#i actually dropped one of these lines to lix the other day
stargazeraldroth · 9 months
"You're not me. You could never be me- I'm not like you, and I never will be!"
But there was no mistaking it. The one standing a short distance from him, the one who shared his face, his eyes, his hands, his strings- he was facing himself. But not... not the same. This one was far more deranged and controlling. He was willing to do such... awful things to the one they- he loves! How could they ever be-!?
"Oh, but I am you. I'm the darkest part of you, the one you try so desperately to ignore. I'm the part of you that's always lingering in the back, whispering, yet still scorned. I am the part of you that you wish to destroy."
The impostor grinned and pulled the blue threads, choking the artist trapped in them.
"I am your darkest side, your deepest desires, and wildest fantasy brought to life. I am everything you could be, yet I'm exactly what you hate. What you fear."
The reflection brought his hands to the suffering victim's mouth, clamping them over it to muffle his choked cries.
"I. Am. You."
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sluttywonwoo · 1 year
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no nut november — felix (loser #6)
pairing: lee felix x fem!reader
warnings: swearing, special guest appearance, jealousy, smut (18+), fwb, protected sex, hard(ish) dom!felix, spit kink, choking, multiple orgasms, orgasm control
a/n: part of @gimmeurtmi and i’s collab <3
word count: 3.6k
series masterlist
No one had expected Felix to last this long, least of all Felix himself. When he woke up to Chan’s text saying he lost, he almost couldn’t believe it. Bang Chan was one of the most competitive members of the group. He honestly thought Chris would have had a little more control. 
But Chan’s loss left Felix in the final three, which felt like a big deal. Felix considers himself to be competitive as well, even though he isn’t particularly good at games. He isn’t particularly good at not cumming either, so it’s a miracle that he hasn’t yet. He hadn’t put much stake in the bet at the beginning since he didn’t think he had any chance at winning, anyway, but as more members dropped out and the finish line crept closer, he began to take it more seriously.
He’d even been so careless to have tried to have sex with you at the beginning of the month, convincing himself he could last through it, before pulling out a couple minutes in with a frantic “no no no no no!” 
Felix hasn’t taken any risks since then. 
You’ve been completely understanding about it, to his relief, and haven’t stopped hanging out with him even though you know you won’t be getting laid like you usually would. That type of behavior is obviously expected from a girlfriend, but you’re not his girlfriend even though he treats you like one and talks about you to the guys as if you are. They all know it’s not official and if Felix refers to you as “his girl” without actually making you his girl one more time, he’s convinced Chan’s gonna slap him. He’d deserve it, to be fair. He’s a coward and he knows it. 
You’re not dating, you’re simply friends with benefits and he likes it like that- at least that’s what he tells himself. It takes the pressure off. Even though you’re not exclusive, he’s not fucking anyone else. You are kind of his person in his mind but he would never admit that out loud. He loves spending time with you and going on dates with you and waking up next to you, but at the end of the day he’s a bit of a commitmentphobe. So what if it’s a shitty excuse? He just doesn’t want to fuck up what you guys have going on and lose you completely. Maybe one day he’ll get the balls to have that talk with you, but for now he’s content with the dynamic you already have, that is until the last week of November.
The end of the month is just around the corner and victory is so close he can taste it. He’s been doing so well, resisting the urge to touch you whenever he’s near you. You’re over a lot these days, which he loves but also hates because of how hard you make everything, literally. 
 You’re in his bed today, dangerous territory already, but Minho and Seungmin were occupying the living space so you had no choice but to hang out in his room. Somehow you’d ended up tangled together beneath his sheets, making out and desperately grabbing at each other. Felix feels you grind into him, feels himself getting harder in response, and realizes he won’t be able to stop if you keep going like this. He’s so tempted to just say fuck it and throw caution to the wind, but he’s so close to winning that he knows he’ll never forgive himself if he gives in now.
Felix forces himself to pull back, breaking the kiss. “We should... probably stop,” he says breathlessly, hating himself for ruining the mood.
You take a moment to process and then push yourself away from him, nodding. “Oh, right. I totally forgot about the bet, I’m sorry.”
“No, no, it’s okay. I’m sorry that we haven’t been able to- that I haven’t been able to you know.”
“Lix, how many times have I told you it’s not a big deal?”
“It’s not fair to you, though. I hate leaving you hanging when you’re horny.” And you seem really horny. You were all up on Felix a few seconds ago, already whimpering into his mouth and tugging at the buttons on his shirt.
You scoff. “It’s not like I’m going to die if I don’t get some dick in the next hour.”
“You’re all worked up now, though, and-” 
“I promise you, Felix, it’s fine. I’ll just call Wooyoung to pick me up in like thirty minutes.”
Felix nods before he processes what you’ve said, then it clicks and he whips his head back up to look at you. “Wooyoung? Jung Wooyoung?”
“Why would he pick you up when I can just take you back home myself-”
“Lix, he wouldn’t be taking me home...” you trail off a little uncomfortably. 
“What, are you guys like fucking or something?”
It’s supposed to be a joke, a suggestion so outlandish that it would break the tension but you don’t laugh. Felix panics. 
“Wait, seriously?”
You sit up and cross your arms over your chest. “I mean, not as often as you and I but yeah... we hang out sometimes.”
“And by ‘hang out’, you mean his dick hangs out inside of you?”
“Lee Felix!”
“Sorry! It’s just... this is news to me, that’s all.”
That’s not all, and Felix is afraid you can see right through him but he tries to brush it off anyway. 
“Are you okay?” you ask tentatively, reaching for him. 
He jerks away from you out of instinct and immediately regrets it. This is not a good look for him and he knows it. He huffs out a breath and takes your hand in apology, squeezing in reassurance. 
“Lix... is this going to be a problem?”
“N-no, no it won’t be,” he lies. “Just, will you stay a little longer tonight?”
You soften. “Yeah, of course.”
Felix shifts on the bed and pulls you in close, playing with your hair as you nestle yourself into his side. He thinks back to the last time he saw Wooyoung. It was at some stupid after party for The Fact Awards, just over a month ago. You were Felix’s date, he’d gone to get you both a flute of champagne from the table of refreshments, and when he came back, you were in the middle of conversation with Wooyoung. 
Felix didn’t even know you knew each other. If he had, he would have invited you to more of their Strayteez hangouts- any excuse to spend more time with you, honestly. 
He approached the two of you and presented you with your drink, placing his newly free hand on the small of your back as he sipped from his glass. 
“Felix!” Wooyoung exclaimed and pulled the younger man in for a hug. Felix nearly spilled his champagne down Wooyoung’s back but managed to hold it just out of the way so that only a little bit splashed out onto the floor. 
When Wooyoung finally released him, Felix looked between the two of you, trying to connect the dots. 
“So how do you guys know each other?” he asked. 
You just exchanged looks with Wooyoung and chuckled awkwardly, something Felix hadn’t caught on to at the time.
 He feels like an idiot looking back on it. Wooyoung had known this whole time that they were both sleeping with you and never thought to mention it. It was technically none of Felix’s business, but he couldn’t help feeling betrayed by his friend. And Changbin! He was even better friends with Wooyoung than Felix was. He had to have known you were hooking up and also managed to neglect sharing that important piece of information. He would be having words with that man whenever you left and he got back from his girlfriend’s house. 
“I’m sorry for not telling you,” you whisper all of the sudden, breaking the silence. “I just didn’t want to hurt your feelings. I know you can be sensitive about these things so-”
“You have nothing to apologize for,” Felix blurts out. 
“We’re not exclusive or anything and we agreed on that. As long as you’re being safe with him...”
You nod. “You don’t have to worry about that. We use condoms, just like us. No one’s getting an STI.”
Felix hums thoughtfully. He’s honestly relieved that you aren’t letting Wooyoung fuck you raw, not because he’s worried about protection even though that is a concern, but moreso because it would imply you like him more or you’re more serious about him than you are about Felix. It’s a petty victory but a victory nonetheless. 
He wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of your head, enjoying the feeling of having you close. It’s not a very ‘friends with benefits’ thing to do so he hopes you don’t mind, but you don’t move away from him which he takes as a good sign.
“Don’t go to his place tonight,” Felix murmurs into your hair. “Let- let me take care of you instead.”
You stiffen in his arms. “But... the bet.”
“I don’t fucking care,” he rasps. 
You turn a little more so that you can face him. “Felix, I’ll stay. We don’t have to have sex.”
“I want to,” he insists. “Unless you don’t?”
“No, I want to,” you assure him. 
“Are you sure? You’re not just saying that?”
“Positive. I was all over you not even ten minutes ago, remember?”
Felix grins. “I remember, I remember. But things can change, you know?”
“You’re sweet,” you say, kissing the corner of his mouth like you were rewarding him for it. 
“I try.”
“So how do you want me?” you ask. 
He takes a moment to think about it. “Um, want me on top?”
“Mhm that sounds good.”
“Yeah? You like just laying there and looking pretty? Like me taking control?”
The change in his demeanor makes you whimper, stroking Felix’s ego significantly. He pushes the blankets off of your bodies and rolls on top of you, taking your chin in his hand so that he can force you to look up at him. 
You arch to kiss him but he dodges you, smirking and still holding your jaw in place. You pout and try to turn your head to the side to break out of his grasp but he manages to keep his grip, surprising you both. Felix isn’t weak, but it’s usually pretty easy for you to overpower him. When you realize you can’t this time you stop trying, relaxing back into the mattress with a sigh of annoyance.
“Look at me.”
You do, eyes wide and eager. He spreads his fingers until his thumb is resting on one of your cheeks and the rest of his fingers are splayed out across the other, squeezing your face gently to get you to open your mouth. 
“C’mon, baby. A little wider.” You obey easily and Felix spits into your mouth. “Swallow. Good girl.”
He’s quick to undress you both so that he can get his head between your legs, needing to taste you after going so long without having you on his tongue. You’re wetter than he expected and he can’t stop himself from groaning at the sight. 
“God, baby, making a mess already. Gonna have to change my sheets after this.”
His comment makes you shrink into yourself in embarrassment. “You have no one to blame but yourself for that.”
Felix grins. “I know.” 
He makes you cum with his tongue and his fingers twice, feeling a little like he has something to prove after learning that he has competition. He wants to go for another, but his cock is aching at this point and he’s worried he’ll cum his pants before he gets to fuck you if he does. 
“Still okay?” he asks, checking in. 
“Perfect,” you respond. “You’re so good at that.”
Better than him? Felix wants to ask, but he doesn’t. He’s not entirely sure he wants the answer to the question, not entirely sure he’ll believe you if you tell him what he wants to hear. 
“Are you good to keep going?”
“Yes, please fuck me already.”
Felix chuckles. “Always so impatient.”
“You would be too if you knew how good your dick is.”
He curses, dick twitching. “You always know just what to say, don’t you?”
“I try,” you parrot. 
Felix gets up on his knees and reaches over to his bedside table. He opens the first drawer and pulls out a condom, bringing the foil packet to his teeth to rip it open when you suddenly reach out to stop him. 
“Let me?” you ask. 
“Yeah, baby. Go ahead.”
He hands it to you and watches as you do the same thing he was about to. You take the condom out of the wrapper and hand the trash back to Felix. He scoffs but accepts it anyway and tosses it in the bin that was easily within your reach without complaint. 
You pull his boxers down just below his butt, just enough to get his cock out, and roll on the condom, jerking him a few times before you do. You’ve never done this for him before and it all feels very intimate. His breath catches in his throat when you touch him for the first time and he shudders. He makes himself stay very still as you work. One wrong move and he’ll cum all over your hand and ruin everything. 
He’s in awe of how careful you are with it. You gently guide the material down his length, making sure that the elastic doesn’t accidentally pinch him in the process.
“That feel okay?” you ask once it’s on all the way. 
“Mhm. Now come here.” 
He hooks his hands under your thighs and pulls, yanking you forward and making your head fall back onto the pillow. Once your body is flush with his, he positions himself and guides his cock inside of you, holding his breath yet again as his name falls from your lips in a strained whisper.
God, this was a mistake. He’s going to embarrass himself, isn’t he? Why did he think this was a good idea? Why did he let his jealousy color his judgment? It wasn’t even about the bet anymore. He already knew he wouldn’t last when he decided to fuck you. He wasn’t that naive. 
No, it was the fact that his pride was on the line and it’s taking all of his strength and willpower not to cum on the spot. It’s been weeks since he’s felt you, felt anything for that matter, obviously it was going to feel incredible. 
Felix always cums faster than he wants to when he’s with you. The (literal) grip your pussy has on him is ridiculous. Does Wooyoung have this problem? Honestly, probably. Felix likes to think that anyone in his position would struggle.
“Fuck, fuck, don’t move,” Felix pleads. “Just. Stay like that. One second.”
You start to nod before remembering what ‘don’t move’ means and then freeze in place, mild concern replacing the lust reflected in your eyes.
“I’m fine,” he grunts out and closes his eyes, willing the feeling to pass. 
“Are you sure?”
“I’m s-sure.”
He can tell you don’t believe him but you don’t press any further which he’s thankful for. You wait patiently for him to recompose himself and when he finally does, he asks you if he’s good to start moving. 
“Yeah, give it to me.”
“Careful what you ask for.”
You roll your eyes and wrap your legs around his waist, forcing him deeper inside of you with a smirk. Brat. 
“Behave,” he warns.
“Or what?” you challenge, raising your eyebrows. 
“Do you really want to go there?” 
You shrug indifferently. “Haven’t decided. Now, are you going to fuck me or what?”
He has to cover your mouth with his hand when he starts snapping his hips into yours, forgetting about how loud you get when you’re this worked up. 
“Baby, we’re not home alone, you have to be quiet,” he hisses, even though he’d much rather hear all your pretty sounds. 
“Feels too good,” you whine. “Fuck me harder, Lix! Please, harder...”
“Harder? Gonna break you in half if I go any harder.”
“Yes, yes, break me in half,” you sob. “It’s been so long. Missed this so much.”
“Will you be good and stay quiet for me if I give you what you want?”
You nod. “I can be good.”
“Are you lying?”
You hesitate. “Maybe.”
Felix laughs coldly and shakes his head in disbelief.
“But not because I don’t want to be good!” you protest. “I just can’t help it.”
“I know, baby,” he coos condescendingly. “Can’t even think straight when you’re so fucked out like this, isn’t that right?”
The change in dynamic is almost comical. Mere minutes ago, Felix could barely move without cumming, too lost in the feeling of your hot cunt to concentrate. Now, you’re the one gasping for air and clawing at his back like an animal. Even Felix is surprised by the amount of self-control he’s exerting. He’s using it to his advantage though, taking the opportunity to thoroughly ruin you like you deserve. 
Even if you’re completely silent, the sounds coming from Felix’s room are obscene and anyone that walks by would immediately know what you were up to. Seungmin or Minho had probably already texted the groupchat announcing Felix’s loss but he didn’t care. All he wanted was to make you feel better than Wooyoung ever could. 
“Does he fuck you like this? Huh?” Felix is wandering into dangerous territory, he knows, but he can’t help asking. He needs to know. “Does he make you feel this good? Cum this hard?”
“No!” you cry. “No, he doesn’t!”
“Be honest,” he growls, wrapping his hand around your throat. He only applies a little pressure, just enough to make you lightheaded the way you like. 
“I am! I’m being honest, I promise.”
“That’s what I thought.”
“Lix, ‘m gonna... gonna cum,” you whine. 
“Who told you you could do that?” 
Your eyes get wide at his response, bottom lip trembling. “What?”
“Who gave you permission to cum?” Felix demands. He’s right there on the edge himself so he doesn’t really know why he’s dragging it out, but he just wants to see you squirm a little more. 
Thankfully, you’re quick to adapt to the new rules. “Can I? Can I please cum? I need it, baby. Please make me cum... please tell me I can. I’m not gonna be able to stop myself if you don’t...” 
The desperation in your eyes does something for him, and knowing he can’t hold back any longer, he relents. “Go ahead. Be a good girl and cum for me, baby.”
He’s only halfway through the sentence when your body locks up and you scream his name, gushing around his cock. If he’d waited any longer you wouldn’t have been able to obey him. He helps you ride it out by rubbing your clit and fucking you through it, letting his own orgasm wasm over him as you’re still clenching around him. 
“Oh god, I’m cumming. I’m cumming, fuck!” he groans, making a last ditch effort to stop it before it happens. But his efforts are in vain because it’s too late and he’s cumming into the condom so hard his vision whites out.
When he starts to come down, you’re still weakly rocking your hips into his, whimpering with every thrust. 
Felix winces at the oversensitivity but doesn’t stop you. With how long it’s been since he last got off it won’t be long until he’s hard again. 
“Insatiable tonight, aren’t you?” he muses. “Came three times and still want more.”
You frown and try to get yourself to stop without much success. It’s like your hips are moving on their own accord. “I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be. Want you to be satisfied.”
“God, you’re so good to me,” you moan and wrap your arms around Felix’s neck, making his chest feel tight all of the sudden. 
“It’s what you deserve.”
He doesn’t have enough energy to hold himself up above you properly so he has you roll over onto your side so that he can slip himself inside of you and you can fuck yourself back against him that way. 
While you’re doing that, Felix feels around the bed for his phone, grabbing it when he feels it under one of his pillows. 
Like he predicted, he doesn’t even have to announce his loss because his roommates did it for him. 
Min: Felix lost
Chris: what? how do you know?
Seungmin: we heard it happening :/
Min: and we’re traumatized
Innie: thank god i wasn’t home
Felix: you guys could have LEFT. you didn’t HAVE to listen!!!! btw changbin i need to talk to you
Min: oh no not his government name. someone’s in troubleeee
Binnie: um. 0.0 should i be worried 
Felix doesn’t respond right away, wanting to make Changbin sweat a little for the trouble he’d put him through. 
He puts his phone on his bedside table so he doesn’t lose it in his bedding again and turns his attention back to you. The oversensitivity had started to bleed together with pleasure and Felix could feel his cock getting stiff again. He groans and buries his face in your shoulder, inhaling the scent of your shampoo. 
There was still a lot to talk about with you. He needed to address his feelings, be honest about everything. But for now...
“Round two?”
nnn tags: @doesthismeannothingtoyou @yellowroses-world @allyoops @thelostverse @karlitaburrito @lydataylorsversion @septemberkisses @caticorn61 @multifandomtrash-dree @cixrosie @mchslut @cutiequokka @fairygemss @multistancheck @lady—-boner @stay-bi @compersian @raspbinniecreme @skzgallll @strawberriesandknives @laylasbunbunny @goddessofhiddenpleasures @brit97 @jonaticdragon @linobuns @vampcharxter
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lee--felix · 1 year
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I posted 12,917 times in 2022
That's 9,801 more posts than 2021!
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10,970 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 11,893 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#husband line [💍] - 5,432 posts
#felix - 1,821 posts
#sunshine love of my life [🌻] - 1,734 posts
#ult bias [🤍] - 1,693 posts
#q: star lost ⭐ - 1,506 posts
#bang chan - 1,283 posts
#chan - 1,273 posts
#spooky moots [🧛‍♂️] - 1,072 posts
#like mate stop procrastinating [🐺] - 1,061 posts
#hyunjin - 1,058 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#everyone looks at me like i'm an alien for still wearing my mask everywhere and trying to social distance like???? this is still a threat
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Ready or Not - Bonus Scene for Until The Day I Die collab with @abiaswreck | Masterlist |
Pairing: Felix x fem!reader Word Count: 3.6k Genre: Smut, but make it fluffy Warnings: Established relationship, profranity, afab reader, virgin reader / first time, unprotected sex (be safe, y'all!), fingering, handjob, slight nipple play, creampie, slight overstimulation
A/n: Do you like your smut fluffy? Yeah, me too. If you want to get the full feeling of just how much love these two have for each other, I would encourage you to read the fic linked in the title. As always, if you enjoyed my work please consider reblogging because likes do not help visibility, nor do they give me any kind of feedback about my writing. Tumblr broke the post editor so if there's any formatting issues don't look at me, I didn't do it!
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415 notes - Posted April 15, 2022
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432 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
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511 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
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620 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Perfectly Good | Masterlist |
Pairing: Felix x fem!reader Word Count: 5k Genre: Smut, some fluff at the end Warnings: Established fwb, dom!Felix, sub!reader, BDSM themes (use of collar, leash, gag, whip), oral sex (m receiving), dacryphilia, sub-drop (with aftercare), profanity, use of pet names (sweetheart), unprotected sex (be safe, y'all!), shower sex, let me know if I missed anything
18+ minors DNI
Summary: Catching feelings was against the rules, and breaking the rules came with punishments - but you're not the only one keeping secrets in this arrangement. (Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and does not represent Felix or Stray Kids in any way. Anything done to y/n in this work was previously agreed upon before the beginning of this story. Felix in no way crosses any boundaries with y/n!) A/n: Black hair Lix really has me feeling some type of way. 🥵 This only took me two months to actually finish lmao oops. Anyways - if you enjoyed my work please consider reblogging because likes do not help visibility, nor do they give me any kind of feedback about my writing.
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798 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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decembermoonskz · 2 years
hiii izzy!! for the ask game, 15 and 20 for skz and 4 and 5 for enhypen 🤍
hi rain ty for playing!! hope you’re well i miss you lots!! :D
stray kids
15. What’s a concept you would like to see them try?
ooh this is kinda tough. i really don’t mind any concept for them. they’re so diverse and no song from skz ever sounds like the other 🤔 jisung said he wanted to do ot8 sexy concept (they kinda did with ot8 red lights and charmer isn’t like hardcore sexy but it is more mature). tbh skz has touched the romance topic very rarely (and it’s usually only changbin who writes these songs and occasionally chan or hyun). it’d be nice to see them do a love song (be it happy or angsty) either way it would be cool. i actually think it’d be cool to see them do like a really angtsy vibe maybe even grungy. (i think txt has spoiled me with the angtsy love songs tbh haha)
20. Favorite live performance?
i have so many but these are four that i thought of off the top of my head (you can find better links for some if you like but i linked them here.)
Thunderous @ ON:Hallyu Festival
this thunderous stage is so memorable for me, mainly bc i was heavily in my chan feels that day and for SOME REASON i was literally crying at every single shot of chan 😂😂 don’t ask me why idr anymore. but anyway this was the other contender for my favorite chan look to kat’s earlier questions. i just couldn’t remember what it was.
God’s Menu @ 2020 SBS K-Pop Awards
i picked this one bc i actually really liked the purple outfits in this stage (they also did the ot8 my house stage this day) and chan with an eyebrow slit is always gonna be a stage i love tbh haha
Intro + Levanter @ 2020 Gaon Chart Music Awards
this is the stage where my favorite look is in. the intro... enough said.
Domino @ Music Bank
this domino stage blew my mind for three things 1) chan had black hair again. 2) hyun cut his hair this day and 3) lix with blue hair sheeeeesh OH ALSO i asked for a dance practice to domino this day i’m pretty sure and then they dropped it soon after HAHA i lost my mind back then haha 😂😂😂
4. Hyung line or maknae line?
ooh this is hard. i think i’ll pick hyung line tho. i just love heeseung and the 02z so much! like jay and jake? are you kidding? those two and i would literally be besties HAHA and pengy? (i call sunghoon pengy btw in case no one has noticed yet) i love that dude, litearlly just wanna hug him all the time. and do i really have to explain heeseung? i’ll just link his tag here and you can read the tags for yourself LOL /j 
5. What is your favorite era?
oooh this is an easy one actually. “border : carnival” is my favorite era haha black hair heeseung and pengy *chef’s kiss* also the mv for drunk-dazed is still one of my favorites. “bloody birthday” still gets me. vampires throwing a wild party i love the concept so much. also sooha being at the door tho (if you don’t know that’s the girl in their webtoon)
send me a kpop group and a number from this list here
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heezoneie · 3 years
Hello lovely! 💕 Hope you're having a good day!
Can I ask for a reaction from stray kids where they meet you at a fan meeting and are attracted to you?
Thank you so much and I like your blog!
hey babe! i’m having a great day, thanks for asking🥺! i’m glad you enjoy my blog, and i hope you enjoy this reaction! <3
group: stray kids
member: all
genre: fluff
• when you first walked up to Chan his breath immediately got caught in his chest.
• your bright smile never leaving his view for a second. he couldn’t believe his eyes.
• immediately when you reached the table he began to make conversation. “hii, what’s your name?” he said as he grasped your hands in his.
• “my name’s y/n” his heart began to beat a little faster at the sound of your voice. he has never reacted this way to a fan before.
• chan found himself getting flustered as you ranted about how good of a leader he is. “overall you are the most caring, loving, all round amazing person and leader there could be.”
• his cute dimple showed as he hid his face behind your hands that were still locked with his. he lifted his head and your eyes met with his comforting brown ones.
• “i know i’m technically not supposed to say this,” he began while eyeing the staff behind him, “but i think your super pretty, and i would like to meet you again.”
• your eyes widened at his statement. you’ve read about situations like this happening, but never in a million years did you think it would actually happen.
• chan leaned into your ear and whispered, “meet me outside after the meeting, i can’t wait to talk to you more.” with that he pulled away with a wink.
• you had walked up the table while Minho had his back turned. when he turned back around, his eyes widened.
• “oh sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you..” you said sheepishly. minho.exe has stopped working he felt his heart soften at your voice.
• he smiled, “no no, it was my fault i should have been paying attention.” as you were handing him some plushies of his cats, you happen to accidentally drop one.
• ofc minho couldn’t pass up the opportunity to tease you. “mY cAts!! mY pReCioUs cAts!” he grabbed his heart dramatically.
• you quickly picked up the stuffed soonie, and handed it to him. “i can’t believe i just did that,” you muttered to yourself.
• (he’s totally whipped already, but who’s keeping track?)
• “i think you owe me now, after dropping my car of course” he panned. quirking an eyebrow, his statement puzzled you.
• “to replace the pain you’ve inflicted upon this stuffed soonie, i think you should come meet the real soonie and give him all the pets he deserves.”
• deciding to go along, you nodded your head, “ i definitely think i should, to apologize.” grabbing your phone from your hand, minho put in his address.
• “be there by 6, don’t be late.” he gave you a smirk and sent you down to meet the rest of the members.
• we are all aware how this man is a s o f t i e as soon as he saw you in the crowd his face would immediately light up.
• he could not keep his eyes off of you (lowkey jealous when you were talking to the other members)
• but oh boy, as soon as you reached him, he would turn into a big baby, and probably tease you about not coming to him first. not like you had a choice
• he would grab your hands and pretend cry into them, which made your face turn bright red. this man knows what he’s doing to you btw.
• he would be so smiley, and makes sure to show off his famous aegyo, bc he wants to to fall for him
:((( even though you already have smh
• binnie would 100% make sure to somehow give you his number and meet up afterwards, bc he’s totally not in love or anything
• i got a little carried away with hyun’s😅
• our drama king
• ofc when his eyes found you, his jaw dropped, i mean physical fell
• his eyes followed you everywhere. he looked like this: 👀🙀 he definitely tried to convince chan to switch places with him so he could talk to you first
• when chan said no, he went 😠😠😔
•pouty baby bc he just wanted to talk you first:(((
• when you finally got to him, he flashed his always amazing eye smile. you noticed he had some makeup covering his mole under his eye, and you told him about how much you loved it.
• he:(((( wiped:(((( off:(((( the:(((( makeup:((((
• like when felix did it to his freckles in that one interview? yeah that’s what hyunjin did
• he is also a lowkey highkey flirt with you, constantly touching your hair, hands, face, basically anything he can within reason
• he got so sad when you had to leave, almost to the point where he got so caught up in pouting that he nearly forgot to ask for your number till you were already walking away.
• this boy did not care if anybody else saw, or what the staff was gonna say. he jumped out of his chair and quickly ran to you.
• gaining your attention, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of sight of all the other impatient stays wanting to see their precious hyunjin.
• that’s where he asked for your number, and went on a little rant about how he’s sorry he made a scene.
• it’s safe to say you guys went for food right after the fan sign
• when he saw you walk in, he knew. like he KNEW that he wanted to talk to you, hang out with you, etc.
• so so incredibly hyper when you got to talk to him
• this boy would be so goofy with you, grabbing your hands and flailing them around. it would just be him wanting to make you laugh :((
•jisung swore could swear that when he made you laugh for the first time, angels descended from the heavens.
• he didn’t want to stop talking with you, he just wanted to take you back to dorm right then and there, and just hang.
• you best bet this boy talked to you until finally the staff had to intervene to get the line moving again. he handed you a piece of paper, and told you to wait until you got out of line to open it.
• once you finished going through the line, you found a empty area near the exit and opened the little piece of paper.
• wrote in a messy scribe from writing fast, the paper said “meet me behind the building @ 4, if anybody bugs you tell them your with me. ;)”
• he saw you as soon as the fan sign started he basically started bouncing in his seat. (yk the vibrating thing he does? he did that out of happiness.)
• lix would watch you interact with the other members with the biggest smile on his face.
• he would admire all the little mannerisms or quirks/habits you have while making conversations. he just watches with big doe eyes full of admiration.
• he knew he n e e d e d to talk to you. when you got to him, he was so excited and giddy.
• this boy just looked at you with wonder as you talked. he would listen to you talk and laugh all day if he could.
• he thinks you are the most adorable thing to ever walk the earth. he just wants to bundle you up and feed you brownies and cake :((( (someone pls find me a felix)
• when he realized time was up, and he was gonna have to let you go, he got so sad. but was he gonna let you go? no, no he was not.
• felix quickly grabbed a stuffed bear from behind him and wrote his number on its little bow.
• as he handed you the bear he said, “pls call me, i want to see you again.🥺”
• bby seungminnie
• okay, i feel seungmin would be the best at hiding the fact that he is 100% simping for you even though he just met you 5 seconds ago.
• he would act normal, but on the inside be a complete mushy gushy mess, crying over how adorable and cute you are.
• secretly, would be cherishing the way your hand fit in his perfectly, and the way he never wanted to let go :(((((
• he would look at you with the most adorable eyes ever. he would definitely give you the sweetest most softest smile ever.
• his eyes got so sad when you told him you had to move on to the member bc other stays were becoming impatient :(
• he discreetly put his phone number in your phone, and made sure to tell you to text him asap :(
• i want a seungmin.
• bbys eyes would be literally this “🥺” when he saw you.
• he was immediately so taken back and needed a minute to compose himself before he ran up to you himself.
• when you were talking to him, he would give you the biggest most cheesey smile ever. he was just so happy to be talking to you.
• he was already falling for the way you talked, acted, looked, just everything about you.
• he would hold your hands so tight, never wanting to let you go. his eyes wouldn’t leave yours for a second, not even when the staff tried to talk to him.
• when he finally decided to listen to the staff telling him to wrap up the conversation, he made sure to tel you to meet him after the fan sign
• and who were you to pass up and opportunity like that?
• he was so happy when he saw you show up after, bby couldn’t stop smiling the whole day. :((
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fantastic-bby · 3 years
Pairing: Reader x Changbin
Word count: 1.3k
Genre: Fluff
Summary: You and Changbin haven't seen each other in quite a while due to your busy schedules, so when he plans an online date night, he gets a bit upset with the members when it doesn't go the way he had planned...
Warnings: -
A/n: barely edited anddddd kinda just shat this out one day and decided that you guys get to see it so enjoy
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“…you should’ve seen his face, babe, he—” Changbin cuts himself off when he sees the familiar buffering circle on his screen. “(Y/n)?” He reaches over and taps the screen a few times before deciding that either you or him had lost connection on your call. “Damn it,” he grumbles when the call drops.
Changbin puts the phone down in frustration just as Felix comes shuffling past him and into the kitchen. “Hey, Lix, are you playing anything right now?” Changbin asks. Felix peeks out from behind the fridge door and shakes his head.
“You said that you and (Y/n) were having a date night, so I’m not playing anything until midnight,” he says before sticking his face back into the fridge to browse it’s contents. Changbin purses his lips into a straight line before checking his phone once again.
The wifi icon is gone.
It’s his wifi. Changbin lets out a loud groan at that. “What’s up?” Felix questions while stopping at the dining table with a can of Sprite in his hands.
“The wifi just crashed,” Changbin mutters.
“Oh, damn,” he frowns. “Let me check the router. Maybe ours is bugging out or something.” Felix shuffles out of the kitchen, leaving Changbin to stare at his phone in the dining room. He waits a moment before his data starts working, and suddenly, your messages come piling in.
(Y/n): Binnie, I’m going out for like five minutes My roommate’s blackout drunk and I don’t want her throwing up everywhere I’m sorry, baby Call me when you can xx
Changbin lets out an even louder groan, which gets the attention of Jeongin, who peeks out of his room at the sound of the rapper’s frustration.
“Hyung? Are you alright?” he asks while stepping out of his room completely.
“The wifi dropped while I was on a call with (Y/n),” Changbin whines as he looks back to his phone.
“Oh.” Jeongin takes a step closer to see the small meal that Changbin had prepared for himself and his eyes widen in panic. “I-I didn’t realise you were having a date night with (Y/n),” he mutters softly. “I was playing a game on Hyunjin hyung’s laptop. That might be why the wifi dropped…” Changbin freezes for a second before slowly turning to look at him.
“I told everyone that I was going to be having a date night with (Y/n)! It’s rare that we actually get to have a dinner call! I don’t get to do stuff like this with them that often!” he booms. Quite visibly, Jeongin shrinks at Changbin’s outburst. His yelling causes the others to come out as well, trying to figure out what’s all the ruckus about.
“Woah, woah, calm down, dude.” Chan rushes to his side, hand gently patting Changbin’s arm as he tries to divert his attention away from Jeongin. “What’s the matter, Bin?” he asks while pulling him further into the kitchen and away from the others.
“I just… tonight was the only night in weeks where (Y/n) and I have had our schedules line up. We were supposed to have dinner together on call, but the wifi dropped and now they have to run out to the store.” Changbin’s voice becomes smaller when the guilt starts to fill him. He glances at Jeongin, who stands in the same spot as before, wordlessly watching the two of them with pure panic and guilt on his face. “I-I didn’t mean to yell, Yeni, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine!” Jeongin quickly blurts out. “I didn’t know. I thought you were going to call them tomorrow,” he confesses.
“It’s alright, Yeni,” Chan reassures him. “I think Changbin just needs some time to cool off.” Hyunjin, Minho, and Jisung have crowded in the living room, glancing at Chan and Changbin. The leader gives them a look and jerks his head in the direction of their rooms, all of them nodding and quickly leaving into their respective rooms.
“Come on, Jeongin,” Jisung quietly beckons over the youngest who silently follows him into their shared room.
“How busy has (Y/n) been lately?” Chan asks once the entire room is empty save for the two.
“We haven’t had the time to call because they’re always so busy with school,” Changbin mutters. “Whenever we do get to call, their roommate’s interrupting—like now! We were having such a nice conversation, too, but now because the wifi dropped, I didn’t get to say goodbye!” Chan purses his lips together, staying silent for a moment.
“Did they say anything after the call dropped? Maybe they’re free now,” Chan suggests.
“The wifi’s back!” Felix declares proudly as he steps out of their tiny store room. “It turns out that there was a… trip… in the… am I interrupting something here?” He halts his walking to stare at Chan and Changbin.
“Changbin snapped at Jeongin for possibly causing the wifi to drop, it’s all good now,” Chan explains. Felix nods before scurrying off into his room, once again, leaving the two alone. “Binnie, I understand your frustration, but you can’t go around snapping at the kids like that.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” Changbin apologises softly.
“The wifi’s back, so why don’t you try calling (Y/n)? See if they’re still free for the rest of the night,” he suggests. Changbin nods and Chan pats his shoulder reassuringly. “You should also be giving that apology to Yeni. The poor kid looked like he was going to piss himself.”
“I’ll get to that,” Changbin nods.
“Now, if you’re done, let’s get to cleaning the kitchen first to just get your mind busy,” Chan suggests as he heads towards the dining table.
Changbin silently obliges, moving around the kitchen to put away his empty dishes and washing them. He contemplates the idea of heading to Jeongin to apologise, but at the same time, he thinks that maybe he should give the younger man a second to compose himself as well.
“Oh, also, I ordered pizza for everyone. It should be here in a few—” Chan cuts himself off when there’s a knock on their front door. “That should be it.” The two are unaware of Jeongin’s head poking out of his bedroom to watch the scene when Chan opens the door, surprise painting his face when he sees you. “(Y/n)?”
“(Y/n)?!” You look over Chan’s shoulder to see Changbin barreling past the leader to wrap his arms around you.
“Woah!” you squeak when you almost tumble to the ground. “Hey, Binnie, you alright?” you chuckle when his strong arms squeeze you tightly.
“I’ve missed you so much, my baby,” he whines into the crook of your neck. Changbin pauses for a moment before pulling away from you with his eyebrows furrowed. “What are you doing here? I thought you needed to tend to your roommate?”
“I did, but Yeni texted me saying that you were acting strange, so I thought I’d drop by to check on you,” you explain while letting him pull you into the dorms while Chan closes the door. “I finished my last assignment right before you called, so I thought I might as well visit when I’m not busy.”
Only then do Changbin and Chan turn around to see Jeongin shyly peeking out of his bedroom door with Jisung behind him.
“You called (Y/n)?” Changbin questions while turning his entire body to face him.
Jeongin nods, “I wasn’t sure whether they were free, but I just thought to take the chance.”
“Jeongin, I’m so sorry for lashing out at you. I was so frustrated that I couldn’t hold it in,” he apologises.
“It’s alright, hyung,” he reassures him before slipping back into his room.
“Are you spending the night, (Y/n)?” Chan questions.
“My roommate has her boyfriend over, which is also why I'm pretty alright with leaving her at home like this, so I’d prefer to stay here for the night if I could. They’re not exactly the most considerate neighbours,” you chuckle.
“Hyung, is it alright if you sleep in the living room tonight?”
“Changbin!” you exclaim, gawking at him.
“What?! I haven’t seen you in so long, baby,” he pouts while curling his arm around your waist, silently trying to tug you into the bedroom.
“It’s fine, (Y/n). I was actually thinking of doing that anyway to give you guys time to yourselves,” Chan reassures you with a smile. “Just don’t get too loud or else you’ll have Felix banging on your door in the morning.”
“We’ll keep that in mind,” Changbin hums as he effectively picks you up off of your feet and runs into the bedroom.
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skeezsbbygirl · 4 years
dive + bang chan
hello lovelies! \ (•◡•) / im sorry it took so long for me to post another scenario since i had to deal with school stuff :/ this is for anon who requested for a crush!chan, i hope you enjoy!!
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"-and that's why I'm never skipping training."
You could faintly hear Felix's rant in the background -- something about having to train harder and longer during the week in payment of skipping three days worth of swim practice. But your mind was too preoccupied with the sight you were met with as soon as you entered the university's swim center, and no, you weren't gawking at the intricate details -- which probably cost a fortune -- that embellished the swimming grounds, it was more of a someone who caught your attention.
"They're here!" Jisung cheered from the farther edge of the olympic-size pool. "Lix!" Chris called out for the boy beside you, who was still cursing the older male under his breath and possibly in his head too, as you could just imagine him mentally listing off ways to push the black-haired male into the pool, judging by the look on your best friend's face.
"He can swim, you idiot," you deadpanned which caused Felix to stop in his tracks, staring at you in shock. "How did you even?" he asked, voice softening as his eyebrows contorted in confusion. Instead of giving him an answer, you lightly smacked his right arm, earning a yelp from the male. "Don't even think about it," you playfully scolded him.
"Today was arm day," he complained as he rubbed the spot where your hand met his flesh a few seconds ago. "I'm sorry, but you knew you had that one coming," you replied. "Are you psychic or something?" Felix questioned, his attention still on you with his hand still rubbing the same spot.
You just rolled your eyes at him as you neared Felix's teammates, sitting beside Jeongin and Seungmin, who immediately made room for you the moment Jisung acknowledged -- well practically announced -- your presence as you stepped foot inside the swim center. You were met with a chorus of various greetings, to which you smiled and waved in return. "Hey, you haven't been visiting us for a while," Seungmin noted and the other boys agreed. And in that moment, you quickly tried to rack your brain with a plausible excuse. "I'm a med student and finals are coming up, what do you expect?" you joked.
"I think Chan-hyung can help. He has a lot of spare time nowadays," Hyunjin offered, shooting a knowing look towards your direction. You almost choked on your saliva, but you managed to regain your composure and shrug off Hyunjin's attempt to embarass you infront of the whole team, especially infront a certain someone.
"Yeah, (y/n). I took some of the courses that you have now," Chris agreed, totally oblivious to what the younger male was hinting at, which made you breathe a sigh of relief. "I might have to take your offer," you paused as you shifted your gaze towards Felix and his run away accomplices, "But it seems like you have your hands full."
Everybody, except for Chris, Minho, and Seungmin, groaned in annoyance. "You didn't have to remind him," Changbin whined.
Chris chuckled at the younger one's response. "They got an earful from coach this morning. He’ll be supervising them during training, which means I have some time to kill."
"I'll let you know," you flashed him a small smile, biting the insides of your cheek in your attempt to suppress a full grin.
At this point, Hyunjin could've just blurted out that you had been catching feelings for their team's captain.
Chris, better known as Chan to his teammates, was the swim team's captain. He was quite popular alongside his teammates as he broke records, did well in his academic endeavors, and practically looks like a living embodiment of a god -- so needless to say, he attracts a lot of attention.
A year ago, you didn't think that you'd actually have a chance at being in the same circle of friends, but with Felix being your best friend and making it on the team, you were immediately welcomed into their group. You got to know more about them, way past those senseless rumors thrown around the campus. A few months into hanging out with them, you guys looked out for each other like family, but you saw Chris in a different light. He might have dropped hints here and there, but you weren't really sure if he was being playful or serious.
Sure, he'd ask you to hang out with him once in a while and he treats you sweetly. But, maybe he was being friendly? Or worse, maybe he just saw you like a little sister?
However, the both of you had gotten even closer over the past few weeks, since Chris has been teaching you how to swim. You took up his offer in order to skip your swimming classes next semester, but this would only be possible if a member from the team taught you the course and gave you a pass. It was a win-win situation, you lessen your load next semester and you get to spend more time with Chris.
"Alright boys, let's do some laps," Chris commanded, making his teammates sigh in defeat, following his orders nonetheless. "You sure you're okay here, (y/n)?" Chris asked you as he got up from his seat. You nodded, "Yeah, don't worry."
Two hours passed and the boys were finally done, all showered and ready to head home. "Bub, let's go. I'll walk you to your dorm," Felix spoke as he approached you, grabbing your bag for you and helping you up from your seat with his free hand. "I'll see you guys tomorrow," Felix turned towards his teammates. "Bye guys," you smiled and waved, the guys happily returned your gesture and told you to head home safely.
"I'll let you know," Felix mocked you in his best impression of your voice as soon as you guys exited the building, referring to your interaction with Chris a couple of hours ago. "I do not sound like that," you gasped, faking an offended expression. Felix laughed and continued his comical representation of you. "But seriously, ask him out already, " he said, assertion evident in his tone. "If it were that easy, we'd be dating for three months now," you argued. "It is that easy. I'm pretty sure hyung likes you back," Felix insisted, still set on convincing you to confess.
"Alright, I'll think about it, okay?"
[Two days later...]
The library was less congested during the early hours and considering that it was a Sunday, most students are out cold -- either passed out in their bed due to lack of sleep within the whole week or passed out due to a hangover. You settled for a seat at the second floor, near the computer section, making it easier for you to access the printers in case you needed to print out reviewers that you missed. Once you got your stuff laid out, you started your task.
A few hours into your self-proclaimed study session, a hand gently placed a drink on your desk, causing you to look up at the owner.
You greeted him with a smile as you gestured for him to take a seat beside you. "I figured you'd be here," he said, a light chuckle erupting from his lips. He carefully slid the takeout coffee cup closer to you. "Chai tea, it's good for you," he claimed. You muttered a 'thank you' and sipped the warm drink, which instantly spread throughout your body, allowing you to relax and ease some of the tension that was collectively gathering on your shoulders.
"Training?" you asked as you noted Chris' attire, the team's signature sweater, black shorts, and black vans. "Yeah, I'm heading out in twenty minutes," he replied and you nodded. "But I decided to stop by and check to see if you were here, and maybe ask you to hang out later," he added and quickly averted your gaze as a sheepish smile formed on his lips.
“Yeah, I’m down,” you agreed, taking another sip of the drink that was in your possession, suddenly finding the cup interesting -- your attempt to conceal the blush that dusted your cheeks. 
Chris cleared his throat and stood up. “Cool, well I should get going before the boys accuse me of being late,” he said. A soft laugh escaped your lips, knowing full well that the boys would try anything to evade their punishment and pin it on their captain. “I’ll see you later,” you replied, flashing him a smile as he did the same and went on his way.
A couple of hours later, you decided to conclude your study session and head back to your dorm. As soon as you stepped out from the building, a message notification from your phone stopped you in your tracks.
[Chris]: 7 pm at the swim center, bring a change of clothes
[You]: another swimming lesson??
[Chris]: you’ll see ;) i’ll pick you up, beautiful.
[You]: alright, see you later :)
[Chris]: later, bub
You smiled at your phone. This is what you mean by Chris’ actions hinting at something that crossed the line of being a good friend. Sure, Felix -- even Hyunjin and Jisung -- calls you a nickname every once in a while, but with Chris, it comes off different, it feels different. You feel butterflies in your stomach every time he graces you with a sweet gesture. 
But you try to push those feelings and fantasies away, not wanting to expect anything from him and end up getting disappointed, or maybe end up hating him for not reciprocating your feelings. After all, Chris is a nice guy, you’re pretty sure he’s just looking out for you as a friend, plus he probably just wanted to get your swimming course done and over with.
The time he had set for you both to meet quickly rolled by as you were now walking alongside Chris, your bag hung from his shoulders as he insisted on carrying it for you when he came and picked you up from your dorm.
“Go change, I’ll wait here,” Chris said, handing you your things and walking off towards the bleachers where his gym bag was settled. 
Soon, Chris was leading you towards the pool, taking off his shirt before jumping into the water. He extended a hand for you to take and you easily complied, feeling his grip tighten as you sit at the edge of the pool, carefully easing yourself into the water.
As you landed, you came face to face with Chris. You averted your gaze from him and cleared your throat.
“Today’s the last day of your course, by the way,” Chris spoke, your hand still within his hold. “Really? Already?” you exclaimed, looking up at him. “Yeah, so do your best,” he answered.
You nodded earnestly, wanting to make him proud in a way and of course, getting to get a free pass for your swimming class next semester. 
Chris went over the whole course that night, asking you every now and then if you had anything that you wanted to clarify. He showed you various techniques and tips on how to swim better in order to prevent yourself from getting injured. 
“Your posture on that last lap was better,” Chris complimented as you demonstrated the last pointer he gave you. “Thank you, captain,” you teased, which earned you a laugh from the male. 
You eased yourself up on the side of the pool, with your legs still in contact with the water. “Chris, thank you for doing this,” you beamed and as you spoke, Chris approached you, his hands coming up to your knees as he settled himself between your legs. Your eyes widened at his sudden movement, not sure where your hands should go so you opted to place them at your sides.
“Anything for my favorite girl,” Chris answered.
You stared at him wide-eyed, unsure of how to respond. What was he up to?
“Chris, stop joking around,” you replied as you lightly hit his arm in a joking manner. And as you did, Chris caught your hand and placed it on his shoulder, repeating the same motion on your other hand. He moved closer, his face now inches away from yours.
“I’m serious, (y/n),” Chris stated as he snaked his arms around your waist. “You know I didn’t just sign up for this in order to help you. I did this because I wanted to get to know you better, I wanted to be close to you, I wanted your attention,” he added, his brown orbs staring intently at yours -- desperately trying to convince you that he was dead serious. He wouldn’t play with your feelings like that, no way.
“You had my attention since day one, dummy,” you breathed out. “I like you a lot, Chris.”
Upon hearing your confession, Chris broke into a cheesy grin. The tip of his ears turning red as he giggled from embarrassment. “I like you a lot too, (y/n),” he responded, leaning an inch closer to rest his forehead on yours. He stared down at your lips, making your breath hitch.
“Can I?”
You nodded and he then closed the gap between the two of you. You could feel your senses going into overdrive as he kissed you, softly at first, and then with a shift of intensity that evoked new sensations you never thought existed or at least, those that you never thought you would be capable of feeling.
You pulled away first. Chris’ eyes were hazy, his facial expression mirroring yours as you looked at him with such affection.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered as he planted a peck on your forehead. “Well, you’re ethereal,” you replied, making Chris chuckle. He leaned in for another kiss, but you turned away, making him kiss your cheek instead. Chris looked at you in confusion.
“I would really like to kiss you again, but I’m getting cold,” you giggled. “Right, of course,” Chris agreed as he pulled away from your embrace, easing himself out of the pool and coming to your aid as he stood you up.
After an hour or so, the both of you finally exited the center with your hands in his. You shuddered as the night breeze grazed your skin. Chris noticed and stopped you in your tracks. He gently dropped your bags on the ground as he pulled a black hoodie from his bag.
“Arms up, babygirl,” he ordered, sliding the said article of clothing over your head and letting it fall onto your frame. “Better?” he asked while he fixed your hair, tugging some of the strands that were caught within the fabric. “Yeah, thanks,” you replied, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.
“So, do I get a pass on the course?” you questioned as the both of you continued your walk towards your dorm. Chris hummed in thought, “Under one condition.”
“And that is?” you asked, raising one eyebrow at him. “You say yes to being my girlfriend,” he answered, making you blush. “I thought the answer was already obvious,” you stated. “I wanted to hear it from you, though,” Chris insisted.
“Yes, Chris. I’ll be your girlfriend.”
“What was that?”
“I said yes, I’ll be your girlfriend.”
“I can’t hear you, (y/n).”
You playfully rolled your eyes at him and walked ahead, leaving him a few feet behind you. 
“Babyyyy,” Chris called for you, kissing your cheek as he caught up with your pace. “I was just kidding,” he cooed. “And since you’re my girl, you have to be present in all of my swim meets from now on,” he added. “First row seat?” you asked to which Chris nodded in response. “Finally!” you cheered as Chris beamed at your reaction.
“You excited to see me up close?” he asked, a cocky grin forming on his lips, certain that you would agree, but you decided otherwise.
“No. I’ve always wanted to see Hyunjin up close,” you deadpanned and Chris’ grin fell, only to be replaced with a small pout. You bit your bottom lip in order to suppress the smile that was tugging on your lips. You eventually gave in when you heard Chris’ reply.
“It’s the way he throws his hair back, huh?”
You let out a laugh. “You see right through me,” you gasped, placing a hand on your chest as you faked a shocked expression. Chris gave you a look which halted your comical antics. “Alright, I’ll stop,” you said.
“My eyes will only be on you, I promise,” you assured, tugging at Chris’ sleeve in order to make him lean down, grabbing the opportunity to plant a kiss on his lips as he complied with your gesture. “It better be,” he replied and pulled you closer to him.
[The next day...]
“Nice hoodie, (y/n),” Jisung noted as you approached their table at the cafeteria with Chris by your side, who was holding two trays of food. The boys immediately looked up and cheered upon hearing Jisung’s teasing. “Fucking finally,” Felix exclaimed, “I thought I’d have to lock you guys up and force you to confess to each other,” he added dramatically which earned him a chorus of laughter from the others.
“Shut up, Lix,” you whined, but you couldn’t resist a smile as you saw their reactions.
As you and Chris sat down, he gently pushed one of the trays towards you, asking you if you needed anything else. You shook your head and muttered a small ‘thank you’.
“Hyung, I need more water,” Changbin fake whined, batting his eyelashes at the older male. “Go get your own,” Chris replied, not even sparing the younger lad a glance. The boys laughed hysterically, dragging out their amusement for as long as they could. 
Soon enough, the laughter died down as you guys engaged in conversation, only to be interrupted by Seungmin who reminded everyone of the time.
“I’ll see you later, then?” Chris asked as the others took care of clearing the table. You nodded and planted a kiss on his cheek. “You missed, baby,” Chris joked, earning him a light slap on his arm. He faked a hurt expression, hissing in pain to add into his dramatic act.
“Now, I’m injured. Looks like I have to skip training,” Chris lifted his shoulders in a half shrug, intertwining his arm with yours and pulling you towards the opposite direction where his members were headed. You halted his playful attempt as you pulled away from his grip.
“Chris, no,” you giggled at his actions. “I’ll meet you as soon as my classes are done, okay baby?” you assured as you gave him a kiss on his lips. 
“Fine,” Chris sighed in defeat. 
“Hyung, hurry up!”
“Save your smooching for later and somewhere private!”
The both of you chuckled upon hearing the boys’ hollers. “One more for good luck,” Chris requested as he leaned in and gave you a peck. “Now, go,” you said, pushing him away and watching him jog towards the boys.
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hanibalistic · 3 years
genre | fluff, friends au
word count | 1181
warning | none
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"can i please have a hug?"
you paused the song by pressing the space bar on the keyboard, for once your middle finger didn't smash against it when you did so.
pulling one of your earbuds away as you turned to look at felix, you found him standing shyly by the door of your room, his hands clasped together before his tummy and his fingers fumbling nervously.
"come again, lix?" you asked, genuinely did not hear what he said a moment ago.
he pursed his lips, feeling slightly overwhelmed that you wanted him to repeat the request he didn't think through enough before asking. now he regretted asking for it, he truly did. not to mention, you have stated multiple times in the past, whether on purpose or off-handedly, that you were not one for skinship whatsoever.
you would obviously decline his favor, so why did he even bother to ask in the first place?
"i wanna ask if you can give me a hug?"
the words slipped from his mouth the second he laid his eyes on you, your body wrapped up in a comfortable sweater and your long sweatpants reaching past your ankles to the floor. he couldn't even control his consciousness, he just blurted those words out because he wanted to.
he has had a long day at school, with terrible groupmates who never do the work, and egotistical teachers who never specify what they want in the assignments. after school came the hell of work, and it was just the annoying usual for him: greet customers, endure customers, smile at customers, let boss yell at you, work more, and the shift ends after what felt like a whole year. except he had made a mistake today, so he got scold extra hard.
today has been long and difficult, and all felix wanted was a measly little hug to get him through the evening and the night. but since seungmin was still at work, hyunjin had classes to attend, and jisung was stuck in the studio with his other friends, you were the only one available in the dorm apartment.
and felix absolutely could not wait for a second more to get some human contact from his secret crush and recharge himself with it!
"a hug?" you repeated with a raised voice, your brows arched in momentary disbelief.
it wasn't that you didn't want to hug him. felix (along with hyunjin, seungmin, and jisung) were the four people in your life you had gotten comfortable enough to not shy away from simple skinship. you were not one for hugs and kisses, but you wouldn't mind an occasional body lean or face squeezing. especially from hyunjin, you couldn't stop him for the world if he decided your cheeks were extra squishy one sudden afternoon.
you just never thought you would be asked to give a hug, that was all. usually, they just come at you, but those were also more like shoulder bumps and vengeful tackles rather than a soft, sincere hug.
felix blushed quickly, the blood rushing to his cheeks and making him heat up. that sounded like rejection? was that rejection? you sounded annoyed, but then again, you were always kind of annoyed at everything around you anyway! this could just be your normal reaction made into what looked like annoyance by his tendency to overthink.
but then again, he probably shouldn't push his luck!
"actually, it's fine if you don't want to!" he said, shaking his hands slightly by placing them by his waist. he smiled to hide the flusteredness. "i can just go hug my plushie–"
"woah, slow down, felix," you said with a huff of laughter.
giving him a short, weirded glance, you pulled out your other earbud and dropped it on the desk. standing up, your legs pushing your rolling chair back, you stretched your hands out and yawned to release the tension you have built up behind your eyes and in your muscles. a satisfied gruff left your lips when you were done, and you turned to face felix with nonchalance.
he watched you with uncertainty, his eyes and his steps timid upon your unwavering stare. you waited for what felt like too long, just awkwardly standing there waiting for him to take a step forward, and then you tilted your head with your eyes widened at him when you couldn't handle the silence anymore.
"do you want a hug or not, felix?" you asked, throwing your arms up reluctantly.
he blinked a few times, processing your words, then a surprised smile blossomed on his face. he stepped into your room, taking small steps but quick strides toward you with his arms confidently wide, and as soon as he was of reach, he pulled you into a tight embrace.
you arched your head up, putting your chin on his shoulder as he squeezed his arms around your torso. with your bodies pressed warmly together, felix couldn't help but turn his lips into a permanent smile as he soaked in the fulfillment of being engulfed, the coldness around his skin gradually fading away.
you carded your hand through his hair gently, patting his head with comfort. "ah, how are you today?"
"i feel better now," he mumbled, nuzzling his cheek against your shoulder and his eyes still pulled into a thin, smile line. "what about you? how was your day?"
"not too bad, but i have been stuck at my desk for hours," you sighed, resting yourself against him. felix supported your weight with his arms around your waist, holding you up and letting you lean against him. "not gonna lie, i probably need a hug too."
"well, now you got one!" he giggled, shimmering his shoulders and playfully wiggling his body. squeezing your sides with his hands, he hummed fondly before he said, "you can always ask for one if you need it, you know?"
you smiled. how endearing was he? felix has always been like this. ever since you first moved to the dorm, and until now, after years of living together, he has only ever gotten more affectionate and kind. even if you didn't want to get close to him, you unconsciously did anyway, and you found yourself to adore him as time passed.
your heart truly beats for him whenever he is around, that is how much you love him.
"thank you, lix," you whispered, nodding against his neck.
"of course," he said, patting your back and clutching a handful of your sweater. he laughed suddenly then, squeezing the fabric in his hand. "your sweater feels nice, it makes me feel so fluffy right now."
"you can borrow it," you told him.
felix but his lower lip, for some reason wanting to suppress a squeal even though he has been giggling and fawning over this moment out loud. your sweater? he could borrow your sweater! the lavender shampoo scented one that still smelt of your natural, refreshing scent?
exclamation points appeared above his heart as he giggled in agreement.
you would not be seeing this sweater for some time.
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jisungsplatforms · 3 years
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Pairing: Lee Felix x gn! reader
Genre: fluff, small angst (in the beginning); non idol au, reincarnation au, kinda strangers to lovers (but not really? you’ll see)
Warnings: character deaths in the beginning (Salem witch style oops)
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Tears streamed down their faces as they smiled lovingly to one another. The male leaned his forehead onto his lover’s own, holding each other as close as they can be. It was unfathomable, really, how lucky they were to find each other in this convoluted world. The amount of love they had for each other was suffocating; it was a love that was too good to last...
“Burn the devils!”
“Repent for your sins, you vile wenches!”
“May you suffer in the hands of your lord, filthy worshippers!”
The cries of the townspeople could not be heard over the sound of their synchronized heartbeats and declining breaths.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Flames of red and orange engulfed the couple’s forms. The man was terrified, not for himself but for his significant other. He silently prayed to the Lord to set them free; to guide them to the gates of paradise, where they can finally live peacefully together at last. “May we meet again in another life, my beloved,” his lover proposed with one final breath, letting the fiery madness swallow them whole. Only the wind could carry the last words of this bittersweet love story.
- 🕧 -
Felix jolted in cold sweat, the speed of which he sat up nearly gave him whiplash. He looked around to find he was just in the comfort of his bedroom. “Again?” he groaned as he hunched over, rubbing his face. Ever since he turned 18, he’s been having the same damned dream almost every night, leaving him with a heavy heart the next morning. It was driving him mad! All he wanted was for it to stop; though deep down, he also didn’t want to. He knew his conscience was trying to tell him something, rather, it was as if he needed to find someone. He flipped his phone over to read the time. ‘8:56am’ He sighed, getting up for the day.
“Do you believe in second chances?”
Everybody turned to Jisung in question, who was giving the 3 boys the purest look they have ever seen. “Like, if they did something bad?” Seungmin replied, “Yeah, I guess but it really depends on how grave the situation is.”
“No! No! Like, second lives and stuff like that!”
“Yeah! That’s the word,” Jisung smiled. Felix looked at him in interest, feeling antsy for some odd reason.
“Why?” Seungmin asked. “Is this from another one of those stories you read in that silly book?”
“Hey! Minho gave me that book! Respect it!”
Seungmin sighed as the other two boys laughed. “Hey, we should just be happy that he can even read, Seungmin,” Hyunjin laughed, earning a punch from Jisung.
“Come on, it’s not silly! I think it’s really cool,” Jisung pouted, everyone ignoring Hyunjin’s cries of help. “Hyunjin, You read it and thought it was cool too!”
Hyunjin stopped and scoffed, “Yeah, but it sounds a little...unrealistic? I think it is a cool concept but it can just never be true.”
“Agreed,” Seungmin chimed in. “Sounds too far fetched. You die? You die. That’s the end of it. No such thing as ‘second lives’.”
“Boohoo, you guys are such downers. Hope you guys stay dead when you die then,” Jisung jokes. “What about you, Lix? You never said anything.” The boys turned to the uncharacteristically quiet boy.
Felix hummed. “I think…” he draws out, “that it could happen? To me, it doesn’t sound that impossible”
“See! Felix is with me!” the chubby cheeked boy cheered. “He has a vision unlike you haters.”
Seungmin rolled his eyes sassily. “Okay, then what did the book say? Does it explain why reincarnation is a thing?”
“Yup! It said that reincarnation often happens when someone dies a tragic death or lived a miserable life. They are granted a second chance of one to make amends for their hardships, so that they can finally live the happy lives they deserve! And sometimes, people will still have memories from their past life.”
“Fake,” Hyunjin faux coughed. Jisung turns to him with a glare.
“Shut up. Don’t act as if you didn’t cry when you read the story.”
“Hey!” The two boys argued while Seungmin went on his phone to ignore the commotion. Meanwhile, Felix was lost in thought. So it is true...I was reincarnated. Those dreams really were memories of my past self! This is a sign!
“Hm,” Seungmin said to no one particularly, “I wonder when will anyone bring up that fact that Minho gave Jisung a literal children’s book?”
- 🕘 -
The boys left Hyunjin’s house after 5 hours. It was already the afternoon, and they were starving, seeing how they spent the whole time playing video games. Instead of ordering food, Seungmin suggested they go out to physically buy the food, much to Jisung and Hyunjin’s chagrin. Jisung and Hyunjin went to buy pizza, Seungmin was in charge with buying them food that’ll actually fill their stomachs, and Felix went to buy the drinks and desserts. Hyunjin went on about “eating like kings!” or something like that.
Felix was lining up in the ice cream shop, already carrying the bag of sodas for them. He was waiting for his turn when he heard a sweet voice from the line beside him; a voice that he has vaguely heard before. “Hello! Can I have-”
He turned his head to find the most breathtaking person he has ever seen. Felix felt his heart racing. It was as if his world stopped. Is that-? What’s happening? Is this it? he gulped. “Hello sir? Sir!”
He immediately snapped out of it, remembering he’s still in line. He looks back at the line to find that he’s next. “I am so sorry!” he bowed, quickly moving to the counter to place his order. Felix hastily spoke with the employee in hopes of speaking to the mystery beauty. He turned around to see his self-proclaimed soulmate already walking out the door. He cursed, ready to run out the door, when he heard his name being called. Felix hissed, snatching the bag of ice cream from the employee, with a quick ‘thank you’.
He sprinted out of the shop and into the direction he saw them leave. Either he ran that fast, or his soulmate was slow, he was able to catch up to them. “W-Wait!” he called out, breathlessly. His heart wanted to burst when he saw their form up close; when he saw you up close.
“Yes? May I help you?” you responded with a gentle smile. Felix had this strange urge to kiss your lips, fighting hard against it since you two are still technically strangers in this life.
“U-uhm,” he cleared his throat, “I’m sorry but- I think I’ve seen you in my dreams.”
Your eyes widened, caught off guard. Felix only now realized his blunder. “Crap- I’m sorry that was-”
He was cut off by the sound of your laughter, causing his face to burn even more. “Isn’t that a little cliché?” you giggled. Felix bit his lower lip in humiliation, looking down to the cement under his shoes. He wanted to run away. The situation was too embarrassing for him to handle. He felt your soft hands bring his face up.
“Hey hey, no need to be embarrassed. Don’t worry about it,” you smiled, “my beloved.”
Felix was stunned. Holy sh- I was right! It is you! he cheered mentally. He smiled as wide as he could, dropping his bags and bringing you into his arms. The two of you laughed in relief, happy that the two of you were together at last. You buried your face into his shoulder.
“I’ve missed you, Felix.”
“I’ve missed you too, Y/n,” he sighed, kissing the top of your head.
You looked up with tears in your eyes. You whispered, “I told you we shall meet again in our next life...my beloved.”
🕛 End 🕛
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cuddlepilefics · 3 years
can you do a skz one where Chan is working hard for a comeback, doing a lot of writing, producing, ect. but then he gets a cold, (snz centered) but he refuses to take a break, so Felix has to force him to take a break. With lots of Chanlix fluff please. 🥺🥺 (p.s I LOVE your writing, you are quite talented, and just have a way with words. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ love you ❤️)
Thank you, this really means a lot to me considering that English isn’t my first language.
I alread wrote something similar. You can find it here.
It’s never this cold in Australia
 Fandom: Stray Kids
Sickie: Chan
Caregiver: Felix
 No one’s POV.:
Stray Kids would have another comeback soon, which left them with almost twice as much work as usual. Felix hated those times when they prepared for comebacks, not because he didn’t like to make new music, hell, he loved making new music, rather because Chan would always overdo it on himself and the younger could do nothing but watch the leader run himself into the ground. This time was no different and it had actually been a few days since any of the members had seen their leader apart from the dance practices they spent together. Not even Changbin and Jisung were allowed to stay in the studio with their hyung because after the songs were written and most lines were recorded, Chan had to edit them. Since the other two members of 3racha wouldn’t be able to help much with editing other than approving or disapproving, they were more of a distraction to the Aussie, so in hopes of not stressing him out more, they left him to work in peace. Maybe if there were no distractions, he’d finish faster and take the time to rest afterwards. However, assuming there were no distractions, was wishful thinking. There certainly still were distractions, the worst of them a headache that had started bothering Chan a few days ago. He wasn’t surprised at all, considering he slept even less than usual, spending day and night looking at his laptop screen. The Aussie was no stranger to headaches, often overworking himself. The only thing he was grateful for was that he hadn’t had a migraine yet like he always got them when he was too stressed and sleep-deprived.
As days passed, the headache wasn’t the only thing bothering him. After falling asleep in front of his laptop at the studio again, Chan woke up with a completely blocked nose. Unable to breathe through it in the slightest. The pain had shifted right between his brows, causing his eyes to water. The light coming from the screen in front of him didn’t help either and after saving all his open files, he closed the laptop. Feeling more exhausted than he had in a while, he dropped his head onto the desk and closed his eyes again. If he had the energy, he’d move to the couch at the back of the studio and allow himself a small nap. Not longer than an hour though because he couldn’t afford losing the time he needed to finish everything before their deadlines. He had slept just fine in his chair earlier but now it didn’t work anymore, leaving the Aussie to just sit with his eyes closed, head on his arms, as he started overthinking. Sure, the headache could be caused by exhaustion but now his nose was stuffed up and he felt so cold. If he could, he’d get up and adjust the air conditioning but getting up sounded way too tiring. Though Chan didn’t want to admit it to himself, he could tell he was coming down with something and the thought of getting sick stressed him out. What if he wouldn’t be able to meet the deadlines? No! He could! He had worked through illnesses quite a few times before, so why shouldn’t he manage to do that now?
He didn’t know how much time had passed but his phone started to buzz with a reminder that he had to be at the practice room within the next ten minutes. Groaning at the thought of having to move around and music blearing loudly, Chan forced himself up and tried to remind himself of the positive things. Maybe dancing would help warm him up and he wouldn’t feel so cold afterwards. Stumbling to the door of his studio, the Aussie braced himself against the door frame and drew in a shaky breath. His nose tingled, causing his eyes to water before he ducked into the crook of his elbow with a rough sounding sneeze. Chan cleared his throat, wincing at how raw it felt, and used his sleeve to dab away the irritated tears that had spilled from his eyes. Trying to pull himself together, he made his way to the practice room and occasionally rubbed his arms to generate warmth. His previously blocked nose had started to run and he sniffled lightly before pushing the door open and cringing at the bright ceiling lights. Most of his dongsaengs were already there, stretching or going over short sequences of the choreography that they didn’t feel confident in yet. “Hyung!”, Jisung yelled, jogging over and hugging the leader, “Guys, he’s alive! Hyung, I didn’t think we’d get to see you anymore.” Chan barely noticeably flinched at the rapper’s loud voice and hesitantly hugged back, grateful for some warmth.
After some more teasing about not having seen the oldest in ages, they moved on to practicing but it didn’t go too well for Chan. Just standing upright already made him feel lightheaded, so it wasn’t much of a surprise that the fast step sequences caused the oldest to stumble frequently. His head was thumping with the same beat blasting from the speakers as Chan braced himself on his knees panting. It was only now that he noticed how difficult it was to breathe through a nose that was stuffed up and somehow runny at the same time. The dancing also hadn’t done much to warm him up like he had hoped it would. Usually he’d dance in a t-shirt only but today, he wore a sweater over his t-shirt, not even taking it off after one hour of dancing when all of the members were drenched in sweat. To be fair, he was drenched in sweat too but at the same time, he still felt cold. Seeing how out of breath their oldest was, Minho announced they’d have a ten-minute break to drink something and catch their breaths. They all knew Chan didn’t like to be called out when he wasn’t doing as well as usual, so the others just went to drink something and chat with each other, while Felix made his way over to his fellow Aussie, lowly asking: “Hey, you alright there? You’re looking pretty tired.” – “I am, both. Just haven’t been sleeping much”, the older replied quietly, letting out a shaky breath as he sat down next to his bag. Uncapping his water bottle, he struggled it really drink something because he couldn’t breathe while there was water in his mouth.
Chan put his bottle back into his bag and closed his eyes, massaging the bridge of his nose, willing the headache away. “What are your plans for the rest of the day?”, Felix hummed, sitting down next to his friend. The leader shrugged, sniffling: “Jus’ goin’ back to the studio. There’s so much I still need to finish and I don’t nearly have the time to.” The younger hummed in acknowledgement, not pointing out how miserable the other sounded. Felix could tell Chan was sick, the fact that he never took off his sweater being a dead giveaway, the slight rasp and congestion present in his voice only a confirmation. There was something else the dancer knew, the older wouldn’t do anything different from when he was healthy, he’d still work as long and as hard. This was one of the things he hated the most, watching his friend suffer but not being able to help because Chan didn’t want help. Help in this case would mean standing between him and his work and the leader would never tolerate that. Right now, it almost looked like he was dozing of against the wall and Minho felt guilty as he had to call them back to practicing. Felix got up first, reaching out both hands to pull Chan up, smiling sympathetically: “You sure you’re up for more dancing?” – “Lix, come on. I’m fine, really. We nee- ne - we need hESH! *sniff* we need to get this perfect”, the leader replied with a watery smile, that Felix could tell was entirely fake.
He also could tell that Chan was really frustrated with himself. Most of the group already had the dance moves down, the only one still struggling was their leader. They knew the sole reason for his difficulty with the choreography was that he wasn’t feeling well, whether that meant he was sick like Felix claimed or just sleep-deprived from all the hours he had worked through the night. Since they had mastered the dance and knew Chan would master it too when he was feeling better, Minho and Hyunjin, who were in charge of their practice session, called it a day. They convinced Chan that it was only scheduled for two hours and that they had different schedules now. It wasn’t entirely true but they were certain the oldest would end up either hurting himself or fainting if he kept dancing. After their practice was officially over, the group dispersed and practiced the things they wanted to improve for their comeback, singing, rapping or secretly returning to the practice room after Chan went back to his studio. Felix had tried to convince him to come back to the dorm, to take a warm shower and eat a proper meal but the older was stubborn, almost getting mad at the boy who only tried to help him. It wasn’t like the leader didn’t want to take a warm shower to get rid of the sweat and the chill that had settled bone-achingly deep but he was already stressed enough as it was and he knew it would only get more stressful if he wasted time that could better be spent working.
At this point, Felix knew he wouldn’t achieve anything by pestering the older. He’d only make him angry and cause him to hole himself up inside the studio even more, so he relented and watched with a heavy heart as the leader shuffled back to the studio. From around the corner, he heard two painful sounding sneezes and sadly shook his head, walking off into the opposite direction. If he couldn’t get Chan to come home with him, he’d at least get him a fresh t-shirt and hoodie because if the older wasn’t already sick, he’d certainly be after sitting in a room with air conditioning, wearing his sweat-through practice clothes. Unsure about the last time the leader had a decent meal, Felix also took the time to make some soup, pouring it into a thermos and packing a bowl and spoon, so his hyung could eat it at the studio. He grabbed a big sports bag and filled it with fresh clothes, the soup and a thick scarf the older had bought him during the first winter Felix experienced in Korea. Shortly before leaving the dorm again, he remembered to also shove a travel pack of tissues into the bag. If only Chan would take better care of himself.
The leader sat in front of his laptop, suppressing the urge to cry as the screen blurred in front of him. By now, one of his sleeves was constantly pressed against his nose, either to rub at it as he sniffled quietly or to keep him from sneezing all over his keyboard. He couldn’t tell when exactly his nose had gotten so sensitive but it only took as much as one slightly too forceful breath to make it start tickling again, which in turn would make his eyes water more and cause him to see even less of the screen in front of him, yet Chan refused to admit that his attempts of getting something done were unsuccessful. The leader pulled both of his sleeves over his palms to rub at his itchy face, sighing in frustration. His breath started to hitch again and giving into the feeling this time, he simply kept his sleeves over his face, waiting. "h-hESSH! hISH’iew!” He sniffled carefully before he dared to remove his hands, instead swiping his sleeves under his eyes to dry them. When did he start feeling this bad? Sure, he had started to feel this cold coming on earlier, yet he never thought it would cause him more than some congestion. Blinking at his screen, his eyes instantly started to water again, still, he tried to work through it, determined he wouldn’t let a cold keep him from meeting his deadlines.
Chan had taken off his shoes after some time, pulling his legs closer to his body as he curled up in his chair, trying to stay warm. He had already adjusted the air conditioning when he came back to the studio but it didn’t help much. By the time Felix arrived to the studio, it seemed like the leader was staring through his laptop screen rather than at it. He also didn’t notice the younger’s arrival, startling when Felix appeared next to him. The dancer heard him mumble something incoherent, not understanding a word but frowning at how out of it the older was. “Sorry, what was that?”, he hummed, resting a hand on Chan’s shoulder. The leader cleared his throat before repeating: “I said, ‘s never this cold in Australia.” The younger was stunned, to him it felt pretty toasty in the small studio after the air conditioning had been completely turned off. Worriedly he pressed his palm against his hyung’s forehead, causing the older to shudder. He clicked his tongue, stating: “Well, I can tell you why you feel cold. You’re feverish, which I’m pretty sure you knew already.” – “I-I hhh… hh’HDJsHhiew!” – “Mhm, exactly my point. You’re sick and should come home to rest”, Felix emphasized. That seemed to wake Chan. The drowsy fog in his head disappeared as his eyes finally focused on his dongsaeng, arguing: “I can’t. There’s still so much to do, I’m not going to finish this on time. God, I’m already so behind with everything. The comeback is too soon. If I don’t at least finish another three songs tonight, it’ll be a disaster.”
Sighing, Felix turned his chair away from his laptop, so it was facing him instead. “Hyung, it won’t. I know it’s already great as it is and Stay will agree with me. There’s still enough time till the comeback and Binnie-hyung and Sungie can help you. Besides, I don’t think you’re going to get much done with a fever like this”, he tried to reason. Face hardening, Chan got out of his chair, voice raised: “How would you know if the time is enough? You have no idea how many more songs I still have to edit. Those people won’t be Stay anymore if I can’t give him the music they are expecting from us. I could get stuff done tonight if you weren’t distracting me from it!” Voice cracking and giving out towards the end, the leader dropped back into his chair. Tears spilled down his cheeks as he mumbled apologies over and over again. He had never meant to snap at the younger like this and he’d also never raised his voice at Felix like this. Biting his lip, Felix pulled himself out of his dazed stupor. Chan’s outburst had been unexpected but he was sure the older didn’t mean it, so he forced down his shaken-up emotions and embraced the other, who quietly hiccupped, wiping at his eyes.
“Ssh, you’re okay. It’s okay, hyung. Everything’s just a bit too much right now, hm?”, he whispered, running his hand through the other’s disheveled curls. Chan nodded with a wet sniffle, trying to fight back the tears that just continued coming. His bottled-up stress and frustration now bubbling over. Pulling him to his feet, Felix guided the older over to the couch and sat down with him after quickly retrieving the bag he had brought. He pulled out the tissues and handed them to Chan, who messily wiped his cheeks before blowing his nose, irritating it again. “hISH’iew!” – “Bless you”, the dancer hummed, handing him another tissue as the first was already soggy. He kept rubbing his friend’s back, hugging him from time to time as he waited for the older to cry his emotions off of his chest. It took almost twenty minutes for Chan to calm himself down again. He didn’t even know why he was so upset, mainly feeling emotional and sensitive from his fever. Seeing he was still shivering slightly, Felix pulled out the scarf he had brought with him and laid it across the leader’s shoulders before rubbing his arms up and down. The older closed his eyes and leaned against the back of the couch, clearing his throat repeatedly. “Does your throat hurt too?”, the younger asked quietly. Chan shook his head, rasping: “’s jus’ dry from breathing through my mouth.” – “Oh, have some water then”, Felix instructed, handing him the bottle from his desk. He didn’t fully believe his hyung, so he was going to find out the truth differently. Of course, Chan’s wince didn’t go unnoticed as it was obvious swallowing hurt him.
Rolling his eyes at the leader’s stubbornness, Felix handed him the fresh clothes. It took some prodding because Chan was feeling way too cold to take off the shirt he was wearing but he felt much more comfortable in his clean hoodie afterwards. The younger was now wrapping the scarf around his neck to protect his already strained voice from further harm, while Chan was already dozing off in his sitting position. Gently nudging his arm, Felix reminded: “Come on, we still need to go home before you sleep. Did you eat already?” The leader shook his head. “You can either eat a late dinner back at the dorm or I brought you some soup. You could eat here and then go straight to bed when we get back”, he offered. This time Chan nodded. Furrowing his brows, the younger asked: “Yes to which option?” – “Straight to bed”, Chan muttered, barely staying awake. Felix quickly took out the soup he had prepared, glad when he found it still steaming, and agreed: “You can you straight to bed but please eat this first. You can’t run on protein shakes, granola bars and coffee the entire time.” – “That works pretty well”, the older argued, blowing onto the spoon. The dancer rolled his eyes, muttering: “Well, that’s debatable.” They sat in silence, apart from Chan’s soft sniffles, as the leader ate the first warm meal he had had in a week. He didn’t want to admit it but the soup felt nice, warming his sore throat and his entire body from the inside. Plus, His dongsaeng certainly wasn’t a bad cook, at least not as far as he could taste with his nose blocked.
Felix packed up the things he had brought, while Chan saved his files and slid his laptop into his backpack, ready to let the younger take him home. Although the thought of leaving the building into the night didn’t seem too appealing, the leader reminded himself of the warm bed waiting for him at the dorm. A bit lightheaded still, he relied fully on Felix’ arm around his waist, guiding him home as his eyes fought to stay open. He got even more unsteady as his breath hitched and he gripped onto the younger’s shoulder for support. The dancer slowed down even more, steadying his hyung as he brought up his arm sneezing into the crook of his arm twice, almost toppling over. “Bless you. We’re almost there”, Felix promised, dragging a sniffly Chan down another block towards their dorm building. The leader looked dead on his feet as the light in the entrance hall of the building illuminated his face. The younger wince as he grasped just how much the older’s condition had declined since their practice in the afternoon. Quietly whimpering, Chan pulled his hood further over his face to block out the uncomfortably bright light that made his eyes burn and head pound. After what seemed like a whole journey, they made it up to their dorm, kicking off their shoes. As promised, Felix walked the leader straight to his room where all the older did was changing into thicker sweatpants before curling up under his blanket. Felix left the room for a few minutes and returned with some water and medicine, whispering: “Since you ate something earlier, you can take something for your fever and headache now. I’ll leave the water on your nightstand in case you get thirsty or your throat bothers you during the night.” With a grateful but hoarse hum, Chan took the medicine before curling up again and burying his face in his blanket. "hESH! *sniff*” – “Bless you. Do you want cuddles?”, the younger offered. Shaking his head, the older replied pitifully: “Don’t want to get you sick too.” – “I didn’t ask you if you wanted to get me sick, I asked if you wanted cuddles”, Felix chuckled. Letting out a shaky laugh, Chan admitted: “I-I guess I do.” – “Alright, scoot over. Don’t worry if you still feel cold, you’ll get your very personal Australian sun.”
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jeonqqin · 4 years
maknae line: they’re rough with you
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request: yes
warning: dirty talk, rough sex, unholy things, I’m only slightly sorry
word count: 3k
a/n: requests are open if you want to suggest any scenario or fic ideas :)
read hyung line here
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rough wasn’t the first word you’d use to describe your boyfriend in bed, maybe eager—but not exactly rough.
even though you had been dating for years, he was always nervous and shy when it came to affection.
the poor boy would blush whenever you kissed his cheek.
you were convinced that he didn’t have a dominant bone in his body.
but he was your precious boyfriend, so of course you didn’t mind.
“Sungie, will you grab me a towel?” you called through the bathroom door. “i forgot to bring one in.”
“sure, baby!”
he really was such a good boyfriend.
as you were shaking the water from your hair, there was a knock on the bathroom door. “baby?”
so you opened the door, sticking your hand out for him to place the towel in—only, it didn’t come.
“Sungie?” you called, slowly starting to push the door open so you could peek your head out, but then there was something wrapping tightly around your wrist. “what—”
“come here.”
you shivered unintentionally.
confused, you opened the door slowly, still attempting to hide the rest of your body from his line of sight.
as you looked out into your bedroom, you noticed that around your wrist was a red silk tie.
you looked up to your boyfriend with wide eyes. “Sungie—?”
“other hand.” he said, looking between your eyes and your other hand, and slowly tugging you closer by the tie already around your arm.
and you obeyed without a word.
he smiled.
“okay. c’mere baby.”
he proceeded to pull you onto your bed and tie both hands to your bedpost, the material of the silk digging harshly into your skin—a feeling you never thought you’d love.
as slowly as he could go, he removed his clothes in front of you, and slowly slid up your body.
you breathed heavily at the feeling of the water on your skin cooling and making it easier for Jisung’s chest to glide up your body.
it was addictive.
“baby, i—”
“shut up.” he growled, lowering his head to bite the top of your breast, you yelped. “i’ll stop if you make any noise.”
he was still Jisung—blushing with shaky words.
but there was something different.
you nodded, swallowing.
suddenly he flipped you onto your stomach, your arms crossing in front of you.
he had never fucked you from behind before—what had gotten into him?
you felt his hands shaking as they ran across your spine, pressing down at the center to force it to arch.
“you’re so pretty…”
each breath he took was shaky, and it made you worried.
was he pushing himself?
despite his warning, you turned your head against the pillow, and looked at him the best you could. “i love you, Sungie.”
he froze for a second, his grip around your hip getting tighter. “...i love you too.”
he then thrusted inside of you and you couldn’t help the high moan that left your lips.
“fuck,” he cursed, pounding into you harshly. “i love you so fucking much, baby. god, you’re so tight.”
he put most of his weight onto the hand planted on your back, pushing you further and further into the mattress.
you hissed at the feeling of the ties pulling on your wrists.
“Sungie—fuck, feels good.” you whined against the pillow.
“y-yeah?” he swallowed a groan, slowing his thrusts for a moment. “you like it?”
he just wanted some reassurance.
you smiled. “yes, it’s so fucking good, baby.”
he was still your Jisung.
he moaned at your words, leaning down to place kisses along your spine.
“shit—good.” he sucked a mark onto your shoulder blade. “because i’m cumming in this pussy tonight.”
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you were needy.
both of you knew.
he was just being an asshole about it.
you knew how much he liked to tease you and he knew how much you wanted his attention.
so it wasn’t a coincidence that he continued to play video games while you whined for him to look at you.
“Sung, take your head out of your ass and get it in the game!”
you huffed with a pout.
“Lix.” you called, tugging on his shirt.
he didn’t turn away from the game.
“Lixxie,” you stood up next to him. “look at me, please.”
his eyes briefly glanced up at you, but otherwise, he didn’t make a move to do what you asked.
you felt your eyebrows pull together.
“holy shit, dude did you see that?! i fucking know, that guy didn’t even—”
he wasn’t going to get away with ignoring you, that was for sure.
so while he was focused on yelling at his friends, you dropped down to your knees and pushed his legs open for you to fit in between them.
he looked down with raised eyebrows. “—see you coming.”
you bit your lip as he continued to play his game, looking down at you every few seconds as you unzipped his pants and pulled his dick out.
he swallowed down a groan when you took him in your mouth. “y-yeah, Jeongin, get my left…”
you squeezed his shaft as he spoke, making him jump and hiss.
he glared down at you for a moment. “yeah, dude. i just have a stomach ache. i think i should go lay down for a minute… yeah, sorry guys. be on later.”
the moment he pulled off his headset, he had you back up on your feet and was pushing you onto the couch.
“do you fucking think that this is a joke, hm? do you like making me fuck up in front of my friends? they probably know you had your pretty little mouth around me, and you love that. don’t you?”
you bit your lip, and after a second of silence, he nodded.
“i know i’m right, sweet pea.”
you closed your eyes as he dropped down in what you thought would be a kiss, but after a moment of hanging over you and breathing against your lips, he rolled onto his back.
you frowned. “wha—why—?”
he smirked, lifting his hands behind his head. “go on, babe. you wanted this.”
your eyes locked on the way he trailed one hand down his chest and over his stomach, only stopping when he reached his barely clothed cock.
he sighed as he gently squeezed, staring at you lazily. “a little slut that can't live without my cock.”
you swallowed, leaning down to place your lips beside his hand. “i want to be your good slut.”
Felix smirked, moving his hand back up under his head with the other one. “then work for me. show me how good you are, because right now,” he shifted under your touch. “you’ve been a bad girl, sweet pea.”
so you went to work, desperate to show him just how good you could be.
his dick was achingly hard when you took him back into your mouth, a content sigh leaving his lips as you ran your tongue along the slit just how he liked it.
there were perks to dating someone for so long.
“that’s a good girl,” he chuckled as you moaned around him. “but how about you fuck yourself on me now, sweetheart.”
you popped off of him eagerly.
he hummed as he brought his hand up to run his thumb along your wet lips. “come on, slutty girl. i don’t like waiting.”
and soon enough, you were pulling your clothes off and tearing away his, moving to hover over his deliciously thick cock.
“well aren’t you wet.” Felix laughed, leisurely spreading your pussy open with two fingers. “let’s see if it’s enough to get down on my cock.”
and he was back to laying against the couch.
you nodded, lowering yourself down slowly, only pausing for a second to accommodate his length.
you whimpered, squeezing your eyes closed. “god, baby, it-it—”
“it hurts? it’s too big? am i too big for your little pussy? is my big dick too much, sweet pea? do i have to find another slut to be good for me?” Felix raised an eyebrow.
you felt a tear slip down your cheek as you shook your head, pushing down to take the rest of his length, moaning as you finally could feel his hips under your ass. “i’m good—i’ll be good.”
Felix tilted his head back with a low moan. “that’s it. just keep being good, baby.”
you quickly set a harsh pace, crying out as it was way too much, but you knew he wanted you to be good for him, so you continued on.
your thighs ached, your pussy was sore, your arms hurt—
but he felt so good under you.
“that’s right.” Felix groaned, the veins in his arms popping. “get me off, babe, and maybe i’ll let you cum tonight.”
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it was a well known fact that Seungmin was a fan of watching you squirm.
he was ruthless, and he jumped at every opportunity to tease you.
and he definitely wasn’t against humiliation—but that was another story.
the fact was, he had never actually dominated you.
he was your cute puppy of a boyfriend, there was no way.
perhaps you underestimated him.
he caught you off guard while you were making breakfast—of all times of the day, he chose early in the morning.
the bastard.
you were just finishing up, getting ready to turn the stove off, when you felt his hands slide up your waist to rest on your sides.
not thinking anything of it, you leaned into his chest with a smile.
that was your first mistake.
almost instantaneously, Seungmin’s grip on your waist was tight enough to bruise and he was pressing his chest so hard against your back that you had to hold yourself up in fear of falling against the stove.
you gasped as you felt one of his strong hands lift from your waist to turn off the stove in front of you, and you felt his lips ghost over your ear.
“loving what you’re wearing, honey. cute panties.” he said, thumbing the waistband of your underwear, and letting it snap back against your skin.
every word was so condescending, they practically leaked from his lips.
you tried to push back against him. “Seungmin, what the hell—?”
“ah-ah—” he tapped your cheek. “you can’t complain after dressing up like this.”
sure, the only reason why you were only dressed in a pair of purple lace underwear and his tee-shirt was because you wanted to get rise out of him—
but you never expected him to throw on a persona like that.
he then spun you around to face the counter on the other side of the kitchen, pushing you over it so your ass was vulnerable at an embarrassing level.
it made your cheeks heat.
“you know, i was a little unsure about this approach,” Seungmin chuckled as he ran his palm against your ass, suddenly dipping two fingers down to rub your clothed core. “but it looks like you’re liking it, huh, babe?”
you shook your head quickly, god was it fucking embarrassing to be toyed around with like that, your face was so red you swore you could’ve matched the color of a cherry.
but Seungmin wasn’t having that.
a harsh smack resounded through the kitchen, a yelp leaving your lips as the sting of your ass came later.
“well, do you like it when i do that?”
you whimpered, pressing your cheek against the cold marble of the countertop. “n-no.”
Seungmin pushed the fabric of your underwear to the side to look at the red handprint surfacing on your ass. “no? you’re going to say no while you’re dripping down your thighs?”
another hard smack had you crying into your palm, your other hand laying flat against the counter. “Seungmin, please, stop—”
Seungmin hummed, leaning back for a second, and running his hand over your ass. “alright, i’ll stop then.”
his weight suddenly lifted off of you and you could breath again.
but something felt wrong.
you missed the weight.
just as Seungmin was about to pull your (his) shirt down to cover your red ass, and apologize for being out of line and hurting you—you reached back and grabbed his hand.
he stood, a little shocked.
you gulped, your face burning hotter than it had before as you pressed your cheek back down against the counter. “no, please.”
Seungmin’s eyebrows lifted.
“so you were bluffing? you think that’s fair to me, hm? because i think that’s pretty mean. isn’t it baby?”
you nodded, whimpering. “i’m sorry…”
you felt his hand cup your heat and you couldn’t hold in the moan that ripped through your throat.
“apologies won’t do it now.” he chuckled, bringing his hand down harder than any of the times before.
you felt more tears drip down your cheeks as you shrieked.
“so get ready to beg, because the only way i’ll end your punishment is if i think you’ve learned your lesson.”
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your boyfriend was the last person you’d think to be good at getting you off—he looked too innocent.
but he was eager to please and a good listener.
so he learned quickly.
Jeongin was addicted to seeing you in pleasure.
he got high off watching you orgasm.
and who were you to deny him?
that day he had cornered you as you were going into the shower, his eyes hungry and his hands grabbing your hips.
your fingers threaded tightly into Jeongin’s silky black hair as he went down on you for the third time that day.
for whatever reason, he was jumping you every chance he got.
but you weren’t complaining.
his skilled tongue made a mess of your sensitive pussy, sucking on your clit and leaving you numb.
“fuck, fuck, fuck,” you whined, feeling his strong hands hold your hips in place. “baby, fuck, it feels so good.”
Jeongin hummed against you, sending vibrations up your spine.
then you felt his fingers against your opening, and you flinched.
you were already so sore from the first two times he made you cum, so the feeling of two of his fingers prodding into you brought an ache you weren’t a stranger to.
“no—Jeongin, it’s too much.” you gasped, tugging on his hair.
but he only pushed into you more, eating you out like a man starved.
you moaned, throwing your head back against the bathroom wall, cumming hard on your boyfriend’s fingers.
“holy shit…” you panted, feeling your cheeks flush as Jeongin lapped at your juices.
he lifted up to look at you, a wide smile on his lips and a transparent sheen covering his chin.
slowly he lowered your leg from his shoulder and stood to his full height. “how was that, angel?”
“felt so good, baby.” you chuckled breathlessly, reaching up to brush his bangs from his face.
“oh yeah?” he cooed, pulling you into his chest. “you look so pretty like that, you know…”
and his hands began drifting down your naked body once again, and you giggled. “no, no—no more. i’m too sensitive.”
something then flashed in Jeongin’s eye.
then he was dipping down to kiss along your neck, the feeling of his tee-shirt against your bare skin making you gasp.
you took in a shaky breath. “y-yeah.”
he ran his tongue over your breast, taking your nipple into his mouth.
“poor baby…” he cooed.
you could feel his smirk against your skin,
and his fingers trailing up your inner thighs.
“Innie—baby, i don’t think i can—”
you attempted to squirm away from his hands, but he pinned you against the bathroom counter.
“honey…” he hummed, brushing his thumb over your swollen clit, shushing your whimper. “let me take care of you.”
you took your lip between your teeth. “okay.”
with a wide smile, he lifted you onto the sink counter with ease, pulling off his shirt. “just relax for me, angel.”
and he proceeded to pull his hard length out of his sweatpants—his other hand digging into your hip, hard enough to make it ache.
when he pushed in, you cried out, gripping onto his broad shoulders like a life-line.
the sensitivity was almost unbearable, but the way he moaned into your neck made pleasure run up your spine.
“you’re so t-tight—” Jeongin gasped, moaning against your neck.
your fingers threaded through his hair moving his head up to kiss him.
the thing about Jeongin was—there were times when he got too eager.
he loved hearing you moan, and feeling you clench around him.
so he’d unintentionally get faster.
and normally, you’d encourage it, because faster was better on an average day.
but it was different when he had already made you cum three times, and he was thrusting so hard that you had to bite down onto your lip to stay sane.
you pulled away from his lips, panting. “Jeongin—i can’t—”
he groaned, sucking a harsh mark onto the underside of your jaw. “you can.”
“no, no, i can’t—it’s too much.”
his hips then snapped into you even faster—which didn’t even seem possible.
your pleads were encouraging him.
but for whatever masochistic reason, you continued.
“it feels too good, Innie.” you cried, tugging on his hair. “fuck, fuck—”
he suddenly tugged you closer to the edge of the counter. “feels too good, angel? am i making you feel good?”
you nodded, whimpering. “so good.”
he cursed under his breath, moaning at your praise. “good.”
and then his hand was lowering between you, slowly inching closer to where your bodies were connected and dragging his thumb over your abused clit.
“now cum,” he panted. “or you’ll be in for a long night, angel.”
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His Little Imp
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Words: 4.5k
Warning: Finger sucking, blowjob, face-fucking, cum play/cum eating, handjob, slight exhibitionism (if you squint), usual dirty talk, and language.
A/N: soooo I haven’t posted something like this in ages 👀 like I haven’t done a member x member fic in a really long time. but this idea barged into my head while I was trying to fall asleep one night and it wouldn’t go away. plus, this is a favorite trope of mine heh heh. also, it is conveniently Felix’s birthday as I’m posting this (I swear that wasn’t actually intentional, it just worked out that way lol). this isn’t edited bc I kinda forgot and also I’m lazy 😂 anywho, I hope you enjoy - I sure enjoyed writing it hehe ❤
The whipped cream was distracting. Tasty, sure, but it was the tiny glob on the side of Felix's mouth that he had somehow missed when he licked his lips that kept grabbing Seungmin's attention. After a few moments of actively trying, and failing, to ignore it, Seungmin sighed exasperatedly and reached to thumb it away. "Lix, you have whipped cream on your face," he alerted the older boy before he swiped the offending substance off his skin.
Felix made a noise of recognition and leaned forward to give Seungmin better access. The younger gently scooped the cream off with his thumb but wasn't fast enough in retracting his hand; without warning, Felix sucked the whipped cream off and giggled as his cheeks tinged slightly pink. Seungmin stilled, lips parted and eyes wide, and he could only imagine how red his own face was. Felix shrugged and looked away as Seungmin finally let his hand drop to his own lap, "Couldn't let it go to waste."
Seungmin awkwardly cleared his throat and nodded stiffly, "Uh, yeah, of course."
And that was that. They both went back to what they were doing before the 'incident', Felix acting like nothing had happened. But Seungmin was still distracted, just not by the whipped cream anymore. He couldn't get the image of his thumb in Felix's mouth out of his head; those pillowy, raspberry-colored lips, how warm and wet his mouth was, the juxtaposition of innocence and mischief that glinted in the older boy's eyes when Seungmin finally tore his gaze away from Felix's mouth and made brief eye contact, and the faint blush that dusted over those freckled cheeks.
That moment replayed in Seungmin's head way more times than he would ever admit. Not that he would admit to thinking about Felix's mouth in the first place, absolutely not. Seungmin definitely didn't think about Felix's mouth when he was tucked away in bed that night, staring at the inside of his eyelids and willing himself to just go to sleep.
Days later, Seungmin was cooking something in the kitchen of the dorm, it being his idea instead of Felix's for once. He regretted that idea fairly quickly when he gracelessly elbowed a full bowl off the countertop and reflexively tried to catch it, making an even bigger mess in the process. Seungmin swore and threw his head back dramatically, groaning in frustration.
"Lix, I made a mess again."
Felix shuffled into the kitchen already laughing even before he saw the state the younger boy was in, "How many times are you gonna tell me that exact thing in our lifetimes?"
Seungmin shrugged his shoulders and held up both hands, one of which was dripping with the sauce from the bowl, and stared down, past his sauce-streaked apron, at the liquid covering the floor surrounding and all over his feet. Felix tip-toed closer, avoiding the splatters and various sized puddles, and grabbed Seungmin's wrist which startled him. He looked over just in time to see Felix's plump lips closing around two fingers. The texture of Felix's tongue sliding against the pads of his fingertips, ridding them of the sauce, also rid his brain of anything and everything; his mind was just static. His entire body felt like static, too. The only place that had any feeling left was the hand in Felix's grasp and mouth. Jolts of electricity transferred from Felix's taste buds down Seungmin's wrist into the numbness of his arm while Seungmin stood motionless, mouth agape and something akin to disbelief etched into his expression.
Felix dragged the fingers from his mouth and looked off into the distance as he licked his lips, "Needs more salt."
Apparently, even when his entire body is in some weird form of hibernation, Seungmin's knack for sarcasm is completely unharmed, working as usual despite the lack of function everywhere else. So he said the first thing that barged into his empty brain, "Oh, well, hand me the salt shaker. I'll just sprinkle some on the floor here."
Felix snorted and doubled over with laughter, his tiny hands clutching his knees, "Sorry. Sorry, that, yeah, never mind." He wiped at his eyes and straightened up, "Let's clean up."
Seungmin nodded in agreement and looked disdainfully at his feet, "I really need to change my socks." Felix followed his gaze and cringed before busting out laughing again.
And just like that, they acted like nothing happened. Again. Only this time, Seungmin had a new image brandished into the back of his eyelids when he struggled to sleep that night. And this time when Seungmin replayed the moment in his mind, there was definitely no trace of innocence in Felix's eyes.
Now that his brain had so thoughtfully provided him with a new fixation, all Seungmin could think about was Felix's plush lips and warm, wet mouth. His eyes found Felix's face far too often and lingered on his lips for far too long. It was getting bad and he really hoped that no one noticed, especially Felix. But, alas, luck was not on his side -- it never was when it came to this 'situation'.
"Minnie, you're staring again," Felix pointed out from his spot on the couch, legs draped over the back and his head dangling with his attention fixed on his phone.
Seungmin grunted in acknowledgement and blinked rapidly. In his defense, he admittedly had been staring at Felix's mouth but sometime before his brain alerted him to look away after an unsuspicious amount of time, his thoughts wandered and he ended up staring off into space, deep in contemplation. "Sorry," he apologized and squirmed in his seat across from Felix, "Just thinking, didn't even know I was staring."
Felix hummed and spun himself around so he was sitting like a normal human being before patting the place next to him for Seungmin to come sit. "But, unconsciously or not, you've been staring at me a lot." Felix watched the younger make his way over, frowning when he sat down on the opposite end of the couch. He quickly crawled over to Seungmin and sat back on his heels, tilting his head like a confused puppy. "Is something wrong, Minnie? Did I do something wrong?" The pout was evident both in his tone and on those lips of his that Seungmin caught himself gawking at yet again.
Seungmin vehemently shook his head and tried to back away but was blocked by the armrest, "No! No, not at all! Everything's fine!"
Felix hummed again, squinting suspiciously as he eyed the younger boy before his expression morphed into one of smugness and teasing. "Like what you see?"
Snapping his eyes up from where they had been watching Felix speak, Seungmin swallowed thickly, "Uh, is that a trick question?"
Felix shook his head slowly and bit at his bottom lip. "Oh, come on. There must be something keeping your attention or else you wouldn't be staring at me every waking moment!"
Seungmin floundered, unable to come up with an answer. What was he supposed to do? Tell him the truth? Oh, yeah. Sorry, Felix. I just have this super weird fascination with your mouth and it's all I can think about. Not just during the day, I can't even sleep at night because I keep imagining your mouth. I want you to suck on my fingers again just to feel you, nothing major. Yeah, like that was gonna happen. That would go over so well.
"Am I really that pretty you can't keep your eyes off me?"
Seungmin was abruptly wrenched from his thoughts by the boy that was still kneeling on the couch next to him. He was all too aware of the fact that they were sitting too close to each other, so much so that Felix's bare knees were pressed up against Seungmin's thigh. Seungmin's brain finally processed the question he had just been asked but before he could stop himself, he breathed out his answer.
Felix's eyes became hooded and dark and he leaned in closer, a smirk curving his lips. "Tell me, what's your favorite feature of mine?" It should have sounded extremely narcissistic but something in the tone of Felix's voice, a bit contemptuous with just a hint of genuine curiosity, made Seungmin heat up, surely blushing a brilliant shade of red under Felix's enticing gaze.
Seungmin's mouth went dry and he found himself swallowing again as he fumbled for another answer, but Felix held up a finger to halt him. "Wait, let me guess! Could it be my tiny hands?" He wiggled his fingers and scrunched up his nose cutely.
"Oh, maybe it's my eyes," Felix tilted forward again, batting his lashes seductively and looked up at Seungmin through them.
The older suddenly sat up on his knees and lifted his shirt, causing panic to rise in Seungmin and something else. "Probably my itty-bitty waist, right? Wanna grab at it with your big, strong hands?" Felix teased as Seungmin's eyes wandered over the expanse of skin directly in front of him, defined abs, deep v-lines, and that tiny waist.
Seungmin was sweating. Or maybe that was drool. Probably both. And he wanted to touch. Bad.
He instantly glanced up when Felix started talking again, "But that wouldn't make any sense." He dropped his shirt and plopped back down, pouting because he hadn't guessed correctly yet. "You've been staring at my face this whole time." Realization washed over Felix's face and the smirk made its way back onto his plush, tempting lips.
And it was in that moment that Seungmin knew he was fucked.
Felix had known the whole time. He was just having fun riling Seungmin up, making him sweat, making him want him even more, the little devil. "I know," Felix licked his lips, seemingly in slow motion, "It's my mouth you like, isn't it, Minnie?"
Seungmin's sharp intake of air was answer enough. Felix nodded once, "You can touch if you want."
The younger gulped and hesitantly lifted his hand to the other boy's face. When he got within an inch, Felix snarled and snapped his teeth. Seungmin practically jumped out of his skin, eyes like saucers and his breathing labored and panting.
Felix giggled. He giggled. "I'm just kidding, Minnie! I won't bite. Unless you want me to." Felix winked and sucked in his bottom lip to bite down on it. When it popped free from his mouth, the wet flesh glistened in the light and Seungmin threw all fear out the window, grasping the side of the older boy's face before slowly sliding his thumb over Felix's bottom lip and lightly tugging it down. Felix poked his tongue out impishly and hummed, giving Seungmin permission for whatever he wanted to do next.
The younger boy's stare flicked from Felix's mouth, up to his eyes, and back down again. Seungmin retracted his hand only slightly to rest two of his fingertips against the pillowiness of Felix's lips. Tongue peeking out again, Felix gently licked at Seungmin's fingers, watching him intently and gauging his reaction, and when the younger gasped and his eyes fluttered but stayed open, Felix took both fingers into his mouth and sucked.
The faintest moan slipped from Seungmin and he breathed heavily, "Lix."
Felix hummed and smiled around the digits in his mouth, laving his tongue against the fingertips and sucking diligently. He found himself leaning in even further, hands resting on the couch in front of him and his ass perked out, an elegant curve to his spine.
Felix could feel his sense of control slipping and he almost lost it completely when Seungmin pushed his fingers in further and pressed down on the back of his tongue, causing him to gag a bit. Seungmin groaned in response, free hand snaking up to rest at the nape of Felix's neck as he slid down further into the couch.
Felix took the opportunity to move his hands from the sofa seat to rest one hand on each of the younger boy's thighs. Seungmin jolted minutely at the contact but smiled weakly as he pulled his fingers from the older's mouth, a single strand of saliva connecting them like spider silk sparkling in the light. Felix pouted at the emptiness and started to lean backwards but Seungmin stopped him with both hands on his waist. Quirking an eyebrow, Felix leaned back in as Seungmin tugged him forward.
"C'mere," he slurred and pulled the older into his lap. Felix fell against him from the force and chuckled as he situated himself in Seungmin's lap, thighs resting on either side and his arms draped over the younger boy's shoulders. Seungmin stared up at him, completely entranced, eyes wandering over every facial feature, stopping at every freckle and marveling at the beauty in front of him.
Felix giggled, "Minnie?"
"Huh?" Seungmin grunted, immediately making eye contact, pupils already blown.
A coy little grin playing over Felix's face, he leaned in a trifle closer and whispered, "Aren't you gonna kiss me?"
Seungmin was well and truly fucked.
He gulped and wet his lips, steeling himself in preparation. Not that he didn't want to kiss Felix -- boy did he ever! But this was something that had only played out in fantasies behind his eyelids when he let his mind spin things just enough while he was in that space between awake and unconsciousness when he laid in bed at night. This wasn't something he ever expected to happen outside of his daydreams, so to say Felix's question caught him off guard was the understatement of the century.
Felix saw the brief flicker of panic in Seungmin's eyes and he couldn't help but frown, fearing that he had somehow made the younger uncomfortable. "Minnie, if you don't want to kiss me-"
"No! It's not that at all, believe me!" Seungmin reassured as he soothed his hands up and down Felix's sides. He chuckled despite himself, "I just- I've thought about this so much but I guess I never really thought it would happen in real life?" He winced slightly at how lame he sounded but Felix was beaming and Seungmin could see the older boy's desire to tease sparkling in his dark eyes.
"I'm curious," Felix paused to bite at his lip playfully, "How did it go in your daydreams -- us kissing?"
Seungmin yet again explored his deserted brain for an answer and came up empty handed. The twinkle in Felix's eyes somehow became even more mischievous and he scrunched his nose a little before laughing breathily, "Why don't you just show me?"
The younger nodded dumbly, a hesitant palm resting on Felix's hip while the other shakily reached for the side of his face, thumbing at his bottom lip once again. Seungmin delicately guided Felix forward, noses brushing and fingers trembling.
The closer they got, the more Felix could feel his own nervousness thrumming in his chest and he wondered if Seungmin could hear how fast his heart was racing. But, he assumed, Seungmin's heart was most likely beating wildly, too. Their breaths mingled and jolts of electricity went through them both when their lips barely grazed each other's. Felix was yearning to just dive in and kiss him hard, no second thoughts, but he wanted Seungmin to take the lead and do whatever he was comfortable with.
After what felt like ages, Seungmin softly pressed his lips against Felix's and quickly pulled back a little bit. The older couldn't help the smile twitching at the corners of his mouth. Seemingly just testing the waters with that initial peck, Seungmin searched Felix's eyes for any sort of hesitation or discomfort and when he found nothing but ardor and rascality, he leaned back in. So gently, so carefully, so sweetly, Seungmin kissed Felix and drew him in closer, chests pressed together.
Seungmin was in heaven -- Felix's lips were somehow even softer than they looked or how he'd imagined, the feeling of holding him was the definition of blissful, and he couldn't get enough.
Felix was going insane -- he felt like a madman and he felt bad about it because all he wanted to do was kiss Seungmin senseless but darling, charming Seungmin was kissing him so innocently.
A few cautious pecks later, Felix calmly pulled away and smiled warmly. "I know I'm small but you don't have to be so careful with me, Minnie. I won't break. And I don't mind if you're a little rougher with me." The older couldn't help the blush that crept onto his cheeks, "I actually kinda like it. A lot."
That was all Seungmin needed; his gaze immediately darkened and his chest rumbled in a sort of growl before pulling Felix back in. His kiss had gone from gentle and pure to searing and sinful at the drop of a hat. He was stealing Felix's breath and the older found himself gripping onto Seungmin's shirt to stabilize himself to some extent.
Seungmin bit and nipped at Felix's pillowy lips, occasionally sucking the lower into his own mouth. He licked at the seam, silently asking for permission, which Felix unabashedly gave instantly.
Felix's jaw went slack and his eyes practically rolled to the back of his head when Seungmin's tongue finally tangled with his own. He whined lewdly when Seungmin sucked in his tongue and, at the same time, squeezed his ass firmly, yanking him in even closer. Felix couldn't help but roll his hips, grinding down in Seungmin's lap and relishing in the low moan the younger let out when their clothed erections brushed against each other.
"Want you in my mouth. Wanna taste you," Felix whimpered against Seungmin's lips when they paused to breathe.
Seungmin chuckled, "Isn't that what we're doing?"
Panting, Felix shook his head and pouted, "Wanna suck you off. Please?"
Breath caught in his throat, Seungmin stared at the boy in his lap. "Any of the guys could come out or come home and see us, we're on the communal couch," he hissed, panicking.
Felix pouted more and punctuated his begging by grinding down again, "Please, want you in my mouth. Please?"
Throwing caution to the wind, Seungmin groaned and tossed his head back before nodding, "Fuck. Yeah, OK. Fuck yes."
Eagerly clambering out of Seungmin's lap and onto the floor in front of him between his legs, Felix clutched at the strong thighs next to him in anticipation. He nosed at Seungmin's clothed length, humming contentedly while the younger squirmed under him.
Seungmin's hips canted and he couldn't help but moan deeply as Felix palmed him and mumbled into his thigh, "You want my mouth just as much as I want your cock, don't you?"
"Ngh, yes. Please, Lix," he groaned at the ceiling. Felix toyed with his zipper, still keen to tease despite being desperate himself. "Please," another whispered imploration. The eldest smiled softly and obliged him, undoing his jeans and tugged them down with bated breath. Seungmin lifted his hips to make it easier, resting back into the couch when Felix had pulled them partway down his legs.
The younger was straining against his briefs, his cock having already leaked enough pre-cum for it to leave a dark spot on the front. Felix whined when he noticed it and pressed gentle kisses along the still covered shaft before sucking at the head through the material, tiny hands kneading at the meat of his thighs, fingertips occasionally slipping under the hem to rile the younger up even more. Seungmin was gripping onto the couch like his life depended on it, drunk off the pleasure regardless of the fact that he was still in his briefs.
Felix quickly solved that problem, fingers dipping under the waistband to slide down the offending item of clothing. His breath hitched when Seungmin's hard cock slapped against his lower stomach and his eyes flicked up to the younger's, mouth agape and watering. Seungmin chuckled huskily and took the perfect opportunity to throw Felix's words back in his face, "Like what you see?"
Felix blinked torpidly and nodded, unable to hide the blush that dusted his cheeks when he registered the question. Without preamble, he leaned in to suck at Seungmin's balls. "Oh!" Seungmin shuddered, gasping at the sudden contact. Felix hummed and lapped at the supple flesh before licking up to the head of his cock. There he suckled tenderly, the tip of his tongue sporadically dipping into the slit, and made eye contact with Seungmin who looked close to passing out.
Panting and squirming, it was Seungmin's turn to whimper, "Shit, Lix! You look so fucking pretty! God!"
Felix fluttered his lashes in response and sunk down on Seungmin's dick, lips stretching obscenely around his girth. He moaned at the feeling of the younger boy hot and heavy on his tongue; his eyes rolled back and drool dripped from the corners of his mouth. Seungmin moaned right along with him, throwing his head back and anchored himself so as not to thrust wildly into Felix's tight, wet throat.
"Lixie, so pretty for me," he brushed strands of hair from Felix's eyes as the older looked up at him again and rested his hand against one freckled cheek, feeling it bulge and hollow as Felix fervently sucked. "Fuck, your pretty mouth was made for my cock, wasn't it?"
Felix whined and nodded in agreement, easing more of Seungmin down with each bob of his head. When he reached the base, he swallowed tightly, tears pooling in his eyes from the discomfort. Seungmin whimpered above him, getting lost in the pleasure. "How can someone be that pretty even when they cry?" he whispered, not really intending for Felix to hear, but the older heard and preened nonetheless.
With one last lave of his tongue over the bulging veins in the underside of Seungmin's cock, Felix pulled up slowly, the head falling from his lips with a filthy pop. He pumped the length with his hand, all the saliva making the slide slippery and smooth. "I know you're close, Minnie," Felix arched an eyebrow, "Are you holding out on me?"
Seungmin's hips pitched forward ever so slightly, dick twitching in the older's grasp, "Ngh, you feel too good. Wanna feel you for as long as I can. Don't wanna stop."
"Oh, baby! I'm not going anywhere! You can have my mouth again whenever you want, don't you worry about that!" Felix placed a single kiss on the head of his cock, seemingly sealing his promise, before smiling up at Seungmin, a dash of feigned pity behind his eyes. "Besides, it must hurt to hold it in so long like this." He tutted and shook his head, "No, that won't do. I know what'll make you cum, baby." Seungmin's hips shot forward at the pet name and Felix snickered meanly, "Here, fuck my mouth. I know you want to."
Seungmin whined and whimpered and writhed. He did want to. So badly. But he didn't want to hurt Felix. The eldest noticed the hesitation and smiled genuinely, "It's ok! I like it rough, remember?" Seungmin nodded tentatively and Felix took him back into his mouth, bracing himself against the strong thighs at his sides. The younger shyly thrusted once, again testing the waters, but when Felix's throat accommodated him so well, he sighed and reached to tangle his fingers in the older's hair before beginning to shallowly thrust. Felix moaned around the cock in his mouth, loving the feeling of his throat being abused as Seungmin's pace quickened and his strokes strengthened.
The older was a whimpering mess being used for Seungmin's pleasure and that got Felix more turned on than he's possibly ever been in his life. He reached down with one hand to grip at his dick over his shorts, trying to relieve some of the pressure, but he ended up pulling out his cock to thrust into his own hand, chasing the blinding satisfaction that he was on the very cusp of.
Seungmin was scorching hot, belly burning with his release so close, "Lix, I'm- I can't last anymore." Felix hummed in encouragement, quickening his own pace on his leaking length. "Lix, can I- I wanna cum on your face. You'd look so fucking pretty with my cum on your face. Can I, please?" Felix was eagerly nodding the entire time Seungmin was begging, or nodding as best he could while choking on his cock.
The younger whispered 'thank you's over and over again as he tugged Felix off by his hair and started to jerk at his sensitive dick. Felix obediently held his mouth open, tongue lolling out in wait, and seconds later, streaks of white painted his lips. A few shot up to land across his freckled cheeks and nose, narrowly missing his eyes, which he was thankful for because he could fully see Seungmin's reaction to his face covered in his cum. And god it was beautiful. So was Felix in Seungmin's eyes. And he told him so.
"Gorgeous," Seungmin breathed, smearing his cockhead in the cum covering Felix's bottom lip. The eldest moaned and smiled, lashes fluttering closed before he suckled any leftover drops of cum from Seungmin's cock and licked his lips. He dragged his fingertips across his face, scooping up all the cum, and sucked it from his fingers, making sure to look Seungmin in the eye as he did.
"Fuck, you're filthy," Seungmin smirked and tugged him back up into his lap, "C'mere." Felix clumsily scampered up, still hard cock bouncing against his own stomach when he sat down. Seungmin glanced down, smirk widening, and took Felix into his hand. "Good. Wanted to see you cum all over yourself anyway."
Felix whined, "And you said I was the dirty one."
Seungmin smiled naughtily before leaning in closer and started to tug at Felix's cute, pink cock. "Gonna make you even dirtier." The older keened and surged forward to kiss Seungmin again. Seungmin groaned when he tasted himself on Felix's tongue but made no effort to move away which made Felix twitch in his grasp. The younger twisted his hand and thumbed at his frenulum, making Felix gasp into his mouth. He swallowed his moans and jerked him to completion, cum spilling over his hand and shooting up the front of Felix's shirt. "Looks like you made the mess this time, Lix," Seungmin whispered against his mouth. Felix punched him in the arm and giggled as he came down from his high.
The two heard a noise and Felix turned around just in time to see Hyunjin, jaw on the floor, slap a hand over his eyes, immediately do a 180, and made a beeline out of the room, presumably in the direction from which he came. Felix giggled while Seungmin groaned, "I knew we'd get caught! You're gonna pay for this, you little incubus!"
Later that night, far past midnight, there was a soft knock on Seungmin's bedroom door. He opened it to find his little imp smiling sweetly, already batting his lashes.
"Can I help you, demon?" Seungmin asked with a raised eyebrow.
Felix clasped his hands in front of himself and cutely twisted in place, his big t-shirt billowing out around him made him look even tinier than usual. "I believe you promised me a punishment."
Seungmin scoffed before glancing the older up and down and growled, "This time, I'm shoving my fingers down your throat while I suck you off."
Felix feigned shock as he closed the door behind himself, "Minnie, how scandalous!"
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silverlightqueen · 4 years
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silverlightqueen’s SKZ Scarefest
angel!felix x demon!reader - comedy, fluff, felix worrying about losing his job as an angel lmao 
Word Count: 2.4k+
Summary - Felix is an angel. Literally. Like, from Heaven. And he’s the best at being one. Never has he let temptation lead him astray. Never has he stopped before doing what is right. Never has he abandoned his assigned humans, even those that provide the most challenge. He’s never stepped a toe out of line, always kept his crush on a particularly annoying demon a secret. That is, until, he wakes up in the bed of said annoying demon with lipstick stains on his skin and his halo a little crooked.
Warnings: explicit discussion of sex, making out, that’s it I think but let me know if I missed something please!
this is dedicated to the lovely @brinnalaine​ for being such a supportive sweetheart, so I hope you enjoy this little fic about our sunshine!
a/n: and here is the sixth instalment of my SKZ Scarefest! I’m sorry it’s so late in the day but I’ve spent all day at a theme park scarefest getting terrorised by clowns and dolls in terrifying mazes lmao. @silverlightprincess​ hasn’t actually proofread this but she proofreads everything else so I still want to thank her for being the best! I really hope you guys enjoy this bc it was really fun to write. please be sure to check out the previous parts and keep an eye out for the next parts too x
taglist: @kodzu-ken​ @cloudsgathering​ @silverlightprincess
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I wake up with something heavy on my face and a dizzy head from my mouth and nose being blocked. I try to take a deep breath and, instead, end up inhaling something soft and wispy, making me choke. I sit up suddenly, pushing the heavy thing off me with effort as I splutter, trying to empty my mouth of whatever it is that’s invaded it. And then I reach a finger into my mouth and end up pulling out feathers. Pure white and fringed feathers.
‘Did you just shove my wing, y/n?’ I hear Felix’s deep morning voice mumble into his pillow, and I shoot his back a dirty look, fishing his stupid feathers out of my mouth and trying to ignore the way I get butterflies in my stomach at hearing him say my name with that voice of his. He’s got his massive wings out for some stupid reason, one of them taking up my side of the bed whilst the other hangs over onto the floor. His hair, a lovely soft blond colour, is a fluffy mess on the pillow, and I can feel the heat that his body radiates despite only having the covers up to his hips, the band of his underwear just about visible.
I’ve been running into Felix quite a bit in the last few months – somehow he was always being assigned to humans in areas that I was… terrorising people in. Angels and demons have always had a… rocky relationship, but Felix was too pure, too kind, too sweet for me to be a bitch to him like I’ve been to all the other angels I’ve encountered. So I put up with his annoyingly sunny presence and his random acts of kindness and him stopping me from feeding on humans because ‘they haven’t done anything wrong!’ After him starving me for months, I got fed up and made a deal with him. I would scare the shit out of people to feed on them, and he would erase their memories so they wouldn’t be scarred for life. We became a… partnership of sorts, making me the most well-fed demon and him the highest achieving angel. To celebrate our successes, I took him to a new trendy bar last night and we got super drunk on fruity cocktails. And here we are now, with my cute red dress on the floor next to his black jeans.
‘Yes. I did. Because it was on top of me, suffocating me, and now I have a mouthful of your dumb feathers. Why are they even out? Put them away please?’ I ask harshly, injecting more annoyance into my voice than I feel, and Felix sighs, rolling his shoulders without moving from his position of being sprawled out on his front in my bed, and his wings slowly shrink, diminishing into his strong back, the only trace of them the two small bumps between his shoulder blades.
‘Don’t call my feathers dumb. I put a lot of effort into looking after them,’ he mumbles, voice still muffled in his pillow, and I roll my eyes, letting myself fall back against the bed. ‘Wouldn’t be able to tell. Coarse and ratty, they are,’ I tease half-heartedly, both of us knowing his feathers are softer than silk. ‘Like your hair,’ he replies in his wickedly deep voice, his amusement obvious in his tone, and I let out an outraged noise.
‘My hair is beautifully healthy, thank you. You should know – had your hands in it for hours last night,’ I pout, annoyed, as I pull the covers up around me, shivering. The room is absolutely freezing, due to the cold weather and the fact that I’m only in Felix’s thin white shirt and a pair of pants, so I can’t help but inch closer to him, his body radiating warmth. He doesn’t reply, but I don’t have any objections. I like my lazy morning lie-ins and it’d be nice to get a couple more hours of sleep.
‘Oh, shit,’ he says a few minutes later, sounding wide awake now, just as I’m beginning to drop off back to sleep, and I let out a loud huff of annoyance. ‘What?’ ‘I slept with you,’ he says as though he’s just found it out, lifting his head up from the pillow and looking at me with wide eyes. ‘Did you forget? I thought it was pretty memorable,’ I say offhandedly, amused. ‘It was. But I… I slept with you,’ he says, turning over and staring up at the ceiling, blinking in disbelief. ‘Right. I’m confused,’ I say, wondering if he’s lost his mind or something. My pussy’s good, but not that good. Or maybe it is? God knows. Actually, let’s hope God doesn’t know. She’ll probably kill Felix. Oh, right. I get why he’s freaking out now.
‘Oh, no. Angel boy’s having a mental breakdown because he fucked a demon, and God’s not gonna be happy,’ I tease in a light voice, holding back my laughter, and Felix sits up in bed, looking distraught. ‘She’s gonna kill me. She will actually kill me,’ he says quietly before dropping his head into his hands with a dramatic fake sob. ‘Oh, calm down. She doesn’t even need to know,’ I say, immensely amused, and Felix turns to me with distraught eyes. ‘She’ll know!’ ‘How? Unless one of us tells her, she won’t know,’ I say pointedly, telling him to keep his mouth shut but in nicer words.
‘But… she’s God. Won’t she just know?’ he asks, eyes wide like an innocent little kid, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘You’re not the first angel I’ve fucked, Lix.’ ‘I’m not?’ he asks, sounding sceptical, and I shoot him a dirty look. ‘Don’t sound so disbelieving. But, anyway, she’s never found out about those before. As long as you don’t blab, it’ll be fine,’ I say, and he nods, looking like he’s on the verge of tears.
‘Lix, relax. Stop panicking. You’re ruining the morning-after mood,’ I say softly after a minute of him just staring at the wall unseeingly. I slide my arms around his waist, pulling him down to lie beside me, and I curl into him instantly, revelling in the warmth of his bare skin. His arm comes around me, holding me against him, and I can sense him relaxing a little. I lay a hand on his chest, over the red lipstick marks that stain his skin, drawing patterns with my fingers, and after a few minutes, he puts his hand over mine, making me look up at him.
He takes me by surprise when he leans down and presses his lips to mine in a gentle kiss. My eyes flutter shut after the initial surprise, and I melt into him, hand sliding up from his chest to around the back of his neck, the short soft hairs at the nape of his neck tickling the pads of my fingers. His velvety lips are firm against mine, our mouths moving in sync, and I let out little breaths and whines against his mouth as his hands leisurely travel over my body, giving me butterflies in my stomach when his tongue slides into my mouth.
We break apart after a few minutes, the kiss leaving me breathless, and his lips quirk up in an amused grin. He might be the most angelic… angel in Heaven, but he touched me, kissed me, fucked me like a demon. ‘You’re cute,’ he murmurs, briefly pressing his lips to my forehead, and I try to ignore the little thrill in my chest, pouting at him instead. ‘I’m an evil demon that feeds on human fear. I’m not cute,’ I mumble, and he lets out a gentle chuckle. ‘You are. You’re a cute evil demon that feeds on human fear,’ he replies with a grin, and I roll my eyes. ‘Shut it, angel boy, you’re the cute one here.’ ‘Here I was thinking you found me sexy.’ ‘In your dreams, Lix,’ I murmur amusedly, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘Not what you were saying last night.’ ‘…Shut up.’
He laughs at me, pulling me closer to him, and I feel warm and secure in his arms. His angel aura is definitely shining through – it feels like nothing could harm me if he’s here. We cuddle in a comfortable silence, his fingers running through my hair soothingly, and my eyes flutter shut after a little while, slumber beginning to take me. ‘What happens now?’ he murmurs, bringing me back from my snooze, and I resist the urge to put my fist through his chest.
‘What do you mean?’ I ask, suppressing a yawn, and he sighs gently as I move off him, lying beside him so I can look him in the eyes. ‘Where do we… go from here?’ he asks, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘Um… you go back to Heaven and I go back to Hell,’ I reply, knowing that that’s not the kind of answer he’s looking for, and he rolls his eyes. ‘You know I don’t mean location. I mean… with us,’ he says tentatively, and I don’t react for a moment. ‘Are you asking me what we are?’ I ask, a little stunned, and he nods, looking like he wished he never asked.
‘We’re an angel and demon that have teamed up for our own interests, and we got drunk and slept together, which won’t affect our business partnership. Right?’ I say slowly, and I feel guilt twist in my heart when the hope disappears from his pretty brown eyes. ‘Right. Yeah. I just thought…’ he trails off, turning onto his back and not looking at me. ‘Thought what?’ I ask carefully, and he’s silent for a moment before sighing. ‘I thought that maybe it was something more. I mean… we’ve been spending a lot of time together, and I guess I have a bit of a… crush on you?’ he stammers, ending his sentence as a question as though he’s not quite sure.
He’s still not looking at me, and the words hit me like a ton of bricks. Felix, God’s favourite angel, has a crush on me, Lucifer’s favourite girl and a princess of the 9th circle of Hell? I’m not quite sure how to react to the words, just blinking in surprise for a moment. ‘You have a crush on me? Are you sure?’ I ask, and he lets out a little laugh, eyes still on the ceiling. ‘Yep, pretty sure. I’ve had a few months to think about it,’ he says offhandedly, and my mouth falls open. ‘You’ve had a crush on me the whole time?’ I demand, and he finally looks at me, nodding sheepishly.
‘Why didn’t you say anything, stupid?’ I exclaim, hitting his chest gently, and he lets out a light chuckle. ‘I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.’ ‘What friendship?’ I ask jokingly, and he looks at me deadpan. ‘Sorry. But seriously, are we, like, high schoolers? No. We’re centuries old supernatural beings. If you had a crush on me, you should’ve just told me, and taken me on a date. What is wrong with you?’ I demand, and he blinks at me several times. ‘Did you just say I should’ve taken you on a date?’ he asks, stunned, and I let out an annoyed noise. ‘Yes, keep up.’
‘But… you’re a demon, and I’m an angel.’ ‘Forbidden romances are better than normal ones. Like Cleopatra and Mark, Tristan and Isolde, Pyramus and Thisbe, Romeo and Juli-’ ‘Every one of those couples had a tragic end,’ Felix says dryly, an amused smile on his face, and I roll my eyes. ‘They were mortal, and were forbidden by their parents. It’s different.’ ‘Oh, yeah, we have God and Lucifer to deal with instead,’ he says sarcastically, making me raise an eyebrow. ‘Lucifer won’t care. It’s God that’s the issue. An easily solvable issue,’ I grin, and his face falls.
‘Are you plotting against God?’ he demands, looking completely outraged. ‘Don’t look so shocked, it’s not blasphemy for me. I’m a demon, stupid. But, no, I’m not plotting against her. I’m just gonna… talk to her,’ I say mildly, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘You’re gonna… talk to God? To get her to let us date?’ he asks, sounding disbelieving, and I nod simply. ‘She’ll kill you,’ he replies, eyes sparkling with mirth, and I just grin. ‘I think you’ll find I can be quite… persuasive,’ I reply, dragging my fingertips across his chest gently, the feeling of my long red nails lightly scraping his skin making his amusement disappear, a shaky breath leaving his lips. He blinks a few times, knocking himself out of his little trance. ‘I’m not sure trying to seduce her will work,’ he says lightly, and I smirk at him. ‘Oh, I know. I’m planning something else for her. It’s you I’m trying to seduce,’ I murmur, resting my thumb against my lower lip with a small smile, making my eyes all big, and I see him visibly gulp.
‘It’s working,’ he says distractedly, sliding his arms around me and pulling me on top of him, and I meet his mouth in a kiss, unable to keep the grin off my face as our lips move against each other in a way that numbs my mind. ‘Wait, wait,’ he says after a few seconds, breaking away from me. ‘Does this mean you like me too?’ he asks, looking hopeful, and I think for a moment. ‘You’ve got potential. You’re… handsome, and your personality isn’t totally annoying,’ I admit begrudgingly, heart skipping a beat at the big smile that comes across his face. ‘But,’ I add, making his smile fall a little, ‘some of the appeal is the fact that you’re a pure soul, a heavenly little angel, and I’m quite the opposite. I wanna knock your halo off, angel boy, so you better hope I don’t get bored when I’ve done so.’
He doesn’t react with the hurt I expected, a small smirk playing at his lips instead, and before I can realise that we’re moving, he’s rolled us over, his body hovering over mine. His locks fall over his eyes, casting shadows across his face, and his grin makes him look more like the demons I walk among than the angel he truly is. ‘Don’t worry about getting bored, y/n,’ he murmurs in his sinfully deep voice, one of his hands coming to rest at the base of my throat and making my skin burn hot with desire. I can’t help but mirror his grin, impressed at this very out of character behaviour. ‘Why not, Lix?’ I ask teasingly, and he just smirks, hand tightening at my neck, his sparkly eyes locking with mine. He captures my mouth in a passionate and desperate kiss, murmuring against my lips; ‘I’ll keep you entertained.’
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hyunllx · 4 years
The Christmas Baker
A Hyunlix Hallmark Fic Chapter 1/5 wc: 4k Hwang Hyunjin is a rich, cocky, famous dancer that prefers to keep to himself during the holidays. When his roommate drags him along to visit his hometown, however, Hyunjin meets a boy who helps him believe in the spirit of the season. Primarily Hyunjin’s pov with Felix’s pov added in occasionally. series warnings: Extremely cliche. You will probably cringe at some points but its okay. chapter warnings: Brief mentions of alcohol. note: This fic is not meant to accurately reflect or portray the members of SKZ. This is just for fun. Next Chapter
    A deep pounding in the temples roused Hyunjin from his sleep, a groan escaping him as he tried to sit up, his head spinning. He remembered he’d crashed on the couch again in the middle of the night after coming home from another company party. As usual, he’d had too much to drink and couldn’t make it all the way to his bedroom to undress or sleep properly. Now his neck and shoulders hurt from the uncomfortable couch and he felt like he needed a year long hot shower.
  The smell of cooking registered in his nose, turning his stomach but waking him up a little more. He could hear the soft voice of his room mate and best friend, Chan, chiming from the kitchen, singing along to a christmas song he couldn’t quite make out.
  Chan emerged from the kitchen carrying a steaming bowl, grinning wide as he noticed Hyunjin up and somewhat alert,
  “Hey sleepyhead, you’re finally awake.” His voice was high and babyish as he approached the couch.
  Hyunjin groaned again. No matter how close they were, he was still embarrassed whenever Chan pulled out his cute charms around him. Lacking the energy to complain so soon after waking up, he just took the bowl from Chan and brought it to his lips without a word. Despite expecting the taste of Chan’s famous hangover soup, Hyunjin still recoiled as the spices burned his tongue and throat. He coughed sharply, earning a pat on the head from his friend,
  “That’ll wake you up for sure.”
  “What’s that?” Hyunjin pointed to the luggage piled next to their apartment’s front door, distracting himself as he took another scalding sip of the soup broth. Chan tilted his head like a confused puppy, frowning,
  “I’m leaving to stay with my brother for break, remember?”
  “That’s today?”
  “Of course. Christmas is only four days away you know.” He didn’t know, but Hyunjin didn’t want to say that out loud. People were always either appalled that he didn’t celebrate the holidays or they pitied him. In reality he never got to celebrate like others did when his parents were busy with holiday music events and parties. He was used to being alone this time of year. Still, he couldn’t help eye the stack of bags with jealousy. The thought of waking up on christmas morning without his best friend was not something he looked forward to.
  Chan noticed the way his eyes kept flicking toward the door,
  “Are you sure I can leave you alone for so long?”
  Hyunjin scoffed, “What do you mean? I’m an adult, I can take care of myself.”
  “Getting drunk every night until Christmas is not taking care of yourself, Hyunnie.” Hyunjin grimaced at the nickname. Chan only used it when he was sincerely worried about him, and Hyunjin didn’t want to have this serious of a conversation when he’d be leaving right after. He focused on finishing his breakfast instead, skin burning where Chan was watching him.
  “Why don’t you come with me?”
  Hyunjin choked as he inhaled broth in shock at the proposition,
  “Excuse me?” He managed between coughs.
  “I mean it. I don’t want you to be here by yourself.”
  The witty come back on Hyunjin’s tongue burned away when he met Chan’s sad eyes. Truthfully, he didn’t want to be here alone either, but the thought of staying in a stranger’s house in a strange town was equally unappealing. 
  “I know my brother won’t mind. He loves company, and we’ll make room for you.”
  “I’m not going to win this fight, am I?” Hyunjin sighed, defeated.
  “Nope!” Chan grinned and dragged him into a one-sided hug, “I’ll help you pack once you wake up.”
  It didn't take long for Hyunjin to shower and collect his things. Though what he owned was luxurious and expensive, he didn't own much of anything. His clothes for the trip took up a rolling suitcase and everything else fit neatly in his shoulder bag. How Chan managed to fill three duffle bags, a laptop case, and his backpack, Hyunjin would never know. Still, between the two of them packing up Chan’s car, they managed to get on the road by the time he’d wanted to leave. 
  “Do you mind if I call him to let him know we’re coming?” Chan asked, fiddling with his dashboard to connect the car to his phone.
  Hyunjin shrugged, putting in his ear buds to respect the privacy of their conversation. Even with his volume turned, though, the reverberating bass of the deepest “Hello?” he’d ever heard cut through to his ears. 
  Hyunjin had never seen Chan’s brother, but he couldn’t imagine the person that voice must be coming from. His eyes widened as he listened to them talk,
  “I’m on my way over now!” Chan said, flashing Hyunjin a bright smile when he noticed his friend’s face, “Hey, I’m sorry for not asking earlier but my roommate didn’t have a place to celebrate Christmas, so is it alright I brought him along?”
  “Of course, of course!” His brother responded, his voice lightening only slightly with warmth, “I’ll get the guest room ready. Will he be coming to the party?”
  Hyunjin sat up straighter at the mention of a party, looking toward Chan, who only rolled his eyes,
  “Yeah, I think it’ll be good for him to go.”
  “Sweet! I’ll see you guys when you get here.”
  “Love you, Lix.”
  “Love you too!”
  “Party?” Hyunjin asked curiously as soon as they hung up the call, “I thought you wanted me to stay away from parties.”
  “It’s not the kind of party you’re thinking of.” Chan shook his head, a laugh hiding behind his lips, “It’s a celebration on Christmas Eve. Everyone comes together for free food and gifts.”
  “Sounds boring.” As long as there’s liquor for the adults, he thought to himself. He knew he’d need it to get through that kind of Christmas cheer. Chan only hummed in response, turning on the radio. It didn’t take long for him to start singing along to the holiday music, definitely not helping Hyunjin’s mood, even with his own music playing through his headphones.
  It took a couple songs passing without him registering the music for Hyunjin to realize he was still thinking about the voice on the other end of the car speakers. So warm yet so deep and mysterious at the same time. Chan talked often with pride about his younger brother, but Hyunjin had never taken the time to envision what the boy was actually like. In his head he was just a younger Chan. Clearly not with that voice. If he’d heard someone speak like that in a club or at a venue, he’d be flirting with them in an instant.
  After an hour of passive contemplation and at least ten plays of Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Is You, Hyunjin finally pulled out his ear buds and turned down the radio. Chan turned to look at him mid-lyric,
  "What's wrong?"
  "Tell me more about your brother." Chan opened his mouth to gush like usual but paused, looking at him curiously,
  "You've never asked about him before."
  "It would be rude to show up at his house and not know anything about him."
  “I talk about him all the time?”
  “I don’t listen.” He lied.
  Chan rolled his eyes, “Well… his name is Felix. He’s the same age as you are, 6 months younger. I basically raised him when we were kids because our parents were gone all the time. He owns and works at a little bakery in town-”
  “He’s a baker?” Now Hyunjin was really confused. 
  “The BEST baker!” Chan corrected, a little over-excited, “Seriously, all your stress will melt away the second you taste his brownies. He’s also a great cook, of course. And he’s a dancer, like you!”
  Hyunjin couldn’t figure this boy out. Every detail Chan shared over the following half hour was like gaining a new jigsaw piece that belonged to a completely different puzzle. “Felix” was a baker at heart with a passion for singing and dancing. Somehow he’d never followed in his elder brother’s footsteps despite being a gifted musician. By the time he was done listening, he both regretted asking and was unimaginably curious. All because of that stupidly deep voice on the other end of the call. 
  They drove from late morning until sunset, the city passing by them giving way to towns and eventually just an expanse of highway and trees. Occasionally an off-ramp would lead to some semblance of civilization beyond the humming of the cars around them, otherwise there was nothing this far out of the city. Clouds on the horizon turned deep red and purple as Chan finally took an exit, a storm in the distance squeezing the last drops of golden light from the sun before it set.
  They took several winding turns through the trees until the sun disappeared behind them and lights flared up around the car. Hyunjin stared in amazement as the trees lining the main road held strings of christmas lights in their branches, leading them straight to the town’s center. Though he would never admit it out loud, Hyunjin thought they were beautiful. 
  The entire town was decorated as though they had just entered the north pole. Every light pole held an oversized wreath, every tree strung with lights, every hovel and storefront decorated as if they wanted to see their tiny town from space. Hyunjin was dumbstruck; he was used to this kind of sight in big cities. It was to draw tourists and commerce for the big stores and the attractions. But here, this tiny town had none of that. They did this for the joy of it. How anyone could be in love with this holiday in such a way, he did not know. He was so lost in wonder he didn’t even notice they’d stopped until Chan turned the car off and the radio stopped playing, snapping Hyunjin’s attention back to reality.
  They’d pulled up to the small driveway of an equally small house. It was two stories tall, but only wide enough to fit the front door and a window on the first story. Thin trails of smoke rose from the back of the house, and a porch enclosed the entrance, orange light spilling out onto the wooden steps from the door’s frosted glass window.
  Shivers ripped through Hyunjin as he stepped out of the car, his breath swirling around him in a puff of steam. The temperature had dropped below freezing already, the cold eating away the nerves that started bubbling in Hyunjin’s stomach. The house in front of him looked cozy and warm and he just wanted to get inside.
  “Come on!” Chan grinned, motioning for Hyunjin to follow as he nearly sprinted up the stairs. The door was unlocked for them, and he shuffled after his friend into the heat of the home. He rubbed his hands together as he stood over the humming radiator of the entryway, taking in the overwhelming sensory experience of the home. Other than the warmth, the first thing to hit Hyunjin was the smell of food cooking somewhere deeper in the house, making his stomach growl. He hadn’t eaten much more than a few snacks since his breakfast soup. 
  Secondly, everything was covered in christmas decorations. Everything. The walls, the stairs to the second floor, the doors, the dining room to their left. Even the crown molding lining the ceiling of the old house. The warm orange light he’d seen from outside was emitted by dozens if not hundreds of little warm-white bulbs. It was as if Santa Claus himself lived there.
  “We’re here!” Chan called out, waddling into the hallway with Hyunjin right behind. A half-laugh half-yell of excitement burst from what Hyunjin assumed was the kitchen, startling him. Yet the human that emerged from the doorway was the most shocking part.
  The boy was just a tiny bit shorter than Chan, and petite enough to be swimming in his oversized sweater and apron. His hair was a shade more platinum than Hyunjin's own blonde, his skin a soft russet with splashes of dark freckles across his nose and cheeks.
  "Hyung!" He exclaimed in a high-pitched voice as he ran into Chan's outstretched arms. Certainly this wasn't the same boy that spoke over the car speakers.
  "You must be Hyunjin!" His deep voice returned as he pulled away from his brother, beaming up at Hyunjin with the world's brightest grin, "It's nice to meet you!"
  "Nice to meet you t-" Hyunjin had extended a hand for a handshake but Felix quickly ignored it, pulling him into a sudden hug. Hyunjin stiffened at the informality, entirely unprepared to meet someone that was even more physically affectionate than Chan. He could see the family resemblance. 
  “Don’t be nervous,” Felix tried to soothe him, patting his back before pulling away, “You’re hyung’s friend, so this is your home too.”
  Hyunjin couldn’t respond, his brain was short-circuiting from the physical affection and the deep voice and all the lights. All he could process was Chan trying desperately yet failing to suppress a laugh in his direction. Thankfully, an obnoxious beeping from the kitchen saved him from having to formulate a response.
  “Ah! Dinner’s ready, you guys made it just in time!” He scurried off to fetch the food, bouncing along with excitement as he ran like a child.
  “You alright?” Chan chuckled, smacking Hyunjin between the shoulderblades to grab his attention.
  “What have you dragged me into?” He whispered, hoping his host wouldn’t hear.
  “Come on Hyunjin, I know you guys are going to end up getting along just fine.” Chan winked at him, which Hyunjin thought was odd, but at this point everything around him was twisted backwards and upside down so he didn’t think much more of it. 
  They hung up their jackets and Chan led him into the dining room where Felix was setting out three large bowls of rice next to three bowls of the most delicious smelling kimchi stew Hyunjin had ever seen. The chandelier that hung over the small table was turned off, the room illuminated instead by the vibrant white glow of the christmas tree in the corner of the room. Felix’s smile as they entered was just as bright; Hyunjin felt he couldn’t look too long or else he’d get lost in it. Instead he turned to Chan as he took a seat next to him, watching his friend’s nose scrunch up at the thought of a spicy meal.
  “Don’t worry, it’s not very spicy.” Felix assured, reading Hyunjin’s exact train of thought. Of course he’d know Chan couldn’t handle spicy food. He couldn’t even eat the hangover soup he made Hyunjin in the mornings. 
  “Thank God.” Chan nodded with relief, “Shall we eat? I’m starving.”
  “Of course, please help yourselves.” Felix said as he took a seat across from Hyunjin at the table, still smiling. Hyunjin still couldn’t look at him, his heart skipping at the sight of his grin. Instead, he dug into his stew. 
  An involuntary groan rumbled in his throat at the flavor, his body warming instantly as he slowed to savor the taste. Not that he’d had many home cooked meals in his life, but Hyunjin couldn’t help but think it was the best tasting meal he’d ever had.
  When he came back up from his bowl, Hyunjin froze under the stares of both Chan and Felix. They looked at him eagerly, leaning in as if waiting for him to speak.
  “Uh…” He struggled to find words as he swallowed a mouthful of beef, “It’s really good.”
  Felix let out a sigh of relief then a loud, sudden laugh. His grin swallowed his face again as he picked up his chopsticks,
  “Good! I was worried whether or not you’d like it.”
  The comment came off so casual that it left Hyunjin’s ears burning with embarrassment. Why did he care what Hyunjin thought about his food? They were strangers. Yet the longer he lingered in this house the more it felt familiar. Like he was visiting a beloved family member after years apart. He shook off the feeling. 
  He’s a stranger. Hyunjin reminded himself.
  “Is Seungmin still working at the bakery after moving out?” Chan asked when Hyunjin’s senses were ready to return to the conversation.
  “Yeah, but I gave him the week off.” Felix waved his hand dismissively, though a smirk lingered on his lips, “He deserves to spend as much time as he can with Minho.”
  “They’re back together?”
  “Do they ever really break up?” Both brothers laughed in agreement, nodding vigorously. Hyunjin was lost in the conversation, so he just sat and smiled awkwardly. Chan giggled teasingly as he continued, 
  “What about you? Is there a special boy I should meet while I’m here?”
  Hyunjin and Felix immediately locked eyes at the question. Felix’s face grew tomato-red, and the intense fire in his ears told Hyunjin they looked much the same. His head reeled as he realized that’s why Chan was never awkward whenever he came home to find Hyunjin with a boy, or why they never had the talk about it after. 
  “Uh.. No- no. I’m not seeing anyone.” Felix stuttered, stuffing his mouth with rice so he wouldn’t have to keep talking. Hyunjin felt sorry for him as the boy’s sunny smile vanished. He could sense Felix’s anxiety at being outed to a stranger. Even if he’d welcomed Hyunjin with open arms, this was a different level of personal information. He tried to catch Felix’s eye again but the boy was too focused on his food. Hyunjin cleared his throat instead,
  “That’s too bad. I was hoping to meet a cute boy while we were here.”
  Felix perked up a little at that, a smile entertaining the corners of his lips while he chewed. They finished their dinner in mostly silence, the sweet hum of christmas music filtering into the room via the kitchen. Though he knew he’d regret it when he returned to the dance studio after break, Hyunjin ate until he was completely full, letting himself indulge in the delicious food just this once.
  “So… just you in the bakery tomorrow?” Chan asked as they all leaned back in their chairs, finished and satisfied.
  “Yep!” Felix smiled and nodded as he stood to gather the empty dishes from the table, “I’m only aiming for 1000 this year so the two days should be plenty of time. As long as you’ll help?”
  “Of course! What are brothers for?”
  “1000 what?” Hyunjin looked between them, confused and apprehensive about being in a stranger’s home by himself.
  “Cookies! For the Christmas Eve Party. You’re welcome to come help too if you want.”
  Hyunjin screwed up his face at the idea; he was NOT a good cook, or baker. Hence his lack of experience with home-cooked meals, “I think I’ll just take the day to look around town.”
  “Well you’re welcome to stop by. It’ll just be us in there.” Was that disappointment in his deep voice? Hyunjin shook his head at the thought. While he certainly had a reputation for being cocky, he wasn’t typically this full of himself. There was no reason for this boy he’d just met to have such an impact on his emotions. Felix didn’t care about him or what he did. They didn’t know each other. Hyunjin was only here because of Chan. 
  “I’m going to start unloading the car.” He said, already heading for the front door. He needed to clear his head. The cold night air would help.
    “Is that everything?” Felix asked as he helped his brother tuck the last of the gifts he’d brought under the giant tree in his living room. His cheeks hurt from smiling, and he had to restrain himself from shaking the boxes whenever he glimpsed his name written on the tag.
  “Yep!” Chan smiled just as wide, pretending to dust off his hands, “Just have to unpack my clothes and stuff.”
  “Do you want help?”
  “Nah. I’ll be back down in a bit.” He scratched his fingers in Felix’s hair as he stood, making the younger boy giggle. Felix hadn’t realized how much he had missed his hyung; Chan was gone to the big city to chase his dreams and rarely got a break to come home. Whenever he visited, it felt like Felix’s heart was whole again. 
  As he stood up from his spot in front of the tree, Felix’s mind wandered from his brother to the stranger upstairs, Hyunjin. Hwang Hyunjin. 
  Being a dancer himself, Felix was familiar with the dancers that Chan worked with, spending hours memorizing their routines. The fact that Hyunjin was here in his home made nervous, star-struck butterflies flutter in his stomach. Even despite his cold demeanor.
  Felix could tell it was an act; the mask had slipped when Hyunjin rescued him from Chan accidentally outing that he liked boys in front of a stranger. It slipped in the way Hyunjin looked to Chan like a brother, for comfort and reassurance. There was a kind person underneath all that ice. He’d warm up once they got to know each other, Felix was sure of it.
  “I’ll go check on him, I think.” He mumbled to himself as he checked his pulse, a nervous tick he’d had since he was a child. He stopped to grab a pillow and blankets from the closet under the stairs, just in case his guest needed an extra one, before heading up.
  The door to the guest bedroom was ajar so Felix opened it with a nudge of his foot. He found Hyunjin standing in the middle of the room, vigorously texting on his phone. His long, golden hair hung loose, free from the ponytail he’d had it in before. His plump bottom lip was trapped between his teeth, his eyebrows pulled together in concern. It was the first time Felix really recognized how breath-takingly beautiful the man was in person.
  When he noticed light spilling into the room from the hall, Hyunjin looked up from his phone, startled as though Felix had caught him doing something he shouldn’t have been. Frowning, he paused in the doorway,
  “Is everything okay?”
  “Y-yeah. Sorry, you just surprised me.” Hyunjin spoke as if finding his breath again, his ears turning pink again like they had been at dinner.
  “Um… Is there anything you need? Like another blanket or something?” Felix shuffled his feet awkwardly. The star-struck butterflies were back in full-force and he was sure he looked just as embarrassed as Hyunjin himself did.
  “No thank you, I’m alright.” An awkward pause, “Hey… is that offer to help at the bakery still open?” 
  Felix’s heart flipped up into his throat,
  “Yeah of course! You… you changed your mind?”
  “I don’t think I’ll be seeing much of the town.” He stepped back and pointed to the small window. Half an inch of snow already clung to the outer windowsill while large, heavy flakes sparkling in the lights lining the house dove through the air. The storm that had been threatening the sky all day finally arrived. 
  “Oh that’s alright,” Felix grinned at the sight, excitement mingling with his nervousness making him bounce on his toes, “We’ll have a white christmas at least! You’re welcome to join me and Chan any time.”
  “Thank you.” Hyunjin bowed slightly, still being awkward, “Um… good night.”
  “Good night, Hyunjin.” Before he could see his reaction, Felix stepped back and shut the door. His heart raced and he had to take a moment to catch his breath.
“It’s going to be a long three days…”
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k-writer1998 · 4 years
Unexpected Answers
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Prompt fic: lighthouse keeper! changbin x marine biologist! reader
angsty fluff
w.c: 2.4k
"You can't convince me that the ocean isn't haunted."
“Y/n you literally study the ocean for a living what do you mean?”
“Exactly, that’s why I’m saying this from a scientific perspective.”
“Scientific my ass.”
“Don’t you have a lighthouse to run? Felix has got to stop forgetting his access card,” I roll my eyes. “He’s just lucky he’s the best marine vet around or he would be in big trouble by now.”
“Don’t act like you don’t like having me come visit,” he teased.
“You’re right. The marine life like your face, it’s easier for me to check on them with you around.”
“So what I’m hearing is that you need me.”
“Wipe that stupid grin off your face. The fish may like it but I’m not a fan.”
      I don’t know what it is about Seo Changbin but our personalities just don’t match, especially when he purposely annoys me like this. I’ve told him after meeting him almost a year ago that I don’t do well with flirty lines. At first it was funny, almost cute even, but it was relentless and the only way I knew to react was to give him flat responses. After all this time this is what has become of us. As per usual, he followed me around as I went to check on my animals and when I said they like Changbin… they literally flock to him. It usually takes a bit of coaxing to get them to come but with Changbin it's like they see one of their own. By the time I was on my lunch we ended up in Felix’s office so Changbin could return his access card.
“Ah, there it is. I had to get a temp from Nayeon-noona…  she’s annoyed with me,” Felix laughs.
“Don’t worry Lix I always got you.”
“Yes worry, remember so Changbin doesn’t have to keep coming around.”
“Don’t be like that, I’m a fun friend to have around and you know it.”
“I wouldn’t say “friend” but we aren’t strangers I guess,” I say as I take a bite of my sandwich.
“Wow after all this time you can’t even call me a friend? You wound me y/n.”
“We barely know anything about each other, can we really call that friendship?”
      I noticed Felix watching our bickering with careful eyes and decided to mind my business when he suddenly blurted to Changbin that they needed to talk in private before Changbin was practically dragged out of the room. I shook my head, this was literally Felix’s office. I could’ve just left. I continued to eat in this new found silence as I thought back to Felix’s odd behavior. I mean yeah him and Changbin have always been a bit odd but at least most of the time it was subtle or they covered it well but what’s this “news” that has Felix acting weirder than the normal amount he exudes? By the time the boys came back I had several possible reasons in mind but with all this secrecy I can’t ask up front. Changbin spent the rest of the day with me in my office as I inputted the data for the day where he asked countless questions. He really meant it when he wanted to learn more about me in order to be friends. After my fifth typo, because my fingers were typing the words coming out of my mouth, I glared at the boy.
“Changbin what’s with the questions? If you want to hang out can I at least finish my report so we won’t be here all night?”
“Well you said I don’t really know you so I’m trying to get to know you better…”
      Unlike his usual loud cheerful, or sometimes flirty, tone he spoke in a small voice as he looked down at his hands like a child being scolded. He’s always so open to bothering me, to suddenly see him in this state… Was I too harsh earlier? I soften as my eyes analyze him.
“Does it really bother you that I said I didn’t consider us friends?”
“We spend a lot of time together, isn’t that already being friends?” He mumbles, a pout forming.
      If I didn’t already have my preconceived notions- actually even if I do, that pout and this new side of Changbin were both endearing. Did something happen when Felix talked to him?
"Well spending time with someone doesn't mean you know them but I was a bit harsh earlier. We are friends, just maybe not the closest," I smile.
"Do you mean it or are you just saying that so I stop bothering you?"
"If I didn't mean it I wouldn't let you follow me around against regulations all the time."
      This brought a smile to his face but there was still a distant look in his eyes. Okay whatever was said in that private conversation really got to him. The scientist in me was curious and although I’m never one to be nosy, this one eighty flip in his mood can be the exception.
“Changbin are you okay? You seem upset after talking to Felix.”
“Yeah… there’s just more on my mind now cause he reminded me of a promise I have to keep.”
“What kind of promise?”
“I can’t really say, but it’s a promise I have to keep even if I don’t want to.”
      He gave a sad smile as his eyes searched my concerned expression. Even though I wanted to, I couldn’t ask further when it’s obvious that he wants to keep it a secret. After finally finishing my report, Changbin walked me to my car. Before I got in Changbin stopped me.
“You said we can hang out right? You’re off tomorrow so come with me somewhere.”
“How do you- actually nevermind, yeah sure. Where are we going?” I gave a confused laugh.
“It’s a surprise. I’ll pick you up at noon… be sure to wear a bathing suit.”
      With a mysterious smile he was off before I could ask any more questions. The next day after a quick lunch somehow we found ourselves at a cave Changbin found that only appears during low tide. Staring down at the contents of his backpack, I understood the secrecy.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.This is payback for yesterday isn’t it?”
“Oh come on, I’m not that petty. This is completely safe, promise, I won’t let anything happen. At least I’m not taking you diving or maybe a ghost might get you,” he teased.
“Shut up, snorkeling is still… I don’t know.”
“I can’t have you being the only marine biologist to be scared of the ocean. Just trust me.”
“I trust you but I’m pretty sure you don’t have control over the ocean.”
“You never know, maybe I do,” he laughs before the look in his eyes soften, “It’ll just be for a bit okay? If you don’t like it after we can stop.”
      I eyed him skeptically for a few moments before reluctantly agreeing. He beamed and handed me the snorkeling gear before we discarded our outer clothes. Let me clarify. I do not hate the water, I love swimming, but the ocean is vast and there’s still a lot we don’t know so it scares me a bit. Yet after getting used to using the gear, I let Changbin lead me under the water by my hand cause I was scared to go under. He led me to the cave’s outer edge to see a small reef hidden in the rocks. The coral  and the sight of the little fish around us was breathtaking. With all the excitement my fears slowly ebbed away as I eagerly pointed things out to Changbin. After a while Changbin gingerly pulled my arm and we swam back, both of us beaming.
“Still think the ocean is haunted?”
“I’ll correct my statement, the deep sea is haunted,” I stuck out my tongue at him.
“Well glad you’re warming up to the ocean, but we need to get out of here before the tide rises.”
      With that we dried off and headed back to the beach just walking and talking about everything. It was like the air around us changed for the better and maybe he wasn’t annoying after all. By the time he dropped me off at my house, the sun had started to set. At my front door, we were saying goodbye when Changbin started to lean in. My hand flew to stop him subconsciously as I tried to process this moment.
“What? I thought the date went well,” he blinked at me as his eyes scanned my face.
“Date? This was a date?”
“Wasn’t it? I thought you’ve realized it by now…”
      The pain etched onto his features broke a part of me I didn’t even know existed. My brain whirred to process all this but before my voice could come out he quickly spurted out a dismissal and apology before running off, leaving me flabbergasted at the door. A whole storm of emotions swirled inside me since that day, one of the big ones being guilt. He hasn’t been to the institute or the lighthouse… it’s almost like he disappeared. A few days turned into a few weeks and still nothing. My only link to him, Felix, was no help cause he always danced around the questions or was too vague to get any real answers. All I know is that Changbin went home, he can’t use his phone, and he possibly won’t come back. Well… the last one is a deduction made literally because Felix can never give me a straight answer whenever I ask, the responses are just various forms of “it’s complicated”. 
      After yet another failed conversation with Felix today, I decided to get off early. Checking the time, I had ample time to go to the cave before the tide rose. I’ve been there a few times after that day because I miss him but I didn’t have the courage to go into the water since, but today was the day. After mentally preparing myself, I pulled on my newly bought snorkeling gear and swam down to the reef again but it didn’t feel as vibrant as that time with Changbin. It was dull, so after a while I swam back to the cave in defeat. Little did I know, the tide had risen and it wasn’t until I saw my bag floating past my face that it finally clicked. This is why you should focus on things at hand rather than about useless things like a guy who tried to kiss me then left town! In my panic to get back to the opening, I nicked my shin on a jagged rock and the burning sensation from salt on my would caused me to scream and lose what little oxygen I had left. I was close to the opening when shadows encroached my vision and to make it worse I started hallucinating Changbin swimming to me… but it couldn’t be, no matter how realistic it felt to feel his arms around my waist. My eyes fluttered closed and I was about to black out when suddenly I wasn’t in the water anymore. Instead I was sprawled on the sand, coughing up a lung to get the excess water out, when I finally took in the boy beside me and snapped.
“What the hell?! Where have you been Changbin?! I was scared you wouldn’t come back…”
“That’s what you’re screaming at me for? Not the glaring silver tail in place of my legs?”
“I mean yes there are a LOT of questions about that but I prefer to move in chronological order.”
      He looked gobsmacked at my nonchalant response but I mean yeah I have questions about the fact he’s basically a merman but seeming as though he saved my life, I’m safe. I looked at him, waiting for an answer, and he took a moment to shake the surprise before he did.
“I wasn’t supposed to come back… I made a deal with my parents that I had one year to fulfill my desire on the surface world or I had to go back and assume my role as… uhm prince…”
“Prin- Wait, what was the deal and how would they know your desire was fulfilled?”
      He held out his palm and showed me a pearl that was slightly pink. Naturally this darker shade of the color shouldn’t be a possibility but I mean a merman is literally sitting in front of me.
“This pearl was white, the closer I get to my goal the more pink it turns.”
“Well what’s your desire? It’s not completely white so you kind of did it.”
“Do you remember how we first met?”
“Yeah cause Felix forgot his access card and you brought it over, how is that relevant?”
“It’s relevant because that wasn’t the first time we met. We met on the beach one morning when we were sixteen and we both happen to “run away” from home… You were my desire y/n.”
      Now it was my turn to gape at the boy in front of me. I remember that time, it was early and I couldn’t remember the guy’s face… His final statement repeated in my mind as the two lines of thought crossed. I could feel his eyes intently on me but I had to check something first.
“When was the first day you came to the surface world?”
“The day we met again.”
“Then why did you leave like that when there was still time?”
“I thought you hated me after how you reacted so I decided to take the L early.”
“Well if you stayed you could’ve figured out it wasn’t actually an L…” 
“After that day we went snorkeling I realized why I was always mean when you said flirty dumb things. It wasn’t because I found them annoying, but coming from you they made me flustered. So while not knowing my own feelings, when you leaned in I panicked because-”
      I was cut off by his lips crashing onto mine and after the events of the day, I just enjoyed the moment. Once he pulled away he had a boyish grin on his face. Not being able to take the full charm of the smile, I looked away and noticed the now bright pink pearl in his hand.
“So you like me too right?”
“See the pearl for yourself. Just a few days shy of our 1 year friendaversary too. You get to stay now right?”
“Yup. It’s all on my sister now,” he laughs.
“So now onto this,” I gestured to his tail sitting in the baby waves, “does Felix know or-”
“He’s a merman too. Before you ask, yes we understand what marine life says.”
“It makes sense why he always knew what was wrong! He could just understand the animals!”
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cherry-nachimbong · 4 years
green bracelet~lee felix
a/n: this is my first time writing and actually posting so i’m v nervous ;-; i might post more if you guys like it though :)) this is loosely based off of my own experiences at the fun-o-rama on short sands, those were some good times bro
‘Game Over’, the screen read. you pouted and dug into your pocket for another quarter. Pac-Man had to be your favorite game at the arcade, even if you sucked at it. even after three years of coming to this beach and playing at the arcade on the boardwalk, you somehow couldn’t find a game you were any better at than when you were eight.
no change in that pocket. try the other one? nope. sigh again. you turned away from the game, but you felt a tap on your shoulder and spun back around.
the boy who tapped you looked about your age, which was around eleven at the time. he wore swim trunks and a rash guard like most of the kids at the beach and a faint pink sunburn shadowed his freckled cheeks.
“here,” he said, holding out a few quarters in his outstretched hand. “i have extra,”
you hesitated, because STRANGER DANGER OBVIOUSLY.
he seemed pretty non-threatening though. very cute and small.
“are you sure?” you said, tentatively reaching out.
“yup! you don’t have to stop playing just yet,” the boy grinned at you. his smile was warm, and reached right up to his eyes.
you let him drop the change into your hand with a clink and watched him go back to the Street Fighter game right next to your Pac-Man. you were able to make it through a few more minutes before the Game Over screen flashed at you in purple, and you were out of quarters again. looking over, you noticed the boy was still playing his game. you watched, and he seemed pretty good but got knocked out soon after you.
“you did good!” you said, as he collected the tickets from the machine. “thank you,” he smiled, “by the way, what’s your name?”
“y/n, what’s yours?”
“i’m felix, let’s be friends,” felix told you. you grinned. “okay,”
noticing that you each had a similar amount of tickets, you decided to pool them so you could at least get some prizes.
which ended up being a popsicle for each of you, a handful of Tootsie Rolls and a two cheap green friendship bracelets. outside on the edge of the boardwalk, you sat side by side, talking and watching people walk by getting their food stolen by seagulls. you sucked absentmindedly on the popsicle, twisting the green bracelet around your wrist and swinging your legs over the edge. beside you, felix had already finished his popsicle and was reading you the joke on the wooden stick. he too, wore the matching bracelet but on the opposite hand from yours. the sea breeze blew through his dark brown hair and made him scrunch up his nose. you smiled and looked away, this new friend was much too adorable for you to handle.
“what do you call a sleeping cow?”
“i don’t know,” you said.
“a bull-dozer,” felix said, trying not to laugh at the dumb joke.
you rolled your eyes, grinning. “that’s bull-crap, i bet mine’s better,” you told him.
“what is it then?”
“let me finish it first!!”
“okay, okay! don’t yell at me,” felix pouted. you made a face at him, and both of you burst out laughing.
just then, you saw two girls walking towards you, who felix waved at.
“lix, where have you been? mum says she wants you back at our spot to check in,” the taller of the two said. they were probably his sisters, or something like that.
“okay,” felix said. he turned back to you. “do you want to come back here when i’m done and i can bring my boogie board?”
“yeah, i’ll bring mine too!” you said, and waved as you each started walking in different directions.
after checking in with your own parents, you grabbed your board and skipped back to the boardwalk, in front of the arcade where the pair of you had sat before . felix wasn’t there yet, so you thought he was probably still just walking back from his family’s spot. you waited, swinging your legs over the edge and finishing the popsicle.
‘how did the telephone propose to his girlfriend? he gave her a ring,’ it read, and you rolled your eyes again. too cheesy. you waited about ten more minutes, but felix never showed up. he probably had to go home, you thought sadly. you twisted the bracelet around your wrist again. maybe you’ll see him another day you visit the beach, and you could tell him the joke.
you didn’t. at least not that summer. and not for several more. about six years had passed since you met the boy, and you had pretty much forgotten about him except for the cheap green bracelet you still wore on your wrist every time you went to that beach.
you were working shifts at the ice cream shop on the boardwalk of that same beach you had been going to since you were small. it was minimum wage, but you were broke, needed a summer job and the ice cream was tasty.
“how can i help you today?” you stepped up to the cash register, where a dark haired boy was waiting-the only customer in line during one of the quieter times.
“a strawberry cone with rainbow sprinkles, please,” he said, and handed you a five-dollar bill. you handed the boy back his change and went to scoop the ice cream. since your back was turned, you didn’t see the small smile on the boy’s face after you gave him the change. he couldn’t help but notice the old and faded bracelet tied around your wrist-almost identical to the one on his own, and the passing of quarters gave him a strange sense of deja vu.
you turned back around and handed the boy his ice cream with a smile. “have a nice day,” you said, but he didn’t leave quite yet.
“excuse me, but your name wouldn’t happen to be y/n, right?” he asked, to your confusion.
“who’s asking?” you raised an eyebrow.
“felix,” he said. your eyes widened when he held up his wrist that had an old , worn out green bracelet on it.
“you’re kidding,” you looked closely at his face, recognizing the boy you had made friends with so long ago. “you’re joking! i didn’t even realize it was you at first!”
“well, it has been a couple years,” felix laughed. man, his voice had gotten deep. but, you noticed his smile was the same you vaguely remembered from the old memory, and so the same were the freckles splayed across his nose that you hadn’t noticed earlier.
you couldn’t keep your own smile from spreading across your face. it might sound stupid, because kids do that sort of thing-meet, play for a few hours, and never see each other again-all the time, but you had always worn the cheap green bracelet in hopes you might see your friend again.
“this is starting to feel like a soulmate au,” you joked, and felix laughed again. you wished you could hear that laugh all the time. six years really makes you realize how much you can miss the simple sound of someone laughing.
“well then,” felix said, “if i remember correctly, you never ended up telling me your popsicle joke, so the first order of business would be for me to get your number so you can tell me on, like, a date or something,” he finished, with a shy smile.
are you BLUSHING
you smiled at him again, praying that the summer heat might hide your peach-tinged cheeks.
silly y/n, the ice-cream shop has ac
“and if i remember correctly, you never ended up going boogie boarding with me, so i guess we gotta go out on a date or something.” you told felix, shrugging, and his grin grew wider.
“alright then, maybe at the arcade? bring enough quarters this time,” felix told you, and you laughed.
“where’s the romance in that? maybe i’ll forget my money so you’ll have to pay for me again, and we can relive the special moment” you said.
“okay, okay, sucker. you win,” felix chuckled, pulling out his phone.
you each saved your contact info into the other’s phone, both not realizing yet that the other put a green heart next to their name that matched the old bracelets. 💚
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