sosaysdean · 2 years
were there any fun write-ins?
someone wrote castiels trenchcoat and someone wrote reigen 😭
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samsrowena · 2 years
7, 26, 55 for Spotify Wrapped!
hi tabitha!!! <3
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spotify wrapped top 100
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4x01 · 2 years
7, 26, and 55 for the spotify ask game!
thank u!!
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soupernatural · 1 year
can I request a url graphic for my spn blog: @billiewena or @alivegirlsam ?
yes of course my dear!!!!!! i picked sam first but that's not to say I won't go back for your other URL <3
here u go
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laufire · 2 years
ALL OF YOUR SPN WIPS SOUND SO GOOD. okay hard to narrow down but for the wip game can I ask about 1) caswena met before 2) endverse sastiel 3) demonblood kids 2.0 and 4) time traveling jack?
also on the btvs side, 100% support the vampire kendra sequel she deserved wayyy more screentime
Thank you <3
Okay, one by one.
-Caswena met before: this is... one out of three, maybe four? WIPs where I plan to address Castiel's stolen memories. Because I still think it's ridiculous that the show dropped that information to never address it again!
The basic premise is simple: what if Castiel and Rowena had met in the past (likely in less than friendly circumstances), and that memory was stolen from him? She wouldn't be aware of it either, as Castiel would've showed up with a different vessel. Maybe I'd bring back the one from "Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets", because of totally not shallow reasons.
I don't have much more yet, as it's lower on my list of priorities than other WIPs. I just got the idea and added it to the list because I think Caswena is a hot, fun rareship people should pay more attention to xD (I also plan to indulge in some fake married!Caswena in the Desperate Housewives crossover lmao).
-Endverse Sastiel: we never saw endverse!Castiel dead, so I choose to believe he isn't. I mean, I'd consider it very in character for Lucifer to leave Castiel alive (especially season 5 Lucifer, who lbr, feels different than the rest...). Maybe out of some distant sentimentality. And/or enjoying having a righteous angel to torment (like Lucifer taunting him with the possibility of returning some powers to him, for example).
This Castiel would feel even more defeated than we saw in the episode after Dean's death and he'd just... give up. At least, until something happened that, for a brief moment, was enough to bring Sam to the surface. And anger and hope would return then.
I both envision this as one of my "darker" ideas, even for the Endverse (the others don't deal as much with Lucifer. Lucifer is awful xD), yet somehow the one with a chance at a happy-ish/bittersweet ending lmao (within the parameters of the Endverse, where err... about everyone and everything is dead ^^U).
-Demon Blood Kids 2.0: this was an idea surged by some asks from a mutual. Basically, what if at some point demons in Hell tried to bring back this experiment, albeit with different goals than the original?
The story would, ofc, centre around Sam. My idea right now is making it 100% canon compliant. As in, including the information about his life in 15x20 lol. I find the idea of trying to make All Of That make sense and fit within this plot (the random blurry woman, the kid, etc.) a stimulating challenge, what can I say xD. I want to see if I can pull it off.
So the premise would be Sam finding out about those new experiments and being thrown back into that world, with all his conflicting feelings about him. Other returning cast members would be Rowena, as queen of Hell of course; Castiel, Meg and Ruby from the Empty (because Drama. But also because I have this headcanon of Meg as a demon blood kid 0.1 version. I think Hell tried this before and Meg was one of the original Azazel kids, basically. Tom as well). Eileen, because even if I don't ship it and I'm disappointed with how canon wrote them, the resolution is bullshit. And some others.
-Time Travelling Jack: I love time travelling fics and time travelling angst in all its forms. It's actually preposterous it took so long for me to get a solid idea with this premise, tbh.
I started thinking, hey, what if Jack not only was stuck in the past, but specifically in season 9? human!Castiel, possessed!Sam era? And, to make things even angstier, what if it happens after 15x18, precisely at that moment in 15x19 where he's on the street alone, quietly mourning Castiel?
So yeah, that's the Jack that travels back in time. Before Dean gets the Mark of Cain, setting the chain of events that lead to Lucifer escaping the cage. Which, spoiler alert, Jack is going to be determined to prevent. Yeah... he's not in the best emotional state on this one asñdlkfjasf.
Oh, one thing I'm looking forward to with this fic is the possibility of Jack interacting with Gadreel. I think it would be very very neat LOL. Another spoiler is that Kevin doesn't die here, of course :)))
-Vampire Kendra sequel: it would be a continuation of "Beware of Greeks bearing gifs", a one-shot I wrote a couple years ago. I have a lot of ideas of what happens after (Buffy returning to Sunnydale and finding out, Kendra and Faith meeting and how that would alter s3, Angel & Kendra bonding, Kendra & Drusilla's... very messy sire/sired dynamic xD, and so on). It's just I don't have anything concrete inspiring me at the moment. But I love Kendra and I want to write more about her, so I will eventually return to that AU.
ask me about my WIPs!
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cockworkangels · 2 years
thank youuu <333
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dreamgirledward · 6 months
13, 57 and 72!
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thank u tabitha!! hehe
that live version of everywhere has me in a chokehold :')
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amvguy · 2 years
7, 26, and 55 for your spotify wrapped? 👀
hiiii, tabitha!
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ledzeppelinmixtape · 2 years
for the music ask game: B! 🎶
bab's uvula who? - green day
blood red summer - coheed and cambria
bored to death - blink-182
boy division - my chemical romance
broke - modest mouse
send me a letter and ill give my 5 favorite songs that start with that letter :)
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dollhousemary · 2 years
claire 🎁 ?
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the custody of child image is me about her. she is everything to me
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cassiesboy · 2 years
okay gotta ask about 4x01 redux (because I think I remember you mentioning a deancassie version of 4x01?) and the "would you like to do recreational drugs with me" WIPs 👀
4x01 redux IS a deancassie thing yes lol-- it's a combination of several other wips, the bullet point rundown is this:
sam convinces dean to call cassie after 1x13, and they stay in contact. when dean dies at the end of season 3, sam calls and lets her know, and they end up staying in touch and becoming closer friends, helping each other through dean's death. cassie visits dean's burial site in pontiac a few months later. 4x01 happens mostly the same, except that sam mentions cassie, and dean ends up calling her to tell her the news -- at which point she insists on coming to see him and starts driving immediately. things change from there.
here's a clip from cassie visiting the burial site:
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a few fun things about it are that cas is implied to see cassie and try to comfort her at the gravesite, and that it would pair with or potentially include a cassie POV fic where cassie gets involved ghost-hunting in her area while dean is in hell. part of them staying in contact after 1x13 is cassie convincing dean to give her supernatural self defense tips, which is where it all starts. also, there would be several sections of sam’s perspective after dean’s death, where sam struggles to find a way to talk to cassie while not mentioning everything going on with ruby -- and cassie POV sections where, similarly, she tries not to mention everything going on with the ghost hunting business.
conceptually, this whole fic would be considered, in my mind, connected to the pre-series long-form fic furniture au!
also i'm gonna put wuold you like to do recreational drugs with me in a separate post because it's a massive tone shift LMFAOO
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streussal · 7 months
Fanvid recs: Louis/Lestat
I put together a list of some of my favourite Loustat fanvids for Louis month at @iwtvfanevents.  There’s a fair variety here, in terms of tone, music, and general vidding style.
(I put together a separate rec list for Louis character vids here.)
General Trigger Warnings (not all apply to every single vid): violence, blood, murder, some gore, fire, domestic violence, suicide.
bloodsport by @lezarus - Loving you’s a bloodsport (music by Raleigh Ritchie)
cherry (youtube link)  by @cuntylestat / xScribbledDreaming - I fall to pieces when I'm with you, I fall to pieces. My cherries and wine, rosemary and thyme.  And all of my peaches (are ruined) (music by Lana Del Rey)
Horny Angry Tango (youtube link) by @jennaflare - Our love has transformed into hate.  Damn! Sex right now would sure be great (music from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend)
I Love You Like an Alcoholic (youtube link)  by @fluffyrabbitofdoom - One last kiss, I need you like I need a broken leg (music by The Taxpayers)
Mamma Mia (youtube) by @homosexualslug / bravedeviatoredits - Here I go again! (music by Abba)
Me and My Husband by @claudiadupointedulac - I steal a few breaths from the world for a minute, and then I'll be nothing forever (music by Mitski)
Me and the Devil by alittlestitious339 - And I’m gonna see my man til I get satisfied -  lots of dialogue from the show is used, subtitles available by pressing the CC button (music by Soap&Skin)
no children by @tallahasseemp3 - I hope I lie, and tell everyone you were a good wife.  And I hope you die, I hope we both die (music by The Mountain Goats)
no more dreaming of the dead by rabbitmaze - In the shape of things to come, Too much poison come undone.  - This uses a lot of dialogue from the show, but there’s subtitles if you press the CC button.  (music - starts with Placebo, ends with Florence and the Machine)
off to the races (youtube link) by @cuntylestat/ xScribbledDreaming - My old man is a bad man (music by Lana Del Rey)
Rid of Me (youtube link) by @jennaflare - Tie yourself to me, no one else, no.  You're not rid of me (music is a cover of PJ Harvey by Nilüfer Yanya)
Rip (youtube link) by @idontwikeit - You were there to rip apart, It always ends without a start (music by Snow Ghosts)
smoking section by @greatmortality - And sometimes I go to the edge of my roof, and I think I'll jump just to punish you.  And if I should float on the taxis below, no one will notice, no one will know (music by St. Vincent)
Strangelove by sarpazoa - There’ll be times when my crimes will seem almost unforgivable (music by Depeche Mode)
vampire empire by @dykekingofhell - Where you can't seem to hold me, can't seem to let me go.  So I can't find surrender and I can't keep control (music by Big Thief)
who is in control? (youtube link) by @annefraid / ohann4115 - dual character study of Louis & Lestat - Goddamn right, you should be scared of me (music by Halsey)
позови меня с собой (ask me to come with you) (youtube link) by @fireboiii - This song is in Russian, which I don’t know, so I have no lyrics for you.  But it’s lovely.  (music by Palina)
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samsrowena · 2 years
for the ship ask game: drowley, sastiel and annamary
drowley - my absolute BELOVED
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sastiel - i am very much a sastiel enjoyer but none of these options really fit them for me lol
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annamary - love at first stabbing <3333
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dirtangeldean · 13 days
writing patterns tag game
friends, mutuals, and followers hiiiiii, ok so i was tagged by three iconic @bucklebunnydean but i only have one completed fic and one wip and a few poems and charts and graphics sooooo. this will just be about but i'm singing like a bird 'bout it now on ao3!
og rules: post the first sentence from your 10 most recently posted fics. (sike, i'm doing 1 fic!)
"Because it is."
The room is empty except for the two of them, but Cas is still vibrating like a rattling water heater in one of the motels Dean and Sam settled into after a bad hunt.
Cas is often left to his thoughts when he is in the Impala with Dean. But Baby is not herself—itself—a "gag order," it's more so that Dean often is parsing through his feelings and Cas is happy to allow him that space.
If The Empty ever cared for comedy, It would find it funny that It was able to accomplish something in 20 minutes for which the Winchesters killed angels, risked their lives, and died multiple times. The Empty had a feeling It was due a surplus in the next millennia so It waited.
Cas is happy, akin to overjoyed. He’s in the passenger seat of Baby, their car with his beloved as the driver. Jack and Sam had decided to try (and succeed) in teleporting back to the bunker to test Jack’s new abilities.
They don’t leave the bunker aside from meal runs for days, but Cas is becoming amazed at how Dean is quite affectionate in public. He’s taken to reaching for Cas at all times like a fish to water. Dean doesn’t seem to be bothered at all when the occasional person looks at them with curiosity or disdain.
Dean realized the other day that he’s finally okay with Cas healing him again, physically. Cas explained what he meant when he said Dean had humanized him.
what i've learned is maybe i should write mysteries. sksksks.
taglist: @cannabiscasgate @becauseofthebowties @cat-peach @deanwinchestergf @envydean @emeraldcas @fellshish @hotgirlcastiel @homosexualslug @inacatastrophicmind @lotshusband @hornystiel
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billiewena · 2 years
hello! I've been on-and-off with spnblr all summer and missed a lot. with my bday this month, I figured what better time to do a content creator event and catch up than now? presenting:
billiewena birthday boost bash... 2!
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DATES: Thursday, Sept 29th - Sunday, Oct 2nd
WHERE: @billiewena and my sam sideblog @alivegirlsam
PART 1 - BOOST BASH: I’m making what was a very last-minute idea last year a tradition! Instead of new content, I want you to RE-SHARE any content you’ve made in the past that didn't get the love as it deserved the first time! ALL CONTENT TYPES WELCOME. feel free to share a multiple posts or even other bloggers’ posts! this is NOT the time to be humble. it was really fun last year and I made some beloved mutuals through it 💕
to “boost” a post, you can either 1) tag me in the comments / reblog or 2) send the post over DM or ask.
PART 2 - PROMPTS (OPTIONAL): I also have 🎉 actual prompts 🎉 this year for anyone who wants to make new content, too! Was saving these for a follower celebration but life stuff happened and I forgot. if any of the extremely specific things below inspire you, feel free to participate:
One-Episode Icons (aka characters who only appeared once)
Reapers (and Death the Horseman)
Bestiesnatural (examples)
Celestial Horror (examples)
👏 Let 👏 Women 👏 Be 👏 Evil 👏
🍯 bonus prompt for amv editors: Honeypie, but for any other fandom you’re in (i.e. a Cousin Greg Honeypie AMV) 🍯
for these, you can tag me in the post/reblog OR use the tag #bwboostbash2
open to anyone!
....EXCEPT for proshipper blogs and no, not just the w*ncest/w*nkline ones (though "f*ck you" and "how did you find me" especially to those)
if it’s sam-related, will reblog on my sam blog @alivegirlsam too! (alternatively if any samblr mutuals only want to be reblogged there lemme know!)
any content is allowed! (art, fic, video, poem, playlist, web weave, powerpoint, meta, whatever)
no NSFW and please tag any explicit fic as ‘minors DNI’
boost bash content doesn’t have to fit the prompts, it can be literally anything you’ve done in the past!
in addition to the obvious (see #2) I am also requesting no angel/angel, sam/lucifer, baby!jack, and no dreamh*nter or kaia content pls
if you don’t see your post reblogged that means I might not have gotten the notification, so message me! I'll like the posts from my main @homosexualslug to show when I queued posts as well
otherwise, pretty limitless and most of y’all know I'm a big multi-shipper (see my bio for all the non-desitel ones) who also enjoys almost every spn character under the sun (unless you're making, idk, like KFC Demon content but who would do that willingly?)
if you have a question, feel free to send an ask or DM!
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cockworkangels · 2 years
R for the music ask game!
hi tabitha <3
reaper man - mother mother
rain - hollywood undead
repeat mode - vonhertzen brothers
renegade - styx
red sector a - rush
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