#hphm fictober
hphm-fictober · 4 years
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Here is the list of prompts for Fictober 2020. Feel free to use this or any other fictober/inktober prompts from this year or previous years. Don’t forget to tag this account (using @) and to indicate from which list of prompts the prompt you used comes from. Past prompt lists can be found HERE.
You have more than the month of October to complete these. As far as I’m concern, you can complete them whenever. This list is mostly so that writers don’t feel excluded while Inktober is going on. Fics, blurbs, headcanons, dialogues; all are accepted. If you have any questions, feel free to DM @mizutoyama​ .
Learning to fly
If I didn’t have you
Ice Cream
See you again
Enchanted Evening
I’m sorry
My way
If Only
Not what it seems
Something wicked…
This is Halloween
60 notes · View notes
A Wonderful Surprise
A/N #1: This is fic #2 of the Brazil series. It was inpired by the ! prompt of the 30 days OTP alphabet challenge as well as Prompt #2 of Fictober 2020 by @hphm-fictober​ . You can find Alice’s outfit HERE, and the suggested music HERE. (Here are Part 1 & Part 2 of the first fic of the series.)
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“Alanza told me she would join us here.”
Alice and her friends were standing near the bronze statue of Floriano Peixoto, the second Brazilian president, in the neighbourhood known as Cinelândia. They were surrounded by buildings built in the Beaux-Arts architectural style, which gave the area a certain European cachet with their columns, symmetry, and highly decorative façades. 
“Are you sure about the time?” asked Diego.
“Noon seems like an odd time to meet up,” said Penny, who was wearing a large sunhat.
“That’s what she told me. She said she knew of this place where we could eat lunch close to here, and that it would be simpler to visit the area after,” explained Alice, fanning herself with her map of Rio.
“Olá!” they heard from behind them.
“Alanza!” they exclaimed, running to her.
“How are you? I hope you didn’t wait too long,” she said beaming.
“No, not at all,” said Barnaby, blushing.
“Long enough for us to overheat,” mumbled Tonks and Tulip.
“Oh! I’m so sorry! Come, come. Let’s go and eat. I know this boteco that’s been around since 1921.”
“What kind of food do they serve?” asked Alice.
“Various stuff. You can get pizza, fish, churrasco, feijoada…”
“What are the last two things?” asked Penny.
“Well, churrasco is basically meat barbecued on skewers, while feijoada has black beans, some pork or beef product, and at least two types of smoked sausage and jerked beef,” explained Alanza.
“Black beans, you say?” said Alice. “Well, as I do not want to spend the afternoon passing wind, and that I don’t want to eat something too heavy, I think I’ll stick to pizza.”
“The meat on skewers sounds great,” said Barnaby as they sat at a table under the yellow awning. 
After a hearty meal, they headed to the Theatro Municipal, a theatre that borrowed from the Parisian Opéra Garnier’s architectural style. The roof was a vibrant shade of turquoise, and the central dome was adorned with a majestic golden eagle.
“Can we go inside?” asked Andre, using his hand to shade his eyes from the sun.
“Unfortunately, no. We can only go in to see a performance or if we are part of a tour, which were all full when I checked,” replied Alanza.
“Too bad. It looks really nice from the outside, would have loved to see the inside,” said Alice.
“Oh, I doubt it compares to the Paris Opera,” said Alanza. 
“I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been inside the Opéra Garnier.”
“What? But don’t you have family in Paris?” asked Tulip.
“I do, but it’s not like the law mandates us to go inside the Opera every time we’re in town. I walked past it when I’ve been to the Galeries as a kid, but until last summer, I hadn’t been to Paris after Jacob’s disappearance.”
“I wonder if this one has a ghost, like the one in Paris,” said Penny.
“A ghost?” asked Barnaby and Charlie as they started to walk past the theatre.
“A phantom, actually. This French author wrote a story at the beginning of the century about a Phantom haunting the Opéra. It turns out that the Phantom is a deformed man named Erik. An excellent musical was made based on this story. I honestly could listen to the soundtrack over and over again,” said Alice, softly sighing.
“So, where are we heading next?” asked Tonks as they strolled through Largo da Carioca.
“Igreja São Francisco de Penitência. It’s a church. The interior is really impressive,” said Alanza.
“Where is it?” asked Diego.
“Right there,” replied Alanza, pointing to a building up a small hill.
“Doesn’t look super impressive from the outside,” said Andre.
“Don’t judge a book by its cover, Andre,” said Alice, nudging her friend on the shoulder.
“Oh, sweetheart, everyone judges books by their cover. Why do you think I put so much importance in my outfits, as well as yours?”
“Believe me, the exterior doesn’t do justice to the interior,” said their Carioca friend as they made their way up the stairs to reach the church.
When they finally made it inside the church, they were greeted by exquisite gilded carvings on the walls and altars, as well as magnificent paintings on the ceiling depicting the glorification of Saint Francis in a Baroque illusionist style.
“Wow,” simply said Andre, his mouth ajar.
“So much gold,” said Tulip.
“Good thing we didn’t bring Jae. He’d be salivating,” said Tonks.
“He’d probably try to take something to sell it,” said Penny as she removed her hat.
“Come on. He’s not that bad,” said Alice as she looked at the ceiling.
“Are you so sure of that?” asked Charlie, raising an eyebrow as he glanced at Alice.
“Well… Ok, maybe not, but he mostly deals in magical contraband, so I don’t think he would see anything here worth selling,” admitted Alice.
“I wouldn’t put it past him to still try and make a quick buck from something here,” whispered Diego.
“Is it common for Muggle churches to be covered in gold?” asked Barnaby.
“Can’t say I’ve ever seen a Catholic church with so much gold. Russian Orthodox churches have their fair share, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen this amount of gold in a church,” said Alice, looking around. 
“How do you know so much about churches?” asked Diego.
“I’ve seen some when I travelled with my parents when I was a kid. Even if you aren’t religious, churches can be of cultural interest, as artists were often commissioned to paint and decorate them to show how grand and powerful the Church was,” explained Alice.
“And if you didn’t already know, Alice is in Ravenclaw,” said Tonks, Alice sticking out her tongue at her.
“Hey, where did Charlie go?” asked Andre.
“He’s right…” started saying Alice as she looked beside her, only to see no one was standing there. She turned on herself trying to spot her boyfriend, to no avail.
“Hum, I think he went outside,” said Diego. “He found it stuffy in here.”
“Why didn’t he tell me? I should go with him,” said Alice. 
Before she could turn around, Diego wrapped an arm around her shoulders and guided her further inside the church. “Come on; I’m sure he wouldn’t want you to miss all the art in here.”
Alice gave Diego a suspicious look, furrowing her brows, before glancing behind her. She figured that if Charlie had wanted her to be with him, he would have told her. She shook Diego’s arms off of her shoulders and joined the girls at the altar, where Tulip was busy imagining Dennis getting married to the love of his life. Once they were done visiting the church, they went back outside, where Charlie was waiting for them in the shade.
“Are you ok?” asked Alice as she ran up to him.
“What do you mean?”
“Diego told us you went out because you felt it was stuffy in the church…”
“Oh! Yeah, I just needed some air, but I’m perfectly fine now.”
“Glad to hear you’re feeling better, mate,” said Andre as they made their way down the stairs.
“Ok, next up is a sweet treat: pastéis de nata. And it will give us the chance to relax a bit and step away from the heat,” said Alanza.
“Hum, actually, you guys can go ahead. We’ll join you later. There’s something I want to show Alice,” said Charlie, taking Alice’s hand.
She looked up at him, her cheeks turning pink.
“Ok, you two have fun!” said Diego as he guided the rest of the group away from the couple.
“We’ll be at the Confeitaria Colombo!” shouted Alanza as Alice and Charlie walked away.
They left the street they were on, taking a narrow road to lead them to the larger Rua Sete de Setembro.
“Where are you taking me?” asked Alice as she let Charlie lead the way.
“You’ll see,” simply replied Charlie.
“Is it what you and Diego were talking about yesterday?” asked Alice.
Charlie stopped in his tracks and looked at her. “What are you talking about?”
“Diego was looking for you yesterday before lunch, and he went straight to talk to you when I told him where you were. Also, you two looked like you were cooking up some plan last night at dinner,” said Alice as they started walking again.
“I have no idea what you are talking about,” replied Charlie, avoiding Alice’s gaze.
“Ah! I knew it! You were planning something with Diego!” said Alice as they turned into a small deserted street next to an old theatre. “Seriously, where are you taking me?” she said, looking worriedly around.
They crossed a plaza and stopped in front of a building built in limestone that looked like a church. Four statues were on the façade: one on each side of the building, and the other two were on each side of the door. Before she had time to read what was written at the top of the building, Charlie took both of her hands and made her look at him. 
“Close your eyes,” he said, smiling.
Alice looked at him, skeptically.
“Please,” he pleaded.
She furrowed her brows, smiling lightly as she closed her eyes after removing her sunglasses. He waved a hand in front of her closed eyes to make sure she wasn’t looking. He gently took her hand and guided her inside the building.
“You can open your eyes now,” said Charlie as he stood behind her.
Alice opened her eyes and what she saw rendered her speechless. Three floors of walls covered in books. A magnificent chandelier dangled from the ceiling, which also had a skylight in iron structure. The intricate details of the wooden frame of the library’s galleries were sublime. Alice felt like she was in a dream. Sure, Hogwarts’ library was big, but it was dark, a little gloomy, and unwelcoming; Madam Pince having a lot to do with that last impression. This library was luminous. The blue walls contrasting with the wood’s darkness and the touches of gold on the wood contributed to Alice’s warm feeling as she stood in this great library.
“Oh, Charlie,” whispered Alice, turning around, the skirt of her dress twirling as she did so. 
“You like it?” asked Charlie as Alice wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Like it? I love it!” she said before kissing him on the lips, her straw hat falling backward.
Charlie placed his hands on her waist, closing his eyes as he leaned into the kiss until he realized something. He opened his eyes and cleared his throat.
“What?” asked Alice as she took a step back.
“Hum… there are people around…” whispered Charlie, looking around the room.
Alice turned her head, noticing some people looking at them as her face grew hot.
“Sorry,” she mouthed before looking back at Charlie. “Let’s take a look around,” she whispered as she grabbed her hat from the floor.
They walked around the bookcases on the ground floor, looking at all the old books’ spines. They didn’t dare touch any, as they felt the gaze of the librarian on their back.
“I guess every library comes with a Madam Pince,” whispered Alice.
“I guess kissing in a library won’t get you on the librarian’s good books,” said Charlie, looking behind him. “Anyway, it’s not like we can read anything here. Everything seems to be in Portuguese. We should go back to the others… Alice! What are you doing?”
Alice held a book in her hand while holding her wand over a page with the other. “Shhh, be quiet. It’s just this book had ‘Contos de fadas brasileiros’ written on it.”
“But it’s in Portuguese! And your wand…”
“I need it to use a translation spell Rowan taught me.”
“Taught you? When?”
“Well, she didn’t actually teach it to me in person. I just found it on a note in a book she read,” explained Alice as she read the page her wand was hovering over.
“Quick,” said Charlie, as he looked behind them, “the librarian is coming.”
Alice closed the book and promptly replaced it on the shelf as she surreptitiously slid her wand back into her crossbody handbag. “Obrigada,” said Alice, turning to face the librarian with a sweet smile, her angelic face seemingly calming any worries the librarian had as the couple swiftly left the library.
“That was a close call,” said Charlie once they were outside. “Anyway, what did you say to the librarian?”
“I simply said ‘thank you.’”
“Because it’s polite and one of the few things I can say in Portuguese,” explained Alice as they made their way back to the Rua Sete de Setembro. “Figured something polite, and my sweet face would get her off our backs.”
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They leisurely made their way to the Confeitaria Colombo, holding hands and talking about their vacation so far. As they approached it, they saw their friends leaving the restaurant.
“Here are the two lovebirds!” exclaimed Tulip.
“We got some custard tarts to go when we figured you wouldn’t be back in time,” said Penny, holding up a small plastic bag.
“They were delicious!” said Barnaby, rubbing his stomach as he smiled.
“Mate, you have some coloured lip balm on your lips,” pointed out Andre, smirking.
“So I guess Alice liked her surprise,” said Diego, grinning.
Charlie used the back of his hand to wipe off the lip balm as he and Alice blushed.
“Wait, did you two abandon us just to make out somewhere?” asked Tonks.
“What? No! We visited a library!” exclaimed Alice.
“A library? Why would you visit a library instead of eating custard tarts? Are you trying to cover up for the fact that you did spend all that time making out?” asked Tulip, her face inches from Alice’s as she looked at her suspiciously.
“No, they did go to a library: The Real Gabinete Português de Leitura, or Royal Portuguese Reading Room,” explained Diego, making Alanza wince at his Portuguese pronunciation. “The two Argentinian girls I spoke to yesterday said it was a really nice place to see, so I told Charlie he should take Alice there.”
“Wait, when you left the church…” started saying Alanza.
“I went to locate the library, make sure I had the right directions,” completed Charlie.
“Aw, all that for Alice… Makes me sick,” said Tonks, sticking out her tongue in fake disgust.
“Jealous,” said Alice, lightly nudging her friend.
“You wish,” replied Tonks, linking her arm with her friend’s. “Now, come on. We’re supposed to go see a royal palace.”
“Actually, it is the Imperial Palace,” explained Alanza as they made their way down the street. “It became the prince regent of Portugal’s residence when he moved here with his family to escape Napoleon’s invasion of Portugal. It is at that time that Rio became the royal seat of power.”
“Bloody French,” said Tonks, smirking as she glanced at Alice. 
“He wasn’t French, he was Corsican, and his ancestors were Italian,” said Alice.
“But he was the emperor of France, no?”
“For, like, ten years.”
“His army was French?”
“Therefore, I reiterate what I said: Bloody French,” said Tonks, sticking out her tongue.
“Stop bickering, you two,” said Andre. “As long as I get to see a palace, I’m happy.”
“We are not bickering. We are having a friendly conversation,” said Tonks and Alice in unison, making Alanza raise her eyebrows and look around in confusion.
“Don’t ask. That’s how they are,” explained Penny to Alanza, rolling her eyes.
When they finally arrived at the Imperial Palace, what stood in front of them was a white three-storey building in a simple baroque style with a tiled roof. 
“That’s it?” asked Tulip.
“Well, it has its charms,” said Alice.
“There are some details around the windows,” said Penny.
“It is not what Europeans think of when they hear ‘Imperial Palace,’” pointed out Alanza.
“Thank Merlin, you see it too! I mean, it’s lovely, sure, but it’s no Versaille or Buckingham. Please tell me it’s like that golden church, and the interior is grand,” said Andre with pleading eyes.
“Unfortunately, no. It was stripped at the end of the 19th century and became a central mail office. It mostly serves as a cultural center nowadays, with temporary art exhibitions.”
“Then why is it called the Imperial Palace?” asked Barnaby.
“Because when Brasil became independent, it became the Império do Brasil, or Empire of Brasil,” explained Alanza. “When it was the Portuguese royal family’s residence, it was known as the Royal Palace. Before that, it was the house of the Governor.”
“How come you know so much?” asked Tulip.
“She’s from around here,” said Diego.
“Alice, you live in London. Do you know who first lived in Buckingham Palace?”
“Hum, no?”
“See! I live in London as well, and I don’t know the history of any buildings, except the Tower of London because executions,” pointed out Tulip. 
“Alright, when Alice told me you wanted to visit the historic part of Centro, I may have studied up on my Trouxa history. The map I have with me is full of my notes,” she said, showing the scribbles on her map.
“Trouxa?” asked Barnaby.
“People who can’t do magic.”
“Ah! We call them Muggles,” said Charlie.
“So, as much as standing in the sun learning about cultural differences is fun, what is next?” asked Penny.
“Well, that’s pretty much it. Next up for you is to head back to the hotel to relax, so you are ready for tomorrow’s hike,” said Alanza.
“Hike?!” said Alice and Penny.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t have any outfits that are intended for nature,” said Andre.
“I was actually planning to go to the National History Museum tomorrow, since it’s free on Sundays,” said Alice.
“Says the rich girl,” said Tonks.
“Rich people are notoriously cheap,” replied Alice.
“But I don’t want to go to a stuffy museum,” complained Tulip.
“We can separate for the day. You guys can go hike in nature, while Penny, Andre, and I go to the museum.”
“Will there be dragons on that hike?” asked Charlie.
“Charlie. Always asking the important questions,” said Diego.
“Hum, no, sorry,” replied Alanza.
“Meh, then I’ll go to the museum with Alice.”
“Are you sure? There won’t be any dragons in the museum either,” said Alice.
“No, but you’ll be there,” replied Charlie, making Alice blush.
“Ok! I think this is our cue to head back to the hotel before those two start snogging in front of the palace,” said Tulip as she ran towards the street to hail two cabs.
“Well, see you tomorrow then! Tchau!” said Alanza waiving to the group as they joined Tulip.
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A/N #2: Hope you enjoyed it! Next up: the museum, where I will describe every single exhibit they see... Joking. Anyway, just wanted to let you know something regarding the Imperial Palace. So, in the fic, Alanza said they interior is rather ordinary, it’s mostly based on pictures of the interior. According to Culture Trip, “in 1980 it was restored to its former glory with the interior replicated to how it was in the 19th century.” Unfortunately couldn’t find any information regarding the current state of the interior.
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cursed-ice-queen · 4 years
@hphm-fictober Day 2: Wonderful
For what seemed like the umpteenth time Jacob straightened his bowtie. He was having serious second, third, and even fourth thoughts about coming to the Celestial Ball. It sounded like a great idea at first; go with Duncan and spend the whole night together away from the drama of the Cursed Vaults. Focus solely on their friendship and remember why they were best friends.
That had been the initial idea, and what Jacob had written home to his mother and grandmother. He even repeated his plan to his grandmother Nonna when she surprised him in Hogsmeade to buy him his dress robes. He remembered the happiness in her eyes when he stepped out in his teal coat and mustard vest, the pride in her voice when she straightened his bowtie and said, “Duncan is very lucky to have such a nice, handsome boy as his date.”
That had been the idea…until Duncan decided to find a different date.
“What do you mean you’re going with Mary Ellen?” Jacob asked Duncan when he told him. “We’re going together.”
“Well yeah,” Duncan had replied. “But we agreed to go together only if neither of us could find a date.”
“And neither of us found a date.”
“Right. But now I’ve found one. So we don’t need to go together.”
Duncan had no idea how much that had hurt Jacob. How much he had been counting on going with a friend. Now he was alone at the Ball, surrounded by couples and groups of friends who were all ignoring him. Who would want to be around the cursed ice kid? He was a freak. A monster. And Duncan knew full well that Jacob wouldn’t find a date.
Jacob knew it as well, and it’s why he asked Duncan to go with him. Duncan was much more popular than he could ever be, and Jacob had been filled with hope upon hearing that Duncan hadn’t found a date yet. That’s when they made their arrangements to go together. Jacob was over the moon to have someone to go with who didn’t hate him. Now he had crash-landed and broken into pieces.
It was always clear to everyone that he wasn’t Duncan’s best friend even though he was Jacob’s and that Duncan didn’t treasure their friendship nearly as much. But Duncan was all he had…
Jacob could see and feel the students nearby shrinking away from him, afraid that they might get cursed if they stand too close to him. He fidgeted with his bowtie, contemplating what he should do. The Ball had barely started, so all there was to do was sit or mingle. He didn’t want to sit alone, and nobody wanted to talk to him. That left him with nothing to do but stand there awkwardly and try not to cry.
But of course he did cry. Because his friendship wasn’t good enough for Duncan. Jacob wasn’t good enough. Duncan wanted a serious relationship, and Jacob couldn’t provide that no matter how much he tried.
When Duncan walked in with Mary Ellen looking happy and fulfilled Jacob began to sob. He couldn’t stand it. They looked wonderful together. With their matching dress robes that fit the theme of the Ball perfectly they were inseparable. People started flocking towards them immediately to talk to them.
Jacob ran to the exit. There was no use staying now. Truthfully he shouldn’t have gone in the first place. He wouldn’t have shown up at all had his Nonna not bought him such nice dress robes. All he wanted was a fun night with his best friend.
“Wooow!” Jacob heard someone say when he passed by them. “Those two look wonderful!”
‘Yeah…’ Jacob thought to himself. ‘Wonderful…’
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mizutoyama · 4 years
Upcoming projects:
- Create a list of headcanons based on the fics I wrote so that when people ask me about Alice, I can point them to that instead of just basically saying “Read my fics... All 40 of them...” (No, it won’t be a profile, just a list of headcanons)
- Think of a SFW story for “B - Bath. The otp+ share a bath or shower, or bathe as in swimming or sunbathing.” (My mind is still in the gutter)
-Quidditch fics (because it will lead up to Alice and Charlie finally admitting their feelings for each other)
-Start to think of prompts for Fictober (yeah, I’m the one behind @hphm-fictober )
7 notes · View notes
Focus and Balance are the Key to Succes (Fictober day 3 - fem!Reader x Orion Amari)
Masterlist  (To view my Masterlist, visit my Tumblr page)
Words: 3k
HPHM Fictober Prompt day 3: Quidditch
Summary: Keeping up with everything is hard when you are dealing with the Cursed Vaults, Detention, Curse-Breaking activities and Quidditch. However, Orion seems to know the answer to your struggles. If only you could actually figure out how to focus and keep your balance…
“Are you feeling unbalanced today, Y/N?”
  You looked towards the Quidditch Captain, who also was one of the other Chasers on the team: Orion Amari. It was like he always seemed to know something was up, even though he might express it quite vaguely most of the times.
“Is it that obvious?” You asked him, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Your thoughts seem to be elsewhere. It’s not hard to see someone is distracted by something.” Orion said honestly. “Besides, your face was kind of giving it away.”
You blinked, wondering what he meant.
“The frown on your face that keeps appearing when you are thinking. I have seen that one before.”
Oh, you must have been frowning when you were thinking about the recent events. It was hard to combine everything. You were trying to keep your grades up; you were working on finding the next Vault and you sometimes had detention in the Kitchens. It definitely wasn’t easy to keep up with everything.
“There it is again, are you sure you are up to play the match tomorrow?” Orion asked, sounding slightly concerned.
You quickly nodded. “Of course! Sorry, I will focus during the rest of our practice.”
“Good, because your focus and balance are what we need during our match tomorrow.” He gave you a small smile before he called everyone over for the Quidditch Friendly.
  The Quidditch Friendly went all right, but you knew you were probably a bit off. You could see Skye and Orion giving you some glances every now and then. You wondered if they were glancing at you because they were annoyed or worried. You wouldn’t be surprised if it was in annoyance.
Once you were dressed in your regular clothing, you looked at your broom and Quidditch robes. Maybe it was foolish to think you could do combine everything you wanted to do. Maybe playing Quidditch was just too much this year. When you first joined the team, you didn’t have to deal with detention and the things you had to do for the Cursed Vaults seemed to be less intense and less dangerous.
Perhaps you needed to quit?
“Y/N, I know you have got a lot on your mind, but could you try to clear your mind a bit more tomorrow?”
You turned around and saw Skye Parkin standing behind you, rubbing the back of her neck a bit. “Sorry, Skye. I will do better tomorrow.”
“It’s fine, I just want us to win the match against Rath, you know? And if you are too distracted, she might play a little rougher just to knock your off your broom…” Skye grimaced a little. “I don’t think Orion and the rest of the team will like it to see another player with a Quidditch injury after playing against Rath.”
“Well… I suppose that makes sense. She has tried to do such a thing before.”
  “Good, I mean, you know how she plays Quidditch.” Skye said and then she grabbed her stuff. “I will see you tomorrow, Y/N.”
“Yeah, I will see you tomorrow.” You said before she left the Quidditch dressing room. You sighed softly and then you grabbed your stuff. You were ready to go back to your Common Room and probably head to bed.
On your way back to the Castle, you were once again thinking about everything that was going on this year. It was definitely going to a hard year. You would have to take your O.W.L.s, go to detentions in the Kitchen once in a while, breaking the Portrait Curse, going to Professor Rakepick’s extracurricular classes to learn more spells and tricks of a Curse-Breaker and then there was Quidditch… So much to do, so little time… If only you had a Time Turner…
“Do you want to walk back to the Common Room together?”
You snapped out of your thoughts and noticed Orion was walking beside you. “You startled me, Orion.”
He grinned lightly. “Did I really?”
“You did.” You told him honestly. “I mean, I was thinking so hearing you talking to me out of the blue definitely was surprising.”
“I understand.”
  “I thought you were already back to the Common Room.” You told him.
“I was just checking if we didn’t leave anything behind at the Quidditch Pitch.” Orion said honestly. “But you didn’t answer my question.”
“What question?” You were slightly confused.
“If you wanted to walk back to the Common Room together.” He grinned. “Or did I startle you too much you didn’t hear my question back then?”
“Oh…” You said, blushing slightly. “We can walk back to the Common Room together, I mean, we are in the same house, aren’t we? We would have to go the same way anyways.”
“That’s true, although, I thought I should ask, because you were pretty distracted by your own thoughts.”
“Maybe a bit too much distracted…” You mumbled softly.
“Everyone can be too distracted by something from time to time. You just need to learn how to manage these distractions and make sure you can still focus on the things that are important to you.” Orion said with a smile. “Basically, it’s all about finding your focus and balance.”
“Are you saying balance and focus are always the answer…?” You raised an eyebrow.
“In a sense, yes. I think they are quite helpful to keep things in order and make someone at ease.”
  “Anyways, we haven’t talked a lot this year, Y/N.” Orion pointed out.
You blinked a little again, feeling confused again. “What do you mean? We talk every Quidditch practice.”
“I meant as your friend, not your Quidditch Captain.” He gave you a serious look. “I know you have been busy with other things like the Cursed Vaults, but you haven’t been talking about how you are feeling. Your mental wellbeing is just as important as your physical wellbeing.”
“I’m fine, Orion. I’m just busy, that’s all…”
Orion didn’t seem to believe you, but didn’t say anything about it. The rest of the walk to the Common Room was quiet. You knew you weren’t telling him the truth, but what would he do with the information you give him? It’s not like he could just change everything. This year was just stressful and you would just have to figure out how to manage it.
When you both reached the Common Room, you were ready to immediately go to your dormitory. Before you could go, Orion grabbed your hand.
“You can talk to me if you feel like it, Y/N.” He said honestly. “Also, get some good rest, okay?”
You nodded to him, giving him a small smile before you headed to your bed.
“It’s time for one of the most important matches of the year! The Y/H team versus the O/H team! Definitely a 93.3% chance of edge-of-your-seat excitement!” McNully’s voice was heard throughout the Quidditch Pitch. You could hear the excitement in his voice, knowing he was rooting for your team. “Madam Hooch is about to kick off the match. Both teams look eager to get underway.”
Madam Hooch walked onto the field and looked at both teams. “I want a nice, clean game from all of you.” She said before the trunk opened and the balls flew out of it.
“The Bludgers are up, followed by the Golden Snitch.” McNully said before Madam Hooch threw the Quaffle in the air. “And the game begins!”
You, Skye and Orion were ready to get the Quaffle before the other Chaser would get their hands on it.  You just hoped you would keep your head in the game. You managed to get a good night rest, but you couldn’t really control your thoughts that well. Especially when more and more students were getting trapped in the Portraits.
“Y/N Y/L/N has the Quaffle, will she score?” McNully said when you caught the Quaffle.
You dodged some of the other players and then you scored.
“10 points for Y/H!” McNully said excitedly. This meant your team was in lead right now.
  If looks could kill someone, Erika Rath would probably have killed you with that glare she gave you. Luckily, you didn’t have to look at her face for too long. Your teammates were giving you smiles and some thumbs up. If things are going right the rest of the match, your team might win.
You quickly had to focus on getting the Quaffle again, so you, Orion or Skye could score again. It was only the beginning of the game; a lot of things could change throughout the game. You couldn’t afford thinking about anything else besides the match, because it was way too intense and you would make mistakes if you did. Things were going fast and you needed to think fast if you wanted to have a shot. After a few years of playing, you definitely realised that.
You definitely were saved a couple of times by the Beaters of your team. They definitely had to work hard with Rath out there. Rath might not always play too nice, but she definitely wasn’t a bad Beater. She just happens to hit Bludgers well enough to seriously injure other players from time to time.
  Skye flew next to you. “Keep an eye on Rath. She doesn’t seem too happy about our team being in the lead.” She told you seriously.
“I have noticed that.” You told her, before you both were trying to get the Quaffle out of the hands of the O/H Chasers. It definitely wasn’t an easy match. You just hoped no one of the team would get injured, because it would definitely would lower the chances of your team winning the match. Unless the Seeker of your team would catch the Snitch soon.
“Skye Parkin has the Quaffle and she passes it to Y/N Y/L/N….” McNully commentated on what was happening now.
You once again had the Quaffle in your position and then you passed it to Orion, who seemed to be in a better position to score.
“Y/N Y/L/N passes it to Captain Orion Amari.” McNully said, sounding a bit excitedly.
You definitely felt confident Orion would score another 10 points. You kept your eyes on Orion, always enjoying to watch him fly so smoothly to the goals.
“Watch out!”
You turned your head when you heard Skye warning you, but you were too late to do anything. A Bludger hit your shoulder, making you lose your balance. You fell from your broom, losing your conscious when you hit the ground.
You slowly opened your eyes, knowing you passed out during the match. You were certain you were in the Hospital Wing, like most players who got injured during their Quidditch matches.
“Finally, I was wondering how much longer you would be out.” Skye said with a grin.
“She did make quite a fall, Skye…” Penny said honestly and then she gave you a concerned look. “Are you feeling a little okay? How is your shoulder?”
Oh, that’s right. The Bludger hit your shoulder. You flinched when you slightly moved your shoulder. “Just… Peachy…” You said, gritting your teeth a bit, to prevent your self from yelling in pain.
“Madam Pomfrey will probably ask you to take a Potion to mend your bones.” Skye said with a small smile. “It tastes awful, but it’s a lot better than a Skele-Gro potion.”
“Skye, I don’t think that will make Y/N feel better…” Penny said softly.
“Ah, relax Penny. Y/N is used to me talking like this.” Skye winked. “Besides, she has had Bludger against her face before. Injuries happen during Quidditch and I think Rath could have injured her a lot worse if she had been in a better position.”
“Skye is right, she has injured people a lot worse.” You told Penny honestly.
  “You were doing pretty well during the match, Y/N.” McNully said with a smile. “The chances you had during the match were pretty high. I think about 93.3%. Too bad you only had like 3.3% chance to dodge the Bludger Erika Rath sent your way.”
“Yeah, I don’t think you would have been able to dodge that one. I mean, you just passed the Quaffle to Orion and Rath had hit the Bludger in your direction a second after you passed the Quaffle.” Skye said honestly. “Although, you probably should have kept a better eye on Rath when you played the Quaffle to Orion.”
“Don’t be too hard on her, Skye. She did well.” Orion said with a smile. “I mean, we still won the match.”
“Oh, that’s good!” You said excitedly, although you regretted it a second later. You winced, feeling your shoulder again.
Madam Pomfrey quickly hurried over to you and asked everyone to get out of the Hospital Wing for now. “Miss Y/L/N will be able to head before you know it.”
You noticed Orion gave you a sweet smile and a wink before they headed out of the Hospital Wing, making you wonder what that was about.
  Madam Pomfrey performed a couple more tests and then she gave you some potions that would make you feel better. You would have to wait and rest a couple of hours in the Hospital Wing before you were allowed to leave again. Waiting to leave the Hospital Wing made you wonder about some things. Why did Orion just wink at you? And why were you staring at him when you passed the Quaffle at him? Sure, you liked watching Orion play, but did you ever stare like that at him before? Also, you were certain he has never winked at you before either. It was pretty confusing…
All this thinking about Orion almost made you forget about the Vaults and everything else. Perhaps it was one of Orion’s techniques to keep your head in the game? He asked you to focus during the game so you would keep your balance. You still did think about the Portrait Curse, but it was less than during your practice and Quidditch Friendly. Also, it didn’t explain why you seemed to be distracted by your own Quidditch Captain and friend… There must have been something you overlooked.
Late in the afternoon, you were free to leave the Hospital Wing again. Your shoulder was feeling slightly sore, but it wasn’t broken anymore. Madam Pomfrey asked you to be a little careful with your shoulder for at least a day. You supposed that would be fine, because you wouldn’t have a Quidditch Practice soon.
As soon as you walked out of the Hospital Wing, you were startled again. “Hello, Y/N.”
“Orion, are you trying to startle me on purpose?” You said when you turned to him.
“Not really, but you are easily startled when you are thinking so deeply.” He said with a grin. “I can almost see the thoughts that are crossing your mind.”
“You just happen to find me whenever I am thinking a lot, Orion.” You rolled your eyes with a small grin.
“I suppose that is true. But maybe that’s a good thing.”
You blinked a bit. “Why would that be a good thing?”
“It might prevent you from overthinking things, Y/N.” He said honestly. “I’m not saying thinking deeply about things are a bad thing, but you tend to think a lot of things and be pretty stressed about it.”
“Well, not everyone can be as relaxed as you are, Orion.” You said with a sigh.
  Orion chuckled softly. Did you say something stupid? Why was he laughing? Oh Merlin, you probably said something stupid…
“It’s not like I am never stressed about something, Y/N. I just have found a good way to deal with it.” He said with a sweet smile. “There is no need for you to look so embarrassed.”
Embarrassed? Did you look embarrassed?
“Your cheeks, they are red.”
You put your hands on your cheeks, feeling they were indeed warm. You were like an open book, your face definitely showed everyone what you were thinking.
“It kind of suits you, Y/N.” He said with another smile. “It makes you look pretty cute.”
Cute?! Did he just say blushing makes you look cute?
“Why are you so surprised? I mean, you are pretty cute in general.” Orion grinned.
You were still blushing and then you rolled your eyes. “Very funny, Orion. I almost fell for your words.”
“You don’t believe what I said?”
You gave Orion a look like you were saying ‘are you serious?’ “Of course not. I���m basically the opposite of cute. Who would think someone who is busy with solving the Mysteries around the Cursed Vaults is cute? If anything, you must think I am a complete lunatic!”
  “I suppose that means I am a complete lunatic as well.” Orion said seriously.
You shook your head. “No, you are not.”
“Well, I must be one if the person I fancy is a complete lunatic.” Orion said with a grin.
“Excuse me… Did you say you fancy me?” You asked him looking even more surprised.
“What else could I have meant, Y/N?”
Your face became flushed and you just stared at him.
“So, it is possible for your cheeks and face to look even more red.” Orion grinned.
You began hiding your face against your hands. “Shut up…” You muttered.
“Does this mean you fancy me too, Y/N? Or do I have to prove it to you I actually fancy you?” Orion definitely sounded amused.
“Knowing you, I think you are actually being serious right now…” You said, still hiding your face.
Orion laughed softly and then he gently wrapped his arms around you. “You seem to get it right now.”
You took a deep breath and then you wrapped your arms around him too, relaxing slightly.
“That’s better, there is no need to be so tense and embarrassed around me.” He chuckled.
  You slowly looked up at him and pouted. “I wouldn’t be so embarrassed and tense if you didn’t keep surprising me like this…”
“I can’t help the fact you are surprised so easily by my words.” Orion laughed softly. “I don’t know whether to feel flattered or not.”
“That’s up to you.” You said with a grin.
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delicrieux · 5 years
Hi! How are you doing? I'd like to ask a Charlie x Slytherin!reader where some Gryffindors are being an ass with her and she stands up for herself with Charlie helping. Something like that. Cause I'm tired of the whole Slytherin=bad and Gryffindor=good. Thank you so much! Take care ♡
HALLOWEENWRITING CHALLENGE!🎃day 14, word(s): pumpkinsa/n: i said i dont write for hogwarts mystery anymore but i’ll make a few exceptions
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The deep green colours of your house always stand in anunfavorable light to anyone else, and this is how, you assume, the trend ofpainting all Slytherins as sly villains came to be. That, and, of course, theobvious history of the house. Though you know many of your housemates who are as hardworking and kind as Hufflepuffs, energetic and brave as Gryffindors,artistic and quick witted as Ravenclaws, and every other trait among them(awkward and shy included). Though what sets Slytherin apart is the pure wantof things, the cunning edge, the strive to succeed because Slytherin studentsknow what they want and how to get it and most of all have the unwaveringconfidence that they can and will achieve what they desire.
Some students can be real assholes about this mentality,though. Especially Gryffindors when they get too cocky.
October at Hogwarts is always the prettiest: tall red-orangetrees, golden hills, warm sweaters, and the scent of cinnamon-apple andfirewood. There’s hot chocolate served every time of day and roastedmarshmallows are a must. The halls are decorated with pumpkins and prettyleaves and candles flicker mysteriously as the days grow shorter and HallowsEve approaches.
You stand in one of such hallways with your books spread ina messy half-circle around you as if dispersed suddenly. And they had been.They had been knocked out your hands by a group of Gryffindors you only knowsparingly: you’ve seen them at dinner, heard them screaming cheers and jeersalike during Quidditch, and you have noted them full of curiosity during Transfiguration. Though their names you failed to remember, but their faces stuck in memory and now shall sting with their proud, mocking smiles.
The Leader of their little goblin army is speaking somethingthough you pay no attention to it as you pick your books. Anger burns on yourcheeks, in the back of your throat, bubbles in the pit of your stomach. Theyhad, in an attempt of a prank, pretended to be ghosts, roaming around thecastle with white sheets over their bodies that they stole from their dormitory.And they had jumped out suddenly with screech of “Boo!’ and slammed your books to the floor. You merely jerked, more surprised than frightened. You had seen far more horrifying things on your journeys to find the Vaults.
“Oi, what’s–(Name), are you okay?” Charlie’s voice cuts thegiggles as he approaches; you merely give him an annoyed look, while the Leader gives him a joyful grin.
“Hey, Weasley!” He greets, amiably, “We’re just playingpranks on some students but some can’t take a joke.”
“The only joke here is you and your little squadron so ifyou want to pursue comedy after graduating I’d suggest to keep your mouth shutand your limbs to yourself. Just standing in front of a crowd will to thetrick, trust me.” You bark back, finally done collecting your stuff from theground.
“No one asked you, snake.” A girl hisses.
“Guys, seriously, stop it.” Charlie intervenes just astensions run high again. He gives you an apologetic look, “(Name)’s solid,really.”
The Leader looks at him as if he’s grown two heads, “Mate,seriously, she’s a–”
“Nice girl.” Charlie finishes for him. Wordlessly, he takesthe books weighing your hands down, “Come on, let’s go. They’re just playingaround, really.”
Now, pettiness is not a pretty trait to have but vindicationfeels too good to be passed up on and so instead of taking the high road youtake out your wand and point it directly at the Leader, “Don’t think a ghost isfitting for your stand up show.” You say with a smile, muttering a spell underyour breath and soon his face dyes with vibrant blue and red clown paint,“There we go.” You nod approvingly, “Much better. Have fun now.”
Charlie gapes, as do the rest. You trot away, satisfied.
the end.
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benscursedkid · 5 years
ben copper x mc!reader
a/n: for hphm fictober day one. the theme was courage (i am going by inktober day themes tho simply bc i felt it would be easier for me) so this happened! i hope the length isn’t a problem but i just quickly wrote this up in between study sessions which i now have to return to so i’m sorry it’s so late!! :((
*also: i will try to do a different character everyday with a gender neutral mc!*
*keep in mind this is extremely unedited and does not precisely follow the in-game script!!*
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The breeze tickled the back of his neck, pressing chaste kisses to the skin there as he twiddled his thumbs. His heart was beating so loudly in his chest he could hear it pulsing in his ears and his face felt hot. His bottom lip remained trapped between his teeth as he paced back and forth, waiting for you to arrive.
This was a bad idea.
He knew it the second he heard your feet scrape across the ground, his eyes meeting yours. In his defense, it never really seemed like the best idea to begin with, but he’d decided he had already wasted enough time worrying over it.
The worst you could say was “no”, he knew this, but as you began to near him he realized that that’s a really scary thing to hear.
“Hi, Ben,” You say once you reach him, trying hard to ignore the fluttering of your own heart, unbeknownst to your friend before you. “I’m glad you were able to meet me here.”
The blonde just nods, doing his best to act nonchalant— and failing miserably. “Me, too. There’s actually, uhm..” He swallows, forcing the words past his teeth with a grain of salt. “..something I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Oh,” You blink, not having expected this from him. Idly, you wonder what it could be. “Uh, me, too, actually.”
“You can go first if you’d like.”
“It’s okay, it can wait.”
Nodding again, more to himself now than you, he rubs the back of his neck. “Okay, well.. I was just wondering what you’re doing for the ball. You know, if you had found someone to go with yet.”
Your lips tug downward instinctually, reminding you of the fact that if this goes south, you’ll really have no one to accompany you. Not to mention make a fool of yourself...
“No,” You lament, a sigh flying past your lips. “Not yet, but.. hopefully soon.”
Of course you had a plan, someone already in mind. He should’ve known it wouldn’t be too hard for you to find a date. Save for the few first years afraid of the notorious ‘hogwarts curse breaker’, almost anyone in the school would jump at the chance to take you. Why would you want him when you could have anyone?
“What about you?” He hears you say, snapping him back from his self-deprecating thoughts. You stare at him, inquisitive and sincere. Were it anyone else he’d be shocked, but he’s used to your kindness by now. “Anyone pique your fancy?”
His face heats up and he’s sure his cheeks are pink now. “Well, actually that’s what I wanted to talk to you about..”
Your heart catches in your throat. Could it be... it couldn’t, right?
You nod for him to continue and he takes a deep breath, gathering all of his courage. He steadies himself before a spew of words fall from his mouth in a hurried jumble. “I’m terrified to do this but— you wouldn’t want to go to the celestial ball with me would you?”
He winces, preparing for the painful impact of rejection, the fateful blow of unrequited feelings... but it doesn’t come.
Cracking a single eye open, he chances a peek at your face, only to find the widest, most lopsided grin he’s ever seen setting prettily on your face. Your cheeks glow with a rosy hue and he swears it’s unfair, just how endearing the small action is.
“I’d love to be your date, Ben,” Is what floats merrily to his hears, the sound melodious and soft like sugar.
Now it’s his turn to grin, the curve of his lips nearly splitting his face in half. A breath of relief escapes him and sunddenly his shoulders feel a little lighter and perhaps the stars in his eyes a little brighter, too.
Without being able to stop yourself, you close the remaining short distance between you and press a chaste kiss to his cheek. Your own begin to burn the second you realize what you’ve done, but seeing the look on his face was definitely worth it.
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Your date goes perfectly, beyond perfect even, but of course it would with you by his side. Even once he’s changed out of his fancy clothes and slithered into his bed to dream about the night he had— a dream come true in its own right —he can’t believe he was able to ask you. Who knew all it took was a little courage to go so far?
Who knew he had it in him?
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spaceacealyx · 5 years
Let’s Get Down to Business
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HPHM fic/inktober day: 1. Courage
Words: 230
Summary: Sam’s conversation with Diego before their duel with a troll.
I’ve had this written for a little while since I had planned out all of October before @hphm-fictober posted their prompt list so I’m using the prompts from @hphminktober-2019 ‘s list, which you can find here.
“I can’t do this without you, Diego.”
Fighting a troll? Is he mad? Diego looks Samuel in the eye, worry clear on his face, but Sam just stares back, eyes full of determination.
Diego sighs. “You said this was to save Beatrice and the others, yes?”
Sam nods, no hint of jest or joke.
“Then yes, I will help. Even if I think this is a terrible idea…”
Samuel’s face lights up with a smile. “Thank you, Diego. I knew I could count on you.”
While Diego is still terribly reluctant about the entire “fighting a troll thing, Sam seemed so sure of himself, it was hard to disagree with him.
 Diego is late getting to the meetup point. The troll is impossibly big and impossibly destructive. He hesitates. This is a really bad idea.
Sam is directing students away from the beast when Diego spots him. “Are you ready, mi amigo?”
Sam glances at him. “You know what to do.”
Diego watches him pull out his wand and move to block the troll with his own body from going after the students.
For a moment, Diego forgets that Sam is a sweet little Ravenclaw that stays in the hospital wing to help Madam Pomfrey and makes baked goods for his friends. His expression is fierce and determined, and it sends chills down Diego’s spine.
“Well… here goes nothing…”
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shinyrockalaska · 5 years
True amortentia
Fictober day 11- "potions"
Summary: MC always wanted to learn this potion, to discover who is their crush. But what if they don't have a crush?
Ft. AroAce MC :D
Word count: 1k
You've waited for this day ever since hearing about it somewhere in your fourth year. It was probably the first time ever you were excited for potion class. It was stupid, but you truly believed that this class will help you find the truth. It did, actually. But it wasn't the truth you wanted.
Most people hated this potion lesson, amortentia. It was an embarrassing lesson for everyone, where Snape humiliated everyone by forcing them to say out loud what they smell. And he always knew if someone was lying.
But for you, it was the day you might finally be normal.
It wasn't always like that. When you were young no one excepted you to date anyone, of course. You were able to be silly and happy and love whatever and whoever you wanted. It's all just innocent and meaningless when you're a kid. But then puberty came and changed the rules. Boys and girls started to chase one another, looking for a significant other, like they were some kind of a prize to be won. They were all acting like idiots. Everyone, including your friends, started to get crushes and go on dates but you just never seemed to catch up to them. People tried to ask you out a few times, of course, but you had to decline all of their offers. They all asked why don't you have a significant other and you always said "I'm just more focused on studying/finding my brother/breaking the curse", but what you really wanted to say was "I don't know. I'm just not interested".
You couldn't help but feel like something might be wrong with you. All the adults you've known kept on saying on how're you going to be a great partner to your future husband/wife but you just couldn't see it. You thought maybe a healer would know how to change this, but madam Pomfrey, like everyone else, kept on saying that it's probably just a phase and you'll be a great parent to your kids in your future family.
The longer people kept on rambling about crushes, the more you were convinced that there is probably someone you like too, and just didn't knew yet. that's why you were excited to learn amortentia. To find out who you like.
Out of all your friends there was definitely some you could've pictured yourself living with. But did you really liked them? Now it was the time to find out.
As you put the last ingredient in the potion you couldn't help but smile. Now is the moment to find out the truth!
"Y/L/N, can you tell me what you smell?" Snape asked you, with a devilish smile.
You leaned in to smell the potion but were confused. "Well?"
"I- I think my potion don't work, I don't smell anything, maybe I messed it up ju-"
"How typical of you" Snape frowned, "Khanna, do you smell anything?"
"Yes professor", you heard them say as they leaned into the potion you both made. "It smells like new books, trees after the rain and uh-" they blushed and added quietly, "old papers and grass." well, it was no secret Rowan fancied Bill since forever.
"I swear it doesn't smell like anything to me!" You panicked, "there must be something wrong with the potion I-"
"Khanna smelled it, there must be something wrong with you then" you could hear Merula's voice from the other table. It was true, thought. Even cold hearted people like Ismelda and merula got crushes. You yourself helped Ismelda with her crush on Barnaby, and you knew Merula fancy your brother, so why can't your stupid heart-body-mind DO SOMETHING?
Some people started to laugh and you couldn't take it anymore. You were so disappointed to find out that the truth is you really don't like anybody, that you just run out of the class.
Outside in the hallways you accidentally bumped into someone, who happened to be Jae Kim who just got out of detention in the kitchens.
"Hey are you okay?" He asked, "aren't you supposed to be in class?"
"Where do you think I've got from?" You asked, annoyed.
"Potion class, ha?" He asked, "must've been amortetnia, right?"
You were surprised he guessed it so easily. "By your expression I guess I'm correct." He continued, "Yeah, people tend to leave this class early. Was it too embarrassing to reveal who your crush is?" He asked, only making you more emotional.
"If you must know" you said while rubbing your still teary eyes, "I don't have a crush. That's why I run out". he raised his eyebrow, "seriously? Why would you run then?"
"Because," you were surprised he didn't understand, "I'm a monster!"
"You literally help everyone, give your everything to strangers how does this makes you a monster? Not to like anyone romantically or sexually?" He wondered, but you continued. "I don't know Jae, but something is obviously wrong with me. Maybe I'm broken or numb or-" you breathed, "I don't know. Everyone around me seem so interested in sex and dating and I don't get it and I don't understand why I don't feel it and why my stupid amortentia smelled like nothing!"
"You don't have to be like everybody, though" Jae seemed to be chill about the situation you put him in, "you're yourself, and you're a very kind and loving person. You need to accept yourself, that's all. That's your amortentia."
"How do you know all that?" You asked, confused, as he shrugged. "I also don't like anyone. My amortentia smelled like myself"
"Didn't you felt like a narcissist, to tell the entire class you smell yourself in your amortentia?"
He shrugged again, "not really. I'm not ashamed of myself. You shouldn't be either." He smiled at you and you finally calmed down. There's nothing wrong with you. And you weren't alone. You smiled as you answered, "Wow, I never realized that I'm probably not the only one who feels this way, I- thank you Jae. For showing me the truth."
It's was like a new world. You suddenly understood that you did discovered something in this lesson. Not your crush, but your true self. Your amortentia.
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hphm-fictober · 4 years
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30 Day OTP+ Alphabet Challenge
HPHM Fictober 2019 
HPHM Inktober 2019 
HPHM Fictober/Inktober Prompts 
HPHM Fictober Prompts 
HPHM Fictober Halloween Special Prompts 
Hogwarts Mystery Inktober
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From Paris, with Love
A/N #1: Part 7 of my Celestial Ball series is here! In this fic, we meet Alice’s french grandmother and learn a bit more about her family... Anyway, here are the other parts of the series: You’ve Got a Friend in Me | Distraction | Something There | One Step Closer | Fashion Emergency | Get Your Head in the Game | Der Walzer von Alice | Of Quidditch and Ballgowns (there’s a sketch of the dress at the end of that fic) 
The Celestial Ball was fast approaching and Alice had yet to see her gown. Andre had taken her measurements a few days after they had selected the style, and she knew he was working on it, based on the plasters that were appearing on his fingers as the days went by. She also knew he had already made Charlie’s dress robes, as Charlie’s excitement was apparent during one of their dance rehearsals.
“You’ll see it on the day of the ball, but I’ll give you a hint so you can imagine how amazing it is: Dragons!” he had said as they waltzed with the other prefects.
Alice was pretty sure he was more excited about the dragon part of his robes than the robes themselves. Lost in those thoughts as she watched the first snow falling from a window in the common room, she didn’t hear Andre barging in and coming towards her. 
“Alice!” he exclaimed, standing right next to her.
“What?!” she said, turning her head towards him, her eyes wide in shock.
“Your dress is ready!”
“Really? Can I see it?” asked Alice, excited.
“Well, of course. We need to choose your accessories!” said Andre as he dragged her out of the common room.
“Accessories? I don’t think I brought many with me… Unless you put some in my trunk without my knowledge…” replied Alice, looking at her friend suspiciously.
“No, of course, I didn’t. I didn’t know there was going to be a ball. No… I invited someone over to help us with that,” replied Andre, looking away.
“Invited someone here? At Hogwarts? Was Dumbledore okay with that?”
“Well, seems like they know each other, so yeah, he was fine with it,” he replied as they stopped in front of a door.
“Who the hell does Dumbledore know that could help with accessories?” asked Alice as she opened the door. The person she saw inside the room made her stop dead in her tracks. 
That person was a tall and slender elderly woman with regal beauty. Her white hair was in a French twist, and she was wearing a navy Chanel skirt suit. When her piercing blue eyes met Alice’s green ones, a small smile appeared on her lips.
“Alice, ma chérie!” she said as she approached Alice before giving her two kisses on each cheek. 
“Grand-maman?” said Alice, too startled to reciprocate the bise as she stared at Andre.
“Yeah, well, I wrote to your mother regarding pieces of jewelry to go with the dress, but the letter I got back was from your French grandmother…” started explaining Andre while fidgeting with his hands. “She told me she would come to Hogwarts with a selection of jewelry we could choose from.”
“Albus was so nice to let me come! He hasn’t changed at all! I will go have tea with him while you two choose what you need! But before I go, Alice, j’ai quelquechose pour toi,” said her grandmother as she opened up a little box. Inside was a tiara adorned with stars and celestial waves. Strings were attached to it to fasten it to the wearer’s head.
“Une tiare?” said Alice, slightly frowning.
“Oui, bon, ça peut l’être, but you can wear as a headband or at ze back of your head. I asked my… hum… how do you say ‘joaillier’… Jeweller! Yes, well, I asked him to make something versatile zat could be worn in different ways because my granddaughter does not like wearing classic tiaras.”
“Wait! You had this made especially for the occasion? It’s too much, I can’t…” started saying Alice before being interrupted by Andre.
“It will look amazing with the dress!” he exclaimed.
“Andre…” muttered Alice, trying to get him to calm down, in vain.
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“I know! When I saw the sketches you had sent my daughter-in-law, I knew my favourite jeweller would be able to create something wonderful!”
“Sketches?” asked Alice, looking at Andre with a raised eyebrow. “Plural?”
“Yes, I also sent a sketch of the shoes I made,” explained Andre.
“Shoes? You made shoes?” 
“Didn’t I tell you? Guess I forgot. Anyway, thank you so much Mrs. Beaumont!”
“Please, it was no problem at all! Now, I will leave you to it while I go see Albus,” she said, waving as she left the room.
“I can’t believe she knows Dumbledore… Then again, I shouldn’t be surprised,” said Alice as she stared at the now-closed doors. 
“How come?” asked Andre as he started opening the jewelry cases.
“Well, Dumbledore knows a lot of people, and so does my grandmother,” said Alice turning toward the jewelry.
“Oh, Merlin!” exclaimed Andre as he looked, wide-eyed, upon all the glittering pieces of jewelry laid out in front of him.
“Honestly, that’s just showing off,” grumbled Alice as she looked on, rolling her eyes.
“I’m sure she just wants you to have as much to choose from,” said Andre, who was already covered in jewelry.
“Maybe, but she likes to remind people of who she is,” said Alice as she took a pair of very small crescent moon stud earrings covered with white pavé diamonds and set it aside.
“She likes people to know she’s a Beaumont?” asked Andre, admiring the rings on his fingers.
“Not exactly… The Beaumonts are a very reputable family in France, but…” she started saying, before pursing her lips. “Anyway,” she interrupted herself, “you haven’t shown me my dress or my shoes yet. How am I supposed to make a decision if I don’t see what I’m going to wear?”
“Oh! You’re right!” Andre said, getting up from the table he was sitting up. Pushing a screen to the side, he revealed the dress and the shoes.
“Oh, Andre! It’s simply gorgeous!” said Alice as she looked at the dress and shoes. 
The sleeveless dress was covered in sparkles, except for the black shoulder straps. From the waist, it was a dark blue, and the blue got lighter as it got closer to the edge of the dress. From the waist up, the material was very thin, making the blue of it appear very light against the nude lining of the bodice. There was a little bit of tulle under the skirt to give it some volume, but not too much. The shoes were high-heeled sandals with butterfly wings at the back. They were in sparkling silver and navy blue, with a cross ankle strap and glittering stars.
“So… You like it?” asked Andre as Alice touched the skirt of her dress.
“Like it? I love it! It goes with the theme, but not in an ostentatious manner!” replied Alice.
“I’m so glad you like it,” said Andre, smiling. “Now, let’s go back to the jewelry and you can tell me everything about your grandmother.”
“Ugh… Do I have to?” asked Alice, making her way back to the jewelry case.
“Well, I’m intrigued. Such a stylish and regal woman, and it doesn’t have to do with the Beaumonts, but, I’m guessing, her side of the family,” said Andre, taking out a diamond bangle with moons and stars, and putting it with the earrings Alice had put aside.
Alice let out a sigh. “Fine… Before being Aurore Beaumont, she was born Aurore Valois, from the Capetian dynasty.”
“Is that supposed to ring a bell?” asked Andre, raising an eyebrow.
“Outside of France, probably not. In France, the Capetian dynasty is also known as the House of France. Starting with Hugues Capet, a King of France in the 10th century. All the Kings of France after that were his descendants. All the way down to Louis-Phillipe 1er. Technically, the Valois branch was considered extinct in 1589 and was succeeded by the Bourbons. But that’s on the Muggle side of the family. On the wizard branch, the Valois kept going. The first wizard of that line may not be entirely legitimate, but that didn’t seem to matter at the time. So they managed to maintain a certain level of influence in the wizarding world as well as in the Muggle world. In the Muggle world, they are seen as just vaguely being related to the House of France, but even that is enough to impress. France may be a Republic, but they do treat descendants of French noble families with deference,” explained Alice, looking at a necklace paved with diamonds in white gold. “Boucheron, of course,” she mumbled as she looked at the clasp, putting it with the earrings and the bracelet.
“Wow… That’s… detailed,” said Andre, staring at his friend.
“Yes, well, I have heard the story many times, and believe me, that was a summary. All this to say, my grandmother can be a bit of a showoff. She won’t say it, because it is just vulgar to do so, but she will make people feel how important she is.”
“Is that why you never told us? Because it’s vulgar?” asked Andre, smirking.
“What? Of course not. By now, you should know it’s not something I care about,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Honestly, I kinda regret muttering about my grandmother. If I hadn’t said anything, you wouldn’t have asked anything, and you would be none the wiser.”
“Oh, even without your mumbling, I would’ve asked questions. Like, why is she wearing Muggle clothes? Why didn’t you tell me you had such a stylish grandma? Can I come with you next time you visit your French family?”
“Yeah… Figures. She wears Muggle clothes because she likes them. She personally knew Coco Chanel and Christian Dior. I didn’t tell you because, why would I? And I guess you can come with me next time I go to France, though I don’t see why,” answered Alice, smirking as she rolled her eyes. Andre could be so predictable sometimes, hence why seeing her grandmother had shocked her. She knew that Andre would be curious about her, would want to know more about her. It was better if he asked his questions in an empty classroom than in a room full of other people that might ask questions themselves. “Now that I’ve answered your questions, you have to promise me to not breathe a word about it. It’s bad enough that people stare at me because I’m the ‘Curse-Breaker,’ let’s not add ‘French Royalty’ to the mix. I definitely don’t want Charlie to act even more strangely around me.”
Andre stopped what he was doing and stared at her. Was she on the verge of realizing her feelings for Charlie Weasley?
“I mean, ever since he saw my house in London, he’s been acting strange, as if the fact my family is well-off disturbed him. I’m pretty sure that if he hadn’t seen my house, he would have asked me to the ball way sooner. We are friends and prefects, after all, so it was the logical thing to do, but took him so long to ask me, I was on the verge of doing it myself!” exclaimed Alice.
“So… You would have asked him to the ball if he hadn’t? You wouldn’t have asked someone else, like, say… Barnaby?” asked Andre, doing his best to hide his smile.
“Barnaby? Well, if Charlie had asked someone else, then I would have asked Barnaby, but he’s not a prefect, he doesn’t NEED someone to dance with. Charlie and I were in the same predicament, so it just made sense to go together.”
“Yeah, but if none of you were prefects, who would you have asked to the ball?” probed Andre.
“No one. I would just have gone to the ball with all my friends,” said Alice as she started to close the jewelry cases.
“Ugh… You are hopeless,” muttered Andre.
“What did you say?” asked Alice, closing the last jewelry case.
“Nothing, nothing…” replied Andre just as Alice’s grandmother entered the room.
“So, you have found everyzing zat you needed?” she asked, looking at the closed cases.
“Yes, thank you. Very nice of you to come all this way,” said Alice with a stiff smile plastered on her face.
“As I said, it was no problem at all. Gave me a chance to catch up with Albus. He told me very interesting zings about you,” her grandmother replied. With a flick of her wand, all the cases floated towards her open purse and got inside it.
“I can imagine…” grumbled Alice.
“I was also very happy to see you,” she said, kissing her granddaughter’s forehead. “You haven’t visited Paris nor Sarrians in a while. You should come next summer.”
“Sure…” replied Alice.
“Andre, it was a pleasure meeting you,” said Aurore, turning to the other Ravenclaw. “I’m sure you will be a great fashion designer one day.”
“Oh! Thanks, but I actually want to be a Quidditch player,” replied Andre proudly.
“Really?” replied the elderly lady as she looked back at the dress. “Quel gaspillage… Oh, well, I hope you enjoy the ball. Au revoir!”
After she had left, Alice started placing the jewelry they had chosen in a little velvet pouch until Andre suddenly realized something. “We forgot to choose a ring!”
“I have one,” said Alice, unperturbed as she tightened the strings of the little pouch.
“You picked one? I didn’t see it,” pointed out Andre, rubbing his chin.
“Already had it. A white gold eternity ring with blue coloured stones. Parents gave it to me after I was sorted into Ravenclaw,” explained Alice as they left the room. 
“Are you sure it’s going to work with everything else?” asked Andre.
“It will,” replied Alice as they stood at the entrance of the Great Hall and could see their friends eating and happily chatting. “Now, remember what I told you. Not a word about my grandmother or her background to anyone, or your chance of ever coming to Paris with me will be null.”
“An empty threat. You didn’t look like you wanted to go visit your grandparents in France,” pointed out Andre.
“Well, maybe I’ll change my mind, especially if I know it’s something I can hold over your head,” said Alice, a sly smile appearing on her face as she made her way toward her friends.
“There are days when I think she should be in Slytherin…” mumbled Andre to himself before following her inside.
A/N #2: Hope you enjoyed. I was loosely inspired by the 2018 HPHM Fictober prompt “First Snow” (loosely as in “the story does not revolve around it, but that prompt led me to write this fic”). So the main fic of the series is approaching... Which means I’ll have to write a ball scene with dancing and everything. If anyone has tips on how to write a ball scene, let me know. (I may have looked at the various ball scenes in War & Peace...)
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cursed-ice-queen · 4 years
@hphm-fictober Day 4: Desire
Megan tripped over her feet as Rowan continued to pull her down the corridor. “Come on!” she was saying. “We’re so close!”
Rowan had run into their dormitory just a few minutes ago, saying that she found something incredible and that Megan had to see it immediately. She wouldn’t tell Megan what it was, but told her repeatedly that it was well worth getting in trouble for.
It was getting close to curfew now and they were risking detention. That didn’t deter Rowan as she pulled Megan into an empty classroom. Megan looked around the room. Aside from an old mirror there was nothing particularly interesting in there. Rowan pointed to the mirror standing against the wall. “Look into that mirror! And tell me what you see!”
Puzzled, Megan approached the mirror. She stood in front of it but only saw her own reflection.
“I don’t see anything,” she said, “aside from myself.”
“Do you look any different? Any different at all?”
“Stand closer!”
Rowan gently pushed Megan closer to the mirror, and she saw her reflection shuffle closer as well. And then it shifted. In the mirror she saw an impossible sight. Jacob was standing with her. As well as Momma and Nonna. She was also in the mirror, but it wasn’t exactly her. It was her younger self, back in her first year when her hair was shorter. Jacob had his arm around her. He was older than he had been when she last saw him, but not as old as he should be now. He was in his seventh year and in his school robes.
Megan stared into the mirror, transfixed and a little horrified.
“What do you see?” Rowan asked her, bringing her back into reality.
“I...I see my family,” she said slowly. “My whole family. Jacob is with us, and he’s a seventh year. But...it isn’t accurate. He was expelled in his fifth year... And we both look too young. What is this?”
“This is the Mirror of Erised,” Rowan said, the fascination apparent in her voice. “It shows you what you most want in the world.”
“How do you know this?”
“I read about it in an old textbook! It was supposed to be held in Hogwarts; I didn’t expect it to be so unguarded.”
Megan continued to watch the mirror. In it Jacob picked her up and balanced her on his hip like he used to. At 11 she would’ve been too big for him to lift, but that didn’t stop him.
“I can see myself as a grown up,” Rowan said. “I’m the new History of Magic professor and my students look forward to my class so much.”
Megan touched the glass where Jacob’s arm was. So this is what she wanted more than anything...to be a first year and going to Hogwarts with her big brother. The way it was supposed to be...
Rowan took her other hand and squeezed it. “We’ll find him, Megan.”
“I know we will. But that won’t change the fact that I’ve lost all these years with him. That what I want more than anything can never happen. Sometimes... Sometimes you can’t get what you want. No matter how badly you want it.”
Megan let her hand fall away from the glass. “No matter how badly...”
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elefseija · 5 years
HPHM Fictober Day #2: “Moonlight”
Fandom: Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Prompt: “moonlight” Pairing: Barnaby Lee x F!MC Aisling Baskerville Genre: fluff Rating/warnings: general audience, no warnings (i mean, there’s just a kiss)~ Word Count: 960 A/N: WELL, this gives me the chance to write something I was planning on scribble sooner or later OH NO WHAT A PITY 8D beware, fluffiness!!! Once again, welcome on the Barnaby/Aisling train! I swear I’ll stop it and start writing about her interactions with other characters too! (I know this will turn out to be a character study about my Aisling but ehy, this is the first chance I have to write about her properly sooo ;; ) delivered with the lovely HTTYD OST, I suggest you listen to “Forbidden Friendship” as you read this! It delivers the cute, lovely, soft atmosphere and the perfect crescendo -chef kiss- (at least I’m good at finding the perfect inspiring music :c )
«I swear these are the last two and the easiest, and then I’ll set you free~» Aisling softly chuckled, as she rolled onto her back once again, emerald eyes focused on the night sky – a little cloud of condensation escaped from her lips, as she tightened the blanket around her. «So, which constellation is that one?», the girl pointed a finger to a group of seven bright stars. «Orion?» Barnaby tilted his head a tad, as he squinted his eyes. «That’s right, and which is the one underneath Orion?» Aisling’s hand moved a bit, pointing to another group of six stars. «Mh-… the Great Bear!» (Her squeal left Barnaby no room to any doubt) «See? You did great, Barnaby!», she almost shouted as she happily clasped her hand, «I knew you could do it!» All the while, she quickly sat on the stone floor, looking down at the beaming Slytherin, tilting her head just a tad (like a deer listening in the wind, Barnaby would describe her). In silence, she waited for him to move, so they could go back to their dormitories: before she could speak, he just stretched out an arm on the cold pavement, a silent invitation for Aisling to just lie back with him. She did it – unconsciously, naturally. Not that she minded this bit of warmth he could provide. No that she minded staying with him all night long. Shoulder against shoulder, she resumed her lesson – among yawns and a sleepy voice. «You know, my father taught me constellations have different names in other cultures,» she started, as she rested her head against Barnaby’s chest – his thumb would slowly drawing circles on her shoulder, and her hand would lazily caress his chest, so light her grip on his sweater. «For example, in the Viking culture Orion is known as the Friggerock, the distaff of the Goddess Frigga, wife of the Allfather.» Her eyes darted to the constellation once again. «The Great Bear was known as the Hellewagen, the chariot of the Goddess of the Underworld, Hela. She travels through Yggdrasill to reach for the realm of the Dead.» Her arm sneaked again from her blanket and left Barnaby’s sweater – too caught by her own words, she did not even notice she had started to gesticulate. Animatedly. Again. «Oh, oh, and look at that! That’s Ratatosk, the squirrel who loves hoarding acorns and running on the branches, it’s our Cassiopea.» She quickly lifted her hand, pointing to the stars of the constellation. And he laughed (how sweet it sounded!), shaking his head in amusement – focused on the girl next to him and not on the stars above them. (And all the while, he could only think she could be really, really adorable. Stubborn, sometimes even bossy, but adorable, and kind, and sweet – with the most adorable blush on her cheeks and the loveliest voice whenever she tried to shy away) «Well, this one is the cutest.» Barnaby reached for Aisling’s wrist with his free hand (the rings oh so lightly gleamed in the nocturnal light), and slowly lowered it, as he lightly turned to his side – finally catching the attention of the Gryffindor girl, who was now looking at him, a questioning look on her eyes. «I love the way you explain things…», he intertwined their fingers (gently and slowly, as if she were made of glass or as if she could even refuse to touch him), «… you make them sound easier to understand.» His voice was now lower (like a purr) – the sweet tone made Aisling lift her gaze on instinct, just to meet his eyes. (Had they always been so shiny? Or was it just because of the light of the moon?) Quite too close – he was quite too close to her. «Am I?» There it came, a few seconds later, the shy reply – as she felt the heat rising to her cold cheeks. (She did try to ignore it – his gaze and his voice, the ever so light trembling of her fingers and the restlessness). «You surely are.» No more than a soft whisper, a murmur that sent pleasant shivers down her spine. (She did try again to ignore it – the fuzzy feeling pooling in her stomach, so unfamiliar yet welcome.) She forgot how to breath (how to speak, how to think) – she just closed her eyes as she felt Barnaby’s lips meeting hers. They felt warm and soft – as the first time. (And he tasted like the chocolate they had been eating earlier.) There was uncertainty - out of their inexperience, out of Barnaby’s kindness of waiting for her to decide if she wanted it or not. And she did - she gave in. Reluctantly, her hand left the warmth of Barnaby’s skin, slowly followed his arm, rested now on his neck (she felt him twitching just a bit against her cold fingertips). He was definitely bolder: his hand would now run through her hair – his other arm would follow the motion, pulling Aisling closer, flush against him. A gasp – they both pulled away (mere inches). And emerald eyes reflected on emerald eyes: they would not speak (no words were needed), just look at each other (as if the other was everything) – despite the shameful red shade on her cheeks, despite her ragged breath. Aisling’s fingers would reach for his cheek, slowly caressing the soft (warm) skin – near his lips she would stop. She could not help but smile. Without thinking, without realizing it. (Mere inches separated them – and Aisling irrationally thought for a second she could not bear to be away from him.) «You did not really need me to revision Astronomy, did you?» And then he was the one to smile. «Guilty.» He silenced her again before she could protest.
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The Pain Behind His Smile (Fictober day 21 & 22 - Reader x Barnaby Lee)
Masterlist  (To view my Masterlist, visit my Tumblr page)
Words: 2.5k
HPHM Fictober Prompt day 21 & 22: Pain and Smile
Summary: You shouldn’t have done it, but it happened... You couldn’t just turn back what happened and you would have to deal with the consequences. His smile was hiding something... He was in pain, but he never let anyone know. You found out because of the mistake you made... Would he ever trust you again? 
You admired him. He was able to stay so strong and keep up a smile most of the time. You couldn’t really remember him being angry or sad, he just smiled at the world. You wondered how he managed to do something like that, even though things at home weren’t going well… You wished you didn’t peek into his mind, but it was too late to change what is already done.
Legilimency was an art that was meant to be used wisely, yet you decided to peek into someone’s mind without permission. You could tell he has been in pain, but he never shows it to any of us. It happens at home, somewhere you couldn’t help him. You would never have guessed what was going on if you didn’t use your Legilimency to see what was going on in his head. For someone who hides things behind a big smile, his mind wasn’t hard to get through. He acts like everything is fine, but you know better. He might feel happy here, but how could he just repress the bad memories?
If you were going through the things he was going through, you were certain you wouldn’t be smiling. Your home life wasn’t perfect either, but you would just try to repress your emotions. Why wouldn’t you? You cried too much about Jacob’s disappearance when you were younger. You cried when your parents were fighting over it. You just tried not to feel anything, putting on a blank face.
 Some of your friends were able to see through the blank face, knowing it when you were trying to repress your emotions and feelings. So why couldn’t they see it when he was hiding something? Was it because he showed some emotion that seemed to be genuine? Was he playing dumb on purpose to keep others from worrying? He did notice when something was bothering you, so why didn’t you ever see the signs things were bothering him?
Care of Magical Creatures always got him excited. He always talked about them so passionately. He was determined to pass his Care of Magical Creatures O.W.L., although he was doubting his skills. You have tried to cheer him up, telling him you felt confident he would pass his best subject. Maybe Magical Creatures are one of the few things that actually made him happy enough to keep smiling to the rest of the world.
Besides his love for Magical Creatures, he also has a passion for duelling. He would ask you to duel him from time to time. You always accepted the duels, thinking it was good to keep up your duelling skills. No matter if he won or lose, he was happy about you wanting to duel with him. His smile always made you smile too.
  Could you smile ever again whenever you see him smile? Or would you feel like he was hiding his true emotions behind the smile? Was he hiding his pain from you and your friends?
  “What are you thinking about, Y/N?”
You looked up, seeing Rowan was looking a little concerned. They always seemed to know when you were thinking deeply about something.
“Barnaby…” You mumbled.
“You were thinking about Barnaby? Why?” They looked surprised.
“I’m worried about him…”
“Why are you worried about him? Did something happen?”
You sighed and then you frowned lightly. You knew Rowan wouldn’t stop asking you, until you confessed what was bothering you. It might be a little annoying from time to time, but they managed to stop you from bottling your feelings up. “I might have done something I shouldn’t have done, Rowan.”
They frowned a little, but you could tell they didn’t mean to judge you. “What did you do, Y/N?”
“I might have used my Legilimency to peek into his mind without his permission…”
“Might have….?”
“Okay, I did use it for sure… I don’t know why I did it, I just thought he had nothing to hide. He is always so…. So…”
“So excited…?”
“Yes...! I just thought it wouldn’t be a big deal, you know? But I was wrong…”
“…. If you are feeling guilty about it, maybe you should just tell him the truth.”
“I know… I really should, but I’m scared… I never should have peeked into his mind, it’s violation of his privacy… I’m probably the worst friend ever…” You muttered.
  “I don’t think he would think so… But it definitely wasn’t the smartest thing you have done… I mean, it might affect his trust in you when he knows…” Rowan said softly.
“You are right about that… I won’t blame him though, what I did was wrong and he has every right to be angry with me.”
Things were silent between you and Rowan. You only felt worse about the whole situation, but Rowan did encourage you to tell Barnaby about what you did.
“Are you sure you just peeked into your mind without any reason…?” Rowan suddenly asked.
You blinked for a moment. “What?”
“Are you sure you didn’t have a reason why you peeked into his mind? I mean, you probably had some sort of reason why you decided to suddenly use your Legilimency, Y/N.”
Were they right? Did you have a reason why you used your Legilimency? Well… Maybe you did have a reason… Although, you peeked into his mind without really thinking about it…
“Well…? Did you have a reason why you peeked into his mind?”
You began blushing a little. “…I might have had one… And then I used my Legilimency on him without really thinking about it…”
They nodded and raised an eyebrow. “And what reason did you have?”
  “I was thinking a lot about Barnaby… And… I wanted to know if he was thinking about me too…” You mumbled before hiding your face in your hands in embarrassment.
Rowan gasped softly. “Y/N…!”
“I know! It makes it even worse…!”
“I knew you had crush on him, but I never would have thought you would use your Legilimency on him to figure you he might have a crush on you as well…”
“Do you think I would have done it if I had thought about it some more? My head was in the clouds when I did it…!” You muttered, blushing even more. “You probably think I am a bloody idiot…”
Rowan looked a little sorry for you. “It definitely wasn’t the smartest thing you have done… Although, I can relate to not thinking straight when your head is in the clouds… You basically moved without thinking about it…”
“…Are you talking about a certain move you made when Bill was still at Hogwarts…?”
“Yes… I did do something really weird and acted without thinking… I think he was mostly confused about it though.”
“You didn’t really invade his privacy though….”
“No, but I definitely didn’t make things very comfortable for us either…” Rowan said when they rubbed the back of their neck. “Anyways… I just think you should talk to Barnaby and explain why you did it… Besides, you are worried about him, so maybe it would be good for him to talk about it as well… since you know more about it.”
“I suppose so…”
  “Barnaby, wait!”
Barnaby turned around when you called his name and then he looked at you with a smile. “Oh, Y/N. What is up?”
“I was wondering if we could talk… Alone.” You said, noticing some of your friends were looking at you. You could see Andre grinning a bit. You guessed he was thinking you would confess your feelings… Oh boy, if only that was the reason you wanted to speak to Barnaby….
“Sure, we can talk alone. Where do you want to talk?” Barnaby asked.
“How about Jacob’s old study…? No one should be there…”
“All right, sounds good to me.” He gave you another smile, making your heart ache even more.
“Great… Let’s go there now.” You said, leading the way to Jacob’s study.
“Are you feeling okay, Y/N…? You are acting a little odd…”
No, you weren’t feeling okay. You felt awful for doing this. You didn’t want to turn back though. He deserved to know the truth… He needed to know you knew what he knew… “I will tell you once we are there, okay…?”
You could see the confusion spreading over his face. You wouldn’t be surprised if he thought he did something wrong. You felt bad to make feel confused, but talking about this in public would make things worse. You didn’t fully want to betray his trust by talking about something personal…
  Once you both were in Jacob’s old study, you both sat down on the couch that was in the study. The place was still pretty dusty, even though you have occasionally been in here. You tried to clean the place a little, but things get dusty when you don’t go into a room often.
“So, what do you want to talk about, Y/N?” Barnaby asked, looking at you with questioning eyes.
You took a deep breath before you looked into his eyes. “I want to be honest with you…”
“Honest with me…? Haven’t you been honest with me…?” He looked confused.
“Not really….”
You frowned a little, feeling really bad when you saw the disappointed expression crossing over Barnaby’s face. “I did something I shouldn’t have done, Barnaby…. Something I should have asked your permission for…”
He blinked, but didn’t say anything.
“You might hate me for this… but I need to tell you the truth.”
“I don’t think I will hate you for whatever you have done… It can’t be that bad?”
You bit your lip slightly for a moment. “It is pretty bad, Barnaby… I really regret it though… But I don’t think regret is enough for you to forgive me for what happened.”
“Then what did you do? You aren’t making sense, Y/N.”
  “I used my Legilimency on you without letting you know.” You said seriously.
Barnaby looked confused. “You used your Legilimency on me to peek into my mind?”
“Yes… And now I know what is going on at your home, Barnaby.”
His face became a little pale and his eyes widened. He was shocked…
“They hurt you at home…. I have seen it.” You said honestly and then you looked down. “I know it isn’t any of my business… but it made me wonder… Why…?”
“Why I never said anything…?” He looked away, frowning a lot.
You nodded lightly. “You always seemed to figure out when something was wrong at my home… And you helped me out so much… Why did you never tell me…?”
“Isn’t it obvious, Y/N?” He clenched his fist, still not looking at you. He made sure you couldn’t see his face.
“No… It is not obvious, Barnaby….” You said softly.
“You already have enough going on in your life… Telling you about my problems… I didn’t want to bother you with them.”
“You wouldn’t have bothered me…”
“Don’t fool yourself, Y/N…. I have seen you nearly break down when the stress got to you… I didn’t want to make things worse by telling you about my problems… Besides, it is something I would have to deal with, not you.” He muttered.
  “I don’t want you to deal with this alone, Barnaby…! I know I wasn’t supposed to know what was going on, but I want to help you…!” You said honestly, looking concerned.
“That’s exactly the point, Y/N! You weren’t supposed to know…! It is my problem, not yours!” He yelled at you, finally looking at you again. He looked angry, but could also hear the sadness in his voice.
“I-I’m so sorry, Barnaby... I really am…! I didn’t want to invade your privacy… I just…”
“You just what…? What were you trying to figure out when you were peeking into my mind?”
“…. I-I wanted to know whether you were thinking about me as well…”
Barnaby blinked. “What…?”
“Don’t make me repeat myself…” You mumbled, blushing slightly. Your eyes were stinging because of the upcoming tears.
“No, I want to know exactly what you mean with that…” He said seriously.
“Why… It doesn’t matter anyways…” You mumbled.
“It does matter…! I want to know the true reason why you used your Legilimency on me…!”
“…. I think you already know what it means. Besides, it wouldn’t matter anyways because I screwed things up already…”
“Just say it…!”
  “Fine! You want the real reason? I fancy you, Barnaby…! My head was in the clouds when I wanted to know whether you were thinking about me too! Then I just used my Legilimency on you without giving it a second though!” You basically yelled at him, before you turned your back at him. The tears were rolling down your face. “… It was never my intention to see what I saw… It just showed up when I was peeking in your mind…”
Things were quiet between you two. It was like neither of you knew what to say. You didn’t blame Barnaby for it though. It was a messed-up situation. You wouldn’t be sitting here with him if you didn’t do what you did… You betrayed his trust by peeking in his mind with your Legilimency. If only you weren’t an idiot, you wouldn’t be in this mess.
“…. So, you peeked into my mind, because you wanted to know I had a crush on you…?” Barnaby finally spoke after a while.
You nodded, still not looking at him.
“You didn’t do it because you thought I was hiding something from you…?”
“Why didn’t you just ask me…?”
“I…. I don’t know… I wasn’t thinking…”
“How much did you see….?”
“I think a lot… From your childhood as well…”
“Can you tell me what you have seen exactly…?”
  You ended up telling him what you knew. His parents weren’t loving at all. Even after they were sent to Azkaban, no one cut Barnaby some slack. His grandmother was cold to him and insulted him a lot. You knew he experienced psychological abuse and physical abuse, something that wasn’t nothing. It was hard to tell him all the details, because you felt awful to talk about the details. The things that happened to Barnaby were just awful and you didn’t understand how he was able to keep smiling at everyone.
“So… That’s what I know…” You told him honestly and then you looked at Barnaby.
Barnaby just sat there, staring at the ground. He seemed to be trembling a bit, but it seemed like he was just trying hard to keep a straight face, something you did as well when things were bothering you. You moved a little closer to him, before you pulled him into a tight hug.
His eyes widened when you suddenly hugged him, but it also stopped him from holding his emotions in. Before you knew it, Barnaby was hugging you tightly as well. You heard something unfamiliar: He was crying. Hearing him cry was painful. You ended up crying with him, not letting him go.
  “I promise… I won’t let you deal with this alone… I will be there to help you, just like you helped me, Barnaby…” You whispered to him, promising you would always be there for him, something he did for you as well.
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delicrieux · 5 years
Hello! I'm a Ravenclaw and I was wondering if you could write a chester x ravenclaw mc fluff that involves amortentia? Perhaps they realize they like each other through experimenting with the potion, then from there they slowly accept their feelings and confess to each other? HAHAHA THANK YOU!!
day 16&17, word(s): a single candle & tarot cards
a/n: cute
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September had melted into October quick, at the very least, quicker than you had expected. The last remnants of summer were blown away by the wind along with the pretty shades of greens and replaced by even prettier golds, oranges, and reds. The second month of Autumn always has this cosy feeling: sweaters, hot chocolates, cinnamon-apple tea, pumpkin pie. Though this comfort stirs curiosity of the Other, even if the Other is fully known to the magical world. And lovesicken teens often turn to Divination when desperately in need: scrying into crystal balls in the middle of the night with a single flickering candle, reading tea leaves with hopeful eyes, lastly pulling tarot cards with bated breath.
You had done all these, though not because of some want to know, but more like your friends were into it and you simply tagged along. Divination always appeared a bit silly to you and it is quite ironic that the crystal balls and cards and leaves spoke of you more than of your friends who were the ones that wanted to know their future the most.
“The Lovers!” Your friend gasps as she cradles the card, admires the pretty drawing on it; she then looks at you, “(Name), this is…Serious, like, serious, oh my days!”
“You’re so lucky… All I got is Five of Cups…And that was the best one…” Another chimes.
“Uhh…” You drawl, fidgeting, “What does…The Lovers mean, exactly?”
“It means love, dummy. Connection. Soulmate type stuff. The real deal.”
You wanted to believe them, you truly did, but you simply could not phantom how a single card drawn by an overly excited student can predict the ever changing future. You said nothing, though. Simply smiled and nodded along and let them had their fun.
Chester is not the person you would have expected to be working along with during Potions – he is the leader of your house, and he is your friend, and you respect him immensely, but to be sat beside him is perhaps too much pressure because he is very uptight. Though to your surprise he was nothing but kind, sparse of conversation but attentive and happy to help. He had not pointed at your flaws nor flaunted his perfection; simply assisted you when needed and vice versa.
The strangeness came when the lid of the Amortentia potion was lifted and the room heaved with heavy alluring scents. Enchanted you stared as the spiralling fumes, not quite catching what the Professor was saying. You tried to figure out what it was you smelled: sandalwood, parchment, ink, clean cotton… It reminded you faintly of your Common Room - it was familiar in that way, as if you had breathed it all a moment prior and thought nothing of it but now it had come to your attention and you could not help but let your heart beat so nervously.
Then the lid closed and the fumes dispersed and everyone sighed in relief. Only the scent did not disappear for you, it simply became faint, though still pleasant.Turning your head you had come to stare in horror – it was Chester. Your cheekshad bloomed with roses, and you had quickly looked away, pretending to be soimmersed with work little else mattered. During this, however, you failed tosee the longing glances he had sneaked, the secretive smiles he had shared, the proximity between you two that grew smaller and smaller.
It was a gradual climb, really. No sudden realization, no sudden stolen kiss. It was a slow process, but one that gave the both of you enough want to get to know the other and need to be together. And so when finally, on the day before Hallows Eve, the two of you had walked through Hogsmeade and laughed and talked and brushed hands as the wind blew through your hair he had proposed a question, and for the first time you heard fear in his voice. Fear of the unknown, fear of uncertainty. Along with it was hope, hope for a future with you, hope for achance for this love to blossom.
You had never been happier. You had never been more excited to say “I want to be with you”, nor have you been more anxious to be kissed. And when he did kiss you, with a sort of proud smirk on his lips, you had been anxious to be kissed again and again and again.
And on your way back to Hogwarts, your fingers intertwined, you had thought that Divination holds some truth to it after all.
the end.
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plasticdodecagon · 5 years
words left unsaid (Part 1/2)
Prompt: 8. “Can you stay?” from the Fictober 2019 prompts. 
Fandom: Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery (for @hphm-fictober )
Rating: G
Warnings/Tags: Talbott x Badeea
The procrastination is real y’all.
Synopsis: Talbott thinks about how to tell Badeea how he feels. (Badeea x Talbott)
Sometimes, the words don't come.
At breakfast, Talbott sits across from Badeea Ali, who looks up from her sketchpad with a smile. Outside, it is January, but she is a spring day, bringing warmth to his cheeks when their eyes meet. Or sunshine, making her way through the curtains he has drawn around his heart, melting its icy prison. Or, or, or...
A plate of sliced white bread materializes in front of him, and he tears off pieces to nibble on while he thinks of the right words to describe her. Who she is to him.
The words don't come. It is Andre who insists that Talbott needs to say something to her, before it is too late. Before they graduate in a few short months and he never sees her again.
So he tries. But all he has are cheesy metaphors and half-written poems, and he isn't sure that the words exist to describe how important she is to him. Her deep brown eyes, with the power to render him temporarily stupid, with the power to see more of him than he ever thought possible. Her gentle hands, which squeeze his and lift his mood when he doesn't realize it needs lifting. The way she bites her lip in concentration as a picture blooms beneath her fingers.
From the other side of the table, he can only make out a vaguely triangular figure on the page. A puffy shape that must be a cloud. More puffy figures, which must be trees, much lower down. Slowly, with every detail, she grants the paper a life of its own.
"The Eiffel Tower?" he says, surprised. Her drawings are usually closer to home. Hogsmeade, the Ravencaw common room, the funny little eagle who gravitates towards her in the courtyard. "It looks brilliant," he adds.
She looks up again. "I was accepted to the art school," she says, beaming.
Talbott's eyes widen. This is the ‘too late’ to which Andre referred. "In Paris."
"In Paris," she affirms.
"Two years," he adds.
She looks at him, smile faltering for a moment. "Two years."
Talbott hates himself for not having the right words ready. “Congratulations,” he says sincerely. “Really, Badeea. I can’t think of anyone more deserving than you, or of a more fitting place for your brilliance than the City of Light.”
She reaches across the table and squeezes his hand. “You always know what to say.”
At the very least, he knows what not to say, the only three words that will come to mind now: Can you stay?
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