#i come back after 4 months just to laugh so hard at the 2nd gif
softtransbf · 2 years
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I posted 1,053 times in 2022
207 posts created (20%)
846 posts reblogged (80%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 548 of my posts in 2022
Only 48% of my posts had no tags
#otp: confession - 74 posts
#otp: love in bloom - 69 posts
#otp: pretty boys - 55 posts
#otp: my heart - 52 posts
#otp: unforgettable - 52 posts
#otp: don't want to be free - 45 posts
#otp: true desire - 31 posts
#otp: home safe together - 19 posts
#otp: good boys - 17 posts
#otp: love in our hearts - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 125 characters
#but i'll admit it's kinda cute when he comes up and bites my arm when i'm working on new songs and he wants attention -seowoo
My Top Posts in 2022:
i want to try to collect data on what sources people self-ship from, but i don't think there's any way to reliably get a data set that's worth anything
there's a really cool data set out there, and i can't really get it.
[crush] is laughing at me (affectionately), because i'm genuinely kinda sad and definitely very pouty about this :(
4 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
that last post reminded me of an f/o i took off my list quite a while ago...
i miss him, but his source material butchered his character and just overall went to shit in so many ways that i can't engage with anything related to it. it makes me so Mad
i wish i could go back and watch the version of him i loved so much without fuckin losing it :(
4 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
"after work" from the 1st prompt list, and "confession" from the 2nd prompt list, w/ whoever you want 😺 - @tedspankoffskiscanonbf
@tedspankoffskiscanonbf <3 tysm!
My Seo-woo tag literally is confession, so I gotta go with him on this one ^_^ (I'll make a separate post for after work)
Word count: 289
Warnings: Assumption of heterosexuality (idk a more concise way to put that)
Now I’ll confess my heart
I can’t hide my feelings anymore
That I like you, that I love you
That you’re my everything
"That was a preview of global superstar Kang Seo-woo's new single, Confession, which is coming out in just three days. Now, we're joined by the man himself for a quick word! Good morning, Seo-woo, how are you feeling, with the release so soon?"
Seo-woo smiled and nodded at the talk show host. "I'm feeling really good. I've worked hard on the song, and I'm really happy with how it turned out. I hope my fans will enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed writing it."
The woman returned his smile. "I'm sure they will. And I think I can speak on behalf of all of them when I ask- what was the writing process like? Was there someone in particular on your mind?"
He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck as he shook his head. Of course there was. I’m in love with the most incredible guy in the world, and I wrote this song to tell him that. Every love song I ever write from now on will be about him.
"No, no there wasn't. The melody came first, and it just felt so sweet and light, I knew the lyrics had to be that beautiful innocence of a first-love confession. Not about a specific person at all."
"Millions of girls just breathed a sigh of relief, I'm sure. That's all the time we've got, thank you so much for joining us, Seo-woo!"
"Thanks for having me!" A commercial break was called, and he took a deep breath as he walked back to the green room. I have to tell him.
4 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
Drabblecember: After Work
@tedspankoffskiscanonbf here's "after work"!
tag list: @gothamcore @librarian-lover
Pairing: Quint/Garthy O'Brien
Warnings: alcohol
Word Count: 543
Quint trudged into the bar, one hand massaging his temple. He saw Garthy sitting at their normal table, surrounded by friends old and new alike. Even more than usual, it seemed, and they hadn’t noticed him yet, so he went and got a drink. He couldn’t handle that much socializing sober. Not after the day he had.
After so many months in Leviathan, working at the Gold Gardens no less, he didn’t have to tell the bartender what he wanted; the drink was in his hand the moment he placed the coins on the bar.
He took a seat at the bar, threw the drink back, ordered a double, tipping generously. He drank the second one more slowly, savoring the burn and praying the first drink would hit quickly.
He was about halfway through his drink when he felt familiar arms wrap around his waist from behind and very familiar lips against his ear.
“My, my, darling,” Garthy murmured in the way that never failed to send shivers down Quint’s spine, “you didn’t even stop to say hello? You wound me, my love.” 
Quint moved their arms and scooted over a seat, not looking back at them. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. It’s just been a Day, and I wanted to be in a better mood before joining you.” They sat down next to him and gently took the drink out of his hands.
“I hate to imply you’d be anything less than honest with me; I think this is more an issue of you lying to yourself. Are you sure you thought sitting here alone with your thoughts would put you in a better mood?”
He turned to face them with a soft sigh. “Sometimes I hate how well you know me, you know that?”
They chuckled and started rubbing small circles on his back. “No, darling, you really don’t. Now, you know my philosophy; this is a place where people come to forget their troubles. Talk to me, love. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, really. Just spent the day trying to balance the books from the casino. The crew that came through last week was great for business, but crews that big always make a nightmare of the records, and I can’t figure out a good long-term solution.”
He tried to swallow the tears he could feel forming. “I can’t solve that problem, and studying magic isn’t going well, and it all just feels like I’m not smart enough for any of this and not strong enough to learn how to fight, so what good am I here?” He sobbed, and Garthy pulled him into a tight hug.
“Oh, darling, why didn’t you tell me? Those are all problems we can solve, but right now, do you want to talk about solutions, or do you want to come with me upstairs, and we’ll get you a proper meal and maybe a massage?”
Now fully crying, he held them tighter and whispered into the crook of their neck, “Let’s go upstairs. Thank you, my love.”
They picked him up, pressed a kiss to the top of his head, and carried him up to their penthouse suite, determined to make every trace of self-doubt vanish by the end of the night. “Anything for you, my greatest treasure.”
4 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
If any of y'all are interested in being on a tag list as i write this month and hopefully more going forward, lmk? 🥺👉👈
6 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mikeywatrs · 3 years
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mike  ‘  never  heard  of  personal  space  ’  waters
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moaserendipity · 3 years
We are almost 6 months in 2021 now and I have been enjoying a lot of BL drama’s I just haven’t been writing any reviews. So let me name a couple of my favorite BL drama’s so far.
1. Tale of a Thousand Stars
This is definitely my favorite so far this year. I fell in love with the story, the male leads, the kids and even the friends. I read the novel and I love that they didn’t change that much! Also the chemistry between Earth and Mix was seriously amazing. They had me wrapped around their fingers for sure and usually the story gets a bit boring in the middle but this time there was not one full moment. I laughed, cried and screamed watching these episodes and even though the ending was good and well rounded, I seriously just wanted more!
Also can we talk about Mix for just absolutely second?! Because where have GMMTV been hiding him because W.O.W this man is stunningly handsome and when he smiles it’s like I am melting every single time.
Anyway ahum I am giving this drama a 10/10
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2. fighting mr. 2nd
The sequel I needed badly! Did it disappoint god no! These two have such amazing chemistry that I got pulled in every time they got close. And that one scene where Gao Shi De was drunk and poured his heart out broke me. That was seriously intense and the way Zhou Shi Yu gave him a second chance was the best thing ever!
Not to forget about the side couple, which I need to know more about because well they are interesting🥰
The storyline wasn’t complicated or that original BUT it didn’t matter because the acting was amazing and it made me long for more!
So if I have to give this a rating it would get an 9.8/10
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3. Lovely writer
Now I seriously was excited about this one from the moment I saw the trailer!! And I loved every single moment of it. I loved how it sometimes mocked the BL industry and Kao & Up are an amazing duo. I have to say that I was so happy to see Kao playing this character after UWMA because this suits him so much better.
Again the chemistry between them was awesome and I don’t know how many times I felt super single, when I am not, while watching them together. Like how is that possible but I want what they have lol.
I don’t think there was anything that bothered me much with this drama except for Aey, I mean damn he was annoying but I feel like they could’ve done more with him but well🤷‍♀️
Also the last episode made me feel attacked especially near the end, you’ll know what I’m talking about when you see it, won’t give spoilers😎
I will give this a 9.5/10
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4. Manner of Death
Ah the thriller in this small list. This was a rollercoaster that made you sit on the edge of your chair every single episode. Now I feel like I don’t really need to talk about Max & Tul because who doesn’t know them. They are the BL kings!
I read the novel which usually is t a good thing before you watch a drama but I loved that they did not change THAT much. Max & Tul were definitely the best pick for this drama, also can I just say that their acting has improved so much and I just loved it.
Also how fresh was this drama! Like finally no uni storyline but an adult one! It’s exactly what I wanted!
I will give this a 8.7/10
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5. To My Star
This is definitely my favorite Korean drama so far. This was amazing. I loved the storyline and it was nice that they did not really rushed it even though the episodes were again way too short. I loved the chemistry between the male leads.
The way you saw them fall for each other and the way one of them tried to ignore those feelings. I am happy it ended well because I was seriously rooting for them. I loved that they were close behind the scenes as well.
The only reason this one is not higher on the list is because of the shortness.
So I’ll give this a 8/10
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6. Tonhon Chonlatee
This on started in 2020 but ended in 2021 so that’s why it’s on here!! This was the light drama we needed seeing as at the same time we got Tharntype. But yeah I laughed so hard every episode & not that but sometimes I even yelled at Tonhon for being a straight up idiot.
The way to Tonhon admitting he loves Chonlatee was a long one and I felt sorry for the second male lead because he was being used to make him realise he liked chonlatee but that made certain things a lot funnier! I loved the chemistry again between the male leads and I definitely wanted more after it ended!! Also give it up to my favorite side couple Ai & Ni, they really should get their own drama!!
I’ll give this a 7.9/10
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7. Gen y
Gen Y was something every confusing but also something likeable?🤔 I mean I loved the storyline between Kit & Mark. It was nice to see how Kit finally opened up to Mark and started to love him back, I did feel frustrated at Kit because he did not speak his mind but felt happy when he finally did. Also those scenes between them!! 👍
Then we get to Wayu, Thanu & Phai, this was one confusing storyline, like wtf was that between Thanu and Phai? Where are this premonitions coming from and what does it mean? Like this drama isn’t paranormal right🤔 also I know a lot of fans want Wayu together with Phi but I don’t not after what he did and also the chemistry between Wayu and Thanu is really good! I am curious to see what will happen to them.
Then we get to the last couple, which frustrated the hell out of me! Pok and Tong.... what was happening between them and why did they end up hating each other to having sex with each other🤔 and what is this that they refuse to kiss each other nonsense, so yeah I liked the drama but I was either happy or frustrated😂
This will be a 7/10 for me
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8. You make me dance
You make me dance was cute but also a bit heavier then usual. Especially for the dancer because his mom literally left him alone to fend for himself which made him take out loans with loan sharks and the only good thing that came out of it was he fell in love with his loan shark.
I loved them, they were cute, clingy but again way too short because this one was definitely rushed, which was sad. Also when they shoot this in the middle of the winter maybe next time the production staff could at least turn on some heaters? Like I felt cold while watching them!
Anyway a 6.9/10
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9. HIstory4; Close to you
Ah yes this one... I will start to say that this one made me uncomfortable at times, also certain tropes were being used that not everyone will appreciate. I for myself liked this drama but also not. If you have watched it, you know that one of the couples are stepbrothers. Now tbh if they hadn’t grown up together it might’ve been easier to watch but seeing as they grew up together it was hard to look passed it especially since they continuously reminded us about it. Also sex without proper consent, I do have to say here that even though he was drunk Xing Si did recognize Yong Jjie so I don’t think it’s right but that’s the only excuse I can find for it🤔 other then that I thought they were cute.
Then the second couple I loved them, the way they fell for each other could’ve been better but yeah I loved them. lichen and Muren completed each other the only scene that got me uncomfortable as when Lichen was dreaming about Muren. But other then that I loved their chemistry!!
Also the cameo of one really amazing couple made up for a lot. I won’t spoil anything but yeah that was satisfying
But because this one made me feel uncomfortable a lot of times I will give it a 6.7/10
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10. Second Chance
Second chance, well was short but likeable. I loved the chemistry between the male leads and they made me feel like they were already in a relationship so when that thing happened and one of them suddenly took his distance I was surprised because well, yeah I just didn’t expect him to be like that. But yeah this drama was a short one sadly enough so that’s why it’s not high on the list because I wanted more.
I’ll give this a 6.5/10 and not because it was bad but because it was way too short and sometimes I did not get was was going on.
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elysiashelby · 4 years
In Another World - T. Shelby Imagine Ch. 4
Paring: (Eventual) Thomas Shelby x Aliena Welsh (OC)
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Word Count: 5, 257
WARNINGS: Angst, Cursing, Explicit Attempted R*pe Scene, Descriptive Murder Scene, Recollection of Past Molestation
Summary: Aliena Welsh has been living in the universe of the show Peaky Blinders for 8 months now. She feels like family more now than ever since she has a role for everyone in the family. But as she delivers the Shelby Brothers’ their food at the Garrison, trouble brews. She will commit something that will never go away for the rest of her life. 
A/N: HI! If you skipped to this chapter, that’s completely fine! I tried including the most important parts that took place in the extras. 
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It's been two months since the incident happened. Meaning I have been with the Shelby family for eight months in total. I did not get over it the night after, it took a week. 
Instead of getting over it the next day, I had tried drowning myself in work but they didn't let me, which led to me breaking down. It was embarrassing. Another bath was drawn for me and on that night, I had smoked my first cigarette. It made me both calm and riddled with anxiety. So, I haven't touched one since. 
I call Thomas, Tommy now. It happened after the incident. It was like I was a part of the family, in a way. I mean I hope I was considered family. After all, I do cater to every emotional need in the family. I act motherly/older sister-like to the children including Finn, a younger sister to Ada, a daughter to Polly, and I'm a coping mechanism to the rest of the boys. The nights that I'm not soothing Arthur, I'm with Tommy. John is pretty alright. To be frank, he has a tighter grip on demons than his brothers. However, I believe that's only because he doesn't want his kids to ever find out, or he has his different outlets that I don't know about. 
It has been really nice to sleep beside someone. By someone, I mean Tommy. You see, we had this agreement that I would just talk his ear off throughout the night, and he wouldn't use his opium pipe anymore. Now, I know he doesn't see me that way, but c'mon! He's just so fit! I honestly don't know if he's aware that I got a crush on 'em, but I just hope he's kept it to himself. I was never one for subtly in any of my pursuits. I always had a habit of staring. 
As I was sweeping away all the dirt in the house, I got incredibly bored. Since it was only Finn around, hopefully, doing his homework that I gave 'em! I began to sing. 
"Bitch, don't steal my man. He's got a weakness for girls like you. We both know you can. But I really need him more than you." 
It was so liberating to be able to comfortably sing. I started to get more into it. 
"You're a supermodel, shaped just like a bottle…" I held on to the broom, but made an outline of an hourglass figure with me free hand. 
"He could run his fingers through your hair." I raised my hands, ran my fingers through my hair, and jerked it behind my shoulders. 
"I bet you're a good time girl. But don't you know he's mine though?" I danced around my broom and then pointed to meself on the last lyric. 
"I was running around for a minute. Now he's the only one who can get it." I sang while smacking me hip lightly, trying not to make any other unnecessary noise. 
"So bitch, don't steal my man. He's got a weakness for girls like you. We both know you can. But I really need him more than you." While singing, I put on a sad expression. It was more like a childish pout. 
"Maybe I can fake it. Fake it 'til you make it." At this point, I had me eyes closed and was zoned in on singing. I started to dance slowly. 
"I can't promise, I'll be cordial. Got a mouth just like a trucker." Oddly enough, I started to sink down till I was crouching, but me knees were touching. I was also patting parts of me body as I went down. 
‘I really can't describe movements to save my life!’
"I can't even be a lady. Out in public for my mother, motherfucker." On the last lyric, I immediately stood up. I turned around, opened me eyes for a split second, and grasped the broom again. 
With me eyes now closed, I continued. "But bitch, don't steal my man. He's got a weakness for girls like you. We both know you can. But I really need him more than you." I put on the same sad expression to really feel the song. 
With the broom hugged against me body, I began to sway with it. "I won't blame him if he leaves me for you, oh." 
Me swaying came to a halt. "I won't even blame him if one day he runs off with you." I felt me own heart break for me imaginary lover's affair. Me voice came out softer than I expected.
 I didn't like that so I tried singing the next lyrics with a more happy tone. "Bitch, don't steal my man. He's got a weakness for girls like you. We both know you can. But I really need him more than you." I danced around the broom with more energy. I felt the sway of me dress with each turn. 
"Yeah. Oh, oh-oh. Oh, oh, oh. Don't steal my man. Bitch, don't steal my man. Don't steal my man." As I sang out the last of the lyrics, I stood still and opened me eyes. 
I expected silence, maybe even just Finn peaking in but it was worse. I was met with thunderous applause from the Shelby brothers, even Tommy. 
John hooted and whistled while clapping. "Whoo! We got ourselves an exclusive singer!"
"You're fucking right, John-boy! We 'ave our very own songbird." Arthur shouted. 
Tommy just had this smug smile on his face. 
I cringed at their "compliments''. I cringed very harshly from their comments! The worst part is that I can't tell if they're being sincere or not! "Piss off! Why didn't youse say anything? I'll make yez your scran then do one." I balanced the broom on the wall and shoved meself past them into the kitchen. All three of them started to fucking giggle. 
"Don't tell me you got so flustered that we brought out your scouser! Eh, Ali!" Tommy shouted. 
I sucked on me teeth. A habit I picked up from Tommy. I adopted it before I came here, though. It was actually a tick from Cillian, but he did it so many times as Tommy in the show, and well the real Tommy actually does it a lot. So, there was no getting rid of it!
‘I don’t why Tommy is acting so smug as if I don’t ‘ave to sing ‘em sad songs every night just so he can fuckin’ fall asleep. The bastard!’ 
"Shut up! Now, are youse gonna eat leftovers or am I making sandwiches?" I reached for plates that were in the cupboards and put them on the counter. 
"We'll have the leftovers, Ali." Tommy replied. 
I walked over to the icebox and took it out.
After they finished with eating and teasing, I had to finish cleaning up. It was especially difficult today because I decided to do a musical fucking number and Finn managed to work up the courage to ask me for help on his homework. 
By then, I was working on dinner with Polly. I did the peeling and chopping of the potatoes and carrots. She was making soup. We were debating about who Ada had been sneaking off with at night. I knew it was Freddie Thorne, but I was not going to be a snitch. Besides, she’s been using me as a scapegoat and I’m fine with her racking up her “I.O.U’s.”
The phone went off which Polly answered. I heard bits of it, but I was really trying hard not to be geggin' in. 
Polly sighed before saying, "Tommy rang said that they'll be eating at the Garrison. Go and take it to them, yeah?" 
I nodded in response. I got up and put our bowls into the sink. 
"Don't worry about the dishes tonight. I'll do those. Just give this to them and you'll be down for the night." 
I got me basket and put in three bowls and spoons. I lowered it ‘till it rested in the crook of me elbow, and then carried the pot of soup using both of me hands. Polly got the door. We said our goodbyes and I began me journey. 
As I was walking, men tipped their hats to me or bid me goodnight. It was strange to me for months in the beginning, but I've gotten quite used to it. It happens anytime I'm out and abar. 
As I got closer to the pub, I noticed these three young lads leaning against a wall outside. I wasn't sure at first but as I drew nearer to the door, their heads followed me. The middle one must have known the jig was up ‘cause he actually had the nerve to whistle at me. Like a dog. 
It stopped me in me tracks. I've never been treated this way in me whole life. After I became the Shelby family's maid, Tommy made it clear that nobody could touch me. I was off limits. Everyone in Birmingham knew that. But that didn't stop this cheeky lad who kept catcalling me and inching closer. I shook me head and then continued on. 
A man who was walking out greeted me, saw I was holding a pot, then held open the door for me to walk in, and even opened the second door. I thanked him. I walked over and knocked on the door to the snug. Arthur opened it after like five minutes of me waiting. 
"Here's your dinner. I'm off." I said while placing both the pot and the basket down.
"Oh c'mon, Ali. Stay 'n 'ave a laugh with us!" John shouted as he passed out the plates and spoons to his brothers. 
I shook me head with a smile on me face. His loud behavior made me want to laugh. But there was this sense of anxiety that washed over me.
'Maybe I should stay.' I thought. 
Me nerves were unsettled by the lads who were outside. I didn't want to know if they were waiting on me to come back outside. 
‘I would be safer in here.’ 
I stroked the edge of the table and took notice of its coldness. 
'Maybe I was just being paranoid. I should just go home. I would just ruin their fun.' 
"Aliena, are you alright?" Tommy asked. His eyebrows furrowed in worry. 
I smiled. It was, secretly, a sad smile. "Yeah, just grand. I'mma head on home. See youse tomorrow. Night!"
They all shouted back the same and I left. I kept the image of Tommy in me mind as I walked out of the pub. The cold air was nice against me hot face. But it didn't stop me from seeking warmth. I crossed my arms over me chest and hid me hands with me arms.
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"Oi! Pretty lady! Wanna have a good time with us?"
"Yeah, come on! Show us a good time."
"You know, we're not from here."
I knew they were trying to close the gap between us. I tried walking faster. 
I could hear the pounding of their footsteps before I could react. Suddenly, there was a tight grip on me forearm and he yanked me toward himself. I gasped in surprise. 
"Come on, love. We came all the way from London to this shit city. Staying at this shitty hostel called… Something with Betty in it. So, how 'bout you fucking show me and my mates a good fucking time?" He squeezed me face in his hands. 
Me breathing quickened and heart was caught in me throat. 
"Le-Let me go! Fuck off!" I screamed. 
I managed to tear his hand off me face and I kicked his knee. He groaned in pain while doubling over to support it. I started to run, but I didn't manage to get very far. One of the others caught up to me. He caught me arms, swung me 'round, and slapped me across the face. 
Me ear rang and I felt a lot of pain. "Let me go! Stop it! Help me! Somebody help me!" I yelled as I tried putting me feet down, but he just kept dragging me. 
Nobody was helping me. 
'I'm scared. I don't wanna be raped!' I kept chanting over and over. 
Eventually, the guy tugged me into his arms and shoved me into an alleyway. I groaned on impact. Me stockings ripped and me hands skidded on the cement. I raced to get back up, but the man that threw me, bunched up the collar of me coat and threw me against the wall. I yelped and started seeing stars. Pain exploded throughout me head. But even then I knew he was taking off me coat. 
I heaved out a breath. He took that chance to shove his tongue in me mouth. It was so revolting. He tasted of booze, ciggies, and pure bad breath. I bit down on his tongue. He cried out in pain. He held his mouth. His grip was still tight on me collar. I tried running the other way since his friends were blocking the entrance of the alleyway, but he tugged me back and punched me. 
Now, that fucking hurt. I froze instantly. The pain was too much. I started sobbing. 
"Shut up!" He demanded. 
I didn't listen. So, I got a knee to the stomach. I grunted in pain and doubled over. He didn't let me soothe meself as he yanked me back up and started to attack me neck. 
I heard and felt as he ripped me dress open. I tried harder to push against his torso. I tried pushing him off of me. He ripped me bra and I felt his tongue roam me chest. I cried out. I was disgusted. Me stomach was churning. I reached up and yanked him by his hair. 
He shouted in pain and punched me in me ribs. I groaned. 
From the corner of my eye, I could see his two friends just staring at us. They were enjoying watching me struggle. They were smoking and sharing a bevvy. They were smiling at the sight of me, they were laughing at me!
He didn't stop there. He grabbed me by me arms and threw me against the wall multiple times. I tried sticking out me neck forward. It was an attempt to protect me head and it worked… a little. I was completely out of it by the time he stopped doing it. 
I could feel yet I was also numb to it. It was like the incident all over again. I still thrashed me arms around, but it was so weak. I was so beaten. Me body was not used to this. It wanted to shut down. I knew it did. But then me fingers grazed something on his upper torso. Me breath hitched. 
It knew this spot to be special. Tommy had a special spot here too. It was a gun holster. I felt me attacker raise me left leg and push my panties aside. 
After that it was such a blur. It all happened so fast. 
I took the gun out of its holster, pressed it into his torso, cocked it, and pulled the trigger. The shot rang through me ears. All I heard was white noise after that. 
I held onto the back of his neck, supporting his weight by leaning him on me body, looked to my right and saw that his friends had run off. It was then that I heard his choking gasps. I felt nothing. I pushed his body off of me and cocked the gun again. His fingers started to outline his bullet wound. He stared up at me in shock. 
He held his hands up, begging for his life. I looked down and stared at his leg. I aimed and fired. He screamed in agony. I cocked the gun. I aimed at his shoulder and fired. Another scream ripped from his throat. 
At that moment, I felt me mouth twitch upward. I felt meself smirk. Me eyes widened like a madman. I felt powerful. I walked closer to him and stood over his body. Slowly, I cocked the gun. He whimpered and put his hands up slowly. Hands covered in his own blood. I relished the terror in his eyes. 
I felt the smile expand on me face and I aimed for the middle of his forehead. I exhaled sharply before closing me mouth up. The action caused me to giggle uncontrollably. He sobbed louder but also somewhat slurred. He was dying. I knew that and he knew that. 
So, I withdrew the gun and took a small stumbling step back. I contorted me face in fear— it was all an act, and watched as he put his guard down. I stayed like that for about a minute before I couldn't manage to hide me smile anymore even while biting me lip. In a flash, his face lit back up in terror and that's when I took a step forward and pulled the trigger. The smile fell from me face. His hot blood had splattered all over me face, blowback I heard it was called.
"Oi!" A man shouted. 
I looked up to see no one that I would know. However, the man was wearing a peaked cap and was accompanied by three others. All guns were raised and pointed at me. 
They inched closer to me and I took a real stumbling step back. 
One man gasped. "That's Aliena Welsh. Mr. Shelby's maid!"
They put down their guns and rushed to me. I just stood there. Then, I looked down and stared at the gun. Me hands were trembling like leaves, but it was all an act. One of the Peaky men held out his hand toward me, I flinched and he stopped. 
"Miss, let's get you home. We'll take care of 'em. Come now, dear." He gestured to the gun and reluctantly I gave it to him. Another man gave me his coat. I wrapped myself around it. 
"Come, Miss." He waved me to follow him. 
I looked back and watched as the other men started to deal with the body. One man hauled him up by his armpits while another picked him up by his legs. 
Almost in a trance, I said. "No. I'm going home by meself. Go 'n tell, Tommy, what’s happened." 
Then, I rushed past him. At first, I was speed walking and then I was running. I was running with one hand holding onto me torn dress. The man’s coat had flown off of me shoulders. I was basically just covering me chest. Me stomach was on full display, though. 
But, of course, me suffering would not end. Me heel got caught and I tripped. I caught meself but it made me pre-existing wounds hurt even more. I sat there in the middle of the sidewalk. Panting for breath. Me lungs, no, not just me lungs. Everything hurt. Especially, me head. 
'I'm finished,’ I thought, ‘I can never go back now. I can’t go back to my family after I’ve killed someone. I-I can never be saved by any higher power, or have salvation for my soul. I... I killed him.’
I started to laugh, maniacally. I just giggled and laughed. Until they turned into blood curdling screams. Once I lost breath, I desperately inhaled and then sprang myself up. I continued running until I got home. With the door in sight, I started to sob. The worst part of it was that I wasn't crying because of what happened. It was because I knew I needed to look distraught. I knew deep down that I had absolutely no regrets pulling that trigger. 
I probably even liked it. 
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I started banging on the door. I could hear Polly yell for me to stop. I didn't. Not until she ripped open the door. I saw as her gaze contorted from angry to something else, maybe astonishment. She brought her hands to her mouth. Her eyes watered which made me look away. 
"Oh my god." She whispered. Polly sounded so choked up. Her sadness seeped into her words. 
Her hands slowly reached out to me. They were shaking so much. And I broke. I started to cry, sob, wail. 
"Polly! Polly… " I repeated her name over and over. She drew me into a hug and helped me inside. I hid me face in the crook of her neck. 
"Sh! It's alright, love. I have you now. Ada! You're safe now. ADA, GET DOWN HERE THE FUCK NOW!"
I knew she was leading me into the living room. She helped me sit down and she never stopped stroking me hair. 
Before Ada could ask any questions, Polly told her to bring the tub in and to draw me a bath with hot water. I was still crying. I sounded awful. 
"Pol, what's happened?" Ada asked as she poured the hot water into the tub. 
"I don't know! Just focus on what I've told you to do! Ali, love, I'm goin' to be right back. You need ice for your face." She kissed the temple of me forehead and then unwrapped me from her. 
I looked at her empty spot with hollow eyes. Then, I trailed over to Ada. Her mouth hanging open slightly. 
I gulped. Me mouth was completely dry. The tub was full. I stood up slowly. I didn't even realize it would hurt. Hell, I didn't even realize that there was blowback on me breasts and neck, not just me face. I slipped a finger under the strap of me bra and carefully slipped both it and me dress off of me body. 
As I went to take off me panties, I suddenly remember I had thigh high stockings. I closed me eyes shut and sat back down. A wince left me mouth. I kicked off me heels, reached down, and tugged them off with very strained effort. When I stood back up, heels clicked on the floor meaning Polly was back. I slid off me panties and then entered the tub. 
Ada tried to protest but it was too late. I had already submerged me body in the scathing hot water. It burned and yes, and Polly yelled at me for it. But then I got used to it and she was holding the makeshift ice pack against the left of me face where the bastard struck me the most. Ada, with a towel in hand, was scrubbing the blood off of me body. She was being so delicate with me.
That was when the door flew open and in came the Shelby brothers. The sound of the door banging on the wall made me cringe. I closed me eyes at the sound. Just as I was tipping me head back, me face was grasped and inspected. 
"Who did this? What the fuck happened!" Tommy shouted. 
"Stop your fucking shouting! She hasn't said a word… Aliena, love. Can you tell us what happened?" Polly asked. 
Languidly, I opened me eyes. Tommy's eyes were blown wide. And, I could finally read his face. He was angry and worried. I looked behind 'em and saw John and Arthur were doing no better. Arthur was raising a fist to his mouth repeatedly before striking the couch. John was pacing back and forth while sniffing a lot. Ada was crying beside me. She took her hand in mine. 
I felt loved. I felt safe. 
I exhaled loudly with me cheeks puffed. I made a kind of "oo" noise like when women give birth. I swallowed a sob and began to speak. 
"There was these three fuckers outside the Garrison. They were eyeing me real hard before I went in. I thought I saw wrong because well, no one in the city disrespects me. Ha!" I looked away from Tommy as I ran me tongue over the inside of me cheek. "When I went back out, they had already gotten like closer. They were catcalling me. Saying things like I should show them a good time. That I owed it to them since they were from out of town." I scoffed and looked down at me chest. 
Me bare chest. It was still covered in blood. Me face contorted. I was filthy. I had a disgusting man's blood on me body. I raised me hands and started rubbing on me skin. It had dried somewhat. It wasn't coming off! I started to hyperventilate and scratch at me skin. 
"Eh, stop that, Ali! Eh! Aliena, stop that!" Tommy took my hands from me neck and into his. Me eyes widened and I could feel me head twitching to the right. 
His thumb made small strokes up and down me hand and I started to calm down. 
"One of them ran to me when I started speeding up. He grabbed me and I screamed for help. I tried fighting. Kicked his knee and ran for it. But another one caught up to me, swung me 'round, and slapped me. I kept screaming for help, but nobody was… " I took a deep breath. "They threw me in an alley and then against the wall. I kept on fighting. The guy who was gonna… Well, he was wearing a gun. So, I… I-!"
I shook me head, violently. "I shot 'em, Tommy. I took his gun and shot 'em. His mates ran off. And yeah…" I slipped me hands out of his grasp and finally allowed me head to tilt down as I rested me eyes. 
I muttered. "Me virtue lives to fight another day." I snickered, mirthlessly.
I felt rather than saw Tommy's explosive response. He slammed his hands against the tub while screaming, "Fuck!" 
Polly and Ada both gasped. 
"Did they tell you anything else, love? Like where they were planning on taking you? Or where they came from?" Polly asked, always quick to regain composure. 
I nodded. "Said they'd come from London. Staying at Betty's. I think that meant that lodging place that's run by that… "
"Semi-retired prostitute." Tommy finished. "Right. John, Arthur! Let's go!" 
Polly didn't even try stopping them. The door closed with the same bang. I started to cry again and this time I had two women soothing me. 
They cleaned the blood off of me. They washed it off of me body and hair. They put me in a nightgown and Polly brushed out me hair. Afterward, Polly sent Ada up to bed and we cuddled on the couch. 
I cleared me throat. "This isn't the first time. Not even when Tommy brought me home that day two months ago. No. The first time it happened was when I was 13 or 14. Me ma’ let me have a bevvy for the first time. It was Thanksgiving 'n all. I got so bevied up that me sis offered me to sleep in her room. I wanted to see the baby, so everyone went along with it. You see, I was supposed to sleep at the end of the bed while she was supposed to sleep next to her husband. It didn't end up like that. I slept next to 'em with the baby in the middle of us, and my sister was at the bottom. 
It was fine 'til I woke up and he was fondling me. He was playing with me breasts and kept running his hand up and down me thigh. I fucking froze, Pol. I froze for so long. But I managed to get away. I went running to me room. I told me ma’ in the morning and she told me sis. They didn't believe me. Me ma’ wanted her granddaughter to grow up with both parents, so she hid it from me da’. Me sis just thought I was lying for attention. I had to be in the same house with 'em for so fucking long!" 
Polly sucked on her teeth and held me closer to her. She held me so tight that I could hardly breathe. Tears escaped me eyes but me face wasn't contorted.
 I was so tired. 
As the night went on, Polly eventually walked me to bed. She tucked me in like I was a child. She kissed me forehead before walking out. Once I hit the bed, all fatigue washed away. I was left with me own thoughts. I couldn't fall asleep now. 
I brought fingers to me face and lightly pressed on the outside of me bruises. I hissed in pain and withdrew me hand. 
'I don't wanna see me face.' I thought. 
But because I acknowledged it, I wanted to do it. I slowly got up from the bed and walked over to the mirror. Me left cheek and eye were both bruised. It wasn't absolutely horrible, but I've never seen me face like this before.
I huffed as I dropped me hand from me face. I opened the palm of me hand and traced the outline of me scrapes. They burned like a bitch when I was in the bath. I slowly crouched down and did the same to the scrapes on my knees. But as I did so, pain shot up throughout me body because I neglected the bruises on me stomach and ribs.
 I was littered with fucking bruises. 
I sighed, running a hand through me hair as I tilted me head back. I pinched the bridge of me nose. I was brought out of me trance when three soft knocks rang through the room. I jumped at the sudden sound. 
The door opened and it was Tommy. He had dressed down. He was in his pajamas. A white long sleeve shirt and pants. I never asked if they were his work pants, but they were eerily similar. 
He cleared his throat and flicked his nose. "It's done. We found 'em and dealt with them." 
I let out a loud breath of relief. They were dead. I wouldn't have to worry about them at all. Unlike in me original world where I couldn't sleep because I feared he'd come for me and me family. 
I ran me hand through me hair, and bunched it at the front. I looked up at Tommy. "Thank you." I whispered. 
With his hands now in his pockets, he nodded. 
I knew what I was doing. I knew that I probably shouldn't ask, but I didn't want to be alone tonight. I ran to him and hugged him. He returned it, hesitantly. He soon rested his chin on me head. 
I felt him kiss me head and he whispered. "Sleep with me tonight, eh? You shouldn't be alone tonight." 
I nodded with me head still buried in his chest. Slowly, he guided me to his room. I climbed into his bed and he did after me. I faced the wall and allowed his arm to be me pillow. I gathered me hair and put it all to the side where his arm laid. 
I could hear his breathing and that's all it took for me to start drifting off. Me eyes fluttered open when I felt his fingers comb through me hair. He couldn't fully thread his fingers through me hair, but it was still soothing. 
"You're safe now. You'll be okay." He whispered over and over. 
His voice is something I always want to fall asleep to... 
It didn't take me long to fall asleep at all. I was safe in the Shelby house, in Tommy's arms. 
TAG LIST: @amirahiddleston​ @nemesis729​
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jung-snoopy-woo · 4 years
How I Met Your Grandfather
~ Chapter 4 ~
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(gif credit: @ katelin via Pinterest)
Pairing: Bang Chan × reader, twin brother! Felix.
Other Chapters: Masterlist | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 (coming soon!!).
Genre: fluff, a bit of angst.
Warnings: None :)
Word Count: 1.6k+.
Summary: Felix and his sisters go to the movies together after a long time. Felix is surprised to see Chan there too and they have a talk. When Felix and the girls get home, he decides to tell her about the situation.
A/N: Decided to upload it today bc I might not have time in the next few days (I’m so stressed and busy vndsfjkvdvnk)
Also, I think this chapter was the hardest for me to write so I’m sorry it’s not the best 😢😢 but hopefully you can still enjoy it!! 
"Y/N!!!", Rachael, your older sister, called from downstairs. "We're only going to the movie theater, what's taking you so long??"
It's not that you were slow or anything like that, it's just that it's been a while since you last went out with all of them and you were so excited, as a huge Marvel fan who finally gets to watch the new movie with her siblings who are also her best friends in the world, that it might've taken you a while to choose what to wear and how to look presentable.
As you walked down the stairs, Olivia and Rachael complimented the way you looked and Felix gave you a little smile. You two started talking again (of course, as you two are like the best siblings... Also, you got mad about something that wasn't even his fault), and you seemed pretty fine after that day (when you stormed outside for a reason Felix haven't figured out yet, but as you already moved on- he just thought it was better not to ask. I mean, all siblings have small fights they don't even know what they're about, right?).
He missed hanging out with his sisters so much, and it's been a while since he had some break from practicing or performing, being busy all the time. He always felt sorry for not even telling them that he was okay, as he always fell asleep before he could even think of doing so. He was exhausted, but he loved what he was doing.
Rachael was driving and she let you choose the music to play in the car. You decided to play some Stray Kids songs (such a supportive cute family awww) so you all jammed to them on your way to the movies.
"Shhhhh~!!", you told Olivia who was sitting to your right as she was moving uncomfortably, "it's about to start!"
"But uhmm.. I... I really have to go to the bathroom.. please, Y/N, come with me", she said, begging. You couldn't get angry at her because you remembered how you did just the same to Rachael not too long ago. And you know, no one wants to go to the public toilets alone.
When you got back, the lights were already off but you could see from afar that there was someone now sitting on the seat to your left, which was empty just before you and Olivia left. You said "excuse me", as you made your way to your seat, trying your best not to step on anyone's feet (Olivia was a lot better than you at that). "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!", you told the guy sitting there. Of course, if you succeeded going all this way without stepping on (almost) anyone, it had to happen just when you were one seat away from yours. And thank God you balanced yourself back, a second before almost tripping and falling over him. 'Ugh, this is probably going to be so awkward now', you thought. 'I'm just going to avoid looking at him the whole movie so I don't have to deal with his judgemental look. "Oh, it's okay", a somehow familiar voice said. 'Don't look', you told yourself. 'It's not him, stop thinking and just enjoy the movie.'
'Why isn't she looking at me?', Chan thought. When you almost lost your balance as you stepped on his foot, he was ready to catch you if you fell, movie style, somewhat disappointed you didn't. He thought you'd turn to him once you heard his voice, but he was faced with disappointment, yet again. Maybe you didn't recognize his voice? Or maybe you knew it was him and just didn't care?
But he had so much fun watching you as you got excited when your favorite character appeared or the way you got mad at the evil ones. He enjoyed the moments you'd be the only one laughing in the whole theater, the most. Just listening to your laugh made him feel ×100 times better. He even stopped making up scenarios in his head as to why you didn't turn to him at the beginning of the movie. He thought of how you'd laugh at his stupid jokes, when him and the boys visited, and smile to himself.
"Chris hyung??", Chan heard from behind him, on his way to the male's restrooms during the Intermission (a/n: I don't know if movies still have them out of my city but yeah we have those halfway through the movie lol). Felix could recognize the older boy's back everywhere. 'Oh, no', Chan thought. 'Why does it have to be Felix? Ughhh and why did I get myself into this mess? I didn't even get to say a word to her...Should I walk faster or...', he stopped. 'NO Chris, you have to face it like an adult'. He turned and gave Felix the most I'm-innocent-and-didn't-ask-your-younger-sister to-buy-me-a-ticket-so-I-could-see-your-twin-sister smile he could pull, saying "Heyyy Felix, how's it going?"
"I'm pretty good, just got out of the new Marvel movie... You?", Felix asked. He wasn't stupid, of course. When Y/N and Olivia left to go to the bathroom, in the beginning of the movie, he could see someone that resembled his friend way too much, sitting on the left to Y/N's seat, but he let this thought go, thinking it was just his imagination ('Thinking of the members during the holiday? Come on, I have to just relax'). But now, seeing him standing in front of him, there's no doubt it really was him. And to be honest, Felix wasn't very happy to see him here. The chances of Chan sitting so close to them in such a big movie theater were... Well, very small.
"Oh, I was just...", Chan started. The look on Felix's face made it pretty obvious that he saw him there, and that he was pretty mad too. There's no point in lying here. He sighed. "Listen, Lix, I'm sorr--"
"How?", Felix asked, as Chan lifted his eyes to look at his, confused. "How did you get that seat?", He asked, now being a bit less angry and more curious.
"I... I asked Olivia to buy a ticket for me when I saw her after grocery shopping", He admitted. He couldn't be any more embarrassed than he was at that moment. "I gave her the money!", He added. Chan couldn't read Felix's face. Was he mad? Disappointed? Did he want to punch him in the face? All of the above? But then, Felix started laughing. "Oh my god.. Chris hyung... you went that far...", He said between giggles. "For Y/N? So you could see her?"
"Felix, listen I...", He started, a bit confused and taken aback from Felix's reaction, but feeling more sorry than he could describe in words. "I know I promised to be okay with your decision, but I--"
"No, no, Chris, bro, stop", Felix said as his laughter stopped. And so did Chan's heartbeat, almost. "You know what? I'll be honest with you, I am pretty angry seeing you here...", He started. Chan wanted to apologise, again, but Felix continued before he could say anything. "BUT it also made me realize how much you really like Y/N and that you're willing to do some very weird stuff just to see her... So I think... uhhmm.. I think I'll maybe give you two a chance".
Chan couldn't express the happiness he felt at that moment. Oh my god, these were the words he wanted to hear the most (Okay, maybe they were in like 2nd place?). "Felix, bro, thank you", was all he could say.
"But I want you to know that if you hurt her in any way, I'll break you. Somehow. Because you're like super fit and strong and--", he was stopped by Chan's hug. "I promise I'll never do anything to hurt Y/N", he said with the biggest smile, almost choking the younger as he hugged him even closer. Finally, he got the chance he wanted. And he's not going to ruin it.
You were NOT okay.
You told yourself for the 5th time today that it was normal. It's just a crush who didn't like you back (again), and not a heartbreak. And you tried telling yourself that a guy (that you only met once, by the way) is not worth being sad over.
In the past month you already finished reading 7 books, tried 20 workout routines you added to 'Watch Later' and never had the time or energy to get back to, learned baking 10 new types of cakes and cookies, did some drawings and paintings, and you even played a few video games with Felix (you now understood why he spent so much time doing that, because woah you were one competitive girl and as so, tried so hard winning, "Like, come on, I have to at least win ONCE", to which Felix replied with "I can lose on purpose if you--", "NO WAY").
But now, after coming back from the movies, you finally realized something was wrong. You did enjoy the movie, though. You laughed and you cried and you showed love towards some characters and hate towards others. It's just that you noticed how your heart started beating so fast when you heard that voice in the movies, saying "it's okay". This voice... Sounded so much like him. And it made you feel weird the whole movie. You kind of regretted not looking, and for letting your feeling of awkwardness take over. But what could you do? You didn't want to embarrass yourself by looking in the eye of the poor guy you stepped on.
"Y/N?", You heard Felix say from behind you. You turned, and saw his troubled eyes. "Can we talk?", He asked. You didn't know what it's going to be about, but whatever it is- it seemed to be very important.
Hope you enjoyed!! (Pleaseee let me know what do you think)  💕💕
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jkjms · 4 years
What are some of your favorite KM moment that we don't talk about enough?
I don’t think there are many, especially in 2020. 2013/14 has the most. I focused on earlier years w/ a few later ones. Chronological order.
131008  Rookie King 
Honestly, Rookie King as a whole is underrated.
@22:50 Jimin ‘complains’ that Jungkook doesn’t treat him like a hyung, Jungkook tells him “I’m like that because I like hyungie too much”. 
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Namjikook team wins, the three group hug. Afterwards, Jungkook looks at Jimin and goes in for a second direct hug with him. 
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140227 SSTP Full Radio Cut. 
@1:06:35 Translation is here by tee-ae who’s Taehyung bias and active since 2017 (not as active right now, but still going) If your a jikooker supporter who is Tae biased or just interested she has a lot of good posts and translations.
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140414 Sukira Kiss the Radio
@53:20 Ryeowook (host) reads out Jimin’s question for Jungkook. Jungkook explains the reason for Jimin being ranked 7th. It’s childish and was a long time ago.
Jungkook stutters when he says “my style.” 
* I cannot for the life of me find the translated ver. of the video anymore, I’ve seen it a number of times before, but here are screenshots, and I provided the origin audio source. 
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140430 BTS on MBC Weekly Idol
@26:30 Jimin, Jhope and Jungkook dance to 4minute’s whatcha doing today?
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141021 Global Request Show: A Song For You ep.12
@14:40 Catching food with your mouth; Jungkook’s Jiminpedia and desire to let people know he knows everything about him. “Jimin’s good at this” okay JK.
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@16:30 km were partners in the game: Jungkook blows off the dust from the marshmallows before every throw to prevent dust from getting onto Jimin’s face. He was the only one to do this up until that point, 2 duos followed, (Jimin & Tae) + (Jin & Kang In) and only Kang In did the same, both did so again during the tie breaker. @22:00.
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141109 Inkigayo Mini Fanmeeting.
I made a post about the main moment during the fanmeet here
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141210 MAMA 2014 Behind Story
@0:30 Jungkook calls Jimin ‘Bbang ddeok’ a term to describe someone with cute puffy cheeks. 
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141223 Arirang Pops in Seoul K pop Party. 
@3:00 I’ve never seen this talked about since the earlier years. BTS wins Rising Star 2014. First link for full context. The exact moment starts here. Brief summary: looks ranking is brought up again (come on interviewers don’t you have anything better to ask?) Jimin instead changes it to a coolness ranking, does up to 5 and asks the fans to choose number 1. Jungkook yells out “Jimin” in response (untranslated, but very distinctive). 
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This was a couple months after 140910 Pops in Seoul Danger Interview: 
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150101 Bangtan B Who are the Elders? 
Jungkook throws a balloon right at Jhope’s face, stares and giggles but when it comes to Jimin, the balloon only hits him on the top of his head and Jungkook immediately laughs loudly and latches onto him. 
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150625 M!Countdown BTS Up Next
I’m not sure if this qualifies for a moment we don’t talk about enough, because it’s very quick, but I rarely see it anywhere.
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150820 Official Fan meeting Vol.2 in Osaka
August 18th Jimin had a fainting incident onstage, the 20th was his first performance back. The song For You: Jungkook’s opening lyrics “it smells like you, the road that I walk on; I plug my earphone to my status; my true feelings lie beyond there.” Jungkook stops beside Jimin. 
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151204 BTS Docent Live Show
@35:15 Jimin’s reaction towards Jungkook compared to the other members. We need to talk about smitten Jimin more often. Jungkook also calls Jimin “pretty - you’re pretty, hyung.” @15:00
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151219 Apgujeong Fansign
There are two moments here + here (trans)
The first moment was just... well really weird, 2nd one Jungkook tries to put a tiara on Jimin’s head and calls him, his hyung, someone older than him “princess.” 
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160416 Lotte Fan-meeting in Seoul. 
@1:30 When they were playing cham cham cham(?) original source by 97percent and is now deactivated. This is the same day/fansign as the ‘Jimin didn’t see Jungkook’s high five’ photos. 
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On fan-signs/meets; This 2014-2016 compilation shows cute interactions and not much conversation between the two. When there is conversation in this video take it with a grain of salt as the video creator doesn’t speak fluent Korean.
170114  Golden Disk Awards - Rain Performance (Rainism); Jungkook dances 
@0:45 In another angle here you can see Yoongi was the one who pointed out Jungkook (and Taehyung) to Jimin.
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Also, Jimin films vhopekook’s dance practice of Rainism but it’s just Jimin’s fancam of Jungkook. + here is the special stage they did.
Con’t GDA
170114: EXO Performance (Monster); Jungkook dances x2. It’s so hard finding good footage of this moment, because they’re all cut at awkward timing and it’s bad angles. Jungkook appears to point at Jimin and sings “you make me so crazy”. Even if he didn’t, there is also this fancam footage here and this moment here
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170928 DNA @ M!Countdown
@0:56 Jungkook and Jimin look at each other and giggle with each other after Jimin’s cute little killing part moment. 
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181010 Love Yourself Tour in London: ending of Dope
Do I even need to explain?
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190130 Jungkook’s tweet caption: And Jimin-ssi can’t escape (me) either.
Jungkook is vibing to Jimin’s single Promise in his closet.
Jimin reply: “Ah, you cute thing kkkk” 
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191212 Bon Voyage 4 episode 4 Behind Cam
@6:10 This is a very cute and domestic moment. 
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201010 ON:E Concert D1 
Jungkook’s reaction to Jimin crying, comforting him and trying to make him laugh. This all got so severely overshadowed due to all the KM discourse surrounding Jimin’s birthday. So I compiled a 1:30 minute video of everything together.
gif cr. kookijam | clips cr. honeyd | trans cr. lovemazejikook
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🐰 지민이 형... = Jimin-hyung...
🐥  I'm sorry (for the tears) 
🐰  No, don’t be
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mona-stay · 7 years
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unexpected wedding guest ~ peter hale
Prompt - # I think that only works with the groom sweetheart,  # "do you remember that night," "it's one I'll never forget" 
Summary ~it's the night before your wedding, Peter turns up at your hotel to try to stop you from marrying Scott. 
Warnings - none really , mild swearing 
Pairing Peter hale x reader Story ~ After months of planning and organising, your big day was almost here, in 12 hours you would be walking down the isle. Your bridesmaids Lydia, Malia and Kira hadn't long left you, You had a hen party the week before but Lydia couldn't let you sit in alone the night before your wedding. So she got the other girls round to your room with facial packs, manicure kits and champagne. You felt tipsy as they left, a quite girly night was exactly what you wanted. After taking a shower, getting out you put on your pyjamas, walking out the bathroom, you start smiling at your dress hanging up over the mirror in the main room still not believing how fast time had gone. 
The was a knock on the door, stood close giggling "you know it's unlucky to see the bride don't you" you shout though the door thinking your future husband was on the other side. "I think that only works with the groom sweetheart" the voice was one you didn't want to hear but dearly missed, the voice of Peter hale. You quickly pull open the door thinking it couldn't be real but there he was stood leaning against the wall, his hands in his pockets, his annoying but lovable smirk and them bright blue eyes that made weak in the knees. 
"hello y/n" he smiled, his voice was velvet soft and silky in your ears, It Filled you with a thousand thoughts and memories of him,  the sweet whispers in your ears each one more intense then then the previous. "you not going to say hello back" Peter's voice snapped you out of your daydream "why are you here Peter, it's a little late don't you think or are you just here to physically and mentally screw me one last time before I get married" you coldly say him pissed off he had the cheek to show up after he left you without an explanation 18 months ago. Peter now looked nervous rocking on his heels "no! not quite sure why I came maybe to see if you was really marrying that idiot guess its true" you huffed closing the door but he put his hand on it stopping you. "it was stupid of me to come I shouldn't be here but I needed to see you, talk to you" peter paused and gave you a big puppy dog look widen his eyes and pouting his lower lip. You clenched your teeth together trying to hide your smile at his face. Peter knew it was working so in a whinny voice "please", you opened the door for him to come inside knowing his stubbornness he wouldn't leave until you spoke with him.
"you've got 10 minutes" you said sternly as he walked past into your room. "oh we can do a lot in 10 minutes" he chuckled "don't make me throw you out" you replied back. Peter held up his hands defensively "sorry I was joking" he smirked not taking his eyes of you as he sat down. "how did you know I was here?" you asked him sitting on the opposite sofa to him. "Derek" he said you frowned wanting to smack Derek. Peter saw your face knowing what your thinking quickly said "its not his fault, I asked him why he was packing a suit he said it was for a wedding, when I asked who's he didn't want to say but eventually told me Scott was getting hitched he was part of the groomsmen" peter smugly started "so when I asked who the lucky lady was he didn't tell me I looked at his invention and I just couldn't believe it" he was sarcastic slightly smug like he'd figured out a big secret.
' we welcome you to join us at the wedding of Scott McCall + y/n y/l/n at the hills hotel on January 23rd at 3pm' 
Peter mocked a posh accent as he repeated the memorised words. This angered you Peter was sat there taking the piss out of you, your relationship with Scott. "is that all you came here for to mock me, laugh at me" you started shouting at him, but it only annoyed you more when he actually started smiling and laughing "ugh what are you giggling about" you snarl at him "nothing just how adorable you are when you get mad sweetheart" he said almost sweetly giving you his flirty eyes.
"don't call me sweetheart" you said trying to remain emotionless and cold, but inside your heart was pounding for the alpha in front of you, standing up to get a drink trying to focus on something else other then the way he was making you feel. Pouring two glasses of whiskey you walked over handing him one "thank you y/n". The way he said your name was worse then any pet name he called you it was more seductive. You sat down not taking your eyes from him as he swirled the alcohol around the glass. Looking up at you catching your gaze "no I'm not here to laugh at you y/n, I'm here to save you" now it was your turn to laugh at him, his smirk dropped for a brief second, "I was right your here to mentality screw me over" you whisper to yourself pinching the bridge of your nose already regretting your next question "so why do you think I need saving?" you say a little louder, knowing he'd heard both comments.
Peter smiled "well your about to marry Scotty boy I mean come on even stiles has to be better choice then McCall, we both know your going to need saving from a boring basic future". Annoyed he was being nasty towards Scott. "and things was so fun with you" you sarcastically answer back with a snarl standing up ready to show Peter the door, but faster then you could blink Peter was on his feet inches away from you. "oh kitten we had lots of fun together" he said lifting his arm to touch your face but you backed away. "I'll tell you what wasn't fun, sitting in beacon hills park in the pouring down rain and dark waiting for you" peter knowing nothing he could say would make up for what he'd done mumbled 
"sorry". You looked at him full of angry "sorry" you smacked him across the face then pushed him hard with both hands wanting him away from you "sorry not going to cut it Peter, 4 hours I sat on that bench for, bag packed waiting, to start a life together just us out of beacon hills" you voice was now shaking the memory, and pain from over a year ago was still fresh like it happened yesterday taking a breath trying to gather the strength to steady your body and tone "even when I was soaked to the skin I still sat believing you was coming for me. then Derek and Scott came looking for me, told me you had already gone even told them where to find me what did you say tell her I've gone and I'm not coming back" you didn't know if the tears running down your cheek was from anger or the feeling of you heart starting to break again reliving that night. "days I tried calling you, hoping it was a lie you hadn't left me, walked out on our 2year relationship with a word or blink or second thought. I read your message over and over
  'I got your note kitten and yes I do meet me in the park at 9pm we'll leave together tonight xx' Im a fool for believing it now" you say.
Peter stepped towards you wiping a tear away his touch was soft, loving and lasted longer then it really needed to. You pulled away from him not wanting to get to close to him. You watched put his hand in his pocket taking out an envelope giving it to you. You took it looking at Peter, he downed his drink in one go and went to refill his glass. Something was off about him making you weary of what was in the envelope, opening it you saw two pieces of paper and 3 pictures. You looked at the first letter, it was your own,
Peter I don't care if you started the Deadpool or if everyone hates you, I don't I still love you and want to be with you please if you feel the same meet me take me with you.
You wanted to screw the letter up, cringing with how desperate and cheesy it sounded now. You took the pictures out, the first was of you in your sexy pink lace teddy blowing a kiss to peter who taken the picture. The next was you and Peter looking at each other in the woods, his hand touching your face. you smiled remembering when it was taken a picnic date not long after you where officially going out, you had asked Peter to take a selfie with you using your old Polaroid camera, when you did Peter hadn't smiled. "your meant to smile for the camera" you joked with him. He looked at you "I only smile when I look at you" he said back smiling  tucking your hair behind your ear, you quickly took the picture without him knowing until it came out and developed. You didn't know he'd kept this picture you thought you'd lost it the day it was taken smiling at how happy you looked you put it down. The last one was attached to the other letter unfolding it, the picture grabbed your attention and fear. It was of you asleep in your bedroom with a berserker standing over you. You looked at the writing it wasn't one you knew - 
I found your weakness! pretty isn't she! Now I want your help to fix a problem I'm having, be a good wolf and come to the distillery and my friend in the picture will leave her unharmed! Don't and the next time you see sweet little y/n she'll be in pieces! Kate argent
You looked at Peter who had almost finished his 2nd drink as quickly as the first. None of you spoke at first, you sat down thinking about the letter the threat on your life how couldn't you know or why wasn't you told. Peter came and sat next to you taking the papers and pictures from you putting them back in his pocket "do you understand why I left now, I never wanted to hurt you but I couldn't let Kate kill you" he said looking down at the floor you nodded feeling numb. Peter could see how shaken you were, put his arm around you and pulled you close to him, you sank and snuggled into him enjoying being back in his arms kinda like you hadn't left. "I'd never felt so scared or powerless before" he said calmly like it was nothing, kissing the top of your head. Jumping at his touch "why now, Kate's been dead almost 7 months, Derek and argent found her body, you've had that long to tell me what she'd done so why now the night before I get married" you said backing away. He paused looking you up and down smirking "I know she's dead I killed her, and as for not coming back well Derek told me you hated me now never wanted to see me again. I saw you, you looked happy and I couldn't wreck that" he said low.
Before you could think or ask another question he chuckled changing the subject "but you know what memory has still been my anchor since I haven't had you in person to keep me grounded, keep me human". You looked at him puzzled you never knew what Peter's anchor was, he'd never tell you when you asked, so you certainly didn't expect it to be you. "no! What?" you asked coyly, Peter leaned in close to you moving your hair to expose your ear "the lost woods motel" he whispered lustfully then  slowly sat back. You blush but start laughing again. "do you remember that weekend?" He asked smirking devilishly "it's one I'll never forget" you answered "Derek's crazy ex girlfriend Jennifer almost to killed me definitely not forgetting that" you laughed. Peter rolled his eyes "I think we remember that weekend very differently" "oh really and how do you remember it, or shouldn't I ask" you said raising your eyebrows. He stood up putting his glass on the coffee table walking over to the drinks cabinet getting the bottle. He re- filled his glass holding the bottle to in a silent way of asking did you want yours filling to, you held you glass out as a yes.
Peter sat back down with his glass in one hand holding his other arm out for you to cuddle into him. As he spoke you sat close as he placed his arm around your shoulders. " Well I remember, that weekend, I protected and hid your little butt, then saved your life from the lunatic teacher" he said cocky. You giggled what Peter had said was true but you wasn't going to let him feel that smug "yep we definitely remember that weekend differently" you say "first off you didn't even want to help us Derek had to lie and trick you to get you there and trap us in with mountain ash so you really didn't have a choice" you sat up at little looking him in the eyes continuing "what was it you said oh yeah, why do I have to babysit the useless boring pathetic human girl she'd be better of dead". You paused to have some of your drink letting your words hit home.
Peter looked down, he felt bad for ever saying that about y/n. Even then he never meant it, he'd only said it to hide his own feelings. from the day Peter saw y/n he wanted her, she was gorgeous, sweet, different, funny, had her own stubborn mind and countless topics to keep a conversation interesting. Although back then Peter believed love was a weakness and a relationship didn't fit in with his plans for power then, he only truly realised how wrong he'd been when Jennifer did nearly kill y/n.
Putting your empty glass on the coffee table, you sat back but swing your legs over his in an automatic reaction, still focused on what you was saying looking him in the eyes drunkenly laughing "then when she finally found us both asleep some protection you were by the way," you said sarcastically lightly elbowing him "she was so angry she couldn't use me in her virgin ritual anymore because I slept with you, she tried to kill me anyway" you finished. Peter faked a look of shock "and what exactly is it that you're blaming for? " he said and his arm snaked round your back ticking and poking your side so you couldn't speak. You giggled and wriggled trying to get out his playful grip, trying smack and poke him back.
It was exactly like that night all over again, the play fighting, the way your heart pounded just like it had, all the feelings you ever had for Peter hale came flooding back in that moment. You moved on top of him straddling him pinning his arms back in a poor attempt to stop him, he laughed using his wolf strength to break out of your hold aiming for your sides again but instead of poking you, he held your hips looking at your eyes then lips back at your eyes. "now i remember definitely this from that weekend" you said then wrapped your hands around his neck kissing him.
Peter kissed you back passionately, holding you tight and without breaking the kiss he lifted you laying you on your back leaning over you. He pulled back with a smirk "actually this is more how I remember it" he said kissing you again. He slowly slid his hand up your thigh running his hand over your bum squeezing it as his lips moved from yours and down onto your neck. Humming and moving your head so he had more space to kiss and bite, you see your wedding dress hanging up.
You push Peter off you "stop, no I can't do this get off" you said. Peter moved instantly but looked confused at your sudden change of mind. "I'm getting married what was I thinking" you muttered to yourself pacing up and down still annoyed and angry at yourself. You asked Peter to go he put his glass back over on a small round table lingering a minute before turning back at you, you bit your lip holding the door open for him to go. Peter walked out turning before you could shut the door. "wait you asked me why I was here, well I told you I didn't know I lied. I came here because I wanted to stop your wedding ask you to leave with me tonight for good like we was going to. But more importantly I needed you to know that I love y/n and wanted to tell you your everything to me I hope your happy my little kitten". You had never seen Peter like this before his sounded desperate and needy, he looked teary-eyed and vulnerable, but what grabbed your attention was his words. Peter had never said the words I love you before. Even in the two years you were together, when you had said it to him, his answers was , I feel the same too or and you too, or ditto but he'd never used them words until tonight. For the first time Peter hale was open and honest with you, but you couldn't look at him in fear you would run off with him. He kissed your cheek "I understand" his voice quivering then walked away, you watched him disappear around the corner sinking to the floor crying, you hurt so much he was gone again, like you did the night he left beacon hill without you and so guilty for cheating on Scott.
You cried yourself to sleep that night unsure of what to do. You liked Scott he was always there he cared about you and you for him. But you loved Peter you always had the was something about him that lit a fire in you. but you believed that fire had died months ago. That was until his visit, that kiss, his confession of love. It felt like you had burly slept an hour when the alarm went off. You groaned getting out of bed feeling sick and confused about the night before and your feelings now, you went to get a coffee. You screamed jumping out your skin when see Scott sitting on the sofa, a sofa only hours before you was kissing Peter on. You felt nervous, not sure why he was there, his body language was different too you stood frozen to the spot. Scott stood up smiling at you which didn't help you felt worse then you had all night. Tears ran down your face stuttering and trying to keep your breath calm "I..... I have to tell you something, I... I'm... I'm sorry.... I did something bad.... Peter came round last night" you looked at Scott who was now laughing to himself "it okay I know he was here" he sweetly said. You stopped panicking and looked at him with confusion "how?" you asked.
Scott wanted to make a joke about watching you or stalking you but the look on your face said you wasn't in a joking mood. "Derek told me Peter was back in town" he started, you cut him off blowing loud "is the anything Derek hasn't told anyone" you say annoyed. Scott laughed more just like Peter he always thought you looked cute mad "easy he only told me Peter was in town, I knew Peter was here because I could smell his sent in the hallway and all over the room when I walked in, oh and he felt this for you on the mini bar" Scott handed you the Polaroid  picture of you and Peter. Your heart pounded when you saw it, thinking back you realised he wasn't lingering he was leaving you the photo. "also I saw Peter after he left we had a long chat about you y/n" he looked down bit smiled when he looked up at you. "I know you want Him, you always have y/n, and I can't be the one to keep you from being with the person you truly love y/n so I've cancelled the wedding because I know he loves you too" he didn't sound mad or upset. 
You stood speechless insure of what was going on was Scott breaking up with you, what had Peter told him about your heated kiss, your mind went crazy over thinking. Scott broke you out of your thoughts "get dressed and meet me downstairs" he ordered. You looked at the mirror to notice your dress was missing a lone hanger left "where's my dress?" you ask. Scott looked sad again but covered it by raising his eyebrows "that doesn't matter dressed now" he said pointing to the bedroom. You went inside crying your wedding was cancelled your relationship over, Peter was gone, after calming yourself you did what Scott asked.
Once in a pair of jeans and cute jumper you walked to the lift and nervously went to the lobby where Scott stood with stiles and Lydia. You faked smiled at them wanting to hide and cry feeling depressed and lonely. "here she is" Lydia squealed as you got closer "what's going on" you asked "I've got a wed - ending present for you" Scott and stiles  laughing loud at his play on words. You was really confused now your ex fiance should be angry or upset like you was but instead joking about gifts. "can someone tell me what he's talking about?" you said. They stopped laughing and all gave you a suspicious smirk "hello sweetheart" a voice from behind you called, spinning fast on your heels knowing only one person called you by that name. Peter was stood there his hands in his pockets looking at you just like he had hours before with a loving smile "I meant what I said y/n I love you please give me another chance to prove it" he asked. Turning you looked at your three friends, who were all nodding and encouraging you to go. You smiled at Scott mouthing thank you and ran to peter hugging him as he picked you up off the ground swinging you round. Peter and Scott gave each other a look and smile of understanding and appreciation "you better not hurt her or you'll have me to deal with" Scott said to him with a smile but a flash of his glowing wolf eyes. "I won't I promise" peter said more to you then Scott "ill spend the rest of my days making up for the pain I already caused" he finished holding your hand as you both walked to his car.
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