#i CANNOT express how in character it is for obi wan to
kingofattolia · 2 years
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gffa · 6 months
I have noticed that there is a weird contradiction in fandom in which swaths of it do not like the Jedi Order(tm) but like a lot of individual Jedi who have dedicated their lives to it (Obi-Wan being the biggest example for me personally but also Luke, Plo Koon, Ahsoka, whoever) so that means that the genuine love, pride, and importance that the Jedi has for them is completely erased or even devalued in a lot of fanon. No offense to other people's personal head canons but as far as I'm concerned, Obi-Wan would neva denounce or go against the Jedi Order for anyone or anything short of the whole Council falling to the dark side in some monstrous Palpatine scheme, he simply Would Not Do That.
At a certain point, there forms a pretty consistent pattern of how so many of these Jedi that we love individually are pillars of their community, they're often well respected, placed in positions of authority in both the structure of the Jedi Order and in the narrative itself (people going to them for advice and the tone of the scene is that they're giving heartfelt advice) or even that they're on the Council itself. At a certain point, there forms a pretty consistent pattern of how these characters are shown to be upholding Jedi values and living their life dedicated to being a Jedi of the Jedi Order, that they're not dissatisfied with it, but instead are active participants in it and leaders of their people. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Plo Koon and Kit Fisto and Depa Billaba are probably the four biggest examples of Jedi who are beloved--and all four of them are on the High Council and shown to be leaders of their people, who shape Jedi reactions, who are shown to love their people. Each of them has had moments of expressing that mistakes happen, that they're not perfect, they think other things should be done, but that at the end of the day, they're Jedi and they want to be Jedi of the Jedi Order. Even Luke, until he's in his depressive funk (that is said, via word of god, to have been Luke projecting personal failure into religion's failure) has always been shown to want to be a Jedi, to uphold Jedi values and ways. These are characters who genuinely find value in dedicating their lives to the Force and to their path as a Jedi and it's fine to not like the Jedi, I can't and won't stop people who disagree with me about it (I will make my case why I think racism and bias plays into a lot of it, but even then I'm making my case in my own lane, if you block me and never sneak onto my blog to read my posts, you'll never see me), I can't and won't stop other people from writing what they want about fictional characters in fanfic or whatever, but also there does come a point where it's a very consistent pattern that these Jedi we like are ones who just Would Not Say That. Obi-Wan is shown as, in nearly every piece of media he's ever been in, that he loves and supports the Jedi Order. Even when he said he would leave the Jedi Order, it wasn't because he wanted to walk away from them, but because he might personally have another path. You cannot divorce that moment from the massive scope of his larger story where he teaches both Anakin and Luke about Jedi values and tries to guide them on their Jedi path. Characters should have their own personalities, they sometimes say/do things that we disagree with and we can still like them, even if we disagree with what they're saying! Though, I will give fandom this: As a serial "I have read/mentally played out soooooo many scenarios where He Would Not Say That except He Is Going To Say That Because It Makes My Id Happy" enjoyer, I will never judge anyone for playing to their id. That's what one of the major points of fandom is even for--we're here to scratch that itch of "oooh brain go BRRRRRR when I make them say this". We have to let these people (by which I mean, you have to let me 😂) have their space for this, but also these people (by which I again mean me) have to recognize that sometimes we're playing to our ids and that's fine. (But also sometimes maybe be willing to think outside our id to see what biases we're playing into, even while recognizing fiction is not 1:1 to reality, like it's all a balancing game and each person is unique to what they feel they should do.)
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okamimami · 4 months
Telepatía - Part 2
Read part 1 here.
(Obi-Wan Kenobi/Original Female Character)
Rating: Explicit
Category: F/M
Read this on archiveofourown.org
Summary: Although love is not something that one can control, attachments of any kind are not part of the Jedi way. You can love, but you cannot fear to lose, but how do you not fear losing someone who is the better part of your soul?
Obi-Wan finds himself in a difficult position where he must choose love, the Jedi Order, or perhaps…both, if he can just keep it a secret.
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Over the course of the next few weeks, the Master and the Padawan settled into their new intertwined schedule. They trained almost daily unless one of them was called away on assignment, which was usually Obi-Wan since he began serving on the council.
If they weren’t working on her proficiency with her lightsaber, then they were working on her telekinetic abilities or simply on meditation best practices. Some days were easy, some days were hard, but neither of them seemed to falter in their confidence as she continuously improved. Obi-Wan had grown accustomed to a pupil like Anakin whose natural, raw talent made him a quick learner. However, he appreciated how focused and dedicated Verity was. If she didn’t get it the first time, she would try and try again even if it meant she had to do it a hundred times more than Anakin did, she’d reach his level of effortlessness eventually. She reminded Obi-Wan of himself in that way.
The shared many smiles, many laughs, even a few tears as she opened up about some of her struggles. He was slightly more reserved with his own as his guarded heart did not let him open up easily, but he was always a rock for her to do so.
“I feel like I hardly ever see you anymore, Master,” said Anakin. The two were currently in a ship, flying back to the temple from a brief assignment they had in a nearby city. “You’ve been so busy with your new pupil. Have you forgotten already?”
“Aren’t you enjoying all the time you’re getting to spend with your beloved Padmé? At least you don’t have to feel bad for ditching me anymore,” said Obi-Wan, taking his eyes off the course in front of him momentarily to look over at the younger man. Anakin was a better pilot, but his flying made Obi-Wan sick to his stomach, so he preferred to do it himself.
“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t,” he said with a smile. “Why don’t you two get together with us? I think Padmé would like having another woman around for once.”
Obi-Wan blinked a couple more times than he normally would as he thought about this proposal. Why did it make him nervous the idea of spending time with her in such a casual, friendly way? They’d be around others, so it’s not like it would only be the two of them. He still found himself tensing up at the idea, mostly because it sounded like it would be a delightful time.
“Are you sure that’s such a good idea? You and Padmé aren’t the best at hiding your affections. She will catch on right away,” said Obi-Wan. It was an excuse, but he wasn’t lying either. Discretion wasn’t part of Anakin’s vocabulary.
Anakin looked at the older man for a moment, trying to read his facial expression and his body language with a raised eyebrow. A smile crept up on his face now.
“That may be true, Master, but I think you’re nervous about bringing her around. Come on, life isn’t all about training. Have a little fun for once,” he said, patting the shorter man on the shoulder a couple times.
Obi-Wan only spared him a momentary glance now. Anakin had a point. Life was about more than just work, he still deserved to have fun every now and again, especially if there were no ongoing missions that demanded his attention. The fun didn’t seem to be the issue this time. She was the thing making him hesitant. If he put anyone else in her place, the anxiety fell severely.
“I will…ask her about it when I see her tomorrow,” he said and for a moment, he questioned the words coming out of his own mouth.
“No, let’s go to her quarters right now. It’s not that late. You have to make grand gestures with these ladies. They like that. Be a little more romantic,” he teased. Anakin was anything if not romantic. Obi-Wan had caught several of the things he’d said to Padmé in the past as he was courting her. As worried as he was about Anakin’s status within the order, he was happy to see the man he considered his own brother to be so happy. He often felt pangs of jealousy at the idea that he would never know that type of happiness in his own life.
“Oh, come on, Anakin. Don’t put that kind of pressure on me. And she’s just my Padawan! Nothing more, nothing less,” he said, and now he wasn’t even believing himself as he spoke. “My Padawan with very beautiful golden brown eyes, the most radiant smile I’ve ever seen, and this gods damn grace about her every movement.”
Obi-Wan smacked the steering wheel of the ship with the base of his palm now. It was like his mouth had a mind of its own. His bond with Anakin tended to bring the truth out of him eventually even when he tried to hide things from him.
“Aha! I knew it. I knew you’d like her and I knew you’d try to run away from it,” he said with an almost proud grin on his face now as if he had just uncovered the truth regarding an ancient mystery. “The Jedi Code is outdated, Master. Things need to change, and your secret will be safe with me like mine is with you until they do.”
Anakin’s words did little to reassure Obi-Wan in any real way. There were no guarantees that Anakin wouldn’t be caught soon and kicked out of the order as there would be no guarantees that things would change. The Jedi were very stuck in their ways, their traditions even if they were sometimes unreasonable or outdated.
“That’s very sweet of you, Anakin, but I still believe that I should keep my feelings to myself. If I nip them in the bud early enough, perhaps I can forget they’re there,” he said, sounding a bit dejected and resigned by the softness of his voice that wasn’t there earlier. “But I will spare you your own whining and I will go invite her now.”
“Then I’ll say nothing else on the matter,” said Anakin, trying not to push his old friend too far. The younger man knew he was far more rebellious and willing to fight for his own way than his former master was. That was okay. That’s what made them a good team. But he hoped Obi-Wan would someday put himself first in this regard. As someone who had allowed himself to experience the delightful experience of being drowned in love by another, he didn’t know how anyone could deprive themselves of it.
What the hell was he doing right now? Did he seriously allow Anakin to influence him to come to Verity’s quarters after hours. He hoped that for whatever reason she was not there yet, so she wouldn’t come to the door and she’d never know he was there either.
His prayers were answered. Sort of. Just as he was about to touch his knuckles to her door to alert her of his presence, she approached him from behind.
“Master? Are you looking for me? Is everything alright?” she asked, speaking softly as she hoped not to startle him, but Jedi were never really surprised. He knew she was there and had already stopped his knuckles from touching the door before he heard her voice.
He turned to face her now. Her hair was different today. It was up in a high bun with several braids coming out from it, her fringe covering her forehead, but there was a split in the middle this time. She looked a bit tired, but still beautiful in every way possible.
“Please forgive me, Verity. You need not worry,” he said, stepping away from her door just in case she wanted to make her way inside. He tucked his hands behind his back as he stood before her. “I was just wondering…Well, Anakin was wondering-“
Verity crossed her arms in front of her body now, looking at the older man with a curious expression on her face, but also somewhat confused as to what was happening. Why was he here? Why was he so nervous? And what did any of this have to do with Anakin?
“I’m sorry. Let me start over. Anakin suggested that I invite you to a dinner party with him, Padmé, and myself tomorrow night after your training session,” he finally said. He kicked himself a bit for mentioning that it was Anakin’s idea, but it was true. He just wanted the credit for it.
“So does Anakin want me there or do you, Master?” she asked him, trying to suppress the small smirk that was threatening to replace her otherwise neutral expression. It was all an act, though. Something she often did to hide her nervousness or excitement was tease the person who caused her to feel that way. The last thing she had expected when she saw Obi-Wan at her door was this.
“I do, of course. You’ve been lovely to have as my Padawan, so I’d like to show my appreciation to your diligence,” he explained. More lies. Half-truths, really. He did appreciate her as his pupil, but that didn’t stop him from seeing her for the woman she was outside of that. “Anakin would also like you to get acquainted with Padmé. Something about her needing more female friends.”
“Well, I can’t say no to either of you. I’d love to join you tomorrow. Could you meet me here an hour after training? I’d like to make myself presentable, maybe not wear these robes for once,” she said, a shy smile replacing her smirk now. She knew she wanted to take the opportunity to impress him in a different way than she’d been given the chance to before. It would be hard as they weren’t allowed many possessions, but she had a dress or two she could make do with.
“That sounds like a plan, Verity. It is late, however, so I will leave you to rest,” he said, placing a hand on his abdomen as he dipped his body downwards in a slight bow in her direction. “Sweet dreams, young one.”
Almost all the Masters called their Padawan or other students “young one”, but it always felt different coming from Obi-Wan’s mouth to Verity’s ears. It never ceased to make a warm feeling crawl up her neck and onto her cheeks where she prayed he couldn’t see it.
“Sweet dreams, Master Obi-Wan…and thank you for the invitation. I’m looking forward to spending time with you- you all, I mean,” she hoped he hadn’t noticed her little slip up, but he was already making his way away from her, presumably back to his own quarters for the night.
Every fiber of her body wanted to ask him to come even just for tea, but she decided to be patient and wait for the next day to spend time with him. She didn’t want to jump the gun, she didn’t want to presume that he had any interest in her in the same way she did in him, and she definitely didn’t know if what she was feeling was even okay or something she should work on meditating away. She didn’t want to do that last one. Not one little bit, especially not until she knew whether her simmering affection was unrequited or not.
They both entered their quarters with much on their minds that night, a confusing mix of elation and anxiety swirling around.
Training resumed as it normally would the following day, though, there seemed to be a slight tension in the air. It wasn’t necessarily a bad tension, but as if a spark had ignited between them that was constantly buzzing with energy. It was dull still, but ever present. They each stole a few more glances than they usually would, tripped over more of their words, and were more careful with their touches to one another.
As the afternoon left them, they ended their training for the day. Verity hurriedly made her way back to her quarters when she was out of Obi-Wan sight, trying to give herself as much time as possible to get herself presentable.
She bathed as soon as she got in, dousing her body with her favorite scented perfume which smelled of lavender with a hint of vanilla. She kept her long, dark tresses down, adding some soft curls to the bottom. Her cheeks were given a flush of pinkish rouge and her lips were carefully coated in a matte, dark red lipstick, finishing her makeup by adding a small, wing of black to each and with a coat of mascara to her lashes.
She pulled out her favorite dress for the occasion, but decided it was perhaps too formal. Instead she opted for a pure white silk halter top that left the majority of her back exposed. She paired it with a long black skirt of the same material that tapered down her body. The waistline of it dipped down at the center to reveal her midsection. Verity didn’t have very many options for jewelry so she added a gold cuff to her bicep.
The young woman stood in front of the mirror, turning from side to side to examine her appearance before taking a deep breath. It would have to do regardless of how she felt, so she conjured some confident thoughts about herself.
If she hadn’t already sensed his presence, she would have jumped when she heard the knock at the door. Somehow an hour had already passed. She slipped on her simple black pumps, grabbing a small clutch just so she wasn’t empty-handed, which she placed her lightsaber inside of. You could never be too careful.
Making her way to the door, she gave herself a moment to take another deep breath. She was almost less nervous about him seeing her than about seeing him. She’d never seen him out of his Jedi robes and was almost certain she wouldn’t know what to do when she did.
Pulling the door open, she was greeted by the face of her beloved Master. His reaction to her did not disappoint. His cordial smile dropped a bit as his cerulean eyes fell slowly down her figure before landing back on her face.
“Forgive me, Verity. I forget myself. You look absolutely wonderful,” he finally said. He considered playing off his reaction, but he knew better than to think she was that dense, so he owned up to it instead.
He himself looked absolutely breathtaking just as Verity had expected. He’d chosen a creamy button down with an embroidered high collar that he paired with a dark green jacket, black dress pants, and black boots. His hair was perfectly pushed back, and of course his beard was groomed to perfection.
“This is for you,” he continued, pulling out from behind his back a small bundle of Mysess blossoms that were tied together with a strip of yellow fabric in the shape of a bow. He extended them towards her with the flowers lying across both of his palms.
“Master…that’s so sweet of you. They’re beautiful,” she said, taking them from him and holding them up to her face to give them a smell. She’d never received flowers from a man before, but she couldn’t imagine a more thoughtful gesture if she tried. It painted Obi-Wan in a new light for her. “Could you come inside a moment for me to put them in water?”
She was bold to ask that of him, but he just showed up at her door with flowers in hand. He would be silly to think that was merely a friendly gesture on his part, so she rolled with the idea that it could be more.
“Of course. Take your time. Padmé’s apartments are not too far from here,” he said, waiting for her to step aside before he took a step in. Her room didn’t look that different from his own, but there were small personal touches throughout that let him know exactly who the room belonged to.
There was nothing in the Jedi Code that said he couldn’t be in her quarters, right? What was the difference between this and him visiting Anakin, right?
She closed the door behind him. There was the buzzing again, that feeling in her chest that was slightly tight and unwavering. He felt it as well, but neither of them mentioned it.
“You look wonderful as well, Master. I didn’t know you could clean up so nicely,” she said to him with a smile as she made her way to her small kitchenette area, opening a couple cabinets until she spotted an empty vase up top. Reaching up, she quickly realized she was too short even in her high heels to get it.
Before she could even use The Force to bring it down to herself, she felt Obi-Wan behind her.
“Thank you, and allow me,” he said, his voice noticeably softer than now. His chest was pressed to her back now and he placed a hand on her hip as he extended the other one upwards to grasp the vase in his hand effortlessly.
They’d been chest to back before during training, but this felt different. There was no reason why he couldn’t have let her use The Force or asked her to simply step aside. However, there was some magnetic pull between the two of them that probably didn’t even let him think that far before doing what felt right instead.
Verity stood terribly still, not daring to turn her face to look back at him because her cheeks were probably twice as red now than when he walked in. It felt somewhat different this time, though. It wasn’t just nervousness, but the proximity of his body to hers caused a chill up her spine as if it was satisfying just a small part of a much larger desire.
He placed the vase down in front of her, lingering for a moment behind her before he busied himself with taking it to the sink to pour water into it. He needed some reason to drag himself away from her. Typically, he would apologize for this kind of behavior, but he decided against it this time.
With almost shaky hands, Verity untied the bow from the flowers, dropping them into the vase once he filled it with water for her. She didn’t want to discard the pretty bow, so she wrapped it around the neck of the vase and tied it back into the bow shape.
“I said this already, but thank you. As you can imagine, I’ve never received flowers before. I’ve seldom been given gifts in general, so it means a lot to me,” she said, finally looking up at Obi-Wan from where she stood next to him. There was an overwhelming desire inside of herself to reach up and give him a simple peck on the cheek, so fuck it. That’s exactly what she did, steadying herself by holding onto his forearm as she leaned up and pressed her lips to his face.
The older man tried to contain the expression on his face that would communicate to her just how much he enjoyed that, just how much he wished it were more. He gave her a bashful smile, clearing his throat.
“I’m honored to be the first, but I find it difficult to believe that someone…like you has never even had one admirer who tried to win your affections,” he said. “Tell me about that as we make our way to the senator’s apartment.”
Offering her his arm for her to hook hers into, he lead them out of her quarters, starting their walk towards where Padmé and Anakin were already waiting for them with a spread of food and drinks. She had taken his arm without hesitance, walking alongside him. She figured he had a way to smooth things over with anyone who saw their body language right now, so she went with it without questioning him. Thankfully, the temple was quiet at the moment as it was later in the day and the sun had already gone down.
“Are you calling yourself an admirer now?” she asked him, a cheeky smile on her face as she did, but she continued before he could answer. “To answer your question, I have had a few men try to court me before, some politicians, some civilians, but probably far less than I would’ve experienced had I not been a Jedi who spends most of their time at a temple. Obviously, nothing ever happened with any of them. I had a slightly rebellious phase around nineteen where I snuck off to go clubbing several times, but men can be gross. They buy you drinks and expect you to give it all up just because they want you to. I’m not that type.”
A pang of jealous hit his heart at the thought of her being pursued by men wherever she went. He knew it was the likely story, but it was annoying to hear. That wasn’t his place to say, though.
“I can see how that would leave a sour taste in your mouth, but I can’t blame a man for respectfully trying. You’re a beautiful young woman. Anyone would be blind not to see that,” he said, exiting the temple with her as they made their way into the city. For once, he felt more like a regular inhabitant of Coruscant rather than a Jedi Master with the weight of the world on his shoulders. He wondered if this was what dating felt like for most people when you removed the bindings Jedi Code placed upon them. It felt nice.
“Master, if I didn’t know any better, I would think you were flirting with me,” she said, stopping them both in their tracks as she looked up at him. The night had barely begun, but he had already given her so many more signals than he had the entire time he’d been training her. Was he letting his guard down for good or would tonight be a blip on his radar? She tilted her head to the side. “If you are, just know that it’s very much welcome.”
“Verity, I can honestly say I do not know what in gods name I’m doing right now. I’m just doing what feels right, but not what is morally right. I am doing what makes me feel like I am being honest to myself and what I want,” he said, and he could feel his palms sweating now. It was like some illogical, infatuated spirit had taken over his mind, allowing him no longer to pretend like he didn’t have the regular feelings that all men have in the presence of a stunning, sweet, and powerful woman.
Verity spent a moment in silence, looking up at him as he spoke. She could feel that despite how vague he was being, it was coming from the same place her feelings for him were developing as well, which was a place of utter contradiction. She felt both a guilt for disobeying her vows, but a desire to be free of them in some ways. She felt an internal battle brewing as she tried to fight off fear of the consequences for following this dangerous path.
“Maybe…let’s just have a great time tonight and we can talk about this all after. I think I just want to know what being next to you as a woman and not just your Padawan feels like even if just for this one evening,” she said, trying her best to use any shred of wisdom she had left and apply it to this situation. She would only know what to do about her feelings if she embraced them for the moment and assessed if this was worth the possible consequences.
“You are wiser than I am at times, Verity,” he said, guiding them to start their walk again. Perhaps giving in for just one night would give him the insight he needed.
The pair arrived at Padmé’s building soon after, getting clearance from security before they were able to ascend to the top floor where her penthouse was. When the woman opened the door, Anakin was right behind her. They looked like any other couple right now and it made Obi-Wan smile to see his chosen brother so content.
“Verity! I believe we haven’t had the pleasure of speaking properly yet, but Anakin has told me all about you,” she said, the pair stepping aside in a fluid motion to allow their guests in.
Padmé was as gorgeous as Verity remembered. She was a small, fit woman with shiny brown hair, an immaculate bone structure, and because of her status, she was dressed in a beautifully ornate gown. Verity felt almost intimidated now, but the senator was too kind for her to dwell on that for long.
“I hope it’s only been good things. Master Obi-Wan has told me much about you as well,” she said, the two women shaking hands as Anakin and Obi-Wan shared an embrace as they always did.
“It’s nice to see you out of those Jedi robes, Master. You almost look handsome,” said the younger Jedi male, a smirk on his face as he eyed the other male.
“You’re kind, Anakin. Really,” he responded sarcastically.
“Would either of you like something to drink? We have many wines and ales,” said Padmé, guiding the small party over to the bar where a bartender was waiting to pour them their libations.
“I’ll take wine,” said Verity, though she would typically prefer ale, wine felt better for the occasion. Obi-Wan agreed. The bartender poured four glasses, and they all took one.
“I’ll make a toast, then, to…long-lasting friendships,” said Anakin, looking down at Padmé when he spoke the last word. Verity caught the glance, but they were too busy tapping glasses for her to make any comment on it.
“We might need to work on your speeches if you’re going to remain so politically involved, Anakin,” joked Obi-Wan who also gave Padmé a look as he spoke. Verity wasn’t stupid. It was obvious what was going on.
“Are you two together? If you’re trying to hide it, you’re not succeeding,” she said, chuckling behind her glass as she took another sip.
Padmé almost choked, but Anakin simply wrapped an arm around her.
“If we can trust you, yes. If we can’t, then forget everything you saw after tonight unless you want to duel it out with me,” he said, looking at Verity with a teasing eyebrow.
“You know I’m not the type to go running to the council, Master, your secret is safe with me…unless you cross me,” she joked back to him.
“Seems we have an agreement, then, and before you ask, yes, I’ve known about this for a while now,” said Obi-Wan. Verity had figured as much.
“How about we chat over dinner? We can all share secrets, but let’s have the delicious food my chefs have prepared for us,” said Padmé, leading them into the dining area where Verity was greeted by a spread of more dishes than she could count and way more than the four of them could possibly eat.
“Wow…thank you, Senator. You’re incredibly kind,” said Verity, smiling graciously as Obi-Wan pulled a chair out for her, which she sat down in, allowing him to tuck her in as well. Anakin did the same for Padmé.
“Just call me Padmé, please. Any friend of Anakin and Obi-Wan’s is my friend as well. Plus, it’s nice to have some female company for once,” said the older woman.
Servants came around to begin serving everyone. Verity felt both so normal and so unlike herself in this moment, but it was such a welcome departure from reality.
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smol-baguett · 2 years
I need to rant about Star Wars making aroace-spec!Obi-Wan canon because this hellsite needs to know what that means to bi/pan-oriented aroaces.
To preface, I have been a huge Obi-Wan fan since long before I realized I myself was bi-oriented aroace.
His understanding of love, especially for Satine, is something that had always resonated with me, and I am sure people like me. I never understood why until I realized it was because I shared those views.
I doubt the initial intention of Satine’s character was to highlight this aspect of Obi-Wan’s, but regardless of what Dave Filoni and other writers involved intended, they created a story that was tailored to the aroace experience. A narrative that exalts and celebrates the nature of our love.
Obi-Wan and Satine are two people who loved each other dearly. We know that they spent a whole year with each other as teenagers. But the beauty of it is that the writers never went far into detail of the nature of their love. How much of it was romantic, sexual, or tertiary attraction.
We do know is that it was a deep love that haunted them ~20 years later. We know they both fantasize about abandoning their duties to be with each other. But in the end they put aside their feeling for each other to prioritize their duties. Not because they thought their love was childish or anything, but because they loved each other so much they couldn’t bear to stand in the way of the other’s dreams.
Obi-Wan always wanted to be a Jedi. As established in the High Republic books, a Jedi cannot prioritize the sake of one person over the rest of the galaxy. He, as a Jedi and according to the belief he had subscribed to all his life, could not put Satine over everyone else. Satine could never put him in a situation where he’d have to make that decision.
Satine had an equally grave, but higher profile responsibility. She needed to fix her broken people and lead Mandalore. That could never be possible if she had a Jedi or even a former-Jedi padawan at her side. Obi-Wan could never jeopardize her dream of a prosperous Mandalore.
And so they parted ways. Because they love each other so much, they want the other to be happy, even if it’s without each other. This is something so inherently aromantic: happiness without needing to be with another person.
And what makes it all the more authentic is how complicated their love is. Because being aromantic or asexual doesn’t make you loveless, just more complicated to express conventionally. They prioritized another commitment over their relationship, but that did not diminish their love for each other. We see it when Obi-Wan goes against the council’s orders and runs blindly and foolishly into a trap to rescue Satine. And when in her dying breath Satine professes she’s always loved him, and she always will. Even after 20 years, their love persists. They bickered and flirted constantly, they were gentle with each other, and they gazed at each other like no one else. It’s subtle yet purposeful, and they both understood the dynamic of their relationship. Once they were kids who fooled around, but now they’ve grown into the people they always hoped to become. They know that because of their decision they could never do that to each other. They could never be together. A mandalorian and a Jedi. But this, for them, is enough.
This is the relationship many aroaces, like myself dream about. Something that is just love. No obligation for the conventional rituals of a relationship. But being comfortable in how we embrace our love and attraction (or lack thereof). This kind of relationship hard to come by in entertainment, especially in huge franchises like Star War. It is messy and complex and just as beautiful as any conventional romantic or sexual relationship. And Star Wars still has yet to realize how enlightened it is for people like me.
I accept that back in the 70s, George Lucas never intended to make. I accept that in creating TCW and Satine, Dave Filoni and co. never meant to write an aroace-coded narrative. Yet the story and character of Obi-Wan Kenobi was one aroaces could immediately identify with. Because his understanding of love is not unrealistic or unattainable. It is real and natural. Valid and reasonable enough for them to anchor it to the iconic and beloved character of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
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that-ari-blogger · 4 months
Here We Go! (Agony Of A Witch)
While it isn't wrong to say that Agony Of A Witch is the episode in which The Owl House picks up speed, it is possibly the understatement of the century. This episode switches vehicles from a golf cart to a drag racer and puts a rock on the accelerator.
But, pacing isn't everything. The true test of a story is how well it handles the turns, how efficient it is with its maneuvers, and how much this metaphor falls apart.
I actually think this episode is phenomenal and is a demonstration of the character writing muscles that were previously glimpsed in Understanding Willow being put to full use.
Let me explain.
SPOILERS AHEAD: (The Owl House, One Piece - Whiskey Peak, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe)
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My thesis for this post is that it explores motivation to create a compelling conflict that draws on entirely well-meaning intentions that contradict each other. As in, there is an antagonist in this episode, that being Lilith, but she isn't entirely villainous, I don't think.
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Let me define some terms. A villain is defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as the following:
"A character in a book, play, film, etc. who harms other people."
This definition sucks. That's right, this little Tumblr blog about The Owl House is going toe to toe with Cambridge. Fight me, nerds (please don't actually fight me).
In my opinion, this definition manages to be both reductive and unhelpful. While "harm" is a fairly open term, that is a problem, because it encompasses characters who don't constitute as villains. For example, Deadpool is a villain by this structure, but so is James Bond, and Obi Wan Kenobi has removed enough people's arms that it has become a meme.
Hooty causes harm in this story. Is he a villain? Don't answer that.
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On the other hand, what about villains who don't succeed in causing harm. Mr 5 is unquestionably villainous in One Piece, but he gets his arse handed to him in Whiskey Peak, and doesn't really succeed at anything other than looking like a chump.
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So, there is some intentionality there. Allow me to propose my own definition of the term, that I will be working from:
"A villain is a character who willingly does bad things, as described in the story, even when given an option to do otherwise."
In this case, "bad" is defined as whatever the story's themes advocate against. In the Owl House, this is willful ignorance, bigotry, and denial of another's freedom. It is the latter of these that characterises Lillith as villainous and has characterised her as villainous for the series up to this point.
But this is where the intentionality comes into play, because for the majority of season one, Lilith has been the main villain, trying repeatedly to restrict Eda into joining a coven, and she still fills that role here, but this episode makes that more complicated.
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I cannot gush enough over how incredible this opening scene is, it feels like what would happen if Wes Anderson did more than just look pretty (apologies to any Wes Anderson fans out there, I just don't like his movies).
The imagery here is clear, a massive castle made by an architect who clearly had a thing for the Eye Of Sauron. There is a cage being walked across the bridge, and shadows everywhere. This is where the villains hang out.
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Good sound design often goes unnoticed, except for when it is meant to be overwhelming, but I genuinely think that this scene is carried by its subtlety in that regard. There is nothing here, just the wind, and the sound of marching. In a story about freedom and expression, this is a place where there is absolutely zero of that.
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This is Belos' first appearance, and he is steeped in religious imagery. He is in a place of worship, plated with gold, on a massive stained glass window.
You can tell a lot about a person by how they talk about themselves, even more than how they physically appear. For example, someone who appears unkempt might be less tidy and refined than someone in a suit, or they might be the most eloquent person you could ever meet. In short, actions speak louder than appearances.
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So, lets look at how Belos has chosen to present himself. First up, he is huge, and towers over those looking at the window. But he also towers over the others in the frame. Those others happen to be kneeling to him in subservience, worshiping him. Belos presents himself as powerful and worthy of praise.
He is also leaning into the idea of freedom expression in his villainy here. Because there is colour in this room, but only on his window. Only when looking upon him, can you be free.
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The room, however, is gold, the same colour as his mask and cloak, so he definitely has a hand in the limiting of power
Then there is the fact that this is a window. To see the outside world, Lilith needs to look through Belos. Even when she isn't trying to see him, he dictates what she sees anyway. Belos revels in control.
I also want to talk about the religious imagery here, because it plays into his personality. It shows a character who thinks of himself as deific, who has placed himself in the centre of the room. When people pray, they pray to him. This is a narcissist.
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Back to Lilith, the start of this episode goes out of its way to hammer home Lilith's goals, and hints at why they might be.
"I haven't forgotten what you've promised me. I will bring you my sister, Emperor Belos."
I think that Lilith manages to walk the line between villain and antagonist in this episode, fully exiting the former in the finale of the season. She doesn't appear to be doing things of her own volition, but that isn't clear enough yet to say.
I also want to stress this, forcing someone to do something doesn't have to be physically bending their arm behind their back and making them do it. In this case, Lilith has been handed two choices, one of which is objectively worse, so the choice is self-evident.
Luz and Eda on the other hand, get their motivations laid out as the episode opens after the credits. They want to protect each other.
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Eda is struggling with the owl beast curse, and that has been getting worse. But to protect the naivety of her student, she has been hiding this fact from her, until it is too late. Remember how I said the story emphasises willful ignorance as bad? Well, that is explicitly how Eda's actions to obscure the truth from Luz are framed.
Eda repeatedly does this over the series. She hides elements of her life from others to make their lives better in her eyes, but it always backfires. People find out, and the result is always worse.
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Then there is Luz, who is idealistic and determined. She wants to help out Eda, and when the opportunity to do so falls out of the sky in front of her in the form of a road trip.
Both of these characters want to protect each other, but that means they can be used as bait for each other. Contradicting goals from compelling intentions.
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Ok, one more thing about Belos.
"The Relic Room. These items are reminders of our great Emperor's overwhelming power."
Kikimora is saying the quiet part out loud here. Look, everyone! This guy is powerful. Worship him.
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Anyway, this conversation is so revelatory about Lilith. Belos issues demands, and though they aren't spoken with any real menace, the threat is obvious.
That threat is why I keep bringing Belos up when talking about Lillith, because in the same way that Amity was a key part of Understanding Willow, Belos is a key part of understanding Lilith. Because that threat colours everything she does.
The audience doesn't even get told what happens to wild witches and why Lilith fears it so much, but we get the malice in him from his tone, and from how the scene frames him.
Take, for example, the first thing we actually see Belos do:
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You know that scene in Who Framed Roger Rabbit where Christopher Lloyd's character murks a shoe? (It makes more sense in context). Well, that is what is happening here. Belos kills a small creature and drinks from its life force. If you take that with the imagery surrounding him, it is valid to say that the Emperor of the boiling isles is a vampire.
If Belos is willing to do this, what might happen to Lilith?
Once again, however, that sound design carries this scene, because there is no way this moment would be nearly as intense if it wasn't for that heartbeat that Belos breathes in time with. The man controls the scene, right down to the beating of the heart in your ears. This man is terrifying.
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Now, I have been saying this name for so long that it is starting to become white noise, so before that fully sets in, why is Lilith called Lilith?
Contrary to the general public opinion, I love stupidly edgy names in fiction. I think there is a place for cheese, and antagonists definitely fit that mould. Don't get me wrong, I think if a character's name is "Skullcrusher" or "Shadow" or "Tazerface" and that doesn't immediately get picked up on as needlessly over the top, that is a disruption of my immersion, but names that have that edge attached to them are writing gold to me. Lilith is one of these names.
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Lilith isn't directly in the Bible, but she is referred to in folklore as Adam's first wife before Eve. According to Britannica, she is credited as a mother of demons, specifically succubae and incubi.
In terms of pop culture, however, the name Lilith has spiraled into being synonymous with "evil lady who might be demonic," the White Witch in the Chronicles of Narnia series is a descendant of her and characters in Devil May Cry, Supernatural, and Doctor Who bear her name.
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So, this is a name that is traditionally associated with evil, mostly. Wherever you find stories with people who are "inherrently evil", you run into people who explore what that means, and so there are a few stories out there that either take Lilith's side, or suggest that the name should not be used to make a judgement about a person's character, a fact that I agree with.
Lilith Clawthorn doesn't really engage with this directly. Instead, she bears a name that has moral implications, and makes that person morally complex. The traditional betrayer angle is brought in through her relationship with Eda that I will get to in a moment, but the misunderstood aspect is important here as well.
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I love the fact that Gus and Willow are fully prepared to help Luz out here. Someone is in danger, so they offer their advice, and this scene also jumps in on that theme of honesty. Once again, the truth outs itself, and I don't think Luz would have lived through this episode if it hadn't.
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Eda, meanwhile, spends the entire episode filling that maternal role for Luz. She knits for her, she has photos, she discusses the human "growing up", so its not exactly subtle.
So, naturally, the moment Luz is in trouble, Mamma Owl Beast doesn't hesitate to try and save her.
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I think that Witch's Wool cloak is a cool little metaphor for the two's relationship. This is an item that can protect one of them, and Eda is willing to give it away to Luz, even after admitting she needs it for herself. But, Eda still can't tell Luz about it, because she still refuses to actually tell Luz how much she means to her.
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On the other hand, we open this episode still without knowing who cursed Eda, and the dream serves to remind the audience of that, without having to do a "previously on..." segment.
I do have a love for when The Owl House messes with aesthetics, and this weird, amorphous blob is a really neat way of obscuring the assailant's form. Character design in cartoons is often focused on silhouettes, you can tell almost any two characters in this series by their shadow, for example. So, it's a neat bit of direction to hide that.
But, Ok. I know what y'all came for. The fight.
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The first thing to point out is that the Clawthorns have a signature spell, that being this teleportation thing. The only characters in the entire series who do this burst of light and then warp are Clawthorns. There's some foreshadowing going on there.
"Renounce your wild ways and join the Emperor's Coven. He can help heal your curse!" "Don't believe everything that bone head tells you. He doesn't want to heal me, he wants to control me."
So, we have the two sides and their goals and ideologies. Freedom vs Safety, and we will get back to the nuance of this next week, when all the reveals happen. But for now, this is what both sides think they are playing for.
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One of the most prevalent pieces of advice on the internet for combat in TTRPGs such as Pathfinder and D&D is "roleplay doesn't stop when initiative is rolled", in essence, characters are still characters when they are fighting. This scene is an example of what that means.
Eda is direct and to the point, she comes out of the gate looking for blood and clearly has the upper hand throughout this fight.
Lilith, however, is clever. Not to say that Eda isn't, but Lilith fights more tactically. She uses Luz as a shield, and is constantly talking and trying to get under her sister's skin.
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"It's sad to see you slowing down, Sister. Tell me, is it the curse?" "Maybe it is the curse. But then how pathetic are you that you can't best me at my worst."
Eda is a ticking time bomb, and Lilith knows that she just has to outlast that. She is buying herself time.
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There's also something really cool about how Eda and Lilith's magic is coloured. Eda leans into the fiery orange of wild magic and Lillith takes on a bright blue, and both of those kinda relate to Belos a bit.
Belos' gold is similar, but not exactly the same as the wild magic, he is offering freedom, but not exactly. Meanwhile his eyes are the only things in the entire series besides the magic that have that bright blue tint (Camilla's uniform comes close, but it isn't as bright).
"You always thought you were better than me. That I could never beat you at anything." "I am better than you." "Then why were you so easy to curse?"
Tick, tick, boom.
So, let's talk about redemptions for a moment.
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There is a general atmosphere on social media that Lilith's redemption arc wasn't handled well, and I would like to peacefully say that I think this idea is bogus.
The argument comes from two points, the first being that Lilith wasn't built up as enough of a threat, and the second that she skipped the redemption part of her arc and moved straight to being redeemed. The latter of those arguments is a discussion for a later date, but the former I would like to discuss here.
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This episode shows Lilith at both her most villainous and her least at the same time. It gives you a hint at her true motivation, and hints at her being manipulated, but it doesn't spell it out, yet. It's a set up for what will come later.
But in terms of being a true threat, let me just lay out what Lilith has done so far. Curse Eda. Capture Luz. Throw two children into a wall. Throw another child off a bridge. Try to push said child into a bed of spikes out of sheer spite. This is all in this episode, by the way.
I think Lilith needed to spiral like this so that she had further to climb from in her redemption arc in later seasons. You can't redeem someone who ain't done nothing wrong.
Thank you, nameless strawman opponent, you were very helpful in proving my point. Anyway...
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"Luz, thank you for being in my life."
Wendy Malick needs more praise. This line is incredibly well performed, and that tiny hesitation is golden.
But, the meaning of this is also important, because this is the first time Eda has actually expressed any affection for Luz directly to her face. Otherwise she has been the distant, cranky mentour.
The Owl House plays with tropes a lot, but the mentour sacrifice is one it plays almost straight, and it hits incredibly hard. These are what Eda thinks are her last words to Luz, and its a thank you.
"I am richer for having known you, friend."
(If you get that reference, you can have a cookie.)
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It's important to the pacing here that the heroes lose this episode well and truely. It sets up the finale well, and it gives an air of malice to both Belos and Lilith that is imperative for the next episode to have any weight to it.
This episode has garnered a ton of affection from the fan base, and I think it might be more popular than Young Blood Old Souls, and possibly on par with King's Tide and Hollow Mind, but that is just my observations and not backed up by any statistics. Let me know in the replies if you agree or disagree, I'm keen to know what you think.
Next week, I am tackling the finale, Young Blood Old Souls. So stick around if that interests you.
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emeraldvsociety · 1 year
Hey y’all, I wanted to address a pet peeve of mine when it comes to the Korkie Kenobi theory discourse. Now, first off, I want to say that I legitimately do not care if you hate it or love it. I understand that this is a very polarizing theory in the Obitine and in the SW community as a whole. It definitely has serious implications on Satine’s, Obi-Wan’s, and Bo’s characters, and even on Mandalorian culture as a whole. There are valid reasons to like it. There are valid reasons to hate it. There are valid reasons to only think it’s a mildly funny animation bit. 
I am not trying to patronize anyone in this post because this information is not likely common knowledge... but I need to talk about it because it drives me CRAZY whenever people argue against the theory by saying: 
“Korkie having red hair is not proof that Obi-Wan is his father. Bo-Katan [his aunt] has red hair, so red hair just runs in the Kryze family.” 
Now, before I really start ranting, I would like to say that I am NOT a geneticist in the slightest, and if a geneticist or someone with a stronger biology background wants to correct me on anything, go ahead. 
Red hair is the product of a mutated recessive variant of the MC1R gene. 
Quick genetic breakdown of hair color: hair color is determined by the abundance (or lack) of melanin. Hair has two types of melanin: eumelanin and pheomelanin. An abundance of eumelanin causes darker hair and a lack of results in lighter (more blond) hair. Pheomelanin is red/pink, and the more you have, the redder your hair will be.  
Red hair is a recessive trait. This is why red hair is so rare. In order for the gene to be expressed, no dominant gene MC1R can be inherited. If you are a redhead and your partner is a redhead, there is a 100%* guarantee that your children will also have red hair. Red hair can also be CARRIED. If you are a redhead and your partner is a carrier, there is a 50%* chance your child will be a redhead. If you are BOTH carriers, there is a 25%* chance of your child will be a redhead.
Here is a Punnett square for visual reference:
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We do not have any canon images of the Kryze sisters’ parents, but given Bo-Katan and Satine’s hair, we know that they were either: 
Rr & Rr - resulting in an rr offspring (Bo) and an RR or Rr offspring (Satine) 
Rr & rr - resulting in an rr offspring (Bo) and an Rr offspring (Satine) 
Even in the instance where both parents are carriers, Satine still has a 50% of being a carrier as opposed to the 25% chance of not. (If Bo and Satine have a sibling, and they aren't a redhead, they'd share the same odds as Satine).
Red hair is absolutely a Kryze trait, whether the allele is carried or expressed. I understand why people make the false assumption that Bo-Katan's red hair proves that Kryze's just *have* red hair sometimes. In most cases, that's sometimes how genetics work! Sometimes one side of the genes, maternal or paternal, has more influence on the offspring. You can see this in Luke and Leia. Leia got Padmé's brown and curly hair, and Luke was born with blond hair and blue eyes like Anakin.
But this is not the case with Korkie or ANYONE with red hair. A half of the genes (maternal or paternal) CANNOT be solely responsible for a child’s red hair. BOTH parents must carry or express the variant of MC1R. 
Meaning, Korkie’s parents would HAVE to be either Rr/Rr, Rr/rr, or rr/rr. We know what Obi-Wan is, and we know what Satine (likely) is… 
Now, does this prove the Korkie Kenobi theory? No. But, please, I beg you, stop implying that Bo-Katan’s red hair “disproves” the theory. If anything, it enhances it. If Obi-Wan had a child with someone who has RR hair there would be a ZERO percent chance of that child having red hair. Now, if he had a child with a carrier (which Satine likely is due to her sister having red hair), there would be a FIFTY percent chance that child would be a redhead. 
I understand some people think that Bo and Satine are half-siblings, but in the grand scheme of things, this doesn’t matter in this argument. Bo is still Korkie’s aunt (or half-aunt), and they are still both rr, meaning that they (likely) share the common ancestor that was Rr or rr. 
If I’ve gotten something astronomically & seriously wrong, please feel free to reblog with the correct information. It’s never my intention to spread misinformation. 
Also sorry if someone has made a post like this in the past. I’m new around these parts. 
*In rare cases, even if someone has inherited two variants of MC1R, they will not have red hair.
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lightwise · 10 months
Ahsoka Episode 1 Rant/Spoilers
This is a pretty dramatic rant, I don't normally express my feelings this vehemently on here, so please don't take this overly seriously. But I had to get this out 🫣
*Deep breath* I am NOT OKAY with Star Wars making it normal now for people, humans, to survive a lightsaber stab to the stomach/gut/torso area. It completely undermines Qui Gon’s death which is what sets in motion the entire freaking saga. I guess this will be me coming out as the Phantom Menace lover as I am, but Qui-Gon and TPM seriously have such a special place in my heart, and the importance of its place as the chronological beginning of the movie saga, the importance of Qui-Gon's death specifically in the lives of Obi-Wan, Anakin, Maul, and therefore the fate of the rest of the galaxy, cannot be overstated. Reva surviving the same kind of blow, Sabine surviving the same kind of blow (yes I know hers was a little to the right, but it's still the same concept), while it doesn't lessen Qui-Gon's sacrifice, just makes it all look rather silly.
(Not to mention Satine dying by the same kind of stroke either. Not to mention the effects that had on the narrative and important characters either.)
I accepted it with the Grand Inquisitor in Kenobi bc A. We knew he survived already, and B. He was a different species with different anatomy. I also somewhat begrudgingly accepted it with Reva later, because its effects on her were not neglected, and for whatever reason it worked for the plot and made the stakes feel higher. Still wish it had been some other sort of injury that made us think she might die, but I was willing to overlook it.
But again? Again with the making lightsaber stabs a paltry affair that have no consequences? When it was obvious both at the beginning (Phantom Menace) and end (Force Awakens) that people should NOT BE ABLE TO SURVIVE THAT. Heck, Baylon uses the same move in the beginning of the episode and it is clearly stated the Captain he uses it on is dead immediately! But Sabine just walks around casually a day or two later? Showing very little need for recovery and it all seeming like "just a flesh wound", cauterization or not? What the hell Dave????
I'm not saying I wanted Reva or Sabine to die. I'm saying please for the love of all things Star Wars pick a different body part to wound/end a fight with!! That's all I'm asking *sobs*
The ONLY good thing about that kind of move, is that stabbing and slashing moves are more in line with how a lightsaber type weapon would be used in real life/the historical weapons they are based on, rather than the typical parry/block moves we see in lightsaber fights. But, I still don't think this is the way to use it.
*okay, rant over. Thanks for letting me get that out ya'll*
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this-acuteneurosis · 1 year
Random. But do you have any star wars fic recs ? Fics recs of any kind are welcome actually ^_^
Oh, uh, sure.
Let's see, I've mentioned @chancecraz a bunch of times, I love all their stuff, if I had to pick a favorite I'd say Of Queens, Knights, and Pawns but how does one really choose?
I've also mentioned @fialleril and Double Agent Vader, which really got me into the SWs fandom in the first place. I love everything I have ever learned, it hits me so hard in the feels each time. (I also really loved Sigyn's Saga if we're also talking not-SW stuff.)
I enjoyed The Desert Sun series by @blue-sunshine-mauve-morning. (I will be honest, I have only read the first series I have not started Rise and Fall.) It's engaging and fun and thoughtful.
doing it by my lonesome and staring down the barrel of the hot sun by magneticwave are two fun Luke/Din stories featuring appropriately cute Grogu. I also liked pages filled with scribbled ink, which is an epistolary Padmé/Obi-Wan fic that had me cackling. (their non-SW stuff is good too, I especially enjoyed just me against the sky)
Other...serious(?) recs include: The Wingless Dragon by husborth if you like being sad and horrified about Vader's bad choices. Food Scandal by Malicean for some situational hilarity and for lots of OC perspective on Imperial bureaucracy (my other weakness aside from politics). PRojects IN Controlled Environments by Beth Winters for Imperial R&D bureaucracy, more situational hilarity, and very relatable coworker nonsense.
More silly/fun premises include: Compromising by samvelg, which inspired me to write a (very different) Piett POV of Luke and Vader nonsense. Memo: Jedi Maintenance (The Care and Feeding of Your Jetii) by RainofLittleFishes is exactly what it says and what you would hope for from such a title. Luke Skywalker is Altogether Too Likeable by Mokulule is another Piett POV of Skywalker nonsense.
As far as Non-Star Wars recs
It would be a crime and sin if I didn't mention Embers by Vathara , an Avatar the Last Airbender fic which honestly changed my life and how my brain was shaped.
World Ain't Ready by @idiopathicsmile is a Les Mis fic I've gone back to a few times. The dialogue is just really good. I spend a lot of the fic laughing, and also screaming at the characters.
I fell absurdly in love with Second person familiar, I think because it tickles some part of me that just dies over linguistics, and I'm a fan of pretty much everything @jackironsides has done for The Witcher.
Salvage by @muffinlance is a very fun Avatar the Last Airbender fic about Zuko getting reluctantly adopted by Hakoda (it's so good).
Finding the Line by Miss_Lazy_Tuesday is a Batfam fic that sort of ruined me at one point, it's fine. (I enjoy their other stuff too.)
The Angel of Hell's Kitchen by MarbleGlove is a Daredevil fic. I don't really go here, but this was about social structures, bureaucracy, and doing the work, and we all know I can't help myself.
Reconstruction by rageprufrock is the story of Stephanie Rogers, but like, it's Pru writing it. So. Characters are great. World building is great. Tension and longing and grief are great. I cannot stress enough how good the academic and news article asides are. Like, it's good. Incomplete, but so good.
Ordinary Numbers by BootsnBlossoms and Kryptaria, a James Bond fic that I keep coming back to because I too would be a sucker for someone who sent me needlessly expensive gifts.
And This, Your Living Kiss by opal_bullets is a Supernatural fic about poetry. I am not in this fandom, but again, my weakness for language gets me every time.
ever fallen in love (on national TV)? by ganymede_elegy is a GoT Jonsa modern Bachelor AU and...guys I cannot express how much I Do Not Go here, and how much I still recommend this fic. Like, it's just...I don't know. It worked. In spite of me knowing nothing about GoT or The Bachelor. wtf
survival of the fittest by cywscross is a short Naruto fic about a very unpleasant adventure for Sakura and Shikarmaru that just...worked. As a story. Dunno, I just really like it.
I could be wrong, I could be ready by harryromper is a Harry/Draco fic where they are disasters and traumatized, and it is about healing and building houses as a metaphor for overcoming trauma, and it's fine, I'm fine.
eternity will be born from hope by theseviolentdelights99 is a Yuri!!! on Ice fic that is about a time traveling Yuuri who (you'll never guess) goes back in time and does bureaucracy in his hometown and his sport to help the people that he loves. The unreliable narrator is excellent, the social media asides are wonderful, and it's not complete but it is exactly my poison.
(Wow, this is so long and all over the place...)
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retconsatlightspeed · 8 months
The Saber & The Last Jedi
Continuing my post about Luke on the Island, I think I want to focus in on how I would have handled that weighty piece of symbolism.
It's a common talking point among the chuds that Luke tossing the saber was "disrespectful" to starwars fans, and while I think most of them are idiots, I think I'd change how that note was played.
Like a lot of fans of the 1.5 good movies in the sequel trilogy, I was really disappointed that Rey didn't get her own saber (or any actual jedi training but that's for another post) until post the resolution.
Fallen Order is by far my favourite piece of starwars media ever, so I'm infinity biased towards meaningful character growth as expressed through laser sword construction.
So here's my Pitch:
Have Luke drop the saber after Rey hands it to him. Holding it with reverence for but a moment before it slips from his hands. Play the following moment for laughs, sure, as a shocked Rey races after the priceless heirloom down all those stone steps she just spent an hour walking up before it tumbles into the sea (have her make that adorable panic/confounded scrunchy face) but then we turn the camera back to Luke and we see our lost hero is awash in utmost sorrow. For Rey the saber symbolizes hope, heroism, king arthur style YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE shit. Her job was to get it back to him, a nobody playing errand girl for a legend. For Luke, that sword is a representation of all his failures. His failure to live up to the legacy of the Jedi, his initial failure to defeat Vader, his later failure to stop Kylo, his failure to protect the galaxy since. That saber is HEAVY, and he cannot carry that weight.
The Saber is going to be the central motif around which this mentor student relationship is going to be formed. It's a passing of the torch, but not in the heavy handed IP servicing manner of Rey taking on the skywalker name. We're going to go back to the roots of Starwars as a Samurai story, As a martial arts story, and we're going to do it using the themes that episode 7 established god damn it.
Quick recap of my headcanons and a few things you need to know:
Forces awakens is centrally ABOUT the legacy of Starwars. There's nostalgia and fan service, yes, but it also has a lot to say ABOUT nostalgia. That's why our main villain is a Darth Vader fanboy who's at the head of an army of Neonazis, none of which are happy that all these... other people hold any power in the galaxy
In my own telling of events, Luke went to the island not to give up, but in an attempt to reconnect with the force after Kylo defeated him and severed his connection. His isolation started as an attempt to become the hero the galaxy needed him to be again, and he's all but lost hope.
Rey asks Luke to come back and join the fight, Luke says he can't, he's not ready. Delightful bickering ensues with Rey being flabbergasted that the hero she's been inspired by since childhood would sit by let things in the galaxy get worse (hey there new fans, this remind you of anything?). Luke, now a crabby old man, gets to use all of Mark Hamil's genius comedic delivery.
Eventually we're led to a scenic overlook/meditation circle and Luke Challenges Rey to reach out and feel the island. It's a holy place, suffused with the force, and here we get to see a bit of what Luke must have been like as a teacher, calmly guiding her through the opening of her force-sense the way that Obi-wan taught him.
Luke, serious: "Can you feel it... can you FEEL it? Racing through everything, Binding everything together? " Rey, awed: " Yes... I think...I Yes I.." Luke, deadpan " .....because I can't"
More Shocked Rey, more bickering, Luke's getting more resentful, it's like the galaxy threw this girl in his face to remind him of everything he failed at (it did, he just hasn't realized what that MEANS yet). Luke puts his foot down and tells her to go home, he'll come back when the force has spoken to him and told him how to fix all this.
Rey almost considers it... she takes a step down the trail while Luke moves to return to his hermitage, there's a pause.
R, hesitant, turning something over in her mind, knows Luke is carrying so many burdens and she's about to add more: "You really can't feel the force anymore?" L, irritated, barely paying her any more attention: no R, turning to face him: Then you wouldn't know.... Han Solo, he's dead.
Luke, looks at her, all his sourness melting away but it's different than when he held the sword. This isn't the old Jedi master feeling the weight of his burden, this is Luke Skywalker, the boy who risked everything to save his best friends, learning that one of those friends has died and he didn't even know. Twenty years on a rock trying to find an answer to save his friends and he's STILL failing them. He crumples, Rey rushes to pick him up she's all apologies she barely understands. She was there she saw it happen, she let it happen, she FELT it happen
L, talking over her, grabbing onto her robes and arms to PULL himself up and look at her face to face, there is a FIRE in his eyes now, This is Anakin's son. : "Come inside, Tell me Everything"
There's a few more beats I want to hit but I'm not sure about the exact order.
Luke Reunite with Chewie and R2
Evening's fallen and Luke comes to share Rey's fire as she looks out over the sea. A shared sorrow has bridged the gap between them a little. Luke insists that he can't come back, Rey protests, but he interjects that he can still do good. He's willing to teach her. She felt the island so she must have some talent. Rey is blindsided, she honoured by the prospect but she thought she was just bringing Luke back, she doesn't have time to train, she has to get back to her friends, the resistance, the fight against the first order. Can't he come back with her? Luke clues her in that the force brought them both here, to this place, it's special, it's their chance to rebuild the Jedi the right way.
Something something subspace beacon signalling back to their friends that they're alright. Gives us a chance to cut away to the B story for a while.
Rey's training is going spottily. she's got an instinctive connection with the force, bolstered by the island, but she's chafing against the Jedi temple approved curriculum that Luke salvaged from his first school/the empire's archives. She already KNOWS how to fight, but she's trained with a staff, so when they're using training swords she keeps attacking form a further reach or grabbing what would be the lightsaber's blade. Luke chides her about burning off her hand (he's got a metal one)
After a particular frustrating lesson they get into Rey's preconceived notions of what the Jedi were like ( more accurately, what LUKE was like, because that's her one touch stone) and how when she was left alone on Jakku she would imagine all these things. T, and then a pause about Rey being left alone, a comedic and decisive " I'm NOT your father" from Luke, followed up with " One thing I've learned, you don't need to be from somewhere to be special. The force doesn't care, and its better that way" . This leads them to commiserating about how AWFUL their respective desert planets were. We see that they're growing closer.
Also a chance for Luke to hint about his personal life, he was close to a few people over the years ( Wiggle room for every shipper in the galaxy), but between dismantling the empire and founding the new Jedi he never had time to start a family, there was always something else ( here we see how much being "the hero" has taken from him.)
End of the movie's coming up, it's been something like a month or two. Rey's weathered and calloused but she's in the best fighting shape she's ever been. She's got pretty good with the lightsaber but it's slow going. Luke's really gotten back into teaching, Rey help inspired hope in him, but now he's putting the weight of heroism onto her shoulders, hoping that she can correct HIS failures, the way Obi-wan did with him. R2 has been waging war against the porgs infesting the falcon, Chewie has himself a cozy little fishing hut by the shoreline and is fully on vacation by this point.
Rey fails yet another Jedi test, both she and Luke are frustrated. Our friends have recovered important information in the B plot and Rey knows that if she doesn't rejoin them soon she's effectively going to miss out on the next movie. A forboding storm thunders on the horizon, Luke catches Rey looking at it and cautions " You're not ready for that" , idly rubbing the place where he lost his hand. Rey questions whether she'll ever be ready. She's not him, she's not a Jedi, she's Rey from knowhere and however lucky she's been up to this point she was never MEANT to be here. It SHOULD be him. Luke feels shame again, and ends the lesson, tells her to get ready for supper. Rey eyes a nearby boat.
Cut ahead, Chewie's got a weird but delicious alien fish ready to eat and the rain is baring down outside. Asks where Rey is and we have a bit of fun with the puppets, before he looks outside the window and centers our view of a section of jagged rock barely cresting out of the waves, far from the island.
Rey's paddled out to this crumbling stone edifice and is doing saber katas on the stones in the middle of the storm. It's clear that she's done this before but never in such harsh weather. She slips, makes mistakes, but keeps on with it. Her form is approaching the super elaborate flourishes of the prequel era. The thunder rumbles and lighting strikes one of the rocks nearby her, causing it to crumble. She refocuses on the storm. The rumble reminds her of the earth splitting open back at starkiller base, jumping between rocks reminds her of her fight with Kylo. She goes through it again, harder, trying to make up for inexperience with effort. The wind howls worse and thunder rumbles again, Rey leaps in the air and DEFLECTS LIGHTING WITH HER SWORD, causing the bolt to streak off and cause an explosion in the water. Then another, then another, She HAS THIS, mostly.
Out of the depths comes a giant predatory eel monster, drawn by the explosions and looking for a snack. She could probably take it if they were on a level playing field, but she's on a very un-level series of rock pillars and is going to have to fight both the monster AND the weather.
The fight is tense, jumping between rocks, dodging waves and lighting bolts and razor teeth, slipping and falling into the water, barely managing to scramble out. Just when she's ready to land a killing blow the beast thrashes, getting hold of her leg in its jaw and CRUNCHES, shredding muscle and bone before throwing her aside to brutally impact a stone pillar and sending the saber out into the ocean. Ray, desperate, knowing the creature is closing in reaches out for her weapon with the force just like she did at the end of the last film.. and just like last time it comes ripping through the air, only to be struck by lightning in the middle of its arc. Shock sets in, she tries to get up and it becomes very evident that she's both badly injured and has broken atleast one of her legs. Disbelief surges through her, shame, failure. Getting the shit kicked out of her might not be worse that DESTROYING LUKE SKYWALKER'S LIGHTSABER.
The beast rises, ready to devour her. Rey's hurt it and there's more malice than hunger in its eyes at this point. The thunder rumbles again, and there's a flash... and the familiar sound of the Millennium Falcon's guns firing cuts through the sound of the storm as it lands a direct hit on the monster.
Cut to Luke Skywalker in the GUNNER SEAT . He's left the island and in a moment of desperation he's remembered that he was still a hero LONG before he became a Jedi Master. Force or no force he's still that idiot farmboy who heard the call of someone in trouble and left everything behind to save them. With Chewie at the helm The Falcon does a strafing run through the storm to scare the eel away before lowering down its platform to get Rey back up. Cut to a shot of Luke on the platform bathed in light which is shining down on Rey, his hand outstretched to her this time, the hero she heard about as a kid. The Force has delivered the answer he sought.
It's the next day, the storm has parted and the clouds are picking up the colours of sunrise. Rey's bandaged as best they can, wrapped in a blanket, Luke's changed out of his hermit robes and into something nice... ish. They look out over the water and once the niceties are out of the way, Luke Mentions that they're getting ready to leave.
Rey is shocked, she's not ready, she wasn't ready for the lighting stones so she won't ever be ready, she's never going to be a Jedi.
Luke agrees, but maybe that's not such a bad thing. Like him the Jedi lost sight of the people for the sake of an ideal, and trying to stick to that ideal is what kept him on this island while the galaxy descended into war yet again. It was the same dogmatism that let his father sip down the darkside and doomed the old republic. Doomed them. In trying to recreate their ways he was losing sight of the people again, lost sight of his nephew.
He will be the last Jedi, but she's going to be something else, something better, and he's going to Be there for her the way he wishes his mentors could have been there for him.
The sun's risen while they were talking, Chewie roars, R2 beeps, It's time to get going. Luke says he's all packed and pats the holster containing the Jedi texts he collected, but asks her if there's anything she's forgetting.
Rey's puzzled, before Luke nods to the sea.
R: " But It's... I lost it, it's gone" L: "Nothing's ever gone, It just... changes, and everything has to change sometime."
Rey holds her hand out to the ocean, tentatively, she pulls, but her force falters, her faith wavers. Luke's hand settles over hers. He still hasn't gotten his powers back, but together they pull and the broken pieces of his lightsaber come up from the water, glistening, dawn playing in the kyber crystal.
The Gang takes off in the Falcon, off into what we realize is a binary sunrise, it's a long hyperspace Journey back to the Resistance. Interspersed we see Rey tinkering on something, putting that scavenger knowhow to use. The Falcon Lands, we have a wordness reunion between our friends. Luke and Leia, Rey, Finn, Poe, and Rose (looking a little worse for wear after their adventures). Everyone is crowding around Luke, but we see Rey being helped into a high tech cast, which allows her to stand on her injured leg Without needing to use her staff, like she has been since disembarking. Standing proudly as she can, and mostly to show off to her friends, flips a newly installed switch midway down the haft, causing the upper end to ignite in a flickering blade, the Pieces of Luke's old saber incorperated into its design. It's not like any lightsaber that's come before it, but it's hers. The shot pans out as she realizes that more and more eyes are turning to her, Luke having silently directed all the attention that was on him to her, his apprentice.
The torch has been passed, and we have a new hero.
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merrysithmas · 2 years
If you don’t mind be asking I have a bit of a steamy question.
Why do you think people see Anakin as a submissive? Like a guy who is characterized by his desire to possess the people he loves? A lust for power? An almost consent need for control? Slaughtered the sand people for killing his mom? Just is rather irreverent? A rebel who does things his way fuck the rules/orders? Dude who becomes DARTH VADER? I mean I know there’s that whole moment when he kneels to Palpatine but I don’t think that’s at all reflective of him in the grand scheme of things you know? My guy was at the end of his rope. 
Also, Obi-Wan couldn’t dom his way out of a paper bag and I say this as somebody whose best friend is a domme. I think people see him as the older and perhaps more masculine looking (the beard) but that doesn’t actually mean anything. Like my man has an inadequacy complex 10 miles wide and is in a consent state of self criticism. Sticks to the code and Jedi teachings to the point of orthodoxy like it’s canon that he takes pleasure in not only following the rules but following them well and to a T. And I say this lovingly but Obi couldn’t control Anakin to save his life. I see fans say that Obi-Wan needed to force Ani into submission and like tame him but our dude told Anakin no like everyday of his life but Ani just wasn’t having any of it. Anakin isn’t a brat that needs to be tamed he’s a super powerful demi-god with mental health issues.
I’m sorry if this is like super random and it’s way longer than I intended but it’s just wild out here in these fanfiction streets. It blows me away how popular this specific characterization is. 
i think that characterization is popular bc a lot of ppl have never watched TCW, haha. IMO you can't watch TCW and be convinced of the above dynamic. as Anakin grows he changes from a terrified brat pseudo-orphan into a wild, charismatic, headstrong young man, & Obi-wan's inexperienced bossy controlling unease in AOTC mellows to a soft, loveable refinement.
basically i have NOTHING ELSE TO ADD to what you said because I agree completely. I do not see the "daddy wan" pov personally haha. and frankly i don't like that dynamic between them. in my point of view, i don't like it at all and i don't think it does anything to express the immense and equal partnership between them. that's just my take and everyone has their own preferences.
i think a lot of people see it this way because Anakin, as a demi-god, is riddled with confusion about his place in the universe. it's why it's so obvious to people that he "badly needs a hug" that Obi-wan is too debilitatingly perfectionist to give him (or Padme for that matter - she just stares at him blankly whenever he confesses something painful or terrible LOL, thanks George).
via the nature of being borne of the Force itself (and born into slavery), he is always looking for a "master" - which is another thing that I think gets people on that track of thinking. he goes from slave, to unusual Padawan (he never had to learn with other Padawans in the temple) who understandably sometimes sees the Jedi order as a type of servitude, to dark side slave. a hallmark of anakin's character is that he NEVER has complete control over his destiny, which i'd argue is one of the main elements that drives him mad - and a fascinating and delicious literary foray into the subject of "destiny" and Star Wars at large,
he is tortured, actually tormented, by this lack of mastery over himself. he can NEVER HAVE mastery over himself as an agent of Fate/the Force which makes him so tragic. and that line of thinking seems to drive some ppl down a certain kink road LOL which is fine, but just not how i see it personally. he is always looking for direction in a mortal world that quite literally CANNOT understand him at all.
in a way he reminds of an animal starving for affection, a man dying for water, a forest fire burning its own body to ash. but in my opinion this DOES NOT lend itself into a traditionally submissive dynamic with Obi-wan "man of the cloth" Kenobi of all people. he loves pulling on Obi-wan's pigtails, causing him trouble, destroying everything he holds dear... Anakin is the classic "mean kid on the playground" to Obi-wan and adores him, loves him, and constantly bothers him.
as for Obi-wan he has a refined, gentle, self-assured, particular masculinity to him just like Anakin has an obvious "angelic" beauty. they both have masculine and feminine traits, which is awesome. but Obi-wan is harsh towards himself, judgmental towards others, insecure, perfectionist, and chained by his orthodoxy. Anakin, for all his beauty, is angry, rough, feral, unintentionally mean, brash, brave, and selfish.
Anakin is controlling, expressive, emotionally wild, untamed, and possessive. On the other hand, Obi-wan is paralyzed by his need to control himself, frequently behaviorally corsetted, unlearned in emotionality, and interpersonally anorexic.
basically, Anakin rails Obi-wan into oblivion and they both release their worst behavior on each other. they switch when they want to. they are often soft and sweet to each other because they're both saps (and in a war, and miserable, and alone, and in love). but also, consensually, Anakin chokes Obi-wan and spits in his mouth and Obi-wan slaps Anakin across the face making his ears ring lmao. Then Anakin leaves him a note the next day on his dresser when they're on leave from the warfront at the Temple:
Sorry I choked you and spit on you and called you a bitch. Liked the hair pulling thing. You look nice when you're asleep and not thinking so much. You are a bitch, though. Yours, A.
Same time tomorrow, right??
And Obi-wan does the same from Anakin.
Apologies for slapping you in the face and then calling you a psychopath in the middle of it. Seemed like you liked it. I saw the gleam in your eye. I have no further comment on that particular matter. -Obi
P.S. Yes. I'll be there early.
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August Fic Recs!
With Peggysous Week going strong, I’m going to try to keep the momentum up and do a lot more fic reading for at least this month! We’ll see if it keeps up once school starts again lol.
Technically I read the first Peggysous fic in July but it was the very last day so we’re counting it as August
None of these fics are mine! They’re recommendations of other people’s work I’ve read throughout the month. Recs are below the cut
Top Gun
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw:
Just a Chance by @callsignhoney
Really sweet, heartfelt, angsty and fluffy and funny fic with Rooster. He’s written so well and so sweet in this, it was VERY fun to read
What It’s Like Dating Him by @youlightmeupfinn
Literally PERFECT headcanons for dating Rooster. They are so cute and wonderful and the characterization is dead on
10:01 is Too Late by @tiredmoonlight
Daniel Sousa is Popular With Old Ladies and he uses it to help Peggy get out of trouble. 10/10 adorable shenanigans.
Tokens of a Life by @tiredmoonlight
Tori literally had me sobbing, and you probs will be too, but in a good way. Modern times after a storied life for Peggy, very good fic
Just Across the Hall by @tiredmoonlight
Legit one of my favorite fics I’ve read this year. College AU Peggysous (immaculate) told in 100-word blurbs throughout the course of their freshman year. Incredibly well written, especially while sticking to the 100 word limit for each blurb
Secret’s Out by @tiredmoonlight
Some Jack and Daniel shenanigans as Jack tries to figure out what the hell Peggy and Daniel are to each other. Very fun read
House Sitters by @tiredmoonlight
An adorable, peaceful moment shared between Peggy and Daniel. *Literally* had me melting
Jack’s Rejected Wedding Toast by @tiredmoonlight
Y’ALL I cannot express to you how adorable this fic is. The interactions between all the characters and so sweet and funny, it’s SO good
Best Not Friends by @everyhazyday
This focuses as much on Jack and Daniel’s friendship as the Peggysous stuff, and it is literally SO. SWEET. Top tier fic with excellent characterizations and a really fun exploration of those relationships
April Fool’s Revenge by @tiredmoonlight
Building off a fic from last year, this is a HILARIOUS fic of Peggysous absolutely dunking on Jack Thompson for April Fool’s Day. If you haven’t already read the first one, you should check it out too! You don’t technically need it for context but it’s also very good and funny
Star Wars
Poe Dameron:
Time to Improvise by @ghostofskywalker
A really sweet fic with Poe and reader being undercover together. One of my absolute favorite tropes written SO well and truly adorable!
Untitled by @disabledameron
A really sweet, short fic with Poe and reader having a moment in between the chaos of the Resistance
Anakin Skywalker:
Underestimated by @ghostofskywalker
A great fic with Anakin and reader showing off their lightsaber skills. Extra bonus points for some cute, pushing Younglings in the mix
Better Together by @ghostofskywalker
501st prank war! What more is there to say?? This fic is adorable and funny and SUCH a good vibe
Padmé Amidala:
Winter Wonderland by @ghostofskywalker
Literally SUCH an adorable fluffy fic with Padme’s first time seeing snow! My heart was melting as I was reading this
Obi-Wan Kenobi:
For The Sake Of The Mission by @ghostofskywalker
Y’all this fic is so good! Tori does a fantastic job of writing Obi-Wan and the relationship is written so well. She’s got all kinds of Star Wars stuff but this is one of my favorites!
Kenickie Murdoch:
One Locker Down by @jusvibbbin
Legit forgot I had a crush on Kenickie until I randomly rewatched Grease, and then all I wanted to do was read fic for him. This one is EXCELLENT, and actually really sweet. Definitely read it and the part two linked at the bottom of this first part
Benedict Bridgerton:
Thin Ice by @starryeyedstories
A tense, stressful rescue situation bookended by absolutely ADORABLE fluff and interactions with the Bridgerton siblings. Set at Christmas time and now all I want to do is curl up with a cup of hot coco (even in August) and reread this fic
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gffa · 2 years
Can you believe I’ve been reading non-stop STAR WARS fic for about seven years now? And that there are still incredible writers putting out incredible stories that feel just as fresh and engaging as they would have when the source material first came out? Yeah, sure, we get a steady diet of supplementary content, but the main storyline is almost 20 years old now and we’re still going with these two dipshits and how much we desperately need them to kiss it out. With fic that is brilliantly written and emotionally satisfying and cool as hell AUs and gorgeously written porn and running such a great gamut of tropes, whether canon divergent AUs, canon compliant missing scenes, character pieces, full on modern AUs, there’s always so much amazing stuff being thought up and shared with us. And I have lost my mind over this set of recs because they’re everything I’ve ever wanted and the writers are so talented at giving me all the feelings, like, I cannot express what a joy it is to be in a fandom that is still so passionate and enthusiastic about these characters we love. There’s no corner of these two that we would not turn over if it meant a chance to write some angst or write a fix-it or have them fuck it better. And I’m just really, really glad to be a part of it with everyone. Even if you guys did make me cry more than once with these fics.
OBIKIN RECS - FRIENDSHIP WITH CANON ENDED, THIS COOL AU IS MY NEW BEST FRIEND NOW: ✦ (feel like i die) ‘til i feel your touch by decideophobia, obi-wan/anakin & yoda & mace & ahsoka & cast, 15.5k    OR; Obi-Wan gets himself cursed and makes it everyone’s, but mainly Anakin’s, problem. ✦ Neutron star collision by thedunesea, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, canon divergence, 107.1k wip    In the aftermath of Order 66, Anakin Skywalker’s miraculous survival after his confrontation with the new Sith Apprentice Darth Vader ignites a sparkle of hope in the remaining Jedi, in the fledgling rebellion and, above all, in his former Master, who thought he had lost everything to darkness. ✦ For He, too, is King by MayMeows, obi-wan/anakin & padme & cast, NSFW, historical au, 7.7k    Obi-Wan would be impressed as Anakin’s title as God-King, born from the divine himself, often struck people with awe, terrifying or glorifying, but Queen Amidala’s voice is as strong as her shoulders are squared. ✦ cranes in flight by TheGoodDoctor, obi-wan/padme (& implications of obi-wan/anakin/padme & previous anakin/padme), depression, padme lives, 10.9k    “I’ve found us rooms for tonight,” he says, voice pitched to cut through the downpour. “I’ll find something more permanent in the morning.” She just stares at him. The next five minutes are far from her reach; permanency is unthinkable. ✦ use my body to break your fall by tennessoui, obi-wan/anakin & padme & yoda & ahsoka & mace & rex & palpatine & cast, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, sex worker!anakin, 63.5k    Obi-Wan Kenobi is too good at being a Sith Lord general of the Separatist army. The Jedi Council approaches Anakin with an offer he can’t refuse. These things are, actually, related. ✦ Awed by ToolMusicLover, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 16.8k    Or: Obi-Wan is left awe struck when he joins Anakin on a mission and fails to be subtle about it. ✦ The fire and fume by Himboskywalker, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 9.3k    On opposite ends of the Republic Anakin and Obi-Wan have fought desperately and apart for years, protected only by their men and their swords. But a much greater threat than Separatist invaders comes, a Sith dragon of old, and there is only one living knight in the Order who has faced dragon fire. Long parted master and apprentice must join forces to track down the Sith shifter, beyond the desert and across the sea, before flame and ruin befalls them all. “Lend me your light and your sword, master, one last time.” ✦ Something broken that can be fixed by ToolMusicLover, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 8.2k    In the aftermath of the Rako Hardeen incident, Anakin and Obi-Wan attempt to rebuild their relationship. The only thing stopping them from reconciling is themselves. ✦ what tomorrow may bring, what tomorrow may carry away by tennessoui, obi-wan/anakin, nsfw, royalty au, a/b/o, 12.4k    As weeks of negotiations in Stewjon draw to a close, King Obi-Wan Kenobi is given a gift of thanks. The gift in question: a boy with a creature’s furry ears and tail, clearly sentient and clearly enslaved. Furious beyond measure, Obi-Wan is forced to accept the gift or else be the reason the boy, Anakin, is sent back to his owners. At least he can free him and the boy can leave. But then he doesn’t leave. It takes Obi-Wan a while to figure out why. ✦ encode by loosingletters, obi-wan/anakin & padme & dooku & ahsoka & cast, 72.7k    Instead of being accepted into the Jedi Order at the age of 9, Anakin Skywalker became a ward of Naboo. He figured out the Force on his own by trial-and-error, tracing its will through ancient temples and scriptures. Despite his night terrors and the Clone Wars raging through the galaxy, life was working out just fine for Anakin, thank you very much. At least, that was before Obi-Wan Kenobi crashed back into his life with unexpected ferocity. OBIKIN RECS - CANON-COMPLIANT (-ISH, WHATEVER) AT LEAST UP UNTIL THE GALAXY GOES PEAR-SHAPED: ✦ broken bones, thunder drums by maragny, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & rex & cast, 4.3k    “I’ll call for a stretcher,” Rex says, but General Kenobi shakes his head. "There’s no need,” he says, and then he crouches, slides an arm under General Skywalker’s knees, and picks him up. ✦ full of silver moons by beetlesacquired, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, sith!obi-wan/jedi!anakin & jedi!obi-wan/sith!anakin, dom/sub, 17.1k    The Sith resumed their position on the couch, somehow even closer to each other than before. If making Anakin uncomfortable was somehow part of their evil plot, it was working. He could hardly even look at them without feeling like he was going to explode out of his skin, and that was the most bearable part. What was unbearable was the vicious jealousy that burned in his chest. If he’d known that all he had to do to get affection from Obi-Wan was fall to the Dark side, he would’ve done it ages ago. ✦ Over and Over by obiwanobi, obi-wan/anakin, 1.4k    "I love you,” he blurts out, loud and impossible to miss. Obi-Wan blinks once, twice. And freezes. The first time Anakin tells him is a mortifying experience. OBIKIN RECS - FUCK THE NOISE OUT OF ANAKIN SKYWALKER’S HEAD: ✦ on sep'rate stars by mysticmjolnir, obi-wan/anakin/padme (& obi-wan/anakin), NSFW, dom/sub, 4.4k    Obi-Wan visits Coruscant for the first time, but there’s only one thing he’s interested in seeing. Anakin, after some encouragement, makes a decision about who to have dinner with. ✦ Concupiscent by LostLine, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 3k    Obi-Wan can’t stop fucking Anakin. A one-shot pwp to feed your Obikin feelings. ✦ Devotion by Padraigen, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, past pregnant!anakin (force shenanigans), 4.3k    Anakin’s head jerked up in bewildered indignance, a disappointed grumble already readying in the back of his throat before it was abruptly cut off at the sight of Obi-Wan. Anakin’s confused frown deepened. “What are you doing?” ✦ needs must by silianrail, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, a/b/o, 1.7k    Anakin must be the neediest omega in the entire temple, if not on the entire planet. But if Anakin is needy, what does that make Obi-Wan, who, after all, bends to so many of his padawan’s desires? ✦ Use Me by kittimau, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 2.1k    Anakin knows what Obi-Wan needs, even if he won’t say it. ✦ When You’re Not There by recursion_after_dark (recursion_error), obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 3k    Following a mission gone well, Anakin and Obi-Wan are exhausted and at the end of their ropes. Ropes which have nothing to do with the mission and everything to do with what they’ve been both ignoring. Each in his own, special way. ✦ Mission Debrief by Lemon (lemon_sprinkles), obi-wan/anakin & cast, 5.8k    Obi-Wan tries to act in a professional manner befitting of a General and a Jedi. Anakin, however, has other ideas. ✦ radiance by demi_fae, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, a/b/o, 2.8k    Anakin and Obi-Wan spend some time together before Obi-Wan’s rut hits, after Anakin has fully transitioned. ✦ paddled into next taungsday by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, spanking, 4.7k    Anakin messes up negotiations. Obi-Wan deals with the aftermath. ✦ untitled by binaryeclipse, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, ~1k    “Fuck, did you get bigger?” Anakin groaned. The burn was simultaneously exquisite and just shy of too much, especially after the admittedly hasty fingering. ✦ i’ve been waiting for you by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, dom/sub, 4.2k    Anakin and Obi-Wan’s relationship is relatively new and Anakin is unsure of how to ask for what he wants. ✦ Carrier by JSwander, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, a/b/o, read the tags, 3.3k    Anakin Skywalker gets pulled from active duty by the Jedi Council as a punishment for reckless behavior on his most recent mission. In the resulting fight with his former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi decides to take drastic measures through his Stewjonian biology to help Anakin find peace away from the battlefield. ✦ Persistence is Key by ToolMusicLover, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 2.2k    Anakin has been making suggestive remarks all day, when they’re finally alone together Obi-Wan finds himself succumbing to Anakin’s persistence. ✦ forever my master by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, dom/sub, 3.6k    Anakin sits on Obi-Wan’s cock while he reads mission reports. That’s it. That’s the fic. OBIKIN RECS - DARTH ASSHOLE CAT KNOCKS EVERYTHING OVER AND SCRATCHES UP THE FURNITURE BECAUSE HE NEEDS MORE ENRICHMENT: ✦ to restrain the darkness by treescape, obi-wan/darth vader, NSFW, 2k    Vader wants Obi-Wan to tie him up ✦ dreams of old by treescape, obi-wan/darth vader, nsfw, canon divergence, 4.1k    Or, Obi-Wan surrenders to Vader on Jabiim in exchange for everyone else’s freedom. ✦ falling up by obiwanobi & shatou, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & cast, raised as a sith!anakin, 24k wip    Darth Sidious is dead, by the hand of the apprentice he raised. Anakin doesn’t want to be Vader anymore. The only person he trusts is a Jedi, and now Obi-Wan Kenobi has his hands full. ✦ untitled by obiwanobi, obi-wan/anakin, raised as a sith!anakin, 2.4k    “I’m here to rescue you.” Obi-Wan blinks. “Oh. No, thank you.” ✦ to hold until brightness by treescape, obi-wan/darth vader, NSFW, 1.4k    Or, Obi-Wan continues to fuck Vader back to the Light. OBIKIN RECS - WORLD IS HARD AND COLD, OBIKIN IS SOFT AND WARM: ✦ who you were does not define who you are by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin, nsfw, 3.3k    Anakin begins skipping strategy meetings and lying to Obi-Wan about it. Obi-Wan finds out. ✦ For Breakfast by Crowgirl, obi-wan/anakin, 2.6k    The house by the lake is small, primitive compared with their Academy lodgings, but it’s also quiet, blissfully quiet and far away from anything that might turn into a battle or an ambush or a skirmish or even a brawl. ✦ So I Love You Because I Know No Other Way by DontCallMeShirley, obi-wan/anakin, 3.2k    Anakin and Obi-Wan just need a little push to admit their feelings. ✦ Morning Interlude by SingManyFaces, obi-wan/anakin, ~1k    Obi-Wan and Anakin sleep late by accident, then stay in bed on purpose. ✦ And Then There Was One (Bed) by DontCallMeShirley, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 1.7k    Obi-Wan and Anakin are on a mission gone wrong, and they have to share a very small hotel room with only one bed. ✦ the taste of fear, unforgotten by treescape, obi-wan/anakin, ~1k    Or, Anakin’s been sick. Obi-Wan’s been scared. ✦ Just Resting My Eyes by hellowkatey, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & rex, 1.2k    During a war, sleep is few and far between sometimes. Especially for stubborn Jedi who think meditation is a substitute for a REM cycle. ✦ permission to speak frankly by maragny, obi-wan/anakin & bail & cast, 2.8k    In which a Senate party is attended, wits are matched, and a realisation is had. OBIKIN RECS - WHEN YOU’RE IN THIS DEEP YOU JUST NEED MODERN PROFESSOR OBI-WAN OR SUGAR BABY ANAKIN AUS AND FANDOM IS SO GOOD WITH THEM: ✦ The Fundamentals of Being a Sub by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, dom/sub, 7.8k    Anakin had always assumed he was a Dom. That is, until he met Obi-Wan ✦ My Anankē (chapter 8) by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, 5.4k    Hello friends! It is my birthday today, and the middle of summer, and in honor of that, have some extremely self-indulgent winter smut ✦ In the Family by Das_Hazel, obi-wan/anakin & qui-gon/shmi & ahsoka & rex, NSFW, modern au, 12k    The last person Anakin expected to see, standing in front of his childhood home with a bottle of wine, was his one night stand from a week prior. Anakin was here to meet his mother’s boyfriend and his son. Ben said he was invited to meet his father’s girlfriend’s family. ✦ Parry & Riposte by farawaygalexi, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, modern au, 2.6k    When Anakin encouraged Ahsoka to try out a sport, he meant like, soccer, or swimming. Not sword fighting. When Anakin envisioned Ahsoka’s new fencing instructor, he pictured an old guy with a mustache, not a walking Adonis pulled right from his own personal fantasies. ✦ Trouble by Pizzzazlut, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, ~1k    Obi-Wan enjoys a lovely dinner and his lovely wine at a fancy restaurant, watching Anakin visibly struggle to keep his composure, wiping sweat off his brow and gripping the edge of the table until his knuckles turn white. ✦ May Be Found, If Sought by ghostwriterofthemachine, obi-wan/anakin & mace & quinlan, modern au, magic au, 2.3k    In which Quinlan, Mace, and Obi-Wan teach Non-Traditional Magical Philosophy in an institution rampant with academic snobbery and discrimination, something dark is stirring in the nearby forest, and no one is ever prepared for Anakin Skywalker. A small story about first meetings in magical academia. ✦ Talk to me by ToolMusicLover, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 4.2k    Recording an audiobook can be horribly dull, but Anakin finds that he doesn’t mind when he gets to ogle Obi-Wan Kenobi. ✦ infinitely varied by loosingletters, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, modern au, 2.2k    Sometimes your husband decides to develop an artificial intelligence capable of free choice and something called a soul and succeeds in the middle of a Thursday night. Or, more concretely: he’s in the middle of succeeding because said intelligence first has to learn how to speak. Also known as Obi-Wan and Anakin teach a tiny program called A.H.S.O.K.A. how to be something more than lines of code via the power of linguistics.
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misscoet · 1 year
Hello ☺️ I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your Obikin fanbook. I bought digital version as soon as it became available and read it every few day since then 😆 Drawings are just phenomenal and plot is so interesting ❤️❤️❤️
Characters' expressions were absolutely amazing, I loved how beautifully you portrayed their emotions. And oh my god, Obi-Wan's pained expression when he asked Anakin not to lie to each other this time 😭😭😭 I felt it 🥺
Baby Ani was the most precious being in galaxy ❤️😭 And Oh my god, Ahsoka getting Rex and Anakin unconsciously drunk 🤣 I loved Obi-Wan's reaction to that 🤣
And the whole drunk Ani sequences was top level drama. Every time I see it I need a moment to walk around my room and squeal.
Can I ask if Ani remembered anything about THAT? 🤣 Even as a dream, and if so what he thought about it? (Though honestly I would be surprised if he did 😆)
And it always makes me so weak when Anakin praises Obi-Wan and he thinks Anakin is joking around. Obi-Wan's expression here was so good ❤️😭 Dumb baby cannot believe a complement.
And while I always want Anakin be better, less jealous and possessive and so on I love him being jealous because of Qui-Gon 🤣
And god, Anakin crying when Obi-Wan kissed him😭😭😭 They both are so dumb and I'm so happy for them 🤣 Hope Obi-Wan wasn't avoiding Anakin for a very long time 🤣
If I wanted to describe every thing I loved in your fanbook it would be much too long message so I will be finishing it. I'm sorry it got so long 😅
I can't even imagine how much work it must have been to create it. If you ever decide to create another one I will certainly buy it too.
Sending best wishes ❤️
OMG thank you so much for such a long comment! your kind words this means so much to me! to your question i think he didn't remember a single thing, similar to that kind of night where you went out for a drink and can't even remember how you ended up in your own bed situation!
personally i really like the idea that obi-wan never forget qui-gon and still seeking his guidance or just "him" in general just to feel safe, and to think that anakin knows about this since he was just taken in by obi-wan, but obi-wan never confide in him despite his world only has obi-wan...sigh i just LOVE writing this kind of STUFFS!
almost end of the story i just thought that it's more like a few months passed and they were trying to make a decision for themselves. anakin to padme and the order, obi-wan to accept himself and finally be honest and stop lying to himself and other people around them..
honestly it took a lot of energy making this so i think i will take a break for a while! anyway, your comment means so much to me! i really appreciate it 🥹
trillion thanks!
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sullustangin · 2 years
The Obi-Wan recap
Spoilers ahoy for the Obi-Wan mini-series.
After I watched the first two episodes, I expressed the concern that the show writers were potentially making Reva the crappy fan fic version of Mace Windu: angry black character that’s unnecessary cruel.  I worried that the Sith were doing a DS 5: Stupid Evil run, when Reva fragged the Grand Inquisitor.
Sometimes, you just need to shut up and watch.
So I did.
Moses Ingram gives Reva Sevander a beautifully tragic turn.  She has played Lady MacDuff, character who feels that her husband has abandoned his family for the sake of power and thus has left them vulnerable.  Indeed, Macbeth orders the death of Macduff’s family, and thus the Lady meets her fate just off-stage.   
As Reva, Ingram plays someone who has lost everything and everyone, yet she manifests the main message of the Star Wars series: hope.  It’s always been hope.  Therefore, the character of Reva undermines the tropes of tragic women such as the Greek Hecuba and Medea, who upon losing their beloved, they kill to serve that same pain to their male oppressors (in the case of Hecuba, she kills the children of her son’s murderer; Medea kills her own children after her husband Jason betrays and abandons both her and the children on several levels).  Lady MacDuff is killed in the act of trying to save her children.
But Reva doesn’t die.  She does not kill. 
Because that would be unsatisfying.  It is unclear as to whether Reva realizes Vader is the father of the boy on Tatooine or if he’s just another Force Sensitive Obi-Wan is protecting.  If she has figured it out, then killing Luke is pointless because Obi-Wan is hiding the boy from his father; Vader won’t hurt if she kills the boy.  If Luke is just some Force-Sensitive kid that Obi-Wan is watching over, then the person being hurt is Obi-Wan. 
Reva’s feelings toward Obi-Wan are complicated and, I think, ambivalent.  She plans to use him to lure Vader and kill him.  I do not know if she ever thought what she wanted to do with him after Vader was dead. Yes, she has anger toward him as Anakin’s master, which is only magnified by his continued affection for him -- or at least the memory of him.  But is it enough to make her want to kill him?  Vader’s death was probably Reva’s event horizon: she could see no further than that point.  She would have had her revenge.  And then what?  She has a Jedi hostage.  Does she kill him?  Rise through the ranks of the Inquisition with this prize?  Does it attract Palpatine’s attention, now that Vader is dead?  All of this is unknown and hypothetical.
When we leave Reva at the end of the series, there is the question : And now what?  She has not become the thing she hates.  At the same time, she doesn’t have a clear path forward in a post-Jedi galaxy -- especially not after being left for dead by the Empire.  She is, as Obi-Wan says, free.  She confronted Vader and lost; she confronted herself and won when she showed the mercy he did not. 
I can’t wait to see Moses Ingram in Star Wars again.  In her last moments on screen, she really did convey herself as someone in her late teens and early 20s; remember that Reva was a youngling 10 years prior, so she cannot be much older than 20 now.  Throughout the series, when she is the Third Sister, she projects almost an indeterminate age, a combination of energy and calculation... but in her final scenes, we see just how young and lost this character actually is, and it is beautiful. 
I sat on my feels for Tala Durith for a little bit, because I wanted to see how “we originally conceived this as a romance, but we decided not to pursue it” panned out.  Indira Varma has said she played Tala as if she was in love with Obi-Wan.  In her performance, she doesn’t play with infatuation -- she does play love, and that love is of a grown woman.  It’s not necessarily a romantic ‘in love’ that’s played here, which I liked.  She knows and sees everything that this man represents.  At the same time, she sees how haunted he is and how painfully mortal he is.  He is unavailable to her.  She loves the man, not the legend.  Tala knows herself and the limits of this fragile galaxy.  It’s a very good, mature take, and how I wish something more like this (not exactly like this, it’s a different dynamic, but that depth and dimension) had manifested in the Anakin/Padme romantic tragedy.  I’d probably enjoy for more than “Across the Stars,” if that was the case. 
I enjoyed so thoroughly how Tala programmed her droid ‘to help.’  And he did, from the moment he didn’t give away her location to picking up Obi-Wan to his final moments with Tala.  Women and droids are lovely things -- just ask Leia Organa and Hera Syndulla.
Good to see Haja again, but... I almost feel as if he was there just as “See!  He’s alive!!”  I didn’t find what he said or did particularly critical in the last two episodes; the role could have been filled by others.  That said, this might be a springboard for the character to appear later.  We’ll see. 
Ewan McGregor has really taken seriously the transition from Episode III Obi Wan to Episode IV Ben Kenobi.  The character is constantly dynamic and in motion, physically and emotionally.  I do think the writing choices for this character were excellently done; he is a traumatized mess, so much to the point he cannot be the person he was trained to be from the age of 3 to the age of 38.  Now in his late 40s, he’s having to ‘grow beyond’ the events ten years prior in a span of about a week.  Obi-Wan does rise to the occasion -- as one should expect.
Hayden Christensen.  I was impressed.  I understand the creative choice not to de-age him back down to 19 in the flashbacks.   I think it’s also a POV choice as to how Vader thinks of himself now, even as the external reality does not match.  Many other people have analyzed the obsession Vader has for Obi-Wan, that mad love. I’ll leave much of the discourse to them; I feel like I would be beating a dead horse over the words “All he’ll see is me” that are so excruciatingly accurate. 
And it is love.  It is the most intense love, so much that it can only be eclipsed by the hate it generates.  I have a more nuanced view of the Obi-Wan and Anakin dynamic that is grounded in how medieval apprenticeships/giving children unto churches worked, so I wouldn’t call it Obikin or a sex/romantic ship... but make no mistake, that love could light a thousand binary suns.
I don’t know if I want season 2.  It’s one of those things where I feel it’s done.  I rather someone leave me wanting more and let my brain go to work in fan fic, rather than let something run a few seasons too long and destroy my interest. 
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mayxthexforce · 4 months
❊ I want to roleplay with you / ✤ I want to ship with you / ✥ I have roleplayed with you and it was great / ✢ I like your characters / ✣ I like the way you express your muse(s) / ✡ I agree on all your headcanons / ❋ Your blog is one of my favs / ✦ I like seeing you on my dash / ❆ I love your art / ❇ I love the way you write / ♥ i love your writing and i love your muses. your canon characters are so good and you take such care to know their lore and their motivations and the little details that other people might have missed. your ability to keep on top of so many muses lore is always impressive. and your oc's too,,, picking raj up and chewing him like a chew toy. anakin loves his husband SO MUCH. i love how much work you've put into building his world and how well he fits into the rest of the sw world. and love that you didn't feel the need to try make him the main character of the universe or steal the story for himself. your obi-wan has a special place in my heart too. i love your take on him and he's so deeply connected to my main two that even surgically removing him would kill them both. i could rant and ramble for much longer, but i shouldn't bc i'll never stop. i'm glad we're besties and i'm happy i get to write with you <3
What do you want to tell me? Put a symbol in my ask box:
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WE CANNOT SEPARATE OUR BLORBOS, THEY'RE A PACKAGE DEAL! I love your takes on all four of your boys, you give so much depth to all of them, especially fond of how much depth you've given Dryden, cause you know I love when side characters with little canon stuff get love. But the amount of research and work that you put in Anakin and Maul is also amazing. And BODE? love him, you get him. You get the way his mind works. Reading every IC and HC post that you write is a gift.
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crimsonblackrose · 1 year
I do love the “tonight on the Equalizer” openings where they do what we’d think of today as spoiling the episode. Because this one...absolutely no clue what’s going to happen. Little girl calls the equalizer because the random adult guy in her life who believes he’s from another planet has people attacking him? Fascinating. I do kind of like these. I kind of miss them too. It’s why I think if I see enough gifs or something on my dash I might watch something because those are essentially a form of advertising the show, kind of like the old “Tonight on ____”. Like yes, I kind of want to watch that horror film because it’s been on my dash a lot or I do kind of want to watch that show. Because I don’t have enough context for it to be a spoiler even though I’m sure my dash is full of spoilers.
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I cannot tell whether she believes him or just is like you weirdo, you are really not an alien from outer space but I’ll still keep you safe Mr. sewer man. 😅
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Hi Mr. McCall, thank you for coming. My favorite random guy who lives in the sewers is in danger. He says an alien race is coming to kill us all. Okay what she actually says is “I better let him tell you whose following him. 😅”
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This child’s facial expressions are great. (Another Home Alone actor) Mr. McCall: Shouldn’t you be in school? Child: Uhhh..... Also she saw him get hit by a car and helped him and that’s how she met Seti.
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Amber: Seti, what’s wrong? Seti: I was told if I hug the earth they can’t find me.
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“This is my friend Seti.” “I gathered.”
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Seti: There’s darkness in you, and some light, you’ve been through a lot haven’t you? Mr. McCall: Oh dear oh dear oh dear Okay alright. Child I’ve got this, you go to school.
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Seti: Don’t worry this one has a torn soul. Mr.McCall: A torn what?
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Seti: There are only two kinds of sentient beings in the universe, builders and destroyers and you have been both. You are now an interstellar defender. Only you can help me. (Obi-wan you are my only hope)
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local cryptid sighting.
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Mickey: Hey! my dad said I had to come here and hang out with you, come back.
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Seti, why does it look like you’re about ready to kiss Mikey? You know, just your average day in New York City. Knock on a door that leads down into the bowels of the city and a man (er...intergalactic being) pops up and kisses you and then tells you he won’t ride in your car because it burns holes in the sky but he will go for a walk with you because he’s starting to enjoy his legs.
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Mickey, another torn soul, enjoy your date. Congrats on your new friend. Mickey looks so confused.
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I love when they bring minor characters back. I feel like this psychiatrist that Wendell Pierce played had to have been a lot of fun. I mean in one scene he just takes a nap. Love that for him.
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How do we show the inside of a kaleidoscope? How about computer screen saver?
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They’re having a fun time going through Seti’s things.
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Mr. McCall brings Amber and her mom for a visit with Seti and Seti has rigged Mr. McCall’s entire apartment to be the loudest siren filled place as soon as the door opens and then as soon as Mr. McCall steps in he’s like “I did good right? Don’t you love it?”
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“Do you know where the brightest galaxy and collection of stars are?”
“No, where?”
“Inside of you.” You’re a collection of stars, made up of the universe so no matter what you’ll never be alone and even in the city where it’s hard to see the starlight, I’ll always be with you.
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I like that everyone liked Seti. Like even the mom was like my daughter went out dad shopping and she picked the weirdest guy she could find and I approve of that for her.
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“Are you telling me that thing he’s been carrying around isn’t from our planet?”
Mickey: “Hey man NASA doesn’t know.”
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