#i didn't read the plays yet - though i might have read those in french - but punched in the guts already
nemographe · 8 months
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"Grief Lessons: Four Play by Euripides" - Anne Carson
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invisibleraven · 10 days
Hey, #7 soulmate au is DEVASTATING sooooo
Some of the first words every child learned to read were the ones printed on their skin-the last words their soulmate would ever say to them. A bit morbid, and no one really thought it best system to find a soulmate, but it was all they had.
Reggie Peters was lucky enough to have two soulmates-though that meant losing the love of his life twice, he figured that at least he wouldn't be alone. Or at least he hoped.
He traced the sentences that floated over his arms over and over until he knew them by heart.
Cariño.../I'll be waiting
The first he found out was a Spanish term of endearment, one he loved and couldn't wait to meet the person who was going to use it. The second made him a little melancholic, but it also meant he would also have a romantic soul to love.
He met Luke in college, they ended up as roommates, and bonded immediately. They loved the same music, even if Luke wasn't into country. They jammed late into the night, bonding over items of childhood nostalgia and parental troubles alike.
He saw Luke's marks early on, for he constantly wore cut offs and the sentences were scrawled along his ribs.
Maybe we can jam together in heaven?/It's okay, we'll be alright, you can go mi vida
Reggie had to hold back a squee at that, because Luke also had a soulmate who spoke Spanish-could they be the same person? Could Luke be one of his?
They started hooking up one drunken night, and decided to keep it up, developing feelings along the way, deciding to make it official upon graduating when Luke confessed he never wanted to stop living with-and loving Reggie.
They never really talked about the marks-it was a depressing thought, something that couldn't be confirmed until they broke up, or worse-when one of them died. For now they were happy, and that was enough.
They began working as session musicians at a studio, with Luke writing a few songs that got bought helping him get closer to his dream of being a real musician.
They met Alex there, the session drummer who got on with them like a house on fire, and Luke proposed starting a band, all three of them. Give them a chance to perform, maybe be the ones recording their own stuff instead of supporting the latest craze who had AI generated lyrics and next to no musical talent.
However it was through the studio that they met Julie-she was an intern there doing backing vocals for the odd song. And she was good.
"Why aren't you using those pipes to make your own music?" Luke asked her one night as they were all packing up.
"Haven't found my sound yet," she replied with a shrug. "Happy to be in the background until I do."
"Why don't you check out our band?" Reggie offered. "Might be fun to have another vocalist and I know you play a killer piano."
She smirked at that. "I could be persuaded."
Julie joined their relationship soon after that-with lots of conversation beforehand-coming to a head after a long band practice on the hottest day of the year. One that involved them needing to clean the couch in their small studio, lest Alex kill them-though he eye rolled at them the next day, muttering about 'Finally'.
Reggie loved worshipping the marks on Julie-they lined her hips, so he traced them with tongue filled kisses, Luke doing the same until Julie was a whimpering mess between them.
But what about you?/I love you darlin'
The darlin' left little doubt in Reggie's mind-his southern twang didn't come out much, but always made an appearance when granting pet names-Luke was already beau to Reggie. Luke teased him with French pet names, insisting that being called a little cabbage was totally romantic. Julie lucked out in mon cher in Reggie's estimation.
The years passed quickly and at a snail's pace at the same time. They became rising stars, international sensations and passé over several decades. Yet they were always together, there for each other, loving one another and their family.
Yet... well they were getting on in years, though none of them wanted to admit it. Luke in particular refused to act his age-something that proved his downfall, after he fell off a stage, breaking his hip in the process.
Though they had the best doctors, Luke declined fast, his body too frail to recover. The end was upon them, and after the children and grandchildren had said their goodbyes, it left Julie and Reggie.
There were tears all around, with Luke trying to joke, but his once powerful voice was faded to almost nothing. Reggie turned and he knew the next words to come out of his mouth-they had been printed on Luke's side for as long as he had been alive.
"Maybe we can jam together in heaven?" he joked despite the tears almost blinding him.
"I'll be waiting," Luke rasped, a smile painting his aged features. He then turned to Julie. "But what about you?"
Julie sobbed, but then clutched his hands. "It's okay, we'll be alright, you can go mi vida."
With that, Luke slipped away, leaving them to cry and clutch at one another, finally knowing the truth, too late to share the fact that they were meant to be together. But maybe Luke knew-he had seen their marks a million times over the years, so maybe it gave him the solace to go, knowing he had spent his long life with them.
They got along after that as best they could, though it always felt like there was something missing-reaching out in vain for Luke.
Then Julie got sick-she thought it was a cold at first, brushing it off. But after she didn't get better, they went to the doctor.
A terminal diagnosis.
"You can't leave me," he begged Julie that night. "I can't bare it."
"You can, and will," Julie insisted. "You're so strong, and we'll be reunited eventually."
Reggie stayed by her side through every chemo session, any effort to prolong Julie's life, however fruitless. Watching her white curls fall out, her already dainty figure shrinking.
"No more," Julie insisted after a few months of it. "I'm ready Reggie."
"I'm not," he said, kissing her palm. "But it's not about me."
One night as they slid into bed, Reggie knew-deep down in his soul that he would be waking up alone.
"I love you darlin'."
Julie's eyes welled with tears. "Cariño..."
He shook his head, resting their foreheads together and kissing her sweetly. Just held her tight as they slept, feeling her grow cold sometime in the night, and he calmly called for the ambulance.
He had her buried next to Luke, a space bracketing him for Reggie. He went on as he must, but his heart wasn't in it. He tried, for Danny and Luna, for their broods, but he knew life was gray and meaningless without Luke and Julie.
So he let himself grieve, growing even older, until one night-the night he knew he would give up. Tucking himself into the too big bed, closing his eyes and smiling for the first time in forever.
"I'm coming sweetie pies, I'm coming."
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dhampiravidi · 5 months
🍳 our muses are having breakfast at a local food place (Caleb and Pogue @in--noctem, sorry for the anon I'm on the wrong blog xD)
Caleb probably wouldn't've agreed to skip school with Pogue if the night before hadn't left them both feeling so drained and upset. Mr. Parry had had yet another tantrum, smacking his son around while his wife cooked dinner (only stopping to tell them to get out of "her space" in the kitchen). As usual, Pogue teleported straight to the Danvers, glad that his parents didn't do any magic. Because it'd been years since Caleb had realized what Pogue's parents were truly like, he had a plan in place. He set his best friend up with a decent dinner, then called the police (who were familiar with the situation) so that they wouldn't think Pogue had been kidnapped. It always took a while longer than he would've liked to get Pogue to bed. There were bruises and cuts to be treated, and even then, Pogue was far from being OK (not that he was expected to be). On days like those, he had multiple nightmares, so the Danvers had learned to have him sleep in Caleb's room. The boys always ended up under the same sheets together, arms wrapped protectively around each other--but Caleb knew to untangle himself before Pogue woke up and freaked out.
They went out of town to avoid any suspicious adult eyes. Pogue, who had bought a motorcycle as soon as he'd turned 16 (he only waited that long because he knew he had to pass the tests before driving it) apparently found a diner on some day when he'd gone out of town instead of to the Danvers, post-dad tantrum. So, he drove the two of them there. Caleb knew that Pogue probably would've been more physically comfortable using one of their cars, but he didn't want his own mom worrying about them--even if she might not leave her room til the afternoon.
Caleb liked the place as soon as he saw it. The outside was plain, but it was perfectly clean, with bright paint and absolutely no dirt on any of the paneling. "It doesn't look like much, I know...food's not as good as yours, but it's a nice spot," Pogue said quietly, putting his gloves away for the moment. He was surprised to feel a gentle-yet-firm hand on his shoulder, and he looked up to see one of those smiles that made him feel guilty and giddy at the same time.
"Thanks, man." Thanks for bringing me, for letting me come with you this time. Thanks for the compliment--even though you're always silently moaning when I cook us something.
"Yeah." Pogue started off for the front doors, Caleb only a step behind. There was music from the 70s and 80s playing, not enough to be anything but a quiet soundtrack. About half of the place was full, which was interesting for a restaurant's weekday. Pogue sat down in a booth not far from the bar, and Caleb sat across from him. It was all of 5 seconds before a waitress in a pink-striped uniform rolled up, beaming.
"Kiddo! How are ya!?" she cried, beckoning for Pogue to hug her. He did, a sheepish grin on his face as she kissed his cheek.
"Hey, Donna. Donna, this...uh, this is Caleb." He sat back down, and suddenly he couldn't look his friend in the eye. But Donna certainly could. She grinned mischievously.
"Caleb Danvers. Oh yeah, we've heard about you. What are ya in the mood for? Pogue always gets a stack a' cinnamon pancakes, but he says you make the best French toast--"
"I'm just sayin'. Here, I'll get ya' a menu. Don't worry about what's for breakfast and f' lunch--Jimmy doesn't mind makin' both." Over the next hour or so, Caleb learned that Donna was taking classes to become a dentist's assistant, and she had a little boy named Ricky who thought Pogue was a god because he'd let him sit on his bike once. He also learned that Donna could read people's minds (not literally, he hoped), Pogue came to the diner about once a month (even if his parents weren't being horrible), and that Pogue had told Donna (plus the other two waitresses who knew him) all about Ipswich, minus the magic part.
Both boys left Donna and the rest of that shift a hefty tip--after all, they were the heirs to family fortunes--and took milkshakes and fries to-go. They went to Boston to explore, then had a picnic on the outskirts of Ipswich. Caleb had to keep reminding himself that it wasn't a date, that he was just keeping Pogue company while the other guy took a day.
He liked to think that they'd had enough fun to forget the night before, at least for a little while.
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unfocused-always · 10 months
Chapter VIII: A Quick Guide to Ruining Your Life and Other Bad Decisions
Summary: Misaki makes a deal with the devil??
A/N: Nope, you're not free from me yet. Also for the *I do love French language.
Golden light poured through pointed windows cascading over heavy wooden shelves like a soft blanket. It was nearing eight p.m., and the sun was slowly hiding behind the horizon. That and the barely visible letters on the page finally convinced Misaki to give up the fight and turn on the light. 
The library at Sakamaki's house was, unsurprisingly, enormous. Bookshelves lined the walls and occupied most of the remaining space, leaving only a reading nook unoccupied. At least, it was like that before she barged in a few hours earlier with a bucket of coffee, painkillers, and a goal at hand. 
If last week was a person, he'd no doubt fail students for fun and kick innocent puppies off the stairs. She winced at the mental image. Although the comparison was pretty close.  I don't know who you are.  Those words have repeatedly played in her head since she woke up from near-comatose sleep.  Stop.  Each sentence felt like a punch in the gut.  Don't contact us again.  
Her dad, the  dad  she knew, would never turn his back on an innocent person begging for help. But then again, in their eyes, she was a stupid teen playing a cruel prank. She pressed her forehead against a cool glass, hoping it would bring her answers.  What happened when I was away? How could they forget me so quickly?
She thumbed the pages. This situation, albeit bizarre, had to have an explanation. And everything in her was telling her it was indeed supernatural.
"Bitch-chan~" Hot breath washed over her neck. "You'll hurt my feelings if you ignore me like that."
"Why do you keep doing that?!" She demanded, almost falling off the chair in the process.
Laito smiled a little too smugly for her liking. "Hm, but I've been calling out to you this whole time! It's rude to ignore someone like that, you know."
Anxiety clawed up her back. She could feel every spot on her body crying in agony, and that was after a heavy dose of painkillers. Pissing him off now-  Nope, we are not going there. 
"Sorry," she managed, suppressing a shiver in her voice. "I was just thinking."
"Thinking, huh?" She could tell from his tone alone he didn't buy it for a second. "And what thoughts absorbed you so completely? I wanna hear every ~ single ~ detail."
"I've been trying to make sense of this," she pointed at the library catalog, "but how you found anything here is beyond me. Why are half of the books here in Latin?" 
He leaned in, resting his head on his palm. "It's fitting, don't you think? Dead language for dead creatures."
The incredulous look on her face must have told him everything, as his laugh almost muted her following words. "You guys speak Latin? Just like that?" 
"On ne sait jamais~"
She leaned back in her chair, almost asking him to repeat that. "Oh no, no, no," she shook her head. "That, my dear dead creature, is French. I'd recognize that cheese-choking accent anywhere."*
"Aah, you've got me this time, Bitch-chan." His eyes narrowed on her, and her stomach sunk, hoping to shrink into itself. "Say, how will you punish me?"
She was legally obliged to do a double-take at that. He couldn't be serious, right? "Punish you?" She stammered. 
"Of course. After all, I did try to deceive you, didn't I?" 
She knew he was plotting something with the way his mouth quirked up. Even though he was babbling about  his  punishment, there was no doubt in her heart that it would be her spot if she didn't play her cards right. If only it was so simple.
"I suppose the 'I'll let it slide this time' is not an option?" She asked, crossing one leg over the other. 
"Hm~ You know, if you don't teach me a lesson, I might just keep up the deception. Do you really want that?" 
Hell would freeze over before he stopped lying.  Chipped in the logical part of her brain. But it didn't mean she couldn't use the situation to at least try to play something for herself. 
"Right," she started, adjusting her pose to mirror a proper negotiator's. "As your punishment, I want you to tell me everything you know on memory enhancements, or however you call it."
"Aah, Bitch-chan," his pained moan made her hair raise up. "That's not how you do it at all!"
"No," she cleared her throat, shifting in place. "You told me to pick a punishment, and I did."
"But your punishment is boring~" like a puppet on a string, he leaned closer, almost invading her space. "Wouldn't you prefer something more... exciting?"
His voice dropped dangerously low, and panic shot through her. She hadn't allowed herself to unpack all that went down between them, fearful of the things this would force her to admit. She was prepared to chalk it up to exhaustion and basic survival instinct, even if denial killed her. But as his eyes dropped heavy and long fingers slowly trailed up her arms, she had to force herself not to flinch. 
"The punishment," she started, praying for her voice not to betray her. "It was supposed to be your punishment, not mine."
He hummed, his fingertip ghosting along her vein. "You're awfully determined to interrogate me, Bitch-chan. Could it be that you still haven't said goodbye to your family?" The innocent look on his face was almost enough to convince her it was a genuine slip-up. Almost. She'd long since learned hardly anything was accidental with him. "Whoopsie, I wasn't supposed to say that."
It was apparent he knew something. Now the question remained how  she  could   get her hands on that information. Hardly paying it any mind, she caught his wandering hand and placed it palm up on the table, temporarily keeping the fingers confined. "Look," she started, somehow maintaining eye contact. "it's evident that a. you know that something happened to my parents," she began, straightening his index finger. "b. you're aware it has something in common with memory manipulation," she accused, dabbing his middle finger into the table. "and c. you're clearly dodging the question," his ring finger went down with all the conviction she could muster. He, however, remained unbothered. 
"Hm~ Funny, because the way I see it-," he all but purred, his outstretched fingers slowly gliding up her forearm. A slight tremor went through her, and she could have sworn he counted it as a victory. "You're clearly so desperate for any explanation of what happened to your beloved family. Aah, aah," she opened her mouth to protest, and he raised his finger to silence her. "my turn now. I could share it with you, but..."
She knew what he would say far before he grabbed under the chair and dragged her closer, forcing her legs to spread over the edges. His rich scent washed over her, bringing back memories of the first time they were in a similar position. Back then, she didn't know she should run for the hills. Back then, things were easier. Back then, it was all lies. Blood wooshed in her ears as he leaned closer, slowly bringing her fingers to his mouth.
"Everything has a price, Bitch-chan. I wonder how much are you willing to pay?"
He was testing her. It was a bait, a trap so well-marked only an absolute fool would fall for it. Yet, she didn't have many options left. For all she hated it, he was the one with answers. He knew  why  her family had forgotten her and maybe even how to bring them back. But information like that didn't come cheap. Her teeth sunk into her bottom lip so hard she almost tasted blood. The next words tasted like ash. "What do you want me to do?"
His grin was equally charming as it was absolutely horrifying. "Excellent answer," he murmured into her palm, and she felt his tongue sneak between her fingers. 
Suddenly she understood what selling her soul must feel like.
This,  protested her brain,  is absolute madness. 
Misaki stifled a scream. She knew. She knew why she was doing  this , yet it hardly made it any easier. Pacing back and forth before her door, she attempted to regain any semblance of control over her mind. 
The clock struck twelve.  That's it,  she thought.  This is how it ends. 
Dressed in the most covering cream turtleneck and thick black jeans that didn't have a single smallest hole in them, she still felt it wasn't enough layers. She threw on her loose jacket, and even though she was sweating like hell already, she vowed to keep it on at all times. With that, her armor was complete, and she yanked her door open, heading with purposeful steps toward his room. 
It was one thing pacing in her room. But standing in front of the dark wood, her situation suddenly seemed ten times more real. It was cruel of him. Telling her to come to his room almost four hours later, he gave it just enough time for paranoia and crippling anxiety to take root. Still, she swallowed her fear and knocked. 
The door opened almost immediately, revealing Laito leaning on the frame with the most shit-eating grin she'd ever seen. His lack of clothes made her winter outfit almost laughable. Clad in a barely-buttoned white shirt and comfortable pants, he seemed utterly at ease, like this mess was his typical midnight entertainment.  It probably was,  she thought bitterly. 
"Bitch-chan," he peeled himself from the wall and offered her a hand. "With a look like that, I could think you're trying to seduce me." 
"In your dreams," she grabbed his hand and dragged him inside, kicking the door shut behind them.
[Chapter VII] [Masterlist] [Chapter IX]
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psyoniks · 2 months
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i got bored and doodled 1/4 of my fan kids on my notes app. finally made more kids so cody and cain aren't just homestuck inserts. might actually draw them asp
casy garcia and sean ashley
weird creepy pasta kid and annoying theater kid
cody dreams on derse and is a mage of mind and sean dreams on prospit and is a maid of heart
fun facts/random stuff:
cody constantly draws operator symbols on his arm because its fucking cool.
he will spam everyone at 3am in the pestergroup chat to show his shitty proof of mothman. he didn't sleep for 72 hours and was running on coffee. it was just a moth on his window.
speaking of, he's terrified of moths. they're the devil incarnate.
stole his name from the best creepypasta x virus
gets genuinely anxious at the idea of aliens existing. he's going to have a hell of a breakdown at some point.
never shuts up about Pokémon. ever.
most likely nonbianry or smth but he ain't got time to figure that out
likes glam rock, screamo and vocaloid
makes short horror films and likes bringing his cam recorder into the woods next to his house to try(and unsuccessfully)find evidence of the supernatural.
makes multiple dnd character sheets because its fun but never uses them. and because he's a nerd and has no one to play with irl.
plays the electric guitar but he's extremely bad at it.
he watches way too many shitty romcoms
sean wants to visit paris to have a main character love story moment.
people think he's annoying because he likes to be dramatic for the fun of it and is very theatrical. so he tries to tone it down when he's not alone, but it's pretty hard for him.
he's the type to read a book or write in a journal at a concert to seem 'mysterious' and by the off chance his favorite band invites him backstage to have a tour or some shit(he's so real).
in the theater club at his school, hasn't gotten a lead yet but he will eventually!(he won't)
sean actually has terrible stage freight, but still has a passion the preforming arts, so he joined the club in the spur of the moment to try and get over it
tripped over his own foot during opening night for a musical and ended up starting a fire somehow.
likes high-school musical and glee.
actually plays a sport, soccer.
pretends to know french because it thinks it makes him seem more sophisticated. He does not know french.
hates coffee but drinks it anyways. thinks its 'romantic' since coffee shop love stories are all rage.
reads old boring books that you'd read in english class like the great gabsty because he thinks it make him seem more mature.
he's actually very happy to help out his friends anytime they need something
cody and sean like to discuss about the conspiracy theories about the cult theater people, the mystery of hamlet curse, superstitions and of the incredibly specific scenario if aliens were to infect humans to sing and dance(tgwdlm real). other than that they like to play video games, though their tastes are wildly different. cody likes horror while sean likes those really bad visual novels, which cody makes fun of. they also both unironically like twilight. cody is team jacob and sean is team edward and they do argue about it.
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kwon-eunbi · 1 year
I do not miss the constant deadlines of academia at all. Like, I loved going to class and learning and filling my head with interesting things, but the stress of deadlines and exams were awful. Being a librarian would be so amazing, would you want to work in a small library or a big one? Or like a community library or an academic one?
It was actually for Chinese linguistics, it was about tracing modern languages back to Middle Chinese and untangling how they evolved. I speak Mandarin, Russian, and English, and I’m supposed to speak French, but I don’t, don’t tell anyone. I lived in Paris and my dad’s partner is French Canadian, but I can only kind of read it. I love learning languages, though, I started Korean for an ex (when we were together ofc) and even though that’s over I keep going back to it because I enjoy the puzzle of sentence construction.
It's a good cover! Sounds basically the opposite of Wooyoung’s, and yet I think both of them capture the emotions of the song and lyrics in different ways.
I have such a soft spot for “Say My Name”, it was when I started listening to them, and I was like look at these kiddos going WILD. “Bad bitch, watch her do coke” indeed! But I do love when Hongjoong dresses fashionably but in an artsy way, if that makes sense, where he uses looks that aren’t exactly pretty as part of his performance, like the mullet in 2019. But honestly he’s just a crazy good performer, he could wear a paper bag and I’d be applauding wildly like YES king you are SO right. And Wooyoung with his little brother vibes off the chart through the whole era (and every other era tbh).
I like their melodic songs a lot, when I get frustrated with a piece on violin, I’ll play a little kpop song as a reset for fun, and “Precious”, “Horizon” and “Inception” are all go-to songs for that. But when I listen to their more melodic songs, I’m digging through there for the harmonies cause I just find those so much more interesting, when San finally gave in and started modulating in their performances of “Turbulence” on It’s Live? Ohhh those got me. He said no tritones on my watch! I might prefer their less pretty music tho? Like “Fireworks” or “Deja Vu” or “The Real”. I don’t know, but there’s not really a wrong answer.
For “Guerilla”, I joked that I wanted a nardcore comeback, my friends told me to be realistic, I said well now I’m gonna speak it into existence, and when Jason Sears possessed Mingi for those thirty seconds I went back to them like What Did You Say To Me. I think I would have liked it more with less pitch correction but I’m very annoying about punk music so ignore me.
I’ll check out Lucifer then! I need a new show for my cardio workouts, and if there’s five seasons then it’ll last a while. I remember what I saw of it was that it was a fun show, and I love a good monster-of-the-week show, so it’ll be great for those early mornings.
Thanks for letting me ramble haha I love talking about music. I hope you’re resting well and getting lots of sleep.
hiiiii, sorry for not responding sooner, i didn't have time to sit down and respond properly bc yk uni and my friend came to stay with me so it's just been hectic lmaoo (i literally open tumblr, reblog the first gifset on my dash i see and close it), but how are you doing?? i hope well!! <33
ahhh i so get you about the deadlines. i enjoy going to lectures the first few weeks of the semester too but then i just... get bored of it and i just wanna skip them all but most of them check attendance so i can't skip too much :(( honestly i would just love to work in a library, idec which one just one yk, but in this economy and yk libraries not being such popular places anymore, i would be lucky to land a job anywhere....
omgggg that sounds sooo interesting!! i really love chinese but i don't think i would ever attempt to learn it cause honestly my brain isn't equipped for that so i truly admire you for not only knowing it but also studying its linguistics wow!! and ohh damn you speak russian too, well yk we could understand each other on basic levels cause my mother tongue is croatian. and yess, korean is so fun to study, i really wish i had more time to dedicate to it.
ohhh so you're basically a "veteran" atiny, love that! omg yess hongjoong and his fashion sense and his painted pinkie ahhhh it's amazing trulyyyy, and i agree he's an amazing perfomer, honestly all of ateez are, they're just crazy good it's insane!!
OMG YOU PLAY THE VIOLIN???!? wooow!! i love violin so much i always wanted to learn to play it wow you're truly so talented wowww!! and honestly i agree with you on it all! they truly have a discography to fit your every mood like no joke! btwww did you see the teasers for the new cb??? i caaant wait tho i am a bit disappointed that we're getting only two new songs but yk they've been working too hard this year i wasn't expecting a cb yet anyway but i'm definitely going to enjoy it fully!!
broo i love punk/rock/alternative in general so i'm really loving all of these new songs, like since rocky i was just AHHHH YESSS this is what i needed!! yk even tho i do love their more melodic songs, i hope they go in this punk direction a little longer cause it suits them so well and i definitely love the songs
yess lucifer is amazing and yk some seasons have more eps so it would definitely last you a while hahah
and feel free to ramble whenever you want! soon in the dms too hehe and again sorry for not responding sooner! i hope you're doing well too and getting rest <333
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devilbat · 4 years
Quarantine Online
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A/N: sorry I have been MIA for months now. A lot has going on in my life and Depression sucks, making it hard to write, so forgive me.
Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Warnings: Just fluff
Summery: dating is hard it's even harder when a Pandemic happens.. 
     The picture you stared at only showed a well-toned lean body in a well-tailored suit. Most of the photographs showed the same, never his face. His name was Tom 39 years old, living in London. Though he dose travels a lot for work. Shakespeare fanatic, runner, enjoys cooking, long walks with his dog when he's not running and lots and lots of dancing. Six foot one, six foot two on a good day. Who was testing the waters out there, but will be the perfect gentleman and very respectful.
        His profile stated as you looked through it. He had messaged you right as you thought about giving up once again. Everyone on these dating apps only wanted one of two things. Nudes or sex nothing more. No connection, no relationship, not even a friendship. Sure, you were offered friends with benefits.
That was something you were not looking for. Did it not state in your profile that you weren't going to do any of that. Do men even read?
       The few dates you have gone on all ended up a bust. Then the quarantine happened right as you were getting yourself out there. So it was conversations via text. But soon you were ghosted far too many times because you wouldn't send nude.
        You were all about to shut down your account when this man named Thomas H. sent you a message. You weren't even sure why you click on the email from this man without a face. Here you were reading what he had to say.
           My name is Thomas, but naturally, I go by Tom. I'm sure you might not even respond to this as there is no face to this profile. With my job and for my privacy would be one of many reasons why. But I thought I might give it a shot. And I have to say I'm quite mesmerized by your beauty. You are quite lovely, and I'm sure you get that a lot. But I genuinely mean it. I was a bit fascinated by your profile as I read it, might have had chucked at a few bits of it. I would like to know more about you.
       Like what type of nerd are you? Marvel or DC?
Star Wars or Star Trek? And of course, I'll answer any questions you might have for me. As well I would not ask for any pictures of you clothed or nude as I would like to get to know you as I'm hoping you wouldn't mind getting to know me without the nudes as you put it. Ehehe.
     I genuinely hope to hear from you. But understand if I don't.
Sincerely, Tom.
    Ps, I do hope this quarantine hasn't made you gone completely bonkers.
       Usually, you wouldn't have responded, but something about him told you not to pass this up. What was the worst that could happen that already hasn't happened on an online dating app? Well, there was always the fact he could be a serial killer.
       Hello Tom,
    You may have messaged me in time I was about to give up on this site and return to my habit.  Marvel all the way. I would hope you would agree or we can't continue talking. Though, I can't deny that DC needs to just stop with Batman movies. The should have stopped before George Clooney. Though I will give Christian Bale props, he did a better job than Clooney.
         As for Star Wars and Star Trek? That is a tough one, so I'm just going to say both are good. But let's face it. Captain Kirk is the better star fleet Captain. Sure Picard is excellent as well. But anyone after them just doesn't do it for me. Ha ha..
     And it's all about Baby Yoda. If you are not a baby Yoda fan, you're just wrong. Yes, I'm one of "those" girls.
Coffee or Energy drinks? I would say I dabbled in both. Pancakes or waffles? Yes, there is a difference. I'm a waffle girl myself. Well, that is all I can think of right now.
You hit send before setting your phone down on the table next to you as you yawned. Maybe it was an early bedtime, not like you had anything better to do. You puddled around your usual routine before bed. A loud ding brought you back to your phone.
"That was quick." Recognizing the chim of the app all too well. Grebing your phone, forgetting your face cream as you were curious about what he had to say—settling into bed, getting comfortable before you opened your phone.
I'm delighted to hear from you. If I'm quite bold, and for starters, its tea for me. With two sugars and a splash of cream. As for waffles or pancakes, I'm French toast kind of man, duh. Lol. Though you can't beat a good old fashion English Breakfast and a side of Earl gray. Eheh.
I'm quite a fan of marvel though it is a rather vast universe. What movies/comics praytell do you prefer?
Sorry love to disappoint, but I'm going to say Doctor Who I am British. The tenth and the eleventh doctor. I do hope you've seen the show. I used to watch the reruns of the original with my father when I was a young wide eye lad. I am a fan of both Star Wars and Star Trek. And there is nothing wrong with liking a baby Yoda. He is exceedingly loveable.
          It says your new to England, where are you from originally? How long have you've been here? Seen any of the sights England has to offer?
       That's all for now.
Sincerely, Tom.
          Emails went on for weeks talking back and forth first on the dating app than via text. You were the one to leap by giving him your number. After hitting send your phone vibrated with a text.
         Unknown number: Hello love, this is Tom. I'm delighted to receive your text.
        More weeks had passed. Still, you had yet to see his face though he did send you photos of random things during the day. You did the same as your toes sticking out from the bubble bath. Then you got a text of his toes sticking out from under the blankets. The two of you would watch a movie together. The quarantine was still in effect. Each of you would pick a film out every other weekend and sit back and watch it—text throughout the movie.
          Y/n: Omg did she just run up the stairs like a dumb big boobed bimbo!!! She makes the rest of us look bad.
Tom: Eheh, you said it darling, not me. Though I think she might survive this.
Y/n: Wanna make a beat? I think she will die within the next few minutes.
Tom: Oh, it's on. Now, what do I get if I win?
Y/n: Whatever it is you want cause mister you are going to lose.
You both patiently wanted to see what happens next. The movie ended, and you waited in annoyance for Tom to respond to gloat about being right. And to see what he desired for his spoils of war.
Tom: Well, Love, it looks like I have won this round.
Y/n: It seems you have butthead. What is it that the winner wishes for?
Tom: Did you just call me a butthead? Eheh. Hmm, let's see. How about a Skype date? I figured it was about time to reveal myself.
Y/n: Tom, I just meet you. I'm not sure I'm ready to see your eggplant. Haha.
Tom: I probably should have rephrased that better. My face love, my face. Eheh. Tomorrow at 7 pm?
Nervous was an understatement. You had cleaned your whole flat even if you were going to stay on the couch, laptop resting on a large pillow setting on your coffee table. You sat playing with your hair, unsure if you wanted it up or down. A chim from your computer startled you from straightening out your dress you finally had settled on. Soon a well-tailored suited chest came on screen.
       "Hold on, darling, trying to adjust this blood screen." The deep British, very attractive yet somehow familiar voice rang through the computer speakers. You only assumed it belongs to Tom.
           You watched the man attempting to fiddle with the view, cursing ever so quietly. Making you giggle relaxing a little bit more. Your laughing came to an abrupt halt when Tom's face came into Focus. Your jaw dropped. And now the unmistakable "ehehe" came in to play as you stared at none other the most eligible bachelor in England none other than loki himself Tom Hiddleston.
           "Darling, I think your drooling." Tom teased point to the side of his clean, shaved face. Tom fidgeted with his now raven-colored hair.
          "Oh, I-I," You stammered out, trying to compose yourself.
           "Didn't see this coming did you?" Tom smiled, wetting his lips with that blasted tongue of his.
           "Well, no. I wasn't expecting Tom
           "Is that a bad thing?" Tom spoke up.
           "Oh, no, no. I would be an idiot to say it was. Hey, wait a minute. I've told you that, that, that. Shit." You muttered.
          "That I was your hall pass if given a chance. Eheh. Well, it looks like you'll have had wasted your hall pass privileges. You only get one and can't use it on someone if you are already seeing them."
        "You know, sir, you are still a butthead." You stuck out your tongue at the man.
        "You do like calling me that. Why are you calling me a butthead this time?" Tom grinned.
              Your time with Tom was extraordinary, the two of you talked throughout most of the night. He told you things you never knew about the actor every woman pined over. Here you were, the one woman out of a billion he seems to fancy.
           "Well, love." Tom cooed as he watched you try not to nod off to sleep. "I should let you sleep."
         "I'm sorry." You muttered sleepily.
          "Do not apologize, my dear. I should be the one to apologize I've kept you up most of the night.” Tom smiled softly. He watched as you rub your eyes, a shy smile softly graced your lips. Making Tom’s heart flutter.
”Perhaps, my dear, would you like to meet for coffee at the cafe that opened back up?” Tom hummed in high hopes.
”Hmm, I don't know.” You smiled, trying hard to look like you were contemplating though you were going to say yes. To hell with this virus, it was Tom Hiddleston asking you to coffee.
”I mean, I'll wear a mask and stay six feet if needed.” Tom added quickly.
”No, no, there is no need for that. I don't mind unless you feel like it's needed.” You pipped up—Tom grind like a fool shaking his head no.
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kiatheinsomniac · 4 years
Chapter I: A Bright Opportunity
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Clad in robes of deep red and gold, she waited in the shadow of the hidden door, peering through the crack of it being ajar, the hidden stone tunnel stretching out behind her. Her slim body was leaned back against the cold wall as she waited for her contact's company to leave the room. Once alone, she stepped silently out of the shadows and into the warm golden light that poured in through the polished windows, kissing the skin of the woman's face as soon as she pushed her hood down from her head and onto her shoulders.
"Your majesty." She addressed formally, kneeling down as she bowed her head towards the floor and placed a hand over her heart.
"Winifred, I take that your presence before me means you have something of importance?" The red-haired queen of England queried, waving off the alerted guards to lower their weapons before gesturing for the other woman to stand.
"Of course." Spoke the assassin, rising from her bow to pluck a letter from her pocket, the red wax seal already broken, she handed it over to her queen, "A plot by the Vatican - and I'm afraid that your cousin Mary may be involved too, Elizabeth."
"Thank you." The queen spoke, sucking down a breath as she thought of the gravity of the situation - yet another burden for the queen's already heavy shoulders, "Though, this only means more work for you, I need you to uncover if Mary truly is involved, I want to know exactly what powers are conspiring against me and my throne."
"I'll get right to it, your majesty."
(Y/n) opened her (e/c) orbs, her vision fuzzy from sleep. An irritated groan was pulled from her lips when she reached for her phone, her alarm blaring in her tired ears. It was six in the morning and her usual time to get up for school.
Her dream was quickly fading from her memory, all she could remember was seeing Queen Elizabeth I of England and an old-fashioned letter with a seal. "Proof that I'm passing history, I suppose." She grumbled to herself as she unlocked her phone to check all her social medias before she exited her plush bed. It was full of white fluffy blankets and pillows and shielded her body from the cold air that nipped at anything outside of her blankets. Her light grey walls stood tall around her in her rather plainly decorated bedroom - there wasn't much aside from her wardrobe and organised desk.
She quickly finished up checking all her messages before jumping out of bed and heading to the bathroom to relieve herself, wash her face and to brush her teeth, shivering gently at the cold temperature, all too eager to get back to her room where she could wrap herself in a blanket as she readied herself.
Upon returning to her room, she began dressing for the day of school that lie ahead, sitting on the floor in front of her full-length mirror to style her (h/l) (h/c) hair and do her usual makeup. As she went through her morning routine, she danced around a little to the music that was playing from her phone - mostly her favourite songs by Lana Del Rey with some Billie Eilish and some classics thrown into the playlist.
Once she was done, she headed downstairs to make herself a coffee to drink while she sat at the dining table doing any homework that was due in that week.
She was the only person in the house. The solitude never bothered her ever since she was young - her parents worked a lot and she never had much of a close relationship to them anyway. In fact, relationships weren't something she was accustomed to anyway - her parents' work meant that they moved house a lot so she never really managed to make friends or stay in touch with them either. But, she was perfectly content with her studies and happily sitting at the top of her classes.
She was one of those people that could never get enough - no matter what she did, there had to be more to get done. For every lesson, there would be another three to learn to push herself further. 'Why settle for less when you can be the best?' she would often say to herself whenever she took a little break from studying to browse the internet on her phone.
Once it was time to leave the house, she was pulling on a coat and slinging her bag over her shoulder, drinking down the last of her slowly cooling coffee.
Her walk was just like any other usual day, taking the paths beside the main road while her music accompanied her through the cold early-spring morning. She let out a sigh while her playlist shuffled in her headphones, blasting loudly in her ears. She passed familiar paths and roads, stopping at the same traffic lights. (Y/n) had the option to be driven to school by the family driver but she preferred the twenty minutes of morning air considering she didn't leave the house often enough.
When she arrived in school, she made her way towards the library where she pulled a notebook and textbook out of her bag, going over chemistry topics regarding balancing equations and relative atomic mass. Her music played softly in her ears now, music without vocals that would distract her if present in the song. This was how her day went: get to school and study, attend classes to study, sit studying at break, attend more classes to study, have a small break for a light snack and drink at lunch before studying then attend her final lesson to study. Once she got home, she'd sleep for a while then listen to music/ paint/ read a book before studying until dinner; after dinner, she'd have a bath and take some time to look after herself before going to bed.
(Y/n) could admit that a change in routine was all she longed for but she didn't know anything else. She had no friends to go out with and didn't really have anything interesting going on at all aside from family events. She wanted a change desperately but had no clue where to start - whenever she tried to mix things up, she'd always fall back into the same routine out of habit. When the bell went off, she packed her notebooks neatly away into her navy blue bag and tucked her phone into her pocket.
The approach of yet another repetitive day.
She sat through her first three lessons, her work at top standard and focus sharp as she pressed herself in her studies more and more. Her attention was following the video on the board that was explaining the use of tangent with angles of elevation and depression, noting down little features to keep in mind (all of which she already knew but noted it down nonetheless to show classwork) when a male teacher, who was escorting a female visitor, entered the classroom, making his way across the room to the teacher's desk. The (e/c)-eyed female had seen the grey-haired teacher around the school before and was rather sure he was one of the receptionists. She watched the hushed conversation quickly occur between the receptionist and maths teacher before the man straightened his back.
"(Y/n) Glacier, could you come with me please?" He spoke up, the student opened her mouth slightly, wondering why she had to be taken out of class.
"Do I need my bag?" She quizzed, reaching for the strap of the navy bag that rested by her feet.
"Yes, please," He spoke as he made his way back outside. (Y/n) quickly gathered her things and made her way outside, closing the door quietly behind her. Her (e/c) gaze managed to get a better look at the visitor. She was a woman in her late middle-ages with fair light brown hair and turquoise eyes. She wore a purple blazer and skirt with a white blouse and black heels.
"I'm not in trouble am I?" The student quizzed, she had no idea why she had been taken out and was beginning to grow worried that she might have done something; though, there was nothing that she was able to think of.
"On the contrary, dearie." The visitor spoke up as they walked towards a classroom, that was bare aside from the school's headmaster, where the three of them took a seat. The school's headmaster was a woman nearing being elderly with jet black hair that presented a few grey streaks. On her nose were thick-rimmed glasses and she wore a deep red blazer with a white blouse and a flowing black skirt that reached her ankles. She was a good headmaster and had been running the school for the good part of three decades from what (Y/n) had heard.
"Miss (L/n), this is Miss Pearl Attaway." The headmaster spoke, "She's a member of staff at Vermere Lake Grammar School and she's representing the board there that are searching for students to join seeing as it's a new establishment."
"Ok. . ." (Y/n) began slowly, "I suppose, to begin with, I'd like to ask: why me?" She began picking at a thread on her skirt under the table, finding herself to be rather nervous.
"Your grades are outstanding, (Y/n)." Pearl Attaway began, "We're looking for students with gifted minds like yours, you'd be a wonderful asset to the school."
"Where is this school?" The (s/t)-skinned student quizzed, wanting to know everything about it before she began to make up her mind on attending.
"The French countryside." The visitor replied. (Y/n) opened her mouth to speak but was cut off, "I know what you're thinking and I'm sure that the proposal of a boarding school comes as quite a shock but your parents have been spoken to and they both are in favour of you going and have left the final decision up to you." (Y/n) stopped to think. This choice was going to be far more difficult and impactful than she originally thought.
"I think that I'm going to need more time to make up my mind on this. . . I mean: France? A boarding school? I've never done anything like that before, I've never stayed away from my house unless I'm with family. . ." She looked down at her lap. This could be her chance to really advance in her studies! And the fact that they had sought her out specifically too! Would she be around more like-minded people?
"It's perfectly understandable if you want some time to think this over but I'm afraid that I'll be needing an answer before the end of the month," Pearl replied. That gave (Y/n) three weeks to make her big decision. The (h/c)-haired student turned to her headmaster.
"I know it's a lot to ask for but could I go home? I want to be somewhere where I can have some clear-headedness to think about this and I'd like to talk to my parents too. It's understandable for you to say no." She requested. The older woman tossed the idea around in her head for a moment.
"I'll have to contact your parents but I'm sure they'll allow you to return home." She smiled as she stood up, everyone else in the room following suit. The receptionist began leading Pearl away. However, the woman in purple paused on the threshold of the door.
"We hope that you'll choose to join us, (Y/n)." And with that said, she was around the corner and out of sight.
"If I may add my thoughts on this," The headmaster spoke up as she began leading (y/n) to her office in order to make a phone call to the student's parents, "I believe this is an excellent opportunity for you, I've seen your grades and your class books and I believe that this school cannot provide the facilities and teachings that you need to further your education. This would be perfect for you."
"I know. . ." (Y/n) began thoughtfully, "It's just the boarding school part that's making me hesitate. I've never been away from my family before." It was true that she was used to solitude but she was used to that in her own household, not in the countryside of another country surrounded by other people her age. She was certainly stuck on the fence. . .
The call was made and she was sent home, hence why she was laying on her bed of lightly coloured pillows and blankets, staring up at her white ceiling.
"This could be the change you want - no! - need! This could be your way to get a change in routine and press yourself to be the best! But it's so far away. . . And? You're not close to your family anyway, it's not like you can't call them for comfort if need be. You're not exactly leaving any friends behind either. . . What if you can make some friends there? If they're looking for people like you perhaps you can get on well with them. This could be the best decision of your life! Or the worst. . . Come on, you get to go to another country and attend an outstanding school! Don't let sentiment hold you back! It's a boarding school, I'm sure you can bring whatever you want to make yourself feel at home. Tell you what: let's do it! Let's go to this school! What have I got to lose? The worst thing that could happen is getting homesick." And so, she reached across the bed for her phone to contact her father who would tell Pearl Attaway that (Y/n) would be attending Vermere Lake.
For the first time in her life, the change she longed for was finally within reach.
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multiocblog · 3 years
Greetings~! Welcome to my blog!
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Just a little introduction, and some rules along with it~! ^^
Hello~! My name is Brianna but you may call me Bree~ I like to write stories, and create my own characters and such- It's what makes me happy~! And I love when I get to act like my OCs and interact with people! So, I created this blog~! (Sorry this post is quite long so be ready to read-)
To start out this blog, I have 7 OCs I will be making introductions for, so you can find out some about them, and interact with asks!
I have 2 OCs from Black Butler, 3 OCs from Diabolik Lovers, and 2 OCs from My Hero Academia! (I have many many more OCs soon to be added to this blog once I get consistent and completely settled in!)
Theres a brief intro to each at the bottom of the page!
((I write better than what I did there I swear-))
In the meantime, here are the
No NSFW asks PLEASE! They make me very uncomfortable, and any asks I think might be dirty in any way, I will not answer.
Please make sure you put the OCs name in parenthesis or brackets so I am aware of which OC you are talking too! Ex." [To Arabella] I love your outfit! "
Please be kind! I will not accept hate comments or anything of the sort towards a subject, opinion, or an OC!
PLEASE "tag" or label accordingly to anything, slightly, definitely, or mildly triggering, even if you're not sure! I just want to make sure that everyone can scroll through my blog without having to be weary! Ex. [TW death]
Please do not flood the askbox or get mad that I don't answer right away! I can't always be online for I have a life to live outside of social media. This is purely for fun! ^^
Please no asks about r*ape, inc*st, pe*dophilia, or anything of the sort! Talk of those subjects will not be tolerated on this blog!
I am the admin to this account, therefore, I am allowed to reject or ignore ANY ask if need be.
((Rules will be updated, should the need arise.))
Bye for now~!
((OC info under read more!!))
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Kyoko Komori (DL) ((OC based off the anime. Though I've heard plenty about the games, I have not yet played them, so if I get some things wrong I apologize in advance.))With Kyoko everything is the same. Yui has Cordelias heart and such and was supposed to be sent to the brothers. However, in this universe, Yui has an older sister, one year apart, whom has also been adopted, except she knows it. When she overhears something about her younger sister, her only sister, being sent away to vampires, she decides to take her place. To protect her.
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Alyssa Freeman (MHA) ((I have not watched the entirety of MHA yet, and really I don't plan too anytime soon. So if I get anything wrong please correct me, and spoilers to the anime for me are welcomed. Let's just act like I've seen it all-)) Alyssa hates villains. And heros for that matter. All of them. When her apartment was destroyed from a casualty in a battle, Alyassa labeled heros as reckless and careless of the people around them. Herself and her little brother where heading back to the apartment, when she saw it crumbling down. Her parents and grandparents still inside, along with her best friend who was going to surprise Alyssa with a visit. Now she lives on the streets, doing whatever she can to provide for herself and her little brother.
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Ongaku Yamada Aizawa (MHA) ((Again, haven't seen it, let's just pretend I have. Also this OC is in result of a ship. I don't really ship it, but I thought both their powers together would be cool so I thought, why not?)) When Ongaku was young, she was always bullied in 1st and 2nd grade for having two dads. One time, she got in trouble for heavily injuring a student with her voice quirk. You can insult her all you want, but not her dads. So, in 3rd grade, she kept a lie she created, that she only has one dad, Erasure Head Shota Aizawa, and that her mother died when she was born. Turns out the lie worked pretty well, people loved her and she was seen as an icon for having a prohero as a father. Shes was usually a quiet person, kept to herself, no friends, only spoke when spoken too. It was just her, her drawings and her music in her headphones. To this day, she keeps the lie, and keeps her distance, even at her new school, in U.A. (She also develops a major crush on Tenya Iida while there.👀)
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Lilly and Lila Sakamaki (DL) ((Just thought I'd make one description for both bc they're twin sisters. This is also result of a ship. Ayato x Yui.)) Lilly and Lila are polar opposites despite their similar looks. Lila loves the cutesy, pink, flower stuff, and Lilly is all "tough" and "all that" (When shes really insecure-) Lilly is extremely protective over her sister, and possive too. She doesn't let any man even glance in her general direction. Basically if a man wants to ask Lila out, hes gonna have to go through some interrogation. Lila loves her sister deeply, and is basically like her sisters personal therapist. Lilly will only vent and show emotion around Lila. Lila tries to get her sister Lilly into pink, but with no prevail. Typically, you'll find Lilly hanging out with "Uncle Reiji", for she has a secret interest in his experiments and such. She'll also cuddle with Uncle Shu whenever she has time. And Lila loves hanging out with Uncle Kanato and Uncle Laito. She'll have tea partys with Kanato all the time. Lilly always tries to get Lila away from Laito. She says he's "demented" and "weird". But, Lila doesn't listen and hangs out with him anyway. Laito and Kanatos typical nickname for Lila is, Lilac or Little Flower. Both twins are vampires. Yui always teaches them about God and how to be selfless and kind, while Ayato plays sports with Lilly and cute video games (like Animal Crossing) with Lila.
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Arabella Phantomhive (BB) ((This OC is placed in the future, and based off a ship, Ciel X Lizzy. Please be aware that, even though my OC speaks multiple languages, I do NOT. So, as bad as it sounds, I'll probably use Google Translate if I must use another language-😅 ) When Ciel and Lizzy are older and married, they have a little girl. Half human. Half demon. Arabella was taught how to be a lady, ballet, and sword fighting by her mother. And she was taught chess, ballroom dancing and more sword fighting by her father. Instead of going to a school, little Ara was homeschooled, by Sebastian, the Phantomhive Butler. He taught her multiple languages, such as Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, and her personal favorite, French. Time skip to the age of 10, she saw her mother murdered before her, and her father taken by some strange light beings. Having been raised by Sebastian since then, now she's 17, running the Funtom company, and determined to avenge her mother and find her father. :)
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Robert Trancy (BB) ((This OC correlates with the Arabella OC, and is in the same storyline.)) Robert J. Trancy was his sweet Arabellas betrothed since birth. Even though it is set to be an arranged marriage, Robert always had a crush on his Arabella, and was awaiting the day to marry his beloved. Robert is a sensitive and kind boy, but sarcastic and joking all the same having been raised by Alois Trancy. He has no idea of whom his mother is, and was always told she died when he was born. At the age of 6, it was at a party when he saw his father dead on the floor of the long corridor. He didn't exactly see his fathers death, but he heard it, and knew exactly who did it. Ciel Phantomhive. He was determined to make his revenge. Having made a contract with Claude, his fathers old butler, he now lives alone in the manor, sending all the old servants away, except Claude. He makes frequent visits to his sweet Blue Rose however. He's a very insecure boy, full of anger, bitterness, jealousy, and sadness, but hides it well behind humor and love for his bride-to-be.
That was very long- and for that I apologize-
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altairsarts · 5 years
Day seven: Free Day: Chosen Prompt: Letters
Mystery is smart. Nobody would expect anything less from him. He was the one who came up with the idea. (He might have also taken a little inspiration from a book and a movie.)
When Vivi came to him about her crush on Lewis, he told her to write letters to him, expressing how she felt, even if she never sent them. She did. And when she realized she had a crush on Arthur? The same thing.
She wrote letters.
Well, Mystery was apparently a really good confidant. Lewis and Arthur did the same, coming to Mystery and each time, he told them to write letters to each other and to her. And he kept their secrets, never telling any of them about the others, feeling it wasn't his place.
After they all got together, he may have mentioned that he told them all to write letters to each other.
Vivi wanted to read Arthur and Lewis’ letters to her. She was more than willing to let them read hers, the majority of the letters telling them about things she was interested in like shows and why she loved them.
Arthur was more hesitant. In some of his letters, he had put things he was too nervous to say to them out loud. He had also written down small things they’d said to him that he wanted to remember.
Lewis wrote down little things that he noticed that they did sometimes. He wrote his internal fanboyish responses to conversations and how they could've gone differently.
In the end though, all of their curiosity got the better of them and they exchanged the letters.
Despite Vivi writing the letters the longest, it was Arthur who had the most. Some of them singularly addressed to one of the other two, some of them addressed to both.
It was a rainy Sunday night in December when they all finally had the chance to sit down and read the letters together. Arthur kept his folded up in locked box, Vivi's were kept in an old jewelry box she kept in her closet, and Lewis’ were kept in a shoe box that he kept under his bed.
They all curled up on the couch under a blanket and started reading.
Dear Lewis,
Oh wow, it's strange to be able to write all this down somewhere. I guess if this helps I’ll have to thank Mystery. So, I guess I say all the things I want to say to you in these letters? I write ‘these’ as if I’m going to write more than one. Um, so, first I guess I want to say that I think I love you? It's hard to tell with the fact I’ve never loved anyone before and the fact that up until I realized I never thought I would like guys? Like, it's not a new concept to me by any means, I just never thought I would? I don't think I ever considered my romantic orientation actually. Huh.
So because you'll probably never read this I can spout whatever nonsense I want about whatever. So uh.. Yeah I guess the moment I realized I like you was probably yesterday when I caught you singing along to Helpless yesterday and you didn't realize I was watching until the song was almost over. You kind of just looked ethereal and I thought ‘I wanna kiss him’ and that was kinda what started this? I dunno.
I was kinda in shock and was really flustered actually and the way you got all embarrassed about it helped me realize that it wasn't just a passing thought and I actually really really wanna kiss you and love you and wow this is rambly. Like that was so cute oh my gosh. Anyway, I’ll have to remember that Hamilton is your favorite musical, maybe surprise you with one of the songs on your birthday. Also I’ll have to listen to it. The only reason I know the name of that song was because I googled the lyrics. Anyway, that's really all I can think of at the moment. I think I will continue writing these letters, they do help.
Lewis smiled at the letter and leaned his head on Arthur's shoulder, smiling and retrieved the next letter addressed to him. Vivi laughed at something the letter she was reading.
Dear Vivi and Arthur,
So I’ve known I love you both for a while now and I just talked to Mystery about it and he suggested this and it's a great idea, I don't know how I haven't thought of it before, what with me watching all those romance movies and shows but I’m writing now. Anyway, where should I start?
The beginning might be a good place. So I first realized I liked Vivi when you dragged us to that festival you wanted to go to. I knew it was probably a really bad idea since it was colder than usual and it was nearing cold and flu season and you said that you had been feeling more tired and less hungry than usual, which is normally a sign of being sick but you were so determined anyway. And then when you brought me that little flower crown I kinda just figured that you were who I wanted to spend my life with? I don't know if that's a good way to explain it but that's kinda what happened.
I realized I liked Arthur when we all drove down to that clearing in the woods together. You fell out if the van but ended up slipping into one of those ‘draw me like one of your French girls’ poses on accident and it was just so funny and you tried to play it off like you meant to do that and the level of sarcasm was the best and I knew I wanted you around for the rest of our lives, just like I did with Vivi.
So recently I noticed that we make up the pan flag with me being pink, Arthur yellow, and Vivi blue. It probably doesn't relate but this is my letter and you might not even ever read it so I’ll talk about the pan flag if I want to.
I’d love to talk on and on about the little things I notice about both of you but that’ll be in another letter since it's nearly eleven and I'm tired. Goodnight :)
Vivi grinned at the letter and then neatly put it back in the envelope she found it in, addressed to both her and Arthur and labeled ‘Number 1’, sliding it into Arthur's pile of unread letters while he read one of hers.
Dear Arthur,
Heyyyy so letters proclaiming everlasting love are more Lew’s thing so I have absolutely no idea how to do this. But yeah I just realized I love you (And Lewis too but this is your letter) a few hours ago when you did that whole party for my birthday and it was really fun. Actually now that I think about it the signs were all there I just never picked up on them. Huh, looks like none of us actually know what we're doing do we?
No we don't. But I can assure you it's totally, one hundred percent working! I mean, none of us are dead yet and that has to count for something. Anyway, I'm determined to tell you guys on a special occasion like Valentines Day or Christmas or some holiday or something because dramatics are fun. I freaking swear if either of you feel the same way and tell me or each other first… I need my moment people.
So there’s this new show I like that I think you’d be really interested in, if you haven't already watched it. It's Voltron: Legendary Defender and it's this kinda sci-fi thing but there's also magic which Lew would be into and overall I think that it would be fun to watch it all together. Make a night out of it whenever a new season is released, sit up with popcorn and snacks watching it.
There's also this band I’ve started liking recently. I can't remember their name for the life of me though. I’ll have to look it up later.
Oh maybe I’ll tell you through songs. Oh now I have ideas. I’m gonna go write them all before I forget.
Occasionally, one of them would go ‘awww’ or lean closer to the person whose letter they were reading, or laugh at something that was written.
You just caught me singing to Helpless. And I was singing about you two. Oh gosh, I hope you didn't notice. Or maybe I hope you did? I mean notice about me singing about you? Ah I don't make sense right now.
Update: the band’s name was Panic! At The Disco. Was the exclamation point necessary? Probably not but it adds to the aesthetic.
I only just noticed how your hair smells like the ocean. Vivi is everything you do blue?
Arthur, I love you but you have no idea how to make cinnamon rolls. I think you used up all of my sugar yesterday in your attempts. I swear that is the very first thing I'm teaching you to do if you ever let me teach you how to bake.
Holy heck Lewis how do you get your hair so fluffy and soft? Like I was really tempted to play with it and braid it during the movie but I didn't know whether or not you’d be okay with that?
I didn't think you remembered that road to the little cove I brought you to. But apparently you did and put up little fairy lights all over. I’m not sure how you managed to power those but I’m impressed.
I’m starting to think that you might know about my crush and have taken it upon yourself to let me know you know in the absolute slowest and most romantic way possible. Like last night when you asked me to dance with you.
So last night at the campfire when you two caught me staring? Yes I was very much so staring because you're both pretty.
Soon all three of them had read each and every letter that had been addressed to them.
“That was nice,” Vivi grinned.
“It was. I’m glad I kept those letters,” Arthur agreed.
Lewis hummed. “I would've still found a way to convey all of that out loud given time.”
“Yeah but this way we get to see your immediate reaction. It's nice,” Arthur said.
“Also I would like to say something for the record,” Vivi started.
The other two hummed and allowed her to continue. “Yes, everything I do has to be blue.”
Arthur laughed at her response to the passing comment.
“So you listened to the entire Hamilton soundtrack because you knew I liked it?” Lewis asked.
“Yeah, pretty much. You’re always doing nice things for me, so,” Arthur trailed off.
They discussed their letters a while longer until Vivi eventually fell asleep during a lull in the conversation.
Despite still being on the couch, they all happily fell asleep right there. In the morning, they woke up to the soft music that had been playing turned off and an extra blanket thrown over them.
Mystery is a very good not-dog.
So! Last post of the week wow. I'm kinda sad, writing all these and drawing them was fun. Speaking of drawing, I did some sketches for this story! So to address a few things in this story. Yes, Mystery got the idea from "To All The Boys I've Loved Before". I got the idea from myself, when I was crushing hard on my now-girlfriend, I wrote a few letters to her. Some of the things written in here were inspired by the things I would've wanted to say to her. Also, I had Vivi say 'a new show' in reference to Voltron even though it literally ended today is because these letters are supposed to be old, the majority of my stories take place after the cave so the first letters were written before the incident and they're reading them after.
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I also had different fonts for their handwriting. (This was originally written on google docs) Vivi's was indie flower, Arthur's was caveat, and Lewis' was corsiva. I wanted Vivi's writing to be a bit messier because her hands are trying to keep up with her brain which is going 100 mph, but google docs didn't have anything that fit that really, so I settled.
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killerqueenjoy · 5 years
99 Question Tag
okay okay I know i got tagged to do this like a month ago on my main blog by @santonicababy iM SORRY LIN ILY BUT THIS WAS SO DAMN LONG
I sleep in the room where everybodies closets are and they all gotta be closed goddamn do you know how spooky it is to even have one open during the night
my parents do, but alas I don't use them in case they have silicones or sulphates in them because I got a whole lotta curls to protect
if this refers to the sheet protecting the mattress, then my answer is in because how the fuck would you be able to sleep with that moving around???
heck yeah, but for random shit
nee my parents are fancy fuckers who use the coupons on their phone (our local supermarket has a damn app skskksksk)
a bear because its one giant son of a bitch and not millions of tiny motherfuckers and also I've never been stung by a bee and intend to keep it that way because majority of my family seem to be allergic
nope! I have a couple beauty spots on my hands and face but thats kinda it
not really but if I've been told to smile then its 200% dead inside
i find many things annoying
only when i go up and down stairs, but i also try to make sure i step with each foot equally (if that makes sense) and i step on only certain colour tiles when im bored
the real question is have i ever been in the woods? both answers are no
refer to question 12
14)ummmm idk what this question is meant to be curse you Lin
nope, the idea weirds me out
none, this week and in general
one person and a long yet smol doggo size
Eddie from the Rocky Horror Picture Show has been stuck in my head for the whole week so yeah i guess that
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but yeah, anyone can wear anything they want to wear (although a suit made out of meat might not be wise)
dudeeeee scooby doo and tom and jerry are my jam I watch them on the regular (among other things)
uhhm idkkkkk I tend to repress bad movies sksksk
idk shove it in the closet ig at least it will be hidden behind my sexuality
I usually only drink before or after but ig water??? cooldrink if I'm in a restaurant
depends on the nug
How dare you assume i only have one favourite
tbh it depends cos i love pizza and pasta and stuff but then i cannot live with my granny's curries ksksmks
borhap, sing street, rhps, the natm movies, the harry potter movies, any mcu movies
ahhahahahahahha bold of you to assume anyone wants to do that
nope but I was a catrobat which is basically my preschools acrobatics team that was actually really terrible
nahh m8
this week for a transactional task at school (It was in Afrikaans and I got a C skskskks)
omg no
not old enough to drive!
my parents never have for as long as i can remember
cheese because I am actually John Deacon
school nights its 11pm otherwise i dont have one lol
we dont celebrate that here but i rly want to it seems fun!
Ram, which is really cool because im an Aries, so I'm sheep squared
English, Afrikaans (at a basic highschool level), I could speak very vERY basic isiZulu when I was younger but I'm not sure about now, I know a bit of French and Telugu, and I'm gonna start learning Hindi soon!!
i didn't play much with legos and i have no idea what the second one is rip
to an extent
I kept reading Leno as Lenin ffs
I watch them occasionally with my granny, but I don't keep up with them very well (Kasamh Se is my shit tho)
no, im afraid of falling in general tho
My dad and I bop frequently to Never Gonna Give You Up in the car, and also classic bollywood songs (we have even learnt the choreography for some)
i perform
well theres not exactly much space
not sure
most are but thats why i like them
we don't celebrate because we're not Christian (we still eat a lot and exchange presents tho), but it can get stressful if we have to visit extended family, mostly because my extended family loves to insult everything about me so thats great!
not i good sir
never had one, it doesnt appeal to me
a vet
i am a ghost
not that i remember
yes, I take a multi vitamin, a vitamin D pill because I'm vitamin D deficient, and im not sure if this is a vitamin or not but i take evening primrose oil so that im not outwardly a bitch due to pms
i wear slipper socks, because my doggo got jealous of my doggie slippers and murdered them in cold blood
i have one and rarely use it because i forget it exists
a random shirt and pants, though ive been known to kick pants off (ive been doing that since birth), occasionally i manage to get the matching pj set
ive unfortunately never been to a concert before
ive never seen any of these stores in my country
i own neither
Peanuts because thats my doggos name!
no sorry
i went to a bhangra class for about a year, and we performed for our parents at the end of that year (i was in one of the few groups that didnt have to dance in lehengas thank goodness)
probably something creative, but I don't mind as long as they're happy with what they're doing and its not harming others!
never entered one, having to spell out loud makes me anxious
i think so
i wish
my granny burns incense while I'm at school because my mom and i both get really sick when its just been lit and the smell is strong. Going to the temple is a damn nightmare because of it
no, too busy fangirling
oof a long list
Queen, Twenty One Pilots, Waterparks, Frank Iero and the Future Violents (ffs fronk stop changin the name), Panic! at the Disco...to name a few
refer to question 63
sugar cookies
i wouldn't drown, but im no professional either
im doing it right now
I've only ever been to Hindi,Tamil and Telugu weddings and lemme tell you 90% of the time bands flop at those weddings because they can't sing the classics without failing miserably, so DJs are generally better. However, in that case, if a band can perform those songs, then I'd prefer a band ig
yep, a couple of reading contests
nope, not planning on it
dont like olives rip
i can knit!
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in fact, my friends and i are so cool that we're in our schools knitting club (which besides myself, @grandfunnyemopainter and @imjustabruh , only has 2 other members)
lounge or study/library
i guess, its not on my goal list tho
currently in highschool, and in love with the borhap cast, sebastian stan, stephanie beatriz and band members (theres more but yeah)
nope, i have only two ways to deal, be a total pushover or a total bitch
kind of undecided, but i do want more pets
Dark Blue
my dog, shes been ignoring me for about four hours now because I stayed at school for an extra hour (for knitting club!)
@softspaceboibrian @roger-taylor-owns-my-wigg @im-inlovewithmycar do it cowards
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lizzybeth1986 · 6 years
Quick Thoughts on DD Book 1 Chapter 4
• Jesus, this book is expensive.
• Like I assumed Chapter 3's one accomplishment-one-or-two-LIs-or-a-family-member thing would be a one-off, just to introduce us into the system/ease us into the story, but no...they've (sort of) repeated it this chapter. I was hoping they would spread out the accomplishments at least, but perhaps they want us to have at least most of the accomplishments worked out before we leave for London.
• I really hope this doesn't become a regular thing because it will only cause players to lose interest in the books for lack of affordability, in the long run. As it is the book largely caters to a niche audience...alienating that audience by having them lose of on half the story won't bode well for the book.
• Title: Best Foot Forward. Man, this one is easy. Of course it refers to dancing. And quite a lot of dancing is done this chapter, that's for sure!
• Sooo...the Earl has decided to introduce us into society in Edgewater with a garden party. Lots of hobnobbing, some dancing, a few games and you meet at least one 'suitor'.
• Did You Know: According to writer and garderner Kim Wilson, who wrote a book titled In the Garden with Jane Austen, gardens were viewed as markers of social status. In an interview with The Scotsman, she says, "each family's garden reflected not only their needs but, if they had enough money, their social aspirations". The poor cottagers of the time were mostly concerned with growing food and having a place to keep their chickens whereas wealthier families would have had kitchen gardens, but also often extensive pleasure grounds, which were places to display their wealth and taste. (from an article about Jane Austen's love for gardens in The Scotsman).
• Last chapter had us learning (optionally) the art of the fan from our Lady Grandmother, so it makes sense that what happens in this chapter is this:
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Lololol just kidding.
• So the chapter begins with the MC and Briar talking. Briar is excited about the fact that a Duke (who, she reminds us, is "one step below a Prince Regent"), and the MC can either choose to be excited or very confident. Interestingly, if you're excited, she reminds you to "not forget your roots", which I think is a recurring theme in this book. After all, that was the last thing the MC's mother told her on her deathbed.
• Dominique enters the room and both she and Briar present us with a pretty pink lace dress that is sure to improve both our social standing and catch everyone's eye at this introductory garden party.
• It looks quite pretty, actually. But that's because I love lace.
• We head downwards, finding Annabelle performing for herself in the foyer and having a thoroughly good time.
• I'm wondering if I should have a tally for the number of times she says "a thousand pardons" (and for the record, I think her way of saying "fiddlesticks" is adorable xD).
• Our third "accomplishment" (and our second paid one) is presented to us here: dancing. It's not like the MC doesn't know dancing - she does - it's that the country dances (this might be a reference to the English Country Dances that were popular among all classes) are different from the ones Annabelle has learned, and indeed the popular ones for the aristocracy that are coming in from other places, like France.
• Annabelle mentions a couple of dances that were popular for its time: the cotillion (originated from France), the Quadrille (also from France), and La Boulanger (also French). If we choose the shoes the Lady Grandmother got made for us, Annabelle wastes no time in teaching us the last one.
• Annabelle speaks to us about the Quadrille being new. She isn't lying. The Quadrille became fashionable in England around 1815.
• Again, the good thing about the accomplishment scenes is that they're meant only for learning the skill, and Annabelle can develop in her individual scenes independent of this. Though I'm not sure if cramming both her individual scenes and her accomplishment scenes in the same chapter, two chapters in a row is a very good idea.
• Another marker of how new the MC is, lies in her interaction with Mr Woods (who is perhaps the only member of the housing staff we see at the party. Briar disappears completely after she's done her work of getting the MC ready, and Luke doesn't appear either). Mr Woods is surprised the MC deigns to speak to him in public, and Henrietta uses her interaction with him to point out how little she fits in, what with talk of the MC's "roots".
• Lol the exchange with the Earl if you bought the scene with the Lady Grandmother is quite funny haha. He speaks about Dominique drilling him into learning the names of all the families and the MC - saucy little shit that she is 😄 - looks at her fan and says "oddly enough, I know exactly what you mean".
• Ernest Sincliare makes his appearance after two chapters, and there's some banter about compliments if you're wearing the pretty lace dress I think. She teases him about it and he retorts that since he passes compliments so rarely, you can be sure that when he does he means every word. I can see that logic in that, Sinclair, but must you look like a child who has accidentally sucked on a particularly sour lemon when you do? 😂
• Throughout the chapter, you get references to the Season in London, and each time the MC by default takes it for granted that she will not be going there. Sinclaire hosts parties in London, Annabelle Parsons will be going there for the Season. Up until the end of the chapter, the vibe given overall is that she won't be seeing the two for a while now that they will be leaving Edgewater, and she won't.
• Did You Know: The London Season was developed to coincide with the sitting of parliament. During the months when parliament was in session, members of both Houses needed to be in attendance in London and came to the capital bringing their families with them. The London season grew up in response to this influx of upper class people who needed to be entertained.
Amanda Foreman, in her biography on Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, stated: "the aristocratic "season" came into existence not only to further the marriage market but to entertain the upper classes while they carried out their political duties. The season followed the rhythm of Parliament: it began in late October with the opening of the new session, and ended in June with the summer recess.” of course, later on this period of time gradually began to shift.
There also seems to be something called the "little season", but that seems more a fixture of the Victorian age than the Regency one (as mentioned in the article on the London Season from the Regency History website).
• The Earl and Mr Sinclaire share a more than cordial relationship: the Earl treats him with considerable warmth and Sinclaire shows a genuine respect and regard for him. You have a choice of asking him whether it is the Earl - or you - he has respect for (and the second option leads to a romantic moment), but it is what he says about the Earl, and his later interaction with Duke Richards that intrigues me:
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What happened to Ledford Park that the Sinclaires almost lost it? Why does his statement towards the Duke about Ledford sound so accusatory? Why is there such a strong undercurrent within the latter interaction? I want to know what the story behind Ledford Park is, and how the Earl helped save it.
• One of my favourite Sinclaire-related sequences is an additional scene featuring the fan, as taught to us by the Dowager Countess the previous chapter. I tried the last two with Florence, the MC who has no interest in Sinclaire:
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(the first four screenshots are from the "friends" option, and the next four from the "go away u suck" option)
Meanwhile, Marianne just goes in for the kill, fam. Homegirl didn't learn all those thot moves from Grandma for nothing 😄
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I do like that extra bit of sexual tension in this scene. I'm not very into Sinclaire yet, but I can see the appeal he'd have for someone who would want the Mr Darcy type of Regency male LI character. You also see a fair bit of it in the scene where the MC asks him if it is her he respects:
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• Sinclaire, dude, what is it with you and Italics??
• We now interrupt our regular programme with a game of Skittles. I'm not sure how many of you assumed Regency-era aristocrats were going to start passing around fruit-flavoured candy but I sure did 😂
• So this is skittles, played with nine pins. Very much one of the precursors to present day bowling from what I've read. Playing this game, and beating a champion like Mr Sinclaire at it will not only allow you to spend time alone with him, but also increase your social standing.
• It's simple enough: hit the red pin in the centre, and if you want you can distract the hell out of Sinclaire after he's fired his first shot.
• Twice this chapter, you see our resident comic relief for the day: Miss Theresa Oh-My-Smelling-Salts Sutton, and Mr Edmund Do-I-Look-Like-I-Care Malcaster, and I've decided I like them both (I wanted to add screenshots, but tumblr mobile sucks and won't let me put up more than ten images 😒)
• So we meet the "handsome", "titled" eligible bachelor our Lady Grandmother wanted us so badly to marry and...
...um. lol. ok.
Handsome? Charming? When was the last time you looked in the mirror dude, 20 years ago?
• You have a choice of how to respond after Duke Richards insults Mr. Sinclaire. You can either choose the Manners option, or you can choose to outright sass the man. If you don't sass him? The Lady Grandmother will do it for you.
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• With the Manners option we find out that the Duke is 51 years old.
• With the non-manners option we find out that the dude likes saucy little minxes.
• @ the last panel in Florence's playthrough, Grandma even you can't deal with this dude for two minutes without nodding off. Why are you dumping him on my head then? (don't tell me. I know the answer 😐). See, this is why Florence will eventually kiss her inheritance goodbye lol.
• Jesus can this man just...speak two words without touching me??
• FINALLY. Miss Parsons. We choose a hiding place to get away from the Duke and then she offers to show us a new part of the estate: the lakefront. The great thing about gardens, esp in the writing of the time, was that it provided privacy for people at the time and allowed them to interact in ways they couldn't in public.
• Did you know: Austen herself used gardens pretty extensively in her writing. Mr Knightley confesses his love to Emma close to a shrubbery. Elizabeth jokes to her aunt about deciding to marry Mr Darcy after seeing the grounds in Pemberley. Fanny Price of Mansfield Park remarks, “To sit in the shade on a fine day, and look upon verdure, is the most perfect refreshment.” Catherine Morland of Northanger Abbey falls in love with hyacinths, Marianne Dashwood of Sense and Sensibility has a passion for fallen leaves in an autumnal garden, while Anne Elliot of Persuasion is always inspired to think of poetry when enjoying the beauties of nature.
Susannah Fullerton in her essay "Jane Austen and her gardens" (for the website Garden Drum) says: "Many proposals [in Austen's novels] take place out of doors where lovers can find some privacy amongst the gravel walks and flower beds; garden improvements are planned by some of the characters; and her heroines all enjoy going into a garden to think". 
• Makes sense then that one of the special scenes of this largely "forbidden" relationship (if you choose for that to happen) would take place in greenery, close to a lake. If you notice, it's quite in keeping with the times that most of the romantic moments this chapter happen either in an isolated section of the gardens or while dancing, both of which allow for some measure of interaction between people interested in each other.
• Miss Parsons, the legendary hero of a Duck Prophecy xD
• I love her in this scene. Sure she gets shy when she receives attention she's not used to from us, and she's kind and educative and sweet, but she's also boisterous and passionate and not afraid to pull punches when she needs to (case in point: the shade she immediately throws Henrietta's way regarding her "tutelage"). This scene has her stealing cake from the party to feed the ducks, getting exhilarated from the race and her new friendship with the MC, and feeling extremely confused by her feelings if you speak to her romantically.
• The first half of this scene is pure fun, but the second inevitably shows the two women experiencing a sense of loss that their connection will be cut short - whether they are friends or whether this is a budding romance.
• What I do love about both the romance scenes are the extra touches added to both in the coding. In the skittles scene with Ernest, Marianne is spoken of by default as brushing her hand against his before giving him the ball, whereas Florence simply passes it to him.
• Even with Annabelle, if you acquire romance points with her, the ending of that scene is written quite differently:
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I absolutely love this part of the scene. And given that very often the female LI is treated like just the default best friend with some stray romance options attached, it really does feel good to have that sexual tension acknowledged.
• Florence, babe, what is it with you and Italics??
• TIME TO PUT ON OUR DANCING SHOES GUYS (if we bought them).
• So we're doing a dance called La Boulanger...which kinda looks like this:
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You dance in a circle, then keep switching partners.
• Did You Know: that the Boulanger was one of the very few dances mentioned by name in Jane Austen's novels? (Pride and Prejudice Chapter 3. I think the reel is mentioned in another).
• I have two left feet unless someone is heavily choreographing a flash mob and spends ages teaching me the steps lol so this looks pretty complicated to me 😂
• You have an option of choosing between Mr Sinclaire, Miss Parsons and Duke Richards. The first two are the usual you'd expect from romantic dance scenes if you choose either of the first two, impressing them with your dance moves and then catching their eye when you're dancing with Edmund, your stepbrother. With Miss Parsons there is an additional show of boldness in that there is a danger of making their affections public.
• The Duke Richards option, which I managed to see thanks to @i-dream-so-i-write ...seems pretty okay actually. He doesn't seem as handsy and creepy as he does in our first meeting (there is a moment where his "hands skim your waist" though, and he tells us we've been apart too long [a couple seconds, tops]), but he's also still talking our ears off. If anyone is interested in seeing it, I can attach the screenshots!
• This man is so freaking extra I can't even.
• The chapter ends with the Earl announcing that he is changing his will, and that the MC is heiress to Edgewater Estate now, which makes it essential for her, then, to make her debut at the London Season, and begin searching for prospective bridegrooms.
• There is a catch though. You get the inheritance if you marry someone of suitable rank. In short...at this point in the story, Marianne is doing alright, but Florence is well and truly screwed until there is a twist somewhere (and surely there will be at some point). Sorry Florence.
• Henrietta has something up her sleeve, and Edmund, who was expecting to inherit, is sad and tells the MC so. You get a relationship point with him if you tell him you understand how it must feel, but he reiterates that you probably won't. We have time, we can still get this dude (and his palpitating fiancée) on our side. Maybe.
• Looks like we'll be starting our journey to London straightaway, and making our debut in London at Mr Sinclaire's party by Chapter 6. Alsooo from the spoilery chapter descriptions it looks like Mr. Marlcaster will try tripping us up at least once, or more than once. Also looks like we have two more skills on our accomplishment board to learn. So far we've gotten needlework, music and dancing - we now need to see what the other two are. I THINK one of them is painting.
General Thoughts:
• Good chapter. It's a little slow which is fine, because I think all the action will actually happen during the London Season instead. We meet only two suitors, one of whom we have already met in the first chapter.
• I feel like the extra scenes that we'll get with the unlocked accomplishments will include other styles of the same art. We initially learn the piano, but I feel like unlocking it will lead to extra scenes with other instruments, and unlocking the dancing shoes will show us extra scenes of Annabelle teaching us other dances (the waltzes, the reel, etc). I'm not entirely sure about this, it's just a theory I have. I mean, once we're in London we'll need to learn waltzes and the minuet and stuff.
• Luke doesn't make an appearance this chapter, but then again nor does Briar as soon as the MC gets ready. I think we'll see more of him now that we will be traveling to London.
• Donna Hatch's (who writes a ton of historical romances, esp Regency) essay on the London Season lists the months active in each year for it, and in 1816 it was from February to July. In the story it's now the beginning of April. Usually it's best to go at the very start if you're looking for marriage prospects, but given the MC's particular circumstances this time of the season isn't too bad either I'd reckon.
• Remember how I told you guys last chapter about the inclusion of Mary Brunton's Self Control? And how she criticizes the popular "rake" figure in Regency fiction? I'm not sure Duke Richards adheres completely to how rakes were depicted at the time, but he definitely does seem to be channeling Colonel Hargrave a little here.
• I wonder what the Duke seems to be hiding. Besides of course the truth of his equation with Sinclaire. Why is he so focused on this new woman? I think there might be more to this. I also can't wait to see the other suitors, like the viscount and Mr Chambers.
• I do like how we learn more about Sinclaire and Annabelle here. Annabelle largely has the role that Hana had in TRR, and there are some similarities - but she also has a lot more wiggle-room and seems to be bolder and a little more outgoing. She has grown up with the limitations placed on women at the time, but unlike Hana, hasn't faced as many restrictions in her upbringing.
• As I've mentioned before, I love Annabelle and I love that they're trying to do a better job of her. But I'm not entirely sure if cramming two separate scenes of hers in single chapters of an already expensive book is a wise choice, or if it will harm her development in the long run because people find it too expensive to spend on her. IMO the accomplishment scenes should be a little further spread out in the books.
• Now that the MC is going to be a future Countess, what is in store for her? In her rightful home Edgewater, she has a limited audience and not as much expectation to live up to...what will become of her now that she will be participating in the Season in London? Guess we'll find out today, or in the coming weeks xD
• Tagging: @boneandfur @liamraines @thespiritpanda @alanakusumastan @ernestsinclairs @mrsthomashunt @private-investigator-nazario @bcdollplace @queenodysseia @mcbangle
If you'd like to be tagged in one of the QTs, please let me know!
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poisonappletales · 6 years
Hello, Crowned Ruler! Thank you so much for a fun day on Discord yesterday. I had been looking forward to it all week! You never cease to make your fans feel loved and appreciated. We love when you come to visit and look forward to the next one! P.S: Please thank Arsenik and Unknown for stopping by too! I hope Rayne didn't give Arsenik a hard time... I'm also sorry that I was too sleepy to say hello to Pyramus. ^^;
Hi there! Aww, I really enjoyed coming into the Discordon Sunday, too. I ended up staying for nearly 3 hours both times I came on. You’re all so amazing - I just want to shower you all with love! I can’t wait to come back again.
Don’t worry about missing Unknown! You should get enough rest. There’s always next time.
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“Ah, I missed you too, darling. ♥ Hope you dreamt about me.”
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“Please don’t worry, Miss Kara. I must say, this is one of the first times I’ve met someone…I don’t want to say beyond redemption, but that’s what everyone seems to be telling me. Perhaps, Miss Rayne requires further observation.”
[He still isn’t sure whether she would even honor a deal made between them. If she would, then he had determined that a wager was one of the most efficient means of thwarting her plans.
Yes, a binding pact that even a malicious entity would be compelled to oblige. If there were no loopholes, it’d be a sure-fire resolution to keep her from causing further chaos.
If it kept everyone safe, he could certainly stand to lose something. His own welfare was of little consequence. However, the others were telling him that she wasn’t to be trusted. The strategist could foresee several ways that it could go wrong. She was the very concept of playing with fire, but he wasn’t a man who was scared of that.]
[He smiles.] “She mentions some unpleasant things, but I don’t mind having tea with her. Even though I would greatly prefer your company to hers, Miss Kara. No matter what she says…I think you are strong. If you ever feel weak, feel free to seek me out. I’ll protect you.
Trust me. I won’t let Miss Rayne hurt you, Miss Ambrosia or any of the others. That said, she didn’t spoil my time with all of you. I really enjoyed speaking with everyone. You’re all very fun and companionable.
I must admit, I was concerned about the one who seemed to keep…dying? I was starting to wonder if mouth-to-mouth was required.
I hope everyone takes care of themselves. I look forward to meeting all of you again.”
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[with a cheeky smirk] “Oh, nobody wants to see you. You’re no fun.”
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“Unlike you, I take it? Well, I’ll only return if requested.” [chuckling:] “I certainly won’t force my presence on anyone.”
For some reason, Unknown and Arsenik showing up in the server made me think of, like, a host club service. (Technically, that was parodied in Ready, Set, Parody!)
Well, in Arsenik’s case, I generally kept him canon (that is, the one with his affections already engaged to one Miss Ambrosia). But if I were to do the Valentine version, in which you’re in the place of the one’s he courting…
Let me write out a fun “host”-like scene for both him and Unknown, beginning with Arsenik.
Rating: PG-13 for sensuality and Unknown. Since it is Unknown, an experience with him is oftentimes very dubiously consensual, so just a fair warning. You might recall how he answered the question of being called “Master”…
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Arsenik is Your Host/Daytime
As soon as you arrive, a gentle and faintly accented voice calls out your name. Ever the gentleman, he tags on his usual address of “Miss.” 
When you see him, the sight of him tugs on your heart in conflicting ways. His gaze captures you at once, seductive and inviting. There is heat within those blue depths, consistent with his alluring eyes and arousing tone. Yet, both his smile and his words are sweet.
“I was hoping you would come. Truth be told, I was planning to wait until you had…”
He looks down briefly, as if embarrassed by this confession, but he can’t resist catching a glimpse of you again. He studies your face nearly as if this would be the last time he would ever see you.
Would he really wait all night for you? He chuckles in way that one might fancy as a bit nervous.
“I’ll wait an eternity for you…” Once more, he addresses you by name, prefixed by that “Miss.”
“I’ll do anything you ask of me. Tell me your pleasure.” 
With that sultry gaze of his, you could be forgiven if your mind went towards something more sensual. Most likely, his offer was innocent. Did you want to share a cup of tea, read a book together, or have a walk?
Then again, what if you asked for a kiss? Or something a little racier?
“I am your servant.”  Pressing a whitely gloved hand to his chest, he inclines his body towards you with another warm smile. “You know I can’t refuse you.”
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Unknown is Your Host/Nighttime
“Well, hello, darling.”
An arm laces around your shoulders, and a shrouded face pops up from beside your shoulder. A crimson blanket hoods his gaze, but you can see blonde hair spilling out over his shoulders and falling to his waist. His dialect is distinctly French.
“Ready to have fun?”  Speaking cavalierly, he holds you close against his broad chest and begins to lead you up the stairs. “I’ve been getting things ready for you in the bedroom, my pretty mademoiselle.”
You weren’t sure you were ready to go there with him just yet. It’s hard to trust the man when you can’t even see his eyes. Not to mention…was it you or was his other hand sneaking around your waist?
“Hmm? What’s wrong?” He grins at you. “Don’t worry. You’ll enjoy this.”
Giving a laugh, his arm moves from your shoulders to slide beneath your thighs, lifting you into his strong arms with ease. 
“You aren’t scared, are you? Relax, love. I’ll be gentle.” 
You can try to flail your legs and raise your voice in protest. He simply chuckles and continues to walk up the stairs.
He sings over you -
“I love you. ♥”
Once more, his laughter drifts through the hallways, echoing faintly. Rest assured, he meant what he said. He fully intends to fill the room with moans of pleasure.
On a side note, I was kind of imagining this “host”-like experience to take place in a mansion. (By the way, if anyone’s uncertain about what it means for Arsenik and Unknown to visit the server…I simply RP as them and have the character talk to you in real-time. It’s real fun.)
Anyway, I had fun seeing all of you in the Discord! Can’t wait until I have time to hop back in again. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the scenes I wrote out for fun with Arsenik and Unknown.
Who would you want as your “host”?
(P.S. For those of you waiting on the next Love Hotel Mystery installment…that will be coming soon! I just wanted to get the updated designs out there, recharge, and I’ll be good to go.)
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musicatheart12 · 6 years
A Chat with a Bassist: Natalie Kim from Old Joy
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Old Joy is an indie/alternative rock band that released their debut album on September 7th, 2018. They come from the underground New Brunswick scene and have played many basement shows around the area, with their most recent performance being for a student-run charity club at Rutgers University. This week, I got the chance to interview Old Joy's bassist, Natalie Kim, also a student at Rutgers University.
The interview:
What kind of music do you guys play?  How do you, as a band, characterize it?
It's kind of under the umbrella of Alt Rock and Indie just because we're in the local New Brunswick scene. So it's kind of like Indie, DIY kind of music.
How did the band get together?
So my two bandmates who started the band started it before I got to Rutgers. When I came here as a freshman, I met one of them, Phil, and he told me they were looking for a bassist so they kind of adopted me. And then we had no drummer, so we had to go out looking for a drummer. So yeah it started with those two people. The other two of us kind of made our way in.
How long has the band been together?
I joined at the very end of summer before freshman year, and back then we had a like a different drummer like every month.
That's interesting.
Yeah, it was kind of weird since I play bass. Bass and drum really have to work with each other so I would change what I played for like every person. It was kind of rocky to start with, but we found someone about 3 months in, who ended up staying for the rest of the next summer. So when we all decided we were in it for the long run, that's when we recorded our first album.
Wow, that's very cool. Yeah, but he decided to go back to school, so literally the day of our release party, we got a new drummer.
Oh wow! Fun fact, drummers are like the hardest people to find because if you're going to be a drummer, you have to be good because everyone can hear you. There was a really big shortage of drummers, and this is a problem that every band has.
I didn't know that.
So in this current state, we've been together about 2 months.
So even though the current band is fairly new, are you guys still playing songs from the first album?
Our new drummer, he didn't make his parts, he had to learn it. But obviously, from now on, it's going to be him.
Are you guys going to make any new music?
We've started making some new stuff, but we're probably going to record, I don't know, not for a while.
That makes sense.
Maybe sometime next year. But it's also a lot different, because the two members that started the band found me after everything was already written so like, in this case, it's everyone. It's more democratic in the way we're making music. It's like everyone is developing it together, rather than it being the work of two people.
So, I know you're a full-time student. It must be difficult to find time to practice.
It's f***ing hard. The good thing with my band is, they're really good at planning ahead. We'll set up a date for a rehearsal a week or two weeks in advance, I'm so grateful. The worst is definitely when we're recording an album. It was so hard last winter. I'd have to go down to the recording studio like twice a week, and it's like an hour away, so like what I ended up doing is bringing my homework and doing it in a dark lit basement. It was hard work, but it definitely paid off because now it's just basement shows and events, which are just a weekend sort of thing. Sticking it through recording was definitely a good idea.
Were you taught music/playing or writing? Are you self-taught?
Kind of, so like, I think I developed an ear for music growing up from piano lessons as a kid. Even though that only went up until like fifth grade, that's what taught me how to read music. And then through middle school, I played French horn, I played flute.  And when I got into high school, that’s when I picked up bass and I really should've taken lessons then. I regret not taking lessons when I had the time to when I was like 14. I kind of just learned bass by ear. And the internet's fantastic.
I have other questions, but I'm trying to think of a question based on what you just said.
I mean I can keep talking if you want.
Yeah, go for it if you want!
I mean, here's the thing about bass, so like I've had my friends ask me to teach them before. A lot of people have this conception that "oh I have to start the same way I learned piano" with all the scales and fundamentals, but I think for bass it's heavy on intuition. Of course, you'll be a better musician if you know all the techniques and fundamentals but like you cannot be a bassist if you do not have some kind of musical intuition. Like over the first year I picked it up, by the end of the year, I listened to music differently. I never noticed bass parts before I started playing. And then once it like really clicks you start to listen for it, and that eventually grows into the intuition. Especially playing in a band versus an orchestra. I play in an orchestra every year, and it's much more technical. Playing in the underground music scene, its more about what sounds good, what works versus what doesn’t work.
So it's more about understanding the vibe?
Yeah, kind of. It's like what people say about writing, how you can't be a good writer unless you read a lot, it's the same way. You have to listen to a lot of music to be able to play well.
Do you guys ever spend time experimenting with different kinds of music, or do you stick to the same kind of genre?
Right now, most of our rehearsals are geared toward preparing for shows. But in terms of being experimental, I'd say there are 2 parts to that. Number one, there's a lot of cover songs. We'll just like jam sometimes and go off of each other and play whatever. But also we're like trying to be different for our second album… now that we're trying to follow up to our first album, we're trying to be more advanced in terms of adding more atmospheric sounds and big picture stuff. We're going to add some synth, maybe some more keyboard stuff. I think like in terms of experimenting, I'd like to do it more, but we're not going in the wrong direction.
I know Old Joy plays a lot of basement shows. What other kinds of gigs do you guys play?
Just last Friday we performed at the student center for the Seeing Eye club, I forget exactly what the event was called. Yeah so we did that, it was a fundraiser. And in a month we're going to be doing Overnight Sensations which is like a program run by WRSU, which is a Rutgers radio station. So every week they have bands come late at night. We've also done a lot of other charity shows.
And as far as setlist goes, do you have a specific order you play in?
Our album is 7, 8 songs. There are some songs that we all love, and some that we all don't want to play. So we'll play 4 to 5 songs and we'll do like one cover.
So it's short.
Yeah, it's usually like a half hour set. Also a lot of these songs, we recorded them in the winter so almost a year ago. Now that we're more mature musicians it's kind of like, I wish we recorded this differently or played this differently.
Do you guys tease new music in your shows?
Yeah we played a new song at our last show, which was last Friday… but yeah definitely.
Do you need to think about the audience, or do you just do you (as a band)?
It depends. We don't have very many songs yet, so there's a skeleton that we have to follow. It's usually the cover that we'll very. And then the other thing we'll mix up is the order. Sometimes it’s the energetic songs first if everyone seems dead. The hardest part is definitely when everyone's like "one more song!" and we don't have any more song.
What's your response to that? Do you guys play a song from the album that you wouldn't normally play?
We'll play another cover song, we have stuff that we kind of keep in the back in case we need it. But I wish we had more stuff.
How does recording working?
So basically what happens is, first everyone plays, to get a scratch track for timing purposes. Then everyone will go in on their own and we'll put it into the computer and do it as many times as it takes to get it right. It can take forever sometimes. And so the way we did this album was each time we went down there, we'd record one song. It took a while, but it turned out ok. The recording was less than half. The rest of the time was just mixing and then sending it out to get it mastered. Honestly, I'm not a fan of recording because sometimes I can get really perfectionistic. That’s why I really like playing basement shows. I don’t think I've ever played the same song the same way twice. Like this kind of goes back to the experimental thing. Thank god we play live shows because that's where you get to be creative as a musician.
How did you guys come up with the order of the album?
It's weird, I don’t think we discussed the whys of it. We all kind of came to a consensus. It might be a little bit subconscious, and it kind of goes back to the intuition of it. There might be some legitimate reason to it, like songs being in the same key. From what I can observe, I think the biggest things are tempo and mood. As an Alt rock, indie almost emo band, there are energetic happy songs like typical Alt Rock songs, but there are also songs that are really emotional. Like we have this one song "Rover Shore". Watching Phil do the vocals for that was literally spiritual. Like I've never seen anyone put so much emotion into one song. So obviously you wouldn't put that first. We put that sort of in the middle near the end. We never discussed the explicit details, it just flows somehow.
Yeah, it just feels right.
Do you guys plan on making music videos?
We filmed a music video last year, but because we switched drummers, we had to scratch all of that. I really wanted to because one of the girls in the band is a film major. It's definitely possible, the only issue is we all have no time. 3 of us are students, and one graduated but he has a full-time job. Yeah, the biggest issue is definitely time. I understand why some bands buy a house and live together like it definitely makes sense.
Do you have any other interesting stories? Anything cool!
The most exciting moment of being in this band was this Friday. We were at a house for a show and me and my bandmate we were just walking from one side of the room to the other, and we heard a group of people talking and they said Old Joy. It was the coolest thing 'cause it was like people actually know us. That was so exciting even though it was such a small thing because people actually recognize us. Like last week someone was at work and they said some of our music was on the radio. It was really cool!
What's weird is that the style of music that we play is not my style.
So what is your style?
I've never really gotten into indie music, but I figured I'd try it out. When I play on my own, I play a lot of Jazz and Funk. So this is very very very different. And this type of music isn't what I listen to but it's so interesting because the number of things you can do on bass is infinite. I do appreciate it, it's definitely grown on me. Before, all indie music sounded the same. Like to the average person, all classical music sounded the same. It's cool that I've learned so much through this.
Does it make it hard, not having listened to indie music beforehand?
When I first started, I didn’t really know what I was doing. I was sticking to the root notes, keeping time. Super simple. By the time recording rolled around, I got the hang of it enough to create my own tracks, but looking back on it now, I would do things 100% differently.  
Natalie Kim is a talented young artist making her way through with her bandmates. With the first album already out, and another in the works, Old Joy is already paving their path into music. It's cool to see the beginning of a band that is transforming into something bigger, especially coming out of a local music scene.
Check out some of their songs:
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