#dang i put a lot more into this than i originally thought i would.
kiwibirb1 · 1 month
Okay here to create an entire au based on just one song lyric but:
"What if the protagonists just died in the first scene?"
Anne did NOT survive that first week. But the guardian is like "shit didnt think this far ahead ummm ghost?" So Anne is this visible but *mostly intanglibe spirit. she panics at first bc "OMF I DIED" but gets used to it. shes visible, can still interact with people. she has cool ghost powers now. aint all that bad, aint it?
*If she focuses reallyyyyy hard than she can get like. half an hour of tangibleness. MAX
anyway now to over exlpain stuff as it pops into my head but ill put it under the cut dont worry. got the basic stuff anyway alwaredy
So: Reunion. Anne of the year happens and stuff and Toadie is like "some one says their a friend" yada yada yada stuff so anne is still ghost when she goes up to sasha. BUT she has learned that its best to pretend to be alive at least when approaching someone so she float walks up (looks like shes walking but is actaully floating) and then realizes its sasha and goes "Oh shit" and tangibles herself just before the hug. during the ride she lets herself go untangible but still trys to keep herself not see through so sasha doesnt know whats up. anyway while theyre at toad tower she tangibles but is really fucking tired most of the time. fight happens and anne is holding on with everything shes got. except she can feel herself losing focus. Sasha says the whole 'better off without me" line but right before she can let herself go Anne goes intangible again so sasha drops but she knows she was still holding on and she could feel anne so what happened? sasha has a lot of questions. Anne has extra grief bc she was the one who dropped sash. yeah...
Marcy at the gates! Anne is fully prepared to float over the wall and stuff but doesnt bc fam is in danger and oh hey theyre saved and thats a weird looking newt let me float over and help them but- oh. that is a human. who has just seen me be very much not alive. shit.
Anne pretends that nothing happened for a bit and goes tangible and all that while theyre doing the barbirant quest thing. Marcy is like "well, since she's not mentioning it, I must have imagined it!" Until that one bit where Marcy like shoves Anne out of the way. And just goes straight through her. Both girls eyes widen as they process what just happened but Anne takes control and is like "I'LL EXPLAIN LATER LETS FOCUS ON THE FIGHT RN" so yada yada yada thing happens except Anne kinda hides ghostyness a little less bc the secret is already out, not much you can do now. After fight she explains and marcy is broken. She brought her best friend here and now shes dead. She killed her best friend. Breaks so hard in fact that she spills the secret to Anne who is like "what. i- i need time to think" so they dont talk for multiple days besides the king andrias meeting**. Anne eventually lets Marcy explain why and friendship is very strained but Anne learns to move on. Not forgive, not yet, maybe not even ever, but move on. It happened, and all she can do now is deal with the consequences.
**CORE LORE HEHEHE. So actaully gonna slightly change some core lore and shit. Anne takes one look at the crown and it like "that thing is evil and I dont know why" bc she has some extra spirit senses now. She tries to focus in on it and her eyes flash blue for a second and she catches a glimpse of thousands of orange spirits, all with to many eyes, floating around the crown and whispering in Andrias's ears. She cant see them again, but is very suspicious of Andrias now. Thankfully, the core didn't see her. Or did it?
One little spirit, mostly ignored by the rest, saw her looking. For some reason, it doesn't feel compelled to tell the rest of the hivemind. It knows they wont look in it's mind, it has long lost all usefullness, only around because it was forgotten. It itself can't connect with the rest, and has no reason to want to. It follows Anne, leaving the core behind. It watches, silent. Until one day, Anne catches a glimpse of it following her. She doesnt day anything until she is alone. She calls out, "I know you're there." It is surprised, but becomes visible to her. (only her. thats important. but yeah the core ghosts have more control over theyre visiblity and shit.) She is surprised. It seems... so small. "Who are you?" It seems to think. It does not know. It's name has long faded from memory. It tells her so, and she softens just a bit more. "What are you?" It perks up. This it knows the answer to! It tells her of the Core, the collection of Amphibia's greatest minds. She understands why she dislikes the crown now, and what she saw that day. But she also knows that this little fellow wont hurt her.
Anne has a little ghost buddy now. She names it Clementine. (It's faintly orange, just like all the other Core ghosts, but slightly less as it is nearly entirely removed from the hivemind.)
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twinanimatronics · 1 year
I have 0 intention of watching SAMS bc at this point catching up would be too much of a time investment, but at the same point, I would love to have a bit of context for went you & Dana rant about it.
Mayhaps could I have a tldr? Just so I can get the gist about what y'all are freaking out about ever couple of weeks.
Okay so I woke up really early but it’s my day off and I’m in an info dumping mood so—
—Rubs Gay little hands together then slams them on a cork board with photos and shit pinned to it—
Tumblr media
And yes I did spend 20 minutes making that dumb meme edit, before you ask.
(putting a Read More cause this is gonna get LONG)
So, the Sun and Moon show, like all the Security Breach Channel shows, started off as just a character gaming channel with Sun and Moon. And in my personal opinion, as well as based on total subscriber count, the superior one of the lot since we never bother with the other channels unless there's a guest appearance from the boys on one of their episodes. (Literally we just here for Sun and Moon. The other character channel portrayals are just kinda "meh" or irksome)
Sun and Moon are portrayed as both the same person but also different individuals who choose to view the other as their brother (familiar, familiar) and is after they've managed to get their own separate bodies. Moon having made one for himself and left Sun with the original one.
Moon is not as much as a Gremlin as he is in canon and is more indifferent. He's into science and is friends with Satan (I am not joking)
Meanwhile, Sun is...
As I said, the channel started off as just a character gaming channel with them just playing games, reacting to things, and some occasional VR shenanganry. The Invisible Davis (Sun) and EC_Universal's (Moon) sibling chemistry and banter is seriously top notch. And Davis even comes on as Monty sometimes (who now has his own channel with Foxy, but that's more recent and later on in this info dump).
Things are pretty tame at first lorewise. Just building up things like their relationships with the other animatronics (Like Sun being hopelessly in love with Roxanne. Which originally felt like a forced plotline but now he isn't in love with her at all anymore and has come to see her as a horrible person)
The biggest things that used to happen early on were really just Monty and his money-making scam attempts like:
Charging Sun several thousand dollars a second for his assistance in the daycare and selling him a space condo for $50 (which he revealed to have exploded recently) that Moon had to force him to give Sun's deposit back on.
Then things start happening...
Sun starts having blackouts and acting not like himself and not remembering things that happen from hours to even days at a time. This is when Eclipse starts to make himself known in both VR Lore vids and even gaming vids. Eclipse being: A piece of Moon's coding that was left behind when the two of them separated (the part of him that contained the homicide/Kill Code "glitch" that was a big part of him) inside of Sun that became it's own entity.
Moon's reason for doing this is cause he thought the code would die off having been mostly severed from him and that he himself could evolve to be more than a killing machine if it was gone. He thought Sun would be fine. But he came to realize he just left his brother with different cancerous entity living off him (his words to describe their previous shared body relationship).
Eclipse has very strong abandonment issues. And it's the primary motivation he has for everything he does. He is EXTREMELY pissed at Moon for leaving him behind inside of Sun who he was supposed to HATE and instead became all brotherly with. Forcing Eclipse to live Moon's nightmare of being trapped in a body he had no control over (Legit we got an episode featuring Eclipse's first moments of sentience after being severed from Moon highlighting all this).
However, this wasn't the first time that Eclipse had allegedly taken control by this point in time: A year after their seperation.
There was an event, July 16th, where Sun was extremely stressed in the daycare and supposedly snapped. He blacked out and when he came to...
Lots of kids were dead.
Eclipse was initially believed to be the cause of this event. But actually, it was BloodMoon. Another AI that Eclipse created while first trying to escape from Sun's body prison.
But upon the revelation of Eclipse's existence, BloodMoon's is still unknown.
Moon attempts to find a way to remove Eclipse from Sun and, upon their creator being of no help and completely useless, is recommended by Glamrock Freddy to go see Golden Freddy (or maybe the Creator contacts them after they see Golden, IDK I forget the exact order of those events).
Golden Freddy is Glamrock Freddy and classic Freddy's dad (Yeah, don't ask. These parts of the lore Dana and I kinda hate and just try to ignore) who is an all powerful ghost entity (again, don't ask) who uses magic to turn Moon into a plushie.
Long story short, Eclipse can't be removed if he doesn't WANT to be removed without killing Sun. And he REFUSES to be removed even when offered a body of his own cause this bitch baby is out for vengeance.
But now Moon knows magic.
He burns down some buildings that he cheers about getting reported over a police scanner.
And then they get called in by the government to be interviewed for that and other shit.
Also: apparently animatronics have a choice to make themselves techno-organic so they can eat things and shit (including having kids through sexy times, yes I am not fucking you)?
Sun and Moon refuse to take this up tho and at most Moon just installs nanomachines (son) into himself so he can eat metal as a way to repair himself.
Keep this nanomachine tech in your mind going forwards, btw.
Pieces of the killcode inside of Moon begin to rebuild itself and Moon starts getting violent and kills a government guy that was hunting him and Sun down. Cause while they were being interviewed he came out and snapped a man's neck. Something that Moon and Sun argued about cause Moon was starting to think that Sun wanted to do these things like Eclipse implied and was just using him as a scapegoat so he wouldn't have to process his negative emotions.
And he was.
Kind of.
Cause even now, in the present (way after this point in the story I'm explaining) with Eclipse gone he still has extreme anger management issues and the occasional violent impulse. But that doesn't make him BAD (though he believes himself to be as a result). He just has a hard time regulating his emotions and keeping them in check because he was used to being the purely positive side of the coin when he and Moon were one. Being the happy to Moon's sad/angry.
Moon contacts their creator again for help with his issue. But once again, the creator does nothing.
Oh also, that government guy?
Yeah, Moon ate him.
My guy really ate a human person.
Sun and Moon fight with Sun choosing to leave Moon alone to wallow after getting punched in the face. Telling Moon how it was apparently too hard for him to be a good brother and REALLY putting a divide between the two of them.
Then, at some point, after Eclipse keeps sending Sun and Moon to different dimensions to torture them yet again (yeah, alternate dimension travel and universes exist and is a very frequent thing in SAMS) Eclipse sends the boys to fight a Wither Storm, which they come out of alive with their brotherly bond restored.
However, Moon is still going a bit insane cause of the killcode.
And then Eclipse creates Lunar and inserts hm into Moon's head.
Lunar is essentially a Sun version of Moon, his new happy, much like how Eclipse is a Moon version of Sun. Lunar is very child-like and was made to help Eclipse to find this Dues-Ex-Machina thing known as the Star. A thing of ultimate power that can be used to reshape and rebuild the world however the wielder wishes.
Eclipse's plan is to reset the world and become god.
Or, at least it WAS.
But more on that later.
Lunar being put in Moon's head helped with keeping the Kill Code at bay and allowed Moon to retain his sanity. And, after some initial antagonization, Moon and Lunar come to a bit of an agreement of having Lunar help him and Sun with information about Eclipse and BloodMoon (who they are finally told about but believe isn't real at this point). Moon just had to install games in his head for Lunar to play and whenever the daycare was open would let Lunar out to handle the kids instead since he liked it and was better with the children than he was as the one week he spent pretending to be Moon highlighted.
However, Eclipse gives both Sun and Moon a timeframe to hand over the Star before their bodies will be forcibly taken over by himself and Lunar.
They have until Halloween.
Oh and at some point he installed this maternity chip thing into Roxanne and she suddenly adopted Gregory and wanted to remarry her ex, Glamrock Freddy, when she and Sun supposedly had a "Thing" (they went on one date where it was all about HER) but we don't really care at all about that despite the wedding supposedly being some kind of big deal in the Security Breach Show verse but then it wasn't.
Obviously, Eclipse doesn't get the Star.
But Moon also doesn't exactly have a plan to stop him either and spends the last day they had to hand over the star having a breakdown over being realizing he is going to be trapped in his own body again.
So October begins and the Sun and Moon Show becomes the Eclipse and Lunar Show. And while they're in control, Eclipse made it so any time that Lunar moves in Moon's body, Moon will feel an immense amount of pain. The same way Sun used to any time he was in control of their shared body in the beginning.
Things don't go so well during that month when it's the Eclipse and Lunar Show. Lunar wanted to just have fun and get an actual brotherly relationship out of Eclipse, but Eclipse just viewed him as a tool to control (Literally, he inserted programs that let him control and even KILL HIM if he wanted).
And there were times when they fought where Eclipse hit him.
Which Eclipse momentarily seemed to regret before shoving his emotions deep down inside himself so he could ignore them because he refuses to let himself feel genuinely happy (Legit he made Lunar out of the coding bits of himself that were good and positive cause he hated them and didn't want them cause they came from Sun's code melding with what code of Moon's he was birthed from.).
At this point, Moon, Lunar, and Monty are working together to stop Eclipse and, for some reason, Lunar comes up with the plan of building BloodMoon (who somehow exists as a spectral manifestation of rage or something) a body so he can fight Eclipse. BloodMoon only agrees cause Lunar allows him to go out and kill hobos and will occasionally bring him bags of blood from the blood bank.
Then, after another fight with Eclipse, Lunar relinquishes control of the body completely back to Moon because he doesn't want to play outside anymore.
Before Moon gets control of his body again, though (and before deflecting an attempt of Eclipse's to kill Lunar while posing as him), Lunar asks if he and Sun can be his brothers. Which Moon wholly agrees to and tells Sun about when he goes inside of his and Eclipse's shared head to tell him his plan of banishing Eclipse via magic in a way that WON'T also kill him too (and leaving Sun with a massive magic dictionary and spells he has to memorize for when the day comes).
The day arrives.
BloodMoon and Eclipse fight while, in his head, Sun manages to banish Eclipse.
However, he says the spell WRONG so instead of being banished and dead forever he's just lying somewhere mangled and dying in the woods.
But Sun saying the spell wrong didn't matter in the end cause Eclipse had a bunch of backups he could have come back from. One of which he PLANTED INSIDE BLOODMOON while fighting him.
Queue things being relatively tame for awhile. Excluding Moon working himself to death finding and deleting Eclipse's backups.
But in the background BloodMoon running around wild and free killing random people and working with Eclipse/torturing him inside their body (cause BloodMoon is actually TWO people, not one.).
Eventually, Eclipse enacts his new plan of pushing Moon to the breaking point and making his Kill Code fully resurface. Which Moon was still struggling with and was concerned would potentially corrupt Lunar.
How Eclipse does this is by having the Bloodtwins mess with Sun and Moon while disguised as either of them (cause their body is made of nanomachines so they can shapeshift. I TOLD YOU THE NANOMACHINES WERE IMPORTANT) and the final nail in the coffin is Eclipse controlling them to pretend to be Sun and confronting Moon about how much he hated him and how he wished he'd DIE.
And thus the kill code is reactivated.
But not just reactivated, it's now since evolved into its own SENTIENT BEING that's fully in control while Moon is trapped inside his own head.
However, Moon aint the only one trapped now.
So is Lunar.
Monty goes inside Moon's head an manages to rescue Lunar to take him out and give him his own body. But at first Lunar doesn't want to go cause he doesn't want to leave Moon alone and insists on being "his happy".
Eventually, Moon and Kill Code (who we will call KC from now on) make an agreement to timeshare the body and not get in the way of one another's plans.
KC wants to just kill all the bad people in the world and has recruited BloodMoon (willingly) and Eclipse (unwillingly) who he views as his children to work with him.
Lunar returns in his new body (also made of Nanomachines) at this point and Moon has found a dimension for him to visit that has an Eclipse in it that's nice and who he is able to talk with and have an actual bond with. As a form of some sort of therapy since our Eclipse was a shitty brother and traumatized the bean and the Nice Eclipse of that dimension was kind of ostracized by the others since he was born from his Sun and Moon's split going completely WRONG.
The creator at some point stops by again and announces that he has created Sun and Moon a sister named Earth who is supposed to be better than them in every way (she's actually not and has her own flaws) and that she was going to be living with them now. (Sun literally says: "Die already, old man!" to him and other things a lot of people probably wish they could say to a shitty parent).
Meanwhile, at the KC Cave:
Eclipse is uploaded into a basic computer.
Eclipse HATES KC and immediately plots against him but builds him a robot by the name of Solar Flare to help him anyway. But, behind the scenes, Eclipse contacts Moon for help in killing KC.
And at the same time, Solar Flare ALSO contacts Moon for help to kill ECLIPSE and PROTECT KC.
As this is happening, the Bloodtwins have reverted back to messing with Sun while disguised as Moon again. However, they push him to far and Sun ends up obliterating them with a laser canon Eclipse had made that was hidden inside the musical barrels that are in the daycare.
Moon hears this as it happens, but Sun lies to him and tells him he just accidentally destroyed some "garbage".
KC ends up having to tell Moon what really happened when BloodMoon doesn't turn up after more than a week. Putting a bit of strain on the boys' relationship again cause Sun LIED to Moon.
Being so tired and done with everything and having finally fully snapped, Sun is now on a war path of finding and trying to kill Eclipse himself instead of letting Moon do all the work like always. Lunar finds out and he and Sun have a falling out with Lunar saying Sun was behaving just like Eclipse (and he was in their fight, belittling Lunar). But Lunar said some awful and hypocritical things too.
Sun storms off and it is at this point when Eclipse first contacts Moon to try and kill KC. First talking with Lunar and scaring him off, ultimately cementing Lunar's decision to run away from home with Monty's help since he doesn't want to be around Sun or deal with Eclipse until things get better.
Moon finds out about Lunar's running away secondhand and struggles to bring himself to talk to Sun to stop him from wanting to kill Eclipse because he doesn't want for his brother to be like him in terms of killing people. But he puts it off for far too long because of being socially inept and goes to others for advice first.
When Moon finally does try to confront Sun as a projection and tells him how Lunar moved out, Sun at first brushes it off like it's not a big deal and ignores him before going on with his hunt for Eclipse. Claiming that he also felt no remorse for killing BloodMoon and didn't hear his voice in his head like Moon said he did with the people he killed.
As this is going on, Eclipse takes over Solar Flare's body.
Moon catches up to Sun in one of their bunkers and, after fighting again, traps him inside an invisible prison and leaves him there for his own good and to chill out. Which ends up being a bad idea as Sun begins to hallucinate BloodMoon who taunts and torments him (because he actually DOES feel remorse) until he screams and manages to shatter the magic barrier with his own emotion-fueled magic.
And thus Sun continues with his plan of hunting down Eclipse while Moon magically enters his own head with one of his computer AI's along for the ride to try and get rid of KC. Unaware of the fact his brother is free or how KC is just out and about talking and hanging around with everyone while masquerading as him and realizing that he DOESN'T WANT TO KILL PEOPLE ANYMORE.
KC just wants to live and appreciate life.
The creator comes out of nowhere as KC is contemplating existence in the woods to reveal how he wasn't a glitch in Moon's code as he'd told them but an INTENDED FEATURE.
Moon was made to kill people, and KC not killing people was going against the Creator's grand scheme of punishing humanity. So he utilizes his control over Moon's body's programing to instill the desire to kill in KC again and sends him off.
But KC manages to resist and makes it back to the Daycare and hunkers down in Moon's room for the next few days.
Sun, as this is going on, finds the base Eclipse is in and confronts him. But things obviously don't go as planned and he is unable to kill him in the end. Instead, Sun lets out another explosive burst of energy while attempting to save himself and ultimately destroys Moon's magic pool, which the base was built on, trapping him in his own head.
He learns this from Eclipse who sends him off to find Golden Freddy and then uses the opportunity to go and look for the Star again. He decides to pay a visit to Lunar and plant a bomb in his head to use him as a bargaining chip with Monty (cause Monty has been hiding the Star up to this point) since he has a soft spot for him.
But he only goes the Lunar bait route after first trying to threaten Moon's computer AI to send him to another dimension that has a Star so he can try and steal it (unaware another dimension's star won't work outside the one it exists in). And that gets him sent to meet Nice Eclipse who sees right through his disguise and laughs in his face over his stupidity and desperation.
Thus officially starting Eclipse's Pathetic Arc.
Sun, after getting a piece of Golden Freddy's soul to use magic, returns to the site of the magic pool where Moon's circle used to be and attempts to reconstruct the circle. However, BloodMoon begins tormenting him in the form of hallucinations again and he ends up messing up and is unable to restore it. Dooming Moon to be trapped in his head forever.
Sun begins to breakdown just as Earth (who had been wandering around on her way to the daycare the entire time after she was first sent to live with Sun and Moon cause she's a bit of an airhead) crosses his path and provides him with comfort and support as he cries.
The two of them then go back to the Daycare where KC, pretending to be Moon for Sun's sake, assures him things will be fine and tells Sun to go out and buy food for his cat since the autofeeder he had for it ran out while he was off on his murder quest (Davis has catS IRL and sometimes in videos you can hear meows and him talking to said cats so they just decided to make it that Sun owns a cat to explain it sldkjsldfk)
While Sun is gone, KC and Earth talk a bit. KC once again being moved by the kindness of strangers before retreating into Moon's room again to enter his own mind and talk with Moon.
As this is going on, Eclipse threatens to blow up Lunar if Monty doesn't hand over the Star.
And Monty does.
Though it was ultimately for nothing as Eclipse then blows up Lunar in front of Monty anyway.
One of Lunar's nanomachines managed to survive tho so Monty zip zap zooms to a space station where he can rebuild him. But Eclipse materializes out of the ether and threatens him to stay on earth so he goes back, leaving Lunar to be repaired slowly.
At some point after this, Monty beats up his old con artist ex-friend and resets his memories to make him into his friend again cause he's lost everything and has abandoned all hope at this point. And thus the Monty Gator and Foxy show is born. (Which is a whole other can of worms. One aspect being that Monty has a shitty BIRTH father so I just kinda ignore everything unless it connects back to the Sun and Moon Show)
Back in Moon's head, he and KC talk things out. And, upon realizing that KC has changed for the better, Moon can no longer bring himself to kill him as planned because he doesn't want to be responsible for killing another person as KC has proven himself to be. One capable of change like he had tried to convince Sun that BloodMoon might have been capable of had they been given the chance.
Which had been an argument he had made when first trying to talk Sun out of killing Eclipse.
But the only way for both him and KC to live at this point has a 98% chance of factory resetting Moon and deleting all his memories.
So, Moon records a message for Sun and gives it to KC to give to his brother.
And then Moon is ultimately reset.
In the middle of Sun coming to terms of Moon being reset and trying to bring New Moon up to speed on who he and Earth are; Eclipse shows up just to show off and gloat how he got the Star.
But New Moon, of course, doesn't remember who he is or what the Star does so he doesn't really care.
And Sun is just completely dead inside. Especially at the reveal of Lunar being dead (Sunny boy feeling the guilt of his last conversation with him).
So Eclipse doesn't really get much satisfaction from it.
And then Eclipse enacts his new plan for the world instead of completely resetting it:
Rewriting everyone's memories so that he's the good guy and Sun and Moon are the bad guys and occasionally zapping them to random dimensions just to make their lives hell because he literally has nothing else going for him in life.
Monty managed to avoid getting his memories rewritten from being in space trying to fix Lunar at the time he did it (this is before Eclipse threatened Monty) but has to pretend like they were for the time being.
So only Monty, Earth, and the boys know the truth of what happened.
And New Moon has to relearn everything by watching all the recorded footage from his and Sun's perspective over the past couple years because he never backed himself up like Eclipse did because of KC.
Surprisingly, a lot of the old Moon is still in New Moon. But New Moon is a hella lot more considerate and kinder than his pre-amnesia self. His and Sun's dynamic having completely shifted since his reset.
He also shows more symptoms of ADHD (What Moon himself says he has) than he did originally.
As Sun and New Moon are busy picking up the pieces of the mess Eclipse made and figuring out what to do with him (and with Sun STILL VERY MUCH HALLUCINATING AND SUICIDAL AT THIS POINT BECAUSE OF EVERYTHING WITH ECLIPSE AND LUNAR AND THE LOSS OF OLD MOON), Eclipse is slowly killing himself the more he uses the star with no other plan or intention to do anything substantial with it other than making sure people still like him and making Sun and New Moon suffer because of his abandonment issues.
Eclipse legit gets mad when he appears in their room (likely intending to mock them when they return from a trip he sent them on) where he ends up encountering Earth who tries to talk to him about his feelings and psychoanalyze him.
Dude has no real plan anymore and legit considered recruiting Freddy and Toy Chica's fucking baby but got scared off by Mimic telling him it would anger Golden Freddy.
At some point, Monty also finally meets Earth and they start dating.
Which New Moon wants to punch Monty over when he finds out.
Cause this literally happens not long after they finally interact again for the first time in months since his reset. Mostly because Monty didn't ask for his and Sun's blessing first cause THAT'S THEIR SISTER.
Also New Moon and Monty became fast friends all over again. And Monty let the boys know that Lunar was still alive. He's just still in space because Puppet (THE Puppet) is supposed to retrieve him but hasn't yet.
While attempting to find out how to stop Eclipse, New Moon manages to somehow get connected to a camera in their creator's base where he and Sun learn he is just a GIANT FLOATING BRAIN along with how he's using them as a scapegoat for his greater plans.
But Sun leaves the room as New Moon learns that, in addition to that, Earth is being used as an unwitting pawn to upload incriminating files into Fazbear Entertainment's database.
Still deeming Eclipse the bigger threat at the moment, even after Sun blows up at him over how he has nothing and is pathetic the last time he tried to mess with them since getting the Star, New Moon goes to the dimension with the nice Eclipse and they discover the code that Solar Flare (who is still alive and pulling the same shit Eclipse did to Sun with refusing to be removed so Eclipse can't get himself a better body that can handle the Star's power basically all: "We die together bitch") had given him to get rid of him. And upon learning that Lunar was killed by our Eclipse, nice Eclipse agrees to help and sacrifice himself (since it would kill him too once they lure Eclipse to his dimension) on the condition that New Moon helps to repair his Sun and Moon when he's gone.
Also Monty in Nice Eclipse's dimenstion is British is basically Elon Musk.
That point really isn't important other than the jokes about New Moon and Nice Eclipse hating him but I had no idea how else to include it.
New Moon then travels to Nice Eclipse's dimension again after gathering materials to begin building the satellite that will broadcast the code to kill Eclipse (which will take him a month in Nice Eclipse's dimenstion but will only really be a week in our time). And Sun, in his current mental state, is also composing his own plans to get rid of Eclipse just in case it doesn't work out cause he wants to protect his brother and not have him sacrifice himself again.
Said plan involves creating another Star to fight him with. And findinge KC (who got his own body and is currently out exploring) cause he might have Moon's memories that would be of help.
Also Ruin DLC!Eclipse had shown up at some point via portal and is now just running around causing havoc by just existing.
He punched New Moon in the face.
And then New Moon trapped him in a karaoke booth.
But then Freddy went and let him out thinking he was saving an innocent person and now the dude ALSO wants the Star.
Ruin!Eclipse vs. Wet Dorite Eclipse when?
Upon New Moon's return to their dimension, Sun shares his plans and what he heard from Golden Freddy. New Moon hears him out but explains how that might not work but is willing to give it a shot to some extent.
But they still have to find KC first.
Which ends up being rather easy cause the dude is just going around working in soup kitchens and the like despite living off the grid.
KC explains the options that Sun and New Moon have. One of which is one of them becoming a conduit for Star energy to fight Eclipse.
However, that might kill whoever does it.
When New Moon returns to Sun he explains KC is going to stop by after they've discus and decide what it is they're going to do. But before that, Hatsune Miky (yes, I'm not kidding) appears out of nowhere and has apparently been stalking them and is one of those crazy fans who hates and blames everything that's happened in the show thus far on Sun.
At the same time this is happening, Eclipse begins plan: "Instil False Hope".
Which is just going to Earth and Gaslight Gatekeep Girlbossing her.
Though not until after encountering Puppet and trying to recruit him to his side first. But he only succeeds in making himself mad because Puppet is such a GODDAMN WEEB.
Anyway, he attempts to manipulate Earth by saying he's INCREDIBLY sorry and wants to change.
But he does it SOOOO unconvincingly and while underestimating Earth's intelligence just because she insists on being kind to him. Constantly, and not so subtly, insulting her the whole time that she's able to see right through his bull and calls him out on it. Especially when he brings up how Sun (before it was known Eclipse or BloodMoon existed and were in control of him) killed kids along with Old Moon.
She points out that if he really wanted to change, he wouldn't tell her something like that. And after her patience is tried, she tells him she's being far kinder to him than he deserves and that he doesn't really want to change or be helped. He's just pathetic and wants to make everyone as miserable as he is.
Earth then decides she and her brothers have to talk cause she doesn't know who's telling the truth anymore after Eclipse tells her to go fuck herself and, failing to teleport away, walks off.
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ajbullet · 6 months
My thoughts on episode 3 of PJO: (spoilers)
I so enjoyed doing this for the first two episodes and the response was great, so hey, maybe this will be an entire series thing
-The oracle was amazing. It was a perfect mix of creepy yet humorous with Percy’s perfect voice crack and “you’re a Halloween decoration” line. Having just reread the book, I wouldn’t have remembered that the prophecy came from Gabe so that was a really cool, book-accurate detail I enjoyed.
- The WAY PERCY CHOSE ANNABETH! I freaked out. Cause you know in the book Annabeth is just like “I’m coming” and that’s that. To see Percy go out of his way to CHOOSE her for his quest was so special to me and I loved it (even tho it was for a different reason than I originally thought.)
-Annabeth’s reaction to getting picked was perfect. This is a girl who has waited YEARS for a quest and in no way do I think she was expecting to be picked. Hoping, of course. But Leah’s expression of shock then excitement was perfect
- Grover talking to the horses
-Percy picking Grover
-“I’m going to back the best snacks” The snacks in question being tin cans
-Bro give Thalia a break Percy, wth 😭. He came at her so hard for someone he hasn’t even met. Which was hilarious and so Percy-like, but dang. I thought Annabeth was gonna kill him right then and there.
-“She met a Pinecone’s fate” Like this boy…🤭
-I loved watching Leah’s expressions the whole time the three of them were traveling to the bus terminal. I will never get over how subtle she is able to make her thoughts appear on her face. Like you could clearly tell she was taking everything in for the first time in 5 years, while still trying to remain calm and seem in control in front of the other two
-THE BICKERING OMGS. I wasn’t ready for the arguing, but it fits so well. It MADE SENSE. Like none of these kids know just how much they can trust each other and their all scared and they don’t really know what they are doing so of course they are going to fight and argue and take out their emotions on each other.
-Grover’s consensus song was perfect. I had no idea why he was clapping at first and when he started to sing I was scared because it had potential to be really cringy but I honestly think it fit his vibe and was cute.
-ok, so for the scene with Annabeth in the store, I loved of course cause it was my girl and I originally watched it as a kid with a lot of money placed in front of infinite candy and she couldn’t just pick ONE so she got them all and it was adorable. But I’ve also seen posts talking about her trying to read the wrapper and since she’s dyslexic she couldn’t tell what flavor was what so she got all of them, which would also make sense and is a perfect subtle detail. Now I just saw one post that said she was trying to pick the perfect candy to make Grover and Percy LIKE HER and that just about broke my heart. Feel free to comment or reboot with your opinions because I’ve loved seeing all these different takes on that scene. All I know is it was awesome and the contrast between a girl picking candy and immediately sensing something is wrong and putting up her guard was a perfect way of showing how life is for demigods
-The invisibility cap!!!!
-“We’re lost in the woods, somewhere in New Jersey and we’re never gonna make to LA” was all I could think about
- again the BICKERING. Annabeth calling Percy out. Her asking what he’s afraid of. Grover trying so hard to keep the peace. (As a middle sibling, I felt that in my soul). “He was my protector first!” Loved that. Just the whole conversation was so interesting
I’m gonna make a part two because I have so many more thoughts on Medusa and her story and I’m hungry so I’m gonna go eat.
Part two:
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goshdangronpa · 2 months
For the ask game: Miu Iruma. Naturally.
Hi, friend! Yes, naturally I have some thoughts on this character. Just a few, really.
I'm just gonnaaaaa put this readmore right here
Sexuality Headcanon: I actually like a lot of different reads for Miu's sexuality. She's yet another DR lesbian who needs to be freed from comphet. She's pansexual who'd go for anything that moves. She's asexual and all her sex talk is a clumsy effort at blending in with a society that expects girls to make babies. Take your pick!
Gender Headcanon: Miu is transhumanist and not that attached to her fleshy form. She loves her boobs, but she'd be down with exchanging them for spherical cannons. She brags about having a bombass vajayjay, but she'd totally install a robot dick that shoots lazers.
A ship I have with said character: You already know, I'm irumatsu all the way. Just at a glance, Kaede is a fun foil for Miu: a friendly yet stern prep who dresses conservatively for a rude and goofy punk who casually wears BDSM gear. But Kaede's no meek square for Miu to pick on. She's got dignity, and she'll fight back. Thing is, Miu crumbles easily under the slightest pushback. Kaede understands that, but she'd never use it to get a permanent edge over Miu. Instead, she makes sure to be the one person who actually tries to understand the human being beneath the gorgeous girl genius. And that, in turn, encourages Miu to drop her defensiveness and open up for once in her life. It's really healthy for Miu ... and it'd keep things interesting for Kaede. This dynamic spins in my head like a dynamo. It's dynamite!
A BROTP I have with said character: Maybe you don't always need to have heart-to-hearts with someone. Maybe a relationship can just be two people dissing each other every day forever, and that's enough. Maybe Miu enjoys verbally sparring with Kokichi because he's the one guy who can actually keep up with her (he'd say it's more like she tries to keep up with him). A friendship of dueling wits, two people who spend their free time coming up with clever insults, trading them with each other at school, then ending it by asking, "Same time tomorrow?" In a way, they might need each other ... so they don't terrorize the rest of the world.
A NOTP I have with said character: Eh, I don't really have one? None that I feel too strongly about, anyway.
A random headcanon: Miu has very strong opinions on cartoons intended for small children. The kind of person who vehemently tweets that animation is cinema but only watches franchise movies from big studios. The kind of person who would tell kids they deserve to die for not caring about the original Teen Titans series. The kind of person who's ranked every episode of a show they barely even like ... Dang, I'd watch Miu's YouTube channel.
General Opinion over said character: One of my top three Danganronpa characters. Hell, top two. I love the huge personalities in these games, and few are bigger than the self-proclaimed gorgeous girl genius. Bombastic yet secretly meek, generous yet condescending, socially clueless yet sharp-witted, beautiful yet devoid of rizz, the worst person you'd ever know yet a person I'd like to have a non-alcoholic beverage with. She's awful because she thinks she's the best, and the worst part is that she's right. Miu fuckin rulez.
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mixnmatch4dead · 6 months
Hellooo 🥺 politely asking for a Coach and Bill mashup
It’s been 6 months exactly since my last upload, sorry for the wait! I admit there was a bit of a reason for the delay on this one… I actually didn’t advertise mash-ups.
Swaps are when one character takes on the character role of another, while mash-ups are the two characters as one person. I wasn’t sure if i should draw Bill as Coach or Coach as Bill, and I didn’t want to disappoint. I do have experience in making mashups/fusions, though, so I figured I might as well give what you asked for, since I thought it would be cool even if it was a misunderstanding… and since I made you wait for so long….. I mashed the whole casts of l4d1&2 into… i guess left 4 dead one-and-a-half?
Say Hi to the Left 4 Dead Mash-Ups Line-up! (Ordered by height, tallest to shortest)
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Since this asker also pointed out that they were interested in mashing their personalities specifically in the past, I’ll also go into detail on how I picture them acting ^^ I also did doodles anytime i got tired or stuck with the mash-ups, you can also find them under the cut <3
Coach+William Overbeck (Mashup name… Vet?) -
Perspective : This vet is very kind-spirited but very protective of the trio he finds himself working with. He wants to see all of them make it to the other side, and if that means risking his own life, he’s ready to put it on the line. He expresses this by frequently checking on the health and well-being of the others, commanding them around in dire situations, putting his body between his pinned teammates and the infected if he has to, and teaching them survival skills that help outside of combat, in case they wind up without him.
Granddad Friend? : Since the second-oldest person on the team is deceptively irresponsible, he’s completely taking the slack of the caretaker role for the whole dang team. He is willing to be mean and go above the others if he thinks they’re being irresponsible with their own lives. Like Bill, he is fully willing to leave people behind so long as the three are safe, and also like Bill he WILL minimize your injuries a little if it means you keep moving forward. (“If you’re not bleeding out, you’re not allowed to cry” moments)
Humor : Like Coach, he’s got good humor when the situation calls for it… as soon as things get serious, though, he drops the jokes and smiles entirely. He’ll make jokes about his favorite foods and whatever silly situation deserves a little chuckle, so long as everyone is alive and well for it. Sure, comedy heals all wounds, but sometimes you need to focus and get out of the situation before you can try to fix things. He has a BIG laugh and is very receptive when the others joke with each other.
Religion : A practicing Christian like Coach, he will sometimes mention it when he feels the situation calls for it (including chastising people for cursing despite swearing ALL the time. Bill says Bitch a lot, but Coach says Shit more than anyone else in the game!)— I could see him doing other things like the ‘valley of the shadow of death’ prayer from the Swamp Campaign.
School Colors? : Admittedly inaccurate, there’s not a single school in Georgia with a green and purple color scheme. In my defense, Coach’s school is three hours away from Savannah and he keeps saying he “lives around here” in the beginning first campaign, so...
Medical History : With Bill and Coach’s combined histories and backgrounds, they’re in a bit of a worse condition than either were originally. Bill, with his injury in the war and age, combined with Coach’s knee injury that was bad enough to knock him out of sports… It’s never specified which knees either injured, but I actually considered cutting one off entirely in case they hurt the same one. This is all without mentioning Bill’s canon PTSD, which carried over since this is a combination of both characters. He uses a variety of things to improve his mobility and comfort, sometimes even using a wheelchair when they’re available and someone else on the team is willing to carry it when the landscape becomes inaccessible.
Smoking : An addiction he took steps to successfully break a long, long time ago to be a good example to the students he taught. He only started again when he realized… this really was the end of the world has he knew it. It helps with the pain in his joints, too. He still refuses giving any to the other three.
Nick+Francis (Mashup name probably Frick) -
Perspective : A gambler and a biker with a bit of a history of getting into scrapes and other dangerous situations, he has learned absolutely no lessons except when to start running away. In past experiences, he found he was better off working on his own, and brushed off positive experiences with teams as ‘only a matter of time’ or exceptions. He usually just looks out for himself, but he’s realizing that this situation genuinely requires cooperation… and that he likes knowing that the others are there for him.
Infected! : While we know all of the protagonists are carriers, we don’t actually know if all of them have caught the green flu before they all meet! However, since Francis and Nick are suggested to have a very similar intro to the apocalypse, it’s very VERY likely that Mr. Frick here is the first of the group to actually carry the disease, and that he catches it before the infection becomes a local problem.
Irresponsible : He will immediately use something on a whim if he’s trusted with anything. This includes eating any snacks in his bag, drinking all the water in a bottle meant for the group, and taking pills on an instinct the first moment something bothers him. Is it selfishness? Not really, he just doesn’t think when he thinks he’s been provided a quick fix.
Graying : He is actively graying and it would be visible if he didn’t dye it… though he kind of got the wrong color. He doesn’t want to talk about it.
Picking Favorites? : He has a favorite teammate, and he only pretends he doesn’t because it means he likes them in general. His favorite is Rochelle&Louis by a long shot, mostly because they’re the most fun to talk to and seem to be on the same wavelength as him. But in like… a way that balances him out. It confuses him.
Rochelle+Louis (Mashup name likely Louchelle bc i like it) -
Perspective : To this mash-up, there is always a silver lining, even if you have to force it into existence. The power of positive thinking can go a long way, and they’ll be the first to remind the team pessimists that though this is the end of the world it isn’t the end. And then they get roasted for saying that, and have to verbally fight for their life.
Sarcasm and Banter : They will meet every roast with an equal or slightly greater burn. Bickering with Nick+Francis usually ends with a verbal murder on one of their sides, and they’re kind of lucky both of them are so quick to laugh it off.
Need for Normality : Out of all of the mash-ups, they’re the most insistent that they continue following the pre-apocalypse rules as well. That does not mean they’re always considering it, like they’ll trespass like crazy and take when they need it, but they don’t like it when their teammates steal from homes or small businesses. It kind of hurts to imagine the family that they’re taking from, even if they’re likely all dead.
Theater Kid : They can PROJECT like nobody’s business! They’re so good at making sure their voice carries, it’s kind of hard to stop! Which is bad when there’s a witch in the area, but boy can they verbalize when they have a problem of some kind. Also, from a history of being the one to manage things on a stage, they’re incredibly good at rephrasing Bill’s directions when he’s a bit more vague.
Anxiety : Quick to startle, easy to concern, and overall the most generally confused by the more hectic natures of the other three. They don’t understand why the others are so ready to just drop everything and make the worst choice just for the hell of it, but it is NOT helping their fears.
Ellis+Zoey (Mashup name either Elley or Zellis) -
Perspective : A college student considering dropping out and relieved that now they don’t have to think about it anymore! They’re happiest when they’re not thinking about anything— especially not have screwed over the world’s gotten. Any reminder of how they don’t know the situation their closest friends are in (and likely saw their family die) will close them off from the group, making them snippy and reserved until the others can get the humor back into them. It’s not intentional, it’s depression and fear for the future. They’re always ready to call the Francis&Nick mash-up for his bullshit.
Apocalypse Prep : What Zoey and Ellis have in common is that they had very similar reactions to learning about the Green Flu— that being shutting off the world and preparing the only way they knew how. While Zoey consumed a bunch of zombie movies in a depressed fugue state until her parents died when the infection became public, Ellis tricked-up a truck and used it to ram into zombies until one almost killed him, and their mash-up was probably doing both.
Short but Mighty! : Smallest of the team but can absolutely hold just about every other team member over their head. They’d absolutely love to show off how many gasoline canisters they can carry at one time, then trip and spill everything everywhere. Probably said they could beat a charger at an arm wrestling contest once.
Keith Stories : Expanded to include other friends and family members, this mash-up keeps Keith and will talk about him and others all the time.
Team Child : Are they 21? Yes, but do they act like it? Not really. It’s easier to see them as a teenager than a student with a full-time job, especially since they never act like it. Their open gullibility does not help.
I’d add more notes, but I’ve been doing this for awhile and I still have finals due. As I mentioned before, I’ve done mash-ups in the past and I had a LOT of fun doing them again, so if there are any other mash-ups you’d be interested in, I’d love to hear it! (Difference between mash-ups and swaps: you can mash more than two people at once…) I still have finals the day this is going to be posted, but that also means I have break for the next three weeks!
Doodles I mentioned before below!
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walkawaytall · 2 months
Now that I finished reading (and reviewing) Collateral, I thought I'd come with some questions, if you haven't answered them before! This was the first fic you posted, but was it the first HxL fic idea you had? How did you come up with this particular take on the Ord Mantell mission? Are there any subtle Easter eggs that you had fun including?
Ooh, thank you for asking! Other than a vague idea I started to write down as a preteen that essentially amounted to “Han proposes to Leia the night after the Battle of Endor and I’m sure I’ll come up with an actual plot later”, this was the first fic idea I had. I had written for another much, much smaller fandom in high school, but hadn’t written or read fanfic in probably 15 years or more. I was in severe professional burnout toward the end of 2022, had just sort of re-embraced Star Wars after avoiding it a lot post-TROS, and decided to start reading for my original OTP. I had also been working on a novel for quite a long time and it was driving me insane, so after blazing my way through a ton of Han/Leia fics on FFN, and later on AO3, I thought I might try writing some fanfic just to have fun with writing again since the novel was making me miserable.
I remember coming up with the idea for the Committee first — the intent with at least part of the fic was to suggest that a lot of the stuff Leia and Han say to piss each other off in ESB are kind of low-blow-type callbacks to private jokes or things they had discussed previously. I also remember reflecting a bit on their relationship and how it’s portrayed at the beginning of ESB — how some people have interpreted that to mean that they spent three dang years griping at one another, but somehow fell in love in between verbal jabs. I think I mentioned this in an early author’s note on Collateral — I had a friendship that was mostly verbal sparring and stupid arguments about things neither of us cared about and it stops being fun after awhile. Eventually, we both just kind of started acting normal around one another. And I just kind of figured that, even if Han and Leia started out picking each other apart, there’s no way they’d go from that to romance in a few words, so I felt like they had to have a friendlier history than what we’re shown. (Plus, I may be reading too much into it, but the way Carrie and Harrison play those parts in that movie, it doesn’t seem like two people who just hate each other to me; it seems like two people who’ve been deeply wounded by one another and aren’t sure what they’re supposed to do. And you have to care about each other somewhat to be wounded by one another, ya know?)
I wanted a fic that was limited in scope for my first fic so I wouldn’t get too carried away with trying to add to a meandering plot or whatever, so I decided on the couple of weeks before ESB starts. I had read a handful of fics about Ord Mantell or referencing Ord Mantell and decided I wanted to do my own take on it. I didn’t know a ton of Star Wars lore, so I remember having to research on Wookieepedia a ton. I do believe my initial intent was for Han and Leia to start their romantic relationship on the trip, but the characters misbehaved while I was writing and Leia kissed Han in her room instead, and I ended up going with that.
Even though I knew most H/L fans would be expecting Ord Mantell to go poorly, I wanted to repeatedly put people at ease, at least in theory. The gang isn’t even worried about Ord Mantell, so why should we be? Everything’s going so well! Han and Leia go on a cute date and everything is fine! Basically, if someone went into the story not knowing about the infamy that Ord Mantell has gained in H/L circles, I wanted them to wonder if anything was actually going to go wrong.
As far as Easter eggs go…I wrote Han with the “Han Solo is mildly Force-sensitive” fan theory in mind. It’s not blatant, but it’s there. Some of the conversations they have reference Leia, Princess of Alderaan and From a Certain Point of View (Leia knowing Huttese comes to mind), and I do assume people catch this, but just in case someone didn’t, the final big conversation that Leia and Han have in her office occurs the afternoon before ESB picks up. The sensors she talks about are the same ones he and Luke are placing at the beginning of the movie.
Oh! Wait! I forgot my favorite one. I never come out and say it, and I don’t know if I even ever implied it, but in my mind, the reason the Falcon is in such rough shape at the beginning of ESB is because, after Leia and Han’s interactions go entirely sour, she stops helping with background repairs, which means Han and Chewie have more to do with just the two of them.
This was incredibly long! Hope that’s okay 😂
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
What's Vault Hunters like? I've only really watched Hermitcraft. :'3c
alright! so, vault hunters! this is the modpack/unique mod that goes with the pack that iskall and his dev team are developing! the game is designed to be somewhat like an RPG level progression system and skill tree has been added to minecraft, as well as a roguelike dungeon system.
at the beginning, it's basically just regular minecraft with a few extra skills you've chosen and weaker armor. however, after you beat the ender dragon and get access to end materials, you can build your vault altar and vault portal, and visit the vaults, and start vault hunters proper! you "win" vault hunters, progression-wise, once you collect all 25 artifacts from the vaults and complete the "final vault" at the end of the modpack.
the vault is basically a roguelike dungeon. you cannot heal without using healing potions in the vault, and your goal is to get as much loot from the vault as you can, as well as find the obelisks and beat the boss to escape. (you can also choose to bail a vault if you don't think you can beat the boss, which is often what happens instead if the vault isn't locked. however, you need to defeat the boss to gain experience and get a chance at getting an artifact.) the vault is full of special vault gems, vault gear (which is funky armor with lots of different bonus effects), unique loot, the things you need to get points to unlock mods, and more. as you finish vaults, you'll gain items to help you level up, be able to get new skills, eventually start unlocking mods, etc.
there's also some like, background lore about the existence of the four vault gods, which i often rotate in my head, but also which is mostly background details to make the world of the modpack more interesting. the 'vault gods' refers interchangeably to the four characters who you gain favor with - idonna, wendarr, tenos, and velara - and to the devs of the modpack. (this puts iskall in an interesting position, given that he both plays the modpack and is in charge of dev. also, douwsky specifically is normally referred to as the janitor instead of a vault god.)
the vault hunters smp is a related thing. we're about to get season 3. it serves both as the beta testing ground for the vault hunters modpack and as a fun smp to watch some creators play on! i do not know exactly what set of people will be in S3; presumably hbomb, iskall, and captain sparklez will be there, as they all played on the original server pretty religiously. i would be surprised if pete isn't around again, stressmonster is doing a whole bootcamp series so she's definitely going to be around again, and tubbo is apparently the one who leaked the date (lol) so he may be trying to be more active in S3 than he was in S2. i'd be surprised if antonioash wasn't there as well he was also pretty dang active. uh. i'm not good at names so i'm DEFINITELY forgetting people who may be around in S3 but we will find out for sure when it comes out.
S3 will be the 1.18 version of vault hunters, which will be fun! additionally, it, like the previous two seasons, will presumably contain the twitch integration that went with progression in the SMP version of the modpack. (the public release does not have this integration.) it allowed viewers to end up involved in how things worked, and personally i thought it was pretty fun. stuff like "people who sub/gift subs getting statues" or sub fighters or basically anywhere there are skins present in the public release, there was some twitch integration element in the private, SMP version.
it's worth noting that S3/the 1.18 version of vault hunters is expected to have some pretty major changes from S2/the current public modpack in 1.16, as it's somewhat more of a 'sequel' than something you're expected to update your current worlds to. so i'm excited to see that!
the fastest way to figure it out if this doesn't explain it well for you would probably be to watch someone play in singleplayer, although that won't have the twitch integration stuff, so if you want to watch someone, here is iskall doing a playthrough (he knows what he's doing very well), here is welsknight doing a playthrough (he does NOT know what he's doing and it's relatable), and here's stressmonster doing a playthrough (somewhere between those two poles)!
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tangydreams · 1 year
Hello there and welcome to my first time rambling about my thoughts on Monkie Kid's Season 4 Special. Now if you haven't seen the special then please scoll away. Or don't, I can't stop you.
After hearing the news of MK S4S dubbed, I hopped in and watched it. It was tempting to resist because the Special had already released in Chinese but it was worth the watch. So it's time to show my random thoughts of the special down below.
{Are you still here? Oh good, I can start rambling~}
{Oh snap, the sky is falling apart. Not good, Azure…}
{Poor Nezha, being the one who's injured the most. I hope we get a relaxing episode of him in the future again. But dang, how Tang and Sandy fixes the scoll is the most dumbest but relatable thing they did together.}
{"Can't believe I'm sticking out for Wukong, again." I can, Macaque.}
{Awe! The monkey babies loves Macaque~}
{OH MY GOD THAT OUTFIT! I can't decide if I should cringe in agony or laugh in joy when seeing Wukong trying to communicate with humans!}
{OH! More backstory!}
{Oh…more backstory…Well, honestly I didn't expect to see Macaque to be able to interact with Wukong.}
{Geez, that whole argument is an intense mess. It's like a lot of their feelings that were build up from before had brought out the worst of what's intended. Wukong seems like he expected a chance of escape and Macaque wanted to console the guy. But of course, of the situation at hand, neither of them get what they wanted from each other.}
{OH! THE OTHER PILGRIMS! It's great to see them again! Although, only for a small moment…}
{We all want to know about them too, MK. But not everything has to be explained. Sometimes the past is sensitive to talk about. Like everything else around him, they're not MK.}
{Man, you look exhausted there, Wukong. Like mentally exhausted.}
{THAT WHOLE MOMENT IS BEAUTIFUL. MK saying words to motivate Wukong and Macaque being there to affirm them. Two people that are important to him just as much to them.}
{Awe, Azure. To see him suffering because of what he has seen has taken him in the deep end. I will agree that the Celestials are powerful but careless beings that only act when they think are needed, but now that we see the Jade Emperor and how much of an impact he has maintaining the world is very prominent. I don't know how complicated he was able to deal with that but seeing how Azure isn't doing it well, it shows.}
{Pfft, monkey class. Of course, they have to be in Wukong's house, but I want to see how they led up to that scene.}
{MACAQUE JUMPSCARE! Anyways, the planning they have for each of the Camel Ridge crew sounds plausible. A bit more explanation on how to deal with them would be nice to know.}
{Cool, a training sequence~}
{MK'S TURN TO DRAW! Huh, I should've just kept watching on their planning.}
{LOVE MK'S LITTLE DOODLES! Also, they're getting into details, but I'm guessing there's still more to work out on.}
{Okay, it's sweet that Yellowtusk is worried about Azure's stability and interesting to hear how confident Peng believes in Azure's powers, but for them to fight in a place that reminds me the time they once dine happily together makes me concerned for them all. Of course, Azure comes in.}
{Ooh. A glimpse of Wukong trying to console MK about his origin's powers. It going good until the plot progress itself...}
{PIGSY, TANG, AND SANDY AGAINST YELLOWTUSK! But it's more therapeutic than a fight.}
{Cute, MK hugging Wukong to never let him go again. ONLY TO BE PUT THEM INTO MORE TROUBLE.}
{Inky! And with the images of PIF, DBK, LBD, and Nezha(?) too~}
{"Well, one monkey and one unconfirm, but yeah I'd be embarrass for sure." Oh boy, the writers knows what they're teasing with on that line.}
{Oh dang, that's cool! Wukong holding his staff like a bazooka to expand it and Azure holding it off like a champ. THEN MK WOOSHED UP TO TAKE A STEP FURTHER ON THE STAFF!}
{PORTY MK! With Wukong's cardboard!?}
{"I hate monkeys." Azure is such a joker.}
{OH! A flashback to Mei's plans!}
{HAHA! I love how witty Mei explains the stuff. It shows how she's improving from the last time they struggle against with LBD's battle.}
{Awe, Azure. He's so conflicted when he feels up against Wukong and MK. Especially on Wukong because of how high he used to respect Wukong's words back then until it crumbles after being sealed for over hundreds of years with no one to help him.}
{……Monkey MK.}
{The size and power comparison between Azure and MK during their fights are fun.}
{Azure? Lion baby? You're breaking.}
{Oof, MK giving him the "reasons you suck" speech. Also, MK'S MONKEY MONSTER!? THIS SHOW IS WILD.}
{Ugh, poor Azure. The universe is breaking…}
{A Peng insult. Of course, Peng doesn't want to let that slide, but OH MAN THE SMOKE MONSTER AND MEI'S DRAGON LOOKS SO COOL! I wonder if we would get to see Peng again.}
{Oooh~ Positivity is rubbing off on Yellowtusk. It's sweet to see him returning the weapons to Pigsy, Tang, and Sandy. AND THEY GET TO WEAR THEIR OUTFITS!}
{And the hero team is back. Only to see Azure struggling to keep everything together.}
{"How are you here?" And that's one way how the series foreshadows Seasons 5.}
{Seeing Azure realizing his mistakes really pulls my heartstrings. The guys wants to see everything going well in his own way. He knew his risks but it seems like he didn't think it through. A person blinded by his past has brought him more pain than he ever thought. Just…let me hug the cat please.}
{Azure disintegrating…rest in peace.}
{Oh sweet, Nezha is here. Where was he? Neverminded that, at least he's able to maintain the Emperor's powers. For now…}
{Man, those chains around the world are sooo ominous. It's sweet to see that everyone are doing their best to bring it all together.}
{DADSY! TANGY! SANDY BABY! MEI BUDDY! I love how they check on MK first after fighting the most difficult part of their plan!}
{Nezha being a trooper to deal the other half of the situation. Releasing the beings in the scroll, jailing Yellowtusk, containing the Emperor power, and more…I feel bad for the guy…}
{"So long as we leave the world in better shape than we found it, then it's all good, right?" I wish it is, MK.}
{It's so cute that they include DBK and his family. Like, they missed the majority of this season but THEY'RE HERE!}
{MK putting on sunscreen is fun, even his chat with Wukong is rather light-hearted.}
{Ah, the part that everyone determines is for fanservice: Shadowpeach in DBZ's outfits.}
{An interesting way to end when this will just remind all the Monkie Kid Fans that the perpetrator is out there.}
{And there he is.}
{The Special did a great job hyping the ending of the season. I was happy to see Wukong's and Macaque's backstory more, understanding the Brotherhood's concerns for each other, and the heroes trying to clean up the mess as much as they can. This balance well with the intense moments and their fighting scenes. But as much as I love most parts of the episode's, there's some that are off to me. I found some of odd choice of voice recording in the show, like Past Macaque's rejecting Past Wukong's help on his scarf and the intensity of MK's voice when he went Monkey Mode. Of course, there's also some parts that ends in plot holes, like where the heck is Peng going!? Is Monkey MK a good thing or a bad thing!? And who freed Azure Lion!? There's those and my bias on seeing much of the Special on a first impression but I still hope to watch more of that being explained. I might watch it again just to see anything else I might've not caught on. In the end, the Season 4's Special feels deserved and I hope we get a time to watch Season 5.
What do you guys think of this season's Special? Do you enjoy it or was there something you hate about? I would be happy to hear your thoughts and share more about mine as we wait for the next chapter of MK's life.
I'm now off to dream~}
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bl-inded · 1 year
Our skyy 2- Wrap Up
Since this is an anthology and I, being the simp that I am, have watched all of the original shows, I thought it'd be fun to rank all the episodes.
The thing is, even though I have watched all of the shows, my opinion on these episodes are very reliant on my opinions of the original show as well. Meaning if I loved the original show and the our skyy episode was meh, it might be ranked lower than shows I didn't feel so highly about, but the our skyy episode delivered. Anywho-
7. Sky in your heart (ep 3-4)
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Tbh I wasn't the biggest fan of the original show, but this episode was very in tone with said show. It was overall, cute. The greenflags were greening with the communication and lack of jealousy. You go boys! Live your happiest life.
But I did miss the other pair of the show (idk if you can technically count it as this show since they were two 7 episode series, but I would have liked to see even a cameo from them). Good vibes. I liked it.
(what i didn't like in a side note is the chunky ring design)
6. My school president (ep 9-10)
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To anyone who hasn't already, you havvvveee to go watch the original show. It is so sweet it will give you diabetes. And I loved the concept of this episode.
As a fanfic author I was mostly here for the validation that all our headcanons are canon. But, it felt like a highlight reel with roles reversed. Which is interesting but 2 episodes wasn't enough time to develop that story.
For what they attempted they did aight! I kinda wish we got something more post canon in their universe, happy cute boyfriends™, but yk. It's okay. More Fourth and Gemini always makes me happy. Plus the cast seemed to have fun filming it if the behind the scenes are any indication.
5. A boss and a babe (ep 11-12)
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Listen, half the excitement of our skyy is missing these characters. So it was surely a choice by gmm to time this episode riiiighhhttt after the finale of the show.
That being said, this episode was pretty dang fun. Am I still mourning the loss of multiple unresolved storylines from the show they set up and literally forgot about- yes (Drake, you deserved better🤧). But considering our skyy 2 is the biggest "who took my FANFIC out of ao3 and into YouTube" plot ever, I'll overlook it.
This episode managed to do what neither enchanté nor abaab did- show me the appeal of forcebook. They are very cute in light-hearted settings. I'm yet to see them thrive in the drama, but only friends is happening soon... Soooooo
4. Never Let Me Go (ep 1-2)
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Now thiss was a perfect soulmates AU for TV (or YouTube in this case) if I've ever seen one. We got the time travel, the drama, the classism all wrapped in a ball of all fluff and no angst. They understood the assignment.
Again. I missed my second couple (I am Perth Stan, I can't help myself. The 6 of us who demanded justice for Chopper, I see you!) But I didn't miss them too much, coz the premise was fun.
(I also loved the house set that they had!! I wanna go visit it if it's real!)
3. The Eclipse (ep 5-6)
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These two episodes are single-handedly responsible for increasing the average number of kisses in Our Skyy. I wasn't even expecting this many? Even if it was basically just prep for Khao and First in Only friends, I'm still here for it.
It was also surprisingly an episode that caused a lot of debate about Akk and/or Ayan being out of character, which I didn't expect, but have my opinions on.
But overall, it was an extremely sweet episode with political and social commentary that the show had, but commentary lite. The locations were fantastic! I honestly just want more First and Khao in everything, please and thank you.
2. Bad Buddy x A Tale of a Thousand Stars (ep 13-16)
(please don't kill me)
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Speaking of who took my fanfic out of ao3, OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. I knewwww we can trust in P'Aof for delivering a story. BUT DID I EXPECT HIM TO PUT ALL MY FAVS IN THE SAME SCREEN AT THE SAME TIME???? What great times we're living in *sighs in bl*.
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Watching EarthMix slip back into phuphatian was a pleasure. Ohm and Nanon are sooo awesome! I missed Pat and Pran so much. The crossover could have easily gone into the forced-for-fanservice territory, but they had a plot for it!🤌🏼
They brought back characters that felt like home. Even the conflicts were so lived in. It is self aware in what small things can blow out of proportion.
Watching Pat and Pran in their college years hiding their relationship after reading countless fanfics about it- just, tears. Thanks! I love them. I missed them. I'm living for this. I see why this was at the end. Worth all the hype and more.
Still screaming about this, and have been for two weeks. Will keep you updated on when or if I stop.
Buuuut the reason I didn't rank this at the top is because we didn't get enough bad buddy in the crossover. I loved both the shows, but i feel like pat pran were slightly overshadowed. I was lowkey cringing by the end too with the second atots recreation of the series!? Oh god. But we got a proposal! And the confirmation it's an open secret?!? And whatever tf it was that korn and wai were doing backstage🤡. So it was almost in the number one spot, it's just that I preferred my actual number one spot episode more.
1. Vice Versa (ep 7-8)
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Did I expect vice versa to be this high on my list, nope. Did I fall and virtually adopt this kid as soon as he came on screen... Maybe👀. Are Jimmy and Sea climbing up on my couples i can't wait to see more of this yes- also maybe.
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But even otherwise, I think this episode had the most solid and cohesive storyline. Everyone felt familiar and acted in character. They even wrapped up the whole random-kid-showed-up-at-our-front-door plot surprisingly well. Like if you watched the episode, they left very clear hints.
They even kept the colour theme (even though multi colour isn't technically a colour, would have gone with white or black maybe, but that's just me).
I did not expect this to be my number 1. Actually, i was barely even looking forward to this episode. But it was a pleasant surprise.
And I was shooketh, considering my biggest complaint about the original show was that they left too many threads loose.
Jimmy and Sea were so good! Got me even more excited to see them in Last Twilight (in P'Aof we trust).
Now that that is over (and if you're reading this far) can we talk about how many birthday plots there were??? I feel like every other week there was a birthday. Just confused about it, that's all.
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quackle · 5 months
If there’s a third season in the future, what do you hope to see?
Mine are:
1. More Mkulia. And they somehow find a way to gain control of their team.
2. Raj and Wayne got separated into two teams, I want to see how they deal with their own team and their thoughts of compete against each other.
3. Add two more characters and make it 3 teams with 6 person.
4. An unexpected villain arc for a originally good character and let them win. (I kinda want to see Damien got one after he knows Total Drama well enough.)
gonna ramble about my s3 wishes under cut. i'll probably come up with more as the days go by:
i just think we deserve a girl vs girl finale. too many missed opportunities for one. i need to see girl success.
i love julia, but let's give the main antagonist role to someone like, oh i dunno, the contestant who has sworn vengeance on this cast during both of her eliminations maybe? (i'm looking at you scary girl. keep your word! make it to the dang merge and make their lives hell! i've written an analysis for you and everything!)
i don't even care if nichelle wins anymore (and that's saying a lot coming from me), but can we PLEASE just PLEASE get her to the merge at least? i am so sick of people calling her niche-L like STOP 😭 can we TRY with her character instead of making it into a gag? just a little attempt?? for me??? (as you can see, i am staring hard at the only two contestants from this gen who didn't make the merge in both seasons)
give us a challenge at night. give us a swimming challenge. give us alt outfits. give us new settings. give us some creativity and fun. we deserve it. the island is cool but imagine if we were quite literally anywhere else. your ratings will peak.
i would also like to see the hockey bros on separate teams, especially after wayne has seemingly gotten over his fear of being on a different (hockey) team than raj. it would be interesting for their characters imo!
no central romance plot i BEG. put that big binder AWAY. not saying we can't have a romance plot (i think they can be cute and nice!), but let's just make sure it isn't the central plot or i'll lose my mind <3
make mkulia canon you cowards. i know i just said no central romance plot but like. we can still make this a subplot if we try hard enough.
i need more drama in total drama. like. let's make the drama STICK instead of having it rushed and solved in the span of an episode. long lasting tension leaves the audience gagged and wanting more. if we gotta make longer seasons then so be it! (oh how i miss the longer seasons...)
if y'all don't make emma and bowie talk next season like........... do not separate the besties like this! bring them back!
and speaking of my fav white girly—we need her to get some plot. i do not ever want to see her eliminated the way she was ever again. that was heartbreaking!
if we can't make a world tour/musical season happen again, first of all, BOOOOO THAT SUCKS, and second of all, can we at least squeeze in a musical episode? i gotta hear them sing, i'm sorry... my musical phase is never-ending i fear
you know that one intern? the one with the really good design? it would be soooooo cool if they made her a contestant to fill in a contestant quota or something. it would be sooooo cool 😇 don't you guys think it would be sooooo cool?
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megsiepoo · 1 year
Relics of the Old Faith spoilers! Read with caution!
I just finished completing the DLC and getting all the achievements and I have a lot of thoughts. I don't think I can really put them all out coherently (mostly cause I really need to go to bed lol) but just going to dump on here a bit.
I'll admit it took me way longer than it should have to find some of the relics. I got Clauneck's last and ended up having to look up how to because I thought it had something to do with a specific tarot card? Never would have guessed behind the lighthouse but only at night specifically.
I was literally screaming when Forneus got her kits back. Mama cat deserves all the love in the world and Aym and Baal were so dang cute and happy at having her back. The happy tears absolutely sent me.
I love Narinder. He's blorbo. But the dialogue about Aym and Baal? I want to put that man through a wall. How dare you, sir.
I absolutely love the follower bishop forms. I would die for all of them but especially Leshy and Kallamar. They're both so freaking adorable and I love that Kallamar is still a pompous little shit even after having his ass beat twice.
I'm a little bummed there wasn't a little more extra dialogue from the bishops? I don't know, I just would've liked a little more after they were converted.
I don't know if it was just my save, but Narinder's special dialogue didn't come in until after I'd already converted the bishops which made it sound kind of weird and not as impactful as it did originally. Like, he's sending me on all these quests and talking about his siblings in the past tense like they're still dead and I'm just like, my dude, my brother in christ, my scrunkly man, THEY ARE RIGHT THERE.
Anyway, just some thoughts and observations. Would love to hear other people's reactions, head canons, and so on.
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brainlessbaguette · 9 months
Finished Fionna and Cake and I have some more thoughts, lots of spoilers below
So in regards to that Finn post I made after ep 1&2, apparently there was no more our Finn. In hindsight that makes sense but still a bummer that he didn't even get a cameo. I am absolutley stunned by the lack of Marcie mentions, especially in the finale. I am well aware that they wanted to branch out and away from the main cast for this one but this was very much a Simon story, despite being called Fionna and Cake. Your telling me we don't even get Simon recalling Marcie to talk or just a quick clip of them hanging, it felt wrong.
I did really enjoy the show. Like genuinely it was a great time, I recommend. I will say though it needed more episodes. Even just a "normal" 12, as far as smaller series go. They just wanted to do too much and didn't really get to stop and flesh out different ideas.
Now Adventure Time thrived at "dream logic" where crap didn't make sense, everyone in universe just excepted the most random ideas. It also had a sense of whimsy that it held while showing you some of the most gut punching stories. It was insane and the HBO stuff has felt more grounded I want to say? Like its lost that vibe. I didn't really notice it in "Together again" or "Obsidian" but "Bmo" definitely felt a bit off and "Wizard City" was... anyway after getting to see a full series it's just really brought that forward for me. Like its not bad it just doesn't fully feel like Adventure Time.
I will say for this series you could blame that on the fact we're following human Simon, who's here because he couldnt get behind that mindset and two outsiders. But thats not quite right. Its not so much a "how are the characters reacting to x" as much as it is "how is x being presented to we the viewer"
Its really hard to put to words. Uhh take Scarab I guess? In the original show you would've maybe had someone give Simon and the gang a quick explanation on who he is, a quick cutscene, or even just left it at what we see in the beginning. Not really going too deep. But instead they keep checking in on him and his little monologues, you even go to see his boss or manager dude. It felt like too much context for a character that did exactly as much as he would have regardless or whether or not we had that info. I feel like I know more about Scarab than I do the Lich and its weird.
It also, circling back, didn't work with how short the series was. They HAD to establish Fionna and Cake as actual characters and not just gender swaps, Simon needed to go through his whole arc. They then CHOSE to also establish Gary and Marshal in a B plot, Adventure Time really didn't have B plots so that was weird at first but it actually helped the Finale ep so they get a pass, and then added on Scarab with whatever he had going on, all while changing the setting and throwing in a new side cast every episode. They were working so hard to introduce everyone and get them through their stories that they really didnt have time to let the things settle. Like y'all remember in the Elements series how they took that whole (I think?)2nd episode to have Finn just sit down and process everything that had just happened and is currently happening. Was it the best episode? No. But gosh dang it did wonders for Jake's character, displaying how Finn has matured emotionally, giving the brothers a chance to connect(right before Jake disolves in some goo so that it hurts more), and gave the viewer a little break from non-stop action while also letting us catch back up all in a cute funny little Adventure Time way. Fionna and Cake NEEDED an episode like that. Because everything was so rushed they didnt really get to bond and grow together and grow away from the "owner pet dynamic." Finn and Jake had that line a little blurry in funny one off gags but they were absolutley brothers first, Fionna and Cake was on the other hand not that.
Anywho TL;DR, Show was good but pacing and vibes were off and would've benefited from at least two more episodes just to let things breathe.
I absolutley knew it about Simon's and Betty's relationship. I saw that coming from a mile away. That crap was so unhealthy and I'm glad they've made peace with that fact + Simon is getting therapy. Thank you Finn's mom.
Oh and last little bit, me being upset about my unanswered questions.
Uh how did Jake die? Cause Farmworld Finn's Jake is still alive and well, so its not of old age?
Why the heck did Prismo do a complete 180° so fast??? Your legit telling me that in 20-30 years(Idk how long but it's nothing compared to him) prismo, an immortal wishmaster, has turned into a washed up mess. Why? Where's cosmic owl, don't you guys still hang? Is it cause of our world Jake dying, if so back to question 1?
Not really specific to this show but Is PB still PB or just B? Cause she was living with Marcie in "Obsidian" and in "Together Again" Peppermint Butlers wearing her crown. Whose watching the candy kingdom, I'm just genuinley curious?
Is Farmworld Finn dead??? I genuinely don't think he is because Scarabs whole job seems to be keeping thing running smoothly and killing a reincarnated catalyst comet seems like it would be a big screw up. Also Jay and LD didn't seem upset, so I'm gonna go with no he's fine? But they also DIDN'T GIVE ME CLOSURE!
ALSO why are Jay and LD ditching they're families for Fionna's world? That seems out of character and overall just a weird choice.
DID THEY PUT BABY FINN BACK IN BABY WORLD??? Is there a baby jake without Finn??? I am devastated.
What was the point of sending Simon into Shermie's body other than the cameo? Like I love to see em, but we were pressed for time and they're could've been another way to do that right? It just felt weird.
Why did Prismo send Jay, LD, Baby Finn, and the tank peppermint butler anyways? There was definitely a different way to do that.
Lastly but most importantly
There was no Fionna meets our Finn??? Why it's all I wanted, even just a two second she bumped into him while chasing after Cake and neither of them realized. I would've been so happy and I'm a little salty now.
Very rambly as per usual. If you made it down here thank you for tuning into "me chucking my random thoughts about a very specific topic into the void of the internet because, regardless of whether or not people read, its surprisingly very thereputic to just write them all out there," we are currently workshoping that title.
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dangerously-human · 1 year
The biggest question I've been asking myself in writing these next two sections of Living With the Ghost of You has been, why did Lockwood think Lucy left? What would he have been thinking in those four months, and how did he get from there to the decision to use Lucy's Listening skills to convince her to reconsider? Obviously everyone kind of blamed Lucy's departure on her tension with Holly, but at the same time, Lockwood at least knew there was more to it. And being Lockwood, he surely blamed himself in some capacity - not entirely inaccurately, as it turns out - but I've still been struggling to wrap my head around where things really left off between Lockwood and Lucy, because we only ever get her perspective, and his only secondhand, through Lucy's notoriously unreliable interpretation.
Anyway, for fic writing purposes, I've been bouncing around The Creeping Shadow, and I skipped ahead in my THB reread a bit, and oh. OH! I can't believe I didn't put this together until now, but: Lockwood tells Lucy, shortly after the "you know I'd die for you" declaration, that he avoided her after the Wintergarden case because he was afraid of what would happen in an operative situation, if her Talent put her in danger. He was afraid of how she was using it, to connect with ghosts on a personal level (rather than as mere objects to be destroyed), but also afraid of what that could do to her, and of making the wrong call re: defending her. Later, pulling her back in via a specialty Listener job tells her that he trusts her to use her Talent well, which she desperately needs to hear (after all, that's why she left, she's doubting herself and her judgement again, that's her trauma, she could hurt someone if her judgment lapses). It also says that he's no longer afraid of how he might react (though that part I don't think Lucy really gets). I'll have to see if I still think this after I finish this reread of The Hollow Boy, but I think Lockwood knows at this point (as in, early on in THB, if not before) that he loves Lucy. (I originally thought her leaving was the tipping point for him, but he's the more self-aware of the two by far, I really need to give him more credit.) He knows that he's going to try to defend her in ways she doesn't want him to, and maybe part of his fear is what he'll reveal through his reaction to Lucy being vulnerable that way. It's going to reopen old wounds about Jessica, yes, but it's also going to open up some pretty big feelings about Lucy herself. And Lockwood's trying to say, underneath Aickmere's, that he's willing to try anyway, but now Lucy has had that confrontation with the hollow boy, and she's aware of being Lockwood's weakness without realizing that she's his strength, too. And in fairness, Lockwood hasn't really put in the work yet to figure out how to live for his love of Lucy, he's only just coming to realize that's something beyond his willingness to die for love of her - so they both do have a lot to work out in themselves first. Which is why the "I'm leaving to protect you from yourself" trope actually works here.
Ooh, I'm yelling!! This is the best part of writing fanfiction, when it prompts you to really dig deep in your understanding of canon. Doesn't always make the words flow any easier, but at least now I know what I'm aiming for, because I know the endpoints I'm trying to connect. Big aha moment for me tonight.
Oh, no, and now my heart is breaking all over again about Lockwood's efforts to convince Lucy not to leave. No wonder he got angry by the end. He's just displayed an incredible level of vulnerability with her - about his past, and also getting as close as he can (yet) to admitting that he loves her - and she turns around and leaves him, without really explaining why. Well, dang, that stings. I mean, I had all of that already pieced together, but the extra factor of her seemingly running away from his feelings for her - ah. Ouch.
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justfangirlstuffs · 2 years
FNAF DCA QUESTIONNAIRE I decided to fill out for funsies. Link to the original is here.
1. How did you get here?
That is a great question. Honestly I feel like I stumbled ass first into this fandom and now I'm just kind of here to stay for a while.
2. Why these characters in particular? What was the hook for you?
I think the hook for me personally was the fact that the DCA is, in essence, a caretaker, which oddly enough called out to the inner child in me.
3. How long have you been here?
In this fandom specifically? Only a few months at this point.
4. Have you actually played FNAF sb?
Yes and it was a frustrating ordeal. I got lost multiple times because the map was absolutely useless and at times I got confused as to what my next objective was. But I did manage to eventually get to 6am.
5. If you make content what is your favorite piece you've contributed?
My favorite so far that I've contributed personally is my AO3 fic, The Daycare Attendant's Little Assistant, where you the reader are a kid who befriends the DCA. It takes place before the events of Security Breach and just has a lot of wholesome fun as well as some hurt/comfort.
6. What's your favorite sort of art or fic? What genre/flavor/style?
I love me some wholesome content. Give me all of the hurt/comfort and warm fuzzies.
7. What's your favorite au?
There is this one Cowboy Au that looks like a lot of fun. I believe it's by @castercassette .
8. Do you have any OCs, or have OCs that you are fond of?
This may be a little biased but I'm rather attached to my y/n from TDALA. They are just so grumpy and salty about life (for reasons) and they do not start off on the right foot with Sun and Moon at first.
9. What do you think of the dca's Canon appearance? Scary? Cute? Something else?
I know I'm probably in the minority on this but I absolutely love Sun and Moon's canonical appearance. It's the perfect blend of creepy and whimsical, a combination I enjoy playing with when writing them.
10. What keeps you in this fandom despite the small amount of Canon content the DCA had?
A combination of things. One of which being the there are a lot of fun and awesome people I've met through this fandom in just the short time that I've been here, but there's also a lot of fun and creative stuff to he had here. And there are no shortages of lore and theories revolving around these two.
11. Be honest: if you had to pick only one, sun or moon?
I cannot put into words how much I hate being asked this. But fine, gun to my head I would probably pick Sun because he's the one least likely to kill me.
12. Thoughts on eclipse?
Again, I feel like I'm in the minority on this when I say that I really don't have strong feelings towards Eclipse. Cool concept, the art surrounding him is pretty neat, but that's about it.
13. Thoughts on pre-glitch sun?
So many. And the fun part is I get to explore them in my fic. Before the glitch, Sun is a lot more put together. He still has his overly zealous tendencies but a lot less of the anxiety and clingyness we see in game.
14. Thoughts on pre-glitch Moon?
Another fun concept that gets explored in my story. Moon has always been a bit of a gremlin, but he plays into it for fun. He's fully aware that kids find him slightly more unsettling than Sun but he tries not to let it bother him and instead uses that to his advantage.
15. Do you interpret sun and moon as two sides of the same person, or truly two separate beings in one body? Does it matter?
Oh I absolutely believe that Sun and Moon are two different personalities in one body and good luck trying to convince me otherwise. I don't know, I just think it's more fun that way.
16. What's something in the fandom you like to see more of?
I always love seeing new theories, not just about the DCA but security breach as a whole. The FNAF franchise is fun but dang do they just love to leave things vague and leave it to the fans to pick apart everything.
17. What's something in the fandom you'd like to see less of?
NSFW content. This is merely a personal preference and no judgment to those who do enjoy it.
18. Anything you're looking forward to?
The DLC as well as the upcoming series of books featuring The Pizza Plex.
19. Do you think you'd actually get along with the DCA if you met them irl?
Oh, absolutely. I would probably have to take Sun in small doses because I'm just eternally tired, although who knows maybe he could just spot me a few Sundrop candies and I'd be fine. And if Moon is willing to help me sleep (like just night time sleep and not the eternal kind) then we'll be best friends forever.
20. Free space! Talk about whatever is on your mind!
I'm really glad I joined this fandom. I've been having a lot of fun so far and it's gotten me back into writing and drawing two things that I both agonize over and find a lot of joy and comfort in. I hope to make more friends and fun times while I'm here.
Tagging: @lovelymoonmagic @thewordofm @yes---but---no @theohnocorral @jess-themess05 @jaythejokerfan @sharpmarble76 @certified-handler @feralmoonlight @sleepyjuniper and anyone else who wants to fill this out! I'm curious to know what y'all will answer.
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1) When I read the part where Draxum rejects the idea of seeking an alliance with Big mama, a part of me snapped my fingers and said 'Dang! But another part of Me said 'ooh that's right, Draxum still doesn't know that Big mama was fucking Lou-jitsu ass' considering his secret crush on him I would love to know his reaction if he finds out.
Especially if big mama gets to win the race of who get donnie first and finds out from her, who I can see taking him right after to the ceremony for Splinter to kill him as a wedding gift. Which thinking about it would be a pretty cruel fate even for Draxum.
2) I imagine that Draxum did not apply his plan with the four turtles because it would have been much more difficult to keep an eye on all four of them, if one of them escaped he could free the others and his plan would be shattered. Now I wonder how it would have been if Draxum had also captured Leo on that roof? Double angst for the fam surely.
3) we see yokai that can fly, in the hidden city most wanted episode there's a part where we see a bird yokai mom flying with her child. Also the tmnt has mutants that can fly, Koya for example.
I feel like he would know?! I mean, come on, this is Big Mama and the all-time Battle Nexus champion. They were 100% on the cover of like...CosmoYokai, or Hidden City Enquirer. (it's been like fifteen years since I've cared about that kind of magazine so I forget what's popular) They were the star couple. When Lou stopped competing there were probably rumors that Big Mama ate him black widow style or that they had kids or something and Lou was now a stay-at-home dad. (human AU where Big Mama is Lou's executive, bread-winning wife and he quits acting to raise the kids)
I get the feeling that Draxum always knew that he would never have a chance with Lou. Either because he thought Lou wasn't interested in men, because he was wholly devoted to Big Mama or simply because Draxum kind of sucks and has never had a successful love life. I mean, he got Lou in his house and just stuck him in a cage. No attempts to woo him or anything. Raising Lou's kids was all Draxum could expect.
Oooooh man that is cruel. To have his son taken away, then be told that the guy he's in love with is marrying the woman who took him-literally because she kidnapped his son-right before Lou hatefully murders him? Goddamn. Just obliterate him.
Oh, exactly, all the boys are dangerous and they're increasingly dangerous when you put them together. Donnie was definitely the most risky one to capture, but he also had the most potential. It would have been difficult to do the same thing with more than one because Donnie actually required a lot of one-on-one attention. He might have been able to manage it with two, but why would he? He can make new mutants with similar abilities and would be more loyal to him. Donnie was one in a million and Draxum knew he had to take advantage of that luck.
He wouldn't have captured them both. He didn't have anything set up to hold Leo and knew he'd require something specially tailored to him, like The Table was for Donnie. Leo and Mikey didn't really interest him anyway. The only other one he would have wanted was Raph, who he knew could tear through physical restraints and Draxum would need to leverage one of his brothers over him to keep him from destroying everything. The only other brother that interested him was Donnie, and Draxum didn't want to risk Raph calling his bluff and having to hurt Donnie.
But some of Raph's Book 1 actions are actually adapted from my Risex2012 crossover idea where Leo and Donnie end up in 2012 universe and Raph goes a little crazy with two of his brothers missing. The scene with Meat Sweats was originally just Raph, and without Leo there to stop him, uh...let's just say he did a little more damage.
There would probably be both flighted and unflighted classes of winged Yokai, honestly. Some of them would be able to fly, some would have mutated with wings too short or too weak, some are probably crossbreeds with unwinged Yokai and were born with solid bones or without feathers. Now I'm thinking about how bird Yokai talk despite clearly having beaks-they'd have to make those sounds like birds do when they mimic, with their tongues. They probably have their own sort of sublanguage that's easier for them to vocalize.
Also, just fucking imagine all the feathers. Especially if the feathery Yokai molt on some sort of seasonal cycle-I'm unsure how it is with other birds, my cockatiels have always molted kind of whenever. When Angel molts it literally looks like a bird exploded wherever he stands for more than a few minutes. He'll do a shake and three to five feathers will come flying off. And he's like the size of my fist. Imagine how many fucking feathers a human-sized bird would drop during a molt. There's probably weeks of the year where it looks like cotton or cherry blossoms are covering the streets but no, it's just fucking feathers.
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lorecatchup · 7 months
Back to lore: oh dang, Seth was 🤏 close to losing his title to Dean Ambrose, Dean won the match at Elimiation Chamber by countout and took off with Seth's belt
"not one of the best, THE best"
[sound on]
God seeing Seth's confidence slip, his tiny little "I don't?"
He talks a big game but he's really just a lil guy who yearns to be praised
That's how Randy got him isn't it, just said nice things to him and Seth MELTED
(Wait, that's how Cody got him too lol, back in the day when Cody was someone Seth saw as higher on the ladder than him, he just showed him respect publicly and probably said something nice in the locker room)
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Hi Chelsea
Seth lost his match with J&J because Dean baited him with his belt, but then Dean hit him with a finisher and took the belt back, Seth is suffering humiliation after humiliation, and I'm just picturing him texting Cody like telling him to meet him in his room, obviously Cody has a spare room key, and just like, walking in and not even saying hello or anything just immidiately like, taking off his belt or something as he rages about Kane and Dean and J&J and Roman and all this shit he's being put through (none of it is his fault, obviously) and just like undressing while he complains and finally notices Cody's just sitting there and is like, "what are you doing? come on" and Cody gets up and is like yeah this isn't going to work for me and Seth's like, wait man where you going? Or something, like he's so self absorbed he doesn't see an issue with it At All but then he can convince Cody to stay by apologizing and being Seth Sincere (tm) or something
[@joanofarcisdead: "also oh my god imagine this with stardust though like stardust is literally new to earth and he doesn’t understand humans or human emotions a lot but he knows he likes seth and he doesn’t like seth being sad"]
Because you /know/ it's happened more than once lol Cody being like, you know what? you deal with him so it's just plain clothes, no face paint Cody sitting there with red eyes and a big smile lmao, also Stardust is delighted by violence and anger, so like, him completely missing the reason Seth is undressing and instead misinterpreting it as anger time, yay! Maybe Seth punches a wall or something while he's venting and Stardust just like, throws something like 😀
another thought: but also to your point about Seth being sad, if he ever like, got vulnerable enough to shed a tear in front of Stardust?? Like Stardust wiping it from his cheek and being able to empathize with him on an emotional level because he's expirienced it through Cody's sadness, but still being curious, sorry to keep relating him to a kid but literally like a child being like, what's wrong, why are you sad? Like they know what sad is, they've felt it but they don't totally understand it
But if Stardust can experience Cody's sadness and stuff, if he can /feel/ what Cody feels, although maybe not totally feel it for himself (yet, it would probably come with enough time) that would mean he would have access to the ~feelings~ Cody has for Seth that he keeps hidden, he would know Cody's secret~ (that he's kinda in love with Seth even though he won't admit it and pretends he's not) but wouldn't be able to understand /why/ Cody feels these things, just that he feels something specific toward Seth
Also also also, Cody and Seth experiencing being "in love" in two different ways? Like Cody's a romantic little guy, he feels things deeply and falls fast, but he's had his heart broken so many times and never had a good, healthy relationship that lasted* so he's closed himself off to it as much as he can? And wants to keep things with Seth casual because he knows Seth's just going to end up hurting him BECAUSE Seth doesn't know how to love in a healthy way? Like, he's very self absorbed and assumes Cody knows how he feels about him, how could he not? Seth shows up, doesn't he? there is zero communication between them about stuff, Seth thinks they're good and Cody knows he loves him, Cody doesn't think Seth's into him beyond a casual thing (which is how he wants it to stay, regardless of his feelings, so why would he bring it up?) ((which is why Cody just dips without saying anything))
(*outside of Eden/Brandi, and while I think their in universe marriage came about Very Quickly and seemed like something they both jumped into without really knowing each other (and started out as a very like, marriage of convenience sugar daddy/trophy wife, sort of thing after Cody's traumatic breakup with Damien, but I think they quickly became friends and eventually like, started an actual romantic relationship and I think they both love each other very much and she's the only healthy and lasting romantic relationship he's had, even if he was seeing other people on the side (at least Seth, idk about the indy/aew years), but that's something she knew going into the marraige and relationship and she supports him fully (I don't know much about Brandi's character outside of the ring announcing and stuff on the JBL show but she also might be seeing people on the side, we'll see (again, this is all In Universe, I'm not speculating on the real people's marriage at all)
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