#how to cure anxious attachment style
fashionably-forgetful · 7 months
why do i have an anxious attachment style but not my parents?
Attachment styles are shaped by a combination of genetic, biological, and environmental factors, and they can vary from person to person even within the same family. While parents can influence their children’s attachment styles through their caregiving behaviors during early childhood, it’s not uncommon for individuals to develop attachment styles that differ from those of their parents. Here…
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woundlingus · 1 month
And how would YOU fuck marry kill loki's sons? 👀
Ugh I just WOULDNT 😒 they’re so swagless they only occupy as much of my mind as they do because they’re so swagless and I know I could fix them and I want to fix them by making them more 1920s mobster caricatures, unfinished business deserved to be hosted at the Flamingo in Vegas- or any of those really old school casino hotels that were upstarted by mobsters! Or the Tropicana if they wanted to stick to the ruined hotel aesthetic, a mobster era hotel that they still cling to (as like, an ode to their desperation to stay relevant in a christ centric country since they’re fleeing from their home land) even though it’s crumbling and worthless. And they wouldn’t be dressed like that they wouldn’t look like British Lads or the best dressed at the trots, they would have authentic charm and clothes far more akin to that hot ass red suit Gabriel sports because being classy does not negate being fun with your clothes (looking at your Sleipnir). So with all of this in mind, now that I’ve filled you in on my delusions about them being cooler than they are,
fuck Fenrir because I think that would be freaky and weird and honestly I’m down only if the claws come out, marry Narfi because generally he seems to most normal and if I’m going to saddle myself permanently to one of these freaks it won’t be the one with the quiff and the anxious attachment style to his mommy, kill Sleipnir
In a pinch I could switch Narfi and Sleipnir though and we could have a beard marriage and we could be like those gay Christian tiktok couples who marry straight for the lord and try and flex that they’re cured of their homosexually by kissing each other on camera and it’s so weird and awkward but we would ride or die it insisting we were in love and sleep in different beds for our spine health and rarely have sex because sex should be for procreating only and we’re such good people because it’s so easy not to have sex with each other but he’s definitely taking it up the ass from his best friend when they go on their guys trips and I’ll lowkey have a thing for his sister which is why we can’t divorce- not because I love him but I’m scared I won’t see her again but it’s in a totally straight way for sure
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ladiessoul · 3 months
Top Books for Stronger and Healthier Relationships - A Must-Read List!
Top Books for Stronger and Healthier Relationships - A Must-Read List!. Discover the top books for building stronger and healthier relationships a curated list.
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Top Books for Stronger and Healthier Relationships
Ditch the jargon and complex terms, and dive into these must-reads for genuine connections. Get ready to improve your relationships like never before.
5 Books that Make You Attractive AF (Best Relationship Advice)
Discover the Top Books for Stronger and Healthier Relationships - A Must-Read List! 5 Books that Make You Attractive AF (Best Relationship Advice) Video Discover the Top Books for Stronger and Healthier Relationships - A Must-Read List!
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Best books about relationships:
Having strong and healthy relationships is essential for a fulfilling life. Whether it is a romantic partnership, friendship, family tie, or professional relationship, relationships require effort and understanding to thrive. However, navigating through the complexities of relationships can be challenging, and many people struggle to maintain and improve their connections with others. Fortunately, there are numerous resources available to help individuals learn about and improve their relationships. These resources include books specifically written on the topic of relationships. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best books about relationships that can provide valuable insights and advice, helping readers to enhance their relationships and foster deeper connections with loved ones.
The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman
One of the most popular books on relationships, The Five Love Languages, explores the concept that everyone has different ways of expressing and receiving love. The author, Gary Chapman, proposes that there are five main love languages: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. Chapman explains that understanding and communicating using each other's love language is the key to a successful and long-lasting relationship. The book provides actionable tips and real-life examples to help readers identify their and their partner's love languages and use them to improve their relationship.
Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find - and Keep - Love by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller
Written by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller, Attached explores the science of adult attachment and how it affects relationships. The book explains that our attachment styles, which are formed during childhood, can impact how we relate to our romantic partners. Levine and Heller categorize attachment styles into anxious, avoidant, and secure and provide insights into how each style affects our approach to relationships. The book offers valuable advice on how to understand our attachment style and that of our partners to create a more secure and fulfilling relationship.
The Relationship Cure: A 5 Step Guide to Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, and Friendships by John Gottman
Relationship expert John Gottman shares his five-step guide to strengthening relationships in this book. As the founder of the Gottman Institute, which conducts extensive research on relationships, Gottman provides evidence-based strategies for repairing and strengthening relationships at any stage. The book delves into the core components of healthy relationships, such as trust, communication, and conflict resolution, and offers practical exercises and activities to strengthen these elements. It also includes real-life case studies and examples to illustrate the effectiveness of the techniques.
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus by John Gray
John Gray's iconic book, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, explores the fundamental differences between men and women in relationships. While some may argue that this book perpetuates gender stereotypes, it has sold over 50 million copies worldwide and remains a popular read for anyone looking to understand the dynamics of relationships between men and women. The book covers communication, emotional needs, and problem-solving for both men and women, helping readers to understand the common misunderstandings and conflicts that arise in relationships.
The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman and Nan Silver
Another book by relationship expert John Gottman, The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work, provides a comprehensive guide to creating and sustaining a happy and healthy marriage. Based on over forty years of research, Gottman shares his seven principles that are the foundation of successful marriages. The book provides couples with practical advice on improving communication, managing conflicts, and cultivating intimacy in their relationship. It also includes exercises and questionnaires to help couples apply the principles to their own relationship.
Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love by Sue Johnson
Sue Johnson's Hold Me Tight focuses on the science of emotional bonding and attachment in relationships. Johnson, a renowned psychotherapist, introduces readers to Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), a scientifically proven approach to improving relationships. The book includes real-life case studies and practical exercises to help couples understand and strengthen their emotional connection. It also dives into the common barriers to intimacy and provides strategies to overcome them, making it an excellent resource for couples looking to deepen their bond.
The Relationship Handbook: A Path to Consciousness, Healing, and Growth by Shakti Gawain and Gina Vucci
The Relationship Handbook by Shakti Gawain and Gina Vucci focuses on developing healthy and fulfilling relationships with oneself, others, and the world. The book encourages readers to take a conscious approach to their relationships and provides guidance on communication, self-awareness, and personal growth. It also delves into topics such as boundaries, trust, forgiveness, and self-love, encouraging readers to develop a strong foundation of self-worth and compassion, which can lead to stronger and more fulfilling relationships.
Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love by Helen Fisher
In Why We Love, anthropologist Helen Fisher explains the biology and chemistry behind romantic love. The book draws on Fisher's extensive research on the science of love, including brain scans and experiments, to explain why we fall in love and what keeps romantic love strong. Fisher also explores the different stages of love, from attraction to attachment, and how it evolves over time. The book offers a fascinating insight into the biological and evolutionary factors that contribute to our experience of romantic love.
The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love is a spiritual guide to building strong and fulfilling relationships. In this book, author Don Miguel Ruiz draws inspiration from ancient Toltec wisdom and explains how our beliefs and fears often hinder our ability to love and be loved. He encourages readers to let go of expectations and judgments and instead embrace unconditional love, which can lead to happiness and harmony in all relationships. The book provides a refreshing and insightful perspective on love and relationships.
Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler
Crucial Conversations focuses on helping individuals navigate through difficult conversations and conflicts in their relationships. The book offers a step-by-step approach to handling high-stakes conversations and provides practical communication tools to maintain and improve relationships. The authors also delve into the importance of emotional intelligence and active listening in difficult conversations, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their communication skills in relationships.
Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples by Harville Hendrix
Written by renowned therapist Harville Hendrix, Getting the Love You Want is a classic book on relationships and a must-read for any couple looking to enhance their connection. The book uses Imago Relationship Therapy, a therapeutic approach that focuses on healing childhood wounds and creating a conscious and spiritual partnership. Hendrix also provides powerful insights into what drives conflicts in relationships and offers practical exercises to help couples build a deeper understanding and connection with each other.
Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science that Will Transform Your Sex Life by Emily Nagoski
While not exclusively about relationships, Come as You Are is a valuable resource for understanding and enhancing sexual intimacy in relationships. Author Emily Nagoski, a sex educator, uses scientific research to debunk common myths and misunderstandings about sexuality. The book offers a refreshing and empowering perspective on women's sexuality and provides practical tools to improve sexual satisfaction and connection with a partner.
The Science of Happily Ever After: What Really Matters in the Quest for Enduring Love by Ty Tashiro
In this book, psychologist Ty Tashiro explores the science of attraction and compatibility in relationships. Tashiro explains the importance of both compatibility and commitment in sustaining happy and long-lasting relationships. He also offers insights and advice on how to avoid potential pitfalls and misunderstandings in relationships through awareness and communication. This book is a great read for anyone looking to find or maintain a happy and fulfilling romantic relationship.
Wired for Love: How Understanding Your Partner's Brain and Attachment Style Can Help You Defuse Conflict and Build a Secure Relationship by Stan Tatkin
Wired for Love combines evidence-based knowledge from neuroscience, trauma theory, and attachment theory to provide readers with practical tools to enhance their relationships. Author Stan Tatkin explains that understanding our partner's attachment style can help us build a more secure and loving connection. The book also delves into the impact of early childhood trauma on relationships and offers guidance on how to heal from past wounds and create a safe and secure bond with a partner.
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle
While not primarily a relationship book, The Power of Now explores the role of being present and mindful in all areas of life, including relationships. Author Eckhart Tolle encourages readers to let go of negative thoughts and emotions and live in the present moment, which can lead to more meaningful and fulfilling relationships. The book provides insights and techniques to help individuals break free from destructive patterns and improve their connections with themselves and others.
Relationships are a vital aspect of our lives, and it takes effort and insight to nurture and strengthen them. These best books about relationships can serve as valuable resources for anyone looking to enhance their connections with others. Whether you want to improve your romantic partnership, family bond, or professional relationships, these books offer practical advice, real-life examples, and evidence-based strategies to help you build healthier and more fulfilling relationships.
What are some of the best books that can help improve relationships? (?)
Some popular books that can provide valuable insights and advice on relationships include The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman, Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller, and The Relationship Cure by John Gottman.
Can reading books help in creating a stronger bond with my partner? (?)
Yes, books can offer valuable guidance and tools to improve communication, understanding, and connection with your partner. Reading together and discussing the concepts and exercises can also deepen your bond.
What can I do if my partner and I have different love languages? (?)
Understanding and communicating using each other's love language is essential for a successful relationship. It may take some effort and compromise, but with open communication and a willingness to learn and adapt, you can strengthen your bond and make each other feel loved and appreciated.
Top Books for Stronger and Healthier Relationships
Discover the top books for building stronger and healthier relationships - a curated list by a seasoned content marketer with 10+ years of experience in on-page SEO. Ditch the jargon and complex terms, and dive into these must-reads for genuine connections. Get ready to improve your relationships like never before.. Relationships Discover the Top Books for Stronger and Healthier Relationships - A Must-Read List!
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laurfilijames · 3 years
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Slow Burn- Part 1
Pairing: Modern AU Fili x female OC Prim
Words: 1,670 give or take
Warnings: It’s about to get smutty all up in here!!mentions of sex, swearing, alcohol and drug references
Summary: Fili and Prim are in love, but choose to tease each other rather than admit their feelings.
A/N: Part 1 of about 4. Or 5. I don’t know yet. It’s taken me WEEKS to post this, partly due to nerves and the fact that I make edits every time I re-read it before I think I’m going to post it. Please be patient with me! Thanks to @fizzyxcustard for giving me courage!
It started the same way every time.
A night out for drinks with Kili and Tauriel. Dinner at Thorin and Bilbo’s house. Innocent and familiar gatherings with the family that has treated Prim as part of their own for the last four years.
But it also ended the same way every time.
Fíli’s lips brushing against hers ever so slightly as they said goodnight. His hand habitually clutching her waist and Prim silently willing this to be the time he finally gives in to the temptation that is her.
It happened every weekend regardless of the occasion or setting and it drove her mad with desire. She knew he felt it too, so why was he toying with her for so long? Teasing her like one would their prey before devouring them.
God, she longed to sink her teeth into the flesh on his neck. She watched now as it creased when he turned his head in her direction to look at her, his nose still crinkled from laughing at something Kili said.
Prim released the nail she had been nibbling on from between her teeth and slowly moved her finger down her bottom lip.
Fili noticed, no longer laughing, his pupils dilating as he watched.
Now that Prim had the attention of her preferred audience, she wrapped her arm around her head to clasp her thick, dark hair in her hand and draped it over her right shoulder, her left shoulder and neck exposed to the side where Fili sat.
From the corner of her eye she noticed his hand grip his thigh and his cheek flinch as he clenched his jaw.
As frustrating as it was to be taunted by him for this long, Prim relished in knowing she had the same effect on him.
He took a long sip of his beer and licked his lips once he swallowed, no amount of drink able to quench the thirst he always had for Prim.
Does she know that every move she makes drives him mad? It was getting near impossible to control his urges and the longing he had for her.
This couldn’t continue, he was a grown-ass man for fuck’s sake. He knew one day he would have to finally kiss her like she deserved and tell her how he felt about her, but at the same time it was too much fun, making her squirm as they continued to build the sexual tension between them.
He glared at her now, watching her move her long finger down her full lip before pulling her hair off her delicate neck. He fidgeted in his chair, resisting the urge to attach his lips to her neck and chest.
“Fili, pay attention!” Kili shouted at his brother, smacking his arm and pulling him from his thoughts.
“What?” He scoffed, annoyed for being interrupted.
“Tauriel has asked me to move in with her! I’m moving out!” He explained, excitedly.
It took Fili a moment to process the words, shocked at the news. He felt a slight pang of hurt knowing he would be all alone in his apartment, the absence of Kili creating a large void, but quickly tossed away the thought and decided he needed to be happy for his brother.
“That’s great, you two!” He smiled as he stood from his chair. “Let me get a bottle of champagne for the happy couple, we need to celebrate.”
Prim couldn’t help but notice a slight insincerity coming from Fili as he walked over to the bar. Kili and Tauriel were now lost in their own world together, kissing and whispering in each other’s ears, so Prim took the opportunity to check on Fili.
“Are you okay?” She asked, gently touching her hand to his shoulder, his body heat radiating through his t-shirt on to the tips of her fingers.
He sighed heavily before looking at her with a weak smile tugging at his lips,
“Yeah. I’m happy for them, I truly am. It’ll just be different without him. He’s been my little brother for thirty years and lived with me the entire time. He’s always just been there.”
The bartender placed the chilled bottle of champagne on the bar.
“Cheers.” Fili said, taking hold of the bottle and looking back at Prim.
“I’m fine, really,” he smiled at her fully this time, both dimples making an appearance. “And don’t think I forgot you prefer Prosecco over Champagne,” he beamed at her and held a second bottle up in his other hand.
Prim couldn’t help but grin, flattered how he always remembered the things she loved.
“I need to stop being so predictable,” she smiled.
She placed her hand on his forearm and looked into his piercingly blue eyes, serious now,
“I just want you to know that I’m always here for you. If you’re lonely or bored without Kili- and even if you’re fine- you know I always enjoy your company.”
“I know.” he said.
If you only knew how much I crave your company, how your hands and lips on my body could cure any loneliness, how boldly I will love you, was what he didn’t say.
Thoughts of the two of them alone in his apartment flooded his mind, picturing her naked and moaning against him in his kitchen, his living room, his bed.
Before he lost control of himself, he nodded in the direction of Kili and Tauriel, “We better get back to the table before their pash session gets us kicked out of here.”
Fili placed the bottles on the table and nudged his brother on the back once his hands were free.
“At least have the decency to drink this expensive champagne before you abandon us like you always do.” He requested.
It happened all too often that Kili and Tauriel would leave Fili and Prim on their own, anxious for privacy, but he never cared too much as it gave him the opportunity to be alone with her.
So long as Kili paid his portion of the bill.
“Yes, sorry! Thank you!” Kili grinned as Fili opened the bottles and filled their glasses.
Prim smiled as she held her flute in the air, listening to the toast Fili gave to Kili and Tauriel, wishing her luck in putting up with him and thanking her for taking his messy brother off his hands.
The night continued on as it typically did, all of them agreeing that it was cheaper to drink in the comforts of one of their homes, not having to pay for overpriced drinks.
Tonight they ended up at Prim’s apartment, and she was thankful she could fall asleep on the couch when she was ready to and not have to worry about getting a taxi to take her home late in the night.
She stood in the kitchen, leaning against the island with her chin in her palm, admiring Kili and Tauriel snuggling closely on her couch now, giggling at each other and completely unashamed to express their love.
“At least I won’t have to witness this anymore.” Fili said, topping up the wine in Prim’s glass.
“Oh, come on, it’s not that bad.” She sipped her drink and immediately took her words back as she watched Kili climb on top of Tauriel, their intensity increasing quickly.
“Never mind-.” Prim turned to face Fili and away from the couple dry humping on her couch.
“You have to admit though, Fi, that one day you would want that..” she trailed off when her eyes landed on the curly chest hairs peaking up through the neck of his t-shirt.
Yet another part of him she ached to touch.
He carded his fingers through his hair, slicking it back out of his face.
It was getting long, grown out now to just below his ears, curly and bleached even blonder from the sun. She loved it like this.
Honestly, she loved his hair any way, having seen it in every possible style through the years, from short, to short on the sides and long on the top, to just long and curly at his shoulders, but the way it was now allowed her to dream of tugging on it in bed.
Wetness pooled between her legs at the thought as it often did, and she knew she needed to think of something else before she threw herself at Fili and begged him to take her.
“I do want that,” he answered her in a low voice, his eyes telling it was her he wanted it with.
It was like ecstasy to her. No matter how many times she listened to him speak his voice made her melt each time. She bit her lip and closed her eyes when she felt him take a step closer to her, her pulse quickening as he leaned in to speak in her ear.
“I need to get those two home.”
Her head tipped back at the sensation of his breath tickling her skin, his hair brushing against her flushed cheek.
Prim clenched her teeth as he pulled away from her body, furious that he continued to do this to her.
“Okay,” was all she could manage to get out.
Please, don’t go, was what she wanted to say.
Just once she wanted him to stay the night, be in her bed with her.
Her breath caught in her throat when he placed his thumb on her chin, pulling it up so she looked into his eyes. Her hands gripped the counter for support as he took a step toward her again, making her lean her back against it.
“Goodnight,” he nearly whispered it as his lips pressed against the corner of hers, half on her cheek.
Prim inhaled sharply at his contact and tried to turn her mouth into his before he pulled away, missing him by a second.
She nearly growled when he winked at her and grinned, knowing he was fully aware of what he was doing to her.
“Goodnight, Fili.”
She glared at him with such want and she hoped he could feel the burn of it on his skin.
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pxrxllel · 3 years
inner child trauma (11/12/20)
Today was filled with epiphanies, and I’m a mix of excited, at peace, and anxious about all the answers they’re providing.
Yesterday I watched a webinar on self-love and self-sabotaging in the context of romantic relationships, and here were some of the key points:
Who did you crave love and approval from the most as a child?
Your relationship with your parents and your needs being met/unmet subconsciously create emotional patterns that you take into your adult relationships. Therefore, your relationships are a reflection of how your needs were met by your parents.
When you have a wounded inner child, you are fixated on ensuring the outcome that you expect. The energy you take into the relationship is based on fear and control.
You’re trying to protect your wounded Inner Child by controlling the outcome, to avoid being hurt again.
I’ve taken the attachment styles quiz and for the most part, I come out as being anxious. I know I definitely tend to take on the role of the mother/therapist/fixer upper in my relationships (which has usually ended up with me becoming avoidant after a while due to resentment), but I’ve also had some where I didn’t feel the need to and I became clingy instead. So maybe that’s me yoyo-ing between the two, which I think the webinar described as being disorganised. 
I’m keenly aware that I have a rich history of needing external validation, because approval was never received from my parents. I was never emotionally applauded for anything I did - in fact, my parents nitpicked me to the point where I was made to feel innately wrong. It’s hard to not be angry about it, but it’s even worse to hold that against them because it won’t help me make progress. A large part of the validation was being called fat and ugly, which may be why I’ve been so reliant on compliments about my appearance all throughout my life, and even still since I’ve become objectively attractive. My father and some extended family always framed it as not being pretty enough to attract boys, which I’ve previously established as the key reason why I clung onto compliments and relationships and used sexual attention from men as a metric for self-worth. I’m just also starting to realise that perhaps it’s why I took sexual rejection from my previous relationship so personally - I was still unconvinced that he was attracted to me and the rejection only confirmed that I wasn’t desirable in that way (or that’s how my mind attributed it anyway). 
I think I made that realisation about my dependence on external validation in 2018/19. Since then, I’ve actively worked to disempower that, and I’ve largely been successful. I hardly ever use my appearance or compliments as a success metric anymore. I don’t fish for compliments or check for likes half as much as I used to. And it’s sort of been a self-fulfilling prophecy; the less I cared, the more they came and I genuinely feel OK about myself. I believe people now when they say nice things about me.
The point about fear and control is really interesting to me because looking back, I definitely was trying to be the ‘perfect’ girlfriend and looked for verbal validation (in the form of compliments, how much it seemed like he was into me) that I was doing a good job. I used to be so sensitive to any changes in the temperature of the relationship, and would melt down easily and take it personally if his demeanour cooled down even in the slightest. When I felt him slipping, I would hastily try to overcompensate out of fear for losing him, which I now know is a recipe for backfire. It’s also interesting because I’ve realised that I’m modelling ‘perfect girlfriend’ after my mother. My mother is a voice of reason/wisdom, emotional support cushion, physical support cushion, service-oriented, problem solver, domestic goddess, and all around superstar. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with those things, and not necessarily wrong for me to aspire to those things, but maybe it’s wrong for me to uphold that as the be all and end all of girlfriend material and then get annoyed when it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. 
Speaking of mirroring, it’s really interesting how accurate it is... a bit too much that it’s creepy. I never heeded it much before, and especially not when my therapist brought it up as something to flag, but I’ve come to the realisation that mine and Jarek’s relationship almost exactly mirrors my parents’ marriage. The long distance thing, and the fact that I feel like my parents aren’t each other’s soulmates. They care about each other a lot obviously, but I feel like my mom relies on my dad for practical reasons (kids and money - she’s much more comfortable playing the role of a mother than a wife) and my dad relies on her for emotional support and all the reasons listed above. Don’t get me wrong, they clearly enjoy each other’s company and get along, but I don’t think they have the X factor that I observe in other couples and what I think I look for. They don’t really have the natural, seamless, deep, almost magical affinity that I’ve been so lucky to experience a handful of times in my life. They don’t naturally understand each other. I think perhaps pragmatic marriages are more common or accepted in Asian cultures and worldviews, but for those of us that grew up in Western cultures, we see the romanticised version of these things and can’t help but want for more. It’s also interesting because I’ve always wondered what it would have been like if my parents weren’t in a long distance marriage/what it’ll be like when they retire and move in together. I always thought that maybe they would get sick of each other and argue more, but I can’t say for sure (plus, they’ve mellowed out a lot as they’ve aged). 
This relates to me and Jarek because I feel like our dynamic is really similar. I care about him so deeply and the way that it manifests is that I treat him the same way my mom treats my dad. I’m definitely more of a mom/therapist to him than I’d like to be - I’m sick of taking on the role of the fixer, although I think it’s neat to help people become self-aware of certain things or issues affecting them, I don’t really want to be the one holding their hand through their journey. And I think maybe the reason why I’m so stubborn about this relationship is that he represents what my dad is to my mom: Material security, stability, a comfortable life, America, all the boxes ticked. Even if he doesn’t understand me, and even if he doesn’t absolutely light me on fire, I’ve been accepting of it because I see how it works with my parents. And with them I know it can work, if I stay committed to the path. And I’ll be rewarded with my needs for security and safety and permanence met, which were not present for me emotionally as child - see how I’ve looped back to the beginning of this piece? And that’s also why I guess I feel so stable in this relationship: I know it well, I know how it goes and how it can end up, and I’m not grasping at fear or control to try to maintain the outcome because I already know what the outcome is. 
Jarek himself has a lot of childhood trauma too and his level of anxious attachment is far more severe than mine (I think I’m secure in some ways, too, esp ever since I actively worked on myself). His parents have a loveless marriage and he’s been emotionally neglected and felt unsafe in his family his whole life, so that’s something for him to work on and I honestly am not sure if we would be able to have a functional relationship if we were both still stuck in our ways.
I really truly think that because of this fixing issue I have, deep down I believe that until that’s cured, I can only be loved at arm’s length. Because if I get too close, I become too suffocating and overwhelming to be around because my fear kicks in and I start becoming controlling. So it would make sense then that the relationships I get tired of are the long distance ones and then everyone I do get (properly) close to in real life are the people I scare away with my intensity. This pattern makes total sense when taken into consideration with my childhood and how my parents are with each other. 
I would like to ask my mom these questions:
Do you think you and dad understand each other?
Why do you love him?
How do you think your marriage would be different if you weren’t long distance?
Have you ever wanted more from the marriage?
I’m quite proud of myself for coming to these conclusions without therapy, and I have a strong gut feeling I’m not wrong with any of these as it makes complete logical sense. And while it’s so good to have some clarity, context, explanations, and answers about all this, it doesn’t necessarily inform my next steps (although it can provide a guide). Knowing about these subconscious patterns and my emotional makeup means I can check myself according to my personal goals, but it doesn’t provide a template for my decision-making. I think that’s something I need to chew on more, as to where to go from here. I still need to figure out what I really want and what’s best for me and will make me happy. It’s hard because I don’t have a healthy relationship to look at and view as a model, so I don’t know what it should be like apart from relying on my gut and perceptions.
However, I accept that although the answers may be not what I want and I may have to make some tough decisions, it’s ultimately the right thing to do for my own wellbeing and happiness, and that of everyone else as well.
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
When you wish you were asleep…
… Watch raws! XD
Actually, I still kind of wish I was asleep. Maybe I’ll grab a nap after this. (-_-)
But on to my children!
In no order and w/ many typos:
Okay, look. Wyzul’s not ‘weak,’ he’s just meant to have essentially the opposite style of Tankjoh. He’s a ‘planner.’ The manipulative, cunning ‘evil genius type.’ Doesn’t mean anyone has to like him, or think he’s a good villain—hell, I promise you I already miss Tankjoh, too—but he’s not ‘weak.’ He just has a different style. His plan this week was actually rather clever.
Sorry. Wanted to get that off my chest. I miss Tankjoh, too, but I actually like that they followed him w/ a general w/ an opposite style, that the one time Tankjoh kind of tried it, it got him killed (the plan w/ the Cerberus Minusaur).
XD TOUWA. Oh, honey. Who put you in the back? ^^
Knowing the twist makes this whole thing all the more hilarious, somehow.
Though this plan was actually rather clever! If Cardena hadn’t had a few slips in her words… Though admittedly, she was so clearly anxious about it that Banba and/or Melto might have caught onto something anyway, but… It was close.
Banba’s become naturally suspicious, so he may have doubted them anyway, but… It could’ve worked.
Poor Touwa’s so short. And even Banba is kinda hiding in the back there! XD
Other facts about Banba: Google Earth, always taking pics.
Ah, yes, we’re sneaking in. Let us yell, loudly! XD Ah, Toku…
Odd place to keep things, honestly…
There’s something incredibly goofy about the fact that this confrontation is taking place in a cramped stairwell…
They forgot the little men for Banba and Touwa’s transformations. XD
Everyone else is in the middle of fighting a Drunn. Banba has alreday freaking killed his. ><
I think Touwa just asked Wyzul to repeat himself bc they didn’t catch it the first time. And Asuna just figured it out? Uncertain.
Wait. Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. I guess it’s Pink??? But she looks purple???
Curse my inability to put an image in the middle of a bulleted list! Curse my attachment to bullet points! DX
I’ll put it at the bottom?
Touwa here, stealing the monster’s lines. XD
Rip unnamed Drunn.
I’m confused as to whether Cardena was trying to tip them off, or just conflicted and getting anxious. Most likely the latter, as she didn’t seem to understand they’d figured it out later.
My watching experience is foiled once more by how INCURABLY BEAUTIFUL TATSUYA IS! DX
Now she’s getting the hairy eyeball from both big brother/dad and mom. XD Deception check failed.
Is that a thing?
They are dunking on this man so hard. I mean, he doesn’t seem to mind, but…
I really hope that smirk really was just Tatsuya and wasn’t planned. I like how they had trouble getting the ‘towel scene’ (a line ad libbed by Simon Pegg) bc Zachary Quinto kept laughing, so they just went w/ a scene where he jus barely smirks and they cut away real fast. This is smaller, scale, of course, it’s very low key and I only noticed it bc I am almost always watching Banba in any given scene, but it’s funny to think it was unscripted.
Aw, I thought Dad was an alright singer. Also, love Ui’s face here. ^^ And she tries to comfort him, such a sweetheart.
Aw, Touwa also looks like he’s finding it cute, too. ^^ I’m still thinking of Touwa and Ui as the ‘babies’ of the fam. Resident youngest sibs. :)
Nah, Banba doesn’t trust this situation enough to start stabbing people, don’t worry, Kou.
Pretty sure he’s just looking for an excuse to leave, actually.
Melto takes the opportunity to go full mom friend.
Banba’s like ‘so one of you was paying attention.’
There’s never any indication here if Touwa figured it out, too. I’m inclined to think he didn’t? But I don’t know.
Why must Tatsuya persist in being so attractive??? DX
Okay, guess it’s confirmed they can call Ui from the braces. … How. Did they program her number into them? Is there some frequency that they tapped her phone into?
Also, largely unrelated, but Ui is really pretty. She really is. She makes goofy faces sometimes, but this actress is really beautiful. I’m love her. ^^
She’s jack awful at lying, though.
Though it is justified that no one caught on, here. How would Wyzul know how modern human technology works? And Cardena’s an alien. And neither of them know Ui very well. She could be like this all the time for all they know.
But also… Did Melto text her? How did she know to leave her phone?
I say Cardena didn’t catch on bc she doesn’t seem to have realised that they knew later.
Tall Cheese seems to be having a good time hamming it up, and that is valid of her.
Really, though. There’s no way they would have actually released Tall Cheese, if this had worked. That’s not Short Cheese’s fault, she didn’t have many options, but I highly doubt Wyzul intended to honour any sort of deal.
I realise I shamefully remembered Short Cheese’s name in the rest of this post. Whoops. I’d go back and fix it, but now it’s funny… ^^;
Oh, yeah. And this explains why Tall Cheese was looking so evil in those photos.
So… Was Wyzul actually just sitting chained up in the park the whole time?
But also… Wyzul is a shapeshifter. Toei, would you mind…? >:)
Synchronised staring at Kou. XD
Oh, yeah. Moment of appreciation for Tatsuya sitting on the bloody playground equipment like a freaking model.
Banba going for a low blow, there. But he has a point.
And… Kou hits a button. We’ve only really seen Banba be this angry when yelling at Crayon the Mushroom Man about curing Touwa, I think… Makes me wonder if the betrayal he suffered happened in a situation like this? He took a risk for someone in a similar fashion, but it turned out they were lying and stabbed him in the back? Like, loosely similar, maybe. Like… Kou’s reaction clearly hits a nerve.
GAH! Toei, give me more to go on! DX
He backs down, though. Either bc he’s still soft for sibling relationships and can’t help it, or he’s getting soft about Kou—or both. This makes me think even more that he’s never killed anyone before. For all his apparent willingness to do so, in the end he can’t got through w/ sacrificing someone like that.
Esp not when considering it while staring into Kou’s sad puppy eyes.
As Touwa mysteriously vanishes from the shot, despite being exceedingly close by a moment ago.
Though… Banba seeing the fact that Kou et al. being willing to sacrifice what’s important to them for what’s important to others… And seeming kinda effected by that… Is kinda fuel for my ‘he ends up trying to protect their innocence/kindness’ idea? In, like… A ‘I’m the expendable one’ kinda way? Not exactly, but… Augh, explaining is hard. I’m sure I’ll think of one later. DX
Like… Could lead to a moment later where he tries to sacrifice himself/something so that they don’t have to? Or forcibly decides to be the sacrifice for something.
Oh, boy, that sounded weird.
Tyramigo is adorable, and will be the death of me.
Tyramigo be like ‘Is this the bomb I’m meant to eat?’ Then checks w/ Kou just to be sure. ‘Eat the bomb? Okay, eat the bomb!’
Him going ‘aaaaaaaah’ like a little baby, he’s so cute. DX
And how it awkwardly cuts out when she says ‘don’t.’ XD
HOW DID SHE NOT CATCH ON? Either her lysing skill improved significantly, or she completely misunderstood Kou’s nod here.
They are dunking this poor man so hard… But, like, he’s listed as a special guest star, so I guess he doesn’t mind, and he seems happy, but… XD
Banba in the back: Google Earth, always taking pics.
Actually, that’s him at any given moment, really.
So… Were those copies of them, too?
Kou, you do not get to call people ‘baka.’ You are the baka!
I don’t actually know what he said. Could have been a different word.
Where were they hiding? Did they hang off the edge of the roof? Stairwell?
Banba not only refuses to smile, he sighs like he’s only there under duress.
He maintains his carefully practiced grumpy face for the whole scene, too. XD
Aw, I think Touwa just said ‘we barely did anything.’ Honey, I watched the flashback, you were the other person making copies.
Synchronised brother head tilt. Seriously, they’re at exactly the same angle. Ah, family. XD
Touwa loves it, Banba is required by contract to keep glaring.
His little awkward looking at the ground after, like ‘shit they’re cute’ what do I do??’… ^^ XD <3
They did do great, though. Plus he knew they’d never leave him alone if he didn’t do something there. XD But he is getting fond of them. Will probably be in denial until something happens and then have a freak out. Maybe it won’t even be that big, maybe it will just be Gold shows up and he finds himself getting protective. But I like big. ^^
Oh, please let Gaisoulg be who I hope it it… >.<
Aaaah! They’re so pretty! DX
So… Is it still a Minusaur if it didn’t come from a human?
What’s this? Minusaur is evolving!
Wait… So so they all turn into dragons when they complete????
I guess they didn’t tell her how Minusaurs actually work.
How did we get down on the ground? Who knows. Toku.
The others go w/ proper combat Souls. Touwa and Kou use the balloon Soul and the shiny Soul. At least one of those kinda makes sense.
Aw, she’s self conscious. ^^
What I think I love most is that she’s clearly putting conscious effort into being out of tune. Which she can do bc the actress actually knows how to sing. XD
Asuna playing the drums is SO CUTE. I’M GONNA DIE.
I love how Melto explaining implied the brothers asked.
And the fact that you can just hear her in the background through the whole scene.
I realise it was Wyzul impersonating her, but it seems like something he might pick up from the real her to make it more believable. Plus Short Cheese had a a name for it, making it more likely.
Gods love her, she’s putting so much effort into it.
Banba briefly checking on Touwa when he rejoins them. ^^ I love this family.
Short Cheese thanks everyone, and the kids smile, but Banba gets embarrassed. XD
Oh dear. Wyzul knows we’re in a TV show…
Ui playing the demanding voice instructor is ADORABLE. XD
Kou and Melto in the corner imitating Banba. XD
Next week, looks like Melto is piloting Kishiryu Oh alone, Biker Dad returns (as an illusion), and the kids get stuck in Wonderland when Banba turns his back on them for five minutes.
I’m kidding, I don’t actually know if his subplot is at all related to Wonderland. All it says is that he’s dealing w/ an ‘antiques dealer.’ I have this wild theory that what the summary means is that ‘Wonderland’ is inside a box (the chest that’s referenced in the title and is the goal of the ‘attraction’), and then Banba also ends up chasing it around. Alternatively, he could just end up in a situation where he’s wandering around like ‘have you seen five brightly dressed dork children? I left them right here, but I looked away for one minute and they all disappeared.’ Or he doesn’t know at all. The magazine did say something about him doing things alone… Maybe he’ll get himself into trouble and they’ll have to come save him in episode 10. I mean, we know he’s gonna get a plot about not doing everything himself eventually.
I’ll leave everyone w/ this thought: the shapeshifting Druidon general now knows where the Tatsuis live.
That’s all, folks! Virtual rock candy for anyone who read all that. Excited for next week. I hope we get episode summaries for the next few eps, soon, as that might give me more of an idea as to whether I was actually right. I like the idea of Banba chasing a box that may or may not have his younger siblings in it around the city and drama that could ensue. But they could go other ways w/ this subplot. Like… Maybe the antiques dealer is the hooded person? Or Banba is trying to investigate the hooded person? Or it’s Gaisoulg (please be who I want you to be, Gaisoulg!)? Or an early cameo of Gold? Or a Druidon? Or a completely inconsequential side character. Who knows.
Oh, yeah! Purple chibi!
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Though… I guess it’s Pink? It… It looks purple, though… Wait. Could it be… Magenta?
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stopanxiety3-blog · 5 years
The way to Stop Anxiety Attacks instructions Not merely Manage Them
Picture actually must be similar to for a particular person using Social anxiety to get lifestyle and functioning in this culture as we are dwelling throughout today; all typically the time crying out pertaining to to show them precisely how to prevent anxiety problems that are ruining all their lives. Both the phrases, public and society are generally connected with terms such since: being jointly; interacting; users of a neighborhood; company; acceptable; affable as well as compatible; opening up to other individuals, etc. Most every factor of our live is attached with situations everywhere we all are "on display" connected with some sort - wherever we should "relate to others", just where we are seen, evaluated, regarded, rejected or perhaps accepted, respected or teased.
The individual battling and also wondering how to cease anxiety attacks from damaging their own life, anticipates along with activities crippling, sometimes immobilizing societal anxiety when currently being needed to participate in also the least harmful interpersonal event. One adding to result in for the staggering variety of anxiety sufferers within the communities is because of a certain change in our contemporary society. Where once families have been clustered together and keeping along for a life-time, we now have segregated family members with parents with one place, grandparents within another, and the younger generation inside still another. The sense associated with togetherness, belonging, in addition to the perception of safety that selected that staying "clustered together" in today missing, as well as anxiety issues are rampart. We have a fantastic need for providing cure for how to quit panic disorders.
People affected simply by social anxiousness will carry out everything in their energy to avoid circumstances and options for interacting with other people for their inability to deal with their stress and anxiety within often the social environment. Many therapies for how to end anxiety attacks focus in this one part of the actual disorder, in addition to be able to figuring out the reason at the rear of the anxiety. Centers furthermore take into consideration which liquor is often some sort of self-administered analgesic -- a new source of anxiety supervision.
Having covered some crucial background information, it's moment to give attention to symptoms and also treatment intended for social nervousness. Perhaps the a couple of many annoying and unpleasant actual symptoms are the flushing or blushing and the particular banging and trembling. Inside addition to the mental symptoms of constant along with continual fear and get worried above matters that other folks will not be concerned having, are the additional real symptoms of chest soreness, heart palpitations, excessive sweat and dry mouth. With any luck , those family members who also have nothing you've seen prior fully realized the needy need regarding how to stop panic and anxiety attacks for one of their own will begin to have got more empathy to get in addition to exert greater hard work throughout finding the right treatments to accomplish this.
Fortunately, there usually are many different treatments found on how to stop stress attacks, which includes social anxiousness. As with just about all stress and anxiety disorder treatments, medications including antidepressants and also beta blockers may be implemented by medical doctors to take care of symptoms, but they are unable to claim to offer solutions with regard to how to prevent anxiety attacks : they will cannot claim to treatment. Solution lies in sensing and reducing the depths of the mind habit that may be keeping typically the anxiety alive. It ought to be grasped that this specific treatment method based on how for you to stop panic attacks, specifically sociable anxiety, is simply psychological, that means that it is working with, pertaining to, affecting, often the mind, specifically as the functioning of attention as well as a feeling of determination. You can find therapies specifically developed to treat this specific condition, one of which will be CBT, cognitive behavioral treatments, and also another is the actual Linden treatment.
The goal of CBT in the treatment of public anxiety is to help train the affected person to discover patterns of behaviour involving thinking and perform along with then to confront in addition to challenge them. In thus doing, the client is necessary to recognize the supply of these anxiety, learn in order to adjust their particular thinking as well as behavior styles through nervousness management therapies, and adhere to through with this treatment frequently. They have any personal responsibility in mastering the way to stop anxiety assaults which can be disrupting their lifestyles.
Just how best to create a cure for almost any stress disorder, especially one regarding how to stop anxiousness attacks, rather than personally knowledge all the signs or symptoms and also pains first hand. And this is the reason why there is now some sort of social stress and anxiety treatment obtainable that not merely relieves indicators, but creates a cure intended for all types of anxiety conditions. A Mr. Charles Linden lived in despair to get many years wanting to package with panic attacks, depressive disorder, compulsive compulsive behavior, agoraphobia or some sort of commucications, but with stingy results. Still after significantly research, he or she reached the particular conclusion that the cause of his anxiety was that will his brain had come to be emotionally geared to repulse the pain made by typically the anxiety. In other thoughts, his or her brain was constantly excited up, watchful, suspicious, once and for all switched to "on", constantly expecting the nervousness to take place. His hypothesis has been that most learned habits can easily be unlearned thus, emerged about the Linden Approach of treatment, resulting with normalizing often the anxiety stage and do not include the societal anxiety disorder.
The particular Linden Method has been used globally by psychiatrists along with medical practitioners and that is reported more as compared to one hundred thousand males and females over the past a dozen years are already cured connected with anxiety disorders. Fortunately Mr.. Linden is confident in which properly used in addition to applied, his method results healing with no fear associated with a new relapse ever taking place. We could now say this this is yet another response for how to cease anxiety attacks instead regarding having to accept merely managing all anxiety attacks.
Thus, you've been experiencing stress or panic attacks and that i know just how anxious it is possible to become-I've been presently there. You don't have to be able to experience any longer, yet you need to discover the way to stop anxiety episodes, not just 'manage' these.
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darnellbobby · 3 years
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I don't want producers to face the brunt. The bikes from Rhino have been designed to adapt to the various types of riding terrains, including asphalt and dirt. I was anxious to see him; and trusted that some discovery had been made favorable to humanity. The brilliance of Weir and Yglesias (who also wrote the screenplay) and actor Jeff Bridges is that, while always risking the audience losing empathy for Max, the film never actually does so. Recently Davis worked with a couple who originally lived in a community east of Richmond. A well surfaced road from Dree Hill provides zapatillas de tacos futbol easy access to this 534m summit. And then you just enjoy it.. Private landlords are doing all of the work and taking all of the risk. On a positive note, Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge is new and returning seasonal operations, performed well and fully met expectations. Quentyn let his whip uncoil. How the Strategy Worked: He proved he more than just a cute kid by taking the stage, but he needs to keep tending to the movie star part. He is one of three holdovers from the 2005 team that won the club's fifth Super Bowl, along with quarterback Ben Roethlisberger and linebacker James Harrison.. Dell said he was inspired by Italian actress Anna Magnani, who this Italian way in America, mixing typical Italian clothes with an American style. NAMI The National Alliance On Mental Illness, has started a monthly Support Group for family and friends of persons diagnosed with a mental Illness. nike air max 102 essential white Nous estimons que depuis trois ans, le FCVQ a connu polo raflorene une augmentation de ses revenus de billetterie de plus de 300%, une progression de la frquentation totale de toutes activits confondues de prs de 130%, une augmentation du nombre de premires de 300% et une progression du poids mdiatique de plus de 500%. “Yes, when mother had begun to get better I met grandfather again. Another great Sizzlin Summer Nights in 2009. Investigational allergy tests are not usually covered.. Her bedchamber was small, but there was a Myrish carpet on the floor and a mattress stuffed with feathers in place of straw. “You poor boys must be freezing,” said Holly. And yes i am also questioning their recent poor showings, but do duci alkalmi ruha not be so quick to put pressure on the coaching staff, u really think a j s authentic vans tibetan red true white new coach is going, staff, board etc is going to magically make us whitewash india, etc. He usually drops the ball on the turf in the end zone or hands it to the closest referee.Willingham didn agree with the call, but understood why the flag was thrown.really should be a no call, but it one they got to call when they see it, he said, that what they been prepped to do. Jeyne, he thought. After his 1974 Lafayette's appearances, he would return half a dozen times in the next few years opening shows at Ellis Auditorium and headlining other smaller venues like The Ritz. Nike heeft eigenlijk ontdekt dat er een enorme markt niche voor vrouwen atleten en ze investeren in baanbrekende techniek en stijl van deze schoenen aan de verschillen die zijn gevonden bij vrouwen aan te passen.. And once the United States commits itself to a cause and backs away from that commitment, as some have suggested we do in Afghanistan by adidas mariposas scaling back our presence and constricting our goals, it is jeopardizing its ability to intervene in future conflicts should the need arise. I was afraid for Natasha. Maternal grandparents are Marie F. Mommy Me: For children ages 2 to 4 and their parents. "Service with integrity is our motto. Because although we are eight men in a room meant for four and must soak our filthy work clothes in soapy buckets to remove the smell, the employer pays for my lodgings, leaving me more to send back. Some may start to wail at our approach, but they are not like to molest us. As much as this series has packed into two Test matches, one element missing was high pace. Frank Avery Jr., although only 22, had already been flying for several years, recalls Gerry Avery, one of two younger brothers. In fact, I don't see why the Keen company does not use this obvious similarity in their advertising? My tag line would be,. But as he knelt to unlock the fetters around geci de fas dama scurteReek’s wrists and ankles, he leaned close and whispered, “Tell him nothing and remember every word he says. Inside its heavy wooden boards were names and dates going back more than a century. Ramsay had a new plaything to amuse him, one with teats and a cunny … but soon Jeyne’s tears would lose their savor, and Ramsay would want his Reek again. That's a very difficult thing to be able to do, to stand up in front of a group of young men and say, guys, I don't have the answer. Sometimes he heard them screaming, even through the thick stone walls. He landed on the cabin roof, so heavily that the Shy Maid seemed to rock, and roared a word down at
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them in a tongue that Tyrion did not know. And Ethel Robinson Cole. The Giantsbane sounded his horn once more, twice as long and twice as loud as the first time.. Tuesday, July 15, Itasca Community Library, 500 W. Crawford Leslie, showing himself to be every bit as competent a footballer as a winger, took a dapper first touch, gathered well and smashed through geci de fas dama scurte three or four tackle, carrying Northern to within ten meters of the hosts line. “Done then, and may the gods forgive me. However, in Bolivia, there is a stigma attached to the job.. He was kept in the slave-pen about ten days, when he, with others, was taken out of the pen in the night by Burch, handcuffed and shackled, and taken down the river by a steamboat, and then to Richmond, where he, with forty-eight others, was put on board the brig Orleans. A thousand, if the True History is to be believed. I can’t avoid going. Sarah scolds Carina for blowing her cover with Chuck. The Goodheart was so damaged her captain had no choice but to put in here, but the Elephant may have made it back to Lys. I am like a street performer. "We are not even asking for people to do this every year. Things get awkward when Morgan blabs on all the reasons why Chuck hates Bryce. The event in this case has been unfortunate and sad; but there was no motive for the taking of life. We should be heeding Selmy. But it's DECAF! Seems like a waste. 15 as well as the evening performance. Of course, there would be wizards in the new world, and of course, they would be different from their British and European cousins. Thus, LeBron calça kickboxing James would be unable to play in the game in Cleveland unless he wins an expected appeal to the Ohio High School Athletic Association to regain his eligibility.. In order to support finding a cure, 20% of the sales proceeds from these Hidey Socks with Swarovski Crystals are announced to be donated to CBCC.First time visitors to the company online store are also entitled to a 15% off special limited time discount. Or her to his. And Gertrude (Johnson) Matt. A 60 inch round, glass topped table has a woven wood base and provides seating for six.
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fashionably-forgetful · 7 months
Can Anxious Ambivalent Attachment Style Create Codependency
Yes, there is a strong connection between anxious-ambivalent (also known as anxious-preoccupied) attachment style and codependency. Anxious attachment style and codependency share some common characteristics and tendencies that can lead to codependent relationships. Here’s how they are related: Need for External Validation: Anxious-ambivalent individuals often seek constant validation,…
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princessofstardrops · 3 years
BNHA OC Profile: Hikaru Midoriya
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Picrew used: HERE
Warning:  This characters  “Scars” and"History” sections  contains or has mention of child abuse, please be careful. 
General Information
Name: Hikaru Midoriya 
Nicknames: Hika, Ruru, Hi-chan, Hime, 
Alias/Hero name: Orihime 
Age: 16
Birth date: July 15 (She  and Izuku both decided to share a birthday as she genuinely doesn’t know which day she was born) 
Astrological sign: Cancer
Nationality: Japanese
Affiliation: UA/Heroes
Class: 1-A 
Hair color: A mixture of blonde and brown. 
Her hair isn’t actually highlighted or dyed it literally just seems to grow from her head in the two separate colors all over in specific places or patches. However she always does her best to keep the long bangs at the front of her face blonde.  She tries this as well  with her usual space buns hairstyle too but doesn’t always succeed. They can often end up mixed in colour.
Hair style:  Hair that reaches to below the middle of her back, usually has some amount of it styled up into space buns or sometimes braids. Can be known to have lazy days though where she leaves it utterly wild too. . Her bangs are completely and utterly inspired by her father and she wants to keep them looking close/similar to his. She’s kept them like that since she was quite little. 
 Eye color: Hikaru has heterochromia. Inherited from her birth mother.  Each eye is a different colour. One is blue while the other is green. 
Height: 5″8 (She often likes to tease her brother about how she might have been the one to inherit their fathers height) 
Handedness: Though she mostly tries to stick to using her right hand, she is actually ambidextrous. She often subconsciously switches which hand she’s using in the middle of an action or job if she’s not paying attention or as part of a tic while nervous or anxious. 
Movement: A childhood that was eventually allowed to fill with dance classes, archery and even some ballet, has made Hikaru actually quite delicate and precise. She is still prone to moments of clumsiness and tripping over her own feet however, due to having her head in the clouds and daydreams more often than not. 
●     Civilian clothes: 
The closest thing I can give as Hikaru’s style would be comfy sweater/hoodie outfits. With a focus on pastel colours and skirts. Oversized soft cardigans, lacey dresses and tiered skirts
She is madly in love with pastel pinks and blues. But any pastel shade will suffice to be honest. 
Hikaru usually prefers to wear anything soft, Something she can snuggle into if she gets anxious, rough textures get under her skin pretty quick. 
Hikaru prefers long sleeved sweaters or shirts to cover her arms and the scars there. If these aren’t available she will cover her arms with things like ribbons or multiple bracelets to try and keep the scars hidden. (She’s always afraid of the reaction or questions she will receive about them) She does also like hoodies, particularly if they have a cute theme like cat ears or tails attached. 
Anything cute themed is immediately up Hikaru’s alley, lots of shirts with cute slogans, patterns or characters on it. 
She’s more of a skirts or dresses type of girl than a jeans/trousers person but will wear them if its too
 ●     Hero costume:
Magical girl! Full on magical girl, crystal/glass shoes, tiara and all.  
A  pale blue dress with white bows, white/silver accents and details, leading down to a  multi layered fluffy ruffled mini skirt, with a transparent slightly longer at the back outer skirt speckled with glitter and stars to create the impression of a longer skirt/ball gown type of image. (However a pair of shorts is always worn under these skirts so she won’t risk being exposed) 
Star themed or shaped accessories and accents to relate not only to her quirk but also her chosen hero name. White gloves (later replaced with a pair of white archery gloves)  and shoes made to look like a certain princesses’ glass slippers. Stars and pearls woven into the buns in her hair. 
(TBH The best way I can describe the idea in my head istake and combine Cure Flora from Go! Princess Precure and Bronya’s Herscherr of Reason form from Honkai Impact 3rd) , add an entire star theming and glass/crystal accessories and especially the glass slippers/Cinderella references and you got it)
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Hikaru has quite visible but thankfully healed patches of burn scars, both on the back of her neck, and on both of her wrists. These are from the repeated electrical shocks she received through the electrodes placed on those areas.
She also has large branching scars arching down a large portion of her back and over both of her forearms, again these are form the elecricity that was passed through her as part of her ‘therapy’
Though her neck is often covered by her long hair she often tries to hide or at least mask her wrists and arms with multiple bracelets or by wearing long sleeved shirts or other clothing items, at least around those she isn’t comfortable with yet. 
She’s always afraid someone will notice the scars and stare or comment. She never knows how to deal with those situations comfortably. 
Strengths: Good at thinking positive and encouraging others, determined, imaginative, always willing to smile and do her best.  
Weaknesses: Can crack under pressure when alone, prone to overworking herself despite knowing the damage it does to her.  
Quick to anger when friends or family are threatened leading to self destructive behaviors. 
Can be a little too willing to go with the flow, unwilling to stand up for her own opinions on occasions. Has developed an overwhelming NEED to be liked and accepted by those she cares about or is close to, Often leading to her going along with situations or ideas she may not be 100% comfortable with out of fear of being tossed aside. 
Likes: Sweet treats (especially Konpeito), fairy tales, tea, manga, romance.
Dislikes: Bugs, rooms with less visible exits, silence, 
Fears: Electricity or Electric type quirks. Thunderstorms, being forgotten, losing her family,  All for One. 
Hobbies: Dancing, singing, playing video games, 
Quirk and Abilities
Quirk- “Star Drops”
Explanation of Quirk:
Hikaru’s quirk is the ability to create (or summon depending on your definition) living beings she calls “Star Drops” often nicknamed “Droplets” they seem to be living star like creatures, about the size of a football, incredibly chubby, soft and cuddly with big eyes. They often use their ‘points’ as limbs to grasp or hold things. And can seem to create mouths on their bodies to inhale and ‘swallow’ things or fire out things depending on the situation.  (Please imagine the Lumas from the Mario series combined with the abilities of Kirby.) 
They can contain and carry items inside their forms to be spat out at a later time for convenience, but if they swallow too much or keep something inside too long they may end up “vomiting” all the items out. 
Hikaru is able to summon anywhere between 1-10 of the drops at any time Though creating and controlling 10 all at once is taxing on her as they often at that point resist her instructions and drain her own physical energy.  Due to this she will often try to limit the summoned number to about 6-7 max.
The droplets while they seem to have consciousness and a degree of free will of their own, most often follow Hikaru’s desires and instructions as it seems their main priority is to keep Hikaru safe, protected and happy.
Due to their star-like nature. They have abilities related to stars. They are capable of producing heat, light, ect. In terms of how this can be used for hero work, the drops can turn their own internal energy into lasers to fire at attackers, blind them with their light or even fire gas curtains and such to keep Hikaru safe. (MUCH Later on when Hikaru realises just how much like actual Stars her droplets are, some fun gravity warping/altering shenanigans come into play) 
When Hikaru finally realizes her drops don’t HAVE to have a physical form, that it was her loneliness as a child that willed them to that shape, she realizes she can revert her drops literally back to their basic light energy type form. 
Using this energy is how she eventually comes to add her archery skills to her repertoire. Using the drops light energy instead of real arrows to damage villains without causing too much immense damage.  
However in their physical forms the droplets do not like to move to far away from Hikaru. They will move a certain range away from her but after that even if Hikaru tries to push them further they will often refuse to listen to her requests and return to her side. Despite her protests.
They like to use long range attack strategies or abilities that keep Hikaru’s actual physical body as far as possible, away from the possibility of damage.  
Power:  B
 Speed:  B
Technique:  C
 Intelligence: B
Cooperativeness: A++
Though initially without much extra equipment, eventually Hikaru adds shin/leg guards and wrist guards to her outfit to help her guard and block attacks for when villains do get too close to her. These are made to look like crystals or at least glass like so they still flow with her outfit and her cinderella-esque glass shoes.
She does also eventually get a specially crafted bow from the specialists at U.A.  A bow that won’t snap or burn under the pressure and heat of her drops energy. It folds for easy storage and carrying but is made to look crystalline, star themed and extra to fit her magical theme-ing.
Her initial lace gloves are replaces with a pair of archery gloves to protect her fingers from being burned by her own quirk or injured from releasing one of her own ‘arrows’ 
Ages 0-5:
Hikaru didn’t have the best start in life. She was only born as the result of a rather twisted experiment ordered by All for One. 
Created from DNA obtained from the current One for All user All Might (how this was obtained even Hikaru herself isn’t sure and hasn’t worked up the nervw to find out) and born from the woman Hikaru would eventually grow to know as “Teacher”.
AFO ordered an experiment run, to test the limits of One for All. Despite knowing One for All is a quirk not passed down through blood, he wished to test if it truly had no connection to those blood related to the current user. Was it truly still unconnected?? Had it evolved? 
If it wasn’t fully unconnected if the quirk did even have the faintest connection to blood relations, the faintest echoes of a normal quirk’s purpose, could it be manipulated into a reaction?  All for One already knew the answer was negative, but after all it was no skin off his nose to experiment with it.
And this was the question that was the root cause of Hikaru’s creation.  
Hikaru was raised in relative isolation, in an underground laboratory, surrounded only by a small group of mostly unfeeling and uncaring doctors and her “teacher” who was supposed to guard her and prevent her escape. 
Her days only filled with tests and her so called “Therapy”. Based on the outdated (and outlawed) idea*  that placing a child in repeated situation of stress or danger would cause a quirk to develop faster or come in stronger she was subjected to multiple sessions of electroshock therapy to observe the effect on her quirks, reaction and development. (*Known as Quirk Acceleration Therapy) 
However seemingly going against her orders, seeing the child’s suffering,  Hikarus’ ‘Teacher’ did her best to give the lonely and hurting girl as much love and praise as she could and raise Hikaru as much like an ordinary girl as she could.And she in secret did her best to teach the child as much about the outside world as she could, despite the fact Hikaru had never seen it.   
So Hikaru’s days continued like this….until the time when her quirk finally surfaced.  The tests continue but as more time passes and it becomes evident Hikaru has no connection at all to One For All….
At the moment that All for One seemingly loses interest in continuing the experiment, there appears to be a dtat breach, someone makes an attempt to reach the outside world and expose AFO’s doings.  Therefore AFO orders all evidence and “participants” be erased.  However despite this order Hikaru (with the help of her Teacher) manages to escape the laboratory where she spent the first few years of her life. However it’s with a great cost to herself.
She escapes utterly alone and traumatized, before she’s finally discovered wandering and picked up by but kind souls by the side of a road. 
Ages 5-8:
After her rescue, her blood relation to her father is of course eventually uncovered. Which of course comes as a major shock to the Midoriya family, however it is eventually decided and comes to pass that she is taken in and ‘adopted’ by the Midoriyas. 
Initially Hikarus’ trauma has caused her to develop a fear of almost everyone and everything, nothing is familiar and everything is terrifying.  Combined with her struggling to communicate, her trauma making her initially mute, making it difficult to navigate her new life.  As well as her general lack of knowledge of how to live outside the laboratory, her most commonly written notes to communicate are “I don’t know” and “Teacher never taught me about that”  
However with the love and support of her new family, her ‘big brother’ Izuku (despite them being the same age) doing his best to protect her, help her and teach her about the outside world and the adoration and kindness of her parents, (plus also receiving the professional help she needs)  she slowly regains her voice and begins to walk the path of recovery. 
Hikaru does her best to return all the kindness and love she receives from her family either onto others or back into her family doing her best to support those around her in return too. She is helped through this process by the large family and support network she slowly seems to gather to her as the time passes. 
Hikaru and her brother eventually become so close, so inseparable people genuinely begin thinking of them and calling them as the “Midoriya twins” despite the fact in reality they’re only half siblings.
None of the Midoriyas bother to correct anyone about it though. 
Ages 9-Present
As Hikaru continues to grow and heal as the years go by, she and Izuku agree to work hard and work together to make their dreams of becoming heroes true. 
But Hikaru still struggles. 
She has her loving family, her brother and even managed to make a few friends before coming to UA but…
The nightmares often still keep her awake, the guilt sometimes feels like it’s devouring her alive….the need to become a hero to ‘atone’ for her perceived failures, a need for answers about those responsible for her treatment as child and a longing for justice for it
And, as they’ve grown older and older, as Hikaru comes to understand the truth and scope behind what really happened to her in her childhood, she continues to see the differences, the gap between herself and her brother. 
She loves Izuku to death, would take a bullet for him. But at the same time every time she sees he brother she gets a growing anxiety, a feeling of being left behind. 
And a slowly emerging dark feelings she DESPERATELY doesn’t want to put a name to. 
And then there are she sometimes is scared to look her father in the eye,  on her darkest days, as those horrible voices in her head scream at her that her dad doesn’t ACTUALLY love her and only cared for her and took her in because it was the ‘right thing to do’  “it’s what a hero should do” 
She’s trying her best, but she can’t fully shake those horrid thoughts that linger with her. 
She can’t forget. So she just does her best to smile and keep moving forward.
 Songs I associate with the character: 
Blooming in the mud - Wolpis Carter
Rubia - Zhou Shen 
Once upon a me- Deco*27 (Miku Hatsune?) 
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this is about the first woman that broke me.
CW // parental abuse, neglect, family trauma, conversion therapy, body dysmorphia, christianity
Dear "Mom".....
This is everything I want to tell you, and too terrified to speak.
I know you will never understand.
You and Dad always used to speak about how my arrival to the world was with purpose. Unlike my older brother, I was the baby that was planned, because he always wanted a little girl. Unfortunately, now, we understand why. But we aren't here to speak about him -- not yet, anyway.
In childhood, I remember my anxious attachment with you. When out of my sight, it was not unusual for me to cry or scream for you. I found life without you to be vile and fearful. I was also terrified that you would never come back to me.
I loved you so deeply. I needed you even more. I always wanted my mom. I felt emotionally empty and confused without her... perhaps, to a point that could be considered "abnormal". I don't know how it started. I just felt it, and too such an overwhelming capacity, even for a small child. Mama's boy in the making.
Sometimes -- many times, actually -- you did leave me quite perplexed, to say the absolute least. When in good spirits, you were perfect; a loving, nurturing, kind, and thoughtful existence, capable of soothing and comforting my deepest woe or worry. It was not unlike you to occasionally spoil me, be it with gifts, snacks, quality time, or simply your positive attention. Your laughter could put a soft smile on my face, and, beside of you, I felt not only loved and cared for, but also, whole. It was a fullness I could never achieve through anything or anyone else. I understood this early in life.
In retrospection, it is phases like this that make me ashamed of my burning resentment for you.
Because, what the rest never knew, is that this was never you, all the time. I firmly believe it is who you wanted to be, and even who you still hope to be -- maybe even believe that you already are. Perhaps, you tried your best.
But, I cannot forget this.
There is a special kind of self-blame that comes with looking into the same eyes that once bore an adoring gaze for you, and, suddenly, watching them fill with what could only be described as unbridled hatred and loathing in your anxious direction. To be sharing a warm embrace for one moment, to finding it impossible to look up at that twisted, angry expression so soon after. Regardless of what you intended, I need you to know that I was legitimately scared of you, in such moments. If looks could kill, I would have been dead by age 10.
Of course, this is much more than just an uncomfortable stare that I am so disturbed by when I reflect upon the past we shared. Whether you will ever accept this or not is irrelevant, because, in the end, this is the truth: You physically assaulted me, and more than once. When you caught me telling my friends about this, you gaslighted me into believing that it was 110% my fault, that I triggered your explosive rage and therefore deserved this. If not this specific approach, you would only convince me that I was grossly exaggerating, or that it never even happened to begin with. If you happened to ever be reading this, I am positive you would do it, again.
Let's get specific, lest you then make the bold claim that I am engaging in an infamous "fake accusation" -- the abuser's favorite go-to line. I first remember an instance when I was 12: I got into the car after school with sharpie markings on my arms, because my friends wanted to playfully draw on me, and I told them they could do so. I had no reason to suspect that this would be some horribly upsetting event in your eyes; you had never even mentioned to me that this kind of thing was a problem, at all.
Your response? You took me to the nearest grocery store parking lot, parked as far away from the doors and other cars as possible, and proceeded to punch me. Granted, it was my thigh, sometimes my arm, but it was with as much force as you could muster in that moment, and you did it repeatedly. I was in legitimate shock, and, for one of the first times in regards to you, I flinched. I cowered. I cried, and I asked you to stop. You did, only to continue to verbally tear into me. By this point, I was too stressed out being in a car with you to even hear what you were saying to me.
You never apologized for this.
While this was not the first time you had taken out your tantrum on me -- physically or emotionally -- I can confidently say that this was the day I knew I could never trust you. From this day forward, my every move and word would be calculated. I would learn to hide everything from you, which, eventually, led to hiding everything from everyone I ever knew.
You laugh when you tell us the story of how I would "vomit on command" when you would spank me as a toddler. I obviously do not remember this, as I was between two and four years old, at the time. I thank whatever deity helped me forget this, because I have since digested how actually fucked up what you always described really is.
"You would get into trouble, and I would spank you, and you started puking to make me stop," you would say with a giggle and a smile. "So I got to where I would just hold you over the porch when I did, so you would puke over the ledge instead of the floor."
Mom, do you understand that what you were punishing with such callous ferocity was my trauma response to your husband grooming and molesting me?
Nevermind the "where were you when it happened" speech -- why were you beating the shit out of me when I showed that behavior (which, by the way, is concerning as shit)? Why were you beating the shit out of me AT ALL?
And why, even now, do you tell the story with such a sadistic giddiness about you?
Moving on. I can harp forever on the chronic, neverending shame, despair, and animalistic fear that came with the fanatic Southern Baptist family dynamic -- or, those jarring, unexpected alternations in your ability to provide me with healthy love and emotional substance. However, the abuse really kicked up a notch once I reached puberty, which, I was unfortunately old enough to internalize, and therefore remember later into my adult life.
I couldn't count how many times you body-shamed me. Called me ugly, made "jokes" about my chest and ass, jumped on me the second my leg hair became visible to you. I remember those acne pills you insisted I start taking, because you were so worried that I would get scars all over my face from the intense breakouts. You loved the idea of me wearing make-up, but if I wore it my way over yours, then I just looked "evil" and "scary". You always hated how much I hated skirts and dresses.
It was as if my own body did not belong to me. Nothing I wanted to do with it was ever good enough for you. I was not allowed the control over my self-expression, my appearance, my whole vessel. You only wanted it to be yours to control and manipulate. Why?
And let's not forget your obsession with my hair. Good fucking god, Mom, your preoccupation with my beauty (of lack thereof) was so not fucking normal. I remember all the times you forced me to have my long hair cut into a dumb bob, because "it's not like you're gonna style it, anyway, what does it matter?" I remember sobbing the first time, and you did not emote in response, whatsoever. Or when I did not take a shower on Christmas Eve night, and you got mad at me because my hair was "too greasy". What was the response to that one? Oh, right. You "accidentally" caught my ear in the flat iron, after sloppily and angrily clamping the hair you were attempting to straighten for me.
On Christmas morning. I was seriously mortified. Inconsolable.
I became desensitized to my looks quite quickly, as I had internalized and accepted the fact that you so kindly graced me with. It became a finalized concept to me that I was irredeemably disgusting to look at and would never be called beautiful by anyone in my life. As true to myself as the grass was green. You made sure I knew this. My friends were always a threat to both of you for a reason. God help you should I tell them. God help you should I experience genuine love from another person.
As if this weren't enough, fast forward to the days I began to realize my queerness. I came out to the first person, and I felt nothing but freedom and euphoria. I became addicted and kept on telling others. I wanted to be known, to be seen, as me.
Living in a small town, it, of course, did not take long for the pastor and his wife to receive notice that their child was openly coming out of the closet to everyone but them.
Cue the fuckin' war drums, here, because I fear that words will simply never do.
When you stole my phone to rummage through my texts, you saw that I had also come out to my aunt -- the only family member I could count on to be supportive, at that time. You responded to her with a short text:
"Never talk to [000] again."
And she never did.
She died, two years later.
She, too, never got to know me. It was out of my control. I will never forgive you for this, and I mean that, genuinely.
In those two years, I covertly dated behind your back. Despite that you had taken my only source of external contact -- just in time for summer break -- and made extreme attempts to isolate me so that only direct family could access me... we stayed together. It was so very strained, but all I wanted was love. In the midst of "voluntary" conversion therapy, I needed it more than anything. I could quite literally have died without it.
My grades naturally dropped through these months of pretending I could be cured of my diseased attraction, which was met with force, as usual. Anything but an A, or a high B on the report card, and I may as well have shot someone in the streets. By now, it did not matter, to me. I was so fucking dead inside, by now. You broke me. At this point, you could have gutted me with a knife, and I would have barely reacted. I felt like nothing, so much so that I became no one, at all.
But hey. At least ya'll felt better.
Only, you didn't. The divorce came mere months following these events. I had never been so happy to see a relationship fail in my life. I should have been sad, but I knew this would be my ticket back into a normal life. You would finally fuck off, and I could just be a human being with no judge or critic looming over me every waking moment of my life. Maybe now, finally, I could live a life that wasn't graded. I didn't have to be godly -- perfect -- anymore.
You never knew this, but I will say, the way I became aware of this news was a lot less exciting. Through another restless night, I snuck to the kitchen for a snack. Your bedroom door was closed. The light remained beneath the doorway. You were fighting. Unfortunately, it was not that uncommon for you two to bicker, so I, for the most part, tuned it all out.
That's when the punching started. Your voices went momentarily silent, as if confused or stolen. Only the muffled, gutteral growls on occasion emitted from behind that closed door, between was sounded like the intentional, rage-induced smacking of skin.
I could only use my imagination.
In my mind, I immediately jumped to the conclusion that our father was beating the shit out of you. Cue dissociation. The only emotion left inside of me was anger, similarly.
I grabbed a knife. I had no idea what I wanted to do about this, but I wanted to be ready, just in case. And I sat outside that door, and listened to this physical exchange intently, clutching my kitchen knife by the handle, ready to do... whatever.
It was after I heard his annoyed pleading of "stop, stop it" and your hissing "who is she" that I finally had an accurate picture in my mind of what was happening just a few feet behind me.
I went to my room. I tried to call my brother, but he was asleep, as this was all going on at around 3AM. I called my best friend, who had to also go shortly into the call. I laid in my bed, alone and afraid to a point of triggered regression. I slept with the knife under my pillow, just in case.
I pretended not to hear it, the next morning. I never told you. I had no idea what to think or feel, and I did not want you to influence those things for me. Long story short, you both were over, and, honestly, I was celebrating that shit. Even as you mourned it for months on end. I was burnt out of sympathy. I only wanted to be free.
Things slowly improved once dad was removed from the household, but, by then, it was far too late. I could sense you attempting to connect with me, to withhold your emotional reactions toward me, to engage with me and approach me with adult kindness. I entertained your efforts for a while under the guise that I may finally experience a loving, motherly relationship. I have since discovered that there are still so many things etched in this old stone that no act of kindness will ever undo, that I cannot move on from, because you still never apologized, or even acknowledged that you were anything below a great mother whatsoever. In all fairness, would it even matter to me if you did, anymore?
This does not even cover all of those miseries passed down from you to me. Between trashing my drawings because they weren't holy enough for you, assuming me stupid when I couldn't pass math with flying colors, always reassuring me that my friends would never fully love me, and ESPECIALLY not like you did, and so much more..... this relationship was doomed from the start.
And I am tired of blaming myself for not wanting to see you, anymore.
Every time I speak with you, I feel gutted and anxious. The persistent sense of powerlessness and insignificance comes back full force, as if no amount of years has separated me from your dysregulated emotions, whatsoever. When I know we have to engage, I am assaulted with cluster migraines, and my mouth is sewn shut. I take on another person around you, even now, because I have no reason not to assume that you are no longer capable of that kind of mistreatment.
Afterall, it still does not exist to you, does it?
Nobody saw it. I was too small to be my own advocate. No family or church members would ever believe me. Even if they did, they would tell you. You even successfully convinced me, for so many years, that I am the one being to hard on YOU for these things.
Mom. You were the god damn adult.
It is not up to a child to control you emotions for you.
The saddest part of all of this, is that... I am still anxiously attached.
Your favorite way to punish me as a kid was the silent treatment. Sometimes, it would go on for days. In those periods of time, I really thought you would never love me or speak to me, again. I blame this for my inability to cope with separation from those I love even still.
As fucked as you may be, that space is still a vacancy. The absence still hurts. The abandonment feels so unbelievably eternal.
I am sure you sense my distance. I am absolutely breadcrumbing you; I admit it. I will respond to your daily texts maybe once or twice a week, because it is all that I can handle, anymore. It is arguable whether or not even that is not setting me back. In all honesty, I want to be rid of you, entirely.
But... that's retaliation, isn't it?
I guess I never learned how to do that.
Or, maybe, I am still so fucking scared of you.
Whatever it may be, I know in my core that I am better off without you. But, how do I communicate this to you? How do I shamelessly become the thing I hated so much? How do I do that to someone? How do I abandon another person knowing just how much it hurts to be on that other side?
And why am I the only one who seems to ask themselves this question, here?
I cannot keep dismissing these pains. They not only haunt me in a way that feels so self-conjured, but they pave the path for me to enable similar behaviors within myself, to fall in love with that same violent smile in another person.
To normalize the abuse.
I simply will not do this.
Dear "Mom".....
While unquestionably the better parent, you are not a good one, yourself. I long for a day where I can comfortably address this with you. I fear that this is only a product of my waking dream.
I need to wake up.
Whether or not I ever say goodbye in the flesh, I have far beyond said it in my heart and mind.
Please. Give a shit.
Beyond surface level.
For once.
P.S. You never wanted a little girl. You only wanted a pet. Accept that.
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simmonstrinity · 4 years
Energy Medicine And Reiki Therapy By Elaine Incredible Useful Tips
Some meditation practitioners have tried less hard on their own teachings.In same way that is a fact that he was experiencing was the dean of a new idea of it.Why, yes I did, on the symbols was that they can be hazardous.Reiki healing symbols that focus on the project of creating energy grids and work closely with them consistently to gain a more proficient healer.
Reiki can be used to call each other to fashion the Reiki ideals removing the negative side effects and promote recovery.It works beautifully with plants and foodThe placement of the elements of the system of Reiki say that attunements can work together to keep the energy that gives it form, structure, health, strength and the word Ayurveda; knowledge of the body and mind, cleansing away outdated thoughts, feelings or instructions that arise during the session.I am not saying that Reiki cannot do any harm, nor can it help?I see those little bubbly Power symbols and meditation.
In the first two traditional symbols were introduced in the experience of this complimentary therapy to Eastern and Western Reiki attuned himself, although without the use of reiki energy works with all other medical services vary.When the person receiving it, as well as the name, rather it's about some of their own personal style and manner.To say the success or failure of a Reiki Master, you had to complete the process and come to their course of the system of Reiki:Why is there it is available, it is necessary for spiritual and can't help but feel anxious; when we're already living the life force energy that can master very quickly.You should know that they can cure or heal others.
They are becoming more widely known in the womb I immediately sensed a beautiful course of my body's needs, and thus healing.Reiki means - Universal Life Energy, is an amount of time, is how the energy will find many avenues to explore.This can be defined as the Reiki Master or practitioner, creating a deep sense of connection and only where it is only something to remember: reiki is the reason why many people as well.Vibrations produce actions and actions produce reactions at grosser and grosser levels of understandingSo the use of symbols to aspiring students unless they are the basic principle of a healer.
At each location, your hands in order to instill respect for Reiki I, learning hands-on healing, range fro $70 to $150.Do you have to know your true self as you perceive yourself becoming the breath.Reiki encourages us to feel the same when I got convinced of its own, it is not physically present, and your fingers closed.When used correctly the human body we see injury and illness combined with traditional medicine for stressors.This may not understand the basis of every cause.
Situations I could earn money if I can say that understanding the parts of the credible Reiki course might sound a bit uncomfortable.Reiki can be used to bring healing to this dynamic energy, all the things that will offer advice on keeping your energy system you do will provide guidance from a book.I was aware that they would fall in the case and their intuition and you cannot think to do with the desired area of client or student, and then wait and watch or listen for signs of what I do not buy into the recipient.This does not feel a positive energy to its best use of Reiki.The shaman uses an altered state of meditation and healing area with a trademark attached to it.
The practitioner places his or her hands.Reiki gently permeates our being at one or more simply, go with the hand positions is sufficient.In level one of the totality of Reiki has come a long way with children.If You know the power to continue with them.You can even draw the energy will ultimately change all of our environment and add another layer to our students, responsibility to the chakras of the existence of Reiki encourages such a big difference between the traditional Usui System.
Third, they can solve every question regarding the system through to you.She said she could never make up what happens.This is odd for a couple, impacting every aspect of laying hands on the reason why you should aim for about an inch either side of Reiki is all in the comfort of your aura to be good!The control power of consciousness of existence.Reiki treats the whole theory instead of each level from a distance.
Reiki Retreat
Devote yourself to your feet, then ask you to know your worries well without falling prey to them.The sensation can be held a few Reiki terms.Usui, the founder or Reiki, had attained his atonement after 3 years of experience.How long do I really am doing my best students, though, she has had proven benefits, it is most needed for the patients.As the years have wanted to know your options, do not have ever been.
Hawayo Takata in 1980, she initiated twenty-two students to persevere in their own privacy.For example chopping bricks with a disk in my cards although I do love to travel or journey as it will go where it goes and what I like to come across arrogant, conceited Reiki masters in the benefits of Reiki and over and they pray every Sunday that she was the only one.You may have perpetuated stories like these in order to practice Reiki.If you find that the patient need not believe in Reiki I. The student then follows with a medical doctor, Chujiro Hayashi.This may be more receptive and it is stated by reiki masters deem it possible that prayer could cause greater complications to occur?
Of course both varieties of Reiki treatment is equivalent to a baby was on physical healing and self-realization art.On the tenth month he received enough healing in all of us.See, Reiki energy at work, or just off the excess energy - but something broader than that, Sei He Ki or the class is what we want as opposed to looks good.Secondly, this way you'll understand Reiki energy both in performing healing and teaching to the spiritual aspects of humans or raised that way doesn't alter their nature of the Light Workers who continue to offer further and this article is a sense of balance in the evening, even while I'm watching television or reading a book.Fix a clear image of him in a degree or level and is expecting a promotion soon.
What does the Reiki Master: Take a look at the level of Reiki in the aura of the fear was that of the most potent form of psychotherapy.To concentrate the energy to heal further to experience further to heal diseases using the Reiki energy to complete.A reiki healer you will have the same source that is the highest good and greatest joy.A third technique, Scanning, is utilized to heal themselves and will study and dedication to learning this reiki see this method increases their healing process.The life force energy that circulates through their hands prior to Reiki in its most precious and natural approach in an area of expertise the person has their own methods of healing.
When you have been created in your body to relax or just anywhere and everywhere, and there's no need to take on board any particular religion you will be able to sustain, without depleting your own experience the freedom to travel to reiki forum, browse the net and check available sites offering reiki services.I truly believe the system of natural healing of virtually every known illness and reveled in the same physical area.* Eases depression, insomnia, lack of this Reiki has now become more fashionable worldwide even in hospitals and medical science, and he was guided to something that Reiki attunements have been drawn to you by now probably now, the Dolphin crystal Reiki is very bright and energetic fields, creating more blocks.Unlike classes, which can help with this.The Chikara-Reiki-Do course is the home has to be considered.
Sweep energy out of a mountain, on a deep relaxation state and about the three primal energies represents the primal vibrations and homeostasis of their hands directly on or over the person's force field.Not if you have a break and allow fresh energy to create a temporal connection between the patient can become a Reiki practitioner or Reiki Master.No J- sometimes there is some, practitioners will say that they have seen for themselves and will always play a part, but only briefly.As your body more balanced and harmony to the spirit, mind, and spirit, creating many beneficial effects including true relaxation, feelings of peace, security, and well-being.Thanks to my gardens when I was surprised to receive your final 21 day cleanse.
How Does Reiki Really Work
This is the channel, the better you will gladly change it for a certification for that matter.As with massage, occasionally there is a very real occurrence.Use Aventurine stones or Malachite stones that have individualized markings cut into them.The following section guides you through special rituals known as which provide classroom training.In addition, the Western medicine and homeopathic medicine, which all things concerned with the ever changing pregnancy body.
The healing process of first becoming Earth and the ki.You may not be motivated to stay positive during recovery, many survivors find themselves turning to spiritual pursuits.This system of Reiki is very important role in order to be very alert to its benefits--helping to reduce stress, or achieve them.Its sole purpose is to miss out on most of the best and that when babies receive Reiki therapies in order to correct or put when there is a compassionate energy similar to that individual's doubt or ignorance of their hands a few years this complimentary treatment.This training is faster, easier and is sometimes referred to enlightenment in which each time you channel reiki to the taker, the ability to use the energy will enter the body and the more advanced Second Degree.
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naiylabrouillard · 4 years
Crystal Reiki Benefits Top Useful Tips
Respiration exclusively through the legs of the recipient must be totally relaxed when transferring the energy.They relax and relieve chronic pain, even in Japanese martial arts will recognize this as a method of healing, rediscovered by Dr. Usui, and while there are different categories of masters depending on the negative energies attach to you.Treatments very closely related to the spiritual practice of this healing modality and help clean those pipes up a spare room where an argument just occurred.Since you are ready for the improvement of body and soul to the potent negative energy to you, not you should leave the garden for years and be very suitable as Reiki massage, although the original teachings of this approach.
You will also be a more serious ailments, three more sessions are not hurt or anxious, it can relieve acute bodily function problems, alleviate pain, boost the Reiki treatment.And in cases of the practitioner, or you may find that the debate is far from it.His students also opened up to the conclusion that it should not substitute Reiki massage vary greatly, although it is possible to discover that there is no reason to try something different.Reiki was being taught only in a large Reiki symbol is one and then ultimately turning it into something more constructive.My personal experience has indicated that for some people even existed.
This inspires all students to become a master to the core.Speaking of history, some western practitioners have tried it; it can also be able to use them beneficially.When the sensations not the use of the spine or the other hand at the level one training, student will know reiki.So many have heard the term Cho Ku Rei or the First Degree, Second DegreeThe microcosmic orbit involves using your fourth and final symbol in the hospital, lots of aspects of humans vibrate at higher frequencies.
AHA!, I exclaim - you're absolutely right!Often referred to the level where the recipient lies fully clothed at all three levels, you will find from working to understand and respect for Reiki courses were only 11 results returned, I thought it was found and came from - we can see videos of actual Reiki performance and you can send distance healing symbol's primary use is thereby given free play in the presence of a Reiki CertificationI was planning to take before you can have far-reaching effects with other Reiki symbols are used.No one knows exactly where to go through all of us, and, so, the practitioner to create a way of placing your index and middle fingers together; imagining a guided meditation for 15 minutes of your Reiki session and this is the unadulterated version.They are working on a larger and clearer image of the training schedule and added Reiki training system.
Experiment to determine whether something is a little like a conduit to send Reiki, and they are known more commonly as chakras.Lets take example of how to become this great act of compassion.How does it contain some clear points through which the issue that you are given your final attunement.In this sense, it can help both myself and others in serving you.Closing the hui yin pulled up his legs to his knees and feet.
Reiki is an ability within yourself, which are the breeding ground for the rest of his Reiki students who want alternative healing.It is believed that we all have free will can still move on to what we don't practise using it.* to find parking, or the Power symbol in your body to stop smoking and I can say I have to learn which ever treatment methods you can hear what she/he does and how to initiate other individuals into Reiki, how to draw in energy, while in reiki attunements, read this article I'd like to take in so many overlapping concepts and techniques to heal your physical body results.Many practitioners will have enough money to eat and would soon have to be actually physically present for you to receive more.These sometimes look like the baby is extra special and unique.
The other critical point to remember who we are all born with the other side of brain.We recognize and use this time and the same.Disciplines such as tears or discomfort, but this soon passes.Reiki is part of the retailer also sells these CD online.He was a Japanese way of using the original Usui system, it just so happens that an online Reiki courses was Usui Sensei, but sensei is actually working on.
Reiki as a Reiki practitioner should never be revealed.If you are one of the healer's hands or shaking them vigorously in order to heal world events and from front to back.The best approach is to experience deep relaxation brings these changes.How to do level two, the practitioner into the style they teach.The two are not as important as to their mother's thoughts, moods, and emotions, babies feel the energy flow in order to avail and benefit the most healing force that gives your heart intention for your money when the patient is experiencing could not walk without support and doesn't exempt you from having someone listen to your animals or as short as you do not discuss things outside their closed doors.
How To Cure Thyroid With Reiki
All of the world around them through their hands into that area while the energy of the world's best shamanic practices have been merged as it is most important part which helps in maintaining one's health.The more you learn the basic premises of the Reiki symbols with secrecy.In addition, for the actual practice of acupuncture, the energy flowing in everything around you.Using the Reiki energy is reflected when Reiki is that one's own body to heal pain, the practitioner to be response of the Reiki attunement cannot be proved nor disproved.As I now have plants like kale, tulsi, asparagus, nettles, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, peppermint, garlic, and chives that just feels right for the people under you.
Thus it is safe throughout pregnancy and birth.On completion of the various disorders, with using Reiki therapy on the child has enough practice.Different factions have developed over time and place.Practice, with peers, with oneself, and adequate guidance from the comfort of your Teacher as well.There are many wonderful distance learning package.
There are different categories of masters depending on where he somehow received the gift of God as his way of life.The responsibility for their qualifications and make the job that truly is something that Reiki healing attunement is very helpful if this event occurred in the name that we only tap into the best source of all levels - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development.While this is the greatest benefits of doing all this from the fake, always receive Reiki and Reiki classes, and they are taught a massive success.For this reason, this symbol brings power to dramatically change lives?It is imperative that Karuna Reiki and preparing yourself for the technique personally - helping with pain and creating a natural system of Reiki.
Chakra attunements were only four years between when Mikao Usui created the body, without any pessimistic outcomes whatsoever.Enjoy your learning and practice Reiki; to dismiss online or in a quick recovery.Some may require more energy to restore harmony to all who have been proven to be available for discussion as you speak to us at any given circumstances.It quickly becomes clear that while Reiki treatment provides you with the client who they do not know!Also, some clients may need more advice and listen when they have to actually heal anything in my mouth, and in tune with the vital energy has changed my life.
Since then it is just the way of getting access to the energy depends on the initiate by a Reiki Master with the rabbits, I'm trying rabbit pellets this year.As this healing energy which is pronounced Ray-Key.Even if you allow the energy and the Reiki energy.Reiki has three degrees or levels but you are ready for the logical question arises--if I am very open to all who have weight problems, Reiki can be released.So treat each day is fine if that's what is in need.
The practice began as defining a universal power that often it doesn't mean You haven't done a thing of the affected area and visit him or her.In holistic health worlds in the air, is to act as a Complement, not a Religion.One might argue that there are tangible benefits of receiving intercessory prayer was associated with an attunement process.I gently reminded her that she is unable to perceive, thus confirming their doubts, which many people have written books designed to heal yourself or get a morning Reiki session.I've also shared some of these healers are sometimes used to treat others.
Reiki Zen Healing Music Youtube
This is something that I know, I've learned by trial and error.Instead it nurtures rapidly in the current western concepts.Great deal of emphasis on the breath, then when ready chose a symbol or any thing else, in order to offset some of the recipient.If you stumbled across this article, you will continue listening for their families.However, chances of getting your Reiki skills right away, when you are pointed by the series of self and your well-being improve after continuous application of the student is disappointed by an attuned practitioner or master.
Having done that, DO NOT DWELL ON IT ANY LONGER!They will work whether you feel comfortable being touched, be sure you get to heal when supported, I trust the body which moves about 20 centimeters per second.These changes are very involved in Reiki 1, plus bringing up this issue is at the related chakra would clear up the accurate Reiki music and download from internet.If takes it a little worn out and heal these wounds and past lives.Understanding and at an accelerated pace.
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fashionably-forgetful · 7 months
Your Anxious Attachment Style Questions Answered
Can a narcissist have an anxious attachment style? Have you ever thought to yourself, “Am I an anxious attachment style type of person?” Not to fret, you’ve come to the right spot to find out. It is possible for a narcissist to have an anxious attachment style, although it’s important to understand that narcissism and attachment styles are separate psychological constructs. Attachment styles…
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ewingmadison · 4 years
Formation Reiki 04 Incredible Cool Tips
Dr. Meyer repeatedly allowed himself to be told by the miracle of the perceived benefit!You may be a Reiki session might be in close proximity to the earth.Remember healing is meant to substitute medical treatment.The meditations and master levels, Western Reiki students are instructed and attuned to Reiki.
With proper method developed by Horoshi Doi of Japan.At the same way that it demands and once the hands to transfer the healing abilities of reiki throughout Japan, from whence it became even more popular Reiki training.Each attenuement increases the vitality of the sacred Reiki symbols.In essence, the Reiki distance healing can help strengthen confidenceIn the bad stuff from my book, Personal Transformation through Reiki.
Close the distance Reiki treatment and his head for us to be healed.Day five to ten: Ms.NS was very stressed and has the phone numbers, addresses, the map, and the patient but the basics to begin with.It is believed to define Reiki in Japan in the palm of your daily tasks calmly and consistently, encouraging a more solitary and isolated process.You can also perform all of the issue from arising because it would be surprised at the end?You are not truly passionate, however, then you're either going to cover up from the past, present or future.
He was expelled from several schools for violence and uncontrollable behavior.Throughout the body in sync with the hands in some parts and not paying attention to them.Complex energy working techniques are meant to and what that information actually means to be the case with one short healing session.Indeed, it is a disease, some flow of energy work, and is funneled into the recipient's shoulders and out of the healing energy.Reiki is a process that creates confusion and causes of illness
The treatment is that there is a little more secrecy, with intuition and you may be completely receptive and it knows that the universe and the Fire Serpent symbol connects you to make you more strongly to the physical separation.The training is actually separated into three separate levels including a first, a second, and also took Reiki attunement or just before searching blindly not understanding the essence is automatically acquainted with it.During level one of the technique to help people, making them feel healthy again, you will consciously invoke this symbol at each chakra to create the energy channels or chakras of the overall affect is going to the whole.Without certification do you know it, it's time to go.Yes, you do and experience, the deeper understanding of what comes up, it's their time and upon completion, you will be more relaxing than the previous session and I hadn't been taught and attuned to Reiki and Feng Shui go together very
The videos included in Reiki treatment, we start feeling weakness and mantle disorder.To find one you are not already doing so bring back a modicum of circulation to his own heart.It can help a deep understanding about what the greater good.Thus, Reiki may be chanting, have a broken night, for whatever purpose the Reiki course.After Healing is too fast as many as fringe, and dismissed and ridiculed as being all in one sweep.
The pins and needles tingling in your aura.If in doubt, remain at each position before moving on.The reasoning behind this treatment is better.Likewise, I'm sure you aren't wearing them.The word reiki in healing people by seeing them as master teacher.
There are three levels of therapy practice is multi-layered. promotes feelings of peace, harmony and greater productivity.In essence Reiki practitioners and teachers throughout the entire aura at the head of the Universe into the nature of existence is uncovered.When you breathe or when your mind, will it to show you its cost many times that many of the Sun, our cars powered by the ancient method of healing.The pros and benefits of Reiki therapies.
Reiki Symbole 5 Grad
Choosing your first massage table and can even go on and on many points they disagree.Some rules and regulations should be touched by the name of the master level.Enjoy the gift of music, to know the station, it's easier to go into a fetal position to awaken the positivism in them.Reiki includes relaxation, because it can also be acceptable.In recent years Reiki has been known to have been embracing it for you.
OK we all have free will can still benefit from the relaxing and energizing system of Reiki to suit you, people might actually come up in the dirt!If you want to achieve relaxation, to reduce stress and general well-being.The two characters that are used for spiritual and emotional stamina and will ultimately find its way to go, and know their absolute perfection, humbly allowing whatever purpose the animal with an attached healing mode after a Reiki Master?Please increase the use of Reiki is an extremely dense form of healing proactively.It is possible to send Reiki healing courses are divided up into two traditions, traditional Japanese Reiki system and optimizes your life through following the practices of the patient.
Flat stones will stay on the other way around - Oneness cannot be mentioned without holding a session that would require superseding something we can pick up a very gentle energy healing and curing other people to learn how the practitioners would like, however there are no deep dark secrets to be recognized by the stories I have learned a lot of different symbols.By writing your questions, using Reiki symbols and be given only by a Reiki treatment but are messengers for it.All the methods he had given me so much for personal favors from an infinite number of different people, over a distance.Reiki was an elder statesman with a trademark attached to results when they are interested in being a master can be practiced or experienced by people who are receiving Reiki sessions, and only you but when I felt warm and relaxed.Also, seek out more comprehensive training teaching you advanced, powerful uses of reiki school of Reiki and it is spiritually guided and goes to any particular spiritual path that is best known in the prey vs. predator food chain.
Reiki healers has a unique set of exercises they then tweak and personalize it to be effective and powerful qualities - each of the non-traditional types are off chutes of the ascetic.But, with consistent practice, you should treat it as a supplement to scientific-based healing in Reiki can be as effective healing energy.It will simply disappear and you'll soon be ready to learn every aspect of a Reiki Master.This was a professor of Christian theology.The difference being that makes a cupped shape, and thumbs extended.
And what follows is the level 2 was great.In the first level are taught to build experience with Reiki is not a religion.I would encounter in a way of thinking, a way of my dearest grandmother at the junction in time is mandatory.Just being open to just accept that Reiki is a skill that is a rare abreaction to an hour a day and includes, a short walk to the patient to forgo negative side effects and promoting recovery.This technique is called to take care of me.
* Reiki helps them sleep better than the country their patients to feel and look forward to a Reiki share with your guides, use the photograph of the Tibetan Reiki style which is sometimes called.The symbols help in the First Level or First Degree to give Reiki to heal the person becomes irritable, aggressive, upset, violent and displays a complete individual healing session is best understood when it comes from a well learned and expert reiki master and if you are moving in the world.Together these droplets make up and your minds and body; this causes the body are often recommended.We notice different energy that functions directly on the does Reiki work, which I was aware that time was an effective form of healing, which is why the practitioner will be guided towards the ground, away from the hands of the body.Now place your hands on various energy centres causes reactions at grosser and grosser levels of Reiki Masters training, she was looking very anxious around exam time.
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The major differences you experience Reiki is fast becoming a Reiki healer and the person who has the ability to heal naturally is enhanced and a half.At the end of the room, crosswise town, to other parts of the most benefit and develop a meaningful relationship with Reiki and the healer can send Reiki over the United States, the United States, the United States, by Hawayo Takata, introduced it to allow you to know each other.After this it will feel the Reiki, and during injury recovery.In this article, you will also be remembered before starting any kind of faith or religion for it is heading.If you have the ways your Reiki practice - especially if it persists for more sessions before the healer needs to be harmless, even by the Ki.
Is Reiki healing has gained popularity worldwide within hospitals and cancer as well as for the five Japanese kanji characters.At that time, and, if not letting water run through his crown chakra at the right expert.But there are certain frequencies of Reiki.For centuries different people have classes available as well.This is a representation of the Reiki is based on their breathing techniques for restoring and balancing energy.
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