#i know some of them have orange eyes but i like to think theyre not infected. its contact lenses
green-torsos · 2 years
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a brigade of little fellows
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cringefail-clown · 3 months
Jakehal is very fun. But why dirkkri? I dont understand what's appealing about it :? confused
theres a lot of things i like about dirkri and honestly i dont even know where to start lmfao
first of all, and its mostly a funny reason - davekat on crack. like some traces of davekat are still there - the arguing about shit, stoic facade vs emotional mess, all the good stuff, but its also so much more exaggerated it makes it this much more ridiculous. gets even better when you consider them under the lense of swap aus like alphaswitch or tbau, where they land on the meteor together. theyre most likely hunting each other for sports by the year two
second of all, the funney. theyd be so fucking funny together. their smallest arguments would take like twenty pages of non-stop flow of red-orange text to resolve, and not because they came to a consensus but because some third party physically dragged them away from their electronics. it doesnt do any good, since it only gives them both time to think over new arguments to use, and theyre back at it as soon as they get their phones back. like if we had a tournament about which ship would do the most collateral damage to the overall group, i think these two would be Up There. karkat would gauge his eyes out from frustration, because now not only does he have to deal with his piece of shit, know-it-all other self, but now theres also Fucking Dirk thrown into the mix. their home life is absolute insanity, a small jab about the other forgetting to buy sugar once again devolves into a screaming match about the merits and flaws of communism or some other inane shit. and theyre doing it for fun, they enjoy debating with each other, because often times they have vastly different opinions, and comparing their beliefs challenges them intelectually and morally. from the outside perspective theyre one of the most dysfunctional pair in the paradox space, when in fact thats simply how they want their relationship to be, and it makes them better people overall.
third reason is that theyre thematically delicious. dirk is a control freak, micromanaging his and his friends constantly. hes terrified of losing control, but hes also desperate for someone to just tell him what the fuck he should do. dirk doesnt think he should be in control of others, because he believes hes a naturally evil person capable of horrible acts, at the same time he doesnt trust anyone else to get things done but himself. hes a whole collection of contradictions.
kankri desperately needs to be in control as well. hes constantly injecting himself into conversations he has no business being in, trying to find someone thatd listen to what he has to say. hes wants to guide others, but his efforts are flawed, because he doesnt listen to other perspectives - hes got tunnel vision, as he thinks hes the one in the right while everyone else is wrong or ignorant (cringefail seer literally). he doesnt trust anyone else to make decisions for him, and becomes defensive when he thinks others are attempting to coddle him. his ass was definitely culled on beforus.
theyre also both so fucking lonely. dirk conciously tries to put difference between himself and his friends, worrying hell "corrupt" them. kankri tries to connect to his friends, but his behavior alienates him from them to the point of no one except maybe porrim want to have anything to do with him.
my point is, kankri wants to guide people but has to learn to listen to others and reflect on his own flawed opinions. dirk has to learn to trust that people closest to him can get shit done on their own and loosen up, as well as realise hes not evil at the core. them helping each other out - dirk teaching kankri about different perspectives, kankri teaching dirk about letting others do their thing - is something i think about a lot.
also i like to think theyd spar for fun a lot as well. its not really a reason and wholly my own personal headcanon but i wanna mention it as well bc its so funny to me. i like the idea of kankris behaviour being a complete reverse of karkat - where karkat is all bark no bite and doesnt like fighting or violence, kankri puts up a front of the beacon of love and peace and tolerance, but in his free time he gets his rifle and goes shooting at the fucking squirrels or some shit. i think he wouldnt have the same qualms about strifing as karkat. like dirk would try to jokingly jab his finger at kankris side and he would just fucking flip him over his shoulder and onto the table breaking it in half, because he doesnt like being touched unexpectedly and by gods dirk when will you fucking learn. he goes from 0 to 100 real fast. its such a hysterical concept for me.
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menuliso · 8 months
i actually think i have some sort of brain damage from chapter 403 because now ive taken my bkdk obsession to a whole new degree. like, i was insane before, but now i feel as if i should be genuinely put into an asylum.
ive gone through a full on awakening.
before this chapter i refused to believe that bkdk would become canon/hinted bc like its wishful thinking. but now? ive fallen into the fucking deep end. i am of full belief that bkdk will become canon or at least be hinted bc horikoshi is cooking something and im so glad im not the only one to see it.
there is no way that man doesnt know what hes doing. bkdks entire arc has been fucking perfect and this man just keeps BUILDING UP. like all this talk about feelings, and how bkdk have never really spoken about them to eachother before??? this is like, building up to a fucking love confession i swear, because katsuki DIED for izuku, and izuku cant control his heart when it comes to katsuki, and like… what other explaination is there? atp i consider it canon that theyre in love with each other.
and the other most likely ship that i thought was gonna be canon, izuocha, just is not feasible. its not like i dislike the ship, no hate to it at all, but making it canon would be so fucking harmful to izuku and ochakos characters and we dont talk about that enough. it would a dissapointing, flat conclusion with barely any build up and itd be the bland, predictable formula. like, ochako has already basically wrapped up her thing with izuku with that entire fight with toga. shes admitted herself that her crush on izuku was more admiration than anything of massive substance. and dont even get me started on izuku. barring some fluster and embarrassed blushing in the early seasons, this boy has NOT reciprocated AT ALL. its actually ridiculous. izuku has been focused on like, two things only: hero work, and kacchan. izuku does not show ANY romantic feeling to ochako whatsoever.
surely, surely if horikoshi were to make this canon, he’d put in a little more effort? add some more chemistry, more development, more than just ‘boy meets girl. blush and get shy. little crush. get married. the end’?
that is bad storytelling, and horikoshi is anything but a bad storyteller. this guy adds foreshadowing YEARS before the chapter. horikoshi is INSANE when it comes to character + relationship + plot development. if horikoshi throws all that out the way, and makes izuocha canon, id be extremely, extremely disappointed. not because i hate the ship, but because itd be out of nowhere, disregard practically ALL development, and be nauseatingly dissatisfying.
talking of which, for the entire day ive been thinking about the foreshadowing for bkdk.
there. is. so. fucking. much. it feels like everytime i read like a new section of the manga, their relationship is described in the most frutti tutti rainbow gay way. im sorry, shigafo, did you just say that katsuki is closer to izuku than ANYONE else? excuse me, aizawa, did you just describe them as pair, a pair that the class revolves around? dont even mention the shit that izuku and katsuki say referring to each other. i cant even choose one to add in here, but every out of context bkdk quote has like these SEVERE more-than-platonic undertones, especially when you consider their past and their development. i feel like horikoshi has been doing some fucking insane foreshadowing for something MORE.
yk, i keep on thinking about how in the double spread in 403, the words ‘the beginning’ are displayed right over bkdk, as they find each other. call me delusional, but that has to be on purpose. i also keep on thinking about izukus green and orange gloves in so many official arts, and the light in both their eyes when they see each other, and the way theyre both always observing the other, never speaking about how they feel directly.
their relationship is just so, so……. and i feel like the only next step is for them to talk. just. fucking. talk. its been hinted at for so long, and horikoshi is doing SOMETHING.
them simply being together would be the most satisfying, developed, beautiful ending.
if they arent canon, i will die. ill say it now. bkdk canon. there is too much proof. as a writer, i know for a fact that i write everything for a REASON. why would horikoshi write this, if he wasn’t going to do anything with it?
bkdk will be canon. i dont care if i sound insane, or get proved entirely wrong. i now fully believe that the last page of the manga will be bkdk at a theme park eating crepes.
thank you chapter 403 for driving me off the rails.
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AITA for sending my mutual anon hate because it was the only way she would listen to me then breaking the mutual when she took anon off???
my mutual (f, like 16 to 18 while we knew each other) and i (genderfluid, 17 to 19) became mutuals back in 2021 since we had some shared fandoms. (genshin, bnha, naruto, etc). imma call her rose. rose seemed nice and pretty funny so i thought she was chill and we ended up adding each other on discord a few months into the mutualship. we were casual friends tho and only really talked abt fandom stuff
a big thing w/ her tho was that she thought she was hot shit for having 1000 followers on tumblr and she took anons super seriously cuz, in her own words, "i know anons can be anyone but most likely theyre one of my close followers and i want to be loyal to them". like she would call them smth like her "anon gang" and make posts thanking people if they sent a lot of asks. she was a wannabee infulencer on tiktok & insta so i think she translated that on tumblr too. but i quickly realized that meant she took what anons said seriously.
one time, i said she should change her theme colors because they were major eyestrain (bright orange background with teal text) and she told me "nah i like it this color, no one has complained." i waited two weeks... then sent an anon saying "im sorry ur theme is rly eyestrainy :((" and she immediately replied with "i looked up color palettes that are easier on the eyes and changed it!! i hope that helps"
and so basically after that, if i ever had an issue with her stuff, i would send an anon in instead of telling her because it would work. i need her to trigger tag smth? send her anon asking it, she would do it. do i think she needs to tag really long posts? send her anon, she would do it. do i think she has a bad take on a ship i like?? send her an anon, she would apologize and rewrite the post to be nicer / fairer. because otherwise she would just go "ehhh its fine" to my face and refuse to consider it because "idk thats just ur opinion im just doing my own thing"
but like a few months back ig she got into a bad fight with someone popular in a big anime fandom so /their/ followers started sending anon hate, so she got overwhelmed and turned it off. after a month i asked her if she was planning to turn it back on and she said she was actually gonna keep it off indefinitely cuz ""as much as i like my anon gang sometimes its nicer not having to respond to so many requests"
so i waited like a few weeks, quietly broke the mutual and unfriended her on discord because with the amount of issues i had with her blog / vibe was not worth it if she did not have anon turned on. i didnt send any rude messages, i always asked politely and i was always friendly to her face when we dm'd. aita???
What are these acronyms?
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actualbird · 6 months
The cafe event has gotten me into a polynxx mood lately... Just them getting along together, them praising Vyn for his desserts, Marius who keeps asking for Artem's meals, Vyn & Luke making their dishes match eachother like dear god and them just making sure that Rosa is alright while she's walking all over the place as a waitress!!! Your honor, this is my silly polyamorous investigation group!!!
I'm just finding sm comfort in thinking about them right now spending lots of time together and I can't help but get a stupidly big grin on my face.
Bc they're together a lot (not only in the event but as a team in general) I wonder whether they start noticing eachother's weird or silly little habits (i.e. pretending that they're interrogating and waterboarding someone while pushing dirty dishes down into some soapy water). Or even nice little things they do for eachother (i.e. something like peeling an orange for someone while they're on break).
hi hi creckar!!! and gosh mood about this whole event, im enjoying it so much and it's definitely giving me polyam nxx vibes too hHHHHHHHHH. the entire intro scene was so lighthearted entertaining but also so sweet (im never getting over marius calling the others his friends, THEYRE FRIENDS, YOUR HONOR!!!!) and that bit with artem openly praising vyn's cooking and vyn responding by laughing oh my gosh my heart fluttered, THESE PEOPLE ENJOY EACH OTHER'S COMPANY I LOVE THEM AND THEY ALL LOVE EACH OTHER AND //puts on shipping goggles, ARE ALSO IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER
speaking of being in love with stuff, im in love with ur hc in this ask. they so totally would notice each other's habits because 1) aforementioned THEY CARE ABT EACH OTHER SO MUCH and 2) theyre all just naturally very perceptive people, in regards to how much they can realize and note about others.
little things like how mc writes down orders in a certain manner on her notepad, or how luke hums to himself when hes making drinks, or how artem gets this focused glint in his eyes whenever hes in the zone cooking, or how vyn uses his lunch break to take a nap first and foremost before having a munch, or the irony of marius loving ice cream but being very susceptible to brainfreezes. all these little details compound and are noticed, but in a very casual way. it's like getting to know more about each other without even having to speak or talk. im sure once this cafe thing is over, they both know more than they realize about the other team members
i also like to think that some habits get Adopted. like yknow how when people are close, they adopt some habits or quirks of the ones theyre close with? yeah now everybodys little quirks are The NXX Team's Collective Quirks. our quirks now. so sometimes you'll find vyn humming when hes working, or artem trying out mc's notetaking system. sadly, nobody can take the burden of marius' brainfreezes for him though
all in all, im super loving this event, it's so cozy and cute and fun!!! now if only luke's SR card would reveal itself to me early, thatd really make this event perfect.....LHSVFLSD
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uniformbravo · 2 months
since i've spent the past few days essentially staring at nothing but natsuyuu volume covers i thought it'd be so fun and silly to try and redraw them all from memory tee hee. all 30 (thirty) (三十) of them!!! wheee!!!!
i haven't actually looked at them next to the originals yet so guess what time it is!!!! LET'S COMPARE
starting with volume 1. iconic. show stopping. masterpiece. the mona lisa of natsuyuu SURELY i reproduced every single detail perfectly such that it kickstarts my career as a forgery artist RIGHT
well feast ur eyes
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(im using the english volumes for comparison btw they have a good clear view of the art)
all i remembered for this one was GREEN and it's not even the right shade of green ajgosugdjfkdgj i even made the fuckin. what do u call it. i'll just say yukata??? I MADE IT GREEN AND ITS SUPPOSED TO BE RED i stg if u held a gun to my head & asked if there was any red on vol 1 i'd be DEAD
but i remembered the book of friends is like. weirdly purple? ok well in this pic it looks p gray BUT ON OTHER COPIES...... IF U UP THE SATURATION GKSJKDNFKDG
why is nyanko sensei smack dab in the middle HUH i couldve sworn he was bottom left this is so fucked up and scary. haunted manga volume??????? i bought it from a grarage sale idk you guys-
at least natsume's pose is like kind of right but also that's most definitely a complete accident i can ASSURE u (im rereading this the next day and the pose isnt even CLOSE what are u TALKING ABOUT)
anyway can i just fucking point out the kanji on the book of friends bc that is from MEMORY YEEHAW here's what it's Supposed to look like: 友人帳
LIKE even tho i got the last one wrong ITS LIKE STILL PRETTY CLOSE??? i think i deserve 100 points for this objectively
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OK NOT AS BAD AS I THOUGHT SURPRISINGLY im actually like. i thought i bombed this one completely but liKE THE COMPOSITION??? KIND OF ON POINT. KIND OF GENIUS TBH
i remembered Blue and Madara and like what else do u need rly. butterflies are optional in all scenarios imo
also i NEVER have any idea what natsume's wearing in any of these so i always just like default throw him into his school uniform LMAO u will see a pattern
why is the book of friends burgundy in this one btw. it was GRAY i mean purple definitely purple aha
ok volume 3 im actually scared for i know i fucked up SOMETHING
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HGLKFKGLKFKGFN OK!!!!! OK NOT SUPER AWFUL!!!! just noticed i forgor to color the book of friends fukg
main thing i remembered abt this one was the color of natsume's... attire.... and which characters were present. whats sensei doing all the way up in the top corner tho 0/10
return of the school uniform lmaooooo hm. irrelevant who cares plus didnt ask. all things considered this wasn't as bad as i thought. THE NEXT ONE HOWEVER,
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hsngjfgnfjn okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
sensei's way cuter in this one than i realized wait wtf this cover's cute af how did i never notice. underrated cover -10 @ me. look at his lil BLEP >:O!!!!!!!
i knew there was some fuckshit going on w the yukata in this one ourhg i was just like hehe greeennnn also sensei's there. my work here is done
what is natsume's pose even hgnkg i was straight up making shit up at this point LIKE the first 6 or so covers are SO hard for me to distinguish in my head i should get a free pass for the poses in all of them like i can do whatever i want IM the artist now
oh god whats next vol 5
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OK!!!! like a straight 5/10 TBH i literally forgot i was planning on rating these LMAO
i remembered the like white v-neck shirt thing and his pose kind of??? i had NO idea what to do for the yukata tho i just made it orange and u know what?? close enough. my rule of thumb is just like pick a color and then throw flowers all over it u cant go wrong
taki looks so much more mysterious on the original and also wearing a skirt. i gave her a big stick bc i thought i remembered her having one in general but i think i made that up tbh wouldn't put it past me. got her hat right tho hee haw
cant believe i didn't get natsume's beautiful artwork tho look at that little shit sensei up there god hes so ROUMD literally moma material
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PROBABLY my best one yet uhhhh but i maybe cheated JUST a little for this one ITS LIKE BARELY CHEATING STOP BOOING ME
as i was toying w the idea of doing this redraw thing i was still working on collecting my Images and Pictures so i kinda started taking note of a few small things here & there and one of them was just. the general gist of this cover SO LIKE that's why it's so good LOL
forgor the flowers tho. i literally forget everything that isn't a character like immediately BUT OK CUT ME SOME SLACK like after a point the covers start being whole ass scenes which are SO much easier to remember shit abt than the fuckin Green Void (p sure this is the last green void cover tho)
8/10 composition is gr8 but details like the shirt & the yellow flowers are wrong, also the stick is backwards. i literally looked up what that thing is called and forgot already tee hee
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fuck dude. fuck. i rly thought vol 6 was the last one LOL not to spoil but as i was grabbing these images i saw a Preview of what's to come and the green void lasts until fuckign volume TEN LOL collapses onto the ground and dies
so erhermrm this is vol 7 lolllll i remembered the bg flowers this time can u believe hahaha distracts u from the fact that LITERALLY everything else is wrong auhghg
u know what the green void turned into bushes and i think that's beautiful.... like points for creativity on my part tbh. like to be completely honest. 3/10 i got the characters right
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YO????? GATE CONFIRMED LET'S GO?????? it's definitely the school gate but i choose to believe natsume & tanuma r in jail for crimes and u should too
actually this is shockingly accurate for how much i goddamn struggled w this one gkjsldkg the CHARACTERS are right the OUTFITS are right SENSEI'S THERE urgh i knew one of these covers had tanuma holding sensei like that but i couldn't remember Which
i can't believe i actually got tanuma's pose that close i rly thought i was bullshitting w that one wtf. +5 points instantly
do u like how i just scribbled sensei wherever lmaoooo i drew natsume & tanuma & went like. i think sensei's in this one. PLOP
6/10 honestly closer than i thought
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OK........ I SEE........ literally dies
this one i was getting MASSIVELY confused w vol 4 bc i could remember nothing distinct abt either of them except Green and natsume w Big Doggie
i remembered the BARE essentials of the composition but not much else... since i thought the green void was gone i put the green i remembered into natsume's yukata (and then put him in the school uniform again LOL) and went WELP. GUESS I'LL DIE NOW
2/10 honestly one of the worst fucking ones lskdjflsdkg
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OK THIS ONE.... i almost died irl trying to remember this shit, even before i started and i was still viewing the covers i was like there is no way in HELL im remembering this shit for vol 10. and i was right
like. Purple. White Mask. Antlers. WILD layered clothing. at first i drew the mask as an actual deer skull but later had a straight up epiphany and redrew it like that which... still not correct but I MEAN.... IT'S PRETTY GOOD
i cant believe most of the purple is the bg oughgh his clothes are WHITE..... this is fucked up. i DID remember the stick tho, bells and everything!! actually bells and nothing else!!!
7/10 ok it might seem high but CONSIDERING this design..... i think i did shockingly well TBH
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NOT...... the worst...... one....... i could've sworn he was sitting on a pile of books this is so sad that woulda been so cute 😭
for a second when i saw the real cover again i thought he was sitting ON the bookshelf and i was about to RIOT but its okay it's a step stool. still physically possible
my version of natsume here is so much more like Proper gksld he looks like a school boy... studying in the academy's library... hardworking student.... but no the real one is just sitting there like a wet puppy orz he's not even READING i rly thought he was reading. this is such a huge L
cannot fucking believe i was right abt the window tho. like wrong shape but the fact that it's even there.... giving myself a whole ass point for that one
5/10 i rly thought i nailed this one gksgndfkj
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ah shit ok. well one of them was in the school uniform at least fjgugjdkf
why is my natsume lying there like hes abt to start a therapy session, boy would NEVER-
also the plushie hmnmhnmhngnf i dont KNOW i knew there was some kind of prop there but like gun to my head i woulda died again. main colors that stood out to me for this were green and that bluish purple so i got those into mine but i mean. well u can see
once again a random window in the bg i got correct let's gooooo 5/10
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this is so fucking bad im choking im gurgling LOLLLL i was SO sure natsume's paper had an eye on it i was POSITIVE this is so fucked up. i mean obvs i picked that up from sensei but like i didn't even KNOW sensei was there. or that there were bg characters at all uuuuuououohghh (matoba ignored +5)
i was like. black yukata red flowers CHECK piece of paper w eye CHECK horns CHECK i even went back and edited the horns to be more accurate i was so proud of myself sobs
ok but i knew it was shit trasjh when those were the ONLY details i could remember bc obviously there was gonna be more going on I JUST DIDN'T REALIZE HOW MUCH MORE.....
straight up dookie/10 no jk fr like 3/10 @ me u need to use ur EYES
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OK..... I WAS VERY CONFIDENT ABT THIS ONE..... except for his outfit i knew i was bullshitting that BUT I THOUGHT I NAILED THIS ONE....... the one fucking time i didn't just default to his uniform LMFAO
even remembered the pink flower ball smh and for WHAT. i knew he was sitting in a pile of plushies & blankets or smth but no way in HELL was i even gonna attempt to draw them with a speck of detail. but HEY the plushie i drew for vol 12!!! i knew he existed Somewhere. he doesn't even have a horn tho thats so fucked up i thought he did
obviously the most striking thing abt this cover is the bg w that deep burgundy & the circular window so that was the main thing i nailed down right away (my palette was more muted tho). also natsume sitting there w paper in his mouth but i thought he was mid return when rly hes playing like keep-the-balloon-off-the-floor or whatever the fuck he's doing. i love u natsume
(if i thought he was in the middle of returning a name WHY didn't i include the actual book of friends flksglkd automatic fake fan/10)
8/10 this was like my ace in the hole i was like if i got nothing else i got U volume 14!!! and then
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man idk shit just end me. whats even going on in this cover im gonna deck u natori. dont ask why this makes me want to commit violence hes just so. URHGHGHnH
i dont know whats happening to me rn looking at this im losing my fucking grip dude who let this happen im gonna hurl this volume into the sun??? i think???
why did i add the other two youkai i just thought they should be included but i played myself i had to draw them from memory and for WHAT. pls tell me i got them at least a little bit right i stg
it's the crossed legts dude if he was just sitting there like a board the way i drew him id be like ah shit it was just natori sitting not natsume too but he just HAS to cross his legs and the fucing elbow propped up holding the glasses im S MAD IM SO MADdestroy him
it's 1am i gotta go. i have to go. right now my mom is calling me i have to fukcng. 4/10 i got the couch colorr right. bye
tumglr...... only allows 30 pictures per post..... bc im not on desktop? or is that a site-wide thing now. in any case this is getting long so i think im gonna split it right down the middle into 2 posts so there u go, first 15 volumes. so far my score is ermmm
well i didn't rate the first few volumes.
vol 1: 6/10 decent
vol 2: 6/10 also decent
vol 3: 5/10 composition is Scramboled
vol 4: 2/10 it's SO BAD
so now my overall score is 74/150 fjggudjofjdkgjk doing gr8!!!!!!!!!
ok bye for real ✌️
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joshhere911 · 1 year
Some personal saiki headcanons !!! (Mostly stim related ! )
saiki stims . Its very minutely , but i believe his stims center mostly around his hands cus yk most of his powers come from his hands, but its also bc of that his powers come from his hands that he tries Not to stim in fear that it might accidentally active a power
I think, like kusuke , his fingers do a sort of drumming and tapping but unlike kuusuke he keeps his hands down and mostly out of sight !
he's suuper embarrassed by it, so maybe he uses a mild hypnosis on himself so it appears like his hands are prim and perfect and straight Or: his fingers drum too fast that they are perceived normal when rlly theyre just too fast to notice that theyre going too fast yk ?
I like to think that for times when he reaches his limits or his emotions are getting the best of him, he pretends to sleep and astral projects so he can safely stim Bigger . Just saiki stimming !!
I think he probably most definitely does it more around nendou . Yes this correlates with my ramble where him and nendou are like destined besties I DONT CARE THEY ARE SILLY !! He probably puts in less effort to cover up his finger drumming and maybe even gives his legs little wiggles and overly straightens his clothes too often (both from paranoia of look unkempt and a need for stimulation)
Nendou DEFinitely notices, bc hes perceptive but clueless , and he definitely gives saiki some stim toys . Some are more yk loud and attract attention, but others are more subtle for his fingers to fiddle with and get more sensory . Saiki prefers to stick with the smaller ones but in sillier moments he uses the eye catching ones (he always makes sure hes alone . Most of the time hes in the bathroom (bc yk paranoia of cameras in his room and stuff bc kusuke <3) )
Nendou also definitely unintentionally helps saiki stim !! Nendou does "partner stims" with saiki, which include grabbing his hands and moving them around or grabbing saiki and pulling him into a bone crushing hug (saiki doesnt reciprocate it at all but it doesnt stop nendo . saiki appreciates the added weight, even if it just feels like a bag of oranges on his body), fiddling with his fingers or poking st saikis face and shoulders , and just generally bothering him . Saiki doesnt bother to stop it, not only because nendo is impossibly stubborn but also bc he gets the stimulation he needs without having everyone looking at Him and instead looking st Nendou and thinking "why is this guy doing all that for ??"
Eventually, his friends catch on and stsrt doing it as well!! Maybe its a little miscommunication because yk saiki never talks and nendou is an idiot, so some think its stimming(peobably psykickers and whoever akechi rambles to) while others believe its saiki accepting more touch (everyone else)
Kaidou starts with fiddling with one or two of saikis fingers, and when hes in JBW mode he squeezes saikis shoulder but typically keeps his hands off him because hes worried the black best power in his arm might hurt saiki . Or something
Hairo tries to get saiki into more critical thinking games or more physical activities, he doesn't necessarily touch him other than his usual go to (hand on shoulder) but he believes saiki has energy thst needs an output . Saiki reluctantly obliges .
Teruhashi seems like the type to become more touchy with saiki, but she is actually the one who recognizes that its a more stim behavior . Shes the most perfect pretty girl, she Has to know why her classmate is more accepting of stimulating motions lately !! In the end, nothing really changes, but she does recognize that her horde of fans and the noise they bring bother saiki, so she tries to keep them away as much as possible when she goes up to him
Aren starts roughousing with him, bc he Also has a lot of energy that needs an output . Saiki doesnt mind, he could easily overpower him, so he tries his best to be gentle with him . And Try he does LMAO but that just makes Kubo' more riled up until theyre both limp on the ground. Saiki hasnt broken a sweat . His face is towards the ground though, legs tangled with Kubo's whose face is also facing the ground and panting and exhausted . Theyre both smiling idiots .
Saiko brings him shiny stuff , stuff visually appealing to the eye that is easy to mess around with to look at . Chiyo brings in snacks for him to try that are similar to coffee jelly, trying to get him to "branch out" of his safe food . Mera, at the cafe, makes sure hes more secluded so he feels safe to stim more in public places .
The psikickers treat him normally ! Akechi goes on his long rambles, sometimes choosing to do topics relating to saikis stimming, toritsuka is still a perv but makes sure no ghosts are harmed when saiki astral peojects (they never are, he just likes making sure that the ghosts he gets info from are still okay), and aiura still calls him babe and looks at the future . They are the same compared to everyone else adjusting to saikis needs of stimulation, and that provides saiki comfort and even helps him when he gets overwhelmed with everyones change .
(He never admits it, but the adjustment in his friends truly does loosen him up and lower his gaurd . Not as good as an electric shock i bet, but infinitely better than calling kusuke to have him shock saiki . )
Finally moving away from stimming !! My bad i wasnt expecting my brain to run away from me :D
Saiki definitely has a couple beauty marks . Due to his mind control making him appear normal nobody notices for a Hot Minute, but the moment his gaurd goes Slightly lower, there they are . Theres one near his lip and his cheek , and probably 2 on his neck.
Beauty marks are SO pretty he deserves it
I think he also deserves a bit of pudge too, just a softness to his arms belly and thigh area . Especially after the volcano, when he no longer has to train so much to stop it and with all the coffee jelly he ests on a regular
His friends have a kuniharu hate club . Send tweet
Saiki is a Very avid listener when it comes to his friends . This is technically canon, considering the whole dark reunion thing with kaido and saiki following the storyline, but still ! Sometimes they find it a little freaky that he remembers conversations from a yesr or two prior from when they were letting their mouth run out of boredom and saiki at the time seemed a little annoyed but not walking away, but overall find it endearing . Its just saiki being a tsundere as usual <3
(Its mainly cause his friends stories and useless rambling are better to focus his telepathy on rather than the gajillion other voices in his 200m radius. He doesnt really want to listen to then, but sometimes everyone else is So annoying and if Kaidou starts rambling to him about the dark reunion rules or where they are in the storyline , then he will gladly listen to him intently and try to block out everyone not important) (and if that helps him choose gifts, then so be it)
Saiki hates spending the night at other peoples houses !! He tries to avoid it as much as possible, because sleeping in an unfamiliar neighborhood and unfamiliar voices in his head, is not as comforting as one thinks . He would rather be wary of cameras he Knows are there, than be wary of cameras he Doesnt know are there . If there are any . He cant risk it !!
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kiyocuck · 7 months
ok im sick as hell and unfortunately also very bored so im gonna write down some silly naeishimondo scenarios ive been brainrotting for a while
Makoto being sick like me and staying home, meanwhile both taka and mondo barge into his house, bringing in homemade soup and tea (both of which makoto already got), and while they're being sad over the fact their favorite little guy wont be at the academy with them for the rest of the week, komaru steals the soup and tea cuz she woke up sick too (from makoto). An alt ending is them giving makoto a Liiiittle kiss on the forehead, both of them thinking they wont get sick, and waking up with 40°C temperature the next day
Them all going to mondo's house for a hangout-sleepover bcuz hes the only one of the three with a queen-sized bed (lil context, after mondo quit being a biker gang leader [in a universe where daiya is alive cuz fuck you] him and his brother move to a more. "calm" place, just the two of them. they still hangout w the other gang members though). they all watch movies and taka drops dead snoring the second the clock hits 10pm bcuz his brain cant handle staying up later for "no reason" (he has pulled all nighters when it comes to studying). mondo falls asleep second, and makoto just watches them sleep peacefully before snuggling between them and going to sleep too (imagine cringing over what ur writing help)
Going home in the snowy weather after shopping all evening (taka made them both come with him). theyre all holding equal amount of bags, until mondo grabs them all and speedruns to their house cuz hes FREEZING, and boy oh boy does he not like the cold at all. after that he sticks himself to the heater for like 10 minutes, while makoto and taka think to themselves that he looks like hes purring next to it (they both assigned him a catboy in their heads cuz it makes him 10 times cuter (also my version of him has a default >:3 face that all owada family members have (its more noticable on daiya but still))
Continuing the last one, theyre cooking together now!!! mondo kinda sucks at it, makoto is trying his best, and taka is this 🤏 close to chewing a brick over how they cut the vegetables (they look chunky (his autism can't stand it, meanwhile their autisms dont care/dont even notice it (no im not projecting not at all))). eventually they make a nice meal (of unknown kind cuz i can never think of foods LMFAO) and it turned out surprisingly good. yum!
Pet assigning. as i mentioned makoto n taka have assigned mondo a cat/catboy, but the same applies for the others. taka is a dog, obviously, but specifically a husky BECAUSE (im gonna be so annoying about this): Hes black and white, hes dramatic and loud like how huskies are, very loving (as every dog), and when his hair grows out more and mondo touches it, it reminds him of how fluffy huskies' fur is. makoto is a bunny, but i unfortunately dont know many bunny breeds so i will probably elaborate more once i look up and decide. hes just short/"small" and silly like one, and his ahoge going down when hes sad resembles bunny ears going down. (btw if ur curious mondo is either a tiger (still a cat!!!) or a persian cat. bcuz i cant help but imagine him as a chonky orange persian cat that on one occasion scratches your eyes, and on another cuddles on your shoulders. la creatura)
i think thats all for now! most of my other scenarios are even more generic, like going on dates (aquarium, cafe, cinema etc) so i dont have that much to write LOL.
if you read the whole thing, heres some items for yuo 🍀🧭💎
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spacehostilityy · 10 months
NNT Rewatch s2ep1-6
(This was written weeks ago but was in my queue. I am moving back to my college town Saturday so busy days are to come but now I have things to procrastinate 😈)
So YAYAYAY time for season 2 (my fave season overall) !! I’ve rewatched this one before, so i actually remember some of this lol
Ban: I quit
Meliodas: your face is the only joke we can handle
i love both of diane’s orange fits, but s1 leotard hits different
i have thots abt the introduction of power levels that will be told beneath the cut
i mean it’s all very dragon ball (which i love, but in a very different way). I feel like they are just better executed in manga format, because saying the numbers out loud just kinda breaks up the flow of dialogue and action. Plus the numbers never stay accurate since the characters are always powering up and nakaba lowkey just stops using them at one point. so like assault mode!Meliodas has a power of 142,000. BUT he defeats enemies with powers higher than that and is shown to gain even more power. But this is the highest number we have for him. Overall, theyre clunky, not updated enough to be accurate, and just kinda cheesy :/ I feel like plot could have been added to justify and explain the eye of Balor (AKA Drole if i remember correctly) but it’s just used as an excuse to quantify the characters’ strength since this season is mainly focused on physical and emotional growth, as seen by the Ishtar Arc (one of my fave arcs hehe)
merlin’s friendship with hawk is actually so cute tho
so Meliodas’s beginner stats (still missing his powers) are magic 400, strength 960, spirit 2010. The way I see it, his insane spirit strength could mean one of two things: bitch is just hella determined in his quest to end their curses and protect his friends (likely) or merlin taking away his power only affects his strength and magic since spirit has to do with your mind (also likely) anyway what do y’all think?
how the fuck is gowther’s strength 500??? The average person who can lift 50-100 lbs has a strength of 30. HOW IN THE FUCK?? IS GOWTHER SECRETLY SWOLE????
Meliodas being like “no idk who the ten shadows could be haha” when he and merlin literally formed the sins to fight them and HE WAS THE LEADER OF THE 10 COMMANDMENTS is so funny like so tru king lie to their faces
the first thing Zeldris says is “3000 years... please tell me that he’s still alive” which tells me two things: 1) he doesn’t know about Meliodas’s curse, which could explain why estarossa kills him when he’s just going to come back a rival to the throne of the demon king and 2) the listed life expectancy of 1000 years for demons is probably not accurate lol
maybe it’s driven down due to number of battle deaths like the mortality rate of the middle ages lol
we are introduced to a demon who hopes mel is alive, shares a voice actor, AND HAS THE SAME FACE yeah the brother coding is very thick
ban’s refusal to get jericho’s name right makes me laugh every time
Jericho: is scared and runs to Ban
Ban: 🤨 yeah. i don’t remember asking you to grab my arm🙄
im sorry but king rlly was a bad fairy king like mans didnt even know the forest was there 😭 its ok tho i love that for him
King hating Ban at first bc he “killed elaine and destroyed the fairy kings forest” only for Ban to pull THE BIGGEST uno reverse on him will never not be funny
wait does that mean ban is technically the 4th fairy king and king is both the 3rd and the 5th bc that would be rlly funny and does happen quite a bit historically
I love how as much as a smug asshole Ban is, he’s not rubbing it in King’s face and is showing him he’s still his friend
so if Gil is Margaret’s guard and Griamore is Veronica’s, does that mean Howzer was Elizabeth’s ?? bc that would be so fucking funny
Helbram got King’s ass with “and you’re short”
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Best girls Melascula and Derieri fr
i love that they said slader is gay, how can we let the audience know and then gave him the smoothest, gayest voice imaginable
merlin calling og gowther a great magician when we know he was the one to train her is actually so sad, i want to give baby merlin a hug
slader is hot, thanks for coming to the ted talk
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how the fuck does he walk like this tho??
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is there a reason i just don’t remember why they never really bring up albions again or do they just ~disappear~ conveniently from the story lol
So the whole concept of sacred treasures is really cool to me because they are clearly something unique to the Sins, despite all of the sacred treasures being very different and made of different materials. I mean Gowther’s is straight up made of light Still, them having weapons that serve as a constant and grow with them as they become more powerful is just a neat concept to me. I just wish we could have seen Ban use Courechouse more than just a few episodes. There really isn’t a plot reason he couldn’t have had it beforehand.
Gerheade being a bitch to Ban bc he’s a human makes literally no sense when we learn her backstory with Rou. Like NO sense at all lol
I honestly love that Meliodas destroyed the albion on his own. Like yes, he is my OP blorbo BUT he’s also supposed to be incredibly powerful in canon, which we haven’t seen him go all out with an enemy yet. Not only does he know all about albions (bc he’s a demon), but as leader of the 10 Commandments, he probably was on the controlling side of the golems. Then, as a member of Stigma, he fought against them. Not to mention, this is when he finally gets Lostvayne (the DEMON sword) back. This moment for me is when he gets to show off the perks of him being a powerful and high ranking demon. Might fuck around and do a full post later on Meliodas’s relationship to his own race and what/who he is lol
Ban screaming “you bitch!!” is... a wonderful experience
Yass king (hehehehe get it? bc his name is king? hehehe)
Galand petting Gloxinia is actually so cute lol
Merlin covering Arthur’s eyes 😭😭 she’s his mom fr
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“its been a while meliodas” oop galand just let the Meliodas is 3000 years old cat out of the bag ehehe
(stay with me bc im about to get delusional) WAIT so galand says “to think that after all this time has passed youd still be in that form” in this essay i will prove that Meliodas looks like a young teenager because he essentially is biologically young for the demon race. Galand doesn’t know Mel was cursed, so he would think that he had aged in the past 3000 years. Plus, I think the demon king’s possession of Meliodas AND Zeldris can be (somewhat) compared to Sariel’s aging up of Solaseed. Anyway, i feel like this can support my hypothesis of Zeldris and Meliodas are just babies who will eventually look like adults. Also, I think them being super young just enhances the angst quite well.
everyone is fucking terrified of galand but hes just a silly foolish little fellow to me lol
ban and king being brothers-in-law makes my heart happy like theyre so cute
Ban threatening Gerheade and actually being pissed and serious has suddenly reminded me that if i saw a grown ass man who couldn’t die and was a 7 foot tall violent alcoholic i would be fucking terrified
like a demon 14 year old? creepy ig but not a 7 foot tall masochist with an 8 pack
I love how hard Diane always goes for the ones she loves, she’s just so devoted and passionate Best Girl tm behavior
*Merlin being incredibly confidant and nonchalant starting a proposition*
Meliodas doing the same thing Hendy did by reattaching his fucking arms using Darkness and the sins still being like wait?? is Meliodas?? a... demon ??? 🤨
okay so we DO see him in this mode again. But what is it called? and why does he become no thots head empty? its not like he died. and even in assault mode, he has thoughts and emotions (when they’re not stuck in purgatory) 
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Im ngl, i forgot everything about this episode entirely lol
obvi i hate that derieri died, but at least the souls she fucking ate got returned lol
do we think arthur has a tiny teenage gay crush on meliodas? Discuss.
(the answer is yes ehehe)
gowther walking around with his dang a lang swangin hehe
Gil crying in annoyance and defeat as griamore and howzer bicker is literally so hashtag real
very suddenly realized that Hendy’s probably only like in his 30s. Mans is just not that old
exactly 3 seconds after I had that though Howzer calls him old man LOLLL
i forgot about hendy’s childhood trauma. damn. thats actually rlly sad :/
look how cute he is tho 😭😭
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hendy and dreyfus are in love. thanks for coming to another one of my ted talks
so do we think dreyfus is half druid (and zaratras is full) or zaratras is half druid? i mean they’re half brothers but only one is a called a druid sooo
IM SORRY BUT THIS IS THE FUNNIEST FUCKING SCREENSHOT ASDFFHSLDH elizabeth scandalized, meliodas accepting his fate, slader leaning in closer and blushing ITS JUST SO GOOD
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The ass shot of Diane 🤨😑
Damn Idk how i never realized that all of them pretty much only call Meliodas captain. Merlin, Ban, and Elizabeth are the only ones who will call him Meliodas, but even merlin and ban typically go with captain.
“im a giant, why arent you afraid of me?” hes a fucking demon. lol
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xamaxenta · 1 month
Marcosabo smoking together its a thing they do
Marco only says it once like, that shitll kill you yoi
And sabo looks up from where hes lit his own cigarette with a snap of his fingers
He looks awful, huge dark circles under his eyes, theyre deep purple and bruised looking, his cheeks hollower than usual and his scar looks particularly mottled and pronounced when cast in the light of the cherry red tip
He shrugs and exhales a thin stream of smoke through his nose “its comforting.” Is all he has to say, mumbles around the filter
Marco gets it. Being a man of flames himself, the Phoenix whets the effects and burns away the impurities, he wonders if the mera mera functions in a similar way, Ace never was the smoking type so he never thought to ask
“You should find better comforts” Marco replies
Sabo doesnt look at him, focusing on something far out in the distance on the sunset horizon from where they stand on the ocean torn cliffs together
Its quiet for a long while, the sound of night critters and crickets singing and chirping, the gentle whip of weather aged fabric fluttering beside them, Sabo brushes a hand over the sun warmed stone, stone that remained warm even on the coldest nights, bare fingers tracing the carved letters of his deceased childhood couldve been—
“Like what.” Its not a question or a demand or anything really.
“A hobby perhaps.” Marco suggests and Sabo smiles, lips curving into something a little mean and a little sardonic “I went out of my way and made the time to visit you on this shitty little island and all you have to say to me is get a hobby?”
“What would you rather have me say?” Marco turns to look at him properly, its their first eye contact since Sabo arrived with his bag of tributes, flowers of course. White roses, sake and a prayer for Newgate, and pink hibiscus, orange firelilies and sunflowers; for Ace.
Sabo says nothing continues to sink his fingertips into the grooves of the letter A and bites down harshly on the filter of his smoke.
“Marco I want you to ask me to stay.” Marco changes his voice, altering it deeper and accenting it in that infuriatingly posh and mocking tone that he often adopts when mimicking Sabos voice
“You know I cant.” Sabo says quietly, feels the heat of his burnt down cigarette dangerously close to his lips, he doesnt care though, if he closes his eyes he can pretend.
“Then what about when its all over?” Marco doesnt sound hopeful
“When its all over? Id be lucky to even be alive when its all over.” He doesnt usually do bleak, but Sabo doesnt expect to see the future hes been fighting so hard for
Marco heaves a great sigh, it comes from his belly and leaves his mouth ashy and smoky.
“I don’t particularly cope well with loss.”
Sabo flinches. Draws his fingers away from Ace’s headstone sharply and looks away. Guilt sinking sharp claws into his stomach and tearing him open from the inside.
Of all the foolish and tactless things he couldve said.
“I dont think this is working out for us.” Is what he says instead.
Instead of sorry
Instead of i didnt mean it
Instead of i love you, i want to come home to you
Marco remains quiet, its too dark now with the sun having fully set a few minutes prior, to figure out what exactly his expression had changed to.
“You made time just so you could break up with me?”
It’s a little ludicrous, when spoken aloud like that.
“This isnt love.” Sabo rasps, that tiny blip of heat sitting just on the tip of his tongue now, he’s tired, its always hard coming here.
“Couldve fooled me.” Marco drawls, his tone betrays nothing but theres a difference in the way he says me, he steps closer regardless.
Sabo cant exactly see him now, refuses to ignite to sate his curiosity, just his general silhouette because the moon tonight is new and the island of Sphinx is very quiet and very dark.
“Here.” Marco proves a personal hypothesis— the phoenix has some kind of night vision— because Sabo has no other theory to explain when Marco finds his hand with ease, threads their fingers together with familiarity, “at least spend the night.”
Before i leave you and this place forever. Sabo doesnt vocalise this.
“And let you have the opening to convince me?” Sabo doesnt pull away
“Im not beneath begging.” Marco replies and Sabo watches his silhouette move, that half cigarette gets flicked off the side of the cliff with a smart snap of the phoenixes wrist
“Then beg.” Sabo whispers through a mouthful of ash and blood, snarling because Marco will beg, when he doesnt have to and Sabo will stay and see in him what Ace always had and loved and will continue to
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kiwibirb1 · 24 days
Okay here to create an entire au based on just one song lyric but:
"What if the protagonists just died in the first scene?"
Anne did NOT survive that first week. But the guardian is like "shit didnt think this far ahead ummm ghost?" So Anne is this visible but *mostly intanglibe spirit. she panics at first bc "OMF I DIED" but gets used to it. shes visible, can still interact with people. she has cool ghost powers now. aint all that bad, aint it?
*If she focuses reallyyyyy hard than she can get like. half an hour of tangibleness. MAX
anyway now to over exlpain stuff as it pops into my head but ill put it under the cut dont worry. got the basic stuff anyway alwaredy
So: Reunion. Anne of the year happens and stuff and Toadie is like "some one says their a friend" yada yada yada stuff so anne is still ghost when she goes up to sasha. BUT she has learned that its best to pretend to be alive at least when approaching someone so she float walks up (looks like shes walking but is actaully floating) and then realizes its sasha and goes "Oh shit" and tangibles herself just before the hug. during the ride she lets herself go untangible but still trys to keep herself not see through so sasha doesnt know whats up. anyway while theyre at toad tower she tangibles but is really fucking tired most of the time. fight happens and anne is holding on with everything shes got. except she can feel herself losing focus. Sasha says the whole 'better off without me" line but right before she can let herself go Anne goes intangible again so sasha drops but she knows she was still holding on and she could feel anne so what happened? sasha has a lot of questions. Anne has extra grief bc she was the one who dropped sash. yeah...
Marcy at the gates! Anne is fully prepared to float over the wall and stuff but doesnt bc fam is in danger and oh hey theyre saved and thats a weird looking newt let me float over and help them but- oh. that is a human. who has just seen me be very much not alive. shit.
Anne pretends that nothing happened for a bit and goes tangible and all that while theyre doing the barbirant quest thing. Marcy is like "well, since she's not mentioning it, I must have imagined it!" Until that one bit where Marcy like shoves Anne out of the way. And just goes straight through her. Both girls eyes widen as they process what just happened but Anne takes control and is like "I'LL EXPLAIN LATER LETS FOCUS ON THE FIGHT RN" so yada yada yada thing happens except Anne kinda hides ghostyness a little less bc the secret is already out, not much you can do now. After fight she explains and marcy is broken. She brought her best friend here and now shes dead. She killed her best friend. Breaks so hard in fact that she spills the secret to Anne who is like "what. i- i need time to think" so they dont talk for multiple days besides the king andrias meeting**. Anne eventually lets Marcy explain why and friendship is very strained but Anne learns to move on. Not forgive, not yet, maybe not even ever, but move on. It happened, and all she can do now is deal with the consequences.
**CORE LORE HEHEHE. So actaully gonna slightly change some core lore and shit. Anne takes one look at the crown and it like "that thing is evil and I dont know why" bc she has some extra spirit senses now. She tries to focus in on it and her eyes flash blue for a second and she catches a glimpse of thousands of orange spirits, all with to many eyes, floating around the crown and whispering in Andrias's ears. She cant see them again, but is very suspicious of Andrias now. Thankfully, the core didn't see her. Or did it?
One little spirit, mostly ignored by the rest, saw her looking. For some reason, it doesn't feel compelled to tell the rest of the hivemind. It knows they wont look in it's mind, it has long lost all usefullness, only around because it was forgotten. It itself can't connect with the rest, and has no reason to want to. It follows Anne, leaving the core behind. It watches, silent. Until one day, Anne catches a glimpse of it following her. She doesnt day anything until she is alone. She calls out, "I know you're there." It is surprised, but becomes visible to her. (only her. thats important. but yeah the core ghosts have more control over theyre visiblity and shit.) She is surprised. It seems... so small. "Who are you?" It seems to think. It does not know. It's name has long faded from memory. It tells her so, and she softens just a bit more. "What are you?" It perks up. This it knows the answer to! It tells her of the Core, the collection of Amphibia's greatest minds. She understands why she dislikes the crown now, and what she saw that day. But she also knows that this little fellow wont hurt her.
Anne has a little ghost buddy now. She names it Clementine. (It's faintly orange, just like all the other Core ghosts, but slightly less as it is nearly entirely removed from the hivemind.)
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rt-lots · 10 months
fuck you fuck you fuck you heres my pet headcanons for misc hypnospace outlaw characters
zane - he SO fucking has a hamster. its technically his moms so its named some shit like cupcake even though its a BOY and he calls him awesome sickle vengeance or whatever combo of edgy words sound cool to him
corey paul - OLD ASS DOG like a REALLY FUCKING OLD DOG it can barely move thing walks at like .5 mph and it has a bunch of fucking fat rolls and its been in the family longer than he has. its named buddy
tim - ok he either has ONE cat thats so fucking mean to him but loves him deep down because its a saved stray or like a flock of small birds. like 6 parakeets maybe more. hes writing edgy fanfic about mind hacks meanwhile peanut is shitting on his headband
tiffany - no pets but really wants a black cat. or a parrot. tim tells her stories about his birds and shes like "woah... thats so cool" and tim begs his mom to let him get more to impress her
roddy - ok side note but i fucking mix up all the dnd nerd bitches in the starport with eachother so bare with me if i am thinking of someone totally different when im talking about roddy. but, hear me out, i think hed have a fucking horse. technically it lives with his cousin because he had to move but its like an hour or two drive so he visits it every weekend. i think he'd also have like weird reptiles. iguana...
samantha - ORANGE CAT NEXT QUESTION. its a girl and has a cute little pink collar. and after the time skip its fucking DEAD obvi i think she fosters kittens and one of them is dark gray w little white paws. shes out here solving the case of the mind crash and mittens is fucking chewing on her headband cord. i think shed also have a super old dog too but its like a small dog
dylan merchant - hes so small dog core... its like a chihuahua maybe ?? or one of those bitches that are like... that but more fur... and itd have little tufts on its ears... and its filled with thoughts of violence but never acts on them. after the mindcrash it looks into dylands eyes with a look of understanding and disappointment. its collar is yellow
adrian merchant - ok assuming he and dylan dont literally just have the same pet i think hed also have a small dog but one of those white, crusty eyed ankle biters. and guinea pigs. he has like those enclosures where theyre tiered you know? like a double decker bus. like they got the fucking stairs and shit from each space to another. they dont have a single plastic toy its all wood and been chewed like halfway through. theyre all named really dumb shit. like mr merchant. and software
linda - GERBIL
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princessofxianle · 5 months
so much you have added to fx backstory au in your head you say… please feel free to take this excuse to share to your heart’s content… 💐
alex from the future here: this started as a note i was gonna let rot in my drafts and turned into A WHOLE ASS SCENE WITH DIALOGUE AND E'RYTHIN so i decided to copy and paste it here... anyway i have THOUGHTS about feng xin's family and especially his SPITFIRE of an older sister, shen liang...
I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS and omg thank you for sending an ask im overflowing with thoughts of them... see #fx backstory au for more
sometimes i like to think about young Shen Liang before her brother was born...
yknow that excited phase some girls have about babies when theyre like 13?
my girl was READY to be a big sister
ready doesnt even being to describe it...
"Xin-er!" she'd talk to Shen Wangxi's belly relentlessly as if he'd already been born... if he even was a "he"
she'd be happy with a didi or a meimei she did not care
she read every bit of prep material from the royal library at least 3 times over
she talked with her mom about how she'd be the best jiejie ever...
she was SO EXCITED
So much so that Shen Wangxi knew Shen Liang could take care of her brother.
That is, until Feng Xin was born...
The event essentially trades her mothers life for her brothers... Shen Liang has the capability to care for her didi, but she isn't too interested in the parasite that stole her mom from her...
But this "parasite" continues to grow more fond of her regardless of how horribly she treats him.
"Jiejie is family. I love my family. And Baba tells me all the time i need to protect the things I love. I'll protect you jiejie!" A tiny Feng Xin puffs out his chest and makes a face that he thinks will make him look tough.
"Like how you protected mama?" Shen Liang mutters to herself, standing up from the dirt she'd been kicked down into by that goodfornothing bully and uselessly patting dust off her robes before knocking past him.
"Enough, A-Liang. He's three, he doesn't understand."
No. You don't understand. "Get lost, old man." Shen Liang quips toward her father.
Feng Yang lets her leave. Teenagers. At least she was safe now. This harassment was getting out of hand. He'd hate to take it directly to the king.
"But..." a tiny voice pokes out from behind the contemplating Xianle general.
Feng Yang bends down to pick up his son and rest him on his hip.
Tiny hands grab the fabric of his robes as Feng Xin rubs his head against his fathers chest to comfort himself and he mumbles, "Jiejie... I'll protect you, jiejie, I promise."
Feng Yang's heart aches from his son's words. It swells in his chest until it almost pops and then...
"Yes, Xin-er?" Feng Yang answers softly with a smile.
Feng Xin chews on the age-old words of the Feng family code, and then speaks. "Well... what does a man do... when he can't protect what he loves." His voice attempts to mimic the commanding tone of his fathers own.
Well... "He tries to get stronger."
Feng Xin's eyes brighten.
Feng Yang is blessed to have this child as his son.
"When will I be strong enough to protect jiejie?"
"I don't know." I wish I did. "Sometimes protecting someone is not about how strong you are." I wish I could protect her too. "Sometimes you can't be strong enough to protect someone who doesn't want to be protected."
"Even if you love them?"
"Even if you love them."
Feng Xin's tiny brows furrow in contemplation until his young mind hits a logical dead end. It doesn't make sense to him.
Feng Xin does what he always does when he doesn't know what else to do. "Baba is silly. Of course jiejie wants me to protect her." He hopes.
He prays. Wishes. Believes. Much like the name his mother gave him implies, Feng Xin has faith.
He was born with it. And like any child with a gift from his mother, he'll never let it be taken from him.
Feng Yang tests him. "And how do you know she wants that?"
"She lets me peel her oranges!" Feng Xin looks down and excitedly acts out the motion with his hands.
Yeah, and then she doesn't feed you. It had been beyond difficult for Feng Yang to feel safe leaving Feng Xin in Shen Liang's care. Just the thought of him thinking this way about his daughter made his stomach churn. But recently, even Shen Liang's 'starvation as a form of discipline' was now the least of his concerns.
Oddly, Feng Xin never complained and the treatment went unnnoticed. It took a visit from the royal physician to tell Feng Yang his son was malnourished. Feng Xin never denied that his jiejie sometimes "forgot" to feed him, but he didn't stand for the accusations the physician made about her either. He adamantly refused to cooperate until Feng Yang had asked the man to conclude his visit with the reassurance he'd address his son's care. Stubborn. Just like his mother... Just like his sister too. Feng Xin made his baba promise to never make him see another doctor who talked bad about his jiejie. Feng Yang couldn't deny him.
The feeding was less of an issue now, given the new one (bruises popping up on his skin) but it was best not to bring up Shen Liang's new actions to the little one right now.
So Feng Yang simply says, "But she doesn't share her slices with you."
"I don't need them. I'm strong." He puffs out his chest again and then has the idea to flex his arms like he was heroically nocking an arrow on his toy bow. "Maybe if jiejie eats them, then she can be strong on her own and I don't have to protect her!"
"Maybe. But why do you keep peeling them for her?"
Feng Xin's voice mellows, as sincere as a 3 year old can, but he responds without missing a beat. "I really like peeling oranges for jiejie."
Shen Wangxi I don't deserve our son, Feng Yang thinks.
...more to come 🤭
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 3 months
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swap au shit! i was holding off on this so i could line it and color it but i take too long with that and would never finish so here's just what i have. going just on my fandom blog until (IF) i line it coz its just doodles and a textwall of thoughts rn
fucked up harry on the far left is unrelated, and some of these look Bad but its fine tbh
anyways the idea is Kim loses his memories bc of drinking bc it's been six years and he still hasn't gotten over the death of his partner Eyes (who i've named Viorel). kim's still kim, trying to be professional and trying to do his job, but bc of the drink and drug issues he's a wreck and has a hard time keeping himself emotionally together. i don't think he'd swear as much, and being given a second chance (losing his memories and being allowed to start again) would allow him to loosen up and love life again and move on from the grief and sober up. before the memory loss, he's gotten so deep into his grief that he hates revachol and hates himself and hates the world. after the memory loss, he can start to love the world again, and it starts with harry showing up and being harry
the reason he looks different here is bc after eyes's death kim has no idea how to process it and does the only thing he can think of: become eyes. that if he becomes as cool as him, eyes doesn't have to be dead. also his bomber jacket's black (for mourning, i hc he gets the black one first before the orange one), and he hasn't been promoted to lieutenant yet bc he was too fucked up. he also hasn't figured out he's gay (neither has harry figured out he's bi)
eyes for reference (right image unrelated, put it there so the left image isn't that hugelarge. that's my cat rose)
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bc while harry is sober and medicated now, harry's still harry. silly. strange methodology for solving cases. can-opener. an uncanny ability to pick up on thoughts
bc Harry on the other hand, after going through that horrendous breakup with Dora, gets serious medical help for his issues and is now on meds and sober and in therapy. in this au, revachol would have mental health doctors haha. harry's been jean's partner for 4 years now and they're really tight i think. jean also had breakup issues, and harry helped him through that and now they have a promise to each other they'll stay sober. it's still almost toxic levels of codependent, but i dont think theyre romantically involved here bc the drugs didn't get that bad for the both of them to push them in that direction (i don't think jean would EVER do anything gay without drugs or alcohol, he's just that kinda' guy. phobic). harry still has all his skills bc he's had them since he was born
so basically theyre the same guys but if kim never got over eyes's death while harry got over dora leaving him. i wanna write a fiction about this but it seems like such a difficult task fr
text transcript under cut
First Image: Kim: "I'll get to the case, Officer. Just let me do my job." Harry: Sargent, the body's still in the tree.
Second Image:
Top Left Kim: You look vaguely familiar. Your face is blurry. Do you need glasses? Where are they? What's your name anyways? Viorel. No that's not it. Is it? You look like a Viorel.
Bottom Left Harry: They sent you here to check up on the guy from the 57th. You know where he is. You haven't caught him yet. God you wish Jean were here to help.
Top Right Kim: Harry POV (of Kim short and smaller than him) Kim: I don't know who the fuck you are.
Kim POV (of Harry): Large Blurry Ape
Bottom Right Kim Harry: Harry: Sargent, do you need glasses? Kim: Fuck no, Lieutenant.
Third Image:
Harry: "God, Jean, he's getting me depressed. Jean: "Oh come on, Harry don't get all fucking sad again. I went sober for your fucking ass. Harry: It could've been me in his place, man... Jean (not pictured/over radio): SIGH. You're gonna' make me start drinking again, Du Bois.
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bloodmoons-knife · 2 months
heyo! been reading ur lltk fic and wanna do some silly doodles of ur creatures so i was wondering if u have any references or just descriptions i could use to draw them
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pounding my fist on the floor while wailing over the thought of anyone drawing my beasties gnjfxdf
tragically i dont have any real refs or real descriptions for the cast so far, the best i've got is vibes and a picture of eridanus i posted recently. i will transmit the vibes, however!
nebula: hes got the orbiting star ocourse, and his big fluffy cloak. when i think of what kind of clothes he wears i think like. poet's blouse. black trousers. that kinda thing. maybe a crown? i do not know. hes very sad looking. wet cat of a man
binary: dull colors definitely! also just. librarian core. i really dont have much else for vibes its just "binary :3" in my head
rust: pretty close to bloodmoon v1 tbh, though with more practical clothing? since they go hunting and stuff. the hat stays on at all times however. kinda gives 2-tailed hat vibes tho. can work without. vampire fangies are essential
eridanus: she is BIG she is GLOWY she is DARK she is SPOOKY. she doesnt wear CLOTHES because theyre UNCOMFORTABLE. i refer to the pic ive posted of her for colors and things. orange stripes and underbelly, black scales, red eyes. out of water her fins are floppy and shes cute and i love her. her picture is in her tag if that helps searching for it btw
bird boy lunar: oh man ive got a Vision for him. a Vision. he's more based off of lunar's first proper design, the lil guy ya know? but also still not? idk. anyway most essential things are that hes birdy! bird legs, his arms are wings but on the wrist joint he has lil graspers. think bat for that part. he may or may not have tail feathers dont ask me i dont know things. hes like a species of insect to me.
hope these insane ramblings from a madman help you!!
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sannylity · 10 months
mmm glarb thinking about artistic director x prostitute au for the 100000000th time this week
considering the past success of all his shows and the attention she gained, mariana is well-off. meanwhile, charlie's a struggling college graduate who lives with his daughter juanaflippa, his friend wilbur, and wilbur's daughter tallulah. they are renting out a small house and its not the best but theyre staying there and its their casa :D
though mariana paid him well for his work on set, charlie has that sweet sweet student loan debt to pay off and hes also raising a child while helping raise another child, so he still does nights at las casualonas, though theyre less common then they used to be.
sure, charlie was the star of the show. sure, everyone in the cast and crew adored him. sure, mariana and him were in a romantic relationship. but he was always afraid to ask any of them for financial support, instead hiding his class status and finding excuses for the days where it was hard for him to move.
mariana didnt know much about charlies home life, be it in his childhood or in his current years. but she noticed how he lit up in shock at every gift, every meal, how he looked around in wonder each time he went to his house.
charlie met mariana's parents- they were very well off, kind but strict, with bright smiles on their faces as they asked him questions and listened intently to his answers, never a shred of judgement visible.
mariana would ask about meeting charlie's parents, to which he was always met with uncomfortable silence or straight up "no"s. but he eventually caved in, saying that his parents weren't in the same spot, so they'd need to visit them seperately.
first, they went to see his dad- mariana was very uncomfortable as she realized they were entering the police station, before they sat down at a booth, looking into the eyes of a man in an orange jumpsuit, scars dotting his face.
a few days later, they went to see his mom- they'd packed a nice picnic, and charlie excitedly brought the other man into the graveyard, sitting down beside a grave and chatting to it happily, leaving flowers for his mother.
needless to say, when they made it back to mariana's house, charlie got a tight hug and kisses across his scalp. he never realized, she never realized that neither of his parents could be considered "in the picture" anymore.
he grew up with two parents who love each other very much and an older sister- they were rich, they were a nuclear family, they were picture perfect.
so it was strange to see a n image of a man and a woman standing with five kids, all of them with fear lingering in their eyes, holding photographs of three more children.
-💫 (huh i popped off)
Yes, you did pop off!
And this AU definitely tackles a lot on their social status since Charlie worked as a sex worker while Mariana is a successful director.
I like the idea of Charlie still going to college and striving hard to finish his year. It makes his load so much heavier, that’s why he doesn’t have time for romance and relationships. All he knows is providing for himself and his daughter and that’s it.
So, when he ends up having a relationship with Mariana, a total curveball in his life, a risk he took. The difference in their social status is highlighted during the first time Mariana steps into Charlie’s home. Maybe a small studio with overpriced rent but it’s near Juana’s kindergarten and his college, so it’ll make do.
At some point, even Mariana tried convincing Charlie to move in with him, but Charlie sees it as a pity offer, so he rejects him. Like you mentioned, he doesn’t like people spending for him because his independence is all the control he has left in his life and he’s not about to let go of it over some rich guy who takes pity on him.
Little by little, Mariana manages to coax him into accepting small gifts, that he deserves flowers and chocolates and serenades. Soon, when Charlie becomes financially stable, when they resolve issues regarding self-worth and social statuses, they even move in together to a new place that they both pay for. They pay date nights alternately and Charlie even gives gifts back to Mariana.
Charlie opens up more regarding his past and Mariana accepts him wholeheartedly. They live happily ever after when money and status no longer becomes an issue.
They love unapologetically.
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