#i do not agree with jk rowlings opinions but i really like harry potter
alien-slushie · 9 months
Draco: Did I get anything from this experience? No. It was completely and totally uneventful.
Pansy: He kissed a guy!
Draco: No I didn't!
Pansy: Yes you did.
Draco: Didn't!
Pansy: Diiiid!
Draco: Did. Not.
Pansy: Did did did~ did didid did did did~ did did did~!
Blaise: Eh-hem. I can break this tie. He totally did.
*Shows picture of Draco kissing Harry's cheek as they slept on the common room floor*
Draco: I have no comment
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Severus Snape rant
Disclaimer: I don't support JK Rowling's views and I'm not a TERF. TERFs, DNI for you.
Sorry for ranting, y'all. I'll try to keep things quick (note from the future: be warned. I failed). Spoilers and mentions of friendship toxicity and bullying under the cut.
By the way, for this I am generally talking about regular canon. When I discuss things people think about this, the headcanons are generally assumed to go alongside regular canon to complement it. I understand that there are fix-it fics out there where everyone is happy, and while I love that, I'm talking about how JK Rowling let it play out.
Don’t interact with this post if you only want to insult me/my writing style. I am not accusing anyone of doing this, but I can see that there is a very definitive downward spiral, and I don’t want to see the bottom of it. However, I am willing to listen to arguments until things turn into personal attacks.
I don’t care that much about Snape: just a few lines on a page. I understand people have strong opinions on him (me too!). That’s fine. But I’m a real person, just like all the people on this platform (well, except bots). Let’s embrace that, and focus on the fact that we are all, in the end, Harry Potter fans.
Kat out.
Let me start with this: Severus Snape shouldn't be with Lily.
To keep to the simple stuff and the things most people can agree on first, no one "deserves" Lily. In this post, I was nearly guilty myself of talking like this, but please keep in mind: Lily Evans is not some kind of consolation prize, something given out to whoever is deemed the most worthy, the most angsty, whatever. Regardless of Snape's virtues (or lack of them: but give me a sec) he won't somehow earn the right to be in a romantic pairing with Lily. In all the stuff on the table in terms of how Lily viewed Snape, she wanted a platonic relationship. So that's part of what I have an issue with: talking about canon as if there was any part of romantic thing on the table. Lily never had a crush on Snape. It was a one-sided thing.
Now, to controversy. Let's address some common reasons for why people say Lily shouldn't have ditched Snape and why these shouldn't excuse his behavior. Keep in mind I'm talking about things that happened before Lily's death, because after death doesn't really matter to her. She's dead by then.
Snape had a bad home/school life.
That's true. But he then chose to continue the cycle of pain by joining a pureblood supremacist group and calling fellow students slurs?
2. The Marauders did some terrible stuff to him.
But this post isn't defending the Marauders, it's arguing that Lily was justified in choosing to let go of their friendship.
Anyway, this is an irrelevant excuse for why Lily should remain friends with him, because she thought this was terrible too... and then Severus screamed a slur at her when she was trying to help him. Way to go, Snape.
3. He loved Lily.
Hold up. Stop the clock.
Okay, this needs to be a new section. Let's call it:
Being In Love With Someone Doesn't Excuse Your Actions Towards Them
Quick story time, cause this section uses an extensive metaphor. IRL, I used to be best friends with this girl. She was toxic and refused to change.
Her excuses for why I should keep hanging out with her?
Current mental health situation.
Things just "slipped out". (Yeah, Snape LITERALLY USED THIS EXACT EXCUSE)
I was really important to her (So was Lily to Snape)
I stopped being friends with this girl regardless, because her actions harmed my mental health, isolated me, etc.
(And before someone says friendship is different etc. she had a crush on me two Valentine's days in a row and I'm unsure if she still does)
These are all excuses. Let's define that word for a second.
"attempt to lessen the blame attaching to (a fault or offense); seek to defend or justify." -Oxford Languages from Google.
Contrast with an apology, where someone actually tries to make things better. Snape constantly gives excuses. His apology comes much, much too late in the form of begging Lily. Now, with my own toxic friend, she also claimed to want to make things better.
In the case of both Snape and Toxic Friend, they'd continually insisted it wasn't their fault, ignoring the problems in the relationship and not making an effort to fix them. By the time Lily and I broke things off, we'd made up our minds. We turned away and felt good about it, because they negatively impacted our lives.
Maybe Snape was in love. Maybe my friend really wanted to be friends with me. Both are probable.
Still, neither followed through on the steps necessary for a good friendship.
Depersonification, aka Lily is a Person Not A Shiny Toy, Severus
Crack open your books, hit play on the movie, or simply recall as we all remember how Snape looked at Lily.
In the books (won't mention the movies because I didn't watch them) he looks at Lily and Harry sees "undisguised greed" in his eyes. Um...
Snape's fine with hurting Petunia, figuratively and literally.
He ignores what Lily is actually trying to say to him once she tells him what he wants to hear.
And calling her Mudblood. (Can't help myself interrupting here: I myself never 'just accidentally' call someone a racial slur. That's because I don't use them, so they aren't exactly waiting on the tip of my tongue).
All of the things he does are in there for a reason. JK Rowling is trying to unsettle us, and she succeeded. Snape seems to view Lily as an accomplishment, an achievement, a plaything to be admired.
He never takes Lily's feelings into consideration. Not once until it negatively impacts him. Look at where he comforts Lily: when it looks like they've made a mistake and hurt Petunia.
When Lily gives up on him.
And I know: there was more, there was more, there was more.
Potions homework done together.
Eager chatter between classes.
It's not black and white.
But these are the scenes JK Rowling has decided will give you the best impression of their friendship. She didn't pick tender scenes with cocoa and cookies because that isn't a theme in this friendship.
And onwards to:
They Used To Be Friends, Why Did Lily Stop Talking To Him Like This
It's hard to know what a person is truly like. You only know what people show you, and they hold back the worst of themselves at first. In Lily's first scenes, she doesn't know everything. She doesn't see the greedy looks he gives her. He is a new boy about her age who understands her like nobody else in town could.
Years go by. He calls people like her "Mudblood", he makes friends with awful classmates who do illegal and immoral things and are rumored to be training for war. The other side of the war, the one that kills people.
He shows her the worse sides.
By the time he calls her Mudblood, she has already tried to stop him from going down the wrong path. He's ignored her and ignored her and she finally snaps.
Can you blame her?
This apology seems like yet another excuse, a means to an end of keeping her by his side.
She's had enough.
So concludes the saga of Lily and Severus.
As he makes his decisions and she hers, Lily perishes saving a son whom Snape will later torment in her classes.
Harry grows up.
Snape oversees the creation of a school designed for indoctrination, watching passively as cruciatus curses are dished out. Her son meets him on the battlefield.
Voldemort gets to Snape first.
And thus, Snape meets his end.
And that's it, because things work out like that sometimes. Snape chose his path in life. Lily responded accordingly. And years later, he continued to stay stagnant in character growth, even becoming a child's worst fear from his unequally distributed cruelty.
A note:
If you disagree, feel free to debate me! I enjoy calm discussions. HOWEVER, please remember that we are all, in the end, people with lives and feelings, so don’t scream at me if you don’t agree with what I’ve said here.
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eponastory · 2 months
Below is a screenshot of a silly argument.
Tumblr media
I wouldn't say delusional... just observant.
So, I'm also a Dramoine fan and have been since I read the books way back when they came out. Now there is a little bit of me that is kinda not interested in Harry Potter because of all the contention with JK Rowling and her... opinions.
But besides all that...
There really is no comparison between the ships on an individual level. I say this because it's kinda like comparing Sephiroth and Vergil (Devil May Cry) from different universes and power scaling in those universes. It just doesn't work. Bad example, but you get what I'm saying.
Dramoine is a great pairing when you get towards the end of the series (Half-Blood Prince and onwards) it works because that is when Draco is battling himself over following Voldemort and his own morals. This is when Narcissa makes a deal with Severus as well. But we get the understanding that Draco does, in fact, have morals. He is just a kid being asked to do something he doesn't really agree with and can't bring himself to do. He is also a coward and a bully. Let's not forget that. I'd also say Classist since he is raised to think that Mudbloods are beneath Pure Bloods. He belittled Hermoine every chance he got, but also found out she could stand up for herself. This is a great enemies to lovers ship... there is no question on that.
Now on to Zuko... who is similar in some ways to Draco, but the similarities are minor. Zuko always had morals, and he always had good in him. He did bad things out of desperation because he was troubled. His frustration is out of trying to prove himself to his narcissistic sociopath of a father and getting the chance to regain everything that Ozai seemingly took from him. Getting to Katara here, it's clear that they were enemies at the start. But how can you do enemies to lovers when enemies to friends IS IN THE SHOW!
So I don't know what to tell you.
By the end of Book 3, Zuko and Katara are friends. It's written in there for everyone to see so I don't really get why going one step towards romance is such a big deal?
The only defining line between romance and friendship is how far you are willing to go with intimacy.
As far as Katara not wanting to marry into the Fire Lord's family... I don't see how that is a factor when you care about the person you marry more than where they came from or their origins. Not all relationships are like that, but it can be that way. But yeah, Katara and Zuko are friends by the end of the show. So, that argument is silly.
It's just another cherry pick with no thought behind it.
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illugremlins · 2 months
Rant about Peter Pettigrew and JK's Shit Writing
I hate how he is portrayed because, in my opinion, it just doesn't align with the backstory we have.
Let me preface, I am not a Golden Trio HP fan, but a Marauders fan. So, a lot of my takes and characterisations are heavily fanon-influenced, especially since a lot of the characters I write/read about we know very little of. To add, the characters we do see and interact with in the books are the grown, traumatised versions of themselves. Naturally, as adolescents, before the first war, Azkaban, the death of all their friends, the birth of their children, etcetera, they'd behave differently.
Onto Peter. Peter is one of the biggest cowards and lowlives in the HP universe. He's so heavily devoted to Voldemort despite being pissless-scared of him and doesn't hold a damn candlelight to nearly any of the characters in terms of bravery, strength, or the ability to hide his intentions and cowardice.
On that note, we're supposed to believe he managed to trick two of the smartest students at Hogwarts into changing him to Secret Keeper over Sirius or Remus, who we see as much more competent, brave, and intelligent as well as loyal? Really? That he'd managed to trick so many people into believing that Sirius betrayed them?
It would make more sense, then, to have Peter be a much more secretive, deceptive character. To be written with a backbone. (I read once that someone envisioned Peter to sort of be like Oliver from Saltburn. Mousy, quiet, but incredibly smart, sly, and manipulative.)
This is just one of my many gripes with JK Rowling's writing, though. If not for the nostalgia, or had I read Harry Potter at this age, I doubt I would've liked it as much. The world-building is poor, the characters' ambitions are screwed, and Harry, for some-fucking-reason, chooses to become a Wizard Cop despite all the atrocities he went through. He names his kid after SNAPE?! All because the man loved his mother? And then DUMBLEDORE?! Who is as awful, if not worse, of a villain than Voldemort.
It's a kid series, I understand, but I wish there were more consitencies with the characters.
It's been so long since I read the series so I've been corrected. Again, I'm a Mauraders fan so I have a different perspective and analysis of the characters.
It was Sirius who made the decision to switch the Keeper to being Peter. Golden Trio fans see Peter as a character that just never resonated with the Marauders and used them as shields, but I find that narrative hard to believe simply because of where I am in the fandom.
I like how @fanfic-lover-girl explained it in their reblog.
I still don't like how he was written. I do think his appeal is in how weak he is, but I feel like that weakness only falls into cowardice. I think I'm also being hypercritical because I don't like JKR and the plot devices/holes.
Still agree with the sentiment of fuck JKR, though.
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All due respect, but you’re pretty wrong about a few things.
1. That’s not what death of the author means. It’s a common misconception, but death of the author is a literary analysis technique in opposition to “word of god”. An example of death of the author would be “word of god from JRR Tolkien says lord of the rings wasn’t inspired by his time at war, but analysis of events and his life shows a lot of similarities and influences on it, and interpreting the series as about his time in the war is a valid approach despite what he says”. It’s not ignoring things about the author or deciding the author has no involvement or influence.
2. JK Rowling does actually continue to make royalties off of Harry Potter stuff.
3. Buying the game is funding her, and she uses the money to fund transphobic politics that has done real harm to transgender people in at least the UK, and funding efforts to keep Scotland and Ireland colonized.
4. Reclaiming queer and fag and dyke isn’t the same as continuing to fund JK Rowling. You can’t “reclaim” a franchise. Queer, fag, dyke, etc don’t make anyone money. They’re words being weaponized emotionally, and their impact is as strong as we let it be. Harry Potter is a brand and a franchise with PR and accountants and corporations at the helm. It’s not something that can be “reclaimed” and to say so indicates a fundamental misunderstanding of what reclaiming is at all. Harry Potter itself has some cruel caricatures in it, yes, but the real problem is the actual funding of JK Rowling and those she works with that agree with her, or just care about money more than the people she’s hurting.
I understand your intentions here, and why people get defensive about enjoying HP. But I hope you’ll genuinely listen to me and think about what I’ve said, because you really have said a lot of incorrect things here. JK Rowling has and will continue to do genuine, tangible harm to our community.
And this isn’t in the body of your post, but it’s something I’d like to add. This game isn’t the Harry Potter you grew up with. While Harry Potter itself had aspects of antisemitic caricatures, it wasn’t the main focus. This game is made of and about blood libel. I adored the books when I was a kid. This game is nothing like them. If you remove it from the discourse about JKR, you can still recognize that it’s a game using the setting and name of Harry Potter to sell a story about oppressing Jewish-coded slaves, but it’s okay, because they’re EVIL slaves. It has the superficial trappings of Harry Potter, but it will not have what you loved about the books.
Have a good day.
So I do very much appreciate you trying to be civil about this, and I will certainly give some consideration to your points, But could you provide me with some sources for the information here? I don't mean this to come off as dismissive, but I'm not keen to take the word of an anonymous person on the internet over my own education in literature, finance and economics. Or to reverse my views on cancel culture and the spread of undeserved hate towards people who are just trying to enjoy a nostalgic part of their childhood, just because a very opinionated person online has ignored my examples of how other creators have had their IP’s reclaimed by fans. Especially when your argument to the contrary would suggest that the queen community has not battled lawmakers, lawyers, PR and accountants for years in reclaiming much of the language we use today, let alone all of the other times we have fought against systematic abuse and won. I don’t feel like “its hard” makes for a very valid argument for why we should not only avoid trying, but demonize any of our own who do. And again... I actually have no love for the books? I grew out of them, and looking back, very much recognize that they are hot trash, and not something I care about. I'm also not defending this game, and have no intention of buying or supporting it. I just... really don't like seeing communities start wars within themselves when there are real, actively malicious enemies waiting at the doorstep. Witchhunts and the persecution of heretics are something the 15th century catholic church was known for. I’d rather not see the trend continue
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cutiecorner · 1 year
Hewwo! m sorry to bother you but I had a question! You mentioned that Harry Potter makes you uncomfy and it's on your DNI banner too, and I wanted to ask- I have a couple Harry Potter boards and such on my account because I love it and grew up with it, even though I do NOT agree with what JK Rowling has been doing and I hate her involvement- Is that still okay, or do you not want me interacting-?
Hmmmm, that's a good question. I have a detailed explanation but tldr: if it's just a couple things here and there that's okay, but if your whole blog is dedicated to hp/it's one of your main fandoms you post about, I'm not super comfortable with that. The "prefer not to interact" section on my dni is less of a rule - they're things I don't agree with but I usually won't go out of my way to block anyone for. Further explanation under the cut, though it does get a little heavy.
To preface: I do not think anyone is bad or evil for posting about h.p- it's just not something I'd personally do, given the explanation below.
Essentially - I recommend listening to someone more qualified if you're grappling with this issue, particularly trans women. There are points on both sides of the debate - it's just easier for me to not interact with h.p stuff because I never liked it to begin with.
I totally understand growing up with a certain creation and it being important or a comfort to you, while disagreeing with the creator. Even so, specifically with this author, she has said on multiple occasions that fandom keeps her afloat. The massive attention it continues to get legitimizes her in the eyes of the public and emboldens her downright dangerous acts of violence to the trans community. I think it's kind of a drops in the bucket situation - like, maybe one person's blog doesn't make that much of a difference, but thousands of people's blogs together do. Overall, I don't live in the UK and I am not a trans woman -though she's transphobic in all aspects she's specifically violent towards them- so I'm really not the most important authority in this matter. I recommend looking into the opinions of people who are directly affected by her actions - I've watched a couple videos on her by Jessie Gender, but she's just one voice of many. Also, I was never an h.p fan, I never read the books, so I don't have specific experience with the question to drop it or not.
Edit: Also, This anon brought up and explained there's quite a lot antisemitism and racism in the books themselves. It's deeply important to discuss and reflect on that aspect of the books when thinking about their impact.
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sternentinte · 2 years
i was thinking about your fic the other day so i went and reread it for the 3rd time. i really love how you write the grief that albus feels and just all the Feelings. it makes me cry for hours whenever i read it. sorry if this is rambling but i really just needed to tell you how much in enjoy your writing. i am very glad i randomly found it one day in quarantine.
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you like it that much!
Much of Al's turmoil and grief was kind of a reflection of things I was going through when I wrote it, so it's really meaningful for me as well.
It's sadly kind of semi-abandoned now, but not because I don't love it anymore (well, I cringe a little bit at some of the writing, but I think that's pretty normal - I think I've gotten a lot better over the course of writing it). Initially I had to adjust to a new schedule (my life changed quite a bit over the time I was writing it) and I struggled with portraying Al's grief properly - now I feel a bit conflicted about it all.
Honestly, I don't think there is much actual "Harry Potter" in that story (basically only original characters, no Hogwarts, the whole story is for the most part set in the muggle world, the most important magic is straight-up talking portraits, but I made up a bunch of stuff about them myself - so really it's mostly peripheral worldbuilding) if anything it's reflective of me reading a lot of Harry Potter fic when I was fifteen.
So I don't really think my fic perpetuates transphobia - but at the same time, putting Harry Potter references everywhere (like your house in your bio, etc.) has kind of become a TERF thing. Or, if you do that and aren't a TERF, you're at the very least being clueless/insensitive.
In the context of that, I feel kind of weird writing HP fanfiction. I don't necessarily think it's the same thing, or even wrong, I just - don't know. To me, I think it would feel a bit hollow to just go "I don't agree with JK Rowling" and then go on as if it's nothing.
On the other hand, I like my story independently of her, it's not about her, or even mostly about Harry Potter, for the most part it's about me and my Al (certainly not Harry Potter franchise Albus Potter, I've never even seen/read Cursed Child) and it would be sad to just let go of any value that was created there just because she sucks. Even the act of writing fanfiction assumes that a story doesn't really belong to an author (don't sue me), but that it belongs to you just as much and that you can do with it whatever the hell you want. So isn't fic that opposes her worldview a way to resist her?
Then again - can her text even really be divorced from her opinions? Also, my fic was never written as an act of resistance, even though it's a pretty queer text (though not really explicitly trans), and I think it would be a bit much to put that pressure on it. I don't think it would be very effective as such.
I don't really have good answers for that, so that's why I don't really know what to do with it now. (If anybody does have more thoughts, feel free to tell me, but please be nice).
Sorry that I put all of that on your ask, anon! I really am happy that you find so much value and understanding in my fic regardless of all that other stuff and thank you so much for sharing that with me <3
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radiken · 25 days
This is mainly cuz like. I wanna know objectively how many people thot it was good cuz. I never liked it. The writing was really bad imo and my dad agrees but I've heart most people liked it so wanna test it out
Also this is meant to be "did u like reading it or not" nothing to do with the movies or if u have personal bad memories with it, just if u think it's written well
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fanonical · 4 years
hey do you think you could expand a bit on separating the art from the artist? clearly you’ve done it with jk rowling but what are your thoughts on it as a general idea?
Okay, but you’re not going to like the answer.
Here’s the truth: you can’t separate the art from the artist. Not entirely. HP Lovecraft was an incredibly talented, but much more incredibly racist man. It would nice to say you don’t agree with his views but you can enjoy his works without that leaking in but.... well, I’m afraid that would be misunderstanding his books entirely.
Consider, for a second, that Lovecraft’s works were horror stories about extradimensional creatures having mutant children with humans; they were about invasions from distant aliens; they were about the purity of quaint, white, American towns being tainted. Now consider how this may have all been influenced by the fact that he just simply despised anybody who wasn’t white. Consider how his opinions on “mixing the races” might feed into this; consider why being unable to maintain the “purity” of white Americans was the scariest thing of all to him.
This extends to Rowling too.
I would love to say we can just acknowledge that she is an awful, racist, antisemitic, transphobic person and then say “but at least her books are good,” because, well, they are, aren’t they? I would say so, for sure. But to suggest that one can separate her from them is.... ridiculous, and it’s an insult to fans, can know and do better.
Consider why an antisemitic woman wrote about a species of goblins who live among us, but who for the most part keep to themselves and are maybe a little discriminated against on an individual level, but also hold all the cards, all the money, run the banks.
Consider why a racist woman would write about a species of slaves who loved being enslaved, who enjoyed working for no pay, and cleaning up after humans, with the only small caveat of that they didn’t want to be beaten. Imagine that only the most radical of their species wanted to be free, and he still spent the rest of his life working for no pay and helping out a little white boy and his friends wherever he could. Consider why the only person in the story who thought they should be free, that they should have rights, was treated as an overzealous joke, who was acting against the wishes of those slaves who really LOVE being enslaved. Consider that Rowling went on to say that she kind of considers that girl to be black, now.
Consider why JK Rowling, an open and proud transphobe, wrote Rita Skeeter as having a large square jaw, thick “manly” hands, and dressing incredibly gaudily with the most obvious fake nails and fake teeth and fake hair and fake everything. Consider why a woman who tweets about how trans women are “foxes pretending to be hens to get in the hen house” might write this Rita Skeeter character to then illegally transform her body in order to spy on children.
Harry Potter is full of Rowling’s bigotry, start to finish. Not even tangentially, like, “oh the goblins are bad, Rita Skeeter is bad, the house elves are bad, but most of it’s good!” because the deeper you dig and the longer you think the more you realise the entire story is based on her prejudices.
Harry Potter pretends to be an aracial story about found family, but if that were true, why are Harry’s distant ancestors important to who he is today even in the seventh book? Why does Harry have to live with his cousin and aunt and uncle? Because magic inherently prefers blood ties. Whilst Rowling was writing a story that seemed to say, “your heritage is not that important and doesn’t make you better than others” she was still writing a story about a boy who got all of his money through his bloodline, who was protected by living with his bloodline, no matter how evil, who was uniquely able to stop Voldemort because his bloodline passed down the invisibility cloak for generations and generations. Any step Harry takes he is compared to his perfect parents who were exactly like him — he looks just like his father, but he has his mother’s eyes, you know! — consider WHY a woman who is racist might’ve written a story like this. A story that on its surface, condemns a blood caste, but still in every step it takes, validates the idea that blood is thicker than water, and your geneological origin is what makes you special.
You can enjoy Harry Pottwr, of course you can. There are fantastic parts. I love a small group of teenagers deciding to become anarchist rebels and train to fight against fascism in secret. I love the murder mystery plots, I love how the series tells kids that it’s a good thing to be brave, and a good thing to fight injustice, and a good thing to challenge the government. But I cannot separate it from its author because it is such a product of its author. All of the structures of the world, the way things work in the universe, are drenched in Rowling’s beliefs, her bigotries. Of course they are: she made them.
Again. This doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy it. But I think we are past the day where we can pretend that disavowing a bigoted author is enough, and that that somehow separates the text from its bigotry. I think we are past the day where we can pretend that Harry Potter isn’t a deeply, inherently bigoted piece of media. Even the bits we love. I think we are beyond the day where we can truthfully pretend to separate it from her, because she is present through all of it. We MUST recognise its flaws. We MUST admit that she is in every part of it.
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deity-prompts · 2 years
hi! I need some help/advice at the moment, I'm in crisis because after I saw your hogwarts prompts it made me want to do an au about it, but then I suddenly came across an article about the issue of jk rowling and the lgbtqia+ community.
many of my readers are a part of the community and I feel like I would offend them in some way because of the current issue about the HP's author.
would I be too ignorant or insensitive if I continue the story? I need help I'm so confuse now :'(
Hello! This is a really interesting point of discussion: how can we separate art from the artist (if we can separate them at all)?
Without going on too much of a spiel, I think that in Harry Potter’s case, it has become a huge pop culture phenomenon separate enough from J K Rowling that making fan content is more in support of the fandom than Rowling.
Personally, I think it’s okay to keep making Harry Potter related content because of how popular it is and how much of an affect it has had on peoples lives. Creating Harry Potter content doesn’t mean you support or agree with Rowling.
It’s good that you’re aware of Rowling’s controversy and you’re thinking of how that may affect your readers. If you’re comfortable making the AU, I think you should go ahead. Many readers enjoy Harry Potter without supporting Rowling (myself included) and those who don’t can simply not read your au.
I highly encourage anyone who wants to to reply to this post with their take, this is simply my opinion and lots of people have different view points on this topic.
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alien-slushie · 10 months
*Warning: Cussing*
Hermione: Mum didn't raise no fucking bitch. We keep going.
Ron: Na na na, Mum raised a bitch. Let's go.
Harry: My Mum didn't raise anybody actually. My Mum is dead.
Ron: Oh my god.
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ravenclawravings · 4 years
Are you going to keep reading HP even though the books are littered with racism/sexism/xenophobia/slave rationalization/aids phobia whit a hint of pedophilia?
Short answer:
Yes, I am.
Long answer:
I don't condone anything that JKR has been saying, and I don't agree with her. She is twisting people's words and contorting points of view, but anyway...
You cannot separate the author from the book, to all those people saying "So-And-So wrote Harry Potter." JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter and you can't change that. What you can do is be aware and think critically of the media you consume, but if you decide that you're never going to read/consume any form of media that has been made by someone who has done something or said something problematic, you aren't going to be able to read or watch pretty much anything.
It is important to know that an author’s biases can become part of a book that you love, and those biases can be harmful and hurtful in many ways, but you can still love that book. I am aware of a lot of the problematic things in Harry Potter, but that doesn’t change what the book means to me. It doesn’t change how I started reading Harry Potter when I was only four or five, and at that age, all I could see was the magic. It doesn’t change how Harry Potter was a part of what shaped my childhood into adulthood, how I grew up with Harry. It doesn’t change how when I was so depressed that I couldn’t pay attention to anything, I couldn’t even watch a two minute clip of something, I could still read and enjoy Harry Potter. 
It was a safe place for me, I could go back to the magical parts, but as I got older, more able to have critical thinking and process not just the magic I understood, but the underlying problematic parts of the book, I had to learn to read the books in a slightly different light. The books are still a magical place for me, as I’m sure they are for other people as well, but I know that there’s all of those little things that could make them hurtful. Some of them directly in the book, some of them said by Rowling after the fact. What I think is important here is to know that those things are wrong, to be able to read about Snape’s physical description (for example) and read it as trying to show him as inherently evil because of those traits, while knowing that that’s not true. 
I also personally take anything that Rowling didn’t write directly into the books with a grain of salt. (I also don’t consider Cursed Child cannon.) I feel that however you want to interpret a book is what it means to you, and the author can’t change that. Rowling can’t take away from me what Harry Potter meant to me growing up, and what it still means to me as a major piece of literature in the world (whether you like that it is or not, it still is.) The fact that Dumbledore is gay is something Rowling brought up after the last book was already published, and while it’s not explicitly in the book, I like to headcannon that it’s true, but not because Rowling said so, but because I like it. I like to think that Dean and Seamus have been in a relationship since the Yule Ball, when they realised that there was no one they’d rather be there with than each other. And that Dean’s parents were very accepting, but Seamus’ gave him a bit of a hard time not only because he was gay, but he was gay with a black man, and they were from the generation where that wasn’t acceptable, and even though their point of view is wrong and problematic, they still thought that way, but accepted Seamus for who he is anyway. I also like to believe that Neville became the youngest Hogwarts Professor in a century (much like how Harry was the youngest Hogwarts Quidditch player in a century.) I like to think that Neville walked up to McGonagall at the end of the Battle and asked what was next, they had a conversation that brought around Neville coming back to teach one day, that he thought that he actually enjoyed being someone that people could look up to, someone who was able to help people. Sprout overheard and said that she could retire in peace knowing that someone capable was going to be replacing her (of course, Neville was overwhelmed with pride and grateful towards Sprout for thinking that.) This of course, also lead to Neville being the youngest Head of Gryffindor House in a long time, too. 
I could go on about headcannons for days, and that’s just one part of about the books that I really enjoy. You feel like you’re just scratching the surface of the world that has been created, and no matter what Rowling says, it’s not her world anymore. It belongs to everyone now. I don’t remember who said it (John Green maybe?) but someone said that books belong to their readers, and I one hundred percent agree with that. Books belong to the people who read them. It may have been the author’s for a while there, but then they gifted the world with their creation, and it’s no longer just theirs. 
I don’t want to go into specifics about how some of the writing in Harry Potter can be seen as offensive, because then I’ll be here all day analyzing, because there is a lot of it. You need to be able to think critically, and know that there will always be parts of media that you don’t agree with, parts of it that have become outdated, and offensive, and that that is how the world works, and it is a good thing that you can see that these things are no longer, or have never been, accepted. At the same time, you need to be able to see a story for what it is, and enjoy what you enjoy from it. If all you ever do is look at what is wrong with something, you’ll never be able to enjoy anything ever again. Nothing is perfect, and nothing is ever going to be perfect, and some things are worse or better than others, but you can’t always let the bad things define something. Yes, I know Harry Potter is problematic, I know Rowling is problematic, but Rowling can’t ever take away from me my own thoughts and opinions about Harry Potter, and neither can you. 
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sarahisslytherin · 2 years
For the opinion game: Liking/buying/Interacting with/sharing Harry Potter content, or just taking part of the franchise by any means, equals supporting JK Rowling (which unfortunately, is true, economically at least) and her ideas/decisions
It isn't even about the agreement or disagreement thing, and I'm not stating an opinion on this yes, I'm personally very conflicted about this whole "acknowledging the HP saga makes you a terf, and you should not support it" thing that's going on, but I really wanna know what your opinion is
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
okay, here's what i think. i believe that a creator and their works are just separate things. once that content goes out into the world, it has no reason to be affected by the actions of the creator. i do not support rowling or her views, however, credit where credit is due. she created this series that people adore, and whatever money she makes off of it is earned because, well, like it or not, it wouldn't exist without her. that doesn't make her actions toward the trans community or anyone else she's discriminated against okay and i repeat, i do not support her.
and of course reading hp, watching the movies or writing fanfics for it does not make you a terf. it's simply a book series people enjoy and no one should feel they can't enjoy a work of art because of some bullshit the creator has said. i don't know shit about rowling cos i honestly don't care, i just enjoy hp.
send me your unpopular opinions
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arrthurpendragon · 2 years
You don't have to answer this or support it. I write OCS for Chris Pratt characters. I don't know anything really about Chris Pratt. I'm not really interested in him either. I just think he's hot and I have crushes on some characters he plays. Its like my mom crushes on han solo and Indiana Jones because of Harrison Ford but she doesn't like him in RL. He is like the faceclaim of the character like Chris Pratt is for me. But people are harassing me because he is doing stuff? They're saying
Part 2 they are saying I shouldn't write the characters or recast the Chris pratt characters as other actors to make it OK. I don't support Chris Pratt beliefs from what I've been told of. The people harassing me are using face-claims that are dubious and racist too for their ocs but they don't care. I don't say anything, I just see. I don't write Chris Pratt fiction only his characters and I don't subscribe to right wing stuff or anti VAX. My stories reflect my own inclusive beliefs.
Part 3 I don't know who to do. My stories are just wish fulfillment because I love own Grady etc but I feel if I write them anymore I am indirectly supporting things I don't because Chris Pratt represents them. I don't want to recast owen Grady because what difference does it make and he wouldn't be MY Owen Grady even though that sounds weird. People are saying chris Pratt should die etc and I feel like they're implying people like me should too. I just feel confused and lost now
I'm sorry you're feeling this way. I'm sorry that people aren't being respectful of you and your writing. This is kinda the same deal with writing Harry Potter right now.
Here's my take - first, if you're able to - block the people that are harassing you. I agree with you in the sense that you are writing their characters. You are able to separate the actor from the characters. Some people aren't capable of looking beyond that. You don't have to put up with that.
You have no control over what the actor does. I know what some people are doing with HP fics is putting a disclaimers at the beginning of their stories saying they don't support JK Rowling's take on things and fuck JK Rowling. I would recommend on the first chapter, just throwing that out there. This way people know where you stand right off the bat.
I'm sorry you feel like people are implying things about you too. Please know that you and your craft are worthwhile. You do you, friend. Those are the two things I'd recommend for now - I'll keep thinking it over, but those are two things you could start doing for now. :)
- I’m also allowed to my opinions. If you come to me on anon telling me I’m wrong, you will be blocked. If you want to have a conversation, then use your username otherwise you’re getting blocked. Not going round in circles with anons.
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tom--22--felton · 3 years
I don't really get the whole "tom felton is transphobic thing"... I mean I don't support J.K. Rowling anymore but that isn't a reason for me to hate Harry Potter bc you can always like the art without liking the artist you know what I'm saying? And people are calling him Transphobic for saying that she's a GENIUS(he meant her making HP is genius not her transphobic views... If he was "transphobic" he wouldn't even be friends w the other HP casts. If he was "transphobic" then Daniel and Rupert (who have voiced their opinions of not being on JK's side) wouldn't have even attended the veeps 19yrs later reunion thingy...
And the people are mad bc he didn't say sorry when he has nothing to be sorry for... He literally voiced his opinions on the LGBT community in the two pennies video but the haters are mad bc he's talking about Willow... They didn't even try to understand the video... He compared us to Willow, he's telling us to be like Willow who is carefree and full of love. I remember getting into an argument w two haters on a groupchat and after proving my point the only reply I got from them was "Tom is musty" and then they blocked me. There's even this person who I got into an argument with last month and three days ago she messaged me and told me that Tom isn't really Transphobic and she just hates on him bc the internet told her to ... they're mad about him saying that ge doesn't want to get involved w any drama and stuff in this interview for babysitter's guide to monster hunting...Just bc Tom has a platform doesn't mean he is required to voice his opinions on everything... It's good if they voiced their opinions but if they didn't then let them be
Yes, we discussed this before and i absolutely agree with you. People are so impatient nowadays, also stubborn and insensitive. Sometimes i feel that all the bullying is done just because they like the process of doing this and don't really need a reason. It's a trend now to call Tom transphobic and hate on him, so many people just do it without even trying to understand if it's true or not.
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The ACTUAL Epilogue
I myself, like many other people have a lot of issues and opinions about the HP Epilogue, and because JK Rowlings decided to be a piece of human crap, I’m going to share what I think the Epilogue was/should’ve been.
Obviously, you don’t have to agree but this is what I personally think.
Also, this was partially inspired by Castle On The Hill by Ed Sheeran for no reason except it seem to fit my opinion. Kay, let’s do it. 
The Epilogue would only be 10 years later, 19 is just too much.
I think that Luna would move down to the coast, somewhere like Cornwall or Devon; it would be a great escape for her and I’m sorry but can we just imagine Luna sitting by the coast with a little hair braiding stall or something? It’s adorable. I’m sure she could probably end up finding a job to do with magical creatures in the sea, which we all know she would be amazing at. 
Meanwhile, Ron and Hermione are living in the busy streets of London, with their daughter Rose and they’re pretty much the same as Canon; Hermione works in the ministry and Ron’s at the joke shop with George. I have a lot of opinions about Ron and Hermione’s relationship- I mean, I love it don’t get me wrong- but I think that they often have a lot of very heated arguments, especially about things such as Hermione’s balance between work and home considering it’s a lot more lenient to the work side of things. I think after a few years into their relationship they’d also argue about stuff like kids and marriage; something Ron really wanted but Hermione was in no rush for. I think they would have one kid (Rose) who they’d put their everything into (does that make sense? I dunno.) and I’m sorry Hugo, you’ve been cut off. 
Harry and Ginny are married, with their kids James Sirius Potter, Arthur Frederick Potter and Ruby Lily Potter. Harry suffers from a lot of PTSD, and Ginny convinced him to go to a muggle therapist. Ginny didn’t just give up her career to settle down and have kids, she’s an ace quidditch player still going at it as a mum. Harry works as a DADA professor at Hogwarts because there is NO WAY that after fighting in a war that he’d want to go straight back into it. He’s not the most organised teacher though- he’s often late to lessons and pretends he doesn’t believe in homework, which is true… but it’s also because of the fact that he always forgets about it. Draco Malfoy also comes into the ties here, NOT I repeat NOT in any romantic way, but that when Harry very first graduated Hogwarts he decided he would be an arour for a few years and something came up in a case and he needed a favor. Who did he have to ask for that favor? Draco Malfoy. It started as a very awkward and slightly messed up conversation, but they soon managed to you know… become friends and form a decent bond. 
On the subject of Malfoy, he was married to Astoria Greengrass and they had a kid (Scorpius) but it was an arranged marriage and neither of them wanted it. They eventually told their parents and got a divorce. I like to imagine that Draco remarried but I’ve not a clue who too. 
Neville Longbottom, the sweetheart who deserves the world… has not exactly been given the world. He was with Hannah Abott and they had two kids- Frankie and Remus, named after the best teacher they ever had and Neville’s dad, despite Frankie being a girl. (why not, it’s cute?) Anyway, Hannah erm… How do I say this? Well, I just do don't I- she left them. It was very sad, blah, blah- I’m not writing angst here! Neville had been working at Hogwarts, but the kids weren’t there yet meaning he had to quit so he could look after the kids. Then, one day he decided that he would take the kids on holiday to Cornwall- why? Oh, no reason you know… just a holiday, definitely not looking for someone special. 
Oh? Oh, would you look at that! It’s Luna Lovegood, what a coincidence! Luna and Neville reconnect, whatever you wanna call it and he tells her about how he had to quit Hogwarts, and all the rest of it, when Luna gets the idea that she should come back to Hogsmeade with him. Why not? He could get his job back and she could look after the kids, it would be great; she'd been looking for an excuse to go back home and this would be amazing!
To cut an already long story short, they fall in love, horary! Luna ends up getting a job at Hogwarts helping Hagrid out with Care of Magical Creatures.  
Seamus Figgan and Dean Figgan. Boom, that’s all that needs to be said because they’re 100000% married. (Also, Seamus is Potions teacher because I like imagining the anocy that would happen in Hogwarts if Seamus, Luna, Harry and Nev all worked there.)
I think the Weasley family is pretty accurate for where they’d been in ten years time, apart from Percy, because he is GAY for Oliver Wood, and nobody can change my mind. I do think it’s a bit messed up that Angelina and George hooked up, considering she dated Fred, so I propose that we change canon and just say George took her to the Yule Ball. Sorry Fred.
Hope you enjoyed this freaking essay I wrote on what actually happened after Hogwarts to Harry & co.
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