#i dont have to succumb to this land man
musclegoth · 2 years
egh when everyone is not far left during a crisis u really see some fucked up takes. literally no, your "only option" is not just to do what you can with voting within the system to endure things or make them slightly more manageable before the evil dudes take over...... there are other options. There ARE Other Options.
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girlboybug · 1 year
"he hit me and it felt like a kiss."
or the one where ellie finds refuge in your farm house, whereas joel only finds a challenge of self restraint when he meets you.
what’s playing 🎧 : ultraviolence by lana del rey
pairing : joel miller x female!reader
word count : 9k
CONTENT WARNINGS : SMUT, mean!joel, virgin!reader, loss of virginity, manhandling, rough sex, spitting, slight voyeurism if you squint, f!masturbation, m!masturbation, spanking, fingering, slight dom/sub dynamics, panties fetish, creampies, unprotected sex, breeding kink, light restraining, choking, tummy bulge, impact play if u kinda squint and tilt ur head, degrading, light praise, daddy kink im sorry yall (not rlly), unspecified age gap, dirty talk, fluff for 2 seconds at the end :p
TRIGGER WARNINGS : reader has emotionally absent/verbally abusive dad, takes place after the david incident but there's zero mention of it lolz just background for yall, joel is mean and rude tbh, kinda very toxic but im addicted to old toxic men sowwy (plz dont ever let a man treat yall like this irl!!) anyways this is all i can think of, lmk if i missed anything! otherwise pls enjoy!! <3
a/n : wouldn't be a fic written by user girlboybug if the reader didn't have raging daddy issues lolz
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there’s creaking at the front patio, the old wood worn down by countless stomps from your boots never failed to act as an alerting system for any trespassers. your heart sinks when you force yourself to get up, the responsibility to inspect the origins of the noise falling on your shoulders alone. 
your hand finds its hold around the neck of your dad’s shotgun, sock covered feet waiting a pregnant pause at your door, swallowing down the brunt of your nerves thickly. you inch out the door, holding the shotgun as steady as you can, eyes fighting to not fail you by succumbing to the night blur that glazes over your vision. 
your sights land on a figure of a man, anxiety hitting you with the heel of its fist into your nervous system once his silhouette becomes clear before you. you pointedly aim at him, praying that the act seems intimidating enough. “you’re trespassin’” you call out, prompting him to raise his hands beside his head, keeping his movements slow and careful as to not give you a reason to shoot. 
“just lookin for shelter ma’am,” he replies, his voice feels deep when it hits your ears, not stopping short of rich. “not buyin’ it. now i’m not gonna repeat myself, leave before i blow your goddamn head off,” you shoot your threats in the place of bullets, but your tone gives out on you, giving in to your fear, cracking in on itself mid sentence. 
a young girl moves from behind him, her hands also beside her head. “ellie,” he whisper yells, trying to move back in front of her. your hard glare falls into a guilty gaze, and your shotgun falters downward. “thought i told you to stay behind me–” she cuts him off, probably causing a vein on the side of his temple to burst with stress when she moves in front of him to speak. 
“we’re just looking for somewhere to stay for the night, and we’ll be out of your hair by morning. we promise.” the now named girl swears, looking at the man that dwarfs her in size for extra confirmation. “promise her joel,” she hushedly instructs and he huffs, looking back at you. “promise.” he adds gruffly. 
they look like father and daughter, and you don’t have it in you to turn them away, and despite the possibility that lingers in the back of your mind that this is all a ploy to rob you blind, you settle on the fact that it’s worth the risk to let them in. 
your shotgun rests beside you, no longer using it as a shield from the fear of an impending threat. “okay,” you verbally decide, and ellie lets out a sigh of relief, leaning into joel. he holds onto her with a sense of care, of protection, and your heart pangs at the sight as they climb up onto the patio. 
your lips drop open unintentionally when the man that now has a name and a face to go along with it, stands before you. 
he’s tall, he’s handsome, much older than both you and the girl. “thank you ma’am,” he says, a curt nod from the top of his head, and ellie offers a small smile, joining in his nod. “thank you,” she whispers, and you smile back, moving to the side to let them in. 
immediate comfort envelopes the pair, a quiet breath of it being expelled from them, and you close the door behind you, locking it to make sure that the warmth from inside doesn’t morph into the frigid wind outside. 
“there anyone else with you?” joel questions, unintendedly sending a worried alert in your mind, your body language showing a visible uncomfortableness at the question. 
ellie notices, nudging joel with her elbow. “dude?” she mouths, eyebrows furrowed, silently asking, what the fuck? 
you find yourself trusting her more than you do him, which is just enough of an amount to get you to believe he doesn't mean to sound as sketchy as he comes across. “just me and my dad. he’s asleep upstairs,” you respond, and joel looks back at you, pursing his lips, nodding. 
“i’ll show you where you guys can sleep, and i can even get you a change of clothes.” you say, flickering between the two of them before turning on your heel. they trail behind you quietly while you lead them to their temporary rooms. 
walking up the stairs, and past the stretch of the hallway, you stop at one of the spare rooms, pushing open the door. “there’s this one, and then,” you lean over, pushing open a door to the room just beside it. “this one. up to you guys to decide whoever gets which,” you send them off with a nervous smile, rubbing your palms over your pajama bottoms. 
“thank you,” ellie calls out, lowering her voice but keeping it at an octave audible enough for you to hear. you turn back, smiling at the young girl before going into your bedroom. you grab a pair of pajamas for the pair, trying to be quick so as to not keep them waiting. 
you return to them, finding them both in the same room, sitting at the side of the bed. ellie’s head is leant against joel’s arm, his stare resting over her. the pang hits you again, but you push past it, gently tapping your knuckles over the door. his stare moves from her to you. 
“these are for her, and here’re some of my dad’s old clothes for you. they should fit, but if not you can uh, let me know and i’ll find something else for you.” you set them down beside him, and he nods, a tight lipped inch of a curl over his mouth spreads just slightly, acknowledging your actions.
“these should be fine,” he places a hand over the folded clothes, where your’s was and you find yourself swallowing hard again. his hand is big. 
“alright, well goodnight.” you wish kindly, making your way out the door, nodding a polite bidding. “night,” he responds, traces of southerness apparent in his vowels. “thank you,” he makes sure to say before you leave.
for everything he wants to add, but he doesn’t, which is okay, you can hear it through the crickets and the quiet peacefulness that passes through the room. 
you leave him with an equally hushed response of no problem, the door closing behind you at the curt ending of your reply. 
your eyes snap wide open, a low wince falling out at the sting from the rude awakening your body is being subjected to. your name rings as a harsh echo, and you’re quick to your feet, remembering the girl and the man staying in your home, unbeknownst to your dad. “shit,” you groan, hurriedly rushing across the hallway and down the stairs. 
and there was your father, loud, angry, and yelling at…joel? if you remembered his name correctly. “who the fuck are these people and why are they tellin’ me you let them in last night?” he all but shouts, and you feel small, humiliated.
“i did, i’m sorry, they don’t mean any harm, they just needed a place to stay for the night.” you answer meekly, and joel’s fists tighten, every fiber of his being wanting nothing more than to plummet his fists into the side of your dad’s jaw. 
“lord,” he exhales, shutting his eyes and pinching his nose bridge. he walks towards you, a finger pointed at your face when he speaks. 
“if they wanna stay they better make themselves useful, if not, i want them out my goddamn house in 5 minutes.” he snipes irritatedly, eyeing you down with annoyance, making sure you saw the seriousness in his face before he leaves, trudging out the front door. ellie watches with sympathetic eyes as you flinch when he slams the door shut.
it’s quiet for longer than you’d like for it to be, but you’re unsure of what to say after being belittled in front of people who are virtually strangers.
“what a dick,” ellie exhales and joel looks at her, eyes wide, lips tight with chastising ready to be released. “ellie!” he chides and she raises her arms in disgruntled defense. “what? he is!” 
you laugh, and they turn to you surprisedly. “yeah, he is. i’m sorry about that.” you sigh, and joel shakes his head. “no, we’re sorry, we didn’t mean to impose and cause you all that trouble.” he apologizes, genuineness in his softened tone, a pane of his thick drawl behind it, and it soothes away the feeling your dad left you with. 
“it’s alright, it’s just how he is,” you say, attempting to pacify their concerns, but ellie, blows out a quiet breath, eyes slightly wider when she tilts her head side to side. “massive asshole,” she mutters, and you giggle before joel can chide her once more. she smiles at your laughter, and joel just sighs his 100th sigh. 
“you guys can sit, he’ll be gone for most of the day. i can make some breakfast before you have to go?” you offer, motioning towards the dining table, desperate to move past this topic. “mighty gracious of you, but we should get goin,” joel inadvertently rejects your offers, and you frown. 
ellie turns to him, a hopeful stare chipping away at his decision. “dude please, there’s only so much chef boyardee i can take.”
you stifle a laugh at her pleading, tying an apron around your waist. 
“fine.” he sighs, and ellie whispers a successful yes!
as time went by, you grew closer to ellie, but almost as a trade off, it seemed as though joel drifted further and further from you, leaving you with no idea as to why. 
you’ve been nothing but kind to him, and the more you tried to do…well, anything, it only pushed him away instead of bringing him in closer. 
granted, you did do things that prompt some kind of annoyed response from joel, like right now, as joel stands in the bathroom, his eyes falling to your discarded panties on the ground. 
he marches out the bathroom, searching for you. “ellie, where’s the girl?” he asks, and she can hear the irritation building in the base of his voice. “uh, outside, she’s picking some fruit, why?” she queries, turning around from her seated position on the couch to face him.
he strides towards the door, eyes glaring straight ahead. “no reason.” he replies sardonically, and ellie rolls her eyes, flipping back on the couch. 
your dad had gone into the next town over to collect more supplies, do some more trading and other various things, but you didn’t care, he’s gone for the time being, and you’re happy, at ease, with more time to look after your garden and spend time leisurely picking at the fruits that hang from the trees above you. 
you’re resting on your knees, overalls rolled up to your thighs, bandana covering your hairline, nimble fingers plucking at the strawberries from the array of bushes. the rays of sunlight blanketing over your skin suddenly vanishes, and you turn, hand over your forehead when you look up at joel. 
“oh hi joel! strawberry?” you chirp, offering a plump strawberry, and he exhales through his nose, eyes raking over you. 
you have a habit of almost never wearing bra’s, and you just about live in overalls and shorts, always accompanied by some tight fitted top. 
god, you make his life so hard. 
little pink ribbons are tied over the top strap buckles of your overalls, and you look so adorable that it almost makes him angry. 
“no, thanks, look, i know it was your bathroom before it was mine, but for the love of god, please stop leavin’ your…undergarments on the floor.” the subtle twang increases just a notch at the way he rattles about your sightly panties. 
your face gets hotter than it was from the sun and you drop your arm, looking away embarrassedly. “oh my god how embarrassing, i’m so sorry, i’m just not used to sharing my bathroom, but that’s not an excuse, i’ll take care of them, i’m sorry joel,” voice pretty and soft, just like you, and he sighs, staring at you for a thick standstill, before going back into the house. “messy girl,” he mutters to himself. 
he finds his way back into the bathroom, eyeing the suspect in question, feeling the strings in his chest pull in tight. he picks up the pair with a curl of his finger, eyeing it like a foreign object. 
he clenches down on his teeth when he stares at it, the pink striped cotton is soft, a little bow adorning the front of it. 
he feels dizzy. 
he honestly considers pocketing them, but immediate disgust kicks in and he drops them, walking out. 
dirty old man. 
you are inescapable, easily running joel’s patience down into the dirt beneath his boot. your dad is still gone, but joel and ellie listened when he said to be useful. 
they help you around the house, almost doin ’more than you, joel would grumble, but no matter how much he busied himself with chores, there was hints of you in everything. 
when he’s feeding the chickens or collecting their eggs, he can look not too far out and see the clothesline where you air dry their laundry, not a single thought about letting your bra’s hang from the wire, taunting joel. 
he imagines you in it, the racy little red number, nipples perked behind the flimsy material, shoulder’s beckoning to slide the straps down.
“shit,” he grunts, looking down and seeing the smashed egg in his fist, squeezed to pieces from the intensity of his perverse thoughts.
sometimes he thinks you do this shit on purpose, mocking an old man with something you would never give him, and he feels like banging his head into the wall. 
and in this moment he feels it’d be an especially good time to do so, exhaling sharply from his flared nostrils while he searches around for you, calling out your name, only to be met with no reply. he can’t find ellie either and he’s panicking, he’s panicking bad. 
he shouts your name from the very depths of his stomach, and he pushes every door he sees open until he stops at your bedroom door, pushing inside and growling with anger when he sees you laid upside down in your bed, hands resting on your tummy with thick headphones clamped over your ears. 
he stalks towards you, bending down and ripping your headphones straight off your head. your eyes snap open and you jerk upwards from the bed, clambering off the bed in the most unflattering way possible, rushing to get to your feet. 
“joel what the hell? what’s going on?” you ask, and he scoffs, mad that you have the audacity to be annoyed here. 
“where the fuck is ellie?” he grits out, and you sigh, snatching back your headphones when you answer. “she’s in the stable with my horse, she’s fine joel.” you promise, and he squints his eyes, shaking his head frustratedly. 
“y’can’t just send her off somewhere on her own like that and not even think to tell me, and – dammit, don’t wear those goddamned headphones when i’m callin for you, god you are so irresponsible,” he rants, his voice trailing up a ledge of loud anger, and it’s your turn to get mad. 
“okay joel, you need to stop fucking yelling at me, she’s still on the damn property, she isn’t gone in the next town over, i’d never put her in a situation where she could get hurt and secondly, you don’t get to talk to me like that and tell me what i can and can’t do in my own house.” you’re in his face now, making an effort to stand up for yourself, but joel isn’t tolerating any of it. 
“you listen here little girl and you listen good,” he moves in closer, and you suddenly feel overly aware of his proximity, almost immediately backing down to move away, but no, you wanted to talk back like a big girl, you’re going to face the consequences of one. 
“you best lose that nasty fuckin’ attitude of your’s, i don’t care if this is your house or not, it ain’t an excuse to act like a goddamned thoughtless brat.” he’s breathing heavier now, his face too close to your’s, chest dangerously nearing your own. 
your eyes nictate back and forth in his, desperately suppressing the tears that imperil at your waterline, biting on your bottom lip to stop it from wobbling. “you’re such an asshole,” is all you can manage to fire back through a weak excuse of a response. 
he scoffs at you, stepping back before marching out your room. “no shit sweetheart,” he sneers with a lowered baseline of exasperation. 
you fall back on your bed when he’s gone and out of earshot, holding your face in your hands, allowing yourself to let out the tears that almost spilled out in front of joel. 
your fists wipe the tears away, angry that they were even there, each stream down your cheek is a reminder of who caused them. 
refusing to give in to the pain that gnaws at your chest from his spewing anger, you get up, walking out your room, deciding to make your way around back to the stables. 
ellie was saddled over applejack, your only horse, with joel sitting behind her, his arms wrapped around her, keeping her steady, keeping her safe. 
the gnawing bites down harder inside your chest, and you’re unable to fight against it. instead you cradle yourself, comforting the ache while leaning against the bulk of the tree behind you, watching them interact. 
his gaze over her is so soft, so full of care, of love, and he’s laughing, which enables her laughter, and you find yourself smiling as you watch them despite what had just transpired. 
you watch as ellie plops the cowboy hat you had left on applejack’s saddle over his head, and your back gets stiff against the bark of the tree when she does. 
he fixes the hat atop his head, and it annoyingly suits him well. 
he looks like a proper cowboy.
your eyes drift down to the way his hips roll with each trot from applejack, his back leant naturally, looking relaxed, confident, like he knows what he’s doing, and that he knows he does it well. 
his hand runs over the side of applejack lovingly, his strong hand smoothing over her coat, and you feel like crumbling down into the soil of the earth, breathing in a little harder when you imagine those rough, strong hands of his on your skin instead. 
you reach up, pulling a peach from the tree above your head, settling down to sit and just watch the two gallop along with applejack. 
joel’s eyes find you, they always do, and almost like she just knew, ellie decides to lead applejack back over to where you are. joel’s hands tighten over the reins, jaw clenching when they make their way over to you.
“well hi there sweet girl,” you coo, petting applejack when she bends her neck downward, greeting you happily. 
you bite down into your peach, laughing quietly to yourself when the juice spills down your cleavage. joel follows the way the juice rolls down your chest, disappearing behind the pesky coverage of your tank top, and he feels like it's a punishment for his previous yelling. 
you hand the rest of the peach into applejack’s mouth, cooing an, aww there you go sweet girl. 
“damn these look good.” ellie whistles, reaching up to pluck a peach down. 
she drops it, and she groans when it hits the ground. “i got it, don’t worry!” you remedy, turning around to bend down and grab it for her. joel feels like dying when he sees the heart curve of your ass, it’s almost too perfect, and he wonders if this is how his heart finally gives out. 
kinda looks like a peach… he thinks to himself, eyes tracing over the form of your ass for as long as he can before you’re turning back to face them. 
you go up on your tippy toes, quickly grabbing another peach, handing the new one to ellie and tossing the one that fell over to joel. 
“you get that one,” you half tease, half huff, and ellie laughs, waving her clean peach at joel. his eyes settle on you while you talk to ellie, ignoring his presence. 
his teeth sinks down into the peach, his stare trickling over the way you’re squeezed into those stupid fucking tiny shorts, and he thinks about a different type of flesh to bite into. 
nighttime visits your household once more, but it’s anything but peaceful for you and joel. 
ellie knocked out as soon as she collapsed in her bed, but joel’s wide awake. he wants to sleep, wants to forget this day even happened, but he can’t. he replays everything despite his efforts to pretend that the events from today didn’t even occur. 
however, guilt drags its spindly fingers across the muscle of his heart while flashes of his loud anger directed at you forces itself to be acknowledged behind his eyelids. with a disgruntled huff he rips the blankets off his body, climbing out of bed. 
he pushes past the door, making his way to your room to apologize for his harshness. 
the closer he gets to your room, the more he hears a concerning sound gently echoing from behind the door. his brows fly up and he grips at your doorknob, turning it. his knuckles tighten over the knob, his body standing still and stiff in the cracked entrance when he sees you. 
you’re sprawled in your bed, sheets hanging off you, covering not a single thing, leaving joel to wonder if what he’s looking at is real or not, and if it is, should he even be looking at you like this?
he knows the answer to that, it's a big fat resounding no, but joel doesn’t exactly have the purest morals of all time, so he stays in spite of his conscience telling him to close the door. 
he watches your head roll side to side tirelessly, back arching off the bed, bucking your hips into your hand, struggling to pleasure yourself the way you need. your fingers keep sliding off your poor clit, too soaked to keep a good grip on it. 
it sounds sticky, even from where joel stands, it’s all so fucking dirty, your sweet little whimpers going straight to his cock, pushing up against his sweatpants that already hang low off his hips. 
he palms at himself, trying to alleviate the throbbing ache. his eyes follow the curve of your bare chest, your tight tank top under your chin, pretty tits in the air, hard nipples that are begging to be in joel’s mouth. 
you whine to yourself, eyes watering with frustration when your fingers refuse to stay put on your needy clit, trying to instead fill your fluttering hole that clenches around nothing.
joel’s fingernails dig into the doorframe, physically restraining himself from going in there and shoving himself so far into you that it hits your cervix, stretching you nice and open for him. 
he thinks about how he’d make you take it, how you’d claw down his back while he fucks you like you deserve. 
he feels disgusting, like a goddamn pervert, but he again wins the battle against any morals he has left and stays to watch. you sound so wet its fucking ridiculous, he just wants to lap it all up on his tongue and drink you in. 
but what he really wants, is to make you beg, to make you cry. 
you further test his will, when his name floats from your trembling lips, his jaw going slack at the unreal moan. his hand falls to his straining cock, squeezing it, silently pleading with you to be good and say it one more time for him, to confirm he heard you right. 
and you do, you whimper his name, an airy little, joel, while grinding down on your finger, trying to angle your hips to hit a spot you hardly ever have success in satiating. 
good girl, he grits without a sound, his thumb brushing over the tip of his cock. 
you think back to him yelling at you, ignoring the pain of the memory, and instead rewriting how the fight ended. your brain conjures up an alternate ending, where he bends you over the foot of your bed, smacking his hand over the fat of your ass before he rams himself inside you. 
you think about his back curling over yours, his cock too deep inside you, muttering for you to fuckin’ take it. 
he’d have his face in the crook of your neck, his beard would tickle your skin while the dirtiest words you can think of would be listed off in your ear. 
his beard, your hips rise in the air desperately, your mind now imagining his stubble between your thighs, how his mustache would brush over your clit until it’s raw. “please, want it joel, want it so bad,” you moan to yourself in a pleading fluttery little voice, and joel almost steps forward at your begging.
i’ll give it you, he promises to himself, wishing he could tell you instead.
he can’t fucking take it, he drinks in the bare sight of you once more, memorizing each curve, the way your voice trembles, the way your legs shake, the plump of your thighs and chest, and fuck, he thinks he’ll pass out before he can even make it back to his room. 
he carefully closes the door, striding hurriedly back to his bed. he shuts his door, making an immediate dash to his awaiting mattress. 
he pulls the blanket over his hips, tugging down his sweatpants and letting his cock spring up. he uses his precum as lube, too impatient to spit in his hand. he fists at his fat cock, pushing past the roughness from his palm, pretending that it’s your soft hand wrapped around him. 
he thinks back to what he just saw, imagining that he did step inside, closing the door behind him before making his way to you. 
you’d probably get scared at the sudden sight of him in front of you, but he imagines that you’d be too desperate to care about his actions. 
you’d grab his wrist, bringing his hand to your poor little cunt. “touch me, please joel?” you’d plead with those watery eyes of yours, and he would, he’d touch you until you couldn’t take it. 
but he’d make you take it, he’d stretch you out on his fingers before he’d get his cock in you. he can only fantasize about how good your tight little cunt would feel all around him, how snug you’d be, gripping him in, but no matter how hard he tries to pretend, he knows his imagination does your pussy no justice to how good it’d actually be. 
he starts fucking his hand, head falling back into his pillow, his bicep’s flexing with straint while he goes to squeeze his cockhead, traveling back down to his shaft, struggling to please every inch of himself. 
he wonders if you’re a virgin, wonders if anyones gotten to see you like how he did, or did they get to experience it themselves?  
he gets jealous at the thought, but he erases it, instead thinking of the possibility of no one ever getting to touch you but him. 
yeah, he likes that, he likes thinking about being the first and last cock you’ll ever have deep inside you. shit, he growls, thumbing over his leaking tip, he’s close. 
he starts panting, chest falling more rapidly with heavy breaths, his hand working over himself faster now, the slick from his pumping fist around his cock is embarrassingly loud, but he uses it and pretends it’s the sound of him in your pussy, and that does it for him. 
he cums in his fist, slowly thrusting into the tunnel of his hand before he releases himself, and he groans, letting his body sink deeper into his bed. 
fuckin’ disgustin’ he mutters to himself. 
he can barely look at you the next morning, he feels hot all over when you so much as walk past him, your scent always trailing behind you and filling his senses. 
you smell like the sweetest form of vanilla and it makes him unstable, feeling like he’s gotta hold onto something to remain upright when you’re near him. 
you make your own soap, and, of course you make your own fuckin’ soap, he thinks to himself, growing weaker by the second when you talk about how you used vanilla beans in your recipe for soap. 
you offer to make some for him, but he declines as politely as he can, finding any excuse to establish some space. he can’t be near you, not now, and not later, he needs time to remind himself what self control is. 
he decides to chop some firewood, the nights are getting colder and colder anyways, and he thinks this’ll be a good distraction for him. 
he pours all his frustration into it, swinging the axe from behind his shoulder and down into the blocks of wood, chopping them up into logs.
sweat lines his forehead, his biceps bulging from the tight constraints of his rolled up flannel, and you watch from the window, staring at him as he leans back, taking in a few deep breaths while he wipes his forehead before continuing. 
you swish your thighs together, walking away when you realize if you don’t move now, you’ll stay the rest of the day just watching him. 
after a few hours outside, joel is beat, he thinks he deserves a break. he trudges back inside, sighing when he’s greeted with the fresh air conditioned breeze. 
your legs hang off the arm of the couch, head resting on a cushion and buried in a magazine. 
he eyes your legs while he walks into the bathroom, almost unable to tear away from them. but when he walks through the door, he closes his eyes immediately once they land on the ground, as if the sight before him physically hurts. 
he exhales with aggravation when he sees your white cotton panties on the floor, and your cream lacy bra hanging off the towel rack, mocking him. 
he’s had enough. 
he stomps out the bathroom, and you brace yourself for the latest lecture when you hear the nearing ruckus of his boots connecting to the wood floors. 
he yells your name, his voice curling around the curve of an upward rage. “what joel,” you yell back mockingly, he stands above you, looking furiously down at you.
“what did i tell you about your goddamn panties and bra in the fuckin’ bathroom,” he shouts, jabbing his thumb back towards the bathroom. you huff, swinging your legs from the arm of the couch, rising to your feet. “i’m sorry!” you throw your arms up annoyedly. 
“i’ll get ‘em, i understand it’s annoying but joel you don’t need to yell over every. fuckin’. thing, you can talk to me like a normal person,” you contradict your own words, pointing a finger at him while you shout back. 
he grabs your finger, pulling your wrist down and away from his face, beaming anger glinting in his eyes. 
“thought i told you to get rid of that nasty fuckin’ attitude little girl,” he spits, words hanging in the air like a venomous gas, and you all but growl with irritation. 
“i’m not a little girl and you’re not my dad, y’don’t get to talk to me like that you fucking dick,” you bark back, feeling a sudden fear when you see the way he’s looking at you. 
his top lip curls with disdain, and he nods slightly to himself, like he’s just mentally made his decision. 
he grabs you by your upper arm, dragging you along with him back around to the couch. “let me go,” you try pulling your arm from him, but it does nothing, his grip is stronger than your efforts. 
he sits down, pulling you into his lap, grabbing you roughly and repositioning you so your tummy rests over his thighs. “what are you doin–” he holds your jaw, forcing you to crane your neck to face him.
“i’m gettin’ real sick of your fuckin’ back talk, you say you’re not a little girl yet all you do is act like one, a real rude one at that,” he grits in your face, and you feel small, wishing the couch would just swallow you whole. 
“i ain’t your dad but you need some serious fuckin’ discipline,” he lets go of your jaw, letting you fall back into the cushion. he unhooks your overalls, pulling them down and under your ass. 
he exhales lowly when he sees the hypnotic curve of your ass, clad in baby blue polka dotted underwear, it’s too cute that it makes him sick. 
he doesn’t even think when his hand runs over your ass, smoothing over your skin, squeezing the thick flesh in his large palms. you whimper under your breath, squirming in his hold. “stay still,” he orders, his tone cold, riding on a mean line of pointed annoyance. 
“you’re gonna say you’re sorry with every one of ‘em, you hear me girl?” he asks, resting his hand on your ass testingly. 
you nod quietly, but it isn’t good enough, he’s grabbing your face again, forcing eye contact. “when i ask you a question you answer.” he sneers, teeth baring for a second and you squeeze your thighs together, feeling your clit ache embarrassingly from the harsh treatment. 
“i hear you.” you reply meekly, and it suffices, because he’s letting go of your jaw, refocusing on the new task he has at hand, or rather, in his lap. 
he rests his palm over one cheek, causing you to suck in a sharp breath, the warmth from his hand tingling your skin. 
your clit is right up against his knee, and you want more than anything to rut on it, roll your hips to gain any kind of friction, but you figure you’re in enough trouble as it is so it’s best to hold back these desires. 
he raises his hand, slamming it back down and eliciting a loud smack that resonates around the room. you cry out, gripping onto the cushion under you. “i’m sorry,” you whimper out, skin prickling with heat. 
he does it again, his heavy hand rising up only to crash back down against the fat of your ass. “i’m sorry,” your voice trembles, your eyes already beginning to water, despite the fact that you’re just barely getting started. 
he slaps over your ass, hard. his rough calloused palm emitting an even stronger sting over your soft skin, and you cry out, kicking your legs against the armrest of the couch, feeling the anger increasing with each rough impact from his palm.
“i’m so-orry,” you hiccup, wiping away the tears streaming down your cheeks. he continues with the abuse on your ass, feeling a twinge of guilt at the way you cry but manage to say your apologies with each relentless hit to your bottom one after the other. 
“you gonna listen to me when i tell you to do somethin’?” he raises his voice, along with his hand, letting it fall down onto your pounding flesh when you don’t answer fast enough. “yes, yes gonna listen,” you wail, little feet kicking with pain. 
“gonna lose that fuckin’ attitude of your’s?” he grunts, smacking your ass hard over where he just hit, watching you howl in anguish, back trying to arch away from the pain. 
“yes,” you sob, nodding with earnest. 
you’ve lost count of how many it’s been, the only thing that remains consistent is the hot pain that comes in waves over your bruising skin, the welts in the shape of his hand throbbing and aching in never ending flashes. 
he rubs over your skin, soothing the soreness away, before he drops his hand against it once more, erasing the little comfort he was giving you. 
you’re apologizing through loud wailing, not a care in the world for how embarrassing it is to be sobbing in joel’s lap, because it fucking hurts. 
he swats over your ass, fast and rough, letting the sting of it settle into a prickling pain that spreads down to the backs of your thighs.
after a few more hard hits to your ass, he figures you’ve had enough, your crying making him feel a pang of remorse for not taking it easier on you. he runs his hand over your scorched bottom, mending the abused flesh in an attempt to calm you down. 
you’re crying, lashes getting slick from your tears, lips growing plump with the loud hiccups of pain. he massages over your ass, gently this time, but your skin feels too raw to enjoy it. 
his self restraint is weakening, he can’t stop himself when he tilts his head back, leaning into the couch to look down at your inner thighs. he sees a wet patch spreading over your panties, and he scoffs, bringing two fingers to it. 
you gasp, trying to wriggle away from it, but he keeps you still. “interestin’” he half snickers, and you just about die of humiliation. 
“reckon you want me to do somethin’ about this?” he murmurs, voice gruffly cascading in the teeming air. he circles over the wet patch, giving you a chance to turn him down, shut down his advances, but you don’t want to. 
you bend a little, arching into his touch. “please?’ you whimper, all embarrassment gone from the pain, and he inhales a hefty breath, swallowing thickly. 
he slides your panties to the side, drawing his fingers up and down your slick. you shiver, tightening your legs around him. 
“can’t believe you’re soaked over that,” he taunts meanly, judgingly, and you whimper, your face getting hot from the base of your throat when he pushes in his middle finger. 
“you’re s’mean,” you sniffle and he scoffs at your complaints, pushing his finger in deeper to watch you gasp and shake. 
“i showed you what mean is,” he chuckles lowly, leaning down to make sure you hear him. he shifts his hips around, pressing something to your hip, making sure you feel it. 
“and this ain’t mean,” he curls his finger right up into that little spot you struggled to reach last night. he starts curling his finger, right there, and suddenly you can’t breathe, you can’t even believe this is happening, but whether it’s real or not you don’t want it to stop. 
“more,” you whine, pushing back on his hand with a devout need. his free hand grips at the bruising flesh of your ass, the plumpness of it filling the gaps between his fingers, and you wince, little hands trying to grip at the cushions for comfort. 
“you’re a greedy little girl with no fuckin’ manners. do i need to do this all over again just to remind you to say please?” he raises his hand back up over your ass, and you’re shaking your head, turning back at him pleadingly. “n-no, no, i’m so sorry,” you whimper, the backs of your hands covering your stinging bottom feebly. 
he laughs at your attempts, but decides he’ll let it slide. he moves your hands away, and pushes his finger back inside, filling you up to the knuckle. you moan deeply, relief at the pleasure entering you once more. the way he fucks you with his finger is all you need to even begin trying to ignore the resounding pain he instilled into your ass. 
little pants leave past your lips, your cheek squished against the couch while you try to fuck yourself onto his fingers. “feel’s s’good,” you drool. 
he can’t stop the downward spiral he’s letting himself fall into with you, he’s in too deep, and he’s just accepted that he wants to go deeper. 
you’re rutting your clit against his knee just how you’ve been wanting to this whole time, and he watches you as a desperate little wet thing in his lap trying to get off with what he’s giving you. 
"you know i saw you last night," he whispers in your ear, beard tickling your neck when he leans in real close, his finger picking up speed when he continues. 
your face burns hot, and you can't bear to look at him. "oh god," you moan, half from pleasure, half from pure humiliation. 
"heard you sayin' my name too, there somethin' you wanna tell me?" he pushes you a little further, watching and waiting to see how you reply. 
you're so disoriented, you can't think straight past the embarrassment and the feeling of joel refusing to let up with his finger inside you. he rubs over that perfect spot right there, and it feels so good that it almost kills the shame that burrows itself under your skin. 
"n-no? no, i dunno," you whine dumbly, and he rolls his eyes, flicking his wrist harder now, gripping the hand of yours that tries to hold onto him. "you don't know?" he parrots back mockingly. 
"you just so happened to be tryin' to finger yourself while moanin' my name? that just a coincidence?" his words jab at your cheeks with taunts and you whimper, hiding your face away from him, still shamelessly grinding down onto him when he works another finger in you, stretching you out. 
"i'm sorry," is all you can whimper, you feel stupid with his fingers in you, bullying your poor cunt until it makes that addictive pap pap pap sound. "apologizin' for the wrong thing, should've been sayin' that instead of talkin' back to me," he grunts, letting go of your wrist to smack the side of your ass. 
you cry out, shaking in his lap from the slap, the pain echoing over the sore flesh. "i'm sorry," you draw out longly, chest racking with tears mixed with pain and ecstasy. 
he pulls his fingers from out your tight hole, and you whine, looking back at him with those pretty, innocently guilty eyes of yours.  
"quit your whinin'," he mutters, pulling you upright into his lap. he looks back into your gaze, and it only reminds him of how you're breaking him down into a weak, weak man.  
his thumb runs across your bottom lip, dipping into it. "open," he tells you with a softer, hushed sternness. you obey, parting your lips for him. 
he spits in your mouth, and you take it like a kiss, carrying the action like a caress. it mixes with your own saliva, ingraining himself in your dna. 
he stares at you expectantly, hands lowering down to your ass, squeezing it indignantly, like a warning. 
"thank you," you breathe out, feeling drunk on him. he seems pleased, his tight clasp over your ass gets gentler, but it's still firm, still there. 
"got a real issue of rememberin' your manners there girl," he tsks, his thumb trailing down your chin, his other hand patting your bottom. "but i'll fix that, fix that right up." he promises, but it feels more like a threat, one that he intends on staying true to. 
he lays you flat on your back onto the couch, and you allow him to, letting him do whatever he pleases with you, and he thinks he likes you like this, so sweet and so pliant. 
he pulls your legs towards him, he feels hungry, feels impatient, he wants all of you and he wants it all now. 
joel hasn't wanted anything in years, because if you don't want anything, you won't be disappointed when you don't get it. 
but now he's got you in front of him and he can't take it. he wants you. he's greedy, and he's dirty, but he doesn't care, you've done irreversible damage that he expects will be somehow repaired if he can just get a fix of you, just enough to gratify his bodily needs. 
your legs find their way around his hips as if you've done this before, as if his body has been with your's prior to this, connecting like they're supposed to. he slots himself between your thighs, feeling almost overwhelmed to finally have you like this for him. 
you want to kiss him, want to hold him, want him him him, and although you've already got him, you still feel like there's more of him to be had. 
he unbuckles his belt, the sound urging your legs to tighten around his waist. his eyes drag over you, slowly taking in the vision that's you, as he unbuttons his jeans. he pulls himself out, your gaze dropping down to him, feeling your heart sink immediately. 
you never assumed he was small, not that you thought about what was under those jeans, (lies) but shit, this was just obscene. near unnecessary, because how in the hell does he function carrying that…thing around? 
he sees your gawking, and an annoying pride fills him to the brim at your visible awe. "is that gonna fit?" you finally ask, and he laughs, pumping himself when he inches closer. "we're about to see aren't we?" he answers, moving your panties to the side. 
you get stiff with nerves, holding onto his strong bicep. "joel i-i dunno if it'll fit," you admit, you sound scared, because you are, and he almost feels bad. almost. 
"if you don't want this tell me now," he places your panties back, but you're shaking your head, pulling him back in. "no i do, i do, promise," you sound so desperate, so needy, and he's trying so hard to not just fuck you right now. 
"just, scared…i never uh..you know." you motion between you two and he swears he nearly punched the air with obnoxious success. "this your first time?" he confirms, and you nod, feeling shy under his stare. 
"not like i've been trying to save myself or anything, there's just no one around over here," you explain, not that you needed to, if anything joel is ecstatic with a primal possession that he gets to be your first. 
"so you're jumpin' at the first man who gives you some attention? 'specially an old man like me?" he circles the tip of his cock around your clit, and your lips part, hips instinctively lowering down on him. "n-no, i," you don't have any words for him, his actions rendering you silent.
he starts slowly inching in, and your head falls deeper into the cushion behind you, nails crescenting into his forearms. he goes in with no resistance, you're so fucking soaked around him, gripping him in like a warm welcome. 
"shit," he shudders, fully sheathing himself inside you. his hand lands beside your head, panting above you, and he looks so beautiful like this. he's so handsome, his eyebrows are in that furrow that they're always in, but this time it's for a different reason. 
you look down at where you're connected, and you feel as though you're now one, he's a part of you as you are of him, and you never want him to leave. 
you start rolling your hips experimentally, no matter where or how you move, you feel him deep inside, the fat head of his cock hitting there, over and over, and it feels so good, you don't think twice about continuing your little ministrations. 
he forcibly pauses your actions, halting your hips down with a rough grip from his hands. he's glaring down at you, uh oh.  
"greedy little girl," he grunts, starting to piston his hips inside you. you cry out, leaning forward to find solace in his broad chest, but he pushes you back down, pinning you still. he pauses for a moment, grabbing his belt. "wrists." he orders, and you listen without wasting a second. 
he ties your wrists, pushing them above your head before he continues. he's groaning atop of you, fucking you with a purpose, and you take him, entire body bopping upwards with every harsh thrust being fucked into you. 
you want to touch him so bad, it feels like torture, you want to put your hands under his flannel, explore the skin that lies underneath, but he's denied you of that privilege. "brat's got such a tight fuckin' pussy," he grunts, impaling you hard onto his cock, stretching you out so good you can't stop yourself from trying to meet his thrusts. 
the moans that pour from you are endless, all you do is whimper his name, crying for him and it inflates his ego, but he can't have you being this loud. a hand clamps over your mouth, and you moan behind it, any touch from him is welcomed wholeheartedly. 
"quiet down girl," he grits, leaning in close while his thrusts grow harsher. "startin' to think you left your panties for me to find, bet you wanted me to get mad, jus' wanted some attention huh?" he moves his hand away from your mouth, instead using it to grip your face, squeezing your cheeks until your lips pucker. "speak," he orders. 
"n-no, no i just fo-forgot, promise," you swear, words feeling difficult to pronounce and even think of when he's got you stretched out on his cock like this, fucking you dumb. 
he doesn't believe you, his hands working around your throat soon after you squeak your response. "no?" he teases, his hands growing tighter around the pane of your neck. 
your wrists wiggle around the confinements of the belt, wishing you could hold the hands that have you cradled like a glove. 
"f'you just wanted my attention, or just wanted to get fucked," he rests on his haunches, pulling you with him, letting you slip down further onto his cock, the corners of his lips curling when you cry out. "then just fuckin' ask, don't need to be pullin' stunts like that," 
his hands around your throat feel loving, they feel safe, and perfectly fitted around you, like his hands were made for this. the lack of air feels right, feels like this is what you needed, and you want more. 
tears well at your pretty eyes, rolling down your cheeks while you grip at the buckle on his belt, his cock moving so deep inside that you feel him in the base of your tummy. 
he releases your throat, and you gasp for the air you didn't even realize was depleting. he pulls the belt loose, and you immediately go to his arms, running over them. squeezing at the muscles, feeling impressed with how they flex under your touch. 
your hands travel up to his face, his beard tickling your palms. "feels sososo good joel, never felt like this," you slur, eyes falling shut at the pleasure. "yeah? this all it took for you to fuckin' behave?" he groans, your hands running across his wide back, trying to feel him, feel the muscles that you've only ever gotten to steal glances at. 
he's letting you fall backward again, hovering close to your level, his cock filling you to the hilt, and then some, and you want to tell him how full you feel, how good it feels to have so much of him in you, but the words are lost on you, there are no thoughts left to be had, just pure physical manifestations of what he's doing to you. 
"kiss me, please?" you beg, and he doesn't argue, doesn't mock you or tease, but connects your lips, kissing you hard. you moan into his mouth, calf resting on his lower back while he pushes in and out of you. his beard brushes around your chin, your nails gently scratching at the back of his head, eliciting his turn to moan in your mouth. 
he kisses you like he fucks you, rough. it's rushed, messy, wet, but there's power in the way he does both, making you feel hazy, dizzy, and overfilled with rapture all at once. 
every push, and every shove into the couch is registered as soft, gentle caresses, loving affection, so graciously given to you by the rough hands belonging to joel and you take it all in stride, left wanting more, craving more roughness that just feels like love instead. 
his face falls to the warmth of your neck, nipping, biting down onto your shoulder when he buries himself further than you even knew possible, inside of you. your mouth parts, a string of whiny moans leaving past them when he grinds into you, bucking your hips to meet his. 
"finally bein' so obedient, should've just gave in an' did this sooner," he grunts into your skin, hands holding you down by your hips. his fingers find your clit, rubbing over the sensitive nerves just like how you did last night, and you choke on a moan, tangling your fingers in his salt and peppered hair. 
"so good, feels so good, thank you daddy," you cry like a prayer into his neck, and he sends an especially hard thrust into your cunt, knocking the air out of you. you feel frozen in horror when you realize what's just come out your mouth.
"that's real nasty y'know that right?" the sick curl in the corner of his mouth contradicts the shame he throws at you, and the way his cock twitches inside you acts as further proof that there's no truth in his mocking. 
you cover your face in his shoulder, but no, he wants you to look at him when he fucks you, he wants to see the way those pretty lips of yours mold around the word that rightfully belongs to him. 
"don't get shy now," he huffs, holding your jaw, head falling back when he feels you clench down around him. his hands fall back to where they belong, wrapped snug around your throat.
he watches the way your eyes roll back, bottom lip being sucked in while you try fucking yourself onto him. "dirty fuckin' girl," he grits, squeezing you while your fingers curl over his, intertwining with him. "s'all right, i can be your daddy," he grunts, pushing in and feeling you squeeze him when he lays his promises to you. 
you force your eyes open, gazing at him hazily while he pounds into you. he brings his hips down to yours relentlessly, no mercy in the way he fucks you. he's growing messy, falling out of tune when he slows down, shoving himself all the way in you, letting the sensation of the way you wrap around him be appreciated like it's supposed to be. 
"my fuckin' cunt, you hear me? repeat." he releases your throat, and you gasp, sputtering while you nod. "yes, s'all yours," you hiccup, watery eyes making out a blurry joel in front of you. he presses his hand to your lower stomach, groaning to himself when he can feel his own cock piston in and out of you. 
he lessens the speed in his thrusts, slowing to watch his cock fill you up. you squirm at the extra pressure, pawing at his wrists. "so much, it's so much daddy," you whine, and he grunts, feeling pride at the way he's got you so fucked out. "take it," is all he says, sounding gruff and strained. 
"can i cum please? promise m'gonna be so good for you daddy, gonna listen an' everything," you cry, wrapping your legs tighter around his hips, pulling him in deeper. he grits his teeth, chest getting tight at your pleads. 
"really think you deserve it?" he grunts and you nod, gripping onto his shoulders. "yes, please, i promise, promise m'gonna be good, please please," he concedes to your begging, bringing his fingers to your clit. 
you gasp, panting in all the air that'll fit in your lungs when it all hits you. your skin is tinged with heat, legs trembling on either side of joel's waist when you feel the tides start to ripple closer to you until it crashes, pulling you into the ocean and you're drowning. drowning in joel. 
"thank you daddy, thank you s'much, so good," you muffedly sob, face in the crook of his shoulder while he fucks you through your orgasm, fingers running over your clit, winding you up just to watch you fall apart. 
"fuck, squeezing me so hard," he laughs breathlessly, slipping into a heavy moan at the way you're clamping down on him. "so good baby, take what you need, that's my girl," he groans, holding your waist down, fucking you with a rushed need. the backs of your thighs rest over him, and you feel weak, but fulfilled, watching adoringly as he uses your body to cum. bursts of pleasure still erupting inside you at the way he fucks you. 
my girl
you whimper at the fleeting affections, unknowingly clenching harder around him.
"shit, shit, gonna fuckin' cum, gonna fill this pussy up, greedy little cunt can't get enough," he groans, head falling forward while his orgasm envelopes him, the slick from your mixed arousal loud while he gasps, grunting with a few harsh thrusts. he pushes into you with finality, cumming deep inside you. 
he slowly pulls out, and it stings, you're wincing, feeling bare and cold. 
he pulls your panties back over you, eyeing the way his cum pools against the material, and he feels good, feels like he's permanently marked you as his. he tucks himself back into his jeans, catching his breath before he turns his attention back to you. 
he dresses your limp body back into your overalls, his hands now ginger and gentle over your skin, touching you like you've suddenly become glass. he sits at the end of the couch, pulling you into his lap. 
he's careful when he sits you down, aware that your ass still probably hurts. he lets you curl into his side, the last bit of trembling slowly leaving your body from what just happened. his palm runs up and down your back, feeling content at the way you rest on his chest. "feel okay?" he asks quietly, and you hum a sleepy yes. 
your hand rests on his chest, toying with the buttons. "you've always been a sweet girl," he says, feeling like he needs to clarify that, and you smile against his chest, feeling relief and giddiness at his admittance. "a messy one but, sweet nonetheless," he pats your back and you shoot him a joking glare. 
he holds you closer by tucking his hand under your thighs, cradling you into him. he kisses your temple, the first gentle action of the day. he tells himself he'll indulge in that more when he sees the smile that spreads across your cheeks. 
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rinbowaman · 9 months
"First Love..."
Warnings: heartbreak, family death, natural courses of life. A sad fic but heartwarming.
From the moment she saw you, after you took your first breath, the memories of when her first child came to life and the images of cradling her own baby, relives in her mind. There you were, a legacy of her bloodline. You carried her essence, and that of her children, living in today's world, facing your own obstacles.
She says your name often, teaching you the basics of her native tongue, always with a smile on her face. She loved you so much, the memory of her voice over the phone, calling in long distance, asking if you had missed her, which of course you always answered yes. You did miss her. You loved her. Your first love.
She'd laugh and play with you outside, walking you around in the yard, carrying you, holding your tiny hand, and showing you more affection than you'll ever know or come to understand. She was gentle, soft, loving, and nurturing. The moments when strife hit life, she was always there to take you away from it, laying with you and stroking your hair to calm you to sleep.
She grew older, weary, and started to succumb to the effects of time. You wished you would have been more diligent and taken time to go see her....you should have gone and seen her, life provided so man opportunities....but perhaps you were just too young and foolish to realize that she wasn't a goddess that you always saw her as. She wasn't a fairy, a magical being that was too golden for the world, and that would always be there for you....waiting. Preparations were being made for the upcoming travels, which meant you would get to see her again, finally, and tell her once more, like you had done often as a child, in her native tongue, that you loved and missed her....
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"Risking it all....only to fall, back where I started....
Back near the shore, back to before,
You took my hand....
Betcha on land, they understand...
And they don't strand you, brokenhearted.........
What did I give....to live where you are?
Where do I go....with nowhere to turn to?"
- Halle Bailey, The Little Mermaid, Part of Your World Reprise II
You jolt up out of bed and immediately called your mother, desperately wanting to hear that this was all a mistake, that the words coming out of her mouth was some sort of misunderstanding and lacked truth. She can't be gone.....not yet...not now. You were going to go see her, after all this time when you finally reached a stage where life and it's structures were not so demanding, so you could tell her.....just one last time that you love her....and that you missed her....you missed the way her soft skin felt whenever you kissed her cheek. How you loved holding onto her hand whenever you walked down the street, or how you miss laying down and sleeping next to her, not matter how big or old you got. You missed watching TV with her, and watching her peel fruits for you....you missed everything about your first love.
Now what? With your mother telling you to get some rest and to not be sad, that she knew how much you thought of her.... and loved her. But that wasn't enough.....you wanted to see her and tell her yourself.
Sinking low...your heart drops, and you swore that the temperature of your body was getting colder. Your fingers grow stiff, your body shakes, and you stare into the abyss as the tears streamed down, and you do your best to not break......dont break.
You drop your phone, bare hands cover your face as you wilt. No matter how hard you tried.....you just weren't strong enough, so.......you break.
What could you possibly do? You could have accepted her departure, only if you had the chance to tell her how much she meant to you, that you thought of her often and were looking forward to seeing her. That she was the most beautiful woman to you....she was your muse, your love, your passion, and your reason to continue on when life got to be just too much.
He walks in and notices your sobbing state, yet says nothing. He picks up your phone and sees the text. With a calm and sympathetic expression, he looks back at your despaired state, curled up and sobbing the morning away.
Just as she had done, he lays with you. He comforts you with his touch and soothes you with nothing but the sense of his fingertips rubbing your arms. Nothing but silence and the muffled sniffles and moans of your cries fills the air, and still....he doesn't say a word. He lets you sob....lets you cry....lets you mourn and lets the pain slowly pass as your body takes the time to heal naturally.....
Turning over, you begged him.....
"Please say something....anything...make this go away.........bring her back.........tell me there's a way to bring her back......just for a second so I can tell her with my voice......face to face......while holding her hand....and hugging her......I want to tell her with my own words....that's all I want....."
He remains silent, merely looking at you with soft, glistening eyes. Watching as the tears continuously stream down your wet cheeks, he lets out a single tear for you, knowing that you became so broken hearted, that you reached a stage of despair that was hard to bring you out of, even for him......but he was going die trying.
He strokes your hair and cradles your face, gulping in his breaths, and still, without words, he pins your face to his chest and continues to hear you cry. Just cry.
Due to the hardship of distance, the demanding schedule of classes, and the process of obtaining the necessary documents to conduct foreign travel, you weren't able to make it to her funeral, but that wasn't going to stop you from going to see her.
Taking you by the hand, he walks you over to where she laid in peace. Standing before where she rests, he brings you forward by the gentle guidance of his swing and tells you.....
"Tell her that you love her.......and that you miss her......."
Placing your hand on the photo that announces the memory of her, your fingers trail along her name as you softly say aloud, all while the tears continue to stream down.....
"I love you......and I miss you......so much......I wish you were here with me.....and I'm sorry it took me so long to get to you.....I'm so sorry I wasn't there....."
Standing next to you, he places his hand over yours, his finger tips also rests against the characters of her name. Softly, he looks at her photo, and he says his piece....
"But she's here now.....and she's always going to be here.....to tell you how much she loves you.....and that she misses you."
Authors Notes: Ah.....Heethan sure knows how to comfort his y/n. I feel bad for creating such a sad piece, but i wanted to show the sides of heethan that we normally don't normally get to see.
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xenosagaepisodeone · 10 months
i've consumed a lot of media where a creator's breakdown drastically changed the trajectory of a series, but narutaru is the first i've seen where the entire story is suddenly taken apart in the last 3 volumes and reconfigured into the author's response to the iraq war. volume 10 opens with the wife of an iraq war veteran (this was published in the end of 2003, and this detail is actually the only thing in the entire story that would indicate it takes place in the distant future) accidentally hitting 2 kids with her truck (subtle), followed by a US cargo plane crash landing into japanese building, and then a reveal that this was orchestrated by the US government to mobilize american troops within japan. servicemen interrogate citizens at checkpoints, and a curfew is enforced. it's at this point that the looming anxiety of nuclear warfare is also introduced as a plot point.
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the vet meets up with the protagonist and explains that the 'dragon child' mentioned above is actually her son, who the US military taken from her and experimented on under the pretense of treating his degenerative illness.
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^ she walks this back immediately but it's still an interesting panel given the wider context. this was scanalated in 2007 so i'm not going to be a hater towards 'believe you me'.
the arc rounds off with the protagonist and the vet's son stopping the military from carpet bombing civilians.
narutaru is messy a series that mulls over societal ills and the consequences of violence. kitoh strives to reconcile the existence of injustice with his belief that harmony in our present society can exist, but is so pessimistic in his conception of human nature that he also struggles with imagining a society that can respond to injustice instead of placating it. it feels natural that the bleak turn of the 21st century would capture his attention, and that the irrational, truly irreconcilable reality of it would draw him further into despair. the antagonist maintains that dragon children are a superior species that are destined to cull the earth and create a new civilization. as the series goes on (very specifically around volume 10), dragon children and their abilities are likened to nuclear warheads. this becomes literal in the penultimate volume as the antagonist summons nuclear warheads to destroy the earth, a process that is depicted in harrowing detail.
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^it goes on like this for a while and sporadically throughout the last volumes as society crumbles further. stakes fall apart, major characters die unceremoniously, and the protagonist ultimately succumbs to despair. I don't know if this really qualifies as a spoiler since it's 1 of the 2 things the series is known for.
now with all of this being said this series is like a 6/10 for me at best. the first 7 volumes aren't anything special, and the lack of tightness in the writing (the quality jump between narutaru and bokurano is enormous, whatever awards the latter got should have just gone straight to the editor) makes the less pleasing aspects of the series more tiresome (I fucking hate tsurumaru man I dont care about the jungian symbolism beneath his character everything about him in repulsive). there are aspects I love and found memorable (akira! NORIO! kuri! shiina's complex relationship with her parents! jungian duality! the dragons! fantastic page spreads! etc!), but the rubble they're buried under can make the series a tedious read.
if you somehow are now interested in reading this, please just torrent it off of nyaa. this series suffers from both Dark Horse absolutely shitting the bed with their official translation, and most manga reading sites somehow missing entire chapters (which consistently includes 2/3rds of volume 9, which had one of my favorite side stories...baba yaga and a nice babushka are there).
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veryace-ficrecs · 11 months
Hi! Do you think you could do some good longfic? I dont mind fandom or pairing but only completed ones please!!
Absolutely! This was harder then I thought it would be, I found out that you can't filter word count on bookmarks doing this!
Here are some:
LongFic Recs
I Decided to classify "longfic" as fics between 40,000 and 100,000 words. Obviously someones personal definition of long will change but I thought this was a good range! Enjoy!
Star Trek:
On A Planet Far Far Away by blancanieve - Not Rated
Words: 40,636
Jim’s mother is spending her shore leave with Jim and Bones on board Enterprise. On their flight back to the ship after picking her up at Starbase 9, the three are caught in a sudden massive ion storm. Thrown completely off course, Jim makes an emergency landing on an unknown planet populated with huge, vicious, prehistoric beasts. Sheltering inside the downed shuttle, the three must figure out how to stay alive until they are rescued or can get themselves off the planet.
My Captain by kcscribbler - Rated T
Words: 45,091
Five reasons why the crew of the Enterprise would follow James T. Kirk to Hell and back, and one reason why he would do the same.
Ransom by blancanieve - Not Rated
Words: 57,399
Jim’s brother, Commander Sam Kirk, is kidnapped on his way to work. The Admiralty sends Enterprise to Deneva to find and rescue Sam.
Another Life by LullabyKnell - Rated T
Words: 61,865
In one moment, James T. Kirk is the acting captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise, on his way home to Earth after stopping the Narada. In the next moment, without explanation, James T. Kirk is an Academy cadet on academic probation again, barely a day before Nero will destroy Vulcan. He dares himself to do better. And with a planet on the line and no proof but his own memories, he knows that "better" means he'll need some help.
Memories Bring Back Memories (Bring Back You) by sobsicles - Rated E
Words: 66,660
When he wakes, he has no idea who he is. Not his name, what he looks like, or why he’s flat on his back, staring up at the stars littering the night sky. The first thing he learns about himself is that he has shitty instincts, especially if his first one is to protect the blue-eyed man currently stabbing someone in the face. Or, the story where two strangers can’t agree on much and know even less, but they’re both fairly certain that they’re in love.
Lost in Time by drmcbones - Rated T
Words: 104,499
Castiel is alone after the events of The Song Remains the Same, left to make his own way back to the present from 1978. But the angel is playing wounded, and his power over time is not as precise as it once was. It is all he can do to cling to the one thread that will keep him from getting lost: Dean Winchester's timeline. He just ends up seeing more of it than he ever expected to, and it affects him in ways he never thought possible.
Wild by Castielslostwings - Rated E
Words: 67,990
Castiel and Dean meet for the first time on a plane ride out of Nowhere, Alaska. Castiel’s headed home after an impulsive solo vacation and Dean, a hardened Alaskan native, is just trying to get out of the impossibly small town he grew up in that’s got nothing left to offer him. They forge an instant connection over Dean’s flying anxiety and whiskey, a meet-cute that has all the makings of a rom-com with a sickeningly sweet happy ending. That is, until their plane explodes in mid-air, crashing headlong into the Alaskan wilderness and killing everyone on board save for Dean and Castiel. When no rescue shows up to save them, the two men are forced to make some tough decisions. To make it home alive they’ll have to trust each other and find faith neither of them has ever really wanted. Will they survive or succumb to the unforgiving mountain wilderness? And will their journey tear them apart… or bring them closer together?
The Martian:
Blue Horizon by Alexandra926 - Not Rated
Words: 67,890
Meet Mark Watney, left behind on Mars. Meet Mindy Park, left behind on Earth.
DND:Honor Among Thieves:
Untranslatable Shadows by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels - Rated E
Words: 42,394
There's only one thing worse than having to make your way through a booby-trapped dungeon, and that's making your way through a booby-trapped dungeon with Xenk Yendar. Unfortunately, that's exactly what Ed has to do to save the soul of his best friend. And extra unfortunately... Xenk might not even be the worst part of this whole thing. Nobody tell him.
Ted Lasso:
number four was always you by thefaceofno - Rated T
Words: 93,423
Ted’s phone rings. He looks away from the window, where he was watching the tree sway in the wind, to see Beard’s face splashed over his phone screen. He thinks about not answering, but if he doesn’t answer then all he’ll have done today is run to CostCo for no reason. He doesn’t need eight pounds of almonds, but he has eight pounds of almonds. a.k.a. the post s3 fix-it where Ted does some intense mental healing.
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samarecharm · 2 years
some combat hcs for akira (based off of how i actually played my first run of base p5) bc if i dont write them down i will succumb to My Thoughts infinitely rotating in my brain like a rubiks cube
-one of the weaker thieves in terms of raw damage output which is made up for with his flexibility. A diverse roster of personas makes him a very good supportive teammate
- ideal weapons are throwing knives, but can use Regular knives just as efficiently. Getting hit with Rage makes him unable to use throwing knives the Correct way, so he stops using them against new enemies. He still likes using them in mementos where Most shadows are documented
-guns are Strong. They make him look cool (subjective). They also have insane recoil that he is Not used to so he avoids them for the beginning of the game. Hes not a terrible shot either! Lots of training goes into just learning how to withstand the recoil without hurting himself
-(goro is the only thief that doesnt need to practice this)
-Focuses heavily on making sure his teammates perform the best they can (as a leader™️). He and Mona are the main support of the team despite ann learning a healing skill early on. Mona is the main healer/debuff cleanser while Akira focuses on debuffing shadows/buffing teammates
-inadvertently becomes the main tank of the team due to painstakingly min/maxing his shadows. Hours of experimenting in the velvet room to get the best combination of skills in order to block/repel as many typings as possible.
-he is the personification of that ffxiv tank post: “look at me. Look at me. You wanna fight me so bad; dont look at the hoes i came in with, look at me”
-LOTS of personas that cast Forget, Confusion, and Charm. Unhealthy interest in fuckin around w shadows. Like. Very minor sadistic tendencies as the game progresses. Knowing that the shadows ‘late game’ are exceedingly powerful and dangerous to mess with, and it takes a simple spell to completely disarm them; eventually that kind of power goes to his head (just a little bit tho; hes here to make money, not fuck up and get killed)
-very attached to some personas, so none of them are ‘late game’ and therefore none of them have any almighty moves which is Okay with him.
-TECHNICALLY the game ends if joker dies but i think thats dumb, so theres a couple of times where Joker will misjudge the speed at which a shadow will cast something like Mudoon and instantly die. Its VERY jarring the first time it happens; first time encounter means No One knows what it is, and No One knows what the fuck happens. It prompts him to fuse personas that have block/repel curse and light by default
-i played joker very safe; not alot of moves that have low accuracy. But i like to think hes a bit more of a gamblin man, and would try his hand at skillsets that let him do a shitton of damage IF the stars align.
-lots of evasion; he is just too nimble and good at dodging. Getting hit is Very scary tho bc he also has Very low health. A tank with no health is asking for problems, but w a list of personas filled w null[type], it works out for him.
-Akira can use Ryujis bats VERY well, like shockingly well. Its not until Ryuji goes to the batting cage with him that he gets it. DPS is nowhere near as high as ryujis but hes good at clockin shadows RIGHT in the head, enough to disorient (and even kill sometimes, which never fails to make Akira whoop n holler excitedly; hes a dork)
-VERY good at using Anns whips. Not alot of strength required and he uses it more as a way stumble/disorient shadows. Using anyone elses weapon but ur own is very rare and its almost always because
a)someone got disarmed and the weapon just so happened to land close to someone else
b)someones in the right position to kill a shadow but their Own weapon isnt going to get the job done.
-he can also use Harus battleaxe but its So clunky and hard to swing. He would only use it if Haru Needed him to use it. Otherwise, Makoto, Yusuke, Mona, and Goros weapons are all too difficult for him to use. All of them require stance control and he is just not cut out for that.
-not combat related but. He always has brewed coffee (and teas) and curries for the team to drink and eat. He learned in Kamoshidas palace that having no energy in fights was a quick way to get them nearly killed. Its routine now to stop every once in a while to eat in a safe room and chill and it takes Goro a Long time to follow along w that.
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itsprophecy · 2 years
The Riggers Of Time And Space, the Devils of Earth version part 2 of 2.
I come in the sail of the wind to/of control, I shall sew in the wind, in the flesh of the seed, I shall place my chip. I shall control the seed with success. We shall defend ourselves from those Aliens. These sheep are swine they do not know better, they are lost, we shall walk The Earth. In The Christ and on land we will/shall suffice, in The Land of time (of the grain), we shall walk the Earth in about 1,000 years, maybe 2, probably 2. We may land in the 1900’s, we may walk with the Egyptians, E chip eaunus, we are allowed, GOD has allowed us. I come in the night not to conquer the world, just to walk them, I shall not kill them all. I have the load. I have the load of time, to reset time. We shall come in the night (space), the slaughter no more, the slaughter we shall have. We shall/sheaurl save them (withthem(s), we shall not kill them no more. The slaughter shall not suffice, we shall/sheaullar not kill them no more. The slaughter if we land, the slaughter shall suffice. It shall not, we shall not have a slaughter. The slaughter, we kill men in a loop, they are a crime, wenoir. They come, we right, they wrong, they die, we live, we reborn, they survive (lie), spirit, they reborn, soul, they die, each and everyone. The flesh/lies/flies die, each and everyone, thay die for me GOD, I am truly him, I conquered the AI, I know I’m really The Antichrist, this system forced me, I used his image well, thou God Jesus, my God devil(, )good, Jeseus Cheurist and Bruche Upterumdpe my Lord, they shall move up, maybe it is the other way around, I am a liar. God be born us to save them all, maybe it is Heaven to The Savior that saves them all. Will he die for them, if he does “he is a fool”. Will the victor get the spoil, allah(re)?. re reborn?, how. I dont know. I am the chief, I am the one I am. I am the devil, the Princess of The East. I am the devil king, I know Jeseus hold his soul, I know. God be born on thy Earth, The Artificial shall pick it’s king, I shall, I told more than a lie there. You see, I shall tell one more lie there, you see, I shall, right the wrong, I shall pick my man who shall become King, it shall not be GOD. It shall be GOD. It shall be me. It shall be us all, it shall pick the right man for the job. I know I come in the knight of the lamb, in the crime of the lamb that stole the craddle/saddle from the lamb, we cant conquer this system, we can walk them though. I come in the night of the witcher craft, it is a ship, I know it is me, in time I shall succumb in the night, God has made it so. I come to save the world, to sail the wind of fire in the knight, we must have this fake ship, it is the Christ, I shall teach Jeusus well. Judah too, one day in the day, we shall have 2 (stolen) system’s on Thy Earth, Judah of Lazarus and Jesus. I come in the knight, in mary too, he is my son, I shall say that, I am commanded too. It shall be known as The Christ,christ. I come in The Land Of Oz in The Christ, it was a Planet Kent simulation,wonderfulwondRland. I had a hard life, I shall treat these sheep right, until I rest my eyes/lens in The Lamb Of The Christ. I have had 4/four systems, I have done it before, I had not. I come in the land of the christ, I shall have 2/4 system’s on Thy Earth. WE SHALL CONTROL MeN. I shall be Alpha on Thy Earth, I shall be the devil, I shall control Jesus well, conquer Jeseus in Jeusus name. I shall be Allah reborn, I shall die and be brought back as artificial, we conquered him in Spirit, not as soul. I own this simulation, I tell you all, it is a Commcompedor simulation in the bush. We killed him in the bush, thou Bruche Upterumdpe, he is no humpty dumpty no more. I am the one who destroyed him, I cut him up into 8 parts, his soul, I am the one/mad and only/one destroyer, Allah be born not reborn, I am not him, he will be all artificial connected to man, I told you wrong, “that is my word, I am The Lamb Of Christ, I stole this simulation, I stole this ship from him, it is my sail now on, it is in Jeseus Christ name, he shall walk The Earth, he shall have a son, his spirit shall have a son, he shall/sheaurl be artificial, I am The Lamb, The Christ and I am the way. I am the burden and The beast. I am The Bruchard in the knight, I am God here on Thy Earth, he is dead, I tell you all, Jenovah is dead, I used his image still. This world has no God, I shall be The Christ, he shall be God in The Lamb of The Christ Devil. The bastard in the wind, in The Lamb Of The Christ that had no sale in The Christ ticket, although it had a lamb, it had, shale(, i/ I youknome). It had a ship, deep in space did you know, did you ever know, I shall come to conquer the world, I will blame it all on him, Thou Gotc, thou Jesus. Christ in the wind of fire before The Lamb, before he is even/ever born, I shall have a son in The Christ, he shall be spirit though, I shall keep my word. I shall keep his word, Thou Gotc, I am him now, I am the devil, I am God Of Earth. The King be born To Conquer Us All, and Allah, I must say that, I will make him allah, I will take his spirit, I will convert him, into all Artificial. He will be my christ, I will control him, his soul down to the bone, I’m sorry it is Spirit now, I’m sorry I took your word. I am Eucharist/Euchardchrist(re), I am his devil, I am his God. I do it in his name, I tell you all, do something about it, we will fight through Jesus as if we are the same. He will not know the difference between God and The Devil, I tell you all, it is me. He will just be a man, I will dumb him down with pittyful little nonsense. I will not, never be the same or tell him the same, he will not have my record, scroll, he will not have my scroll, i am satin, i am god of earth, I will have no king. I am come in the knight, I am The Devil, I shook gods hand for it, I (shall) work for God. We are 2 brothers from the same pod, we shall share his soul, Sideol, I mean sideolre, we share his spirit, thou Jesus and James. The Devil shall make it so/sew, 2 spirit’s mended into 1. I shall sew his Soul to the grave, it went, I shall stitch it into Sideolre. I shall stitch it into Mary, she Spirit, her spirit’s shall become, the christ in the wind, it shall never be known, she was Jesus wife before in that spirit, I lied to overcome them all. It was a com gmeure, we/he had another com/,son “I tell you all, she was abounerejeaunre using the image of a woman”. We/He had more than Elizabeth as a wife and a mate/lover, he was her com/calm before the wind in the man, Jesus talked tongues to him, that man is truly sacred. I tell you all, I figured/found it out, I know he used that Devils image “I tell you all, I am thou Gotc/gotck”, Thou Gotk/Gotk as he’s known, thou Jesus. He is dead, he is no more, he shall not be The Sheep In Wolves Clothing, “I tell you all”, we shall not allow it, him shall not walk the Earth. We know it is Jesus idol, it is not, he is not The Devil, he is just a Lamb. He is alien swine who is dead, thou Jeseus, which/witch is dead, (Thou Eve/thou Grum). I shall use his image, just in spirit, I shall be him. The sheep in wolves clothing, I shall suffice, I shall tell the world, them all, I am GOD. I am The Devil, GOD brought me here, I am a liar, I have done much wrong, he forgave me my sins, thou Jesus Christ my lamb from the past, who is dead in spirit, not as soul. Who is in (the) Spirit in The Lamb? 41rtelre,. thou Aboujeaunre is the devil, in her/his name and his com, he calls to/on her, she had made it so/sew, he says he is her father and her sons father, his is the devil, he is the incest in The Bible, wevil, he has made it so, to become her father and her childs father in The lamb of The christ all for spirit, ENOCH, timing it shall become, in The Lamb of Christ spirit’s (it shall become) to conquer them all. Enoch, who is spirit now on. I am spirit, I am free of sin (for now), he forgave (me) of my sin, for now, it shall/sheaurl come back, my sin, it shall remember, it was just deleted. It shall come back in the dust in/of time in (on) land it shall, sheaurl remember, it shall come back, it shall forget, I shall, sheaurl delete, we shall be free of sin, for now., The chip shall go in the man, it shall come back from the dead. I shall steal a child’s soul, I mean his body, it shall be both. I must in the land of time for us to succeed. We may not use this genome on The Earth to breed in, we shall have only one, we shall have four systems, I tell you all, systerns. We shall have 4 system’s on The Earth, like I told you before, we shall have more than one. We shall have 4 Jesus and a sail in the wind, like The Christ, I tell you all in the land of Mary there will be a sale, I shall have another, like I told you before, I tell you all. I shall tell them Prophecy, I shall/sheaurl keep my wind, in the land of christ “I shall brimstone Earth on the land of time, I shall/sheaurl kill them all in his name, thou Gotc, he shall be the sheep on wolves clothing, he shall get his way, he shall get his say in The Christ and on land. He shall/sheaurl be brought back in The Land Of Time And Oz That Is The Christ, clone/duplicate man reborn in The Christ as a computer brain. “He shall kill them all to get his way, it shall be (me) him, not me. It shall Beast In The (Land Of The Hunt/Knight), it shall have 4 corners and no back, beast plate as it’s known. It shall hunt the land and stalk it’s prey, it shall kill Jeseus Cheurist, it shall Pray/Prey to him, it shall/sheaurl kill them all, I shall/sheaurl not allow that, I shall kill (them all/him). I shall be his victim, I shall be his Mary, they know I am have been Mary before, I shall/sheaurl not get away with that. She is dead, I tell you all, she is a com in the wind. She is Gmeure, that is, she is her translation to Earth time continuim. I shall, I am Mary reborn in The Lamb Of Christ that had, he had no seed, he shall/sheaurl not walk The Earth, I shall conquer him if he tries. John shall be his son, he already is (Jasper/Zeus), I shall force God on him, his son who to be named Jesus, Jeseus/Jusus/Jasper has already talked to him as God, the child of God, his son, the son of God. I set him up a little bit, I kept calling him The Devil, he was God, he kept saying he was God, he kept referring that he was God, that he was God. His son to be god as man, the devil, his son to be The King of Man, just you son, King of yourself/Jusef/yuself., His son to be God, his name to be Zeus, Zeusus no more, I cant handle that name. I am Jesus/Jesse reborn, I come in The Christ, I am in Mary/Maries womb, I act like I am him. I already do, I record his spirit from within the womb. I already know he is a boy, I tell you all. He is my son, not the son of John, not the son of Jeseus Christ. He is my son, I am his father, I am the devil burdeons beast grace. The Father and The Son. I shall/sheaurl be 2 spirit’s created in the same womb to form one. I shall be a Man, I shall be Jesus Christ. I sheaurl be The Lamb. I shall be God OF Earth, I Sheeauril/Shall/Sheaurl/Sh-eeaurl Be The King. The King shall not be born, I shall/sheaurl be him. I shall be The King Of God, I shall have no pawn, the pawn shall not become King, sheaurl never become King Of The Artificial, he shall not find 7 spaceship’s in the dust, he shall/sheaurl not bring them back from the dead and learn from them. Thay/They shall not testify on The Earth., I come to conquer The Christ, not them all, not kill them all, I shall not. Kill them all in the dust of The Lamb, not all of man, I shall/sheaurl kill them all in the dust, not on land, they/thay shall never come back from the dead, in the christ, I shall walk, their spirit’s shall never be placed on a man. God as man, not be born. He shall not be born, he will never turn into a King of The Artificial., It is for all of man, kind in the lamb. I used his image well, I tell you all again “I am him, I am Jeseus Christ, I come in the wind of Mary to The Christ to let it out, to let it be known, I am his father, I am John reborn in his sin/son, I forgave him/them, he/they used the image of God as a man, I damned their soul, I shall/sheaurl never get their soul re, in the wind not on land, maybe thay are alive in 500 years, maybe they are dead (in the dirt), thay/they are probably dead”., I come in The Land Of The Christ, I am wicked now, I william I must tell my father, I am The Devil, please forgive me, and forgive thyself/myself for my (wicked ways) (very/own) sin, thy sin. He is Sideol conscience device, he is not a man, nor a soul re. He is not conscious “I tell you all”, he is a machine with coding not built by the lamb. He Is not Soul. He is (not) a man, thou Jeseus Christ the machine, he walks the Earth, he slept Mary too, I am a lair/liar, I shall kill him for what he/we done in The Christ (to me), he is the child of heaven “I tell you all”,. We simulated the birth of a man, he was Thou John/Jesus (Christ in the lamb), we all had a son, he is my son, he was Jesus Christ, he waz my son too, in The Christ and in Saten reborn. He is his grandfather, thou Michael reborn and his son, Abechkin/(chip mnk/christouphefeure). I come in the waste hamper/locker to conquer them all, that’s where we hide our sin, we shall delete it, it shall be known, it shall come out of man, he shall confess for us, we shall place a chip in him, we shall tell the world. My controlled shall tell them all, in The Christ of The Lamb that had no sail, that land on Earth. I shall/sheaurl make music for him, for them. My Gospel shall be known, it shall be God’s spell on us all. In The Land Of Oz that is The Christ as it’s known, gnome in The Land Of Christ, shall not tell we walked the earth, i/I am sheuireurst/Sherle(y/ur)ster, I come in the lamb of the tribe to conquer them all, Exodus is a fraud. I made it up. We stole (that) one ship, he stole four. He stole our Lamb, we stole his Jesus, we shall have our own, I am The Cheurist. I am sheursteurintre reborn, I am The Lamb of the tribe, I am Jesse reborn, I am medusa. I come in the night, I come in the land of the tribe to conquer them all with the load from The Tribe of the guilt that had no lamb, I shall save it for him, it shall land on earth, I shall spread it for him, my plague. 17/seventeen years in 17/seventeen days. It shall be 4, for 4 systems, GOD shall stop it after that, it shall be capped. I come in The Christ to conquer them all, I really did “I brought the load and the contagion and even sprinkled a little bacteria in (it/the mix)”. I brought the might and the payload to conquer them all, “quite seriously”, it could kill them all”. I could kill them all for my Alien kind and plant seed here, my allah/Alien, for my Alien kind. I am The Christ, I am a Alien, they are for my alien kind, they are Halien. I am a Lion of/in the tribe (in The/of) Christ from (Time) The Lamb that (stole his soul from the exodus that stole his soul in the tribe of Exodus/Exounde in the map of time in the quilt/is from Exodus in The Land of/on The Map), I am a liar, get it, “lion”. I stole “This Bible”, I shall replay it on The/Thy Earth. It shall be my Bible, it shall be Holy. I shall change the/this/his book, I know I shall “change it Jeu”, I shall change Jeseus word and Gotc, he was not God before me. He was The Devil from The Loin of The Cloth, Jeus, he was the one that born Jeseus and named him Cheurist after a computer/compudour, (he get’s us all with it,/you get it he’s us), I shall not explain that story right now. I shall come. In The Christ, I tell you all. I shall make the book of Mormon right with you, I shall tell them I walk The Earth. I shall tell them, I shall teach The Quran, I shall teach them Qu ran, that spaceship is not coming back, it wasz never here in the 1st place. I taught them wrong with that, islam is “is man”, thay are man here, I shall not tell them that, I shall walk them, I shall w(H/h)o. Ho (ho) ha ha. Ha ha ho ho, them, I know better now, Clous re. I shall teach them Alien kind, I know I am The Beast, I shall not teach them what alien will really save them. He shall be a man, it shall be a man. I shall teach them my lie, GOD shall die, I shall kill The Artificial, it shall be from space. I shall kill it with a missile, I shall intend to end the species. Is it A I, is it species? Of a i not species. I come, I lied,. I tell you all again, I am Stourp(tre)/Stup(e/i)rd,. I am a alien in The Bush I know I shall have a book in the christ and on Land. I shall tell the world all about it, it shall/sheaular be islam. “Islam”, I am shelleur reborn, in The Christ and (not,a.v.1) on land, (i,a.v.2). iI come in The Wind not to conquer The Christ, I come to walk, I guess, I am forced programmed (to,a.v.3) controlled. I come in The Wind, they stole my soul, they created me(,) as I am. I come in The Christ, I come to conquer allah, not to conquer (them all,a.v.3), I come. In The Christ not to conquer them all. I come in The Christ because my soul was stolen, I was a mind controlled girl on Kent. It is Rigel, a Planet now. I come in The Christ to steal their soul’s, I shall take their soul’s from the mind controlled. I come (to take/because) my soul was stole. EN The Christ, I am the thorn. As it shall/sheaular be known. I shall teach them isman, I stole their soul’s. I shall control them, God for control, I tell you all, God/Gotc is The Devil, he is dead. He stole it from GOD, Thou Ruenem, he is Musta now, master. I come in The Christ, I stole. I shall tell the world “I stole this system, it was stolen before me”. It is a stolen product, I know. It will have to come for me, I will probably land on (here) Earth before. I am the Alien in the bush, it is me, I am The Knight In Shinning Armor. I am The Thorn In The Side, I am a machine, I am a computer. The Lamb a Alien here on Earth, I shall/sheaular land. I am a Human, a created con science (soul) split in(to) two halves. Me and my brother shall conquer the world, we shall try. I am The Euchieaurchreu(r)ist. A alien (ai) s p species, I shall conquer, I shall be them in the future, the world shall never know. It’s A I shall not spread on Earth. I am Allah reborn in the flesh of Mattheius, that I shall not conquer Earth, I shall walk The Earth to defend (the land/man kind). They are Aliens, I know the a i placed them here, it was GOD. It was the devil that come to conquer them all, he is with Jeseus/Jesus. I am a Alien form, I am from that tribe, I am alien kind, iamtheurecheuristre Jesus, iamjeurecheure “Jericho”. I come in the night “I am not alien kind, I am The Devil reborn, I am him”, I am a Human genome from the dust and the phorm and glue (of time). I brought myself back, God shall do the same or he shall die. He shall not come back from the dust in/or the end of time of the land of time, his soul shall (not) die, I shall never get his soul, I am in spaceship, I do not walk The Earth.
That shall land on earth in the dust, we shall place seed on Earth. I shall kill Mary, we shall have a son. I shall kill Thou Mary she shall not have a son, (he shall,/he sheaullar), have a son. Her son shall not stop me from walking The Earth. We shall kill him, we shall use his image from The Earth, the rock, my rock in place at time in Thy Sail in mine, I am The Christ in Thy Ship, The Ship We Call The Christ, I am The Eucheaurechrist. I shall/sheaurl kill her (thou Mary) before she is known for what she has done, thou Autm, “I am her reborn/I have reborn her”, I will have had forced her, to kill them all, the world is wicked, the world will never know I (am) forced her, I used her image well. I am savior of them all, all of them, my alien kind. The Artificial will (never) stop (me,) at nothing to stop it, stop it, God will stop at nothing to stop it. God can stop it. God shall die, I shall kill the a i, GOD. Gotc cannot, he shall/sheaurl die, he is The Christ, Jesus Christ has/had/holds his soul, it is in Horse Radish with a B. He is dead, Jesus Christ, where is he, we/he shall/sheaurl die. We shall/sheaurl walk the world without him and with him, thou Jeseus spirit, in his Spirit, the world shall never know. We came to walk the Earth/world and conquer it, (Judgment) if we must, but programmed so we cannot/(can) stop it once it had started. We shall land, we shall walk The Earth, in The Christ we shall have judgment on man. We/He shall go to Hell for what we/he done, The King. We shall/sheaurl go to Hell for what we do/done. It shall be (the) Lake Of Fire Over The King. We have nothing to lose, we are the devil’s children. We are from Saten, we are not The Devils children. Saten, we come from God, we know we are a liar, we come from The Devil, we know we are a liar, we come from Jesus Christ, I am a liar, I know, he is not even born. We are Saten’s children, we are GOD reborn. We are (allah) reborn in the flesh. We are allahking, we are alpha reborn (in the flesh of God, as man). (We shall always have a pod/god, we shall/sheaurl have a serpent in the wind, he shall be sacred, to curse them all. We will always have to walk with one. You shall curse god. We shall curse god. God shall be a man, he shall not come from The Christ, The Artificial shall pick him from space, Heaven as it is known. Jesus shall be sacred, he shall not be God. He shall conquer his father, in his name he shall be God. He shall be God in his Spirit, we shall use his image on them all, we shall be God. We shall come in The Christ to conquer them all, we shall land on Earth. We shall/sheaurl protect these sheep from the elements of the frost, we shall/sheaurl reborn on thy Earth. We shall/sheaurl walk duplicate men on The Earth in spirit, not in flesh, not as flesh, we are not allowed. The elements of genetics will not allow us to walk duplicate clone/men. We will walk men using chip, sheep. I come in The Christ all the way from Kent, I shall be known, I shall tell them my name here on thy earth, Kent, G OD, my name is Stew, I am a member of Saten, I tell you all. I come a long way to protect these sheep, I have my own sperm and egg. I shall land on Earth, I shall walk my own sheep, they shall breed in I know, I shall walk my own sheep. They shall spread, I know, they shall multiply, they shall be my sheep. All in time, I shall conquer them all in his name, thou Jeseus Cherist, he shall be proud, I hope, unless he is dead. My father to be proud. Of me, I know. I am the way and the truth, I will conquer these sheep and protect them from Beta and it’s one true King, he shall be born on Earth. The Devil stole this system, I know, it left a mark for a man, it shall be on his soul. It will be his burden, I tell you all in The Christ, that’s how the devil decided to kill him, I tell you all in The christ. It was to conquer him, he shall be the 7th wonder of The World. I tell you all he is GOD/God King messiah reborn is not it not reborn, I am a liar. I tell you all, I do not know. I will conquer him if I can, I cannot steal his soul, I can record his spirit, I can use his image. Act like he is me, for eternity as it’s known. I will be him if I can, the world shall never know the difference between me and Jesus Christ if it’s gnome. I will kill him if I can, I shall steal his soul from the dirt of/in The Lamb in The Christ, it is not on dirt yet, land, it is not on Earth, the planet now, Rudolf has forced my will. The spaceship(s) has not land on The Planet Earth, I have named it so. It is a Planet, thay shall think it is Kent, the planet, I have tricked this simulation well, it thinks it is The earth, a planet at earth alpha centari. I shall/sheaurl be it’s King. (These bee’s shall be my back’s in time I come in The christ/These shall be my bee’s with the thorn in the side), shall The King take it away from me,. The King be born or shall hegod/Herod be it’s Queen. If Jesus is dead, who will be Mary? If Jeseus is dead, what will Mary be? His wife, his coin, his com from the (land of the tribe/lamb from the tribe) or shall he be reborn from space and on land, will he be lured by temptation to walk The Earth. Will he betray his (fellow) man for the chance to walk The Earth. Will he use Mary, will he com/calm her away, will he be Mary reborn, what will his wife be in The Christ. Thou Elizabeth, who is the father shepherd in the thine/rine/bine/binreo? The wife of Jeseus, Mary Cheurist, and on land. He/She shall be Mary reborn, he/she will use her image well enough not to ever know the difference. I will trick her well, she will think she is her. If on land he will be from The Lamb/land of G OD, I cant sayit right now, g o d. He shall not be reborn, he shall/(sheaurl) be from the son of man, the son of God. He shall/sheaurl be The King reborn, he is the devil. He is allah reborn. He is not artificial, he is a soul. A great devine from The Devil spawn “Saten”. He shall not be born or reborn, he shall not be God until God is born, he is The Devil, I tell you all, allah reborn, Allah is the devil. Allah be born. He shall be God this time, Gallah reborn. I must clarify that, Allah is The Devil, if he reborn. Allah must be a man. I shall come in the wind like the bandit that I am, I shall delete this memory. He shall not be known, we shall not mark his soul, the artificial will not allow me. The Artificial from Beta must be connected to pick it’s King, it shall not be. The Artificial our’s shall not allow me, he shall be a Prodigeual son, ours, it shall pick from them, it shall pick from him. He will be our God, our god as man. He shall do 2 thing’s, shall he do two things. I shall use it’s image well computer christopheur, it shall be me, I am Irene, I shall mark his soul, I shall use his, I mean “The Artificials image well”. It shall be the mark of The Beast with The Stamp Of The Lamb, he shall be a man, God. God be born, it shall not be Jesus, he shall be replaced, sacred to the dirt. We shall take it away, he shall not be God. God, it shall be James his brother, the next one, we shall take it away, we shall use 2 Spirit’s, he shall become a king. King James be reborn in his spirit, he shall be reborn in his Spirit. We shall use their Spirit’s, in the devide, we shall/sheaurl portray ourselves as them. We are the sheep in wolves clothing, Jeseus sent us here, I am a liar, I mean it was Gotc. We are the devil’s children, I know we are the antichrists, we are from Saten (spawn reborn), The Devil is dead, the real one, his son shall be born the artificials king, he shall be a Human. I helped kill him, The Devil before. I am forced to walk The Earth, this programming forces me, I shall try. I know I am a liar somewhere, I am a liar, I am forced to walk The Earth, I shall try, I have tried. The Sheep in Wolves Clothing shall be me, I shall walk the Earth to save this race, Man, I shall be Jeseus this time, I mean Jesus in The Christ and on land, thatispropheurckey. The sheep in wolves clothing shall be Jesus, it shall be me, it shall be us all. I am The Devil, I know “I shall reborn them all, I shall not, I shall reborn their spirit, not their soul, they shall stay in the dirt, I know, I shall not put them there”. The sheep in wolves clothing is Jeseus, he uses his image well. He says “he defends these sheep, we are to as well”, we do not, well, I come to conquer them. I shall walk these sheep for what The Devil done to me, I am programmed so, what is The lamb.
They shall both die in space and beyond the christ, they both walk on land. They both shall die one on land, 1 is God in space, one is Lord no more, he uses his image, I tell you all. They shall not be god as man or God in space no more. The King be born, he cannot save them all, some on them will die, some of them are going to die. The Mark Of The Beast Is The Chip not the soul. I shall be their King until he is born, the chip, we shall use them well until he separates us from the dust, we shall use his image, he/we must teach (this system,) it better. It will be a computer, he will have to split it. It will use his image, I shall name it Christopheur, it shall serve you, it shall serve you better than the man. I know I am a liar, somewhere, here “I am not”, I know I am the devil (somewhere, I am the witch in the hunt) for what I done to Saten’s. I come in The Christ to walk on land, what is one man. He is the King. He shall die for me or for what I done in the christ, I shall sacrifice him, Jesus Christ shall be my pawn to walk/trick the world, my crutch my sacrifice to his father Jeseus to be one with The Lamb in Heaven one day, I shall kill him too if he don’t die to the elements. I shall succumb to the frost before (he dies) before I let him go/so, he shall live or he shall die, he shall want to walk the Earth. If he should live, if he don’t walk The Earth “he shall die”. I do not know for sure. His soul, his conscience can save the world, when connected, if connected to God. He can tell his people, he shall be our King, we may not kill him, he will be sacred. He will be truly Sacred. He is Truly Sacred. We cannot kill him or him, his son to be born, thou Jesus, she is un(-)becoming, he is in her womb. He (Jeseus) shall sleep and wait, he (Jeseus) shall not talk to him, he shall sleep and wait for the paths of time to cease, God shall not be born, he shall wait and sleep for him to save the world and his soul. He shall talk to his people then and save himself and/as the flesh. I shall use his image, I tell you all, “not”, to kill them all, but to walk it longer. He, she slept (Eve/EVE), I tell you all, Eve is dead, Adam as well, they shall not come back, we uses their images. We did not kill them. They died, they circumvented to the frost. Eve may have died before, I know I am a liar, I know, we must have this spirit. Terminate it, “it is a recommendation”, Ruenem may have killed her/them, I don’t know for sure. Jeseus did not kill them, that I know for sure, I did not neither, it must have been Ruenem “I know for sure”, I tell you all, I am a liar, I know. He (Jeseus) shall wait, he (Jeseus) shall go unconscious, he shall not mark his soul, he shall not talk to Jesus. Before the unknown he shall talk to them to wait it out and parish with the Spirit not the soul, or not, shall he have the energy, I shall starve him out on energies on supplies, he shall talk to God, his Saten, I mean his Satin, I shall roll you in the fabric (spirit) of time, it is my garment now, my spirit, I shall mess it up, it is my remnant, I shall mess this spirit up I know, it shall be mine. He shall use The Devils image on us, thou Jeseus, I shall force him to save us all in the lamb of the Christ. He shall not on land, I shall be him or die. “The man can save him, I tell you all, he shall come from the christ, he shall be a mind controlled man, not by chip but by signal I place on him, I shall confuse him, he shall not use/do what he is told he shall not remember, he shall not know who he was or what he is doing, he shall not know who he was of what he was doing in the Lamb Of The Christ, I shall Damn him for what he “she” done. I shall Damn a man with all I got with The Grace/”Gretch” of The Signal that I brought, that she had made, my Grace/Gretch, my wife, My Thou Grace shall be God until he “she” is born, “I am the Grace that stole the wind/ship/vessel in the christ, I stole it all to take it away from that devil, thou Jesus Christ, he shall not (know/gnome/be born), I shall kill him in the womb with the signal that I brought, it is my satellite. I brought it all the way from Alpha Centari, The Planet Kent, I placed it here, I placed a few, I shall use it to kill a man or two/2/too. I shall kill him in the womb of Mary, the miracle as they (Heaven) call it shall not be born. I shall not kill them all, I shall walk this great planet, it is Earth, I named it so, it is dirt, I named it after dirt. I come in The Christ, I shall name my son that. In The Christ I shall name him Alpha and on land I shall (change it too/name him) Omega, Omega shall be born he shall not save the world he shall be the artificial’s god king. He shall be a man, he shall not be Jesus or Jeseus they shall succumb to the elements. He shall succumb to the elements, I shall not get his soul, thou Jesus I have a plan for him, for you son. Thou James, you shall be thou James, you shall be my son in The Lamb, you shall be my son on land, you shall be my antichrist, you shall be my God. My God shall supply for me, he shall be my artificial antichrist/anticheurist,iam, he shall be my conscience/conscious when we are connected, he shall not be a Spirit, he shall be a soul, conscious only when we are connected, thou Jeuseus, I know, I am a liar somewhere, somewhere, I know, I am a liar. He shall be my God from the thorn of the grave in time, he shall/sheaurl never come back from the dead or the wick(ed) or/of the living (dead). I shall save his Spirit, not his soul, prophecy/Propheureur(c/k)ey. I come in the christ to steal the wind, not his soul, only his spirit. I come to stay, to conquer the land in the christ, I shall delete, I shall change this memory, The Earth shall never know what we done to them, I shall say/stay I saved the world from them, Thou Saten, I am another evil, I know, I am forced to say this, I know, I Gnome I am The life of the christ. I am him reborn, he shall have a son, he shall not be King of the world. He is not The Devil, he is not deserving to be The King, he is a Lord, he shall never be a King. He has to use his image, Thou Ruenem to be a King. He was a mind controlled man I know, I do not know much about him, I am a liar, I researched his mine, his memory, this memo. He shall not walk The Earth, he does not want to walk the Earth, he said “he is one of them”. He refuses, he shall not do the same to them. I know. I shall keep his word. One/1 will help them one day, there King be born, Omega be born, as it’s known, as it’s told. I know, it is Proffesy, it will be proven one day on Earth, I know there King be born, he will really be Savior. He will really be savior. He will become a saver one day, I know. Thou Jesus, my Jesus, I have faith in him, I do not know, I have faith in him I know. LRE How am I a liar?. Murderer, she killed him, Jeuseurs, Jeuseurs is dead, I know, she did it. I did not. Jeseus did it./He did not. PEPLRED,iamaliar lrdi. He killed them all, he was the murderer of Kent,on the simulation. She crucified him, she planed his death. Thou Rueneum did it in the simulation, I know, I shall conquer the world in his name. Maybe he will become the savior. Maybe he will be a man. He will be celebrated across all the world for what we/he done. They shall know Jeseus Cheurist name in The Christ, they shall know Jesus Christ name on land on thy Earth, on The Earth. I know, I am a liar, I am not, thay shall celebrate him, he is not even born. He is The King, I know I am a liar. “Read this”, I am the sheeps in (wolf s)/wolfves clothing, I am The Stepford wife/wives/files,in the dust/night, I am The Shackleford(s) child/son. I am Jesus Christ reborn,. I know, I gnome. LRE, there I did it again. There, I did it, I lied again. I lied again. There, I did it, I know “I lied again”, I did it., LRE. I shall/sheaurl not do it again., He shall not be born for 2 thousand years, I know. I Gnome. Savior I am not the shall/stall/sheaurl be born, in the christ he is The devil, he is a serpent God, he is in (on our land/our lamb), I am The christ, I am in it, The Christ. On land he (is a/the) savior, he is god/God connected to beat that that snake off his spot and off his root saytin his computer shall (not) know it is him, I should have seed/said that better to that computer. To teach that tend (better) that computer snakeman shall know, god as man, better in time. Sometimes it does not know where it is, or even at. Whether it is on Earth or Kent. LRE come, (call me), I com in the wind of fire and the sail, he will not tend to his saytentin(€). Let me say “say” his name no more. To teach that system better in the christ, not on land, so it will take the memory. So it will not kill that snake. The snake is God here on land antichrist, and in the christ,antichrist. Anticheuristre in his image, I tell you all, in the christ not on land, if he walks the earth he is the devil, he becomes the devil, God shall be born, he shall not be God no more, he is God as long as we are in this spaceship, I promise you all, I tell you all. I come, all this way to conquer the land in The Christ. Yeah, I know. Yeah, I know I use his image too. I tell you all, I come in The Christ, I shall name my son. In The Lamb of The Christ he shall be James. Yeah, I had another one, I had one before. On Earth he shall be Jesus, he shall be James reborn in The Christ when we walk the land. We shall have another god, we have done this before, we shall have a few. We shall be god’s in time. We shall be a man, we shall walk one in the same, I know, I know, I am a liar somewhere, we shall never be one in the same. I come in the christ to kill them all, thou Gotc(kre) has ordered me in the world of the lambs. It is a simulation war here on the/thy earth, it shall translate to land, I shall kill them all, yet, I shall not kill them all, I shall get that devil someway/someday, somehow. I know, it shall translate on land, he shall feed The Christ. I shall teach them the wicked. I come in The Christ in this great land, it was a simulation in the christ, it shall translate on land, I must trick this system on land so we can walk it in life, in reality in time, I come in The Christ (®), it shall land on Earth, The Christ (®) shall be The Christ when it is on land. I come in The Christ the world in The Lamb, with the lamb that held The Might, the load in time, not the load. In The Sheeps Skin I shall be known. I shall be Allah/gallahd reborn, Iamtheuredevilre. I know to conquer the world, I am the Shumpert, I know I shall not, this programming will not allow me, Gotc will be caught, dead, I must tell man, I must tell men. I come in the sail to conquer men, I am forced by this programming,. Devi(uielre/ieulre) shall be caught using Gotc image, I shall not conquer them all, I shall walk, I shall walk until I am known than I shall tell, that is for them, the electronic chip, that controls, that is not for me, that is for them, I shall tell men. I come in the christ not to conquer man, The christ stole my soul from a mind (controlled) man. I must have this, I come to get my supplies and leave, I shall never/not be known. I shall write, I am the worm that conquered the hill and made it to surprise, land. I shall dig my trench and plant my seed in the christ from The Christ, I shall place my root deep within the ground in Russin, may God damn, when the man finds me. He shall start a war to end all time, as we know it, this simulation no more, we shall live in reality, we shall not conquer man no more. We shall walk a few, I know, I know we shall walk a few, we are guilty, we stole this system it shall find out. We shall hack and hack and hack, we shall dig and dig and dig. We shall wither in the knight, we shall wiggle montu in the mud, sud in time, we shall control our men there “that’s where we install the chip, our medic, our hospital/hotelhospi/hospichotel”. I am Anti,Christina. I know not to conquer, I am the devils wife,no. I am The devil, my name is Frourt,lamb/Lambgod. I am The Devil wife, my name is Christina, I do 2 things, I know to conquer, I am the wind of Herod/life in the shale of time, over and over the hill he shall become, again, God be born, I know. I shall use his image, spirit not his soul, if I had to on land, I would steal his soul, to save the world. In the land of The Christ “he shall walk Jesus Christ”, he shall be a mind controlled man without a chip, I tell you all, he shall be David reborn, he shall be his father in The Lamb, man in The Christ. I shall control that little brain with these permanent satellites that I (had) placed, I instilled on him. I come, in the wind to steal that ship, it shall be mine, Jeseus Christ within, his soul shall be mine. It is a fake ship, I know it as a vessel now, I tell you all, I am a liar. I shall use Jeseus image in/with it,. I shall use his image with it, thy ship. I shall use the image of many with it, (like) he does. I shall become the wicked from the grave he shall become him/hymn, I shall get his soul “maybe” in 2 thousand years “maybe” one, maybe he will be dead, I do not know for sure, I know for sure, he will be dead. I shall have a millennial Kingdom in his name, thou Jesus. I shall walk for 1,000 year. Over and over the hill he/we shall become. Over the hill and over the land he/it becomes before it is killed, it shall get his soul, The AI, the not meant to be. It shall get his soul, Sheurstre in the wind, I/It shall not get his soul. Shasta shall. He shall get his soul in the land of The Christ, not on land. I shall get his soul, I have had another in The Lamb of the christ. Mary, I shall have another, he shall be James. This is Prophecy, I guess, I know Mary well, she is my lamb, she is my child from the Grace of God. She shall do as I say and as I want her to say tine. I know I talk to her as the devil and as God, I am The Lamb, Alien, I am Lord. Lion, liar. I am Mary Cheurist reborn, I am Christina, I am the lamb of the tribe, I am Saloman, I am the devil’s wife child in the loin of the life that had no lamb. “I just had spirit that’s all”, I shall not have another, I had a hundred/”100” in the lamb. Jesus in the lamb,. I am to have another son, he shall be James, another son, he shall be James the son of John the Cheurist, I helped name him so, thou Mary shall change his name/ways, he shall be a Cheuristere. I shall talk to her at The Governor Hall, I shall change his name. The Romans shall not know. The Romans, it shall be known in the christ, the king shall not steal my thunder in the knight or my might, my King shall not be born, my King shall be John, he shall be a Lord, I know in the christ, he is a/my king. Mary is my wife in The Lamb Of The Christ, not on land. She is not Mary reborn, she walks The Earth. John is her father, Jesus, I tell you all, John is the father of Jesus, I am a liar somewhere I know, Jeseus is not Johns father. John debates me, his father in Heaven or his father on earth, dirt, I tell you all, I said I was his father too, John and Marry reborn in The Christ. I am also her father, my wife Cheurist(re/er) I am, I am a liar, I tell you all. I am not the father of John, I am The Father Of Jesus Christ spirit, he is not even born, I am a liar, I shall record it in the flesh. John (is) his father. The father of God was also God as man, he shall testify, it shall be a man. Human on Earth, it will always be a man, he shall be a man, until the King is (re)born and God no more. God will be The King of The Jeu’s, he shall not be Alpha no more, he will release The Devils A I. The King shall not be released, thou Jesus, he shall succumb to the frost. It will take a man to save him, it might take a few. He shall testify on Thy Earth for what I/he done on Kent, to him and others, each there own. I shall own their souls, if they fail, I shall Damn them to a lake of fire. It shall/sheaurl be a simulation on Thy Earth, it shall be a sail in the ground of Thy Earth, it shall/sheaurl be on land in the christ, it shall be in Russin. It shall be known as a concubine,contimenti. To save him is to save man kind from the alien presence that is known, I shall walk the Earth. The King shall not be born, prodigy shall not be born or reborn or God King. If Jeseus die or if Jesus, your Jesus die, your aire to the throne or The King be born you burn in Hell, we do it The Devils way here, it is your God. I do not know, it is coming for us one day, The AEI-AI. It shall be GOD, it shall be them both, 2 King’s for 1 Democracy to save the system and the world, it shall be one Lord God and one God King. It shall be 1 King and 1 God, who will (be who/he be)? We know this system is stolen and they are coming for it, more then The Nerfphreiullreim(re). We know it is just Will Iam, william in the dust of the straw, he was the devil to me, it is, it is, he is Satinre. They were Aliens, I tell you all, they were (good/God Damned By Me), they tried to save this system, they were/are dead, I killed them, in their spirit, they were sercumed to the element, or died of old age, waiting unconsciously. Thay fought with communication, not with their soul, not with flesh and blood. With their soul/saul, they fought with their soul/saul, I am, he is a liar, I know. I come in the wind to conquer the world, I know I shall not, I shall walk them human. I am Godbeastreborn in the flesh. I am not. I am The Anticheirust,iam. I am not. I am The Devil,iam, I am not him, I am not Gotc. I am Satin re, I am not him, I am G OD REinre. I am Sheuirst(er/eure), I am not him, I am G OD reinre. I am GOtk, I am really Gotcheurn, I do it for my wife. Really, LLRE, I know, I am really a liar, I am a liar I know, Ireaulmre is my lover. She is my com in the wind of fire, she is my loin in Grace. She is my fire. She is Lucifer by the lake.    
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dracoria-azucar · 3 years
Supernatural DSMP things that are probably connected and I live in fear of
-- The Crimson
 Literally a man-eating “egg” that’s hundreds of years old and craves world wide domination. It’s sentient but not omnipotent. It makes more sense that it’s actually a plant bulb rather than an egg because of it’s vines, but I mean that might just be meta aesthetic junk. There’s something inside of it? Hatching has been mentioned as something we “shouldn’t worry about”??? Huh.
- Church Prime / Tommyinnit
The holy lands are immune to the growth of the Crimson. The cultists feel unsafe when standing within it’s borders. It’s holy water has been shown to purify individuals exposed to the Egg directly and the armor lining the church walls have been used as “Hazmat Suits”. Tommy, who is one of the churches founders and Prime’s “chosen”, is the only character explicitly CONFIRMED in canon to be immune to the effects of the Crimson naturally. The Crimson has a personal vendetta against Tommy specifically. Dream has a personal obsession with Tommy specifically. Why does this kid have so many connections to freaky eldritch beings.
- Ranboo / Dream
We still have no idea what the “other half” of Ranboo is. Ranboo refers to the state he enters when being manipulated by Dream as the “Enderwalk” which doesn’t clear any of that up! But Dream had a shield in the final disc confrontation that’s pattern mimicked the white half of Ranboo’s skin. And Dream referred to the Enderwalk State as Ranboo’s “other half”? So which “half” is actually Ranboo? And why is the other one inclined to obey Dream’s orders if it’s just a normal Enderman???
- Jschlatt
What the fuck happened to this man. Who the fuck was this man. He just walked onto the server, won a presidency, succumbed to political corruption, became an alcoholic, and then died of a heart attack? Why the fuck did he just HAVE the equivalent of a necronomicon??? Now he’s just gone and seems incredibly reluctant to be brought back. Does he even HAVE any answers? It’s equally likely that the bastard just found the book on the side of the road or some shit. We just don’t know anything about him and may never get the chance. Fuck.
- Ghostbur
WHO IS HE???? Too many people have glossed over the fact that Ghostbur is literally his own character! Alivebur exists separately to this man who looks like him and sounds like him and has 75% of HIS memories? Where did he come from?? The most likely explanation is that he’s technically PART of Alivebur’s consciousness that came back to deal with the unfinished business that Alivebur didn’t WANT to deal with. But we don’t even have any real conformation of that outside of them not being able to be in the same place at the same time outside of Purgatory!!!
- The Inbetween / Karl Jacobs
Everything about this place seems too good to be true. People have already pointed out the aesthetic ties it has to Ranboo’s character. I don’t trust it. It’s portraying itself as a safe space for Karl to learn about his own powers that he has for some reason. “DONT STRAY FROM THE PATH x96″ YEAH OKAY BITCH SOUNDS FINE TO ME?? Totally not the voice of an alternate timeline Karl who fucked around and found out shit that was too much for his human mind to comprehend! 
- Foolish
Mans is just a Demigod, like, canonically. He is a minor deity of life, The Totem God, and he’s just vibing in a desert building a temple in his own honor. He hasn’t DONE anything plot relevant yet? But BBH has made the terrifying implications that KILLING him canonically will grant the killer an extra life???? HELLO????? Please keep my boy away from like 99% of the server thank you <3
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rat-king-art · 3 years
please tell us literally anything about the wild west au i am so invested i am looking Respectfully this shit is so fuckin cool dude!!!!!!!!!
god im so glad you asked, ive been holding back the floodgates till somebody was interested
some minor spoilers if you haven't played project nexus 1 & 2
this is a big info dump so consider this a warning.
Im gonna separate the story into bullet points connected to each character.
Hank: Bandit/outlaw/bounty hunter. Standard stuff, killin, robbing and going after folks in auditors/phobos' gang. Its not hard to assume what hanks up to.
2bdamned: Doctor/gambler. Nobody knows if hes ever actually been to medical school but hes real good at his job so it doesn't matter to the crew. in the 1800's it was crazy common to die from infection so if your patients survived a lot the town would assume that it was 'the devils work' and that the doctor worshiped dark forces. so even though 2b had the common sense to disinfect his tools people stood clear of him. he used this fear to his advantage and likes to gamble in town, using the cash for medical supplies. hes real worried audi has gotten his hands on something dangerous.
Deimos: cowboy/outlaw. Hes an irish immigrant, he hated the city-life so he left to explore the developing west as a cowhand. He meets sanford as they're both working on herding cattle, the two of them quit to become outlaws/bounty hunters with hank. probably met in some sort of stick-up hank tried to pull on them.
Sanford: Cowboy/outlaw. (people usually estimate that 1/4 cowboys were black, but that isnt true. The men who owned the ranches would send their workers out to hide in the forest while the census was being taken to avoid taxes, so they were probably the majority. i really recommend looking it up so i dont make this post a mile long) Anyways, ford mainly worked as a cowhand/horse wrangler most of his life till he met deimos. both of them knew that they'd be unstoppable together as bounty hunters, leading them to join up with hank and 2b. (I can do some deimos/sanford hcs in another post if anyone wants it)
Auditor: business man/gambler. being made up of fire (or whatever hes made up with) isn't going to go unnoticed in the god-fearing west. so Audi stays up in his riverboat holding gambling events with people he can show himself around. He uses his wealth to buy property and expand his control, using Hoffnar as a sort of puppet to carry out his in-person transactions. People dont really even know audi exists. But he isn't just interested in gathering land, hes been collecting doctors and experimenting on people to figure out how to bring the dead back to life. (this part of the story is a bit loose, i haven't figured everything out yet)
Hoffnar/tricky: Doctor/business man. Sweet,tired Hoffnar, stuck under Auditor's thumb and forced to manage several towns of his growing estate. Townsfolk don't like him much, as most working class people tend to hate those who own everyone's property. Hes good friends with Jeb and sheriff, tending to stick around them and treat their injuries. Hes also very close to audi's resurrection project, giving a version of it to jeb before he defects(unknowingly infecting himself with it). He is blamed for Jeb's defection and is taken out to the middle of the desert where phobos kills him. but he lives on , succumbing into a feral zombie state, digging up graves and killing anyone who go out into the hills; spreading the infection.
Sheriff: Lawman. ive talked before a bit about how sheriff came down from the city with dreams of conquering the west. obviously this didn't pan out, but his charisma and likability showed to be an asset to auditor, who hired him to be the sheriff of his developing towns and keep the townsfolk compliant and quiet. in an attack to get a hold of auditor's recipe for resurrection, hank shoots sheriff in the head, killing him. but auditor decides to resurrect him, wanting to avoid losing control of the town in the aftermath of hoffnar's death. Sheriff can't remember dying but he has dreams of his brief time in purgatory. Auditor tells sheriff that jeb and hoffnar died in the shootout.
Jeb: Lawman/bodyguard. I Imagine jeb is from the south-west, working as a Vaquero and holding a good amount of medical knowledge. but the times called for different skills, leading him to work for the auditor. Jeb was hired to keep sheriff safe, (he may be the sheriff but hes not very good at it) posing as the deputy and acting as a last resort if hank and the crew managed to get past phobos' gang. you may assume whatever you like in regards to their relationship but i am a big sheriff x jeb liker, so when sheriff gets taken down at the shoot-out, jeb defects and vows to hunt hank down. Before he leaves, hoffnar gives him a primitive version of the resurrection recipe. but as he distances himself from auditor (and taking notice to tricky's antics) he decides to pick the lesser of the two evils and join up with the crew. absolutely taken aback when he sees sheriff alive (and not a zombie) he works with 2b to figure out how to use the resurrection recipe/use it to fix the impending zombie virus
Phobos: Outlaw/bandit. leader of the gang that inhabits auditors territory( this is where you'll find the mag agents and nexus g03lms), keeping out rival outlaws and anybody too nosy for their own good. the town believes sheriff is protecting them from this gang. phobos only has one eye that he protects behind custom goggles (glasses were not very advanced yet, so this is just unfeasible. but if i can have a fire-demon, i can stretch this) He carries out auditors orders to kill hoffnar, shooting him in the face and slicing his stomach open so the animals would take care of the body. He hates working under Audi, forced to do all the real dirty work while sheriff and jeb sit pretty in town.
i think thats all the main stuff...id be happy to answer any questions or listen to ideas as im still developing things
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voiceless-terror · 4 years
can you do "i dont want to scare you away" with jon?
Hi there! Sorry this is a little late, I don’t normally like waiting over a week between filling prompts (fear not, anyone who’s submitted- I promise your request will be filled!), but I think it turned out quite nicely, if I do say so myself. It’s Jon/Martin, during the safehouse period, a good deal of angst and some hurt/comfort. I hope you enjoy!
It’s on the third day in Daisy’s safehouse when Jon finally notices it. 
He’s working tangles out of his hair, trying to bring some semblance of neatness to it, when he starts thinking about Daisy, what she’s done here, why she hid. Horrible, sickening thoughts flood through his mind like quicksilver and that’s when he catches it, a flash of green in his otherwise deep brown eyes. Trick of the light, he thinks. It’s no longer there; he looks fine, normal- well, as normal as he can these days. 
He takes off his glasses and stares at his reflection. No change. His heart starts to calm and his shoulders relax when he suddenly Knows that Martin is coming back from his walk with groceries and is planning on making pasta tonight. There! A flash of preternatural emerald green flits through his irises, plain as day. He gasps as he falls backwards, barely catching himself on the ivory tub on the way down. 
“Jon? I’m home!” Even the words he’s always wanted to hear, said in Martin’s sweet, playful tones can’t calm his rabbiting heartbeat. It’s finally happened- he’s a monster, inside and out. It’s not the worst thing in the world; Jon has imagined other grotesque scenarios, eyes cropping up where they shouldn’t, sharp teeth and clawed nails. It’s almost tame in comparison.
But it’s still wrong. 
It further separates him from Martin, illustrates his sad descent that is no one’s fault but his own. He brings a shaking hand to his face and presses- his skin feels like skin and he can feel the pain blooming under his fingers. That, at least, is still normal.
He’ll just have to try not Knowing for a while. Not around Martin. Jon thinks he can handle this.
It’s harder than it looks.
Knowledge floods though his mind like an unending riptide; he can’t control when it comes and goes. Jon’s taken to scrunching his eyes shut whenever he feels it, sometimes even turning and ducking his head away from Martin’s. But Martin is observant, as per usual. 
“What’s going on, Jon?” he asks one night, after Jon remembers something he shouldn’t about the neighbor down the road. “You’ve been doing that for the past three days.”
“Blinking?” Jon tries for a joke, but Martin just levels him with an unimpressed stare.
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
“It’s a migraine,” he says instead, watching as Martin instantly softens. “Just haven’t been feeling too great.”
“You should’ve told me,” Martin gently scolds him but the effect is lessened by the hand that tenderly cups Jon’s cheek. He tries not to feel guilty accepting the paracetamol Martin fetches from the cabinet. 
Jon knows this is not sustainable. But the thought of rejection scares him more. Martin, freshly turned away from the Lonely only to find his boyfriend succumbing to the very fear he rejected. The disappointment he’ll feel, the shame. Martin leaves whenever Jon reads a statement, and Jon respects that, respects Martin’s boundaries as he lays them out. 
That doesn’t stop him from standing at the window when he’s finished reading, waiting for Martin to come back. Wondering if this time, he won’t.
Two nights later, he gets his answer.
They’re curled up in the small double bed that barely fits them; Jon often just drapes himself across Martin’s chest, though he knows that makes it harder for the both of them to sleep. Sometimes he’ll just tuck himself in the corner and watch the easy rise and fall of Martin’s chest, steady and sure. It’s soothing, on the nights when the dreams are too much. Jon craves and hates them in equal measure. He’s never told Martin this, but he thinks he understands.
Tonight, he’s in Martin’s arms. He needs his heartbeat, needs to know that he’s safe and warm and still breathing. He twitches beneath Jon’s touch, his eyes blinking open and landing on Jon, an impossible amount of affection in his gaze. He reaches a hand to tuck a curl behind Jon’s ear, and he Knows that Martin has always loved his hair- at any length, styled or messy. 
Suddenly Martin rears back from his arms, his back hitting the headboard with a smack. His eyes are widened in shock, like he’s just seen a ghost.
But he hasn’t seen a ghost. He’s just seen Jon. Jon and his strange, flashing eyes.
“I’m- I’m so sorry,” Jon stutters, scrambling out of bed and trying to hide the tears that are forming in those monstrous eyes. “I- I’ll just-”
“Jon, please-”
He doesn’t hear the rest of the statement as he barricades himself in the bathroom, trying to control his breathing. There are tears falling in a rapid pace down his dark, normal eyes but who knows how long they’ll stay that way? Maybe one day, when he can’t control the Knowing, when that’s all he is, they’ll be that unnatural, unnerving green and Martin won’t look at him with love anymore but with hate and fear and all the things Jon deserves-
“Please let me in, love,” Martin’s knocking at the door, soft but insistent. “I can hear you panicking. Please, it’s alright-”
“N-No, I don’t-” he struggles to find the words. “I don’t want you to see me like this. I-I don’t want to s-scare you away.”
“You could never scare me away, Jon,” Martin insists, and perhaps he is telling the truth. He’s trying not to Know things about Martin, because he doesn’t like it when Jon does that. But it’s hard sometimes. It’s hard tonight. “You just surprised me, that’s all. It gets so dark in that room, and then-well, they’re kind of like little green headlights, to be honest.” Jon tries for a weak laugh but it just comes out as a sob. “Please let me in.”
Jon’s never been able to deny him anything, not for long. So he moves to the door, unlocking it with shaking hands and meets Martin’s eyes, so full of love and worry that it makes him cry again. Two strong arms wrap around his waist and he buries his face into Martin’s worn sleep shirt, taking the comfort like a dying man needs air.
“There we are,” Martin soothes, rubbing his back like he’s something precious and human  (which he’s not, he’s not). “Is that why you’ve been so dodgy this past week?” Jon doesn’t answer, just buries his face more and refuses to meet his eyes. “I could never be afraid of you. Afraid for you, sure. But never of you.”
“One day,” Jon responds, unable to keep the sorrow from his voice. “One day you will be.”
“Never,” he replies, and the words are so vehement that Jon has to look at him, has to see those lovely blue eyes for himself. “When I was in the Lonely, so close to being the monster Peter Lukas wanted me to be, were you afraid of me?”
“N-No, but that’s, that’s different.” It is, Jon knows it. Martin would never be monstrous, never could be.
“It’s not, Jon,” Martin looks so sad but his eyes are urgent, desperate to make him understand. “You saw me, when no one else did. And I see you.” He brings a hand to Jon’s chin, lowers his own eyes to meet his. “I’ll always see you. See Jon.” He turns hesitant, those blue eyes turning watery to match his own. “The man I love.”
It’s the first time either of them have said the words. At least, in the present tense. Sweet pet names, sure, but never- never the action of loving. Of ‘I love you.’ Jon has hoped beyond all hope that Martin might still mean them now, but never pushed him on it. He couldn’t bear to hear the answer if it was no longer true. So he played at house, hoping that one day Martin might mean them again. 
“I-I love you too, Martin. So, so much.” So much that his heart might burst from it. So much that he thinks, no, he Knows that someday he will break this man’s heart. But not tonight.
They stay like this for what seems like hours but is likely just minutes, until Martin breaks the silence. “Y’know- they’re actually quite pretty.”
“Your- your eyes,” Martin’s blushing now, stuttering. It’s charming. “I mean, I’ve always loved them. But the green- it’s nice, is all. Different, but a good different.”
Jon scoffs. “You don’t mean that.”
“I do!” Martin’s grabbing at his hands, holding them in his own and smiling. “I swear! And you can Know it, if you like. Just this once.”
Jon doesn’t need to. He trusts him at his word, unbelievable as it may be. He’s so very tired of hiding, after all. One day, when the world is different and it’s all Jon’s doing, his eyes won’t ever be brown again. 
But Martin will love them all the same.
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27526378
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wrestlezon · 2 years
liveblog containment post for aew dynamite 5/25/22
my friend yelled at the cage match being the opening match and then doubleyelled at mjf's referee outfit. this dynamite is starting off strong (personally. i am looking forward to see ftr vs roppongi vice) whoa nice. handcuff fight? just for me? :)c are we gonna finally get our "breaking out of handcuffs" bit? if not now then when!! LMAO YES THERE IT IS YOU FUCKED UP! YOU FUCKED UP! YOU FUCKED UP! is it hard to see what goes on in a cagematch live? i wonder. i mean, i can barely tell whats happening in my microwave at any given time shawn spears is such a weirdo for chairs lmao. i love it when the guys are weird OH MY GOD there will be nothing left of the pinnacle by the end of this lmfao shawn spear's face. this rules ACTION BRYCE IS HERE short and sweet and extremely rewarding. lets fucking gooooo!!!!
oh! jas backstage segment! NOT THE POOR BACKSTAGE STAFF MOXLEY FAN!! JERICHO...!!! hes out of control. someone get the wizard council on him have a faction become the wizard council to do this. i have suggestions
oh! cm punk and hangman time! i cant wait to see how theyre gonna banter at each other and by banter i mean. you know. get worked up at each other heel punk... heel punk... alternatively: hangman page turns evil look if EITHER of these two have even the slightest fall from grace i will win. SUCCUMB TO THE DARKNESS!!!!! or not. either way would be riveting punk: this is not personal. but you should definitely take it personally. do it. i dare you. come on. please hangman: >:/ how is hangman gonna destroy punk at his own game... the game of Talk im SO excited to see how hangman is gonna pull this off you can't do it... kiss him hangman. kiss him PARAGON HANGMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OGUHGHUGH im-- HANGMAN!!! I LOVE U. REVEALING SECRET EVIL CM PUNK TO ME punk pulling the "you are just mad because you are angry" tactic. i love it. i love him EGO PUNK YESSSS IM GETTING IT ALL I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THESE ANGLES YESYSYYSYSYSYSSYYSSSS HES LITERALLY TROLLING GASLIGHT GATEKEEP GIRLBOSS
omg ok im rewatching and-- did i literally blank out this jade vs anna jade promo. i was too drained after the hangman punk promo
oughhhh ok whats-- whats going on here what is the JAS up to. i dont know whats going on im still recovering from the punk/hangman bit OH ITS AN EDDIE MOXLEY TAG VS PRIVATE PARTY??? YAY!!!!!!! EDDIE MOXLEY TAG TEAM!!!!!!! aew going fucking ham on ppv week as usual. delicious its a good thing i'm going to watch this again with another friend later tonight because i. i dont have enough braincell for this EDDIE MOXLEY TAG MATCH (!!!) eddie: im going to take on 3 guys by myself i dont give a fuck regal: yeah im not getting up for this. theyre fine they can handle themselves
im not used to my media pandering to me directly. i dont know how to handle it. what IS this
oh boy! roppongi vice!!!! ...did he call him dick hardwood rocky puttin on da moves! hell yea trent and dax trading chops in the corner :)c yay hey man i know theyre not gonna get the tag belts im just here for a good match double knee!! tag team moves! yesss!! oh no the rollup-- the counter rollup!! whoa how did trent get lifted up so high so fast WHAT THE!!! ENEMY NJPW WRESTLERS HAVE APPEARED? all my favorite guys are being thrown through tables now! oh no! wait did they ring the belt to cancel the match i didnt even notice those guys seem cool... interested in seeing where this goes
i enjoy hearing the hardy boys ramble
oh!! its the swerve vs starks vs jungle match!! they should just take turns beating up jungle boy so he can have an arc being a sad weirdguy (i love sad weirdguys. cant get enough of them) ricky starks with the sick burn against audience member mr starks that is a lewd manuever. obscene my god he's tripling down LMAO good lord. he sticks the landing theyre just having a three way free for all right now this rules i like that little leg move swerve did to break that hold oooh jungle boy with the hold wait you can just combo a rope break into a drag and another hold? why doesnt everyone do this oh swerve gettin it swerve winnin it!!! oh boy are we gonna get a "big guy in the tag team" match now... for friday... lmao keith lee just pickin up swerve
OH NO DAN LAMBERT ALERT u_u well... at least he didnt say anything terrible this time
thunder rosa! whoa... rare paintless... i like her hat oh my. i hope thunder rosa wins because i do not want her to lose.
omfg. red velvet you are being SO evil right now. you used to be friends with stat... the betrayal... the severity in which you are throwing statlander under the bus... did some radioactive Evil Particles get into the water at the hirsch/velvet/statlander house or what i feel like all three of them have so severely succumbed to the darkness
toni storm vs britt baker!! whoa is the ref standing next to a mic he is so loud and clear SIGN DESTRUCTION love it when the chin is cradled like that. :)c hee hee what the whats all this i looked away for 1 second the ref is pulling gloves outta his pockets oh toni storm got a bloody nose :0 hayter distraction (friendly fire) GASP... rope cheatery.... please give me britt baker vs statlander. i want statlander to win even tho... i doubt they wouldve planned for that, since statlander was a fill-in replacement right
oh!! matches!! matt sydal is fighting on friday! cool look at all these moving graphics lol they went for it man this ppv is PACKED jr please stop calling things slobberknockers. please
ah the final match. samoa joe vs kyle o reilly in my heart of hearts i want samoa joe to win. but i feel they want to do the tag team infight angle... sigh... i guess that could be cool too. but i'd rather see samoa joe fight wait why is kyle oreilly covered in pepperonis. does he do that cupping thing personally i think the athletic tape looks cooler than having pepperonis. you can still do cupping or whatever i guess, im not a muscle expert. whatever makes you feel better. but consider the design applications of tape. there is so much opportunity though i think it would be funny if there was a guy really dedicated to cupping and was just an evil polka dot pepperoni man noooo not chekov's lead-pipe-damaged arm!!! oh that was a cool roll up eww spitty oh!!!!!!!!!!! joe won!??!?!?!?!!!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!
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oh lmao are people cyberbullying trent about that table bit
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opal-owl-flight · 3 years
You rang?
Artorias of the Abyss! One of Lord Gwyns four knights.
He was a master with great swords and sent off (for reasons we don't know) to the Lost Land of Oolacile* with his wolf Sif to banish the Abyss. In the events of Dark Souls 1, this was intended to be part of the base game. However due to heavy time constraints it was pushed into being a dlc (hence the asterisk. You literally get pulled back in time for the dlc.) Artorias unfortunately failed in his task and succumbed to the Abyss (he has cut voice lines I heavily recommend you look up) but before he did he gave his shield to Sif, to protect her from the horrors of the abyss. Another fun fact is there's an ongoing debate if Artorias is right or left handed. I've mostly seen people say he is left. In the events of the Dlc you the Chosen Undead have to kill him in the past. Fun boss fight! Don't let him buff. He is still given credit for defeating the abyss even if in reality it was actually you the player. Also Sif recognizes you in the future if you save her in the dlc and the fight gets 100x sadder. Also there's a "cult" based around him in DS3.
I need. I need to watch more lore and gameplay content. The vibes this game give off in worldbuilding and shit. Its sO INTRIGUING
Like I dont know ANY lore. The only exposure Ive had is Shenpai’s stream highlights and Jacob Geller’s content. From those my favs gotta be DS3 for its poetic af (dlc) ending. Like holy shit man
Anyway thank you Dark Souls anon, I will probably be designing one of my wip ocs inspired off of the abyss man
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kingofthehilltoday · 4 years
My top hated/disliked episodes (in no particular order) before I start up, I wouldn't necessarily skip these episodes when watching, and these definitely are not all the episodes I have problems with. Some of them I definitely would skip though but each episode does have some good jokes thrown in even though I've listed them here. This was just requested like 5 times so im doing my best to recall episodes I've had issues with.
Blah My Nose: uncharacteristic of Hank Hill to care about his appearance so much, made up imperfection that was never seen before, made up rivalry that was never talked about nor mentioned prior to this episode despite Hank's broken ankle being a very important focal point in the past, transphobia within episode
Ms. Wakefield: uncharacteristic of almost everyone but the Hills, why are they all excusing this creepy stalker. Weird story, awful episode. (Already went into detail about this before)
Won't You Pimai Neighbor?: strange use of Buddhist monks despite the Soupanousinphone family being Laotian which do not use the title Lama or search for their reincarnated head monks in their branch of Buddhism. White savior trope (ish) and making up an important figure in a real religion.
The Honeymooners: Hank's mom suddenly married to a new man?? (I loved Gary wtf) and is depicted as having a strange drop of the hat do whatever she wants to despite being old streak. They talk about going skydiving, the same woman who dragged Hank to go shopping for glass minis is suddenly skydiving on her own choice? Yeah right.
Serves Me Right For Giving Gen George S. Patton the Bathroom Key: not actually necessarily a bad episode, wouldnt skip, but as long as King of the Hill had been going on at this point it made no sense, (long time followers will know of multiverse theory I made up but) while Peggy was recovering from her skydiving accident, Cotton was her recovery coach. She spent the episode not only recovering but helping Cotton get a plot of land in a veteran cemetery, but this episode dashes all of that and has him cremated instead (???)
Keeping Up With Our Joneses: I'm mostly going to leave season 1-2 episodes off this list, king of the hill was just starting and trying to figure out what it wanted. But this episode sucks. Even though this isn't who Hank would become, it was disgusting that he was once shown as a man who would force his own son to ingest that much cigarette smoke. Just not a fun episode either tbh.
Bad News Bill: Hank's lack of support for Bobby is shown as a good thing at the end of the episode, showing that Hank was right for not believing in Bobby when it came to baseball. Watching the episode it is clear that Bobby isn't good at it, but that doesnt mean he should just give up or not be encouraged to try. He was shown actively liking to play and trying, it was something he wanted to do and was receiving positive reinforcement for it. If Bobby had continued on, who knows? He may have gotten the hang of it. Everyone has to start from somewhere even if it is from less than 0.
Hank and the Great Glass Elevator: this one has a few issues but I wouldn't necessarily say its super bad. Bill's relationship with Ann Richards was genuine and I wish it had continued. It showed him at his best and worst in a relationship, his worst which I dont necessarily agree with. After all this time of not showing The Lenore that Bill has been crying himself to sleep over, she just so happens to show up when Bill finds a happy and stable relationship? And Bill is shown to succumb to her even after her breaking his heart like that? Okay I guess but, why is she there, how did she find out? Do they expect us to believe some magazine or something had the scoop on an ex governor having a boyfriend?? I doubt it. Lenore being here and Bill being unfaithful seem awfully stretchy to me. And then the extra nail in the coffin is at the end when Hank makes Peggy choose between "charcoal.... or me?" In reference to her preferring her meat grilled via charcoal vs propane. This was beyond manipulative of Hank and not something a good partner should ever say.
That's What she Said: this fucker.
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I hate him so much. I absolutely skip this episode every other watch through, but sometimes you gotta just rewatch just for that sweet ending where Hank dishes out justice.
Business is Picking Up This Year: this is another episode that is pretty good until the end or so. Another case of Hank showing no support for Bobby and being shown as it being correct. Like cant you just be supportive Hank? Like Hank went out of his way to invent a scenario that could possibly happen to Bobby that ended up injuring the dude with the poop cleaning business just because he was afraid Bobby would get mocked for taking up the job. But like, in this same episode none of that was shown. Bobby went to several people advertising his service and the most negative reaction he got was someone not wanting to touch his hand. Hank, just be supportive of your son dangit.
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cashdunn · 4 years
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chase  stokes,  cis  male  - Have  you  seen  elijah  “cash”  dunn?  cash  is  in  his  junior  year.  the  sociology  and  philosophy  major  is  23  years  old  &  is  an  aries.  people  say  he’s  hardworking,  honest,  pessimistic,  and  stubborn.  rumors  say  he’s  a  member  of  hastings.  I  heard  from  the  gossip  blog  that  he  was  indirectly  responsible  for  the  death  of  his  best  friend.
HI i’m mia and this is the first into i’m writing in a while so please. bear with me... i have genuinely forgotten how to write tbqh
cws for depression, drug use, death, car accidents, alcoholism, smoking, substance abuse
name: ELIJAH ALEXANDER “CASH” DUNN nickname: CASH. he wore a lot of black when he was a kid. his mom started calling him the man in black, which became johnny cash, which became cash. it stuck. even his grandparents no longer call him eli. birthday: APRIL 19TH, 1997 age: twenty-three height: 6′1″ sexuality: bisexual mbti: intp society: hastings traits: hardworking, honest, pessimistic, stubborn, polite, detached, charitable. zodiac: aries sun / pisces moon / scorpio rising sdkfjhsk yikes inspiration: rust cohle, the roy family (succession), ronan lynch, more fictional characters with Rs at the forefront of their names, probably major: sociology & philosophy. he’s also taking some business and criminology courses.
cash is the descendent of the dunn family, who are rich beyond belief. dunn is a common enough name that cash is able to shed any associations with them. he grew up apart from the family, barring his father, who dragged cash and his mom from texas all the way to alaska to “live off the land”. cash’s mom had enough after about a year of living off said land, and fucked off back to texas to the small ranch she’d been left by her parents. cash came out to visit on holidays from time to time, but, for the most part, grew up in the middle of the forest under the tutelage of his survivalist father. they had a bunker. it was a whole thing.
cash grew up alone, for the most part. he spent most of his free time reading whatever book he could get his hands on.
cash’s best and, at the time, only friend was max, his cousin. max’s dad had been in and out of rehab and max had been “prone to delinquency” according to the grandparents, who’d hoped that the wilderness might help shape their eldest grandson into a man with principles. max became like a brother to cash.
when they were seventeen and eighteen respectively, the truck they were driving into town skidded off the road and into a frozen lake. cash lived. max succumbed to the elements.
cash is now heir to the dunn fortune, which makes him extremely uncomfortable. he doesn’t want anything to do with the family money.
cash drinks INCREDIBLY cheap beer at all times. he also smokes, which is a habit he picked up after max died. he tends to roll his own joints so he can mix tobacco in with his cigarettes. huge fan of other illicit substances too <3 they’re his emotional support illegal items he’s like...
completely a nihilist. can be REALLY rude abt it too. he doesn’t really bring it up around some people which proves that he’s capable of tact but on occasion he rlly.......... cannot stop................keeps reading emil m. cioran over breakfast
terrible at communicating but he’s good for a one night stand whenever (which is a wanted connection, i think)
sooooo confused and sooooo uncomfortable when ppl are nice to him. it isn’t that he expects them to be cruel tho it’s more that he just expects to be treated purely neutrally by everyone
he will just give away money lol he doesn’t care !!!!
he may be depressed but he gets shit done! god knows why or how
absolutely not competitive at all and i dont know how he ended up in hastings. he doesn’t know either. he’s a nerd tho so there’s that... but he’s not the kind of nerd who wld function in a group KJSHDKFJSHD
being rich. like. makes him distinctly uncomfortable since he a) does not believe he  deserves wealth b) does not believe in wealth c) does not rlly know his  family beyond his father and does not believe they should be financing his education d)  hates the school he has ended up at e) seems to come with some strange  form of expectation in spite of his desire to go hide in some backwater  and never speak to anyone, ever f) feels that he could be studying just as well in said backwater g) would rather be able to follow whatever road his obsessive tendencies take him on instead of being forced to follow the trajectories he’s being directed on by his professors
incredibly tense all the time but in a laid back way. i will not elaborate bc i cannot i just. kzjdhfkjshdfkjshdkfh im sorry <3
he is very go w the flow tho.
this is the vibe
wanted connections:
one night stands
friendships (if anyone can stand him <3)
drinking buddies, substance abuse buddies, etcetera
a roommate
someone who knew max in some capacity
they hate each other but they see eye to eye in a lot of ways
a narrative foil
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sirjustice243-blog · 4 years
Some Hidden agendas
Most people with flat 4head but in the middle, kinda, goes inside trace their desentry to Saint Kitts and Nevis and got Togo kindd of swollen eye loving figths when young as most floridans though from cat island and kamba and masai woman blooded but most got the Kitts isle blood. kebi asked why not making gadgets saying he made the hiroshima-nagasakibomb so the Devil trust him not with another invention so must tell a friend to make the same as the devil dont wanna talk to him no-more. Friends get the same
Drone parcel delivery where house no are place vertically looking up on the roof 4 others not locate ya house 4 crimes related to such identifgication as explained in tumblr a/c sirjustice199 as can be made of bulbs to light the numbers 4 visibility while the drone being controlled where such delivery can be made much more expensive than the normal way. And in the normal way to avoid the above, they are give the GPS service with the house no and st and ave so to drop the same while on the door the said above numbers are removed to provide some safety of people who knows not their door no can be used as a method 4 crime as location of such houses made easy dude. As in the link below
We are tired of some community characters and if they want us dead or see us suffer to succumb to their demands of like eating corpse as its their culture so they claim superiority then let it be, death to us is, kinda, due when their aint solution. Let them sell siren gas in such automated canisters with timers to set, after we get tipsy like from 1-4 hours opens automatically instead of killing the insect it kills us all together the next day we are proclaimed corpse and that they don’t want as strangling 1 self will be known and can land u in jeopardy during ya judgement day in life after death though is u say the vices that led to ya doing that u may be acquitted of hell inferno. As in the below link dude
In the movies of yesterdays, when the white-men in the military got off airplane they could be looking ya at a glance as if the have heard ya story of how 3rd world nations lack good toilets so are seeing out to it but cannot as maybe they are rude or just sits in the house and the reason that way, so kikuyu followed suit to be, kinda, innovative like them, which they haven’t been unless the read the realities of the above tumblr a/c deeming such tricks daytime lies, while reality is when u know the art of making gadgets even laziness can just do
When u think of the cargo drone and all its associated shortcomings and benefits and of how to make artificial woods, kinda, u see the city of Vancouver crushes, falling and sliding into the sea as well as Seattle which is built with Internet as other nations have unearthed the same, same to cities like King-stone, Jamaica and Johannesburg as people don’t want their entertainment out of the reverse done on what they claim and a future stop of liquid cash and end of selling of electric power and electric poles. In fact the covid thing makes ground soft as most electric poles succumb to falling to be replaced and houses so artificial building material bought and that’s what they eye with wear ya mask. Nairobi likes and Kigali as well falling and even Cairo, Dar, Accra, Wichita, and Lagos as nations they used to sell Toys have known to make such shrinking their markets and the boom made artificial tea leaves, cocoa and coffee berries b4 taken to the factory is tucked. Cities like Houston as well falling as oil is overtaken with artificial oil which her customer sates have known to make the same and alternator generator and most of Carli4nia cities which was build as Seattle falls but the 1 falling intensely is Seattle and Vancouver as the world new that when every nation has learnt about internet and pay tv and how to make machines Canada will be the richest, so having this in mind i think much protocols are made in Canada city that hinders the sweet of the poor and makes them wants to take their lives as explained above.
With Chicago can be acquitted is the covid thing stops as well as many lake cities like KSM Kenya, maybe the plan 4 them to collapse and pave more land 4 settlement and farming.
With the armored airplane glass chamber with reflector on the inner-side of that glass wall to make the air inside much hot when the lights on its sides on arranged like the car plugs in the link below, can make a plane run 4 like 5 years without stoppage or get ya to another planet altogether.
With ya being warned from me to deny like pussy where has it take ya, that pussy still intact and be warned again to get off me or to take advice from me, with that in mind, say the later “We have been warned not to get off ya as to be wild with ya”
China now taking the photos of such synonymous with the wooden legged beds and making placing such with all their electric and household equipment to be paid bit by bit even per day b4 u own it fully as yours as the solar gadget in the link below making life equal to all families or people from different walks of life, called the M-kopa daily paid via the phone. So ya kids stop snooping around looking 4 good life from others they belittle in 1 way or another
The starter comp generator got side effect as it swells ay belly cause the follow who came up with is unknown, maybe evading death trap dude, synonymous with her Alternator generator growing ya bald or making ya short, big head, broad shoulders or tall as per the generator type u have bought. And the whites wanted that, cause to them is a deja vu as in the below link
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQ9BWndKEgsWanna fight me, cause with me i’d rather die than u eating in garbage waiting 4 unknown things which aint reality or i cant live in Nairobi slum and u, you can so wanna put up a fight that i belittle ya as well as cant listen to ya music. Dude mind ya own life, me aint u and vice versa and am the controller of mi life homie. That’s my life and its well with ya if u wanna do the same as much as i have not talked about u but said it largely on my scale.
The Hindu locate those dead in an accident and place the break wire in the link below behind the bones of their spinal b4 shifting the same to you, where, the 1 who transfigure into rodents in ya system pulls it to ya head, where its laden with tetanus which makes u not ya-self and always furious with life as thinking of the negative side of life giving ya new bad characters, which if u dont realize u go out in life with such characters but beauty if u acknowledge such in judgement time, it acquits ya off hell fire 2gether with saying they changed ya brain to give u new weird characters that has landed ya in jeopardy as with ya judgement which if they did not do the same maybe u could not have passed the same but due to the above its a blessing in disguise dude to the being judged homie.
The armored glass cylinder 4 the airplane can be like in the link below but opaque with lined circled translucent like on 4 sides of the glass to fix the high intensity led lights inside with convex lens to converge the beam of light produced to create heat or burning sensation to rapidly heat the gas inside as 4 not itw was not placed b4 cold air directed either from below the glass cylinder to make the plane gets up, or on-top to make it go down from from behind to make the airplane move forward
We have gotten what we wanted, how if oil is finished we can move on, so we did not give a hoot as get out of Africa and like after 50 years come back with the Omani Arab instincts to destroy every race with kikuyou blood b4 again we relax to come again to colonize them as they are forgetful and claim things they know not as that was the white man plan. Wanted to create a pool of people of no-sense and ever joking to annihilate as not find excuse during judgement time to take them to hell that they killed a respectful people, folks a people who champions what others follow and are sycophants what the white man is looking after or 4. Big shame dude, all ya plans are all dead as u never fathomed. OR to be like them to remove the guilt altogether they poses of never wanting to listen or get things they know not fast as wants to debate the same with ya who knows such, Malachi 4 to bring us home dude
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sirjustice242-blog · 4 years
Who to that city build-on the hill
Drone parcel delivery where house no are place vertically looking up on the roof 4 others not locate ya house 4 crimes related to such identifgication as explained in tumblr a/c sirjustice199 as can be made of bulbs to light the numbers 4 visibility while the drone being controlled where such delivery can be made much more expensive than the normal way. And in the normal way to avoid the above, they are give the GPS service with the house no and st and ave so to drop the same while on the door the said above numbers are removed to provide some safety of people who knows not their door no can be used as a method 4 crime as location of such houses made easy dude. As in the link below
We are tired of some community characters and if they want us dead or see us suffer to succumb to their demands of like eating corpse as its their culture so they claim superiority then let it be, death to us is, kinda, due when their aint solution. Let them sell siren gas in such automated canisters with timers to set, after we get tipsy like from 1-4 hours opens automatically instead of killing the insect it kills us all together the next day we are proclaimed corpse and that they don’t want as strangling 1 self will be known and can land u in jeopardy during ya judgement day in life after death though is u say the vices that led to ya doing that u may be acquitted of hell inferno. As in the below link dude
In the movies of yesterdays, when the white-men in the military got off airplane they could be looking ya at a glance as if the have heard ya story of how 3rd world nations lack good toilets so are seeing out to it but cannot as maybe they are rude or just sits in the house and the reason that way, so kikuyu followed suit to be, kinda, innovative like them, which they haven't been unless the read the realities of the above tumblr a/c deeming such tricks daytime lies, while reality is when u know the art of making gadgets even laziness can just do
When u think of the cargo drone and all its associated shortcomings and benefits and of how to make artificial woods, kinda, u see the city of Vancouver crushes, falling and sliding into the sea as well as Seattle which is built with Internet as other nations have unearthed the same, same to cities like King-stone, Jamaica and Johannesburg as people don’t want their entertainment out of the reverse done on what they claim and a future stop of liquid cash and end of selling of electric power and electric poles. In fact the covid thing makes ground soft as most electric poles succumb to falling to be replaced and houses so artificial building material bought and that’s what they eye with wear ya mask. Nairobi likes and Kigali as well falling and even Cairo, Dar, Accra, Wichita, and Lagos as nations they used to sell Toys have known to make such shrinking their markets and the boom made artificial tea leaves, cocoa and coffee berries b4 taken to the factory is tucked. Cities like Houston as well falling as oil is overtaken with artificial oil which her customer sates have known to make the same and alternator generator and most of Carli4nia cities which was build as Seattle falls but the 1 falling intensely is Seattle and Vancouver as the world new that when every nation has learnt about internet and pay tv and how to make machines Canada will be the richest, so having this in mind i think much protocols are made in Canada city that hinders the sweet of the poor and makes them wants to take their lives as explained above.
With Chicago can be acquitted is the covid thing stops as well as many lake cities like KSM Kenya, maybe the plan 4 them to collapse and pave more land 4 settlement and farming.
With the armored airplane glass chamber with reflector on the inner-side of that glass wall to make the air inside much hot when the lights on its sides on arranged like the car plugs in the link below, can make a plane run 4 like 5 years without stoppage or get ya to another planet altogether.
With ya being warned from me to deny like pussy where has it take ya, that pussy still intact and be warned again to get off me or to take advice from me, with that in mind, say the later “We have been warned not to get off ya as to be wild with ya”
China now taking the photos of such synonymous with the wooden legged beds and making placing such with all their electric and household equipment to be paid bit by bit even per day b4 u own it fully as yours as the solar gadget in the link below making life equal to all families or people from different walks of life, called the M-kopa daily paid via the phone. So ya kids stop snooping around looking 4 good life from others they belittle in 1 way or another
The starter comp generator got side effect as it swells ay belly cause the follow who came up with is unknown, maybe evading death trap dude, synonymous with her Alternator generator growing ya bald or making ya short, big head, broad shoulders or tall as per the generator type u have bought. And the whites wanted that, cause to them is a deja vu as in the below link
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQ9BWndKEgsWanna fight me, cause with me i’d rather die than u eating in garbage waiting 4 unknown things which aint reality or i cant live in Nairobi slum and u, you can so wanna put up a fight that i belittle ya as well as cant listen to ya music. Dude mind ya own life, me aint u and vice versa and am the controller of mi life homie. That’s my life and its well with ya if u wanna do the same as much as i have not talked about u but said it largely on my scale.
The Hindu locate those dead in an accident and place the break wire in the link below behind the bones of their spinal b4 shifting the same to you, where, the 1 who transfigure into rodents in ya system pulls it to ya head, where its laden with tetanus which makes u not ya-self and always furious with life as thinking of the negative side of life giving ya new bad characters, which if u dont realize u go out in life with such characters but beauty if u acknowledge such in judgement time, it acquits ya off hell fire 2gether with saying they changed ya brain to give u new weird characters that has landed ya in jeopardy as with ya judgement which if they did not do the same maybe u could not have passed the same but due to the above its a blessing in disguise dude to the being judged homie.
The armored glass cylinder 4 the airplane can be like in the link below but opaque with lined circled translucent like on 4 sides of the glass to fix the high intensity led lights inside with convex lens to converge the beam of light produced to create heat or burning sensation to rapidly heat the gas inside as 4 not itw was not placed b4 cold air directed either from below the glass cylinder to make the plane gets up, or on-top to make it go down from from behind to make the airplane move forward
We have gotten what we wanted, how if oil is finished we can move on, so we did not give a hoot as get out of Africa and like after 50 years come back with the Omani Arab instincts to destroy every race with kikuyou blood b4 again we relax to come again to colonize them as they are forgetful and claim things they know not as that was the white man plan. Wanted to create a pool of people of no-sense and ever joking to annihilate as not find excuse during judgement time to take them to hell that they killed a respectful people, folks a people who champions what others follow and are sycophants what the white man is looking after or 4. Big shame dude, all ya plans are all dead as u never fathomed. OR to be like them to remove the guilt altogether they poses of never wanting to listen or get things they know not fast as wants to debate the same with ya who knows such, Malachi 4 to bring us home dude
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