#i am trying to pick apart the art i've done that i like so i can like... repeat things LMAO
dandyshucks · 3 months
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why did i follow such a nice spiral path tonight with the order i did my doodle studies tonight wtf fsdjkl
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gummilutt · 5 months
Autonomous crafting for all teen+ Sims
I've never before been so happy to share a creation! Get ready to get crafting, because it's about to get autonomous! Released today in collaboration with the wonderful @joplayingthesims who has built a community lot for the mod, seen in the pictures below. Exciting!
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In my game, I have a community lot with crafting stations for Sims who can't afford one, or don't have space for one. But as I visited it recently with one of my college students wanting to learn flower arrangement, I got a bit depressed by all the empty stations and the other visitors just standing around chatting. I wondered if anyone had added autonomy, and I came upon iCad's autonomy enabler. While neat, it only adds autonomy for the active household which is the opposite of what I wanted. So I made my own that enables it for visiting Sims as well, only to quickly realize how annoying that got. All these Sims asking me to pick a recolor for them, blergh! So I went on tweaking, fixing the annoyances as they came up, and here we are! Finally it is possible to have a lively crafting studio where all Sims participate, without being annoying for you the player! Are you excited? Because I am excited!
What does the mod do? - Enables autonomy on "make many" and "continue" (see readme for more info on why not make one) for all five original crafting types - Robots, toy making, flower arrangement, pottery and sewing - Does NOT charge your Sims money for background Sim crafting. Money sounds and visuals show for all Sims, but only your current households crafting charges household funds. - By default only autonomous on community lots. Has optional autonomy on residential/apartment lots, you can enable autonomy on those lot types by placing the Autonomy Toggler object somewhere on the lot (custom object made using parts of the FT crafting clutter, found in hobbies/misc for 1 simoleon). I set it up this way as residential autonomy sounds irritating to me, but I'm all about flexibility for the user. Perhaps you want to run arts classes at your residential playable school, or you simply like autonomy more than I do :) Please note that autonomy advertisement is tuned with community lot use in mind, so it might be higher than you'd want for residential. If there's interest I am happy to make a second version with lower advertising for those who primarily want residential use. If you are somewhat familiar with TTAB edits yourself, you can try changing attenuation code to low or medium to limit advertisement distance which will reduce appeal to Sims. VER 2: Toggler object now also works on community lots, turning off autonomy if present on community lot. Residential/apartment behavior remains the same as before. - Fixes annoyances with background crafting, such as selecting recolors and pop ups about progress - Changes inventory mechanics to allow for owned studio-type use, in case you'd like a friendly owner Sim present to provide instruction. Crafting now only goes to business lot owner if done by an employee, otherwise crafting Sim gets the object. Includes home business, so if it bothered you that family members don't get to keep their work, this also fixes that. If that part annoys you, see readme for how to remove this feature.
Download mod on simfileshare | Download ver 2 on simfileshare (New version out, fixing a bug reported by Nemertes. More info here)
You might say "Okay well fun for you Gummi, but I don't have a community lot with crafting stations, so why would I need this?". Well fortunately Joandsarah has the solution for that problem! Check out the cute crafting studio she built to give all of you a place to start community crafting! Available on MTS
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Conflicts: Only known conflict is iCad's original autonomy enabler, you have to pick if you want hers version of autonomy, or mine :) Readme contains breakdown of the functionality of all parts, to help you decide a load order should you encounter conflicts. It should be possible to resolve conflicts though if there are any others, so please report them to me :)
Credits: @joplayingthesims for collaborating with me and providing a lot that you can get started with if you don't have one, iCad at @dramallamadingdang for the original autonomy enabling mod, @cityof2morrow who helped playtest the mod
If anyone else builds a community lot intended for autonomous use, I hope you let me know somehow so I can add links to it in my post :) If any other modders see ways to improve on what I did, please feel free to do so :) I am hoping to eventually post an update that sends all crafting to inventory to fix the make one issue, and the station clogging that happens over time.
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mommyashtoreth · 2 months
Your opinion: fanon crowley not liking/hating his own eyes. (and by extention hating himself...?) i personally dont really like this headcanon and dont think that he hates himself or views himself as worthless at all ETC but i want to know what you think
Strokes my beard sagely. This is one of those things that like. I guess I get why people want to hc this but there's really just nothing in the text to support it. In the show we see Crowley without sunglasses all the time, when he's alone or when he's alone with Aziraphale, and the clear purpose of the glasses is like, literally just to hide his eyes from humans. That's it. Idk I think a lot of people project a lot of what I've taken to calling "angel dysphoria" onto Crowley, where he's constantly tormented by his eyes and his scales and his Fall and his general demon-ness, yknow, angsty art pieces where haggard alcoholic demon-Crowley longs to look like the Sweet And Wholesome angel-Crowley he sees in the bathroom mirror ("transgender short film" style), buuut I don't really think that tracks! He hasn't done a very good job at being a demon but he's not nearly as tortured by his status as people make him out to be. I don't think Crowley hates his eyes because I don't think Crowley hates being a demon because I don't think Crowley hates himself. He might be bitter about how he's treated but I don't think it runs deep enough in him to hate a physical trait about himself like that. Again, I understand WHY people might like writing this, I'm transgender and I have gender dysphoria and fictional depictions of it can help process that, BUT I guess I just think Crowley has a lot of transgender allegory traits in the text you could dive into, and "eye hatred" is not one of them. Idk I guess Crowley and his neurosis is kind of a hard character to pin down correctly and I'm not gonna fault anyone for trying to make it a little easier, but I do like picking him apart like this. Oh also you can have low self-esteem in ways that do not relate to your physical appearance and I think both Crowley and Aziraphale are textually really good examples of this, and yet "Crowley has low self-esteem" is primarily represented as like, "snake-eye hatred angel dysphoria" and "Aziraphale has low self-esteem" is primarily represented as like, "body image issues because that is the only kind of conflict chubby people are allowed to have, apparently". Sorry if I sound bitter LMAO I'm trying to be lighthearted here, I'm just. aheh. someone with low self-esteem that is unrelated to how I look and I like representing that in writing. So it'd be cool if people saw the ways in which that ginger slut and I share so much because I am the most important girl in the world
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ouroboros-hideout · 4 months
(we are meant to be together shakira shakira)
@olath124 tagged me for this, thanks friend!
Still rather low on content or WIPs I can show but it's something
Don't know if I would call it art actually but I am currently making myself some Discord emojis of Aon aka Knife Queen aka Blorbo Girl.
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That's the first one I got done. Because smirking is very important 👆 will do 3 or 4 more I guess. Laughing, something sad, angery and what ever inspiration brings along the way.
The Dogtown Noir pics where fun to do but I noticed real quick that I need a lot of focus to get some good shots. And I don't have that most of the time. I heard there is actually a city outside of Dogtown KEK maybe I will go there next and do some photos 💫
Putting this last so no one is forced to read the wall of txt. I still have a lot of unfinished ramblings but nothing that would make sense to show. I started to write some small bits for my own amusement and positive vibes based upon a soft OTP promt list (or what ever it was called). It's only stupid conversations and I think it's nothing for AO3, so probably just throw it here whenever I finished one.
Write about your ship getting dressed up in fancy outfits together:
"Oh my god I hate this so much..."
Aon pulled on his black bolero jacket and looked at herself in the mirror next to the large closet in Kurt's apartment on the top floor of the Sapphire with an unimpressed expression.
"You don't like what I've chosen for you?" Kurt asked, still beeing busy in the bathroom.
"No... yes. I mean. No, I don't like all of this." She grimaced a little more and turned around to look at the elegant suit trousers and expensive shoes she would be wearing tonight.
"Fancy clothes, putting up with brainless snobs at glamorous parties. Pretending to care about what they do and who they are. I really don't know why you like that so much."
"You'll have fun, I'm sure of it." Kurt came back to the main room and took his leather harness, which was still lying on the bed, and put it around his shoulders. He chose a more elegant garment than usual for tonight aswell, as Alyona had demanded, but he wasn't going to abandon all of his military habits.
"I'll have fun at the bar. I know that for sure."
She was still tugging at the jacket, as if she was trying to minimize the revealing neckline of the top.
"And you had to pick something so provocative, didn't you? Well, at least it's not a glittery cocktail dress. You could have worn that yourself."
Kurt laughed heartily at the last comment, took a few steps over to her and fastened the last buttons on the collar of his black shirt.
"You look fantastic."
That didn't really convince her.
"Oh, shut the fuck up. I feel like I'm playing dress-up."
Kurt was now standing behind her, looking in the mirror with her, still smiling.
"Well, in a way, we do, don't we? If you want to get close to your prey, you have to wrap yourself in it´s fur."
Aon let out an amused snort. "You're such a poet Kurt, it's almost unbelievable," she replied sarcastically.
"Still, I'm glad you decided to come along. I don't think it will do you any harm to see something other than the workshop." He put his hands on her hips and leaned forward a little. At least he liked the sight of the two of them in the mirror.
"Hmmm, what I wouldn't give to spend all night fixing that Chimera-Junk gathering dust in your warehouse...", she replied with a playfully dreamy tone.
"You enjoyed the evening at the Totentanz. You can't deny that."
"You're seriously comparing your fancy-pants party to the thing at the Totentanz?"
"It was a party, you didn't want to go and you ended up enjoying it."
"Maybe because even the smallest circute in Maelstrom is a more interesting conversation partner than everyone you've invited today."
Kurt leaned a little closer to her.
"If you decide to stay here after all, I want you to come to every party. Not because I like to see you suffer, but because then I would finally have something to look forward to in the evening. Pleasant company and someone I can rely on."
"Don't get too excited. I might already have a plan to ruin everything."
"That doesn't matter. It would definitely still be a night to remember because you were with me."
Her face twisted into a grimace.
"Damn, you're such a suck-up. No wonder you've got all these snobs eating out of your hand."
"But the difference is that I mean my compliments to you seriously."
Kurt couldn't help but laugh again when he noticed Aon blushing and quickly turning away from the mirror so he wouldn't notice.
"Okay, let's get going. The sooner we get there, the sooner I can say I've tried long enough."
She hastily disengaged from his embrace and walked straight towards the door.
He followerd her right away.
"You stay until the end. I'll tell the bartender to keep you 'entertained'."
Think most of the ppl I would tag have already shown their awesome stuff lately so I will skip this time. See you next time!
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How do you do solarpunk aesthetic week when you live in a tiny apartment with no outside access? I always want to participate but I feel like most stuff y'all post is geared towards people who live in houses...
Hey, thanks for sending in the ask!
We put our heads together and came up with a few ideas for you!
Grow plants indoors! You could grow a few houseplants to green up your space, or even try growing some vegetables and/or herbs indoors! I've heard people have lots of luck with basil indoors, and my freshman year of college I grew cherry tomatoes and peppers in my dorm room! Maybe check out information on semi or full-hydroponic setups? You can also propagate a lot with a few cuttings and a glass of water! If you have a balcony with your apartment, that could also be a good place to grow flowers or vegetables--depending on the season and temps where you are, it might be a bit cold to start things out there right now, but you could always start planning!
Crafting could be another fun idea! You could try your hand at mending clothes, or making your own clothes from scratch! I (Ani) am learning crochet, if you wanna join me in spirit and pick it up as well! Kala/Fennopunk (who lives in a small apartment 👀) also knows a lot about crocheting, its a pretty nice winter craft! You could also try embroidery, so you can add unique designs onto your clothes! Other options are things like knitting, sewing, leatherwork, jewelrymaking, soap making, and maybe even woodworking or soldering if that interests you!
Learning how to repair tech would be cool! Honestly, learning how to repair anything sounds super cool and is pretty solarpunk! This can also kinda go hand-in-hand with learning how to build your own things (one of my friends knows how to repair and build computers, for example). Try finding some information on something you're interested in and going wild!
Decorate your home in a way that feels Solarpunk to you! Even if you don't get it all done during the event week, I think its definitely a nice way to bring joy! Look into ways your apartment can change with the seasons, ways to keep yourself cozy and warm in winter but cool and bright during the summer! If you get started, feel free to send in progress images, we'd love to see!
Guerrilla gardening! Winter's a great time to scatter wildflower seeds (at least here in the states for me) as it gives the seeds time to acclimate to weather conditions! if you want flowers in spring, you plant seeds in winter! Maybe find a place you wanna target if you go out, think about what seeds you want to plant, and start planning? Or if you have seeds on hand already, you know what to do! Honestly, I also kinda view picking up litter as hand-in-hand with guerrilla gardening, if you've got the vibes for that at all.
Build community with your neighbors! Even if its just saying hi, or talking about what you're up to!
Maybe guerrilla art as well? Moss graffiti, spray painting, or even plastering a couple of stickers up counts as solarpunk! I will give a general warning that doing stuff seen as illegal probably shouldn't be posted online, but hey, you can participate in the week without telling us what you do!
Speaking of art! Maybe you could make art at home! Whether you use chalk, or pastels, or paint, or pencils, or if you've got a tablet you can use--find some inspiration and draw! I've seen lots of people draw solarpunk fashion ideas, solarpunk building concepts, or just general vibe art!
You could also take a crack at writing! You could write a short story, or get started on a longer project idea! You could even just write worldbuilding-type stuff, like examples of event listings or building histories you imagine a solarpunk society would have, or ideas for holidays and festivals!
Learning an instrument feels pretty solarpunk to me! I (Ani) say this as someone who has 2 guitars around and has forgotten 80% of the stuff she learned in her lessons back in high school. Just in general, picking up an old hobby you miss, or starting a new one works great for this event honestly!
You can also check out the Apartment Solarpunk tag on the Practical Solarpunk blog, it may have more ideas for you!
We hope this helps! Either way, I hope you enjoy the event week!
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authoralexharvey · 17 days
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INTERVIEW WITH A WRITEBLR — @magic-is-something-we-create
Who You Are:
P.K. Finn || He/they
I'm a queer, neurodivergent creative that's been elbow-deep in art of all kinds since I first started having control of my hands!
What You Write:
What genres do you write in? What age ranges do you write for?
Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi. New Adult and Adult
What genre would you write in for the rest of your life, if you could? What about that genre appeals to you?
I could write the blurred line between Sci-Fi and Fantasy until the heat death of the universe, honestly! The absolute freedom to change reality and stretch the boundaries of what my mind can come up with when making new worlds is one of the most fun and interesting things I've ever done, and once I started on the path of world building, I realized I couldn't stop. Even just world building, without a story attached, is one of my favorite pastimes.
What genre/s will you not write unless you HAVE to? What about that genre turns you off?
I personally don't enjoy writing anything set in the real world - whether historical or contemporary - if it doesn't have at least a bit of magic or speculative science attached. While I like reading realistic fiction on occasion, I've always found myself drawn more to what could be than what is on the creation side of things.
Who is your target audience? Do you think anyone outside of that would get anything out of your works?
It depends on the story! My blanket target audience is the same kind of reader I am: those who like to pick apart stories and draw plot threads and foreshadowing to their potential conclusions as they unfold, and can't help but analyze it every step of the way. Rereading to find all of the places where hints were laid, to see what about the story changes once you know the end - are there lines I glossed over the first time that, with the new context, have taken a whole new meaning or emotional toll? How often was a reveal teased or cloaked in metaphor before I was given the information I needed to actually see it? Where is the plot mirrored in little ways, where are we told blatantly what will happen in a way we don't notice at first? Those kinds of readers are who I write for, as a whole. But I also know that those won't be all of my readers, and that each story will attract a different group that needs it, so I try to tailor those accordingly if I can.
What kind of themes do you tend to focus on? What kinds of tropes? What about them appeals to you?
One thing I've found to be a recurring theme in everything I create (not just novels and other stories; it's leaked into the D&D campaign I'm running for friends, too) is the idea of Godhood/Idolization/Ultimate Power and Responsibility being unfathomably isolating and traumatic. With that also comes the idea that even deities are still people, capable of just as much emotion, mistaken belief, and regret as the rest of us, and often with far less control and power than worshipers might think. Hand-in-hand with that, I tend to end up with narratives where the antagonist(s) are a mirror or exaggeration of the protagonist(s), because I love making my protags question whether they're the ones in the right, when they may agree on many or all points of the antags opinions, just not on their methods or the lengths to which they'll go. And I also love to make the protags understand and sympathize with their antags - and by extension, try and get the reader to do the same - because one of my favorite things to explore is the common root of all good AND evil being one and the same, and those concepts at all being subjective and fluctuating.
What themes or tropes can you not stand? What about them turn you off?
I've never understood stories that place certain characters/concepts/actions on pedestals or trash heaps without ever stopping to explore anything beyond the shallowest why, if that. I want to question which side is in the wrong, or whether wrong and right exist at all in this story. I want the characters and/or the story itself to examine what they're doing, why, and what the lasting consequences will be - because there will be lasting consequences for everything they do. If the enemy army is shown as irredeemable and inhuman (derogatory), show me a deserter with friends still on the front lines. If the Good King goes unquestioned in his altruism by those around him, show me what machinations he hides behind locked doors to silence the dissenters.
What are you currently working on? How long have you been working on it?
I'm currently drafting two different stories set in the same world: The Millennium Saga is a high fantasy epic that's going to be between 5 and 7 books long, and I'm in the midst of drafting book three; Whispers is a tragic dark fantasy noir set 10-12 years after the start of TMS, planned to be a standalone that doesn't need, but is enriched by, the world context that TMS brings. I've been drafting it since mid-December 2022 as a bit of a break from TMS, which has gone through 10+ years of plot marinating and 2 years of frantic drafting now that my ADHD brain finally has the tools to sit down and do it.
Why do you write? What keeps you writing?
I write so that I can get the stories that play on loop in my brain out and inflicted on others. :)
How long have you been writing? What do you think first drew you to it?
The first thing I remember writing for fun was a short story about dragons that I wrote in third grade for school. I fell in love with the idea of being able to write my own books not too long after, because I realized that it let me decide what a dragon could and could not be, what an elf looked like and what powers they wielded, and what I thought a Loch Ness Monster Animorph would be based solely on the covers of books I never read.
Where do you get your inspiration from? Is that how you got your inspiration for your current project? If not, where did the inspiration come from?
My inspiration comes mostly from interacting with other peoples creations! I often get into an art or writing mood after watching drawing videos on YouTube or listening to the playlist I've Pavloved myself with, and often those initial sparks inspire what I do with them that day, whether it's practicing drawing architecture because of a speedpaint or writing a fight scene because I listened to a particularly energetic song. I don't usually get inspired for entire stories from those things, though; I couldn't tell you where the inspiration for my current works came from, because the ideas first came to me years and years ago, and have just morphed over time as I've grown.
What work of yours are you most proud of? Why?
The Millennium Saga! That story in particular has been occupying my brain for more than a decade, and while the current form of it is unrecognizable from the original version I wrote on the bus on the way to school, it is by far one of my favorite things I've ever done, if only for the amount of time and brainspace I've dedicated to it. It's how I figured out my current writing style, and it's a story I know I'll hold close to my heart long after it's done. And this isn't to say I'm not proud of my other projects, especially Whispers! They all hold equal weight in my mind, I've simply had more time to put the puzzle of TMS together than anything else, and I'm most proud of pushing through the blocks I hit along the way.
Have you published anything? Do you want to?
I have not, but I really want to! I started looking into the tradpub querying process in December with publishing TMS in mind, but since I put it on hold for Whispers for the moment, I've put that by the wayside as well. Ideally, I'll go the traditional route with maybe a webcomic and webnovel somewhere between official releases, but I'd be more than willing to figure out how marketing works for self publishing if that doesn't pan out.
What part of the publishing process most appeals to you? What part least appeals to you?
Traditional publishing is appealing for me because I (theoretically; I know the industry is in a bit of a hellscape right now) wouldn't have to be in charge of anything more than writing the books. But, like I said, that's in a bit of a weird limbo state right now, especially in regard to authors self-marketing, and that is, I think, the most intimidating and unsavory part of the process for me. Self publishing appeals because I would have a bit more control over what the book looked like overall, but again, marketing is not my strong suit. I'd much rather just be able to sit back and write and let someone else do the talking for me.
What part of the writing process most appeals to you? What part is least appealing?
My favorite part of the writing process is those moments where things start to fit together into a complete picture! I tend to avoid outlining ahead of time because it dampens my enthusiasm and always tricks my brain into thinking its a set of hard-and-fast rules rather than gentle guidelines, so when the threads I've laid out start to weave themselves into a tapestry through both editing and latter-half drafting, it makes every stumble before then worth it. The least appealing/fun part of the process is less about the actual writing for me, and more about the struggles getting past the blocks imposed by my brain chemistry. Executive dysfunction makes sitting down to write at all a chore, no matter how much I love it once I've gotten into the zone.
Do you have a writing process? Do you have an ideal setup? Do you write in pure chaos? Talk about your process a bit.
My process depends on the story! For Millennium Saga in particular, I've found I have to "script" chapters before I draft them, with a special emphasis on the dialogue and vague choreography, or else I get stuck super easy on the transition sentences between beats. But with Whispers, I've scripted only one or two conversations over the entire 40k words written so far, and haven't gotten stuck once. As for setup, mine is pretty particular in some ways, and wildly varied in others. I write in FocusWriter so that I don't get distracted with formatting, and can have a background/theme that's easy on the eyes and fitting for the scene I'm working on - but that theme changes on a regular basis, along with the music I play in the background and, often, where I take my laptop to write in the first place. I'm also a fan of doing writing sprints to get my brain moving, sometimes with friends on Discord, sometimes on my own, and at this point I do more writing without sprints at all. Sometimes I need the clutter of my desk to kickstart my brain; sometimes I need to be curled up in an armchair with no other distractions in order to focus. It really depends on the day.
Your Thoughts on Writeblr:
How long have you been a writeblr? What inspired you to join the community?
I joined Writeblr officially in March of 2020! While COVID might seem like the obvious culprit, it really wasn't at the time; it was really because I'd graduated the year before, and while my friends went off to college, I decided to double down on my dream of writing and drawing for a living, and realized that I wanted to have more people to share my ideas and stories with in the interim to help motivate myself to work on them. From there, it was just a matter of making the side blog, and the rest is history!
Shout out some of your favorite writeblrs. How did you find them and what made you want to follow them?
@/aritany was one of a bunch of others who joined writeblr around the same time as I did, and one of the first whose writing style really spoke to me and inspired a bit of my own! That, combined with their rather unique ability to get me invested in contemporary and semi-realistic fiction drew me in and kept me on board throughout the whirlwind we've both been through over the last few years. @writeblrfantasy is an absolutely delightful human being who I met one fateful world-building wednesday when she unlocked my rambling by asking about Goblins in the Ehlverse and received a full-blown illustration reference in answer. She's also one of a limited few who writes the kind of romance that gets me invested, and she has an absolutely godly drive to write an ungodly amount day in and day out that inspires me to no end! <3 @lanawritesalittle is someone I don't remember meeting, but whose stories and style I adore to no end. They're, like, top-of-my-list of those who haven't published yet, but who I will be frothing at the mouth for a copy when they do. They have a 100% hit rate of making incredibly compelling characters that I can't help but love no matter what atrocities they get up to. @ashen-crest first crossed my dash when she joined, and I remember reading one (1) excerpt of The Stray Spirit before falling absolutely head-over-heels in love with her style of cozy fantasy. Everything she does just feels so warm and full of love, it's like home, and it all only gets better with time. @zonnemaagd caught my eye first from her poetry blog, and then from her writeblr, and her descriptions and narrative voice are so incredibly unique and gorgeous that I literally cannot think of a single published author that compares. Gust, in particular, is a writeblr wip that will always live in my head rent-free, and someday I hope to be able to read it all and bask in the world the way it deserves. And, of course, @authoralexharvey (don't you dare think you can get out of being complimented in your own interview). Their worlds are so lovingly built and their voice is so compelling, and I don't think I'll ever be able to get Nadia and Simone of ASMLP out of my brain. Their stories are just so amazing all the way through, even at the drafting stage, and I love every single one that I've gotten to sink my teeth into.
What is your favorite part about writeblr?
The connection and sense of community! At least from the angle I've seen it, it's a truly wonderful space of encouragement and inspiration that I wouldn't let go of for the world.
What do you think writeblr could improve on? How do you think we can go about doing so?
I think one thing that a lot of us agree on is how it can sometimes feel like we're pouring our writing hearts out into the void without a response, so one of the things I've been trying to improve myself (and that I think a lot of us would benefit from practicing), is voicing the things we love about what we read on here where others can see it, unabashedly. Finding something to love in even the smallest excerpts from last line tags, whether it be a particular word choice or a mood that seeps through the page, and pointing it out in the tags or body of a reblog. And, when someone does that for us, thanking them without self-deprecation - because the more we foster that kind energy and enthusiasm for each other, the more we're able to remember that when there's something lovable in every piece of writing, our own writing is included in that, too.
How do you contribute to the writeblr community? Do you think you could be doing more?
I do my best to reblog and comment in the tags on everything that I read - and while that tends to mostly be things I'm on the taglist on, I also try to take advantage of the days where I have the spoons to read more of what I scroll through and add it to the queue no matter who it's from. Something I could absolutely do more of is consistent participation in ask and tag games; I know the kind of fire that gets lit when I get a particularly interesting WBW ask or when someone sends me a tag game that I'm excited to play, and I really want to pass that on more often.
What kinds of posts do you most like to interact with?
Excerpts, intros, and updates!
What kind of posts do you most like to make?
Excerpts and updates!
Finally, anywhere else online we may be able to find you?
I do writing and art streams on twitch.tv/alittlewarlord (ALEX: Watch and interact with Pax, he's so lovely!!), and VODs are posted on my YouTube channel of the same name. I'm also on Ko-Fi as alittlewarlord, and Patreon as P. K. Finn, both of which feature a bonus weekly write-in on top of the other streams.
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highfiveheroes · 5 days
hi!!! im a very big fan of your work, and as someone who wants to start writing again (havent since i was 14 Dx), i was wondering if you had any tips? the way you write is so well done and impactful, so refined, and it always pulls in me right away. character interactions are so natural, and conversation flows smoothly, the voice for your art is so vivid in my head :] i always look to your work for inspiration, but figured i should ask rather then tearing apart your fics to examine what makes them work lol
i've been sitting on this for a few days because it really took my breath away—what a kind thing to ask!!!
i'm putting this under a cut because i definitely started to ramble haha
specifically on finding a writing voice, i'll be honest, i don't know exactly how to describe it—i've done a lot of rp-ing with my best friend and picked up a lot of phrasing and styles from how he writes, but i think what helps me ultimately when i'm writing on my own is just...writing the way it is? i don't worry about making it make narrative sense, if that makes sense? it doesn't have to be flowy and pretty every time, sometimes things just are what they are. i also try to think of it like i'm describing what i see on a screen, so i do a lot of rereading to see if i can picture the scene in my head exactly how i have it written, which means focusing on a lot of weird details. i also spend a LOT of time reading it out loud to see if my voice comes through because that's what's most important to me—i want people to come on the journey with me, like i'm telling the story to a good friend of mine, and they don't mind when i tell them every little detail. ultimately, i write for myself more than anyone else, and i figure that if i'm not enjoying it, few other people will either. writing is supposed to be fun!!
one of the best pieces of advice i ever saw—there's no such thing as bad writing. if you're putting words on a page, you're working on your creativity, and that's the best thing you can ever do for yourself!! i have pieces from years and years ago that i wrote in the middle of lunch when i was 14 that i can still go back and reread and see if there's anything good (you'd be as surprised as i was to find out that i've reused things from that time of my life in things i'm still writing now haha). sometimes if you're in a rut, sit down with an idea you like, set a timer for 15 minutes, and just turn your brain off and write—or set a word count and don't switch tasks until you hit it (like 100 words, 2,000 in four hours, three paragraphs in 15 minutes, that sort of thing—these are all ones i use pretty frequently). sometimes it sucks, but sometimes you'll end up with something you really like, and rereading it means you'll find something you can jump off of later! if you're putting something out there, it's going to be something good, i promise.
either way, good luck on your writing endeavors!!! i am rooting you on from my little corner of the internet—it's scary, but i promise, you aren't alone :)
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arcadekitten · 1 year
How do you stay as motivated as you usually are? I... I'll be honest and I'm sorry for sounding so personal, but I've been going through some rough times, I can't even pick up a pencil to draw, and I've been feeling so unenergetic... Which sucks, I want to become as great as you, as I really do!!
I'm crazy /hj
I'm just very passionate about my characters and work!! It's no exaggeration when I say I am thinking about them every second of every day. I mean it with my whole chest, I am always thinking about them. They make me happy and so I'm always happy when I get to do stuff with them!!
HOWEVER!! That doesn't mean I'm immune to burnout either! I don't know you or what you're going through--maybe it's burnout, maybe it's a depressive episode, maybe it's something else entirely! etc--but when I'm feeling in a rut (which I actually have been this week, I'd say!), there's some things I like to try and do to make myself feel better. I don't know if they'll work for you, but it's worth a shot!
-Take dedicated breaks. Not just like, a 15 minute break. Like a whole day or 2 or even longer break. Of course if you have responsibilities like school and/or work you might not be able to take a break from those, but take a break from your creative endeavors for a bit. Play a videogame, watch a tv show or movie or video you want to/like, go outside if you're able to even if just to sit in the sun or listen to music! (Though it's winter in the nothern hemisphere, so maybe just dance around to music in your kitchen or something haha!) I often find that once I've been able to actually let myself have fun in other ways, I then want to come back to doing all my creative stuff and I feel more energetic about it!
-Be creative in other ways! Try to branch outside your normal mediums. If you draw a lot digitally, make something traditionally! If you usually illustrate, try playing with something like clay or strings or building blocks! Cut apart magazines and try to make collages! Of course, this isn't always accessible to everyone, especially if you need to spend money to buy some of this stuff. But even if it's as simple as filling a notebook page with doodles, it's still worth doing! The MOST important part of this though is to do it for yourself--do not worry about how the end result will come out, do not worry about sharing it to other people. You can later on if you want to, but you need to go into it knowing that your goal is to HAVE FUN! not to make a successful or consumable product.
-Draw what you want to draw. It's not secret that my most popular games are games like INMIMB and Crowscare. I could probably be attracting a lot more attention on that stuff if I drew those characters more. But Mary and Reggie are my favorite subjects to draw, so that's what I draw! And when I do that, it makes art feel like not-a-chore, but something to be enjoyed! When making my games, I have to make a lot of art for them too! Sometimes I can choose between getting a new cutscene image done, or drawing an idea I just really want to draw. And sometimes choosing the latter is rewarding because I had fun drawing it and then I can come back to the cutscene image satisfied! Draw the things you like and it will help remind you why art is so fun! Hope this isn't too long of a read! Keep your head up, champ! Just because you're not where you wanna be now doesn't mean you'll never get there! I believe in you, but most importantly believe in yourself!
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ratherembarrassing · 9 months
2023: this week month
spring has sprung! i'm confusedly walking around my apartment in socks and shorts and a hoodie, there is light in the sky at 6pm, my three plants are thriving (although that has more to do with no longer being in a house where they got exactly zero sunlight, a metaphor i try not to look too closely towards). i'm going to pick this back up as a weekly thing again.
i bought a couch! i no longer feel like i'm living in a weirdly furnished air bnb. i picked the couch after seeing it in the apartment of a youtuber. i love it so much.
thee margot robbie bingewatch of 2023: lord, she is in some movies. but then i went to youtube and it knew what i'd been up to and gave me this, which is without a doubt the greatest thing that has ever happened to me personally. the way her accent disintegrates in the last 15 seconds is amazing.
sportsball part 1: most of the month was, of course, wwc. i remain devastated etc, but in the final weeks my rl friends group accidentally became invested and i have herded them into potential interest in club leagues. i cannot wait for wsl and alw to kick off.
sportsball part 2: this weekend aflw returned. port adelaide promptly lost to the crows, and backup team the bulldogs got demolished. so you know. suffering as usual.
the nephew is super into one piece, and i had promised to watch the anime months ago. so i have started that instead of giving in to tumblr's incessant advertising. it took three episodes, but it's cute as hell and i get why he likes it.
i continue to force an episodes of the bear on myself from time to time. guys, why.
mr hozier's new album is lovely, but i hate the cover art so much.
on friday night i rallied and ate a delightful three course meal inside a video installation dome. always say yes to doing weird things.
who am i really kidding, all i've really done all month is read every barbie/gloria fic on ao3. every few hours i open the tab, hit refresh, and about one in ten times i am rewarded and i clap like a seal.
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bad0mens · 5 months
Yesterday was an emotional day for me and not in a good way.
Under the cut because I need it out.
I'm not sure what the 'inciting' incident was, or if there even was one. I think it was honestly just a build up of working retail during the holidays where I'm inundated with people who are rude and impatient and it's been getting to me. My situation at home isn't a bad one. But I constantly feel the 'quiet older middle child syndrome' as well as 'high masking autistic adult who is largely self sufficient disorder'. So I feel like in some ways, I fall through the cracks in the minds of my family. They don't feel they need to worry about me because I'm usually good at taking care of myself.
The problem arises here. In a lot of ways, especially yesterday, I felt like an after thought to my own family. Allow me to explain.
Three of the specific things that got me yesterday, and maybe they sound petty, were:
1. We drove three hours there, expecting a short event packed with lots of people but it was instead a long event packed with people and my social battery is all but dead on my off days because it has to work on my on days. I was able to keep myself mostly sane by working on fics and keeping my earplugs in because my family, especially my younger sister, is very loud. I want to spend time with my family on the holidays, but I also want to relax and be comfortable when the tense of working this time of year is finally starting to ebb.
2. There was a lot of food to go around... But only about 3 things I could actually eat. Mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, and stuffing. You may notice there is no protein or real vegetables in any of those options. I've been a vegetarian for going on 20 years. This isn't something new for my family. My mother and younger sister did the cooking and thought to make the stuffing safe for me to eat. But that was it. The worst part of this is, I also forgot to even bring myself something like that to cook, so it's really on me as well (which is a part of the problem I'll get to in a moment).
3. I had two presents to unwrap. I know how ungrateful this sounds. But it's not about the number of presents. It's really not. I got things I asked for and I am grateful for them! It's a chunk of the larger problem, though. There was lots of presentation and fun in other people's gifts. One of mine was thrown haphazardly in a bag with nothing to cover it. The other was a wrapped cardboard box with the item inside.
Normally, any of these one things by themselves is fine, but emotions were running high after a season of working retail (not to mention I got in an argument with my boomer father who started the "no one wants to work these days" that I had to shut down pretty hard").
The problem was that, even on this day about family, I was an after thought. And the problem stems from my own behavior. I'm a helper, I care about other people, I put other people first, constantly. So constantly that I almost never put myself first. So no one else thinks to either. I'm not asking to be the specialist girl at Christmas. I'm asking to feel like I'm cared about as more than a "oh shit we can't forget about--".
I don't put myself first, so why should anyone else? I brush off this behavior in myself and others as fine. I pick pieces of myself apart to try and help other people feel whole when I've never felt whole in my entire life. And the worst part, the most painful part, is that I've ultimately done this to myself.
I sat at the dinner table, feeling alien and broken and alone surrounded by my own family, simultaneously dissociating and trying not to cry. It was my college graduation all over again, when weeks before my father reminded me that art degrees were functionally useless and I was wasting my time and money after a lifetime of hearing the lie that I could be whatever I wanted to be if I worked hard enough. It was that moment all over again. But amplified. It felt like everyone was in on the joke now.
And I still played to other people's comfort. I did not cry about it no matter how increasingly painful it became until 4 hours later when I was finally at home and my older sister asked me what was wrong. And I finally said something. I told her I felt like an after thought.
But it isn't until this moment, nearly 10 hours later, that I'm realizing the truth of it.
Who's going to put me first when I never put me first? Why would anyone bother? I don't. And after what feels like a lifetime of putting other people before myself, I'm left with the fact that my family can't be blamed. I did this to myself.
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starter-library · 1 year
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I Am Sad
“Dance it off and let them see only ever part of me”
“You're far too quick to let me in”
“I feel your fear it hurts my chest”
“I too am fighting loneliness”
“I'm sad to say that I am sad”
“I'm sad to say it, but I've done the best that I can. Just had to say,My best is sad”
“I've done it in forty four states”
“Steal your words and bite my tongue cus every story's now been sung”
Blue House
“When I woke the sun was new”
“Even ink that marked our height will be repainted out of sight”
“It all must go under the knife every dent from making life”
“The fall of Rome was bound to be. Not to endure eternally”
“Now it's time to leave what we know, chase the new and let love grow”
“It's more than bricks that make a home”
“She'll learn to love and all it's ache and how to mend after it breaks”
Hold Me
“Well I've been sitting around since a quarter to three”
“Ain't found a god for whom I'd fall to my knees, But I haven't had a half bad time”
“I won't win an award for what's inside of my brain, Just found out New Jersey was a U.S. state”
“I've got you on my arm as we walk in the rain, So I guess you'd say I'm in my prime”
“Baby tell me once more that you're mine”
“May be losing all my sanity to the hunger of humanity if you're losing it right next to me I swear I'll be just fine”
“My mouth will run itself right into first place so I guess that I'm doing ok”
“You love me still can't seem to change that a bit, wouldn't have it any other way”
“Once broke my nose just from falling down”
“My talking voice is as loud as my shout”
“I'm trying to keep it together as I'm falling apart”
“I find you to be a work of art, Need no one else to share my days”
“I am standing here just watching all the people going round. Seems no one else is doing better at figuring this out”
“We're all stumbling around and picking ourselves up but I went tripping into madness and falling into love”
Haint Blue
“I sing your praises to the waning moon”
“I'm haunted and so are you although we smothered all our ceilings in that bright haint blue”
“It's only in my dreams where he lets be, you see I'm waking up to find that the ghost is me”
“Time won't let us be”
“We're on borrowed time since you set me free”
“I'm haunted and so are you”
I’m haunted, can’t you see him too?”
The Haunting
“We keep repeating the same words in heightened speech, with cutting verbs”
“If i don’t hear, your words won’t hurt”
“Never put up any fight except when it’s in my own mind”
“Like a smothered storm my thoughts they go unknown: Patch the boat, mind the water, make it home”
“I’m so scared i’m the one that is to blame”
“But lies will rot the heart and thoughts and never shield me like I think”
“Someday we’ll learn to shut our mouths”
“Over and over and over it goes with the wine playing tricks and the room spinning slow”
“And I’m trying to focus and show you I notice your eyes perfectly match the dress that you’ve chosen”
“And if you’re saying that you love me--say it slow. And I’ll need you to show me”
“And I hear it And I see it And I breathe it. It echos, echos, Round it resounds without end”
“Sometimes I don't know if I am loved”
“Sometimes I don't know if I'm enough”
“Not even God could love someone like you”
“I've been trying to retrace my tracks, Hoping to find my way back; When the only running was tag, when you know being it won't last”
Blessed Boy
“I have no one to care for, no one to need and only when running am I ever free”
“I'll fly to the moon and I'll never return, There I can rest as I watch the world turn”
“Blessed boy I've heard your voice and I know they've done you wrong”
“In between your fitful dreams will you learn you do belong”
“It takes more than moonlight to cause you to bloom, come to the garden there's plenty of room”
You are Gonna Miss Me
“Always had this feeling that your hearts not really mine and that some perfect lover was always on your mind”
“You are gonna miss me you will miss my face someday”
“Oh my darling boy i was looking up to you- Well not physically except when you put lifts inside your shoes”
“Boy you did me wrong how could you let me fall- couldn't catch me with hands that were that small”
“You want to make all my decisions but i don't want the same”
“Honey this is my show here i always drink for free”
“But tide will rise and reclaim her command”
“Mother I'm scared your waters are much too high for me”
“Your changeable ways throw me for days as if lost on the sea”
“The water's calm but still I cannot rest while storms are ever raging in my chest”
“From her I was made with love and care but by her hand I'm scattered everywhere”
“Leaning back the water holds my weight now it will be my turn to create”
“I see no way will I hold her like the cinema told me to try”
“When I look at you I see no chance of pushing through and I must be the one to say goodnight”
“Some wishes made are wises left behind”
“She kissed me so sweetly and she promised me nothing but sweetness to last”
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gael-hightower · 6 months
truth serum: tell us the whole of your feelings about garland.
“What else is there to be said?” the Master of the Arts shrugged, having no wish at all to delve into the topic he was being asked. “I already said to him what needed to be said during that dinner”. And yet, deep inside, Gael knew not enough had been said.
Growing up, Gael had truly admired his eldest brother. He respected him as a knight, as a clever student of the Citadel, as a man who appeared devoted to his house. The most recent events, however, had even led the younger lord to ask himself if perhaps he looked at the past through a false lens. If he'd idealized bits of his family life. If perhaps, the seeds of what tore the brothers apart had been planted further back than he initially thought.
“I am not a perfect man, and no one on that table is a perfect individual, but I do believe that you can only feel slighted enough times before something breaks. Whether he meant to or not, Garland has slighted every person in his family, and the fact that we have all pulled away from him, save for our mother, is quite telling, I believe,” the Hightower lord said, attempting to remain composed despite the ire that burned within whenever he recalled those last words his brother spoke to his cousin. Gods, the sheer disrespect. “I cannot speak for Leyton or Lucrezia, only for myself... I do feel it is entirely unfair that as his brothers, both Leyton and myself were kept aside, only to have a bride be the one that he felt he could confide in, the one deemed worthy or capable enough to become involved in the affairs of House Hightower. That decision tells me how little my brother thinks of me, how incapable or unreliable he believed me to be. I am a writer, yes, but I've proven time and time again that I possess other skills that our house has benefited from. I've bled for my kingdom, I've aided a king navigate and shape public opinion during a civil war, but I can't be trusted with the affairs of my own damn house?”.
Gael shook his head, letting out a scoff. “And to then claim my accomplishments as an artist happened because he allowed me to? Because he gave me permission?” a derisive smile crossed the lord's face then. “I asked no one's permission to pick up a quill in my hand and begin writing. I did so because my father ignored me and my mother couldn't bother to go against Gilbert Hightower's shit parenting. So I published my work in secret when I had to, save my lord father the shame of a poet son”. The Dunn sonnets were now known to have been penned by Gael, but back then, it had been an anonymous escape. “If someone gave me any form of opportunity in terms of my art, it was King Cedric. If someone was encouraging of that part of my life, it was Omer with his words, and it was Harlon with his example,” he stated bluntly, his tone becoming slightly more heated.
“If Garland saw no value in having at his side, I wasn't going to convince him. It's really that simple. I got fucking tired,” the lord admitted, running a hand through his hair, sensing the racing beating of his heart. He was angry. Gael usually didn't get so noticeably angry, so used to contain himself to be proper, to be palatable around others... to not bother. “I'm done... I'm done. I should not have to spell out to my own brother how I should or should not be treated”. The Master of the Arts took a deep breath, trying to tame some of the agitated feeling coursing through him. “And perhaps leaving Oldtown was unfair, I don't know... perhaps it was selfish. I needed the distance. I still need the distance. Only after I left I was encouraged to be my own man and I don't want to go back to feeling like the silent shade I was there”.
Flawed as they were, Garland and him were no good around each other at present. That much Gael knew.
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( @garlandhightower, @leytonhightower, @lucreziasredwyne, @visxionaries & @harlonvflowers )
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andiwriteordie · 1 year
ok taking a break from mike and firebending to talk about will's airbending a little bit. (also as an aside rori your tag "3. gayass" just made me fucking die YOU'RE SO RIGHT THOUGH AND YOU SHOULD SAY IT LOUDER)
i suppose i should talk to you about will and his airbending tattoos, huh?
@messrsbyler came up with a LOT of this as well so i am tagging them, because we've been throwing around ideas back and forth to make will's spirit world experience/trauma! so! freaking! awful! :D sorry will.
i think i've already established in some other asks or rambles about how will, of all the party members, loves his bending the most. whereas dustin is a nonbender, lucas hates that he doesn't do well in combat bending, and mike just can't seem to get his firebending down, will loves airbending. he's not a natural at it, per se, but he's good at it. and jonathan is a good teacher. he doesn't just teach will the techniques of airbending, but he also teaches them their heritage as airbenders. he talks about the air nomad genocide, about the culture that was lost and that avatar aang fought to rebuild after the 100 year war. the two of them try to adopt as many ancient air nomad traditions as they can as will learns from his brother. (side note. i am emotional thinking about jonathan not enjoying bending but knowing his brother does, so he goes to the library and researches as much as he can so he can do this well and can teach will all the beauty of their element that jonathan never got to experience)
so right before the story picks up (which, by the way, i'm placing them at about 14 years old at book 1 because ST S3 is getting deleted and the time skip probably is too, so this lands the kids are around 17 years old if each book is a year apart), will can be considered an airbending master and get his tattoos. and god, he's so excited about it. this is what connects him to this community other airbenders, to this rich history he's part of, to a heritage and a culture and an art form that he's proud of. and he'll get to have tattoos just like his brother too, and the party is so excited for him too.
will gets his tattoos right before his kidnapping—literally right before, as in his skin is still tender and still healing from the tattoos and barely a few days later, he's getting dragged into the spirit world and running for his life. and his bending is the lifeline that saves him because he wouldn't survive there without it.
that's when he runs into henry for the first time.
this right here is mostly nic, genius that they are! again, the whole spirit-y connection henry (and will actually) has is still being fleshed out, but for now, we're establishing a couple things: 1) will is dragged into the spirit world by spirits because of an already existing predisposition/deeper connection to spirits and 2) henry does some advanced, rare form of airbending on will in the spirit world that nearly kills him. as henry almost kills will in that, at the last minute, will instinctively taps into whatever deeper connection he has to the spirit world (helllooooo will byers power arc), pushing himself into a sort of avatar-like state (in that he's connected to the spirit world on a deeper level than most people are able to), complete with glowy spirity nonsense on his tattoos, like you would expect with the avatars.
except it's too much. will is doing this on pure instinct, and he's tapping into spiritual powers beyond his control, and his body can't handle it. so it's the result of that avatar-like state/those spiritual energy in will's body that ends up scarring him because he can't handle/control it.
and to make all of this worse?
henry's an airbender right? and he's got a strong spiritual connection too and has been there in the spirit world this whole time. and so the same type of tapping into the spirit world and its energy is something henry has done before. and the same thing happened to henry's airbender tattoos—so now will literally looks more like his abuser than he does other airbenders. his tattoos are scarred, and he can't look at them without thinking about that ordeal.
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
I love your fics so much, I hope you don’t mind me asking you a question. Apart from the requests you do, how do you get ideas/inspiration? I wrote a morpheus fic a while ago and I desperately want to write more within the same universe but my brains like a soggy piece of lettuce and as soon as I pick up a pen any ideas I have just disappear.
First, thank you so much! 🥺 I'm so glad you've been enjoying my fics. 🥰 Second I am always up for getting questions and I will absolutely do my best to answer them 😊
Inspiration is a pretty tough thing for me (and most writers I know). It's honestly a process and it's different for everyone, but my personal process is roughly this:
Rewatch, rewatch, rewatch. If you're writing for a fic based on a video game or movie or show I always recommend watching that media so much. I've watched Sandman about 50 times to help keep me grounded in that world and in tune with the characters.
Dedicate 5 minutes every day to writing. Even if it's bad or doesn't quite fit where you want it getting into the habit of writing consistently helps me find the inspiration more often than not. There are definitely still days where I just have a completely empty mind and thats okay too.
Give yourself a break. Writing is hard. Being creative is hard. Not getting your writing done in a specific time frame is not the end of the world and if you're posting fics I've found people are a lot more understanding than I expected.
Find a reading buddy. Having one or more people around and available for you to send bits you're feeling uncertain about is a godsend! I you're like me and just anxiously overthink every piece you write having other pairs of eyes and fresh minds look it over goes a long way. (I have very little friends, so I understand how daunting this might seem, but I am 1000℅ willing to read over things and offer constructive criticism and support if anyone needs this in their writing or art or anything. I promise I'm very nice about reviewing work! 😂🥰)
MUSIC! For me personally listening to music and just dedicating time to being alone with my thoughts and the lyrics or the instruments is where I'm we to find the most inspiration. Something about it just helps me picture scenes or hear character dialogue so much easier than I would sitting and staring at a screen.
I hope this helps you find your inspiration! 🥰 just try some things out and find what works best for you and remember to have fun! Enjoying it is the biggest part. Its not worth doing if you're stressed all day or are just miserable, so keep your head high and just do your best. 🥰
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moodyblueangel · 1 year
I'm sorry you went through all of that. Eastenders fandom is very toxic. I'll never forget how negative and dismissive people were of the rape storyline because they either didn't like Ben, thought Callum deserved the big story instead, or called it bad rep because Lewis should've been a fun gay man. Duncan Lindsay at Metro encouraged this as well. I couldn't find eastenders fandom fun after how people deliberately didn't praise an important story.
I really appreciate that. I am ok though, and it's about finding and recognising all the good when the bad tried to engulf. That's never easy, and never quick, but it is there and pulls you through.
I would describe the fandom as...I don't know. I know all fandoms have a portion who try and get noticed by making noise, picking things apart negatively and have egos that bring a sense of entitlement. But in a lot of fandoms I see, there is a bulk of people who drown out those negative Nellies. In the Ballum fandom it seemed to start like that, you had people who were having a really good time watching this storyline and relationship, and taking about it and predicting what may happen, and being funny and positive with it. Then you had this small group of people who found fault with everything, treated everything like it was real, who kicked off when their predictions didn't happen and complained constantly about the writers and production team. Somewhere along the way, it swapped around.
I've been an Eastenders fan for donkey's years, right since when I was young in the 90s when I'd watch the present day episodes and watch the ones from the 80s on UK Gold!😅 I am a Eastenders fan. I am a Ballum fan too. I may have opinions where I don't find certain characters compelling, or certain storylines the same, but I'm a fan of the show. So obviously I'm going to enjoy it more than I don't. I tease it, I mock it sometimes but that is always done with love and lightness and humour. If I'm talking about it, then it interests me. I don't really mention those things that don't. It's a telly show, not the news. It's fictional art, not facts and current affairs. It represents life, but it's not real.
The storyline with Lewis just encompassed everything that frustrates me about the fandom. Because it does represent important issues which real people can relate to. It does this through empathy with character. It doesn't show every weave and crease of the issue because it's not real life. It's a 30 minute early evening soap whose main purpose is to entertain. You can have important issue stories which aren't entertaining. EE have done a few. They've obviously been well researched and done with care, but haven't gripped me with their story arcs or character relatability. But this isn't what people are complaining about though. They are complaining as if this is real life, as if they are real people, and ignoring the fact that it is a story, and every story should be told. If you don't like it, turn it off.
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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I had a pretty excellent day. I didn't feel great but it wasn't as hot and I got so much accomplished. The biggest issue really was I didn't sleep great and I would get really dizzy all day. Which was really frustrating. But it was still a really good day.
I could not get comfortable last night. My body was aching so bad and I couldn't get comfortable. And James kept pushing their pillow at me. But it was fine. I couldn't turn my brain off. And would eventually go have a snack and was able to sleep after that.
I woke up when James was leaving. Got a kiss. And went back to sleep until 930.
When I woke up I felt pretty good. I got washed and dressed and actually was motivated. I had a muffin for breakfast. And went to work in my studio. I would do some knitting. My hand still hurt a lot but I got some done there. I'm going to have to go pick up more yarn soon. Will actually get the correct weight this time.
Dad texted me about the student loan forgiveness. And it's great but it's also so confusing. Like who needs to apply and stuff. But of course the websites are all down. And in my mind I have forgiven the loans. I forgave myself. That's between God and the banks now. I can't think about the past mistakes anymore. It was their gamble and they lost.
I made great progress in my studio. Besides my knitting I would also finally finish printing all of my linocuts and I am so excited. I spent the morning doing the first half. But I had to keep stopping and taking breaks because I was getting dizzy. But I was making great progress and that just felt really good. I also finished up all the bears I had going. I want to start some more soon but the drawer I keep them in is full again.
I made a hotdog for lunch. And waited for my interview. While waiting I started watercoloring my prints. And I am so thrilled. I need to outline some stuff in pen but I made great progress by the time my interview started.
And it was a great interview! I don't know if they will end up going with me as their art teacher but I just felt really great talking about everything I've accomplished and done over the years. I got to talk about my journey and my projects. I focused a lot of pandemic stuff, like when we were making weekly projects for the access art kids. And by funny coincidence the program would take place at the library right next to wildwood!! So there is a huge chance I would work with kids I may already know?? Which is wild to me. Smalltimore strikes again.
But it was also just really fun talking to them about ideas and projects. And even if this doesn't work out it was very cool. And the woman who was the main interviewer followed me on Instagram so that wasa good sign of something. Even if it's just networking for later.
I was really jazzed after. I was still dealing with weird hot flashes and dizziness but I was in a great mood.
I would clean the kitchen. Cleared all the counters so when Mr Will comes to fix them we wouldn't have to rush. And I wiped everything down and I vacuumed and then vacuumed the rest of the apartment. Sweetp did not love that. I kept telling him to go outside but he kept running away. Silly.
I spent a good amount of time doing more water coloring. I got half of them finished. Which feels unreal. But I will get the other half done tomorrow. And then I can start scanning them asap. I am not positive our scanner is working correctly but I'm going to try and if not I'll figure out something.
We still aren't getting mail from USPS but my book I ordered came from UPS so that's something. And I jumped right in to reading it. I am already half way through it. And it's so good. It is not what I was expecting, I misread the back and thought it was magic? But nope. It's like mid 2000s romance and I didnt expect to love it as much as I am. I hope it sticks the landing.
James would come home while I was reading. They joined me in bed to chill. Mr Will was supposed to come today but didn't end up coming by. So James would start making angel food cakes and then making us corn and I got to try vegan shrimp! Which I always use as a touchstone for why I don't eat fake meats very often. Because when I was 14 I had fake shrimp and got horrible food poisoning. But this was pretty good. I wouldn't chose it every day but it was fun to eat something like fish.
I would do more painting. And I dyed my hair with a mix of the glaze product and some blue. Well see what it looks like in the morning.
I decided I would start making my next print project. Which is the alphabet. Which I am going to use to make words on totebags. I hope it works. I have the first 3 letters carved already. But nothing fancy yet. Just the shapes. Well see what happens when I get the letters all done. I hope to put like dots and squiggles. I want to be done that in the next couple days. So we'll see how I do.
Now though we are in bed. I am not in as much pain as I was last night. So I hope I can sleep better. And have a great day tomorrow.
Sleep good everyone. Wash your hands.
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