#jude blane
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This was not meant to be a redraw, but I ended up sorta turning it into one! This is Rohan and Debbie Blane, the grandparents to my beloved OC Jude, at two different ages and art styles. Yup, Rohan has acquired an epic earring and Debbie now has a really cool hat.
Fun Fact: Rohan is a bit of a spotlight character in my little flash fiction story I wrote almost a year ago! It's from Jude's perspective (my sweet chaos child I will write another story for you soon.)
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the-thaumaturge-crew · 5 months
Winsor has acquired an annoying duckling to follow him around. How long until he finally snaps?
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tesserat · 9 months
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Working on Page 2 of my Thaumaturge World comic!!
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evertidings · 3 years
Who in other IFs would the ROs romance? (not me secretly asking for more IF recs please 👀)
i am probably one of the worst people to come to for if recommendations because i really don’t play as many as i should (and want to) but i’ve included some games i’ve played down below and some i’m waiting (patiently) for
a devereux
griffin from @bodycountgame
winslow from @earcandy-if
orion from @honeybeegames
charlotte/charles (charlie) from @disenchantedif
blane rekner
elliot from @ofna
h archer from @honestwndrng
alister from @midnightdinergame
khalida from @moonless-if
n alves
pariah from @attollogame
kiara/kylian from @wynnakang
leonora/leonardo from @moonlitsorrows-if
eilert/eira from @legacies-game
k de vries
arthur from @bodycountgame
narkis from @gamingperipety
ren from @witchesofferngrove
sysba from @attollogame
rylan villanueva
jude from @straightred-if
kiana/kaidan from @milaswriting
cade from @blackwood-if
jinho from @abyss-if
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transnameswap · 7 years
Hi! My birth name is Oriana, and I'm genderfluid. I want a unisex name that's slightly more masculine. My faves so far are: Tatum, Blake, and Dakota. Do you have any other ideas?? None of these feel perfect.
Blane / Blaine
Kasey / Casey
there you go! hope those help you out! 
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In the process of making a comic. Here's how the paper scribble changed in the digital sketch!
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Working on a drawing for my Thaumaturge World book! Where are they going??
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My kids! All lined up like a row of ducklings! Only took about two days... if you don’t count the writing that got them here, I guess. So five years. I think.
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[ a 13-year-old boy with strawberry blonde hair is facing toward the page. His body is turned away to the left. He’s wearing a black shirt. He has light skin, and freckles on his exposed arm, face and neck. His eyes are brown, and he has thick eyebrows. He’s wearing two hair clips on the side of his hair, both gifted to him by his best friend, Emilola. One clip is a watermelon, and the other is a flower with the aroace flag colours. ]
A quick sketch of Jude Blane! I saw lots of hair clips at the store yesterday, and for some reason it made me think of my OCs again. Which ones would they buy? I’ve since concluded Emilola would buy all of them if she could.
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Hey everyone! Here’s a flash fiction I wrote for my WIP!
This is a small insight into my main character’s mind from my sci-fi/fantasy/adventure story “The Thaumaturge World”. His name is Jude Blane, and he’s thirteen years old when the story begins.
His story has gone through a lot of revisions over the years (I think the first draft was written all the way back in 2017, actually), but I’m finally at a place where I can see where I want to go with Jude’s story.
Giving you the option to either read this on Medium, or click the ‘Keep Reading’ button to read it on Tumblr!
Fear The Faeries — Thaumaturge World Flash Fiction Story, Jude Blane
There are secrets in the dark. My grandfather told me this years ago, about how the ocean carries the ghosts of faraway worlds. He told me of faeries, monsters, and alternate dimensions. Mostly he talked about heroes who protected the worlds from the danger lurking in the corners. He liked to talk about the corners.
My brother and I would sit with him on the dewy grass in the garden, stars barely twinkling through polluted skies with no moon in sight, and he would urge us to not be afraid. The dark has many secrets, but it carries just as many stories.
“All you need is to light a candle. It keeps the bad faeries away.”
And that’s what we did. Not every night, but on the darkest ones. My Dad wasn’t as indulgent of this ritual, scoffing and rolling his eyes when he thinks I can’t see him. Mom smiled and told him to let us light our candle, to let us believe.
I wish I stopped believing in faeries and otherworlds. I wish I grew out of that fantasy and moved on. I wish I didn’t light a candle at night, every night, for the last three years. I wish I wasn’t scared.
I will forever remember being ten. The moment I found my grandpa on his living room floor, the twinkle in his blue eyes flickered out, as dark smoke rose from his mouth and filled the room. I choked on the fumes, but frozen to the hardwood floor as his body convulsed and more and more smoke escaped.
I awoke to a white hospital room, and nobody would believe my story. They called me traumatised and delusional when they thought I was resting. They referred me to therapy and my school counsellor, but none of that would help.
The bad faeries are out there. So I light my candle in the dark night, and I sleep with the bathroom light on.
But I haven’t forgotten the stories. I just chase after them on my own now.
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Now you see me, now you don't
Listened to "Ghost" by Confetti and I had a vision.
Behold my children! I drew this like almost a year ago now but forgot to post it.
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I finished the comic!! Here's a small snippet from the book as well!
"The Vanishing Island" Draft
Chapter One: The Jack-O-Forums
He flipped out his cellphone, rubbing the cracked and dirty screen with his sleeve before pressing the power button. It took a good ten seconds before the screen begrudgingly flickered to life. The fingerprint scanner didn’t work anymore, so Jude made quick work of typing in his code.
The chatroom of the Jack-O-Forums popped up on screen, showing over 99+ messages since he last checked. Ignoring those, he tapped on one name - Tulpα.
This is so stupid. The thought came out of nowhere, as if someone was whispering it to him over the wind, as if it had fallen from the sky with the rain. Jude adjusted his hoodie over his head, covering more of his face as he stared down at the cracks in his brother’s old cellphone.
It felt really stupid. It had felt wrong all week, everything had felt awful all week. He snapped at Mr Kane once in class two days ago. Jude internally shuddered at that memory. Mr Kane was just a teacher, but he was as imposing as a mountain gorilla, size and muscle mass included. He towered over the tallest students, could shut anyone up with one green-eyed stare.
Part of him, Jude realised, wanted Mr Kane to walk out that Planetarium and drag him back in. There was, after all, no other way Jude would walk away from this otherwise.
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Heyyy, so I’ve been inactive. I’m sick (super tired, sore throat, dizziness, all that fun stuff) so writing is difficult. I’m hoping to get back into it soon, and reach my next word count goal.
The good news is I finished my story’s Prologue. No idea if the it’ll will make it to the finished book, but I’ve always loved Prologues in the books I read. Time will tell, I s’pose.
obligatory pre-edited preview:
He fell into a difficult sleep, dreams full of monsters and smoke, and his body burning from the inside out.
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Thought I’d share my favourite summary I wrote for my main WIP “The Thaumaturge World: Untitled”
The Thaumaturge World is the main project of “The Blane Drafts”, and it’s a story I hold close to my heart. The story of a boy named Jude, who after his grandfather's death is in search of a world Mr. Blane swore up and down was out there... somewhere. But Jude has a reputation that catches up to him, and sends him with his teacher to a camp for kids with behavioural difficulties. Little does Jude know the trip to this island brings him far closer to the elusive world, and a dark family secret.
Keep Reading for more info on this *checks notes* WIP.
What is The Blane Drafts?
The Blane Drafts is the name I started using for my Thaumaturge World stories. It’s basically an umbrella term for any wordbuilding, short stories, ideas, characters, etc that is set in this strange magical world.
What is The Thaumaturge World?
It’s a story I started writing when I was thirteen-years-old, after an awesome road trip my family and I went on. I was inspired by a lot of things on that trip, but the idea was born when we got stuck in traffic on our way home and stood next to a prison for the longest time. I let my mind wander, thinking up all sorts of ideas of what could be happening in there... and then I got something, a simple little idea that sparked the fire of this vast world in me.
My only pen was dry, because I’ve been using the pen all month during our trip. And my cellphone was dead. I remember scratching a short sentence into a notebook with the dried up pen so I wouldn’t forget. About a day after that, I began to brainstorm names for the main character, and of the disciplinary camp he would be sent to (that was a prison instead at the time).
Emilola and Israel came much later, Jude was known as Jeffrey (who was an honest to god asshole) and I have a couple of deleted characters that only exist in the first draft.
The Thaumaturge World itself evolved a lot, and it didn’t actually exist in the first draft either. It was supposed to be a standalone novel, but I kept getting more ideas for Jude and his friends. And... here I am, nineteen-years-old and still trying to figure out how to write a good story I can be satisfied with.
I started posting chapters of this story a few years back, but a lot of things happened and I eventually hit the worst writer’s block I’ve ever experienced. I’m still working through this writer’s block (apparently the cure is writing, even if it’s shit and you know it is). So the story is still online, unfinished and just a draft. Turns out I needed a little more time to tinker around with this story.
I still honestly have no idea what I’m doing with this story, but I’m trying to figure that out, and I’m definitely hitting clarity a lot more recently (surprise! The cure for that was also actually writing).
I have another WIP I’ll be sharing soon, one that came two years or so after the Thaumaturge World.
So anyway, I’m doing my best to write this story for NaNoWriMo. Not aiming for 50,000 words... just words would be nice.
Thank you for reading this! If you got this far... damn, here’s a gold star ⭐️ 
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Got my word count up to 1068 today! Gonna write a little more before heading to bed, it’s after midnight and I’m really tired. My goal is to finish this piece of the story, though, so onwards with me!
And, of course, a pre-edited sneak peek:
The boys hurried to the living room, where Oupa sat with a cardboard box, a small ginger kitten curled up on a soft pink blanket inside. Jude looked at her large golden eyes, and the top secret room was placed at the far back of his mind… for now. It would be pried open once again in the moments before sleep, and in lonely memories after great sorrow struck the his family.
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