#hot dilf on dilf action pls
ontarom · 1 year
Jake/Neytiri and Tonowari/Ronal agree to couples swapping/swinging but it ends up with Jake and Tonowari having hot sex and Neytiri and Ronal sitting on opposite sides of a room not talking to each other
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suiana · 10 months
Could you do another dilf janitor post?? 👀 I'd love to see his reaction if he caught the reader masturbating at the thought of him.
"hah... fuck i need to cum soon... class starts in 15 minutes..."
you pant slightly, a shimmering line of sweat across your forehead as your hands continue working at your sex. your elbow hits something in the dark closet and you grunt. ugh... this janitor room was too small... but it had his scent, so obviously you'd be in here getting off.
right, why were you here in the first place? it was just a normal day and... ah, right, your hot janitor crush started flirting with you. touching your arms, leaning into you... of coursed you'd be turned on by the hot male's actions.
and now you were here. touching yourself, trying to get off to his scent and the memories of his flirtatious actions.
"hah... hng... pl-please..."
you moan softly, hands going faster as the scent of the janitor wafts throughout the tiny, dark room. lewd noises fill the room as you feel yourself come down from your high. with hands and fingers sticky, you stare in shame as you pull your pants back up only for a ray of light to infiltrate the room.
your eyes widen as the janitor you were getting off to stare at your disheveled state.
"w-wait it's not-"
"were you masturbating? in my janitor room?"
"i-i swear i didn't know-"
your stammers were left unheard though, as the janitor approaches you with open arms, hugging you tightly.
"aw... how adorable..."
he mumbles softly, whispering into your ear as something pokes you. wait, did he enjoy the fact that you were jerking off to him?!
"don't worry... we can both get off together~"
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javisjeanjacket · 1 year
Hard to Find - ( joel miller x reader)
A/N: I didn’t wanna do it to ya, but something about a dirty sweaty emotionally scarred dilf man...I JUST CANT STAY AWAY!! Anyway this is a lot of build-up and backstory laying and in part two there will be less of that, more action and ~drama~. But for now, enjoy :)
also!! I’ve not played the game, i’m only watching the show as it comes out so no spoilers pls!!
Word count: 1.6K
Warnings: descriptions of the night of the outbreak (a lady gets bitten, puke is mentioned briefly, blood is mentioned briefly), canon-esque action, feelings of being overwhelmed and anxious are described but not heavily focused on, the relationship with Joel is ~complex~
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He remembers you from before. He remembers how easily smiles used to come to you and how kind you always were to Sarah. 
You are not like that now.
He’s not like he used to be either. 
You were with him when he lost her; you saw the unyielding nothingness infect him and the hopelessness settle into the cracks in his skin. Joel changed after he lost Sarah; he was no longer the hot handy neighbor who helped you hang up your Christmas lights every year. He was barely a functioning human at all. 
The past ten years, you had tried to be there for Joel when he needed you. He would spill his guts to you, trembling and crying until he fell asleep with his head in your lap, and then wake up the next morning, make you coffee and pretend like nothing happened. Other nights he would call you, take your hand as soon as you walked in his door, and look at you with big, brown, helpless eyes. You would stroke his cheek or rub your thumb over his and he would lean in for a gentle kiss that lead to the two of you in his bed, his hands worshiping every dip and curve of your body, that then lead to him making you coffee and eventually moving in with him. You knew Sarah, and you had known him, and you were the only part of his old self that he could remember anymore. He refused to call you his partner, but keeping you safe was more important to him than his own life. 
You didn't really know why you were doing what you were doing. Picking up ingredients to cook a dinner for a man you adored, who you suspected adored you too, but refused to acknowledge it. Often, you thought of just up and leaving the QZ and Joel behind, heading for anywhere else that people might be, in an effort to stifle how you felt about Joel and to garner enough self respect to stop yourself from letting him use you. 
‘But I couldn’t leave him.’ you thought to yourself. ‘Why not?’ You argued. ‘If a better opportunity came along wouldn’t Joel just leave you?’ You bit your lip and tried to focus on the rations you were putting in your pack. ‘It’s not worth thinking about. Not anymore.’
“Get down!” A voice rang out suddenly over the market square. 
“Shit!” You cursed and bent down to shield yourself using the vegetable pasta stall. 
The sounds of a grenade detonating reverberated off the brick and you braced yourself for impact. Debris violently flew through the square, crashing and bouncing all around you. Brick shot through the pasta stall and broke into smaller pieces when it crashed to the ground before you. You whimpered and closed your eyes. A flash from that night, Joel’s birthday, September 26th 2003, played in your mind. 
The movie theater. 
Midnight Madness was playing.
Your co-worker came stumbling out of the building, covered in blood. 
Your first instinct was to grab Joel’s shoulder and point them out to him, ask him to stop. 
Joel didn’t stop for the family with a baby, he wouldn’t stop for a grown adult covered in blood. 
Your coworker grabbed a woman fleeing nearby and latched onto the screaming woman’s neck. Her mouth filled with blood and it spilled down her turquoise top. The turquoise was so pretty, you recalled. Accented even more by the crimson of her blood. You rolled down your window and puked out of the side of Tommy’s truck. 
You opened your eyes. Dust had settled in your hair and over your skin. The market was in shambles around you and the stall behind you was blown to smithereens. The robot FEDRA installed to run the market booths looked to be beat to hell, which put a smirk on your face. Swallowing against your dry throat, you looked to find a way out of the square and back to Joel’s apartment. You found one and started to move towards the street when you heard the clatter of boots upon pavement, working as one unit. You heard the shift of guns in hands and cursed to yourself. 
“Fuck me.” 
Your only chance to escape was to wait until the firefight started and then run for it while they’re all focused on each other. You turned instead, to the destroyed robot. You hunkered down behind it and pulled your body as close to yourself as you could, making as small of a target as possible. Moments passed in silence, then some angered shouts of ‘Free Boston now!’, and then the exchanging of shots started. You jumped when the first shot was fired and took that as your cue to make a run for it. Your chest pounded as you ran towards the sidewalk, your pack shook from side to side and your heart felt like it was in your ears. You turned the corner away from the market and a spray of bullets marked where your feet had just been. Your breath stuck in your throat and chills ran over your body. Turning from the fight, you fled towards Joel’s apartment. The streets were abandoned already, people safe in their homes, helpless but to watch the chaos unfold in the city below them. 
You came to Joel’s building and twisted your pack around to grab your key from the bag. You hand trembled as you tried to fit it in the lock and you almost left it in the door after you unlocked it. Hurrying up the steps towards the second floor, your lungs seemed to be shrinking. Air couldn’t reach them quick enough and your vision was becoming blurry. You turned the corner on the second floor and almost ran to Joel’s apartment. Pressing your hand to the dingy door, you unlocked the apartment and hurried inside, shutting it tightly behind you. You closed your eyes and let yourself sag against the door. You covered your mouth with your hand as a wild sob climbed up and out of you. Clenching your eyes shut, you sank to your knees and tried to catch your breath, but your chest was heaving too quickly. The world seemed to be spinning around you. 
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” Joel’s voice cut through the chaos in your mind. 
You felt his big hand, warm and tender on your knee, and sensed him close to you. You opened your eyes to find him bent down next to you, his dark eyes intense and focused solely on yours. Before you could stop yourself, you reached out and wrapped your arms around him, tucking your face into his neck and letting your tears fall onto his shirt.
He was tense a moment, then allowed himself to soften for you, his hand snaking under your pack to rub up and down your back. “Tell me what happened.” He whispered.
You tried to force yourself to catch your breath, breathing when Joel breathed and closing your eyes, but the trembling wouldn’t stop. “I’m sorry.” You replied. 
He pressed a soft kiss to your hair and then pulled you closer. “It’s okay, just breathe.” He shifted you so that he could lift you up, then carried you both to bed. He laid you down softly and then took your pack for you and hung it on the hook by the door. 
You felt emotion well in your eyes so you distracted yourself with taking off your boots. A tear fell onto your laces just as Joel re-appeared in front of you. 
“Lay down.” He said, and motioned with his head towards the bed. 
You looked up at him, all of you tender and vulnerable and raw, and did as he said.
He reached down and took your boots off for you, placing them one after the other beside the front door as well. You watched him and bit the inside of your lip; did he know he was your whole world? Did he feel how beloved he was?
He took his boots off as well and sat them beside yours, then stripped down to his boxers before climbing into bed next to you.
You both turned to face each other once you were safe under the covers and Joel reached for your hand under the sheets. “You okay?”
“I-” You let out a deep breath and tried to keep your breathing steady, “I wanted to make you dinner.”
“You don’t need to do that, darlin’.”
“I know, but I wanted to get us special food to make and-”
“You weren’t there when the square was attacked, were you?!” Joel’s head lifted from the pillow and his eyebrows furrowed in concern. He had heard the commotion from the apartment and didn’t think anything of it, you had said you had to work late. 
You looked at him with big, watery eyes and nodded yes. 
Joel frowned and grumbled deep in his chest. He scooted closer to you and wrapped his arm around your torso. “I don’t need to tell you that was stupid.” 
You slotted your face in just below his chin and pressed your body against his. Breathing was coming easier to you now. “I wasn’t being stupid, it was just a random attack.” 
Joel grumbled again and ran his hand up and down over your back. “Still.”
You smiled gently and took in a shuddering breath. “Next time a secret organization launches a random attack, I’ll make sure I know in advance.”
Joel huffed and pressed you closer. “Good.”
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TAGLIST: @over300books @autumnleaves1991-blog​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @ntlmundy​ @myheart-pedro​ @intu-witch-tion​ @frietiemeloen​ @greeneyedblondie44​ @amneris21​ @disasterhann​ @aana4664​ @freeshavacadoooo​ @prostitute-robot-from-the-future​ @maievdenoir​ @heyitsjaybird​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ 
Join my taglist here! :)
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cyber-phobia · 2 years
People are really out here judging me, an afo simp, for thirsting after an ugly man. Guys that isn't the point. It isn't about his flat ass or his just-some-guy lookin, pasty-ass, drives a kia to go visit the kids after losing custody in the lamest divorce battle of the century, probably thinks he's Patrick Bateman, hasn't moisturized in seven years, definitely a part time accountant but not, like, a good one face!!!
What captivates me is his narcissism! His failure to self evaluate! The fact that he vents his fear of genuine emotional vulnerability by completely distancing himself from anything even marginally resembling a feeling! The fact that he had what he presumed were extremely troubling guilt nightmares for an entire century and just ignored them because he didn't want to face the reality that he might regret even one of his "perfectly premeditated" actions! The fact that he's so afraid of failure that he constructs intricate plans around each and every breath he takes so that he never has to face what he perceives as mediocrity! His need to feel apart from the crowd stemming from what I have to assume is deep rooted childhood loneliness and outcast syndrome! His irreparably malformed prefrontal cortex! His dumbfuck, embarrassing, kindergarten-ass obsession with what are presumably the world's lamest comics! His shallow and completely inaccurate worldview! His tendency to drag others down with him to justify his deplorable lifestyle! The fact that he only wears one suit and doesn't even know how to fucking tie a tie! His absurd and completely unwarranted arrogance! The fact that he was willing to show up butt naked on live television and saw absolutely nothing wrong with flashing, like, an entire crowd of guys who specifically showed up to kill him! The fact that he can unironically call himself the "Demon King" without breaking character! The fact that he has no friends and Mob from Mob Psycho 100 could destroy him mentally with one sentence! The fact that if any of the class 1A kids behaved like American Gen Z high schoolers he would've already been roasted so fucking much that he'd be lying in a dumpster crying!
He is pathetic and weird! He is literally the lamest man alive! He is so fucking sad it makes me laugh! THIS is why he's hot! It's not cause he's ugly or whatever, it's because he has unfixable mental issues and regularly engages in actively self destructive behavior and makes all of his problems everyone else's, and most of all because I fully believe I could make him worse!
Anyway yeah Cyber my most beautiful and beloved dilf pls publish this bc I'm trying to vague post ab Gentry here and they need to see it ily sm thank you <333
Why vague post when I can tag them!!
@gentrychild come sit down for the monologue
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cartierbin · 3 years
pls , dilf!bangchan 🥺 with a huge size kink ! thanks if you’ll do it
ofc baby. maybe I should make a separate masterlist for miscellaneous requests.
『 pairing — chan x reader
genre — smut + dilf!billionaire chan fucking his babysitter
word count — 1.322k 』
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smut under the cut !
“nana”, the smaller three year old boy tapped your arm whilst rubbing his eyes. the day was getting too long for him to handle and after spending it playing with you he was quite exhausted to say the least. “nana I’m sleepy”. he whines with his blonde curly hair disheveled over his eyes. he was a spitting image of his father with his thick lips and tiny face. you place the last toy in his toy chest. “you want to go night night baby?”. you coo and watch him nod his head in response reaching his arms up so you could lift him.
you hauled him on your chest rubbing his back while his head fell into the crook of your neck. he was so precious and sweet he melted your heart each day you took care of him. when you finally carried him to his room you tucked him in his Superman blankets to which he appreciated greatly. he cups your cheek and kisses it tiredly. “I love you nana”. he whispers just before turning over. nana is what he called you instead of “nanny”. the word nana was much more appealing to him. much more adorable to you. while tucking him in and planting a kiss on his forehead you hadn’t known the his father was watching your actions from the doorway, admiring the way you loved his son. owning a record label never gave him enough time to give baby chris the attention he needed. his mother was out the picture so you were definitely his only hope.
he admired your love but as of now he was also appreciative of the way your clothes were fitting you. just tight around the curvature of your frame and he couldn’t help but to watch you as you bent over, kissing baby chris in one of the many short pleated skirts that you owned. his eyes grazed over the way the hem of the skirt stopped just below your ass. you were startled when you finally realized the man was there. he usually didn’t come home as early as this. “oh! good evening mr.bang”. you bowed graciously in front of him. a small smile creeped along his lips. he sized you up, enjoying the fact that you were barely the same height as his shoulder.
“you don’t have to do that sweetie. I’m here a little earlier than usual but I’d just like to say thank you for taking care of my son the way you do,”. he fishes out his wallet, “I know I already have you on payroll but I’d like to pay you a little something extra if thats alright with you”. he informs while pulling out fat wads of cash. your eyes widened nervously at the amount. “oh mr.bang I don’t think I can take all that. what you pay me is just enough”. he smiles at your modesty. “It’s fine. just take it sweetie. by yourself something nice with it”. you shake your head. “it’s really alright. I love baby chris like he’s my own”. he crinkles that cash in his hand. “I’d really love to pay you something extra for your services. Is there a way I can do that?”. he asks, and by the way his eyes were already fucking you, you already knew just how he wanted to pay you. his energy wasn’t unwanted either. you’ve had your fair share of fantasizing over the sexy billionaire for months. however you thought it would be hard to even get a chance.
but here you were bending over his luxurious living room sofa with him beneath you, gripping the cheeks of your ass spreading them apart while he was sucking your pussy from behind. your hands grip the soft material of the pillows with lewd moans falling from your lips. his tongue slid easily around your pussy because you were gushing with each move of his lips, every single one being much more powerful than the last. he slams a hand down on your ass while wedging his lips in between your sopping folds, earning a sharp whine from you. “mr. bang”. you stammered into the couch cushions in a tiny muffle. he slid upwards giving you a long languid stroke before tongue kissing your creaming pussy with little regard for the loud wet sounds his mouth was making each time he pulled away and went back for more. each time he went back you felt yourself contracting and oozing more, saturating his lips and chin to the fullest.
you were still throbbing when he hiked your hips up, the height of the couch still not being substantial enough to bring you to the height of his hips. he flipped your skirt up and relished the way your pussy looked with streams of white all of over it. he cinched his fingers around your waist and inched his lengthy veiny cock in between your folds, feeding you everything he had until you were filled to the brim with his cock. you took an astonished gasp feeling him inside you completely stuffing you. he dropped his head back and licks his lips. “your pussy is so small and tight fuck”. he groaned trying to get used to the feeling. he never felt anything more pleasurable in his life. he draped his body over yours and you could feel his cold chain sweeping over the back of your neck. your mouth was still agape from him entering you but now he was absolutely drilling you, not giving a single fuck about his intensity. almost as if he were waiting for this moment just as you were.
his thick lips kissed the back of your ears, licking and sucking hickies into the back of your neck. “what are you doing princess? hm?”, he groaned and whispered all at once, “what are you doing being this small and taking dick this good? who taught you this?”. if you could talk you would tell him that absolutely no one did and that in fact, he was the biggest you ever took in your life. you didn’t know how you were even functioning with eyesight and hearing, because chan was fucking the thoughts out of your head and the breath out of your lungs. you could barely moan without becoming winded, everything coming in half syllables that came to abrupt stops. he slaps your ass with a stinging pain. “you’re so fucking cute. I could fuck your pretty little pussy all day long”. you shrieked and clutched another pillow with your body jolting forward from the roughness of his thrusts. your walls were clenching harshly and an overwhelming bliss curved flames in your belly. “I’m going to cum ngh fuck it feels so fucking good”. you whine on the verge of tears. chan smirks. “this is how big girls get fucked princess. can’t you take my dick like a big girl?”. you shake your head trembling underneath him. “no I can’t- I can’t I’m fucking cumming please mr. bang”.
it was hot hearing your cum drip to the floor beneath you both as he kept fucking you until his cum filled your pussy to the brim just like he dick did. by the time he was finished with you you draped over the couch wearily, wondering how the hell you were going to be able to walk to the door. you were so fucked out and tired you were incomprehensible of doing anything active anymore. he kisses that weak spot below your ear again, kneading his hands into your ass massaging it like dough. “go upstairs in the guest bathroom and get yourself cleaned up. I’ll drive you home later”.
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kkusuka · 3 years
oh man, here we go-
disclaimer!!- my feelings towards these people have nothing to do with their cannon actions, it is simply based on how much i want them to step on me!
also, if you think i forgot someone, let me know! i am always up for dilf/milf conversations!!!
(all photos are form either the manga or cannon animation<3)
the dilfs<3
there are so many of them so these are just a few, lol
toji fishiguro<3
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this man makes my pussy leak.
take a second and look at him, google this man, it send me into shock every time without fail
(ignore the worm that i am most definitely not jealous of, definitely not, never)
idk if it’s the scar on his lip, but HIS SMIRK
ahem, back to the dilf-ing
you can’t tell me he wouldn’t domestically abuse your holes
this man would give you the dicking of your life then let you sleep alone and i’d let him
and if you pretend he didn’t forget his own sons name, he’s a pretty decent guy!
jk, lol
unfortunately, he has some cons:
would not remember your name
cares more about money than you
would leave you in the dust the second something came along
overall, 10/10
would do again, def recommend
(pro tip! if you shift into jjk and get to fuck him, you can convince yourself that you aren’t forever alone!) deff not a personal experience
enji todoroki<3
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pls don’t kill me
have you seen his thighs?
and/or his titties?
i’d let him suffocate me in either of them
plus i think he’s grown out of the whole misogynistic/ sexist front so there’s that too
 and there is no way this man is 6’4 and doesn’t have a magnum dong
he’d wreck my pussy them ask me to get palates for him, and i would
and his whole breeding kink thing, definitely into that
overall: 7/10
y’know the five kids thing, that’s a lot
ukai keishin<3
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this is understandable
not technically a dilf, but accepted in the community as the technical team father and i’m good with that
how could anyone pass up being fucked on the counter of his shop, exactly, you can’t
in real time, right now, he’s 32
so he definitely has some experience, he knows where the clit is
this man tears you like royalty in public then fuck the shot out of you when you get home
100% dilf material
(not that anyone was doubting it)
overall 9/10
i will never not think about being fucked over the store counter, never
ikkei ukai<3
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he knows where the clit it
and he still has a fair amount of stamina left in him
and he still has muscles, he could throw his grandson onto the floor sooooooo
seems unconventional, but he would be a good sugar daddy, no question
overall, 8/10
he’s definitely really sweet to you too
silver fullbuster<3
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look at him
he has big strong arms
and abandoned his son, but that doesn’t matter
he is also a villain, but that doesn’t matter either
this man would dick you to the end of the earth then ask you what’s for dinner
plus, he has earrings which is an immediate pussy getter
and he has a really hot voice, like really really hot
overall: 9/10
he’s a total asshat, but definitely would rearrange my cunny
ryuuji azuma<3
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he likes food
doesn’t gain weight
it all goes to his dick, that’s cannon
he also has a hot voice, and i would actually die if he called me a good girl
he’s like 31 so it’s not that bad and he used to be a swimmer so he has a hot body
i could go on and on about how much i want to do this guy
he has a blog to do real dad behavior!
overall: 8/10
i love this man, have a nice day!
the milfs<3
mitsuki bakugo<3
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hate to bring this up but: boobs
i feel like she would take good care of me too
she would let you wear the bakugou family matching slippers too
but you do have to deal with katsuki, sooooooooo
overall: 8/10
she’s just a regular, extremely attractive, milf
irene belserion<3
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she’s a pretty bad person
but that makes her a perfect mistress, or maybe a dominatrix
lemmie tell you, i would be this woman’s submissive in a heartbeat
plus her thighs are out of this world
no but she would definitely treat you great, no objections
overall 9/10
she’s still sweating vengeance for things that happened 400 years ago but we can move past that
hoshiumi’s mom<3
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i literally don’t know what to say about this woman other than i would let her use me as a step stool
thank you
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i feel like this is self explanatory too
i would be her fuck toy
plain and simple
this was short, but it said a lot
overall: 10/10
i would let her do literally anything to me
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pinkmirth · 3 years
can i req some dad reiner fluff? i feel like he would have a lot of kids bc of the breeding kink 🥴 but yeah just some cute stuff pls thank uuuu!!
Dad Reiner who was such a hot mess moments before he became a father to begin with. The pair of you are situated inside a hospital room, occupied with things much bigger than a sprained ankle. He stood alongside you, his beloved, all the while; Encouraging your efforts and attempting to ease your pain with the squeeze of your hand within his bigger one. As fretful as he feels, it's no surprise that Reiner ends up passing out a good few times, and he wasn't even the one in labor. Though, the hard part is now over, and all his worry has subsided.
Dad Reiner who recalls whimpering, weakly grinning, and eventually bawling of joy when holding his child for the first time. You'd never seen his cries mingled with such joy before. He cradles yours and his newborn within firm forearms and large, mindful hands. The pair of you sob and smile, ogle your baby with a relieved, content thrum in your heart. You allow Reiner to attempt squeezing into the hospital bed beside you, as broad and weighty as he is, with your child being held right between you and him. He’s a hot mess, but an overjoyed one who has you; and little Reiner x [Y/N] junior 🥺
Dad Reiner who converses with you for days before ultimately deciding on a name for yours and his daughter— Joyce Braun. He contemplated on “Karina”, the name of his dear mother. Though, he wants his little girl to be better than any past generation, and rather goes with a more revitalizing name, one that holds a simple, but deep meaning in his perspective. As obvious as it sounds, the name means “Joyful”. That's all he wants; for his kid to be happy in this life, happier than he ever was. Therefore, he bases her name, the root of his dear child’s identity, on cheerfulness.
Dad Reiner who tends to grow somewhat frustrated. Not with you of course, not even with Joyce’s incessant wailing in the early hours of the morning, but with himself. It wasn't as though he did anything wrong, he simply hopes that he won't. Begs himself not to fuck up with this whole “Parent” thing. If it wasn’t clear enough, Reiner wants to be nothing like his own father. He’ll never, ever shoo his child away and disregard them, but instead use those same hands to hold, guide, and lift them up. It doesn't take long for the blonde to snap out of his funk, because he's sure that he can become all the better for the sake of his little family.
Dad Reiner who wakes to your still, ethereal-like form every morning, and it's enough to make his day. A kiss to your neck, a nibble along your earlobe, and a couple repetitive rubs to your waist and thighs are enough to stir you right awake. And if that isn't the case, then it's usually the other way around; You pressing soft, lengthy kisses to his sharp, attractive cheekbones. Despite who arises first, there’s always one thing that's bound to happen— Joyce making her arrival into the bedroom via crawl, with a babble and a cute, happy little shriek upon seeing her parents.
The pair of you have no clue as to how she manages to make her way over to your room every time, but you're simply glad that she does so safely. It's Reiner’s cue to leap out of bed and scoop her off of the carpet and into his awaiting arms, clad in nothing but a white tee and the baggiest sweats. He appears disheveled, but it's still clear to see the main striking similarity between him and his pretty little daughter; Those amber brown eyes that hold the same warm, yellowish hue as his do.
He rocks the giggling one-year old, back and forth and right back again, gazing upon his squirming bundle of joy until you mention that he’s been doing so for a whole ten minutes. He grows sheepish and merely chuckles in reply, resting Joyce’s head upon his firm chest with a sigh. He could do this for ten hours more if it were up to him.
Dad Reiner who knocked you up a couple more times, and real damn good at that. There’s something of a breeding fetish that he’s got on him, which is the reason why your little family is now two kids larger. There’s Joyce, who’s now seven years old, along with her two baby brothers, the pair being a mere one year apart from the other. You and Reiner no longer have to worry about checking on Joyce in her crib, for she sleeps on her own bed now, like the “big girl” she claims to be.
Though, the boys now have you both occupied, and you’re lucky to have an older daughter who’s so understanding and rarely ever  grows jealous. Joyce, your girl who’s on more of the rambunctious side but ironically never pleads for attention, has been spending much more quality time with Reiner. Both you and him are busy with the boys, but the blonde tends to have free time on his hands every now and then. Besides, someone’s got to keep Joyce company.
Reiner happily obliges, and makes this father-daughter time worthwhile. Wholesome picnics to the park that always end in races back to the car and Reiner being a damned klutz and dropping his sandwich. Having a “spa day”, filled with Reiner’s not-so-great attempts at doing his girl’s hair, messy manicures and a hefty bag of makeup that Joyce “borrowed” from you. He spoils the girl as if the lot of you are rich (and since Reiner’s always got a hefty load of spare cash, you technically are), but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Dad Reiner who’s a lot more used to this “dad” thing now, since it’s been a couple good years down the line. You and him have amazing bonds with each of your kids, but they seem to latch onto Reiner’s large, broad body at any given time a lot more than they do you. Joyce is twelve, the brothers are five and six, and Reiner’s officially a DILF— The finest one at that. His stubble stays nicely trimmed, along with the subtle creases at his eyes becoming a little more distinctive. Goes to work, and sometimes takes the kid’s lunches instead of his own, because that's just the Reiner Way.
He’s the ultimate father in practically every situation, even when looking out for peers and comrades. He doesn’t mean to, it’s just that habits easily stick with Reiner, and it’s rather difficult for him to let them go. Besides, with three kids, how do you expect him to not be in “dad mode”?
Dad Reiner who utterly loves having random little talks with his kids, and never invalidates them, not for one second. It’s almost as though he can see things in their perspective, and they don’t know anyone else better to vent to other than their dad and mom. Though, when they tend to babble on about something that’s rather popular within their generation, it gets hard for him to catch up. They proceed to call him “old” and receive a good chase around the house before they get caught and looped into a tickle attack, and that's basically the worst thing imaginable if you’re in the Braun family. The reason being is Reiner’s unparalleled speed, despite his age; Thirties to early forties, but he’s still extremely fit, and has no problem running a mile if he has to.
Dad Reiner who’s in love with his family and the person they’ve gradually helped him become. You cherish him and your kids like none other, and he does the same. Sometimes it abruptly dawns on him; He’s a dad, and he’s actually a good one, who would’ve known? He smiles to himself, allowing his amber eyes to flit over to wherever you are before his soft grin grows wider. You look back, blow a kiss, and he does the same. The action is exchanged before he strides over to give you the real deal— Though, your sweet little peck is all cut short when Joyce and the boys skip in and start making kissy noises, with you and Reiner laughing all the while.
“Papa,” Gale, the youngest son of the bunch, calls aloud and gains his father’s attention. Reiner peers up from his book and gives a brief, questioning response. “Yes, dove?” It’s a simple, sweet nickname; One that he calls you, Joyce, and the boys.
“Mommy’s in the bathroom crying.” The blonde drops his novel with an punctuating hitch of his breath, the book falling upon the couch with a dull thump. “—Why? Is she alright?” Reiner, the man who generally keeps himself rather poised, is now frantic, sharp brows downturned at his son's statement.
“Uh, I dunno. She’s crying, but smiling too.” This then causes Reiner’s brows to furrow. “Smiling, you say?”
“Yeah. Can we go out to get ice cream today? I wanna get, uh.. Chocolate chip, please!”
Reiner lets a brief laugh slip loose at Gale’s query, but he has to prioritize his wife over a summertime snack. He then begins to make a beeline towards the bathroom, in search of you. “Soon enough, dove. I’ve got to go up there and check on your momma first, alright—?”
Gale then shrugs and hops onto the couch, little feet padding along the spacey seat as the leather creases underneath his weight.
“By the way, Papa,” Reiner then pauses, open to any vital information his son could give, “she has this funny stick thingy in her hand. It’s got two little lines on it and stuff.”
Reiner chokes on his breath, lower lip beginning to tremble and quirk into a smile. If the case is what he thinks it is, he’s got all the reason to bust out with the teary eyes and jovial whimpers, just as he did when receiving the news of his three expected children in the past.
“A stick..?”
“Mhm,” hums Gale, proceeding to jump upon the dark brown couch, “Mama probably wants some chocolate chip ice cream too.”
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ncteaxhoe · 3 years
hi hello i can't stop thinking about kun😩 HE'S SO HOT AND WHAT FOR LIKE SUCH A TEASE
also dilf kun agenda pls😔✊
fucking sugar daddy kun in his luxury car in that parking lot where they filmed the action figure mv😩😩🥵🥵 @immabiteyou
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happytroopers · 3 years
Spoilers below duh
Crosshair pls be ok
Cad, happy to see u. Respectfully get fucked.
Hunter feel better pls
Ok Crosshair u obvs feel good enough to be a dick so
I thought this lil droid bitch died a long time ago
A Kaminoan with MORALS???? Wow didn’t know it did that
He’s a independent droid who don’t need no help
Wrecker himbo king
Ok but that doesn’t really make sense but omega doesn’t look anything like Jango so like??? Science??? We don’t know her.
Damn could have seen that coming
“Oooooohhhgg…. Uh oh.” I love droids for comic relief
They were all so excited to hear her voice
Tech patiently giving her directions
“By hook or by crook…” ok direct rip off of Mando’s “I can bring you in hot or cold.”
Hey omega looks a little less white washed this episode
Idk but babes hat just rolling around has be cackling
Mmmm slimy
Yes side step that ladder queen
Why was that ur course of action b
Disney said “now that we’ve announced she’s basically boba’s sister, now she can be darker skinned.”
Nows not the time, but hunter in his blacks hunter in his blacks hunter in his blacks
Yeah transparency!
‘In a tchuewbe’
DILF hunter!!!
Well there wasn’t much to that
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cryptidcryptic · 2 years
Hey hey! I was just wondering if you have any anime/manga with hot vampires in them that you can recommend me, I'm asking you cause you have really good taste! Thanks so much! ^^
NOW!!! YES!! Don’t wirry I got you fam 😤😤😤 my time to shine ✨
In terms of hot tier vampires hellsing is the strongest suggestion on this list imo, Alucard, seras and integra should be enough to get Anyones blood pumping, rge story itself is awesome in the nuts to butts pure action way. Think about a opm level vampire that’s basically unkillable but stripped of the essence that makes them human anymore. Now content warning, a lot of the hordes of vampires are Literal Nazis, but you get to watch a dilf tear them apart with his bare hands.
In terms of vampire hottness 20/10, integra alone has enough pure butch energy to literally put me in the ground eveb with zero powers she’s dom enough to have two pet vampires on her leash. Story 10/10, watching a genderqueer immortal tear apart Nazis is always fun.
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Case study of vanitas
THIS THIS IS THE CUTEST SHIT!! It’s a anime about French vampires and has a soft boy dark skinned purple eyes beautiful baby boy that is Noè, I’d die for this man, I’d live for this man. WHAT BLISS! Also vanitas makes the heart beat in ways I do not understand 😪😪
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Seraph of the end
This one is hella cute, it’s got demons and angels too, a real monster cluster fuck and I did skip the begging because it was a bit too boring after the initial backstory. It’s your standard ‘human vows to kill whole race of monsters after family dies’ story. In terms of hottness most vampires wear thigh highs and Crowley existing alone makes the hottness rating a 7/10
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Now, hear me out! This isn’t a happy anime, it’s sad sad as shit, it’s the most beautiful on this list and is super underrated imo. It’s whole theme is ‘who’s the real monster’. Please please watch this, it’s so good. In hotness terms it’s a lil limited, but there are some hottie vampires floating around. Megumi for one, the royals another hottness 5/10 story 200/10 please god watch this
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Black blood brothers
This one is basically a hidden anime since no one seems to achlnowldge it’s existence and I’m half convinced a fever dream I had once. But if it’s not is really really cute. It’s about a vampire raising the reincarnation of his lover. As a little brother, it’s really sweet and wholesome, but all shit tons of mystery. Zelmen is enough to make the hottness of this show 3000/10 story 10/10 pls watch for zelman
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Warning, their is assault in this one, besides that one awful fucking scene it’s a good story, and haji deserved better. Haji existing is the hottness enough for this show. Hottness 10/10 story 5/10
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Vampire knight
Tw, this one got incest shit in it, real gross amounts Hot vampires a plenty but it’s essentially anime twilight with better action and more ‘keeping the bloodline pure’ imo, story isn’t the greatest but it’s interesting enough, the powers are cool and if you are looking for a twilight lovd triangle anime then this is it hottness of the vampires 10/10 story -100 for that ending.
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Rosario vampire
I hear me out, t’s a ecchi n a harem anime but it’s actually okay if you can get passed the fan service panty shots every 15 mins, but the story is interesting and I lovd the world, it’s also the funniest one on this list, it’s so close to being a parody it’s crazy, abs inner moka was one of my gay awakenings women along with shiego. 10/10 for monster school with cool monsters and dangerous mermaids infinite/10 for pure hottness of the characters. Not a lot of guys tho 😪
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