obxradio · 9 months
You're Gonna Go Far
Summary: Y/N and Rafe face conflict while you're just trying to face your future.
If there was one thing to know about Rafe Cameron it was that he hated waiting. Waiting in the line at the grocery store, waiting in the doctor's office, or even waiting for the time on the microwave to wind down. Today however, today was different, he was the most patient person on earth today. Today he held your hand tightly as you sat in the passenger seat and watched the traffic light. God, today, today he wanted every single red light. Just to have them so that you would miss your flight, and stay. Stay with him, he never wanted to let you leave. 
But you being you, you were the type of person who, like your father, had to arrive at the airport the recommended two-hours early. The mood in the car was off, there was sadness, but it also seemed like there was a tinge of excitement, but that was only on your end. Here you were, you were on your way to the rest of your life, you were going to teach children in Peru. Your dream was to work with children and be a teacher. Going and teaching Children in Peru was the chance of a lifetime for you to start your career. Sure, you didn't speak a lick of Spanish, but you spoke English fine, and that's what you were going there to teach. 
You and Rafe had just graduated from college, and while he was excited to take you back to OBX and keep you with him forever and ever, he knew that this was something you had to do. You had no interest in just letting Rafe take care of you financially forever and never use your degree, much to his dismay.
Finally, the terminals approached and Rafe begrudgingly kept the car going until he stopped. He looked at you again as you began to grab your things from the front seat. He smiled a half-way wide smile and began getting out and grabbing your suitcase. As you went around to grab them, Rafe saw the tears in your eyes threatening to fall. He felt his tears rising as well, but he knew he had to be strong right now, or else you wouldn't go and Rafe knew you really wanted to go, even if right now you just wanted to curl into him. 
Finally, you reached out to him, and you wrapped your arms around his neck as he hugged your back tightly, silently saying “I can't wait for you to come back, and you're gonna go so far.” Y/N felt it and her hug said “wait for me, i’ll be back before you know it and we can start our life.” Both of these things were unspoken yet, Rafe and Y/N knew what was being said in those actions. They shared about 10 pecs before she began walking inside. She turned around one last time, blew a kiss, and waved goodbye. For three months Rafe would be without the only person he actually liked, loved rather. It would be the hardest three months of his life.
As Rafe began to drive back home to his, their, shared apartment. He thought about her, everything good about them as a couple, and in turn everything he had done in the past that had hurt her. Sometimes he could be so snippy, and so impatient with her, he hated that and he vowed to change so that he never had to lose her, or make her want to leave him. He remembered when she applied to go to Peru to teach. They were in the depths of their final semester of college. He agreed that she should go then, but as he looked back he was so preoccupied with his own workload he sort of half-listened. Finally, a few weeks later finals were done and graduation was sooo close. Rafe and Y/N had gone to a party with some of Y/N’s closest friends and boyfriends. Rafe was actually enjoying himself, something that was rare when he wasn't the one throwing the party. Rafe was buzzed and he knew it, he sort of teetered on the line of buzz, and straight up drunk when Y/N got the email that she was offered a three-month teaching gig in Peru, he saw her face drop and a smile filled her face. He knew. When she looked over at him he had a blank stare. She walked over to reaffirm his fear. 
“Babe, I got it! The Peru internship I actually got it!” she said with a wide smile. “Yeah great” Rafe replied flatly, taking a swig of his beer and looking ahead. “Isn't that great?” she said again, “Jesus y/n yes that fucking awesome, now give me some space you wanted me to come here and I did now I’m trying to enjoy myself.” He said in an annoyed tone. Y/N’s heart melted. Her eyes looked into his with such disbelief and hurt. She couldn't believe he wasn't at all happy for her, and what made it worse was he couldn't even fake it. Rafe looked at her face and pretended he didn't care, as he shooed her away but deep down he regretted his actions ten-fold. Y/N got up and went to the bathroom where she locked the door and let the tears fall.
Y/N hardly said another word to Rafe that night. And when he asked her if she was ready to go back to the apartment she declined “i'm gonna stay and help Stella clean up” she said barely making eye-contact with Rafe. He had ruined her last fun night in their college town on top of crushing her spirit. Regretfully, Rafe walked back alone. 
The next morning, Y/N returned back to the apartment; she avoided Rafe in the living room and went straight into the shower. She felt like such a fool, Am I overreacting? I mean maybe I’m being selfish, Rafe and I had a plan to go back home and start our lives together permanently she thought to herself but she was still too angry to understand that he was happy for her he knew how much she wanted this yet, she ignored the blatant fact that he would just miss her so much, and he would worry while she was away in a country thousands of miles away and out of reach. 
As she finished showering Rafe knocked on the door. “Y/N baby, let me in.” She opened the door haphazardly. “I'm sorry for how I treated you last night, I am happy for you and I want you to go and do this. I know it means a lot to you, I'm just gonna miss you.” “Rafe, its ok you don't have to apologize, maybe it's better if I stay anyway I mean it's a lot.” “no y/n/n you need to go and do this its important for you and you'll regret it if you don't, the last thing I need is for you to already resent me before we even get married.” Y/N’s heart smiled, she loved when he talked about their future like it was so definite. 
So she went and as she boarded the plane her hand to her heart grasping at all the love and all the good fortune she felt, she smiled to herself. She couldnt wait to get to get to Peru, but even more than that she couldnt wait to get back to Rafe.
As Rafe walked into their shared apartment and into the bedroom that seemed lifeless without her he saw a peculiar piece of paper that read,
Dear Rafe, I'll be back before you even know Im gone, Remember the birds will still sing, your folks will still fight. The boards will still creak, the leaves will still die. I can't wait to see you soon my love. I just gotta go far. All my love, Y/N
3 months later
Rafe’s hands gripped the steering wheel. He was so close he could almost feel you. He stepped on the pedal harder and prayed that any police officer on the highway would let him go just this one time. 
As he approached the terminal there you were just as beautiful, if not more than three months ago. He couldn't wait to scoop you up and never let you go anywhere without him again while you were gone he realized you would be the greatest thing he ever lost, and he couldn't let that happen, Rafe Cameron knew you were special from the start he didnt think you could possibly get better You just had to go far.
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obxradio · 9 months
white tee
Warnings: I love peep. Light hearted drug use.
Summary: the best night of her life.
y/n walked into the club with her friends. Something she felt comfortable doing, but tonight was different. She knew she looked good and that meant everything to her.
As she walked through she saw him.
Rafe Cameron stood there holding the bottle of don Julio. He periodically took sips as he stood talking to Top. They sat in their V.I.P booth. Y/N and Rafe had been acquainted. They went to high school together and ran with the same circle. The two had yet to really interact however. Y/N felt that tonight however would be an exception.
Their eyes met as she strolled past to the bar.
Rafe couldn't keep his eyes away, Y/N knew it. So she decided what she would do with it.
"Standin in the club like lil mama in my eyesight"
Rafe joined her at the bar minutes later. "y/n yl/n" "you look absolutely spectacular tonight." rafe yelled into her ear. She smiled. "You don't look so bad yourself mr. Cameron" she said cooly. Rafe's eyes swirled. "you should come to our booth, we have bottle service tonight." Rafe replied somehow hoping to impress her. "that's a sweet offer but I'm not here to just sit and look pretty tonight Mr. Cameron I wanna let loose a little." she said as she smiled up at him. "I see, what about the private room?" he tried again. "Ok," she started "but only if my friends can come too."
The private room was just like a box, connected to the dance floor, but blocked off enough so that their own dance floor was accessible. As they got settled white tee by lil peep played over the speakers of the club. The night would only progress from there.
Y/n and Rafe sat next to each other in the booth of the private room surrounded by their friends. It felt like a high school party in the best way. Y/n would be lying if she said she didn't miss that feeling.
"yayo on the table"
After many shots, the group sat around. While everyone sat in their own conversations all y/n and rafe could do was chat and laugh to each other. But one thing always leads to another and before long Rafe was preparing the white substance for the two of them to share. They did their lines together and that's where the night took a turn in the best way.
The songs continued the alcohol flowing, and the cocaine taking its course Y/N and Rafe felt on top of the world, and in this club they were.
They didnt care how they looked they danced on table tops like no one was watching and they laughed and sang and danced around.
"we connect like wifi"
Eventually the two started to dance together and from that point on that night they were inseparable. And the rest was history. Rafe silently thanked the DJ for playing white tee as the girl of his dreams pulled him in for a kiss.
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obxradio · 11 months
Scott Street - Rafe Cameron
Based on the song, Scott Street by Phoebe Bridgers
Summary: It’s been so long since you and Rafe have seen each other you are both at a cross roads in life. Can the past rewrite the future?
Author’s Note: This is my first time writing something like this, go easy on me.
You couldn't tell if being back in the Outer Banks felt comforting or just plain sad. Here you were going on thirty, and staying with your parents to ease the pain of the life you left behind you. You drank your beer in a ponder until you heard a voice you hadn't heard since you were eighteen. 
“(y/n), (y/n/y/l/n)?” You became a deer in the headlights almost imediately as you recognized the voice that snapped you out of your thoughts.”Rafe, Rafe Cameron Hi how are you?” you said shakily trying to keep your composure. “I’m doing well, wow I haven't seen you since you left for college, mind if I sit?” Truth was you did mind, not because you didn't want to see the man who you had loved all those years ago, but because you dreaded the near future of him asking what you had been up to all this time. “No I don't mind” you said and you hoped your tone sounded less mortifying.
He sat down right beside you and told the bartender to “get me whatever she’s having.” He looked the same, short hair and crows feet starting to form next to his eyes, he still looked perfect, there was no denying that. “So (y/n) what have you been up to all this time. “well” you started choosing to just come out and say it “I graduated from Chapel Hill a few years ago, moved to Raleigh finished law school, passed the bar, became partner at a firm, you know nothing to write home about”, you giggled. Rafe laughed too. “So you did everything you said you would, you never did lie (y/n/n)”. You smiled at him but it quickly went away. “So how are Wheezie and Sarah?  my mom mentioned Wheezie just graduated High School.” you started, “Oh yeah Wheeze is headed off to your alma mater which my dad would have loved, and Sarah and John B settled down, finally”. “Now that makes me feel old” you laughed. “What does that make me?” Rafe questioned playfully.
“What about Topper and Kelce? Whatever became of your henchman?” you asked. “Funny enough they're both getting married.” Rafe said and you nodded. “So, you just visiting..” Rafe asked. “For now” you started “I left my job now im just trying to put my life back together, im staying with my parents as embarrassing as that is to admit” you said. “Nothing embarrassing about that, sometimes you have to just find you way back, you always were great about that.” he said. “So what about you?” you asked. “I took over the companies my dad left me it's a lot but I have more respect for him now than I ever did before, its not easy, I won't bore you with the details.” rafe said. “So, anyone special in your life?” there it was, the dreaded question. “No,” you started “Well there was, but he ended it. He left me.” You said feeling the tears well-up. You sipped your beer to try and hide it. But you forgot how well Rafe knew you. I mean he was your first love, your first everything.
“What about you?” “Who is the Mrs. Cameron everyone wondered about?” you asked to try and change the subject. “I guess she’s still out there.” He said smiling at you. You didn't know why but this glance he had on you felt different like a longing glance only you didn't know why. All those years ago it was Rafe who ended it. He phrased it as he loved you so much, he had to let you go, and if you ever came back again maybe there would still be hope. You hated the sentiment at the time, it made you want to hurl. But you also understood, you knew if you two had stayed together you would never have accomplished your dream. Only your dream back then also involved Rafe.
“Whoever he is, he’s and idiot.” Rafe said knocking you out of your thoughts. “I am convinced no one is or ever will be as great as you are.” Rafe said. He meant it. “It’s ok rafe, you don't have to comfort me, its been so long, and I’m sure that's not what you came to this bar to do.” You said looking at him. “No, but it was quite the surprise” Rafe told you looking at you. “Well, I should probably get home, I’m 28, and I still think my mom is waiting up for me.” You said. “Well let me at least drive you home.” Rafe suggested. “Ok.” you said. “You got into his truck, the same one as all those years ago. For someone with so much money you were surprised he didn't drive a brand new porshe. “Hey I know what your thinking.” rafe said snapping you out of your thoughts. “I just couldn't part with her, too many memories.” rafe said looking from the truck to you as he said it.
As you drove the radio played quietly in the background. You felt a tear slip down your cheek. Rafe noticed. He grabbed your hand and you let him. It was less of a romantic gesture, and more of a sign of comfort. He knew you, what you needed even if you didn't ask. As he drove he couldn't help but think that all those years he waited for you to come back home had finally been worth it. You didn't realize that when he said “Mrs. Cameron is still out there” he really meant that she was sitting right next to him. 
As he approached your house on Scott Street, he slowed down and parked to let you out. You hugged him goodbye. As you got out, before you could shut the door, he simply said “(y/n/n) don't be a stranger.” You smiled, a real smile for the first time in awhile and went inside.
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