#i NEEDED to draw more fusions and still need to draw more
mostlyibis · 8 months
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forgotten to show my latest 'im sick so its time to draw' neokosmos fanart :) these silly humans invade my thoughts daily with their angst and also their love
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crescentfool · 7 months
i think something that is important to me to remember is that there are small ways i can do things to spark joy for myself and others without waiting for someone else to do it... (conjures up little sparklies from my hands) life is so whimsical!!!
#lizzy speaks#for full transparency i cannot make sparklies emit from my hands unfortunately#but i can imagine that i can and i think thats cool i'm like a swaggy little magician#anyways sometimes i see announcements for games and im like#ok! cool! some people are very excited and happy. so awesome!! happy for them!!!#but personally i think i've found much more joy in doing my own thing#and it's ok if you're not particularly enthused about a new thingy because sometimes you still have other things you can do#or you have other things that feel much more gratifying to you. and thats ok!!!#this is a vague toward reload and splat3 (specifically splatfests)#it's become clear 2 me that reload is curating a different experience for pee 3 with the new mechanics they introduce#and i didn't realize how attached i was to how fes's mechanics (tiredness + fusion spells) can inform's one characterization of kitaro#until i kept seeing the new things for reload. still interested in reload's alternate interpretations but wont be following the news closel#and for splatfest. turf is not my favorite mode in splat by a long shot' but at least i can salmon with friends! or play another game#i think it's always important for me to remember that not everything will be for me and that's a good thing#when i see things that dont excite me as much. it reminds me about what i care about the most and to remember to hold those things close#i can make my own fun with my own little creations i don't need to wait for games to host events for me i can just draw silly little guys#or i can choose to make silly little clownery happen on my own terms and i think thats neat#even if i'm not hyped about something that others are hyped about that's okay because i'm nourishing myself and that's really fucking cool#and hey maybe i will find the joy in those things eventually. or not! and thats ok. who knows!! anything can happen!!#anyway if you read all of this thank you :3 and i hope that you will always be able to find your way to find something that excites you
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crimepope · 4 months
🚨🚨🚨art dump incoming!!!🚨🚨🚨
Not all of these are super recent but I'm in a sharing kinda mood soooooo...
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world-of-evil · 1 year
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valentines pfp <3333 i love him i want him to explode
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theillustraitor · 13 days
My human Dan design! Plus some ghost Dan to practice drawing him.
I'll explain more in depth below the cut for those who are curious, but the basic ideas for why he looks this way is that his human half is a mix of Danny and Dan(with a small sprinkle of Vlad). It was supposed to eventually match his ghost form more, but things had to be cut short on that path so he got kinda stuck with a middle of the road body(he's roughly late teens).
I'm desperate for him to not look exactly like Danny, but I also had this funny idea that he would somehow end up attending Casper High after he is decently redeemed(so his human body had to be younger than his ghost form). Like just imagine the interactions. Dan would *definitely* get revenge on Dash lol
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More detailed explanation:
The clone Dan was stuck in was pretty much constantly destabilizing post AGIT. This was due to the imperfect nature of them, Dan's high power, and the physical difference between the two forms. Vlad and Danny kept it from totally falling apart by using the ecto-dejecto. They had to use it *a lot* though.
Vlad tweaked the clone to be able to be shaped by Dan's ghost(to fix the incongruence of the bodies, and to possibly make it so the body could handle Dan's power better). This is what led to the mixing of Dan and Danny; the body was going from Danny to Dan in terms of appearance. It was taking some time though and they were definitely going to run out of the ecto-dejecto, *especially* since Dani also needs it(I like to think that the ecto-dejecto wasn't a permanent fix, so she has to use it on occasion. There's also no way Danny would give a mid-morph sample at this point cause he and Dani are still pretty distrustful of Vlad.)
Since Jack had originally made the ecto-dejecto Vlad could not figure out how tf to replicate it. Jack had also forgotten how he made it because, I mean, it’s Jack(nevermind that he wouldn’t even have a reason to remember how to make something that’d help ghosts/was a failed version of an experiment)
Vlad then developed a way to convert the ectoplasmic nature of the clones to good ol’ human meat(aka permanent stabilization for Dan). Vlad ended up having to do that to Dan before his human form could completely match his ghost form, hence the mix and being physically younger than his ghost form(a note: the bodies not matching remains a problem, but not a crippling/kill him kind of one. Dan is usually in pain after going ghost, especially if he used his powers a lot, but it fades relatively fast. Additionally, he(unrelated to body stuff) cannot be ghostly for too long because the ghost half will destabilize(not goopy, time/reality)).
I also had this idea that the ghost catcher could be used to permanently fuse Dan's ghost to the human body. I doubt he's fused with the clone body in AGIT, and this would continue to be a problem with my idea; Dan is basically just puppeting/overshadowing the bodies. The catcher has a merge side, sooooo
Finally, some design stuff(and a bit about him going to Casper). As mentioned Dan looks younger, which means he is capable of attending Casper High, and he does so because he never actually finished school(and he would be able to stalk/keep an eye on Danny and the others better. By this point he no longer wants to kill them, and is instead paranoid about the possibility of them dying, so yup, stalking). He'd be put in the same grade as Jazz so they could hang out and what not.
Vlad is also glad to have any time away from Dan because they fight a lot lol
But once at Casper due to his Vlad half he plays football(Vlad fusion aside, it’s a sport where he can be violent w/o problem). Dan got a letterman jacket from that, but he still hates the popular kids so he had Sam dye it black.
The hair streak is also from Vlad, but Dan's hair style is just his ghost form's minus the whole fire thing.
His clothing style is a mix of Vlad and Danny’s(except the jacket). Shirt is from Danny, pants from Vlad, then sneakers + dress shoes = boots.
Finally, it’s a bit subtle but he has heterochromia; one eye is Danny's color, the other Vlad’s.
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zedleaked · 22 days
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Opening Cutscene
Distant chatter from Prethinker and the Desk Jockey’s can be heard as the camera slowly zooms out from a blackboard that says “Warning: The Following Instance is Not Canon.”
Prethinker can be seen with Professor Pete (Toontown Schoolhouse guy) tied up in a chair.
Prethinker: I do not appreciate you and the Toon resistance trying to put an end to my plans.
Consider this payback for making my life more difficult!
I’ll still be taking these freebie Desk Jockeys for personal use, since you won't be needing them anymore now that you’re here!
Now where was I…?
Ah yes, I remember now.
Prethinker walks over to the blackboard and rubs out whatever was written on it, starting to doodle something on the board.
You see, the plan is simple.
Prethinker takes out one of those pointer sticks and taps the blackboard with it, which has an illustration of Buck and Dave forming High Roller.
I’ve been studying the art of Cog-fusion. A fascinating phenomenon that was showcased by Mr. Ruffler and Mr. Brubot a year ago.
How they achieved such a thing is still beyond my grasp, however the potential of fusion is nothing to scoff at.
Prethinker draws a doodle of himself on the board next to a plus symbol and a question mark.
If we combine the right Suits together, we could achieve something truly unstoppable for those Toons!
That’s where you Brianbots come in.
You will find me the perfect candidates to experiment with! A willing Suit won't come to me on a silver platter you know?
A quack could be heard which causes Prethinker to perk up.
…What was that noise?
The quacks grow louder until Duck Shuffler crashes through the wall Kool-aid man style. He rushes through the Desk Jockeys, causing them to tumble over like dominos.
The Desk Jockeys blow up, making that one Deltarune explosion noise as Duck Shuffler gets up from the ground.
WOWIE! Thith theemth familiar!
Prethinker looks at him outraged, his brain turning red.
Prethinker: YOU! What are YOU doing here?
That stunt you just pulled involving plowing through the wall was against every single law of physics!
Duck Shuffler: Lawth are merely thuggethtionth methinkth.
Prethinker: They are not suggestions! A law is a set of rules that are created and are enforceable by social or governmental institutions to regulate beha- (Wikipedia definition for law: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law)
Duck Shuffler stands in front of Prethinker’s speech bubble.
Duck Shuffler: Geeth! Quit your yammerin’, you’re boring me here!
It’th not like you’re a goodie two thhoeth anywayth, what ya did to me was thhurely againtht the law!
Prethinker: We do not talk about that, Ruffler.
Duck Shuffler: Oh yeah, whaddya gonna do about it?
Duck Shuffler steps in close, looking down at the Prethinker.
The Prethinker shoves Duck Shuffler, making him stumble a little.
The Duck Shuffler shoves him back which causes them to keep hitting each other until they get into a cartoony fight ball.
The two of them collide with the wall where the blackboard is, causing a giant explosion and a flash of light. A distant metal pipe noise could be heard.
The smoke from the explosion clears up as it reveals Overthinker.
Overthinker: WHERE- WHERE AM I?
{You dolt! What did you do now-}
The Toons finally intervene as they approach the Overthinker.
T-{T-} T-TOONPH!!!
{Hm, thiph could me phalvaged-}
The room seems to start getting cloaked in a purple hue as weird smoke starts to form from Overthinker’s chemical explosion.
[Phase 1 of the battle starts.]
Second Cutscene
Overthinker: YYYYEOWCH!!!!
Overthinker reels back from whatever the last attack used on him was.
You guyph really pack a punch! What’ph the d-d-deal with THAT???
I’m feeling- I’M FEELING, {phick} YOU’RE- You’ve knocked the BRAINPH OUTTA ME!!!
Overthinker starts to shake uncontrollably.
There’s a big explosion as Overthinker unfuses into Duck Shuffler and Prethinker again. The camera pans down to see the both of them in the Yamcha and Family guy death pose respectively.
The two of them get up from the ground.
Prethinker: Grr! Buck, this is all your fault! We could’ve beat them if you didn’t keep mixing unfamiliar chemicals together!
Duck Shuffler: Aww! But that wouldn’t be tho fun-
Prethinker: This isn’t about fun! This is about winning! You like winning don’t you?
The Toons take a step closer to the two of them
Duck Shuffler: Aww, ratth! We forgot about them-
Prethinker: Fret not- I have this covered.
Prethinker snaps his fingers as he summons a few Desk Jockeys to cover for them.
Prethinker: This won't hold them back for long, but we have to cooperate here-
Duck Shuffler: Oh tho now you wanna work together, huh?
Prethinker: This isn’t the time for snide remarks, you know all about this fusion thing, right? Just do what you do with Brubot or something!
Duck Shuffler: I only mingle well with Dave becauthe he doeth hith part.
You gotta do your part too, pal! Tho let me lead next time!
Prethinker: …Hmph! Fine. I’ll do as you say, but only so we can win!
Duck Shuffler picks Prethinker up and hoists him onto his shoulders.
Duck Shuffler: HAHA! Then let’th get thith thhow in the road!
[Phase 2 of the battle starts, the Toons fighting the Desk Jockeys and Duck Shuffler and Prethinker separated.]
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ask-the-royal-absol · 5 months
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(It has been one year since I joined the pokeask community with my silly absol. One whole year. How did I get here? Like, damn. It’s just been such a lovely community and I’ve met some truly wonderful people.
I’m sorry I couldn’t get more of you on here. I wish I had the time to draw each and every one of you. This is why I needed the head shot so thank you to everyone who sent it over. Thank you to everyone in this community for being my inspirations, my joy and my friends. I cannot thank you enough. If I could make you all something more to say thank you, I would. (Also forgive me if the image quality is garbage. Tumblr does that sometimes. If you click on it, it'll be clearer.)
I suppose I’ll just go on and say I’ve always admired the community from afar. So many stories I was following. So many inspirational people. The events. The characters. They are all so wonderful. And I followed these blogs for years.
Getting hooked into everything about the ask blog community. At first, I was going to making an ask blog about a royal Goodra/Vespiquen fusion who goes to other places to make political connections for their hive. I drew up a couple of concepts but I didn’t go ahead with it.
I kept following the community, constantly being inspired and amazed by everyone inside of it. I’d wanted to join a community for a while. At first, I joined the Pokémon fusion community. It was fun. I met some great people. But, after a few years, it didn’t fill me with joy. I did fusions on multiple platforms, even making some fusions for the infinite fusions game (they’re still in there). I had a go with commissions. It just became a bit of a chore.
I tried making my own region. It only lasted a month. It left a gap which I didn’t know how to fill. I also did dnd with friends which mostly satisfied this but we didn’t do it consistently enough. I definitely miss doing it. I probably did fusions for 6 years. The blogs are still up. There was nothing I wanted to draw consistently.
Near the end of last year, I had a really tough time. My mental health took a really big dip and I was struggling. It was an incredibly dark time. I didn’t have much going on. Maybe we were doing dnd. I don’t remember though. I started drawing Pokémon because I wasn’t in the mood to draw dnd art.
I don’t know why but I started to draw an absol. I think it may have been inspired by my current dnd character. As I was drawing this absol, ideas started to form in my mind about who this absol was and the world they were from. Ideas kept flowing and flowing.
Once the absol was finished, I drew another character, and another and another. And I just kept drawing. Soon, I started drawing maps and a prophecy for this absol and their world. The name Destino came from the word Destiny. It brought me so much joy. I worked on it for a few days and put it to the side.
Then came around the 27th December 2022. I looked back on my planning for this world and thought perhaps I could turn it into an ask blog. At first, I was so nervous. I didn’t want to go through with it. My partner convinced me to make the blog. That’s when I began to draw the first post. And on December 29th 2022, I created the blog and made a reference post for Destino.
Soon, the first post was posted and I got asks. Exciting stuff! And it was so much fun deciding how Destino would respond. More asks kept coming and I eventually started sending asks to others. The most exciting part would have to be seeing people follow me who I was a huge fan of. Gonna be honest, I’m still so incredibly excited when talking to these people and when they like my stuff.
My love for this blog grew and I’ve spent a lot of my time working on it. I have loved each and every moment of it. It was fun having this smug, egotistical absol interacting with many characters who I am a huge fan of and entertaining to see their reactions. Destino was becoming a bit of a thing. Memes were made of Destino. Destino was insulting every legendary they could come across. For me, it was hilarious. And it seemed others were enjoying their antics too.
I am incredibly thankful each day with every interaction, every like, every follow, every reblog, etc. I’ve had. I’m grateful for this entire community. Every one of you has been so friendly and I love talking to you. This community has filled a void which I wasn’t sure would be filled. And I hope I can continue loving being in this community for a while. Destino is going to stick around for a while. I’ve got big plans for them and I hope to enjoy this journey with you all.
Thank you everyone. I hope I can continue to work with you all and have fun! Let’s get ready for another year of Destino.)
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kit27x · 8 months
Reincarnated Shadows (LMK Au)
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Info/more images below :3
This au is pretty much. What if Mk was Macaque reincarnation. He is still born from the stone. Just now he has a fragment of Mac's soul. Mk still has his show abilities, but now Macaque's moveset as well. Unlike the show, Mk always had his shadows unlike how he slowly gains them after pulling the staff.
Of course, he doesn't have it all down, but still, he knows at the beginning that he is not fully human. Just doesn't know he's a monkey. Mk has sensitive hearing and at most times has his headphones near him.
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His monkey form is like an eclipse. Six ears have different colors. Each pair has significant hearing as Macaque does. The top hears future, the middle hears present, and the bottom hears the past. Mk throughout season 1 and maybe two struggles with this. Only hearing certain foreboding information that keeps him on guard. He likes hearing past interactions with his family to relax sometimes.
The sunset staff. Mk can merge the shadow staff and Monkey King staff into one. When DBK took the staff Mk was able to summon up the shadow staff for the first time. His thoughts made the shadows form it. Now that he has two he has decided to merge them when in battle.
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The smoke monster has an upgrade mixing with Mk Warform from the season 4 special. I just made a fusion of the two forms. Mk achieves this form during the events of episode 9. That makes you wonder. What would the presence of the episode Macaque even be if Mk is well Ma?.
Now well LBD still needs an champion.
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Look here Macaque! What do you mean something wrong with him? Well, what do you expect if your soul is fragmented and piece of it now stuck to some dumb kid?
Macaque or Husk as my pal and I called it when creating this au is under the control of LBD. Husk's body was pulled from the grave and isn't quite complete so he is more than some mindless thrall at the moment. The only thing the former shadow master wants is to be whole again.
Episode 9 is Mk leaving to train on his own and running into a deadly foe. He summons the sunset monster to escape from the husk before Wukong can join the fight.
This au was actually made when writing "My Shadow Follows me" Just a sudden idea my Rp/Writing partner @burning-clutch thought of when we were roleplaying that story. Finally got time to draw it even if it been months since the idea was thought about.
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blueteller · 4 months
I dare anyone to write a TCF fic which does NOT fit any of these categories!
Time? Unlimited!
At least 10K words in total, not including author's notes (it's not about a drabble or a concept; we want a solid, finished story!)
Cannot be a one-shot (doesn't need to be super long tho; 2-3 chapters are fine, as long as they're at least more than 10K words in total)
Cannot be a shipping fic (cause I don't read shipping fics lol. Sorry)
Cannot be merely "slightly AU" - in the sense it can't be canon content with minor details changed. For example, my fic "On My Mark" would not count becase I literally draw canon scenes one by one and make them Platonic Soulmark AU. That can't cut it. Either make completely new scenes, or make it VERY AU. Preferably the first one.
Type of fics encouraged:
Unexplored backstories of various characters (examples: Soos trio content, young Eruhaben)
"Off screen" scenes from canon (example: people fighting the White Star while Cale was orbed in the Sealed God's Test)
Canon divergence ideas (example: Cale transmigrated days before Harris Village massacre happens, but we know that the White Star shows up there and therefore It's A Big Problem)
Interesting AUs which do not show up in our fandom often (example: Mango_To_Sleep's Pirate AU)
Crack fics (must still be more than single chapter tho! And not a collection of one-shots; storyline needed! Example: Cale has ADHD and instead of Not Sharing Enough with people he Talks All The Time except it explains nothing and it leaves people confused and concerned for his sanity 😂)
Unique fusion crossovers, which take place entirely in TCF verse (example: put Corona kingdom from Tangled in the Eastern Continent and have Cale meet Disney's Rapunzel)
Good luck! Let's enrich this fandom guys!!
I myself already have an idea in mind, which is both a crossover fusion (in a sense, but only loosely), an AU and canon divergence, all while being slightly crack. Should be fun~! 💖
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onejellyfishplease · 8 months
Hi hi!! I have questions regarding snapdonnie (plant boy)
Can he talk? If he can what would it sound like? How would he try to hide this from his brothers if he does? Are your commissions open? Oh I wonder if he would just disappear. I imagine this is sensory hell for him. On top of having to eat bugs. eugh hahahaha I love this! He kinda reminds me of those mushroom zombies (/pos)!! What are your thoughts on him? I would love to hear more about this creature against nature (or with nature now, haha!!) I was originally here for open your wings but I have gotten thoroughly attached to the wacky Donnie fusions. Are you alright if people draw him?? How did you do this?? This is so cool!!! I love all of your Donnie designs but he is most definitely my favorite.
(Feel free to ignore, this turned into just gushing about him)
I was gonna keep going but it was going to get into weird unhinged cult territory really fast, hahaha!!!
Wow! Hi!
I will try to answer all your questions, me and @zeawesomeness were just throwing ideas around for SnapDonnie, so theres quite a bit to talk about!
What does he sound like:
I'd imaging real gurgly when he's like that, but he absolutely hates the sound of his voice, and the fact that most of what he says is muddled. So id say he mostly uses sign language to communicate. while he can still do that
How would he hide it from his brothers:
He would definitely try at the beginning! especially when it starts off as a small growth on his softshell, but eventually the consequences get too big and it gets revealed relatively quickly (at least compared to Open your Shell)
Are my commisions open:
uhhhh, not at the moment, but if there's enough interest in commissions for my art (which would be amazing) then i would be open to opening them!
Is this sensory hell for him?
Absolutely. especially now that flies are attracted to him. he hates it. his shell is consistently moving and it is hell.
My thoughts on him:
I live this creepy little dude. but now there is a little bit of trepidation with it. because now i want to turn this into a proper au and i need to stop doing this to myself.
More about SnapDonnie!
he was infected with this venus fly trap-like curse (from what I havent figured out yet, either kraang or mystic)
it started as a growth in his shell, which then sprouted those flytraps (which he couldnt hide)
the energy needed for the transformations makes Donnie ravenous, and the more he eats, the faster he turns. this is the part where his family find out.
yes he was compelled into eating raw (kinda rancid) meat.
they find out that this infection will continue until Donnie is fully turned into a carnivorous plant.
at the end of the transformation, Donnies face would split open and the single flower would bloom.
Small teeth-like spines are growing down the middle of Donnies face.
Donnie has to balance, starving himself without rotting/wilting (bc yes he does that now), while not eating too much that the transformation continues at too fast a pace.
it doesnt help that sometimes he goes feral (and his face does the splitty open thing), and attacks and tries to eat anything in his path. including his family. Ah yes. Angst.
so they need to figure out how to help Donnie before they loose him forever.
Okay I think Im done with ranting lol.
Can you draw him?
ABSOLUTELY!! please tag me if you do! in fact I am completely on board with you drawing anything from my aus! I love receiving fanart!
I think thats all the questions answered! I love asks like this lol, theyre always so fun!
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thepatchycat · 5 months
Hi! For the WIP List Game: Dragon Jedi AU?? I am intrigued
Hehe, that one is inspired by @bubblew0lf1's Dragon!Jedi AU! I adore all of their dragon designs, especially Obi-Wan's, and it got me thinking about a sort of fantasy AU where the Jedi are shape-shifting dragons. I'm not sure it's something that'll ever become a finished thing, but it's been fun to think about.
Rambling and a snippet below the cut :P
This AU's setting would condense most of the notable SW planets into continents/countries/cities on one planet; there wouldn't be any space travel, though technology would probably be better than in a medieval fantasy setting. Dragons are rare and I'm thinking the knowledge of their intelligence and that they can also be people is not well-known (either a closely guarded secret or actively suppressed)--and they're also being actively hunted by the Republic/Empire under the justification that dragons are extremely dangerous (this is Palpatine's fault, and he has far more nefarious reasons for hunting them down). I haven't worked out all the worldbuilding details, but I think the Jedi are a subset of dragons who serve as guardians where they can; recently, though, they've been forced to hide due to being hunted.
In this world, Cody and Rex are wardens (possibly heading up a small group of rangers) of a large woody/mountainous area bordering a very rural town far from the center of the Republic; the land was claimed and the town founded by the Mereel-Fett family after unrest in Mandalore forced Jaster Mereel (Jango Fett's adoptive father, Cody and Rex's grandfather) and his clan to leave. Mandalorians have a complicated history with dragons, but Jaster liked to tell stories about Tarre Vizla, a Mandalorian leader long ago who either was close friends with a dragon or was a dragon himself; details passed down through the centuries seem unclear. Jango's never been that interested in the tales, but Rex and especially Cody enjoyed them growing up.
Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka moved to the town together pretty recently; I think Obi-Wan runs a bookshop (or maybe a small library? A fusion of the two?), while Anakin works as a mechanic who's teaching Ahsoka the trade as well. Cody likes to read and chats with Obi-Wan when he stops by for books, while Rex brings the rangers' equipment to Anakin and Ahsoka for professional servicing (Rex tinkers a bit himself, but Anakin's a wizard) and they become fast friends. Of course, the friendly neighborhood bookkeeper and mechanics don't tell anyone that they're also dragons, including the Fetts, but Cody and Rex find out the truth eventually.
The only thing I actually started writing for this beyond notes is a scene just after Obi-Wan (in dragon form) fights Grievous (also a dragon but not a Jedi) somewhere deep in the Fetts' protected area. Cody had been doing a sweep/patrol at the time and witnessed at least part of the fight, and he goes to investigate the aftermath.
Warning that it's more gruesome than I usually go, what with blood and a dead dragon. This is just also the most snippable portion of what little I have, I think.
There is a deafening thud, and then— Silence. Cody slowly approaches the edge of the ravine and looks down. A hulking white shape lies still at the base of the rocky slope, red pooling under its gash-ridden body. It’s hard to tell from a distance what precisely killed it, but the lack of motion and abundance of blood suggest that either it’s dead or will be soon. Partially obscured, a smaller brown shape lies behind the great white beast, closer to the river; it seems similarly bloodied and still. Cody feels a pang of sorrow—that one had saved his life, whether intentionally or not. …Better make sure they’re dead, lest any survivors roam too close to town. Cody picks his way carefully down the side of the ravine, shifting between stepping and climbing as needed. When he’s made it to the bottom, he draws his rifle and approaches the white dragon. There is no movement between its sharply defined ribs, and up close Cody can see where the base of its throat has been torn open by—well, horns or claws, most likely. He follows the long neck up to the head, where dull yellow eyes stare sightlessly out from behind a gaping maw. Cody prods its nose lightly with the tip of his rifle. No response. Tempting as it still is to put a bolt in its skull, he’s hunted enough himself to know what death looks like. There’s no need. He steps around the body of the beast toward the visible back of the brown one. One of its wings lies bent at an unnatural angle behind it, and— It’s breathing, quick and labored. Not moving otherwise, but still alive, at least for now.
(Once he works out he's not going to get mauled to death for trying to help, Cody puts his wilderness first-aid skills to use. He still doesn't learn that it's Obi-Wan for a while, though.)
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browniefox · 2 months
I have fallen in love with LAPID-Cloud. I would kindly ask for more of him.
Hell yeah! Ask and ye shall recieve! I spent all night thinking about this au! I need to draw some fusions soon haha
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Anyway, a few more doodles of cloud with thoughts! Still uncertain of his hair color, I keep messing around with it n harmonia looking ass
For LAPID, scars that are gained post-integration take on the color of the gem from the healing. LAPID are able to take a lot of damage, including loss of any limb o, and the limb will be replaced with a gem-created copy. Unlike clothes, though, the state of these limbs is a little less concrete; A LAPID's clothes will stick around if they're asleep, but the limbs will disappear.
Cloud's outfit is unconsciously mimicking Zack, though he's not aware of it. He's also not aware that having a crack in his gem isn't normal, nor do most people considering no one really knows much about gems. It's not doing him any severe damage - or not more than one can expect from Cloud's general state of being at all times - but it does stop him from summoning any kind of weapon.
Post-Healing (which would be his journey to the center of the mind w/ Tifa, though I'm still trying to figure out how that'd go) his outfit finally begins to change a bit to reflect himself a bit more, though he's still trying to figure out who that is, hence why it still resembles Zack a lot. At this point, he'd also be able to summon his own weapon, which is eventually tsurugi.
Also still trying to figure a lot of details. Was Sephritoh shattered, but shards of him ended up in a lot of LAPID or were purposefully put there? Is he not actually a gem, but some kind of manifestation of corruption? Does he just have op Diamond powers that allow him to control other gems kinda like white diamond did?
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phospadparadscha · 5 months
Is fusing considered vaguely intimate in the AU? Harry having fused a bunch and Black Opal being Kim's first fusion kind of mirrors Ruby and Sapphire, and the idea that Kim gets a bit bashful or embarrassed about it in front of other people is kinda funny to me.
I'd like to think that because of the general lack of intimacy in Disco Elysium and Martinaise (people seem to almost never hug or kiss each other / engage in pda and the hug with the working class woman is treated as a very rare interaction), fusion can be intimate for some or at least somewhat taboo. Not necessarily frowned upon by the people of Martinaise but moreso uncomfortable and surprising. I guess it would be less that people are surprised that there's a fusion and more that anybody likes another person in Martinaise or Revachol enough to want to fuse out of anything but utilitarian purposes. All of Martinaise is touch starved and its pretty unusual for that to be proven wrong by anyone. Fusion is definitely frowned upon by the Moralintern and generally by the RCM as a complex, but is still done nonetheless (within C Wing however fusion is less frowned upon). The RCM is based on a partner system after all. Its bound to be that the partners fuse for combat or even recreationally but in the police they are expected to unfuse after their mission is accomplished. I think of how the RCM officers are so limited in their firearms and ammunition and I think fusion is treated like a weapon that needs to be monitored and controlled. Permafusions are incredibly uncommon, though they are more common amongst communist circles and the underground (as a commie pansexual myself I think I speak from the heart). More of my ideas and reasoning under the read more!
I think Harry and Jean could have experimented before with fusing on their good days. Or alternatively, they could have rushed to fuse in a stressful situation or to apprehend a suspect. However, its risky to do so because when a fusion poofs, all gems that make up a fusion poof at the same time. Its seen as a last resort on the field.
It's possible that Jean could have fused with Harry when he poofed, since Harry's RCM cloak has some bullet holes implying he was shot / poofed before in the line of duty, to draw him forcibly out of his gem after unfusing. Like in the Change Your Mind finale of the show where to reform the crystal gems quickly Steven fuses with their gems, and they reform after they unfuse. In Harry's case forcing him out of his gem before he's ready to reform could be what contributed to his damaged psyche and unhealthy view towards fusing, as gems need to recuperate while poofed which is why it takes them so long to reform. The less time a gem takes to reform the more unstable their form and abilities are and Harry would definitely have experienced the consequences of never taking care of himself when he's down since Jean or someone else would force him right back into the ring again.
I think that Jean and Harry's fusion would be a fairly volatile and negative being, prone to humorless self deprecation. A bit like Smoky Quartz is prone to self deprecating jokes in Steven Universe, but here its genuinely toxic. Their fusion usually brings out the worst of them both. I don't think they're Malachite levels of unstable and toxic, but that their morbid humor and combined depression can have poor results. However its not all negative with them as when Jean and Harry are able to synchronize enough to maintain their fusion, the brotherly camaraderie is able to shine through and they cheer each other on with more confidence. I'm not sure how different the fusion would be before and after Harry's retrograde amnesia, but I have some general ideas I'll share at a later time.
I definitely think Kim would be most likely to unfuse first with Harry, less because he doesn't enjoy fusion (he really, really does), but more so that he is more anxious to be caught by surprise or to stand out, which is kind of what fusions do lol. In Martinaise people may not care so much as its a place largely abandoned by any kind of real repercussions, but he still has a reputation he cares about more than Harry does. And Harry has a somewhat unhealthy view of fusion, where its something that is becoming a better person than he thinks he is and disappearing into another person, rather than a mutual dance or union of partners. So this leads to Kim being hesitant to fuse with Harry unless he is able to convince him that their fusion isn't an excuse to disappear into a better half but to instead become someone that represents the joy they both share with each other, as equals.
And yes, Kim is bashful to be a fusion and it is his first time fusing. He may have wanted to fuse with Eyes in the past but never did and regrets not fusing. He thinks its crazy that anyone would ever want to fuse with him. But over time Harry and Kim fuse more often and it starts to represent their love for each other.
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votederpycausemufins · 11 months
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I have been bitten by the Gemcyt bug caused by @chrisrin
I thus present to you Zedaph as Poudretteite as well as Worm Man as 'Pink Chalcedony' and a fusion of WM with @sweetest-honeybee 's Evil Xisuma design. (Mainly bc i had a better idea of a fusion btwn the two rather than with chrisrin's tango and impulse, but i might figure it out) Thanks for letting me use your design! It let me make Covelite!
And while there's some notes in the drawings, there shall be more below the cut!
Okay so I immediately jumped to Zed being a pink colored gem and stumbled upon a few options. I knew I wanted to pick 2, one to be Zed's gem and the other to be WM's supposed gem, and almost swapped their gem types before learning that there was a chalcedony on the show.
I think it is a fun thing to have Zed and WM insist they are totally not the same person (or gem in this case), and here we see that WM is shapeshifting the gem position around, and that could have worked... if it weren't blatantly obvious that he looks nothing like a chalcedony. I mean look at how close the different colored Pearls look, or Sapphire and Padparacha.
The base form I used for Zed is from a gem silhouette from 'The Answer', which was the only one to have those lil ball hands as the others had at least some semblance of regular hands. So I kept that detail and even made a joke about how Zed can still just pick stuff up, and that even carries over to the fusion
speaking of the fusion.
Other than a ZIT(S) fusion, the most obvious one is w/ Evil X. And I absolutely love Bee's design and brain went nyoom with it, expecially the fact that he's corrupted??? Hello???!??! We saw in the show w/ Jasper and one of the corrupted Jaspers fusing that it left remnants of the other's corruption on Jasper herself. I loved the idea that Zed could get lil sheep like horns post-first fusion with Evil X, so boom, it now exists.
(Also the lil spots carrying over makes it even more obvious Zed/WM are the same gem so haha lol)
As for the fusion itself, I saw that Evil X seemed to have dragon elements, and that fits perfectly w/ my personal headcanons of them being an ender dragon (hybrid), and then we have sheep hybrid zedaph, and what is a fluffy dragon? luck dragon!!!
The front legs are more dragon like, back legs more sheep like (claws and then hooves respectively) and then there is fluffy luck dragon tail! oh! and I had fun with making the mane of hair work as Evil X's fancy collar thing.
Their head is based a lot on Alexandrite's, with the two mouth thing going on. I thought it would go nicely with their concept and i think it works well.
And then other details! I used the distance models style to show off the past reformations of Zed and WM. Also slight drawing mistake, in the lil comic of WM showing off his new corruption marks, he should be in his 'Early s5' design (I'll prolly go back and fix it in the morning fixed 'n added Covelite's colors). I picture the first fusion btwn the two being an adaption of when EX trapped WM in prison, then reappeared being good now to help him escape, but they needed to fuse to do so. (Oh i also used the distance models to do a lil size comparison)
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oz-qwin · 3 months
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AYYYYYY!! Alright, let's get this started! Big art dump!
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These 3, names are created out of letters already in their og names, and no this pic is not up to the correct size. (I think)
From left to right,
Silow- Shadow and Silver (2nd shortest, 3'6 ft)
They had the hardest design changes in color and overall vibes. But they used to be based off of rusting (from the red stripes from Shadow) metal (from Silver's- yknow silver). But that didn't work out how I wanted it to :(
Mutation- They have two mouths; it was better than the other idea that I had.
Personality- Think of a kid who loves the people they know, but isn't open to outsiders even looking at them. While still being soft-spoken and overthinks things 24/7/12/365.
Sivni- Silver and Sonic (2nd tallest, 4')
I had the easiest time designing and choosing colors for them. They're based off of clouds by just a little.
Mutation- Eyes and ears are a little funky on purpose.
Personality- Very 'air-headed', but loves playing games. Aka, Pov: ADHD if it was a person.
Sadhno- Sonic and Shadow (shortest, 3'1 ft (rip))
They are the first one I made, and have been through a lot of different changes. But they are black-light themed now.
Mutation- "Doubled eye'd", they used to have four arms, four ears, and three eyes but I decided to change/swap it out with the 'All three' fusion.
Personality- Nice and sweet with new people but is a little hot-headed when it comes to people touching their stuff.
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Lavindir- Sonic, Shadow, Silver (Tallest, nearly 5'3 ft)
Add blue, red, and white together? Yeah, that's purple. And what's a fitting name for it that you can also spell out with their names? Lavender!
Gave them brown boots and gloves so that their shoes won't become off-putting colors that I don't like. I adore the colors I made for the three eyes tho.
Mutations- Six arms, a long bent tail, three eyes, and four ears.
Personality- Responsible adult who can get distracted easily.
Mainly has Shadows smarts, Silvers determination, and Sonics attachment issues. /j
And below is a bunch of older drawings of them :)
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Silow used to be Silowd, but you'll be suprized what their names actually used to be.
You can see the old 'rustic' idea I had for Silow too. And Sivni used to have the double ear thing for only this drawing.
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Older drawing of the 3,
for some reason I drew Sadhno's ears big, I still don't know why, and Silow had double ears, IDK why I did that either lol.
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With all of their old names and designs,
Like nearly the beta of Betas if I didn't include the old first drawings of Sadhno. Apparently, they're named Andso in this drawing; I do like the Nilvor and Verow names but I wanted to stick with the S starts in all of the names besides Lavindir.
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This was a sketch I made right after to figure out their personalities a lot more, but I don't think Sadhno's and Lavindir's work out as well as I wanted them to.
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Here's one of the beginning drawings of Sadhno, needed something to draw for dramatic lighting and now there it was.
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Here's another dermatic lighting one, one of the first designs of Sadhno too.
Their gloves and shoes are horrifying.
And now last but maybe not least:
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The oldest drawing of Sadhno that I have my hands on.
And yet their fit is still horrible ToT
I hope y'all liked these drawings!
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another late @arcvmonth prompt fill but I have decided to be nice to myself and just do things at my own pace
Anyway this is for Day 5, role swap, and I decided to dabble a bit in the Fusion-XYZ swap that used to be popular back in the day
Main art is of Sora and Shun's swap since they're the most prominent roles. Shun's outfit is semi-based off of Kaito's, as in XYZ instead of Obelisk Force, they would have the Number Hunters. The actual Number Hunters would wear an outfit pretty identical to Kaito's white coat design, but Shun's is a little different (the way Sora's is different from Obelisk Force) because he's trying to be a spy and all lol. I kept his signature colors/palette, I just wanted to make him look a little sleeker since he's not coming out of a civilian life where he got fucked up by a military invasion.
For Sora, I decided that since Academia is no longer a military school, their uniforms would end up being pretty much the same as they were in GX. I wanted to alter Sora's design a bit to show that this was a different universe, so I changed his jacket to be more like an actual GX jacket (still Obelisk Blue because come on he's still a good duelist lol), and his shorts are based off of Rei's uniform in GX, cause idk boy just looks good in shorts. Added a cloak because he had to be sort of incognito at first, like Shun and Yuto with their masks, and because even in canon all the Fusion kids are always wearing cool cloaks haha.
I have more thoughts under the cut but I don't want this post to get too long:
So basically, the swap's premise is that Leo goes to XYZ first and starts his child soldier grooming program there instead. This means that Academia is a normal duel school, while Heartland becomes essentially one big child soldier factory. Leo spreads his influence to multiple Heartland schools and connects them into one interdimensional army network.
Shun and Ruri are still siblings. They grew up together, and when Leo came along and started militarizing the schools, they just kind of got swept up in it. Leo located Ruri rather quickly, but since she already had some family ties, he couldn't isolate her as easily. So he rolled both Shun and Ruri into some of his more elite training squads.
Ruri is still kept in Heartland, but now she has not only Leo, but Shun also telling her to stay put and that she shouldn't participate in the invasion.
Shun is still very young when Leo gets ahold of him, so he swallows the whole "we have to destroy this other dimension for the sake of universal peace" pretty easily, and gets very gungho about it, because he wants to protect the world for his sister. Ruri also swallows the story, and wants to be a hero like her brother by fighting the "bad guys."
Meanwhile, Academia is just an ordinary school with ordinary kids doing ordinary stuff. Sora is just another student. He's super smart and good at dueling, but doesn't have a lot of drive to impress anyone and is considered a problem child. This gets him to butt heads with the star student of the school, Selena, who is annoyed that Sora is always lazing about, while Sora is annoyed that Selena is always nagging him.
You may ask, where are the dragon boys in this scenario? I'm glad you asked!
Yuto is still friends with Shun and Ruri, however, Leo has been taking steps to isolate him from them by sending him on lots of missions of his own. I didn't draw yuto cause I didn't want to try and design an outfit for him, but he plays a similar role to Yuuri: his job is to go and find girls that look like Ruri. Leo tells him that Ruri is special and there are girls like her who need to be found and taken into protective custody. Unlike Yuuri, who was very sadistic in his own way, Yuto is very genuine. He truly believes he's doing the right thing, and that in and of itself is terrifying. When he faces an opponent, he's always trying to comfort them, like "it's okay, being carded doesn't hurt, it's going to be all right." Which is scary! To most people!
Yuuri is another smart student at Academia who sees no need to prove himself to anyone, like Sora, so the pair of them tend to get along. He's one of those annoying kids who never studies but gets an A++ on everything he does and he has a big head about it. Yuuri's a bit of a prankster and a tease, so he also annoys Sora just as much as Selena does - but he annoys Selena far more.
Anyway, the invasion hits them HARD like it did the other way around in canon. Some of the elite students of the Academia barricade themselves in the school and defend with siege tactics as a last-ditch rebellion. Yuto is sent in to collect Selena, but Sora encounters him first. Sora challenges him and loses. But Selena arrives in time and threatens to make Yuto's job hell trying to chase her down if he cards Sora, but that if he lets Sora go, she'll go with him quietly. Sora blames himself for Selena's kidnapping, and the guilt drives him to find a way to get her back.
Unlike Sora, who in canon didn't have anything to do with the invasion, Shun actually is sent to Fusion as part of a strike force where he really racks up the card count and is considered a super powerful soldier. So Leo entrusts him then with the mission to head to Standard to keep an eye on Reiji.
Things go sideways for him though when 1) he notices Pendulum summoning and 2) he meets a girl who looks just like his sister.
So Shun goes to You Show instead, deciding this is a more effective use of his spying. While there, Yuzu ends up asking him to teach her XYZ summoning, which he agrees on account of her reminding him of Ruri.
So at this point, you can kind of guess where things go. Sora and Shun clash, Ruri runs away from Heartland to see if she can help her brother, and she meets Yuzu, who tells her to get the whole story.
Ruri arrives just in time to see her older brother throwing Sora down a flight of stairs after beating him in a duel, and she's horrified. How could her loving older brother do something like this? Shun is also horrified, because Ruri turns on him. He has no choice but to end up retreating back to Heartland, and Ruri stays behind.
Shun starts to switch sides a little faster than Sora did in canon, because now it's personal. At first he thinks that Ruri's been brainwashed or coerced by Reiji, so he's furious and desperate to take revenge, but once he has a chance to think about it, he starts to consider how Weird his childhood is and how much Leo was always trying to separate him and Ruri. So he starts to investigate what's actually happening - plus, he thinks Yuzu was kidnapped, and he feels guilty for getting her involved.
As another swap, Dennis and Sayaka switch places. Dennis is back in Academia trying his damndest to support the rebellion, but he's terrified and hates himself for his cowardice. Meanwhile, Sayaka was groomed into becoming a spy. She didn't end up becoming friends with Ruri in this continuity, so Ruri doesn't recognize her when she joins the Lancers - but Sayaka did still meet Yushou and was enamored with his dueling style, like Dennis was. She's quiet and sweet and wracked with guilt for everything she's done, but is too afraid to stand up to Leo and the Number Hunters.
anyway this is getting long! You can probably extrapolate some stuff from there :) maybe i'll do more scribbles about this au again sometime.
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