#i also speak typos.
solfinite · 6 months
i need autocorrect for when i write on paper
went back to a notebook to read what i wrote down for an oc and i literally cannot understand half of it how did i write out typos... how did i forget the letter 'h' in "the"
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kwillow · 2 months
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Started this back in February when it was more topical but... I suppose no time is a good time for romance as far as Theo is concerned.
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sun-marie · 2 months
LRB but I'm replaying BG3 and Gale being on the knife's edge of Wholesome/"Dirty" is what makes him soo interesting to me. Like this is a man who, in two different versions of the same scene, can either sweetly and gently make love to your tav in a typical setting which transitions to a tasteful fade-to-black, or brings your tav's spirit along for a transcendent experience where he literally duplicates part of himself so he can have more parts to touch their parts in some crazy astral-soup sky world. And both are treated like valid expressions of his love!! Like the range they allowed him to express, he's not one or the other, he's both
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was watching dimension 20 and
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*proceeds to spend the next 8 minutes infodumping about how swords are actually much more lethal as slashing weapons because of the more rapid rate of blood loss a slash wound allows for than a stab wound, not to mention that as a fighting technique slashing is a much more effective way to preserve your momentum and keep your grip on your sword, and—*
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badolmen · 2 years
Saw a post making fun of Asexuals in the year of our Good Vibes 2022 so a reminder:
The A stands for the Asexual community and spectrum (it also represents the Aromantic and Agender communities but I’m Asexual so I’ll be talking about that specifically in this post)
Celibacy is a choice to abstain from sex. Asexuality is a sexuality defined by a lack of sexual attraction to anyone, not by the choice to abstain from sex.
Every asexual person has different feelings on sex (an activity, not an attraction) - some are sex repulsed, some are sex neutral, and some are sex favorable. A physically pleasurable experience is not equal to an attraction to parties involved.
The Asexual community has been around since the dawn of the Queer liberation movement, and Asexual individuals have always existed.
Aphobia is real and has done tangible harm to Asexual people. Listen to and learn from their experiences.
If you make fun of Asexuals and their community jokes (dragons/cakes/cards) you are Aphobic. If you’re Asexual and you make fun of these aspects of your own community or consider them ‘cringe’ you have internalized Aphobia.
Sometimes teenagers and young people will identify as Asexual and change their label later in life. This does not mean that all young people who identify as Asexual will change their minds, nor does it mean that all people who identify as Asexual are young.
Seriously what do you people have against the dragons and cake jokes those are classic and hilarious please deconstruct why you have so much rage for harmless jokes that’s not a healthy response to silliness.
Anyways reblog this post if you’re Asexual, support Asexuals, or really want a dragon.
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kenobihater · 3 months
rating the most common ways i misspell obi-wan's name on my phone
Obi-Wam Kenobi
6.5/10 - reminds me of the iconic 1980's pop duo wham
Oni-Wan Kenobi
8/10 - he is indeed a demonic creature to me <3
Obi-Wan Keobi
2/10 - this is the second most common mistake i make thanks to my clumsy thumbs, i rarely catch it, and it's not even funny. my autocorrect now accepts it as a valid word and i've removed it from my learned words once already
Obo-Wan Kenobi
7/10 - big win for the woodwind community
Obi-Wan Kenobo
8.5/10 - this is funnier than the previous typo in my opinion. it's at the end of his name, so the woodwind jumpscare feels more like a punchline
Obi-Wan Kenobu
9/10 - i've heard it's a great restaurant from my aunt, i'd genuinely like to eat there
Obi-Wan Kebobi
4/10 - could be funnier
Ovi-Wan Kenobi
0/10 - my most common typo. utterly cursed, but anything i say criticizing this one could be held against me. i hereby state that i remain ignorant of the connotations of this spelling, and assert that it gets a poor score based on vibes alone. i have deleted it from my autocorrect's learned words multiple times, but i make this mistake so often that it continues to haunt me
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secretmellowblog · 3 months
Fanfic where Javert quits his job— call that a Post-Swine AU
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ionthevoid · 2 years
I messed up on my fuckign homework
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I am simply too queer for chemistry
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greenerteacups · 2 months
I’ve meaning to send this ask for ages and finally found the courage to do so :) I started reading lionheart on a whim in the beginning of November and since them after reading everything a couple of times, all I can say is that it is a masterpiece. I am so in love with your writing, especially with how you give Draco the space to be gracious and grow up. I love for example when they are in the Slytherin common room and Draco see for himself that the mermaids are sentient beings just like him. Also, I am completely enamored with the golden quartet (?), the relationships between them feel much more balanced, and I have so much love for Harry, Hermione, and Ron. I do think you does the characters justice, if not written in a better and more honest, human way. Btw, I love your Narcisa because I am such an apologist for her and her crimes. (If Narcisa has million fans, then I'm one of them. If Narcisa has one fan, then I'm THAT ONE. If Narcisa has no fans, that means I'm dead.). This also aplies for hermione. Anyway, all I am trying to do is to put into words what the world you design means to me, but alas I do not seem to have. When the time comes for my unborn children to read the Harry Potter series, I am showing them your books and telling them it is canon.
Now that I am done showering you with complements, I have a couple of questions. First, after reading the last chapter (which I adored), the fight between Draco and Sirius, one of my favorite moments, kept coming to mind. Was it intentional for Draco to give such honest wake up call for Theo basing himself from the talk he had with Sirius years ago? Secondly, I am not sure with you already answer this, if so, feel free to tell me, but if you could choose Poet, Soldier or King for each – Draco, Harry, Hermione, and Ron – which one would they be?
Thank you for taking the time to read. I usually download each chapter because I like to highlight my favorite parts, I will try to be more present on AO3! And sorry for any English mistakes, it is not my first language!
Thank you, my friend! This is a completely lovely ask, and as I often do with lovely asks, I've hoarded it for a while to re-read whenever I want a nice treat. However, I've left the question unanswered long enough.
If we're going to do the Soldier/Poet/King test, I want to complicate it a little. You can either do it by personality (the way we do when we say "I'm soldier!" or "I'm poet!") or you can do it by narrative role, i.e. what you actually do in the context of the story. Those can be different. For instance, you can be a poet-coded soldier (your chosen weapon is your word, but you're pushed by your circumstances to fight), or a soldier-coded king (you carry a mighty sword, but you're forced off the battlefield to rule, i.e. you want to fight but you can't). That opens up the range of ways to fill the role. So it's like:
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Obviously, the central axis here is going to be the most satisfied/content with their lot in life, but there's a broad range of happinesses.
If you ask me, Harry is a poet-coded king, because he's incredibly reluctant to take leadership, and he doesn't want anyone to fight for him. He runs away in Deathly Hallows because he can't stand to be at the center of a war (which is going to happen anyway) and has only accepted Ron and Hermione's sacrifice begrudgingly. It's also worth saying that Harry's best moments come when he's trying to talk someone down: he's telling Remus to go back to Tonks, he's telling Slughorn to preserve Lily's memory by being noble for her sake, he's telling Riddle to "try for remorse." Harry is at his best when he's giving consolation and understanding, not when he's fighting; his signature spell is Expelliarmus. Kid's not a soldier. And he hates the idea of being a king. (This is, not coincidentally, one of the unhappiest combinations.)
I read Ron as a true soldier, not because he enjoys fighting, but because that's almost always his knee-jerk reaction to conflict, and it's also where a lot of his strengths lie. Ron is brash and bold and he will swing if you step to him, and that's why people love him (or hate him, if they do). Even in his best moments, when he's being a strategist and tactician, he's employing his skills in the service of battle. And the narrative is happy to put him in positions where that's the skill he has to contribute. He thinks of the basilisk fangs and the house-elves in the kitchens; he's good at tactics, but he doesn't do broad-strokes strategy.
Hermione is king-coded soldier, because I think in a different series of novels, she is absolutely the protagonist, and she kind of thinks she should be. She's proactive, driven, clever, and calculating, and she orders people around like she's the boss of them — usually with good reason, but she still does. She sees herself as the HBIC, and she often gets a bit irritated when other people don't jive with that idea. It's funny how often Harry gets along by just doing what Hermione tells him. That being said, her narrative role is being sworn in Harry's service, and as the books go on, she increasingly embraces that. She defends him and offers to risk her life for him, sacrifices volumes (her parents!!) and compromises her safety (gets tortured!) for his sake, all without complaining or seeming to begrudge Harry at all. He's her king; she's his knight. Which is another way of saying soldier.
Draco is a poet-coded soldier, or possibly a poet-coded king, depending on what direction you take his arc from the source material. In the books, he's kind of a flop, God bless him, he doesn't really manage much in the final days of the war. Besides refusing to identify Harry (after identifying both of Harry's well-known travel companions... booboo you tried), he's basically fit for neither use nor ornament from Book 6 onward. But taken more broadly, he is someone who absolutely does not want to be here — he doesn't want to fight, he doesn't want to be in danger, he doesn't want to risk people — getting conscripted forcibly into a conflict that was running for years before he was born. And he's conscripted, like Harry, because of his heritage; it's a position he was born into. Depending on how you read his relationship to power, and having it, he can either be a soldier or a king, or someone teetering on the cusp between them.
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awakenedsalamander · 7 months
would you be willing to speak moron the Technocracy? you have very interesting takes on it and I would like to know more
So to me the Technocracy (in its 20th and 21 century incarnations, anyway, the early Technocracy/Order of Reason is different in some significant respects) represents a view of the world that is divorced from anything other than data and hard facts. This viewpoint is not exclusive to scientism, the paradigm I discussed in my recent post on the Technocracy, and is in fact an arguable core of pragmatism itself— there are times when it is essential to put aside ideals, emotions, and speculation and work only with what you can tangibly interact with. Sometimes, you have to put aside how the world should or could be, and work only with what it provably, unquestionably is.
But if you’ve ever discussed politics with someone who keeps insisting “well, that’s just how the world is,” rather than engaging with new ways of thinking or unconventional ideals, you’ll probably have realized that this way of looking at things can be profoundly limiting.
(Incidentally, this is why I think there’s the tendency to align most Technocrats with Stasis/The Weaver— the paradigm of technology itself can be Dynamic, Entropic, and Questing in a lot of cases, but the way the Technocracy uses it is broadly static, I think.)
Let’s use an example here, and talk about climate change. There’s a tendency to view the people most effectively driving climate change— the executives who profit off it, the lobbyists and politicians who sustain it, the demagogues and conspiracists who argue against its reality— as malevolent. They know what they’re doing, they know how it hurts the world and the people who inhabit, and they’re fine with it. Maybe some of them even enjoy it. This is basically the tack Werewolf: The Apocalypse takes with Pentex, for instance.
And that view is, to a larger extent than I think is remotely comfortable, true. Reckoning with the truth in that is part of what makes Werewolf fun, and it’s also one of the drivers on Mage’s own Nephandi.
But, I think it’s also true that most of the people responsible for ecological collapse don’t see themselves as doing anything wrong, and are instead able to just elide the details of the morality and ramifications of their industry/system/ambition and focus purely on the benefit. As said earlier, that is sometimes necessary— in an immediate crisis it can even be a godsend— but in the long-term and on a wider scale it can be quite damaging.
See, if you focus only on quantifiable data, there’s a way to look at climate change as kind of a trade-off you make for important numbers to go up. Industrialization is, economically speaking, incredibly beneficial, the advancement of technology improves not only wealth, but also security, communication, and even quality of life, and from the point of view of certain fields (at least as they currently exist) like agriculture, commercial shipping, energy production, and so on, the policies that really combat the bad effects of climate change would be disastrous! Can’t we afford a few more degrees Celsius for all that?
And if you want to get really dark, there’s the fact that wealthy countries and their oligarchs are going to be the least affected by natural disasters, resource conflicts, and pandemics. It won’t be easy, sure, but nothing ever is, and from a realpolitik standpoint, if other nations (which are potential threats after all) suffer those bad effects more than you do, then maybe weathering the storm is tactically viable…
So all in all, don’t pump the brakes, and certainly don’t reinvent the wheel here! We’ve got a good thing going, and it could be chaos to stop it! Hell, with all the benefits we’re getting, we might even invent some gadget or technique to solve the worst of it.
But of course, this misses so much. In the same way that topics I wanted to touch on, like algorithmic culture and automation, may have valuable benefits from certain points of view, you have to look at the whole picture. With climate change, you already see mass extinctions, and no amount of restorative cloning is going to reverse the ecological damage there. We’re going to see an increase in displacement and homelessness by disasters and the need for people to relocate from dangerous areas, which will ruin lives, if not end them. To say nothing of the inhumanity of allowing suffering on this scale when something can be done about it, right now!
But how do you prove that “ecological damage,” “ruined lives,” and “inhumanity” are worse than the loss of trillions+ of dollars which we’d have to spend to avoid them? It’s apples to oranges— no, it’s the abstract to the concrete. If someone only wants to think about the numbers, then there’s at least a debate. There’s cost benefit analysis and logistic comparison— but not action.
Now, I am simplifying significantly here. There are many reasons that climate change and other societal crises aren’t addressed beyond scientism, or political inertia, or even just greed and selfishness. To name a few, we also struggle against ignorance, against fear, against exhaustion, against bigotry, against the unknown. It’s not so simple. One of the problems with the worldview I’m attacking is its tendency to simplify things by smoothing over the issues, so I don’t want to do that.
But I do think that the biggest issues in our society can’t be tackled with cold math and a focus on what nets the best cost-to-benefit ratio. I think in a lot of cases, that kind of thinking— which, to bring it back to the point, is the kind of thinking the Technocracy embodies— is what got us these issues in the first place.
God, was this too serious for a World of Darkness discussion?
Anyway, thanks for the question! I appreciate the chance to analyze the topic.
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tallymarkbrothers · 20 days
[Hi blaseblr hi blesties! As I start focusing on prepping for the next event (no eta, it's all just scripts and plans right now) I wanna propose a lil change to how answers are organised!
Tldr: Running an ask blog is hard but rewarding and burnout is the worst forever! If it doesn't sound too confusing I want to more or less categorise answers into Story Stuff and Not Story Stuff so I can tell a story and post more standard ask blog asks simultaneously. More details and stuff under the cut!
As always thanks for reading and asking and engaging with the shenanigans. New (not story) posts Soon(tm)!
Right now almost everything ic follows a rough linear timeline even ones that don't have to on a storytelling level, but when there's an actual story event happening it without fail burns me out because in my mind the only option is to continue the story, while outside of events I can answer whatever in whatever order. Both the Reader and cat Commish events took so long to end (and did so kinda awkwardly) because of that perceived lack of options burnout
There's a story I'd really love to tell that takes place over a decently hefty chunk of in-universe time and I know I'd never pull off getting through all of it with the current system, so here's the proposal in a lil more detail than the tldr:
Answers are divided into two categories, happening "now" (story stuff) and a more nebulous happened At Some Point In The Past (general answers that don't need much outside context), that way I can both tell a story and give myself (and askers!) more freedom with what's posted AND hopefully keep posts more consistent instead of occasionally stopping dead
I'm not sure how I'd distinguish them from eachother other than just tagging them different but I love this blog and I love working on it and I love seeing you all enjoy it so I wanna do what I can to keep it going without making me want to explode every other post HDJFHGH
Thoughts and suggestions are appreciated! And new (unrelated) posts Soon!]
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blujayonthewing · 5 months
I understand why the sub for dungeon meshi is just the script for the dub but that doesn't mean I have to like it
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felidaefighter · 9 months
I've come to the conclusion after spending almost an entire irl-day in the nether that netherrack is more or less dried peat.
It has a spongy but dry material, and consists of decayed bio-matter. This is in line with both the aesthetic and lore of the Nether.
Dried peat blocks are used as a replacement for coal, and burn for a very long time! Historically, they've kept lots of people in Ireland and surrounding areas warm throughout cold winters. (Pertaining to the fact that if you light netherrack on fire, it won't go out.)
Nylium seems to be a nether version of mycelium. Its roots dig into the netherrack and make it easier to mine, and fungus-- which has its role in the ecosystem as breaking down bio-matter-- grows so well that it sprouts tree-sized mushrooms.
In conclusion, netherrack is dried peat-- most likely dried due to the heat of the nether. Thank u
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dykexenomorph · 9 months
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prismaticavocado · 9 months
it’s crazy to me that more people don’t ship astarion and wyll when at least in my experience of all the companions they have by far the most flirty dialogues to/about each other. and like. the monster x monster hunter. the disowned noble son x runaway slave. the beloved hero x the misunderstood monster. like come onnn like i know it’s the racism but
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girldewar · 9 months
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i'm quite wine drunk BUT i wrote 1.4k of brodumba that's been simmering in my brain for like a month and a half SO expect full fic sometime this week maybe. heartbreak etc.
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