#i didnt do mary bc i dont know her sorry!
The Last Ronin 2: Re-Evolution Issue #1 LIVEBLOG
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Okay so Casey Marie's muscles are something I'm never going to get over. SHE LOOKS GOOD!!!!! Her getup is feeling a little too reminiscent of a cape-wielding superhero for my tastes to be honest - I really loved the more practical outfits she wore in TLR Lost Years, especially in issue 4 when she was running the training mission for the kids. But ah well, I'm sure this will grow on me. It may not be practical (edna's law of no capes is coming to mind, also PLEASE TIE YOUR HAIR UP WHEN YOU'RE FIGHTING GIRL!!!) but it's very cunty anyway which I appreciate
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Straight up thought she killed this guy - what was that sound effect if he's still able to walk??? I fr thought she snapped his neck
IDK if we needed a whole 8 pages of punching and kicking to exposition dump what we kinda already knew from what's been shown in the lost years (esp the lost day special) but IT'S FINE IG... NOW ONTO THE BABIES
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GIGGLING KICKING MY FEET. We're ALREADY getting the leo-v-raph adjacent dynamic with these two and I'm living for it. if one of them drops a stone cold 'fearless leader' jab i will lose my shit
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HI? HELLO, EXCUSE ME, MIND-TALKING? PICTURES IN HEAD? ARE WE A FAMILY THAT LUCID DREAMS OR SOMETHING?!?? I DON'T REMEMBER THIS BEING SOMETHING THEY COULD DO?? every new speech bubble here is like a punch to the gut, wdym telepathy wdym secret lair wdym honouring everything master splinter taught you???? (although i'm proud that when this panel dropped on news sites i was immediately like THAT ISN'T THE KITCHEN FROM LOST YEARS. turns out it was a Secret Lair TM)
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Seance -- TURTLES COUNT IT OFF!!
not gonna screenshot the whole backstory but they're basically doing a telepathic puppet show explaining the backstory and it's pretty much the mirage origins with a bit of extra tlr flair. as always it HURTS ME seeing the turtles dying so thanks for that tlr2 :'')) icb these kids watch a mind movie of their uncles dying every fucking night. yall are messy
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SOBBING AND CRYING,, I WISH YOU'D ALL HAD THE CHANCE TO KNOW HIM TOO!!!!!! I WISH YOU'D GOTTEN TO KNOW ALL OF THEM!!!!! (tlr splinter doesnt count tho because hes a dick)
there was a cool sequence of them rooftop hopping n stuff but i wont cover it bc we already saw it in a bunch of news articles weeks ago
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i just did the SHARPEST INHALE. casey marie you and your beautiful muscular arms have aged like the finest wine
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YI NO!!!!!
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lmaooo moja is JUDGING your taste in women u two
lots of text... blah blah blah jobs, crimerates, blah blah... jiro in pig uniform jumpscare.. casey marie i thought u were going to fix him :(((
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dude that first issue was wordy but the kids were ON POINT. they were so fun!! their dialogue is fun and they kick ass.
i loved yi announcing the punishment for casey while the others were like NOO SHE DIDNT MEAN THAT DONT LISTEN TO HER. we're getting more of their personalities and it's great!! it was a nice throwback to issue 2 of lost years when they were cleaning - yi refused to help because of how strictly she was following instructions. im picking up that she might be neurodivergent but i did get that from the lost years too - only doing things within strict instructions, getting frustrated at teaching odyn chess, not because of him playing horseys with the knights but that it was Against The Rules Of Chess - and now not picking up on some social cues. It's nice to see!! I love her very much, but it feels like besides rehashing the origin story she took a bit of a backseat to the other three.
i want to know more about why uno said being a rebel was moja's 'thing', since she didn't seem to be any more rebellious than the other three in this issue. we didn't get any unique interactions between her and casey marie which is what i felt was lacking from lost years but i wonder if this is hinting towards a more turbulent mother-daughter dynamic with them... I REALLY HOPE SO!! her and uno butting heads in a leo-raph way is very fun - i don't mind one or two prior group dynamics leaking into the new turtle siblings because they're all so different from the original 4.
uno seems to be taking on slightly more of a leader role than moja so i think he won the title of fearless leader. which is fine, i think it'll be fun to see and he's definitely less of an asshole now than when he was growing up in lost years. still picking on odyn a bit but seems to snipe at moja just as much. even when he was commenting on yi's storytelling he didn't make fun of her, though - i think she may have inherited the 2k3 don ability of being Completely Unbullyable.
i was really pleased that odyn felt more involved!! i feel like he took the backseat a few times in lost years - it was fun seeing more of his personality shine through! he and yi seem to get on the best, and i giggled at them rolling their eyes at moja and uno's raph-leo schtick. i didn't expect him to TURN TO FUCKING STONE THOUGH, so i'm nervous about that. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? WHO DID THIS TO MY BOY? IS HE GOING TO TURN BACK NEXT CHAPTER OR IS HE OUT OF COMMISSION UNTIL THE END OF THE RUN??? (if it's the latter i'll be a bit annoyed - don't take odyn away from the equation please!!)
I do wonder if by introducing casually that they can PSYCHICALLY CONNECT, the turtles will use that as a technique to reach odyn's mind to make sure he's still in there and piece together what's happened to him. i mean, their casual telepathy has gotta be some sort of chekhov's gun right?
and shit.... april was so fucking mad casey took the babies out so she's going to EXPLODE when she finds out what happened to her baby boy, her beloved favourite, her baby odyn :''(( im giggling rubbing my hands together waiting for the fallout but also if she cries i might cry too. speaking of april, she seems to be working on a new project and i saw nano particles mentioned - are we going to have a roninverse version of nano in this run???? I NEED MY ROBOT SON
as always, casey marie... u have aged like fine wine. u are stunning. disappointed that ur still believing that jiro can do good as a cop when their entire police force and government is corrupt as fuck. just feels very naive of her. i'm excited to see her break down at the concept of losing odyn - in fact i need everyone to mourn this beautiful kid. they tell us so much that shes a super clingy helicopter mom and i am picking up on the strict part, but it would be nice to see more of her just... hugging her kids. holding them. i get why she didnt in this issue but id love more mama casey squishing their cheeks and kissing their foreheads.
i have zero fucking clue what's going on with odyn. im wondering if it's somehow related to nano, or to whatever project April is working on - she says it's to do with clearing the tunnels, but I''m not convinced. who knows, there might be some ulterior motive happening.
Anyway, that's the end of my liveblog!! thanks for reading all the way to the end... go read it wherever you read ur comics!!!
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silvr-skreen · 2 months
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im. i had to make all these damn transparent pngs
anyways some of these can't accurately be described and got left out sorry, sometimes the pink indicates a QPR
Specific notes under cut bc there's a lot of them:
Jason and Kaddie (club president) are both cryptids who claimed BBHQ as their home turf (and despite sharing bc they dont wanna piss off craig who they both respect) they hate either other and want to kill each other. and have TRIED to kill each other
Chip and Kaddie QPR. Chip's aroace to me but he'd happily hold hir hand. Kaddie just likes the attention.
Pepper (mint supervisor) is like the CFO's teenage daughter by association. He respects her and she's like a familial figure to him. Cathal is his son and he and the VP are like divorced ish? They're on cordial ENOUGH terms but it's a sore spot for them both.
Barry and Mary are both fish monster things and they're not like. This one is hard to describe but it's a species specific thing. They're not exclusive though, but it's pretty frequent to see them just fucking sitting in water and hanging out/looking at stuff down there. (By association they fucking hate Will and Des. Sorry guys you cant throw that shit in the ocean.)
Misty and Courtney are so mean to each other and FOR WHAT. They have no reason for this. (My interp of Misty is slightly mean bc she's woobified sometimes) so she just. thinks Courtney is stupid (for something Courtney didnt even fuckin do. It was Barry's fault and got resolved anyways.
Prester is Atticus's uncle (Sads is Prester's son i couldnt fit him or the satellites) and Winston is his cousin on the other side. Prester doesn't like the vampire bros bc of the dumbest reason ever. Thus Misty hates HIM. (she's a distant relative of theirs. so distant i didnt include it.)
Yes Saul (butch lesbian saul For the win) knows Flint. Yes that is every bit as terrible a friendship as it sounds. Went out with a bang and lots of hysterical crying on both ends. Neither will admit it.
Because I couldnt fit the satellites I cant include the absolute HATRED Erclaim and Styx have for one another. Erclaim's father thought Styx's mom was a very pretty lady and she reciprocated and Styx is an affair baby is what im getting at (Both sets of parents were married btw) and Erclaim blames Styx for fucking up his family. Erfit thinks Styx is alright though. His baby brother needs to chill the FUCK out.
Atticus is the guy who seems really nice but is secretly wishing everyone's heads would explode and they'd die 1000000000000000 painful deaths (he survived in our au but he was very mentally unwell as a result of the trauma of almost dying and watching what happened to clancy)
Half of William's enemies either don't know he thinks of them that way or don't care. Desmond however actually respects him a lot and tries REALLY HARD to get William to like him but Will's a hater.
Another sad fact that comes from no satellites is the fact I can't show the links between them and the Head Attorney but they're all family. Actual relatives those 5 (and related to the HA to boot lol) hydra develops crushes on anyone who can crush THEM. token allo.
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enlighten3d · 1 month
(this might become a tradition lmao of me throwing oc lore at you while you’re probs alseep) okok so the main families in the story are the beckett’s (we know all about them), the biswar’s (janette’s family) and the rivera luzardo’s (carmela’s family)! there’s another one but their not as important to the story at the moment!
Basically janette’s family’s deal/literally janette’s life story (so sorry this is so long akdhdl) is:
-Mum continued the family cult and roped janette’s dad/her husband into it
-When janette and her sister were born, janette’s dad up and left with janette’s sister Mary (name to be changed btw) and janette didn’t have contact with them until she was in her early 30’s
-Her mum made her life shit (its a cult what did you expect tbh/silly) meaning she was very reliant on her mum for most of her teenage years/early twenties
-Janette killed her best friend Huan Lin (cult reasons)
-Then her mum (who’s name is Diana) got really sick and was given a year left to live and janette,who was 25, was like ‘oh thank god i’m out of here’ and left before she could see her mum die
-And basically spent her late twenties running around the cities, trying to catch up on everything she’d missed in her very closeted life (music, alcohol, friends, work etc)
-Then her guilt caught up to her in the form of her best friend’s ghost and her mum’s ghost and went back home to the town that she was raised in to dismantle the cult
-that is basically where the main story starts but the dismantling of the cult isn’t going well (she’s basically started it up again)
YEAH SO. THATS HER LIFE? I was going to go into the other families but i will do that laterrr (janette was stuck in my head today) but yeah yeah as always any questions are welcomeee
yes this might and i am all for it, i love waking up to see Lore and eating it and replying to it like hours after ive seen it bcs i procrastinate too much
mary... why do i get the feeling that something Bad happened to her. its either that or she left and never heard anything abt this ever again and now lives happily on like... a fucking farm or some shite.
was janettes reunion w mary and her dad okay... were they Weird.. why didnt her dad take her too.. was it the courts. i bet it was the fucking courts.
okay but also DID JANETTES DAD (does he have a name? if not can i name him charles. /nf) K N O W ABT THE CULT STUFF?? HOW DID HE AND DIANA MEET?? DID HE FALL IN LOVE W THIS GIRL, GET MARRIED, EXPECT A HAPPY LIFE, AND BOOM, WEIRD CULT SHIT. SORRY BRO, YOUR SKINS BOUTTA BE STOLEN (yes ik that they (prolly) dont steal skin, its just funny to say it like that). or did he Know what he was getting into and think 'i can fix her'...... stares at him 👁️ What Is Up With You...
does mary know anything at ALL abt the cult......
.are the Cult Reasons the same reasons that carmela cut off ryans arm (i THINK those are the right names..). Are They. Are They.
the ghosts.. does everyone get a ghost ? or is it just the cults/ppl who got sacrificed for weird cult bullshit. can only ppl who are.. oh i cant think of the word so ill just say Attached to them see them? or it just everyone. or yeah, is it a sort of 'you knew this person + were instrumental in their death' thing.. (do ppl who died and then got resurrected (ahem, janette, ahem) get ghosts. do they see ghostly versions of themselves... (this is getting too close to the dsmp /silly) probably not, right. MORE OF A HEATHERS-STYLE THING YEAH?? GETTING TORMENTED??
bro the cult would have disappeared if you didnt Meddle........ oh well, L
does she get haunted by the ghosts to this day (i think she does?? you mentioned smth like that near the start i think)
damn janette. thats some shit indeed...
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raysletters · 7 months
Fanfic Friday!
Rules: share a fic you wrote (or fan art or gif) that you are proud of! Moodboard optional!
Oh would you look at that? nobody actually tagged me, but im really proud of this fic and will forever be my precious baby and my first non canon compliant or canon adjacent fic.
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peace by raysletters
"give yourself away sometimes, sweetheart. there's so much of you"
4 times Henry gives himself away, and the 1 time Alex shows him how much there is of him.
lightly inspired in it's nice to have a friend and peace by taylor swift
(alternatively called: the superhero au)
this was written thanks to a prompt from @inexplicablymine for @thebrownstone anniversary exchange and ive never had so much fun writing something ever. it was in the middle of a writers block and i spent SO long thinking about it (mainly bc i cant stand the movie or a certain actress on it) before i remembered my aforementioned hyperfixations on both the bright sessions and the flash (at some point i hope somebody makes a tbs x rwrb fic before i end up caving in and do it myself, even though it would be very similar to this fic, now that i think about it).
(break where i give little information about this bc the research was long and incredibly fun)
after all of that, it was so long that i spent on a google rabbit hole of researching superpowers and thinking how would it fit each person (i KNEW before anything else that i was going to give bea music powers, and after that the rest followed) so it is funny how all of their powers correlate between family and stuff and i need everyone to know about this bc i really spent so long thinking of it.
you have the mountchristen line, that has the "mind powers", starting with mary (psyren) that has the powers to manipulate minds, but it is more like suggestions, so that's why alex and bea could shrug it off and how henry would be able to after fighting his usual response of like going along whatever mary said; then you have catherine (vis) that has telekinesis, aka manipulation of objects through her mind (dont ask me about the name this one was very much just thrown out there when i looked it up suggestions on google). thats where arthur (foxglove) comes in with his ecokinesis (this is more like controlling plants but not really with his mind but like hes in TUNE with the planet and nature ala poison ivy kinda thing(?) (also yes ofc i found out there is a PLANT called FOX-GLOVE and gave it as a name for arthur. that is something he 100% would do and i dont receive criticism for it) and starts the fox-mountchristen line with philip (no i didnt think of his superhero name bc even though he is a bit redeemed here, he doesnt deserve it) and his MANIPULATION OF THE LIGHT WITH HIS MIND. and yes its cool and all, but i just want to emphasize that i wanted them to be able to MANIPULATE PARTS OF NATURE WITH THEIR MINDS BC ITS A MIX OF BOTH CATH AND ARTHUR (sjfnakdjfkahdmfhansbfmahdm im sorry i thought of it while still blocked and thought it was absolutely genius 💀💀). then there comes beautiful gorgeous bea who doesnt have a pseudonym bc she's actually part of the agency trying to control that superheroes dont do crazy stuff (yes bc of mary) and shes a badass agent and also has a band on the side bc she CAN MANIPULATE SOUND AHFNSJHSSJDJABHSNSHAJS. and lastly theres henry with his empathy and this is something not implied but more like a nod to tbs bc henry's actual powers are the manipulation of emotions which MEANS HENRY IS BASICALLY INCREDIBLY FUCKING POWERFUL but since he really doesnt like all that superhero shit, he doesnt care about it. at some point in time, he might discover hes even able to push emotions into other people, but again, since that was a nod to tbs, thats just something for them to discover in the future and thats it.
on the other hand, you have the claremont-díaz line that is messy as fuck, because in this universe, ellen enlisted in the army like her father and she ended up becoming a super soldier, along the lines of captain america, and was called "lometa longshot" bc yes ofc i had to. so you see how she doesnt have actual powers but instead she just has everything ENHANCED????; then you have oscar, who has the ability to fly, (which, fun fact, was actually the last power i thought of bc the idea of it is that oscar had some power of MOVEMENT), and bc you have impossible movement and enhancement, you get beautiful june with her powers of teletransportation that allow her to be a badass reporter and always get exclusives bc of how fast she can get somewhere; and you get alex with his undiagnosed adhd and the fire under his ass for no good reason and then there was absolutely no other choice but to give him super speed (and has nothing to do with the fact that he, like barry allen, is a very intelligent but very chaotic bisexual with undiagnosed adhd).
nora is there vibing, being a tecnopath and having actual numbers on her brain while also planning to conquer the world and also become kind of an iron-woman(? in that she makes gadgets for superheroes and for herself. pez is also vibing and being so cool they even have two powers, being able to shapeshift AND mimic the powers of ppl near them. hes the actual threat in that if they wanted, they could absolutely conquer the world.
ANOTHER FUN FACT: this is fairly obvious but in the us the school is called sky high and in uk the school is called wonder school bc i couldnt think of anything else and my reference for names of schools in the uk is that wizardry school from that horrible book so like,,,,, yeah.
LAST FUN FACT I SWEAR: theres a list of classes and their kind of equivalents that showed up after i decided alex would absolutely never stand this hero/sidekick bullshit shsksjsksjsksjsksjsksjs it was fun even though im yet to grasp the concept of american education(????? (listen im dumb so like if you were expecting too much from me, thats on you)
Math → Strategy
Language Arts → Heroism (morality and stuff)
Science → Mad Science
Social Studies → World History
Foreign Language → Technology (Hacking and entering 💀)
Physical Education → Combat
Electives → Save the citizen, Enhancement (like practice your own powers and stuff), Origins (of superheroes and superpowers), Teamwork (something both Alex and Henry definitely didn't take 💀), Alter-ego Management
(im not kidding when i say i pasted it verbatim to what i had in my docs, bc theres nothing more chaotic than my outlines and ramblings on any of my gdocs)
im not tagging anyone bc i just noticed it is decidedly not friday anymore but i got too excited talking about this fic akdbdksjsksjAbssjakajsncjbsksdhdjsj anyway, go and read it if you havent shkssjkssjsksjsksjs
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
Um hiya vinnie,I've liked kagepro since i was like 13 so um do u have any prn hcs for the mekadan? If thats ok 2 ask
ayano: she/her but in a deeply transgender way
kido: they/them but also...why not a lil bit of he/him. transmasc kido my beloved...
seto: he/him also in a deeply transgender way.
kano: he/they/it YEAHH WOOO YEAHHHH also transmasc btw if u even care. but i could also transfem ray him he has the range tbh
mary: she/they, doesnt rly care much though. that sonic comic thats like knuckles what are ur pronouns. (saeru: SETO WHAT ARE MARYS PRONOUNS seto: we usually just use she but they dont really care)
momo: she/it, probably a bunch of neos too. the more the better. transfem btw. that whole thing distances her and shintaro even more as kids bc he doesnt understand it very well. meeting ayano helps
takane: they/she/he/it. idk if its bc theyre a favorite or they just have that much gender. canon blue hair and all you know. so nonbinary it makes you look stupid
shintaro: he/him. hes the diversity hire and the only cis person in the dan. ive seen transmasc shintaro hcs and like ofc its awesome but to me it just changes his whole foundation... if a boy, to me he is cis. if trans shintaro...ok hear me out. transfem shin COME ONNN COME ON COME ONNNN C ok yeah that rly self indulgent hc aside, cis 💔 also has a hard time understanding...everyone else. when finding out ayano is trans his brain breaks. he especially cant understand the nonbinaries hes like JUST PICK ONE !!! sry cis shintaro is so funny he keeps wanting to act like a victim for it (confusion and self hatred shed feel in a transfem hc...oughoigh ok sorry ill move on)(puts down the stress ball with shintaro face printed on it)
hibiya: HE/HIM BABY TRANS💗💗💗 gets his first binder from the dan as a gift. kido teaches him to put it on. weehhh wehhhhh sniff sniff but also transfem egg hibiya would be so awesum too😳 both are good. but he is so deeply transgender either way
haruka: he/she. demiboy or demigirl whichever but so epic and genderfluid :) when he is a girl and she is a boy
konoha: it/its cuz unauthorized fucking thing /pos /pos /pos but when it was around, the dan used he/him sort of in the same way they use she for mary lol (kido: indicative but not exclusive to your gender identity. konoha: stop swearing at me)
hiyori: she/her, transfem. no one knows. knew she was a girl since like 0 seconds old. in my sick twisted mind the way hibiya and hiyori become friends in a route like the novels for example, where they didnt rly speak much before their trip together is cuz hiyori finds out hibiya is trans and decides he HAS to be her friend but doesnt Actually tell him that she's trans. probably only tells him after meeting the dan bc thats the whole lgbt community so she's like damn okay
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lordstormageddidnt · 1 year
7. :) i know you have a lot of fandoms that arent pjo and you can apply it to whatever you want
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts around them?
Hi Im sorry this took me so long to answer, I wanted to sleep on it lol because I didnt want to forget all the characters Ive hated 😔
So the funny thing is that nine times out of ten, the way the fanon treats a character will make me like them more. Pepper Potts from the MCU is a good example of this because her canon portrayal gives off these weird girlboss vibes and I really dont like her relationship with Tony, but in a lot of fanfic featuring Pepper, her girlboss aura gets toned down more into the way less annoying boss aura, and her relationship with Tony tends to feel more natural to me. Then there's characters like Lisa Braeden from Supernatural who get used as a cake-faced villain to destiel which is just super unfair and reeks of "not like other girls" yknow.
Mary Winchester from Supernatural is a hard character for me to hate. I don't like her on the show, I don't like that they brought her back, I don't like what they did with her. She was Sam and Dean's mom but she never acts like she cares about them (like there's this whole arc where she ghosts them for weeks on end). And it bothers me when people say Mary was this like really good mom because I don't think we ever got to actually see her act as a mom outside of her own weird brain hallucinations.
But then someone starts complaining about Mary in a way that feels a little too weird and I gotta sigh deeply and put on my "defend mary winchester" hat so I can't really hate her too much.
And then there's Meg Masters from Supernatural, who is probably the best answer I can give to this question. Because the thing is, I really don't like her in canon. I thought her old romance thing with Cas was freaking weird and I never liked how the writers seemed to forget all the stuff she did to Sam and Dean in like Seasons 1/2/whenever she first appeared. Like I always forget Meg is a Season 1 character bc she's just so inexlicably different in that season versus when all the Cas romance stuff happens. Anyway, people will sometimes treat Meg in fanon like she was the only person looking out for Castiel's best interests which like. Isnt true. Like Im really not convinced that thats true. Like obviously Dean has done Cas dirty plenty of times, but when Meg was sent to watch over Cas in the hospital when his brain wasn't right, do you really think that was purely for Cas's sake and she didnt at all see it as an opportunity to manipulate him/get close to him? Anyway yeah I dislike Meg even more in those potrayals than I dislike canon Meg
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years
Okay so first off, idk if its alright I do smth like this or not, if it is please let me know-
ALSO- I wanted to try my hand at other characters too! So I kinda just yeeted some of my/your ocs into a wheel and hoped for the best lol
Credit where credit is due: Tiam, Mythra, Leroy and Mellow belong to @fumikomiyasaki!
Marinus and Tiam:
As much as I joke around that he'd just violently grab Tiam and drink from the little straw on his head, (,,, which technically isnt a joke bcs he would and then say sorry while feeling really bad, especially if he left bruises,,,) Marinus would definitely still try to be careful to not hurt Tiam real bad- he'd also always thank him for the drink and be apologetic if he scared/hurt him, unless,,,, yk,,,, you like that sort of thing,,,,,,
Bullies? No problem! With Marinus by your side they probably already went "missing" got eaten but if you asked if he'd seen them, he'd just go "Nope, no idea where they could be :)" and then resume gremlin thoughts
Marinus will sometimes forget certain words from time to time, considering his mom didnt even really want him to get an education and just wanted him to be like a feral siren-
Expect minor things like "Holy shit, Tiam, its a bunch of quack quacks!" And they're freaking ducks-
And speaking of ducks- Marinus hates birds (mainly seagulls/pelicans) but ducks are an exception because "They're the only birds that are nice to me" so I dont think he'd get along too well with winged characters like Rubina-😔✌️
Marinus WOULD however h*ld h*nds (how sinful) and Tiam's crooked smiles will be met with a sharped tooth gremlin smile <3
Also yes, you are right, a LOT of characters (my own/discord friend OCS) are afraid of Marinus or wanna fight 😔🤣 (I think its funny-)
However, just because Marinus has people scared of him, doesnt mean he isnt scared of things too! And he will absolutely freak out if anyone/anything covers his mouth (actually, I think being restrained in general could go here), if someone sees him while he's in siren form, etc (I'll probably add on more another time lol)
I almost forgor to mention, but hair is kinda a big thing for sirens (at least in my head, idk if disney will take it and throw it in my face that its not 💀) so, if Mari is comfy enough, he'd definitely be letting Tiam touch his hair, style it, do whatever with it tbh lol and expect him to do the same with Tiam's! (No, he doesnt care if its sticky-)
Im starting to think of ideas that are more dating-like and idk if thats ok so next character
Amos and Mythra:
Probably only see each other on few occasions bc different schools 😔✌️
Maybe they could teach each other new moves too 👀
Amos, however, will dip just as fast as my dad did the moment somebody from her school/dorm walk in 💀💀💀
He's honestly a real charmer tho and knows how to treat a lady :tantrums:
I imagine ears/tails are also important to beast-people (?) just like hair is for sirens (unless Disney will yeet that im wrong in my face too-) so maybe some nice scenario of Mythra petting/gently scratching his ears while Amos purrs? 🥺 And then he gotta dip bcs Sindren 💀/LH /NF
I'll be honest, Amos is one of the newer characters and hasnt been developed as much as older characters that I havent introduced lol
Momo and Mellow
OKAY so- Momo (blue haired plant baby, I have posted him here before but I need to post a ref lol- I WILL DO THAT SOON THO-) has a habit of straight up running away from people that are taller than her, I mean freaking BOLTING the moment someone bigger than 5'10 (177cm) is in her vision-
But luckily, Mildew seems to be smaller than that, so she'll at least stay! :D
In order for them to be friends tho, they'd have to interact without Dallas in the picture (another piss gremlin I have yet to post a ref of, but basically he tells Momo bs to isolate her from everyone and she'd believe it because toxic relationships✨)
Momo would be really shy at first though, but I think it could work! Like a slowburn friendship (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
Momo is a little passionate about art (maybe not enough to go into full on rambles about different styles n stuff but enough to try it out herself although she doesnt usually share her artworks) so he'd probably occasionally glance over and stare a bit if she notices him making something but looking away immediately if Mellow looks back
(some Momo art for reference!)
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Dallas and Leroy
I do not know if Leroy understands that Dallas is just being a crotch gremlin because his parents spoiled him rotten (and he's also only like... 15 💀) but regardless-
Dallas would hands down find a way to try and "egg on" Leroy to do something and then play the victim card in front of Crowley like he does to all the "big spooky" OCs
Like bullying the clothes he wears when he finds out its a heating issue and not "because he dresses weird", probably like "You're telling me a little bit of sunshine is going to screw you over? Quit being so sensitive"
HOWEVER, I feel like he'd just end up annoyed at the spiteful pranks and then the tables would turn as now its Dallas being served some humble pie (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
(Some Dallas art for reference!)
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Favorite idols?
Personally for me it's Pearl and Marina. Love the chemistry between them and their side story in Octo Expansion! Music's pretty fire as well. Color Pulse??? Amazing✨
GRAAAHHH dont make me choose😭😭😭😭 I love All of them
For the squid sisters its because of their final fest and splat 2's hero mode, with them drifting apart and callie running away and marie trying to save her and the maries song tidal rush with the them singing out of sync and callie trying to push her away with her own solo bomb rush blush (Except the remix is no longer her Own solo bc octavio remixed it so its no longer really a part of Just Her(Also i love that the title of the remix didnt even change it just stays as the original title. I just find that interesting)) and then the spicy calamari inkantation and fresh start with them including their solos Especially the choreography for fresh start when maries singing her solo and reaches out to callie but callie walks away and glares at her when singing her own solo and then they join together and start singing together i love them so much 😭💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
For off the hook its because of both of them coming from completely different experiences, having completely different styles but still being able to work so well with each other. and pearl continued to love marina even after she found out she was an octoling soldier. i love that they included a remix ebb & flow, their first hit song, in fly octo fly and i just really really love fly octo fly in general. Their dynamic is so good i love it . And i love that their music is more modern ?????? And their new songs in 3 are . I dont know music genres sorry But its a lot different from what they normally do and i love that theyre trying new things and travelling the world together 💖
For deep cut THEY ARE SO SILLY. Theyre like team rocket but sillier. I Love them. they have that wild friend group vibe and their dialogue is funny. I love that each of them are like, different cultures (?), like with shiver its traditional japanese music (enka i believe?), frye is indian, and big man is brazilian. they work so well together with all of those styles intertwined, you really feel how close they are with each other. Best friends forever and ever😁😁😁
For who's my favorite idol overall?? Callie 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
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noxiatoxia · 2 years
just finished watching Tje Bad Guys. I really liked it! Here's my thoughts:
snake and wolf totally have a thing goin on
ms fox was a bit of a mary sue but she looked hot doing it so all is forgiven
speaking of, i really enjoy her dynamic with mr wolf. at first i didnt care much for it, but when it was revealed she was also an ex-criminal, i began to dig it. that scene where wolf geeks over her equipment like a fanboy hit me so good. and their cute dialogue over it "i actually prefer the older model" "agree to disagree" i can relate to that level of autism when you talk to somebody who is equally passionate on a subject.
the computer joke got me to laugh tbh. when webs was having technique difficulties and they were throwing suggestions "maybe it needs system permissions?" "update a driver!" it was so funny bc that's exactly what troubleshooting feels like. literally whenever i have a computer issue i cant instantly figure the cause of im like "update a driver. its gotta be one of them."
the Twist that marmalade was #evil i saw coming, but i do like how they pulled it off. i didnt think he was the grandma tbh. also the breakdown scene had so much (unintentional) death note imagery. i literally was like "HES HAVING HIS KIRA BREAKDOWN"
i also saw the twist coming that Snake set him up, but again, it was satisfying and made sense why he couldnt or didnt tell the others of it, so i forgive it
the animation style was a lot of fun. kind of into the spiderverse esque with the 3d animation that feels very 2d
mr wolf has a praise kink
another story that focuses with the whole "dont judge a book by its cover!" and "people can change!" but its not a bad moral, it's simple and important regardless
that line where maramalade said to mr. wolf smth like "Looks like the big bag wolf has been outsmarted yet again by a little piggy" was clever. also when he kicked the door open just as Wolf had his angry outburst to paint him in a bad light. saw that coming but made me have that instinctive cringe reaction all the same bc man wolf was boned
to the hacker of the group: "Where'd you learn to do that?" "oh, you know, i'm a born natural, it just comes to me......... *sighs* YouTube, mostly."
also, im very pleased that characters in this movie dont speak perfectly. as in, they stutter and redo their sentences in the middle of them, especially when frustrated. This is something that has always bothered me in many forms of media. People don't speak perfectly most of the time and tend to stumble and stutter. I'm really glad that characters do it several times over, it feels more real. And the voice acting was great
i liked that when everyone thought the guys had stolen smth they actually didnt, they turned on them. This obviously made them feel betrayed, but they didnt give up. i like that the general public wasnt portrayed as perfect obviously, and the guys took offense to it but still pushed forward
also i kinda like the subtle notion that, ironically spoken by marmalade, that there's good in everyone. despite the fact he turned out to be the true villain, if it wasn't for him, the bad guys wouldn't have become the good guys in the first place
some things i didnt necessarily like:
the character of the shark feels exactly the same as the shark character in the harley quinn show. not that it's a bad thing, it's just odd such a specific archetype is prevalent (comic relief goofy villain shark with black man voice who's main trait in heists is to play the part of a disguise but the joke is you can tell it's obviously a shark)
especially when in her bad guy outfit, ms fox's body is so... curvy and ""female"". this isn't a problem with this movie specifically, pretty much any other female character furry movie or otherwise has this issue
not a fart joke fan sorry :( well sometimes but not here
not necessarily a good or bad thing, but this movie has many parallels to zootopia, but if zootopia was told from nick's perspective and he was a wolf, and judy was a fox. both movies have similar themes while zootopia also deals with racism. i like both movies for different reasons. however, zootopia did mildly criticize the police industry by portraying them as uncooperative, caring more about reputation than getting the job done, and being guilty of racism as well. Of course it's to be expect that a movie about a new cop would critique the police more than a movie about bad guys who don't work with the force. except that maybe you can see it as them being too trigger happy with arresting people.
Anyway, good movie! Enjoyed it. the wolf was hot as hell.
edit: forgot to ask, what WAS the point of marmalade dressing up like an old lady? all this only happened bc wolf tried to steal her purse, but she tripped, so he was forced to help her to not cause a scene, and she praised him. Assuming the tripping was on purpose, how did he know wolf would even try to rob her in the first place? How did he predict Wolf would come here - that he had good in him to even trick him with?????? it just seems super coincidental and he assumed a lot of things for this "him dressing up as an old lady" trick to work. idk
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dizzythegreat · 2 years
KOTLC Reread: Book 1
obviously spoilers for book 1, a few spoilers for future books below
haven’t read the books in over a year but they never get any less good
thats a lie. it was slightly less good than when i first read it, probably because im older now and noticing the little things that i dont like, but its still bringing back all my childhood happiness from reading the series and its still amazing
first of all. i dont know how i didnt notice this until now but prentice and tiergan for sure had something going on 
they def had some side fling happening (if its confirmed they didn’t in later books and i just forgot, dont tell me)
like tiergan is so bitter over him being broken?? he hates everyone who played even a small role in prentice’s exile?? come ON this is not a regular bromance-type relationship 
i wish the kidnapping scene was more... realistic? idk i really loved how the drug hazes were described and a lot of it was super good but i felt like it was kind of short and the kidnappers really didn’t... do much?
like they kinda just threatened to kill dex and half-heartedly questioned sophie for only like 2 pages
also why would they not just kill dex immediately they have 0 use for him
but anyways
sophie truly is a mary sue but somehow she’s not insufferable?
the obliviousness hasn’t fully set in yet but oh boy will it
the good old days when dexphie was the most popular ship and no one shipped keephie
and when biana was a bitch for half the book
and fitz was actually tolerable
alvar is just a little bit suspicious in this book (just the tiniest touch of foreshadowing)
grady and edaline really named their daughter the french word for “pretty” huh
jensi and marella 😭 i dont remember if jensi plays a larger role in the future but i hope he does
stina is such a cliché “mean girl” lmfao like she really bumped sophie into a locker and called her a loser
some of the abilities are so much more op than others tbh. like imagine other people are literally teleporting whatever they need to them at any time, reading minds, inflicting pain on others, and you’re. elsa.
grady and edaline un-adopting sophie was a dick move. like i guess i get the reasoning but come on.
iggy sounds like a terrible pet im sorry
smells like shit 100% of the time and just causes havoc
the worldbuilding is so 😍
i remember i had a huge crush on keefe when i was reading these when i was younger. he is 12 or 13 in this book so i will not get into that until later lol
this book i mostly remembered but i dont remember a thing from book 2 so that will be interesting
overall it brought back so many childhood memories, i loved it and im so excited to start book 2 and SO EXCITED FOR STELLARLUNE AHHHHHH
also excited for more character development bc we love trauma 🥰
again, please no spoilers for future books (even though ive already read them lol) (but forgot most of it) and no stellarlune spoilers/asks until i post that i’ve read it!
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ourano-s · 3 months
you can (not) advance thoughts:
sexual shots of asuka for no reason (when shinjis not even looking at her or even there) like it might make sense if we see shinji looking and then are shown what hes looking at but hes literally no where to be found bro. i thought it was better because they've not done that with misato san or rei. rei only when shinji was gazing at her.
i cant believe they killed her. ii thought itd be different even though i said the story would be the same tohji smiling with his sister. i was glad. i was so happy. that song playing. i didnt like it. the first time was painful. i didnt start paying attention until then. i thought itd be worse i thought theyd do it worse i wasnt liking this movie. i thought it wouldn't hurt. i thought id dislike it. bc the first time was so disturbing i thought its worse somehow asuka she whyd they do her like that asuka asuka asuka i thought in the og shinji could see. he could see but he knew it was happening. that Thing coming out from behind him awful, rei in the back he should have stop the dummy after it broke its neck if i like it paint it red misato choosing the pilot asuka asuka asuka
rei knows shinji will never forgive his father there will be for piri piri i wondered why ikari was trying why they were getting along better their relation ship will be torn after this oh rei im so sorry rei i i didnt realize that unit 3 was the 9th angel i forgot. because it wasn't tohji the story stays the same there is no escape it'll be better than out current pilot i dont have time for a tantrum hes always on that train. hes always running away always running. running running runinngruinngruinuingrunningruninnguruinungruiningrunningruningruningr
it makes sense now hed lost asuka he wont be losing rei im glad im glad hes growing we went back and forth last time. unable to do anything this time. he'll save her there is only one ayanami rei her thinking this whole times shes replaceable theres only one ayanami rei i really like mai ? mari shes like me i think way to go shinji im proud of you
kaworuuuuuuuuu that better not have affected rei i dont remember if they were competing for shinji last time
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melancholiaenthroned · 5 months
10 characters | 10 fandoms | 10 tags
i was tagged by @bladeofavernus tyyyy<3 i rlly struggled to think of 10 fandoms im currently in (that had characters i care a lot about. sorry malevolent) but this was fun! not tagging 10 ppl bc im insecure and dont want to be a bother but ! not in any particular order but here they r
michelle carter (dc comics) the realization that i can only pick one dc character for this... so scary. idk if michelle is my favorite dc character ever but shes certainly up there and right now shes at the top of my brain... what does it mean to walk out of the fridge... what does it mean when everyone remembers you dying except for you... hes mourned you but youre back and you didnt even know you were gone... funerals are for the living....
paige duplass (the silt verses) my girlllll augh. augh. my false prophet... its been going not great for her lately and every scene with her recently makes me want to rip my heart out and sob and sob and sob. she just wants to fix the whole world. is that too much to ask. it might be. ill support her forever tho idc if her godchild fucks up and destroys the whole earth i will always be on her side. she went to business school shes a star employee shes an alcoholic shes mother mary. shes everything
amanda young (saw) you knew she was gonna be here i love her so bad. ive spoken at length about amanda before u all know my thoughts. saw iii you will always be famous
jung heewon (orv) thought id throw in a recent interest even tho im still no where done orv^_^ jhw is my favorite so far ever since her scene where she first used judgement day... i love the avenging angel type of character esp the way she does it (attack dog baby!) and i love her dynamic with the rest of the group.
kim kitsuragi (disco elysium) everyday i am thinking about him if you dont see me post about him know that im still thinking about him. i miss him bad
clara (pathologic) shes just a baby... i love her... i love a girl who is silly but so tragic i love a girl who was born in an empty grave i love a girl with frightening powers she doesnt understand i love a girl placed in a situation outside of her control who is still blamed when it goes wrong.
apollo (wildstorm) doesnt count as dc ok. im reaching here im rlly not into that many things its mostly just dc comics. but its his wildstorm self i actually care about sooo counting it. i miss when he killed ppl
calroy cruller (dimension 20) sorry im gonna be a calroy head forever probably hes so special to me. i love villain monologues i love treason i love betrayal.
sasha (borderlands) not into borderlands anymore but she makes this list bc sasha isnt a borderlands character to me ok shes a dear friend. i love her forever even if i will probably never play those games again. ok thats a lie but ill probably never talk about them online again. ok thats a lie too
eddie brock (marvel) it was truly a struggle to think of ten fandoms i currently care about um. i dont even like current venom comics. but eddie will always be special to me i love u insane girl<3
not tagging anyone today im way too tired to think of ppl sorryyyy but if u want to do this just say i tagged u 👍
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showinalittlelife · 6 months
rhea, i'm going to tell you “fuck you” in the most affectionate way because you wrote something that destroyed me but somehow made me so happy. i cried the last three episodes of stravin' darlin' and i thought the mcd tag was for [REDACTED] but i never imagined it was for [REDACTED] and now i can't stop crying.
okay first i want to say thank you so so so much for writing that beautiful ff. second i want to tell you that you're an amazing writer, you wrote something that made me feel like i was watching some kind of coming age movie and i loved every second. and third i have a doubt. when mary gave the bracelet to barty and told him that evan's bad luck was ending, she meant that because he was dying, right? and what would have happened if barty hadn't given the bracelet to evan? how different would the ending have been?
again thank you for stravin' darlin'. that ff will always have a place among my favorite ff xxx!
gahh you finished it okay…i’m sorry. but fun fact 4 u it was actually supposed to be the other way around! i had that ending planned for the longest time until i didnt. (i think i remember asking @neaverse to pick who dies bc it’s her fic anyway)
and coming of age movies/books are always my favs so this means everything to me u have no idea i’ll go bawllll.
now 2 answer your questions! 1 i’m gonna be so honest with u i have no fucking clue i just woke up and my brain isn’t braining but i do also remember rambling to nea about it so it’s probably buried somewhere in our chat. but! i do like your version a lot sooo if anybody cares anon is right! anon is smart!
and GOD hmmm. how different the ending would’ve been…i have a lot to say so i’ll ramble under the cut yeah?
starting this off by saying that i’m a v superstitious person so i have thought abt this a lot while writing it and hm.
i think barty giving evan the bracelet was kinda? delaying the inevitable? (evan dying. he was always meant to die first) so if barty hadn’t given him the bracelet, nothing bad would’ve even happened to him. he wouldn’t have died. (the he in question is barty. he doomed himself by giving evan the bracelet.)
i like to believe that if he hadn’t given evan the bracelet, he would’ve died when he got shot. that’s actually kinda the symbolism of the bracelet breaking. yknow with jade bracelets how they break when they ‘serve their purpose’ aka just ward off enough negative energy? it’s the same with evan’s bracelet, it protected him when he got shot! that’s why he didn’t die! and that’s why it broke! because (🥁🥁🥁) it served its purpose!
sooo the ending would’ve probably looked like barty killing himself to be with evan. or maybe he didn’t. i honestly don’t know this guy’s brain is so difficult sometimes. but i dont think he would’ve been able to live without evan sooo…do with that what you will!
lastly tysm for ur asks theyve seriously made me so so happy and so so giddy i love talking abt sd and u showing love to her (and me! im not happy with the writing of her at all so u complimenting me on that is so <3) i hope u had a lovely lovely week because you’re such a lovely person ty again<33
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yuukei-yikes · 10 months
saw the ask about video games and it was so so delightful and now im wondering if you have headcanons on their music taste??? i just really love music so :3
(also. i think seto and marry could play dating sim /other visual novel games together and get Really into it and discuss the story together)
DATING SIMS NOD NOD THATS TRUE. shintaro's also into those. all 3 getting into arguments abt the love interests
ALSO MUSIC HUH... i know i said idk much abt games so it's rly lame that im gonna say i also dont know much abt music.
I HAVE some hcs? for example i think momo listens to pop 100%.... we are living in a material world and im a material girl!! yknow. i feel like momo's room should look like a disney channel teenage girl's room from the 2000s. any 2000s bops playlist is for momo. she also probably looooves kpop. i think hiyori shares her music taste and she's also INSANELY into boy bands like if we assume kagepro takes place in 2013 you know damn well hiyori was a RAGING directioner. and of course hiyori also loves idols in general!!!!
and it's canon that kido's fave bands are radiohead and oasis LOLLL kido is soooo. funny. i think kido had a mcr phase and all that. was super into panic at the disco and all those other bands popular in 2013... crying to simple plan's im just a kid... (not derogatory cuz my thing with music is that i listen a bit of everything and i dont think any music is cringe❤️) kidomomo is amazing to me... can a y2k bimbo girlie and a mall goth fall in love??? (they can)
i think shintaro listens to a lot of vocaloid and anime ops lol but i think he'd listen to pretty much anything?? since he's a musician he's interested in listening to all kinds of music, and he's into discovering smaller artists too. he probably prefers stuff more on the chill side. i think shintaro keeps gifting momo earbuds in a passive aggressive way but momo keeps BLASTING her music. so shintaro ends up memorizing a bunch of her music and bursts into song with momo a lot. do not take this from me. like once he realises that he's scream singing britney spears toxic with momo he stops but He does it. i know so.
i dont have strong opinions on seto, mary, kano and hibiya?? i think hibiya doesnt even listen to the radio cuz his ass didnt know who the hell momo was LMAOOOO if u have any ideas for seto mary and kano let me know... i feel like no one would know kano's music taste bc at least personally i always feel so vulnerable abt my music taste. ppl are so mean about it and what u listen to. i think kano would completely hide it and lie abt what he actually likes listening to.
HARUKA AND AYANO i think share music taste. im also not sure what they'd listen to though i just know they share their fashion sense and music taste. i know so. they probably listen to taylor swift or something. lofi hip hop beats to study to bitches.
takane obviously loves music. headphone bitch. shes canonically into rock, haruka's first description of takane is the best ever he says something like. she has a mischievous smile, dark circle under her eyes and her headphones around her neck had rock music playing he could hear from his seat. also haruka mentions takane went to see a rock concert that was held at their school before they attended. so she's also into concerts. sorry i love takane she's so cool hehe.. i think takane's rly into punk/garage/alt rock kinda stuff. i think she listens to stuff like mike krol, slutever, be your own pet.. the louder the better. the more the singer screams the better.
sorry for linking my takane playlist again but i think she'd actually listen to some of the music there OK🙄🙄🙄!!!!! i actually went to my playlist bc i read this ask and then got lost in the sauce and added a few more songs LOL
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myxinidaes · 1 year
sage and ivy?
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
oh MAN i go inSAAAAAAAAANE over everything always but i think..... absolutely nothing can beat a perfectly illustrated comic. it's got it all. art. fiction. imagery and shit. and then you have to make it all WORK TOGETHER???? wild. i genuinely think that sequential illustrations are like. peak art. and yeah obviously when its done bad it sucks but i would argue you have a lottt more to think about than illustrating or writing alone. bc its a combination of the two!!!!!! and your writing has to compliment your illustrating and vice versa. if one thing is out of balance it detracts from the entire effect. and since it's a visual art form even the font and font size and the word bubbles/ lack of word bubbles are integral to the experience!!! scott mccloud wrote this book on comics that i think about CONSTANTLY like its so so so complex there are so many things that go into even two panels. and since it's illustrating you can make each individual snapshot of time as complicated with as much symbolism as you want...!
.... my ultimate goal for drawing in 2023 is to start dipping my toes into sequential illustrating. over time my daydreaming has slowly become little comic thumbnails which is kind of embarrassing but also i really really really want to do comics. sorry this isnt actually the question at all i just think comics are so fucking cool.
howEVER. good poetry????? life altering. mary oliver lives rent free in my mind. good writing? makes me feel shrimp emotions. good music? on the ground sobbing. there's this one statue of a woman holding her baby and i saw a picture of it and stared at it for like three minutes straight.....
i don't vibe so much with abstract art, but sometimes it's cool too! someone said that the point of really basic-seeming abstract art was to make people think about why they didnt do it either and i guess that's interesting in the hypothetical but then i go to a modern art gallery and likeeeeee man i dont really care.
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
i'm pretty constantly tired due to *waves at sleep disorder* so i dont think i have any special tells for that other than yawning and being quiet haha. upset/annoyed is withdrawing or getting snappy
happy/content is for sure talking a lot or singing quietly i am soooooo annoying but also i dont really care! it's nice to be happy and if its not hurting other people. whatever! u know? nobody is being forced to interact with me
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ao3gingerswag · 3 years
Characters! Sam and/or Mary and/or Claire
So I’m not gonna do Mary cause um confession time I have only seen SPN fully thru season 8 and like. Parts of the later seasons, with less and less as time went on….The writing just started to get too all over the place for me. So I know nothing about Mary really.
How I feel about this character
Love Sam. Love him love him love him. He doesn’t get enough attention in this fandom he’s so angry and feral in early seasons and I LOVE him for that. I think the writers kinda….lost sight of what they were doing with him post season 5, and especially post season 8, and I think it’s connected to how they framed John and the narrative. Like a lot of Sam’s character in the early seasons is framed around this conflict he has with Dean about whether or not John is a piece of shit and whether they should just follow him blindly. And his complicated hero worship vs pity vs resentment relationship with Dean was a big part of his personality. And then post season 5 they kind of backed off that entire conflict? And so much of Sam’s personality was forgotten. But I still love him tho, he’s so valid, I love his anger in the early seasons at John and in defense of Dean and I think he’s the only reason Dean didn’t end up completely beaten down by his dad.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Eileen/Sam!!!! Eileen is the only one I reeeaaally ship with Sam. A lot of fics (esp before Eileen was introduced) had him with Jess (including mine), and that’s fine, but tbh we never actually got to know Jess soooo don’t have strong feelings. Then with Ruby, she was SUCH a fun character but like, ya know, evil. Like I do actually think she cared about Sam in her own fucked up way but like. They brought out the worst in each other lol. So I’ll pass.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Uhhh Dean obviously lol!!!! In my perfect SPN ending Dean Cas Sam Eileen Jack Claire and maybe their other friends too live together in the bunker forever. Found family baby!!! My asexual ass loves how much Dean and Sam mean to each other and how they seem to take for granted that they will always live together. If only the real world was more like that ;~; But yeah it’s kinda a pet peeve of mine when in Desitiel fics people either just ignore Sam or just kinda have him around but he’s not like. Really around. Like excuse me??? Sam and Dean are Bros 4 Life!!!!
My unpopular opinion about this character
Sam is more interesting than Dean. Like I love Dean and he’s my favorite but Sam is like soooo complicated and so interesting!!! Like this kid who grew up knowing that something was Wrong with him. His hunter upbringing vs society, his desire for normal vs the rest of his family, and then just the Knowledge deep down that something is really Wrong aka the demon blood. And then he has all this anger with nowhere to go, he can see clearer than Dean how fucked up their lives are and how awful John is but he can’t convince Dean bc Dean’s too brainwashed and ack!!! I feel like he has always felt so guilty for going to Stanford and felt so guilty then too bc he knew he was basically abandoning Dean to John, who would just continue to abuse and beat him down. But he Could Not convince Dean to wake up and smell the abuse so he left without him bc what else was he supposed to do??? But he’s still fucked up about it. He’s so interesting. All twisted up inside ;~; I love him!
On a less serious note, another unpopular opinion I guess is that Sam and Cas would def be friends but bc of the boring aspects of their personalities?? Like I’ve seen a lot of stuff about them being besties bc they both r crazy and they ARE but like. I see them bonding over ecological justice and academic articles about ancient Aramaic etymology lol. Like they’d go to the farmers market together!!! They would very earnestly consider together which plants would be best to plant in their garden to help the local bee population!!!! And like Dean is a dork and loves both of them but like. If the three of them got drunk together Sam and Cas would get caught up in a very passionate debate about the benefits/drawbacks of different kinds of green energy and Dean would fall asleep.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
He should have gotten to run John over with his car. Ok but no forreal, I wish he’d had his anger at John validated. This is connected to how I feel about Dean but I wish Dean had explicitly grown past his hero worship of John and understood that he was abusive, and I wish he’d apologized to Sam for defending John throughout their childhoods. That would have been so great for both of them ;~;
How I feel about this character
Ohhhh my god ummmm. U know how I said I didn’t watch past season 8 and only saw parts of the later seasons? Yeah um the vast majority of those parts are scenes with Claire in them. Her character has been the thing that came closest to getting me to watch the later seasons. She is So Fucking Cool. Honestly even besides her character, as like a rule I just LOVE it when SPN forces the characters to Actually Confront The Results Of Their Actions for real. Like morally I guess but also just practically like one of my fave episodes is where they get trapped at the bank by the FBI in like season 3 bc like!!!!! Consequences!!! To murdering all over the country!!!! So back to Claire I already just love the idea of having the characters have to Deal With this girl who’s life they fucked up and then forgot about. But then she is SOOO COOOL gay and dramatic and angsty ugh I love how she’s like actually a teen, she acts like a teen, like she rolls her eyes and is overdramatic and shit. Fucking awesome u funky little lesbian.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Kaia/Claire. I don’t know a lot about Kaia but she’s very pretty and seems very sweet. I saw the scene where the two of them compare scars and it was so cute. In other news I have no idea if they’re canon or not I can’t tell lol.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I didn’t watch the later seasons but I love the Claire and Jack content being produced now!! But I also love her relationship with Dean Sam and Cas. They’re very cute with her! :) Love how she seems to reluctantly grow fond of them over time. <3
My unpopular opinion about this character
Unpopular opinion ummm…maybe this is more about Dean but I don’t think Dean would be like happy to help her be a hunter?? Like he hates kid hunters he says that a bunch of times. I think she was on her murder hunting thing when she was filled with rage but I think she could be nudged away from hunting once she stops hating Cas, and I think all the adults but esp Dean would be very pro convincing-Claire-not-to-be-a-hunter.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Ok this prompted me to google if Claire and Kaia were together and I’m still confused. Seems like if they were it wasn’t made that explicit?? So I wish she got to kiss Kaia on screen!!
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