#i have a crippling inferiority complex too
daenerysoftarth · 9 months
one of the things I love most about GRRM’s writing of ‘cripples, bastards, and broken things’ which is that almost all of george’s focus on how these identities affect characters is on how the external world treats these characters, and THEN chooses to portray the internal narrative they construct around the societal conflict they face
I know it sounds obvious, but so many supposedly progressive stories go in the reverse order. by which I mean they focus on how these identities make us different, and then shows society’s reactions to these differences. which makes sense but I think it focuses too much on individual differences which are supposedly inherent, without acknowledging how much being labeled and marginalized by a society alters your personality, and how it can force you to conform to a role that isn’t necessarily ‘genuine’ or ‘true’ in the sense that you face external pressures to make certain hard choices that others don’t ever have to face
this is most notable with tyrion’s character but imo he does well at showing this with cersei and brienne as well. none of these characters are the way they are because of some innate quality of good or bad, but because of the way in which society has molded them into specific roles on account of identity. despite Brienne’s chivalry and bravery, she is still nothing more than an outcast and has been left to die in the riverlands. only Jaime cares about what happens to her (bc he’s obsessed), and her own commanding officer says she should be assaulted for stepping outside of prescribed gender roles. cersei always had an underlying current of anger and propensity for violence even as a child, but these bad qualities were elevated by her inferiority complex from being a woman, and with being forced into an abusive marriage with a drunk. tyrion was a smart and precocious child, who is ultimately whittled down into a hollow shell of his former self due to the crushing grind of the ableist society he finds himself in
but the narrative shows time and time again how these characters have been made into the people they are by this outer society. it’s not because of some innermost secret marker which puts them in a ‘good’ or ‘evil’ category, it’s because of what they’ve been force to do to survive in the world they find themselves in
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Ahhh, Perfectionist was such a fun read!
I really enjoyed how much Dabi does because he wants to be "perfect" for Tomura (because all his life he had to be perfect, because if he's not perfect he's not worthy of love, because if he can't even do that, then what is he good for?). He has never known anything but pushing himself and surviving.
The thought of a team just running over the battlefield after each fight and getting any dead bodies with useful quirks to the doctor to make more nomu is absolutely horrifying, thank you
Everyone is trying their best but it's a huge shift and a lot of new things that are expected of them. But they work it out!
Tomura forcing Dabi to take a break is good, too. Dabi was getting so stressed that even things that were supposed to be nice and fun (like spending time with Tomura) were starting to feel like a chore :(
Dabi blowing up like that was expected, but it still hurt. Good that he has people he can lean on now, especially Tomura, even if it might be hard for him to do in the beginning.
Ahhh they're so in love. I adore fics like this, that show how qualified (and at the same time underqualified) everyone is.
Thank you!
Dabi and his crippling inferiority complex runs around in circles in my head constantly! Now I inflict it on you!!!
If the Doctor hasn't gotten arrested, this should have happened in the series. They should have had to fight Nomu!Midnight. Dabi should have gotten to kill Endeavor and then make Shoto fight the nomufied version of him. It would have been harrowing and I'm mad it didn't happen
They're doing what they can!!
Dabi will burn himself out entirely and Tomura has decided that since he's the ONLY ONE Dabi will even listen to in passing, he's going to take care of him (and would even if they weren't dating). And sometimes it takes a meltdown for someone to realize how much the things they're doing are affecting them. It was a necessary part of the healing process
They are so in love, and the whole League is learning and growing and trying to make themselves dangerous! They were just a bunch of fuckups with ideas about how to change the world, but now they have to step up and develop the skills they need to actually make that happen
Thank you for commenting!
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edgyandoverzealous · 2 years
Bacause Cringe culture is dead and I am back in my FNAF SB phase. Explaining your Kins as the therapist friend but I'm feeling salty so it's all just calling you out. Except I felt bad after a little bit so they each have a funny/lighthearted one calling me out.
Glamrock Freddy
How's those daddy issues doing?
Was he emotionally absent, physically absent, or was he just distant and unaffectionate?
I'm willing to bet he called you superstar once and you immediately started kinning.
Additionally how're those abandonment issues treating ya?
On a scale from 1/10 how displeased were you when Freddy got dragged away by moon 'cause he powered down before he got to the charging station?
You know he originally was gonna turn on you right? That would worsen your abandonment issues, you should thank Scott for that one.
You are the parent friend btw, Ily please bring bandaids and painkillers I'm accident prone and ignore pain until it's unbearable. We may be going to the ER</3
Glamrock Chica
Are you a Lesbian? Or are you the oldest child who uses gentle techniques of sibling-parenting?
How do you feel knowing you probably aren't listened to?
How's your mommy issues doing?
Do you mayhaps think that people won't want you unless you give them something?
Do you feel like no one takes care of you but you always have to take care of everyone else?
How's your relationship with food going? Yeah, me too. Note that chica physically can't eat by the end as well.
Do you even speak/Do you ever shut up?
Scared of overcoddling but also terrified of taking a step back and away because you feel like if you stop they'll all leave you much?
Choir/Band/Theatre kid or grandparent friend with hard candies in their purse that I would eat wrapper and all because intrusive thought said to and shiny.
Roxxane Wolf
So are you a Lesbian, furry, or e-girl simp? Or are you the oldest child who uses more forceful/low-key mean techniques of sibling-parenting?
How's the crippling self doubt and God complex treating you?
How's crying in your room because you yelled at them and said something mean but don't know how to say sorry going?
What about that inferiority complex?
Pushing everyone away because they'll only leave you? Ding ding ding we have a winner.
Burnt out perfectionist?
You're the type of friend whose love language is bullying and play fighting. Be careful you don't make your friend cry, I am the friend that'd cry.
Monty Gator
Self-destructive behavior, pent up aggression and always looking for a reason to fight?
Anger issues much? Or do you just simp for Bonnie's replacement because you saw one too many human Monty edits?
You're probably short too, huh? Just like the fuse you have when given a chance. Or your big and burly which also is terrifying.
How's your constant existential crisis going?
Do you feel like there's a looming expectation that's too big for you to fill over your head?
Do you feel like you're never first choice?
That you're simply a replacement for everyone else?
How about respect? Do you ever give or receive it? No?
Are you always restless? Yeah? Thought so.
You're the protective friend who is willing to throw hands with anyone who disturbs their friends. Me too honestly, I've been held back on multiple occasions because I'm a short queer man and it's in my veins.
Glamrock Bonnie
So are you still sobbing over that one line, you know the one, or are you living on fan theories? Like how are you still kicking?
How's your mental health? Bad? Yeah I thought so.
Anxiety and depression kin you honey? <3
Disasciotiating royalty, you.
You long for something in your past that cannot be changed.
You fall for what you know you can't have and never will be obtained, don't you?
You felt robbed by the game and that's okay. I miss him too.
You scare me, legitimately you scare me. Y'alls fandom is legitimately impressive especially for insert types. You have one of every flavor and are insanely good at drawing the skrunglies less skrungly. Good for you.
Additionally how's healing your inner child going?
And those mommy and daddy issues?
I'm sorry you weren't held as a child?
Too busy parenting everyone else to have been cared for the same?
Forced to grow up too fast?
You were definitely a traumatized child. Adults let you down and now you seek comfort in a robot of two extremes as unstable as your adolescence.
You're the "childish" friend. Silly, sweet, and full of fun but you are by no means innocent. That was stolen from you a long time ago.
Also you either can't sleep or you oversleep or both.
You scare me, legitimately you scare me. The scariest bots in the game??? Really??? Those buddies??? Okay???? Honestly the healthiest option tbh.
You are either a troll or a disaster bisexual or an enby.
You cling to people because you don't want them to leave you, but that pushes them away more often than not.
How does it feel to be so underated and the "side character" in your own life?
You blend in wherever you go even when you want to be seen or when you want someone to help you.
By the way how's the constant desperation going? Aren't you tired of being sane? Don't you want to go absolutely feral?
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squadrah · 10 months
do any of the members(la squadra) struggle with body/weight issues or self esteem problems?! *also i totally understand if you didn’t answer this ask bc it’s a sensitive topic:3
Thank you for your patience, Anon! I don't mind answering this at all, but good call, so everyone who's sensitive to body issues and self-esteem problems, here's your warning to skip this one!
Risotto: While he understands that his enormous body has certain advantages (strength, intimidation, etc.) he has always been conscious of how strangers are afraid of him as a giant by default, and it made his childhood tougher than it needed to be. Beyond this, he doesn't have any real self-esteem issues because his position, experience and abilities give him enough confidence to deal.
Formaggio: He sometimes wishes he was either leaner or beefier (he's the type who has a smooth tummy and you have to feel for the muscles underneath), but as he won't give himself the trouble to lead a healthier lifestyle, he always shrugs it off with time. Has a bit of an inferiority complex that he's both reconciled to and occasionally meditating on, but not with any tangible success.
Prosciutto: He is perfectly indifferent to his current weight, but he does feel self-conscious about his impaired sense of taste and smell, and he has had to struggle through a lot of dysphoria before he reached peak gender. His self-esteem is in fairly good order, with only some regrets that he can now do nothing about, so he does his best to focus on his present goals and improvement.
Pesci: His webbed neck, short stature and body shape have been a constant source of discomfort and shame to him in his earlier life, where "normal" people were constantly staring or bullying him about it. Only when he joined the team did he start to grow more comfortable with his features, but his nervousness, shyness and lack of self-confidence continue to pose obstacles to his development.
Ghiaccio: He hates being short, and though he's proud of his body in terms of performance and muscle mass, he would gladly start training all over again from scratch in exchange for just two inches of added height. While he can train in next to nothing without a care, revealing clothing in any other circumstance just gives him crippling shame and anxiety to be seen. Professional pride keeps him afloat.
Melone: His poor health is a constant source of regret to him whenever his ambitions outstrip his ability to pursue them, and he's one of the few who would be glad of gaining weight because it would be a sign of becoming healthier and stronger than he is now. His self-esteem thankfully depends more on his intellect and his curiosity than on his circumstances, so he's doing well enough.
Illuso: The only one who has thought seriously about body issues and came up with absolutely nothing to wish for: he considers himself just the right height (tall), figure (lean but imposing) and beauty (his hair is the envy of them all). His self-esteem is rather poor in comparison from his personal history and brand of personality, and he's too defensive about it to stand a good chance of amendment.
Sorbet: A bit resentful of his widow's peak, and only the idea that it gives him an expressive Bride of Frankenstein-esque profile keeps him from despair on the subject. Wishes he was more androgynous in general, perhaps a little taller, too, but has resigned himself to an uncooperative body. His self-esteem is lacking, but he has a hardened air that helps to conceal that.
Gelato: Has never seriously considered his body and if he might wish anything otherwise, which has led to him being perfectly happy with how he is; whatever he lacks he more than makes up for with his activity, his energy, and his general shenanigans. Consequently his self-esteem is in very good order: nothing can embarrass him, so what can he possibly have to worry about?
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tsukuyomii45 · 8 months
Thoughts on Fem!Obito?
Ooh this is a nice ask. I've been anticipating my own design of fem!Obito, both teenage genin/chuunin days and warlord days, lol. xD
Okay I only have a few HCs that I can share (changing the name to Obiko for now):
-Teenage/young Obiko is a bubbly type of girl, rather tomboyish and full of energy much like the male counterpart, and has a major inferiority complex and is very insecure about her looks and appearance.
-I often imagine that teenage/young Obiko would keep her goggles in her pocket and only uses them for missions, and would have the forehead protector hanging over her neck.
-Further speaking on physical appearance, her hair wouldn't be very short, nor would it be too long. I think her hair would reach her upper back or midback, and she would look similar to my design of ObiRin's daughter but with more Obito features such as the orange jacket and stuff.
-As a grown up, she gives off Esdeath vibes in terms of lacking empathy for the weak and having a sadistic streak. She loves giving enemies physical and emotional pain in order to let them sense what it means to drown in darkness.
-Her as a warlord is honestly the sexiest thing ever; she is almost like a dominatrix with her savagery and tactics in battle and her persistent usage of her chain and Kamui. Her insults can rile up and emotionally cripple an opponent, and she just radiates an attractive type of arrogance.
-Obiko is more vengeful as a grown up; an epitome of a woman scorned by the betrayal of the world and those close to her (Kakashi's inability to keep his promise and Minato's negligence). She is more calculative and never let's any secret pass by her. Her manipulative ways is very serpentine, with a sultry feminine voice would lure her enemy to her and then she'd slowly inject her poison.
-Her whole appearance is eerily like Madara, with the long spikey hair (a little bit tamer), and she's able to change her voice and maybe even body shape with ninjutsu if needed.
-As Tobi, she simply transforms into a male in order to play the part and no one ever suspects her to be a female until the 4th Shinobi World War when the mask reveal happens. When playing the act of Tobi, she would confuse her enemies; sometimes she would act as this insane, unhinged female that mocks them with a high-pitched giggly voice, and then would flip into the goofy male - fully confusing the enemy, before making a striking move to slaughter them all.
-Given that for a long time she has been insecure about her appearance, her getting crushed by a boulder and earning scars on her face has made her cover that one side of her face with her long hair. Eventually she overcomes that as she no longer cares for the world, and only maintains the hair style in order to remain unrecognizable and hide her identity. Scars can give an identity away, after all.
That's all I have for now! :)
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abditorywriting · 2 months
Perfectionist Pit of Hell: An Unedited Ramble
Hi! I'm not a professional, and this is not advice! 👍🏻
I thought I’d come on here and talk a tad bit about my writing process. Because why not, y’know?
When I was a younger writer, I would fall into the same perfectionist pit I’ve seen around lately. I’d start a project, develop a crippling inferiority complex, and then toss the damn thing away. And I would do this 30 times over, breaking myself down until I could hardly write 500 words in a month. Thus, deepening the pit.
I was so afraid of writing badly—of not being good enough—that I forgot to enjoy the process. I lost sight of the fact that I was writing for my own enjoyment. Suddenly, I found myself wondering why I was writing at all. . . 
I’m embarrassed to admit that it took me until recently to figure out a way to drag my happy ass out of there.
And what I do is write absolute garbage on purpose, and then start making it less garbage further on in the process. I’ve found that if I have the goal of “good,” then I will struggle. But if the purpose is for the writing to be bad at first, then not only do I have the basis of what I need to improve upon and actually get my story to completion, I have fun doing it! 
I set all technicalities aside and just go ham on the keyboard. Stupid jokes in inappropriate moments, sentences that sound like they were written by a drunk toddler. . . Whatever comes to mind to get that draft out. You can fix hilariously shitty writing later, but you can’t fix a blank page.
With that being said, here are some highlights from my drafts:
“It seems everyone else in the vet’s clinic is freaked out by him, too.” - Berkley Doesn’t Bark
“Sean takes a mad bong rip [. . .]” - Hibiscus
“Unfortunately, Sean had a knack for not listening to people when they tell him that something is a bad idea.” - Hibiscus
“Bob did not create the Universes. Bob was a lazy bastard and let the Universes create themselves.” - The Book of Bob
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kimium · 9 months
Tell us about your favourite ship/ships for Leona Kingscholar👀
Hi friend! Thanks so much for asking me this! I'm always excited to write about my Twisted Wonderland ships. I'm ranking them based on my silly little categories, so don't take this too serious.
Let's get started!
My favourite ships with Leona Kingscholar (Twisted Wonderland)
I Really Like These Ships
This was actually my first Twisted Wonderland ship. When you start the game you pick a dorm and a character within it. I went with Diasomnia and Malleus as Maleficent is my favourite Disney villain (mostly due to her role in Kingdom Hearts). Thus, Malleus's ceremonial robe vignette was the first one I saw. In it, Malleus's robes are accidentally swapped with Leona's when picked up from being cleaned. The second half of the vignette shows that they have a rather antagonistic relationship with one another. It's a dynamic I instantly liked and I immediately shipped them.
Later, when I played through Book Two I started to see how Leona and Malleus are foils to one another. Their contrast between Malleus crown prince and Leona the second prince with an inferiority complex compelled me. I want to see more of their interactions with one another and if those interactions end up with some unresolved sexual tension, so be it.
I'll admit, I didn't like this one for a while. Mostly because my favourite dynamic between prince and attendant (Ruggie is an attendant in many ways) is loyalty. Ruggie is loyal to Leona, but it's closer to an employee/employer loyalty. That being said, I understand that both have trouble being honest about their feelings (Leona with his inferiority complex and tsundere attitude. Ruggie who has to survive with his own wits and cunning.). I can see them growing closer, talking their feelings out privately, and getting together. Though, my favourite dynamic between them is Leona "Actually Ruggie is MINE and I May Not Flaunt it Publicly, but if ANYONE Tries to Take Him From Me, They're Toast" Kingscholar. A little possessiveness dashed into the ship is a 10/10 for me.
I think these ships are Fun
Look, I am always a little weak to a ship where one looked up to one another, found out they weren't 100% what they thought, and instead of being disappointed frowned, grabbed the other by the shirt and said "I know you can be better so I'm going to MAKE SURE you live up to that potential." I love the idea of Jack's eager persistence and values of hard work and determination lighting a fire under Leona. I love that Jack sees Leona for who he can be and doesn't care about any of the extra "weight" Leona feels he carries. I love the idea of Jack seeing so much good and potential in Leona that it makes Leona want to live up to Jack's ideals.
Like with Malleus, Leona and Vil are a fun ship because they're character foils. Leona is a lazy genius who, besides the throne, has everything he could ever want but is crippled by his inferiority complex. Vil, who is brilliant, smart, and worked hard to get himself where he wants, also suffers an inferiority complex. Leona turns to apathy to escape the burning, twisting pain of always being compared to Farena. Vil turns to jealousy, consistently and silently comparing himself to Neige, putting a mask of success and glamour over his fear of always being second best. I think these two could learn a lot from one another and grow from their similarities and differences.
The only reason why this ship is lower on my list is because I'm absolute Rook/Vil trash. Though, I am not opposed to a threesome between Leona/Rook/Vil.
Cute Concept, I see where people are coming from
To me this is a ship of "opposites attract". Leona is very confident in his powers, abilities, and skills (when his inferiority complex related to Farena isn't in the way). He's not afraid of being in the spotlight and if people are pissed off at him, Leona will not back down from beating the shit out of them. Leona is also a natural born leader, even if he employs "tough love" methods.
On the other side we have Idia who when not behind a screen is an introvert and awkward with people. Yes, he's also talented and a genius but Idia's confidence and people skills only come out when he's in his element.
My favourite way of seeing them get together is having them play chess. I know at first Idia would try to escape playing with Leona, terrified to be in the same room but as he grows comfortable Idia's talking smack as they play. Sure, some of his terms fly over Leona's head (Idia cannot turn off the gamer terminology) but I bet he's ecstatic that Idia's not backing down from the challenge.
But Do I Ship Yuu with Leona?
Yes, I do. Leona was my first SSR for both dorm and event card (Fairy Tale Gala) so he has always held a special place in my heart. I also think Yuu's first encounter with Leona is hysterical. I love the idea that Yuu is not afraid of Leona simply because they have NO CLUE who he is. This lack of fear is refreshing to Leona who after realizing it's not bravado, that Yuu truly isn't afraid of him, is hooked. It will take Leona a while to figure out that he -likes- Yuu but a little bit of jealousy and possessiveness would probably rear its head within Leona eventually. Yuu's -his- herbivore, damn it.
And there you have it, friend! I hope you like my answers!! Feel free to let me know which are your favourite Leona ships!
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sasukesun · 1 year
Unexpected Sakura character deep dive or AKA why I’m convinced that kishi had at least some intention with her character to remain as shallow as she was when she was introduced because he could have changed her path at anytime but consciously chose not to:
I think when Kishi described Sakura’s love for Sasuke as a “selfish love” that was not only true at the time that Naruto began but remained true all the way to the very end of the series and onto Boruto as well. Kishi wrote Sakura as someone who was bullied as a child and gave her a crippling inferiority complex that she essentially never grew out of. She is not only extremely insecure about herself but also overcompensates in every way to make herself look bigger and better than she really is. Whether this was bragging about herself or doing something purposefully to get attention. And ever since she was a kid Sasuke was the “cool guy” that every girl in the village wanted. However, he never showed any girls any interest whatsoever, including Sakura, which only made village girls like Ino and Sakura want him even more.
In Sakura’s eyes, Sasuke is the flawless and fearless cool hot guy who could do no wrong. He is a gifted and talented ninja ever since he was a kid who outranked his peers a thousand to one. Sasuke, to Sakura, is a symbol of achievement and the epitome of success. And by winning his love, that would make her a success as well. To have the cool guy who never showed interest in any girl to pick HER? Well, that would mean she’s special too - like she always wanted to be. It doesn’t matter if she fundamentally misunderstands Sasuke as a person or that he was really just a traumatized kid who grew up without a family in a corrupted village who wanted him and his clan dead….That doesn’t matter to her, because that’s not the Sasuke that she built up in her mind. As long she can get him to love her, and show everyone that she’s special too, everything else doesn’t really matter.
Even in Boruto and Gaiden where it shows that Sasuke hasn’t visited his wife and daughter in over a decade and that Sarada has no idea where her father is or that Sakura hasn’t received so much as a hug/kiss from the person she married in years (if ever). OR that she can’t even answer a basic question from her daughter on if Sasuke ever wore glasses or not. It doesn’t matter because in Sakura’s mind, she won. The cool guy that everyone else wanted picked her, so that means shes special. Her inferiority complex that she never outgrew feeds into this acknowledgment and clings to it. She parades around the village wearing the uchiha symbol like a winner walks around with a gold medal and plasters the symbol on her house. It doesn’t matter that she has never been shown to acknowledge the mass murder of the uchiha clan or the violent history of Sasuke’s childhood. Or that even her husband doesn’t wear the uchiha symbol himself anymore. All that matters is that she won - her selfish love won in the end. Sasuke is hers and she feels validation that she wanted ever since she was a child.
well, yes, she sees sasuke as a price to be won and all she cares about is status. see, she doesn’t really care about him, no wonder kishimoto couldn’t bring himself to write a reason for her to “love” him because that would sound contrived. it’s not love, just infatuation. she’s infatuated with the sasuke she’s created in her head and his coolness and status. if there was another cooler guy, guess what, she would’ve gone for him instead of sasuke, her character is that shallow after all. why do you think she gets aggressive when her daughter starts asking valid questions about her shady “marriage”? because she can’t keep up with the appearances and delusions that “she won” when she still doesn’t get any affection, when she didn’t really got what she wanted and has to compensate with the uchiha crest and lies, the same way she brags about herself while trying to put other people down to feel better when, in fact, deep down she knows she “can’t do anything”, as sakura herself admitted it multiple times. kishimoto starts the story saying she’s someone that pursues a selfish love and ends it saying sakura is addicted to sasuke, a word with a negative connotation, indicating she’s toxic, and his portrayals are compatible to what he says.
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abysslll · 9 months
please tell me why those blorbos are you coded 👁👁
hehe dont mind if i do >:)))) (original post here)
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here r my guys !!! im tired so this won't be Super in depth but uh yeah :D
yuki - a major part of his character development is learning to be his own person and realizing that his mom doesn't have any power over him. specifically there's a scene where he's talking to her and he says something along the lines of "my end result might not be something you approve of but i want it to be something i'm proud of" and that. inspired me SO FUCKING MUCH. i think about it all the time. he gives me so much courage but i can also really relate to his character before all that development, where he feels detached from his peers because he was isolated from a young age and always wanted friends but was always afraid the people around him hated him
kunikida - the pure rage this man goes through every time something doesn't go exactly according to plan speaks to me. he is perfectionist anger issues personified. also very much relate to his struggle of trying to get dazai to pay fucking attention to their jobs bc trying to wrangle people to stay on task is something that drives me So Fucking Insane. hes just a relatable boy ok.
tome - very obsessed with something that nobody else really cares about, and even the people close to her who Seem to care about it don't really even listen to her infodumping and genuine love for what she does. there's also a scene during the alien arc where they're about to go try to contact the aliens and she says she doesn't want to, because this is her last chance for it to ever happen and if it doesn't work it means she's been lying to herself this whole time and AUGH. that speaks to me. a lot of times i've tried something new to cure my Illness and it doesn't work and i understand so well the feeling of just wanting to give up even though you have a possible solution, because if the solution doesn't work then you just don't have anything left
natsume - this one is mostly just vibes but i think his personality and terrified to make friends attitude are very me coded
tachihara - my family is extremely conservative while most of my friends and extended family are liberal. i often feel like i'm playing spy or infiltrating one group or the other and i never feel like i really fit in either bc i don't want to betray my parents even though our ideals naturally dont coexist and this is something i struggle with and feel conflicted about a lot etc etc
kaido - haha look at chuunibyo boy go
aoyama - haha look at flamboyant to hide a crippling inferiority complex boy go
reki - i dont remember anything about sk8 except for cherry and the fact that this kid has adhd and i think thats self explanatory
iris - after she moves to the city her parents invite her home and then spring on her that they want her to move back home permanently and give up her dreams so she can settle down and have kids and lets just say my mom and i argue about something along these lines Too Much :)
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kanamori-kamper-moved · 7 months
if you're still doing the ship ask game thingy how bout Fathershipping and Thunderstruckshipping for literally any of them
Assuming you’re talking about this!
I'll do thunderstruckshipping since barely anyone asks me about it, and this post it getting to be pretty long so I won't torture you for very long. Do send another ask if you’d like to see Fathershipping that badly! I loathe sevens but their my faves
~ Thunderstruckshipping (aka horrible toxic codependent yaoi!!!)
Roa is just. very horrible in canon and people don't seem to realize it lmao
5. Do they argue often? If so, what do they argue about?
They argue. Like a lot. Mainly about Roa’s constant cheating and stuff regarding Getta’s crippling inferiority complex. Roa doesn’t really want a relationship, he just wants someone who’ll be his yes man who he sometimes gets to kiss. Gettas seen him with his princesses, the girls, no, more like groupies (to Getta, at least), who he constantly makes false promises to. But whenever Getta does it, since it seems to just be okay, all of a sudden, there’s an issue. Roa has a fear of abandonment due to childhood cruelties and to see Getta abandoning him for someone else, even for a moment, makes his heart ache. For example, when Getta starts waxing poetic about Neil and Roa literally says WORD FOR WORD he should probably duel Getta or he'll get jealous.
Regarding, Tylers inferiority complex, their relationship is torn between jealousy and admiration, affection and aggression. Getta is extremely jealous of Roa because, at the end of the day, he gets the girl, he's the one singing on that stage and endlessly toys with his heart. But even then, he can't bring himself to leave. Roa hates him, or at least he thinks he does. He hates him for being normal, having grown up with the affection he chronically lacked as a child, He bitterly envies him and out of that envy, he acts out and borderline cheats on him literally all the time. But he is angry when getta does the same because it only validates his fears of abandonment, even if he hates and bitterly envies his dearly beloathed Getta-chan.
11. How do they feel about nicknames/pet names? If they like them, what pet names do they use? If they hate them, why do they feel that way?
Getta doesn't use pet names, evidently, Roa does. He has always been his Getta-chan and nothing more. Tyler has a love-hate relationship with it. It's affectionate and belittling at the same time, like in episode 18 when he confronts Roa about never coming through on his promise.
It gets Tyler weak in the knees and infuriated at the same time. In the same breath Roa is affectionately mewling "Getta-chan", he's being a little shit.
"Don't be mad, Getta-chan ♡ xoxo"
42. What’s their relationship like with each other’s friends/families?
Getta's relationship with Romin is simple. She doesn't entirely blame him for half the shit he pulls, because she knows its Roa's orders, but she's still pissed off he did it. Romin pities him, but she cannot help people who refuse to be helped. Besides, the last time she got involved she was sure she never wanted to be involved in that toxic doomed yaoi AGAIN
19. Do they wear each other’s clothes/jewelry?
Roa LOVES wearing Getta's T-shirts. It gets to a point he doesn’t want to give them back, he has a few hidden in his room that he wears to bed.
Getta doesn’t wear his jewelry or clothes persay but he likes the smell of him. He always smells strongly of perfume, and it’s intoxicating (mainly because Roa puts on too much and always ends up smelling like a chemical accident). He stole a bottle of his perfume once, he’s sure he won’t miss it…
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the-ghost-king · 1 year
Oh I DID love Will singing. He's spent the past decade going "yeah I'm not very good with music :/" (you're literally the son of two professional singers/musicians) and then apparently his voice is actually really good. It's just the crippling inferiority complex + his parents and siblings' relatively more impressive musical abilities that make him think he's bad at it. He makes flowers grow when he sings like a baby Orpheus power. That's so cute Apollo would be proud
I wouldn't use the word crippling that way, but otherwise I agree! I personally always thought Will had a voice on the nicer end of the average scale in terms of his voice, but he was often around people with phenomenal voices so he always just thinks his singing voice is bad because he doesn't have a "normal" to compare himself to. It's also important imo to note that even people with average voices or even kind of bad singing voices can still improve with practice, and because it's implied he traveled with Naomi a lot that makes me think he spent a lot of time practicing music as a kid so he definitely has some talent! I would assume from the practice he has a decent ear as well which is helpful too!
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allamericanlacy · 8 months
Lacy has been the one song on Guts that has been sticking with me every second of everyday, and I finally figured out why.
On genius, this is what it says Lacy is about.
"In one lens, Rodrigo embraces her inferiority complex by personifying the beauty of women she’s intimidated by in this “Lacy” character. Similar to “jealousy, jealousy” and “obsessed,” Olivia succumbs to her habit of comparing herself to other women to an extent so extreme that it seems like a crippling romantic obsession."
Using that, I have found myself relating it to a girl that I know in real life. This girl, who I have admired for years, is everything I want to be and even more. She's pulchritudinous. Gorgeous eyes that always have a glimmer of optimism in them, long arms and legs that aren't plagued by the burden of body hair, shiny hair that effortlessly frames her face beautifully, a face that isn't weighed down by glasses that conceal her best feature.
However, her beauty is beyond being purely physical. She has the intelligence level that my parents and I could only dream of me having. Her ability to excel every subject without an ounce of stress seeming to weigh down her natural beauty. And her voice—a voice so sweet and sultry I could die from sugar poisoning—never seems to waver when speaking kind word to people, no matter who she was talking to.
The asshole of the grade? She praised him for his art, the one thing he seemed to be proud of.
The shy girl who had been cast out and bullied? She sat with her at lunch, going on and on since she knew that the other girl didn't have the confidence to.
The average person? She never criticized them for anything. She had a hard time with things like that, even if it was a large part of an assignment.
This girl seemed to be perfect. A smile on her gorgeous face, the smarts of a reputable scholar, and the sincerity that most lack. How couldn't I keep myself from trying to be around her? And that's the thing: this girl is my best friend in the entire world.
I've known her for a decade already, having met when we were 5 in kindergarten.
If I remember correctly, this wonderful girl had come up to me at recess when I was sitting alone at the swings. She mentioned that she thought no one deserved to be ostracized from everyone else just because they were "different." Obviously that isn't exactly what she said, but that was the gist of it.
I was cast out simply because of how I look. Rather than have the pale, milky skin and flowing ocean of blonde hair with piercing blue eyes, I had everything but that. Darker, tanner skin with frizzy dark hair with equally dark eyes that I have been told were ugly. Not even just that, but the hair that was prevalent on my arms and legs were all the more reason for the kids in my predominately white school to view me as being both different and inferior to them.
Seeing my own Lacy reminds me of the years of microaggressions that I've been subjected to. She reminds me of how badly I wanna be here, as well as how many others like me—poc people—wanna be her too.
It isn't her fault, it never has been. It's the fault of how society has instilled this image of the "perfect person" in our brains as being white with blonde hair blue eyes. And yet I still find myself here, jealous of her.
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iamgroundzero · 1 year
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munday asks!
@mightiboy​ asked: Every symbol that doesn't get sent to you in the next three hours. I want to learn more and get to know you better. I hope that's okay and if it's too much, we can limit it to these: ❓❤️💘🗒🎶🤗😀🎁🎉😗💯 (( Don't be mean to my friend Tyto. I will bite your cheek if you are. )) 
Alright, here we go...
🌈 — name(s) & pronouns 
I have a very uncommon name so I don’t give it out, just call me Tyto and my pronouns are he or they.
🎈 — gender and/or sexuality 
Somewhere in the nonbinary spectrum and asexual.
🎂 — age and/or birthday
May 6th is my birthday.
💕 — single or taken?
⭐️ — sun, moon, & rising signs, if known 
I looked this up just now haha
Sun: Taurus Moon: Aquarius Rising: Scorpio
💭 — MBTI and/or enneagram, if known
ISTP-T (I took a test for this)
❓ — three adjectives that describe you
Quiet, Friendly, Easy-going
❤️ — what are some of your best qualities?
I’m very easy to talk to (I think?)
💔 — what are some of your worst qualities?
I have sometimes crippling anxiety and inferiority complex issues.
✨ — what would you change about yourself, if anything?
I’d get rid of my depression.
💘 — what and/or who do you consider near and dear to you?
My fiancee, my friends.
🚗 — what vehicle(s) do you drive?
We have a Kia Soul right now but might be getting a second car.
✈️ — ever traveled anywhere interesting?
I’ve been to England twice (London and Cambridge) and Hobbitcon in Germany once.
⌨️ — what operating system(s) do you use? 
Windows 10
📱 — mobile or desktop version of tumblr?
Desktop. I hate the mobile version.
🖥 — favorite platform besides tumblr?
 Eeehh... I don’t really have a favorite.
🎮 — favorite video game(s)?
FFXIV, Monster Hunter
🖱 — any cool devices/tool(s) of the trade? (i.e. type of mouse, monitor, keyboard, tablet, etc)
My keyboard and mouse both light up? I think I can change the colors too but I just have them cycling through rainbow because it looks best.
💍 — any piercings? 
Not anymore.
💎 — want any (more) piercings?
Nah, I had my wild phase. xD
🖊 — any tattoos?
Two. An owl on my back and my first snake on my leg.
🔏 — want any (more) tattoos?
Yeah, someday, but I’m not sure of what. I have a few ideas of the theme, just not the execution.
🎄 — favorite holiday(s)?
I don’t really have one. Any of them that I get off work.
😍 — celebrity crush(es)?
Never had any.
😊 — any career desires?
Something where I don’t have to talk to people unless I want to (so like, no retail, customer service jobs) and preferably work at a computer.
📚 — if you’re in college, what’s your level (undergrad, grad, phd, etc) and/or degree program? 
Until I moved, I was working on an accounting degree, but after I moved I can’t afford it right now.
🎶 — favorite song at the moment?
I never have just one, so here’s a few;
Crusader (Are We There Yet) - BlackGryph0n & Baasik
Need the Power - Dankira!!!
Anti-Hero - Sekai no Owari
Lion - Hearts & Colors
I’m Good (Blue) - David Guetta & Bebe Rexha
📕 — favorite book/series?
Dragonriders of Pern, honestly. I also really loved the Guardians of Ga’hoole as a kid. Harry Potter (Controversial I know, but it played a major part in my youth and even if Rowling is a trash human being she came up with an amazing world that has evolved and grown far more than she’ll ever be capable of).
🧶 — any non-writing hobbies/interests?
📺 — favorite movie(s) and/or tv show(s)?
It’s been a long time since I’ve watched a TV show, honestly. My general go-to for movies is anything animated Disney/Pixar but I don’t have a single favorite anymore.
✏️ — how long have you been roleplaying on tumblr?
On and off since 2011.
✍️ — what other platforms have you roleplayed on?
Neopets. Gaiaonline. Proboards. Acornrack. Spleafnet. Avidgamers. Email. Skype. AIM. Yahoo!IM. Discord.
🗒 — what is/are your favorite genre(s)/theme(s) to write? 
Hhhh... Dunno. Slow-burn romance?
🤔 — what genre(s)/theme(s) do you struggle to write the most?
😁 — what’s your favorite part about being part of the rpc?
Meeting people with similar interests.
😤 — what do you dislike the most about being part of the rpc?
Call-out culture. Feels like so many people are oversensitive.
💻 — how many friends have you made in the rpc? feel free to tag a few of them!
Quite a few, many of whom no longer RP.
🎧 — do you write while listening to music/podcasts/videos/etc, or do you need total silence?
Either works for me. Silence or music.
😀 — are there any rpc mutuals that you’ve met irl before?
Yes, but not from the MHA community.
— what was your most embarrassing moment in the rpc?
I can’t recall any.
🫂 — how many friends are in your irl friend group(s)?
Like, 5.
🎉 — what are some of your favorite things to do with your irl friends?
We all live in different states but we used to go to anime conventions, before Covid happened.
😗 — what are some of your favorite things to do when you have some time to yourself?
Write. Listen to music. Play games.
💯 — share three random facts about yourself that your mutuals may not know about you.
1. I have a large collection of plushies, including a collected set that would be worth approximately $1000+ if I sold them on ebay.
2. One of my ball pythons, Marble, is a chimera and was hatched from the very first clutch of eggs bred by me (I no longer breed, they are all pets).
3. I used to be terrified of spiders and I’m still not comfortable holding them/handling them (not that they like being held/handled to begin with) but having to care for them has helped me otherwise completely get over my fear.
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mayumiiyuu · 2 years
i. talia
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eddie munson x Filipina!oc
part ii || part iii
Talia Evangelista was the perfect girl, the golden child of her family, the Sweetheart of Hawkins High; living the sweet life as top of her class and excellent social life with her numerous friend groups. She was a star, burning brighter and brighter towards an even brighter future. But every star eventually burns out. What happens when she finally drops from the exhaustion, spiraling from all the pressure riding on her shoulders? And What more when you throw in the metalhead dungeon master of the Hellfire club into the mix? 
face claim (artbreeder ily)
A/N: i’ve literally been so obsessed w eddie munson u have no idea,, so i made an oc for stranger things as one does when they fall for a fictional character,, also i’ll be posting more of these bc nothing inspires me more than dorks i could fall in love with !! also eddie might be a little ooc, still feeling out his character lol.
TW: none, though her family story is deeply rooted in her country’s history, the Philippines, mentioning the disappearances of reporters and journalists who criticized the government’s corruption during the Marcos Regime, specifically when Martial Law was declared.
Talia Evangelista was a lot of things.
She was top of her class, top of the school. And on top of that, she was a champion figure skater, having ballet classes to help with her choreography, an accomplished musician, and a black belt in taekwondo, she was nothing short of a go getter and overachiever.
Despite all her extracurricular activities, she was outgoing and bubbly, friendly to any and all who approached her, naturally attracted to her sunshine-y persona. She was in multiple friend groups due to her various extracurriculars, from those she discussed with as captain of the debate team, to fellow ice skaters and ballerinas, the band mates she had made comrades with, to some of the smiley, preppy cheerleaders, to even some of the regular party goers and throw-ers in the school. She helped them with their homework, even slipping some of the lazier students cheat sheets, she was seen as harmless, her kind aura naturally made people want to open up to her about their problems, and of course she was always there for them when they needed it! With all her compassion, wit, and friendliness, she was nicknamed ‘The Sweetheart of Hawkins High’.
She had a good reputation, yet another gold star for her ever growing collection of awards.
She was the perfect girl, with a perfect track record and a bright personality to match.
Of course she was perfect. That was what she had to be. What she could only be, in the eyes of her aunt, lest she be worth anything less. Otherwise, she would be tormented, both at home and at school.
In spite of her seeming perfection, Talia loathed herself. She hated how she could never fully, truly, be 100% herself. Sure, she was sweet and charming, but no one wanted a girl who kept talking about her problems, her aunt had snapped at her once; and it was too bad that Talia seemed to have many, keeping each and every shard of her broken heart inside of her.
Any of the people in her life had to be approved by her aunt, everything about herself had to be scanned and approved by her. What she wore, who she talked to, whatever she did, was always closely monitored by her aunt. She didn't have an identity, nothing real anyway. She was always what ever other people wanted her to be, her personality changing around others like a chameleon changing its colors to suit its environment. Introverted with the introverted, extroverted with the extroverted, go along to get along. Sometimes she wondered if she truly knew who she was. Besides this identity crisis, Talia had a crippling case of an inferiority complex, constantly being berated by her aunt whenever she didn't achieve what she wanted her to achieve. Her insecurities ran deep, carefully hidden behind all her medals and honorary certificates. She constantly felt the need to prove herself, to compete, just for her to feel some shred of self worth and temporary happiness.
If Talia had the power to do anything on this earth it would be to reunite with her father.
Joselito Evangelista was a reporter, already one of the most dangerous jobs in the Philippines, even more dangerous now upon the start of the Marcos Regime. Borderline obsessed with his work in order to reveal the truth to the eyes of the people, his fixation on his work only put him into more danger as he was heavily invested in exposing the corruption of their government. This ultimately led him to being "sent away" on a particular "job". But Talia's family knew better.
The sudden disappearances of numerous reporters, the closure of radio stations and newspapers that held any content of criticizing the present government ran rampant across the country. They knew Joselito would be one of them.
Talia, his youngest child and the only girl of the family, a true daddy's girl, was utterly devastated upon realizing what had happened.
And so they were entrusted to their father's younger sister, Auntie Isabela, who took them to the United States of America, not to live the American dream, but to escape the nightmare that was in the Philippines.
The family had done so in order to ensure the children's safety lest they be targeted or used for ransom. And, having no mother to care for them, Auntie Isabela had become their legal guardian and ward.
Auntie Isabela was nothing short of a warden.
A's had to be straight, medals had to be gold, ribbons had to be blue, there was never any room to be second place.
"Second place is first place for those who lose." Her aunt sneered at the thought of her niece getting anything silver or bronze as an award.
Not only that, but Talia needed to have a good social life, told to make connections along the way to ensure her future, her family's future. With Gael, her eldest brother being in the military, Joaquin, her second brother following in the footsteps of his father to become a journalist, Andres, the middle child, having gone to veterinary school instead of pursuing his Auntie's wishes for him to become a lawyer, and Danilo having to temporarily drop out of college, she was their only hope of a better life, as her Auntie Isabela always reminded her.
Talia was never allowed to settle. Why would you settle when you could always have more, be more? Her Aunt said condescendingly. Talia was an Evangelista for God's sake, an old rich family in back in the Philippines, she could only be the best to have the best.
Her family was complicated.
Her father was the black sheep of the family, having been basically disowned by his parents for following a career path far different to what they had set before him, that, piled unto the fact he was forced to become a single father while his wife left him, made things worse for his standing in the family and how they viewed him. Talia's branch of the family had always been branded as the "poor" ones, kawawa, as her relatives would say. They didn't have the luxury of growing up with her grandparent's money, they didn't stay in their ancestral home nor were they raised there, unlike her cousins. Their house was simple compared to the vast, elaborately decorated homes of her other aunts and uncles, sometimes they had struggled to pay the bills and groceries while her other relatives dined like kings and queens without a care in the world.
"Do you really want your family to stay poor? I did my brother a favor by taking you here and this is how you repay me? You go retake that test and give me an A unless you want to be living in squalor all your life. You're in the last year of your high school, the deal was that I would take care of you and your brothers until you turn 19. How long do you think you can stand being without my money? So stop crying! Do your work, study harder until you memorize the entire textbook. You're not having dinner unless you do that!"
But Talia never saw her family as poor. Sure, there were hard days, their house was small and there were times when the electricity took a few weeks to come back, but those days living there were the happiest days of her life. While they had been having troubles budgeting enough money in order for all of them to eat, Tala never had a day where she would go hungry. Her brothers and father ensured that she was well fed. "So you'll grow up big and strong!" Her father would cry with a wide smile and a crinkle in his eyes whenever he would give Talia the bigger half of whatever it was they were eating.
She may not have went to school with the newest designer bag nor had all the branded clothes snooty rich kids had, but she remembered how her father would always come home with pasalubong, homecoming gifts from his work trips to give to her and her siblings. She remembers the times when he'd come home from work, tired, but still with a smile on his face as he handed her the prettiest dress she had ever seen. Since then, she had worn it to mass almost every week, in shiny shoes her oldest brother polished himself, and the charm bracelet left by her mother.
She never had the best toys either, but who needed toys when you had a tin can and slippers? She would always come home excitedly after school as she would always call her brothers and neighborhood friends to play tumbang preso with her, throwing slippers at a can until it fell and they had to run from being tagged as the next it. She didn't need any Barbie doll or action figure when she had the spinning tops her brothers would trade their other toys for to the other kids, knowing it was her favorite to play with.
When her brothers were in high school, sometimes Gael would go to the school supply shop near their house in order to fetch her new crayons or colored pencils and paper for her to draw on. Instead of singing songs to pretty girls  like the other high school guitar playing boys did, Joaquin took his time in order to teach Talia how to play after begging him to teach her. Occasionally, Andres would use part of his cigarette money to buy Talia her favorite candies from the store a few blocks down. Danilo, meanwhile, learned how to sew in order to help patch up or embellish Talia's clothes.
Looking back, Talia never felt any lack in her life when it came to material things. "Your wish is my command." Her father would say whenever she excitedly opened whatever pasalubong he had brought home that day.
She and her family were tight-knit, thick as thieves. Her brothers, being her older brothers, were always protective of her, always made sure she was doing okay even though they weren't too okay themselves, and Talia is forever grateful for that.
Imagine the heaviness in her heart when they were forced to go their separate ways, leaving her with the aunt they disdained.
Gael, in service moving from place to place depending on where he was stationed. Joaquin on the East coast, Andres in the west, and Danilo on a long trip to Mexico.
Where have the days gone?
What goes up, must come down. That was Talia's rule in life. No expectations no problem, so long as she was the epitome of perfection, nothing and no one could ever stand in her way.
Until she had caught herself spiraling.
It started out like it typically did, sudden migraines while studying, complete lack of motivation, and the questioning of her life and list of priorities.
She had convinced herself she was just putting on too much pressure on herself, letting her aunts harsh words get to her, and all she needed to do to relive her of her stress was to relax.
And she knew a quick and easy way to do so.
It was no secret that some of her brothers had smoked it, Andres had been a smoker since high school, and her other brother Danilo had his fair share of being laced at parties. But of course, picture perfect, precious little Talia would never touch those sort of thing!
She silences the doubts in her mind, things change. Maybe she wasn’t the picture perfect Talia she was made out to be.
Desperate for some sort of relief, Talia had managed to ask around for dealers in the area, and eventually a name made their way in hushed whispers out from their lips: Eddie Munson.
He had since been labeled by the popular kids as a "freak", bullied and made to be the butt of every joke by his peers for being different and non conforming. Talia couldn't help but envy him, or admire him in a way, with his carefree demeanor and somewhat  unconventional ways of expression. He only hung out with people he truly liked, and liked him just as much. He didn’t hide under any false pretenses, he was wholly and truly himself.
 While he had an eccentric reputation, Talia's little interactions with him were short and pleasant. Picking up her pencil when she dropped it on accident in class, letting her pass first whenever she walked into a room like a gentleman. Talia liked him, well, she liked everybody, she had always found it hard to hate anyone to the point where she would go out of her own way to make them feel bad. 
She was observant, curiosity was simply imbedded in her nature, and she was most definitely curious about this Eddie kid.
So, during one of their classes together, on the rare occasion he went to class, she passed him a note, saying that she'd like to meet up with him after class, on the benches near the track field. He gave her a knowing look and nodded.
At the sound of the bell, signaling lunchtime, she headed for the spot she had asked to meet at.
Talia sat, twiddling with her fingers as she looked around, waiting. It was a fine autumn day, the sun was high in the sky, but the crisp weather of autumn made it cool, refreshing. For a minute, Talia closed her eyes to listen to the trees sway to the wind passing by, to the chirp of birdsong; and it was as if she was transported back home, in the spring pools near Mount Makiling where her father used to take them to every summer.
Her thoughts of home were disrupted at the sound of shuffling leaves and footsteps. She opened her eyes to behold a boy with wild, curly hair and big brown eyes, his shirt embellished with a demon design and the words "Hellfire Club" embellished on the front.
She smiled at him, unsure at first what the courtesies even were for a drug deal. "Hi."
He smiled back, dropping his metal lunchbox onto the table before taking his seat. "Hi."
Talia played with the hem of skirt, still unsure as she avoided eye contact with him. "So um, how does this work?"
“Well, first of all, I accept cash only payments, no receipts or anything, for obvious reasons and uh--”
Talia could only nod, finding it hard to focus on his words, the sound of her heart beating in her ears made it hard to listen.
Noticing that she was spaced out, Eddie waved a hand in front of her face, effectively snapping Talia out of her trance.
“You know, we don’t have to continue this if you don’t want to--“
“No, no, I’m, uh, sorry, I’m just-- I’m a little nervous.” She wipes her sweaty palms on her skirt.
Eddie chuckles. "Hey, you don't have to be all nervous with me, I should be the one all sweaty and stuttering, with one of the most popular girls at school sitting right in front of me."
She lets out a small laugh, shaking her head, her initial tension dissipates.
"Yeah, well, I wouldn't consider myself that."
"You wouldn't? You're liked by practically the entire school, faculty included." He points at her, pursing his lips.
She laughs, again, but a heavy feeling settles in her stomach. "I don't know if I'm even half of what anyone thinks I am." What was she doing, confiding in someone who was basically a complete stranger? Talia had no idea why those words tumbled out of her mouth, berating herself inside her head. Great, now he thinks you’re weird or like, fishing for compliments.
"I mean, to me you definitely are," he stands up, his hands behind his back as he paces around the table, her eyes can't help but follow him. "Let's see, the great Talia Evangelista, top of the school, star figure skater, and musician prodigy, the sweetheart of Hawkins High." He turns, now beside her. "Checks all the boxes for me, Ms. Perfect."
She rolls her eyes playfully. "You forgot black belt taekwondo student."
Eddie frowns then takes a bow. "My apologies, well accomplished madam."
Talia laughs again. "Yeah but seriously, people only like me for what I can give them, study notes, cheat sheets, gossip, whatever other petty high school thing there is."
Eddie lifts the lid of his lunchbox, revealing the goods Talia had come for. "Well, Madam Evangelista, it seems you and I have more in common than one may think."
She shuffled in her seat. Was she being rude? Randomly asking someone for weed without getting to know them first? Is there even any sort of etiquette when dealing drugs? Suddenly she felt guilt creep up her throat. She swallowed, no, he's right. That's just how the world works, right? You give something, you get something. Still Talia couldn’t help but try and swallow the guilt that had begun to crawl up her throat. 
"So, I can charge you around 25 for this much—?" Eddie's voice snapped her out of her thoughts.
"Um, well, uh, I'm actually kind of new to all this." She muttered.
"Really? I mean, I guess that's expected, straight as an arrow, just like her A's." Eddie joked, but all Talia could do was smile.
"You know, we really don't have to continue this if you don't want to." He says, sensing her hesitation.
"No, no, it's just that..would you maybe mind showing me the ropes?"
Eddie let out a breath. "I mean, I don't usually do this but uh, yeah, sure."
"I'll make sure to pay you for whatever we smoke, or huff maybe? I don't know how this works." She hides her face in her hands, a habit she did when she was embarrassed.
"Hey, hey, it's okay," He reassured her. "No need, try before you buy, am I right?" He chuckles, again. He absolutely had no idea why he was saying that, usually he only took his payment, gave them weed, and left. But this was Talia, sweet, kind Talia who somehow kept her humanity despite having friends from the popular crowd. Hell, everyone liked her, it was only natural to be attracted to her overwhelming positivity.
"So do I like, need your address or something?" She muttered.
"I mean, I can give it to you, unless you'd like to take a ride on my mighty steed." He joked. She knew he was joking, but Talia couldn't help but be completely entranced by this boy, curious of him.
"I'd like to take you up on that offer, actually," She replies, pulling up her cardigan's sleeves. "About the ride to your place, I mean."
Eddie blinks. Wait, was she actually serious?
"Uhhh really? You'd risk being seen with me?" He points towards his chest.
Talia furrowed her eyebrows. "Why would that be a problem?" She shrugged.
"Well, it may be part of the fact that you're up here—" he lifts his hand up above his head. "—on the social pyramid and well, I'm down here," he lowers his hand up until his torso.
It was her turn to chuckle. Time to throw all caution into the wind. "Who cares if we're seen together? I sure don't, and if anyone does it's their problem, not mine." Talia was tired of pretending, tired of being ‘perfect’, of being someone she wasn't. Fuck anyone to hell now, all she needed was free reign over her life and this would mark the start of that.
"Okay then," Eddie says, tone pleasantly surprised. "I'll uh, pick you up after class?"
Talia picks up her back pack. "We can go now if you want." She smiles, doe eyes shining.
"You're okay with missing classes?" Eddie tilts his head, somewhat puzzled.
"Yeah." She nods, shrugging nonchalantly, doing her best to ignore the pulsating of her heart at the thought of her aunt finding out about this. Oh who cares, Evangelista? Auntie Isabela is out for the week, what could go wrong?
"Alright then, well, I'll lead the way." Eddie smiles, motioning her to follow him.
Talia hesitated, biting her lip before jogging towards him in order to catch up to his speed, pushing any and every doubt or feelings of hesitation to the back of her head.
Fuck it.
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werewolf-w1tch · 2 years
part 2 of my ROTTMNT x TMA crossover analyses in which i decide which TMA entity a character from ROTTMNT would serve/vibe with!
you can find part one here
spoilers for rottmnt and tma!
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gotta love leo. what an asshole (affectionate)
leo is a character i initially struggled to place cause of how he handles himself and how he interacts with his family. he’s the lonely face man who doesn’t confide in his family because of the confident facade he puts forward, but he is also someone who is proud of his capabilities and handles himself well in battle. he’s quick on his feet and good with battle analysis and it’s what makes him a good leader. let him and raph be co-leaders nickelodeon you cowards
leo is a corruption-marked spiral avatar who is also eye touched with an unhealthy dose of lonely. his portals remind me a lot of michael distortion and helen richardson with their doors (mmmmmmm the funkos). i feel like if leo were in the tma universe, he would have an episode where he sank into the lonely and his brothers had to get him back out. he just needs a hug and someone to tell him they’re proud of him. gdi.
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i love sunita. she’s so fun!
sunita was a pretty easy one ngl. like raph, she kinda speaks for herself. a solid corruption-aligned stranger avatar. she would probably be a part of something like grimaldi’s circus if she were in the tma universe that would be more themed around the restaurant her dad works in. she also gets some slaughter as a treat. she and april both really want to fight someone. someone fight her she’s so ready she can handle it her fists are up.
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donnie struggles to connect with his emotional side, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have one! he’s always creating tech with his family in mind to help better their lives. he and leo share a crippling inferiority complex (disaster twins fr), he’s incredibly smart and sassy and knows what he wants and if he’s sick he will let everyone know. dramatic little scrunkle. i love him. 
donnie is an eye avatar (shocking i know) with a dash of corruption, a hint of the lonely and a bit of web. literally no one is surprised donnie is an eye avatar; honestly i can see him in a position not too dissimilar to jon’s in that he signs up for something way bigger than himself and it ruins him. donnie is like leo in that he feels inadequate compared to his brothers, but his insecurities are based on how much he is needed and how much his tech carries him on the team. his nature as a softshell definitely does not help this, even if he eventually makes some peace with his reality. donnie’s also pretty web aligned, but not as much as mikey.
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pretty on the nose. slaughter and hunt avatar simultaneously. no one knows how she got not one but TWO entities and they let her serve both of them, but she did. she is fiercely loyal to whoever she decides to back and she is very strong in her convictions. she is always ready to kill on sight and she’s a very well-trained fighter. cassie’s always hunting down her next mission or goal and she struggles without a purpose, something to strive for. she’s so great. i hope she lives to be a thousand and has a hundred angry children. 
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juriyuna · 2 years
random Kurara Thoughts Time™️ again because i love overanalyzing NPCs
Personality-wise, she's great at putting on a cute face and a cheerful disposition in front of a crowd. She's like the "straight man" to Urara's "funny man" in their duo, and they play off of each other really well. She's a well-known local celebrity who is especially adored by children-- the kids in Urara's diabolo class were disappointed when they learned that Kurara wasn't gonna be there too.
Out of the public eye, however, she's temperamental and self-loathing, prone to mood swings and lashing out. She beats herself up for not being "good enough" every time she can't match Urara's talent (a side of her that Urara was completely unaware of), hating how much she feels like she's always going to be "Not-Urara" in the eyes of their fans.
Where she has to train like crazy to get the hang of new tricks, Urara learns very fast by example, quickly mastering the same moves just by copying what she sees. Kurara... can't do that. Everyone praises Urara for being a "prodigy" because of how skilled she is and how quickly she picks up new moves, but Kurara doesn't get that same treatment. Sure, she's a hard worker, but she's not "special" like Urara, nor does she have the same type of sunny personality that lights up the room. These perceived shortcomings do not mix well with what a perfectionist Kurara is.
Urara doesn't even register how hard Kurara has to fight to keep up with her, and she doesn't seem to be aware of just how lucky she is to have a knack for the diabolo, either. She's also totally oblivious to Kurara's struggles, routinely failing to take it seriously when Kurara starts to get sad or annoyed. One of her Challenge quest lines in Ashen Revolution was "I like Kurara, but she's always kinda cold.", so it sounds like Urara figured Kurara was just Like That™️ and didn't put much thought into it. Even though Kurara knows that Urara isn't absentminded on purpose, it still pisses her off anyway.
... Not that she ever said anything about it to Urara until it was too late. Unfortunately, Kurara's pride is both her biggest strength and her greatest flaw. It gives her a theatric, flashy personality that's perfect for drawing the affection of her fans, but it also cripples her ability to let herself show any sort of weakness. Asking for help would be like admitting defeat; she doesn't know how to express her feelings when she's sad or worried.
Kurara very much reads to me as a young girl who's fighting to keep her head above water in the cutthroat, fast-paced entertainment industry. She's not a prodigy; she's a normal junior high student. If it weren't for the fact that she had Urara's coattails to cling to, Kurara says she never would've even been allowed to enter some of the contests she's won. Tickets for their shows sold like crazy because of Urara's reputation-- which Kurara appreciated, but it also served to highlight the difference between the way the world sees someone who was "born talented" versus someone who's just "a hard worker".
On that note, how strongly competitive Kurara is, coupled with the insane amount of pressure she puts on herself, gives me the impression that her home life is... not great. It's unfortunately common for young girls to get involved in showbiz because it's what their parents want, regardless of the effects on the girls' mental health. We don't know anything about Kurara's family yet, but I would not be surprised if they're responsible for her horrible inferiority complex by trying to push her into being their perfect little star.
It's not like she isn't aware of how awful her true nature is, either-- in Urara's MSS, she calls herself a piece of trash for getting mad at Urara for saving her life. She feels guilty that even though she's such an unlovable person, Urara has never stopped loving her anyway. The idea that Urara considers her "irreplaceable", or sees the two of them as "best friends", is laughable to her. (Partly because Urara's obliviousness drives her crazy; possibly also because she doesn't know what Urara sees in her in the first place. Kurara really seems to have the mindset of "If I'm not the best, I'm nothing at all".)
The reason why Kurara became the leader of Yukuni's eradication faction is because she thinks that magical girls only bring curses in the end, so she wants them gone. Honestly, though, I can't help but suspect that this turn of events is at least partially the culmination of all of her anger and self-loathing.
Leading a faction for a "good cause" lets her take charge and accomplish something when she's felt like a worthless second fiddle for so long... And it gives her a way to try to drive a wedge further between herself and Urara.
When Urara became a magical girl, Kurara snapped at her for it, saying "I'm so glad that you're part of that scum, because I've always hated you.". I think it's more complicated than simple "hate", though. Kurara was willing to give Urara closure on their relationship in Urara's MSS, and apologized (in a way) for what she said in Ashen Revolution. Urara's cluelessness may get on her nerves, but going by the flashback where Kurara tells Urara that she makes her smile, she probably also thought it could be kinda cute.
And... She admires Urara so much that it's killing her to stay together. Shortly before they go their separate ways in Urara's MSS, she says:
Kurara: "But I can't do this anymore. As long as I'm with you, I'll be reminded of how ugly my own heart is."
Urara: "..."
Kurara: "Breaking up the duo was a good start, regardless of whether or not you became a magical girl, huh?"
That's so... man. She does care!!! She probably even loves Urara the same as Urara loves her!! She loves Urara so much that it makes her hate herself even more-- for being so bitterly jealous towards her best friend, for her mess of a personality, and for resenting the girl who loves her more than anything.
I've gotta say that Kurara's last line here gives me the impression that she was mostly using the magical girl thing as an "out". By pinning the blame on an external source, she can avoid having to think about her own feelings. It gives her an excuse to tear her relationship with Urara apart-- something that Kurara feels undeserving of.
Obviously none of this excuses Kurara's actions, but... I honestly feel pretty bad for her??? Poor girl is an absolute wreck under the surface. She has SO many deep-rooted problems. If she'd let herself open up more to seek out support, I'm sure that she and Urara could reconcile, and I bet that a happier, more confident Kurara would be even more successful than she currently is. Instead, she's being strangled to death by her own pride.
... Kurara is a really good NPC.
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