front of his forehead. His locks weren’t long enough to hide his eyes, but you liked it more this way. You could see his face better.
His usually crescent moon eyes and gummy smiles were absent from his facial features. He wore a stone-cold expression, which made you feel slightly intimidated under his gaze. One of Mingi’s talents was being able to appear like a giggly baby one second and then a baleful foe the next. Yet in both scenarios, you couldn’t stop your heart from racing a little faster at his striking features. He was definitely handsome.
But you would never tell him that now. Perhaps in the past, but not anymore.
“Can you move over there?” Mingi asked, voice void of emotions as he gestured behind him. It was the island part of the kitchen. 
“Why don’t you just move me yourself?” you challenged. Your eyes refocused on his face, trying to pull yourself from your thoughts.
“Yn,” he sighed as if all his energy had been drained from staying awake three days straight. You were really pushing him over the edge.
You relented at his tone, not really wanting to be on his bad side more than you already were. 
“Alright, alright,” you yielded and carefully swung your legs down. Mingi lingered around you, hiding his frown as he watched you wobble to the island. He forced his attention away from you and left to grab his other supplies.
When he came back, you were sitting on the island as instructed.
One by one, he set aside his first-aid items. You held your breath when he started to thread a needle.
“Is that necessary?” you asked and tried to keep your voice even. You only had to have stitches once, but the pain had made you never want to experience it again. You could already feel your body tensing up at that thought.
Mingi turned to you while pulling the material through the needle’s eye.
“The cut is deep, so yes.” 
Mingi watched you attentively. His shoulders eased slightly at your nervousness. You were tough, but even you had your vulnerable moments. Mingi had seen yours more than you probably knew.
Mingi grabbed a clean towel; he rolled it up and then handed it to you.
“Bite down on this,” he said softly.
No longer in the mood to argue, you took the towel and put it between your teeth.
Your eyes averted from Mingi as he started the sutures. You bit the towel harshly to keep your whimpers at bay.
Even when Mingi was mad at you, he would always be there for you. 
You wanted to hate that.
You wanted him to push you away. Maybe even demand you never come back to this part of the city because he knew people like you were never welcomed. People like you who were from the west; especially people affiliated with dangerous groups like yourself. You wondered why he kept letting you come back to his hideout.
His friends were placid. They weren’t involved with the crime world. They didn’t start wars with other people, and they didn’t do any illegal trading. Yet just being associated with you could bring them danger.
Sometimes, you wish you never met him outside that cafe a year ago. You wished he wasn’t so friendly and willing to help anyone in need. Like now, you had encountered dangerous people who caused you harm. Mingi had found you stumbling toward the restaurant and instantly went to help you. He didn’t know why you were hurt, nor did he know who had caused you pain. He just wanted to help.
And what he didn’t know for three months was that you were involved with a hostile group. 
He didn’t believe you at first–insisting to drop the joke. Though after a few more explanations, his smile dwelled down to a deep frown. You could tell he wanted to kick you out, but something inside him didn’t. 
Until two months later.
His friends weren’t happy with you around and they didn’t like the possibility of you bringing them trouble. They had been able to stay in the dark, not meddling with anyone’s business. They wanted to keep it that way.
It’s not until you were followed one day, that they were attacked. Luckily, no one was badly injured since the attacker was outnumbered. Even though Mingi’s friends weren’t a part of criminal activities, they still trained in combat in case they needed it. They knew no group could ever truly be safe in this town.
Though, that was the breaking point of you seeing Mingi.
You hadn’t seen him since.
And you swore to yourself you wouldn’t have gone to their hideout tonight. You tried to escape the ambushers without any other help, but your partner was more injured than you. You couldn’t both run in your conditions.
Mingi’s hideout was the closest and so without much thought, you rushed your partner to the building.
“Done,” Mingi announced and set aside the needle. He reached up and slowly removed the towel from your mouth.
Your jaw hurt from clenching it so hard.
“T-thank you,” you said and peered down at your calf. The stitches were neatly done. 
Mingi hummed. He stood there, not saying a word as he scanned your face. You opened your mouth to say something, but for once, you didn’t have anything to say.
Mingi broke the silence. “You can’t come here again.” 
His words had your walls crumbling for a second too long. Mingi saw the hurt in your eyes, could see the way your body tensed as your flight mode was activated.
Fuck, you wish your heart didn’t feel so heavy right now.
“I know,” you sighed and pushed back the heaviness in your chest.
You climbed off the counter and Mingi’s hand shot out to steady your unbalanced body. The warmth from his large hands burned through your clothes.
Part of you wanted to push him away, but another part of you wanted to collapse in his arms. To beg for him to take back those words. To beg for him to see you as more than the person who committed crimes in the dark.
But Mingi did none of that.
Once you were steady, he retracted his hands.
“Hongjoong said you need to leave once your friend gets bandaged. Should be about ten more minutes,” he spoke and averted his eyes from you.
You couldn’t stop the scoff that escaped your lips at his friend’s name. That man had probably corrupted Mingi into thinking you were some demon who came to destroy Mingi. Though, were you really as good as you thought? Deep down you knew Hongjoong held some truth in his opinion of you, but you couldn’t help but feel he was a big reason why Mingi stayed away from you.
“And what do you say, Mingi?”
At the way you spoke his name, he looked at you again. His expression was a mix of regret and sorrow. 
“I’m not in char-”
“I don’t care. I want to know what you want.”
“It doesn’t matter.” 
Mingi turned away, but you didn’t let that last. You placed a hand on the side of his face and made him look at you. Hesitantly, he shifted his eyes down to you.
“I don’t matter to you?” you questioned.
Throughout the months you had known him, you had grown closer. The months when he didn’t know who you really were felt freeing. His laugh was something you never knew you needed in order to brighten your day. Feeling his strong arms wrapped around your shoulders as he held you against him during movie nights had stirred unwanted emotions. Even his friends were cordial toward you then.
“Just leave them,” Mingi whispered, eyes softening at the way you looked at him. 
He didn’t need to elaborate on his sentence. 
As more days passed without seeing Mingi, you desperately wanted to. You wanted to leave the crime world behind and live as any average person your age. But there were still secrets you kept from Mingi. One being your family was tied to the group you were a part of. You would never be allowed to leave.
“You know I can’t,” you replied sullenly.
“Can’t or won’t?”
“Even if I did, I couldn’t be with you.”
Mingi’s lips tugged lower. 
“Why not? You said you wanted me,” Mingi argued. 
You recalled the touching night with you and Mingi sprawled over the couch. The TV light illuminated the small room, but neither of you was paying attention to what was playing. You were only focused on each other–focused on the words of the other as you each confessed how you truly felt. The kisses he gave you that night were scorched inside your memory.
“It’ll be dangerous. I’ll never be able to leave completely.”
“You don’t really want this, do you?” Mingi questioned and tried to step away. He wasn’t believing your words, conjuring them up as excuses. Though, you placed a hand on his waist to stop him.
“Don’t say that,” you pleaded quietly. 
“You would leave them then. Hongjoong said we could be together if you were-”
“He was lying,” you interrupted with a frown. You knew Hongjoong would never approve of you. Not after he found out about your affiliations. You wondered if he knew the truth as to why you couldn’t leave.
“Hongjoong wouldn’t-”
“Meet me next week at the cafe,” you insisted. You knew your time here was running out. No doubt one of his friends was bound to come to kick you out soon.
“I shouldn’t,” he mumbled sadly, reluctantly.
“One last time. It’ll be on me,” you offered, a forced smile forming on your lips as you tried to lighten the mood.
Mingi shook his head and dropped his gaze. You inhaled deeply and nodded. You had come to the conclusion that it wouldn’t work anyway. You could sneak around for months, yet it wouldn’t change anything. In fact, you were sure it would only cause more harm. You would grow more attached as the days passed. 
Mingi was right. Meeting at the cafe wasn’t a good decision.
“Then kiss me once more,” you said and pushed your body closer. “For the road?”
Mingi chuckled lowly, eyes raising to yours finally.
“For the road,” he echoed and lowered his head.
The kiss was light for a moment but soon turned more fervent. He moved his lips against yours quickly. You missed the way he kissed you so passionately. You missed the way he held you so dearly. Mingi had always poured his emotions into his kisses. You could sense the hurt he was feeling at knowing he wouldn’t be able to call you his. And while it hurt you, too, you had tried not to show that.
But maybe if you didn’t, he would know how serious you were about him.
Though before you could deepen the kiss further, a voice tore you both apart.
“We gotta’ go,” your partner spoke to you.
Mingi pulled away but kept his eyes on yours. You wished so badly you could see his smile one more time.
Instead, you gave him a small smile of your own. It was something you hoped he could remember you by… If he chose to remember you at all.
“Maybe I’ll see you around?” you said hopefully, yet you knew that was highly unlikely.
Mingi knew it too, but even with that knowledge, he replied, “Yeah… I’ll see you around.”
You both lingered in the other’s arms–both unable to find the strength to pull away.
“Yn,” your partner urged somewhere behind Mingi.
“Got it,” you sighed and reluctantly stepped away from the man you had grown fond of.
Mingi, being the caring person he is, quickly reached for you as you staggered. 
“It’s okay,” you reassured and patted one of his hands that gripped your waist.
You peeled his hands from yours and walked slowly to your partner. You put your arms around each other and trudged out of the hideout, grabbing the package that caused all this on your way. Mingi and his friends watched you silently as you both limped away using each other as support.
Each step you took was more painful than the previous, yet you couldn’t tell if that pain emitted from the wound in your calf or the wound in your heart.
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©️hongcherry // DO NOT REPOST OR MODIFY. Please consider reblogging if you liked this work to show your support. Feedback/commentary is always welcomed.
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arlecchno · 7 months
Heeey since you're not posting much I just wanted to ask how are you? 😅❤
hello! i apologise that this is somewhat late... if you honestly ask me life has been hell for me LOL 😭 (word vomit incoming beware guys) which was one of the reasons why i've been on an unnoticed hiatus lately. this is like the first time i've ever opened my socials in over a month???? i think because i just truly needed it for my health 😞 i had a bunch of complications with my intestines that my hospital was basically my second home, and i was just recently discharged and sent home to fully recover (honestly this shouldn't be a surprise coming from a fanfic author this is like our canon event) and senior year has been TOUGHHHH i've been struggling a whole lot trying to catch up on everything i've been missing out during my absence.... and now i am torn between continuing being a writer or just.... quit 💔 i do love doing what i do and posting here it's just that i never have time for it anymore and that i lose motivation way quicker than i did a year ago😕 but hopefully i don't!! i'll most likely just have a long hiatus until i finish hs (which is in just a few months yippee i'm free) or i will try to squeeze in some time in my schedule to get some things out of the way **cough **cough the alhaitham everything has changed fic 😢 also thinking of dropping asphodelus,, only because i have completely forgotten the whole plot and i have no idea where it's going... but we'll see uhhh anyways yeah this is long as hell i hope you don't mind 😭😭 i hope you're doing great!!!! i miss interacting with everyone here ehdhhhhh i hope i can be more active now that i'm slowly recovering 😞🤞 and for others reading i hope you're doing fine as well :P always take care of yourself and have a happy weekend 🤍🤍🤍 feel free to come by my inbox and say hi!!! i'll try to reply as soon as i can hehe
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Haiii, blessed day/evening to youu, been a while since I've sent an ask here! <333 (or rather just being active both here and in the server ehe ;; missed you and everyonee! qwq
Just wanted to ask how you've been and everything, now that I'm officially having my summer break from uni myself (finally, more time and rest after all that, everything's been such a rush, hurry sickness-inducing these past few months 😭💔💔
Hope it's been splendid for you and for everyone else reading this too! 🥺✨️✨️) Lots of lovee! 🤗💝💝
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@mellowielixaa hi friend!!
oh dear, I'm sorry to hear you've had it so intense the past couple months but I'm so glad you're getting your rest now! I hope you get plenty of sleep, sunlight, and good food :3
Thank you for messaging, it really made my day!!
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volturilovers · 4 months
Even sadder news💔
My wonderful crested gecko lizard of 4 years (nine years of age) passed away two days ago from hypothermia together with the crested gecko babies/juveniles. I lost my first pet, the temperature dropped drastically in my sisters house in the room they were in (as my sister where babysitting the lizards. Because they are hypothermic creatures) and couldn’t maintain a stable temperature by themselves so they passed away. I am heartbroken. Just wanted to get it out here as I feel not ready to talk to anyone in the real world about it compared to the virtual world of internet. This is a post In honour of my first pet who passed away where I tell a little about him. Kind of like a funeral-like thing.
About my lizard
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I first went to the reptile fair and saw him for the first time and knew he was the lizard i wanted. Usually breeders have documentation of where they were born but unfortunately he didn’t have one which meant he was smuggled in to Sweden maybe from Denmark or the breeder didn’t have papers. Crested geckos are legal pets in sweden. My lizard was a breeder male of 5 years of age( they live 15-20 years in total). I named him caius because sometimes by looking at him from the front he could look angry and when he was fired up( change colours when they are lost active at night) the brown greenish scales turned to almost blackish colours that made the yellow pop.
Therefore I named him caius because of the vampire and that his name meant rejoice. He had a golden retriever personality that’s rare with breeder lizards as they rarely are handled( used to have human interaction so you can hold them without them being scared) he was the greatest of good boy lizards.
He was easy to handle and you could see when he was about to jump onto or near my face because he thought my long hair was a treebranch or hiding place, and sometimes got tangled into it. The juvenile of unknown sex (to young to determine) that I named caius jr because of similar appearance was a really calm lizard that never made it difficult to handle him which is rare in juvenile stages. I will miss them dearly and hope they will have a place in lizard heaven pr lay to rest and suffer no more. I had him for four years before he passed away.
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The last pictures I took of Caius
Goodbye lovely people❤️
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soup-scope · 1 year
ok i could be totally wrong about this so pls correct me veteran redacted stans
so i didn’t get to watch the brighteyes and fred vids but i get like. the gist of it. i know that bright and sam lowkey hated each other.
but one thing that sticks out to me is that i saw someone explain the brighteyes videos to someone who hasn’t seen them, and they said that one of the reasons that Sam doesn’t like bright is cause they basically dragged fred through wonderworld and made fun of him when he was scared or smth.
but then in a later video with darlin, sam tells them that he didn’t even know there was two of them and he already wasted his energy turning Fred….
so. that leaves a few options here. it was either like 1. a continuity error on erik’s part 2. erik reworking sams character
or 3. sam lied. he *KNEW* that there was two of them there. and he actively chose to save Fred over bright.
so i’m begging and praying to whatever higher power this is out there that we get more on Bright cause like. the bright eyes and fred videos were a whole other part of Solarie Clan lore that we could’ve learned 😭😭
like cmon fred and bright being parallels to alexis and sam… dad!Sam… sam as a maker…. more vampire lore… granddaddy william…. older brother/uncle!vincent vibes… i so badly miss a story i haven’t had the chance to experience 💔💔
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yakumtsaki · 2 years
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Boy does this update have everything: births, deaths, birthdays, murder attempts. Of course when Dagmar Bertino shows up I just know things are about to go to shit, walking bad omen.
-Alright, cough up the goods, blondie! Did I say that right, Valentina? -Yes, you’re doing great, now bite her ankle! -You said this wouldn’t be violent! -I also said this relationship wouldn’t work if you remained a timid flop!
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-Oh Sandy, I don’t know what to do, Valentina and I are just too different.. I like walks in the park.. She likes organized crime.. -O̵H̵ B̸O̶O̸H̵O̸O, A̵T L̸E̴A̶S̷T Y̵O̸U̷'̵R̶E N̴O̵T A̷ Z̴O̷M̵B̶I̶E D̶O̵G WA̵S̵H̴E̴R🧟
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The lovely Valentina takes a break from beating up the cats to give birth, now I want to remind you guys that I specifically picked Moody so he would tone down the aggressiveness of our dogs because the pet fights are out of control-
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-and this is what he gave me on ALL THREE OF THE PUPPIES. So basically the only thing that changed is that they’re doofuses and pigpens now but still aggro, amazing!
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Well they’re still cute, welcome to the household Servilia, Maximus, and Calpurnia❤️
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I have so many slightly different photos of this exact situation that I’m constantly getting deja vu like ‘didn’t I already post this??’
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UGH, ENOUGH. While I’m needlessly documenting this bullshit..
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..Alcibiades dies💔 I hate how abrupt pet deaths are in this game, you don’t even get an event window and I keep missing them without saying goodbye!!!
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RIP Alcibiades, you were such a good, chill boi who singlehandedly saved our cat legacy by being the feline suitor to finally manage to knock up D’vorah. I’ll miss you, baby.
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Of course no death is tragic enough to stop certain robosexuals for engaging in ungodly activities. How many times do you have to be caught cheating in one day till you’re finally satisfied, Cyneswith???
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Shajar returns from work and brings Hot Downtownie with her, but HD only has eyes for Sophie.
HD: Boy, I cant wait to meet Sophie :) Sophie: Boy, I can’t wait to have some toxic interaction with Shajar :)
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The kittos are here, four of them too, damn, Dobronega!
-Go big or go home.
I can’t @ all of them having your eye scar too, iconic. Now as you probably recall because I just mentioned it yesterday, my goal with the cats was the opposite than the dog one aka I wanted to make them more aggro because the dogs are bullying the hell out of them. Let’s see how we did..
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FINALLY SOMEONE AROUND HERE UNDERSTOOD THEIR ASSIGNMENT, TY DOBRIE. At last I can give the cats Mortal Kombat names and they will actually fit them, so here we have Kitana, Mileena, Ermac, and Scorpion, welcome bbs!
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It could be possible we have too many pets now, but as long as we’re not flashing pink I’m gonna be in denial about the lag.
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-Hey Sands, whatchu doing?🌸 -S̴K̴ILLI̴N̶G̶ F̶O̵R M̶YJO̷B. E̴VE̵R H̶EAR̴D O̴F T̷H̵O̷S̶E̴?🧟
RUDE. Cyneswith might not have a job but she performs many valuable tasks around the house, such as.. uh.. oh I got it:
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Legit I don’t even know how to comment on this one, it’s already been established that when I go too long without taking Cyn out to lover-hunt she starts setting fires, but iVan electrocuting her?? I guess he was like ‘I brought you back into this world and I can take you right out of it.’
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It’s another carefree night of swimming until 5am for Sugar..
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..while Jojo fixes iVan’s crazy ass. Jo I don’t know how to tell you this, but when you die it might be time for iVan to.. you know, go live in a big robot farm. Called a junkyard. 
-WHAT?! Don’t even think about it, he’s my biggest scientific achievement!
Your biggest scientific achievement breaks down 3 times a day, who the fuck is gonna be fixing him once you’re dead??
-I’ll commute from Hell!
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Sophie returns from work, gets promoted for the third time in a row, and Shajar RUNS TO HUG HER. Do I dare even ask what on earth is going on now?
-Nothing to be alarmed about, dumbass, we made up! -Yes, I apologized for suggesting a zombie threesome.. -And I in turn apologized for being a perfect mother and wife. 
Really Soph, that’s what you apologized for?
-Adopt a different tone if you want to address me.  -Haha, get her babe!
Alright then, so clearly Sophie climbing up the corporate ladder is gonna be UNBEARABLE, but at least you two are happy.
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Look who else is making up, man, what a day of love!
-Oh mommy, after my one-sided mortal enemy Alcibiades’ death I’ve been thinking, I’m so sorry I beat you up, you know how sometimes I have a little bit of a rage problem! -Aw it’s ok, sweetheart, I forgive you!
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*1 minute later*
Uh, Valentina, now might not be the best time to argue with your mother..
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-MOMMY NOOOOOOOOOOOOO -It’s alright, Valie, I will always be with you in spirit, but thankfully not in the flesh because I could tell you were gonna saddle me with the babysitting, so this is perfect timing!
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ABBEY MY BELOVED CHONK. You were such a chadette, I’ll never forget how you attacked the wolf and crushed Jojo’s stupid werewolf dreams, absolutely hilarious. RIP queen💔
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I barely have time to process Abbey’s loss when I am struck by a different tragedy: having to throw a Union birthday party. Mercifully no one except Wulf showed up, Daniel and Gunther decided they’ve suffered enough.
Alright Sugar, blow out those candles and let’s see the extent of that Don Oates genetic catastrophe.
-Don’t I get to make a wish first??
The only wish you should be making with those grades is wishing to graduate elementary school.
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OK. That’s not so bad right??? I can definitely see some Cyn in there!
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But the nose is ALL Don, thanks so much bro! 
It’s time to roll for an aspiration and truly, I can’t even react anymore:
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IS MY DIGITAL DIE FUCKING STUCK ON 6?!?! Like seriously is this gonna happen every goddamn generation??? Don’t even get me started on his incelitude-ensuring chemistry panel, any sims out there that are ripped but don’t work out, I have your soulmate right here. Literally we’re never gonna find anyone who has more than 1 bolt with this freak.
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Let’s move on to Sophito who all my hopes are riding on. Don’t let me down, my little genius, roll knowledge and pursue your destiny!
-There comes a time in every person’s life where they stop and think.. ‘Am I living my life for others..’
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-’or for myself’??
WELL CLEARLY IT’S THE LATTER IN YOUR CASE. So not only does Sophito pick my least favorite aspiration, but he decides to out-ridiculous Sugar in the chemistry department: Are you a chess grandmaster who lives in their parent’s basement? Then Sophito is here for you, but don’t even THINK of coming near him if you have ANY charisma. Good lord, his perfect spouse is literally Chester Gieke. 
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Predictably he grew up cute, but truly it’s such a small comfort. Now we wait for the LTWs to show up..
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Look at Shajar interacting with her kid, you’re a real family woman today aren’t you?
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Wulf, did you only attend this party to harass our pets?
-Of course not, I care deeply about Sophio and Sagar! 
Yea I’m starting to ‘care deeply’ as well after seeing those aspirations, ok the LTWs are in:
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SUGAR EVEN FOR YOU THIS IS RIDICULOUS. I can’t even really make fun of it, the simple IDEA of you in the army kills me, and I’m sure it will kill you too via friendly fire. We move on to Sophito, let’s see what horrors await us there..  
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-I told you, I’m gonna live life for myself from now on!
Yea, for yourself and 50 other people apparently! You know, you didn’t even have to go through all this trouble, you could have just stabbed me in the heart instead.
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-Boy do I look MAGNIFICENT OR WHAT. Those cheekbones!!! 
God help me. So this is a hairstyle I associate with Jean Ralphio from Parks and Rec, and thus I was saving it for like a true HIMBO, I just never in a million years thought the ‘true himbo’ would be my ‘little genius’. 
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-Don’t listen to her, son, being a genius fuckboi is the best of both worlds! Now lets shittalk your mother. 
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Birthdays all around as Valentina’s puppies grow up! This is Servilia..
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..and Calpurnia! Max and Calp look HILARIOUS and normally I’d make one of them the dog heir so we could have fun genetic experiments, but I’m very emo about Abbey dying so we’re keeping Abbey-clone Servillia. Her siblings will go off to have a (clearly much better) life with Wulf and Angel.
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Back to human bs, I can’t express to you guys how much trouble I’m having adjusting to New Sophito, aka Nuphito. Like the above is what he does literally ALL DAY LONG.
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Oh, sorry, he also spends 8 hours a day in the hot tub. Remember when you used to autonomously play chess all day??
-Isn’t my logic skill already maxed?
Yes but-
-Am I not the most functional person in this house?
-Then wouldn’t your time be better spent preventing some massive disaster instead of worrying about my hot tub time?
I don’t like you, I don’t like you at all, Nuphito!!!
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Sandy gets demoted, gets home, and starts immediately fighting Sophie (whose face has once again glitched in that creepy perma-smile).
-I̴ WIS̶H A̸N E̷T̴E̵R̷N̴A̴L, ̵I̶NE̴S̵C̶EP̵AB̶LE W̶I̶N̵T̶E̴R O̷N̴ YO̵U🧟 -You talking to me, wormy? Have you lost your rotting brain?
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Then Cyneswith shows up from the other side to admire Sophie, trapping her in a positive interaction/negative interaction loop:
-Congratulations on your amazing career progress, Sophie, you’re so smart, huhu!💗 -Aw, thanks-
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-Before you kill her, Soph, let’s do our school cheer! Voooooo gerbits, huhu!🌸 -Oh, fun!
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-What a crazy day, my head is still spinning.. Literally, it’s still glitched. Thankfully nothing that sleeping next to my father in law won’t fix.. 
Yea you do you, Soph!
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Guess who became best friends with her only child after 15 years? Mom of the year, Shajar Union!
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In case you were wondering, this creepy shit is still going on, I swear I’m already seeing adult Sophito’s Sandy-filled want panel, and by ‘seeing it’ I mean in my nightmares.
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Speaking of nightmares, I figured Sugar is gonna need all the help he can get so I got him a teen job in the army, and this is the ensemble he’s gonna present himself in. Man, you really have a rough life ahead of you. And now, for the horrible part..
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WYATT NO💔💔💔💔💔 Goddamn Sophie, she’s like one of those hospital cats that go sleep next to patients who are about to die. 
-WYAT UNION, NEE MONIF, YOUR TIME- can you move a bit so I can pass? -Oui! -Thanks bro. WYATT UNION, YOUR TIME HAS COME -Quel?? Whò est toi?? -I AM DEATH
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-Dethe?? Je ne ûndérstàndòix. -Oh man. Hula zombs, any of you speak French? -Tell him he is ‘mort’. -YOU ARE MORT 
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-Hiiii everyone, have a blessed day!
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-Oòòòòh, mòrt! -YES. HEAVEN- I MEAN, LE PARADIS, AWAITS YOU -Tres bien, huhu! Au revoir évéryoné, je t'aime Jòjò, non be sadoix! 
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When I tell you guys I teared up for real. What to even say about my French-Arabian prince; he came into this legacy a randomly generated dormie with great hair and a Jojo obsession, and leaves with great hair, a Jojo obsession, and my heart. He was such a delightful presence and gave us so many great moments when he wasn’t asleep. RIP mon bebe❤️
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Our Wyatt was always a giving soul and left money to absolutely everyone..
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..like I’m looking around the house and EVEN iVAN has the inheritance memory..
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..BUT DON DOES NOT LMAO. I CAN’T. Thanks for that final laugh, Wyatt❤️
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bedheadnoodle · 6 months
Hey guys! So I just wanted to come on here and say that incase any of you haven't seen my current inbox status in my bio, I am unfortunately on a hiatus so yeah 😭. I am going to start using my bio more to update my inbox status since I usually disappear without an explanation (one of my friends called me the coryxkenshin of tumblr dawg 💀). Anyways, I hope everybody has a nice winter break and I'll see all you gorgeous and lovely people in 2024 <3
Also uh...we kinda need to talk about the boundaries between you and I because although I ain't gonna calling out their name—I want you guys' to know that if you do see me active on here aka reblogging or online in general– please don't spam me in my inbox with asks/vents/love notes that you've already sent to Leona when you know that I've saw them all already. I get it, I really do. A comfort character is a comfort character, but I have rules for a reason that I know all of you have seen. You think I don't memorize your guy's usernames? Plus, it *is*pinned to the top of my page so prettyyy hard to miss.
Sadly though, one of these rules had been broken by the same person who had been spamming me with so many of these asks. I won't go much into detail of what the message was since I know it could trigger someone, but the person was roleplaying as if they had been under the influence of something and were slurring out Leona's name, wanting to put their hands on him. I, personally, am not comfortable with that at all due to a history of SA in my life and substance abuse that is still being used around me and that's even harmful to my health. So at the time that when that ask had been sent and I had read it, I couldn't hide my disgust and I still can't when thinking about it.
Hopefully the person will see this post and stop and make sure to pick up on the boundaries between the two of us (Plus I have a whole character ai bot I added with actual lines from the game and lore?!?? Like that should be a lot better than me in general ngl./j)
Also sorry to put this all on you but if you made this far it shows you're a true noodle (my followers new nickname 😋) and you didn't just skip over my entire message. Or you did and I just dunno abt it lmao. But uhhh...Sad to say buds that I am, well, not really in the twisted wonderland fandom anymore 😭? Yeahhh. Sorry to all my pooks who followed me for my twst content 💔
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andromedabyweyesblood · 8 months
i miss being active here. miss you mutuals 💔💔
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zeenmrala · 2 years
hello my dear friends. it's been a while. heheh. i must admit, my absence from this blog is breaking my own heart 💀 i miss maul so much. i miss star wars and fandom and mutuals and tumblr and fic and i hold a large amount of genuine sadness that i can't be here as much as i'd like to be. i would love to say "i'm back!" like i have previously but unfortunately it's not going to be true. not for long. because life, work, sadness, blah blah blah. at the very least, my being here consistently is impossible right now. and so i don't know the point of this post, really. i suppose i just wanted to say hi, i am alive, and though i cannot be active right now: i really want to be. i miss being here 💔 if you're reading this i hope you are safe and well and that you're experiencing happiness.
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The critical hit portraits are at nearly 300 notes whilw im writing this and I am beyond happy so many people enjoy my silly little idea. The AU is still sitting in my brain and I'm writing headcanons for it.
Idk if I'm going to separate them by character with little character references, or just infodump it all into one page. For now here's some general stuff I've come up with. I'll put it under a readmore after the first five bc there's a lot.
Also if anyone wants to send asks about the AU, I think that'd be pretty neat 😳
Setting is a blend of Ninjago City in the show and the 10 or so minutes I saw of it in the movie before Luh-Loyd happened.
Shadows attack the city regularly, but only at night. In the AU, they're spawned from the Overlord and cannot handle natural sunlight.
I'm limiting Shadows to only be active at night to mimic the Dark Hour in P3 while still being separate, and to give myself plenty of opportunities to use P3-5's social sim aspects like Social Links/Confidants.
I'm only gonna refer to Social Link/Confidants as just Social Links (SLs), but they'll still have the same kind of benefits as Confidants.
There won't be any other world the group goes to in order to fight Shadows. The Velvet Room is technically the only other world present, but only Lloyd and Wu can go in there.
The main group are all teenagers and in school, it wouldn't be a Persona AU if they're weren't lol.
Cole is 18 and in 12th grade. Kai and Jay are 17 and in 11th grade. Nya is 16, but skipped a grade and is in 11th with Kai and Jay. Lloyd is 14 and in 8th grade (middle school). Zane and Pixal (I've decided she will be part of the main group) are a bit of a special case.
Both of them are still robots like in Ninjago. They're Anti-Shadow Supression Weapons created by Borg Industries (they kinda serve the same function as the Kirijo Group in P3.) Zane was a prototype and was due to be scrapped as he had become outdated. He ended up joining the party shortly after its formation instead. Pixal is a much more recent model and will be the very last member of the party.
Since Anti-Shadow weapons are still considered fairly new in the AU, Zane would be roughly between 8-12, but have the mental functions on par with the older members of the group. So he's treated as being the same age as Cole. He does attend school with the group and is in the 12th grade as well. I'm kinda mimicking what was done with both Aigis and Labrys in P3 and P4 respectively.
Pixal was built much more recently, maybe 4 years prior to the AU? Still figuring that out. She's practically a walking computer with an internet connection and all, but she's considered as young as Nya. They even parallel with Pixal being like a younger sister to Zane. (Sorry, I'm not a big PixZane shipper.) Pixal does not attend school at all and has no desire to. For Pixal, I'm kinda treating her based off of what I understand of Sophia in P5S even though I haven't seen much from that game at all yet.
Wu and Garmadon are from the Velvet Room. They both regularly left the Velvet Room to enjoy the human world. Garmadon started a family with Misako and had Lloyd, but later went missing and hasn't returned to the Velvet Room since.
First Spinjitsu Master and Overlord kinda take over the role of Philemon and Nyarlathotep. FSM isn't ever present, he leaves everyone to their own devices. Overlord, on the otherhand, is the main antagonist and is the reason why Garmadon is missing.
Wu is the current caretaker of the Velvet Room, Igor is on vacation or something.
When Wu isn't present in the Velvet Room, Morro watches over it. Morro will also be Lloyd's Attendant. They don't like each other 💔
Cole, Nya and Lloyd won't be getting their normal elements. I'm sticking to P5R's battle system and elements, as well as weaknesses and technicals for enemies. I wont be using anything in P1, the P2 duology, or other parts of MegaTen because most of their systems are insane and have too much going on lol.
For Cole, there is an Earth element, but it hasn't been used since P1 and the P2 duology, and was included in a few other parts of MegaTen. His Persona will mainly have Physical skills, since that still fits him. Maybe a few Almighty skills just to give him a bit more variety too lol. Probably gonna base his skillset off Shinjiro's in P3.
Nya is in a similar spot to Cole, yet somehow worse. Water is also an element in the series, but from my understanding it was ONLY used in the P2 duology and nowhere else is MegaTen. P5 does have Ice, but that's kinda stepping Zane's toes. She'll have a few low level Ice skills, but I think I'm gonna test out a skillset centering around Nuke for her. If that doesn't work out, then I'll have to come up with something else.
The closest I can pin to Lloyd is Force, but again I'm sticking to P5R. Next best is Curse, Bless or Psychokinesis. Lloyd is also the main Wildcard, so it doesn't entirely matter, but for now I'll just be giving his initial Persona Curse skills.
I'm running with my headcanon that there can be multiple naturally chosen Wildcards, but only one can reach the true potential of the ability. So both Lloyd and Kai get the Wildcard ability, as a sort of nod to how Kai was originally going to be the main protagonist in the show before Lloyd was added.
Kai's Wildcard is similar to Akechi in P5. He can only summon two Personas. His own initial one, and one to represent his bond with Nya.
Also Kai does not have Velvet Room privileges.
I think have the Arcana of the party figured out and some of the SLs:
The party itself: The Fool (SL only)
Lloyd = The Fool, Judgement (Kai SL)
Kai = The Chariot
Nya = The Empress
Zane = The Star
Cole = The Emperor
Jay = The Magician
Pixal = The Lovers
Wu = The Moon
Garmadon = The Sun (Lloyd SL only)
Misako = The High Preistess (Lloyd SL), Hierophant (Kai SL)
Morro = The Tower (Lloyd SL only)
Skylor = Death (Kai SL), TBA for Lloyd's SL.
Chen = Hunger/Lust/Strength (Kai SL only)
Ronin = The Hanged Man
Dareth = Jester /hj
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