#honestly if you read all of that gold star⭐️
mishaesque · 21 days
I bought tickets for the Scotland comic con in October cause I’m like damn I’m 27 and back in the spn swamp after 10 years and I’ve had a really really shitty year so you know what?? If I can’t be happy at least 15 year old me can. I remember looking at tickets for jus in bello FOUR with my friend like wth!!!!! If you’re a teenager or like early 20s I just want to let you know that time is gonna start moving by real fast real soon so take literally every opportunity for an experience or you will regret it!!!!! Unfortunately you probably won’t understand what I mean until you’re my age lol. Sorry for the rant/ existential crisis but Anyways my question is whether I should get a photo with Jensen or Jensen and Misha????? I kind of want both lmao but that’s really really expensive 🥹
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henneseyhoe · 9 months
My Big Three As Boyfriends|
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You wanna have the perfect balance of a country boy and a city boy rolled into one? He’s the man for you!
His love feels like coming into a warm house after shoveling snow.
The first time you two ever kissed, my lady by Tyrese played in the background and since then ‘my lady’ with a brown heart has been your contact name.
He’ll sing any song you ask him to even though his ass can barely hold a tune in all seriousness.
Uncovering your ears, you start laughing. “Yes, sounds just like how Tyrese sung it” He smiles and takes a bow.
You try not to be the clingiest since he loves his space sometimes, but he definitely has his moments where he needs you near him like some kind of support teddy.
Hates when you all up on him when it’s time to sleep but always ends up damn near on top of you by the morning.
“Move, Bae, it’s hot” he groans. 8 hours later. “Tre…Trevante…baby, you crushin’ me!” You huff, trying to push his arm and leg off of you so you could go pee.
He’ll blame you as if your little ass can move him from one side of the bed to the other.
Expect booty slaps every time you walk by, and don’t let him be upset with you prior, cause it’ll be harder this time.
“Tight ass shorts” he’d say as you walked around the house as free as you wanted in the Nike shorts HE bought you.
Often play fighting and roughhousing until he accidentally hits you too hard and has to be soft with you for the rest of the day.
“Awwnnn, cmere, I didn’t think it was gonna land that hard” he holds you as you pout, rubbing your now sore arm. “That actually hurt, Tre. Like seriously 🥺”
He makes fun of the Erotic books you read, but you caught him peaking over your shoulder once and following along with one of your favorite stories.
“Don’t get too hype, I peeped something and the shit was interesting!”
Has a habit of putting his hand up your shirt when you two are cuddling.
He hates when you leave for work because he works mornings and you work nights. Sometimes on his day offs(though a bad idea) he’d stay up at night and bother you on the phone all throughout your work, dropping hints that you needed to come home on your snack break for a real meal.
-you’d brush him off and sneak off to the bathroom, sending him a titty pic to hold him off till you got home.
-‘oh wow. I just might take a trip instead actually’
-He’s definitely already taken trips up there a few times to get you right, as he should.
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A REAL certified loverboy
If you told him to jump, he’d ask how high.
He would never admit it but he is CLINGY. He wants to be with you and all up under you as soon as those paparazzi cameras turn off.
Also certified double texter.
‘babe’ ‘Y/N’ ‘Y/N’ ‘Y/N’ ‘babe’
‘don’t act like you don’t see these texts’
‘WHAT boy’
‘I miss you’ ‘wyd my love’
‘working. Something you should be busy doin’
‘I finished already’
‘Fast reader you are. Here’s a gold star⭐️’
‘What can I say? You’re engaged to a smart man’
Boo🩷 has unsent a message.
‘Forget you read that till further notice’
The man can’t hold water, as you can see. Which is why you don’t tell him anything that’s meant to be a secret.
He literally can’t sleep without your leg thrown over him some kind of way.
He remembers all the cute little shit you like year around so he already has a laid out plan of gifts for Birthdays, Valentines, and Christmas.
A good bit of his camera roll is just you and screenshots of things he wants to keep tabs of.
Can’t organize for shit and that’s exactly why his phone storage is about to explode
Begged you to organize his work stuff, so you agreed, until you saw NOTHING was put where it’s supposed to go.
“how do you work like this?!”
“I honestly don’t know…I- I do not know” he responds, staring at the unorganized files.
“Your assistant doesn’t take care of this stuff?”
“I don’t like to bother her like that”
“Nigga, she’s an assistant, she’s supposed to be bothered!”
Thursdays were self care days for you two. Wether you were just sitting around and watching a movie or doing actual things to improve the body, it was still self care to y’all.
Both of you are foodies, but he’s more adventurous, so he always tries to get you to try new foods when out together.
“would you ever try live squid?” He asks, looking through the menu the restaurant provided for them. “Uhh..I dunno. I don’t think I’d like it, but I’d probably try. Just have to ignore the memory of that story of that man who ate a live squid and it killed him and crawled back up his throat” he stares at you for a moment then looks back down at his menu. “Never mind then…”
Soooo protective of you and thinks you don’t stand up for yourself enough so he always makes sure you’re heard in any and all conversations.
Takes any chance to show you off. Was it cause he genuinely loved you or was it cause he liked showing niggas what they’ll never have? Both actually.
“Oh, and y’all know my girl, right? My beautiful, wonderful girlfriend” he grabs you by the hand, and kisses the top of it, pulling your attention away from your drink. You smile and look away, feeling extra appreciated.
Gentlemen in the streets, freak nasty in the sheets.
You ever came so hard that it took a few seconds for your vision to come back? Yeah.
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The dynamic between the both of you is just very unserious. He is truly your bestfriend who also happens to be your boyfriend
It’s hard to get anything done when the both of you are constantly cracking jokes back and forth, a con of having the same job.
“Yahya, please, my stomach hurts!” you spoke in between laughs, tears prickling the both of y’all’s eyes as you tried to make it through a SINGULAR business email. “How the fuck do you misspell so much shit on a business email?!” He howled, wiping tears from his face and slouching in his seat, you still crying.
He blames you for when he doesn’t get much work done, but he knows damn well it’s his fault for being the goofy mf he is.
When you two were just friends, your mutual friends would tease him by calling him “boy Y/N” because you both had so much in common.
He’s your reminder to eat like a normal person
“What’d you eat today?” Yahya questions, reading over his weekly to-do list. You glare at him then look back at your computer, not answering because you didn’t wanna hear his mouth about you forgetting to eat. Sighing, he gets up and heads into the kitchen to make you something quick.
At first the relationship felt like you two were still just friends, but you both grew into being a little more intimate with each other.
You both can’t help but create small(but healthy) competitions. You were both a little more competitive than you’d like to admit, but you both had competitions so often that basically everyone you guys hung out with knew of them.
“Damn” You sigh as you watched your paper ball miss the trash basket. “Hm” Yahya hums and gets up, picking the paper ball up. Instead of throwing it away right then, he went back to his seat that was a bit farther back and took a shot, the paper effortlessly making it in the basket. You look back at him with a squint and he smirks. “Okay, bet” you whisper.
Ten minutes had gone by and you both were throwing balled up paper that you needed in the trash. To make what point? Neither of you knew, but you both were entertained.
Theres a box in his closet with Polaroid pictures of you two throughout the five years of dating each other, most taken by Yahya himself because in his words, “I just love looking at you. Pictures don’t even capture all that I see, but damn, baby”
The man could easily make you melt like some chocolate. He was just as smooth as he was when you first met him.
Once you both got more into the relationship, he was honestly the most romantic and caring person ever. He’d do anything to make you feel those butterflies.
Sent you on a corny little riddle game for Valentine’s Day once which lead you to some of your favorite places around the city until the last clue brought you home to three bouquets of your favorite flowers and a ring the size of your brown eyes.
Alexa, play whatever you want by Tony! Toni! Toné!
Some niggas don’t trick, but Yahya? Oh he’s gonna step. In the end, if you’re happy, he’s happy.
The night ended with something else a little more eventful that had the neighbors thinking to call the cops for the third time that month.
He plans on staying with you for the rest of his life, and made that know.
And he’s determined to put a baby in you one of these days, with or without that damn ring.
Looks and bias aside, who would y’all pick as a boyfriend? 🫣 I think I’d pick Yahya 😭
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This is kind of just me ranting about how a fandom treats a system-coded character and how I have a love hate relationship with it, so don’t mind it if you aren’t interested in reading about FNAF or my own personal opinions on it.
I sometimes forget the fact that the canonical version of the Daycare Attendant in FNAF: SB plays right into harmful DID/OSDD stereotypes. One, because they’re a sub-system within my system and have source memories completely different from canon. Two because I have tried over and over to figure out ways in canon that they are a system where Moon isn’t actually playing into the evil alter stereotype. It’s a comfort thing, I know, for both me and them, but in a way I feel like that’s hurting the community. So many people online say “don’t headcanon this character as having DID/OSDD or you’re a bad person for pushing harmful stereotypes”.
I myself am part of a system. I know how detrimental these types of stereotypes are. I’ve actively seen people, in real life, fear systems because of something stupid they saw in media. I don’t want to say “this is system-coded” about potentially harmful media. But at the same time, Moon Knight is the best representation we have out there. One of the only good representations I should say, and even that was dramatically overdone to keep viewers watching. When I find a piece of media that I can see as being DID/OSDD coded, I have a bad habit of latching on and not letting go because seeing that representation is just rare. So when I saw Sun and Moon I just clicked. It didn’t help that I was going through my system discovering around the games release date and it was probably the first time I saw a piece of media (outside of the movie we all hate with a passion) that had hints of DID/OSDD representation.
I am 100% on board with saying that singlets shouldn’t headcanon characters as DID/OSDD coded. I feel like that really should be true for any mental disorder. If you don’t have it, you don’t get a say in how it’s represented. But at the same time, I don’t think we should be attacking people over it when they aren’t even thinking about how Moon acted. Most people who see multiple people in one body are going to think of DID. Most people don’t even know the evil alter stereotypes exists, because they don’t engage in system spaces. I certainly didn’t, not until we started engaging in them. Being rude to people who genuinely meant no harm is just going to make us look bad. You can still say “hey, as a system, here’s why this is wrong”, but don’t start saying that you hate everyone who does it and harass them over it. If they continue to push it, that’s a different story, but most people are genuinely shocked when I explain to them that certain characters are terrible representations of DID/OSDD.
Anyways, I also hate the fact that there’s no representation of Sun and Moon being a system in the fan base either. I’ve seen several systems who claim Sun and Moon as a system for comfort reasons, but I never see them try to fix the bad part of the representation. If there was an AU where the bad parts of the representation were fixed I’d latch onto it in a heartbeat. I honestly don’t see why people don’t do that. Tell people what’s wrong, fix it, and then give them a version that they are able to actually see and understand. Make sure they don’t advertise the actual canon as having good representation, but there’s a really good AU to look into if you are looking for good representation.
This is just me rambling so idk. It’s almost 6:00 in the morning and I haven’t slept. If you read through all that mess, Sunny says have a gold star ⭐️
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savvyjournaling · 2 years
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Three Swedish Mountain Men by Lily Gold
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Triple-Duty Bodyguards by Lily Gold
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Faking With Benefits by Lily Gold
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Golden Boys by Rachel Jonas
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Never His Girl by Rachel Jonas
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Forever Golden by Rachel Jonas
⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Seduction by Roxy Sloane
⭐️⭐️ Seven Sins (Bloodstone 1-3) by J. R. Thorn
⭕️ A Queen of Ruin by K. F. Breene
Short Reviews:
Three Swedish Mountain Men by Lily Gold gets four stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A good 300-something page contemporary romance with a reverse harem. The usual kind of story: they meet and start a romance, something happens to pull them apart briefly before the end, then it’s fixed and everything is Happy Ever After.
It got 4/5 stars because I kept getting pulled out of the story during romance scenes due to trying to figure out the picture in my head of how their bodies were posed. Maybe it’s just me, but the author seems to leave out when they move from sitting to standing or whatever, and doesn’t really describe their positioning, so I’ll get a picture in my head and the next line will make me have to re-do that mental picture. It pulled me out of the story several times.
I read this on Kindle Unlimited.
Triple-Duty Bodyguards by Lily Gold also gets four stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Slightly longer than the last one I read, and I enjoyed this story more! I love how fleshed out the characters are, how it’s not really just three random men because ‘ooh reverse harem’ but each character has a story that gives their actions reason.
Still only four stars, because of the same reason as Three Swedish Mountain Men. Overall a great stand-alone RH contemporary romance.
I read this on Kindle Unlimited.
Faking With Benefits by Lily Gold gets 5 stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I thought this one was much better than the previous two, there was only one scene that I got pulled out of because confusing wording/positioning of the characters.
I really enjoyed the story and characters! And I really liked the mentions of previous characters.
I read this on Kindle Unlimited.
The Golden series by Rachel Jonas gets 5 stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I really enjoyed this bully romance! I immediately fell for both main characters and loved that I got to see from both of their PoVs. It was absolutely shocking to discover the book was only a little under 300 pages (short, to me anyway). I was so into it. Great, quick read!
I read these on Kindle Unlimited.
The Seduction by Roxy Sloane gets 3 stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was absolutely unmemorable. Except the ending made me immediately decide not to continue the series based on the main male character’s thoughts.
I read this on Kindle Unlimited.
Seven Sins by J. R. Thorn gets 2 stars. ⭐️⭐️
The Seven Sins book was the BloodStone series 1-3. It was… okay.
The story and characters had so much potential, but it was extremely and unrealistically fast-paced. There wasn’t any real character development. The four male characters (this is a reverse harem) are all basically the same, ripped-muscles-and-dedicated-wholey-to-the-fmc dude. And the main female character was a complete Mary Sue.
I honestly don’t know why I finished the series. I think it was just because of how fast-paced it was… the potential of the story kept ahold of me until about 60-70% through and then by that point I figured I should just finish it. It wasn’t really worth it.
Definitely an interesting world, but it didn’t live up to my expectations.
I read this on Kindle Unlimited (which is why I accidentally read a series of three books as one).
Currently I’m reading A Queen of Ruin by K. F. Breene and I can already tell you it’s gonna be a 5 star!
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Thought I’d share my favourite summary I wrote for my main WIP “The Thaumaturge World: Untitled”
The Thaumaturge World is the main project of “The Blane Drafts”, and it’s a story I hold close to my heart. The story of a boy named Jude, who after his grandfather's death is in search of a world Mr. Blane swore up and down was out there... somewhere. But Jude has a reputation that catches up to him, and sends him with his teacher to a camp for kids with behavioural difficulties. Little does Jude know the trip to this island brings him far closer to the elusive world, and a dark family secret.
Keep Reading for more info on this *checks notes* WIP.
What is The Blane Drafts?
The Blane Drafts is the name I started using for my Thaumaturge World stories. It’s basically an umbrella term for any wordbuilding, short stories, ideas, characters, etc that is set in this strange magical world.
What is The Thaumaturge World?
It’s a story I started writing when I was thirteen-years-old, after an awesome road trip my family and I went on. I was inspired by a lot of things on that trip, but the idea was born when we got stuck in traffic on our way home and stood next to a prison for the longest time. I let my mind wander, thinking up all sorts of ideas of what could be happening in there... and then I got something, a simple little idea that sparked the fire of this vast world in me.
My only pen was dry, because I’ve been using the pen all month during our trip. And my cellphone was dead. I remember scratching a short sentence into a notebook with the dried up pen so I wouldn’t forget. About a day after that, I began to brainstorm names for the main character, and of the disciplinary camp he would be sent to (that was a prison instead at the time).
Emilola and Israel came much later, Jude was known as Jeffrey (who was an honest to god asshole) and I have a couple of deleted characters that only exist in the first draft.
The Thaumaturge World itself evolved a lot, and it didn’t actually exist in the first draft either. It was supposed to be a standalone novel, but I kept getting more ideas for Jude and his friends. And... here I am, nineteen-years-old and still trying to figure out how to write a good story I can be satisfied with.
I started posting chapters of this story a few years back, but a lot of things happened and I eventually hit the worst writer’s block I’ve ever experienced. I’m still working through this writer’s block (apparently the cure is writing, even if it’s shit and you know it is). So the story is still online, unfinished and just a draft. Turns out I needed a little more time to tinker around with this story.
I still honestly have no idea what I’m doing with this story, but I’m trying to figure that out, and I’m definitely hitting clarity a lot more recently (surprise! The cure for that was also actually writing).
I have another WIP I’ll be sharing soon, one that came two years or so after the Thaumaturge World.
So anyway, I’m doing my best to write this story for NaNoWriMo. Not aiming for 50,000 words... just words would be nice.
Thank you for reading this! If you got this far... damn, here’s a gold star ⭐️ 
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years
Please be careful not to stress yourself out Aine💜 & thank you for sharing the que and ask box status to give us a sneak peek of what’s to come - As. You. Get. To. Them. - again, please don’t rush or put too much pressure on yourself. Honestly just reading through some of what’s listed and imagining the creativity I’m sure you’ll bring to the table (again) with these asks makes me smile (and I’m usually not much of a morning person - so gold star ⭐️ for getting me to genuinely smile before 11am👍)
AHA! Hubba!
I'm not a morning person too (((*°▽°*)八(*°▽°*)))♪ Late nights are my thing!
Don't worry, I'll take a break from time to time and finish my adult stuffs, those are the things that causes me stress tbh (๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)
I hope the works will all make you smile! whatever time it is! HEHE (◕ᴗ◕✿)
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savvyjournaling · 2 years
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Never King by Nikki St. Crowe
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Hooked by Emily McIntire
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Haunting Adeline by H. D. Carlton
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Hunting Adeline by H. D. Carlton
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Dark One by Nikki St. Crowe
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Secrets in Shadows and Blood by Lana Pecherczyk
⭕️ Three Swedish Mountain Men by Lily Gold
(I’ve decided to add short little reviews/comments for each book explaining why I starred them the way I did.)
The Never King and The Dark One by Nikki St. Crowe were both 5 stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I very much enjoyed the spin the author put on the classic Peter Pan stories. (Also just enjoying the reverse harem fantasy romance.)
My only nit-pick is that I wish both stories were either longer by about 100 pages, or combined. The story is so short and most of it smut, that I feel like I’m being rushed through the book and missing out on a really well-built world. Very much looking forward to The Vicious Darling in September (I believe).
I’m going to wait to finish the series before buying any physical copies. I’m leaning towards hoping to find the finished series in just one giant book, since these two so far have been averaged about 200 pages only.
I read both on Kindle Unlimited.
Hooked by Emily McIntire was also 5 stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I read this right after The Never King, so it was two Peter Pan retelling a back-to-back. This one is contemporary, not fantasy, romance. It’s also MF and not RH. Also, as I’m sure you could guess from the title, Hooked’s main male character is Captain Hook.
Hooked is a standalone, and a good mafia-type story that seems to be pretty popular on Tiktok right now. It wasn’t super short but it was a quick read and I’ll definitely be buying a physical copy for my shelf.
I read this on Kindle Unlimited.
Haunting Adeline and Hunting Adeline by H. D. Carlton we’re also both 5 stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Haunting Adeline is a story about a man who stalks a woman named Adeline. Obviously, in real life these events would have a different connotation behind them, and readers should definitely be aware of triggers and warnings. (I believe the story is labeled with dub-con warnings but I would go ahead and just say non-con, for Haunting Adeline. For Hunting Adeline, it’s full on rape.)
These two books were honestly great. Zade is one of my favorite male characters I’ve ever read, he’s so well-written and charming. Adeline I found to be very easy to connect to.
Also the sex scenes were great. 😏 I will also be purchasing physical copies of these two books for my personal shelf.
I read both of these on Kindle Unlimited.
The Secrets in Shadow and Blood by Lana Pecherczyk was 4 stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I read this as a stand-alone, though I do believe it’s part of a series. (Looks it up on Goodreads…) Yes, it’s the first in the Season of the Vampire series, and fourth in the Fae Guardians series by LP. The main characters (the couples) change every book, though it’s set in the same world.
I voted 4 stars for this book, although that’s entirely subject to change. I believe I didn’t completely connect with the story because it took me so long to adjust to the world (my reason for only four stars), which is my fault for starting in the middle of an on-going series.
It was very good fantasy romance, there’s not much I can say. It’s honestly a bit unmemorable for me, as I’ve read short fantasy romances a lot when I was a teen. They all kind of blend together after a while, but it was still very good and worth reading. I may check out the beginning of the series because it was so good, but I’m not totally into series that change couples every book. For instance, I’ve read one book out of the vampire romance series by J. R. Ward and one book in the heart series by Robin D. Owens. I’ve meant to go back to read the rest of the series of both authors for years now and just… haven’t.
I read this book on Kindle Unlimited.
My current read is Three Swedish Mountain Men by Lily Gold.
Reading it on Kindle Unlimited. My hope is just for a short steamy RH stand-alone.
is there a name for book series that are romantic and change couples every book?
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