#i don’t post about zelda anymore sorry about that
aeriedwelling · 2 years
oh boy oh boy
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chayscribbles · 3 months
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chayscribbles’ monthly writing update ☆ february 2024
yes, i know, february has an extra day this year, but i'm posting this today bc i won't have time tomorrow lol
projects worked on: The Gemini Heist
proudest accomplishment: i... wrote?... i guess??? *can't remember a single thing i did this month for some reason*
books read: Witch King by Martha Wells. i'm ngl, i was lost like 80% of the time, but that might just be a skill issue on my part (it's the kind of book that throws you into the thick of it without holding your hand and listening to the audiobook with the attention span that i have was... probably not the wisest idea lol)
(alhough funnily enough, it's while having this audiobook on in the background that i came up with a lot of my plot thoughts for gemini heist LMAO. either that or while playing zelda.)
although i did get writing done this month, this update's gonna be short. i don't really have much to say lol
more specific wip-related comments + featured excerpt below.
it's very weird to not be using word count to track my progress anymore. freeing, but weird. i have no concept of how much i've actually done for this wip this month.
i do know i've figured out a bit more stuff about the heist and the lore. i had a big plot brainstorming session and untangled a few scenes. while i know what direction i want the story to head, i still don't know how any of this gets resolved, tho.
and i wrote out a few important scenes. that's progress, right?
i've been writing so chaotically out of order based on whatever scene i feel most inspired for in the moment that i,,, honestly can't remember what i've written this month vs what i had already written before 🥲 here's a scene that i THINK i wrote in february. Leo and Illiana might be my new favourite dynamic. (for context, Illiana is posing as her identical twin at a party, and Leo is posing as a guest. they came in separately.)
With the bodyguards tailing her the entire way, Illiana slowly made her way towards [Leo]. She tolerated a few brief exchanges with other guests she crossed paths with to appear natural, then, once she was close enough, she slipped the extra comm out of the pocket concealed in her skirt. She made a show of bending down to pick up something, then strode towards Leo. “Excuse me,” she said as she approached. “I believe you dropped your earring.” Leo turned to her, smile strained underneath her veil. “Oh, thank you,” she said, holding out her hand. Illiana placed the comm into her palm, taking care to hide it from the guards. As Leo angled her head away to slip it into her ear, she added, “I must say, your Holiness, this is quite a lovely party.” “Why, thank you, Miss…” She faltered, realizing she didn’t know Leo’s alias. “I’m sorry, I don’t believe I’m familiar with you.” “I’m a business leader from Tharekkan,” Leo said, pressing her palms together and giving Illiana a slight bow with her head. “It’s an honour to be here.” Illiana was surprised that Leo, with all her meticulous planning, didn’t have a fake name ready, and now she was curious. “How may I address you?” Leo’s already tense smile tightened even more. “‘Miss’ is fine,” she replied, practically through clenched teeth.  “No, I meant, your na—” “I’ve been told much about how lovely Fiolsby is, right before the winter,” Leo cut off, an unnatural segue back to the script they had practiced. “But I haven’t had the time to properly see the city.” Now Illiana just had to pry Leo's fake name out of her. “Really? That’s a shame. You know, the gardens offer a wonderful view of the city. Would you like to see, Miss…?” She let her sentence trail off, watching Leo expectantly. “If it’s not too much trouble, I would love that,” Leo replied, to Illiana’s annoyance.
☆ TAGLISTS. let me know if you want to be added/removed to any of them.
general taglist:
@dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @onomatopiya @quilloftheclouds @ashen-crest @writeblrfantasy @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @extra-magichours @avi-why @lefttigerobservation @chazzawrites @bardolatrycore @innocentlymacabre @subtlefires
gemini heist taglist:
@florraisons @akindofmagictoo @cream-and-tea @memento-morri-writes @antique-symbolism @rose-bookblood @afoolandathief @pepperdee @avi-why @zonnemaagd @chazzawrites @analogued @enchanted-lightning-aes @innocentlymacabre @kahvilahuhut @celestepens @cilly-the-writer @extra-magichours @onomatopiya @outpost51 @planets-and-prose
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dullweapons · 2 months
hewwo i might spend today on some writing but my blog feeling messy ! so imma go through & delete old ooc posts & maybe fix up my graphics. but also tiny announcements that will be added to my rules . some not major , some kinda important so i would appreciate it if y’all read this ( i will be properly updating my rules when i can get to my computer ) :
🔻 i have health issues i am going through ( my heart has been having SVT episodes. basically this means my hearts being a bit odd & pumping harder then it needs to be ? i’ve having tests done so hopefully we figure out exactly what happened & what can be done . ) which makes me very tired. sometimes i can’t even get out of bed let alone write — so sometimes i will be MIA without any warning . i’m telling you this so no one thinks I’m ignoring them or anything like that .
🔻due to the anon hate i will be keeping anonymous asks closed for a bit . again, my apologies to those who have side blogs & use anon asks to send things in. simply send it from your main & i’ll put them in a separate thread ! i am also sorry to those who maybe be too shy to approach to ask questions but i truly don’t wish to deal with anon hate over petty things. which brings me to my next point.
🔻if you have any problems with me— may they be with how i responded in a thread , how i spoke ooc, or whatever it may be : please talk to me. i will not bite i promise you this but im gonna be 26 next month & i cannot handle people skirting around issues anymore . i cannot correct problems if i am not informed of them ( or at the very least explain myself ).
if i do turn anon back on — it is not the way to discuss issues with me. i understand you may be shy but hiding does not solve issues ( if i miss tagged something or requesting me to tag something isn’t an issues . i will do it even if anon asks. i’m talking about major issues . ) we’re all adults here trying to have fun.
there are things i won’t change — like i’m not going to put nsfw on a side blog but i will tag it as spicy tw or suggestive tw . ray is will always be auto angry at botw / totk zelda’s . ray will hate hylia by default . ( i’ve had ppl me upset at this, thinking their versions of these muses where better & didn’t deserve his reaction . they tried to push ray to be OOC because they preferred it … they quickly left but im using it as an example of things that could have been corrected with proper communication but they never heard me anyway so 🙄)
🔻to my last point : i understand the person in my DNI has deleted . i will be keeping them in my DNI incase they return as they hinted they might . i was informed by their friend to curate my space & i will continue to do so .
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silvereestars · 1 year
My Interests!
Here’s a list of all the fandoms I’m in/was into! (WARNING: Very long post ahead! If you want to see what fandoms I’m w/o the reading, just look at the tags!)
EDIT: NEVERMIND, THE TAG LIMIT FOILED ME /GEN /LH I am SO sorry, but the last few fandoms got cut out from the tag list! You’ll have to scroll down to the bottom to see them-
Crowned: These fandoms are VERY near and dear to my heart- and I’m ALWAYS willing to talk about them!
The Legend of Zelda: This is the fandom that introduced me to the internet back in 2019 (I’m a late bloomer, I know- XDDD), and kickstarted me making theories and analyses!
Friday Night Funkin: Hate it or love it, you can’t deny there are some amazing individuals out there! And for you modders out there, this game is actually heavily moddable- and one mod in particular was what caused FNF to blow up in the first place! This is actually the fandom I’m hyper fixating on right now-
Favorites: While they aren’t as important to me as the “crowned” ones, they still managed to hold my attention for a month or so- and that’s something to admire, considering how hyper my brain is!
Animator Vs Animation: This is the fandom that introduced me to Tumblr and AO3 back in the late summer of 2021- don’t worry, @ann-aha, you’re not alone! XDDD
Oh, and I can’t talk about “AvA” without mentioning the rest of the stick figure community! Shout out to Henry Stickmin, Rock Hard Gladiators/Hyun’s Dojo, Hyun, and Gildedguy! :D
Genshin Impact: Contrary to popular opinion, this game isn’t just for “nerds” or people who can afford to splurge thousands of dollars- I managed to complete the current (back then!) storyline as a free-to-player! While I’m not in the fandom anymore, at least give this one a chance?
Undertale: Ah yes, the funny skeleton man fandom /j /lh But seriously, this fandom isn’t all “Sans Fangirls”- just search up animations and artwork! Or, better yet- search up a full play through of the game (I recommend this order for newcomers- Neutral, Pacifist, Genocide) and let the story and gameplay do the talking! ^^
Just Shapes and Beats: Exactly what it says on the tin. Pro tip- once you’ve seen the full story mode, go check out KofiKrumble!
Minecraft: Of course I’d be into this fandom at some point, everyone will! I’m not into DreamSMP (please don’t kill me I’m just not interested in stuff like server-wide wars), but I AM fond of Hermitcraft and Empires!
Normal: I don’t really think about these fandoms too often, but they deserve a mention! 
Harry Potter
Voltron: Legendary Defender
My Hero Academia
The Owl House (hey, while this fandom isn’t one of my favorites, you bet I watched the finale and cried the whole time!)
Doki Doki Literature Club (somewhat- in my master post, I mentioned I hate horror, so I avoid gameplay and stick to tvtropes/summaries- sorry- ^^;)
Kipo & The Age of Wonderbeasts
How To Train Your Dragon
Marvel (The Avengers!)
Trollhunters (and the rest of the Tales of Arcadia! I LOVED that series- except for Rise of The Titans. We don’t talk about Rise of The Titans. /gen /lh)
Carmen Sandiego
“The Big Three”: These were the fandoms I was into as a little kid, and inspired me to start making fan fiction & headcanons!
Kung Fu Panda: Oh my god, I loved this series- and a 4th movie’s coming in 2024!
Big Hero Six: This is the OG- the first fandom I EVER got into! :D
Wakfu: Yugo accidentally inspired an OC (no info- yet! Not unless I learn how to draw!), so it’d be a crime to not include this fandom!
Well, I think that’s all- for now! If you want to learn about favorite characters, theories, head canons and the like- just ask! :D
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nickmaghighlights · 1 year
Nick Mag Highlights - #114 September 2005
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Welcome to another edition of Nick Mag Highlights! Today, we’ll be taking a look at Issue #114 from September, 2005!
Now, I understand you might be slightly surprised we went from Issue #1 to Issue #114, but I say take the whiplash in stride! Variety is the spice of life after all, and this cover exudes variety. We went from a roster of just one measly Nicktoon to a whole overload of shows spilling out from the top of the page!
But of course, front and center we have Drake & Josh, which was entering its third season at the time after facing massive success. Unsurprising too, since it really had everything going for it. Boys wanted to be Drake, girls wanted to be near Drake, and Josh was there to carry the show. How times change… now Drake Bell doesn’t even want to be Drake Bell.
But I digress, let’s dive into Issue #114! You can read it on the Internet Archive here.
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Is a franchise really a “thing” if it doesn’t have a fast food toy line? Think about it. 
I remember that online game they’re advertising on the left, I’m pretty sure you never get to see your created ghost stand back-to-back with Danny Phantom himself, pretty disappointing if that was the prize you were after. 
Okay, after looking at some footage, it seems like you never get to see your created ghost even move! Explains why my memories of this game are pretty vapid.
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There’s nothing else to incite fear into the heart of a child quite like the phrase “Back to School”. Except for maybe dentist’s appointments, needles, large bugs, and the Easter Bunny.
To tie into this most horrifying occasion, the overarching theme of this issue is stupidity. Let’s keep reading and find out if that was a dumb idea.
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At this point Nick Magazine had dropped Ooze News, instead opting to advertise the biggest Nickelodeon headlines (Oooh, Tak 3!) near the beginning, with a special section later on for showcasing any upcoming episodes of their regulars. Stay tuned for that!
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I’m not a Barbie expert. Are these based on outfits the doll wore at some point? ‘Cause otherwise these are just regular clothes that say “Barbie” on them.
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First speech bubble from Zelda in the blog’s history!
Anyway, did you know Frankie Muniz (Malcolm in The Middle) is a NASCAR driver now? Crazy.
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Lovely illustration work from Roger Langridge, who still posts comics on Twitter! Check him out after you’ve finished reading this post, liked it, reblogged, left a comment, followed, and bookmarked my blog.
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I know what some of you may be wondering, just what exactly was the hot-ticket item kids were asking for Christmas in a pre-iPhone world? Well, I guess a Firefly might be a possible answer? I don’t recall ever seeing one of these back in the day, and apparently they don’t even make them anymore. 
What this ad conveniently doesn’t tell you is the amount of parental controls stuffed into one of these things, which makes them a fantastic safety tool, but maybe not that cool of a toy. 
Take note, this was back when having “animations” was a selling point.
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Here we can the see the aftermath of Nickelodeon teaming up with Baby Bottle Pop for a bit of cross-promotion, which culminated with the crowning of the first (and probably only) “Baby Bottle Popstar”.
Indeed, kids across America were urged to send in their own rendition of the iconic “Baby Bottle Pop jingle” (which no doubt most of you are humming right now). Those performances were left to the mercy of the online populace, voted upon with the utmost scrutiny. Few died, but many were injured, and a young Alyssa of California was crowned Baby Bottle champion.
So it says in the history books, anyway. If you’d like to see the Baby Bottle ballad that shook the world, I recorded a video of the Nick.com link included in this ad, courtesy of the Internet Archive.
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Sorry, got a little intense back there. Anyway this is a fun section! And anything reminding me about Jack Black and School of Rock is a positive in my book. Little odd lumping in The Dukes of Hazzard next to Finding Nemo and Spongebob, but I guess they might have wanted to throw a bone to the preteens in the audience.
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Pretty cool full page spread advertisement for a Nicktoon, and for Catscratch no less!
Ah Catscratch, one of Nick’s oft-neglected 2000’s ‘toons, right next to The X’s and Making Fiends. Obviously I’m biased a bit, being a 2000’s kid, but it really sucks these shows fail to even get a passing reference nowadays. Oh well, if My Life as a Teenage Robot can escape Nick’s 2000’s dungeon, maybe there’s hope for the others.
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A pretty funny comedy section here, depicting the daily newspaper of the fictional town of Moronia. I’d recommend checking out the full section if you’re not already reading along, it’s pretty funny!
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Y’know I really wouldn’t have thought such generic phrases like “Feel Brand New” and “Make it Your Style” would be trademarkable. I would think at most you could get away with holding the rights to “The Lisa Frank Brand is for Every Happy, Cute Girl”. Although since they left that last one open, I bet the trademark is still available if anyone wants to snag it.
Additionally I’d like to give props to this company for being so bold as to have one of their mascot characters thank the Lord himself for their brand’s existence. You hardly see such tenacity nowadays.
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Weird short fascination I had as a kid: I really liked the style of these ads that Pop-Tart was running at the time. I’m sure a lot of you remember the commercials in particular. I guess the black-and-white scribbly style just tickled my brain! Weirdest thing was they never actually inspired me to buy Pop-Tarts myself, it was only last year or so I had my first ‘Tart. Suppose that makes me a fake fan.
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We’ve made it to The Comic Book, rejoice! 
Initially, I was particularly excited about this being the opportunity to introduce some of the regular comic series featured in this section, since I thought they’d have already started appearing by now, seeing as how we’ve jumped ahead much later into the magazine’s run.
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But, uh, no, actually! This issue is completely lacking in strips from any of the notable ongoing comic series from the mag’s lifespan. Not even a Scene But Not Heard, which I guess disproves my memory of each issue having one!
Oh well, we’ll get to them when we get to them, the one-offs were usually just as entertaining. And we do at least have one recurring strip to talk about, Impy & Wormer!
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Impy & Wormer was a regularly published strip for this section, created by James Kochalka. The strips were so small, you could find one of them at the bottom of each page of The Comic Book. It’s a pretty cute idea! I often found myself doodling Impy in the margins of my notebooks when the magazine was around. 
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Say what you will regarding how Web 2.0 and the modern internet has affected society’s mental health and the overall cultural zeitgeist, but it did lead to this funny one-panel comic :)
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Holy moly. Does anyone else remember Postopia? I swear for the last couple years I tried my damned hardest to find out what website it was that I played some weird Flintstones flash games on as a kid. I recently found out that it was indeed Postopia. Man, between this and Pop-Tarts it really seems like I would just buy into whatever weird viral marketing these fast food brands were pumping out as a kid.
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I remember these being a fairly common activity in the mag: gag product labels. Cut ‘em out and tape them on to their intended packaging and you’ve got an instant barrel of laughs! Problem is they never seemed to be the right size for the products I tried them on. 
Come to think of it, my parents were really the only ones who got to see them finished, and they didn't really find them that amusing either. Was I really supposed to show my friends some dental floss I had taped a fake label onto?
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“Nostalgia” is a term I honestly hate throwing around, what with how common it is, but this page in particular is really inciting some wistful childhood memories. Doesn’t seem like the worst deal in the world either, at least if you’re into membership cards, special edition issues, and stickers.
Sidenote, Step 4 isn’t really a surprise if you tell everyone it’s a Spongebob hat, guys!
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Man, these guys hate teachers! I did not know a single kid in school who hated their teachers as much as the Nick Mag writers seemed to. A lot of my teachers were pretty nice, actually.
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Yeah, in terms of replacing the Cartoon Calendar section (which we saw an example of in the previous NMH post), this leaves a lot to be desired. Still, I like when the magazine tried to give out fun factoids, it made me feel like my intelligence was being respected. Those puns are Zelda Van Gutters-tier writing though.
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Now now, I’m not going to keep going on about Drake Bell. There’s only so many times you can shoot the elephant in the room before you start looking like the weird one. Drake & Josh was such a favorite of mine around the time this magazine came out, and it was really fun getting at least a little insight into what the behind-the-scenes view was like.
Small extra detail I find interesting is that almost every blurb below summarizing the new episodes for each show mentions romance and crushes (baring All That, but that’s a sketch show anyway*). Even the interview brings up that Josh had gotten a new girlfriend in Season 3. Guess Nick was really going all in on the love aspect to keep their preteen audience’s attention in the midst of puberty, which feels kind of manipulative in hindsight? Oh well.
*They were still making All That in 2005?
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TurboNick, huh? I… think I remember this? Barely. Looking it up on Google gives me a faint sense of remembrance. Although I don’t remember Pick Boy. Sorry, Pick Boy. 
I guess the idea was you could check out clips from all your favorite Nick shows and eventually be graced with a full-on episode thanks to Pick Boy, and given his name I’m sure voting was involved to decide the full episode that was released. Not the worst idea! I certainly don’t remember Cartoon Network posting full episodes online. They probably didn’t even have their own Pick Boy.
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I’m willing to give credit where credit is due. In the last NMH post I accused a lot of kids’ for being very fart-centric. I’m still sure in the Gnarly 90’s that was true, given all the stuff Ren & Stimpy were getting up to on prime-time television. But here in the Techno 2000’s we reference Spock and take Grandma to prom. A much more sophisticated fare.
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Man, this must have been so cool for any Sly Cooper fans picking up this book. It’s a triple threat: questions, concept art, and a quick-look at Sly 3! I may not be a fan myself, but I can always appreciate some concept art and creative insight for a largely beloved character and series.
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And rounding us off it's... Hey, it’s Bill Trinen! He was a sort of meme for a while, wasn't he? Back when they let him be in Nintendo Directs, anyway. Well, I say meme, but I guess he was more like an oyster stuck on the underside of a much larger meme named Reggie Fils-Aimé.
Yeah, definitely more like an oyster… What were we talking about? Oh yeah, NintenDogs! Never played it. Apparently they poop! Cool, I guess!
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Well, well! That wraps up another addition of Nick Mag Highlights! I think getting the 2000's side of the timeline after the first issue was good for giving a bit more context on how the magazine looked and grew throughout its time on the market. I’m excited to see what’s next, and I hope you enjoyed it too. There’s tons more content and memories to read through. 
Also, one last thing. While looking up that one Danny Phantom flash game from the start of the issue I found that there’s apparently a new Danny Phantom graphic novel coming out this Summer? I’m surprised I haven’t heard anything about this! The art looks really pretty. If this seems like your thing, keep an eye on it!
That’s all for now! Until next time, keep reading!
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hollysoda · 2 years
I didn’t mean to see the leaks but I’m wayyy too curious oops. I’m trying to judge these evenly because the pictures we have of the unannounced Pokémon are low quality but I will review this when the game releases!
This post obviously contains spoilers so be warned!!!!
Overall I think the starters are pretty cool! Meowscarada owns my heart and soul I love it’s design soooo much. I never cared if it was bipedal or not and although I would’ve preferred a badass bipedal lynx I’m so happy with what we’ve got (ITS A MAGICIAN GUYS!!!! A MAGICAL CAT!!!). Quaquaval is also really cool, especially the colours omg. I just wish it was a pirate or sailor because as far as I’m aware we don’t really have a pirate inspired Pokémon (also we’ve had two skinny water types in two generations, huh). Skeledirge is probably the most disappointing. A lot of people were correct in predicting a skeletal ghost crocodile but the execution of the final design is just awkward?? I hope when I see it in game my opinion is changed because Fuecoco deserves the world.
The regional(?) birds look kinda boring (they actually look kinda like Tailow and Swellow) but I’m comparing them to how cool Corviknight looked so it’s a little unfair. Their names are super cool though
Nymble and Lokix are not my favourite regional bugs but I guess I just prefer cuter bug friends
Squawkabilly are interesting. When they were snuck into one of the trailers I hoped they’d evolve into a proper Elvis-like bird so I could name one Kass but nope it’s just got different colours which I guess is kinda cool?
Lechonk,,, what did they do to my boy,,,
We don’t need anymore spider Pokémon - sincerely, an arachnophobe
I’m sorry but what the hell is going on with Pawmi. It just stands up and gets taller as it evolves with barely any design changes??? Like come on what’s the point on having it evolve three times if it’s barely going to change.
Smoliv on the other hand was done justice. Dollive is SUPER cute and it’s final unnamed evo is fine but it’s kinda hard to tell what’s going on. If I wasn’t choosing Sprigatito I’d have one on my team
Haha they put Minecraft in Pokémon and it’s really fucking uncanny how much Naclistack looks like a Minecraft pig
DACHSBUN MY BELOVED!!! SHES SO CUTE I WANT I WANT I WANT!!! Maschiff and Mabosschiff are fine ig and Houndstone is also fine but goddamn that is one big ass chin, could be a lot cuter. Also why the hell do we have so many dogs (not complaining)
Flittle and Espartha look like Lady Gaga and I can’t decide if I like them or not . The colours are just weird
WE DID IT LADS!! WE HAVE A DOLPHIN POKÉMON!!! I won’t talk too much about Finizen’s evo because I can’t tell what it actually is but Finizen is 🥺
Gimmighoul is a Neil Cicirega lookin ass or something straight out of Invader Zim, same with it’s weird evo
So glad everyone was right in thinking the engine on Team Star’s big car was a Pokémon and honestly I think it’s design is really cool! We haven’t had a mechanical Pokémon like this since KlingKlang and it’s a big step up
Tadbulb 🥺 the name itself makes me love it. I’m really considering Bellibolt for my team and naming it Jello
Cetoddle is just a silly little friend d’aww (I still don’t really care for it’s evo though)
Tinkatink, Tinkatuff and Tinkaton literally look like those AI generated Fakemon but they’re kinda cute, especially Tinkaton with its big ass hammer?? Definitely considering for my team
Dondozo looks like a Water Temple boss from a Zelda game
We also finally get a dung beetle Pokémon and it evolves into a godlike scarab beetle which is just *chefs kiss*
That’s literally a bush?? What fucking designer at Gamefreak said “oh yeah let’s make a Grass/Ghost type and make it a literally patch of brambles. Call it Bramblin.”
“We finally get a Grass/Fire type” 😄
“It’s Scovillain” 🫤
I have no clue what Glimmet and it’s evo are meant to be but cool colours
I will hold Charcadet gently in my hands for he is my son
I remember someone saying that they thought the mouse Pokémon snuck into the trailer were placeholders for a model that wasn’t complete yet but nope. It’s just a cluster of mice. They’re still kinda cute though
Shroodle??? SHROODLE??????? WHAT IS HE???? A SCRUNKLE??????
Why is Wugtrio pink? Dudes looking even more phallic than he already did
Everyone gangsta until the Tentacool starts walking. Toedscool and Toedscruel are low-key kinda cool tho
Orthworm is a big ass fucking worm and I can respect that
I’m assuming that Bombirdier is one of those baby delivering cranes but instead of delivering babies it drops bombs??? That’s kinda cool. It’s like that one white angry bird
What even is Veluza I don’t even know
Sushi Pokémon?? Aw hell yeah (I don’t like sushi)
I’m gonna assume that the Arbolovia line is our psuedo line and yeah I can vibe with that. Ice/Dragon is a sick type combo and Baxcalibur looks awesome. Another consideration for my team
I’m also going to assume that Anihilape is some sort of Primeape evo? Or alternate evo? He looks feral and I love it
I want to hold Clodsire like a burger 😭
They finally did it. They gave Dunsparce an evolution. And it fucking sucks
Bisharp is honestly one of the coolest gen 5 Pokémon and I’m so happy it gets a new evolution!! Dude looks badass
I’ll stop there since the rest of the Pokemon either have already been revealed, are alternate forms or unnamed and besides I’ve been through loads already so I can’t be bothered
Overall opinion: yeah this Gen isn’t great. I wasn’t wowed by all the designs like how I was when SWSH came out. My favourites are Meowscarada, Quaquaval, Dachsbun, Dolliv and Baxcalibur and that’s pretty much it for the new Pokémon shown in the leaks. Gamefreak missed out on a lot of cool design opportunities and instead chose the lazier route (and I’m usually not one of those Pokémon fans that scream at Gamefreak for cutting corners but I will admit it’s kinda shit)
Well done if you read this far lmao
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athylyth · 6 months
Welcome to my blog!
My name is Athylyth/ScopeAwl or just Scope! I am Wales’s biggest fnaf nerd (though in a ton of fandoms as well) Scroll down to the bottom for my DNI list.
Everything under the cut such as: What to expect/about me, fandoms im active in/working on AUs for/links to other things and my DNI list.
What to expect:
Fandoms such as FNAF, BATIM, Black Butler, Yu-Gi-Oh, Legend of Zelda, Hallo aus Berlin, Creepypasta (and more, they will change lol)
Random ramblings I don’t want to torture my friends with
Art (sometimes!! mostly of ocs)
Whatever I feel like reblogging, mostly FNAF and Creepypasta stuff.
About me:
I don’t like using labels lol, but please refer to me as they/them.
I’m from Wales!! I speak Welsh and English, I’m learning German and Mandarin Chinese.
I love most dark alternative aesthetics (i hate that word) as you can probably tell lol.
I like a lot of music! My favourite artists are Shinsei Kamattechan, MCR, DAGames, Eminem, Rebzyyx but I listen to a really wide range of music. (I live for cringy 2010s minecraft parodies and fnaf songs.)
I dont want a lot of TV shows/anime anymore but I do like Hermitcraft (Mostly Grian, Scar and Mumbo), Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Plainly Difficult, Phisnom and Rin Penrose.
The games I mostly play are Minecraft, BOTW, Mariokart, FNAF (mostly UCN, gotta get that 50/20 mode) but thats mostly it. Minecraft has consumed my life.
AUs and Active Fandoms (stuff I write/make content for):
Working on a Creepypasta AU/Fic, I will post things about it on this blog and the link to the fic is here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51447355/chapters/130011769 (keep in mind its a major WIP and a semi-crack fic) The AU follows the same sorts of themes as the fic but may have some darker concepts and stuff. Idk.
Hallo aus Berlin doesnt have enough content so I do it myself, can be found on my AO3 page
As much as I post/reblog about fnaf I’m not currently working on my FNAF au. I might post some HCs but probably not.
I have my own OCs n stuff but I’ll probably not post about them here.
Links to other things:
Find me on discord under Athylyth
Find me on AO3 under Scopeawl or: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Scopeawl/pseuds/Scopeawl
Find me on Youtube (dont post a lot srry): https://youtube.com/@scopeawl?si=QQ-AEs9cyo_Y99zv
Wanna play Minecraft or something (idk?) my gamertag is Eatsomegrass159.
Instagram (art): https://instagram.com/_athylyth_?igshid=NGVhN2U2NjQ0Yg==
DNI if:
You proship (grr proshitters)
Are a Homophobe/Transphobe/racist/nazi/pedo/ableist or have any extreme political views. I dont want politics here apart from under specific circumstances.
Don’t like? Don’t interact (pls and ty)
I am anti-ai apart from things such as chatbots. AI art is a big no no for me.
If you’ll ask me for donations and such. 1. I have no money. 2. I dont give money to random people on the internet. Sorry!!
You just want to complain or something. This is my free spirited blog and I don’t really want to cover any heavy irl topics. I might do if it’s really important to me personally but this blog is for me more than anyone. If you have a problem with me please just don’t interact.
NSFW may interact occasionally but please don’t follow or try to befriend.
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jadedrrose · 10 months
OHH tbh i always thought he was just going for a higher pitch (the dr. heart stealer song) and he's just really getting into it?? i agree though some songs are o o f,, but i never heard the aot ones so idk the comparison how he sings as levi
and oh no its not ur fault i totally forgot about specifying since im so used to the abbreviated version,, sorry about that! but it stands for shin megami tensei, idk if you know persona like persona 5 etc. but yeah persona is smt's spin off!! it's more popular than the original lol. but yeah it's a great game!! if u ever feel like trying it do tell i love that game yayayay talking about them how's it going with age of calamity? did u finish it? i never played that game is it like botw orrr older zelda games? actually is it old. i should search it up but im too lazy 🥰🥰 i 9nly played botw so i know nothing ‐ actually im just gonna search this sooga guy out of curiosity i imagine him with a tribal mask and idk height that rivals corazon so like gigantic (u. described him in a post i think but i forgor)
+ coming back after vacation with 2 of ur fics... m'lady i'm blessed i gotta read em later,, i actually have something for u the timing is impeccable
also i wanted to ask which timezone are u in?? cause like. when u post something its usually like. at 6 am or earlier for me lmao (also do u prefer these like. divided or is the long ask better? or is it the same — lol)
1- I forgot where but I saw somewhere that Law’s VA just doesn’t ever “voice act” when singing so I assumed they were right 😭 so maybe you’re right abt the just getting really into it lol. Either way he’s got a good voice tho!!
2- I do know persona! I’ve just never played it or watched anybody play it. But I’ll look into smt whenever I finish up this Zelda phase (which who knows how long that’s gonna take lol) which brings me to…
Age of Calamity is the “prequel” to breath of the wild kind of ?? If you know the older Hyrule Warriors games from the Wii U it’s that game setting just better imo. I did like the other HW’s when they came out but they never interested me as much as the “real” Zelda games. But AOC is set 100 years before botw when the champions are still alive. It’s got a bunch of cute cut scenes that show the champions/Zelda/Link all interacting together and it makes me so happy lol. Anyway: I still haven’t finished it, I’m putting it off lol. I have 1 main mission left and 1 mission from the DLC left. I’ve been playing a bunch of side missions on apocalyptic mode as Sooga for the past like… 3 weeks now ? And speaking of him… yeah he’s just like a super fancy Yiga blademaster from botw. But he’s got the hottest voice I’ve ever heard (rivals with Law’s voice… I go back and forth between who’s I find more attractive lol). But I just. Am so in love with him 💀 even tho idk what his face looks like, but I don’t even care that much bc he’s so hot as is. (Also the height thing- my stupid theory is that he’s not actually as tall as they show him to be in the game bc of the fact he’s just a random Hylian who was “adopted” by the Yiga as a kid, PLUS there’s that guy in Kakariko Village who used to be a blademaster and he’s not 1000 feet tall lol. I think they just make him look giant to make him scarier lol. Also Link is super short so… using him to compare doesn’t help lmao)
3- I hope you enjoy the fics!!! I have so many more ideas for cute Law stuff but I can never find the time to write anymore lol
4- I’m in the US eastern time zone!! I always end up posting super late into the night/early in the morning bc my brain is just…. More active during those times?? Idk why, I’ve always been that way tho lol. And I don’t really have a preference to how the asks are sent! Whatever you want works :)
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marshiestars · 1 year
Tag 9 People You Want To Get To Know Better
thank you @scrawnytreedemon for tagging!! let’s begin, shall we? :3c
Three Ships: ughhhhh this is real hard because I JUST invented the most horrible, wonderful “why does it work” crackship a few weeks ago, but if I want to include it, I have to ignore one of my three big zelda ships :C
1. Ghiralink. because of course. I feel like it’s illegal to leave this one out or put it any lower. it’s the good food. it’s well-established. I can afford to be picky with my content. it’s great :D
2. Astlink! sorry Kohlink, but Astlink is less likely to scare half my audience away 😔.
tbh I’m still VERY surprised that Astor and Link aren’t paired together nearly as often as Zelast (Astor / Zelda). don’t get me wrong, both are rare pairs, but somehow Astlink is even *rarer* shksjhdjhsshs, and I can’t for the life of me figure out why. either way, it's 'moody goth bitch rejected by society (or maybe he rejected society first, it's a chicken or egg situation tbh) with the perfect golden person that everyone admires who secretly has their own issues'!! and it's about how they're on the complete opposite sides of this huge conflict and yet they find unexpected parallels in each other! and having everything fall apart but deciding to be a better person, even when the rest of the world says it's too late, because that one person believes in you and is willing to give you a chance! darkness and light! it's GOOD FOOD
(...man, I really gotta finish chapter 3 of swordsman and the seer.)
3. ...fuck it. scrawny, I hereby challenge you for the title of Weirdest Fucking Crossover Ship. Ghirahim x Godrick? Sephiroth x the Hollow Knight? I'm intrigued, but not crumbling to ash at the thought.
and so I give you this in place of gushing about Kohlink, which is unbelievably rare, but damn it, at least they're from the same source material! besides, I wasn't the first person to pair them by a long shot, no, no, no.
but there’s a special, lonely sort of pride in knowing you’re probably the first of 8 billion people in the world to ever even think of a pairing. ready? here it is:
R*x D*ng*rv*st x S*np*i from FNF.
(censored their names like that because if this shows up in the tags I’m gonna jump out a window)
yeah, man. I don't even know either.
I mean, I do know, somewhere, and my original train of thought is buried in the memory slush of a few months ago, gone forever. so now we're here. fuck. kill me. why am I writing shit for these two. girl what the hell is this
everyone who reads this post, I want a brick emoji in my inbox to simulate getting one through my window
First Ever Ship: ANYWAY, fuck, I don’t even remember at this point, I've been in greater fandom for so long. wait... oh, son of a bitch, nevermind, I do.
it was Billdip.
DO NOT COME AFTER ME, I DON’T SHIP IT ANYMORE. haven’t for years. I was 12. but I loved Bill Cipher (still do, he's my funny meow meow blorbo <3) and was very upset when the finale happened even though I knew that was how it had to be. but every time Billdip art came across my screen, I saw cool art where he: # 1. was still around and # 2. was more often than not a pretty human / humanoid (this was at the height of his sexymanification). hell, I didn't even give a shit about Dipper honestly, I just wanted more Bill content. and again, being literally 12, I didn’t really stop to think abt any moral implications. but yeah.
(also nowadays I hc Bill as ace sooo)
Last Song: 'She Had The World' by Panic! very nice to sing to, it's right in my range <3
Last Movie: does ‘My Little Pony: A Very Minty Christmas’ count? it’s a childhood film and practically tradition for me to watch it every year for christmas lol. although this year I’ve been replaying it for... research purposes. yeah. totally not for a lethally cursed fanfic, no sir.
if that doesn’t count, then ‘The Lego Movie’!
Currently Reading: nothing atm!! even as my 'to read' pile gets taller by the day, hhhh
Currently Watching: Minty Christmas, again, but definitely not so I can copy the dialogue verbatim to use as the base for a coked-up christmas crack fic
Currently Consuming: soup <3
Currently Craving: instant ramen, good god, especially if it’s spicy. they have cups for sale in vending machines around campus but they’re all beef and chicken flavour :C
I won't tag anyone else in this because nine people is a lot; far too many to bother with this wall of personal nonsense shdhdj but thanks anyway for tagging me scrawny, my beloved mutual!!! <3
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secretlysheikah · 1 year
is slutshaming fine when your partner sleeps with your mutual promiscuous friend while you're out of town?
First of all, I am very sorry this happened to you and it’s okay to be upset. I hope you’re doing okay, or you will be soon. Hang in there. This isn’t something I normally like to answer, this is a fandom blog, I am a huge nerd and like to post about linked universe and legend of Zelda. However I will try my best to provide some insight.
Now, this sounds like a complex situation. I don’t know what the relationship is, you say partner but I’m not sure how serious things were. If it were me and this happened I would have a conversation, see what my partner’s wants and needs for the relationship were and tell them what my expectations were and see if this is something I would even want anymore given that there is broken trust.
So I think having a conversation with your partner would be more beneficial than slutshaming. One method gives you insight while the other is rarely productive and nurses more hurt feelings.
Personally I think people are free to do what they will and they are also free to deal with the consequences of their words and actions. I don’t think cheating on others while in a relationship is okay, I think it’s a shit move. If you aren’t happy than leave, or if you want to try to fix it have an open and honest conversation. I know it’s not always the easiest, but it is better in the long run. Hopefully this helps.
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skyward-floored · 2 years
Not to derail your Sky posting but I just wanna say that your response about what it’s like having siblings really sent me reeling. Like you have someone your age you can talk to about your interests at all times?? Like…you don’t have to deal with making up for a generational gap like with your parents? And if you want to play with someone or hang out with them you just…can? No agonizing over arranging times and locations to meet??? Idk why I never thought about it like that before but it kinda messed with my head…the way my dad talks about his siblings makes it sound like they all kinda did their own thing and my mom had absolute nightmare siblings so I was always like eh I’m good but now…hmmm…
(Sorry for the rant lol)
Yeah, it’s definitely nice having people to hang out and talk with, but sometimes we do get sick of each other. Also the talking about interests thing? ...that one is sorta complicated.
I’ll use zelda as an example. Because like, my closest sister is only a year and a half younger than me, (sometimes people think we’re twins actually) but she doesn’t really like Zelda too much so I don’t go to her for that. My sister who’s three years younger than me was/is basically my best friend, we’re both the creative type (who both write fanfiction but only half admit it to each other), and sometimes we talk zelda, but it’s still not her favorite.
My older brother who’s two years older than me can answer pretty much any video game question I’ve got, he’s like a walking encyclopedia on all sorts of things... but he doesn’t appreciate the lore and characters/story as much. My older sister is married so I don’t really get to hang out with her much anymore, which I miss, because we always used to talk video games (she never got into zelda though, so that’s another thing). My oldest brother is on the autism spectrum (several of us are actually) and I love him, but I can’t really talk to him, you know? And he’s not interested in zelda either.
And then the younger bunch it’s like, I’m the older sister, I’m the mom, I’m the babysitter, I’m the substitute teacher, I break up the arguments, they listen to me, they ignore me, I can’t make them do anything, they take every word I say seriously, my brother begs me to play on the Wii with him, my other brother is a know-it-all but he loves hearing what I know, my sister is always up in my face, and my other sister loves zelda almost as much as I do but there’s that gap because I’m almost ten years older than her. They all like Zelda well enough, but none of them are into it, you know?
So I always have people to talk to. But not necessarily about the things I want to talk about? It’s kinda part of why I made this blog(s) actually, to talk about my interests to people who are definitely also interested in them
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mobloomspell · 10 months
I finished the main quest for Tears of the Kingdom, rolled credits and got my little epilogue scene, and my final thoughts are... meh. 
If that sounds familiar, that’s because the blunt truth is the game never changed from my first and second impressions. It shares the same exposition five times, it’s blatantly obvious not much is going on story-wise and the presentation, lovely as it is, can’t hide that. A majority of the plot is bad, and I don’t feel the need to sugarcoat that opinion for an otherwise good game.
(While none of my complaints are unique, there are probably hundreds of blogs and comments criticizing  the same things I am, I will say, maybe unpopular opinion: I don’t mind the Sheikah tech being basically erased and replaced with Zonai stuff, and other little retcons throughout. All my problems with the structure is from treating TOTK as its own standalone game and story.)
I don’t even hate the main quests most of the time, it’s pathetically easy to skip the bits I wasn’t liking each time. In some ways the town stuff is a massive improvement over BOTW and fun to play and interact with this world. The dungeons and even getting to those places with a companion are neat little sequences. But I cannot emphasize enough how actually completing dungeons and being ‘rewarded’ with essentially the same (far too long) cutscene is such a deflating experience to what I was just enjoying. I don’t how to briefly explain it, but I feel like new Zelda games have this problem where I’m not really a part of them anymore as a player, I’m just supposed to sit there and accept that Link is The Hero the universe revolves around. It’s weird and boring and I hate it every time!!
LOZ games have always been game first, with narrative being a far second priority. And I’m an easy to please lady, I genuinely love BOTW and HWAOC because they’re simple and don’t waste time dressing themselves up as anything more important than they really are. I expected TOTK to be on that same level just with a different gimmick. But even with those reasonably low expectations, the story feels like it’s the brainstorm session of a plot that lucks into making a scene or thread I like, but spends a lot of time saying nothing. Most of it fell flat for me, and the worst part is I can see how even just a few punched up sentences here and there could have a domino effect to better emphasizing what I think the main quest is thematically trying to say. You certainly can’t make Ganon’s terrible dialogue worse.  The basic shape of a decent story is there, it just desperately needs a second draft to reach its potential.
(I spent most of the post-credit scene thinking “what are you talking about?” as characters conversed about something that had been brought up maybe once, it was unintentionally funny)
Sorry to sound like a broken record, but it’s just plain true that Zelda is the only character I cared about here. She’s a bit too fair maiden archetype for me to be fully comfortable with (to be fair, this is a problem BOTW has too) but she’s got the closest thing to a basic character arc in comparison to the lacking development everyone else has. A concept at the center of her story is unambiguously cool and compelling to be worth pinning a game on. Along with the main quest, there are also side quests that show she’s been doing things like commissioning a schoolhouse to be built and starting an animal sanctuary at a stable. These are nice glimpses into a down-to-earth person’s life as she genuinely cares about the present world around her, not just the big plot stuff. It’s crumbs in comparison to other RPGs but I savored them.
I could say more but I actually want to focus on the stuff I set aside to get to the credits like finding more pretty outfits, or playing indie games I bought from itchio and haven’t checked out yet. At the very least, I preordered TOTK because I thought it would be fun to play and I might finally have an opportunity to experience something before fandom osmosis spoiled stuff for me, and I got to have that, it was nice. TL;DR narrative lacking but gameplay good.
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ajscico · 2 years
I'm sorry you've been having a rough few days :( I can't offer much, but have a hug and some Breath of the Sky snippets from throughout the story:
“It’s okay,” she whispered, running her hand over his hair. Link felt pathetic, but he didn’t push her away.
The morning air was quiet. The smell of eggs cooking filled the house. His mother gave him a gentle squeeze. “I… I know, Link, that you have a lot on your shoulders. I just… hope this isn’t making it worse. I want you to talk to me if something’s wrong, okay?”
Tears stung in his eyes, catching him off guard. He didn’t dare speak.
He buried his head into her neck in an attempt to avoid looking her in the eye, mumbling, “I love you, Mama.”
He heard her sigh, and a silent understanding slipped between them. “I love you too, sweetheart. More than anything.”
Link felt some hope spark within him as he saw a door up ahead. That had to be it, right?
Picking up his pace, he opened the door to find himself in an unfamiliar room. White and grey tiles lined the floor and were occasionally covered with red velvet carpet. The stone walls had many bookshelves lined along them aside from multiple arched windows. A desk was in the corner, a vanity on the other wall beside a large four post bed, and a massive spiraling staircase was in front of the wall opposite of him.
Link bit his lip. This wasn’t the room provided to him, so he wouldn’t find Zelda here. But he was so tired, and he couldn’t tell what time it was, but the sun had definitely set. His mind was a fog, trying to hide words of curses and malice in a haze that left him feeling incapable of thinking straight. He resolved to find Zelda in the morning.
Making his way to the bed, he promptly collapsed on top of the blanket, immediately falling asleep.
Princess Zelda scribbled some notes into her research journal and then leaned back in her seat. After the festivities yesterday she’d buried herself in work. She was eager to talk to their esteemed guests about the guardians and the divine beasts, and she was even more eager to learn about their era. Perhaps they knew about the divine beasts? Perhaps they were the ones who had ordered their construction? It was hard to tell – the tales spoke of their construction ten thousand years ago, but there were other myths of different heroes and enemies and she didn’t know how they all fit together. Organizing it all in her journal would help.
It also gave her confidence to even approach them. She felt almost ashamed thinking about trying to talk to Hylia given her current failure. As for the Hero of Myth, he was somewhat of an enigma; his gentle and soft features were unassuming and kind, but his mannerisms sometimes were contradictory. He had much more confidence and boldness in him than her appointed knight; sitting on the arm of the throne so casually with his arm draped around the goddess was quite the power move, and everyone had commented on it. Zelda wasn’t really sure what to make of him. Still, if she’d learned anything from her experiences with her friend, it was to not judge a book by its cover.
Closing her journal, the princess stood and stretched. She’d probably take a walk around the castle a bit before heading to bed. Exiting her study, she walked across the bridge between the tower and her quarters and thoughtfully made her way down the spiral stairs into her room.
And then she stopped dead in her tracks as she heard soft snoring.
Her heart racing, she slowly crept towards her bed to see… to see…Is that the Hero?!
“Well… you were a goddess, I guess.” Link tried to reason with a shrug.
“Goddess or not, I wasn’t… I wasn’t like the Three, you know? I could do stuff, but I wasn’t all powerful or omniscient or anything.” Zelda explained, stumbling over how to do so properly. “The point is, I’m not even like that anymore. I’m just… Zelda. I can’t do the things I could back then, and I grew up on Skyloft and am a knight and… Link, I just don’t know how to put the two together.”
Link scooted closer to her, pulling her into a gentle hug. She curled into him, relaxing.
The peace of the moment was interrupted when the door burst open and someone leapt onto the bed. Link and Zelda both jumped, bolting up to see Zellie kneeling in front of them, the strange slate in her hands.
“Okay, I just finally figured it out!” she said excitedly before her face fell in realization. “Oh. Oh, you two weren’t sleeping, were you?”
The couple glanced at each other before giggling and looking back at the princess. Link leaned back on his elbows, getting comfortable as Zelda said, “No, we weren’t. What did you figure out?”
Thank you for the lovely snippets and the hugs <3
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pricemarshfield · 2 years
oh, captain, let’s make a deal
A Fabian/Zelda (Donocaster? i don’t know) sparring fic. No shippy stuff, could be interpreted as platonic. Read on AO3 here.
Zelda's had a lot of practice fighting one-on-one with enemies that are taller than her. Fabian's faster than Porter is, though, better at dodging, taking the momentum of her attacks and using it against her. He's also got magic for an added layer of unpredictability.
It's kind of exhilarating; she can fully focus on the fight without Porter's commentary on what she needs to do next time, without worrying about her rage shredding anyone. (The room's got a static gentle repose effect built into it, and Ostentatia's got plenty of revivify diamonds if the worst happens. They've had this place set up since Yelle's foraging-gone-wrong.)
Zelda doesn't go to the Academy anymore, but it's no excuse to let up on training, so when Fabian takes one of her strikes and parries it to brush a blow against her shoulder, she lets it fuel her rage, leaps into the air, and kicks off one of the walls to launch herself at him, both daggers first.
He's fast, but she's faster, and she knows the fight's won when Fabian drops his sword.
Zelda drops out of rage and takes a few steps back. "Sorry."
"Part of sparring!" Fabian says, waving it off. "I have a health potion. Do you need one?"
Zelda assesses herself. "Not really?"
The Fabian she'd ever-so-briefly interacted with before their spring break would've taken offense at that, but he just laughs and downs the potion, wounds closing. "How do you get that fast? Do you have a haste enchantment?"
"Uh, eagle totem," she says, gesturing to a little eagle charm her mom had gotten her. He nods. "Sort of a, uh, spiritual thing?" It comes out like a question when she hadn't intended for it to, but this is still more than she'd expected to be speaking post-fight.
"I wasn't prepared for it," he says.
"Well, your magic sword was a surprise," she says. "I barely dodged the fire because I was only looking to avoid the blade. You should--" Her mouth shuts with an audible click. What, she's gonna give advice to him? They didn't even have any classes together, he's not even a barbarian. "Never mind. Sorry."
"No, tell me," he says. It doesn't sound confrontational, but outside of her rage, him having more than a foot on her has gone from something she needs to account for and possibly exploit to intimidating. "You beat me, I might as well learn."
He's not meeting her eyes when he says it. That makes it easier to speak up again. "You fight in a way that's really, like. Showy. Like a dance. It would probably benefit you to use that as a distraction and then attack, quick and fast and with as much behind it as possible. They probably won't be ready for that."
"That's actually not a bad idea," Fabian says. "Thank you. Do people with the eagle totem fly, or am I misremembering that?"
"Not yet," she says. Sometimes when she jumps into the air she feels like she'll stay there if she just tries, but she knows if she gets ahead of herself, the rage will start to burn her up from the inside out. Also, falling would be super embarrassing and she'd have to run away into the woods to never be seen again. "One day. I think."
Fabian doesn't push her to talk further, which is good. She puts in one headphone to see if he'll add anything else or if she's good to go. She didn't have a bad time or anything, sparring's always fun, it's just--social interaction. And all.
"Same time next week?" Fabian asks. "You're a far better sparring partner than Gorgug. I know him too well."
"Oh!" Zelda says. She actually really likes sparring with all the other Maidens, but...yeah, this is more unexpected. Actual learning opportunity. She's still learning new moves, not just practicing the ones she already knows. "Sure. Maybe. We might be out of Spyre."
"You mean Solace?"
"No," she says, staring down at her hooves until she catches herself doing it and looks back up. "Interplanar stuff."
Fabian looks impressed and jealous in equal measure; she hits play on her music, even with only the one headphone in. "I think I might ask the Bad Kids to do our GED, then, sounds exciting."
Their parties are still rivals, technically, and she knows her girls will hype her up no matter how much what this is does freak her out, so she adds, "Well, we still did it first." She follows up by bolting out of there as fast as she physically can, even jumping up to the rooftops to get a little more distance, but it's not a terrible line? Probably?
When she glances back, he's smiling.
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kintatsujo · 3 years
LoZ AU- The Courage of Running Away Part TWENTY-SIX
Previous Post Here!!!
#AU August
#LoZ AU: The Courage of Running Away
Each of the three god's nightmares opens their mouth.
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[Image Description: "Why..." they say in unison...
"Why don't you take a rest, young fearful one," the Furious God says, his smile gentle. Link inches back in horror, Astramorus still behind him, equally unnerved.
"Why do you stand in my way, boy?" Demise asks of Ghirahim. He trembles, perfectly still, the red of Demise’s flaming hair reflected in his visible eye.
"Why would you risk the peace your mothers built for some squalling infant in the desert?" little Princess Zelda asks, face contorting into disgust.
"... I beg your pardon," Queen Zelda says, crossing her arms.  End ID.]
"I know you thought about it," little Princess Zelda insists. "One flick of the wrist, one push with Hylia's Light-"
"Really," Queen Zelda says, voice rich with contempt. "Is reminding me of Hyrulean misdeeds I've worked all my life to correct really the best you can do?"
"He's been consorting with that DEMON and didn't tell ANYONE, not even his own mother!!" tiny Zelda spits. "It's a fool's errand to trust him, you KNOW what he'll become!"
"I don't have time for this," Queen Zelda answers, and her eyes light up with power. "It was certainly low to come at me with a child's face, but it's time for you to go back into the dark."
Tiny Zelda's face distorts.
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[Image Description: Queen Zelda glows with Hylia’s Light, dispelling completely the blue of the Moon Pearl’s portal.  The Nightmare Princess Zelda shifts completely into a red eyed shadow with sharp fangs, and she hisses furiously in the light’s glare.  End ID.]
"That whelp behind you is dulling your edge, boy," Nightmare Demise tells Ghirahim. "You failed me and let me be sealed again, you let that mewling priest play you like a harp, you tie yourself to the first mortal to pique your interest and now you stand in my way because of some soft grain of sentiment for him?"
Ghirahim tries to speak and it comes out as a wavering whimper, his hand limply slipping from its grip on Dinravi's.
"Ghirahim?" Dinravi asks softly, even more alarmed than before.
This seems to unstick Ghirahim's voice but it doesn't seem to help the thrall of fear that's come over him; he closes his eyes and begins to whisper: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
Demise backhands him and it sends him flying.
"Ghirahim!!" Dinravi cries, then turns a determined glare on the nightmare of Demise.
"Look at me, boy," Nightmare Demise says, and at Ghirahim's hesitation, he roars it: "LOOK at me!!" and Ghirahim's eyes snap to him, locking with his.
"I'll just remove the problem," Demise says. "Watch carefully and remember whose you are."
That's when Dinravi decks him, the Triforce of Power shining on his hand.
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[Image Description: Dinravi mid-punch of Nightmare Demise’s face, the Triforce light trailing after the blow of his fist.  Demise is clearly feeling the blow; while he’s not unbalanced his head is knocked to the side with the force.  Dinravi looks determined and furious.  End ID.]
"Just rest," Fierce Deity says to Link gently. "I know that it's been hard for you. I'm here now and I'll handle things from here."
Astramorus's grip tightens on Link's shoulder, but it's not meant to communicate so much as he's trying to steady himself. He knows, of course, whose fault it is that this is Link's Nightmare.
Link's voice pulls him out of it. "Father," he says. "Do you think you can get past that thing in the middle of the room? Princess Zelda and Princess Hilda have both been asleep since the moment we got here, I think Uncle Seren has them under a spell."
Astramorus gasps, a short cut off sound, then nods grimly. "I'll have to try," he says, then darts to the side of the room.
Fierce Deity barely seems to register this movement. "You won't accept my offer?" he says. "I know you're still afraid. You don't have to do this anymore."
Link steels himself, the mark on his hand beginning to glow. "Sometimes courage is running away," he says, "but it's not rolling over to let someone else handle all your problems and responsibilities."
Fierce Deity nods, because he's Link's Nightmare and he understands this. "Very well," he says, and raises his sword.
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[Image Description: Link and the Fierce Deity stare one another down, both raising their swords in their left hands.  The Triforce mark glows on Link’s hand even through his power glove.  He looks determined, like he’s set his fear aside.  End ID.]
Shout out to @iced-blood​ for helping me soften Fierce Deity’s dialogue lol
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therealyaspen · 3 years
Possessed Legend Go Brr
You know I was gonna just post a snippet bc I stopped writing this like five months ago bUT HERE HAVE A MESSY, UNEDITED BUT COMPLETE THING I GUESS?? Any grammatical errors will probably be looked over tomorrow dfnsav
So. The Lost Woods were still creepy as hell. Good to know. A dense fog still covered the area, and crows still screamed their call-and-respond at random seemingly just to startle anyone not expecting it. The same old eerie lantern-light darted between the trees, the same poes laughed at the group as they got up and dusted themselves off.
Some things would never change, Legend supposed, no matter how often you came back.
"Looks like the Lost Woods," Time observed. "Do we know whose era we're in?"
"Mine," Legend said with a glance at the pedestal in the middle of the clearing, "The Sword looks just like I left it."
Sky sighed sadly. "This place is so... different," he said, then turned to Legend and asked, "Are you going to take it?"
Legend shook his head. "Better to leave it here for now, I think." In truth, he didn't want to hold the blade ever again. Too many memories involved his hand clenched tight around the azure hilt of the Master Sword until his knuckles turned white. Without another word on the matter, he started walking. "We should probably get going before that scaly bastard can put anymore distance between himself and us. Follow me and stick close--Hyrule, no wandering off."
And so began the journey through the woos. As the group of heroes left the Sword behind them, however, it became increasingly apparent that something was wrong with the Lost Woods. The further they went from the clearing, the more obvious the signs were. The plants were wilting and turning a sickly purple grey color, the crows got to be fewer and fewer. Wild was caught trying to grab mushrooms that even Legend hadn't seen before three times. Even the poes seemed to notice that something was amiss and were avoiding the rest of the forest as much as they could.
Hyrule was the first to say anything. "Something's not right. There's magic here, but it's... wrong. Like Dark Link's," he announced, reaching up to touch a grayed leaf and recoiling with a yelp when it crumbled to dust in his hand. It almost looked like it had burned the Traveler.
"Then all we can do is stay on our toes and trust Legend to get us out of here," Twilight replied, and Legend noted the way that his pelt almost looked like the fur on the back of an animal's neck, bristling and on high alert. He nodded.
"New rule--don't touch anything. Wild, for Din's sake, put the mushrooms down!"
Wild gave him a kicked puppy look over his armload of slimy, red-capped fungi. "They look like they might be good for cooking!" he protested.
Legend pinched the bridge of his nose. "They also might be poisonous, you--" the Veteran stopped mid-sentence, and not of his own volition. He felt his arms drop to his sides, his face go slack. What the hell...? What in the actual goddess-damned fuck?! He wanted to shout, to rip whatever was doing this to him a new asshole, but he couldn't.
This was... something else. Something other.
"...Legend? You okay?" Wild asked. "It's fine dude, I'll put them down." Gingerly, he set the mushrooms on the ground, then put his hands up when Legend--or rather, the thing that was controlling Legend--didn't look away or change its expression or do anything. Get the fuck out of me! I swear to Hylia, I'll kick your ass! Legend swore at whatever it was, trying to force even just a little twitch of his finger.
Four looked at him warily. "Is he... do you guys think he can even hear us? Legend?" he asked, tentatively walking over to him. Yes! Yes, I can, and I have no goddess-damned clue what the hell's going on! Hyrule's arm shot out to stop Four. His eyes were wide, never leaving Legend.
"Don't," he said, voice cracking a little. "Something... something's really wrong."
Whatever had taken Legend's body finally decided to speak. Its voice was raspy and quiet and most certainly not his own. It sounded almost like fallen leaves scraping against the bare earth in the fall. "Trespassers... leave..."
Then Legend felt himself be thrown forward in a leap towards Hyrule, sword out and ready to attack. Move! He screamed, but again, his mouth didn't so much as twitch. Four grabbed the other hero and pulled him down just barely in time to avoid getting sliced in half, but the sound of steel cutting through flesh was as clear as Hyrule's scream as the blade struck him. The Traveler had a massive gash in his side. legend's arm moved up to deal a death blow, and he was begging now, Please, don't do this! Don't kill him, don't kill any of them, they're all I have--
Legend would have cheered at the sound of his sword striking Wild's shield if he could. Wild pushed outwards with a shout, sending Legend stumbling back. Warriors and Time were on him before whatever had him could even think about getting up, though the thing was apparently much stronger than he was and was struggling violently in an attempt to throw both of them off. "What the hell are you doing?!" Warriors bellowed. The fury in his eyes almost physically burned, and Legend didn't really blame him. He'd probably react much the same.
"He's not himself," Time said. His voice was strained, and Legend could see that behind his neutral expression was a barrage of emotions. He couldn't imagine any of them were particularly pleasant. "Someone grab his sword!"
Twilight was just barely able to pry the weapon from his grip, which seemed to just further aggravate the thing inside him. Time and Warriors both ended up being thrown off. "Damn, that was... has he always been this strong?" Warriors muttered, getting up swiftly and moving to aid Sky in trying to grab Legend again.
It's probably whatever's causing him to act like this," Sky guessed. He blocked a punch aimed directly at his head and Legend silent-howled in pain as his fist connected with solid metal, but his body landed a blow to the Skyloftian's gut and a kick to Twilight's left knee.
He was sent downwards when Wind charged him and grabbed ahold of the back of his legs, then swore internally as his newly-retrieved sword tore through the Sailor's calf. "Fuck! I don't want to hurt him, but this asshole's sure not taking it easy on us!" the kid exclaimed.
Twilight was back on his feet quickly, though Legend noticed that he was favoring his injured knee just a little. He hoped to whoever would listen that this thing didn't see it too. Sky was a little slower to recover, but he got back up before Legend shook Wind off of him.
Legend's head snapped in the direction of the shout to see Warriors. The Captain looked jarringly unsure and a little surprised, as if he hadn't meant to yell. He shook his head and the surprise disappeared, though he was clearly still uncertain. Legend was barreling into him before he could start speaking, and he hardly had time to get his shield up. "Snap our of it, Legend! This isn't--I know you're still in there!"
The thing controlling Legend kicked at Warriors' ankles, sending him toppling down. Warriors went at Legend's own ankles, hard. Fucking ow, asshole. Legend didn't even have time to think before he was on his stomach, Warriors holding his left wrist firmly against the ground and rendering the sword he held useless. The Captain's knee was in his back, and his full weight was holding Legend down. The whatever-it-was struggled, thrashing to get free, but the others were quick to secure his other limbs.
There was a beat of silence, save for ragged breathing and the sounds of a frantic attempt to get free, before Warriors spoke. His weight shifted a bit. "Sorry, Legend. We'll figure this out, I promise."
Then there was a pain in the back of Legend's neck, and he was released into unfeeling darkness.
When Legend awoke, the first thing he noticed was the rope tying his hands together. The second was the very familiar bed, and the third...
"Oh, Mister Hero! You're awake!"
Legend groaned and gave Ravio the evil eye when he helped him sit up, but was relieved to find that he could move his body on his own now. "What the hell am I doing here, and where are the others."
Ravio gasped, placing a hand on his chest. "Oh, you wound me! And here I was, worried you wouldn't wake up yourself!"
"Fine, fine--but you did give me quite the scare, you know! Being carried in, unconscious and apparently possessed and all--"
The merchant put his hands on his hips. "Hold your horses, Mister Hero, I'm gettin' to it! Your family--" Ah. Yeah. He had called them that, hadn't he? "--didn't have time to say much at first. Mister Cape pulled out his sword--somehow, he had the actual Master Sword, what's up with that?!--and did this thing with it Something about purifying a corrupted forest spirit and getting it out of you? I dunno, that kinda went over my head if I'm being honest,... Anyways, the sword burned up his hands pretty bad, so I pointed him and a bunch of the others towards Kakariko so they could find a healer or something. Mister Scarf, Mister Armor, and Freckles headed to the castle to try and get an audience with Zelda for help, in case the whole sword thing didn't work."
Legend frowned, taking a moment to digest all that. So Sky had tried to use the Master Sword to exorcise him? And apparently it had worked? But he'd hurt himself. Now Fable might get involved, and not only would he get the ass-chewing of the century, but she'd be wasting her time she could be spending not worrying about a brother that was okay, really. Legend sighed. "I guess we're gonna have to wait until they get back, then," he said. "Think you can untie me? I'm guessing these were put here in case I woke up and was... not myself." Come to think of it, how had he stayed out that long? Had Hyrule used sleeping potions? That had to be it, there was no ay he would have been out for the entire trek from the Lost Woods to his house otherwise.
A mischievous light glinted in Ravio's eyes. "Hm... I'm not sure, how do I know you're not just that evil, corrupted spirit impersonating Link? Think you can prove you're not?"
"Fucker-- you know damn well I'm not!"
"Mmm, I dunno~"
Legend seethed. "Fine, when you started your 'rental shop' or whatever, the thing that pissed me off the most was that you moved my goddess-damned bed. That good?"
Ravio clapped his hands together, and Sheerow chirped from somewhere across the room. "It really is you, Mister Hero!" he exclaimed cheerfully, going to work at the knot holding Legend's hands together.
He would still be working at it when Time, Warriors, and Hyrule returned with Fable to the sound of Legend screaming at him to just cut the damn thing.
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