#i just love victor/yuri brothers
fixfoxnox · 1 year
I’d love to hear any Makarov headcannons if you have any, especially about his sexuality. Like how he was treated growing up in Russia, how he figured it out etc. I wonder if he ever just had to stomach backlash when he was in spetsnaz but once he rose to power he no longer cared or was threatened enough to hide that part of him.
(Still a bad dude, but he’s just so much fun to read about)
I'm doing this outside of SiTO Makarov cause I think that's what you were getting at here, so its just my headcanons on what we've seen about Makarov thus far:
He was an orphan, raised in a really packed orphanage with caretakers who didn't actually care about him or any of the kids there.
He watched kids come and go as well as several kids end up dying because of the cold/bad conditions, it ended up fucking him up pretty good
He was in the Orphanage until he was sixteen and during his time there he was like an older brother figure to many of the children there
He joined Spetsnaz/the military because he felt like it was the only option he had available to him
He knew he was gay around the age of ten, but he's smart so he also knew to keep it to himself
Kept his sexuality a secret under lock and key during his time in the military and was particularly good at hiding it
Would tell the other men fake stories of hookups with women and comment on women with them while they were out at bars/in towns
Lots of internalized homophobia, but he can't bring himself to sleep with women
When he starts moving up in Spetsnaz he begins to get a taste for power. He'd spent his entire childhood pretty much powerless to do anything, so finally having some control is a big deal for him, especially when he's placed in charge of his own unit
The power corrupts him and is what encourages him and his team to start doing all the bad shit they were doing
Particularly he was told that if he did this shitty stuff he would get a promotion/more power essentially, which is why he was so willing to participate
It would have worked out for him, except the intel of what was happening got to the UN and the UN, with the US spearheading it, demanded that Russia take action against these crimes. So he was made the fall guy and dishonorably discharged
The sudden loss of that power he'd gained fucked him up even further and pushed him to begin leaning into crime fully as an option. At this point is when he gets into all the stuff Shepherd mentions like human trafficking, terrorism, weapons deals, hired murders, etc.
He gets really good at this stuff which is what eventually catches the attention of Zhakaev
Makarov didn't actually give a shit about the ultranationalists before that, but he hates Americans and Zhakaev is offering him power and revenge against America so he's down for it
Fucking hated Victor Zhakaev. He though the kid was a little prick who had no actual talent and only got where he was because of daddy, he never said that though
He's assigned Yuri as a second by Zhakaev and he gets attached to the fucker insanely quickly
Yuri was ex-spetsnaz like him (though left on his own) and they bonded over that
Naturally he also earned a big fat fucking crush on Yuri too, though that actually works out somewhat well for him
Yuri is the only person who finds out about his sexuality and he only finds out about it because Makarov is begging him to fuck him while drunk
Anyways they start a secret relationship
They're together from like a year or so after Chernobyl to the airport breakup
Yuri starts pulling away from Makarov slowly after the nuke, and Makarov can feel it
He ends up kinda super desperately trying to fix whatever he'd done to make Yuri pull away because, at that point, the two had been together for well over a decade
Yuri was his person and so to have his person suddenly pulling away from him was not good
However he gets very distracted from Yuri pulling away when Zhakaev dies and he suddenly finds himself the head of the ultranationalists
He's working on his plan to start the way between Russia and the US and he gets tunnel vision on it to the point where he doesn't realize he's fully losing Yuri until its too late
He starts having suspicions that Yuri might have switched sides, but he doesn't want be believe it
Then Yuri introduces him to Alexei Borodin and Makarov knows that Yuri has switched sides. He's suddenly confronted with it in the form of an American man pretending to be a Russian man
Absolutely heartbroken, but ends up essentially locking up his emotions and throwing himself into his plans, including the new plan to kill Yuri in the airport
Even though Yuri betrayed him, Makarov still loved him so when the time came to "kill" him, he shot him somewhere that he knew the other could survive, under the excuse of making it painful for him
As we know, he lives to regret this as Yuri eventually teams up with the 141 to help bring him down once and for all
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altruistic-meme · 14 days
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
hi dear!!! i definitely don't mind AT ALL i love getting questions!!!! i probably have answered this question before, but this is one of those things that's subject to change pretty often as i find new characters and they take over from older ones :] so i will probably never give the exact same answer twice dksvjsdfh
ok ok that said, let me see... in no particular order:
Damianos of Akielos (Book: Captive Prince trilogy) quite literally THE man of all time. THE man of my dreams. he is such a beautifully written character who is so complex and interesting to read!! he is so gentle and caring despite his size, and he has a confidence i can only aspire to.
Neil Josten (Book: All For The Game trilogy) unhinged maniac 🧡 no but genuinely he is such a good main character. everything about him and his narration pulls you in to the story. he is the most unreliable narrator. his perspective is so skewed. also my namesake!!
Nakahara Chuuya (Anime/Series: Bungo Stray Dogs) i may or may not have somewhat of an obsession with him right now. he is literally so pretty that i throw my phone. but also he is so unbearably human in an incredibly tragic way, and he is that way because he actively chooses to be. he is a high ranking member of the mafia and he loves dogs and he promised his dying friend that he would save someone else and he is so loyal and bright. i am going to stop while im ahead bc 90% of my thoughts right now are about Chuuya so i could genuinely go on forever.
Victor Nikiforov (Anime: Yuri!!! ON Ice) he is so sad
Hinata Shoyo (Anime: Haikyuu!!) he is just so fucking BRIGHT!!! unlike Victor, Hinata is the exact opposite of me in almost every sense. it is so hard for me to watch anyone else when he's on the screen. he is just joy and energy incarnate and i want to be his friend so bad.
Spiderman (TV Show/Movie/Comic) this is a cheat because it's just. every iteration of spiderman. i love him. just your friendly neighborhood spiderman!! i have such a soft spot for Miles Morales' spiderman in particular due to the spiderverse movies, but i also really loved all of the live action spiderman movies. and we can't forget the tv show!!!
Prince Wilhelm (Show: Young Royals) fucking babygirl. yet another sad wet cat of a character who i project onto immensely. he is just so complex and interesting and so real and flawed and just. listen. having the weight of the world rest on your shoulders as you struggle with trying to make friends and fight your anxiety and handle your mother all by yourself is something i have dealt with too. i can't put into words all my thoughts about him right now, but rest assured there are More.
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (Book: How to Train Your Dragon series) don't get me wrong, i love the movie version of him as well, but they are such different characters. and the book version of Hiccup has an incredibly special place in my heart. httyd is such a comfort read for me, and it was huge for me getting to grow up with Hiccup. he is just a fucking little guy and he goes through so much. but he keeps going. he didn't deserve any of it and he fights so hard to make sure no one else has to go through it like he did. gods i love him.
Charlie Spring (Comic: Heartstopper) same as with Hiccup, i love him in the show as well but to me the characters are so different and i just relate so much more to the comic version of him! he is a mess and i love him and relate to him. i wish i had what he has. i am also so proud of how far he has come!! and he reminds me to be proud of myself, too. also see; sassy motherfucker.
Kenai (Movie: Brother Bear) a strange choice, maybe, but this movie means SO much to me. it is a huge comfort movie. and Kenai, by virtue of being the main character, clearly gets the leg up as the favorite. but it's so amazing seeing him grow as a person (or. well. bear). he's funny, he tries so hard, he wants so much. and he's just a kid!! he learns so much!!
there are definitely some patterns in my favorite characters that i am going to choose not to look too closely at :') i have so many characters i adore. this was so hard ;;;
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stargazer-sims · 4 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
Thanks @dandylion240 !
I decided to do Yuri (again). Sorry this turned out to be super long!
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Yuri Okamoto-Nelson
His career experience has always been in communications and public relations. After having worked for a couple of other firms, he founded his own communications firm 10 years ago. It's called Brave Communications (styled as BRAVE Communications), and they do PR, media releases, business publications, social media management and other professional communications. Their various slogans are "Choose BRAVE", "Take a BRAVE step forward" and "BRAVE ideas change the world". For the first eight or nine months, Yuri worked with just a part-time administrative assistant, but he soon got enough clients to be able to pay his assistant full-time and to hire another person. In the second year, he took on a business partner, James Fairchild, who came from another firm and brought some of his client base with him. Yuri is still the boss and the majority owner, but he and James consider themselves equal in every other way. Like Yuri, James has a disability, and they often cover for each other if one of them isn't well. The running joke among the staff is that the proverbial ship would be sailing without a captain if Yuri and James were both unwell at the same time, but luckily that hasn’t happened yet. The other running joke is that James and Yuri have somehow mysteriously scheduled their respective flare-ups not to occur at the same time.
He's always loved writing stories, but never did anything with that creative aspect of his considerable writing skill until he and Victor adopted Caroline. He struggled to connect with Caroline at first, but unexpectedly found the path to bonding with her was through making up stories with her. When he and Victor would babysit Fox and Takahiro's kids, one of Yuri's contributions was invariably story time. The Abbottsford kids excitedly told their parents all about how much they enjoyed it, and one day Fox casually asked Yuri if he'd ever thought about writing a children's book. Yuri hadn't, but the comment sparked ideas for both him and Fox, and it soon led to a collaboration between them, with Yuri writing and Fox illustrating their creations. They've published three children's books together so far, and are currently working on a fourth (and fifth, if you count the one they're helping Caroline and Forest to create).
He's been in Canada nearly half his life at this point, but despite becoming eligible for Canadian citizenship years ago, he still has permanent resident status. That allows him almost all the rights of a Canadian, with the exception of holding a Canadian passport, voting or being elected to government, so not being a Canadian hasn't affected his daily life all that much. Because it's not possible to be a dual citizen of Japan and Canada, he hesitated about giving up his Japanese citizenship, but he's finally decided this year he's going to apply for Canadian citizenship, along with his friend Takahiro who recently made a similar decision.
He's developed an unexpected friendship with his younger brother Kinai (who is actually his nephew, but who was adopted by Yuri's parents). When Kinai was born, Yuri wanted nothing to do with him, and was actually disgusted at the mere thought of his existence, but just like Yuri's younger sister Shirayuki before him, Kinai soon won Yuri over. These days, Kinai looks up to Yuri as an example, and Yuri enjoys being a friend and extra source of support for him. Kinai wants to come to Canada to work and study for a year or two, and Yuri's current mission is to persuade their parents to let him.
His recent obsession is in trying to grow strange and exotic plants. It all started with his first cowplant, Ushi-chan. His current cowplant is called Milk Tea, and he's also successfully cultivated orchids, dragonfruit, and trash plants, along with some alien plant species. His long term gardening goals are to grow a Sixamish "unidentified fruit object" and the rare Death Flower lily.
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capsensislagamoprh · 3 months
I am heavily medicated today, laying about waiting for drs and shit. This lets my mind contemplate the bigger issues and implications of very important boys-on-ice shit. Imma make it your problem.
So, we know Otabek's friends are miscevious. Do you think that includes JJ and Leo as well?
Like... dose JJ call Yuri 'princess' not just because he has that build, but because Otabek's name reduces down to a title? (Duke)
Like, 'go get your princess, your grace' - which triples as a mock on Otabek's lower flexibility, teasing him about his title/name, as well as how long Otabek has been in love with/admiring Yuri- and low key accepts Yuri into said friend group in an honored position all at once with what is supposed to be gentle/friendly ribbing?
(leRoy - name means king. Otabek [reduces down to] Duke. Leo de la Iglesia means lion of the church, so like a paladin or knight or something [leo <lion> some times is referred to as a 'king of the jungle' - I will rant about how they don't live in jungles and all that later. They are on a lot of heraldry, tho]. So Yuri obviously needs a title too. [JJ would call Isabell 'my queen' or 'regina' or something.] Female [based onJJ's mind set most likely making pairs in that dichotomy, as that's how it works for him personally] cats are queens (also following a theme, if they are one team [in one friend group], there can be only one queen and king, making Otabek the next highest rank in the friend group - but he's put Yuri on such a high peddistool that he should rank a little higher, and also podium family king Victor is basically Yuri's big brother as far as JJ is concerned, so there is that to consider), combined with Otabek meeting Yuri in juniors would auto translate to 'princess'.)
Is JJ being a little shit, trying to get Otabek and Yuri chatting because he wants for his friend what he has with Isabella? Did he know Otabek was coming and, seeing Yuri right there, thought he could play match maker with some well intentioned ribbing, getting his friend to talk to Yuri if only to explain (and make a new friend himself)?
Are JJ and Leo in a mock 'no, I'm his best friend' contest? Match maker credit can really get you that better/Best friend status, which is a security blanket JJ seems to need.
Is that why Otabek was paused? Irritation at JJ for pissing off the person he’s been waiting years for, damned well knowing what he's up to, but when he was thinking of exsplaning/apologizing to Yuri, Yuri screamed at him, so Otabek peaced out because exsplaning would not help in that moment?
Bet it informed just how much Otabek told Yuri on that bridge.
I wonder if Leo and JJ - when Otabek has Yuri in a very peaceful mood - are going to tease Otabek about that slow burn, seeing if Yuri catches on because Otabek is So FrIkIn Old FaSoNeD (quiet, stoic, & romantic) that they dispared for their friend EVER having a love life do to his being focused on (pachent and pinning for) the only person who moved him like that?
(If Victor and Yuuri are soulmates as stated official, this is officially a soulmates AU, which means Otabek being so observant would know. Those eyes speak deeply to him. You do not use lines about what are referred to as the windows to the soul in a soulmates AU casually, my dudes. The way when Yuri takes the time to actually look at Otabek and something starts to click, combined with the sudden recognition & respect Yuri gives when he finally watches Otabek skate? That's a patented pending your-Russan-is-in-love look. (We see it on Victor too.) *chef's kiss* I love it. In this PowerPoint I will...)
Otabek is infinitesimally pachent, and his friends want him happy but are little shits, is what I'm saying.
I mean, JJ comes off like a bag of dicks, but I think it may just be that his off-ice timing and sence of humor suffer from 'can't read the room' syndrome... Leo must be the one who counters that... but if Otabek considers him a friend, and his friends are mischievous...
Also, Otabek's friends are frikin chess pieces/off ice nobles (even if only in name/their community).
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rikeijo · 1 year
Today’s translation #228
Spoon.2Di vol. 21, Mitsurou Kubo's interview
Part 4.
--- Oh, it's really impressive (laugh) [fans translating lyrics form Italian]. And by the way, the title of that song "Stay close to me and don't go" is also what Yuuri says to Victor in episode 7, isn't it?
"It's not that we were planning from the beginning to make him say that line at that time, and that's why we had ordered that song. When, in the beginning, we were thinking about the story with Yamamoto Director, the only part of it that we had written precisely was how the competitions would progress and the results, like I've mentioned just a while ago. So, we started ordering the songs and had the choreography made for every skater in those circumstances, where that part of the story was all that had been decided on. And then, as I was drawing the storyboards figuring out how I should make a good use of those songs and choreography in the story, after episode 6., I saw that situations that were necessary for the story, because of the mood of each song and the order in which skaters skated their programs, started to interact with one another. In episode 7., Yuuri and Victor were having an argument in a secluded place, but taking into consideration the number of songs and how the competition progresses, it occurred to me that in that scene, because of the time issue and the timing, they would need to argue behind the scenes, while somebody else is skating. So right at that time, it was Popovich who was skating, and when we ordered a song for him, we asked to make "the theme a bit stalker-like" (laugh) - a person sings about their one-sided assumption that they think is "true love", so the song turned out to be one filled with Popovich's extremely excessive feelings. I thought it was quite interesting that when Yuuri and Victor were arguing with that song as a background music, it matched very well with their agitated emotions and created this multiplicative effect for those emotions."
[Notes: Another answer that is a bit funny, imo. Especially, the fragment about Popovich, which gives you the vibe as if she was kind of pleasantly surprised it worked so well to have Popo skating and Y&V arguing at the same time, even though it was a coincidence. But you'd rather think that it was the Director active choice to present that scene in the way it was presented. Isn't it what the Director usually does - you know, directs?
Idk, but it was kind of "???" to read that Mitsurou seems to kind of think of the final product == the anime, as of a random compilation of her storyboards. It may be just the editing of this particular interview, though.
She also makes it seem like first they had the songs and then she built the story around them, but in the same interview, she answered that she wrote Stammi vicino lyrics thinking about the ending of the story... So a kind of a chicken and egg situation, lol. In case of Yuri on ICE, the producer even said in one comment that he read the storyboards, when he was working on that composition and the composer joked about how he couldn't put himself in Michele's situation, when Sayo told him to write a song about "a brother seducing his sister" etc. But again, maybe the editing just oversimplified her answer!
Anyways, it's always good to remember to take those interviews with a grain of salt, as they sometimes simply contradict each other!]
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mindhuestudio · 2 years
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So I succumbed to temptation and binged the fourth season of "Stranger Things" while face-down. I was a little worried that they were going to keep with the aggressive "look how 80s we are!" from season three, and they did tone it down... somewhat. It's also not the scrappy, underdog production with a tight, assured narrative arc we all fell in love with, but so it goes. There were plenty of things to like, so I give it a thumbs-up. Some takeaways from my initial viewing: 1. The Duffer Brothers have added so many characters that they left Will hanging. He was basically the MacGuffin in seasons one AND two, so his character arc has been necessarily limited. But it would have been nice to see him doing more than looking pensive and/or emotional. Speaking of the Byers brothers, it would *also* have been nice to see Jonathan doing more than looking stoned or confused. 2. Only a designer/printer/type nut could have caught this: on his Fish N Fly sign, Yuri's name is set in Comic Sans... which was released in 1994. 3. I was then and still am on Team Pineapple Pizza. 4. How metal is playing "Master Of Puppets" to decoy a flock of demon bats? Infinite metal. 5. Steve and Nancy? No. Just no. Steve Harrington has had a very satisfying arc from douchebro to badass, but the Nancy-Jonathan arc is the more natural progression, at least in the earlier seasons. All this futzing around smacks of both shameless fanservice and needless complication. Let Steve find his own badass to accompany him in his RV road trip! Although I have the sneaking suspicion that, with all this buildup, Steve Harrington may be the Heart-Rending Sacrifice in season five. 6. The portrayal was good, and I especially liked the fact that the Vecna aspect was a more thoughtful, considered supervillian than most, but maybe they could have not gone with the "blond angular-face reduced-affect psycho dude" trope for Henry Creel? A little too on-the-nose for me. However, casting Robert Englund as Victor Creel was genius. Okay, that's the highlight reel, as there was over ten hours of narrative to digest, but that's what stuck out. Feel free to comment, discuss or argue below. #strangerthings4 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf6b6BCIOes/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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burned-lariat · 2 years
GH Spoilers for the first week of October (feat. my commentary):
Finn reassures Alexis.
(Why? And for what, so he can blab more to the press after Jordan told him not to?)
Dante seeks out Dex.
(Someone is in troubleeeeee but like I said they dug themselves so deep in their red herring it just might have to be Dex and then they have the motive/connections being dragged out as the mystery)
Josslyn and Trina have some girl talk.
(We all know it's gonna be Joss sucking up air and Trina just having her thoughts go unheard or shot down so why should I be interested?)
Spencer receives unexpected aid.
(I don't think this will be anything bad? Probably him getting a cushy jail deal from like...Rory or Cyrus or something)
Kristina makes a request of Sonny.
(Is it a bodyguard? Is it mob tutelage? Are we gonna get more Destina content?? Please??)
Carly confides in Drew.
(Don't need it, don't want it, NEXT)
Ava visits Ryan.
(So she recovered (yay!) I wonder if the visit has the show officially eliminating Ryan as a suspect)
Nikolas resists Victor’s request.
(For what? Didn't Victor kinda like give up on uniting his family yesterday to Lucy?)
Valentin makes a proposition to Michael.
(Probably ELQ-related since that's really only when these fools interact but I'll be pleasantly surprised if it's something different!)
Josslyn makes a shocking discovery.
(At this rate I'm just waiting for the proverbial bus to back over Dex since he's already engaged in prop duty so it'll probably be related to him - either that he was arrested for the hookings or that Sonny had him stalk her)
Carly expresses her regrets.
(I'm sure she's got plenty and I don't need to hear Crew hash them out. I do not care enough!)
Joss and Michael confront Sonny.
(Everything I said in the 10/4 Joss spoiler applies here, just add Michael's annoying, useless ass into it as a "protective" big brother)
Ryan can’t believe his eyes.
(Maybe GirlPeter turns up? Ava prob taunted she killed her by use of parapet then when she visits)
Ava puts in a good word.
(For who??? And why, unless it's for her adopted daughter or sudden bestie???)
Curtis and Nina catch up.
(Ah yes, I forgot they were friends. Might just be a bitchfest about Jordan and/or Carly that we do not need)
The Hook strikes again.
(Either this is what confirms Dex as the red herring, or he's still in the running for actual guilt. Might be Diane who goes next MICHAEL IS RIGHT THERE JUST KILL HIM)
Finn and Liz meet up with Terry and Yuri.
(TURI RETURNS!!! Sucks that they and Liz have to put up with F*nn tho. They all deserve better)
Portia plays peacemaker between Curtis and Trina.
(Oop for what??? Because that reveal isn't coming out anytime soon so I wonder what dumbfuck thing Curtis says to anger Trina, because there's no way it's her fault)
Chase takes the stage at The Savoy.
(...Okay. Hopefully the sound mixing is better and that he doesn't sound like he's being blackmailed into singing a ditty *I love Chase I swear!*)
Cody avoids Maxie.
(Only one known Truck Nuts spoiler, which is one too many. I wish he was the next Hook victim so we can be rid of this stupid story)
10/7/22 is pre-empted for baseball playoffs (9/28/22 might also end up pre-empted for more Jan 6th hearings, so heads up)
Mixed bag of a week, some good and some bad. What are you all looking forward to?
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theinsanecrayonbox · 22 days
For your Arkady joins Weapon X AU, is Victor an omega in this AU also?
Any more head canons you have for this AU?
I really like it 🤭
Also (sorry for all the questions!) But do you think you'd ever do any more fan fiction on your other OmegaTooth AUs or even the new Weapon X one, I just really enjoy your writings too! ☺️
don't apologize for all the questions; i love getting asks about my crazy. it gets me thinking more (for better or worse lol)
For your Arkady joins Weapon X AU, is Victor an omega in this AU also?
meh, 50/50 tossup at that. i sort of have 'canon-ish compliant' and 'yes there be mpreg' versions of most things. (i can tell you this is not an 'Arkady can have babies' au at the least lol) but probably, because that's what i like...even though since this timeline would have Arkady joining up before Vic meets Leni, so there'd be no surprise Graydon, and Arkady would remain intact...and there's not any real reason Mystique woudl want to impersonate Arkady to seduce Victor...hm...
Any more head canons you have for this AU? I really like it 🤭
i'm glad you like it! i really love What Ifs, especially when they spiral out of control lol. any more ideas for it though? i mean, aside from what i babbled about before (like how Arkady might get his cables from Weapon X then, and they might be a suit and not internalized) or right above, not too much...
i mean, you got the Weapon X brainwashing. you know how they muddled Logan and Victor's memories; the confusion over Logan being Vic's son or brother or not related at all, because it muddled/overlaid the memories of Saul. similarly to how they took Logan's memories of Fox and muddled/overlaid them with Zora (or Mystique...is this a verse where she was Weapon X then like in WatX???). well, for this one, since Arkady and Victor kept hooking up post memory wipes even though the handlers tried to keep them separated, they went and muddled/overlaid their memories too to intertwine them: Victor's memories of his first baby daddy in the rail camps getting killed after their baby died, that's now loosing Arkady to Logan's hands in the rail camps; Arkady escaping back to the apartment he and Yuri lived together after his execution and finding him murdered, that's now Victor dead (maybe Logan blamed? maybe another team member, so the handlers could have checks and balances on them). as they said in TAS (paraphrasing) having the traumatic memories to trigger to control them was important to have.
oh! one that isn't just unique to this verse, but can be brought up here is that Weapon X knew about Vic's omega-hood, and the preferred birth control method was a regular hysterectomy; it was a painful few weeks/couple of months to grow the organs back, but it'd then be another month or so before a period, so then just start the cycle again. threw his hormones all out of whack, but mostly added to his aggression coupled with the constant pain. that's also how Weapon X got a whole stockpile of Creed eggs to freeze for later on, leading probably to Romulus' Creed clones, and also thus how the Laura clones were easier to make, and why Belle (and technically Gabby) is a Creed genetically. (that's also why the robots at the start of Weapon X 2017 took Vic's guts, they wanted those parts, and that also helped us get Alexei)
But do you think you'd ever do any more fan fiction on your other OmegaTooth AUs or even the new Weapon X one, I just really enjoy your writings too! ☺️
dawww again, ty, i'm glad my work is enjoyable. and honestly, idk. i like writing, i love story telling, but...the inspiration and drive just doesn't come like it used to. sorta why i just babble a lot these days, throw out plot ideas into the wind. but it's not a no, very far from it
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vicjo-sims-stories · 7 months
Yuri Christine Feng
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My name is Yuri Christine Feng. And I'm gonna be a star. Just like my momma Jillian Choi. I'm more of a singer/musician, mom was an actress. So like, I'm her 4th child but 3rd with my dad Victor.
Since my big sis Ara moved out before I became a toddler, I was basically raised as the only girl in the household until Haru came around.
Brycen, Liam and I were always pretty close and it was nice having 2 guys back me up at school when people were mean. Speaking of which, I never understood why we got bullied so much in elementary? We're Jillian Choi's kids LOL. Maybe they meant to hate on mom cause she homewrecked dad and Lily's relationship before having us (sorry mom but you a hoe for that).
When Brycen moved to San Myshuno to be independent while in college or whatever, I tagged along and was like bye mom not down for your house rules. Big bro took care of me while studying and playing college soccer till I was done high school. He let me host parties and all when I was building my career. I had a lot of fun living with him and it was great to see him settle down with such a lovely lady.
When Samuel was born, I realized I had to move out. I bought this nice loft in San Myshuno with my hard earned superstar money and hosted such lovely parties with my friends and family. I met Dustin Clevenger at a bar once. Or club? Was it down the street of the loft? Whatever, ANYWAY, we dated and I told him "bestie let's move in!". So one evening Haru came over and wanted to hang out THIRTY MINUTES BEFORE MY SHIFT STARTED? I agreed to hang and told her to stay as long as she wants cause she's my sis right? This hoe...FLIRTS WITH MY MAN and this "man" RECIPROCATES??? I was totally unaware that they were seeing each other behind my back and one day Dustin admits it to me because they just became official and she wanted him all to herself. Like girl, get your own man first of all and then you won't need to share and this guy is dumb as hell. I GAVE HIM A ROOF OVER HIS HEAD??
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Anyway, I'll let Haru tell the rest of the story cause I moved on and rekindled a lil fling from high school with Kiyoshi Ito.
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We eventually got married and had Daiki in San Myshuno. (Thanks for delivering him Brycen, luv you big bro)
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We decided Tartosa was the place we wanted to settle down in and have our second child Kaori. My children have grown so much and now Daiki is a teenager going through some emo phase or whatever. Oh we also have a dog cause Daiki's a spoiled brat hehe.
Hope you keep following our big family's lil stories!
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Edit Nov 2023: Kaori is now a teenager too.
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Edit May 2024:
Yuri moved her family into her childhood home in Del Sol Valley. She took in Liam and Aaron as well since she wanted to spend time with her brother. When Liam passed away, she and Kiyoshi became her nephew's guardian.
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reflexletterpress · 2 years
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So I succumbed to temptation and binged the fourth season of "Stranger Things" while face-down. I was a little worried that they were going to keep with the aggressive "look how 80s we are!" from season three, and they did tone it down... somewhat. It's also not the scrappy, underdog production with a tight, assured narrative arc we all fell in love with, but so it goes. There were plenty of things to like, so I give it a thumbs-up. Some takeaways from my initial viewing: 1. The Duffer Brothers have added so many characters that they left Will hanging. He was basically the MacGuffin in seasons one AND two, so his character arc has been necessarily limited. But it would have been nice to see him doing more than looking pensive and/or emotional. Speaking of the Byers brothers, it would *also* have been nice to see Jonathan doing more than looking stoned or confused. 2. Only a designer/printer/type nut could have caught this: on his Fish N Fly sign, Yuri's name is set in Comic Sans... which was released in 1994. 3. I was then and still am on Team Pineapple Pizza. 4. How metal is playing "Master Of Puppets" to decoy a flock of demon bats? Infinite metal. 5. Steve and Nancy? No. Just no. Steve Harrington has had a very satisfying arc from douchebro to badass, but the Nancy-Jonathan arc is the more natural progression, at least in the earlier seasons. All this futzing around smacks of both shameless fanservice and needless complication. Let Steve find his own badass to accompany him in his RV road trip! Although I have the sneaking suspicion that, with all this buildup, Steve Harrington may be the Heart-Rending Sacrifice in season five. 6. The portrayal was good, and I especially liked the fact that the Vecna aspect was a more thoughtful, considered supervillian than most, but maybe they could have not gone with the "blond angular-face reduced-affect psycho dude" trope for Henry Creel? A little too on-the-nose for me. However, casting Robert Englund as Victor Creel was genius. Okay, that's the highlight reel, as there was over ten hours of narrative to digest, but that's what stuck out. Feel free to comment, discuss or argue below. #strangerthings4 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf6br8aMaaX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ducky-tm · 7 years
guess who literally can’t stop thinking about AU ideas based on posts other peolpe make ???? hint it’s me
((ps thank you @doodlesonice for drawing this and being beautiful))
victor and yuri are brothers (it’s sort of lilo and stitch style where their parents died or….?) and yuri is in school and there’s a new teacher and it’s Yuuri and yuri is mad because that’s his name and blah blah that’s all in the comic BUT THEN yuri keeps like acting out but instead of just punishing yuri like every other teacher Yuuri (Mr. Katsuki) he actually tries talking to him and understanding why he’s doing this and just generally being very patient and at some point he calls a parent conference because clearly yuri isn’t sharing the whole picture but then yuri gets weirdly vague and distant and maybe vulnerable and he just says fine. 
 so the next day after school yuri and yuuri are sitting in yuuri’s office waiting for yuri’s parents (that was so many yuri’s omg) and then victor walks in a little a mess cause he’s running late but yuuri is immediately like wow you’re attractive followed by WOW aren’t you a bit young to have a son this age??? and he actually says the last part out loud and victor explains about their parents and stuff and yuri is just there pouting because “great now mr katsuki is gonna pity me i don’t need this” but of course yuuri DOESN’T (i mean, maybe a little but he doesn’t let it show, ya know?) he’s still incredibly patient and asks if there’s anything he can do and he works with yuri AND victor (who obviously is just as smitten with yuuri) and the rest of the semester starts to kind of smooth out and yuri ends class with a passing grade (let’s say it’s lit class and yuri hates reading…idk… i like yuuri as a lit teacher or maybe history?? idk not important) but over the semester yuuri and victor are also getting close not like CLOSE but like they talk about yuri and sometimes casually not about yuri but victor asks him on a date over winter break and yuuri is REALLY hesitant because yuri but he agrees and it’s like the PERFECT first date right and they end it with a kiss on the cheek and a little blush but then yuri finds out and he’s FURIOUS and victor only sort of understands like he gets why yuri would be mad but this amount of anger is unusual even for him and they fight and yuri just doesn’t talk to victor OR yuuri and his grades drop again and eventually yuuri asks him what’s been happening and yuri literally just can’t hold it in anymore and he yells about how much he loves Mr katsuki because he’s patient and doesn’t yell and how it finally seemed like things were about Yuri and how he was happy and then VICTOR had to come in and steal it away from him and invade yuri’s space JUST LIKE ALWAYS and yuri is crying at this point because he’s so mad and he’s been holding this in for MONTHS now and yuuri just listens and comforts and when yuri is done he looks embarrassed and doesn’t exactly apologize but ya know and yuuri then goes on to explain that it was only one date and that he was incredibly hesitant to go in the first place because his and victor’s primary concern is always going to be Yuri and that he’s always going to come first and yur starts to tear up again but like … he holds it back but then yuuri says please go talk to your brother okay you’ll be fine so yuri goes and when he gets home victor is doing dishes and he just says ‘im sorry for ignoring you. and for all the mean things i said.’ and victor is also gonna cry (it runs in the family okay) and he runs to hug yuri and yuri is like OH MY GOD HE FUCKING TOLD YOU DIDN’T HE???? and victor is honest he says 'he sent an email, from his school address, saying you were coming home to talk to me. it was purely professional. but now can you tell me whats going on???“ and yuri confesses all his feelings about how he thought victor didn’t really care and how he felt like he was always getting into his life and victor just feels so bad because he doesn’t know how to be a parent and he’s bee trying so hard and he tells yuri he’ll do better but yuri says 'just be my brother, okay?’ and they both cry and hug it out and things get better and yuri ends the school year with a pretty decent passing grade and over the summer he tells victor 'you know mr. kat- yuuuuuuuri isn’t my teacher anymore so… like… idk. whatever i guess” and victor makes a million times sure that this is really okay and yuri is like 'oh my god yes just go bang him already jeeeeez’ and victor calls yuuri and asks him on a second date (their contact has been strictly professional after yuri’s… thing)  and of course yuuri is even more hesitant but then yuri yells from the other room “oh my god just say yes and go bang my brother!!!! maybe he’ll stop being so moody and giving me chores…” and they both blush and yuuri agrees to a second date and that summer is just really nice for all of them and i’m emotional i made myself so emotional
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aro-aizawa · 4 years
*suddenly remembers my yuri on ice hunger games au* huh
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pathetichoney · 7 years
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thing for a yoi actor au that im probably never gonna publish but i enjoyed drawing this anyway
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
🖊️🖊️🖊️- Seiji, Haru, Victor
Thanks @dandylion240 !
haha I could write a lot about Victor especially, but I’ll try not to go too wild with it 😆 Anyway, here you go! This is going to be kind of spoiler-y in places. Oops 😬
Hinamori Seiji
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Where to start with Seiji...?
Seiji is an only child. As a result, he's very close to his parents, and he also tends to think of his friends as the siblings he never had. He's sure his best friend Takahiro is the closest he'll ever get to having a brother, and he certainly loves him like one.
Seiji and Takahiro met when they were ten years old, when Taka's family moved to Mt. Komorebi from the city. They met before the new school year began, and they were pleased to discover they'd be attending the same all-boys school. Taka was scared about being the new kid in school, but Seiji assured him that he didn't need to worry about it because he'd already be his friend and would protect him if other kids gave him a hard time. He was true to his word, and he and Taka have stuck together ever since, through all the good and bad times in their lives so far.
Seiji is named after his great-grandfather. People who've seen photos of the last man to hold the largely honourary title of Lord Hinamori say that Seiji has grown up to look just like him, and as much as Seiji pretends to scoff at this, he really can't deny the resemblance.
The similarity became even more apparent when he met Sachiko Kobayashi for the first time, and she immediately got down on her knees to bow to him, and called him Hinamori-sama because she initially mistook him for someone from her past. When she was alive, Sachiko had been a servant to Seiji's family on their estate. She'd worked in the now-famous gardens, but had been a particular favourite of Seiji's great-great-grandfather, the elder Lord Seiryu Hinamori, and was often asked to come into the main house to perform other tasks.
Sachiko is the ghost that inhabited Victor & Yuri Okamoto-Nelson's house in Willow Creek. Seiji's meeting with her came about when Taka and his then-fiancé Fox invited Seiji to come and stay with them for a whlie. Seiji, who'd never left his country before, was terrified about travelling to Canada, but he really missed his friends Taka and Victor (and their partners) and wanted to see them, so he agreed to go. He initially stayed with Taka and Fox in their apartment, but soon moved into Victor and Yuri's basement guest room. He said it was to give Taka and Fox back their privacy in their tiny apartment, but it actually had more to do with being close to Sachiko than anything else. He ended up staying a lot longer than he'd originally planned to.
Seiji and Sachiko discovered that they'd each lost someone they loved before having a chance to confess their feelings; Seiji because his unrequited love Tsubaki had died, and Sachiko because she had died before telling her love — Lord Seiji — how she felt.
At first, Seiji didn't know how to react to this ghost telling him she'd been in love with his great-grandfather, but he soon found that he was able to look past that uncanny detail and recognize Sachiko as a sort of kindred spirit (no pun intended). He was able to see her as someone who hadn't yet healed from a devastating loss, and despite himself, he wanted to help her in any way he could.
As it happened, Sachiko helped him too. They grew close, and without even realizing it at first, they fell in love with each other. This caused Sachiko a great deal of stress once she understood what was happening, because their love seemed impossible and she was worried Seiji would be hurt all over again. Seiji, for his part, was determined to find out if there was some way to restore Sachiko to life. Even if it was impossible, he swore to himself that he wouldn't stop until he had an answer, one way or the other. It gave him a sense of purpose that he hadn't had for a long time, if ever.
There did, in fact, turn out to be a way. It wasn't easy, and it took time, effort and a voyage back to Japan. Seiji's friends thought he'd totally lost his mind, but he was absolutely not going to give up once he knew.
Afterwards, Seiji and Sachiko decided not to stay in Willow Creek. Seiji took her home to Mt. Komorebi, and they settled down together and eventually started a family of their own. They often visit the Hinamori family estate, where Seiji's grandparents, uncle, aunt & cousins live, and Sachiko finds great irony in the fact that she is now a lady of the estate rather than a servant.
Abe Sakuharu
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One thing about Haru is that he never shies away from a challenge. Because of his disability, there were a lot of things he was never expected to be able to do, including living independently. Although it's true that he might not do well living completely on his own, he's definitely capable of looking after himself and everyone who knows him now considers him to be a functional, independent adult (okay, maybe not everyone thinks he's an adult, but still...)
Haru has a form of FASD (fetal alcohol spectrum disorder) known as alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder. Fortunately for him, his physical delays were mild. He was later meeting his milestones like sitting up, crawling, walking and feeding himself than typical kids, but he did eventually meet all of them and is physically "normal" now. His biggest challenges are non-physical, as he has issues with memory, attention, judgment and impulse control. Sometimes he has a hard time regulating his emotions as well. In terms of cognitive delays, he's quite intelligent but struggles with academic things; reading and writing in particular.
As a child, he had behavioural issues, but has since recognized those were mainly due to frustration, anxiety, and an inability to express himself and make his needs and feelings clearly understood. He worked with a therapist when he was a kid/young teen, who helped him develop coping strategies for anxiety, anger and frustration, and helped him find safe and healthy ways to communicate his needs.
Haru loves poetry, music and dance. Performing is the best and healthiest means of self-expression he knows. Most people don't realize it, but for him, being a performer is just as much therapy as it is a career.
One of the best things to have happened in Haru's life recently was meeting his boyfriend, Eden. Haru is afraid to tell most people about his disability because he's scared he'll be judged for it, but he told Eden, and Eden accepted it without any hesitation whatsoever. It's not that Eden is ignorant of Haru's challenges, but that he sees Haru as a whole person and not just as his disability. Haru loves that. One of the things he's constantly craved in his life are people who love and accept him as he is, and he's grateful to have found that in Eden.
Victor Okamoto-Nelson
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After retiring from his career as a competitive snowboarder, Victor ultimately settled on nursing as the profession he wanted to pursue. He's always known he wanted to work in healthcare in some capacity, but it took him a long time to decide because he'd always been worried about whether or not he could handle the training and whether or not he'd be any good in his chosen field.
Since finding out that his difficulties with reading were due to an eye condition rather than an intellectual deficit, his confidence in his ability to do academic things skyrocketed. There was no stopping him once his vision was corrected. He happily wears his glasses or contacts with the same satisfaction and pride as he'd wear a medal after a competition, as if they're a badge of achievement. He supposes they really are like that in some ways, because they represent the moment when he realized he could be way more than just an athlete.
Victor originally thought he might like to do home-care nursing, but his first clinical placement was in pediatrics, and after one day on the pediatric floor of Willow Creek Regional Hospital he immediately knew he'd found his calling. The registered nurse who'd supervised him told his professors that she thought he was a natural with kids. His gentleness and patience (and appropriate silliness) were valuable considerations for his supervisor.
Now, he and his best friend & step-sister Ellie are co-workers at the hospital. Ellie, also a nurse, works in the ICU. They're both extremely busy, but they try to catch up for a snack and a cup of tea whenever their breaks coincide.
Of course, they also spend loads of time together outside work, just like they've done all their lives. "The team" which used to be Victor, Ellie and Leo, has now expanded to include Yuri, as well as Yuri's friend Takahiro and his husband Fox. (Bonus: Leo and Taka also work together at one of the local preschools).
Victor loves his life. He has a job he's passionate about, a beautiful home, and a spouse who's devoted to him and who he's equally devoted to. He's lucky enough to have the freedom and opportunity to do what he enjoys, and he's happy about that. He still takes part in a lot of sports, including snowboarding, and he still likes to train dogs. He and Yuri travel a lot, usually whenever he has vacation time.
He's the uncle (or honourary uncle) to a lot of adorable kids, and he loves that, too. As far as he's concerned, it's the ideal situation. He gets to love them and play with them and teach them things, but doesn't have the problem of being tied down with full-time responsibility for them. His favourite kids are his step-niece Leonora and Camellia Abbottsford, probably because they both remind him of himself at their age.
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(My Favorite) Queer Characters in Anime
I just wanted to make a compilation of a few of my favorites for no reason. (NOTE: LONG POST!! And fyi I tagged the series/characters mostly.)
Ymir and Historia Reiss (Attack on Titan)
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During my very first watch of the anime, I fell in love with these two. I just absolutely adore them and their dynamic. Their relationship was so sweet. Whatever your opinions are on the conclusions to their arcs, there’s no denying these two were incredibly impactful in the story. 
Hange Zoe (Attack on Titan)
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One of my favorite characters in the series and happens to be somewhere outside of the gender binary. Gotta love them. 
Shinji Ikari and Kaworu Nagisa (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
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While many people deny it, there’s undeniably romantic feelings between these two. Shinji’s relationship with Kaworu was complicated -- as were all of his relationships -- but it was monumental for his character.  
Yuri Katsuki and Victor Nikiforov (Yuri!!! On Ice)
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One, Yuri on Ice is incredibly sweet, and two, it was my first anime. Yuri and Victor’s relationship was also monumental for queer male representation outside of BL, so I have to give it some recognition.
Alluka Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)
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I absolutely adore Alluka -- she’s just so incredibly sweet. I also love how her brother Killua calls out their family for misgendering her and is incredibly supportive. 
Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 the Infinity)
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While some people believe that Langa’s feelings toward Reki are platonic -- despite Langa stating that he likes him -- I think it’s undeniable that he has quite the crush on him. And awkwardness about these new and strong feelings is incredibly adorable!
Mafuyu Sato (Given)
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Not to say I don’t love the other characters from Given, but Mafuyu holds a special place in my heart. Seeing him deal with greif through music all while falling in love with Uenoyama was truly touching. 
Yuu Asuka (Stars Align)
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I love Stars Align, and I especially loved Yuu. Seeing this anime use terms such as ‘non-binary’ or ‘FtM’ was so incredible, and Maki’s talk with Yuu about gender with very sweet. 
Suruga Kanbaru (Monogatari Series)
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Definitely a controversial character from a controversial series, but I still love her. While people debate her sexuality, it is explicitly shown that she is attracted to women. She’s weird like everyone else in the series, but she’s complex and incredibly human. 
Reo Niiboshi and Mabu Akutsu (Sarazanmai)
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From one of the weirdest series I’ve seen comes one of the most interesting and heartbreaking relationships I’ve seen. I loved their song (Kawusoiya) and loved watching more and more about them unfold. Also, they have one of the most explicit declarations of love I’ve seen in a non-BL series, and the show doesn’t shy away from their relationship once. 
Shun Hashimoto and Mio Chibana (Umibe no Etranger)
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This movie and manga series was literally so sweet and wholesome. Reading and watching the relationship between these two just makes me smile. I have nothing more to say. 
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wayward-pendragon · 4 years
Anime Recommendations!
Hi everyone, I hope y’all are safe and happy! With quarantine still in place (at least in my country), I’m gonna keep the random rec lists coming! I’ve been watching a lotttt of animes and rewatching favourites, so I thought I’d share some of my favourites of all time! A lot of them are pretty mainstream, but for my friends who aren’t really into anime, these will get you hooked! In no particular order, let’s get started!
1. Snow White with the Red Hair, 24 episodes 
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This is hands down my favourite anime of all time. This shoujo anime make me feel so happy and it’s so wholesome, honestly such a feel good anime. Without spoiling too much, it’s about a herbalist named Shirayuki who ends up having to flee her home country and ends up meeting Prince Zen and goes to live in his country. The cast of characters in the anime is so good, there’s not a character to dislike. The genuine build up of friendship and eventual romance is just so sweet please watch. 
2. Demon slayer (26 episodes) 
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One of the best anime I’ve watched this past year. This anime has amazing plot, awesome animation and a great cast of characters. This anime follows Tanjiro as he becomes a demon slayer after a demon killed his family. Tanjiro and his sister, Nezuko were the only survivors but Nezuko was turned in a demon and now Tanjiro is on a journey to change he back into a human. If you are into anime with amazing fight scenes, I highly recommend. 
3. Hunter x Hunter (148 episodes) 
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I am currently watching this anime and it honestly made it onto my lists of favourite anime super quickly. The series starts with Gon and his quest to become a pro hunter and find his dad and goes on from there. With so many episodes and arcs, you can’t stop watching. The characters immediately hooked me on this show, Killua and Gon’s friendship is one of the sweetest things I’ve ever seen in anime, I literally want to adopt both of them. This anime is so heartwarming but also kinda dark and action packed. 
4. Haikyuu!! (73 episodes, on-going)
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My favourite sports anime my god. Haikyuu follows a high school volleyball team as they try to make it to nationals. This series made me so much more emotional than I thought it would, but you get so involved with the team and characters and want them to succeed. All of the characters from all of the teams are also fantastic and hilarious. If you need a fun but exciting anime, please please please watch Haikyuu!!
5. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (64 episodes)
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Where to even begin. I would say this is one of the most popular anime and for good freaking reason. Without giving too much away, this anime follows brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric as they go on a quest to get their bodies back. Honestly this is one of my fav animes, if you like awesome fight scenes and really intriguing plot, you will love this anime. 
6. Yona of the Dawn (24 episodes) 
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Another amazing anime but sadly, unfinished. I think this anime is best to watch w/o knowing very much. Just know that there is really good characters and character development and a very attractive love interest :))))
7. Soul eater (51 episodes) 
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One of the first animes I ever watched and as I remember it’s hella awesome, if you like halloween then the whole atmosphere of this anime will intrigue you. The fight scenes in this are really fun and so are the characters. If you need a fun medium length anime, I would recommend this one!
8. Inuyasha (193 episodes)
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This anime is worth all the hype in my opinion. The plot was great, the characters are fantastic and romance is so freaking cute I can’t. I’m also a sucker for asshole characters who are secretly really sweet. 
9. Fruits Basket (2019) (25 episodes (S1), S2 on-going)
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This is the cutest anime. The whole cast characters is amazing and you get so attached so fast. The protagonist is so sweet and optimistic and I really just wanna protect her. I went into this knowing next nothing and I think that’s the best way to do it. The 2001 version is good too but 2019 has better animation and is closer to managa (and has more episodes!). 
10. My Hero Academia (88 episodes, on-going)
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I love this anime with my whole heart. There is an adorable cast of characters and amazing fight scenes, I love this sm. It’s set in a world where like 95% of the population has ‘quirks’ which are basically super powers but not all of them are super powerful. Super heroes protect cities and the anime follows a high school where the students are training to become heroes. The main character is born without a quirk but through some crazy circumstances he ends up acquiring one. In my opinion this anime is worth the hype. 
11. Ouran Highschool Host Club (26 episodes)
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This one is wild. Ouran Highschool Host club is so iconic and it’s hilarious, I laughed out loud watching this one so much. Honestly I went into this knowing nothing and I think its funnier that way. 
12. Yuri!!! On Ice (13 episodes)
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THIS ANIME. The first sports anime w/ canon LGBTQ+ romance and its beautiful. I love the style, the skating, the music, the characters, just everything about it. This follows Yuri Katsuki, a professional figure skater from Japan and his skating career. After messing up a major championship, Yuri is lost and doesn’t know what to do w/ his career. After seeing a video of Yuri skate, his idol Victor, a skating legend, shows up to be his coach. Please watch this anime. 
13. Attack on Titan (62 episodes, on-going)
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If you are looking for a badass action anime this is the one for you. Humanity has fallen to the mercy of giant man-eating titans, and the people that survived live within a walled city to keep the titans out. This anime is a little disturbing and violent but it is so badass. Also Levi, the most badass character ever, makes this entire anime worth watching. 
14. Ao Haru Ride (12 episodes)
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Hands down my favourite romance anime. This anime is so freaking cute and it gave me so many fuzzy feelings. The animation is also super nice so that is always a plus. It follows Futaba and Kou who liked each other in middle school but were separated. They meet again in high school but they have both changed so much. If you want a romance anime I really recommend this one. 
15. Naruto (720 episodes)
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This is a freaking classic and really long. Almost everyone and their mother has heard of this anime or watched some of it before. Basically it’s about ninjas and follows mainly Naruto Uzumaki who want to eventually be the leader of his village but his ninja skills need a lot of work. I honestly didn’t think I would love this anime as much as I did but its just so good. It is a very big commitment to finish though so be prepared. 
16. Your Lie in April (22 episodes)
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Well this anime is literally beautiful. It is centered around 2 teens w/ major musical talent. It gets deep very fast but its also light hearted and wholesome. This anime made me cry like a baby so get your tissues ready. 
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