#i feel like that more often on my main blog actually when i talk abt the ~new adult experiences~ like having roommates or a new job n stuff
hua-fei-hua · 1 year
on one hand, what you see is basically what you get with me, but on the other hand, i do sometimes wonder if the readers who later became personal friends of mine were ever prepared for my strange and unprofessional behaviors at the odd hours of the day
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booksandpaperss · 2 years
Aight another long post but it’s important that everyone on this tag gets this:
People who say byler isn’t a ground breaking queer ship if its gonna be canon just… don’t get it.
“There’s other shows with queer rep not just ST!” yes thank you I am well aware that Mike and Will aren’t the only two gay people in existence. Sure there’s other queer media, but like, most of the good ones are shows that were explicitly confirmed to be abt the queer experience, and I love those, but it’s just different when a show with a plot unrelated to being gay *has* multiple main characters as queer. Like that’s so much better bc it reminds ppl that queer ppl are actually real people and we exist outside of TV shows abt being queer, ya feel me?
-“Just bc stranger things is a bigger show doesn’t make a queer ship on it more groundbreaking”- umm yes it fucking does?? I really don’t think some of you understand: thousands of ppl who are either homophobic or just ignorant and aren’t used to seeing gay ppl on screen are going to SEE with their own eyes two teen boys in the 80s being in love on one of their favorite shows. Tons of queer kids who don’t have access to queer media or simply don’t KNOW that they’re queer are going to get to see two teen boys being in love. Putting that on a show like stranger things puts that representation across a much larger and diverse audience, *that* is what’s groundbreaking.
-“Stop acting like byler is any more of a big deal than Robin and Vickie! There’s already a queer ship onscreen another one isn’t any more groundbreaking.”- Yes. Yes it is. And do you know why? Because Mike and Will are both *crucial main characters*. There’s another longpostTM on my blog where I talk abt this in more detail, but the fact that Will’s romance is with mike, a relationship with another mc that’s been built up since season 1 and is critical to the plot, instead of some side character dude inserted in a later season just for Will to have a love interest, makes a difference! It’s not a side pairing that’s there just for the sake of being lgbtq, it’s a genuine well developed romance between two childhood best friends. How often do queer people get romances like that onscreen? Much less in a major hit TV show??
And before anyone thinks I’m just “not taking wlw ships seriously”: I am literally a lesbian and I nearly cried when I saw Robin and Vickie getting to be gay onscreen. I could go on and on abt how annoying it is that wlw ships are ignored in favor of mlm ships (cough cough steddie) but that’s not why *byler* is a bigger deal, why do you think byler is getting more backlash by cishets than literally any other queer ship that I’ve seen in media?
If you still think I’m being “over dramatic” after reading this, I literally don’t care. There’s bigger lgbtq issues to worry about than online discourse, and I think I’ve made myself quite clear already. I rest my case.
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gothlisteningclub · 4 months
I think you'd get more votes if you did week long polls instead of day long ones. I don't always have time to listen to an album on a weeknight but I wanna hear it and vote!! Just a friendly suggestion, genuinely u should run ur blog in the way u enjoy
thanks for the suggestion! we're still in early days and i'm new to running a blog like this so i do appreciate feedback. honestly i'm glad this was brought up bc i have been a bit unsure abt what poll length would be best. the thing is, the point is not really to get a lot of votes, it's to give people a reason to listen to a new album every day or just as often as possible, and talk about it. ive been doing 24 hours bc i think it's good if it moves fast, that way it doesn't really give you a chance to put it off, if you missed rating an album there's a new one up already so you can just do that one instead. buuut i think 1 day is pretty short and i feel bad that sometimes people miss voting bc of things like time zones making it so they saw it way later or smth like that. i really wish there was a 48 hour option:/
anyway i'm definitely open to feedback. obviously i lean more towards the 24 hours, but if most people feel that a week is better I'm willing to try it. My main question is- would a week long poll get you to listen to more albums than a 24 hour poll, if albums are still posted every 24 hours?
(personally i think if i was following this blog, and had a week to vote- i might see the posts throughout the week and think "i'll just listen to that later on a day when i'm not as busy" and then end up with like 7 albums to listen to on the weekend, and probably not actually listen to most of them. buuuut ik my experiences are not universal so!)
i guess we might as well poll this but I also would like to hear reasoning so pls feel free to reply to this post or send an ask. i'm not necessarily abiding by the results of this poll in my decision if i feel like ppls reasons dont reflect the goals of this blog, i just want to get a general feel for everyone's opinions on the matter
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koinotame · 6 months
hi! it's me, nana / koinotame!
if you're wondering why i went inactive and then deleted, my mental health kind of (really) tanked... and i ended up deleting my blog in a fit.
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it's getting better bit by bit though! and i've been wanting to get back into writing (and talking abt my unhinged/yan ideas i can't really talk to anyone else abt), so. here i am! for now, at least
as for my previously posted writing, there's some good news and some bad news: the bad news is that everything i wrote directly into tumblr (99% of snippets, a lot of ask answers, most exact content warnings, etc) is gone. the slightly less bad news is that iirc there were very very few posts of mine that weren't reblogged by anyone at all, so they're probably still out there? feel free to send them my way if you find any and i'll rb them. @/midnight-remembrance also has reblogged a couple of them! there's a couple snippets i have saved in some places, so i might repost those on my own as i find them, but there's very few of those. the good news is that anything longer (proper writing — oneshots, hcs, yan alphabet responses and so on, prompt responses, etc) is safely backed up where i originally wrote it! some of it is also on my ao3, which is the same username. feel free to send me asks about any you'd like to see again and i'll repost them! i might not post them if i feel too embarrassed about/wish i hadn't posted them, and i might rewrite/heavily edit some of them, but i think there's only a handful that fall into the former category and none of them were particularly popular. either way, no harm in asking!
as for some other updates: i'm a little divided on whether i want to keep posting explicit nsfw or not so we'll see. i might just keep it out of main tags. idk yet. regardless of what decision i make, this blog is still strictly 18+ and that will not be changing. since we can reply from sideblogs now, this is a sideblog and not my main now. why? sometimes i prefer to check up on a blog frequently instead of following them for a couple of reasons, but this felt very awkward when they were following me. so this being a sideblog relieves a bit of that stress. if this makes it sound like i have severe brain worms, it's because i do. to that effect though, if we interact every so often feel free to consider us mutuals regardless of whether or not i'm actually following you =w=b tbh i.............. am not really into genshin anymore. i might post about it here and there but i just Do Not (really) Care about it anymore. scara aside to some degree i also have no clue what's going on post inazuma lol whatever projects or commitments to writing or etc i had made beforehand. i forgot all of them so just pretend that never happened ok? ok i'll also probably be posting more sparsely, but we'll see! and (this is obviously the most important bit) i have no clue where i put the mika edit so we're back to my og classic pfp. the header scales terribly and is temporary, please ignore that too
all that aside, as a treat for anyone who sees this in time,
*roughly 6/22 done, but fairly quick to write. roughly one paragraph per character (sneak peek line: "it's not too hard to be discreet with his unique magic when someone really deserves to fall face down a flight of stairs. or three. oopsie. odd they don't remember it, huh? well, he had nothing to do with that.") **more realistic isn't quite the right word(s)... probably won't post this one to the main tags regardless. won't be doing all of the characters (only important/relevant ones) and won't be writing more about/expanding on, so this one is just like. a one off experiment sort of thing. overall less violent than most takes on the au + leans a bit (or lot, depending on how you look at it) more on the religious aspect of self aware aus. i wrote a couple paragraphs a while ago, then rewrote them, but i'll only finish/post them if there's interest for it (sneak peek line: "aether has deluded himself and cast You aside entirely on his own—and when You finally grace them with Your real presence, zhongli is certain aether will be the first to fall from Your grace.")
i have one other new thing immediately ready for posting that'll get posted in a couple of days but that one's pretty silly
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dnangelic · 4 months
A quick and dirty RP policy guide
Bold all that apply to you and your blog. Italics if you’re on the fence about something. Either reblog or repost. Feel free to add anything I may have missed in the appropriate category, or recategorize something that is in the wrong place!
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My blog is ______
Open to all
Moderately Selective
Highly selective
Exclusive ( ^ idc for any of these labels for myself tbh whats below is more important🏃‍♂️ )
Only going to RP with mutuals
Mostly going to RP with mutuals ( if you have a sideblog that's fine! )
Affiliated with a group
Spoilers free (it's a 30 year old series nobody pays attn to anymore though??? dark's been dead for over 10 slutty slutty years 😭 laksjlkdjg)
Spoilers tagged
Spoilers mostly tagged
I will RP with ______
Any fandom
Most fandoms (there are a few i'm uncomfortable with!)
Only fandoms I know
Mostly fandoms I know
Only people in my fandom (aslkdjf all five of them?? 🥺)
OCs with no fandom ties
OCs who are related to/know my character in their backstory
Only one version of any particular character
People who have the same muse as me
People who do not have a rules page
Multimuse blogs
People in RP groups
Indie RPers
When RPing, I like to use _______
Shorter forms of text (i get very bored of single one-liner exchanges very fast!)
*Action* (dark will text like this. errybody watch out for teh glompz XD sorry)
Gif icons
Formatted text
Whatever my partner is using
My own style regardless of my partner’s reply ( i'll usually match paragraph structure + text size of my partner but very rarely i can't be bothered alsdkjlg. )
I will ship with _______
No one
Select ships
Others of my own muse (this goes for dark x daisuke, not just dai x dai (or dark+dark) too. i don't do any of that romantically ever ❌)
Crossovers with characters from different fandoms
Only one version of a particular character
One person in my main verse
Multiship, all ships independent of each other & main ship
One main/canon ship within my main verse
My blog WILL contain ______ in its content
Light fluff
Dark humor
I will follow ______ back
Only some people
Most people
Only people in my fandom
Every RP blog
Only people I actively wish to RP with
People who do not post a lot of OOC (i love ppl who can't stop talking ooc abt their muses actually, but i don't like too much random irrelevant content, esp if it's untagged)
People whose posts I am comfortable with on my dashboard
To RP with me, you should _______
Follow back
Answer an open
Message me OOC (i'm very very spotty and slow/negligent with ooc messages due to my bad eye health/short free time timeframes so it helps to skip small talk if you message me specifically through ims or discord!)
Message me IC (i try to at least get my inbox completely free and clean asap, so asks are always your best bet if u want the fastest response to something!)
Make a starter (as long as we're mutuals, random starters are completely ok! tag me in whatever whenever. )
Answer my starter
Send in a meme
Like a starter call (i don't usually reblog memes or make starter calls! i do try to like others' calls though and sometimes send in memes or random unprompted asks! i often respond IC-ly a lot to replies on my posts! if you reply to a reply i make on your post IC-ly, (or otherwise tbh) i will probably turn it into a proper interaction thread!)
Plot with me
I practice reblog karma with memes
I expect reblog karma with memes
I expect my rules/about to be read
I always read the rules/about before following/interacting
If you follow me, I would like my triggers tagged
I expect all smut to be beneath a read-more
I am multi-muse (i kind of am, kind of am not, but i don't reaaaally consider myself one due to the bizarre way dark and daisuke.... well. work. 'i don't get it' appearances and superficials aside they're genuinely the same character, have the same motivations, conflicts and inner feelings about themselves, bonding with one is bonding with the other, relationships or dynamics can potentially end up repeating if you treat them separately as a duo instead of a whole single unit, which is ehhh to me. if that makes sense!)
I do not wish for my OOC posts to be reblogged
I do not wish for my threads to be reblogged by those not involved
I expect post length effort to be matched
I expect icons/gifs to be used in a reply if I have used them
I don’t expect post length to be matched, but I will try to match your own.
I am patient when waiting for replies and expect the same courtesy. (you can also just drop stuff whenever forever! i dont mind at all. alternatively if there's something you want to see moved along, feel free to tell me you're dying to continue a certain thread/scenario and i'll push it to the top of my priorities✨)
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dullahandyke · 9 months
Wait ok bcos i metisposted. I realised u guys might not have all the eimear lore. So here is the main stuff off the top of my head
Bugs in him - every so often I spam reblog an audio line from kingdom hearts recoded. Mickey its riku they put bugs in him. Actually don't worry about it stay unaware
That one time I tried to move blogs after a six month hiatus and then gave up lol. My alt still exists (@tissyfits if u wanna go for it) but I never like. Log in or use it. So
Materfred - important and vital. Ship between Manfred von karma from ace attorney and mater from cars. I wrote several fics. I reskinned the entirety of my immortal for them. I made a carrd for them (materfred.carrd.co). They are somewhat known because my tags abt them on a post got screenshotted and then the OP of that post blocked me (entirely fair it was a plague upon their notes)
The metis cykes obsession - metis cykes is a minor character in the fifth ace attorney game who has been dead for 7 years by the time the story starts and she has no dialogue. There are seven pictures of her in existence and two of those are of her corpse. I loved her I LOOOOVED her it was like spiritual, I've kinned for fun on and off but I was LITERALLY her IRL for like 6 months. To this day my feelings on aurametis are staunch like stone
The lamp blog - I used to have a huuuge hateboner for clay terran as a symbol of fandom latching onto background men instead of woman characters, and, spurred on by my friend group at the time, I made a blog called yourfavehasfewerficsthanthislamp where I just compared the number of fics XYZ character had next to the number of fics terran had. It was an obsessive hate-cycle which did nothing to actually uplift female characters and the methodology was intensely flawed (shoutout to the 'neopets has fewer fics than terran' submission - I mean, yeah, but I feel like you can't use that to say he is more popular than fuckin neopets. Or that neopets is a poor neglected soul that needs more fanfiction written about it) but hey at least I got reposted to Twitter
Yelling emernally - my old talk tag <3 back before I made yis read all my thoughts unfiltered, back when I spelt my name 'emer'. Given the pronounication of my name, it is a pun that only kind of worked, and it confused most people who came across it. Tag is still up if u wanna read my 2020 thoughts but also like. Dont
Not so much a bullet point but if u were around before I was calling myself dullahandame u are legally my cousin. I dont even remember all URLs what I had back then, only they all had my name in them. Emer-bottomtext, emer-ald-isle, et cetera. Fun times
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entropy-sea-system · 3 months
This blog and our sideblogs will be on hiatus/inactive at least for a while.
I think being online may be a bit overwhelming for us, I don't feel like we got much out of it and its so easy for us to leave servers and block people when everything doesn't seem perfect, we don't have any actual attachment to anyone online so it's easy to just leave.
And this time at least w the discord servers I don't even feel very angry or upset, just maybe left out of anxiety and feeling like I need a change in the spaces Im in. I also wonder if in some cases I eventually get tired of a space or people and need to leave, Im not used to stability, and especially have no incentive to stay when I don't have a connection to someone.
I think currently I only feel that stability with my in sys partners, and sometimes Im still not used to that, I haven't cared about people that intensely for that long until having relationships with them.
We see a concerning amount of people hold views we can't agree with, and have been blocking these people as well as just ppl whose posts were not things we were interested in / may have been things we disliked or were triggered or repulsed by. We have blocked so many followers and unfollowed or blocked some ppl we followed because of these things, and its just better for us this way.
We haven't liked being in spaces mainly with minors, but maybe that was just the nature of online aro and apl spaces as of now, and some fandom spaces. But some discord servers geared towards adults seem to imply minors are 'annoying' and I don't agree with that, it feels antithetical to youth liberation and generally just respecting people.
I just prefer interacting with adults personally, and most of the system is this way since we are an adult. I feel like Ive been around minors like for so long (body has younger siblings and we were a minor until like 3-4 years ago) that I'm preferring to be around adults because I want to feel more like Im actually an adult, and don't feel like spaces with more minors are for us.
I think maybe I just got a bit tired of being around the age group of 'my age and younger' for so much of my life its like I don't want a repeat of that. I don't know anyone I really trust outside the system(not a priority to find this either), and I've never had an older adult mentor figure I could trust in my life, and I don't even know if I want that since some older adults may see me as 'like their child' and I'm afamilial. I'm also plato repulsed and it doesn't appeal to me to just hang out with people, I may be more plato repulsed than I thought (extending more into some things seen as friendship) which is really saying something.
This doesn't mean minors and youth are prone to always having views we disagree with (although we understand there are some reasons minors may be less likely to be informed about things or be influenced by the way the world has been, but that goes for any age group and/or culture in different ways) or that adults cannot interact in appropriate ways with minors, its just personal preference. I don't feel like on purpose interacting w minors in online spaces, and I don't even seek online interaction w anyone much to begin with. I think often, we just like talking about our interests and maybe like the attention we may get from people online.
There's nothing else we find positive about it, and the way online spaces can become very invested in discourse is.. irritating and like yeah I do talk about discourse and have opinions on it (not much posting abt on main, but used to a bit more in vent channels or other channels on discord servers) myself it's just maybe I want to avoid it for now since it doesn't seem like a good use of time or energy.
I want to avoid people who very obviously have opposing views to ours or make space for those who do for some topics at least, and I don't want people to target us for not agreeing with them. Frankly, I'm seeing a lot of harmful attitudes from so-called leftists and generally people in the mogai community, especially usamericans.
Anyways, all this is to say we will probably be taking a break from tumblr and discord or at least try it out for a bit, see if it feels better than being online a lot.
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Info Post
This blog is run by @styxnbones and serves as an in-character rp blog for my oc Harper Matheson, a Nagaraja Hecata from Vampire: The Masquerade (v5/v20). Meta information on the character can be found under #harper oc on my main, but I'll also put a little blurb under the cut since I haven't talked about them as much over there.
Also, I'm playing things a bit more fast and loose here than I am over w Kellen @dermestes-vulpinus since, while Harper's personality is quite cemented, the details of their life are a bit more blurry. The point of this blog is actually kinda to force myself to establish things about them. (and also just to have an ic blog that isn't run by a total hermit)
Also Also, if like,, occaisional implied mild necrophilia squicks you out maybe tread carefully here
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Harper Matheson is a 12th gen Nagaraja who is currently serving as the Scourge of Baltimore. Embraced in the 80's, they didn't officially join the Camarilla until after the Family Reunion (when their sire decided to try for a tan and left them with little other choice). They are very aware of the stereotypes associated with their bloodline, having been a shining example of many in the past, and have consequently made a great effort to repair their reputation in concert with their rising status. They claim to abstain entirely from all forms of anthropophagy, including drinking blood, and routinely sew their mouth shut as a display of their commitment. While they often affect a holier-than-thou sort of attitude about the subject, they really don't have nearly as much ego as they seem to. Also, though they do enjoy their job, it isn't personal- those are just the targets they've been pointed at. As with most things, especially those that concern their relationship to the Camarilla, Harper's motivations are self-serving and they have no problems with acting subversively if it suits them. In general they're pretty affable, (after all, they are on here because they're lonely and bored and they can get away with it,) if a bit nosy, and their main interests are in black and white/film photography and industrial music.
It's also worth noting that Harper is a Known Blankbody, so any hunters who want to know more abt that background before interacting feel free to shoot me a dm.
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hitomiheart · 2 months
i need to rant abt men in kpop ❤️
first of all i am not a fan of any boy groups and know very little about them in general. thankfully this isn't twitter so i don't think i'll get shit for making a post on my blog with my own opinion butttt just in case ! my intention is not insulting or speaking ill of any boy groups. if i ever did (lmao) it would be because of their music (sorry) and not them as people because, again, i do not know anything about them !
that said:
i'm fairly new to kpop. i got into it in 2021 so there's a lot of ~history~ that i wasn't part of - whether that is fandom dynamics or kpop events etc. so, to my understanding, girl groups weren't always as popular as they are now. and i can fucking tell. there are two main things that annoy me when it comes to people's reactions or behavior towards girl groups: 1. fans making everything about a male idols and 2. men in the industry itself making everything about male idols. i know number 2 is a nuanced situation but i just wanna talk about my personal pov, as what i stated above: new to kpop, gg stan.
1. fans making everything about a male idols: pretty self-explanatory. i consume kpop content mostly through youtube and twitter. it drives me insane the amount of people constantly bringing up boy groups when they are NOT the topic of conversation lmao i know bts are hugeeee as well as their fanbase and i know that is an issue between fandoms but godddd these ppl drive me insane lmfao. i'm mentioning bts bc i know how big they are so it would make sense for them to be brought up by fans more often but it is also the case with other groups that i won't mention bc i already got my point across. given the competitive nature of the entertainment industry this is bound to happen but i can't help but feel like girl groups are constantly being diminished for not being as great or cool as the big boy groups are. one example is a very recent one: it was the first year anniversary of lee chaeyeon's knock, posted by the ggs anniversary acc on twitter which had around 3k likes last time i checked but someone quoted the tweet with a video of chaeyeon dancing with a seventeen member. dino, i think it was. no problem with the video itself obviously, i always look forward to seeing chaeyeon interacting with other idols especially if they are good dancers. point is, this tweet had double the likes the original one lmaooo and people were making chaeyeon's important step in her career about a male idol. i know fans probably don't mean to do this, to intentionally steal the spotlight in this case from chaeyeon but as a fan it just annoys me deeply. i also know people can be multi stans. but still. it's just something that personally throws me off. there is nothing i can do about that except this rant lol. nothing against seventeen btw i think they are very talented and it's one of the groups that i respect and sympathize with!
2. men in the industry: this is a tricky one bc the point i want to get across is based on the hybe game caterers thing lol and as i mentioned before it hasn't been that long since i'm a kpop fan and stan just a few groups so this argument is merely based on a specific situation that bothered me. ok, so. obviously i was watching this youtube series (again) bc i love le sserafim and fromis_9 <3 and it is through these videos that i actually got to know from the bgs and i was like you know what,,,, these gentlemen aren't so bad ! lmao. if you know what videos i'm talking about, you'll remember that the three finalists of the random play dance competition were eunchae, seoyeon and soobin. towards the end of the competition there's a bit where some male idols were gushing over how cute soobin is, how good of a dancer he is, etc etc (which i agree with! adorbs). basically leaving all the compliments for him and barely talking about eunchae and seoyeon lol. and not only that! during the majority of the game all the comments were about yeonjun, because he also knew all the dances. like damn, even with women being 2/3 finalists the attention is still all over soobin? 😭 i do have to mention that i gained hugeee respect for seungkwan, who was hosting along na pd, because everytime this happened he would actively redirect the attention towards the girls, complimenting them. love him. he was funny, witty, respectful. 10/10. now, this is where the nuance comes: i'm aware interactions between men and women in the industry are a touchy subject. idols are careful not to cross any boundaries and whatnot to avoid dating rumours/scandals. but either way the situation over all seemed so unbalanced lol and i'm glad seungkwan came through. a true ally. on the other hand, this a sort of major scale situation, a big event where 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation artists come together, which could be an indicator of this being a common ocurrence. and we do live under a patriarchy after all.
so yeah i think that's all. it's a bit frustrating seeing your favorite women being constantly swept under the rug, even when they are the ones ruling kpop at the moment.
if anyone gets to read this, let me know what you think. have you thought of this before? do you think there's been a positive shift in men's behavior towards women in kpop? can you think of other examples? am i being crazy and need to go outside? i'm open to discussions 🤍
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dollking081 · 3 months
skip this if you want
okay so fuck so hi bit of a ventsies oh no :((((((((((( so fuck so basically *to the tune of that one part in I'm a believer*: AND THEN I KILLED MYSELF
lmao okay fuck this is so unserious lmao but like genuinely I just need to fucking type for a bit and send it out to the world because I'm a special frog
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I eated today I wish I didn't eated because I'm a
and I feel all icky and I'm scared of gaining weight BUT WHATEVER LMAO I feel like when I'm just typing like this I can like actually like B myself I should do this more lmao so fuck I'm just gonna keep talking till I run out of ideas - leave at any time so fuck uh I feel like I overreact a lot lmao like I'm sensitive - that's my main chr trait but like yk? NEways it just rlly pissed me off that SOMEONE couldn't keep quiet abt a game I'm playing and spoiled what sounded like a rlly interesting plot twist which sucks bcz I don't rlly get to feel much excitement often and it's like my 3 emotions are Happy Sad and Angry and I was really looking forward to playing this game because it looked cool and now it's ruined it for me and I know I should get over it but like,,,,,, LMAO NO getting over it is for LOOOOOOOOSSSSSERRRRRSSSSSSSS but wh8ever my computer sounds like a jet engine it pisses me off lmao so fuck lmao I say so fuck a lot lmao so fuck I quit therapy bcz fuck CAMHS LMAO therapist was super fucking invasive even when I made it loud and clear I didn't wanna talk abt certain subjects(tm) so fuck shit did I mention I hate my body? I should lose weight lmao like a lot of weight lmao like enough weight to kill me lmao okay maybe not that much lmao but I should totally start purging or just eating less lmao
I have some marbles in a bag lmao lmao so fuck how long is this fuckin post lmaoooo lmao so fuck I'm glad y'all don't know my
b8sically that's where I put
The Shit(TM)
I'm kinda in my yandere era over there, it's cringe but though I am cringe, I am free or not, for we are all shackled by capitalism but wh8ever I kinda just post about BOO HOO LOVE ME it's pure emotion compressed into word form (cringe)
mayyyyyyybe I'll put it at the end of one of these if I do another
for only the most dedicated of readers LMAO
I stole a bunch of shit from that therapy place b4 yk I left 4 4evrsies some toys and this shitty game called Scridoodle or wh8evr lmao
I have crippling insomnia and a fear of school and I've lost my motivation and I hate life LMAO
so shit
I'm not gonna kill myself lmao I'm too much of a coward for that plus I'd miss sakkakukukukukukukukukuku(kuku) I'm tired tho I need to work on headspace need to add an aquarium lmao
okie dokies, that's all buh bye, superstars (ugh, I remember when I used to end my posts with that,,,,)
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the-skrunkle · 5 months
intro below the cut <3
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sideblog of @the-skrunkle so feel free to apply this there too c: stuff abt me!! i use she/her pronouns, they/them is okay too as long as its not used exclusively or for the majority because then it feels like its purposefully avoiding the alternative, obviously for ppl who dont know though that doesnt rly apply c:
im demi aro+ace! i also find relationships very cute in like shows and books and stuff (well um as long as they're done well..) despite finding them kinda gross and weird when they involve irl people (including actors...) sorry,,
um. i would talk about my interests but i feel like they're a bit random sometimes. ill like basically anything if i enjoy their vibes which is so vague that i dont think i can elaborate. i guess i like any creative works, in particular music and art!! (generic i know...) my favourite book series atm is skulduggery pleasant, my favourite show recently is saiki k and my favourite visual novel is starry flowers :3 i dont have any favourite artists though (musicians included). erm . . i like celeste!! i dont play it that often anymore but thats just because ive kind of been losing interest in games in general,, i still play it sometimes though. same with genshin but the main reason i like that is cus i like the characters a lot
idk what else im meant to say tbh- ill block people who's vibe i just dont really like, or sometimes if its just something i dont really wanna see and tumblr keeps showing me for some reason
oh yeah. since this is my blog for like. more personal stuff, there will be vents sometimes. sorry. ill tag them with #vent (or #mini vent if its something less serious!) so feel free to block that tag if you dont want to see them, thats totally ok!! ill also end up deleting them after i feel better so hopefully they wont randomly pop up too much - i might also use #not a vent sometimes for things that might be kinda negative but not actually venting!!
yeah thats kinda it i think-
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artistlara · 2 years
I don’t think home’s a place, rather a person. Being in someones arms is home for me
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Outdated, check new pinned here
꒰ abt info below the cut! ꒱
Hello hello ! ~ヾ(^∇^) welcome to my humble abode. Take a seat, get comfy and have some tea🍵
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There’s not much going on here other than a few reblogs, art, and some incoherent rambles but make yourself feel at home while you’re here! <3
Some stuff to note:
This is not a self-ship blog BUT I do post self shipping art and the likes of it. If you’re not comfy with that then you’re free to mute the tag “self ship” or just don’t follow me! (If you’re curious abt who my f/o’s are then here’s a carrd!)
My inbox is open for requests! It may take a lot of time before I actually get to it, but you’re free to send in your oc or a character u like! I still have the right to decline though.
English is not my first language. I’d say I can speak fluent english but I do still get some words wrong here and there. So please be patient with me if I don’t fully understand something.
My art is free to use as icons/pfp and such! Please just credit me somewhere people can see. The only thing I don’t allow are resposts. (For Friends: Credit isn’t needed but v appreciated :D dw abt using my art!)
I’ll add more to this when I remember anything else but for now this can do. Below are more info abt me and my interests!
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Call me Lara! I also go by Lin or Art so choose ur pick. Any other nicknames are for friends only ty
I'm a minor but not below 16, so please don't be weird!
I sometimes draw! I’m usually busy irl so I’m not able to draw often, but I try!
I'm asian, not comfy on specifying where I'm from (unless we’re close) so that's all I'll say
I have an Insta but it’s quite dead. I’m a lil more unhinged here on Tumblr so this is ur best bet to seeing what I have to offer.
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bold - what i’m currently fixated on
italic - i’m into it rn and down to talking abt it!
Friday Night Funkin’
Genshin Impact
‼️ All my Genshin art is PLATONIC unless I state otherwise (this also excludes the self ship art). I do ship certain characters but I’d rather keep things in a platonic light most of the time bc I yearn for more familial/platonic fanart.
‼️ All my Eddsworld art revolving around the main cast is PLATONIC. Please do not tag any of it with ship tags. The only ship I’ll allow being tagged is “paultryck.” The way I portray Pau and Pat is ambiguous, so you‘re free to view it as either platonic or romantic!
Other Interests I don’t actively talk abt but they’re here!
Technoblade (not d/s/m/p)
Mystic Messenger
Cells at Work!!
PS. I don’t usually like associating myself in the fandom since it can be a whole trainwreck sometimes! So these are labelled “current interests” than “fandoms I’m in.” I’d rather stay in my little corner to vibe and have fun. <3
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My tags are a mess and I should probably fix them at some point but here’s some basics:
#🍵lara does art- art tag basically, you’ll find all the art I posted from (mostly) doodles to (a few) finished pieces.
#🍵rb - all the stuff I reblog pretty much
#🌻friends! - a tag I use for my friends whenever it’s abt them <3 they all have separate tags for names.
#🍵the introvert wants to speak - text posts aka my incoherent rambles abt my thoughts and such, dunno if you’ll go thru it but just letting u know.
I’ll add more if needed. Please do let me know if you want me to tag certain things! Majority of my warnings have either cw or tw before it.
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Well that’s all, if you ever end up following me I hope u enjoy ur stay! 🍶
Will add more if I remember stuff or smth changes <3
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kordeliiius · 3 years
Hello there, im Supra (using the B.O.T account because im a dumbass don't mind me). I see you are a fellow City Of Metronome fan, have any headcanons or something?
OMG HI thanks for reaching out to me, yes I have tons of stuff on my mind that I'd be happy to get out >:D
I've seen people discuss possibility that the city exists somewhere within the LN universe because of how similar they feel. I realize that the metrognome cameos were most likely intended as harmless Easter eggs, but then again I believe everything in LN is intentional. One person I know went as far to say Six is actually from Metronome, since she's often said to be "different" or "doesn't belong."
CoM could also follow a certain thematic trend revolving around senses set up by the LN games; Pale City represents sight, the Maw represents taste, and Metronome of course represents sound
The souls that are used to power scouts are uncannily similar to shadow children, in the sense that they're fuzzy black incorporeal creatures that wear white masks, so I'm using that to support my idea that shadows are people's souls
I have a tendency to assign real-world parallels to the locations and cultures within Tarsier's games, so if I were pinpoint Metronome on a real world map it'd be somewhere on the coast bordering Russia and Manchuria. And I'm making this inference based on not just the faces of the people who live there, but also the apparent intersections of culture and language you can see throughout the city. Going off of that, Ten is Manchu and New is Kazakh
I have absolutely ZERO DOUBT that Ten and New were basically beta Mono and Six; one kid with some supernatural ability meets another kid who prefers to fight bare-handed and they form a rebel tag team
I read in a recent article that one of the main factors that prevented the project from going forward was the devs' struggle to make the sound mechanics fun and easy to use, so I hatched the idea to just abandon that mechanic and use something that's already prevalent, like photography. It's kind of a twisted idea because the corp is already using this technology to control their slaves, but I like the idea of the rebels using a loophole to their advantage to take the corp down. Plus now that photo modes are a thing in games that'd be a dope addition, assuming you don't let Ten get caught with cold hard evidence of his whereabouts ;^^ (if you try to take a photo of New she either runs and hides or tries to rip it out of your hands)
I haven't seen any mention of this one unnamed character other than on my own blog, so I'm gonna take a sec to go off abt them again. (for reference I'm talking abt the guy in the top right image, lmk if this link doesnt work) As far as I know this is the only image of this character to exist somewhat publicly but it gave me all I needed to make up a whole backstory lmaooooo First of all I'm pinpointing them as Runaway's parallel because it’d be super awesome if three core characters got resurrected as playable characters in LN. But when it comes to their actual narrative, im getting the image of a spy antagonist who's in league with the corporation and they've been sent to track down the main duo. Make that more tragic by adding the implication that they were friends with New once and are now staying with the enemy for revenge purposes
Ok now this one is real wildboy stuff, because it's not exactly based on any official material, but rather on something that appears to be fanmade. For awhile I couldn't tell who the ghost girl on this mockup cover was supposed to be, because she sorta looks like New, but I remember seeing a face like neither on them on the archived official site; it's a weird case of the Mandela effect but regardless of intention I am running with a number of ideas about this character, because who knows how big the original planned cast was The idea I have rn is that in life, this girl was childhood friends with New and the spy kid, but their huge falling-out was triggered by some sort of accident that not only killed this girl but cost the spy half their limbs. They then of course directed their anger at New, who came out almost totally unscathed. This ghost is only visible to whoever she shows herself to, and sometimes appears in front of Ten to assist him in certain tasks
Lastly it’s worth mentioning that while I can't ever see the protags being romantically involved (and i'm doing everything in my power to avoid certain tropes that were prevalent back then), I can't not see them as partners in crime either??? I say heteroplatonicism deserves more time to shine
so yea that should be everything I've written down both on and off the platform, if u read it all thanks a ton 👌
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nastyatticman · 3 years
If Slashers had horny Tumblrs...
What it says on the tin! HC post for if Jason, Bubba, Brahms, & Billy (Lenz) had their own tumblrs for horny content. (18+ only)
If you like these, feel free to send a request for other characters if you want :D
Contains : adult content, discussions of kink & brief mention of sexual harassment
Jason Voorhees
Very barebones bio that gives some basic info - his age, his gender/pronouns, and a warning this blog contains adult content. 
Doesn’t get updated often, and it’s usually all at night. Mostly consists of content he reblogs from different creators (artists/sex workers, etc)
Don’t expect a fancy theme or anything - he only uses his phone for horny content since he shares a computer with his sweet old boomer mom.
A good mix - largely pictures people post of themselves or art he likes. Sometimes he’s in a Mood and reblogs a bunch of very specific kinky posts - text posts with affirmations from doms, risqué art, gif sets of people in gear.
He doesn’t have a huge following or anything, just a handful of mutuals and spam bots he doesn’t clear out frequently. But when he posts anything he thinks could be too intense he makes sure to tag it with warnings, just in case.
Sometimes leaves little compliments for people - he’s usually too shy to message people directly but he’ll reblog their posts and say nice things in the tags. Nothing too forward, usually things like “you look so handsome here!” 
Bubba Sawyer
Makes sure not to put any identifying info but he usually puts his age/vague age range (“in my 30s”) because people ask for that.
A collection of stuff he likes, mostly pictures or gifs or the odd video or audio post. 
A lot of mostly vanilla content - again, what turns him on, what he can jerk it to easily. Stuff he can focus on when he’s really trying to get off. I feel like he’s more likely to reblog a gif set of people just going at it or pictures of a hot person in lingerie or cute undies than anything with too much of a kink/fetish focus. But not always.
I’m not sure if our Bubba can read/write very well so I can’t see him reblogging or writing long text posts, but there will be a few short ones here and there. 
He’s a little too nervous to post intimate pics publicly but I can see him on a very very confident day posting pics of just his hands after seeing people talk abt how they like strong hands.
Again, doesn’t write a lot, so he doesn’t add comments to reblogs or anything
He may leave nice things in tags tho! Like Jason he sometimes leaves little compliments for people whose content he reblogs (ur dress is so pretty!). Sometimes he tags things with certain emojis that seem to have some kind of meaning… a mood he’s in… or maybe they remind him of someone he likes?
Brahms Heelshire
VERY detailed very organized pinned post with info about him including a list of his kinks, and what interactions he wants/doesn’t want. Also, places to send him tribute. Not that he needs the money, of course, but he wouldn’t mind if you got him something off his wishlist. (Wink wink nudge nudge.)
I see him as a switch who leans heavily towards submissive with a bratty streak. However people tend to assume he’s more dominant since he reblogs more dom centered text posts (he’s usually imagining he’s the sub in those scenarios).
Has a decent following since he will periodically produce a lot of original content - mostly text posts, or audio, and the occasional picture where his face is obscured and no naughty bits are showing directly. He errs on the side of caution since he doesn’t want to get struck down by the tumblr nipple police, and also because are you kidding me his family has a reputation to uphold, he can’t afford to get caught 
Tumblr is his main horny platform of choice because he finds it easier to organize content he likes into an archive, and there’s more privacy. He tried making an nsfw account on other platforms before, but because of linked accounts and email fuckery he got recommended to follow a family friend and nearly shat himself. (He has a good handle on privacy and he knows that person couldn’t find him - he double checked his privacy settings after that - but it still scared him off that website, at least for that purpose.)
Because he has a decent following he also has a few mutuals he’s messaged periodically. He’s varying degrees of close - some only know him from his posts, some know his main tumblr, some may even be following him on other platforms as “long distance friends”
Every once in a while debates about having his own server for his simps followers, but he’s not sure about using his discord where he keeps in touch with friends/family for it or making a new one. You’re welcome to message him if you’re mutuals or you send him some cash first ❤️
Billy Lenz
What do you mean, “horny on main”? What, like you have an alt?
His blog is like, 98% porn but every once in a while he’ll reblog a non porn post to get into an argument.
“You sure have a lot of opinions on Canadian politics for a hentai blog 🤔”
Mostly an archive of stuff he finds hot at the time, without rhyme or reason - reblogs, links to other websites, etc. mostly chaos, but it seems like every once in a while he tries to have some kind of tagging system.
He sometimes posts original content - sometimes rambling text posts about the kind of sex he wants to have, very rarely pictures of himself. that he deletes immediately after in fear of getting flagged.
When it comes to audio posts… the Moaner lives up to his name. Although he’s not skilled with recording - clearly doing it on his phone - His audios aren’t half bad if you can find them. Usually captioned with something about how he made them or what he was thinking about when he made them.
Let’s be real, canon Billy had like no concept of consent. Or just didn’t care, because he wanted to scare and intimidate people. He’s definitely been blocked by people for sending creepy messages/asks or adding unwanted captions to their posts. When he wants to hit on someone in a way that means they may reciprocate, he’s nicer, but people are still (understandably) put off by him.
At his most polite though, he’d be the type to send an ask to someone saying he hopes they come to Toronto so that he can eat their hot pink cunt and make them cum on his thick tongue and fat, juicy cock. (This is regardless of factors like their actual location, whether or not they have a cunt, or travel guidelines due to the pandemic.)
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domjaehyun · 2 years
i wish i was more like y'all fr if someone says they don't like my bias i take it a lil too personal. it's like they're saying they don't like my mom or smth
JSJFKSKFKD tbh it depends for me like . going with the mom example i’m like . “well why do you not like her?” like i can hear people out bc i am fully aware my mom treats me the best out of everyone she knows and she’s still not great 😭😭😭 my mom is pretty insensitive in public and i have to tell her to stop talking constantly and/or apologize to people so they don’t hate her/me/us jsfjskdkdk so if they have like . valid complaints abt my mom i’m like welp yeah can’t argue w you there ! but if they’re like she’s “dumb” or smth i’m like PAUSE BC WHAT YOU’RE NOT GONNA DO IS JUST LIE ON MY MOTHER LIKE THAT!!!!! basically if it’s a valid observation that’s made with a decent amount of respect i will hear them out ig 😭😭😭
BUT LIKE. i mean i’m just personally aware that in the same way the members i don’t like aren’t for everyone, the members that i do like also aren’t for everyone!! there isn’t a single human being that is just universally liked 🤷🏽‍♀️ i also talked abt this a lil while ago on my other blog but i mentioned how a lot of the times, ppl who get defensive about their biases are often projecting onto their biases somewhat; their bias might share traits that they (the fan) personally are a lil insecure abt OR the bias might have traits that the fan admires and would like to have !!
like tbh for example: jaehyun’s main like. personality critique has usually been that he’s boring/bland; i am not boring or bland skfkskdkd so that didn’t bother me past, like, knowing he’s not actually boring or bland and feeling bad he gets characterized that way, yknow? i DO remember once though that someone said he was weird bc he was an only child and that made me kinda :/// bc . i’m an only child 😭😭😭 but again i was like “they’re not even talking abt me” so i just let it go
now…. haechan…………….. i am most definitely more protective of him BECAUSE i love his personality so much and admire it i think sjfjskkd so when people say they just Don’t Like Him or think he’s bratty or annoying i’m not gonna like beat down their door abt it bc who am i to change their opinion? but i am most likely just not gonna engage jdfjkskff bc i like his personality and at times he reminds me of myself !! ALSO tbh if someone strongly dislikes his personality i am willing to bet i would find them a very dull/not fun person bc haechan like . IS fun and exciting to me idk idk but yeah i am aware that a huge factor is that i’m really attracted to his personality in like a somewhat admiring way as well as just being . actually attracted to it !!!!
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absurdthirst · 3 years
hi i have a kinda real talk kind of question you can totally ignore me if you want cause its kind of random but like ive asked multiple women in my family what to expect from a pap smear and i cannot get a direct answer cause theyre all very private about privates which i try to respect their feelings abt it and just google search but that just ends up making me more anxious like i know its just a test to make sure everything is alright down there and im cool with that but like what actually goes on? like a walk through? am i supposed to shave? are they looking just at the main even or is the gown gonna be high enough up that the doc is gonna see the tattoo on my hip a friend gave me while i was high and manic at 17? (and she wouldnt say anything about it if she did right?) and i mean im a virgin and i have 0 experience with people being down there in any context and i cant fit more than 1 finger how do they expect those duck bill looking things to fit?? and how long does it take? and i know it hurts but is that like just the test part or the duck bill part and afterward as well? am i gonna bleed? and again im so sorry if this is weird its just ive been dreading this since my obgyn visit last april and now that im 21 i have to get one and its coming up on me quick and the anxiety rises with it tenfold so i just thought maybe seeing what someone else had to say about it might help negate the like ten months of worrying ive somehow gotten stacked up over a routine medical thing doctors just make me nervous i guess but thank you for listening to my nervous rambling im sorry if it was weird youre awesome and i really love your blog ok bye
First off, take a deep breath. It will be okay! 🙂
They will have you strip from the waist down and have a sheet or paper gown for you to put over yourself. (They have done that for all mine, and I advise you to wear socks!)
Second, when the doctor comes in, don’t hesitate to ask questions about the procedure. They should have no issue in discussing what’s going to happen.
After a few question, mainly about periods and crampy, flow, they will pull the stirrups out of the table to have you put your feet in them.
Obviously their main concern is your vagina, they don’t really care if you shave or not. They’ve seen all manner of hair. If they see your tattoo, they aren’t going to comment. Or they shouldn’t, it’s none of their business and having nothing to do with your vaginal health.
Lubrication is key and they are very generous with it. While you think you can’t fit more than a finger, you absolutely can. The speculum will insert closed, and it will feel a little unusual if you aren’t used to being penetrated. Then they will open it so they can get a clear look at your cervix and perform the pap. Doctors will also perform an exam with their finger. (I forget exactly what for)
Sometimes I’ve had a tiny amount of spotting. But most often I don’t. It’s normally something one tampon in for an hour won’t handle.
Everything is normally over and done with in ten minutes? Maybe longer with questions and concerns.
I can understand your anxiety. It’s always disconcerting having someone up in your business. I got over it really quick when I was pregnant, because yeah.....😂
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