#said literally 3 words earlier to my mom and started to cry so i stopped immediately like i’m so tired dude.
babyfairy · 2 months
it takes about 5 seconds of thinking about my personal life before i start to cry now i think that’s really cool and good. fun too
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randoauthor · 2 years
Love Letter's to No One (B.B)
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Part Six: A Broken Heart. Again
Pairings: Rooster x Fem!Reader, Platonic!Mav x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death, some swearing
Word Count: 2.1K
Author's Note: Okay I literally cried while writing this one so I hope you guys enjoy it, I think its a good way to say goodbye to Tom.
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I cried at my mom's funeral.
I cried so hard my throat was raw and my eyes burned.
"Lem, we need to talk," was all dad had to say for me to break down into tears, I knew my uncle was sick, but he had told us he was getting better. I guess he thought that would save us some of the pain of him dying.
Bradley held my hand tight while dad told me exactly what I knew I was gonna hear. "I'm sorry sweetheart." Was all I comprehended before trying to get out of the hospital bed, both my dad and Bradley stopping me, trying to get me to lay down.
"Let go of me, I need to go see Aunt Sara." I say through tears, managing to stand for just a second before taking a few steps to cross the room to my things. "Someone needs to take me to see Aunt Sara." I say again, the boys sharing a cautious glance to each other before watching me as I attempt to get dressed, pulling out my IV in the process.
I wasn't watching them when a doctor entered the room to see what was going on, I didn't see them stop him from using restraints, I didn't see Bradley quickly walk over to me. I did, however, feel his arms wrap around me like a bear hug, letting me fall apart again.
"I know Lem, I know." He said calmly, "we will get you to your aunt but you need to let us check you quickly first." I gave a soft nod before the doctor came over to give me a quick once over before telling dad that I needed to take it easy but I was okay. The boys carefully helped me get dressed before we set off to my aunt house.
I knocked softly on the door, the boys waited by the car. Hearing a soft shuffle in what is probably a near empty house, the Kazansky's had children that were older than me and even a few with children themselves. While I don't think any of them moved very far away Tom and Sara were never able to sell the house that their children grew up in.
My heart grew heavy as Sara opened the door, breaking down into tears the moment she saw me, my face scratched from the events earlier today, my eyes red and bloodshot from crying. She pulled me into a tight hug peering behind me to see the boys at the car. Pulling away she gestures for them to come up to the house and they obliged, my dad gave her a soft smile before pulling her into a hug. Sara welcomed us into the home with a small smile. Bradley offered to make us some tea and I told Sara I'd show him the kitchen, allowing my dad to talk to her.
I took a deep breath before pushing the kitchen door open.
Uncle Tom gave me a soft smile as I flash him my braces filled smile. He gestures to the island allowing me to have a seat before giving me a glass of chocolate milk.
"Boy trouble?" He asked me softly gesturing to the clock which read 3:15 a.m. I nod softly.
"Lot's of trouble actually." I say sheepishly, the Kazansky's had taken me in at the request of my parents while they go to find the best doctor they could.
"Tell me about it kiddo," he said softly before grabbing another glass for chocolate milk.
"Mom's really sick," I start off, explaining just about everything that has happened since Bradley left. Uncle Tom listed carefully, sipping on his milk every now and then.
"I miss him Uncle Tom," I say softly, not even caring if the tears filled my eyes, he's seen me way worse off then I am right now.
"I know kiddo, I know." He moved from around the counter to give me a tight hug, I don't even try to hold my sobs back.
"Lem?" Bradley calls waving a hand in front of my face sapping me out of whatever trance I was in.
"Sorry," I say blinking back tears, "I have a lot of good memories in this kitchen." I say softly.
"She took her first steps in this kitchen," Dad said, breaking the silence between us. "She walked right to Tom, past her dad even." Sara said from behind him.
"That's it beautiful, come to dad!" Maverick excitedly said from the kitchen at the Kazansky's. The 14-month-old stared up at her father, her bright green eyes sparkled as she began to stand. Her first few steps remained wobbly but it wasn't her father she wanted, the little girl wobbled right past her parents and to her Uncle Tom, whose smile was just about as big as his face, his arms outstretched for his goddaughter. "Come here kiddo, come to Uncle Tommy." He said with an encouraging smile. The little girl outstretched her tiny arms before being scooped up by her uncle, dissolving into a pit of giggles as the adults around her cheer, she was the youngest off all of the children between the two families, she was the last one to walk in that kitchen.
I smile, my heart aching for Sara and the children, all of us having lost a great man but they lost a husband and father.
We stayed with Sara for a few more hours, Bradley and I taking some extra time to clean the house, the funeral was in two days time and I planned on doing everything I can to help out.
We exchanged hugs and sympathetic looks, promising to see her in two days. "Honey," she said softly, "do you wanna say a few words at the funeral?" I bit my lip and nodded. "I'll make him proud Sara," I say with a soft sniff, I feel her soft hand on my cheek, "you already have baby." I let a few tears fall as I hug her again.
Bradley held me close as we walk out the door and into the car, he holds my hand for the ride home, and then he stays with me while I cried myself to sleep.
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I let the hot water run down my body as I leaned against the wall of the shower, Uncle Tom's funeral was today so I was up bright and early to get ready, my speech sat folded up on my old vanity. I give a soft sign before turning off the water and getting out.
I had began applying my makeup in a robe when a soft knock pulled me from my thoughts. Bradley popped his head in and gave me a warm smile.
"You doin okay Lem?" he asked before coming into the room, I nodded gently before continuing to do what minimal makeup I needed to look like I had actually gotten sleep.
"Can you help me Bradley?" I ask, gesturing to my dress that hung off the closet. He nodded, becoming quickly flustered as I took off my robe and, in a bra and underwear, walked over to the dress. I pulled it over my head attempting to be careful of my hair and makeup. Bradley walked over to me as I turned around allowing him to do my zipper, he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my shoulder gently before allowing me to walk away to add jewelry and shoes to my outfit. Letting out a deep sigh I take Bradley's extended hand and we made our way to his truck. Dad had gone to collect Penny and her daughter Amelia.
The ride was silent, which I appreciate because I have done nothing but cry since we got home two nights ago and Bradley hadn't left his side.
The cemetery was packed by the time we got there, sailors in their dressiest uniforms, while all the other patrons wear black. Bradley carefully helped me out of the car. We had managed to find my dad and I gave a small smile to Penny which she returned. Bradley kissed my cheek softly and with a quick 'if you need anything I'll be right over there' before walking over to join his friends and fellow pilots while I sat between my Aunt Sara and dad.
I didn't realized how much people loved to talk until we were over three hours into the funeral and only four people had spoken. "And now," Admiral Simpson began, "Admiral Kazansky's niece, (y/n) Mitchell is going to share a few final words." Sara squeezed my hand reassuringly as I stood, fixed my dress, and walked up to the podium.
"Admiral Kazansky was known to many as Iceman, one of the greatest pilots this navy has ever seen." I took a deep breath. "But to me, he was Uncle Tom. The man who stayed up with me and let me complain about boys over a glass of chocolate milk, he is the man who I deemed to be great enough to be on the receiving end of my first steps. Uncle Tom and Aunt Sara took me in when my mother was sick, and then at the end of it all uncle Tom held me while I got the news that my mother had passed." I looked to my dad who had been crying all morning. "Uncle Tom was my best friend, he was the cause of so many amazing memories, like the time he took me up in a jet for the first time. He supported me when I joined the academy and while most people would have used his status to their advantage Uncle Tom made it very clear that I had paved this path on my own. He was my best friend, the person I went to for everything." I feel some tears falls. "He was my Uncle Tom. There will not be a day that goes by that I don't miss him terribly, but I will continue to do what I have been doing since the say I was born, I'm gonna make him proud."
I walk over to my dad take the wings off his uniform and walk over to the casket, I place a gentle hand on top of it and let out a sob before hammering it in with my fist. I wipe my tears and walk back to my seat sitting down, Sara pulls me into a side hug as I let a few more tears slip.
The funeral finished up shortly after and we all gathered at the Kazansky home, Bradley walked up to me placing a hand on the small of my back.
"Bradley?" I ask quitely.
"Hmm?" He hums a response looking out across the crowd.
"Take me away from here please." I say softly, Bradley nodded before taking my hand and leading me out of the house.
"Where do you wanna go beautiful?" He asked softly, "the ocean." I reply before climbing into the car and staring out the window.
Bradley nodded sadly before pulling away from the home, leading me to a near empty beach. I climb out of the car and take my heels off. Letting the sand hit my feet felt refreshing and a took off for the ocean, not even bothering if my hair gets messed up or my makeup run, I honestly don't even give a shit if my dress gets ruined, I just want to be in the water. Bradley comes chasing after me shortly after I take off, having removed most of his uniform so that it doesn't get ruined.
He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him as I screamed and kicked the water out of frustration. "Shhhh beautiful, I know, I know." He said into me, letting my get it out but not allowing me to go any further into the water.
We stand there for a few moments more before the wind finally gets to me and I begin to shiver. He leads me out of the water and back to his truck, finding a towel somewhere in the bed of the truck, he wrapped it around me. I lean in slightly, bringing my face closer to his and when I realize he hasn't pulled away I let our lips meet but just for a second before he pulls away.
"You're hurting Lem, I don't want to take advantage of you." He said softly, looking between me and my lips.
"You aren't, to me you feel like home." I reply, and that must have pushed him over he edge enough to pull me in for another kiss, this one longer, more tender.
Bradley Bradshaw feels like home.
And somewhere out in the great big universe, Uncle Tom was smiling at me.
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ssplague · 3 years
Alpha Bakugou & his late blooming Omega girlfriend 🌬🥀
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Honorable mentions: @jazzylove @bakugoismisunderstood @koreylive
Okay since so many of you seemed to really enjoy this “Just thinking about”, I’m turning it into a short story. I’m thinking it will have four parts all together (including the original post). So I know I’d said that I’d give you a nice big dose of Scumbag Suki this update, buuuut that was before I knew this was going to take off like it did 🙈 The next one is entirely his POV so you’ll get your fill then!
Part 3
“Suki, did you really have to be that harsh towards Izuku when we left the playground earlier? I know you dislike him now but….”
You trail off as you get settled on the plush, blanket lined floor of the small tent you and Bakugou had set up in your backyard. Supposedly there was going to be “A shit load of shooting stars tonight!” acording to one of your classmates. You were excited and insisted on staying up to watch, and as usual, Katsuki inserts himself into any and everything you do. Therefore; The two of you had rushed home after school, asked both your mothers and pleaded to spend the night together out in the yard. Deciding that you two were still at the age where anything other than star gazing was unlikely to happen, they allowed it.
Battery operated fairy lights were strung along the roof of the tent and a small lantern illuminated the center, giving the inside a pink and orange glow.
“Hah?! No way was I about to let stupid Deku come and ruin OUR sleep over! This is for me and you ________, no one else….just…us” a light breeze blew in through the open tent flap and treated Katsuki to be briefly overcome by your scent.
The two of you had your scent glands come in around the same time and still weren’t entirely used to it just yet. All both of you knew is that you favored each other’s scents over anyone else’s. It was kind of getting embarrassing how much you were beginning to enjoy your temperamental best friend’s spiced caramel aroma. So much so you had to make a conscious effort not to lean into him and sniff at his neck from time to time. He was subtle about it, but certainly didn’t mind bumping into or brushing up against you more often than ever to get a whiff of your intoxicating fragrance. Even getting hit with a face full just now had his brain feeling sluggish as beads of sweat began forming along his hairline.
A voice inside his head started incessantly growling “touch her, touch her TOUCH HER”. Under the guise of getting comfortable he shifted his leg to rest up against yours and his mind quieted instantly.
“I….I know that Kat…I wouldn’t have invited him anyway!” Your face began to redden as you brazenly blurted out; “I like when it’s just you and I, we always have the most fun”.
He instantly perked up at hearing that, but he couldn’t help but ask; “So you like me better than him? You think I’m BETTER than him?”. Leaning into you as he waited for you to answer his question, eyes narrowed.
“You know I do! Besides….” You couldn’t help yourself as you leaned towards him and inhaled deeply “You smell so much better than him too!”.
Oh hell now you’d done it ________, you unknowingly opened the metaphoric Pandora’s box.
He didn’t speak right away, just smirked back at you and enjoyed the devious expression on your face. After another minute spent invading one another’s personal space you were first to snap out of it quickly muttering; “M’sorry Suki I..I dunno what happened I shouldn’t have got in your face like that!”. You sat back up and moved your leg so it was no longer touching his. Unable to comprehend the sudden feeling of sadness at the loss of contact, or attribute it to the fact that you were no longer touching him. Katsuki frowned immediately and scooted back against you, “S’okay princess…s’not like it’s a big deal”. His use of the familiar nickname only succeeding to fluster you further.
The next few moments were spent in silence.
Surprisingly, It was you that eventually broke it asking; “Suki do you know…d’you know what mates are?”. You immediately began to play with the cheap desk telescope you’d brought out to avoid looking at him, your heart was beating a lot faster now. The startled look on his face would have informed you that your question caught him off gaurd; Surely you hadn’t just had the same thought he did?! Well either that or you could read minds….that wasn’t very likely, thank god.
“Ah well my mom told me it’s when two people decide that they want to always be together and get sad if they are ever apart…so they live together….and then other stuff happens that damn brats don’t need to know just yet” he finished lamely, confused as to why he felt so strange reciting his mother’s words exactly as she’d originally said them.
“I get sad when we have to go inside our houses at night and stop playing together” you said, the depressed tone of voice sounded like it was happening right then. “Me too…I wish we lived together cause then you’d always be with me” he confessed shooting you a nervous glance. Your eyes lit up and you beamed at him when the idea suddenly struck; “We have to become mates now Katsuki, we have to!”. You got up on your knees and began frantically shuffling things around the tiny tent. “If we’re mates then our parents can’t tell us we have to stop playing and separate at night! We’ll always be able to stay together!” Your sporadic movement and sudden outburst immediately infected your companion with the same frantic energy, albeit nervous, but excited all the same as he stared at you with wide eyes.
“You’re right _________! That’s a great idea”
“I know!”
“So uh..umm how uh…how do we do that?”
You stop smoothing the blankets out to stare at Katsuki, “You don’t know how?”.
“No” he admits glumly.
You can’t hold back the distressed whimper that escapes you and Katsuki is immediately at your side trying to console you “Hey princess it’s alright-“. “NO!” you exclaim “We need to do this to stay together forever!”.
Then you remembered something; “I see my mom and dad do this every morning”. You roll up the sleeve of your jacket and bring your wrist up, simulating the motion of rubbing it across the scent gland on your neck. Katsuki nods his head in understanding; “Oh yeah, mine do the same thing! Let’s do that!”. He lays back and stretches his neck out, “You do me first and then I’ll do you kay?”.
You nod and smile down at him, shuffling towards his head and bringing your wrist up to his neck. You hold your breath as your skin makes contact with his and start lightly rubbing over his scent gland a few times.
“S-Shit” he says softly, squirming slightly.
“What?! Did I hurt you??!” You ask.
Fear immediately replacing excitement and distracting you from reprimanding him for uttering a curse word as you usually would.
“N-No it didn’t hurt…please d-do it again”
You do, continuing thoughtlessly as you become enthralled by his peaceful expression and relaxed as he starts purring.
“Your turn”
You take his spot laying down on the fluffy blanket strewn floor, shivering with anticipation and the slight chill in the night air. His touch warms you from the inside out and you gasp at the sudden sensation. Relaxing once more, you look up at him through heavily lidded eyes and return the smile he’s giving you.
Neither one of you has any idea that this situation is going to come with serious consequences.
Eventually you remember the whole reason you two had decided to camp out in the first place; “The shooting stars!” You cry sitting up and narrowly avoiding head butting the blonde boy above you. “Hey!” He snarls. You stand and open the window flap in the tents ceiling, just as you do you see the first “star” shoot across the sky. “Woah! Quick make a wish make a wish kat!”.
He won’t admit it…but he does, and so do you.
As more stars shoot across the sky the two of you lay together; Happily curled up in the blankets, snuggling up together. Occasionally one of you brings your wrist up and begins to rub the others neck lazily, while continuing to watch the dazzling light show taking place above you. Both of you end up falling asleep long before it’s over. The sound of Katsuki’s continuous purring, lulling you into the most comfortable sleep possible.
Well that, and how his natural warmth just seemed to consume you….
Warmth…so warm at times it could get uncomfortable.
Like right now…too close…too hot
Your eyes snap open and you take in your surroundings; This is your dorm room, you’re at school right now, safe. Your clothes and sheets are soaked through with sweat. Not just sweat apparently; After waking up more you realize your lower body feels disgustingly sticky. Then a tingling sensation begins at the tip of your toes, rapidly spreading up your legs until it reaches the special place between them. Then it’s like a literal fucking furnace has exploded down there! Not to mention the heavyweight that has now come to rest in your lower stomach as it begins to cramp.
“Ow! ow! Ow!”
You try to feel around the bed for your phone, you could call one of your friends to come help you.Friends….that’s right they all left for the weekend! Wait not all of them left, Katsuki! He’s still here! That’s right, you were supposed to go over to his room, last night? Is it already morning? Fuck who knows.
You start to cry when you can’t feel your phone nearby on the bed, you don’t wanna look for it.
You don’t wanna be alone either though….Your scared. His room is just down the hall it’s not too far away, maybe if you just take it slow you’ll make it. You force yourself to get up, not even caring that all you have on is a tiny pair of sleep shorts and a sports bra.
You bend down to grab your slides out from beneath the bed and slip them on your feet before moving forward.
One foot in front of the other.
Your hunched over, one arm wrapped around your stomach and sweat freely dribbling down your face, coating your chest, sliding down the valley between your breasts.
Jesus, I must look like fucking shit right now.
As you make it into the hallway and start your journey all you can think about is how badly you want to see Katsuki. He always makes everything better somehow; That smile he wears just for you makes your heart sing normally. Right now you just let out a pained keen at the thought. Your inner omega has always been quiet enough to ignore in the past, but now she’s practically screeching like a fucking banshee inside of your head.
Just one word, over & over & over again:
With each screech your primal urges and instincts had began overwhelming you. Eventually reaching a point where the lines between the two began to blur. Making you feel more like a wounded beast that’s gone absolutely feral, while slowly dragging yourself down the hallway.
Once you get about halfway down you start to smell the familiar scent that you’ve become so fond of. Only it’s so much stronger and….muskier? It’s intoxicating, and so potent, you need more! Somehow your legs are moving quicker thanks to this new desperation manIfesting. Once you finally reach his door you have to stop yourself from breaking it down; Frantically pounding on it instead, and now you’ve started crying, salivating, and you’re just a goddamn walking train wreck… Somehow you don’t care, your appearance doesn’t matter, you just need HIM right now.
When the door opens you stumble inside.
The sound of his voice quieting your shrieking omega as soon as it reaches your ears;
“Finally decided to show up? Was waiting all fuckin’ night for you and…hey what’s wrong? Oh shit…fuck”.
Fuck is very right.
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racheloveyunho · 3 years
Till Death do us part - 2
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Y/N grew up in a wealthy family, she always was seen as a beautiful and smart kid and was most likely to take her father’s place as the CEO of one of the most important companies in South Korea. However, after the death of her mother, Y/N’s family slowly started to break apart. Her father was always working to forget his uncalled pain while his kids were left alone at home.
She was 17 years old when her life took a sudden turn when she met him in a dark alley. He was a bloody mess, bruises everywhere but behind blood and dirt, she could see his beautiful features and his addictive gaze. Maybe she should have walked away, maybe she shouldn’t have helped him, but the moment his gaze locked with hers, she was already his.
Choi San was his name.
Genre: Mafia AU, smut, angst, fluff, stranger to lovers
Words: 2237
TW series: Y/N is described as an OC. Please be aware that this story will contain a lot of triggering content such as smut, blood, death, murder, drug, kidnapping, etc. Do not read if you are under a legal age!
TW chapter: Body shaming, reader being forced into a marriage, character got slapped, swearing, threats.
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I was finally back home. Fortunately for me, my dad hadn’t noticed me since he was already sleeping on the couch.
I quickly went upstairs to my room and collapsed on my bed, my mind still processing what had happened earlier. It was scary to say the least but fascinating at the same time. I was still confused even after showering. This San had a deep effect on me, not only mentally but physically too.
“Choi San…” I muttered before closing my eyes and drifting into a deep sleep.
Chapter 2
2 years after.
Days and months went by so fast, I didn't even see them go by.
It has already been two years since my first meeting with San and since then, I didn't met him again. However, he was still on my mind, from the moment I woke up tired in the morning until the moment my head was hitting the pillow at night.
I just couldn't stop myself from thinking about him, his voice, his gaze, his touch, and the shivers he gave me when his mouth had come close to my ear.
"Hey sis’, what is going on? You had been absent-minded for a while and I still don't know why" Jin said with a hint of worry in his voice before he looked around, checking the surroundings to make sure we were alone "Is it because of dad?" he asked.
For the first time since our mother passed away, dad was at home for a whole month without any explanation. He was now working from home and even though It was something I dreamed of a few years ago, it was now so stuffy, I couldn’t breathe properly in my own house. Every single time I went outside of the comfort of my room, I silently prayed not to meet him, hoping that our house was big enough to let me avoid him.
"I'm fine but I'll be better if he wasn't around" I shrugged while looking at my plate "I'm not hungry today" I nonchalantly played with my food.
"Please force yourself and eat a little, you loosed too much weight recently" he furrowed his eyebrows with true concern in his soft brown eyes.
"I'm fine Jin, really! No need to worry for me" I stood up but felt a hand on my shoulder, stopping me in my track.
I turned around and saw my dad with his usual stern expression "Sit down." he calmly ordered.
I sat down without a word, I knew I was about to be lectured one more time.
"Why are you not eating?" my dad asked, voice sounding more as a threat than a question.
"Not hungry" I simply answered.
A long silence settled in the dining room, Jin and I were looking down, trying to avoid any eye contact with the man we referred to as our dad. I laughed internally at the situation, wondering if the kids in other families were afraid of their parents too.
"You don't have to eat if you don't want to, men love slim girls so it'll be good for you to start a diet." He stated, unbothered by the awkward silence.
I was annoyed by his remark 'how dare he' I thought 'Is he thinking my body is his?'
"I'll be dumb if I'd choose a man who loves me just for my body, I will not change anything for anyone" I retorted, Jin nodding in approval, visibly proud of me. But, my father didn’t seem pleased at all by my answer and my rebellious behavior.
"Well, I wasn't talking about any random man, but about your fiancé. He likes slim girls." my dad crossed his arms.
I shot a glance back at my father with wide eyes, he was smirking over my shocked expression, feeling visibly satisfied by the way he made me go silent.
"My fiancé? What are you talking about? I never had a boyfriend in my whole life, how could I have a fiancé?" I shouted, standing up from my chair which quickly and loudly fell on the ground.
"I chose a good boy for you, he is the son of a rich politician who will be useful to me and the future of my company. In two months, when you'll turn 20, you will marry him" he said, not sparing a glance at me as he busily taped on the screen of his new expensive phone.
My mouth was now wide open, and so was my brother's.
Jin stood up angrily, it was the first time I ever saw him defy our father's authority. His brown eyes who always seemed so soft to me were now darker than ever. The anger in his body was showing with his tensed muscles and the vein in his forehead that was angrily popping up. His jaw was so tight, I swore he could have been able to break his own teeth.
"What to do you mean she will marry him? Are you not concerned about your daughter's happiness? Can't you stop thinking about your work and think more about your family instead, for at least once in your life? That's why mom died! You-..." Jin got slapped by my father before he could even finish his sentence. Our father’s face was red and rage was visible through his eyes.
I gasped and kneeled myself to my brother's side, the impact was so hard that he was now laying on the ground, his right hand hiding his red cheek. Jin shot a death stare up at my father who was still standing in front of us.
"I heard that you want to integrate the Seoul national university, Y/N. You will need money for that, right? If you marry this man, I'll give you all the money you want. If not, you can already say goodbye to this dream of yours." he told me with a harsh voice "Think well cause your birthday is coming up" he added before exiting the room.
I collapsed on the floor, tears were stinging my eyes and blurring my vision. Jin hugged me tightly and patted my back, whispering sweet nothings to my ear to comfort me the best he could.
I hid my head on his neck and cried silently, I hated this, hated this situation, hated this life. I was like a bird trapped in a silver cage.
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I ate nothing for the rest of the day after my dad had announced my upcoming wedding.
I still couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. How come a father could do this to his only daughter? Wasn't he supposed to love and cherish me?
It was Saturday and after a lazy morning, I finally stood up to do my daily routine. I put the prettiest dress I had on my dressing and put natural makeup on. I tried my best to cover up my dark circles and hide the exhaustion in my face caused by a long night of crying.
Today, my best friend Hana and I, planned to hang out together for a shopping day. It was the best way for me to think about something else than my current situation.
I took a look at my phone and saw her message "Hey honey, I'm waiting in front of your house~" I read before smiling and joining her outside the house, in front of the big gateway.
"Wow, you are stunning! Why is that? You're going to meet this San again?" She smiled widely.
Hana is the first friend I ever made in my life, I first met her when I was just 6 years old and she always stayed by my side even when I went through hard times. Her cheerful personality and her warm smile made her easy to get along with, she was the best at socializing, she was literally a burst of energy by herself and never failed to make me crack up a smile even when I wasn’t in a good mood. She made everyone feel attracted to her, she wasn’t only nice and outgoing but beautiful and funny as well. Her short and messy hair were completing her chubby cheeks and her brown eyes. Her tall frame and perfect curves made everyone drool over her, men and women.
She knew everything about my life. When something happened to me, she was the first one I talked to.
"I already told you! I know nothing about him, I don't even have his phone number, how could I meet him?" I pouted before laughing playfully.
We took the first bus we saw and headed downtown.
"It's a shame he isn't on any social media" she whined loudly "Dude, don't get me started" I answered, almost complaining.
During the bus ride, I talked once again about how I felt about San and the gorgeous charisma he had. Hana listened to me as if it was the first time I talked about this whilst I already told her a hundred times before.
Within ten minutes, we had reached our destination.
"Y/N! Look at this! I'm sure this top will fit you perfectly" I heard Hana yelling from the other side of the shop.
Everyone looked at us, some customers were judging us silently while others smiled, probably finding amusement in my friend’s behavior.  I apologized to the other customers for the noise and quickly went to my friend's side, slightly embarrassed even though I was used to it. Hana didn't know the word "silent".
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After 3 hours of shopping, I went outside to eat ice cream with Hana. We moved to a quiet spot with no one around. The weather was nice, it was a sunny day and I let myself relax under the comfortable heat.  I always liked rainy days better but I liked to feel the sun against my skin from time to time.
"I'm sorry to say this Y/N, but your father is truly an asshole" Hana swore between her teeth after I told her what happened at home the previous day.
"I don't know what I'm going to do about this. Is it better to agree and then divorce this guy? But my dad is well-known, he always will find a way to keep me under his grip, no matter what I do. I feel completely useless and trapped, I can’t find a good way to escape from this" I spoke in a low tone, sadness filling my voice the more I talked.
I sighed, concerned by the situation I was into. Hana gently rubbed my back to give me some comfort while my head was on her shoulder. We stayed silent for a few minutes, both of us didn’t know what to say because we both knew that there was no way I could escape my fate.
"Excuse me, are you Kim Y/N?"
I turned around to see who had called my name. In front of me stood was a well-dressed man, a bit older than me with a confident look. He wasn't especially handsome, but he wasn't unpleasant to look at. He had this classic Korean vibe one could find everywhere here in Korea.
"Yes? Who are you?" I politely asked.
He took my hand in his own, making me stand up from the bench I was sitting in. Soon after, he put a slight kiss on the back of my hand.
"What the hell?" I shouted and took my hand off his.
It wasn't in our culture to do something like this so I first assumed he had grown up abroad but honestly, from what I knew, even in the USA or Europa no one kissed a perfect stranger met in the street less than ten seconds ago.
"Who the heck are you?" Hana jumped between the man and me.
"I'm Hwang Jinyoung, her future husband" he simply stated, a smirk on his face.
"I never agreed on that." I frowned my eyebrows at his statement.
"What do you mean you never agreed? Your father told us that you were glad to be my future wife" The man seemed truly surprised or at least, he was pretending well to be.
"He lied!" I yelled out, the anger taking over me while I clenched my fists, nails finding their way onto y skin.
I was angry that my father had one more time, talked for me without my consent. My body was shaking from anger while the man laughed at my reaction.
"Move, you're in my way" He suddenly stopped laughing and violently pushed Hana to the ground.
My eyes opened wide from the shock. I was about to check on Hana to be sure she wasn't hurt but Jinyoung grabbed my wrist and pulled me in his chest.
"Why are you so angry? I will take good care of you!" he chuckled.
"Let me go!" I screamed against him, feeling the tears tingling my eyes.
I suddenly felt a strong arm around my waist which encircled me from behind.
"Holy shit." Hana gasped when she saw the handsome man who was protectively hugging me.
I had no need to look back, I already knew who it was. This touch and this warmness were simply unforgettable.
"If you don't let her go in the next five seconds, I'll blow your hands off." the voice behind me growled against Jinyoung.
The beating of my heart quickened. For the past two years I had dreamed about him every night and now, I was finally able to see him again.
"San!" I shouted happily, finally looking to the handsome boy. He smiled back atme but his expression became cold again as he stared at Jinyoung. My so-called husband finally let my wrist go and hardly swallowed his spit.
"Y-you! What are you doing here?" he asked with a shaking voice. I had no doubt about the fact that he knew who San was and that he probably knew him better than I did.
Edit: Guys, I'm so surprised, I didn't think I would get so many likes for this series, I just uploaded it two days ago after all lol but I'm glad! The next chapter is already done but I'll wait a bit before uploading it, maybe next week? Anyways, thank you again!
Tag list:
@hijirikaww @pinkchampagne2
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haechanokeh · 3 years
I’m Right For You [pt. 4]
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[teaser/ prologue] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ]
(you can play Die For You by The Weeknd while reading this 😌)
pairing: popular college! mark x average! reader
genre: romance, smut, angst, series.
word count: 2.8K
warning (chapter): handjob, oral sex (male receiving), penetration, cream pie
warning: corruption, oral sex (both receiving and giving), cream pie, rough sex, mention of religion, rough sex, self-esteem, psychology, public sex, sub! reader, sex toys. possessive mark two-faced mark
I think I’m right for you, babe. You know what I’m thinking, see it in your eyes. You hate that you want me, hate it when you cry. It ain’t workin’ ‘cause you’re perfect and I know that you’re worth it I can’t walk away. (Die for you by The Weeknd)
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you chose the latter, that's why you're sitting in his lap. you were straddling mark, your knees are both on each side of mark in the single couch where he was slouching comfortably. 
your mouth molding to each other producing loud smacking sound and moans. you both didn't hold back as if you owned the world. mark didn't know that you're mom was away but he never thought of her once, his head filled with you, only you.  you, on the other hand holding his jaws up as your shove your face down. his hands that were staying on your hips moved to your back, squeezing your ass that made you gasp. he slipped his tongue in your mouth, caressing your soft lips. he conquered your mouth like he owned it. jaws were clenching, lip locking. nasally heavy breathing, faint moans, and dirty smacking- all this noise filled your quiet house. 
mark noticed you were having a hard time breathing but you never stopped kissing him, you're like a hungry mad woman for him. not that he didn't like that, but you're literally about to lose your breath. he unlocked his lips from you, he was staring at your flushed face. 
"will you be mad if i tell you i've been wanting your mouth around my dick?" he sensually looked into your lips and his thumb tracing it. "i've always imagined how does it look like with my dick in it." 
his eyes darken. mark was now in his slightly dominant version. it sent you shivers at the same time your aching womanhood became responsive. 
"hmm, y/n?" he hummed to call your attention, wanting an answer from you. you nodded as a reply. "thank you." mark doesn't know if it's appropriate to say that in this mood but he said it because he was nervous that you will reject it.
you only saw his dick once but it didn't leave your head. you felt scared but you badly want him and you couldn't deny it. you voluntarily get off from his lap and kneel between his legs that are manly spread. your eyes focused on his bulging crotch as your hand reached for the garter of his gray sweatpants along with his calvin klein boxer shorts. pull it down. mark lifted his hips to help you fully remove his pants. you swallowed hard staring at the familiar veiny thing that mark has. it's not fully hard yet you can tell not until you look back and eyes met, mark get more aroused when he saw your doll-like eyes, nothing but innocence and excitement. mark watches you do all this things. 
mark leaned forward and traced your lower lip, he showed his middle and index finger. 
"lick it." he said with a commanding voice. you obliged, tongue out and lick the tips of his fingers, the side of it. you never left your eyes on him to check if he's doing it right. his lips were in thin line but it seemed like he's suppressing something. 
"suck it, y/n." he told you with authority. you started suck the tips. he smiled and pull away his fingers. "good girl, but don't use your teeth when you suck me, okay baby?" 
your heart jumped when he called you two names in a single sentence. 
he pumped his dick, scooted a little forward so that it wouldn't be a burden to you. he put hand hand behind your head and pull it slowly towards his crotch.
"you can start, y/n." he said with a smile, it was warm and reassuring. he switches expressions and emotions too quickly.
that's so inappropriate mark, it's not sexy but it made my heart skips a beat. 
you wrapped your hand around his dick, pumping it. mark let out a shaky sigh, so you check his face. he's so heavenly, parted lips eyes on your hand stroking his dick. you stick out your tongue and lick the tip. you gazed at each others eyes while you give his dick kitten licks and twirling your tongue around its head while stroking him. he was now biting his lip as he watches your tongue flatly on the base of it stroke it up all the way to the tip. he watches his dick slowly disappearing in your mouth. you can only achieve half of his dick so far while your palm around his dick where your mouth couldn’t rich and slowly bobbing your head.
“fuck.” mark hissed. you were looking up through your lashes from time to time to check he’s enjoying it. he did, this what he always imagined and nothing compares to this reality. he caressed your cheek that are sunken in, and gently tapped it. “faster baby.” 
you bobbed your head up and down in his dick, trying to go deeper but you were gagging so mark told you not yet, so you settled to sucking half of it while your hand occupied what you couldn’t. you stare at him through your lashes asking if you’re doing it right. your thighs are rubbing each other in arousal.
“yes, you’re doing good.” he moaned. he grabbed the sides of your head and help you to fasten the pace and go deeper. you gagged but his dick finally is in your throat. you didn’t realize that you’re hands already inside your sweatpants rubbing your clit through your underwear. you moaned which heighten his urgency to cum. you taste something weird, you assumed it’s his pre-cum.
“i’m close fu-” he pushed your head down more and your nose hit his pelvis, dick deeper than ever, hitting the back of your throat, mouth widely opened and suppressing your gag. “shit.” he pulled you out, you gasped and coughed a little. mark find it sexy when there’s a string of saliva that connects your mouth to his dick. he’s pumping his dick, one hand on the top of your head. 
“Tongue.” he hissed. you showed your tongue, gazing up in his face and down to his dick. mark produced a string of curses as he reached his high, it splured white thick liquid on your tongue and to your cheek. he tapped the tip against your tongue. you spit it on his dick and swallowed his dick  which made him off guard, shaking your head a little to deep throat him for the last time and threw your head back detaching your mouth from his cock. 
you were gasping heavily and eyes locked to each other. he admired your fucked up face, only for him.
“that was… hot.” he breathed out. you smiled widely, your teeth are showing, probably because of pride and without your knowledge you brought mark to cloud 9. mark swallowed.
yeah, this is much better than what i imagined. 
he leaned down, cupping your jaws and captured your lips. he could taste his essence but wasn’t bothered about it. your tongue dancing together and sometimes you were catching each other smiling through the kiss that’s why both of you are giggling but never stopped kissing. it was passionate and the word love potentially fits the description of the emotions you were sharing.
well, you flinched in surprise when you heard a doorbell. 
“wait, your mom?” mark started to get panicked, but that’s impossible, so you shook your head. were you expecting someone-
“the pizza!” you quickly get up but mark grabbed your wrist causing you to bend forward.
he wiped your face full of his cum and your lips that were wet because of the wet kiss with mixture of his liquid. he won't allow other men to see you like this, you weren't aware but your erotic face is stunning.
"okay, clean." he pat your back. you giggled and ran towards the door.
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afraid of making things awkward between you two, mark stopped himself from asking you what you feel about him. he knew that things went all south every time he confess or address romantic relationship between you two so he shut his mouth.
you were studying with mark. mark is a great teacher, you only understand the lessons because of him and he gave you tips to memorize things, and mark is a "study smart" type of guy, he only focuses on what he thinks that will appear in the test.
however after several hours, you're crying. you completely forgotten that you also have long test for jurisprudence and ethics which a word by word exam and it's completely impossible for you to memorize a total of 49 sections.
mark felt bad but at the same time laughing because you were crying. everything about you is cute, beautiful, or sexy for mark, he's completely blind for love.
"the hell are you laughing at? why are you filming me?! you whined and tried to snatch his phone but he was quick.
both of you were sitting on the floor because the table is too small. you weren't completely away from each other too.
"don't cry over acads, that's stressful." he said laughing while his camera still filming you.
"give me that!" you sobbed, you crawled. you successfully snatched his phone from his hand however, a cliché scene happened.
you landed on top of him, chest against his chest, and faces are inches away to each other. mark? he didn't hesitate, he was hungry for you. lip locking and moaning like crazy what happened earlier seemed like happening again right now. but this time, you're much bolder.
"bed." you said in between the kiss. mark groaned and slapped your ass signaling you to stand up. you did but both of you didn't try to remove each other's lip.
your hands were flatly on his chest, pushing him towards your room. the back of his knees met your bed causing him to fall back on it. both of you bounced because of how soft your mattress is. he shifted your position that's why you're under him, crawled forward and you crawled back using your elbow until your head hit the headboard of your bed.
he nipped your neck while your hand rubbing his bulge. you dipped your hand in his boxers and trap his flesh, stroking it.
"shit." he cursed in pleasure. he pulled out your hand, at first it confused you but you just trust him.
he removed every single fabric you have, and mark breathed out in the sight your offered him. full round breast and beautiful curves. he watches your chest to go up and down as you breathe. again, you are just trusting everything to him so you just waited and ready to commit whatever he wanted to do to you.
mark grabbed both of the ankle of your legs and pulled it to closer to your body, knees bending, and thighs open. mark staring at it.
"everything about you is beautiful." mark gaze at your eyes. you can only see nothing but sincerity which made your blood rush to your face.
"i don't know." you don't usually get complimented... not until mark praising your beauty since the day he confessed and you really don't know how to receive compliments.
"then you should." he said before kneeling and diving in to your wetness.
"oh my..." you moaned when you felt his nose in your bud and his tongue licked your slit. he inserted his tongue inside you and just do its magic accompanied by his two fingers pumping your juices.
your head became empty, all you did was scream his name and moan loudly. but when he begun sucking your, your back arch which pushed down by mark. your hard gripping mark's head and pushing it more towards you.
your face distorted in so much pleasure and just exploded without any warning. mark licking and spitting it to your pussy.
you were catching your breath, still high in your orgasm. mark sat up, your essence dripping down on his chin.
"i need you so bad mark." but you want more, you want the real thing. you pyt your feet on his bulge and stroke it. he was surprised, and later realize what you mean. mark gave you an apologetic look.
"i really loved too but we don't have protection." mark said.
"i'm on pill." you said and yes you are taking contraceptive. you saw mark's inner brows twitch.
"why?" he said sounded suspicious of you. maybe he thought you were sexually active.
"hormonal imbalance." you simply replied. he's a pharmacy student, he already knew what it meant. you saw mark face relieved.
"no skip?" he said. mark making sure that he will not destroy your life, unlike him if ever you get pregnant it's going to be hard for you to study. yeah, mark really cared for you.
"no skip." you gave him a reassuring smile.
"good." he smiled back. mark spread your essence in his cock, pumping it.
he laid down but use his right arm beside your head supported his weight to avoid crashing you.
"are you ready?" his whispered softly in your ears. you faced him and nodded. he pecked your nose. you were slightly nervous but ready to give in.
and you ask yourself, why do you act like lovers? but your brushed it off because it might ruined the mood.
he aligned his member and slowly enter the tip and ut already feels different from his fingers. mark continue to enter you slowly but when you felt that your tissue was about to break, which is very painful your hand landed on his cheek, harshly.
he was startled, lashes blinking and he stopped.
"oh my gosh, i'm so sorry! i was just surprised by the pain." you were embarrassed and felt sorry. it's just afternoon so the room is bright and you could see it left a print on his cheek.
"it's okay, it didn't hurt." he smiled, lying. shit that stings. "put your hands in my arm or shoulder." mark said because he noticed you don't know where to put your hands because you were slightly nervous. you did what he said, hands on his shoulder.
then he dig it deeper and ripped you. you moaned painfully and nails digging mark. it really hurts for virgin, imagine a tissue being ripped? mark didn't move, his manhood isn't fully inside you. he whispered lovely things into your ears, praising you and giving your face feathery kiss.
when you feel like you can handle it already, you asked him to move.
"mark, you can move." you shakily said.
"i love you." he said. he always said this everyday, like almost didn't miss. he captured your lips and shared a passionate and sloppy kiss while slowly digging deeper inside you.
and he started to thrust his hips slowly but deeply inside you. it was painfully good and you want more.
"faster mark." you moaned almost begging.
mark started to fuck you fast. you became a moaning mess, your back wanted to arch so bad but his body on top of you not allowing it which added to your pleasure. you felt restraint under him and it made you go crazy.
"mark, right there, right there!" you were screaming, wishing that your neighbour will not hear you.
"fuck." mark cursed between his gritting teeth. his face was above you and you could clearly see that his eyes switched again into something dark. he grabbed your left ankle and lifted it. he quickly changed position, he was on his knees.
mark became harsh and his dick became accurate hitting your spot. you were screaming and crying because of the pain and pleasure. hands gripping the bed sheets and hips lifting as you feel euphoric. your lungs felt like deprived in oxygen.
"i'm cumming." you cried out.
"me too, y/n. you feel so good, you're great." he said you know he's about to cum too because his thrusts became sloppy.
you reached your high first, long moan, and your eyes were crossing. he leaned down, burying his face on your neck and groaned there. he painted your walls, you can feel how full you were down there.
both of you were gasping for air but mark was crashing your small body.
"mark i can't breathe." you tapped his shoulder. mark cursed in panic and quickly lift his body and laid next to you.
"y/n, i love you." he said it twice today, shamelessly.
you're looking at each other, breathing in sync but your lids became heavy and you lost your energy to respond to him. mark chuckled and kissed your nose.
"take a rest."
but the moment you woke up he wasn't there already. but you felt something in your forehead, you grabbed it. it was a sticky note. you laughed still half awake.
i tried to wake you up but you kicked my balls. don't worry, the test is an essay type, i already left notes in your laptop. sorry for using it w/o your permission. ps, i transferred some of your photos to my cellphone. i love you y/n - mark lee
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✨if you want to be added in I’m Right For You Tag List, you can DM or Ask me so i can add you ✨
Tag List: @jjikyuu @sunshinedhyuck @erisxczenie​ @wassup-haeyadwae​
thank you for reading my story btw 🥺
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illyaana · 3 years
Hey... Could you maybe... Could you make a oneshot consisting of Bakugou's older sibling reader (I'd prefer it to be gender neutral with a more masculine style, however you prefer) x Midnight? 🥺🥺 I love her so much and Horikoshi did her dirty. You can do whatever oneshot that you want/comes to mind, I just want something fluffy. Thank you UwU
Udk how much I squealed getting this as my first ask!
(also whoever you are you made my day/week/month (。・∀・)ノ゙)
I agree, Horikoshi did her dirty. She had some moments but that was IT. I tried my best, hope you like it!!
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(it's more of a you being a hero and being in a relationship with Nemuri rather than a one-shot surrounding your relationship, but there's a bunch of fluffy stuff at the end, so gehe-)
Tags: Midnight x Bakugo's Older Sibling! Reader, Binaural, Fluff, Minor Cursing, Mentions of Blood
Your Quirk: Liquid Maker - You conjure a liquid in your hands (smtg like sweat) when you want to and it can become anything. Name it, you got it hun <3
Synopsis: You are a hero (obviously gehe-) and you were catching some villains. Suddenly a huge explosion came from the middle of Musutafu and you headed straight to the crime scene.
Word Count: 2163
SFW Masterlist ◍ Navigation ◍ Requesting Guidelines ◍ Ask here!
You woke up to the sweet smell of smoke coming from the living room. Groaning, you got off your comfortable bed and raced to the living room to stop Bakugo from his daily antics.
"You really got to stop doing this in the morning, Katsuki," you told the younger male, "It's literally," you looked at the clock, "8 am in the morning and my half-asleep self could've gotten hurt stopping you from breaking all hell loose."
Katsuki scoffed while looking at you. "Why aren't you at work yet? As you said, it's already 8 am."
"Later shift today! I only start at around 10 am."
"Wow, aren't you lucky?" Katsuki said as he walked towards the stove, "I'm making pancakes, but I won't make even one for you until you go bathe. You look disgusting."
"Okay, okay." You say, raising your hands and rushing to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
After bathing, you head back into your room and began to wear your skin-tight hero suit.
You groaned slightly as you slowly pulled the form-fitting clothing up your body.
"I swear to God this isn't getting easier."
"You are literally a fatass, so I'm not surprised," you heard Katsuki scream from the kitchen, "I pity Midnight. The fact she needs to be around a literal piece of garbage who doesn't even look good."
"At least I have someone, unlike your childish ass."
"I am a child," he retorted.
You sigh as you open your room door and head back to the kitchen.
"One day, you're going to wish you were nicer to the people around you."
"Maybe," Katsuki said while passing you a plate with a stack of three pancakes, "...but I am pretty sure you aren't going to be one of them, judging by how much you baby me."
"But you are a child! Didn't you say so a few minutes ago?" you say as you pinch his cheeks, earning a growl from him, "Woah, calm down dog."
"Shut up and eat, fatass."
You chuckle at his words and proceed with the order given by your younger brother.
You loved getting later shifts on Fridays. These were the quieter days in the Bakugo household. Mom usually took her extra days off on Fridays like today, extending her weekend. Dad left for work earlier on Fridays but he'd always buy some spicy thing for Katsuki and you to have in the morning. Something to wish us a good day, I presume. And to top it all off, you and Katsuki would have these "sibling" moments, which mostly consisted of you annoying him to the point he'd lash out at you.
"You're a really good cook, Katsuki. These pancakes keep getting better!" you compliment the 10-year old.
And there it was: you entertainment of the day - Katsuki trying to say thank you but failing miserably thanks to his own pride as a "man".
"T-than- that's obvious, isn't it?" he ends, a blush present on his face, "I make pancakes every single time you have a later shift because you like it. If I'm getting better, that means you've been getting more later shifts. That means you've been slacking off, you stupid Pro Hero!"
"...how did you even get to that idea?"
After calming down a raging Katsuki, you put on your gear and head to the entrance of the house.
"Have a good day at school, Katsuki. Don't do anything you'd regret," you playfully warn him before leaving the house.
The streets of Musutafu were usually peaceful. Ever since All Might became the Symbol of Peace, the crime rates have dropped extensively. Yet, there are always one or two little naughty kids that wanted to play with their quirks - or in simpler terms, people who act like kids and try to do minor crimes using their quirks.
Using the liquid formed in your hands, you aimed at the legs of the two running males in black and wrap their legs together. Within a second, the liquid instantly formed into a rope and bounded their legs together, forcing them to fall face down.
"You both gave me a good morning run, thanks for that!" You say as you place two handcuffs around their wrists, "But you should seriously think about another hobby besides stealing."
From afar, you heard a loud boom coming from the middle of Musutafu.
In an instant, you formed another bunch of rope and tied the two males around their waist and pushed them to the corner of a building.
"Run away and you'll get more than just jail time," you say as you rush off to the scene.
The minute you reached the scene, your eyes widened in fear.
Endeavor was the reason behind the whole catastrophe here?
From behind, you felt a pair of soft hands touch your shoulder.
"I know what it looks like, but trust me it isn't," Nemuri started, "A villain that has a mind control quirk is controlling Endeavor from a distance. I've been trying to locate them, but no luck."
You smiled, looking at your girlfriend.
"You managed to get all of that in a few seconds?" you ask, amazed, "I got a good one, didn't I?"
You felt Midnight pinch you from behind.
"As much as I appreciate the compliment, now isn't the time to flirt with me," the female hero said.
You nod, washing away the playful smile.
"You get all the civilians out of here and contact the heroes through the network. I'll try to get him down and knock him out," you say. Nemuri nodded and began to gather the civilians away from the scene.
"Now," you turn to face the 2nd best hero, "How does one take down someone much, much more stronger than you?"
You slowly gathered your liquid in your palm, allowing the fluid to grow in volume.
"You defeating Endeavor would be a sight to behold, not going to lie here," the villain said through Endeavor, "But I am willing to test out that theory."
You lunged at the fire user while creating a fire-resistant rope to tie him down in your hand. In the other, you managed to conjure a Haladie sword - a sword you've trained with ever since your days in UA.
Using the sword, you managed to propel yourself above Endeavor and cut his back. Using the momentum you built, you used both your feet to hit the back of Endeavor's knees, forcing him to kneel.
You immediately stabbed his dominant hand, preventing him from reacting quickly.
With a snap, the Haladie sword transformed back into its liquid state and wrapped around his left hand.
"I was never planning on defeating Endeavor but merely securing him, dear villain of mine," you say as you transformed the liquid around his left hand into a quick-cancelling glove, "It’s one point for Y/N, right now. No point for little Mindy over here."
You began to build up more liquid in your hands to hopefully form another Haladie sword or at least a blade.
The controlled Endeavor began to get up slowly and turn to face you.
"I didn't peg you to be a dumb one, Y/N."
You felt a blade pierce through your stomach.
A civilian sobbed as they pressed the blade deeper into your body, your blood dripping onto their office coat.
"I can't believe you let your guard down so easily. It was your fault to assume I could only control one person at a time, little hero," the controlled civilian said midst crying.
"And that will be your downfall," Endeavor said as small flames began to grow from the palm of his right hand.
The knife that once was in your body was violently ripped out of your body by the controlled civilian and then used to kill themself by piercing their heart.
Tears fell as you saw the now lifeless male bleed to death right beside you.
"Oh don't worry," Endeavor said, "I'll make sure you also go with him, too. That small wound won't kill you, I know that."
You saw Midnight running towards you along with Eraserhead and All Might.
"You know, I always pictured you crying over a dead Nemuri Kayama whilst bleeding from your stomach, have you?"
Your eyes widened at the statement.
There was no way you were going to let that villain kill her.
"Eraser," you screamed, "Erase his quirk and get Midnight out of here."
'Please don't fail on my now, buddy,' you told to your body as you ran towards Endeavor, 'You still have to live for the people you love.'
You quickly formed another Haladie sword and vaulted from the floor towards Endeavor.
You managed to grab the hand aimed at Midnight and pushed it towards you. Using the remainder fluid you had, you formed another quirk-cancelling glove on Endeavor's right hand.
You could hear a sigh of relief from both Nemuri and Shouta, making you smile.
From afar, you heard All Might saying that he caught the villain that was controlling both the civilian and Endeavor. You were shocked when you heard the number one hero's laugh of victory.
You were amazed at the skill the male had.
A villain that took two people to search for was found by him in a few minutes.
Soon, the wound formed by the dead civilian began to take effect as your vision became hazy.
Before you could lose consciousness, you felt Nemuri's hands wrap around you, catching you before you fell.
When you woke up, you heard the sound of hospital monitors beeping. You felt a small hand gripping around your left hand.
"Why did you let them stab you, idiot," you heard your younger brother say, "Don't go teaching me a lesson with your death - it won't work."
You chuckled, looking at the younger blonde. "If this doesn't work on you, I don't know what will."
Katsuki began to sob on your blanket while gripping on the four fingers his small fingers could grip.
"It's okay, Kacchan," you saw a green-haired boy patting his back, "He is here and he is alive. That is all that matters, okay?"
You smiled, looking at the greenette.
"What's your name?" you ask him.
"I'm Izuku Midoriya! I'm friends with Kacchan," he says with a beaming smile.
"Kacchan, huh?" you tease, "You are really close friends with Kacchan, aren't you?"
Before Izuku could reply, you felt Katsuki pinch your leg.
"I don't even know why I care for you, you fatass."
"Oh, how you wound me," you feign sadness as the ten-year-olds left your room.
You smile at the sight of the greenette consoling your brother as they walk out of the room.
You look up to the ceiling, sighing.
"You are a bit too young to be sighing so loudly, Y/N," Nemuri said as she slowly opened the door, "I saw what you did there. Don't tease Katsuki so often, he is quite mature for his age, you know?"
You smile, looking at Nemuri with her hands on her waist.
"He's growing too fast. I need small moments like this to remember how innocent he is before he becomes the raging little twit I know he'll become."
"Woah, Woah, Woah," she says, laughing, " 'Raging little twit'? You really are a bad brother."
You begin laughing, "I have to be the playful one or else the Bakugo's would be a family of three brooding people and one peaceful man."
Your eyes widen.
"You aren't supposed to agree, you know?"
"My mother taught me not to lie," she says, smiling.
"Well, white lies aren't bad."
She sits beside you and holds your hand. Tears slowly escape her eyes as she looks at you.
"You are okay, right?" She says, sniffling.
You slowly wipe off her tears and put the palm of your hand on her cheek.
"I'm fine, Nemuri."
You slowly move towards her and place a kiss on her forehead.
You pat the empty side of your bed, "Want to join me?"
She slowly nods as she walks to the empty side of the bed and gets in. Her legs immediately wrap around your left leg as she places her head against your chest. Her left hand extends around your waist and hugs you.
"What are you, a koala?" you joke.
"What can I say? You are a comfy tree."
"Well, I am glad to be of service."
Soon, Nemuri goes to sleep. Soft snores can be heard from her as she rubs her head against your chest.
'The koala became a cat,' you thought to yourself.
Your right-hand goes to the top of her head, ruffling her hair.
"I love you so much, Nemuri Kayama. I always will. If I had to, I would gladly lay my life down so that you'd be safe. I know you're asleep and probably can't hear this, but you are the most important thing in my life - don't forget that," you tell her sleeping figure as you fall asleep.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
I love reading all your works and they put a smile on my face everytime I see them. Is there any chance you could do a whole Lupin family truth or drink (with or without Sirius is cool too) thanks
Hello anon! Thank you for your kind words--they mean more than you know <3 Jules isn’t included here because he’s 10 and the questions are not suited for 10-year-olds, but this was so much fun to write all the same! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for alcohol and mentions of sex
“We’re back!” Marlene announced with a smile as she set up an unlabeled bottle on the table, along with three shot glasses. “And today, we’re doing something a little different with truth or drink. Loops, do you want to do the intros?”
Remus waved at the camera. “Hey, Lions, I’m Remus Lupin and these are my parents, Hope and Lyall.” He frowned and looked over at Marlene. “You toned down the questions, right? These are PG?”
“Nope!” she said cheerfully as she took her place behind the camera. “Take it away, Hope, it’s good to have you back!”
“It’s good to be back!” she said, smiling. “I had so much fun last time. Alright, Loops, describe your first kiss.”
He shook his head with a laugh. “It’s so weird hearing you call me that. Uh, I was seventeen and I kissed Ellie Sanders from down the street during her birthday party for a game of truth or dare.”
“Seventeen? I was expecting earlier, to be honest,” Lyall said as he took a card. “Hope, darling, have you ever been arrested?”
She reached for her shot glass and Remus’ jaw fell open. “What?”
“Well, I guess I have to answer it now,” she sighed. “Sweetheart, I grew up in the seventies and eighties, and your father and I met during a protest. This should not surprise you.”
“We can drink at any time, right?” Remus asked Marlene before taking a shot and drawing a card. “I could answer this one. Was I an accident?”
“Yes,” the three of them said at the same time.
“I was 21, he was 23, we had been married for three months and were not planning on having kids for at least six years,” Hope explained. She reached over and took Remus’ hand. “But you were the best accident. Okay, my turn. Have you ever had sex in my house?”
“I knew that kind of question was coming up,” Remus muttered. “No, I have not, and I don’t plan on ever doing it. My childhood bedroom is literally the least sexy place I can think of.”
“I don’t know, those plaid sheets and wall-to-wall bookshelves are really something, “ Lyall teased as he took a card. Remus rolled his eyes. “In a similar vein: when did you lose your virginity, and did you use protection?”
“Again, I was seventeen, and I did use protection because I knew I was gay at that point and didn’t want to risk anything.” Remus ran a hand down his face. “Ugh, this was not how I thought my day was going to go.”
“Was it the same night as your first kiss?” Hope gasped when he nodded. “Look at you go!”
“Oh my god, mom.” Remus picked a new card. “Ha! This should be interesting. Who’s your favorite child? Both of you have to answer.”
Hope drummed her fingers on her knees and Lyall bit his lip. “I love you for different reasons,” he finally said. “Jules is more cuddly and outgoing than you, but you actually have an off-switch and you’re a very kind person. Yeah, it’s an even split.”
“I can’t choose,” Hope said, tapping the edge of her card on the table. “You’re my boys and I love you. That’s all that matters. Have you ever been in love?”
“Yes, I have.” A soft smile tilted the edge of Remus’ lips up and he glanced behind the camera.
“Who are you looking at?” Marlene asked. “The viewers can’t see back here.”
“Oh! Sorry. My fiancé is on a bench by the wall with the car keys.” All three of them waved to Sirius. “Alright, dad, you’re up.”
“Which parent do you like more?” He mock-frowned at Remus. “I hope you know our future relationship directly depends on your answer to this single question from a drinking game on a Wednesday afternoon.”
“Just for that, I’m choosing mom,” Remus said, laughing when Lyall cuffed him lightly on the shoulder. “In all honesty, I don’t have a favorite. Like you said earlier, I love you both for different reasons.”
“What reasons?” Hope asked.
“Dad, you taught me to cook and got me into hockey, but mom encouraged me to stick with PT and always goes the extra mile.” He rolled his shot glass between his fingers for a moment. “I just know that I’m really lucky to have you both in my life, because you’ve been nothing but supportive.”
Hope dabbed at her eye with the sleeve of her sweater and Lyall took a deep breath. “Whew. Okay. Please ask something super awkward,” he said.
“I’ll do my best,” Remus laughed. His smile turned into a grimace when he read the card and he rested his forehead on the table.
Hope nudged him with her elbow. “What, are you going to chicken out this late in the game? We don’t raise wusses in the Lupin family.”
“You have to ask it,” Marlene called.
Remus sat up and shook his shoulders out. “Dad, have you—I am begging you to drink—have you ever performed oral sex on mom?”
“Performed?” Lyall snorted. “What is this, the circus?”
Remus handed him the bottle. “Please drink.”
Lyall poured himself a shot and drank it; just as Remus was starting to look mildly relieved again, he grinned. “Yes, I have.”
“Damn it.” Remus covered his face with his hands. “I should have known you would answer anyway. Jesus. I need to sear that from my brain.”
Hope took her next card and slid the bottle to Remus. “What’s your favorite sexual position? I really don’t need to know this, sweetheart.”
“No, you certainly do not!” Remus said brightly, drinking his shot. “In fact, I’m glad you don’t want to.”
Lyall cleared his throat and took a card. “What’s something I do that embarrasses you?”
“This game is rigged to give all the loaded questions to you,” Remus laughed. “You need to figure out what you want for gifts. You always say you want nothing, and then the day after Christmas you’re pining after something you never told people you wanted.”
“I do not,” Lyall scoffed. Remus and Hope shared a look and his eyes widened. “Hey!”
“Okay, my turn.” Remus’ eyebrows rose when he read the card. “When I moved out, were you relieved or sad?”
“Oh, shit,” Hope murmured with a sniffle. “I’m already crying. Both. There was a little bit of both.”
“Yeah. The first move only happened for a little while when you went to college, but you moved back after the accident and that was…tough.”
“It was easy letting you go the first time,” Lyall said, softer than he had been yet. “You were ready then. The second time, we were so worried and also so proud of you for everything you had worked for.”
Remus scrunched his nose up and let out a shaky breath, leaning their temples together. “Love you.”
“Love you, too.” Hope whispered. Lyall ruffled his hair. She coughed lightly and took a new card. “Please be something uncomfortably sexual. Ah, bummer. If someone offered you $10,000 dollars to never talk to me again, would you do it?”
Remus snorted. “No.”
“What about $100,000?”
“A million?”
“Is this an auction?”
“If someone gave you ten million dollars to never speak to me again, would you take it?”
“Holy shit, mom!” he laughed. “Do you want me to stop talking to you? Is this a hint?”
“We did good,” she said, giving her husband a high-five.
Remus narrowed his eyes. “Would you guys stop talking to me for ten million dollars?”
“No, never,” Lyall assured him before turning and winking at the camera. Remus groaned. “Our minds have traded bodies—“
“They have? That explains a lot.”
“Shush. If our minds traded bodies, what is the first thing you would do in my body?”
“No offense, but I would run as far away from mom as humanly possible. We are not having any Oedipus moments in this household. The second thing I would do is reach things on the high shelves of my house, because even though I’m five foot eleven, my six foot three fiancé insists on putting things just slightly out of reach.” Remus craned his neck to see behind the camera. “Yes, I’m talking about you. Stop laughing!”
“You don’t think the aforementioned fiancé would be curious as to why your dad was suddenly on the front doorstep?”
“I would hope you would explain what was going on when you woke up in my body.” When Lyall didn’t answer, Remus pinched the bridge of his nose. “Dad. If we switch bodies, I need you to promise me you won’t sleep with my fiancé.”
“Ugh, fine.”
“You’re not even into men!”
“How do you know?” He burst out laughing at Remus’ shocked expression. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. The first thing I would do is go skating, because I bet your knees don’t hurt after ten minutes. Then I would go to the dentist, because I know you’re bad about scheduling your appointments.”
“He’s right!” A distant voice called.
Remus gave Marlene a disbelieving look as he drew a card. “Is this turning into Remus Lupin Callout Hour? Alright, if you could change one thing about me, what would it be?”
“Scheduling skills,” Lyall answered immediately.
“Answering phone calls,” Hope added.
Remus seemed surprised by her answer. “You told Sirius you didn’t like it when he got into fights on the ice. I was expecting the same here.”
She shrugged. “It’s kind of neat, seeing my kid get in a rumble out there. I’m very proud of you. Less proud when you start bleeding, but that’s only because you have a very nice nose and straight teeth.”
“You heard it here first, folks,” Remus said to the camera. “My mother worries more about my nose and my teeth that the fact that I’m getting beaten up.”
“I think that’s the last question,” Marlene said with a laugh. “How are you all feeling?”
“I feel fantastic,” Lyall answered.
“I know far too much about my parents’ sex life.”
“It was one question,” Hope scoffed. “I feel wonderful, for your information. These are always such fun.”
“Should we ask Jules to come next time?” Marlene asked.
“Seeing as he’s ten and knows way too many embarrassing stories about me, absolutely not,” Remus said.
“We could give him apple juice, he’d have a good time,” Hope shrugged. “I would not oppose it.”
“You’re famous now, Loops.” Lyall grinned. “The tabloids would love having your baby brother as a gold mine of information.”
“Can I sign us off?” he asked Marlene. “Please tell me I can sign us off. I need to leave, like, five minutes ago.”
“You’re depriving me of content, Re!”
“Hey, hockey fans, thanks for tuning in to Lion Pride’s Truth or Drink! I’m Remus Lupin, these are my parents, and we hope you have a great day.”
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cocobutnochanel · 3 years
The Kims | 18+
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Genre: smut, angst, romance, au, drama
Main Characters: Kim Minseok, Kim Junmyeon, Kim Jongdae x Reader (oc: female)
Warnings: swearing, sex scenes, slavery(not literally iguess), mentions of death, mentions of abuse, abandonment
Summary: When you thought life wasn't a fairytale and you were no Cinderella, truth slaps you in the face when you become an orphan overnight and your step-family sells you off to the richest family in town.
Word Count: 2.6k+ words
Part 1
(Part 2, Part 3)
‘Live, baby. Live your life to the fullest.’
You can still hear your eomma's last words to you before she passed away. It kept replaying in your head ever since she was announced dead.
She was the only family member left. You were an only child whose father was also dead. Life may have not been in your favor exactly but you came from a rich family. At least, that made up for it.
You feel hot tears run down your face when you see your mother's face inside a coffin. Sadness, anger and longing wash over you. You knew your mother's health was getting bad but you weren't expecting her to leave you just like that.
"Y/N! Get your stuff sorted!" You hear your stepbrother, Oh Sehun, scream from the second floor of your house. You were suspicious as to why he was in your room and touching your things but you shrugged it off. Your stepfather would kill you if you said something bad about his sons.
You ignored the the strangeness of the situation and immediately climbed upstairs. "Coming!" You called, wiping your tears away. You hear Chanyeol, your other stepbrother, chuckle at the sight of you crying. You just sigh and make your way to Sehun who wouldn't stop shouting your name now.
You knew it was strange that he was in your room but what surprised you was him stuffing your things inside a suitcase.
"Oppa! What are you doing?" You exclaimed, running to your room that became a mess after what he did. Your hands were trembling as your eyes scanned your things that were half-ruined now because of your stepbrother. You quickly get on your knees to see your belongings now scattered on the floor.
You look up to him, looking for some sort of explanation but his eyes were dead and he refused to say anything. God, this frustrated you so much. 
You feel another presence in the room so you whip your head around and see Chanyeol leaning on the doorframe. "Appa's getting rid of you finally." His icy deep voice was enough to scare you, the idea of moving out made you want to faint.
You tried to control your breathing as you see Chanyeol smiling at your state. "Please don't." You begged shamelessly and that earned another chuckle from Chanyeol. You bit your lip so hard, you tasted blood in your mouth.
Moving out? Getting rid? The hot tears you wiped off your face earlier came back in a split second. The Ohs weren't exactly nice to you but they were all you had after your mother passed away. No relatives, no family friends, no anything. This house was the only roof you could go under. Fuck, the world outside was meaner than the Ohs could ever be. It terrified you beyond belief.
"I'm sorry." An emotionless apology from Sehun didn't make it any better. You spent almost eight years with them ever since your eomma married your stepfather when you were barely eleven. "Appa was struggling with the funds when your mom was sick. He had no choice but to borrow money and now, he couldn't return it. The only way to pay it was to send you there." Your eyes widen at his reason. It was absolute bullshit.
"B-But my trust fund! It could pay the debt, right? Shouldn’t we call the family lawyer first?" You try to find another reason to stay but Chanyeol cut your thoughts off with his voice. "Pack it up, Cinderella, you don't have all day." With that, he walked out of the room. 
With slumped shoulders, you fall to the floor. You were defeated in all aspects. You lost your mother and now, you had to lose your home and only family too.
"I don't understand it at all. I had a trust fund. That would be enough to pay off eomma's hospital bills." You whispered as your heart ached. You tried to look at Sehun again but his eyes were emotionless. You knew he was the kinder brother to you despite being whiney but what you couldn't believe was him lying to you right now. Your trust fund was more than enough. Also, your mother’s company wasn’t going bankrupt for your family to reach this measure.
"You really need to pack up, Y/N. Appa would be fuming if he went home and you're still here.." Sehun said, pushing your suitcase nearer to you. It might hurt that these people you consider family are sending you to some stranger they borrowed money from but Sehun made a point. "You know it'd be bad to anger Appa." He retaliated.
That woke you up. Your stepfather may have not laid a finger on you before but he spat so many hurtful words. He had the shortest temper and you weren't sure that he wouldn't hurt you physically now that your mother was dead. 
With his anger management issues and hugeass body, he could kill you with his bare hands. That urged you to stand and start stuffing your suitcase with as much clothes as you could.
Your tears eventually dried and Sehun left your room. Your knees and hands were trembling like they were earlier but that didn't stop you from packing your things. The imagery of your angry stepfather's huge figure made you go on. It was fear that made you want to live even if your whole life was as trashy as it was already. After all, this was all your mother wanted before she died. For you to live.
After putting all the stuff you needed inside your bags, you quickly scurry off to the entrance of your house. You had no idea where you would be going but staying in this house also meant you'd die. You had to try your chances that the people your stepfather is indebted to is somehow less cruel and would not kill me. Wherever it was, you tried to assure yourself it'd be better than staying here.
"Hey, Cindy! A carriage is waiting outside for you." You hated the new nickname Chanyeol gave you but you knew you'd never see him again in your life. You guessed. These people would never let you go without paying the debt and you know your stepfather would never do that. That thought dismissed all the anger in your head for him.
You drag your luggage outside and see a black car. This must be the carriage Chanyeol was referring to. It looked very expensive and it was also heavily tinted. Whoever your stepfather was indebted to, they were filthy rich.
You hesitated as it approached you. Was this right? Your mother's dead body was lying in your living room right now. You should be weeping instead of running away. You haven't even had the chance to grieve yet here you are, being kicked out of the house you grew up in. The house you made memories with. The only home that you ever knew.
The hesitations quickly evaporated as you heard your stepfather's Range Rover approaching. You knew that engine sound all too well. You have hurried off to your room a lot when you were younger whenever you got in trouble with your stepdad. So instinctively, you ran to the black car's door, never looking back at the home you once had.
Your hands stopped shaking and you finally started to breathe properly as the black car pulled out of your home's driveway. Your stepfather’s Range Rover was already out of earshot and you knew you were safe. For now.
Doubts and overthinking clouded your mind. You wanted to be afraid and scared at what might await me. But also, you couldn’t go back home. Your head hurt after so much thinking, you dozed off inside the car as the worries now left your troubled mind.
You felt a nudge on your shoulder, pulling you to consciousness. Your eyes slowly flutter open as you try to sit up properly. "We're here.." You heard the driver say. He was a white-haired guy my age. He also gave me a smile and tried to help me up.
"Where are we, sir?" Your voice was hoarse and the car door flew open beside you. It revealed a grand mansion in front of you and it earned a gasp from you.
You see a man walking by the entrance of the huge manor. His tall stature demanded attention and you automatically assumed he was the owner. With that classy tuxedo and refined posture, you knew nothing about him was cheap.
He suddenly turned around and your eyes widened at that. As if his money wasn't enough to make him intimidating, he had a perfect face. It may have a permanent scowl but you couldn't deny his face was truly perfect. Tanned complexion, defined jaw, plump lips and thick eyebrows. He was definitely handsome.
"Who are you to look at me straight in the eye?" His voice was deep and authoritative and loud enough to snap you out of your thoughts, it surprised you. His scowl even grew which made you bow your head and quickly apologize. "I'm sorry." You mumbled, the fear of death immediately taking over your senses. 
"Be nicer." Another voice interrupted that made you look up. A man with a child on his arm went out of the house, standing by the door. He wore a similar suit to the man who was scowling. Another handsome man, you thought. He looked older but no less handsome. He also looked friendlier as a little girl bounced in his arms.
This man was definitely kinder, you could safely assume. His eyes were soft despite his features being sharp and his thin lips had a pressed smile.
The scowling man passed by him and went inside the huge house. You could only look at his leaving back, hoping you didn't piss him enough to get yourself killed. You couldn't possibly die the first day you're here.
"Hey, get inside. I'm sorry for that. My brother's just wired that way." He offered a smile as the little girl in his arms looked at him adoringly. You nodded at what he said, trying to take in the information. His kind smile was nothing compared to the previous man’s scowl. Their air was too different. "Let her inside, Baek. We’ll be at the study." He nodded at the driver before going back inside his room.
The driver who was named Baek started carrying my bags. "No, it's okay." You try to take it away from him but he insists. He carried your luggage inside the house to the large living room. 
The house was so large, it was nothing compared to your home before. Marble walls made everything stand out in elegance as the paintings that graced it made it warmer to the eyes. The furniture was obviously expensive despite its basic structures. The grand staircase that led to another floor also made it seem like it’s a palace.
Baek snapped you out of your awe by entering with your bags. He set it down by a sofa. "I'm Baekhyun and I'm the errand boy here." He gave you a toothy grin which made you smile back at him. "It's hard to find a friend here but I assure you, I can be your friend." You nodded like a seal at what he said. You knew you needed help and an offer like this isn't something you can pass up.
"I'll find time to talk to you and all but the bosses need you at the study right now. They'll decide whether what to use you for." You look at him in confusion. He immediately gets the message and tries to clear up the confusion. "Your family is in a debt and now, this family owns you. The Kims. You have to be of use to them. We’re considered as slaves here but it doesn’t really sound that bad. It’s just working without pay but with absolute loyalty." You were surprised at what he said. How could he know? You didn't tell him anything. Also, the fact that you were called slaves sounded wrong to you. It seemed inhumane despite what Baek tried to explain.
He looked at me as if he was sorry. “It’s okay. I know cause it happened to me and all the others too. I will explain soon since I’m always the one hanging around here but right now, you have to go to the study. They will decide how to use you before they let you settle in. Now, go, okay? You don’t want to anger the youngest Kim.” He was talking while he dragged you at the end of the first floor’s hall. The information was too much to take in and before you knew it, you had to face your new bosses now. Or owners. You have no idea how to refer to them.
Baek turns the doorknob swiftly as he stands straighter than he did when you two were alone. He looks back at you once last time and assures you with a look as he entered the quiet room. "Young masters, the new girl is about to get in." You hear someone say to bring you in and Baek immediately ushers you inside.
The room they called study was large and carpeted. It was filled with books and tables. The air inside was also warmer than it was in the hallways. 
Baekhyun pointed to the center and I immediately got the signal. Baek left as you finally got to where he wanted you to stand. You stood there, in front of four men in suits. Their eyes were examining every inch of you and it made your skin crawl. The black dress you were still wearing for your mother's funeral wasn't exactly pretty. The thought of showing your makeup-less and swollen face to four dashing men who were supposed to be your new bosses didn't make it any better.
"Jun-hyung, what do you think?" The guy with a baby girl earlier spoke up first and asked a man in an all-black suit. You wanted to keep your eyes on the floor but they were too handsome to peel your sight off them.
This man called Jun looked angelic yet his face was stoic. He had a gentle aura but something about him warned your gut that you should be extra careful around this man. Nonetheless, it amazed you how four extremely good-looking men could be in one room. You suddenly recall Baekhyun’s words and they were the Kims. Must be a family. Amazing genes, you couldn’t help but think
"She has no special talents mentioned in her file." You wince at that Jun guy's comment, quickly waking you up from the daydream you just had about these gorgous men. You realize you were just an average human which is basically why your stepfamily didn't want to keep you. You weren't talented, intelligent or creative. 
You were also surprised that you had a file already with them. But then, it was your stepfather we were talking about. He would go to hell and back just to get rid of you
"She's pretty. I want her. Can I keep her, Jun?" You looked up at the person who spoke. It was a man who gave a different vibe. He looked very playful with his exotic face features but something told you he was just as dangerous as the other two. The man with a baby in his arms didn’t really scare you as much as the scowling man did. The other similarity he had with the rest was the expensive suit he was wearing.
He takes a good look at you before speaking. "Jun, I want her. You know we need a new plaything." He spoke with finality, smiling at you. You didn't know what he meant and your puzzled face gave off what you were thinking. "He wants to fuck you, dummy." The scowling man glared at you with so much intensity as he solved the confusion in your head.
Fuck me? Plaything? These words resonated in your head. You didn't know how to react. How was somebody supposed to react to someone wanting to fuck them?
"We don't do that anymore, Minseok-hyung." The Jun guy sighed, his eyes filled with pity as he stared at you. He really does look angelic, you thought. You snapped out of it again and bit your lip as you put your head down, not knowing what to say.
"We can if we get her consent." The guy with exotic features who seems to be named Minseok shrugged. He looks at you with so much determination once again. "Hey, what's your name, again?" He speaks again and you widen your eyes at his question.
"U-Um.. Y/N." You stuttered with so much fear. You really didn't want to die at all. You know you had to do whatever they wanted just to stay alive. Living was so meaningless like this but you didn't want your mother to be disappointed in you for just giving up. If these men returned you home, your stepfather would kill you. 
"So, Y/N, is it okay if we have sex with you from time to time? We really need the stress reliever." This Minseok guy smirked again. His directness shocked you to the core. You had to say yes, right? If you didn't, they'd kill you? Or torture you? Or return you home? None sounds appealing to you.
You really have no choice...
"I-I'd like t-to be of help to you with a-anything." You fiddled with your fingers as you said this. You were nervous as hell and hearing the scowling man's chuckle made it worse. 
"See, she's okay with this, Jun!" Minseok exclaimed with a huge grin on his face, eyeing you up and down. He patted Jun’s back and smirked at the scowling man. You weren't really opposed to what they wanted. They were handsome and you wanted to be alive, nothing more or less. You weren’t usually this shallow and easy but your eomma’s words keep ringing in your ears. You had to be alive.
"I guess it's settled then." The man with a baby girl earlier gave you an apologetic smile and stood up. You were about to walk out but the Jun guy spoke once again. "Tell Baekhyun to show you the available room on the fifth floor." He nodded at you. You were about to walk again but then something interrupted.
You heard the scowling man beside him laugh, stopping your tracks again. "Jun, you're really treating your whores right." He smirked and looked at you as if he was belittling you. You shuddered under his sight. He was truly intimidating, he had a different air to the other men. He was blunt and he never hesitated.
"You should leave now. Never mind his foul mouth." The guy with a baby waved off to you. Once again, this man has made your arrival here warmer. You nodded at them with finality and got out of the room as you heard Jun scold the other guys. “Jongdae, thank you for being nice today but treat slaves as they should be treated. Jongin, stop being mean. You’re being irrational.” He authoritatively announced to the two boys, making you assume he was the leader or something.
You close the door behind you with a final thud. You see Baekhyun leaning at the wall beside the study. He immediately went up to you.
"So, how did it go?" You didn't really know how to answer this question. How would you explain to someone that you agreed to fucking people? 
"U-Uh.. That guy named Jun told me to tell you to show me the room on the fifth floor?" You said with so much uncertainty, chewing on your bottom lip. His eyes were as large as saucers and his jaw dropped the moment you say this aloud. He couldn’t believe himself either.
Baekhyun shook his head in disbelief and tried to be as calm as he could. "What the hell did you agree to?! They never let slaves like us in the fifth floor! What more live there?" He asked in a hushed yet raised tone. He briskly dragged me to an elevator and pressed the button for the fifth floor.
"Well, the Minseok guy asked me if I could help them sexually? I guess?" What you just said earned a loud gasp from Baekhyun. Your cheeks heated at the mention of this. "Holy shit..." You heard him mutter a curse and honestly, you couldn't help but agree. Non-survival you would never agree to anything like this but this is the new you. You had to survive. For your mother’s wishes and for your own good too. This time, Baekhyun looks at you with so much amusement.
"You're in for a fucking ride."
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trashforhockeyguys · 3 years
Vienna Waits For You -3- William Nylander
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A/N: So I think this counts as the start of their friendship? Or at least them no longer hating each other. As always, all previous parts are linked in my masterlist! Enjoy!
The apartment was quiet, save for the sound of the old game she was trying to watch. Frustrated, Avalyn took her glasses off and rubbed her eyes, hoping the screen would stop being blurry if she just took a second away from it. She could very easily be out with some other members of the cast, drinking and having a great night. Or she could be like Jackson, who seemed to be spending a lot of time with various members of the team. 
It was good for him though, he didn’t have many guys around him that understood the game that he devoted many years to. She often wondered if Jackson regretted giving up hockey so he could act instead. She remembered his last game, the way he looked so defeated when the buzzer sounded, despite the fact that they’d won. 
The knock on her door was enough to pull her away from her little hockey bubble. Maybe Jackson decided to stop by after all. She didn’t bother trying to make herself look any better, after all, Jackson witnessed her looking far worse than this.
William shifted his weight, hoping she wouldn’t slam the door in his face. Especially not after he literally ran to go find ice cream. He figured Jackson’s tip couldn’t hurt. He’d been a dick to her, so he wouldn’t blame her if she refused to talk to him. He probably wouldn’t talk to him either. 
He expected to see her all done up, like she always seemed to be, but instead the girl that opened the door was a far cry from that. Her hair was a little curly, but not like she’d curled it, more like that's just how her hair dried. She had sweats on, an old worn college sweatshirt that wasn’t her’s, but maybe one of her parent’s? What really surprised him was the fact that she didn’t have a single bit of makeup on, and she was wearing glasses. He hadn’t seen so much as a single picture of her without makeup on, or with glasses. 
“Oh- I uh,” She seemed to stumble back a few steps, “I thought you were Jackson. How do you- how do you know where I live?”
“Jackson,” William shrugged, “He’s downstairs at Auston’s place.”
“What?” Avalyn questioned, not being able to process much of anything. 
William smiled almost shyly, “Auston lives two floors below you. Jackson suggested that I come up and try not to be a dick.”
“Are you capable of that?” She regretted even asking the second the words left her mouth. 
“I brought chocolate ice cream, if that makes a difference?”
Avalyn sighed and stepped away from the door, pushing it all the way open for him, “I’ll get bowls.”
William wasn’t sure what he expected from her apartment, but he didn’t expect it to be fairly empty. It didn’t feel like a home, more like a cold apartment, half furnished so someone could at least live in it. Even Auston’s place felt more like a home, granted that’s mainly because his mom and sisters came to decorate when he first got it. 
“Sorry, I-” Avalyn shook her head, “I’m still trying to get settled or whatever.”
William nodded and shoved his hands in his pockets, watching as she started dipping the somewhat melted ice cream, “I get it.”
He eyed the bookshelf, which seemed to be the one piece of furniture that she really put some thought into. There didn’t seem to be any space for any more books, some even seemed to be doubled up. He smiled slightly, there was something human about her after all. He thought back to Jackson saying that she hadn’t been able to be herself in a very long time. Maybe this was a rare glimpse at who she might be.
“So uh- Jackson told you to come up here?” She asked, not really understanding what was happening. 
“Something like that,” William replied, “Are you watching one of our old games?” 
Avalyn felt her face turn a little red as she handed him one of the bowls, “Well, it’s hard to go to an actual game, no one really knows that I’m here yet. Besides, I can watch more online and I get the option to replay things.”
He looked at her for a second, watching the way she started to eat big spoonfuls of her ice cream. She didn’t seem at all like the person he’d seen earlier today, or the person he’d been told about. Maybe she had a point when she told him that he should at least try to hear her side of the story.
“You said I didn’t know your side,” He said abruptly, “So, what is your side?”
She stopped eating for a moment and took a deep breath, “It’s complicated, and messy, like Shakespearean level messy. We all knew each other as kids, Jackson, Margret, and I. The three of us started around the same time, landed a few roles together and just kind of became best friends. We did everything together, and would’ve done anything for each other. Things changed, Jackson and I did some things to protect Margo that should really stay between the three of us...and I don’t know. She just took it all the wrong way and was convinced that I took Jackson from her, which isn’t the case. But she wouldn’t let either of us explain, things just ended up getting really out of had.”
“So all of this over that guy?” William blew out a breath, “No offense, he’s cool or whatever, but he isn’t worth all of that.”
“She said some things on the record and got blacklisted,” Avalyn added, “Everyone says she’s a terror to work with, among other things. She blames it all on Jack and I. It is what it is. You can believe me or not, I don’t care.”
He looked down at the small coffee table. Notebooks were strone all across it, drawings and neat handwriting covered all of the pages. He noticed the diagram of a rink, along with explanations all around it. He couldn’t help but pick it up and look closer at it. 
“So, how much do you know?” He asked. 
She leaned back into the couch, “Not enough. The technicalities I understand, the mechanics and how the game is supposed to work. But the lingo and how it actually works, that I’m lost on.”
He smiled lightly, “Yeah, that I can help with.”
She watched as he leaned forward and grabbed her notebook and laptop. He closed the windows she’d been flipping between and instead pulled up a movie. He smiled lazily, putting his feet up on the coffee table, “This is the first step.”
“What is this exactly?” She questioned. 
“This is Slap Shot. We’ll watch the Mighty Ducks, Goon, and Miracle later. But to understand a hockey team, you have to at least see Slap Shot.”
“I-” She shook her head and pulled the blanket from off of the back of the couch, “Okay, if you say so.”
“For the record, I still think you might be a stuck up bitch,” He shrugged, “But you were right, I do want what’s best for the sport, and my little sisters would actually fly over here and murder me if they found out I refused to help you.”
Avalyn couldn’t help but smile lightly, just the slightest up curve of her mouth, “I still think you might be a selfish prick, but I want the crew to be taken care of.”
“Then I guess it’s settled.”
A week later, Avalyn found herself sitting at a table with William and other Maple Leafs, as well as various members of the cast. They were all laughing at stories that the hockey team was telling, mainly of things they did in their youth. 
As Avalyn sat laughing, she realized that this was more than just a team, they were a family too. A close knit band of brothers. Jackson used to talk about how his old team was like that, but Avalyn hadn’t seen anything like it before. She wasn’t used to a close knit family unit like this, especially given how her parents raised her. 
Her notebook was still open in front of her, sometimes she would jot down a few things, especially hockey slang that she wasn’t yet familiar with. But she could say, without a doubt, that she was beginning to feel like she was a part of something bigger than just her. Something that went beyond the crew too. Because they had a whole team working with them too.
“So you two worked it out?” Mitch asked, gesturing to Avalyn and William. 
“Uh-” William scratched the back of his neck. 
“More like, called a cease fire,” Avalyn clarified. 
“Better than all out war,” Jackson joked, “Avey, we’re all going to get on the ice later today, you should come.”
She shook her head, kicking Jackson under the table. The last thing she wanted was to get on the ice for the first time in front of professional hockey players. She hadn’t skated in years, not since her and Jacky were kids. She didn’t want to embarrass herself, especially after she just got William to somewhat like her.
“I think I’ll pass for today,” She said nervously. 
The rest of the team and cast kept chatting, while William leaned over to Avalyn, “You can’t skate, can you?”
She felt her face turn red, “I can...I just haven’t since I was a kid.”
“We won’t let you fall, you know.”
She shook her head again, “I don’t want everyone to see me fail.”
“We all had to learn too you know, and some of the guys taught their girlfriends at the last family skate,” William explained, “We rented out the whole rink, it’s part of learning the ways of the team.”
She still shook her head, “You just want to make fun of me.”
“Well actually I wanted to help you, but if I get to laugh at you that’s a bonus,” He explained. 
“Bitch,” He smirked, “Avalyn is gonna come!”
“Hell yeah!” Mitch cheered, “You can ride over with me and Aus.”
“I hate you,” She whispered to William. 
“Yeah yeah, we established all of that.”
But the truth was, she was starting to dislike him less. They talked nearly everyday, sometimes he’d come to her apartment, and sometimes she would go to his. He would send her highlight clips, and ask if she understood what was going on. They would facetime so he could walk her through things, and she even made sure that she could watch his games, just so she could get more exposure to the sport. 
It was strange, she wouldn’t call them friends at all, but they weren’t enemies. Truth be told, neither of them knew what they were. But they wanted to do right by the show and by the small hockey community around the world. They never talked about Margot, but William slowly started to talk about his family and growing up in Sweden, and in other parts of the US because of his father’s hockey career. She liked hearing about his life, more than she thought she would. 
A few hours later, she found herself sitting on a beach just off of the rink. She had her skates on, but didn’t exactly know how to lace them up, and Jackson was nowhere to be seen. So she sat helplessly, hoping he would find her before one of the other guys did. 
“You can’t tie them, can you?”
She groaned before turning to the blond Swede before her, “Why is it always you?”
He shook his head before bending down in front of her, “Give me your foot, I’ll tie it. It’s supposed to be tight, okay? But not so tight that you can’t move.”
He started jerking on the laces, pulling each section as tight as he could, and then loosening some that he felt he got a little too tight. Avalyn tried not to think about how close they were, her foot was caught between his arms, the blade of her skate pushed into his chest. It almost felt too intimate to her. Like her skin would start crawling. But her skin instead seemed to burn with his touch, she could feel her whole body heat despite the cold temperature of the rink. 
“How’s that?” He asked, releasing her foot, “Not too tight?”
She wiggled her foot a bit, her ankle felt secure, not limp like it did before he tied them, “Uh no, I think it’s good.”
“Alright, good,” He nodded his head, “Other foot, and then we’ll get you out there.”
“I still don’t want to go out there,” She stated. 
“Do you want me to hold your hand?” He teased. 
“William, I’m serious, I haven’t skated since I was a kid. Even then I sucked ass,” She explained, “I’m going to fall and literally break my butt and everyone is going to laugh at me. You guys are professionals, you literally do this for a living. I don’t know how to skate on a blade that’s an eighth of an inch thick.”
He looked up at her, “I’m surprised you know how thick the blades are.”
She shrugged, “I told you I’ve been doing my research.”
He sat back, putting her other foot back down on the ground, “I won’t let you fall, okay? But even if you do, it’s fine. We fall sometimes too. I’ll even let you use the little kiddie rails too.”
She shook her head, grabbing onto the bench, “I think I’m going to stay right here.”
He held out a hand for her and flashed a big smile, “C’mon Avalyn Bradshaw Kreitzburg, I didn’t think you were one to back down from a challenge.”
“Avey!” Jackson yelled from the other side of the rink, “Get your ass out here!”
She took a deep breath, grabbing William’s hand, letting him pull her up, “Just don’t you dare laugh if I fall.”
“Yes ma’am,” He replied, “You better hold on tight though.”
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket, Se3, ep 12 (Part 1)
The aftermath of the curse lifting~ Btw, the timeline is super messy. Flashbacks & background stories aren’t this anime’s best tool, it’s always felt messy when they attempt that. more on it in my side notes below. Now into the ep~
-Yuki & Machi: ( Blossoming Love!):
I love that the author attempted different direction of romantic love with yuki/machi that suits yuki’s personality! Opposite to kyo/tohru who had the (from best friends to lovers/ from roommates of 3 years to lovers). Yuki & machi’s love is based on natural crush & while she isnt his best friend, she’ll be his lover & they’ll know each other after dating. Both types of love are realistic & have their own path of dynamics, which is clear with how yuki/machi will be interacting & how kyo/tohru are now interacting since becoming official. I’m still bummed most of yuki/machi’s “noticing each other” is supposed to be off-screen, it robbed me of seeing yuki interact in a normal teenage-boy crushing on a girl which contrasts his relationship with kakeru, kyo, haru & tohru. Now, we’ll start the “ official-boyfriend yuki” stage! Also, this jump to confessions didnt help machi have any uniqueness beside being saved by yuki’s words from her trauma. watching her interact with him normally would’ve added realistic depth to her being a normal girl with unique cute quirks differently from tohru, Isuzu, kagura or even motoko!. Oh well~ moving on & focusing on the meaningful cute confession. I loved that altho there were a hug & a kiss, it didn’t have “ I love you” statement. You know they (will) love each other so dearly, but they’re in stage 1 now, she just called him by his first name for the first time! cute! I love that the emphasis is on the “ first name” calling since this is a huge key to yuki’s identity & struggle. Also, It is cute she bought a gift to tohru! This is a set-up to a healthy relationship with yuki since she isn’t jealous from a precious woman in his life that isnt related by blood.
-Moving towards the future: Kyoru’s final stage of growth!
By Kyokoy’s grave Kyo & tohru had key moment of growth & healthy closure to their core character issues::
1- Kyo’s toxic habit of running from life became a desire to run towards life!: While this habit is rightfully excused by his trauma, it needed to be addressed once his curse broke. We know he stopped running & faced his dad, confessed to tohru, accepted her love, embraced his crazy desire for her & accepted he deserved to be loved! Even ran towards tohru, chasing her! However, all the above is him running to the good current life in his grasp. He needs to run to the far away future this time! Needs to plan for the good & accept that the bad is part of it. struggling is part of life & he’ll endure it together with her, while enjoying life’s rewards.
I love that kyo is the one who suggested moving out to another city/place, cuz kyo was the one NOT living. He was long dead & trapped in the cage of his guilt & self-loath. Tohru at least was living thro helping others ( which is not real living but at least it’s better). Kyo was “ Mom, why didn’t you kill me instead of yourself?” ,“ I’ll kill yuki & then kill myself, would that please you, dad?!”, “ I cant forgive me, I dont want you to forgive me, tohru”. Walking on a road of self-destruction & slow death. But now, with tohru he wants life!!! all of it!! travel, learn, see, struggle, fail, succeed, build their own future by themselves.
I love that kyo didnt take tohru’s approval for his plans for granted. He really didnt think she’ll accept right away. He didnt even want her to dedice quickly, He was prepared for compromising to a better solution for them both. They’ll work other possibilities “ if i’m gonna live in this world, I want to do it with you”.
I love that kyo was real abt the obstacles ahead & didnt want tohru to just follow him based on love. He wanted her to decide on her own as well. He also, left the door open for her to change her mind anytime & this screams support & understanding!! Very powerful!.
2- Thoru’s toxic habit of being ashamed to desire anything for herself, living for others & wearing a happy “i’m okay” mask while concealing her true feelings became confidence, self-clarity & honesty: The tohru who was smiling while concealing grief on the beach is gone, the tohru who kyo had to coax her to “complain, be selfish” se01,ep5, to “not hide worrying over a relative’s sickness” se02, ep14 “ cry if she needs to” se3, ep6, is now telling kyo her honest opinion abt his proposal, while thinking of her own self as much as him & even objecting to his sentiment abt her mom’s words!!!!
I love that tohru is now a confident free woman making her own decisions based on self-honesty & communication with her partner. She wasn't just “okay” with it cuz he wants it while putting fake smile, No more of that. Now, she’ll say her true feelings, she asked him abt his plans, tried to see if it is a spur of the moment decision or if he really thought abt it. She also inquired where’s heading, who he talked to, what he’s planning! She is deciding for herself after hearing him! ok, this is your plan? I like it. I’m going!  Very powerful!.
I love that like how kyo was realistic abt the plan having some difficulties due to starting away by themselves, she was also realistic that it is indeed sad to part with my friends, my hometown, & my mom’s resting-place, but i’ll choose ME now. “I” want to go with you for “me”. This is not a bind I’ll follow you wherever love story, this is realistic depiction of healthy relationship. Acknowledging hardships & accepting them saves you from being crushed by failure, you’ll endure it when it eventually happens & move on, cuz God knows we DO fail & succeed! Life isnt smooth sailing~ 
I love that tohru complemented him on his plan cuz she could see that is a sign of growth. If she’s gonna share her life with this man, it is delightful to see that he is thinking of a happier, healthier & realistic future! Cuz kyo was this destroyed man~ so destroyed he was pushing her away despite loving her dearly, now, he’s asking her opinion & permission to accompany him!
I love that tohru made sure to touch upon kyo’s last scar “ my mom doesnt hate you” This is a scar that wont go away even if kyo is mentally healthy. Cuz death is the ultimate truth. He can never hear kyoko’s affirming her love for him, he’ll have to trust in it based on their earlier interaction together. Tohru is powerfully & stubbornly taking away most of his pain by affirming her acknowledge of her mom. You might disagree kyo, you might still feel a bit guilty, it might haunt you sometimes. but me? NO. Never. Mom loved you. She meant ONLY good. Hopefully my determination heals you bit by bit, & it DOES. Kyo stands bravely, confidently & happily in front of kyoko’s grave & instead of saying “ i apologize for hurting you, or tohru, I’m sorry, forgive me”.  he tells her he’ll keep their promise & protect tohru for life! he literally proposed there in front of her mom & all. T_T
-Kyoko’s Words: ( Sometimes, you don’t get to know the whole truth & that’s okay):
Can’t describe how much I love this part. This is the most painful yet important lesson in furuba. Life isn’t a movie where the entire truth is exposed to the characters or the audience. Sometimes you live & die without getting to know an important truth, hearing a much needed confirmation, or getting a loved one’s forgiveness. There are things in our life that we just can’t get back no matter how much we tried. What we do, then? die? despair? throw away what we DO have in our hands for this lost truth no matter how important it was to us? No, we do the only thing we can. Live. Not just go thro life’s motion, but really live. Accept the good & the bad. This is so goddamn easy & difficult as hell too!
-Kyo not knowing kyoko’s words at that time was tragic. It was so tragic it sent kyo into a suicidal descent into the abyss. The wounds of his mom’s death that were slowly healing with kazuma’s care got re-opened & poured blood! The old destructive habits became full force, The toxic coping habits returned with its ugliness. I can’t kill myself literally? I’ll do it figuratively. trapped, caged, destroyed, eyes shut, ears closed, only seeing his pain. Kyo is us. All of us in any moment of true crushing despair. He could never bring the dead back, hear their loving words or ask forgiveness. Thro kyo, the author is telling us... I know. You had your moment of lost truth, didn’t you? I know. IT IS OKAY. live, my child. your pain is valid, let it take its course, but afterwards live bravely.
-Kyo’s path towards healing is: the ugliest cuz it hurt tohru of all ppl, the longest cuz he was the last one to move on, the bloodiest cuz he’ll never have the ppl he lost, the rockiest cuz he failed & failed, the most frustrating cuz he repeated his mistakes over & over, He couldnt even do it alone. needed intervention & support. He lost hope. completely. But it is okay even if you fell as deep as kyo: stand up. even if you never learned the truth: let go. even if you were the last one to learn or heal: it isn’t a race. Embrace life with its good & bad & continue as kyoko said “ you fought well”
-Kyoko’s parting plea to her daughter broke my heart into pieces. Death is ugly, but death is a truth that we can’t escape. The leaving ones is hurting as much as the ones left behind, but hopefully, the leaving ones will find a happiness a kin to the ones left behind. yuki’s "say a prayer & move one, one step at a time” is all you can do.
-Kyoko was: a gangster who hurt others (ugly path), repented, married & had a daughter (fulfilling path), widowed & left her daughter while grieving (ugly path), came back, repented & tried to raise tohru well, love her enough! (fulfilling path), died & left her young high school daughter all alone (heartbreaking path) but she accepted that the last path isn’t sth she can fight, prayed, & accepted her fate~
-Kyoko~~ “ you fought well”  while you were alive~ you really did! The Tohru you left behind helped a whole clan & hopefully readers as well! you tohru is loved by an entire generation of readers & anime watchers. Tohru is so precious & I can’t stop crying~
Side Notes:
Timeline is super messy & confusing. (a) Tohru’s hospital discharge, kyoru’s hug & curse break for everybody all happened at the (late) afternoon. While curse was breaking, akito was wearing her white kimono & she cried until tohru hugged her on sunset. (b) Before tohru’s hospital shigure’s face was scar-less. we first saw the scar in the afternoon & he was wearing his kimono.
Now the flashback, Akito wearing her outfit from her talk with the maid (which also happened while kyo was talking to his dad which is on the same day) & shigure wearing suit & it’s sunset time??????? How can the sunset happen before the curse break on the afternoon? She inflected the scars on the sunset, how did he have them on the afternoon of the same day?? both changed outfits which is even weirder??? Someone help me put things on order. Or is order not important? If the sequence of events isn’t important, then, why did it have to happen on the curse break day??? Shigure could’ve had his scars a day or two before tohru’s discharge.
Also the OP started in the middle of yuki’s scene which was so odd!
No big deal, but I still feel that yuki’s curse break would’ve been thematically powerful last ep. Especially after seeing The Zodiac Ruler come & collect the spirits. The legend would've been wrapped powerfully on the same ep where it was told. We see the zodiacs’ original story & we see its closure. It would’ve made tohru/akito’s hug more symbolic. An end of an era to akito & to them all. Real Goodbye to the zodiac animals, but now we had a goodbye & a half. lol.
Is yuki the only one seeing the cursed spirit? He looked down at it? I dont remember the others looking down where an animal would be? Is yuki’s curse special? different? He got all the ropes/bonds around him? I really thought yuki’s theme is all abt desiring to be normal & despising the “special” treatment that haunted him even in school. 
Momiji/ kagura /kyo interaction is cute!
Haru/Yuki/ Isuzu interaction is cute as well. XD
Kagura, girl, you used to have best fashion, what’s up with jeans under knee length dress?! lol.
I’ll be honest. It is a lost opportunity that machi weren't made to question how teen-tohru is yuki’s mom. That would’ve solidified her as a unique stand alone character if she were to discuss it with yuki. Tohru being yuki’s mom figure is not normal, otherwise yuki’s entire dilemma of figuring out his feelings for tohru would’ve become meaningless. Having machi quickly “understand” it is a bit weird. But it helps the plot move quickly, I guess. ( it reminds me of Arisa hugging akito when she confessed stabbing kureno without questioning anything, it is weird, but you get the message that “ we aint got time for that~ gotta hop on the next plot).
I love that furuba subverted the old anime-trope of the entire happy cast staying together in one city/place & living exactly like they did in their teens except being married now! XD. It is so realistic that each character is now moving on their path of life~
Tohru wore a ring in her foreshadowing vision! SHE WORE A RING! My baby girl is a grown woman now~ T_T. I love tohru so much!~
Shigure/ akito & the last banquet is in my review part 2. I’ve been editing out any thoughts abt Shigure from my previous posts. I needed to see the whole picture first. I think can now talk abt them, I’m looking forward to the comments of the next part cuz I really really need to see if I understood it or if i’m off.
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ghostburs-blue · 4 years
hello! if you can, could you do prompt 46 and 57 with spencer pls?
I’m soso sorry it took so long for me to answer this! I’ve been struggling with a major case of writing block but I hope you like it <33 I wanted to give you quality work instead of trying to rush on it and get this out as soon as possible! Enjoy anon and thank you for supporting me!
You’re Perfect
Request:  “ hello! if you can, could you do prompt 46 and 57 with spencer pls?” > #46:  “Please don’t say that about yourself. Please don’t believe that. You’re so much more than that. You’re so…” / #57:  Heart eyes when the other talks, sings, dances, argues, does literally anything especially things which others make fun of them for or find annoying
Summary: People are mean and y/n doesn’t love herself
Warnings: talks about not eating, not drinking, low self-confidence, mentions of depression, in general lots of angst, fluff ending *please don’t read if any of these are sensitive or triggering topics for you!!!!* 
Word count: 3k
A/n: this was actually a really good way to relieve my own feelings <3 it was almost a vent write? please DO NOT read if these are triggering subjects to you. i want you all to know that you’re beautiful and spectacular and you all mean so much to me. please take care of yourselves! my dm’s and inbox is ALWAYS open for you to come and talk to me if you feel as though you need to or want to. love you all dearly!
~story below the cut~
You gave a small laugh as you grabbed another piece of bruschetta from the plate in front of you.
“Are you sure you want to eat that y/n?” One of your friends, Sadie, casually commented.
Your hand faltered as you brought the piece of bread to your mouth.
“I- what do you mean?” You asked, slightly confused.
“I just mean,” Sadie paused and looked around the room at the group of girls clustered on the sofas together. “You’re getting a little plump, you know?” She laughed. “Especially around the… stomach,” she waved her hand around your tummy area.
Some of the other girls nod. “Yeah, watch out. Especially if you want to look good in that bikini you bought for our beach trip,” another girl, Maddy, smirked.
You carefully placed the bruschetta back on the plate, trying to give a small smile. “I, I wasn’t hungry anyway,” you attempted to give a small smile that you hoped hid your tears. “Thanks for the warning guys,” you offered.
The group smiled. “Of course, we’re just here to tell you the truth,” Sadie chirped. You gave a curt nod.
You ended up leaving the hangout early, you had lost your mood to have fun after the… interesting comments made.
Heading back to your apartment, you shut your phone off and took a hot shower. 
It was only 10:30 when you decided to call it a night, not bothering to check your phone for any messages or notifications.
You woke up early the next morning, slowly climbing out of bed. 
Making your way to the bathroom, you stood in front of your mirror. You stared at your reflection, taking in your appearance. Almost numbly, your hands rose, pulling and pushing at the skin on your face.
They made their way to your lips, dragging the flesh down with it. They froze as they reached your mouth, a single finger tracing the outline of it.
“I love your lips,” Spencer’s voice echoed throughout your head. “They’re beautiful and feel so good under mine,” he assured you. You had just told him about your insecurities about them; growing up, many had told you that they were too large, didn’t fit well with your face. Spencer kissed all the confidence back into them, making you feel good about them again. The memory slowly vanished from your mind.
No, you fought back. No, he’s a liar. No part of me was beautiful then, no part of me is beautiful now, you thought angrily, hands gripping the countertop so hard your knuckles turned white.
You brushed your hair and teeth, throwing on only enough makeup to hide your dark circles and sunken cheeks, much less than normal. Trudging to your room, it was the same story with your outfit. Normally you liked to make your outfit cute and coordinated; today you had no drive to do anything of the sort.
Throwing on a plain white blouse and some mom jeans, you grabbed your phone, keys, and a bottle of water before leaving for work.
Pulling into the parking lot, you stepped out of your car and immediately kept your head down as you walked in. It was still early, early enough that probably only Hotch would be here.
You sat down at your desk in the bullpen as you grabbed pulled a stack of manila folders. Today was supposed to be a paperwork day, meaning there would be no stress or hassle of cases or investigations. Nonetheless, the rest of the team and you always had a go-bag underneath your seat for any emergencies. You prayed there wouldn’t be one today.
As 8:30 rolled closer and closer, more of your teammates started showing up. Morgan was first, exclaiming a loud, “Hey babygirl!” when he first saw you. You offered a small smile and stood up to hug him like you always did when you saw each other in the morning. You watched as he briefly skimmed your outfit, taking in the look. You noticed as his lips pursed, then stretched into a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes as he headed to his desk.
Next came JJ, then Garcia, following the same pattern as Morgan. The same tight-lipped, overdramatic smiles. Then, Reid. The one you were dreading the most.
He practically ran in, slightly out of breath and winded as his eyes frantically searched the room. They softened and his body relaxed as they landed on you.
Walking over, he spun your chair to face him, tilting your head up to meet his gaze when you hesitated to make eye contact with him. He kissed your forehead as he spoke to you gently.
“Hey babe, I was worried when you didn’t reply to my messages last night or this morning,” he murmured. You looked up and tried to hide the look of despair in your eyes.
“Yeah, I decided to sleep a little earlier than normal,” you lied easily, attempting to relax your rigid body posture.
Spencer clearly didn’t buy it, but didn’t try and push you further on the topic. He nodded, kissing you once more before heading to his own desk.
Turning back to the mountain of paperwork in front of you, you didn’t need eyes on the back of your head to know that the rest of the team was talking behind your back.
You stood up suddenly, heading to the kitchen to grab some coffee. You brewed yourself a fresh pot, back pressed against the counter as you absentmindedly scrolled on your phone while waiting.
As soon as it was done, you poured yourself a cup of the dark liquid, not caring about how hot it was. Walking out the room, you turned the corner, promptly running into Garcia. The coffee splashed out of the cup and onto your white shirt, effectively staining it and turning it seethrough. You hissed from the pain.
“Oh, hon I’m so sorry!” Garcia exclaimed, frozen in shock. Coming to her senses, she quickly ran into the kitchen and came out with a few paper towels.
She tried to dab your shirt and soak up the liquid, but it wasn’t doing much. The wet fabric clung to your body, and you felt extremely exposed standing in the hallway, where anyone could see you.
“Do you have any extra shirts?” Garcia fretted, trying to stay calm. You gave a small nod and grabbed her arm, smiling.
“Love, it’s okay. It’s just a shirt,” you murmured, though it seemed like you were trying to reassure yourself more than her. “I’m going to grab one from my go-bag, okay?” You comfortingly squeezed her hand, then turned to head into the bullpen.
You took a deep breath before stepping out into the brightly lit area. Uncomfortably, you crossed your arms over your midsection, quickly making your way over to your desk. As you bent down to grab your go-bag, you felt everybody’s eyes burning into you. A touch on your shoulder caused you to jump and replace your arms.
It was just Spencer.
“Y/n, is everything okay? What happened?” He gestured towards the coffee stain peeking out from the top of your crossed arms, attempting to pull them down to see more. You stepped back and only tightened your hold on your body, shaking your head.
“It’s only a little spill,” you reassured him. “I just need to grab a change of clothes,” you smiled at him.
Unzipping the duffel bag, you swallowed as you looked inside. All the shirts were tight-fitting, accentuating your body. You closed it suddenly.
“On second thought,” you winced and looked up at Spencer. “Do you still have my hoodie in your car?” You asked him. He nodded, confused.
“Yeah, I do. Why? Don’t you have clothes in here?” Reid asked, gesturing towards the bag.
“Uh, yeah, but… I’m feeling cold?” You replied, voice turning up at the end. He frowned.
“I’ll go get it. Just, stay here?” He offered, heading to his car to get the jacket.
Sitting down in your chair, you attempted to make yourself as small as possible and hide from the confused stares of the others. Just as you were sure someone was going to break the deafening silence, Spencer reappeared with the light grey hoodie in his hands.
You breathed a small sigh of relief, almost feeling like you could cry as he handed it to you. Thanking him, you went to the bathroom to change.
Stepping out of the restroom, you caught sight of JJ ahead of you, walking in your direction. She stopped, greeting you with a smile.
“I was just about to tell the team,” she started. You groaned, already knowing what she was going to say. JJ nodded, agreeing with you. “We have a case. Head to the briefing room as soon as possible,” she said with a grim look. You nodded, heading straight there and nabbing a seat.
The rest of the group filed in, and you saw Hotch and Rossi for the first time that day. Hotch gave you a once over, taking in your grey baggy hoodie and loose jeans. Some emotion filled his tired eyes, something you were too exhausted to decipher. You didn’t even bother to look at Rossi.
JJ started the briefing, the team adding comments and guesses throughout. It was a sad case, surrounding women being abducted from college campuses in California.
Hotch stood, surveying everyone before he announced, “Wheels up in an hour.” The group disassembled, everyone flocking to their desks to grab what was needed. You remained seated, taking a deep breath before slowly standing up and following the others.
If anyone noticed your mood, they didn’t say anything. You all had an hour before takeoff, so the group collectively decided to head for a quick lunch.
You didn’t order anything, claiming you felt a little under the weather when Spencer nudged you and asked about it. You nursed a glass of water and stayed out of the conversation, only giving your two cents when someone prompted you to.
Eventually, you all boarded the plane. You still didn’t eat, looking in disgust at your go-bag filled with clothes pushed below your seat.
The moment the aircraft landed, you pushed yourself into work. You didn’t give yourself much time to eat or drink, taking on job after job to solve the case. It was tiring, but it kept you hidden from the problems you desperately needed to face. So, you did it without complaining.
The clothes were a big part of the problem. Pulling a black pencil skirt out from the duffel bag after you had settled in the hotel room, you were met with a memory.
Spencer’s arms wrapped around your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder. You both stood in front of a floor-length mirror, gazing at your reflection in the clear glass. He pulled back just enough to twist your head towards him, placing a gentle kiss on your lips.
He grinned at the sight of the two of you in the mirror, drinking in how the skirt looked on you.
He groaned. “You look so good,” he whispered, causing you to smile and laugh a little.
“Thank you babe,” you replied, a grin gracing your features. “I needed new clothes for work, figured that this would be okay to wear,” you giggled. Reid nodded violently.
“Wear this and I won’t be able to concentrate on anything for the rest of the day,” he murmured in your ear, causing you to give him a playful shove.
Looking at the skirt now, you wanted to vomit. It was tight in all the wrong places, making your body look bigger than it already was in your eyes. With a sigh, you stuffed it back in your bag and sat on the ground, back against the bed.
You pushed the heels of your palms against your eyes, trying to stop the flow of tears threatening to be released.
You jumped up as a knock sounded at the door. It just turned out to be JJ; she was letting everybody know about the plans for the next day.
Though you could see a small frown grow on her lips, she didn’t say anything about your disheveled appearance.
Most everyone gave up on trying to get you to sleep or take time off once the case had begun. They had tried to force you to take a break, but the team knew that you rarely stopped working until you solved the murder(s) you were assigned to.
However, only Reid seemed to notice the extent of your overworking; this was too much, even for you. But every time he made an attempt to talk to you about something other than work, you would cut him off or divert him back to the task on hand.
You felt as though you were sinking. You had all the lifelines you needed surrounding you, all you had to do was reach out and grab one. Every time you tried, your limbs went heavy and your arms refused to move. You were sinking, and didn’t know how to swim.
After what seemed like far too long, you had narrowed down a suspect for the abductions of the poor women.
It was Hotch’s idea to send you and Morgan in first. According to the profile, he would listen to strong female authority, while Morgan would back you up and make sure you were safe.
The plan worked great, fortunately, and the team was able to save the kidnapper’s most recent victim from a horrible death.
As forensics teams swarmed the scene after handcuffing the predator, the rest of the group and you surveyed the house. The majority of the predictions made were accurate; mind the minor few details scattered here and there.
As you, Reid, and Emily walked through the main bedroom, you felt a sudden bout of weariness come on. You leaned against the wall, trying to control your breathing.
You faintly heard Emily talking about something in the background, but you couldn’t fully make it out. Your eyes closed, and you felt yourself slowly sink to the floor as you lost the little amount of strength you had left in your body.
You became aware of footsteps rushing over to you, the sound of Spencer’s voice growing louder and more frantic.
“Y/n? Y/n can you hear me?” He exclaimed, looking around for help. Eyes focusing on Emily, the last thing you heard was someone screaming, “MEDIC!”.
Your eyes blinked open, slowly adjusting to the bright fluorescent lights of the hospital. You had been in and out of consciousness since the crime scene, remembering vague snippets of strangers’ voices calling out or Spencer’s worried face looming over you.
Looking down at your body, you had been dressed in a white hospital gown, though majority of you was covered in a blanket. Turning your head to the side, you caught sight of Reid dozed off in a chair next to your bed.
“Babe,” you called out, but your throat was dry and hoarse. Clearing your throat, you tried again. “Reid!” You said. He woke with a start, eyes panicked. They softened as they landed on your small smile.
“I- what happened?” You asked him, coughing slightly. A small frown settled on his lips.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He whispered, looking hurt.
You gave him a confused look. “Tell you what?” You replied.
He shook his head. “That you haven’t been eating or drinking enough,” his voice cracked slightly, causing your heart to break a little. You gazed into his deep brown eyes, melting as you noticed the pools of tears forming in them.
“I can explain,” you started, but he shook his head.
“The doctors said you had orthostatic hypotension, or a fainting spell caused by starvation, dehydration, and stress,” he murmured. You felt a sigh escape as you looked away from your boyfriend sitting next to you. You couldn’t bear to see the disappointment etched on his face.
“I’m not good enough for you,” you muttered under your breath, not expecting him to hear it.
“What?” He asked, caught off guard.
You turned to face him again. “I’m not good enough for you!” You exclaimed loudly, throwing your hands in the air. “In fact, I’m not good enough for anything. I’m not smart enough to be on the team, I’m not pretty enough to be your girlfriend, and I sure as hell am not good enough to mean anything to anyone.” It was your turn to start crying.
Spencer quickly rose, grasping your hand tightly in his. He looked at you, and you could see the love and pain swirling in his eyes. “Please don’t say that about yourself. Please don’t believe that. You’re so much more than that. You’re the light of my life, the highlight of my day every time I see you. You’re the perfect ray of sunshine our office needs, hell, what the team needs to get through cases. You are perfect, y/n. I love you so much. Please, never believe those things about yourself. You’re perfect just the way you are,” he finished, tears streaming down his face.
Without a second thought, you looped your arm behind his neck and pulled Spencer in for a kiss. His lips were salty, the taste of his tongue mixing with the salty wetness from his tears. You two pulled apart, breathing heavily.
“I love you too,” you whispered, pressing your foreheads together before hugging him tightly.
Slight coughing by the door caused you two to look up. You grinned as you noticed the rest of the team standing by the doorway, bittersweet smiles on their faces. They entered the room, each giving you a hug and scolding you about your current situation. You forgot how much you missed them.
From that day onwards, you worked towards loving yourself. It took a long time, months blending into years before you felt comfortable in the body you had been given. But no matter what, you had your rock. You had Spencer, and you were better because of it.
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unsaid-stardust · 4 years
Used to This
Words: 2,228
Pairing: Julie x Luke 
Summary: Set between episode 3 and 4, Luke’s curiosity about Julie’s dream box only grows leading the pair to grow even closer. 
Author’s note: I have risen from the black room where Alex has been crying for 25 years to write fics! I’m hoping for it to stay that way!  Tell me what you think! 💜
tagging: @littledancersun  @sunsetcurves @sevenseashigh (Nicolette I tagged the wrong acc first sdklfhadfh)
After the week Julie had, she was happy to be able to finally relax She couldn't wait to get home, take a shower, and just lie down in her bed. Meeting the boys was exhausting in itself, how would you handle being introduced to 3 fairly attractive teenage boys who happened to live in your garage? But, then she started performing again. And while that was exciting and exhilarating, it was exhausting all the same. 
Finally entering her room, Julie let out a sigh of relief as she belly-flopped onto her bed. Big mistake, she thought to herself, because she definitely was not getting up. She smiled into her pillow, hugging it as she closed her eyes. This was dangerous. It was only 8:30 pm. She should not be able to fall asleep this early. Or..she could just-
Julie suddenly shivered. She opened her eyes and immediately sat up. That could only mean one thing. She scanned her room and quickly found him by her bookshelf. Luke. She may feel like she was half-asleep, but she didn't need to be wide awake in order to know what he was over there for. 
"Luke! What did I tell you about my room?!" Julie shouted as she edged closer to him. Luke hissed through his teeth, putting his arms up in defense and shaking his head. 
"I'm sorry, but I told you the other day! I can't stop thinking about the box!" He protested. Julie crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. 
"But I told you what was in it! Shouldn't that satisfy your curiosity? Besides we have rules now!" Julie answered. Luke looked down at the ground then and Julie felt like she had just kicked a puppy. 
"You're right. I'm sorry. It's just, after being cooped up in wherever we were for 25 years, it's nice to finally be able to go wherever I want to. But, that doesn't mean I can go wherever I want. I'm sorry," He explained. Julie wanted to stay mad at him. After all, wasn't she supposed to? He was a ghost living in her house taking up her space and breaking her rules. It wasn't like she was supposed to be used to this sort of thing. She had a right to be mad about his presence. But, she couldn't. She couldn't stay mad. Not after that explanation he just gave. 
"It's ok, I get it. Just, I need my personal space as much as you need yours. But, I guess it's no harm if you come in here-" Julie was cut off by the sound of Luke's cheer.
"Only! You can't touch anything. Got it?" Julie questioned. 
"But what-" Luke began to protest. Julie raised an eyebrow and pointed a guilty finger towards him. 
"Got it?" She repeated. Luke rolled his eyes and sighed in defeat. 
"Got it," He caved, crossing his heart and putting his hands up in defense. Julie shook her head. Usually, what people say after they cross their heart is "cross my heart and hope to die" but Luke, that didn't apply to him since he was already a ghost. If Flynn had done something like that, Julie would've called her out on it, but she didn't think it was necessary to do that to Luke, especially since he's still getting used to this whole being-a-ghost thing. 
"I was going to say, though, it's not like I can pick much up anyway. We already told you earlier, it takes a lot for us to do something like that," He explained as he looked at the box on the shelf. Julie noticed that at a glance, he would seem perfectly fine. But, she was beginning to know him. He held a lot of secrets. She guessed that most ghosts would, I mean, that's why they were ghosts in the first place, right? Some unfinished business or whatever? She didn't know what kind of secrets they were, but she knew that there was a lot more to him. And she could see it in his eyes. He was sad. And Julie had the urge to make him feel better. And she knew what might help, at least, for the meanwhile. 
Julie sighed and moved to grab her dream box off of her shelf. Julie ignored the weird feeling in her stomach that she got when she saw Luke's face light up like he was a kid in a candy store. She moved it to her bed where she then sat cross-legged and Luke sat with one knee bent on the edge of the bed, his other leg hanging down the side. Julie placed the box in front of her lap and opened it. Luke peered over it intently and Julie tried to fight back the wave of sadness that came over her. The very first item inside of the box, was a pair of backstage passes--To Trevor Wilson's concert. She moved quickly to remove them for Luke's sake. 
"Sorry. I'll just-"
"No, it's okay. It makes you happy. That's what the box is for, right?" Luke questioned. Julie nodded slowly in response. 
"Yeah. Back when Carrie and me were friends we uh, we went to her dad's comeback concert and my mom came with. It was my first time backstage and it was kind of when I realized I really wanted to play music like that," Julie explained. Luke smiled.
"So, we really did introduce you to music, huh?" He inquired with a smirk. Julie rolled her eyes as she shook her head. 
"I said rock music. Don't get too cocky now," Julie responded. Luke let out a chuckle before biting his lip. Julie forced herself to focus on the box. She thought that if she let herself look at his lips for too long, she would write a million songs about them. Which wouldn't be the end of the world, you know, if we wasn't an actual ghost. 
"Ooh, what's this?" Luke pointed to Julie's old Tamagotchi. She couldn't help, but laugh. 
"This?" She asked as she held it up. Luke nodded, curiosity showing in his smile. 
"It's a Tamagotchi. It was really annoying when I had it, but my mom got it for me on my 7th birthday and now it makes me smile thinking back on how my mom would remind me to take care of it. Not a lot of people had them, they were kind of retro at my age, but my mom loved it when she was in college," Julie rambled. She looked towards Luke's direction to see that he completely and utterly lost. She forgot sometimes that the boys were from a different time period and that they missed out on so much. Not just with friends and family, but with the ages. The boys would literally love YouTube. Being able to watch live concerts whenever you wanted to? That's right up their alley. Julie made a mental note that she should show them how to view that some time. They'd go nuts. Maybe they'd like the Tamagotchi too. Wait. Do ghost band-boys like Tamagotchis? Well, only one way to figure out. She set it aside to let Luke know that the boys were allowed to mess around with it. 
Luke didn't seem to captivated by it as he his eyes shifted focus on the pieces of paper crumbled beneath a few other miscellaneous objects. Julie should've known he would've picked up on that. 
"Song lyrics?" He questioned, not really needing the answer. Julie sighed. She forgot she had put those back in the box the other day. She nodded. 
"I thought you said they weren't in there anymore?" Luke continued, his voice quiet. Julie shrugged. 
"They weren't. But I, uh-I decided to put them back in. Now that I'm singing and playing again, the lyrics don't hurt as much," She explained, not allowing herself to look at Luke in the eyes, but she could see him nod in understanding. He always did seem to get her. She sighed. She wasn't planning on showing him these lyrics anytime soon, but it just felt--right. She moved some of the other items out of the way and retrieved the pieces of paper from the bottom of the box. Carefully, she unfolded them, and she was suddenly very aware of how close Luke was to her, unaware of when he moved to sit next to her.
"I was um, I was working on this one with my mom before she died," Julie started before she opened her mouth again to sing. 
"Cause everything is rushing in fast. Keep going on, never look back. And it's one, two,, three, four times" She sang. Julie took the leap of faith and looked at Luke for his reaction. She couldn't even put it in words if she tried, but she liked the way it made her feel. 
"That was all that we were able to get to. It's still missing something in the pre-chorus though, but I could never bring myself to finish it," Julie explained. Luke visibly swallowed. 
"That's um that's really amazing already. But...Can I...I uh kind of heard this melody in my head as you were singing. Do you mind...if-if I..." Luke trailed off, unsure if he was overstepping boundaries. Julie felt her lips part. Showing these lyrics to Luke was one thing, one vulnerable enough thing, but having him finish them? That was something else. And she didn't know what it was. But something inside of her told her it was ok. That maybe, her mom had wanted her to finish these lyrics with someone else. And she was ok with it being Luke. More than ok. Julie nodded slowly signaling him to go on. 
"And it's one, two, three, four times that I'll try for one more night. Light a fire in my eyes, I'm going out of my mind," he sang. Julie pursed her lips, her mind running a mile a minute and yet, her mouth unable to move. Something inside of her, though, gave her the power to respond. 
"I like that. A lot. That's exactly what was missing from it before. What if we um, what if we then went into a chorus that went something like...whatever happens, even If I'm the last standing, i'ma stand tall, i'ma stand tall," She sang. Luke smiled the biggest smile that Julie had ever seen. 
"Yeah yeah, and then we could go like..." Luke buzzed with lyric ideas as Julie reached to grab a notebook and pen and suddenly, they were spitballing words and melodies back and fourth until morning. It wasn't until the sun began to shine through her window that she realized what time it was. Julie snapped out the creativity whirlwind that she and Luke had been in. 
"Morning? What no, no, no, it can't be morning! I was just about to go to bed," Julie exclaimed as she stood up from her bed. 
"Julie, relax that was only like 10 minutes ago. It's not like we stayed up all night," Luke stated. Julie crossed her arms. 
"That's not how that works! It was dark when we started writing lyrics and now it's not which means we did stay up all night!" Julie responded. Luke shook his head, still not seeming to understand Julie's dilemma. 
"But, we don't need sleep. When I'm with Reggie and Alex, we have so much energy that we could probably win a marathon and win. And trust me, that says a lot, Alex can't run if his life depended on it. Oh, wait. I can't use that phrase anymore can I?" Luke rambled. Julie rolled her eyes. 
"Yes, but I'm not a ghost so I need sleep, so you, out, now!" Julie demanded. Luke's jaw dropped before he began to protest. 
"But you said-" He moved towards her with a victimized finger. 
"Out!" Julie repeated. Luke sighed and put his hands out in defeat. 
"Fine!" He yelled before blipping out. Julie sighed with relief as she grabbed a hold of her covers to climb into bed; her tiredness from last night creeping its way back. She closed her eyes, hoping to get 1 or 2 hours of sleep before her dad starts to wonder where she is, a smile painting across her lips the night with Luke replayed in her mind. Julie never thought that she would get used to ghosts appearing and disappearing in her presence whenever they wanted to. And she didn't think that she had wanted to. But, maybe it wasn't all that bad. Especially when one of said ghosts can write lyrics and know your soul without you having to say a word and possessed your mind when they weren't around. It was weird to say, heck, everything about this was weird, but she liked what she had with Lu-the band. And she wouldn't change anything at all.
"Sorry, I forgot this. Goodnight, uh morning, don't let the bed bugs bite," Luke blipped in briefly, grabbing the Tamagotchi from the dream box, causing Julie to sit up in her bed. Except maybe that. She shook her head with a smile before laying back down. Her Tamagotchi was definitely going to be dead when she woke up. And that? That she wasn't ok with. 
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twiceinadream · 4 years
Twice React: Fem! S/O Confesses They Love Them
Requested: Yup
Request: Twice reaction to fem/best friend confessing to them. (Written as a: High School AU)
a/u: It took 2 months but I finally finished a react and they ended up being pretty long. But, I hope you guys like them since this was one of the hardest prompts I’ve had to write, since some of them are based off real ways I’ve confessed to crushes. I want to thank you all again for 2k followers! I love you guys! Stay safe and wash your hands.
Category: Fluff and Angst (There’s only one)
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“I love me too.”
The two of you had known each other longer than you could remember. And now you hoped that you could make her your forever. “Am I really that hard to love?” Nayeon sobbed as you held her close to your chest, your best friend’s tears soaking your shirt. You sighed, “Nayeonie, look at me,” Nayeon blinked back tears as she looked up to meet your eyes, “How could you ever think you’re hard to love? You’re smart, beautiful, kind, literally every amazing trait under the sun. But, you somehow always find a way to waste your time on people who don’t deserve you.” The older girl looked at you in confusion as she pulled away from you slightly, “What do you mean, ‘Wasting my time’, Y/N?” You let out a frustrated sigh as you pointed between the two of you, “Like what we’re doing right now. I sit on the sidelines watching your heart getting broken over and over by people who barely even give a damn, and when they’re done ripping your heart to shreds I’m here to pick up the pieces. But, no matter how much you think you can see love. You’re blind to when it’s staring you in the face, Im Nayeon.” The room went silent as you could see your words being processed by the girl across from you, “What are you getting at, Y/N?” You pinched the bridge of your nose before throwing your hands up, “How can you not see that, I’m in love with you!?” As the words left your mouth, you felt as if you couldn’t breathe. The room was silent aside from Nayeon’s sniffling, you ran a hand over your face as you looked at your best friend, “Look, Nayeon. I’m really sorry I…” Before you could finish your apology, Nayeon’s lips were on yours. She seemed to take all the air from your lungs as you melted into the kiss. When she pulled away, Nayeon couldn’t help but laugh at the dazed look in your eyes, “I guess we’re both blind to love when it’s staring us in the face.” You gave Nayeon a confused look that made her roll her eyes, “I’m in love with you too, Pabo.”
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“No wonder you’ve been being weird!”
Yoo Jeongyeon wasn’t easy. But then again, when have you ever looked for easy. “Y/N. Y/N. Earth to Y/N!” You shook your head as you realized you had been staring at your best friend, Jeongyeon. She looked at you with concern as you sighed. “Sorry, Jeong. I’m just a little distracted.” Jeongyeon let out a laugh, “It seemed a little more than that, Y/N. You were staring at me for a good five minutes,” Your best friend smiled as she reached over to ruffle your hair, “From the way you were looking at me I could have sworn you must be in love with me.” Your eyes widened as you cleared your throat awkwardly, “What? No,” You pushed Jeongyeon’s shoulder playfully, “you’re crazy, Yoo.” However, Jeongyeon just rolled her eyes and turned away from you. You wanted to facepalm, ‘I’m such an idiot! There’s no way she doesn’t know I love her.’ Suddenly you felt Jeongyeon turn to face you again, her eyes wide as she looked at you, “What did you just say?” You blinked as you stared at her, “Please don’t tell me I said that out loud.” You suddenly felt the urge to cry as tears began to fill your eyes and you wanted to get as far away from Jeongyeon as fast as possible. “Y/N wait.” Jeong grabbed your wrist and pulled you back onto the bed making you lose your balance and fall on her, “Jeong…” But before you could stop her, Jeongyeon’s lips were on yours, your eyes widening before leaning into the kiss. Your guy’s breaths were labored as you pulled away, your foreheads resting against each other’s. “I love you too.” You wanted to say more but, Jeongyeon had pulled you into another kiss and you knew. She really did love you too.
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“Doesn’t this mean we kiss now?”
Momo could be oblivious. And apparently so could you. You yawned as your eyes began to blur the text in front of you, “This was a stupid idea.” You groaned as you looked at the time on your phone, Momo would be here any minute now and the anticipation was starting to kill you. You had come early in the morning to put your concessfession of love for your best friend, at her locker: eight red carnations (one for each year the two of you had known each other). And the longer you sat in the library by yourself your nerves were starting to get the better of you, until a pair of hands came from behind and covered your eyes, “Guess who?” You could hear your heartbeat in your ears as you breathed in, “Let me guess…Momoring?” Your best friend laughed as she pulled her hands away from your eyes and took the seat next to you, your eyes still focused on the textbook, “You’ll never guess what I found at my locker this morning.” Momo gushed as she sat back in her chair, a giddy smile on her face, “Someone likes me, Y/N!” A soft smile grew on your face as you flipped the page, “That’s great, Momo! Red carnations always seemed to bring out your eyes. Do you have any idea who it is?” There was a long pause before you finally looked up from the textbook to face your best friend, a look of disbelief on her face, “How did you know they were red carnations?” You felt your breath hitch as you looked around Momo to see that there were no flowers in sight, you immediately felt like you wanted to slap yourself, “Momo, wait. Before you say anything, I understand if you don’t feel…” The shrill sound of the bell cut you off as a defeated sigh left your lips, you refused to look at the girl beside you as you closed your textbook and picked up your bag, when you were pulled back by your wrist and a quick peck was placed on your cheek. Your jaw dropped as your hand flew up to touch the spot Momo had just kissed, your eyes meeting Momo’s as a heavy blush set on both your cheeks. Momo let out a light laugh as she began heading towards her class, “I’ll see you after class, Y/N-chan. Don’t keep me waiting.”
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*Internally gay panicking*
Sana was the sweet talker of the two of you. But today, it seemed like you had her tongue tied. You and Sana walked in silence as the April breeze carried the scent of the cherry blossoms blooming on the trees around the two of you. The sight could only be described as straight out of a fairytale, and Sana was the Princess to complete it. You didn’t know if it was the milk you had drank earlier or the courage that was bubbling in your stomach, but either way you couldn’t hold it in any longer. You were a few paces behind your best friend as you looked down and spoke, “Satang, I’ve been meaning to tell you something for a long time.” You let out a breath as you continued, “I like you. Like a lot, and way more than just a friend. Dare I say I’m in love with you.” You squeezed your eyes shut as you braved yourself to finally look back at Sana, a confused look on her face as she stared at you before taking an earbud out of her ear, “What did you say, Y/N?” You felt your mind go blank as your heart sank in your chest, “Um...I said I have to go, my mom called.” Sana gave you a smile as she pulled you into a hug, “Okay, call me when you get home. See you tomorrow!” You gave her a small wave as you began backtracking the way you had come, ‘I’m so stupid!’ You sighed in defeat when you felt your phone buzz in your pocket, it was from
Sana: I heard you, you Aho. And I like you too <3.
You felt a smile break out on your lips as your heart swelled in your chest, ‘Huh, I guess fairy tales really do have happy endings.’
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“I can't believe you remembered.”
Jihyo was like the universe. And you were lost in space. You have been hopelessly in love with your best friend for years, since it seemed humanly impossible to not fall for, Park Jihyo. But, even through the years you had never plucked up the courage to ask her, until the two of you had stumbled upon a flash mob proposal in a mall, Jihyo saying how she always dreamed of a big show as a confession of love. So with that in mind, your plan was finally in motion. “Y/N. Y/N.” Jihyo waved a hand in front of your face as she brought you back to reality, “Are you doing okay? Your hand is shaking.” Your eyes widened as you pulled your hand away from hers, shaking off your nerves, “What? Must have been a breeze. Can we get going? There’s something I really want to show you.” You shot a smile at your best friend as she let you pull her through the aquarium, going past various exhibits until you stopped at a large tank filled with various fish and plants. You quickly looked at Jihyo as you spotted two fish chasing each other in the tank, before pointing them out to her, “Hyo, look at that!” You drew her attention away from the divers that you could see in your peripheral, ‘The moment of truth.’ You looked at the opposite end of the tank when you felt Jihyo poke your shoulder, “Y/N, look! They’re waving at us.” You looked to the divers who were now in front of the two of you, holding a rolled banner in their hands. As they started to open it up, a crowd began to gather to see what was going on; when you suddenly felt Jihyo drop your hand.
The banner read: Hey, Hyo. I didn’t know how else to tell you I loved you, but I have for a long time. Will you be my girlfriend? -Y/N.
While she was distracted a lady that worked there quickly ran over to give you a bouquet of flowers to give, when Jihyo finally looked at you; tears in her eyes. You took a breath to calm your racing heart, “Park Jihyo. You have been my best friend for years and frankly I’ve been crazy in love with you from almost the first day we met. And, until the day we saw that proposal in the mall I had no idea how to tell you until now.” You gave Jihyo a small smile, “So. Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?” The tension in the air was almost suffocating until Jihyo finally answered, “Of course I’ll be your girlfriend, Y/N, took you long enough.” You let out a laugh, which was silenced when Jihyo suddenly pulled you into a kiss. Rounds of applause sounded as the onlookers cheered for the two of you, your foreheads resting against each other as you pulled away, “Well lucky for you, Hyo. I’m done waiting.
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“Wanna stay the night?”
Midnight confessions were always the best kind of confessions. You couldn’t put your finger on what exactly felt off, but even with how familiar the situation was, something just felt wrong. Your head rested on your best friend’s stomach as she ran her fingers through your hair, something she had always done when you couldn’t sleep as she hummed an old Japanese lullaby. “Want to talk about it?” Mina asked softly as she continued running her fingers through your hair. “I don’t know if I can, Minari,” you closed your eyes as you let out a sigh, “I know I can trust you with my life, but I can’t seem to tell you how much I love you. What is wrong with me!?” You ran a hand over your face as you sighed again, not noticing how Mina’s hand had stopped midway through your hair. Your words ringing in her ears as it seemed as though you hadn’t noticed you said it. It wasn’t until her silence became more quiet than usual did you sit up to face her, noticing how her eyes were wide as she looked at you. “Are you okay?” Concern clear in your voice as Mina swallowed. “You love me, Y/N?” You felt your heart drop as Mina’s soft words seemed to slap you in the face, “W...what?” Mina pursed her lips, “You said it earlier. You really love me.” You squeezed your eyes shut hoping you were just in a bad dream, but Mina was still there when you opened them, “I’m not going to deny what I said,” you pinched the bridge of your nose, “because, yes. I...I do love you, Mina. I have for a long time.” You gave her a small smile as you waited for her response, but instead of words, you felt Mina’s arms around you as she pulled you to lay down. Your head on her chest, as her heartbeat thumped in your ears. Before you could ask what she was doing, you felt her place a kiss on your head as she whispered, “Get some sleep, Y/N. I don’t need my girlfriend getting bags under her eyes because I kept her up all night.” You felt as if your jaw dropped at her words before responding, “Trust me, Mitang. Having bags under your eyes would be the least of your worries if I kept you up all night.” Mina blushed as she slapped you playfully, “Don’t push your luck tonight, L/N.” You chuckled as your eyes began to close, “I don’t need to push my luck, Myoui. I’m already the luckiest girl in the world.”
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You had loved Dahyun for a long time. And it seemed she had loved you too. The two of you were sitting on opposite sides of your bed as Dahyun continued to pout, “Come on, Y/N-ah. Why can’t you just tell me?” You crossed your arms, “‘Cause. It’s a secret.” Your best friend copied your pose and crossed her arms as well, “But, we’re best friends, we have no secrets! And I let you keep it a secret for four years. Please just tell me.” You huffed, “Fine. I’ll let you guess.” Dahyun smiled as she pursed her lips in thought, “Is it...Nayeon Unnie,” You shook your head, “Jeongyeon Unnie, Momo Unnie, Sana Unnie? Oh, Jihyo Unnie?” You let out a laugh as you shook your head, “No, no, no, and very funny, but no.” Dahyun raised an eyebrow, “Mina Unnie? Chaeyoung? Tzuyu?” You once again shook your head ‘no’ making Dahyun lay back on your bed in thought, “But, if it’s not any of them. That only leaves…” Realization seemed to hit Dahyun as you rubbed the back of your neck, “Yeah. Are you mad?” Dahyun blinked as she looked back at you, a smile forming on her lips, “Y/N-ah, how could I be mad? I’ve listened to you be smitten over this ‘girl’ for four years and I find out that my crush likes me back, of course I’m not mad.” As you listened to Dahyun’s words your eyes widened, “Are you saying?” Dahyun nodded as she smiled, “Yes, Y/N. I like you too.”
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“The little things, huh?”
The pun was coincidental. But falling for Chaeyoung was not part of the plan. Your thoughts seemed to race faster than you could process them as you looked around the school in search of your best friend. Unsurprisingly finding Chaeyoung in the art room, her back facing the door as she doodles in the sketchbook in front of her. “Son Chaeyoung.” You deepen your voice to imitate the school’s principal, making her jump. “Y/N!” You laughed as you pulled out the chair beside her as she slapped your arm, “You made me mess up my drawing.” Chae pouted as you poked her cheek, “Pouting doesn’t work anymore, Chaengie. I’m immune.” A proud smile on your face as Chaeyoung continued to pout, your facade fading, making her smile, “Ha! I win! No one can refuse my pout.” You rolled your eyes as a nervous look began to creep out into your face, Chaeyoung noticing it in an instant, “Y/N? Are you okay?” You sighed as you decided to just bite the bullet, “I don’t know why, but I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately and I realized. I really need to appreciate the small things in life and take chances while I have them. So,” you purse your lips as you look into your best friend’s eyes, “that’s why I’m gonna finally just spit it out. I like you a lot, Chae. And it’s way more than just a friend.” You let out a breath as Chaeyoung looked you in the eyes, a smile on her lips, “Really? You just had to start off with ‘the little things’.” You laughed as Chaeyoung pulled you by the collar of your shirt and into a kiss, silencing you. “Pabo.” You chuckled as Chae pulled you in again. “But, you’re my, Pabo.”
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“Promise me.” (Whoops, my finger slipped)
Tzuyu has been your best friend since you had met that day in the classroom. And now you hoped this wouldn’t be where it ended. It was a week before graduation and the butterflies of finally being free weren’t the only thing filling your stomach. You had been planning the way you would finally confess to your best friend, Tzuyu, for months and you wanted to take your chance before she left for Korea, to chase her dreams. So now you were left with your own thoughts as you waited in the now empty Chemistry class where the two of you had met on the first day of school, four years ago. Your heart seemed to beat out of your chest as the door to the room began to open, revealing the gorgeous face of your best friend. Tzuyu looked around the room to see that all the tables were pushed to the side as you stood in the center of the room, a bouquet of purple hibiscuses in your hand, “Hey, Tzu.” You set down the flowers before reaching down to your phone on a chair as you started playing a slow song, extending your hand to her, “Care to dance?” Tzuyu looked at you in surprise before tentatively taking your hand as you pulled her into a slow rhythm, you took a deep breath before looking her in the eyes, “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.” The girl in your arms raised an eyebrow at you but nodded, “Four years ago we met in this classroom and have been best friends ever since. But, four years ago I also fell in love with the shy girl in this classroom and kept my feelings to myself till life finally kicked me in the ass to confess. And I’m here to say that, I’m head over heels for you, Tzumong.” At your confession, Tzuyu suddenly stopped. Hurt evident on her face, “Y/N. I’m so sorry,” the hope in your eyes began to fade as you felt your heart sink, “but I can’t accept your confession. When I leave for Korea I can’t ask you to uproot everything you’ve worked so hard for here, just to watch me chase a dream. I couldn’t live with myself if I did that to you.” You and Tzuyu both had tears brimming in your eyes as she placed a kiss on your forehead, “But, I need you to promise me something, Y/N.” You nodded, “Anything.” Tzuyu let out a breath, “Promise me, you won’t wait.” You bit your lip to distract yourself from the pain of your heart breaking, “I can’t make promises I know I won’t keep. But don’t worry about me and go chase your dream.” Tzuyu’s lip wobbled as she wrapped you into a tight hug, tears soaking your shirt. Her voice shook as she pulled away and headed for the door. A longing look in her eyes as she looked back at you, “In another life, Y/N, I promise: I’ll love you too.”
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