#i love you kishimoto even though i have enough reason to hate you as well
sneezemonster15 · 1 month
It's crazy how popular Naruto is. Like damn, every comment section of every video/reel has someone with a Naruto user name. And Naruto gifs in the comment section hahaha. If it's a dog with its owner video, Kiba gifs. If it's a snake video, Orochimaru gifs. All garbage videos have Sakura gifs. Every single crow video I have checked out, and I love crows so I have seen a lot, has Itachi dissolving into crows and disappearing gif lol. All the running videos have the Naruto run gif. If it's a video about someone getting yeeted, Pain sending Hinata flying gifs. If it's a fox video, Kurama gifs. All shark videos have Kisame gifs. All emo type videos/songs/fashion videos have either Sasuke or Pain gifs in their comment sections. All ramen videos have Naruto slurping ramen gifs. All wholesome teacher student videos have Naruto and Jiraiya gifs in their comment sections, and people upvote them with the intensity of me slathering butter on my toast. It's PERSONAL.
I am sure I am missing a lot. But over the years, I have seen Naruto to be more popular than any other anime. How could it be more evident? You will find Naruto fans posting Naruto shit in videos that seemingly have nothing to do with any of it but they will find a connection AND get upvoted lol. Like yes, I see One piece characters, I see Dragonball a lot because it's naturally so meme worthy lol, I see Pokemon, Gintama, Sailor Moon, but Naruto surpasses everyone in terms of visibility. It surpasses every class, religion, region, caste, and demographics.
I nerd out freely on a lot of subjects online which covers a lot of ground, and I can tell you Naruto fans are all invasive, they spread faster than mould in the rainy season. I am now beginning to see JJK fans but they are mostly in comment sections of thirst trap type videos, not very widely traveled. Hehehe. And one can see why, Gege has facilitated it with such aplomb after all. But it just doesn't compare to Naruto in terms of visibility of fans.
Naruto fans would post the dumbest shit with so much confidence, it's adorable. No it really is, it shows their conviction in Naruto. This is what it inspires. Unflinching, iron clad loyalty even in the face of ridicule and potential discrimination. Hahaha. This show has something for everyone. You can relate deeply with one or the other character, you root for them and you cry for them. You rage and you laugh and sometimes you get so annoyed , you throw your slipper at the tv screen. You go absolutely insane and willingly remain insane with pride in your face. Like the hot red glowing passion. I would do a lot of things before starting an argument with an Itachi fanboy on Insta.
I could always pivot this whole thing to bring it back to my punchline - Do you still think something like this be accidental?
But this post isn't about that. It's really about appreciating what Kishi has given us. Again, as an adjunct I can also lament about how its legacy is being superlatively clusterfucked by Boruto, especially after its recent developments (the fuck was that about Himawari radiating Kurama's chakra, wtactualf??), but again, this post isn't about that.
Behold Naruto. It's not a show, it's a litmus test. If this show didn't fuck you up a little bit, it's because you have had it easy. There's a reason why there are so many Naruto fans in the world and why they don't give a fuck anymore.
Cue Evil Laughter.
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ricanvvas · 5 months
Hinata Hyuga Slander and why it is obnoxiously idiotic.
I actually thought the Hinata Slander was a joke or one or two people sided with it. But I am totally taken aback to realize that it’s actually real—and a little popular—it’s real?
Prepare for a run down through Naruto Series kids, because some few fellas clearly did not watch it properly. Either that, orrr…they’re filled with unreasonable hatred for a character who should be the last to be hated. By literally anybody.
I’m going to try to keep this short (I’m lying), but there are going to be topics on Hinata I’m going to go over so it’s not a messy bunch and rather organized and you can skip to which ever you find most relevant.
Before anything, a remark, I never overly cared for Hinata’s existence and she isn’t even in my top 15 Naruto characters but that does not mean I dislike her nor do I look down at her character. Now imagine a person like me going out of their way to take time and write an entire blog for her—yeah, it’s that ridiculous.
There will be that one person—and I’m saying this beforehand—who will barely skim through this and childishly reply to my blog. Catch me caring though!
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All of the topics will include manga based evidence as well as a breakdown of the scene and what they portray, therefore, canon reasonings. There are plenty of other and more evidence out there, I will only provide some and main ones that back up claims. Here are topics I will be going over:
Hinata Hyuga as an anime character/character writing
Goals & Dedications
Skills & Strength
Incessant Love for Naruto Uzumaki
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#1 Character Writing
While many people believe that Kishimoto is terrible at writing female characters, I’d like to disagree. Females like Temari, Konan, Ino, and Karin all pass the main checkmarks of being an exceptionally “good” character; a solid background/past, special abilities, and set personality. What I do agree with though is that he does not know how to put them to use, and it is obvious why. These females were not the only ones tossed aside—so were good characters like Lee, Neji, Jiraiya, and so on, all because of the author’s obsession with the Uchiha as well as Sasuke’s story.
Hinata is included in the “good” character checklist, and rather exceeds. The difference between her and the rest of the women is that she is the best representation of an individualistic woman and had incredible character development.
↓ How did we go from a girl so easily shaken and brought down with mere words
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↓ To the girl who had the guts to charge against an Akatsuki member,
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↓ And seeked frontlines during the war?
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It may look like it’s only for the sake of Naruto, but it’s not entirely the reason, only partial. Everybody was set on saving Naruto anyway, instead of fighting the war themselves because they knew Naruto was their key to winning.
Hinata’s introduction may have started with her admiration for Naruto Uzumaki, and it did play a big part, but her entire existence never just revolved around romance. She had way more to her. Hinata’s character itself promotes women empowerment despite her not being the main female protagonist.
Through her writing, we learn that women don’t need to not seek love in order to be independent and a powerful female with goals and dedications that have nothing to do with romance. Hinata is a perfect example of this.
As a side-side character, Hinata excels in character writing, and is interesting enough to keep the audience invested in her existence. The next few manga pages and break-downs will explain it well.
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#2 Personality
Her personality did not revolve around her undying love for Naruto only. She was her own person, too.
↓ While shy and timid, Hinata is also a pure and kind hearted soul, as we do not know any character she actually has bad blood with, making her somebody easy to be around with. She’s very gentle, making the atmosphere around her almost tranquil.
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↓ Her conflict with Neji was very one-sided, and despite his harsh treatments, she still used honorifics and respected him.
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↓ Yes, she might be a soft human being, but not to the point she is unable to pick out flaws in other people.
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She seems more warmed up in Shippuden than she was in Classic, and it’s fair to say that ever since Chunin exams, she had gained confidence with the help of Naruto’s cheering. Confidence in herself and her skills. (Panels above may help)
Something to keep in mind is that Neji was known to be more cold, arrogant, and stronger than Sasuke during this time, by Kakashi’s words.
↓ Yet Hinata did not back away even after being told to, multiple times I believe, even by Kiba himself.
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↓ This was the beginning of her journey of trying to be more assertive about herself, as she believes she could keep on going without chickening out.
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↓ And she didn't back away when someone from the Hyuga Clan told her to do so--she was persistent.
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Hinata was never meant to be somebody with great leadership skills; she has always been a follower, almost, who takes a lot of inspiration from people she looks up to. The obvious person, Naruto, and Neji were mentioned.
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#3 Goals & Dedications
Her goal had never been only to be a wife and a lover to Naruto. It was one of her goals, the hope to get Naruto to acknowledge her, which he did several times. But that was not it, there was more.
Hinata did not seem so close with her family, so she had no certain goals regarding the Hyuga Clan. She was almost avoiding them and was deemed to be a shinobi, which she probably preferred, participated, and found likeness to, rather than the next heir to the Hyuga Clan, simply because her father did not believe her feather-like personality was fit for it, nor did Hinata seem too interested to lead a clan with such twisted rules and laws.
Despite her father's harsh, degrading words (and Neji's), she did not let it effect her because she continued to get stronger later on.
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Hinata always wanted to be self-assured, and wanted to be as confident as Naruto always has been. She wanted to be of use, somehow. Refer to #2, second last image.
↓ Here, too, we see her admitting that she never believed in herself, until she did.
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"I stared liking myself a little more..." shows she had very little fondness for herself.
Hinata wanted to change herself for a very long time. She did not ever want to stay the way she used to be--scared.
Another admittance,
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But then...
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All of these images show that Hinata had something she was thriving for, something she was dedicated to achieve that was not just romance. So, props to Hinata (and Tenten, but that's another story) for actually having a goal/objective.
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#4 Skills & Strength
All powers Hinata has been shown to use/possess:
Byakugan (Kekkei Genkai)
Gentle Fist (Specific Taijutsu)
The Eight Trigrams (Air Palm, Palm Rotation, 64-Palms)
The Gentle Step; Twin Lion Fist
The Eight Trigram; Twin Lions Surging Shots (Utilizes Hagoromo's Chakra)
Hamura Otsutsuki's Chakra
And some others I might’ve missed
I'm not going to make this section breaking down each ability, but I'm going to use this information to factually prove that Hinata has more amounts of known and used abilities than probably all female characters, as well as like 90% of overall Naruto characters or something. And she's definitely stronger than a lot of characters, logically, despite her not having been in fights very often.
During younger years, Hinata Hyuga was put against Neji Hyuga—once again, claimed to be possibly stronger than Sasuke at that time—and Hinata was actually able to put up with Neji. For a bit, or a while, it doesn't matter. For a young, scared girl who has never been in a fight before to be able to do so speaks for her skills.
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Inexperienced against the nearly strongest genin, one filled with hatred, among her generation, Hinata exceeded enough.
↓ In Shippuden, we even get a scene where she protects Neji!
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There's a very few people Hinata actually canonically fought, but when she did, she did plenty well for being a side-side character.
↓...And that same side-side character, Hinata Hyuga, was the only kunoichi in the entire show to actually land a hit on Pain, during Pain Arc. The inevitable praise.
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Here comes the cries of, “but she was flung LOL” “hinata didn’t achieve shit from this” “he threw her like she was nothing”
Frankly, those are most ignorant things you can say regarding her actions. To stand up against an Akatsuki member? That takes a lot of balls, considering that nobody was standing up for Naruto, and practically gave up, giving into Pain’s near-victory.
The entire point was not even to defeat Pain—it was to defend Naruto. And in doing so, she stalled for a bit, preventing him from immediately killing Naruto. In that amount of time, the few who remained could’ve backed her up, they could’ve offered some sense of rescue, but because of twist of fate, and the expected, Hinata was unable to keep Pain off of Naruto. It brought her to near-death, triggering Naruto Uzumaki’s 9-Tail-Fox.
Hinata was the fiercest woman. She wasn’t stupid, she accepted she was weaker and couldn't win before she even got onto the battle field. But she tried.
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The scene was never about physical strength to begin with; it was her strong mindset and dedication. She was aware of the consequences and still stepped in, demonstrating her everlasting commitment for Naruto. This entirely proves that she not only had great self-development, she had the audacity to stand against the strongest Akatsuki member (excluding Obito), who killed a Legendary Sannin.
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#5 Incessant Love for Naruto Uzumaki
In the entirety of Naruto Anime existence (excluding Boruto), only one of its movies have been considered canon, that being Naruto: The Last.
While I hoped it would show us Naruto promoting to Hokage, all of it was focused on Hinata and Naruto's relationship, and we found out a lot through it. Like, a lot.
There are very few couple/characters in Naruto that actually have past together/some story and strong reasoning to start liking their love interest. Such characters being Kushina, Karin, Konan (the K's lol), and of course, Hinata.
There are filler episodes that go before The Last, but I wouldn't count them (even if they add on to the actual story), but in The Last, we figure out that Hinata and Naruto first met when he protected her from getting bullied due to her Byakugan, and he gets beaten up for it.
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"Never go back on my word" was one of Naruto's internal rules that he stuck by and it made up his entire personality, almost. Hinata really seemed to respect it and use it for herself.
She tend to turn his imperfections into motivations,
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Those feelings seem to get more bold in Shippuden and more confronting. So much so she did not hesitate to put her life on the line for the boy. Not "just because." Hinata gave a list of unavoidable reasonings, that we were able to point out, too.
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And vice-versa, she did make a difference in Naruto's life pre-marriage. She gave him courage, motivation, and a reason to keep going. Refer to the fourth image in this section, too.
Then, our closure, he finally realized that Hinata has been there for him since the beginning of the times (also in The Last).
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“…but…but…! Hinata is a stalker! She was always watching Naruto! She’s so creepy!”
Okay, but her canonically shown watching Naruto was like, twice in 700 episodes… ↓
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And...honestly...it's not really...that...deep...lol? Old Japanese humor. And don't act like girls nowadays don't stalk the shit out of the boy they like--let's get real here. Just get over it. It's an exaggerated cartoon.
People have different views when it comes to love. But one thing I heavily disagree with are weak or false reasonings to fall in love with somebody. You’ll screw yourself over. Seeing a guy walk through the door and finding him physically attractive should not be your reason to “fall in love” and keeping that reason forever; you’re falling in love with his body, not him. It could be the start of your interest. Taking your time to get to know what kind of individual they are, and then accepting their personality, and falling in love with that person is guaranteed success. Reasons are important.
And Hinata understood that well, unlike someone who didn’t (I’m throwing shade!)
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(A very quick addition and counter-argument I might get is that Hinata was the cause of Neji's death. I didn't want to put this into an entire section because it'll involve mentioning Neji's own character. But to be frank, Neji chose to protect Hinata and died that way. And I idiotically love Neji far more than Hinata. You don't need somebody's permission to protect them, nor did Neji do it just because he was the lower branch of the Hyuga Clan. Neji and Hinata’s relationship was beyond that. Way beyond. Reread the manga, or even rewatch the anime, and listen and figure out why he did what he did. It had nothing to do with Hinata being a higher rank than him, at least not entirely at all.)
I was going to add another section titled, "Comparison", but because of image restrictions and as well as the thought that this blog is only about Hinata, I scratched it out.
I don't even praise Hinata. She isn't my favorite Naruto female, either. Personally, for me, she just existed as a character. But I'd be damned if I threw any dirt on her for any reason.
If anything, I believe Hinata Hyuga's character is underappreciated in the way she should be appreciated. She's not just some...loyal, attractive girl (hell, Kishimoto never canonically even drew her with tight/exposing clothing, they were always baggy. So, screw the anime studio.) She was a figure of a powerful woman, better written than any other female in Naruto, and a strong individual, with more story than several, several other characters.
So when I heard "Hinata Slander" was a real thing, truly, I was baffled. I'll admit my blog was quite messy despite my effort to keep it organized with main claims and obvious evidence, but there are still multiple more panels that back up everything I've mentioned that make up Hinata's character.
After all this, I really don't think there's anything that can be said against her in the context (and lie) of "she is a horrible character." And there aren't a lot of characters she can fairly be compared to, anyway. She's just awesome.
As a person, and a side-side anime character, Hinata Hyuga undeniably exceeded.
"Hinata Slander" is fake. Find something better to do than embarrassing yourself.
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lexpressobean · 2 years
It is what it is. And we know fillers tried to fill in the gaps, somewhat. And this is just speculation on my part too. But it's just a huge waste that Shino's whole "they forgot about me" gag became a thing because he wasn't even forgotten. He was left out of a very important arc of the series, and the writing concerning his characterization decided to reflect that so specifically. Canonly because he was on a joint trip with Shibi. But really it's because Kishimoto had enough of Shino's bugs after his fight with Kankuro it seems. At least that's the info I got secondhand, but it sounds like it could be legit lol. Otherwise I feel like his character could've gone into much more appealing direction instead of simply a gag character a majority of the time.
thoughts rants and takes under the cut lol
So because they had to play up Naruto's idiocy in Shippuden, they made him forget Shino all together. Which caused Shino's character to suffer. That, when in part 1 Naruto simply wrote off Shino as creepy w/o knowing how strong he really was even as a genin. Also, he just wasn't at Shino's level when it came to lot of things, namely stealth!
I feel like that whole set up, however, was thanks to that scene when Naruto is about to leave with Jiraiya. Shino is not so subtlety demanding Kiba tell him about the Sasuke mission. Kiba picks up on Shino being upset and Shino just keeps quiet because he's actually stubborn as hell and won't admit he's upset.
That scene could've set up Shino to be characterized with so much more personality and less of a gag.
Like, instead of being forever pissed about the Sasuke Mission like he became in Shippuden, Shino could've actually, like... gotten over it, because I would think he'd care more about his former classmates being safe and not dead! Ino, Hinata, Tenten and Sakura weren't part of the Sasuke Mission either, why weren't they as sour about it? Shino being more upset he didn't get to go on a Mission with The Boys is such an annoyingly shallow idea, but that's what it feels like to me. If he was actually upset because he 100% believed he could've helped the mission succeed, that'd be different, but that's not what it feels like to me everytime he brings it up later.
Instead, if Shino had to be upset about not being on the mission, maybe it should've been established to be result of his resentment that is aimed at Shibi.
Yeah, I know the fandom loves to paint Shibi as a good father. The Aburame aren't heavily explored in canon and it's easy to want to make them a friction free family. But I would not be surprised if Shibi turned out to be a helicopter parent. You notice he found Shino fairly quickly after the Konoha Crush. Shino, literally the BEST candidate for the Sasuke Mission, was off with Shibi on a mission. During introductions, Sai mentions right away that Shino is often utilizing his Clans Techniques for Search and Seizure and Bodyguard Missions, seemingly separate from Team 8, though not necessarily. But getting the hang of Kikaichu manipulation for such missions would take practice, and I'm sure Shibi would love to be a part if that as a Father. And then, of course, you have the fact that Shibi and Shino as well as Muta and that other member, confront Konan but Shibi just talks at Shino telling him something he already probably knows???
Dealing with a smothering parent that makes you feel like they don't have full faith in your abilities or trust your judgements is stifling. And if their overprotective/strict behavior started to actively interfere with your team and extracurricular activites, you would hate it, and if it happened often enough, you would start to believe you actually hate them.
What if the reason why he found Shino when he did after fighting Kankuro was because Shibi put a tracking beetle on Shino? How complicated would those feelings be? Like yes, Shino is still alive. Yes, Shibi cares about Shino enough to resort to such things. But also, Shino would've been 13. And 13 is a big deal for growing kid. I'm not saying he's unnecessarily angsty and is the type to casually throw around the phrase "I would rather die"...
But Shibi let Torune get taken by Danzo too. Shibi did nothing but let it happen. And as Shino grows, that specific part of his resentment would slowly become redirected more heavily at Danzo but also Konoha. Which is complicated for such a promising young Shinobi that's supposed to proclaim his love for and loyalty to Konoha. Thus reminiscent if a certain someone who ran off. It'd be easier to hate Shibi simply as a coping mechanism because of all Shibi does after the fact to keep Shino safe.
Plus the guilt on Shibi's end. Shino could see Shibi's extra attention on Shino as a sign of this guilt, and also as a deeply upsetting reminder that Shibi can't truly protect Shino the way he wants to. But he tries to anyway, and Shino hates seeing Shibi struggle with the concept as much as he hates how Shibi's struggling actively interferes with Shino's personal life.
Shino being upset because in Shino's young tween ninja mind, Shibi's overprotectiveness can very well be the reason why Sasuke wasn't seized and why his friends were so brutally hurt. And having it all revealed more earlier and cleaner that Danzo did in fact take Shino's brother, giving him more of a parallel to Sasuke throughout the story and fleshing out these issues that Shino very well made have had with Shibi would have been a much more interesting route for his character to be developed.
Shibi did nothing and Torune was taken. Shibi pulls strings to watch Shino like a hawk as a genin and another one of Shino's friends is suddenly gone. And it's not entirely Shibi's fault, we know that. Shino would grow to understand that. But both as a parallel to Sasuke and Sai, as someone who suffered from Konohas antics at such a young age, lost his brother, and knows what Danzo Shimura could do if he wanted to, that would have been interesting
Instead we have Shino's later fear of kidnapping and abandonment issues coming out as an unknown until basically right at the end and played off until then as taking moody shots at Naruto for the most part and a continuous gag of Shino being left out and forgotten because haha he was the only guy who didn't go on the Sasuke mission. Haha he has a deep seeded fear of no one being able to or caring enough to keep him from or finding him after disapearing in his own village because of his own village. Hell even Gaara and Kankuro were in the fucking mission as well as Temari...!! But not Shino! Lets make it seem like Shino is more worried about socializing than actually being there for his friends and just wanting someone there that he can truly count out because all the adults in his life including his father have failed him!!
Ugh. The Data Books want us to believe that brother thing about Torune and Shino so bad but when it all comes down to it... don't get me wrong, I like it, give us more of a Family!! but it wasn't even a twist, it was just thrown in for filler and confirmed by a non manga source :(
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justice4sasuke · 2 years
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That's a lot of panels but this explanation is a lot and we're about to get into the weeds with it so let's do this.
Let's start with where this makes sense. We've talked a lot about Sasuke's worshipping of Itachi. He was doing it when he hated Itachi whether he realized it or not and he was doing it after he found out the truth. So yeah, Sasuke's complex would continue to the point where he just assumes all of Itachi's actions are right and would follow them blindly and to the detriment of himself and others, right...?
Except, then what was the point of that final moment between them? The one where Itachi point blank said "I was wrong" (while not knowing completely why he was wrong because that would make Konoha look bad (this will be a running theme)). Because from a story writing perspective it would make sense that Sasuke internalized that and, okay, after that Sasuke decides he wants to know what a village is and what shinobi are. I'm not really sure where that came from, but I'll let it slide. So Sasuke discovers what a village is and shinobi are and then apparently for some reason either forgot or did not even internalize what Itachi said about being wrong? Uh, why? What was the point of Sasuke and Itachi even having that conversation then? It seems to me that regardless of what the point was supposed to be at the time, by the time we got to the end of the story Kishimoto needed an excuse for Sasuke to 1. want to fight Naruto/be the final obstacle 2. be blatantly wrong and so Kishimoto said fuck it and made it that way regardless of what would make sense for the character he'd been writing until then.
Speaking of, let's talk about how completely wrong this is in a way that does not service to Sasuke's character, but does all the service to Naruto's. As has already been obviously shoehorned in, Naruto's recent thing to make it seem like he had an arc, or a more noble point than just wanting attention, was that Naruto understands that people need to work together to achieve things and make everything better and Naruto is a special, awesome sunshine boy that everyone roots for and thinks is great so clearly he is the best choice for hokage. Meanwhile poor misguided Sasuke thinks that he has to shoulder all burdens alone and he is wrong and his life is sad, if only he'd accept others everything would somehow be better. Even though like how can you say Sasuke refuses to let others in when the entirety of the series has been people refusing to validate any of his feelings??? And Sasuke is just inherently not a personable person??? And once again what does the title of hokage have anything to do with Sasuke other than Obvious Reason to Conflict with Naruto????
So, if none of the Sasuke's stated aims make sense for his character what would make sense? Well, in a bold move Kishimoto lightly brings it up and then sidesteps it. He is alone. He says, hands shaking, he has no father, mother, brother or clan. And why does he not have that? Because of Konoha, because of a village, because of shinobi. Why wouldn't someone want revolution after that? But then, Sasuke would have a point wouldn't he? So instead, this is about being a new kind of hokage that takes all of the evil of the world onto themselves for the sake of everyone (because Sasuke was always the martyr type??). Don't worry, Kishimoto will put in a vague hint that Sasuke just agrees with Itachi that his clan should have died (while also clearly being upset that everyone he loved was killed??) because he's smart enough to know he shouldn't have Sasuke say it outright, but not a respectable enough writer to accept the consequences he wrote into his own story.
This is embarrassing writing and it's an embarrassing way to treat a character that has been pretty well written up until this point. And frankly the fact that it happened to one of my favorite fictional characters ever hurts me.
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Hi. Love your stuff.
A lot of people, even some SNS shippers, say that since SNS could realistically could not have been canon, NaruSaku would have been the right pairing. But just the thought of NaruSaku disgusts me. I think NaruHina is a particularly awful pairing as well. Hinata is the blandest, snoozeworthy and a weak character with a boring arc. But I am fairly repulsed by the character of Sakura. Personally and objectively, I don't respect or like her character. Objectively, she is toxic, manipulative, selfish, abusive and insecure. People who call her a feminist are highly misguided or in denial. The thought of pairing her with my lovely sunshine boy is just repulsive.
I don't care if NaruSaku made sense in terms of development, even though I don't think so about the latter. Naruto never gave a reason as to why he liked her, never for a moment did I feel that he was serious about her. He crushed on her initially but then it turned into friendship. There wasn't a single moment in the entire show where I perceived anything mutually romantic between them. So I won't call it romantic development.
Frankly, I don't think any character in Naruto deserves the indignity to be paired with her, except for Danzo. Also, I hate Kishi for making me dislike a female character this much.
Thanks anon ❤️❤️
I really can't believe, how the series had been reduced to pairings and shit. I support SNS for their unrivalled bond. That's it.
Do I need them to hold hands and kiss? No.
Just them working together, changing this world would be more than enough. You see Sasuke would love to walk along with Naruto eternally hearing all his banters and nonsense, and still would not get bored. That's the dynamic between them. 
People who call her a feminist are highly misguided or in denial
Haha ;-) You should definitely stay away from such people, anon. A girl who has no valid reason to love a boy except for his good looks, constantly wanting to get in his pants at any given chance... even when that boy was hurting inside for entirely different reasons, even at the expense of war, wanting to impress that boy by putting everyone’s life at risk......is not a feminist. They are insensitive bishes. Even if someone claims it’s a realistic character, I don’t want such character in my life. Dot.
SNS could realistically could not have been canon, NaruSaku would have been the right pairing.
If you don't get one (SNS), replacing it with another one is something purely vile and shitty. In this case NaruSaku. I have seen many SNS supporting NaruSaku too. I must agree it's not trashy as SS or NH.
But Naruto never placed her in the high pedestal as he placed Sasuke.
Bare with my lengthy answer.
[Kishimoto became a liar when he retorted to pairings and stuff, so I won’t believe any of his words. I analyze based on what I consumed]
Naruto liked/had crush on Sakura in part 1. No denying that. But he moved on after she hugged Sasuke who woke up from the Tsukuyomi dream. Definitely moved on after she begged him to retrieve Sasuke. 
After the timeskip, what I saw was a pure camaraderie of friendship. Or at least from Naruto’s side. From Sakura’s side, I think Kishi wanted to push Naruto and Sakura as the lead pair. So he gave them many moments, like 
Making her foolishly approach Naruto in his 4 tailed Kyuubi state. 
Made her cry when she heard from Granny Chiyo that ‘Bijuu extracted from Jinchuriki will die’. 
Making her say ‘I can only do small things for Naruto’. 
Making her preparing Food Pills when Naruto was developing Rasen Shuriken. [[Anime only though]]
Made her pray for Naruto when Konoha was reduced to a desert by Pain. And hugged him before everyone including Hinata LOL.
Made her give lip to lip CPR in an attempt to keep Naruto alive.
All these are from Sakura’s side. Naruto was usually playing around with her by asking dates as a fun. It was never serious, tbh. 
But my opinion on Sakura never changed ever since she made that ‘insensitive’ comment about orphan life. And shamelessly confessed to Sasuke when he left the village saying ‘I would feel lonely as you, when you lost your family and clan’. For me, I can’t tolerate these insensitiveness, selfishness and an absolute female version of an asshole. She clearly has no self-respect even when Sasuke rejected, insulted, humiliated, left her to die, tried to murder her many times. 
Am sure the viewers also felt the same at that time and he wants to satiate those viewers opinion. You cannot pair your lead character with the most hated character in the fandom. So he made Sakura to fake confess to Naruto and made her even more detestable. I think it was on purpose. So any hopes left for NaruSaku was thrown into drain then and there. They should have moved on.
After that Naruto left Sakura and never met until the War arc. Yes, he saved her from the lava pit, but that’s just another team camaraderie where he saved Kakashi too. That comment about Sakura being his Girlfriend to Minato was an absolute show-off before his dad. Nothing else. 
Now let’s see Naruto’s perspective. 
I don't care if NaruSaku made sense in terms of development, even though I don't think so about the latter. Naruto never gave a reason as to why he liked her, never for a moment did I feel that he was serious about her. He crushed on her initially but then it turned into friendship. There wasn't a single moment in the entire show where I perceived anything mutually romantic between them. So I won't call it romantic development.
That boy, even at the end of part 1 when leaving Konoha, he told himself he will save Sasuke. He trained for those 3 years just to bring him back and to defeat Akatsuki. 
He admired her medical abilities and the way she cared him when he got injured after using Rasen Shuriken. Asked out for a date jokingly and got rebuffed. That’s all. He didn’t make any efforts to gain her love like he did in part 1. 
And he openly told her that ‘The promise I made to you doesn’t even matters. I want to personally save Sasuke’. This is another attempt to remind us, viewers, that Naruto clearly places Sasuke over Sakura.
Naruto’s ultimate way of placing Sasuke above her is the Kage Summit arc. 
Before that, I want you to go back to Pain arc. At a point, when Naruto lost everyone he ever loved, like Jiraiya, Kakashi and his Village reduced to dust, he was still able to forgive Nagato, not knowing that he was going to resurrect everyone back. Even if Naruto would have lost his Kakashi Sensei, he would have bear the hatred and forgive Nagato. Fortunately everyone came back from their death. 
That arc clearly shows us... One thing.... Naruto can able to tolerate losing everything he hold dear but still able to walk in a straight path without getting into the cycle of revenge. Nagato saw this before his eyes. That’s why he can believe in Naruto.
But thought of losing someone killing Sasuke???
He openly said to Raikage that Kumo and Konoha don’t need to go to war over Sasuke. Objectively, I felt, ‘Dude!!!!, You can tolerate losing Kakashi, Jiraiya and Konoha and still able to forgive Nagato.... But for Sasuke you want to go for a war with Kumo??? Did you learn anything from the Pain arc?’ LOL. 
Not only that. He can still forgive Obito who killed his mother. Geez!!! 
The interesting part is where Naruto saved Sakura from Sasuke. 
He even said, ‘Sasuke, I heard the truth about Itachi from Tobi. Whatever you have been doing until now.......... It’s all understandable’..... ROFFFFLLLLL.
Meaning, ‘Sasuke.... I know the truth about Itachi.... You tried to kill Sakura..... It’s understandable and alright”.... 
It’s the most funniest thing Naruto ever said. Even Kakashi and Sakura were speechless and shocked after he said that. 
Because Naruto can tolerate losing Kakashi and Sakura.... Of course, he will be in immense pain if they were killed. But will he die for them?? Nope. 
If you truly love someone more than yourself, he cannot tolerate losing them. For Naruto, that person is Sasuke. Which is why he openly declared to Sasuke ‘I will bear the burdens of your hate and die with you’. 
Tell me, which person would be alright with their beloved person was about to be killed by someone???
If Naruto truly loved Sakura, he should have punched Sasuke to pulp. Did he do that??? Nope. 
So NaruSaku is just a bait to show how strong is SNS.
So NaruSaku was an experiment to Kishimoto. He tried....failed and moved on to Himata or Pinata or whoever that’s even more detestable for me.
I think NaruHina is a particularly awful pairing as well. Hinata is the blandest, snoozeworthy and a weak character with a boring arc.
My hate for this Himata shit stems from her admiration for “Naruto-Kun’s’ big and warm hands over the dead body of her cousin Neji. Which vile person would do this???? Until then, I never even had an ounce of interest in her. But in that moment, I placed her above Sakura in terms of my hate.
And not only that, how come a series started with Naruto, who was facing abandonment issues in Episode 1, ended him being abandoning his best friend Sasuke?? 
I am speaking from non-SNS perspective here. Why was Sasuke not at the wedding?? 
It would be fine for me if they had shown that somehow Naruto married Hinata. I would accept it as an arranged marriage for which I don’t mind. But sending Konoha’s jonin for finding Marriage gift and shit..... what the fuck I am watching??? Sasuke is wandering somewhere alone and yet, here Naruto is playing house with Hinata. Well done Kishimoto!!!.. Naruto became the biggest scumbag.
Alright leave Sasuke, What about Amegakure/Rain village???  Nagato, Yahiko, Konan all died because of Konoha’s indirect involvement in their lives. And yet Nagato revived entire Konoha for you. Konan died dreaming that one day you will change Amegakure. She almost killed Obito for you. Those trio who was used by this shinobi world passed on their dreams on to you. Did Naruto even bothered to visit Amegakure to bring a change???? Nope. He wants to marry Himata that constitutes 10 episodes of trash. Thanks Kishimoto, You made Naruto a Liar and an insensitive dog as well.
I would have gladly watched those last 10 episodes of how Naruto brings about change to a small village like Amegakure than this marriage shit. That’s how much I hate Sakura and Hinata, anon.
If Naruto was not paired up with anyone and was made to become a Jonin who had a team under his wing and changed the world along with Sasuke, how better it sounds?? Instead we got to shipping wars and a Naruto, who abandoned his own words. Not cool at all, anon.
Personally, I ship people (not necessarily romantic or sexual) by the way they place each other above everyone. Prioritizing matters from both sides. I never found that in SS, NH or NaruSaku.
In short, How can anyone ship an experimental and failed ship like NaruSaku, and a ship (NH) that made our main character into a scumbag?? The people who support NH, SS, NaruSaku are the ones who don’t give a single shit about the story and focused on only romance just like Sakura and Hinata. They don’t even have to support SNS. 
You asked my thoughts, I wrote a whole story. OOPS!!!
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feralcherry · 3 years
Naruto takes that might enrage you (girl addition)
Warning, some of these takes might enrage you- that’s fine.
Fillers don’t count as canon, don’t even bring them up if you talk about this post lol. Also it’s been a while since I’ve seen the whole series, so some of these might be disproven as I continue with my rewatch. The excuse that Shounen is for boys is also very weak and holds no weight, as tons of girls (and nonbinary folk) relate to the characters in this show, so that doesn’t excuse Kishimoto for his weak writing of women.
To preface, I love this show. Love it to pieces. It was part of my childhood and holds a very special place in my heart. But there are some things I personally don’t like or wish could have been done better. I love every character and will go blue in the face talking about how much I still love this show. That doesn’t free it from my criticism. I’m also only listing what I don’t like and what I would change, though I’d be more than happy making a post about what I loved.
Let’s start off with my girl Sakura Haruno. She is easily the most hated girl in the series, and all because of how ‘weak’ or ‘annoying’ she is. As if that’s not the fault of Kishimoto himself lol. She was shoved off to the side continuously and never given cool storylines, unlike the other members of her team.
What I took issue with about Sakura:
-What were this girls dreams?? The whole reason she became a ninja was never really talked about nor were they really developed as time went on. She was all about Sasuke, which would be fine if she grew out of it. But no. 
-Her crush on Sasuke was super stale. He was handsome and powerful, but what else was there to him? He was a jerk to her most of the time (there are some instances he’s somewhat kind to her, but if we go off canon, it’s not enough to make her deep love make sense). I think it would have been so much more interesting to see her grow out of her infatuation for him. If they had to have ended up together, watching them relearn each other and fall in love would have made them more compelling. She stayed loving a boy who thought very little of her. 
-She’s pitted against her best friend and doesn’t develop much of a relationship with other girls her age. It’s kind of sad, and I think they should have fought over something other than a boy. 
-We are told repeatedly that she’s super powerful by other characters, but she’s never given time to truly shine. She got like a single battle with Sasori and she deserved more cool moments like that!
-She was a healer, which makes perfect sense. But why is it mostly girls who are the healers? It’s a bit weird, when there’s also Neji with his perfect chakra control. She only has her healing abilities and her super strength; but even then someone like Kabuto has more offensive healing based techniques than her. Like his chakra scalpel. 
What I would fix:
-New dreams. Show her find a dream outside of her team and grow into it. Also give her more of a backstory. Sai has more of a backstory than she does and he’s way newer than she is.
-I would let her fuck up one of the Peins instead of Konohomaru- she’s a main character and passed over for that little brat?? She should have gotten to do more than scream out for Naruto and heal people :/ 
-She her intellect a bit more. She’s so smart, and yet we don’t really see it.
-She’s perfect for genjutsu, Kakashi himself said so. So why not give that to her? Or play more with ninjutsu. She has earth and water on her chart, so why not give her those abilities? Maybe even wood jutsu to even her out with her super OP teammates. Idk how, it could have happened, this is a show full of demons and god like abilities, it could have happened someway.
-She should have grown out of Sasuke and not married a man who doesn’t really appreciate her and isn’t there for her at all.
-I would totally have expanded on Inner Sakura more. Imagine if it made her mind impenetrable? Could have woven that in with her skills for genjutsu and made her unaffected by other’s illusions.
Next, let’s go with a more beloved character of the fandom. Hinata. Now personally I don’t care much for her- she could have been so cool but just like Sakura, they kind of messed her up.
What I didn’t like about Hinata:
-Her entire existence is revolves around Naruto. Naruto this, Naruto that- and yet she simply sat back and watched as his life was shit and did nothing despite her ‘love’ for him. And then fillers/movies are added to show that oh wait! she’s been there this entire time!! no lol. Build her up from the start as his love interest at the very least.
-She stayed super meek the entire time. Shy girls are okay, but I wanted to see her grow into herself more and not need as much reassurance. She’s a ninja and should stand on her own two feet more.
-She’s less skilled then Neji and I would have loved to see her outmatch him at some point, even once. Or gain abilities outside of her clan, or do something that made a name for herself outside of being the heiress of the Hyuga.
-She never fixed her clan which was one of her few spoken goals. That was a huge bummer.
-I think it would have been cool to see her mess up Pein a little more. She only stepped in because it was Naruto, which reinforces that she’s only about him. But at least let her land a hit if she’s as powerful as people say she is. 
-She makes the most sense to be a housewife or a healer with the way her attitude is but in Boruto, she’s kind of rewritten to be a ‘scary’ mother which just doesn’t fit her. Plus, she tells Boruto to go and take care of his dad?? Bro, that’s your child and your husband is the hokage. 
What I’d fix:
-Prove her dad wrong and show him that her compassion isn’t a weakness but a strength. 
-Fix the Hyuga clan bs.
-More character growth and showing more of her life away from Naruto. Her romance with him could also have been better. I hated her always watching him but never standing up for him, it kills me.
-Neij dying for her proved their clans hierarchy bs to be right and it just doesn’t make sense for him to die for her. It showed that he was right to feel caged and that he simply existed for the benefit of the Main family.
Now with the others, there’s much less I have to say about them because they aren’t main characters or the love interests.
-Jealous of Sakura, no dreams of her own, stupidly loves Sasuke and for what? WHAT’S SO COOL ABOUT HIM?
-I like her growth for the most part, it was cool watching her fight in the War Arc with her team. 
-Why is she the medical ninja? I never got that.
-She got with Sai but they didn’t really show their development and how they fell in love with each other. It’s like she only likes him because he looks like Sasuke and called her pretty once.
-Should have gotten to train with Tsunade at some point, since she was the one who originally idolized her. 
-We know nothing about this girl at all. She doesn’t even have a last name.
-Her weapon usage was meant to be so cool and yet she missed so often- there’s a disconnect there. Her abilities could have been built up more. Imagine if no matter what she never ever missed. That would have been cool.
-Her weapon shop isn’t doing well. Just because it’s an era of peace doesn’t mean the need for weapons is totally over, not if there are still active ninja??
-I actually like her, she’s kind of funny and I like that she’s mean even if she can get annoying.
-Again, another healer, though she’s also sensory which is more interesting. I’d like to see her with some jutsus though. That would have been neat.
-Her love for Sasuke makes sense since he saved her and smiled at her, making her think of him as her hero. And she’s the only one he apologizes to without Naruto strong arming him into it.
-She’s pretty solid in my opinion. Though I would have loved to see her more without her brothers.
-Her goals in life were to support Yahiko and Nagito’s dreams. It would irritate me so much if other girls in the series were more well rounded and din’t also have some sort of dream involving a boy.
-She was underused. I would have loved to see her fight more.
-Only becomes hokage to support others dreams...All of them men. And then later passes the title onto Kakashi who doesn’t even want to be Hokage either. 
-No other justus used, she’s on par with Jiraya and Orochimaru and yet she’s only super strong and the best medic. She should theoretically be more well rounded than that, right? She also should be shown fighting more even if she’s a medic, she’s also s legendary sannin 
-Had to be saved by 12 year old Naruto. I know it’s a show about him, but she’s meant to be a literal badass but needs a kid to save her.
-Wanted to become the first woman hokage and then didn’t. Her husband did. and then she became a housewife?? What?? She should have become the first woman hokage with a badass husband or had another prominent role in the village like as a council member or something.
-Always lost a fight? She’s some genjutsu using badass but always lost fights.
-No real personality, she’s just chilling there. Sexy as hell though. Has a kid and that’s about it.
-What I will give her is that I’m so glad she was allowed to age. So many anime mothers always look the same as their teenage self and she looks like she can be anybody's mama.
Over all, the girls could have been handled much better. I wouldn’t find issues with any of them being housewives or all about boys if that weren’t what seems to be the standard in the anime. I just wanted more of a variety and better character development, especially for Sakura and Hinata who are the mains 😩
Now to what might REALLY piss people off- ships! I’m not trying to start some war here, this is just my opinion and you can take it or leave it.
Sakura- Naruto, since they had the most development and showed more than two seconds of caring for each other. Even Sai in Shippuden has more of a connection to Sakura than Sasuke did.
Ino-Shikamaru, if she had to end up with a guy it makes sense it’d be him since they spend more time together than her and Sai did. (inosaku for the win tho)
Hinata-Shino or Kiba, again, because they spent more time with her. Naruto and her felt very rushed and I don’t quite understand the appeal.
The one that made the most sense and became canon was Shikatem, though their son’s design was lazy :D 
If I do a second part, it’ll be about the boys and the ships with them that made sense to me. For now, this is all I have. If you’ve made it this far, thank you lol
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the8gates · 2 years
sasuke for the "send me a character and i’ll list" game. if you can 💙
My sooooooon! Of course I can. Anything for Sasuke <3.
From this Ask Game
Under the cut because... This is gonna get long lol (don't they all?)
Favorite thing about them:
His heart. I think Sasuke is such a deeply emotional character and I often find myself gravitating towards characters with big emotions because I struggle to express/feel my own. So, watching everything he does in the name of his clan and Itachi is cathartic from a personal standpoint. I also appreciate the 'I will do anything I have to to achieve my goals' mindset too. I like that he thinks ahead and that he has such a propensity for looking at things critically. For instance, the old bait and switch on Orochimaru. For a child to be self aware enough to play right into the hand of someone who wanted to use him, only to turn it around and kill that slimy bastard as soon as he got what he needed from him... Incredible. I am so proud of everything he does.
Least favorite thing about them:
Not so much an issue with Sasuke as it is with the writing. I hate that he believes that he has anything to repent for.
Favorite line:
Ohhh... hmmm... probably
"I have long since closed my eyes... My only goal is in the darkness."
Iconic. King shit.
Huh. Never really considered this one too heavy. I like the idea of him and Gaara being besties for some reason. I just feel like they would get along FAMOUSLY in adult hood. The quietest room you have ever been in, but they're loving the peace and quiet.
Duh. SNS. (also I've only been in the fandom for like a year and I am not super heavy into ships or shipping. Like, I don't seek out the content. So, if this terminology is outdated I apologize lmao I know there was a massive uproar regarding the ship name based on sexual positions or something??? But that is all of the information I have do not kill me)
Sasusaku. I get it from a narrative perspective. Kinda. So I don't hate it and froth at the mouth at the thought of it like some anti's do. We got Sarada out of that and she is like my granddaughter. BUT it just doesn't make sense. If that was the endgame from the beginning, then it should have been written better. We could pick apart the fact that Sasuke seemingly hated Sakura throughout the story forever. Because someone could always turn around and say "oh he was just hiding his TRUE feelings" blah blah blah. Here's my real issue with it.
Sakura is selfish. I don't hate her completely; she gets some benefit of the doubt because she is a victim of Kishimoto's 'can't write women' syndrome. But, her 'love' for Sasuke was never genuine. There was never an attempt made to connect with him about what he'd lost and what was ultimately his biggest motivation. She didn't love him because she understood him and wanted what was best for him. She was obsessed with the fantasy of him and this idea she'd conjured in her head.
I also feel as if Sasuke was guilted into this relationship. That's not to say he doesn't care about Sakura in someway. I believe he does and always did in the same way you care for the well being of someone you spend a lot of time with. How could he not? But I don't think he was ever in love with her. At the end of the war when he places her under a Genjutsu, Kakashi berates him because Sakura "loves" him and it feels so wrong and icky. Because no tf she does not. She loves the IDEA of him. On top of that, even if she did love him in a genuine way, he doesn't owe her shit! Just because someone loves you doesn't mean you have to return that love. Meh. I'm rambling. Point is, I don't like it. I understand the need for it because, narratively, Sasuke had to have a child. Uchiha bloodline blah blah blah. In my mind though, if he and Naruto were not endgame, then Sasuke shouldn't have ended up with anyone. Not because I believe he is unlovable or incapable of loving others. But because I just cannot envision any of the other characters GENUINELY caring for him in the way he needs.
Random headcanon:
He's an extremely anxious gift giver when it comes to the people he cares about. Birthdays. Christmas. Congratulation parties. Whatever the occasion is that calls for him to provide a gift for someone, he stresses about it for weeks beforehand. It always starts the same way though. He kinda brushes it off and passively looks for something for the occasion. Then, he slowly spirals into a mess trying to locate the perfect gift. Has to meet his insanely high standards. But he's cool as a cucumber when he gives it to the person it's intended for. Not a single hair out of place or bead of sweat. And when they love it (because of course they will) he get's so smug.
I also think he's a really picky eater. Like. Would rather not eat at all than eat something he isn't particularly fond of.
Unpopular opinion:
Sasuke has nothing to 'atone' for. He killed Danzo and made some threats towards the village that he never acted on. And even if he had, then I wouldn't have seen an issue with that. People seem to kind of forget that the Uchiha Massacre was state-sanctioned GENOCIDE. Ultimately, what he was seeking was justice for his people. They like to throw the word 'revenge' around a lot as this negative connotation. You hear the word 'revenge' and think bad/evil/wrong but the word 'justice' doesn't ring those same bells. He deserved justice. The Uchiha deserved justice. And with an issue that was literally rooted in the very fabric of the Hidden Leaf's leadership (prejudice/bigotry/racism, whatever you want to call it) I could understand why he was of the belief that the only answer was to tear it all down.
Song I associate with them:
Winning - BLIND.SEE
'I'm feeling glorious, sword in my hand (Sword in my hand) Son of a warrior, line in the sand (Line in the sand)'
Blood // Water - grandson
'Now I am the violence, I am the sickness
Won't accept your silence, beg me for forgiveness.'
Oh Klahoma - Jack Stauber
'I hear those eyes and I see those cries I can't be the only one who hears you...'
On Your Porch - The Format
'And these last three years, I know they've been hard But now it's time to get out of the desert and into the sun;
Even if it's alone.'
That last song is about the singer's fathers declining health. But I would like Sasuke to hear it.
Favorite picture of them:
Have two because i love him
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I am going to kiss him on his lil baby forehead i s2g look at his pouty face i am going to kill danzo and hiruzen with my bare hands.
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he's so fucking cool here
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piduai · 3 years
You said that Inkarmat is one of the most hated characters and sadly it is true... what do you think about her? Why ppl hate her so much?
combination of good old misogyny and her being quite inconsistent as a character, i think. i'm personally not particularly fond of her, not that i dislike her either but am mostly indifferent, and i think that writing-wise she is quite messy and has little substance. it's the female character in manga syndrome. noda is a good writer, a statement i've made countless times, but he's quite weird about women. i don't think he's misogynistic in the way, say, miura was, or the likes of kishimoto and oda are, gk certainly lacks the kind of in your face misogyny found in other seinen - berserk, blade of the immortal, shigurui, gantz etc. instead of sexualized violence against women noda prefers to not write women at all, which i do consider one of his bigger faults as a writer. it's insulting and lazy, but because misogyny is so prevalent everywhere you turn people a) don't take it seriously and b) genuinely don't consider it a big deal. i've seen the argument of "well of course there aren't any women, most of the cast is war veterans" thrown around as though that choice wasn't a conscious decision.
i've made this exact comment before, but i find it curious that noda finds it easier to empathize with murderers, maniacs, sociopaths, zoophiles, perverts, nationalists and other freaks much easier than a woman. regular cast is 23 men and 3 women. there's over 100 named male characters, and about 10 women in total, not to mention the way some of them aren't even given faces, and most of them end up dead. and all speaking women are baby-crazy in one way or another - inkarmat and ogin both gave birth while in the story, big part of sofia's character was that she blamed herself for killing a baby which is what made her give up on "a woman's happiness", even ienaga, who physically could never give birth, got to lament about babies and given pregnant imagery upon being murdered. reducing women to their breeding capabilities is textbook misogyny, we're not put on earth to want babies and center our whole existence around it. no male character ever gets this treatment.
as for inkarmat herself, she started off as being in love with wilk and centering her identity around him to being in love with tanigaki and centering her identity around him. who is she out of her relationships to men? what are her goals, her dreams, her ambitions, her personality, her likes and dislikes? what is she as a person? what can i say about her personality except being protective of her man and good at divination? i mean, of course, she's not a complete blank state, but she wasn't given half as much complexity as most of the male cast, because she's supposed to be defined by her relationships - which, again, is lazy, inconsistent, misogynistic writing. she even got a bit of rivalry with asirpa when she was introduced and asirpa was always shown disliking her, even though she never had this energy for ANY of the men, including those who later tried to murder her.
again i do not dislike inkarmat, but i do find her writing frustrating and lackluster. most of the hate i've seen thrown at her was undisguised misogyny, though. i remember not long ago someone posting in the tag how they wish inkarmat and her dumb baby were killed so tanigaki and ogata could be together. there was a HUGE "criticism" post aimed at her that literally boiled down to "i've met women like her in real life and didn't like them". the "kinda rancid vibes" comments from people who drool over ogata, tsurumi and other degenerates. there's a lot of dishonesty here because people criticize her for being vaguely morally grey and doing things that wouldn't even turn the lights on in their heads if any of the male cast did it - the standards of purity and morality women are held to etc. i've seen people say that being stabbed in the abdomen wasn't punishment enough for her having flimsy loyalties who'd then write manifestos about why ogata is a good person and shooting sugimoto in the head was a moment of weakness and not betrayal, and other things, and other things... not that there's anything wrong with disliking any character for any reason, but sometimes it's productive to dig at the root and your own prejudice and hypocrisy, i think.
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ghoste-catte · 3 years
multiples of 3 ✌🏼-sgmdrcklee
@sagemoderocklee you’re really trying to kill me lol
This got long as heck so I’m throwing it behind a cut. Read on for answers and fic recs! (Mostly the fic recs)
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
This is a tough one to answer for me generally because I tend to spit words onto the page and once I have written them I no longer remember writing them. And 2020 has stretched on so long that as I’m looking at some of the stuff I wrote in the beginning of this year, I hardly remember what’s even in it. I think at one point someone (@goblin-draws maybe?) mentioned a line in Sleeptalk with Me where the innkeeper calls Kankuro “chubby boy”, and I was like “Oh ... did I write that? Yeah, sounds like something I’d have someone say to Kankuro ...” 
It might be easier to talk about this in other terms. One of the scenes I worked the hardest on this year was the fight scene in Chapter 3 of Skeleton Key. The original draft of the scene was a lot shorter, and a lot of the backstory for Misaki’s revenge quest was elided. The scene as originally written was clunky, confusing, and as my lovely wife/beta put it sounded “like a Naruto villain” was doing the dialogue, when previously she’d found Misaki sinister and intriguing. Which wasn’t what I wanted. I basically entirely overhauled the scene and re-wrote it several times. I wouldn’t call it a ‘favorite’ scene (I hate writing fight scenes generally; having chosen to immerse myself in a fandom about ninja where much of the drama comes from battle is my eternal regret), but it is a scene that I put a lot of effort into, and I’m moderately satisfied with the improved product that resulted.  
6. least popular fic this year
By far my least popular fic by kudos ever is Pitch Perfect. Which makes complete sense to me. It’s a fic where I’ve written 2 characters who are men in canon as cis women, which pushes a lot of uncomfortable buttons for a lot of people. It contains F/F smut, which is something that a lot of people who choose to read GaaLee probably aren’t out there looking for. And people comment and kudos less on smutfics, I assume because they don’t want their username attached to porn or because they’re embarrassed (which I totally get, no shame there). It’s a modern AU with a sports twist, and AUs are often less popular than canonverse in my experience. I will say though that it has a surprisingly high number of private bookmarks compared to other fics with comparable hit and kudos counts. So I assume people are just a bit more shy because the premise is so ‘out there’. I will say as far as my fics go, it’s one of my personal favorites and probably one of the most intimate and true-to-life things I’ve written? So it actually is a little comforting to know that something so vulnerable has relatively little attention. 
9. longest wip of the year
If we’re going based on stuff that’s partially published but not complete, my Gaara-adopts-Shinki fic On My Way Home is my longest in-progress fic at just over 20k words, although technically I started it in 2019. It will probably end up being right around 40-50k when it’s complete, which might end up situating it as my longest fic ever? 
12. favorite character to write about this year
Okay, this is an easy one. I love writing Kankuro. I think he is hilarious. He is the devil on my shoulder and a creature of pure id, and every time I write a line of dialogue for him it’s the summation of my rudest thoughts about a situation put in the crudest possible terms. If there were a megaphone directly from my unfiltered brain giving running commentary, that would be Kankuro.
15. something you learned this year
I have learned SO much this year! This is only my 2nd year properly ‘focusing’ on writing fic and investing any substantial time into it. I think the biggest thing I have learned, though, is how to overcome a lot of my self-consciousness about writing stories with NSFW elements in them. Starting out, I was so extremely shy and mortified about writing fic at all, much less things like hugging or (god forbid!) kissing. So taking on the smut prompts I took this year and really buckling down on learning to write the mechanics and emotions of sex has been a massive learning experience. (And sorry, by the way, if I haven’t gotten to a prompt you sent me in January yet. I do intend to write all of them eventually!) 
18. current number of WIPs
Ah. The call-out question. My general fic process is idea -> outline -> wip -> edit -> ready to post (where the final draft sits in my docs until I gin up the courage to actually post it). So skipping fics that are just “ideas” on the big mega-list, I have 3 fics in the “outline” stage, 13 fics in the partially written “wip” stage, 1 fic in the “editing” stage, and 2 that are complete but yet-to-be-posted. So, like, 19 total in the offing. (The “ideas” list is even worse lol.)
21. most memorable comment/review
This is such a difficult question because every single comment I get makes me do a little dance for joy. That’s not an exaggeration btw I really sit there and like bounce around in my seat for a moment before I open the Ao3 email. I am not an especially emotive person irl, but there have been times I’ve been brought near tears by comments. I’ll also occasionally show them to my wife like !! look at this nice thing this person said !! and she’s indulgent enough to actually read them. There have been a couple comments that have really stuck with me, that I starred in my inbox and return to frequently, but I don’t want to bring attention to someone else without their permission. I will say there was one person recently who mentioned (not in the comments on one of my fics) that they had found someone who does physical binding of fanfiction and they were about to ask my permission to do that, but then the person who does the binding only does certain ships that she likes ... so that, just, absolutely floored me. The idea that someone might actual want a physical copy of my stupid little ninja fanfictions is, like, so truly immense and completely overwhelming?
24. favorite fic you read this year
You can’t make me pick just one!! (For reference, I have bookmarked right around 180 fics in the past year, and that’s not including fics that I just read, really enjoyed, but didn’t think I could ‘handle’ a second time around.) So, skipping over the ones that AREN’T Naruto ... here is a brief sampling of some faves:
Silica by deepestbluest (rated E, GaaLee, ShikaTema, and Kankiba) - An absolute emotional powerhouse of a fic that manages to skillfully interweave three complex relationship dynamics, satisfactorily resolve them, and give you ALL the sandsibs feels in just over 10k words. 
Childhood Not-Friends (series) by MegaWallflower (rated G, KakaGai) - @megawallflower is a KakaGai god for good reason. Absolutely adorable relationship development fics (five of them!) with the premise that Kakashi thinks he and Gai have been dating since they were kids ... Gai just hasn’t been clued into it yet. These stories will give you heart-eyes.
The Bright Side by gidget_goes (rated T, GaaLee) - This is the Buffy AU I never knew I needed, because I’ve never seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But truly you don’t need any Buffy knowledge to enjoy this fic. @gidget-goes command of imagery is masterful, and the way they manage to snap from snark to tugging at your heartstrings is awe-inspiring. Gaara breaks my heart in this. And did I mention Kankuro wears a 10-gallon hat? Because Kankuro wears a 10-gallon hat. 
Nature vs. Nurture by Bidiza (rated T, GaaLee) - So introspective and so poetic. This looks like a WIP but it’s actually multiple oneshots, although by the end of the second one you’ll be dying for the rest of the promised series. 
I’m a Fool to Want You by BeelieveRosemarie (rated M, GaaLee) - Turns out @tuttiefruttiegaalee isn’t just an amazing artist, they’re a writer, too! Slow-dancing that will break your heart. Listen to the Frank Sinatra song while you read this for extra tear-jerking effect.
Let Love be Known (series) by TenTomatoes (rated G, GaaLee) - This is the twist on the arranged marriage trope and Beauty and the Beast that I didn’t realize this fandom was missing. I’m absolutely obsessed with their concept of Gaara as the Beast
I Could Be by LilacNoctua (rated T, GaaLee) - I know I big up @lilac-writes Worthwhile series a lot (deservedly so, because it’s so good it makes you look at the series and go “Why the fuck didn’t Kishimoto make this canon exactly like this?”), but this story made me absolutely die between the butterflies in my stomach and how hard I was laughing. There’s one line--you’ll know it when you read it--that absolutely bowls me over every time I re-read this. 
And Then Continue by EgregiousDerp (rated E, GaaLee) - Obviously I’m biased because this was a gift, but @egregiousderp writes some of the the best characterized porn I’ve ever read. You will read this and go “Wow! This is exactly how it would happen!” It’s such a tender, beautiful exploration of Gaara’s insecurities and a very real feeling first time, for all its soft edges. 
Cake by citronelle (rated E, KanKiba) - I don’t even know what to say about this one other than ... phew, this is extremely well written, extremely hot, and extremely in character. Just read it. I promise it’s worth it. 
Saudade by YumKiwiDelicious (rated M, GaaLee) - I’ve run around reccing this to just about every person on the face of the earth at this point. If you’re in the GaaLee Discord you probably saw everyone salivating over every new update of this fic and with good reason. The twists and turns of this fic will have you on the edge of your seat, second guessing every single moment. And it will break your heart in the meantime. What more could you want?
the love potion commotion by floating_cats (rated T, NejiSasu with background GaaLee) - One of those fics where you wish the author’s sense of humor was your own. So many hilarious moments in this story, and it brought me a new appreciation for a ship I never would have even considered. 
Finger Lickin’ Good by whazzername (rated E, GaaLee) - Whazz is another one of those authors where I literally want to rec every single thing she’s ever written, she’s just that good. (Speaking of which, if you haven’t read Fools Rush In and its sequel Degrees of Separation, you’re missing out on the best possible Metal origin story of all time. Don’t deprive yourself of this.) But this story is just ... so incredibly in character for a situation that reads like crack. It’s handled with the utmost straight-facedness and it’s so. freakin’. good. 
heart lines by winterberry_holly (rated M, NejiTen and GaaLee) - I don’t even have the words to describe how perfect this fic is. It’s a truly beautiful exploration of Tenten’s relationship with her palmistry hobby and with the people in her life. My heart ached with every single line. 
Standing on Ceremony by kuroashi (rated E, GaaLee) - This is just ... such a beautiful wedding story. So lovely, like getting the best possible warm hug from someone you love. If that love one was slightly strange and socially inept, because, well. It’s still Gaara doing Gaara-things. @baphometsss is another one of those authors whose handling of smut scenes is so stupendous it makes me wildly jealous. 
Thrall by RokiRiot (rated T, GaaLee) - Idiots-to-lovers with a magic AU twist! This is such a wonderful story, and Gaara’s internal monologue is absolutely amazing. And Lee is Deaf in this fic, which I never ever get to see and which absolutely made my entire day/week/month/life. 
Make-Out Consequences by LuxaLucifer (rated M, KakaGai with background canon Boruto ships) - I laughed so hard reading this that I had to take a breather to stop crying. That’s not an exaggeration. The characterization in this fic is impeccable and the humor is to die for. Naruto’s buffoonery truly shines here, and the author’s wit is just beyond anything I could even properly summarize. Hysterical. A++. 
Thirteen Strokes by Luna_Lee (rated T, GaaLee) - Again, like, if you aren’t reading literally everything @sagemoderocklee writes, are you even really a GaaLee fan? But this fic is beyond even for one of Eeri’s incredibly excellent writings. The worldbuilding in this, the cultural notes, the imagery ... it’s all so lush and so fulfilling and so beautiful. It’s a story about love and it’s a story that you can tell has love poured into every single line. I can’t recommend it enough. 
Checkmate by shadowstrangle (rated G, GaaLee) - The pettiness vibes ... this is so funny. Such a cute story and I love Gaara’s sense of humor here. Not a lot of writers give him a sense of humor, but I love how @shadowstrangle gives him a slightly odd, slightly left-of-center take on humor that still manages to be so funny. 
To Court a Village by FanFictionEngineer (rated G, GaaLee) - Another one where my bias is perhaps slightly obvious, but the premise of this fic is amazing. I love cultural misunderstandings, and the idea of Lee trying his hardest to court Gaara ineptly is just so perfect. 
affliction of feeling by theformerone (rated E, SakuHina) - One of those ships that it would never have occurred to me to seek out but that absolutely works with how the author’s set it up. The dynamics here are delicious. It’s so rare to find good F/F porn but this is one of them for sure. 
Tried and Tested by twentysomething (Rated M, KakaIru with background canon Boruto ships and GaaLee) - Iruka’s narration in this story is just incredible. I haven’t laughed this hard reading a fic in ages. And the concept alone (that Naruto can’t be promoted to Hokage until he passes his chuunin exams ... as an adult ... and Sasuke gets dragged along for the ride) is just brilliant. Amazing concept, amazingly executed. 
a fireside waltz by winterberry_holly (rated M, GaaLee) - I really tried not to rec a single author more than once here but for this one I had to. I got about halfway through this fic and immediately started running around ringing the town crier bell like READ THIS FIC! READ THIS FIC! An absolutely smoldering Regency AU with such beautiful, intimate dance scenes. My heart was racing every single time their fingers brushed. If you don’t read anything else on this list, at the very least read this. 
27. favorite fanfic author of the year
I really can’t pick just one. I am lucky enough that @egregiousderp passes me her drafts under the table before (or without) publishing, and getting to read those is a private treat of unparalleled proportions. Some of my favorite things I’ve read this year I can’t even rec because they’re her unpublished stuff. 
30. favorite fandom to read fic from this year
This is gonna come off strange because I just wrote such a long Naruto reclist, but I recently watched What We Do in the Shadows, and found an incredibly talented group of authors in that fandom with really amazingly good dialogue and narrative voice. I also read a lot of fic for the new It movies (even though I couldn’t watch the 2nd one for ~reasons~), and damn if there isn’t a talented crop of authors in that fandom, too. And finally with ATLA making its way onto Netflix, I had the chance to start watching that for the first time and found a ton of really good fic there as well! 
fanfic end of the year asks!
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sinnbaddie · 4 years
So, I saw a post by @stilena regarding this article;
I’d like to debunk a few things from this article.
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This doesn’t make sense in the slightest. First off, you say she’s not cruel to her friends, but then say her behavior towards Naruto could be improved? That’s very contradicting, and it seems like whoever wrote this article is trying to find evidence she’s a good friend when it’s quite the contrary.
“Other fans think she destroyed her friendship with Ino over a boy, but it had little to do with Sasuke...”
This is complete BS. They didn’t even try and find any other reason to give why Sakura broke her friendship off with Ino.
The main reason she destroyed her friendship with Ino, is because she found out Ino had a crush on Sasuke. They literally lied on an article to make her look better than she is, and saying “other fans think,” no, actual fans know what happened, and what fans know is that Sakura broke off her friendship with Ino because of Sasuke. There was no, “differentiation” in place at the time. Maybe when she was like 12-15 she wanted to be different, but it did not happen when she was 5.
They also contradict themself later in the article;
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“...when she discovers Ino has had a longtime crush on Sasuke too, it quickly sours their relationship and fuels their rivalry...”
So, at first they say their friendship wasn’t broken off bc of Sasuke, then say it was the reason it soured? This whole article is very contradictory.
The whole rival thing is stupid as hell, too. Ino never wanted to be rivals, she wanted to stay friends. Also, comparing Sasuke and Naruto’s rivalry to Sakura’s and Ino’s is very rude to Naruto and Sasuke, seeing how Naruto and Sasuke actually cared about each other and were friends throughout it mostly.
Even when Ino and Sakura were “ok,” when Sai met Ino, Sakura was rooting for him to call Ino ugly. Who the fuck does that to someone who helped you and was friends with you? Someone who called you pretty, and kind, someone who genuinely valued your friendship?
Either way, Ino’s friendship with Sakura was destroyed because of Sakura having a crush on Sasuke, not because she wanted to differentiate from Ino.
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“...learns he’s an enemy of the state and puts aside any personal feelings...”
What?? Puts aside her personal feelings? The only time she’s ever put “aside” her feelings is when she tries to kill him. She’s so bent on him acknowledging her that when she got stabbed by Madara in the war and he didn’t notice her, she whined about it in her head. It was stupid as hell to try and fight Madara 1v1, but if her sole purpose was to “distract” him I can get behind that, but the purpose was so Sasuke can notice her. She’s extremely shallow considering Sasuke.
I mean look at this shit; she’s so damn obsessed with him that not even a fucking war can keep her attention off of Sasuke.
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“...to perform her ninja duties and protect her village.”
When Sasuke was leaving, she begged him if she could go with him. Protect the village? If Sasuke accepted her self invite, then she would be a rogue ninja, someone who detached from the village.
And it happened again when she went to kill him. Albeit that she was trying to make it seem like she would actually help him, but if Sasuke actually gave her the chance she would take it. Sasuke saw through her bullshit though because he’s not a fucking idiot like she assumed he was.
“...don’t get to see Sakura spend a lot of one-on-one time with Sasuke after the first few arcs, they do witness the evolution of Sakura’s feelings.”
How can Sakura’s feelings evolve if she never has one-on-one time with Sasuke? When do we witness her feelings evolve from just looks? When does Sasuke open up to her so her feelings can evolve? They can’t, we don’t, and he doesn’t. The only time we as viewers see Sakura’s feelings evolve, is when they start to become obsessive. These are not kind feelings, these are obsessive ones.
“Even fans who aren’t on the Sasusaku ship can appreciate how she handles her emotions.”
The only thing I appreciate is that Sasuke keeps denying her advances because he doesn’t want romance with her, which he’s stated multiple times. She never handles her emotions. Just in general, too. From her constantly crying, to her anger issues, her trait is being unable to handle them. I’ve never once met an anti ss fan who appreciates how she handles her emotions. This is absurd in it of itself.
“Sakura cares deeply for Sasuke, not because of his looks, but because of who he is.”
Sakura cares for her idea of Sasuke, not Sasuke himself. Like the quote above speaking on her “evolved feelings,” shes never shown to care about Sasuke’s well being, seeing how she tried to kill him. Again, Sasuke has never opened up to Sakura, only Itachi and Naruto, and they have the audacity to say Sakura cares about Sasuke because of who he is.
What does Sakura think of Sasuke as a person that isn’t what Sasuke shows to everyone who he doesn’t actually care for? She cares about his cool, calm, and collected personality? Was he so cool, calm, and collected whenever Naruto was brought up, or Itachi? Is it because he is quiet and reserved? Was he quiet and reserved when he was a child, before Itachi slaughtered their clan in front of him, 518,400 times? Does she care about his strength and smarts? Does she know he wanted to be intelligent and strong enough so he could kill Itachi? Does she know on a deeper level than just “I want to kill a certain man; I want revenge”?
No. Because Sasuke never let Sakura know the real him because he doesn’t care about her as much as Naruto, or Itachi. He never once thought about her throughout his years gone from the village in Pt.1 and Shippuden, while he thought of Naruto occasionally.
The truth of the matter is, Sasuke does not care about Sakura, his supposed wife, as much as he cares about Naruto, his best friend, someone he considers a brother.
“...she refuses to compromise her principles solely because she loves him.“
What principles are we talking about here? Didn’t she falsely confess to Naruto, drug him, Yamato, and Kakashi, and try and kill Sasuke on her own? Like I mentioned above, wasn’t she the one who idiotically charged Madara (someone she knew stomped the five kage, and who was basically a god at that point, too), and get stabbed for it, only to be upset that Sasuke didn’t notice her nor care about her wellbeing?
“She’s still her own person.”
Take away her crush with Sasuke she’ll be her own person. I’ll admit, in the beginning of Shippuden, she did well. Why? Because Sasuke wasn’t there and was barely mentioned. Kishimoto said in an interview that Sakura is obsessed with Sasuke (if someone can send me the interview It’d be much appreciated as I can’t find it as of now).
She’s only her own person when you take Sasuke out of the picture. Throughout both series her actions and intentions has been based around Sasuke. She isn’t her own person and it’s absurd to think of her as one when it’s shown time and time again she is not.
This whole article is complete bullshit, seeing how many of these “facts” are lies to make it seem like Sakura is some lovely person. She’s not, and she’s not a good person towards Sasuke either.
It’s ok to admit Sakura isn’t the best character nor person in Naruto, because she’s not. It’s fine to think Sakura as kind, and loving, but only in fanon. Canon Sakura is not what you, and the person who wrote this article is talking about.
You can like Fanon Sakura, but don’t dismiss that Canon Sakura is a jerk who is heavily involved with her own self and benefits, maybe not fully but in regards to “love, and friendship” she most definitely is.
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ohbyunhunn · 4 years
Same as my Hiruzen post, just wanna keep this analysis using the feminist (I hope I did it right and my Literature teachers won’t roll their eyes at me lol) (but it’s just for Twitter so wtvr) approach on my Tumblr too. Was posted on July 11 2020:
Ok this has been in my (Twitter) drafts for so long but I wanted to wait till I finish all 500 episodes to post this lol. I love Naruto but God, the writing for its female characters is shit. This is written based only on Naruto and Naruto Shippūden (manga and anime). I think it got better in Boruto but I’ve yet to see it. Anyway
Women are not given the burden of carrying important roles that represent relationships built throughout the series, as if, they are not capable of creating bonds strong enough to drive a character even though it is what Naruto is all about; the importance of bonds between humans. 
Examples of relationships; 
Friends: Naruto-Sasuke, Kakashi-Obito 
Kouhai-senpai: Itachi-Shisui 
Siblings: Itachi-Sasuke 
Student-teacher: Naruto-Jiraiya, Naruto-Iruka, Asuma-Shikamaru 
Patriotism: Itachi-Konoha, Shisui-Konoha 
Lovers to enemies: Hashirama-Madara ( :p )
These relationships as we all know are the basis of the series’ plots and developments. I mean, if not for Naruto’s feelings towards Sasuke, the anime won’t exist... and if not for Sasuke’s feelings towards Itachi, he wouldn’t have abandoned Naruto... and if not for Itachi’s patriotism towards his village, he wouldn’t have killed off the Uchiha clan, which is the reason why Sasuke hated him in the first place. These three related, complementing events are I think crucial instances of what the Naruto universe is built upon. They also are the reason other relationships were able to be expanded (i.e. Itachi-Shisui share the same loyalty and love for Konoha, Naruto became Jiraiya’s apprentice to be able to compete with Sasuke). 
And as u can see, no female characters are involved at all. Only time female characters are seen creating bonds and/or have a role to move the plot is when they are driven by romance (e.g. Hinata-Naruto, Tsunade-Dan, Karin-Sasuke). This paints the idea that women are only concerned of men and romance in the anime?? Even a simple friendship between female characters was almost impossible to be portrayed healthily (i.e. Sakura-Ino are supposedly good friends but they always put down each other). 
The anime itself has agreed that the sole reason a female is present amongst male characters is because they are able to be motivated when a woman is around to be impressed, which will lead them to wanting to improve themselves and become better shinobi. 
When Kakashi asked Hiruzen why were Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura put together in a team, the answer he got was because Sasuke needs someone with the experience of using Sharingan to be there for him when his is activated and in order to be able to control the Kyuubi inside Naruto in case it goes berserk again, Sharingan is needed, which is a sound reason why the two of them are put together. 
And Sakura??? Hiruzen said (omg it still pisses me off), she’s only in Team 7 because that would drive the boys to become stronger because they would want to impress Sakura. Like?? She only exists to be a fucking trophy that could be won is it?? That’s it?? I think this was why at first I was against Sakura and Sasuke’s relationship. IT DIDN’T SEEM TRUE. Yea yea I know there are scenes that have suggested their feelings are mutual but lol let’s be real. Boruto saved it. If not for how they’re presented in Boruto,,, lol. 
Anyway, Kakashi was seen to be on the same page with Hiruzen because he was reminded of how Obito worked hard to catch up to him so that he could impress Rin. The same thing happened to Hiruzen’s team; Jiraiya wanted to beat Orochimaru just to catch Tsunade’s attention. I understand that it is natural for boys (and girls) to improve themselves in order to attract the person they like but to give female characters no role other than to be a trophy?? That’s just dumb and objectifying. 
Sakura got a shit ton of hate ever since Naruto (her character only improved A BIT in Shippūden), and honestly, Idt it’s her fault. Her character writing was so shit that all she ever did was scream Sasuke’s name and when Sasuke is knocked out, she’d call for Naruto. She has a great potential to become a kunoichi of the same level as her teammates but the anime never tried to put the spotlight on her. A lot of times we saw other characters say “wow Sakura has potential” but we never see that being polished on screen. 
If only she was given the chance to take an active role in battles, maybe the anime would’ve appeared better in regards to its treatment towards female characters. The only battle that I remember of with Sakura taking an active part in it??? Her fight with Sasori. Not saying that her role during the war is insignificant but even with that in mind, when Sasuke is present, she could only think of him?? 
[ This video has all the Sakura scenes that pissed me off. ]
Why did she hesitate?? She’s a medic nin fgs?? This is what I meant by her writing is shit. The Sakura that I know wouldn’t think twice to do what she needed to. AND to think that just a few moments before, SHE SAVED NARUTO’S LIFE?? BY PUMPING HIS HEART USING HER HAND??? And he survived!! With her aid!! The fact that she managed to pull that off but not destroying Obito’s Rinnegan is just pure bullshit. 
But I’m sort of glad they had the filler episodes where they showed Sakura’s (and Ino’s) growth, how they went thru their training and stuff. It’s not much but thanks for the fillers I guess?? The manga can go suck some balls. 
Another mention of a female character being disregarded as an important ninja would be Konan. Throughout the Naruto vs Akatsuki arc, Konan’s skills and determination have been displayed countless of times. And I’m glad she was given the chance to prove her ability but what rubbed me off the wrong way was Jiraiya’s opinion on her. Every time he spoke of the three orphans he took in, he always mentioned Nagato’s strength and Yahiko’s desire to bring peace in a positive manner. But when it comes to Konan, his only adjective for her was “pretty”. 
Konan is more than just a feminine presence with beauty as her only personality?? She’s a strong-willed person who is able to stand alongside her comrades in fighting for what they believe in. She was willing to sacrifice herself in order to defeat Obito/Madara in a heartbeat!! Jiraiya could’ve said better things about her. 
From this, we can say how biased a male character’s view is on other females?? As if, only men would fight against injustices of the shinobi world but women?? uwu she pretty yes she will grow up to be a beautifoOl woman. 
Kishimoto couldn’t write women very well and he admitted this himself but God, I wish he would’ve tried harder. Not able to write women well is such a shitty excuse for a writer... especially when we know his female characters are capable just as much as their male counterparts. 
Also I try to take this positively but you know how during Naruto’s time, the only medic nins are his female characters? (i.e. Sakura, Ino, Tsunade) I think he meant to portray women as healers and that’s a pure intention but lol it also sort of sends the message that to him, no matter how smart and talented a woman is, they shall not be given the duty to fight!! They should just wait and be ready to receive injured comrades while the boys go fight evil and bring peace!! I wanna give credit to him for making women healers but lol does he deserve it?? 
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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officerjennie · 4 years
For the ship/character meme, 1, TobiIzu and 2, Itachi, Kakashi, Minato and Mei, thank you!
!! Even more amazing ships and characters! :D
Not sure exactly when I started shipping them, though I’m sure it was the first time I read something for them. More than likely I stumbled upon a random fic after falling down the MadaTobi rabbit hole, and decided that Yes, this ship Works. Have shipped them ever since.
They’re amazing. Sassy and quick-witted and just amazing. 
I love how they started out so against each other. Izuna didn’t even give a second thought to ever seeing Tobirama as anything more than his enemy, and Tobirama was fully prepared to kill him to protect all those he loved. I also love the idea of them overcoming this and falling in love, and being able to be vulnerable around each other.
:( how they never even became allies in canon
Anything to do with Izuna dying. I dislike Edo Tensei versions of this ship with a burning passion tbh, the only exception being purposeful horror stories that show how “wrong” that dynamic is as far as being in a healthy relationship is involved. No Edo Tensei Izuna. No crazed scientist Tobirama bringing him back. No thank you.
HAPPY ENDINGS. I look for happy endings in fics for them. Also I try to look for healthy relationships for them a little more than other ships, just because of where the TobiIzu fandom takes the unhealthy relationships somewhere I don’t like. Also I don’t care one way or the other whether Madara ends up with Hashirama in TobiIzu fics.
Madara, Hashirama, Itachi, some OCs. I’m not too picky. As long as Izuna stays away from Touka. No thank you.
Them both living and loving each other. Maybe fighting side-by-side in battle. Growing old and retiring, and Izuna bothering Tobi for the rest of their lives. Tobi secretly doesn’t mind the constant teasing tho.
They cuddle however they want to, though I think Izuna has a Thing for laying on top of Tobi. Whether on his back or chest.
Arguing. Though most of the time it’s not really serious. They just like to bicker.
(putting the rest under a cut so the post doesn’t get too long)
From this ask meme
Is best bean. Just look at his sweet face. Ignore the blood on his hands, it could also just be strawberry jam.
Shisui, Kisame, Madara, Tobirama, Izumi, Kakashi, and maybe some others I’ve probably forgotten. Not necessarily in this order.
Sasuke I guess.
That he would not have left Sasuke in Naruto’s hands in canon. Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion? I just...don’t see Itachi doing that. He was too much of a control freak, too obsessed with Sasuke, and would not have left it up to Naruto, someone he barely knew, to take care of Sasuke. Also I just don’t think Itachi would have accepted that he’d done wrong and couldn’t fix it himself. He’s a control freak that thinks it’s up to him to fix everything and carry all the weight of the world on his own shoulders, by himself.
Is a tough choice T^T am gonna say him being with Tobirama, if only because it’s my small canoe ship. But I also really fucking love him with Kisame and Shisui.
I don’t think about crossovers. 
Itachi has poor circulation, so his hands are always cold.
He’s pretty okay
Itachi, Tobirama, Obito I guess, maybe Rin though I’ve never read anything with them together. Naruto? Maybe? Used to read a lot of KakaSasu and KakaIru fics but I don’t really ship them, just wanted to know more about Kakashi. Not sure how I feel about KakaMina yet though I think art would be cute.
Tenzo maybe? I’d ship them but I think Yammers has the personality of an actual yam :| AM SORRY, I THINK HE’S BORING, no shade to those who love and adore him
Probably that he’s not that sexy/not the greatest male character in the show xD Don’t get me wrong, I think he’s Okay, but just okay. I’m not that interested in reading stuff involving him tho.
That the poor boi hadn’t been so traumatized by literally everything in life ever. Like...couldn’t he have just ONE THING?? His family dies, his found family dies, and he’s given a trash fire of a team. Like xD Let the poor boi have One Thing please. Can’t even fucking retire, he’s given the title of hokage right after the biggest world wars of all world wars, jfc, LET HIM REST AND HAVE GOOD THINGS
Idk, I don’t think I have one for him. 
No crossovers
He suffers from PTSD and probably can’t breathe when anyone he actually knows bleeds on him.
A really good bean.
Kushina, maybe Kakashi. I like him with Fugaku and Mikoto as long as it’s all three of them or alongside Kushina. 
Fugaku maybe?
That he’s not like...the Serious and Threatening hokage some fics I’ve read make him out to be. I don’t believe that Minato was sweet to those he loved and cold/serious to those he didn’t know very well. I think he was compassionate all around. Yeah, he would have probably killed someone if they were a serious threat, but I don’t think that’s the direction he ever wanted to take.
I feel like I say this about every single character, but HE. SHOULD. HAVE. LIVED.
He met wittle baby Itachi and adored him. Probably tickled his feet and was ^^ while holding him. And also was furious that Itachi witnessed the battlefield at such a young age.
I barely know her :| But she seems alright?
Kisame? I think that’s about the only person, and I don’t necessarily actively ship it, I just think it seems neat in concept
I literally have no idea xD
What. The fuck. Is that weird hair thing? No seriously, why does her hair cross in the front like that?? On her chest like that??? I hate it, nope, if I ever draw or write anything for her just know that her hair does not look like that, that is Ridiculous and NO
I don’t know enough about her canon life to really say. Like...did she live? Did she have a good life?? Idk, she’s like...a kage right? Is that right? I literally just know her name, what she looks like, and that she breathes fire :| and that she might have been at the kage summit maybe. 
Don’t really have one
Idk man
HER HAIR. DOES NOT CROSS LIKE THAT. IN FRONT OF HER CHEST. Look I know anime character designs are pretty much all ridiculous, and maybe I don’t have a solid reason to dislike that choice so much, but just- just No. No, Kishimoto, Bad >:(
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byakubae-hinata · 4 years
Dear Anti SasuSaku Posts ...
I hate started drama and shit, but I've noticed a few seriously annoying things.
I am not a fan of the canon Naruto ending. The ships are at best nice, and at worst abusive and confusing. If I turn my head a bit and walk about a million steps away, I can see them in a better light. I don't appreciate hate for other ships, but I understand where it comes from, and I also understand it can blind people sometimes.
As much as I do not relish in the fact that SasuSaku is canon, I also notice that a lot of posts that go against it, tend to unnecessarily bash on Sakura.
Believe me, I was once the exact same. All I could see was how annoying or useless Sakura was, and I still see those words used to describe her in posts. But the fact was that I was bias with Sasuke, and I didn't try my best to understand Sakura's character. All I did was see how much of a fangirl she was, and how she watched Naruto and Sasuke fight from behind. That is not the point of her character.
Sakura grew up in a relatively happy home, with two parents, lots of friends, and love. Unlike Naruto or Sasuke, which were both orphans and experienced unimaginable loneliness and pain, Sakura did NOT.
She's a normal kid. She's only 12, remember? These kids are only 12. She doesn't know any better! All kids complain about their parents, and wish they could live alone instead. She doesn't understand how much pain it caused Naruto or Sasuke to live without their families. She doesn't know how lonely it is, or how devastating it is. Sakura is literally just a 12 year old kid. And she admits this later on in the series. She admits how selfish and blind she was, and even sees Naruto in a much different light - she learned from her mistakes.
Many people also point of that Sakura called Naruto annoying various times, and didn't treat him with respect. This was obviously because everyone treated Naruto this way before. The entire village bullied him. Kids, adults, etc. Sakura didn't know any better. She just wanted Sasuke's approval back then, and said whatever came to mind to make Sasuke feel superior to Naruto. That failed horribly, and she soon came to realize how much pain she caused Naruto. Sasuke called her annoying, and it hurt, so she knew Naruto must've been hurt by her comments as well. She connected the dots and apologized eventually. It's about character development.
Speaking of character development, Sakura never got enough of it. Yes, she grew physically stronger, and yes, she learned to appreciate Naruto and apologize for the pain she caused him - but one single fact never changed.
Her infatuation with Sasuke.
To me, this was very clearly not love. I believed that with time, Sakura would open her eyes and realize she could find someone worthy of her love. Someone that wouldn't repeatedly call her annoying, or belittle her. But no. That character development never came. This is the primary reason so many anti-sasusaku shippers hate Sakura. Because she is so needy for Sasuke's love, it antagonizes her. Everyone begins to see her as the needy and sad character that never let Sasuke be free, and eventually forced him into having her child.
Sakura obviously did not force Sasuke to impregnate her, that makes no sense.
Kishimoto never gave my girl the proper development she deserved, and like many other female Naruto characters, shoved her beside the man she was infatuated with for her entire life. I won't even start on Boruto, because nothing in that series makes any sense. They completely did a 180 with Sasuke's character, and made all of the relationships appear lovely and not forced at all. It still saddens me, but I've come to accept it, because holding unnecessary hate or dislike for a series that once brought me so much joy is unhealthy.
I do love and feel for Sarada, though.
Even she doubted the credibility of the relationship between her parents, because obviously she misses her father who is never around to support her.
Anyway. The point is anti-SasuSaku fans need to stop attacking Sakura's character! anti-ship posts need to stop being made too, but I obviously can't stop people from sharing their opinions, so just don't bash on a character unnecessarily. It's alright to hate a ship, but it's not okay to place the majority of that hate on one character, when it takes two to make a ship.
Sakura is a good character. She did her best with what Kishimoto gave her, and I appreciate that. She helped defeat Kaguya, killed Akatsuki members like a boss, trained under Tsunade, healed and saved numerous people including Naruto, and basically became a single mother. Maybe her relationship with Sasuke doesn't make much sense, but that's the way things are now. At least in Boruto. If it infuriates you that much, don't watch the series. Don't hate on people who do watch it. And don't hate a single character for the mistakes of an entire writing team, and Kishimoto.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk, and I hope I haven't enraged people unnecessarily.
Much love from your neighborhood Naruto fan, and happy new years!
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evartandadam · 6 years
I want to write a thing about Sasuke’s development throughout Naruto- and where Kishimoto failed his character. (I have been asked about my opinions on Sasusaku, but before I can remotely get to that, I need to establish what I think of Sasuke as a character by himself. He is a very interesting character, and he deserves his own rant.) 
There are two important points in Sasuke’s life, and both of these points establish the main theme Kishi wanted Sasuke’s character to feature.
The first point is when Sasuke leaves to train under Orochimaru, and the second is when he is approached, and changed by Madara/Obito. 
Point 1: Taking the Path of an Avenger. (Main Theme)
In Naruto:
Sasuke’s main theme throughout the series is slowly succumbing to the darkness for power. 
He leaves his village and friends behind. Does this mean he doesn’t care about them? Of course not. He cares. But the point is that he chooses his revenge over his potentially fulfilling life with his friends. He would have been much happier if he could have just let his revenge go (and he knows this), but he didn’t. This is the point Kishimoto wants to drive home about Sasuke throughout Shippuden. Sasuke chose revenge over love (and forgiveness).
And who can blame Sasuke? His brother, after murdering their entire clan, DARED Sasuke to kill him. Sasuke, as a 7 year old, was faced with a responsibility to take care of family business, something no child should have to wrestle with. But it happened. And growing up, he feels it is his job to kill his brother. He listened to Itachi, was molded by Itachi. A traumatic external force in his life effected him greatly. Killing Itachi is now his DUTY.
The problem is that Sasuke is now only 13, and still developing mentally and emotionally, so he isn’t necessarily going to make the best decision about fulfilling this duty. 
He knowingly goes to a terrorist S-rank criminal who wants to use him as a vessel, instead of staying at the village with Kakashi, whose power almost rivals said criminal. 
Sasuke doesn’t know really anything about his own village, obviously.
He doesn’t know anything about Kakashi or his abilities. How strong and famous this man really is for being a ruthless killing machine by the age of 13, like Itachi!
Kakashi would have been a great person to learn from. That’s why Kakashi wanted to teach him.
But Sasuke assumes that because Kakashi is a “good guy”, he is weaker than Orochimaru. And this is his mistake. 
Because his brother is “evil,” and very powerful, that must mean that evil people are better ninja, right?
Sasuke acts on what he does not know. And he does this all the time!
Ok so he’s 13 and kind of lacks basic foresight and judgement. So he goes to Orochimaru. And we skip forward 2 and 1/2 years. 
In Naruto Shippuden:
Sasuke is much stronger.
He has held onto his core beliefs. (he refuses to kill innocent people for personal gain.)
Sasuke at this point is super cool, cause he’s edgy, but not a terrible person. Everyone loves Sasuke at this point. He’s got a cool top that shows off those pecs he’s been working so hard on. And he gives less of a crap than ever before.
He is mysterious, because the author purposefully doesn’t let the audience see his thought process or emotions. But we know enough.
But then what happens? He kills Itachi, as he planned all along. What he doesn’t count on is that Itachi isn’t the evil entity he had pictured in his little kid brain. And someone brings this to his attention. Makes sure he knows.
And this brings us to the second point.
Point 2: Manipulation from External Forces (Extension of Main Theme)
Before we get back to the Naruto timeline, let’s go over what makes Sasuke fall for this external manipulation:
"Sasuke is basically a very pure person who doesn't think about whether what he does is good or bad. He just does what he wants to do, which causes trouble for others" - Masashi Kishimoto
Itachi describes Sasuke this way:
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And I love this, because it does describe him perfectly. I think this statement stuck out to many readers. 
What Itachi means is that Sasuke: 
lacks the ability to look ahead and judge things clearly. 
He is easily influenced- gullible, even. 
And even though he managed to cling to some moral standard up until Itachi’s death- not killing innocent people- everything else is easily replaced on a whim.
By focusing solely on killing Itachi, Sasuke left himself wide open to attack. Not physical attack. Something even more dangerous: emotional manipulation. He neglected every aspect of himself other than the physical- and the desire for revenge. What I’m saying is that Sasuke is extremely emotionally stunted. And people recognize this, and use this to their advantage. Anyone can come up to him and plead to his cause, and he will fall for it, against any better judgement he may have. If he were a character in a video game, he essentially maxed out his stats in one area, and left every other area under-developed and weak.
His ideals always outweigh his reality.
So, how does this aspect of his character get him in trouble? Well, let’s discuss a very big shift in Sasuke’s character.
Madara’s influence:
Back to the Naruto timeline:
The truth about Itachi totally shakes Sasuke’s world. And “Madara” is totally loving this. He’s going to use this to his advantage.
So. Sasuke feels that he has a new duty. He must now somehow avenge his brother. And this means he should kill the Kage- wait, what?
Oh right. Madara is talking into his ear.
“Itachi literally lived and died for this, so obviously he wouldn’t want what I’m suggesting, but you should totally do the dirty work for me and destroy everything Itachi believed in. That way, you can avenge him. I’m totally like, empathizing with you right now. I’m definitely not just saying this to get you to do what benefits me.”
Ok, so of course, Sasuke blindly listens. 
And this is the second part to the main theme that Kishimoto explores with Sasuke’s character. What happens when a person, devoid of anything in the world besides revenge, falls into a false sense of justice? What happens after that quest for vengeance is fulfilled?
And at this point in the show, we see a new Sasuke. This Sasuke is very different from before. Why? 
Sasuke is throwing his past moral compass out the window. 
He’s going to kill people he doesn’t even know are guilty of anything. (Danzo definitely saw it coming, but Tsunade? What has she done to Sasuke? She is a great Hokage! She has nothing to do with Itachi. Neither does Gaara, or the rest of the current Kage.)
But Sasuke doesn’t care about this! Madara convinced him that they are evil, because of their position. 
The Kage are automatically evil, because they represent authority. And it’s important to recognize that Sasuke doesn’t care about past authority or current authority- it is not his authority, so therefore, it is bad. It needs to be purged.
Sasuke is putting his problems on unrelated people. 
And this is when Sasuke really falls into some dark stuff. He is actually becoming more of a villain.
The Final War:
By the time we see him in the war, he is ranting about “revolution.” 
Sasuke is very deluded. And it’s due to outside influence. He is young and brash, and his world is very small. So so very small. All he knew up until this point was revenge and his brother. He doesn’t know how to live a normal life, or how to let things go. It’s like he was asleep until this point, and he finally realized that there’s a bigger world out there, and he needs to do something about it!
Sasuke is rather pitiful. But very zealous and dangerous. And I think people in the fandom downplay this too much. People want to like Sasuke- resonate with him. Up until recently, everyone is nodding their heads like “we feel you Sasuke, this sucks.” But people need to recognize when pity needs to stop.
Sasuke’s best trait is hyper-focusing on his goal. And this is also the most dangerous thing about him. He is easy to manipulate, as I have established earlier. And he is on the far end of fanaticism. He isn’t thinking about individuals anymore. He is only thinking about the collective... kind of like... the Akatsuki?
After all, didn’t the Akatsuki want to create world peace by killing a bunch of innocent people and enforcing lack of conflict through silence?
And we all agree that the Akatsuki are totally missing the mark, correct? 
After all, is it really for the greater good? Sacrificing innocent people for one’s own idea of peace? Kind of narcissistic to assume one knows best.
Sasuke is talking about doing WHATEVER IT TAKES to “change the world” to make it “better”. Whatever his version of “better” is. And this is totally wrong! How is becoming what you hate most supposed to prove that your version of peace is correct?
Sasuke is getting high on “justice.” And by justice, I mean elevating himself into the god plane. He thinks he is better than everyone else- his opinion is the only one that matters. After all, these pathetic people can’t possibly think for themselves. He must force them to see the truth!
And he thinks this because his world is so small, and “Madara”, implanted an idea onto his “blank canvas.”
This is literally what’s going through Sasuke’s mind during the final arc of the show. It is extreme, and exactly the opposite of what Naruto, our protagonist, believes. So obviously there is going to be a clash.
This is where I think the author screwed Sasuke over.
Ditching the Main Theme of Sasuke’s Character:
Sasuke up until this point only knows a few things: His first reason for existing was based on a lie, and he now thinks he is fighting for the truth- that Itachi died for nothing good, and it is up to him to change the world.
Naruto fights Sasuke, and when Sasuke realizes he can’t beat Naruto in a PHYSICAL FIGHT, he suddenly changes his drastic opinions on everything he believes in. He says “Sorry, I was crazy, let’s start over.” And that’s it. End credits start to roll.
Kishimoto took Sasuke’s character on a very long journey. And it was all leading up to this peak- the point where Sasuke literally bursts. Sasuke resembles a very specific type of person- a particular path one can take in life. It is about a boy who chose the life of vengeance over happiness and positive personal growth. And the consequences of that decision.
During the entire show, I am expecting something drastic to happen to Sasuke. He is a drastic character. He is a flawed character- a beautiful example of what revenge can do to a good person. As an author, it is important to make this character’s fate what it is being set up for- tragedy.
So there were two (good) writing options here:
Sasuke either needed to die, because his mind could not be changed and he was a danger to innocent people, or, he needed to be redeemed over a decent period of time.
By the time Sasuke enters the war, he is far gone. Is it possible to change his mind again? Sure. He is still young and bendable. But it wouldn’t take two seconds.
Madara didn’t change Sasuke’s mind- he filled blank space. Implanted an idea. He put something on a blank canvas.
Naruto, however, has to undo all of this brain washing. He has to change his mind.
There is a difference here.
Covering a blank canvas with color is easy. But covering those old colors with new ones is hard, and takes time.
As in, Kishi really needed to rethink his timeline for his manga.
The best thing he could have done, since he obviously wanted Sasuke to be redeemed, was to make Naruto fight Sasuke BEFORE the war.
Here’s an alternate timeline:
Naruto finally catches up with Sasuke before the war, and they fight it out. Sasuke loses, but only by a bit. And Naruto actually talks to him. Not the usual “this is my Dream”, but listening to Sasuke and discussing his experiences, and countering his opinion in a personal manner.
Naruto thinks he can’t change Sasuke’s mind, and he worries that if he doesn’t kill Sasuke, something bad will happen to those he cares about in the future. And Kishi puts a lot of time and emphasis on this encounter. This exchange of opinions. This is the cornerstone of their relationship up until this point.
But Naruto decides not to kill Sasuke, explaining the concept of unconditional love to him. And he leaves him.
And Sasuke spends time thinking on this.
And then the final battle begins, and Sasuke drops in, deciding on helping Naruto after all. Thus concluding the Naruto/Sasuke conflict.
This order of events would have been much better. Naruto and Sasuke fighting after the war seemed unnecessary, and it just didn’t flow. It made Sasuke look extremely fickle, when he is actually very stubborn.
Based on this sequence of events, why would Sasuke help Naruto defeat Obito? When Obito was literally trying to change the world “for the better,” just like Sasuke was. Maybe Sasuke didn’t agree on the method. Sasuke would rather kill everyone and start over with him as supreme leader. (Which is... worse than what Obito had in mind? Obito wanted everyone to live in a peaceful dreamworld, where everything was good.)
So, I guess my point is that Kishimoto had a path for Sasuke, and a few points to make about his choices. But he then ditched the consequences of those choices. Ignored the theme he created from the very beginning. In the canon timeline, we as an audience didn’t really learn any lessons from Sasuke’s journey. Sasuke’s part in the story kind of fizzled out. It didn’t have the zing I was hoping for. 
Sasuke deserved more attention. More focus on the climax of his personal journey. And more time for the falling action after this climax. 
For me to want to see him back at Kohona, I wanted more of his thought-process and journey. It would take time for a person as damaged as Sasuke to fit back into the social confines of his old village.
I would love additional thoughts on this! :)
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kazhewbrekker · 5 years
vilify me - chapter 3
tumblr is now officially caught up with ao3 !! chapter 4 is being edited currently, and it will be the last chapter before i start college. so look forward to that.
(AO3 Link) (Chapter 1) (Chapter 2)
“What’s your name, soldier?”
I had considered Sector 45 a second home for a long time, and by extension I knew where all the best spots in the base were. I knew which seats were the most comfortable and which one’s cushions hadn’t been changed out since before I was born. So, I’d taken my new faux-bodyguard to one of the sectioned off rooms, chambers that had colored themes and a lack of decor. And also no cameras. That was the most important part, I would sit us right in the blindspot.
“Kenji Kishimoto,” he paused awkwardly, “sir.”
“Call me Ella, I don’t have a formal military title.” That was a lie, technically. “And I don’t take myself that seriously.”
Kishimoto-- Kenji snorted, he had a sense of humor.
“Where are you from?”
“Sector 43,” he paused to frown at me. “Where are you from?”
“Oceania Sector 124.”
It was an automatic response, replying with section numbers instead of places. No one from Sector 45 would know anything about the continent of Oceania. I doubted any of them had ever been on the other side of the world.
“New Zealand.” I amended.
Kenji’s mouth opened in an ah-ha moment, before promptly closing and leaving an awkward silence between the both of us. I was hesitant to close it, this soldier had been given a job and it wasn’t to make nice conversation and be my friend.
“Who are you then?” Kenji spoke before I did.
“What do you mean?”
He rolled his eyes, “If you’re getting your own personal guard you’ve gotta be someone worth protecting. So, who are you? Should I know?”
“I don’t know,” I blinked. “It’s probably better that you don’t already know who I am.”
Kenji seemed to consider this, and after another moment, sat down on the other chair facing my own. It was progress at least. He didn’t seem comfortable in the slightest. Though, I couldn’t exactly blame him for that could I?
“You already know what I can do.”
“News spreads fast here,” he shifted in his seat.
I nodded grimly. He’d been tipped off not to make direct contact with my skin or, at the very least, he’d seen me take down a man twice my size without a weapon. That would be enough evidence to convince most people. But Kenji didn’t look scared of me, he still showed the same level of discomfort as he had in Warner’s presence. It was possible he just had a problem with authority.
“Well, there’s nothing to worry about as long as you don’t touch me.”
“Why am I protecting you then?”
I bit my lip. He wasn’t an idiot, I couldn’t just lie and say I needed protection from the soldiers. Kenji had seen me practically bulldoze a man twice my size.
“Maybe it’s less about protecting everyone else from me--”
“--and about protecting everyone else from you. So, I’m on babysitting duty?”
I narrowed my eyes at him, “I tell you I’m not military and you’re already interrupting me. You don’t waste any time do you?”
Kenji seemed to resist a grin, “Sorry, Princess.”
Around Kenji, I refused to be unprofessional in case he saw it as a weakness in which he could exploit. Even after spending a day with him trailing my every move I couldn’t figure out a reason for Warner to assign him to watch me. If anything he seemed like more of a troublemaker than I was. Perhaps I was missing something, that hurt my pride.
Warner was in his office, at the desk with folders stacked before him, by the time I returned to the bedroom. I was unimpressed, and that much could have been easily picked up on, but I pulled a chair up to his desk and sat crossed legged. He paused when I entered the room and hadn’t moved since, but after I was settled he returned to the work before him without comment. Two could play at this game, I opened a book.
It was a long while before Warner spoke, “Do you want to know why?”
“I’d rather you not hide things from me to begin with,” I flipped the page, “but I suppose that’s asking too much, isn’t it?”
I could feel my heartbeat pick up pace, the tension that always wrapped around us seemed to be tightening into a stranglehold. The only thing that held me together, that kept me from giving in, was the fact that it would never ruin us. Fighting was just an aspect of our relationship, we disagreed on nearly everything but it made life interesting. I wouldn’t lose him over this and he had to know that he would never lose me either.
“Kenji Kishimoto has only been here for two months,” Warner began. “Kishimoto has been a nuisance, causing problems among the sector’s ranks and becoming a very frequent headache of mine.”
“And now he’s my problem?”
I finally looked up to meet his eyes, shards of glass that I could feel cut into my heart. He must have finally sensed that I wasn’t nearly as upset with him as I had made it sound, because his shoulders relaxed just a fraction before he continued, “There’s something suspicious about the timing and that’s not all.”
“No?” He placed a folder in front of me.
“I can’t tell if he’s lying.”
I raised an eyebrow and flipped open the file, Kenji Kishimoto was the first profile in the pile. I turned the page and found another soldier, and another, and another. “What is this?”
Warner didn’t speak as I kept looking through the files. I couldn’t see the connection with all of these people, some weren’t even from Sector 45 but from the other side of the continent. There was something so familiar about it that I had the urge to look away, insist that Warner answer my question. But then I didn’t need him to, a soldier appeared before me and I recognized the face.
Just barely, because it wasn’t in agonizing pain.
“North America’s files on double agents, people regents have been led to believe are members of the rebellion. You know we’re told to keep track of any soldiers that peak interest.” He paused, quiet. “You have a copy too.”
I dropped the papers unceremoniously and put my head in my hands. I knew, deep inside, that everyone who worked in the Reestablishment had some version of my kill-list sat in a box somewhere within their desk. That was how my work operated. Someone reported a citizen, or a soldier, or anyone of being suspicious and rowdy and then they called in me. The Reestablishment didn’t care if they got things wrong, if there was nothing to learn from the person they took in, and they had me kill them anyways. They were never let go after being taken in. Anderson thought it was good for me.
“You reported him?”
“Not yet.”
I looked up to meet his eyes, “What am I supposed to do?”
Maybe it was the fragile way my voice shook, my control slipping, or maybe it was the pain I could feel rolling off my mind in waves. I knew they were crashing into him, I watched as he took each with practiced ease and still managed not to break under their weight. He was so strong, my anchor, and now he was giving me a choice.
“I’ve never done an investigation before,” I strained out a laugh.
“You’re restless,”
“I’m tired, Aaron. I sleep all day--”
“You’re restless and it’s hurting you more than it’s helping you.” Warner reached out a hand towards me, pushing away from his desk enough that I easily slipped off my chair and came to sit on his lap. I ducked my head beneath his chin, taking in the warmth of him, the comfort as he brushed his fingers through the short strands of my hair. “I didn’t do this to hurt you, I’m not--”
“You’re nothing like him.” I pressed a kiss to his neck, “And you didn’t hurt me.”
“It felt like I did.”
“You told me the truth, that’s a good thing. Even if it took me by surprise.” I pursed my lips and laid out the options in front of me. Warner suspected Kenji to be a member of the rebellion and he very well might be, but he hadn’t been reported. It’s not my job to handle him unless he gets officially reported by a sector regent, theoretically I could leave it alone. But, if I was to dissuade any possible suspicion around Kenji, then I wouldn’t have to kill him. “You’ve given me quite a decision.”
“At least you’re not bored.”
“If Anderson found out--”
Warner frowned, “He won’t.”
We sat in silence with me curled up against him like we were children again. There had been a point in time where Warner wanted as far away from the work his father had be do then anything else, it was a testament to the strengthening of our bond that he shared this with me. And I was so, so proud of him.
“You don’t have to listen to him,” his voice was soft, I almost missed it just swimming through the contents of my own thoughts. He was watching me, gauging my reactions while pushing my hair behind my ear. “I hate watching you tear yourself apart.”
“I know.”
His lips kissed down my temple to the corner of my mouth and I tilted my face higher to give him more access. I would never get tired of my feeling of him against him. With him I would never feel alone.
“I love you.”
I smiled into his kiss as he repeated the words again and again and again. I was drowning and it was just fine, everything would be fine, I could handle this tiny mission. It was a means to an end anyways. And I could do anything, especially here, in North America with my best friend, the love of my life.
“I know.”
“Miss Sommers.” Delalieu greeted as I walked off the plane, my legs felt like gelatin and my heart was in my throat, constricting the airflow with each beat. It was easy to see Delalieu’s surprise at my visit. I fought back my own disgust with him.
“Lieutenant,” I nodded, “I assume Supreme Commander Anderson has already returned to the capital?”
Delalieu didn’t need to nod. My assumption was correct.
“Good, send the usual supplies to Regent Warner’s chambers. Don’t tell the Supreme Commander I’m here and don’t let anyone follow me up. Or else you’re dead.”
The way to Warner’s bedroom was far too familiar even after the months we’d spent apart for each other. Despite my mood, there was no way I could ignore today without guilt consuming my every waking moment. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if I did. It was pleasing to watch as I made my way through the halls, soldiers new and old jumping out of my path.
Alone in the elevator, my nerves began slicing me in two. The door chimed and opened to a scene that was far more eerie then I had assumed it might be. Little was changed about the room; the red duvet on the bed had been stripped and crumpled to the floor, the closet door was left opened with the lights off. There was a knock on the far-wall bedroom door, I sped towards it and opened it only to find the hallway empty and outside sat the cart I had told Delalieu to send up.
It was filled with objects that felt more like memories. Medicine and antiseptic that forced my mind to think of laboratories and having my hair tied back in tight braids. I shivered. After setting the cart down on the table within the bedroom and locking the door behind me, I finally decided to look for the inhabitant, and quell the nervous energy in my stomach.
“Aaron, where are you?”
There was no response throughout the room.
I took inventory again and noticed the light to the bathroom was on. It was so stark against the objectively dark bedroom that I was shocked that I hadn’t noticed before. I crept closer to the slightly ajar door before pulling it open quietly, like the heroine in a horror movie. “Aaron?”
He was bent over the toilet with his back bared to me. Scars from previous years were crosshatched with fresh, welting cuts that now bled openly across his skin. Blood didn’t scare me, not anymore, but seeing him bleed was enough to bring tears to my eyes. It was an image of cruelty, true cruelty brought about by his own father. I would kill that man some day.
I retreated back into the bedroom to grab antiseptic, bandages, something to soothe the wounds, I went through the motions that his mother had taught me when I was five and then again when I was six, and then again and again until I was the only one that could clear up after Anderson when he paid his son a visit on his birthday. I’d been doing it so long that it felt like second nature, and that though made my skin crawl.
Warner’s voice was barely above a whisper as I returned to the bathroom with supplies in hand, I settled on my knees beside him and brushed my fingers against the back of his neck, feeling the heat of his skin and calming my nerves.
“It’s me. I’m going to take care of you, okay?”
He groaned, dry-heaving into the toilet again. I pulled my fingers through his hair once more before bringing a towel to the cuts and beginning my work. I had forgotten, in the past months, that without Warner I couldn’t really touch anyone. Not like I could touch him. He was the only person I could be safe around, vulnerable without losing a part of myself, the only person I could be normal around. I switched towels, cringing at the choice of white fabric. Maybe not completely normal.
“Before I forget,” I wanted him to talk to me. Keep distracted. “Happy birthday. I would have gotten you something, but I figured that getting to see me again while I’m pissed at you was enough of a gift.”
He laughed weakly and rolled his head to the side to face her. I was struck with how truly awful he looked. Pale and sickly, sweat clung to his forehead and deep bruises sat beneath his eyes. I used the hand that was still grasped at the back of his neck to push the hair from his face. The blond strands I’d spent years in awe of now hung limp in the fluorescent light of the bathroom.
“How are you?”
“Better.” Warner’s lip twitched, “Now anyways.”
I narrowed my eyes at him before getting up to put the bloodied towels in the sink. That’s when I noticed the pill bottle on the floor near him. I didn’t need to pick it up to know what the bottle contained, but I prayed that Warner was smart enough not to have overdosed.
“No wonder you’re so slow,” I clicked my tongue. “How many did you take?”
Warner didn’t respond even as I got back down on the bathroom floor with him. He just stared at me with eyes glazed and confused. I touched his cheek, why this had to be the first moment we see each other after everything that had happened with Lena, with us. My own realization. Suddenly it felt dangerous to be alone with him in this state. I stood up once again, ever indecisive, I could change the sheets on the bed while I reigned myself in.
Warner’s hand shot out, loosely grasping my wrist and trying his best to draw me back down to him. Knowing that Warner’s usual strength could easily accomplish this task hurt all the more now that he couldn’t even pull hard enough for me to budge.
“Aaron,” my voice was gentle without planning to, “I need to change the bed. I’m not leaving, I promise.”
“Ella, I’m--”
“I know.” I smiled at him, and he let go.
Kenji Kishimoto was not going to make this easy for me. Everyday he would be forced to follow me as I walked in circles around the base. And it felt like the proper punishment for me. I think it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship, or maybe just the beginning of my investigation, whichever made me sound less soulless.
“What’s your favorite thing to do?”
Kenji gave me a deadpan expression, “I don’t know, Princess. I have to work all hours of the day.”
“You could humor me, y’know.” There was a pause as we continued walking and I thought up another question, “What’s your favorite color?”
I threw my hands up in mock annoyance.
“Fine, what do you want to talk about?”
Kenji shrugged. He had been trying to keep a straight face for the majority of our limited conversations, but I’d grown very used to seeing beyond people’s masks. I could tell he was hiding a smile and maybe even some curiosity. I could use that, I knew I could.
“Come on, you’ve got to have questions.” I waited for him to respond, but he didn’t. “And I don’t plan on leaving Sector 45 anytime soon.”
He sighed and after another moment of mindless walking he said, “Fine.”
I clapped my hands together in glee before turning on my heel and heading towards another room similar to the one I had taken him to before. Sector 45 had a lot of unused rooms, especially on the upper floors, and I had never really registered why. The skyscraper hadn’t been built to house military, that much was certain, but it left a great many rooms easy to access and free of the hidden camera that made my skin itch beneath my clothes.
“Ask away,” I told him as I moved to the back of the room. There was a bookcase on the far left that held cookbooks on the second tallest shelf. I pulled one on Indian cuisine down.
“All right,” he didn’t waste time to consider. “Why are you here? In North America, I mean.”
“I work for the Reestablishment.”
“There isn’t anywhere in the world better then here?”
I smiled at him, “I wouldn’t go that far.”
The couches in the room were a toffee brown color that clashed with the walls and the woods. They had no taste for interior design in any of these rooms. It curled my lip, but I sat on the cushion and set the book beside me, gesturing for Kenji to sit on the other couch across from me. We were going to have a conversation and it was only polite to be on equal footing.
“For me,” I continued, “I suppose this is the best place in the world.”
He raised an eyebrow, or tried too anyways, but I could tell he didn’t believe me. Now I was weighing my options; If I confided in him then maybe he would see it equal to confide in me as well. But on the other hand then I’d had to tell him something honestly about myself. I wasn’t sure what information I could divulge easily. Kenji made a motion with his hand as if for me to keep talking, a quiet why sat in the air around us.
He nodded.
“Regent Warner.”
Whatever he’d been expecting me to say; the sun, which was now perpetually blocked out by clouds, the beaches that were filled with litter, or the oceans that were so polluted you could get sick from just standing near them. California was an unfortunate caricature of its former self, or so I remembered.
But Warner was the easiest thing for me to talk about, as cheesy as it sounded. I couldn’t help but have him in the back of my mind in every waking moment. Because we were partners, a pair, always together except when we weren’t. And this was the juiciest gossip I could give him without revealing myself as the Reestablishment favorite assault rifle.
“It did seem weird for you to walk out of his bedroom like that.” Kenji observed me with a new level of suspicion, “Wait, I thought you couldn’t touch anyone?”
“I can’t.”
“Then-- wait-- how?” He made an exasperated motion with his hands as I sat there smiling at him. It took him a minute to compose himself, “So, you’re here for him?”
“More or less. I’m on vacation.”
“The Reestablishment gives out vacation days?”
I laughed, “No, unfortunately. I’m a special case.”
Kenji finally leaned back in his seat, getting more comfortable as he continued to question me and I answered without difficulty. He gave me an incredulous look, “You don’t work for the military, but you do work for the Reestablishment. And you take time off even though you’re not supposed to. What are you, a diplomat?”
“No.” I shook my head, “Definitely not. My sister is far better versed in policies then I am.”
“You have a sister?”
I pursed my lips. If Emmaline were here she could sort through the contents of his head and deliver the truth to me on a silver platter. But Emmaline wasn’t here, I was, and I didn’t have abilities over the mind. I wondered if I cursed her loud enough, if she could hear me from the other side of the world.
“Am I going to learn anything about you beyond your favorite color?”
“Sure, Princess.” He grinned like he’d beaten me at something.
I waited. I couldn’t ask him another silly question, like what was his favorite animal, it was better to let the truth come to light naturally but that didn’t mean you shouldn’t help it along. Once again, I wished I were Emmaline, that I could so easily read people instead of harm them.
“Why are you a soldier?”
Kenji’s smile fell slowly until he was staring blankly back at me. I hadn’t thought it would be a hard question to answer, I figured he would brush it off and say he was simply bored and it offered a bit of excitement. That would be in character.
“Why do you think?” He spoke up, “Everyone has to eat, has a family they need to protect, that’s why everyone chooses to be mindless drones for a government that doesn’t give a shit about us.”
I sat patiently while he caught his breath and continued.
“Hell, it’s not even really a choice at this point. You either work for them or you work for them, there’s no in between for any of us. But you wouldn’t know anything about that, would you, Princess?”
Strong resentment for the Reestablishment. Unwilling to share details of personal life. Hostility evoked from questioning. Distracting demeanor, draws attention to himself, but through mischief instead of malice. It was a strong cover, if it was a cover. I couldn’t be too hasty in my decision. For once I could actually save someone from my chopping block rather than lowering the axe.
I hummed softly to myself before standing, the cookbook left on the seat. Decisions, decisions. When I moved towards the door with the intent to leave, Kenji got to his feet and his regret over his own words was written clearly on his face. I turned and smiled back at him, I wasn’t hurt by his opinion of the Reestablishment, I’d heard far worse.
“You’re dismissed for the rest of today, I think I’m going to take a nap.” He opened his mouth to speak up, but I raised a hand and silenced him. “Not to make light of your own difficulties, but it doesn’t matter high up you are. The Reestablishment takes away everyone’s freedom, even mine.”
I had never seen this room before.
It felt a little bit like Mum and Dad’s office. Cold and quiet. I wrapped my arms around myself as Mum and the other people in white coats moved around the room. They were talking quietly, but I was so far away from them I couldn’t make out any of the words. And then Dad kneeled down next to me.
He didn’t hold my hand anymore, even though Mum made me wear gloves. But he still smiled at me like he always did, that’s how I knew he loved me. “Hey there, little bird.”
I smiled shyly back at him. There was a creaking of metal across the room and I almost reached up to cover my ears it was so loud. I wished Emmaline was there, she always knew what to do. Or Warner. If Warner was there he could hold my hand while I waited for Mum to do my check up, this was probably another kind of check up. Dad moved into my line of sight, cutting off my vision of Mum.
“Ella, you’re five now and that means you’re a big girl.”
I nodded. Emmaline was six and she was already so much more grownup. I was determined to catch up to her.
“I need you to do something for me, little bird. You’re going to take your gloves off--”
“Mum said I wasn’t allowed to take them off.”
“I know,” he smiled, “but Mum needs you to take them off right now. Just for a little while, I promise.”
I glanced down at the pink cotton gloves that came all the way up to my shirt sleeves. It had been a couple months since I’d had to start wearing them and they weren’t itchy at all anymore. My hands honestly scared me a little bit. It had been a really sudden thing, I didn’t want to take a bath and the nanny watching Emmaline and I had had to chase me around the living room. When she finally caught me, she started screaming like I had kicked her. Mum had come then, she’d done a check up, and then she told me to wear the gloves and not take them off.
And she told me not to touch anyone.
Emmaline thought I was dumb, but I could understand that somehow I could hurt someone if I touched them. Like when you got too much static from rubbing your socks on the carpet and you shock someone. Except it seemed like it hurt a lot more. I didn’t want to accidentally touch Mum, or Dad, or Emmaline. Or Warner. So, I never took the gloves off just like I was told.
“Please, for me?” Dad asked.
I gave in. Pulling the cotton back to reveal my pale arms and then my hands. They looked just like normal hands. I imagined a current of electricity running through them, but nothing changed. Emmaline said that when she used her powers , she visualized everything.
“Alright, Ella, follow me.”
Dad led me across the room to where Mum and the other white coats had finally settled. Some sat in front of monitors and others stood around watching me, waiting for something. I wanted to hide behind Dad’s legs, but I wasn’t allowed to touch him. Mum came closer with a smile on her bright red lips.
“There’s my brave little girl.” My face soured at being called little. “Are you ready for your check up?”
“Yes, Mum.”
Mum’s hands and arms were covered as she lifted me into a high seat, it reminded me of the bar stools we had in the kitchen. In front of me, on a table, there was a rabbit in a cage. It’s nose was twitching in all directions as it sat, still and calm. Mum opened the top of the cage.
“Yes?” My voice was shaking as Mum picked up the rabbit.
“I want you to hold this bunny for me. That’s not hard is it?”
“Hold it and don’t drop it no matter what, okay? This is very important.”
Dad came around from the side and stuck things that felt like suction cups to my head, I was use to those. I didn’t want to hurt the rabbit. I didn’t want Mum to give me the rabbit, it was so much smaller than the nanny, what if the electric shock really hurt it?
“Ella,” my mother’s tone was suddenly sharper. “Be a good girl and do this for me. It’s very important that you hold this rabbit and not let it go, no matter what, is this clear?”
Mum lowered the rabbit in my arms and then pulled them tightly around it. I noticed then that the rabbit was also hooked up to multiple machines, I could see it’s heart rate monitor out of the corner of my eyes. I saw it spike. The second the rabbit was in my hands it began thrashing like crazy, I could feel it try to bite me or claw me, anything to get loose. But it didn’t hurt, nothing touched me. And then the rabbit stopped moving.
I watched everything. I couldn’t close my eyes as the soft rabbit with pure white fur lay limp in my arms. It’s heartbeat gone silent. I looked up at Mum, her hand held over her mouth and I wondered if she’s scream and me or cry. I had hurt the rabbit, I really hadn’t meant to. But her hand lowered and behind it was a smile.
“Interesting,” she said. “Very interesting.”
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A to Z favourite TV show challenge! Or # to Z?
# - 30 Rock (Liz Lemmon! This is just all kinds of hilarity).
A - Ally McBeal (there's not enough of this on Tumblr btw. I loved it before I understood it - my brother watched and I followed. And then I watched again and I loved it more) / Arrow (so years ago I started watching this because of Tumblr. You guys were obsessed with Olicity and I was too even though I hadn't watched the show. So I watched it. Thank you for ruining my life btw) / Accidentally in Love (Asian Series, sup, @netflix - thanks for getting me addicted to Asian series - I liked them before but now it's just there and begging to be watched AND I CAN'T HELP MYSELF - YOU'VE ADDICTED MY MOTHER TOO).
B - Brooklyn Nine Nine (best thing to happen to me, thank you Tumblr - the nine nine fandom. Also started it a couple years ago and fell in love hard. This show makes me laugh no matter what and it's pure and I love it so much. It's really a show I needed because when I watch series I get really emotionally involved and certain shows leave me so stressed that I have to take a break and all I can watch is comedies for a few weeks. Or months. Depends on how big my heart break was. B99 always makes me laugh and feel lighter). / Buffy the Vampire Slayer (another one from my childhood, you know when you're too young to really understand but old enough to remember it? So yeah, my brother got me hooked at a young age and the addiction stuck. Because I've never been able to forget Buffy. And I've recently been rewatching it with my mother - she too is a bit addicted).
C - Charmed (Original series, not reboot - I haven't even watched the reboot. But yes, Charmed. I remember being up til 10PM on a Monday while I was in primary (middle) school just to watch it. Halliwell sisters are another drug I never could kick - Leo was one of my first ever crushes - my very first crush was Shahrukh Khan and if we're ever talking Bollywood movies he'll be all over that post).
D - Doctor Who (Okay! I only started watching from season 5, again cos NETFLIX - the Doctor and Amy Pond - man, just lock me up in the TARDIS and take me away already. ALSO one of the series that broke my heart enough that rendered me incapable of watching any other series except comedy).
E - Ek Hazaroon Mein Meri Behna Hai (Hindi series; my sister is one in a thousand - I assume it's the name because that sounds better in Hindi than one in a million or billion. There's something about Hindi series that sucks you in and tortures you until you're on the brick of exploding from suspense - the build up is both infuriating and renders you unable to tear your eyes away).
F - Friends ('Cause it's been there for me and how can I not? Again, childhood. Also. Heroes get remembered but legends never die. And I've watched every episode like a gazillion times and laugh just the same - I think even more 'cause I know what's gonna happen. I'm one of those people). / Fairy Tail (Anime. Magic. Friendship. Friendship. Friendship. It's one of those rare shows that has a lot of characters and manages to make you love each one of them. I found it after high school but I love it to bits).
G - Gilmore Girls (I remember the first time I watched this as a kid, Rory and Lorelei were sitting at Luke's diner and chatting about something and I though they were sisters. I was at my cousin's house and I just couldn't stop watching them. Loved it ever since. And it's strange how a randomly watching TV can just change your life - 'cause you know, I obsess) / Gossip Girl (at first, I'd watched it because Kristen Bell was the voice of Gossip Girl. And I needed anything related to anything Veronica Mars. And then I naturally loved it like everybody else. Also disappointed at who GG really was. So yeah.)
H - How I Met Your Mother (At first I really, really loved it, now though it's not so high on my favourite list but it does still make me laugh - cos Barney. The final episode was so disappointing). / Hannah Montana (because if I was 13 or 16 this would have made the list. And I still love the show. My heart swells everytime my bestie sings True Friend to me. I still love Hannah Montana music okay).
I - iZombie (Rob Thomas. He's the reason I tried it out. Liv is the reason I stayed. Also Ravi. And also Major. Okay, dude, characters and plot is right on point) / Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon (Hindi series; what name do I give to this love? Its unnecessarily complicated but gosh those complications kept me on edge, staring at the screen, waiting for those idiots to realise the truth. Opposites attract. Hate to love to hate to love. They did it so well).
J - Joan of Arcadia (okay so I remember really loving this when I was younger - I haven't rewatched it as an adult but I feel like I'll still love it. I mean, come on, what if God was one of us?)
K - Kim Possible (Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me? Ultimate cartoon. Hands down. Second best is The Life and Times of Juniper Lee - she's basically the cartoon Buffy - the Chosen One - though it's hereditary instead of random? And also more fun and less heartache 'cause it's a cartoon).
L - Lucifer (Man, Lucifer. You got the guy telling everyone he's the devil and they think he's talking in metaphors? It's just hilarious to me. Detective. Romance. Snark. Supernatural. Also, Hello, Adult Tom Welling - can I even describe how excited I was to see him? Smallville, man).
M - Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir (One of the few new cartoons that I watch and love. This is just so cute and the love square is just so cute and everything is just so cute. And like we need cute stuff in our lives. Frustrating cos how oblivious can one be but also why you so cute Marinette Dupain Chang and Adrian Agreste aka Ladybug and Cat Noir)/ Malcolm in the Middle (Childhood. Childhood. Childhood. I'm not the middle child but I relate).
N - Naruto (Anime. Okay, childhood yes, also teenagehood and adulthood. Guy's been with me through everything, believe it. This show just means so much to me and I'm thankful that I got to grow up with him. Thank you, Kishimoto).
O - One Day At a Time (THANK YOU, NETFLIX! This is just one of the greatest shows on right now. I love comedy. I didn't expect it to be so emotional too. But damn it gets you right in the feels. My brother claims I'm exactly like Elena and our nephew is like Alex. I honestly don't mind. Elena is badass and strong as hell.)
P - Psych (It's just awesome? It's clever, it's funny, Shawn and Gus. The dramatics in extremely serious situations will never not make grin like a mad woman. Also private investigation shows seem to a weakness of mine. ) / Parks and Recreation (okay I never thought I'd like a mockumentary kind of series but this happened and proved me wrong and I just love this show and it's characters). / Pyaar Ka Dard Hai Meetha Meetha Pyara Pyara (Hindi Series; the pain of love is sweet and loveable. When your parents set you up with someone and you're like no way in hell and they're like okay but they you become best friends and fall in love and yeah. The name says it all, really). / Pinocchio (Asian series - one of the more complicated ones but I simply just loved these characters and actors to bits after watching it).
Q - Quantico (it's not really one of my favourites but I couldn't think of anything else and I do enjoy it. Priyanka Chopra has always been a fav since forever - Bollywood was life before I was even old enough to understand English - but it's because of this that I can understand Hindi without needing subtitles).
R - Rizzoli & Isles (who wouldn't love a show with two best friends kicking ass in the work place). / Revenge (I watched it cos I liked Emily from Everwood but the story was so intriguing and I just got addicted. It wasn't like anything I've ever seen). / Refresh Man (Asian series - officially my favourite Asian series of all time - again, thank you Netflix. Also ever since I've loved both Aaron Yan and Joanna Tseng and I'm on a mission to watch everything they've ever acted in - do you see my obsessing tenancies?).
S - Supergirl / Supernatural / Suits / Smallville (Okay! There's too many shows that start with an S. Smallville was my gateway into the superhero show - movie - comic obsession. And also I'm getting tired of commenting on everything).
T - The Good Place / The Office (US) / The Flash/ Teen Wolf (also too many with a T!)
U - Ugly Betty
V - Veronica Mars (of all time!! Man, again, random TV viewing = life changing TV show that sticks with you forever and Veronica Mars has definitely affected me way more than any other show. I couldn't get it out of my head ever since 2007! I waited for every Thursday just to watch it and naturally Thursday became my favourite day of the week - not Friday like normal scholars - nope. I think it's the way that it ended that contributed to my obsession - so much questions left unanswered and to a 12 year old girl the most important thing is of course that LoVe hadn't officially gotten back together. My mind wrote and rewrote endings and scenarios. Then I discovered fanfiction. And then I started writing. Veronica Mars made me a junkie but also helped me discover my passion. It's not just the show that makes it my #1 but the journey it's taken me on while it was on air and especially when it was off air. ALSO THE SHOW IS SIMPLY AMAZING EVEN WITHOUT ALL MY EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT - also one of the shows that I started watching and then my brother got hooked onto it).
W - What's Wrong With Secretary Kim? / Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo/ W: two worlds apart (all Asian series - OKAY, NETFLIX IS BLAMED FOR ALL OF THIS)
X - Is there anything but X-Men? I wouldn't really put the series on my favourite list but I do watch the X-Men cartoons and I have enjoyed it so imma let it be.
Y - Young Sheldon (Too smart for his own good Cooper.) / Yankee-kun to Megane-chan (Asian series - okay, this one can't be put on Netflix. It's the first Asian drama series I'd watched because of a manga that I loved).
Z - Zoey101 ('Cause there's nothing else I can think off and I enjoyed it when I was younger. I remember putting 101 after all of my usernames for everything).
So when I thought of this I thought I'd put one name for each alphabet but it didn't work out that way 'cause I obsess over everything.
I would love to get to know more about everyone's favourite shows. I'm tagging based on the Tumblr likes thing (also on my @marshmallowatheart account) and also urls I remember seeing often on the activity cos I wanted to tag as much people as possible. I'd have been cool if I could have went with the a - z for tagging but it's not working out like I wanted so next best. (Also if I didn't tag you and you wanna do it, please go for it, I'm really into this).
Anyone who wants to do this can and whoever doesn't want to it's cool! It takes time to think especially when you have to pick between things so if you want to, add as many as you like. You don't have to add comments on it if you don't want to, I just got carried away! And then got tired.
@poppy-in-the-woods @risssaar @stephaniecatlover @ihaveathingformeninwaistcoats @write-to-feel @mediocre-mee @jenilyn2000 @lalacristina18 @cainc3 @mrskissytaylor @anilcadz91 @elliebear75 @troublescout @hanitjemars @susanmichelin @cheshirecatstrut @firedragonmon
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