#i just wish everything was given more time
kajibunny · 2 days
‧₊˚✩ ₊˚🎧⊹ rainy day romance with wind breaker boys (bofurin + shishitoren x reader) ♡˚ ༘🌧️ ೀ⋆。˚
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✿ featuring: haruka sakura, hayato suo, ren kaji, mitsuki kiryu, hajime umemiya, toma hiragi, choji tomiyama, jo togame  ✿ warnings: slightly suggestive for ume and togame only hahaha i can't not ✿ a/n: whenever i think of rain and wb, i remember togame and choji's "it's raining but the sun is out? TT^TT" scene lol  ✿ wc: 827
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➜ rushes to wherever you are just to make sure you don't get wet and brings you an umbrella or buys you one from the convenience store (a true gentleman).
ʚɞ umemiya - will never, ever let his baby get wet from the rain (only he can get you wet)  will go to the ends of the earth and no typhoon warning can stop him from personally delivering an umbrella to you and making sure you get home safely. umemiya is always willing to go the extra mile for you, and will be so happy if you reward him with lots of kisses and cuddles once you're indoors, to show him how much you appreciate him. 
ʚɞ hiragi - is very responsible, so of course he doesn't forget to bring an extra umbrella for you since he thought it might rain that day. (instantly regrets it and wishes he only brought one when you mentioned how cute it would be if you shared one so that you can walk closely with each other like a couple, is now stressed about it) 
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➜ you two share his umbrella like a cliché romantic trope.
ʚɞ kiryu - is real smooth about it too, holding your hand to guide you away from puddles and leaning the umbrella towards your side, not caring if one side of his shoulder gets wet. is so sweet and caring, takes you to a café while waiting for the rain to stop and treats you to a nice, warm drink perfect for the gloomy weather. 
ʚɞ suo - everything about this moment with suo is way too perfect, walking under his umbrella together, his hand resting at the small of your back to walk with you at the same pace. when you jumped at a loud thunderclap, he calmly pulls you closer and reassures you that it's okay and that he's here and jokingly asks if you want to hop into his arms so he can carry you like a princess. is like a shoujo male lead at this point, you swore you could see the bubbles and sparkles surrounding his image. 
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➜ forgets to bring his umbrella and gets under yours instead.
ʚɞ sakura - you saw him walking around all drenched in the rain, so you approached him and told him to get under your umbrella and now he's a blushing mess from being hyperaware of how close in proximity you are to him that he can catch a faint whiff of your scent and how your shoulder lightly touches his while walking. unbeknownst to sakura, you're also quite flustered trying not to look at the way his white shirt clings to his abs all damp and visible, and how he's so close you could almost kiss him.
ʚɞ kaji - is the one who asks (more like demands) you to share your umbrella with him because he forgot his (on purpose) and of course doesn't want his precious headphones to get wet. is honestly just using this as an excuse because he wants to walk home together and spend time with you, and at least offers to hold the umbrella for you. you walk while clinging on to his arm, and he gave you his hoodie for you to wear because you said you felt cold. wanted to be taken care of by you but ends up being the one taking care of you.
ʚɞ choji - convinces you to drop the umbrella halfway since you're both getting soaked anyway, and the two of you just run, play and kiss in the rain like protagonists of a rom com. afterwards asks you if you're cold and places his shishitoren jacket on your shoulders, hugging you tightly to share his warmth. 
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➜ does not have an umbrella, but protects you from the rain with his jacket.
ʚɞ togame - if he had an umbrella, he would have given it to you then ran off all cool like the slick mf that he is but he did not have one that day, so he holds his shishitoren jacket over your head and you two still ended up soaking wet under it so he brought you to the ori so you both can dry off. (but let's be real, the moment you two stepped into the ori, the two of you alone together, rain pattering on the windows, heavy panting from running and clothes all soaked and see-through from the rain, needless to say your passion for each other was stronger than any typhoon and the sensual mood left nothing dry that day. it seems you two caused a massive cyclone at the ori) 
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© kajibunny 2024 / do not repost
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bouquetface · 1 day
TAROT: Gossip on you
As always, I will be detailed. This won’t be for everyone who comes across it.
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General read. Not every reading you come across is for you. So please take as entertainment.
I think these people may be family members. They seem very concerned with your direction in life. When will you get married? When will you have kids? And a lot of questions about career. You might be unemployed because it seems someone here is expressing you don’t do enough. However, you probably work very hard. Even if you are unemployed, you likely are applying for jobs. And making good use of your free time. Especially physically, you may work out or walk/run a lot.
They still see this as useless. It seems your values are different from theirs. They may see you working out & going for walks and roll their eyes.
Logically, it makes no sense why this upsets them so much. They seem very bothered by you having your own hobbies/interests. They feel it’s all a waste of time.
I’m assuming your family may be traditional. And they let their expectations for you be known very loudly. You probably grew up constantly being told to fix yourself. Go fix your hair, go change your outfit, etc. You may not even care much for their opinions. Their opinions roll off your shoulder. But they are so loud and consistent in their comments. It’s very frustrating and has probably affected you more than you’re aware. You are likely in a place in life where you can’t even dwell on that. It seems you have a lot of work that needs to be done. Even if that work, is looking for work. It’s difficult and exhausting. Wishing you the best of luck, pile 1.
General read. Not every reading you come across is for you. So please take as entertainment.
Someone is talking shit about you. It’s exactly who you would expect. For some it’s an ex lover, for other’s it’s an ex friend. They’ve convinced themselves they did nothing wrong to you. Your reaction was “crazy”. You “changed” for the worse. And they secretly hope you get your karma.
It’s like they have selective memory. They can only remember your reaction to their actions. They can’t remember/acknowledge their actions that got you to react that way. Whoever they’re talking with, is eating up everything they’re saying. You barely know this other person, if at all. It could be their close friend that never was close with you. This friend is loving the drama. They’re going to take this information and spread it to their friends. For them it’s entertainment, they don’t even care about your ex as much as you did.
I almost feel sorry for your ex friend or lover. They have no clue about the person they’re confiding in. It seems karma will get them through this friend. This friend just loves drama and gossip. Give it a few months and they’ll be trashing your ex just like they’re doing you now.
But right now, unfortunately, the two are bonding over tearing you down. I’m hearing this friend say shit like “I hope she gets hit by a car” “I would’ve punched her in the face”. It’s sooo funny to them. Literally witches cackling. They may have given you a rude nickname. In their group chat, they may only refer to you as this name. And someone has definitely called you a “cunt”. Just nasty shit. Sorry pile 2.
On the bright side, I believe for most of you this person is out your life. This seems to be why they’re so hurt. They don’t have the same access to you. Talking about you and checking your socials is the only way they can connect with you now. And ironically, they’re calling you a “stalker”. They’re convinced you’re checking their tiktok and ig religiously.
You might have ghosted them. To you it might be obvious how they fucked up, but they’re in denial. They see themselves as a victim of you.
General read. Not every reading you come across is for you. So please take as entertainment.
Some of the gossip about you isn’t bad at all. You look like you’re doing well in life. You could drive a nice vehicle or people feel you’re just blessed to have a vehicle at all. You have likely done something recently that has people thinking you’re doing well financially. A few comments have been made about this. Doesn’t seem negative though. Just people stating “she’s doing good/ she’s good”.
Now, for someone very specific. The gossip seems to be you’re lying about doing badly when you’re actually fine. It could be work place gossip. Maybe you took some days off but someone here doubts you’re actually that sick. Someone seems fed up in your workplace. It may not even have to do with only you. Lots of stress and irritation from this person. Physically, they may be kinda tall and blonde.
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justmeinadaze · 1 day
Created a Monster (Steddie X Kas Y/N)
Every time I hear this song this idea pops into my head but it's not what I'm used to writing per say. I wanted you guys to read like a preview and tell me if this is something you'd want more of or a one shot. Or whatever lol Just some feed back :) It's been sitting in my WIP forever but I can't stop thinking about it.
Warning: Steddie X Kas Fem Reader, mentions of grief and how much the boys miss her, I twisted some things from the show obviously. Instead of Eddie fighting, Y/N does. I also read up a bit on Kas so took some lore there. Not really expanded on in this preview but...
Word Count: 1956
Eddie and Steve stare at your gravestone as the preacher continues to spout some nonsense about young souls being angels on Earth and being called back home. No one understood what they were going through not even their friends they had fought with. You were their everything and now… you were gone. 
Steve and Robin sat in the cafeteria of the hospital picking at their food as they waited for Eddie to join them. For the past four months they had been visiting Max while continuing to be moral support for Lucas. Neither boy would let on how jealous they actually were of the former Hellfire member. At least he could still hold his girlfriend’s hand…see her face…kiss her cheek.
“The doctor’s said she’s showing improvement.”, Robin mused as she took a bite of bland rice in front of her. 
“That’s good. She’s a good kid who’s been through too much. She deserves to have a full life.”
His friend nods in understanding, scanning Steve over before reaching for his hand. 
“This is a stupid question but how are you doing?”
“I’m, um, I’m surviving. Eddie’s trying to keep it together for the guys but we’re both kind of floundering.”, he chuckles as he places his fork down and leans back. “I miss her laugh. Every time Munson would tell a joke, she would close her eyes and scrunch her nose… so cute.”
“Yeah, she was.”, his friend softly murmured. “She loved you two more than anything. Y/N would talk about you both nonstop to an annoying degree.”
When Robin playfully rolls her eyes, they both laugh almost uncontrollably until his gradually shift into sobs. Rising to her feet, she wraps her arms around his shoulders and in turn he does the same, his fingers digging almost painfully into her back. 
“I miss her so much.”
When both boys finally made it back home, Eddie silently flopped down on the couch as he grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. Since your passing, the metalhead had moved into the living room since their apartment only had one bedroom. Without you between them they saw no point in sharing anymore. Steve never said anything to contradict but he wished his friend had stayed. Even though they were never intimate in the dynamic, he would have rather shared a bed with his friend than be alone. It was just more of a reminder that you were gone. 
“Another group of men were found dead today outside of their homes, stabbed through the chest, and with nothing stolen or motive perceived from Hawkins PD. We reached out to reinstated Chief Hopper for comment but at this time none was given.”
“Something we should be worried about you think?”, Steve asked as he came up behind his friend to watch the tv.
“I mean, as long as they aren’t blaming me, I’d say no.”
“It doesn’t seem like Vecna either. No broken bones or eyes caved in—” Rising to his feet, Eddie hastily turned off the tv and reached for his jacket. “Eddie—”
“I agree. No Vecna. I’m, um, I’m going to go for a walk.”
“Is this how it’s always going to be?! Are we just going to be awkward around each other now? She wouldn’t have wanted that, Ed.”
A smooth, sarcastic laugh escaped the metalhead’s lips as he turned to face his friend. 
“Yeah? Well, I wanted her here and she’s fucking dead. We both don’t get what we want.”
“So, you’re just going to sully her memory like that?”
“Oh, fuck you, Harrington! She’s the one that ran off even though I told her not to move. She’s the one that decided to fight instead of listening to you and not being a hero. She’s the one who DIED IN MY FUCKING ARMS!” As his voice cracked, he paused to collect himself. “Y/N’s gone. She doesn’t get a say anymore.”
With that he turned on his heels and slammed the door. 
“He’s always been really hot headed hasn’t he?”, the vision of you giggles as you kick your feet against the counter. 
Steve never told anyone for fear of coming off as insane but this is how he processed you no longer being around; he pretended you weren’t gone.
“Yeah, just like you.”
“Excuse me! I was stubborn but not ‘hot headed’, jerk.”
His head hung at the word “was” as his bottom lip began to tremble. Jumping off the counter, you slide over till you were just inches from his side. Even though you weren’t really there, he swore he could smell you.
“Steve, baby, look at me. He’ll be ok… you both will.”
Shaking his head, he wiped the tears that had begun to fall but when he moved his hands away the image of you disappeared. 
“I love you, honey. I miss you so much.”
Eddie pulled his hood over his head as he powerwalked in what he thought was no particular direction. Even after being exonerated people still scowled and hurled insults his way. The ones that hurt him the most were the ones about you. 
Because they couldn’t bring your body back, it was assumed you had died with everyone else. Your family still held on to hope but in the worst way. You parents used to love him and Steve, treating them both like family but after Chrissy’s death everything shifted. They told you to stay away from him and in turn you told them to fuck off. 
Anytime they saw Eddie, they begged him to tell them where you were or where your body was so they could properly grieve. He ignored them as best he could but it killed him because he knew the truth. That’s something he and Nancy could connect on. Every time she told him about her experiences with Barb it comforted him to an extent. He hoped one day he could give them peace like her friend’s parents got. 
Stumbling over his feet, the metalhead finally took note of his surroundings realizing he had walked to Hawkins Cemetery. Sighing heavily, he gave in and let his feet continue to lead him till he was in front of your plot. 
“Y/N Y/L/N. 1986. Loving Friend, Daughter, and Girlfriend.” 
“Fucking basic shit. You were way more than that.”, he grumbled as he took a seat facing your stone. 
“I’m angry with you; so fucking angry. I told you to go up the rope but you insisted I go so I could catch you like Steve had. I should have known better. How could you do that? How could you leave us like that?!”
“I didn’t do it by choice.”, the vision of you replied in a sad but calm tone as you sat on top of your own stone. Eddie’s jaw tightened as he looked in the opposite direction. “Still ignoring me?”
“You’re not real.”
“True…but it helps Steve. At least that’s what you hope after hearing him talk out loud to me the other night. He really hates being alone, you know? He wants to talk to you but—”
“I can’t talk about you with people. Not yet.”
“Ok, then don’t talk about me. Maybe talk about D&D or Steve’s day. Anything else. Eddie, just because I’m gone doesn’t mean you two stop being friends.”
“Don’t preach to me, babe. I don’t want to hear it.”
“What do you want to hear?”
“Nothing. That’s all I ever fucking hear now. I don’t hear your stories about work or your family. I don’t hear you laughing at my jokes or your sarcasm when you’re making fun of Steve for his lack of movie knowledge. I don’t hear your fucking breath in the middle of the night when you’re sleeping or see you bite your lip when you’re thinking about something complicated. I don’t feel your fingers in my hair when I’m lying on the floor listening to music or your lips against mine. Why, Y/N? Because you’re fucking DEAD!”
The vision of you watched with sympathetic eyes as his shoulders shook and he sobbed in his hands. After a few minutes, he wiped his nose on his sleeve, finding you sitting cross legged in front of him with your knees inches from his own. 
“I don’t know how to live without you, sweetheart.”
“Eddie… I never loved anyone on this planet as much as I loved you and Steve. If it meant keeping you both safe…I would die again.”
“It was our job to protect you.”
“And you did such an amazing job.”
Shaking his head, he glanced towards a tree in the distance before turning your way to find you gone. 
“I love you, baby.”
Steve’s eyes snap open at the sound of glass breaking before quickly grabbing his bat and slowly stalking to the kitchen. 
“Jesus Christ!”
“I just go by Eddie but…” They both exasperatedly laughed as the other boy lowered his weapon. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you or anything. I just left the cemetery and I didn’t realize it was so fucking late.”
“Did, um, were you going to see her?”
He could have responded sarcastically but your words lingered in his mind. 
“Yeah… I just needed to hash some things out with her.”
“I know how you feel. Sometimes I get really angry at her to but then I get confused because I don’t know what to do with that.”
“Yeah.”, Eddie laughs as well. “Fuck, this sucks.”
As his friend nodded, a shadow on the wall caught the former jocks attention. It looked like a figure but that can’t be right because they were on the fourth floor of their complex. Just as he began to glance to find out what it was, their window shattered causing both men to fall to the ground and cover their heads. 
Steve recovered first, swiftly grabbing his bat and blocking the weapon that begun to swing down towards the metalhead. To his surprise it did stop it but as soon as he pushed the figure back, the bat cut cleanly in half. It took him a few seconds to realize the stranger in front of him was wielding a sword causing him to duck out of the way as the person continued swinging it at him. 
While trying to find something to defend himself with, he heard Eddie call his name and turned just in time to see him slide another sword his way. 
“Isn’t this fake?!”
“Please! We’re nerds! Do you think Y/N and I would buy anything fake!?”
Just as Steve unsheathed the weapon, it clinked loudly against the strangers. Both beings went toe to toe with the pretty boy surprising even himself. He got too cocky, however, lowering his guard just enough for the figure to punch his chest knocking the wind out of him as he fell to the floor. 
The armor the figure was wearing loudly tapped against each other as they stepped forwards and pointed their weapon at Steve’s throat. With wide eyes, he watched as the person took off their helmet and casually tossed it to the ground as their hair fell around their face.
The boy whined as you tilted the sharp weapon up towards his chin causing him to stretch his face out of the way. 
“My master sends his regards.”, you hiss as you step back and raise your sword. 
Before you can do anything, something hard collides with your head and you faint to the ground.
“Ok, I’m not dreaming right? Or hallucinating?”, Eddie asked as he reached for Steve’s hand to help him off the ground. 
“No, dude. At least I don’t think so…”
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Sir Everett
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A continuation of this post. But I'm hoping this could be read on its own.
Summary: Curtis wins the right to marry you and you are happy to be his.
Word Count: ~2.1k
A/N: Reader is female. No other physical descriptors given.
Warnings: Implied violence, Loss of virginity, Smut. Please let me know if I missed any!
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The tournament has been won and your heart soars as Sir Everett kneels before you to receive the winner's crown. You even kiss the top of his head as you place the crown, an appropriate signal to him that you are happy for his victory. His own heart flutters at your touch, he breathes easier at the thought that you are happy to be his.
As a lesser member of the royal family you were never given much privilege but what you did receive was a little more freedom. Free to study less traditional topics for royal women, free to have a say in your marriage options. You had been afraid of losing that freedom to marriage but with Sir Everett's victory, you were afraid no more. The cheers of the peasants echoed your own joy. He was their champion as well, after all.
The next few weeks were a flurry of activity. You weren't allowed to be alone with Sir Everett and you were restricted in topics of discussion when others were around. But what words you were able to exchange reaffirmed your wish to be his wife.
There was one oddity, though. Sir Everett said there would be two weddings. The one for the royals, the expected political wedding party. But there would be a second in his own lands, performed in the traditions of his people. Your wedding night would be celebrated after the second one. It was an unusual request but you had no reason to protest.
Everything went as expected for the royal wedding. You were relieved to be looking forward to your marriage. So few women had such a privilege. The entire ceremony your eyes never leave him. He is a man of few words but his face is ever expressive. You can read the sincerity in his features as he vows to always protect and defend you. He looks lovingly at you as you, in turn, vow to be faithful but there's a small tic when you make your promise to be obedient.
When you are allowed to kiss, you're feeling timid but Sir Everett gently pulls you so you're pressed to his chest and kisses you in an almost possessive manner. He prays that the kiss conveys his sincerity and want of you. It makes your knees weak and you lean into him for support that he happily provides.
The rest of the party goes as expected. Sir Everett is always touching you in some form or another. Usually holding your hand, other times touching your lower back, or your arm. He loves that you don't shy from his touch, that you don't wince or pull away from him. You are truly his angel and he hasn't been so happy in such a long time.
That night he takes you to your room but, remembering his request for a second wedding, you are not as nervous as you might be. Sir Everett, your husband, pulls you in for another kiss, more gentle and loving than your first with him. He holds you close and lets himself simply enjoy the feel of you in his arms.
“My Lord,” you whisper. “My Lord, we should rest for tomorrow's journey.”
He gently pulls away from you, “Curtis, sweet angel. When it is just the two of us or when we are in my lands, please call me by name.”
Your smile grows, “happily, Curtis.” His heart flutters at hearing his name fall from your lips. “But we should still rest.”
He nods, “with your permission I will sleep at the foot of your bed.”
“You would ask permission from your wife?”
His eyes are full of conviction when he replies, “you are my wife, not my property. Permission must still be asked for.”
“Must you sleep at the foot of the bed? Would you be willing to hold me through the night, that I may be more familiar with your touch?”
His breath hitches, “it would be my honor to hold you, sweet angel.”
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The journey to his lands is quick and uneventful. You're able to ride alongside him during the days and enjoy the feeling of being wrapped in his arms at night. True to his word, he did not do anything more than kisses and cuddles, waiting for the second wedding amongst his people.
You would forever be grateful to him for this, letting you become accustomed to his touch before the marriage was consummated. There had been too many stories of a newlywed husband simply taking his bride to bed and not caring for her comfort. Not caring about her tears of pain and fear. Some had even come to you soon after for your healing expertise. So to have your husband show such patience and care actually made you excited for the wedding night.
Your party gets to his lands early in the morning and his people are already working on getting everything ready for the ceremony and subsequent feast. Several of the ladies whisk you away, chuckling at how Curtis looks so lonely without you. He warned you this was likely to happen, that his most trusted people would take care of you and set you up with the dress and accessories for the ceremony.
Tanya, the woman in charge of everything, talks you through the steps of the hand-fasting ceremony, what will be expected of you, as well as some of the superstitions the locals have about things to do that will confirm a happy marriage. You make sure to pay attention and she seems to appreciate that you're following and asking questions. She also makes note of how friendly you are with everyone, confirming for herself that your reputation is well deserved.
While the first ceremony required you to wear the traditional white dress, evoking purity, the dress they gave you was green with flowers sewn into it, evoking fertility. Some of the flowers are freshly picked, others pressed and preserved. Tanya tells you it's important to have flowers from every season to symbolize your love being able to grow and survive in all conditions.
The vows are also very different from the first ceremony. As you and Curtis stand together, hands tied by intricate knots, you make the same promise to each other to love, honor, respect and care for one another. There is no mention of obedience or subservience.
Your kiss at the end of the ceremony causes cheers to erupt from the crowd and the celebration begins. There's dancing, feasting, cheer and merriment in contrast to the whispers and plotting of your first ceremony. You are encouraged to eat and drink your fill, as opposed to your first ceremony where it was thought improper for a new bride to eat. The wedding is truly better than you could have ever dreamed.
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When you enter his rooms that night, you're shy but eager. Curtis asks permission before undressing you, making your heart flutter. He takes great pains to be gentle with you after you give him permission, helping you step out of the dress before taking the time to appreciate your beauty.
“My angelic wife,” he rasps. Heat rushes to your face and you try to cover yourself with your arms but he stops you. “Please, my love, please let me see you.” His voice is hoarse with need and it has you pressing your thighs together, seeking some kind of friction.
You keep your arms down and he guides you to the bed, laying you on your back. He plants kisses all over you, taking time to lavish attention on each of your nipples. You can feel your arousal growing and moan appreciatively at his affection. Your moans, in turn, set Curtis off and he lets himself get more intense, paying attention to your reactions.
His mouth is still on your breast as he moves a hand to your slit, groaning as he feels how wet you are. You gasp as he gathers up your slick and rubs your pearl. You've played with yourself before but his strong, calloused hands are somehow more satisfying. He makes circles with your clit and you feel the tension building in your core, along with a need to be filled that you've never felt before.
“Please, please,” you start begging, unsure of what exactly you're asking for. Curtis seems to know and moves his hand so that his wrist can still press against your pearl as he sticks moves one of his large fingers in and out of your glistening pussy. The sensations he's creating are new but not unpleasant. You find your legs instinctively spreading further apart, your back arches, and when the building coil finally snaps, you cry out Curtis's name and let yourself fall into the pleasure of your orgasm.
Curtis stills as you catch your breath, “how are you feeling?”
It takes a moment for his words to register. “That was heavenly,” you confess.
He nods at your response. “Promise me you will say something if I am hurting you.”
“It's supposed to hurt the first time, my husband.”
He moves to hover over you, hands on either side of your head. “Only selfish or naive men let it hurt the first time. I would do better for my wife.” His eyes soften as he takes in your confusion. “Please promise me, angel.”
“I promise, my husband,” you whisper.
He gives you a deep kiss before pulling away to undress. You've never seen naked man before and you bite your lip in anticipation and nervousness. As expected he is well muscled with many scars. Part of you wants to run your fingers through the hair on his chest. As you look lower you see his thick, fully erect manhood and your breathing becomes shallow in anticipation.
As he crawls back up the bed, he stops to apply his mouth to your clit, pushing his finger back inside you. You let out a truly lascivious moan and he adds a second finger, causing you to roll your hips. He gets you worked up again but before you can let go, he pulls his fingers out, making you whine at the loss. You watch as puts his fingers in his mouth and moans at the taste of you.
He kisses his way up your body, making you moan and roll your hips wantonly. He slides his erection along your slit, covering himself in your juices before he lines himself up with your entrance. “Remember to tell me if it hurts,” he reiterates before slowly pushing himself into you.
There is a mild burning, stretching sensation but not necessarily painful. In fact, it feels kind of good. Curtis kisses along your neck as he keeps pushing and you moan your encouragement. He's shaking with effort as forces himself to go slow and carefully, letting your body adjust to him.
When he's fully sheathed he takes a breath to steady himself. “Are you alright?” He searches your face for any signs of pain or discomfort.
“My lord, Curtis, it feels...different, but good.”
“May I move? Are you ready for that?”
Tears form at the corners of your eyes, gratitude causing the emotions of the day to overwhelm you.
“Yes, please, Curtis,” you croak. “Please move. Need you to move.”
Curtis carefully starts rolling his hips, entranced by your reactions to his every move. He swears he'll never get enough of you. Unsure of how much longer he'll last, he moves his hand between your bodies and plays with your clit again, making you clench around him even more. Ever mindful of your reactions he starts moving faster, stronger and is rewarded more of those beautiful noises only he will ever hear. Another orgasm hits you and start babbling incoherently, lost in the waves of pleasure. Curtis comes with a ragged groan, spilling his seed into you.
After a few minutes of cuddles, letting you both catch your breath and mentally process, he starts pulling out of you, making sure to pay attention to your reactions. The soft hiss you let out gets his attention but you quickly reassure him. When he's fully pulled out he immediately checks for blood, silently thankful when there's no evidence he's hurt you. You whimper softly as he cleans up the mess he's left between your legs and he makes sure to leave soft kisses wherever he can on your body.
He holds you tight as he did all those nights on the road and you feel so safe, loved and cherished that you fall asleep almost instantly.
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Tagging @alicedopey; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @ronearoundblindly
And @brandycranby, where can I pick up my bagels? 😆
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tartarusknight · 1 day
The Hair Falls to Ruin
12,198 total words | read on ao3 | Part 1 | this is part 2
tw: spiraling self-doubt, not feeling like you're enough, of never feeling like someone's favorite person, absent parents, friends who take jokes too far, injury, miscommunication, and quarantine
tags: Steve Harrington Needs a Hug, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Eventual Happy Ending, Hurt Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington Loves The Party, Steve Harrington Has Self-Esteem Issues, Steve Harrington's King Steve Persona, Steve Harrington is Not Okay, Haircuts
Summary: People pretended to see it. To believe that he was someone new, someone better. But in all of their hearts, he would always be King Steve. The asshole, the jock, the bully, the prep, the douchebag, the idiot… The Hair.
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Eddie screamed as the bats pulled him down. His mind was a mess of I didn’t run and I’m going to die and I should’ve ran. But he didn’t have time to fix his mistake. Not as bats pulled his limbs taut and more of them dove in for a feast. He screamed as he felt the teeth sinking into him. But as all felt lost. As Eddie felt everything ending, his savior appeared in a burst of light. Fire erupted a little too close to Eddie making the bats scatter. “Eddie!” The bats had parted enough for Eddie to see him. Steve. He swung his bat like a true warrior, sweat making some of his hair stick to his forehead.
Steve looked frantic and furious. He looked perfect to Eddie. Steve pulled out a can of hair spray and suddenly there was more fire. It made Steve look like a dragon. “I swear to- you better be okay.” Steve snapped as he took the small moment that the fire had given them to reach Eddie. “Just- fucking- hold on, Eds,” He ordered as he pulled Eddie up like he didn’t weigh anything. Eddie let out something between a scream and a cry as he landed on Steve’s shoulder. “Sorry, sorry, sorry,” Steve grunted out and Eddie felt as Steve shook the hairspray and the heat of fire keeping the bats away for another moment.
Eddie was limp, his body a mix of numb and burning. He hoped that Steve hadn’t lit him on fire. The wounds on his gut screamed as Steve took off at a run. Eddie noticed the nail bat on the ground by a smear of blood on the ground like Steve dropped his only weapon to grab Eddie. “I’ve got you, I’ve-” Steve said, his hand going back to Eddie’s body against his.
“Vec-Vecna?” He choked out and for a moment he thought that maybe Steve didn’t hear him but as Steve ran as fast as he could, he heard Steve laugh, a breathless little thing.
“You think the girls needed me?” And yeah, Eddie thought everyone could use a Steve by their side.
Bats that had scattered were regrouping and they swirled like a storm in their direction. Steve must’ve realized they didn’t have the time to get to real shelter because he drops them by the old culvert. He pushed at Eddie, shoving him in and pausing for a single moment before using his own body to block the entrance of the culvert. Blocking the bats from touching Eddie again. He hovered over Eddie with a furrowed brow as the bats tried their best to tear through him. Yet his jaw remained clenched, not a sound to be heard.
Eddie gripped Steve’s jacket and held him in place as he heard the monsters once again getting a taste of Steve. And he didn’t know what to do. What to say. Because in that moment, Eddie realized that Steve was going to die for him. Steve was willing to be eaten alive just to let Eddie last a little bit longer. His eyes stared up at Steve and he wished he could think of the right thing to say. But he couldn’t. He just stayed there, clinging to Steve and breathing the same toxic air as him. And Steve took all the pain with his eyes squeezed shut.
Until like another miracle, like Steve coming wasn’t enough, the bats stopped. Everything grew quiet as Eddie listened to Steve’s harbored breathing. The younger boy looked like he might never be ready to move again and Eddie wished for a moment that Steve had let him die. That Steve had realized that he didn’t need to put his energy into saving him. That he should’ve just left him to suffer this alone. He wished that maybe, just maybe this angel above him had stayed in the clouds, so far from Eddie’s grip. From the hell he’s suffered because of Eddie.
They didn’t move until Dustin’s scream of his name had Steve blinking his eyes open. There were tears so close to falling but Eddie watched the way Steve forced them back. Then, like Steve hadn’t been a chew toy, Steve pulled them both out of their hiding hole. He took Eddie’s arm over his shoulders but Eddie almost pulled back when he felt blood sliding against the leather of his jacket. “Eddie!” Dustin yelled and they turned towards the sound.
Dustin was moving over to them as fast as he could with a new limp. “Dustin,” Steve breathed out, his voice so filled with relief.
looked over at his angel and knew that Steve had come back for Dustin. But he stayed and saved Eddie instead. He didn’t go and look for Dustin even when his younger brother could’ve been suffering the same fate, he stayed with Eddie. And Eddie felt tears welling up in his eyes as Steve lifted an arm that was so covered in blood to pull Dustin into a tight hug. “What happened? Are you alright?” Steve asked, his voice sounding worse than Eddie’s. Dustin wrapped himself around both of them and blood, whose Eddie didn’t know, smeared between the three of them. But they didn’t let go of each other. As the world shook around them the three of them couldn’t stay on their feet. Eddie felt a white burst of pain before he lost consciousness. The last thing he hears is Dustin’s frantic voice saying his name.
Eddie wasn’t sure how it would go when he woke up in the hospital. He expected handcuffs and threats of jail. Instead, he woke up in the hospital bed next to Steve’s. The door shut tight but not to trap him until he was well enough for jail, but to keep him quarantined until they knew the bats wouldn’t have any side effects. Instead, he wakes and Steve’s sitting up with his arms crossed even though one of his arms is completely covered in bandages. Steve glances over when Eddie lets out a groan and his face twists into a grin, like Eddie’s company was a good thing.
“Hey, man,” Steve grins and Eddie shifts, wincing at the brush of his legs against the blankets.
“Fancy seeing you here,” Eddie tries to joke but his voice comes out quiet and more like a groan. Steve’s brow furrows and he’s trying to get out of his own bed before Eddie can figure out why. Steve’s hands shake as he picks up a cup from Eddie’s side table and the IV is pulled tight before it’s pulled from his skin. “Steve,” Eddie tries but Steve just glares and holds the cup up to his lips. Eddie’s face grows hot as he lets Steve help him take a few sips. Holding his head up with one hand and the cup with the other.
There’s a knock and Steve looks over to see a window that Eddie hadn’t noticed before. A buzz grows through the room and a man’s tired voice is heard. “Please stay in your bed.” He says and Steve rolls his eyes and he sets the cup down.
“If I can get up-”
There’s a sigh into the speaker, “that doesn’t mean you should, Steve.”
Steve huffs and looks at Eddie like he’s saying, can you believe this man. “Alright Owens,” he says and brushes his hand over Eddie’s before moving back to his bed. Eddie watches him and hears the groan he makes as he settles down. “No fun,” Steve says when he’s finally comfortable and Eddie doesn’t point out that Steve’s breathing harshly just from the small movement.
“You’re insane,” Eddie mutters and Steve looks over at him with a weird smile.
“Yeah, well you had us all worried. Passing out on me and Dustin,” he states and Eddie blinks. “Don’t worry, I got us out of there and to the hospital.” And Eddie might be a little fuzzy from the drugs pumping through his system but he’s sure that Steve was in worse shape than he was. “The girls were angry that we ditched them for like a second before they found out what happened. But don’t worry it was more at me than anything. You know, for fucking up the plan by leaving them and heading back.” He says and almost sounds guilty about it.
Eddie huffs, “Well, I’m happy about it, at least.”
That makes Steve smile and Eddie’s happy to see it. But then someone in a hazmat suit is pushing their way in and Steve’s smile is completely gone. “Alright, are you ready to be violated?” Steve says and Eddie’s nose scrunches but he quickly understands as they push right into Eddie’s space. Checking him over in a thorough scan, moving him to make it easier on themselves like he was more of a doll than a person. They’re testing things too fast for him to understand but he does his best to not complain. Not when Steve’s staying quiet. Not when Steve’s being braver and tolerant of what’s happening to them.
Eddie’s so uncomfortable that he almost misses the voice coming back over the speaker. But he focuses as the voice, Owens, begins to explain what happened. About El coming to save the day. About the gates that tore Hawkins apart but are no longer connected to the Upside Down. That they won but barely.
Eddie just watches Steve. He watches the way he winces as people are touching his bandages and putting his IV back in. He listens but he focuses on Steve. On his angel that’s held down when he should be able to fly away and be the beautiful creature he was meant to be. Instead, the angel’s been tainted by the sins of the world. But he knows that as long as he keeps his angel by his side, he’ll be okay.
The healing process is slower than Eddie thought it would be. But the best part is that Steve’s as bored as he is. Eddie had been worried that Steve would grow annoyed towards him the longer it was just the two of them stuck together. Yet Steve seemed to only want more of Eddie. Anytime Eddie trailed off, unsure if Steve would want to know the in-depth knowledge Eddie had of the Shire, Steve would urge him to continue. Always ready to tell Eddie to keep talking. And when Steve seems confused, Eddie’s happy to take the time to explain it better. It’s not like they have much else to do.
Although they are given a deck of cards and a couple of books after a while. Eddie’s never been one for cards, his Dad used to play with his buddies and Eddie never really wanted to learn after that. But he found himself being taught a few games anyways. Steve showed him how to play and when Eddie wanted to read, Steve would quietly play Solitaire. It was a nice comfort. To talk for hours on end with Steve but also to find ease in the silence between them. Eddie’s never good with silences but next to Steve, they feel safe.
 Even when that silence was broken by doctors or Steve groaning if he’d lost. But Eddie would lock eyes with Steve and roll his eyes, making Steve grin even as a doctor was a little too harsh against his healing wounds. They’d endure the doctors who were more government types like Owens, the ones who looked at them like specimens than patients. They’d endure the invasive questions and uncomfortable tests to prove they were still human. After all, they endured the bats.
And after another time of someone touching Eddie without any care, they were alone again. Steve was shuffling his cards while Eddie tried to focus on his book. But as he couldn’t relax in his bed, he put down his book and glanced over at Steve. “Why do you like solitaire anyways?” He asked because what else was there to talk about in this boring lab.
Steve glanced over before he frowned down at the cards. “It’s something I could do that wasn’t- it’s a solo game.” Eddie sees the way Steve sidesteps his own thoughts for the answer and wants to know more. But then Steve’s smiling over at him, “do you know how to play?”
He looked at the younger teen and for a moment just stared. “Teach me?” He asks instead anything too pushy. Steve’s smile is warm as he moves to sit next to Eddie on the small hospital bed.  
“I’m not the best teacher,” Steve warns but Eddie doesn’t believe that.
“Yeah, yeah, mister captain of the sports ball.”
That has Steve’s face twisting up in a slight annoyance, “Basketball.” But Eddie waves it off, gesturing to Steve to show him how to start. “Fine okay, here,” he starts to show Eddie how to set it up before he leans back as if to give him space. Like he was just giving up his source of entertainment to Eddie. It made Eddie wonder how often Steve does something like that.
“No way man, your gonna have to help me with this.” He states and Steve looks at him, almost confused. “I’m not an intelligent high school graduate like you.” He teases before looking down at the cards, still a little lost. “Gonna need your big brain to help me.” Steve laughs and it’s like he couldn’t possibly believe him, but he moves to help Eddie all the same.
Eddie and Steve were playing war when the doors opened without a warning. No voice over the microphone telling them to separate so they can continue their testing. Instead, it was a group of people Eddie had been scared he’d never see again. “Eddie!” Dustin shouts and the party rushes in. The boys flock around him, Nancy looking over their shoulders at Eddie. Their room is filled and Eddie looks at Steve whose being strangled by Robin’s tight hug. No one is being considerate about personal space and Eddie doesn’t mind one bit. Although Steve seems to have a little more of a boundary as no one but Robin really touches him.
“I was starting to believe Robin’s vampire theory!” Dustin basically shouts as the boys are rushing to tell him everything they missed. And Eddie had missed them so goddamn much. He glances over at Steve who’s been let go of by Robin, curled on himself as he listens to Robin, Joyce, and was that Hopper?
“And everyone’s been working on the cabin for Hop,” Lucas was saying at the same time Mike was saying something about roller skates and broken noses. Eddie felt overwhelmed and from being with only Steve and the few doctors, it was quickly becoming too much.
“Hey!” Steve shouted and Eddie’s eyes had to land on him. “One at a time assholes,” He states and the younger teens roll their eyes.
“Whatever,” Mike huffs but Eddie can see the slight smile on his face. “Your just angry because you’ve been stuck in here for almost 2 months now.”
Steve rolls his eyes, “What, you wouldn’t be?”
Eddie hides his smile, “okay, okay, you’re both pretty, stop arguing. I want to know why the fuck Chief Hopper’s standing there alive.”
That has the kids going loud again but at least they all seem to be telling the same story. The only kids who weren’t talking over each other seemed to be the two Eddie didn’t really know. One William Byers and who must be Eleven. He glances over at them, in curiosity. Especially as El sits down on the bed next to Steve. Steve smiles over at the girl and murmurs something too quiet for Eddie to understand. It makes the girl smile and Eddie’s heartbeat picks up a little.
Steve’s gaze goes to him at the sound of the heart monitor giving himself away. Eddie internally curses the stupid thing. His only saving grace had to be the fact that Steve hadn’t figured out why Eddie’s heart would randomly start beating harder. He would always just silently ask Eddie if he was okay, with a concerned look on his face. Eddie rolled his eyes and smiled back.
However, he let his attention go back to the kids when he hears what sounds like Russian prison. “Wait hold up,” he tries to make them slow down but Dustin shushes him and Mike is back to explaining what happened as if he was there himself. Eddie huffs and sends Dustin a small glare. But the longer he looks at Dustin, he can see the concern and worry all over his face. Staring at Eddie like he was going to black out on them at any minute. Eddie’s heartbreaks and he knows he’ll spend the next little while making it up to the kid.
Eddie hadn’t really expected to be let out of that room. But after almost half a year, he and Steve were released. Eddie had cheered but his sore body kept him from running around like a dog let off their leash for the first time. Steve was smiling but he wasn’t nearly as crazed as Eddie felt. Instead walking out with a strong stride that Eddie doesn’t understand. His face was paler in the sun now that Eddie looked and his hair was limp. But he walked like he was the same man who dove into Lover’s Lake looking for the gate.
Eddie could see Steve’s face with the blue sky as the backdrop and knew that he wasn’t the same. He looked like an angel being tied to the earth for too long. Aging and losing some of that etherealness that Eddie had witnessed. But one piece of Steve that hadn’t really lost it’s shine, was that smile. The one he’d give Eddie at random moments during the day. Moments like when Eddie would go on a ramble, or when they’d play cards. Moments when they could just be.
Steve’s smile grew then and there when he spotted the people there to pick them up. Robin and Nancy were the ones who offered to pick them up, but Eddie saw Dustin in the back of Nancy’s station wagon. No doubt pushing his way into coming with. Robin moved over to grab at Steve while Dustin was soon at Eddie’s side. Eddie threw his arm around the kid, careful not to pull on his stiches. Dustin was practically glowing as Eddie ruffled the kids hair.
“Wait- you’re driving?” Steve asked as Robin dangled the keys in front of him.
Robin looked smug, “Nancy taught me.” She grinned, “I figured someone would have to drive all the shitheads around without you there to be suckered into it.” Eddie huffed a laugh at the two before he slid in the back with Dustin. Nancy was in the passenger seat meaning Steve got in the back, pushing Eddie to the middle seat.
Eddie glanced at Steve and noticed the slight tension in Steve’s shoulders. “Right, like you can be suckered in anything. I thought you didn’t even want to get your license?” He huffed and Nancy laughed.
Nancy turned to look back at them as Robin started off. “I bothered her into it.” She looked over at Robin, “plus like I said, if you don’t want to get a car and drive all the time you don’t have to. It’s just good to have.”
Steve shifted, bumping into Eddie slightly. “Right, well, I’ll still be there to give you a ride when you don’t want to drive.” He promises and it’s said like a joke but Eddie knows him better than to see it as anything less than the truth.
Robin grinned, “I don’t know buddy. I’m kind of enjoying the life behind the wheel. Plus, Nancy doesn’t get nearly as mad at me for doing my makeup as she drives.”
Dustin moves to look at Steve around Eddie, “seems like Nancy took your spot Steve.” He teases and Eddie snorts at the idea of Nancy ever replacing Steve. Like anyone would choose someone over Steve.
“And in a few months Will and I will get our permits. Max, Lucas, and Mike already got theirs.” Dustin points out, making the girls laugh. But Eddie can’t stop the small frown on his face. It felt like they missed so much. He glances at Steve in the corner of his gaze but Steve just laughs it off. As if their time away didn’t make things harder.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’ll save all my money not having to cart your lazy asses around town.” And while everyone else laughs, Eddie can feel Steve’s tense muscles against his side.
Steve becomes a little quiet after that. The other three just kept on talking and Eddie felt like the small group he had joined had left him behind at some point. It makes his chest fall and he sinks down in his seat. His mind goes to moments where he’s been left behind in the past. His mom, dad, all of his friends that graduated in the years he failed. “Eddie, Will’s been DMing for us now that he’s back! But we all made sure that the bard class was left open for you.” Dustin starts and Eddie blinks over to him.
“You want me to play?” And his voice sounds off to his own ears.
Dustin rolls his eyes, “I know that you normally dm. But we figured you still enjoy playing, right?” Dustin asks, but it’s less of a question, more of a demand. It makes Eddie smile, knowing that the kids still care about him. They still wanted him around.
“So, Keith quit Family Video and because 90% of the other employees were you and me, I became the manager. So don’t worry about your job. I kept it open for you. Although both Max and Dustin also work there now.” Robin starts and Eddie glances over at Steve who smiles. Eddie knew that after so much time being only allowed around Eddie, Steve must love being around Robin again. Eddie wondered though, if maybe Steve’s gonna miss being at his side every moment of the day like Eddie will.
When they were in that room together, Eddie found Steve different than before. The man was quiet but he always pushed Eddie to speak. He would laugh and joke with Eddie, acting more like a kid than he would when with the actual kids. Now, back in the real world, Steve was back to being who he was before. Back to hands on his hips and annoyed sighs. But the biggest change came when they were over at the Wheeler’s and suddenly Steve would be leaving.
The first time it happened, Eddie noticed the second Steve stood. How could he not? Eddie’s brain felt like it was attuned to Steve. So, the first time Steve stood to leave, Eddie followed. “Steve, hey, where you going man?” Eddie asked and Steve froze like he was caught.
His smile wasn’t like the one Eddie was used to. No, this was the one Steve would give the doctors. He runs a hand through that gorgeous hair. “I just remembered something I had to do.” Steve shrugged and Eddie wished he understood all the small quirks that made up Steve.
Eddie nodded slowly, “don’t want to stay for the end of the movie?” He tried it and Steve stared at him. The eyes cut into him and made Eddie feel cut open.
Steve slowly shook his head, “I’ve already seen this one.”
It felt like an excuse and Eddie hated it. “Well, what are you doing? Do you want some company?” He tried before swallowing back his need to be by the younger man.
Steve smiled softly towards him, “Stay here Eds. They said they wanted to roll a character with you.”
Eddie understood then and there. Steve didn’t want him around. Steve didn’t want to be there. Eddie took a step back, feeling off balance. “Right, yeah. Have fun with- ya know-” he gestured at nothing and Steve gave him another smile. But then Steve was heading out the door and Eddie was making a beeline to the Wheeler’s bathroom.
Eddie had thought that he and Steve were becoming good friends. He thought that maybe there was someone who liked to listen to his nonstop talking. But the dismissal was clear as day. It made him wonder if all that time together, if it meant nothing to Steve. Steve was Eddie’s angel but Steve didn’t want to be tied to him any longer. Eddie had been weighing him down for long enough.
That’s why the next time Steve slipped out of the Wheeler’s basement; Eddie didn’t move. He curled around his knees and rested his head on them. He glanced around at the kids who were still so sucked into the movie and wished he hadn’t noticed either. Because if Eddie hadn’t noticed, he wouldn’t have this sinking feeling in his chest that was slowly overwhelming him. Because if Eddie hadn’t noticed he wouldn’t be tempted to go after Steve.
And if Eddie hadn’t been tempted, he wouldn’t have made a fool out of himself the third time. Steve had moved out of the room with practiced ease at this point and Eddie only lasted a minute before he was following. “Steve!” He called, tumbling out the front door of the Wheelers after Steve. The younger boy’s shoulder’s slumped in defeat at Eddie’s voice. The small movement reminded Eddie so much of his dad, that he took a step back. An apology at the tip of his tongue.
Steve didn’t look at him, “I just gotta go,” he sighed. Eddie wanted to apologize and question Steve, but he was frozen. Frozen from the sigh.
A sigh from his elementary school teacher who grew tired of Eddie’s questions. A sigh from his study partner who couldn’t stand the way Eddie hummed under his breath as he studied. A sigh from Eddie’s friend who grew tired of Eddie’s rambles about his favorite things. A sigh from his mom when Eddie got sick for the 3rd time in a year. A sigh from his dad who just simply grew tired of being around Eddie.
Eddie wondered what Steve grew tired of.
The air between them was stale and Eddie had thought that their time in that goddamn room would’ve mattered but instead, he was just alone. Steve had been willing to risk his life for Eddie but now, now out of danger, Steve was finished with dealing with Eddie. As Steve slipped into the Beamer, Eddie’s shoulders dropped. “Night,” he called before heading back inside. He didn’t ask Steve to stay. He didn’t even try this time. He slipped onto the ground by the door and waited. He waited for however long it was until Steve pulled out of the driveway. Then Eddie gathered his own shit and left. He couldn’t handle the sinking feeling in his chest. So, he just went home too.
Steve hadn’t known what to do when he woke up to the wreckage of the night before. With his mom hovering by his side and his dad pulling shit out of the pool like he was trying to save it. Some of it probably could have been saved but Steve couldn’t ever touch it again. He just couldn’t. However, the biggest difference in everything was the way they looked at him, as if there was something they hadn’t noticed until now. Like they finally saw him in a different light than the kid they had to force to get a shitty job scooping ice cream.
“Why don’t we go to the city, get you something new to wear?” His mom offers, her thin fingers wrapping around his upper arm.
His dad shakes his head, “we have to head out to Montauk soon.” And his parents lock eyes for a moment before his dad is looking at him. “Come with us this time.” He states and Steve thinks the last time his dad had invited him on one of his business trips was before Steve showed that he’d never be smart enough to work for him. “Take a break from this goddamn town. Better yet just get out of here. Choose one of our other houses and start anew. You don’t have to be anything to anyone. You can just be you.” His dad offers and Steve blinks at them.
“This town is killing you,” his mom whispers and her fingers trail over the scars he had gotten from the bats.
Steve looked away from them, “I can’t leave.”
But his mom gently shifted his head to look him in the eye, “yes you can.” She said it like she understood why he didn’t want to go. Like she knew of all the horrors he’s faced. But as her hands, soft from years of being pampered, lingered on the scaring around his throat, he felt like maybe she did know. That maybe she had always known what was so hard about leaving a town as fucked up as Hawkins.
“My job,” his voice was weak to his own ears. An excuse that neither of them believed. An excuse that didn’t even work anymore. He could just ask Robin to keep it for him like she had done before.
Her stance showed years of being determined enough to make it in this fucked up world. She didn’t back down, she never did. “You don’t even enjoy watching movies.” She says and it’s true. Steve had never been able to sit still long enough to actually focus on a movie all the way through. He was always either getting up and missing something that made the movie confusing or zoning out and losing track of the plot anyways. “I’m sure we can find you a job you’d like. Maybe Malorie needs another hand at the salon?” She states and Steve feels the old swell of love for his mom that he wasn’t used to anymore.
Then she led them up to his room, one hand on his shoulder and one hand resting on his scarred forearm. He followed her and it was easy. So easy to sit on the end of his bed as she pulled out a bag and began to pack. “We’ll go for a week or two. Shop, get our hair done. Whatever we want,” She assured and he wanted to argue but he also didn’t. He wanted it if he was honest to himself. He wanted to leave Hawkins and let himself enjoy the world for a little while. And if he was really honest with himself, he didn’t want to return.  “You know, I was thinking of going blond, maybe you could do another color?” She offered but he didn’t answer, too lost in his thoughts.
She finished packing a small bag before she crouched down in front of him. Her hands cupped his face, “Steven, I just think you could use a break. A small one if you can’t handle anything big.” Her words were so soft against his face. “Say you’ll go on a trip with me. Say that you’ll let me help you find yourself. Not who others what you to be, but yourself.” She took a shaky inhale. “I know that we haven’t been good parents. I know we pushed you to be who we wanted you to be. But none of that really matters. We want you to be successful and the biggest success in life is living happily. I’m going to do everything in my power to make you happy.” She says and it feels like she sees his ruins. That she’s come to them not to see the destruction but to help him rebuild it to what it could be.
“Promise me that you’ll let me help you.” Steve looks at her, at the woman he always thought he failed. The woman who always made sure everything looked perfectly in her image. The woman who had sighed when he told her that Nancy broke up with him. The woman who stopped cleaning his cuts. The woman who never came back when he was in the hospital for another Upside Down related injury. The woman that didn’t question where he had gone when the lab had kept him and Eddie for months. The woman who at the end of it all, was his mom. His mom who was holding him at this moment. And Steve wanted to be held.
So, he pushed all the thoughts about the Upside Down. About the kids radioing him for a ride. About his job with Robin. About movie nights and d&d. About Eddie and his big brown eyes. Instead, he focused on his mom’s steady hands and he did something he hadn’t done in a long time. He put himself first. “I want to go with you.” He whispered and watched a smile grow on her face. “I want to leave this town.” His voice broke and his mom seemed to understand what he wasn’t saying. She shifted up and pressed a kiss to his forehead. Leaving the rest unsaid. The monsters. The kids. The responsibility. The fact that Steve didn’t want to come back.
She didn’t make him say anything else as she pulled him to his feet. “Then, we get the first flight out of here.” She promises and Steve’s hands feel weak as he holds onto her. But then they go to the car. She slides in behind the wheel of the Beamer and then… they’re gone.
Eddie sat up with a shout, feeling his heart beating much too fast. He curled in on himself more, feeling the way his scars pulled taut from the movement. But he did his best to breathe, to tell himself that the bats hadn’t killed him. That he, Steve, and Dustin had all made it out. Eddie might have passed out but Steve had saved them. Steve had driven him to the hospital and they had survived. They stayed at the hospital where Eddie had been handcuffed to the bed but Steve’s bed had been right next to his. Steve had made him feel better even as the town tried to string him up for something he didn’t do.
He moved and reached for his walkie, only to stop when he saw the time. It was just after 4 in the morning. Far too early and far too late for Steve to be awake. And that was even if Steve wanted to deal with him at the moment. Eddie collapsed back into bed and thought of all the times he’d woken Steve up just from a nightmare. That even after Steve saved his life, Eddie didn’t stop bothering him. Maybe that’s why Steve hated him now. Maybe Eddie had asked for too much. Maybe it was waking up from screaming while Steve had been sleeping just fine in the bed across from him.
 At that moment he wished that he was like Steve. He wished that he didn’t wake up screaming with the need to radio the others. That he could feel comfortable in his skin and could move on like nothing had happened. Steve still flirted with girls like the scars covering his body weren’t there. Steve still laughed and had a life without the party. He still had other things to do other than hide in the Wheeler’s basement for shitty movie nights. He still would smirk at them and leave early for a date or some other cool guy shit. Not Eddie. Never Eddie. Eddie hid his scars under layers of clothes. Eddie took every opportunity to be with the others because they were the only ones who didn’t look at him like he was a murderer. Eddie had nightmares that kept him up and gave him bruises under his eyes. He was so far from okay it was laughable. But Steve, Steve was just an immovable force. Taking all the hits like they were nothing. Smiling like nothing had happened.
Nancy had told Eddie about the first time it all happened. How Steve had been terrified, how he had screamed at her but then it was like a flip was switched. How, from one minute to the next, Steve accepted it and just moved onto helping them. That Steve had just picked up the bat and saved her and Jonathan’s life that night. Then, just like magic, Steve hadn’t ever really brought it up again. He laughed with Nancy, talked about the future with her. He would try to get her out of the house and keep conversation light. He never stumbled.
Nancy had hated it. He had moved on but she couldn't. She couldn’t forget that those monsters killed her friend. She couldn’t forget the sight of the monster. Nancy was terrified but Steve hadn’t seemed bothered by it after that first night. No matter how many times Nancy tried to push, tried to get him to react, he’d just smile at her. He’d listen but she never saw her own fears, her own devastation reflected in him. He just acted like it was easy to move on.
Eddie kind of hated that too. That Steve was still the person he always was. He didn’t have things to lose. Not like Nancy lost her best friend. Not how Eddie saw a girl die in his living room and he was forced to remember that every time he walked through the trailer. Steve could just go do what jocks do after they graduate. He didn’t have the whole town giving him dirty looks. He didn’t have that bone deep exhaustion from it all. Not like the rest of them did. But it was also kind of nice. He could go to Steve when he needed a reminder that it would be okay. That made one day he’d be just who he wanted to be. Because Steve had to be the person he wanted to be. He wore what he wanted even when they teased him about it. He still took pride in his appearance by styling his hair to perfection all day every day.
But Eddie doesn’t really want to be like Steve. No. That would be easier. No, he just wants to be liked by Steve. He wants Steve to stay around during movie nights. He wants Steve to join d&d with them. He wants to make Steve a character and help him with getting the hang of playing. He wanted Steve by his side instead of half out the door. He wants and wants and wants. Still, he does his best to ignore those wants. He goes on with his day and unsurprisingly ends up at the Wheelers. They all- well no- not all of them, everyone but Steve is lying in the room with a movie ready to be played.
And maybe it was the dream still lingering in the back of his mind. Maybe it was just who he now was. But he finds himself clearing his throat, “has anyone talked to Steve? Made sure he remembered it was today?”
Robin looked over at him from where she sat next to Nancy, “I haven’t. He wasn’t at work today.” She says and a few of them stop. Eddie’s not sure that he’s ever seen Steve miss a day off of work. Not after he thanked Robin for keeping his job even after all that time. He went every day like he had to make up for it.
“Maybe he got a migraine,” Max offers but Eddie still doesn’t like it. Even if it was a migraine, he shouldn’t be alone for it.
They all stayed still for a moment before Eddie’s reaching for the walkie and Robin’s standing, heading for the phone. Dustin beats Eddie to the walkie and begins to call out for their friend. As Robin dials the number they all have memorized. It rings only twice before Robin’s face twists. “Hi, sir. It’s Robin Buckley, is Steve there?” She questions and Eddie doesn’t hesitate to get too close to listen to the conversation.
“- is gone. He left this morning with his mom. He’ll be out of town for a while.” What had to be Steve’s dad, said and Eddie’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Oh- um, I wasn’t- how long- he didn’t tell me-” She starts but is cut off.
“Tell me, are you one of the people Steven was hanging out with last night?” The man’s voice is harsh and Eddie wonders how someone like that could ever have a son so perfect.
Robin locks eyes with Eddie, looking as confused as he felt. “Uh-”
The man interrupts her again before she can figure out what’s going on, “be confident in your words. Don’t hesitate to answer a simple question, it makes you seem pitiful. You’ll never get anywhere in life if you act all nervous.”
Robin’s eyes go wide. “I’m sorry- I uh- yes I was with Steve.”
There’s a sigh through the phone and it sounds so much like Steve’s bitchy tone. “Perfect. I would like you to pass on a message to anyone else that had been there.” He clears his throat and the kids are now beginning to try and figure out what’s going as well. “None of you deserve my son and I hope he decides not to return. I hope my wife convinces him to move away from this hellhole and from people like you. People who take someone for granted. Well, my son is worth more than all of you put together.” And the phone clicks, signaling that Steve’s dad was done with them.
“What did they say?” Nancy questions as they all stare at Eddie and Robin.
Robin looks closed to tears as Dustin demands to know what was happening. 
@genderedsteveharrington @counting-dollars-counting-stars (both of you rebloged so I figured I'd tag ya)
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lovemyromance · 17 hours
"Well, Elain got to choose Graysen" is by far the stupidest excuse I have seen, thus far.
Like, the thing about freedom in life and having choices means that you are free to live however you'd like. Free to make your own decisions, free to love whomever you desire.
It's not like "one and done". Just because you made a choice once upon a time, does not suddenly mean you never get to have free will and make a choice again. This isn't a magic lamp where you only get 3 wishes 1 choice in life 😪
Also - so what if she chose Graysen?
That doesn't mean her next love should be against her will 🙄 that doesn't mean "oh she chose her first bf, now she gets no more choice! Now she has to be with Lucien!"
People say Elain is the woman who never got a choice because of the way Mama Archeron raised them all. Because she saw Elain and decided she would be good on the marriage market. Decided she was some useless pretty thing. People say Elain is the woman who never got a choice because of the way everyone treats her. Talks over her. Ignores her opinions and wants and desires. Like some...
Useless. Pretty. Thing
It has nothing to do with ships. And everything to do with who Elain is as a character.
And I'd like to also point out that even if Elain did choose Graysen - what happened? That choice got ripped away from her. She did not willingly leave her human fiancée. Just like her human life, Greysen too was taken away from her.
Like yes he was a rude asshat to her, but she loved him. She was going to marry him. Imagine losing your human life and your love all in one night?
Not like she was given much choice there.
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iiseor · 2 days
︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ cw mental health issues (mdd, isolation) ellie x reader self insert random thing i wrote last night (unedited btw pls ignore any errors or typos ty)
︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ellie falling in love with reader who's constantly self sabotages. trying hard to distance herself when you need her to, but it kills her — she craves you so bad more than anything. you're almost like a drug, but in a way where she can't remember how she discovered you.. you're just an addiction that attached yourself to her and she can't get rid of it. she tries to understand your feelings, why you are the way you are, but you're so impossible to read from the outside, it feels like she's studying for the hardest exam of her life. staying up late with you in her head, constantly checking up on you — she's so sympathetic towards everything you could possibly be going through, but it hurts her once in a while seeing you throw everything to the side and ignoring your well being. she'd be cautious of you, though from afar, and do her best to ensure your safety whenever she can. throughout all, your isolation periods are what truly drive her insane, it's hard to watch over people you can't see — especially when they don't call. out of desperation, she'd leave small things like food outside of your door, checking back every once and a while to ensure you got and you were okay — even if it was hours later.
︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ sometimes she'd wish you'd be cruel and send her off in the most brutal way possible, so she'd have a reason to hate you. that wasn't in your nature though. you weren't cruel, or even mean. just hurt. even under all of that, even if you did absolutely loathe her, she knew nothing you could say would drive her away permanently. you'd still be in the back of her mind no matter how long you're away from her. deep down, she'd always care.
︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ in reality, you weren't oblivious to the way she cared about you. Her occasional check ups and visits were more than anyone had ever given you, and while at first you saw it the same way you did everyone else — someone trying to get close to you and eventually giving up when they see how things are... ellie was different. she didn't give up on you, she waited — and that was all you needed from her in the beginning, time. when it was on your side, you opened up to her slowly. it was awkward at first, trying to subtly let her get closer to you while revealing yourself. Especially when she was the first person you felt something towards in years, it was hard to feel comfortable with yourself around her — out of fear. either you reveal too much and drive her away, or she leaves unexpectedly with every part you gave her, it was a pattern you didn't want to repeat again....
︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ but ellie, again, was different. she understood it all even when you felt like she didn't. she never questioned your mind — if anything, she was fascinated by it. you spoke in ways she couldn't comprehend, and it was intriguing in a way. despite the shit you had going on, whatever it was you went through when she wasn't there, she could tell you weren't entirely broken. once you let her care, the mutual feelings were almost always overwhelming. you had so much unexpressed love that poured out whenever she was around — it was refreshing for her to start seeing how gentle you were, though cautious of your fragility.
︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ she was terrified to break you in ways that would make it all start from the beginning, ways that would make you shut down again and hide away from the world. you were beyond precious to her... not souly because of your sensitivity — but because she knew how hard you can love, how genuine and kind you are — it only added onto her list of reasons to protect what the two of you built. Every fight, every slip up of relapses on your behalf, we're comforted by her sweet words. the constant reminders overtime of how she understands, how she loves you and wouldn't let anything rip it away, made breathing freely come naturally overtime. you let go of every fear around her, your words writing down the answer to every question for her without hesitation. it was almost as if ellie suck the rot from your veins with her touch, melting away all of your sorrows.
︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ when you loved, you loved strong, and ellie was the only person you had ever felt such a deep connection with. your souls practically tied — she'd live inside of you, without ever actually existing.
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thelastharbinger · 2 years
What a strange feeling to have. Your ship finally comes together but just not in the way you wanted. Or rather, the timing you wanted--even though you've been waiting 3 years.
#everything about that finale was forced because there was just no time!#what even was the point of ricky's confession getting caught on camera??#the this is me solo felt forced given how little time we spent with that character#ej's storyline didn't really get a resolution and also fuck his dad#big red coming out as bi was a pleasant surprise but his scene with ashlyn was a lot and also too little#nini leaving without personally explaining to her best friend that she'd be moving was a choice#the whole trailer reaction scene was befuddling bc all of a sudden ppl were getting upset abt drama they knew was edited in#and yeah...i wish rina got to have their slowburn into season 4 and for ricky to be the one to initiate that conversation#also what in that 1 month time skip made gina realize that she was still willing to bank on ricky?#when a month ago she was head over heels for ej#the whole rina ending was so forced in there i kept thinking maybe it was a dream scenario fake out#also gina is finally lead in a show and we saw her perform nothing!#we barely saw any of the show!#i just wish everything was given more time#like if rina had to happen this season it needed five more episodes#two of them being post camp still during summer break#like as someone who has been patiently waiting for rina the writing has minimized all impact for me#but im still excited to see them be all cute and coupley next season#its just that we followed ricky this season pining over gina so not having him getting to air out his feelings is a missed opportunity#but whatever its fine ig#portwells have it way worse rn so imma shut up#cause this ending made portwell seem like a distraction in the way of rina. it waa giving it was you all along#which it wasn't and that's fine! but at least wrap things up neatly#damn#but ig we won so hey!#hsmtmts#rina#portwell#rina endgame#ricky x gina
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sskk-manifesto · 2 months
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Friendly reminder that Akutagawa includes “having friends” among the things Atsushi is blessed with and that he should be envied for.
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skunkes · 10 days
if life is categorized by Before Loss and After Loss then I exist in the before but with a countdown to the after. and the countdown is always always present and debilitating. the loss will be debilitating too but i cant help myself. i will always suffer twice.
#i cant let go of it. i cant even enjoy good moments without thinking about how they'll just be memories one day#how they're already memories since moments pass so fast#everything is I'll Miss This and i already miss it and i cant believe once you're gone you're gone forever#and ill never ever see you again. and your shell is in the ground but where did the rest of you go?#should i look at your body one last time? on one hand itll be the last time i see you.#on the other hand it will be the last time i see you.#and the memory of you will die with me too. as if neither ever existed#it impacts me so much too bc i dont feel close to anybody really...and i dont make friends easily#so whats going to happen when the people who have always been there arent there anymore?#im going to be alone for so much of my life.#i will record your voice so im ready for when i cant hear it from the source while also knowing it wont be enough and one day#ill be wishing it lasted longer. it could be 12 hours long and ill want more.#how do you surpass this? it hasn't even happened. when it happens i don't know what ill do. considering my whole life has been#the timer. the countdown. hours and hours of anticipatory grief#and then ill be next. me. some of all thats left of you. it cant be true.#sorry. this gets worse every single year and its been going insane lately#id surprisingly been managing it well for months somehow ! it wouldnt cross my mind...and now its there again#like it accumulated and its all coming out right now. ive been crying for hrs tonight and last night#one day his things will just be things. things ive made and given him will be in my hands again.#talkys#i want to go hug my dad but then ill just cry over how one day i wont be able to....! how do i store it? how do i save it?#how do i preserve it forever....even as i take my own last breath....#i cant believe im the only one of me. and my dad is the only one of him.#i wouldnt want to be reborn as anyone else. i cant believe one day i wont get to draw or eat or be comfy in bed anymore.#i cant take it !! im so scared. ill be scared until the end. and you wont be there to hold my hand. im going to be alone.#and none of those years of grief and joy and memories will matter.#i wonder if it would help to tell him about this. i need something to hold onto for when it happens. anything. but i also know it'll make i#hurt more; obviously. just another piece of him that'll be gone one day
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unforth · 3 months
Actually, I really wish Tumblr as a whole was less comfortable using feminizing language for gay men, especially gay East Asian men.
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babyfairy · 4 months
it takes about 5 seconds of thinking about my personal life before i start to cry now i think that’s really cool and good. fun too
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aria0fgold · 2 months
Thinking more about my isat au and I'm gonna need to change a LOT more than I thought. First things first, Siffrin's connection to the wish. Since in Of gems and pages, all the wishes stayed the same. So why is Odile the one looping and not Siff? So basically, what I think I'd do in my au is that the Universe decided to change things up a bit.
The first time the Universe granted Siffrin the means to fulfill their wish, things went horribly bad (just look at Loop). So this time, the Universe decided to give this new Siffrin, something a lil different. They still gave Siffrin the timeloop But made Odile his proxy. So that Siffrin may have helpers in this new timeline, with Loop as the guide and Odile helping as well, it Should go better, right??? And since the wish is connected with Siffrin's emotions, the Universe can't just completely make it Odile's problem now, sooo basically... Siffrin can still remember Parts of a previous loop PRIOR to their deaths.
That means during the beginning of canon when Siff was crushed by a boulder, he remembers that. And found Loop as well, but when he accidentally ended up touching a tear, he now Doesn't remember being crushed by a boulder but by being frozen in time. At the same time, he ALSO doesn't remember Anything else prior to it. So he doesn't remember that there's a boulder that can kill him by the entrance of the House, he doesn't remember Loop. All he remembers is that somehow, one way or another, he was frozen in time within the House and needs to be more careful with the tears. And because of the way that the loops affect Siffrin now is faaar too different than how it affected Loop, he can't go forwards or backwards in time. Siff will always awaken back in the meadow and Loop will always have to do their whole speech all over again (which would most likely annoy them immediately cuz why? Why is it so different now? Why can't this Siffrin REMEMBER?)
Odile on the other hand, remembers ALL the loops and finds a lot of discrepancies with Siffrin. It takes awhile for her to meet Loop and they get to talk to each other. Their meeting would be pretty... rocky at first. Loop still getting regarded as a stranger by Odile, Loop finding out that Odile is the one getting affected by the timeloop from their own selfish wish. Even if that Siffrin isn't them, it doesn't change the fact that they both made the same wish. Loop thinkin bout being such a favourite cosmic joke of the Universe that not only were they turned into This, one of their family members are suffering cuz of them. And she doesn't even recognize them. It'd be pretty hard at first too cuz Loop doesn't know that their appearance changed yet, there's no mirror. For Loop, they might still look like Siffrin, right? But Odile's reaction to seeing them says otherwise.
Anyway in this au, stage wise, Odile is the actor, Siffrin is the director, and the Universe is the audience. Book wise, Odile is the character, Siffrin is the writer, and the Universe is the reader. Why is Siffrin the director or the writer and not the Universe? That's because the timeloops are Still connected to his emotions, if something he didn't want to think about happens like, that argument with Bonbon (just as an example. I'm wondering if that'll still happen here considering that only happened because of Siff had memories of all the loops in canon. He doesn't have that in this au anymore), time would loop back still, so in a way, Siff Is writing how the timeloops go.
#aria rants#isat spoilers#isat au#of gems and pages au#ogap au#also why did the Universe choose odile? i like to think that the Universe finds her as being skilled enough to be able#to easily help fulfill that wish considering that she Was able to deduce the timeloop when given enough clues#at the same time. odile also seems to be both really close to siffrin (the fact that they go on secret quests before)#and far away from the party emotionally. odile doesnt regard anyone as ''friends'' and so convinces herself that theyre just colleagues#but deep down. she also knows how much she cares for everyone to the point of willing to do unspeakable things to anyone that#dares harm any of them. she cares so much but doesnt know the word to describe it. friends doesnt cut it. the idea of them#being like family to her hasnt crossed her mind yet when the only family she knows of and have is broken and incomplete (her mom left them)#so shes seems to be emotionally distant from them. she wanted to ask bout continuing traveling with the others but doesnt know How#the Universe sees that and thought that should there be anyone that can easily help siffrin then itd be odile. unfortunately#for the Universe. they didnt quite expect siff being too closed off and dodgy in regards to his own emotions#so it still end up being difficult. even more so now that odile doesnt have the Full picture at all. she has no idea why#this is happening to her in the first place. she only knows it has something to do with siff and during the sequence#before new loop+ happened. the Universe most likely gave odile that chance both out of pity and hope that everything#will finally turn out better This Time. but because of the fact that odile Was dying and she exhausted her craft powers#she cant be brought back to the previous loops easily anymore cuz even if its still connected siff. her ability to be#brought back to loops hinges on craft power as well. siff is just the switch to it. so in a way. shes Supposed to be dead now#but the Universe heard siff's wish and granted the means to save odile as well as grant the previous wish he made#its just that such a wish cant be without a penalty. and that penalty is the timer on odile's life. they have only 99 tries left
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bunnihearted · 1 day
sorry but ppl on the internet are so naive when they genuinely believe the majority of people "hate capitalism".... that isnt anywhere near the truth. most people are sheep that just go along with what society says is right. when im out there and talk to "normal" people and listen to their convos they are literally pro capitalism. they talk about how the 8-5 work day 5/week is GOOD bc they get to work a lot and make "a lot" of money. many people will complain about unfair work hours and too big of a work load but they dont do anything more than complain... they wont vote for the left, they wont join unions, they wont stage protests or demonstrations... most ppl are like "omg fuck capitalism lmao ahhhaha fuck capitalism am i right???" but they still dont actually do anything to change it... because the entire point with capitalism is that it is comfortable and convenient. netflix and spotify is capitalism. ordering takeout is capitalism. having packages arrive to your door or close by is capitalism. concerts by your fav artists is capitalism. flying a plane to resorts all over the world is capitalism.... ppl only say "fuck capitalism" bc yes they're overworked and underpaid, but they dont actually want to live in a society without capitalism. it would mean a profound change of our entire reality as we've known it for centuries. it would be extreme. it would actually feel like it does in movies where the world is ending and society resets. it's too scary to actually go through with, and no one wants to do that. saving the planet and tearing down capitalism... would mean an extremely different world and life. no more driving your car to work and to the store and to the gym and back and forth to your parents or friends. no more going to multiple concerts every year. no more going to luxury resorts in ibiza or greece. no more online shopping. no more ordering takeout. the truth that nobody wants to admit, because no one wants to admit that they would choose to continue living in comfort even if it means destroying this planet, is that no. you dont hate capitalism. not truly. most people do not hate capitalism. if most people did... we wouldnt have the world we have now and always have had since capitalism was introduced. humans make this world. we get the world we deserve. and nature trying to kill us is what we deserve. it's like when we're sick and our bodies get fever to burn the virus. we are a virus. we could choose to stop. but we dont. only a small handful of people are willing to actually do what it takes to save earth. most ppl who make silly comments about oh my god fuck capitalism tihihihihi are not part of that small amount of people. it is sad, especially for the people who do get it, who do want to save earth, because we are such an extreme minority we have no power at all. the masses win. and the masses have chosen to live in greed and consumerism and comfort even if we'll pay the highest price thinkable.
#it's funny that it is called 9-5 when it is in truth 8-5 and many ppl work longer.....#not expecting anyone to read but i need to rant#i feel so alienated because i truly cannot relate to anyone#i wish i could find people like me in this world#but there seem to be so few of us it pains me to be this alone#i just dont respect people#people LIKE online shopping and owning things and travelling and going to concerts and and and and#they like it so much they think it's worth to sacrifice literally everything for it#i could live without any of that if it meant not hurting humans or animals or earth#i dont think humans need to have millions of concerts or every artist needs to have a concert#im just going on abt concerts bc that's one of the things that are the worst for the environment#and one of the things ppl conventiently forget to talk abt when it comes to environmental damage and capitalism#and like fireworks.. and bombs.. and nuclear power. we dont NEED any of that#but literally 10/10 ppl of you who read this will think that ummm u are dumb#ofc we need fireworks and bombs and nuclear!!! that's all profitable and fun and useful#so like yeah idk i truly cannot connect with any human i come across#and i dont respect any of the empty bullshit ppl talk abt everywhere#'fuck capitalism' 'save the earth' .. none of y'all give a fuck if it means u have to give up things u like and find fun#but yeah sure if it makes u feel better abt urself to parrot empty mantras go ahead#y'all have already won and we're on borrowed time#it's cute watching y'all plan for the future as if u have one#at least im not alone in dying bc we're all gonna suffer for what we've chosen#and also at least i have my mom to talk to bc she gets it and agrees#she doesnt agree fully when i talk abt how eco fascism is the only real thing we can do#ppl cannot be trusted to be given a choice#we need to declare martial law and force everyone to reset#no more capitalism no more waste no more environmental damage#but yeah my mom says fascism is always wrong but the way i see it.. we either do the hard thing to save us all#or let all the millions of fuckheads choose to kill the earth and us all with it for literally nothing#after manyy years we could start going back to 'democracy'...
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nailtagyuri · 8 months
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when i was 12 this was the coolest most mindblowing shit ever i was genuinely so obsessed with it I'd read it very day like the bible. I would die for a version of this with the post 3D world content over my country
#i hve vs super mario bros on my switch bc i wanted to chronologically play through the storied hero timeline and i couldnt find a rom#I think it has the same appeal as spid.erverse kinda except instead of multiple different people filling the same role as sp.iderman its#the same guy it's still mario but the changes come from things going differently at certain points in his life do you GET ME!!#LIKE!!!!!!!! MOST OF IT'S DETERMINED BY WHAT HAPPENS IN YOSHIS ISLAND AND THERES ALTERNATIVE PATHS IF HE WINS OR FAILS!!! GAME OVERS HAVE#CONSEQUENCES THAT BRANCH INTO THEIR OWN TIMELINES MARIO CAN END UP WITH DIFFERENT PARENTS ITS SO COOLLLLLL#and i love how each of the major branches has their own theme like “action hero” is the one with all the gameplay-focused#mainline titles “storied hero” is the one with all the M&L rpgs and more plot-heavier stuff and “blue collar hero” is this third one#with all the donkey kong titles and wackier/arcade titles WHERE i might add his design had a blue shirt and red overalls#and the tl builds off of those games into nsmb so i like to hc that he kept his early 80s design well into the later games <-autistic sorry#AND how thetimelines represent how their different backstories have influenced their personalities and thought processes a little like#what happened to mario in the blue collar branch like he either becomes EVILL!!!! and kidnaps donkey kong leading to dkjr or#divorces peach and has a self isolation arc after nsmb2 whats going on w him...#and i LOVE how all of them have a sort of common event where bowser invades the mushroom kingdom and in each timeline its#represented by a different variation of the original super mario bros game with action hero's event being represented by smb itself#which is fitting since thats the branch where mario and luigi ended up with their intended parents and everything went as planned#and i think a general theme here is that the more things go against intention the sillier it gets dont even get me STARTED on the time#travel shenanigans in bottom right which lead into the handheld remakes i love this so much its unreal#i do wish paper mario wasnt explained away as a dream but like thats its whole other world and art style and itd be difficult#to fit it into one of the major branches so i get why it was done. i probably wouldve just given it its own isolated bubble in the corner#at that rate i probably wouldve added so much more shit to the main tl im talking game&watch games i look at this and i see a pitch#for a full feature length autism production you understand
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something-like-air · 9 months
blank period karin is one of the most interesting, complex versions of karin but there's a dearth of content that's dedicated to her in that era
a lot of the content ive seen that features blank period karin is like, sssk fic where she shows up to deliver the baby and is either like, mean or depressed about it, and maybe she and sakura have a moment and become besties, but usually she's there as set dressing, or to like, put the nail in the SK coffin
and like, that scene is absolutely something id want to dig into as a dirty little karin fan, but there's plenty of other shit i think a good karin-centric blank period fic could hit
this list got mad long so here's a read more. check it out.
the creeping, gradual realization that sasuke is not coming back for team taka and will be settling/based out of konoha
generally, any sort of wrangling/reconciliation between sasuke and taka after the war when he's in his new and improved grown up state of mind. if not this, then dealing with the frustrating realization that sasuke will continue to associate with orochimaru and taka whenever he needs anything, while having no intent to maintain serious personal bonds with any of them
in relation to the above, karin havign to deal with the fact that she's probably the only member of taka who is bothered by this, since juugo tends to be passive, and suigetsu is independent enough that if sasuke is fine just being LDBs (long distance bros), he would be totally chill with that. karin!!! not so much
and like i said this would be stuff other than the sarada stuff, but like WHEN the sarada shit happens, how karin approaches the entire sarada situation, whether its like, instant love bc its sasukes kid, or something she needs to force, bc holy shit is that an emotionally complex situation, and holy shit does sasuke do her no favors by asking her to deliver his literal child
aside from the sasuke bullshit, i wanna see karin wrangle with log/mitsuki/other babies(???) being grown in the lab while having no blood family of her own while also being unlikely to ever have her own children
karin also wrangling with the fact that she's creating entire human beings, presumably so that they can be experimented on by orochimaru, which isnt new per se, but is new in the sense that shes now an adult who may or may not have more complex feelings towards helpless children (esp after sarada)
the fact that juugo apparently takes off from taka at some point, and karin and suigetsu either go separate ways or begin working in different hideouts
literally????? any kind of revelations regarding her heritage??? the fact that she busted out the chakra chains in the middle of the war in a very conspicuous moment?? shes a cousin of the future hokage???????? one of two uzumakis left in the world, and the only known pure blooded one, presumably?????????
also this is probably where karin experiments with The First Guy Who Is Not Sasuke, which either fails gloriously in a murder-tinted kinda way, or is wayyy too normal for her to ever be able to maintain it
ALSO i dont think theres a lot of fic that address the long term toll of karin using her healing bites, and it seems like young adulthood would be the time where any wonky shit would present itself
basically i think there should be more fic about how complex karin is in this era, how she tackles leaving behind the sasuke era of her life and forming an identity separate to that, to the extent that she may or may not try to, and she may or may not succeed
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