#hunt the rich for sport
New goal unlocked: Make billionaires cry
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Cyber bully billionaires. If you have the opportunity, bully them to their faces. Make them cry. Make them scared to leave their houses. Terrorize them.
Break out the guillotine if you’re feeling ambitious.
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scentedluminarysoul · 2 years
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This is why I don't give a single shit about my "personal carbon footprint". Because me driving my car to school when I lack better options is not what's killing the planet. Rich people are.
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nanoa1foryou · 6 months
Do we know what private event Jere will be performing at today or are we just waiting in terror to see?
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hcnnibal · 2 years
about to go meet some strangers in the middle of nowhere, if u dont hear from me in a bit, remember me fondly okay
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yourheartinyourmouth · 9 months
i love how a ubi+universal healthcare+education would literally fix every single problem but we can’t have that bc??????? turning brown people into skeletons is more important for some reason
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britcision · 10 months
1) if the final boss isn’t Squirrel Girl fuck this movie (I didn’t see my queen Doreen Green)
2) uggggh Disneyfying Kraven into a “hero” is so fucking lame let him be unapologetically awful
3) they really held off on the Marvel logo… and Sony still owns most of the Spiderman villains.
Is This Why He Is A Hero.
Is He A Hero Because Marvel Do Not Have Rights To Him As A Villain
It said “in association with Marvel”, not just Marvel on the trailer we saw who the fuck owns this movie
It smells so Disney Cruella
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johndonneswife · 1 month
Ms. Venus pleasssse share your impeccable taste in the form of pinterest boards with the class, thank you. Also I miss your presence on Tumblr and I selfishly wish you had plans to come back to the fandom side of things but I’m wishing you the best from afar!!
i would totally share my beautiful boards with u if not for the fact that i had a full blown meltdown on pinterest abt yuri on ice and i have soooo many freaking yoi pins lmao and iiiit’s a lil mortifying actually. but i promise my wedding & fashion moodboards are 🤌🏻
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distinctiveusername · 9 months
Rich people should be hunted for sport
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onesaltysir · 9 months
Hi yes I am a HUGE antinatalist however I'm REALLY going to need the insane side of tumblr to stop interacting with my posts please 😐 Terfs, radfems, so called pro life people, evangelicals, etc this means you thanks. I am antinatalist for my own reasons and to be associated with their lot in any way feels like a punch to the gut.
This is just a reminder: No I am not and will never be part of their group. To any of the bigots in said group, stop interacting with my posts for gods sake I want nothing to do with you or your rancid views.
My hands are tired from blocking so many blogs before typing this up. Bigots, leave me alone 🖕
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Billionaires don’t fear for their lives enough. That’s a legit issue.
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i miss my best friend hayward.
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androidfate · 8 months
This is why you don’t forbid teenage girls from seeing boys they like. Now your daughter is getting in a helicopter alone with four dudes she barely knows.
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arielmagicesi · 1 year
OK so after finishing BBC Ghosts, I started watching CBS Ghosts, and at first I was underwhelmed because it felt like literally an exact copy of the BBC one and also with worse acting and special effects. But then I kept watching and it’s charming in its way, like a Disney Channel AU of the BBC version, and there’s heartwarming moments and decent jokes, plus original ideas like the idea of every ghost having a “ghost power” and Sam going to see her mom’s ghost. That said, I did think it would have been more interesting if instead of doing a nearly one-to-one copy of the ghost ensemble in the BBC version (friendly arrow guy from the 80s, corrupt rich douche with no pants, proper lady of the manor, oldest guy who wears furs and is rough and tough, gay soldier guy, flighty naive girl... and then instead of Thomas and Mary they do have Sass and Alberta, that IS some originality) they could’ve just come up with entirely new American ghosts. I would’ve loved to see some more originality. I actually had been hoping they would include a Jewish ghost, like an immigrant making his way as a peddler in the Hudson Valley somehow idk. And uh, turns out they do have a Jewish ghost, cause in episode 16 it becomes obvious that the corrupt rich douche with no pants is Jewish, and every person he worked with in his corrupt finance firm was Jewish, and also he was friends with Bernie Madoff. So that’s fun
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liu-yu-xin · 2 years
has anyone ever done a nct ranking based on how rich their families are. im just curious
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thebusylilbee · 1 year
"Jamais la rémunération des grands patrons du CAC 40 n'a été aussi élevée. En moyenne, chacun d'entre eux a perçu 7,9 millions d'euros l'an dernier. C'est plus de 100 fois le salaire de leurs salariés, précise le rapport publié ce mardi 22 novembre par le cabinet de conseil aux actionnaires Proxinvest.
L'étude constate "une forte hausse des rémunérations médianes et moyennes dans tous les indices (CAC 40 et SBF 120, NDLR). On est bien sur des records historiques", a déclaré Jehanne Leroy, directrice de la recherche ESG (critères environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance).
La rémunération totale moyenne des patrons de l'indice CAC 40 a augmenté de 52%, tandis que celle des présidents exécutifs de l'indice SBF 120 composé des 120 plus grandes entreprises cotées en France a crû de 22% pour atteindre 4,5 millions d'euros. Dans les deux cas, c'est du jamais-vu depuis quinze ans. [...]
L'effet Carlos Tavares
Ces rémunérations sont portées par les très bons résultats post-Covid des sociétés en 2021, sur lesquels des éléments de rémunération sont indexés. La hausse s'explique également par un effet Carlos Tavares, le directeur général du groupe automobile Stellantis (Peugeot-Citroën-Fiat), dont la rémunération totale atteint un record jamais observé par Proxinvest, à 66,7 millions d'euros. "C'est la première fois depuis 15 ans qu'une société présente une rémunération totale supérieure à 50 millions d'euros", selon le rapport. [...]
L'équivalent de 369 Smic
C'est aussi "la première fois en huit ans que la rémunération moyenne des dirigeants du CAC 40 représente plus de 100 fois la rémunération moyenne des salariés", soit 369 fois le SMIC en base 39 heures, selon le rapport qui détecte un moins bon respect du plafond de rémunération maximale socialement acceptable (5,12 millions d'euros) calculé par Proxinvest. 
En tout, 29 dirigeants dépassent ce plafond, contre 14 en 2020 et 24 en 2019, ce qui devrait relancer le débat sur le pouvoir d'achat des plus modestes, amputés en outre par l'inflation.
Sur la période 2014-2021, la rémunération moyenne des dirigeants a augmenté de 83,8%, soit trois fois plus vite que celle des salariés, qui a progressé de 23,9%.
Le classement des 5 dirigeants les mieux payés en France
Dans le top 5 des dirigeants les mieux payés figurent Carlos Tavares (66,7 millions d'euros), Bernard Charlès du groupe de logiciels Dassault Systèmes (44,1 millions d'euros, dont 40,8 millions de rémunération actionnariale), Daniel Julien de la société de centre d'appels Teleperformance (19,6 millions d'euros), François-Henri Pinault du groupe de luxe Kering (12 millions d'euros) et Paul Hudson du laboratoire pharmaceutique Sanofi (9 millions d'euros)."
j'ai des pensées impures d'un coup 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
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mars-ipan · 2 years
dismantling capitalism isn’t enough i need to rip out a billionaire’s throat with my teeth
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