#honestly i’m just mad on behalf of their fans
hisnamewasphil · 25 days
I didn’t know shit about shit about Watcher until it was all over Twitter and YouTube and after watching the video yesterday, the only response I can come up with is
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because what the fuck do you mean you’re going to make your fans pay $6 a month for your stupid ass streaming service during a time period where people are struggling and dropping streaming services left and right to afford to live. Not to mention international fans that can and will be charged more due to exchange rates and the fact that they’ve got their own hardships. Plus what about Patreon??? Will the patrons there have to pay for the subscription to the streaming site?? Holy shit way to burn your entire shit to the ground
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destinyc1020 · 8 months
Do not take this the wrong way but what is Tomdayas and Tom stans problem with Timothee it’s honestly weird. They get mad and hate on Tim and Z’s friendship and when stans post about it saying it’s not real and they are playing it up. But Tomdayas can say stuff like loving Claire and tuwaine’s friendship when Z’s mom is for sure not friends with him although I’m sure they are cool and cordial. It’s just gives off the vibe Z can’t have male friends or anyone one of the opposite sex around her unless she knows them through Tom and it’s weird.
Idk I just think it’s funny the same way tondayas say people are doing too just h abkut tim and Z’s friendship when I mean they gotta be cool if they was shopping for his apartment and she helped him clean it up. But it’s just shows how Tom stans get offended on his behalf and how poorly they think of Z. Because what’s the problem with her having a male friend. Stop worrying about the weirdos that purposely ship then to get a ride of Tomdayas and understand Z is allowed to have a life outside of Tom and that includes friends of the opposite sex.
(Sorry in advance to @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx and her ADHD lol 🤭, but some things just have to be said)
TL;DR Version:
Anon, there are a lot of things you have misconceptions about, but I will just say that a LOT of the answers to your questions are due to Timdaya stans. Go blame them. Us Tomdaya Fans over here are just tired of the constant disrespect. That's basically it.
Click below 👇 to read the "LONG" version if you dare.... 😏
The LONG Version:
Do not take this the wrong way but what is Tomdayas and Tom stans problem with Timothee it’s honestly weird.
Most Tomdaya fans I know don't necessarily have a problem with Timmy. They have a problem with Timdaya stans or Timothee STANS. Even if some Tomdaya stans DON'T like Timmy, it's more so because Timdaya stans are annoying, and/or Timmy stans can be insufferable and view him as superior to every other actor out here in his age bracket. Not to mention, a lot of his stans bully Tom online. 🙄 So, is it any surprise why SOME (notice I said some) Tomdaya fans might not feel all that particularly warm feelings towards Timmy?? 🤔
Just for the record, I don't have anything against Timmy personally. 🤷🏾‍♀️
They get mad and hate on Tim and Z’s friendship and when stans post about it saying it’s not real and they are playing it up.
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It's because Timdayas do the most, and SHIP Z with Timmy, when she is clearly in a relationship with Tom, and has been for years. It's very disrespectful imo. Why isn't this sinking in w/you all? 🥴 Idk why this is so difficult for some of you to grasp.
Second, why are you all always posting about Timmy and Z's "friendship", which is something you barely even rarely see unless they're filming or promoting Dune together? This "friendship" thing just sounds like another sly way for Timdaya stans to try to ship Z with Tim on the down low, and many Tomdaya fans see right through it. 😒
Also, Timmy and Z might be "industry friends", but even they don't seem to be "besties" like you all think. So a lot of the Timdaya "friendship" is OVERhyped, for sure imo. 🤷🏾‍♀️
But Tomdayas can say stuff like loving Claire and tuwaine’s friendship when Z’s mom is for sure not friends with him although I’m sure they are cool and cordial.
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Girl.... Obviously you haven't been in the fandom long enough if you're making silly statements like this. 😒 Claire is indeed friends with Tuwaine.
She's even made him jewelry.
Claire and Tuwaine hugging at a premiere....👇 That was a loooong ol' hug too lol. 😅 That wasn't just a: "Oh hey, yea I remember you..." in passing type of hug.
Claire and Whitney (Z's cousin) went to go see Tuwaine's play "Barbershop" years ago when it was playing in LA.
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That's not just a "cool" and "cordial" thing imo. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Tuwaine and friends out to eat w/Claire in attendance....
Idk I just think it’s funny the same way tondayas say people are doing too just h abkut tim and Z’s friendship
I have no clue what you're trying to say here....
It’s just gives off the vibe Z can’t have male friends or anyone one of the opposite sex around her unless she knows them through Tom and it’s weird.......Because what’s the problem with her having a male friend.
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For the LAST time .... NOBODY is saying that Z can't have male friends. 🙄
Tomdaya fans just hate the stupid Timdaya shipping and constant disrespect to Tom, and even Zendaya herself. Blame Timdayas, not US.
Z has been very close friends with Kamil for YEARS, and NOOOO Tomdaya fans have ever had an issue with that. You know why?? Because people weren't being disrespectful and shipping Kamil with Zendaya.
Fans have been VERY supportive of Z's friendship with Darnell as well. Keep in mind, stupid people on the internet aren't shipping her with Darnell, or reading into small miniscule gestures and trying to imply a romance (or even a FUTURE romance) aka..... things that just aren't there. 🙄 And quite frankly, (IMO) will NEVER be there. Stop trying to make fetch happen with Timmy and Z.
As you can see, Z CAN have male friends. Nobody has even made any issues about Z and her co-stars Josh and Mike from "Challengers". They are just about as "friends" with her as she is with Timmy right?? Soooo.... Don't you see what the difference is???
In fact, I'd even venture to say that nooobody had an issue with Timmy when Z was dating JE, and Z and Timmy were both spotted in that Bed Bath & Beyond together in NYC. Literally NOBODY made a fuss about that. Most people weren't shipping them during that time. Gee...wonder why...😒
Anyway, Idk why some of you all can't see that Timmy and Z are in two totally different stages of their lives rn. Z is practically engaged to Tom......Timmy's been living the single "Bachelor Life" for years. Nothing wrong with that at all, but it's just facts. Call me when Timmy has had a relationship with a woman that actually lasts longer than 2 years before you even think to be shipping Z with him lol. 😅
Believe me Anon....NOBODY in Tomdaya World is threatened by Timmy or worried for Tom's sake. Zendaya loves Tom to death. Everyone with a pair of EYES can see that.
Tomdaya fans just don't like Z being shipped with male actors who are NOT her boyfriend, and male fandoms who constantly disrespect her AND her boyfriend. Plain and simple. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Why you can't see this very simple fact is beyond me.
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f0point5 · 4 months
Why do people get so mad at wags that leave their jobs?
Why do people work? To make money to afford to live and now you have a partner that makes more than you ever would in your life and he’s happy to pay for anything you need….you wouldn’t leave your job?
“What about when they break up?” Guess what? It’s not something you have to worry yourself over. How many of them are genuinely worried for a girl they’ve never known?
Like how are you living your life offended on behalf of a WAG that isn’t worried about it?
Wags aren’t people you have to be fans of, so why are so many almost ripping their hair out over them?
All this.
It’s the same stuff that gets thrown at “stay at home girlfriends” on tiktok…none of you care about their financial stability stfu.
But also, god forbid people want to make their relationships sustainable. F1 drivers have a gruelling travel schedule, and very little free time. It’s hard to make it work if one of you doesn’t have a flexible schedule.
People are up in arms about them not working but - and this is my hot take and I will die on this hill idc I’m literally right - if your boyfriend is make €20m a year and he doesn’t at least offer to support you so you don’t have to work, and so that you can be in a sustainable relationship…he doesn’t like you. Fact. If a man watches you struggle while he’s on that salary…he’s just not that into you. Whether you take the opportunity, that’s personal, and I would t judge someone for their choice either way. But a man making millions and watching you pay rent and budget and shit….I got newssss for you.
Honestly, not a single person is concerned about these womens’ wellbeing or even the drivers’ wellbeing. They just want to say something 🙄
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thespineoftherighteous · 11 months
Your post regarding Andrew’s development in canon vs fanon portrayal hard agree, I feel like because Andrew’s arc isn’t as much of an obvious trajectory beginning vs end as Neil and Kevin have people have this idea that he doesn’t develop or change personally at all when he… clearly does just in more subtle ways imo. Also maybe it’s a thing with him being a love interest (more of a deuteragonist imo but) that fandom really hones in on his development re: andreil vs anything else or his other dynamics (your thing about the portrayal of Neil getting the passenger seat in fics vs canon reminded me it annoys me when andreil fics talk about Andrew’s ‘first real/unmediated smile’ being because of Neil when in canon it was because of Kevin and his deadliest piece speech + tattoo). Considering the books make a point about andreil not being each other’s sole answer etc. parts of fanon really like to make them that/undermine the other important factors and dynamics for their chars and it can get annoying. Because I’m a more hard core Andrew stan I get more pissed on his behalf and when Neil’s non-Andrew dynamics get the same treatment I’m critical but less actively mad I will admit I’m a proud hypocrite staning is inherently hypocritical etc but. My point about the “I am not your answer” and it’s significance for both of them still stands. Like that approach takes away from what I found so lovely about andreil and their story/dynamic in canon
great points great points.. I've talked about it so much before but it actually drives me crazy when people make Andrew/Neil out to be the one important relationship in Neil's life, and get so caught up in the Andreil of things that they shove his relationships with the foxes to the corner. like this seems to be a problem all the time with fans of fiction but people seem to love to try to make aftg a romance and Neil, specifically, out like he stayed for Andrew alone (honestly a lot of the takes that i see seem to be like. he stayed for Andrew, he's friends with Matt, and he basically just puts up with the rest of the foxes) and in aftg specifically i just feel like that's. soooo boring. and sorry but you 100% do not understand Neil if you don't recognize the significance of his relationship with the foxes individually. through them alone his development was through the roof WELL before he ever considered the possibility of a relationship with Andrew
and i realize that this ask was more "Andrew and Neil are their own people not just one half of a couple" and i turned it into "Neil's other relationships are easily just as important" but they do go hand in hand
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mx-rh · 5 months
Hi @taylorswift,
I don’t really know why I feel such a need to write to you, but I’m gonna do it because then maybe I’ll be able to get on with the other shit I need to do today (honestly thank goodness for writing when it comes to needing to just empty your thoughts into something so you can get the hell on with just life!)
Anyway, I’m not going to say that I’ve been a long time fan - the truth is, I really haven’t. In fact when I was growing up I found myself in an ‘emo kid’ phase, and I never really grew out of that, but looking back now as a 31 year old, isn’t it mad that people judge the music you listen to because of how you dress? Or the make up you wear? Or the way you style your hair? Growing up, I’m pretty sure I actively didn’t listen to your music to keep up an image that was expected of me because I wore black and had lip piercings. Life is wild. I feel like you’re doing your bit to break the walls between genres down. I think that’s all music is for everyone, and people shouldn’t be judge for what they love, so on behalf of younger kids that are finding their way, their style, thank you.
That’s the first of many thank yous I have for you and your music in recent months actually…
I’ve always struggled with my mental health, from health anxiety, eating disorders, gender dysphoria, ocd, ptsd, dissociation…therapy helps but occasionally, things will pile up so much that I find myself needing something so completely removed from who I believe I am to just feel some kind of relief from everything. This happened not too long ago, and the I found the relief I needed in your music. It took me to somewhere so completely new and unfamiliar, it was like my mind was taking a vacation to an unknown and unexplored world and my god did it need it, to just not be in reality for a little while. Thank you for providing me with my means of escape.
I didn’t expect, though, to come face to face with so many of my experiences that had been so unapproachable in me.
I didn’t expect to cry for the first time about the passing of one of my Nans when I first heard Marjorie. Along with my mum, I was a carer for my Nan while she was living with dementia. She lived with us, and she died with us in our family home, but what hurt most was losing her so many months before she died. She was the bravest, most incredible, feisty, funny and full of life person I’ve ever known, and seeing that person fade away in front of my eyes was heartbreaking, but instead of grieving I locked it away, I had to look after my mum. I think about my Nan every day now, she is alive in my head, thank you for bringing her back to me.
I didn’t expect to scream into my pillow after hearing Death By A Thousand Cuts because it took me to a past relationship that was so mentally, physically and sexually abusive that I almost didn’t make it out, to a court case that I lost, and to a part of me that the closest people in my life now don’t know about because it’s been stored so deeply within me that some days I could almost get by without it affecting me in some way. It came right to the front of my mind, and I was able to go to my therapist who helped me to safely resolve things in a way that allows me to be live with it as part of my story without it ruling over my life. Thank you for being the catalyst that I needed to push through that trauma.
I didn’t expect to come out of the Eras Tour Film the week that the UK government announced its anti-trans policies and plans feeling powerful in my skin as a trans non-binary person. I was inspired by your commitment to diversity and inclusion within your performers, and at a time when I felt scared and unable to safely be myself, seeing lgbt representation on your stage reminded me that I am strong and I am human and I deserve to be here and respected in whatever form I choose. That week, I launched an lgbt social platform that is providing a safe space for the community to be who they are without question. Thank you for giving me the strength to make a difference.
I didn’t expect to hear Soon You’ll Get Better and think about my Auntie and other Nan who were both fighting cancer at the same time and died within 6 months of each other, my Auntie first and then my Nan. At the time this happened, I was trying to get through my last year uni, I was by myself without my family around me, and I had to shut the locked the grief so that I could focus on pushing forward. I passed uni but I failed to keep the grief out, I became so terrified of losing loved ones that I shut everyone out, and as a result I ended up losing the part of myself that new how to love those around them, and be loved in return. Even in my relationship I struggled until recent months to truly let myself just be present within it. This song helped me to process what happened in a safe way and bring them parts of me out again. Not long after, I proposed to be partner, she said yes, we’re all in, both of us together, thank you for renewing my ability to love, and be loved.
Today I on the second of 2 charity challenge days, during which I’m rebuilding the website for a charity called Swings and Smile, who work to improve the quality of life for disabled children and their families. As a marketer and web developer, I try to help out where I can with small businesses and non-profit organisations. Swings and Smiles have looked after my partners sister, Katie, for many years. Katie is an incredible kid with various additional needs, and she gets so much joy being at the centre. It’s been a pleasure so far working on a new website for them that will (hopefully!) increase their exposure and support levels, but sitting down for 16 hours each day for two days to get the site done is difficult. Your music has been on repeat in the background the whole time, and it’s kept me focused on this project that means so much to so many. Thank you keeping me company and keeping me working hard for those that need me to be.
So much has happed over the past few months for me, and it’s mad to think that it could all be down to one person who is an actual stranger and their music. And yet here I am completely in awe of the effect the right words can have when they’re heard at the right time. I don’t really know if there is a right time to deal with stuff like this, but your words helped to make the the last few months the right time for me. Little by little that locked chest opened to reveal so many dark rooms within me that had been gathering dust. Now, they’re starting to come to life with light, even if right now it’s a little dim, it’s a step in the right direction.
Thank you for putting your experiences out there for those of us that need something to relate too. Thank you for working relentlessly despite the difficulties you’ve faced because you’re making people like me work harder towards things that matter. Thank you for sticking around in the music industry for long enough that this 31 year old could find your music after passing it up for so many years.
I hope you are safe and well. I hope your fur babies are doing well, my 3 cats, Cody (grey), Dexter (black), and Sprite (ginger) are all asleep in their favourite spots right now, none of which are any of the many beds we’ve bought them!
I have tickets to one of your London shows next year, I’m so excited to see you! And, while I’d love to hear back from you just to know that you know that I am 5ever grateful for what you’ve done for me in such a short time, at least I know for sure I’ll be able to get on with the rest of my stuff now I’ve written this all down!
Robyn x
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magical-oppas · 8 months
I’m so over all the pearl clutchers and their issues with Lando tbh. He put it best himself in his Beyond the Grid when he said that with all the amazing things that people could be doing with their life, it’s sad that there are some who choose to spend their precious time on earth on social media demonising someone they don’t even know, they just think they do.
People’s parasocial relationships are getting way out of control. I know it’s overused but some people really need to go and get some air and live in the real world for a while, and put things in their life back into perspective. If they choose not to then that’s their problem, not Lando’s or George’s or Lewis’s or Carlos’s of Max’s or any other driver they have chosen to demonise because they’ve lost their sense of reality to the point they can’t understand that every human being has faults and is multifaceted, not good or evil. And that maybe, just maybe, the people who actually work with and know these guys in real life and say that they are very much the opposite to the horrible personas these fans have projected on to them know what they’re talking about far better than a bunch of the chronically online.
Sorry about the rant but I’m sick to death of this ridiculous fucking drama week in week out because a bunch of people choose to get their feelings hurt on behalf of some millionaire who doesn’t care about the drama and doesn’t know they exist and likely wouldn’t like them much if they did, because of the way these people choose to talk about and harass their friends and colleagues.
Say it with me now folks, the tax evading millionaires do not need us to protect them, they are big boys who are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves.
I'm honestly so sad that I can't enjoy the drama anymore because i know that people will be taking sides online and ruin it. You are absolutely correct about the parasocial relationships, it is getting worse by the day and not just in f1 but almost every other fandom. Its madness.
Don't apologise, you are always welcome to rant here!
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I think he’s just always been hot lol. Honestly every photo I see from him in every era I’m like “yeah he’s perfect”
But also, he doesn’t exist to be pretty for me! He should present himself however he feels most represents him. So if he isn’t into the eyeliner and skirts anymore, then I can be a little sad about it, but like what am I supposed to do?? Be mad at him? For not dressing hot for me? Lmao that would be some seriously creepy thinking on my behalf. Plus we still have the old photos 💛
I feel like online a lot of people will criticize anyone who tells a woman how to dress or what’s most sexy on her… but when it comes to their favorite pretty boy, everyone is suddenly allowed to nitpick what they wear (I’m thinking a lot about Harry styles fans lol. Not all, but I’ve interacted with a few who seem genuinely like… mad… when Harry wears super masculine clothes. Like babes, it’s not that deep. He doesn’t always have to be fabulous and feminine.)
- 🔆
no cuz the other day we were talking on here about how Matty looks hot in literally anything. like, normally seeing a man in just jeans and a flannel would give me the ick for sure, but when he wore them? i was squealing and gazing at him longingly like an idiot, lol. hes gorgeoussss.
AND SO HIS HARRY. I've only ever seen him in 1 outfit that i've hated. and that wasn't even his fault. it's the fault of whoever wanted to kill us all with those colors. so...yeah. the person makes the clothes. not the other way round. If Matty wants me to (un)dress him though...id have no problem with that
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years
I never read the red queen series but I have just read realm breaker and blade breaker by Victoria aveyard and honestly… the writing was just so much better than sjm 💀 characters were all different, world building was great, I really, really enjoyed both - and it wasn’t a hot mess of retcons and growling men. Not only that, she seems like a really nice person who actually engages with fans. I’m really mad at the anon on her behalf.
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selfmaderedhead · 11 months
A wish from the heart.
Hi @taylorswift  I’m Melissa a Mexican citizen who has bee listening to you since I was 14, I grew up in a small town near Harlingen, Texas and your music got me through so much, it even thought me English. You see I was an immigrant child at the time and when I finished high school I packed my bags and came back to Mexico to study collage and be able to make a life for myself but your music was something that I always held near my heart.
I know I probably don’t know you but I feel like I do because your lyrics and music has been with me through each stage in my life and I’ve been able to relate on so many levels.  A place in this world gave me the courage to literally go back to Mexico and make a life for myself. White horse my anthem during my first real breakup. Better than revenge got me through my first girl-friend betrayal because yeah, she ended up with the guy I was dating at the time and even 22 was played so loud and on repeat on my 22nd birthday when reputation came I did something bad and don’t blame me just hit right on because I was going through my bad girl i don’t give a fuck era and I feel like The man just defines me I’ve been able to create a pretty nice professional career but the last firm I was part of I just felt excluded for being a woman not getting invited to after office drinks where only the guys were going and promotions where happening. Honestly I can keep naming your albums and songs all night long like Bejeweled that got me through my marriage separation and postpartum. It breaks my heart knowing that I won’t be able to go to your first concert in Mexico because I registered like I was supposed to and I wasn’t even selected for a code to be able to purchase a ticket and it makes me so mad because I’ve always wanted to see you and they are even so many people who registered on behalf of someone else and it’s just a big mess. I hope you have an awesome time in Mexico City, I’ll still be here hoping and wishing for a miracle and being a loyal fan
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inadaydream99 · 3 years
When They See You With Another Guy ~ with The Boyz
Requested by anon
A/N- Hi, thanks for requesting! This has taken ages for me to write but I hope you enjoy! ☺️
Sangyeon had been minding his own business, walking along the street, when his eyes landed on you stood talking with a guy he’d never seen before
It wasn’t that he was jealous, but he doesn’t like the fact that the wide smile on your face is because of someone other than him
He’s confused… should he go over to you or just keep walking and talk to you about it later???
But he decides it’s best to wait until he has a chance to talk to you properly. Though that doesn’t mean he’s not replaying the scene over in his head all day
You burst into laughter upon hearing Sangyeon’s question. It really does make you feel amused that he’d been so obviously concerned about it all day
“That was my friends boyfriend. We’d just so happened to bump into each other in the street and had a little catch up, that’s all.” You clear things up instantly
Sangyeon’s instantly chuckles, his hand awkwardly scratching his neck until you reach out and hold it, intwining your fingers together
Being an incredibly rational person, it’s probably expected that seeing you with another guy wouldn’t bother Jacob much
Except, it really really does…
There’s this underlying protectiveness within him that he only has for his members and his s/o
So when he sees that you are close to another guy, its almost shocking how mad it makes him
Of course, Jacob is mature enough to manage his emotions when in public situations. But the instant you’re alone, it’s a completely different story
“Who was that guy you were talking to earlier?” Jacob controls the conversation, staring you directly in the eyes as a seriousness encompasses you both
“He’s just a friend from work, more of an acquaintance really.” You reassure, placing a gentle hand onto his arm in an attempt to calm his tense posture
“How come you didn’t introduce me then. You always introduce me…” Jacob remains firm, a jealous tinge emerging through his tone
You can tell it’s taking a lot for him to hold his emotions in this moment. Although, his anger isn’t aimed towards you, but your handsome colleague
“Truthfully.” You emit a deep breath. “He’s a huge fan of yours and when I offered to introduce you he said he was too nervous.”
Upon hearing this confession, a huge grin explodes onto Jacob’s face
He’s relieved, the soft laugh you love so much making an appearance as he pulls you into his arms and presses a loving kiss atop your head
Younghoon had been acting off all night, everyone had noticed it, but no one was really sure why he looked so pissed
It wasn’t until you’d managed to get him alone that you were able to fully understand, and honestly, you weren’t too impressed by his reason
“So I’m not allowed to talk to any guys.” You defensively sass, arms folded across your chest to close yourself off from your childish boyfriend
“No, I’m not saying that. I just don’t like it when guys get to friendly with you.” Younghoon grumbles moodily
“So you don’t trust me, that’s what you’re saying?” You sarcastically laugh, it’s really hard to believe he’s acting this way over such an insignificant thing
The ‘thing’ in question isn’t insignificant to Younghoon, however. Especially when you seemed so much happier hanging out with your guy friend than him
“Of course I trust you, it’s just him I don’t trust!” Younghoon completely looses his cool, throwing his arms up in frustration
Hearing his blatant jealousy leaves you at a loss for words, so you simply shake your head in disappointment, walking away from Younghoon before one of you says something you’ll regret
He couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw you laughing at the guys words… was he really that funny?
Jaehyun isn’t sure, after all, he’s not a part of the conversation
His bottom lip instantly juts out into a pout as he continues to watch your interaction. I mean, what did he do for you to treat him like this?
“What’s the sulky face for?” You chuckle as soon as you approach him, unaware of how upset you’ve made him
“Your friend seems like a funny guy.” He avoids your question, taking a sip of his drink to take away the sour taste left in his mouth
You raise your brows at your boyfriends words. It’s not your fault he’s jealous, but either way, you aren’t about to stir up an argument
“I mean, I’ve met funnier…” you trail off, failing to hide the teasing smirk that twinges at the corner of your lips
“Like who?” Hyunjae’s eyes go wide at your statement, he’d clearly missed what you were insinuating
“You’re so cute.” Is all you respond with, chuckling in amusement at how he’s being so endearingly obvious with his emotions
And it seems as though it does the trick, Hyunjae finally smiling once again as you enjoy each others company
Juyeon doesn’t want to make something out of nothing, but when you spend the morning rushing around getting ready instead of paying attention to him, it hurts him a little
Instead of verbalising his emotions, he decides to catch your attention in another way
Purposefully strolling out of your room and into the living space of your apartment in only his pants, Juyeon stretches his arms out and rolls his head back, sighing loudly to catch your attention
“Ju, have you seen my phone?” You whiz past him without a second glance
“It’s right here, on the table.” He calls out, lounging back onto the sofa as casually as he can (except it’s in no way casual)
“Thank y-” your words cut off as soon as you take him in, mouth agape as your mind goes empty of all thoughts, well except one…
“Have a nice time today and I’ll see you for dinner.” Juyeon beams at you.
However desperately he wants to make you decide to stay with him instead of meeting your guy friend, he would never admit it out loud
“Can I have a kiss goodbye?” You timidly ask, almost as if you haven’t asked him that before
Juyeon snickers as he stands up and pulls you into him, one hand falling delicately onto your waist and the other caressing your cheek
You complain when he only leaves a simple peck on your lips, eager for more
Juyeon’s just happy to know you are no longer in a rush to leave, and that’s enough to make him feel content for the rest of the day until you come back home to him
Kevin wouldn’t really mind seeing you hanging out with guy friends, just as long as you are open with him about it
He’s not the type to get jealous often, and even then it’s only to tease you
“You know, we haven’t spend much time together lately.” He pouts after hearing that you’re heading out to see a male friend of yours
It’s the first day in a long time that Kevin has some time off and he was really hoping you would be around to share it with him
“Don’t make me feel worse about it, I’ve had this arranged for ages…” you sigh, accepting his hand as you take a moment to come up with a compromise
“You know you could just make it clear that you’re gonna hang out with your boyfriend.” Kevin softly suggests, his tone insinuating the slight bitterness he’s been trying to cover up
“Kevin…” you whine.
His laughter only makes you roll your eyes as you realise he’s been messing with you. So you playfully shove him away when he attempts to pull you into a hug
Is Chanhee bothered to see you spending so much time with another guy at the company party? On the outside it’s a firm no, but inside he’s not pleased
It’s not your fault that you’d made friends with the staff, and that the closest friend was a male staff
Honestly, every part of Chanhee wants to sassily stroll over to you and your friend and make it very clear that you have a boyfriend
But he’s hesitant, it’s really taken a blow to his confidence…
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” You perch on the chair beside your solemn looking boyfriend. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m… just feeling a little under the weather.” Chanhee fibs. He doesn’t like lying to you, but deep down he knows he’d feel much worst making you feel bad for spending time with friends
“Do you want to go home?” You offer, a soft smile on your face to reciprocate your boyfriends when he nods, accepting your hand and intertwining your fingers together as you make your way out of the party
You feel an arm wrap around your waist, tugging you closer into the person beside you, a light gasp escaping your lips from the unexpected presence of your boyfriend
Changmin’s eyes are fiercely trained on the guy stood opposite you, baring his gritted teeth as he boldly interrupts your conversation
“…this is my boyfriend Changmin…” you hesitate, introducing him in a feeble attempt to break the tense silence
“And who are you?” Changmin spits, impatience radiating off of him as the stranger takes a second to comprehend the simple question
“Minnie-” Changmin’s head snaps to you, your sentence falling short just from his enraged stare
“I asked him. Who. Are. You.” His tone is sharp, making it evermore clear that he needs an answer instantly.
“I’m (Y/N)’s cousin.”
“Oh.” Changmin’s shoulders slump… he feels stupid
And that’s when you take the opportunity to apologise to your cousin on Changmin’s behalf, before excusing you both
“I’m so sorry-” Changmin’s doe eyes plead at you. “I just get too ahead of myself sometimes.”
“It’s ok, you didn’t mean any harm.” You comfort, accepting the fact that Changmin is just very territorial over you
And later on, Changmin makes the effort to make amends with your cousin himself
One thing that Haknyeon absolutely adores is the way you look at him as though he’s the only person you see, your eyes glimmering with complete admiration at anything and everything he does
So when he thinks that you are giving another guy a very similar look, it makes him feel a way he’s never felt before
“Yeah, I know what I saw. Don’t be stupid.” Haknyeon continues to walk away from you, his tone cold as he refuses to even spare you a glance
“But I really don’t know what I’ve done?” You chase after him, finally catching up when he has to stop to unlock the front door
“Oh come on! You were practically undressing him with your eyes!” He finally turns to you, waiting for you to come back at him with a defensive comment
Except you don’t, you just gawk at him in disbelief
“If you really believe that I’d even flirt with the idea of having eyes for anyone other than you, then why are we together?” You break the silence, your voice barely audible but leaving an echo in Haknyeon’s mind as he speechlessly watches you walk away
He acts on his emotions first, rationality coming in second
So when he sees you with a guy he’d never encountered before, he feels hurt and betrayed
“I don’t get it Sunwoo, why are you so mad at me?” You frustratedly brush your hand through your hair, repeating the question for the thousandth time that evening
Sunwoo simply continues to ignore you, choosing to focus all his attention onto the tv as he grabs the remote and it flicks onto some random channel
His frown deepens when you move to block his view of the tv, pleading at him as best as you can
“Instead of annoying me why don’t you go back to that guy you were falling all over earlier.” Sunwoo finally speaks, his harsh tone and bitter words making your mouth go dry, chest tight as you feel your heart sink to your stomach. Is this really what he thinks?
“Sorry what?” You question back, finding it hard to believe you’ve heard him correctly
Seeing the pure horror on your face from his accusation makes Sunwoo feel instant regret
“That was my best friends brother, you know the one I’ve known since I was a baby?” You defensively explain
You watch as Sunwoo’s eyes widen in realisation, his face morphing through multiple emotions before it finally fixes into one of shame
“I’m so sorry (Y/N). How could I have been so stupid.” He stands from the sofa, closing the distance that had been created between you during your disagreement
He watches cautiously as his hand reaches out to take yours, letting out a breath of relief when you don’t resist as he intertwines your fingers together
“It’s ok, it’s and easy misunderstanding.” You meekly smile at him. “Just ask me next time, instead of getting all jealous about it.”
“I promise.” You chuckle as Sunwoo rolls his eyes, before pulling you into his embrace
“(Y/N), there you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Eric playfully scolds you through a wide smile, his heart filling with pride when you giggle at him
He’d wanted to seem casual in his approach to you, fully intending on making it known to your colleague that you are happily taken
“Nice to see you again Eric.” Your colleague nods, holding his hand out for Eric to shake, which Eric begrudgingly accepts
You don’t notice the forced smiles between the two, staying civil for the sake of appearances even though they both share the same distaste for one another
“You too.” Eric mumbles, turning his attention onto you, the sole reason for his endurance of being accommodating towards such an unpleasant guy (in his opinion anyway)
“We really should get going now, it’s already past when we agreed we should leave.” Eric affectionately reminds you, leaning down to press a light kiss to your forehead in the process
“You could stay with me if you don’t want to leave yet. I’ll take care of you.” Your colleague speaks up the second you let out a light “oh” in realisation of the time
This proposition, however, makes Eric tense instantly, which doesn’t go unnoticed by you.
“Actually I’m ready to go, just need to say goodbye to my boss.” You delicately place your hand on Eric’s arm as a way of comfort, before slipping away to say your goodbyes
Eric simply sends a taunting smirk towards your colleague, his look speaking a thousand words, before sauntering away
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Hello! I have a question regarding the whole Camilla vs. Diana debate. Is this like a case of putting these two against one another or a case of being mad on behalf of a woman who died two decades ago? Don’t get me wrong, If Diana’s kids or close family had any issues with Camilla being queen, I’d understand it to a certain extent, but it seems like the only ones who have problems with Camilla taking the title are the people who don’t have any kind personal stakes in the affair. I don’t know, I guess what I’m trying to say is, does any of this have anything to do with these women as people or as the victim/villain narrative that gets placed on them. I hope that makes some sense.
So I'm honestly not 100% sure if I'm getting your question properly but ultimately we're not in people's heads and as I don't personally hold those views, I can only speculate.
I would say for people who were around when this was all going down - particularly women - it's about the Diana myth. I have never seen a single Diana fan or stan who likes her for who she was in all her complexity. The Diana they loved was someone who they could project on to: they could see themselves in her, or their daughter, or their sister. You only need to look at the reaction to her death. They saw it as a personal loss, they believed their pain was as great as the people who knew and loved her. So for those people, Camilla wasn't just someone who hurt a stranger they admired. She was someone who hurt them. Now Diana's died, it doesn't matter because they're still here and they still see it as an attack on them personally.
But the Camilla hate train has really popped off again because of Gen Z. They're as intense as the boomers! And yet they won't remember a world where Diana was a living person. She represents everything they hate: wealth, unearned privilege, press manipulation, royalty. So why do they still feel so strongly? I'd honestly argue it's just plain old fashioned misogyny. Russell Brand is a dick but he did talk once about the way Diana's image was impacted by the whole "virgin-whore" dichotomy (x). People view Diana as the virgin and the martyr. And you can't have a martyr unless you have someone persecuting them. So Camilla became the whore, the homewrecker responsible for everything bad that ever happened to Diana. And that's actually unfair on both women because it erases their identity. People keep this narrative going because they feel more comfortable viewing women by these archetypes instead of for who they are. If it was really about morality, they would throw more hatred at Charles who was the one who actually betrayed Diana. But they don't. Because it's not really about that.
TL;DR: It's misogyny spurred on by an unhealthy attachment to a woman who none of us have ever actually spent time with.
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touyasdoll · 2 years
I will forever be mad at Horikoshi for not giving Dabi and Hawks more connection in canon. Like I understand the Twice storyline but god just imagine how cool it would’ve been watching Hawks and Dabi growing close in spite of both of them knowing they aren’t actually allies and how much more painful their fight would have been if as Dabi had nearly killed Keigo he’d done so knowing part of him cared about him
And I selfishly think that would be super rewarding as a beginning to a Dabi redemption arc but that’s just me
could not agree with you more. I’m glad that we have fan fiction to explore what might have happened if they had been able to make a more meaningful connection to one another as supposed allies, friends, lovers, or whatever else. there’s truly just so much wasted potential there.
your point about a possible redemption is so valid!! I think that it would have served both of them well, honestly. it also would have been just another way to drive home the point of how villains and heroes are just two sides of the same fucked up coin. Keigo could’ve come to have a deeper understanding of why people become villains. of why they’re fighting against the very establishment that he’s infiltrated them on behalf of. and Touya could have seen the humanity of a hero who truly does care about people and is just trapped in a system that he knows does not always serve those people well, but—similar to many villlains—he’s never had another choice nor a chance.
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Oooo got tagged by @swtorpadawan to do this! Was originally thinking of doing Kirozi since he’s my main but figure I’d do my Warrior since she’s been on my mind lately 🥰
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• Full name: Vantra Fellcia (or Fellcia-Kallig)
• Gender: Female
• Sexuality: Bisexual
• Pronouns: She / Her
• Family: Elisa Fellcia (twin sister), I’ve not come up with names for her parents, but they’re not in her life anymore, their deaths have never been confirmed
• Birthplace: Dromund Kaas
• Job: after the Alliance killed her shit boss Vantra is now unemployed lol
• Phobias: She’s not a fan of tight spaces
• Guilty pleasures: Vantra can play a few instruments and sing. Her music taste is whatever the SW equivalent of Rock/Metal is, but she has a soft spot for love songs, though she’ll never admit that
• Morality alignment: True Neutral
• Sins: lust/greed/gluttony/Sloth/Pride/envy/Wrath: Vantra is kind of lazy, if you ask her to do something she’ll almost certainly complain about it. She also is the kind of person to think she’s one of the most important people in a room at any given time. Lastly, she wasn’t given the title Emperor’s Wrath for nothing ya know? She’s not nearly as aggressive or angry as a typical Sith Lord, but like, don’t piss her off. Unfortunately it’s easy to do that.
• Virtues: chastity/charity/diligence/humility/Kindness/patience/Justice: So Vantra isn’t necessarily someone I’d call “kind” especially if you’re an annoying Jedi or rude Sith, but if you’re just some random dude walking down the street in need of help she’ll probably help. She’d definitely be one to throw around her title of Wrath to get a Sith Lord to stop terrorizing some random civilian, imp or pub, just because she can. She’s basically that kid in school that’s seems like they’re an asshole, but will fight the school bullies on the nerd’s behalf
T H I S - O R - T H A T
• Introverted/extrovert: She definitely prefers her alone time over being surrounded by a bunch of people.
• organized/Disorganized: Dose not have the patience to make sure everything is in its proper place. Probably drives Quinn mad.
• Close-minded/open-minded: Don’t try arguing with her, you usually won’t get anywhere
• Calm/anxious: Vantra isn’t generally one to worry about anything, especially given how confident she is in herself
• Disagreeable/agreeable: You really don’t want to be the one to annoy her
• cautious/Reckless: She’s not reckless in the sense that she’s not careful of her surroundings, but she will absolutely solo an entire swarm of enemies and rush into danger
• patient/Impatient: Even the minorest of delays can put her in a bad mood
• Outspoken/reserved: If Vantra has something to say she’s gonna say it
• Leader/follower: She’s honestly not the best at giving orders, but she also really hates getting ordered around
• Empathetic/unempathetic: Like before, if you’re not someone who has pissed her off, she’s pretty okay at showing empathy
• optimistic/Pessimistic: Compared to her twin Vantra is the pessimist of the two
• traditional/Modern: Tradition almost got her sister killed, shortly after finding out she even had a sister. She also thinks hanging on to tradition is what’s kept so many Sith/Jedi so annoying
• hard-working/Lazy: If she doesn’t have to do something she won’t. Granted if she does have to do something she won’t half-ass it
• otp: Malavai Quinn. Was gonna make a proper post about this when I replayed the story but a joke I’ve been sitting on about their relationship is Vantra and Quinn are the SW equivalent of Connecticut Clark x Malfina
• brotp: Vette / Jaesa / Ashara. I’ve kind of envisioned that the twins share a ship and so they all just get together for Girls Night™ every once in a while
I’m always really bad at this part so tagging @vagabond1925 and anyone else who sees this and wants an excuse to talk about their OC just pretend ur @ is here UwU
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sapphic-lemonair · 3 years
My Last Post Regarding The Tommy Scandal:
Let me start off by just saying holy hell, what a day.
And second:
Twitter is literally the most disappointing platform I have ever been apart of.
I don’t even know where to begin with how badly Twitter handled the situation with Tommy. I’ll admit, it isn’t the worst they’ve acted before, but damn they really didn’t do their best either. It sucks, cause the situation could have been handled better- and it was at first.
Cis Twitter stans are probably some the most confusing bunch I’ve ever come across. The fact that they pick and choose who can get away with doing controversial things is so annoying, and probably one of the most high and mighty god complexes I’ve ever seen. The fact that they called out and made Tommy trend instead of the actual problem itself was just pathetic in my opinion. KSI has interacted with so many other creators before in the past, a prime example being Quackity, yet no one made a single post in calling them out until now. This fact alone just goes to show that Twitter stans will come out of hibernation when they feel like it.
Twitter had made no type of effort in the past to call out KSI when he first made these transphobic comments before. There were no trending tags or @‘s or “lets educate him 🥰” posts for him because Twitter didn’t bother to care about it until now. The amount of hypocritical energy that was brimming through the platform is astounding.
We’ve gone through months of Twitter stans watching by as KSI interacted with other Minecraft youtubers and not a single one of them complained the entire time until now.
A lot of the adults on that platform did nothing but post passive aggressive comments to back handed advice. Adults, actual adults, were mad that a kid they put on some pedestal made one mistake and continued to state about how “disappointed” they were in him. Let me just remind you that once again, there’s no reason for any of the older fans to talk down to minors like some type of parent. Cause you’re NOT. It was very mature of Tommy to reach out to his own mom and take effort to see how he had hurt his words had affected his fans. It’s so abundantly clear that Tommy would never maliciously hurt his fandom in any way, not to mention that his first instinct would be to immediately apologize to everyone as well.
It was honestly mind boggling to see so many adults debating on whether or not is was morally right to forgive a 16 year old for a mistake he would obviously fix. The amount of people who were making threads stating how “it’s valid if you never want to forgive Tommy” was childish in my opinion. You’re adults.....holding a grudge against an actual child??? Like come on.
Twitter stans did nothing but juggle back and forth with “Tommy needs to address the situation right now!” And “Tommy, you need to take a while and think about what you said 🥰”. Yet when Tommy posted his first apology people were mad that it didn’t live up to their expectations. Were they aware that Tommy, like I said, is a whole child who was under the pressure of posting an apology despite not having time to really grasp what had happened? So many people flamed him because his post “sounded so confused” and “Tommy, honey nobody called you transphobic 😘”.
Except you did.
Of course Tommy is gonna sound confused in his apology. He wakes up and the first thing he’s greeted with are hashtags linking HIS NAME to the the word transphobic/transphobia. Of course that’s gonna be the first thing he apologizes for! Twitter basically made nothing but click bait posts that did nothing to properly explain to Tommy why transphobia was being brought up. And even despite this Tommy STILL apologized even when he didn’t know what he did wrong.
It’s so blatantly obvious Twitter realized that instead of tackling the problem at head, aka calling out KSI for his transphobic behavior, they chose to force and instigate a minor for collaborating and apologize on KSI’s behalf. It’s the most childish thing I’ve seen this year. It’s clear that Twitter stans are just awaiting to jump into next drama and put their two cents in before leaving the moment they realize they can’t get clout off their posts.
It’s frustrating because the amount of users making those posts as well weren’t even trans. The amount of “savior complex” energy cis Twitter stans showed while they spoke up over actual trans people who were genuinely upset was so embarrassing. It’s stupid to see how so many cis users got thousands of likes and retweets on their posts and acting on behalf of the trans community.
I’ll just wrap up by giving a genuine thank you to the trans community on Twitter who had the best interests in the whole Tommy situation. I’m sorry that a lot of you got trampled over by the cis users who basically used your problems as clout chasing tactics. You had every right to be upset and I appreciate that a lot of you took the situation with ease and attempted to quietly solve the problem without a hassle. Once again the cis side of Twitter blew everything out of proportion and attempted to but their two cents into the whole thing despite knowing it was an issue for the trans community to handle.
Dear Cis Twitter users, next time don’t be hypocrites and tell other users that they have no right to speak up about the situation before making your own posts for clout and followers. You look like clowns. I’d like to think that in another situation like those Twitter will act more mature....but I wouldn’t count on it. However a super big thank you to trans tumblr users who treated the entire situation with a mature personality. The mass difference between the two platforms shows me that people here have always had the best interest in actually making a difference.
In conclusion: Twitter is a dumpster fire 😁
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cupidlakes · 3 years
can we agree the post-game on sapnaps stream was actually hilarious? like theyre all just calling out aqua while scott was literally in sapnaps chat? everyone was just yelling and calling out bullshit and honestly that part made me feel so much better
we don’t all have to unanimously agree on anything and we never will but yeah personally i’m ngl it was very funny to me + i think the best way to view it is to laugh at it all? ik people are like dteam public enemy 😡 i’m so mad rn 😡 but i think that was a lighthearted as they could’ve been in their salt also esp coming from dream who can be the king of salt and smth i’ve criticised him for before, like it just ruins the fun! but it’s genuinely indicative of his growth that he’s been able to objectively be like this is ridiculous but also laugh at it and agreed that first of all anyone would’ve abused the glitch and also it’s not that big of a deal
and i do like to hear george be candid in his thoughts i don’t think he should have to force positivity if he isn’t feeling it like yeah. it was scuffed LMAO and he had his promise to dream and stuff like he seemed so downtrodden and disheartened compared to his initial hype and even said that himself but expressing that isn’t neg in itself yk? i’ve always admired that george is v levelheaded in his temperament esp when he’s live but if that’s not the case sometimes is it a big deal, it’s not an endorsement of harassment george jokingly being like i’m gonna target scott for his crimes doesn’t mean he hates the man or how the event is run and no one should take it as such it’s just, thoughts + feelings expressed mid-tournament for laughs and to cope it shouldn’t be taken srs at all
and yeah we can care but also obviously don’t be an asshole on their behalf? it’s always a bad look and we can talk abt these thing and that’s what things like the subreddit are for! you can’t tell ppl impassioned abt smth that they should just “not care” what would be the point of making predictions, practicing etc. and if there are criticisms to be had then there are and i have no doubt they’ll be heard but being levelheaded in them and not blinded by personal hatred and bias is important like just... be nice and understand that yes this is smth we get for free at the end of the day
honestly it was particularly good vibes-y when they were watching georges pov i’m biased probably but they were laughing at the ridiculousness of it and it was just funny tbh i was having a blast, tapl went on to review his vod and laugh at george struggling too which was funny to me and he said their reaction was funny to him too!! and it’s all just slash Lighthearted at the end of the day and it should be it only gets ruined when fans start slandering ppl/digging up old tweets over... a game, like that is not crit and weaponising minority struggles as soon as someone mildly annoys you isn’t any way to live it’s just evil, ppl should learn to be mad/privately annoyed without needing to air it all publically and genuinely negatively like chill! the boys will be okay and all the other players will be too, make jokes but don’t tread into territory where you’re genuinely harassing people over stuff bc that’s a stain on the community but i’m preaching to the choir here tbh because what cc’s are on Tumblr
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petalsmooth · 3 years
Generally I just block trolls and don’t bother to read what they say. 
Read one and honestly? Of all the things you are mad about it’s advice meant to HELP her IF she’s really struggling with depression and anxiety vs your fan’s brand which is suck up, kiss up, coddle, enable, tell her she can do no wrong and generally have her remain stuck in emotional hell with no forward movement in her life for two year’s.
You are exactly the type of person I have disregard for because you don’t give a damn about her, only this fantasy life she helps you live vicariously through. 
I’m actually offended on Lili’s behalf that she has people like you who are her “fan support system”. Because whatever I think of her actions and her currently, I don’t wish anyone to be struggling so badly they can barely get out of bed because I’ve been there you miserable unempathetic troll. Lili is not the only one who deals with depression and anxiety so maybe, just maybe, I can see patterns that make it WORSE and wish she’d do something about them for her OWN SAKE.
That THIS offends you speaks a great deal of the kind of person you are and she’d be better off without your kind of “support”.
*Not offended at this illiterate cretin on my behalf but because I actually am concerned about Lili’s mental health based on that video
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