#i havent been talking as much as i like on disc
scorpiun · 6 months
life update i guess?
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meatriarch · 3 months
overview cont. i guess lmao. no one asked but its been something in the back of my mind for a while now & i got an anon tonight telling me i come off intimidating and i feel the need to just. make note of some things so that hopefully if anyone feels a certain way with how i run this blog then like. know and understand both my side as well as that my dms / disc is open for anyone to pop into -- just obv depends on the headspace at the time.
i know this is long & am sorry if it doesnt make sense but. just setting it gently out there.
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but, again, my disc ( same as my url ) is open for any mutual. its open to shoot the shit. open for plotting. open for memes. what have you. i may not always get to every message. i may not be in the headspace for certain things or certain energies. but its open for anyone as long as we are mutuals & if handles are different between here & disc then i just get a heads-up abt who you are so i know lmao
likewise, i am fairly fucking slow writing-wise and alot of that is because of offsite issues chipping into me but also because most, if not all, of the things i DO have in the inbox or drafts are from my affiliates at this time ( tho i do have some more from the archive i need to move over from a couple people ). alot of my spoons and drive to write and post is because of the dynamics and plotting built between our muses. im not a blog centered on plotting but, it does help to have a better idea on how to navigate between muses c: esp for those technically outside of my kiddos' texas canon obviously. that being said, anyone is welcome to like any inbox calls i put out there. and my inbox is always open and accepting, even if i havent reblogged prompts in a while -- i have my tag linked on my pinned and its available always & for whomever. it just comes with the understanding that i may take a while to respond to them & they may not get as expansive as some of my posts can get with my affiliates; which again, is just simply from how much we've been building together that helps with that!
on that note. my connections with my texas pals are very dear to me. both ic & ooc. as i noted in my overview post, i talk about the dynamics we've built openly and freely here because theyre so integral to my portrayals. they & their kiddos have my entire heart and i unapologetically love having fun with them and going on tangents with them and bouncing thoughts off of each others posts on the dash.
my experiences in other corners of tumby rp have not been particularly kind. and its been a long time since ive felt comfortable especially ooc with writing partners. and i understand if i may come across closed off or intimidating or unapproachable. i understand if i also come across partial to them / play favorites because frankly... i am. i do. thats because they've built bonds not just between characters but also with me. ill be very transparent and say that i am very particular in who i get close with and that translates into here too. but thats also just something that easily can also happen with literally anyone. again i do understand if i come across closed off in any sense but genuinely? im not scary and i have options open for continuing to grow more connections with people c: theyre open always. what im not going to do, however, purely out of personal experience is chase after interactions. the last fandoms i wrote in i did so and it wore me down into my last hiatus. i will show equal enthusiasm to whats given. but i wont fish for it, either. its just not my cup of tea.
i like to think im fairly patient and understanding in a lot, probably moreso than i should in some cases -- sincerely though if theres issues know that im fine with it being brought up. but im also not going to be welcoming nor tolerate my boundaries being disregarded or disrespected, im already dealing with that with an offsite friend. not dealing with it here. i do not like feeling so uncomfortable existing on my own blog or in my own disc. and i get that already with my personal disc & this offsite friend in particular. im not dealing with it here too.
which on that note, i also wont be receptive with issues regarding what i post, what i talk about, who i write with, who i choose as affiliates or mains or w/e. my blog & my dash are my safe & comfort zones and these muses often help me alot with navigating when my headspace is at a fucked up level. if any of that is a concern yes youre welcome to come to me and talk it over but end of the day? my comfort & mental state is a priority to me. if thats ever an issue i truly would just recommend you do what you feel is best for you. everyone existing on this hell-plane are entitled on curating their space in whatever manner they see fit.
again. i promise im not scary. im not an ass. but i do curate my space to be in my best interest and at my age & experience across the 10+ yrs ive been rping on and off here, ive seen alot, heard alot, experienced alot. i do apologize however if i do come across unapproachable or intimidating. i do apologize if i seem closed off to only a select few. i dont mind if you follow / we're mutuals solely just to keep up with what i write! thats completely okay too and i thank those who are <3 but if i seem unapproachable i literally just gently gesture again to my disc or prompts tag etc! i welcome any to get to know myself or my muses. regardless of how much time has passed since following one another. just again, comes with the understanding that my social battery & headspace often does work against me. and thats not personal against anyone, ever.
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strangegutz · 2 months
Oh I remembered what the question was! How does Eddie's memory work? You mentioned that he only has so much disc space, so, especially given how long he's been around, does he have to worry about running out of room for memory? Does it naturally decay in a similar way to humans?
I'm pretty loose on how I want it to work, with how sophisticated he is he does have quite a lot of room, but most of his memories are interpersonal stuff or his own life events, with other pure information being rough outlines he'd have to be refreshed on- thus being more street smart than book smart- Natural decay would for sure be part of it, aside from very important information. I think of it as very similar to human memory with a computer twist.
He can download information, languages, etc, and has drives that he's personally put info on that he might need later (i guess like a robot's way of taking notes or journaling) Zeki is an important asset to him, taking the time and space needed for any information gathering off his shoulders
I've thought a little bit about there being servers around, including one in The Gulch itself considering a few more robots that I havent talked much about yet, but we shall see!
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coconoct · 9 months
honestly been going back and forth w myself on a lot of things lately attaching a read more for the sake of ik i'll be rambling like theres no tmr
a part of me wants to drop pnc but i havent really gotten everyone i wanted yet + im broke so i need to build my stash up *looks at clotho and eos* oddly enough pnc has been a game ive been pretty happy on playing still hate how i missed a login day tho tbf ive rarely borderline never interacted w the fandom so me just being in the dark w what goes on there has kinda been a blessing and a curse in a sense that i can enjoy the game in peace but it feels like im alone doing so
pgr im really REALLY tempted on dropping my glb acc, once nocti comes around which will prob be around the end of the school yr for me thats where i'd be like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ welp ig im done and drop that acc after playing around w nocti and whatev. tw im still not too sure abt?? prob when i get around to lvling up my main teams i can be like ok im done and drop that at any time since im just there to experience content ahead of time without being in cn directly
before dropping pgr entirely i do wanna complete a few stuff i had in mind tho
countdown for hyperreal which will prob happen bambi patch
still need to finish that nocti countdown for tw ive barely had any motivation completing that
nocti's bday countdown (similar to how lee's went)
glb nocti's countdown
draw every char up to latest one in cn
a few noctiskk comics thats been in the back of my head for MONTHS now
basically LOTS of countdowns and nocti stuff before i drop everything entirely
will i still draw pgr stuff after all that? mayyybeee???? itll moreso be towards kye's lore building rather than it being a standalone thing. i'll still collect merch and build up my shrines and make cosplay for chars but aside from that i'm pretty much gonna be moving on to other things
ive always had 50/50 feelings w being in the pgr fandom, tho being introduced to it on disc and then going to twt may have affected my views on this whole thing. esp when the side of the fandom i was first introduced to is like the lowest of the low, i dont want to go back to a place where a bunch of dudebro incels made fun of me for being afab and liking lee and me thinking that was a norm when it clearly isnt. its been 2 goddamn yrs and theyre still poking fun at that?? like my god grow up im so sick and tired of it.
if by a slim chance i still want to participate in being in the pgr fandom i'll just go back to lurking like ive always done in prev fandoms, if i really wanna be active in talking abt the game i'll talk abt it in servers or dms, but publicly i felt that i could never really comfortably talk abt how i feel abt it aside from here cause this site >>>>>> bc i felt like my opinions arent valid, tho that really applies to anything i do so 💀💀
pgr has been a really nice game for me to destress and detach myself from reality for a bit, tho now i wanna move on to other games and focus more on my ocs like i did back in the day. once i properly set up everyone's lore doc maybe in the future i'll make a game around them, nothing too big since i'll pretty much be making most of it, but i kinda wanna fulfill my childhood dream that was just recently unlocked
theres also that small part of me that wants to be known for my oc stuff rather than pgr stuff, but bc im not tagging w popular art tags im kinda just existing, and thats fine by me. hitting 500+ follows on twt was like peak realization of me going like "oh shit, 😨 maybe this big of a following aint for me" and it truly isnt lol
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jamnotjam · 2 years
1 of 1
H.JH x F!reader
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Rating: smut, slight fluff
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: friends to lovers arc, college au, tipsy sex, unprotected sex, creampie, (slight) hair pulling, choking, fingering, riding
Requested: no
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“Hey! Hey! Y/n!”
You, whos just trying to walk back to your dorm peacefully, hear your friend, hyungjun running towards you yelling your name.
He catches up to you and stops, panting
you laugh lightly
“hey jun, whats up?”
hyungjun has been your friend since you got to college, he sat across from you in the library, so many nights of silent studying together before he finally decided to talk to you
“i…got…a new…game”
he says inbetween deep breaths
“ran…across…campus..for this”
you laugh
“will be agreeing to play them with you make you feel better?”
His face lights up
You nod
he smiles
“yay! Lets go!”
he wraps his arm around your shoulder and starts walking to his dorm.
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Hyungjun opens his front door and holds it open for you, you smile
“okay then, gentleman”
you walk in and take your coat off and hang it up, he runs to his gaming console and picks up a few game discs, you smile and watch him rush to push the first game in, you dont remember the last time he was this excited.
you plop on the beanbag chair next to him. He smiles at you
“you ready to play the best game ever?”
He says, finger on the start button
“lets do this”
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you two play the game for the next couple of hours, it wasnt until cans of beer get involved that you guys completely forgot about the game all together.
You guys are laying on your beanbags across from each other, beers in hand. Both of you are tipsy now, jun maybe alittle bit more than you, he sighs after another swig of his drink
“i havent gotten laid in so long”
he looks at you
“what about you”
you sigh
“well….too be honest”
he leans up out of curiosity
“i havent even kissed anyone since i got here”
his jaw drops
“no one?!”
You laugh lightly
“i dont have time!”
“Oh time shmime, sometimes you gotta make time for it”
he sits up
“like now!”
“Right now you have time, im sure we can find a party or something”
you laugh
“junnie! I dont wanna just fuck the first person i see!”
"Why not? Thats the fun of college!”
You smile
“no, i wanna spend time with you”
he smiles
“awww shucks, dont make me blush y/n”
you giggle and take another swig of your drink
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“hey…and totally tell me if this is a bad idea, junnie, but…can i kiss you?”
hyungjun looks at you, cheeks already rosy red
“I know, its a stupid idea, but i havent kissed someone in so long, i dont even remember what its like”
he thinks for a second then nods
“sure, for you”
you smile and sit up, he does too, he pulls himself closer to you, you can smell the alcohol on his breath
“you ready?”
He asks, you nod, he sits his hands on your shoulders and pulls you into a kiss, his lips smashing against yours, you hold onto his waist.
You shut your eyes, enjoying the feeling of kissing someone again, he rests his hand against the side of your face and tilts his head.
Hes the one to pull away first, his face rosy and his lips swollen, hes never looked so pretty, he smiles at you
“that was nice”
he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and gently carresses the side of your face
“wanna do it again?”
you nod vigorously, he chuckles and pulls you in again, lips moving against yours in tandem.
he wraps his hands around your waist and yours go to his hair, he crawls closer to you, body slotted in between your legs, he pulls away and kisses at your jaw
“you have no clue how much ive wanted to do this”
he says in between kisses, he sucks on your collar bones
“when you walk around campus with your short skirts and tight shirts”
he bites lightly on your neck
“i dont know how i control myself, your such a tease”
you moan lightly and accidently tug on his hair, he groans
he pulls away and stares at you, he pulls his shirt off, you do the same.
He pulls you on his lap, you grind down on him, he sends his hands in your pants and past your panties, he strokes your clit and pushes two fingers past your entrance.
He pumps his fingers in and out of you, stretching you out, he stares at you, eyes glossed over.
He fingers you until hes positive your stretched out enough and pulls his hand out, he looks at your juices on his fingers and shoves them in your mouth, you moan as you taste yourself on his fingers.
He pulls his fingers out and kisses you again, hungrily, he bites your lip lightly and pulls away
“you ready?”
He asks, voice dark with lust, you nod.
He pulls your pants down, your hands work on his belt, he lifts himself up and pulls his own pants down, you look at his cock straining against his boxers, your mouth waters in excitement, he chuckles
“like what you see, sweetheart?”
He pulls his cock out his boxers, you sit back on his lap and he moves your panties out of the way, you sink down on his cock, he groans
“fuck, y/n”
his head hits the back of the wall.
You moan as you bounce up and down, he moans
“y/n…so tight”
he takes your hand and places it on his neck, signalling for you to squeeze it, he puts his hands on your hips, guiding you up and down on his cock.
He plants his feet flat on the ground and thrusts up into you, you moan loud, borderline screaming, he thrusts up hard and fast, each time hitting that sweet spot that melts your brain, you squeeze on his neck harder and his thrusts become much sloppier, you can tell hes close, his moans become more high pitched and and his face contorts with pleasure.
He pushes your body down and wraps your legs around his waist, he pounds into you faster than ever and suddenly your high is fast approaching
he mutters out before thrusting deep within you, filling your womb with his seed, this tips you over the edge too, cumming right after him.
He collapses on top of you, panting
He holds your body close to his and pulls out, still laying ontop of you
“junnie, get off me”
“oh fuck, right”
he rolls over next to you and stares at the ceiling
“is…what you said before true?”
You say as you look at him
“About, how you always wanted to do this before”
he looks at you
“well yeah, i thought you were the most beautiful girl when i first saw you”
you smile
“and you are abit of tease”
you laugh
“shut up!”
He giggles and rolls over, placing a peck to your lips
“you dont have to worry about getting laid anymore, kay? You got me”
you smile and nod
“okay, junnie”
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Thank you for 20 followers! I know its not that big of a milestone but im grateful for my little audience.
Feedback appreciated!
Request info
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politely requesting ramblings/info on any gin to kin merch or pachinko machines that may exist i cannot get enough of those funky guys
Unfortunately there's not much in the way of merch the same way there is for kaiji/akagi, but there is a HISTORY that gtk has.
Like 7 movies. 7 entire live action movies. Seven Whole Films. each over an hour long, all about an hour 30 min.
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Cannot understate that this franchise has had more live action films than any fkmt work. Seven whole MOVIES
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Since I have a series where I watch and react to live action fkmt adaptations (as slowly as i've been updating that...), I will watch them eventually! but since they're only available unsubtitled and untranslated, I plan to save them for last to give myself the most time to really Prepare so im not just sitting there trying to process things the whole time without talking about what's happening.
I have 3 rental discs from this series :) they don't work and they're old and scratched up, but they're a neat collectors item (dirt cheap too)
There ARE also multiple pachinko and slot machines! I have a couple dvds from them (promotional discs, so they just contain like 4-7 minutes of ads)
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The slot machines (made by Taiyo Elec) take on a more 2d style
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While the pachinko machines (made by Maruhon) have more of a 3d style to them! both images are screencaps from the discs I have (Havent uploaded anywhere yet because the contents r copy protected but I havent tried in a LONG time so I’ll give it another shot)
As one might also guess, there are no known video game adaptations of gtk. BUT, the characters have been featured in two games to my knowledge
1. This kaiji social game from 2013 that was only around for a year
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2. The recent Poker Chase collaboration
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Yeah that’s really it to my knowledge
...as for merchandise, there’s not much.
The largest source for gin to kin merch, and most merch for underrated fkmt properties, is allstars
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Some different keychains and straps exist for fkmt allstars ginji and morita
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For the og manga, there’s whatever this is. Seems to be promoting the drama, or the version of the manga that was printed around the time the drama was out.
Which brings me to the drama! In 2017 there was a live action drama
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Honestly I don’t know how to feel about it. It was one of the very few legally accessible fkmt adaptations for a long time being on U.S. amazon prime so i’d watch it ENDLESSLY but since it’s removal I’ve barely watched it on my own time (I like to have my media downloaded offline so i do have it+other fkmt dramas just in a folder)
There is a piece of merch for this drama, being a mug
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ryeguns · 2 years
did you like the end of dsmp?
i didnt watch it and honestly im probably never going to. i havent been up to date with the dsmp at ALL, like the last stream i watched was the quackity lore stream where slimecicle appeared for the first time but even before that i stopped watching other povs and just stopped looking into it in general. i have. so many things i can say about the dsmp. negative and positive but mostly negative regarding the writing and story after the end of the disc war. i honestly think it shouldve ended there, with dream being put into prison. i feel like that was the perfect end but ofc thats not what we got. honestly im probably going to make a video talking about how the rest of the dsmp played out after the disc war ending because its something that bothers me so much.
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bonescribes · 1 year
name. bones!
pronouns. they/them!
preference of communication. discord is my absolute preference, but i also like to start out in tumblr dms and move to disc if we talk a lot. (i have...a surplus of disc friends who i havent talked to in literal years lmao. i never clean that shit out. im trying to be better about this akgkmkgdm)
name of muse(s). gestures vaguely @ my muses page
experience/how long have you been writing (months/years?). oh god, uh? about 10 years? i honestly dont remember exactly. ive been writing on tumblr for 10ish years but i started on deviantart (and before that, chat forums) when i was much too young to be rping on the internet. think like. 2008.
platforms you’ve used. as mentioned above, tumblr, deviantart, and old old old forum chats. i think thats pretty much it? i do some rping with close friends on discord but its not a major thing for me.
best experience.  UHH GOOD QUESTION, ive had a ton of really amazing moments throughout the years. times when people have made art of my threads stick out the most to me (i still have every piece of art ever made for me saved haha, it really is a treasure to me) 
fluff, angst, or smut? ANGST. WHUMP. THATS THE GOOD KUSH. this is a very obvious bias of mine lmao. fluff is a really close second though, im a sucker for soft shit. i know they can often get stale fast, but i really do love slice of life threads.
plots or memes? i prefer memes, actually, so long as we have SOME idea of relationships/storylines/whatever talked over beforehand. i really like pulling threads out of my ass with just a good prompt (call it the DM in me). that said, i do think the threads that last the longest are the plotted ones, even if you start out with a prompt
long or short replies? a happy medium, probably? i often feel like im rambling if i try to write too much, but short replies can feel lackluster/limiting frequently. just whatever works in the moment without trying to push yourself to one or the other tbh.
best time to write. at work LMAO i literally do all of my writing at work
are you like your muse(s)? UHHH you know ive been asked this before and my answer then is the same as my answer now: im not really like any of my muses LOL . we share common traits, obvs, but none to like...a noteworthy degree. i use yukito as a faceclaim p often tho
TAGGED BY: expertly thieved from @aachromaa
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cmyknoise · 2 years
i am glad that some ppl can find the final disc confrontation as a solid ending to the dsmp, at least for tommy and tubbo, but i can't.
to me it isn't a satisfying ending, sending dream away to prison with so many loose threads and empty promises.
i think there's genuinely good stuff that would come from events thereafter for their characters as well, and i don't think revivebur/cwilbur is as bad as some people think he is. i think the problem is genuinely the timeframe everything happened in and how because of that it made things happen that wouldn't have or things that should've didn't happen.
i think, especially direct post revival, revivebur was a great character and i think the potential between him and ranboo could've been great, and the foundations they laid for their characters to learn something from each other was very very well done and good, it just never came to fruition, and wilbur had to write a book to catch us up on things no one else would do.
i think that some of the closure tommy had begun to get, such as slowly opening up to people like quackity or wilbur or his friends, or doing things he loved again was a very good thing for him.
i think that even some of the tragedies post disc finale were immensely interesting, like our glimpse into limbo and everything that would happen between sam and tommy's relationship, etc.
genuinely i think there were good things, good plans, and it all worked out when they worked together to do them. even the lore over the last few days, i think, although not ideal and clearly rushed, still has very good elements to them and because they were communicated through and talked out, it shows.
i just wished this all happened like, 6 months ago. i wish the finale for wilbur and tommy would've happened back in spring or summer or even earlier, if these 3+ month gaps in between streams didn't happen, because i think that's what really killed it. the missteps in writing and flaws wouldn't be as obvious if things had continued to happen consecutively. i think there are lots of problems with the lore and things that have happened over the last few months but i genuinely think it's not the writing that is the problem but the timing. it's like if you had a tv show season that was supposed to run for 20 episodes but they only aired maybe 5 a year. you forget what happened last time, the details, you've lost the hype and excitement, or you've analyzed the last bit of content so much that your expectations will simply never be met.
i, unfortunately, don't find the final disc confrontation as an easy fall back. i can't just pretend that that was the ending, because to me, it doesn't conclude it well narratively. in the grand scheme of things it wasn't as huge a win for tommy and tubbo, not after all they went through. dream didn't die he went to prison. there were still people around that hated them. he lived under the pretense that wilbur would've been revived, and if it would've just ended there would've been so much that they never got to talk through that they eventually did.
im glad some people can do that, but i cant. and i dont know how the finale for tommy and tubbo's characters will go tomorrow, i've only been watching clips and reading recaps and once they're available, i've been skipping through vods.
i don't know how much hope i have for tomorrow. tommy once said he wanted us to have a good ending. by the way it looks it looks more like they're setting up a promo for dsmp s2 and i hope to god it's not that. i hope something happens. i hope that something, anything lets tommy not die tomorrow.
regardless of how it does end, i'm glad it's over, and i hope that they can do new, brighter things in the future. i hope they make new smps or bring back other ones. i hope people stop hounding their chats about the dream smp and lore and let them play minecraft without mentioning it. i hope they can play other games, bring back old series, play with more people they havent much, god fuck anything please.
i hope that what they do next they can view as having fun, and not something they do out of obligation or for job reasons.
i hope they can have fun after the dream smp and that we get content that they want to show us, and that they enjoy creating with as much passion they did 2 years ago.
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wujico · 5 months
first post.. wow hello void. this is a little more awkward than i thought. i know i should treat this like im writing on paper again in my little taco journal i got from my friend back in elementary, but... idk maybe its the thought that somebody might read this that puts me off. and also the fact that i just.... havent written anything in any sort of journal since i was 16 and making goodbye letters (ToT) what a life
anyway today is a saturday... well its sunday morning at 5am but im riddled with anxiety and cant sleep so :,) im trying to keep my thoughts busy. i work again tomorrow, only six hours which is usual for me, but its fucking -50⁰ where i live rn and I REALLY dont wanna force myself out of bed..... ugh
but ive been really good at never skipping work unless im throwing up all over the place so :,) speaking of that, i just got done being sick with the flu for the SECOND TIME within two months !!!!! i have a horrid immune system.. most of the time when im sick i spend hours rotting away in my bed and on the bathroom floor... these two times were no different
i genuinely was up at like 5am unable to sleep sobbing in my bed because it hurt so much !!! i gen wanted to die lmfao i hate being sick
but its whatever... at least i got to talk to 🍀 while i was high on meds and a 39.8⁰ fever... i said some funny shit but he just entertained me... i love looking back at our messsages.. he really seems to care for me.... crazy
neway yes saturday.. today.. what did i do- well i had work. i was stressing the entire day over being able to get my hw done for uni classes on time but then i just.. decided not to work on it at all. idk.. work was okay. i love working. even though its a a gross fast food restaurant with shady people coming and making a mess 24/7. all that bad cancels out when it comes to my cowokers. ive had so... so so so many people ive loved at this job. people ive loved more than i should and who have left me (WHATS NEW) BUTTT thats a story for another day
well anyway i got to see one of my besties who is always talking about her boy troubles ... i think everyone still thinks im a lesbian there since im not out to them as trans and have a gf 🙃 its kinda funny.. especially with all my male coworkers
who can just goof off and be close to me without the added stress of thinking its going to go anywhere (for the two of us).
wow this is already becoming so long shksjjsskjslk i have a feeling each post is gonna be like this... just a ramble about my life
anyway. i went home and immediately one of my headmates made himself know... his names nikki and hes... newish? hes been around since august 2023 but just recently showed himself. well we played sky together for a while, just the two of us. i sorta.. soft called out 🍀 on my discord status saying something like "chill cr w/ nikki!! anyone can join!" hoping theyd join my game LOL
well it was a call out to any one of my sky friends on disc (my new friend mochi actually ended up seeing it and we got to talk propery on sky for one of the first times... i was so happy)
i felt bad for 🍀 at first because he couldnt see mochis chat messages while we were having a whole ass conversation with 🍀 piggy on my shoulders... but they added each other a little later and i think the convo went well :)
🍀 's sky friend actually joined us as well.. i dont know her... nor do i really care that 🍀 seemed so close with her (well that was definitely a lie i told myself)
im so jealous LMFAOOOO definitely problems related to being stuck in a toxic friend group for 12 years BUT AGAIN thats a story for another day
anyway i was a bit sad at first because there are just things you cant say in a chat with your queer platonic partner when theres a random who you sort of know but have never personally talked to... so i shut off a bit... nikki tho bless him wtf was like- urging me to stop being so closed off towards sky friends sjhdksjsk especially because this person was really nice and even asked if she could tag along (which i said was fine because i cant say no to anything, no matter how hard i try)
it got better tho, when mochi joined
i really am a horrible person, because i felt i finally had equal grounds on 🍀 by being able to talk to mochi while they couldnt
curse being literally delusionally attached to 🍀 because he is my o n l y true friend !!!
i really am selfish for wanting to have all his attention. i am such a shitty human being
anyway... we went to eden (i lead everyone) and then sat and talked for a bit. being on equal ground with mochi about our interest in skz was super refreshing. its been a while since ive talked to anybody... but i recently joined the sky server and mochi and a few others dmed me
half way through i saw me and 🍀 's mutal friend come online.... ill call him 🌟 on here.... i only recently got to know him because i was online on sky alone and decided to join him.. he was doing quests by himself so i got some 1 on 1 time with him and omg hes so cool
i always have this habit of putting everyone else in an "untouchable" catergory, because everyone compared to me is just so much better. i guess i idolized 🌟 in a way because i never got to talk to him... he was only mutals to me through our sky friend group
anyway after that 1 on 1 i immediately felt so amazing and i wanted to talk to him every chance i get... so after mochi left and he hadnt joined our game (which was suprising because i was with 🍀 and the other person who are close to 🌟 and he likes them a lot better than me so i thought hed join one of them.... but he didnt) so i just went and joined his game immediately
i kinda ditched 🍀 but its whatever, i was still in a bad mood from earlier
i was kinda upset and sad all day so.... i was distant in my head and wasnt talking to anyone.. but that wore off the moment i got the chance to talk to 🍀 again
which was when my dad suprised me with mcdonalds !!! i really felt gross after eating it- and still do- but it helps sometimes. to eat that garbage.. ive always been a binge eater
where the hell even was i
yea i teleported to 🌟 to hang out with him and 🍀 warped to me... i didnt really mind because theyre both super cool and my idols but i got a dry ass greeting from 🌟 wheres as 🍀 got a enthusiastic one !! so yeah immediately i was like aight i see how it is
but 🍀 left to do a cr so i got more 1 on 1 time with 🌟 WHICH WAS SO NICE!! i feel like we are getting closer and closer everyday... anyway he was playing some music and i offered to stay and listen and it was gen so nice... i wanted to fall asleep just listening to him play hehe and after every song id complement him and we'd talk about what hed just played (if it was from a game or a movie) .... and well he seemed gen grateful for the compliments which made me fill up with pride
eventually 🍀 came back but i didnt really mind since i got my 1 on 1 time and i enjoy talking to both of them anyway
we had a nice convo going then 🌟 left
i always feel so prideful when i can make people laugh, even though it might even just be a lol or hahaha
then me and 🍀 had one on one time... which is what brings me to writing this
he mentioned he had a secret tumblr diary. this isnt the first time he mentioned it- back when we met irl he said if i could find it i could read it.... i tried to find it lol but couldnt so i just gave up
i didnt even think about it again until tonight.... i thought about trying to find it again but then i was like- yk what would be a better idea !!! make my own !!
so yeah i got the idea from him... a little secret vent diary place that i hope nobody can find (especially him, but if you do find it, im sorry LOL)
really i kinda wanna go looking for his but.... idk after making my own im just like how fucking awkward would it be for him to find mine and read it 😀😀 LIKE THAT WOULD BE SO BAD
so ive given up again
im gonna wait until he shares it with me.. idk when that'll be, but maybe when he does ill have wrote a lot on here and can share this with him as well
after all, i am kinda crazy. ill tell him every little secret about me if he asked.
i have so much to say but no brain power left. oh well
- ji
(1 / 13/ 2024)
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garabgecansteveirwin · 10 months
i love the teenage mutant ninja turtles so much they are so fucking cool like it's literally awesome like four turtles that are teenagers and mutants and ninjas and one of them is cool but rude and one is a party dude and there is that cool vanilla ice song and they all have different cool weapons like swords and shit it's literally so awesome and there are so many different versions of the ninja turtles and its so cool to see the differences between them all and the different aspects of them all and how the lore changes with each version its so fucking cool and the krang are literally like octopus aliens that live in robot suits thats so fucking cool and there are bebop and rocksteady like dude a warthog and a hippo running around doing crimes together and they are friends and shit its so cool and they have different coloured bandanas and they love pizza which is cool because pizza is good and everybody likes pizza im lactose intolerant and is still like pizza it's literally crazy and the technodrome is like a giant sphere that comes out of the ground and stuff and there is a turtle blimp and a turtle van and the turtles dad is a rat like thats literally crazy its so cool i kinda wanna play the uncharted games again those games are good i should play them again tom holland was a bad choice as nathan drake and mark wahlberg was a bad choice as sully holy fucking shit i love the teenage mutant ninja turtles there is casey jones and he is a guy who beats people up with a hockey stick that is so fucking cool but i didn't like when steven amell played casey jones i dont like steven amell and he doesn't support striking so he is a bad dude those micheal bay ninja turtles movies suck steaming horse shit the shredder suit is so over designed in the first movie its so ugly like what the hell and splinter is so ugly in that movie two and will arnett is in it and i like will arnett but he is so boring in that movie god the second micheal bay movie is a bit better though its still not great but the turtle designs are better and splinter looks less freaky and will arnett is in it less. will arnett was really good as lego batman i think that the lego batman movie is probably the best batman movie its crazy how there are like different people from different places and they are kinda different like some people have accents and the people who i consider to have an accent thinks i have an accent and they dont have accent its crazy like why is it that people from scotland sound different than people from canada yet they speak the same language it is crazy and doesn't make any sense also the police kill 10,000 dogs a year and i reckon that is bad because dogs are pretty cool and police are bad and stuff yeah i think i will play the first three uncharted games i have them all on one disc but i dont have the forth one i think those games are fun i havent been playing a lot of shooter games lately i quit fortnite a while ago because i was spending all my money on it i have red dead and 2 and there is shooting in that game but it is kinda boring and the shooting is weird i wanna play the doom remake from 2016 but i wonder if that will feel different because it is shooting aliens and monsters from hell and stuff and not humans i should play the last of us 2 again that game is so good i have played through it like 3 or 4 times the story is great and i love how they portray innocence and guilt and revenge it is so compelling i also think that the story in the 2nd uncharted game kinda sucks it is mostly just chloe being like "i betrayed you wait im a double agent no im betraying you again but actually the bad guy made me betray and i actually think you are great and i am in love with you nathan drake" i like the teenage mutant ninja turtles a lot i think the toys are cool and its also cool how it started as a parody of daredevil that doesnt really get talked about anymore i also like how kevin eastman and peter laird who are the creators of the ninja turtles get a cameo in like every new version of the ninja turtles its cool
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years
-Slice of life or plotted ideas?
Mun Questions
Slice of life or plotted ideas?
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((good question! i dont know!
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((i [mostly] kid, but like
((okay, lemme like, take this as more of a "random events pull the muses together" vs "the muns have an idea in mind"(
((in all my years of rp BEFORE this specific blog, it's always been the first one. and that's fun! it's lead to a lot of drama and a lot of funny things happening. like i still remember sonic teaching carol how to spin dash, or discord landing in carol's theoretical lap and chillin', or some random fights that happened all because carol is a hard headed idiot
((however, this year has kind of been my first REAL intro to plotted rps
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((thaaaaaat i remember, anyway
((like, okay, im 100% sure me and sonar-mun plotted on the previous blog, but i literally do not remember a single lick of it. and it's never been to this extent where we have EVENTS PLANNED fucking WEEKS in advanced.
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((dont quote me on this but i think as soon as sister's intuition finished there were thoughts about how carol confessing to sonar would go. i think we are both surprised at how it actually ended up but i know thoughts were thrown around and we've had this vague idea on how itd go
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((IMs didn't EXIST back then! people had to talk through ASKS and FAN MAIL and shit. i even remember being MAD that tumblr did IMs in the first place.
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((what a fool i was.
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((ANYWAY! i think back then i was against the idea of plotting because it goes against what i felt like rp was/is--the SPONTANIETY OF IT ALL
((carol and fucking flowey meet, shenanigans ensue. that's it that's all you need and you have awesome interactions.
((or carol and sans. she tries to steal from him, sans threatens a murder. awesome! this is awesome!
((but like, with actual plotted THREADS you get these cool things that happen and then these spontaneous moments can happen BECAUSE of it
((it's like writing a story with someone and nobody knows what the outcome'll be--assuming y'all havent plotted that far ahead
((or, something something THE JOURNEY IS GREATER THAN THE DESTINATION. stuff like that.
((carol fuckin' used her jump disc WAY EARLIER in the jet race thread than i planned. me and them planned for it to tie but we didn't plan how we'd GET to the tie. and that's FUN. IT'S SO MUCH FUN.
((but then carol interacts with shigaraki on a whim and becomes... frrrrriends...? with a murderer. that's awesome. you cant get that anywhere else.
((there's a lot of give and pull between these two concepts and i find it incredibly fascinating. i love planning out shit with my friends. but i also love throwing this cat at my friends and seeing how their muses react! there's some things you just cant GET from either side and it's kind of magical.
((and this is all probably funny coming from me, the gal who writes a drabble every other day. but god i really DO love how cool some non plotted things are.
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((side tangent about all my drabbles--A LOT OF THEM AREN'T PLANNED.
((the lilac confession's been a long time coming, lets be real
((it's a collaborative writing project, all of this is. it's so fucking awesome and i feel honored everyday i get to be apart of someone's world or someone wants to be apart of mine or AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
((you have no idea how HAPPY it makes me to rp and make all of these awesome memories and things happen. i would have been speedrunning instead of this if sonar-mun didn't egg me on to write for carol again.
((musical tea 4evr
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((oh! and one last thing!
((plotted threads or plotted THINGS in general are SUPER DUPER FUN because like
((when you have that MOMENT in mind, that moment that you so desperately wish to HIT, it can cause a calvacade of consuing conumdrums figuring out how the hell you GET there
((i wanted to get to the confession really badly but i knew that carol would never do it on her own
((so, how does one get her to do it? have her vent to cory. then to tangle [THIS WAS UNPLANNED, DO YOU SEE WHY I LOVE RP SO MUCH], then talk to milla, and then confess to LILAC, FIRST.
((lilac's confession was the only thing in my mind that made me go ''carol would definitely want to confess to sonar after this. itd give her the confidence she needs. "if lyli can do it, then so can i!!!" ''. and i mean it didnt really turn out like that but STILL
((raw emotions on display for everyone involved. it was so short but it was also so fucking exciting. i LOVE HITTING THOSE MOMENTS. ITS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!
((but uh, yeah.
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((tl;dr: theyre both good. i have a lot of passion for both and im totally down to do either or.))
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markets · 3 years
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so this post of mine has been gaining some traction lately and due to popular demand (aka one comment telling me to write it), i actually wrote an essay about it. is it good? probably not lol, but its like 3 double spaced pages long and i actually really like it, so id appreciate it if you checked it out!
 it’ll be under the cut but first i just wanted to clarify some things: this is about their characters on the smp, not them as real people. so just pretend that theres a c! in front of every name i mention lol. also, im still about a month behind on the smp and havent watched every stream, so if anything is inaccurate/not up to date i apologize
              Two Sides of the Same Coin: A Tommy and Tubbo Analysis
      Over the years, many fictional characters have been deemed two sides of the same coin; two things that are closely related regardless of how different they may seem. Tommy and Tubbo fit that description to a tee. Their positive and negative qualities balance each other out perfectly, something that allows them to bring about meaningful change when they’re together but causes chaos to reign when they’re apart, a fact that Dream used to his advantage during the exile arc.
      One of the ways they balance each other out is in their leadership styles. Tommy leads with his heart and tends to let his emotions take control, while Tubbo has been known to lead with his head and make decisions based on logic rather than what he’s feeling at the time. An example of this was when he exiled Tommy to avoid violence and trouble for his country in the long run rather than letting his lifelong friendship with him cloud his judgement. By themselves, anyone who leads with their heart or head alone is bound to run into pitfalls, but being together allows the good qualities of these forms of leadership to shine through and the bad ones to cancel each other out: Tubbo acts as a voice of reason for Tommy and helps him think rationally, while Tommy helps Tubbo lead with more compassion to avoid becoming, in his own words, “the next Schlatt”.
In addition to this, some of their greatest flaws complement each other as well. Tommy is constantly regarded as being too stubborn, emotional, and angry, qualities that made Wilbur believe he would never be president and are the reason why Dream is scared of him. On the other hand, Tubbo is known to be a pushover, a “yes man” who, despite being able to stand his ground sometimes, typically gives in to others too easily. Just like Tommy, this quality made many believe he’d make a horrible president. However, the complementary nature of their friendship allows them to help one another and balance out each other's flaws: Tommy helps Tubbo stand his ground and make decisions for himself, while Tubbo helps Tommy avoid doing anything rash. A great example of this last statement is the aftermath of Tubbo’s execution, when Tommy was angry and started looking for the button to explode Manberg, despite his hesitancy to do so earlier, saying “Where’s the button? They fucked up for the last time”. However, Tubbo put a stop to this by telling him to go with him to Pogtopia.
      There are many more examples of how they balance each other out from the times when they have been together, but even more can be seen when they're apart. Their separation was the root cause of all the chaos that occurred during and directly after the exile arc. Without Tommy and his warnings against becoming “the next Schlatt”,  Quackity was able to take the helm in most major decisions and pressure Tubbo into violent political plans, despite one of the main reasons for exiling Tommy being to avoid violence. Tubbo only stood up to him when he realized one of his plans directly paralleled his execution under Schlatt’s rule. Meanwhile, without Tubbo there to support Tommy, he ended up teaming up with Technoblade, another thing Tubbo sought to avoid with the exile. Tommy’s habit of letting his emotions take over, not to mention his post-exile mental instability, and Technoblade’s penchant for violence and the destruction of L’Manberg proved to be a dangerous combination, since Technoblade not only failed to stop Tommy’s rash behavior but also encouraged it.
      It is highly likely that Dream was not only aware of these facts but also motivated by them. This can be seen many times throughout the exile arc, as well as right before it began. Not only was Tommy’s crime arguably worthy of no more than the originally proposed three week probation, if Dream really wanted to unfairly punish Tommy, there are many arguably worse punishments he could’ve chosen, such as execution, forcing Tommy to give him one of his precious discs (though it’s not likely that Tommy would’ve given in to that easily), or the destruction of L’Manberg. However, Dream likely knew that, by separating Tommy and Tubbo, they would do his work for him and destroy L’Manberg from the inside. After physically separating them by successfully getting Tubbo to exile Tommy, Dream took it upon himself to emotionally separate Tommy from his best friend as much as possible by talking about how much better things were in L’Manberg without him there, breaking his spirit, and feeding him lies, such as the lie about what happened to Tubbo’s compass or his sabotaged beach party.
      In addition, there is a small detail in Dream’s plan that is commonly overlooked: his mention of Technoblade's house. Without looking too much into it, it simply seems like an offhand comment made to perpetuate the idea that Dream was his friend. However, if Dream’s primary goal was to keep Tommy as isolated as possible from everyone else, it would make no sense for him to not only tell him how close by another person lived, but also give him directions to them, even if the person was one of the people Tommy hated the most. From this standpoint, it seems foolish, but it could actually be viewed as one of Dream’s smartest moves. From this, it can be inferred that Dream was not only aware of how destructive a Technoblade and Tommy teamup would be, but also encouraged it. For this same reason, he let Tommy stay in hiding with Technoblade, even after he told Ghostbur he knew he had been there. By doing this, Dream was able to twist Tommy’s volatility and aversion to the rules, the very qualities that made him the only person Dream feared, in his favor.
      For all his flaws, Dream is a smart man, and he was able to realize what many others failed to: Tommy and Tubbo’s bond was the heart and soul of L’Manberg, one of the only things keeping it running. Without them together balancing each other out, they became powerful forces of mostly unintentional chaos and destruction, collapsing the country they loved and playing right into Dream’s hands. They are two sides of the same coin: despite how different they may seem, they are closely related, necessary to each other's ability to flourish, grow, and survive, and cannot be separated.
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kadssp-main · 2 years
idk if you remember how i look but i can send you through disc if you're comfy!
other than that, i'm 5'2 i like the color pink and i like shitposts LMAO i'm not sure what to say about me? i guess i've been an honor student since junior high,,, i like taking in random hobbies every year... suffering from the golden child curse T-T i'm a marketing major rn!!
i like praise but i like being talked down to filth HELP i buy a lot of clothes when i can and is more of a cat person than a dog hmmm i love desserts but my stress food is more on the salty side. like making playlists and like graphic design <333
i guess that's it? <333 genshin/tokyorev maybe 0-0 i'm good with any
this is prob so bad my mind has not been working at all today baby
kazutora !!
i have not seen tokrev in a bit (so this is prob ooc) because im terrified of the angst waiting for me n e ways.
you two just seem meant to be imo it’s not that hard to imagine you two being the pretty and sexy couple.
he would definitely praise you and degrade you all you want, loves the look in your eyes when he does switch it up and you might catch him smirking over how adorable it is!!
you’re 5’2”? nice he can carry you around your shared apartment then, make excuses to pick you up with his hands dangerously close to your panties while he acts like it’s nothing but knows what he’s doing!
you like cats? deal that’s perfect you can have a lil cat family together :( be parents for the kittens together like a happy lil family because he wants that with you he totally doesnt have a breeding kink
i feel like he’d love making playlists with you?? like it sounds like such a cute thing you two can do, but expect him to make a playlist that’s just filthy songs before he flips you over and the room gets hotter.
he’d def let you buy whatever you want, you like pink? go treat yourself to some pink outfits you want then baby, he doesnt mind and he thinks they look hot on you, something to rip off you later when you get home and offer to just buy you more clothes <3
you cant tell me he isnt just absolutely in love with you, he seems like he’d just melt when you’re alone and kiss your pretty face and play with your dark hair while you play with his<333 such a stress relief for him honestly.
i honestly like to think he likes salty foods more so you like them too?? well you can make some together, stress baking salty foods like the power couple you two are! might make some treats for the kitties too cant help it really especially if you ask him with a cute pout :( then he might bend you over the counter though! what will you do then!
this might honestly be shit and you deserve better than this so im really sorry :( m sick so my brain is fuzzy but i honestly just ship you with kazutora even if i havent been up to date on anything that happens in the manga and dont know his character that much. !hot power couple go!
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violets-arepurple · 3 years
Red Snow (How Tommy became a vampire)
It was a cold night and Techno really did not want to be out. Phil had insisted he leave the house for something other to feed, he said it was to make sure the townsfolk weren't suspicious of his presence and when put so practically Techno had no choice but to agree. And that's how he'd ended up in this situation everytime he visited town the kid, Tommy was how he introduced himself, would come and pester him no matter how late at night, no matter how cold. If it wasn't for the kids such obvious humanity Techno would have thought he was just like him. Today, or tonight rather, Tommy was talking about two records he'd found tossed away. "Dont you have parents or something you can pester." Techno hadn't ment to sound so harsh but he hadn't fed in a while and quite frankly Tommy was putting himself in danger just being in his presence. But judging by the unwavering happiness on the kids face he didn't seem too offended. "Of course not big man, they gave up on looking after me years ago." In all of Techno's efforts to play human he'd forgotten just how cruel mortals could be, the idea of casting out a child, even one as excitable as Tommy just didn't sit right with him maybe it was a left over scrap of humanity but he couldn't help feel sympathy for the kid or least that's what he told himself when he left suitable winter clothes in the alleyway Tommy had turned into a home. At this point Tommy had moved on to a different topic something about a cow he'd gotten attached to but Techno was more focused on the stranger eyeing them suspiciously from a pub down the street, for a human he'd be to far away to identify but as someone verifiably not human it wasn't much of a task but that was likely the reason he was being watched Techno thought to himself. Whilst the man himself posed little threat Techno was more worried about the fact that if he was discovered then Phil and Wilbur would also be discovered or at least under suspicion as they were the only ones Techno associated with, well aside for Tommy but the kid was so obviously human that not even a fool could think for a second he was anything but. By now it was late even on Techno's standards so he began to usher Tommy towards the little alley he called home decked out with a thick blanket he didn't need to know the origin of. With that taken care of Techno headed back to the manor in the woods. Another night without feeding he'd have to take care of that soon, find a way to distract Tommy long enough to get a quick meal without the kid ever knowing. A record player perhaps, Techno thought to himself, the kid was quite excited about those discs.
As winter carried on so did Techno's visits to the town no matter how much he insisted he was just checking out new pray Phil would always give him the same knowing look that would cause Wilbur to give a small chuckle at his insistence. It didn't matter that he happened to keep the kid company and it didn't matter that he made sure the kid had food and clothes he was just blending in with the town. So when Tommy didn't immediately run up to him to talk his ear off Techno was suspicious. He went to go investigate Tommy's alley and found it ruined with the records seemingly tossed on the ground clearly someone had attack Tommy but not taken anything of value, the town was also strangely empty. Techno quickly dispelled any notion of another of his kind being to blame, Techno or Wilbur would have sensed them and if they hadn't Phil certainly would have, the town was very clearly their territory and no creature was foolish enough to take on one of them let alone all three. As Techno pondered the situation he heard calls that struck icy fear into his still heart.
Techno knew that voice he'd recognise it anywhere, he got closer.
"So the little traitor wants our mercy?" The towns people were gathered in a circle with venom and spite making up it face. "You've sold us all out to that leech, and you expect our mercy! Don't make us laugh" The footprints in the snow where intermingled with blood, Tommy's blood. Tommy's cries grew louder at this point, Techno couldn't see what towns people where doing to Tommy but he knew their intent was to kill. "WHAT LEECH? I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN" Tommy was full on sobbing at this point, his questions only made the people angrier. "WHAT LEECH? WHAT LEECH! THE ONE YOU WERE GOING TO ALLOW TO FEAST ON US, THE ONE YOU BETRAYED YOUR OWN KIND FOR!" Tommy could only gargle at this point, whilst this was happening Techno approached the crowd an icy quite fell over them only disturbed by Tommy's wimpers. Techno was furious how dare they hurt one of his own! How dare they take out their cowardice on him! And how dare they believe Tommy could do something like selling them out, he was a rare light among mortals and they intended to snuff him out. Techno lashed out he didn't know how many died and how many ran away, he didn't care. now it was just Tommy, Techno, and a growing red stain in the snow. And Techno was terrified Tommy was dying and he couldn't stop it, this child who had gone out his way to be kind, this child who was paying the price for a crime he hadn't committed was dying and he couldn't stop it, he didn't even know how to turn him. All Techno could do was gather the boy up in his arms and hold him, try to bring him comfort, make his last moments was kind as possible, kinder than the life the boy was given. Tommy's breathing was shallow all that could be heard was faint sobbing from Techno, blood staining his hands and shirt where he'd tried to help but he couldn't. Tommy was dying and it was his fault. Suddenly a presence was behind him something powerful, something familiar .
"Hey mate, I got a bad feeling so I came to check on-Oh god.."
When he'd sensed Techno's distress he though they'd been found out and would have to hide for a few centuries. He wasn't ready to find Techno sobbing over the near corpse of a child. He noticed the carnage around them.
"Techno, did you-" Techno's sobbing only got louder as he looked up at Phil.
"Dad, Dad please it's my fault, please he didn't know, it's not his fault, Dad please save him." Techno was begging, Tommy had to be saved he'd give up his own power if it meant he could live.
"Techno calm down what happened"
"Dad please just save him, I promise I won't be irresponsible again, please just help him."
Techno was hyperventilating at this point. It was almost painful for Phil to see the young man he thought of as a son reduced to this state.
"Son I'm not sure what I can do he's pretty far gone." Phil placed a hand on Technos shoulder, he couldn't help but stare at the boy cradled tightly in Technos arms.
"Turn him."
"Techno, I- "
"Phil please, I'll take care off him, anything please" Techno's voice was cracking and he was hiccuping every other word. Phil had no choice.
"Ok, pass him here mate" Techno whispered something in Tommy's ear as he passed him to Phil. Normally Phil would hesitate to turn a human but he had a feeling, that he'd only had twice before, this was the right decision.
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deerixiie · 3 years
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june 29th, or a little more that 6 months ago i posted my first fic. that was honestly the best decision of my life because tho tumblr is a hellsite it’s a hellsite that got me through a hellish year. i just want to come out and express my extreme gratitude for all of the people who have gotten me through 2020.
my followers. i remember when i first hit 100 and i was so excited bc 100 ppl in the world actually appreciated my writing enough to follow me...and then more of you guys started coming and sent sweet asks and suddenly i felt so loved 🥺 i didn’t expect to gain the following i did on this hellsite but i did and i love you guys so much :( thank u so much for being here through it all and making this year so much better!!
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character anons/other anons; i know i don’t have much and not all of u are active but you!!! you guys are the bestest people on earth!!! shoyo, haji, yams, and all my noya anons,,, i love u guys sm. seeing you in my inbox made me so happy and i loved interacting w you 🥺💗 i hope you guys have an amazing new year and i hope you can talk more soon!! same goes for my other anons, 💜, 🍁, iara, and all the other anons that have send me asks, i love you guys so much!! getting anons and asks was something that made me feel so appreciated and important and seeing your asks always made my day!! ily guys <3
@sa-suga, @neonghxst, @sanso, @starrysamu, @stelleum, @myelocin, and a whole bunch of others writers; you are the most amazing people on the planet. writing on a site like this that gives little to no appreciation is so amazing of you :( your fics have made me smile, laugh, cry, and even grow as a person and i’m so grateful for that! bc of u i was able to distract myself from all the crappy things that happened this year. ily guys so much!
and now, my mutuals!!
@hajiimes; cola i will always always start with you. my closest friend, writing genius, someone i can bounce ideas off of, ask for help, watch movies with, voice call for hours with, and simp over characters with. getting close with you was one of the best things of this year and i really appreciate you for it. its really refreshing to have such a close friend i can really turn to and talk to about stuff that’s bothering me and i know i do it a lot and i’m a terrible friend sometimes but you’re always there for me :( and yeah we tease each other a lot and you’re honestly so annoying sometimes but yeah it’s fun and i love you so <3 STOP MAKING BREAKUP PLAYLISTS OKAY IM SORRY
@sugakuns + @suikazura + @kageyuji + @miyasangel + @giorvanna + @sophiawithstars + @hajiimes; i literally could not have gotten through 2020 without dinonet. it’s the first discord server and probably only discord server that i’ve really felt at home in because you all are so accepting and sweet. your support and love and kindness have gotten me past this year. i’ve been able to laugh and scream and vent and word vomit and be myself because of you all and i’m so appreciative of that. i cant wait for an entire new year with you all, ilysm!
@mehreya; you changed your url and i freaked tf out but ANYWAYS HEYYY~ rae i literally. i literally love you so much like. where would i be without you? you’re so welcoming and comforting and i love you so much :( if there’s anyone i’d share a deformed braincell with, it’s with you!! i feel like i can relate to you?? so much?? i literally keysmash in your inbox sending like 12 messages and i don’t have to worry about you getting upset because you do the same thing right back. we share really similar interests and you’re so compassionate and sweet and ugh i’m gna cry ily
@suikazura; bae i. how do i even say this. you’re literally the kindest, sexiest, funniest, loveliest person i’ve ever met. when i had a really bad day and broke down you were there to hype me up and tell me such wonderful things that i still think about all the time. you wrote a poem comparing me to the sun. ME?? THE SUN?? sui i don’t even know where to go with this ive never had someone do that for me and you doing that just makes me tear up and i’m tearing up writing this- and i love your humor so much despite the fact that it haunts me to this day and your art is so pretty and i could look at it for hours. like man i can’t believe someone like you exists i don’t deserve you at ALL. ilysm bubs
@fairyoomi + @luvromis + @rilacry; we’ve been moots for So Long but i have no idea what to talk about w u so i get intimidated and don’t talk :( ily guys so much though, you’re really sweet and kind and your humor is literally top tier. this is so weird to say but reading ur self-ship posts makes me so happy bc i feel like i can be open about my self-ship too,, it rlly comforts me and makes me feel loved hehe. i miss talking to u guys even though it was barely anything and i rlly hope 2021 is the year we get closer!!
@sophiashortcake + @star-puff + @kurooskult; we’ve recently become mutuals but i love your vibes!! i really hope i get to interact with you more next year so we can become closer <3
@bunx; BIG SIS!! literally i feel so bad for not talking to u because you’re literally the blueprint :( i just don’t know what to talk about and then get all freaked out XBSKSJD i’ve stared at your disc so many times debating what to say cbsjs but anyway thank you so much for being here from the beginning! i know for a fact ill wouldnt be where i am today w/out u 🥺 ilysm bubs
other moots that made this year so much more beautiful i want to get closer too!: @haikoo, @4fterh0urs, @run-004, @sugasugawarau, @s4ijoh, @gg9183, @baeshijima 🥺💗💗, @kozu-mei , @kaguol ily all so so much, you all are such amazing ppl and i hope we get to talk more!!
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