#capitalist system
miiju86 · 9 months
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let that sink in....
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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callese · 7 months
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sparksinthenight · 2 years
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Billboard with a picture of Elon Musk: Defend billionaires. We’re Just like you.
Commie on the Rez: Spotted in the wild. I hate this mf place
Elle M. (they/them): If u saw Lex Luthor do this in a Superman comic u would be like ”pshh way too over the too not even a super villain would be this obvious”
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New goal unlocked: Make billionaires cry
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Cyber bully billionaires. If you have the opportunity, bully them to their faces. Make them cry. Make them scared to leave their houses. Terrorize them.
Break out the guillotine if you’re feeling ambitious.
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spoonful116 · 9 months
Radical ideas, but:
Pay people appropriately and enough to live comfortably
Health insurance shouldn't be tied to your job, universal healthcare
Tax the rich
Billionaires shouldn't exist
Getting really tired of capitalism; it doesn't work and is literally destroying the world
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prideprejudce · 10 months
y'all are not heartless, y'all are envious, so envious that you feel happy when a billionaire dies because you know you won't ever get to have that money in your lifetime, you might say "poor but alive" but truth is, you don't know how much time you have left
it’s kind of interesting to me how wealth defenders assume that the reason the mass public dont like billionaires is because we are jealous of them - like we are only a couple of right decisions away from becoming billionaires ourselves but are too dumb or lazy to take the opportunity
but these same people also studiously ignore the social constructs that prevent you and me from accumulating anything close to that amount of money in our lifetime. these people are called the 1% for a reason - they do not want to distribute their wealth and use inequalities like racism, sexism, homophobia etc and all the like to put a ceiling over our heads while they sit above us. And no amount of hard work and intelligence gets you through that ceiling because that’s the way it’s built. plus that’s not even getting into topics like nepotism and how so many “self-made” billionaires come from a long line of wealth and have had more than a head start and loopholes to the top than anyone else in the general public
there is no such thing as a good billionaire. there is no way to accumulate that amount of money without stepping on the backs of other people. and to have such a hoard of wealth that is so beyond your means that you couldn’t spend it three lifetimes over but choosing to keep it to yourself anyway is a vile human being. i’m not jealous of the billionaires and want their money - i want to not live in a system anymore that sucks away all of the opportunities and resources away from the communities and funnel it to several people who use it to buy shit like…..idk… a ticket on a sardine can to the bottom of the ocean
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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b0bthebuilder35 · 9 months
Too often, people believe homelessness is due to some type of character flaw. In reality, that’s not even close. The top causes being…
1. A lack of affordable housing
2. Unemployment
3. Poverty
4. Low wages
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mapsofinnerspace · 10 months
Why? Because let’s be honest, there’s no ethical way to becoming a billionaire.
It’s not like people’s being cynical or jealous about their billions. No. It has nothing to do with that. The truth is that more often than not, those shitloads of money came from the worst and most evil sources one could ever imagine.
Billionaires are basically the ones behind all the worldwide networks of traffic and dark shit, one way or another. They’re the ones behind disparities and poverty, unemployment, poor life quality, hunger and sickness. They’re the ones behind wars and shitty economy models, deforestation, animal cruelty and extinction, global warming.. they’re the ones behind innocent beings’ deaths.
And still, they’ve got the fucking nerve to casually spend 250,000 USD on a totally unnecessary, touristic trip to a mass grave (courtesy of their already wealthy, evil ancestors, of course) at the bottom of the ocean.
Anyone who ever dares to spend such amount of money for a few hours long trip, knowing that the world is going down, is not a honest nor a valuable human being. Period.
So yes, the less people like them, the better. The earth does need to heal. And no, I cannot stand those who still defend the planet’s greatest poison. They evidently don’t have a single ounce of self reflection.
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lilithism1848 · 7 months
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one-in-boots · 10 months
Those SpongeBob popsicles are so fucked up man. The demographic has very little income, so you buy one of those motherfuckers with maybe your last couple of dollars. You open up the little bag, and boom! It's SpongeBob!! Even in effigy, even with one of the eyes in the wrong place, it's him! And his brilliance is magnified in person. It's a magical experience, holding the spungboy in your hand. You cherish him, hold him up to the sun, and you're so taken by this rush of adrenaline in the first few moments of being united with him, you forget why he's here. They want you to eat him. They made you pay to kill fucking SpongeBob. Most folks at this point are thinking "wow, that's fucked up, but I don't need to kill him, I can just keep him and cherish him indefinitely" WROGN!!!! They made him out of fucking ice!!! This form is a very short breath of life before one way or another, Sponebog ends up a little mound of sticky liquid. Now you are faced with the disgusting moral dilemma: if the spoinbop dies either way, is it better for you to kill him, at least getting some joy out of his death via tasty popsicle, or is it more humane to let him live as long as he can? Well, with all factors considered, most folks come to the conclusion l: "spognog's extended living would not be truly "life". He will spend most of this cruel existence as a dripping husk of the sponge he once was. Surely it would be better to put him out of his misery and enjoy a sweet treat.". But once you actually start licking him, you realize how fucked up what you're doing is. It's very different thinking about it happening as opposed to actually doing it. It's like punching a puppy to death. Some folks are made of tougher stuff than you or I, and overcame their squeamishness to give spingburt the warrior's death he deserved. But I'm not built like that. I couldn't bring myself to go through with any of the options, so I sprinted home, crying, and stuffed the frozen sponge into my freezer, where he remains indefinitely. Everytime I go to get an ice cube, It's like seeing a holocaust survivor, and I start to tear up knowing what his friends are going through every day. I fucking payed for this to happen. And everytime I go outside and hear an ice cream truck, I steel myself and buy every sponge they have in stock, to save them. I payed real fucking money to be brought to tears, and for all my goddamn freezer space to be taken up by crude recreations of a yellow rectangle. Everytime this happens, I find myself thinking "surely this is a horrible mistake. Surely a thinking, empathizing human would do everything they can to keep somebody out of my situation", but then I remember that this whole fucking set of events is carefully engineered by the capitalist machine to squeeze out every possible drop of profit, no matter the cost. They made spongepops on purpose. The world we live in is so fucked up.
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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At no point did she wonder: “Shouldn’t they just hire someone to help, since this is clearly too much workload for one person?”
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callese · 8 months
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“anarchy. Rather, the notion of anarchy, being grounded in an anti-authority mindset, primarily targets government because it views government as unnecessarily oppressive. Instead of relying on a modicum of government structure, anarchy relies on human association instead of government to fulfill all human needs. Some of the major ideas that anarchists promote include collectivism, mutualism/mutual aid, and social solidarity, and these same ideas are frequently seen in the Defend the Atlanta Forest movement.”
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sparksinthenight · 2 years
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MacLunkey (verified): Reminder: Elon Musk did not found Tesla Motors. he bought the company from its founders and as part of the deal he purchased the title ”founder.” The actual founders are contractually forbidden from referring to themselves as founders.
MacLunkey (verified): Elon Musk is worse than an entrepreneur. He’s cosplaying as an entrepreneur. He’s pure finance. The embodiment of credit. An utter void emanating dollar signs and failure in his wake
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If we lived in a decent society we’d behead people like this
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Absolute ghouls. People who see the looming water shortage as a profitable opportunity aren’t worth the air they breathe.
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