#hopefully there will be more of these posts in the future
mochinomnoms · 2 days
Counterpoint, you cannot look at me in the eyes and tell me the merboys also do not end up romantizing somethings that are deeply common to land folk, Jade is the easy one to figure out, nature and mushrooms, Floyd is really into clothes and shoes so i guess it can count for something and Azul, well, i don't know what he'd end up romantizing
Like I said, it's funny to them that others find the ocean so mysterious and romantic, and yet find themselves to do the same.
Jade has said before that merfolk sometimes become so enamored with the surface that they collect items and yearn to live above, but doesn't understand it. However, he finds himself bewitched by the climate on the surface, the variety of plants and animals, and is of course very fond of mushrooms. Y'all know that one post on mushrooms that says "you cannot kiss me in a way that matters" yeah Jade loves that shit.
Floyd, despite his initial dislike, thinks that the way people dress and change their appearance is so cool! Merfolk only change their appearance based on the weather, time of day, or environment. But humans? They can change it sometimes just cause! He especially thinks shoes are super neat, and that they are so customizable. And they all come in way more varieties than merfolk due, in all sorts of colors that he's never seen before under the sea!
And Azul, well, you might be hard-pressed to get it out of him, but he is in loooove with the variety of foods available. Fried foods are not a thing under the sea, as are most hot foods. So discovering all these various type of foods, the different textures and flavors and temperatures? How wonderful it is! At this time in canon, he's very reserved with what he eats, but hopefully in the future he will indulge in a few more treats of the surface!
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twentythirteez · 3 days
Making a poll out of curiosity. Depending on the results, I might make some follow-up polls. I just want to get an idea of how Tumblr's Stay (plus ex-Stay) demographics differ from what seems to be the case on Twitter, for one particular topic.
Additional notes:
For context: a Wavemaker Stay (or 🌊 - Stay) is someone who identifies as a fan of both Stray Kids and their recent collaboration song "Lose My Breath" with Charlie Puth.
Although the song has a version without Puth, the song still credits him as well as a Zionist producer by the name of Johnny Goldstein.
Thus, for the sake of this poll, a fan of any version of "Lose My Breath" will be considered a Wavemaker Stay (although this may be elaborated on in a future poll).
There are Stays who dislike this song, due to moral reasons, artistic reasons, or both. There are also ex-Stays that have re-evaluated their fan relations with SKZ, in part due to the song. (Again, future polls may delve into this.)
Usually, when I make a poll, I put extra options such as "what is this?" or "don't pick this unless you are me trying to see the results". I have omitted these in this particular poll, for various reasons. (These include: clarity; I'm gonna make more specific follow-up polls anyway; it seemed like a better idea do just define the unknown terms in the post; and so on.)
That being said, feel free to elaborate on your answers in the tags or comments. (Plus, the more that people vote and spread this around, the more accurate the results will hopefully be.)
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blushstarot · 2 days
PICK A CARD: what's your genshin impact life like, and what vision would you have based on it?
DISCLAIMERS & CONTEXT: this is important so don't skip it.
Since genshin has 7 types of visions, it felt unfair to me to just do three options to choose from like I normally do, that being said, I'm doing 9 options, with (hopefully) a short backstory, and then based on that, choose a vision. That means probably some visions would be left out of the post, and/or one or two elements could appear a lot. I could try and control that all the 7 elements appear but it wouldn't be a genuine reading since it'll be some manipulation, and that'll be dishonest and I'm not about that. Also in case anyone want to know what I took into account for selecting the visions, unless stated otherwise, I used this as a guide.
Anything said here about your life/ideals/past events is ONLY related to the hypothetical scenario of you living in genshin, DON'T take the reading as guidance, and DON'T feel that you HAD to experience the things said in real life to be able to relate and have that vision. This is just a fun what if based on your energy right now.
With the explanation and disclaimer out of the way, pick whichever picture you feel more attracted to and skip to that pile.
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click on the picture to get a better view if necessary. rant and poll at the end.
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Pile 1
the moon, ten of pentacles, ace of pentacles.
So, right of the start, without the interpretation of the meaning of the cards, the moon is in 2/3 of them, and what is the moon associated with? exactly, water. So right when I pulled the second card I knew y'all vision was hydro. I have this feeling that in genshin you would be from a kinda rich family, of course you're not feiyun commerce guild rich, but your family is well off and you don't need to worry about money. Talking about family, it seems that you have a good relationship with them, and they just support you and want you to live a fulfilling life.
So, for how you got your vision. It was at night, you were in your room, laying in bed or looking out the window, and you were thinking about your future. You wanted to continue the family business, how could you not?, your family has always done so much for you, and asked so little in return, this had to be right the way to repay them. At this point someone from your family close to you entered your room, I'm getting father figure vibes, definitely a masculine energy. One thing leads to another and you confide that you want to continue inherit the family business, but something deep within you is toughing at your heart strings, as if to trying to tell you something. This father figure tells you to really think this through and that the feeling you have might be because you are not fully convinced in what you want. Before leaving he reassures you that the family business is not that important, that you don't owe them anything, and that all they've done for you has been out of love. Then when you are all alone again and finally realize that you don't want to stay in the family business, but to do your own thing; a hydro vision appears next to you, and you know you've made the right choice, in wanting to pursue what you are passionate about.
**As in all the PACs, just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, this is for entertainment only, so have fun with it!
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Pile 2
three of swords, king of cups, the empress.
This pile is giving me a lot of mixed messages, like in your genshin life y'all are a kind, compassionate person, and also a very wise, but something tells me that is not dendro wisdom, but more like leader wisdom, if that makes sense. With the empress I see that you have children at you care, could be your actual children, but I'm getting more of a head of an orphanage type of vibe.
For how you got your vision, I'm picturing that you are in some kind of meeting with important people, and they are pressuring you sell the orphanage, so they can close it and make something else where it's located. This is a negotiation they've been trying to make for quite some time now, and are trying to convince you with any way possible to sell it, and at this point you were tired of them showing up to the orphanage trying to convince you; probably some of the older kids starting to piece things together and are worried you might abandon them. So you agreed to go to their company headquarters to negotiate, away form the kids so they can't listen. So once you're there they start to bring up the fact that you're the only staff in the orphanage, and don't have anyone to help you finance and care for the children, and after some other valid arguments you start to doubt if you should just sell it and use the money to open a new one some other place. But something doesn't feel right and you stand your ground, telling them that the property is not for sell, that is your home and the home of all the children, you just can give that away like nothing. When you go back to the orphanage the first thing you see is the kids waiting for you, and you figured that everyone was aware of the rumors of you abandoning them, since you could see some of them had been crying. When you tell them the good news, they run to hug you, and only when one kind complains that they hit their head with something that was hanging from your waist, you realize that the gods had looked at you, and granted you a geo vision.
**As in all the PACs, just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, this is for entertainment only, so have fun with it!
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Pile 3
wheel of fortune, the high priestess, queen of swords.
Something about this pile gives me anemo, but at the same time it feel too different from it. In your genshin life, you went through many hardships, and there was a point were you ended up in a situation where you couldn't defend yourself, and needed help to overcome it. This brought a big change into your life, an that's how you were able to obtain a vision.
Now, the story of how all that happened, actually started long before you got your vision. When you were on your lowest, a feminine energy help you, someone intelligent, witty, honest, and strong. She saved you from some monsters that were attacking you, and even tho you tried to fight back, they were way more stronger than you, so when she came to your rescue you felt ashamed for relaying on another person that happened to pass by and were kind enough to help you. You ended up asking them to teach you how to fight, so you could become stronger and better defend yourself. At first she refused and point out that your intentions weren't pure and that you just wanted to become stronger for selfish reasons. After some meditation on why you wanted to become stronger, you reached the conclusion that you actually wanted to be someone reliable, that everyone could depend on if they ever needed your help. After you told her that, she agreed to train you. You spend day and night learning from her, not only things combat related, but also how to be a better and more kind person. By the ending of your training, you viewed her as a mother figure, even to she wasn't exactly caring and gentle, despised her cold and serious face, you knew she cared for you. When you finally finished training and she said you were ready for anything you wanted to do, she gave you your first weapon as a gift, along with a box that contained a another gift she prepared. When you opened the box, next to the bracelet she bought for you, there was a pyro vision placed next to it, although no one knew how it got there.
**As in all the PACs, just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, this is for entertainment only, so have fun with it!
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Pile 4
ace of pentacles, the emperor, queen of swords (reversed).
I'm getting this strong feeling that you would be some business owner, although I don't get a feeling for anything specific. You also probably come across to others as someone really intelligent on the art of business even if you follow these unorthodox methods that look like they are meant to fail, but for some reason for you it always work out. I feel that some might see you as a stubborn, maybe even ruthless person, like you are definitely a serious type.
For how you got your vision, you were probably in your office, just when you started to see profit from your new business. You went through a lot of challenges to get where you were, but you still weren't satisfied and had a lot of goals in mind, so you never let yourself take a break and were always working. You were drowning in paperwork, quiet literally, you couldn't even see the surface of your desk because of all the papers scattered. At this point you had too much in your mind and were starting to get a headache, so you decided to take a short break to eat something. Before leaving you decided to clean your desk and organize all the papers on it, and while moving them, that's when you realized that there was a dendro vision on your desk.
**As in all the PACs, just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, this is for entertainment only, so have fun with it!
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Pile 5
the sun, page of swords (reversed), queen of wands (reversed).
I'm getting really positive and playful vibes, almost childlike, so my guess is that y'all are really young, or that are in touch with your inner child so much that even in a hypothetical scenario about a video game, you still are coming across as someone curious, with and adventurous spirit, and overall really happy and someone comforting to be around, definitely someone who is always playing with kids and helping those in need. With that being said, it may come as a surprise that y'all are involved in a bad organization, and not bad as in "they don't pay extra hours" bad, but more like "we control all the city and we decide what are the rules and the only valid law is ours" bad. The thing is, I don't really have any information about what the organization does, or what is the thing that you're supposed to do in it, so I think you actually don't really know either, and that's why I can't see it, OR there's too much hidden things around you that you want to keep a secret. Like I feel that you want to bring justice to bad people, and that you joined the organization because they basically lied to you and made you believe that they were good guys. I really have a feeling that you found out about what the organization really does but you're unable to leave so you are ashamed of being part of it or are ashamed of what the organization asked you to do, so you don't want anyone to know. Anyway, this is funny because I can't see how you got your pyro vision either, just that it happened near the time you joined the organization.
**As in all the PACs, just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, this is for entertainment only, so have fun with it!
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Pile 6
ace of wands, four of swords (reversed), ace of cups.
Something happened to you that made you isolate yourself from the word, in the literal sense. I feel that the was a heartbreak, not necessarily romantic, that made you so sad that you decided you needed to go get yourself lost in nature, to meditate and work on yourself. I don't have a clear answer on who that person was, but I'm getting the mixed signal that was a lover or a really close friend that betray you, and your trust, and then not long after they got out of your life, either by death or by moving really far away.
So, how you got you vision is a little interesting. Remember I said you went out and got lost in nature? Well I'm not sure if it was 100% true, I can feel that for quite some time you actually were living in this sort of cave, with a river nearby and some sources of food, but also I can see that some weeks before getting your vision you were living in a really really really dark cave and I believe is some kind of metaphor on were you where mentally at the time. But then this beautiful moment happens where you decide you've been lamenting and torturing yourself emotionally for a long time now, so you gather courage and decide to go out of the cave. and of course at first the sun is too blinding, and you have to close your eyes and cover them with your hand at the same time. Then you start to thinking about going back to the comfort of the darkness, but really want to feel the warmth of the sun in your skin again so you continue forward even with your eyes closed. After some steps you can feel that you are outside but are too afraid to open your eyes so you just keep walking until to feel your feet touch something metallic, you look down and open your eyes to see what it is. And the first thing you are able to see is an anemo vision, and at that moment you know is yours, and it feels as if you've been born again.
**As in all the PACs, just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, this is for entertainment only, so have fun with it!
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Pile 7
the magician (reversed), wheel of fortune, king of swords (reversed).
I don't know how much y'all are gonna like this but listen, someone from this PAC had to be the bad guy, surely from 9 piles not everyone was going to be good people... it's you guys, y'all are the bad ones, and you know it and you aren't ashamed of it (remember this is about your genshin life and that I'm not actually saying that in real life y'all are bad people). So, how do I put this. Y'all actually don't have a vision right now, you will, you will soon, I promise, just not right now.
Okay so, give a chance to explain. Y'all are power hungry, ruthless, tyrant, or at least that's how the others perceive you. They see you like an authority regardless of your ethics and morals not aligning with what everyone considers as "good", and they trust your judgment in a way, since you seem so disciplined and don't allow yourself to doubt on what you believe. That being said, I so feel that there's some major event that is going to shake your foundations, and send you on a spiral of some kind of identity crisis, and realizing that the things you believed in were wrong, or weren't even true at all. When that happens and you try to seek support on someone you trust, they're gonna deceive you again and betray you, which in return will amplify all the negative and complicated emotions you are feeling, and somewhere along your journey of change and acceptance is when you're going to get a cryo vision that's going to make you company for the rest of your life.
**As in all the PACs, just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, this is for entertainment only, so have fun with it!
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Pile 8
ace of cups (reversed), four of swords, ace of wands.
So, you guys had a lot going on, that left you in a really bad mental space. With the ace of cups we can assume it was something like a wedding or engagement getting cancelled, but that doesn't have to be necessary it, since I'm also seeing that there was some type of social event where there was something you did and people didn't approve that left you so anxious and/or embarrassed that you had to leave early, so if you're not vibing with the wedding/engagement thing, it could be that. The point is that that event made people single you out and start to be more wary of you and more hostile. This left you feeling overwhelmed since you always thought that you were well liked in the community, like at the end of the day it wasn't that serious to them, but for you it hit really hard and made you see that maybe the world wasn't really like you believed.
At the end you allowed negativity to really set in your life, until at some point you decided that you needed some peace and quiet, make some introspection, relax and really think about how you are going to life your life from now on. Thankfully you found a solution once put your mind into it, and made a plan of moving somewhere else, to start again, so actually in that same day you started looking into it and by the end of the day of the day you had almost everything sorted out. You went to sleep really excited to the though of finally having your life back in control again, and there was definitely this new spark in your eyes and this feeling that almost didn't let you sleep, thankfully you did, and when you wake up you'll start this new life and the first thing you'll see will be this electro vision that accompanied you on your sleep.
**As in all the PACs, just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, this is for entertainment only, so have fun with it!
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Pile 9
two of swords, the high priestess, the devil.
So uh, a lot to unpack here. First things first, like pile 7 based on the story that the cards are telling me, I don't see you having a vision right now, but you will have one in the near future. Funnily enough, you guys also share with pile 7 that you will have a cryo vision. So yeah, I just wanted to be straight forward with it in case you don't care about your backstory that much because it doesn't really mention how you got the vision, I just a very general idea of how it happened.
So your story is that you're feeling trapped, and like if things are out of your control, and that you have to make this big decision between two friends. I feel that one of them is trying yo leave, it could be from town, or organization/institution, or isn't happy with the friend group anymore and how it has changed. And they're your best friend so of course you want to support their decision, but you have another really close friend that isn't happy with they wanting to leave, and this ideals they have, so both of them start fighting with each other. And you are such a loving and caring friend, you don't want to see them fight, so you're trying to mediate the constant argument, and trying for them to reconcile, and it's very stressful because none of them wants to give in and compromise. And this is pretty much what the cards say, except for the high priestess, that is encouraging you to trust what you believe, and take action, follow your intuition, etc. So my guess is, you guys realize that the argument is pointless, and let your friends know, and kinda distance from them yourself from them because you realize they're not the friends you've always loved anymore, and that their change is not really the best thing for you right now, and then when you do that and you accept it and really embrace and believe in your decision, you'll be granted your vision.
**As in all the PACs, just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, this is for entertainment only, so have fun with it!
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Thanks for reading!
I usually write this notes before doing the readings, so I don't really know how it went, BUT I can already tell this is gonna let me feeling really tired.
So yeah, I'm drained, it's been two days and a lot of hours spend on this so future me can worry about spelling mistakes to fix. If I ever do a PAC this long again, I better get paid or something this felt like working 12 hours straight, I had so many issues with the formatting it's not even funny, and don't get me started with pile 5, or that error I had with the poll, or the fact that the cryo users didn't have a vision yet. Anyway, this will be my only 9 option one in a while, the next ones will be back at 3 options, 4 if I'm feeling generous.
All jokes aside, it was really fun and I really wanted to do this PAC, so it's still worth it. Can't wait to read what you guys think, lot's of love! 💕
You can find more of my PACs on my master list, and if you have any suggestions on future PACs you want to see me do, you can send me and ask.
Bye byee ✨
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ironunderstands · 3 days
Would be waiting for acheron brainrot ramble here
Is it time for Acheron brainrot ramble? It’s time for Acheron brainrot ramble. Prepare for the most stream of consciousness post ever, I had so much fun writing this she has taken over my consciousness and puppeted me for my own ends, and commanded me to demonstrate how peak she really is. So enjoy, hopefully I can get others to love Acheron just as much as I do.
I think there are three reasons why I like Acheron 1) she’s really fucking cool 2) I love characters who guide/mentor others 3) She’s charming as hell.
Hoyo you aren’t allowed to make characters this good.
The music in her trailer, her aesthetic, the amount of fire fucking one liners. THE COLOR RED (I’ll get into it)
“Find me, your end, my origin.” Who cooked here who wrote this who’s the chef please where’s the restaurant I’m eating this up
“On the still waters of oblivion, I guide the wandering souls” GRAHAJDJWJKSSW YES YOU DO OH MY GOD I CANT PUT INTO WORDS HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS LINE SHUT UP EVERYONE SHUT UP. Like she literally is at the edge of existence fighting to help others find their future, I just. RAAAA
SHE CUTS A BLACK HOLE IN HALF?? HUHH AUGHH a black hole that’s the manifestation of meaninglessness in the universe, and she goes “nah” and fucking obliterates it?!!?
“I weep for the departed” Those who have died are gone, and slowly losing themselves even further. For decades, centuries, millennia, even, Acheron has witnessed this, and still cries for them, still guides them to the other side, even if the task itself is meaningless, because someone should do it, someone has to do it, and that someone is HER.
She saves Aventurine, she saves the Trailblazer, she saves the entirity of Penacony. Someone blessed by the manifestation of nonexistent dedicates her life to giving others a reason to live.
Aventurine asks her why people should bother living, if the dice are always weighted in a certain outcome, then why should we keep going? Aventurine asks her why people should bother living if the universe is meaningless?
He fully expects her to say people shouldn’t.
But Acheron doesn’t do that. The dice are weighted against us. Not just in game, but in reality itself. We will all die, you will die, the people you care about will die, I might die, it remains to be seen. However, before that inevitable ending, before the curtain finally closes, we have so many choices to make. If the ending is the same for everyone, it doesn’t matter, and Acheron tells Aventurine this.
Because the Nihility envelops everyone equally, the universe is equally meaningless for everyone, nobody is the special someone destined to have a destiny. Therefore, it doesn’t matter. Aventurine has no reason to live. And Aventurine has no reason not to live. She tells him his time hasn’t come, because it hasn’t. Until that dice roll, until his final breath, Aventurine can still make choices and he can still choose to live for himself, and that’s the answer Acheron gives him.
But she knows that’s not enough. Aventurine will still struggle to live for himself, after all he’s been through, after the mountain of expectations and hopes and dreams piled onto him. So she tells him his friend has already given him the answer. Aventurine pulls out the note written by Dr. Ratio. It doesn’t give him a plan, doesn’t inform him of what expectations he has for him, doesn’t list every single reason why Aventurine should keep going. Ratio tells Aventurine to stay alive and keep on living, because he doesn’t need anything more than that, there isn’t anything more than that. Her caring about Aventurine, Ratio caring about Aventurine, that’s enough to keep him going, because other peoples love is enough of a reason to exist, universe be damned.
existing. The Existence. AKSJAKKSNDKKWEN.
Like you don’t understand, you don’t understand. ACHERON IS ENVELOPED IN THE MEANINGLESSNESS OF THE UNIVERSE BEFORE SHE FINDS ITS EXISTENCE, ITS VALUE, ITS MEANING. Even if it can never be achieved, Acheron is willing to destroy herself completely as she walks farther and farther into the Nihility trying to find the Existence, even if it takes every from her she will find it. Only by giving up her existence can Acheron find the Existence and kill the Nihility. Only by sacrificing her own life and giving up her own meaning can she give it to others.
Red. She tells the trailblazer that when they can no longer see the world in anything but black and white, there will be a brief flash of Red for them.
Red is the Existence. Red is the color of her blade that allowed her to cut that black hole in half. Red is the only color left when she unsheathes her sword. Red is the color of the tears she cries. Red is the color of the words she speaks to us that truly matter.
Red is the color she cuts into reality. In a world of black and white, in which all the light has been swallowed by IX, and the path ahead is blurry, Acheron illuminates the universe’s future in bright red, creating color, creating life, creating Existence in a world devoid of it.
We will encounter the Nihility along our journey, just as we would encounter every other aeon. The world will seem meaningless, and it will be devoid of color, but when the Trailblazer needs it the most, there will be Red. A reason to keep going, a reason to exist, a reason to keep on Trailblazing, because the path of the Trailblaze’s end is also at the Existence, and we will meet Acheron there again. Whether that color will come from us or her remains to be seen, but it will be there for us when we need it.
However, I think we/the Trailblazer will be alone. As that flash of red isn’t the only thing Acheron tells the Trailblazer.
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Only when left alone can people pick themselves up. Only when help is absent can people truly fight for themselves. Only when you are alone, can you truly understand your existence.
That doesn’t mean other people don’t matter, that you have to walk the world alone, that you can only exist devoid of others. Quite the opposite actually, other people can be your reason to exist, something to help keep you going. Acheron knows this, which is why she directs Aventurine to Ratio’s note. That’s the meaning he can find in a meaningless universe.
Moreover, people help each other, they provide the tools other people need to exist, the anchors that ground people in reality, the reason why you might want to wake up in the morning, they create the things and ideas that you need and enjoy. It’s when you are ripped of these comforts, stripped of the things that make you want to keep going, is when people fight for their existence. As in a world devoid of everything, can you truly appreciate the things you have, and acknowledge that since there is now nothing, you are the only something. When there is no one there to save them, fools pick themselves up, and that is Existence.
I love Acheron. I love her silly amnesiac tendencies, I love her beautiful design, I love that she’s a Mei counterpart, but most of all, I love what she stands for.
Acheron is the indomitable human spirit personified, she quite literally chooses to exist in the face of absolute nothing. When the world loses all color, does she paint reality in a bright red with her sword, writing her own destiny with each and every slash.
And for that, I will always adore her.
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braveboiart · 18 hours
good god this took way too long and now I can FINALLY MOVE ONTO OTHER CHARACTERS YIPPEE NO MORE PURGATORY‼️‼️‼️
btw some of these are re-redesigns of older designs I’ve posted in the past and some are brand new designs for characters I have not posted yet
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Anywhizzle hopefully the next character I work on will be Rosie, Mimzy, Lilith, and then the two remaining Vs cause I already did Vox lol
also maybe not everything with these designs will stay permanent, I might make changes with designs or outfits in the future if I feel like I need to HOWEVER I’m not making full refs again I was trapped in that pit too long fr, so if I make changes to designs they’re just gonna happen between artworks and stuff I’m not posting full ass refs again 💀💀💀💀💀
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prahty · 21 hours
Sick Shadow doodle because im sick.
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will hopefully post more sonic art in the future
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taintandviolent · 15 hours
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Thrill of the Rush ; James March x reader
summary: Reader is a murderer, coquettish and demure in nature. She brings a man to the Hotel Cortez, and it ends how it always ends for them. The only difference, is that James March is watching her and is enamoured.
word count & w a r n i n g s: 2.6k! | serial killer!reader, graphic descriptions of murder, violence, blood and gore, descriptions of smut, cunnilingus, arousal, kissing/making out.
a/n: requested by anonymous and inspired by Lana Del Rey's Serial Killer song! hopefully this isn't too clunky, or boring in anyway! proofread very briefly, if you see any mistakes, no you didn't.
full fic under cut! ↓ / ao3 link here! / I don't have a taglist, but please turn on post notifications if you'd like to be notified of future fics!
Elvis’s voice drifted from your speaker. The hotel room was cool, a stark contrast to the hot LA summer outside. The room itself was outdated in decor and architecture, something that you found charming – you’d chosen it specifically for its gorgeous, untouched art deco style. Stephen protested, saying it was rundown and dingy. You shushed him with a single manicured finger and led him inside, heading straight for the hotel desk. 
He was a man. A stupid, hungry man who could only think with one head at a time. So, it didn’t take much for you to get up to the hotel room, and onto the bed. You’d let the strap of your dress fall off your creamy soft shoulder, coaxing him closer to you.
He nuzzled his lips into your breast, tugging softly at the skin. He muttered something into your skin, something grotesque, and you didn’t hear him. You were too busy listening to the thud of your own heartbeat – your own excited little heartbeat. You reached into your purse, which had been laying next to you, to retrieve the knife. It was a beautiful thing; pink pearlescent inlay on the handle, and a long, shimmery silver blade. 
Raising it high above his head, your elegant fingers gripped the rosy hilt of your knife, and using all your strength, stabbed it into the side of the man's neck. The blade sliced through his skin like butter, giving no resistance. There was nothing like the sensation of killing – it never failed in making your eyes glisten, a cruel fire burning bright within them. Your chest fluttered with excited little breaths, rushing out over your pouting, pink lips in tiny gusts. The thrill, the rush, it was unlike anything you’d ever experienced – even sex. No man had ever made you feel the way killing him did. You twisted the knife slightly. 
In response, he gurgled; a delightful sound that had you giggling. You had angled the knife just right, plunging it deep before yanking it out quickly. The blood spurted out in a warm geyser over your hand, trailing down your wrist in crimson ribbons. His hand flew to his neck, pitifully trying to stop the flowing river. You slapped his hand away softly. 
"Pl-please..." He murmured, as his body started to droop away from yours. 
You bent over, kissing the man on the forehead. As darling as you had been before, maybe even more so then. “Oh, baby…” you whispered, cloyingly sweet and soft like a summer day. He knew that he was going to die, and the begging was futile. Still, he persisted, wet and coughing between each plea. 
You pushed him off of your breast, and more blood squirted out, the arteries pumping it out with each beat of his heart. James' dark pupils widened, watching as you worked. He hadn’t made himself known yet, and wouldn’t until you were finished. Nothing should interrupt this delicious display of cruelty. 
“Tell me you love me,” you whispered. “Tell me I’m the sweetest girl you’ve ever seen.” He didn’t. He didn’t say anything else… and he never would again. 
“Hmph.” Frustrated, you got off the bed, and smoothed your hands over your hips; the satin of your slip dress was warm and soft and provided no friction. 
"Seems you've got yourself between a rock and hard place, my dear." 
You spun around. In front of you stood a dashing man, dressed to the nines and resting some of his weight on a cane. He was handsome, but possessed a coldness that drew you in. He wasn't like the others.
"How did you get in here?!" 
"The door was..." He turned to look at it, casually. "Open." 
"No..." You shook your head, soft curls bouncing. Your tone was coy, knowing. "No, it wasn't." 
"Ah," he said, tightening his lips into a sly smile. Had his heart been beating, it would’ve quickened at your darling little response. You were quick; a trait that he enjoyed and very rarely saw.
"He deserved it, you know." You looked at the man on the bed with a disproving sourness in your gaze. His body had slumped over the side of the mattress, blood streamed from the gash in his neck to his hairline, staining it red. 
"I don't doubt that." He inhaled, stepping further into your room. "However... The problem remains of what to do with him. I presume you’ve yet to figure that out." His voice had your knees weak, turning the tendons to jell-o every time he spoke. It was so deep and croony, like molasses if it had a voice. 
"No," you trilled. "No, but you seem like you do." 
"I do," he started. There you went with your quick-witted confidence again. "You see, I have built this hotel to satisfy... my every need and whim, whatever they may be. I have a way to dispose of him for you." 
Your hand lifted to your shoulder, your finger winding a lock of hair around it. You pursed your lips, as though you were considering his offer. The truth was, you’d already made up your mind. He was dangerous, unafraid, but interested in you. A refreshing change from the rest of the men that you courted and ultimately killed. Besides, he was right. You had a corpse in the room and were unsure what to do with it, besides leaving it and requesting another room, claiming something trivial like the hot water not working. 
"Why are you doing this?" You ask, running your tongue along the bottom of your teeth, before coming to rest in the corner of your mouth. "You don't even know me." 
"I don't, my little buttercup, this is fact, but what I do know of you, I crave." 
Your knees wobbled. Somehow, he’d captivated you. You were never taken by men; they were useless, dumb playthings that you disposed of as soon as you got bored with them. You were never the one that was wrapped around a finger, it was always the other way around. But something… something about this man and the sick, nasty glimmer in his pitch-black eyes had you shivering.
“James March,” he declared proudly, before offering his hand. You placed your own atop his palm, and he leaned down, pressing his lips softly against your knuckles. Your lips tensed, withholding a whimper. 
All at once, he closed in the distance between the two of you. Exactly what you wanted him to do, and without asking. You gasped, looking up into his soulless gaze. “Hold me,” you whispered. “Please.” 
With a single nod, he enclosed you in a frighteningly firm grasp. You weren’t going anywhere – not that you wanted to. 
“I don’t know what you do… or what you’ve done…” you whispered, feeling light in his arms. He held you like old movie stars held their beloved; arms wrapped passionately around the waist, holding you tight at the hip. James waited, on bated breath, for you to finish your sentence. Instead, you stood on your tiptoes, and pressed your soft lips against his. They were cool, and immediately surrendered to yours, parting to exhale into your mouth. As his breath filled your lungs, you succumbed to every feeling he was pulling from you; your legs quivered and pressed together tightly. Your core tightened, and your cunt clenched with arousal. Slick leaked into the silk of your underwear, staining the fabric with your submissiveness.
His head tilted, allowing him to go deeper inside your mouth. His tongue slipped along yours, twirling and exploring the soft, slippery flesh of your mouth. Without breaking the kiss, James walked you backwards, guiding you towards the bed. His shin knocked into the corpse’s head, which lolled lifelessly.
You were at his mercy, and gasping for air, broke the kiss to look down at your feet. Stephen’s eyes were glazed over now, void of life. He had paled, the crimson stark against his bloodless skin. A puddle had settled beneath his head, seeping into the carpet. You broke away from James and bent down, shoving all your weight down on Stephen's shoulders. Rigor mortis hadn’t set in, so he rolled over easily, towards the edge of the bed, which freed up most of the bed for whatever came next. 
You immediately snuggled yourself back into James’ arms, nestling against his chest. “There… all better.” 
He hmm’ed at the crown of your head, holding you tight. His hips ground against yours, a stiffness pressing into your hip bone. A reminder – he was a man. But not akin to the other men… he was different. You looked up, gazing into his eyes. 
James guided you backwards onto the bed, your ass hitting the mattress with a squeak of protest from the old springs. Placing one hand on either side of your hips, he kissed you again, urging you back further yet. He was intoxicating. Everything he did had you quivering like a lamb in the jaws of a wolf – and you wanted more of it. More of everything. You wanted him. 
“I love you just a little too much,” you cooed, brushing your lips over his neck. The satin of his ascot brushed against your chin and you longed to feel it tied around your wrists. Your hand brushed along his bulge, feeling the taut fabric that covered it. As the feelings bubbled up inside of you, effervescent like champagne, you couldn’t stand it. No man should ever make you feel the way he did and with a small gasp of air, you reached for your knife again. James caught you fast, holding your wrist in an iron grip. 
“I’m afraid not, my dear. You won’t get that pleasure with me.” 
“Pleasure?” You asked, doe-eyed, feigning innocence yet again. 
“Perhaps another pleasure,” he cooed against your lips, his moustache tickling the flesh under your nose. You were divine… a shining beacon of temptation amongst a sea of poor fools. It had been decades since a woman captivated him the way you did. 
James sank to his knees, slowly, as you watched, holding your breath. His hands gathered your satin slip over your knees, and pushed it over your hips, exposing your silken underwear. The wet spot had grown considerably, and James pressed his lips against the damp fabric. The sensation was electric, sending chills up your spine in a wave of unadulterated pleasure. He kissed her again, pressing harder. He could almost taste her through the silk. You whimpered, and let your head drop between your shoulders. He brushed his lips across your mound again, and you got even wetter. For a brief moment, he disappeared and the reaction was painfully visceral.
“Don’t…. Don’t stop…” you said to the ceiling, out of breath and trembling. You could hardly get yourself upright to look at him. 
“I’ve no intention of doing so, my dear. None whatsoever.” Carefully, as though unwrapping a delicate gift, James pulled your underwear from your hips, tugging them delicately down your thighs. Murder always got him worked up, but this was an entirely different arousal.
“Let me see her…” he said, low His hands were on your thighs, resting carefully atop of them. 
Using your manicured fingers, you reached forward to spread your cunt to him, eagerly, obediently. She glistened in the low-lighting of the room and you heard him inhale. He leaned closer to her and began kitten-licking between your folds, sending a shockwave through your core. She clenched uncontrollably, tightening. James paused to observe, pleased with the reaction. He’d done so little, and you were already a mess. Placing his hands behind your knees, he scooted you further towards him.
Your cunt ached with everything he did; from the gentle touches to the way that his moustache tickled the soft skin of your inner thigh. You weren’t used to your heart beating this quickly outside of killing someone. He was making you feel things you’d long since forgotten. 
To say that you never experienced sexual pleasure would be a lie; you did. Usually, covered in blood and panting, after a kill, your body and senses would be so wound up that you’d finger yourself, use a vibrator, something to get yourself off. But this orgasm, you knew, would be different. And much quicker. 
With a breath, he flattened his tongue against your cunt, lapping at it hungrily. Your muscles all trembled, the first hint of an orgasm clawing at your insides. And just before you did, he pulled away. Cruelly. Mercilessly. As though he knew that he had you under his spell…. Oh, you’d kill him if he’d only let you. 
James slipped two fingers inside your waiting, wet cunt. You let out a desperate yelp, rocking your hips back and forth to meet his fingers. Electricity coursed through your core, your body quivering again. His fingers drilled into you, curling upwards with each thrust, hitting your sensitive spot. The pressure increased, the coil in your stomach winding tighter and tighter around itself. You were close. 
“Speak to me,” he ordered. “Use your voice.” 
You swallowed, wetting your throat. It was frightfully hard to form words, your mind was too clouded with arousal and ecstasy. “C-can’t…. Feels…. So good….” 
James leaned forward again, the tip of his tongue drilling into your sensitive clit, twirling at it. After a moment, he encircled your clit with his lips, sucking softly. You were sweet, wet and singing for him. James hummed into your pussy, satisfied. With his fingers still thrusting inside you, the overstimulation was too much. Your coil snapped, and your hands flew to his hair, making tight fists in the greased locks. 
As you orgasmed, you called his name, chanting it over and over again like a prayer. He was there, between your legs, tugging you over the edge with whispered praises against your throbbing cunt. An attentive lover, James didn’t stop fucking you – or licking at you – until the final pulse subsided. 
“Now that I’ve made you mine,” he said, straightening up. “Let’s deal with your little hobby, my dear.” 
Made you his? You thought, chewing on the corner of your lip, as your eyes bored into his. How dare he – made you his. Despite feeling like you’d been bamboozled, you knew it was true. He’d made you his, and barred you from loving any other man again.
A knock at the door. You looked down at Stephen – you’d almost forgotten he was there. James got to his feet as the door opened, and you noticed that his cock had tented in his trousers, pulling against the fabric, begging for release. You gasped, looking at the woman as she entered. She was pushing a silver room service cart, though it was empty. 
“Fret not my dear, it’s nothing she hasn’t seen before.” 
You furrowed your brows; his erection or a corpse in a hotel room? You weren’t sure which. Effortlessly, James hoisted Stephen’s expired body up onto the cart, waving his hand dismissively towards the woman, who hmm’d curtly, and made her way back towards the door. 
“Follow me,” he said, jovially as he headed towards the open door. He began whistling a tune, as though wheeling a body out into the hallway was the most normal, routine thing he’d done all day. Perhaps it was. You heaved a breath, and got up off the bed, pulling your underwear back up. 
“James, James, wait!” 
He paused. 
“Aren’t you going to… well…” 
His eyes followed yours to his groin, which was still stiff. You sucked on your bottom lip, looking up at him with come-hither eyes. Curiosity had gotten the best of you. Despite having just come, you wanted more, and you desperately wanted to know what the weight of his cock felt like in your hands.  
“Oh.” He smiled, pleased. With a slow nod, he reached forward to cup your chin with his large hands. “I’ll get mine.” 
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w975x · 2 days
where did shinichiro go during his stay in the philippines?
an. an interesting (and really quick) insight into the story between japan and the philippines included in tokyo revengers! inspired by this @tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang's post. i saw as i did my research that some people already knew where it was, but without further explanation as to why or any add-ups, so i'll bring what i know to tumblr! cw: tr spoilers, big analysis post, mentions of war & rape
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so! manila. mostly known because that's where mikey asks takemichi to meet him in the future and unfortunately dies in one of the bad timelines (chapter 116, black dragon's arc).
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but why manila?
that's a fairly easy question. the answer is given three chapters before: this is where shinichiro found the parts for the twin babu bikes. mikey clearly says he wants to go there in the future, probably because that's one of the last places he can associate with his big brother and hasn't been to yet.
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the follow-up question is: what was shinichiro doing there?
the manga doesn't give us a clear answer. since izana is half-philipino, we can assume he went there to get more information about his brother's roots: who was his real mother? did he have a family who knew about him there?
this is where things get interesting. because while that was a nice gesture, shinichiro had surely no idea on where to start. his father was dead, karen kurokawa was nowhere to be found and grandpa sano is a useless old hag who never ever served the plot (confirmed by where shinichiro went because it didn't make much sense), leaving him without any info he could use to start looking for izana's potential relatives.
so he turned to a place he knew in the philippines: the corregidor island in manila's bay.
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why would shin know about the corregidor island? surprising answer: world war two.
i did not know about it until i did some research for this post (!! you can call me uncultivated), but japan occupied the philippines (among other countires) during the world war two. i did a good amount of research, but i struggled understanding it all (esp because i find wikipedia's navigation confusing on the topic), so i just copy-pasted some parts that hopefully, if my selection is good, explain globally what happened. if you are interested on the topic, i do recommend you to do your own research.
the philippines campaign, also known as the battle of the philippines or the fall of the philippines, was the invasion of the american territory of the philippines by the empire of japan and the defense of the islands by united states and the philippine armies during world war ll.
the japanese planned to occupy the philippines as part of their plan for a "greater east asia war" in which their southern expeditionary army group seized sources of raw materials [in malaya and the netherlands east indies]. captain ishikawa shingo, a hard-liner in the imperial japanese navy, had toured the philippines and other parts of southeast asia in 1936, noting that these countries had raw materials japan needed for its armed forces. this helped further increase their aspiration for colonizing the philippines.
the battle of the philippines resulted from the invasion of the philippine commonwealth by the empire of japan in 1941-42 and the defense of the archipelago by filipino and american troops. this battle resulted in a japanese victory.
(see: battle of bataan). after the flight of the philippine government and the end of the battle bataan on 9 april 1942, the japanese controlled the entire northern part of the philippine archipelago, with the exception of the island of corregidor. the capture of the island was also the condition for the japanese to ensure control of manila bay.
(see: battle of corregidor). corregidor (which included fort mills) was a u.s. army coast artillery corps position defending the entrance to manila bay, part of the harbor defenses of manila and subic bays. it was defended by 11,000 soldiers. some could reach corregidor via the baatan peninsula, where they had escaped the japanese attack. the 59th regiment was able to repel japanese air attacks, shooting down numerous planes. the older stationary batteries with fixed mortars and immense cannon, for defense from attack by sea, were easily put out of commission by japanese bombers. the american soldiers and filipino scouts defended the small fortress until they had little left to wage a defense. on december 29, 1941, the japanese carried out a strategic bombing raid on corregidor, destroying the hospital. until the end of april, the filipino and american defenders of the island resisted attacks by japanese aircraft, which inflicted 614 bombings on them, for a total of 365 tons of explosives. from april 28, the bombings increased in intensity. beginning on may 1, japanese artillery also began firing from bataan. early in 1942, the japanese air command installed oxygen in its bombers to fly higher than the range of the corregidor anti-aircraft batteries, and after that time, heavier bombardment began.
the capture of corregidor marked the final victory of the japanese in the philippines, but contributed, like the battle of bataan, to cost them precious time, handicapping their strategy in the pacific ocean region.
4,000 of the 11,000 filipino and american prisoners were then paraded by the japanese in the streets of manila. several thousand were sent to labor camps (see: baatan death march) and numerous women were forced into sexual slavery by the imperial japanese armed forces (see: comfort women and asia women's fund)
corregidor was recaptured in another battle in 1945, during the liberation of the philippines. a pacific war memorial was later built on corregidor, commemorating the resistance of american and filipino soldiers.
first of all, i really reccomend you the asia women's fund digital museum for information related to comfort women—if it something you can stomach. second of all, i think it's a great addition that wakui included a reference to this in the manga, even if it is in such a discreet way. the corregidor hospital (specific place where takemitchy finds mikey) is very much drawn the same way as it looks in real life, but it is specified nowhere in the series where this is or why this place is chosen, and yet it holds a very important role in japanese history.
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(pics from dailytakemitchi on twt, og post + google maps location)
though it is true that japan is known for not recognizing it's war crimes (see: nanjing massacre); certainly here an apology to the philippines was made, but only seventy-two years after the incident, so this issue was most likely very taboo by the time shin went there (which must have been between the time period where he met izana in the orphanage and their fight. judging by shin's haircut (we are working with very little information here ok but he didn't had his punch perm when we see him fiding the bikes so i believe it is around the time he askd mikey if he would like to have an older brother), i'd say 2000-2003ish, when izana was in juive. thanking the gods for this izana's timeline post btw, i actually need one with everyone's tls please-). philipino people were, from what i have understood, a pretty consequent part of the population in the 2000s for the reasons i mentionned just before. wakui must have met a few in his bossozoku days, and from them comes izana. i really like the fact that every one of the inclusions in the manga come from his real-life experience, it adds a lot to his whole universe!!
so yeah, if shin came there, it is probably because he did some research by himself on the philippines &this ended up being one of the first places that came up and catched his attention. like i said, it is likely that he went to the philippines looking for izana's relatives, but it strikes me as weird that he went there since the corregidor island has nothing but ruins to offer. maybe he just did some tourism on his way.
this whole trip didn't end up giving him any more information on izana's family. we don't actually know if izana's mother was in the philippines; karen does say that he is the son of her ex-husband and a filipino woman, but she herself is american and lives in japan. important to note that the ex-husband in question is not makoto sano! i personally had a hard time understanding that(oᗜo;)
this place is said to be haunted by the ghosts of filipino, american and japanese soldiers who died there, especially in the hospital. as for today, it is possible to visit the location, and there are vlog-type articles of people who went there, some quick youtube summaries and a few videos like "spending the night in this haunted island😱😱"
aaand this is pretty much all i had to say about this!! i haven't adressed the twin bikes because it'll be for another post. this post might not be much, esp taking in consideration how much time i took to post it(ᵕ—ᴗ—) but i had fun writting it! hopefully this post will find it's public. if you are still here, thank you so much for reading the whole thing!! i'll be posting some more tr posts like this one, so stay tuned. ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )
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lovecrafts-iranon · 1 year
Donated 500 dollars to Helen Keller International, a Givewell top charity that provides free vitamin A supplements to infants in developing countries, preventing blindness and death.
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Silver + glasses = wise old man trope...
. this has been a wip for like. weeks - i had no energy left to finish it properly lol so i'm posting it as is-----
'bonus' (VERY. UNFINISHED- )
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oracleact · 1 year
« nothing on me »
bayverse raph x reader / fluff + angst
notes: 1.8k words, first person pov, established relationship, gender neutral reader (no pronouns used,) details of injuries and tending to said injuries.
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a knock on the window at 3am? that only means one thing: the turtles are here. smiling, I rub the remnants of sleep from my eyes and hop out of bed to open up the curtain. only one turtle faces me at the window though - raphael.
I open the window and help his wide frame step down from the ledge, but my previous smile fades fast when raph groans in pain as he steps onto the floor.
“raph, what’s wrong? where are the rest of the boys? what happened?” I speak as fast as possible to try and get to his answer, worry eating away at me with each second that passes.
my raph is the mass strength and rough hand amongst the turtles. he can handle a lot of damage since he always manages to deal out more than what is done onto him. seeing him bent over, actually using my arm for support and not simply holding me because he wants to, groaning in genuine pain rather than letting out his usual gruff noises of acknowledgment - that scares me. it terrifies me when I don’t know what has happened.
“I told them to check on dad,” he begins breathlessly, “I needed you. it’s really bad this time.”
my eyes widen and I hurry him to the side of my bed, the mattress creaking under his weight. I grasp his face in my hands to check him over, turning his head every which way, but see nothing apart from a few new scratches on his skin.
“what do you mean ‘really bad,’ raph? you’re scaring me.”
“my—“ he lifts his arm and tries to reach for the back of his shell, failing miserably and almost howling out in pain, “my shell, sweetheart. I haven’t seen it yet but I heard it crack and this pain is too much for it to just be taped up.”
I scuttle around his large form and am immediately hit with the sight of a deep crack in the middle of his shell. he was right to come straight to me with this one. he should always come to me with injuries but is too stubborn most of the time and rides out the pain: ‘it may look bad to you but it’s nothing on me.’
when the boys started to properly use their skills outside of the lair, with the risk of larger injuries increasing, I began to research and teach myself how to handle ones specific to these mutants. thanks to many in depth articles about turtle care, I have safely cleaned and covered up small cracks before. the only difference between the boys and ‘normal’ turtles in regards to care like this is their size - it takes longer and requires more focus to clean cracks, ensuring that they can heal appropriately over time. although tonight’s damage will take double that, and maybe more.
“oh raph, oh my…how? wait, don’t answer that. I’m doing my first aid stuff then we can talk about it, okay?” he nods with a sad smile and all I can do is reach out and cup his cheek, returning the expression he gave me. he moves my hand to his lips for a quick kiss before I start scurrying off to grab what I need.
let’s see - chlorohexidine solution, q-tips, cotton pads, adhesive patches and a towel. is that all I need? I have no idea right now; I’m so scared to touch him that I feel like stalling for as long as I can.
I walk slowly back to where he sits on the edge of my bed, his head resting in one hand as the other rubs at his tired eyes. I lay down all that I grabbed from the bathroom before taking a deep breath and sitting down behind him. the room is silent for a couple of minutes after that, my heart beating loudly in my ears. I can’t break my anxious stare away from the crack in his beautiful carapace.
“hey…” raph speaks ever so softly to get my attention.
“yeah— sorry. I’m sorry,” I feel tears begin to form in my eyes. I hate seeing him hurt like this. “I’m going to fix you up. I promise I’ll fix this. I’ll touch around your shell, away from the crack, and you tell me how it feels. let me know how much the pain has spread.”
he gestures ‘yes’ to me but with a frowned brow, “don’t cry, love. everything is okay. I’m raphael, remember? this is nothing on me!”
but I can see it - I can see the pain written on his face, the way his eyes look misty. I don’t want to push him to talk nor do I want to directly acknowledge the pain I can see; I don’t want to break his protective wall at a time like this. it wouldn’t be fair to do so. I wipe my tears and get straight to work instead.
my small hand reaches out for him, gently patting around the edges of his shell then smoothing over the surface, “that’s not bad at all. it just feels tingly, like the nice kind of tingly you give me.” I giggle at him. it’s a relief that the shell hasn’t shattered or anything and he can feel my hand like always.
I’ve spent so many nights tracing over the faint patterns of his plastron and committing the texture to memory. it helps calm him after a stressful training day or when he can’t sleep. it secretly calms me too because it’s just us in those moments, the rest of the world fading away and leaving only raph and I. there’s no need to jump away from my hold to save new york when my touch melts away the city completely. nothing can break us out of that warm paradise as long as we are together.
despite the touch test going well, the cleaning of his wounds will definitely be painful since the crack is open and noticeable. I pour some of the solution onto a q-tip and tell raph to start breathing slowly and deeply. I help him set a pace for it before I begin to clean.
he hisses in pain when the piece of cotton comes in contact with the wound and my tears start to flow again, “I know baby, but this part is important,” I sniffle and reach my free hand for his, “use me to balance yourself.”
“I’ll break your little hand,” there is a fracture in his voice as he speaks but he still manages to let out a chuckle with his words.
“breathe and squeeze, raph, don’t worry about me.”
and so he did - each time I dipped the cotton into the crack he inhaled and exhaled quickly whilst grasping my hand in his. I rubbed my thumb over his rough skin in an attempt to ground us both over and over again.
“one last clean and then I’ll patch it up and be done for tonight.” he lets out a loud sigh at that, obviously glad that the stinging will be over soon. I hear him lowly whimper but force a cough after in an attempt to hide the noise. once again I don’t press him on it, I just kiss the back of his hand to let him know it’s alright.
the last step is to cut adhesive patches to fit the crack, making sure to leave small gaps at the ends to allow air to flow through. this process isn’t all that different from putting a bandaid on a human arm, and thank goodness for that. I want to do everything I can to help raph, to ease his pain, so this being a somewhat ‘easy’ task to complete means luck is on my side right now.
with the last piece secure I get up from the bed to face him again, giving him a small smile to let him know it’s done. I slip myself between his legs and reach out to untie his bandana. his eyes close as he presses his head onto my chest to give me access to the tie at the back.
sliding the cloth from his face, I set it on the bed and wipe underneath his eyes; he looks so worn out. my fingers move down to draw along the scars from previous battles and to check over any new cuts, the pad of my thumb eventually landing on the most prominent scar across his upper lip. my raph, my hero, our hero…with the scars to prove it all.
“give it a week and see how the shell starts to heal. if we need to do more then I’m ready for that. I’ve done my research, you’re looking at a certified mutant turtle nurse,” I wink at him as he laughs and nuzzles further into my hold.
he looks up at me with those gorgeous eyes, the light of the moon catching in them. he may be hurt but he’s here with me and healing in my arms, and I’ll hold this man forever to show him how much he means to me. he’s looking at me in the same way - in awe of what’s in front of him - both of us dumbly grinning at each other. although, he does break eye contact when a yawn suddenly comes bursting out.
“do you want to talk about what happened, or do you want to catch some z’s first?”
“hmm…as much as I want to tell you about how much of a badass I am, I really want to crash.”
he moves to lay on his back before I catch his shoulders with high pitched squeak, “shell!” I whisper-yell at him. his lips form an ‘o’ and I shake my head. only raph could forget about his injuries that quickly.
I slip into the bed first and hold out my arms, beckoning him to follow and to lay on his stomach. he does so almost instantly, getting comfy against me and wrapping his arms around my waist.
“thank you for everything. I trust you with my life, you know.”
“and I trust you with mine, big red.”
I’m seemingly stuck staring down at him, just in stupid awe once more. watching how his eyes are effortlessly closed, evident that he is exhausted, with a faint smile playing on his lips as he shifts around to find the best snoozing position. his shell is now what catches the attention of the moon and I feel satisfied with my work on the crack. I’m still worried but the patch looks good and secure from afar so I’ll take it for it now.
I’m so happy that this brave and unstoppable mutant turtle trusts me with his open wounds, with his physical and emotional scars, with his love and being. this life of ours is crazy in so many ways but I wouldn’t ask for anything to change. well, less wounds here and there would be nice but that might be asking for too much.
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bunchofdoodlesinspace · 2 months
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1st set of Winx redesigns for my version of the show, ft. Bloom! :D Here we have her Winx, Charmix, and Enchantix forms.
Transformation lore + redesign notes will be under the cut!
Winx: As described in my big hc post, this is the base form, the one everyone starts with. Once you really tap into your magic and gain the ability to transform, this is the form you start out with. I actually added detail to Bloom's form, while maintaining the basic shape of the canon design. I also switched up her wing design to sort of mimic the shape of dragon wings (this was a pain bc they kept looking too...fishy, for a while, but I think I figured it out). Also, I'm calling this form Winx because a) it sounds better than base form and b) I like the lore concept from the 4kids dub that Winx is like. your magic potential or w/e. So I'm using that.
Charmix: The power-up for Winx! I wanted to make this one feel more like...y'know, a power-up, lmao. I was actually considering making it an entire new form, but then I remembered when I was first trying to redesign the base forms (yes I've been here multiple times), I added these glowing neon lines and decided. Yknow what, that looks cool, that's what Charmix is gonna look like now. So here it is! The lines themselves are meant to glow with the colour of the fairy's magic (hence why Bloom's are orange), and using it also causes their eyes to glow, until they revert back to using Winx.
Enchantix: Listen I love the flowy dresses and long gloves and everything, I do, but I think a more armoured version of Enchantix would look so cool. Really emphasizes the whole concept of "guardian fairies" imo. Obviously I still wanted to keep elements of the original, so similar to Winx, I took the basic shapes of Bloom's dress (because it's so pretty and I love it) and played around with that. I also give all of them these long glove-things and toe-less socks to call back to the fancy gloves and sandals. Added a crown with some dragon-adjacent horns and used more fire-inspired shapes for the wings to emphasize the whole "Dragon Flame" and "Princess of Domino" aspects of Bloom's character, since I feel they are. very important. for this one.
Also, you might be looking at this and going "Cupcake. Where are fairy dust bottles." and to that I say. There uh. There isn't. I took those out BUT fairy dust is not gone, I'm not removing something THAT central to the plot. No, instead, each Enchantix fairy gets a wand that they can summon when they wish to perform spells using the fairy dust. And the reason the wand isn't in this post? ...I haven't designed any of them yet sjkdhfkg But I'll make a post in the future with all of them at some point when I do :)
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lanwangjeezus · 2 years
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WangXian--The coolest kids in Gusulan! ✌
Mini WangXian/WuJi dump! Because Wei Ying being taller than Lan Zhan in The Untamed will always be a source of amusement and delight for me.
I still love them so much! My babies forever. ❤
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kangals · 2 months
Kepler siblings! just posting for fun :) having had rescue dogs of unknown origin for so long, the novelty of knowing what my dogs parents and siblings look like still hasn’t worn off.
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smooth tri female, smooth white male, rough tri male, and rough tri female are all from his litter! there were 2 other merle puppies but I haven’t seen pics of them yet, but that’s the whole gang. the big tri is a half-brother (same mom) from a few years ago who I think is gorgeous.
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graveyardfigure · 6 months
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a show-accurate (ish) Draculaura G3 custom i did to sell :) she is going away to her new home today!
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octoagentmiles · 4 months
oh hi!!! I haven't seen anyone on tumblr talk about this yet, so I wanted to make sure you all know that the new miniseries "Journey To China" is being uploaded on yt!!
here's a link!!! 🤲🤲🤲
we've been getting three eps a day so far, and there's already nine* uploaded!! and they're vERY GOOD PLS WATCH THEM— ok byeeeeee 🥰🥰👋👋🥰👋🥰👋🥰
(*7 are currently up on OctoWorld's channel, which is who I linked, and the other 2 are up on Mariana Trench's channel—but I'm sure OW will have the last 2 up soon too!)
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