#i could spend the rest of my life loving it and i would undoubtedly be so happy
lynxalon · 2 years
happiness and light and love fuck every bitch who was mean to me cause i am receiving love and cuddles and lots o head kisses and god life by its side really does look like forever
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theealbatross · 25 days
Sebastian x Reader: i love you, it's ruining my life (One Shot)
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Plot: Sebastian has the worst insomnia known to man and you are not dating him. Tags: none, fluff, slytherin!reader, bad english accent attempt by me, repressed feelings, unhealthy attachment, codependency, teenagers trying to process trauma together, mentions of nightmares, they are both 17 years old [A/N: FUCK JK ROWLING!!!!!!! Also I just needed to write something and somehow a depressed Slytherin boy was just the one to cure my insane writer's block. Enjoy!]
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I am not dating Sebastian Sallow, is what you kept saying yet no one seems to ever believe you. Even Natty, bless her kind soul, gave you a look so incredulous as the words went out of your mouth that you couldn’t help but be confused yourself -- were you dating Sebastian?
“I’m not trying to be nosy, my friend. I’m just concerned.”
“About what?” This has been the third person this month with that same irritating expression on their face. Pity.
“I thought … you were always together that I just assumed there was … something.”
You blinked, trying not to let your face slip, afraid that your ever observant friend would read too much into each emotion.
“Well, there’s nothing. So you and the others can –”
“There are others?!”
You widened her eyes, telling Natty to drop it and she wisely did. “The rest of you can stop reporting his rendezvous to me. Understood?”
“There you are!”
Merlin, will the cruel gods of fate ever give you a break?
The deep voice from the door cut through half of the conversations in your table as Sebastian jogged towards you. “Morning, pet.”
He casually grabbed your head gently, pressing a kiss on top of it, before settling down by straddling the chair so he was facing you. “Hey Natty, got lost?”
It wasn’t unheard of for students to not stick to the assigned tables on their houses but it was still odd, especially for someone like Natty who much preferred the company of like-minded people. Always said that the quiet and whispers in the Slytherin table made her uneasy.
Natty looked from you, to him, to the arms that was hidden under the table but was no doubt placed on your waist, subtly but insistently pulling you closer. You silently pleaded for her to ignore it which she thankfully did with a sigh.
“Not at all, Sebastian. Just trying to keep our friend company before you undoubtedly steal her away for the day.”
He didn’t even pretend to be offended by the accusation, only chuckling good-heartedly. “You can be welcome to tag along just for today.”
“Wouldn’t want to intrude. And with the trouble the two of you get into I’d be grounded by my mother for the rest of my life.”
The three of them laughed at that. The conversation thankfully flowing easier and away from the initial topic. Once Ominis arrived and Poppy was called over it was like fifth-year again. The initial circle you had formed has always been a source of comfort, no longer having to have your guard up all the time especially as easy conversation flowed between each other.
“I got some new books for you, just got delivered an hour ago. We should read it tonight.”
You fed him a piece of bread in your hands, knowing that his growing appetite has not been satiated by the plate he made for himself but he would be too lazy to make a new one and would just rather take bits and pieces from your own. “Just for me, huh?”
He grabbed a tuft of grapes before feeding you one as well before he demolished the entire thing. You couldn’t help but giggle when he spat out a small branch that managed to sneak into his mouth.
“It’s that new muggle series you love, paid off one of Ominis’ servant to line for it so you wouldn’t have to sneak out of Hogwarts like I know you had planned to tonight.”
You could feel your face heating up at the fact that he knew you too damn well. “You know I don’t like you spending money on me, Sebastian.”
“Well, you’re gonna be reading it to me so technically I’m spending money for me.”
You gave him a look but he quickly evaded it by feeding you another pair of grapes.
Sebastian had been haunted by nightmares after last year’s events. Ones so bad that the nurse feared he would be a bit too dependent on sleeping potions at such a young age. Thankfully, the two of you had found a solution together, after a late night studying in the Undercroft reading your notes aloud hoping it would stick into your head a bit better – you had turned to find your companion snoring away beside you.
At first, the two of you thought it was the history lesson that put him right to slumber so you borrowed tons of history books in the library for him to read before he slept but an enchanted note later and you were dragging your sleepy self and a blanket out of your chambers as you read about the History of Magic in his bed.
It was that night that you had been eternally grateful that he had no other roommate but Ominis. Especially when you found out that Sebastian was apparently a horrible koala when asleep.
“That’s just –”
“What are you two whispering about?”
You actually jumped, pushing Sebastian away as if the soft voice behind them reminded you of how they had actually drifted closer than what was appropriate.
“Arieta,” Sebastian greeted her with a raised brow, seemingly confused why the Ravenclaw was this far off the room not even all that affected that his new girlfriend just caught him being a bit too comfortable with another girl.
“Sebby!” she shrieked prettily, quickly recovering and pulling on his arm. “We have History of Magic together, remember? You know I can’t survive that class without your shoulder to sleep on.”
She can hear Ominis choke on a laugh yet Arieta shot you a look like it was your fault.
“I, uh,” Sebastian turned to your table, now fully aware that everyone was staring at him with various expression on their faces. “Right, let’s go.”
Ever the gentleman, Sebastian was quick to grab the books in Arieta’s arm as she held on to his hand and dragged him towards the doors.
“Arieta, huh, wouldn’t have pegged her as territorial one,” Natty chuckled, you chucked a grape at her. “What? I am only speaking my mind. Might have to watch out for that one or she might just drag poor Sebastian away from –”
Just before she finished her sentence Sebastian came bounding down the path once again stopping just beside you, catching his breath. “Hey, you’re mine tonight, okay? No adventures.”
His wording left so much to be misinterpreted that even Poppy’s eyes nearly popped out of her head, damn near resembling those mooncalfs she loves so much.
"I stand corrected," Natty muttered.
“Sebby!” Arieta screamed at the end of the hallway.
Merlin’s beard.
“I’m coming!” He threw her an impatient look before holding on to your chin so you were looking at him and forcing you to nod. “No adventures.”
This time the embarrassment of the absolute mess that was unfolding before your unfinished breakfast have overwhelmed your brain that you could only nod with him.
“No adventures.”
Sebastian smiled, one of those real, bright ones that makes your body malfunction and your heart to stop beating. Pressing one last kiss on the top of your head and managing to wave to your shared friends he was off and gone through the double doors.
The entire table was left in silence and you had hoped they would let this go but Natty couldn’t give you that mercy as she cleared her throat.
“Well, now I got even more questions.”
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You’re not dating Sebastian Sallow you just think about him a lot.
You weren’t as daft as the rest of them have probably assumed. You did think there was a lot more than friendship between Sebastian and you. But with all the things that the two of you had been through it was difficult to pinpoint what it exactly was aside from their unusually intense loyalty to each other.
Was it a trauma bond? Was it just their kindred spirits refusing to let the one soul who understood them go? Did everything that they went through, the secrets they keep, the curses they threw to protect each other become the bloody ribbon that held the unhealthy attachment they had to each other? It could be love. But it could be a whole lot more complicated than that.
That’s what they were. They were complicated.
After the nightmare that was your fifth year the two of you had kept to yourselves with Ominis in tow, trying to keep as low as profile as possible and give your poor professors a break. With your newfound infamy as the ‘Hero of Hogwarts’ (blergh) and the dark secret you three were desperately keeping for Sebastian, the best you could hope for was to blend in with the rest of the nameless students in Hogwarts.
That agreement got shot into hell when your dear friend Sebastian Sallow proved to be one of the best beaters in Hogwarts’ long, long history. It was a dare that exploded in your own face to try out and irritate Imelda but when he had accidentally proven to be a bit too good at it their mutual friend clutched at him with her demanding claws and put him through the ringer until he got spat out decent enough to be one of the soldiers to secure the honor of their noble house and win the Quidditch cup this year.
Piled on top of that development was his connection to the Gaunt family, the Hero of Hogwarts, and the rumor of his hefty trust fund waiting for him the moment he turns 18 – Sebastian Sallow, just as the gods intended, became the most eligible bachelor of his age.
And thus your hell begun.
The silent charm he always had with him grew with his stature. He clearly enjoyed the attention after having hid his pretty bloody face behind dangerous books all year last year that it was almost like he was compensating for the hearts he could’ve broken. Every moon it was a different girl looped around his arms and every month it was a different friend reporting to you that your presumed ‘boyfriend’ was found snogging a goddamn Gryffindor in the Three Broomsticks.
It was annoying, confusing, and you were getting sick of it.
“Over here.”
Before you could find the source of the voice you knew all too well, a door had already opened and you were quickly pulled into an empty room – well, room was being generous as it was more of a storage space than anything.
“Shh,” you gawked when his opened palm muffled your voice as he firmly presses it on your mouth. The unmistakable sounds of footsteps and a softer call of his name echoed the hallway outside the door. When the footsteps faded and disappeared, he had the nerve to give you a lopsided grin that turned your face red in irritation. Definitely in irritation.
Nothing quite like being forced to face the boy who had been running around your head all day.
“Sorry bout that, pet,” he chuckled, leaning on the wall an arms-length way from you. “I’m not too good with break-ups, especially when they say no.”
“Must be horrifying,” you sniped shortly, also pressing your back on the nearest wall to give you as much space as possible – it would just be absolutely mortifying to faint because your heart was beating too fast it was like it was trying to escape. “Are you gonna explain why you’ve kidnapped me in this dingy room?”
“Come on now, don’t be short with me. I just wanted to hang out with you ‘s all.”
“You want to hang out with me …. Inside a closet?”
He shrugged, “I never see you anymore these days.”
Ah, the nightmares must be back. She tries to swallow down the bitter taste in her mouth.
“That’s not my fault, Sebastian.”
At least he looked guilty. And absolutely miserable.
In the few weeks you had taken your eyes off him it would seem he had another growth spurt. Do boys just not stop growing ever? Looking up at him was starting to get painful. Plus, all those drills they run to prepare for every game had done nothing but well for his physique. You couldn’t help but run your eyes to his broad chest and shoulders before you caught yourself and nearly screamed in horror.
“Hey, I’m sorry,” Rough hands grabbed one of yours. He bent his knees so he could look in your eyes as you now outright refuse to meet his, in anger for the absolute shit friend he had been the past months or in embarrassment that you so casually checked him out you’re not quite sure. “I … I got distracted but I missed you. You know I prefer your company over any other.”
Those damned brown eyes, not even the poor light in the windowless room could dull its effect on you. “Flattery will get you nowhere.”
Your harsh words did not match with the growing smile on your face you failed to suppress. He mirrored your grin, “Do you still have classes?”
You shook your head.
He damn near vibrated in glee. Merlin, you did miss him.
“Let me steal you away.”
In a flash, Sebastian grabbed a hold of your hand to survey the hall one last time before dragging you out of the room and into the nearest Floo. You barely caught the surprise and anger in his ex-girlfriend’s eyes as she gawked by the stairs before you got swallowed up by a green flash of powder.
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You’re not dating Sebastian Sallow because this is definitely not a date.
You wouldn’t think the Boathouse would be a romantic place but with the lack of students, the dimming sun and a gorgeous boy leading you in the inside of it for privacy – you couldn’t help but think that anyone who would pass by would be well within their right to think you had become another notch in Sebastian Sallow’s belt.
You’re not sure how you feel about that. A greater witch would’ve been offended but maybe you’re no better than the knots in his belt.
“Sit here.”
Sebastian spread out a worn-out black robe on the ground, patting on it expectantly. Before you could do it yourself, he was already kneeling beside you and removing your shoes and socks. The intimate act forced you to hold your breath, making sure you controlled your face so your jaw doesn’t fall to the floor as he slowly pulled on your socks, gently plopping them on the edge and letting the Black Lake’s water tickle your feet as they dangled.
When you were settled, he nonchalantly laid his head down on your lap. Gods, help you.
“Comfortable, aren’t you?”
He made a dramatic noise of satisfaction, even wiggling in your lap to show his assent. A giggle slipped out of your mouth at the absolute gall of him, your hands naturally falling in his soft, thick, brown hair to play with it.
“What had you been up to, pet?” he mumbles, eyes never leaving your face although you find yourself unable to do the same as you opted to look around the architecture of the Boathouse you rarely visit.
“Nothing much,” you shrugged. “Although I did find that swimming in the Forbidden Forest’s Lake was surprisingly relaxing.”
He hummed, not even surprised at your little antics when you leave his line of sight. The boy had definitely pulled you out of worse situations than roaming around the Forbidden Forest. “You should take me some time. Merlin knows relaxing is what I need.”
A scoff escaped your mouth as you rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, right after I duel your newest girlfriend for the honor of getting to take you out.”
He poked your side at that, “As entertaining that would be you know all you have to do is send me an owl and I’d trek up to Maurenweem for you.”
Your face clearly showed you didn't believe him and he frowned. Carefully, you ran a finger in-between his brows where a frown formed to relax it.
At this angle you could see the toll the sleepless nights he must’ve been having had on him. If the bags on his eyes was any indication it must’ve been a few nights now. You ran your hands on his hair earning you a satisfied hum as he dangled his hand on the edge of the ledge to play with the water below.
“When was the last time you slept?”
He popped one eye open but your gentle touch proved too much as he closed it again with an even longer hum. “A few hours last night.”
“You should’ve woken me up.”
He gently shook his head, grabbing your free hand so he can hold it by his stomach.
“I didn’t wanna bother you.”
“Oh please, Sebastian.”
He chuckled at that, gripping on your hand tightly as he let out a heavy breath. “The nightmares … I thought it’s been better. Barely had any a few months ago. But now it’s just gotten worse.”
The confession broke your heart. Sebastian was not a vulnerable person; despite his usually easy and cheerful demeanor he was quick to wall himself in at the first sign of trouble. You would bet galleons of gold he still feels horrible of all the things he put you through and it was truly in desperation when he had called you over to help him through his insomnia. Which was also why you had welcomed the responsibility with open arms.
“Care to tell? Is it still about Anne?”
His estranged twin has been forefront of most of his darkest nightmares but he shook his head again and for that you were thankful he was spared that at least. “Solomon? Ominis?”
He opened his eyes; it was full of overflowing guilt and fear. And when it seemed he could no longer keep it to himself he sighed, “It’s about you. That’s the reason why I couldn’t …”
The revelation had your blood freezing. “What?”
He sat up, now facing you and taking both of your hands. “I’m only telling you this because you are my best friend and to remind you that none of this is ever your fault. You haven’t done a thing wrong, in fact, I can’t think how I would’ve gotten past any of this if it wasn’t for you.”
You held on to his hands tighter. “Sebastian, you’re scaring me.”
He shook his head, pulling you closer as if to comfort. Why was he comforting you when it was him who had been terrorized by this dream version of you. It was irrational to be mad but how could you not be when apparently you had become one of his problems while you were simultaneously desperately trying to fix it.
A palm on your cheeks pulled you out of your self-loathing.
“All of my dreams … it was of the people I love leaving me. Anne never forgiving me for the rest of my life, Ominis turning me in …”
“Oh, Sebastian,” you buried a sob on the crook of his neck, your hand roping around his back so you can rub on his back comfortingly while he lets everything out.
“And … and every time it happens my brain drives itself insane thinking of plans of what I would do if those nightmares came true. That’s the reason why I couldn’t sleep.” You looked up at him through your lashes but never leaving your spot even as he brings your legs out of the water and over his until you were in his lap.
“But then … they turned to you.” His voice dropped so low you almost shivered. “And for the life of me I just couldn’t … see an out of that. If I lost you – If you gave up on me I … I think I’d turn myself in Azkaban myself.”
“Sebastian I would never –”
“I know that,” he whispered. “But I still can’t – I can’t let it go. I can’t let go of these doubts and fear.”
This time he rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed. “That’s why I keep hanging out with all those girls.”
You raised your head in confusion, taking a better look at him.
“I thought if I loved you less, my nightmares would be kinder.”
The breath got caught in your throat. What is he – does he mean –
“But I couldn’t do that either,” He sighed, rubbing a hand on his face, clearly frustrated. “So I’ve decided. I’d rather go insane, let the nightmares do their worst because I am done pretending I don’t love you. I’m done avoiding you, I’m done pretending you aren’t the only light in my life. I’m done. And I love you.”
A fully grown crying Mandrake could drop from the sky and you don’t think you would’ve heard it over your own heart. You could barely comprehend anything but that his grip on your waist was so tight it was almost painful and that his pleading, terrified eyes was in the perfect angle that the late dying sun made it look like it was in a golden fire.
And that Sebastian Sallow … is in love with you. Just as madly as you were with him.
“I’m not forcing you into anything. I needed to let it out. If you want, I fully intend to formally court you until –”
“I love you.” You could no longer bear to put him in such misery. As long as you were alive, he would not question the adoration you’ve felt for him that just kept growing since the first day he had taken you to Hogsmeade. “I love you, Sebastian.”
Just for a moment there was quiet then he burst out laughing. “Thank you, darling." His body visibly shuddered as he sighed in relief, burying his face in your chest. "I’ve already planned to throw myself off the highest cliff in Hogwarts if this had gone south.”
You wrapped your hands around his neck, accepting the gentlest kisses on your neck. “Don’t say that. I plan to be your girlfriend for a very long time.”
His body shook from laughing, this time a kiss under your jaw, “Not that long I hope?”
You frowned, pulling away from him, though his unrelenting hold prevented much space to be in between the two of you. “What do you mean?”
“Well,” his thumbs rubbed circles on your thigh, now seemingly shy. “If all goes well, I had hoped to be engaged by the time we graduate. You won’t be just my girlfriend then.”
"You bastard," You gawked, laughing at his proclamation. The happiness was overflowing in your chest that you couldn’t help but just squeeze him into you hoping maybe that your souls would fuse with each other.  “You haven’t even kissed me yet and you’re already pre-proposing?”
He licked his lips, his sleepless eyes now full of vigor. “Ah, we gotta fix that, don’t we, pet?”
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“We’re dating.”
Natty sighed in relief.
Poppy clapped.
Garreth passed Imelda a silver coin.
"Excuse me," Ominis muttered, standing up. “I'm gonna request a room change to the Headmaster.”
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dollypopup · 10 days
"Penelope should have chosen Debling!"
My sister in Christ. . .he literally dumped her???
Like just before Colin Bridgerton was on his knees after outrunning her carriage to profess how he can't stop thinking about her in his love me, choose me, I'm yours speech, Debling did the Regency equivalent of calling her a floozy who would undoubtedly cheat on him when he abandoned her for several years to chase his passions (because she would never be one of said passions since she asked outright if he could ever come to care for her and he went 'hmmmm seems unlikely! good thing you have solitary hobbies to occupy you instead!') when he has been given 0 evidence of such other than realizing she liked to look out the window because she had a crush on the boy across the street. I was ready to challenge that man to a duel for Pen's honor
His feelings for her were middling at best, I mean Christ on a Pogostick, after he asked her mum for permission to propose he isn't even happy when he opens the door and Pen is there? She's looking like a snack- nay, a whole ass MEAL, and he can't even smile? He just nods at her and dips the fuck out? You don't think it would kill Penelope to know that both her sisters have husbands who absolutely adore them and she's out here with an absent dude who likely won't even write to her?
Portia's 'Love is make believe!' speech is so transparently full of shit when you realize that we've got Dankworth who is so obsessed with Prudence that he makes heart eyes at her every waking moment and considers her his little bonbon and Albion who loves Phillipa so much that he was waiting for her to consent to sex (not realizing she didn't know what it was) for two entire years because he would never pressure her and so he was content with finishing in his pants when he kissed her to make sure she was comfortable. And you want Penelope to settle for a life of loneliness? When Colin is so besotted with her that he dreams of her and breaks every societal expectation in the book as a notorious People Pleaser to run after her and cannot even wait for the morning after being intimate with her to introduce her as his wife to his family in the middle of the night? You want her to turn down Mr "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible" Bridgerton? For LORD PENGUIN?
Be so serious right now
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minkdelovely · 7 days
love and power
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chapter ten: part one
“i won’t die for love
but ever since i met you,
you could have my heart
and i would break it for you.”
Alastor x Fem!Reader ; MDNI 18+ ; [y/n] used sparingly ; Alias in Hell is Sylvie
tags/warnings: vibes are not good y’all — it’s a blizzard in this here hotel 🥶 angst, crying, descriptions of sadness/loneliness, valentino mention lol, alcohol abuse and drug usage, mentions of bruising and bite wound recovery, power dynamics
word count: 5.8k
author’s note: okay, i was really hoping to have this all completed today but between some family obligations and graduations i didn’t have all the time i wanted to wrap this up in one go. but i really couldn’t keep this to myself anymore — i am so desperate to share what i have ready for you. i am still hacking away at the rest but for now, please accept part one of this finale with my gratitude and love 🙏🏻💖 @hazelfoureyes & @sugoi-writes come and get it my darlings ❤️‍🔥
prelude ; chapter one ; chapter two ; chapter three ; chapter four ; chapter five ; chapter six ; chapter seven ; chapter eight ; chapter nine ; chapter ten: part one
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The week that passed was long. Undoubtedly the way weeks in Hell were supposed to feel — grueling and bleak, devoid of joy. Hours passing like decades, leaving its casualties wrung out and aged.
Despite the rift only being between the two of you, it was felt by everyone in the hotel. Much to their misfortune, neither of you were spending hardly (if any) time in your rooms. No one knew exactly why, of course, but understood well enough to suffer in silence and bear the brunt for now. The weight of what transpired hanging in the air of whichever room either of you entered. 
Yours took the form of an icy draft, reminiscent of past winters that could only be felt again here in a manner such as this. Wandering the halls of the hotel, save for one, like a specter. Leaving sinners in your wake grateful once you had finally passed through; the natural heat of Hell returning in your absence to soothe their frostbite as if apologizing on your behalf.
And if your melancholy was that of a cold wind, Alastor’s was the storm that bore it. Blustering and wild in its unpredictability, an exposed nerve waiting for a catalyst. Always he was in the eye of it. Not even knowing himself which direction it may take — malice, apathy, vengeance — but claiming victims nonetheless, despite his efforts to maintain his air of refinement around the hotel. The hairline cracks in his guise couldn’t help but leak.
Even Niffty was proceeding with caution; not daring to climb the length of his body as she so often did without care. She had only made one attempt in the interim of the argument and had yet to fully recover from the murderous glare Alastor had threatened her with. His tense, bloody smile was still the first thing she saw when she closed her eyes at night. But she was warming up to it.
Husk was particularly displeased with the whole affair, having to deal with each of you as you took turns sulking at the bar in between bouts of sucking the life out of anyone you passed. Something had to be done about it. Not only for his whiskey supply, but he just also wished Alastor would mope somewhere else. And there was no telling which mood he would be in by the time he was ready to go back upstairs. Making it dangerous for anyone still roaming around in the late hours of the night. 
Asking Alastor about what was wrong was a dead end, and thankfully no one was naive enough to try. But you were still so despondent, nursing your drinks at one of the booths in a dark corner of the bar, that no one dared approach you yet. Though Angel was getting close. In fact, an idea was forming in his mind right now as he watched you sulking from his usual seat at the counter. 
“I can’t fuckin’ take much more’a this,” he grumbled lowly to Husker, frowning over his drink. “It’s startin’ to rub off on me! I’ve been infected.” His histrionic expression of woe only mildly overdone.
It really was wearing on him, as much as he tried not to let it. But between the atmosphere at the studio and now this… Angel could only be so resilient. Though he did his best to ensure it wasn’t bleeding into his work. Not an easy feat, especially when he thought back to that weird voicemail he got from Valentino about a week ago. 
Tell our little Sylvie I said ‘you’re welcome’ — God knows she really fucking needed it. Such a repressed thing… really wish I could have kept her longer.
The implication had actually made Angel lose sleep. Even knowing that Alastor had been with you, when it came to Val the possibilities were endless. And clearly whatever he instigated between you and Alastor had ended in disaster. Angel hadn’t relayed the message, of course. Nor had he given Valentino even a hint of what was going on at the hotel, much to his chagrin. He’d sooner face the Exorcists again than give Val the satisfaction, and it was fun being able to piss him off, whatever the consequence. Still…
“Have you tried talk—”
“Not a fuckin’ chance,” Husk said definitively, an unimpressed look on his face. “I ain’t gettin’ mixed up in this shit. The less I know about what’s going on between the two of ’em, the better.” He shuddered just at the thought.
Angel sighed, but understood Husk’s resistance to the idea as he obviously wasn’t prepared to try and speak to the Radio Demon about it himself. Getting a peak behind Alastor’s curtain was an intriguing, but ultimately deadly, risk — especially for the bartender. Meaning there was only one way out. 
He glanced back over his shoulder at you, taking in the distant look in your eyes as you absently played with the two small straws in your glass. Feeling resolved, Angel downed what was left of his drink and gave Husk a quick wish me luck before walking over. 
“All right, doll face, you’re comin’ with me. We’re overdue for a gab sesh,” Angel said, leaning over the table to grab your drink. His tone of voice was kind, though a little irked, and left no room for argument. “It’s uh… about that time anyway,” he added softly, offering a hand to help you out of the booth when you didn’t move.
That time… There was no need for him to say more; you knew Alastor was coming down here after you went up to your room for the night. Was it getting that late already? The bar didn’t have windows so it was impossible to tell how long you had been sitting there in the dark, counting only the number of drinks you consumed. Four wasn’t too bad. Yesterday it had been more. Maybe almost double. But it was hard to remember.
You took his hand and scooted yourself out of the corner, grateful to feel someone holding you steady again. It nearly brought you to tears in your drunken state, but you managed to blink them back and focused on the impending journey to the elevators. All your concentration going to your feet as your arm gripped his for support, which he didn’t falter in providing. Angel had plenty of experience in this, after all. You weren’t the first drunk he had helped home and you wouldn’t be the last.
A chill ran through you as you crossed the lobby. When you looked over your shoulder you could’ve sworn you saw a shadow flitting across the carpet… but it was gone as soon as you blinked.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
Husk groaned as Alastor materialized at the stool he’d adopted at the bar counter — dead center, wouldn’t you know it. Muttering to himself about how Angel had just barely rid him of one problem only to be replaced with an even bigger one; turning to the shelf behind him to grab the whiskey he already knew the son-of-a-bitch wanted. 
“Quit your bitching and just give me the bottle,” Alastor grumbled, rubbing at his temples as Husk unceremoniously obeyed. Slamming it down in front of his keeper and earning a tight, unamused look in response. “Bastard…”
“Never said I wasn’t,” Husk scoffed as he set down an accompanying drinking glass. Amused by the display of decorum Alastor subjected himself to, as if he wasn’t about to drown himself in liquor for the fifth night in a row. 
It was starting to catch up to him, though Husk wouldn’t dream of letting him know. It was obvious if you looked at the Overlord long enough, which most people didn’t. And they were smart not to. 
Husk, however, had no choice other than to spend hours hanging around the otherwise empty bar waiting for Alastor to finish sinking his sorrows bottle after bottle. So finding the tells was inevitable. Dark circles under worn eyes, a few hairs out of place. Counterfeit smile reaching a level of mania the bartender would have thought impossible before this week. 
But that was none of his business.
Alastor ignored him then, pulling the cork out of the bottleneck before pouring into his glass and downing it with a single swallow. He repeated this two more times before deciding to pace himself.
It didn’t take passing you in the lobby to know you had been here. Your scent permeated the room, mingling with liquor and tobacco, smelling closer now to cyanide than your usual floral almond and cherry; surpassing the bitterness Alastor had ever assumed it could reach. He detested how much he enjoyed it, especially when it was hanging fresh in the air as it was now, though he didn’t know whether it was an outward or inner loathing. The aromatics of the bar helped cut through the ache. Made it tolerable. But…
“It smells awful in here,” Alastor sighed bitterly. Eyes faraway as he let his nose hover over the glass before taking another sip. 
If he said it out loud it could be true.
About as awful as you fuckin’ look, Husk thought to himself before casually responding, “Well this is a bar in Hell. None of ’em smell like roses.”
Alastor merely hummed in response; a disconnected sound. Most likely the last sound the bartender would manage to get out of the Overlord for the rest of the night. 
It wouldn’t be wise for Husk to let on that he knew exactly what Alastor meant by the smell, but he did agree. That was part of the reason he was getting to the end of his rope with the both of you. Although you kept to yourself, the scent you were emitting was harsh and it lingered. Husk was beginning to wonder if it had actually started seeping into the wallpaper.
As difficult as it was to stay neutral, especially since he could understand certain aspects of your plight, getting involved was simply too dangerous. He thought he had a good grasp on his keeper’s moods and behavior, but this was all new territory. Tread lightly.
And so, he reserved himself to suffering through your poisoned aroma and Alastor’s moods. Hoping to whatever benevolent entity that could hear his silent pleas that Angel Dust would manage a breakthrough.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
You were sitting crossed-legged on Angel’s bed as he rummaged through his specially made walk-in closet. Doing your best to fight off the sleep that was beginning to weigh on your eyelids, but it was a test of will that you were rapidly losing. The temptation to lay down and nestle yourself into the comfortable pink pillows and duvet growing stronger with each passing second. 
Angel must have been able to tell when he finally emerged, turning on some music to a volume that was just loud enough you couldn’t dismiss it as background noise before revealing a joint from behind his back with a flourish.
“Ta-da! Those bitches really think they got the last of it, but they’ll never find my break in case of emergency stash,” he mused with pride, nearly jumping on the bed to wake you up. 
He wasted no time in lighting a match from a pack on his nightstand, igniting the paper and taking a couple hits until a sufficient burn was glowing in a thin line of red. At which point he passed it to you, exhaling with a turn of his head. So polite.
This was far from your first time, but it had been a while since you last done this with a friend. You opted for a long drag and held in the smoke, nearly sighing as you felt the drug kick in after a second. Welcoming the warm, floating feeling in your head with a lazy smile as you emptied your lungs.
Angel whistled, impressed. “Not even the tiniest cough! My kinda gal. We shoulda done this ages ago.”
You nodded your head, passing it back to him as you laid down; sinking into the plush pillows with a hum. He followed suit, taking another hit and blowing the smoke your way with a teasing look on his face. You couldn’t help but giggle, both from the high and Angel’s comforting presence. Time passed for a while this way, taking turns with the joint and listening to music. Little laughing fits when you made eye contact for too long or muttered Val’s hat. Cuddling with his darling little pet pig, Fat Nuggets.
But once you had taken the last drag there was a shift. He was staring at you, waiting with the most open and soft face. The question on it the one you could no longer avoid. So what happened?
It took all you had not to cry. In fact, you were amazed at the capacity of tears your body had rendered over the past week. How could there still be any more left to give? But there was. At this point you weren’t sure whether they were coming from a place of anger, shame, or heartbreak. When it came to Alastor, you found your emotions had chasms deeper than you ever conceived. And they were more oppressive the further you went.
“Valentino didn’t tell you anything?”
Angel shook his head and made a face, landing somewhere between exhaustion and exasperation. “Sort of. You know how those fuckers like to play their little games. He keeps waitin’ for me to say somethin’, but I prefer to watch him squirm.”
Though you worried for him and hoped some part of Alastor’s deal held up in his favor, starting there would be a good place to start; leading him through the whole affair at the penthouse that you were present for. Not missing the sad look in Angel’s eyes when you finally got around to Valentino licking your neck. 
When you began to tell him about what happened once you got back to the hotel his eyes went wide. The scandalized scoff and I can’t fucking believe you sparkle in his eyes made you blush before you both erupted in a cackle, a form of pride shining through storm clouds of melancholy. You knew he would have burning questions and answered them as they came up.
Is he big? Yes.
Rough? No, until he was. 
Maybe even just a tad over. There were still some decent bruises to show for it. On top of which, the bite was taking a little longer to heal than expected…
You were snapped back by Angel’s next question.
Was it good? …the best. In fact, had you ever experienced that in life you would’ve found yourself here immediately after.
The last one had you both squealing. But he could see the tears blurring your eyes afterward, holding your hands as you continued. From waking up in his bed that evening, what happened in it, all the way through the fight the following morning.
“Fuck,” he sighed, the empathy on his face threatening to make you break down all over again. “Would you have done it without the pheromones?” 
Your lips quivered a bit, and you let out a shaky breath as you fought to remain composed before answering with a nod. “But he wouldn’t have… and now…”
The sob that followed took you by force, fueled by the loneliness you’ve been losing battles to all week. Angel hushed you when you tried to apologize, holding your hands until you were done. He left you momentarily to get you tissues and returned in pajamas; a box and large t-shirt in hand.
You took them, going for the tissues first. Turning away to clean your face and blow your nose. It was not a bodily function you ever cared for, so of course it was something you still had to deal with in Hell. Afterward you undressed and put on the oversized shirt, immediately feeling much better by the time you rejoined Angel in your former positions.
“Keep goin’,” he said, shifting some pillows to get more comfortable. “We gotta get this off that sweet chest’a yours.”
“Are you sure…? I don’t wanna bum you out too much.” 
He waved his hand, and raised his eyebrows. The expectant look on his face practically shouting get on with it. You put a hand up in defeat and exhaled.
“I just… wish he would let me leave, you know? Even though I can’t imagine not being here with you and everyone else but… I can barely make it to the garden before I start to feel the tug.” Your hand went up to your throat as you swallowed. 
You hadn’t meant to, but you didn’t mention the chain during your recall of the fight. He would understand, you knew, but… you kept it to yourself. It was hard to reason why. All you knew was that for now, it wasn’t something you wanted anyone to know about.
“He’s got me trapped here and I swear it’s like I can feel him all the time even though we’ve been avoiding each other all week,” you bemoaned, squeezing your eyes shut to fight back another wave of tears. The look on Angel’s face told you all you needed to know when you opened them again. He knew. “Is it bad that I miss him? I’m… fucking mad at him too, but… I miss him more than I thought I would…”
It was a painful admission, but an honest one. 
Angel wiped a stray tear from your cheek before running his fingers through your hair. Sighing before he said, just above a whisper, “No. It’s not bad that you miss him. But you know it’s…,” he sighed again searching for the right words. An almost tired look on his face. “Guys like them… they think they can just treat us like toys. But we ain’t. Alastor might be pissed off now but it’s only a matter of time before he’ll want you for something. That’s how it works.”
He practically spat the word out, voice rising slightly with indignant fire. 
“I can’t say I know what he’s thinkin’ — no one understands that mind’a his. But he’s been… different since the fight. We all thought he was startin’ to come around! I think you’ve been a nice little distraction.”
The pinch to your cheek was a welcome dose of levity, and your chest bloomed with warmth at the sight of Angel’s mischievous face. Though his eyes were still a bit somber as his mouth relaxed into a soft smile.
“I guess what I’m tryin’ to say is, as long as you know what you want and what you’re gettin’ into… No one here would think any less of you for it. There’s only so much you can do. I know.”
You let the words sink in as you wriggled closer to him, sighing a thank you into the comforting fluff of his chest as his arms wrapped around you. Not that you needed permission, but his blessing and understanding of your feelings carried a weight you weren’t sure he fully realized. The sun breaking through the clouds.
Angel played with your hair as the two of you changed topics, talking aimlessly about other things going on around the hotel that you had been too tired to notice. Gossiping and laughing until sleep finally crept up on you. For the first time in a week, your dreams had been light and kind. Dancing with static, familiar red eyes, and a radiant fanged smile.
Oblivious to the idea that was hatching in Angel’s mind as you fell asleep, the glint in his eye was wicked and determined. Overlords weren’t the only ones who knew how to play games.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
Days of the week didn’t hold the same kind of power in Hell as they did on Earth. But for the first time in years Alastor found himself growing impatient for evening’s approach. Akin to an itch, there had been a persistent irritation running through him. Something he managed to push to his feet at first but was steadily crawling up, leaving pinpricks of restlessness it its wake.
The nervousness was finding outlets in peculiar ways. Mindlessly shaking his leg for unknowable amounts of time, snapping pencils as he tried to focus on work. Clothes strewn about his room like the vines that adorned the radio tower.
Weekends weren’t a concept that existed here, and even if they did, they would mean quite little to the Overlord as his work was never finished. Splitting time between his duties to the hotel and his radio segments kept him more than occupied. Well… when he wanted them too, at least. He had been letting the side down these past couple weeks. Following his flights of fancy was one of the lingering pieces of his humanity that refused to leave him even after all this time. In fact, it was a trait that found more enabling here than it ever had in life.
All of this to say, Alastor didn’t place significance in time or days of the week unless there was an event or some tiresome chore tied to it. 
Tonight was one of those times. 
Charlie and Vaggie had gathered the residents yesterday to announce that they had a surprise planned — a Friday night out, since the pair had missed it the last time due to their appointment in Heaven. Alastor had been listening from the banister a few floors up, watching as everyone reacted with relative enthusiasm. Except for you.
Had he not heard the words with his own ears, he’d have thought you’d been told you were attending a funeral. This hadn’t been the first time he’d eavesdropped on the daily activities gathering, but it was the first time he’d had his interest peaked. Not because he was concerned with you going out — you weren’t allowed that right now. And knew it.
Watching you squirm was something he’d never tire of. It was a subtle tell, which is why Alastor appreciated it. Just a touch of additional tension between your brows and a fiddling of fingers. That perpetual pout and concentrated look in your eyes were distracting enough to maintain focus, easily deterring others from picking up on your nervous fidgeting.
Still marinating in the bitterness of the week, it brought him a keen satisfaction seeing you struggle to think up an excuse as to why you couldn’t join them on their evening out. Would you blame it on him? Or put it upon yourself? 
“I hope you all have a great time! But I think I’ll hang back… I’d hate to be the sad drunk at the sex club.”
Is that what the establishment Consent was? 
If Alastor hadn’t already shortened your leash, he would have done it now. Not even realizing his claws had dug into the bannister until he felt the recoil when he tried to walk away. An irritated growl reverberating in his throat as the heat of his shortened temper fogged his mind. So he melted into shadow to retreat back to the privacy of his room to let off steam.
And so, Friday evening had plagued him ever since. The hotel now empty save for the two of you.
It was a thought that shouldn’t have riled him up the way it did. He was still rather cross with you for instigating that fight, after all. You had laid misery at his feet and he’d be remiss to not return the favor. It had been warranted.
The intention of isolating you from him was supposed to be your punishment, but had somehow become his as well. It was infuriating. Another example of how his plans of late continued to backfire and leave him scrambling to figure out a clean escape.
It hadn’t come to him as easily this time. Drowning his agitation in liquor, hours of pointless gardening in his sanctuary just to keep his hands busy. Listlessly sitting at the bench of his piano, staring at the keys with hesitant hands. Any music he did manage to play, while passionate, was acrid and only further soured his mood. The bitter notes mingling in the air with what was left of your scent. Mocking.
He felt now very much the same as he had right after the battle with Heaven, recovering from the ghastly wound Adam had landed on him. Alone. Made aimless in recovery. Back to square one. 
Alastor’s antlers branched out at the memory, a snarl on his lips as he paced through trees and shrubbery. It was a low point he thought he’d never suffer again, yet here he was. A sulking menace, same as you.
Despite best efforts, he had combed over the fight more times than he could count these last few days. Which of his actions had mislead you to such a conclusion that the copulation had been nothing but a game? Is that the kind of man you took him for? His blood burned again at the very notion, eyes radiating with such a heat he couldn’t believe the grass in its wake hadn’t shriveled from it.
He had taken advantage of your offer, but his desire to have you was something he had already been struggling with. Was that not apparent in how hard he fought to maintain a gentle touch? At least until he couldn’t? Even if your docile face hadn’t told him how needed that was, it was something he could feel. And something he more than willing to indulge. He had always been a hunter.
But his hand had been forced that time, and that was something he couldn’t forgive. No matter your willingness to participate nor the pleasure he had felt in claiming your body. 
The second time…
That had been his decision. Though your laugh was the trigger. 
Alastor wasn’t lying when he said he thought you didn’t know how. Yet there it was, hiding in your chest, those sweet chords of mirth falling from your mouth with a nonchalance that was almost offensive. Your lips turned up in an equally rare display, eyes sparkling in his partially lit room as you sat in his bed, bundled up in his housecoat.
It haunted him now.
But in the moment, his mind had gone blank, so surprised by the honest show of emotion from you. He himself was prone to a more orchestrated laugh, so he knew. It had been real. You had laughed for him. Let him burrow just a little further into your soul that you kept so guarded, despite the fact that he owned it.
You were the goldfish enticing him behind your glass bowl as if he were a cat that was afraid to get wet. 
He wasn’t.
Honestly, he hadn’t planned to bed you again so soon. In fact, he had felt rather sated from the exploits of the afternoon, despite his reservations for how it came about; more than content to let you sleep while he read his book. Knowing you’d eventually be waking up from the pain of his bite, he kept you close. Glancing over every now and then between passages to look at your sleeping face.
Even in sleep those downturned lips of yours taunted him. He had even touched them. The plush softness under his thumb a sensation he didn’t think he’d enjoy as much as he did with a clear head. He watched as the knot in your brow melted away, the swell in his chest giving him little reason not to do it again. So he did. You looked so peaceful it almost made him want to join you, but he wasn’t ready to entertain that just yet. Eventually rewarded for his abstinence with being able to watch you come back to life, petulance and all. 
And then you laughed. 
Laughter was something he heard all the time around this fatuous hotel. And he had certainly heard more than his fair share of cackles. None of which had moved him. Well… 
Getting Husker to laugh for the first time was an accomplishment. Those were still hard to come by, despite the amount of time they’ve known each other.
But that had been a game Alastor was actively playing. He had never set out to make you laugh (even when he said he was). Being the spoilsport — childish but true — you were, you were too much fun to tease to put an effort into making you laugh.  
What a golden little sound it was; lighthearted but just incredulous enough to make his cock twitch. So… no. It hadn’t been the pheromones the second time.
He wanted that. He… enjoyed that. 
He still wanted that, though he didn’t fully understand why. You just seemed to… set something off in him. A difficult thing to articulate, as he hadn’t ever really felt something like it before. Not this acutely.
Possessiveness, sure. Alastor wasn’t ashamed to admit to that. Was it so wrong to want to hold tightly to what was so hard-earned? He had broken his back to gain the reputation he had, and would never regret the choices made to get here. Save for one. But that was beside the point. For now.
What he felt for you was different, again, just in a way he was unsure of. Not love… he wasn’t a boy. It was much too soon for a word like that. But there was certainly a longing… a fondness. 
It had been your scent that intrigued him at first. He had made his peace with that. Enjoyed his little games in testing how your mood would change it, which aided in his desire to wipe that frown off your face. A flash of how you looked laying beneath him came to the front of his mind then, and Alastor gave his head a harsh jerk to vanish it. Though it didn’t help clear the phantom echos of your cries and moans now ringing in his ears.
You had surrendered to him so completely, given him your trust so fully that afternoon that you even endured that ferocious bite with nothing but a scream into the pillows. Letting him claim you in the way he needed to in that moment was no small feat. But you did. He didn’t whisper apologies on a whim. You had earned it.
Irritation was building up in him again, a growl rumbling in his chest as his jaw tightened and antlers creaked with growth. But he persevered, continuing down his train of thought as his legs kept up their restless strides. It was the closest he had felt to something akin to clarity all week.
While he had definitely enjoyed fucking you, there was more to it than that. He wouldn’t have given himself to you in the first place if you hadn’t appealed to him in other ways leading up to it.
Rigidity, diligence, sullenness. Pride, even. 
Despite the more irksome traits, one thing he could always count on was that you would complete the tasks given to you well. A hard thing to come by in this godforsaken place.
But there was a fierceness hiding underneath that you refused to let loose, unless of course you were giving him attitude. That, in particular, drove him rather mad but he couldn’t deny that he enjoyed it. He had grown rather accustomed to navigating you in such a short span of time. It wasn’t lost on him that you had done the same.
You had shown him quite a few times how willing you were to accept even the harsher side of his moods. That evening in his room when Angel had told him about Valentino was a prime example. You had been absolutely terrified — something he was able to see on your face and smell — yet you still showed up the following morning. Impressing him, in a way, with the gall you had to actually enter his suite without permission. He would have chuckled at the memory if he wasn’t on the verge of punching something.
That morning had been the first time he took notice of how you went about cleaning his room, taking extra care with how you made his bed that he hardly ever slept in. So much wasted effort for the both of you, but Alastor didn’t regret it. Even though that bed had become the bane of his existence, mocking him any time he was in the room.
Why did you care so much? 
Irritation turned to anger at the thought, meaning he was on the right track. You were asking him the wrong questions the morning you fought, but you had been justified on some fronts. He had done nothing but push your buttons since bringing you here. Made you do pointless things just to see if you would and test how long he could get away with it before you snapped; purposeful choices made so that he could in turn punish you for being disobedient.
Not that his desire to punish you was your fault. It wasn’t. And if he was being honest, you hadn’t presented him many opportunities to do so anyway. Diligence.
He wanted to move past it, but he was still so twisted up about how everything happened with the battle against Adam and the Exorcists a few weeks ago. To the point where sometimes he wished Adam actually had taken him out. To be nothing but a discorporated soul clinging to life in some inanimate object, indulging in the peace of such an existence. No more fighting, no more posturing, no more leash. 
But he retreated before Adam could finish the job. His instinct to survive persevering once again. No… It was his ego, not his instinct, that had made that choice. Though if it hadn’t well… He wouldn’t have been able to go to Rosie’s that fated afternoon, would he? You were a burden he hadn’t wanted to undertake and had no choice but to. And yet you fit yourself into his routine as if you’d been tending to him for decades.
Why did you care so much?
Could you tell that he was struggling in the never-ending war against his own vanity? That he was dejected from losing a fight in what seemed like near self-sacrifice from the outside? Some part of you must have. Why else would you let him bully you, only to turn around and address his needs with a consistency that alarmed him. Let him prod and hold and touch you at his whim, much like the microphone that never left his side. 
Another loss he hadn’t recovered from. Its splintered form now buried at the base of a tree in his secondary room. The shame of seeing it lying around his suite or the radio tower while he failed to mend it too much to bear. A contemptuous symbol of who he was and what he had been reduced to.
He hadn’t even noticed that he was walking to your room before he was standing in front of the door. Alastor would be lying if he said he thought you would be the one to come to him.
You always took the wrong things to heart.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧     ✧     ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
tag list: @fairyv-ice, @wat4r, @midorichoco, @raynerrold, @krak-jj, @tremendoushearttaco, @redfoxwritesstuff, @chibistar45, @kaylopolis, @cutiebimbo, @lousypotatoes, @rfox1998, @cosmiccandydreamer, @stardustandbrimstone, @cherry-cola-100, @wonderlandangelsposts, @catticora, @velvette3, @sailorsmouth, @alastorthirsty, @reath-solia, @junieshohoho
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kisskiss-slashslash · 10 months
hi could you write like a blurb of reader knitting a baby onesie to tell the slasher(preferably Thomas Hewitt, my love<33) that they’re pregnant. Reader has been knitting all day and won’t let anyone see it until she’s done. Plss and thank you<333
Yes I could <3
Announcing your pregnancy to Thomas Hewitt by gifting him a baby onesie
You have been avoiding Thomas all day, and he is starting to get a little annoyed. And the rest of the family is also put on edge by your odd behaviour. You spend an unusual amount of time alone, and leave every room as soon as another family member enters it.
Come evening, he sits at the table, grumpily staring into his supper. There is a lot of tension in the air.
He looks up, surprised and happy that you finally decided to acknowledge him again. The whole table goes quiet, all eyes on you.
You clear your throat. “I have something for you.”
Luda Mae’s eyes widen for a moment and never leave the small package, wrapped in this morning’s newspaper and held together by a bit of the yarn you use for knitting, tied into a neat ribbon, as you hand it to him.
Thomas furrows his brows. It’s not his birthday, neither is it Christmas, so what is this for? If it were just one of the small gifts you occasionally give him to “show your appreciation”, you wouldn’t have drawn so much attention to it. He turns the gift in his hands, finding its content soft under his meaty fingers.
Then he slowly, carefully opens up the ribbon, and unfolds the paper around it. When he sees that it is something knitted, he first assumes you made him a scarf or hat… something usually useless in a state as hot as Texas. Then he unfolds it and reveals a small onesie, knitted from dark blue yarn with strands of silver woven through it, making it look like a starlit sky.
His eyes wander to you in confusion. Then back to the item in his hands. Back to you. Slowly, the realization what this means creeps up on him. Again, he looks at the onesie and back to you, faster this time. His eyes widen, while you return his gaze with a shy smile.
He stands up to quickly that the force almost throws his plate off the table, and within a heartbeat, you find yourself crushed against his chest in a backbreaking hug.
Once he lets go of you again, he looks around to his family members and finds them speechless.
Thomas’ mind is going a million miles an hour. The crib that first Hoyt and then later him have slept in as babies should still be somewhere down in the cellar. The water down there undoubtedly did some damage to it, but nothing unfixable. What else would a baby need?
While he thinks about all the things that need to be prepared before the child arrives, he holds onto you like a drowning man, his hands on your stomach as if he could already feel the small life growing there.
478 notes · View notes
knightyoomyoui · 6 months
Momo x M Reader - "Crazy Stupid Love"
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So this is one of my requests and probably the LONGEST one I had to grant because I just realized today that one of my readers made this request since November 2022, so I just want to say my huge apologies to you Dumbledore_1 for taking me too long to finally make this piece. This one-shot is a sequel to my Set 4 Momo x M Reader work titled "Somebody That I Used To Know" so if yall haven't read that one, better do so because you might not understand a little on what this story is about to tell and to give you guys a background from what happened to Momo and the reader's past, although I tackled the main point of this story clearly though. Lastly, I labeled this as only for male reader to feature because the first one also features only male reader, so it might be a weird for the female ones to read this. However, it's still up for my female readers there if you want to imagine yourself as a guy or for others to take place rather for this to aid your curiosities. Here's my Ko-fi account where you can drop your donations or ask for a commission. You can check it out on my Tumblr profile too!  Buy knightyoomyoui a Coffee. ko-fi.com/knightyoomyoui - Ko-fi ❤️ Where creators get support from fans through donations, memberships, shop sales and more! The original 'Buy Me a Coffee' Page. Enjoy reading and have a happy Christmas season, everyone!
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YN was shaken as the barrage of stomps and steps coming from the other passengers effectively woke him up. The bus had stopped moving, and he peeked from the window with squinted eyes. There he saw a very familiar view.
A smile crept up on his face, and he followed through the remaining people exiting the vehicle. Stepping out, he grabbed his bag and luggage before the bus left them there at the stop point.
YN started to walk while wandering his eyes around at the surroundings. It never changed, he thought. This is still one of the places where he could get use some time off away from every troubles he's having from the city.
And that being said, YN came here for one specific purpose. He wanted to stay in his province of Daegu for quite some time to help himself allow to recover from his heartbreak and improve his well-being for the better.
He has been disturbed day and night by what Momo revealed to him since their last talk, which was one month ago. It led him to the point where he needed to be delving deeply into reflection about the painful revelation she had brought to light. The next important person in his life to whom he has been closest, Dahyun, became aware of her cousin YN's odd conduct. She made one quick suggestion that she knew would assist her cousin, who is in a mess, knowing that he had recently ended a difficult and unpleasant relationship with Momo. She is a little upset at what her cousin did to her friend, but she still needs to show compassion and kindness for him because he is a loved one. She had always despised those who were internally disturbed by shattered hearts. She is thus making every effort to support Momo and YN during these challenging times. Aside from the fact that he genuinely misses their province, YN paid attention to what Dahyun advised her to do. He packed his belongings and traveled for hours to go to Daegu. His grandfather and other Dahyun's side relatives welcomed him when he got there. They greeted him with open arms upon his return, which undoubtedly helped YN feel at home. Then, after spending months there, he bought a house for himself, which his family allowed him to live in alone. During the months he had to stay apart from everything, he had the opportunity to experience living alone in the heart of such a vibrant and serene environment. even though at first he found it tough because he knew that being left alone is one of his worst fears.
Even so, he still tried to endure all the pain as he knew that he needed this for the sake of taking a rest for himself after what he'd gone through. There's been a saying that you will never heal from the pain if you never consider to give yourself a break.
Those created the thoughts that were unable for him to dodge all the memories that ties him back to his ex-girlfriend Momo. Because of her, it finally had him to slowly reprocess and understood everything wrong that thay had gone through in their relationship.
He had it discover pieces by pieces and he got some help coming from one of his interactions with some of the locals around his place, as he turned himself to be a volunteer to their town as a way to give himself things to distract him and make his time more valuable and less boring.
He walked back and got one for himself to begin eating with the locals, joining the elders, after serving some food to some of the kids seated at the table.
A notification beeped into his phone, causing it to open. He saw it for a second and turned it off, right before one of the elders asked him something.
"Who is that girl?"
He paused on directing his spoonful of food on his mouth as he heard the elder's question. He looked at him who has this curious look presented on him.
You opened the phone again and showed the rest your wallpaper that got seen, your own picture of Momo on the screen.
"Was that your partner?" His grandpa asked, tempting him to a frown on his lips.
He hesitated to answer for a while as he stared at Momo through the phone. Gulping his throat, he cleared his voice before speaking out his answer.
"She was mine."
All of them became quiet and his grandpa felt the sullen mood of his grandson. "Son, the world hasn't been very kind to both of you, hasn't it?"
He shook his head, denying the assumption. "I'm starting to think that it's not like that. It was only her, and i'm her world who didn't treated her well."
One of ahjumma (female elder) furrowed her eyebrows at his claim. "Did you do something wrong on her?"
"I did, ahjumma." He nodded his head, tightlipped at how guilty he was. "I broke her heart. I didn't mean to but I had to. I haven't got to explain it further."
"Was it that huge of an effect on her?" the first harabeoji (male elder) who asked him about Momo took the turn. He sipped on the soup and kept your head lowered.
"She erased my existence on her life, like she never met me." He smiled bitterly. His heart starts to get heavy, emotions were slowly rising up in his chest. "I guess she brought back the favor because I tried to get rid of her, to push her aside, to make her feel unwanted."
He received a slap on the shoulder by his own grandpa, earning a yelp of pain from him. "And how could you do that?! That's a wonderful girl you just had and you wasted it."
"Believe me, YN you've done a terrible mistake of inflicting heartbreak on that poor woman. Take me and your grandma as example. Even if we had many faults and fights in our relationship until she passed away, I never forgot her and I know so as she wherever she is right now.
And how did we do that? By making up to each other. Acknowledge what wrongful acts you have done. And I'm telling you, son; if you really loved that woman you won't let her be like that to you. Be sorry for everything that you did, understand?"
He nodded at his mixture of scolding and advice. "B-but, I'm afraid I might lure her away."
"She may not forget, but she may forgive you if you convincingly say everything from your heart."
The elders gasped and awwed when they saw a teardrop flowed out from his eye, he was so invested at the rant spoke by his grandpa that he didn't even noticed that his guilt urged his emotions to break loose.
"What's her name, son?"
"Hirai Momo." He noticed the slight amazement in his face. "She's Japanese."
"She's pretty, you got a foreign lover who surely looked up at you all the time not until you showed her the opposite." He expressed his dismay. "But I still feel sorry for you, son. Like what you said earlier, it seems like you got lost on the consequences of the stakes that was put upon you on your relationship with her."
"Do you still love her?"
He kept everything of his grandfather's advice in mind during the days that went by, including the last question that was posed to him and for which he is still unsure of the answer. He decided to give it some time for clarity even if there were some residual sentiments. He asked his cousin Dahyun, who is getting ready for their group schedule, a startling question during one of their video chats, even though Dahyun knew she would have it coming.
"Uhm... Dubu, is she there?"
"Yeah, but she went with Nayeon unnie on the cafeteria, why?"
"H- How is she doing, Dahyun-ah?" He questioned with a sorrowful tone.
Dahyun paused for a moment and just watched her cousin's misery displayed on the screen. She knew that until now he haven't gotten over her, but she didn't expected that he would spoke it out and make it known.
She knew YN to be very secretive of how he actually feels that's why she thought he would just rather do it through action, like what he did to Momo when he was loving her smoothly until the confusions took part.
But Dahyun isn't satisfied yet for that. She know that the two still haven't been getting along fine together and she hoped it'll come someday, and she believes that the only thing needed for that to happen is for her cousin to bravely show up and tell it all by himself to the woman he hurted the most.
"She's doing well, oppa. She's still laughing along with us... well we're trying to make her happy these days."
You nodded, relieved that Momo isn't suffering as much as you do today.
"But I don't know if it just because of us, because uhm... actually oppa- should I say it first to you?"
Dahyun's cautiousness grew an alarming tenseful feeling on him that is making him uncomfortable.
"Go ahead, i'll be fine." He said. Dahyun hoped the same. "Okay. Don't tell me you didn't let me be." Dahyun warned him one more time. "There's a guy who's courting Momo-unnie currently and based from how unnie is receiving his efforts, I think it's winning."
He heard enough and he became silent for a while. He knew it would be painful but he just let it sink in. He's the one who caused all of this to happen. It was all just a pure karma in return for him.
"Is that so?" He reacted bland. "That's great. I-I'm happy for the both of them in case... yeah." He smiled forcefully.
Dahyun clicked her tongue and sighed. "Oppa, you're hurting."
"As I should be."
The next days, his phase was on recollecting their memories together, in which he reminisce whenever he encounters something that Momo used to love before; he used to be in that place to witness it with his very own eyes.
Everywhere he goes, there's always one reason for him to remember her.
The kids he always entertain and taking care of. Momo loved children.
"Someday, if we will be lucky enough to get married. I want us to build a family with two kids! I hope we can have both a son and a daughter..."
The pig feet which was one of their foods for dinner. That is Momo's absolute favorite food she would be willing to die for.
"You should cook more jokbal, YN! This is so delicious!"
Their pictures together on his gallery that is almost full of her beautiful face. He opened one of the videos there which contains one of the clips they recorded during their anniversary.
He smiled as Momo kissed him on the lips and nuzzled her head on her neck. The next thing was soft and low, but her voice was always catchy for him to be able to hear it clearly.
This has to be the most anticipating turned devastating words you will ever remember from what she said.
Not only because this was like an oath for the goal to the next path he wanted to reach with her, but also because this will now end up instead in his  imagination to haunt him with his guilt and definitely hers to occur with her desires.
"To more anniversaries and hopefully, a wedding in the future with you, YN. I love you."
Lastly are the peaches in the farm where he helps some of the farmers there to harvest and the dogs from the neighborhood who randomly visits his house were the ones to sum up everything that ties him back to her.
And in his last days in the Daegu province, he has finally see and understand everything clearly.
Before he rode the bus, he looked back at his grandpa who guided him to the bus stop.
"Remember the question you asked me about, grandpa. If I still do... love her?"
"Have you found the answer?"
"I do." He smiled. "And I promise you that I will try to make her hear my apology to her once I return to Seoul."
"Great for you, then. I wish you good luck, son."
They hugged together before they parted ways, with YN focused on his way back to the destination where his objective lies ahead.
A month after his departure from the province, he is back at Seoul where he is now currently looking for a place to work with these days.
Dahyun notified him one day that they'll be celebrating Jihyo's successful solo debut and she wants to bring him there because the girls misses him.
Hesitant at first that he knew that out of nine of them, Momo is the only one who doesn't want to see her, but he instead accepted for the sake of seeing his friends and to celebrate her special day when Dahyun assured him that Momo isn't like that to him anymore.
YN and Dahyun arrived at the restaurant together. The girls saw them from the table and they all cheered, except for Momo who is sitting there in silent and avoiding his sight. He noticed it and felt a bit unease as he entertains the rest.
And there, the two ex-couple finally saw each other again after quite a long time. Awkward at first, they still managed to greet each other when YN tried to test his courage for his plan tonight. Thankfully, Momo greeted him back shyly.
They ordered, congratulated Jihyo again for her success, talked a lot about how they've been doing, and ate their respective delicious foods to savor the precious time they're having together as a group.
As they went to enjoy the night by doing some videoke and chugging beers, YN noticed that Momo went outside to freshen up.
"Dahyun." He called the woman sitting beside her, munching some pizza. "It's time. I'll be right back." He said as they gazed at Momo's back facing them through her stance at the railings of the balcony.
"Be careful, okay? Make it sentimental and don't force if she can't have it all too well."
"Got it."
Dahyun patted him on the back before he stood up and carefully opened the sliding doors. He silently stepped towards Momo's figure, breathing becoming heavy, heartbeat rising rapidly.
He let out one last sigh before he began to confront the woman he wanted to meet and talk after months of waiting, recovering, and changing.
She heard that familiar voice, she remembered what she told him almost a year ago, prompting her to try not to slip off on her character.
"Now you're just somebody that I used to know, YN."
Turning her body around, she finally has come to face to face with the man she tries to completely forget in her heart and mind.
"Yes?" She responded. It was cold and plain, and YN understand what he's putting himself into. He just had to let it go and proceed with his main intention for her.
"I know you don't want having me near you, but c-can I please just... please have a short moment with you?" He said. "It won't last long, I promise but if you don't want me... then, it's fine but I really wanted to say something very quick to you."
Momo was startled when YN called for him. From the way he acted, Momo is quite intrigued that this version of YN infront of her is now more cautious, kind and soft to her. This is almost like... a different person from the one he used to know-and endure- before.
Momo would be deceiving herself and she knows how awful it is to feel regretful to herself if she lets that, if she doesn't admit to herself that it actually made her convince and push her wants to atleast see or know something of himself in personal.
"Don't waste any more time. Go on." She granted him his request. Crossing her arms, she leaned on the railings and watched this poor, broken, and lonely man she used to hate seeing being like this.
"T-Thank you." He bowed a little and straightened his posture, breathing deeply before he proceed to let out everything he's been keeping to his chest. "I know I shouldn't be in here because I know you're still mad at me. I almost didn't attend but for the girls-"
"For the record, I'm not mad at you anymore." Momo seriously said. "I set it all aside, because like I said... I don't want nothing to do with you. You're a nobody to me now, but I'm just letting you for once as long as you prove what brought youself here with me and dare to come close with me after how we ended things together."
"I know about that, and that's why I'm just here to say one thing that I've never ever said to you.
I'm sorry."
Momo's eyes shut, biting her lip with her fist clenching after hearing that. "I'm sorry for everything. All I did was very wrong of me and I don't want you to force you to believe me but... I didn't intended to do that on you.
"I did love you from the first time I laid my eyes on you, to the time you gave back the same feelings as mine for you, and the beginning of our relationship together. I know I have been gotten cold to you as time passes but I want to clarify things that... it wasn't your fault at all, Momo. It was me."
Momo glared at him with a teary eyes. She hated it, but she had to recall all of the times she had to wonder every night why does this keep on happening and what did she do wrong that made him treat him with lack of affection. She wanted answers for a long time and gladly, the time has come for her to hear it straight away from the man responsible of putting her like that.
"I always wanted to be like you, on what you're doing for me and it's true. But I always look at myself lowly, thinking if what I'm doing rather wasn't enough for you." His voice began to crack, as his eyes became to get watery also from the immense emotions affecting him. "And instead of improving or sharing my worries to you, I chose rather to set you free from me. I did that, thinking it was for mercy but instead it looked like I wanted you to suffer more and it was so... so wrong for me to do so. I became so lost for that."
"I still love you up to this day, Momo."  With that, both synchronizably cried from that words that they used to say to each other as a vow but now, it turns out to be a forbidden phrase for them to exchange anymore.  "It's not that I didn't trust you it's just that... I was scared."
"My plead for you not to leave was true, I truly can't bear letting you go. But now, I think I believe that probably I deserve to be alone and unworthy of somebody's love to hold onto because what I did, I am willing to sacrifice my feelings for you, Momo."
"It hurts me so bad but I have to let you go now." He escaped a rough exhale before continuing. "I'm not going to plead for you to come back and ruin the happiness your getting with somebody else now. Again, I'm truly sorry again for rushing in our relationship, acting immature on times you needed my comfort and making you bring all the burden you never deserved to have to."
YN began to drop on his knees and positioned himself to kneel in front of Momo who was shocked at his action.
"YN! W-what are you doing, get up from there!" She dashed through him and lifted his body and in YN's disbelief, he made Momo envelope him into a longing and comforting embrace that belongs to one of the lovely things he wasted from an gracious woman like her.
They both sobbed in their own heartache and sympathized with their own struggles.
"I hate you for what you did to me YN but why!" Momo cried out. "Why did you kept it to yourself, huh?! Why did you let yourself struggling on your own?"
"You promised me that you'll try to be honest, but you didn't, and that made me think that being done with your fake love, I rather be going. You could've shared it all to me directly, I'm your girlfriend for god's sake, I could've helped you because I loved you!"
"I'm sorry.. I'm s-so sorry..."
Momo whined and screamed in a mixture of frustration, agony and disappointment for what their relationship had become and the complete clear revelations of how she got ended up suffocating and unpleased in his company.
"Get up." She helped him stand back to his wobbling weak legs again. "Finally you were now able to reflect yourself and tell to me that one words I just wanted to hear from you. I just wanted you to be accountable and say sorry to me.", Momo said, clarifying the last words she told to him back then.
"But now that you did and I've heard and seen enough your sincerity..." She grasped him in the shoulders and stared at him with a broken smile. "I forgive you, YN."
He nodded and cried again, finally getting the remorse and acceptance that he's been yearning and searching for months after realizing what he's done. "Thank you. I'm sorry again, Momo."
"That'll be your last, it's fine now." Momo warned him as he fixed his messy hair and wiped away his tears.
"I just have one more question to ask."
"What is it?"
"Have I... been a nice girlfriend to you?"
He stared at Momo's awaiting, curious and softened face. A teardrop flowed for one final time, to drain out every bit of pain he consumed.
He grabbed the back of her neck and gently pulled her close to land a tender kiss on her forehead. "You did more than enough for me, Momo. You're a great woman that I wasted the unconditional love you've been giving by being ungrateful and selfish, and I will forever bring that regret with me."
Momo timidly smiled for him and stepped away from his contact. Wanting to end this emotional moment between each other to avoid ruining the fun night, she came up something to talk with. "I know you have quite shared this with the girls earlier but I just wanted to know myself, how have you been doing these days?"
"I'm good, I'm still on my road to improve myself. I couldn't stand to let others see and continue to be the same guy that you used to encounter." He finally flashed the first bright smile for Momo away from their problems. Momo was proud and touched for his efforts and dedication that she implemented on him. "And you?"
"I'm happy. Even happier now that we've settled things peacefully."
"I've heard from Dahyun that there's this guy who's been seeing you these days, huh. How is he doing for you?"
Momo was taken back that he had to learn about that and mention it. "H-He's fine, but I want to make it clear to him that I don't want to be in a relationship yet." she shyly said.
"How about you? Will you be okay? Are you... gonna look for somebody to have an interest with?" Momo wondered.
"No, I don't think I will." He stated. "I'm not scared, I just want to be careful. I think it's better for me not to engage in this romance thing anymore, you know? I have learnt from my mistakes now." She understood and didn't spoke any further despite still having this pint of pity for the fallen man.
"And... why should I look for other, when you're still the one I choose?"
Momo stared at him, she blushed  and uncontrollably smiled in an embarassed way after hearing that glimpse of the charming YN that never disappeared from him.
She spreaded her arms wholesomely and looked at her with a smile.
"I know I've said that I wanted to disregard your existence but... I didn't want to be cruel now that I've heard your side and I'm sorry for that because I have to admit...
Although you broke my heart, I still couldn't deny the truth that you're one of the most important person I've met and the first man who helped me explore how love could led us into elsewhere.
You still made me happy, YN. I can't just have it easy to throw you out of my life so... should we be friends again?"
He listened to her patiently and it was overwhelming in the end. "I don't deserve this at all, but I'm highly grateful to take it, Momo. Let's start fresh again." He shook his head and smiled.
You accepted her hug one more time and both took time to indulge how great it must felt've again to their part that they don't have to try pretend, carry a hatred, and keep their unspoken troubles for theirselves.
They are now freed from their own personal chaos and has now created a clean slate of their closeness and connection to each other.
They returned back together where they are approached by the girls who've been watching their melancholic yet heartfelt moment they shared in which they paused their fun to express their happiness for their friends on burying the hatchet between each other.
Both learning that they are currently happy with their own lives and has finally washed away their conflict, they realized that somehow helped each other to realize that maybe having a crazy stupid love with somebody was never really required to be happy and contented in life.
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yjhzies · 2 months
“Unreal.” — Hong Joshua
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#ver. – seungcheol
Genre: fluff, fluff and fluff! (slightly crack) Warning: use of corny pick up lines, simp bf Pairings: joshua x gn!reader(?), f!reader Word count : 0.4k
[💿] : Butterflies by Straykids
★ note · kind of similar to the seungcheol's straight out of dreams one so let's consider it as shua ver. (ALSO PLS SEND ME UR SVT SCENARIOS BCZ IM REALLY RUNNING OUT OF THEM 😿🤞)
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Yes, you and Joshua have been dating for five years now. Yes, you still give him butterflies. Oh, this man is so in love with you that he can drop everything else and be with you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
In order to spend the rest of the day with you, he even ends practice with the members early. Not to mention that he has hundreds of dates scheduled, so you get to choose where you want to go. The beach? oh well, guess what? He does not give a damn if it is nighttime; you are still going to the beach, even if it's just for a stroll. A dinner date in a fancy restaurant? All set, he already reserved a table at the city's most elegant restaurant.
Even the bare minimum from you puts him on cloud nine. What did he do to deserve you? God, he gets butterflies just looking at your face. Even when you just adjust his collar before heading out to dinner, give him a quick glance to make sure he is comfortable, or even just smile at him, he is o.v.e.r.j.o.y.e.d.
When he arrives home and finds you cooking food, he literally melts. He can't wait for the day you actually become his life partner. and all he wants when he gets home from a hard day at work is your comforting kisses.
He gets butterflies whenever he sees you wearing beautiful outfits on a date. You are so stunningly beautiful, it drives him insane. In a matter of seconds, all it takes is one glance at him from you to make his cheeks as red as a tomato.
And to be honest, it's the same for you. Two love birds ready to die for each other? Perfect. It's like Romeo and Juliet, but in real life. He simps for you, and you simp for him. No, actually, he simps wayyy more than you.
If he could describe how you make him feel through a song, it would undoubtedly be 'Butterflies' by Straykids.
"Baby you got me feeling butterflies, butterflies, 'cause you're my only butterfly, butterfly." You cannot tell me this is not how he feels when he looks at you.
Pick-up lines like "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" may seem corny to some, but Shua finds them to be kinda real. He says it half-jokingly, but he also kind of means it. Not gonna lie, did it actually hurt when you fell from heaven? It's a genuine question because you are too good to be true, it's quite literally.
"Baby, can I ask you something?"
"Hm? Go on."
"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"
And, well, the silliest conversation happens. Though Shua finds these lines corny, he does have a thought about it because you are just unreal to him. You're perfect.
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xoxoavenger · 1 year
Steve’s Problem
pairing: Steve Harrington x SingleMom!Reader
summary: Everyone knows Steve loves kids. It’s not a problem until he meets Eddie’s hot neighbor who has the cutest kid Steve’s ever seen.
word count: 3838
warnings: single mom reader
series masterlist        next part
The first time Steve noticed her, it was dark. She was outside of the trailer neighboring Eddie's, her lighter illuminating her face as she lit the cigarette in between her lips. Steve couldn't help but try and see her features, the dark outline of her body on the trailer steps. The light was gone all too soon, not that it mattered, since Robin had shoved him slightly.
"You're holding up the group, Dingus!" She yelled, and Steve watched the girl look up at them, smoke blowing out of her mouth. Steve quickly looked away, walking a bit faster to Eddie's now open trailer. Robin and Nancy followed him in, putting the snacks and the frozen pizza down on the small counter surface.
"Steve staring at the hot neighbor?" Eddie asked as he sorted through the bags, trying to find the VHS that was buried somewhere.
"Oh definitely." Robin answered as Steve said, "She could have been, like, forty, for all I know. I didn't see her face."
"She's not forty." Eddie let out a chuckle, giving Steve a look. Ever since Nancy had undoubtedly shut him down forever and fully committed to Jonathan, Eddie had tried to give Steve advice, trying to get him a wife and not just a date. Steve took his advice with a grain of salt, because Eddie was the one who told him Nancy was still in love with him while she was dating Jonathan.
"Again, didn't see her face. I was just curious." Steve shrugged, watching Nancy and Robin raise their eyebrows at each other. Steve wanted to groan and stomp his feet like a child, because he was so sick of everyone being so involved in his love life.
"Just wait till the morning. She's a real looker." Eddie threw him a wink as he grabbed the VHS, running to the small TV shoved in the corner. Steve's parents had been home since the 'earthquakes' that shook Hawkins, so his house was out of the selection for their movie night. Steve had been spending all his time in between everyone else's houses, because he couldn't stand his parents constant nagging and talks about leaving. He had told them before going to Eddie's that he would rather live in the shed out back than move anywhere with them, to which they both rolled their eyes. His father had told him that he hoped that 'stupid video store you just had to work at' wasn't destroyed, because Steve was on his way to being completely cut out. Steve had just walked out to his car, wishing he could afford to never come back to his lonely house.
"Are you sure your TV works?" Nancy asked, watching Eddie smack the side of it. No picture showed up, so Eddie hit it a couple more times while Robin groaned.
"We should have just endured my stupid house. It's not like it smells much worse than Eddie's." She complained. Her house always reeked of weed, her parents major suppliers in Hawkins. Robin had already began to look for apartments with Steve, knowing her parents were ready to leave the scene as well.
"Even the kids would have been worth it at mine." Nancy commented, causing Eddie to take a deep breath.
"Shut up!" He yelled, silencing them. He gave a final knock on the TV, and miraculously the movie was suddenly playing on the screen. The group cheered, grabbing their snacks and sitting squished on the couch as they intently watched the movie. They had only made it half an hour when there was a knock on the door.
"I got it." Eddie groaned, as if this wasn't his trailer. The rest just continued watching the movie.
"Eddie," The girl on the side said when the man opened the door. That made the trio on the couch immediately snap their heads to the open door, which was blocking their view of Eddie and his visitor. What girl was at the trailer this late? Steve checked his watch, and okay, it was only eleven, but still, he was sure that Eddie didn't have a girlfriend. He was actually pretty sure Eddie wasn't completely into girls, but Robin had told him that no matter how much they both got that vibe, they were not to ask Eddie.
"Y/N," Eddie greeted. The three on the couch looked at each other, but none of them seemed to recognize the name. "What can I do for ya?" Steve wanted to groan, because why couldn't they just watch the movie?
"Do you have any milk?" The girl - Y/N - asked, sounding tired and embarrassed. Eddie sighed, walking back into the trailer.
"I take it James isn't happy?" Eddie questioned, going to his fridge. Y/N stepped in, looking a bit nervous.
"Nope." Y/N shook her head, and Steve made an educated guess that this was Eddie's hot neighbor. She was definitely a looker, as Eddie said, but she looked dissolved. Her hair was piled on her head, her shirt loose and stained. She was wearing sweatpants and no shoes, and Steve wondered who the hell James was and why he wasn't happy. "Fucker even tried to hit me-" Y/N didn't get the rest out before Steve was standing.
"Woah!" He yelled, startling Y/N, who he assumed hadn't realized him and the girls on the couch. "Who the hell is hitting you?" Steve didn't even know this girl, but he knew that abuse was a serious problem, even if no one ever did anything about it.
"My child," She deadpanned, looking at him with wide eyes. He blinked, because of all the people he thought James could be - her brother, dad, stepdad, uncle, boyfriend - child had never crossed his mind. She couldn't be much older than Steve, and so far none of his friends had even had a pregnancy scare. Except Carol, right before his fall from grace, but it was more a joke than an actual problem she had to deal with.
Steve suddenly felt like a normal adult. His past experiences with the Upside Down, having to be the protector while being friends with children had made him feel pulled apart, like a kid who had gotten his youth stolen. But Y/N's casual mention of having a child, of needing milk to feed a human being that she was responsible for not because she had accidentally gotten caught up in a super natural disaster, it made his head spin.
He sat, his cheeks burning. His ears rang as he watched Y/N grab the milk from Eddie and quickly run out the door, back to her trailer.
"A looker, right?" Eddie teased as he sat back down.
"She has a kid," Steve numbly whispered, and Eddie just shrugged.
"I thought you wanted a bunch of kids." Robin elbowed him, and he elbowed her back.
"She's probably taken, dumbass. She can't make a baby on her own." Steve tried to focus back in on the movie, but he had missed too much and now had no clue what was going on.
"Deadbeat dads are all the rage, nowadays." Eddie muttered, and Steve just rolled his eyes.
"There's no way her baby daddy left her." He scoffed, and Nancy just sighed.
"A lot of guys aren't ready for that commitment." She licked her lips as she debated saying something else. "Of course the man gets a choice."
"Her son is the cutest." Eddie sat back on the couch, grabbing a handful of chips and shoving them in his mouth. "If I were his dad, I would never be able to leave him." Why did that make Steve want to see him more?
"Does she come over often?" Steve asked, trying to be nonchalant.
"Steve just wants a head start on that Harrington brood." Robin teased, which made Steve's cheeks heat up.
"I just met her!" Steve cried out, tired of the relentless teasing.
"I'll invite her over soon. Sometime when the three of you can get to know each other." Eddie winked, and Steve just rolled his eyes.
"I hate you all." Steve sat back, arms crossed and pouting like a child.
"I bet you do." Eddie said simply.
It was only a week before Steve saw Y/N again.
He heard a scream, one that definitely belonged to a child. He turned to see Y/N, baby James in one arm, wet clothes in the other. Steve had gone to Eddie's to pick up Dustin and any of the other kids who needed a ride from the club that had continued in Eddie's backyard.
"No, we can't hold those," He heard Y/N patiently say, trying to wrestle the fabric out of his small hands. He let out another scream, flailing his arms. "If you would just let go, this could be done much quicker." She explained in a soft voice, using her hand to try and pry his fingers from what he now realized was a bra.
"Hey," Steve was calling out, running over to her before he could even think. "Do you need help?" He asked, looking anywhere but the bra that Y/N and James were fighting over.
"Yes," He had meant that he was going to help hang her bra, and the rest of her clothes in the basket laying on the grass, but she simply handed him the baby without a second thought.
"Oh," He said under his breath as he took the small child in his arms. James was probably about a year old, give or take a few months. Once Y/N had both her hands free, she quickly rid James' hand of the bra strap and hung it up. She went back to the basket, grabbing another article of clothing and hanging it.
"I know you meant the clothes," She said, not even looking at Steve as she worked. He looked at James, the two of them staring at each other. "But honestly I needed a break from holding him and I don't want you touching my panties." She smirked as he finally snapped his head to her.
"How did you know I wouldn't," He couldn't finish the sentence, because really, what else would he have done if he had been given a baby.
"I've seen you at Eddie's picking up his weird little kids plenty of times." She confided, going back to the laundry basket and moving further down the line. "I didn't know you'd be that good with a baby, though." She paused to smile at Steve holding James, who was just staring at the older man with lips parted and wide eyes.
"I'm just holding him." Steve muttered, but he flushed at the fact that Y/N thought he was good with her baby.
"And he hasn't made a peep since you've had him." She returned to her work with a satisfied smile on her face. He looked down at James, watching him hit Steve'schest and let out a small scream. Steve furrowed his brows.
"That's nice." Steve muttered, shifting to hold James more comfortably. James began to babble, hand grabbing Steve's shirt and shaking his small fist, pulling Steve's shirt away. "Oh really?" He asked, acting like James was saying the most interesting thing. James opened his mouth in a scream, making Steve raise his eyebrows. James threw his head back and then went forward, his mouth landing on Steve's shoulder, a couple small teeth digging into Steve's shoulder.
"James!" Y/N had just finished hanging the laundry when she looked over to see James holding tight to Steve's shirt, gnawing on his shoulder. She went to grab the baby, who screamed as she tried to grab him.
"It's okay," Steve said, thumb rubbing the back of James' onesie. He was enjoying holding James, enjoying the feel of the small baby in his arms. "It's fine, honestly. I need to do laundry anyways."
"He's teething, so it's been difficult." Y/N said, sighing as she went over to grab the laundry basket. "Do you wanna come in? I made some cornbread, and I need someone to taste test it." She's inviting him in. The most beautiful girl he'd ever laid eyes on was inviting him in. He was holding her baby, who was drooling all over the shoulder of his shirt.
"I have to pick up my," His words drifted off, and not only because he wasn't sure what to call Dustin. His best friend? His brother? He wasn't sure. He was also thinking about all the times that Dustin was annoying, all the things he could say to excuse the fact that he was going to be so late to pick him up. Dustin wiping his shoes on the inside of his car, arguing with him for no reason, calling him dumb and making fun of everything Steve chose to do, jumping over the counter and knocking down all the tapes Steve had just stacked.
Of fucking course he was going to taste test her cornbread. Dustin could wait for a couple minutes.
"Actually, I love cornbread." He said, walking forward to open the door to her trailer for her. He held James tightly in his other arm, but the kid was koala gripping him.
"Steve!" He heard as Y/N walked through the door. He turned, James still in his arms, and saw Dustin walking from around the back of Eddie's trailer. They must have finished.
That little shit.
Steve gave him a look, one that said fuck off, and then walked all the way into the trailer.
"Does Steve have a kid?" Dustin asked. He was half joking, because he was pretty sure he would know if Steve had a kid. But Steve was holding that baby, who was gripping his shirt like his life depended on it, and then walked into the trailer after a girl. He had even given Dustin the special fuck off look that he only used when he was flirting with girls.
"Not that I'm aware of." Eddie smirked, cleaning up the table. Nancy had picked Will and Mike up as soon as they were done, Lucas went across the street to Max's, and the older members of the Hellfire Club had gone inside Eddie's trailer to get a beer. Erica and Dustin were supposed to go home with Steve.
"He just walked into that trailer holding a baby." Dustin pointed at the trailer next to Eddie's, and other two looked over.
"Oh, that's Y/N's." Eddie said, going back to cleaning. "It was probably her baby." As if that would explain everything.
"Why was Steve holding it then?" Erica asked, arms crossed in her sassy way.
"Do I look like a mind reader?" Eddie sighed, stuffing everything into his bag and then looking at the kids. "Look, she's a nice girl. Really hot. Let Steve get to know her a bit while you go to Max's." He didn't want them at his trailer, because the second he was inside he would be lighting a blunt.
"And watch her and Lucas suck face?" Dustin complained. He was sure he'd rather barge in on Steve and Y/N.
"Yes." Eddie glared at Dustin, somehow knowing where his train of thought was going. "If I see you walk into Y/N's trailer, you're going to sit a watch through the entirely of the next campaign." He threatened. Steve was his friend, and he knew that Y/N and him would get along. He just needed to make sure the two's selfless attitudes didn't get in the way. Steve would do anything for these kids, and Eddie knew that even if he grumbled about it Steve would let Dustin crash his date. Eddie also knew that Y/N would never even think about going on a date without her baby.
Shit. Eddie was going to have to babysit sometime.
"Okay, okay," Dustin raised his hands, clearly getting the memo.
"You don't go into that trailer!" Eddie yelled at them, walking into his trailer. "Don't even look at it!" Dustin flipped him off as him and Erica walked to Max's trailer.
"He looked so at home with that baby," Erica muttered as they crossed the road.
"He's gonna fall in love." Dustin sighed.
"It's my mom's recipe." Y/N muttered as she put on oven mitts and opened the oven, grabbing the tin out of the oven. "She made it the night I found out I was pregnant." Y/N smiled slightly, a sad kind of smile. As Steve looked around the small trailer, he realized it was filled with mostly baby stuff. There were no pictures hanging, no decorations. There was a pile of baby clothes on the couch, a small stack of baby books and a half full bucket of toys.
"It smells amazing." Steve said, letting the sweet bread fill his senses. He watched Y/N cut the bread out of the tin and put it on a plate, and then cut two pieces. She began to butter the bread, and then James pulled on his shirt, screaming.
"James loves cornbread." Y/N said, grabbing the plate with the cornbread pieces and putting it on the counter. "You can put him in the high chair right there." She pointed at the high chair that was next to the counter, and Steve gently put the baby in. Knowing he was going to get fed, James let go of Steve and gave an excited noise, one that made Steve's heart melt even if he hadn't known the kid for that long.
"Your mom makes the best cornbread." Steve said as he took a bite. It crumbled around his lips, and there was a little too much butter, but the bread was amazing. It could have been burnt and he would have said that it was the best thing that's ever touched his tastebuds.
"Oh, I think he knows." Y/N laughed, breaking off some of her cornbread and putting it on James' tray. So many thoughts were going through Steve's head.
Where is James' father? What kind of idiot leaves not only the most beautiful girl but also the cutest child? Where are her parents? Did they leave her? What kind of parent leaves their child?
He asked none of this, because that would be wrong. But as he realized he had to leave, telling Y/N he had to pick up the kids, one question stuck with him.
Was he ready to date a girl with a kid?
"Dustin thought James was your kid." Eddie told Steve a couple days later.
"You're joking." Steve said, taking a sip of his beer. He seriously couldn't believe Dustin actually thought that.
"No," Eddie smirked, taking a hit. He checked the clock, because his master plan had to come into action.
"That kid." Steve shook his head.
"Speaking of kids," Eddie said slyly, knowing that Y/N and Nancy and Robin would be at his trailer soon. "I invited Y/N tonight." Steve almost spit his beer out.
"Nice," Steve said through his coughs. "And she's bringing James?" Steve wanted her to bring James, because his heart melted every time she looked at her baby with so much love.
Shit, he's only met this girl two times and he has feelings already.
"No, no, Max is supposed to babysit." Eddie smirked, because he had come up with this master plan. Steve just nodded, which made Eddie confused because he had done this so that Y/N and Steve could have alone time.
"That's nice of Max." Steve said. Before he could say anything else, Robin was rushing into Eddie's trailer, filling the space with her happiness and her excited nature.
"I've got us the best movie!" She yelled, Nancy following with a smile. "It's new, so new I'm surprised they had it!" She was shoving the movie into Steve's face, and he just smiled and shook his head.
"Wow," He told her, letting her fall partially on top of him and begin babbling about it.
"Remember when we were drugged and we went-"
"You were drugged?" Nancy questions, her and Eddie giving each other a look of shock.
"-movie theater and watched that one movie about that guy who went back in time and fell in love with his mom but that meant he would never exist-"
"Hold on," Nancy tries to stop Robin's rant, but it seems she's not listening.
"-had to make sure his parents fell in love and then he came back to the present - oh! It was called Back to the Future! That was it! Yeah, so this movie is the second one." Robin held up the VHS case, and they all just stared at her.
"Based on that alone, I don't think I want to watch the second movie." Eddie finally let out a chuckle, taking a sip of his beer.
"Can we back up a minute?" Nancy asked, blinking rapidly as a sign of her head churning. "You two were drugged? And then you went to the movies and watched this movie?"
"They seriously made a second part to that shit?" Steve swears he told Nancy about this, so he doesn't answer her.
"Is there anyway we can back the fuck up?" Eddie asks, but before Robin or Steve can explain the door slams open and a baby is crying.
"Max is sick and James won't stop crying so I was wondering if you have ice? We go through ours so quickly and I think he's teething." Y/N rushes out. They all stare, except for Steve who gets up and goes to Eddie's freezer, grabbing ice.
"Don't they make toys for this?" He asks the tired mother, who's eyes look ready to droop at any moment.
"I live in a trailer park, city boy. Ice works fine, as long as we hold it against his gums so he doesn't choke." Y/N says, taking the ice from Steve and holding it to her baby's mouth. He stops screaming and looks at the group with wide eyes.
"You look tired." Eddie raises his beer to her, and she rolls her eyes.
"I think teething is worse than newborn stage." She tells the group, sighing as James puts a tiny hand to her wrist and sucks on the ice.
"You should rest." Steve takes James from Y/N's arms, holding the ice to his gums. She smiled gratefully and kissed James' head.
"Thank you so much, Steve." She way she whispered his name made his heart race. She leaned up and kissed his cheek before walking to the bedroom, not caring about the fact that it was Eddie's.
"Oh, Steve's a goner." Robin said softly so that Y/N couldn't hear when she shut the door.
"He's been a goner ever since he set eyes on her." Eddie smirked, but Steve was staring at James, who was sucking on Steve's fingers that held the ice and looking up at him with the biggest eyes Steve has ever seen. He cannot imagine a world where someone would give this kid up. This sweet, cute baby who Steve already loved.
"Head over heels." Nancy smirked, and Steve finally looked up at them.
"I have a problem." He muttered, eyes wide.
"Ya think?" Robin smirked.
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @roxaya @sadbitchfangirl @gloryekaterina @oblivion-void @alexshaff2002 @m-rae23 @freezaz123 @mads-weasley 
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lightlycareless · 19 days
a little preview of what's coming today. one request that's been sitting on my askbox for a while 😣
posted already :)
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Naoya doesn’t like admitting it, and you’ll never catch doing so either—certainly not when it comes to you, the only person he’s ever tried his hardest to appear as confident, seemingly untouchable, above all problems regardless of their nature: a reliable man you could always lean on.
But the truth is, he still gets nervous. Very nervous, indeed. To the point you’d think he was about to attempt a life-or-death type of endeavor, not a silly thing! (it’s not silly, Naoya just says that in order to feel better)
“Do you want to watch a movie…” it’s how it started—at that point, Naoya wasn’t that flustered. Sure, he was excited to spend time with you, as much as any loving boyfriend would! If it were him, the two would be together, every day, every hour, everywhere!
“…in my dorm?”
It’s only when you say these words that he effectively becomes an utter mess, unable to do anything else besides allow heat to form on his cheeks, throat tightening as he squeaks a quick:
Before going back to his class, to torment himself with what just transpired, and what wonderful things it actually represented.
Still early in the relationship, this would be the first time you and Naoya… saw each other in a more private setting.
Far from seeing each other at cafeteria to eat lunch together, training when the other’s usual partner wasn’t available, going on missions whenever teachers sought it necessary, studying if you didn’t get something from a class he already had (he’s a year older—before your being your boyfriend, Naoya was actually your senpai.), amongst other things.
In other words, his mind saw it was step forward in what he considered the rest of his life with you, and such statement brought him so much happiness, he literally couldn’t do anything else but spend his time imagining just what you had in store for him; undoubtedly something good, he quickly assumes.
Naoya prided himself for being quite reserved when it comes to personal matters, but such was his excitement this time around, that he was unable to hide it from his prying friends, the same ones that were always eager to tease him simply because he made it too easy, often entertained by his outlandish reactions…
Or amusing discoveries.
“What’s got you in such a good mood, Naoya?” One of his friends, Kiyotaka (probably someone he could replace with someone infinitely better, as you’ve once hinted.) says once taking a seat before him.
“What are you even talking about.” Naoya responds defensively, like he always did.
“Tsk, come on… you don’t really believe we’re going to fall for that, are we?” Another friend of Naoya’s, arguably of the same nature as Kiyotaka, Hideki, adds with a teasing tone.
“I don’t need to believe anything, you can do whatever you want.” He hisses, still avoiding the subject, if he wanted to push them away, he fails miserably.
Unfortunately, they knew it would only take a few more shoves to get Naoya talking.
And when it finally happened, oh, was he regretful he ever said anything.
“I’m going on a date with Y/N.” Is the sentence that pushes them over the edge, a smirk plastered on their faces as they seem to catch on to your “ulterior motives” way before him.
“Really? Where are you two going?” Kiyotaka asks.
“What do you care?” Naoya frowns, but they knew well to take his intimidation with a grain of salt. “…We’re watching a movie.”
“Oh, you’re going to the city?” Hideki wonders.
“No, not really—we’re staying in, at her dorm.”
With that, their theories were effectively confirmed.
“Oooooh, her dorm.” Kiyotaka teases. “Is that so?”
“What? What about it?” Naoya scowls, he never liked bringing you into his conversations with his friends for this precise reason—they always seemed to have something to say about you, or his relationship. And like the ever jealous, overprotective man he was, he simply couldn’t allow that!
But as experienced as he proclaimed to be, there were still things he had to learn, such as the obvious intentions behind your suggestion. So they were trying to hint.
“Come on, you can’t be that blind.” The other insists, Naoya’s frown (as well as intrigue) deepens.
“It’s so clear why she’s inviting you to see a movie in her dorm—” Kiyotaka continues.
“If it’s so obvious, then spit it out!” Naoya demands.
“She was to make out, of course! No, actually, I think she wants to do something more.” Hideki proclaims.
“Oh, most definitely! You guys have been dating for what, a few weeks? I’d say it’s long overdue!”
At the prospect, heat spreads across Naoya’s face, heart quickening as he carefully considers their words… before annoyance and jealousy overrules him once more, quick to demean them back, especially after they continue mocking him.
“Not that our virgin friend would know, too busy jacking off to anime girls— probably hasn’t even gotten his first kiss!”
“At least I have a girlfriend, losers!” Is what Naoya scowls before storming out the classroom and into the hallways, just before he did anything that he’d come to regret; their hyena-like laughs disappearing in the distance.
But nonetheless, their work was done, for their words would remain in Naoya’s mind for the rest of the day, those that were of any use of course.
Because jokes often harbored truth behind them.
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last-herondale · 2 months
Almost Pt. 6
Bucky Barnes x Femreader!
Bucky POV
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Angst, heartbreak, love triangle
Warning: none?
AN: We had state testing this week. My brain is fried. Sorry if this is trash but it’s my trash.
Enjoy 🤘🏼
It seemed that yet again I was standing there, watching you walk away from me after I had undoubtedly broken your heart. Again.
I tried to rationalize with myself that it wasn’t my fault. That the last thing I expected to happen that night was to run into you. Of course, I had dreamed of it. Concocted ways in my head of how I could accidentally run into you, just to see you. Maybe even talk to you. The ache in my heart from missing you had become a constant hurt. I had missed you while you were away, but after seeing you kiss Steve in the kitchen…after seeing you so happy…
I knew I had to step away.
I had been doing so well. Only seeing you when only absolutely necessary. Filling more and more of my time with missions and other distractions like Nadia, who seemed content enough to spend her time with me. I knew I was using her, and I hated myself for it, but I didn’t know how to handle the alternative.There was a certain torment in knowing you were back. In knowing that you were under the same roof as me, having a life that was becoming more and more distant from mine.
After tonight, I would be surprised if you ever talked to me again. I realized instantly that there was no excuse for what I said to you. I had been taken off guard seeing you pinning Nadia to the wall. I wanted to laugh at the scene before me. The shocked look on Nadia’s face, the stern, determined look in your eyes that was immediately overshadowed by the look of pure shock as you locked eyes with me.
There were a million things I wanted to say to you at that moment. A million feelings that came to the surface, and yet like an idiot, the only emotion I could convey, the only emotion I seemed to ever convey, was anger. The moment I began opening my mouth, the moment I saw the light in your eyes die out…
I went back inside of my apartment and grabbed my jacket before stepping out again. I knew there was no chance of me sleeping tonight, not after that. So I might as well torture my body in the training room as some sort of recompence for what I did.
The training room was empty, luckily. I started with the punching bag, made extra durable by Tony, and put the rest of my stupid emotions into that bag. Punch after punch I laid all my frustrations into my fists. The rhythmic thuds were comforting as I felt my chest heave after each breath. Sweat dripped down my forehead.
The slamming of the door took me out of my zone and I jerked in the direction of the entrance to see Steve standing there in the doorway. His body seemed eerily calm, with his hands in his sweat pockets, but he had a furrowed brow as he looked at the floor. I wasn't surprised to see him. I had insulted you, in possibly the worst way I could have. If you had run to tell anyone, it would have been your… I think the ache I felt now was over the fact that it wasn’t me.
“Up late?” I asked, grabbing a towel off of the rack and wiping my face. I didn’t look at him. I couldn’t.
“Yeah, couldn’t sleep,” Steve said in a flat tone, “Then of course I heard yelling down the hallway.”
I winced. Honestly I had been surprised that no one else had come out during the altercation. The amount of people in that tower that had super hearing… I turned towards Steve, trying to fix my face into some sort of nonchalant pose. I knew he would see right through it. Part of me wanted him to see right through it.
I wish he would just come out and yell. Let his anger come out so that I could match that energy. But Steve was never the guy to throw his anger out without cause. He was patient. He was understanding. He was a good man. Everything I wasn’t. So, rather than punching me in the face, he was just standing there, waiting for me to talk.
“Sorry for waking you, it's been a weird night.”
Steve kept his eyes steady on me. I clenched my jaw.
“Look, I don’t know what she told you–” I began
“She hasn’t told me anything,” Steve said calmly, “In fact, I can’t seem to get her to leave her room to talk to me. She won’t even pick up her damn phone.”
I couldn’t hide my shock. I thought surely after the altercation you would run to the man that has been providing comfort to you for the past few months. If you hadn’t then maybe what the two of you had wasn’t as deep as I first thought…
“I heard what you said to her, Buck,” Steve said in a cold tone.
My stomach dropped at his words.
“I didn’t mean it,” I said weakly, “I know I shouldn’t have said it, but I…”
My words seemed to fail me as I sat down on a bench. A couple of moments passed, but eventually, Steve sat down beside me and sighed.
“Bucky, you need to be completely honest with me. Do you love her?”
There it was. The question I couldn’t face. The answer came so easily in my head. Of course I did. What was there not to love? How was I to admit that I was lost without you? That turning you away was the worst mistake I ever made. I couldn’t look at Steve. I couldn’t talk.
Steve sighed again. Out of the corner of my eye I could see that he was rubbing his face. He was tired and exhausted. I was hurting everyone around me.
“Stop that,” Steve said softly.
“What?” I blurted out.
“Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You don’t do yourself any favors by pushing everyone away.”
When I didn’t respond, he continued.
“I know how hard you are on yourself, especially when Nat left. I know you thought you found your person in her, and after everything you have been through you deserve to find someone who not only makes you happy, but fills your heart with so much light that it overshadows the darkness. When you were in that pit of despair, I had no idea how to get you out of it, and I felt like a failure as your best friend. But then, she showed up. She came into both of our lives like a wildfire. She brought back the light in your eyes, and reawakened your soul.”
I felt hot tears down my face, but Steve continued on.
“I won’t deny that I’ve grown feelings for her. I think seeing her love you and care for you as much as I do, makes me see her in the greatest of lights. She is worthy of so much love. I thought maybe you… I thought that maybe you would love her… I thought that was where your story was heading Buck, but you chose differently. I saw her leave my birthday party. I saw how distraught she was. I could only assume that you didn’t have feelings for her as she had for you. That’s why I… that the only way I could live with myself for… feeling these things.
“But clearly, there is something there. You avoid her now like she is the plague. You hardly talk to me anymore and we are brothers, you and I. So, Bucky, you don’t have to say it, but I know you love her. In some capacity, I know you do. You can deny it all you want, but I know you.”
Steve sighed again. “I know you think you don’t deserve to be loved. I know it’s hard for you to see the goodness in yourself, but you deserve love. You deserve to be happy. If she is what makes you happy, you need to let her know. She deserves that, doesn’t she?”
Yes, you deserve everything.
“What about you?” I asked, my voice was shaky as I spoke. I finally looked up at him and saw his expectant blue eyes waiting for me. I was surprised to see that he wasn’t angry.
Steve gave a small chuckle.
“I have never been one to deny you your happiness Bucky,” his voice turned a bit solemn, “I care about her… a lot. She is one of my best friends, and the time we have spent together has been… great. But we have been honest with each other. We both have unresolved heartaches from the past that prevent us from becoming more. She doesn’t hold it against me for still loving Peggie, and I don’t hold it against her from loving you. Maybe in time, we could become something more, but for now our hearts do not beat for each other as they should.”
“So you don’t… love her?” I asked carefully. I didn’t like that I was beginning to sound hopeful. I wanted you to be loved. I wanted you to be cared for. I thought Steve would be perfect for you… I thought there wasn’t a chance in hell that I would be able to…
“I love her, but not in the way that she clearly loves you,” Steve gave me a smirk.
“I don’t know if she does anymore. I’ve been a complete ass to her,” I mumbled, putting my head in my hands.
“Oh I know,” Steve laughed a bit but then looked at me seriously, “So what are you going to do about it?”
I raised my head out of my hands. What was I going to do about it?
“Do you really think she could love me, after everything? After tonight?” I asked pathetically.
“I think,” Steve said carefully, “That you will have to earn her trust back. It’s not about making her love you again, she loves you, has loved you through everything. You messed up, and you realize that, so you need to change. Change for her, change because of her. You already have and you haven’t realized it. Now show her. Give her back the love she gave you, and more.”
Images of you flashed through my head. Memories of you laughing with me, holding me when I was a complete mess. Memories of you consoling me, telling me that I was worthy, that I was more than I thought of myself. These memories warmed my soul, as they always did. I realized that I wanted more memories with you. I wanted to be consumed by them. Enveloped in them. I need you now more than ever. I would always need you. Always want you. Always desire you. And I needed to show you how much you meant to me.
I let out a small chuckle.
“For an old man,” I said playfully, “You are really good at giving advice.”
Steve laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
“Remind me to charge you for my services later,” he teased.
I clasped my hand on his shoulder. “Thank you Steve.”
He just gave me a hopeful look and slapped my back.
“Go get her, buddy.”
I was up and out the door before he finished the word. I didn’t know what I was doing, I didn’t know what I was going to say to you. Apologize. That's what I needed to do first. Grovel at your feet. Beg for any forgiveness you would be willing to give me. I was at your door, knocking in quick succession before I could fully think about what I wanted to say.
My chest was heaving and my palms were sweaty waiting for you. I knocked on the door again. Impatient, I put my ear against the door to listen for any sign of you. I heard the soft sound of your radio playing your favorite channel from your room, but nothing else. The sun was rising, and beams of sunlight were breaking through the windows of the tower.
It wasn’t unusual for you to be up and about early in the morning, but after the night we had, I know you didn’t get much sleep. But you wouldn’t be asleep with the radio on. You hated any sort of noise when you slept. I knocked again.
“Please open the door,” I begged.
A sick feeling spread through my stomach like ice. I shoved down the door in one hit. Your living room was empty, no sign of a break in or struggle, but you were nowhere in sight. I called out for you. Nothing. I scanned your apartment, looking for any sign of where you were. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, except on your nightside table there was an envelope. I approached it slowly, my hand shivering as I saw the name on the outside of the card.
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Heavily Lies the Heart - Part 4
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Masterlist // Continue Reading
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x F!OC Word Count: 1.8k Tropes: mutual pining, fluff, angst with a happy ending, royalty Warnings: (eventual) canon death Summary: Two second-borns looking for direction meet by chance. Can they find purpose in each other, or will circumstance keep them apart? A/N: Hello darlings. Sorry this wasn't posted as fast as the others; I'm seeing Hozier today and the pending excitement has had my ADHD going bananas. I also just want to say I love love....that's all.
Beatrice flung herself onto the bed, smiling as she stared up at the ornate ceiling above. Her mind was abound with memories of the past few nights, and as she remembered she could hardly believing it had all been real.
She clutched the smudged handkerchief tightly to her chest, feeling her heartbeat thumping quickly below. For perhaps the hundredth time that week, she thought back to his face in that moment. A slight flush to his cheeks as he so deliberately avoided her gaze. Benedict was undoubtedly a handsome man, but in that moment she found him utterly adorable. He always seemed so effortlessly charming; she presumed embarrassment was a feeling he was rather unfamiliar with. It was gratifying then, seeing him be the one flustered when he could make her heart race with just a look.
And he did make her heart race.
After that first visit, she had gone out to see him twice more--each night more wonderful than the last. She would come to his window and he, now knowing to expect a possible visit, would be waiting. On her second visit, Benedict joked that he felt very much like the Juliet to Beatrice's Romeo. She had laughed, but silently wished for their story to end up much happier than Shakespeare's had.
Each visit fell into the same pattern: He would come down, they would say their hellos, and then the pair would set off down the street arm in arm. They spent the time getting to know each other more and more, and if Beatrice had been taken with Benedict on their first meeting, she was all but consumed with him by the end of their fourth. She hung on his every word, lived for every laugh. He would smile at her, and the whole world disappeared.
Throughout the day Beatrice felt like a caged animal, waiting for nightfall when she could escape and be with him once again.
She rolled over, taking a pillow from the head of the bed to rest herself on. She looked at the handkerchief in her hands, her fingers running across the lace border as she lost herself fully to her deepest thoughts.
She was aware that she knew less than most about love. It was not only romantic love Beatrice had little experience with--the love one might experience with a dear friend, or even close family was overall foreign to her.
She knew her father loved her, but he was rarely around to show it. He spent most of his time out with his friends--or more often, with his mistress. The only way he seemed to be able to show love for his daughters was by restricting their freedoms in a misguided attempt to protect them.
Then of course, there was Charlotte. Beatrice loved her elder sister, but it was undeniable they had little in common. Charlotte had always been a tomboy with a rebellious streak, in contrast to Beatrice's more artistic, quiet demeanor. Charlotte did whatever she pleased regardless of the expectations place upon her, and considered her younger sister quite the bore. This led the sisters to care for one another, but to spend little time together.
Then, there was her mother.
Caroline had spent little time with her daughters, having lived separately from Beatrice her entire life. Then of course the time Beatrice did have with her mother was shared with Charlotte, whom Caroline clearly favored. She had taken no pains to see her daughters as they grew, before one day deciding to quit the country and move abroad. Beatrice had not heard from her since.
She had little in the way of friends, and of course no cousins to spend her time with. She tried making friends with the staff she sae frequently, but whenever they became too friendly her father would promptly fire and replace them.
Her only genuinely close relationships were her grandparents. Even then it was hard to say that she had a typical relationship with either of them, her grandmother having a rather hard time with sentimentality and her grandfather's illness making it difficult to have a consistent relationship.
Considering everything, she rationally understood her feelings of affection could be completely misdiagnosed.
Even so, Beatrice had no choice but to believe her feelings for Benedict were nothing less than love. Surely friendship could not fill one with such longing? Such a desire to be near another person so deeply one may perish from the sheer torture of anticipation? Surely one would not feel their heart skip at the mere sight of a person they did not truly love?
Beatrice knew she was naive. She knew that she was inexperienced and prone to daydreaming. Despite it all, she was certain the constant ache in her chest was the symptom of being truly and completely lovesick. And as much as she knew it could only end in heartbreak, she couldn't help foolishly hoping for something more.
If they could even survive the night.
Benedict looked himself over in the mirror for the dozenth time in as many minutes. He pulled on his waistcoat, wondering if perhaps he should change it again, before making a disgusted noise as he turned away.
He felt utterly ridiculous.
How many ladies had he courted in his life? How many more had been declined in disinterest? And yet here he stood, completely enthralled by a woman he could hardly wrap his head around. He felt he had begun to know her quite well, yet still so much remained a mystery to him.
He ran both hands through his thick, dark hair as his eyes fell to one of the many portraits he had attempted to paint since they had met. Despite multiple attempts, he found he simply could not do her beauty justice. Benedict looked into the eyes of the painting staring back at him, and sighed.
He thought about the last few nights. The talks they had, the jokes they made, the looks they shared; all of it seared into his heart like a brand. Upon each parting, he yearned so fiercely to see her again that he thought certain he would never feel another emotion in his life.
They had spoken only a handful of times, but when he had watched her walk away that previous night he was overwhelmed with the urge to chase after her, to hold her tightly and never be parted again. More than any other parting she had seemed apprehensive--perhaps even worried--and it made his heart ache.
It was in that moment he knew he had grossly misjudged his feelings. He had never been simply curious; from their very first meeting he had already begun to fall for her.
Benedict turned back to the mirror, the hesitation clear on his face.
And what was he to do about it? Was he now supposed to court her? Marry her? He had always thought the whole business of the marriage mart hardly worth the trouble; was he now to change his whole point of view for a woman with whom he would very likely have no chance with?
After all, as much as they had shared, Beatrice had held fast to the secret of her lineage. Given her effect on the men of the ton, and her absolute belief that he would put distance between them should he learn the truth, Benedict could only assume she must be from some truly great house. If that were the case, could he even measure up? Beatrice had already told him any future marriage would likely be arranged by her father; as a second son with no title of his own, how could Benedict possibly compete?
He sighed, smoothing his ruffled hair. He stood up a bit taller, giving himself a reassuring nod before moving away to grab his coat and head downstairs.
He had no idea what obstacles he may face if he choice to pursue Beatrice formally, but he wanted to try. How could he do anything less than everything possible when it was Beatrice he was fighting for?
Benedict stood with his brother by the drink table, nervously sipping his lemonade as he searched the crowd. He had insisted that his family not arrive fashionably late as they seemed want to do. It had looked suspicious to his family, but he did not care. If things went well tonight, perhaps he may finally have something to tell them.
"Are you well brother?" Colin asked, eyeing his elder brother as Benedict's eyes moved across the crowd, "Are you looking for someone?"
"What? Of course not," Benedict replied, his face still turned from Colin.
"No of course not; you're simply admiring all the eager young ladies looking for a dance."
"Yes exactly, I--" Benedict stopped, finally looking at his brother as he scowled, "Oh yes, ha ha," he said sarcastically.
"It is obvious you are searching for someone; do you honestly not wish to tell me?" Colin questioned, looking somewhat surprised.
Benedict sighed, "It is...complicated. But you are correct brother, I am looking for someone."
"And this someone--it is a woman, yes?" Colin asked.
"Isn't is always?" Benedict mumbled, "When we last spoke, she had seemed rather...well, she was not herself. I am beginning to wonder if she will show up at all."
Colin clapped a hand to his brother's shoulder, "Worry not Benedict, I am sure she will be here."
Benedict opened his mouth to give some snarky reply, but was cut off as the sound of trumpets heralded the arrival of royalty. Benedict thought Beatrice truly must be late, to be arriving after the queen.
"Her Royal Majesty, Queen Charlotte," the steward called out.
The queen entered in all her splendor, with every head in the room turned to take her in. She made her way towards the dias at the far end of the room, which had already been set up with chairs. Benedict turned his attention back to the crowd, hoping the stillness of the room might make it easier to spot the woman he searched for.
His head snapped back almost immediately, not expecting a second announcement.
"Her Royal Highness, Princess Beatrice Amelia Sophia of Wales."
Benedict felt his heart stop, barely comprehending what he saw.
There she was, looking just as she had the night of the ball; the same nervous smile on her face, the same style of hair and dress. She moved towards the far side of the room as her eyes subtly looked through the crowd. Her dress sparkled in the light as she took her seat neside the queen--beside her grandmother.
As she sat on the small stage, she continued to search through the crowd. He was certain she was looking for him, and from her face it was clear she worried what she would see.
Finally, her eyes found his, and the world went silent.
Tags: @empressnatsume @sarahskywalker-amidala @may-and-lay @lovelyxjanett @asterizee @g4ns3y @bubblegumcat229
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xdeath-by-poisonx · 2 months
In honor of Angel's Birthday, I present my first official Hazbin Fic 👀 I hope some of you will enjoy! 💗
Pairing: Angel/Husk
Rating: Birthday fluff/smut, Explicit/18+ - Minors DNI
Word Count: 2,895
And if you'd prefer to read it on Ao3, you can do that here!
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Angel couldn’t remember the last time he’d had such an amazing birthday. Either in his life or his afterlife. Most years he’d spent the day desperately trying to forget that the day had held any significance at all. Especially once he’d signed his contract with Val, who always seemed intent on making his birthdays even worse than they already were. Last year had been exceptionally awful, with barely a moment's break between all the guys he’d had to service before he was allowed to stumble back to his bedroom to wash the stench of the day off of him. Of course, Val had put the smallest of efforts in to smooth things over, even bringing a stale cupcake with an unlit candle to his room late into the night. As if that would make any difference.
Nope, most birthdays Angel spent the evening crying himself to sleep, holding Fat Nuggets close to his overly used body until he finally drifted off.
But this year, things had started off differently. Though he woke up with the same familiar dread that hung over him every year, the first thing he opened his eyes to was a text from Charlie, telling him that she’d gotten Lucifer to bully Val into giving him the day off - with only a simple message from Val that stated, “Rest up, slut. Tomorrow’s a double load.” Fuck it, Angel thought to himself, he didn’t care. He had the whole day to himself! He could barely contain his excitement, squealing as he hugged his beloved pet pig to his chest and kissed him on the top of the head.
“How ‘bout that, Nug? Guess movin’ in here wasn’t sucha bad idea, huh?”
The small pig licked his face in response and Angel smiled. Of course he knew that. He was well aware that moving into the Hotel was undoubtedly one of the best decisions he’d ever made for himself. And for someone who was almost constantly making the absolute worst decisions possible, that was really saying something.
Angel decided to spend the majority of his morning lounging in bed, just simply enjoying his freedom and replying to some birthday messages from his friends, with Cherri, of course, trying to talk him into going out to the club with her to celebrate. Though, when he came across a message from Husk, his heart fluttered a little and he knew exactly how he'd be spending his evening . ”Happy Birthday, legs. Make sure to come by the bar for a drink later.” He felt a lopsided smile move across his lips that was quickly accompanied by a flush to his cheeks. It was no secret that he held an immense soft spot for the bartender, and from what he could tell, the feeling was mostly mutual. The two had grown incredibly close since the last extermination day, and had even shared a few kisses since then.
In all honesty, he thought about taking things further with Husk on a daily basis, but.. Husk meant much more to him than just a one-night fling or another paying customer. And Angel wanted things to happen naturally between the two of them. He wanted that soft, all encompassing sort of sex that he’d only ever read about or seen in movies. He, for lack of a better term, wanted him and Husk to make love.. not just fuck and be done with it, like everybody else in his life. But, when it came down to it , he wasn’t even sure if a mess like him deserved such a thing. To be loved and cherished in such a way..
Angel sighed, stretching all four of his arms over his head before swinging his legs over the side of his bed and making his way to the shower. If he was actually gonna spend his birthday however he wanted, he was going to smell and look good doing it. Not that he didn’t usually anyways. He’d admittedly spent longer in the shower than he intended to. With his mind wandering to images of Husk every time his fingers traced over certain parts of his body. And he couldn't help but wonder if the bartender ever thought of him in that way. If Husk’s hands ever wandered over his own body to the thought of him - late at night, when the hotel was quiet and fast asleep.
The image alone made the demon-
“Geez, Angel.. get ya mind outtah the guttah.” He chuckled to himself. It was barely noon and he was already horny. Which wasn’t entirely surprising for the porn star, but today wasn’t about that.
He exited the shower and toweled off before selecting a favorite outfit from his closet. A light gray fitted suit jacket with pink and white accents and torn off sleeves, and a pair of bright pink bootie shorts. Taking a moment to blow dry his chest fluff for some extra floof, he threw on a pair of black thigh highs and made his way downstairs.
“Well, hey there, birthday boy!” Charlie exclaimed as she ran over to him and wrapped him in a hug, making Angel chuckle.
“Hiya, dollface. Can’t thank ya enough for gettin’ me a day off from Val.”
Charlie beamed. “My pleasure! Dad was all too happy to help, really!”
“Yeah, Charlie just happened to mention to Lucifer how Valentino licked her arm that one time.” Vaggie added, chuckling.
“Ah, shit, yah. Sorry ‘bout that, Charlie.” Angel replied, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Pssh! Enough about that, it’s your birthdayyy!” Charlie exclaimed, shaking him.
“Yeah. Happy birthday, legs.”
Husk’s voice came quietly from behind the counter, immediately drawing Angel’s gaze that way. The bartender smirking softly at him while cleaning a glass.
“Thanks, whiskahs.”
“Yes. Bonne fête, my effeminate fellow!”Alastor added with a smile while Niffty jumped up and down excitedly next to him, making a sound similar to that of a gremlin.
“Eheh.. can I clean your room for you, Angel? For your birthday?!”
“Uhhh.. sure, Nif.” Angel replied, shaking his head as she happily ran off up the stairs - cleaning supplies in tow. “She’s got issues.”
“Don’t we all?” Husk countered with a smirk.
“Heh.. ya got me there, darlin’.”
Angel gave the bartender a wink but Husk only rolled his eyes at the pet name, though the smile never left his lips.
“Yeah, yeah.. how about that drink?”
“Ya read my mind.”
He took the seat directly across from where Husk was standing and leaned his body over the bar, resting his chin on his hand. A quiet adoration in the spider demon’s eyes as he watched the man expertly make him a drink. His hands moving in slow, smooth motions through each step, stirring the mixture to perfection before placing the silken, pink drink in front of Angel.
“You’re looking good, legs” He added. Angel smirked, taking the drink between two fingers and raised it to his lips.
“Ain’t I always?”
Husk rolled his eyes. “Fuck, just take the compliment.”
The smug smirk on Angel’s lips quickly turned softer as he looked up at the bartender. “... Thanks, Husk.”
The majority of the day went rather similar, with the two enjoying each other’s company over drinks. A myriad of flirtatious quips and soft gazes, the conversation becoming more and more heated as the day went on until finally around dinner time when Charlie insisted on treating Angel to all of his favorite foods, pausing the moment for about an hour or so.
But, even still. Even in those minutes where the hotel was lively with friendship and bristling with laughter - the two men’s eyes never failed to find each other. The energy that flowed between them almost palpable as they caught each other's gaze. Angel’s cheeks were more sore from smiling than they’d been in a long time - warm with flush, each dusted in a soft pink hue.
.. a fact, of course, that Angel would blame simply on the alcohol.
Though, as the evening started to die down, with the hours growing longer and longer into the night, the demon found himself growing more and more eager for everyone else to go to bed. And the moment it did, with everyone hugging the Birthday demon a goodnight, Angel resumed his earlier place at the bar. Watching contently as Husk finished rinsing the last of the glasses.
“Have a good day, legs?”
“Mh.. tha best.”
“Good. You deserve it.”
Angel smiled softly as he twirled a piece of chest fluff between two fingers and blushed.
“Ya?” He asked.
“One hundred percent.” The bartender replied with a wink, making Angel blush even harder.
“Y’know what would just put the absolute cherry on top?”
“Hmm.. let me guess, a kiss?”
Angel had been chuckling prior to Husk’s response, originally planning to say something dripping with innuendos that he honestly could no longer remember, the flush on his cheeks now a dazzling pink against his moonlit fur.
“I- .. oh.. I mean.. ah.. if.. ya wanna?”
Angel played with the same piece of fluff nervously as he looked up, lips ready and slightly parted.
“Heh.. I offered, didn't I?”
“Yah.. o’course.. just.. ah, alright.”
It was still weird for Angel, for someone to disarm him in such a way. Where his normally flirty persona was replaced with an unfamiliar, soft vulnerability - yearning to be loved, to be touched - cherished. He leaned in slowly, his breath hitching in his throat as Husk's lips pressed against his own - gently at first, then quickly burning with heat. A soft whimper as the bartender's hands came to cup his jaw, pulling Angel closer. It was a languid kiss - slow and intent, with their tongues dancing warmly over each other until the two finally pulled apart, panting.
“Ah, woah.” Angel whispered - eyes wide and cheeks flushed.
“Heh. My sentiments exactly.”
Angel cleared his throat before sitting back down. “Well.. uh, happy birthday ta me.”
“You think that was your birthday gift?”
“Yes? N-no? Maybe?”
“Legs, you ain't seen nothin’ yet.”
The spider demon swallowed, watching intently as Husk made his way around the counter and held out his hand to him. The moment he took it Angel found himself being twirled into the lobby, the world spinning around him as Husk gave him a dip, his strong arms holding him securely - closely.
“Oh, Husky! Ya sure know how ta treat a demon-”
The smirk that coated Angel's lips was swiftly replaced by another kiss. This one deeper, hungrier, passionate. The lingering taste of whiskey on Husk’s tongue, the air of desire that surrounded him. It was all Angel could take before his arousal became ever more prominent in his shorts.
He pulled back for a breath, panting in want.
“Husk.. we should probably sto-”
“Fuck, I want you, Angel. Did I not make that clear?”
The bartender's gaze was soft as he looked down upon his dance partner, still holding Angel in a dip.
Angel bit his bottom lip. “Are ya sure?”
Husk grinned. “One hundred percent.”
He kissed him again, even deeper this time but Angel pulled back still, causing Husk to raise an eyebrow.
“Everything alright?”
“Yah, just.. y’know.. I don't want this ta be no one time fling, Husk.” Angel whispered, averting his eyes. His chest aching at the prospect that that might not be what the bartender wanted. But Husk only cupped his cheek gently, bringing his gaze back to him.
“Angie..you could never be a one time fling. Not a hundred time fling. Not a thousand.”
Angel blushed. “Oh yah? What kinda fling am I then?’
“A forever kinda fling.”
Husk's voice was softer than Angel had ever heard it before, the tone of it immediately causing the demon’s heart to do little somersaults in his chest.
“Ya smooth talker, you.” He replied, slapping Husk on the shoulder in deflection.
“I mean it, Angel.”
This time it was Angel that initiated the kiss, almost knocking Husk over in the process. Though, it didn't take long before the two had made their way up the stairs, practically clawing at each other's clothes by the time they’d reached Angel’s door.
“Fuck, how are ya sucha good kisser, Husky?”
“Shut up already so I can show you just how good I am.”
Angel moaned as the bartender kissed him even harder, nipping softly at his bottom lip as the two pushed through the bedroom door. The moment Angel’s back hit the bed the world became softer. Warmer. Their clothes discarded in a pile on the floor and their bodies flush against each other. He found that the ex-overlord was much warmer than Angel had expected, with Husk's soft fur pressing against his own. The fiery kisses that had once claimed their lips growing more and more tender with each indulgent sweep of their tongues. Hands roaming over each other in a dance of desire.
Angel couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so comfortable - so safe. His eyes half lidded as he looked up, taking in the sight of Husk's blush-dusted cheeks, gaze filled with want. With adoration. With something much softer that he couldn't quite label yet.
Maybe it was love.
But for now Angel just wanted to enjoy the tender moment without overthinking it. He knew he cared deeply for the bartender, and that he felt safer in his arms than anyone he’d ever encountered before. And for now, that was enough. And more than he thought he’d ever deserved, honestly.
But still, Angel couldn't resist the urge to tease him.. just a bit.
“Oh yes.. take me, daddy.” He whispered into Husk's ear with a smirk.
The bartender growled. “I swear to Satan, Angel.”
The spider demon chuckled before placing soft kisses from the bottom of Husk's ear and down to his jawline and lips. His eyes nothing but sincere as he spoke again, this time wrapping his lower arms around Husk’s hips while his other pair remained placed softly over his head.
“I’m yours for the takin’, Husk.” He whispered.
It was the first time he’d heard Husk's breath grow even a little shaky, his eyes warm as he held the demon’s gaze, placing his hands gently over Angel’s as he framed his face and slowly slid into him.
Quiet sounds from both men before Husk’s lips were back on his lover's. Angel moaning loudly as he felt himself stretch around the bartender, his manhood filling him out even more than he’d expected.
“F-fuck, Husk.”
His words cut short by another moan as Husk thrusted himself in deeper, stuffing the demon in the most delicious way.
“You're beautiful, Angel, you know that?” The bartender whispered - praise skating across Angel’s ear, making him whimper. His arousal growing firmer by the second between his legs.
Their bodies moved in tangent, writhing against each other. Soft kisses turned passionate and deep, though always remaining gentle in nature. Even when Husk nipped sofly at his neck - it was careful, tender. The moment was exactly like all those romantic sex scenes Angel had read about late into night - when he’d felt alone - when he’d lie awake hoping for just a smidge of softness within his hellscape and his life with Val.
And now he had it, grasped tangibly within his hands and pressed flush against his body. Every meticulous thrust from the bartender's hip sending his pleasure higher and higher while his manhood grew harder against his stomach, twitching with each exquisite movement.
“Mmph.. I dunno how much longer I'm gonna last.” Angel practically whined.
“Mmh.” Husk growled softly, kissing him again as he picked up his pace and brought a hand down to slowly stroke over Angel’s cock - quickly building his pleasure to an all encompassing climax as he screamed out his lover's name into the night. Husk’s own arousal spilling out deliciously into him, filling him. Their bodies entwined in one another, breaths nothing more than pant as they fell against the bed.
“Holy.. fuck.”
“Heh, wasn't nothin’ holy about that, legs.” Husk chuckled, catching his breath.
“Ehh, I dunno .. there was definitely ‘holes’ involved.” Angel replied with a smirk, making Husk shake his head in laughter.
The two laid silent for a moment as they let their breaths settle. Angel fingers stroking softly through Husk's fur to the ebb and flow of his breath as he continues to lay on his chest, the demon's eyes slowly starting to grow heavy until the bartender sat up abruptly, stirring him.
“Eh, hold on. I got something for yah.”
“Oh? Ready ta go again already, whiskahs?
“Pssh, get your mind outtah the gutter, Angie!”
Husk yelled the words playfully from the hallway before quickly making his way back into the dimly lit room, his body framed in candle light by the tiny pink cupcake that sat in his hands - complete with pink frosting and a single lit candle in the middle of it. Angel sat up surprised, his blush swiftly returning to his cheeks.
“Ah.. what's this?”
“Gotta have a birthday wish, don’tcha?”
Angel took the small cupcake into his hands and held it like it was the most precious thing in Hell. A soft smile moving across his lips as he looked up at the bartender, eyes gleaming with unspent tears.
“Well, looks like I already got everythin’ I wanted, tho.” He replied with a smile, blowing out the candle.
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multifandoms27-blog · 9 months
Hey darling!!! <3, hope your day is good, well, i saw your Seto Kaiba dating hc's and i read the "He just gets even better when one day he comes home with a ring" snippet, AND I GET SO HYPED FOR WEDDING/HUSBAND SETO KAIBA HC'S, so can i request "married Seto Kaiba hc's"? if not its ok, but i will be so happy if you do it
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just a moment to appreciate this handsome man's beaut-
Hello lovely! My day is going okay, I hope yours is as well <3
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Content: Seto Kaiba x GN!Reader
Warnings: Talk of children at the end (I made sure to separate that section from the rest of the headcanons incase people don't want to read that part)
Notes: I've started my second year of college and I already want to rip my hair out. I hope these headcanons are okay <3
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Seto doesn't want to trouble you with planning the wedding. He has professionals handling it.
However, obviously I feel you'd want a say in the color scheme and your own outfit at your wedding. Seto will absolutely let you make those decisions, he just figured you wouldn't want to bother yourself with the wedding plans. It would most likely be you doing all the work anyway, he has a company to run. (Wedding planning can take more than a year in some cases for those who don't know, and the more lavish and expensive it is, the longer the planning will be)
You two enjoy your engagement though. As much as Seto says he hates the press, he loves all the attention you two are getting from the Japanese media.
I think a lot of people thought Seto would never get married because of how snobby he is, and how focused he is on his company and a children's card game, so he can't wait to show up to every rich get-together with his arm around your shoulders, telling everyone you're his spouse.
Your wedding was in a lavish area off the coast of Japan. Mokuba was Seto's best man, while (Yugi friend/your own friend) was your best man/maid of honor. Your vows to each other were so sweet and loving, Jonouchi had to rub his eyes to make sure it was Kaiba you were marrying and not somebody else.
Because Seto is a famous man, your wedding was most likely televised.
The night was filled with laughter, congratulations to you and Seto, amazing food, jokes, and all around happiness. It was undoubtedly the best day of your life.
Your honeymoon was overseas though. Seto finally pried himself away from his work, and was looking forward to spending two uninterrupted weeks with you in Italy (or wherever else you choose)
Your honeymoon is filled with romantic gestures, long nights (hehe), and a whole lot of lovin'
When you come back home, Seto goes to work and you give Mokuba all the PG-13 details. How Seto treated you to nice dinners, how amazing the view was both in the day and night, and showed him pictures of you and Seto and your honeymoon
Surprisingly, Seto is the first one of you two to post your honeymoon pictures. They become flooded with supportive and loving comments, Jonouchi's comments never failing to make you laugh
Some days you'll let off Seto's staff early and make dinner for you two and Mokuba, or get takeout. Depends on how you're feeling that night
Seto appreciates it either way, and is just glad to get some time to spend with you and Mokuba at the end of his tiring work day
Sometimes you and Seto will have the same idea though, and you'll both get takeout by accident. The funniest is when you both show up to the same place and are like "What're you doing here??" "I could ask you that too"
Rarely does Seto cook, but damn is it fucking good. If he has a day off and decides to let his staff go home early, he'll cook for you and Mokuba
Seto lives to make your life easier. Need someone to manage your public account because the press can be too much to handle? He's going on a search for a suitable manager. Feel lonely by yourself at the mansion? He's asking Mokuba to surprise you with Yugi and co. (begrudgingly).
He's still going to be busy with work, but he'll make it up to you by bringing you on work trips whenever he can. He'll book nice hotels for the two of you, and always makes sure that he's all yours after five o'clock.
He confides all of his work troubles to you now, and if you thought he was stressing before when you were dating, it's now a whole new level. You're locked in with him for life, and Seto is about to spill all of his secrets to you. You suggest a therapist to help him regulate the stress, and he scoffs at the idea.
"Do you know how many people would put a price on the information I'm telling you? Yeah, no thanks."
So instead, you make ways to help him relax. You tell him about taking a bath with the whole nine - a relaxing bath bomb, candles, soft music...and he scoffs at the idea. So instead, you decide to trick him.
"Seto, there's something called an epsom salt bath that you can soak in, it helps you relax."
"Isn't that for sore muscles?"
"And weren't you complaining about how sore your shoulders are?"
You manage to get your husband in the warm bath, poured epsom salt in there, then sat carefully on the edge of the tub and massaged his shoulders. He relaxed enough to where began to close his eyes, and you slipped a blue bath bomb into the water. He was none the wiser about what you were doing until the bomb completely dissolved, you managed to light a candle or two, and he only opened his eyes when you began to play some soft music.
"Is this relaxing, Seto?"
"..." He won't admit it, but it really is.
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The next section talks about children, but no actual pregnancy! So if you don't like the topic, no worries! You can skip it <3
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Of course, with (some) marriages, comes the topic of children. In the Japanese dub of the anime, Seto tells Mokuba that he'll be his dad and look after them once they're in the orphanage (in the English its just big brother), which means you are now technically Mokuba's "adopted mother."
In the original manga, Mokuba was also in public school and had a lot of friends there, so I like to think that he sometimes goes between homeschooling and public school. If things become dangerous and Seto thinks Mokuba will be kidnapped again, he'll pull him out of school. But once things calm down, he'll allow Mokuba to go back to school. Which means, you and Seto are the best parents at the PTA meetings and after school events.
Of course, if Seto can't make it then you'll go for the both of you. Anything Mokuba has after school where he performs, you record it for Seto (and future memories).
Doing this for so long will make Seto think about what it would be like to actually have a child with you. I think he would want two, so they could have the same sibling bond that he and Mokuba have. And with how dangerous the world is, what if something happened to him or you or Mokuba?
He thinks about it for a while before finally bringing it up to you to see how you feel. If you're up for having a child with him, then he'll be ecstatic and jump right on it. If you biologically cannot be pregnant, then thats okay, adoption is absolutely on the table. Mokuba is excited to know that he's going to be an uncle.
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eggymf-archived · 11 months
no place like home;
ft. garreth weasley with f!reader/mc (one-shot)
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themes: hurt to comfort, angst to fluff, established relationship, aged-up characters, post-hogwarts, fiance!garreth, ex!dark!mc, slytherin!mc, 3rd person pov
warning: two idiots in love arguing, mc being the bigger idiot for once, implied traumatic events, implied violence, not spoiler-free, get a load of this sap
summary: she couldn't bear to make him suffer with every horrific danger that constantly chases her, hence she decides to run away one rainy summer night.
word count: 3.2k
a/n: happy weasley wednesday! this is my first entry and fic of garreth actually. i’ve decided to frankenstein the [lyric prompts] sent by @applinsandoranges​​ a while back along with the weekly prompt for weasley wednesday, “wet”. also, if you have read these two smut oneshots (pt.1 and pt.2), this fic features the same mc (just older). that aside, enjoy? :D
main masterlist || series masterlist || AO3
bonus: audio
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It was during the summer of 1892 — the year when they finally graduated from Hogwarts. 
She never expected to be given the privilege of spending the summer after her 7th year with Garreth. It was undoubtedly what she truly needed: an opportunity to escape from the utter chaos of the life she has within her own family home in London: specifically her father's seething wrath after that stunt she had pulled, which almost destroyed their own family’s stellar reputation within the wizarding world's pureblood society. 
Family drama aside, not only was it the perfect time for her to rest and recuperate, but it was also the chance for her to contemplate the future now that she has broken free from the shackles of her responsibility as an heiress (temporarily, that is). Perhaps in the midst of it all, she could also make amends for her past wrongdoings.
Oh, but [what on Earth can atone for all the wrong things that she had done]? 
It wasn’t an easy task, to say the least, for the blood that was spilled on her hands all in the name of the greater good has long stained her psyche. There was an insurmountable amount of filth that resides within her as the vessel of accumulated pain, and all she could do was endure the ordeal. The moment she had made that dire decision in the repository during her 5th year, she was doomed to a life of loneliness, but all of that changed during her 7th year when the threads of her own fate were intertwined with his.
She never would've expected that Garreth Weasley out of all people would serve as the beacon that would lead her back to all that had been long forgotten — her own happiness. 
Truth be told, she wasn't the most forthcoming with the notion of romance in general due to her unsavory experiences and personal issues, opting to steer clear of the entire topic in general. In fact, she was better off alone, but for some miraculous reason, the fiery-haired male had managed to creep into her heart, taking his rightful seat on its long-abandoned throne. It was truly a mysterious outcome, for nobody would've foreseen the unusual relationship to even happen, much less prosper.  
A Slytherin and a Gryffindor; the celebrated hero and an aspiring potioneer. They were like day and night; the sun and the moon — ever so different, yet fell in love too soon. Perhaps the irony of it all was what truly brought the both of them together, regardless of all their atrocities, differences, and follies combined. 
But even the greatest of love stories always had their own fair share of trials and tribulations, and the silly, dramatic little tale of her and Garreth weren't an exception. She remembered it all vividly: the times when she'd discourage him from pursuing her, only for her to fall harder and harder for him in the end.
“You'll never know peace a day in your life once you decide to be with me, Weasley.”
“I'm not good for anyone, lest you want a head full of gray hairs before you reach the age of forty.”
“You're better off without me, I assure you.”
“Garreth, please don't. I'll ruin your life.”
Yet her words, no matter how grim, threatening, or incessant, would always be met with his adorably goofy little grin along with the same simple reply that held the undying promise of his devotion and loyalty.
“I know.”
If only things were that simple.
From this moment onwards, ["I know" is never good enough] — not when she's aware of the dire consequences that would soon follow should she decide to pursue the yearnings of her poor, naïve heart. It was too huge a risk to gamble the life of the man who had brought her solace and joy amidst the pandemonium that rages within her blackened soul, for he was all she had left — the only person who would never treat her as a pawn across the chessboard; her most trusted confidant, companion, and lover: her chosen family.  
The musical incantation of Vulnera Sanentur from his Aunt Matilda's lips was all that she heard whilst she silently wallowed in her own thoughts of self-blame, her eyes darting around the damaged parts of their humble abode out of pure guilt. She glances at Garreth's father, who winces as several hands aided him to sit more comfortably on the sofa. His younger sister and older cousins scampered around to repair the several damages within the house whilst checking up on the others after the incident.
It was an ambush by dark wizards: the ones who sought to covet the corrupted power within her. Despite her not being a family member of the Weasleys, they fought gallantly alongside her, defending her as if she was one of their own. Although they are well capable of empathizing and understanding her prior violent display of magic within the heat of battle, it did not quell the bubbling shame that stews within her being. 
It was almost the norm for her to be targeted by the enemies that she had made in her past battles, but to be attacked while she was in Garreth's family home? To put the Weasleys in danger? Preposterous. Utterly preposterous. She'd never forgive her enemies for it. Hell, she'd never forgive herself for it either. 
The warmth of Garreth's palm on her arm startled her from her train of thought whilst she was in the middle of repairing the broken walls, offering her a kiss on her forehead the moment her head turned. 
“Garreth…” her voice, uncharacteristically small and hesitant, trails off while he cups her cheek, tracing his thumb over her delicate face as a form of reassurance.
“It’s not your fault, so please don’t think about it too much, alright? We’ll handle it from here,” he reassures.
Despite her evident disagreement with her fiancé's words, she bit her tongue, not wishing to add any more fuel to the fire. She gave the Weasleys one final glance as she headed to the kitchen to help his mother prepare their dinner for tonight while the others focused on either healing their mild injuries or fixing the damages within their house.
The Weasleys were a beautiful family. It was the ideal family that she would truly love to be a part of in a heartbeat: they were kind-hearted, selfless, and honorable, never swayed by the adversaries that came their way. It was for this very reason that she decided to protect them with all that she has, and she would never allow a single soul to harm even the hairs on their head even if it means that she has to bring herself out of the picture in the end.
Thus, she has made her final decision. 
[She's only safe when she's alone], just as they'd be a whole lot safer without her presence. She could easily slaughter anyone who stood in her way without fear of disappointing anyone with her ruthlessness, and none of her loved ones would be used as ammunition to make her submit to her enemies’ bidding. This painful choice was truly for the best — such as the fate of all fallen “heroes” who walk a lonely, dark path.
Yet despite all the danger he'd have to face and the sought-after coalesced filth of humanity that literally resides within her, her departure was Garreth’s greatest fear.
It was on the same day of the incident that he received the heartbreaking news in the middle of that particular rainy night. His sister was about to pay her a visit for their usual heart-to-heart session, only to find out that she was no longer in their home.
“Gone? What do you mean she’s gone?!” he bellowed, fear lacing his voice as he sped towards the guest room with soft footsteps trailing after him.
“Garreth, I'm sorry. I went to her room and—”
Not giving his younger sister a chance to finish, Garreth barged into the guest room with evident panic, only for his heart to sink at the sight of a room that was entirely bare of her belongings except for a note that she had hurriedly scrawled before she left.
I'm sorry. I love you.
Garreth quickly ran down the flight of stairs and straight to the exit of their home. The shouts and cries of his name fell on deaf ears as he bolted out of the house, racing into the chilly night with a million panicked thoughts buzzing unpleasantly within his head as raindrops drizzled upon his form.
[She had his heart, and he could only hope that she wouldn't hurt him] permanently with one measly written goodbye. He was angry and dismayed with her drastic decisions that lacked his consultation, but he simply couldn't allow all that they'd built to just disintegrate in a blink of an eye. She was, after all, his dearly beloved — the person he'd give his all without a second thought.
As soon as the thunder rumbled, he hurriedly took out the piece of parchment that she had left, casting a tracking charm with his wand. The piece of paper immediately bursts forward, leaving a trail of glittering golden dust for him to follow before the increasingly damp piece of parchment falls to the ground. The spell worked, and it only meant that she hadn't wandered off too far.
He knew exactly where she was from where the trail was heading. With the location clearly visualized within his mind, he apparates to their usual spot, hoping that she was still within the particular vicinity.
Needless to say, he was right.
There she stood in front of the tree where they often frequented for their usual picnics — the place where it's usually just the two of them, gazing upon the meadows of the countryside whilst enjoying the summer breeze. She looks upon the ring that was on her left hand, admiring the ruby and two small diamonds that glimmered under the moonlight. With great reluctance, she attempts to slide her engagement ring off, intending to keep it within their box of little keepsakes before she leaves, which was contained within the tree's hollow.
Amidst the soothing pitter-patter of raindrops, the sound of an audible crack was soon heard from a distance followed by several thuds of footsteps, effectively stopping her. She whips her head in the direction of the sudden noise, only for her eyes to meet a pair of emerald-green orbs. 
[Sometimes, she forgets that she was his] — he'd always find her wherever she may be simply because he knew her that well. She should've expected that he'd figure out her whereabouts within minutes after she had left the Weasley family home. He was, after all, her dearly beloved — the keeper of her heart; the one who knows her better than herself.
“Blast, I shouldn't have loitered around…” she thought ruefully as she faced him completely, a shaky breath escaping her lips as she braced herself for an earful. Instead, he runs towards her with a relieved expression, pulling her into his embrace before kissing her fervently. 
As if it were right on cue, the rain began to pour harder, just like those dramatic little romance novels written by Muggle authors. His touch, although scorching against her cold, damp skin, brought relief to her mind, body, and soul. 
It was only he could bring her such solace, nobody else.
As soon as his lips parted from hers, he grabbed her bag nearby before turning to her direction once again with a tired sigh. Before she could retaliate, he swung his arm around her, engulfing her in his arms before apparating back to his home — specifically into the living room, where the rest of the family was awaiting their return. A blush crept up to her cheeks upon feeling their eyes on her and Garreth, who held her by her waist. The both of them were soaked to the bone with their clothes and strands of their hair clinging uncomfortably onto their skin.
Wordlessly, Garreth set her bag on the ground before flicking the tip of his wand at both of them, casting a drying spell before making his way to the kitchen. She winced at his deathly silence, while the others glanced at each other with an evident grimace as well.
“... Alright, you lot! Off to bed, we go. Come along now!” his mother urges, pushing the other family members right towards the staircase, much to his younger sister's and cousins' chagrin.
“But mum—!”
She received several apologetic looks and pats of good luck from his cousins, for she was obviously going to need it. Garreth was upset — abysmally upset to be precise. It was a rare occurrence, but whenever it happens, it was a painful punch to the gut.
Silence looms over the living room, the thumping of footsteps dying out as they scamper to their bedrooms, leaving her and Garreth alone on the first floor of their home.
“Garreth, please say something?” she pleads, all to no avail. He remains tight-lipped, averting his gaze from her as he grabs the nearby teapot to pour each of them a cup of tea.
She hated it when he was like this, but his reticence was definitely warranted. She sighs in defeat, finally deciding to stop beating about the bush.
“... The attack from earlier—”
“—Was, again, not your fault. And you ran away because you didn't want any of us to get hurt. I know that,” he cuts her off bitterly before he sips his cup of tea in hopes of calming himself down. 
“Then you're aware of the dangers, Garreth. You've seen what they're capable of. You've experienced it for yourself.”
“Yes. So?”
“So why did you bring me back? You know that chaos ensues whenever I'm around, and it's never the good kind.”
“Really, now? Seems like a pretty peaceful night to me until you decided to leave,” he sarcastically snapped, much to her exasperation.
“Garreth, for god's sake—”
He slams his cup on the countertop, nearly shattering the object. His frown deepened, finally looking at her with a glare.
“A note with no explanations? Sneaking out right under my nose? Is that how trivial our relationship is to you?” he asks with a tone mixed with anger and hurt. She visibly pales at this, panic evident within her eyes that he would even think of such a thing.
“Garreth that's not—”
“—what you meant? Oh, believe me, I know. But it certainly feels that way and it's really upsetting. I'm not mad though. I could never be mad at you, but I'm sick and tired of you pushing me away at every bloody inconvenience!”
“I'm doing this for your sake! As long as I'm around, you and your family will always be—”
“I didn't ask you to play hero for us!”
“So you'd rather thoughtlessly sacrifice everyone else just to keep me around?!”
She was stunned into silence by his raging outburst, all retaliations within her head immediately disappearing as he ran his mouth, pouring out every single trace of frustration that had accumulated within his chest.
“Don't you know you're just as important as everyone else in here?! I know what I signed up for — mum knows, dad knows, my little sister knows, every single relative knows! You're already a part of this family at this point!” he continues exasperatedly, running his fingers through his hair out of sheer agitation. “Gods, you’re always like this! I hate that you feel the need to constantly tell me I shouldn’t be with you! I’m still here, aren’t I? Is that not enough for you?!”
She looks away, letting out a shaky exhale while she clenches her fists, her eyes becoming glassy with tears. His heart was thumping loudly, his chest heaving as his emotional hurt slowly descended from its peak. His glare soon faltered the moment he realized the aggression of his words, his fiery anger slowly dissipating as he stared at her with guilt simmering within his gut. Her eyes were downcast while she chewed on her lip, desperately keeping her emotions under wraps while placing her arms gingerly around herself to soothe her nerves.
With an aggravated sigh, he gently pulled her into a warm embrace. She whimpers at his display of tenderness despite the prior exchange of heated words, finally letting her tears run free as she wraps her arms around his waist, a string of apologies pouring out from her lips. He pressed his lips at the side of her head before parting from her as he cupped her face with both of his hands.
“Darling, listen to me. Look at me.”
She acquiesced, her bleary sight slowly trailing up to meet his verdant-hued eyes, which gazed upon her with pure love and adoration despite his recent display of anger. 
“I know I may not be the best man for you, but you best believe that I'll do whatever I can to keep you safe. When I swore to you that I'll accompany you to the ends of the earth, I meant every single word,” he whispers with heartfelt sincerity, wiping a stray tear away with his thumb. “But all I ask of you is to please have a bit of faith in me; in us — that we’ll manage all of this just fine. Please, I love you too much to let you go...”
“But… Your family…” she meekly sobs.
“Then we'll live alone together, just the two of us.”
“But what about you?”
“Then I'll be stronger for you! Hell, I'll beg Sallow to teach me how to duel better if I have to so please…” he begs, his voice cracking. 
“Don't ever leave again. Stay with me until the very end.”
At that moment, she finally caves into her heart's desire, standing on her tiptoes to urgently plant her lips on his without hesitation while his hand flew to the small of her back, the other placing itself at the back of her head to press her further into him. After what seemed like an eternity, they finally parted, gazing at each other's eyes with a smile of relief etched onto their faces. A surprised yelp escaped her lips as he scoops her up into a bridal carry, her arms instinctively wrapping around his neck.
“Well then, now that's done and settled, let's get you to bed, shall we?” he grins, his anger completely appeased by her response.
“At least let me bring my bag upstairs first, love. I need my clothes,” she laughs.
“Clothes? For what?”
“...To change in?”
“Oh, trust me. You won't be needing them tonight,” his voice drops into a teasing whisper. 
Her eyes widened, warmth creeping to her cheeks at his insinuation. He chuckled at her reaction, planting a kiss on her cheek before heading upstairs with her in his arms. The tense aura that loomed over the entire building was now completely gone, her soft giggles of sheer elation filling the halls before a peaceful silence ensued the moment the door to her room was closed shut.
Like the moon and stars that reside in the night skies, this was where she truly belongs — right in the arms of her dearly beloved; her most cherished abode.
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lovesclinic · 1 year
joel miller x f!reader |
notes: this man is taking over my life >:( if anyone knows how to get over him pls let me know (jk) &lt;3
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you were caring. something that joel loves about you.
but also gets n his nerves when you spend the whole day caring for others, without standing up for yourself.
this often led him getting mad at you when, for instance your tummy wont stop grumbling as you forgot to eat all day. like right now.
“… mcdonalds is open pretty late,” you avoided eye contact with joel, you hated fighting with him, even if you knew this was his way of showing he cares about you.
“I am not going to a mcdonalds drive thru at this time of night again for the third night in a row,” joel huffed, used to your routine by now.
“well, you’re the one so mad about m’grumbling tummy! it’s not like I can control it joel..” noticing you going of your usual script of stubborn remarks till you get what you want, and the tears building in the corners of your eyes, joel softened his tone.
“darnin’..” joel started, accent more prominent in his words due to the frustration still simmering.  stopping and starting, unsure of what to say.
"I'm heading off, maybe that will settle this damn problem," 
Joel's intentions were evident to him. he would just be going to fetch you food, mcdondalds per your request, to help you feel less "hangry". so you both can talk a bit calmer about how to keep you eating when joel is away at work.
however, as you observed joel’s actions, stiff and robotic almost through your blurry, it became clear that he had tolerated your antics for too long and would be leaving your relationship.
to be fair, you were already confused to how the man had managed to be patient with you for this long as this was your longest-lasting relationship ever.  no one has ever lasted longer than eight months with you, and you were honestly surprised that he hadn’t called it quits earlier.
the clanging of car keys alerted your to the man grabbing what he needed, stopping just outside the door when he heard you speak tearily and snotty, yet clear to him, "it's okay, joel," he was startled by how small you sounded.
as he turned around, he was heartbroken to see you blubbering, "no one's really stayed with me this long, so I understand."
and in an instant, joel  immediately strode over to where you were sitting after dropping the duffel bag.  you anticipated that he was going to say his parting words about his doubts in your relationship blah blah.. words that would undoubtedly sting — as was the case throughout your previous relationships. so you attempted to scoot away, pitifully moving from joel to offer him space
so you were stunned when he pulled you to rest in his familiar lap, placing his lips to your temple soothingly. 
A small yawn from your lips had joel staring aty you lovingly, how could you ever think that he would leave you?
“getting sleepy, aren’t we?”
 “i’m…m'up i swear.”
"sweet dreams, 'nd rememer baby.. I would never leave my girl."
389 notes · View notes
In An Instant
Matty Healy x Reader
A/n hope you enjoy this sickly sweet depiction of my dream, aka eloping with the one and only Matty Healy. If anyone enjoys and wants part two of this then let me know because I’d love to write it!!
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“Marry me”
The stillness of the bedroom was broken by Mattys hushed question, the words rolling from his tongue before he could process his own proposition. Your breath hitched in your throat when you heard his words, your heartbeat quickening with every passing second, the feeling of Matty holding you close being the only thing keeping you grounded.
Lifting your head up off of his chest, you tried to read his face, trying to decipher whether he was joking or not.
You and Matty had only been together for just over a year, but that year had felt like a lifetime, reminders of him now scattered through your everyday life, the single coffee cup that found its way into the sink but never quite cleaned, there were now two. The bathroom counter that used to hold only one toothbrush, now held his aswell. Alongside the tens of bottles of your own skincare and makeup, there was an addition of his, but only one or two. That empty, and once unused corner of your bedroom, was now home to Matty’s guitar, specifically the one you liked to fall asleep to the sound of.
Despite the darkness of the room, his eyes were bright and full of life, possibly longing if you looked close enough. His bottom lips was caught between his teeth, anxiety cursing through his veins whilst you could hear him hold his breath waiting for your reaction.
“W-what?” You stuttered, your words filtered through your lips with a confusfed laugh,
“Just me and you.” His voice remained low, his mind racing with the possibility of your reaction, the possibility of a ‘no’. He brought the arm that was wrapped around your shoulders to brush the stray hairs out of your face. “I don’t care about a big wedding” he continued when you didn’t speak, your eyes wide and firmly fixed to his, “I just want to marry you” the end of his sentence faded into a shy whisper. “Right now” It was a crazy idea, really, you were young, busy, possibly a bit naive, but in that moment, as you lay tangled together in the duvet, your bodies coated by the rays from the streetlights outside and a thin veil of sweat, a very telling reminder of the last few hours you’d spend together, you thought it was undoubtedly the best idea he’d ever had.
Slowly, you let a wide smile emerge across your face, the same smile that made Matty fall in love with you the first time he saw you and would fall insanely deeper in love with every time he saw it.
“Ok” you spoke definitely, moving to rest your chin on his chest, eyes not moving as you gazed up at him, taking him by surprise slightly although it was his idea, of course, there was a fragment of doubt floating in the back of his mind. The breath that was trapped within his lungs escaped as all the moments he’d once pictured whilst lay in bed at night, you in his arms, flashed through his mind, again. And suddenly, the big house, even bigger garden, just outside of the city, but still close enough for you to make your way out for your impromptu, messy, drunken nights out that ended with kissing against walls down dirty back ally’s, the dining table big enough for both your family and his and the Sunday dinners that he, but probably mostly you, would cook. And the as yet unknown number of kids running around the garden, grass stained knees and the sound of tears but always predominantly laughter, Matty felt one step closer to all of those moments.
“Ok?” You simply nodded. “Ok as in ‘yes’?” Another nod, your smile unmoving. “Ok as in ‘yes Matty I will marry you’?”
Tangled limbs came free as you moved against him, soft skin brushing against his own as you moved to straddle his hips, hands coming to cup his jaw as he watched you carefully.
“Yes, Matthew Healy” you kissed him slowly, “love of my life,” another kiss, “man of my dreams” he giggled, “I would marry you in an instant”
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