#i just will cry thats a personality trait lmao
mrfoox · 1 year
Talking with Oliver really is the best tbh
#miranda talking shit#Its a roller-coaster for sure. And im sure it is for him as well lmao#I started to tear up bc i thought about Fabian having have told me he really wants to be a father one day and he was so hopeful sounding#So i started tearing up bc i thought of that memory. And Oliver wad like... Why are you crying ? And i wad like... Bc i thought of Fabian#Telling me he wants to be a dad? And after a while he wad like 'i dont understand. Like you saying youre emotional bc#Fabian. Wanting to be a dad like wtf?' and i laughed bc... Yeah that does sound strange to say. To me its natural bc i can recall how he#Sounded. Ive learned to recognize his diffrent tones and he sounded so happy and hopeful and cute so to me that's precious memory#And i talked more than i usually do in general. And shared more and yeah im anxious about that but it was nice#He said one thing that almost made me cry but then i remembered the way of thinking 'he didn't mean it as an insult to me just a fact' so i#Was fine. Aka he said something like 'i think you think youre understanding. But there are things one cant understand if you have not#Experienced it' and thats true. I try to be understanding but also i know i cant understand everything because i have no reference to#Everything. Talking with Oliver is so fucking refreshing for me bc of how diffrent he is and how he talks in general. He says what he feels#Or tries to. I find that great tbh. Open communication and i dont have to think about it and guess bc he'll explain to me instead#So even if i cant relate or understand i will usually hear another diffrent opinion and its fun.#'i think being emotional is nice. I wish i was more emotional. Its nice that you and other people like you are that'#Getting even an general compliment from oliver is a big boost for my ego lol. He hates saying things you personal terms#Im guessing its bc hes scared of intimacy in general meanwhile im ... Kinda similar. I say we often and like to see myself as part#Of an group. Aka my friends. But i will say shit i think openly and be sappy unless i think people wont like it jskfksjajnfjf#It was fun to hear something positive from him tbh. I always admire people and their diffrent qualities but i assume they dislike mine#So hearing someone liking my... Less popular/fun traits is always nice. I know im emotional and sensitive but 9/10 times people find it#Annoying. I personally dont dislike that part of me. When i do its bc i know others think im too much so i dislike making then uncomfortabl
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ssreeder · 1 year
hi sreedie :3
fuck you sreedie no zukka cuddles >:(
but also… maybe not fuck you, it depends on what we DO get in this chapter… you’re on THIN ICE
on another note, I love jee <3
surely just like employ some of the kyoshi warriors to be dishwashers??
pls tell me why when rasu was like “I can sniff whatever I want” I immediately went COCAINE T-T
oh ?? jee what did you DO omg spill bestie
I KNEW jee was a slay, he’s also sus of iroh’s methods
LMAO jee wdym you “know that prince zuko was not into men” literally HOW would you know that information T-T
but anyways yes I’m loving that the hair touching is making a COMEBACK bc I absolutely adore how the fire nation views hair and all the glorious nuances that come with it ughhhhhh… now I’m mad again about shen being dead bc his reaction to the haircut sitch was ICONIC
not jee being offended about the perceived slight agains his cooking skills-
here come the iroh thoughts… I will add them at the end (or potentially in another ask??? I don’t want this to be more mammoth than usual)
OH SHIT OH NO OH FUCK OH ZUKO IS GONNA FIND OUT THAT JEE KILLED SHEN oh okay at least jee has some common sense !! good for him
LMAO not jee being a gossip queen (truly my soulmate, this is actually why we got divorced sreedie you can’t compare)
“dumpling boy” ohmygod obsessed
A TEABAG why is that fucking hilarious pls tell me you have some kind of fire nation lore behind that insult
the reading scene is so sweet ;-; and like I know from second hand experience that being read to when you can’t read yourself is a Huge Deal bc when my cousin had a major back operation our aunt read to her for HOURS daily and it literally bonded them so much. so like, very important scene sreedie you’ve got me in my feels (and I’m WAITING IMPATIENTLY for rasu and zuko to become besties again)
wow the “delivered” part is so gut wrenching. that’s really the tragedy of war isn’t it? everyone just becomes a pawn unless they’re one of the chess players themselves
LMAO not the kiddos getting into fisticuffs upstairs and disturbing one of the most politically tense conversations in the fic
ohnooooooo stop I’m so fucking sad about hakoda and thinking katara was ignoring him on purpose STOP
ah fuck sokka trauma reveal xxxx
literally so siblings to have bled and shit on each other. something something I’ve had the worst parts of you inflicted on me but I have to love you anyway
sokka trauma time !!
damn baby’s first kill… forgot about the warden tbh
“everyone is always trying to kill zuko” so true bestie they should stop!! stop trying to kill zuko fr omg!! (read that like that one tweet where that white girl was telling isis to stop terrorism lmao)
“what sokka had experienced had layers” LIKE AN ONION please why am I unable to take anything seriously anymore it’s bad
CHANG CHANG CHANG CHANG is the chang bato ship called chato or bang OMG BANG THATS ICONIC love that we’re sticking with it
(in case it wasn’t already obvious I love chang btw)
lmao chang said end sexism in the grumpiest grouchiest way possible
ykw I’m a fan of?? the fact that hakoda has the brain to plan like sokka but the resources to plan like zuko and I think that it’s fucking hilarious
“speak for yourself I’m in fucking agony” I LOVE CHANG I DEDICATE MY LIFE TO CHANG I GIVE CHANG MY WHOLE HEART
ohohohoho sokka you are actually going to be CLOSER to zuko isn’t that dandy
omg eve ;-; our lovely forest lesbians ;-; that you MURDERED
NO ZUKKA CUDDLES BUT ZUKKA WAVE??!!?!?! call me a masochist but I’m enjoying this. anyways.
ZUKKA AND CHANG REUNION OMFG I WILL CRY especially zuko chang reunion ;-; (do Not get me started on my feelings on chang vs iroh) ((jokes I will be talking about in a soon to be sent ask))
also obsessed with sokka having active beef with jee and jee is just like… this kid needs therapy ~cue rbf~
YES MY BBYGORL AZULA READY TO FUCK SHIT UP (but yeah can she pls hold off for a tad longer thx sm <3)
okokok I’ll get onto my iroh thoughts now (in another ask.. bc uh.. this is Huge) but that’s gonna take a hot minute bc I have to become Coherent.
also no longer sick!! for now. (I probably should’ve gone to see a dr much sooner anyways but too late now ig)
*dances on thin ice*
Yes Jee offend the group of women warriors by asking them to come wash dishes hahaha…. Nice one leekie!
Jee sailed on a ship with Zuko for 3 years… & during that time his gaydar must have broken (I feel like we can blame Zuko for breaking it somehow)
Oh iroh…. You silly silly man <3
I think rasu reading to Zuko meant a lot to him so hopefully baby steps in the right direction ;)
Hahaha it’s ok the onion joke & the sand joke legit never stop…. Damn it media for influencing words so much.
Haha Chang iroh interaction is something I’m looking forward to. It’ll be INTERESTING ;;);)
Ok leekie I’m sorry I know I said I would respond yesterday but I’m a horrible person and this is why we’re divorced! GLAD YOURE NOT SICK ANYMORE WOHOOOO
*sprinkles germs in your food*
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aemiron-main · 2 years
my toxic trait is that due to my transgender homosexual swag and also social anxiety, I watch wedding/wedding related videos sometimes not as wedding inspo or even to laugh at them but literally out of pure morbid fascination/horror. it’s like. how are you not screaming crying throwing up at the concept of having to kiss somebody in front of everyone you know and ur whole family?? the amount of MONEY that weddings cost?? SO MUCH MONEY FOR ONE NIGHT?? the weird wedding rules??? the christian origins and implications of so much of it?? the concept of sleeping w ur partner on ur wedding night and EVERYONE KNOWS????? Like don’t get me wrong I’m pro-sex etc I don’t think it’s a shameful thing at ALL, I’m just personally a very private person when it comes to relationships and pda ESP when it comes to family knowing about it. like hell I could deal w kissing someone in front of my family that’s not the issue, it’s the Pressure of It while they’re all literally staring at You Specifically, Waiting For You To Kiss.
( i mostly watch white cishet wedding content bc that’s where the true heteronormative horrors are- at least for me bc thats what ive grown up around/what the expectation was for my future so I’m just talking abt those specifically)
like I’m literally not even trying to be a pretentious “I’m so quirky and different 🤪” dipshit, I literally just have such a visceral reaction to the concept of it LMAO like kudos to anyone who can go through that bc I would die of embarrassment on the spot I think like I’m not anti-wedding I just don’t get it and I’m sure I’d be fine with a more casual wedding but watching the stereotypical cishet weddings just feels like watching a train wreck like I can’t look away
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wildtornado-o · 1 year
u seem to like/draw like . everyone in somnium files im dying to know what ur ranking of them is and why like i cant pin down a favorite based on ur posts
My ranking is honestly kind of simple because I love everyone! (tier list so I can organize my thoughts accidently put Saito in the wrong spot he SHOULD. be next to So)
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I honestly really like every character in the first game. Every character feels unique and like they have a reason to be there, even Mame who doesn't get much screen time. They all have their own thing going on which I feel helps flesh out the world they live in really well.
Date and Mizuki are my top faves but everyone else in that tier is really close to them sdkfhsd, their route just personally hit the hardest for me, and then Ota's route.. (although honestly every route hits in such a good different way) I love their dynamic so much, and a lot of their dynamic reminds me of my and my dad LOL (just in a more healthy way than them) Basically the moment I saw Mizuki in that pillar I knew I was going to love her, traumatized young child that seems to have sooo many issues and knows the protag? sign me up! But yeah, going from her route and the ones on the left side to the right side was so jarring because there is like. No Mizuki in Iris' route like at all, which made me very sad. But when she is there she totally just steals the scene so I get it skjfskd Having all the other characters trying to tell Date how Not Okay she is always made me so mad at Date like "Sir!! Sir please help your daughter" and he just didnt. I think thats one thing that bothers me but its easy to ignore since the route wasn't about her. BUT YEAH I Love Date and Mizuki and their dynamic they are my faves and I REALLY!! Wish it didn't feel like everyone just. forgot about Mizuki in the end of the true route. But thats ok because I guess it makes sense, Date was struggling lmao I loveddd what we saw of Falco which is why he's UP there too, I just find him so facsinating and loved seeing how much he loved Iris and Hitomi, and just how much he was willing to lose in order to protect them. Hitomi is also definitely one of my favourites because shes also just so fascinating, I will always have a memory of playing her backstory part with my friend in my hallway because we couldnt find anywhere to charge her switch, and just being so FLOORED at everything she revealed. That poor woman has been through so much and still remains hopeful and filled with so much love and that just. ow. I love her sm. I love Iris. I used to hate Iris. (I played the left side first, so it wasn't really Iris) She got on my nerves because of how obviously manipulative she was to Date, but now I love that about her shes so cheeky sdkfjsdf she gets so many of her traits from her Uncle <3 Such a goofy girl I looove her dynamic with literally all of the characters because it shows just how SMART! She is I don't think she gets enough credit for how smart she is. Aiba is so silly and I love her, shes such a strong character in the first game and her relationship with Date really is everything to me. The warehouse scene almost made me cry but because I knew she would come back after it didnt affect me as hard BUT STILL. "I hate you Aiba and I never want to see you again" is a line I will never be able to forget. Her humour is one of the best parts of the game and I just love how much she shines in somniums when messing with Date, neither of them have a single thought, do they sdhfshdf I'd go over the other 3 in my top tier but this is already very long UM.... if you want me to talk more about a specific character feel free to send another ask!! (Just a note, this is my opinion on all the characters excluding how they may have been changed in aini, not for any reason I just like the characters more in the first game)
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condomatsu · 1 year
VENT ABOUT HS ACT 6 (a little epilogues and HS2 too)
there's a lot of hate in this post, characters and ships aren't safe, you have been warned.
Everytime i think about what act 6 did to all the characters (ESPECIALLY dave and vriska), i get so much angry i seriously wanna scream.
I dont hate everything about act 6, but it was so GARBAGE. And also seeing that "davekat" moment in the near-end of the comic (after egbert changes the timeline with that juju), it makes me go PURE RAGE! Not just because i fucking hate that ship which really has NO REASON to be canon, but because kk, when hes with dave, acts SO DIFFERENT IN A BAD WAY AND I HATE IT I ABSOLUTELLY HATE IT!
And dont get me start with dave. Its like they wanted to develop his character, but they got lost half way through it. I despise whatever fucking cry-baby dave is in act 6.
Vriska was absolutelly ruined by the end. Her character was going so well!! And then BOOM! Sorry guys, you wanted a redeemed but coherent vriska? Lmao, get fucked. Instead we have this all-problem-solving-friendly vriska, who can solve everything! Even stuff she shouldnt be involved with, like, idk, rose drinking problems???
And no one talks about sollux and aradia, but really: sol finally escapes his responabilities with the game, he doesnt want to have NOTHING to do with it, at all. And of course everyone knows it. But aradia? No, she has to take him to vriska and get him involved again. And he basically cant escape, since he depends on her because hes blind and has to wait feferi and nepeta to get him the fuck out of there. Theres no way aa didnt know sol would have hate being there, but it is implied they havent talked about it until sollux decide to go away. Arent they, idk, fucking moirails?
And beta kids. Ive read again act 1 recently, and they are friends and so lovable with each other. It all get lost during act 6. Its not like they arent friends anymore or they hate each other or stuff like that, but DAMN they sure have changed and still not solved anything!!
And fucking kanaya? Even in the fandom, now she and rose are basically no one if not "the lesbians". Yes, i do ship them, i do love their relationship, but in act 6 they lost their character traits and where reduce just to "sappho lesbian" and "alcoholic lesbian" and thats it.
And the fuckin alpha trolls??? I hate every single one of them, i love only the version of them that i have IN MY MIND and the potential they had and it was compleatelly waste. I 100000% hate kankri and i hate mituna even more, beacuse i remember being intrigued by him: everyone was talking about his sacrifice and how a good person he is and all i saw was this stupid shitty ableist "representation".
And the alpha kids and their stupid fucking disney channel teenagers love problems that go fucking nowhere. Literally only roxy has a character development and a decent arc, the rest SUCK AS HELL.
And lord fucking english. Hes boring af, caliborn is annoying af, but still hes the "main villain"??? And also another -10000 point to dave: he was supposed to beat the shit out of lord english, cuz theyre both time-something, and it was a good way to make dave not a fucking pussy anymore but NOPE! Now hes even lower than he was before!!
And my friends ask me why i dont wanna read the epilogues or homestuck2??? Im fucking terrified here. What the fuck do you want me to read when i know some stuff that happends (because of non voluntary spoilers i found around in the fandom) and all of i know its disgusting??? My n.1 notp becomes canon, nonsense drama happens, rose cheating kanaya!? Jane and jake are together and jane is a cunt!?? Do you really want me to read some bullshit like this???
Fuck everything. Act 6 never happend, the epilogues and hs2 dont exist. Fuck evrything again.
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sinnamonrasinslut · 3 years
The Ease With Which We Hurt [I] ICorpse Husband x Fem!ReaderI
A/N: You guys. I have never simultaneously loved AND hated a piece that I wrote. I really don’t know how I feel about this, but I promised myself last year that I wouldn’t overthink my writing, so here we are. This is part one of most likely four, but we’ll see about that. Thank you to everyone in my inbox who gave me ideas to turn this into a multi chapter fic! They’re all coming, I promise :)
SYNOPSIS: Corpse loves her, she loves Corpse. But both of them are too dumb to realize it, and too afraid to admit it. 
It started, like most good things in his life, out of the blue.
He met her three years ago. Well, not met, but befriended her three years ago when her podcast was just taking off. He remembers sending her a DM about how great her work was, remembers her being gracious in her praise of his own narrations after and he remembers talking to her well into the night until she fell asleep. The rest, to Corpse, is history.
And yet, all he knows of her is a voice, a name, and the prettiest eyes he’s ever seen. she chooses to wear a mask every time they FaceTime, just for the formality of the entire ‘faceless’ situation. She’s told him she thinks it’s ironic, how she feels like he knows her inside out, and she’s still afraid to show him her face. It’s not like corpse can blame her. She doesn’t even know his name, let alone what he looks like, and it’s a miracle she hasn’t filed him away as some no face creep by this point. 
But she hasn’t. She’s still here, after three years of being her friend, and almost a year of seeing her eyes and convincing himself that she’s his friend, damnit, she’s still here. It’s already a lot more than he can ask for.
He’s been holding himself back from falling in love. Or rather, he’s been in love for as long as he can remember, but he's been adamant on denying it; because he knows how this goes. It’s never gone well for him in the past. And he’s not ashamed to admit that he’s afraid. But sometimes, she tells him things that make his heart break, just out of the realization of how absolutely fucking stupid he's being, holding back from her.
He’s convinced that when he dies, she’s going to be the light at the end of his tunnel. That heaven means nothing more to him than a place in her world, however small, however insignificant, as long as he gets to see her eyes for the rest of eternity.
Every part of corpse tells him that it's love. But he tries to push it away, suppress his own feelings till he's nothing but a walking contradiction, overflowing with voices that only say her name.
But he’s tired. And he's scared. Because he’s been down that road before, opened himself up to people who haven’t liked what they saw and left with pieces of him he’s not sure how to tape back. He’s unsure if he's willing to let her try.
So, he settles for a small corner of her world, a little piece of her existence that gives him life, and every time he talks to her, hands flailing as she animatedly tells another story, he pushes the yearning to the back of his head till it crawls down and clings to his windpipe, unsure and immeasurable, and he can’t speak anymore without choking. But then she says things that make his heart jump into his throat, and then he’s choking but for entirely different reasons.
“What would you do if I was gone?”
He doesn’t mean it like that. Well, he does, a little bit, but his brain isn’t taking over every part of his body trying to convince him he’s unwanted, so he doesn’t mean it like that. He’s only curious, maybe in need of a little reassurance. And nobody does reassurance better than her.
She doesn’t say anything for a very long moment. Corpse knows the gist of her impending answer but the pause still blooms unnecessarily in his chest. But it’s not like they haven’t done this before.
“I’d write about you.”
She only huffs a laugh at his confusion. She pulls a blanket closer around her and props up her phone to rest against what he assumes is a wall.
“You’re not easy to forget, Corpse,” her voice is soft, truthful without flattery, provides comfort without justification. “if you were gone, I’d write about you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, that’s the least I’d need to cope.”
It’s not what he thought he’d hear, but it’s becoming increasingly clear to him that it’s exactly what he needed. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to her. 
“Besides,” she continues, hair falling in her face as she adjusts the blanket, “there is no place for me in a world without you in it.” 
 And he physically feels his heart stop and clench in his chest. The thought of meaning this much to anyone, to her in particular, is more than he knows how to handle. So, he doesn’t follow that up with a quip, no teasing laughter, no suggestive, exaggerated winks that only he can see. He only lets himself bask in the warmth of her honesty, lets her smile at him in that way only she does, the way that makes him freeze and ache and crumble.
He chooses not to talk after that, settles for listening to her tell stories about her childhood. Her voice is the purest thing he’s ever heard, he’d hear her talk till the world ended if he could, and the sweet lilt of her voice lulls him to sleep hours after she’s hung up the phone.
He doesn’t get to talk to her for almost two weeks after that. He misses her a little, but he keeps that to himself, and instead, tags her under dumb twitter memes and sends her pictures of cats that he’s saved specifically for times like these, and another video of two geckos fighting on a tree captioned ‘u and me’ .
There’s no place for me in a world without you in it.
The words wrap around his ribs like a noose, tightening by the second. Some days, when his heart is fast enough to beat out of his ribcage, it grounds him just as much as it hurts. But when she’d said it to him, it passed through him like a train wreck, distorting all semblance of control he’d convinced himself he had.
He knows it’s ridiculous, but he loves her. She’s only a voice through his phone and eyes on his screen and he has no clue what the rest of her looks like, but he’d be damned if he lets himself deny it one more time. He loves her. And that’s the most terrifying thought he’s ever entertained.
It doesn’t take long after that realization takes root, for him to send her a picture. He doesn’t let himself think too much about it. Taking pictures of himself is still new to him, but he tries his best. Don't think about it too much, he reminds himself, and unsurprisingly, it's her voice in his head that does all the soothing. He captions it something stupid, more out of habit than anything else (my hair makes me look like Dora the exploraH), with his name across his forehead and ‘Dora’ in brackets beside it. 
Momentarily, he wonders if he’s ever asked her if she even wants to see his face. (He has, and he distantly remembers her agreeing as long as he’s comfortable with it.)
He hits send before he has the chance to stop and think. 
Then he waits. 
Her response is quicker than he’s prepared for, her name flashing across the facetime request on his phone. He’s giggling before he even picks it up. 
For a very long moment, they just stare, taking each other in. This is his endgame, corpse thinks, he’s never going to need to show anyone his face after this, nothing, no one will matter as much. 
With a jolt, he realizes that she’s not wearing her mask. He can see her, all of her, and that on its own should be enough to take him out.
And then she smiles. 
If there was any doubt in his mind before about how head over heels he is, she’s taken it out of his mind and stomped it to the ground. He’s not the poet in this friendship, but he’s assured he could write entire paragraphs about the way she smiles. And he tells her exactly that. 
“I’m curious to see how that would fit with fine lass nice ass cat ears and she uwu,” she teases, eye twinkling with mirth, “but I'm sure you’ll figure it out.” 
He’s both amazed and amused at how quickly they go from fawning to bantering. But perhaps that’s the thing about her that feels so familiar.
“I will write a song about you baby, don’t tempt me.” 
“Is that a threat?” 
“It’s a confession,” he shrugs, suddenly shy, unsure of where to lead with this. Thankfully, she interjects before he has to say anything else. 
“That’s an awfully bold confession for a man called Corpse.”
“I’m also awfully alive for a man called Corpse, but you don’t see me complaining.” Awfully alive and not enough husband, he wants to say, but he keeps that to himself. 
“You complain about being alive everyday, Mister Husband,” she counters and Corpse groans, dropping his head into his hands. 
“I say that to you in confidence,” he grits out, playfully glazing at her.
“You also tell about a million people on stream, I’m not special,” she laughs. 
“You are very special to me.” His voice is soft, shy, almost afraid to tell her the things he’s saying, “I did say I’d write a song about you. Pretty special if you ask me.”
She hums, taking a huge gulp of water and nodding enthusiastically. 
“Correct, me, the cat girl and the e girl. What’s the next single, Corpse? Faceless Girls are ruining my life?” 
“You’re a rascal,” he chides as a familiar warmth settles around his heart, and grips. 
“It is one of my finer qualities, yes.” 
Distantly, some part of his brain registers that this is the first time he’s seen her, but there is no sense of hesitation in his head about her. It feels just like it always has, with her on the phone saying the silliest things, and him responding with equal enthusiasm. This is the way they’ve always been. 
While she talks, hands animatedly moving around, Corpse allows himself a small moment of reprieve to think. He knows he loves her, but he wonders briefly if it’s too soon to be in love with her (he concludes that probably it is, given that she remains unaware of his feelings, but he finds that it doesn’t really matter)
Because while Corpse loves her, he’s sure he doesn't know how to love her. Doesn’t know her favourite flowers even if he knows her coffee order by heart, doesn’t know her ideal date even if he’s memorized every poem she loves. 
The meanest parts of his brain tell him she deserves better, and he knows they’re wrong. But a small part of him can’t help but dwell. He’d rather have her and her unnecessary hand movements in his life as his friend than not at all. So he pushes away his feelings for another day, and just listens to her talk. 
Corpse is perfectly content with that. 
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thepsychewrites · 2 years
Reflections | S. Rogers
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Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Summary: An offhanded under-the-breath comment you make sets Steve off. He decides to teach you a lesson about talking like that- especially when the words are aimed at his best girl.
> Word Count: 4.7K
> Warnings: Insecure reader, body image issues, little bit of angst, mentions of injuries, angry!Steve, soft!Steve (I have to balance it out my friends), established relationship, smutsmutsmut: Mutual masterbation, spitting, thigh riding, spanking, unprotected penetrative sex (wrap it b4 you tap it my friends), lotsssss of praise, cum play, size kink, body worship, overstim, crying (but from happiness 🤧), pet names (sweetheart, good girl, & pretty girl), reader calls Steve sir a few times BAHAH, mirror sex?? LMAO I THINK THATS IT.
A/N: HOLY SHIT GUYS this one is longggg and a doozy. But y’all are nasty and apparently love this shit so HERE YOU GO WHORES <3 Any feedback is appreciated. (Also, Tumbr glitched when I was nearly done writing it the first time, so I had to basically write it all over. Love that for myself.) 
Main Masterlist
The humming of the jet wasn’t able to distract you for long.
You were stupid.
So, so, so stupid.
The mission was supposed to be clean. Easy. Simple. Something a newbie could pull off in ten minutes tops.
But of course, being the people pleaser you were, you told Tony you’d get the extra intel for him.
It was only a flash drive.
But the damn thing nearly cost you your life.
Even though you only had a few scratches on you, you weren’t going to hear the end of it.
“I mean seriously! How reckless can one person be? I gave you orders and it is not a personal choice wether or not you follow them. You do. You do because I am in charge. I make the calls.” Steve yelled, his rant going on for nearly fifteen minutes now.
You had heard enough. “Are you done?” You snapped, silencing Steve. He turned in his chair to look at you, your body curled into the passenger chair.
“No. No, I’m not done, actually. You could’ve gotten yourself killed, Y/n! From now on you don’t take orders from Tony, or anyone else for that matter if they’re not the one leading the mission. Is that understood?” His jaw was tight and his eyes narrow, locked on your heated face.
You hated when he went all Captain on you like this, shouting at you like you were just another member of the team and not his girlfriend for fucks sake. It’s one of the reasons you never liked going on duo missions with him anymore.
“I asked you a question, Y/n. Answer me.” His voice was dark. He wasn’t playing around.
“I understand.”
“Look at my face when you speak to me.” He ordered, earning an eye roll from you.
You turned to face him, legs planted firm on the ground. Your eyes were just as cold as his. “I said I understand, Captain.” You spat, quickly moving to your prior position on your chair before he could say something else.
“Can’t wait to add ‘unable to follow orders’ on the ever-growing list…” You mumbled into your palm. You didn’t intend on Steve hearing you, but of course he did anyway.
“What did you just say?” He asked, looking at the sky ahead.
You huffed. “It was a fucking joke, Steve.”
He shook his head, pressing a few buttons on the glowing panel in front of him. “No, say it again. What list?”
God, he was relentless. You buried your head in your hand, refusing to answer. Steve could never let things go.
“Are you serious right now, Y/n? What fucking list are you-”
“Oh my god, Steve! I’m talking about the list of shit I hate about myself! You know- how I can’t follow orders, I’m ignorant, bitchy, I complain too much, I’m impulsive-” You yelled, counting the traits on your fingers for dramatic affect, “and that’s only my personality, don’t even get me started on the shit I hate about my body.” The words flew out faster than you could catch them, not meaning to say aloud that last part. You slumped in your seat, chest huffing and face hot with an annoyed pout on your lips.
Steve was pissed now, his knuckles burning white from his death grip on the steering controls. “For the sake of keeping the jet in tact, I’m going to pretend like you didn’t just say that. I don’t want to hear another word from you until we get back, is that clear?”
Dread filled you, burning the contents of your veins. “Crystal.”
The rest of the jet ride was short, thankfully, and entirely too silent until you returned to the compound.
As soon as you stepped off the landing platform Steve was on your tail. You were ahead of him by quite a few yards, wanting nothing more than to just get to your room so you could sleep this whole disastrous mission off. Luckily, Steve stopped behind you when Tony turned the corner, taking a quick breath before he started laying into him, reprimanding him for giving you orders. You passed Tony, handing him the flash drive with a quiet apology before heading to your room.
Steve’s words were drowned out as soon as you shut your door, immediately shedding your dirty tactile suit and boots in the dark. You tossed them in the corner, missing the hamper by a good foot, and turned on your lamp before moving to the bathroom.
His words crept their way back in your head as you turned the shower on, a thick cloud of steam quickly filling the room. You turned to face the mirror, grimacing at the state of your body.
You had dirt and blood splattered all around your skin, a few already scabbing cuts from the fight finding a home on your arms and stomach.
A sigh left you as you grabbed for your comb, doing your best to untangle the knots in your hair. You didn’t care about being gentle. Anger still boiled in you, making you even more sick at your reflection.
You took a deep breath as you entered the shower, trying to calm down before you had to face Steve again. The water was scalding, simultaneously rinsing away the filth that covered you and the words that taunted you. You crouched down, sitting on the shower floor and wrapping your arms over your legs. You were exhausted, that’s for sure.
With your head settled between your bent knees you didn’t hear the bathroom door open. Nor did you hear Steve undressing. You only noticed his presence when the sliding glass shower door opened, not bothering to look up and see him getting in behind you.
Taking a shower together was your post-mission ritual. Normally they were taken under better conditions, but they were never skipped.
Steve bent down behind you, draping his arms around your entire frame and planting kisses to the side of your head. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that, sweetheart. I was upset, but should have waited until I was calm before I talked to you. I know now that you were just trying to do a favor for Tony.” He moved the the back of your neck, trailing light pecks over it and across your shoulders.
“I was just scared. That flash drive nearly got my beautiful girl killed. The thought of losing you over something so little is not ideal, and I won’t let it happen under my watch. Regardless, I didn’t need to scream at you. I’m sorry, Y/n.” Steve finished, setting his head on top of yours, still holding onto you under the stream of water.
Despite the crap that sometimes comes out of his mouth, Steve is a good communicator. He’ll tell you when he’s upset, angry, nervous, jealous. And he’s willing to admit when he’s wrong.
“Can I stand you up, pretty girl?” He asked, the words getting mumbled in your wet hair.
You nodded and he moved his hands, wrapping them over your upper arms to help you up. Once you were on your feet he turned you to face him, his face much softer than before as he looked at you.
“You okay? If you’re upset with me I can give you some space.” His hand smoothed over your cheek, rubbing the soft skin with his thumb.
You shook your head, words still failing you, and moved into his chest. You were mad, yes. But you understood where he was coming from.
You would yell at him the same if he made your mistakes too.
He held you tight, running his hand along your spine as the other cradled your head, his lips leaving wet kisses along your hairline. “I would like to talk about what you said, though.”
There it is.
You internally groaned, not wanting to explain to your boyfriend that sometimes you didn’t like who you are or what you looked like.
So what?
“Do we have to?” You whined, snuggling further into his chest.
“I just want to know why you have a list of things you dislike about yourself. You’re the most perfect person I know, sweetheart.”
You shrugged. “Don’t we all? And I’m not perfect. I’ve got attitude problems and cellulite. My arms are jiggly and I have more stretch marks now because I’ve gained ten pounds in the last few months. Ten!” You answered dramatically, keeping your eyes closed as Steve started to wash your body, the lavender scented soap not doing much to help you relax.
His hand gripped your chin. “Open your eyes and look at me, sweetheart.” He waited to speak again until you were staring at him. “None of that makes you any less perfect. Do you have any idea how beautiful I think you are?”
He waited for an answer.
All you could do was shrug. You knew he loved you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to see you through his eyes just yet.
Your lack of answer made his jaw twitch.
He didn’t say another word as he finished cleaning your body and moved on to washing your hair. He was gentle, massaging your scalp with your coconut shampoo before rinsing it away, following up with its matching conditioner.
Once you were all clean he finally spoke, putting a firm hand against the side of your face. “I want you to get out and dry off. Don’t get dressed. I’ll be out in a few minutes and I expect you to be on the bed, waiting patiently like the good girl you are. Understood?”
You nodded and his hand gripped harder on your face.
“Words.” He commanded.
“Yes, what?”
Jesus Christ.
A familiar throb started humming at your core. Steve hardly acted like this, but when he did... you knew you were in for a long night. “Yes, Sir.” You answered, more awake and less angry than before.
He smiled and sent a pat on your ass. “Go.”
You did as you were told, slipping out of the shower and drying off, doing your best to squeeze the extra water from your hair before sitting in the center of the bed with your knees tucked under you. Your breathing was hard to control and your heart was fluttering behind your ribs. The waiting games always got you nervous, but you just sat there as patiently as possible as Steve finished his own shower, probably taking the time to plan out exactly what he wanted to do with you.
The turn of the shower faucet caught your attention, your heart rate climbing as you heard Steve get out and towel himself down. He must’ve wanted to torture you because he was taking his sweet time.
It was only a minute later when the bathroom door finally opened, a naked Steve walking out and walking to you incredibly slow. It didn’t help your cause that he already had an erection and it looked borderline painful as it hit against his abs with each step he took.
“See, my pretty girl knows exactly how to follow directions.” He leaned across the bed and kissed at your awaiting lips a few times before standing straight again. He held his hand out below your face.
Your eyes widened at his demand, but you did it anyway, forming a pool of saliva in his outstretched palm.
You didn’t take your sight off of him as he circled around the bed, his gaze reminding you of how a predator looks just before they capture and devour their prey. When he turned and sat himself down on the chair in the corner, you got confused.
“What are you doing?” You asked, your voice quiet and sweet as you watched him, his legs spreading and his back settling down into the cushion.
His eyes never left yours once, talking again but ignoring your question. “Open your legs, pretty girl, I wanna see you touch yourself.”
You stopped breathing for a second. He noticed, a twitch of his smirk pulling at his lips. “Go on. Be a good girl and do as your told. Touch yourself.”
Unsure, you shifted toward the headboard, letting your back hit the pillows before your legs parted, exposing your wet cunt to Steve. He stared at you while he waited, his smirk growing as your fingers finally circled around your clit, a soft gasp pulling from your lips.
“Do you wanna know what I think about when I get myself off?” He started, his voice low and dark. 
Good God.
“Now- I don’t do it often, because nothing gets me off better than the hands and lips of my pretty girl- but on the off chance I’m on a mission that’s taking me away from you for more than a week… I can’t seem to help myself.” His left hand went behind his head, his right going around his other head, gripping it slowly before he started to pump. Your spit slicked him up, mixing with the beads of his precum to make the job easier.
“You’ll send me a picture of your gorgeous face, or-”, Steve stuttered, his hips bucking off the chair as he quickened his pace, “hell, if we can’t have contact I’ll bring one with me. Just one look at that face and body of yours gets me going, it gets me riled up to the point that I need to touch myself or it’ll hurt for the rest of the day.” He moaned, his head tilting back before slowing down. “Everything about you turns me on- gets me so hard. Your voice, your face, your body, your scent, your taste-” He panted, his chest rising and falling heavily as he went on. “I have no willpower when it comes to you, pretty baby. None at all.”
“Stevie, can I-” You started to ask, the coil deep in your stomach nearly about to snap. You were soaking wet, the lewd sounds of your fingers rolling over your clit filling the room.
“Don’t even think about it, sweetheart.” Steve knew exactly what you wanted, but he wasn’t ready to let you have it just yet.
You tried to listen to him- you really did, but his voice was so gravelly and you could smell his shampoo from your spot on the bed and it was driving you insane. Your fingers kept their pace, your head pushing into the pillows and your back arching ever so slightly off the bed. You were so close. You nearly had it before a large hand snapped around your wrist, pulling it away from your core and stopping your impending orgasm.
Your eyes fluttered open, a whine falling from you from the loss of contact. Steve hovered above you, his free arm digging into the mattress to keep his weight off of your body. He didn’t say anything as he looked into your eyes, his breath trailing over your collarbones and chin.
Steve slowly brought your glistening fingers to his mouth, sucking off your arousal until they were clean. His pupils were huge, only a sliver of his pretty blues showing underneath the darkness that overtook them. You felt his cock twitch against your stomach, a drop of precum landing on your skin.
His free arm tucked under your back, hoisting you up as he sat on the bed. He guided you to his lap, your core landing on his bare skin and your breasts bouncing from the movement. His eyes lingered on them for far too long, silence settling between you.
Most people would assume Steve Rogers is an ass man, and he would agree for the most part. But there was something so tantalizing and mouthwatering about your breasts that he just couldn’t fucking help himself. They were so full and tender and responsive and it drove him crazy. He would give up every material possession of his just to fuck them once, but that could wait for another day.
Just not a day too far in the future.
His eyes trailed up and locked on yours as he dove down, his lips capturing one of your nipples as he sucked hard.
“Fuck… Steve…” You mewled, your fingers wrapping in the strands of gold atop his head.
He didn’t say anything, instead he let your hardened nipple go with a soft pop and sat back with a purse on his lips, signaling he wanted a kiss. You leaned in, falling right in his trap. As soon as you connected your lips a sharp slap landed on your ass, a yelp falling in Steve’s open mouth. One of his arms was hooked under your thigh to keep you against him, not letting you go as he landed two more open-handed smacks to the flesh.
“That’s for disobeying my orders.” A final hit came down, this one twice as painful as the first few. It was easy to tell that he still had pent up anger left simmering in him from earlier. Your skin was burning, your eyes watering from the sting. “And thats for questioning my judgement. You’re my girl, and when I say you’re fuckin’ perfect, you better believe it as fact, got it?” His fingers were kneading into the tingling flesh, massaging the burn away.
“Yes, Sir.” You huffed, your eyes glossy and your face nearly sweating under his gaze.
“I want you to ride my thigh, sweetheart. Can you do that for me?” Steve asked, his face close to yours, noses brushing softly together.
This man was going to be the death of you.
You nodded. “Yes, Sir.”
“I want you to cum this time. You don’t have to ask.” He said before pressing his lips to yours, his hands crawling up to find purchase on your waist. He helped guide you along his strong thigh while you rocked your hips back and fourth. The friction was heavenly, and you were a moaning mess on top of him. Your mouth was open against his, your breaths mingling together as you rode him, the coil in your stomach ready to snap.
It was so much all at once. You felt everything and it was sending you into overdrive. His hands on your waist, his nails digging crescent shaped marks into your skin. His breath along your collarbones and throat, goosebumps raising from the heat it left behind. The flex of his thigh and how he was barely bouncing it, but that added movement made all the difference. The flutter in your walls begging for a release only Steve could give you. It was entirely too much for you to handle.
And boy did it snap.
Your orgasm hit you like an eighteen wheeler, your head falling to his shoulder as you released on his thigh, his skin slick with your arousal. He was panting too, his hands gripping so harshly into your sides you were worried he might be drawing blood.
He pressed gentle kisses to your neck, praises falling out in between. “Good girl. Such a fuckin’ good girl for me, aren’t you?” Steve asked, his voice rumbling in your ears.
“Jus’ for you, Stevie.” You nodded heavily, blissed out after your first release.
After a few more sloppy kisses were placed over your face, he pulled away, his hands cupping both cheeks as he forced you to look at him.
You blurted the words out before he could speak.
“I love you.”
The three words that always came so easily to you when you looked at Steve. It was true. You loved him. Not a single day would pass where you wouldn’t love him.
And he knew this all too well.
Steve’s face softened, his small grin growing wider. “And I love you. So much.” He proclaimed, pressing the lightest of kisses to the tip of your nose. “I’m so sorry for yelling at you earlier. You didn’t deserve it.”
You were quick to shake your head, a rogue tear falling down your face and onto Steve’s hand. “It’s alright, honey. Thank you for apologizing, but I was being reckless. You were just trying to keep me safe. I’m sorry too.” His thumb swiped at the wet trail the tear left behind.
“It’s okay. I love you so fucking much-” He said, his voice breaking as his eyes glossed over. Quickly your lips were back on his and he seemed eager to drink you down. Before he could get too ahead of himself, he pulled back, his eyes lidded and dark.
“Hands and knees on the bed, baby. I’m gonna show you how much I fuckin’ love you, and you’re gonna watch.”
Your entire body shuddered as you nodded, peeling yourself away from him and crawling down so your knees and forearms were pressed to the blanketed mattress, your ass in the air and waiting. You focused on his movements behind you, easy to see now that you faced the large mirror that stood in the corner and was pointed directly at the bed.
Steve must’ve done that before he met you in the shower.
A quiet whine left you when his hands landed on your hips, jostling your body forward an inch, your breasts grazing the duvet. His eyes locked on yours in the mirror, the smirk he wore enchanting and devilish at the same time.
Steve was a sneaky man. Sometimes a little too sneaky. It’s why you were so caught off guard when you felt two of his long, thick fingers enter your pussy, your mouth falling open at the sensation.
“Fuck- fucking hell, Stevie.” You moaned into the bed, your nails digging into the blanket for support.
“My beautiful girl…” Steve cooed, his fingers pumping in and out of you like it was his job. “Taking me so well while I’m stretching you out, huh?” His free hand was caressing your side, the pads of his fingers tracing over every iridescent stretch mark that found a home there. His eyes never left yours for even a second, worried he’d miss the way your face contorted from how he played you so expertly. He curled his fingers up, grazing your g-spot with each push and pull.
“Stevie… I’m gonna cum again…” You whined into your hand, drool falling past your lips and onto your skin.
Steve chuckled softly, a shake of his head following as if he was lost in thought. “Go ahead, sweetheart.” His own mouth fell open to mirror yours as he felt you clench around his slick fingers, the pulse of your walls sending a heat to his growing erection.
Slurred words that resembled his name dropped from your mouth, and the coil in your stomach was fading. But Steve’s fingers weren’t slowing down… if anything- they were gaining speed as you rode out your orgasm.
“Honey, w…what are you doing?” You mumbled, beads of sweat forming on your face. “Ahh-” You whimpered, brows knitting together as a third finger entered your aching cunt.
Steve’s eyes weren’t on yours anymore, but instead were focused on how your pussy accepted his fingers so well. “You’re still so tight pretty baby… how are you gonna take all of me, huh?”
You felt thankful for the soundproof walls that surrounded you because you were not being quiet.
“Please, Stevie. I- I can take you… I promise. Please… please…” Your chest was heaving and another orgasm was quickly approaching.
You fell over the edge easily once Steve’s large thumb circled your clit. He rubbed it once, twice, and a third time before you were spasming around him yet again, your moans turning into loud yells against the comforter.
“I know you can baby, just don’t wanna hurt you- that’s all.” He answered before pulling his dripping wet fingers from you, gracefully sweeping them into his mouth yet again before he sucked your arousal right off of them. He hummed around his fingers and closed his eyes, lost in the taste of you.
When his eyes opened again, he looked nothing short of feral. Like something had overcome him and he felt like he had to be in you right now or he’d lose his god damn mind.
So he gave in, dragging his swollen tip across your folds before pushing into your pussy in a single rut of his hips.
“Oh f-fuck-” You stuttered, a heavy shiver running down your spine as he bottomed out inside of you. He felt like heaven and you were a goner when he finally started moving, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix every time he pushed back in. “Feels so good, Stevie. You feel s…so big.”
Steve’s hands were trembling from the adrenaline rush of being inside of you, his fingers kneading into the swollen prints on your ass from earlier. “You feel full, pretty baby? Feelin’ me in your belly?” He asked with lidded eyes, his left hand snaking down to push on the bulge he made in your lower stomach each time his hips snapped back into your ass.
You nodded, pants tumbling out of your mouth as your eyes fluttered closed, savoring the feeling of being filled by your love. “Mhmm, so full Stevie.”
You gasped when you felt his fingers wrap around the base of your throat, tightening and keeping you in his grip. “Eyes up, sweetheart. I need you to see what you do to me.”
The veins in his arms were protruding out and he was dripping in sweat, his face flushed and overtaken with bliss as he kept his pace, his mouth ajar and his eyes dark and filled with lust.
He was close to crying from how much he fuckin’ loved you, needing you to really see what you did to him.
How you completely wreck him and he just lets you and will continue to let you because you’re his best girl and his best girl can wreck him any day of the week.
“Look at how beautiful you are baby, huh? So fuckin’ beautiful. Always so pretty just for me, ain’t that right?” His grip grew impossibly tight against your throat, stars beginning to twinkle in your sight. “Say it, pretty baby. Tell me how beautiful you are.”
From the way Steve was sinfully filling you up to the way his words made your heart flutter with love to the white heat that was building in your stomach, you couldn’t think straight. “I’m b...beautiful, Stevie. I’m your p-pretty girl- ah!”
Hearing you finally say the words he begged to come from you sent him into overdrive, his deep strokes in your pussy growing tenfold, sending your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you tried to hang on to any breath your lungs held. It was impossible though, especially with his hand around your throat so possessively, his other now ghosting over your abused clit.
Your hearing was going out as your climax finally burst, but you could make out the loud, “Yes baby, come on baby, cum on my cock like a good girl. Oh fuck…s-shit sweetheart, you’re so fuckin’ good baby. Just like that.” of Steve’s words. Your walls were clenching around him, his orgasm coming right after yours. He kept rutting into you as he came, his warm, thick seed filling you up entirely until it started dripping out and around his cock, sliding quietly down your shaking thighs.
Steve’s grip around your throat loosened as he pulled out, your body fully plopping down onto the mattress as exhaustion washed over you. You felt him place a few feather light kisses on your back before he got off the bed, the faucet in the bathroom turning on. He returned a moment later, turning you over so you were facing the ceiling, a lukewarm wash rag being dragged across your center as Steve cleaned you up.
He cracked a smile as soon as he saw yours.
“That was… wow, Steve.”
It was an accurate statement. Steve was usually never that rough and commanding with you- but you couldn’t deny how good it made you feel.
“Was it too much?” He asked, a slight cringe pulling at his features.
You shook your head quickly, a small laugh coming from your mouth. “Not at all, Sir. I’m gonna have to piss you off like that more often.” You chuckled as he finished wiping your thighs.
His eyes narrowed at you as he threw the rag in the hamper, making it in despite the fact that he wasn’t even looking. In an instant he was loomed over you, the blues of his eyes disappearing once again.
“Don’t you fuckin’ dare, you brat.”
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vic-chaos · 3 years
Since I have talked about Butters’ personality development throughout the show on here pretty often I just want to go on a little ramble about how much of it was affected by Cartman (and surprisingly not in a bad way) bc I find it really interesting.
I feel like in a way being influenced by Cartman is actually doing a lot of good for Butters, because of the specific traits it brings out in him. I think one of the reasons Butters is drawn to Cartman so much in the first place is because he has a lot of personality traits that Butters wants/admires, mostly the self confidence and the boldness to just say shit to people’s faces and not give a fuck lmao. But I think what Butters finds most admirable is probably his lack of fear of adults and his ability to stand up to them just as readily, because its what he himself needs the most. Even though Butters was always getting bullied by other kids in the past, his biggest abusers by far are adults.
And we have seen that ever since he started to gain more confidence, not only do the kids in school mostly leave him alone now but he also doesn’t get pushed around by his dad as often. (imo he should punch him in the balls a few more times though sjdhfbsdsf its a shame that only happened once.... it was very cathartic)
But before I go any further I do want to clarify that I don’t mean this in a “being abused/hurt by someone makes you stronger” kind of way, not only because I hate that trope but because it’s not what I mean at all. Cartman’s cruel treatment of Butters (especially at the beginning) did not do anything good whatsoever for Butters, and if anything just drove him deeper into the abusive situation he was already in with his parents.
The positive changes come from the developing part of their relationship thats based in genuine friendship and trust, and the moments when Cartman tried to encourage Butters to be brave or to prioritize himself over others more. A really good example I think is in Super Fun Time when Butters stops crying and Cartman starts being a lot nicer to him, then tells him that life will pass him by if he doesn’t “do whatever he wants all the time”. It’s very Cartman-y advice that of course isn’t exactly the right way to go about things either lmao, but it’s the sentiment that counts, and you can tell from his reaction that Butters sees some truth in it too.
The other thing I feel is worth pointing out is that these personality traits are not recently formed or OOC either. They are parts of Butters that already existed but were just being crushed beforehand (both by his parents constantly shutting down any attempts he made to do anything other than just obey them blindly, and by he himself repressing them since he felt pressured to behave the way that they want him to).
Butters is still a very gentle and sweet person on the whole, but he’s always had a rebellious streak as well as a mean one. Even without Cartman’s influence, there’s a number of occasions where we’ve seen him be mean and bitchy to others as soon as he’s given the opportunity, often unprompted too lmao. He’s also always been very stubborn. Probably the most significant thing to note though is that he really enjoys the thrill of disobedience and misbehaving, because of the freedom and control it gives him.
I think he’s struggling to figure out how to express these parts of himself because up until recently he’s always bottled them up. It shows a lot in episodes like The Ungroundable as well as Professor Chaos’ entire persona, and his tendency to go crazy and start power tripping when he’s given an inch or when his inhibitions are even slightly lowered because he’s not used to having any power or freedom at all. Like what happened in Grounded Vindaloop.
I think its also really interesting that Cartman is also apparently the only person who can get Butters back under control when he does go off the rails (or at least Kyle thought so in S20, and Kyle is very perceptive...). It makes me curious if Cartman is not only just good at bringing out Butters’ confidence, but also at helping him control it and not take things too far. Which is... interesting? Because Cartman has a lot of self control issues himself to say the least.
To get back on topic though - I think the way that being close to Cartman makes Butters feel braver and more confident (as well as the excitement of getting to misbehave) does a lot to answer the question of why Butters continued to stay with Cartman despite his mistreatment of him at the start, and why he’s still so close to him even now when its been demonstrated on many occasions that he’d be easily capable of saying no to him or leaving if he wanted to.
It isn’t the only reason though. Of course, he also enjoys the fun and adventure that comes along with being involved in Cartman’s antics, genuinely just thinks he’s funny/cool, likes hanging out with him, and considers him a friend. These things are also a lot more concretely canon rather than the rest of this analysis which is very much just my personal and subjective interpretation. But I like trying to piece this together mostly just because I really love the thought of them both bringing out the best in each other..... Cartman helping Butters become more confident, and Butters helping Cartman mellow down and open himself up to love and trust people a bit more.
They are good for each other in their own strange ways 🥺
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smiledog15578 · 3 years
OK BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT LIKE... who the real villain is in wkm?
I think we all know who it is it’s pretty obvious it’s the house but I honestly think we don’t talk about it often? Literally that’s the mf who’s the real bastard here. ITS THEORY TIME 😼
While actor Mark is an asshole and technically a villain he wasn’t like like that before. Hell he was a generous man helping his friends and was a loved man. When Celine left his ass he was venerable af and the entity was like “TIME TO MANIPULATE THIS MAN FOR MY OWN GAIN” and made him the asshole the way that he is now. I think actor Mark thinks that he’s in control oh shit because he might of been told that but really the house is pulling the strings and making him believe that. He’s literally just about chess piece to use for this evil game of chess (lol analogy)
I’d also like to point out that Celine might of left actor because the house told her to. At the time actor wasn’t vulnerable especially with having a good life with his wife and having an outstanding career and the house probably didn’t like that. So in order to make him weak it took the only thing that he lived at the time, Celine. Another reason she left was because of bad vibes. That house is just infested with bad juju and Celine being a seer noticed that over time but back then since it was kinda discouraged to divorce especially for a women to do it luckily William knew and took her in. William has lived in the same house actor lived so I’m guessing he’s aware of the evil it contains since when he gets turned into Wilford hell even during wkm he isn’t weirded out by the things happening to the house and other weird shit. He was trying to protect Celine. Now again I just wanna say the adultery doesn’t excuse it still a shitty thing to do and William is still a stubborn a hole just as much as actor.
HOWEVER this situation is like novel: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1925). (Btw if you don’t want spoilers skip this) in the book, daisy cheats with Gatsby behind Tom’s (daisy’s husband) back because like I said either during those times it was shunned for women to divorce their husbands and during those days women weren’t really independent back then. They were VERY pressured to get married and have children etc etc. Tom was an asshole to daisy and was even cheating on her but of course men and women back then had double standards where women couldn’t or should do this and same went for men. and I’m not saying that Celine didn’t love actor cause I’m sure they did love each other so much but it kinda explains why she left him other than just because. I also don’t think Celine was necessarily abusive nor do I think actor was at the time. Things got heated and the only scapegoat was to leave him and never return to that house again.
Another thing on my tiny pea sized brain is about the houses world. I have a theory that the house has created a universe inside it while Everything out side it is the original universe (or just our reality idk). This is why George (the groundskeeper) doesn’t appear in any of the new videos is because he wasn’t in the house during all this mess (in the character world idk if the actor for George just didn’t wanna be in the series but then you have to wonder why his portrait isn’t up in the hallway dark made in AHWM). You can think of the house as if it’s a movie set or a green screen. To us and the actors we see these worlds and weird shit when in reality there’s nothing there. Nobody actually dies in this universe because like movies no one actually dies they’re just not on the set. Even the side characters don’t really die cause us as the viewers revive them be just rewatching the video. Wilford knows people won’t die because 1. He’s seen his friend get up and walk around after being dead and 2. He knows that when people “die” they just come back by the help of your Or the entity. He acknowledges that in AHWM where he states that we can PAUSE the video. Almost none of the characters except Wilford has acknowledged that which makes me think he’s a lot smarter the we think or just has more common sense. Wilford is forgetful sure but that doesn’t mean he’s stupid he was a colonel for crying out loud one of the highest ranks in the US army lol. I’d like to also point out that Wilford uses this set ordeal to his advantage most importantly. In WKM we see William do it too by appearing one place then teleporting to another place. Kinda think of the house as the 3rd dimension. Wilford “escapes” that dimension to a new plane and can come back when in reality he’s just leaving what the house is previewing to everyone in the house. Everyone else In this universe except maybe actor, Wilford, and dark know that you don’t have to play along. These people in the houses universe are programmed to believe that they can’t escape have HAVE to play a character.
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(Spoilers for wandavision) when I watched wandavision not that long ago it made me think about the MCU (not marvel cinematic universe😏✨ MARKIPLIER cinematic universe) and how it’s kinda like that. Wanda in the show creates this force field out of grief where everything inhabits it is turned into her liking of what fits the narrative. People are being held hostage to just play a part in Wandas sick tv show SHES made for her and her husband. People outside the forcefield are just normal people but once they put a person, object, etc it gets turned into what WANDA wants. I think that fits into the mcu because the house is EXACTLY like that. These mfs haven’t aged at all because time isn’t existing for their universe. Abe thinks that he’s been tracing down William for years but Mark said that “he thinks that but really wmlw is right after wkm” (that’s paraphrasing go watch the wmlw to get a better explanation LMAO) but like I said the house makes you feel like it’s been only years or days but it’s not even close to that.
With that all being said I don’t think anyone here is the real villain here or the hero. Like Mark said They’re all human which they have bad and good traits the only thing that’s the real asshole is the house. It’s like it’s a living breathing purgatory that creates chaos
A GAME- or a youtube .. YouTube theory? YEA A YOUTUBE THEORY!
now mind you I’m not the best at writing so I’m sorry that none of this made sense feel free to correct me or chime in with your theories but I just wanted to share my theories and ideas :) and if you made it those far I’m sorry I wasted ur time HSJSJDJJSJD
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captain-lonagan · 2 years
c!wilbur and/or chase davenport?
i'll hit ya with both under the cut to save the dash
First impression: lmao what a theater kid
Impression now: Get Some Rest And Therapy You Poor, Destructive Man
Favorite moment: everytime he says or does something when he's trying to be a Big Bad Antagonist immediately followed by him trying desperately to protect others or grapple with the harm he's done
Idea for a story: he gets a really ratty cat and takes care of it and in learning to care for it learns to care for himself
Unpopular opinion: not unpopular in my corner of this fandom but the zombified c!wilbur design is ugly as fuck and has some really nasty connotations regarding mental illness (since 99% of the time only the clearly mentally ill characters get zombified) and i would actually be happy if it stopped existing entirely
Favorite relationship: crimeboys...they compel me
Favorite headcanon: his physical presentation is very important to him, like he likes to be Professional, but he's just so bad at the actual upkeep that comes with looking that way. he's always got just a slight 5 o' clock shadow and he always looks just a liiiittle raggedy
chase davenport!
First impression: since i was like, twelve my first thought was "...ppretty. smart boy prettyy Wow I Sure Want To Look And Dress Like Him Thats Wild Ha Ha Wont Examine That"
Impression now: fucked up little man. get some help. have a good cry and admit your flaws and insecurities.
Favorite moment: god its been So long since i watched the show so it's hard to think of specifics but casual moments where he's genuine about his love for his family and isn't a smug asshole are always nice. WISH THE WRITERS WOULD'VE LET HIM GROW AND DO THAT A LITTLE MORE OFTEN
Idea for a story: chase davenport learns that people can have superpowers just naturally without having a chip put in their brains and has a complete breakdown over his Special Boy status. essentially rewriting elite force to give chase an existential breakdown. break his bones to make them heal better, ya know?
Unpopular opinion: in the little bit of chase davenport content i've seen the majority of people just kinda smooth over his edges and have the twelve year old me reaction of "prettyy boyyyyy" which i Get but also he's an asshole. he's an asshole and that must be grappled with when making content of him
Favorite relationship: it's been so long that i don't know if i made this up in my head or not but istg at Least once he and adam actually worked together instead of against each other in a non-mission setting and it was Awesome so i'm gonna go with them. the Potential they had as brothers with totally opposite strengths and personalities
Favorite headcanon: after meeting douglas for the first time he looked in the mirror and Recognized Traits and freaked the fuck out because it really sunk in that "oh my god that's my dad"
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What are your honest thoughts on each tsc main couple?
Jordelia: Jordelia is a lost cause for me, James reminds me of someone I don't like irl and thats why I can't make myself to like him, if that makes sense? Cordelia has all the characteristics that should make her a good character (and she is amazing) but the weird kinda adoration she has for James always throws me off. She has been in love with him for the longest time and I don't personally relate to that, I relate more to angst and the feeling of wanting something that you shouldn't, so I like fairstairs better. No.4
Clace: You know how your perception of a couple is damaged if you don't like either participants that much? Clace has never been one of my favorites, neither the characters nor the ship itself, because of that. Irather prefer Sizzy in TMI. It just wasn't it for me. I don't even care about the supposed "incest" that made so many readers cringe and not like it. It just doesn't make sense to me🤷‍♀️. So if I had to rank them, they would be no.3 ig?
Blackstairs: Blackstairs just gets me, man. Its is the perfect combination of angst, forbidden love and also has best friends to lovers (which is one of my favorite tropes). Like I said, I personally relate a lot to pining for someone that theoretically should like me but somehow doesn't. See it all comes back to personal experience lmao. No.2
Herongraystairs/ Wessa/ Jessa:
Do you know haw everyone has a book or a character that changed their life? A book which makes all others pale in comparison? Well this is it for me. Anyways, its just Herongraystairs for me, it can never be justWessa or Jessa because there isn't one without the other😭🥰. That shit always makes me cry so damn much but that doesn't measure up to the actual grief that I always experience when i reach the end. The series is a journey, with 3 people who love each other so damn much that they would do anything to save the others, the bonds that they forge, the bonds of love and trust and the impending realization of the death that follows them. And when something tragic (but expected) happens, I can't help but feel devastated with the others. I hold this series as something very close to my heart, because at this point, these are the characters that I'm made up of, a personality trait and i don't think ill ever let go of them. Did I phrase that right?😭😭
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adhdashketchum · 3 years
okay okay there’s actually quite a lot?? and this is gonna be really disjointed so sorry in advance, i’ll add a read more jic
imo, the animation style is rly good and super cute!! lots of people are upset about it because it “makes ash look younger” but its bc??? he is young???? he is Ten people. but yeah the aimation is really pretty and i love the style
this is more of a personal thing but BEACH NATURE YESYESYES i looooove the beach and the ocean and nature and all that so alola is the perfect region for me! i think thats part of why i like it so much
ash’s characterization!!!!!! this series really emphasizes his best/my fav traits!! here’s a short list of some of them:
energetic personality; empathy; cheerfulness; kindness; stubborn; playful; helpful; battle smarts/intelligence
some examples of the above include his willingness to help lillie and gladion, his volunteering to help kiawe on his farm and how happy he was to do it, how he helped care for litten and adopted it, among other things
i love how much emphasis they put on the fact that ash is incredibly smart esp with battles, and how creative he is! they really did a good job of showing his adhd traits and its great!
his alola team! rowlet my beloved <3, how he raised nebby/solgaleo and their bond, and POIPOLE AHHHHHHHH the episode where poipole left gets me crying every time
there are some episodes/scenes that are just amazing
mallow meets her mother in tapu fini’s mist is a scene that gets me every time. the closure she gets, and the gratitude for each other they share, i cry. the fact that mallow got a shaymin, the GRATITUDE pokemon, afterwards..... the symbolism
stoutland’s death and the symbolism of the tree losing its leaves makes me violently cry
the damn minior episode. not only is the animation fucking gorgeus, but the way poipole tries to follow its friend, its confused talk with ash before he just gently hugs it, the implications of ash’s relatively calm reaction because he’s had pokemon die in front of him before uggghhh that episode
treasure island episode my fucking beloved. the showcasing of ash’s core character trait (to travel and constantly be on the move, making new friends and seeing new things) and the scene between him and pikachu. my heart
poipole’s goodbye. “i like, like, love you too!” AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
the eps with brock and misty, and specifically the episode where everyone loses to them and then ash waltzes in and beats misty using the most complicated ash-like strategy ever. also love how ash is super focused and pumped up that ep because even tho he loves alola he misses gym battles and it shows really well (hyperfixation!!)
lots of ash’s battles, including
the first one against team skull where he shows off without meaning to and kicks ass
his fight with hapu. king shit
all the fights where he shows off how strong and smart he is and everyone else is like oh shit
(that being said, the way he stands there in shock at first because he won, and then the way he falls backwards after beating tapu koko and the smile and pikachu getting his hat and them just resting. just them. because they did it. ugh it gets me)
the mcfucking FINAL EPISODE. just the whole thing
yeah uhhhh thats it i think? lmao thats a lot i know and i’m probs forgetting stuff but yeah :)
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dekunite · 3 years
its not my original headcanon, but
imagine bakugou gets a girlfriend thats literally izuku in female version. my friend and i have been talking about this and i'm lowkey crying by how accurate it would be.
like bakugou wouldnt notice until someones telling him and hes always dismissing it angrily like "nah thats not true" but once he ends up calling her a "damn nerd" the gears in his head start turning and hes PISSED. OFF.
kirishima: "bakugou how do you get your girlfriend to stay with you despite your temper?"
bakugou: "oh i just bully her"
kirishima: "and she puts up with it like its nothing?"
bakugou: "yeah. 's that weird?"
denki, trying to contain his laugh: "doesnt that remind you of someone"
and then he'd just be like "?? wtf do you mea- GET YOUR ASS HERE DURACELL!"
next thing you know, denkis hitting the 👍🏻👍🏻 LMAOO
OR OR his girlfriend is like super into hero stuff and notes things on her mind, mumbles lil plans or how pro heros could evolve their fighting styles and he finds that trait of hers so adorable and loves listening to her.
girlfriend: *looks up from her notebook* "dont you think kirishima and mina would be a great duo? mina's got a perfect close-combat quirk while kirishimas quirk works perfect for combat and defense!"
bakugou, who's been staring at her lovingly: "youre a fuckin' nerd d'you know that" *smacks her head*
shoto, watching them: "..and i'm the dense one?"
literally everyone would pick up the similarities and just tease bakugou ENDLESS because his gf can literally just calm him down. remember in s5 when deku said "kacchan" in the most annoyed tone and bakugou finally shut up? yeah, like that.
not to mention even DEKU would pick up on being left alone more often. like, not getting yelled at that much and generally not having to deal with kacchans nasty temper anymore. hes confused.
kirishima: "hey bakugou you have been leaving midoriya off the hook for a while?"
aoyama: "because he has a new deku apparently"
bakugou: "wrong, that damn nerd (his girlfriend) just cant do anythin' right without me!"
aoyama, looking at kirishima: "told ya"
at one point bakugou would blow up more easily bc of all the comparisons and the worst is: HE SEES THEM TOO NOW
literally everytime she does something like cry over a compliment from him and he comforts her and is nice n all, he looks at deku like "doesnt mean i like when you do that shit"
constantly reminding him that its just how his girlfriend is, got nothing to do with deku himself
deku: "dude alright i get it, im not saying SHIT"
he said at some point bakugous girlfriend is just pissed off at the comparisons because for some reason she hates deku, not realizing that theyre BASICALLY THE SAME PERSON LMAO
girlfriend: "why does everyone compare me to him, i'm nothing like him!! hes a loser!" *goes on to explain sero how to improve his close-combat skills*
shoto, looking at kirishima like in the office: "..i'm dense..?"
wouldnt it be even funnier if his girlfriend would have green hair and would be quirkless? even denki would go "dude its like you have a type" LMAOOO GOING WITH THE 👍🏻👍🏻 AGAIN
dont even get me started for the headcanon of dekus girlfriend whos similar to bakugou 😭
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moon-goddess-posts · 3 years
Hiii could I request a genshin match-up if thats okay?:3 I'm a female INFJ-T and a Sagittarius. I have long brown-ish black-ish hair and dark brown eyes. I also wear glasses which I tend to lose often.
I think I'm a creative, smart, patient and hardworking person. I'm an overachiever in a lot of things in life. I have hobbies like knitting and crocheting when I have the time and materials, reading books, daydreaming, and listening to music. I love music and it means a lot to me. I love going out as much as I love staying in:>
I'm the type of friend who's between being that overprotective mom friend and that friend who radiates crackhead energy (lmao idk either) I've been told that I come off either as a really distant yet confident person or a shy person at first. I'm a clingy person to the people I'm close to. I'm pretty confident and headstrong when the situation calls for it, and I'm not afraid to stand by my morals and fight for what I believe in, although I like to keep an open mind. I don't like fights, aggressive confrontation, or being yelled at because it makes me really anxious and I am a crybaby:<
My love languages are probably all of them tbh and I really wanna try to do all those cliche dates and couple things (like dancing in the rain.) I would really appreciate dates that are away from other people and are private though. Promises mean a lot to me, and I'm the type of person who gets really really upset over broken promises, no matter how little they may be. I'm a patient person and I think that translates into relationships as well. I'm willing to wait for someone to really open up to me. I want a relationship that isn't only built on love, but other things such as open communication, trust, respect and faith in the other person. I want to build a relationship where I can really build a deep connection and bond as well. I wanna do and try things that the other person likes doing, like their hobbies and interests.
Some negative about me are that I tend to overwork, overthink and stress myself out a lot. I cry a lot too, I don't really know if thats a bad thing but I cry when I'm overjoyed, when I'm angry, and when I'm hurt. My tendency to cry depends who I'm around as well though. I tend to second guess myself and have a pretty low sense of worth and self-esteem. Although I'm a pretty optimistic person around others, the pessimist in me comes out a lot when I'm alone. I can also be pretty jealous. I don't really want to bother other people so I tend to just shut up about my own problems, and it'll take a while for me to open up. I tend to bottle up my emotions and end up a huge mess:( but I do try not to, its just that I do have a lot of bad days:(
I hope this was good and I didn't overshare too much hehe:> I hope you're having a great day and stay safe out theree
Ty so much for requesting! You didn't over share in fact it helped me a lot!! I hope you're happy with your results!
I match you with Zhongli
You both seem to posses very similar traits and he's glad he's found someone who understands him as well!
Would very much be willing to do all those cliche romantic things with you 😭😭
Would find it pretty funny you seem to lose your glasses all the time, he'd sometimes even tease you about it until he eventually helps you find them
Zhongli admires your hard working behavior but strongly encourages you to take breaks in between. He will always be there to reassure you and calm your mind over some hot tea he made <3
If you're really stuck in your own head and are constantly daydreaming, he'll do small things like kiss you suddenly or hold your head to ground you a bit
Would ask what you're thinking about, he's really curious (๑•᎑•๑)
Would absolutely love how you never back down from what you believe in and are always ready to defend your causes, with you being an open minded person it really helps Zhongli be more comfortable when talking about what he likes or believes in as well.
He tends to make decisions by himself most of the time and can be assertive, but hes more than willing to try things you'd like to do as much as you'd love to do things he enjoys
If you'd like he'd also would be willing to read to you as well! He loves telling stories and you love reading books, a perfect match <3
Zhongli is a gentleman and does not lose his composer easily so you won't have to worry about any harsh emotional out breaks. If he feels the need to confront something, he will do so in a calm and respectful manner
Doesn't quite fully understand why you cry so much but hes always there to comfort you too! You should probably tell him that sometimes your tears aren't negative and its just because you're happy LMAO
Would do that thing where he wipes your tears and kisses your eyelids 😭💖
He would never break promises as he thinks of them like a contract. He would also get pretty upset if anyone else broke a promise too, I mean hes the god of contract sooooo
Zhongli doesn't mind how you're shy at first as he talks so much, its easy to start joining in on conversations and really go into depth about topics.
He finds your clingy side very endearing, he wants to make so much memories and savor each second with you because he knows it won't last for long :,[
Hopefully you're a big cuddler cause this man will give you so much 😭😭😭
Would make you sit on his lap while he tells you stories because he loves being close to you
Isn't really the type for too much social interaction either and prefers more intimate places so its no issue asking for dates with not much people around :D
He isn't always aware of his actions and sometimes it may come off the wrong way or be mistaken as flirting but if your mood or behavior changes a teeny tiny bit, he can still figure out that something is wrong
Zhongli always makes you feel special and gives you tons of physical affection and words of affirmation, he understands everyone has bad days and is willing to do anything to help you make your day a bit better
Hes very patient as well and will slowly encourage you to open up because he would be worried if you constantly bottled up your feelings :<
Zhongli also strives to have such a deep connection with someone thats built from good trust, respect, communication, and all the others
Though you both might see the world a little different from each other, it doesn't stop the fact that you both have similar things you guys both look for in someone, its sure to be a long lasting and happy relationship!
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ectoplasmicbaloney · 2 years
LIVE BLOGGING CHUCKLESANDWHICH EP. 54 (spoilers for that episode)
guys i’m so fucking sad holyshit
dude i love charlie slimecicle for real he’s such a key member of the podcast :(
goobey sons :,)
FOR A WHILE :( oh man
Oh man he’s doing so much :( oh god, time and mental space
that is a good way to put it :(
it’s good he’s prioritising his mental health and just, gah, man.
they played dayz lol and they were having a good time i really wanna see a like, chuckle sandwhich gaming thing WHICH SLIME as a guest i guess :(
i don’t even know how schlatt has moved 5 times and is still making content man
charlie and his guinea pigs is so cute :) and the way he talks about them is really endearing
the energy in this episode is just like: im smiling but im basically just like, tears!! TEARS!!
i need to buy from slimestory and just roll with it
yo mamas??!!?!! (sorry)
my mommy is needy??! SHE NEEDS THE MEAT??!!
dad deli? :(
just roll with it is super fun, i’ve listened to it for a while and just… man
don’t hate on me for this, but schlatt seems like a genuinely great friend tbh, the stuff he’s saying ti charlie is really nice and cool
who are they gonna replace him with? i don’t want to think of the new person as a replacement but honestly it’s gonna be kinda hard to not, for a while at least, cause of how charlie IS the meat so…
it’s all sad chuckles rn :,|
schlatt’s fake crying lol
charlie is a wonderful boy, a great guy too, really passionate, he’s cool :)
NON-NEWTONIAN FLUIDS!!!!! - my favourite state
he’s so good at lifting the mood :>
they’re using past tense god it’s like a celebrity’s wiki page after they die
schlatt being genuine is so weird but it’s really nice “charlie is an actual saint walking among men. i cannot think of one negative thing to say about you.” damn bro :,)
the fallout :,(
im glad there’s no drama, they’re great friends :)
i’m really excited for more chuckle dungeon
but their dynamic is so balanced and really nice, they bounce off of each other so well and the convos just go so smoothly! the next person is gonna be great for sure, but charlie’s energy and personality is hard to find and or replicate. i do hope the next person doesn’t try to replicate him though, it’s best to be natural :)
the chaotic evil/neu/good thing is so true lol
maybe it’s better for it to not be filled? idk :(
enough to last a year if you watch one every week :(
CHUCKLE DUNGEON IS SO COOL HONESTLY!!! chuckle dungeon is such a cool fucking thing and they all really get into it and show ernest interest it’s so :)
yeah he wrote it out, i was looking at the laptop trying to decipher what it was saying lol
me and ted both are a dungeon masters worst nightmare, my last dm hated me, and to be honest it was fair i was very annoying.
“that ted thing” lol… i probably do that
“i was thinking ‘he’s a misogynist, that’s probably a highly misogynistic thing to do, cut a woman’s head off’” that is exactly my line of thinking, just going straight to the extreme traits of the character cause subtly? grace? nuance? don’t know her
“there has not been a single chuckle dungeon without a sexist or racist” LMAO (until schlatt’s off the podcast there will never be one (jokes lol))
a creepo?
the goopey elevator 💀 i think he meant the tomato lol
charlie is an amazing dm
“racial aspects of dnd” bro 0_0
“so you wanna take my spot?” LMAO SCHLATT
god how bad was the smoke lmao
oh wow really bad
oh my god he thought 9/11 was 2011, his brain goes so fast why did he consider 1988 and think it was stupid cause he was a baby???
everybody was shocked, even me man
ah yes the best bit
ouh a flashback
the freddy wong episode was so good honestly
chulk me out chulk man 😟
me too ted nivison i want to keep something going
dude seeing schlatt so genuinely excited about machinima respawn and boruff and the spider is nice cause he’s such a big fan dude, look at him go!
he ate a termite •_•
i just noticed charlie’s salt rock lamp lol
adventure awaits, i guess
coconuts know when to grow when the water stops moving?? interesting
the cocoknow 😨
“it’s the minerals” sir is saying words
charlie’s humour is really refreshing and i love his storytelling content, especially like the dnd esk adventures and stuff :)
termites taste like lemon, interesting
popped em in, crunched em, got the zest and boom
wait are there termites in my house
guys i just confirmed i have a termite infestation in my house LOL i just thought they were funky looking ants with weird white butts but nope! they live in our big ass wooden table
ok back to the video
“get in… gringos” LOL
idk about cilantro tbh
nice fact ted
why does he have an nft painting??? it’s… it’s FUNGIBLE? Tommyinnit bought it for him 💀
do people not have items around them at all time? heavycube
big block of tungsten
and ted has two lint rollers!
boruff gardening is really cute lol :) he’s growing lettuce and tomatoes 😭😭
oh ok future plans:
ok there’s a hiatus coming soon :( understandable
i must buy from slimestory the products are actually cool and interesting to me!!!
GILLION TIDESTRIDER??!? i will watch let’s roll with it again
charlie’s not getting replaced :)) and charlie may just come in occasionally:,)
charlie cam dear lord
He got a gift :DD
love you to death charlie :)) but not in a parasocial way dear lord ok nvm
“keep chulking, you’re da bomb.com”
LMAO OK why are they switching to different POVS LOL
ok so that was it :,)
Charlie is such a cool guy, i’ve been watching his stuff for like 5 years now and he always makes enjoyable and amazing videos and he just seems like a generally awesome person. i’ll miss his puns and energy on the podcast, but i’m glad he’s taking care of himself and i hope he feels less stressed out after this :) Can’t wait to see what he does next and i’m excited for more episodes of the podcast!!
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yarnshoes · 3 years
i just saw your ask posts about rukawa and holy shit, i like your analysis so much. can you do more for other characters? can you write something about what the shohoku's main 5 + sendoh good and bad traits are? only if you want to of course sorry if this is too much
Its cool, u gave me stuff 2 think abt. Some might b a bit redundant tho coz ive mentioned them when answering other asks etc but whatever. Enjoy:)
1.) Sakuragi
👎: i feel like hes rly bad at reading situations, insensitive, and can b too much of a hardass. Has transphobic tendencies.
👍: if ur a feminine-presenting afab then maybe ud get along well w him lmao. Kind at heart and fuckin loves his friends. TRIES HIS BEST. His developing passion made me cry everytime.
2.) Rukawa
👎: has a one track mind which can b bad? Naturally hard 2 approach as a person. Aloof and so detached to everything else.
👍: lol. Lmao. Ig hes a good person at heart ofc. Its very easy to imagine him as soft once u get to know him. Like a cat!
3.) Miyagi
👎: straight as fuck, i feel like thats worth mentioning. Troublemaker. Probably uses reddit.
👍: 1 thing i found bizzare was how easily he forgave and befriended mitsui. I also feel like hes very loyal.
4.) Mitsui
👍: feels like hed make a great oniichan. Boyish big bro archetype. Natural born leader. Gay gay homosexual gay.
👎: mf needs to go to fucking therapy. He probably has anger issues + deep regret and insecurities.
5.) Akagi
👎: this is so hard........i give up. Ig he can b too uptight?
👍: *cracks fingerz* HES SUCH AN EXCELLENT LEADER?? STERN BUT KIND. PASSIONATE AND FOCUSED. HES SO SMART TOO???? Bro if sensei made him an ikemen i bet u my entire ass hed Easily make it to top 3 on popularity polls. But no sensei had to humble him down... Hed be way too powerful otherwise.
6.) Sendoh (oh god prepare for an excerpt from my 7396 page sendoh essay.)
👎: hes such a big mystery to me. Thi isnt gonna b abt his bad traits coz i dont think he has any (that were hinted or shown in the series). Hes depicted as always late but i dont think thats bc of laziness..... Theres SOMETHING else is2g. I feel like hes wearing a mask. Its so hard to see through him. One thing im so certain abt is that he has commitment issues and dislikes attention + responsibilities but takes them anyway. Can b a pushover.
👍: keeps my brain going and gives me serotonin. Very kind and friendly in general. He probably befriends his local senior citizens. Very patient. HE LIKES FISHING..
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