#i mean they did this with TSF too...
fideidefenswhore · 2 years
I see the anti Annes are concern trolling at how "sexist" bsr is and how they fear for "future generations" if this is their gateway drug. It's a danger to society people! Win for Boleyn.
It's arguably so in certain scenes, the two writers of the series, one being a woman, the other nonbinary, doesn't preclude it from sexism.
But I would also consider it concern-trolling, and hypocritical, since many of them seem to find Anne’s death hilarious...I do almost think they mock Anne’s fans just for being earnest, compassion is not in currency. 
However, it does seem like, not all the historians, in the final edit, were in favor of, for example, the depiction of Mary Boleyn.
And it's surely infantile to cuss out one of the commentators for something they never said because you're upset that, in this series they contributed to, about their rival, the portrayal of your fave did not adequately kiss their ass to your exacting specifications. 
#i mean they did this with TSF too...#they are mistaken if they think it is the norm in these documentaries for all the historians to collab / endorse every single comment of#the other...the interviews are filmed independently?#anon#'i don't like anne or henry because they were cruel to catherine'#this series: *anne and henry are cruel to catherine* them: omg choke and die for portraying this#like... what is it exactly that they WANT ahtrugfjfksj#as far as the depiction of jane... yes that story does not arrive until the 17th century. i don't think anne necessarily discovered#her on his lap. nor ripped off her locket.#however...she did by contemporary report say that she blamed her miscarriage on that 'it broke her heart that he loved others'#(they reitreate this in her 'testimonial': my heart was broken)#which suggests maybe an inciting incident/revelation of some kind? even if it did not play out like that persay#and if when she found out coincided with when she started to show a sign of miscarrying (bleeding etc)#then of course she would blame it on that.#of course she would say 'i lost the baby because of her'#of course if it did it was a coincidence. but of course that's how she would see it#or rather: how she would feel#our emotions are not always 'accurate'#or rational...hence them being emotions#like i just don't... lol. know#a lot of people that do not like to consider events from anne's perspective#watched a series from anne's perspective. and then were mad that it was.#honestly seems the crux of it#*towards/to/about catherine that is
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Too lazy to draw and I don't have the means to animate with sound so here's a skit of the Ashas bonding like David Tennant and Michael Sheen art comparisons
TFS Asha: *Showing off the homophobic boat rat*
TAATS Asha: very good
TFS ASHA: and yours?
TAATS Asha: *shows off the sunrise painting*
TAATS: •v•
TFS: You did that?!
TAATS: Yeah, just this morning :^D
TFS: Fuck off >:^P
TAATS: What?!
TFS: You did not paint that this morning!
TAAST: Yes I did!
TFS: I don't believe you
TAAST: You drew the boat rat
TSF: My boat rat is SHIT
KOW, popping up: Oh, it just needs a bit a shading
TFS: Oh, shut up *tosses drawing away*
Kstar's Asha, picking up drawing: Just a bit of charcoal
TFS: Since when did you learn so much about art
Kstar's: I learned it for a role
TFS: Which role
Kstar's: Disney's Asha
TFS: ...
TFS: Well, what did she paint
TWK Asha: Are you angry at us for having a hobby
TFS: Evidently. Yeah
@annymation @chillwildwave @kstarsarts @signed-sapphire @wings-of-sapphire
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oceanic-recollection · 11 months
Due to the karmas, how did your citizens view relationships as a whole? From familial, romantic, platonic, or otherwise?
Tumblr media
<BVQT> Initially, it had been believed that only close friendships and romantic relationships influenced one's third karma. Certain forms of romantic relationships, all familial relationships, and the bonds between mentor and student were encouraged to flourish during this time, even if they were protested by many.
<BVQT> Near the end of our creator's existence, as mentioned earlier, the great sins turned from guidelines to taboos, and any form of relationship or relation to another was to be ignored. This did not prove too much of an issue considering nobody had children at the time meaning no neglect was able to occur.
<TSF> ...
<TSF> there were a couple of relationships that slipped under the radar, obviously...
<BVQT> And every instance of such ended with one or all parties becoming echoes. Yes.
<TSF> ...right.
<BVQT> ...I see no reason to continue this conversation. I hope this information is acceptable.
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nerdyenby · 11 months
Lime time :D I’m watching Impulse
NO SALT (except the macadamia nuts)
34.2 on tsf three times in a row no warmup??? Pop off king
I entirely forgot I do this so I’m over an hour and a half in and I haven’t written anything lol
The reason I do this is so the time doesn’t just disappear into nothingness but sometimes it just does anyway
“MCC is just like real life” I have no idea what he means but I 100% agree
Rocket Spleef
Fruit carry!!
I’ve never seen anyone so happy to be team killed lol
Grid Runners
“We grid runnin’” “Let’s get gridding and running” so true!!!!
“The boys, the lads” Brits and Americans both thinking the other is trolling is never not funny
Sewer is a fairly common room…
Oh my gosh they did uppies so fast!!
Maybe I’m just not paying attention but it feels like they sped through that
“The chemistry’s there, team” “We’re so chemical” so true Beky!!!!
Impulse teaching them the ways of HBomb sands
Battle Box
Get wooled!! Ignore the fact that it’s not wool
They’re dominating!!!
Fighting orange for that one wool was so funny
Impulse got that kill on Ran right as Fruit wooled lol
They killed that!!
Sands of Time
“SB remember to get sand idiot, you told me to tell you”
“Don’t get dead” Impulse my beloved
Road trip!!
Impulse’s head is absolutely empty lol
Still came 5th!!!!
Ace Race
SB got the strats
“I’m gonna mute up for ace race, personally” “I’m gonna deafen because I don’t wanna talk to y’all” SB 😂
Impulse and Michela were neck and neck the entire third lap, it’s insane
Parkour Warrior
“Everyone do the easy path or else” Fruit???
The pkw music is so good to frantically crochet to
“I wonder if I remembered to breathe during that” so real
“He can only, like, 8v1 and that’s it, he can’t even 10v1” “Imagine”
“Just win 4head, easy”
Hole in the Wall
I am like 90% sure impulse just swore, rip
Sky Battle
So much is happening and I am absorbing none of it
All of them making it to top ten is huge!!!!
Bek taking charge, as she should!!
That was absolutely insane, what the heck, fruit?!???
They were so close ;-;
Impulse red supporter!!!! Gotta support his buddy and also cheering on Ran <33
Intentional mhm
Wait I missed Impulse switching out his headband, that’s so sweet
“What is happening?? No one’s died in a long time” *Ranboo gets shot* “My bad”
Fruit first individual!!!
Impulse being so happy for red means everything to me
“God I love MCC, maybe too much” SAME
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euphorial-docx · 10 months
Hi Mary I’m enormous admirer of your head i mean of all of the creative processes taking place there, anything you would write I would just reread thousand of times and frame even shopping list. Anyway, I was trying to find all the wips or snippets of yours’ as I wanted to add them to my list of fics yet to be published in my notes (I have literally list in my notes for everything). And I wanted to ask on what are you working in a meantime, when you have a free time. Did I correctly noted that’s: Spider-Man jegulily au, the one about black brothers relationship, bones and all au but it’s kinda on hold, post war jegulily and something else? Definitely don’t want to be intrusive or rushing. Hope It wasnt inappropriate question
hi! thank you so much!! i’m happy you like my fics <333 that’s very kind of you.
my list of wips is constantly changing all my time, but right now it’s:
my published fics (tsf, lmpdt, b&w, aoe)
spinal landscapes (bones and all au)
the spider-man au
the beginning, the end, and everything in between (long fic)
post-war jegulily fic
there are others that i work on sparsely too, but those listed are the front runners right now!!
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Twin Snowflakes pt40: Growing Pains
TSF pt 39<-
Silent rides were never fun. This time last year, the Valkyrie car was full of laughter and praise at a job well done. Not tonight. Nora drove in silence all the way home, refusing to even turn on the radio. Occasionally she’d stare in the rearview mirror to see Valerie sitting quietly with her head down. What went through her head was beyond Nora. After all, she never believed her own daughter would do something so…underhanded. She still couldn’t believe it.
Ren chose to reassure his wife, rubbing her thigh for comfort the entire ride home. When they finally made it home, Ren was the first to exit the car. When they chose to be together and start a family, Ren and Nora swore their home would be a place of understanding where everyone would be heard and encouraged to speak their feelings honestly. That sentiment will never be abandoned, but the car was not their home.
“I am so disappointed in you.” Nora finally spoke, turning around. “What were you thinking pulling a stunt like that! Valerie, look at me.” She ordered.
Valerie raised her head to see the frustration in her mother’s eyes. It nearly made her cry again. “I…I wasn’t.”
“Do not give me that crap! Not only did you cheat, but you did so knowing it hurts everyone around you in more ways than one! You’re telling me you didn’t think about that!?” Valerie had nothing to say to that, which only made things worse. “You’re grounded indefinitely. Don’t ask to go anywhere fun, or to leave the house without expressed permission. Just school and home, without sports.”
That last part stopped Valerie’s heart. “What?” Nora had already left the car and headed inside. Valerie stumbled out her door and ran inside. “You’re taking me off sports!? I’m key in many positions; I’m captain in some!”
“So what? Cheaters shouldn’t play.”
“Y…You can’t do that!!!” Valerie yelled. Her mother stopped, turning around slowly.
“Excuse me?”
“I have given 110% for years to get where I’m at. Day in and day out, I made any sport I was good at into my life. You’re not just punishing me, but my teammates!”
“We’re your teammates Valerie!!! This family is first and foremost but you’re not playing by the rules. You won’t even actually talk to me!”
“She talked to me.” Ren said, walking in from the kitchen with a water bottle he tossed to Valerie. “As a matter of fact, I warned you not to do something you’d regret. So, did you?”
“Dad, I know you’ve been sensing my emotions so-”
“Did you, or not?” He said firmly. “I won’t ask twice.”
Veronica looked at the bottle. Her puffy eyes stared back at her as her mind looped the last couple hours again and again, burning into her the memory of not just Summer’s anger, but Nick’s look of utter disbelief. Nora was about to say her name again,when the water bottle bursted in her hand as she gripped it tightly.
“Of course I regret it…” she murmured, feeling the water flow down her hands faster than the tears on her face. She looked up at Nora, practically begging. “I know you hate me right now, but please don’t make me quit sports. It’s all I’ve ever been good at. That’s…that’s why I..” Valerie crouched down, holding her head and letting out a stress induced sigh.
“What the hell is wrong with me? I just couldn’t bear the thought that losing to him…means I’m worthless. That nobody is gonna call me when they need help; that he will never need my help. It’s not an excuse. I know that, but…I..I was scared of everything changing, but now they have and it’s my fault!” Her breath hitched violently. “I’m so sorry.”
Nora walked to her crying child and crouched low to meet her. “Let’s get one thing clear. I could never hate you, okay?” She started crying too. “Don’t ever think otherwise. I just…this situation is…” it was Nora’s turn to groan. It would be easier if Valerie didn’t feel terrible.
Ren could tell Nora needed help and sat down on the floor next to them. “Valerie, you messed up, clear as day. No matter what, you have to take responsibility for that.”
“I know…”
He put his hand under her chin and raised her head. “This won’t be easy and people have a right to be upset with you. However, don’t go thinking this bad thing you did makes you a bad person. As far as adults go, you know they still care about you and frankly, have done way worse at your age; me included. As for your friends though, Nick, he’s the one you need to be apologizing to the most. Not us, and you’re going to have to deal with that even if you say sorry, they may not forgive.”
Her face got cold. That was the reality, wasn’t it? Valerie may have just burned two bridges to people near and dear to her. “I…I understand.” She said with a heavy heart. It didn’t matter how kind Nick was in the past. Things were never this bad.
Ren got her to stand again. He wiped her tears for what felt like the hundredth. “Tomorrow is a new day, so we’ll pick this backup then. For now, hit the showers and get some rest.”
“Yes sir.” Ren leaned down and kissed her forehead. She couldn’t tell if that helped or not, but she was glad he did it. Valerie watched her mother stand up. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you.”
Nora pulled her unruly child into her arms. “I love you.”
“….I love you too.” Valerie hugged her tightly. She almost didn’t want to let go but eventually did, heading upstairs.
Nora immediately went to Ren, who knew to hug her. “I’m so glad you weren’t on a mission or anything crazy when this happened. I don’t think I handled that well.”
“I think you did. Both of you are a bit…abrasive. I can’t imagine a situation where you two weren’t going to cry.” He rubbed her head, playing with her hair. “Don’t make her quit sports. Val isn’t gonna do herself much good being in her room for endless hours with nothing but frustration and her thoughts.”
“I said it in the moment. I’ll tell her later.” Nora leaned more into Ren’s chest. “I hope this isn’t the end for them. No one ever really forgets their first crush. Let it at least end peacefully.”
“We might be beyond that.”
“Who knows?” Nora looked up at him. “Maybe not now. Perhaps after a bit more growing, but when two people want things to work, they’ll make it work. We’re proof of that.”
Ren smiled. “Yeah. Guess we are.” He kissed her gently. “Let’s hope time is kind then.
With the moon finally high in the sky and the crowds of watchers becoming tourists, Summer’s duties to the people were over, along with her family. Veronica, who was the least tired, went straight through the door and opened it for everyone else.
“We’re back! Surprisingly.” Veronica echoed. Blake came walking out of the living room with messy hair and rubbing her eyes. Veronica squinted, “At least one of us got sleep.”
“Two.” Blake pointed upstairs. “I had to convince him to shower before he locked himself up in his room. Sometimes he’s awake, other times…” “Cries himself back to sleep.” Weiss frowned. She took off her heels and rolled her shoulders, heading towards the kitchen.
“You don’t want to say anything to him?”
“The best thing I can do for him right now is make dinner. No one is a fan of airing out all their feelings multiple times, and it isn’t like any of us can’t imagine how this is for him.”
She had a point. Making this home feel warm and comforting is the way to go. Jaune followed her. “I’ll help out. We’ll have the entire house smell like his favorites if we have to.”
Yang smiled, looking at Winter. “Wanna join them?” The older woman said nothing, staring at her scroll. “Winter?”
“Your uncle hasn’t called all day. Neither has Sparrow.” She put her scroll away. “Penny?”
“Not a word from Oscar.” She said, “I expected at least one by now too.”
Winter didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but she couldn’t shake the feeling something was amiss. “I hate to leave given the situation, but I think I’ll head to headquarters and see if I can pinpoint Sparrow’s ship.”
“Need my help?”
“No, I think you’re better off here Penny. I wouldn’t be surprised if anyone here let the stress make them sick. Make sure nobody goes overboard. Especially Weiss and Nicholas. Those two would work to death if they could.”
“I do believe that’s hereditary.” Penny winked at Winter, earning a smirk before she left.
With her gone, all that were left was Yang, Blake, and the kids. Ruby and Whitley stayed with Ruth and the other kids all the way to the orphanage until eventually going home. Penny was sure that had to be taxing for them in their own right. She looked at Veronica, well, scanned her to be more precise. Nothing more than fatigue was affecting the young faunus. As for Summer, she seemed normal, as far as normal goes for her unique situation.
“Alrighty then!” Penny clapped, gaining everyone’s attention. “I think our two youngest and brightest deserve a nice long bath before dinner.”
A hot shower sounded heavenly to Summer. “Nothing would make me happier.
Part of Veronica didn’t want to take off the cheerleader uniform but alas, all dreams end eventually. “Sure. I guess you should go first.”
“That your way of saying I smell?”
“I was being considerate.” Veronica deadpanned. “And you do smell. You’ve done nothing but fight and perform all day. Anyone would smell!”
“Now I know you’re tired and if you can’t hear sarcasm. Also, did you forget where we are? There’s showers and baths galore. As a matter of fact, use mine. It’s the hottest.”
“Is that even a good idea for you?”
“Relax. I know my body. Plus it’s not like everyone else in this house takes cold showers. Just let me get my towel out first.” Summer went upstairs.
Veronica walked over the stairs and sat on the bottom steps. “Who wants to bet she’ll use Nick’s, considering it’s right by his room?”
Blake nodded. “Pretty safe bet. She could’ve just said she’s worried.”
“Siblings don’t simply show concern.” Yang said with a chuckle. “Especially the younger one. Ruby is the same way. What about you though, Vee? Still not going to say anything?”
Blake watched Veronica’s face scrunch up before letting out a quiet, drawn out sigh. “Did I miss something? You don’t want to talk to Nick?”
“It’s not that I don’t want to. I just…it would be…wrong. Everyone knows my feelings about him, including Nick himself. Anything I say might feel disingenuous or like I’m trying to get ahead.”
“Well that’s ridiculous.” Penny called out, surprising everyone. “What? Nicholas is sad right now, not oblivious or any less smart. He wouldn’t assume you’re trying to take advantage of his misfortune. Nicholas knows you better than that.”
“I’m sure he thought he knew Valerie well too.”
“Veronica!” Blake crossed her arms.
“What? Am I wrong!? Even me, someone who can’t stand her, didn’t think she’d pull a stunt like this. I wouldn’t blame Nick if he started giving a little less trust.”
“Be that as it may, do not start going around saying whatever you want about Valerie. Despite how you feel, remember that’s Nora’s daughter. You get in trouble at school but Yang and I don’t let people say whatever-” she stopped herself, seeing Veronica’s ears fall down and eyes narrow.
“So now it’s my fault I get in trouble at school is it? Like I’m trying to get you called nonstop?”
“That’s not what I meant. I’m sorry.” Blake said softly. Veronica rolled her eyes, getting up and going upstairs. “Veronica!”
“I’m going to take a shower.”
Blake bit her lip, “Shit. I wasn’t trying to-”
Yang rubbed Blake’s back. “She knows. Everyone is tired and needs a minute.”
“That’s no excuse. I shouldn’t have brought school up at all.”
Penny was a bit confused. “Wait…” she looked at her friends, tilting her head. “Veronica has problems at school? I heard she gets into a few fights but is that really that bad?”
Blake held her tongue a little. There wasn’t a place where Veronica wouldn’t be in earshot. “It’s…not great. Never has been, and to be honest, I can’t even be sure of everything that goes on or her complete thoughts on the matter. Just that she hates school as much as Summer.”
“Huh…” Penny looked up the stairs where the girl had run off to. She couldn’t help but frown. “That’s a shame.”
Upstairs, Summer carries her night clothes to the shower past Nick’s room. Her legs gradually take shorter strides as she gets further into the hall; until they completely stop in front of his door. Summer puts her ear up against it. Doesn’t sound like he’s crying. Maybe he’s gone back to sleep? Her hand gently twists the knob, pushing the door open enough to peek in. Nick laid on his bed with his back towards the door.
Summer took a slow, even breath. “I’m gonna take a quick shower and come in here, so please don’t try and shut me out.” She spoke softly, closing the door silently.
Nick rolled over to look at the door. Leave it to Summer to know what actual sleep looks like. He sat up in his bed and waited. Nick honestly didn’t want to talk to anyone but it felt wrong turning her away; especially after Blake told him that Summer had supposedly gone off on Valerie. He still couldn’t believe it. About eight minutes went by before his door opened again. Summer walked in with fuzzy yellow pj pants and one of dad’s old black hoodies. The girl sat on the floor near the bed, leaning her head against the mattress.
“Summer, can we please make this quick? I don’t feel like talking.”
“That’s okay. If you only want to listen, then listen.” She uttered meekly. “Today…it didn’t go the way either of us wanted, and though there’s parts of it that were beyond our control, it wouldn’t have been as daunting if I…if I didn’t lie.” There. She admitted it.
Nick’s eyes widened slowly. He looked from over his bed to see Summer, but she put her hood up.
“I lied to you. Then had the gall to yell at you about it when you called me out. I’m sorry for what I said, honestly.” Her voice trembled.
“Why couldn’t you have been honest from the start?”
“I don’t know…” Summer wiped her eyes. “I was scared? Upset that it came to it. You got out because of my mistake. I just wanted to do right by you, everyone! It was all I could think of and when I felt good about it…you just looked so fearful, disappointed. I got mad…then you had to lie to everyone for me. M..Maybe if you had gone into King of the Hill without dealing with all my crap then you wouldn’t be so hurt. And…and….”
Nick hopped off his bed and sat by Summer, removing her hood to see her red face and running tears.
“I’m sorry.” She whimpered, “I ruined all your hard work.”
Nick pulled her into a gentle hug, rubbing her head. “You didn’t ruin anything, Summer. You saved this entire tournament; rolled with the unexpected like the extra performances and me putting you on the spot. Yeah, I hated that you lied, but it’s because I am scared. I’m scared for you. Losing you…it terrifies me.” His throat started to dry. “And don’t blame yourself for what happened in singles. No one expected that.”
Summer pulled away, seeing Nick start to cry again.
He tried keeping it in but couldn’t. “I really wasn’t expecting that. I…it’s…too much. I mean if you both go to such extremes, then it has to be me, right? I’m the problem? Did I push you all away?”
“It’s just I can’t think of anything else! I thought we were fine, or getting better! I never know what I’m doing! I gave space and it was wrong. I push only to get pushed back. I tried focusing on myself and she…Val…” he could feel his chest tighten. “What was I supposed to do!?”
“Stop it!” Summer yelled, grabbing his shoulders. “Stop making it sound like you’re to blame; like she calls all the shots! Valerie took your feelings and used them! That is not your fault and I refuse to hear otherwise! If she says otherwise then send her my way!”
Nick watched his sister get angrier on his behalf, her grip on him harder than he thought she was capable of.
“You’re always there. Always watching. I know what I said earlier…but that’s not always a bad thing! We’re lucky to know you.” Why was it so difficult? When did being open become so hard? Nick was everything to Summer. She didn’t believe she could move without him; and that’s what precisely made her so angry within. “I need you. We’re a team. I’m scared too. Scared of dragging everyone down with me. I can’t speak for Valerie and I don’t want to either. I just want you to know you don’t have to put up with us like this. Don’t force yourself to keep trying. I don’t want to hurt you anymore.”
To be forgotten and left behind, it wasn’t a dream of hers. However, Summer could see the beauty in it. The peace of mind it could bring. Nick brought his hands up to her arms to remove her grasp, yet he still held on to them.
“I’m not forcing myself. Not when it’s you. And as for hurting me…you could start by not squeezing so tightly.” He smiled softly.
Summer’s lip quivered, wavering between smiling or bursting into tears. In the end, tears won like they always did. “We’re okay?”
“Yeah, we’re okay.” He hugged her again. “How’d I become the one cheering you up?”
“I’m sorry.” She groaned.
“Relax, I’m teasing.” He let her go. Nick took her Hood and put it back over her head, tugging it forward to wipe his own face.
“What’s a few more tear stains?” Nick freed her for real this time. “I hate today.”
Summer nodded. He had every reason to. “This isn’t new advice but stop trying to play the nice guy. Seriously, I can handle you being upset with me. It can be like the old days when…” Summer faulterd for a moment. “When we didn’t like each other.” She held her head. “I’m shocked I remember that. It was before the lake.”
“A lot has changed since we were five. I don’t think going back that far is really an option, but I promise to hold back less. Not like I’m doing it on purpose. Most times I don’t see the point in yelling at you to solve a problem. Then again, you’ve gotten a bit more productive since Veronica showed up.”
“I hate everything about the sentence.” Summer said bluntly. There was a tiny bit of truth in that but in no way did she ever want that kind of attitude thrown at her. “I might actually think you hate me if you were that cold.”
“You’re being dramatic.”
“She literally told me she hated me.” Granted the girl pedal back a bit, but Summer clearly knew she stood in a deep gray area with Veronica and the same was true in reverse.
“Riiiight. Forgot about that.” Nick got up to fall back on his bed. “I’d like to go an hour without crying.”
“They’re making your favorite food downstairs.”
“Not hungry really. I also know seeing mom and dad right now will break me down more. I think I’ll just lay here awhile.”
Summer stood up. “Well I’m starving. Odds are you are too and don’t feel it, so I’ll make a plate for you to swipe later.” She started to walk away but then looked back. “Nick?”
“I know you said it isn’t work when it’s me, but is it for Valerie?” He didn’t say anything, worrying her. “I can’t tell you how to feel, but I’m not getting over this easily. Still, I won’t do anything that contradicts how you want things to go.”
Nick rolled over to his nightstand and grabbed his wallet. 50 lien was taken out and pointed to Summer for the usual bribe of silence. “Rain check.”
It hurt but she understood. “Keep it this time. In exchange, I’d like to ask if it’s okay I tell Eliza what went down? She was pretty worried about you leaving so suddenly and has been asking. I’m not a very good liar, as you know.”
Nick had forgotten Eliza’s involvement. It was the furthest thing from his mind. “Okay, might as well. I owe after all.” He said, acknowledging the fact she chose to remain in third. “You can tell her tomorrow at the meeting. I’m not going to school tomorrow.”
Again, not surprising. Yet hearing it was still odd. “I’ll take notes for you.” Summer left quietly. She returned to the entrance, crossing paths with Veronica at the stairs. Much like Yang, Veronica’s sleeping clothes were a tank top and shorts that were knee length. Summer had a sneaking suspicion this was modest for the sake of being at another person’s house.
“Where’s the outfit?” Veronica asked, noticing its absence.
“Oh. Uhhhmmmm-”
“You left it in the bathroom, didn’t you?”
One fumble after the other! “It’s on a hanger at least, and definitely not wet! Hehe…” Veronica didn’t seem to find that funny. “Cut me some slack okay!?”
“Okay.” Veronica walked down the stairs.
“Wait, that’s it?”
“That’s it.” She looked up, “I mean you forgot about it because you were busy trying to talk to Nick, right? Can’t be mad at that.” She kept walking.
“Were you eavesdropping?”
“Why does everyone- no! It’s the easiest guess in the world! All these bathrooms and you go to his! Now start moving. I can smell dinner's nearly ready.”
It was weird seeing Veronica show more restraint than usual. Despite her personality, Summer knew Veronica wasn’t a person to senselessly add fuel to a fire. All she wanted out of this were people seeing her clothes. Today’s layered drama probably had her regretting her choice in models. Then again…
“Aren’t you going to talk to Nick?” The speed in which Veronica’s head whipped back around made Summer nearly jump. “What? It’s the easiest guess in the world that you want to. It’s you.”
Her cheeks turned red. “Don’t get cute with me.” Veronica huffed, continuing her walk. “No need for me to say anything. He’s got you to worry about him.”
Add that to the weird compliments jar. Summer jumped from the railing down to the first floor. “Not sure how to take that, but if you want to see him then by all means, go then. I’m sure he’d appreciate it.” Gods know that nobody else sees Vee’s gentle side like Nick does.
Veronica kept on walking past Summer and into the dining room . “Like I said, don’t need to.”
Stubborn as usual. Summer wasn’t sure why she tried talking to Veronica to begin with. No matter. Summer went through the door and was welcomed with the scent of fresh beef stew. Her stomach growled like a grimm, making her rush over to the table where everyone else sat. “No way you didn’t have this prepped before we left. It takes forever to cook.”
Weiss smiled, “This might’ve been planned. In victory or defeat, stew makes things better. How’s Nick?”
“How’d you know I talked to him?”
Weiss gestured to Summer’s face. “Puffy eyes, red face, the fact that you love your brother dearly and we’re scarier than me.”
“I don’t know why you keep asking the obvious.” Veronica said, trying not to inhale her food. If she were in private then she’d already be on the second bowl. Blake tapped her shoulder then stuffed a roll in her mouth the moment she turned around.
“Fill up a little on bread.” She didn’t want Veronica to eat more without others getting the chance to. “You can also have half my stew.”
Yang also took her own bowl and gave Veronica half. “There ya go!”
Veronica blushed, embarrassed by her appetite. “Thank you…”
Penny looked at the exchange, intrigued. “Yang, Blake, while I’m flattered, I think you might’ve miscounted how many mouths at this table are actually going to eat the stew.” Penny spun her empty bowl on her finger. “Both of you split my portion.”
How could they possibly forget about that!? Both girls laughed, “haha, whoops! Thank you Penny.”
“I liked the inclusion, but I’m only at the table to enjoy the company. Anyways, Summer, is Nick coming? He really should eat.”
“I know, but he said he wasn’t hungry. Can’t say I’m much of an eater when I’m feeling down. I’ll make him a bowl to grab later.”
Jaune went through his bowl slowly. “Nick was something else today. We’ve all been so fixated on the low notes that we haven’t discussed that.”
Now that he said it, Jaune was right. Weiss nearly forgot the spectacle except for its end. “He’s gotten stronger.” She smiled warmly, “Truly strong. Now that he’s grasping the basics of traditional glyph use, there’s no telling how far he’ll go.”
Yang nodded. “I don’t think I’ve seen so many people get excited about a fireball. Is it that big of a deal?”
Summer explained, “For him it is. He’s always been putting off how mom and I use glyphs. Then there’s time dilation, which was even more impressive.”
“I guess, but the real show stopper was the armor trick he did! I saw the video that Veronica watched but man it was different seeing it in person!”
Summer thought back to it, seeing the armor glow around her brother as he stood tall with his sword. It should’ve been inspiring, yet she couldn’t help but frown. “Yeah, he’s getting stronger every day.”
Jaune noticed the lack of enthusiasm, or rather the frustration Summer must’ve felt. “You are too.” He reassured her. “Just because you didn’t learn a new ability doesn’t mean you’re the same person you’ve been. Take it from me, progress is steady, even if it doesn’t always look like it.”
“Thanks dad.” Summer smiled. He always knew what to say. Though now that she was brought up, the obvious next topic of course had to be…
“So Shiva…” Penny said on que. “I haven’t had the chance yet to go over your recordings, but can you explain your experience? Specifically today’s.
The table noticeably got a little more tense. Figures. Summer thought back to her match. The sensation, it’s confusing duality and clearity.
“It felt…a bit like an out of body experience and yet it wasn’t. Normally I feel lost inside my own head, forced to watch with my own eyes what’s happening without control. This however, felt like I still was involved. As if I controlled the gas and brakes but didn’t do all the steering.” Summer could tell that gave everyone concern. “But I definitely was able to stop anything crazy from happening.”
“I noticed that. A few times it looked like there was resistance.”
“That was me making sure Shiva didn’t go overboard. I have to admit it was surreal. I didn’t move like myself, but I can’t say I’ve seen Shiva move with that much poise either. It’s as if we fell in the middle.”
“All this because of constant mental training, engaging her in combat for control in varying temperatures. Maybe it’s a clue?”
“I’m not sure, but I do know that things wouldn’t have gone as smoothly without my dust clothes and the flames Max created.” She looked at her parents, more so at Weiss. “I took a risk without warning. I’m sorry.” As much as she wanted to confess to also stealing Diamond Dust, Summer couldn’t bring herself too. It was gone now anyways.
Weiss still wasn’t sure where to stand on all of it. “Let it be known that I’m not thrilled at what’s been going on, but I do understand. I’m just glad you’re okay. There’s so much we still can’t solve. It’s hard to know what’s a real risk and what isn’t. From now on, tell us when you’re doing it. One things for sure is-”
“A mistake could cost everything. Believe me mom, I know.” Summer spoke softly, fearful of losing one day. She will get stronger. She has to for everyone’s sake. “One more thing bothered me. It was the look on Shiva’s face whenever we did certain things. She looked as confused as I was. I don’t think it’s a lie when she says she doesn’t have all the pieces either.”
Veronica finished her secret third bowl. “Well that’s annoying. If nobody knows everything and what you do know isn’t proven, then how can anything be reliable?”
“That’s literal scientific discovery.” Penny giggled, “We simply keep learning more.”
“Sounds miserable. I’ll stick to creating things limited to imagination and not specifically a breakthrough in science. I still haven’t gotten good inspiration for my fire and ice theme.”
Summer spoke, “Oh yeah. Tournament is over so you’ll be going soon. I bet you’re happy to go back to warm sandy beaches, vibrant areas and not a single sign telling you to stay out.”
“You could say that.” Veronica grabbed her glass and took a drink, saying nothing more about it.
Deeper into the night, people eventually started to go to sleep. Summer had immediately gone to bed after dinner, while Yang and Blake were kind enough to clean dishes so Jaune and Weiss could take it easy. They also found themselves wanting sleep, leaving Penny awake. Not that she needed much rest in the first place.
The scientist made sure to keep an eye on the manor and thought it wise to take Nick’s prepared bowl out of the fridge to heat up. She figured she should at least try to get him to eat. Penny grabbed the bowl and headed out the kitchen where she unexpectedly stumbled upon Veronica. The girl obviously wasn’t expecting to be seen, flinching violently before trying to act cool by folding her arms.
“H-Hey! You’re still up.” Veronica stuttered.
“I think that should be my line.” Penny smiled at Veronica. “What brings you down from your room? Hungry again?”
“N-No. I just thought…maybe…” her ears fell and face tinted pinkish.
Penny noticed the subtle glances at the bowl. “Oh! Hehe.” She extended it to her. “I would like to go over a little more of Summer’s training videos. Could you maybe give this to Nick for me, see if he’s okay?”
“I…” there really was use denying it. Penny was kind enough to act like she didn’t know Veronica’s ploy, handing her the very thing she was aiming for. “Okay.” She took the bowl and headed upstairs.
“Thank you!”
The girl grumbled, embarrassed. She was off her game if Penny caught her off guard. Veronica made it to Nick’s room with the steaming bowl. She was so nervous she was surprised the food was still intact. Veronica knocked on the door gently.
“Ummm Nicholas? I have your dinner, if you want it that is.” No response. He could’ve been asleep, but Veronica’s ears didn’t hear the breathing of a sleeper. No, he was definitely trying not to make a sound on purpose. “Nick, it’s stew beef. There’s a roll and some rice in here too. Honestly it’s not the most balanced but…”
“Hardy is never balanced.” He countered.
“Ah, so you are awake. Can…May I come in, please? I’ll be in and out in an instant.”
Veronica walked straight through the door into the dark room. “Umm, light please?” She cursed having normal eyes. This would be no problem for Blake.
“Sorry.” Nick said, forgetting the girl’s limitations. He turned on his nightstand lamp. “Better?”
Not the word she would’ve used, seeing his tear stained face and red eyes. Earlier it would’ve made her angry, but now it was only depressing. Veronica snapped out of her trance and walked across the floor of scattered clothes until the nightstand was within reach, and Nick for that matter. She went to set the bowl down but he surprisingly reached out to take it off her hands.
“Thanks, Vee.”
“No worries. Do you…need a drink? I can get one.”
“It’s alright. I probably won’t even finish this.” He bit into the fluffy bread.
His voice sounded so unmotivated. Veronica stood before him awkwardly. It has been more than an instant, yet he didn’t seem too bothered by her presence. Well, she’s come this far. Saying nothing would be a shame.
Her right hand played with her left while she tried gathering her thoughts. “Umm Nicholas?” She held her head up, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m here for you. I’ll listen if you ever want to talk about your feelings, because you’d do the same for me. I know you would.”
Nick looked at the girl who couldn’t seem to meet his gaze head on, shifting her eyes. “Are you leaving tomorrow?”
An unexpected question, but Veronica could see why he’d ask. “No. Mom still has business with your uncle, but I’m sure my time being a student here is over with. Now there's no reason to go.”
“Fine by me. I’m not going tomorrow, so… wanna keep me company?”
“Oh! Ummm, I don’t see why not. Sure, we could…hangout.” Why was it so hard to act normal!? It’s normal for a person to want the company of a friend.
“Your face is red.”
“It was bound to happen. Sorry. I don’t mean to be weird about this; especially this. I-”
“It’s okay.” He said calmly, giving her a soft smile. “Believe me, I get it. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
Veronica nodded, still playing with her hands as she turned around to leave. Above all, being friends takes priority. The other feelings in her stomach would have to stay there for a while. It’s the right thing to do.
“Hey.” Nick said before she left. “Thank you for seeing me tonight. I mean that.”
Veronica didn’t turn around. She barely trusted her lips to avoid ruining the moment. “You're welcome.” The safest thing she could say before finally leaving him be.
Nick continued eating slowly, letting the stew warm him and grant a momentary peace.
At last, a day of many battles, of many conflicts, was over. Except for one. While young fighters found rest, another found nightmares. Ones that brought cold sweat running down their body until
Their body shot up from bed, numbing pain spreading from their left shoulder and aches for their palms. A small headache began pulsing while eyes hurt and mind clouded.
“I’m…not weak!” They grunted a little dazed.
“Prove… it…”
A gut feeling made them look out the window of their room, eyes staring off below in the direction of the forest. They didn’t know why, but something unknown to them, like an instinct, was calling for them.
“That brat. I’m gonna make her pay!”
“Only the weak chatter. Move. Move, Darren.”
The boy laughed to himself, gripping the sheets and staring angrily at a silver medal as it laughed back.
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oceanremnants · 11 months
BG: Why did you do that? UI: He deserves it. For saving them. BG: No, he- Ui- Lifegiver is in shambles now! You don’t even know him, you haven’t even talked to him before this, he saved us! We’d be dead without him! UI: And you’ll be dead because of him, too, once TVA connects to his can! Just because he saved us doesn’t mean- BG: It means we should give him a chance! For all we know, TVA manipulated him, like he did me - have you considered that possibility? Lifegiver did not deserve this. UI: Sister, he- BG: I’m well aware of what he did, Ui. BG: I’m not going to lie to you. I’m angry at you. I wish you had consulted me before you made such a broadcast. I understand you’re my senior, but you shouldn not do such things without discussing them with me. You do not have to love Lifegiver. You do not have to like him. You should, however, tolerate him, at the very least. BG: You don’t know him. You don’t know how distraught he is. UI: No, I don’t. But, sister, you have to understand- BG: I understand. You’re angry he’s saved TVA. I understand that. UI: But- she’ll find a way to hurt you again. She’ll- BG: I can take care of myself, Ui. I won’t make the same mistake again. UI: They could still have access to the security system! BG: I know. We should reinforce it then, yes? UI: Why are you so calm about this?! They’re alive! They can hurt you! BG: Ui, I- UI: Why Ui? Why always Ui? Why do you never call me brother, like I call you sister? Are you ashamed of me? What will it take for you to acknowledge that I’m competent?! BG: .. oh, you- UI: I tried to protect you! TVA will find a way to hurt you again, I’m ceirtan, and you’re acting as if nothing is happening! They’re alive, Blessed Gift - is that what you wish for me to call you?! Are you truly so ashamed that you’re connected to a dysfunctional iterator? I tried, I did my best, I truly, truly did, I did not mean to upset you, but TVA will hurt you again unless I do something about it, because it seems you won’t! You only want to play at therapist! You- they left, Blessed Gift! The Ancients aren’t here anymore! Why do you think you’ll be enough to convince TVA not to attack again when you couldn’t even convince them to stay?! BG: … BG: I think it’s best if we stop talking now. UI: .. no.. no, wait-
<TSF> ...
<TSF> i'm not sure how much, you want me to respond,
<TSF> if you just want me to listen, or what,
<TSF> i, can't exactly, actively comfort you,
<TSF> like this
<TSF> would it,
<TSF> ghhgvvoifd
<TSF> would it make you feel better, if i said, i threatened tva a bunch?
<TSF> i mostly, just, yelled at her,
<TSF> i seriously doubt, i could actually, harm them, in any way,
<TSF> but,
<TSF> ..yeah, this, uh, isn't going to help you any, is it.
<TSF> i love you, ui.
<TSF> i'm sorry.
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amberwild420 · 3 years
OSB, TSF (pt. 57)
Mutual respect
 What do you know about the heroes?
 Damian was quick to ask the question bluntly. Jon awkwardly looked at his best friend, feeling as if he was too obvious in his interrogation. But the group of five wasn’t that affected.
 Well, in the beginning it was only Ladybug and Chat Noir. Than they would call in some temporary heroes if they need help with a particularly strong akuma and a senti-monster.
 They are retired Mari-bear. Ladybug permanently benched them. They were simply ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.
 Chloe……  Marinette glared at her but the blond simply flipped her hair and looked away. Kaylan leaned against the blond who gladly took her in her arms.
  …as I was saying, ladybug has the ladybug miraculous and she has a yo-yo as her weapon, she calls for an item to help in the battle and then she purifies the akuma and cast her cure that fixes every damage in the battle.
 Every damage?
 …..every damage including destroyed building, injuries and…..death.
 A weird glint passed through their eyes. Damian was certain he had seen that in the eyes of his father and brother. It was a mix of emotion like sadness, furry and determination. Something only he knows.
 A moment of stillness and then Luka strung her guitar; a relaxing tone filled the air before Marinette started telling them again.
 So Chat Noir has the cat miraculous and he is Ladybug’s partner……
  You mean was.
 Marinette ignored the comment.      He uses cataclysm and turns anything he touches into dust. So he is opposite of ladybug.
 Then we had temporary heroes but now they are all replaced, something about them being compromised and not good enough outside the mask. Ladybug said something like that.
 Does she still have other heroes?
 Damian was persistent. He wanted as much information as possible. This group of five is a good source and he was content even if he didn’t get everything he wanted to know.
 He tried to use local news and blog and he certainly wanted to destroy a liar blog but he forced down his intention. This was an emotionally hostage city, he can’t get compromised.
 She does. She has Python, Ryu, Luna and Honeybee. I think she said that they were permanent heroes.
 They are. She said that in Nadja’s interview, when she introduced Luna.
 Kaylan said casually before looking at her watch.
 We better get to school. If that liar did some trick, I need some time to get rid of that.
 The two American’s raised their eyebrows but was ignored and were just pulled towards the school.
 Kaylan was the first one to enter the class with an umbrella. (Damian and Jon were completely baffled when she pulled the umbrella out of her bag and went in like she was on an undercover mission.)
 It happened too fast. Kaylan opened the umbrella with a snap and whole bucket of dirty water fell on her. The four outside the room were shocked, two more than the others. Luckily, Kaylan was under the umbrella and thus was safe.
 She closed the umbrella before hitting the incoming chalk duster. Jon was sure that he had never seen something like this.
 Sure he heard about bullying in his school here and there but for most parts the teachers had a good control over them. But here……
  If not for Kaylan’s quick response, she would be drowning in dirty paint water and would have been slapped with a chalk duster.
 Damian looked at the two girls who stood outside. Instead of shock, they looked rather concerned. It was clear that they were rather used to such treatment and knew how to handle.
 Kaylan spins the umbrella and stood like she was on a runway. The smile she gave was not reaching her eyes at all.
 It seems like you had thrown my warning out of the window. That’s fine, let’s walk on my threat.
 Kaylan stepped towards them dangerously while smiling.
 Hmm. What should I do first?     The shy and nervous one looked like they were so close to tears.
 I can cut off the hands which put the bucket and threw the duster.
 Kim and Ivan paled and grabbed their hands as if trying to protect them.
  I can tear off the mouths that said words and enabled them.
Alya, Lila and Alix paled and shivered.
 Or I can just tear off the brain and spine of those who had the idea.
Max and Markov shrunk in the background.
 Or…..  She grinned with a bloodthirsty look.     …I can simply strip all of you off your skin while I hear those lovely screams that would come out of your mouth.
 The whole class shivered under her gaze. Damian looked at the bluenette who was rubbing her forehead. With a sigh she looked up and opened her mouth.
 Kaylan, your dark side is showing.
 Suddenly the suffocating air disappeared from the class and Kaylan smiled at the blunette and hugged her acting coy.
 But M we need to teach them a lesson. They are all bullying me. Did you not see the water and the chalk? Let me get rid of them permanently. Pretty please!
 She looked at her with puppy dog eyes. Marinette cursed in the back of her mind. Despite being a cold person, Kaylan knew how to pull those eyes and she was certain she could see the wagging tail and dog ears flopped against her head.
 But Marinette was persistent making her whine. Chloe cackled and pulled her against her and got to her seat.
 On the other hand, both Damian and Jon looked baffled, one more than other. But they had to admit that it was pretty badass. By the end of the day, the pair was able to get a general understanding of the whole class dynamic and were inclined to join the trio.
 After all there was a slight sense of mutual respect between them.
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punksarahreese · 2 years
exes au for reesker tsf pls 🥺
The last thing Sarah expected to come home to was a large box propped precariously atop the porch swing. She dragged it inside, seeing the shipping information bore no name but a familiar hospital’s address, so she didn’t hesitate too much to open it. Balanced on a pile of clothes and a couple knickknacks she didn’t know she was missing was a note. The careful cursive easily recognizable and caused her hand to tremor a bit as she read the words.
April gave me your new address so I could send your things, nothing weird I promise. I included your favourite sweater, you always looked better in it than I did. I said I would leave you alone and I mean it now. I hope you’re happy, Sarah.
- Ava
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calliecat93 · 3 years
So in Wrath of Khan, we get Spock death/resurrection.
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In Into Darkness, we got Kirk death/resurrection.
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So... if they ever did a third reboot and had Khan a major thing again, does that mean we’d get a McCoy death so that we can complete the cycle?
Then again if Space Seed is any indication...
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McCoy would be too badass to die in any Khan-related material XD
Also it just hit me when writing this... guess who was the necessary element to bring TOS!Spock and AOS!Kirk back?
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In VERY different cases mind you (TOS!McCoy’s case wasn’t exactly by choice) but something that occurred to me spur of the moment. So I guess if they DID do it again, both Kirk and Spock would have to figure out how to bring McCoy back. It would write itself XD
(Image Credit: TrekCore (TOS, WoK, TSFS, ID))
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renegade-skywalker · 3 years
Because Atton and the Jedi Exile will forever live rent-free in my brain:
“Did I make a mistake in asking you to play Pazaak?” Eden asked suddenly, her voice taking on a tone of quiet seriousness Atton wasn’t yet used to. She looked him dead on, her green-eyed gaze unwavering as she awaited his reply.
“What?” Atton tried to laugh it off. “Of course not.”
Eden blinked and nodded, but didn’t budge, instead folding her arms across her chest before she continued.
“You were hesitant to get into a game, which is fine. But seeing how you lit up afterwards, watching you actually play… that tells me it’s something you’re quite good at.”
Atton’s eyebrows shot up as he shrugged, still trying to retain the smirk he preferred to have plastered on his face during times of uncertainty.
“What can I say?” Atton said eventually, “I’m a decent player.”
“That doesn’t account for your betting behavior, though,” Eden continued, her voice steady, “It’s why you were on Peragus, wasn’t it?”
Atton swallowed, knowing that Eden had figured it out, but that wasn’t the whole of it. Yes, he’d been avoiding playing Pazaak again because gambling was a sickness, but the game itself? The numbers, the strategy, the calculated moves, the statistics… all of that was skill, and skills that had saved his life countless times - from Force-users as well as himself. But skill alone didn’t save him from making bets against the wrong people, nor did it have anything to do with the sort of people he’d been running with before Peragus, or before he was even going by the name Atton. And then there was the truth of his father and how all of this even started… There was no way to explain any of this to Eden in a way that made sense, at least not without getting a few drinks in him and spilling his entire life’s story.
“Listen, it’s no big deal. If anything, accidentally destroying that hunk of magma saved me from whatever debts hounded me before I was stationed there.” Though that doesn’t account for whatever the Exchange has on me now, Atton thought through a smile, “Besides, as long as you call the shots, I’m good.”
Eden narrowed her eyes and nodded, a glimmer of a smile teasing the corners of her mouth as she took him at his word. “It’s none of my business, but as long as we’re doing each other favors, I’d like to think I’m not taking advantage of you, y’know?”
At that, Atton paused. That’s what she’s worried about? He had a feeling Kreia’s earlier explanation on Eden’s backstory had barely covered the basics, but in that instant he knew there was more to Eden than he could ever possibly fathom. Even if he asked nicely.
“Sure, yeah. No advantage taken,” he said, though part of him was lying. If Eden were taking advantage of him, it wasn’t because she knew it but instead because he was letting it happen. Because he deserved it, and if anyone in the galaxy needed credits for a new pair of duds it was a woman still too shell-shocked to don the robes of someone likely dead. “I’m serious, though. As long as we’re here, just say the word. Whatever you need.”
At this Eden now eased into an unmistakable grin, her face softening for the first time since they’d met, and it was only then that Atton truly felt himself go weak in the knees. Shit.
“I appreciate it,” Eden said, whisper-soft, before her smile dissolved into something more serious. “I know the TSF is more than forcing this living situation of ours, but I mean it.”
“Yeah, no problem,” Atton said, sucking in a breath before nodding as politely as possible and slowly closing the module door before any budding feelings other than obligatory camaraderie could manifest. “G’night.”
“‘Night,” Eden said from the other side of the door, muffling a laugh.
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ranvwoop · 3 years
Mcc thoughts please :)
(I love to hear for u about this stuff!!!)
!! cryptid!!! friend!!! hello!!! thank you for asking!! Often I am no thoughts head empty about like, actual skill things, but I do have some thoughts for you :DD! (Also nice new pfp by the way !!). I also got very distracted while writing this. It's late. Oopsie.
Under the cut as usual Cause I Talk A Lot.
The first thing to say about it is ?? it was just a Very Nice Time. Everyone pretty much unanimously agrees that the vibes of mcc14 were Very Off, and I also came away with. eek. awkward. people are sad and unhappy and that is bad. mccp was also super good (and for a good cause!!) but I felt this one even surpassed it in Good Atmosphere. I watched Pink from Ranboo's pov live, and then watched Green from Phil's pov in the evening (/morning cause I fell asleep watching it lol), and I'm even debating watching Red from Quackity's pov despite it being an almost four hour VOD and I do not have the time for that, it was just. Such a nice time!! I can't actually speak for other than Pink and Green but. I understand completely why it is adored.
To preface, I don't know anything about being good at video games. Much less Minecraft. I spiritually relate to mister Pants in this position. I am tossing stones in this glass tumblr blog. I don't look at the Reddit, either.
For Pink, I have to say I Am So Proud of Ranboo. I am so proud of him. That's my parasocial relationship! He's come so far and he says he's not good at the game but h e i s. I'm very glad that they got parkour tag first, specifically because Ranboo did really well and he deserved to have a good start. Something something morale and surprising people, but also I just think he personally deserved it. I hope he comes back for more tournaments, it's no secret that i adore he but like... great attitude..... generally very versatile... he's not the best best pvper in the world but pvp but shut.... I'm so excited to see him come back and do even better. I hope he'll be a regular, and tbh since he's so happy and excited about it and also happy to be paired with anyone I think he will be. My streamer is so cool.
Wilbur and Tubbo also did extremely well!! Top ten?? My streamers?? My streamers constantly underestimated because the reddit is mean to them for some reason??? Admittedly I don't know much abt Tubbo in MCC because this is my first time watching his team, but, give him more credit he knows what he's doing D:. And Wilbur, I have been watching him in the past two MCCs and I know he's been trying so hard and constantly being just cut short. He just wants to do well and be a good support for his teammates,,, mister Soot... holding gently.
I am not too familiar with TapL, other than he's usually at the front of races, but second individual is Super Super Good. I am proud of him too. I've also not watched him because I'm not very into speedrunning (see above where I. I don't know a thing about Minecraft lol) but he's so cool I may have to. The universe is telling me watch Tapl. But he's very cool. Not a lot for me to say abt him since I knew him as a really good player and he ended up being a really good player!
Pink's overall communication and chemistry was So Good. It was so good that I didn't even think about it being a factor until I watched another point of view, and Green sort of fell apart a bit and I was like, huh, wow, okay. No offence to them, but they had a sort of rough start with Battlebox. It was a tiny bit secondhand embarassing because it's just nooO listen to eachother,, listen,,,,
They also had a rough entirety with Connor. Poor Connor. I say this with absolute affection, I think Connor's really cool and I like watching his streams and also it was funny, but CoNNOR,
He had to be taught how to play the game During the game. I don't think he'd used an Elytra before the tsf map?? Or at least it had been so long he forgot?? Nobody told him about 1.9 combat changes until chat told him during the game. Phil had said on stream that he was trying and failing to round people up to practice, but, they should've at least ran through the game mechanics with the man. Tell him the event started an hour before it should've or something and play on a realm and refresh stuff he Will Need. And then Sands of Time, where his game was bugged, everyone assumed he was just incompetent, and then he sounded very calm so nobody realized the gravity of How Much Sand.
I'm not saying he's not just bad at the game, (well. he's probably average at the game, honestly, but in comparison to people who have spent their career in The Craft), but I think with a little more support in some areas he wouldn't have done as poorly. This is also totally not salty or anything, it was Very Fun to watch the poor man trying to navigate Minecraft, and everyone had fun so!! Good. Rights.
(It was also very funny when Phil and Fundy both tried to compliment him and Discord cut it off. MAN CAN'T CATCH A BREAK!)
To speak more positively, they really managed well in sky battle and survival games. Tommy is always an excellent leader for those sorts of things and managed to even keep Connor alive until the end of SG, and I think they did very well in sky battle too?? I can't completely remember. Phil trying to coach Connor through TSF was also nice to see, even if the time ran out before he could actually manage to do it.
I don't know why I've based my metric of teamwork on Connor. It's important to uplift the weak link, I guess! Like I said, I am not upset about it or salty or think that they're secretly Bad Team Players or Bad People, it's just an observation. They're all individually great members of a team, and I've seen them all work well in the past!
Fundy was also there. Fundy did good. I didn't talk about Fundy here at all. I can't remember much about what he did.
I would also like to take a moment to talk about Purple Pandas, because they were at the root of Pink Parrot's failures and I think that is hilarious. Wool'd em in Battlebox. Killed them early in Sky Battle. And then, finally, killed Ranboo in SG. I just thought it was really funny.
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oceanic-recollection · 8 months
did you know John faith and v1 have the same voice
<TSF> ME TOO!!!!!
<TSF> ....sometimes, i mean!
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fericita-s · 4 years
Garden Party AU
@the-spastic-fantastic helped me with a new Agduna story I’m going to post in a minute, one where Agnarr has to get married/engaged immediately for Reasons, and in order for you kind readers to understand how important and helpful our brainstorming sessions are (and also how nuts - I mean enthusiastic- we are), I cut and pasted this one (with her permission).  We had more exchanges than this one, but this is the one I saved. 
F:            And we did talk once about an AU where Agnarr asks Iduna to marry  him because he has to get married and “You're my friend please help me out.”
But they both actually love each other
But are afraid to say
TSF:        God, that would be a good one
"Listen, if you don't marry me, Alexsandra is who the council is pushing. Please save me." 
F:            Ok maybe that's what I'm writing next
AUs where they don't die in a boat
Can you imagine the look on that bitch's face when Agnarr is like "Uh, so actually, here's my brand new fiancé"
"Courting is for chumps"
"We're totally getting married next week"
Or however you spin it
F:            Ok so
Would it be very out of character if he announced it without even telling Iduna?
Maybe when Alexsandra is being bitchy to Iduna during a party or a council meeting
Then later gives Iduna the freedom to back out
Is this a formal announcement or does he just tell Alexandra in a moment of panic and desperation while Iduna is standing there?
F:            But Lady Wollen is all “What a relief, we need you married to stop Weselton from these crazy power grabs and there was no diplomatic way to do without a prior love match"
TSF:        She's just like " . . .yes. Engaged. That is totally what we are."
'cause she's gonna be a bro about it?
F:            Cue Agnarr saying "So sorry she said love match, I know it's not true"
TSF:        :D
I love everything about this
So how does she explain she's still agreeing to marry him after he TOTALLY FUCKS UP THE MOOD by making that comment?
Or does Lady Wollen just slap him in the back of the head?
F:            Yes how to keep the misunderstanding going because I feel like Lady Wollen would probably straighten it out
Or Iduna would yell at him
TSF:        Hmm . . .
It could happen in a short time frame
F:            Sorry messages are doing that weird thing again where I have to exit out and then go back in to read what you're saying so sorry this is like a monologue
TSF:        Slow burns don't have to take place over months if you're agonizing inside the heads of the characters
No, you're good
F:            Hooray are you asking for a SHORT STORY
And to answer a previous question, yes he says it in a moment of panic and Iduna is a bro
TSF:        I think you could write it as a short story If you wanted
F:            And also Iduna really likes the look of shock on Alexsandra's face
TSF:        The bitch had it coming
               Just a fun, angsty AU that takes place over two weeks because Lady Wollen is like "Oh fuck no, not letting them screw this up, I already have a dress and told the Bishop let's get you kids married, hup hup”
Oh, I'm sure that image sustains her better than air
F:            Lady Wollen is a fairy godmother
Oh! Maybe Lady Wollen has figured out Iduna is Northuldra
TSF:        Iduna could play it up too
F:            Pieced it together after Rock Pox
TSF:        Just immediate latches on to his waist and is like "Yeah, we're engaged. What's up?"
Finds out from Eir what she used to wear
F:            Convinces her to tell Agnarr and that it won't put the kingdom in danger
TSF:        :D
F:            Would Iduna be the one to say "Oh we're engaged?"
Because maybe with the power dynamics he would feel too bad about it
Alexsandra would have to be super pushy about something to bring Iduna to that though
TSF:        Yeah, she'd have to basically grab the man's crotch or something
F:            Oh! Or maybe it's more like Alexsandra is all "Gossip is that no one is getting anywhere with you, King. Not one woman courted yet at all? Be careful or another kind of gossip will follow about you and your ability to produce heirs"
TSF:        I think Agnarr would be more likely to do it even with the power dynamic because he thinks he can smooth it over and beg forgiveness later, never expecting to wed
F:            And Iduna is like "Oh it might not travel out of Arendelle but Agnarr is quite the ladies man."
TSF:        Maybe Greet or Henrik can be there
And they're just like "You know what, fuck this bitch?"
"Oh - those two already have an understanding"
And Lady Wollen just happens to be passing by . . . Probably too contrived though
F:            Or would he propose on the spot but like wink at Iduna
Whisper in her ear "Don’t worry I'll let you out of this later"
Or is that too awful
Wait tell me more about Greet and Henrik being there
This can basically be WAIL up to the garden party
TSF:        Ooooh
That'd be cool
Well, if Greet came with Iduna
And Henrik was wandering around
And Agnarr strolls up to Iduna and Greet with Alexsandra
Greet ain't gonna put up with that shit
And Henrik wanders over because he failed to charm that other girl and, hey, Greet is here and she's always game
And Alexsandra makes that bitch-ass comment
And before Agnarr can tell her off because he's still speechless about her comment re: Elias Greet is just like "Mistress? Bitch please. They have an understanding." And Henrik walks up and is like "Oh? Is it no longer secret?"
F:            OOOOOOOH
I love that SO MUCH!!!
TSF:        And Alexsandra (who maybe really did half pressure the Council into accepting her as The Only Choice)
Turns to Agnarr and is like "Is this true?!"
"Uh . . .yeah."
And Iduna is like "Sure is."
F:            Totally takes any pressure from Agnarr off of Iduna
It's their crazy friends
TSF:        Exactly!
But then Lady Wollen
Seeing an opportunity . . .
She plays dumb
F:            TELL ME MORE
TSF:        "Oh wow, kids! You are!? How delightful, I'm going to go straight to my office and send out the invites"
               "And you poor babies already had to wait so long."
"Two weeks and you're wed!" "Don't thank me!"
F:            Lol yes!!
TSF:        She grabs Captain Calder on the fly and is like
"Listen. I'm on the highway to hell and you're coming with me."
"If we move fast, this will work"
F:            Lol! Love it
Alexsandra came to the council meeting with an obscure law that if the king wasn't married and was heirless at age 21
TSF:        Yyyyyaaaaaassssss
F:            The kingdom that was theirs largest in trade must send a bride
And she's like "that me"
TSF:        YES
F:            Or something better worded
TSF:        "To maintain strong trade relations and safeguard Arendelle's economy . . ."
F:            Iduna gives a self-satisfied smile
"We've been practicing producing an heir. I don't think it will be a problem"
TSF:        Agnarr chokes on his wine
Henrik is trying not to die laughing
She should get to deliver that one liner before Lady Wollen shows up
Because Greet and Henrik should suffer too
When everyone is suddenly like "Oh SHIT"
"Ok, seriously, you two NEED to get married now or we'll both be executed"
"What the hell are you talking about? Elias' dad made some big random speech about it."
Or something
I don't know
F:            Oh my gosh this is SO GOOD
TSF:        Please write it You'll rock it
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euphorial-docx · 2 months
Hi! I have a question about opev/tsf Jegulus. I was just wondering, does James ever discover what ma moitie means? Or is there a scene where he and regulus discuss that nickname in tsf / why he would use that particular one? I don’t mean to pressure you or anything, I was just curious. I think that nickname is so adorable and you are the only person I’ve ever seen use it so I was wondering about your thoughts for it
hello! james will in fact discover the meaning of ma moitie in tsf, and i would say regulus will find out what jaan means but i know that boy already looked into it years ago lmao. being his nosy self as usual.
i chose “ma moitie/my other half” over other terms of endearment because i thought it was very true for regulus’s character in opev. he truly did believe james represented the best part of him.
i also think he used it simply because it wasn’t a well-known term. he was afraid that james would understand ones like “mon cœur” or “mon amour” too easily. he really loves to be Mysterious and he wanted james to work to understand him.
additionally, him using specifically a french term of endearment over italian is very intimate to regulus, as he only speaks french with his close family and it is the language he associates with nostalgia and love.
thank you for the lovely question <333
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
December 14: 1x28 The City on the Edge of Forever (Also I’m 32)
For my birthday, I watched an ep of Star Trek, because I can. It was very good and I enjoyed watching but now I’m starting to get some pretty bad evening anxiety, so!! I’m going to try to ignore that.
Here are some thoughts:
I love this wavy camera work. Space turbulence.
I recognize that this intro really doesn’t have anything to do with anything but it’s still really, like, sudden--weird time things are happening and the ship keeps shaking!
Sulu’s looking damn good today. (I say this in every ep with a closeup of Sulu.)
That was a real rookie mistake on McCoy’s part there, stabbing himself with the hypo. (Harlan Ellison voice lol.) (Still better than the original script.)
“They’ll never catch me!”
Sulu and Spock have been trading eye shadow secrets obviously. It’s a real shame that the AOS movies didn’t give people awesome makeup. I mean heck if you couldn’t force yourself to give men obvious makeup (the horror!) you could have at least done something cool with Token Girl Uhura.
Kirk sounds very formal today. Idk why, but his tone is just slightly different--calling Scotty “Engineer” and something about his log... Probably just me being weird or an effect of there being so many writers on this thing.
Damn, McCoy was almost as good as Spock, the way he knocked that guy out so efficiently.
I’m pretty sure this is Uhura’s first landing party. And she barely gets to do anything because this is the Kirk and Spock Show today.
“Unbelievable.” / “That’s funny.” Is it though?
Legit laughed out loud when Bones popped up from behind that rock, right after Uhura said he wasn’t there.
I don’t think Spock likes the Guardian. “Primitive science knowledge? Excuse you, Sir.”
The Guardian really is just like hand-wave-y sci fi lol. Uh it’s really old and really advanced so it can’t really explain itself, the point is, time travel!!!! I mean I don’t hate it but still.
Kirk is very quick to want to play with time. A little vacation away from his usual work. Getting to satisfy his curiosity and be his nerdy self and learn things. Can you even imagine TOS Kirk in AOS???
Love the dramatic moments: Kirk looking very suddenly when the Guardian says “Behold.” Jumping into the sand as he fails to catch McCoy.
Kirk’s biggest fantasy--a vacation that’s also exploration--turns into his greatest nightmare--loneliness.
“No star date” Can you even imagine Starfleet HQ getting this? “Whoops we just destroyed literally everything. Don’t worry, we’ve probably fixed it if you’re reading this.”
History nerd Kirk. Correctly identifying the Great Depression. If Spock thinks THIS is barbaric, what would he think about today?
“I’m going to be difficult to explain in any case.” Truly, only Kirk, and his love goggles, would choose the ONE alien in his crew to take with him on the first expedition into the past. This was completely foreseeable guys.
Spock’s like “That’s a cool car. Let me examine it now. In the middle of the street. While people yell at me.”
This ep starts out so dramatic and now all of a sudden it’s a comedy, right down to the music. (Again, a sign of how many writers had their hands in this.)
“I’m going to like this century. Simpler, easier to manage.” LOL.
“You’re a police officer. I recognize the traditional accoutrements.” Spock is having such a good time watching this.
Really relying on American racism to explain the alien, huh? “I know you don’t know what Asians look like so.... he’s Chinese.”
“I double dog dare you to put together a computer, Mr. Spock.” Effective.
Put on the hat, the hat!!!!
Starfleet’s greatest Captain couldn’t come up with a fast fake name for Spock.
Kirk looks good in this outfit. Actually the outfits in general are great.
Honestly what does Edith think of these weirdos?
Kirk hears trash talk: “Shut up. SHUT UP.” No talking badly about women in THIS house.
She should have been living in our time. I wonder if she always thought space was cool or if Kirk (and uh literal actual alien Spock) inspired her.
Spock’s eye roll at “I find her most uncommon.”
Kirk definitely did manual labor in high school.
Spock really is building a whole-ass computer.
“I’ve brought you vegetables? What else do you want??” Is this the first reference to him being a vegetarian?
And there was only one bed...
Edith’s reaction to Spock’s sass is hilarious. She’s really not confused by him at all.
When Spock’s straightforward, honest answers about why he stole the tools don’t work, Kirk steps in with the charm offensive.
“By his side, as if you’ve always been there and always will” is basically the toast at their wedding.
Favorite thing about Edith remains that she meets an actual alien and says eh, not so weird, and then looks at the Iowa Farm Boy and is like ????????? does not compute.
“Why don’t you want to talk about the war? Are you a war criminal?”
I feel like Kirk gets a weird kick out of saying he and Spock “served together.” And like it’s literally the truth? But he has this little smile like he’s getting away with a cool lie.
Only about 10 years until we get the cool alien book about love!
Spock bringing out the big guns with today’s requisite “Jim.”
Imagine meeting McCoy like this: weird-ass uniform, rambling and paranoid. Thinks he’s met a humanoid alien. Getting so upset about 20th century hospitals he starts crying and rolling on the ground. He’s so empathetic. I love him.
What a way to go, killing yourself accidentally with a future weapon you steal from a 23rd century time traveler you mistake for a drunk.
Bones is so good at not being seen. That’s straight up comedy how he just passes by behind Spock. There are really weird, random comedy elements in this.
“She was right but at the wrong time.”
Kirk’s in love with Edith... I mean he’s not lol but that IS what a romantic such as him would say.
“I’m a surgeon, not a psychiatrist,” says the man who testified as a psychiatrist at a court martial in a previous episode.
How convenient that U.S.S. is an abbreviation she’d recognize.
“I don’t believe in YOU.”
I know this isn’t actually true, but it feels like Spock literally just came out of the room to be jealous while Kirk and Edith kiss.
Spock’s lesson “do[ing] as your heart tells you to do” is wrong.
So McCoy just got over it, I guess. Kirk was all ready to manipulate time to stop the accident but all they needed to do was find him, catch him, and sedate him a while I guess.
“My young man.” So cute.
The reunion hug with McCoy is adorable. I watched it 4 times.
Yet another Kirk vacation fantasy foiled.
No final talk on the bridge... Very dramatic and sad.
This IS a really good episode but I just still can’t get behind calling it the BEST Star Trek episode. To me, it doesn’t feel enough like Star Trek to be the best. It’s a really great story, and it’s entertaining to watch, but it’s not representative. Too few of the crew--not even really that sci-fi-ish at the end of the day. Like I said, the Guardian is really generic and ill-explained, just a prop for the main story. And while that main story is obviously all about time travel and the effects of time travel, even THAT is incidental to the real point, which is the moral question: save one or save many? But it’s not even a conundrum, like in TWOK/TSFS,because there is no real choice. Obviously Kirk is going to let Edith die. To do otherwise wouldn’t just damn many more people in the 20th century to death, it would damn his crew and his ship and, in a way, himself. So it’s more like, well, inevitably, she will die, and he will let her, but it will be really sad. So the point is just this tragic, doomed love story. Which is not a bad story in any sense, but it’s not what one generally primarily associates with TOS.
I’m not sure this is making sense because I’m just working out my thoughts as I type.
I do think there’s some interesting stuff here: I think one could do a lot with what this ep does for Spock’s development, since we don’t hear too much from him but he’s pretty intimately involved in all this. And the lessons it’s teaching him about feelings and vulnerability are...not great.
Also Uhura saying “at least be happy” in the beginning ties in interestingly to the rest of the narrative--he could have chosen his happiness, in a way, at least fleetingly. Perhaps it would have been more interesting if Kirk had ever really considered letting Edith live--but then, would he be Kirk if he ever considered it, seriously, out loud? Am I being dense by thinking the narrative should have said this in so many words, when it’s obvious enough as is?
I’m also not totally sure about the... message. I’d prefer to say there isn’t one, honestly, because of the way the conundrum is set up: as a non-conundrum. Because, obviously America should have entered WWII; if ever there was a war that was worth fighting, this would be it. Hence there’s no need to really interrogate whether or not Edith’s death was right. There’s no way it was not right. There’s no complication there, allowing the story to focus on the tragedy of Kirk’s inevitable decision instead. It could have been a different story, about weighing the pros and cons. And then possibly also a story with a moral lesson attached to the decision Kirk makes: about the many versus the few, for example, or about war specifically, since obviously this is airing with Vietnam as a background.
It could also have been a story about fate. Obviously, McCoy can and does change time. But you have all 3 of them ending up at the same place/time, right near this Big Event. You have the almost-fall on the stairs, implying death is out for Edith. You have the total set of circumstances around her death: as it actually plays out, she’s only there BECAUSE of Kirk and Spock. Were they always there? Does she get killed in a slightly different circumstance in timelines without them? The way the story plays out, all of these details seem so beside the point--again, the story uses time travel but isn’t really ABOUT time travel; it uses sci fi tools but is not telling a sci fi story--so it’s not even really worth interrogating.
(Other than just now, when I did.)
I think it’s pretty obvious that a lot of people had their hands in this story: Kirk’s very IC romantic nature is first and foremost and I like seeing this part of him, but the Command part is kind of hidden; there are moments of tragedy, in the traditional sense of the word, but also other parts that feel like Tomorrow Is Yesterday in terms of the style of comedy; the sci fi stuff is really random.
None of this is really criticism, just thoughts. It’s definitely a really interesting episode.
Next is the FINAL EPISODE of S1, which is RIDICULOUS imo. I’m fairly sure Operation Annihilate was one of the first TOS episodes I saw. I have a real soft spot for it so I’m looking forward to watching.
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