#i might be getting held back as an intern so they won't pay me more lmao
nicepersondisorder · 9 months
anyway since i remembered what i wanted to say. beware the rant of the (new)barista under readmore
so. we have new types of coffee in the coffee shop and some of them are straight up Weird. like who the fuck came up with americano with coconut butter. like what the fuck is that. it's called "americano bulletproof". the only thing thats bulletproof is a bulletproof guarantee that you'll end up shitting your guts out after that drink💀 or like. cappuccino snickers that tastes Nothing like snickers???? fucking peanut raf tastes more like snickers than snickers cappuccino 😭
also recently someone came in and ordered a raf Only with cream. as a cream-intolerant person that order terrified me. thankfully we're not allowed to spend so much cream so that woman just got a regular raf. get fucked lmao
and also people ask for americano with milk????? isnt the whole purpose of americano - to be on water???? like. if you wanted some milk to your espresso you couldve just ordered cappuccino or latte or even flat white if you wanted a stronger coffee taste. americano with milk is an abomination and i judge everyone who orders it. get a better taste or dont drink coffee at all (<- im becoming a coffee snob /hj)
anyway im a big fan of cappuccino with "peanut in caramel" syrup. it has a really nice smell and a pretty strong but nice&sweet taste. to me. we usually add around 25ml of syrup in the medium sized cups but i personally like to add like. 35-40 ml of peanut in caramel syrup bc i habe a sweet tooth and sometimes im too lazy to add sugar lmao. my second favorite is peanut raf. it has peanut butter in it >:D
0 notes
Let Your Dreams Be Your Wings | Chapter 16
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Chapters: 16/? Fandom: The Sandman (Netflix 2022, minor content from the Comics) Rating: Explicit Relationships Dream of the Endless/Morpheus x F!Reader  Characters: Dream of the Endless/Morpheus, Lucienne, Matthew the Raven, Mervyn Pumpkinhead, Hob Gadling, Death, Rose Walker, The Corinthian, other minor Sandman characters, Original Characters. Warnings: 18+ content (minors DNI), explicit sexual content, POV switching, very long chapters to read. Summary: You always dreamed of becoming a successful Fashion Designer, sharing your creations with the world and making your father proud. But with him being very ill and so many costs solely weighting on your shoulders, things didn’t go as planned and you had to take a different path instead. An interesting offer led you to the elder Alex Burgess and you were hired as a new housemaid for a very good pay. However, your kindness and outstanding empathy convinced the man to give you an additional task for a doubled compensation; gaining the trust of Dream Of the Endless, held captive into the basement for over a century. Despite the shock of finding such an ethereal entity stripped of all his clothes and contained into a confined space, you had to accept for the sake of your father. But the more you got to speak to the mysterious anthropomorphic personification who didn’t utter a single word, the more you were lost into his eyes that, conversely, seemed to contain the entire universe. A deep connection formed between the two of you, separated only by a thick layer of glass.
Little did you know, what started like a simple housemaid job was about to change your life forever.
Credits: The moon dividers were made by firefly-graphics
Tagging: @number-0-iz, @emarich7, @jaziona92. If anyone else wants to be tagged in the next updates, let me know! I noticed that Tumblr sometimes won't let me tag everyone for some unknown reason, so if it comes to that I can at least send you a message to notify you.
You can also read this on AO3 if you feel more comfortable!
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Encountering your mother for the first time felt like a long-held dream finally coming true, and the success of the Fashion Show further underscored that your life was aligning with your deepest wishes. Then, the opportunity for your first international business trip came about, taking you to Florida.
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The quiet hum of distant voices reached your ears, steadily amplifying as you gradually regained your senses. Even though your eyes stayed shut, you realized you were lying on the sofa, your father's hand gently enclosing yours.
Bit by bit, their words began to sharpen.
"I told you this was a bad idea," he sighed. "I get that you wanted to see her, but, Par, we need to be reasonable.”
Paregoros was striding nervously back and forth, her voice trembling. "I know. I shouldn't even be here, I'm contravening the principles of my realm.”
“Why now, then?”
"Because she knows. I owe her an explanation.”
Your body was rigid, and despite the urge to stir, you weren't quite prepared to confront them.
"Par, she surpassed all our expectations. Rest assured, she bears no resentment towards you.”
"She's my daughter. This is something I need to do. Not only for her sake, but... for mine as well.”
A deep silence enveloped the room as your father drew a deep, resonant breath. The sound of your mother's heels clicking against the wooden flooring reverberated in the room, halting abruptly as she quietly cursed under her breath.
"Are you joking right now? What's he doing here?”
"Eh? Who's here?" Your father inquired.
"Stay with her. I'll return shortly.”
“Wait, Par!”
The heaviness in your head and the numbness in your limbs signaled that your blood pressure was too low to permit any positional changes. All you could do was patiently wait, giving your body the necessary time to naturally readjust, no matter how long it might require.
The rapid, forceful steps of your mother were followed by the door flinging open and subsequently slamming shut with a resonant thud.
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Morpheus stood there, right before your father's dwelling. His face was set in a stern expression, riddled with worry, his hands nonchalantly tucked away in the pockets of his coat.
The moment he caught sight of Paregoros stepping out from the main entrance, he steeled himself for the incoming tempest of fury, her eyes dark and filled with contempt.
"You've got a lot of nerve showing your face here," she snapped. "You deceived me, Oneiros. I put my trust in you, and you betrayed me. I should have known better.”
“I did no such thing,” he retorted.
"Do you take me for a fool? Y/N is aware of my existence now. You assured me she wouldn't be.”
"No, I promised you she would not learn the truth from me.”
She issued a scornful laugh. "How is that any different? You knew precisely what you were doing.”
“Your secret was bringing harm to your family.”
"No offense, but you have no understanding of protecting those you love.”
Morpheus lowered his gaze, conceding that, in a way, she had rightly delivered a hit to his pride.
"Since when do you concern yourself with others and their feelings? The only reason you stepped in was because of your little escapade with my daughter. We both know where this is headed.”
His hands clenched into fists, hidden from her view. "No, Paregoros, you do not know that.”
"Don't misunderstand me, I sincerely wish for you to change. For Y/N. But you won't, you never did.”
How could he make her believe in his sincere love for you? That he would go to any extent to ensure you were the happiest woman in the entire universe?
"You leave destruction in your wake. You may be the King of Dreams, but you can't mold my daughter into one of your creations. She's not a plaything.”
His anger was mounting with each charge she put forth. Though he couldn't completely discount her words as falsehoods, his view of you transcended far beyond the idea of a mere possession.
You were his Goddess, his everything. You were the most radiant diamond amidst an infinite sea of sparkling gems devoid of a soul. You were an angel, his most beautiful dream, one he wished to cherish forever.
Paregoros had no clue of your incalculable value to him. In the end, he grasped the fact that she might never recognize it.
"Please, Dream Lord, just leave. She's well cared for here."
Indeed, you were. But the inner turmoil you underwent when meeting your mother for the first time somehow echoed through the dreamstone, penetrating directly into his realm. It punctured the fragile boundary between the two of you, striking his heart and causing it to tighten.
Nonetheless, Morpheus understood that his presence wasn't required. With your family reunited, even if temporarily, he could afford to step back for a while.
“Very well.”
Without waiting for his departure, Paregoros spun on her heels and retreated back into the house. The door closed behind her, isolating Morpheus on the lonely street just as the first droplet of rain touched his nose.
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You couldn't remember a single occasion when you had passed out from a panic attack. Yet, considering the deluge of revelations you had unearthed in the recent months, it seemed reasonable that your mind opted to shut down, swamped by the sheer magnitude of information to digest.
And now, your mother was there, advancing towards you quietly and with visible hesitance, as if she feared shattering you into a thousand fragments.
Eventually, you mustered the strength to hoist yourself into a sitting position. Your father hurried over to you with a glass of cool water, brushing your hair away from your face as you sipped it cautiously, taking small, deliberate gulps.
As Paregoros knelt in front of you, her beautiful eyes brimming with tears and regret, you found yourself at a loss for words. Faced with what appeared almost like an apparition, you struggled to construct a coherent sentence.
Your father gave your wrist a gentle squeeze. "How are you feeling, lovey?”
You were engulfed by shock, confusion, fear, and uncertainty. Expressing all those emotions simultaneously seemed beyond reach.
You wanted to respond appropriately, to greet your mother in the way she had anticipated. But with your complete focus zeroed in on her, your voice involuntarily adopted a chillier tone. "Why are you here, mum?”
Paregoros pursed her lips, bowing her head. "I understand that I'm likely the last person you wished to see.”
Your heart tightened, making room for an instant wave of guilt. "No... it's not that, I'm sorry. I've been wanting to see you, to speak with you at least once since I was a child. And now that you're here with me, I... I don’t really know what to say.”
With a clear of his throat, your father interjected, "Par, it might be best to delay our conversation. After all, Y/N has a significant event coming up tomorrow.”
Despite the evident concern in your father's voice for your well-being, you chose not to retreat now that you had regained your composure.
"It's fine, dad. I can do this.”
Handing him the now-empty glass, you swung your legs off the couch and rose to your feet. Paregoros was so near now, her breath discernible against you.
You needed a private moment with her, to address the situation directly without your father's excessive protectiveness. As much as you appreciated it, this was something you needed to resolve independently.
"Mum, would you accompany me for a walk?”
"But... it appears to be starting to rain,” Your father expressed.
"We won't be gone long.”
Paregoros inhaled deeply, replying with a confirming nod and a wide, relieved smile. Without giving your father a chance to object, you darted for your jacket and snatched an umbrella on the way. Paregoros mirrored your steps as you ventured out onto the street.
The smell of the rain was perceptible, its gradual fall tapping out a rhythm on your umbrella as you unfurled it to cover both of you. You gently extended your arm, and she accepted your gesture, softly intertwining it with hers.
And thus, you began to stride in harmony.
For a considerable stretch of time, you both meandered in utter silence, tracing the sidewalk without any particular destination in mind. It was Paregoros who took the initiative, guiding you under a porch to provide shelter from the falling raindrops. The ambiance was tranquil, with the vacant roads around providing seclusion.
She was noticeably anxious, seemingly uncertain about where to begin. Her eyes were fixed on your face, as if you were the most precious being in the world.
Without a doubt, you were to her.
"I had so many things I wanted to tell you, but it all seems so insignificant now. I abandoned you, Y/N. It was never my intention, but circumstances forced you to grow up without me.”
You folded the umbrella and leaned against the brick wall. Oddly enough, it mirrored the scene you had experienced in your dream, except that this time, you were more than a simple spectator.
"I won't deny that I was deeply upset when I discovered the truth, but I've come to understand why you had to leave us behind. I am acquainted with the laws of the universe and the workings of the other realms.”
Paregoros wrapped her arms around herself, hugging her own form. “I know, but I wouldn't hold it against you if you resented me.”
"I don't, believe me. I only wish it could have been different.”
The rain intensified, creating a cascading curtain of water beside you.
"Just tell me one thing; had I not been human, what would have ensued following my birth?” You asked.
"If you were like me, you would have stayed in my domain.”
“And what about dad?”
She drew a breath, struggling to deliver the answer. "He would have been oblivious to your existence.”
You visualized it all in your mind, your father living out the rest of his days ignorant of his offspring, while you had to grow up in a different place. You might never have met him, Ella, Hob... not even Morpheus. It was only then that you came to grasp the extent of your fortune.
"Mum, despite all the ups and downs, I am genuinely grateful for the life I've been given."
A rumble of distant thunder echoed in the sky.
"When dad fell ill, I lost a part of myself in a way that I thought I could never reclaim. But things have changed. I'm now living the life of my dreams, quite literally.”
“Y/N, about that….”
"Hard times aren't fun, but they have a way of molding us mortals into better versions of ourselves. There's still a lot for me to learn on this journey, but I don’t feel alone anymore.”
"And I'm in love, mum. I've found someone who understands me and values me in a way I've never experienced before. All this wouldn't have been possible had I not been human.”
Another bout of thunder, closer and louder than the first, erupted around you, accompanied by a flash of light. Your mother's expression turned resolute as she regarded you.
And the prospects were not promising.
"Y/N, to be perfectly clear, I do not support your relationship with the King of Dreams.”
The way in which she conveyed those words was tinged with anger and disgust, causing an immediate contraction of your nerves. “Why is that?”
"My dear, Oneiros is untrustworthy. Everything he does is driven by self-interest, and he brings ruin to those who dare to associate with him. No exception.”
You could feel the fire building and blazing within you. “That’s not true.”
"You don’t know the atrocities he committed. He completely tore apart his own family, condemning his son to a life of misery and shattering Calliope's heart."
You clenched your teeth, intensifying your hold on the umbrella's handle.
"The agony of having to give you up at birth was hard enough for me. I can only imagine how traumatic it must have been for Calliope, upon discovering her son torn apart due to her husband's deeds.”
You rolled your eyes, uttering a grunt and smacking the ground with the umbrella in a display of frustration. "Yes, it was an absolute tragedy, no one is disputing that. But Calliope was the one who chose to leave Morpheus, wasn't she? It was a conscious decision.”
"And it was arguably the best decision she could have made. What kind of future could she have had with someone who condemned their own son?”
"Morpheus didn't condemn anyone!"
Your voice reverberated through the porch, compelling your mother to take a step back.
"He may have overlooked his son's plea, but how does that make him responsible for his fate? Do you genuinely believe he wanted that outcome? Yes, he was negligent. He trusted that Orpheus would heed his advice. That was the true mistake.”
Paregoros pinched the bridge of her nose, "Y/N...”
You were too riled up to stop. You would not tolerate any disparaging words about the love of your life, not even from your own mother.
"You all label him as some kind of monster, but it seems you conveniently forget that Orpheus was his son too. Calliope lost him, but so did Morpheus. Yet, all the blame is squarely placed on him.”
"Are you aware of the significance of a father picking the head of his son on the seashore?”
The torment he endured, the pain he had to bear alone, with no one else there to offer him support through it all.
"He's genuinely making an effort. He suffered through a century of hell, imprisoned and banished from his realm. I wouldn't be the person I am today if it weren't for him. Can't you grant him at least a modicum of recognition?”
She shook her head repeatedly. "It saddens me to have to tell you these things. Calliope attempted to change him, genuinely believing she could. By the time she realized her efforts were in vain, it was already too late.”
You furrowed your brows. "That's precisely the problem, this thing about others wanting to change him. I can't pass judgment on their relationship as I wasn't even born at the time, but if she truly loved him, she would have accepted him the way he was."
Paregoros parted her lips, barely managing to whisper a simple, "I....”
“Mum, honestly, I understand your perspective. But if you find yourself needing to change someone in order to be with them, it means that you're in love with your idea of that person, not the person themselves.”
She was at a loss for a rebuttal, simply unable to formulate one.
"As the Goddess of compassion, I ask you to extend that compassion to him as well. Morpheus has a heart too. It might appear cold to you, but it’s incredibly gentle and riddled with scars.”
She appeared strikingly taken aback, surprised by your words that reflected wisdom and maturity.
She reached for your hand, enveloping it within her warm, velvety ones and gently caressing the back of it. "It appears there's a lot more of me in you than I expected.”
The feeling of her touch, so soothing and energetically satisfying, somehow compensated for all those years of absence, instantly pacifying you.
"You would make an exceptional Goddess, my dear. Even better than me. You’re so empathetic, so kind and benevolent.”
You shrugged. "I'm not so sure about that. I failed to forgive the men who imprisoned Morpheus for so many years.”
"Do you understand why?”
"They hurt him, murdered his raven in cold blood. Alex Burgess never freed him.”
"That means you cared.”
She let go of your hand, only to grasp your shoulders and plant a tender kiss on your forehead.
How many times had you longed for her lips? To receive her kisses, her embraces, and her words of comfort and encouragement?
"Perhaps I judged Oneiros a bit too harshly. Maybe he does deserve a second chance after all. But Y/N, bear this in mind; he's an Endless and you are human. The law prohibits your kind from engaging in romantic relationships with those entities.”
“I know.”
"Your roots may afford you the opportunity to be with him now, but sooner or later, you'll be faced with a decision. You do not possess eternal life.”
Why did you have to be reminded of that fact just when you were attempting to push it away?
"All I care about is your happiness. And I fear that if you remain with him, it will rob you of the opportunity to build a new life with someone else.”
You grunted. "I've had my fair share of human partners and I'd rather not revisit that. Thanks.”
Paregoros looked crestfallen, her hands moving soothingly up and down your arms. "They're not all the same. Just because you've experienced heartbreak doesn't mean it's bound to recur.”
The mere thought of parting ways with Morpheus for another man was inconceivable to you.
"You don’t understand.”
"Yes, Y/N, I do. I was unable to restrain my feelings for your father and because of that, we’re having this conversation.”
You disentangled yourself from her hold, shifting a little to the side. "Yes, and due to those unfair laws, you were forced to abandon both of us. Again, I'm aware.”
Paregoros withdrew, nervously fiddling with her fingers.
"I know that you want me to be safe, mum. But whether I'm making a mistake or not, it's not up to you to determine it for me.”
While the thunder seemed to recede further into the distance, the rainfall showed no signs of abating.
"I just don't want you to endure what your father had to go through with me.”
You shook your head. "I want to be with him. Please, just accept that.”
Your mother scrutinized you, witnessing your sincere emotions reflected in your eyes, and attuning herself to the rhythm of your heartbeat.
"Answer truthfully, Y/N. Does he bring you happiness?”
"Like no one else ever possibly could.”
"Do you believe that he loves you? Sincerely?”
"I'm certain he does. I witness that every single time.”
In the end, all she could do was smile, taking in the profound depth of love radiating from your entire being.
"Fine, you win.”
She let go of the tension, easing her stiff body and offering her hand out towards you. This time, she waited for your move to accept it, and you had no reason to refuse.
"Y/N, just know that I've always watched over you, even during times when you felt you were on your own. I witnessed your struggles and efforts, your sorrow and your joy."
With everything crashing onto you, your lips quivered, but you steeled yourself against the urge to cry.
"Never back down and stay true to yourself. Because I know you're going to achieve so many remarkable things in this life.”
Those words you searched for but never found when you thought she no longer existed, may have come to you a little later than you would have liked, but they were as potent and uplifting as you had imagined them to be.
"And pray, sweetie. Pray, and I will be listening.”
It was her way of assuring you that she would be there in spirit, never once losing sight of you.
You let out a shaky sigh, "I will.”
Somehow, she appeared brighter and significantly warmer, swathed in some kind of celestial energy.
"I cannot stay longer," she declared. "Tell your father that I apologize.”
"Will I see you again?”
"Perhaps that could be arranged. Someday.”
A silent tranquility enveloped the two of you. Neither of you appeared capable of letting the other go, awaiting a move that didn’t come.
And then, your mother posed a final question. "May I embrace you?”
Driven by a sense of desperation as her words unlocked a flood of suppressed emotions, you enveloped her upper body in a warm embrace, tightening your hold while inhaling the pleasant scent of honey and lilies emanating from her hair. releasing a soft sob, she reciprocated with equal grief and intensity, whispering soothing affirmations into your ear.
Your fingers gripped the fabric of her cardigan, feeling the soft material inexplicably thin out and transform. As your hug loosened and you lifted your eyes, your breath hitched. She had morphed into the same awe-inspiring Goddess form that you had seen in your father's memory.
There was nothing you could say that would encapsulate the astounding beauty she radiated.
Gently, she let her hands glide along your face, cupping your cheeks with affection and pride. Reaching for her left hand, Paregoros took off one of her golden bracelets, a shiny bangle shaped like a leafy branch. She raised your sleeve and fastened it around your wrist, lightly tweaking the metal for a perfect fit. Excluding Morpheus’ dreamstone you always wore around your neck, never before had you possessed a piece of jewelry so magnificent.
"A part of me will always remain with you," she said. "I know it's not much, but...”
You moved your fingertips over the cool material, tracing all the intricate details of the bracelet. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”
Paregoros nodded, her lips pursed as she planted a final kiss on your cheekbone. As she left the shelter of the porch, you observed her standing in the rain, shielded by her essence which prevented the falling raindrops from even grazing her.
"Look after your father," she told you.
"He's the one who's always taking care of me, actually.”
"And he does a remarkable job.”
You noticed the melancholy in her demeanor, the anguish in her eyes as she mentioned him.
"Do you still love him?" You ventured to ask her.
Paregoros nibbled her lower lip, clasping her hands together. "I always have.”
Knowing that their love was destined to last until their final breath, going through the torment of being separated and unable to stay together, was just unbearably painful to you.
"Goodbye, my dear daughter. Hopefully, I'll see you again very soon.”
You remained still under the porch, watching as your mother vanished down the serene street, surrounded by the mystical barrier. Remarkably, she went unnoticed by everyone else, the passing cars cautiously navigating the wet pavement, their drivers remaining entirely unaware. In a split second, she had disappeared entirely, leaving you alone and isolated, consumed by your thoughts that echoed louder than the storm.
If only you could travel between realms at your own convenience, not confined by the stringent rules of the universe. Being a mere mortal, you were bound by your limitations and the unbreakable laws you had to follow.
As you mulled over it in defeat, hearing nothing but the rush of water, a mighty figure took shape behind you. Gauging by the sound of his boots and the faint shadow casting on the ground, just like before, it was easy for you to discern his identity.
And your smile was uncontrollable. "Did you hear all of that?”
"No," Morpheus' voice was deep and resonant, immediately penetrating your heart and causing it to melt.
When you swiveled to face him, you were laughing in delight. "You're not a good liar, you know.”
Concerned about your potential disappointment, the Endless averted his gaze, uncertain of how to respond.
Truth be told, it didn't faze you. The knowledge of having him beside you, invisible, ever ready to support when called upon, instilled an unwavering feeling of safety in you.
With a gentle touch on his elbow, you subtly indicated that you had absolutely no issue with him eavesdropping on you. Your only regret was that he may have overheard snippets of conversation that could potentially upset his mood.
Refocusing his beautiful eyes back on you, he confirmed that by saying, "You defended me.”
He sounded surprised and puzzled, considering your reaction to be unexpected. How many times did you need to validate just how much he meant to you? It distressed you to see him with such low self-regard.
"Of course I did. I won't stand for any of that nonsense about you.”
The corners of his lips twitched upwards slightly, indicating his genuine pleasure, perhaps even happiness, at your protective stance. This only fuelled your desire to safeguard him and be the anchor he could depend on, just as he was for you.
Looking at the pouring rain once more, your mind drifted to your father and the worry he must have been harboring for you. In your haste to leave with Paregoros, you hadn't even considered to bring your phone along.
Yet, for an inexplicable reason, you were mesmerized by the incessant splash of water. The rainfall held a peculiar charm, luring you like a siren's enchanting melody.
"My love?”
Sporting a grin akin to a playful child, you began to move backward. "Would it bother you to get wet?”
Morpheus looked perplexed, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "What?”
Upon reaching the edge of the porch, you stretched out your arms, the yet-to-be-unfurled umbrella gripped in your hand. Morpheus stuttered out your name, understanding your intentions, but that did nothing to stop you. Whether it was the pre-show adrenaline or the surging cocktail of feelings, you felt compelled to act on a wildly irrational impulse.
And so, you leapt into the rain, allowing its cold droplets to cascade over you. As you looked up at the cloudy sky, you felt your hair and clothes becoming drenched and clinging to you almost instantly.
Morpheus watched in silent astonishment, observing you relish this instance of unbridled freedom. To him, it seemed as though you were washing away all that was superfluous in your life, allowing past sufferings to flow out of you and dissolve into nothingness.
And it was a sight to behold. You were stunningly beautiful, surrendered to your instincts. Wild.
He remained before you, under the porch, pulling his hands out of his coat pockets. You slicked back your wet hair, indifferent to the makeup that was surely smudging and streaking down your face. You knew that he wouldn't fuss over something so insignificant.
The rain was exhilarating and revitalizing, yet something was lacking. Cautiously, you searched for his hand, brushing against the cold fingertips before confidently seizing it and drawing him out to where you stood.
Morpheus offered no resistance, allowing you to draw him into the rain with you. His hair darkened and fell limp against his forehead as it got wet, with trails of water cascading down his face, tracing the lines of his nose, mouth and jawline.
Like the heroine from a movie, you rose on your toes and pressed your lips against his, kissing him with all the passion that was raging in your chest. The contrast between his skin and the chilly water was striking, his tongue warm and coarse. The rain had a slightly bitter taste, but it didn't bother you.
His fingers firmly grasping your lower back served only as motivation for you to persist. Amidst the flurry of kisses, you took brief pauses to breathe. Finally, when you found the strength to pull away, you looked at him, your face filled with adoration.
Morpheus was making a valiant effort to suppress the smile that was steadily emerging, failing to do so. Subsequently, he bestowed upon you another kiss, this one more profound, his arm cradling your shoulders. As he leaned in, your back curved slightly in a graceful arch as he gently bent you over. You felt your surroundings shift dramatically in a quick whirl, the water suddenly ceasing and the temperature around you becoming warmer.
To say you felt like the girl in the iconic Kissing Sailor photograph, captured at the culmination of World War II in Times Square, would be an understatement. Except in your case, there was also an added element of magic. The moment you opened your eyes and he let you go, you found yourself in what appeared to be your old bedroom, meticulously kept by your father for your overnight visits. Your clothes and hair were completely dry and back to their original state, even Morpheus appeared untouched by the raindrops.
Setting the umbrella aside, you started to question the rashness of your actions, perhaps needing a bit more consideration. Yet, Morpheus seemed far from perturbed by it.
"I’m sorry for the impromptu shower," you joked, "I've always wanted to do that.”
"You must take care, my love. I would not want you to fall sick.”
"Fortunately, I have a supernatural boyfriend always ready to rescue me.”
Despite the joyousness of the situation, Morpheus had reverted back to his somber state. He seemed immersed in contemplation, his eyes drifting until they finally settled back on you.
Without saying a word, his hand touched your cheek. He skimmed your skin with his fingers, delicately tracing paths along your chin. How could your mother ever doubt his sincerity? The way he made you quiver with a mere touch, the thoughtfulness he invested in each gesture, every small gift, every compliment and sweet word.
The way he revered both your body and heart. How he gradually tried to share more of himself with you as time progressed.
Engrossed in your romantic moment, you were startled when the bedroom door abruptly swung open. Your father stood there, holding the doorknob tightly, an eyebrow raised as he looked at the two of you. Clearly, he had expected you to return with Paregoros, not a male entity who seemed quite preoccupied with his hands on you.
With a hint of nervousness, you gulped audibly while Morpheus slowly distanced himself from you. Your cheeks flushed as if you were a teenager caught red-handed, and all you could manage was to stutter your words in an attempt to diffuse the tension.
"Uhm.... dad, have you been introduced to Lord Morpheus, the King of Dreams?”
This was far from how you intended to formalize your relationship to him.
Well, oops.
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The Fashion Show was unquestionably the most phenomenal event you had the privilege to participate in. You had always speculated on what it would be like to witness your creations springing to life on the runway and to gauge the attendees' reactions. Now, as you found yourself incessantly answering questions, posing for pictures, and receiving praises from the company's sponsors and directors of fashion magazines, you could affirm that the experience was utterly extraordinary.
That evening, London seemed more beautiful than ever, almost akin to an entirely different city as you took in the skyline from Oliver's car. Your phone vibrated incessantly, filled with excited messages from your father and Hob who had watched the entire show broadcasted on TV, endlessly lauding how fantastic you looked on camera.
Catching your reflection in the window, you contemplated the dramatic transformation your life had undergone in a relatively short span of time. You recalled the weary, desolate, and drained look that used to reside in your eyes during your tenure at the Burgess mansion; the woman you were then bore almost no resemblance to who you were now.
You transitioned from being despondent to the most successful version of yourself. From a state of loneliness and depression to being encompassed by the finest companions and feeling as happy as you could possibly be. Juggling your time between the Waking World during the day and the Dreaming at night, you were essentially leading two distinct lives, each of equal magnificence. You cherished your friends in the human realm just as much as you cared for the ones you made in the land of dreams.
In the succeeding weeks, the workload at Corbyn&Jones had noticeably escalated since the show, with an influx of requests from organizations and influential individuals seeking new exclusive designs for their impending events. This was in addition to the rapid rate at which most of your previously released collections appeared to be flying off the hangers, shelves and mannequins in local stores. Without a doubt, it was the most frenzied period you had ever experienced in your career. But as exhausting as it could be, you were absolutely thrilled and over the moon about it.
And just as Ella had predicted prior to the night of the show, your fame was soaring.
Your name began to surface in various articles and was highlighted in various shops as the leading figure of the brand. Your friend had stayed true to her promise, giving you all the credit and recognition you rightfully deserved. You were incredibly overjoyed to read numerous testimonials from teenagers and adults alike, claiming that your creations had boosted their confidence. The fact that numerous influencers were now donning your company's attires and promoting them on social media only drove an additional surge in sales. Eventually, Oliver had to contemplate launching an official online store, which recorded thousands of visitors within just a day of its inception.
If someone had foretold all this to you just a few months prior, you wouldn't have believed a single word.
As your days became full of non-stop activities, eight months had officially elapsed since the end of the Sleepy Seakness. Eight remarkable months filled with dreams, wonders, and mysteries, eight months of love for Morpheus.
The fact that your father was now aware of him brought such relief to your heart. You lost count of the number of times you had to explain that Dream of the Endless couldn't just accept an invitation for a human dinner at his house. Despite his initial apprehensions about the challenges you might encounter with an eternal being, in the end, your father couldn't resist continually inquiring about him.
It was truly endearing, although you were aware that Morpheus probably didn’t know how to deal with it.
One day, Ella summoned you to her office for a matter of utmost importance. You didn't have time to fret about the possibility of bad news because her radiant smile and gleaming eyes practically blinded you the moment you walked in.
"What's going on?" You asked her. "You seem extremely cheerful.”
"Oh, actually, this isn't about me at all," she responded.
"What do you mean?”
"Y/N, do you recall my college friend, Andrew Rake?”
That name immediately struck a chord.
"I believe so. Wasn't he the one who aspired to relocate to the States?”
Ella nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly! We stayed in touch. Guess what? He's now the owner of his own small enterprise in Florida.”
You smiled genuinely. "That's amazing!”
"Right? But here's the best part; ever since he saw our collection on the runway, he's been keeping a close watch on our company, and you in particular.”
You were taken aback. "Me?”
"Yes, sweetie. The fact of the matter is, he wants you on board for a new project he's undertaking.”
"But... Ella. You said he's in Florida. How am I supposed to assist him?”
Ella chuckled, tapping something on her phone which subsequently sent a message to your device. Upon opening it, you discovered a PDF document containing details of a plane ticket, complete with a specified date and time for a trip that had been booked under your name.
“Ella, you can’t be serious.”
"Of course I'm serious! He's an old friend, and I'm more than willing to share your creative talents with him for a while.”
You rubbed your forehead. "We have so much to handle here. Can I really travel abroad at a time like this?”
"You have both Oliver's and my full blessing. The trip is planned for two weeks, so please, consider some of those extra days as a bonus vacation. It's a gift from us.”
Ella clapped her hands together in jubilation. "Oh please, just bask in your success! We wouldn't be in this position without you. We can certainly manage to let you go for a few days.”
You couldn't recall the last time you had taken a plane for travel, let alone when you had even left the city of London to venture anywhere else. For at least two years and a half, arguably the longest and toughest of your life, your father had been the sole thing that occupied your thoughts.
Perhaps this blend of work and relaxation wrapped into one trip was precisely the respite you needed to unwind.
"I don't know what to say, really. You guys are the best.”
Ella playfully blew a kiss in the air. "Hush, you are the wonderful one here. So, take some well-deserved rest and start packing your bags; Cape Kennedy awaits you!”
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Being on a plane seemed unreal, but you were truly leaving your country and gazing at the white clouds below.
You had always harbored a desire to traverse the globe, and thanks to your job, that opportunity was now within your grasp. Andrew, despite crossing paths with him at various social gatherings, never became a close friend. He was, nevertheless, always pleasant to be around and had an undeniably unique sense of style.
The information Ella provided about his requirements and the project were rather vague. All you knew was that he was in need of your design expertise for a task he seemed unable to accomplish on his own. His business was modest in size, with a minimal workforce. He was the sole brain behind every fresh concept, crafting each new article of clothing, which he would also proudly wear himself and display in public.
You were indeed intrigued by this collaboration, as it marked your first venture working side by side with another creative mind.
Soothed by the tranquil hum of the plane, with the gentle white noise permeating the cabin, your eyelids began to droop as you succumbed to sleep. Your head gently swayed to the side, giving a slight bump against the window.
Your body felt weightless, drifting, until the familiar beach in the Dreaming materialized before you. The sea breeze was as enchanting as ever, with its authentic salty aroma pervading the surroundings. You settled onto the sand, the grains soft and shifting around to create an impromptu pillow for you. Your blue gown shimmered like a starlit sky and flowed around your legs.
You had never seen that dress before, it would be wise to remember such a striking garment for inspiration.
Morpheus was absent, but it didn't bother you. You knew that he was still busy with the final refurbishments of his domain, keeping track of all residents and constructing new areas for the humans to revel in. Even in his physical absence, his presence was felt all around. Your Moonstone necklace glowed once more, illuminated by an enchanting blue light that danced in a rhythmic circle.
If only you had an inkling of what was happening before you, in a dream that seemed no different from any other.
A distant figure began to take shape along the seashore, steadily advancing in your direction with a measured stride. The beach land was a private corner of your consciousness, a fragment of the Dream World that Morpheus had set aside exclusively for you. Never had you seen another entity traverse it, other than Morpheus.
As you became engrossed in the vistas of the ocean ahead, a voice emerging beside you caused you to slightly jump.
“Uhm…. hello…?”
You noticed a young girl with an impressive array of black dreadlocks, punctuated by a few strands in gradient hues of blue and lime, standing right beside you. She was dressed in a long-sleeved black pullover with a striped shirt peeking from underneath, complemented by a pair of dark trousers and white sneakers.
She bore a gentle appearance, her face marked by a bewildering expression that was difficult for you to interpret.
Hi," you replied. "May I know who you are?”
After a brief pause, she introduced herself by sharing her name with you. "I'm Rose. Rose Walker."
Rose Walker? How strikingly human a name for a dream, you mused.
Despite your thoughts, you presented a warm smile. "I'm Y/N Y/LN, it's a pleasure to meet you.”
Rose nodded her head, casting a curious glance around. "Where exactly are we?”
How odd…
"This is the Dreaming. Or at least, a portion of it.”
"Wait, am I asleep?”
Was she merely a strange manifestation of your mind, or had another human somehow intersected your dream?
Regardless, you chose to go along with the unfolding scenario.
"Where do you hail from, Rose?”
"I come from New Jersey, but I'm travelling in search of my brother right now.”
A brother? What was going on?
"Do you have any idea where he might be?”
"I actually do. He’s in Florida.”
Florida, go figure.
"I'm sure you will find him, Rose," you said encouragingly, unsure of what else you could possibly say to a figment of your imagination.
The girl’s eyes lingered on the sea line in the horizon. “We got separated a long time ago… and our mother passed away recently.”
Your heart sank. "Oh no... I'm truly sorry.”
"Thanks. We have a great-grandmother now. She's assisting me in my search.”
There was something profoundly unexplainable about the dream you were experiencing. The tale she was recounting, though it could potentially be drawn from your own familial experiences and anxieties, somehow rang incredibly true.
"Family is the most precious thing, isn't it?”
Rose's lips stretched into a soft smile. "It is. I really need to find Jed. Without our mother, I want to be sure he’s okay, look after him.”
"You know, Rose," you began, "One valuable lesson I've gathered is that your tenacity and determination have the power to lead you to any destination.”
More than anything else, this was a deep self-realization.
"If it's your aim to locate your brother, there won't be any hurdle capable of thwarting your efforts.”
After a moment of evident consensus, Rose exhaled deeply, "Not even foster agencies?”
Despite the peculiarity of your dream, you asserted, "Not if you refuse to allow them.”
The girl appeared to ease at your assertion, nodding and letting out another breath. An uncanny ambiance started to envelop the surroundings, contrasting the usual tranquility of the beachfront.
You couldn't quite put it into words, for when you looked at her, you had no negative perceptions whatsoever.
When she joined you on the sand, you had the sensation that a distant rock split in two, but you dismissed it because oftentimes, elements in your dreams could morph into something bizarre for no apparent reason.
And thus, the two of you struck up a friendly conversation, which effortlessly flowed with random talks, jests, and laughter. A sudden impulse to protect her welled up within you, despite the awareness that she wasn't as tangible as you were. But then again, what if she was indeed real?
You inquired about her dreams and ambitions. She wanted to repair what remained of her family, secure a job to support herself and her brother Jed. She aspired to write, to weave a narrative that was uniquely hers to tell.
You became so engrossed in her life's story, that you quickly grew fond of Rose and the purity of her spirit.
Yet, something was amiss. It was as if the Dreaming was crying out in the distance, rumbling and fracturing.
Then, a chorus of assorted voices started to materialize and reverberate around you, signifying that your in-flight nap was nearing its conclusion.
Rose seemed to hear them too, her eyebrows furrowing as she looked around in puzzlement.
"It's been wonderful meeting you, Rose," you expressed, rising from the sandy cushion and allowing the fabric of your celestial dress to billow and expand. The moonstone was radiating intensely, so much so that you momentarily wondered if it carried any special significance.
"Who knows, perhaps our paths will cross again in my dreams?”
Rose said something, but as her lips moved, you couldn't hear any word. The Dreaming became hazy and remote, almost spiraling before it vanished.
Upon opening your eyes, you saw the flight attendant strolling down the aisle, instructing passengers to fasten their seatbelts. As she passed by your row, slowing down slightly, the man in his 50s next to you took off his earbuds, and you immediatly complied with her request despite your drowsiness. Throughout the entire landing phase, you gazed out of the window, despite the slight discomfort of your ears popping and feeling plugged. It was pleasant to watch the water glistening under the sunlight, a sight that transported your thoughts back to the Dreaming, and your intriguing encounter with a gentle, enigmatic girl named Rose Walker.
But why did you sense such apprehension, with a gut feeling of some looming event? While a part of you was tempted to dismiss it as a byproduct of your travel, you were all too familiar with your own instincts.
No, you couldn't let that cloud your mind before you even set foot in Cape Kennedy. What could possibly go wrong?
As soon as you were able to stand up again, you waited patiently for the queue of people disembarking the plane, retrieved your luggage, and expressed gratitude to the flight attendants for their service. Finding yourself in a foreign country was extraordinary, the thrill coursing through you profoundly invigorating.
You made the choice to release all worries, and the unsettling feeling in your stomach receded, making room for optimistic thoughts and anticipations.
Extracting your phone from your bag, you promptly switched off airplane mode and shot a fast text to Andrew to let him know you'd arrived. Given his kindness in offering to pick you up from the airport, you didn't want to keep him waiting any longer than necessary.
With your attention absorbed in the screen, grinning at the cheerful, amusing emoji Andrew sent in response, you failed to spot Rose Walker in the midst of the bustling crowd.
What was supposed to be a business trip was about to unexpectedly evolve into an extremely perilous journey.
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 (currently reading) Go to Chapter 17 ->
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ga-yuu · 1 year
if Yoshitsune suddenly sees Yoshino wearing a cute dress or see her acting cute would he blush and internally scream about how goddamn cute she is and how it's messing with his head?
would he be red in the face and stand there frozen, or would he try to cover his blushing face so that she won't see it?
Yoshitsune's pov---
Yoshino: "Welcome back Yoshitsune-sama!"(〃^▽^〃)
Yoshitsune: "Yoshino....what are you wearing?" (O_O)
I see Yoshino standing in front of me wearing a different kimono than usual.
Instead of the usual light green kimono, she was wearing a light pink one. It had faint floral patterns on the sides.
The length of the dress was up to her knees, revealing her slender long legs. The top part had a deep V-neck, beautifully complementing her collarbones.
Her long straight ash-gray hair was freed from the ribbon that she usually wore and is now falling over her shoulder.
Yoshino: "Yoshitsune-sama?"
When I was staring at her intently, Yoshino must have felt shy and looked away.
She elegantly tucked her hair behind her ear and I see a small glowing light.
(She's wearing earrings too...)
(She looks so cute)
I walked towards her.
I held her face with both of my palms and made her look at me. Her cheeks were redder and her eyes were dreamy.
My heart which was already pounding from her sight is now bursting with love as I see her only having me in her eyes.
(I'm so happy, that I'm the only one in your eyes)
Yoshitsune: "You look so cute."
Yoshino: "Mm."
I kissed her on the lips, while my one hand goes to hold her waist.
Yoshino: "Mm...Mm.."
Yoshitsune: "Yoshino, I'm getting excited. I'm so happy that I'm the only one getting to see new sides of you every day."
Yoshitsune: "When you look so cute, it makes me want to lock you in my arms forever and never show you to any other man."
Yoshitsune: "Will you be mad if I say I want to do that?"
Yoshino: "I feel the same."
Yoshitsune: "Hm?"
Yoshino: "Sometimes, I also want to keep you to myself. Sometimes even I get jealous when others see the adorable sides of Yoshitsune-sama."
Yoshitsune: "Yoshino..."
I kissed her again and I feel her putting her arms around my neck.
I hear hushed moans from Yoshino, as I inserted my tongue.
Yoshino: "Yoshitsune-sama, more...more.."
Yoshitsune: "Ah."
I then brought my lips toward her exposed chest and kissed hard.
When I released, I see a faint red mark blooming on her pure white skin.
Yoshitsune: "By the way, who bought you this dress?"
Yoshino: "Umm...it was a gift from Sueharu-san, for helping him."
Yoshino: "When I was having trouble with whether to wear it or not, Sueharu-san winked and told me it would look cute on me and that if I wear it in front Yoshitsune-sama, then something good might happen."
(Sueharu is smart)
(I have to thank him later)
Yoshino: "Fufu, even if this dress is a little short and a little scandalous...I'm happy that Yoshitsune-sama liked it."
Yoshitsune: "Of course, the dress looks cute. But it's you who looks beautiful."
(It makes me happier to think that my girlfriend wanted to look beautiful for me)
The end
Yoshitsune: "So can you bring more of it?"
Sueharu: "Dresses? Sure, I'll send you my bill too. Will you be paying now or at a later date?"
Me: I'm not good at writing but I hope you enjoyed it.
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yelenayena · 3 years
Sweet Candy
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Pairing: Yelena x Fem!reader
Genre: Romance, fluff, modern AU
A/N: This story is a little bit longer, so I suggest you bring your fav beverage, play your fav songs, and enjoy your free time this weekend by fantasizing about Yelena 💕 Suddenly I wanna make a tsundere Yelena, and I think I love every side of Yelena. I gave the title Sweet Candy bc between you and Yelena are really sweet like a candy 🥺 💕 I hope you like it, and I hope you understand my English because I’m poor at grammar hehe.
Summary: Your apartment was on fire, your best friend, Zeke, couldn't help you bc he wanted to fix his relationship with his gf. He insisted you stay in Yelena’s house for a while. After you stayed in Yelena’s house for weeks, on Valentine's Day, Yelena did something that opens up your mind and changed your life forever!
Warning: Explicit Content!
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You just started your first year in university. You decided to study abroad, because your childhood friend, Zeke, had already come and being an international student, and that was inspired you as you saw his student life looked so interesting.
A couple of months ago you came to the same university as Zeke, and only a few days ago you got an unpleasant event when your apartment was on fire. So today, Zeke told you to come to his best friend’s house to stay in their home for a while.
You have just arrived at Zeke's friend's house, and you are standing in front of the door. On the third knock, the door opened. The tall-ass blonde, the one who opened the door, looked at you suspiciously.
By ignoring her expression, you smiled widely. “Hi! You must be Yelena! I’m Y/N, nice to meet ya!”
Before she responded to your words, you stepped into her house. “Wow! Your house is so lovely!”
Yelena’s eyes widened as you came into her house. “I’m sorry, but who the hell are you?” She asked with an annoyed tone.
You turned your body around to look at her, “Ah! Zeke hasn't told you yet?” You threw yourself on the couch, “I’m sorry for coming to your house so suddenly without prior notice, but in my condition, I also have no choice. So he asked me to come to your house, and he will give you further details later.”
She stared at you with a gaze full of confusion. You smiled nervously, “I’m sorry but I’m really bad at explaining.”
She held her index finger to her temple, “just hold a sec!” She brought and placed you in front of the door then she closed it.
You sighed and smiled sadly. You can understand her conduct, however, you are just a stranger to her. You sat on the step in front of her house, waiting and thinking, if she refuses you, maybe you have to find another motel or guest house nearby to campus.
In the house. Yelena grabbed her phone on the desk and called Zeke. On the third ring, Zeke picked up the call.
“ZEKE! What the hell did you do to me?!” She said indignantly.
“I meant to call you. So, she must have arrived at your house?” he asked.
Even though she knew Zeke wouldn’t see her face, she still nodded her head. “Uh-huh! And why the fuck she came to my house?! I mean, who the hell is she??
Yelena can hear Zeke sighed, “Yelena, listen. Y/N is my hometown friend, my grandmother even considered her as her own grandchild and I considered her as my lil’ sister. She studied in the same university as us. But unfortunately, her apartment was on fire the day before yesterday, it was on the news, you knew it, right?
“I immediately brought her to my place when it happened. She only had me in this city because she hasn’t had many friends in her department. She slept in my place last night, but my girlfriend was really upset when she saw Y/N in my apartment.
“You know my relationship was on the rocks, so it’s hard for my girlfriend to believe that Y/N is just my friend. So please, accept her in your house until she finds a new apartment, or until my girlfriend believes me and allows her to stay in my apartment. Okay?” he explained.
“It's so sudden,” Yelena replied.
“Please, I'm begging you. I'm so worried about her, she had no luck in her life, so you're the one I can trust to help her,” Zeke pleaded.
“Does she really have no relatives or friends here?”
“No, she only had me. You know we’re foreign students. She just started her first year in our university. I can’t let her stay in her new friends’ house, I ain’t trusting them. I really want to help her but unfortunately, I can’t help her right now because I wanna fix my relationship with my girlfriend, I’m screwed without her. You owed me so it’s time to repay the favor by allowing Y/N to stay in your house for a while. I promise she won't do such annoying things during her stay. She’s a good girl.”
Yelena sighed, “fine! I’ll allow her to stay in my house JUST for a while.”
“I know I can count on you!” Said Zeke happily.
“I told you, I can’t blame your girlfriend because you fucked every girl you met before you dated her. So take your responsibility and be a good man! I’m out!” Yelena turned off her phone.
When Yelena opened the door, she saw you walk through the yard to leave her house. “Hey! Wait!” She shouted.
You turned your head immediately when you heard her voice.
“I just called Zeke and- you can stay here for a while,” she said.
You smiled happily, “really?!” She nodded. You’re walking toward her and hugging her. “Thank you!”
Yelena looked awkward, “whoa- whoa- what is it for?”
“It’s my habit to hug someone when I’m happy,” you answered. “And- this is the reason why Zeke’s girlfriend was upset when she came to his place and she saw me hug him,” you continued, speaking more to yourself than to Yelena.
But Yelena can still hear your voice, she let out a long sigh, “the two of you really are weirdos! Come in!”
This time, Yelena lets you come to her house. And since today, you’ll stay in her house together. You told your story about the fire in your apartment and when Zeke brought you to his apartment until his girlfriend came over. You convinced her that you won’t stay long in her house until you find a new apartment. You believed Zeke so much, so when he insisted that you have to stay in Yelena’s house, you obeyed him without question. If Zeke believes Yelena, so you believe her as well.
She lets you sleep in the guest room. You asked her how much you have to pay for the room, but she refused it and told you it was just for a while so you don’t have to pay her except you paid yourself for a meal.
You stayed in Yelena’s house for almost a week. You thought she was a little bit cocky with an unfriendly attitude, but she is just a straightforward person with an expressionless face. She's nice actually, at least she still lets you stay in her house until now because you discovered difficulties to find a new apartment. People might consider her as a male because of her masculine figure, and she is a very tall woman with a height of six feet three inches. For you, she’s the perfect figure for the androgynous look, she look pretty and handsome at the same time. Her hair is blonde in a short bob with straight bangs, and it suits her well. You bet she’s pretty famous among girls or boys.
Even so, you found that her friends are just Zeke and Onyankopon, a cool and nice black guy. You found out quickly because she rarely hangs out with other friends except for Zeke and Onyankopon, but she's good at negotiating with others. You often see her talking on the phone with her business partner, and in the end, she smiled with satisfaction and told you that she reached an advantageous deal. She’s also an ambitious person.
Yeah, she’s a third-year business student just like Zeke, so she often gets the assignments for making a brand or a start-up from her lecturers. Well, maybe now you can be her new good friend, you’re a friendly and funny person, so it’s not hard for you to get along with her.
“What the hell are you doing in the kitchen for hours??” Yelena asked you on the phone. You can hear the class ambiance behind her voice.
“How did you know?” you asked.
“You didn't realize? I’ve been watching you from the CCTV in every corner of my house. Even when you did some silly movements in front of the TV to workout,” she explained.
You turned your head to the upper corner where the CCTV hangs. You looked at that with surprise. How can you not realize that there are many CCTVs in her house, and she's been watching you all the time!
“You! You're a sly peeper!”
She chuckled, “my house, my rule. So what are you up to?”
“I’m making chocolate. Valentine's Day is almost coming, so I wanna make delicious chocolate for my crush. Don't worry, I'll clean up the kitchen when I’m done.”
“Chocolate? That sucks! Why are you in such a hurry? It's still a week 'till Valentine's Day.”
You rolled your eyes, “as you know, I suck at cooking, so I need to learn to make un chocolat parfait.”
“Ah! And I still remember how horrible an omelet you made!” her tone was almost mocking.
“I know you're really good at cooking, but please don't be so mean to me.”
She laughed slightly, “okay. Do what you want. Bye.”
You thought you would be able to make perfect chocolate for your crush instantly, but it’s not that easy! Luckily, Yelena was kind enough to permit you to use her kitchen often. Although she’s good at cooking, she can't help you to give you some advice to make chocolate because she hates sweets. You practice almost every day until the V day comes, and efforts won’t betray you, you did your best to make beautiful and delicious chocolate.
“Finally-” you said while straightening your back and stretching your aching muscles, feeling incredibly relieved. Today is Valentine’s day, now you can go to college before the morning class starts, and give this beautiful chocolate you made to a Mister Perfect.
“You did it?” asked Yelena, you saw her standing on the stairway in the kitchen, still wearing her pajamas. And she stepped down to the floor.
“I did it!” you said happily. You looked at the wristwatches, “and I can go to the morning class on time. How could I've been awesome with that! Ah, I bought savory croissants you like and made hot coffee on the dining table. It's just a little reward for letting me use your kitchen, and as a valentine's gift.” You smiled and winked at her.
For the first time, she looked at you with eyes that sparkled. She smiled slightly, “thanks- So, when are you going to give that chocolate to the unlucky guy?”
You smiled at her, sometimes, she can be an innocent, sarcastic woman. “Perhaps, during lunchtime. He’s a second-year student in the Political Sciences Department, and he’s the coolest guy I’ve ever met on campus. When he puts on his football uniform, he's even cooler!” you said full of joy while imagining your crush’s face.
She rolled her eyes, “I don't give a shit. Besides, giving chocolate to the boys on Valentine’s Day is kinda old fashioned. Why don't you give him a bouquet or a concert ticket?”
“I- I don't know. Isn't that something men always do?”
She clucked her tongue, “it’s women’s emancipation.”
“You're right!” you said eagerly. “Chocolate and flowers! That's cool! I’ll buy flowers for him, too! Thank you, Yelena, you're brilliant!” and you left her to go to campus.
In the late afternoon, it’s a beautiful day at the end of winter, the warmth of the sun is still accompanying people on the outside.
It’s valentine’s day, a day full of love. But all you can feel is the cold wind in your heart, the day gets grey, and pain haunts you. You remembered all the hurtful things he said to you, you feel so rejected by him. It really hurts when you expect so much more from a person you once liked so much. You’ve liked him ever since the first day of college.
Love can sometimes be magic but magic can sometimes just be an illusion. Before you realize it, the tears stream down your face. You walked so slow in Yelena’s neighborhood.
You heard the horn behind you. “Ayo, Taffy! Walking to my house?” That’s Yelena with her car, driving very slowly to follow your steps.
You turned your head to her. She looked at you with a surprise, “Hey, you okay?”
“I- I’m okay,” you said sobbing.
Without asking you first, she scrambled out of the car, and put you in the front passenger seat of the car, and got behind the wheel.
“What happened?” she asked gently.
You cried harder when she asked that. Moments later, you told her your story when you got a raw rejection from your crush. “He even called me fat and I'm not his type. I mean, I’m okay with his ridicule, it's a fact after all. But when he mocked my chocolate, that's when I felt hurt. Anyhow, it was my hard work you even helped me make it,” and you cried again.
“I did nothing, you made it yourself with love,” she said and she turned her vehicle around.
“Where are you going?” you asked.
“I’m going to give that motherfucker a lesson.”
“You- WHAT?”
“Gimme his location!”
“Yelena- No! Turn around your car! Let's just go home.”
She gazed at you in silence for a while, “just shut the fuck up and keep your seat belt fastened!” she spoke firmly.
In the end, you just let her drive to the university yard where your crush and his friends are hanging around. Yelena insisted on giving him a lesson. Your heart raced when you saw her walk through the yard and stepped closer to the table where your crush sat.
Your crush stopped laughing when she stood in front of him, it also gave his friends in silence and looked at her in confusion. “Ayo! Rough guy!” She greeted him with a condescending tone.
“Who the hell are you, tomboy?” he asked her.
“Nobody, just a courier. I delivered a package for you,” she showed him a chocolate box and a bouquet.
“Ah, that’s from Y/N, huh? Take back, I ain't gonna need that. If I take that shit, I’m afraid that fatty would think I will accept her feelings.”
Yelena spat on the ground, “you know I was relieved I never dated a guy, and the guy I hate the most is the guy like you. You're more gay than I am, y’know? Before you mocked her, look at yourself in the mirror whether you're better than her or not! You think you're perfect, huh?”
Yelena threw the flowers and the chocolate on your crush’s face. Her hands in the fluid movement to deliver precisely aimed blows to a startled opponent.
“What the fuck!” He shouted out in shock. Getting rid of the flowers on his face and the chocolate stains off his jacket.
“Take that, you motherfucker! You should've respected her! It shows her love and hard work!” Yelena grunted, “but at least I’m relieved she wouldn't fall for an asshole like you again.” And she left him without waiting for his response.
You watched what Yelena did to him far behind, and it gives you a new perspective that you adore her so much.
“Thank you,” you said gently when you and she sat in the car.
“For what?”
“For everything. Why are you so kind to me? I mean, I am the one who often troubles you, but you still want to add a new enemy, because of me. I’ve seen everything you’ve done to him, and I really appreciate it.” You laughed strangely, “you were very rude to him, but I think he deserved it.
She grunted, “that son of a bitch deserves worse. Why do you think I'm doing this to you?” She looked at you seriously with her deep voice.
You find it difficult to answer. In silence, you looked at each other. You felt an odd feeling when you looked into her big beautiful eyes. You felt captivated by the look in her eyes, so you couldn't move your body when you realized her body moved closer to yours as she tried to kiss you.
As though conscious of what she was about to do, she stopped and sat up straight again. She cleared her throat awkwardly, “and the only one who can make fun of you is me.” She stared at the last small chocolate box on your lap. “Oh, there’s one more.”
“Yup, there is. Don’t worry, I’ll throw away this thing.”
She grabbed the small box immediately, “don’t! I’ll eat it.”
“What? Don't you hate sweets?”
“It’s okay if it's your make,” she eats a piece of chocolate you made. “Umm- not bad, ” she smiled slightly after she finished eating, then she turned the engine on.
After the incident on Valentine’s day, you can't look at her in the same way again, you felt confused about your feelings towards her. You thought she was just your friend, but now you realized you want her more than just a friend. You don't want to ruin your friendship with her, you need to find a new apartment as soon as possible no matter how to keep a distance from her and reset unnecessary feelings.
Luckily, you got a new apartment so you can leave Yelena’s house. Yelena and Zeke helped you pack the stuff and decorate your new room. After those busy days, you can finally enjoy your free time in your new apartment, all alone. And it gives you extra time to prioritize your revenge plan, once you've accepted the insult of the guy you liked. And a wise man said the best revenge is to improve yourself.
On the other hand, you wouldn't believe how much Yelena missed you. She felt empty when she stayed alone, she missed your presence in her house. She once got so annoyed by your noisy existence, but now she really wants to hear all your ridiculous babbling. When she thought of you, she smiled slightly, she didn't believe she could fall for a silly girl like you. Silly but sweet.
Since when did this feeling grow in her heart? She didn't know. Little thing she knew, you're the sweetest, most sincere girl she's ever met. Sometimes she wishes you could open your heart to a girl like her, but she doesn't want to make you feel uncomfortable if she expresses any romantic interest in you. To get rid of all her thoughts about you, she occupied herself with the project the lecturer gave her. It is funny, you two are mutually interested in each other, but you two are too afraid to express your feelings.
Time flies so fast. Spring break is over. You are ready to open a new chapter of your life in this warm spring. You were viral by the rejection video of your crush to you, it was a nightmare because everyone recognizes you with something you don't want to be. But now, everyone on campus is amazed by the change you made to yourself. And the best thing is, your crush seems regretful that he has rejected and said something cruel to you. Now, you have some respect from others.
“Wow, I heard an issue that you're now some big news and one of the hotties in this university.”
You heard a familiar voice when you walked alone in the park near your faculty building. You frowned at your face and turned around your body, your eyes widened as you saw a big-beauty blonde standing behind you.
“Long time no see and, look at you, you've changed a lot! Now you've become- a Barbie doll? Eww! You look more ugly than before when you still have those fats in your body,” she continued.
You chuckled, “we’ve lived together under the same roof for almost three weeks, and I got your own dictionary. When you say no, it means yes. So when you say I’m ugly, it means I’m pretty?”
“Jesus, no! I tell the truth, I swear, the new you is ugly.”
“I, I just wanna love myself more by changing my lifestyle to make it healthier,” you said, trying to sound nonchalant.
“Whatever. I rather like your old appearance because now you’re a little conscious. Many morons will steal glances at you.”
She sighed heavily, “something that didn’t change in you is you still slow like a sloth! Then, I’m leaving!”
“Hey, wait!” You grabbed her long arm to hold her step, “it’s unfair you come and go like a fart!”
Just one touch from you gives her a magical sensation. She then grabbed your hands and pulled your body to get closer to hers.
“I miss you so much! I can’t even stop thinking about you once you leave my house,” she hoarsely whispered.
She bent over you and kissed you. You were shocked by her sudden act, but her kiss is pure, fresh, and thirst-quenching. You felt her stiffening in surprise when you kissed her back, then she continued to insert her tongue into your mouth and moved wildly to play with yours. You two now are kissing so passionately, feeling the burn by the lust of each other.
“So this means, we’re stepping to the next level” she asked with a broad smile on her face. She looked happy.
You smiled mischievously, “what do you think?”
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I think Yelena is the type who can make a straight girl gay. Who can ignore this big-beauty-badass bae 🥵🥵
My fav quotes from Yelena in this story 💕
Yelena to your crush: “...I was relieved I never dated a guy, and the guy I hate the most is a guy like you. You're gayer than I am, y’know?”
[she acted like a gentleman 🥰]
Sweet moments with Yelena 💕
Yelena to you: “Why do you think I'm doing this to you?”
[and you two were looked at each other until she tried to kiss you but she stopped it 😔]
You to Yelena: “Yup. I’ll throw away this thing.”
Yelena to you: “Don’t! I’ll eat it.”
You to Yelena: “Don’t you hate sweets?”
Yelena to you: “It’s okay if it’s your make.”
[then she ate your chocolate even she hates sweets 🥺]
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likeabxrdinflight · 2 years
Do you have a few quick tips for writing Arkham intern Harlem Quinzel realistically, for fic writers?
I'm only marginally familiar with the Batman world (mostly I've just watched the Harley Quinn cartoon and I've seen the dark knight lol). I also don't have experience in a forensic setting or high security hospital- I currently work in an inpatient setting, but it's a minimum security combo geriatric/adult unit. They don't allow patients at risk of violence on my unit at all, so I suspect my experiences would be wildly different from a maximum security unit like Arkham is supposed to be.
From what I know of Arkham as it's set up in the Batman world, it seems to be some bizarre combination of psychiatric unit and prison. I don't think anyone has really figured out which- obviously they call it "Arkham Asylum", but I can't imagine any modern psych unit looks at all like Arkham.
The biggest difference between Arkham and the real world is that, on a real psychiatric ward, you are not held there indefinitely. Insurance doesn't pay for it, for one thing, and they don't want to keep beds full that long- psych wards are giant revolving doors and there's never enough beds. Longest I've ever seen a patient stay was about two months, and even that was only because the social workers were fighting to get him into an assisted living community for discharge. So even though you do surrender your right to decide when you get to leave when you're admitted to a psych unit, you will eventually be discharged. If you're not safe to live in the community, you will probably get discharged to some kind of long term care facility- it won't be a hospital. Those kinds of "asylums" shut down in the '80s during the deinstitutionalization process that happened during the Reagan administration.
So Arkham seems, to me at least, to function more like a prison in that regard. So I guess that might be how I'd rebrand it in a fic, if you're going for realism and a modern day setting- it's a prison with a forensic psychiatry/psychology team. Those do exist in the real world. But it's not a place I'd ever want to work in- I have a hard enough time with the hospital tbh.
You could make it a true asylum if you set your story back in the mid 20th century- but I also couldn't tell you what it was like being an intern back than on those types of units either. They don't exist anymore.
What I will say about being a present day intern on a modern psych unit is this- the nurses run the show. they see everything and have the most direct contact with patients. don't tell the psychiatrists this, they think they're the ones running things, but they meet with patients for like ten minutes a day, and maybe briefly during morning rounds. they don't know what actually goes on. interns like myself don't have much power at all- we'll run therapy groups, if you're lucky you'll be on a unit that allows for individual cases. it's short-term work since patients rarely stay more than two weeks. that's usually even shorter for a depression/BPD case, longer for severe psychosis that might take a while for the meds to kick in. speaking of, medication is the most important thing on a unit- it's all about stabilizing patents on the right dose of meds so they can get the hell out of there. the therapy is a sidenote, the psychiatrists are less concerned with it. there will be social workers and maybe an OT staff facilitating post-discharge care and some other groups while on the unit. social workers do all the work getting referrals to outside therapy if the patients don't have that already. again, the goal is for them to leave ASAP so they can fill your bed with someone else.
as an intern, especially if you're a therapist, you're gonna struggle working within this rigid, hierarchical system that looks more and more antiquated every year. our job is to empathize with our patients, to support them. we're trained (hopefully) to see people as whole people, not a list of symptoms for a medication regimen. (there are good psychiatrists out there though that will be really kind and helpful, but in my experience, the therapists are often invaluable for reminding the medical doctors that hey, sometimes it's trauma and not psychosis). you're gonna walk a thin line between commiserating with patients about how awful the hospital is and being part of a treatment team that is supposed to think the hospital is a good thing. I'm very bad at walking this line.
Ultimately it's nothing like Arkham. most patients are super chill honestly, and a lot are already familiar with the mental health care system. running groups is pretty easy because you'll usually have at least one or two people who are actually engaged. I frequently hear that patients like the interns/therapy staff because we're not doctors, we don't make decisions about their care outside of what skill we're gonna teach in group, and we do tend to align with them and listen. I've never felt particularly nervous or uncomfortable around patients- except one, who did get aggressive with me.
in the event that a patient does get agitated or aggressive, standard "restraint" if they cannot be otherwise calmed or redirected is an injection of haldol and ativan. they should ask your consent first, but a no can be overruled if they decide it's necessary. manual restraints are rare, but they do happen, typically only to get the drugs in you. this probably happens more often on a higher security unit than mine. it's not a pretty thing to watch. security gets called, it's a whole ordeal and probably does more harm than good for the patient. we know this. we have no better alternatives, aggression can't be tolerated for the safety of other patients/staff. it's a lose-lose situation.
you have no freedom on these units. no access to your phone, no computers, no internet. you don't decide when you go home. the rooms are like sterile dorms, nothing but a bed, a table, some shelves. you can bring in books and paper to color with, but you're only getting crayons. sorry if you wanted a pen or pencil, those are considered sharps, can't have them. you get visitors during specified visiting hours, no other time. meals are regulated, meds are distributed when they're distributed. you'll go to the groups because you're bored. there is nothing to do. if you're lucky you'll be admitted with some other nice patients and you might make a friend. I've seen this happen, patients will form little friend groups and promise to keep in touch after discharge. I never know if they do or not, but I hope so, because it's one of the most positive things I see happen there.
it's a very mixed bag. my unit is considered one of the "better" ones in new york city, and it's...........it's deeply flawed. but this is what it's been like, from what I've observed over the past nine months working there. so that's the reality of a modern day, minimum security psych unit. I hope some of this is helpful.
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hawksugarbaby · 3 years
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Denki x Gn reader- sk8 boi
Fluff + Bnha / Sk8 the infinity crossover
You sighed following your friends to the skatepark to supervise as usual. You might as well have been babysitting the boys as your only purpose when going to the skatepark was to make sure neither of them died or got run over by the ignorant bikers who seemed to own the park.
"Hey (y/n) do you wanna try today?" Denki asked with a smile and held his board out in front of your face spinning the wheels for added effect. "Yeah wouldn't it be cool if you got on the board just once?" Reki added with his hands pushed together in a plea. "Guys I would 100% break my face and you know it. Just go have fun!" you shoo them away and jump up on the wall to sit and watch. "And i'll be here. As always" you muttered drumming your hands on your thighs and watched the other wheeled transportations slip past you and into the blur of others trying out impressive tricks you could never hope to achieve.
Of course Denki and Reki refused to let the third member of the warm coloured gang, named so because of kaminari's yellow hair, Reiki's red hair, and your orange backpack that always hung off one shoulder, refused to accept that you wouldn't let them teach you. They knew you, you were a quick learner and determined once you picked something up but you were also afraid of failing something, so of course you were hesitant to start skating with them.
On the plus side your running was incredible because of your constant need to keep up with the cheerful boys so you had the energy, the stamina, the strength and the balamce it took to sit on that thin wall all day and not fall off was a clear indicatoryou could balance for hours. You just didn't have the mindset.
"What if we taped their feet to the board?" Reki offered, digging through his bag for a roll of duct tape. "Nah, I think (y/n) would be more scared if they weren't able to get off the board. Langa was used to it so it wasn't a problem with him" Denki rolled his board back and forth under his feet and perked up at the sound of your music blasting through the mini speaker you brought. It was your way of being found if they needed you for a drink or a break or for snacks. "Maybe they just need some encouragement?" the red head smiled waving at you from across the park and you waved back slightly showing them you were paying attention and waiting for them to do something interesting.
Reki had the same mission as Denki, to get you on a board, but he also had to help you with your mission, one that might not be any easier than Denki's
"God he's so stupid and cute" you sighed watching Denki fall for a fourth time trying to do a pop shuvit. With your headphone's firmly lodged in your ears you hadn't noticed Reki standing beside you for the last 2 minutes. He yanked the headphone's out of your ears and you whipped your head around. "HEY!" you shouted trying to swipe them back but he held them out of your reach.
"Did you call Denki cute?" he asked with a gleeful tone and a glimmer of excitement in his amber eyes. "N-no I called him stupid" you stuttered feeling your face flush and you look back at him telling off his board as if it was a person and smile. Out of the corner of your eye you see Reki rearing up to say something and your mouth sets into a hard line once again. "You so called him cute! Do you have a crush on Denki, that's adorable!" he jumped up on the wall to sit with you and he handed you your white headphone's again.
"When did you start to like him?" he asked, nudging your arm and your sigh got stuck in your throat feeling like a useless attempt to get out of the conversation and you shook your head. "I don't have an exact date" you mutter but he looks at you expectantly anyway. "I guess when I started babysitting you guys-" "heeey, you do not babysit us" he interrupted but your facial expression was enough to make him sigh and agree. "Are you gonna tell him?" "fuck no" you laughed.
"Reki what if we-" "I have an idea!" he shouted and dropped his board skating to the music waving for Denki to follow. "What is it!" he shouted weaving through the other skaters and 2 boys on scooters zooming past them screaming. You were chatting politely with another person on the wall who was also babysitting their friends on the scooters. "guys I found another Enby parental figure!" you cheered hi-fiving the person sitting above you who politely waved at your friends then shouted at the boys on scooters for getting in others way's. (lol not an author self insert...)
"(Y/n) we really want you to try skating!" Reki begged, laying his scraped board on your lap and you face palmed. "I know you do. And look if i'm being truthful I would LOVE to learn to skate, but i'm just not built for it!" you argue and Reki grinned jumping onto the wall in a squat and whispered "you get to hold Denki's hands." he sat back and you gulped looking at the oblivious blonde sparking excitedly about the idea of you skating beside him- no, skating just the idea of you skating.
"I don't have the right shoes..." you mumble and Denki crouches to look at the size on the bottom of your chunky heels. "Hey we have the same shoe size!" he shouts enthusiastically and slips off his vans without untying the laces propping them on the wall. "Hold on. You're going to wear my heels just so I can skate?" you hesitantly unbuckle the heels and he nods giving you a spare pair of socks from his bag that he wasn't sure why he kept around. "It just means we're both experiencing challenges right?" Reki sat on the side with your highlighter orange bag excited to watch the bonding experience and your progress.
"Okay but promise me I wont die" you lift yourself off of the wall and nervously follow Denki who was stumbling slightly in your heels, to a quiter, flatter part of the park. "I promise you won't die" he held out his pinky and you wrapped yours around it sealing the promise. "Dude i'm scared to even get on the board nevermind like actually move on it!" you shout jumping up and down shaking your hands nervously. He stood next to you and his arm grazed your making your heart race and your temperature shot up. "It's okay, look I'll hold your hand" he said gently wrapping his hand around yours.
You sucked in a breath and all the air was robbed from your lungs at the same time. His hands were hot and sweaty, constantly pumping out electricity that sparked your hands and made your fingers twitch. "You're shocking me" you admit and he tut's at himself "I know, sorry I can't help it" he gripes and you nod not willing to give him grief for somethinghe couldn’t control.
You lift a foot hovering it over the board and then put it back down on the concrete. "I'm NERVOUSSS!" you shout, unable to detract from the feeling of his hands on yours and you look back at Reki who was watching with giant, hope filled eye's. "I know, everyone is nervous when they first start though" he says and you can almost see the smile he has on his face. Was it supposed to be this hard to get on? You weren't a huge part of Denki's life when he started to skate but you remember Reki taking months and months just to work through the basics, he was constantly disappointed and annoyed until he achieved the trick he was going for, and being quirkless it wasn't like anyone wanted to help him.
"Where am i supposed to put my feet" you ask quietly, feeling embarrassed about something so simple but Denki never thought anything you said was stupid or silly. "Put your left foot at the front on the 4 screws. And your back foot on the back screws" he said, patting the gritty board and held your hands while you nervously lifted your foot. "Okay okay okay" you hyped yourself up internally and squeezed his hands closing your eyes tightly while you put the ball of your front foot on the board.
It wobbled slightly and you gasped but Denki assured you it was fine and you quickly pulled your other foot on the board. "Am I on?" you asked, feeling taller than you were 2 minutes ago. "Look for yourself" Denki said cheerily and you fluttered your eyes open "oh my GOD I'M ON THE BOARD" you cried happily and he grinned from ear to ear admiring the happiness etched on your face. "Do you want me to let go" "NO"
After a good 15 minutes you felt you had a good basis of getting on and off the board, pushing, and turning your foot but you weren't great at stopping yet so you had a few tumbles but of course, Denki, your noght in shining armour was there to help you up on your feet again. "Thank you Denki" you sighed, rubbing your sore shoulder from falling on your side. "Hey you're getting a lot better!" he said happily and you decided to take a break together sitting on the opposite sides of Reki.
"Sooooo... feel any closer?" he asked, nudging your sides and he nodded "yeah their doing a lot better already" Denki smiled and you nodded getting at what Reki meant. "Yeah a lot closer" you smiled lightly and Reki grabbed his own board, dropping it and jumping on. "Well I'm gonna skate for a bit you two just enjoy your company!" he said dropping down a ramp and disappearing in the bowl.
"Thank you for teaching me to skate" you grin, your arms are pushed together and you don't move wanting to be close to him. "Reki's so good at skating" you sigh dropping your head. "Hey you'll get there. It takes time" he assures you and wraps an arm around your shoulders smoothly. "And I would like to help you, um if you're okay with it, obviously, like i'd like to help you along the way" he stammered and you chuckled. "Yeah i'd like that" you smiled leaning against his chest.
Bonus content
From on top of a ramp Reki cheered excitedly, missing his board and falling down the curve scraping his face. "FUCK YEAH!" he shouted into the metal and he felt the clatter of his skateboard drop onto his back. "Fuuuck. (Y/n)!" he shouted. And you, with your keen senses, heard him from the ramp and came running. "I'M COMING!"
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Squeeze that bunny tail!
Part 3
Description: The RAD student council as well as the exchange students help out at a bar where, oops, the staff´s dress codes are those sweet bunny outfits that we all know and thirst for. The MCs, Violet and Clover, play a game of who can touch the most bunny tails over the evening without getting caught. Prepare for fluff, funny innuendos as well as my thirst over hot boys in bunny outfits.
Find the first parts on my masterlist.
Story continues under the cut. Enjoy the thirst!
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[The amazing artwork belongs to @tokamiart, permission to post was granted, don´t repost!]
Clover and Simeon were giving out drinks at the bar.
The girl was handing over all sorts of bottles, glasses and ice cubes if needed. Simeon then put it all together with such grace and beauty that Clover often found herself gazing at him, until the brunet would turn to her with a smile and ask her to let go of whatever she had been wanting to hand him.
At one point, without any customers walking up to the bar, Clover sat down for a quick break.
"Tired?" Simeon asked, having decided to clean the counter in the meantime.
Clover chuckled at the sight. "Oh, is this going to be the classic 'I tell the bartender of my problems' scenario?"
The angel blinked in confusion. "I am afraid I don't know what you are talking about... But I'm always there to lend you an ear, if that's what you're aiming at."
"I'm fine", she laughed. "I was only joking... I must admit, though, you really suit this job. I'm sorry if I'm misjudging you, but how come an angel is looking so perfectly fit for serving drinks?"
Simeon blessed her with a chuckle. "Thank you for the compliment. As for your question... You might be surprised, but angels do know how to have some fun, too."
"Oooh" Clover grinned. "So the whole turning-water-into-wine thing wasn't just a myth?!"
At that, Simeon only put his finger close to his lips in a "shhh" sound, giving her a secretive little wink before both broke out in soft giggles.
A little while later, their attention got caught up by a situation at the tables.
Luke was cleaning dirty dishes off of an emptied table, when a demon approached him.
A little flustered, they exchanged a few words before Luke gestured towards the public toilets.
"He's doing so well" Simeon hummed, leaning on the counter as he watched his angel friend with a proud smile. "It had been very difficult for him to adjust to life in the Devildom... But I'm glad to see he is finally finding his own pace of things."
Clover's head jumped back and forth between the two celestial creatures.
"It's because he has a great friend who's watching over him" she smiled.
"Huh? Oh, no, I don't want to take any credit for that. It's all thanks to Luke's own strength that he's able to go through this so well."
Suddenly, Luke hurried over to them, a full tray of dishes in his hands.
He looked SO disgusted.
"Waaah... What's wrong with those demons...!" He let the tray slip onto the counter. "Has nobody here learned how to properly behave in a restaurant?! The tables are sticky, the food is all over the cutlery, or even worse...!"
He held up a fork.
... Or better, what was left of it. Which was only the handle. The upper spikes got bitten off almost completely.
"Who eats a fork?!?!", Luke cried out. "That's... That's... Ridiculous!"
Clover gave an awkward laugh, she got over the point of wondering long ago.
"I am pretty sure I know who would..." she mumbled.
And truly, stepping out of the kitchen, the culprit looked at the fork with a guilty expression.
"... Don't tell Lucifer" Beelzebub mumbled as he came closer. "He'll get mad if he sees that parts of the cutlery are missing..."
"... 'parts'?!" Luke repeated in disbelief. "You mean this isn't the only one?!"
"... Those were accidents..." Beel whined, holding his grumbling belly.
He let himself plonk down on a chair next to Clover, then huddled over the counter in a pout.
"Ugh... And what am I supposed to do with that now...?" Luke said.
"Hm..." Simeon thought. "Clover, Beel, could you watch the bar for a moment? Luke, let's go bring the dishes to the kitchen... And that thing into the trash."
They excused themselves after Clover gave her okay and Beel gave some kind of grumble.
The girl´s head drifted over to look at the demon...
And her heart skipped a beat.
She checked the situation.
His tail? Exposed.
His thoughts? In some far away land about food.
The others? Gone.
The perfect chance for a squeeze? Right fucking NOW.
Clover swallowed the raising anxiety in her stomach.
She had lurked around the angels in hope of squeezing one of their tails, but now that they were gone, she had missed that chance...
The more she thought about it, the more did Clover feel like hyperventilating. It was such a stupid thing to fuss over, but sadly, her habit of over-contemplating would always stress her out in unnecessary situations.
After what felt like eternity of convincing herself, she moved her arm.
Beel almost immediately turned his head.
"... You look like you want to eat me." He said.
His grumpy face mustered her.
"But I will eat you before you could possibly eat me, so don't even try."
Clover's already red face curled in confusion.
"I didn't want to..." she mumbled.
"Why were you staring at me, then?"
"I-I... Was thinking about how to help you with your hunger..." she lied.
"... Oh. Sorry for accusing you of something else, then."
"N-no, it's fine..."
Before Clover could talk herself into more bullshit, Simeon came back, and the holy boy was there to save her from her own misery.
"Beel" he called out. "Luke and I will soon return home for a bit. I can bring you some sandwiches, so stay strong, okay?"
"Simeon...!" Beel cheered as his euphoria made him stand up and engulf Simeon in a hug. "You're a true angel...!"
Clover felt quite shitty afterwards.
Beel hugging Simeon was an adorable sight, but she hated herself for being such a coward.
After dodging another encounter with Solomon, she had pulled back to help Belphie at the casino area, trying to get her mind off of the competition for a little...
Alright. I hope you´re not bored yet, because the chaos hasn´t even properly started yet.
Also, nearing ourselves to half-time, now is a good opportunity to sum up a few events as well as the overall squish-score so far.
Violet was leading with a total of 12 points. Besides the mentioned scenarios, she had also encountered Mammon a second time, and she was lucky enough to find Luke having a life crisis over another eaten fork.
Heck, Violet even managed to squeeze Clover's tail once, and her friend hasn't noticed!
Clover, on the other side, has had a great start, but did rather poorly the later it got.
With five points, she only had another chance with Asmo, who, tbh, had been begging for someone to pay attention to his booty. (But to be clear, he did not notice the squish.)
Over time, she got desperate, but that only fueled Clover's fears of getting caught.
It nearly let her to internally quitting, if not for Violet to pull her back into the game once more...
Most of the crew was busy working when the clock struck midnight.
A nearby bell tower announced the change of day -- and with that, also the change of clothes.
The customers as well as the staff looked up when a certain voice echoed through the speakers.
"Good evening, my sweethearts~!" Asmodeus cheered, sitting on the bar counter and waving at the crowd. "Or should I say good night? Good morning? I hope you are having a good one, to say the least!"
He gained a small round of laughter.
"Yes, yes, a cheery mood is what we want! And now that we passed midnight... It's time for a special surprise!"
He stood up onto the counter, striking a nice pose while smirking widely.
"Those with weak minds -- and weak ovaries -- should brace themselves, cause things are about to get hot~!"
The crowd applauded and cheered. A group of thirsty (asmodeHoes) fans threw in some... naughty exclamations, but Asmo had already jumped onto the floor again, gathering the staff members around him.
Barbatos at his side, he was handing out another set of clothing. "Please get dressed quickly", the butler said.
And so they went off...
"I CAN'T go out like his."
"But... But Clover... You know what must be awaiting us outside..."
"ARGH... I'm not ready for that either..."
Clover was sitting on the floor again.
This time, their outfit consisted of a classic black playbunny suit, ears and tail still included of course, arm sleeves as well as a shirt's collar that was held together by a bow tie.
"Come onnn, I don't wanna go without you..." Violet protested.
"But HOW am I supposed to face those frickin´ snacks” Clover cried out. “I'm a fucking potato compared to them, also Violeeet, the moment I see any of them my mind will SIN and I won't ever be able to look into Simeon's eyes ever agai-"
They heard voices on the other side of the door.
"Woohooo, is that Lucifer?! Shirtless?!" They heard Asmo go. "And and, kyaaaa, Beel, those ABS!!"
The girls exchanged a glance.
Then dashed out of the womens' toilet once again.
Stumbling out of the room, however, there was no one to be spotted at all.
A little confused, the girls noticed too late how a cheeky Asmodeus had been hiding behind the door, pushing the latter shut to have a perfect view on his girls.
"Got you~!" he hummed, leading the girls to turn around.
He had a camera in his hands and seemed to be already filming.
"What a view~", he continued. "Could you do me a favour and turn around as well?"
"Asmo!!" Violet hissed, her cheeks gaining a pink blush out of angered embarrassment.
Not as much as Clover's face was heating up, though, as she prompted the demon to put his phone down.
"Not going to happen, sweetie~" he chuckled. "Devilgram will love those bashful expressions...!"
"WhAt?!" Violet covered her body immediately. "You WON'T upload this anywhere!"
"Uhmmm... That's kind of not possible, you know? This is a live broadcast."
Then, another person stepped out of the males' bathroom.
"What's all the noise about?"
Lucifer's annoyed voice echoed through the corridor.
When he stepped closer, however, his attention got caught up by the girls' appearance.
"Oh~?" he purred, inspecting the girls (but Violet in particular hehe) with a pleased smirk on his lips.
"L... Lu..." Violet's voice broke off.
She just... Died. Nothing more to say about this, really.
Because only now both, Violet and Clover, realised that not everything of Asmo's bait had been a lie...
The demons were actually shirtless, their chests bare as they were wearing only arm sleeves and, in Lucifer's case, a bow tie around his neck, while Asmo's neck was decorated with a ribbon. Rather tight-fitting black trousers and the bunny accessories completed the look that had left the girls speechless.
Lucifer's smirk grew wider.
"No, that's no good... I think I will have to speak to the manager. Those outfits are way too distracting... Isn't that so, Violet?"
"H-huh?!" The girl did a little hop.
Thankfully, Asmo jumped in to her aid.
"Fufu~! Lucifer, do you mean the girls are getting distracted by us, or is it that YOU are getting distracted, hm~?"
Lucifer crossed his arms in a contemplative manner.
"Well... I admit to a pleasant view when I see one, so..." He pinned Violet down with his eyes. "I guess I will have to be extra careful from now on... Then again, I might need a more detailed view, just to be sure..."
Asmo gave an excited giggle.
"Lucifer, you beast~!"
Then Asmo turned to Violet again.
"But judging from her red cheeks, I feel Violet might think the same... Isn't that so, darling~?"
"U-uhm...", Violet stammered, trying really hard to make her brain function again. "Well I... Think there's no point in denying that... Uhm..."
She glanced over at Lucifer, but every time she did, her head got dizzy all over again.
"Go on, please" Lucifer suddenly said. "There is no need to deny what, exactly?"
And her brain got stuck in an endless loop of not being able to cope.
Lucifer seemed to have plenty of fun with that, so he kept teasing her for the time being.
We do remember, however, that there was another still girl left to completely destroy.
And Asmo took it upon himself to achieve exactly that.
"Don't worry, Clover!" He said as he tackled the girl into a hug, simultaneously dragging her away from the two lovebirds. "You're just as charming, of course."
"Th-thanks..." Clover mumbled.
"Hm? You don't seem to believe me."
Clover pulled away, now only holding hands with him, giving a shrug. "You know what I think of my looks, Asmo..."
The avatar of Lust gave a sigh.
"There we go again... If you're so self-conscious… why don't we go ask for some opinions?"
And if the god of fateful anime encounters had planned it, the remaining demon brothers happened to have finished changing as well. The door to the men´s bathroom swung open…
"Oh!" Asmo smelled his chance. "Look, there comes our audien-"
He got cut off by the weird sound Clover made.
In a single movement, she had let out a squeal that a human throat should not be able to do, had completely destroyed Asmo's pretty hand by squeezing it in excitement, while in the end she was hiding behind Asmo, only peeking over his shoulder to glance at the mass of hotness coming out of the bathroom.
"Clover…?" Asmo sounded confused.
"Too much hotness", she mumbled into his shoulder. “I can´t-“
"Huh?" Asmo sounded genuinely confused for a second.
Then a smirk curled his face.
"What?!" he spoke extra loud, extra dramatically, so everyone could hear. "What did you say, Clover?! You think they're all sooo hot?!"
"A-asmo, be quiet...!" Clover mumbled.
But he continued.
"What? You love how much skin we are showing?!" he yelled.
"Whaaat?! You'd even pay them to strip down even more?! Clover, you wild animal!"
She punched the demon in embarrassment.
The next second, a certain scumbag stood beside them.
"DiD I hEaR 'P-p-p-PAy'?!" Mammon stuttered, literal cash-symbols in his eyes.
Asmo grinned at him, covering Clover's mouth so she couldn't protest.
"Our dear Clover here wants you to strip for her~"
Clover shook her blushy head.
"That's not trrngh..." she tried to press out between Asmo's fingers.
Mammon stared at her for a moment.
"… 10.000 Grimm."
Clover had freed herself again.
"... What?"
"15.000 and I'll do pole dance too."
The second born looked almost disappointed when Clover declined his offer.
But Asmo was already moving on with his mischiefs.
"What? Clover?? You want to do WHAT with Beel's abs?!?!"
"No you won't~" Asmo grinned, turning to give his brothers a view on Clover. "Guuuys, I need your help! I dare you to give this little lady a rating in this sweet costume of hers."
Most of them looked confused at first,
but, seeing one, her outfit, and two, how much she was unable to cope, a few were ready to assist in Asmo's tease.
"I'd need a full view to judge" Satan grinned.
"Yeah" Belphie agreed. "Could you turn around slowly, Clover? Maybe do some poses as well?"
Clover shot them some angry glares.
"... You could do that pose were you form ears with your hands…" Levi dared to add in a mumble.
"Hrrrgh...!" Clover was fighting her embarrassment. "All of you are awful... Beel over here is the only nice guy, honestly...!"
She glanced at him in a pout, hoping he'd defend her... Or at least say something as well...
"... So you're not going to pose for us?" Beel said in a pout.
Clover.exe stopped working.
"Fufu..." Asmo grinned. "See, my dear? Even Beel demands a show... Now come on, we're waiting~!"
You can probably guess that Clover wasn't going to get out of this situation anytime soon.
While this part of the group enjoyed this mess of a person, let's switch back to the other girl whose brain was doing about as poorly.
Lucifer had kept Violet by his side, making sure she wasn't going to help Clover in her dilemma… Or going elsewhere in general.
However, one certain jealous bean soon couldn't bear that Lucifer was hogging Violet all for himself.
"Oi, Lucifer, back off of Violet already!"
And Mammon pressed himself in between them. "She's one of my humans after all!"
Visible displease grew on Lucifer's face as he got cockblocked yet again.
"And what would give you the right to claim her for yourself?" The eldest grumbled.
Mammon crossed his arms.
"... Because I just said so."
Lucifer pressed out a sigh, to then simply push Mammon's body away again.
"LUCIF-", Mammon hissed. "STOOP...!"
"You are distracting us, Mammon."
"B-but... That´s not fair…” he shouted. “M-maybe I want Violet to notice me as well!!"
Lucifer stopped, while most of the surrounding people went silent.
Then Levi gave a laugh.
"Oh my god MAMMON, that was so desperate lolol, SO uncool!"
Belphie spared him a pityful laugh. "Are you really that desperate for some attention, you idiot?"
The avatar of Greed was gritting his teeth.
"Hnngh... Shut up, all of you...!"
The situation around them escalated a little, even more so as Diavolo and Barbatos joined in on the chaos, having changed clothes as well.
But Violet felt bad, especially since she wouldn´t have expected Mammon to act like this. So, in a silent second where everyone seemed busy in their personal chaos, she sneaked over to Mammon.
After -- of course, what did you expect -- quickly poking his bunny tail, Violet also gave his shoulder a tap.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
Mammon looked a little surprised, responding with a huff.
"...'s a wolf..."
"Lucifer's a wolf!" Mammon repeated, awfully loud and both feared that the eldest brother had heard him.
A bit more timid, Mammon continued as Violet could only look at him in confusion.
"... Ya can't just go hop around in such an alluring outfit when there're guys like Lucifer around. He could go full beast mode and, dunno, do some weird stuff to ya."
Violet suppressed the nasty thoughts approaching her brain, her heart beating drastically as she mumbled a faint "I see".
"Ya human should better stick to the great Mammon! I'd treat you nicely, y'know."
Violet raised her eyebrows in surprise.
"... 'Treat me' how, exactly?" She asked in an almost teasing manner. "What were you planning to do, Mammon?"
And it landed a critical hit.
"I-I-I-I mean tr-treat as i-in... I'd protect you from all those beasts around you!" he stammered, his cheeks a blushing mess. "Nothin´ weird, I swear!! Its just… There's plenty of those beasts! Actually, maybe you should go home. If all the customers see you like this... Argh... I have to tell Clover, too...!”
He turned his head to search for the other girl, only to realise the group was about to return to their work. "Ahh... Oh no, she´s already been caught..." Mammon pressed out.
"Mammon" Violet called out again and treated him with a smile. "I assume you´re saying this because you´re worried about us, right? Thank you for that, you´re really a good friend. We're having a shift together later, right? So, until later, okay?"
He seemed confused again, but nodded in the end.
"Ugh... Fine... Just stay safe, ´kay? Promise!"
"I promise" she laughed, then Mammon finally seemed to have calmed down.
At least he was fine enough to turn around and go bother Levi with something.
Violet was watching them in amusement, then felt a presence behind her.
"Turning your eyes off of me already?" A deep voice purred almost right into her ear.
Ah, yes, there it was again, the drastic heart rate.
"Lucifer..." Violet turned around at the mellow voice. "I just wanted to tease Mammon a little. He seemed a little down."
"Sure, suit yourself..." Lucifer mumbled casually. "But I seem to be a little down as well... To think you'd end our conversation so quickly..."
Violet exploded into a puzzled blush.
"N-no... That's not... I ... You..."
Lucifer was pinning her down with his gaze, waiting for a coherent reaction. “Then how abou we pick up where we left? I think there´s something you wanted to tell me…”
"Y-you look... A-... Amazing..." she stammered.
"Hm? Could you say that again? Your voice appears to be awfully thin."
She breathed a heavily stressed breath. So Lucifer continued.
"Pardon me? Violet, you appear to be overheating. How come? I would assume your clothing is revealing enough skin to make that impossible..."
Aaand Violet's brain shut down as well.
"Should I help you?" he hummed, stepping even closer. "In comparison to you, I seem to maintain a way cooler head than you do..."
And, being the most flustered he has ever been, Lucifer continued to tease the shit out of Violet for as long as he felt the need to...
The group was about to dissolve and (finally) head back to work.
The girls, however, had stayed back for a strategy meeting.
"This is bad", Clover blabbered as she was trying to calm down. "I couldn't get up to them with shirts on, how am I supposed to even TALK to any of them when they're in maximum sexy mode?! And it's not only maximum hotness, but did all of them collectively agree to unlock their secret teasing-modes, too?!"
Violet gave a blushing shrug. "... Are you complaining, though?"
"Hnngh... No... But I'm so short on points... If I don't start playing risky, I'll loose..."
Violet smirked at that.
"Yeah" she agreed. "That's a good idea. Look, Solomon's over there all alone, why don't y-"
"Nope” lover interrupted her immediately. “Not going to happen. Nope. I'd rather go up to the demon prince himself. I'd rather get killed by Barbatos TBH."
"Oh, you would get killed..." Violet shivered, thinking back of what happened in the store room earlier.
"Don't care" Clover persisted. "Like, come, demon lord, if I was to touch Solomon's tail today, you may kill me right this instant...!"
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sainadazai · 3 years
When your crush is angry all the time
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I wanna be an intern too, you ragedy ann looking ass hoe 😠
Y/n pov
All goes well when you are ignorant is what my dear best friend would say to me now, as I sit in the very back of the class unfocused on how our teacher is introducing an activity I have no chance of participating in. All I knew was that when Mr. Aizawa walked up to the board and wrote names of people getting offers, I wasn't one of them. Not that I expected to be, considering I wasn't in the sports festival, let alone the school at all back then. 
However, I did notice a small inconsistency in the order of the most offers. I was pretty sure that boom boom had gotten first place in the festival, him being there is what convinced me to transfer, but his name was actually second on the board. 
Todoroki had taken the place of first as far as offers were concerned. Todoroki the nice boy who I used to meet when I snuck away from my fucking prison cell. Call me privileged for complaining about living in a mansion All my life, but I much prefer being here. With common folk. They ground me. 
I peeked up from my phone at the red and white head of hair in front of me, he didn't seem all that fazed. Although maybe it was just the lack of seeing his face that made me believe he couldn't care less about all but one of those offers. Still, his business is his, and my business is the new Ao3 update on my favorite chrollo lucilfer fanfiction. What a babe. 
I decided that the class as of right now would be of no importance to me, considering I will have no offers, and bakugou-the reason I came here- hates me like I'm a piece of gum stuck under his shoe.  Through that conclusion I allowed myself to dissolve into the world of hxh and forget about how boring this world is. 
Could my power beat Killua or go in a fight? I mean, it doesn't enhance my strength like they did trying to get into Killua's house so physically they must be stronger. 
"Y/n! Is there something you would like to share with the class?"
Mr.Aizawas voice seemed almost shot at me as my gaze rose from my phone in my lap to meet him at the front of the room. He looked displeased to say the least. Well good for him, im displeased too, I might not be able to beat a fucking twelve year old in combat. 
"You were grumbling, what's so important you had to tell us, hm?"
I thought it through for a second- just kidding, I never think anything through. 
"Oh, well I wasn't sure if I could beat Gon in a fight, but I'm not coming to the realization that if Chrollo is my boyfriend, I shouldn't have to fight anyone at all. I can just be a pretty face in the backgrounds and then after he wins for me i'll suck his-"
"Enough, y/n." Mr.Aizawa no longer held a tired looking face, his eyes were wide and an uncomfortable cringed was set on his face. As I peered at the rest of the class many also had shocked eyes, but unlike our teacher, held faint blushes. 
Minus midoriya, his face was completely red and his eyes void of life. I must've killed him, huh. 
In an attempt to regain some dignity, I tried to correct myself.
"I would....not suck his-?"
"Don't even say it, shitty princess !"
"Woah bakugou, you spoke to me on purpose!?"
"Shut up!"
"Hey, how come you call me princess, you like me or something?"
He growled at that, neither of us paying mind to the fact that everyone in the class was either dead from nosebleeds or extremely uncomfortable and staring at us.  
"Its cuz you act fucking entitled like a princess"
"I'll be your pillow princes-"
"Enough!" A robotic-like hand sliced the air in front of me. The voice sounded firm, almost more teacher-like than our teacher's voice. I followed my gaze up the hand, not failing to notice how as I drew up the guy's arm his muscles only seemed to get bigger and bigger and- iida? 
"Oh class rep-"
"Y/n this vulgar language and border-line harassment needs to cease immediately. I will not tolerante overtly sexual language and acts in this class-"
As he was speaking I noticed something ironic about the situation. If everyone here didn't like sexual jokes or banter, how were they so flustered at comments that objectively should be unknown to them. 
"How did you know what I meant, iida?" I rasped in a low sultry voice, allowing my fingers to dance up his arm starting at the wrist in front of my face. 
I heard a few chuckles from, who I would say are the only two people enjoying this situation: kaminari and...stinky mineta. Iida's face grew more red than previously and the arms in front of me began shaking. 
"Mr.Aizawa it seems I've disarmed the robot. Is there a restart button or something?" I question with a serious face using the search as an excuse to wonder my eyes all over his body. Perverted? Yes. Rightfully attracted to this giant hunk of a nerd. Yes ×10. 
"No, there is not." Todoroki, who was in front of me, finally turned around to address me. I guess he was unfazed by my words. Looks like someone here can be cool. Whether he is okay because he is more comfortable with sexual jokes, or because he has yet to pick up on them, its nice that somebody in here can still function. Otherwise, I'd feel like a nuisance. 
"Y/n I'm not really sure how to- let's just say to have detention with your m- midnight. Detention. Yeah." Aizawa publicly convinced himself of my punishment? 
"Now, back to this, even if you didn't get any offers ALL of you will have an internship" 
And so went on the class, kids chose their hero names, not me though. I wasn't even sure I wanted to be a hero at all, this was just a little less boring and sad than the way I lived before. This school had people who laughed in joy, not just to mask the pain. That was the real benefit, not being a hero, or being strong. Likely no one here realized that there were many places where none of this joy was possible. 
Some of the kids in class gave me suggestions for a hero name, but I didn't like them anyway. They lacked personality, and while I have many adjectives to describe my personality, my life, none of them are all that heroic. 
"Dark element"
"Girl who will die if her quirk doesnt like its environment" 
See, I'm not the best at this. Even bakugan names had some sense to it...well no. I'd say we're about the same, but still. Ugh. 
Bakugou pov 😠
She came up with no hero names. Fucking entitled brat. Everyone at this lunch table seems to have no problem with the fact that she is here, just happy to have another pair of tits to stare at like perverts. Their gross. I bet she doesn't even want to be a hero, she sure as hell doesn't act like it. We don't even know what her whole quirk is. Ive seen her do that plant shit a couple times, fucking with flowers or whatever. Still, there's more to it. Something we don't know, at least. Cuz in the middle of class she gets up and whispers to Aizawa and he just lets her go. Where the fuck does she go? 
Interrupts class, got into the school because her moms a teacher, won't use her quirk. What a nuisance, I can't believe she is not expelled yet. Plus those bullshit sex jokes are so shitty. She is obviously faking something when she does them. Not like midnight, who always at least seems like she means that gross shit. 
"Hey, who did you guys choose for your internship? I haven't chosen yet."
"The number three hero guy," I spoke, knowing I'm the only person here who already chose. 
"Really? Best jeanist! That's so cool, but are you sure that for you bakugou?" Shitty hair raised a shitty brow at me. 
"What the hell is that supposed to mean!?"
"Just that he seems pretty...uptight..for you?" Dunceface added, but he spoke like it was a question. Of course he is the hero for me, he is the highest ranting hero on my list. If I wanna be number one, I gotta train with the best. 
If I go to his agency I'm sure there will be a lot more action, since he is so high ranking. Then i'll get some real experience kicking villain ass, well, other than the USJ. 
"Of course he is the right option!"
Shit. It's her voice. I honestly should applaud her for using it less often around me but, how can one small girl be so goddamn annoying. I don't even know what she has to say and I already wish she would just put a sock in it. How can someone so entitled like her, probably never had to lift a finger, walk  over here and talk like she has something to say. 
"You're working with the best jeanist! So cool, one time he saved me from a group of rapist guys, it was awesome with all these strings everywhere and I could only see half of his face. Oh and he had goofy hair too!"
Oh. I didn't really know how to respond to the girl who looked so excited about almost being violated. Another thing wrong with her? I looked back at the other people at the table to see if they knew how to respond to something like that. 
Dunceface was frozen, tape arms were frozen, shitty hair was frozen, and alíen eyes were looking like a lost puppy and trying not to cry. 
It didnt seem like the shutty princess was exactly understanding how what she just yelled was making things weird. She just stood there expectantly. She kinda looked like she thought being raped was something that must happen to everyone. Did she think that? Wouldn't put it past her weird ass. 
"Uhm...anyways, i'm sure you'll do awesome, he likes to put boys in tight jeans. Wish I could intern too, I'd love to see that boom boom~" she winked. 
A perverted joke...and then she had the audacity to wink at me. 
"You wish you could see me in tight jeans, shitty extra!"
"I know...thats what a I just said." She dead panned, blinking a couple times at me. 
"Tch, screw you!"
"I would-" 
"Can it, i don't wanna hear your shitty voice anymore"
The girl stopped herself after my words, pushing all her hair behind her head, except for the two blond stands in the front. 
(You don't have to acknowledge these if you don't want, but I made it so that they change color depending on what element your using and I thought it was hot*if you have short hair, then you just got a lil nishinoya type thing 🥰)
Lifted her obnoxious hands that moved around while she talked and made a zipper-like motion over her lips. Then she just stood there looking at me. I really wanted to just let her stand there and go back to eating. Ignore her completely and let her hope fizzle out and die or something like that. 
Yet here I am, still looking at her. Silently. Wishing she made a stupid joke so that I could stop flickering between those images I'd seen of her dancing. How even though ballet is a princess fucking dance, the pictures felt nice. Like if I was watching it live I would probably be unable to criticize it. That pissed me off, because I want to hate everything about her, but I can't hate those photos. Where she looks like she is flying, without any need for a quirk.
I see her in that weird gown, and now, in the UA uniform. I see her looking respectable, formal, and serious. Then I see her stupid little smirk as she takes pride in being able to shut up for more than a minute. 
"Why are you still standing there?"
Instead of answering, she took her hand up again, made a pinch with her fingers and unzipped her mouth. 
"I was enjoying the look in your eyes."she smiled. 
The look in my eyes? Could she tell I was seeing two different people? What the hell does that even mean? Even said it without that shitty flirt voice. Like she meant it. 
"You tryna make fun of me?"I stood up from the table to get in her face.
"Not right now, maybe later, I gotta do something." She smiled sincerely at me, for a second as she walked away, I forgot about how this conversation started. What a wierd fucking girl. I'll never respect her as a hero. Tch. (Yes, its canon he tchs even in his thoughts) 
3rd person POV 
Y/n briskly walked out of the cafeteria with a new goal in mind. She would come to remember how maybe being oblivious was a benefit in some ways, but for now, she had a clear plan .
"Mr.Aizawa, let me do an internship."
"You weren't in the festival, I can't just hand you to a hero who has no idea what you can do, y/n."
"Well, you know what I can do, right?"
"No. I'm not doing internships. Stop asking."
"That's not what I meant! You can just tell them, or I could, it's not that hard to explain. Just say i'm all- powerful or some play on words like 'she's got all the right elements' hehe, see how i mimicked your voice there?" Y/n grinned like a child. She was proud of herself. 
"No. Still not happening."
"I wanna be an intern too, you raggedy ann looking ass hoe" 
"Y/n, it doesn't make sense, insulting me to get what you want?"
"Maybe it doesn't, but I bet you feel real insecure about your hair right now."
"You already have detention, what more do you want!"
"An internship, I wanna do one with kamui Woods, I have a good reason, too. As far as my quirk control, i'm the weakest with earth, the aspect that allows me to grow and manipulate plants and stuff. That's why I've only been using that part of it all month. Im trying to get her up to speed so I can start using all four at once. He is like a tres guy, right? He manipulates earth all day long. He could teach me a lot, and that aspect of my quirk would suit his well. Please!?!?!?"
If the girl had just asked again in a normal way, his answer would have been the same. However Aizawa was taken aback to hear how much thought she put into this. From the stories of the teachers lounge, he came to understand her big life goal, was to rely fully on a rich man or woman, and do nothing at all forever. Just to try and forget about the terrible life she was destined to have because of that quirk.
This side of her was something he could not even her mother had seen, and it prompted him to speak those words she wanted to hear so badly.
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
These Violent Delights Ch. 4
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The Black Card
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x OC
Word Count: 2.4K
Warnings: Talk of murder, that’s pretty much it in this one. The next few chapters will have more warnings. 
Author’s Note: Smaller chapter than the last two, but it’s definitely needed to help progress the storyline. I do hope you guys enjoy this one!
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
<< Chapter 3 || Series Masterlist || Chapter 5 >>
Elijah quickly walked into the conference room. "What do we have?" He asked as he looked over at the other officers in the room. 
He had gotten a call moments ago that he was needed down at the station asap. Without hesitating, he was there at the station in record time. All he knew was the information coming in was about Damon Salvatore. 
"We got word that Damon will be making a few calls today." One officer said, looking over at Elijah. "No doubt calling Rosa to confirm that she got the black card. "
"We've got a direct line to overhear the conversation, courtesy of Rebekah." Another officer added before handing Elijah a case file.
Elijah's eyes scanned the file. The only thing that was considered noteworthy was that Damon had already called Elena minutes before he arrived.  Closing the file, he tossed it on the nearest desk. 
"Alright, all ears in this room need to be open." He said as he addressed the room. "Whatever piece of information you think might be of use, write it down. If Damon is making this call to Rosa I want to know where she is in this city.  If I catch anyone that so much as yawns during this call, you'll have me to deal with."
A throat cleared, getting Elijah's attention. "Sir, he just made the call."
"Bring it up." Elijah said with a nod. 
The officer connected the call to the speakers in the room. The ringing played through the speakers, and it seemed as if everyone held their breath for a second. A moment later, the call connected. A distorted voice answered. 
"Are you fucking nuts, Damon?" The distorted voice asked, earning a chuckle from Damon. 
 "I take it you've picked up the kitten." His voice clear over the line. 
"Obviously. You know I don't mix business with personal affairs." The voice said, causing Elijah's eyebrow to rise.  "This is definitely crossing my line of mixing the two."
"Take note of that." Elijah said as he snapped his fingers, wanting someone to take down that as a note. If Rosa didn't entangle herself in personal affairs, there might not be a hit after all. At least Elijah was hopeful about that thought. "Rosa isn't happy with who is on the hit list." he noted. "She might actually have a heart."
"Come on, Rosa." Damon said, not missing a beat. "You know this type of kitten a lot more than anyone else. You can train it in your favor until you get it to Elena."
"You're missing the point-"
"I get the point, Rosa. I get how attached you used to be. But things changed from the last time we were all in the sandbox and I need this done."
That was enough for everyone in the room to know Rosa had known her target intimately. This hit wasn't just some random person that Damon needed to be handled. It was someone who they both knew. 
"Run a list of known associates to Damon." Elijah said, looking over at an officer. "Go far as back as you can. Including classmates. There's a connection in there somewhere."
"Don't expect me to do the works on this. I'm changing it to a drop and run."
The chuckle that came through the line from Damon was dark. "Just think of all the fun you'll have beforehand. You might hate dropping it off later but at least you'll enjoy it while you can. While dropping and running would be easier, you know you've been waiting a while for this."
"Fuck off, Damon."
"Has anyone ever found out what 'the works' meant?" Rebekah asked as she entered the room. 
"Still working on that." Elijah mumbled as he listened to the next part of the call.
"It seems I've struck a nerve."
"No shit. I've got half a mind to back out of this and return it to sender."
"But no one does it as good as you do. Come on, Rosa. You promised if I called, you'd answer. Plus it'd be a shame if I had to have a talk with V about this."
"I dare you Salvatore. It'd be an eye for an eye and there's only one of them that's currently a sitting duck. While a personal visit would be fun, I have friends in low places that would be willing to help a girl out."
"There it is." Elijah said with a small smirk. "Our list can be narrowed by anyone with a name starting with a V or even their nickname. That's where our ticket to Rosa will be."
"As much as Rosa has been a pain in my side since taking this position, I do enjoy her threats against the Salvatores." Rebekah said with a smirk pulling at her lips. "We'll need a list of anyone who has access to both Salvatore brothers."
Damon sighed. "Look, I want this taken care of, and you're the best I've got. It's a bad one to you, and I get that. But name your price, and I'd gladly pay it if you don't walk away from it. We don't need anyone else being involved."
There was a brief pause in the conversation. It was as if Rosa was debating on whether or not she wanted to do this. Both Elijah and Rebekah held their breath. They hoped it would be easier for them all if Rosa just opted out. 
"Triple the payment, upfront." The voice said a moment later. "And I'm cleared from your database."
"That is one hell of a payout." Elijah noted as he looked towards his sister. 
Rebekah nodded her head in agreement. "He's got enough to do just that."
"I'm serious, D. After this, I'm out. Our contract will be over and I expect you to find someone else."
"Deal. We won't discuss business at the dinner table anymore." 
Without another word from Rosa, the line went dead. 
A thought crossed Rebekah's mind as the call came to an end. "That payout is so she can completely disappear after she makes the hit."
"Looks like we'll just have to catch her before she does." Elijah said with a small smirk pulling at his lips.
Adriana threw the phone across the room the moment she ended the call. She wanted nothing more than to strangle Damon for this black card. Damon knew all of her reasoning for why Adriana never wanted to mix business with personal dealings. And yet here she was. 
After seeing Elijah's name at the bottom of the tablet's screen, Adriana couldn't get herself to go to dinner. She couldn't face the girls knowing that Elijah was her intended target. She couldn't sit there and pretend that everything would be okay. That she wasn't having an internal panic attack because she was supposed to kill the only positive best friend she had. 
She hadn't even bothered to look at the complete file. The initial shock of it all forced her to shut down the tablet and put it away until now. She couldn't bring herself to look at any of the details just yet. Her heart wasn't ready for it. 
It wasn't ready to find the traces of her past inside of it. Or learn the new things Elijah had gone through while she was gone. But this was a part of the job that she usually would breeze through. And with every passing second, it was a reminder that she was about to cross a line. 
Part of her believed that she would already know a lot of the information contained in it. Even though it had been years since she last spent more than a few hours with Elijah, she still knew a lot of the details of their past.  And that alone is what made her the right person for the job, just as Damon mentioned. 
What she wasn't ready for at all were the plans Damon had forced on her. "The works" was a term that she and Damon used when Damon wanted Adriana to weasel her way into the target's life. Once she was in and they were least expecting, Adriana would make her kill. 
But this was Elijah Mikaelson. The very guy that she had known for the majority of her life. He was the one that could easily tell when there was something wrong with her. And now, she was going to have to put on a brave face if she went through with this. 
Now it was a matter if she could do it or not. She may have demanded triple the payment, but she didn't believe Damon would give it to her. But when Damon wanted something, he usually got it. What made it worse was Adriana never failed at her assignments. It's what made her the best on the market. 
Elijah Mikaelson was going to either break her streak or make it so she could disappear from her life as Rosa. Adriana just didn't know which one she wanted to go with yet. She knew from the moment she left home that her life as Adriana Vega was a distant memory. Her life as Rosa was about to end if she completed this job.  But it was the ghost of her past that was about to make or break everything. 
"What happened at Dinner last night?" Bonnie asked as she handed Adriana a cup of coffee. 
Taking the cup, Adriana led her down the street. "I took a look at the travel arrangements after I left the bar last night." 
"And?" Bonnie asked as she walked right beside her. She brought the cup up to her lips, taking a drink. 
"I couldn't face the three of you after I found out who it was." She admitted. "This was never a life you were a part of-"
"That's bullshit." Bonnie said, cutting her off. "While we may not have known the life you were in, we were still a part of the same crowd."
Adriana's tongue clicked against the roof of her mouth. "Same crowd or not, I am stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to this hit. Damon crossed a line with this." Her words had barely been above a whisper. 
Bonnie sighed. "How close is this person?" 
"We were all in the sandbox together." Adriana said with a nod. "But I can't give you more than that." She shook her head. 
Bonnie nodded her head in understanding. "You obviously care for this person. I know this is going to be hard for you to take care of."
"Taking care of it is the easy part. It's getting my emotions in check that will be the hardest." Adriana's voice was emotionless as she spoke about it. 
"What happens if you don't go through with this?" Bonnie asked curiously. She probably shouldn't have asked, but she couldn't help it with how Adriana was looking at the moment. 
Adriana thought about her answer. All she could think about was Greta's voice in her mind at that moment. 
"You are not to fail." Greta said as she circled Adriana. 
Adriana stood tall as Greta took her steps around her. After all the training Greta had put her through, Adriana was the perfect killing machine. Everything Greta knew, she taught Adriana, and she made it better. 
"And if I fail?" Adriana asked the moment Greta was back in front of her. 
The woman took a few steps towards her until she was right in her face. "You may as well as turn that pistol on you before the buyer finds out. It's never pretty, Rosa. Cause once they get a hold of you, you're gonna wish you had done it yourself."
Sighing, Adriana brought the cup up to her lips and took a drink of the hot liquid. "It's either them or me. And I kind of like having the air in my lungs."
"Damon wouldn't-" Bonnie began, but Adriana stopped her. 
"This is a business." Adriana stopped in her tracks and looked over at Bonnie. "I knew what I was getting myself into the moment I left. Salvatore is no different from his father, and I've seen what is done to those who go against Damon's orders."
Adriana didn't miss the way Bonnie's eyes widened at her words. As much as Bonnie had been learning from Elena and Caroline, they were blind to what went on behind closed doors.  It is evident to Adriana that this wasn't the world Bonnie belonged in. 
"Are you going to go through with it?" Bonnie asked a moment later. 
Adriana shrugged. "We'll see how deep down the rabbit hole I go tonight."
Marcel's eyes scanned the list of connections to Damon Salvatore that started with a V. The list still held a decent amount of people on it. Most of them had a record. While a part of the list was still locked away and a few others were six feet under, two names were sticking out to him the most. 
Shaking his head slightly, he sighed. The names were going to make things harder. Getting up from his seat and grabbing the paper, he headed over towards Rebekah and Elijah, who had been talking away about the case. 
"You guys might want to see this." He said as he approached them and held out the paper. 
Rebekah took the paper, and her eyes scanned the list. "Is this the known associates of Salvatore?"
"Yes." Marcel said with a nod. "Going back as far as the sandbox."
It was as her eyes landed on the same names Marcel had taken notice of that they widened. "That doesn't mean anything." 
Elijah took the list away from his sister as she spoke. He went through the list quickly, trying to figure out what they had been talking about. His heart dropped at the names. 
"We knew this." He said, shaking his head.  "Vega and Salvatore were always tied together."
"You heard Rosa, though." Marcel said, looking at Elijah. "Only one of them was a sitting duck."
"It might be time to go speak with them and see what they know." Rebekah said, placing her hand on her brother's shoulder. "Victor is the only one who is still out in the open, and he might just be the connection to Rosa we need."
Elijah sighed. "Adriana isn't going to like this."
“The Mikaelsons to come and question a Vega isn’t going to sit well with either of them.” Marcel added. 
“It might be better to give her a call as a heads up.” Rebekah said as she turned to grab her things.
Marcel grimaced. “She’ll still give us hell.”
Elijah shook his head. “Better to have before than after we get there.” He pulled his phone out and dialed her number. 
The phone rang a few times before Adriana answered. 
“Adri, I hate to be the barer of bad news, but we are going to be heading over to speak with your father.” Elijah said as watched Marcel grab his things. 
“Is there a reason, Mikaelson?” Elijah hadn’t missed the venom in her words. 
“We believe he may be able to help us out in a case.” He wanted to give her as much information as possible without actually discussing the case. 
“What case? The same one you questioned Caroline for?”
“Yes.” He said with a nod, even though she couldn’t see it. “Just a couple questions. If you’d like someone to be there, we’ll wait.”
“If my father leaves in cuffs from the house after you are done asking your questions, you won’t like what comes next.”
A small smirk pulled at Elijah’s lips. “Is that a threat, Adri?”
Adriana’s chuckle came through the line before she hung up.
Always & Forever Tag:
@taylordrunkonwhiskey​ @thewolf-and-thesheep​ @wayward-dan​ @neeadinghugs​ @kenmen02​ @elizamonet​ @dora-the-grownup​ @mschellehitt​ @xanderling​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @buckysarm4​ @hi-my-name-is-riley​ @helenasingers​ @alka16555​
These Violent Delights:
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Stag Tag:  
@elejah-wonderland​  @xxsovereignsarayaxx​ @asiaaisa77​ @astudyoftimeywimeystuff​
The Originals Tag:
@zillahvathek​ @obsessedwithvampires​ @alien-sida
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I was afraid sth like that might happen bc tumblr kinda always finds a way to fuck up. But thank you so much!! I really appreciate it ♥ My request was a college AU scenario where Iwaizumi has some lectures with the chubby!reader and she has a huge crush on him, but doesn't approach him bc she's too shy & thinks he won't like her anyway bc of her appearance. But they start talking and eat lunch together at some point, and they soon become friends and he asks her on a date and they kiss maybe ?
I couldn’t agree with you more, love haha It tends to eat up a ton of requests :( Even for me for other blogs!! At least we caught it though! :D This was a super cute idea… so I hope you like how I wrote it out! Thanks for requesting! - Admin Satori
Iwaizumi Hajime:
It started with a brief glance - you’d been studying in the library, cracking your head open for the chemistry equations to fit in there properly for your upcoming test. Helium and Hydrogen molecules blending together, you’d looked away to give yourself a chance to relax and not pop out of their sockets from the stress building behind them. An oncoming headache, you knew, but what was more important to you? Your grades or health?
Considering how many headaches you got in the average week, you promised yourself you’d take some time to heal. Evaluate your mental wounds before getting back out there for that well deserved ‘A’.
For now, you stared off at the front doors of the library… Again, you hadn’t meant to catch his eye when he walked in, backpack slung over his shoulder, dark green eyes showing you nothing much past his clear exhaustion.
A single glance, nothing more than a locking of eyes for less than a second.
Yet, there you were… blushing as if he’d just given you the corniest pickup line.
Then he was turning and walking to the coffee shop in the corner of the library, his backpack sliding just the slightest down his shoulder as the smell of the hot bean water infiltrated his still half asleep mind.
You hadn’t seen him walk away. You’d buried your face in your hands, trying to look like you were tired or rubbing your eyes, but internally you felt as if you were on fire. He’d looked at you. He’d locked eyes with you! That beautiful, gorgeously built young man had stared into your eyes and you into his foresty green ones.
This is absolutely ridiculous, you knew, to be so hung up about a single, meaningless glance he’d thrown your way. But how could you not react the way you were? Iwaizumi Hajime was the leading champ in almost all the sports your University provided, and he was a top student! He was practically a celebrity on campus! Of course you’d be honored to be at the receiving end of his gaze.
But now wasn’t the time to fall into another drooling episode. Checking your phone, you hopped out of your singular cubicle seat and grabbed your school work. Your ‘philosophy’ class started in less than five minutes and you were not about to be late. Again.
The next instance of being blessed with his gaze, and this time his actual presence, was that next day. Biology class, required for all students regardless of majors, but ultimately not doing anything for what your dream job would have you be doing. Or at least, the lowest level of bio you might need… You weren’t sure yet. Choosing majors was hard.
You’d been dozing as the professor took their time getting their study lessons in order, making sure their presentation would work properly come action time. You’d crossed your arms in front of you, and as each minute passed you realized you were lowering your head in exhaustion. Who required students to attend class at 6AM? Why? You weren’t even human at 6AM - just some amalgamation of exhaustion, red bull, coffee, and irritation.
You were not a morning person.
“Is this seat taken?” You were waving off the question of the asker - not really in the mind to be kind this morning; You were tired. “Are you sure that… combination is healthy?”
“Look, guy, if I wanted health tips, I would have paid to be in a health cla-“
But the rest of your quip died on your tongue as you went to glare at whoever decided 6AM was a good time to start judging and asking questions.
Because there he was. Wide awake, a little red from what you assumed was his morning practice, but an amused smile pulling the corner of his lips as he saw you flush with embarrassment. ‘Cute’ he couldn’t help but think as you ducked your head with an awkward cough.
You didn’t look at him for long, quickly blinking to break the trance he had you in before you were looking down at your class materials - the lights of the classroom being dimmed just the slightest so the professor could start their presentation for the day.
Bad idea.
With the lights dimmed, there was an electric current running between you and the actual adonis sitting next to you. Every time he inhaled, your stomach clenched - every time you went to take a note, he shifted in his seat. Yin and Yang - though equal in reaction, different in action. Together moving in sync. You’d glance at him when you didn’t think he was looking, enjoying the view he so graciously offered - and he would blatantly stare when you’d turn your head down to focus on your notes.
Needless to say, you were hyperaware the rest of that morning.
He took it upon himself to seek you out the next time you two met. He felt he hadn’t been fully awake enough to enjoy your embarrassed reaction that morning in the library, but regardless of that fact he felt as if he owed you some kind of apology for being rude during class. Who was he to decide if your routine was unhealthy? Sure, he was currently ‘paying for a health class’, as you’d grumbled that morning, and yeah, he did know first hand what red bull did to peoples hearts… But who was he to judge?
Books scattered around your small corner table in the cafe. Your food, cold and forgotten, resting on the very edge of the table as you manuevered books closer and further from you as they gained or lost their necessity value. Studying was a bitch, you’d come to learn - dozens of different studying styles had never fit you.. But of course the one that made you look like an insane person actually stuck.
Just your luck!
Though the table was fairly packed, and your jostling it as you reached and pushed books away or towards you didn’t help.
Soon enough, as gravity and fate would dictate, your lunch plate was tipping over the edge of the table. You didn’t even have time to react - your eyes watching as it slowly shook further and further towards its demise.
Then it was stopped. A hand swooping down and picking it up before it could tip into the void. And you were confused, for an embarrassingly amount of time, when you didn’t hear the shattering of the plate or feel the amused stares of your classmates judging your clumsiness. But when you finally realized the crash would never come is when you followed the hand that currently held your lunch plate.
Amused forest green eyes stared back at you, his eyebrows raised a bit as he had waited for you to come to your senses. How deep in Study Mode had you been? Had you taken a break yet? Regardless, he set his plate down on the empty table next to yours before coming back to you, closing the books closest to you and setting your lunch on top.
“Eat. Food is brain power.” Then he retrieved his plate before doing the same to the books across from you and taking a seat.
What the hell just happened? You blinked rapidly as you tried to answer that question yourself. Your food was cold, but God did it look good.
But he looked better.
“Uh… Thanks…” Iwaizumi nodded to your appreciation before he started eating his own food, his eyes glancing around at the books nearest him in curiosity. What was your major? What did you want to be? There were a lot of different subjects surrounding him… were you just catching up on homework? Procrastinator until the last minute? “I-“ His eyes met yours again as you spoke, your cheeks blooming a gentle red at how immediately he’d given you his attention. “I’m _______.”
Iwaizumi smiled as he nodded, “I’m Iwaizumi Hajime….” Though your eyes betrayed your meek nod - you knew who he was. The moment you laid eyes on him, you knew exactly who and what kind of Godly person he was. Though your high thoughts of him flew out the window at the sight of his soft blush as he rubbed at the back of his neck anxiously - he was human. Just like you. Just like anyone else. “Uh… I wanted to… apologize… For earlier, in Bio….” He cleared his throat, obviously uncomfortable with saying sorry.
“Apologize?” Your voice was quiet as you echoed him, staring blankly at him as you tried to understand what it was he was sorry about. “For what? We just met today…” Though you knew that wasn’t the full truth. Sure, you’d just introduced yourself today - but you’d seen and even snapped at him during class. You’d locked eyes in the library. Not exactly meeting and becoming acquaintances for those two instances.
Anxiety nibbled at the inside of his stomach as you unintentionally dragged out something he didn’t really like doing. Apologizing, even if he was in fault, always took a bit of his pride. “I had no right to judge you the other day in Biology… If you want to mix red bull and coffee, that’s entirely your decision.”
His words didn’t register as serious for the first few seconds after they left his mouth. And for a moment he was worried you hadn’t heard him before he realized you were actually just 3 feet in front of him… there was no way you hadn’t heard him.
Your lips pulled at the corners as you tried to hold back your giggles, your eyes crinkling at why he’d apologized - how goofy. He really thought you’d taken offense to something like that? You went to cover your mouth as you quietly laughed, his eyebrows furrowing as he pouted and looked away from you. “What’s so funny?” Though his tone revealed he didn’t really want to know because he knew it was silly of him to apologize for something like that… too late.
But you shook your head with a wide smile, your hand lowering as you, boldly, reached forward and patted his hand resting on the table. “Don’t you worry your cute little head, Iwaizumi-san… You didn’t hurt my feelings in the least.” His cheeks grew a bit red with you saying his name, even if it was his last. Though you didn’t understand it as that but rather embarrassment of you teasing him for his ‘transgression’.
“Maybe I should have then.” He grumbled, his hand turning on the table top to feel your palm resting against his, your fingertips lightly touching his forearm.
You nearly choked at the feel of his hand against yours - his warm touch sending your stomach twisting into itself. But your confidence was soaring from his gall to apologize for something silly like that, so you merely laughed quietly and patted his hand this time, “I’d like to see you even try.”
His pout turned into a challenging smirk as he caught your hand with his on one of its pattings. “Okay, how about… Over dinner then…” His gaze held yours, and it felt as if your soul were leaving your body at just how… intense the man before you really was. You’d heard stories, and first hand experiences from those around campus, but they paled in comparison to your immediate moment with him.
Heat was all you felt. Heat in your face from your blushing, heat in your chest from your heart slamming against your ribs, and heat in your hand as you held his just as tightly. This was moving much faster than you’d ever experienced before. Where was the chasing? Where was the silly chatting? The friendship that awkwardly made its way into romantic feelings?
Where was the insecure boy you’d usually find yourself dating?
Iwaizumi was different.
Iwaizumi Hajime is a confident man of action.
And winning your attention seemed to be his first and only goal in your budding relationship.
*sniffles* I didn’t get to the kissing TT~TT But I’ll probably do a Part II, whether its requested or not ;D
Tag List:
@this-badass-cutie-patootie @summon-the-stars @mme-hajime @kuroosarium (ah you changed your name love!) @lyra8 
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