#hunts stuff
hunters-trashblog · 2 years
You can pry this from my hands, but these could be reactions to eachother in a conversation
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matchandelure · 1 month
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hello rook hunt nation how are we feeling
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despazito · 1 month
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Why is every other upper class houndsman like this
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turtledotjpeg · 2 months
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matching 🙂
for a fun little kurapika outfit swap project! I got this 1999 gon outfit with some truly impressive sneakers that I was Not able to do justice:
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beartitled · 5 months
❗️Potential spoilers for Slay the princess?
Slay the princess characters ✨
Anyway I liked the game a lot and decided to draw da characters
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proceeds to make the most stereotypical version of a crow person with a British voice
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Also my spin on the voices✨
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kvarenje · 2 years
OK, as an embryologist who has worked in andrology for years before, I need folks to know something.
Vasectomies are NOT 100% reversible.
If you or a partner are considering one, and you think that there is even a SLIGHT chance you might want children in the future, BANK SPERM BEFOREHAND.
When a vasectomy is reversed, you WILL NOT regain your previous sperm count. Most of the time, sperm counts fall dramatically after a reversal, and it will be much more difficult to conceive intentionally without assistance from fertility treatments. Vas reversals can also fail, which would then require surgical procedures to retrieve sperm should you want to conceive later. My clinic probably does 2-6 surgical sperm retrieval procedures a month, and a solid most of them are due to failed vas reversals.
This has been a PSA from your local extremely tired embryologist who wants people to know that "vasectomies are reversible" comes with a couple of big bold asterisks that should be talked about before folks go rushing into it.
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simpingseafood · 8 months
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puppyeared · 10 months
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Big cat
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bumblebeeappletree · 5 months
Every once in a while I’ll see some posts about everyone should become vegan in order to help the environment. And that… sounds kinda rude. I’m sure they don’t mean to come off that way but like, humans are omnivores. Yes there are people who won’t have any animal products be it meat or otherwise either due to personal beliefs or because their body physically cannot handle it, and that’s okay! You don’t have to change your diet to include those products if you don’t want to or you physically can’t.
But there’s indigenous communities that hunt and farm animals sustainably and have been doing so for generations. And these animals are a primary source of food for them. Look to the bison of North America. The settlers nearly caused an extinction as a part of a genocide. Because once the Bison were gone it caused an even sharper decline of the indigenous population. Now thankfully Bison did not go extinct and are actively being shared with other groups across America.
Now if we look outside of indigenous communities we have people who are doing sustainable farming as well as hunting. We have hunting seasons for a reason, mostly because we killed a lot of the predators. As any hunter and they will tell you how bad the deer population can get. (Also America has this whole thing about bird feathers and bird hunting, like it was bad until they laid down some laws. People went absolutely nuts on having feathers be a part of fashion like holy cow.)
We’re slowly getting better with having gardens and vertical farms within cities, and there’s some laws on being able to have a chicken or two at your house or what-have-you in the city for some eggs. (Or maybe some quails since they’re smaller than chickens it’s something that you’d might have to check in your area.) Maybe you would be able to raise some honey bees or rent them out because each honey tastes different from different plants. But ultimately when it comes to meat or cheese? Go to your local farmers. Go to farmers markets, meet with the people there, become friends, go actively check out their farm. See how the animal lives are and if the farmer is willing, talk to them about sustainable agriculture. See what they can change if they’re willing. Support indigenous communities and buy their food and products, especially if you’re close enough that the food won’t spoil on its way to you. (Like imagine living in Texas and you want whale meat from Alaska and you buy it from an indigenous community. I would imagine that would be pretty hard to get.)
Either way everything dies in the end. Do we shame scavengers for eating corpses they found before it could rot and spread disease? Do we shame the animals that hunt other animals to survive? Yes factory farming should no longer exist. So let’s give the animals the best life we can give them. If there’s babies born that the farmer doesn’t want, give them away to someone who wants them as a pet. Or someone who wants to raise them for something else. Not everyone can raise animals for their meat. I know I can’t I would get to emotionally attached. I’d only be able to raise them for their eggs and milk.
Yeah this was pretty much thrown together, and I just wanted to say my thoughts and throw them into the void. If you have some examples of sustainable farming/agriculture, please share them because while I got some stuff I posted from YouTube, I’m still interested to see what stuff I might’ve missed!
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hunters-trashblog · 1 year
I haven't talked about him in a hot minute, so here I am
Rat Jitsu, when he started getting grey's, tried hiding it via hair dye. Leo saw it once, and has yet to ever let the poor man live it down
He calls it Splinters "scene/emo phase"
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mrgaretcarter · 1 year
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somnimagus · 8 months
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My page for @kairizine. It was such a huge honor to be part of this wonderful book with everyone, I had so much fun!
[id in alt!]
#kingdom hearts#kh#kh kairi#kh xion#kh namine#i don't really feel proud of my own stuff usually but#i really think this is the drawing i'm most proud of from this past year!! it made me think 'oh maybe i can draw' haha#i'm still kinda bad with colors but something clicked with this one. and i feel like i got the sentimental feeling i wanted!#ooh but this project's about flower symbolism so ramble incoming:#protea symbolizes resilience transformation and diversity; hollyhock means 'please remember me.'#so my general theme was finding a sense of self.#these 3 have struggled with finding their own identity; they tend to get left behind both in-universe and in general plotwise#and naminé and xion both resemble kairi and were overshadowed by her memory. but i feel like all 3 have transformed into their own people#xion and naminé have their faces covered partially by hollyhock to show their wish to be remembered for who they are-#instead of the parts that they share with someone else#and the protea bouquets show how they each held on and resiliently grew into their own person despite it all#i put a little swervy path on the hill behind kairi to give that hopeful sense of growth and moving forward. it's a little hard to see#hopefully that makes sense! i really love symbolism but i think in visuals so i'm really bad with words#but gosh working with everyone on this project was so fun. it was like impossible not to get swept up by the team's hype for this zine#i need to hunt down everybody's work and rb it#ohh and everybody's flowers are so crisply drawn it's insane!! i think if i lined all these flowers and leaves i'd die haha#fan art#my art#project stuff
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heraldofsomething · 11 months
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phoenixyfriend · 10 months
Me: I'm color-coding it! [Explains system]
My sister: [chokes on a laugh]
Me: What?
My sister: Nothing, I was gonna say something but it's really mean.
Me: What is it? Like the suspected autism, or--?
My sister: No it's just, dude you're color-coding a cookbook. Get a job.
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erikaember · 9 months
"Dreaming" - A 7-page Zelink comic
(...so I said it'd be a 6 pager, but... then I got distracted, and... then I had another idea...)
After being plagued by nightmares about the Calamity, Zelda has found that she sleeps better when Link is nearby. Link is more than willing to do so for her, but having him simply sit by the bed or sleep on the floor doesn't feel right to the princess, so she gathers the courage to ask if they could simply share the bed until they find a better solution. After all, the hero of Hyrule deserves to get good sleep as much as the princess.
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