#i luv u kevin c
dazaiconfused · 3 months
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Meadowlands, New Jersey, 19th July 1989
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muliannisa · 3 years
Hard to Bid Farewell: til we meet again!
Ah... akhirnya moment ini datang juga. Gak pernah kepikiran kapan aku akan menulis ini, sampai ahirnya setelah segala deadline menanti, aku tulis juga. Halo teman-teman terbaik di Tech in Asia, this writing is for you!
Friday, 27 August 2021 will be my last day at Tech in Asia Indonesia. Seperti percaya nggak percaya, tapi memang nyatanya harus melepas perjalanan yang sudah ditempuh hampir 4 tahun bersama TIA. Sedikit di luar rencana hidup, tapi aku yakin perjalanan selanjutnya akan lebih menyenangkan, doakan ya!
Kayanya baru kemarin aku join TIA, tepat seminggu sebelum ulangtahunku, yaitu 13 November 2017. Dulu, sebelum keterima aku lagi no hope banget sama hidup, sampe yang memotivasi buat dapet kerja secepatnya pun hanya karena ingin dirayakan ulangtaun bersama teman-teman kantor ahaha. Lucunya, ternyata di tanggal 19,20,21 November itu ada 3 orang yang berulang tahun, Mas Dipta (Editor in Chief, alumni juga skrg), Aku, dan Lidya (Head Marketing kita yang cihuy banget). Makasih banget sudah mewujudkan citacita recehku saat itu untuk merayakan ulangtaun di kantor baru, wkwkw. 
Long story short di tahun pertama kerja di TIA, punya beberapa teman kerja yang ujung-ujungnya bisa diajak jadi teman curhat hidup, teman sehat olahraga bareng, dan teman karaoke selama lembur. Haha. Halo tim Podcast Pantry Ekky, Mas Vicky, Mas Putra, Mas Adit, Mas Risky, Jesse, Kak Teto, Baba, Mas Cepot dan beberapa alumni Septa, Hadi, Mas Aria, Atha, Alifah, duh banyak! Ga lupa juga squad makan siang di pantry ku, jamaah #makanapaguys ku Mba Dini, Mba Ain, dan Mba Diah my luv <3 yang selalu berdebat di jam jam kritis mau pesen kopi mana lagi hari ini, mau gofood makan siang apalagi, dan tentunya yang paling seru adalah debat pembagian total bayar setelah dipotong diskon promo Grab HAHAHA :)) Kapan-kapan kita order Fried Chicken Master lagi ya!
Oh My God... time flies. Hampir empat tahun, dan aku udah banyak menyaksikan momen-momen people come and go di TIA, yang ahirnya sekarang aku yang harus pergi. Aduh. Sedih.
Untuk Lead terbaikku, Mas Putra, HALO MAAAAS YA ALLAH TERIMAKASIH, makasih banyak Mas Put, gw minta maaf banget banget kalau selama kerja sama Mas Put gw banyak kurangnya, banyak nanya, atau banyak mau. But you are the best! I learned a lot from you, and you always give me new challenge yang di awal gw merasa ga bisa tapi in the end gw bisa karena dorongan lo juga. Makasih banget Mas, semoga kapan-kapan bisa kerja bareng lagi di lain kesempatan. :D Tentunya, terimakasih juga atas saran-saran tentang kehidupannya yang walopun dijawab sambil dengerin Via Vallen, atau sambil kerja, atau sambil haha hihi, tapi means alot! Terimakasih sudah banyak dukung gw juga :) Maaf ya Mas, kalo udah burnout gw suka curhat sampe kelepasan nangis. Huhu.
My Event Team, Icha, Ka Teto, Mas Vicky, haloooo kaliaaan terbaiiiiiik!! Sebuah kebanggaan banget bisa kerja bareng kalian, orang-orang berpengalaman dibalik suksesnya event-event besar Tech in Asia! Makasih buat kerjasamanya, mohon maaf kalau gw agak banyak mau, agak beda pola pikir, dan ribet, ahaha. Senang sekali bisa kerja sama kalian. Keep it up!! Ditunggu event event lainnya!
Icha, cha... words cant describe how grateful I am to have a peer like you cha. Makasih sudah sabar ngajarin aku dari awal join tim konten, dari yang gimana ribetnya bikin konten conference, ngundang speakers, bikin aku pede kalo ngobrol sama c level, omg makasih banget cha!! Icha yang semangat terus ya, sehat dan bahagia selalu sama Rayhan & suamik :D Maaf ya cha kalo aku ada salah selama kerja bareng hihi
Kak Teto & Mas Vicky, si duo master event! Makasih ya for days and nights we spent together tiap ngerjain project event haha. Keren kalian gak ada dua! Thanks juga Mas Vicky si sobat senggol bocor, jangan galau mele, semoga cepet dipertemukan dgn yg terbaik! Makasih juga sharing-sharingnya :P
Marketing Team! Duh, sempet gabung sebentar di sini, tapi seru banget! Lili, Benita, Diah, Ekky, eh duh siapa lagi ya sekarang ahaha. 
Makasih banget ya, Lili yang walopun super sibuk super banyak workload nya tapi masih stay calm & cool tiap ngerjainnya. LILI AKU RINDU NEBENG BALIK KE KALIBATA :( Makasih ya Li, udah mau sering ditebengin dan dicurhatin sekalian haha. Semoga Lili & Eldest sehat bahagia selalu.. 
Benita, teman musisi multitalenta ku, duh ngefans banget aku mah! Jenius banget sih Ben, keren, ditunggu karya-karyanya ya Ben! Makasih juga dulu sempet cerita-cerita di Warung MJS Setiabudi bareng Baba, Fairuz, dan lainnya. I wish you joy & happiness! 
Diaaaah halo diah, masih teringat terahir kita nonton bareng Imperfect di Epicentrum ketemu Reza Rahadian wkwk terimakasih sudah pernah mau sharing sama aku juga ya. Kamu diem diem ternyata recehnya berlebihan, lucu banget deh, aku akan rindu banget jokes dan pantun kamu! 
Ekky! ahaha ekky boy yang sekarang dah jadi bapak bapak, ini saksi pertama dari awal gw kerja ampe sekarang ya ky. Ekky yang walopun lebih muda dari gw tapi SUPER WISE! Banyak sharing advise kehidupan dan juga selalu menginspirasi dengan podcast nya, konten belajarnya di vektoria hingga skrg di mudah marketing. Not to mention your career growth! so inspiring ky! semoga makin sukses! kapan kapan kita ngopi lagi ya!
Studio Team! woohoo kalian si tim gercep dalam meraih cuan ahaha keren banget pokonya apalagi leadnya Mas Dhika! 
Mas Dhika, kita belum lama kenal ya mas, tapi terimakasih banget utk semua kerjasamanya. Mohon maaf kalau belum banyak kasih impact buat tim studio, but it was great to work with you! Sehat selalu ya Mas Dhika & istri :D
Mbak Dini, halo halo halo Mbaaa? Bakal kangen aku nggak? ehehe. Mba Din, maaf banget ya suka aku ping tibatiba buat call (selama pandemi ini) mau call kerjaan ataupun call tibatiba pgn curhat wkwk Mba Din! Makasih banget buat segala kerjasamanya, huhu, sangat membantu dan maaf aku banyak merepotkan! You’re the best employee versi aku lah pokonya, jangan lupa tidur yang cukup, makan yang bener!
Mbak Ainun!! Huhu kangen banget sama sobi cileboet ku yang satu ini :( Semoga Mba Ain dan baby juga suami sehat selalu. Mba Ain semangat ya!! Semoga lancar terus pekerjaannya, kalo mumet jangan lupa break dulu ya Ain :D Hope to meet u soon!
Nadia, Abel, Kevin, hai guys aku belom kenal kalian terlalu lama dan belom pernah ketemu, tapi makasih banget ya buat kerjasamanya! Abel yang juga selalu bantuin aku cari contact person client, maaf banget merepotkan ehe. 
Artwork Team! Aduh panjang ya Bun, tapi aku bener-bener butuh say thanks sama semuanya :D
Mas Cepot, alias Emas Didik! Teman sebelah meja ku yang baru juga duduk sebelahan bentar eh udah harus WFH wkwkwk. Mas makasih sudah banyak kasih ilmu buatku! Mulai dari mindfulness, finansial, video editing, terbaik sekali kamu mas! Terimakasih sudah workcation bareng ke Singapore demi konten client ahaha. Sukses terus ya Mas!
Galih, ahahaha, si super satu ini, yang ga masalah banget gw senggol jam berapa pun buat revisi artwork wkwkw Gaaal, happy banget kerja sama lo! Makasih yaaa, maaf gw banyak mau :D
Baba, Babaaaa sayaaaang apakabar Ba? Kangen banget liburan bareng lo lagi. Ba, sehat selalu yaa! Kalau ke Bandung kabarin hihi Semangat terus kerjanya Ba, i love your artworks! <3 Makasih udah suka mau random curhat sama gw, semoga semakin happy ya ba!
Kevin, master keviiiin ahaha si introvert yang serba bisa! makasih ya mz dulu kita sempet banyak kerjasama, lebih banyak main nya sih ya ahaha, keep up the good work ya kev! Makin rajin olahraga dan masaknya! Semoga segera bertemu tambatan hati hihi
Editorial & Product team, yang aku gabisa mention satu satu, terimakasih banyak ya atas kerjasama, dukungan, dan feedbacknya! Semoga kalian bisa terus kasih inovasi terbaik buat Tekinesya! <3
Queena, Queen!!! Ya Allah kapan coba kita terahir ketemu? :( Si sobat HDI ku yang keren banget, yang suka tibatiba curhat di pantry ahaha i miss you so much! Semoga makin sukses ya Queen di kantor dan di yang lainnya <3 lets meet up soon!
Jessenia, Jes! ahaha Ya Allah sama kamu mah never ending saying thankyou nih kayaknya aku. Makasih bangeeeet atas segala bimbingannya dari awal aku masuk sampe sekarang. Dari mulai kerjaan sampe kehidupan, dari mulai pantry, teras Menteng49, sampe google meet. Makasih ya, I’m very happy working at Tech in Asia <3
Last but not least, Ko Hendri, terimakasih banyak Ko Hen sudah kasih kesempatan gw kerja di TIA. Terimakasih atas segala perjuangannya mempertahankan TIA ID :D Semoga ke depannya semakin sukses lagi!
Huhu jadi banyak banget tapi aku bener bener harus say thanks sama kalian semua. Karena berkat kalian aku bisa ada di sini sekarang. Awwwww. Semoga pandemi ini segera berakhir, dan kita semua selalu diberi kesehatan supaya masih bisa bertemu secara offline kembali! :D
Terimakasih, til we meet again! 
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ventrycl · 5 years
song recs for sun signs pt 4
aries, start a riot (duckwrth & shaboozey), rnp (ynb cordae), american problem (kevin abstract)
taurus, hold you back (emotional oranges), c u girl (steve lacy), seigfried (frank ocean)
gemini, all love (fletcher), cable (verzache), running out of time (tyler, the creator)
cancer, unless you’re drowning (emotional oranges), maybe baby (the abstracts), sixty two (filthy tricks)
leo, kosmic luv (dizzy fae), i’m drunk and i miss you (savage ga$p), peace of mind (ryahn)
virgo, nobody (mitski), empty (kevin abstract), memory (hojean)
libra, palace/curse (the internet), johnny bravo (dizzy fae), waitin (kelela)
scorpio, prophet (king princess), baby forget it (reyna), love/paranoia (tame impala)
sagittarius, stupid (ashnikko), vivid (brockhampton), pretty sweet (frank ocean)
capricorn, white (odd future), sometimes (snoh aalegra), the bird (anderson .paak)
aquarius, screwed (janelle monáe), bad idea! (girl in red), arsonist’s lullaby (hozier)
pisces, washing machine heart (mitski), the only (amir obè), let go (beau young prince)
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nctrnm · 4 years
Groove On: Session 159 by Groove On 💐 Bless you for listening to Groove On... We're so GEEKED to have TYLER WYATT back on the boards this week and he's coming with heat 🔥 Are you ready for another sonic therapy session? Press play and feel uplifted now! ~~~ Groove On Sessions are recorded Live on Twitch, Periscope, Facebook and YouTube every other Sunday! ~~~ Discover more Groove On: linktr.ee/godsofgroove ~~~~~~~ Tracklist: f r a n c h i s e. - Sunday Service (f r a n c h i s e. Intro) Kevin Kofii x BAVR - Flashing Lights (edit) Jay-Z ft. Pharrell - Change Clothes (DJ Kasir Edit) Kevin Kofii x SmaleÌ - Get It Shawty (edit) Fireboy DML - King (TRVE HILL remix) Wizkid - Energy (turna edit) Nick Bike x J Capri - Beautiful x Pull Up To Mi Bumper (Melledit) Justin Timberlake - Like I Love U (Smochi & Excez Edit) KNVL. - WALALANGLENG (w/ MOJVKI) Average Jonny - keep d'evil away. *unreleased* BVRGER - gatorade masta Bell Biv DeVoe - Poison (max9k × Borae flip) Beyonce - Already (SOSA x HYALYTE Edit) T-Pain - studio love (TRVE HILL remix) Drake - Chicago Freestyle (BRII Edit) Drake - Chicago Flipstyle (ManilaJunkie Flip) MXTT HXLL - Are You That Somebody (Instrumental) Duncan Gerow - Aaliyah + PyramidPlaza = Are You That Somebody QNOE & TRVE HILL - however BAVR - Take Care QNOE - MDB TOOL oJ. - Hot Remix (ft. TEK.LUN & Zikomo) Ticklish - Boy Don't Waste My Amor Sángo - Me De Amor [August Mae's UK Garage FLIP] Emmavie - Can't Get Over You (luca. remix) *unreleased* anaïs - Woman (petit piment remix) SOSA X PASQUINEL - FEELING YOU nusnce - kiss SAINt JHN - Roses (MXTT HXLL Remix) Cajmere - Brighter Days (Arona Mane remix) Cassie - Me & U (Tanaya Remix) Duncan Gerow - Drake + Donell Jones = Hold On We're Going Home Omar Duro - don't mess with my man (w. Rien) Giveon - The Beach (SUA Flip) Mac MIller - I Can See (Fer Lerant Remix) nusnce - Loose Kevin Kofii x Soulely - Oye Soulely x Mar'One - Let me think about it HYALYTE & BAVR - U aint shit Smino - Klink (VANDALIZED EDIT) *unreleased* Sir MixaLot - Baby Got Back x All Night (Smochi Grind) Andrew. - ONE CALL Frank Ocean - Thinking bout you (VANDALIZED EDIT) *unreleased* austin marc - crew luv SMILEZ X MXTT HXLL - Best Sax I Ever Had austin marc - black leather glove Drake - 0-100 (SicStyle Edit) Kendrick Lamar x Major Lazer - Drank (Chamos x Cupidon Edit) Ticklish - Oh Boy 2020 VIP SicStyle - Massage Seats RICHTANNER - BAD SHIT Jarreau Vandal - Bad Shit (f r a n c h i s e. Remix) BRII - Ovrnight Baile (Interlude) TRVE HILL - anytime poetic Kojack - Sequencia do Poison SicStyle - You Don´t Know Me Sángo - SNS (instrumental) Sángo - No One Else Xavier Omär (F.K.A SPZRKT) & Sángo - How Do You Love Me Support the artists. ✌️.🖤.🕺
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jordandesta · 5 years
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3 / 27 / 19 ━ your character’s mood for the day. 
01. pure water by mustard, migos. “give me the beat, i ride it like a jetski, so many bad bitches they harassin' me, they like me 'cause i rap and be with the athletes.”
02. fall threw by rich the kid, young thug, gunna. “pull off in that lambo quick, hundred racks and a tec in this bitch, quarter mil' on my necklaces, tell your bitch to stop texting me, i've been living so reckless.”
03. splashin by rich the kid. “i flip the money, got my check up, i'm flexing up, but i'm no wrestler, blue cheese pockets got the extras, i stack the money up like tetris, how I got two-fifty from my neck up? how I made it from the hood to a bent truck?”
04. pure cocaine by lil baby. “when your wrist like this, you don't check the forecast, every day it's gon' rain, made a brick through a brick, i ain't whip up shit, this pure cocaine, yeah.”
05. west coast by g eazy, blueface, allblack, yg. “you can't imagine the way that this cash feelin', don't know what's harder, the first or the last million, my last album took care of my grand children, you try to win, cracked you head on the glass ceiling.”
06. middle child by j. cole. “i just poured somethin' in my cup, i've been wantin' somethin' I can feel, promise I am never lettin' up, money in your palm don't make you real.”
07. legacy by off set, travis scott, 21 savage. “i can't hold nothing back, i won't hold you up, i can't fit all my pain in this styro' cup, always talk to myself 'cause it's only us, always deep in my mind, don't know who to trust.”
08. envy me by calboy. “i was fighting some demons, in the field, bitch, i'm deep in, i was raised in the deep end, i know ****** be sinking.”
3 / 28 / 19 ━ songs that remind your character of their children/child.
for jasmine isabelle desta;
01. violent crimes by kanye west. “father forgive me, i'm scared of the karma, 'cause now i see women as somethin' to nurture, not somethin' to conquer, i hope she like nicki, i'll make her a monster, not havin' menages, i'm just being silly.”
02. when i’m gone by eminem. “have you ever loved someone so much, you'd give an arm for not the expression, no, literally give an arm for, when they know they're your heart, and you know you are their armor, and you will destroy anyone who would try to harm her.”
03. may i have this dance by francis and the light, chance the rapper. “you've got your, your mother's eyes, you've got your, your grandmother's ring, you've got your daddy's discernment, giirl, you did your thing, oh, give me one more, one, two, one, two, always on beat.”
04. right by you by john legend. “and even when it all becomes too much, when you're growing old and feeling out of touch, listen to this song and just take care, and know that i will be there...yeah, i promise i will, little girl, i'm cryin'.”
for legend magesty desta;
05. i love you so much by dj khaled, chance the rapper. “whatever you want to do, i will support you forever, one thing i can promise you, i love you forever, you're my son, i love you so much, i love you, son, you're my biggest blessing, mommy, daddy, we love you, we love you forever, son, you're the greatest that ever did it.”
06. only one by kanye west.  “hello my only one, remember who you are, you got the world 'cause you got love in your hands, and you're still my chosen one, so can you understand? one day you'll understand, so hear me out, i won't go, no goodbyes, just hello.”
07. new day by jay z. “sins of a father make yo' life ten times harder, i just wanna take ya to a barber, bondin' on charters, all the shit that i never did, teach ya good values, so you cherish it, took me twenty six years to find my path, my only job is cuttin' the time in half.”
08. mockingbird by eminem. “i know sometimes things may not always make sense to you right now, but hey, what daddy always tell you? straighten up little soldier, stiffen up that upper lip, what you crying about? you got me.”
3 / 29 / 19 ━ a playlist for your lover or ex lover.
01. worth it by yk osiris. “time is precious, baby girl, let's not let it go by, i just really wanna know, do you love me? don't lie, i know you felt alone, 'cause i been on the road, but i been doin' shows, i swear i ain't doin' you wrong”
02. swervin’ by a boogie wit da hoodie, 6ix9ine. “how you look so perfect on your worst days? double c your purses, you deserve it, ****** in your dm, they be thirsty, and in person, but you're curvin’, curvy little body, love your surface, i’m all on your body, make you nervous”
03. caramel by lloyd. “caramel, drippin' in my bed, yeah you know, what's going through my head, i'm thinking 'bout, getting with you tonight, i'm thinking 'bout, wifing you up for life”
04. kevin’s heart by j. cole. “she my number one, i don't need nothing on the side, said that i was done for good and don't want no more lies, but my phone be blowing up, temptations on my line, i stare at the screen a while before i press decline”
05. more/diamond ring by benny blanco, ty dolla $ign, 6lack. “you know your future brighter than a diamond ring, god damn, i put you on different things, god damn, you gon' make me break the bank, god damn...you're all I ever need, god damn, you mean so much to me”
06. ivy by frank ocean. “in the halls of your hotel, arm around my shoulder so i could tell, how much i meant to meant it sincere back then, we had time to kill back then, you ain't a kid no more, we'll never be those kids again”
07. mrs. variety by leon thoma, tayla parx. “mrs. variety, feels like i'm dating someone different every single week, it's like you know just how to play to every part of me, it's like you know just how to cater to my every need, mrs. variety”
08. cinderella by mac miller, ty dolla $ign. “you in my dreams that's why i sleep all the time, just to hear you say i love you, just to touch you, just to leave you behind, i told you, you don't have to worry, you'll be fine, this the type of thing i heard it happen all the time, yeah, I just wanna see you fly, because your fragrance got me faded, you be keepin' me high”
3 / 30 / 19 ━  songs that hit your character in the feels
01. power trip by j. cole, miguel. “got me up all night, all i'm singing is love songs, she got me up all night, constant drinking and love songs, she got me up all night, down and out with these love songs, she got me up all night, drown it out with these love songs, she got me up all night.”
02. practice by drake. “i can tell that money's got you working, got your body so wet, now we're finally here in person, i taste pain and regret, in your sweat, you've been waiting for me, i can tell that you been practicing.”
03. angel by the weeknd. “cause all I see are wings, i can see your wings, but i know what i am and the life i live, yeah, the life i live, and even though i sin, maybe we are born to live, but i know time will tell if we're meant for this, yeah, if we're meant for this.”
04. don’t by bryson tiller. “get in the ride, left hand is steering the other is gripping your thigh light up a spliff and get high, shawty you deserve what you been missing, looking at you i’m thinking he must be tripping, play this song for him tell him just listen.”
05. best mistake by layla russo, big sean. “hold up, i know love could be a beach with no shore, i done count to ten, lost my temper, and went back to four, i know sometimes it's hard to realize i'm the man that you need, i had a dream we branched out started a family tree.”
06. own it by drake. “next time we fuck, i don't want to fuck, i want to make love, next time we talk, i don't want to just talk, i want to trust, next time I stand tall I want to be standing for you.”
07. thinkin bout you by frank ocean. “yes, of course i remember, how could I forget? how you feel? and though you were my first time, a new feel, it won't ever get old, not in my soul, not in my spirit, keep it alive.”
08. come and see me by partynextdoor, drake. “i'll admit i'm sorry when i feel i'm truly sorry, things change, people change, feelings change too, never thought the circumstances woulda changed you.”
3 / 31 / 19 ━  a playlist for your character’s best friend. ( squad )
01. ni**as in paris by jay z, kanye west.
02. look at me now by chris brown, lil wayne, busta rhymes. 
03. rack city by tyga. 
04. swimming pools (drank) by kendrick lamar. 
05. gold digger by kanye west, jamie foxx. 
06. v.3005 by childish gambino.
07. the motto by drake, lil wayne.
08. bedrock by young money, lloyd.
4 / 01 / 19 ━ road trip playlist
01. hey jude by the beatles.
02. mr. jones by counting crows.
03. wonderwall by oasis.
04. hurricane by bob dylan.
05. mr. brightside by the killers. 
06. scar tissue by the red hot chili peppers.
07. all star by smashmouth.
08. stacy’s mom by fountains of wayne.
4 / 02 / 19 ━ three songs that make your character cry… every. single. time.
01. acid rain by chance the rapper. “my big homie died young; just turned older than him, i seen it happen, i seen it happen, i see it always, he still be screaming, i see his demons in empty hallways, i trip to make the fall shorter.”
02. perkys calling by future. “Iineed better thoughts, i need better vibes, focus on the top and let my ***** slide, i need more advice and ain't got no time, hustlin' do it right, feel like i waited a life time.”
03. u by kendrick lamar. “you shoulda filled that black revolver blast a long time ago, and if those mirrors could talk it would say "you gotta go", and if i told your secrets, the world'll know money can't stop a suicidal weakness.”
4 / 03 / 19 ━ free day, we just wanna see you be creative. ( throwbacks )
01. ambitonz az a ridah by 2pac. 
02. gin and juice by snoop dog, daz dillinger  
03. all falls down by kanye west, syleena johnston.
04. mrs. officer by lil wayne, bobby v, kidd kidd.
05. i’m n luv (wit a stripper) by t-pain, mike jones.
06. ms. jackson by outkast.
07. smack that by akon, eminem.
08. laffy taffy by d4l.
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nelsonsledge · 7 years
"Right"?!!!! o2 oK jUS breeeath i-K-no-W=oOW-twenty uNo YEARS of remembrance, the flying times, the Y-2 soon, hey BooBoo! & "HeyYouGuys"! Electric/"StaticCompany" un'RealizED. 💡 (ideas) RIPed. Little bit liquid 📺,a dash of heatED.D-Bait ~hookED. On phonics-vs-Ebonics (Norton)ed. Spoon Feeding G-MazZ & oG'z POP'ahhs A-DasHe'dD of Voc. BreakING down on the YIN-YangG stage like cCrOss-firED. Heated freedom debating with the black|white line drawn down the center of Hot-Topics, meltdown transitions via be back in two&two wit luv connections CHuck-abbey or ObBey that Giant Client Art Biz- compared and contrasting facts vs FAX, guess sponsors lead Mr Whipples squeezing addictions, Carols Mop vs Mob Closets after the shows Bloopers Gone WildER. MadDad plots to snagG the Bad Guys with the help of a few good fellows re-Union reunited (and it feels so good, need a razorback haircut:fellas bring in the boar'dD. NeverC c music factory members only free passAGE to FEAR INC. breaking down the Benny's for any whistlers that can name that tune before the SOAP Sands of time and the hourglass runs out, with Bill Nye and Tyson DeGrassE calls Spider Man, or Dr Phil, heck House,StrangeLove, since we got the Motts, and a time machine made from a GTO, and one from a Red and White Chevy Coop, WhoopWhoop, is that the CarRrrrrrrrrr Maaaaaaaa, Poes bedtime dittys, and Huey Lewis backing up the new with guest anchor Howard the Duck, Donald telling Nephews Huey it to late for little duck rogers and that half century in frustrations, still waiting on McFlys Release, cameo and name drops like Dexakota Droopy Daddy , and fill in the blank do it yourself at home you idioms, are you smarter the a K-12 these daze all blurRed and confused, no good stuff for the kid in you, prenatal Vitaminwater and a splashing, dunk in the question-able controversial drinking waters of standardized practices, ethics redefined methods and the playDoe response time of law and order. Hopefully get the ]aS[sist with pats and handshakes of the S.Green and BlessedD by McFarLandERs crew to take on those big bad data hoards of hidden monopoly monsters in the attic,the cellars and Hey Carol Berrnet, can you get the dustpan out of the hidden good riddance closet company, those under the rug sweeping package deal-e-O , find a sewer,find a leak, find the little god and dam em'all so one day we may be able to sleep in peace without the horse head found in a poor mans bed, with color crazied observers waiting their turn to deep freeze their own heads for future-Roma dunce shelving, next to their favorite dead presidents, what a tall drink of water, the hippie hip of fresh, and who needs to breath on Mars anyway, haven't they seen Arnold's , Hey Around (cartoon btw) how'dD your eyes feel after you got sucked out that Mission Two Mars, throw the mutant out the window, oh what, wait he is one of ours, nobody likes the other guys color red for catch-up, Hunt for something intelligent out there first before you bother opening that door markED d-Secret stash of Pandora and her that's Incredible Show by choice, or force, by dreams or those Hunts while sleeping Deeper in REM version of TommyBoys and Girls all watch the ball and sing a long, hey JOE, where are you going with that... It's a Jimmy thing in your hand, fix the ball that doesn't bounce, or be a better aim with the Nerf BB gun bully bullets with butterfly wings in Malaysia, that grrrreat, find me another Tiger for Tony, we are leaving the big aA 4 Montana, getting all the good dads on file, and we are going camping, shipping in like Ellis Island a game reserve, tagging predators with Chips, have me holding Swiss cheese signs reading To New York (Tony), badD guys are forever named Tony's uNo, unless they are Grandfathered Inn, Escapes a Far Cry after paranoia plays havoc with insiders trading listSinER, for get about it, smile your on candidate candid camera, with A World gone crazy, and family Funtime is lacking, after schools demanding the united to sit down with the kids and let them teach you what they did learn in school, every home no longer a gun but a stick, a bigG stick worth a full 316 bald guy inspired Austin TX. Your welcome, last stand, attention pleas, who ever gets the history lesson questions right before 3 strikes get a 10min Rampage with full screen HD envy the rest, the new and improved SORRY mad-e by POPS with a little love from Sam the Uncle, and the Butcher Too. Feeding the hungry Yogie Bears of the Rockys and any other don't get lost out there, family fun night alternating and mandatory, like the census or taxes, Neison rates the statistics and AOL digs deep in those lost and found, B-ing gets the S-Wing while Yahoo! Gets firsts dibs after the from this point on moral fabric of the Matrix gets all calls and filtering powers MSN gets to go darker than Dark after hours, Jeckle gives Hide the ok to Seek in the forbidden areas of commerce, spy vs spy gets grey and redrawn by daybreak the lines of right vs wrong, this vs that, who get to purge, who fasts til the neXt night time showing, Rodger the Rabid Rabbit shows Rodger More secrets then any pre-or post double 0's ever wanted to know, Redefined Epic spoofing of SpyHard get a legit static stasis, absurd becoming relevant , idiots getting FaceTime on NotFOXYenuff trilogy enuff realizes finally that it could never be... enough. Bob cat Screams "Hey You Guys" Bane is the Hero that says nothing in anticipated camE-O-S and Martin Larance sound bite starts it off, "WELLCOME TO HELL BITCH" Little Suzy gets the Uzi, and mom and dad flip. for drone cone control. And somewhere in real time, Bill Mare is Shaking his head in disbelief, as he is ask to guest star as Host to Host , Mike to Ike and Space Ghost drops the Mic on the Sprint vs Verizon cage match at the center of the black and white, fine print fair or festival, live and let die fine line ? About %and Y set up, upgrades and Southpark is the best way to feed you family the GoodBadUgly truth, in the next episode of this is you life, brought to you bye the letter ((•Y•)) & U , F-like andDdick crashing always everywhere every time, Y-K"not" You A Funny Guy Co U Sin Vinnie , What happened to Spider 🕷, you hate bugs I know, rats even more so, moles are not voles, get an enPshcoLaPeezDeeAhhh Webster get of MJs lap, you way to old you know better , exceptionalism's will be considered in drawning the weekly contestants from the official offensive offenders list. Shock and aweSHIT will be redefined by the best that no money can buy. Droned head start programs will be offered free at your local anaconda or library. Futures so bright, a little birdie told me, whistled actually so absurd 80s tune not picked in the GTA soundtrack anyway, Gotta Ware Shades, n0 respect, Tall and Fat , help me Rodney Dangerfield, (BACK TO SCHOOL) can I keep Pauly , got some things in the basement I gotta figure out, sickining me something awful, perhaps if I could go beat some carcasses, frozen side-shows of Moo-B's Ink. Dance to the aAbBcC's on the rooftops with the cast of friends and Kevin Smith and get the kick in the as by a better human then most, AMY the mars cat will help Arnold put his eyes back in his head, red blinders won't be all seen in the end of show, tantrums will fade out to a happy toon , maybe classical and instrumental versions at a slower role/ tempo Sunday Monday happy days, Tuesday Wensday happy days trursday Friday happppy daze SATERNDaY what a day got some ring for you... Ohh Henry / winkler vs Rolland's (Cane vs Able) Netflix playing he didn't die, I believe u&i..DK
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spy-in-the-house · 6 years
SpyInTheHouse_674 Fm_Podcast 010 23102017
This video-streamed SpyInTheHouse/674fm-jam by Claus Bachor (Psycho Thrill Cologne) with featured tracks by David Alvarado (2), Rick Wade, Pépé Bradock, Matrix, Moodyman, Nightmares On Wax, Precession (remixed by Mike Huckaby), Nepal, Russ Gabriel, User, Vincent, Jay Clarke, Damon Wild, X-Ternal Pulse, DBX (2), Phuture Scope, Damon Wild & Epi Centrum (2), Posthuman, Damon Wild & Woody McBride, DJ Skull, Monrella, Rennie Foster, Ron Maney (remixed by Cari Lekebusch), Rue East, Blake Baxter (3), Cyber-Funk, Mad Mike/ Underground Resistance (2), Hashim, AUX 88 (4), Induced (remixed by Daniel Lui), Scuba, Induced feat. Martina Cahill, Sunrise Society (2), Sole Tech, E-Dancer, Esser'Ay, 69, Delano Smith, Joey Beltram, Human Resource (remixed by Joey Beltram), Darke Ages, Samuli Kemppi, Jeff Mills, Trancendence, FCL feat. Lady Lynn (remixed by Jovonn), Hunter Hayes feat. MC Daquan (remixed by Richie Jones), Stratosphere and Kerri Chandler.
TRACK LISTING 01 DAVID ALVARADO: Love Has [ C-side from “Ascension” Peacefrog Records PF-085 UK Promo-2x12" | 1999 ] 02 RICK WADE: The Way I Am [ B2-track from “Timeless E.P.” Elypsia Records ELY-05012 BEL Promo-12" | 2017 ] 03 PÉPÉ BRADOCK & THE GRAND BRûLÉ's CHOIR: Deep Burnt [ B-side from “Burning” Kif Recordings KIF S.A-008 FRA Promo-12" | 1999 ] 04 MATRIX [KERRI CHANDLER & DEE DEE BRAVE]: Get Out _ Dance Hall Mix [ B2-track from “Get Out” Madhouse Records Inc. KCT-1000 UK 12" | 1992 ] 05 MOODYMAN [KENNY DIXON JR.]: J.A.N. [ A-side from KDJ KDJ-030 / Record Time US Promo-12" | 2001 ] 06 NIGHTMARES ON WAX [GEORGE EVELYN, KEVIN HARPER, ROBIN TAYLOR-FIRTH]: A Case Of Funk [ A1-track from “Biofeedback / Strange” Warp Records ‎WAP-15P UK Promo-12" | 1991 ] 07 PRECESSION [STEVE O'SULLIVAN]: Sandcastle _ Mike Huckaby Remix [ B-side from “Deep Transportation 02 Limited” Deep Transportation ‎DT-002 US ltd. PictureDisc-12" | 2004 ] 08 NEPAL [NICK LAPIEN]: Glow [ A-side from “Drift” Sequencias ‎SEQ-009 US 12" | 2013 ] 09 RUSS GABRIEL's AUDIO SPECTRUM: Alligator Voodoo [ A2-track from “Pilgrimage EP” Soma Quality Recordings ‎SOMA-036 UK Promo-12" | 1996 ] 10 USER [DARIN MARSHALL & JON WILLIAMS]: Change Constant [ A1-track from “Combine” Organised Noise ON.ONE US 12" | 1997 ] 11 VINCENT: How I Feel [ L-side from “V.A. Klockworks 20.3” Klockworks ‎KW-020.3 GER 2x12" | 2017 ] 12 JAY CLARKE: Perdita [ I1-track from “V.A. Klockworks 20.3” Klockworks ‎KW-020.3 GER 2x12" | 2017 ] 13 X-TERNAL PULSE [Ultradyne / Dennis Richardson & Alexandres Lugo]: Crossphaze [ A1-track from “The Silicon Ghetto EP Vol. 3” Accelerate ‎ACC-003 US 12" | 1993 ] 14 DAMON WILD: Timelapse _ Timemachine Dub [ A2-track from “Subtractive Synthesis IX” Synewave SW-120 US 12" | 2017 ] 15 DBX [DANIEL BELL]: Phreak [ B2-track from “The Silicon Ghetto EP Vol. 3” Accelerate ‎ACC-003 US 12" | 1993 ] 16 DBX [DANIEL BELL]: Back 2 Da Beat [ A2-track from “Ghetto Trax” Accelerate ‎ACC-100 US Promo-12" | 1993 ] 17 DAMON WILD & EPI CENTRUM [JERZY PRZEZDZIECKI]: Clutch [ A1-track from “Produkt” Synewave ‎SW-119 US 12" | 2017 ] 18 PHUTURE SCOPE [DJ PIERRE]: What Is House Muzik? _ Wild Pitch Mix [ A-side from “What Is House Muzik? / Touch Me Right” Emotive Records ‎EM-747-1 US clear-12" | 1994 ] 19 DAMON WILD & EPI CENTRUM: Snatch [ A2-track from “Produkt” Synewave ‎SW-119 US 12" | 2017 ] 20 POSTHUMAN [**]: Try Again [ B1-track from “It's A House Thing EP” Balkan Vinyl BV-020 UK 12" | 2015 ] 21 DAMON WILD & WOODY McBRIDE: Downtown [ B-side from “Life In The Slow Lane” Head In The Clouds H-002 US Promo-12" | 1995 ] 22 DJ SKULL [RON MANEY]: When Will I Be Free _ Mike Dearborn Remix [ A-side from “When Will I Be Free (Remixes)” Majesty Recordings MAJ-114 US Promo-12" | 2002 ] 23 MONRELLA [MICHAEL JOHN HARRIS]: Report [ A-side  from “Report / Fixed” ZET ‎ZET-005 UK Promo-12" | 1996 ] 24 RENNIE FOSTER: Call The Sun _ Amir Alexander's StripDown Banger [ B2-track from “Waterworks / Soda Cracker” Subspec Music ‎RFSV-001 CAN/UK Promo-12" | 2015 ] 25 RON MANEY: Galaxy Electric _ Cari Lekebusch Remix [ B-side from “Hypnotic Tones” Hybrid HYB-014 SWE Promo-2x12" | 1995 ] 26 RUE EAST [DAVE HILL & MARK BROOM]: Remove [ A-side from “Remove / Liquid Line” Rewired RW-005 UK 12" | 1997 ] 27 BLAKE BAXTER: Fuck U Up _Acid Remix IR-020 [ A-side from “Fuck U Up” Incognito Records IR-020 / Submerge US Promo-12" | 1991 ] 28 CYBER-FUNK : Untitled B2 [ B2-track from “Computer Power” Upstairs Records UR-0117 US 12" | 1996 ] 29 HASHIM [JERRY CALLISTE JR.]: Al-Naafiysh (The Soul) _ Extended Mix [ A1-track from Cutting Records CR-200 US 12" | 1983 ] 30 ‘MAD MIKE’ BANKS: Lo-Tech Reality [ B2-track from “Hi-Tech Dreams / Lo-Tech Reality” Underground Resistance ‎UR-071 US 12" | 2007 ] 31 DREXCIYA [GERALD DONALD & JAMES STINSON]: Rubick's Cube [ B2-track from “The Return Of Drexciya” Underground Resistance ‎UR-037 / Submerge US 12" | 1996 ] 32 ‘MAD MIKE’ BANKS: Hi-Tech Dreams [ A-side from “Hi-Tech Dreams / Lo-Tech Reality” Underground Resistance ‎UR-071 US 12" | 2007 ] 33 AUX 88 [KEITH TUCKER & TOMMY HAMILTON]: I Need To Freak [ B-side from “Is It Man Or Machine” Direct Beat DB4W-022 US Promo-2x12" | 1996 ] 34 AUX 88: Electric Light [ A1-track from “Xeo-Genetic” Direct Beat ‎DB4W-037 US 2x12" | 1998 ] 35 AUX 88: Man Or Machine [ A2-track from “Is It Man Or Machine” Direct Beat DB4W-022 US Promo-2x12" | 1996 ] 36 AUX 88: Don't Stop [ B1-track from “Xeo-Genetic” Direct Beat ‎DB4W-037 US 2x12" | 1998 ] 37 INDUCED [ROBERT VEN]: Molectro _ Daniel Lui's Motion Remix [ B2-track from “Louder Than Words” A/S Systems ‎ASSR-006 CAN Promo-12" | 2001 ] 38 SCUBA [PAUL ROSE]: The Hope [ A-side from “The Hope / Flash Addict” Hotflush Recordings PER 001 UK 12" | 2012 ] 39 INDUCED feat. MARTINA CAHILL: Motion [ A1-track from “Motion EP” A/S Systems ‎ASSR-004 CAN Promo-12" | 2000 ] 40 SUNRISE SOCIETY [ANDY SMITH & SIMON DONOHUE]: Matter [ A-side from “Matter / Astral Travel” Pacific Records fic008 UK Promo-12" | 1996 ] 41 SOLE TECH [SOULTECH]: Jit The Anthem _ JIT Original Mix [ A1-track from “Jit The Anthem” Detrechno Records DTR-003 / Submerge US 12" | 1995 ] 42 SUNRISE SOCIETY: Astral Travel _ Sterac Mix [ B-side from Pacific Records fic-010 UK Promo-12" | 1997 ] 43 E-DANCER [KEVIN MAURICE SAUNDERSON]: World Of Deep [ B-side from “Velocity Funk” KMS KMS-061 US 12" | 2004 ] 44 ESSER'AY [KEVIN MAURICE SAUNDERSON]: Forces _ Reese Mix [ A-side from “Forces” KMS KMS-052 US Promo-12" | 1994 ] 45 BLAKE BAXTER: When A Thought Becomes U [ A1-track from “The Prince Of Techno” Underground Resistance UR-006 / Submerge US 12" | 1991 ] 46 69 [CARL CRAIG]: Rushed [ A1-track from “Sound On Sound” Planet E PE-69170 US Promo-12" | 1993 ] 47 BLAKE BAXTER: Our Love [ D1-track from “The H-Factor” Disko B ‎db-055 GER Promo-2x12" | 1997 ] 48 DELANO SMITH: Dusk [ A2-track from “Twilight” Sushitech Records ‎SUSH-030 GER 3x12" | 2014 ] 49 JOEY BELTRAM: Energy Flash [ A-side from “Energy Flash” Transmat MS-16 US 12" | 1990 ] 50 HUMAN RESOURCE [G.PERNET-J.DREXHAGE-J.VAN BEEK-K.PATRICK-L.NASH-R.MAHU]: Dominator _ Joey Beltram Remix [ A-side from “Dominator (Remixes)” R & S Records RSUK-4R BEL 12" | 1991 ] 60 DARK AGES [MARIO JUKICA]: Chemical Imbalance [ B2-track from “Masterplan” Definitive Recordings 12DEF-058 CAN 12" | 1997 ] 61 SAMULI KEMPPI: Queen To Bishop Six [ B-side from “V.A. ://about blank 002” ://about blank-002 GER 12" | 2017 ] 62 JEFF MILLS: Theme From "2000" [ A2-track from “Shifty Disco E.P.” International Deejay Gigolo Records 002 GER Promo-12" | 1996 ] 63 TRANCENDENCE [RON ALLEN]: Magique Noir [ B2-track from “Concepts Of Higher Dimension” Strobe Records ‎ST-003 CAN Yel-12" | 1991 ] 64 FCL [BART VAN NESTE & NICOLAS GEYSENS] feat. LADY LYNN: Cherry Pie _ Jovonn BND Remix [ B-side from “Cherry Pie” NDATL Muzik NDATL-018 US 12" | 2017 ] 65 HUNTER HAYES feat. MC DAQUAN (remixed by Richie Jones): What Goes On _ Midnight Rap Groove [ B1-track from “What Goes Down” Columbia ‎44-69205 US 12" | 1990 ] 66 STRATOSPHERE [KERRI CHANDLER]: Track 4 [ A2-track from “Stratosphere E.P.” Madhouse Records Inc. KCT-1007 UK 12" | 1994 ] 67 KERRI CHANDLER: Get Up [ B1-track from “Panic E.P.” Madhouse Records Inc. KCT-1002 UK 12" | 1992 ] 68 DAVID ALVARADO: Morning Prayer [ B-side from “Ascension” Peacefrog Records ?PF-085 UK Promo-2x12" | 1999 ]
Btw. APOLOGIES (!) 4 the needle damage in the following vid-stream (to be teared out in the mix recording) between min 41:47 - 42:07 ... thing's that can quite happen and what ppl usually call "Höhere Gewalt" or "Force majeure" ... and finally Luv-N-Respect 2 everyone here for tunin' in and supporting!
This 674fm video-stream 
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